{"image": ["bmmanger_png/E5EDHhYk_How-are-you-Nick.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "How are you Nick?GoodBadUglyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VmJxcd3t_Apple-iOS-7-Most-wanted-features.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "iOS 7 Most wanted featuresMailUnlimited number and type of attachments with access to the new public folderCalendarAbility to copy an event Activation of the swipe-right gesture for deleting entriesContactsAbility to individually set the order of entriesiMessageAnswer or dismiss iMessages from the lock screenSiriDial a number without internet connectionOpen the task bar with one short wordWords for enabling (when disabled) or disabling (when enabled) BT, WiFi, DND)Customizable words for commands (like shortcuts for writing)NotificationsSlide to delete individual notificationsResized Notification Center for iPadNotification center on the lock screen by swiping down with two fingers. One that has toggles for BT, WiFi, Do Not Disturb and the volume of soundsNotification light in the home buttonAbility to turn off notifications during phone callsClipboardTapping on COPY moves an item into a clipboard queue with up to 10 entries. Tapping on INSERT inserts the first item of the queue which was the last which came in. Double tapping on INSERT opens the queue for selecting a specific item.SettingsAbility to individually set some recently used functionsKeyboardKeys to navigate from character to character and from word to word.App IconsApp Icons anywhere on the home screens gridApp SwitcheriPhone/Touch specific multi-touch gestures that work on the smaller screen. e.g. swipe to open the task bar app switcherDNDAdditional 'Do Not Disturb' sets like in Clock - AlarmNative AppsDeletion of native apps If grandma's stock or weather app was deleted I don't think she would miss it.Home ScreenPlacing of app Icons anywhere on the home screen gridTask BarDeleting all apps from the task bar with one gestureThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookNASSupport for direct access to network attached storages (e.g. access to HDDs attached to routers)Public FolderA public folder with creatable subfolders where every app may save (e.g. iWork apps) or open (e.g. the mail app) documentsiCloudiCloud with client-side encryption in transit (while uploading) and at rest (while stored on Apple's servers) Apple should give the key back to the customers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/EXi4KbZr_Increase_the_Security_of_Your_Laptop.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Increase the Security of Your Laptop1. Avoid using computer bags2. Never leave access numbers or passwords in your carrying case3. Carry your laptop with you4. Encrypt your data5. Keep your eye on your laptopThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook6. Avoid setting your laptop on the floor7. Buy a laptop security device8. Use a screen guard9. Try not to leave your laptop in your hotel room or with the front desk"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/s789914_Pyramid_Planning__Barbara_Minto.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pyramid Planning Barbara MintoSubject under discussione.g. Planning Application put inWhat Question am I asking?e.g. What do I base my objections to this plan on?Answere.g. YesSituatione.g. Planning application too big not compatible with what’s around, proposed entrance in wrong placeComplication (s)e.g. Revised application put inNew Questione.g. On what grounds do I object to this revised application?Answer (s)1. Planning application too bigNo difference to height of houseNo difference to style of houseBuilding extends into field - needs separate planning application2. Still not compatible with what’s aroundBears no resemblance to previous building on siteBears no resemblance to other houses in localityMaterials not in any way similar - roof / walls etc3. proposed entrance in wrong placeNarrow part of roadView blocked by treesAlready adequate passing placeDangerous section of road"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/NPfs5sjw_Axes-d-intervention-consultant.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Axes (non exhaustif)OpérationsOptimisation de FluxAnalyse de posteMise en place de Données TechniquesGammes, Postes de ChargesNomenclatures...Ré-implantationLocaleInde, Chine, TunisieIndustrialisation de Produits nouveaux...Technique/ConceptionInnovationSélection d'un nouvel outil CAO/FAODéveloppement de produits nouveauxOrganisation ProjetsDépôt de Brevets...This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSupply ChainOrganisationMise en cohérence des fonctions...Gestion de la DemandePIC (S&OP)PDP (MPS)...Achats / ApprosDéveloppement fournisseursContrats logistiquesOut-Sourcing...ERPAnalyse de processusSélection d'un nouvel outilImplantation...ManagementOrganisationManagement de proximitéManagement multi-culturel (Anglo-saxons, Chine, Inde, Maghreb)DélégationAnimation de réunions...FormationMind-MappingFondamentaux de la SupplyChainOutils LEAN...En Français et/ou Anglais"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/z52380_Biology-GCSE-Breathing-Mind-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BREATHINGLABEL DIAGRAM NOTE FUNCTIONSRIBSEXTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLESVENTILATION ()DIAPHRAGMVENTILATION ()TRACHEAC RINGS CARTILAGELUNGSBRONCHICILIA AND MUCUSBRONCHIOLESCILIA AND MUCUSALVEOLIGAS EXCHANGEGAS EXCHANGE ()HUGE SURFACE AREAMOISTTHINRICH BLOOD SUPPLYGAS EXCHANGEGAS EXCHANGE ()MAINTENANCE OF DIFFUSION GRADIENTBLOOD FLOWLUNG VENTILATIONSMOKINGBRONCHITISEXCESS MUCUSEMPHYSEMADESTRUCTION OF ALVEOLIREDUCED GAS EXCHANGELUNG CANCERGROWTHS CAUSED BY CARCINOGENSAIR COMPOSITIONEXHALED AIRINHALED AIRVENTILATIONEXTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES ()DIAPHRAGM ()INDIAPHRAGMINTERCOSTAL MUSCLESCHEST VOLUMEPRESSURE IN LUNGSOUTDIAPHRAGMINTERCOSTAL MUSCLESCHEST VOLUMEPRESSURE IN LUNGS"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/yhXeVwfk_Nachforschen.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Nachforschenüber Zuhörer nachdenkengründlich nach Info suchenlesenandere befragenanwendenWarum?AnstrengungLohnThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookInternetsortieren\"Korn von der Spreu trennen\"Zusammenhangaktuell?HilfsmittelKonzentrationZielwieviel Zeit"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/RxEQclNe_Brainwave-entrainment.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Brainwave entrainmentabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainwave_entrainmentintroductionalso referred to as brainwave synchronization[1] and neural entrainment, refers to the hypothesized capacity of the brain to naturally synchronize its brainwave frequencies with the rhythm of periodic external stimuli, most commonly auditory, visual, or tactile.It is believed that patterns of neural firing, measured in Hz, correspond with states of alertness such as focused attention, deep sleep, etc.[2] It is hypothesized that by listening to these beats of certain frequencies one can induce a desired state of consciousness that corresponds with specific neural activity, such as studying, sleeping, exercising, meditating, doing creative work, and so onNeural oscillation and electroencephalography (EEG)Neural oscillations are rhythmic or repetitive electrochemical activity in the brain and central nervous system. Such oscillations can be characterized by their frequency, amplitude and phase. Neural tissue can generate oscillatory activity driven by mechanisms within individual neurons, as well as by interactions between them. They may also adjust frequency to synchronize with the periodic vibration of external acoustic or visual stimuli.[3]The activity of neurons generate electric currents; and the synchronous action of neural ensembles in the cerebral cortex, comprising large numbers of neurons, produce macroscopic oscillations. These phenomena can be monitored and graphically documented by an electroencephalogram (EEG). The electroencephalographic representations of those oscillations are typically denoted by the term 'brainwaves' in common parlance.[4][5]The technique of recording neural electrical activity within the brain from electrochemical readings taken from the scalp originated with the experiments of Richard Caton in 1875, whose findings were developed into electroencephalography (EEG) by Hans Berger in the late 1920s.Neural oscillation and cognitive functionsThe functional role of neural oscillations is still not fully understood;[6] however they have been shown to correlate with emotional responses, motor control, and a number of cognitive functions including information transfer, perception, and memory.[7][8][9] Specifically, neural oscillations, in particular theta activity, are extensively linked to memory function, and coupling between theta and gamma activity is considered to be vital for memory functions, including episodic memory.EntrainmentMeaning and origin of the term 'entrainment'Entrainment is a term originally derived from complex systems theory, and denotes the way that two or more independent, autonomous oscillators with differing rhythms or frequencies, when situated in a context and at a proximity where they can interact for long enough, influence each other mutually, to a degree dependent on coupling force, such that they adjust until both oscillate with the same frequency. Examples include the mechanical entrainment or cyclic synchronization of two electric clothes dryers placed in close proximity, and the biological entrainment evident in the synchronized illumination of fireflies.[13]Entrainment is a concept first identified by the Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens in 1665 who discovered the phenomenon during an experiment with pendulum clocks: He set them each in motion and found that when he returned the next day, the sway of their pendulums had all synchronized.[14]Such entrainment occurs because small amounts of energy are transferred between the two systems when they are out of phase in such a way as to produce negative feedback. As they assume a more stable phase relationship, the amount of energy gradually reduces to zero, with systems of greater frequency slowing down, and the other speeding up.[15]Subsequently, the term 'entrainment' has been used to describe a shared tendency of many physical and biological systems to synchronize their periodicity and rhythm through interaction. This tendency has been identified as specifically pertinent to the study of sound and music generally, and acoustic rhythms specifically. The most ubiquitous and familiar examples of neuromotor entrainment to acoustic stimuli is observable in spontaneous foot or finger tapping to the rhythmic beat of a song.Brainwave entrainmentBrainwaves, or neural oscillations, share the fundamental constituents with acoustic and optical waves, including frequency, amplitude and periodicity. Consequently, Huygens' discovery precipitated inquiry[citation needed] into whether or not the synchronous electrical activity of cortical neural ensembles might not only alter in response to external acoustic or optical stimuli but also entrain or synchronize their frequency to that of a specific stimulus.[16][17][18][19]Brainwave entrainment is a colloquialism for such 'neural entrainment', which is a term used to denote the way in which the aggregate frequency of oscillations produced by the synchronous electrical activity in ensembles of cortical neurons can adjust to synchronize with the periodic vibration of an external stimuli, such as a sustained acoustic frequency perceived as pitch, a regularly repeating pattern of intermittent sounds, perceived as rhythm, or of a regularly rhythmically intermittent flashing light."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/LKar1dPY_Cost-Benefit-Analysis-Simple-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Cost Benefit Analysis - SimpleAlternative 1ProjectProjectProjectAlternative 2ProjectProjectProjectAlternative 3ProjectProjectProjectAlternative 4ProjectProjectProjectAlternative 5ProjectProjectProjectTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/v880810_Midsummer_Act_II_sc_1_248258_sc_2_134_.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Midsummer act II sc.1 L 248-258 sc.2 L.1-34 Titania/ Oberonbefore:in the forest at nightOberon, Titania had an argumentbecause of infidility, jealousyOberon's revengethe potionsc. 2 situationwho: Titania and the fairieswhen: late evening ---- > nightingale, owlfairies'job: singing Titania to sleep making clothes for the elves protecting from evil creatures, spells (Sleeping Beauty)sc. 2 functionintroducing the fairiesEnglish folklore (for the rank and file)Fantasy for the educatedSpencer's Faerie Queen 1590 (for the educated)Purcell'sFairy Queen, a masque, 1692life at Titania's courtcriticism of idleness (her subjects work)sex and sensualitysnakesmucus of snailsPhilomel the nightingalethe pastoral\"Paradise lost\"the pastoralmusicharmonyordercontrast with Oberon's evil spellcontrast with the silly craftmencompositioncontrastpleasant imagesunpleasant images/spells to stop evil spiritsmagic ---- > rhymed linesvaried vocabulary, English animals and plantsredundancy \"not near\", \"nor ...come nigh\"alliteration \"L sound\", Philomel, lullabymetonymy: hell, evil -<--- > awful creaturesOberon's spellseeks revenge/evillove potion= supernatural power of lovethe demiurge creates chaossorcerers were commonthe public feared spellsherbs collected at Midsummer broke the spellconclusionthen the supernatural is well-knownthe spectator lives a fantasybeginning: a nice relief then Oberon = the Beastcontrast with the clumsy craftmenA Midsummer Night's Dream is one of Shakespeare's most popular works for the stage ; it is performed across the world.It could have been written for an aristocratic wedding, which Queen Elizabeth attended and later could have been performed at The Globe.en-wikipedia Study for The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania by J. N. Paton"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/N5VlkWgc_SMART-Projektmanagement.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SMART ProjektmanagementSpecific Measurable Accepted Realistic Time BoundThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookzu jedem Ziel gehört eine klare Terminvorgabe, bis wann das Ziel erreicht sein mussZiele müssen möglich seinZiele müssen von den Empfängern akzeptiert werden/seinZiele müssen messbar seinZiele müssen eindeutig definiert sein"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/v883038_s_genitive_cas_possessif.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "'s genitivea does bPersonsthe government's decisionthe manager's lettera has bAnn's dogAnn's headachethe earth's gravityinanimate nouns that have a relationship to human activitythis cup is Peter'sgenitive without a noun (=a place, house, church)we went to Ann & Ben's, to St-John'sphrases:a friend of my brother'sa friend of minea room of his ownthe dog's coat; a spider's webanimalstomorrow's show ; a 2 days' journeyperiod of time"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WhTKnIZO_IW_Expo_(Internet_World)_London_-_Seminars_for_Day_Two.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Internet World Seminars Day TwoE-mail & Mobile Analytics Theatre10:45 - 11:15The Future of Digital Advertising for BrandsRobin Goad13:10 - 13:40Lessons from the High Street: Using e-mail to boost post sale marketingTink Taylor13:50 - 14:20Trying it all together: Designing a multi-channel campaignArchna Trivedi16:30 - 17:00Behavioural e-mail marketing: giving custpmers what they want right nowSean DuffyEmail CentreeCommerce Theatre13:10 - 13:40How to turn web traffic into sales: e-commerce trends in 2011Matt PoepselVP Performance StrategiesGomez15:45 - 16:15The Power of Social VideoGraeme FouxCEOKnexusSurinder PhullereCommerce Services ManagerHilton WorldwideThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAdvertising Theatre13:10 - 13:40Using social networks to collaborate with consumers in product and service designFoolproof15:45 - 16:15Social Media & Search Marketing: Combining The EffectivelyJohn HeffernanBusiness Development MangerMediaCoSocial Media Theatre10:00 - 10:30How to influence buying behaviour with social media marketingPaul SuttonHead of Social CommunicationsBottle PR15:00 - 15:30People are talking about your business. Are you listening?Russell Prince-WrightRegional DirectorAttensity Europe15:45 - 16:15Developing an effective content strategyClaire MartinContent ManagerThe Press Association"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/kIl7gdbn_Mehr-Gehalt-wie.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mehr Gehalt, wie?Richtiger ZeitpunktFakten sammeln: Sie müssen schon vor dem Lohngespräch wissen, wie viel Sie wert sind. Vergleichen Sie Ihren Lohn mit anderen in ihrer Position.Leistung dokumentieren: Ihr Chef wird fragen, warum er ausgerechnet Ihnen mehr Lohn geben soll. Belegen Sie ihm Ihre überdurchschnittlichen Leistungen.Realistisch bleiben: Ihr Gehalt darf das Lohngefüge im Betrieb nicht völlig auf den Kopf stellen. Ihre Forderungen sollten nicht zu stark aus dem Rahmen fallen.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAngebot machen: Lassen Sie Ihrem Chef keine Zeit zum Nachdenken. Machen Sie ihm schon im Gespräch ein konkretes Angebot.Zusatzforderungen: Mehr Geld bedeutet nicht unbedingt mehr Lohn. Überlegen Sie sich Alternativforderungen, etwa die Bezahlung einer Weiterbildung.Prozente statt Zahlen: Fordern Sie eine Lohnerhöhung in Prozenten. Zwei Prozent schrecken psychologisch weniger ab als 200 Euro.Taktisch vorgehen: Dramaturgie ist gefragt. Behalten Sie die besten Argumente bis zum Schluss auf. Behalten Sie Ihren Trumpf in der Hand.Ruhig bleiben: Teilen Sie Ihre Enttäuschung bei einer Ablehnung mit. Aber lassen Sie sich keinesfalls zu einem Verhalten provozieren, das Ihre Stelle gefährdet."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/kIjjPZQg_Antidot.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Antidotlat. antidotumGegenmittelGegengiftAntidotonThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAntiserumGegenmittelMassenvernichtungswaffen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/LhSo6CXD_Personnel-Review-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PersonOwn Dept.Does wellTopic areaDetailed feedback and quotesCould improveTopic areaDetailed feedback and quotesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookOther Depts.Does wellTopic areaDetailed feedback and quotesCould improveTopic areaDetailed feedback and quotes"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lgwlFGHH_The-Sixteenth-Century-Euan-Cameron-Note-Taking-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Sixteenth Century Euan Cameron Note Taking TemplateIntroductionThe scene in 1500Received ideas about the sixteenth centuryDistinctive themes of this bookThe EconomyPopulations, prices and wagesEastern EuropeThe Mediterranean landsNorth-western EuropeConclusionPolitics and warfareUnified spacesPolitical elitesWar and financeImages of ruleSocietyThe bonds of societySocial hierarchies: peasants, labourers, the middling sort, and elitesTowns and citiesElites and statusRural and urban society: mobilityGender relationsThe poor and social controlFears and tensionsThe mindNorthern Europe: Christian humanismThe religious programme of ErasmusClassical scholarship in literature and lawThe search for the esotericAristotle revived and challengedWhere Aristotle could not lead: mathematics and astronomyThe life sciencesMoral philosophyPolitical thoughtChallenges to knoweldge: forms of scepticismTowards the seventeenth centuryThe turmoil of faithThe beliefs of the majorityShared Catholicism on the eve of the ReformationThe 'Luther-Movement'Community and city reformations in the Germanic worldPeasants, princes, and monarchsThe refugee paradigmCatholicism chooses its pathOn the margins of the confessionsConclusionsEurope and a world expandedExpanding territories in the sixteenth centuryThe Iberian powers and the first oceanic explorationsThe conquests of Mexico and PeruThe Church in New Spain: ethical responses to conquestEstablishing a hispanic society in the New WorldThe Portuguese empireOther European powersEuropeans in AfricaThe Society of Jesus in the wider worldThe wider world in European literatureConclusions and commentaryHow to use this mind map"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k9XgS7zi_Edward-de-Bono-Thinking-Tools-PISCO-Purpose-Input-Solutions-Choice-Operation.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "[Topic]PurposeInputCAFSolutionsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookChoiceOperationPISCO"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/EMhfFDNy_ZEEBOON.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ZEEBOONThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/LlcDRMXt_Mind-Mapping.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind MappingPaperBlankLandscape formatA4ImagesIconsUniversalsPersonals3DEvocationColorsAbundantSignificantThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWordsOneHorizontalClearStructureCenterIrradiantBranchErgonomicNaturalStylePersonalPractical"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r746335_Basic__Bangladesh.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BangladeshHigh Rain FallLow LyingDacca is near a flood plainRegular FloodsRiver GangiesSourceNaplesBay of BanglesFunnel shape"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k07FYofE_Gestalt-coaching.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Gestalt coachingMETASourceArticle by Herb StevensonSee other papersThis mapNicolas Stampfwww.appreciatingsystems.comUse of self as instrumentAwarenessActive, directedOpen, undirectedCongruenceGestalt: talk the walkPresenceStanding for somethingModeling behaviorFocusing on the client's problemTeaching behavioral skillsEvoking experimentationAnother way: holding spaceThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookEmploy Gestalt techniquesObserve and share what you see, hear and feelAttend to your own experienceFocus on energy in the client system and the emergence or lack of themes or issuesFacilitate clear, meaningful, heightened contactsHelp the client system complete units of workUnits of Work ()to achieve closure around unfinished businessUnits of WorkHelp the client system complete units of work ()Experiential circle of learningConcrete experienceActive experimentation ()Reflexive observationAbstract conceptualizationPlanning for implementationActive experimentationConcrete experience ()Unit of work structureThe beginningAssess \"what is\"Transition: from beginning to middleChoosing what to attend toThe middleActing on the choiceTransition: from middle to endAgree on what is new or clearerThe end: Closing out the activityUnderstanding the new \"what is\""}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/gSOjUhxT_SWOT-Analysis.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SWOT AnalysisStrengthsInternalExternalWeaknessesInternalExternalOpportunitiesInternalExternalThreatsInternalExternal"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QtESPbvx_Connect_with_Biggerplate!.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Connect with Biggerplate!Learn about New FeaturesMembers Only Competitions!Updates on New Mind MapsRecommended Mind Map ResourcesConnect with Liam HughesBiggerplate User GroupThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/dR7p52NG_Aircrack.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "aircrackSchwachstellen in WLANsBerechnen der SchlüsselInitialisierungsvektoren (IVs)statistisch-mathematischen AngriffPTW-AttackeKoreK-AngriffWörterbuchangriffsFour-Way-HandshakeMitschneiden von DatenpaketenThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAircrack – Wikipediapage.webarchivegetting_started [Aircrack-ng]page.webarchiveAircrack-ngaircrack-ngberechnet WEP- (Brute-force-) und WPA-Schlüssel (Wörterbuchattacke)airodump-ngPaket-Sniffer: Zeichnet Datenverkehr in PCAP- oder IVs-Dateien auf und zeigt Informationen über Netzwerkeaireplay-ngschleust selbst erzeugte Pakete in Netzwerke einairdecap-ngentschlüsselt aufgezeichnete verschlüsselte WEP- oder WPA-Daten mittels eines bereits bekannten Schlüsselairmon-ngversetzt WLAN-Karten unter Linux in den Monitor-Modusairtun-ngerzeugt virtuelle Tunnelairolib-ngspeichert und verwaltet ESSID- und Passwort-Listen (für das Berechnen von WPA-Schlüsseln)wesside-ngberechnet automatisch die WEP-Schlüssel von gefundenen Netzwerken (instabil)airdriver-ngbaut und installiert WLAN-Treiber unter Linuxairbase-ngsimuliert Access Points aufgrund empfangener SSID-Scans von Endgeräten und ermöglicht es so, WEP- oder WPA-Schlüssel in Abwesenheit des Access Points durch Angriff des Endgeräts abzufangen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/hym0Pudt_Saving-the-Planet.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Saving the Planet+compassionate action for the Earth ()humansEarth-centered ()floraEarth-centered ()faunaEarth-centered ()Earth-centeredatmosphere ()compassion of humans ()flora ()land ()humans ()()fauna ()water ()brother/sisterhoodenduranceintegritysharingfairnessupdatingthinkingjusticehelpingatmosphereEarth-centered ()loveempathygivinglifepeacetrustwe-ismcaringchangeteamworkbest practicesthink for yourself, think with others, collectively act on best practices, updating as we go.planningintensioncooperationcollaborationkindnessrespectreciprocityidealscompassion of humansEarth-centered ()competitive energy of humans ()competitive energy of humanscompassion of humans ()waterEarth-centered ()landEarth-centered ()I believe that the Earth needs lots of work now and the best way to run our economy is not through the destructiveness, greed and profit dominance of capitalism. Instead, I believe we should try the more humane (towards all life and the Earth) system where we democratize the enterprise, putting the workers in charge and owning our businesses, a way that is called the new socialism!John Hartmann"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/TN90gCRb_Khan-Academy-World-History-Mindmap.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "World History MindmapUS History Overview 1Appomatox Court House to Lincoln's AssassinationUS History Overview 2: Reconstruction to the Great DepressionUS History Overview 3: WWII to VietnamCommunism: Overview of Communism and Marxist-Leninist StatesKorean War OverviewBay of Pigs InvasionCuban Missile CrisisVietnam WarPattern of US Cold War Interventions: Comparing the patterns of Korea, Cuba, and VietnamAllende and Pinochet in Chile: Outline of the 1973 Allende Coup in Chile and Pinochet's JuntaWhen Capitalism is Great and Not-so-great20th Century Capitalism and Regulation in the United StatesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFrench Revolution - Part 1French Revolution - Part 2French Revolution - Part 3French Revolution - Part 4Haitian Revolution - Part 1Haitian Revolution - Part 2Napoleon and the Wars of the First and Second CoalitionsNapoleon and the War of the Third CoalitionNapoleon and the War of the Fourth CoalitionNapoleon's Peninsular CampaignsFrench Invasion of RussiaNapoleon Forced to AbdicateMindmap by Chance Brown, 9/15/11"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/6gvPzqQK_What-are-Fat-Burning-Protein-Powder.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "What are Fat Burning ProteinsOpeningAfter reading this article the reader will learn:What are fat burning proteinsHow does fat burning proteins workHow to Make Fat Burning shakesBodyWhat are Fat burning ProteinsProtein does not actually burn fatProtein makes it easier for you to lose fatProtein helps convert fat into muscleHow does Fat Burning Proteins WorkIncreases SatietySpeeds up MetabolismAids in the build-up and maintenance of musclesHow to Make Fat Burning Shakes子主题ClosingThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jT4V7PjS_Myom.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Myomgutartiger MuskeltumorGebärmutterWucherungenbis 20 Zentimetern35. und 50. LebensjahrÖstrogen stimuliertgenetischer Einfluss vermutetSymptomestarke, lang anhaltende Monatsblutungen oder Zwischenblutungenwehenartigen SchmerzenKrämpfenNervenenden drückenBlutarmut (Anämie)Harnwegsinfektion und NierenerkrankungKomplikationen während einer SchwangerschaftThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTherapiemedikamentöschirurgischGebärmutterentfernung (Hysterektomie)Ausschälung des Myoms (Myomenukleation)fokussierten UltraschallMyomverödung (Embolisation)http://www.myomembolisation.de/"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QYBKbGLc_Music-Theory.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Music Theoryintervalsperfect intervals4 perfectsunision4th5thoctaveadd interval numbers to get 9major or minor2367inversionsperfect inverts to perfectmajor to minor & vice versaaugmented to diminishedscaleschromatic Scaleall 12 notesno sharps or flatsBCEFMajor scaleWWHWWWHW2 H W3 HThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BZ0ytCI1_GoogleCl.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GoogleClKommandozeileAnleitungDiensteBloggerCalendarContactsDocsFinancePicasaYoutubeThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAllgemeine Befehle'summary''title', 'name''url''url-site''url-direct''xml'BetriebssystemeMac OSWindowsLinux"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/MeZVl1mE_HVP-Projects.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "HVP ProjectsActive ProjectsBiggerplate HVP WebinarUpdate HVP main presentationAdvertise HVP Webinar on LinkedInBuild HVP GTD examplesImport new tasks into the HVP Projects mapDemonstrate GTD steps and integration ()Demonstrate GTD steps and integrationImport new tasks into the HVP Projects map ()Collect and send HVP mindmaps to GrahamAdvanced Project Management CourseNew Recreational VehicleResearch pros and cons of Class C RVsLinksWhat is a Class C Motorhome?Home Mortgage RefinanceResearch current interest ratesResearch best online mortgage firms ()Research best online mortgage firmsResearch current interest rates ()Next Biggerplate Webinar TopicSchedule brainstorming session with GrahamPrepwork ideasProductivity Hacks and TipsAdvanced Project Management ReduxWorkflow Automation in Mind MapsSomeday/MaybeAlaska Fishing VacationDetermine best time of year to visit AlaskaClassic Car Restoration"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/vRaoR1zq_Concept-Map-MindMapping.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题Write your focus question herePacific OceanMan-made things ()Rain ()Water ()Ecosystems ()Climate changeTsunamis ()Garbage ()Hydropower ()GarbageMan-made things ()Waves ()Climate change ()EcosystemsPacific Ocean ()Vegetation ()Animals ()VegetationSea grass ()Ecosystems ()Coral ()Bacteria ()Algae ()WaterPacific Ocean ()Water vapor ()Waves ()ArthropodsInvertebrates ()SpongesInvertebrates ()Man-made thingsPacific Ocean ()Boats & Ships ()Garbage ()Artifacts ()WavesTsunamis ()Water ()Garbage ()Hydropower ()Sports ()TsunamisWaves ()Climate change ()HydropowerWaves ()Climate change ()SportsWaves ()AlgaeVegetation ()CoralVegetation ()Sea grassVegetation ()Sea turtles ()BacteriaVegetation ()Sea turtlesSea grass ()Reptiles ()InvertebratesMollusks ()Arthropods ()Sponges ()Animals ()MollusksBirds ()Invertebrates ()BirdsMollusks ()Tetrapods ()Fish ()TetrapodsReptiles ()Mammals ()Vertebrates ()Amphibians ()Birds ()AmphibiansTetrapods ()TerrapinsReptiles ()ReptilesTerrapins ()Sea turtles ()Tetrapods ()ArtifactsMan-made things ()Boats & ShipsMan-made things ()Fish ()Water vaporClouds ()Water ()CloudsWater vapor ()Rain ()RainPacific Ocean ()Clouds ()FishBirds ()Mammals ()Boats & Ships ()Vertebrates ()AnimalsEcosystems ()Vertebrates ()Invertebrates ()VertebratesTetrapods ()Animals ()Fish ()MammalsTetrapods ()Fish ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jLPNcemI_The-Lion-Makers.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Lion MakersFour friendsThree had mastered all branches of learningWhat is the good of learning, if it can't help earn money? ()But lacked common senseThe fourth had no learning to boastBut had sound common senseDecide to go to distant lands in search of good fortuneWhat is the good of learning, if it can't help earn money?Three had mastered all branches of learning ()On the wayFurther consultationsExplain and examine each one's learning for determining their prospectsEach one explained'I'm good at putting in place the skin & bones of even the dead,' said the first'I'm good at creating flesh and blood,' said the second, \"I know the incantations.' ()'I'm good at creating flesh and blood,' said the second, \"I know the incantations.''I know the science of revival,' said the third, 'even the dead can be brought back to life.' ()'I'm good at putting in place the skin & bones of even the dead,' said the first ()'I know the science of revival,' said the third, 'even the dead can be brought back to life.''I'm good at creating flesh and blood,' said the second, \"I know the incantations.' ()'All I've got is a mind. I know no science,' said the fourth oneAlarmed, the fourth one tried to stop him: 'Hold on! The lion will come back to life and kill us all' ()Change of heartThe first & the second friendsDon't want to share their future wealth with the illiterate. They don't even want him to go with themThe third friend differsWants to honour friendship. Wants to share everything with himThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookApplying knowledgeIn a forest, they come across the bones of a dead lion. The learned men decide to test their learningThe first & the second were very fast at what they knew so wellThe third was eager to show his skill without any delay ()The third was eager to show his skill without any delayThe first & the second were very fast at what they knew so well ()But he was not going to let his learning go fruitless so he ignored the advice. 'You fool, stand aside,' he said & began to perform his skill immediately ()Alarmed, the fourth one tried to stop him: 'Hold on! The lion will come back to life and kill us all''All I've got is a mind. I know no science,' said the fourth one ()But he was not going to let his learning go fruitless so he ignored the advice. 'You fool, stand aside,' he said & began to perform his skill immediatelyThe third was eager to show his skill without any delay ()The consequenceThe three learned friendsWere killed by the lion they'd just revived. And that was the end of their science, of which they were very proudThe illiterate friendHe had climbed up a tree to save himself.Saddened, he went home later, pondering over the fate of his very learned friends and their science"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/7pTdmfNU_L-Espionnage-de-la-NSA.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "L'Espionnage de la NSANacional Security Agency4 Novembre 1952General Keith Alexander\"Signals Intelligence\" (SIGINT), le renseignement électromagnétique\"Information Assurance\" (IA), sécurité des systèmes de communication et de traitement des donnéesProgramme \"Prism\"Un Espion à Plusieurs VisagesSystème bancaire mondial sous surveillance75% du traffic Internet couvert par la NSADiplomatie mondiale sur écouteLes Tuyaux de la NSAFacebook & Google - les complices démasqués“Boundless Informant”, informateur sans frontière\"Système Garlick\", espionnage via satelliteThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookL'Europe, Cible de la NSAAllemagne, 1ère viséeAngela Merkel sur écoute15 à 60 millions de conversations téléphoniques/jour10 millions de connexion internet/jourDes arrangements illégaux entre les deux Etats, toujours à l'avantage des USALa crise en Europe, justification de l'oreille trainante américaineCacophonie politiques des pays européens inquiétanteFaiblesse économique et absence de réforme structurelleSiège du Conseil Européen doublement surveillé\"Centrale Européene\" de la NSA, bâtiment de surveillance à BruxelleInfiltration du réseau informatiqueRetombées du ScandalesCrise de confiance UE/EUViolation des Libertés Individuelles des citoyens dans le monde entierTimide proposition de réforme de la NSACorruption des entreprises informatiques mondiales"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_SclOmil3.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Les mécanismes du stressStress ponctuelCaractéristiquescoeur qui battranspirationRéponseSécrétion d'hormonescerveau ()Catecholaminesoxygenecerveaucorpsmuscleseffetsfréquence cardiaquetensiontemp du corpsGlucocorticoidesenergiesucre--> organesConséquenceAssez d'hormonescerveauSécrétion d'hormones ()récepteursymptômesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookStress chroniqueFonctionnementorganismerésistance duréesécrétion de plus d 'hormonerécepteursdébordésne fonctionne plusCaractéristiquesjourssommeilconcentrationmoismal dosmaladie cardiodépressionDéfinitionsituationMenacesituation importantePréparationcorpsréaction2 typesponctuellongue durée"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/G1BtYWz4_Podcast-Guests.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Podcast GuestsPaul O'CallaghanCEOBlueTech ResearchExecutive ProducerBrave Blue WorldGeorge HawkinsFounder & CEOMoonshot MissionsMegan GloverCo-Founder & CEO120WaterPeter FiskeExecutive DirectorNational Alliance for Water InnovationH2DuoStephanie CorsoArianne ShipleyCorey WilliamsPresident and CEOSmartCoverDan KeppenExecutive DirectorFamily Farm AllianceMelissa MeekerCEOThe Water TowerManny TeodoroProfessorUniversity of MichiganJeff HobbsInformation Technology LeaderPublic UtilitiesMae StevensExecutive Vice PresidentSignal Water PracticeReese TisdaleBluefield ResearchCEOAntoine WalterSenior Business Development ManagerGeorg FischerPodcast host(don't) Waste Water"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bVhqXFws_Defense-Logistics-Agency-DLA-quick-overview.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DLA - quick overviewabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information & pics: https://www.dla.milAt a GlanceAs the nation’s combat logistics support agency, the Defense Logistics Agency manages the global supply chain – from raw materials to end user to disposition – for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, 10 combatant commands, other federal agencies, and partner and allied nations.DLA also supplies 86 percent of the military’s spare parts and nearly 100 percent of fuel and troop support consumables, manages the reutilization of military equipment, provides catalogs and other logistics information products, and offers document automation and production services to a host of military and federal agencies. Headquartered at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, DLA is a global enterprise – wherever the United States has a significant military presence, DLA is there to support.DLA Senior LeadershipWilliams, Darrell K. LTG, U.S. Army, Director Defense Logistics AgencyScott, Michael D. Vice Director Defense Logistics AgencyFrench, Kristin K. Chief of Staff Defense Logistics AgencyBrahmsteadt, Shaun CMDCM, U.S. Navy, Senior Enlisted Leader Defense Logistics AgencyDLA Quick Facts:DLA provides more than $37 billion in goods and services annually.people performing logistics tasksEmploys about 26,000 civilians and military.Supports more than 2,400 weapon systems.Manages nine supply chains and about 5 million items.Administers the storage and disposal of strategic and critical materials to support national defense.Operates in most states and 28 countries.Operates a global network of distribution centers. DLA’s warehousing strategy is driven by the commitment to better serve warfighters, co-locating with the armed forces while placing supplies where they are most needed. By positioning material closer to its customers, DLA is able to decrease wait time, reduce cost and improve military readiness.Leads DoD’s efforts to supply the military services with alternative fuel and renewable energy solutions.Supports disaster response and humanitarian relief efforts at home and abroad.Supports other federal agencies, state and local governments with items such as uniforms, food and fuel. Customers include the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of the Interior, Health and Human Services, Forestry Service, and the Department of Agriculture School Lunch Program.DLA Major Subordinate CommandsManages the supply chains for food, textiles, construction material, industrial hardware and medical supplies and equipment, including pharmaceuticals.Manages the supply chain for aviation weapons systems repair parts, flight safety equipment, maps, environmental products and industrial plant equipment.Manages the supply chain for ground-based and maritime weapons systems repair parts, small arms parts and fluid-handling systems.Manages the supply chain for petroleum and lubrication products, alternative fuel/renewable energy, aerospace energy; provides fuel quality/technical support, fuel card programs and installation energy services.Provides storage and distribution solutions/management, transportation planning/management, logistics planning and contingency operations; operates a global network of distribution centers.Disposes of excess property by reutilization, transfer and demilitarization; conducts environmental disposal and reuse.Strategic MaterialsManages the strategic and critical raw material stockpile that supports national defense needs.Defense Business ServicesManages a wide range of logistics information and identification systems.Automated document production, printing services, digital conversion and document storage.Editing/routing of logistics transactions, network interoperability and eBusiness services.DLA Regional CommandsThe agency’s primary liaison to U.S. European Command, NATO and U.S. Africa Command, providing a unified DLA interface for warfighters throughout the areas of responsibility.The agency’s primary liaison to U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special Operations Command, providing a unified DLA interface for warfighters throughout the area of responsibility.The agency’s primary liaison to U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, U.S. Forces Korea, U.S. Forces Japan and U.S. Alaskan Command, providing a unified DLA interface for warfighters throughout the area of responsibility.DLA Strategic Plan 2018-2026Providing world-class logistics support doesn’t just happen. It takes a plan, the right people, and the constant desire to improve. DLA's strategic plan for 2018-2026 provides the roadmap to get us there. The five lines of effort represent the foundation DLA will use to provide global, end-to-end supply chain solutions. These efforts complement our mission as well as represent our commitment to remain agile and responsive to the current and emerging needs and expectations of warfighters and our other valued customers.Strengthen Service and Combatant Command Readiness and LethalityPrepared for Immediate ActionLeverage the Joint Logistics Enterprise, Interagency, Industry, and Partner and Allied NationsSupport to the NationAssured Supply Chain, Financial and Process ExcellenceThe heart of everything we do. If you take care of your people, the mission will happenWhile these may be our operational imperatives and focus areas, DLA will continue to thrive on our values of leadership, professionalism and technical knowledge through dedication to duty, integrity, ethics, honor, courage and loyalty."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/XVMdzJX1_Chronodex-Daily-GTD-How-it-works.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Chronodex Daily GTD : How it works. reynald.bonnard@gmail.comDay :PrinciplesRather than arrange days as a plain table with rows for time slots, Chronodex displays each day a circle with sections for time, like using a pie chart. The sections correspond with the positions on a clock and the day runs from 9am to 9pmEvents can then be marked by drawing around the correct times. There is plenty of space around each day describe events and to add other information and tasks for the day.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAdded valueThe chronodex seems ideal as it enables me to track hours spent - and the fact it is very intuitive and visual is a big advantage (and I get to colour code!).Visual exampleChronodex is divided into 5 main parts:Header in which you can fill out your ‘Satisfaction level’ & ‘Points of improvement’Time schedule which is nicely lay-out in a graph-like circleNext actions – listInbox/Notes (scaled up to importance)Waiting for / Projects – listConcept developped by Patrick Nghttp://scription.typepad.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/e249387_Bill_Blundells_6_Points_to_Organizing_a_Story.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Bill Blundell's 6 Points to Organizing a StoryHistoryStartedwhenwhoTimelinepivotaleventsScopeProblemextentPeopleaffectedwhatat stake$Central ReasonsWhyhappeningWhat areeconomicforces ()socialforces ()politicalforces ()created itinfluence itthreaten itImpactsWho ishelpedhurtextentwhatresponseemotionalGatheringOngoingwho isdoinganythingabout itand is itworkingFutureIfcontinueswhatlooklike5 to10 yrspeopleaffectedeyesforceseconomic ()political ()social ()Additional Resource: The Art and Craft of Feature Writing by Bill Blundell(c) Copyright 2009. Catherine Franz"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Xka1Nwg9_Nytrogen-Cycle.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Nytrogen CycleAirSoil ()SoilGroundwater ()Air ()FertilizersSurface WaterGroundwater ()GroundwaterSoil ()Surface Water ()This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAirSoil ()SoilAir ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/v5oGwssE_Leadership-Types.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "LeadershipTotalConsciousQuietSituationalCharismaticTransactionalPrinciple-centeredEffectiveIntent-basedToy boxLeverageEmotionally IntelligentExploringFearlessSpiritualAdaptiveFierceSelfThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookInstructionalQualityConnectiveEnergyEthicalCourageousLeanReality-basedResonantHeroicPositiveAuthenticTransformationalSeriousServantPrimalTribal"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/i0HhGmot_US-Army-Criminal-Investigation-Command.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "about this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND, Warsaw)all information: https://www.cid.army.mil/command-group.htmlCOMMANDING GENERALThe Provost Marshal General of the Army, Commanding General U.S. Army Criminal Investigation CommandMajor General Glaser was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1985 through the Reserve Officer Training Corps at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. He holds a Masters Degree in Comptrollership from Syracuse University. His military education includes the Military Police Officer Basic and Advance Courses, the Command and General Staff College, the Joint and Combined Warfighting School and the Senior Service College Fellowship – Center for New American Security.His principal staff assignments have been as the Executive Officer, 25th Military Police Battalion, later Executive Officer, U.S. Army Military Police Brigade-Hawaii, 25th Infantry Division (Light) Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Chief, Military Police Branch, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, Alexandria, Virginia; Deputy Operations Officer, G-3, I Corps, Fort Lewis, Washington; Deputy Provost Marshal General, Office of the Provost Marshal General, Washington, DC; Deputy Director, Ministry of Interior Advisory Group, Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan, International Security Assistance Force (OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan); and Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Central, Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina.He commanded the 570th Military Police Company, 95th Military Police Battalion, 21st Theater Army Area Command, U.S. Army Europe and Seventh Army, FRG; 519th Military Police Battalion, Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Polk, Louisiana, and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, Iraq; 42nd Military Police Brigade, I Corps, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, Iraq; Commanding General, U.S. Army Corrections Command; Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command.Major General Glaser's awards include the Army Distinguished Service Medal, the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, the Bronze Star Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Meritorious Service Medal with five oak leaf clusters, the Combat Action Badge, the Parachutist Badge, the Air Assault Badge and the Army Staff Identification Badge. He is a recipient of the MP Regimental Association's Order of the Marechaussee (Silver), the Infantry Order of Saint Maurice and the Cavalry Community Combat Spurs. He is also a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Correctional Association.DEPUTY COMMANDING GENERALDeputy Commanding GeneralBrigadier General Miller was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1992 after serving as an enlisted Soldier in the 18th MP Brigade; the Supreme Allied Commander Europe Security Detachment/CID, Belgium; and the 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania Army National Guard.BG Miller’s key command and leadership assignments include: Chief of Staff, Senior Fellow to the Atlantic Council and the HQDA Lead Integrator for the Long Range Precision Fires Cross Functional Team, Washington D.C.; Commander, 8th MP Brigade and Director of Emergency Services, USARPAC, Hawaii; Senior Advisor to the Minister of Interior, Afghanistan, in support of Operation Resolute Support; Executive Officer to the Provost Marshal General, and Commanding General, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency & Army Corrections Command; Commander, 95th MP Battalion, Germany; Force Development Integrator and Executive Officer to the G3/5/7, Army Staff, HQDA; Operations and Executive Officer, 793d MP Battalion, Germany, including service in Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom; Company Commander and Platoon Leader for the 25th MP Battalion, Hawaii.BG Miller's military education and professional associations include: Basic Training/AIT through Command & General Staff College and USMC War College. Civilian education achievements include: A.A. in Criminal Justice from Harrisburg Area Community College; B.S. in Business Administration (Accounting) from Duquesne University, M.B.A. from Syracuse University/Army Comptroller Program; Masters of Strategic Studies from USMC War College.BG Miller’s awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit; Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Bronze Star Medal (2 OLC); Meritorious Service Medal (3 OLC); Joint and NATO Service Medals; Defense, Expeditionary and Humanitarian Service-Medals; Iraq and Afghanistan Campaign Medals; Ranger Tab; Combat Action, Air Assault and Airborne Badges, along with the Order of the Marechaussee (Silver) for achievement and service within the U.S. Army Military Police Regiment.COMMAND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICERCommand Chief Warrant OfficerChief Warrant Officer Five Edgar A. Collins is a native of Berkeley, California, and a graduate of Sacramento State University. He entered military service in 1988 and attended the Military Police One Station Unit Training School at Fort McClellan, Alabama.His previous duty assignments include Operations Officer, 3rd MP Group (CID), Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia; Operations Officer, Washington CID Battalion, Fort Myer, Virginia; Operations Officer, 10th MP Battalion (CID), Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Operations Officer, 10th MP Battalion (CID), deployed in Afghanistan; Chief, Investigative Operations and Command Forensic Science Officer, Headquarters, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, Fort Belvoir, Virginia; Detachment Commander, 48th/41st Military Police Detachment CID, Fort Carson, Colorado; Detachment Commander, 48th Military Police Detachment CID, Camp Slayer/Victory, Baghdad, Iraq; Operations Officer/Forensic Science Officer, Benning CID Battalion, Fort Benning, Georgia; Special Agent-in-Charge, Fort Irwin Resident Agency, Fort Irwin, California; Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge, Fort Sam Houston Resident Agency CID, Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Team Chief Special Agent, Fort Irwin Resident Agency CID, Fort Irwin, California; Special Agent, Hanau Resident Agency CID, Hanau, Germany; Physical Security NCO in the S-2, 1st of the 1st Air Defense Artillery, Spangdahlem Air Force Base, Germany; Military Policeman/drug suppression team member, 545th MP Company, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.His military education includes the Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course, Warrant Officer Staff Course, Warrant Officer Advanced Course, Warrant Officer Basic Course, Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course, Primary Leadership Development Course, Advanced Fraud Course, Protective Services Training Course, Child Abuse Intervention and Training Course, Apprentice Special Agent Course, Military Police One Station Unit Training School, Basic and Advanced Forensic Pathology, Forensic Anthropology, and Forensic Dentistry at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.His civilian law enforcement education includes graduating from the FBI National Academy, Quantico, Virginia; the Major Case Management Course at the Canadian Police College in Ottawa, Canada; and the Advanced Metropolitan Police CID Course, Scotland Yard, London, England.CW5 Collins holds a Masters of Forensic Science from The George Washington University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from the California State University at Sacramento. He is an Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Fellow in Medicolegal Death Investigations and a member of the American Academy of Forensic Science.His awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal (1OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (SOLC), Army Commendation Medal (3OLC), Army Achievement Medal (2OLC), the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Medal, the NATO Medal, the National Defense Service Medal (2), and the Overseas Service Medal (Long/Short tours).COMMAND SERGEANT MAJORCommand Sergeant MajorCommand Sergeant Major Brian A. Flom is a native of Los Angeles, California. He entered the U.S. Army in August of 1991 where he completed One Station Unit Training (OSUT) at Fort McClellan, Alabama, graduating as a Military Policeman. His military education includes the Basic Leaders Course (Honor Graduate), the Advanced Leaders Course (Commandant’s List), the Senior Leaders Course, the Battle Staff Noncommissioned Course (Honor Graduate), the Inter-service Nonlethal Weapons Instructor Course (Honor Graduate), the Equal Opportunity Leaders Course (Honor Graduate), the Military Deception Planners Course, the First Sergeants Course, the Unit Antiterrorism Officer Basic Course (Honor Graduate), and Class 62 of the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy (Commandant’s List).Command Sergeant Major Flom is a graduate (Cum Laude) of Troy University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and a graduate of The University of Texas at El Paso with a Masters of Arts Degree in Leadership Studies.Command Sergeant Major Flom’s previous assignments include Military Policeman and Protective Services Guard for the U.S. Army Europe Commanding General, 529th Military Police Company, Heidelberg, Germany; Military Police Supervisor, NTC Military Police Company, Fort Irwin, California; Squad Leader and Operations Sergeant, 529th Military Police Company, Heidelberg, Germany; Squad Leader and Platoon Sergeant, 64th Military Police Company, Platoon Sergeant, 401st Military Police Company, Intelligence NCO, 720th Military Police Battalion, First Sergeant, 401st Military Police Company and First Sergeant, HHD, 720th Military Police Battalion, all while assigned to Fort Hood, Texas; Antiterrorism Operations Sergeant for 8th Army, Yongsan, Korea; Operations Sergeant Major, 91st Military Battalion at Fort Drum, New York; Command Sergeant Major for the 92nd Military Police Battalion, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; and Command Sergeant Major of the 42d Military Police Brigade at Joint Base Lewis McChord, Washington.Command Sergeant Major Flom’s awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal (2 oak leaf clusters), the Purple Heart, the Meritorious Service Medal (2 oak leaf clusters), the Army Commendation Medal (4 oak leaf clusters), the Army Achievement Medal (1 oak leaf cluster), the Army Good Conduct Medal (8th award), the National Defense Service Medal (bronze star), the Korea Defense Service Medal, the Kosovo Campaign Medal (2 campaign service stars), the Iraqi Campaign Medal (5 campaign service stars), the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development Ribbon (numeral 5), the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon (numeral 8), the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, the NATO Medal (bronze star), the Valorous Unit Award, the Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Army Superior Unit Award (1 oak leaf cluster), and the Combat Action Badge. Command Sergeant Major Flom has also twice been awarded the Order of the Combat Spur (Gold)."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Ba0GjuME_3-Step-Process-for-Effective-Communication.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "3 Step Process for Effective CommunicationConnect: Managing AttentionStay in their momentFrontloadGoldilocks CandorConvey: Managing InformationThe Eyes Trump The EarsTalk in 3sUse StoriesConvince: Managing ActionSound DecisiveTransfer OwnershipAdjust EnergyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMindmap by Chance Brown Source: \"Talk Less, Say More\" by Author Connie Dieken"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r739896_Blogs_map_librarys_user_groups_add_ins_for_MindManager.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Cabre MindManager Web Links Sources of InformationBlogsCabre - MindManager Bugs, Work Arounds and Unfulfilled ExpectationsCabre - MindManager Tips & TricksCabre - MindManager X5 - 6 Web Publishing Learning PointsCabre MindManager ApplicationsChuck Frey - The Mind Mapping Software WeblogDorkoTechEric Mack On-LineMapliciousMike Jetter's BlogMindjet BlogNick Duffill's BlogRobiNZ CAD Blog MindManagerResourcesBiggerPlate - MindManager Map GalleryMappio - General Mind Map GalleryMindjet DevZone - Resources and Information for DevelopersMindjet Partners - Channel, Development, Service & Training and Strategic Partners.Mindjet SupportThe Mindjet LabsAdd InsAha!Context DiscoveryGyronix - ResultsManager, \"Getting Things Done\"Mind2Chart MindManager add-in for project planningMindBusiness - Map4Web, Map4List, Map4ShareMindjet Labs - Research AcceleratorMindManuals - MM2002 & X5 add insTeamDirection -- Solutions for Groove and SharePoint Project ManagementUser GroupsCabre CommunityCabre's Visual Thinking, Planning and Publishing with MindManagerFrappr Maps - MindManager UsersGTD_MindManager Yahoo Group - ResultsManagerLinkedIn MindManager User GroupMindjet User Forum UKMindjet User Forum USAMindjet's Support Forum before 2006MindManager Developers on YahooMindManager Users Group on YahooNing - MindManagerEnthusiasts GroupCabre - Open MindManager Club - Open to anyone but principally for Cabre Course Attendees."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/E8pdJ5gw_My-Microsoft-Outlook-Dashboard.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "My Microsoft Outlook DashboardTasksToday's TasksThis Week's TasksNext Week's TasksAppointmentsToday's AppointmentsThis Week's AppointmentsEmailsRecent Unread MailContactsNew ContactsNotesRecent NotesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lb1eOXUb_M3U-Playlist.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "M3Uoffenes Playlist-FormatMediendateienWiedergabelistefrei editierbare TextdateiEinfacheDateinameabsolutem oder relativem PfadURL'#' KommentarThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookErweiterteDateinameabsolutem oder relativem PfadURL'#' KommentarMetadaten#EXTINFLänge der Mediendatei in ganzen SekundenName der Mediendateiein Kopfdatenbereich#EXTM3U"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/v6qnL6IS_Management-Situacional.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Management SituacionalDirectivoVentajasBueno para generar pautasEn situaciones problemáticasToma de decisiónGenerar procesosInconvenientesAutoritarismoDecisión erróneaClima laboralCrecimiento del ejecutivoPersuasivoVentajasGenera buen clima de trabajoMejor análisisCapacidad de escuchaObtener otro punto de vistaCrecimiento del equipoInconvenientesConfusiónAmigoColaboradorArgumentar cosas que no tienen fundamentosLa manipulaciónThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookParticipativoVentajasResponsabiliza la genteComparteGenerar zona de confianzaInconvenientesToma de decisión independienteRiesgo de desorganizaciónLimite a la visiónPerdida del liderazgoDelegativoVentajasAlivio del trabajoTrabajo en confianzaFomentar la motivaciónProbar una personaInconvenientesExceso de confianzaPerdida de la visiónPerdida del rol de managerAbuso de responsabilidad"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/w939130_KPI_Sales_Management_example.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Sales Management KPIMarket share %Sales relative to the size of the marketAverage order sizeThe average amount spent by a customer per orderAverage number of items per purchaseAverage number of items per purchaseGross Margin as a % of selling priceGross Margin = Profit as a percentage of the selling price.Coupon conversion percentagePercentage of coupons used by customers% of sales revenue via partner channelPercentage of sales revenue via partner channelAverage Spend per CustomerTotal sales revenue / total number of customers% of online sales revenueOnline sales / total salesSales Conversion Cost Per Lead% product trials that convert in customersNew customer / total trials....................................mapped by Wojciech Korsak"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/t821927_Radioactivity.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "RadioactivityUsesPaper ThicknessSmoke AlarmsDatingCarbon 14Once living thingsUraniumRocksSterilisingFoodMedical EquipmentAnd many MoreDangersAlphaSafe outside the body but very dangerous inside.BetaKeep in lead containerUse TongsKeep AwayGammaDon't point at peopleKeep awayPhotographic BadgesMonitor RadiationThree TypesNamesAlpha αBeta βGamma γPropertiesIonising AbilityAlphaGammaStopped byPaper/SkinAlpha1/2 cm of AluminiumBetaThick LeadGamma (not stopped but reduced)Half LifeTime for half the radioactive atoms to decayHalf life tableHalf life graphBackgroundSourcesFrom radioactive particles in surroundings"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/aqL8BggS_Stroomlijn-je-focus.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Stroomlijn je focusPrioriteerje meest belangrijke takenTIP: gebruik Mindjet TasksWees selectiefwelke blogs en feeds je wilt volgenTIP: gebruik RSS mappart in Mindjet desktopControleer tijdmaak tijdframesstel tijdlimieten inals je je mail checktwerk statussen bij aan het einde van de dagScheidwerkgerelateerde emailssocial media abonnementen ()social media abonnementenwerkgerelateerde emails ()TIP: gebruik filtering of gescheiden emailaccountsOrganiseerje social media accountsfilterfacebook newsfeedtwitter lijstengoogle+ kringenTIP: haal tweets in je mindmapThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWeigertaken die je werkdagen in de war schoppenBesteed uitonderzoeken en taken die zoveel tijd vergen dat je de belangrijkste taken niet kunt uitvoerenOntsnapgeen internetgeen telefoonFocusstel je optimale productie tijd invertel anderen wanneer je 'onbereikbaar' bentBereid voorvoeg soortgelijke taken samenalle focus op je werkOntsnap"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/mSycohN1_DRAKON-algorithmic-visual-programming-and-modeling-language.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DRAKONabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DRAKONintrois an algorithmic visual programming and modeling language developed within the Buran space project following ergonomic design principles. The language provides a uniform way to represent flowcharts of any complexity that are easy to read and understand.The DRAKON Editor, which was released in September 2011, is an implementation of the language available in the public domain. It can be used for creating documentation, or for creating visual programs that can be converted to source code in other languages.Unlike UML's philosophy, DRAKON's language philosophy is based on being augmented if needed, by using a hybrid language, which can be illustrated as \"incrustating code snippets from text language used into shape DRAKON requires\". This way, DRAKON always remains a simple visual language that can be used as an augmentation for a programmer who is interested in making their own project code easier to support or other long-term needs for example improving the ergonomics of the coding process or to making code easier to review and understand.The name DRAKON is the Russian acronym for \"Дружелюбный Русский Алгоритмический [язык], Который Обеспечивает Наглядность\", which translates to \"Friendly Russian algorithmic [language] that illustrates (or provides clarity)\". The word \"наглядность\" (pronounced approximately as \"naa-glya-dno-st-th\") refers to a concept or idea being easy to imagine and understand, and may be translated as \"clarity\".The DRAKON language can be used both as a modelling/\"markup\" language (which is considered a standalone \"pure DRAKON\" program) and as a programming language (as part of a hybrid language).Integration of a stricter, \"academic\", variant of a markup language into programming, such as provided by DRAKON, adds syntactic sugar allowing users of different programming languages to comprehend each other's contributions to the overall project and even provide commentary if needed.HistoryThe development of DRAKON started in 1986 and was directed by Vladimir Parondzhanov with the participation of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Academician Pilyugin Center, Moscow) and Russian Academy of Sciences (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics). The language was constructed by formalization, ergonomization and nonclassical structurization of flowcharts described in the ISO 5807-85 standard and Russian standard «Гост 19.701-90» and for the development of real time programs.[2][3]The goal was to replace the specialized languages PROL2 (ПРОЛ2) (used for developing onboard complex software for embedded computer system Biser-4 (Бисер-4) on board Buran),[4] DIPOL (ДИПОЛЬ) (used for developing software for the ground maintenance computer system of Buran)[4] and LAKS (ЛАКС) (used for modelling) used in the Buran project with one universal programming language.The work was finished in 1996 (3 years after the Buran project was officially closed), when an automated CASE programming system called \"Grafit-Floks\" was developed.[5]This CASE is used since 1996 in many major space programs: an international project Sea Launch, Russian orbit insertion upper stage Fregat (Russian: Фрегат, frigate),[6] upgraded heavy launch vehicle (carrier rocket) Proton-M, etc. The exact role DRAKON played in these projects however can not be determined. The actual real-world experience of building systems with DRAKON remains extremely scarce as only a few very short snippets of code are publicly available.DRAKON rules for creating diagrams are cognitively optimized for easy comprehension, making it a tool for intelligence augmentation.[2][7][8][9]Family of DRAKON-languages (hybrid languages)DRAKON (Russian: ДРАКОН; dragon in English) is designed with humanistic ideas in mind, as usage of three different languages for the same project was a source of human factor-related hardships such risks of having a mutual misunderstanding.DRAKON is used not as a single stand-alone language but as a family of hybrid languages, such as DRAKON-C, DRAKON-ASM, DRAKON-Java, etc. All hybrid languages of the DRAKON-family have the uniform graphical syntax, based on flowcharts. The standard graphical syntax provides similarity of drakon-charts for different hybrid languages. The text language used uses its own syntax.Strict distinction of the graphical and textual syntax along with rich graphics improves flexibility and variety of expressive means of the language. The unification of the rules of the graphical syntax in the hybrid languages secures their conceptual unity.The basis of the graphical syntax is a graphical alphabet. Graphical elements (graphical letters) of the DRAKON alphabet are called icons (not symbols). There are 27 icons in the DRAKON graphical alphabet.DRAKON has not only icons, but also macroicons. Macroicons are the graphical words of the DRAKON language. Just as words are made up of letters, macroiсons (graphical words) consist of the icons (graphical letters). There are 21 macroicons in the DRAKON language.Icons and macroiсons are the building blocks for constructing drakon-charts.The important parts of maсroiсons are valence points (in the illustration to the right, they are depicted as little black circles). Into these points, icons or microicons can be successively entered and arranged by drakon-editor in neat, orderly vertical rows.DesignDRAKON was created as a language with a set of rules that would allow to depict algorithms in fields, not necessarily related to computing, being easy to learn.The main reason to the development of the language was emerging risk of misunderstanding, and following errors upon interaction between users of different programming languages in same project (namely, DIPOL, LAX and PROL2, used in the 1980s in Russian space program development).DRAKON initially uses drakon-chart, which is initially based on a formalization of a traditional flowchart yet with additional functionality for handling code in text language. This technique allows to produce and keep readable flowchart at hand simultaneously with process of making the program in question.It is to note a large multi-purpose program with too large drakon-chart may be harder to be comprehended that a set of small programs that serve same purposes separately; similar problem of maintaining code of a single large program is occasionally referred to as \"rule of 30 [lines of code]\" among programmers.PurposesWhile DRAKON is designed to be a tool that allows to comprehend purposes of programs in different programming languages, for illustrative, planning and strategy purposes (mirrored to Perl programming language's primary function). Drakoncharts can also be made in spoken language with same tools. Example of medical program on reducing body fat (not translated).\"DRAKON editor\" is popular in Russia for being used as a tool for making 'charts without programming language syntax in the medicine field in Russia as a markup language for algorithms of performing actions in certain cases and scenarios. DRAKON allows both create a map-like guide for patients and form instructions for medical personnel.DRAKON editor takes infographics and flowchart together in a some way: for some purposes DRAKON icons can be augmented a photo inside an icon (which will be placed under icon's text).Visual syntaxThe full-text article containing description of the visual syntax of the DRAKON language in English, 12 pages, free to download, pdf.[10]ManualA full description of the DRAKON language is provided in a Russian book. The book is 520 pages long and free to download.[9]ExamplesBranchingThe algorithm of going out of one's apartment: Put on clothes. Take umbrella if it's raining. Leave the house.Check-do (while) loopDo-check (do-while) loopAnother training algorithm: Warm up. Lift the weight. Rest. If tired, quit. Repeat.DRAKON in the German Aerospace CenterDRAKON language is used in the German Aerospace Center for implementation of some critical functions dictated by the safety regulations of the flight tests, where automation is important because of maximum distance to the ground station and the process needs quick automatic execution.The DRAKON Editor software was using to graphically program flowcharts which were specially checked. C-code was generated from the drakon-charts, for instance, for DRAKON representation of launch detection code.[14]DRAKON language in medical careThe goal of clinical algorithms is to do the right clinical decisions while standardizing and equalizing performance of practitioners. Besides, it improves the quality of health care and minimizes the risk of errors. DRAKON algorithms are ergonomical ones and help to prevent mistakes and ambiguities. DRAKON algorithmic language uniforms medical algorithms and allows complete clinical tasks successfully.The importance of clinical algorithms in the patient diagnosis, treatment, and intervention is obvious. Similarly, algorithms are useful in education of medical practitioners, especially while working as a team. In order to maximize the utility of algorithms, they need to be simple, inclusive, and ergonomic, so that every user executes a specific algorithm in the identical manner. Medical care requires an instant implementation of latest scientific achievements. DRAKON algorithm can be used for practical “skills and drills” of undergraduate and postgraduate students. The “DRAKON” charts standardize, ensure quality of diagnostic and treatment procedures. It minimizes the possibility of error, thus, increases patient safety.[15]icons"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/x976498_Odyssey_Book_14.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Odyssey Book 14 lines 236-389LyingCreativity/Reworking of his storyEumaeus not that interested in his tales'what call is there for...you to tell lies?''My poor friend' ()slant on story to flatter his leadershipXeniaEumaeus trusts strangergood Xenia from EumaeusO invokes sympathy from EO's mention of xenia in his taleKleosCrew's responsibility for downfallPromotes Odysseus' kleos by talking about himNot trying to spread his kleos as much as he has doneLoyaltymention of Odysseus to give E hopeGodsIntervention of GodsReunionEveryone in Ithaca has given up hope of O's return'My poor friend''what call is there for...you to tell lies?' ()Conclusion"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/O3KILE5q_A-350.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "A-350Erstflug14. Juni 2013Kraftstoffmengen156 000 LiterThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFlugreichweite17.600 kmHöchstgeschwindigkeit910 km/hMaximale Passagierkapazitätca. 300"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/YvjDQdPr_Influences_on_a_Business.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Influences on a BusinessDistributorsCustomersShareholders, Creditors, Parent CompanyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCompetitorsEmployees, UnionsSuppliers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/4rKcKH7g_TPACK.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TPACKQUE ES TPACKDefiniciónDel ingles Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge y de su traducción, Conocimiento didáctico del contenido tecnológico es un acrónimo que en su transcripción literal, nos informa que el conocimiento esencial (y que ha de ser buscado) es aquel que suma los tres conocimientos básicos: el tecnológico, el pedagógico y el disciplinar o de contenidos.Imagen del Acrónimo TPACKTPACKEs la intersección de los tres ámbitos: Tecnológico, Pedagógico y los ContenidosEs la novedosa y correcta utilización dentro del ámbito educativo, de la naciente terminología en cuanto a las TIC´S, enfocadas al aprendizaje y basados en la enseñanza. Es el punto donde se une el ámbito educativo enfocado al aprendizaje, con los contenidos curriculares usando las nuevas tecnologías.COMPONENTESAmbito PedagogicoEl conocimiento pedagógico es el conocimiento profundo sobre los procesos y las prácticas o métodos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y cómo se abarca (entre otras cosas) en general con fines educativos, valores y objetivos.incluye el conocimiento acerca de las técnicas o métodos que se utilizarán en el aula, la naturaleza de la audiencia objetivo y las estrategias para la evaluación de la comprensión del estudiante. Un maestro con conocimientos pedagógicos profundos entiende cómo los alumnos construyen el conocimiento y adquieren habilidades, desarrollan hábitos mentales y conoce acerca de las disposiciones positivas hacia el aprendizajeAmbito de ContenidosEl conocimiento del contenido es el conocimiento real sobre el tema que se debe aprender o enseñar.El contenido que se tratarán en los estudios de secundaria como sociales o álgebra es muy diferente de los contenidos que se tratarán en un curso de postgrado en ciencias de la computación o en medicina. Claramente, los profesores deben conocer y entender las materias que imparten, tales como: conocimiento de los hechos centrales, conceptos, teorías y procedimientos dentro de un campo determinado, el conocimiento de los marcos explicativos y el conocimiento de las reglas de evidencia y sus pruebas.Ambito de TecnologíasConocimiento sobre tecnologías estándares, como los libros, gis y la pizarra, así como tecnologías más avanzadas, como Internet y video digital, plataformas educativas, salas On Line, uso de tabletas, ofimática, etc. Se trataría de los conocimientos necesarios para operar tecnologías.En el caso de las tecnologías digitales, esto incluiría el conocimiento de los sistemas operativos y el hardware de la computadora, así como la capacidad de utilizar un conjunto de herramientas estándar de software como procesadores de texto, hojas de cálculo, navegadores, correo electrónico, etc, conocimientos tradicionales que incluyen el conocimiento de cómo instalar y eliminar los dispositivos periféricos, instalar y quitar programas de software, crear y archivar documentos.MEZCLAS DE TPACKConocimiento en Contenidos Pedagógicos KPCEste conocimiento incluye saber cómo la enseñanza se acerca a ajustar el contenido, y cómo este se puede organizar para una mejor enseñanza.Se refiere a la representación y la formulación de conceptos, técnicas pedagógicas, el conocer que hace que los conceptos sean fáciles o difíciles de aprender, el conocimiento de los conocimientos previos de los alumnos y las teorías de la epistemología.Implica el conocimiento de estrategias de enseñanza que incorporan representaciones conceptuales apropiadas para abordar dificultades y malentendidos del alumno así como fomentar la comprensión significativa. Incluye el conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre estrategia de aprendizaje y malas aplicaciones sobre conocimientos previos.PCK es una amalgama de contenidos y pedagogía, representa la transformación de contenidos en formas pedagógicamente poderosas; implica la metacognición tanto del docente como del alumno, atender y entender el proceso mediante el cual desarrollan esta metacognición.Conocimiento en Contenidos TecnológicosImplica el conocimiento de como se mezclan e interrelacionan los contenidos con la tecnologíaHace necesario el conocimiento de los contenidos y cómo desarrollar estos con el uso de las tecnologíasConsidere la enseñanza de la anatomía en medicina mediante modelos anatómicos tridimensionales en línea o tipo hologramáticoConocimiento en Tecnologías PedagógicasImplica el conocimiento de temas de pedagogía y el uso y la habilidad de mezclar las nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizajeAmerita el pleno conocimiento de la didáctica y del uso de tecnologías para poder interrelacionar y desarrollar estrategias afines y compatibles con las TIC´SConsidere en la enseñanza de la anatomía el uso de ordenadores, tabletas o modelos anatómicos tridimensionales tipo hologramas que haría a un lado el uso de cadeveres disecados para la materiaMODELO TPACKT = TECNOLOGIAP = PEDAGOGÍAC = CONTENIDOK = CONOCIMIENTOThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/0uIpUiXG_Mind-Maps-for-Strategic-Thinking-help-to.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Maps for Strategic Thinking help to...Systems Perspective ...see the big picture...provide an overview of complex situations...share thinkingHypothesis Driven ...identify relationships, patterns and trends...identify structures underlying the big picture...bridge missing information...highlight key factorsIntelligent Opportunism ...not stop with the first right answer...stimulate thinking...challenge self-imposed constraints (assumptions)This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFocused on Intent ...manage competing priorities...focus attention...trigger memoryThinking in Time ...keep action aligned with intention...display multivariate performance variablesAdapted from: Liedtka, J. M. (1998). Strategic thinking: can it be taught?. Long range planning, 31(1), 120-129."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/KevqGwtO_Aide-choix-support-Brodit-pour-iPhone-4-4S.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Aide choix support iphoneAvec étuisPassifref 511165 pour tout étuis sauf Apple bumper et Otterboxref 511169, compatible uniquement avec l'étui Bumber de marque AppleAlimentation intégréeChargeur allume cigareref 521165 pour tout étuis sauf Apple bumper et Otterbox, avec chargeur allume cigareref 521378 pour étuis Otterbox Defenderref 521379 pour étuis Commuter SeriesInstallation fixeref 527165 pour tout étuis sauf Apple bumper et Otterbox527378 pour étuis Otterbox Defender527379 pour étuis Commuter SeriesConseillé pour autoradio adapté iPhoneref 516165ref 516193ref 521165 pour tout étuis sauf Apple bumper et Otterbox, avec chargeur allume cigareSans étuisPassifref 511164ref 511170, avec sécurité paysageAlimentation intégréeref 521164ref 521170 avec sécurité paysageConseillé pour autoradio adapté iPhone516164516170ref 521164This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookUsage avec kit ParrotRéf 514181Modèles antivolsref 535279 avec chargeur allume cigareref 536279 pour installation fixe"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/AbldhG5h_Glycine-for-Better-Sleep.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Glycine for Better Sleep?OpeningTowards the end of this article, the reader shall understandWhat Glycine isWhy it is good for sleepingOther Uses of GlycineBodyWhat is Glycine?Is an amino acidUsed primarily as an anti-inflammatory supplementWhy is Glycine good for sleeping?Glycine improves sleep quality by increasing time to fall asleep and slow wave deep sleepGlycine is coupled with other amino acids for better effectMakes you feel less \"tired\" during the dayOther uses of GlycineFor healthier skinProtects you against ulcersHelps the brain in various waysClosing"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/xP0NHuwj_New-WB.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "New WB分支主题分支主题分支主题分支主题子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookResources"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/P90AdhLP_Edward-de-Bono-Thinking-Tools-C-S-Consequence-Sequence.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "[Topic]Short-termMid-termThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookLong-termC&S"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VW8vrntY_Essentiellen-Spurenelemente.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "essentiellen SpurenelementeEisenKupferManganMolybdänThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSelenSiliciumZinkCobalt (als Bestandteil von Vitamin B12)Iod"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/b130215_NCAA_DivIA_Conferences_.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "NCAA Div-IA ConferencesACCBig 12Big EastBig 10Conference USAIndependentsMACMountain WestPac-10SECSun BeltWAC"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g327756_constructing_a_social_science_essay.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Constructing a Social Science EssayIntroductionSet the sceneSet the scopeSummarise the taskEstablish the purpose of the pieceTrack the questionExplicitlyuse a term from the questiondefine it before using itConclusionNO NEW IDEASSummariseDraw togetherPrecis statement of main argument\"I conclude . . . . . .\"Tips & HintsSub-headings are approved of"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bAzGZgfY_Hierarchisches-Organigramm.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题分支主题子主题子主题子主题分支主题子主题子主题子主题分支主题子主题子主题子主题"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_fPatW7f0.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TOP 5 zum besseren Zuhörerehrliche Interesse am anderenauf Zuhörer konzentrierenThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFragen stellenauf die Botschaft hörenausreden lassen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_x548p9wm.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Предварительный просмотрПредварительный просмотр лекционного материалаСделать карту с основными ветками для дальнейшего ее заполнения.Сделать ветки для дополнительной информации побуждающий интерес или раскрывающий тему более глубокоУчастиеПринимать активное участие в лекцияхАктивное участие в лекции , в рамках созданных ключевых элементов карты- укрепляет осмысленное обучениеПроцессОбрабатывать всю лекционную информацию и заносить ее в ментальную картуОбработать информацию из лекции, и других источников, вскоре после лекции, и добавить ее в вашу картуВся информация перерабатывается через личный опыт и имеет больший смыслПомогает перевести информацию из кратковременной в долговременную памятьThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookПрактикаПрактика по решению новых проблемКлючевым моментом здесь является применение того, чему вы научились в ситуациях, с которыми вы еще не сталкивалисьИспользуйте имеющиеся знания для решения новых проблем всех видов: конкретные, абстрактные, фактические, концептуальные и процедурныеДает вам \"практический\" опыт, поможет вам закрепить то, что вы узналиПроизводствоПродукция результатов и новых идейВаши критические мысли, вопросы, проблемы, ваш свежий взгляд- приведет к уникальным продуктам вашего понимания, новым понятиям, переживаниям, идеям и рассуждениямВаш ум будет, по сути, создавать новые знания, которые уже хорошо интегрированы с существующими знаниямиКраткий обзор метода обучения (CLM)5 ФазПредварительный просмотр; участие; процесс; практика; производствоПерерыв в любой из частей делает обучение более управляемымКаждая последующая фаза усиливает и основывается на предыдущем этапе4 Повторите шаги1) определите ключевые понятия 2) организовать и подключить ключевые понятия к визуальной карте 3) критически мыслить 4) задавать ключевые вопросыПостоянно пересматривайте вашу картуЭто позволит вам добавлять новую информацию, которая находиться в вашем сознанииInfoToni Krasnic, author of Concise Learninghttp://conciselearning.com/clm.html"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/i402402_Enterprise_Architecture_or__Enterprise_IT_Architecture.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Enterprise Architecture or Enterprise IT Architecture?Enterprise ArchitectureReporting to the CEO/MD and CIOFocus - StrategicWorking with strategic planningWorking closely with strategy and planning group/function.Unless EA has the resources to take up job of strategic plan developmentHandle both Macro / Micro viewsWorking at an enterprise level giving direction to all projects. (holistic view)Working closely with PMO to provide guidance to individual projects (detail view)Working with the entire EnterpriseWorking with the entire enterprise (all functions and all cross-functional process owners)Business mission, business vision, business drivers, business objectives, business goals, business tactics, strategy, Customers, Products, Activities, Departments, Functions, Locations , Services, Applications, Databases, TechnologiesWorking mainly at the logical level. (Projects develop the physical expressions of the logical)Helping in integration efforts at a logical level and avoiding redundancies in business processes, applications, data and technology, for example.Working with HR on motivation modelsMaintaining an EA repository/database containing information about elements of business, applications, data, and technology.Able to provide gap-analysis between as-is and to-be states to help both the strategic planning and PMOAble to help the management in making \"informed\" decisions by providing reports from the EA repositoryMaking the whole organization \"flexible\" to \"changes\" as per the business/customer requirementsBringing the business-side closer to IT-sideEnterprise IT ArchitectureTalking only to the CIOConcerned with design and implementationWorking at individual project levelWorking with project planningWorking with the IT of the enterprise (Processes, Services, Applications, Databases, Technologies, Networks)Working largely at a physical levelWorking with HR on Technical role definition.Focus - OperationalThoughtsYes, EA \"lives\" in IT, and the majority of the executive interaction is with the CIO, but the senior executive team's collective strategy and agenda is EA's charter, not the agenda of the CIO. Otherwise, IT agenda becomes enterprise agenda.Despite our convictions, the terms \"Enterprise IT Architecture\" or\" Enterprise Application Architecture\" are the two terms that most commonly people mean when they say Enterprise Architecture.About this Map"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VQmExQok_Seven-Secrets-of-Effective-Fathers.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Seven Secrets of Effective FathersKnowingask questions.. don't interrogatespend time on his/her turfListen to the comments/advise ofConsistencyBe Predictable - don't make your child guesskeep your promisesSchedule regular family timeProtecting andPrepare your children for crisis and disappointmentConsider family dynamics in your career choicesProtect their hearts from unhealthy attachmentsProvide resources and instructionsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSpiritualMeet your children's motherProvide opportunitiesWhat messages are your children receivingActiveFace your child squarelyGet on your child's levelTurn off \"the noise\" when your child is speakingGive positive verbal and non verbal feedbackLovingTangibly demonstrate your loveGive her unexpected giftsTell your kids why you married your momMake sure her needs being metCommitmentVerbalize your commitmentAdopt a task orientationinvolve yourself in their activities"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/uO3dQWjm_SCAMPER-Brainstorming.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题ErsetzenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题KombinierenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题AnpassenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题ÄndernBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题UmnutzenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题EliminierenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题UmkehrenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题Brainstorming SpielhausdesignKombinieren ()Eliminieren ()Umkehren ()Umnutzen ()Anpassen ()Ersetzen ()Ändern ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/xCWFNrVL_Biggerplate-Unplugged-Utrecht-Speakers-Sessions.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "biggerplate Unplugged Utrecht, Netherlands 9th October 2013 Speakers & SessionsLiam Hughes Biggerplate.com \"Biggerplate Progress & Plans\"Saskia Smet Numentum \"3 Mistakes visual-spatial thinkers make at work\"Richard Egan MindMeister \"Cloud-based mind mapping: Advantages and Obstacles\"Marc van Oudheusden Dutch Government \"Mind Mapping within large government\"Hans Terhurne Creamatics \"World Cafe: Barriers to mind mapping adoption\"Marco Bertolini Revedution \"Study better with visual thinking\"This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookJohn Albers Brainfun Coaching \"World Cafe: Getting the Netherlands mind mapping\"Mathieu van der Wal aha!Coaching \"Mind mapping for smarter meetings\"Lucas Calabro Mindjet \"Project collaboration: From planning to execution\"Hans Buskes Master Mind Maps \"Mind Mapping 3.0\"Live Mind Mapping Provided by Connection of Minds"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/s7wBr33v_Roger-C-Parker-s-60-second-Introduction-to-Mind-Mapping.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Roger C. Parker's 60-second Introduction to Mind Mapping www.PublishedandProfitable.comWhat are mind maps?What can you do with them?Create a marketing calendarCreate a table of contents for a bookPlan articles, blog posts, speeches, or presentationsTrack your competitorsCreate buyer or reader personasManage projects and track progressCreate and deliver new business proposalsManage complex projectsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWhat makes mind maps so useful?Display lots of information in a small spaceEasily shared over multiple platformsAdd visuals for selective emphasis and enhance recallAdd icons to display priority, progress, or responsibilityShare and collaborate onlineAdd Start Dates and Due Dates to tasksFilter and sort results to show only relevant detailWhat can you do with mind maps after creating them?Print complete maps or just selected topicsCreate graphics to add to documents and print publicationsCreate interactive PDFs that can be shared online or via emailEmbed maps in emails and websitesShare maps online or as email attachmentsCollaborate with others in real timeAllow others to comment and update maps posted onlineDeliver presentations & webinars from computer or iPadExport maps to word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and project management softwareHow do you get started?Download free apps for iPhones, iPads and Android mobile applicationsDownload free trial software for Macintosh and Windows computersDownload free 4-page sample report, Mind Mapping for Marketers & Writers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/3Mq6v43Q_Nervous-system-Function.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Nervous system (Function)about this mapby wojciech korsakhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nervous_systemintroThe nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. The nervous system detects environmental changes that impact the body, then works in tandem with the endocrine system to respond to such events.[1] Nervous tissue first arose in wormlike organisms about 550 to 600 million years ago. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed bundles of the long fibers or axons, that connect the CNS to every other part of the body. Nerves that transmit signals from the brain are called motor or efferent nerves, while those nerves that transmit information from the body to the CNS are called sensory or afferent. Spinal nerves serve both functions and are called mixed nerves. The PNS is divided into three separate subsystems, the somatic, autonomic, and enteric nervous systems. Somatic nerves mediate voluntary movement. The autonomic nervous system is further subdivided into the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system is activated in cases of emergencies to mobilize energy, while the parasympathetic nervous system is activated when organisms are in a relaxed state. The enteric nervous system functions to control the gastrointestinal system. Both autonomic and enteric nervous systems function involuntarily. Nerves that exit from the cranium are called cranial nerves while those exiting from the spinal cord are called spinal nerves.At the cellular level, the nervous system is defined by the presence of a special type of cell, called the neuron, also known as a \"nerve cell\". Neurons have special structures that allow them to send signals rapidly and precisely to other cells. They send these signals in the form of electrochemical waves traveling along thin fibers called axons, which cause chemicals called neurotransmitters to be released at junctions called synapses. A cell that receives a synaptic signal from a neuron may be excited, inhibited, or otherwise modulated. The connections between neurons can form neural pathways, neural circuits, and larger networks that generate an organism's perception of the world and determine its behavior. Along with neurons, the nervous system contains other specialized cells called glial cells (or simply glia), which provide structural and metabolic support.Nervous systems are found in most multicellular animals, but vary greatly in complexity.[2] The only multicellular animals that have no nervous system at all are sponges, placozoans, and mesozoans, which have very simple body plans. The nervous systems of the radially symmetric organisms ctenophores (comb jellies) and cnidarians (which include anemones, hydras, corals and jellyfish) consist of a diffuse nerve net. All other animal species, with the exception of a few types of worm, have a nervous system containing a brain, a central cord (or two cords running in parallel), and nerves radiating from the brain and central cord. The size of the nervous system ranges from a few hundred cells in the simplest worms, to around 300 billion cells in African elephants.[3]The central nervous system functions to send signals from one cell to others, or from one part of the body to others and to receive feedback. Malfunction of the nervous system can occur as a result of genetic defects, physical damage due to trauma or toxicity, infection or simply of ageing. The medical specialty of neurology studies disorders of the nervous system and looks for interventions that can prevent or treat them. In the peripheral nervous system, the most common problem is the failure of nerve conduction, which can be due to different causes including diabetic neuropathy and demyelinating disorders such as multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neuroscience is the field of science that focuses on the study of the nervous system.FunctionAt the most basic level, the function of the nervous system is to send signals from one cell to others, or from one part of the body to others. There are multiple ways that a cell can send signals to other cells. One is by releasing chemicals called hormones into the internal circulation, so that they can diffuse to distant sites. In contrast to this \"broadcast\" mode of signaling, the nervous system provides \"point-to-point\" signals—neurons project their axons to specific target areas and make synaptic connections with specific target cells.[35] Thus, neural signaling is capable of a much higher level of specificity than hormonal signaling. It is also much faster: the fastest nerve signals travel at speeds that exceed 100 meters per second.At a more integrative level, the primary function of the nervous system is to control the body.[4] It does this by extracting information from the environment using sensory receptors, sending signals that encode this information into the central nervous system, processing the information to determine an appropriate response, and sending output signals to muscles or glands to activate the response. The evolution of a complex nervous system has made it possible for various animal species to have advanced perception abilities such as vision, complex social interactions, rapid coordination of organ systems, and integrated processing of concurrent signals. In humans, the sophistication of the nervous system makes it possible to have language, abstract representation of concepts, transmission of culture, and many other features of human society that would not exist without the human brain.Neurons and synapsesMost neurons send signals via their axons, although some types are capable of dendrite-to-dendrite communication. (In fact, the types of neurons called amacrine cells have no axons, and communicate only via their dendrites.) Neural signals propagate along an axon in the form of electrochemical waves called action potentials, which produce cell-to-cell signals at points where axon terminals make synaptic contact with other cells.[36]Synapses may be electrical or chemical. Electrical synapses make direct electrical connections between neurons,[37] but chemical synapses are much more common, and much more diverse in function.[38] At a chemical synapse, the cell that sends signals is called presynaptic, and the cell that receives signals is called postsynaptic. Both the presynaptic and postsynaptic areas are full of molecular machinery that carries out the signalling process. The presynaptic area contains large numbers of tiny spherical vessels called synaptic vesicles, packed with neurotransmitter chemicals.[36] When the presynaptic terminal is electrically stimulated, an array of molecules embedded in the membrane are activated, and cause the contents of the vesicles to be released into the narrow space between the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes, called the synaptic cleft. The neurotransmitter then binds to receptors embedded in the postsynaptic membrane, causing them to enter an activated state.[38] Depending on the type of receptor, the resulting effect on the postsynaptic cell may be excitatory, inhibitory, or modulatory in more complex ways. For example, release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at a synaptic contact between a motor neuron and a muscle cell induces rapid contraction of the muscle cell.[39] The entire synaptic transmission process takes only a fraction of a millisecond, although the effects on the postsynaptic cell may last much longer (even indefinitely, in cases where the synaptic signal leads to the formation of a memory trace).[12]There are literally hundreds of different types of synapses. In fact, there are over a hundred known neurotransmitters, and many of them have multiple types of receptors.[40] Many synapses use more than one neurotransmitter—a common arrangement is for a synapse to use one fast-acting small-molecule neurotransmitter such as glutamate or GABA, along with one or more peptide neurotransmitters that play slower-acting modulatory roles. Molecular neuroscientists generally divide receptors into two broad groups: chemically gated ion channels and second messenger systems. When a chemically gated ion channel is activated, it forms a passage that allows specific types of ions to flow across the membrane. Depending on the type of ion, the effect on the target cell may be excitatory or inhibitory. When a second messenger system is activated, it starts a cascade of molecular interactions inside the target cell, which may ultimately produce a wide variety of complex effects, such as increasing or decreasing the sensitivity of the cell to stimuli, or even altering gene transcription.According to a rule called Dale's principle, which has only a few known exceptions, a neuron releases the same neurotransmitters at all of its synapses.[41] This does not mean, though, that a neuron exerts the same effect on all of its targets, because the effect of a synapse depends not on the neurotransmitter, but on the receptors that it activates.[38] Because different targets can (and frequently do) use different types of receptors, it is possible for a neuron to have excitatory effects on one set of target cells, inhibitory effects on others, and complex modulatory effects on others still. Nevertheless, it happens that the two most widely used neurotransmitters, glutamate and GABA, each have largely consistent effects. Glutamate has several widely occurring types of receptors, but all of them are excitatory or modulatory. Similarly, GABA has several widely occurring receptor types, but all of them are inhibitory.[42] Because of this consistency, glutamatergic cells are frequently referred to as \"excitatory neurons\", and GABAergic cells as \"inhibitory neurons\". Strictly speaking, this is an abuse of terminology—it is the receptors that are excitatory and inhibitory, not the neurons—but it is commonly seen even in scholarly publications.One very important subset of synapses are capable of forming memory traces by means of long-lasting activity-dependent changes in synaptic strength.[43] The best-known form of neural memory is a process called long-term potentiation (abbreviated LTP), which operates at synapses that use the neurotransmitter glutamate acting on a special type of receptor known as the NMDA receptor.[44] The NMDA receptor has an \"associative\" property: if the two cells involved in the synapse are both activated at approximately the same time, a channel opens that permits calcium to flow into the target cell.[45] The calcium entry initiates a second messenger cascade that ultimately leads to an increase in the number of glutamate receptors in the target cell, thereby increasing the effective strength of the synapse. This change in strength can last for weeks or longer. Since the discovery of LTP in 1973, many other types of synaptic memory traces have been found, involving increases or decreases in synaptic strength that are induced by varying conditions, and last for variable periods of time.[44] The reward system, that reinforces desired behaviour for example, depends on a variant form of LTP that is conditioned on an extra input coming from a reward-signalling pathway that uses dopamine as neurotransmitter.[46] All these forms of synaptic modifiability, taken collectively, give rise to neural plasticity, that is, to a capability for the nervous system to adapt itself to variations in the environment.Neural circuits and systemsThe basic neuronal function of sending signals to other cells includes a capability for neurons to exchange signals with each other. Networks formed by interconnected groups of neurons are capable of a wide variety of functions, including feature detection, pattern generation and timing,[47] and there are seen to be countless types of information processing possible. Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts showed in 1943 that even artificial neural networks formed from a greatly simplified mathematical abstraction of a neuron are capable of universal computation.[48]Historically, for many years the predominant view of the function of the nervous system was as a stimulus-response associator.[49] In this conception, neural processing begins with stimuli that activate sensory neurons, producing signals that propagate through chains of connections in the spinal cord and brain, giving rise eventually to activation of motor neurons and thereby to muscle contraction, i.e., to overt responses. Descartes believed that all of the behaviors of animals, and most of the behaviors of humans, could be explained in terms of stimulus-response circuits, although he also believed that higher cognitive functions such as language were not capable of being explained mechanistically.[50] Charles Sherrington, in his influential 1906 book The Integrative Action of the Nervous System,[49] developed the concept of stimulus-response mechanisms in much more detail, and Behaviorism, the school of thought that dominated Psychology through the middle of the 20th century, attempted to explain every aspect of human behavior in stimulus-response terms.[51]However, experimental studies of electrophysiology, beginning in the early 20th century and reaching high productivity by the 1940s, showed that the nervous system contains many mechanisms for generating patterns of activity intrinsically, without requiring an external stimulus.[52] Neurons were found to be capable of producing regular sequences of action potentials, or sequences of bursts, even in complete isolation.[53] When intrinsically active neurons are connected to each other in complex circuits, the possibilities for generating intricate temporal patterns become far more extensive.[47] A modern conception views the function of the nervous system partly in terms of stimulus-response chains, and partly in terms of intrinsically generated activity patterns—both types of activity interact with each other to generate the full repertoire of behavior.[54]Reflexes and other stimulus-response circuitsThe simplest type of neural circuit is a reflex arc, which begins with a sensory input and ends with a motor output, passing through a sequence of neurons connected in series.[55] This can be shown in the \"withdrawal reflex\" causing a hand to jerk back after a hot stove is touched. The circuit begins with sensory receptors in the skin that are activated by harmful levels of heat: a special type of molecular structure embedded in the membrane causes heat to change the electrical field across the membrane. If the change in electrical potential is large enough to pass the given threshold, it evokes an action potential, which is transmitted along the axon of the receptor cell, into the spinal cord. There the axon makes excitatory synaptic contacts with other cells, some of which project (send axonal output) to the same region of the spinal cord, others projecting into the brain. One target is a set of spinal interneurons that project to motor neurons controlling the arm muscles. The interneurons excite the motor neurons, and if the excitation is strong enough, some of the motor neurons generate action potentials, which travel down their axons to the point where they make excitatory synaptic contacts with muscle cells. The excitatory signals induce contraction of the muscle cells, which causes the joint angles in the arm to change, pulling the arm away.In reality, this straightforward schema is subject to numerous complications.[55] Although for the simplest reflexes there are short neural paths from sensory neuron to motor neuron, there are also other nearby neurons that participate in the circuit and modulate the response. Furthermore, there are projections from the brain to the spinal cord that are capable of enhancing or inhibiting the reflex.Although the simplest reflexes may be mediated by circuits lying entirely within the spinal cord, more complex responses rely on signal processing in the brain.[56] For example, when an object in the periphery of the visual field moves, and a person looks toward it many stages of signal processing are initiated. The initial sensory response, in the retina of the eye, and the final motor response, in the oculomotor nuclei of the brain stem, are not all that different from those in a simple reflex, but the intermediate stages are completely different. Instead of a one or two step chain of processing, the visual signals pass through perhaps a dozen stages of integration, involving the thalamus, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, superior colliculus, cerebellum, and several brainstem nuclei. These areas perform signal-processing functions that include feature detection, perceptual analysis, memory recall, decision-making, and motor planning.[57]Feature detection is the ability to extract biologically relevant information from combinations of sensory signals.[58] In the visual system, for example, sensory receptors in the retina of the eye are only individually capable of detecting \"points of light\" in the outside world.[59] Second-level visual neurons receive input from groups of primary receptors, higher-level neurons receive input from groups of second-level neurons, and so on, forming a hierarchy of processing stages. At each stage, important information is extracted from the signal ensemble and unimportant information is discarded. By the end of the process, input signals representing \"points of light\" have been transformed into a neural representation of objects in the surrounding world and their properties. The most sophisticated sensory processing occurs inside the brain, but complex feature extraction also takes place in the spinal cord and in peripheral sensory organs such as the retina.Intrinsic pattern generationAlthough stimulus-response mechanisms are the easiest to understand, the nervous system is also capable of controlling the body in ways that do not require an external stimulus, by means of internally generated rhythms of activity. Because of the variety of voltage-sensitive ion channels that can be embedded in the membrane of a neuron, many types of neurons are capable, even in isolation, of generating rhythmic sequences of action potentials, or rhythmic alternations between high-rate bursting and quiescence. When neurons that are intrinsically rhythmic are connected to each other by excitatory or inhibitory synapses, the resulting networks are capable of a wide variety of dynamical behaviors, including attractor dynamics, periodicity, and even chaos. A network of neurons that uses its internal structure to generate temporally structured output, without requiring a corresponding temporally structured stimulus, is called a central pattern generator.Internal pattern generation operates on a wide range of time scales, from milliseconds to hours or longer. One of the most important types of temporal pattern is circadian rhythmicity—that is, rhythmicity with a period of approximately 24 hours. All animals that have been studied show circadian fluctuations in neural activity, which control circadian alternations in behavior such as the sleep-wake cycle. Experimental studies dating from the 1990s have shown that circadian rhythms are generated by a \"genetic clock\" consisting of a special set of genes whose expression level rises and falls over the course of the day. Animals as diverse as insects and vertebrates share a similar genetic clock system. The circadian clock is influenced by light but continues to operate even when light levels are held constant and no other external time-of-day cues are available. The clock genes are expressed in many parts of the nervous system as well as many peripheral organs, but in mammals, all of these \"tissue clocks\" are kept in synchrony by signals that emanate from a master timekeeper in a tiny part of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus.Mirror neuronsA mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another.[60][61][62] Thus, the neuron \"mirrors\" the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting. Such neurons have been directly observed in primate species.[63] Birds have been shown to have imitative resonance behaviors and neurological evidence suggests the presence of some form of mirroring system.[63][64] In humans, brain activity consistent with that of mirror neurons has been found in the premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area, the primary somatosensory cortex and the inferior parietal cortex.[65] The function of the mirror system is a subject of much speculation. Many researchers in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology consider that this system provides the physiological mechanism for the perception/action coupling (see the common coding theory).[62] They argue that mirror neurons may be important for understanding the actions of other people, and for learning new skills by imitation. Some researchers also speculate that mirror systems may simulate observed actions, and thus contribute to theory of mind skills,[66][67] while others relate mirror neurons to language abilities.[68] However, to date, no widely accepted neural or computational models have been put forward to describe how mirror neuron activity supports cognitive functions such as imitation.[69] There are neuroscientists who caution that the claims being made for the role of mirror neurons are not supported by adequate research.[70][71]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/613bbd51-4dbd-4ada-a621-c91ea378fc9f.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Fashion & MindMapping example: Triumph collection (Pensacola) all images & info: www.Triumph.comPush-up bikiniRealza tu escote con el mejor bikini push up.Copa/ TallasA - C36 - 42Materiales80% Polyamida20% ElastanoBikini con rellenoBikini balconet acolchado se puede llevar con o sin tirantes para moldear tu escote.Copa/ TallasB - D36 - 44MaterialesB-C21% Polyamid61% Polyester18% ElastaneD19% Polyamid63% Polyester18% ElastaneBikini under-wiredBonito bikini de aro oculto con buena sujeción decorado con accesoriosCopa/ TallasB - E38 - 46Materiales83% Polyester17% ElastanoThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookBañador con rellenoPrecioso bañador acolchado con tirantes ajustablesCopa/ TallasB - E38 - 46Materiales80% Polyester3% Polyamida17% Elastanomapped by Wojciech KorsakBañador con rellenoBañador acolchado decorado con accesorios en el centro del busto.Tirantes extraibles y ajustables con slicona en los bordes para evitar que se resvaleCopa/ TallasB - D38 - 44Materiales80% Polyamida20% Elastano"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g3djqTot_Skyfall-soundtrack.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Skyfall (soundtrack)James Bond (100)Skyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.The cd booklet mentions that the score contains interpolations of the James Bond Theme, written by Monty Norman.James Bond music Outline of James BondThomas Newman (83)Released by Sony Classical on October 29, 2012 in the United Kingdom and on 6 November 2012 in the United States, the music was composed by Thomas Newman.soundtrack (66)Skyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.This is Newman's first Bond soundtrack, making him the ninth composer to score a Bond film.The soundtrack album does not contain the title song by Adele.This marks only the second time that this has happened, the first being the Casino Royale soundtrack album.Skyfall (66)Skyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.Track 13 contains an instrumental interpolation of \"Skyfall\", written by Adele and Paul Epworth.composer (50)This is Newman's first Bond soundtrack, making him the ninth composer to score a Bond film.Bond film (50)Skyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.This is Newman's first Bond soundtrack, making him the ninth composer to score a Bond film.interpolations (33)The cd booklet mentions that the score contains interpolations of the James Bond Theme, written by Monty Norman.Adele (33)The soundtrack album does not contain the title song by Adele.Track 13 contains an instrumental interpolation of \"Skyfall\", written by Adele and Paul Epworth.soundtrack album (33)The soundtrack album does not contain the title song by Adele.This marks only the second time that this has happened, the first being the Casino Royale soundtrack album.Arnold (33)Newman took over musical duties for the film from David Arnold who was busy directing the musical aspects of the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic closing ceremonies.However, Arnold later commented that the reason behind the selection of Newman had been because of his past work with Mendes.Full SummarySkyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.Released by Sony Classical on October 29, 2012 in the United Kingdom and on 6 November 2012 in the United States, the music was composed by Thomas Newman.This is Newman's first Bond soundtrack, making him the ninth composer to score a Bond film.Newman took over musical duties for the film from David Arnold who was busy directing the musical aspects of the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic closing ceremonies.However, Arnold later commented that the reason behind the selection of Newman had been because of his past work with Mendes.On 6 October 2012, the album's track list was revealed featuring the running times of each track.The soundtrack album does not contain the title song by Adele.This marks only the second time that this has happened, the first being the Casino Royale soundtrack album.The cd booklet mentions that the score contains interpolations of the James Bond Theme, written by Monty Norman.Track 13 contains an instrumental interpolation of \"Skyfall\", written by Adele and Paul Epworth.James Bond music Outline of James BondShort SummarySkyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.James Bond music Outline of James BondThis is Newman's first Bond soundtrack, making him the ninth composer to score a Bond film.The cd booklet mentions that the score contains interpolations of the James Bond Theme, written by Monty Norman.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/dSweOXyZ_Porter-s-5-Force-Analysis.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Porter's 5 Force AnalysisThreat of New EntrantsObservationsImpacts?ActionsThreat of Substitute ProductsObservationsImpacts?ActionsThreat of Established RivalsObservationsImpacts?ActionsBargaining Power of SuppliersObservationsImpacts?ActionsBargaining Power of BuyersObservationsImpacts?Actions"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/n601437_Visual-english-learning-Animals-we-see-in-the-forest.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Animaux que nous voyons dans la foret. Animals we see in the forest.Un sanglier A boarUn marcassinUn cerf A deerUne biche A doeUn faon A fawnUne oie cendrée A greylag gooseUn lièvre A hareUn colvert A mallardUne perdrix A partridgeUn faisan A pheasanUne caille A quailUn chevreuil A roeUn blaireau A badgerUne hermine An ermineUn renard A foxUn loup A wolfUn hiboux An owlsVisuals learning for french/english reynald.bonnard@gmail.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/IB6GPouW_Incident-Management-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题Part1StartKD 1 New enquiry ()KD 1 New enquiryStart ()HOL 1 Recording and analysis of the request ()HOL 1 Recording and analysis of the requestHOL 2 New IT- Problem? ()Knowledge- management ()KD 1 New enquiry ()Knowledge- managementHOL 1 Recording and analysis of the request ()HOL 2 New IT- Problem?HOL 3 Does an alternativen or solution exist? ()Remaining request ()HOL 1 Recording and analysis of the request ()HOL 3 Does an alternativen or solution exist?HOL 4 Incident ticket exist? ()HOL 5 Communicate Solution/ Alternative ()HOL 2 New IT- Problem? ()HOL 4 Incident ticket exist?HOL 3 Does an alternativen or solution exist? ()Transfer/ transmission ()HOL 7 Assign inquiry to Iticket ()HOL 5 Communicate Solution/ AlternativeKD 2 Accepting the solution and feedback ()HOL 3 Does an alternativen or solution exist? ()KD 2 Accepting the solution and feedbackHOL 6 Conclusion of the inquiry ()HOL 5 Communicate Solution/ Alternative ()HOL 6 Conclusion of the inquiryKD 2 Accepting the solution and feedback ()End ()HOL 7 Assign inquiry to IticketHOL 4 Incident ticket exist? ()End ()Remaining requestHOL 2 New IT- Problem? ()Transfer/ transmissionHOL 4 Incident ticket exist? ()EndHOL 6 Conclusion of the inquiry ()HOL 7 Assign inquiry to Iticket ()Restliche AnfragenHOL 8 negative Einwände? ()HOL 8 negative Einwände?Reklamationsablauf ()Restliche Anfragen ()HOL 9 Aktualisierung Status/ Nachfrage? ()HOL 9 Aktualisierung Status/ Nachfrage?HOL 8 negative Einwände? ()HOL 10 Update IN/ Verknüpfung Anfrage ()Weitere Anfragen ()HOL 10 Update IN/ Verknüpfung AnfrageEnde ()HOL 9 Aktualisierung Status/ Nachfrage? ()EndeHOL 10 Update IN/ Verknüpfung Anfrage ()ReklamationsablaufHOL 8 negative Einwände? ()Weitere AnfragenHOL 9 Aktualisierung Status/ Nachfrage? ()StartST 1 Automatische Erstellung IN ()StartSVP 1 Erfassung IN ()SVP 1 Erfassung INSVP 2 Entgegennahme Incident ()Start ()ST 1 Automatische Erstellung INStart ()SVP 2 Entgegennahme Incident ()SVP 2 Entgegennahme IncidentHOL 11 Erfassung Incident und Übermittlung ()ST 1 Automatische Erstellung IN ()SVP 4 Weitergabe Incident ()SVP 3 Verantwortlich? ()SVP 1 Erfassung IN ()SVP 4 Weitergabe IncidentSVP 2 Entgegennahme Incident ()SVP 3 Verantwortlich? ()SVP 3 Verantwortlich?SVP 2 Entgegennahme Incident ()SVP 5 Bearbeitung IN ()SVP 4 Weitergabe Incident ()SVP 5 Bearbeitung INSVP 6 Löschung IN/ Entfernung ()SVP 3 Verantwortlich? ()SVP 6 Löschung IN/ EntfernungSVP 7 Weitergabe IN/ Schließung ()HOL 13 Problem lösendes Ergebnis übermitteln ()SVP 5 Bearbeitung IN ()SVP 7 Weitergabe IN/ SchließungSVP 6 Löschung IN/ Entfernung ()Ende ()EndeSVP 7 Weitergabe IN/ Schließung ()HOL 11 Erfassung Incident und ÜbermittlungSVP 2 Entgegennahme Incident ()Weitergabe/ Übermittlung ()Weitergabe/ ÜbermittlungHOL 11 Erfassung Incident und Übermittlung ()HOL 12 Überwachung IncidentHaupt- Incident ()Problem Management ()Problem ManagementHOL 12 Überwachung Incident ()Haupt- IncidentHOL 12 Überwachung Incident ()HOL 13 Problem lösendes Ergebnis übermittelnWissens- management ()KD 3 Annahme der Lösung/ Rückmeldung ()SVP 6 Löschung IN/ Entfernung ()KD 3 Annahme der Lösung/ RückmeldungHOL 14 Schließung IN ()HOL 13 Problem lösendes Ergebnis übermitteln ()Wissens- managementHOL 13 Problem lösendes Ergebnis übermitteln ()HOL 14 Schließung INKD 3 Annahme der Lösung/ Rückmeldung ()Ende ()EndeHOL 14 Schließung IN ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/l511899_How_to_organize_your_vocabulary_.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "organizing vocabulary1 same topicteaser, trailer, clipshort film, feature filmart house film2 ex. of general wordequipmentdevice, appliancetripod, dolly3 similar meaningintern, traineementor, supervisor4 oppositecontract workerfree lance worker5 same basic roottutor/tutorialto provide/service provider6 along a scaleto produceto rent equipmentto shootto broadcast, to air7 scale in the same processproducing contentsupplying contentto a free-to view channelto a video on demand serviceproducing tied-ins"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r2jPfoHI_NO-PERDAMOS-LA-ESENCIA-DE-LAS-REGLAS-DE-LOS-MAPAS-MENTALES.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GESTOR IVcuadrarreportesCONTABILIDADcuadrarimportesreportesCAMARAS DE SEGURIDADpagoPTZ360señalNANOESTACIONESDISCO DUROELECTRICOpagoconexionesSubtemaJARDINEROlista chekeoreglas de trabajoGUARDIAS SEGURIDADcontratoemp. nuevaBANCOSALDOSBANCARIZACIONIV-COBRO018.pdfdirectorioacta子主题poda arboles子主题reglamo分支主题SISTEMACOMIDAHELADOLOVEE-MAPS"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g325955_Male_Relationships_in_Carver.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Male relationships in Carvercommunicationlack of/ bad at itphysicalsexualityPeople want sexobsessionrepressedmain charactersBillJerryEarlangeraggressionSelf-angerviolencecompetitionTNYHTTWWGinsecurestereotypealpha maleunsympatheticemotionlessclosedlack of empathyselfishStoriesTTWWGTNYHJMS"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QfG4nnxU_Mind-Control-Project-Soul-Catcher-Today-s-MK-ULTRA-Monarch-Programming.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Control – Project Soul Catcher – Today’s MK ULTRA – Monarch Programming -Trauma Based Behavior Modificationabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://jeff5859.wordpress.com/book to buy on amazonDr. Robert Duncan is honest and concise in his description of some of the most intrusive surveillance and behavioral modification technologies ever created. His latest work is a must read for everyone concerned with the future of human rights in the both the United States and abroad. His detailed description of the modalities used for hacking the human mind are both accurate and troublesome. Countless thousands have seen their lives ruined in the non-consensual experimentation phase regarding this technology. Finally, the reality of mind control is presented to the public in a factual and academic manner by a credible scientist with the curriculum vitae to back it up. The future of humanity is truly in peril when the abilty exist for the masses to be compltetely controlled by the whims of the few so insidiously. The technology Dr. Duncan describes in Soul Catcher is fascinating, worrisome and currently in use by several industrialized nations. Only time and ethical restraint will tell if this most pervasive technology is evil or devine.Volume 2 details the CIA’s practices of interrogation and cybernetic mind control in their pursuit to weaponize neuropsychology. It covers the art of bio-communication war. Human beings are complex machines but their inner workings have been deciphered. Mind control and brainwashing have been perfected in the last 60 years. Hacking computers and hacking into individual minds are similar. The 21st century will be known as the age of spiritual machines and soulless men.About the Authors:The Mind Hacking Strategy Group is a consortium of conscientious scientists who report the abuses of science. ROBERT DUNCAN holds multiple degrees from Harvard University and Dartmouth College in Applied Sciences and Business. He has worked on projects for the Department of Defense, CIA and Justice Department in his career.About the Book:Volume 2 details the CIA’s practices of interrogation and cybernetic mind control in their pursuit to weaponize neuropsychology. It covers the art of bio-communication war. Human beings are complex machines but their inner workings have been deciphered. Mind control and brainwashing have been perfected in the last 60 years. Hacking computers and hacking into individual minds are similar. The 21st century will be known as the age of spiritual machines and soulless men.The Objective:During these mind control projects the handlers require a certain amount of ignorance by the individual about the topic to do their dirty work. More a person understands, the less influence they have. They have given up on subjects once they know too much. Humanity is undergoing a cataclysmic evolutionary event. Technology can be used for good or evil. These volumes of Project: Soul Catcher hope to force a technology transfer to the public sector for all its benefits by exposing the U.S.’s darkest secrets.“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/smRMTehU_Tourism-in-Russia.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Tourism in Russiaabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all infohttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russiahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Russiahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yalta_ConferenceintroTourism in Russia has seen rapid growth since the late Soviet times, first domestic tourism and then international tourism as well. Rich cultural heritage and great natural variety place Russia among the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Not including Crimea, the country contains 23 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, while many more are on UNESCO's tentative lists.[1]Major tourist routes in Russia include a travel around the Golden Ring of ancient cities, cruises on the big rivers including the Volga, and long journeys on the famous Trans-Siberian Railway. Diverse regions and ethnic cultures of Russia offer many different foods and souvenirs, and show a great variety of traditions, including Russian Maslenitsa, Tatar Sabantuy, or Siberian shamanist rituals. In 2013, Russia was visited by 33 million tourists, making it the ninth-most visited country in the world and the seventh-most visited in Europe.[2]info (Russia,Moscow)RussiaPresidentVladimir PutinPrime MinisterMikhail MishustinSpeaker of the Federation CouncilValentina MatviyenkoSpeaker of the State DumaVyacheslav VolodinChief JusticeVyacheslav LebedevMoscowFederal districtCentralMayorSergey SobyaninArea2,511 km2 (970 sq mi)License plates77, 177, 777; 97, 197, 797; 99, 199, 799TransportRailwaysThe state-owned company Russian Railways (abbreviated as РЖД) operates most of rail services across the country and is crucial for the rail transport in Russia. High-speed rail services are available between Moscow and St Petersburg, between Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, and between St Petersburg and Helsinki (Finland). European Russia and the Russian Far East are connected by rail via the Trans-Siberian Railway. A train trip from Moscow to Vladivostok takes 6 days.[7] Russia uses the 1,524mm (5ft) track gauge, which is also shared by all the former Soviet republics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan), Mongolia, and is practically identical with the rail gauge of Finland. Trains crossing the border between Russia (Belarus, Ukraine) and EU member states (except the Baltic states and Finland) or between Russia and China, stop at special crossing points where each carriage is lifted for its bogies to be changed. Trains remain at crossing points for up to 2 hours.[8]Sea and river transportRussia's major sea ports Category:Port cities and towns in Russia include St Petersburg and Kaliningrad on the Baltic coast; Murmansk and Arkhangelsk on the Arctic coast; Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on the Pacific coast; Sochi, Novorossiysk, and Sevastopol on the Black Sea coast; Astrakhan on the Caspian coast. In European Russia, many river boat companies offer journeys to cities and towns on the Volga River, its tributaries and connected canals: Moscow (via the Moscow Canal), Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan. River boats from St Petersburg can travel to Staraya Ladoga and Veliky Novgorod on the Volkhov River, to Ladoga Lake, and to Moscow (via canals).[9]Air transportRussia's busiest international airports are situated near Moscow, St Petersburg, Volgograd, Kazan, Krasnodar, Sochi, and Vladivostok. For more information see a list of airports in Russia. Moscow and Saint Petersburg are served by direct flights from most European capitals, and Moscow also has direct flights from any cities in East Asia, South Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and North America.[10] Countries that have no direct flights to Russia include Australia,[11] Canada[12] and Ukraine.[13]RoadsMajor national thoroughfares are known as federal highways. For more information see Russian federal highways. Most of highways are toll-free, however recently there have opened a few toll roads.[14] Usual roads in smaller Russian cities and in the countryside can be in bad condition.[15] During the cold season (from November till April), when there is permanent snowpack and ice on the roads, winter tyres are mandatory.[16]Public transport in major citiesRussian cities that have a metro include Moscow, St Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Kazan.[17] Entrances to metro stations are marked using the letter M which looks the same in the Russian and Roman alphabets. On the Moscow Metro, announcements on trains are made in Russian and English, and direction signs and maps often include English.[18] Apart from buses and trams, trolleybuses are a very common means of overground transport in Russian cities. For more information see the list of trolleybus systems in Russia. Another widely used means of public transport is marshrutkas, or shared taxies. If you are going to visit Moscow and use public transport, see the article about the Troika card (a similar card known as Podorozhnik is used in St Petersburg). Taxi services available in major Russian cities include Yandex.Taxi, Uber (operated by Yandex.Taxi), and Gett.Resorts and nature tourismThe warm subtropical Black Sea coast of Russia is the site for a number of popular seaside resorts such as Sochi and Tuapse, known for their shale beaches and wonderful nature. At the same time Sochi can boast a number of major ski resorts, such as Krasnaya Polyana. The city was the host of 2014 Winter Olympics. The mountains of the Northern Caucasus contain many other popular ski resorts, such as Dombay in Karachay–Cherkessia.One of the most famous natural tourist attractions of Russia is Lake Baikal, known as the Blue Eye of Siberia. This unique lake, the oldest and the deepest in the world, has crystal-clean waters and is surrounded by taiga-covered mountains.Other areas interesting for tourists include Kamchatka with its volcanoes and geysers, Karelia where many lakes and granite rocks are found, including Ruskeala Canyon, Altai with its snow-capped mountains, Tyva with its wild steppes, Republic of Adygea where Fisht Mountain is located, Chechnya Republic where Lake Kezenoyam is located.[20]The Seven Wonders of Russia, the most popular tourist destinations chosen in a national vote in 2008, include Lake Baikal, Valley of Geysers, Manpupuner rock formations, and Mount Elbrus.The most famous national parks and sanctuaries of Russia include the Transbaikal National Park, the Altai Nature Reserve, the Lazovsky Nature Reserve, the Kedrovaya Pad' Nature Reserve, the Samarskaya Luka National Park, the Smolenskoye Poozerye Nature Reserve, the Curonian Spit Nature Reserve, the Valdai National Park, the Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve, the Lake Ilmen Nature Reserve.Since 2014, the following tourist destinations in Crimea are administered as part of the Russian Federation:Yalta – a health resort on Black Sea, where the post-World War II Yalta peace conference took place.Because of Stalin's promises, Churchill believed that he would keep his word regarding Poland, remarking \"Poor Neville Chamberlain believed he could trust Hitler. He was wrong. But I don't think I am wrong about Stalin.\"[21]Churchill defended his actions at Yalta in a three-day Parliamentary debate starting on February 27, which ended in a vote of confidence. During the debate many MPs criticised Churchill and expressed deep reservations about Yalta and support for Poland, with 25 drafting an amendment protesting the agreement.[22]When the Second World War ended, a Communist government was installed in Poland. Many Poles felt betrayed by their wartime allies. Many Polish soldiers refused to return to Poland, because of the Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (1939–1946), the Trial of the Sixteen and other executions of pro-Western Poles, particularly the former members of the AK (Armia Krajowa). The result was the Polish Resettlement Act 1947, Britain's first mass immigration law.On March 1, Roosevelt assured Congress that \"I come from the Crimea with a firm belief that we have made a start on the road to a world of peace.\"[23] However, the Western Powers soon realized that Stalin would not honour his promise of free elections for Poland. After receiving considerable criticism in London following Yalta regarding the atrocities committed in Poland by Soviet troops, Churchill wrote Roosevelt a desperate letter referencing the wholesale deportations and liquidations of opposition Poles by the Soviets.[23] On March 11, Roosevelt responded to Churchill, writing, \"I most certainly agree that we must stand firm on a correct interpretation of the Crimean decision. You are quite correct in assuming that neither the Government nor the people of this country will support participation in a fraud or a mere whitewash of the Lublin government and the solution must be as we envisaged it in Yalta.\"[24]By March 21, Roosevelt's Ambassador to the USSR Averell Harriman cabled Roosevelt that \"we must come clearly to realize that the Soviet program is the establishment of totalitarianism, ending personal liberty and democracy as we know it.\"[25] Two days later, Roosevelt began to admit that his view of Stalin had been excessively optimistic and that \"Averell is right.\"[25]Four days later, on March 27, the Soviet Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) arrested 16 Polish opposition political leaders that had been invited to participate in provisional government negotiations.[25] The arrests were part of a trick employed by the NKVD, which flew the leaders to Moscow for a later show trial followed by sentencing to a gulag.[25][26] Churchill thereafter argued to Roosevelt that it was \"as plain as a pike staff\" that Moscow's tactics were to drag out the period for holding free elections \"while the Lublin Committee consolidate their power.\"[25] The Polish elections, held on January 16, 1947, resulted in Poland's official transformation to a communist state by 1949.Following Yalta, in the USSR, when Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov expressed worry that the Yalta Agreement's wording might impede Stalin's plans, Stalin responded \"Never mind. We'll do it our own way later.\"[21] While the Soviet Union had already annexed several occupied countries as (or into) Soviet Socialist Republics,[27][28][29] other countries in central and eastern Europe that it occupied were converted into Soviet-controlled satellite states, such as the People's Republic of Poland, the People's Republic of Hungary,[30] the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic,[31] the People's Republic of Romania, the People's Republic of Bulgaria, the People's Republic of Albania,[32] and later East Germany from the Soviet zone of German occupation.[33] Eventually the United States and the United Kingdom made concessions in recognizing the then Communist-dominated regions, sacrificing the substance of the Yalta Declaration, while it remained in form.[34]Sevastopol – a federal city on the Black Sea coast.Simferopol – the capital of the Republic of Crimea, on the Salhir River. It is a manufacturing, commercial, and transportation centre located in a productive agricultural region."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lmckaVfk_Project-Approach.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Project ApproachValidation (Jan)Identify & confirm .....................................................................................Initiation (Feb)Kick of...................................................Design & implement..................................Execution (Mrt-Sept)Monitor .................Monthly update .................Communicate .................This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookClosure (Okt)Evaluation .................Lessons learned & actions proposedTeam composition & EffortProject BoardJan KlaasseTrompetterProject TeamJan KlaaseFriendsEffort BD: 1560hValidation: 40hInitiation: 160hExecution: 1200hclosure: 160hScope..................................................."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_JTVuGH8i.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "La Catalogne veut son IndépendanceUn vote symboliqueDéfini comme une consultation de la populationSans valeur constitutionnelleVoté le dimanche 9 novembre 2014Une question en deux partiesvoulez vous que la Catalogne devienne un Pays ?souhaitez vous qu'il soit indépendantLes réponses du vote80,7% des participants votent favorable2,3 millions de participantssur 5,4 millions en capacité de participer\"C'est un succès total\"a annoncé le président CatalanArtur MasRéponses faussées ?Seuls les partisan pour l'indépendance se seraient déplacésEt Madrid ?Contre l'indépendance de la CatalogneAccuse la Catalogne d'attenter à la souveraineté du PaysSelon Mariano Rajoy«Rien, ni personne, ni aucun pouvoir, ni aucune institution ne peut rompre ce principe de souveraineté unique, indivisible sur lequel se fonde notre vie commune»Président du Gouvernement d'EspagneIls suspendent le référendumThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPourquoi veulent-ils l'indépendance ?Notion d'identité CatalaneTradition, culture, langue, drapeauToujours été très forteEn 2010 le tribunal constitutionnel espagnol rejette le nouveau statut de la CatalogneL'estatutLes catalans se sentent trahisUn combat pour l'indépendance commenceDes aspects économiquesForte crise en Espagnedeficit fiscal trop importantProjet d'indépendance : nouvel avenirselon les indépendantistesDonnent beaucoup et reçoivent peuManque d'infrastructure en CatalogneLa Catalogne c'est quoi ?Région d'EspagneDans le Nord de l'EspagneL'une des Régions les plus puissantes et les plus riches de l'Espagne7,5 millions d'habitantssur 47 millions d'espagnolsLes catalans produisent 20% de la richesse du paysEt la Région représente 25% des importations espagnolesCommunauté AutonomePropre gouvernement et ParlementDeux langues officiellesCastillan (espagnol)CatalanCapitale de la régionBarceloneDeuxième ville d'EspagneCentre économique et culturel majeur de l'Europe"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r539Tre8_Why-we-need-personal-knowledge-libraries-.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Why we need personal knowledge libraries?summaries (100)For example, if we were interested in a specific topic, the search would provide a rich selection of relevant summaries – not links only – directly pertaining to our interests.Example of Visual Summary - dynamically exploring the topics and summariesBy summarizing and then and indexing information by keywords together with the most relevant summaries.keyword (63)Each keyword points to all of those Wikipedia articles that contain important information related to the keyword.directs (63)Our mind directs us to filtering information until we find the relevant pearls we are searching for.Plain text Short Summary directs (100) analyze (50) ability (33) sifting (33) mind (33) sorting (16) spending (16) immediate (16) communicate (16) connections (16)Wikipedia (46)Example of such knowledge base is a collection of English Wikipedia articles summarized and organized as Wikipedia Knowledge Base.Each keyword points to all of those Wikipedia articles that contain important information related to the keyword.knowledge libraries (39)We can imagine not only the convenience and efficiency of creating personal knowledge libraries but also the ability to have them on any devices of choice and having them always available whether we are connected or not.analyze (36)And all this without the need to analyze each link and then deciding how much more time we can afford to spend analyzing the never ending possible connections.Instead of being crushed by too much information to analyze, we have direct access only to information that is of immediate interest to us.Plain text Short Summary directs (100) analyze (50) ability (33) sifting (33) mind (33) sorting (16) spending (16) immediate (16) communicate (16) connections (16)ability (36)So the question is, what if we had an ability to quickly access the content according to the topics we have in mind.Having the ability to directly access content of interest makes a huge difference to how we work, communicate and collaborate.Plain text Short Summary directs (100) analyze (50) ability (33) sifting (33) mind (33) sorting (16) spending (16) immediate (16) communicate (16) connections (16)We can imagine not only the convenience and efficiency of creating personal knowledge libraries but also the ability to have them on any devices of choice and having them always available whether we are connected or not.articles (31)Example of such knowledge base is a collection of English Wikipedia articles summarized and organized as Wikipedia Knowledge Base.Each keyword points to all of those Wikipedia articles that contain important information related to the keyword.knowledge base (31)Example of such knowledge base is a collection of English Wikipedia articles summarized and organized as Wikipedia Knowledge Base.back-of-the-book index (27)This is very much similar to the way we accessed information using the back-of-the-book index except that now we can do it without the physical limits of a book.Full SummaryTypically when we read web pages and documents we scan and skim through the text like hunters trying to spot the most valuable information that is hidden in the stream of sentences and paragraphs.Our mind directs us to filtering information until we find the relevant pearls we are searching for.So the question is, what if we had an ability to quickly access the content according to the topics we have in mind.For example, if we were interested in a specific topic, the search would provide a rich selection of relevant summaries – not links only – directly pertaining to our interests.So instead of getting a long list of links to documents containing our search term we would get a handy list of the most important excerpts!And all this without the need to analyze each link and then deciding how much more time we can afford to spend analyzing the never ending possible connections.Having the ability to directly access content of interest makes a huge difference to how we work, communicate and collaborate.Instead of being crushed by too much information to analyze, we have direct access only to information that is of immediate interest to us.Instead of spending our valuable time on tedious sifting and sorting it is far better to access the relevant directly so we can focus on the creative aspect of how we want to use the information.Plain text Short Summary directs (100) analyze (50) ability (33) sifting (33) mind (33) sorting (16) spending (16) immediate (16) communicate (16) connections (16)Example of Visual Summary - dynamically exploring the topics and summariesBy summarizing and then and indexing information by keywords together with the most relevant summaries.This is very much similar to the way we accessed information using the back-of-the-book index except that now we can do it without the physical limits of a book.Also, our digital index has not hard limits in terms of size and content so it can be easily grown and customized to our many and diverse needs and interests.Example of such knowledge base is a collection of English Wikipedia articles summarized and organized as Wikipedia Knowledge Base.Each keyword points to all of those Wikipedia articles that contain important information related to the keyword.This makes a very handy access to wealth of information and it is fast and easy.We can imagine not only the convenience and efficiency of creating personal knowledge libraries but also the ability to have them on any devices of choice and having them always available whether we are connected or not.Short SummaryEach keyword points to all of those Wikipedia articles that contain important information related to the keyword.Example of such knowledge base is a collection of English Wikipedia articles summarized and organized as Wikipedia Knowledge Base.Plain text Short Summary directs (100) analyze (50) ability (33) sifting (33) mind (33) sorting (16) spending (16) immediate (16) communicate (16) connections (16)For example, if we were interested in a specific topic, the search would provide a rich selection of relevant summaries – not links only – directly pertaining to our interests.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookThis MindMap was created by WebSummarizer http://www.WebSummarizer.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/27khMNuc_Blu-ray-Disk-not-Blue-ray-Disk.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Blu-ray Diskwörtlich so viel wie blauer Strahl, was sich auf den violetten Lichtstrahl des verwendeten Lasers (405 nm) beziehtBDVariantennur lesbare BD-ROMeinmal beschreibbare Variante BD-Rwiederbeschreibbare BD-REKapazität25 GB[1] (Single Layer)50 GB (Dual Layer)100/128 GB (BDXL; 3 bzw. 4 Layer)unter Laborbedingungen bis zu 500 GB (20 Layer)Aktuell (März 2013)Größen 25, 50 und 100 GB im HandelThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookLebensdauer30 bis 50 Jahre"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/sKThi0yS_Content-Captures-Interest.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Content Captures Interest - Barb Giamanco, SocialTech TuesdayWrite a blog and/or comment on other top blogs in your industry.Conduct podcast interviews with industry leaders.Curate the content from key influencers (not competitors) or websites you like – Forbes, Mashable, TechCrunch, Top Sales World…whoever is important to you in your field… via RSS feeds and using a dashboard tool like Hootsuite.Follow influencers in your field on Twitter and on LinkedIn. Share their posts.Reach out to other influencers and ask about guest blogging on their site. If they do podcast or video interviews, ask to be considered for an interview. Share content from the people you respect and follow on LinkedIn.Use the new mention feature to give them a shout-out.Conduct a webinar. Deliver your own content or set it up panel style and moderate. Record the session for post follow up and use in sharing content later.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCreate a kick-butt presentation and post via Slideshare and then share it with you minions and encourage them to share with theirs.Curate a newspaper using Paper.li. Add 25 of the top people you like and include their blog posts, tweets, etc. It will post automatically through your Twitter account, and you can also share it with others via email or LinkedIn.Speak at an event – could be as a featured speaker or a panelist and have it videotaped. Share the video on your LinkedIn profile.Create a video of your tip of the week. Get really good at it and do it daily.Host a live tweet chat, capture key points from the discussion and turn that into blog posts, interviews or presentations. Get to know editors at various online sites who publish blog posts or magazines. Offer to guest write an article.Host and record a Google hangout session focused on an educational topic that your prospects would be interested in.Conduct a survey and share the results with prospects and others in your network. For example, I co-authored our Social Media and Sales Quota report, which you can download from our website"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/CaW6zfb8_Risk-Management.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Types of TweetsPass along infoReplies/commentsComplimentingOpinionMission AccomplishedEntertainmentQuestionsAsk TweetsHelp!PicturesIntroductionRetreetsStatusBlog postMundaneTrivial PursuitSageReporterNewsWeatherLinkersKindosCriticsAdvocateFree stuffcontestsgiveawayswinning stuffDirect Sales or Direct MarketingYour products/servicesSpamBe a friendPlay-by-PlayPresentationsResourcesThe Clever SheepJoelComm.comJohn WelshPenn OlsonThe Art of Business"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/tQKUBTuX_LAGERBAUFORMEN.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Lagerbauformenspeziallägerfür besondere WarenFlüssigkeiten, GaseFlüssigkeiten ()verderbliche Warenumweltschädigende Materialiendiebstahlgefärdete WarenOffene LägerFreilägerhalboffene LägerüberdachtFreilagerwitterungsunempfindliche GüterBaustoffeSchüttgüterHolzStahlerzeugnisseBunker / Silo / TankFlüssigkeitenFlüssigkeiten, Gase ()GaseSchüttgüterGetreideHöhe bis 50 m Nutzinhalte bis 2000 KubikmeterTraglufthallenlagerAusweichlagerZugang über LuftschleusenRaumnutzungsfaktor beschränkt durch gewölbte Formschnell auf- und abzubauenbei NaturkatastrophenThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFlachlagerin Gebäudenbis 7 m Höhebis 12 m = HochflachlagerBlocklagerungRegallagerungEtagenlagerFlachlager auf mehreren Stockwerkenkleine GrundstücksflächeAufzüge notwendigEngpass im Materialfluss ()Engpass im MaterialflussAufzüge notwendig ()Hochregallagerüber 12 m HöheGrößte: 45 m, 120 m Längenur als Lager nutzbar1. Betonbauweise mit freistehenden Regalen2. Regale sind Tragekonstruktion für Wände und Deckengeschlossene LägerEingeschosslagerMehrgeschosslager"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/3dQu6ALf_EFQMExcellence-ModelQuick-Reference-Card.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "EFQM Excellence Model Quick Reference CardLeadershipLeaders develop the mission, vision, values and ethics and are role models of a culture of ExcellenceLeaders are personally involved in ensuring the organisation’s management system is developed, implemented and continuously improvedLeaders interact with customers, partners and representatives of societyLeaders reinforce a culture of Excellence with the organisation’s peopleLeaders identify and champion organisational changePolicy & StrategyPolicy and Strategy are based on the present and future needs and expectations of stakeholdersPolicy and Strategy are based on information from performance measurement, research, learning and external related activitiesPolicy and Strategy are developed, reviewed and updatedPolicy and Strategy are communicated and deployed through a framework of key processesPeoplePeople resources are planned, managed and improvedPeople’s knowledge and competencies are identified, developed and sustainedPeople are involved and empoweredPeople and the organisation have a dialoguePeople are rewarded, recognised and cared forPartnerships and ResourcesExternal partnerships are managedFinances are managedBuildings, equipment and materials are managedTechnology is managedInformation and knowledge are managedProcessesProcesses are systematically designed and managedProcesses are improved, as needed, using innovation in order to fully satisfy and generate increasing value for customers and other stakeholdersProducts and Services are designed and developed based on customer needs and expectationsProducts and Services are produced, delivered and serviced5e. Customer relationships are managed and enhancedThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCustomer ResultsPerception MeasuresPerformance IndicatorsPeople ResultsPerception MeasuresPerformance IndicatorsSociety ResultsPerception MeasuresPerformance IndicatorsKey Performance ResultsKey Performance OutcomesKey Performance Indicators"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/MJVZZvyF_Rethink-Your-Content-Jay-Baer-s-Youtility-Why-Smart-Marketing-is-About-HELP-not-HYPE.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "About Epic ContentSubtitleAt a glanceLearn moreLearning toolFront matterForewordAcknowledgements子主题IntroductionPART I: Turning Marketing Upside DownChapter 1. Top-of-Mind AwarenessChapter 2. Frame-of-Mind AwarenessChapter 3. Friend-of-Mind AwarenessPART II: The Three Facets of YoutilityChapter 4. Self-Serve InformationChapter 5. Radical TransparencyChapter 6. Real-tme RelevancyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPART III: Six Blueprints to Create YoutilityChapter 7. Identify Customer NeedsChapter 8. Map Customer Needs to Useful MarketingChapter 9. Market Your MarketingChapter 10. Insource YoutilityChapter 11. Make Youtility a Process, Not a ProjectChapter 12. Keeping ScoreEnd matterYoutility: An Easy Reference GuideAcknowledgementsAuthor's Note: E-mail MeNotesIndexAbout Roger C. Parker"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/scSN33B3_PESTLE-Analysis-Mind-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PESTLE AnalysisPoliticalEconomicSocialThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTechnologicalLegalEnvironmental"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/wdQLgs11_Porter_Five_Force_Analysis_as_a_Mind_Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Porter Five Force Analysis as a Mind MapIndustry CompetitorsInter-RivalryRanges from Zero (Monopoly) to cut-throat rivalryIntense rivalry expands growth marketsDegree depends on switching/exit costs, overheads, objectives, growth rate, product/service differentiationSubstitutesTechnical ThreatSubstitute materialsAlternative technologyNew distribution channelBuyers are informed and willing to swtichLow switching costsPotential EntrantsEntry ThreatCauses supply capacity to riseMay reduce prices and increase input costsBarriers may delay entry, but not for longEntry is less likely where...Existing profitabilities are lowBarriers to entry are highEconomies of scale have been fully exploitedSet-up capital requirements are highBrand loyalty is highSwitching costs are highPotential retaliation (from established players) may occurSuppliersBargaining PowerCan squeeze and redistribute value addedSupplier power depends on...Degree of supplier concentrationSubstitutability between suppliersSwitching costs involvedThreat of forward integrationBuyersBargaining PowerBuyer leveragePrice SensitivityMarket knowledgeAvailability of alternativesSwitching costsImportance of purchaseThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/5ajutWmv_Grosbot-CISTERCIAN-ABBEY-Charente.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Grosbot CISTERCIAN ABBEY Charente12TH C. EREMETISM NEW religious ORDERSSTEPHEN founds Obazine1125-27; Abbot 1142expansion in Charentegot le MAS COUDOUR 1147FONTVIVE CharenteREGULAR CANONSABBOT JEAN 1121ABBOT BERNARD1169 FONTVIVE1172 GROSBOTGROSBOTRIGHTSPORKSLANDTOLL, TITHEThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookDOMAINSin ROUGNAC FORESTfrom CHARRAS to GRASSACMEADOWS, ORCHARDS, LANDS MILLS, RENTS1212 GRANGESRENTSPERPETUAL RENTINGTITHESLAND 1/5, VINEYARD 1/7WHEAT, VINE, HENSACHATSCHURCHES1177 SOUFFRIGNAC1231 ROUGNACBRETHRENPRIESTS CLERKSCONVERSESOBLATESCONCLUSIONFOUNDED TWICEas FONTVIVEas GROSBOTMANY DOMAINSSource: Martine Larigauderie-Beijeaud,« Grosbot. Situation économique», Bulletin de la société archéologique et historique de la Charente, n°1, 1999, p. 49-72. http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_93.html"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/52XC3j4K_Kohlrabi.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "KohlrabiBrassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.rabi leitet sich von der lateinischen Bezeichnung rapa, rupum = Rübe ab und Kohlrabi bedeutet somit Kohlrübeleckerzweijährige PflanzeThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookzwei Güteklassenpl. KalarepaMineralstoffen sind Kalium (380 mg), Calcium (70 mg), Phosphor (50 mg), Magnesium (45 mg)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_W6czyh31.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "16 octobre – 19h – Choiseul (salle 4)actusévolutionnombreux événementsexemplesCarnavalles InattenduesRamdam FestivalMCTenjeufaire rayonner les événements au-delà du moment précis de l’événementattractivitéidentité propreThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookquile monde culturelrôle pivot ()autorités politiquesrôle pivot ()mobilisés par la gestionprojetredéfinir une politique culturellecrainte à dépasserinstrumentalisationau-delà du culturelmettre en lien avecsocialtourismedéveloppement économiqueobjectifspopulation localele rayonnement de l'événementmarqueur d'identitéparticipation en tant qu'acteur-ambassadeurfinancement participatifau service de la villefédérer les acteurs culturelscréercréer des solidaritésdes synergiesdes économies d’échelleimaginer une interface entreorganisateursassociationsartistesservicesmettre à disposition espace de développementcoordination de programmationrééquilibrage# concurrenceirradier d'autres groupesau-delà du localprivilégier les événements spécifiques qui n’existent pas ailleurs en Eurométropoleinscrire les événements dans des calendriers européenspenser une communication à l’échelle de l’Eurométropole,mieux accueillir le public (étranger)dépasser la barrière de la langue"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/In5YQqZq_LE-CARNAVAL.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "LE CARNAVALWEEK-ENDFAUXAPERThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookGREUX"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/3buDkGwo_Mindjet-Mobile-Tips.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mindjet Mobile TipsMap StatusFolder view of checkout status. Your options:Black padlock - someone else has checked it out but you can view itCould be you in the web or desktop apps or another mobile device. Log in to Mindjet Files via a browser or desktop client to see to see who it isRed padlock - you have checked it out and can edit itNo padlock - you can open/check it out and edit itA check in happens when you: 1. Tap the cross top left on the tool bar 2. Open another map 3. Close the app (make sure it is synced first)SynchroniseIf there are changes to be uploaded to the server a number will be shown next to the circular arrow in the tool barIf you think a map should not be padlocked, tap the Sync arrowIf you are leaving the app or locking your mobile device: sync first!Editing topicsDouble tap topicTextNotes (and Links)Edit Topic ()ImageIconNot available on central topicColourLinesFillText cannot be changed in the app but can on web or desktop and is displayedShapeInsert topic at same levelInsert subtopicDeleteUsing LinksEdit TopicNotes (and Links) ()Open Notes (and Links)Poke the link to open in browser or appA tap is not enoughInserting topic and relationshipsTouch topic and dragOrange arrow at 07:30 is for adding relationshipsLevel of detailTap topicTo hide subtopicsTap again to reveal subtopicsTapping the hidden subtopics indicator does nothingFormatting alteredOnly growth style is map. Tree, organigram etc. are reformatted for display on mobile device as mapNot available or hidden if added in web or desktop appCall outsFloating topicsTopic notes imagesLimited range of iconsAttachmentsLinks to anything except a web URLNotDocumentsFoldersMapsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMap Prepared by Andrew Wilcox Please tell me if I should edit or add anything www.cabre.co.uk"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/m553174_Equilibria_and_The_Haber_Process.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Equilbria and Industrial processesDefinition of reversible reactiondefinition of equilibriumHaber processraw materialsconditionsexplanation as to why conditions chosenformation of ammonium saltsnitrogenous fertilizerspositive effectsnegative effectsEffect on equilibria of changing conditions"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ChWtvUCh_Mind-mapping-software-Benefits-you-re-missing-missing-out-on.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "What you're missingTopic noteHypertext linkDocument attachmentJeffrey Ritter interview.docTaskSub-map linkThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookRSS feedsThe Mindjet BlogHot Tips: Tracking upcoming deadlinesGreat minds don’t think alike…Use Case: Getting the Most from your ResourcesBringing Power Markers to MarketMMDevX: A Great Place to Find Useful Add-insInformation Mapping Hits the Charts at ABA Tech ShowDiscovering hidden treasures – help us create more!Helpful tip: Create a personal dashboardUse Case: Creating a Strategic Plan with MindManagerGuest Post: Using MindManager to Plan a WebsiteDatabase recordsBeverages: Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and alesCondiments: Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasoningsConfections: Desserts, candies, and sweet breadsDairy Products: CheesesGrains/Cereals: Breads, crackers, pasta, and cerealMeat/Poultry: Prepared meatsProduce: Dried fruit and bean curdSeafood: Seaweed and fishExcel rangeExcel dataOutlook integrationE-mailsRE: Additional Exhibitor RegistrationContactsJon GoodneyTasksCreate a \"what you're missing\" mind mapNotesThis is an Outllook Note....SharePointHow to contact meBlog: http://mindmappingsoftwareblog.comE-mail: chuck@innovationtools.comTwitter: @chuckfrey"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/dRqP5meY_Mindjet-Map-Dataelements.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mindjet Map Data elementsMap PartsInsert MapMindjet TasksThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookOutlook ItemsSharePoint Items自由主题"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/gjql2o3v_Checklist-Control-Panel-Dashboard.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Checklist & Control PanelWork LogsClient 1 Consulting Time LogClient 2 Consulting Time LogQuick LinksConference Call NumberRewards NumbersMicrosoft AccountCompany Phone ListLibrary CardProjectsProject 1Project 2Project 2.1Main MapsWorkHome & PersonalClient MapsClient 1Client 2This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWeekly ReviewReview Journal EntriesReview Project NotesReview CalendarReview Someday ListReview To Read ListClear MindFile Paper FilesDaily ChecklistCheck InputsProcess Evernote InboxReview Project ListCheck CalendarReview Main Work Map & Task ListsFill out To Do listJournalTask ListsDoing NowNext ActionsWaitingErrandsOn HoldCalendarsProduct X ScheduleTravelClient Trip MM/DD/YYYYFlightCarHotelOther Work Trip MM/DD/YYYYFlightCarHotelArchivePast TravelOld Maps & Notes"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ARvDv9OG_Unternehmenskommunikation.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "UnternehmenskommunikationÖffentlichkeitsarbeitWerbungSocial MediaCorporate IdentityMarketingKrisenkommunikationMitarbeiterkommunikationInvestor Relations"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_3ic0PazF.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "conduite du changement en équipeLes 3 principaux messages :1 - La psychologie d’un groupe n’est pas seulement la somme des psychologies individuelles2 - Le médecin est avec le directeur et le cadre infirmier co-manager de l’équipe3 - Manager l’équipe c’est aussi accompagner le changement vers la qualitéAtelier 5PauseThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPlénièrePlénièreÉvaluation 30’Conclusion de l’expert en médecine généraleRemise des documents administratifsFin du séminaireQuatrième demi journée"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/pSNGfgS6_TOP-4-What-to-do-before-flight.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "What to do before flight? TOP 4stroll around the terminalavoid heavy mealsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookwear comfortable clothingmoderate caffeine intake"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/zgfrICfy_IT-STRATEGY.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "IT STRATEGYunderstand the business strategyengage with business and senior management in aligning IT strategic planning with current and future trendsestablish processes of bi-directional education and reciprocal involvement between business management and IT to achieve business and IT alignment and integrationagree on IT policiesdevelop a prioritisation schemeidentify how IT goals will contribute to business strategic objectivesidentify best way for IT to contributedocument IT goalsestablish how IT will supportdetermine how IT will support operational service deliverydefine the information architecturedefine the technology architecturedefine IT processes, organisation and relationshipsestablish the IT budget and investment scheduledocument the strategydefine how IT goals will contribute to business strategic objectivesdevelop IT objectivesdefine how IT objectives will be met and achievement measureddevelop IT strategic initiatives to achieve objectivesdefine and develop IT road map for implementingdetermine sourcing and acquiring resources strategy for achieving objectivesidentify sources for fundingdocument IT strategy and workshopmanage the strategy's implementation and executionThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bsD2kika_Masaru-Emoto.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Masaru Emotointrocontenance d'eau dans l'Hommeenfants = 80%adultes = 70%plus que 65 ans = 60%50% = mortla mémoire de l'Homme est dans l'eauAlzeimer = manque H2Oeau = messager de Dieuprocédure d'observation des cristaux-25° pendant 3hgrossissement 200 xexpériencesréaction avecun verre d'eau posé sur une photodauphinéléphantcoeurondes électromagnétiquesTVPCGSMmicro-ondeliquide amniatiqueThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookdiversdiapason440 Hzsi combinaison avec 442HzwouwouwouwoudoremifasollasidowouwouwowuA D Ncontient H2O= trace de DieuH2O trait d'union avec Dieusolution pour avoir de beaux cristauxenvoyer à l'eau \"amour et gratitude\"UCL 4 octobre 2010"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VIpKuMSI_Impact-windows-and-doors-Miami.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Impact windows and doors MiamiWhy to choose impact windows and doors MiamiStorm preparation convenienceProtection against intrudersAccess to natural lightStorage and appearanceUV ray reductionImpact windows Miami"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/j419080_Southeastern_Conference_2010.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Southeastern Conference (SEC) 2010Florida GatorsGeorgia BulldogsKentucky WildcatsSouth Carolina GamecocksTennessee VolunteersVanderbilt CommodoresMississippi State BulldogsMississippi RebelsLouisiana State TigersAlabama Crimson TideAuburn TigersArkansas Razorbacks"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/u0r1fBNO_Marketing-in-a-Downturn.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Marketing in a DownturnBuild your downturn marketing strategyCreate a vision and roadmap for the next 90 days - 6 monthsHaving a specific downturn strategy will set you apart from competitorsTap your existing customer baseRenew relationships with lapsed customersPhone callsThought leadership briefings on emerging issues\"We miss you\" discount email / mailingStart a customer community and add value beyond the transactionSTP - Segment > Target > PositionRefine, refine, refine your targetingTarget more direct response marketing vehicles at your prospectsNOW is the most important time to keep your focusFocus on who NOT to targetAttract more of the right customersHold a customer / prospect symposiumSubmit articles to trade journals & local business publicationsDevelop a \"diagnostic service\" to help your customers become more profitable in the downturnWord of mouth marketingDo something that's word of mouth worthy!Formalize your customer evangelist & referral programsMaintain discipline in pricingDon't train your customers to expect discountsWork with your best customers to define \"affordable\"Shape the message, don't slash the priceFocus on driving behaviorDrive buying behavior & critical actions vs. brand buildingEncourage trial, sampling and get customers to engage with youQuantify and qualify your valueUnderstand how you reduce your customer's TCO (total cost of ownership) and increase the ROI for your solutionsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCommunicate constantly and consistentlyStart that monthly webinar / teleconferene that you've been meaning to doDrive more valuable content into your email newsletters. Start them if you don't already have them.Delve into your dataDeep insights into your existing customer base can pay large dividends for current and new business developmentSegment, analyze, cross-reference and build data models that inform your marketing effortsCut those activities that make marginal contributions to profitabilityCollaborate intimately with your sales teamWeekly calls to ensure that you're both focused on driving the right results & behaviorGather near real-time market intelligence as the downturn evolvesNurture and manage your leads & lead processDeliver offers that connect with their buying cyclesPartner up with complimentorsShare marketing costs & assets to drive prospect behavior in your sectorCollaborate with local businesses to drive commerce in your localeDifferentiate and InnovateFocus on what performs in faltering economyPosition your company for the reboundUnderstand your customers' current pain pointsSustain your brandGrant access to your execs with market insightsApply branding efforts to customer value add projectsPricing segmentationUse data to maximize revenue per customerDevelop offerings/packages based on tiers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/c177121_Pinot_Noir_Key_Facts.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pinot Noir: Key FactsFlavoursCool ClimateVegetalHigh AcidLow TanninsModerate ClimateRed FruitMedium/High AcidLow/Medium TanninsHot ClimateNot SuitableOther FlavoursVegetalAnimalClassic Region: Bourgogne (Burgundy)A Bourgogne AC WineMedium BodiedRed Fruit and Savoury AromasLight TanninsMedium to High AcidityIndividual VillagesGevrey-ChambertinNuits-Saint-GeorgesBeaunePommardPremium RegionsNew ZealandMartinboroughMarlboroughCentral OtagoCaliforniaCoastal RegionSonomaCarnerosChileCasablancaSouth AfricaCoastalBulk/Inexpensive RegionsRomaniaCentral Valley (Chile)Blends WithGamay"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/1v8wlgvW_Time_management.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Time managementlists (100)Task lists are used in self-management, grocery lists, business management, project management, and software development.He argues that the traditional never-ending to-do lists virtually guarantees that some of your work will be left undone.time management (100)Time management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity.Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals.Time Management can be considered as a project management subset and is more commonly known as project planning and project scheduling.Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities as well.Usually time management is a necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion time and scope.priority (75)To prioritize a daily task list, one either records the tasks in the order of highest priority, or assigns them a number after they are listed (\"1\" for highest priority, \"2\" for second highest priority, etc.) which indicates in which order to execute the tasks.goals (52)Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals.This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing.Second generation: planning and preparation based on calendar and appointment books; includes setting goals.Fourth generation: being efficient and proactive using any of the above tools; places goals and roles as the controlling element of the system and favors importance over urgency.If some time is not regularly spent on achieving long-range goals, the individual may get stuck in a perpetual holding pattern on short-term plans, like staying at a particular job much longer than originally planned.planning (30)This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing.Second generation: planning and preparation based on calendar and appointment books; includes setting goals.Time Management can be considered as a project management subset and is more commonly known as project planning and project scheduling.This could be caused by procrastination by prolonging the planning activity.productivity (30)Time management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookurgent (29)Activities are ranked upon these general criteria: A – Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important.to-do lists (25)He argues that the traditional never-ending to-do lists virtually guarantees that some of your work will be left undone.techniques (22)Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals.completing (22)A task list (also to-do list or things-to-do) is a list of tasks to be completed, such as chores or steps toward completing a project.SummaryTime management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity.Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals.This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing.Second generation: planning and preparation based on calendar and appointment books; includes setting goals.Time Management can be considered as a project management subset and is more commonly known as project planning and project scheduling.This could be caused by procrastination by prolonging the planning activity.Fourth generation: being efficient and proactive using any of the above tools; places goals and roles as the controlling element of the system and favors importance over urgency.If some time is not regularly spent on achieving long-range goals, the individual may get stuck in a perpetual holding pattern on short-term plans, like staying at a particular job much longer than originally planned.Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities as well.Usually time management is a necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion time and scope.Task lists are used in self-management, grocery lists, business management, project management, and software development.He argues that the traditional never-ending to-do lists virtually guarantees that some of your work will be left undone.To prioritize a daily task list, one either records the tasks in the order of highest priority, or assigns them a number after they are listed (\"1\" for highest priority, \"2\" for second highest priority, etc.) which indicates in which order to execute the tasks.Activities are ranked upon these general criteria: A – Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important.A task list (also to-do list or things-to-do) is a list of tasks to be completed, such as chores or steps toward completing a project.Attention management: Attention Management relates to the management of cognitive resources, and in particular the time that humans allocate their mind (and organizations the minds of their employees) to conduct some activities.A particular method of applying the ABC method assigns \"A\" to tasks to be done within a day, \"B\" a week, and \"C\" a month.Modern task list applications may have built-in task hierarchy (tasks are composed of subtasks which again may contain subtasks), may support multiple methods of filtering and ordering the list of tasks, and may allow one to associate arbitrarily long notes for each task.Rather than put \"clean the kitchen\", \"clean the bedroom\", and \"clean the bathroom\", it is more efficient to put \"housekeeping\" and save time spent writing and reduce the system's administrative load (each task entered into the system generates a cost in time and effort to manage it, aside from the execution of the task).If you are in the habit of brushing your teeth every day, then there is no reason to put it down on the task list.A disaster occurs constantly whether it is personal or business-related.Map created automatically by WikiSummarizer http://www.contextdiscovery.com info@contextdiscovery.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/cSxVyhnY_Burnout.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Burnoutengl. burn out ‚ausbrennenwissenschaftlich nicht als Krankheit anerkanntmeist durch Stress ausgelöstSymptomeZustand der totalen ErschöpfungEmotionale ErschöpfunDepersonalisierungErleben von MisserfolgThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTodoPRIORITÄTEN FESTLEGENAM ARBEITSPLATZ GRENZEN ZIEHENLEBEN VEREINFACHENKRAFT TANKENBurnout-Syndrom – Wikipediapage.webarchive"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QwyCqDTB_Marketing-Strategy-Map-Fundamentals.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Marketing Strategy Map FundamentalsFundamentalsGoals for the YearOrganizational goalsMarketing goalsObjectivesQuantifyTargets/Segments/PersonasCoreSecondaryOpportunityHarvestMessaging & DifferentiationUVPMessagesStrategyGo-to-marketStrategies by marketTacticalTactics & Channels ListProgressive Tactics ScheduleDailyWeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyYearlyMarketing Cycles30 day review60 day review90 day reviewThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMonthly PlansMonthly FocusEnergy & timeMessageTargetMonthly GoalsThemesKey DatesIndustry eventsHolidaysSpecial occurrencesWeekly TacticsMarketing Review Cycle30, 60, 90 DaysDid we meet our goals?What worked?Why did it work/not work?How effective was it?What do we need to change?What’s on deck for the next 30/60/90 days?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/oEACLkhi_Stidda.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Stiddaabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StiddaintroductionThe Stidda (pronounced [ˈstiɖːa]; Sicilian for '\"star\"') is a Mafia-type criminal organization centered in the central-southern part of Sicily in Italy. Members are known as stiddari or stiddaroli. It is most active in the rural parts of southern Sicily and is partially a rival to Cosa Nostra. Some members have a star tattooed on their bodies.[1]infoFounding locationSouthern SicilyYears activesince the mid-20th centuryTerritoryAgrigentoCaltanissettaGelaVittoriaNiscemiCriminal activitiesRacketeeringfraudGamblingextortionmurderAllies'NdranghetaCamorraRivalsSicilian MafiaHistoryLittle is known of the origins of the organization, though it is believed to have come about in a similar fashion to the Mafia, in the same rural environment of Sicily. Unlike the Mafia, however, the Stidda was mostly rural and low-profile until the 1980s, when it became somewhat more expansionist and started moving into the cities, bringing the two Sicilian groups into competition with one another. It differs from the Mafia by the fact that it is not based on an honor system but is interested only in criminal activities and the resulting profits.[1]The Stidda came into public view when Cosa Nostra pentito Francesco Marino Mannoia spoke about it in 1989. Later another Mafia member Leonardo Messina[2] told his own view. According to their testimonies, Stidda is an organisation that was founded by former members of the Cosa Nostra during the Second Mafia War of the early 1980s. They had been expelled due to disobedience or, in a couple of cases, even marrying a relative of a police officer. Many of the original stiddari were followers of the murdered Mafia-boss Giuseppe Di Cristina.[1]The Stidda was particularly strong in southern Sicily around the towns of Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Gela, Vittoria, Niscemi and others smaller.[1] The original leaders of the Stidda were Giuseppe Croce Benvenuto and Salvatore Calafato. A dynamite bomb later killed Stidda boss Calogero Lauria. They were involved a more direct war with the Mafia in the early 1990s. The vicious war led to over 300 deaths.[3] One of these was the judge Rosario Livatino.Stidda is not a tight organization and many gangs (\"clans\") operate relatively independently. They ally with each other or even the local chapter of Cosa Nostra. They have similar rituals and rules. There is also a membership tattoo. Older members use a needle and black and blue ink to carve a five-pointed star on the initiate's right hand between the thumb and index finger. This tattoo is known as stiddari.Francesco Marino MannoiaGiuseppe Di CristinaRosario LivatinoSee alsoSicilian MafiaCamorraMala del BrentaBanda della Magliana'NdranghetaSacra Corona Unita"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g332043_Web_Seminar_Attendance_TPAssist.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Web Seminar (Attendance) SAMPLE - Intelligent Visual Mapper (New Jersey) 2-3 October 2008Research & Other preparationGeneral ResearchWeb Site for registrationAGENDAPresentations to Include:Project Mapping: Visual Thinking in Project ManagementUtilizing Visual Mapping for Personal and Professional Motivation and Goal SettingIncreasing Personal and Business Productivity through Visual Mapping StrategiesVisual Mapping as a Systematic Framework for Business ImprovementVisual Mapping Software- Tools of the TradeUsing Visual Mapping Tools for Marketing Your BusinessUsing Visual Mapping Tools in AcademiaQuestion for speaker/panelWeb Seminar Planner and Task ManagerBooking / SchedulingEvent noticeScheduling (tentatively allocate the time) ()Scheduling (tentatively allocate the time)Acceptance / Registration Request ()Event notice ()Acceptance / Registration RequestPayments ()Confirmation ()Scheduling (tentatively allocate the time) ()PaymentsAcceptance / Registration Request ()ConfirmationConfirm scheduling ()Acceptance / Registration Request ()Confirm schedulingConfirmation ()AttendanceFollow-up (Actions)... action 1...JOURNAL20080530292726NOTESTASK SUMMARYFull template and related Resources"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/REvJrR7j_iPad-Work-Around-MindManager-Export.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Testing iPad Work AroundOverviewQuestion: \"How can I upload a map to Biggerplate from an iPad?\"Quick Answer: Not quite possible yet, but we're working on it using iThoughts HD. In the meantime, there is a work around that will enable you to get your maps up on Biggerplate.Start: Create a map in iThoughts HDSave Mind MapExport Options: Select to export to eitheriMindMap 5MindManagerXmind'Send Email'Send E-mail to yourself from within iThoughtsIncludes exported files as an attachment.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookOpen EmailSave Mind Map fileOpen Biggerplate.comLoginSelect \"Upload\"Select Exported mind map fileXmindIMindmapMindManagerFinish: Admire Your Work!Tell other PeopleTwitterFacebookLinkedin"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/c153287_Shakespeare_Midsummer_Nights_Dream_the_Pastoral.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Midsummer. The Pastoraloriginoften in Arcadia- Greecerefers to the golden age/ placerevived in Italy (Petrach 1304-74)... France (H. d'Urfé's Astrée 1607-27)Spencer's The Shepherd calender 1579Shakespeare's As you like it; The Winter's taledecaying values, intrigues --> escapismforest = pastoral blissa place where struggles must be resolvedwhere the individuals find themselveswhere Hermia escapes patriarchal authoritywhere Hermia fights arranged marriagewhere the youths reach adulthoodinstinctive life in a safe placefairies replace shepherds and their erotic fantasies = 1/3 of the play; magic flowers play a partshepherd, shepherdess : Corin Philllida II-1-66-68folklore: may pole (picking foliage) ode to the secret wild force of nature in spring, to the green man and nymphsMidsummer eve: linked to magical herbal medecine, sabbatic dances, Diane's ridereverse imagesdanger for \"the rich worth of your virginity\" II-1-219; \"One heart, one bed\" II_1-42crawling serpent (III-1-149 ≠ II-1-255 left her skin) adder III-2-71; bear (II-2-94), bats, ivy strangling the elm (I-1-137)... II-2-12... \"I'll leave thee to the mercy of the wild beasts\" II-1-228; worms, spidersevil use of herbal medicine: the flower potion II-1the real wood of the carpenter (elm...)the real wood of the forester, of the fowler III-2-20 IV-1-109, with hounds, 112, huntsmen 144, birds of prey and guns III-2- 21, where the wolf howls V-2; \"thorough bush, thorough brier\" II-1-3; hawthorn-brake III-1-3, thorns, III-2; clamorous owl II-2-5; \"wild fowl\" III-1-35\"but she being mortal, of that boy did die\" II-1-135 --> procreation means deathstorms, upheaval causes by the Oberon-Titania quarrel II-1-88-116harrowing experiences --> dark night \"bedabbled with the dew and torn with briers\" III-2-443 \"lost in the wood\", \"faint with wandering\" II-1-192; II-2-35; swoons with fear II-2- 154the golden age, the enchanted place, a forest in England!Abundance in England flowery beds; I know a bankflowers: primrose beds, I-1-215; cowslips II-1-10; musk-rose buds, II-2-3, wild thyme, oxlip, violet eglantine honeysuckle II-1-248...birds: Philomel II-1; the blackbird, the throstle, the wren, the finch, the sparrow, the lark, the cuckoo, III-128-137; wild geese III-2-20; morning lark, IV-1-99insects: bumble bees; bees, butterfliesfresh water: dew-drops II-1-14; fountain clear II-1-29Manna: apricots, berries, grapes, figs, honey III-1- 165; nuts IV-1-39...light: the moon + night tapers III-1- 171; 203Utopia/ paradise other equivalent of the forestfar away countries: \"spiced indian air\" II-1-1-124\"by paved fountain, or by rushy brook, or in the beach margent of the sea\" II-1-84-85\"on neptune's yellow sands... to see the sails...\" II-1- 124.., the deep, III-1-161.(ie The Tempest)()dancingas often the play ends with a dancetraditions: Saint Vitus' Dance linked to Midsummer, dances around bonfiresa roundel II-2-1 (a country dance), round II-1-, = old merry EnglandconclusionShakespeare plays with the convention of the pastoralthe wood is ambivalent --> pastoral bliss turns into horrible experiencesthe journey in the wood = a trial to undergo to reach adulthoodIt is not the golden place which transforms everyone but magic, the primitive world of the fairiesthe forest is the place of magic and illusion, like a theatre experience! a happy dream there has become a balladthe forest with its wild beasts and wild plants should be tamed, civilized (--> fields with peas and oats, meadows with sweet-hay IV-1-36, forester, huntsmen)no need to work; romantic lovethe idea that nature should be protected is a modern concepta journey through space and through time , 4 nights I-1-7, from the end of April to May eve, 2nd night I-1-128; 2rd night I-1-164; 209, till new moon I-1-83; -->I-1-128; --> the last night III-2-374; 395; IV-1-185 \"Midsummer madness\"; May morning, IV-2-134"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WRgxvTwu_Gretting-card.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Bonne AnnéeAmourProspéritéRéussite...Feliz NatalAmorProsperidadeSucesso...This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookHappy New YearLoveProsperityAchievement...Feliz año nuevoAmorProsperidadÉxito..."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/xKC8QoiC_Benefits-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Benefits MapMe - Participant子主题子主题子主题子主题The Team子主题子主题子主题子主题Bigger Picture子主题子主题子主题子主题"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QHHHHTyq_El-pensamiento-divergente.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "El pensamiento divergenteFuenteSir Ken Robinsonesotra cosa queesencial porHabilidada vervarias repuestasvarias interpretacionesa una preguntaa verThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookEnfoqueEjemploNúmero de repuestas por edad3-5 años98 %8-10 años32 %13-15 años10 %25 años2 %la creatividades2010 Philippe Boukobza www.mind-mappers.blogspot.comNúmero de repuestas¿Qué podemos hacer con un clip para papel?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/1Dcxz05P_7-Steps-to-Creating-a-MindManager-Add-in.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "7 Steps to Creating a MindManager Add-inDownload registry fileStart Visual StudioAdd the MindManager Type Library ReferenceCreate the code for the Connect fileThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookBuild the ProjectInstall the Add-inFire up MindManagerFurther ResourcesAttachmentsPDF of this guideMindManager_Add-in_Visual_Studio_Set_Up.pdfRegistry file for installing registry keysVS_MindManager_Registry_Settings.zipComplete sample project in VS SolutionExampleMindManagerAddin.zipWebMMDevX.comOlympic Limited"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/e232968_Les_personnages_du_film_Promesses.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Promesses Les personnagesLes jumeauxJuifsquartier juif de Jérusalem-Ouestnon pratiquantgrand-père qui a fui la Pologne lors de la 2nde guerre mondialeShlomofils d'un rabinquartier juif de la vieille ville de Jérusalempratiquantétudie la Torah 12h par jourMoishefils de colons juifs extrémistescolonie de Beit-ElCisjordaniepratiquanta perdu un ami dans un attentatMahmoudArabequartier musulman Jérusalem-Estpratiquantsoutient le HamasFarajréfugié palestiniencamp de Deheisheterritoire palestiniennon pratiquantami tué par un soldat israélienSanabelfille de réfugiés palestinienscamp de Deheisheterritoire palestiniennon pratiquantpère journaliste; partisan du FPLP, en prison"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VKsidAet_12-Universal-Laws.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "12 Universal LawsDivine Onenesseverything is connected to everything elseVibrationeverything movies, vibrates, and travels in circlesActionmust be employed to manifest things on earthCorrespondenceas above, so belowCause and Effectnothing happens by chanceCompensationyour deeds return as gifts, money, inheritance, friendships, or blessingsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAttractionwe create things, events, and people in our livesEnergy Transmutationwe have power to change our livesRelativitywe are given trials to strenghten the light within usPolarityeverything is on a continuum and has a oppositeRhythmeverything vibrates and moves to certain rhythmsGendermanifests in all things as masculine and feminine"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/SxTDhmLD_MindManager-Functionalities-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MindManager Functionalities MapFileHomeClipboardAdd TopicsObjectsMarkersTopic ElementsInsertAdd TopicsObjectsMarkersTopic ElementsBranchTaskTasksSchedulingSend Task ToDesignMap FormatObject FormatFontTemplatesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAdvancedTopic DataEdit TopicsQueriesDatabasesAnalysisBrainstormMacrosReviewProofingCommentsTrackingChangesViewDocument ViewFilterDetailHelpProductHelp"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/wHfgmDlL_Group-Brainstorming-Steps.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Better Brainstorming1. Think IndividuallySilentlyPost it notes2. Compare in PairsOverlaps?Differences?Most important?3. Group FeedbackGather from each pairMost important first"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/u869137_Bonding.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Bonding (how atoms join together)Ionic (formed between a metal and a non-metal)formation of ionscharges of ionsdot and cross diagrams of ionic compounds e.g. NaClthe ionic bond, what is it?covalent (formed between non-metals)the covalent bond, what is it?dot and cross diagrams ofhydrogenchlorineammoniamethanewateroxygen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/t832761_Big_10_Conference_2010.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Big 10 Conference 2010Illinois Fighting IlliniIndiana HoosiersIowa HawkeyesMichigan WolverinesMichigan State SpartansMinnesota Golden GophersNorthwestern WildcatsOhio State BuckeyesPenn State Nittany LionsPurdue BoilermakersWisconsin Badgers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/p648648_BSc_Marine_Biology_Honours_Project_Dissertation.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Does functional composition of communities found in the habitat provided by Mytilus edulis depend on patch size?IntroductionPrevious WorkM. edulis as a habitatMussel biologyMussel habitat MechanicsPatch sizeSize classesPatch size classes? ()AreaPreferred (return to in future studies?)Patch size ()VolumePatch size ()Age dependantIsland BiogeographyTaxonomic diversityFunctional diversityBiological Traits analysisPotential factors affecting f. diversityFunctional trait analysisTypical organisms presentAimsDiscussionResearch organismsPatch sizePreferred (return to in future studies?) ()Volume ()ClassesDetermination?ConclusionReferencesAs I writeResultsDataIdentificationCharacteristic Functional Traits ()Species PresentPatch size classes?Size classes ()Area preferredPatch featuresCharacteristic Functional TraitsIdentification ()AnalysisBTAFunction vs species richnessFunction vs species diversityAnalyse particular functional GroupsIsland biogeographyAbstractMethodsField workEcological Functions & ModalitiesVariables"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ZTDVeVcq_Emotion.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Emotionphysiologische Reaktionenveränderung des Herzschlagsbeschleunigte Atmungmanifeste VerhaltensweisenGesichtsausdruckKörperhaltungTonfallThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookbewusstes Empfindensubjektive Erfahrung von TraurigkeitGlück"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/z56836_Rites_of_Passage_William_Golding.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Rites of PassageContextWilliam GoldingDates?Other publications?Common themes?Nobel Prize laureate?Late 20th centuryPost-modernism?Post-colonialism?War and nationhood?Early 19th centuryCusp of Enlightenment/Romanticism?Attitudes to foreign travel?Attitudes to class?The Navy?The Novel form?Attitudes to religion?CharacterisationNarrative form?Caricature?Dialogue?Men and women?Colley's narrativeWhy does Golding include it?Why does Talbot paste in into his journal?What light does it shed on events already related?Does it alter the novel's apparent purpose or genre?Key passages: add your own and subject each to close analysisPassing the equatorEncounter with ZenobiaConversations with SummersFilm versionSuccesses?Failures?Genre?Distinct reading of novel?Casting decisions?TrilogyHow does Talbot develop?Does the narrative focus shift?Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts?Different readingsHistorical novel?Meta-narrative?Tragedy?Social Satire?Comedy?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_pqTi36Ja.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "10 secrets pour être un bon orateur1. RechercheQui est votre auditoire?Quels sont vos \"points clés\"?Que voulez-vous que l'auditoire retienne?2. Préparer des notes claires1. Écrivez votre discours en entier2. Sélectionnez les parties principales3. Choisissez Mots Clés pour vous guider4. choisissez différentes couleurs pour vos points clés3. Entraînez-vous parfaitementavec un dictaphoneavec un chronomètredevant d'autres personnesavec votre matériels supportsPPlaser pointeurMind Map4. Visitez les lieux avantPlacez-vous exactement là où vous parlerezprenez conscience de l'EspaceFaites une vérification son5. Habillez-vous de façon à ressortir face à votre auditoirecouleurs contrastantesselon la couleur du rideau de fondJamais de noir en hautPantalon noir avec haut clair ou de couleurBienRobe avec ceinturetransmetteur du microThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook6. Respirez profondémentAvant de monter sur scène Prenez une minute de calme7. Pensez PositifImaginez vous un résultat parfaitement réussiPensez combien vous vous sentirez bien après8. Ne Vous Pressez PasParlez lentementPrenez le temps d'aller jusqu'au boutAnnotez un timing dans vos notes9. Montrez votre PassionCeci va capter l'attention de l'auditoirevoix dynamiqueplus forte à certains momentsplus basse à d'autres10. Soyez Vous-même & Amusez-vousD'aprés l'article: \"The Top Ten Secrets of Today's Most Successful Speakers\" d'Ali Brown"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ybbe1lze_Dealing-with-a-Difficult-SituationGary-Furlong.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "dealing with a Difficult Situation Gary FurlongThe Topic子主题Denial子主题Anger子主题Acceptance子主题The Resolution子主题"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/OEaeYZ61_Social-Media-Skill-Set-Requirements.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Social Media Skill Set RequirementsStrategic VisionaryCreate engaged social media presences and communitiesTurn your creative vision into a technical planUser Experience ResourceDesign for active participation and contribution of your audienceCreate a workflow that promotes interactionTechnical DevelopmentLightweight development to create landing pages and other technical elements on social platformsGraphic DesignCreate the visual elements that support social media platformsDesigner must understand the constraints and variables when designing for social mediaProject ManagementSocial media requires a strong project manager to bring all of the pieces together and keep the moving parts in motionProject manager must understand the social style of communicationThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookContent CreationIn-house content creation resource that understands the brand platform and voiceContent resource has a full grasp on all of the content resources in the organization and knows when to create and when to re-purposeMedia CreationVideo, audio and photo creation and editing to enhance your social media presenceAn in-house social media content creator to add new media to your social channels on an ongoing basisCopy and Content EditorEstablish and maintain the voice of your social media presenceSomeone who understands the tenor of the social web, and can write in an informal voiceA Content Wrangler who can help turn your thinkers into publishing Thought LeadersSocial Media MonitoringA human being who can read what turns up, source a response from somewhere in your organization and then engage with the social audienceDiplomacy to manage conflict or criticism with the kind of enthusiasm that engages your audience"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ivv6owWZ_M1-highway-Russia.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "M1 highway (Russia)about this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ M1_highway_(Russia)infoRussiapresidentVladimir Putinprime ministerMikhail MishustinThe Russian route M1 (also known as the Belarus Highway, road to Minsk) is a major trunk road that runs from Moscow through Smolensk before reaching the border with Belarus. The length is 440 kilometers (270 mi). The highway runs south of Odintsovo, Kubinka, Mozhaysk, Gagarin, north of Vyazma, through Safonovo and Yartsevo. After crossing the border with Belarus, the highway continues (as olimpijka) to Minsk, Brest, and Warsaw. The entire route is part of European route E30 and AH6.During the 1980 Summer Olympics, a 50-kilometer (31 mi) stretch between the 23-kilometer (14 mi) mark and the 73-kilometer (45 mi) mark was used for the road team time trial cycling event.[1]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WhwSku4y_Solutioning-Solution-Considerations-CATWOE-.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Solution Considerations - CATWOEC = CustomersWho is on the receiving end?What problem do they have now?How will they react to what you are proposing?Who are the winners and losers?A = ActorsWho are the actors who will 'do the doing', carrying out your solution?What is the impact on them?How might they react?T = Transformation processWhat is the process for transforming inputs into outputs?What are the inputs? Where do they come from?What are the outputs? Where do they go to?What are all the steps in between?This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookW = World ViewWhat is the bigger picture into which the situation fits?What is the real problem you are working on?What is the wider impact of any solution?O = OwnerWho is the real owner or owners of the process or situation you are changing?Can they help you or stop you?What would cause them to get in your way?What would lead them to help you?E = Environmental constraintsWhat are the broader constraints that act on the situation and your ideas?What are the ethical limits, the laws, financial constraints, limited resources? regulations, and so on?How might these constrain your solution? How can you get around them?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/V2XB31ax_Prozesslandkarte.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ProzesslandkarteInputMarktanalysePlanung von LDLEntwicklung von LDLBeratungThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookGeschäftsprozesseErbringung der LerndienstleistungMarketingÜberwachung LerntransferEvaluierungRessourcen- managementPersonal- managementVorbeuge und KorrekturmaßnahmenInputAuditierungGeschäftsprozesseÜbertreffen von AnforderungenSystementwicklung ()Systementwicklung ()SystementwicklungÜbertreffen von Anforderungen ()SystementwicklungÜbertreffen von Anforderungen ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/aifaiHuM_Eisenhower-Matrix.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Eisenhower-Matrix自由主题自由主题 ()自由主题自由主题 ()Aufgabenliste子主题子主题子主题"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/e252042_Angouleme_the_visual_art_city.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ANGOULEME, the visual art cityfeudal lords and abbots had mills8th-9th abbey ()Paper mills : (since 1516 on la Lizonne)since the 1400s in Limousinpaper made with rags100 paper mills in the 17th c.Saint-Cybard8th-9th abbeyfeudal lords and abbots had mills ()mills on la Charentefrom 1808-1812 Joubert+Laroche; 1833 Lacroix paper mills1845-1970 Bardou: created JOB,hundreds of authors, young talents, thousands of fans ()1870 exported to The Middle East--> le NIL1842-1966 breweriesfoundry; wire cloth factory; felt factoriessince 1974: International Comic strips festivalhttp://en.bdangouleme.com/http://www.bdangouleme.com/actualite-categorie/web%20tv/17http://www.rfi.fr/francefr/articles/097/article_61773.aspa 4-day festival in Januaryhundreds of authors, young talents, thousands of fans1845-1970 Bardou: created JOB, ()prestigious prizes : ALPH-art1988: Paper Museumarchitects: Reichen et Robertcigarette papers and posterscomics and images200 studios or schools1989 LYCEE de l'Image et du Son LISA2005 ENJMIN (European college for digital interactive games & media)ESI (European animation & computer graphics college)EMCA; EMCI (cinema school)....2002 maison des auteurs (for young talents)Murals; painted buses; street signs are balloons1989: Comic strip museum2009: new comic strip museum ()architects: Castro et Remond2009: new comic strip museum1989: Comic strip museum ()architect: Bodinin 19th c. warehouses7000 drawings115 000 booklets42 000 albumsJanuary 2008: opening of a site devoted to comics and picturessince 2008 Francophone Film festivalto promote French-speaking filmsFine art museumPoitou-Charentes cinemaregional fundinghelping producerssetting for filmsMagelis 1997animation studiosvideo game studiospostproduction studiosvideo competitionsartistic & technical aida promising \" image valley\"From paper-mills to image and cinemaModern Art museum (FRAC)Societe archeologique museum"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/h509hos2_Quarter-Onion-Plot-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TITLETITLE自由主题自由主题自由主题自由主题Tips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/o3XLQAJS_MindManager-Meeting-Jetpack-Overview.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MindManager Meeting Jetpack OverviewBrainstorming Meeting MapAbout this mapDecision Making Meeting MapAbout this mapFeedback Meeting MapAbout this mapInformational Meeting MapAbout this mapThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPre-Meeting Investigation MapAbout this mapProblem-Solving Meeting MapAbout this mapStand-Up Meeting MapAbout this mapWork Session Meeting MapAbout this map"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/zvU79D6J_Cyber-and-Information-Space-Command-Germany.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Cyber and Information Space Command (Germany)introThe Cyber and Information Space Command (German: Kommando Cyber- und Informationsraum) (Kdo CIR) is the youngest branch of Germany's military the Bundeswehr. The decision to form new a military branch was presented by Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen on 26 April 2016, with the command becoming operational on 1 April 2017. The command's headquarter is BonnActive2017–presentCountryFederal Republic of GermanyTypeElectronic WarfareSize13,500Garrison/HQBonnCommandersInspector of the Cyber and Information SpaceLieutenant General Ludwig LeinhosDeputy Inspector of the Cyber and Information Space and Chief of StaffBrigadier General Michael VetterHistoryIn November 2015 the German Ministry of Defense activated a Staff Group within the ministry tasked with developing plans for a reorganization of the Cyber, IT, military intelligence, geo-information, and operative communication units of the Bundeswehr.[3]On 26 April 2016 Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen presented the plans for the new military branch to the public and on 5 October 2016 the command's staff became operational as a department within the ministry of defense. On 1 April 2017 the command activated as the 6th branch of the Bundeswehr and will take command of all existing Cyber, IT, military intelligence, geo-information, and operative communication units. The Command is planned to be fully operational by 2021.OrganisationThe Kdo CIR is commanded by the Inspector of the Cyber and Information Space Command (Inspekteur des Kommando Cyber- und Informationsraum) (InspCIR), a three-star general position, based in Bonn.Inspector CIRDeputy-Inspector CIR and Chief of StaffCommand StaffOperations StaffPlanning StaffStrategic Reconnaissance Command, in Gelsdorf911th Electronic Warfare Battalion912th Electronic Warfare Battalion, mans the Oste-class SIGINT/ELINT and reconnaissance ships931st Electronic Warfare Battalion932nd Electronic Warfare Battalion, provides airborne troops for operations in enemy territoryBundeswehr Strategic Reconnaissance SchoolBundeswehr Operational Communications CenterCyber-Operations CenterElectronic Warfare Analysis CenterCentral Imaging Reconnaissance, operating the SAR-Lupe satellitesZU-StelleBwTAufkl.png Central Bundeswehr Investigation Authority for Technical ReconnaissanceBundeswehr Geographical Information Center, in EuskirchenInformation Technology Command, n BonnBundeswehr IT Operations CenterBundeswehr Information Technology School281st Information Technology Battalion282nd Information Technology Battalion292nd Information Technology Battalion293rd Information Technology Battalion381st Information Technology Battalion383rd Information Technology BattalionBundeswehr Cyber-Security Centerabout this mapby wojciech korsakall information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber_and_Information_Space_Command_(Germany)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/xql5xcfI_PNL-Les-3-positions-perceptuelles.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PNL - Les 3 positions perceptuellesPosition 1Situation telle que je la perçois de mon point de vue uniquement, sans tenir compte des autres. C'est une position associée par excellencePensez à une expérience passée où vous étiez conscient de ce que vous pensiez à ce moment là, sans tenir compte des autres ou de leur perceptionPosition 2Je considère l'expérience/situation du point de vue d'une autre personneComment se représente- t-elle cette situationC'est le point de vue de l'autre personneTelle qu'elle vit la situationce qu'elle perçoit de moide notre interactionIl s'agit d'une position dissociéeEmpathiePosition 3Point de vue en dehors du système formé par moi et l'autreQuel est le point de vue d'un observateur neutreDécouvrir l'impact positif sur le système d'interaction entre nous et l'autreCommentUtilisation 3 perspectives pour voir une même situationPosition 1 = SOI (je) Position 2 = L'autre (tu) Position 3 = ObservateurobjectifApprendre davantage de toute situation/expérience en recueillant l'info du plus grand nombre de points de vue possiblesConclusionCette capacité d'accéder aux 3 positions est indispensable pour agir avec sagesse et apprécier la complexité de nos relations interpersonnellesConsidérer l'objectif des 3 positionsd'autres personnes sont impliquéesFaire émerger pour raffiner, peaufiner l'objectif~50% des gens modifient leur objectif dans cette étapeThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookExempleExplique les ancrages spatiauxpose les positions \"Je\" \"Tu\" et \"Observateur \"En position \"JE\" reformule l'objectif \"je veux être un coach qui favorise le dialogue intérieur par objectifs précis\"En position \"TU\" fait reformuler l'objectif et demande ce qui vient \"En tant que client nous aimerions savoir plus concrètement en quoi ça consiste\"Retourne en \"JE\" pour voir qu'est-ce qui se passeEnsuite va en Observateur pour lui demander son avis \"prendre du temps pour rédiger sa pub du côté des clients\"retour en JE pour vérifier \"il faut que ma brochure soit extrêmement et simple et complèteComment précisémentje dois cogiteret si tu savaisRetour en TU \"Tu veux pour nous une brochure avec des points très spécifiques et simples... et avec des couleursen Observateur As-tu des choses à suggérerNon c'est une bonne première étapeLaisser le temps de laisser remonterCollecter des infos pour voir ce qui lui parle le plusen JE comte tenu de ces infos nouvelles reformule ton objectifcompte tenu de mon objectif de départ mon objectif maintenant concret est \"lire différente brochure afin d'en faire un qui remplisse la demande de mes clientsEn Observateur qu'est-ce qui se passe maintenantc'est bonen je : je veux cogiter maintenant ma brochure pour qu'à fin août elle soit prêteen Tu vérification Tu veux faire une brochure pour fin aoûtVérification en ObservateurOKen méta positionde ce point de vue tu regardes la personne qui te regarde qu'est-ce qui se passe.sensation alignéepasse par l'observateur pour aller en position JE"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/i397565_Themes_in_the_Odyssey.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Themes in the OdysseyXeniaVengeanceWomenThe loyal femaleThe dangerous femaleTravelAppearance and RealityDisguise and RecognitionIdentityPerseveranceLoyaltyDivine Intervention"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jlfBYJwS_Dipolantenne.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DipolantenneZweipolantennelateinisch di ‚zwei‘deutschen Physiker Heinrich Hertzoptimale Länge einer λ/2-Dipolantenne ist etwa die Hälfte der Wellenlänge λDipolantenne – Wikipediapage.webarchiveThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/wh9KKdF2_SERIENORIENTIERTE-PARALELLE-KOMMISSIONIERUNG.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Serienorientierte paralelle KommissionierungDurchführung:Eingehende Aufträge sammelnSammelentnahme der Artikel ()zu Serien zusammenfasseninnerhalb einer Serie einzelne Auftragspositionen für die Lagerzonen aufteilenSammelentnahme der ArtikelEingehende Aufträge sammeln ()nach Entnahme der Artikel diese auf die einzelnen Aufträge verteilenvorteileWegminimierungjeder Lagerplatz muss nur einmal je Serie und nicht je Kundenauftrag angefahren werdenThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebooknachteilerelativ lange Auftragsdurchlaufzeitenaufwendige VorbereitungEDV unumgänglichArbeitsaufwand für zweite Kommissionierstufe"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/RDMZoP61_TOP-9-Java-Security-Mistakes.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TOP 9 Java Security MistakesNot Restricting Access to Classes and VariablesDepending on InitializationNot Finalizing ClassesRelying on Package ScopeMinimize the Usage of Use Inner ClassesHard CodingAllow the Echoing Of Sensitive Data to the UINot Paying Attention to Class CloneabilityOverdoing of Serialization and DeserializationThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WLbaADx7_F-Checklist-Tools-for-E-commerce-Website.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "F Checklist Tools for E-commerce WebsiteStorefront Site Building and HostingStorefront hosting (enhanced security)Full-store examplesEasy site creation, includes Help functionOnline browser store editorSupports multimedia linkImports/ Exports database filesHosts inventory & customer databasesEntire store and database backupDoes not require equipment or installationCatalog and BrowsingUnlimited number of items in catalogHot listProduct search engineMultiple tiers in catalogCatalog items have multiple attributesFeatured items for depts. and categoriesShopping Cart and Payment ProcessingOnline payment processingInternational-currency capableCalculate sales tax & shipping chargesAccepts all major credit cardsAccepts PayPal and eCheksSupports “Verified by Visa” programSupports “MasterCard Secure Code” prog.Supports SSLCross-sellingAdvertising ToolsAdvertiser reportsCreate a traceable advertiser linkTrack advertiser revenueSearch-engine registrationShopping-portal listingMailing list to customersCustomer newsletterCustomer Service AdministrationLive chat-room helpEmail order-verification to customerEmail order-verification to merchantMerchant help w/storeSite-Activity AdministrationOnline browser administrationVisitor-tracking reportsDetailed sales reportsInventory reportsExports to accounting systemsMember profilingMultiple-account passwordsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Ahzie24P_Greg-McKeown-s-Essentialism-Shows-You-How-to-Make-the-Most-of-Your-Time.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "About Greg McKeown's Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of LessAuthorAt a glanceLearning tools and tipsAmazonBooksBooks > Business & Money > Skills > Time ManagementBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Decision-Making & Problem SolvingBooks > Business & Money > Personal FinanceKindle eBooksBusiness & moneySelf-HelpPART I. ESSENCE. What is the core mind set of an Esssentialist?Chapter 1. The EssentialistChapter 2. CHOOSE: The Invincible Power of ChoiceChapter 3. DISCERN: The Unimportance of Practically EverythingChapter 4. TRDE-OFF: Which Problem Do I Want?PART II. EXPLORE How can we discern the trivial many from the vital few?Chapter 5. ESCAPE: The Perks of Being UnavailableChapter 6. LOOK: See What Really MattersChapter 7. PLAY: Embrace the Wisdom of Your Inner ChildChapter 8. SLEEP: Protect the AssetChapter 9. SELECT: The Power of Extreme CriteriaThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPART III. ELIMINATE How can we cut out the trivial many?Chapter 10. CLARIFY: One Decision That Makes a ThousandChapter 11. DARE: The Power of a Graceful \"No\"Chapter 12. UNCOMMIT. Win Big by Cutting Your LossesChapter 13. EDIT: The Invisible ArtChapter 14. LIMIT: The Freedom of Setting BoundariesPART IV. EXECUTE How can we make doing the vital few things almost effortless?Chapter 15. BUFFER: The Unfair AdvantageChapter 16. SUBTRACT: Bring Forth More by Removing ObstaclesChapter 17. PROGRESS: The Power of Small WinsChapter 18. FLOW: The Genius of RoutineChapter 19. FOCUS: What's Important Now?Chapter 20: BE: The Essentialist LifeAppendixLeadership EssentialsNotesAcknowledgementsIndexAbout Roger C. Parker"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/tzHcFmSI_Como-promover-su-empresa-en-Biggerplate.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Como promover su empresa en BiggerplateSuba su presentación en Mapa MentalServiciosExpertiseAcerca de nosotrosInformaciones de contactoComplete su perfil BiggerplateAcerca de ustedDirección de su sitio webDirección de BlogEnlaces de Redes SocialesLinkedinTwitterFacebookThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSuba Mapas Mentales de ConocimientosDemuestre su ExpertiseComparta ayuda gratuitaDirija a su Sitio WebPublicitarQuien puede publicitar ?Empresas de Mapas MentalesPYMESComunidad online activaLow-CostProceso simpleContacto: Liam@biggerplate.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/GKDHKf4W_Security-of-Systems.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Security of SystemsDiversityItems of similar rating but of different design and/or provenanceProvision against type weakness...in special circumstances, e.g. seismic eventsRedundancyMore items than simply to meet demandProvision for failuree.g. 3 pumps to do the duty of 250% redundancy2 Tablet PCs100% redundancyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSegregationProvision of barriers between items that have joint service provisionProof against common mode failure& to uphold redundancy claimsSeparationProvision of different locations for items that have joint service provisionProof against common mode failure& to uphold redundancy claims"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/T90lAD6x_Special-Operations-Command-Spain.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Special Operations Command (Spain)about this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all informationhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spainhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Groups_(Spain)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Command_(Spain)introduction (Spain)Capital and largest cityMadrid40°26′N 3°42′WGovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchyMonarchFelipe VI (with Putin 2002)Prime MinisterPedro Sánchez (with Merkel 26 June 2018President of the SenatePilar LlopPresident of the Congress of DeputiesMeritxell BatetPresident of the Supreme CourtCarlos Lesmes SerranoAreaTotal505,990[6] km2195,360 sq miWater (%)1.04Spain is a secular parliamentary democracy and a parliamentary monarchy,[16] with King Felipe VI as head of state. It is a major developed country[17] and a high income country, with the world's fourteenth largest economy by nominal GDP and sixteenth largest by purchasing power parity. It is a member of the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), the Eurozone, the Council of Europe (CoE), the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI), the Union for the Mediterranean, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Schengen Area, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and many other international organisations. While not an official member, Spain has a \"Permanent Invitation\" to the G20 summits, participating in every summit, which makes Spain a de facto member of the group.[18]Special Operations Command(Spanish: Mando de Operaciones Especiales) is the command charged with overseeing the various Special Operations Groups (Grupos de Operaciones Especiales or GOE) of the Spanish Army.It is based in Alicante, Alférez Rojas Navarrete barracks.It was created in 1997, following other NATO armies organization. The Spanish Army had created in the 1980s six Special Operation Groups (Grupos de Operaciones Especiales, GOE) and also had a Special Operations group in the Spanish Legion, the Bandera de Operaciones Especiales de la Legión (BOEL).Subordinate operating units are Grupos de Operaciones Especiales Valencia III, Tercio del Ampurdán IV, and Bandera de Operaciones Especiales \"C. L. Maderal Oleaga\" XIX de la Legión.Organization2nd Special Operations Group \"Granada\" (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales \"Granada\" II)3rd Special Operations Group \"Valencia\" (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales \"Valencia\" III)4th Special Operations Group \"Tercio del Ampurdán\" (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales \"Tercio del Ampurdán\" IV)19th Special Operations Group \"Maderal Oleaga\" (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales \"Maderal Oleaga\" XIX)Special Operations Command Headquarters Group (Grupo del Cuartel General del Cuartel General de Operaciones Especiales)Special Operations Command Signals Company (Compañía de Transmisiones del Mando de Operaciones Especiales)Units in 1989The Special Operations Groups were Ranger type units that specialized in counter-insurgency and guerrilla warfare tactics.1st Special Operations Group \"Ordenes Militares\"2nd Special Operations Group \"Santa Fé\"3rd Special Operations Group \"Valencia\"4th Special Operations Group \"Almogávares\"5th Special Operations Group \"San Marcial\"6th Special Operations Group \"La Victoria\"7th Special Operations Company8th Special Operations Company9th Special Operations Company"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/rI7yMQFL_Google-ZeitGeist-2011-Top-10-Fastest-Rising-Global-Queries-in-2011.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Google ZeitGeist 2011#1 Rebecca BlackFriday167 Million views on YouTube ()167 Million views on YouTubeFriday ()#2 Google +Launched June 2011User base of more than 10 million people.#3 Ryan DunnLost his life in a car accident on June 20, 2011 at the age of 34.The volume of searches for Ryan Dunn grew >10,000% in 2011.#4 Casey AnthonyCharged with First-Degree MurderNot Guilty - July 5, 2011#5 Battlefield 3Video GameSold 5 Million Copies in First WeekThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook#6 iPhone 5Searches for the nonexistent iPhone 5 outnumbered those for the actually released iPhone 4s.iPhone 4s#7 Adele#1 on the UK Albums Chart for 16 consecutive weeks.Album “21” sold 208,000 copies in the UK in its first week.#8 (TEPCO) Fukushima I PlantAfter the 2011 earthquake in Japan#9 Steve JobsLost a hard-fought battle with cancer at the age of 56.#10 iPad2500,000 sold on their debut weekend.2012 Candidate?Idea MappingIdea Mapping Blog"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/JJlcTeom_The-Mindjet-Videos-Map-Maximizing-Collaborative-Work-Management.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Mindjet Videos Map: Maximizing Collaborative Work Management\"Get Connected Week\" (March 20-22, 2012): Day 1 VideosFrom Vision to Action: Introducing Mindjet Connect (Video)About Presenter: Laura ConrardyA Better Way to Brainstorm (Role Play Video)About Presenter: John BarberBusiness Planning (Role Play Video)About Presenter: Laura ConrardyDon't Drown in Data: Get on top of information overload in 2012 (Video)About Presenter: John Barber\"Get Connected Week\" (March 20-22, 2012): Day 2 VideosWorking Together: Introducing MindManager 2012 and Mindjet Connect (Video)About Presenter: Greg LynchMeeting Management (Role Play Video)About Presenter: John BarberCollaboration in a Digital Agency: Learn how Zeta Improves Efficiency with Mindjet Connect (Video)About Presenter: Henry Waterfall-AllenEffective Account Planning (Video)About Presenter: Greg Lynch\"Get Connected Week\" (March 20-22, 2012): Day 3 VideosCollaborating Behind the Firewall: Introducing Mindjet Connect SP (Video)About Presenter: Laura ConrardyProblem Solving (Role Play Video)About Presenter: Greg LynchMindjet for Projects: Ensuring Success From Planning to Action (Video)About Presenter: John BarberQ&A Session: With Kelly Miller, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Mindjet (Video)About Presenter: Kelly MillerThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Zw67gLfI_Human-resource-Job-advertisement.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Problem SolvingProblem DefinitionDefine the problemRepeat if the problem is very complex and consists of multiple problemsVerify your understanding of the problem with your peersPrioritize the problemsBrainstorm Potential CausesUse MindManager's Brainstorming featureBrainstorm Potential SolutionsUse MindManager's Brainstorming featureSelect an ApproachPrioritize the approaches with map markersSort or filter to help you select your approachPlan Next StepsDevelop your planTargetsBudgetScheduleStepsResourcesTrainingMeasurementTasks / Next StepsKey MilestonesImplement the PlanMonitor your plan with MindManager's task management capabilitiesMonitor and Report ResultsShort-termRegular reportsProgress meetingsCorrective actionsLong-termProcess ControlThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Oth1eJYY_Grandmont-Rousset.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Roussetfoundationby Faydit de Vaulry; in the lordship of Rochechouart-Mortemart ()diocese: Limoges, FranceVaulry (87)ways to the West, North West St-Junien, Montmorillon1224 (before that hermits?)expansion 1220-1310by donations, achatsby Faydit de Vaulry; in the lordship of Rochechouart-Mortemartfoundation ()1295: 5 priests1317, a domain of Grandmont1428: emphyteotic lease250 ha; forest: 150 ha; 17th c.. farm lease 660 pounds/year; 1791: sold 22 400 poundsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSource: Martine Larigauderie Beijeaud, Grandmont, de l’ermitage à la seigneurie ecclésiastique, 12e-18e siècles, thèse de doctorat de l’université de Poitiers, dirigée par J. Péret, Poitiers, 2004.resources: rye, wheat, oats, buckwheat, wine, wax, hemp, tithes, rents, obituary rents, breeding, fruit, statute labourponds; corn, oil millsvestigesstonesmap: http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_127.html http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_109.html"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_CIl5ThNz.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "QualitätsvergleichstückkaufWare ist einmaligz.B. Sonderanfertigunggenaue Beschreibung der Ware nötiggenaue Qualitäts und GütebezeichnungenGattungskaufWare ist nach Art und Qualität mehrfach vorhandenz.B. WaschpulverQualitätsstandards sind bekanntThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookkauf auf probeRückgaberecht innerhalb einer Fristz.B. Umtausch im EinzelhandelAchtung: Der Kunde hat ohne Absprache kein generelles Umtausch- oder Rücktrittsrecht!\"Bei Nichtgefallen - Geld zurück\" ist Kulanz, kein Rechtsanspruch!Besondere Regelungen bei Haustürgeschäften!kauf zur probekleine Menge der Ware als MusterHauptbestellung erst nach MusterprüfungNeuer Zweig"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BuWHdv6V_Counties-of-Ireland.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Counties of Irelandabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counties_of_IrelandUlsterAntrimArmaghCavanDonegalDownFermanaghLondonderry[MonaghanTyroneMunsterClareCorkKerryLimerickTipperaryWaterfordLeinsterCarlowDublinDún Laoghaire–RathdownFingalSouth DublinKildareKilkennyLaoisLongfordLouthLouthMeathOffalyWestmeathWexfordWicklowConnachtGalwayLeitrimMayoRoscommonSligo"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jKZEHkMI_Intelligence-Advanced-Research-Projects-Activity.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activityabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_Advanced_Research_Projects_ActivityintroductionThe Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is an organization within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence responsible for leading research to overcome difficult challenges relevant to the United States Intelligence Community.[1] IARPA characterizes its mission as follows: \"To envision and lead high-risk, high-payoff research that delivers innovative technology for future overwhelming intelligence advantage.\"IARPA funds academic and industry research across a broad range of technical areas, including mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, neuroscience, linguistics, political science, and cognitive psychology. Most IARPA research is unclassified and openly published. IARPA transfers successful research results and technologies to other government agencies. Notable IARPA investments include quantum computing,[2] superconducting computing, machine learning, and forecasting tournaments.infoFormed 2006JurisdictionUnited States GovernmentHeadquartersIntelligence Community Compound BethesdaAgency executiveCatherine Marsh, Ph.D., DirectorParent agencyOffice of the Director of National IntelligenceWebsite IARPA.govMissionIARPA characterizes its mission as follows:To envision and lead high-risk, high-payoff research that delivers innovative technology for future overwhelming intelligence advantage.HistoryIn 1958, the first Advanced Research Projects Agency, or ARPA, was created in response to an unanticipated surprise—the Soviet Union's successful launch of Sputnik on October 4, 1957. The ARPA model was designed to anticipate and pre-empt technological surprise. As then-Secretary of Defense Neil McElroy said, \"I want an agency that makes sure no important thing remains undone because it doesn’t fit somebody's mission.\" The ARPA model has been characterized by ambitious technical goals, competitively awarded research led by term-limited staff, and independent testing and evaluation.Authorized by the ODNI in 2006, IARPA was modeled after DARPA but focused on national intelligence needs, rather than military needs. The agency was a consolidation of the National Security Agency's Disruptive Technology Office, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's National Technology Alliance, and the Central Intelligence Agency's Intelligence Technology Innovation Center.[3] IARPA operations began on October 1, 2007 with Lisa Porter as founding Director. Its headquarters, a new building in M Square, the University of Maryland's research park in Riverdale Park, Maryland, was dedicated in April 2009.[4]IARPA's quantum computing research was named Science magazine's Breakthrough of the Year in 2010.[5][6] In 2015, IARPA was named to lead foundational research and development in the National Strategic Computing Initiative.[7] IARPA is also a part of other White House science and technology efforts, including the U.S. BRAIN Initiative, and the Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge for Future Computing.[8][9] In 2013, New York Times op-ed columnist David Brooks called IARPA \"one of the government's most creative agencies.\"[10]ApproachIARPA invests in multi-year research programs, in which academic and industry teams compete to solve a well-defined set of technical problems, regularly scored on a shared set of metrics and milestones. Each program is led by an IARPA Program Manager (PM) who is a term-limited Government employee. IARPA programs are meant to enable researchers to pursue ideas that are potentially disruptive to the status quo.Most IARPA research is unclassified and openly published.[11] Former director Jason Matheny has stated the agency's goals of openness and external engagement to draw in expertise from academia and industry, or even individuals who \"might be working in their basement on some data-science project and might have an idea for how to solve an important problem\".[12] IARPA transfers successful research results and technologies to other government agencies.Research fieldsIARPA is known for its programs to fund research into anticipatory intelligence, using data science to make predictions about future events ranging from political elections to disease outbreaks to cyberattacks, some of which focus on open-source intelligence.[13][14][15] IARPA has pursued these objectives not only through traditional funding programs but also through tournaments[13][14] and prizes.[12] c is an example of one such program.[12][14] Other projects involve analysis of images or video that lacks metadata by directly analyzing the media's content itself. Examples given by IARPA include determining the location of an image by analyzing features such as placement of trees or a mountain skyline, or determining whether a video is of a baseball game or a traffic jam.[12] Another program focuses on developing speech recognition tools that can transcribe arbitrary languages.[16]IARPA is also involved in high-performance computing and alternative computing methods. In 2015, IARPA was named as one of two foundational research and development agencies in the National Strategic Computing Initiative, with the specific charge of \"future computing paradigms offering an alternative to standard semiconductor computing technologies\".[7] One such approach is cryogenic superconducting computing, which seeks to use superconductors such as niobium rather than semiconductors to reduce the energy consumption of future exascale supercomputers.[12][16]Several programs at IARPA focus on quantum computing[2] and neuroscience.[17] IARPA is a major funder of quantum computing research due to its applications in quantum cryptography. As of 2009, IARPA was said to provide a large portion of quantum computing funding resources in the United States.[18] Quantum computing research funded by IARPA was named Science Magazine's Breakthrough of the Year in 2010,[5][6] and physicist David Wineland was a winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics for quantum computing research funded by IARPA.[12] IARPA is also involved in neuromorphic computation efforts as part of the U.S. BRAIN Initiative and the National Nanotechnology Initiative's Grand Challenge for Future Computing. IARPA's MICrONS project seeks to reverse engineer one cubic millimeter of brain tissue and use insights from its study to improve machine learning and artificial intelligence.[8][9]Past researchAggregative Contingent Estimation (ACE) Program aimed \"to dramatically enhance the accuracy, precision, and timeliness of intelligence forecasts for a broad range of event types, through the development of advanced techniques that elicit, weight, and combine the judgments of many intelligence analysts.\"[19]ATHENA Program was a research program about cybersecurity.[20] It aimed \"to provide an early warning system for detecting precursors to cyberattacks\".[21]Babel Program developed \"agile and robust speech recognition technology that can be rapidly applied to any human language in order to provide effective search capability for analysts to efficiently process massive amounts of real-world recorded speech\".[22] The program tries to develop a software that can transcribe and search among all the languages.[23][24]Biometrics Exploitation Science & Technology (BEST) Program focused on \"significantly advance the state-of-the-science for biometrics technologies\".[25] It was to discover techniques on utilising biometric from a subject in a less controlled environment which could produce a similar result to that in a controlled environment.[26]Synthetic Holographic Observation (SHO) Program's stated goal was \"to enable full-parallax, full-color, high-resolution display of dynamic 3D data without head-gear, and possessing visually continuous perspectives without artifacts over wide viewing angles.\"[27]Current researchCreation of Operationally Realistic 3-D Environments (CORE3D) aims to \"develop rapid automated systems for 3-D models which are designed with complex physical properties and automated methods that will pull commercial, satellite, and airborne imagery.\"[28]Crowdsourcing Evidence, Argumentation, Thinking and Evaluation (CREATE) Program is about \"to develop, and experimentally test, systems that use crowdsourcing and structured analytic techniques to improve analytic reasoning\".[29] It hopes to improve the intelligence community's ability on better understanding evidence and sources in order to produce accurate information.[30][31]Deep Intermodal Video Analytics (DIVA) aims to \"advance state-of-the-art artificial visual perception, and automate video monitoring.\"[32]Functional Genomic and Computational Assessment of Threats (Fun GCAT) aims to \"develop next-generation biological data tools to improve DNA sequence screening, augment biodefense capabilities through the characterization of threats, and advance our understanding of the relative risks posed by unknown sequences.\"[33]Hybrid Forecasting Competition (HFC) aims to \"aims to improve accuracy in predicting worldwide geopolitical issues, including foreign political elections, interstate conflict, disease outbreaks, and economic indicators by leveraging the relative strengths of humans and machines.\"[34]Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language (MATERIAL) aims to \"develop and deploy fully automatic systems that will allow English-only speakers to accurately and efficiently identify foreign language documents of interest.\"[35]Molecular Analyzer for Efficient Gas-phase Low-power Interrogation (MAEGLIN) aims to \"develop a compact system capable of unattended environmental sampling and chemical identification with minimal (preferably no) consumables.\"[36]Multimodal Objective Sensing to Assess Individuals with Context (MOSAIC) Program aims to develop \"unobtrusive, passive, and persistent measurement to predict an individual’s job performance\".[37] It designs and tests sensors which can collect data about monitoring employees' work performance.[38][39][40]Rapid Analysis of Various Emerging Nano-electronics (RAVEN) aims to \"develop tools to rapidly image current and future integrated circuit chips.\"[41]DirectorsSteven Nixon (acting, 2007)[42]Tim Murphy (acting, 2007–2008)[42][43]Lisa Porter (2008–2012)[43]Peter Highnam (2012–2015)[44]Jason Matheny (2015–2018)[45]Stacey Dixon (2018–2019)[46]Catherine Marsh (2019–present)[47]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/n586377_Fault_Tree_Analysis_Diagram.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Potential HazardCause 1Sub-Cause 1Hardware Defect 1Hardware Defect 2Software Defect 1Software Defect 2Hardware Defect 3Software Defect 3Software Defect 4Cause 2LegendOR gateAND gateTransfer gateundeveloped eventbasic eventhighlighted textsoftware basic eventTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/djkXa05E_The-Pareto-Principle.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Pareto Principle()The Secret to Success by Achieving More with LessAppleJonathan IveYou know good design when you use it.iOS 7 is a pure representation of simplicity.Simplicity is actually quite complicated.One common adage in the IT industry is that 80 percent of all end users generally use only 20 percent of a software application's features. ()MicrosoftSteve BallmerOne common adage in the IT industry is that 80 percent of all end users generally use only 20 percent of a software application's features.Simplicity is actually quite complicated. ()Microsoft has learned that 80 percent of the errors and crashes in Windows and Office are caused by 20 percent of the entire pool of bugs detected, and that more than 50 percent of the headaches derive from a mere 1 percent of all flawed code.Other Examples20% of the criminals commit 80% of crimes20% of drivers cause 80% of crashes20% of products generate 80% of revenue20% of employees generate 80% of profitThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookOriginal Pareto DistributionWealth and Incomelog N = log A + m log xAnnotationThe term 80–20 is only a shorthand for the general principle at work. In individual cases, the distribution could just as well be, say, 80–10 or 80–30. There is no need for the two numbers to add up 100, as they are measures of different things e.g. 'number of customers' vs 'amount spent'Vilfredo ParetoHe was also the first to discover that income follows a Pareto distribution, which is a power law probability distribution. The Pareto principle was named after him and built on observations of his such as that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population.Engineer, Sociologist, Economist, Political Scientist, Philosopher1848-1923Italian"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/SKbBroli_Facilitator-Workspace.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Facilitator WorkspaceClient DetailsOrganizationContactsClient MaterialsAnnual ReportProject PlansContractingClient RequirementsRequirements SummaryDesign Of eventsContractingA. Before the FacilitationB. During the FacilitationC. Post FacilitationFacilitation EngagementPlanCo-Plan with the ClientDesign the Group ExperienceFacilitateFacilitator focusGroup ExperienceReflectDocumentExternal ResourcesSystem InformationSector InformationLegislative InformationReference MaterialsIAF CompetenciesIAF Code of EthicsToP Focused Conversation"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/2Aqe4XNX_Problem-SolvingTemplate.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Problem Solving TemplateDefine the ProblemWhat happens/happened?Why is it a problem?Where do you see it?Impacts who?Impacts how?Possible CausesHypothesis 1EvidenceLikelihoodConnects to...Hypothesis 2EvidenceLikelihoodConnects to...Hypothesis 3EvidenceLikelihoodConnects to...Possible SolutionsSolution 1ProsConsSolution 2ProsConsSolution 3ProsConsActionsStopStartDo MoreDo LessMaintain"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BtNe48m4_10-Things-to-Express-Thought-Leadership-Today.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "10 Things to Express Thought Leadership TodayAsk a QuestionDo a tweetpoll surveySend an email to your close colleagues or customersAdd a question on your blogAsk a thought-provoking question on LinkedInTweet an IdeaTweet a fun fact or something usefulShare a great link from Google ReaderRe-Tweet an insight from a fellow thought leaderMind Map ItMap out your ideas for a particular solutionPublish the map on your websiteThinkTake a drive and work something outGo for a walkChange your environment - take a notebook withMind Your ToneSpeak the language of your audienceMake them think!Be positive, helpful and forward-thinkingThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSchedule a WebinarGo for a few weeks outEmail your prospect & customer databasePick a timely topic from your industryAnswer a Question on LinkedInBe useful!Answer in depth and w/out self promotionBlog SomethingTalk about a new project/client/industry issueLink to other industry thought leadersInterview a customer - make them famous!Post Slides on Slideshare or Documents on ScribdHow about the slides from your webinar?What about that keynote your CEO did?Publish your library of thought leadership documentsComment on Another BlogSomeone from the RSS feeds you followAdd something to the conversation, don't just write nonsense to see your words on the screen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/uW2anLcr_JAPAN-prefectures-by-region.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "JAPAN prefectures by regionabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrative_divisions_of_JapanChūbuAichiFukuiGifuIshikawaNaganoNiigataShizuokaToyamaYamanashiChūgokuHiroshimaOkayamaShimaneTottoriYamaguchiHokkaidoHokkaidōKansaiHyōgoKyōtoMieNaraŌsakaShigaWakayamaKantōChibaGunmaIbarakiKanagawaSaitamaTochigiTōkyōKyushuFukuokaKagoshimaKumamotoMiyazakiNagasakiŌitaOkinawaSagaShikokuEhimeKagawaKōchiTokushimaTōhokuAkitaAomoriFukushimaIwateMiyagiYamagata"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ucNfidca_TPAssist-My-Life-Template-for-organising-what-s-important-2-of-8.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SpiritualityMy Spirituality... details ...This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookJOURNALNOTESTASK SUMMARY"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/2Cx8AZMn_Get-StartedIn-3-Minutes.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Get Started In 3 Minutes!What is a Mind Map?Click the \"+\" to see more. ()A mind map shows related concepts visually, in a branching outline structure made up of topics.What are Topics?Topics make up the content in a map. The types of topics in a map are shown in the diagram below.A: Central topic, B: Sub-topics, C: Callout topic, D: Floating topicHow do I Add New Topics?Add a New TopicPress Enter, then start typing.Add a Sub-TopicClick a topic, then press Insert.Add a Floating TopicClick an empty spot on the map then start typing.Add a Callout TopicSelect a sub-topic and press Control + Shift + EnterHow do I Organize Topics?Move TopicsDrag & drop to move topics.Connect & Reorder TopicsThe red connection guide shows possible topic connections and relationships while you are actively dragging a topic.How do I Add Images and Documents?Drag & drop content from your computer into the map or right-click a topic and select \"Image\" or \"Add Attachment\"How can I Collaborate and Share?Share via Mindjet’s online servicesClick \"Share\" in the \"Tools\" section of the “Home” tab to share and collaborate with colleagues in real time.Share via ExportClick \"File\" and then \"Export\" and select one of the options to share your mind map with others who don't have MindManager.Manage Tasks, Progress, and ResourcesClick \"Task Info\" in the \"Tasks\" section of the \"Home\" tab to assign owners, set start and end dates, and more.Also in the \"Tasks\" section are shortcuts to set priority, update progress, and manage resources.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookClick the \"+\" to see more.What is a Mind Map? ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/pzjRHPMC_BBEX-marketing.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BBEX marketingoffer servicesSEOPPC managementLink buildingSocial media marketingMobile websitesSales boosting servicesWeb design south floridaContact US :Phn: (888) 747-2239Fax: (561) 961-5191AdvantagesDesigned to perfectionAffordableGoogle friendlyOn-timeAny kind of siteSuper supportThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/L99Ivx7n_25-Things-You-Need-to-Stop-Wasting-Time-On.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "25 Things You Need to Stop Wasting Time On by MARC CHERNOFFDistractions that keep you from special moments with special peoplePay attention to the little things, because when you really miss someone you miss the little things the most, like just laughing together. Go for long walks. Indulge in great conversations. Count your mutual blessings. Let go for a little while and just BE together.Compulsive busynessSchedule time every day to not be busy. Have dedicated downtime - clear points in the day to reflect, rest, and recharge. Don’t fool yourself; you’re not so busy that you can’t afford a few minutes of sanity.Negative thinking about your current situationLife is like a mirror; we get the best results when we smile. So talk about your blessings more than you talk about your problems. Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re failing. Every great success requires some type of worthy struggle to get there.The needless drama around youBe wise enough to walk away from the nonsense around you. Focus on the positives, and soon the negatives will be harder to see.The desire for everything you don’t haveNo, you won’t always get exactly what you want, but remember this: There are lots of people who will never have what you have right now. The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for. Happiness never comes to those who don’t appreciate what they already have.Comparing yourself to everyone elseSocial comparison is the thief of happiness. You could spend a lifetime worrying about what others have, but it wouldn’t get you anything.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookEvery point in time other than right nowDon’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress too much about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Do your best to live NOW and make this moment worth living.Regrets of any kindYou don’t have to be defined by the things you once did or didn’t do. Don’t let yourself be controlled by regret. Maybe there’s something you could have done differently, or maybe not. Either way, it’s merely something that has already happened. Leave the unchangeable past behind you as you give yourself to the present moment.Any hateful thoughts at allSet an example. Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because you are. Make kindness a daily ritual; it’s what makes life happier and more fulfilling in the long run.ResentmentKindness is not to be mistaken for weakness, nor forgiveness for acceptance. It’s about knowing that resentment is not on the path to happiness. Remember, you don’t forgive people because you’re weak. You forgive them because you’re strong enough to know that people make mistakes.Other people’s mistakes and oversightsToday, be tolerant of people’s mistakes and oversights. Sometimes good people make bad choices. It doesn’t mean they’re bad; it simply means they are human.Thinking about who you were or what you had in the pastYou’re not the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. You’re always growing. Experiences don’t stop. That’s life.Worrying about the mistakes you’ve madeIt’s OK if you mess up; that’s how you get wiser. Give yourself a break. Don’t give up. Great things take time, and you’re getting there. Let your mistakes be your motivation, not your excuses. Decide right now that negative experiences from your past won’t predict your future.Close-minded judgmentsOpen your mind before you open your mouth. Don’t hate what you don’t know. The mind is like a parachute; it doesn’t work when it’s closed.Band-Aids and temporary fixesYou can’t change what you refuse to confront. You can’t find peace by avoiding things. Deal with problems directly before they deal with your happiness. (Angel and I discuss this in detail in the “Adversity” chapter of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently .Worrying about what everyone thinks and says about youDon’t take things too personally, even if it seems personal. Rarely do people do things because of you; they do things because of them You honestly can’t change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react and who you choose to be around.Self-deceptionYour life will improve only when you take small chances. And the first and most difficult chance you can take is to be honest with yourself.Thinking the perfect time will comeYou can’t always wait for the perfect moment. Sometimes you must dare to do it because life is too short to wonder what could have been.People who continuously dump on your dreamsIt’s better to be lonely than allow negative people and their opinions derail you from your destiny. Don’t let others crush your dreams. Do just once what they say you can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their negativity again.Doubting and second-guessing yourselfWhen in doubt just take the next small step. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.A life path that doesn’t feel rightLife is to be enjoyed, not endured. When you truly believe in what you’re doing, it shows, and it pays. Success in life is for those who are excited about where they are going. It’s about walking comfortably in your own shoes, in the direction of YOUR dreams.Everyone else’s definition of success and happinessYou simply can’t base your idea of success and happiness on other people’s opinions and expectations.All the fears holding you backFear is a feeling, not a fact. The best way to gain strength and self-confidence is to do what you’re afraid to do. Dare to change and grow. In the end, there is only one thing that makes a dream completely impossible to achieve: Lack of action based on the fear of failure.Trying to impress everyoneOne of the most freeing things we learn in life is that we don’t have to like everyone, everyone doesn’t have to like us, and that’s perfectly OK. No matter how you live, someone will be disappointed. So just live your truth and be sure YOU aren’t the one who is disappointed in the end.Those who insist on using and manipulating youWhat you allow is what will continue. Give as much as you can, but don’t allow yourself to be used. Listen to others closely, but don’t lose your own voice in the process.25 Things You Need to Stop Wasting Time On.docx自由主题“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.” ―Benjamin Franklin"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/gH4StOI4_Pre-Meeting-Investigation-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pre-Meeting InvestigationWhat decision needs to be made?Who owns the decision that needs to be made?Who is critical in making the decision or creating the Action Plan?Who has a stake in the decision, but not critical in making the decision?Make your decisionOutline it in an agendaShare it with the Critical Contributors along with the invitationAll Critical Contributors must review the information before the meeting, or please do not comeTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/F1jdfqyZ_EFFECTIVE-MEETING.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "EFFECTIVE MEETINGPersiapan MeetingTentukan Tujuan MeetingTujuan jangka pendekTujuan jangka panjangSusun AgendaTentukan topik-topik yang akan dibahasUrutkan topik-topik tersebut berdasarkan skala prioritasBila perlu, bisa menambahkan sub topikSesuaikan antara jumlah topik dengan alokasi waktuTentukan person yang akan diundangPastikan person yang diundang memiliki kompetensi dan berkaitan dengan topik yang akan dibahasBila perlu, pertiimbangkan untuk melibatkan top manajemenTambahkan beberapa ketentuan tentang meeting yang perlu ditaatiHarap datang tepat waktuHarap fokus pada agendaHormati perbedaan pendapatHarap mempersiapkan bahan yang diperlukan sebelum meeting dimulaiSebarkan Agenda Meeting ke semua peserta dengan jangka waktu yang mencukupi sebelum meeting dimulai, misalnya seminggu sebelumnyaPelaksanaan MeetingMulai dengan pernyataan pembukaan yang berisi :Tujuan MeetingPersetujuan mengenai agenda, bila ada masukan dari peserta bisa disesuaikanPembahasan topik-topik sesuai agendaHasilTugastentukan PICtentukan target pelaksanaanKesepakatan bersamaMetodediskusibrainstorminganalisa untung rugianalisa potensi hambatan dan peluangvotingkeputusan manajemenPembahasan harus fokusBila ada pembahasan di luar topik namun cukup penting, masukkan di dalam catatan khusus, dan akan dibahas di meeting yang lainPenarikan kesimpulanpenegasan mengenai tugas dan kesepakatanpenjadwalan rencana evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan hasil meetingTindak Lanjut MeetingSusun NotulenSebarkan Notulen ke semua pesertaThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPerlengkapan MeetingProjectorDaftar hadirPointerPapan tulisSpidolLaptop/komputer"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/2oSxSChP_Veranschaulichung.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "VeranschaulichungvertrautesTätigkeitenKulturkreisDingetägl. LebeneinfachThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWie?an Zuhörer denkenEinzelheiten im Umfeldbildliche Ausdrückezum Stoff passenZuhörern anpassenPrivatleben"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/rMX4Amms_Kali-Linux-Eigenschaften.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Kali Linux EigenschaftenKali Linux ist eine fortschrittliche Penetration Testing und SecurityKali ist eine komplette Erneuerung von BackTrack Linux und angelehnt an Debian Entwicklungsstandards.Kostenlos und immer verfügbarWireless Geräte SupportAngepasster Kernel für InjectionThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFHS kompliantMehr als 300 Penetration Test ToolsARMEL und ARMHF Unterstützungaktuell verfügbar für die nachfolgenden ARM Geräte:rk3306 mk/ss808Raspberry PiODROID U2/X2Samsung ChromebookEfikaMXBeaglebone BlackCuBoxGalaxy Note 10.1"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lHq5SJkC_Continuous-Improvement-Leadership-Training.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Continuous Improvement Leadership TrainingTarget group(Senior) Vice PresidentsManaging DirectorsManagement TeamsTraining Objectivedeveloping Lean Leadership Skillsattitudebehaviourcontinuous improvementContextRelated initiativesBooster ProgramSafety InitiativeMust Win BattlesThis trainingBusiness QuestionsCustomer satisfactionSafetyQualityCostDeliveryMethods to seeTools to solveThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookConceptPurpose, Process, PeopleWhatKnowSkillsKey PointsRoutinesLeading PrinciplesOpportunity for improvementTaguchi CurveGoal PostingHidden FactoryProgramResultIndividual Deployment Plan"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qdycxtrQ_Fault-Tree-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Curing temperature too lowORtemperature control brokenORCalibration not performedDetermine calibration dataAutomatic warning in case of missing calibrationDetermining the calibration checkDefine intervalsSensor faultyORTo Do: Sensor replacementTo Do: Sensor RepairIncorrect configurationCreate Checklist ConfigurationDefine inspection intervalsBackup configurationDocument import procedure for backupAndMissing functionLack of KnowledgeTrainingINFO"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Fx0c2uwi_QATAR-MUNICIPALITIES.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "QATAR MUNICIPALITIESMadinat ash ShamalAbu Dhalouf ZubarahAin Sinan Madinat Al Kaaban FuwayritAl Shamal City Ar Ru'aysAl KhorSimaisma Al Jeryan Al Khor CityAl Thakhira Ras Laffan Umm BirkaAl GhuwariyahUmm SalalBu FasseelaIzghawaAl KharaitiyatUmm Salal AliUmm Salal MohammedAl DaayenAl RayyanAl Gharrafa Gharrafat Al Rayyan Izghawa Bani Hajer Al Seej Rawdat Egdaim Al ThemaidAl Luqta Lebday Old Al Rayyan Al Shagub Fereej Al ZaeemNew Al Rayyan Al Wajbah MuaitherFereej Al Amir Luaib Muraikh Baaya Mehairja Fereej Al SoudanFereej Al Soudan Al Waab Al Aziziya New Fereej Al Ghanim Fereej Al Murra Fereej Al Manaseer Bu Sidra Muaither Al Sailiya Al MearadFereej Al Asiri New Fereej Al Khulaifat Bu Samra Al Mamoura Abu Hamour Mesaimeer Ain KhaledAl UtouriyaAl JemailiyaAl-ShahaniyaMebaireekRawdat RashedAl KaraanaUmm BabAl NasraniyaDukhanAbu SamraSawda NatheelAd Dawhah (Doha)Al WakrahAl WakrahAl Thumama Al Wukair Al MashafMesaieedMesaieed Industrial AreaShagraAl KharraraKhawr al Udaydmap byWojciech Korsakall informationen.wikipedia.org"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/o627881_Option_Settings_and_other_Configuration_Recommendations.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Cabre's Recommended Set Up for MindManager 6 or 7 or 8 or 9MM6 - Tools > Options MM7/8 - MindManager Button > Options MM9 - File > OptionsSaveBackup CopySo you have a \"last version\"Auto Recoverand set time to 5 minutesTo minimise loss of dataRe-Open last workspaceOpen document on Start Up ()When you start MM it will open all the maps you previously had open.Its entered automatically into map properties for each map created.At night don't close all the maps you are working on. Close MindManager and it will prompt you to save any unsaved maps.User InformationFill it inGeneralRecently Used FilesIncrease this to 15Open document on Start UpRe-Open last workspace ()And create a desktop map which:Links to your favourite web sites, documents, folders, Outlook contacts and mapsHas your To Do topicsLeft-Handed User InterfaceSometimes this box gets tickedVisual EffectsShow Favicons for web hyperlinksEditBalance New TopicsSome people find this interferes with creating or editing a mapMM8/9 Add InsDisable Browser Add In if you always want to open links in your default browser and not the MindManager Browser PaneDisable other Add Ins you do not useMM7/8/9 - Ribbon and Quick Access ToolbarHide the ribbon by right clicking and Minimise RibbonMM9 - Ctrl-F1 and Down/Up Chevron top rightAdd tools to the Quick Access Toolbar by right clicking the ribbon tool and Add to Quick Access ToolbarOr use Customise Quick Access ToolbarMM6 - Tools > CustomizeCommandsFileSave AllViewCenter MapFocus on TopicOptionsAlways show full menuSo you can see where all the menu options areTo get off to a good start with MindManager 6 or 7 or 8 or 9, Cabre recommends the following settings"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qg5pm4fh_Prospecting-Factory-e-g-a-bank.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Prospecting Factory e.g. a bankBusiness ContextBank's External PressuresGain marketshareMajor Apps ()Bank's Business ObjectivesGrow revenueMajor Apps ()Bank's Internal ChallengesBank's Digital ContextSIsEnterprise AgreementsMajor AppsGain marketshare ()Internal ()Grow revenue ()External ()Strategic AssetsCustomer serviceCustomer satisfactionDifficult to replicateAudiences ImpactedInternalMajor Apps ()New service for youth market ()CMOCIOAppsInfraExternalMajor Apps ()FintechsNew service for youth market ()InitiativesCyber securityCloudApp migrationModernise AppsNew service for youth marketAmazon ()Internal ()Fintechs ()C:I ()New ways of workingDatacentre consolidationetcBusiness ValueRatiosFinancialC:INew service for youth market ()OperationalCompeteVs traditionalVs disruptersAmazonNew service for youth market ()Leverage Existing InvestmentsMake new investments"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/a7yw0zby_TOP-5-Anzahl-Gefangene.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TOP 5 Anzahl GefangeneUSA2,2 Mil.China1,6 Mil.Russland0,6 Mil.Brasilien0.5 Mil.Indien0,4 Mil.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookkleiner 100 000PolenDeutschlandEngland"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k480801_nalise_Combinatria.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Análise CombinatóriaArranjop < m ()considera a ordemArrumadoSimplesSem repetiçãoQualquer ordemrepetiçãorepetição do elemento no grupoCondicionalN=A(m1,p1).A(m-m1,p-p1)p < mCombinação ()Arranjo ()m: Tamanho do espaço amostral p: Tamanho da amostraCombinação\"Caio e Camila = Camila e Caio\" ()p < m ()não considera a ordemComissõesSimplesCom Repetiçãop vezesCr(m,p)=C(m+p-1,p)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bDNHczIg_Daily-Chronodex-Planner-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Daily Chronodex Planner Map :Next actionsDay :Satisfaction level Points of improvementThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWaiting for /ProjectsTo be delegatedInbox/ Notes"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/GhGqd60B_Margareth-Weathley-10-Principles-for-Creating-Healthy-Communities.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Margareth Weathley 10 Principles for Creating Healthy CommunitiesPeople Support What They CreatePeople Act Responsibly When They CareConversation Is the Way Human Beings Have Always ThoughtTo Change the Conversation, Change Who Is In ItExpect Leaders to Come From AnywhereThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWe Focus On What Works and It Releases Our Creative EnergyThe Wisdom Resides Within UsEverything is a Failure in the MiddleHumans Can Handle Anything As Long As We’re TogetherGenerosity Forgiveness and LoveThis mapAuthor: Nicolas STAMPFBlog: www.AppreciatingSystems.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/x971646_A_Code_of_Conduct_for_21st_Century_Americans.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "A Code of Conduct & Ethics for 21st Century AmericansLive each day with courageBe tough, but fairTake pride in your work and who you areDo what has to be doneAlways finish what you startWhen you make a promise, keep itTalk less and say moreRemember that some things aren't for saleRide for the brandKnow where to draw the lineRespect your fellowmen and natureBe there for your friendsTake care of your ownLend a helping handBe modestBe thankful and graciousBe honestNever shoot a man in the backDefend your country and the ConstitutionLive by Kant's Categorical ImperativeMind Map © 2010 Dietmar W. SokowskiSalus Populi Est Suprema Lex"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/1k3wwkGN_Agile-Planning-Board.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Agile Planning BoardProduct BacklogCross product map compatibility testing and fixesOpen Fire ClusteringDecommissioning of all Connection Manager ServersUpdate Web client to display read only modeServer-side map savingDefect : Web client co-editing (CONN 3808)Notification architecture updatesSprint 1BacklogIn ProgressDoneRetrospective FindingsTeam took on more than it could complete in 2 weeksEnvironment setup took more time than expectedSprint 2BacklogServer-side map savingCross product map compatibility testing and fixesIn ProgressDoneArchiveThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/w911511_B2I.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "collège1 - S'approprier un environnement informatique de travail1.1) Je sais m'identifier sur un réseau ou un site et mettre fin à cette identification.1.2) Je sais accéder aux logiciels et aux documents disponibles à partir de mon espace de travail.1.3) Je sais organiser mes espaces de stockage.1.4) Je sais lire les propriétés d'un fichier : nom, format, taille, dates de création et de dernière modification.1.5) Je sais paramétrer l’impression (prévisualisation, quantité, partie de documents…).1.6) Je sais faire un autre choix que celui proposé par défaut (lieu d’enregistrement, format, imprimante…).2 - Adopter une attitude responsable2.1) Je connais les droits et devoirs indiqués dans la charte d’usage des TIC et la procédure d'alerte de mon établissement.2.2) Je protège ma vie privée en ne donnant sur internet des renseignements me concernant qu’avec l’accord de mon responsable légal.2.3) Lorsque j’utilise ou transmets des documents, je vérifie que j’en ai le droit.2.4) Je m'interroge sur les résultats des traitements informatiques (calcul, représentation graphique, correcteur...).2.5) J’applique des règles de prudence contre les risques de malveillance (virus, spam...).2.6) Je sécurise mes données (gestion des mots de passe, fermeture de session, sauvegarde).2.7) Je mets mes compétences informatiques au service d'une production collective.3 - Créer, produire, traiter, exploiter des données3.1) Je sais modifier la mise en forme des caractères et des paragraphes, paginer automatiquement.3.2) Je sais utiliser l’outil de recherche et de remplacement dans un document.3.3) Je sais regrouper dans un même document plusieurs éléments (texte, image, tableau, son, graphique, vidéo…)3.4) Je sais créer, modifier une feuille de calcul, insérer une formule.3.5) Je sais réaliser un graphique de type donné.3.6) Je sais utiliser un outil de simulation (ou de modélisation) en étant conscient de ses limites.3.7) Je sais traiter un fichier image ou son à l’aide d’un logiciel dédié notamment pour modifier ses propriétés élémentaires.4 - S'informer, se documenter4.1) Je sais rechercher des références de documents à l’aide du logiciel documentaire présent au CDI.4.2) Je sais utiliser les fonctions principales d'un logiciel de navigation sur le web (paramétrage, gestion des favoris, gestion des affichages et de l'impression).4.3) je sais utiliser les fonctions principales d'un outil de recherche sur le web (moteur de recherche, annuaire...).4.4) Je sais relever des éléments me permettant de connaître l’origine de l’information (auteur, date, source…).4.5) Je sais sélectionner des résultats lors d'une recherche (et donner des arguments permettant de justifier mon choix).5 - Communiquer, échanger5.1) Lorsque j'envoie ou je publie des informations, je réfléchis aux lecteurs possibles en fonction de l'outil utilisé.5.2) Je sais ouvrir et enregistrer un fichier joint à un message ou à une publication.5.3) : Je sais envoyer ou publier un message avec un fichier joint.5.4) Je sais utiliser un carnet d’adresses ou un annuaire pour choisir un destinataire.Pour obtenir le B2I collègevalider au min 23 des 29 compétencesau min la moitié des items doit être validée par domaineCette fiche est là pour te rappeler les compétences que tu as à acquérir au cours de tes années au collège pour valider le Brevet Informatique et Internet (B2I). Elle t'aidera notamment à faire le point sur les compétences que tu pourras valider en cours de français ou de latin."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/c170407_WorkLife_Balance.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Work-Life BalanceIdentify Your PrioritiesChildrenSpouseCareerReligionHealthDrop Unnecessary ActivitiesTV / NetflixBrowsing the WebCollecting Unnecessary \"Junk\"Protect Your Private TimeRespond to e-Mail and Phone Calls during work hoursAccept Help to Balance Your LifePlan Fun and RelaxationExerciseDate NightFamily Game NightGuitar LessonsBased on the WebMD Article, \"5 Tips for Better Work-Life Balance\""}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/FiMOxRJq_TOP-10-NG-Projekt-Management.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TOP 10 NG Projekt-management1. Emotionale Intelligenz. Das meint die Fähigkeit, Augen und Ohren offen zu halten, um den Input von Projektmitarbeitern und Kunden in Zusammenhang mit dem Ziel in die Arbeit einfließen zu lassen.2. Anpassungsfähige Kommunikation. Die Fähigkeit, seine Ideen - mündlich oder schriftlich - einem weiten Kreis von Interessenten zu vermitteln, egal, aus welcher Abteilung, aus welchem Kulturkreis und mit welcher Vorbildung sie stammen.3. Fähigkeit, mit Leuten umzugehen. Die Begabung, schnell positive Beziehungen zu Team-Mitgliedern und Stakeholdern aufzubauen und zu pflegen.4. Fähigkeit zu managen. Das Können, in einem Team zu arbeiten, es zu motivieren, auf das Ziel zu fokussieren und die Zusammenarbeit im Team zu fördern.5. Flexibilität. Der Wille und die Fähigkeit, seinen Denkansatz zu überarbeiten, wenn es der Projektgegenstand und das Business verlangen.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook6. Business-Kenntnisse. Wissen über das Business des Kunden und seine Branche. Die Fertigkeit, seine Strategie zu verstehen und seine Projektarbeit an dieser Strategie auszurichten.7. Analysefähigkeit. Die Eignung, Probleme analysieren zu können und seine Entscheidungen aufgrund solcher Analysen zu treffen.8. Blick für den Kunden. Das Vermögen, Kunden- und Anwenderbedürfnisse zu verstehen und den Drang, diese Kundenbedürfnisse im Projekt auch befriedigen zu wollen.9. Ausrichtung am Ergebnis. Die Fähigkeit, das Projekt effizient und wirksam abzuschließen.10. Charakter. Der Projektmanager der Zukunft sollte eine ansprechende Persönlichkeit sowie starke Wertvorstellungen und einen moralisch einwandfreien Charakter besitzen. (ad/mje)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/cagQhRxf_All-About-iOS-5-Apple-s-New-Operating-System-for-iPad-and-iPhone.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "All About iOS 5: Apple's New Operating System for iPad and iPhoneNotification CenteriMessageNewsstandRemindersTwitterCameraPhotosSafariThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPC FreeMailCalendarGame CenterWi-Fi SyncMultitasking Gestures for iPadAirPlay MirroringMindmap by Chance Brown, 10/4/11Content from Apple.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/1cKLWYsc_Ettercap.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "EttercapNetzwerkanalyseSniffinAnalysenEchtzeitkontrolleautomatisches ProtokollierenMan-In-The-Middle-Angriffeinhaltbezogenes FilteringThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookBenutzerschnittstelleNCurses-FronteGTK2-GUIDaemonmodesudo apt-get installettercap-text-onlyettercap-graphical'Version0.8.0-LacassagneEttercap Home Pagepage.webarchive"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/7tJpC1f9_10-Things-Successful-People-Do-Differently.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "10 Things Successful People Do DifferentlyThey commit to their GoalsPersist until they achieve themtake ResponsibilityWork HardFind People who are doing what they want and emulate themmake Mistakes and learn from themConstantly LearnRest and RechargeTake Care of themselvesbelieve in Themselves and their vision"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/5KZ2Fevx_4D-BRAND-Tomas-Gad.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "4D BRAND - Tomas Gad4-D Branding offers a revolutionary four-dimensional model for understanding brand strengths and weaknesses.It can just as easily be used to create a new brand or analyze the strategic options for established brands.The model enables companies to create their own unique 'brand code' or 'mindspace'.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookThe brand code represents an organization's unique corporate DNA , which can be used to drive every aspect of the business - from product innovation to recruitment.Understand these four dimensions & create the brands of the future.4D-Branding argues that in an era of transparent markets, branding has four dimensions:1. The functional dimension:Describes the unique features of a product or service.Everything to do with physical quality, taste, style & efficiency.Depend too heavily on this dimension and you run the risk of copycats stealing your market.2. The social dimension:Speaks about the experience of the consumer as a user, Starbucks did when it introduced European café culture into the U.S.Buyers in any market make their purchase decision subjectively.It is based on what they feel best conveys or portrays their social identity.With growing instability, brands are increasingly powerful definers of social standing.3. The mental dimension:Creates an individual experience through the brand, as Nike did with \"Just do it.\" Builds value in the minds of its users.In every human being there is an inner landscape of mental programming.4D-Brands touch the soul.4. The spiritual dimension:Talks about what the brand stands for. The 4-D brand goes right to the core of the customer's system of beliefs, as Anita Roddick did with Body Shop.Understand the spiritual and you understand the connections between the brand, the product or the company, and the bigger system of which we are all part.The spiritual dimension is now purposely used to build brands.It is not a token gesture or a fashionable statement.To work it has to be believed and lived."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ZUaXTxJd_Facilitation-Why-Pinpoint-Keith-Warren-Price.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Why Pinpoint? Keith Warren-PriceFact : Most people don't like meetings!Reasons givenNo outcomeNo follow upWaffleVerbose / quiet peopleNo preparationInviting the wrong peopleHaving too manySo what happens in meetings?PowerPoint presentationsWorkshop with trainer and students around a tableFor these to work the energy, direction & motivation has to come from the person at the front ... the audience is passive!Pinpoint switches this ...Group has the energyFacilitator is doing less ... if not nothing!How does it work?Use large pinboardsgroup and meeting happens thereagenda and action plan at the end happens on the boardDelivery may still be necessary but ... can still pause for audience reactionThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookBeware the icebergBehaviours we see above the table are what we can cope with!Don't see emotion, negativity, hidden agendas and nasty stuff below the tableNot always purposely negative ... rarely done to be destructivePart of our nature ...Working on boards rather than people to people becomes almost unemotionalThe emotion is based on activity an engagement that is happening on the BoardsAcademics have written tomes on what to do ... but PinPoint effectively sidelines the issueMore about the processFollow the processesWork with what's on the BoardsAllow people to be real & do what they want to do on the Boardsand you will get the results you wantAnd remember ...The start - see other video about preparing for meeting - is vitalWhere are we going to finish up?What does the final board look like?Then work backwards to find out where you are going to startThere is no excuse whatsoever for a Pinpoint meeting not to have a clear, engaged owned active outcomeWhat-is-Facilitation-0112.pdf"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/KYgLHn59_Chembakolli.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ChembakolliLocationVillage in Southern IndiaIn the state of Tamil NaduLocated in the Nilgiri HillsSurrounded by forestsClosest town is GudalurClosest City is MysoreEducationChildren walk to their nearest school, in Gudalur.This school has recently been rebuilt and has a library, computers and a large hall.If there was a elephant in the way they would turn back and go home.They also sometimes get to school by using a jeep.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAgricultureMost people in Chembakolli are farmersCrops include rice, onions, tomatoes, peppers and oranges.These crops are generally grown for consumption in the village rather than for sale.Tea is the main commercial crop grown around Chembakolli.Land rightsThe Adivasi tribe were forced to leave their forest land when the Mudumalai Forest Reserve was established in 1940.On 5 December 1988 10,000 people took part in a march through the town of Gudalur, demanding the return of their land."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_N8Mbm4zG.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PME et Réseaux sociaux...RS et webmarketingCréer des inter-actions avec ses clientsopen innovationStratégie de communication multi canal (mix marketing)Développer sa notoriétéDévelopper son businessGérer la e-reputation des dirigeantsAmplificateur de réseauRS et Intelligence économique... une veille multicanal et dynamiqueConcurrenceOpportunités et tendances marchésRecruterIdentifier des fournisseurs, des experts, des partenaires...Réseaux Sociaux d'Entreprise pour booster la Com interne et le managementModerniser l'intranet pour en faire de vraies plateformes collaborativesInnovation participativePartager les connaissances et le savoirIdentifier les bonnes pratiquesCartographier les compétences et savoirs critiques de l'entrepriseOptimiser les process et l'organisationMieux intégrer la génération YBooster la com interneFacteur clef de réussiteÊtre accompagné..De la stratégie à l'actionSe former...démythifier l'innovation et se centrer sur les usagesVoir grand mais commencer petitStratégies de déploiement d'usages progressiveBusiness et prospectionProductivitéManagementClimat socialInnovation transversaleThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookLa question n'est plus \"Faut-il y aller ?\" mais \"Comment y aller et pour quels usages ?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/veCCTk5K_Th-233-orie-U.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Théorie UProcessus en 5 mouvementsCo-initierConstruire une intention communeS'arrêter, écouter les autres, écouter ce que la vie vous appelle à faireCo-sentirObserver, observer, observerAller vers le plus grand potentiel et écouter, esprit et coeur grand ouvertsPresencingSe connecter à la source d'inspiration et de volontéCo-créerPrototyper le nouveau... par des exemples vivants pour explorer le futur par l'actionCo-évoluerIncorporer le nouveau aux écosystèmes... qui permettent de voir et d'agir à partir de l'ensembleNouvelle technologie sociale7 qualités de LeadershipGarder un espace : écouter ce que la vie vous appelle à faireCréer ou maintenir un espace d'accueil aux autresLa clef est l'écouteEcoute de vous-mêmeEcoute des autresEcoute de ce qui émerge du collectif que vous réunissezPrincipe d'incomplétudeInviter les autres dès la composition du menu et non pas lorsque le dessert est au fourObserver : prêter attention l'esprit grand ouvertSuspendre la Voix du Jugement (VDJ)Suspendre la Voix du Cynisme (VOC)Suspendre la Voix de la Peur (VOP)Ressentir : se relier à son coeurL'esprit est comme un parachute : il ne fonctionne que s'il est ouvertPresencing : se relier à la source la plus profonde de son moi et de sa volontéCristalliser : accéder au pouvoir de l'intentionMargaret Mead : \"Ne doutez jamais qu'un petit groupe de citoyens réfléchis et engagés puisse changer le monde. C'est d'ailleurs la seule chose qui l'ait jamais changé.\"Prototyper : intégrer la tête, le coeur et la main3 ennemisExécuter sans aucune attention ni talent d'improvision (action réactionnelle)Réfléchir sans fin et sans volonté d'agir (analyse qui paralyse)Discourir sans se lier à la source ni à l'action (bla-bla-bla)Interpréter : jouer du macro violonThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookQuestions pour un nouveau managerQuel est votre objectif le plus important et comment puis-je vous aider à le réaliser ?Quels seront vos critères pour évaluer l'efficacité de ma contribution à votre travail ?Si je pouvais changer deux choses dans mon secteur de responsabilité dans les six mois à venir, lesquelles vous apporteraient le plus de valeur et de bénéfices ?S'il y a lieu, quelles sont les tensions passées et/ou les demandes conflictuelles qui ont posé problème à mes prédécesseurs pour accéder à vos exigences et à vos attentes ?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/nypafO44_Learn-How-to-Mind-Map-free-webinar-on-Oct-8th-7pm-EDT.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Learn from FLUENT BRAIN's CEO & Chief Visual Facilitator, Matt TanguayFree training webinar on the Mind Mapping FundamentalsOct 8th, 7pm EDT (4pm PDT)You will learn...How to create your mind maps quickly in 3 little stepsLearn the 3 strategies for the creation of a mind mapDiscover the best mind mapping software on the marketHow to mind map with Mindjet MindManagerThere's more!Pick Matt's brain to help you with your projects’ maps, and get your questions answeredParticipate in the draw to win a mind mapping software license!bit.ly/NOVuAm or go to FluentBrain.comThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ZJOJX02m_BIBLIOGRAPHIE-MIND-MAPPING-Francophone.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BIBLIOGRAPHIE MIND MAPPING FrancophoneINFORMATIQUEEFFICACITE PROFESSIONELLEThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookDEVELOPPEMENT PERSONNELEDUCATIONEnseigner avec les cartes mentales et conceptuelles"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/NnUeSKGj_TOP-5-Projektarbeit.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TOP 5 Projektarbeitaktive KommunikationTeam für das Projekt begeisternAnerkennungThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookgute ArbeitsatmosphäreAufgaben delegieren"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/x984433_PMBOK_Cost_Estimating_Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Estimation (of Cost)DefinitionEstimating the cost of resources needed to complete project activitiesInputsWork Breakdown StructureResource RequirementsCost Unit PricesActivity Duration EstimatesChart of AccountsComputerized Tools ()Cost centersCost management systemTools and techniquesBottom-up EstimatingComputerized ToolsChart of Accounts ()OutputsCost EstimatesCost Management Plan"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QSfhhy08_QA-Plan-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "QA Plan MapThemeDatesBuilds in QAPost RTMPost GASystem RequirementsHyperlink to Requirements docThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTest Cases Master MapTo DoQuestionsNew in Release"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/UCzd7Dgm_Les-7-Merveilles-du-Monde-NATURELLES-NOUVELLES.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Les 7 Merveilles du Monde : NATURELLES NOUVELLESL'AmazonieBrésil+ grande forêt du mondeBiodiversité extraordinaireForêt amazonienne5 500 000 km² de superficieFleuve Amazone6 800 kmLes chutes d' IguazuArgentine/Brésil275 cascadesGarganta del diablo+ haute90m de hauteur6 millions de litres d'eau par secondeLa baie d'HA LongVietnamFormées par 2000 îlesGolfe du Tonkin1500 km²Côte de 120 kmÎle de JejuCorée du SudVolcan Hallasanvolcan le + haut de Corée du SudOrigine de la formation de l'îleReliefs incroyablesTunnels de laveThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookÎle de KomodoIndonésie\"Dragon de Komodo\"plus grand lézard vivant3190 km²2000 habitantsRivière souterraine de Puerta PrincesaPhilippinesRivière souterraine sur 8 kmStalactites + StalagmitesTrès grande diversité écologiqueSubit l'influence des maréesEcosystème completMontagne de la TableAfrique du SudMontagne platecuriosité géologiqueTrès grande diversité faune/ floreSurplombe la ville du cap"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/EVMo8DgU_Why-to-choose-Nuez-dela-India.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Nuez dela indiaproductsNuez dela India dietary supplementNuez dela India natural seedsWhy to choose ?PureRawUnprocessedFreshContact Us :info@nuez-dela-india.com18884251206https://twitter.com/nuez_dela_indiahttps://www.facebook.com/TheRealNuezDelaIndiabeneficial forWeight lossFat burnerDetoxificationCleansingCholesterolHemorrhoidsBowel MovementsHair & SkinQuit smokingwebsiteThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Znx3oqOY_SWOT-Matrix.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题Outdated branding is making us fall behind the times against \"cooler\" and more modern looking businessesDifferentiating our brand amongst ones that offer similar productsWe need to make updates to our product and branding to a more modern look and feelTeam is too small, too many tasks to accomplish with not enough personnel to complete themEasier to use interface that makes the initial learning process easier for novice usersCompetitors have raised prices while not introducing any new features or functionalityIncrease in work-from-home/remote work positionsUnique features and functionality are good for novices to experts and everyone in betweenEngaging potential customers on popular forms of social mediaWell established in the market, household name, good reputationUnique features and functionality that our competitors have not yet adopted or do not have the ability to developSocial media marketing team and public outreachSaturation of the market with similar product and service offeringsCompetitors have not penetrated large markets in foreign countriesReliable product and customer satisfactionEarly innovators in the industry offering products and services that are successful and adopted by many competitors"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g3FRtGAg_Winning-Support-for-Flexible-Work.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Winning Support for Flexible Work reynald.bonnard@gmail.comWhat the Experts Say\"Traditionally, managers were reluctant to have people work remotely because of lack of trust: Are you really working or are you eating bonbons with your friend?\"Even those bosses who trust their employees worry about appearing to favor certain people or allowing productivity to decline.when people are given the flexibility they need, they meet goals more easily, they're absent or tardy less often, and their morale goes up.By focusing on these upsides and framing your request correctly, you greatly increase your chances of getting approval for an alternative work arrangement.Define what you wantRemark 1 : The first step is to figure out what you are trying to accomplish.do you want to remove distractions in order to be able to focus on bigger, more long-term projects?Reduce the amount of time you spend at the office?Once you're clear on your goal, decide what arrangement will best help you achieve it — options include a compressed work week, a job share, reduced hours, working from home, taking a month-long sabbatical, even something as simple as turning off your Blackberry in the evenings — and consider whether you could still do your job effectively.Tip 1 : Before you make a proposal, be sure to understand the impact your wished-for schedule will have on your boss, your team and your performance.If your company doesn't have a formal policy, you'll need to create a proposal yourself.Design it as an experimentMany managers will be hesitant especially if your organization does not have established protocols.Tip 2 : Explain that if it doesn't work, you are willing to try a different arrangement or go back to the way things were.Ask for team input and supportRemark 2 : Remember that your team — peers and direct reports — is affected by your work schedule, so you need everyone's support to make your new arrangement a success.Be sure to let your boss know that your proposal includes your colleagues' suggestionsTip 3 : Some worry that if they grant one person flexibility, the floodgates will open and everyone will want the same arrangement. In fact, many people prefer a traditional schedule.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookHighlight the benefits to the organizationWhat you propose needs to have the clear goal of improving your performance at work and making your boss successful.Tip 4 : Demonstrate that you have considered the company's needs, that your new schedule will not be disruptive and that it will actually have positive benefitsReassess and make adjustmentsOnce your experiment has been in place three or four months, evaluate its success.Are you reaching your goals?Is the schedule causing problems for anyone?Tip 5 : you will want to report back to your boss \"Get the data to support your productivity. Show that it's working,\"Principles to RememberDoKnow what you are trying to accomplish with flexibility before proposing an alternative schedule.Acknowledge the impact your arrangement will have on your boss, your team, and your productivity.Start with an experiment, and be open to adjustments if it doesn't work out.Don'tFocus exclusively on the benefits to you and your family.Assume your team will be behind you; you must incorporate their input and suggestions.Propose anything as a permanent solution without testing it first."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/u869794.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pupil Session ObjectivesHyperlinksCTRL + KNote FunctionCTRL + TMap MarkersLibrary ()Priority markerTask Complete %SmileyFlagLibraryMap Markers ()IconsImagesClipartFormatting, colouring etc...FontSizeBox ColourBoundaries"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/n7SA0miz_COOPERATIVAS-de-LA-REFLA.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "COOPERATIVAS de LA REFLAINMPRECINDIBLE EL LEVANTAR LA INFORMACION EN UN SISTEMA DE GESTION INFORMATICO !! ()Analisis de Datos de Acuerdo al Censo Economico del 2010Mapeo de la Zona de Acuerdo a la tipologia de los negocios (Comercio/Produccion/Servicio)Cruce de Informacion con los datos tomados de la Base de Datos de la CooperativaClasificacion y Zonificacion de los Creditos Productivos ()Analisis de Base de Datos (Archivos Impresos o Archivos Magneticos)Determinacion de los tipos de Negocios o Emprendimientos ProductivosClasificacion y Zonificacion de los Creditos ProductivosCruce de Informacion con los datos tomados de la Base de Datos de la Cooperativa ()Credito Productivo ACredito Productivo BCredito Productivo CDeterminacion de Plan de Negocio y Cadena de Valor de acuerdo a los tipos de Creditos ProductivosClasificacion y Zonificacion de los Creditos ProductivosEntrevista con clientes, se obtiene datos reales contrastables con la informacion de los Archivos ()Clientes con Creditos ProductivosAnalisis de CreditosMoraClientes ImpagosClientes 3A/2AAl conocer la situacion de los creditos en relacion con los tipos de emprendimientos, podemos preguntar: El porque de los problemas o de los exitos, fundamentados en la informacion de las tipos de negocio de la zona y con el levantamiento de los Planes de Negocio y Cadena de Valor determinados por la investigacion de las bases de datos realizados en las CooperativasAnalisis de CreditosEntrevista con clientes, se obtiene datos reales contrastables con la informacion de los ArchivosDeterminacion de Plan de Negocio y Cadena de Valor de acuerdo a los tipos de Creditos Productivos ()This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookINMPRECINDIBLE EL LEVANTAR LA INFORMACION EN UN SISTEMA DE GESTION INFORMATICO !!COOPERATIVAS de LA REFLA ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_heKA0bFp.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "プロジェクト ダッシュボード計画段階プロジェクト定義顧客満足度コミュニケーション 方針リスク定義WBS(Work Breakdown structure) の定義プロジェクト体制リソース成果物This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook開始段階プロジェクトのキックオフチームビルディングチームコミュニケーションを 促進するためのワークショップコーチングアクションラーニングトレーニングチームメンバに必要なトレーニングの企画トレーニングの実施実施段階要件管理会議ミーティングテンプレート進捗会議進捗報告テンプレートTODOリスト終了段階プロジェクト監査"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/DoWSAInS_High-level-view-of-the-strategic-planning-workshop.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "the workshopwhat does winning look like?what is your goal for the business?vision? BHAG?what is the purpose of our business?what does our firm exist to do?where will we compete to win?where can we win?in what markets will we compete?what markets will we avoid?segments?how will we win?what is our competitive advantage?what are our competitive strengths?what innovation can we apply to create competitive advantage?low cost? differentiation?what capabilities do we need to win?what 'broad' capabilities? culture? expertise? experience? domain knowledge?what capabilities in our people and teams?what activities will enable our firm to fulfill our decisions in #2 and #3.right people in right roles.what management systems do we need to win?processes, structures, that build capability and supportpeoplerecruitmentonboardingprofessional developmentperformance managementleadership, coaching, mentoringmarketinginformation technologysalesinnovation"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/7LX2lqoq_Amy-Morin-s-bestselling-13-Things-Mentally-Strong-People-Don-t-Do-table-of-contents.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Amy Morin's 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't DoAbout Amy Morin's 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't DoAt a glanceAuthorLearning tools and tipsAmazon CategoriesAmy Morin's 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do is a consistent Top 5000 seller out of the hundreds of thousands of books in all categories (fiction plus nonfiction) on Amazon.com.It's currently an Amazon Top 100 books in several popular categories:Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Mental Health > HappinessBooks > Business & Money > Business Culture > Motivation & Self-ImprovementBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > MotivationalIt's also available in different formats:Soft coverHard coverAudio CDFront matterIntroductionChapter 1: They Don't Waste Time Feeling Sorry for ThemselvesChapter 2: They Don't Give Away Their PowerChapter 3: They Don't Shy Away from ChangeChapter 4: They Don't Focus on Things They Can't ChangeChapter 5: They Don't Worry About Pleasing EveryoneChapter 6: They Don't Fear Taking Calculated RisksChapter 7: They Don't Dwell on the PastThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookChapter 8: They Don't Make the Same Mistakes Over and OverChapter 9: They Don't Resent Other People's SuccessChapter 10: They Don't Give Up After the First FailureChapter 11: They Don't Fear Alone TimeChapter 12: They Don't Feel the World Owes Them AnythingChapter 13: They Don't Expect Immediate ResultsEnd MatterMaintaining Mental StrengthReferencesAcknowledgementsAbout Roger C. Parker"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/UitK4iQa_Machine-Learning-Summarized-in-One-Picture.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Machine Learning Summarized in One Picture MACHINE LEARNINGabout this mapby wojciech korsakimage from https://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/machine-learning-summarized-in-one-pictureSUPERVISED LEARNINGCLASSIFICATIONsupport vector machinesdiscriminant analysisnaive Boyesnearest neighborREGRESSIONlinear regression, GLMSVR, GPRensemble methodsdecision treesneural networksUNSUPERVISED LEARNINGCLASTERINGK-means, K-medoids Fuzzy C-meansHierarchicalGaussian MixtureNeural networksHidden Markov Model"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/kSUriyVy_Puls.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pulslateinisch pellere „schlagen, klopfen“PulsfrequenzZahl der Impulse pro Minute50 bis 100 Schläge pro MinuteHerzschlagfrequenzPulsdefizitanterograden (vorwärts, mit dem Blutstrom)arterielleretrograde (rückwärts, gegen den Blutstrom)venöseThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPulsmessgerätRadialispuls/Arteria radialis – Handgelenkpuls (daumenseitig)Carotispuls/Arteria carotis communis – HalsschlagaderpulsPulsqualitäten▪ Regelmäßigkeit:• regularis (regelmäßig)• irregularis (unregelmäßig) (Herzrhythmusstörung)Durchschnittlicher Ruhepuls▪ bei Föten: ca. 150/min▪ bei Säuglingen: ca. 130/min▪ bei Kindern: ca. 100/min▪ bei Jugendlichen: ca. 85/min▪ bei Erwachsenen: ca. 70/min▪ bei Senioren: ca. 90/min"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/glWGwQy2_The-Great-Reset.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Great Resetabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ The_Great_ResetintroThe Great Reset is a proposal by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy sustainably following the COVID-19 pandemic. It was unveiled in May 2020 by the United Kingdom's Prince Charles and WEF director Klaus Schwab.[1][2] It seeks to improve capitalism by making investments more geared toward mutual progress and focusing more on environmental initiatives. It has been criticized for using the pandemic to implement a risky experiment and a petiton to stop it gained 80,000 signatures in under 72 hours. A conspiracy theory has spread in response, claiming it will be used to bring in socialist and environmental changes and a supposed New World Order.[2][3]The proposalAccording to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to shape an economic recovery and the future direction of global relations, economies, and priorities.[4] When Britain's Prince Charles introduced the plan, he outlined that it will only happen if people want it.[1]According to Prince Charles, the economic recovery must put the world on a path to sustainability, with systems being redesigned to help. Carbon pricing was mentioned as a way to help achieve sustainability. He also outlined that innovations, science, and technology need to be reinvigorated so we can achieve significant breakthroughs that help us make sustainable ideas more profitable.[1] According to the WEF, we should also adapt to the current reality by directing the market to fairer results, ensure investments are aimed at mutual progress including accelerating ecologically friendly investments, and to start a fourth industrial revolution, creating digital economic and public infrastructure.[1][5]Prince Charles emphasized that the private sector would be the main drivers of the plan.[1] According to Klaus Schwab, the would not change the economic system, but rather improve it to what he considers to be \"responsible capitalism\".[6] A book written by Schwab and economist Thierry Malleret was published detailing the plan.[7] It will be the main theme of the WEF's 2021 summit.[8]ResponseProgressive political leaders such as Trudeau and US president-elect Joe Biden have endorsed the plan, as has UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.[9]Following the spread of Trudeau's speech, a petition was launched by the Canadian Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre to \"stop The Great Reset\" which had amassed 80,000 signatures in less than 3 days, aided by the spread of the conspiracy theory. His rhetoric was criticized by multiple commentators and editorial boards.[10][11][12] The Toronto Star editorial board criticized the petition claiming it was \"giving oxygen\" to the conspiracy theory. Aengus Bridgman, a McGill PhD candidate, said that the timing of Poilievre's petition was unlikely to be a coincidence.[13][14][15] Poilievre responded saying he was simply quoting Trudeau and the WEF. Ahmed Al-Rawi, a professor at Simon Fraser University, claimed that this reaction was a misinterpretation of Poilievre's attacks on the government.[16] Around the same time, Conservative leader Erin O'Toole criticized the idea of a reset, claiming that Trudeau was using the pandemic to implement a massive and risky experiment.[13][14][17]Conspiracy theoryThe conspiracy theory alleges that \"global financial elites\" and world leaders have planned a pandemic, deliberately letting loose the coronavirus to cause the conditions that will allow a restructuring of the world's governments.[18] It alleges the main goals of the Great Reset are to take global economic control and instate a Marxist totalitarian regime and the New World Order.[2][7][17] Such a regime, it is claimed, would abolish personal ownership and property rights, send the military into cities, impose mandatory vaccination, and create isolation camps for people who resist.[13][19] Various things proponents claim are evidence of a conspiracy include a since-deleted 2016 tweet describing what life might be like in 2030, Joe Biden's campaign slogan \"Build Back Better\", and Justin Trudeau's September 2020 speech. According to The Daily Dot, this is just discourse of how to create a more just and sustainable world.[20][17] In some variations of the theory, US President Donald Trump is the only world leader keeping the scheme from happening based on a video from August 2020 which had been viewed three million times.[2][3]Following the spread of the now viral September 2020 speech by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking on the Agenda 2030 goals, a conspiracy theory was spread via far-right internet personalities and groups, some also supporting the QAnon conspiracy theory, and conservative political commentators including Maxime Bernier, Ezra Levant, Tucker Carlson, Paul Joseph Watson, and Glenn Beck.[2][13][20] It has also been disseminated by Russian propaganda outlets. According to Oliver Kamm in an article for the CapX website: \"The propaganda apparatus of the Putin regime has for many months published wild allegations from obscure bloggers that the Great Reset is code for oligarchs to amass wealth and control populations.\"[21] The conspiracy theory first spread following the initiative's announcement.[2] The following October, a chain email spread claiming to be from a member of a non-existent committee within the Liberal Party of Canada was picked up by QAnon-associated groups.[19] The conspiracy theory would spread further that November after footage of Trudeau's speech went viral online.[3]The conspiracy theory is without evidence and has been debunked.[3][21] The WEF does not have authority to tell countries what to do, nor did politicians plan the virus, nor are they using it to destroy capitalism or have formed a secret cabal.[3]The Great Reset (book)The Great Reset: How New Ways of Living and Working Drive Post-Crash Prosperity is a book published in April 2010 by Richard Florida, a professor at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. The book puts into context Florida's urban development theories, with the financial crisis of 2007–2008, to describe the future of cities. The Great Reset looks at the economic incentives which have driven American society in the past. Florida compares the recession to two similar periods in recent history, the 1870s and the 1930s. The book is divided into three parts, how past resets have shaped development, how different cities are positioned, and what trends will emerge from the reset.Part 1: Past as PrologueFlorida claims the 1870s reset best mirrors the American economic situation in the 2010s. The 1870s changed the organization of production, creating the American system of manufacturing, which paved the way for unprecedented growth and innovation. During the first great reset there was a mass migration of people from the countryside to urban areas, and significant development of new transportation structures.The second great reset laid our current foundation. Florida cites historian Alexander Field, calling the Great Depression of the 1930s, the \"most technologically progressive\" time of the 20th century.[1] The second reset, through a combination of public policy, economic incentives, and a shift in social preferences started the move towards suburbs. Consumption habits were significantly altered as people spent less on basic necessities like food, shelter, and clothing and began to spend more on appliances and other household items. The second reset created the \"ownership society\"; our new economic model is more dynamic and will require increased flexibility.There is a pattern, common to both of the previous resets, which Florida expects to recur over the next few decades. Initially, old institutions break down and businesses and consumers cut back their spending. This transitions into the emergence of new innovations, which are developed into new technologies and forged together into bigger and better systems. This coincides with public and private investments in: energy, transportation, and communication infrastructure, to give the broad skeleton of a new economic landscape. These create a new spatial fix that is more closely in sync with the improved productive capacities of the underlying economy.Part 2: Redrawing the Economic WayThis section examines the potential impact that the recession and the reset will have on different types of cities. The higher a city's exposure to the creative economy, the better it will do in the great reset. Cities like London and New York City, despite their exposure to the financial industry, have the diversity and global reach to prosper. Cities that are major or regional hubs will also thrive as they become the beneficiary of increased consolidation. Smaller cities heavy on particular aspects of the economy, for example those overly exposed to manufacturing or the FIRE economy (Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate) will need to adjust their economic model and demographics. Government and college towns will prosper because of their ability to attract and maintain members of the creative class.Part 3: A New Way of LifeTwo types of jobs are growing in size and salary: creative class jobs and routine service jobs. The geographic sorting of people based on ability and educational attainment is the highest ever. Cities with cosmopolitan bases such as Austin, Boston, and San Francisco are seeing large increases in population, with a heavy concentration of creative people. Former industrial cities such as Buffalo or Akron are falling behind by both measures.Consumption habits are changing drastically, particularly with the younger generation. Young people tend to have a negative perception of owning a car, and are less likely to purchase luxury goods. They are more likely to spend on experiences or social activities.Florida sees enormous potential for the mega region, a combination of major cities located close together. He lists several notable ones around the world including the BosWash corridor which encompasses Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C., and ChiPitts which contains the major cities in the American Midwest. He argues that these mega regions are becoming spikier and are creating a disproportionate amount of productivity and wealth for the global economy. As the cities in these regions become more connected their dominance will increase. The suburb versus city debate will not produce a winner; the solution is a complex mixture of the two. They will both become part of mega regions, with many of the suburbs emerging into mix use communities. He cites the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington DC as early examples of this.Big cities with a diverse demographic and creative base have proven that they are the most capable of attracting young people and new talented graduates. Cities like New York City, Chicago and San Francisco are where the most graduates flock each year. Florida argues that cities benefit from economies of scale and produce the most efficient systems for the economy, environment, and transportation. He sees this scale as an advantage as cities become smarter and more versatile.ReactionFlorida has drawn criticism for taking an overly academic and elitist point of view. Critics argue that he overstates the size and potential impact of the creative class, neglecting many economic and social realities. They also argue that he ignores many factors that people consider when they are choosing a place to live.[2][3]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/c155331_Health-and-Fitness-Mind-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "sport ScienceHealth and FitnessHealthA State of complete PHYSICAL and SOCIAL WELL BEINGsocialMentalPhysicalIn order to be fitEat sensiblytake regular fitness and exerciseget regular rest and sleeplimit intake of alcoholnot smoke tabaco or tale any other social drugsimprove our ability to cope with stressFitnessThe Ability to meet the demands of ENVIRONMENT and LIFESTYLE and still have the energy left for emergencies.EnvironmentLifestyleLifeStamina (arobic capacity)Flexibilitybody buildstrengthRespiratory systemWhy do we breathwe need to respire to produce oxygen to oxidize the lactic acid and waste products.glucose+oxygen ---- energy+Carbon dioxide+water子主题HeartLabel heartLungs"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/hictNZyp_Galileo-Galilei.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Galileo Galileiitalienischer Philosoph, Mathematiker, Physiker und Astronom* 15. Februar 1564 in Pisa; † 29. Dezember 1641jul./ 8. Januar 1642greg. in Arcetri bei FlorenzLektor für Mathematik an der Universität PisaPendeluhrschiefe EbeneThermometerVorläufers des Rechenschiebers, der CompassoThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFernrohr zur Himmelsbeobachtungspezifische Gewicht der Luft als ein 660stel des Gewichts des Wassers„Eppur si muove“ (und sie [die Erde] bewegt sich doch), ist historisch nicht belegt und äußerst unwahrscheinlichdas heliozentrische Weltsystem gegenüber dem vorherrschenden Glauben an das geozentrische Weltbild favorisierte"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/fwKl8dU3_A-Day-of-Working-Clean.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "A Day of Working CleanEveningAfternoon ()Place physical inputs into a stackAdd physical items to digital inputsPlan next dayAdjust calendar/action lists Move completed backburner items to front burner items List any new actions and/or routines Schedule today's overflow into tomorrows schedule Identify new actions/routines along with completion assigned time Add immersive time actions to scheduleGather anything needed for tomorrowBackpack/brief case weather gear, if needed place next day's schedule in center of desk turn off devices, leaveMorning Processing WorkScan emails, discern quickies and longer Pick up phone messages Identify and adjust new actions needed for that days schedule Readjust new items to schedule with assigned timeAfternoonEvening ()Immersive timewith intentional mental breaksAfternoon Processing WorkPhone calls e-mails Scan read quick items Assign to specific times to items longerTie loose ends Make notes as to where you left off and need to pick up again Adjust calendar on real time spent where, on what Review any errors and make notes as to how to correct themBook Notes: Work Clean by Dan Charnas' Work Clean SystemNotes by Catherine Franz"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BMKnYOGL_Organizations-and-specialized-agencies-of-the-United-Nations.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Organizations and specialized agencies of the United NationsVienna, AustriaInternational Atomic Energy AgencyUnited Nations Industrial Development OrganizationMontreal, Quebec, CanadaInternational Civil Aviation OrganizationParis, FranceUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationRome, ItalyFood and Agriculture OrganizationInternational Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentWorld Food ProgrammeMadrid, SpainWorld Tourism OrganizationSwitzerlandBernUniversal Postal UnionGenevaInternational Labour OrganizationInternational Telecommunication UnionWorld Health OrganizationWorld Intellectual Property OrganizationWorld Meteorological OrganizationLondon, United KingdomInternational Maritime OrganizationWashington, D.C., United StatesInternational Monetary FundWorld Bank Group"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/m529217_Questions_to_Ask_Before_Hiring_a_Web_Design_Company.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Before Hiring a Website Design CompanyHow do they price their services?What is their track record?Types of clients have they worked withKind of results have they deliveredFigures to prove their resultsDo they retain their clients and have ongoing working relationships with themHow do they measure their results?Lower bounce ratesHigher repeat trafficConversionsPage One Google rankings for multiple keywordsWhat are their core services?What are their credentials or qualifications?What does their operation look like?fully staffed with professionalsrely on freelancers or outsourcing for the heavy liftingHow do they ensure your project is executed properly?How big is the company and what is their structure?What is their methodology for website planning and executionIs it right for you projectHow do they staff individual projects?Number of team members on your projectWho takes accountability for your projectHow often will they send you updateswhat is the communication processWho owns the company? Is it financially stable?Shelley-Ann J. West"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/0LVaRTHd_Grandmont-Chatenet.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Chatenetfoundationby the lords of Chalusset; Pierrebuffiere? ()diocese: Limoges, FranceFeytiat (87)near ancient ways towards l'Auvergne, the Southbefore 1157expansion: 13th c.by donations, achatsby the lords of Chalusset; Pierrebuffiere?foundation ()1295: 5 priests1317 a Priory1576:a Grandmontine nunnery, girl school18th c. income: 4500 poundsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSource: L. GUIBERT, « Destruction de l'Ordre et de l'abbaye de Grandmont », BSAHL, t. 23-25, 200-201.resources: rye, wheat, oats, tithes, rents, obituary rents, wood,wax, breeding statute labourponds, mills,vestigeswest rangepart of the south rangemap: http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_127.html http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_109.html"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/uWqhrlOA_Printemps-Culture-Tournai.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Printemps Culture TournaiJe participe1. Les débats publics2. Contributions sur le site3. Débats internes aux institutions et associationsThématiques分支主题This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookatelier"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/hjb82qwZ_Project-Plan.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Project PlanProject DescriptionDefinitionDeliverablesScopeIncludedExcludedConstraintsBudgetResourcesMaterialsServicesDeadlinesDependenciesPlanningDefine phasesCreate a scheduleDependenciesMilestonesContingenciesTolerance thresholdScheduleBudgetDefine project trackingTrainingSchedulePhase 1Create specificationsCustomer RequirementsSign-off CheckpointsAction itemsPhase 2Develop as needed...Phase 3Develop as needed...TrackingScheduleBudgetResourcesMission creepTroubleshootingThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qbMKrxVd_Concept-Map-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题NeurobiologyProcessing & transmission ()Processing & transmissionNeurobiology ()Stimuli ()StimuliProcessing & transmission ()nervous system ()nervous systemNeurons ()Stimuli ()NeuronsInformation ()consist of ()nervous system ()Nerve cells ()Synapses ()InformationNeurons ()Action- Potential ()Nerve cellsNeurons ()consist ofNeurons ()Soma ()Dendrites ()Axon ()AxonAxonhill ()Action- Potential ()consist of ()Dendritesconsist of ()Somaconsist of ()Action- PotentialAxon ()Information ()SynapsesNeurons ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/oVrIMwn2_Exceptional-Commencement-Speeches.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Exceptional Commencement Speeches2004Jon Stewart at William & MaryBill Gates at HarvardBono at Penn2005Steve Jobs at Stanford2008J. K. Rowling at Harvard2009Ellen DeGeneres at TulaneBarack Obama at ASUHillary Rodham Clinton at BarnardThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook2010Meryl Streep at BarnardJeff Bezos at Princeton2011Conan O'Brien at DartmouthStephen Colbert at NorthwesternTom Hanks at YaleRobert Krulwich at Berkeley2012Jacqueline Novogratz at GettysburgNeil Gaiman at University of the ArtsAaron Surkin at Syracuse"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/l523663_Principles_of_Crucial_Conversations.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Principles of Crucial Conversations An Interpretation of the work of Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler - Crucial Conversations - tools for talking when stakes are highGet unstuckStart with the heart of the matter (focus on what you really want)Work on meRefuse sucker's choiceLearn to look (for when safety is at risk)Spot the warning signs that indicate safety is at risk.Notice various forms of silence and violence.Step out of a conversation and notice how to make it work.Step out of a conversation and notice how to make it work.Identify your own Style Under Stress™ and manage it.Make it safe• Talk about almost anything-without silence and violence.• Use specific skills to keep everyone sharing information.• Establish and maintain mutual purpose and mutual respect.• Recognize when you’re at cross-purposes.Master my story (how to stay in dialogue when things turn crucial for you)• Eliminate victim, villain, and helpless stories, and improve your results.State my path (Speak persuasively, not abrasively.)• Get your meaning across even with potentially threatening messages.• Share strong opinions without shutting down contrary views.• State your mind while making it safe for others to do the same.Explore other's paths• Use exploring skills to make it safe for others to speak up.• Diffuse others’ violence and eliminate silence.• Encourage others to share issues they fear bringing up.• Get safely to the meaning behind others’ emotions.Move to action"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/w3BEnu2n_Documenting-a-Process-to-Handle-Safety-Incidents.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "IncidentAccident ()Safety Infraction ()This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWho To Report ToHow To Report ()SupervisorHuman Resources DepartmentSafety DirectorMust complete \"First Report of Injury\" for Accident or Safety Infraction Within 24 HoursAccident ()How To Report ()Safety Infraction ()Create header record with minimum requirements to start processemail ()safety app ()Safety InfractionIncident ()Must complete \"First Report of Injury\" for Accident or Safety Infraction Within 24 Hours ()AccidentIncident ()Must complete \"First Report of Injury\" for Accident or Safety Infraction Within 24 Hours ()Priority - Get employee medical attentionHow To ReportWho To Report To ()Must complete \"First Report of Injury\" for Accident or Safety Infraction Within 24 Hours ()phoneemailCreate header record with minimum requirements to start process ()safety appCreate header record with minimum requirements to start process ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k469754_Meta_Ethics.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Meta EthicsdefinitionA branch of moral philosophy asking questions about what we mean when something is right or wrong.meta ethical statements are about what it means to claim something is right or wrong.Normative ethicsa criteria we might use when making a moral judgemente.g.. Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, religious theories of ethics, situation ethics, virtue theory and natural lawCognitivismmaintain that moral statements are about factsNon-Cognitivismbelieve moral statements are neither right nor wrongbeyond anyone's understandingcan not be verified/ proventruth or falsity of claim cannot be knownNaturalismbelieves it is possible to establish facts just as one does scientificallyNon Naturalisma statement need justification'nothing is right or wrong thinking makes it so.' (Hamlet)a statement of evaluation cannot be derived directly from a statement of factIntuitionismrelies on sensory experience to decide right and wrongindividual moral intuitioncant be explained just knowgoodness cannot be described just demonstratedLogical positivismeverything depends on evidenceanything meaningful has to have been verifiedanything else is mysticism or intutionbut couldn't be describedEmotivismmoral language does not deal with objective or facts.opinion based.related to users emotions and valuePerscriptivismexpressions of opinion/feeling but also encouraging other to adopt our attitude.prescribing our opinions, recommending that listeners adopt our approach.No EvidenceE.g. we cant know if murder is wrongnon-cognitivismlogical positivismemotivismperscriptivismtruth or falsityopinionE.g. I think Murder is Wrongsubjectivenon-naturalismopinionsemotivismperscriptivismEvidenceE.g. Murder is WrongobjectivefactNaturalsimcognitivismUniversalAbsolute"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/pCwqEyjS_Apple-s-Advertisement.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Apple's AdvertisementCompanyDesigned by Apple in CaliforniaGet a MacSwitchThink different.The Power to Be Your BestThe Computer for the rest of usSoon there will be 2 kinds of people. Those who use computers, and those who use Apples.Byte into an AppleiPadThe iPad is...A magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price.Thinner. Lighter. Faster. Facetime. Smart Covers. 10 hour battery.Now with iOS 5 and iCloud, it just got even harder to put down.ResolutionaryEvery inch an iPadJust as stunning. Twice as fast.Two sizes do all.MacHigher Resolution. Better MileageState-of-the-art meets state-of-the-art.There's something in the air.ThinnovationNimble, meet quick.Redesigned. Reengineered, Re-everythinged.The highest-resolution notebook ever. And the second-highest.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookiPhoneThe internet in your pocket.Touching is believingHelloiPhone Apple reinvents the phoneSay Hello to iPhoneThe iPhone you've been waiting for.The first phone to beat the iPhone.Twice as fast, for half the priceThe most advanced mobile OS. Now even more advanced.25,000 apps. And counting.The fastest, most powerful iPhone yet.More to love, less to payThis changes everything. Again.There's an app for that. That's the iPhone. Solving life's dilemma one app at a time.If you don't have an iPhone, well, you don't have an iPhone.The world's thinnest smartphone.Finally.It's the most amazing iPhone yet.The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhoneLoving it is easy. That's why so many people do.For the colorful.Forward thinking.The Initiator"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/K5cDbfWh_U-S-Government-Spending-on-Contractors-2010-.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "U.S. Government Spending (2010)Agriculture Department$ 6 BillionCommerce Department$3.9 BillionDefense Department$367.2 BillionEducation Department$1.8 BillionEnergy Department$25.6 BillionEPA (Environmental Protection Agency)$1.6 BillionGeneral Services Administration$18 BillionHealth and Human Services$19 BillionHomeland Security$13 BillionHousing and Urban Development$1.6 BillionInterior Department$6.1 BillionThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookInternational Development$6.6 BillionJustice Department$6.4 BillionLabor Department$2.2 BillionNASA$16 BillionOther Agencies$2.2 BillionSmall Business Administration$143 MillionSocial Security Administration1.3 BillionState Department$8.1 BillionTransportation Department$5.6 BillionTreasury Department$5.9 BillionVeteran Affairs Department$16.1 BillionMindmap by Chance Brown, 8/7/11"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/SaadRKCh_Budget-Calculation-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Budget CalculationRegion NorthEvent AEvent CEvent KRegion EastEvent DEvent ORegion SouthEvent BEvent NRegion WestEvent IEvent FEvent MEvent EEventsEvent LEvent HEvent G"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_xFpDPnge.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "VielbeschäftigteingespannthektischGlücklichGefühlWohlergehensZufriedenheitwas geschafft zu habenrationellpünktlichschafft mehrThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookwww.wenzlaff.deGleichgewicht bewahrenbeständigausgeglichenPraxis\"lebender Hund besser als Toter Löwe\"delegierenpositive EinstellungplanensystematischsofortÜberlegtGesundheitErnährungRuheSchlaf"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/dhlvgF6t_Contrasting-and-categorization-of-EMOTIONS.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Contrasting and categorization of EMOTIONSabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrasting_and_categorization_of_emotionsintroThe contrasting and categorization of emotions describes how emotions are thought to relate to each other. Several proposals have been made for organizing them into groups.Plutchik's wheel of emotionsIn 1980, Robert Plutchik constructed diagram of emotions visualising eight basic emotions: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger and anticipation. The wheel was inspired by Plutchik's Ten Postulates[17][18] Plutchik also theorized twenty-four \"Primary\", \"Secondary\", and \"Tertiary\" dyads (feelings composed of two emotions).[19][20][21]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Plutchik-wheel.svgThe wheel emotions can be paired in four groups:Primary dyad= one petal apart = Love = Joy + TrustSecondary dyad= two petals apart = Envy = Sadness + AngerTertiary dyad= three petals apart = Shame = Fear + DisgustOpposite emotions= four petals apart = Anticipation ≠ SurpriseEmotions can be mild or intensefor example, distraction is a mild form of surprise, and rage is an intense form of anger.The kinds of relation between each pair of emotions are:Emotions and oppositesDyads (Combinations)Plutchik's wheel in Venn formatJessica Hagy wrote on her blog that Plutchik's wheel of emotions gave a demonstration on emotions, but needed more levels of intensity in the emotion combinations.She observed that the wheel was a Venn diagram format, and expanded the primary dyadsEmotional overlapThe Hourglass of EmotionsThe 2012 book The Hourglass of Emotions was based on Robert Plutchik's model, but categorised the emotions into four sentic dimensions.It contrasted anger, anticipation, joy, and trust as positive emotions, and fear, surprise, sadness and disgust as negative.[24]Emotional flowAdvanced emotionsAdvanced emotions formed from two sentic dimensions."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/MFsmukJY_Social-Media-Trade-Show-Skill-Set-Requirements.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Social Media Trade Show Skill Set RequirementsStrategic VisionaryCreate engaged social media presences and communitiesTurn your creative vision into a technical planFeet on the StreetGreat shows need a social media presence at the show to be successful, capture the essence and voice of the show and to capture mediaNeeds to be highly proficient and resourceful with technologyTechnical DevelopmentLightweight development to create landing pages and other technical elements on social platformsGraphic DesignCreate the visual elements that support social media platformsDesigner must understand the constraints and variables when designing for social mediaProject ManagementSocial media requires a strong project manager to bring all of the pieces together and keep the moving parts in motionProject manager must understand the social style of communicationThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookContent CreationIn-house content creation resource that understands the brand platform and voiceContent resource has a full grasp on all of the content resources in the organization and knows when to create and when to re-purposeMedia RelationsThe connector (PR agent) who liaises with the media to ensure that your social channels are top of mindAn in-house social media content creator to add new media to your social channels on an ongoing basisEvent TalentProduct managers and other leaders who help establish and maintain the voice of your social media presence through video, audio and textSomeone who understands the tenor of the brand with respect for social web, and can connect with the audience in an informal (social media) voice\"Back Office\" Social Media MonitoringA human being who can read what turns up, source a response from somewhere in your organization and then engage with the social audienceDiplomacy to manage conflict or criticism with the kind of enthusiasm that engages your audienceOptional ResourcesVideographerPodcasterEvent guest bloggers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/wA4899YP_Las-Vegas-Trip-Agenda.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Vegas TripParis Las VegasConf. #MMCDD702-946-7000July 9Mat Franco7:00pm The LinkRow 34; Seats 1-2July 5 Print tickets off of ticketmaster.comJuly 10Piff the Magic Dragon8:00pm Bugsy's Cabaret - FlamingoFor tickets bring Conf. and ID to Box Office no later than 6pmGeneral Admission - Arrive to get in line by 7:15pmJuly 11Jeff Dunham & Dinner7:30pm The Colosseum Inside Caesar's PalaceTicket Pick-up @Colosseum Box Ofc 4:00-6:30pmDinner @Planet Hollywood Restaurant in Caesar's Palace. Terrace Level in Forum ShopsJuly 12Tape Face7:00pm Bugsy's Cabaret - FlamingoFor tickets bring Conf. and ID to Box Office no later than 5pmGeneral Admission - Arrive to get in line by 6:15pmJuly 15Mesa Grill 11:00amCaesar's PalaceParanormal4:00pm Windows - Bally'sFor tickets bring Conf. and ID to Box Office no later than 2pmPremium SeatingRestaurantsGordon RamseyStage Door Casino & BarViva Las Arepas4.6* (854) $ 3.1 MilesDelivery via Grubhub, Doordash, etc.Earl of Sandwich4.4* (557) $ .4 MilesPlanet Hollywood Resort"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qtGh5ZmA_Personal-Improvement-NVC-Non-Violent-Communication.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "NVCEmpathetically Receiving1. ObservationWhat you observe (free from evaluation) that does not contribute to your well-being.\"When you...\"SeeHearRememberImagine2. FeelingsHow you feel (emotion or sensation rather than thought) in relation to what you observe.\"You feel...\"List of words for feelingsWhen satisfiedWhen not satisfied3. NeedsWhat you need or value (rather than a preference, or a specific action) that causes your feelings.\" . . . because I need/value. . . \"Empathetically receiving that which would enrich your life without hearing any demandList of needs4. RequestThe concrete actions you would like taken\"Would you like to . . . \" (sometimes dropped with offering empathy)All four steps are not needed in all situations.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookHonestly Expressing1. ObservationWhat I observe (free from my evaluation) that does not contribute to my well-being.\"When I...\"SeeHearRememberImagine2. FeelingsHow I feel (emotion or sensation rather than thought) in relation to what I observe.\"I feel...\"List of words for feelingsWhen satisfiedWhen not satisfied3. NeedsWhat I need or value (rather than a preference, or a specific action) that causes my feelings.\" . . . because I need/value. . . \"Clearly requesting that which would enrich my life without demandingList of needs4. RequestThe concrete actions I would like taken\"Would you be willing to . . . \"All four steps are not needed in all situations.Other\"Never stick your butt in the face of an angry man\"If someone hears blame when you show your feelings and needs then they have not understood/heard your pain.Slow the conversation down to conveyAnger is a reaction to stimulus. The cause of the anger, however, is an unmet need within you for which you are responsible.It is a million times harder to get things done if you have reacted badly rather than having understood the need behind the expressed stimulus.Never connect to what is going on in the head of the other person. Listen for and connect with the underlying feelings and needs.Only listen for needs and feelings"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qixvnr9e_Las-7-maravillas-del-Mundo-en-5-categorias.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Las 7 maravillas del Mundo en 5 categoriasAntiguasLas pirámides de KheopsLos jardínes suspendidos de BabiloniaEl templeo de ArthémisLa estatua de ZeusLe Mausoleo de HalicarnasseLa estatua de bronce de HeliosEl faro de AlexandríaNuevasLa Gran MurallaPetraEl Cristo RendentorEl Taj MahalEl Machu PichuEl ColiseoChichen ItzaModernasEl barrera de ItaipuEl canal de PanamáLa torre de TorontoEl Empire State BuildingEl Golden Gate BridgeEl Plan DeltaEl túnel del canal de la ManchaThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookNaturalesEl Gran CañonLa bahía de GuanabaraLas auroras polaresEl volcán ParicutinLes cataratas VictoriaEl EverestLa gran barera de coralNuevas NaturalesAmazoníaLas cataratas del IguazúLa bahía de Ha LongLa isla de Jeju DoEl río subterráneo de Puerto PrincesaLa isla de KomodoLa montaña de la mesa"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ZjpP3vtb_Chmod.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "chmodAufrufchmod [options] mode file1 ...-R für rekursiveNotationSymbolischeu für den Eigentümer (user),g für die Gruppe (group)o für alle anderen Benutzer (other)a, welches alle drei Benutzergruppen umschließt (all)+-=NumerischVoll7Lesen und Schreiben6Lesen und Ausführen5Nur Lesen4Schreiben und Ausführen3Nur Schreiben2Nur Ausführen1Keine0This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/415z497y_Weekplanner.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "WEEK 25MAANDAG 18-6DINSDAG 19-6WOENSDAG 20-6This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookDONDERDAG 21-6VRIJDAG 22-6WEEKEND 23/24-6"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/U0QkItB3_Lutter-contre-laProcrastination.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Lutter contre la ProcrastinationLes rituelsManque de disciplineÉparpillementPosent un cadre rassurant3-4 semaines pour ancrer le rituelLe deal des 5 minutesDifficulté à démarrerÉvitementDifficile de ne pas démarrer juste pour 5 minutesDans 80% des cas on aura envie de continuer au-delà des 5 minutes !Sinon respecter le deal avec soi-même et s'arrêterLa visualisationDifficulté à atteindre ses objectifsDifficulté à suivre son planPréparer son cerveau à réussirEn se visualisant en train de réussirEt ressentir le plus de détails possible : émotionnels et sensorielsLa to-do listOubli de certaines tâchesProblème d'organisationAvoir une idée globale de TOUT ce qu'il y a à faireFaire de la place dans sa têteSans rien oublierThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookLa notion du tempsDifficulté à finir dans les tempsTrop d'optimismeRéapprendre la mesure objective du tempsNoter le temps estimé pour chaque tâcheComparer avec le temps effectivement passéSavoir dire nonSe surcharger inutilementManque de confiance en soiDire non avec bienveillanceEt faire une contre-proposition\"Court-circuiter\" le cerveau : passer par le corpsSe sentir pris au piège de ses émotions / peursNe pas trouver de solution à ses problèmesRespiration : Cohérence cardiaqueMéditationArts-martiauxSéminaire gestion des peursCarte créée par Bernard JOUVEL"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r720105_The_6_Capability_To_Success.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "通往成功的新能力 (混搭 6 力-人生加值)整合力跨領域凝聚資源溝通力精通產品與客服了解客戶執行力從零開始勤動手企業成功上升螺旋成功企業上升螺旋.jpg科技力大膽運用數位資源e 化 M 化 U 化e 化 M 化 U 化 企業改造 & 專案計劃展開計分卡.jpg感受力找出創意並商品化市場力品牌力行銷力"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/4zIGouDU_Security-made-by-Apple.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Security made by AppleApple IDYour Apple ID is the key to a lot of things you do with Apple, so it's important that only you have the ability to access your account details, update your password, or make other changes to your account.PropertiesE-Mail AddressPasswordUsageUsing iCloudUsing FacetimeUsing iMessagePurchase in storesiOS File SystemEvery app is an islandApps can only access their own local foldersAppStoreApplication controlApple controls appsNo third-party storesFingerprint TechnologyiPhone 5SSetupOpen the Settings to the Passcode & Fingerprint menu, and select Fingerprints.Select Add A Fingerprint. You can choose any finger you like — and even enter multiple fingers — but it’s best to choose one that you’re most likely to use when holding the phone.Place your finger on the Home button without pressing it down. You will have to touch the button several times; as you do, the gray lines will turn red. When all the lines have turned red, the setup process will move to the next step.Adjust your grip so that you’re holding the iPhone 5s as you would normally.Roll the edges of your finger on the Home button. This is so the Touch ID sensor will be able to identify your fingerprint even if you don’t press it the same way every time. Now you can unlock your phone just by using your fingerprint.Press the Home button to turn on your iPhone’s screen. This will bring up the lock screen.Rest your finger on the Home button to unlock your iPhone. You don’t need to press down on it. If you want to add additional fingerprints, repeat the steps.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookiCloud KeychainComing soonMost of the websites you visit nowadays require user names and passwords. Remembering them all can be tough. So let iCloud Keychain do it for you. It stores your website user names and passwords on the devices you’ve approved, protects them with robust 256-bit AES encryption, and keeps them up to date on each device. Then it automatically fills them in whenever and wherever you need them. Password Generator can even suggest unique, hard-to-guess passwords for your online accounts. iCloud Keychain works with credit card information too, so checking out takes no time at all.Activation LockFind My iPhone Activation Lock.Your iPhone is your iPhone, no matter where it is. The same goes for your iPad and iPod touch. Because security features in iOS 7 make it very difficult for anyone who’s not you to use or sell your device. Turning off Find My iPhone or erasing your device requires your Apple ID and password. Find My iPhone can also continue to display a custom message, even after your device is erased. And your Apple ID and password are required before anyone can reactivate it.102-Step VerificationWhyTurning on two-step verification reduces the possibility of someone accessing or making unauthorized changes to your account information at My Apple ID or making purchases using your account.WhatTwo-step verification is an optional security feature for your Apple ID. It requires you to verify your identity using one of your devices before you can:Make an iTunes, App Store, or iBooks Store purchase from a new device.Get Apple ID-related support from Apple.HowSign in to My Apple ID to manage your account.When you set up two-step verification, you register one or more trusted devices. A trusted device is a device you control that can receive 4-digit verification codes using either Find My iPhone notifications or SMS to verify your identity.Then, any time you sign in to manage your Apple ID at My Apple ID or make an iTunes, App Store, or iBooks Store purchase from a new device, you will need to enter both your password and a 4-digit verification code as shown below."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/hS1PR5Xf_Mainz-15-local-districts.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mainz 15 local districtsabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MainzAltstadtBretzenheimDraisEbersheimFinthenGonsenheimHartenberg-MünchfeldHechtsheimLaubenheimLerchenbergMarienbornMombachNeustadtOberstadtWeisenau"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jBgDbeNe_Bergen.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BergenhasPhotoCollectionhometownKurt_NilsenabstractKurt Erik Kleppe Nilsen (born September 29, 1978) is a Norwegian pop/country singer. He won the first season of the Norwegian version of the reality television show Pop Idol, which aired on TV 2 in May 2003. He then won a one-off international version of Pop Idol, called World Idol on January 1, 2004, featuring winners of the various national Idol shows.titleIdol (Norway)WinnerNorwegian VG-lista number-one single: Hallelujah w/Lind, Fuentes and HolmNorwegian VG-lista number-one single: \"Push Push\"Norwegian VG-lista number-one single: \"Lost Highway\" w/Willie NelsonNorwegian VG-lista number-one single: She's So HighWorld IdolthumbnailhasPhotoCollectionKurt_NilseninstrumentDrum_kitSingingBass_guitarGuitarRCA_RecordsoccupationSongwriterSingingsubjectcategory:Norwegian_pop_singerslocationSt_John's_Church,_BergenGamlehaugenthumbnail200px-Gamlehaugen1.jpgabstractGamlehaugen is a mansion in Bergen, Norway, and the residence of the Norwegian Royal Family in the city. Gamlehaugen has a history that goes as far back as the Middle Ages, and the list of previous owners includes many of the wealthiest men in Bergen. Today owned by the Norwegian state, the most recent private owner was Christian Michelsen, a politician and shipping magnate who later became the first Prime Minister of Norway after the dissolution of the union between Sweden and Norway. Michelsen commissioned the construction of the current main building at Gamlehaugen, where he would live for most of the rest of his life. When Michelsen died in 1925, his closest friends and colleagues started a national fund-raising campaign that brought in enough money to allow the Norwegian state to purchase the property. The large English park was opened to the public the same year, and the first floor of the house was opened as a museum two years later. Gamlehaugen has been the Norwegian Royal Family's residence in Bergen since 1927.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebooklocationlatd60 (xsd:integer)latm23 (xsd:integer)lats22 (xsd:integer)latnsNgeo:long5.330000 (xsd:float)geo:lat60.389446 (xsd:float)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/iN6R0xvP_Grandmont-Jayat.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Jayatfoundationby the lords of DEOLS? Andre de Chauvigny, Richard the Lionheart ()diocese: Limoges, FranceBord-Saint-Georges (23)circa 1194, during the war in Berry?by the lords of DEOLS? Andre de Chauvigny, Richard the Lionheartfoundation ()1295: 4 priests1317, a domain de Chavanon (63)emphyteotic leaseSource: L. GUIBERT, « Destruction de l'Ordre et de l'abbaye de Grandmont », BSAHL, t. 23-25, p. 296-297. G. DEVAILLY, Le Berry du Xe au milieu du XIIIe s., p. 372.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookmap: http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_127.html http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_109.html"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/3qZlpOwH_The-Need-for-Agile-Maturity.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Need for Agile MaturityKey MessagesCorporate IT is facing unprecedented change with threatens its very existenceIncreasing adoption of Agile approaches is part of the answer to cope with this changeReality of Agile adoption in many organisations is very far from what is required to address the challenges of today and tomorrowA decade of change aheadDisrupted industries and blurring boundariesEco-system led innovation and relationship portfoliosNew business and operating modelsDealing with business speed and reachOvercoming the efficiency wallIndications of chaosIneffective policies and organization structuresShadow IT expansion and growing silosInnovation initiatives managed in isolationExisting processes hinder engagementGovernance confusionData overloadCorporate IT Function faces flaying: is this the end of Corporate IT?By 2017 only about 25 per cent of the corporate IT function as we know it will be left in houseAbout a quarter of current IT staff will be deployed into the business itself, with IT professionals working cheek by jowl with business userswhile a full half of in-house IT staff simply won't be required as companies continue to outsource computing / buy cloud servicesWhat are Senior IT Management Doing (Top IT Management concerns, Europe 2011)Business agility and speed to marketIT and business alignmentBusiness productivity and cost reductionIT reliability and efficiencyBusiness process management / reengineeringIT Cost reductionIT Strategic planningSecurity & privacyChange managementEnterprise architecture / infrastructure capabilityThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWhy focus on AgileDeming cyclePlanDoCheckActFeedbackPositiveNegativeMaturity ModelOptimising: Focus on continuous process improvementDrive continuous process improvement based on business priorities and data on your performanceFocus on root causes. not just symptomsQuantitatively Managed: Process measured and controlledUnderstand the linkages between business objectives and IT projects and processesUse analysis of data to identify focus areas for improvementDefined: Process characterized for the organization and is proactiveElevate learning from projects or teams to organization level where it makes senseBuild a culture of continuous improvementManaged: Process characterized for projects and is often reactiveImplement PDCA at a project or team levelFocus on understanding of requirements and checking progress towards project goalsInitial: Unpredictable, poorly controlled and reactiveDo what you like!The parable of the sowerSome fell upon a rockSuccessful in one departmentLet's roll it across the businessDefine itProcessScrum, Kanban, Feature teams, XPInspirational leaderAll of the aboveInitial growth and enthusiasm lasts a whileLoss of leader, loss of executive sponsorSome fell by the waysideWhat we do is not good enoughTakes too long, poor quality, costs too muchDifficult messagesRequirements are poorInsufficient test environmentsWill it work in a distributed environmentProject management is too heavyYou need to measure your visionYou need to make decisionsThis agile stuff is just too difficult for us right nowSome fell among thornsOrganisation had initial successIt can make decisionsIt selects it suppliers on agile principles and abilitySupplier fails to deliverOver promise capabilityFails to address one or all of:Engineering practicesTeam building / relationship building / trustIterative processContinual improvementProcess frameworkStakeholder managementSome fell on good groundAs an IT industry - the soil is quite goodWe knowHow to engineer good quality systemsHow to build incrementally and iterativelyHow to get good holistic feedbackWe need to cultivateBusiness acumenOrganisational changeManagement practicesEducationContractsSummaryCorporate IT is facing unprecedented change which threatens its very existenceAgile, with its focus on Feedback, Ownership & Value, supports the movement towards the true Digital EnterpriseNot all Agile transformations to date have been successful - we need to approach the change with real maturityKeynote - The Need for Agile Maturity v1 0.pdfAlan De Ste CroixRichard August"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/6mqejMzv_Voice-type.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Voice typeabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND, Warsaw)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_typeintroA voice type classifies a singing voice by vocal range, vocal weight, tessitura, vocal timbre, vocal transition points (passaggia) like breaks and lifts, and vocal register.[1] Voice classification was developed for European classical music and seldom applies to other kinds of singing; voice classification is in the opera to pair roles with voices. Several different voice classification systems are available to identify voice types, including the German Fach system and the choral music system among many others; no system is universally applied or accepted.[2]Voice classification is a tool for singers, composers, venues, and listeners to categorize vocal properties and to associate roles with voices. While choral singers are classified into voice parts based on their vocal range, solo singers are classified into voice types based more on their tessitura – where their voice feels most comfortable for the majority of the time.[3]A singer will choose a repertoire that suits his or her instrument. Some singers such as Enrico Caruso, Rosa Ponselle, Joan Sutherland, Maria Callas, Ewa Podleś, or Plácido Domingo have voices that allow them to sing roles from a wide variety of types; some singers such as Shirley Verrett or Grace Bumbry change type and even voice part over their careers; and some singers such as Leonie Rysanek have voices that lower with age, causing them to cycle through types over their careers. Some roles as well are hard to classify, having very unusual vocal requirements; Mozart wrote many of his roles for specific singers who often had remarkable voices, and some of Verdi's early works make extreme demands on his singers.[4]Number of voice typesMany different voice types are used in vocal pedagogy in a variety of voice classification systems. Most of these types, however, are grouped into seven major voice categories that are, for the most part, acknowledged across the major voice classification systems. Women are typically divided into three groups: soprano, mezzo-soprano, and contralto. Men are usually divided into four groups: countertenor, tenor, baritone, and bass. When considering the pre-pubescent voice, an eighth term, treble, is applied. Within each of these major categories, subcategories identify specific vocal qualities such as coloratura facility and vocal weight to differentiate between voices.[5] The vocal range of classical performance covers about five octaves, from a low G1 (in scientific pitch notation) to a high G6, although the extremes are rare. More commonly the range is from a low C2 to a high D6. Any individual's voice can perform over a range of one and a half to more than two octaves. Vocal ranges are grouped into overlapping types that each span about two octaves. Many singers fall between groups and can perform some parts in either type.Female voicesSopranoSoprano range: The soprano is the highest singing voice. The typical soprano voice lies between C4 (middle C) and C6 (high C). The low extreme for sopranos is roughly A3 (just below middle C).[5] Most soprano roles do not extend above C6 although there are several standard soprano roles that call for D6. At the highest extreme, some coloratura soprano roles may reach to G6 (the G above high C).[6]Soprano tessitura: The tessitura of the soprano voice lies higher than all the other voices except the sopranino. In particular, the coloratura soprano has the highest tessitura of all the soprano subtypes.[7]Soprano subtypes: As with all voice types, sopranos are often divided into different subcategories based on range, vocal color or timbre, the weight of voice, and dexterity of the voice.Sopranos are often broken down into five subcategories:coloratura sopranosoubrettelyric sopranospinto sopranodramatic sopranoTwo types of soprano especially dear to the French are the Dugazon and the Falcon, which are intermediate voice types between the soprano and the mezzo-soprano. A Dugazon is a darker-colored soubrette. A Falcon a darker-colored soprano drammaticoMezzo-sopranoMezzo-soprano range: The mezzo-soprano voice is the middle-range voice type for females;[5] it lies between the soprano and contralto ranges, over-lapping both of them. The typical range of this voice is between A3 (the A below middle C) to A5 (two octaves higher). In the lower and upper extremes, some mezzo-sopranos may extend down to F3 (the F below middle C) and as high as C6 (high C).[5]Mezzo-soprano tessitura: Although this voice overlaps both the contralto and soprano voices, the tessitura of the mezzo-soprano is lower than that of the soprano and higher than that of the contralto.Mezzo-soprano subtypes: Mezzo-sopranos are often broken down into three subcategories:lyric mezzo-soprano,coloratura mezzo-sopranodramatic mezzo-sopranoContraltoContralto range: The contralto voice is the lowest female voice. A true operatic contralto is rare,[9] so much so that often roles intended for contralto are performed by mezzo-sopranos. The typical contralto range lies between F3 (the F below middle C) to F5 (the second F above middle C). In the lower and upper extremes some contralto voices can sing from D3 (the D below middle C) to B♭5 (the second B-flat above), one whole step short of the soprano high C.[5]Contralto tessitura: The contralto voice has the lowest tessitura of the female voices.Contralto subtypes: Contraltos are often broken down into three subcategoriescoloratura contralto,lyric contralto,dramatic contralto.[7]A soprano sfogato is a contralto who has an extended high range reaching the soprano high C.Male voicesCountertenorCountertenor range: The countertenor is the highest male voice. Many countertenor singers perform roles originally written for a castrato in baroque operas. Except for a few very rare voices (such as the American male soprano Michael Maniaci or singers with a disorder such as Kallmann syndrome), singers called countertenors generally sing in the falsetto register, sometimes using their modal voice for the lowest notes. Historically, there is much evidence that the countertenor, in England at least, also designated a very high tenor voice, the equivalent of the French haute-contre. Until about 1830, all male voices used some falsetto-type voice production in their upper range. Countertenor voices span a broad range, covering E3 to E5.Countertenor subtypes: Countertenors are often broken down into three subcategories:sopranist or \"male soprano\"the haute-contrethe castratoThe last actual castrato singer, Alessandro Moreschi, died in 1922TenorTenor range: The tenor is the highest male voice within the modal register. The typical tenor voice lies between C3 (one octave below middle C) to C5 (one octave above middle C). The low extreme for tenors is roughly B♭2 (the second B-flat below middle C). At the highest extreme, some tenors can sing up to F5 (the second F above middle C).[5]Tenor tessitura: The tessitura of the tenor voice lies above the baritone voice and below the countertenor voice. The leggero tenor has the highest tessitura of all the tenor subtypes.[7]Tenor subtypes: Tenors are often divided into different subcategories based on range, vocal color or timbre, the weight of the voice, and dexterity of the voice.Tenors are often broken down into seven subcategories:tenore contraltino,leggero tenor or tenore di grazialyric tenorspinto tenor or tenore spintodramatic tenorheldentenor,baritenorFamous tenors include Enrico Caruso, Juan Diego Flórez, Alfredo Kraus, and Luciano Pavarotti.BaritoneBaritone range: The baritone voice is the middle-range voice type for males; it lies between the bass and tenor ranges, overlapping both of them. The typical baritone range is from A2 (the second A below middle C) to A4 (the A above middle C). A baritone's range might extend down to F2 or up to C5. The baritone voice type is the most common male voice.[5]Baritone tessitura: Although this voice range overlaps both the tenor and bass ranges, the tessitura of the baritone is lower than that of the tenor and higher than that of the bass.[7]Baritone subtypes: Baritones are often divided into different subcategories based on range, vocal color or timbre, the weight of the voice, and dexterity of the voice.Baritones are often broken down into nine subcategories:baryton-Martinlyric baritonebel canto or coloratura baritonekavalierbaritonheldenbaritoneVerdi baritonedramatic baritonebaryton-noblebass-baritoneBassBass range: The bass is the lowest singing voice. The bass voice has the lowest tessitura of all the voices. The typical bass range lies between E2 (the second E below middle C) to E4 (the E above middle C). In the lower and upper extremes of the bass voice, some basses can sing from C2 (two octaves below middle C) to G4 (the G above middle C).[7]Bass subtypes: Basses are often divided into different subcategories based on range, vocal color or timbre, the weight of the voice, and dexterity of the voiceBasses are often broken down into six subcategories:basso profondo,basso buffobel canto bassbasso cantantedramatic bassbass-baritone"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/d10VNKHF_National-Association-for-the-Gifted-Children-Helping-Your-Child-Find-their-Passions-Interests.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Talent Development and the Importance of Helping Your Child Find their Passions & Interests Dr. Tracy CrossInfluences on talent developmentHome and familyHints & cluesSigns from your kidsInterestsKeep an eye on interestsHow can you support them?PassionsWhat drives them?EnjoymentDifferences between school & homeChange through the yearsPerseveranceCan be taughtModel the behaviorOk to fail/make mistakesLearn flow from mistakesStruggle is part of growingFlowHighly focusedHigh learningPleasant experienceEarly evidence of abilityCommunitySchoolRegionStateCountryHistoryLearning LiteracySupport your kids!Model hard workExpress enjoymentBe forthcoming about failuresModel perseveranceEncourage practiceIntroduce myriad domainsReward effortDon't say \"you're so smart\"Encourage involvement in domain cultureEncourage collaboration in domainReward hard workAllow down timeChild is a child firstRealize the best efforts cannot prevent struggles in a child's lifeLearn about child's personality and social goalsTeach child to better understand him or herselfCoping strategies for dealing with being giftedKnowledgeable counselingMentorshipCommunities of gifted childrenClearinghouse for informationCommunication among parents, teachers, and counselorsHelp each other!This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookNeed to move away from entity modelAbilities/talent are what countsFails to recognize importance of other critical factorsHard workLearningLearning from mistakesGrowth mindsetGiftedness as a developmental constructBeing gifted means working hardTo grow, must risk failureGet better as you practiceLifelong learningResourcesNagc.orgHoagiesGifted.org"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/AFFPcw1X_Mind-Mapping-and-ADR.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Mapping and ADRIntroductionRich VitarisRetired JudgeDefense Attorney and Prosecutor U.S. Army JAG CorpsEmployment Law Attorney with U.S. ArmyMediatorHarvard Program on NegotiationCertificate in Dispute Resolution from National Judicial CollegeAdvanced Mediation, Justice Center of AtlantaRegistered Neutral, State of GeorgiaTrainerWrite Column for cyberFeds.comPresent in-person training & webinars on Federal employment law for LRP Media Group lrp.comMind Mapping EnthusiastBiggerplate Pro Webinar on Mind Mapping & the Legal ProfessionAttended Biggerplate Unlimited New YorkSoftwareMindManager for Mac 13MindmeisterPreviously usedXMindNovaMindiMindMap 11/AyoaWhat is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)Can be combinedDirect Settlement negotiationsMediationCourt OrderedNot Court OrderedNeutral Case EvaluationSubject Matter expertWith a Settlement JudgeChallengesControlling EmotionsImportant issuesMoneyRelationshipsPrestige/StatusDifficult PeoplePersonal AnimosityLack of ObjectivityPersonality DisordersPersonality disorders affect at least two of these areas:Way of thinking about oneself and othersWay of responding emotionallyWay of relating to other peopleWay of controlling one’s behaviorTime ConstraintsTrial date setCost of mediationScheduling limitationsADR ConceptsIdentifying InterestsWants v. Needs360 degree UnderstandingInterest Based BargainingBook MapsGetting to YesCrucial ConversationsUsing Mind Maps in ADRCase EvaluationIntakeHandwritten MapCompleted MapEvaluation of LawEvaluation of Settlement EnvironmentIdentifying OptionsReality TestingDrafting the AgreementBoilerplate LibrarySettlement Boilerplate.docxResourcesGA Office of Dispute ResolutionRegs, PoliciesGA ADR Rules.pdfHow Mind Mapping HelpedThe Map is ObjectiveHelps avoid parties trying to revisit old groundHandwriting maps aids reality checkingHelps the mediator control the focus of the discussionHelps with participants with personality disordersQuestions"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QSiHBuLt_Neural-network.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Neural networkabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_networkintroductionA neural network is a network or circuit of neurons, or in a modern sense, an artificial neural network, composed of artificial neurons or nodes.[1] Thus a neural network is either a biological neural network, made up of real biological neurons, or an artificial neural network, for solving artificial intelligence (AI) problems. The connections of the biological neuron are modeled as weights. A positive weight reflects an excitatory connection, while negative values mean inhibitory connections. All inputs are modified by a weight and summed. This activity is referred as a linear combination. Finally, an activation function controls the amplitude of the output. For example, an acceptable range of output is usually between 0 and 1, or it could be −1 and 1.These artificial networks may be used for predictive modeling, adaptive control and applications where they can be trained via a dataset. Self-learning resulting from experience can occur within networks, which can derive conclusions from a complex and seemingly unrelated set of information.[2]OverviewA biological neural network is composed of a group or groups of chemically connected or functionally associated neurons. A single neuron may be connected to many other neurons and the total number of neurons and connections in a network may be extensive. Connections, called synapses, are usually formed from axons to dendrites, though dendrodendritic synapses[3] and other connections are possible. Apart from the electrical signaling, there are other forms of signaling that arise from neurotransmitter diffusion.Artificial intelligence, cognitive modeling, and neural networks are information processing paradigms inspired by the way biological neural systems process data. Artificial intelligence and cognitive modeling try to simulate some properties of biological neural networks. In the artificial intelligence field, artificial neural networks have been applied successfully to speech recognition, image analysis and adaptive control, in order to construct software agents (in computer and video games) or autonomous robots.Historically, digital computers evolved from the von Neumann model, and operate via the execution of explicit instructions via access to memory by a number of processors. On the other hand, the origins of neural networks are based on efforts to model information processing in biological systems. Unlike the von Neumann model, neural network computing does not separate memory and processing.Neural network theory has served both to better identify how the neurons in the brain function and to provide the basis for efforts to create artificial intelligence.HistoryThe preliminary theoretical base for contemporary neural networks was independently proposed by Alexander Bain[4] (1873) and William James[5] (1890). In their work, both thoughts and body activity resulted from interactions among neurons within the brain.Computer simulation of the branching architecture of the dendrites of pyramidal neurons.[6]For Bain,[4] every activity led to the firing of a certain set of neurons. When activities were repeated, the connections between those neurons strengthened. According to his theory, this repetition was what led to the formation of memory. The general scientific community at the time was skeptical of Bain's[4] theory because it required what appeared to be an inordinate number of neural connections within the brain. It is now apparent that the brain is exceedingly complex and that the same brain “wiring” can handle multiple problems and inputs.James's[5] theory was similar to Bain's,[4] however, he suggested that memories and actions resulted from electrical currents flowing among the neurons in the brain. His model, by focusing on the flow of electrical currents, did not require individual neural connections for each memory or action.C. S. Sherrington[7] (1898) conducted experiments to test James's theory. He ran electrical currents down the spinal cords of rats. However, instead of demonstrating an increase in electrical current as projected by James, Sherrington found that the electrical current strength decreased as the testing continued over time. Importantly, this work led to the discovery of the concept of habituation.McCulloch and Pitts[8] (1943) created a computational model for neural networks based on mathematics and algorithms. They called this model threshold logic. The model paved the way for neural network research to split into two distinct approaches. One approach focused on biological processes in the brain and the other focused on the application of neural networks to artificial intelligence.In the late 1940s psychologist Donald Hebb[9] created a hypothesis of learning based on the mechanism of neural plasticity that is now known as Hebbian learning. Hebbian learning is considered to be a 'typical' unsupervised learning rule and its later variants were early models for long term potentiation. These ideas started being applied to computational models in 1948 with Turing's B-type machines.Farley and Clark[10] (1954) first used computational machines, then called calculators, to simulate a Hebbian network at MIT. Other neural network computational machines were created by Rochester, Holland, Habit, and Duda[11] (1956).Rosenblatt[12] (1958) created the perceptron, an algorithm for pattern recognition based on a two-layer learning computer network using simple addition and subtraction. With mathematical notation, Rosenblatt also described circuitry not in the basic perceptron, such as the exclusive-or circuit, a circuit whose mathematical computation could not be processed until after the backpropagation algorithm was created by Werbos[13] (1975).Neural network research stagnated after the publication of machine learning research by Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert[14] (1969). They discovered two key issues with the computational machines that processed neural networks. The first issue was that single-layer neural networks were incapable of processing the exclusive-or circuit. The second significant issue was that computers were not sophisticated enough to effectively handle the long run time required by large neural networks. Neural network research slowed until computers achieved greater processing power. Also key in later advances was the backpropagation algorithm which effectively solved the exclusive-or problem (Werbos 1975).[13]The parallel distributed processing of the mid-1980s became popular under the name connectionism. The text by Rumelhart and McClelland[15] (1986) provided a full exposition on the use of connectionism in computers to simulate neural processes.Neural networks, as used in artificial intelligence, have traditionally been viewed as simplified models of neural processing in the brain, even though the relation between this model and brain biological architecture is debated, as it is not clear to what degree artificial neural networks mirror brain function.[16]Artificial intelligenceMain article: Artificial neural networkA neural network (NN), in the case of artificial neurons called artificial neural network (ANN) or simulated neural network (SNN), is an interconnected group of natural or artificial neurons that uses a mathematical or computational model for information processing based on a connectionistic approach to computation. In most cases an ANN is an adaptive system that changes its structure based on external or internal information that flows through the network.In more practical terms neural networks are non-linear statistical data modeling or decision making tools. They can be used to model complex relationships between inputs and outputs or to find patterns in data.An artificial neural network involves a network of simple processing elements (artificial neurons) which can exhibit complex global behavior, determined by the connections between the processing elements and element parameters. Artificial neurons were first proposed in 1943 by Warren McCulloch, a neurophysiologist, and Walter Pitts, a logician, who first collaborated at the University of Chicago.[17]One classical type of artificial neural network is the recurrent Hopfield network.The concept of a neural network appears to have first been proposed by Alan Turing in his 1948 paper Intelligent Machinery in which called them \"B-type unorganised machines\".[18]The utility of artificial neural network models lies in the fact that they can be used to infer a function from observations and also to use it. Unsupervised neural networks can also be used to learn representations of the input that capture the salient characteristics of the input distribution, e.g., see the Boltzmann machine (1983), and more recently, deep learning algorithms, which can implicitly learn the distribution function of the observed data. Learning in neural networks is particularly useful in applications where the complexity of the data or task makes the design of such functions by hand impractical.ApplicationsNeural networks can be used in different fields. The tasks to which artificial neural networks are applied tend to fall within the following broad categories:Function approximation, or regression analysis, including time series prediction and modeling.Classification, including pattern and sequence recognition, novelty detection and sequential decision making.Data processing, including filtering, clustering, blind signal separation and compression.Application areas of ANNs include nonlinear system identification[19] and control (vehicle control, process control), game-playing and decision making (backgammon, chess, racing), pattern recognition (radar systems, face identification, object recognition), sequence recognition (gesture, speech, handwritten text recognition), medical diagnosis, financial applications, data mining (or knowledge discovery in databases, \"KDD\"), visualization and e-mail spam filtering. For example, it is possible to create a semantic profile of user's interests emerging from pictures trained for object recognition.[20]NeuroscienceTheoretical and computational neuroscience is the field concerned with the theoretical analysis and computational modeling of biological neural systems. Since neural systems are intimately related to cognitive processes and behaviour, the field is closely related to cognitive and behavioural modeling.The aim of the field is to create models of biological neural systems in order to understand how biological systems work. To gain this understanding, neuroscientists strive to make a link between observed biological processes (data), biologically plausible mechanisms for neural processing and learning (biological neural network models) and theory (statistical learning theory and information theory).Types of modelsMany models are used; defined at different levels of abstraction, and modeling different aspects of neural systems. They range from models of the short-term behaviour of individual neurons, through models of the dynamics of neural circuitry arising from interactions between individual neurons, to models of behaviour arising from abstract neural modules that represent complete subsystems. These include models of the long-term and short-term plasticity of neural systems and its relation to learning and memory, from the individual neuron to the system level.CriticismA common criticism of neural networks, particularly in robotics, is that they require a large diversity of training for real-world operation. This is not surprising, since any learning machine needs sufficient representative examples in order to capture the underlying structure that allows it to generalize to new cases. Dean Pomerleau, in his research presented in the paper \"Knowledge-based Training of Artificial Neural Networks for Autonomous Robot Driving,\" uses a neural network to train a robotic vehicle to drive on multiple types of roads (single lane, multi-lane, dirt, etc.). A large amount of his research is devoted to (1) extrapolating multiple training scenarios from a single training experience, and (2) preserving past training diversity so that the system does not become overtrained (if, for example, it is presented with a series of right turns—it should not learn to always turn right). These issues are common in neural networks that must decide from amongst a wide variety of responses, but can be dealt with in several ways, for example by randomly shuffling the training examples, by using a numerical optimization algorithm that does not take too large steps when changing the network connections following an example, or by grouping examples in so-called mini-batches.A. K. Dewdney, a former Scientific American columnist, wrote in 1997, \"Although neural nets do solve a few toy problems, their powers of computation are so limited that I am surprised anyone takes them seriously as a general problem-solving tool\" (Dewdney, p. 82).Arguments for Dewdney's position are that to implement large and effective software neural networks, much processing and storage resources need to be committed. While the brain has hardware tailored to the task of processing signals through a graph of neurons, simulating even a most simplified form on Von Neumann technology may compel a neural network designer to fill many millions of database rows for its connections—which can consume vast amounts of computer memory and hard disk space. Furthermore, the designer of neural network systems will often need to simulate the transmission of signals through many of these connections and their associated neurons—which must often be matched with incredible amounts of CPU processing power and time. While neural networks often yield effective programs, they too often do so at the cost of efficiency (they tend to consume considerable amounts of time and money).Arguments against Dewdney's position are that neural nets have been successfully used to solve many complex and diverse tasks, such as autonomously flying aircraft.[21]Technology writer Roger Bridgman commented on Dewdney's statements about neural nets:Neural networks, for instance, are in the dock not only because they have been hyped to high heaven, (what hasn't?) but also because you could create a successful net without understanding how it worked: the bunch of numbers that captures its behaviour would in all probability be \"an opaque, unreadable table...valueless as a scientific resource\".In spite of his emphatic declaration that science is not technology, Dewdney seems here to pillory neural nets as bad science when most of those devising them are just trying to be good engineers. An unreadable table that a useful machine could read would still be well worth having.[22]Although it is true that analyzing what has been learned by an artificial neural network is difficult, it is much easier to do so than to analyze what has been learned by a biological neural network. Moreover, recent emphasis on the explainability of AI has contributed towards the development of methods, notably those based on attention mechanisms, for visualizing and explaining learned neural networks. Furthermore, researchers involved in exploring learning algorithms for neural networks are gradually uncovering generic principles which allow a learning machine to be successful. For example, Bengio and LeCun (2007) wrote an article regarding local vs non-local learning, as well as shallow vs deep architecture.[23]Some other criticisms came from believers of hybrid models (combining neural networks and symbolic approaches). They advocate the intermix of these two approaches and believe that hybrid models can better capture the mechanisms of the human mind (Sun and Bookman, 1990).Recent improvementsWhile initially research had been concerned mostly with the electrical characteristics of neurons, a particularly important part of the investigation in recent years has been the exploration of the role of neuromodulators such as dopamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin on behaviour and learning.Biophysical models, such as BCM theory, have been important in understanding mechanisms for synaptic plasticity, and have had applications in both computer science and neuroscience. Research is ongoing in understanding the computational algorithms used in the brain, with some recent biological evidence for radial basis networks and neural backpropagation as mechanisms for processing data.Computational devices have been created in CMOS for both biophysical simulation and neuromorphic computing. More recent efforts show promise for creating nanodevices for very large scale principal components analyses and convolution.[24] If successful, these efforts could usher in a new era of neural computing that is a step beyond digital computing,[25] because it depends on learning rather than programming and because it is fundamentally analog rather than digital even though the first instantiations may in fact be with CMOS digital devices.Between 2009 and 2012, the recurrent neural networks and deep feedforward neural networks developed in the research group of Jürgen Schmidhuber at the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA have won eight international competitions in pattern recognition and machine learning.[26] For example, multi-dimensional long short term memory (LSTM)[27][28] won three competitions in connected handwriting recognition at the 2009 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), without any prior knowledge about the three different languages to be learned.Variants of the back-propagation algorithm as well as unsupervised methods by Geoff Hinton and colleagues at the University of Toronto can be used to train deep, highly nonlinear neural architectures,[29] similar to the 1980 Neocognitron by Kunihiko Fukushima,[30] and the \"standard architecture of vision\",[31] inspired by the simple and complex cells identified by David H. Hubel and Torsten Wiesel in the primary visual cortex.Radial basis function and wavelet networks have also been introduced. These can be shown to offer best approximation properties and have been applied in nonlinear system identification and classification applications.[19]Deep learning feedforward networks alternate convolutional layers and max-pooling layers, topped by several pure classification layers. Fast GPU-based implementations of this approach have won several pattern recognition contests, including the IJCNN 2011 Traffic Sign Recognition Competition[32] and the ISBI 2012 Segmentation of Neuronal Structures in Electron Microscopy Stacks challenge.[33] Such neural networks also were the first artificial pattern recognizers to achieve human-competitive or even superhuman performance[34] on benchmarks such as traffic sign recognition (IJCNN 2012), or the MNIST handwritten digits problem of Yann LeCun and colleagues at NYU."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QiACpE6b_zBase-Database-App-for-iOS.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "zBaseView/EditViewDatasheet View onlyNavigation by swiping up/downEditDouble TapEditViewClearTap and HoldCopyEditViewOpen in Safari (for weblinks)TaskbarSet FilterSearchDisplay/Edit ActionsChartScatterColumnLineThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAdditional InformationSubscription required to use the red-colored featuresFirst release on July 30, 2013 Version 1.0.1CreateMain MenuDatabase FilesSelect DatabaseCreate TableFieldsList of existing fieldsCreate FieldNameTypeSupported Field Types ()Move EarlierMust be Admin to EditEncryptionDefault ValueDelete FieldCreate Link to ManyCreate Link to OneNameMust be Admin to Add/DeleteDelete TableExport Table as CSVImport FilesDelete Database FileRename Database FileAdminCreate DatabaseEmptyFrom SampleCRMDiscussionExpense ReportsInventoryIssue TrackerMobile Database ComparisonPrecipitation DataTo-Do ListWork HoursManage UsersSyncNowJournalIntervalManual5 min15 min30 min60 minUserExit Demo ModeChange PasswordInfoAbout zBaseHelp"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ITv6fRgw_American-Psychological-Association.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "American Psychological Associationabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ American_Psychological_AssociationinfoFormationJuly 1892Headquarters750 First Street, NEWashington, D.C., U.S.introductionThe American Psychological Association (APA) is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States,[2] with over 121,000 members, including scientists, educators, clinicians, consultants, and students.[2] It has 54 divisions—interest groups for different subspecialties of psychology or topical areas.[3] The APA has an annual budget of around $115m.[4]ProfileThe APA has task forces that issue policy statements on various matters of social importance, includingabortion,human rights,the welfare of detainees,human trafficking,the rights of the mentally ill,IQ testing,sexual orientation change efforts,and gender equality.[5]GovernanceAPA is a corporation chartered in the District of Columbia. APA's bylaws describe structural components that serve as a system of checks and balances to ensure democratic process. The organizational entities include:APA President. The APA's president is elected by the membership. The president chairs the Council of Representatives and the Board of Directors. During his or her term of office, the president performs such duties as are prescribed in the bylaws.Board of Directors. The board is composed of six members-at-large, the president-elect, president, past-president, treasurer, recording secretary, CEO, and the chair of the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS). The Board oversees the association's administrative affairs and presents an annual budget for council approval.APA Council of Representatives. The council has sole authority to set policy and make decisions regarding APA's roughly $60 million annual income. It is composed of elected members from state/provincial/territorial psychological associations, APA divisions and the APA Board of Directors.APA Committee Structure: Boards and Committees. Members of boards and committees conduct much of APA's work on a volunteer basis. They carry out a wide variety of tasks suggested by their names. Some have responsibility for monitoring major programs, such as the directorates, the journals and international affairs.[6]Good Governance ProjectThe Good Governance Project (GGP) was initiated in January 2011 as part of the strategic plan to \"[assure] APA's governance practices, processes and structures are optimized and aligned with what is needed to thrive in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex environment.\"[7] The charge included soliciting feedback and input stakeholders, learning about governance best practices, recommending whether change was required, recommending needed changes based on data, and creating implementation plans.[7] The June 2013 GGP update on the recommended changes can be found in the document \"Good Governance Project Recommended Changes to Maximize Organizational Effectiveness of APA Governance\".[8] The suggested changes would change APA from a membership-based, representational structure to a corporate structure. These motions were discussed and voted upon by Council on July 31, 2013 and August 2, 2013.[8]Organizational structureAPA comprises an executive office, a publishing operation, offices that address administrative, business, information technology, and operational needs, and five substantive directorates:the Education Directorate accredits doctoral psychology programs and addresses issues related to psychology education in secondary through graduate education;[9]the Practice Directorate engages on behalf of practicing psychologists and health care consumers;[10]the Public Interest Directorate advances psychology as a means of addressing the fundamental problems of human welfare and promoting the equitable and just treatment of all segments of society;[11]the Public and Member Communications Directorate is responsible for APA's outreach to its members and affiliates and to the general public;[12]the Science Directorate provides support and voice for psychological scientists.[13]DatabasesAPA maintains a number of databases, includingPsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, PsycEXTRA, PsycCRITIQUES, PsycTESTS, and PsycTHERAPY.[APA also operates a comprehensive search platform, PsycNET, covering multiple databases.HistoryFoundingThe APA was founded in July 1892 at Clark University by a small group of around 30 men; by 1916 there were over 300 members. The first president was G. Stanley Hall. During World War II, the APA merged with other psychological organizations, resulting in a new divisional structure. Nineteen divisions were approved in 1944; the divisions with the most members were the clinical and personnel (now counseling) divisions. From 1960 to 2007, the number of divisions expanded to 54.[33] Today the APA is affiliated with 60 state, territorial, and Canadian provincial associations.[34]G. Stanley HallDominance of clinical psychologyDue to the dominance of clinical psychology in APA, several research-focused groups have broken away from the organization. These include the Psychonomic Society in 1959 (with a primarily cognitive orientation), and the Association for Psychological Science (which changed its name from the American Psychological Society in early 2006) in 1988 (with a broad focus on the science and research of psychology). Theodore H. Blau was the first clinician in independent practice to be elected president of the American Psychological Association in 1977.[35]Formation 1959Headquarters Madison, WisconsinMembership4,3002020 ChairJames Pomerantz, PhD, Rice UniversityKey peopleGoverning Board,Louis Shomette, Executive Director[3]Formation August 12, 1988Headquarters 1800 Massachusetts Ave. NWSuite 402Washington, D.C.,PresidentShinobu KitayamaDivisionsSociety for General Psychology – the first division formed by the APA, in 1945, concerned with issues across the subdisciplines of psychology[37]Society for the Teaching of Psychology – provides free teaching material for students and teachers of psychology and bestows many awards[38]Society for Experimental Psychology and Cognitive ScienceCurrently vacant – initially the Psychometric Society, which decided against becoming an APA division[39]Quantitative and Qualitative Methods – previously named Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics[40]Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologySociety for Personality and Social PsychologySociety for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the ArtsCurrently vacant – initially Abnormal Psychology and Psychotherapy, which joined division 12 in 1946[39]Society of Clinical Psychology – established in 1948 with 482 members, in 1962 it created clinical child psychology as its first section[41]Society of Consulting PsychologySociety for Industrial and Organizational PsychologyEducational PsychologySchool Psychology – originally formed as the Division of School Psychologists in 1945, renamed in 1969[42]Society of Counseling PsychologyPsychologists in Public ServiceSociety for Military PsychologyAdult Development and AgingApplied Experimental and Engineering PsychologyRehabilitation PsychologySociety for Consumer PsychologySociety for Theoretical and Philosophical PsychologyBehavior AnalysisSociety for the History of PsychologySociety for Community Research and Action: Division of Community PsychologyPsychopharmacology and Substance AbusePsychotherapySociety of Psychological HypnosisState, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association AffairsSociety for Humanistic PsychologyIntellectual and Developmental Disabilities / Autism Spectrum DisorderSociety for Environmental, Population and Conservation PsychologySociety for the Psychology of WomenSociety for the Psychology of Religion and SpiritualitySociety for Child and Family Policy and PracticeHealth PsychologyPsychoanalysisClinical NeuropsychologyAmerican Psychology-Law SocietyPsychologists in Independent PracticeSociety for Family PsychologySociety for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender IssuesSociety for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority IssuesMedia PsychologyExercise and Sport PsychologySociety for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology DivisionSociety of Group Psychology and Group PsychotherapySociety of Addiction PsychologySociety for the Psychological Study of Men and MasculinitiesInternational PsychologySociety of Clinical Child & Adolescent PsychologySociety of Pediatric PsychologyAmerican Society for the Advancement of PharmacotherapyTrauma Psychology – addresses issues of trauma with projects, working groups and via collaborations[43]Warfare and the use of tortureA year after the establishment of the Human Resources Research Organization by the U.S. military in 1951, the CIA began funding numerous psychologists (and other scientists) in the development of psychological warfare methods under the supervision of APA treasurer Meredith Crawford. Donald O. Hebb, the APA president in 1960 who was awarded the APA Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award in 1961, defended the torture of research subjects, arguing that what was being studied was other nations' methods of brainwashing. Former APA president Martin Seligman spoke upon the invitation of the CIA on his animal experimentation where he shocked a dog unpredictably and repeatedly into total, helpless passivity. Former APA president Ronald F. Levant, upon visiting Guantanamo Bay, affirmed that psychologists were present during the torture of prisoners, arguing that their presence was to \"add value and safeguards\" to interrogations.[62] Former APA president Gerald Koocher argued, referring to allegations of continuing systemic abuse by psychologists, that such allegations were originating from \"opportunistic commentators masquerading as scholars\".[63]When it emerged that psychologists, as part of the Behavioral Science Consultation Team, were advising interrogators in Guantánamo and other U.S. facilities on improving the effectiveness of the \"enhanced interrogation techniques\", the APA called on the U.S. government to prohibit the use of unethical interrogation techniques and labeled specific techniques as torture.[64] Critics pointed out that the APA declined to advise its members not to participate in such interrogations.[65][66] In September 2008, the APA's members passed a resolution stating that psychologists may not work in settings where \"persons are held outside, or in violation of, either International Law (e.g., the UN Convention Against Torture and the Geneva Conventions) or the U.S. Constitution (where appropriate), unless they are working directly for the persons being detained or for an independent third party working to protect human rights.\"[67] The resolution became official APA policy in February 2009. However, the APA has refused to sanction those members known to have participated in and, in some cases, designed abusive interrogation techniques used in Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, and Afghanistan interrogation centers.[68][69][70]The APA directive was in contrast to the American Psychiatric Association ban in May 2006 of all direct participation in interrogations by psychiatrists,[71] and the American Medical Association ban in June 2006 of the direct participation in interrogations by physicians.[72] An independent panel of medical, military, ethics, education, public health, and legal professionals issued a comprehensive report in November 2013 that \"charged that U.S. military and intelligence agencies directed doctors and psychologists working in U.S. military detention centers to violate standard ethical principles and medical standards to avoid infliction of harm\".[73] One group of psychologists in particular, the Coalition for an Ethical Psychology, has been very harsh in its criticism of the APA stance on its refusal to categorically prohibit members from participating in any phase of military interrogations. They recently stated their continuing disagreement with APA leadership in an open letter posted on their website on October 31, 2012, in which they reiterated their condemnation of torture and enhanced interrogation techniques, and called for the APA to require its members to refuse participation in military conducted interrogations of any kind.[74]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g313153_Prolog_Programming_for_Artificial_Intelligence.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Smart Programming Using PrologCourse DetailsNumber: CpE403Instructor: Abdullah MutawaOffice: 14KHOH: 10am-1:00pmOffice phone: 4987160SMS Mobile: 99177629Text BookName: Prolog Programming for Artificial IntelligenceAuthor: Ivan BratkoIssue: 3rdGrading PolicyHW: 10%Quiz: 5Participation: 5Project: 30%Final exam: 30Midterms: 20Introduction to AIWhat is AI ?تعريف الذكاءاستنتاج الحل بسرعةاستحداث افعال غير موجودة من قبلاستنتاج افضل الحلولإيجاد علاقات وربط بين عناصرThe Turning TestRational AgentsHuman Intelligence vs AIIs is Artificial Intelligence anymore ?1. Introduction to Prolog1.1 Facts1.2 Rules (to represent relations)1.3 Recursive Rules1.6 Declarative vs Procedural meanning of programs2. Syntax and Meaning of Prolog Programs2.1 Data objectsAtoms and numbersVariablesStructures2.2 Matching2.3 Declarative meaning of Prolog programs2.5 ExampleType and try Nani Adventure from Amzi site give a sample run output, draw a new map and hide Nani somewhere and give your output as well2.6 Order of clauses and goals3. List, Operators, Arithmetic3.1 List Representation3.2 List OperationsMembershipConcatenationAddDeleteSublistPermutation子主题3.3 Operator notation3.4 Arithmetic4. Using Structures4.1 Retrieving structured information from DB4.2 Data AbstractionMap ColoringProlog Tutorial -- 2.1Truth Table MakerProlog Tutorial -- 2.135. Controlling Backtracking5.1 Preventing backtracking5.2 Examples Using Cut5.3 Negation as failure5.4 Problems with cut and negation6. Input and Output6.1 see, seen, tell, told6.2 read, write, tab6.3 put, get, get06.4 name6.5 consult7. More Built-in Predicates7.1 Type testing7.2 =.., functior, arg,7.3 equality and comparison7.4 asserta, assertz, retract7.5 Control facilities7.6 bagof, setof, and findall11. Basic Problem Solving Strategies11.1 Introductory concepts11.2 DFS and IDS11.3 BFS11.4 analysis of search techniques12. Best-First Heuristic Search12.1 BFS12.3 BFS implementation12.4 A*, IDA*, RBFS13. And/Or Graphs13.1 And/Or graph representation of problems13.2 Examples13.3 Basic search procedures13.4 BF and/or search15. Knowledge Rep. and Expert Systems15.1 Functions and structures of Expert Sys.15.2 Representing knowledge with if-then rules15.3 Forward and backward chaining15.4 Generating explanation15.6 Belief networks15.7 Semantic networks and framesFlex shellAdvance topicsNatural Language ProcessingDCG NotationPlanningMachine LearningNeural networksGenetic Algorithms"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ehGelBB9_Slidedocs-par-Nancy-Duarte-un-index-visuel.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Par Nancy Duarte un index visuelINTRO p3-8La Communication a changéLa communication courte est la nouvelle normeLes utilisateurs attendent mieuxSlidedocs: un nouveau médiaEn fait, ce livre est un SlidedocVous avez besoin d'un Slidedoc si...01 Pourquoi les Slidedocs p9-36Le Besoin de ConversationsLes présentations sont familièresLe bon outil pour le bon travailLa conversation crée le consensuscitation de Sir Richard Branson sur les conversationsPrésentations et ConversationsRé-introduction du SlidedocLes documents sont densesLes Slidedocs comblent le vide entre documents et présentationsQu'est-ce qu'un Slidedoc ?Comment utiliserez-vous les Slidedocscitation de Sheryl Sandberg sur les réunionsLe logiciel de présentation est le bon outil pour ce travailbénéfices des logiciels de diaposFaire le lien avec votre PublicUtilisez le bon outil pour le travailLes Slidedocs sont mieux pour le publiccitation de Jeff Weiner sur l'élimination des présentationsDiffusez vos bonnes idéesTrois façons de produire des Slidedocs efficacesConvertir des Documents en Slidedocs étude de cas dessousConvertir du Texte de Prompteur en Slidedocs étude de cas sur l'ajout du contenu p58-63Convertir des Diapositivess en Slidedocs étude de cas p149-154Etude de Cas: convertir des Documents en Slidedocs02 Ecriture d'un Slidedoc p37-98Création du ContenuConnaissez votre publicPosez votre idée maitresseUnifiez autour d'un pointLongueur recommandée des SlidedocsVendez votre idée avec un très bon texteAyez un processus éditorialEtape 1: IdéesEtape 2: CréationEtape 3: FinitionsEcrivez du texte pour une lecture rapideLa concision paieDéveloppez des titres qui ont du sensL'opportunité d'une structure thématique forteSuivez des bonnes pratiques d'écritureEcrivez un texte convaincantEnlevez le superflu et amplifiez l'essentielCoupez l'information en petits morceauxEtude de Cas: Conversion de Diapositives DensesCritiquez pour atteindre l'excellenceEcrivez une introduction ou un résumécitation de Jeff Bezos sur le mémo de 6 pagesArchitecture d'un SlidedocCe qu'on peut apprendre des livresCouvertureTable des MatièresHaut et Bas de pageTêtes de sectionIdentifiants de sectionMise en valeur du texteUn lien fort entre texte et imagesNavigation interactiveLa section finaleLes Slidedocs sont interactifsDonnées et Diagrammes clarifient le ContenuLes données créent du sensAller à l'essentielMontrer ce qui est importantLes diagrammes montrent les relationsTaxinomie des diagrammesDiagrammes gratuits sur diagrammer.comEtude de Cas: SAP Top 10This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook03 Design d'un Slidedoc p99-136Unification par les Systèmes VisuelsLes Slidedocs permettent des conversations visuellesEtablir un langage visuelModèles de présentations gratuitssur slidedocs.comRendre les Slidedocs facilement identifiablesRendre les Slidedocs distinctsEtude de Cas: \"Le Pouvoir d'une Histoire\"Quand le formattage devrait être fait par un proLes Grilles donnent de la StructureTout a été fait avec une structureLes grilles créent une organisation cohérenteRespirer avec le BlancVotre contenu a besoin d'espace pour respirerLes marques de luxe utilisent le BlancLa Typographie amplifie les Points ImportantsPourquoi la Typographie est importanteFormattage de proHiérarchie du texteMise en page du texteLisibilité sur petit écranTester vos diapositivesRéférences pour l'affichage visuel de l'informationPresentation Zenslide:ology04 Diffusion d'un Slidedoc p137-158Impression et Projection de SlidedocsVotre travail est de communiquerImpression de SlidedocsProjection de SlidedocsLes mauvaises habitudes sont dures à oublier mais oubliez-les Ne présentez par oralement les SlidedocsDistribution de SlidedocsDistribution en ligne SlideShareintégrépartagépar e-mailUtilisation pour des WebinarsLecture sur des appareilsLe danger de faire circuler des présentations éthéréesEtude de Cas: Du Spectaculaire au SlidedocDes diapositives simples nécessitent des notesModification du gabarit de notesLes Slidedocs peuvent voyager avec une annexeUn format horizontal est aussi une option!Partagez des Grandes Idées avec les SlidedocsLes présentations permettent de diffuser les SlidedocsBénéfices de la diffusion de SlidedocsLes Slidedocs améliorent la communicationVotre dur labeur sera récompenséA proposoriginalNancy Duarte2014165 pagesPowerPointen anglaissur le site Duartetraduit en français par Eric Bouchetsur slideshare.netmindmapEric Bouchet2014Creative Common Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bbtUx5Pa_Asian-Historical-Periods.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Asian Historical PeriodsIndian Historical Periods1 Vedic Period c. 1500–600 BCE2 Bimbisara Dynasty c. 684–413 BCE3 śramaṇa movements c. 600–400 BCE4 Śiśunāga Empire c. 413–345 BCE5 Nanda Empire c. 424–321 BCE6 Maurya Empire c. 322–185 BCE7 Mahāmeghavahana Dynasty c. 250 BCE–400 CE8 Śātavāhana Empire c. 230 BCE–220 CE9 Indo-Greek Kingdoms c. 200 BCE– 50 CE10 Kulinda Kingdom c. 200–100 BCE11 Cōḷa Dynasty c. 205 BCE–1279 CE12 Śuṅga Empire c. 187–71 BCE13 Śaka Kingdom c. 100–30 BCE14 Kuṣāṇa Empire c. 30–375 CE15 Gupta Empire c. 320–540 CE16 Pāla Empire 750–1174 CE17 Rāṣṭrakūṭa Dynasty 753–982 CE18 Hoysala Empire 1026–1343 CEKorean Historical Periods1 Ko-Chosŏn 古朝鮮 ?– 08 BCE2 Proto–Three Kingdoms 原三國時代 3rd cent. BCE–4th cent. CE2.1 Puyŏ 夫餘 2nd cent. BCE–494CE2.2 Okchŏ 沃沮 2nd cent. BCE–3rd cent. CE2.3 Tongye 東濊 3rd cent. BCE–3rd cent. CE2.4 Mahan 馬韓 1st cent. BCE–3rd cent. CE2.5 Chinhan 辰韓 1st cent. BCE–4th cent. CE2.6 Pyŏnhan 弁韓 1st cent.–4th cent.CE3 Three Kingdoms 三國 1st cent. BCE–668CE3.1 Koguryŏ 高句麗 37 BCE–668 CE3.2 Paekche 百濟 18 BCE–660 CE3.3 Silla 新羅 57 BCE–668 CE (continues to 935)3.4 Kaya 伽倻 42–5624 North-South States 698–9264.1 Parhae 渤海 698–9264.2 Unified Silla 統一新羅 668–9355 Later Three Kingdoms 後三國 892–9365.1 Unified Silla 統一新羅 (continues to 935)5.2 Later Paekche 後百濟 892–9365.3 Later Koguryŏ 後高句麗 901–9186 Koryŏ 高麗 918–13927 Chosŏn 朝鮮 1397–18978 Korean Empire 大韓帝國 1897–19109 Japanese Colonial Period 1910–194510 North and South Korea 1948–presentJapanese Historical Periods1 Yayoi 弥生 300 BCE–300 CE2 Kofun 古墳 300–5383 Asuka 飛鳥 538–7104 Nara 奈良 710–7945 Heian 平安 794–11856 Kamakura 鎌倉 1185–13337 Kenmu Restoration 建武の新政 1333–13368 Muromachi 室町 1337–15739 Azuchi–Mamoyama 安土桃山 1537–160310 Edo 江戸 1603–186811 Meiji 明治 1868–191212 Taishō 大正 1912–192613 Shōwa 昭和 1926–198614 Heisei 平成 1986–presentThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookChinese Historical Periods1 Shang 商 c. 1600 BCE–10462 Zhou 周 c. 1046 BCE–2563 Qin 秦 221 BCE–2064 Western Han 西漢 206 BCE–9 CE5 Western Han 西漢 206 BCE–9 CE6 Eastern Han 東漢 25–220 CE7 Three Kingdoms 三國 220–2807.1 Wei 魏 220–2657.2 Shu 蜀 221–2637.3 Wu 吳 229–2808 Western Jin 西晉 265–3169 Sixteen Kingdoms 十國 304–4399.1 Former Zhao 前趙 304–3299.2 Later Zhao 後趙 319–3519.3 Cheng Han 成漢 304–3479.4 Former Liang前涼 320–3769.5 Later Liang 後凉 386–4039.6 Northern Liang 北凉 397–4399.7 Western Liang 西涼 400–4219.8 Southern Liang 南凉 397–4149.9 Former Yan 前燕 337–3709.10 Later Yan 後燕 384–4099.11 Northern Yan 北燕 407–4369.12 Southern Yan 南燕 398–4109.13 Former Qin 前秦 351–3949.14 Later Qin 後秦 384–4179.15 Western Qin 西秦 409–4319.16 Xia 夏 407–43110 Eastern Jin 東晉 317–42011 Southern and Northern Dynasties 南北朝 420–58811.1 Southern11.1.1 Liu Song 劉宋 420–47811.1.2 Southern Qi 南齊 479–50111.1.3 Southern Qi 南齊 479–50111.1.4 Chen 陳 557–58811.2 Northern11.2.1 Northern Wei 北魏 386–53311.2.2 Eastern Wei 東魏11.2.3 Western Wei 西魏 535–55711.2.4 Northern Qi 北齊 550–57711.2.5 Northern Zhou 北周 557–58112 Sui 隋 581–61813 Tang 唐 618–90714 Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms 五代十國 907–97914.1 Five Dynasties14.1.1 Later Liang 後梁 907–92314.1.2 Later Tang 後唐 923–93614.1.3 Later Jin 後晉 936–94614.1.4 Later Han 後漢 947–95014.1.5 Later Zhou 後周 951–96014.2 Ten Kingdoms14.2.1 Wu 吳 907–93714.2.2 Wuyue 吳 越 907–97814.2.3 Min 閩 909–94514.2.4 Chu 楚 907–95114.2.5 Southern Han 南漢 917–97114.2.6 Former Shu 前蜀 907–92514.2.7 Later Shu 後蜀 934–96514.2.8 Jingnan 荊南 924–96314.2.9 Southern Tang南唐 937–97514.2.10 Northern Han 北漢 951–97915 Liao 遼 907–112516 Song 宋 960–127916.1 Northern Song 北宋 960–112716.1 Southern Song 南宋 1127–127917 Western Xia 西夏 1038–122718 Jin 金朝 1115–123419 Yuan 元 1271–136820 Ming 明 1368–164421 Qing 淸 1644–191122 Republic of China 中華民國 (mainland) 1912–194923 Republic of China 中華民國 (Taiwan) 1949–present24 People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國 1949–present25 Chinese Cultural Revolution 1966–1976"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/a2TLyrdP_Information_and_Information_Sources_Mind_Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Information and Information SourcesImportance of Information2 PartsGatheringInterpretationUsesBasis for customer segmentationIdentifying market trendsForming/deepening customer relationshipsUnderstanding industry patternsUnderstanding competitive environmentFinancial InformationTypesBalance Sheet: Cash FlowTurnover & ProfitFinancial State: Assets, DebtsRate of GrowthExport PerformanceSourcesCompany annual accountsCompany registration office websiteCommercial databasesQuality financial pressCredit refrence agenciesOrganisational InformationTypesProblems and OpportunitiesKey Decision-MakersNew posts and recruitment patternsInvestments, new verntures, closuresTake-overs and acquisitionsSourcesTrade and quality pressCompany websitesCommon stakeholdersClandestine SourcesIndustrial espionageThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookProduction & Product InformationTypesNumber of EmployeesProduct range and qualityProduction costs and specificationsLocation and scale of operationsNew Product developmentSourcesTrade associationsChambers of commerceConsumer associatonPatents officeTrade eventsNetworking with stakeholdersMarketing InformationTypesPrice terms and discount structureMarket sharePackaging and deliveryAdvertising and promotionMarkeitng policy and plansSourcesField sales forceCustomer interfaceMarketing surveysNetworksTrade press"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/437EDl6t_People-at-Global-Brainstorm-15-Nov-2012-Innovation-Warehouse-London.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "People at Global Brainstorm 15 Nov 2012Kane Kramer Chairman of British Inventors Society, Inventor mp3 technologyMeet Kane Kramer: The Inventor of the iPodICE Circle is a unique network of global and industry leaders ...Tech Weekly podcast: Kane Kramer - the man who invented the ...Where did the MP3 player come fromGlasses free 3D: A great British invention - Humans InventKaraoke machine voted worst gadget ever invented - TECH - BlorgeSteve Jobs: American ExceptionalismInspect-a-Gadget: Search ResultsDigital audio player - The Full WikiIngenious Britain Making the UK the leading hightech ... - DysonTony Fish Founder Innovation Warehouse, author and entrepreneurSOFE 2011 programme - SwiftTony Fish - United Kingdom | LinkedInInnotribe @SOFE2011, a field trip to the Innovation Warehouse ...Tony Fish | Big Data WorldOnline Privacy As Misunderstood As Sex And Religion Says Digital ...Past events - London Central Branch | BCS - The Chartered Institute ...Entrepreneurs need just one thing to succeedBig data world Europe, 19 - 20 September 2012, ETC Venue St ...My Digital Footprint - Filed under 'speaking'Breakthrough Entrepreneurship: Jon Burgstone, Bill Murphy Jr ...Marc Ortmans Founder IdeaspaceGlobal – GEWNews | IdeaspaceSaïd Martínez-Calderón | LinkedInBrigitte Sumner Founder Yes Group, author, peak performance coachYES Group NorthPop Culture BlogMichael Bradford | Bobby's BlogNashville Music: CMA Music Festival Country's Night to ROCK ...That's Books: December 2011Will Sherwood | FacebookBill Wolak | FacebookMadonna Filth And Wisdom MovieINSIDE - Western Nevada CollegeServices in July 2012 - The Parish of MorpethJohn Mulholland Founder Exciting Minds and innovation strategist.John Mulholland - United Kingdom | LinkedInJohn Mulholland profiles | LinkedInJohn Mulholland - United Kingdom profiles | 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Kingdom | LinkedInLiam Hughes | The Mindmap BlogThe Biggerplate BlogLiam Hughes (biggerplate) on PinterestLiam Hughes (biggerplate) on PinterestVisual Mapping: Meeting Biggerplate's founder Liam Hughes in ...What Are the Biggerplate Unplugged Events (#BPUN) ?Mindjet User Profile: Liam HughesAndrew Wilcox Cabre Ltd – mind map guru!Interview about Mind Mapping & Software with Andrew Wilcox ...Increase height MindManager ink input field for extra lines ...Andy Wilcox - United Kingdom | LinkedInAndrew Wilcox talking about Tony Buzan - YouTubeInvite to Mind Mapping Software Presentation at Wired Wessex ...Mindjet - View topic - Office 2010!Andrew Phuong | FacebookMile Wide or Mile Deep Networking - let's explore - EcademyThe Cool Hunter - WelcomeBruce Payne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaElif Spreadborough Environmental Services - GuestNo matches foundGraham Sadd PAOGA - GuestIndividuals « Privacy by DesignComputer Weekly Editor's Blog: magazine ArchivesBusiness Cloud Summit 2010 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BROWN ...Listen to BC Almanac onlineApple computer « High Tech HistoryLearning From Others - Cantarella Consultingblackgivesback: September 2012Talk Wisdom: Praying For That New Day In AmericaThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMap prepared by Andrew Wilcox Cabre Limited & ConferenceReaction Using Mindjet and Google Search Map Part"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k476468_Mind_mapping_without_seeing.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "mind mapping without seeing?DigitalsoundiThoughtsHD for iPadwith VoiceOver@assistivetekInspiration softwarebuilt in talking/listening interface.@VisualLeapMind maps can be represented as outlines.Org-mode can make outlinesstandard downloadfor OS XOrg-mode filesare easy to navigateare probably well- supported by Emacspeak.verification neededEmacs infoWindowsOS XLinuxCan be exported toFreemindcan exportstructured HTMLOPMLtext filesinformationdownloadFreeplanemore capabilitiesdownload@sachacInspirationtalking/listening interface@VisualLeaprequested detailsCMap Toolsprepare propos- itions as textspreadsheetdictation softwareimport textMakes concept mapmay needmanual supportadditional editingoptimizing layoutBrian Moonverified\"I just tried it with MacSpeech Dictate and MS Excel\"Alberto J. Cañasconcept mapping software for blind students.developed by Jaime Sanchez, University of ChileFind out current status@roygrubb has emailed Prof. Sanchezgenerally:branches havedifferently pitched voicesbecomes the 'locator' or 'identifier'node pointsunique identifier sound effectdifferent musical instrument\"soundscapes\"as in Myst games@roygrubbmultiple branchespitch of the noteLow near the trunkHigh on the outskirtsmusical loopidentify branchRoy Blumenthalverbal descriptive framework@fredlakinJAWS and ZoomText/Readerthe student has JAWSbut not ZoomText/ReaderBrian Friedlander (aka @assistivetek)touch + soundLivescribe penplus raised line drawing kit@roygrubb\"plan.b\"translates digital maps (geographical ones)applicable to mind maps?tactile mapssound componentsprototype onlyORIKO@vicgee\"Virtual Maps For The Blind\"haptic (touch- active) feedbackon a joystickfor virtual worldsapplicable to mind maps? ()applicable to mind maps?for virtual worlds ()@roygrubbhas written to authorDr. Lahavtouch3D printers@roygrubb\"Full Screen\" displaysElectroactive polymerChoosingNC State@fredlakintouch screen+ smart glovepin like matrix in the fingertipsWould need a text-to-braille interfaceNeil AutyPersonal help offeredLeo Roman@JennisonAnaloguetouchsuccessfulSpecial penraises paper surfacewrites Brailleso can bothdraw the linewrite on itshading and shadow missedtrainerprepareddrew the images pressing hardfelt by touch@jamienastthick paperstylusgouge outlinesformstextureswordsbraille writertype words on Braille typewriter ()gluewrite with the stylusRoberta Faulhaberstiff paper/thin cardbranchesstringglue gunthick plastic gluevaried inwidthtexturehelped order to be recalledStudentsight was failingsat examsquestion read to themscribe wrote answers givenachieved high gradesTim FulfordWikki StixBrandy AgerbeckSticky plastic for mosaicsplace objectsdifferentiatetextureshapetype words on Braille typewriterbraille writer ()cut them outstick them as neededequivalent of a visual mindmapexplore by touchRoberta Faulhaberfocus on feeling, smellingLegowoodplastic of differentdensitiesweightstexturesadd soundsconnectorsstrings of plasticcottoncoirwoolcopperRaju Mandhyanraised mapsdeveloped for City of GenevaIdriss Ait-BouziadIssuesAttachmentsImagesfilesweb linksConcept mapsmore complex structureActivities to supportMaking maps...for handing in...for better understandingConsuming maps...maps of others...own maps for revision"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/5AJzLbce_RAF-aircrafts.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ISTARRC-135W AIRSEEKER (RIVET JOINT):Powerplant: four 21,600lb st (96kN) CFM International F108-CF-201 turbofan enginesLength: 135ft (41.10m)Height: 42ft (12.80m)Wingspan: 131ft (39.90m)Wing area: 2,433sqft (226.03m2)Maximum take-off weight: around 297,000lb (133,633kg)Maximum airspeed: 470kt (870km/h)Range: around 3,900 miles (6,500km)Service ceiling: 39,000ftCrew: 2 pilots, 1 navigator and a Mission Crew configured for the task.BOEING E-3D SENTRY AEW.MK 1:Powerplant: four 24,000lb st (107kN) CFM International CFM56-2A3 turbofansLength: 152ft 11in (46.61m)Height: 41ft 4in (12.60m)Wingspan: 145ft 9in (44.42m)Wing area: 3,050sqft (83.40m2)Empty weight: 185,000lb (83,990kg)Maximum take-off weight: 334,000lb (151,636kg)Cruising speed: Mach 0.72 Rate of climb 2,000ft/min (610m/min)Range: 5,000nm (8,046km)Endurance: 10 hoursService ceiling: 43,000ft (13,106m)GENERAL ATOMICS MQ-9A REAPERPowerplant: one 900shp Honeywell TPE331-10 turbopropLength: 36ft (10.97m)Height: 12ft (3.66m)Wingspan: 69ft 3½in (21.12m)Maximum take-off weight: 10,500lb (4,760kg)Maximum speed: 250kt (463km/h)Endurance (clean): 20 hoursEndurance (with weapons): more than 12 hoursService ceiling (clean): more than 50,000ftService ceiling (with weapons): more than 30,000ftArmament: two 500lb GBU-12 laser-guided bombs and four AGM-114 Hellfire missilesBOEING P-8A POSEIDON:Powerplant: two 27,000lb st (120kN) CFM International CFM56-7 turbofan enginesLength: 129ft 6in (39.47m)Height: 42ft 1¼in (12.83m)Wingspan: 123ft 7¼in (37.64m)Maximum take-off weight: 189,200lb (85,820kg)Maximum speed: 490kt (907km/h)Ferry range: 4,500 miles (7,242km)Service ceiling: 41,000ftRAYTHEON SENTINEL R.MK 1Powerplant: two 14,750lb st (65.60kN) Rolls-Royce Deutschland BR710 turbofan enginesLength: 99ft 5in (30.30m)Height: 27ft (8.23m)Wingspan: 93ft 5½in (28.49m)Wing area: 1,022sqft (94.95m2)Maximum speed: 530kt (982km/h)Range: more than 5,000nm (9,260km)Maximum altitude: more than 40,000ftBEECHCRAFT SHADOW R.MK 1Powerplant: two 850shp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-47A turboprop enginesLength: 43ft 9¼in (13.34m)Height: 15ft (4.57m)Wingspan: 54ft 6in (16.61m)Wing area: 310sqft (28.80m2)Maximum cruising speed: 294kt (544km/h)Maximum altitude: 35,000ftTRANSPORTA400M ATLAS C.MK 1:Powerplant: four 11,000shp EuroProp International TP400 turbopropsLength: 138ft 5½in (42.20m)Height: 48ft 2¾in (14.70m)Wingspan: 139ft 1¼in (42.40m)Maximum speed: 400kt (741km/h)Maximum range: 4,100nm (7,593km)Maximum altitude: 40,000ftMaximum payload: 81,600lb (37,000kg)BAE 146 CC.MK 2:Powerplant: four 6,970lb st (31kN) Honeywell ALF502R-5 turbofansLength: 85ft 11½in (26.19m)Height: 28ft 3in (8.61m)Wingspan: 86ft 5in (26.34m)Wing area: 832sqft (77.29m2)Maximum take-off weight: 84,000lb (38,102kg)Cruising speed at 30,000ft: around 380kt (709km/h)Typical range: 1,400nm (2,593km)Typical cruising altitude: 30,000ftBAE 146 C.MK 3 AS CC.MK 2 EXCEPT:Length: 93ft 10in (28.60m)Typical range: 1,200nm (2,222km)LOCKHEED MARTIN C-130J HERCULES:Aircrew: 2 Pilots, 1 WSOp (CMN), 1 ground EngineerPowerplant: four 4,700shp RollsRoyce AE2100D3 turbopropsLength, C.Mk 4: 112ft 9in (34.34m)Length, C.Mk 5: 97ft 9in (29.77m)Height: 38ft 4¾in (11.70m)Wingspan: 132ft 7in (40.38m)Wing area: 1,745sqft (162.12m)Cruising speed: 320kt (593km/h)Ferry range, C.Mk 4: 2,650nm (4,908km)Ferry range, C.Mk 5: 2,850nm (5,078km)Maximum altitude: 40,000ftCruising altitude: 28,000ftBOEING C-17A GLOBEMASTER IIIPowerplant four 40,400lb st (179.90kN) Pratt & Whitney F117-PW-100 turbofansLength overall: 174ft (53.04m)Height overall: 55ft 1in (16.79m)Wingspan: 169ft 9in (51.74m)Wing area: 3,800sqft (353.03m2)Maximum take-off weight: 585,000lb (265,350kg)Cruising speed at 28,000ft: 450kt (833km/h)Range with 100,000lb (45,360kg) payload: more than 4,500nm (8,334km)Service ceiling: 45,000ftMaximum payload (2.5g load factor): 169,000lb (76,655kg)LEONARDO AW109SP GRANDNEWPowerplant: two Pratt & Whitney Canada PW207C turboshafts each rated at 572shp maximum continuous powerLength overall: 42ft 6in (12.96m)Height overall: 11ft 2in (3.39m) Main rotor diameter 35ft 6in (10.83m)Maximum take-off weight: 7,000lb (3,175kg)Maximum cruising speed: 156kt (289km/h)Maximum range: 464nm (859km)Hovering ceiling out of ground effect: 10,000ftAccommodation: up to six passengersSUPPORT HELICOPTERBOEING CHINOOK HC.MK 6:Powerplant: two Honeywell T55-L-714A turboshaft engines, each rated at 4,168shp maximum continuous powerLength: 98ft 10½in (30.14m)Height (rotors turning): 18ft 11in (5.77m)Rotor diameter (each): 60ft (18.29m)Maximum cruising speed: 160kt (296km/h)Maximum density altitude: 15,000ftPayload: up to 55 troops or around 22,000lb (10,000kg) of freightArmament: two 7.62mm M134 Miniguns and one 7.62mm M60D machine gunAIRBUS HELICOPTERS PUMA HC.MK 2Powerplant: two 1,800shp Turbomeca Makila 1A1 turboshaft enginesLength overall: 59ft 8½in (18.20m) Height 16ft 10½in (5.14m)Main rotor diameter: 49ft 6in (15.09m)Maximum speed: 167kt (309km/h)Payload: up to 16 passengers, 12 fully equipped troops or 4,400lb (2,000kg) of freightArmament: two 7.62mm GPMGsHERITAGEChipmunksDouglas C-47 DakotaHawker HurricaneAVRO LANCASTER PA474SPITFIRECOMBATLOCKHEED MARTIN F-35B LIGHTNINGPowerplant: one Pratt & Whitney F135 turbofan rated at 40,000lb st (177.88kN) with afterburning and 40,500lb st (180.10kN) for vertical take-offLength: 51ft 2¼in (15.60m)Height: 14ft 3½in (4.36m)Wingspan: 35ft (10.70m)Wing area: 460sqft (42.70m2)Maximum take-off weight: around 60,000lb (27,216kg)Maximum speed: Mach 1.6Combat radius: on internal fuel more than 450nm (833km)Maximum altitude: 50,000ftArmament: typically two AAMs and two bombs carried internally, with optional 25mm gun pod and underwing pylons enabling stores carriage up to 15,000lb (6,800kg)PANAVIA TORNADO GR.MK 4Powerplant: two Turbo-Union RB.199 Mk 103 turbofans each rated at 16,000lb st (71.50kN) with afterburningLength: 56ft 6¼in (17.23m)Height: 19ft 6¼in (5.95m)Wingspan, spread: 45ft 7½in (13.91m)Wingspan, swept: 28ft 1in (8.56m)Wing area: 286.33sqft (26.60m2)Maximum take-off weight around: 61,600lb (27,950kg)Maximum speed: Mach 1.3Armament: Paveway II, III and IV series GPS/laser-guided bombs, Brimstone air-to-ground missiles, Storm Shadow cruise missiles, ASRAAM for self defence, one internal 27mm Mauser cannon, plus 1,500-litre and/or 2,250-litre drop tanks, Litening III targeting pod, RAPTOR, Sky Shadow and BOZ countermeasures pods, up to a maximum disposable load of around 19,840lb (9,000kg)EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON FGR.MK 4Powerplant: two Eurojet EJ200 turbofans each rated at 20,000lb st (90kN) with afterburningLength: 52ft 4¼in (15.96m)Height: 17ft 4¼in (5.29m)Wingspan: 36ft 4½in (11.09m)Wing area: 538.20sqft (50m2)Empty weight: around 22,000lb (10,000kg)Loaded weight: around 46,300lb (21,000kg)Maximum speed: Mach 1.8Brakes off to Mach 1.5 at 35,000ft: less than 2 minutes 30 secondsMaximum altitude: 55,000ftArmament: internal 27mm Mauser cannon, plus AIM-120 AMRAAM and ASRAAM air-to-air missiles, and Enhanced Paveway II and Paveway IV precisionguided bombs. Future weapons will include the Meteor air-to-air, and Storm Shadow and Brimstone air-to-ground missilesMULTI-ROLE HELICOPTERBELL GRIFFINPowerplant: one 1,800shp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6T-3D Turbo Twin-Pac turboshaftLength overall, rotors turning: 56ft 1¾in (17.11m)Height: 11ft 5in (3.48m)Main rotor diameter: 46ft (14.02m)Main rotor disc area: 1,661.90sqft (154.40m2)Maximum takeoff weight: around 11,900lb (5,397kg)Never exceed speed: 140kt (259km/h)Range with maximum payload: around 375nm (695km)Maximum altitude: 20,000ftTRAINING HELICOPTERBELL GRIFFINPowerplant: one 1,800shp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6T-3D Turbo Twin-Pac turboshaftLength overall, rotors turning: 56ft 1¾in (17.11m)Height: 11ft 5in (3.48m) Main rotor diameter 46ft (14.02m)Main rotor disc area: 1,661.90sqft (154.40m2)Maximum takeoff weight around: 11,900lb (5,397kg)Never exceed speed: 140kt (259km/h)Range with maximum payload: around 375nm (695km)Maximum altitude: 20,000ftAIRBUS HELICOPTERS SQUIRREL HT.MK 1Powerplant: one 625shp Safran Helicopter Engines Arriel 1D1 turboshaftLength overall, rotors turning: 42ft 5½in (12.94m)Height overall: 10ft 3½in (3.14m)Main rotor diameter: 35ft ¾in (10.69m)Main rotor disc area: 966.10sqft (89.75m2)Maximum take-off weight: 4,960lb (2,250kg)Never exceed speed at sea level: 155kt (287km/h)Maximum rate of climb at sea level: 1,752ft/min (534m/min)Maximum range: 362nm (670km)Hovering ceiling in ground effect: 10,500ftAIR REFUELLING, TRANSPORTAIRBUS DEFENCE AND SPACE VOYAGERPowerplant: two 71,100lb st (316kN) Rolls-Royce Trent 772B turbofansLength: 192ft 11¾in (58.82m)Height: 57ft ½in (17.39m)Wingspan: 197ft 10in (60.30m)Wing area: 3,892.20sqft (361.60m2)Maximum speed: around Mach 0.86Typical mission range: capable of delivering around 132,000lb (60,000kg) of fuel during five hours on station at 500nm (930km) from baseRange with maximum payload: 4,500nm (8,334km)Maximum range with maximum fuel: 8,000nm (14,816km)Maximum altitude: 41,000ftMaximum fuel load: 245,000lb (111,000kg)Maximum payload: around 99,000lb (45,000kg)Maximum passenger load: 291TRAININGGROB 120TP PREFECT:Powerplant: one Rolls-Royce M250-B17F turboprop engine rated at 380shp maximum continuous powerLength: 27ft 7in (8.40m)Height: 8ft 10in (2.70m)Wingspan: 33ft 10in (10.30m)Wing area: 145sqft (13.50m2)Empty weight: 2,414lb (1,095kg)Maximum take-off weight for aerobatics: 3,175lb (1,440kg)Maximum speed: 245kt (454km/h)Rate of climb: 2,855ft/min (870m/min)Range at 5,000ft and longrange cruising speed: 640nm (1,185km)Maximum operating altitude: 25,000ftEMBRAER PHENOM 100:Powerplant: two 1,695lb st (7.54kN) Pratt & Whitney Canada PW617F turbofan enginesLength: 42ft 1in (12.82m)Height: 14ft 3in (4.35m)Wingspan: 40ft 4in (12.30m)High speed cruise: 405kt (750km/h)Range with four occupants and reserves: 1,178nm (2,182km)Maximum operating altitude: 41,000ftHAWK T1BAE SYSTEMS HAWK T.MK 2Powerplant: one 6,500lb st (28.91kN) Rolls-Royce/Turbomeca Adour Mk 951 turbofanLength: 40ft 9in (12.43m)Height: 13ft 1in (3.98m)Wingspan: 32ft 7in (9.94m)Wing area: 179.64sqft (16.70m2)Maximum take-off weight: 20,000lb (9,100kgBEECHCRAFT KING AIR B200GTPowerplant: two 850shp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-52 turbopropsLength: 43ft 9½in (13.36m)Height: 14ft 9½in (4.51m)Wingspan: 54ft 6in (16.61m)Wing area: 303sqft (28.15m2)Maximum take-off weight: around 12,500lb (5,670kg)Service ceiling: 35,000ftBEECHCRAFT T-6C TEXAN IIPowerplant: one 1,100shp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A turboprop engineLength: 33ft 4in (10.16m)Height: 10ft 8in (3.25m)Wingspan: 33ft 5in (10.20m)Wing area: 175.30sqft (16.28m2)Maximum take-off weight: 6,900lb (3,130kg)Maximum speed: 316kt (585km/h)Ferry range: 884nm (1,637km)Maximum altitude: 31,000ftSHORTS TUCANO T.MK 1Powerplant: one 1,150shp Honeywell TPE331-12B turboprop engineLength: 32ft 4¼in (9.86m)Height: 11ft 1¾in (3.40m)Wingspan: 37ft (11.28m)Wing area: 208sqft (19.33m2)Maximum take-off weight: 6,470lb (2,935kg)Maximum level speed at: 10,000ft 277kt (513km/h)Maximum rate of climb at sea level: 3,270ft/min (997m/min) Range 954nm (1,767km)Maximum altitude: 25,000ftGROB TUTOR T.MK 1Powerplant: one 180hp Textron Lycoming AE-360-B piston engineLength: 24ft 9in (7.54m)Height overall: 9ft 3in (2.82m)Wingspan: 32ft 9¾in (10m)Wing area: 131.40sqft (12.21m2)Maximum take-off weight: 2,182lb (990kg)Never exceed speed: 185kt (343km/h)Maximum rate of climb at sea level: 909ft/min (277m/min)Range at 75% power with 45-minute reserves at 4,000ft: 446nm (826km)Maximum altitude: 10,000ftGROB VIGILANT T.MK 1Powerplant: one 95hp Grob 2500E1 piston engineLength: 26ft 7in (8.10m)Wingspan: 57ft 1in (17.40m)Maximum speed: 130kt (241km/h)Maximum altitude: 8,000ftVIKING T1 GROB VIGILANT T.MK 1Length: 26ft 10in (8.18m)Wingspan: 57ft 5in (17.50m)Maximum speed: 119kt (220km/h)Maximum altitude: 8,000ftMAPPED BY: WOJCIECH KORSAKALL PICTURES & INFORMATION: https://raf-beta-public.org/aircraft/"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/v875897_Tipping_Point.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big DifferenceThe Three Rules of EpidemicsLaw of the FewThere are a few exceptional people capable of starting epidemicsAn exceptional person through social connections and energy and enthusiasm and personality can spread the word about a trendStickiness FactorThere is a simple way to package information that, under the right circumstances, can make it irresistible.There are specific ways of making a contagious message memorableThere are relatively simple changes in the presentation and structuring of information that can make a big difference in how much of an impact it makes.Power of ContextHuman beings are a lot more sensitive to their environment than they may seem.Epidemics are sensitive to the conditions and circumstances of the times and places in which they occurThe Law of the Few: Connectors, Mavens, and SalesmenConnectors: Social GluePeople with a special gift for bringing the world togetherConnectors know lots of people; the kinds of people they know is important.The closer an idea or a product comes to a Connector, the more power and opportunity it has as well.Mavens: Data BanksOne who communicates knowledgeSomeone who wants to solve other people's problems, generally by solving his own.Socially motivated; helping others satisfies an emotional needInformation brokers, sharing and trading what they knowSalesmen: PersuadeSkilled at interactional synchronyHave the skills to persuade us when we are unconvinced of what we are hearing.The Stickiness Factor: Sesame Street, Blue's Clues, and the Educational VirusThe messenger matters, but the content matters alsoSome messages/products are so memorable that they can create change; spur someone to actionAdvice that is practical and personal can be memorableSesame StreetIf you can hold the attention of children, you can educate them.Kids watch when they understand and look away when they are confusedPrinciple of mutual exclusivity: small children have difficulty believing than any one object can have two different names.Blue's CluesDriving force for a preschooler is not a search for novelty, but a search for understanding and predictabilityThe Power of Context: Bernie Goetz and the Rise and Fall of New York City CrimeThe impetus to engage in a certain kind of behavior is not coming from a certain kind of person but from a feature of the environment.Broken Windows theory; NYC crime ratesWhat really matters is little thingsHonesty is considerably influenced by the situationWhen we think only in terms of inherent traits and forget the role of situations, we're deceiving ourselves about the real causes of human behaviorThe Power of Context: The Magic Number 'One Hundred Fifty'Groups play a critical role in social epidemicsIf you want to bring about a fundamental change in people's belief and behavior, a change that would persist and serve as an example to others, you need to create a community around them, where those new beliefs could be practiced and expressed and nurturedSmall close-knit groups have the power to magnify the epidemic potential of a message or ideaOur 'channel capacity', the point at which we become overwhelmed with information, occurs in social groups larger than 150150 seems to represent the maximum number of individuals with whom we can have a genuinely social relationship, the kind that goes with knowing who they are and how they relate to us.The paradox of the epidemic: in order to create one contagious movement, you often have to create many small movements first.Case Study: Rumors, Sneakers, and the Power of TranslationDiffusion model: how a contagious idea or product or innovation moves through a populationSequence: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards. Transition between can be very hard, especially going from early adopters to early majority.In anyone wants to start an epidemic, then he has to somehow employ Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen to translate the message of the Innovators into something the rest of us can understand.Case Study: Suicide, Smoking, and the Search for Unsticky CigaretteYoung adults are not cool because they smoked. They smoke because they are cool.Contagiousness and stickiness are different concepts. They follow very different patterns and suggest very different strategies. What makes smoking sticky is completely different from the kinds of things that make it contagious.Contagiousness is in large part a function of the messenger. Stickiness is primarily a property of the message.Most of the character straits that make us who we are (friendliness, extroversion, nervousness, openness, etc.) are half determined by our genes and half by our environment.Largest environmental influence by far for kids is from peers, not parents.Tendency to smoke is tightly coupled with depression. Treating depression reduces tendencies to smoke. Wonder drug is Zyban.Nicotine addiction takes about three years to develop.You can smoke about 5 cigarettes a day without getting addicted to nicotine = chippers.Conclusion: Focus, Test, and Believe#1: Starting epidemics requires concentrating resources on a few key areas. Law of the Few says your resources should be solely concentrated on Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen.#2: The world does not accord with our intuition. Do not just do what you think is right, test your intuitions.Tipping Point Lessons from the Real WorldUnderstanding the Age of IsolationTeenagers more able to be isolated = badColumbine High School massacreBeware the Rise of ImmunityLaw of Plentitude: the larger networks are, theoretically, the more powerful they are (e.g., each fax machine increases value of all others on network). But ...As a network grows in size, it is also the case that the time and nuisance costs borne by each member of the network grow as well (e.g., phone system and telemarketers.)The more e-mail we get, the shorter, more selective, and more delayed our responses become = symptoms of immunity.When people are overwhelmed with information and develop immunity to traditional forms of communication, they turn instead for advice and information to the people in their lives who they respect, admire, and trust. Mavens, Connectors, and Salesmen.Finding the MavensMaven traps: a way of efficiently figuring out who the Mavens are in a particular world.A particular time or place or situation happens can bring together a perfect Maven audience. (e.g., Lexus product recall, IRAs and teachers)Tipping Point"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/cxGb3v76_KALENDER-2020.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "KALENDER 20201e kwartaalJANUARIWEEK 1wo 1-1do 2-1vr 3-1za 4-1zo 5-1WEEK 2ma 6-1di 7-1wo 8-1do 9-1vr 10-1za 11-1zo 12-1WEEK 3ma 13-1di 14-1wo 15-1do 16-1vr 17-1za 18-1zo 19-1WEEK 4ma 20-1di 21-1wo 22-1do 23-1vr 24-1za 25-1zo 26-1WEEK 5WEEK 5 ()ma 27-1di 28-1wo 29-1do 30-1vr 31-1FEBRUARIWEEK 5WEEK 5 ()za 1-2zo 2-2WEEK 6ma 3-2di 4-2wo 5-2do 6-2vr 7-2za 8-2zo 9-2WEEK 7ma 10-2di 11-2wo 12-2do 13-2vr 14-2za 15-2zo 16-2WEEK 8ma 17-2di 18-2wo 19-2do 20-2vr 21-2za 22-2zo 23-2WEEK 9WEEK 9 ()ma 24-2di 25-2wo 26-2do 27-2vr 28-2za 29-2MAARTWEEK 9WEEK 9 ()zo 1-3WEEK 10ma 2-3di 3-3wo 4-3do 5-3vr 6-3za 7-3zo 8-3WEEK 11ma 9-3di 10-3wo 11-3do 12-3vr 13-3za 14-3zo 15-3WEEK 12ma 16-3di 17-3wo 18-3do 19-3vr 20-3za 21-3zo 22-3WEEK 13ma 23-3di 24-3wo 25-3do 26-3vr 27-3za 28-3zo 29-3WEEK 14WEEK 14 ()ma 30-3di 31-32e kwartaalAPRILWEEK 14WEEK 14 ()wo 1-4do 2-4vr 3-4za 4-4zo 5-4WEEK 15ma 6-4di 7-4wo 8-4do 9-4vr 10-4za 11-4zo 12-4WEEK 16ma 13-4di 14-4wo 15-4do 16-4vr 17-4za 18-4zo 19-4WEEK 17ma 20-4di 21-4wo 22-4do 23-4vr 24-4za 25-4zo 26-4WEEK 18WEEK 18 ()ma 27-4di 28-4wo 29-4do 30-4MEIWEEK 18WEEK 18 ()vr 1-5za 2-5zo 3-5WEEK 19ma 4-5di 5-5wo 6-5do 7-5vr 8-5za 9-5zo 10-5WEEK 20ma 11-5di 12-5wo 13-5do 14-5vr 15-5za 16-5zo 17-5WEEK 21ma 18-5di 19-5Wo 20-5do 21-5vr 22-5za 23-5zo 24-5WEEK 22ma 25-5di 26-5wo 27-5do 28-5vr 29-5za 30-5zo 31-5JUNIWEEK 23ma 1-6di 2-6wo 3-6do 4-6vr 5-6za 6-6zo 7-6WEEK 24ma 8-6di 9-6wo 10-6do 11-6vr 12-6za 13-6zo 14-6WEEK 25ma 15-6di 16-6wo 17-6do 18-6vr 19-6za 20-6zo 21-6WEEK 26ma 22-6di 23-6wo 24-6do 25-6vr 26-6za 27-6zo 28-6WEEK 27WEEK 27 ()ma 29-6di 30-63e kwartaalSEPTEMBERWEEK 39zo 27-9za 26-9vr 25-9do 24-9wo 23-9di 22-9ma 21-9WEEK 38zo 20-9za 19-9vr 18-9do 17-9wo 16-9di 15-9ma 14-9WEEK 37zo 13-9za 12-9vr 11-9do 10-9wo 9-9di 8-9ma 7-9WEEK 36zo 6-9za 5-9vr 4-9do 3-9wo 2-9di 1-9ma 31-8AUGUSTUSWEEK 35zo 30-8za 29-8vr 28-8do 27-8wo 26-8di 25-8ma 24-8WEEK 34zo 23-8za 22-8vr 21-8do 20-8wo 19-8di 18-8ma 17-8WEEK 33zo 16-8za 15-8vr 14-8do 13-8wo 12-8di 11-8ma 10-8WEEK 32zo 9-8za 8-8vr 7-8do 6-8wo 5-8di 4-8ma 3-8WEEK 31WEEK 31 ()zo 2-8za 1-8JULIWEEK 31WEEK 31 ()vr 31-7do 30-7wo 29-7di 28-7ma 27-7WEEK 30zo 26-7za 25-7vr 24-7do 23-7wo 22-7di 21-7ma 20-7WEEK 29zo 19-7za 18-7vr 17-7do 16-7wo 15-7di 14-7ma 13-7WEEK 28zo 12-7za 11-7Vr 10-7do 9-7wo 8-7di 7-7ma 6-7WEEK 27WEEK 27 ()zo 5-7za 4-7vr 3-7do 2-7wo 1-74e kwartaalDECEMBERWEEK 53do 31-12wo 30-12di 29-12ma 28-12WEEK 52zo 27-12za 26-12vr 25-12do 24-12wo 23-12di 22-12ma 21-12WEEK 51zo 20-12za 19-12vr 18-12do 17-12wo 16-12di 15-12ma 14-12WEEK 50zo 13-12za 12-12vr 11-12do 10-12wo 9-12di 8-12ma 7-12WEEK 49WEEK 49 ()zo 6-12za 5-12vr 4-12do 3-12wo 2-12di 1-12NOVEMBERWEEK 49WEEK 49 ()ma 30-11WEEK 48zo 29-11za 28-11vr 27-11do 26-11wo 25-11di 24-11ma 23-11WEEK 47zo 22-11za 21-11vr 20-11do 19-11wo 18-11di 17-11ma 16-11WEEK 46zo 15-11za 14-11vr 13-11do 12-11wo 11-11di 10-11ma 9-11WEEK 45zo 8-11za 7-11vr 6-11do 5-11wo 4-11di 3-11ma 2-11WEEK 44WEEK 44 ()zo 1-11OKTOBERWEEK 44WEEK 44 ()za 31-10vr 30-10do 29-10wo 28-10di 27-10ma 26-10WEEK 43zo 25-10za 24-10vr 23-10do 22-10wo 21-10di 20-10ma 19-10WEEK 42zo 18-10za 17-10vr 16-10do 15-10wo 14-10di 13-10ma 12-10WEEK 41zo 11-10za 10-10vr 9-10do 8-10wo 7-10di 6-10ma 5-10WEEK 40zo 4-10za 3-10vr 2-10do 1-10wo 30-9di 29-9ma 28-9"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/hXJ7bfle_Gemeinsam-gegen-das-Coronavirus.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Gemeinsam gegen das CoronavirusBundesregierung Österreichs digitales AmtAktuelle Infos und Maßnahmen Coronavirus in ÖsterreichDas können Sie tunDas sollten Sie wissenSo handeln Sie im ErnstfallSo können Sie helfenHäufig gestellte Fragen.Wie gefährlich ist das Coronavirus?Wie äußert sich die Krankheit?Wie wird die Krankheit behandelt?Was ist die Corona-Kurzarbeit?Bundesministerium Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und KonsumentenschutzHäufig gestellte FragenTagesaktuelle Informationen zur Verbreitung des CoronavirusMaßnahmen in ÖsterreichSoziale Kontakte einschränken, um die Ausbreitung von Coronavirus zu verlangsamenVerkehrsbeschränkungQuarantänemaßnahmen in bestimmten GebietenEinstellung des SkibetriebsVeranstaltungen gänzlich untersagtEinschränkungen in Handel und GastronomieEinschränkungen bei Besuchen im KrankenhausHochschulen werden geschlossenSchließungen von Schulen und KindergärtenEinreiseverbote aus ItalienInformationsmaterial zum Download in deutscher und englischer SpracheCoronavirus - HotlinesCoronavirus - RechtlichesBundesministerium Europäische und internationale AngelegenheitenNotfallnummer des AußenministeriumsWas ist eine Reiseregistrierung?Registrieren Sie sich beim BundesministeriumÖsterreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbHInformationen zu Arbeitsrecht, Reiserecht, Schulen, Landwirtschaft und LebensmittelproduktionSituation in ÖsterreichGesundheitsministerium: bestätigte Fälle und Testungen in ÖsterreichGesundheitsministerium FAQ Maßnahmen in ÖsterreichSituation weltweitKarte mit weltweiter Verbreitung bestätigter Fälle COVID-19 (Johns Hopkins CSSE)Reiseinformationen des AußenministeriumsWirtschaftskammer Informationen zum CoronavirusHilfsmaßnahmenfür vom Coronavirus betroffene BetriebeWelche Sofortmaßnahmen und Überbrückungsmaßnahmen für Unternehmen gibt es?Mehr Infos zu den Krediten für TourismusbetriebeMehr Infos zu den Krediten für 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März 2020 folgendesWie lange gilt diese Maßnahme?Mein Gastronomiebetrieb wurde aufgrund einer behördlichen Verfügung geschlossen. Darf ich Kunden dennoch mit Speisen beliefern?BetriebsschließungsverordnungenSind Kfz-Zulassungsstellen geöffnet?Homeoffice/Teleworking im Backoffice-BereichArbeitsrechtliche InformationenIst der Arbeitgeber verpflichtet, in seinem Betrieb Vorsorgemaßnahmen zur Vermeidung der Ansteckung zu treffen?Welche Schutzmaßnahmen können bei Arbeitnehmern ergriffen werden?Mitarbeiter erkranken innerhalb des Betriebes. Was ist zu tun?Was tun, wenn Lehrlinge nicht mehr ausgebildet und nicht mehr oder nur eingeschränkt eingesetzt werden können?Können Beschäftigte darauf bestehen Schutzmasken zu tragen?Muss der Arbeitgeber für Mitarbeiter im Dienstleistungsbereich, die laufend Kundenkontakt haben, Schutzausrüstung zB Gesichtsmasken, Schutzhandschuhe zur Verfügung stellen?Darf der Arbeitnehmer von der Arbeit fernbleiben, wenn er sich vor einer Ansteckung fürchtet?Darf sich ein Arbeitnehmer weigern, mit Personen zusammenzuarbeiten, die aus betroffenen Gebieten zurückkehrenMitarbeiter weigern sich Gäste im Restaurant, im Geschäft oder im Rahmen einer anderen Dienstleistung zu bedienen. Ist diese Weigerung gerechtfertigt?Müssen Arbeitnehmer Lieferungen bzw. Zustellungen in Quarantänebereiche durchführen?Darf der Arbeitgeber einseitig Homeoffice anordnen?Kann Homeoffice auch während einer Quarantäne angeordnet werden?Hat das Coronavirus Einfluss auf die Arbeitszeit und die Arbeitsruhe?Betriebliche EinschränkungenWas kann ich tun, wenn Mitarbeiter nicht oder nur mehr eingeschränkt eingesetzt werden können?Corona-KurzarbeitFactsheet: Corona-KurzarbeitTourismus und Reisebüros1. Ich bin Veranstalter einer Busrundreise nach Italien. Können Reisende kostenfrei stornieren?2. Wie sieht es mit Pauschalreisen aus, die später stattfinden und deren Reiseziel ein Land ist, für das eine Reisewarnung besteht?3. Ich bin Veranstalter einer Busrundreise durch Europa. Stationen der Rundreise führen auch durch Staaten, für die eine Reisewarnung erlassen wurde. Ich möchte die Reiseroute deshalb ändern. Können Reisende kostenfrei stornieren?4. Ich habe österreichische Hotelzimmer an italienische Reisende vermittelt. Können Reisende aufgrund von Ausreiseverboten kostenfrei stornieren?Infoseite der Hotellerie5. Reisende haben aufgrund unvermeidbarer und außergewöhnlicher Umstände eine von mir veranstaltete Pauschalreise kostenfrei storniert. Muss ich als Veranstalter zusätzlich Schadenersatz leisten?6. Ich bin Veranstalter einer Opernreise ins Ausland. Dort werden auf Grund behördlicher Anordnung alle Aufführungen abgesagt. Können Reisende kostenfrei zurücktreten?7. Darf ich Gäste ablehnen, wenn ich die Vermutung habe, dass sie infiziert sind?8. Haben Hoteliers Anspruch auf Stornogebühren, wenn Gäste stornieren?GüterbeförderungsgewerbeWichtigste Antworten für EPUArbeiterkammer und ÖGBJob & Coronavirus Die wichtigsten Fragen und AntwortenKontaktformularSteuernewsAngebote der Sozialversicherung der Selbständigen (SVS)Sonderregelungen des FinanzministeriumsErleichterungen der Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖGK)Was muss der Arbeitgeber berücksichtigen-Wann muss das Entgelt weiter ausbezahlt werden-Coronavirus: Was müssen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer bei Schulschließungen beachten?Einschränkung der MobilitätWas bedeutet das in Bezug auf die eigene Mobilität?Gastronomiebetriebe wie Restaurants, Konditoreien, Kaffeehäuser, etc. Betriebsstätten, für Waren und Dienstleistungen dürfen grundsätzlich nicht betreten werdenDavon ausgenommen sind:öffentliche ApothekenLebensmittelhandel und bäuerlichen DirektvermarkternDrogerien und DrogeriemärkteVerkauf von Medizinprodukten und Sanitärartikeln, Heilbehelfen und HilfsmittelnGesundheits- und PflegedienstleistungenDienstleistungen für Menschen mit Behinderungenveterinärmedizinische DienstleistungenVerkauf von TierfutterVerkauf und Wartung von Sicherheits- und NotfallproduktenNotfall-DienstleistungenAgrarhandelTankstellenBankenPostDienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit der RechtspflegeLieferdiensteÖffentlicher VerkehrTabakfachgeschäfte und ZeitungskioskeHygiene und ReinigungsdienstleistungenAbfallentsorgungsbetriebeKfz-WerkstättenDie wichtigsten Fragen und AntwortenDarf ich mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln fahren?Wann darf ich das Auto / Motorrad / Moped benutzen?Ist Spazierengehen erlaubt?Ist Radfahren erlaubt?Darf ich mit meinem E-Scooter fahren bzw. mir einen solchen ausborgen?Wie sieht es mit anderen sportlichen Aktivitäten, Inlineskaten, Skateboardfahren, etc. aus?Gelten die Kurzparkregelungen in den Städten und Gemeinden?Mein Auto / Motorrad / Moped hat einen technischen Defekt, darf ich in die Werkstatt?Darf ich für meine Besorgungen ins Ausland fahren?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/wTcAZs25_Masterarbeit-im-Studium-erstellen.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MasterarbeitVorbereitungenTechnische Hilfsmittel anschaffenNotebookDruckerSoftwareHilfe besorgenSchreibkraftKorrekturleserArbeitsplatz einrichtenDruck- und Bindeservice suchenVor OrtOnline-DienstThema findenLesenFachartikelZeitschriftenbeiträgeaktuelle Diskussionenstrategische Überlegungen machenWas erleichtert BerufseinstiegWozu gibt es noch keine Forschungen?motivatorische ÜberlegungenWas interessiert mich?Was entspricht meinen Vorliebengrundsätzliche ÜberlegungenForschungsfrageZu überprüfende TheseThema zuspitzenAllgemeines ThemaSpezielles Themazugespitztes ThemaSchwerpunkt klärenPhänomen beschreiben (Deskription)Phänomen beschreiben (Explikation)PrognoseGestaltungGespräch mit BetreuerEndgültiges Thema festlegenFormalien erledigenprüfen: Formale Voraussetzungen erfüllt?Formulare ausfüllenBescheid prüfenGutachter (Betreuer) suchenLiteraturrechercheSuchenZeitschriftenartikelAufsätzeVortragsreihenLehrbücherFachlexikazitierfähige InternetquellenLesenPrüfenAktualitätThemenrelevanzGliederung erstellenOrdnungsmethode festlegenÜberschriften festlegenpräziseverständlichGliederung selbst prüfenvollständignachvollziehbarGliederung vom Betreuer prüfen lassenThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSchreibenZitierweise mit Betreuer absprechenVorlageselbst erstellenfertige besorgenprüfen auf formale RichtigkeitErste Einleitung schreibenKapitel schreibenEinleitung überarbeitenprüfenfrei von Rechtschreib- und Grammatikfehlernsachlichverständlichpräziselebendigkorrekt zitiertLiteraturverzeichnis pflegenEigenständigkeitserklärungArbeit abschließenEndgültiges Literaturverzeichnis anfertigenAnhang erstellenArbeit ruhen lassenKorrekturlesenFachfremderFachlich versiertArbeit drucken und binden lassenGrafiken auf Auflösung prüfenDruck und BindungArbeit abgebenTermin bei Betreuer machen子主题Diese Mindmap wurde erstellt als Beispiel für den Kurs \"Selbstmanagement für wichtige Ziele und Aufgaben\". Siehe http://www.udemy.com/selbstmanagement"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/PnvEXuD0_Palmiry-massacre-December-1939-and-July-1941.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Palmiry massacre December 1939 and July 1941introThe Palmiry massacre was a series of mass executions carried out by Nazi German forces, during the Second World War, near the village of Palmiry in the Kampinos Forest, located northwest of Warsaw.Between December 1939 and July 1941 more than 1700 Poles and Jews – mostly the inmates of Pawiak prison – were executed by the SS and the Ordnungspolizei in the forest glade near Palmiry. The best documented of these massacres took place on 20–21 June 1940, wherein 358 members of the Polish political, cultural and social elite were murdered in a single operation.Palmiry is one of the most infamous sites of Nazi crimes in Poland, as well as \"one of the most notorious places of mass executions\" in Poland.[1] Along with the Katyn massacre it has become a symbol of the martyrdom of Polish intelligentsia during the Second World War.Polish women led to mass execution in a forest near PalmiryPreludeAdolf Hitler attends a Wehrmacht victory parade in Warsaw. 5 October 1939Warsaw was perceived by Nazi leaders as one of the biggest obstacles to their plan to subjugate the Polish nation. After the Nazi invasion of Poland, Warsaw was reduced to a provincial city in the newly created General Government. However, it remained a center of Polish cultural life.[a] Warsaw also headquartered the high command of the Polish Underground State and soon became a stronghold of armed and political resistance against the German occupation.[2] On 14 December 1943 Governor-General Hans Frank noted in his diary:There is a one place in this country which is a source of all our misfortunes – it is Warsaw. Without Warsaw we wouldn't have four-fifths of the troubles which we're facing now. Warsaw is the focus of all disturbances, the place from which discontent is spread through the whole country.The Polish capital surrendered to the Wehrmacht armies on 28 September 1939. Three days later members of Einsatzgruppe IV led by SS-Brigadeführer Lothar Beutel entered the city. They immediately conducted a search in public and private buildings, as well as mass arrests.[4] On 8 October 1939 about 354 Polish teachers and catholic priests were detained because occupational authorities assumed that they are “full of Polish chauvinism” and “created an enormous danger” for public order.[5] Soon Warsaw's prisons and detention centers Pawiak, Mokotów Prison, the Central Detention Center at Daniłowiczowska Street, the cellars of the Gestapo headquarter on 25 Szucha Avenue were full of inmates.[6] Many of the prisoners were deported to Nazi concentration camps. Many others were murdered.In the first months of German occupation political prisoners from Warsaw were secretly executed in the back of the Polish parliament (Sejm) building complex at Wiejska Street[b] (in the so-called Sejm gardens, ogrody sejmowe). Between October 1939 and April 1940 several hundred people were murdered in this place. However Nazi German police authorities soon realized that they would not be able to keep executions secret if they were conducted in the very center of a large city.[7] It was decided that henceforth mass executions would be carried out in the small forest glade in Kampinos Forest, located near the villages of Palmiry and Pociecha,[8] about 30 kilometres (19 mi) northwest of Warsaw.Pawiak prison in WarsawModus operandiExecutions in Palmiry were carried out by the members of the Ordnungspolizei or by the SS-Reiterei (de) (SS Cavalry) regiment which was quartered in Warsaw. They were overseen by Gestapo officers led by the SD and Sicherheitspolizei Commander in Warsaw, SS-Standartenführer Josef Meisinger.[9]In every case mass executions in Palmiry were prepared in a careful manner. Mass graves were always dug a few days before the planned execution. Usually it was done by the Arbeitsdienst unit which was quartered in Łomna or by Hitlerjugend members who camped near Palmiry. In most cases the graves were shaped like a ditch and were more than 30 metres (98 ft) long and 2.5–3 metres (8 ft 2 in–9 ft 10 in) deep. Sometimes, for smaller groups of convicts or for individual victims, irregularly shaped graves were prepared, similar to natural terrain landslides or to explosion craters. The glade where executions took place was soon enlarged by tree-cutting.[10] On the day of planned execution Polish forestry workers always received a day off. In the meantime German police undertook intensive patrolling near the glade and in the surrounding forest.[11]Victims were transported to the place of execution by trucks. Usually they were brought from Pawiak prison, rarely from Mokotów Prison. SS soldiers tried to convince their victims that they are going to transfer them to another prison or to a concentration camp. For this reason, death transports were usually formed at dusk and prisoners were allowed to take their belongings with them. Sometimes before departure convicts received an additional food ration and they were given back their documents from the prison's depository.[12] Initially, these methods were so effective that the prisoners were not aware of the fate awaiting them.[13] Later, when the truth about what was happening in Palmiry spread through Warsaw, some victims tried to throw short letters or small belongings from the trucks, in hopes that in this way they would be able to inform their families about their fate.[12] During postwar exhumation some bodies were found with a card reading \"Executed in Palmiry\", written by the victims shortly before their death.[14]At the glade the prisoners' bags were taken but they were permitted to keep their documents and small belongings. Jews could keep their yellow badges, and people who worked in Pawiak's infirmary could keep their badges with the Red Cross symbol. Sometimes prisoners' hands were tied and their eyes blindfolded. The victims were then taken to the edge of the grave and executed by machine gun fire. Sometimes victims were forced to hold a long pole or ladder behind their back. Such supports were later lowered so that the bodies fell into the grave in an even layer. Postwar exhumation proved that the wounded victims were sometimes buried alive.[12][15] SS and OrPo members photographed the executions until it was forbidden by the SS-Standartenführer Meisinger, as happened on 3 May 1940.[16] After the execution was finished, the graves were filled in, covered with moss and needles, and then planted over with young pine trees. Families of the victims were later informed by the Nazi authorities that their relatives had \"died from natural causes\".[11][17]Despite all efforts, the Nazis were not able to keep the massacres secret. Local Polish inhabitants, especially forestry workers and inhabitants of Palmiry and Pociecha, had many opportunities to observe the death transports and to hear the gunshots. Several times they also saw groups of convicts being led to the place of execution. Forester Adam Herbański and his subordinates from the Polish Forest Service helped reveal the truth about the Palmiry massacre. At risk of their lives, they visited the forest glade after the executions (usually at night) in order to secretly mark out the mass graves.[11] Also, a few photos taken by the executioners in Palmiry were stolen by members of the Union of Armed StruggleFirst executionsPamiry. Prisoners are blindfolded before executionProbably the first executions in the forest glade near Palmiry were carried out on 7 and 8 December 1939, when 70 and 80 people were murdered, respectively. According to the Wehrmacht soldiers who guarded a nearby ammunition warehouse, all the victims were Jewish. However, it is impossible to confirm that information.[18]The next execution was conducted on 14 December 1939 when 46 people were shot dead. At least some of the victims came from Pruszków. Among them were Stanisław Kalbarczyk, a Polish teacher from Pruszków, and two unidentified women.[19]Mass execution in PalmiryThe circumstances of the last mass execution conducted in Palmiry in 1939 are at least partially known. However, according to Maria Wardzyńska (a Polish historian employed in the Institute of National Remembrance), at least 70 other people were secretly executed in Palmiry before the end of 1939.[20]In January and February 1940 the Gestapo infiltrated and crushed the underground organization Polska Ludowa Akcja Niepodległościowa (PLAN) (\"Polish People's Independence Action\"). On 14 January, the PLAN commander, Kazimierz Andrzej Kott, escaped from the Gestapo headquarters at 25 Szucha Avenue. Soon after, several hundred people were arrested in Warsaw, among them 255 leading Jewish intellectuals.[19] On 21 January about 80 hostages, including two women, were executed in Palmiry. Among the victims were Fr. Marceli Nowakowski (rector of the Church of the Holiest Saviour in Warsaw, and former member of parliament) and 36 Jews (including attorney Ludwik Dyzenhaus, dentist Franciszek Sturm and chess master Dawid Przepiórka). Another 118 people arrested after Kott's escape, mostly Jews, were probably murdered in Palmiry in the first months of 1940.[21]According to Maria Wardzyńska, about 40 inhabitants of Zakroczym were also executed in Palmiry in January 1940. Among them was the mayor of Zakroczym, Tadeusz Henzlich.[20]The next mass execution in Palmiry was carried out on 26 February 1940. In retaliation for the death of the German mayor of Legionowo, who had been assassinated two days earlier by unknown perpetrators, about 190 people were murdered at the \"glade of death\". Among the victims were six women. In most cases the victims of this execution came from Legionowo or from surrounding localities.[22][23]On the night of 28 March 1940, German police officers entered the house at Sosnowa Street in Warsaw where Józef Bruckner, commander of the underground organization Wilki (\"The Wolves\"), had his conspiratorial flat. Bruckner and his aide opened fire on the policemen, and after a brief fight, they escaped from the building. In retaliation, the Germans arrested 34 Polish men who lived in this building (aged 17 to 60). All of them were murdered in Palmiry on 23 April 1940.[24]On 2 April 1940, about 100 inmates of Pawiak and Mokotów prisons were murdered in Palmiry. The execution was conducted in retaliation for the assassination of two German soldiers in Warsaw. Among the victims were Fr. Jan Krawczyk (theologian, parson of Catholic parish in Wilanów), Bogumił Marzec (attorney), Stefan Napierski (literary critic, editor of monthly magazine of literature Ateneum), Bohdan Offenberg (deputy director of the Labour Fund), Zbigniew Rawicz-Twaróg (captain of the Polish Army), Jacek Szwemin (architect), and 27 women.[25]According to Polish historians, between 700[26] and 900[27] people were executed in Palmiry from December 1939 until April 1940.AB-AktionIn the spring of 1940, the highest NSDAP and SS authorities in the General Government decided to conduct a wide-ranging police operation aimed at the extermination of the Polish political, cultural, and social elite. The mass murder of Polish politicians, intellectuals, artists, social activists, as well as people suspected of potential anti-Nazi activity, was seen as a preemptive measure to keep the Polish resistance scattered and to prevent the Poles from revolting during the planned German invasion of France. This operation was given the code name AB-Aktion (shortcut from Außerordentliche Befriedungsaktion[d]).[28][29] It officially lasted from May to July 1940 and claimed at least 6500 lives.[5][30][31]At the end of March 1940, Warsaw and surrounding cities were hit by a wave of arrests. During the next two months, hundreds of Polish intellectuals and prewar politicians were detained and imprisoned in Pawiak.[20] On 20 April, the Gestapo arrested 42 Polish attorneys in the building of Warsaw's Chamber of Attorneys. On 10 May, occupants detained over a dozen Polish school headmasters who, despite the German interdict, had closed their school on May 3rd Constitution Day.[32] The frequency and number of executions in Palmiry increased with the beginning of AB-Aktion.[33]The first mass execution conducted in Palmiry in the course of AB-Aktion took place on 14 June 1940. About 20 people were murdered on that day, among them Polish historian Karol Drewnowski and his son Andrzej.[34][35]The best-documented massacre took place on 20–21 June 1940 when three transports with 358 inmates were sent from Pawiak to the place of execution near Palmiry. Among the victims wereMaciej Rataj (politician, former Marshal of the Sejm)Mieczysław Niedziałkowski (politician of the Polish Socialist Party)Jan Pohoski (prewar deputy president of Warsaw)Ludomir Skórewicz (prewar starosta of Warsaw powiat)Halina Jaroszewiczowa (politician, former member of parliament)Henryk Brun (industrialist, former member of parliament, chairman of the Polish Merchants Association)Janusz Kusociński (athlete, winner of the 10,000 m race at the 1932 Summer Olympics)Feliks Zuber (athlete, deputy president of \"Warszawianka\" sport club)Tomasz Stankiewicz (track cyclist who competed in the 1924 Summer Olympics)Jan Wajzer (doctor of law, secretary general of the Polish Union in Free City of Danzig)Stefan Kwiatkowski (deputy chairman of the Association of teachers of secondary and third degree schools)Władysław Dziewałtowski-Gintowt, Tadeusz Fabiani, Edmund Grabowski, Czesław Jankowski, Stanisław Jezierski, Józef Krasuski, Jerzy Niżałowski, Józef Starzewski, Wacław Tyrchowski (attorneys)Stanisław Beer, Jadwiga Fuks, Maria Witkowska (painters);Helena Łopuszańska (actress)Alicja Bełcikowska, Jan Bełcikowski, Grzegorz Krzeczkowski, Wojciech Kwasieborski, Tadeusz Lipkowski, Jan Werner (writers and publicists)Victims and their executionersLast executionsDeath transport with empty trucks back to Warsaw after the execution in PalmiryOn 23 July 1940, Governor-General Hans Frank officially announced the end of AB-Aktion. Despite that, massacres in Palmiry continued for over a year. On 30 August 1940, at least 87 persons were executed at the forest glade. Among the victims were a number of people who were arrested in Włochy three months earlier.[38]Another mass execution was carried out on 17 September 1940 when about 200 prisoners of Pawiak, including 20 women, were murdered at the forest glade near Palmiry. Among the victims were: Tadeusz Panek and Zbigniew Wróblewski (attorneys), Fr. Zygmunt Sajna (parson of Catholic parish in Góra Kalwaria), Jadwiga Bogdziewicz and Jan Borski (journalists).[39] According to Regina Domańska, this massacre might be connected with the uncovering of an underground printing house at Lwowska Street in Warsaw.[40]This was the last execution conducted in Palmiry in 1940 for which circumstances are at least partially known. However, during the postwar exhumation, three mass graves filled with 74, 28, and 24 corpses respectively, were found at the forest glade. It is certain that first two of them were filled and buried in the winter of 1940, while the third one was probably dug in the winter of 1940 or 1939.[41] Polish historians were not able to determine the circumstances of those massacres. According to Regina Domańska, about 27 prisoners of Pawiak were executed in Palmiry on 4 December 1940.[42] According to Maria Wardzyńska, up to 260 people could have been murdered in Palmiry in the winter of 1940.[43]On 7 March 1941, actor Igo Sym, well-known Nazi collaborator and Gestapo agent, was assassinated by the soldiers of the Union of Armed Struggle. In retaliation, 21 Pawiak prisoners were executed in Palmiry four days later. Among the victims were Stefan Kopeć (biologist, professor at the University of Warsaw) and Kazimierz Zakrzewski (historian, professor at the University of Warsaw).[44][45]On 1 April 1941 about 20 men from Łowicz were executed in Palmiry. Among the victims was deputy mayor of Łowicz, Adolf Kutkowski.[46]Another massacre was conducted on 12 June 1941 when 30 prisoners of Pawiak, including 14 women, were murdered in Palmiry. Among the victims were: Witold Hulewicz (poet and radio journalist), Stanisław Piasecki (right-wing politician and literary critic), Jerzy Szurig (lawyer, syndicalist), Stanisław Malinowski (attorney).[47][48]The last known mass execution in Palmiry was carried out on 17 July 1941 when 47 people, mostly prisoners of Pawiak, were murdered in the forest glade. Among the victims were Zygmunt Dymek (journalist and labor activist) and six women.[14]After 17 July 1941, German authorities ceased using the forest glade in Palmiry as a place of mass executions. The reason probably was that they realized the Polish resistance and the civilian population were well aware of what was happening in PalmiryMass execution in PalmiryRemembranceAfter the war, the Polish Red Cross, supported by the Chief Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, began the search and exhumation process in Palmiry. The work was carried out between 25 November and 6 December 1945, and later from 28 March until the first months of summer 1946. Thanks to Adam Herbański and his subordinates from the Polish Forest Service, who in the years of occupation were risking their own lives to mark the places of execution, Polish investigators were able to find 24 mass graves. More than 1700 corpses were exhumed, but only 576 of them were identified. Later Polish historians were able to identify the names of another 480 victims.[17][50] It is possible that some graves still lie undiscovered in the forest near Palmiry.[11]In 1948 the forest glade near Palmiry was transformed into a war cemetery and a mausoleum.[51] Victims of Nazi terror whose bodies were found in some other places of execution within the so-called \"Warsaw Death Ring\"[e] were also buried in the Palmiry cemetery. Altogether, approximately 2204 people are buried there.[52] In 1973, the Palmiry National Memorial Museum, a branch of the Museum of Warsaw, was created in Palmiry.[51]Fr. Zygmunt Sajna, who was murdered in Palmiry on 17 September 1940, is one of the 108 Polish Martyrs of World War II beatified on 13 June 1999 by Pope John Paul II.[53][54] Fr. Kazimierz Pieniążek (member of the Resurrectionist Congregation), another victim of the Palmiry massacre, has been accorded the title of Servant of God. He is currently one of the 122 Polish martyrs of the Second World War included in the beatification process initiated in 1994.[54]Palmiry has become, as Richard C. Lukas puts it, \"one of the most notorious places of mass executions\" in Poland.[1] It is also one of the most famous sites of Nazi crimes in Poland.[55] Along with the Katyn Forest it became a symbol of the martyrdom of the Polish intelligentsia during the Second World War.[56] In 2011 Polish president Bronisław Komorowski said that \"Palmiry is to some extent the Warsaw Katyn\".[57]JusticeSome of the Palmiry murderers were brought to justice. Ludwig Fischer, governor of Warsaw district in 1939–1945, and SS-Standartenführer Josef Meisinger, who occupied the post of SD and SiPo Commander in Warsaw in years 1939–1941, were arrested after the war by Allied forces and handed over to the Polish authorities. Their trial took place between 17 December 1946 and 24 February 1947. On 3 March 1947, the Supreme National Tribunal in Warsaw condemned both of them to death. Meisinger and Fischer were hanged in Mokotów Prison in March 1947.[58]SS-Gruppenführer Paul Moder, SS and Police Leader in Warsaw district in 1940–1941, was killed in action on the Eastern Front in February 1942.[59]about this mapby wojciech korsakall information & pictures: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmiry_massacre"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g304745_Tenses.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "verb TensesPresentRegularer verbsje - etu - esil/elle - enous - onsvous - ezils/elles - entir verbsre verbsIrregularavoirj'aitu asil/elle anous avonsvous avezils/elles ontêtreje suistu esil/elle estnous sommesvous êtesils/elles sontfaireje faistu faisil/elle faitnous faisonsvous faîtesils/elles fontmettreboireprendrevenirpouvoirdevoirvoirFuturealler + infinitive'proper' futureregularirregularPastPassé Composé+ avoirregulareréirireuirregularFrench Past Participle - Le Participe passé+êtreregularerirreirregularreflexiveImparfaitregularirregularêtrePlusqueparfait+ avoirregularerirreirregular+ êtreregularerirreirregularreflexive"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/y7rvyOug_Connectome.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Connectomeabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ConnectomeintroductionA connectome (/kəˈnɛktoʊm/) is a comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain, and may be thought of as its \"wiring diagram\". More broadly, a connectome would include the mapping of all neural connections within an organism's nervous system.The production and study of connectomes, known as connectomics, may range in scale from a detailed map of the full set of neurons and synapses within part or all of the nervous system of an organism to a macro scale description of the functional and structural connectivity between all cortical areas and subcortical structures. The term \"connectome\" is used primarily in scientific efforts to capture, map, and understand the organization of neural interactions within the brain.Research has successfully constructed the full connectome of one animal: the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, beginning with the first electron micrographs published by White, Brenner et al., 1986.[2] Based on this seminal work, the first ever connectome (then called \"neural circuitry database\" by the authors) for C. elegans was published in book form with accompanying floppy disks by Achacoso and Yamamoto in 1992,[3] with the very first paper on the computer representation of its connectome presented and published three years earlier in 1989 by Achacoso at the Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care (SCAMC).[4] Brenner acknowledged the publication of Achacoso's book.[5] Further neural network characterization of the C. elegans connectome was done by Achacoso and Yamamoto in 1992.[6] Research was further pursued and polished by Varshney et al., 2011,[7] and Cook et al., 2019[8]. Partial connectomes of a mouse retina[9] and mouse primary visual cortex[10] have also been successfully constructed. Other reconstructions, such as Bock et al.'s 2011 complete 12 terabyte dataset, are publicly available through services such as NeuroData.[11]The ultimate goal of connectomics is to map the human brain. This effort is pursued by the Human Connectome Project, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), whose focus is to build a network map of the human brain in healthy, living adults.Origin and usage of the termIn 2005, Dr. Olaf Sporns at Indiana University and Dr. Patric Hagmann at Lausanne University Hospital independently and simultaneously suggested the term \"connectome\" to refer to a map of the neural connections within the brain. This term was directly inspired by the ongoing effort to sequence the human genetic code—to build a genome.\"Connectomics\" (Hagmann, 2005) has been defined as the science concerned with assembling and analyzing connectome data sets.[12]In their 2005 paper, The Human Connectome, a structural description of the human brain, Sporns et al. wrote:To understand the functioning of a network, one must know its elements and their interconnections. The purpose of this article is to discuss research strategies aimed at a comprehensive structural description of the network of elements and connections forming the human brain. We propose to call this dataset the human \"connectome,\" and we argue that it is fundamentally important in cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology. The connectome will significantly increase our understanding of how functional brain states emerge from their underlying structural substrate, and will provide new mechanistic insights into how brain function is affected if this structural substrate is disrupted.[13]In his 2005 Ph.D. thesis, From diffusion MRI to brain connectomics, Hagmann wrote:It is clear that, like the genome, which is much more than just a juxtaposition of genes, the set of all neuronal connections in the brain is much more than the sum of their individual components. The genome is an entity it-self, as it is from the subtle gene interaction that [life] emerges. In a similar manner, one could consider the brain connectome, set of all neuronal connections, as one single entity, thus emphasizing the fact that the huge brain neuronal communication capacity and computational power critically relies on this subtle and incredibly complex connectivity architecture.[12]Pathways through cerebral white matter can be charted by histological dissection and staining, by degeneration methods, and by axonal tracing. Axonal tracing methods form the primary basis for the systematic charting of long-distance pathways into extensive, species-specific anatomical connection matrices between gray matter regions. Landmark studies have included the areas and connections of the visual cortex of the macaque (Felleman and Van Essen, 1991)[14] and the thalamocortical system in the feline brain (Scannell et al., 1999).[15] The development of neuroinformatics databases for anatomical connectivity allow for continual updating and refinement of such anatomical connection maps. The online macaque cortex connectivity tool CoCoMac (Kötter, 2004)[16] and the temporal lobe connectome of the rat[17] are prominent examples of such a database.In the human brain, the significance of the connectome stems from the realization that the structure and function of the human brain are intricately linked, through multiple levels and modes of brain connectivity. There are strong natural constraints on which neurons or neural populations can interact, or how strong or direct their interactions are. Indeed, the foundation of human cognition lies in the pattern of dynamic interactions shaped by the connectome.However, structure-function relationships in the brain are unlikely to reduce to simple one-to-one mappings. In fact, the connectome can evidently support a great number of variable dynamic states, depending on current sensory inputs, global brain state, learning and development. Some changes in functional state may involve rapid changes of structural connectivity at the synaptic level, as has been elucidated by two-photon imaging experiments showing the rapid appearance and disappearance of dendritic spines (Bonhoeffer and Yuste, 2002).[18]Despite such complex and variable structure-function mappings, the connectome is an indispensable basis for the mechanistic interpretation of dynamic brain data, from single-cell recordings to functional neuroimaging.The term \"connectome\" was more recently popularized by Sebastian Seung's I am my Connectome speech given at the 2010 TED conference, which discusses the high-level goals of mapping the human connectome, as well as ongoing efforts to build a three-dimensional neural map of brain tissue at the microscale.[19] In 2012, Seung published the book Connectome: How the Brain's Wiring Makes Us Who We Are.At multiple scalesBrain networks can be defined at different levels of scale, corresponding to levels of spatial resolution in brain imaging (Kötter, 2007, Sporns, 2010).[20][21] These scales can be roughly categorized as microscale, mesoscale and macroscale. Ultimately, it may be possible to join connectomic maps obtained at different scales into a single hierarchical map of the neural organization of a given species that ranges from single neurons to populations of neurons to larger systems like cortical areas. Given the methodological uncertainties involved in inferring connectivity from the primary experimental data, and given that there are likely to be large differences in the connectomes of different individuals, any unified map will likely rely on probabilistic representations of connectivity data (Sporns et al., 2005).[13]Mapping the connectome at the \"microscale\" (micrometer resolution) means building a complete map of the neural systems, neuron-by-neuron. The challenge of doing this becomes obvious: the number of neurons comprising the brain easily ranges into the billions in more complex organisms. The human cerebral cortex alone contains on the order of 1010 neurons linked by 1014 synaptic connections.[22] By comparison, the number of base-pairs in a human genome is 3×109. A few of the main challenges of building a human connectome at the microscale today include: data collection would take years given current technology, machine vision tools to annotate the data remain in their infancy, and are inadequate, and neither theory nor algorithms are readily available for the analysis of the resulting brain-graphs. To address the data collection issues, several groups are building high-throughput serial electron microscopes (Kasthuri et al., 2009; Bock et al. 2011). To address the machine-vision and image-processing issues, the Open Connectome Project[23] is alg-sourcing (algorithm outsourcing) this hurdle. Finally, statistical graph theory is an emerging discipline which is developing sophisticated pattern recognition and inference tools to parse these brain-graphs (Goldenberg et al., 2009).A \"mesoscale\" connectome corresponds to a spatial resolution of hundreds of micrometers. Rather than attempt to map each individual neuron, a connectome at the mesoscale would attempt to capture anatomically and/or functionally distinct neuronal populations, formed by local circuits (e.g. cortical columns) that link hundreds or thousands of individual neurons. This scale still presents a very ambitious technical challenge at this time and can only be probed on a small scale with invasive techniques or very high field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on a local scale.A connectome at the macroscale (millimeter resolution) attempts to capture large brain systems that can be parcellated into anatomically distinct modules (areas, parcels or nodes), each having a distinct pattern of connectivity. Connectomic databases at the mesoscale and macroscale may be significantly more compact than those at cellular resolution, but they require effective strategies for accurate anatomical or functional parcellation of the neural volume into network nodes (for complexities see, e.g., Wallace et al., 2004).[24]Mapping at the cellular levelCurrent non-invasive imaging techniques cannot capture the brain's activity on a neuron-by-neuron level. Mapping the connectome at the cellular level in vertebrates currently requires post-mortem (after death) microscopic analysis of limited portions of brain tissue. Non-optical techniques that rely on high-throughput DNA sequencing have been proposed recently by Anthony Zador (CSHL).[25]Traditional histological circuit-mapping approaches rely on imaging and include light-microscopic techniques for cell staining, injection of labeling agents for tract tracing, or chemical brain preservation, staining and reconstruction of serially sectioned tissue blocks via electron microscopy (EM). Each of these classical approaches has specific drawbacks when it comes to deployment for connectomics. The staining of single cells, e.g. with the Golgi stain, to trace cellular processes and connectivity suffers from the limited resolution of light-microscopy as well as difficulties in capturing long-range projections. Tract tracing, often described as the \"gold standard\" of neuroanatomy for detecting long-range pathways across the brain, generally only allows the tracing of fairly large cell populations and single axonal pathways. EM reconstruction was successfully used for the compilation of the C. elegans connectome (White et al., 1986).[2] However, applications to larger tissue blocks of entire nervous systems have traditionally had difficulty with projections that span longer distances.Recent advances in mapping neural connectivity at the cellular level offer significant new hope for overcoming the limitations of classical techniques and for compiling cellular connectome data sets (Livet et al., 2007; Lichtman et al., 2008).[26][27][28] Using Brainbow, a combinatorial color labeling method based on the stochastic expression of several fluorescent proteins, Jeff W. Lichtman and colleagues were able to mark individual neurons with one of over 100 distinct colors. The labeling of individual neurons with a distinguishable hue then allows the tracing and reconstruction of their cellular structure including long processes within a block of tissue.In March 2011, the journal Nature published a pair of articles on micro-connectomes: Bock et al.[10] and Briggman et al.[9] In both articles, the authors first characterized the functional properties of a small subset of cells, and then manually traced a subset of the processes emanating from those cells to obtain a partial subgraph. In alignment with the principles of open science, the authors of Bock et al. (2011) have released their data for public access. The full resolution 12 terabyte dataset from Bock et al. is available at NeuroData.[23] In 2012, a citizen science project called EyeWire began attempting to crowdsource the mapping of the connectome through an interactive game.[29] Independently, important topologies of functional interactions among several hundred cells are also gradually going to be declared (Shimono and Beggs, 2014).[30] Scaling up ultrastructural circuit mapping to the whole mouse brain is currently underway (Mikula, 2012).[31] An alternative approach to mapping connectivity was recently proposed by Zador and colleagues (Zador et al., 2012).[25] Zador's technique, called BOINC (barcoding of individual neuronal connections) uses high-throughput DNA sequencing to map neural circuits. Briefly, the approach consists of labelling each neuron with a unique DNA barcode, transferring barcodes between synaptically coupled neurons (for example using Suid herpesvirus 1, SuHV1), and fusion of barcodes to represent a synaptic pair. This approach has the potential to be cheap, fast, and extremely high-throughput.In 2016, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity of the United States government launched MICrONS, a five-year, multi-institute project to map one cubic millimeter of rodent visual cortex, as part of the BRAIN Initiative.[32][33] Though only a small volume of biological tissue, this project will yield one of the largest micro-scale connectomics datasets currently in existence.Mapping at the macro scaleEstablished methods of brain research, such as axonal tracing, provided early avenues for building connectome data sets. However, more recent advances in living subjects has been made by the use of non-invasive imaging technologies such as diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The first, when combined with tractography allows reconstruction of the major fiber bundles in the brain. The second allows the researcher to capture the brain's network activity (either at rest or while performing directed tasks), enabling the identification of structurally and anatomically distinct areas of the brain that are functionally connected.Notably, the goal of the Human Connectome Project, led by the WU-Minn consortium, is to build a structural and functional map of the healthy human brain at the macro scale, using a combination of multiple imaging technologies and resolutions.Recent advances in connectivity mappingOver the past few years, several investigators have attempted to map the large-scale structural architecture of the human cerebral cortex. One attempt exploited cross-correlations in cortical thickness or volume across individuals (He et al., 2007).[34] Such gray-matter thickness correlations have been postulated as indicators for the presence of structural connections. A drawback of the approach is that it provides highly indirect information about cortical connection patterns and requires data from large numbers of individuals to derive a single connection data set across a subject group. Other investigators have attempted to build whole-brain connection matrices from DW-MRI imaging data.The Blue Brain Project is attempting to reconstruct the entire mouse connectome using a diamond knife sharpened to an atomic edge, and electron microscopy for imaging tissue slices.Primary challenge for macroscale connectomics: determining parcellations of the brainThe initial explorations in macroscale human connectomics were done using either equally sized regions or anatomical regions with unclear relationship to the underlying functional organization of the brain (e.g. gyral and sulcal-based regions). While much can be learned from these approaches, it is highly desirable to parcellate the brain into functionally distinct parcels: brain regions with distinct architectonics, connectivity, function, and/or topography (Felleman and Van Essen, 1991).[14] Accurate parcellation allows each node in the macroscale connectome to be more informative by associating it with a distinct connectivity pattern and functional profile. Parcellation of localized areas of cortex have been accomplished using diffusion tractography (Beckmann et al. 2009)[35] and functional connectivity (Nelson et al. 2010)[36] to non-invasively measure connectivity patterns and define cortical areas based on distinct connectivity patterns. Such analyses may best be done on a whole brain scale and by integrating non-invasive modalities. Accurate whole brain parcellation may lead to more accurate macroscale connectomes for the normal brain, which can then be compared to disease states.Plasticity of the connectomeAt the beginning of the connectome project, it was thought that the connections between neurons were unchangeable once established and that only individual synapses could be altered.[13] However, recent evidence suggests that connectivity is also subject to change, termed neuroplasticity. There are two ways that the brain can rewire: formation and removal of synapses in an established connection or formation or removal of entire connections between neurons.[37] Both mechanisms of rewiring are useful for learning completely novel tasks that may require entirely new connections between regions of the brain.[38] However, the ability of the brain to gain or lose entire connections poses an issue for mapping a universal species connectome.Microscale rewiringMicroscale rewiring is the formation or removal of synaptic connections between two neurons and can be studied with longitudinal two-photon imaging. Dendritic spines on pyramidal neurons can be shown forming within days following sensory experience and learning.[39][40][41] Changes can even be seen within five hours on apical tufts of layer five pyramidal neurons in the primary motor cortex after a seed reaching task in primates.[41]Mesoscale rewiringRewiring at the mesoscale involves studying the presence or absence of entire connections between neurons.[38] Evidence for this level of rewiring comes from observations that local circuits form new connections as a result of experience-dependent plasticity in the visual cortex. Additionally, the number of local connections between pyramidal neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex increases following altered whisker sensory experience in rodents.[42]Macroscale rewiringEvidence for macroscale rewiring mostly comes from research on grey and white matter density, which could indicate new connections or changes in axon density. Direct evidence for this level of rewiring comes from primate studies, using viral tracing to map the formation of connections. Primates that were taught to use novel tools developed new connections between the interparietal cortex and higher visual areas of the brain.[43] Further viral tracing studies have provided evidence that macroscale rewiring occurs in adult animals during associative learning.[44] However, it is not likely that long-distance neural connections undergo extensive rewiring in adults. Small changes in an already established nerve tract are likely what is observed in macroscale rewiring.Mapping functional connectivity to complement anatomical connectivityUsing fMRI in the resting state and during tasks, functions of the connectome circuits are being studied.[45] Just as detailed road maps of the Earth's surface do not tell us much about the kind of vehicles that travel those roads or what cargo they are hauling, to understand how neural structures result in specific functional behavior such as consciousness, it is necessary to build theories that relate functions to anatomical connectivity.[46] However, the bond between structural and functional connectivity is not straightforward. Computational models of whole-brain network dynamics are valuable tools to investigate the role of the anatomical network in shaping functional connectivity.[47][48] In particular, computational models can be used to predict the dynamic effect of lesions in the connectome.[49][50]As a network or graphThe connectome can be studied as a network by means of network science and graph theory. In case of a micro-scale connectome, the nodes of this network (or graph) are the neurons, and the edges correspond to the synapses between those neurons. For the macro-scale connectome, the nodes correspond to the ROIs (regions of interest), while the edges of the graph are derived from the axons interconnecting those areas. Thus connectomes are sometimes referred to as brain graphs, as they are indeed graphs in a mathematical sense which describe the connections in the brain (or, in a broader sense, the whole nervous system).One group of researchers (Iturria-Medina et al., 2008)[51] has constructed connectome data sets using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)[52][53] followed by the derivation of average connection probabilities between 70–90 cortical and basal brain gray matter areas. All networks were found to have small-world attributes and \"broad-scale\" degree distributions. An analysis of betweenness centrality in these networks demonstrated high centrality for the precuneus, the insula, the superior parietal and the superior frontal cortex. Another group (Gong et al. 2008)[54] has applied DTI to map a network of anatomical connections between 78 cortical regions. This study also identified several hub regions in the human brain, including the precuneus and the superior frontal gyrus.Hagmann et al. (2007)[55] constructed a connection matrix from fiber densities measured between homogeneously distributed and equal-sized ROIs numbering between 500 and 4000. A quantitative analysis of connection matrices obtained for approximately 1,000 ROIs and approximately 50,000 fiber pathways from two subjects demonstrated an exponential (one-scale) degree distribution as well as robust small-world attributes for the network. The data sets were derived from diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) (Wedeen, 2005),[56] a variant of diffusion-weighted imaging[57][58] that is sensitive to intra-voxel heterogeneities in diffusion directions caused by crossing fiber tracts and thus allows more accurate mapping of axonal trajectories than other diffusion imaging approaches (Wedeen, 2008).[59] The combination of whole-head DSI datasets acquired and processed according to the approach developed by Hagmann et al. (2007)[55] with the graph analysis tools conceived initially for animal tracing studies (Sporns, 2006; Sporns, 2007)[60][61] allow a detailed study of the network structure of human cortical connectivity (Hagmann et al., 2008).[62] The human brain network was characterized using a broad array of network analysis methods including core decomposition, modularity analysis, hub classification and centrality. Hagmann et al. presented evidence for the existence of a structural core of highly and mutually interconnected brain regions, located primarily in posterior medial and parietal cortex. The core comprises portions of the posterior cingulate cortex, the precuneus, the cuneus, the paracentral lobule, the isthmus of the cingulate, the banks of the superior temporal sulcus, and the inferior and superior parietal cortex, all located in both cerebral hemispheres.A subfield of connectomics deals with the comparison of the brain graphs of multiple subjects. It is possible to build a consensus graph such the Budapest Reference Connectome by allowing only edges that are present in at least {\\displaystyle k}k connectomes, for a selectable {\\displaystyle k}k parameter. The Budapest Reference Connectome has led the researchers to the discovery of the Consensus Connectome Dynamics of the human brain graphs. The edges appeared in all of the brain graphs form a connected subgraph around the brainstem. By allowing gradually less frequent edges, this core subgraph grows continuously, as a shrub. The growth dynamics may reflect the individual brain development and provide an opportunity to direct some edges of the human consensus brain graph.[63]The possible causes of the difference between individual connectomes were also investigated. It has been found that the macro-scale connectomes of women contain significantly more edges than those of men, and a larger portion of the edges in the connectomes of women run between the two hemispheres.[64][65][66] In addition, connectomes generally exhibit a small-world character, with overall cortical connectivity decreasing with age.[67] The aim of the as of 2015 ongoing HCP Lifespan Pilot Project is to identify connectome differences between 6 age groups (4–6, 8–9, 14–15, 25–35, 45–55, 65–75).More recently, connectograms have been used to visualize full-brain data by placing cortical areas around a circle, organized by lobe.[68][69] Inner circles then depict cortical metrics on a color scale. White matter fiber connections in DTI data are then drawn between these cortical regions and weighted by fractional anisotropy and strength of the connection. Such graphs have even been used to analyze the damage done to the famous traumatic brain injury patient Phineas Gage.[70]Statistical graph theory is an emerging discipline which is developing sophisticated pattern recognition and inference tools to parse these brain graphs (Goldenberg et al., 2009).Human Connectome ProjectThe Human Connectome Project (HCP) is a five-year project sponsored by sixteen components of the National Institutes of Health, split between two consortia of research institutions. The project was launched in July 2009[1] as the first of three Grand Challenges of the NIH's Blueprint for Neuroscience Research.[2] On September 15, 2010, the NIH announced that it would award two grants: $30 million over five years to a consortium led by Washington University in Saint Louis and the University of Minnesota, with strong contributions from Oxford University (FMRIB) and $8.5 million over three years to a consortium led by Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of California Los Angeles.[3]The goal of the Human Connectome Project is to build a \"network map\" (connectome) that will shed light on the anatomical and functional connectivity within the healthy human brain, as well as to produce a body of data that will facilitate research into brain disorders such as dyslexia, autism, Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia.[4][5]WU-Minn-Oxford consortiumThe WU-Minn-Oxford consortium developed improved MRI instrumentation, image acquisition and image analysis methods for mapping the connectivity in the human brain at spatial resolutions significantly better than previously available; using these methods, WU-Minn-Oxford consortium collected a large amount of MRI and behavioral data on 1,200 healthy adults — twin pairs and their siblings from 300 families - using a special 3 Tesla MRI instrument. In addition, it scanned 184 subjects from this pool at 7 Tesla, with higher spatial resolution. The data are being analyzed to show the anatomical and functional connections between parts of the brain for each individual, and will be related to behavioral test data. Comparing the connectomes and genetic data of genetically identical twins with fraternal twins will reveal the relative contributions of genes and environment in shaping brain circuitry and pinpoint relevant genetic variation. The maps will also shed light on how brain networks are organized.Using a combination of non-invasive imaging technologies, including resting-state fMRI and task-based functional MRI, MEG and EEG, and diffusion MRI, the WU-Minn will be mapping connectomes at the macro scale — mapping large brain systems that can be divided into anatomically and functionally distinct areas, rather than mapping individual neurons.Dozens of investigators and researchers from nine institutions have contributed to this project. Research institutions include: Washington University in Saint Louis, the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research at the University of Minnesota, Oxford University, Saint Louis University, Indiana University, D'Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara, Ernst Strungmann Institute, Warwick University, Advanced MRI Technologies, and the University of California at Berkeley.[6]The data that results from this research is being made publicly available in an open-source web-accessible neuroinformatics platform.[7][8]MGH/Harvard-UCLA consortiumThe MGH/Harvard-UCLA consortium will focus on optimizing MRI technology for imaging the brain’s structural connections using diffusion MRI, with a goal of increasing spatial resolution, quality, and speed. Diffusion MRI, employed in both projects, maps the brain's fibrous long distance connections by tracking the motion of water. Water diffusion patterns in different types of cells allow the detection of different types of tissues. Using this imaging method, the long extensions of neurons, called white matter, can be seen in sharp relief.[9][10]The new scanner built at the MGH Martinos Center for this project is \"4 to 8 times as powerful as conventional systems, enabling imaging of human neuroanatomy with greater sensitivity than was previously possible.\"[3] The scanner has a maximum gradient strength of 300 mT/m and a slew rate of 200 T/m/s, with b-values tested up to 20,000. For comparison, a standard gradient is 45 mT/m, with a b-value of 700.[11][12][13]Behavioral testing and measurementTo understand the relationship between brain connectivity and behavior better, the Human Connectome Project will use a reliable and well-validated battery of measures that assess a wide range of human functions. The core of its battery is the tools and methods developed by the NIH Toolbox for Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral function.[14]ResearchThe Human Connectome Project has grown into a large group of research teams. These teams make use of the style of brain scanning developed by the Project.[15] The studies usually include using large groups of participants, scanning many angles of participants' brains, and carefully documenting the location of the structures in each participant's brain.[16] Studies affiliated with the Human Connectome Project are currently cataloged by the Connectome Coordination Facility. The studies fall into three categories: Healthy Adult Connectomes, Lifespan Connectome Data, and Connectomes Related to Human Disease. Under each of these categories are research groups working on specific questions.Healthy Adult Connectomes[17] The Human Connectome Project Young Adult study made data on the brain connections of 1100 healthy young adults available to the scientific community.[18] Scientists have used data from the study to support theories about which areas of the brain communicate with one another.[19] For example, one study used data from the project to show that the amygdala, a part of the brain essential for emotional processing, is connected to the parts of the brain that receive information from the senses and plan movement.[20] Another study showed that healthy individuals who had a high tendency to experience anxious or depressed mood had fewer connections between the amygdala and a number of brain areas related to attention.Lifespan Connectome Data[21] There are currently four research groups collecting data on connections in the brains of populations other than young adults. The purpose of these groups is to determine ordinary brain connectivity during infancy, childhood, adolescence, and aging. Scientists will use the data from these research groups in the same manner in which they have used data from the Human Connectome Project Young Adult study.Connectomes Related to Human Disease[22] Fourteen research groups investigate how connections in the brain change during the course of a particular disease. Four of the groups focus on Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Alzheimer's disease and dementia are diseases that begin during aging. Memory loss and cognitive impairment mark the progression of these diseases. While scientists consider Alzheimer's disease to be a disease with a specific cause, dementia actually describes symptoms which could be attributed to a number of causes. Two other research groups investigate how diseases that disrupt vision change connectivity in the brain. Another four of the research groups focus on anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder, psychological disorders that result in abnormal emotional regulation. Two more of the research groups focus on the effects of psychosis, a symptom of some psychological disorders in which an individual perceives reality differently than others do. One of the teams researches epilepsy, a disease characterized by seizures. Finally, one research team is documenting the brain connections of the Amish people, a religious and ethnic group that has high rates of some psychological disorders.Although theories have been put forth about the way brain connections change in the diseases under investigation, many of these theories have been supported by data from healthy populations.[20] For example, an analysis of the brains of healthy individuals supported the theory that individuals with anxiety disorders and depression have less connectivity between their emotional centers and the areas that govern attention. By collecting data specifically from individuals with these diseases, researchers hope to have a more certain idea of how brain connections in these individuals change over time.StatusAs of July 24th, 2019, the project has yet to be officially declared complete."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/z47147_Sample_Scope_Statement.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Sample Scope StatementAuthorizationMr. Burns, Executive SponsorBob Roberts, Project ManagementSept. 10, 2006Problems to SolveRevenues are stagnatingWe are losing consulting opportunitiesNeed new sales channelProject GoalsDeliver version one in <6 monthsGenerate Sales500K in e-Learning Sales2.5 million new consulting500k advertising revenueOffer as part of portfolio of PM consultingObtain PMI accreditationRequirementsOnline Help CurriculumFull curriculum addressing all aspects of PM life cycle and knowledge areasList of PMP Exam requirementsRelevant homework assignments and examsTracking of progress and scores/student and /accountCreation of auto feedbackIssue certificate of completionAcquire PMI accreditationAccount Management SystemBillingTrack student progressCustomer Support StructureContent supportAccount supportTechnical supportIT delivery systemUser ManagementContent deliverIntegrate to billingOutsource hostingAdvertising spaceProject DeliverablesProject PlanningDetailed Plans for:Risk ManagementQuality AssuranceScheduleCostResourcesProduct Specifications (Scope)CurriculumDesignTechnologyProduct Release PlanProduct LaunchManage Role of Other Departmentse-Learning CurriculumProject Management ContentProject PhasesInitiationPlanningExecution and ControlClosureKnowledge AreasIntegration ManagementScope ManagementTime ManagementCost ManagementQuality ManagementHuman Resource ManagementCommunications ManagementRisk ManagementProcurement ManagementExercisesPer Project PhaseInitiationPlanningExecution and ControlClosurePer Knowledge AreaIntegration ManagementScope ManagementTime ManagementCost ManagementQuality ManagementHuman Resource ManagementCommunications ManagementRisk ManagementProcurement ManagementExams800 QuestionsSimulate PMP ExamFeedbackProvide Correct Answers with ExplanationsProvide Certificate of CompletionProduct DesignUser interfaceProduct LayoutInteraction DesignToolbarsMenusExercisesFeedbackGraphic designBrandingIconsToolbarsMenusExercisesFeedbackWeb DesignTechnologyBack-End TechnologyOutsourced Hosted SystemWeb Integration/MasterData ManagementHost e-Learning CurriculumSys AdminUser ManagementSecurityBackupUpdatesLogsAccounting SystemIndividual AccountsCorporate AccountsClient TechnologyPlug-InDocumentationInstallationProduct ManagementProduct LaunchBetaLaunchWebBrandingSalesMarketingCustomer SupportManage Role of:Account ManagementMarketingSalesTech SupportManage RelationshipsPMIHostingAdvertisersChange Management PlanScope StatementsSummarizeProject Premises from CharterRequirementsDeliverablesDefine Change Management ProcessesAre Generally Not Functional/Technical Specifications"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/cfJJj8A0_1st_Burma_Division.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "1st Burma DivisionMovementsSittang ValleyN of Pegufrom 23rd Feb 42Toungoo area24/25 Feb 42?south from Toungoo11th Mar 42linefromrailway3miles SNyaunglebintoacross SittangShwegyinwithdrew15 Mar 42norththroughChineseat PyuToungooTaungdwingyientrainedYedashe21st MarchtoTaungdwingyiThayetmyo-Allanmyo-Kyaukpadaung areasouth ofTaungdwingyi1st AprholdTaungdwingyi-Satthwa area8th AprilCorps Striking ForceholdingMyingun-Sainggya-Yin Chaung area13th Aprildriven backtoKadaung Chaung16th AprilRear HQto Gwegyowith excess transportwithdrewNyaunghla17th AprilYenangyaungoutskirtsnightfallPin Chaungfordblockedretreatbattle18-19th Aprilretreateast of Pin ChaungYenangyaung-Kuaukpadaung road5 milesnorth eastfordreorganisedMount Popa areafrom 21st Aprilwithdrawalstart25 & 26th Aprilto IrrawaddycoveredChinesewithdrawalAva BridgecrossingIrrawaddy28th AprilcrossedIrrawaddyat Sameikkon27th & 28th Aprillocationby 30th AprilDiv HQMa-uattackedMonywa2nd Maywithdrewup riverto Alonevening2nd MaywithdrawalfinalHQ13th Brigadeto Shwegyinreached7th May1st Burma Brigadeto Pyingaingarrived6th MaycrossedHQ13th BrigadeChindwinto Kalewanight8th/9th May1st Burma Brigadecrossedat Yamu8th MaymovedTamuIndiadispersedThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookDisbandmentreconstituted39th Indian DivisionFormation1st July 41ToungooCommandFar East Command ?India Commandearly Dec 41?LocationShan StatesuntilFeb 42"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/pbevR27u_Career-Lessons-From-Seinfeld.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Career Lessons From SeinfeldLinkedIn Pulse postJerry SeinfeldStand-up comedianActor\"Jerry\"One episodeA show about nothingEven for fill-in jobsBootlegging films for BrodyMailmanFilled in for NewmanDelivered mail on SundayToo many people got their mailNewman lost his transfer to HawaiiOver-deliveredSpecializationAvoid jack-of-all-trades, master of noneNo Plan BKramer recommends the Bloomingdale's executive training programObservational humor is passeIn the last scene of the series finale, Jerry is doing his stand-up routine to fellow inmates.Comedians in Cars Getting CoffeeGeorge CostanzaStretch the truthFake it until you make it\"It's not a lie if you believe it\"Real jobsRealtorRick Burr PropertiesNY YankeesAssistant to the Traveling SecretaryDoing the oppositePassed over promotion because his boss, George Steinbrenner, had him declared deadTries to get fired so he can take Mets scouting positionWilhelm gets itSteinbrenner negotiates with Don TylerHen supervisor for the Tyler Chicken company in Little Rock, AR ()Play NowHired because they thought he was handicappedPlayground equipmentOne year contractSued out of business because of negligence caused by Kramerica IndustriesKruger Industrial SmoothingFake jobsArchitectMarine biologistImporter/ExporterHen supervisor for the Tyler Chicken company in Little Rock, ARSteinbrenner negotiates with Don Tyler ()Vandelay IndustriesShort-lived jobsPendant PublishingBra salesmanHand modelSitcom writerParking cars for SidMr. TuttlePenske file\"barring some unforeseen incident\"Selling computers for his father\"Serenity now!\"InterviewsStolen suitMoe GinsburgSwooshing suitRobert Browning\"Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp. Or what's a heaven for?\"This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCosmo KramerCharacteristicsFrenetic paceMooching food from JerryUnfocused - on to the next ideaEntrepreneurCologneThe BeachCalvin Klein's The OceanCK underwear modelCoffee table book about coffee tablesOptioned by a Hollywood big shotWith NewmanBottle depositMother's Day: the mother of all mail daysNYC rickshaw serviceBro/ManssiereWith Frank CostanzaBake your own pizzaWith PoppieThe Peterman Reality TourKramerica IndustriesDarin as internSalesSelling old recordsSelling vintage clothesSelling Cuban cigarsHired DominicansSelling his stories to Peterman for $750ActorExtra in a Woody Allen movieMurphy BrownSteven SnellStand-in with MickeyDiseases for medical studentsShort term jobsBallboy at the NY Tennis ClubChaperone for Miss America contestantSanta Claus at Coleman's department storeFire engine driverMr. MoviefoneHorse-drawn carriage driverFake jobsH.E. PennypackerWealthy industrialistDr. Van NostrandJulliard trained dermatologistPrivate detectiveBrandt/LelandTCB: taking care of business\"It's almost as if you have no business training at all.\"Legal settlements$20 for bank employee not saying \"hello\"Times Square billboardFree coffee12 year strike at H&H Bagels is overElaine BenesWoody Allen\"80% of life is just showing up\"She was an after thoughtPatricia HeatonMegan MullalyRosie O'DonnellShe was one of the guys except for her careerShe was a \"laissez-faire lady\"FatherAlton BenesNovelistFair GameKorean War vetEducationTufts UniversityFrench literaturePendant PublishingMr. LippmanBook editorSevered toe Toby gets promoted over herMr. PittPersonal assistantFired because he believes Elaine is trying to kill himJ. PetermanCatalog writerHimalayan walking shoesFailed urine testSubmitted Helen Seinfeld's sampleCouldn't go to KenyaRuns the catalogUrban sombreroDancing at the company partyGeorge's rat hat which causes Elaine to commit corporate malfeasanceNo stock optionsFired for hating \"The English Patient\"Elaine's bosses always think Kramer has good ideasMr. LippmanCoffee table bookJ. PetermanStory of returned pantsJulia Louis-DreyfusVEEPPOTUSSelina MeyerAuthor: Jim Lauria Date: May 31, 2016 Contact: www.jimlauria.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/pgwduLGt_Mitchell-Levy-s-42-Rules-for-Driving-Success-with-Books.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mitchell Levy's 42 Rules for Driving Success with Books www.PublishedandProfitable.comRule 1. Rules are Meant to be BrokenSection I: SuccessRule 2. Write to a Need and You Will Win (24 million copies and counting)Jay Conrad Levinsonwww.GuerrillaMarketingAssociation.comRule 3. Grow Your NicheJoAnn M. Lainghttp://hsafinder.comRule 4. Authors Don't Have to be WritersRobert Van Arlenwww.RobertVanArlen.comRule 5. Success Can be Greater than ImaginedBeth Shawwww.yogafit.comRule 6. An Investment With a Long PaybackRajesh Settyhttp://log.lifebeyondcode.comRule 7. Don't Wait Until You're Published to Reap the RewardsVicki Kunkelhttp://beapowerplayer.comRule 8. Build Your ConfidenceElinor Stutzhttp://smoothsale.netRule 9. It Will Change Your LifeJen Blackerthttp://jenblackert.comSection II: GrowthRule 10. Books Belong in the Marketing MixMarsha Petrie Suehttp://MarshaPetrieSue.comhttp://decontaminateToxicPeople.comRule 11. Have the World Come to You!Joyce Schwarzhttp://joycecom.comhttp://hollywood2020.nethttp//ihaveavision.orgRule 12. Referrals Find youJim Muehlhausenhttp://ceofocus.comRule 13. Each Book Opened Another DoorDianna Booherhttp://booher.comRule 14. This Book Transformed My BusinessBJ Gallagherhttp://peacockproductions.comRule 15. Create a Powerful Calling CardJohn Honeycutthttp://xbig6.comRule 16. Market Me AutomaticallyMichael Soon Leehttp://ethnoconnect.comRule 17. It Closes BusinessThomas G. MartinMartin Investigative Serviceshttp://martinpi.comSection III: CredibilityRule 18. Be the Thought LeaderMarshall Goldsmithhttp://marshallgoldsmith.comRule 19. Get a Ph.D.Shel Horowitzhttp://frugalmarketing.com413-586-2388Rule 20: The Press Sees You DifferentlyMark Amtowerhttp://federaldirect.comhttp://GovernmentMarketingBestPractices.comRule 21: From Nobody to Somebody...BIGMike Brookeshttp://mrinsideSales.comRule 22: Become the Instant ExpertMarc Josephhttp://dollardays.comRule 23: Stand Out as an Expert in a Crowded FieldJason Albahttp://JibberJobber.com/blogRule 24: Become a Recognized Speaker in Your FieldLisa DiTulliohttp://lisaditullio.comRule 25: Get Immediate CredibilitySharon Armstronghttp://TheEssentialHRHandbook.comRule 26: Redirect Your Energies & EffortsJoshua Estrinhttp://conceptsinsuccess.comRule 27: Cement Your Expert StatusGuy Maddalonehttp://gtm.comHousehold help expertGTM Payroll ServicesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSection IV: BrandingRule 28. Immortalize Your Ideas in BooksJudith E. Glasserhttp://benchmarkcommunicationsinc.comRule 29. Turn Your Story into a Book: And Your Book Into a BusinessSteven Wileyhttp://lincolnleadershipinstitute.comRule 30. Be a PioneerMichelle DunnCredit & CollectionsNever Done Publishing, LLC.http://michelledunn.comRule 31. Find Your Passion and Make It Your LifeBonnie Ross-Parkerhttp://BonnieRossParker.comhttp://TheJOYofConnecting.comRule 32. Create a New Business From Writing a BookPaula Jablonhttp://eslworksolutions.comRule 33. The Power of Your AutographJay P. Granathttp://StayInTheZone.comRule 34. Brand YourselfBrad Dugdalehttp://munnyjourney.comRule 35. Expand Your Marketing PlatformCurtis Arnoldhttp://CardRatings.comSection 5: MarketingRule 36. Create a Bundled OfferBrian Lawleyhttp://280group.comRule 37. To Give Is to ReceivePatrick Snowhttp://createyourowndestiny.comRule 38. Use Books to Educate Your StaffChad Melvinhttp://aflac.comRule 39. Educate for a High-Involvement SalePaul Travishttp://60-Second-Marketing.comRule 40. Farm Your Existing NetworkChris Stiehlhttp://stiehlworks.comRule 41. Tie Your Book Into Today's Hot TopicsLiz Goodgoldhttp://redfirebranding.comRule 42. These Are My Rules. What Are Yours?http://info@happyabout.infohttp://authorthoughtleadership.comhttp://corporatethoughtleadership.comhttp://superstarpress.com/six_questions.pdfEnd matterAbout the AuthorWrite Your Own RulesOther Happy About BooksAuthors Bios/Photos"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QdBEFFVp_Urbanisme.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "actuellementpatrimoinemise en valeurpréservationgrds ensembles fonciersréaffectationconversionpréoccupationsécologiquesénergétiquesmobiliténe pas oubliervillagesmicro urbanismemobilier urbainressourcesécoles d'artfaculté d'architecturecitoyensattachés àintérêts pourquestionsoutilsconnaîtreespaces publicsdéfinisparcitoyenscommentélaborerculture des concourssurarchitecturedesigndeveloppervaloriserécole du futurcréeravecécolesarchitectesconseillers du patrimoinearchéologuedécideurcollège communal?prendre en comptepréoccupationsmobilité douceconvivialitéun+pour tourismepatrimoine mis en valeurreconversion des grands ensemblesinexploitésen ville ou noncontexte ruralarchitecture contemporaineimpératifsénergétiquesprojets et chantiers en courinventairerecenserhiérarchiserles ambitionsMise en valeurdes quartiers de Tournaides villagesle patrimoineValoriserpenser le futurmobilier urbainau sens largehorecasignalétiquemise en valeur du patrimoineprojets de micro-urbanismecohérencevision d'ensembleThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qL1FZbqI_Mind-Mapping-for-Entrepreneurs-Webinar.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Mapping for Entrepreneurs 29.04.2014IntroAbout BiggerplateFounded in 2008Started in 2011...FocusContentThousands of Mind MapsMindjet + Other FormatsUser-submitted contentCommunityOver 65,000 membersTop TrafficUnited StatesUnited KingdomFranceAbout TodayAudienceContextReal-world applicationModular Approach: Templates-Training-Tutorials5 TemplatesFocused TrainingPractical TutorialsOur progress so far...!Keep it simple...Entrepreneur's ChallengeFear and FocusStrategy vs TacticsIdeas into actionDecision makingPrioritiesMaintaining momentumInformation OverloadIdea & Information ManagementTwo-WayHandling what's coming at usGetting things out of our headThe SolutionMake it visualConnect the dotsDiverge-Explore-ConvergePlanning your business Template MapsStart with WhyCustomer ProfilingSWOT TemplateThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookRunning your business Top Secret Biggerplate Maps...Weekly dashboardInnovation dashboardQuestions?Further InfoPublic Workshop: 13th MayLondon, UKCode: Mindjet20Mind Map TemplatesStart with whyCustomer ProfilingEntrepreneur SWOTConnectTwitter@Biggerplate@BiggerplateLiamE-mail: Liam@Biggerplate.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/1jCMrldO_2013-Visual-Thinking-Literacy-Conference-Breakout-Sessions.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "2013 Visual Thinking & Literacy Conference April 13, 2013Pre-Conference Happy HourFriday April 12th 7:00 - 9:00 PMRegistration & Breakfast (Media Center)8:00 - 9:00 AMGeneral Session (Media Center)9:00 - 10:30 AMJessica HagyVisual Grammarhttp://thisisindexed.com/http://www.forbes.com/sites/jessicahagy/Break10:30 - 11:00 AM11:00 - Noon BreakoutsAnn Hernandez (Room A101)& Charles StoutUsing Visuals in Sciencehttp://www.aahom.org/Ryan Coleman (Teacher's Cafeteria)Games For Brainstorming, Organizing & Insightshttp://ryancoleman.caJameson Toole (Teacher's Workroom)Collaborative Visualization: Mapping a city with many pairs of eyesJessica Hagy (Media Center)Visual Grammar: How to express complete sentences in concise imageshttp://thisisindexed.com/http://www.forbes.com/sites/jessicahagy/LunchNoon - !:00 PMBook SigningsBrandy AgerbeckJessica HagyJamie Nast1:00 - 2:00 PM BreakoutsTom Crawford (Room A101)Intro to Charts & Graphs (or How Not to Lie with Charts & Graphsviznetwork.comMatt Pierce (Teacher's Workroom)I'm NOT a Designer: How visual reviews can change the way you look at how you create and use visualshttp://www.techsmith.com/This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook1:00 - 2:00 PM Breakouts ContinuedJamie Nast (Media Center)Idea Mapping: A Whole-Brain Visual Thinking Toolhttp://www.ideamappingsuccess.comhttp://ideamapping.ideamappingsuccess.comBrandy Agerbeck (Teacher's Cafeteria)Let's Build LIBLABs: Creating space for visual learning and thinkinghttp://www.loosetooth.com/Break2:00 - 2:15 PM2:15 - 3:15 PM BreakoutsKarl Gude (Media Center)How to Use Visual Storytelling to Connect to New Audienceshttp://karlgude.wordpress.comChad Simon (Teacher's Cafeteria)The Power of Iteration Through Collaborative Designhttp://www.rootlearning.com/Bryan Dean (Teacher's Workroom)How to Grow and Utilize Your Visual Thinking Toolkithttps://sites.google.com/site/bryandeanportolio/Tom Crawford (Room A101)Designing Great Presentations (or How to Avoid Undercutting Your Message)viznetwork.comBreak3:15 - 3:30 PM3:30 - 4:30 PM Closing General Session (Media Center)2) Ryan Coleman, Jameson Toole & Tom Crawford1) Matt Pierce with Jamie Nast, Karl Gude, & Brandy AgerbeckPost-Conference Happy Hour5:30 - 7:30 PM"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/LLoeAmBh_Writing-Project-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Writing ProjectStory InformationTitle of ProjectGenreSettingThemeTonePoint of ViewOriginal Idea in one sentenceOriginal Idea in-depth descriptionMaster Characters ListCharacter NameNameNicknameDescriptionGenderMaleFemaleDate of BirthAge at time of storyOccupationBody typeWeightHeightBuildFeaturesDistinguishing FeaturesPhysical FlawsHair ColorFacial TypeColor of EyesSkin ToneRole in StoryMale Hero TypeAlpha HeroBeta HeroThe ChiefBrooding HeroRogueNerdTycoonProtectorDaredevilWarriorParanormalFemale ArchetypeThe bossThe seductressThe Spunky KidThe Free spiritThe WaifThe LibarianThe CrusaderThe NurturerShadowsMentorHeraldThreshold GuardianShapeshifterTricksterAlliesSupporting CharacterFriendMagiMentorBest FriendLoverRivalJokerJesterNemesisInvestigatorPessimistPsychicSymbolShadowLost SoulDoublePersonalityTypeMechanicNurturerScientistsGuardianGiverExecutiveCaregiverVisionaryInspirerPerformerDoerThinkerIdealistProtectorDutyfulfillerArtistTraitsSelf-DeprecationSelf-DestructionMartyrdomStubbornnessGreedArroganceImpatienceLoyalAdventurousAltruisticTolerantDecisiveRealisticCompetitiveIdealisticOtherCharacter GMCTaglineGoalExternal GoalInner GoalMotivationExternal MotivationInner MotivationConflictExternal ConflictInner ConflictThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSettingMajor SettingPlaceDescriptionMinor SettingPlaceDescriptionObjects of SignificanceOtherThe Hero's JourneyPast ExperienceOrdinary WorldV. Special world ()III. Meet the Mentor ()A. Awareness1. Statea. Limitedb. Greater2. Curiositya. Questions(1) 100 QuestionsIII. Meet the MentorOrdinary World ()II. Call to adventure ()The mentor can be a wise old person, a mythical creature, a talking animal, etc.A. InfluenceB. ReasonC. Tools1. SkillsII. Call to adventureIV. Refusal ()III. Meet the Mentor ()For instance, \"One day, the king decided to test his children's loyalty.\"A. Prompt1. Eventa. Action(1) Reaction(a) Result(2) Stagnate(3) AcceptIV. RefusalV. Special world ()II. Call to adventure ()A. DenyV. Special worldOrdinary World ()IV. Refusal ()A. Cross the first thresholdThe protagonist accepts the call to adventure.1. Embracea. Paradoxes(1) Movementb. Ambiguityc. Fearsd. UncertaintyB. TestsDepending on the length of the story, you may add riddles, spells, dragons and so forth.1. Acquisitiona. Knowledge(1) Demonstrate2. Relationshipsa. Alliesb. EnemiesC. ApproachThis section helps build suspense. \"Quietly drawing near the dragon's lair . . .\"1. Realitya. Holistic Thinking(1) Balance2. InnovationD. OrdealThis is the physical climax of the story: a daring rescue, or a fight with the ogre, dragon or wizard.1. Conflict2. Peacea. Graceb. Poisec. AmbidexterityE. Reward1. Consequences2. Corporalita3. The Road BackIn this part, the protagonist returns victorious, but we also see the wisdom gained on this journey.a. The Return(1) Re-education to changeF. Return to Ordinary World1. Resurrectiona. Rejection(1) Connectionsb. Acceptance(1) Integration2. Return with the Elixira. Evidence(1) Intangible(a) Thoughtsi) Educate(b) Feelings(c) Judgements(2) Tangible(a) Words(b) Souvenirs(c) Pictures, Videos(d) KnowledgeGreater AwarenessSense of SelfReflectionChangeTimeRiskDecisionSynchronicityReflection, EvaluateVoice"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/5evhbOxB_Build-a-Personal-Organiser-Dashboard-with-MindManager.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "15 Apr 2020IntroductionWelcome!Liam HughesFounder: BiggerplateEmail: Liam@Biggerplate.comTwitter: @BiggerplateLiamPOSTPurposeOutline a personal organisation approach using MindManagerHelp you take controlOutcomeYour own Personal Organiser 'Dashboard'Essential MindManager knowledgeStructureThis Map...!Each SectionConceptsFeaturesDemoTiming90 MinutesOur ChallengesInformation OverloadLots coming at usLots in our heads already...!(Poor coping mechanisms...)Context switchingManaging multiple projectsDistractions/interruptionsAvg 25 mins to resume a task after being interrupted(Re)LocatingInformation\"Where is that...?\"Ourselves\"Where was I...?\"To-do listsLoss of contextActions in isolationMyopic 'task' viewLoseBigger pictureConnected tasksScaleScale of listKeeping it manageableBreaking it downScale of tasksMix of BIG/SmallNo sense of scalePrioritisationAcross multiple domainsBased on what?Mind MappingBenefitsSingle viewMacro and Micro viewMultiple domainsStructureHierarchy\"A place for everything, and everything in its place\"Sense of scaleFlexibilityCapture new infoContextualise infoAdapt to changeOur ProcessGood for...Getting startedGetting unstuck4 StepsNot...Rigid processAlways neededCompleted after 1 cycle...!MindManagerFirst software on Biggerplate (2008)Heavy user, NOT advanced userAssuming NO MindManager knowledgeCapture & CategoriseCapture BasicsIntroductionGet it out of your head!We can't hold that much!External/2nd brain neededAim: Collect the dotsThink next 10 days...What's on your 'to-do list'TasksIdeasProjectsEtc...FeaturesAdding/EditingInsert/Tab: OutEnter/return: Down(Main Menu options)DemoBlank mapExampleTo-Do List MapCategoriseIntroductionOur brains like categoriesHelp withStorageRetrievalNavigationMake sense ofVolumeComplexityUnknownsAim: Connect the dotsIdentify categoriesWhat types of task?What batches can you see?What belongs together?Main CategoriesSub CategoriesFeaturesMoving TopicsIndividualMultipleDrag + SelectCTRL + SelectDemoTo-Do List MapExampleCategorised MapCapture MOREIntroductionCreating the 'Single Source of Truth'Keeping your map manageableSecond layer infoClean surface mapAccessible detailVisual signpostsFeaturesNotesMenuHomeInsertCTRL + THyperlinksWebsitesAdd linkFilesFoldersOther topicsIn this mapIn other maps...Demo(See Bravo Training)PrioritiseIntroductionPrioritisation = Decision MakingFocusing resourcesTimeFocusEnergyMoney...Conscious choicesWhat matters mostWhat not to do...(Avoid drifting)ObjectivesVisual prioritiesIdentify clearlyFind/focus fastMulti-level prioritiesPrioritise the WholePrioritise the PartsFeaturesMap StructureTop to bottomMost importantLeast importantNext most importantRound the clockExampleFixed first branchStrategic GoalsGoal 1Goal 2Goal 3Top 3 TodayProject AProject CClient XTop 3 ThinkingBreak down big listsContinuous prioritisationPromote/Demotee.g. CustomersTop 3RomeoAlphaTangoOthersZuluBetaEchoNumberingPriority IconsEmail JulieSend proposalCompile analyticsAuto NumberingEmail JulieCompile analysisSend presentationDemonstrationExample MapPlanIntroductionAdaptable planning\"Plans are useless, but planning is invaluable\"Flexible systemAdapt to changeAccommodate new infoAvoid starting over...!From BIG projects...To manageable actionsTo task detailsAction requiredOwner of actionsOrder of actionsMonitor & Review'Glance access'Quick review systemsInfo at your fingertipsInformation signpostsMomentumCompletable vs MovableWe stress about 'unfinished'We're pleased with progressNudge 100 things forward...FeaturesIcons/Markers% CompleteFlagsMovedUnmovedUrgentTask InfoAction to completeTask Roll UpComponent 1Component 2Component 3FilteringDemonstrationExample MapConclusionFAQWhen do you do any actual work?\"If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.\"Personal Organiser: Sharp AxeClear prioritiesWhere to focus nextWhere's the key infoWhat, where to actionHow long does it take to create?Version 1: Half an hourCapture the to-do listCategorise & sub-categoriseIdentify prioritiesPlan actionsEvolves constantlyRecategoriseRestructureRefineHow often review/check?Me: Always openRecommend daily(Otherwise out of date fast)Questions?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/CzXtBmTW_EURO-2020-21-group-stage.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "EURO 2020/21Group AteamsItalySwitzerlandWalesTurkey11/06/2021 Olimpico in Rome RomeTurkeyItaly12/06/2021 Baku Olympic Stadium BakuWalesSwitzerland16/06/2021 Baku Olympic Stadium BakuTurkeyWales16/06/2021 Olimpico in Rome RomeItalySwitzerland20/06/2021 Olimpico in Rome RomeItalyWales20/06/2021 Baku Olympic Stadium BakuSwitzerlandTurkeyGroup BteamsBelgiumFinlandDenmarkRussia12/06/2021 Parken Stadium CopenhagenDenmarkFinland12/06/2021 Saint Petersburg Stadium St PetersburgBelgiumRussia16/06/2021 Saint Petersburg Stadium St PetersburgFinlandRussia17/06/2021 Parken Stadium CopenhagenDenmarkBelgium21/06/2021 Saint Petersburg Stadium St PetersburgFinlandBelgium21/06/2021 Parken Stadium CopenhagenRussiaDenmarkGroup CteamsAustriaNetherlandsNorth MacedoniaUkraine13/06/2021 National Arena Bucharest BucharestAustriaNorth Macedonia13/06/2021 Johan Cruijff ArenA AmsterdamNetherlandsUkraine17/06/2021 National Arena Bucharest BucharestUkraineNorth Macedonia17/06/2021 Johan Cruijff ArenA AmsterdamNetherlandsAustria21/06/2021 National Arena Bucharest BucharestUkraineAustria21/06/2021 Johan Cruijff ArenA AmsterdamNorth MacedoniaNetherlandsGroup DteamsCroatiaCzech RepublicEnglandScotland13/06/2021 Wembley Stadium LondonEnglandCroatia14/06/2021 Hampden Park GlasgowScotlandCzech Republic18/06/2021 Hampden Park GlasgowCroatiaCzech Republic18/06/2021 Wembley Stadium LondonEnglandScotland22/06/2021 Wembley Stadium LondonCzech RepublicEngland22/06/2021 Hampden Park GlasgowCroatiaScotlandGroup EteamsPolandSlovakiaSpainSweden14/06/2021 Saint Petersburg Stadium St PetersburgPolandSlovakia14/06/2021 La Cartuja Stadium SevilleSpainSweden18/06/2021 Saint Petersburg Stadium St PetersburgSwedenSlovakia19/06/2021 La Cartuja Stadium SevilleSpainPoland23/06/2021 Saint Petersburg Stadium St PetersburgSwedenPoland23/06/2021 La Cartuja Stadium SevilleSlovakiaSpainGroup FteamsFranceGermanyHungaryPortugal15/06/2021 Puskás Aréna BudapestHungaryPortugal15/06/2021 Football Arena Munich MunichFranceGermany19/06/2021 Puskás Aréna BudapestHungaryFrance19/06/2021 Football Arena Munich MunichPortugalGermany23/06/2021 Football Arena Munich MunichGermanyHungary23/06/2021 Puskás Aréna BudapestPortugalFranceby wojciech korsak (Poland)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/{75772_Draft_Online_Meeting_Agenda__NPO_Camp.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Austin Non Profit Camp a free technology camp for non profits Saturday, 11/04/2009, 10 AM - 5 PM ACC Eastview Campus 3401 Webberville RoadIssues/QuestionsWhat is the structure for the day?Bar Camp aka Open Source TechnologySelect some core issues/topics that will be presented multiple times during the day.No longer than 15 or 30 mins in length,Allows people multiple opportunities to learn of and about a broad array of resources, tools, and skills with which they may not be familiar with.What resources are available onsite?Break out roomsWiFiWhen and how will the day's results be reported?Follow thru online?Will there be breaks other than lunch to provide networking opportunities?What about structured games/activities that enable and support fun and valuable networking?What subjects need Subject Matter Experts (SME) available as resources?How will it be determined if SME's content overlaps or duplicates other SME's content?Are there key content guidelines that need to be followed by SMEs?Emphasis is on providing free, open source resources and tools.What about SME handouts?How will content be made available?Hard copy?Soft copy?Placed on NPO Camp website?Schedule ? 10 AM - 5 PM9:30Registration10:0010:1510:3010:4511:0011:1511:3011:4512:0012:1512:3012:4513:0013:1513:3013:4514:0014:1514:3014:4515:0015:1515:3015:4516:0016:1516:3016:4517:00TopicsCloud ComputingData Exchange/SalesforceEmail MarketingFundraising in Social MediaGoogle AppsGoogle GrantsMarketing/PRROI of The CloudSocial MediaZERO COST Infrastructureand much more!Austin NPO Camp is sponsored by:EFF-AustinNTEN501 Tech ClubPlutopia ProductionsAustin Social Media Club501derful.orgSocial Web StrategiesGNI StrategiesLights.Camera.HelpSoma VidaCenter for Community Based & Nonprofit Organizations at Austin Community CollegeA Free lunch is provided by Pictoric and the fine folks at Carinos ItalianOrganizersDavid J. NeffJon LebkowskyMaggie DuvalMatt GlazerEventBrite InviteDraft Agenda for Online Meeting"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lOMjyqg2_3rd-Quarter-2011-Mindmap.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "3rd Quarter - 2011JulyWeek 1Friday, 7/1/11Saturday, 7/2/11Sunday, 7/3/11Week 2Monday, 7/4/11Tuesday, 7/5/11Wednesday, 7/6/11Thursday, 7/7/11Friday, 7/8/11Saturday, 7/9/11Sunday, 7/10/11Week 3Monday, 7/11/11Tuesday, 7/12/11Wednesday, 7/13/11Thursday, 7/14/11Friday, 7/15/11Saturday, 7/16/11Sunday, 7/17/11Week 4Monday, 7/18/11Tuesday, 7/19/11Wednesday, 7/20/11Thursday, 7/21/11Friday, 7/22/11Saturday, 7/23/11Sunday, 7/24/11Week 5Monday, 7/25/11Tuesday, 7/26/11Wednesday, 7/27/11Thursday, 7/28/11Friday, 7/29/11Saturday, 7/30/11Sunday, 7/31/11AugustWeek 1Monday, 8/1/11Tuesday, 8/2/11Wednesday, 8/3/11Thursday, 8/4/11Friday, 8/5/11Saturday, 8/6/11Sunday, 8/7/11Week 2Monday, 8/8/11Tuesday, 8/9/11Wednesday, 8/10/11Thursday, 8/11/11Friday, 8/12/11Saturday, 8/13/11Sunday, 8/14/11Week 3Monday, 8/15/11Tuesday, 8/16/11Wednesday, 8/17/11Thursday, 8/18/11Friday, 8/19/11Saturday, 8/20/11Sunday, 8/21/11Week 4Monday, 8/22/11Tuesday, 8/23/11Wednesday, 8/24/11Thursday, 8/25/11Friday, 8/26/11Saturday, 8/27/11Sunday, 8/28/11Week 5Monday, 8/29/11Tuesday, 8/30/11Wednesday, 8/31/11SeptemberWeek 1Thursday, 9/1/11Friday, 9/2/11Saturday, 9/3/11Sunday, 9/4/11Week 2Monday, 9/5/11Tuesday, 9/6/11Wednesday, 9/7/11Thursday, 9/8/11Friday, 9/9/11Saturday, 9/10/11Sunday, 9/11/11Week 3Monday, 9/12/11Tuesday, 9/13/11Wednesday, 9/14/11Thursday, 9/15/11Friday, 9/16/11Saturday, 9/17/11Sunday, 9/18/11Week 4Monday, 9/19/11Tuesday, 9/20/11Wednesday, 9/21/11Thursday, 9/22/11Friday, 9/23/11Saturday, 9/24/11Sunday, 9/25/11Week 5Monday, 9/26/11Tuesday, 9/27/11Wednesday, 9/28/11Thursday, 9/29/11Friday, 9/30/11This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/OiI1LSOa_Polskie-tablice-rejestracyjne.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Polskie tablice rejestracyjne https://pl.wikisource.org/wiki/Polskie_tablice_rejestracyjneWojewództwo dolnośląskieMiasta na prawach powiatuDJ Jelenia GóraDL LegnicaDB WałbrzychDW WrocławPowiaty (stolica)DBL powiat bolesławiecki (Bolesławiec)DDZ powiat dzierżoniowski (Dzierżoniów)DGL powiat głogowski (Głogów)DGR powiat górowski (Góra)DJA powiat jaworski (Jawor)DJE powiat jeleniogórski (Jelenia Góra)DKA powiat kamiennogórski (Kamienna Góra)DKL powiat kłodzki (Kłodzko)DLE powiat legnicki (Legnica)DLB powiat lubański (Lubań)DLU powiat lubiński (Lubin)DLW powiat lwówecki (Lwówek Śląski)DMI powiat milicki (Milicz)DOL powiat oleśnicki (Oleśnica)DOA powiat oławski (Oława)DPL powiat polkowicki (Polkowice)DST powiat strzeliński (Strzelin)DSR powiat średzki (Środa Śląska)DSW powiat świdnicki (Świdnica)DTR powiat trzebnicki (Trzebnica)DBA powiat wałbrzyski (Wałbrzych)DWL powiat wołowski (Wołów)DWR powiat wrocławski (Wrocław)DZA powiat ząbkowicki (Ząbkowice Śląskie)DZG powiat zgorzelecki (Zgorzelec)DZL powiat złotoryjski (Złotoryja)Województwo kujawsko-pomorskieMiasta na prawach powiatuCB BydgoszczCG GrudziądzCT ToruńCW WłocławekPowiaty (stolica)CAL powiat aleksandrowski (Aleksandrów Kujawski)CBR powiat brodnicki (Brodnica)CBY powiat bydgoski (Bydgoszcz)CCH powiat chełmiński (Chełmno)CGD powiat golubsko-dobrzyński (Golub-Dobrzyń)CGR powiat grudziądzki (Grudziądz)CIN powiat inowrocławski (Inowrocław)CLI powiat lipnowski (Lipno)CMG powiat mogileński (Mogilno)CNA powiat nakielski (Nakło nad Notecią)CRA powiat radziejowski (Radziejów)CRY powiat rypiński (Rypin)CSE powiat sępoleński (Sępólno Krajeńskie)CSW powiat świecki (Świecie)CTR powiat toruński (Toruń)CTU powiat tucholski (Tuchola)CWA powiat wąbrzeski (Wąbrzeźno)CWL powiat włocławski (Włocławek)CZN powiat żniński (Żnin)Województwo lubelskieMiasta na prawach powiatuLB Biała PodlaskaLC ChełmLU LublinLZ ZamośćPowiaty (stolica)LBI powiat bialski (Biała Podlaska)LBL powiat biłgorajski (Biłgoraj)LCH powiat chełmski (Chełm)LHR powiat hrubieszowski (Hrubieszów)LJA powiat janowski (Janów Lubelski)LKS powiat krasnostawski (Krasnystaw)LKR powiat kraśnicki (Kraśnik)LLB powiat lubartowski (Lubartów)LUB powiat lubelski (Lublin)LLE powiat łęczyński (Łęczna)LLU powiat łukowski (Łuków)LOP powiat opolski (Opole Lubelskie)LPA powiat parczewski (Parczew)LPU powiat puławski (Puławy)LRA powiat radzyński (Radzyń Podlaski)LRY powiat rycki (Ryki)LSW powiat świdnicki (Świdnik)LTM powiat tomaszowski (Tomaszów Lubelski)LWL powiat włodawski (Włodawa)LZA powiat zamojski (Zamość)Województwo lubuskieMiasta na prawach powiatuFG Gorzów WielkopolskiFZ Zielona GóraPowiaty (stolica)FGW powiat gorzowski (Gorzów Wielkopolski)FKR powiat krośnieński (Krosno Odrzańskie)FMI powiat międzyrzecki (Międzyrzecz)FNW powiat nowosolski (Nowa Sól)FSL powiat słubicki (Słubice)FSD powiat strzelecko-drezdenecki (Strzelce Krajeńskie)FSU powiat sulęciński (Sulęcin)FSW powiat świebodziński (Świebodzin)FWS powiat wschowski (Wschowa)FZI powiat zielonogórski (Zielona Góra)FZG powiat żagański (Żagań)FZA powiat żarski (Żary)Województwo łódzkieMiasta na prawach powiatuEL i ED ŁódźEP Piotrków TrybunalskiES SkierniewicePowiaty (stolica)EBE powiat bełchatowski (Bełchatów)EBR powiat brzeziński (Brzeziny)EKU powiat kutnowski (Kutno)ELA powiat łaski (Łask)ELE powiat łęczycki (Łęczyca)ELC powiat łowicki (Łowicz)ELW powiat łódzki wschodni (Łódź)EOP powiat opoczyński (Opoczno)EPA powiat pabianicki (Pabianice)EPJ powiat pajęczański (Pajęczno)EPI powiat piotrkowski (Piotrków Trybunalski)EPD powiat poddębicki (Poddębice)ERA powiat radomszczański (Radomsko)ERW powiat rawski (Rawa Mazowiecka)ESI powiat sieradzki (Sieradz)ESK powiat skierniewicki (Skierniewice)ETM powiat tomaszowski (Tomaszów Mazowiecki)EWI powiat wieluński (Wieluń)EWE powiat wieruszowski (Wieruszów)EZD powiat zduńskowolski (Zduńska Wola)EZG powiat zgierski (Zgierz)Województwo małopolskieMiasta na prawach powiatuKR i KK KrakówKN Nowy SączKT TarnówPowiaty (stolica)KBC powiat bocheński (Bochnia); również KBA (wyróżnik wprowadzony w maju 2015 r., obecnie jeszcze niewykorzystywany)KBR powiat brzeski (Brzesko)KCH powiat chrzanowski (Chrzanów)KDA powiat dąbrowski (Dąbrowa Tarnowska)KGR powiat gorlicki (Gorlice)KRA powiat krakowski (Kraków)KLI powiat limanowski (Limanowa)KMI powiat miechowski (Miechów)KMY powiat myślenicki (Myślenice)KNS powiat nowosądecki (Nowy Sącz)KNT powiat nowotarski (Nowy Targ)KOL powiat olkuski (Olkusz)KOS powiat oświęcimski (Oświęcim)KPR powiat proszowicki (Proszowice)KSU powiat suski (Sucha Beskidzka)KTA powiat tarnowski (Tarnów)KTT powiat tatrzański (Zakopane)KWA powiat wadowicki (Wadowice)KWI powiat wielicki (Wieliczka)Województwo mazowieckieMiasto stołeczne WarszawaWB Warszawa BemowoWA Warszawa BiałołękaWD Warszawa BielanyWE Warszawa MokotówWU Warszawa OchotaWF Warszawa Praga-PołudnieWH Warszawa Praga-PółnocWarszawa Rembertów WW ....A, WW ....C, WW ....E, WW ....X, WW ....YWI Warszawa ŚródmieścieWJ Warszawa TargówekWK Warszawa UrsusWN Warszawa UrsynówWT Warszawa WawerWarszawa Wesoła: WX ...Y*, WX ...X*Warszawa Wilanów: WW ....F, WW ....G, WW ....H, WW ....J, WW ....WWarszawa Włochy: WW ....K, WW ....L, WW ....M, WW ....N, WW ....V, WW ....R, WW ....S, WW ....U, WW ....P, WW....T, WW ...W*, WW ...X*WY Warszawa WolaWX Warszawa ŻoliborzPozostałe miasta na prawach powiatuWO OstrołękaWP PłockWR RadomWS SiedlcePowiaty (stolica)WBR powiat białobrzeski (Białobrzegi)WCI powiat ciechanowski (Ciechanów)WG powiat garwoliński (Garwolin)WGS powiat gostyniński (Gostynin)WGM powiat grodziski (Grodzisk Mazowiecki)WGR powiat grójecki (Grójec)WKZ powiat kozienicki (Kozienice)WL powiat legionowski (Legionowo)WLI powiat lipski (Lipsko)WLS powiat łosicki (Łosice)WMA powiat makowski (Maków Mazowiecki)WM powiat miński (Mińsk Mazowiecki)WML powiat mławski (Mława)WND powiat nowodworski (Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki)WOS powiat ostrołęcki (Ostrołęka)WOR powiat ostrowski (Ostrów Mazowiecka)WOT powiat otwocki (Otwock)WPI powiat piaseczyński (Piaseczno)WPL powiat płocki (Płock)WPN powiat płoński (Płońsk)WPR powiat pruszkowski (Pruszków); również WPP i WPS (wyróżniki wprowadzone w styczniu 2010 r.)WPZ powiat przasnyski (Przasnysz)WPY powiat przysuski (Przysucha)WPU powiat pułtuski (Pułtusk)WRA powiat radomski (Radom)WSI powiat siedlecki (Siedlce)WSE powiat sierpecki (Sierpc)WSC powiat sochaczewski (Sochaczew)WSK powiat sokołowski (Sokołów Podlaski)WSZ powiat szydłowiecki (Szydłowiec)WZ powiat warszawski zachodni (Ożarów Mazowiecki)WWE powiat węgrowski (Węgrów)WWL powiat wołomiński (Wołomin); również WV (wyróżnik wprowadzony w sierpniu 2003 r., obecnie jeszcze niewykorzystywany)WWY powiat wyszkowski (Wyszków)WZW powiat zwoleński (Zwoleń)WZU powiat żuromiński (Żuromin)WZY powiat żyrardowski (Żyrardów)Województwo opolskieMiasta na prawach powiatuOP OpolePowiaty (stolica)OB powiat brzeski (Brzeg)OGL powiat głubczycki (Głubczyce)OK powiat kędzierzyńsko-kozielski (Kędzierzyn-Koźle)OKL powiat kluczborski (Kluczbork)OKR powiat krapkowicki (Krapkowice)ONA powiat namysłowski (Namysłów)ONY powiat nyski (Nysa)OOL powiat oleski (Olesno)OPO powiat opolski (Opole)OPR powiat prudnicki (Prudnik)OST powiat strzelecki (Strzelce Opolskie)Województwo podkarpackieMiasta na prawach powiatuRK KrosnoRP PrzemyślRZ RzeszówRT TarnobrzegPowiaty (stolica)RBI powiat bieszczadzki (Ustrzyki Dolne)RBR powiat brzozowski (Brzozów)RDE powiat dębicki (Dębica)RJA powiat jarosławski (Jarosław)RJS powiat jasielski (Jasło)RKL powiat kolbuszowski (Kolbuszowa)RKR powiat krośnieński (Krosno)RLS powiat leski (Lesko)RLE powiat leżajski (Leżajsk)RLU powiat lubaczowski (Lubaczów)RLA powiat łańcucki (Łańcut)RMI powiat mielecki (Mielec)RNI powiat niżański (Nisko)RPR powiat przemyski (Przemyśl)RPZ powiat przeworski (Przeworsk)RRS powiat ropczycko-sędziszowski (Ropczyce)RZE powiat rzeszowski (Rzeszów)RSA powiat sanocki (Sanok)RST powiat stalowowolski (Stalowa Wola)RSR powiat strzyżowski (Strzyżów)RTA powiat tarnobrzeski (Tarnobrzeg)Województwo podlaskieMiasta na prawach powiatuBI BiałystokBL ŁomżaBS SuwałkiPowiaty (stolica)BAU powiat augustowski (Augustów)BIA powiat białostocki (Białystok)BBI powiat bielski (Bielsk Podlaski)BGR powiat grajewski (Grajewo)BHA powiat hajnowski (Hajnówka)BKL powiat kolneński (Kolno)BLM powiat łomżyński (Łomża)BMN powiat moniecki (Mońki)BSE powiat sejneński (Sejny)BSI powiat siemiatycki (Siemiatycze)BSK powiat sokólski (Sokółka)BSU powiat suwalski (Suwałki)BWM powiat wysokomazowiecki (Wysokie Mazowieckie)BZA powiat zambrowski (Zambrów)Województwo pomorskieMiasta na prawach powiatuGD GdańskGA GdyniaGS SłupskGSP SopotPowiaty (stolica)GBY powiat bytowski (Bytów)GCH powiat chojnicki (Chojnice)GCZ powiat człuchowski (Człuchów)GDA powiat gdański (Pruszcz Gdański)GKA powiat kartuski (Kartuzy)GKS powiat kościerski (Kościerzyna)GKW powiat kwidzyński (Kwidzyn)GLE powiat lęborski (Lębork)GMB powiat malborski (Malbork)GND powiat nowodworski (Nowy Dwór Gdański)GPU powiat pucki (Puck)GSL powiat słupski (Słupsk)GST powiat starogardzki (Starogard Gdański)GSZ powiat sztumski (Sztum)GTC powiat tczewski (Tczew)GWE powiat wejherowski (Wejherowo); również GWO (wyróżnik wprowadzony w maju 2015 r., obecnie jeszcze niewykorzystywany)Województwo śląskieMiasta na prawach powiatuSB Bielsko-BiałaSY BytomSH ChorzówSC CzęstochowaSD Dąbrowa GórniczaSG GliwiceSJZ Jastrzębie-ZdrójSJ JaworznoSK KatowiceSM MysłowiceSPI Piekary ŚląskieSL Ruda Śląskadawniej: SRS Ruda ŚląskaSR RybnikSI Siemianowice ŚląskieSO SosnowiecSW ŚwiętochłowiceST TychySZ ZabrzeSZO ŻoryPowiaty (stolica)SBE powiat będziński (Będzin)SBI powiat bielski (Bielsko-Biała)SBL powiat bieruńsko-lędziński (Bieruń)do 2002 r. STY powiat tyski (Tychy)SCI powiat cieszyński (Cieszyn)SCZ powiat częstochowski (Częstochowa)SGL powiat gliwicki (Gliwice)SKL powiat kłobucki (Kłobuck)SLU powiat lubliniecki (Lubliniec)SMI powiat mikołowski (Mikołów)SMY powiat myszkowski (Myszków)SPS powiat pszczyński (Pszczyna)SRC powiat raciborski (Racibórz)SRB powiat rybnicki (Rybnik)STA powiat tarnogórski (Tarnowskie Góry)SWD powiat wodzisławski (Wodzisław Śląski); również SWZ (wyróżnik wprowadzony w maju 2015 r., obecnie jeszcze niewykorzystywany)SZA powiat zawierciański (Zawiercie)SZY powiat żywiecki (Żywiec)Województwo świętokrzyskieMiasta na prawach powiatuTK KielcePowiaty (stolica)TBU powiat buski (Busko Zdrój)TJE powiat jędrzejowski (Jędrzejów)TKA powiat kazimierski (Kazimierza Wielka)TKI powiat kielecki (Kielce)TKN powiat konecki (Końskie)TOP powiat opatowski (Opatów)TOS powiat ostrowiecki (Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski)TPI powiat pińczowski (Pińczów)TSA powiat sandomierski (Sandomierz)TSK powiat skarżyski (Skarżysko-Kamienna)TST powiat starachowicki (Starachowice)TSZ powiat staszowski (Staszów)TLW powiat włoszczowski (Włoszczowa)Województwo warmińsko-mazurskieMiasta na prawach powiatuNE ElblągNO OlsztynPowiaty (stolica)NBA powiat bartoszycki (Bartoszyce)NBR powiat braniewski (Braniewo)NDZ powiat działdowski (Działdowo)NEB powiat elbląski (Elbląg)NEL powiat ełcki (Ełk)NGI powiat giżycki (Giżycko)NGO powiat gołdapski (Gołdap)do 2002 r. NOG powiat olecko-gołdapski (Olecko)NIL powiat iławski (Iława)NKE powiat kętrzyński (Kętrzyn)NLI powiat lidzbarski (Lidzbark Warmiński)NMR powiat mrągowski (Mrągowo)NNI powiat nidzicki (Nidzica)NNM powiat nowomiejski (Nowe Miasto Lubawskie)NOE powiat olecki (Olecko)do 2002 r. NOG powiat olecko-gołdapski (Olecko)NOL powiat olsztyński (Olsztyn)NOS powiat ostródzki (Ostróda)NPI powiat piski (Pisz)NSZ powiat szczycieński (Szczytno)NWE powiat węgorzewski (Węgorzewo) (od 1 stycznia 2002)Województwo wielkopolskieMiasta na prawach powiatuPK Kalisz; również PA (wyróżnik wprowadzony w maju 2015 r., obecnie jeszcze niewykorzystywany)PN Konindawniej: PKO KoninPL LesznoPO i PY PoznańPowiaty (stolica)PCH powiat chodzieski (Chodzież)PCT powiat czarnkowsko-trzcianecki (Czarnków)PGN powiat gnieźnieński (Gniezno)PGS powiat gostyński (Gostyń)PGO powiat grodziski (Grodzisk Wielkopolski)PJA powiat jarociński (Jarocin)PKA powiat kaliski (Kalisz)PKE powiat kępiński (Kępno)PKL powiat kolski (Koło)PKN powiat koniński (Konin)PKS powiat kościański (Kościan)PKR powiat krotoszyński (Krotoszyn)PLE powiat leszczyński (Leszno)PMI powiat międzychodzki (Międzychód)PNT powiat nowotomyski (Nowy Tomyśl)POB powiat obornicki (Oborniki)POS powiat ostrowski (Ostrów Wielkopolski)POT powiat ostrzeszowski (Ostrzeszów)PP powiat pilski (Piła)PPL powiat pleszewski (Pleszew)PZ powiat poznański (Poznań)dawniej: POZ powiat poznański (Poznań)PRA powiat rawicki (Rawicz)PSL powiat słupecki (Słupca)PSZ powiat szamotulski (Szamotuły)PSE powiat śremski (Śrem)PSR powiat średzki (Środa Wielkopolska)PTU powiat turecki (Turek)PWA powiat wągrowiecki (Wągrowiec)PWL powiat wolsztyński (Wolsztyn)PWR powiat wrzesiński (Września)PZL powiat złotowski (Złotów)Województwo zachodniopomorskieMiasta na prawach powiatuZK KoszalinZS Szczecin; również ZZ (wyróżnik wprowadzony w maju 2015 r., obecnie jeszcze niewykorzystywany)ZSW ŚwinoujściePowiaty (stolica)ZBI powiat białogardzki (Białogard)ZCH powiat choszczeński (Choszczno)ZDR powiat drawski (Drawsko Pomorskie)ZGL powiat goleniowski (Goleniów)ZGY powiat gryficki (Gryfice)ZGR powiat gryfiński (Gryfino)ZKA powiat kamieński (Kamień Pomorski)ZKL powiat kołobrzeski (Kołobrzeg)ZKO powiat koszaliński (Koszalin)ZLO powiat łobeski (Łobez) (od 1 stycznia 2002)ZMY powiat myśliborski (Myślibórz)ZPL powiat policki (Police)ZPY powiat pyrzycki (Pyrzyce)ZSL powiat sławieński (Sławno)ZST powiat stargardzki (Stargard)ZSZ powiat szczecinecki (Szczecinek)ZSD powiat świdwiński (Świdwin)ZWA powiat wałecki (Wałcz)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/szbfyMfq_Biggerplate-ConnectPractical-Creativity-Mind-Mapping-to-Kanban-or-Scrum.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Biggerplate Connect Practical Creativity Mind Mapping to Kanban or ScrumWelcome from Vienna to the Biggerplate Connect EventPresentationAndreas LercherLerchertrain® Mag. Lercher & PartnerVienna and Zeltwegmindmanager@lerchertrain.atwww.lerchertrain.comTraining Center ÖsterreichOrganizationapprox. 45 minincl. Q&A sessionQuestionsin the Chatmindmanager@lerchertrain.atAgendaAn personal attempt for a Creativity to Task Management Workflowcollect as many ideas as possibleevaluate and select good ideasturn the best ideas into real Tasksuse interfaces for Task managementThe creative processGeneral assumptionAnyone can be creativeCreativity can be practicedThe 3 phases in the creativity ProcessClarificationTransformationImplementationIs mind mapping a creativity technique?Condition to a creative techniqueThe technique leads in one directionValue-free and without fixed structurePhases in the innovation processDetermine fields of innovationFinding ideas with maximum creativityEvaluate and select ideasDevelop products and servicesMarket innovations and introduce them to the marketDefinition for BoardsBoards vary according to useBoards provide transparencyOverview of the workflow phasesCustomize individuallyFrom clarification to implementationBrainstorming - Collecting ideasDaily Standup MeetingSimple Kanban BoardConnecting with the SystemFrom MindManager to MS TEAMSTasks from MS TEAMS to MindManagerConclusionMind Mapping is not a perfect creativity technique to start an Ideation ProcessAn ideal ideation process generates a very large number of different ideasMind maps require structure and would be overwhelmed with itMind mapping is great to sort, categorize and prioritizeMind mapping software enables to transfer ideas into concrete tasksSupportOnline: MindManager Masterclass in GermanLearn from the pros and look over the shoulder of your trainer in the many learning videosBenefit from the essence of many best practices from almost 20 years of experience with MindManagerYou get an exclusive MindManager script and printable worksheetsOnline Training for Biggerplate is in DevelopmentOpen trainings in Austria and GermanySelf-organization and self-managementProjects and agile task planningOrganizational charts, processes and infographicsIn-house online training via web conference, phone or emailConsulting via web conferencing, telephone, email and on siteYour Questions"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/usGdryZU_NETWORKING-ACTION-DASHBOARD.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "NETWORKING ACTION DASHBOARDabout this mapby Wojciech Korsakwww.Explorer-Consulting.plwww.Komunikacja-Wizualna.comstepscreate structure of main topicsadd contextualtagsiconstasksmanage tasks using %FAMILYCOUNTRYCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTECITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEWORLDCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEFRIENDSCOUNTRYCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTECITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEWORLDCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTECOMPANYCOUNTRYCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTECITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEWORLDCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEBUSINESS PARTNERSCOUNTRYCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTECITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEWORLDCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookEX-COMPANYCOUNTRYCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTECITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEWORLDCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEORGANISATIONSCOUNTRYCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTECITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEWORLDCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEHOBBYCOUNTRYCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTECITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEWORLDCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEKNOWLEDGE SHARINGCOUNTRYCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTECITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTEWORLDCITY< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE< ...... >MEETINGCALLPOST OFFICEE-MAILNOTE"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/w90zCfXb_Wedding-Traditions-in-Poland.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Wedding in Poland :)1. ChurchCongratulationsGiftsFamily and closest friendsflowers+envelopegreeting cardmoneyFriendsflowers+envelopegreeting cardoptionally moneyoptionally other gifts (rather small size)2. PartyBigger gifts :)from the list if it wasbedclothestablewareothersThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook3. TipsSometimes invitation contains attachment where bride and groom ask forinstead flowers or additionalylottery ticketwinetoys or shool supplies for orphansgifts from the listonly moneyShould be taken into consideration also age and stage of life of bride na groomyoung couplesprefer money or sth for homemature couplesmoney are not recommendedIf there is no attachment to invitation no one expect gifts at all :) enough are flowers and greeting card4. SummaryGifts according the attachment to invitationin Poland very rarely couples sign up at stores for the giftsIf there is no other request on invitation andYou know bride and groom wellflowersgreeting cardsome extra gift reffering totheir hobbytheir dreamsyour friendshipYou are not very close with bride and groomflowersgreeting cardsome extra gift reminded you as a nice guest e.g.sweetsalbumWhere to buyflowersof course in Poland ;)greeting cardin the US - they are nicer than in Poland ;)we (Wojtek and I) usually make our own card in map form :)other giftsin the US - may not be enough time for shopping in WarsawThere is no one Polish wedding traditions (for giving gifts). Everything depends on bride and groom, who they are and what they like. But from my and Wojtek experience most weddings (from gift side;) in Poland looks like on below map:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/5LecA3h7_Troonrede-2013-mindmap.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "troonrede 2013 mindmapopeningnu eerste keer dat ik mij tot u mag richtenhartverwarmende start van mijn koningschapTijdens Verenigde Vergadering van 30 aprilterugdenken met grote dankbaarheiddankbaarheidmijn moeder33 jaar lang met grootPlichtsbesef,WarmteDiep gevoelde betrokkenheidingezet voor het Koninkrijk en inwonersin goede en in slechte tijdenblijvend belangrijke inspiratiebrongevoelens van verbondenheid ervaren na overleden broer FrisoWaren ons tot grote steun.zijn dankbaarinhuldigingNederland heeft zich getoond als goed georganiseerd landrijk aan talentdag van tastbareeenheidverbondenheidtussenGeneraties en bevolkingsgroepenverschillende delen van het Koninkrijksamenlevingrechtvaardiging van dat gezond vertrouwen in eigen kunnengoed om dit valk voor 200 jaar Koninkrijk vast te stellenEconomische crisissinds 5 jaargevolgen worden steeds voelbaarderDe werkloosheid stijgtHet aantal faillissementen loopt opHuizen worden minder waardPensioenen staan onder drukkoopkracht blijft achtervoorzichtige signalen einde mondiale crisis in zichtperspectief op herstelNederlandse economie heeft specifieke problemen van structurele aardSchuldenlastOverheidHuishoudensvermogenspositie van banken.groeivermogen Nederlandse economie versterkenCreëren van banenherstel van vertrouwen bij mensen &bedrijvenNoodzakelijke hervormingenKosten tijdvragen om doorzettingsvermogenmaatschappelijke ontwikkelingenzoalsVergrijzinginternationaliseringresultaatarbeidsmarkt & stelsel van publieke voorzieningen voldoen niet meerzichtbaar door financiële en economische crisisregering zet in opToekomstige betaalbaarheid van voorzieningenSolidariteit tussen generatiesevenwicht tussen verschillende inkomensgroepenwaarom?onderlinge betrokkenheid is sterkaanpassingPubliekeregelingenvoorzieningenhuidige netwerk- en informatiesamenlevingmensenmondigerzelfstandigernoodzaak om tekort overheid terug te dringenresultaatklassieke verzorgingsstaat > participatiesamenlevingiedereen die dat kan: verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor eigen leven & omgevingmensen zelf vorm geven aan hun toekomstWaarde toe voegen aanEigen levensamenleving als geheelNederlanders samen bouwen aan sterk land van zelfbewuste mensenNederlandCompacte en krachtige overheidRuimte geeft en kansen biedt waar het kanBescherming wanneer nodigniemand tussen wal en schipkansen krijgen om veranderingen in eigen leven inpassenrelatie tussen parlement en regering2014: veel wetgevingCentraal Planbureau, cruciaal\"een prudent niveau van overheidsschuld\"Nederlanders betalen€11 mld per jaar aan rente over de overheidsschuld.impactals schuld groeitrente stijgtRentelast steeds zwaarder drukken opEconomische groeiOp betaalbaarheid voorzieningeninkomens van mensenextra maatregelen €6 miljard eurogeen loonbijstelling uitkerenGezondheidszorggroter deel zorg via huisartsstrikter te zijn met het geven verzekerde zorghuishoudentoeslag,Verschillende toeslagen en regelingen te bundelenlager naarmate gezinsinkomen stijgtstimuleren economie & werkgelegenheid (korte termijn)ontslagvergoedingen uit aparte bv versneld laten uitbetalen (voordelig belastingtarief)De vrijstelling schenkingsbelasting verruimdJongere generaties gemakkelijker investeren in de eigen woning.Toegang tot kredieten vergroten, 125 miljoenMKB: investeren in nieuwe activiteitenOndernemersinvesteringen versneld fiscaal af te schrijvenNederlandse investeringsinstelling oprichtenregeringPensioenfondsenVerzekeraarsbankenDoel: Grote beleggers koppelen aan geschikte investeringsprojecten op terreinen als:ZorgEnergieSchoolgebouwenInfrastructuureconomie te stimulerenwerkmensen aan werk houden en krijgen€600 miljoen beschikbaarSociaal Akkoordwerkgevers en werknemers komen met sectorplannenMeer banenMeer stageplaatsen voor jongerenBehoud van vakkrachtenbetere begeleiding van werk naar werkBestrijden jeugdwerkloosheidRegering samen met gemeenten, sociale partners en onderwijsinstellingenJongeren aan de slag te krijgenkansen op arbeidsmarkt vergrotenakkoordenonderwijsOnderwijsakkoord: 3000 extra banen voor jonge lerarentechniekTechniekpact: betere aansluiting tussen onderwijs & arbeidsmarktbestrijdt tekort technisch geschoolde vakmensenenergieEnergieakkoord: stimuleert duurzame economische groei15.000 extra banen.OmgevingswetVereenvoudigt en versnelling ruimtelijke procedures,geen afbreuk doen aan kwaliteit leefomgevinglangere termijnHervormingendie groeivermogen Nederlandse economie versterkenPublieke voorzieningen aanpassen aan deze tijdomslag participatiesamenleving, zichtbaar insociale zekerheidlangdurige zorgnuEigen keuzes makenEigen leven inrichtenvoor elkaar kunnen zorgenOntwikkeling in zorg & sociale voorzieningen dicht bij mensen in samenhang te organiseren: Decentralisatie overheidstaken1. nieuw stelsel van jeugdzorgingang 2015Kinderen veilig opgroeienTalenten ontwikkelenlater participeren in de samenleving.jeugdzorg via de gemeenten dicht bij kindGemeenten kunnen o.b.v. specifieke situatie van kind maatwerk leveren inWonenOnderwijsVeiligheidsport2. langdurige zorg grondig hervormenuitgaven blijven explosief stijgen2200 per Nederlander per jaarLichtere vormen langdurige zorg worden uitgevoerd door gemeentenBeoordeling noodzakelijkheidTraplifttaxivergoedingVergoeding huishoudelijke hulp blijft beschikbaarMedische zorg (verpleging) valt onder reguliere zorgverzekering3. gemeenten samen met sociale partners werkbedrijven oprichtenom mensen in bijstand / arbeidsbeperking te helpen bij vinden van baanWerkgevers &overheid garant voor 125.000 extra banen in 2026niet gehaald dan bedrijven verplicht % te rekruterenwerkWerkloosheidswet & ontslagrecht gemoderniseerdWW krijgt een meer activerend karakterSociale partners nemen het voortouw bij begeleiding van werk naar werk (scholing)WWpubliek gefinancierde deel WW tot 24 maandenSociale partners nemen verantwoordelijkheid voor privaat gefinancierd deel WWextra prikkel bij werkgevers & werknemers: investeren in kwaliteit mensenWerknemers die ontslagen worden: ontvangen scholingsbudgetFlexwerkersmeer zekerheid en meer beschermingOntslagrechtWordt eerlijker & eenvoudiger1 ontslagroute voor alle werknemersThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookwoningmarktverplicht annuïtair aflossen nieuwe hypotheken als voorwaarde voor aftrek van hypotheekrente2014: maximale aftrek voor eigen woning geleidelijk terugbrengen naar 38% (28 jaarlijkse stappen van 0,5%)opbrengst > mensen met middeninkomenhuurmarkt te hervormeninkomensafhankelijke huurverhogingenextra inkomsten bij woningcorporaties afgeroomd d.m.v verhuurdersheffingdoor binnenlandse hervormingen, Nederland klaar voor toekomstbuitenlandGroeiende internationale verwevenheidopen economie heeft Nederland veel gebrachtons land ook extra kwetsbaarInternationale crisisstagnatieSamenwerking met andere landen is belangrijkEuropese Unie belangrijk voor toekomstEconomieSociaalpolitiekstevig fundament onder de Euro is cruciaaltotstandkoming van bankenunieHoudbare tekortenversterking economische structuurconcurrentiekracht & groeivermogen lidstaten versterken via Europese interne marktbelemmering op terreinen veel terreinenImpuls voor handel met landen buiten EU door vrijhandelsakkoordenVerenigde StatenJapanspeerpunt voor regering: takenpakket EULidstaten zelf:BelastingenSociale zekerheidPensioenenZorgonderwijsBuiten EUlange traditie internationale samenwerkingviering van honderd jaar Vredespaleis2014: gastheer van de Nuclear Security SummitSyriëhumanitaire noodsituatieNoodzaak internationale rechtsordesterke nadruk op humanitaire rechtOnveiligheid & instabiliteit in kwetsbare regio's beïnvloeden onzeVrijheidVeiligheidwelvaartontwikkelingshulpnota 'nieuwe agenda voor hulp, handel en investeringendoelstelling klassieke vormen ontwikkelingshulp te verbinden met versterking van handelsrelatiescombinatie die wederzijds voordeel biedtNederlandse bedrijfsleven: veel expertise in waterbeheerhelpen waterproblemen op te lossen wereldwijdkrijgsmachtBerekend zijn op taken berekend in Nederland en buitenlandopereren om belangen van ons land veilig te stellennota: 'In het belang van Nederland'Nederlandse mannen &vrouwen actief om de internationale rechtsorde te beschermenverdienen onze grote dank & waardering voor hun moeilijke werkCaribische delen van het Koninkrijkin 2010 aangepastmeer aandacht voor samenwerking op economisch terreinprofijtelijk voor alle partijengoed voor noodzakelijke financiële zelfstandigheid & stabiliteitbinnenkort samen met Koningin Máxima alle 6 bezoekenafrondendKracht & kwaliteit van samenleving vast oudenveranderingen noodzakelijkdragelijk voor iedereenVraagstukken zijn: Complex en ingrijpend"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/LTQGWhG3_Minister-of-Emergency-Situations-Russia.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Minister of Emergency Situations (Russia)about this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minister_of_Emergency_Situations_(Russia)introductionThe Minister for Affairs for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters also known as the Minister of Emergency Situations is the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.The Minister of Emergency Situations is appointed by the President of Russia upon recommendation the Prime Minister of Russia.The current Minister of Emergency Situations is Yevgeny Zinichev.[1]introMinistry of Emergency SituationsIncumbent Yevgeny Zinichev since 18 May 2018Member ofGovernment• PresidentVladimir Putin• Prime MinisterMikhail MishustinReports toThe PresidentVladimir PutinSeatMoscowAppointerThe PresidentVladimir PutinFormation17 April 1991First holderSergey ShoyguMinistersSergey ShoyguPresidentBoris YeltsinVladimir PutinDmitry MedvedevPartyIndependent ↓ Unity ↓ United RussiaTerm of Office17 April 1991 - 11 May 2012Ruslan Tsalikov (acting)PresidentVladimir PutinPartyUnited RussiaTerm of Office11 May 2012 - 17 May 2012Vladimir PuchkovPresidentVladimir PutinPartyIndependentTerm of Office17 May 2012 - 18 May 2018Yevgeny ZinichevPresidentVladimir PutinPartyIndependentTerm of Office18 May 2018 - IncumbentPowersbears personal responsibility for performance assigned to the Ministry of emergency situations of Russia of tasks and functions;distributes duties between his deputies;makes in the prescribed manner to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation draft regulatory legal acts and proposals on issues falling within the competence of EMERCOM of Russia;to approve the regulations on the subdivisions of the Central apparatus of EMERCOM of Russia;administered by the reception of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service in the rescue military units under contract for service in the Federal fire service in the EMERCOM of Russia; appoints and dismisses military personnel of rescue military units and the Federal fire service, persons of ordinary and commanding structure of Federal fire service, employees of the EMERCOM of Russia; dismissed from military service (services) military personnel of rescue military units and the Federal fire service, persons of ordinary and commanding structure of Federal fire service and employees of EMERCOM of Russia in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and also defines the respective powers of the officials of EMERCOM of Russia;establishes requirements for the level of education, profession and (or) the direction of training, to physical fitness:persons applying for positions in the rescue military formations, rescue services, emergency rescue units, paramilitary mountain rescue parts;persons applying for replacement of posts of ordinary and commanding structure in the Federal fire service, with the exception of persons applying for replacement of posts of the higher commanding structure;determines the order of the persons included in the Federal personnel reserve and personnel reserve of the Ministry of emergency situations of Russia;claims within established by the President of the Russian Federation number of employees the structure and staffing of the Central apparatus of EMERCOM of Russia;approves of EMERCOM of Russia within the limits of funds allocated from the Federal budget for the corresponding year of the EMERCOM of Russia;claims in the prescribed manner the statutes (regulations) of the organizations under the jurisdiction of EMERCOM of Russia, appoints and dismisses their managers, concludes and terminates their employment agreements (contracts), as well as in making agreements (contracts) change;organizes the work of EMERCOM of Russia, supervises the activities of the Federal fire service, the State Inspectorate for small vessels, rescue and other units and manages the rescue military formations;is of EMERCOM of Russia in the Executive, legislative and judicial authorities of the Russian Federation, in organizations and in international organizations;defines the list of officials of EMERCOM of Russia authorised to draw up protocols on administrative offences provided for by the Russian Code of administrative offences, and organize their activities;makes decisions on creation, reorganization and liquidation in the established order of territorial bodies and organizations under the jurisdiction of EMERCOM of Russia, determines their structure and staffing, sets standards of their authorized strength;is in the prescribed manner for the approval of the President of the Russian Federation concept and plan for the construction and development of rescue military units, proposals on their structure and composition, as well as the total number of military personnel of rescue military units;decides, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation the questions connected with passage of Federal public service of EMERCOM of Russia;uses the full range of rights provided by charters of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, to military personnel of rescue military units and Federal fire services, and rights provided for by the regulations on service in bodies of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation dated 23 December 1992 4202-1 N \"About the Position statement about service in bodies of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the text of the Oath of the employee of internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation\", - in respect of persons of ordinary and commanding structure of Federal fire service;assigns military personnel of rescue military units and Federal fire service military ranks up to Colonel (captain 1st rank), inclusive, persons of ordinary and commanding structure of Federal fire-fighting service - special ranks up to Colonel of internal service inclusive; defines the powers of the officials of EMERCOM of Russia on assignment of military personnel of rescue military units and Federal fire service military ranks up to Colonel (captain 2nd rank), inclusive, to persons of commanding structure of Federal fire-fighting service - special ranks up to Colonel of internal service inclusive;submits for consideration the President of the Russian Federation proposals:the inclusion of military positions military personnel of rescue military units and posts of the higher commanding personnel of the Federal fire service in the lists of military positions and positions of higher officers of the replaced senior officers and persons of the higher commanding structure;on appointment to positions and release from positions, which are subject to replacement by persons of higher officers of the Federal fire service, and the appointment to military positions and exemption from military posts which are subject to substitution by higher officers rescue military formations;about assignment of special ranks of the higher commanding structure to employees of the Federal fire service and military ranks of senior officers to the military personnel of rescue military units;on the extension of the period of service of employees of the Federal fire service occupying positions of the Supreme command staff and military personnel of rescue military units occupying positions of senior officers who have reached of age limit of stay on service;on the appointment of the acting in vacant posts, subject to replacement of the higher officers of rescue military units, up to six months;on approval of the list of typical posts in the rescue military formations and typical positions in the Federal fire service, as well as corresponding military ranks;informs the President of the Russian Federation on imposing disciplinary sanctions on employees of the Federal fire service and the military personnel of rescue military units occupying positions, appointment to which and release from which are performed by the President of the Russian Federation, and also on the staff of the Federal fire service, acting in vacant posts, subject to replacement by persons of the higher commanding structure;has in the prescribed manner, award and gift funds, including firearms and bladed weapons, to reward military personnel of rescue military formations, personnel of the Federal fire service, employees of the EMERCOM of Russia, and also other persons assisting in carrying out of EMERCOM of Russia of problems;accepts in agreement with the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, Executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government decision on relocation to the Russian Federation rescue military formations;is the military personnel of rescue military units and personnel of the Federal fire service, employees of the EMERCOM of Russia the state awards of the Russian Federation, Honorary diploma of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as promotion in the form of their gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation;decides the limits of its competence the issues of providing legal and social protection of the military rescue military formations, personnel of the Federal fire service, employees of the Ministry of emergency situations of Russia, bodies, departments and organizations of EMERCOM of Russia and members of their families, concluded in the established procedure in the sectoral wage rate agreement in the capacity of employer;directs in the prescribed manner the military personnel of rescue military units, the personnel of the Federal fire service and employees of EMERCOM of Russia on official business, including outside the Russian Federation;determines in accordance with established procedure departmental awards, approves regulations about the signs and their descriptions, awards them to the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia, as well as citizens who assisted in the task of civil defence, protection of population and territories from emergencies, ensuring fire safety;claims in the prescribed manner a description of the form of clothes, footwear and means of special protection, the rate supply of special clothing and equipment, including temporary, procedure for ensuring the storage property of certain categories of public servants and persons holding positions unrelated to positions in the civil service, the military personnel of rescue military units and the Federal fire service, persons of ordinary and commanding structure of Federal fire service;claims in the prescribed manner to the General plans of construction and development of military camps and rescue military formations, towns, rescue units, towns of paramilitary mine rescue units, towns of rescue forces and infrastructure of the State Inspectorate for small vessels, projects of objects of own construction rescue military formations, plans for research and development work in the field of civil defense, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, ensuring fire safety, overcoming the consequences of radiation accidents and catastrophes;issues within its competence in accordance with the established procedure regulatory legal acts, obligatory for execution by Federal Executive authorities, Executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government, organizations regardless form of ownership, officials and citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship, according to the standards and norms related to the competence of EMERCOM of Russia;argues nomenclature special equipment and material means, in respect of which the Ministry of emergency measures of Russia carries out functions of the state customer for the placement of orders, conclusion, payment, control and accounting of execution of state contracts under the state defense order;establishes taking into account the peculiarities of the EMERCOM of Russia atypical positions corresponding in status to the standard positions of the Federal fire service and typical posts of the rescue military formations;claims within its competence in the established order lists of military posts in the rescue military formations and posts of ordinary and commanding structure in the Federal fire service, as well as corresponding military ranks on the basis of duly approved lists of typical posts in the rescue military formations and in the Federal fire service;claims model structure, staffing, staffing, and ratios of security personnel and fire equipment divisions of the Federal fire service, sets the standards for staff number of management bodies and divisions of Federal fire service;defines the procedure and terms of conclusion of contracts on service of persons of ordinary and commanding structure of Federal fire service, the appointments of these persons on the post for the contest;prokomentiroval military personnel of rescue military units and the Federal fire service, persons of ordinary and commanding structure of Federal fire service for public authorities and organizations in order and on conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;makes in the prescribed manner to the President of the Russian Federation proposals on the approval of the official symbols of EMERCOM of Russia, defines the list of administered by EMERCOM of Russia and organizations that are awarded banners, order delivery, storage, maintenance and use of these banners, approves the drawings and descriptions of forms of certificates of the President of the Russian Federation to the banners, the insignia of the military personnel of rescue military units and the Federal fire service, persons of ordinary and commanding structure of Federal fire service, and descriptions of these insignia;establishes categories of servicemen, passing military service under the contract in the EMERCOM of Russia, employees of the Federal fire service, Federal state civil servants and employees of EMERCOM of Russia with the right to food security in the period of military duty, participation in field exercises, emergency rescue and other urgent works spent in business trips on the territories of foreign States for the elimination of consequences of natural disasters and emergencies, regulations and order their food supply;appoints and dismisses in accordance with established procedure of the heads of regional centers of the bodies specially authorized to solve problems of civil defence tasks on prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, as well as the main state inspectors of subjects of the Russian Federation on fire supervision;appoints members of the Federal fire service acting in vacant posts, subject to replacement by persons of higher officers, for up to six months in a calendar year;informs the President of Russia on the appointment of employees of the Federal fire service acting in vacant posts, subject to replacement by persons of the higher commanding structure;appoint persons of ordinary and commanding structure of Federal fire service for the positions in the system of EMERCOM of Russia related to the support of the Federal fire service, maintaining previously established for this category of persons benefits and guarantees, including pensions in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated 12 February 1993 N 4468-1 \"On pension provision of persons held military service, service in internal Affairs bodies, State fire service, bodies for control over turnover of narcotic means and psychotropic substances, establishments and bodies criminally-Executive system, and their families\";establishes salaries for non-standard military positions of servicemen, positions of employees of the Federal fire service in respect of salaries on typical military posts of military personnel and typical positions of employees of the Federal fire service;making to the Ministry of Finance proposals on forming the Federal budget for corresponding year;performs other duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bSVIzADI_Facebook-s-User-Interface-Mapped-Out.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Facebook's User Interface Mapped OutProfileTimelineAboutWork and EducationPlaces You've LivedContact and Basic InfoFamily RelationshipsDetails About YouLife EventsPhotosAlbumsFriendsPlacesInterestsMusicSportFilmsTVBooksLikesFitnessReviewsNotesFoursquarePinterestSound cloudAnd moreTimelineTextPhotosLinksVideoFriendsClose FriendsAcquaintancesListsFamilyColleaguesReal friendsActionsPostingYou have something to say, link and /or showLikingYou will be updatedCommentingYou will be updatedSharingSharing ()You are sharing with everyone or a select fewPosts asYouA PageSharingSharing ()Your TimelinePublicFriends except AcquaintancesOnly meListsFamilyColleaguesReal friendsCustomAs aboveBut with - Don't share this withOn a Friend's TimelineIn a GroupOn a Page you manageThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookNewsfeedYouYourFriendsGroupsPagesAdsGroupsYoursGroups you manageGroups You're InOthersFriends GroupsInvitationsLocalSuggestedVisibilityClosedYou can apply to join but have to be accepted by the manager(s)Front page is visibleSecretInvisible except for membersMembership by invitation onlyPublicPagesPageAboutPhotosLikesEventsStatusActivityNotificationsPostsCommentsLikesSharesMessagesNew LikesInsightsTotal Page LikesNew Page LikesTotal ReachPost ReachPeople EngagedAppsLogin via FacebookToPosts asTimelineGroupsPagesYour content helps define what is advertised / promoted to youWork in Progress Comments to Andrew Wilcoxcabre.co.ukDownload this map"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_xHo2AU7J.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "リスクの洗い出しプロジェクトを制御する方法がわからない内容:プロジェクト管理できない影響:過酷さ:TLの踏ん張り提案された 解決法:進捗を管理する問題、課題をモニターし対処するプロジェクトを定義、計画をきちんとやる客とゴールの意識がずれている内容:プロジェクトを提案することを躊躇している顧客との間で目標となる成果に食い違い 顧客は成果が何か理解できてないカテゴリ:影響:過酷さ:大きな手戻り提案された 解決法:提案書でゴールを明確にプロジェクトチームの communicationが不十分内容:メンバ間で意思疎通できない生産性が上がらない影響:過酷さ:品質が悪いテスト工数増大提案された 解決法:プロジェクト情報を常に全員に公開問題点をきちんとレビューコーチング見積もりできない内容:技術的に本当に大変なのか影響:過酷さ:提案された 解決法:チームメンバでdiscussionファンクションポイント採用This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook成果物が明確でない内容:ドキュメントは明確レポート、影響分析が不明確影響:過酷さ:最終局面で悲惨提案された 解決法:プロジェクト計画で成果物一覧を作成必要なスキルがない内容:必要なスキルのある社内人材がいない影響:過酷さ:プロジェクトの破綻提案された 解決法:コンサル会社を使うメンバの教育キーマン の理解が不十分内容:顧客のキーマンのプロジェクトへの理解が浅い影響:過酷さ:提案された 解決法:プロマネが説明"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/9R1qLtSz_CBL-Seminar-Mind-Mapping-for-Business-6th-July-2012-.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Mapping for Business: Unlocking InnovationIntroductionLiam Hugheswww.Biggerplate.comMind Map Library2,500+ Mind MapsFree to DownloadMind Map Community33,000+ MembersFree to JoinFree, Free, FreeTodayMind Mapping PrinciplesMapping by HandMind Mapping SoftwareYou and Your WorkWho are You?Working Challenges?Your Answers...Common Answers...ConcentratingCollaboratingCreative ThinkingGetting things doneInformation overloadIneffective MeetingsOrganisationPoor PlanningMind MappingWhy?Whole Brain EnablingVisual Interest'See' connections ()ColourIconsImagesLogical & SequentialRound the ClockExplore OutwardsTrace Back'See' connectionsVisual Interest ()When?Examples>>BusinessSWOT AnalysisBusiness PlanningMeeting PlansBrainstormingPersonalPersonal OrganisationVacation PlanningBook SummariesStudying/RevisionHow?Pen & PaperComputerExercise: Reproduce MapMind Mapping PrinciplesCompare MapsThoughts/ReviewPen & Paper Challenges?This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookComputer MappingPaper Vs ComputerPaper BenefitsNicer to Look AtCheap & EasyAccessibilityPaper DrawbacksWasteLimited CanvasComputer BenefitsEditingWrong InformationSavingVersionSharingScaleabilityEndlessGrowsPrintEfficiencyReduce ClutterPhysicalMentalSaves TimeComputer DrawbacksPrintingComputer ErrorVirusCrashLearning CurveExpensiveNeed ComputerOverall BenefitsSize of CanvasInfiniteEasy NavigationSpeed of CreationCapture in Real-TimeReact and RespondEditingMovingRe-TypingVisual InterestColourImagesIconsSharing & DevelopingEmailBiggerplate.comShare on ScreenDevelop VersionsMapping in BusinessWhy Popular?Managing Information OverloadStrategic & Tactical PlanningTeam Working & CollaborationBrainstorming & Creative ThinkingE.g Fidan's Gluten BusinessSpeedStomachGluten Benefits ()Supply ChainFrustrationNot Enough ProductNot Market AwarenessGluten BenefitsStomach ()Using Maps at WorkProject PlanningFiltersTasksResearch GatheringNotesHyperlinksAttachments7 Pillars of Better Business.mmapCreative ThinkingIndividualCollaborativeBrainstormingPresentationsPlanningDeliveryQ. How might you use it?Next StepsJoin BiggerplateTry out SoftwareContact with Questions"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/RGuNNYHI_Ideas_for_using_Mind_Mapping_in_Schools.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Ideas for using Mind Mapping in SchoolsSchoolPlanningWhole school (SIP)DevelopmentCurriculaDepartmentsTripsInsetsManagementObjective settingPerformance reviewsClarifying responsibilitiesCommunicationBetween teachersBetween departmentsDisplaysMeetingsProblemsInvestigationSolvingProfessional DevelopmentSharing learningModelling best practice!note-takingreviewsmaximising learningThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookStudentsCollaboratingprojectsNote-takingefficienteffectiveRevisionClarifyenhance understandingPlanningworkessaysassignmentsexam answerscourse workstudying for examsTeachingLessonPlanningPreparationReviewCurriculumPlanningIn the classroomSubject overviewsReviewsHandoutsSkeletonComprehensiveSchemasMental ModelsEnhance understandingBig pictureDetailStudentUnderstandingAssessmentprogresswork"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_7HhqYfu7.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Les Menaces de la Corée du NordFiche TechniqueRépublique Populaire Démocratique de Corée24 457 492 habitantsSecrétaire général du parti: Kim Jong-unRégime totalitaire à parti uniqueÉtat communisteIndépendance: 1948Fin du contrôle du Japon au dénouement de la guerre de 1945République démocratique populaireRégime autoritaire sous Kim II-Sung1950-1953: Invasion de la Corée du Sudl'ONU intervientAppui de la Chine populaireModèle de développementSocialisteAutosufficance impossibleéconomie chancelanteDispose de l'arme nucléaireProvocationsMenaces militairesVidéo de propagandesMaison Blanche et Congres en flammeAnnoncesRéponses militaire à toute attaqueMenaces de guerreLes facteursRenforcement des sanctions de l'ONU12 Février 20133ème essai nucléaireExercice militaire communAméricainCoréens du SudTransition des pouvoirs régionaux (Chine, Corée du Sud)Pas de réponse aux menacesLes USA n'entrent pas dans le jeu de la provocationLes risquesPuissance militaire Nord CoréennePas en mesure d'atteindre les États-UnisMais le Japon et la Corée du SudSimple effet d'annonceThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookLes visites de personnalités américaineLe régime veut évoluer sur le plan économiqueToute visite est un cadeauPrestige personnelConforter le régimeObjectif principaleEntamer des négociations directes avec les États-UnisObtenir la garantie qu'ils ne vont pas les attaquerFaire passer des messagesDiplomatie non-officielleBasketteur Denis Rodman : \"Je voudrais qu'Obama me téléphone\"Eric Schmidt (PDG de Google)La position de la ChineMauvaise stratégieRapprochement des États-Unis avec son allié Sud-CoréenRenforce la présence des forces militaires dans la régionÉconomieFavorable au développement de la Corée du NordMultiplication des échangesSeul partenaire de la Corée du NordImage négative pour la ChineLes limites1er partenaire économique sur tous les plansAssure la survie du régimeMoyen de pression redoutableA voté des sanctions contre la CoréeCes pressions seront-elles efficaces ou pas ?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g332638_Rappel_sur_quelques_fonctions_grammaticales.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Les fonctions grammaticalesSujetIl dirige le verbe.Qui fait l'action du verbe ?Jules César dirige Rome.Qui dirige Rome ?Jules César = sujet du verbe \"dirige\"Attribut du sujetDonne une information sur le sujetSe trouve à droite du verbeTOUJOURS introduit par un VERBE D'ETATêtresemblerparaîtredemeurerdevenirresteravoir l'airetc.Jules César est un grand général romain.\"est\" est un verbe d'étatun grand général romain = attribut du sujetApostrophePermet d'interpeller.Est souvent suivie d'une virgule ou d'un point d'exclamation.Ô Jules César, je t'honore !Ô Jules César = apostrophe.Complément du NomComplète un NOMEst introduit par une PREPOSITIONc'est sur, Adam part pour Anvers avec 200 sous.chez - sur - à - dans - par - pour - en -vers - avec -de - sans -sousA droite du NOM qu'il complèteApporte une précision supplémentaire au nom qu'il complèteLe lieutenant de Jules César.\"Le lieutenant\" est un nom\"de\" est une prépositionde Jules César = complément du nom \"Le lieutenant\"Complément d'ObjetComplète un verbe d'ACTIONComplément d'Objet DirectEst introduit DIRECTEMENT par le verbeQuoi ? Qui ?Jules César dirige son armée.Jules César dirige quoi ?\"son armée\" = CODComplément d'Objet IndirectEst introduit par une PREPOSITION, donc INDIRECTEMENTA quoi ? A qui ?Jules César parle à son lieutenant.Jules César parle à qui ?\"à son lieutenant\" = COIComplément CirconstancielAjoute une information circonstancielle à une phrase.tempslieumanièreetc.Peut le plus souvent êtredéplacésuppriméPendant la guerre des Gaules, Jules César dirigea une puissante armée.\"Pendant la guerre des Gaules\" peut être supprimé/déplacé.\"Pendant la guerre des Gaules\" = CCLégendeDéfinitionQuestionExempleAnalyse de l'exemple"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WoOyVils_Memory.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Memorymemory PrinciplesUse ()SSynaesthesia /SensualityVisionHearingSense of SmellTasteTouchKinesthesiaMMovementAAssociationSSexualityHHumourIImaginationNNumberSSymbolismCColourOOrder or sequencePPositivityEExaggerationNumber shape1Paintbrush2Swan3Heart4Yacht5Hook6Elephants trunk7Cliff8Snowman9Balloon on a stick10Ball and batSEM3The codeHow to1-100100-10000100-1000How toMAJOR SYSTEM - Basic 1003) Refer to BASIC 100 Matrix ()To find the number 461) Go DOWN tens column to 402) Go ALONG 0-9 to 6Major system 100-9999To find the number 63741) Go DOWN thousands column to 60002) Go ALONG hundreds line to 300-3993) Refer to BASIC 100 MatrixMAJOR SYSTEM - Basic 100 ()3) Go down tens column to 703) Go along 0-9 to 4Keyword purityConnect usingCrashing things togetherSticking things togetherPlacing things on top of each otherPlacing things underneath each otherPlacing things inside each otherSubstituting things for each otherPlacing things in new situationsWeaving things togetherWrapping things togetherHaving things talkHaving things danceHaving things share heir colour, aroma, actionThe link systemUsememory Principles ()PlusContractionAbsurdityRhythmTasteTouchSmellSightHearingSubstitutionNumber rhyme1Bun2Shoe3Tree4Door5Hive6Sticks7Heaven8Skate9Vine10HenRoman RoomAlphabet systemAAceBBeeCSeaDDeedEEaselFEffervescenceGJeepHH-bombIEyeJJayKCakeLElasticMMCNEnamelOOboePPeaQQueueRArchSEskimoTTeaUYewVVehicleWWCXX-rayYWifeZZ-bendThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCard memory systemClubsCACatC2CanC3CameoC4CarC5CallC6CashC7CakeC8CaféC9CabC10CaseCJCadetCQCottonCKClubHeartsHAHatH2HenH3HamH4HairH5HailH6HashH7HagH8HoofH9HubH10HazeHJHeadedHQHeathenHKHeartDiamondsDADayD2DanD3DamD4DareD5DaleD6DashD7DeckD8DaffyD9DabD10DazeDJDeadwoodDQDeadenDKDiamondSpadesSASetS2SinS3SumS4SearS5SaleS6SashS7SackS8SafeS9SapS10SeasSJSatedSQSatanSKSpadeLong number memory systemTelephone number systemUse Major systemDiaryUse the Major system numbersLanguages100 basic wordsChinese and RussianFaces and namesSocial etiquetteReqiores1An interest in the people you meet2politenessSteps1Mental set2Observe3Listen4Request repetition5Verify the pronunciaton6Request the spelling7Your new hobby derivations8Exchange cards9Repetition in conversation10Repeat internally11Check during longer breaks12Repetition at parting13ReviewsMentalPhotographsPersonal card fileMind map14Do this all backwards with your own details ()The reversal principle15Pace yourself16Have fun17The plus one principleDo this all backwards with your own detailsSteps14 ()Head and facial charactarisitcsMnemonics for names"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Uzs6vzWX_Las-7-Maravillosas-del-Mundo-ANTIGUAS.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Las 7 Maravillosas del Mundo ANTIGUASLas pirámides de KheopsGizeh en EgiptoÚnica maravilla antigua todavía visibleTumba del faraón Kheopsdinastía IV137 m de alturaCerca de 2560 antes de J.Cla más antigua de las maravillas antiguas4500 AñosLos Jardines suspendidos de BabiloniaIrak actualJardín botánicoVarios pisos en terrazasMesopotamiaCiudad de Babilonia50 km al Sur de BagdadConstruido por el rey Nabuchodonosor IIpara su esposa Semiramis de Médie600 antes de J.CLa estatua de ZeusGrecia ActualEstatua de oro y de marfílOlimpiaEscultora atheniense Phidias436 antes de J.CEl Templeo de ArthémisTurquía actual1er banco del mundoPosibilidad de ingresar dinero y recuperarlo con interés más tarde.Ciudad de EphèseActual ciudad de Selçuk137 m de altura y 71 m de anchoConstruida una primera vez en 560 antes de J.CPor Theodore de SamosIncendiado en 353 antes de J.CPor el rey ErostrateReconstruida a mitad del siglo IV antes de J.CThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookEl Mausoleo de HalicarnasseTurquía actualHalicarnasse = actual ciudad de BodrumTumba del rey MausoleMurio en 353 antes de J.COrigen de la palabra \"mausoleo\"Imperio PersaRealizado por 4 escultoras griegas45 m de altura350 antes de J.CLa estatua de Bronce de HéliosGrecia actualEstatua de bronceColoso de RhodesIsla de RhodesObra de Charés de Lindos+ de 30 m de altura292 antes de J.CDestruida por un terremoto226 antes de J.CEl faro de AlejandríaEgiptoGuió a los marinos durante 17 siglosIsla de PharaosActualmente: Puerto de QaitbayOrigen de la palabra faroConstruido por el Rey Ptolémée Iero135 m de alturaSiglo 3 antes de J.CFecha exacta desconocidaDesaparición al siglo 14"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/4veDBDWP_Project-Dashboard.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Project DashboardProject CharterProblem/OpportunityWhat problem or opportunity is this project solving?GoalWhat is the overall goal of the project?ObjectivesWhat individual objectives as whole lead to the attainment of the goal?123+Success CriteriaList specific, measurable success criteria12345RisksWhat risks may prevent goal attainment?123+AssumptionsWhat has been assumed that makes the goal attainable?123+ConstraintsWhat constraints must be considered for this project?123+Project PlanInitiation StageDesign and DevelopmentTesting and DeploymentClosureProject CompleteOrganizational ChartResource 1Resource 2Resource 3This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookProject ArtifactsBudget OverviewSalariesTravelSuppliesEventsCommunicationsTechnologyOtherStatus [Date]ScheduleBudgetRisksIssuesTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/IpaNfPNt_Negociacion.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "NegociacionNegociacion basada en Principios (Harvard)El problemaNegociar con base en posicionesDe que manera?Dura (con el problema y con las personas)Suave (con el problema y con las personas)DesventajasEs ineficientePone en peligro la relacionSi hay muchas partes es aun peorSe amable no es la solucionAlternativa?Negociacion basada en principiosNegociacion basada en principios1 - Separe las personas del problemaLos negociadores son personasInteresesTiposSustancialRelacion (para negociaciones futuras)Separe la relacion de lo sustancialLa relacion tiende a confundirse con el problemaPercepcionComprenda como piensa la otra partePongase en el lugar del otroNo suponga que lo que usted teme es lo que la otra parte va a proponerNo los culpe por su problemaComente sus percepciones, y proponga que lo haganHaga que sus propuestas sean consistentes con sus valoresBusque oportunidades de ser inconsistente con lo que piensan de ustedHaga que les interese el resultado haciendolos participarEmocionReconozca las emociones (suyas y de la otra parte)Comente sus emociones y sentimientosIntente que la otra parte haga lo mismoNo reaccione ante un estallido emocionalUse gestos simbolicosComunicacionProblemas posibles?Que la otra parte hable para impresionar a tercerosQue la otra parte lo este ignorandoQue haya malos entendidosEscuche atentamente, y reconozca lo que dicenHable con el fin de que se le entiendaHable sobre usted mismo, no sobre ellosSea concreto, puntualEs mejor prevenirEstablezca una relacion de trabajoEnfrentese con el problema, no con las personas2 - Concentrese en los intereses, no en sus posicionesIntente conciliar intereses, no posicionesLos intereses definen el problemaTras posiciones opuestas hay interesesCompartidosCompatiblesComo se identifican los intereses?Pregunte: porque ... ?Pregunte: porque no ... ?Existen multiples interesesLos intereses mas poderosos son las necesidades humanasEconomicoSeguridadReconocimientoHaga una listaLa discusion sobre los interesesComente sus interesesLos intereses de ellos son parte del problemaExprese el problema antes que su solucionMire hacia adelante (futuro), no hacia atras (pasado)Sea concreto, pero flexibleSea duro con el problema, pero suave con las personas3 - Genere opciones de mutuo beneficioDiagnostico (obstaculos)Juicio prematuroBuscar una sola respuesta (final prematuro)El supuesto de un pastel de tamaño fijoLa creencia de que el problema es del otroRemedioSepare la invencion de la desicionTormenta de ideasAmplie sus opcionesVaya de lo especifico a lo general, y viceversaMire a traves de los ojos de varios expertosFraccione el problema en partes mas faciles de manejarCambie el alcance del acuerdoSepare en partesModifique la cantidad de asuntosModifique los plazosBusque el beneficio mutuoIdentifique intereses comunesComplemente intereses diferentesPregunteles que prefierenHaga que sea facil para la otra parte decidirQuienes son \"la otra parte\"?Que desicion?Piende que le criticarian (a la otra parte) si aceptara su propuesta4 - Utilize criterios objetivosLa necesidad de usarlosProduce acuerdos en forma amistosa y eficienteIdentificacionCriterios equitativos (para juzgar el asunto de fondo)Valor de mercadoLeyesUno divide, el otro eligeProcedimientos equitativos (para resolver el conflicto de intereses)La negociacionFormule cada aspecto como una busqueda conjuntaEscuche razonesNunca ceda ante la presion, si ante los principiosSi de acuerdo, pero...Si son mas poderosos?Encuentre su MaanProtegerseLos costos de utilizar un minimoConozca su MAANLa inseguridad de un MAAN desconocidoFormule un sistema de alarmaUtilizacion maxima de sus ventajasMientras mejor sea nuestro MAAN, mayor sera nuestro poderTenga en cuenta el MAAN de la otra parteSi no entran en el juego?El Jujitsu de la negociacionNo ataque la posicion del otro, mire detras de ellaNo defienda sus propias ideas, pida que lo critiquen y asesorenConvierta un ataque contra usted en un ataque al problemaPregunte y haga una pausaHaga las preguntas indicadas (Ver ej de agencia Jones)Procedimiento con un texto unicoSi juegan sucio?Tacticas engañosasInformacion falsa (mentiras)Engaño deliberado (distorsion de las cosas)Autoridad ambigua (aprobacion de otra persona)Promesas poco creiblesAlgo menos que toda la verdad no es una mentiraGuerra psicologicaSituaciones tensasAtaques personalesJuego del bueno y del maloAmenazasTacticas de presionNegativa a negociarExigencias exageradasExigencias crecientesTacticas de atrincheramientoEl socio inamobibleDemoras premeditadasTomelo o dejeloFases (PFI)Preparacion1 - Defina los asuntos a tratarHaga listasAgrupe temas segun interes o prioridad2 - Fije sus objetivosLimites minimos y maximos3 - Analice la situacion desde nuestro punto de vista y el de ellosObjetivosLimites de tiempoFortalezas y debilidadesPresupuestoPercepcionesPersonalidad de los negociadoresEstrategias4 - Planifique su estrategiaAmbiente o escenarioPlazosOfertas de salidaActitud negociadoraNegociacion1 - Juego del comienzoTareasCrear ambiente adecuado (formal, hostil, amigable, neutral)Comunicar posicionAveriguar posicion de la otra parteObjetivosConocer posicion de la otra parte2 - Juego del medioTareasAcercar las posiciones extremas del juego del comienzoCreacion, mantenimiento y control del impulsoTecnica de mutuas concesionesReserva para concesion finalPosicion para partir la diferenciaObjetivosAcercar las posiciones al maximo posible, previo a las concesiones del final3 - Juego del FinalTareasEvitar las tensiones y errores que provoca acercarse a los tiempos limitesMantener el control sobre las concesiones finalesObjetivosAsegurar haber llegado lo mas cerca del limite de la contraparteComunicar una finalizacion creibleRevision del acuerdo1 - Revise y aclare el acuerdo2 - Escriba memorandum de interpretacion3 - Planifique y analice futuras negociaciones con la otra parte4 - Mejore sus habilidades continuamenteAnexos (PFI)Tipos, clasificacionCantidad de partes involucradas (visibles y/u ocultas)Unico o multiples temasUnica o varias sesionesTiene mercado de referencia?Valor local o precedente?Acuerdo obligatorio?Autoridad de las partesDiferencias de poderPublicas o privadasNegociacion en equiposVentajasSe dispone de mas informacion e ideasSe logran analisis superiores del estado de situacionSe pueden utilizar roles especializadosDesventajasFiltracion de informacionPueden ocurrir concesiones no autorizadasRespuestas y toma de decisiones mas lentasDistribucion de rolesJefe de equipo (coordinador, ultima palabra)VoceroNegociador duroNegociador amigableAnalista de comportamientos (gestos)Analista de informacion (congruencia de datos)Especialista o expertoThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/plv8H17A_The-Hero-s-Journey.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Hero's JourneyPast ExperienceOrdinary WorldIII. Meet the Mentor ()V. Special world ()A. Awareness1. Statea. Limitedb. Greater2. Curiositya. Questions(1) 100 QuestionsIII. Meet the MentorII. Call to adventure ()Ordinary World ()The mentor can be a wise old person, a mythical creature, a talking animal, etc.A. InfluenceB. ReasonC. Tools1. SkillsII. Call to adventureIII. Meet the Mentor ()IV. Refusal ()For instance, \"One day, the king decided to test his children's loyalty.\"A. Prompt1. Eventa. Action(1) Reaction(a) Result(2) Stagnate(3) AcceptIV. RefusalII. Call to adventure ()V. Special world ()A. DenyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookV. Special worldOrdinary World ()IV. Refusal ()A. Cross the first thresholdThe protagonist accepts the call to adventure.1. Embracea. Paradoxes(1) Movementb. Ambiguityc. Fearsd. UncertaintyB. TestsDepending on the length of the story, you may add riddles, spells, dragons and so forth.1. Acquisitiona. Knowledge(1) Demonstrate2. Relationshipsa. Alliesb. EnemiesC. ApproachThis section helps build suspense. \"Quietly drawing near the dragon's lair . . .\"1. Realitya. Holistic Thinking(1) Balance2. InnovationD. OrdealThis is the physical climax of the story: a daring rescue, or a fight with the ogre, dragon or wizard.1. Conflict2. Peacea. Graceb. Poisec. AmbidexterityE. Reward1. Consequences2. Corporalita3. The Road BackIn this part, the protagonist returns victorious, but we also see the wisdom gained on this journey.a. The Return(1) Re-education to changeF. Return to Ordinary World1. Resurrectiona. Rejection(1) Connectionsb. Acceptance(1) Integration2. Return with the Elixira. Evidence(1) Intangible(a) Thoughtsi) Educate(b) Feelings(c) Judgements(2) Tangible(a) Words(b) Souvenirs(c) Pictures, Videos(d) KnowledgeGreater state of AwarenessReflectionSensationsVoiceSynchronicityPassion (Sfumato)ChangeDecisionSense of Self, IdentityReflectionTimeRisk"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/iQ6vIpRE_Runways-UK-Response-Keynote-Daniel-Moylan-Aviation-advisor-to-Mayor-of-London.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Response Keynote Daniel MoylanMayor of LondonDistinguish man from officeAviation crisis = London issueResponsibilitiesProduce a London PlanResponsible for planning applicationsTransport infrastructurePlanningHomesJobsOverall environmentCommissionTo defer decision?Protect London's interestWorking with commissionHarm of expansionNoiseAir pollutionSurface transport congestionRelocation of airport to EastHub airportReduced noise impactOpen up Estuary areaAviation must fit into the larger London PlanHousing and jobsLocating LondonersIs this understood by the Commission?Is 'London Plan' understoodThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookInterim Report'Bafta' awards for submissionsWhat objectives were to be fulfilled?Are selected options against evidence?Need to work better with MayorWhat is a hub?What must it provide?Does Gatwick option help 'hub'?Low cost vs LegacyRequirements differentUnderestimated surface accessCostRequirementsUnfair advantage to Heathrow?Motivated by self-interests?Where is public voice?Mayor left to articulateRelocating HeathrowOther international examplesNegative impacts of relocation?OverstatedNot evidenced?Capacity crisis?One runway by 2030?Or a 4 runway hub by 2030Questions?Would a Stansted option be better to push?Surface accessHeathrow already congestedPassengersStaffMayor proposed Stansted optionRejected by commissionLegal challenge to commission findings?Credible strategy to meet climate change goals?Mayor's strategy is consistentIf Boris were PM...?Mind Mapping Sponsored by:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/KbQm40IV_Special-Operations-Forces-Russia.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Special Operations Forces (Russia)about this mapby wojciech korsak (warsaw/POLAND)all info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Special_Operations_Forces_(Russia)infoActive2009 – presentAllegianceRussiaVladimir Putin (president)BranchSpecial Operations Forces CommandTypeSpecial Operations ForceRoleSpecial Operations ForceRole Special OperationsSpecial ReconnaissanceDirect ActionAssassinationSabotageUnconventional WarfareHVT RaidsHostage RescueCovert OperationsCounter TerrorismCounterintelligenceCounter InsurgencyCounterproliferationPart ofRussian Armed ForcesGarrison/HQKubinka-2, Moscow regionCurrent commanderMaj. Gen. Valery FlyustikovEngagementsCounter-piracy operations[1]Insurgency in the North Caucasus[2]Russian military intervention in UkraineAnnexation of Crimean PeninsulaSeizure of Crimean Parliament[3]Simferopol raid[4]Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil WarCampaign battlesEngagements Counter-piracy operations[1]Insurgency in the North Caucasus[2]Russian military intervention in UkraineAnnexation of Crimean PeninsulaSeizure of Crimean Parliament[3]Simferopol raid[4]Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil WarCampaign battles:[hide]Latakia Offensive[5]First battle of Palmyra[6][7]Second Ithriyah-Raqqa offensive[8]ISIL offensive on Palmyra[9]Aleppo counteroffensive[10]Operation Dawn of Victory[11]Second battle of Palmyra[12]Eastern Homs offensive[13]North Hama offensive[14]Operation Grand Dawn[15]East Hama offensive[16]Operation Khuzam[17]Hama counteroffensive[18]Battle of Deir ez-Zor[19]Euphrates Crossing offensiveMayadin offensiveOperation Fajr-3Liberation of whole western bank of the EuphratesOperation Damascus Steel[20]Eastern Qalamoun offensiveOperation Dawn of Idlib[21]introductionThe Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or just Special Operations Forces (SOF) (Russian: Силы специальных операций; ССО, tr. Sily spetsial’nykh operatsiy; SSO)[22][23] are strategic-level special forces under the Special Operations Forces Command (Russian: командование сил специальных операций; KCCO, tr. Komandovanie sil spetsial’nalnykh operatsii; KSSO or KSO)[23] of the General Staff[23] of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is also a structural and an independent unit of the Armed Forces.The first units of what would become the Special Operations Forces were transferred from the GRU in 2009 as part of the continuing 2008 Russian military reform.[24] The Special Operations Forces Command was set up in 2012 and announced in March 2013 by the Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov.[25][26] According to Gerasimov, the SOF was designed as a strategic-level asset, elite special operations force units of the KSSO whose primary missions would be foreign interventions including sabotage, anti-terrorism actions, foreign internal defense operations and undertaking the most complex, clandestine and classified special operations and missions for protecting interests of the Russian Federation.[27][28]SOF are distinct from the Spetsnaz GRU that until 2010 were under the Main Intelligence Directorate and whose subsequent subordination was left unclear[29][25] until 2013 where the decision was reversed and GRU special forces units were reassigned to GRU divisions and placed under GRU authority again.[30] Russia's SOF are manned exclusively by professional personnel hired on contract, of which all are full-time servicemen consisting of commissioned officers and regular soldiers.[25]On 26 February 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin decreed that 27 February be the Day of the SOF, according to multiple Russian official news agencies[31] (albeit not acknowledged formally), to mark the establishment of Russian control over the building of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Simferopol, Ukraine in February 2014.[32][24][25]Mission and methodsThe Special Operation Forces are a highly mobile, well-trained and equipped, constant combat readiness special operations force of the Russian Ministry of Defense, designed to perform specific tasks in order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation (with application of military force, by necessity), both within the country and abroad, in peacetime and in wartime.The Russian Ministry of Defense defines the term \"special operation\" as \"methods and ways of fighting not characteristic of conventional forces: reconnaissance and sabotage, subversion and sedition, counter-terrorism, counter-sabotage, counterintelligence, guerrilla, counter-guerrilla and other activities\".[33][34]The SOF have been primarily involved in Syria, conducting target acquisition for Russian Air Force combat planes conducting airstrikes and Russian Navy sea-launched cruise missile strikes, serving as military advisors training Syrian government troops, seek and destroying critical enemy objects,[35][36][37][38]disruption behind enemy lines through ambushes, high value targeted assassinations and retaliation strikes against select groups of fighters.HistoryWithin the Russian FederationIn 2009, as a part of the comprehensive reform of the Russian Federation's Armed Forces, Special Operations Directorate, subordinate directly to the Chief of the General Staff, was created on the basis of the GRU's special missions unit Senezh in the Moscow region.[24] The unit saw extensive action in the Caucasus region and earned the nickname podsolnukhi (sunflowers), a nickname given to the soldiers assigned to the unit while serving in Chechnya. It was reported that Colonel Oleg Martianov, who later became a member of the board of the Military-Industrial Commission, was one of the founders and first commander of the SOF from 2009 to 2013.[39][40]In 2012, the Special Operations Directorate was reorganized as Special Operations Command, which was followed by plans to upscale the Forces manpower up to 9 special purpose brigades.[25]On 6 March 2013, the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov announced the beginning of the Special Operations Forces creation. While speaking to foreign military attaches in Moscow, he said: \"After reviewing the practice of the formation, training and the use of special operations forces in the leading countries of the world, Russia's Defense Ministry has also begun to create them... A corresponding command was created, which is engaged in planning work and implements plan of training of the Armed Forces... A set of documents has already been elaborated to determine the direction of development, methods of training and application of these forces\".[26][41]In March 2013, according to Russian media reports, creation of the Special Operations Center of the Ministry of Defense of Russia for around 500 professional soldiers began in the suburban village of Kubinka-2. Formation of the Center was scheduled to be completed by the end of 2013. The center was directly subordinated to the Special Operations Forces Command of the Russian Ministry of Defense.At the end of April 2013, units of the Special Operations Forces conducted a special tactics exercise at Elbrus mountains at an altitude of 4,500 meters. The exercise was dedicated to practice transportation of one of the SSO units by military transport aviation and army aviation, as well as air insertion of personnel and cargo into target area.[42][43]During peacetime, the SOF may also be called in to execute certain specialised homeland security operations. In May 2013, the General Staff said that the unit would be tasked with security of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi and that the SOF now comprised air and naval components.[44] Again, when Russia hosted the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the SOF and FSB special forces units took charge of ensuring the security.[45]Since formation in 2009, the SOF also conducted counter-terrorism and special operations during the insurgency in the North Caucasus region disguised as other Spetsnaz units.Outside the Russian FederationThe SOF has also taken part in anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden, clashing with Somali pirates.In late February 2014, an unknown number of SOF operators alongside other Russian troops entered Crimea disguised as \"little green men\" and captured the Crimean Parliament and also began the blockading and capturing of other significant and strategic sites across the peninsula.[46][4]SOF combat operations in Syria, which began covertly in late 2015[47] became more visible by January 2016 with the successful Latakia offensive, played a crucial role in the Palmyra offensive, provided support to the Syrian Army attempting the recapturing of Raqqa, repelling the ISIL offensive on Palmyra and throughout the Syrian push for Aleppo in the same year.[48] They returned during the Second battle of Palmyra in 2017 and saw action throughout the year in the Eastern Homs offensive, North Hama offensive, Operation Grand Dawn, the East Hama offensive, Operation Khuzam, rescuing a Russian Military Police unit in the Idlib de-escalation zone and the entirety of the Eastern Syria campaign. The SOF also contributed to the success of the Rif Dimashq Governorate campaign in 2018 and Operation Dawn of Idlib in 2019.On 11 December 2017, SOF units provided top-level security for the unannounced visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Syria at Khmeimim Air Base by covering the most dangerous directions from sea, air and land. Vladimir Putin and Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu later personally thanked all the military personnel involved for their exemplary performance of the task.[49]StructureWhile official numbers are classified, between Senezh and Kubinka-2 there are an estimate of between 2,000 and 2,500 total personnel. Additionally, the Command also has supporting elements, that provide combat support and combat service support functions. Furthermore, the Command has a dedicated special aviation brigade that directly controls combat aviation assets at Torzhok, and a squadron of Ilyushin Il-76 transport aircraft at the Migalovo airfield near Tver.[50]The Special Operations Forces Command (KSSO) is similar in role to the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).[51] The Special Operations Forces Command reached full operational capability in 2013.TrainingThe training of the officer recruit special operators is carried out in the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School – RVVDKU (department of special and military intelligence and the department of the use of special forces) and the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School – NVVKU (department of special intelligence and the chair of the special reconnaissance and airborne training). At Senezh, potential operators learn skydiving, mountaineering, swimming and scuba diving, and storming buildings and homes, while Kubinka-2 focuses on maritime operations and recon and controls several naval special operations detachments. There is also a cold weather/mountaineering training centre at Mount Elbrus named \"Terskol\", in Kabardino-Balkaria. Additionally, depending on the individual tasks the soldiers are being prepared for or specialise in, the training is more in-depth.[50]The Special Operations Forces warfare training centers and facilities:Special Purpose Center \"Senezh\"Special Purpose Center \"Kubinka-2\"561st Naval Rescue Center344th Army Aviation Combat Center[50]Special Purpose Center \"Terskol\"List of SOF commandersCol. Oleg Martyanov 2009 2013Maj. Gen. Alexey Dyumin 2014 2015Maj. Gen. Alexander Matovnikov [ru] 2015 2018Maj. Gen. Valery Flyustikov 2018 Incumbent"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/XN0eEz6Q_Chapter-7-Pedagogical-differences-between-media.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Chapter 7: Pedagogical differences between mediareferenceBates, A. W. (2019). Understanding technology in education. Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Teaching and Learning. (chapter 7 ).Objective: identify pedagogical differences between mediaIntroductionStarting questionswhat is my underlying epistemological position about knowledge and teaching?what are the desired learning outcomes from the teaching?what teaching methods will be employed to facilitate the learning outcomes?what are the unique educational characteristics of each medium/technology, and how well do these match the learning and teaching requirements?what resources are available?media choices should be made considering the learning outcomes' particular mix ofcontentskillsAffordancesunique characteristicsTextin use for several centuriesgood atabstractionsequential informationstill graphicsdeveloping the higher learning outcomes required at an academic level, such as analysis, critical thinking, and evaluationacademic knowledgecodification:knowledge can be consistently represented in some form (words, symbols, video);transparency:the source of the knowledge can be traced and verified;reproduction:knowledge can be reproduced or have multiple copies;communicability:knowledge must be in a form such that it can be communicated and challenged by others.Books are especially goodfor the author that has spent a lifetime working on+in that formatlong format text where long presentation of arguments can be madethere's a bit of a circular argument going on: Books are what we're using in the academic field, so we have to be good at books.Audiooral communication continuationgood atforeign language learningmusicinterviews with expertsdiscussions between peopleeasier to create than videoit is easily combined with other media such as text, mathematical symbols, and graphics, allowing more than one sense to be used and allowing for ‘integration’We're going to cover transmedia, right?at which point distinctions make less senseimproved 'closeness' to instructorprobably because the recordings were more informal than boiled over-starched videoscreating audio is extra work for an instructorcreation of any media is extra work?a) compared to doing nothingb) maybe \"less integrated into existing well-established processes that the instructor uses\"\"audio over images\"so... video?Videogood fordemonstrate phenomenaesp- expensive or hard to showrecord and archivesubstitute for a field visitdemonstrate methodspause, rewind and replaystudents generally need to be guided as to what to look for in videoOne factor that makes video powerful for learning is its ability to show the relationship between concrete examples and abstract principles, with usually the sound track relating the abstract principles to concrete events shown in the videoweaknesseslack of knowledge/experience in using videoother than for recording lecturingwhich is telling.high quality costs a lotideally, needs to be tailored to the class, which increases costsComputingcomputing enables the end user to interact directly with the mediumgood atstructuring and managing contentsmake personalization possiblesynch+asynch communicationauto correcting multiple-choice questionsvirtual environmentsproviding opportunities to develop all the skills that all previous media offeredfear that \"computers will replace humans in education\".lack of training among educatorsrequires collaboration with other specialistsenables complex setups.... which require complex approachcomputing is an essential medium for teaching in a digital age.not just that:It's the essential tool for all white collars, and more and more an imperative for all jobsand interactions in societyteachers need to find the middle ground between complete learner freedom and over-direction to enable learners to develop the key skills needed in a digital age.Social mediacategoriesblogswikissocial networkingTwitter didn't make the listmulti-media archivesvirtual worldsmulti-player gamesmobile learninggood atproviding (online) communitystudents can post media-rich assignmentsconnecting with the worldstudents needstructured support,structured and selected content,recognized accreditationThe use of social media raises the inevitable issue of qualityAndrew Keen: ‘we are replacing the tyranny of experts with the tyranny of idiots.’\"Lord of the flies\" scenario"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/2mgjJMoR_Mind-Mapping-for-Business-Productivity09-30-16-30.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Mapping for Business Productivity 09:30 - 16:30WelcomeAbout BiggerplateThe Home of Mind MappingContentMind Map LibraryTemplates & ExamplesLearningWorkshops & EventsE-learning CoursesCommunityGlobal community+90,000 MembersBusiness, Education, Other...!About YouRichardEntrepreneur supportUsing mind maps alreadySomething for startups?TimClarke HowesNever formally used mind mapsSomething to use in our firmUse with our clients?MalcolmMoving out of NHSMoving to coaching/consultingFocusing on healthcare sectorMind maps for productivityAbout TodayInformal & interactiveHands-on experimentsLearning ProgressionBusiness ProductivityWhat do we mean?Working effectively in line with overall business plans and prioritiesWhy does it matter?Information OverloadLots coming at usLots in our headsWe're all under pressureTimeTasksTeamsExercise: Visual ExplorerWhat does productive feel like?What does unproductive feel like?Group ReviewDrains & Blockers?ProcrastinationDon't like to doSeems scaryToo bigSelf-imposedDoubtDon't know howConfidenceVisionClarityFocusKnowing the targetTimePressureInterruptionsPeopleNew informationTechnologyLose flowNo prioritiesProductivity Enablers?Clear visionKnow the goalClear outcomesPrioritiesKnownAlignedTrade-offsPurpose, sense of whyMeaningPeoplePlanningClear space and timeMind Mapping\"Visual organisation of ideas and information\"Facts/FictionTruePersonalContextualAdaptableFalseRight/wrong wayUnstructured/messyPanacea for allExercise: Reproduce MapGroup ReviewGeneralThicker/thinner linesMore/less meaningHelps prioritiesSome drawingNeed a skillDon't have to look goodForm vs functionColouringPaperProsForces you to thinkMore carefulSlows us downPracticalCheap/easyTactile/kinaestheticStick it up and see itConsHard to shareSoftwareProsNext steps/sharingCollaborationConnected with other softwareMore flexibilityChange things aroundUpdate/editReduce transcriptionReduce stagesEasy to exportConsRunning out of powerEasy to forget basic principlesDoesn't counter bad behavioursBuried in computerSWOT MappingWhat & Why?Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, ThreatsClarify context for decision makingIdentify key areas for attentionExercise: SWOT MappingPost-it CaptureBatch and GroupConvert into mind mapDiscuss with neighbourIdentify Top 3Exercise: Hybrid SWOTGroup ReviewPrompted more ideasAids explanationBreaks down pictureDevelop the narrativeThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookProductive MappingCapturePrinciplesClear your mind!Brain capacityConfidenceRelax!Capture everythingQuantity (not quality)Worry laterGroup similar ideasConnectionsThemesFeaturesAdd and move topicsIdeas 2iDEA 12nd layer informationNotesHyperlinksPrioritisePrinciplesYou can't action 100 priority itemsAlign with plans/strategyJoining dotsSequencesTop 3 ThinkingPromotion & relegationUnderstand trade-offsDon't let yourself off!FeaturesSort & Re-orderNumberingPrioritise ClockwisePrioritise Top to BottomIcons/MarkersPrioritiesUrgentPlanPrinciples\"Plans are useless, but planning is invaluable\"What, Who, WhenAction requiredOwner of actionsOrder of actionsBreaking things downSmaller tasksManageable actionsFeaturesWhat, who, when...Task InformationSaved ResourcesProgressPrinciplesFinishing v ProgressingWe stress about 'unfinished'We're pleased with progressMovable vs CompletableContext SwitchingTime lost in switching'Nudge' 100 things forwardMonitor & Review'Glance access'Info at your fingertipsProvides signpostsFeaturesProgress MarkersMoved/Unmoved% CompleteMind Map FiltersKey TemplatesPersonal OrganiserDraw 6 main branches (or alternatives)Populate your mapNames, tasks, ideas, problems...(Refer back to SWOT)Discuss with neighbourHybrid MapBuild out contentApply Top 3 ThinkingMoved/UnmovedIcons/FiltersGroup ReviewClient/Account ManagerAdd clients to new mapAdd secondary topicsObjectivesActionsTop 3OtherPeopleResearchLink Maps...Meeting PlannerChoose a meeting/call/eventDraw these branches (POST)Add next level infoP: Why are you having this meeting?O: What do you want to get out of it?S: How does meeting progress?T: When, time of day, durationLink Maps...Group ReviewConclusionsE-Learning AccessFurther InformationChecking OutRichardLean StartupBusiness Model CanvasAndrewCapture more infoMany sourcesWork with the infoMalcolmExpectationTime managementRealityTask/attention managementAlistairPractical approach"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Gj93qioV_Business-Plan-Template-example.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Business Plan Template (Developed)Executive SummaryPurpose of PlanSummaryOutline rewardsBusiness & ManagementHistoryOrigin: 2006Early years: 2008-2011Recent yearsBusiness modelB2CB2VB2BOverlap with performance?Performance ()PerformanceOverlap with performance? ()Year 8Year 9Year 10子主题MissionBe the best source of mind mapping Templates, Tutorials, and Training in the world.ObjectivesIndustry leader within 3 yearsNumber 1 in searchKey Result 3Objective:Key Result 1Key Result 2Key Result 3Objective:Key Result 1Key Result 2Key Result 3Key peopleManagement teamYasirTitle:ResponsibilitiesGrahamTitle:ResponsibilitiesProbirTitle:ResponsibilitiesKey employeesJulianaTitle:ResponsibilitiesAndreasTitle:ResponsibilitiesSuleimanTitle:ResponsibilitiesAdvisersSteveExpertiseManeeshExpertiseMohamedExpertiseLegal infoFinancesForecastsP&L ForecastsCash flow forecastsBalance sheet forecastsMost recent version?AnalysisBalance sheet analysisKey performance ratiosAssumptionsFundingPurposeFunding infoLevelsTimingTypeReturn on InvestmentMarket analysisMarket trendsMove to online toolsSee PEST analysisGrowth in AsiaSee PEST analysisGrowing middle classSee PEST analysisSales forecastCustomersCurrentBravo CoCustomer valueProduct AProduct CProduct FOpportunitiesProduct XProduct YAlpha CoFoxtrot CoNot yet signed. Should we include as current or potential?Zulu CoPotentialEcho CoTango CoCompetitor analysisBusiness StrategyPESTPoliticalEconomicGrowth in AsiaNew providersGrowing customer baseSocialTechnicalMove to online toolsSWOTStrengthsOur leadership positionStrong teamEnergised marketWeaknessesLeadership claritySystems trainingOffice locationOpportunitiesOffice relocationGrow partnershipsChina expansionThreatsDisengaged stakeholdersEmployee moraleCompetitor activityContingency PlanningMarketing StrategyProductResearchElements of B2B valueElements of B2C valuePlacePricePromotionDistributionProducts/ServicesDescriptionB2CPROWhat stats to include here?CertificationB2BTrainingSoftware-specificGeneral Mind MappingConsultingTemplate DevelopmentSoftware OnboardingB2VPartner NetworkAdvertisingFeatures & BenefitsCompetitive comparisonIntellectual PropertyProduct DevelopmentOperationsProcess/Service provisionFacilities/EquipmentIT InfrastructureServersServicesOfficesLondonOxfordCapacity planningSuppliersTechnical SupportZulu CoRomeo COService PartnersEMEAPartner JKPartner ALPartner MKAmericasPartner HGPartner TKAPACNo partners at presentPeopleRecruitmentRetentionInsuranceAppendicesResume informationDetailed spreadsheetsFull SWOT Analysis"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/mndOJ6QU_Social-Methods-Workshop-APM-PMO-SIG-Autumn-Conference-2015.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Workshop: Social MethodsChair: Ray Mead P3M GlobalPeopleProcessTechnologyempowers and enables, does NOT driveSeeing a shift to leading with technologyIs challenging priority of people and processesgetting the right mix is the key or trickFailures happen when one of three dominates at the cost to othersMix of staff and contractorsCan lead to knowledge (experience) in the internal staffing (not in contractors)Forces standards and methods to keep our own people knowledgeable and capableRisk managementMethods - what is happening now?How are they evolving to adapt to social trendwe reorganise so much we are not ahead of the curvewe're getting things like Yammer, and working how it fitsMessengerCan remember conversationsNext methodologyDo you have a social media policyMore HR led what you can and cannot doHow do we regulate what people can and cannot do with toolsagain in HR policiesIn our projects we have to develop our OWN culture of risk management and use of tools, and processesIs there a shift to collaborative exploring what is happening and less compliance drivenAsking how is it working?What is happening?Have you what you need to control, performLess tick box complianceThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookImportance of leadership by our peopleThey know what way we want to workShifting to get more information out to people to enable their understanding and confidenceThey know about the competencies of peopleChanging the nature of contractors engagementInductions for newClinics for learning and processesPeople needMore subject matter experts who can challenge and enable improvementNew tools and ways of working continuously to be absorbedhave challenge of existing systems being 'locked down' and limiting useWorks best when there is a groundswellImpact is going to be 'competition' and energy to use new systems to achieveVariation between business units working vs central PMOOften central PMO NOT wanting to be tools pickerslocal business units/projects often drive adoption and changeCentral PMO recognise different units have different needs, just need to enable data transfer and communicationChallenge of out of date reporting - need for REAL time DashboardsThis is big impact areaIt will overtake/remove periodic reportingAnyone can see what is happening real timeVersions of the truth can be addressed by real time vs static (historic) reportingWill it drive the right or wrong behaviour - it's red, change it to green!Culture change challengeWhether the organisation tolerates the truthAvoiding people writing reports to pacify leaders instead of truth"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VJLUaVAL_Ministry-of-Foreign-Affairs-Soviet-Union-Commissars-and-ministers.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Soviet Union) Commissars and ministersabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Soviet_Union)introThe Ministry of External Relations (MER) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) (Russian: Министерство иностранных дел СССР), formed on was founded on 6 July 1923. It had three names during its existence: People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs (1923–1946), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1946–1991) and Ministry of External Relations (1991). It was one of the most important government offices in the Soviet Union.The Ministry was led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs prior to 1991, and a Minister of External Relations in 1991. Every leader of the Ministry was nominated by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and confirmed by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, and was a member of the Council of Ministers.The Ministry of External Relations negotiated diplomatic treaties, handled Soviet foreign affairs along with the International Department of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and aided in the guidance of world communism and anti-imperialism, both strong themes of Soviet policy. Before Mikhail Gorbachev became CPSU General Secretary, the organisational structure of the MER mostly stayed the same. As many other Soviet agencies, the MER had an inner-policy group known as the Collegium, made up of the minister, the two first deputy ministers and nine deputy ministers, among others. Each deputy minister usually headed his own department.People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSRGeorgy Chicherin (1872–1936)6 July 192321 July 1930Lenin IIRykov I–II–III–IV–VMaxim Litvinov (1876–1951)21 July 19303 May 1939Molotov I–II–III–IVVyacheslav Molotov (1890–1986)3 May 193915 March 1946Molotov IVStalin I–IIMinister of Foreign Affairs of the USSRVyacheslav Molotov (1890–1986)19 March 19464 March 1949Stalin IIAndrey Vyshinsky (1883–1954)4 March 19495 March 1953Stalin IIVyacheslav Molotov (1890–1986)5 March 19531 June 1956Malenkov I–IIBulganinDmitri Shepilov (1905–1995)1 June 195615 February 1957BulganinKhrushchev IAndrei Gromyko (1909–1989)15 February 19572 July 1985Khrushchev I–IIKosygin I–II–III–IV–VTikhonov I–IIEduard Shevardnadze (1928–2014)2 July 198515 January 1991Tikhonov IIRyzhkov I–IIAlexander Bessmertnykh (born 1933)15 January 199128 August 1991PavlovBoris Pankin (acting) (born 1931)28 August 199118 November 1991SilayevMinister of External Relations of the USSREduard Shevardnadze (1928–2014)19 November 199125 December 1991Silayev"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/nTG3O2xs_Administrative-divisions-of-Morocco.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Administrative divisions of Moroccoabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrative_divisions_of_MoroccoinformationCapitalRabatLargest cityCasablancaGovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchyKingMohammed VIPrime MinisterSaadeddine OthmaniArea710,850 km2Time zoneUTC+1Calling code+212introductionis a country located in the Maghreb region of North Africa. It overlooks the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west, with land border with Algeria to the east and Western Sahara to the south (status disputed). Morocco also claims the exclaves of Ceuta, Melilla and Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, all of them under Spanish jurisdiction, as well as several small Spanish-controlled islands of its coast.[11] The capital is Rabat and the largest city is Casablanca.[12] Morocco spans an area of 710,850 km2 (274,460 sq mi) and has a population of over 36 million.Morocco's predominant religion is Islam, and its official languages are Arabic and Berber, the latter achieving official recognition in 2011,[14] having been the native language of Morocco before the Muslim conquest in the seventh century C.E.[15] The Moroccan dialect of Arabic, referred to as Darija, and French are also widely spoken. Moroccan culture is a blend of Berber, Arab, Sephardi Jews, West African and European influences.Morocco is a member of theArab LeagueUnion for the MediterraneanAfrican Union.Western SaharaGuelmim-Oued Noun RegionAssa-Zag Province (partly located in Western Sahara)Sidi Ifni Province (located in Mainland Morocco)Guelmim Province (located in Mainland Morocco)Tan-Tan Province (located in Mainland Morocco)Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra RegionBoujdour ProvinceEs Semara ProvinceLaâyoune ProvinceTarfaya ProvinceDakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab RegionAousserd ProvinceOued Ed-Dahab ProvinceMainland MoroccoTanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima RegionM'diq-Fnideq PrefectureTangier-Assilah PrefectureAl Hoceïma ProvinceChefchaouen ProvinceFahs-Anjra ProvinceLarache ProvinceOuezzane ProvinceTétouan ProvinceOriental RegionPrefecture of Oujda-AngadBerkane ProvinceDriouch ProvinceFiguig ProvinceGuercif ProvinceJerada ProvinceNador ProvinceTaourirt ProvinceFès-Meknès RegionPrefecture of FèsPrefecture of MeknèsBoulemane ProvinceEl Hajeb ProvinceIfrane ProvinceSefrou ProvinceTaounate ProvinceTaza ProvinceMoulay Yacoub ProvinceRabat-Salé-Kénitra RegionPrefecture of RabatPrefecture of SaléPrefecture of Skhirat-TémaraKénitra ProvinceKhémisset ProvinceSidi Kacem ProvinceSidi Slimane ProvinceBéni Mellal-Khénifra RegionAzilal ProvinceBéni-Mellal ProvinceFquih Ben Salah ProvinceKhénifra ProvinceKhouribga ProvinceCasablanca-Settat RegionPrefecture of CasablancaPrefecture of arrondissements of Casablanca AnfaPrefecture of arrondissements of Al Fida - Mers SultanPrefecture of arrondissements of Aïn Sebaâ - Hay MohammadiPrefecture of arrondissement of Hay HassaniPrefecture of arrondissement of Aïn ChockPrefecture of arrondissements of Sidi BernoussiPrefecture of arrondissements of Ben M'SickPrefecture of arrondissements of Moulay RachidPrefecture of MohammediaBen Slimane ProvinceBerrechid ProvinceEl Jadida ProvinceMédiouna ProvinceNouaceur ProvinceSettat ProvinceSidi Bennour ProvinceMarrakech-Safi RegionPrefecture of Marrakech (fr)Al Haouz ProvinceChichaoua ProvinceEl Kelâat Es-Sraghna ProvinceEssaouira ProvinceRehamna ProvinceSafi ProvinceYoussoufia ProvinceDrâa-Tafilalet RegionErrachidia ProvinceMidelt ProvinceOuarzazate ProvinceTinghir ProvinceZagora ProvinceSouss-Massa RegionPrefecture of Agadir-Ida Ou TananePrefecture of Inezgane-Aït MelloulChtouka Aït Baha ProvinceTaroudant ProvinceTata ProvinceTiznit Province"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/0aZzKfTt_SharePoint-2010-Best-Practices.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SharePoint 2010 Best PracticesBackup and RecoveryThis section deals with best practices about the back up and restore of SharePoint environmentsBackup and recoveryDiscusses when to use SCA to perform backupsGeneral backup and recovery guidelinesProvides good explanation of what get's backed up and whenDeploymentDeployment of software artifacts is important. This section discusses best practicesDeployment to different farm topologies.DevelopmentThis section covers best practices targeted towards software developersBest practice for determining the current user in a SharePoint workflowBest Practices for Developing Sandboxed Solutions in SharePoint 2010Best practices for SPF concerning suspending impersonation, unnecessary construction of SPSite and SPWeb objects, event receivers, disposing objects, file naming restrictions, handling large folders and lists, object caching techniques, and optimizing code performanceCreate a separate WCF service or a WCF service in SharePoint context?Creating an IDisposable class for lists so you won't forget to dispose SPSite and SPWeb objectsDeveloping applications for SharePoint 2010Disposing objectsHow to retrieve the current user in a SharePoint workflow.Patterns and practices from MS Patterns and Practices group for developing applications in SharePoint 2010Security Best Practices for Developers in SharePoint 2010Setting up a development environmentSharePoint Guidance Hands on Labs by MSSharePoint MVC patternSharePoint MVP patternTips about writing efficient codeVisual Studio.NET 2010 requirements for developing SharePoint 2010 solutionsWhich API should you use: SharePoint object model/web services/client object model/custom WCF service leveraging server object model?Extranet EnvironmentsThis section provides an overview of planning and design considerations for SharePoint Extranet EnvironmentsExtranet topologiesExtranet topologies and firewallsMore extranet topologiesProvides advice regarding SharePoint Extranet environments. Created by members of Microsoft Consulting ServicesFarmsThis section discusses best practices regarding SharePoint 2010 farm topologies3-tier farmCommon ways to build and scale farm topologiesDiscussion of basic types of deploymentDiscussion of three supported topologies: Single Data Center High-Availability Model, Cross-Site High-Availability Model, and Multiple-Farm Cross-Site ModelExamples of diagramming SharePoint topologiesNice explanation of basic terminologyScale out from a 2-tier farm to a 3-tier farmTechnical diagrams of recommended solutionsTopology and licensing example of medium farmInstallation, Removal, Configuration, and OperationThis section deals with best practices regarding the following questions: How to install SharePoint? How to configure it? How to keep it operating? All best practices are targeted towards the IT ProA PowerShell script for quickly creating SharePoint service accountsAccount permissions and security settingsBe careful with list throttling settingDiscusses content deployment best practices. Created by Microsoft employeesDiscusses how to keep My Sites manageable. Created by Microsoft employeesDiscusses what to do when the crawl database becomes too largeExplains how to remove SharePoint in a clean and orderly fashionGeneral considerations regarding service accountsHow to handle historical data in lists?Installing SharePoint 2010 and SQL Server 2012Least privilege model for service accountsLeast privilege user accountsLeast privileges for administrative and service accountsMusings about the advantages of SPDPeople and Profiles. Created by MS employeesProvides advice for the IT Pro how to keep team collaboration sites manageable. Created by Microsoft Consulting ServicesProvides advice on how to get and keep your environment up and running. This list is created by members of the Microsoft Consulting Services teamRow limits in external lists.Search. Created by MS employeesShould you choose to use AD groups or SharePoint groups?SQL Server 2008 best practices. Created by Microsoft employeesTroubleshooting SSRS reportsIntroBest practicesThese practices are patterns that have proven themselves over and over again as a way to achieve a high quality of your solutions, and it's completely irrelevant who proposed them. Often MS best practices will also fall in this category. In real life, these practices should be the most important ones to follow.Microsoft best practicesIn real life, these are the most important ones to know, as most companies implementing SharePoint best practices have a tendency to follow as much of these as possibly can. Independent consultants doing architecture and code reviews will certainly take a look at these as well. In general, you can safely say that best practices endorsed by Microsoft have an added bonus and it will be mentioned whenever this is the case.PracticesThese are just approaches that are reused over and over again, but not necessarily the best ones. Wiki's are a great way to discern best practices from practices. It's certainly possible that this page refers to these \"Practices of the 3rd kind\", but hopefully, the SharePoint community will eventually filter them out. Therefore, everybody is invited and encouraged to actively participate in the various best practices discussions.PerformanceWhen implementing IT solutions, everybody will face the day where a customer isn't happy with the way an application is performing. Because of the complex infrastructure and vast amount of features of SharePoint, there are many ways to approach these issues. Because of that and the importance of the topic, our first category outlines best practices to tackling performance problemsGreat series of articles about performance management.Large farm performance studyManaging large, up to multi-terabyte content databases.Performance studiesPerformance study of virtualized small farmPerhaps the most comprehensive resource about solving SharePoint 2010 performance issuesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPlanningEvery SharePoint undertaking will at one point face the following questions: how long will it take, how much will it cost to implement, and how will we use it?Adoption best practicesCapacity managementGetting startedInterpretation of a \"typical\" SharePoint projectMaxer for SharePoint 2010 is a tool that checks for capacity boundaries in existing SharePoint farmsThe first and so far only resource covering this particular topicReal Life UsageOnce you have SharePoint deployed, it's up to the end users, power users, and IT Pros to make the best of it. This section discusses best practices targeted towards this audienceBest practices that help indexing content stored on file sharesDealing with copying permissions between site collectionsDiscusses advantages of folders over viewsDiscusses whether to store data in SharePoint lists, external lists, or relational databasesDiscussion of the use of Asset vs Picture librariesDiscussion whether a WCF service should be separate or run within SharePoint contextSearchSearch is a complex topic and important to almost every company working with SharePoint. This section discusses best practicesFAST search topologyHow to use a dedicated web server for crawlingWhen to crawl contentTop 5 SharePoint BooksBooks remain the most important resource for learning a new topic. Here's a suggestion of the best SharePoint 2010 books out there.Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2010Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administrator's CompanionMicrosoft SharePoint Designer 2010 Step by StepSharePoint 2010 Site Owner's Manual: Flexible Collaboration without ProgrammingSharePoint 2010 Web Parts in ActionTop 10 Blogs to FollowIt's certainly a best practice to keep up to date with the latest SharePoint news. Therefore, a top 10 of blog suggestions to follow is included.Andrew Connell on SharePointGokan Ozcifci on SharePointJoel Oleson's SharePoint LandLightning Tools BlogNikander & Margriet on SharePointNothing but SharePointScot Hillier on SharePointThe SharePoint Developer team blog.The SharePoint guys.Wictor Wilen on SharePointTop 10 SharePoint ToolsWhat to put in your bag of tools?CAML DesignerCAML.NET: IntelliSense for CAMLCKSDevMigration DragonMuse.VSExtensionsSharePoint Flavored Weblog ReaderSharePoint ManagerSharePoint MaxerULS Log ViewerUpgrade and MigrationIf a product is successful, it has to be upgraded at some pointPreparing for upgradeReviews upgrade best practicesVideo about upgrade and migration best practicesVideo about Upgrade lessons learned by MSVideo of best practicesVirtualizationIt's very common that SharePoint farms use virtualization techniques. This section is dedicated to best practices concerning virtualizationDiscusses virtualization best practices. Created by Microsoft Consulting ServicesPerformance tips for virtual PCs"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bAFzJV2j_List-of-president-of-Russia.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "List of presidents of RussiaBoris Yeltsin Борис ЕльцинTerm of officeJuly 10, 1991[A 1]December 31, 1999AffiliationNonpartisanTerm1 (1991)2 (1996)Previous officePeople's Deputy of Russia(1990–1991)Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Russia(1990–1991)Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Russia(1990–1991)Prime Minister(s)I. SilayevHimselfV. ChernomyrdinS. KiriyenkoY. PrimakovS. StepashinV. PutinVladimir Putin Владимир Путин ()Vladimir Putin Владимир ПутинPrime Minister(s) ()V. Putin ()Term of officeMay 7, 2000[A 2]May 7, 2008AffiliationNonpartisanTerm3 (2000)4 (2004)Previous officePrime Minister of Russia(1999–2000)Acting President of Russia(1999–2000)Prime Minister(s)M. KasyanovM. FradkovV. ZubkovDmitry Medvedev Дмитрий МедведевTerm of officeMay 7, 2008May 7, 2012AffiliationUnited RussiaTerm5 (2008)Previous officeFirst Deputy Prime Minister of Russia(2005–2008)Prime Minister(s)Vladimir Putin Владимир Путин ()V. PutinVladimir Putin Владимир Путин ()Vladimir Putin Владимир ПутинV. Putin ()6 (2012)Term of officeMay 7, 2012Incumbent(term expires 7 May 2018)AffiliationUnited RussiaPrevious officePrime Minister of Russia(2008–2012)Prime Minister(s)D. Medvedev7 (2018)Term of officePresident-elect(inauguration on May 7, 2018)AffiliationNonpartisanPrevious officePrime Minister of Russia(2008–2012)Prime Minister(s)TBDabout this mapby wojciech korsakPOLANDWARSAWall information & pictures: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_Russia"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/tBHwozSE_KREATOR-discography.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "KREATOR discography all info & graphics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kreator_discographyEndless Pain 19851. \"Endless Pain\" 3:322. \"Total Death\" 3:283. \"Storm of the Beast\" 5:014. \"Tormentor\" 2:565. \"Son of Evil\" 4:166. \"Flag of Hate\" 4:427. \"Cry War\" 3:458. \"Bone Breaker\" 2:589. \"Living in Fear\" 3:1210. \"Dying Victims\" 4:51Pleasure to Kill 19861. \"Choir of the Damned\" 1:392. \"Ripping Corpse\" 3:363. \"Death Is Your Saviour\" 3:584. \"Pleasure to Kill\" 4:115. \"Riot of Violence\" 4:566. \"The Pestilence\" 6:587. \"Carrion\" 4:488. \"Command of the Blade\" 3:579. \"Under the Guillotine\" 4:38Terrible Certainty 19871. \"Blind Faith\" 4:072. \"Storming with Menace\" 4:263. \"Terrible Certainty\" 4:294. \"As the World Burns\" 3:505. \"Toxic Trace\" 5:336. \"No Escape\" 5:017. \"One of Us\" 4:008. \"Behind the Mirror\" 4:34Extreme Aggression 1989. \"Extreme Aggression\" 4:442. \"No Reason to Exist\" 4:373. \"Love Us or Hate Us\" 3:424. \"Stream of Consciousness\" 3:535. \"Some Pain Will Last\" 5:396. \"Betrayer\" 3:597. \"Don't Trust\" 3:438. \"Bringer of Torture\" 2:159. \"Fatal Energy\" 4:57Coma of Souls 19901. \"When the Sun Burns Red\" 5:282. \"Coma of Souls\" 4:183. \"People of the Lie\" 3:154. \"World Beyond\" 2:025. \"Terror Zone\" 5:546. \"Agents of Brutality\" 5:167. \"Material World Paranoia\" 4:598. \"Twisted Urges\" 2:469. \"Hidden Dictator\" 4:4710. \"Mental Slavery\" 5:43Renewal 19921. \"Winter Martyrium\" 5:432. \"Renewal\" 4:363. \"Reflection\" 6:154. \"Brainseed\" 3:175. \"Karmic Wheel\" 6:066. \"Realitätskontrolle\" 1:227. \"Zero to None\" 3:128. \"Europe After the Rain\" 3:199. \"Depression Unrest\" 5:0Cause for Conflict 19951. \"Prevail\" 3:592. \"Catholic Despot\" 3:233. \"Progressive Proletarians\" 3:244. \"Crisis of Disorder\" 4:175. \"Hate Inside Your Head\" 3:396. \"Bomb Threat\" 1:477. \"Men Without God\" 3:468. \"Lost\" 3:359. \"Dogmatic Authority\" 1:2710. \"Sculpture of Regret\" 2:5911. \"Celestial Deliverance\" 3:1512. \"Isolation\" (The song \"Isolation ends at 4:00. After 5 minutes of silence begins an untitled hidden song.) 11:5Outcast 19971. \"Leave This World Behind\" 3:292. \"Phobia\" 3:223. \"Forever\" 2:524. \"Black Sunrise\" 4:335. \"Nonconformist\" 3:156. \"Enemy Unseen\" 3:217. \"Outcast\" 4:548. \"Stronger than Before\" 3:179. \"Ruin of Life\" 3:5310. \"Whatever It May Take\" 3:4711. \"Alive Again\" 3:4712. \"Against the Rest\" 2:3913. \"A Better Tomorrow\" 4:13Endorama 19991. \"Golden Age\" 4:512. \"Endorama\" (featuring Tilo Wolff from Lacrimosa) 3:203. \"Shadowland\" 4:274. \"Chosen Few\" 4:305. \"Everlasting Flame\" 5:236. \"Passage to Babylon\" 4:247. \"Future King\" 4:448. \"Entry\" 1:059. \"Soul Eraser\" 4:3010. \"Willing Spirit\" 4:3611. \"Pandemonium\" 4:1012. \"Tyranny\" 4:0013. \"Children of a Lesser God\" (Japanese bonus track) 3:33Violent Revolution 20011. \"Reconquering the Throne\" 4:132. \"The Patriarch\" 0:523. \"Violent Revolution\" 4:554. \"All of the Same Blood (Unity)\" 6:125. \"Servant in Heaven - King in Hell\" 5:106. \"Second Awakening\" 4:487. \"Ghetto War\" 5:058. \"Replicas of Life\" 7:349. \"Slave Machinery\" 3:5810. \"Bitter Sweet Revenge\" 5:2511. \"Mind on Fire\" 3:5712. \"System Decay\" 4:33Enemy of God 20051. \"Enemy of God\" 5:432. \"Impossible Brutality\" 4:303. \"Suicide Terrorist\" 3:284. \"World Anarchy\" 3:555. \"Dystopia\" 3:416. \"Voices of the Dead\" 4:337. \"Murder Fantasies\" 4:508. \"When Death Takes Its Dominion\" 5:389. \"One Evil Comes - A Million Follow\" 3:1910. \"Dying Race Apocalypse\" 4:4011. \"Under a Total Blackened Sky\" 4:2812. \"The Ancient Plague\" 6:5813. \"Impossible Brutality\" (bonus video) 3:41Hordes of Chaos 20091. \"Hordes of Chaos (A Necrologue for the Elite)\" 5:042. \"Warcurse\" 4:103. \"Escalation\" 3:244. \"Amok Run\" 4:125. \"Destroy What Destroys You\" 3:136. \"Radical Resistance\" 3:437. \"Absolute Misanthropy\" 3:378. \"To the Afterborn\" 4:539. \"Corpses of Liberty\" 0:5510. \"Demon Prince\" 5:16Phantom Antichrist 20121. \"Mars Mantra\" (Instrumental) 1:182. \"Phantom Antichrist\" 4:313. \"Death to the World\" 4:534. \"From Flood into Fire\" 5:265. \"Civilization Collapse\" 4:136. \"United in Hate\" 4:317. \"The Few, the Proud, the Broken\" 4:378. \"Your Heaven, My Hell\" 5:539. \"Victory Will Come\" 4:1410. \"Until Our Paths Cross Again\" 5:49Gods of Violence 20171. \"Apocalypticon\" 1:062. \"World War Now\" 4:283. \"Satan Is Real\" Petrozza, Jäger 4:384. \"Totalitarian Terror\" 4:455. \"Gods of Violence\" 5:516. \"Army of Storms\" 5:097. \"Hail to the Hordes\" 4:028. \"Lion with Eagle Wings\" 5:229. \"Fallen Brother\" Petrozza, Jäger 4:3710. \"Side by Side\" 4:1911. \"Death Becomes My Light\" 7:2612. \"Earth Under the Sword\" (Japanese bonus track) 3:29"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/o603116_Add_Ins_for_MindManager_.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MindManager Add InsExcelImport ExportExport to ExcelExport Excel MacroaHa!2Way XLS add-inaHa!2Way XLS add-in ()Synchronises task data and notesOutlookOutlook EasyTask Add-inOutlook Tasks in Outlook CalendarOutlook EasyTask Add-inApplicationsContext OrganizerInstant content summaryX-MacrosCreate macros which run on a mapMap ManagementMindMap NavigatorMasterMap Linker for MindManagerMindMap Search Indexing Plug-in for Google DesktopOpen OfficeAutomateIT! Pro ProductsDiverts MindManager exports to Open OfficeMap StorageMmap StorageMindjet ConnectWeb ClientsMindMeisterMindomoBlackberryMindBerry for Storm BlackBerryiPhoneiBlueSkyMind Mapping For iPhoneMindMakerMindMeister acquires iPhone AppiThoughtsPlanningaHa!2Way XLS add-inaHa!2Way XLS add-in ()GyroQManaging InterruptionsMind2ChartSynchronised with mapPower MarkersFilteringProjectMindjet JCVGantt Pro 3MS Project AdapterAccess to MS Project filesResults ManagerGetting Things DoneSuppliersActivityOwner.comaHa!CoachingApriorIT PEContext Discovery Inc.EXswapGyronixIA ResearchJapan Userware CorporationMeisterLabs GmbHMind2ChartMindBerryMindjetMmapStorageOlympic LimitedTenero Software LimitedWisco ComputerserviceNotesThese are guide pricesMissing Add Ins - Please tell meLegendReview"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/S3OcaPK7_Municipalities-of-the-Brussels-Capital-Region.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Regionabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_municipalities_of_the_Brussels-Capital_RegionAnderlecht118,24117.7 km2 (6.8 sq mi)Auderghem33,3139.0 km2 (3.5 sq mi)Berchem-Sainte-Agathe24,7012.9 km2 (1.1 sq mi)Bruxelles-Ville*176,54532.6 km2 (12.6 sq mi)DistrictsPentagonCentral DistrictRoyal DistrictSablon/Zavel DistrictMarolles/Marollen DistrictMidi-Lemonnier DistrictSenne/Zenne DistrictQuays District or Maritime DistrictMarais-Jacqmain DistrictLibertés/Vrijheden DistrictEastern districtsEuropean Quarter or Leopold QuarterNorthern districtsLaekenMutsaardNeder-Over-HeembeekHarenEtterbeek47,4143.1 km2 (1.2 sq mi)Evere40,3945.0 km2 (1.9 sq mi)Forest55,7466.2 km2 (2.4 sq mi)Ganshoren24,5962.5 km2 (1.0 sq mi)Ixelles86,2446.3 km2 (2.4 sq mi)Jette51,9335.0 km2 (1.9 sq mi)Koekelberg21,6091.2 km2 (0.5 sq mi)Molenbeek-Saint-Jean96,6295.9 km2 (2.3 sq mi)Saint-Gilles50,4712.5 km2 (1.0 sq mi)Saint-Josse-ten-Noode27,1151.1 km2 (0.4 sq mi)Schaerbeek133,0428.1 km2 (3.1 sq mi)Uccle82,30722.9 km2 (8.8 sq mi)Watermael-Boitsfort24,87112.9 km2 (5.0 sq mi)Woluwe-Saint-Lambert55,2167.2 km2 (2.8 sq mi)Woluwe-Saint-Pierre41,2178.9 km2 (3.4 sq mi)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/j7EnCPGJ_Http-dbpedia-org-resource-Melbourne.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Melbourneis locationTown ofCity_Baths,_MelbourneVictoria_Barracks,_Melbourneis hqCity ofV/LineMetro_Trains_Melbourneis headquarter ofThe_AgeAustralian_Red_CrossAnsett_AustraliaThe_Truth_(newspaper)pop4137432yearRainDays151yearRecordLowC−2.8thumbnailhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/70/Melbourne_montage_six_frame_infobox_jpg.jpg/200px-Melbourne_montage_six_frame_infobox_jpg.jpgpopulationTotal4137432is regionServed ofMetro_Trains_MelbourneThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookhttp://dbpedia.org/resource/Melbourne_Arts_PrecinctabstractThe Melbourne Arts Precinct (also referred to as Ngargee, which is a Bunurong word for describing 'gathering for celebration') is a series of galleries, performing arts venues and spaces in Melbourne, Victoria, in Australia. The precinct is situated less than 1 km from the Melbourne city centre in Southbank and is centred around, and near, St Kilda Road. It differs from the Melbourne theatre district in the city centre, as most of the galleries and venues in the precinct are publicly funded. The precinct is also a prime location for the administrative offices, broadcast studios, schools and training institutions of many arts organisations. In 2008, it was announced by the Government of Victoria the precinct would receive a A$128 million upgrade, with the major refurbishment of Hamer Hall as its centrepiece. The combined Melbourne Recital Centre and MTC Theatre complex, which opened in February 2009, recently won the Moore Stephens Award for Public Buildings at the Property Council of Australia - the country's highest award for a public building.julRecordLowC−2.8is birthPlace ofRupert_Murdochis headquarters ofThe_AgeAustralian_Red_CrossAnsett_Australiais premierePlace ofSummer_of_the_Aliensis areaServed ofMetro_Trains_Melbourneis setting ofSummer_of_the_Aliensis birthPlace ofRupert_MurdochKeith Rupert Murdoch, AC, KSG (born 11 March 1931) is an Australian American media mogul. Murdoch became managing director of Australia's News Limited, inherited from his father, in 1952. He is the founder, Chairman and CEO of global media holding company the News Corporation, the world's second-largest media conglomerate.is owl:sameAs ofhttp://data.nytimes.com/63546927313578823723area8806is location ofV/LineMetro_Trains_Melbourneis location ofCity_Baths,_Melbournedbpedia-owl:abstractCity Baths, in Melbourne, Australia, is a historically significant building. Located at 420 Swanston Street, it is of architectural significance. The Melbourne City Council opened the first Melbourne City Baths on 9 January 1860, which housed public baths. The objective was to stop people from bathing in the Yarra River, which by the 1850s had become quite polluted and the cause of an epidemic of typhoid fever which hit the city resulting in many deaths. However, people continued to swim and drink the water. The Baths were leased to a private operator, but lack of maintenance resulted in such deterioration of the building that the Baths were closed in 1899. New baths designed by John James Clark were opened on 23 March 1904. Strict separation of men and women was maintained, right down to separate street entrances. Two classes of facilities were maintained, with second class baths in the basement and first class baths on the main floor. The popularity of the swimming pool increased with the introduction of mixed bathing in 1947. The Baths now house a swimming pool, spa, sauna, squash courts and a gymnasium. To cater for all types of swimmers, the swimming pool is divided into four lanes: an aqua play lane, a medium lane, a fast lane and a slow lane (or aquatic education, when swimming lessons are given).V/LineMetro_Trains_MelbourneVictoria_Barracks,_Melbourne"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_n600388g.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Healthy EatingBalanced DietCarbohydratesProteinsFatsVitaminsMineralsFibreWaterIf you don't get these in your diet your become MALNOURISHEDStarvation ()Metabolic RateThe rate at which chemical reactions take place in cellsIt is affected by the amount of activity you doWeight ProblemsObesityObesity can lead to:ArthritisDiabetes (type 2)High Blood PressureHeart DiseaseMore likely to die youngLosing weightEat more healthilyEat lessDo more ExerciseBMI = weight/(height)^2Normal is between 20-30StarvationIf you don't get these in your diet your become MALNOURISHED ()Muscle wastageYour immune system doesn't work properlyPeriods become irregularThe belly becomes swollenFast FoodsCholesterolMade in the Livermakes the membranes of cellshelps to make hormonesThe amount depends onThe way your liver worksThe amount of fat in your dietIt is carried around the body by 2 LIPOPROTEINSLDL's or bad cholesterol lots of this means increased heart problemsHDL's or good cholesterol reduces risk of heart diseaseSTATINSA drug used to reduce cholesterol artificiallyFatsSaturated Fatsincrease cholesterol levelsFound inbuttermeatscheeseMono-unsaturated fatsreduce overall cholesterol levelsImproves the balance between LDL's and HDL'sFound inolive oilolivespeanutsmargarinePolyunsaturated fatsTHE BEST FOR YOUgreatly reduces cholesterol levels and balances HDL's and LDL'sfound incorn oilsunflower oilmargarineoily fishSaltWithout it your nervous system wouldn't workToo much salt can lead toHigh Blood PressureHeart DamageKidney DamageStroke"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/7LSKhyLB_Songwriting_-_How_to_start_a_song.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "How to start a songSong IdeaStoryBeginningHandlungsbeginnHintergrunderhellenzentrale FrageaufwerfenMiddleSituationCharaktereentwickelnProtagonistHindernissestehenZielentgegenEndAntwortzentrale FrageKriseKlimaxSpannung am größtenPlot / SynopsisDRAMATISCHEZusammenspielHauptfigurProtagonistZielabstraktkonkretKonfliktWiderstanddes GegnersExpressed EmotionONLYONEConceptPOV / perspectivewhat modelyricalexpressesnarratorsemotiondramaticnarratorformsspeechaddressessomeonesomethingnarrativetellsstoryALWAYS start with:Title (Hook)list of wordsexpressing IdeaKeywordsunderstand characterssynopsis / plotplay in the key of TITLEThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookASK Questionswhere are they?what is around them?what is it about?what conflict?what do theyhearsmelltasteseefeelinsideoutsidehow are they physically involved?organickinestheticwho is there?what is there?why is it so?when is it?Create WordsetCreate RhymeSet for Keywords/KeyImages ()verbsactionssmellstastessoundsvisualsorganicfeelingsinsideoutsideNounsNamesPlacesPLAY in the KEY of ...e.g. \"tide\"oceanmoonrecedepowere.g. \"power\" ()beache.g. \"power\"power ()armyavalanchesocketMuhammad AlitideCreate RhymeSet for Keywords/KeyImagesCreate Wordset ()keyword1rhyme1rhyme2keyword2rhyme1rhyme2"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/MfZ1IyuS_Mind-Mapping-functionality.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Mappinghandlingtopicaddkeyboardtopicsubtopicmousepositionautomaticspacingverticalhorizontalfreehandlevels?other branch子主题outlinemapmovemouserelationshippictureinside topicsizeminimumfloatingvisualthememinimum 2 levelsresetthemetopicbranchmapbranchcolorsubtopicscurvecurvedtaperedBéziertopicformattingboundarymap directionclockwise 2-10hrightfunctionalitynotetagsfilterfileimporttabbed text fileopmlexporttabbed text fileopmlpdfsearchwordtagprogressGantt chart ()addhidescheduleGantt chart ()addhideGantt chartprogress ()schedule ()drag & droplinkpresentation modeslide effectflowchartprice"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/MfgSlwhu_Hive-mind-Shared-intelligence.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Hive mind Shared intelligenceabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Poland)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hive_mindCollective consciousnessintroCollective consciousness, collective conscience, or collective conscious (French: conscience collective) is the set of shared beliefs, ideas, and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society.[1] The term was introduced by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his The Division of Labour in Society in 1893.The French word conscience generally means \"conscience\", \"consciousness\", \"awareness\",[2] or \"perception\".[3] Commentators and translators of Durkheim disagree on which is most appropriate, or whether the translation should depend on the context. Some prefer to treat the word 'conscience' as an untranslatable foreign word or technical term, without its normal English meaning.[4] In general, it does not refer to the specifically moral conscience, but to a shared understanding of social norms.[5]As for \"collective\", Durkheim makes clear that he is not reifying or hypostasizing this concept; for him, it is \"collective\" simply in the sense that it is common to many individuals;[6] cf. social fact.In Durkheimian social theoryDurkheim used the term in his books The Division of Labour in Society (1893), The Rules of the Sociological Method (1895), Suicide (1897), and The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1912). In The Division of Labour, Durkheim argued that in traditional/primitive societies (those based around clan, family or tribal relationships), totemic religion played an important role in uniting members through the creation of a common consciousness (conscience collective in the original French). In societies of this type, the contents of an individual's consciousness are largely shared in common with all other members of their society, creating a mechanical solidarity through mutual likeness.The totality of beliefs and sentiments common to the average members of a society forms a determinate system with a life of its own. It can be termed the collective or creative consciousness.— Emile Durkheim[7]In Suicide, Durkheim developed the concept of anomie to refer to the social rather than individual causes of suicide. This relates to the concept of collective consciousness, as if there is a lack of integration or solidarity in society then suicide rates will be higher.[8]Other uses of the termVarious forms of what might be termed \"collective consciousness\" in modern societies have been identified by other sociologists, such as Mary Kelsey, going from solidarity attitudes and memes to extreme behaviors like group-think, herd behavior, or collectively shared experiences during collective rituals and dance parties.[9][10] Mary Kelsey, sociology lecturer in the University of California, Berkeley, used the term in the early 2000s to describe people within a social group, such as mothers, becoming aware of their shared traits and circumstances, and as a result acting as a community and achieving solidarity. Rather than existing as separate individuals, people come together as dynamic groups to share resources and knowledge. It has also developed as a way of describing how an entire community comes together to share similar values. This has also been termed \"hive mind\", \"group mind\", \"mass mind\", and \"social mind\".[11]According to a theory the character of collective consciousness depends on the type of mnemonic encoding used within a group (Tsoukalas, 2007). The specific type of encoding used has a predictable influence on the groups behavior and collective ideology. Informal groups, that meet infrequently and spontaneously, have a tendency to represent significant aspects of their community as episodic memories. This usually leads to strong social cohesion and solidarity, an indulgent atmosphere, an exclusive ethos and a restriction of social networks. Formal groups, that have scheduled and anonymous meetings, tend to represent significant aspects of their community as semantic memories which usually leads to weak social cohesion and solidarity, a more moderate atmosphere, an inclusive ethos and an expansion of social networks.[12]Society is made up of various collective groups, such as the family, community, organizations, regions, nations which as Burns and Egdahl state \"can be considered to possess agential capabilities: to think, judge, decide, act, reform; to conceptualize self and others as well as self's actions and interactions; and to reflect.\"[13](italics in the original). Burns and Egdahl note that during the Second World War different nations behaved differently towards their Jewish populations.[14] The Jewish populations of Bulgaria and Denmark survived whereas the majority of the Jewish populations in Slovakia and Hungary did not survive the Holocaust. It is suggested that these different national behaviors vary according to the different collective consciousness between nations. This illustrates that differences in collective consciousness can have practical significance.Edmans, Garcia, and Norlia examined national sporting defeats and correlated them with decreases in the value of stocks. They examined 1,162 football matches in thirty-nine countries and discovered that stock markets of those countries dropped on average forty-nine points after being eliminated from the World Cup, and thirty-one points after being eliminated in other tournaments.[15] Edmans, Garcia, and Norli found similar but smaller effects with international cricket, rugby, ice hockey, and basketball games.Swarm intelligenceintroSwarm intelligence (SI) is the collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems, natural or artificial. The concept is employed in work on artificial intelligence. The expression was introduced by Gerardo Beni and Jing Wang in 1989, in the context of cellular robotic systems.[1]SI systems consist typically of a population of simple agents or boids interacting locally with one another and with their environment. The inspiration often comes from nature, especially biological systems. The agents follow very simple rules, and although there is no centralized control structure dictating how individual agents should behave, local, and to a certain degree random, interactions between such agents lead to the emergence of \"intelligent\" global behavior, unknown to the individual agents. Examples in natural systems of SI include ant colonies, bird flocking, animal herding, bacterial growth, fish schooling and microbial intelligence.The application of swarm principles to robots is called swarm robotics, while 'swarm intelligence' refers to the more general set of algorithms. 'Swarm prediction' has been used in the context of forecasting problems.Models of swarm behaviorBoids (Reynolds 1987)Boids is an artificial life program, developed by Craig Reynolds in 1986, which simulates the flocking behaviour of birds. His paper on this topic was published in 1987 in the proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH conference.[2] The name \"boid\" corresponds to a shortened version of \"bird-oid object\", which refers to a bird-like object.[3]As with most artificial life simulations, Boids is an example of emergent behavior; that is, the complexity of Boids arises from the interaction of individual agents (the boids, in this case) adhering to a set of simple rules.The rules applied in the simplest Boids world are as follows:separation: steer to avoid crowding local flockmatesalignment: steer towards the average heading of local flockmatescohesion: steer to move toward the average position (center of mass) of local flockmatesMore complex rules can be added, such as obstacle avoidance and goal seeking.Self-propelled particles (Vicsek et al. 1995)Self-propelled particles (SPP), also referred to as the Vicsek model, was introduced in 1995 by Vicsek et al.[4] as a special case of the boids model introduced in 1986 by Reynolds.[5] A swarm is modelled in SPP by a collection of particles that move with a constant speed but respond to a random perturbation by adopting at each time increment the average direction of motion of the other particles in their local neighbourhood.[6] SPP models predict that swarming animals share certain properties at the group level, regardless of the type of animals in the swarm.[7] Swarming systems give rise to emergent behaviours which occur at many different scales, some of which are turning out to be both universal and robust. It has become a challenge in theoretical physics to find minimal statistical models that capture these behaviours.[8][9][10]MetaheuristicsEvolutionary algorithms (EA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO) and their variants dominate the field of nature-inspired metaheuristics.[11] This list includes algorithms published up to circa the year 2000. A large number of more recent metaphor-inspired metaheuristics have started to attract criticism in the research community for hiding their lack of novelty behind an elaborate metaphor. For algorithms published since that time, see List of metaphor-based metaheuristics.Stochastic diffusion search (Bishop 1989)First published in 1989 Stochastic diffusion search (SDS)[12][13] was the first Swarm Intelligence metaheuristic. SDS is an agent-based probabilistic global search and optimization technique best suited to problems where the objective function can be decomposed into multiple independent partial-functions. Each agent maintains a hypothesis which is iteratively tested by evaluating a randomly selected partial objective function parameterised by the agent's current hypothesis. In the standard version of SDS such partial function evaluations are binary, resulting in each agent becoming active or inactive. Information on hypotheses is diffused across the population via inter-agent communication. Unlike the stigmergic communication used in ACO, in SDS agents communicate hypotheses via a one-to-one communication strategy analogous to the tandem running procedure observed in Leptothorax acervorum.[14] A positive feedback mechanism ensures that, over time, a population of agents stabilise around the global-best solution. SDS is both an efficient and robust global search and optimisation algorithm, which has been extensively mathematically described.[15][16][17] Recent work has involved merging the global search properties of SDS with other swarm intelligence algorithms.[18][19]Ant colony optimization (Dorigo 1992)Ant colony optimization (ACO), introduced by Dorigo in his doctoral dissertation, is a class of optimization algorithms modeled on the actions of an ant colony. ACO is a probabilistic technique useful in problems that deal with finding better paths through graphs. Artificial 'ants'—simulation agents—locate optimal solutions by moving through a parameter space representing all possible solutions. Natural ants lay down pheromones directing each other to resources while exploring their environment. The simulated 'ants' similarly record their positions and the quality of their solutions, so that in later simulation iterations more ants locate for better solutions.[20]Particle swarm optimization (Kennedy, Eberhart & Shi 1995)Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a global optimization algorithm for dealing with problems in which a best solution can be represented as a point or surface in an n-dimensional space. Hypotheses are plotted in this space and seeded with an initial velocity, as well as a communication channel between the particles.[21][22] Particles then move through the solution space, and are evaluated according to some fitness criterion after each timestep. Over time, particles are accelerated towards those particles within their communication grouping which have better fitness values. The main advantage of such an approach over other global minimization strategies such as simulated annealing is that the large number of members that make up the particle swarm make the technique impressively resilient to the problem of local minima.ApplicationsSwarm Intelligence-based techniques can be used in a number of applications. The U.S. military is investigating swarm techniques for controlling unmanned vehicles. The European Space Agency is thinking about an orbital swarm for self-assembly and interferometry. NASA is investigating the use of swarm technology for planetary mapping. A 1992 paper by M. Anthony Lewis and George A. Bekey discusses the possibility of using swarm intelligence to control nanobots within the body for the purpose of killing cancer tumors.[23] Conversely al-Rifaie and Aber have used stochastic diffusion search to help locate tumours.[24][25] Swarm intelligence has also been applied for data mining.[26]Ant-based routingThe use of swarm intelligence in telecommunication networks has also been researched, in the form of ant-based routing. This was pioneered separately by Dorigo et al. and Hewlett Packard in the mid-1990s, with a number of variations since. Basically, this uses a probabilistic routing table rewarding/reinforcing the route successfully traversed by each \"ant\" (a small control packet) which flood the network. Reinforcement of the route in the forwards, reverse direction and both simultaneously have been researched: backwards reinforcement requires a symmetric network and couples the two directions together; forwards reinforcement rewards a route before the outcome is known (but then one would pay for the cinema before one knows how good the film is). As the system behaves stochastically and is therefore lacking repeatability, there are large hurdles to commercial deployment. Mobile media and new technologies have the potential to change the threshold for collective action due to swarm intelligence (Rheingold: 2002, P175).The location of transmission infrastructure for wireless communication networks is an important engineering problem involving competing objectives. A minimal selection of locations (or sites) are required subject to providing adequate area coverage for users. A very different-ant inspired swarm intelligence algorithm, stochastic diffusion search (SDS), has been successfully used to provide a general model for this problem, related to circle packing and set covering. It has been shown that the SDS can be applied to identify suitable solutions even for large problem instances.[27]Airlines have also used ant-based routing in assigning aircraft arrivals to airport gates. At Southwest Airlines a software program uses swarm theory, or swarm intelligence—the idea that a colony of ants works better than one alone. Each pilot acts like an ant searching for the best airport gate. \"The pilot learns from his experience what's the best for him, and it turns out that that's the best solution for the airline,\" Douglas A. Lawson explains. As a result, the \"colony\" of pilots always go to gates they can arrive at and depart from quickly. The program can even alert a pilot of plane back-ups before they happen. \"We can anticipate that it's going to happen, so we'll have a gate available,\" Lawson says.[28]Crowd simulationArtists are using swarm technology as a means of creating complex interactive systems or simulating crowds.Stanley and Stella in: Breaking the Ice was the first movie to make use of swarm technology for rendering, realistically depicting the movements of groups of fish and birds using the Boids system. Tim Burton's Batman Returns also made use of swarm technology for showing the movements of a group of bats. The Lord of the Rings film trilogy made use of similar technology, known as Massive, during battle scenes. Swarm technology is particularly attractive because it is cheap, robust, and simple.Airlines have used swarm theory to simulate passengers boarding a plane. Southwest Airlines researcher Douglas A. Lawson used an ant-based computer simulation employing only six interaction rules to evaluate boarding times using various boarding methods.(Miller, 2010, xii-xviii).[29]Human swarmingEnabled by mediating software such as the SWARM platform (formally unu) from Unanimous A.I., networks of distributed users can be organized into \"human swarms\" through the implementation of real-time closed-loop control systems.[30][31][32][33] As published by Rosenberg (2015), such real-time systems enable groups of human participants to behave as a unified collective intelligence that works as a single entity to make predictions, answer questions, and evoke opinions.[34] Such systems, also referred to as \"Artificial Swarm Intelligence\" (or the brand name Swarm AI) have been shown to significantly amplify human intelligence, resulting in a string of high-profile predictions of extreme accuracy.[35][36][37][38][39][40] Academic testing shows that human swarms can out-predict individuals across a variety of real-world projections.[41][42][43][44][45] Famously, human swarming was used to correctly predict the Kentucky Derby Superfecta, against 541 to 1 odds, in response to a challenge from reporters.[46]Swarm grammarsSwarm grammars are swarms of stochastic grammars that can be evolved to describe complex properties such as found in art and architecture.[47] These grammars interact as agents behaving according to rules of swarm intelligence. Such behavior can also suggest deep learning algorithms, in particular when mapping of such swarms to neural circuits is considered.[48]Swarmic artIn a series of works al-Rifaie et al.[49] have successfully used two swarm intelligence algorithms—one mimicking the behaviour of one species of ants (Leptothorax acervorum) foraging (stochastic diffusion search, SDS) and the other algorithm mimicking the behaviour of birds flocking (particle swarm optimization, PSO)—to describe a novel integration strategy exploiting the local search properties of the PSO with global SDS behaviour. The resulting hybrid algorithm is used to sketch novel drawings of an input image, exploiting an artistic tension between the local behaviour of the 'birds flocking'—as they seek to follow the input sketch—and the global behaviour of the \"ants foraging\"—as they seek to encourage the flock to explore novel regions of the canvas. The \"creativity\" of this hybrid swarm system has been analysed under the philosophical light of the \"rhizome\" in the context of Deleuze's \"Orchid and Wasp\" metaphor.[50]In a more recent work of al-Rifaie et al., \"Swarmic Sketches and Attention Mechanism\",[51] introduces a novel approach deploying the mechanism of 'attention' by adapting SDS to selectively attend to detailed areas of a digital canvas. Once the attention of the swarm is drawn to a certain line within the canvas, the capability of PSO is used to produce a 'swarmic sketch' of the attended line. The swarms move throughout the digital canvas in an attempt to satisfy their dynamic roles—attention to areas with more details—associated to them via their fitness function. Having associated the rendering process with the concepts of attention, the performance of the participating swarms creates a unique, non-identical sketch each time the 'artist' swarms embark on interpreting the input line drawings. In other works while PSO is responsible for the sketching process, SDS controls the attention of the swarm.In a similar work, \"Swarmic Paintings and Colour Attention\",[52] non-photorealistic images are produced using SDS algorithm which, in the context of this work, is responsible for colour attention.The \"computational creativity\" of the above-mentioned systems are discussed in[49][53][54] through the two prerequisites of creativity (i.e. freedom and constraints) within the swarm intelligence's two infamous phases of exploration and exploitation.Michael Theodore and Nikolaus Correll use swarm intelligent art installation to explore what it takes to have engineered systems to appear lifelike[55] Notable work include Swarm Wall (2012) and endo-exo (2014).Universal mindintroUniversal mind or universal consciousness is a concept that tries to address the underlying essence of all being and becoming in the universe. It includes the being and becoming that occurred in the universe prior to the arising of the concept of \"Mind\", a term that more appropriately refers to the organic, human, aspect of universal consciousness. It addresses inorganic being and becoming and the interactions that occur in that process without specific reference to the physical and chemical laws that try to describe those interactions. Those interactions have occurred, do occur, and continue to occur. Universal consciousness is the source, ground, basis, that underlies those interactions and the awareness and knowledge they imply.IntroductionThe concept of universal mind was presented by Anaxagoras, a Pre-Socratic philosopher who arrived in Athens some time after 480 BC. He taught that the growth of living things depends on the power of mind within the organisms that enables them to extract nourishment from surrounding substances. For this concept of mind, Anaxagoras was commended by Aristotle. Both Plato and Aristotle, however, objected that his notion of mind did not include a view that mind acts ethically, i.e. acts for the “best interests” of the universe.[1]The most original aspect of Anaxagoras's system was his doctrine of nous (\"mind\" or \"reason\"). [2] A different Greek word, gnó̱si̱ (awareness), better reflects what is observed in the wider world of organic and inorganic being than just the human world. A worm, an amoeba, a bacteria, a raindrop, appears to act with \"awareness\" (gnó̱si̱) rather than \"reason\" (nous). Also, these actions would not commonly be referred to as being \"reasonable\" or \"ethical\".In \"The Huang Po Doctrine of Universal Mind\", originated in around 857 CE, the idea of mind was disconnected from soul in this Buddhist school of thought.Chu Ch’an says, “Universal mind, therefore, is something to which nothing can be attributed. Being absolute, it is beyond attributes. If for example, it were to be described as infinite, that would exclude from it whatever is finite, but the whole argument of the book is that universal mind is the only reality and that everything we apprehend through our senses, is nothing else but this mind. Even to think of it in terms of existence or non-existence is to misapprehend it entirely.” pp. 8–9 [3]The term surfaced again in later philosophy, as in the writings of Hegel. - Hegel writes:¤ 377 The knowledge of Mind is the highest and hardest, just because it is the most 'concrete' of sciences. The significance of that 'absolute' commandment, Know thyself − whether we look at it in itself or under the historical circumstances of its first utterance − is not to promote mere self−knowledge in respect of the particular capacities, character, propensities, and foibles of the single self. The knowledge it commands means that of man's genuine reality − of what is essentially and ultimately true and real − of mind as the true and essential being.” [4]DefinitionsErnest Holmes, the founder of the Science of Mind movement, described the universal mind as follows:The Universal Mind contains all knowledge. It is the potential ultimate of all things. To It all things are possible.[1]New Thought author Charles Haanel said of the universal mind and its relationship to humans:The Universal Mind, being infinite and omnipotent, has unlimited resources at its command, and when we remember that it is also omnipresent, we cannot escape the conclusion that we must be an expression or manifestation of that Mind. A recognition and understanding of the resources of the subconscious mind will indicate that the only difference between the subconscious and the Universal is one of degree. They differ only as a drop of water differs from the ocean. They are the same in kind and quality, the difference is one of degree only.[2]The nature of the universal mind is said to be omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.[3]Psychological interpretationUniversal mind may be viewed from a scientific perspective as non-local consciousness.[4][Unreliable fringe source?] Michael Persinger wrote on non-local consciousness:[a]s a human being, I am concerned about the illusionary explanations for human consciousness and the future of human existence. Consequently after writing the Neuropsychological Base of God Beliefs (1987), I began the systematic application of complex electromagnetic fields to discern the patterns that will induce experiences (sensed presence) that are attributed to the myriad of ego-alien intrusions which range from gods to aliens. The research is not to demean anyone's religious/mystical experience but instead to determine which portions of the brain or its electromagnetic patterns generate the experience— Michael Persinger, in Huping Hu & Maoxin WuThe atemporal nature of consciousness[clarification needed] is explored by Mansoor Malik and Maria Hipolito.[5] They summarise key theorists on the subject from different ontological perspectives:Freud emphasized the timelessness of unconscious processes. He showed how unconscious ignores time and temporal progression. For example, in dreams and fantasy where past, present, and future are united in one representation, he showed that certain aspects of psychopathology are also essentially atemporal.Hameroff (1996) conceptualizes consciousness as successive quantum superposition of the tubulin protein conformations in the brain. He proposes that with each conscious moment, “a new organization of Planck scale geometry is selected irreversibly”. This leads to apparent illusion of time. Thus without consciousness, there would be no time."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lnHE1urn_Annihilator-studio-albums.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Annihilator studio albumsabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annihilator_discographyAlice in Hell Released: September 5, 19891. \"Crystal Ann\" instrumental 1:402. \"Alison Hell\" John Bates, Waters 5:003. \"W.T.Y.D.\" (Welcome to Your Death) Bates, Waters 3:564. \"Wicked Mystic\" Waters, Jody Weil 3:385. \"Burns Like a Buzzsaw Blade\" Waters, Bates, Weil 3:336. \"Word Salad\" Waters 5:497. \"Schizos (Are Never Alone) Parts I & II\" Waters 4:328. \"Ligeia\" Waters 4:479. \"Human Insecticide\" Bates, Waters 4:50Never, Neverland Released: September 12, 19901. \"The Fun Palace\" 5:512. \"Road to Ruin\" 3:423. \"Sixes and Sevens\" 5:204. \"Stonewall\" 4:505. \"Never, Neverland\" 5:296. \"Imperiled Eyes\" 5:277. \"Kraf Dinner\" 2:418. \"Phantasmagoria\" 3:599. \"Reduced to Ash\" 3:0910. \"I Am in Command\" 3:34Set the World on Fire Released: August 24, 19931 \"Set the World on Fire\" 4:302 \"No Zone\" 2:473 \"Bats in the Belfry\" 3:374 \"Snake in the Grass\" 4:555 \"Phoenix Rising\" 3:476 \"Knight Jumps Queen\" 3:467 \"Sounds Good to Me\" 4:188 \"The Edge\" 2:569 \"Don't Bother Me\" 3:2310 \"Brain Dance\" 4:51King of the Kill Released: October 10, 19941. \"The Box\" Jeff Waters 5:312. \"King of the Kill\" Waters, John Bates 3:123. \"Hell Is A War\" Waters 5:204. \"Bliss\" Waters 0:515. \"Second To None\" Waters, Aaron Randall 5:166. \"Annihilator\" Waters, Bates 4:287. \"21\" Waters 4:258. \"In the Blood\" Waters, Ralph Murphy 4:199. \"Fiasco (\"The Slate\")\" Waters 0:0810. \"Fiasco\" Waters 3:5511. \"Catch the Wind\" Waters 3:4912. \"Speed\" Waters 4:3713. \"Bad Child\" Waters 3:38Refresh the Demon Released: March 11, 19961 \"Refresh the Demon\" 5:262 \"Syn. Kill 1\" 4:263 \"Awaken\" 0:534 \"The Pastor of Disaster\" 5:005 \"A Man Called Nothing\" 5:526 \"Ultraparanoia\" 4:297 \"City of Ice\" 4:188 \"Anything for Money\" 3:359 \"Hunger\" 4:5310 \"Voices and Victims\" 4:1811 \"Innocent Eyes\" 5:03Remains Released: 21 July 19971 \"Murder\"2 \"Sexecution\"3 \"No Love\"4 \"Never\"5 \"Human Remains\"6 \"Dead Wrong\"7 \"Wind\"8 \"Tricks and Traps\"9 \"I Want\"10 \"Reaction\"11 \"Bastiage\"12 \"It's You\"(Bonus track)13 \"Words from Jeff Waters\"(Bonus track)Criteria for a Black Widow Released: June 1, 19991 \"Bloodbath\" 5:212 \"Back to the Palace\" 5:343 \"Punctured\" 5:484 \"Criteria for a Black Widow\" 5:575 \"Schizos (Are Never Alone) Part III\"(4:26 on the 2010 reissue) 5:526 \"Nothing Left\" 4:517 \"Loving the Sinner\" 4:388 \"Double Dare\" 5:269 \"Sonic Homicide\" 4:2810 \"Mending\" 2:4611 \"Loving the Sinner\"(bonus track) 4:3412 \"Jeff Waters Speaks\"(bonus track) 11:57Carnival Diablos Released: January 23, 20011 \"Denied\" 5:242 \"The Perfect Virus\" 4:443 \"Battered\" 5:224 \"Carnival Diablos\" 5:085 \"Shallow Grave\" 4:226 \"Time Bomb\" 4:497 \"The Rush\" 4:508 \"Insomniac\" 6:159 \"Liquid Oval\" 3:5110 \"Epic of War\" 5:4711 \"Hunter Killer\"(The song \"Hunter Killer ends at minute 6:00. After 30 seconds of silence, at 6:30 begins thehidden track\"Chicken and Corn\".) 9:10Waking the Fury Released: March 18, 20021 \"Ultra-Motion\" 5:072 \"Torn\" 5:023 \"My Precious Lunatic Asylum\" 5:474 \"Striker\" 5:005 \"Ritual\" 5:166 \"Prime-Time Killing\" 4:327 \"The Blackest Day\" 5:108 \"Nothing to Me\" 4:349 \"Fire Power\" 4:5310 \"Cold Blooded\" 3:53All for You Released: October 26, 20041. \"All for You\" 4:292. \"Dr. Psycho\" 7:033. \"Demon Dance\" 5:124. \"The One\" 4:355. \"Bled\" 6:206. \"Both of Me\" 8:087. \"Rage Absolute\" 4:468. \"Holding On\" 4:069. \"The Nightmare Factory\" 5:4010. \"The Sound of Horror\" (Instrumental) 5:08Schizo Deluxe Released: November 8, 20051. \"Maximum Satan\" 4:362. \"Drive\" 4:583. \"Warbird\" 4:414. \"Plasma Zombies\" 4:455. \"Invite It\" 4:576. \"Like Father, Like Gun\" 4:197. \"Pride\" 4:568. \"Too Far Gone\" 4:239. \"Clare\" 6:4610. \"Something Witchy\" 5:2211. \"Weapon X\" (bonus track) 3:3212. \"I Am in Command\" (bonus track) 3:5213. \"Annihilator\" (bonus track) 4:01Metal Released: April 16, 20071 \"Clown Parade\" 5:142 \"Couple Suicide\" 3:543 \"Army of One\" 6:014 \"Downright Dominate\" 5:135 \"Smothered\" 5:096 \"Operation Annihilation\" 5:167 \"Haunted\" 8:058 \"Kicked\" 5:569 \"Detonation\" 3:5410 \"Chasing the High\" 6:1611 \"Heavy Metal Maniac\"(Japanese bonus track;Excitercover) 3:53Annihilator Released: May 17, 20101 \"The Trend\" 7:042 \"Coward\" 4:223 \"Ambush\" 3:224 \"Betrayed\" 4:345 \"25 Seconds\" 4:496 \"Nowhere To Go\" 5:087 \"The Other Side\" 4:208 \"Death In Your Eyes\" 5:589 \"Payback\" 4:4810 \"Romeo Delight\"(Van Halencover) 4:26Feast Released: August 23, 20131. \"Deadlock\" (lyrics by Dave Padden) 4:222. \"No Way Out\" 5:193. \"Smear Campaign\" 4:144. \"No Surrender\" 5:375. \"Wrapped\" (lyrics by Danko Jones) 3:476. \"Perfect Angel Eyes\" 4:267. \"Demon Code\" 6:228. \"Fight The World\" 6:549. \"One Falls, Two Rise\" 8:34Suicide Society Released: September 18, 20151. \"Suicide Society\" 3:502. \"My Revenge\" 5:063. \"Snap\" 4:544. \"Creepin' Again (Parasomnia)\" 4:165. \"Narcotic Avenue\" 5:196. \"The One You Serve\" 5:457. \"Break, Enter\" 5:478. \"Death Scent\" 5:119. \"Every Minute\" 5:00For the Demented Released: November 3, 20171. \"Twisted Lobotomy\" 4:442. \"One to Kill\" 4:433. \"For the Demented\" 5:224. \"Pieces of You\" 6:105. \"The Demon You Know\" 4:436. \"Phantom Asylum\" 6:147. \"Altering the Altar\" 5:058. \"The Way\" 3:189. \"Dark\" (instrumental) 2:0910. \"Not All There\" 5:42Ballistic, Sadistic Released: January 24, 2020"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/FfRwqYpa_Time-series.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Time seriesintroA time series is a series of data points indexed (or listed or graphed) in time order. Most commonly, a time series is a sequence taken at successive equally spaced points in time. Thus it is a sequence of discrete-time data. Examples of time series are heights of ocean tides, counts of sunspots, and the daily closing value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.Time series are very frequently plotted via line charts. Time series are used in statistics, signal processing, pattern recognition, econometrics, mathematical finance, weather forecasting, earthquake prediction, electroencephalography, control engineering, astronomy, communications engineering, and largely in any domain of applied science and engineering which involves temporal measurements.Time series analysis comprises methods for analyzing time series data in order to extract meaningful statistics and other characteristics of the data. Time series forecasting is the use of a model to predict future values based on previously observed values. While regression analysis is often employed in such a way as to test theories that the current values of one or more independent time series affect the current value of another time series, this type of analysis of time series is not called \"time series analysis\", which focuses on comparing values of a single time series or multiple dependent time series at different points in time.[1] Interrupted time series analysis is the analysis of interventions on a single time seriesToolsConsideration of the autocorrelation function and the spectral density function (also cross-correlation functions and cross-spectral density functions)Scaled cross- and auto-correlation functions to remove contributions of slow components[29]Performing a Fourier transform to investigate the series in the frequency domainUse of a filter to remove unwanted noisePrincipal component analysis (or empirical orthogonal function analysis)Singular spectrum analysis\"Structural\" models:General State Space ModelsUnobserved Components ModelsMachine LearningArtificial neural networksSupport vector machineFuzzy logicGaussian processHidden Markov modelQueueing theory analysisControl chartShewhart individuals control chartCUSUM chartEWMA chartDetrended fluctuation analysisDynamic time warping[30]Cross-correlation[31]Dynamic Bayesian networkTime-frequency analysis techniques:Fast Fourier transformContinuous wavelet transformShort-time Fourier transformChirplet transformFractional Fourier transformChaotic analysisCorrelation dimensionRecurrence plotsRecurrence quantification analysisLyapunov exponentsEntropy encodingMeasuresUnivariate linear measuresMoment (mathematics)Spectral band powerSpectral edge frequencyAccumulated Energy (signal processing)Characteristics of the autocorrelation functionHjorth parametersFFT parametersAutoregressive model parametersMann–Kendall testUnivariate non-linear measuresMeasures based on the correlation sumCorrelation dimensionCorrelation integralCorrelation densityCorrelation entropyApproximate entropy[33]Sample entropyFourier entropyukWavelet entropyRényi entropyHigher-order methodsMarginal predictabilityDynamical similarity indexState space dissimilarity measuresLyapunov exponentPermutation methodsLocal flowOther univariate measuresAlgorithmic complexityKolmogorov complexity estimatesHidden Markov Model statesRough path signature[34]Surrogate time series and surrogate correctionLoss of recurrence (degree of non-stationarity)Bivariate linear measuresMaximum linear cross-correlationLinear Coherence (signal processing)Bivariate non-linear measuresNon-linear interdependenceDynamical Entrainment (physics)Measures for Phase synchronizationMeasures for Phase lockingSimilarity measuresCross-correlationDynamic Time Warping[30]Hidden Markov ModelsEdit distanceTotal correlationNewey–West estimatorPrais–Winsten transformationData as Vectors in a Metrizable SpaceMinkowski distanceMahalanobis distanceData as time series with envelopesGlobal standard deviationLocal standard deviationWindowed standard deviationData interpreted as stochastic seriesPearson product-moment correlation coefficientSpearman's rank correlation coefficientData interpreted as a probability distribution functionKolmogorov–Smirnov testCramér–von Mises criterionabout this mapby wojciech korsakall information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_series"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/cKJpDELc_KAMAZ.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "КАМАЗabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/Poland)all information & pics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KamazinformationNative nameКАМАЗTypePublicly Traded CompanyTraded as MCX: KMAZIndustry AutomotiveFounded 1969; 50 years agoHeadquarters Naberezhnye Chelny, RussiaKey peopleSergey A. Kogogin, General DirectorProducts Trucks and busesRevenue $2.67 billion[1] (2017)Operating income$120 million[1] (2017)Net income$59.2 million[1] (2017)Total assets $2.74 billion[1] (2017)Total equity $699 million[1] (2017)OwnerRostec (49.9%)Avtoinvest Limited (23.54%)Daimler (15%)[2]Number of employees36,000Website kamaz.ruintroJSC KAMAZ (Russian: Камский Автомобильный Завод – КАМАЗ, romanized: Kamskiy Avtomobilny Zavod, lit. 'Kama Automobile Plant') is a Russian brand of trucks and engines manufacturer located in Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation. It is famous for its cab over trucks. KAMAZ is a portmanteau which stands for a factory on Kama River.KAMAZ opened in 1976. Today, heavy duty models are exported to many areas of the world including the CIS, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. KAMAZ is the largest truck producer in Russia and the CIS with its factory producing 43,000 trucks a year (2014).[3]KAMAZ trucks have won the Dakar Rally a record sixteen times, most in the truck category by any manufacturer.historyIn 1969, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the USSR Communist Party and the USSR Council of Ministers was approved which envisaged construction of a complex of heavy duty truck production plants. 70 potential sites to locate the facilities were investigated. Choice went in favor of Naberezhnye Chelny, then a small town on the Kama River. Naberezhnye Chelny was located in the center of the former Soviet Union. The navigable rivers – the Kama River and the Volga River – as well as proximity of the railway line, were central to meeting the logistical needs of the construction site for materials and equipment. Going forward, the location would also allow for the easy shipping of ready-made trucks to customers. The fact that the huge construction company “KamGESenergostroy” existed in the region allowed construction of plant buildings and apartment blocks for prospective KAMAZ employees to be completed.Workers and engineers, representing more than 70 ethnicities, converged on Naberezhnye Chelny to fuse into a “melting pot” of the construction project personnel. Orders placed by KAMAZ to procure construction materials and equipment were filled by all the ministries and departments, a total of over 2,000 enterprises. Over 100,000 personnel were employed at the construction site itself. The would-be truck plant was being provided with the most state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment by the contemporary standards. More than 700 international firms were among equipment vendors for KAMAZ facilities, including such globally known corporations as Swindell-Dressler, Holcroft, CE-Cast, Ingersoll Rand, Ex-Cello (U.S.A.), Hueller-Hille, Liebherr (West Germany), Morando, Fiat (Italy), Renault (France), Sandvik (Sweden), Komatsu and Hitachi (Japan).On December 13, 1969, ground was broken and the first bucket of soil was excavated at the construction site of the Kama River Truck Plant which was rated for production of 150,000 heavy duty trucks and 250,000 engines per year. The Complex of Plants on the Kama River sprawled over a vast territory measuring 57 square km. Concurrent to construction of the truck plant, huge social challenges were tackled. Hundreds of thousands of people were provided by KAMAZ with comfortable housing, modern educational facilities, kindergartens and creches, hospitals and clinics, numerous cultural, sporting, recreational and leisure centers. KAMAZ was instrumental in transforming the Kama River Area into a powerful industrial and scientific research hub and developing the infrastructure for the suburban agricultural zone.Every year the population of the city grew by another 30-40 thousand or so. Whereas before construction of KAMAZ got underway, 27,000 residents had lived in Naberezhnye Chelny, the current population has now reached more than half a million.galleryKamAZ-63968 Typhoon armored vehicle.KamAZ-6560KamAZ 43501 for Russian Airborne Troops (VDV) 4x4 short wheelbase truckMilitary tank transporter KAMAZ 65225 with an SU-85 at the parade rehearsal in Red SquareFirefighting vehicle ATs-5,0-100 on KAMAZ-65224 chassis (4th Generation of KAMAZ trucks3rd Generations of KAMAZ. KAMAZ 65117group structureOwners and managementThe main shareholders of Kamaz are the state corporation Rostec (49.9%), Avtoinvest Limited (23.54%), a Cyprus-registered company whose main beneficiaries have never been officially disclosed, and Daimler (15%).[2] After the Panama Papers leak it was alleged that this Cyprus-based company can be traced to Sergei Roldugin, a concert cellist and personal friend of Vladimir Putin.[4]At the same time, a 4% stake in the company is publicly traded on the Moscow Exchange,[5] leading the company to have many minority shareholders (more than 76,000 individuals in 2007).[6]In early March, 2008 the Board of Directors of KAMAZ was elected, which included 15 people, including:[7]The mayor of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny (April 2010 - Prime Minister of Tatarstan) - Ildar Khalikov, head of the management Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo) - Ivan V. Aksenov, and the Director-General of the \"Russian Technologies State Corporation\" Sergey Chemezov.SubsidiariesKAMAZ Publicly Traded Company has more than 110 subsidiaries and affiliates, it owns shares in the authorized capital of more than 50 different companies and businesses. Together they form KAMAZ Group.The group includes:Truck Assembly Plant (Naberezhnye Chelny)Metallurgical Complex, KAMAZ PTCKAMAZ Foundries (now one of the largest in Russia[8])KAMAZ ForgeKAMAZ Truck Assembly PlantKAMAZ Press and Stamping PlantEngine Plant, KAMAZ PTCRemdiesel (Engine Re-Manufacture Plant)KAMAZ Trade and Finance Company JSCNeftekamsk Automotive Plant (NEFAZ) - manufactures buses and vehicles on KAMAZ chassisAuto Trailer Plant OJSC (formerly СЗАП (En:SZAP) of Stavropol)KAMAZ Technical Service OJSCKAMAZ Auto TechnologyRIZ OJSC (formerly of KAMAZinstrumentspetsmash)KIP Master OJSCKAMAZ-FINANCEKAMAZ-CAPITAL KAMAZ R & D CenterThe main production facilities of the plant are located in the industrial area of Naberezhnye Chelny. Nefaz buses are produced in Neftekamsk (Bashkortostan).There are also foreign manufacturing facilities in the following locations:Vietnam,India,Kazakhstan (KAMAZ-Engineering JSC).CompetitionKamaz vehicles have won the truck category of the Dakar Rally 15 times as of 2018.[9] All 14 of the 2010 Dakar Rally stages in the truck category were won by Kamaz trucks.Generations (vehicles)1976-2000 (with changes issue remains army trucks)Diskless wheels. Low cabin roof. Corrugated sidewalls sleeping compartment. Lights on the front of the cab.1995-2018Increased height of the cab roof. Disc wheels. Rectangular lights on the bumper. New bumper with sidewalls. Underride underbody.2004-2018New surround bumper (double for tractors). New headlamps with headlamp swivel sections, which call on the sidewalls of the bumper. We haul tractors appeared high cab. Smooth walls of the sleeping compartment. Voluminous front fenders. Some of the trucks new plastic dashboard instead of metal2010-presentLarge-scale modernization. All new front of cabin, including new radiator grille. New front bumper. New headlight lens type in one case with swivel headlights. Plastic dashboard with electronic instrument cluster. Part of trucks equipped with Cummins engine manufacturing joint venture Cummins and KAMAZ in Naberezhnye Chelny.2014-presentcabin from Mercedes-Benz Axor with some modifications?Being developed – completely new cab – jointly with South Korean engineering company DMEC. Prototype trucks already presentedRussia's President Vladimir Putin speaks about the 2,000,000th truck produced by KamAZ around the world, 2012.Kamaz MustangThe Kamaz Мустанг (Mustang) is a family of general military utility trucks with numerous variants.[1] The family is based on the 1st generation KamAZ family launched in the early 1980s. A three-person cab is standard across the Mustang range. It has a sleeping berth and tilts forward for engine access. This cab can be fitted with an add-on armour kit.The Mustang family is available in eight (8) models:[1]Original three:KamAZ-4350 4x4KamAZ-5350 6x6KamAZ-6350 8x8"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/s765637_ISO_9001_standard_introduction.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ISO IntroductionBusiness philosophyPolicyProceduresActivitiesTasksFormatRecordsThree Cardinal PrinciplesDo what you write & write what you doWhat cannot be measured , cannot be monitoredContinual improvementHeart of the SystemDocument ControlRecord ControlISO Road MapStep 1 Learn about ISOStep 2 Set up TeamsStep 3 Develop your ISO Project PlanStep 4 Gap AnalysisStep 5 Document your SystemStep 6 TrainingStep 7 Internal AuditsStep 8 Registration AuditPrinciples of ISOPrinciple 1:Customer focus.Principle 2:Leadership.Principle 3:Involvement of people.Principle 4:Process approach.Principle 5:System approach to management.Principle 6:Continual improvement.Principle 7:Factual approach to decision making.Principle 8:Mutually beneficial supplier relationship.ISO ChaptersChapter 4Quality ManualChapter 5Top ManagementChapter 6HR & InfrastructureChapter 7Product / ServiceChapter 8Quality control & MonitoringMandatory Procedures4.2.3 Control of documents4.2.4 Control of records8.2.2. Internal Audits8.3 Control of nonconforming product8.5.2 Corrective action8.5.3 Preventive actionMandatory RecordsManagement reviewsEducation, training, skills & experienceProcesses & product requirementsReview of product requirementsResults of supplier evaluationProcess validationIdentification & trace abilityCustomer propertyInternal audit resultsEvidence of product conformityControl of nonconforming productCorrective actionPreventive action.PDCA cycleChapter 4,5 & 6PlanChapter 7DoChapter 8.1 & 8.2CheckChapter 8.3 & 8.4Act"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k456265_All_about_values.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "VALUESAboutValue categoriesPersonal valuesLoyaltyHonestyresponsibilitySocial valuesequalityjusticelibertyfreedomnational pridePolitical valueswelfaredemocracycivic responsibilityEconomic valuesinclude beliefs around ownership of propertycontributing to the common goodthe balance of supply and demandReligious valuesbeliefs in how we should behaveincluding caring of one anothern worship of our deity or deitiesValues, Morals and EthicsValuesInstrumental values ()Values are the rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong, should and shouldn't, good and bad. They also tell us which are more or less important, which is useful when we have to trade off meeting one value over another.Noun: beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something); \"he has very conservatives values\"MoralsInstrumental values ()Morals have a greater social element to values and tend to have a very broad acceptance. Morals are far more about good and bad than other values. We thus judge others more strongly on morals than values. A person can be described as immoral, yet there is no word for them not following values.Noun:motivation based on ideas of right and wrongEthicsEthics tend to be codified into a formal system or set of rules which are explicitly adopted by a group of people. Thus you have medical ethics. Ethics are thus internally defined and adopted, whilst morals tend to be externally imposed on other people.Value TypesInstrumental valuesMorals ()Values ()Which are instrumental in getting us to desired ends. They are useful only in that they are acceptable ways of behaving. These are what we often talk about when we discuss values -- and especially the related Morals and Ethics.Instrumental values thus moderate how we go about setting and achieving our goals, ensuring we do so only in ways which are socially acceptable.Instrumental values can be viewed as having 'evolved'. Thus they are the best values we can have to create successful societies.Ex:honesty, politeness and courageEnd-state valuesEnd-state values are things we actually value. This is where 'values' and 'value' meet, as we seek and value end-state values. They are the destination, whilst instrumental values control the journey there.Ex:Happiness, salvation and prosperityValue of valuesEvolutionShared valuesRight and wrongDecisionEvaluationJustifying sacrificeStress valuesValues under stressFight or flightWhen we are affected by the Fight-or-Flight reaction, we unthinkingly may become aggressive, where values that normally would prevent us from hurting others are brushed aside by our fear and anger. The basic drive in the moment carries us away and we may seek to hurt others, either physically or psychologicallyEthical dilemmasThe force of emotionReconciling afterwardsRegret and reparationJustification and explanationTheory-Evaluation of ValuesPiaget's Stage TheoryKohlberg's Stage TheoryBirth of ValuesPeriods of developmentThe Imprint PeriodUp to the age of seven, we are like sponges, absorbing everything around us and accepting much of it as true, especially when it comes from our parents. The confusion and blind belief of this period can also lead to the early formation of trauma and other deep problems.The critical thing here is to learn a sense of right and wrong, good and bad. This is a human construction which we nevertheless often assume would exist even if we were not here (which is an indication of how deeply imprinted it has become).The Modeling PeriodBetween the ages of eight and thirteen, we copy people, often our parents, but also other people. Rather than blind acceptance, we are trying on things like suit of clothes, to see how they feel.We may be much impressed with religion or our teachers. You may remember being particularly influenced by junior school teachers who seemed so knowledgeable--maybe even more so than your parents.The Socialization PeriodBetween 13 and 21, we are very largely influenced by our peers. As we develop as individuals and look for ways to get away from the earlier programming, we naturally turn to people who seem more like us.Other influences at these ages include the media, especially those parts which seem to resonate with our the values of our peer groups.Becoming principledPre-moralIn the pre-moral state, we have no real values (we are thus 'amoral'). Young children are premoral. So also are psychopaths. Our basic nature tells us to be Machiavellian, doing whatever it takes to achieve our goals, even if it means hurting other people.ConventionalMost people have conventional values, as learned from their parents, teachers and peers. These basically say 'here are the rules to live in reasonable harmony with other people.'The bottom line of this state is that we will follow them just so long as we think we need to. We will break our values occasionally, and especially if our needs are threatened or we are pretty sure we can get away with breaking values with nobody else knowing about it.PrincipledWhen we are truly principled, we believe in our values to the point where they are an integral and subconscious part of our person. Right and wrong are absolute things beyond the person, for example as defined by a religion.The test of a principled person is that they will stick to their values through thick and thin, and even will sacrifice themselves rather than break their principles. Many great leaders were principled (Martin Luther King, Gandhi, etc.).Research onCareer AnchorsTechnical/Functional competenceThis kind of person likes being good at something and will work to become a guru or expertThey like to be challenged and then use their skill to meet the challenge, doing the job properly and better than almost anyone elseGeneral Managerial competenceUnlike technical/functional people, these folks want to be managers (and not just to get more money, although this may be used as a metric of success).They like problem-solving and dealing with other peopleThey thrive on responsibility. To be successful, they also need emotional competence.Autonomy/IndependenceThese people have a primary need to work under their own rules and steam.They avoid standards and prefer to work alone.Security/StabilitySecurity-focused people seek stability and continuity as a primary factor of their lives.They avoid risks and are generally 'lifers' in their jobEntrepreneurial CreativityThese folks like to invent things, be creative and, most of all, to run their own businesses.They differ from those who seek autonomy in that they will share the workload.They find ownership very important. They easily get bored. Wealth, for them, is a sign of success.Service/Dedication to a causeService-oriented people are driven by how they can help other people more than using their talents (which may fall in other areas).They may well work in public services or in such as HR.Pure ChallengePeople driven by challenge seek constant stimulation and difficult problems that they can tackle.Such people will change jobs when the current one gets boring and their career can be very varied.LifestyleThose who are focused first on lifestyle look at their whole pattern of livingThey not so much balance work and life as integrate it. They may even take long periods off work in which to indulge in passions such as sailing or traveling.Governing ValuesDefine goals and try to achieve themMaximize winnings, minimize losingsSuppress negative feelingsBehave rationallyFive Common Human ConcernsSchwartz's Value InventoryPowerThis takes value from social status and prestige. The ability to control others is important and power will be actively sought through dominance of others and control over resources.AchievementValue here comes from setting goals and then achieving them. The more challenge, the greater the sense of achievement. When others have achieved the same thing, status is reduced and greater goals are sought.HedonismHedonists simply enjoy themselves. They seek pleasure above all things and may, according to the view of others, sink into debauchery.StimulationThe need for stimulation is close to hedonism, though the goal is slightly different. Pleasure here comes more specifically from excitement and thrills and a person with this driver is more likely to be found doing extreme sports than propping up a bar.Self-directionThose who seek self-direction enjoy being independent and outside the control of others. The prefer freedom and may have a particular creative or artistic bent, which they seek to indulge whenever possible.UniversalismThe universalist seeks social justice and tolerance for all. They promote peace and equality and find war anathema except perhaps in pursuit of lasting peace.BenevolenceThose who tend towards benevolence are very giving, seeking to help others and provide general welfare. They are the 'earth mothers' who nurture all.TraditionThe traditionalist respects that which has gone before, doing things simply because they are customary. They are conservatives in the original sense, seeking to preserve the world order as is. Any change makes them uncomfortable.ConformityThe person who values conformity seeks obedience to clear rules and structures. They gain a sense of control through doing what they are told and conforming to agreed laws and statutes.SecurityThose who seek security seek health and safety to a greater degree than other people (perhaps because of childhood woes). Though they may worry about the potential of military force, they welcome the comfort that their existence brings.Super-groupingNote how these values form something of a spectrum, with successive values often having a close relationship. This is perhaps unsurprising as they are groupings of a larger number of values. They can also be collated into larger super-groups:* Openness to change: Stimulation, self-direction and some hedonism.* Self-enhancement: Achievement, power and some hedonism.* Conservation: Security, tradition and conformity.* Self-transcendence: Universalism and benevolence.Values in Action (VIA)# Creativity: New ways of thinking and acting.# Curiosity Exploring and seeking for its own sake.# Open-mindedness: Seeing things objectively and fairly, from all sides.# Love of learning: Constantly developing skills and knowledge.# Perspective: Seeing in ways that make sense and giving wise counsel.# Bravery: Not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain; acting on convictions even if unpopular.# Persistence: Seeing things through, despite difficulties.# Integrity: Presenting oneself in a genuine way; taking responsibility for one’s feeling and actions# Vitality: A zest and enthusiasm for life and living.# Love: Valuing, sharing and caring for others.# Kindness: Doing things for others without requiring reciprocation.# Social intelligence: Being aware of how yourself and others are motivated, and acting accordingly.# Citizenship: Being socially responsible and loyal.# Fairness: Treating everyone in a similar way. Being just and without bias.# Leadership: Driving achievement whilst maintaining harmony.# Forgiveness and mercy: Forgiving wrong-doers rather than seeking punishment or revenge.# Humility / Modesty: Not putting oneself above others. Letting achievements speak for themselves.# Prudence: Not taking undue risks or doing what you will regret.# Self-regulation: Controlling one's emotions and actions according to one's values.# Wonder: Appreciating beauty and excellence.# Gratitude: Knowing, feeling and being thankful for all the good things in life.# Hope: Positively expecting the best and working to achieve it.# Humor: Enjoying laughter and making people laugh. Seeing the lighter side of life.# Spirituality: Having coherent beliefs higher purpose and the meaning of life"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/La17tuwt_System-of-a-Down-discography.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "System of a Down discographySystem of a Down June 30, 1998\"Suite-Pee\"\"Know\"\"Sugar\"\"Suggestions\"\"Spiders\"\"DDevil\"\"Soil\"\"War?\"\"Mind\"\"Peephole\"\"CUBErt\"\"Darts\"\"P.L.U.C.K.\" (Politically Lying, Unholy, Cowardly Killers)Toxicity September 4, 2001\"Prison Song\"\"Needles\"\"Deer Dance\"\"Jet Pilot\"\"X\"\"Chop Suey!\"\"Bounce\"\"Forest\"\"ATWA\"\"Science\"\"Shimmy\"\"Toxicity\"\"Psycho\"\"Aerials\"Steal This Album! November 26, 2002\"Chic 'N' Stu\"\"Innervision\"\"Bubbles\"\"Boom!\"\"Nüguns\"\"A.D.D.\"\"Mr. Jack\"\"I-E-A-I-A-I-O\"\"36\"\"Pictures\"\"Highway Song\"\"Fuck the System\"\"Ego Brain\"\"Thetawaves\"\"Roulette\"\"StreamlineMezmerize May 17, 2005\"Soldier Side - Intro\"\"B.Y.O.B.\"\"Revenga\"\"Cigaro\"\"Radio/Video\"\"This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm on This Song\"\"Violent Pornography\"\"Question!\"\"Sad Statue\"\"Old School Hollywood\"\"Lost in Hollywood\"Hypnotize November 22, 2005\"Attack\"\"Dreaming\"\"Kill Rock 'n Roll\"\"Hypnotize\"\"Stealing Society\"\"Tentative\"\"U-Fig\"\"Holy Mountains\"\"Vicinity of Obscenity\"\"She's Like Heroin\"\"Lonely Day\"\"Soldier Side\"about this mapby wojciech korsakall info & artwork: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_of_a_Down_discography"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/gDp8F8vZ_BOLIVIA-minicipalities.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BOLIVIA minicipalitiesabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipalities_of_Bolivia1 PandoBella Flor MunicipalityBolpebra MunicipalityCobija MunicipalityFiladelfia MunicipalityIngavi MunicipalityNueva Esperanza MunicipalityPorvenir MunicipalityPuerto Gonzalo Moreno MunicipalityPuerto Rico MunicipalitySan Lorenzo Municipality, PandoSan Pedro Municipality, PandoSanta Rosa del Abuná MunicipalitySantos Mercado MunicipalitySena MunicipalityVilla Nueva Municipality2 La PazAchacachi MunicipalityAchocalla MunicipalityAlto Beni MunicipalityAncoraimes MunicipalityApolo MunicipalityAucapata MunicipalityAyata MunicipalityAyo Ayo MunicipalityBatallas MunicipalityCairoma MunicipalityCajuata MunicipalityCalacoto MunicipalityCalamarca MunicipalityCaquiaviri MunicipalityCaranavi MunicipalityCatacora MunicipalityChacarilla MunicipalityCharaña MunicipalityChúa Cocani MunicipalityChulumani MunicipalityChuma MunicipalityCollana MunicipalityColquencha MunicipalityColquiri MunicipalityComanche MunicipalityCombaya MunicipalityCopacabana Municipality, La PazCoripata MunicipalityCoro Coro MunicipalityCoroico MunicipalityCurva MunicipalityDesaguadero MunicipalityEl Alto Municipality, La PazEscoma MunicipalityGeneral Juan José Pérez MunicipalityGuanay MunicipalityGuaqui MunicipalityHuatajata MunicipalityHuarina MunicipalityHumanata MunicipalityIchoca MunicipalityInquisivi MunicipalityIrupana MunicipalityIxiamas MunicipalityLa Asunta MunicipalityLa Paz MunicipalityLaja MunicipalityLicoma Pampa MunicipalityLuribay MunicipalityMalla MunicipalityMecapaca MunicipalityMocomoco MunicipalityNazacara de Pacajes MunicipalityPalca MunicipalityPalos Blancos MunicipalityPapel Pampa MunicipalityPatacamaya MunicipalityPelechuco MunicipalityPucarani MunicipalityPuerto Acosta MunicipalityPuerto Carabuco MunicipalityPuerto Pérez MunicipalityQuiabaya MunicipalityQuime MunicipalitySan Buenaventura Municipality, La PazSan Pedro de Curahuara MunicipalitySan Pedro de Tiquina MunicipalitySantiago de Callapa MunicipalitySantiago de Huata MunicipalitySantiago de Machaca MunicipalitySapahaqui MunicipalitySica Sica MunicipalitySorata MunicipalityTacacoma MunicipalityTiwanaku MunicipalityTipuani MunicipalityTito Yupanqui MunicipalityUmala MunicipalityViacha MunicipalityWaldo Ballivián MunicipalityYaco MunicipalityYanacachi Municipality3 BeniBaures MunicipalityExaltación MunicipalityGuayaramerín MunicipalityHuacaraje MunicipalityLoreto Municipality, BeniMagdalena Municipality, BeniPuerto Siles MunicipalityReyes MunicipalityRiberalta MunicipalityRurrenabaque MunicipalitySan Andrés Municipality, BeniSan Borja MunicipalitySan Ignacio Municipality, BeniSan Javier Municipality, BeniSan Joaquín Municipality, BeniSan Ramón Municipality, BeniSanta Ana Municipality, BeniSanta Rosa Municipality, BeniTrinidad Municipality, Beni4 OruroAndamarca MunicipalityAntequera MunicipalityBelén de Andamarca MunicipalityCaracollo MunicipalityCarangas MunicipalityChallapata MunicipalityChipaya MunicipalityChoquecota MunicipalityCoipasa MunicipalityCorque MunicipalityCruz de Machacamarca MunicipalityCurahuara de Carangas MunicipalityEl Choro MunicipalityEscara MunicipalityEsmeralda MunicipalityEucaliptus MunicipalityHuachacalla MunicipalityHuanuni MunicipalityHuayllamarca MunicipalityLa Rivera MunicipalityMachacamarca MunicipalityOruro MunicipalityPampa Aullagas MunicipalityPazña MunicipalitySabaya MunicipalitySalinas de Garci Mendoza MunicipalitySantiago de Huari MunicipalitySantuario de Quillacas MunicipalityTodos Santos MunicipalityToledo MunicipalityTotora Municipality, OruroTurco MunicipalityPoopó MunicipalityYunguyo del Litoral Municipality5 CochabambaAiquile MunicipalityAlalay MunicipalityAnzaldo MunicipalityArani MunicipalityArbieto MunicipalityArque MunicipalityAyopaya MunicipalityBolívar Municipality, CochabambaCapinota MunicipalityChimoré MunicipalityCliza MunicipalityCocapata MunicipalityCochabamba MunicipalityColcapirhua MunicipalityColomi MunicipalityCuchumuela MunicipalityEntre Ríos Municipality, CochabambaMizque MunicipalityMorochata MunicipalityMuela MunicipalityOmereque MunicipalityPasorapa MunicipalityPocona MunicipalityPojo MunicipalityPuerto Villarroel MunicipalityPunata MunicipalityQuillacollo MunicipalitySacaba MunicipalitySacabamba MunicipalitySan Benito MunicipalitySantivañez MunicipalityShinahota Municipality / Shinaota Municipality / Sinahota MunicipalitySicaya MunicipalitySipe Sipe MunicipalityTacachi MunicipalityTacopaya MunicipalityTapacarí MunicipalityTarata MunicipalityTiquipaya MunicipalityTiraque MunicipalityToco MunicipalityTolata MunicipalityTotora MunicipalityTunari MunicipalityVacas MunicipalityVila Vila MunicipalityVinto Municipality6 Santa CruzAscensión de Guarayos MunicipalityAyacucho Municipality, Santa Cruz / Porongo MunicipalityBoyuibe MunicipalityBuena Vista MunicipalityCabezas MunicipalityCamiri MunicipalityCharagua MunicipalityComarapa MunicipalityConcepción MunicipalityCotoca MunicipalityCuevo MunicipalityEl Puente Municipality, Santa CruzEl Torno MunicipalityGeneral Saavedra MunicipalityGutiérrez MunicipalityLa Guardia MunicipalityLagunillas Municipality, Santa CruzMairana MunicipalityMineros MunicipalityMontero MunicipalityMoro Moro MunicipalityOkinawa MunicipalityPailón MunicipalityPampa Grande MunicipalityPortachuelo MunicipalityPostrer Valle MunicipalityPucara MunicipalityPuerto Quijarro MunicipalityPuerto Suarez MunicipalityQuirusillas MunicipalityRoboré MunicipalitySaipina MunicipalitySamaipata MunicipalitySan Antonio del Lomerío MunicipalitySan Carlos Municipality, Santa CruzSan Ignacio Municipality, Santa CruzSan Javier Municipality, Santa CruzSan José MunicipalitySan Julián MunicipalitySan Matías MunicipalitySan Miguel MunicipalitySan Rafael Municipality, Santa CruzSan Ramón Municipality, Santa CruzSanta Cruz Municipality, Santa Cruz / Santa Cruz de la Sierra MunicipalitySanta Rosa del Sara MunicipalityTrigal MunicipalityUrubichá MunicipalityVallegrande Municipality / Valle Grande MunicipalityWarnes MunicipalityYapacaní Municipality7 PotosíAcasio MunicipalityArampampa MunicipalityAtocha MunicipalityBetanzos MunicipalityCaiza \"D\" MunicipalityCkochas Municipality / Cochas MunicipalityCaripuyo MunicipalityChaquí MunicipalityChayanta MunicipalityChuquihuta Municipality / Chuquihuta Ayllu JucumaniColcha \"K\" MunicipalityColquechaca MunicipalityCotagaita MunicipalityLlallagua MunicipalityLlica MunicipalityMojinete MunicipalityOcurí MunicipalityPocoata MunicipalityPorco MunicipalityPotosí MunicipalityPuna MunicipalityRavelo MunicipalitySacaca MunicipalitySan Agustín MunicipalitySan Antonio de Esmoruco MunicipalitySan Pablo de Lípez MunicipalitySan Pedro de Buena Vista MunicipalitySan Pedro de Quemes MunicipalityTacobamba MunicipalityTahua MunicipalityTinguipaya MunicipalityTomave MunicipalityToro Toro MunicipalityTupiza MunicipalityUncía MunicipalityUrmiri MunicipalityUyuni MunicipalityVillazón MunicipalityVitichi MunicipalityYocalla Municipality8 ChuquisacaAzurduy MunicipalityCamargo Municipality, ChuquisacaCulpina MunicipalityEl Villar MunicipalityHuacareta MunicipalityHuacaya MunicipalityIcla MunicipalityIncahuasi MunicipalityMojocoya MunicipalityCamataqui MunicipalityLas Carreras MunicipalityMacharetí MunicipalityMonteagudo MunicipalityPadilla MunicipalityPoroma MunicipalityPresto MunicipalitySan Lucas MunicipalitySopachuy MunicipalitySucre Municipality, BoliviaTarabuco MunicipalityTomina MunicipalityVilla Alcalá MunicipalityVilla Charcas MunicipalityVilla Serrano MunicipalityVilla Vaca Guzmán MunicipalityVilla Zudañez MunicipalityTarvita MunicipalityYotala MunicipalityYamparáez Municipality9 TarijaBermejo MunicipalityCaraparí MunicipalityEl Puente Municipality, TarijaEntre Ríos Municipality, TarijaPadcaya MunicipalitySan Lorenzo Municipality, TarijaTarija MunicipalityUriondo MunicipalityVillamontes MunicipalityYacuiba MunicipalityYunchará Municipality"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BZMvuDsz_Formulating-a-Corporate-Strategic-Plan.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Formulating a Corporate Strategic Plan Atsmith.au@gmail.comEnvironmental factorsThreatsImpactTimingEvidenceOpportunitiesList variables that may AssistCompetitionIndustry FactorsList VariablesCompetitor ActionsPotential CompetitorsVertical Integration ( acquiring competitorMarket ExpansionProduct ExpansionCompetitive ApproachesIdentify Strategic groupsSegment Market according to groupsAlternativesMitigation of RiskSWATBarriers to EntrySize, growth , profitabilityCurrent and past StrategiesOrganization and CultureCost StructuresObjectivesInternal AnalysisValueValue PropositionQuality vs PriceMarket positioningAfter SalesValue Chain AnalysisExamine Synergies and LinkagesOrganizational SystemsHR ManagementTechnology DevelopmentProcurementMarketingLogistics / SalesServiceInboundOutboundOperationsSalesOrganizational CapabilityIT InfrastructureOrganizational and structureHuman CapitalSocial CapitalCultureMarketing CapabilityR&DThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCompetitive AnalysisPorter's Five ForcesThreat of SubstitutesSwitching costsBuyer tendency to substitutePrice-performance trade-off of substitutesSupplier PowerSupplier concentrationImportance of volume to supplierCost relative to total purchases in industryDegree of RivalryRate of industry growthNumber of competitorsIntermittent industry overcapacityFixed cost allocation per value addedBarriers to EntryEconomies of product differencesBrand equityCapital requirementsAccess to distributionBuyer PowerBuyer volumeAvailability of existing substitute productsBuyer price sensitivitySWOTCore competenciesWhich Strategy exploits your CompetenciesIdentify Resource GapsCustomer AnalysisCustomer ProfileWho ?WhatHow ?Where ?WhenWhy?DifferentiationValueCustomer Preference Mapping (what is valued by the customer )What are you going to be excellent atWhat are you going to be bad atHow do you identify customersMarket segmentationBehavioral Segmentation (Brand, benefits that Customer expect)Geographic and DemographicPsychographic (Culture , Motivation Attitudes etcHow do you meet their needsCustomer SatisfactionHow do you record Strategic Information on themAnalysis of FindingsSWOTCritical Success Factors 3-7BU Values ()Vision Statement ()Strategic objectivesMission Statement ()Formulate Action planBusiness Plan ()Formulate KPI'sVision StatementCritical Success Factors 3-7 ()BU ValuesCritical Success Factors 3-7 ()Mission StatementStrategic objectives ()Buy inAlignment to Strategic planPlan to achieve buy inCommunication of PlanChallengesFormulationNewCurrentContinually AlignContinually Align"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/pnUrVED3_Social-brain-science-APM-PMO-SIG-Autumn-Conference-2015.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Social brain science Carole OsterweilObjectivesMaking the invisible more visible, and maximising valueGive youFlavour of how the brain worksSpringboard for discussion/learningEnableReflect on your situationConsider professional implicationsQuestions, workshops. beyond...3 Part BrainThinking brainAnalysisDecision-makingCreativityEmpathyFeeling brainEmotional command centreImpulsesMemoriesPrimitive brainBody processesHeart, lungs, temperatureSurvivalWe're wired for survivalAnd we're wired for social survivalConstantly scanning for threats/rewardsLearningConsciousLeast energy efficientWe're usually conscious of what we're thinkingPart ConsciousEnergy efficientUnconsciousCommunicating for learningYour brain wants to keep things the sameMessages must be repeatedTo move through 3 stagesConsistency is keyModel behaviour consistentlyDon't undo your own messageThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookScanning & SignalsSignalsExternal signals (5 senses)Internal signals (heart, lungs etc)Hostile or familiar?Continual assessmentsSocial pain/pleasureAvoid or Approach?Hostile: AvoidanceEmotionsFearAngerDisgustShameSadnessBehavioursDefendAttackWithdrawFreezeThinking brain goes 'offline'Happens to us allAutopilotDistractingTriggered by small signalsResponse to perceived 'hostile'Be tuned in to invisible signalsFamiliar: ApproachEmotionsTrustLoveExcitementJoyBehavioursCreateCollaborateMotivateLearnThinking brain stays onlineHigher quality thinkingGreater sense of attachmentEngagement and immersionSummaryAvoidance behaviours create project/people stressWhether you like it or notEverything said/done is transmitted to othersVerbalNon-verbalConsciousNon-consciousWill impact on your project deliveryCollaboration failsTensions mountCan spiral downwardsImpacts can quickly amplifyContagiousMultiple stakeholdersEmotional skills neededNot just technicalMore relationalInvisible DynamicsLearn to identifyConsider ways to influenceInterrupt the cycleImproving regulationTroubleshootingFacilitation & dialogueDisrupt unhelpful patternsAmplify positive patternsTraining & development70:20:10 learning balanceRewiring 'on the job'CoachingAction learning"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/iqxod0De_Comment-naviguer-dans-un-monde-chaotique-surfez-sur-le-tsunami-des-changements.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Comment naviguer dans un monde chaotique : surfez sur le tsunami des changements !1. Comprendre le mondeétudierles ingénieursapprendre beaucoup......oublier l'essentieldécouverte de la démarche scientifiqueMBAvoyagertours du mondepour comprendrelireles philosophesen confrontant les visions, les approches philosophiques et les science, on voit2. Évolution des scienceson ne voit pas le monde pareilsi on est seul sur une planète est platesi on est nombreux sur une planète est rondesi nous nous voyons comme une poussière dans l'universtout dépend du paradigme scientifiqueexemple des indiens d'Amérique qui n'ont pas su voir les bateaux des conquistadors...sauf les Chamanes !et les enfants ?les sciences d'hier à aujourd'huiLa rouesur les valises seulement depuis peuLa mécanique classiqueNewtonLa relativitéEinsteinpas encore digéréeLa mécanique quantiquepas encore digéréeLes théories du chaosles images fractalesla même chose se reproduit quelque soit le niveau d'échelleselon les enfantsfais un cercle, puis des plus petit...une croix dans la croix dans la croix dans la croixtu peux pas mesurer avec la règle, ça s'arrête jamaisc'est comme un légo, avec un cube qui sert à faire un plus gros cube, qui sert à faire un plus gros cubeplus tu t'approches plus tu t'en vas, plus c'est pareilil s'agit de les reconnaître dans notre entourageLe monde nous apparaît de plus en plus fractaleil l'a toujours été...mais on ne l'a jamais vu ! comme les Indiensarbredésert d'Atacamacorailterre sèche après la pluieles galaxiescristal de neige...l'infiniment grand et l'infiniment petit sont autant fractals l'un que l'autrele meilleur objet thématique pour décrire la nature, ce que Newton ne peut pas fairele fractal ne vient pas de fracture, mais de la fraction mathématiquel'ordre apparaît dans le désordreapparition du chaosdu filet d'eau......au tourbillonapparition de l'ordreque si on voit d'abord l'image fractaledécouverte de l'émergence3. Caractéristiques du monde fractalLe fractal est là quand le nombre et la vitesse sont présentesde 1 habitant à 7 milliard d'habitants sur la planèteles échanges entre les individus explosent (Internet, téléphones mobiles, les voyages aériens, ...)le nombre de rencontre explosel'accélérationnos parents avaient une forte probabilité de faire toute leur vie au même endroitle langageles motsle Tsunami du changementle planisphère d'antan avec ses couleurs bien délimitées n'est plusle choc des civilisation selon HutingtonHuntingtonles frontières sont beaucoup plus proches (d'un arrondissement à l'autre et non plus d'un continent à l'autre)This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook4. Les exemples pour comprendre le monde sous l'angle du fractalle luxe et le low-costLacoste pour les banlieusardscomment gérer sa clientèle fractaleleader Price pour les richesles riches achètent du luxe tout le tempsles pauvres épargnes pour acheter du luxe un jourles vols aériens1ère classe d'un jour pour le boulot......2ème classe de toujours pour les vacances !fin des frontières clairement définiesle passage d'un côté à l'autre se fait naturellementgauche / droite70'sGiscardMarchais2000la droite met en avant JaurèsLa gauche veut mettre le drapeau français et chanter la Marseillaise5. D'autres exemples pour aller plus loinun exemple pour demain : la démocratie fractalecomment croire qu'un même homme politique sache gérer pendant 5 anssolutions de la démocratie participativesolution de collège de parties prenantesrecréer une petite sociétéles monnaiesfin du monopole des monnaies conventionnellesmonnaies alternativesmonnaies complémentairesmonnaies libresLes écritures fractalevision globalele mélange des lettre n'empêche pas de comprendre ce qui est écritl'alphabetl'assemblage de signe sans sens donne un senslecture de gauche à droitealors que les écritures anciennesde droite à gauchecar graver dans la pierreplus facilevision conceptuellevision logiquevision analogiquecerveau gaucheles signes et idéogrammeça ressemble à quelque choseapproche contextuelleapproche visuellecerveau droitele japonaisest visuelet conceptuelen même tempsle coréenconceptueldernier alphabet 1500en dessinant la forme de l'organe qui prononce le sonressemble à du visuelest conceptuelmais a été crée sur un mode contextuelle fractalles orientaux comprennent plusieurs alphabets et mobilisent les 2 hémisphères de notre cerveaules occidentaux commencentà gérer les smiley...visuelà saisir des SMS en alphabet logique en mode contextuelle temps fractalnotre agendale temps est à la fois linéaire et cycliqueloisirtravailvie privéevie professionnelleon subit un monde qui n'est plus linéaire ou on comprend que le monde est fractal ?Nos étapes de vieapprendreL'apprentissage fractal ()les enfants ne font qu'apprendre ?faire exécuter les enfants : stages ...exécuterles adultes peuvent apprendrese reposer/la retraitefaire une année sabbatique ?les retraités peuvent avoir une activité utlie pour la sociétééchapper à la procrastinationL'apprentissage fractalapprendre ()déductifun bon élèveinductiffaire émerger la connaissance à travers la répétitionles jeux vidéo de nos enfants......et des adultesla relation fractalela relation physique : l'homme de cromagnonla relation utile : lignées de dynastiel'amour : choixle super-amourtravailler avec son conjointfaire l'amour avec ses collaborateursl'hyper-amourle partenaire de vie......devient partenaire spirituel6. La métamorphosemétamorphosela crisecyclique......est devenue systémiquela poly-crisedu balancement d'un côté à l'autre jusqu'au tiping point : point de déclenchementpour atteindre un autre équilibre émergeant (decision point)......sinon c'est le collapsemprise de l'effet papillondans un système linéaireil faut être nombreuxil faut être très fortdans un système chaotiquela rupture vient du choc des linéairestout le monde à le pouvoir de changer le monde = sans précédant dans l'histoire de l'Humanitéil faut détecter les autres émergencescapacité à voir l'ordre dans le désordrecapacité à ne pas écraser les autres papillonsles créatifs culturels !"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Gz4DPHym_Party-leaders-of-the-Communist-Party-USA.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Party leaders of the Communist Party USAabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_USAintroThe Communist Party USA, officially the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA),[8] is a communist party in the United States established in 1919 after a split in the Socialist Party of America following the Russian Revolution.[9][10]The history of the CPUSA is closely related to the American labor movement and communist parties worldwide. Initially operating underground due to the Palmer Raids starting in the First Red Scare, the party was influential in American politics in the first half of the 20th century and played a prominent role in the labor movement from the 1920s through the 1940s, becoming known for opposing racism and racial segregation after sponsoring the defense for the Scottsboro Boys in 1931. Its membership increased during the Great Depression, and they played a key role in the Congress of Industrial Organizations.[10] The CPUSA subsequently declined due to events such as the beginning of the Cold War, the second Red Scare, and the influence of McCarthyism. Its opposition to the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine were unpopular, with its endorsed candidate Henry A. Wallace under-performing in the 1948 presidential election. Its support for the Soviet Union increasingly alienated it from the rest of the left in the United States in the 1960s.[10]The CPUSA received significant funding from the Soviet Union and crafted its public positions to match those of Moscow.[11] The CPUSA also used a covert apparatus to assist the Soviets with their intelligence activities in the United States and utilized a network of front organizations to shape public opinion.[12] The CPUSA opposed glasnost and perestroika in the Soviet Union and as a result major funding from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ended in 1989.Charles Ruthenberg1919–1927Executive Secretary of old CPA (1919–1920); Executive Secretary of WPA/W(C)P (May 1922 – 1927)Alfred Wagenknecht1919–1921Executive Secretary of CLP (1919–1920); of UCP (1920–1921)Charles Dirba1920–1921Executive Secretary of old CPA (1920–1921); of unified CPA (May 30, 1921 – July 27, 1921)Louis Shapiro1920Executive Secretary of old CPAL.E. Katterfeld1921Executive Secretary of unified CPAWilliam Weinstone1921–1922Executive Secretary of unified CPAJay Lovestone1922; 1927–1929Executive Secretary of unified CPA (February 22, 1922 – August 22, 1922); of W(C)P/CPUSA (1927–1929)James P. Cannon1921–1922National Chairman of WPACaleb Harrison1921–1922Executive Secretary of WPAAbram Jakira1922–1923Executive Secretary of unified CPAWilliam Z. Foster1929–1934; 1945–1957Party ChairmanEarl Browder1934–1945Party ChairmanEugene Dennis1945–1959General SecretaryGus Hall1959–2000General SecretarySam Webb2000–2014ChairmanJohn Bachtell2014–2019ChairmanRossana Cambron2019–presentCo-chairJoe Sims2019–presentCo-chair"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/t810345_MindMapping_101.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MindMapping OverviewOverview of MindmappingOverview of MindManagerReference MaterialsWhat is a mindmap?Visual diagram of information and thoughts arranged around a central key word or ideaPsychology of Learning - RememberingBeginning of the learning period (\" the primacy effect\")End of the learning period (\" the recency effect\")Association with things or patterns already storedItems emphasized in an outstanding or unique wayItems appeal strongly to any of the five sensesItems of particular interest to a personNote-making vs. Note-takingDisadvantages of Standard Linear NotesObscure key wordslimits ability to make associationsDifficult to rememberMonotonoussingle colorboringWaste timeFail to stimulate brain creativelyfalse sense of completionHowe Study - Effectiveness of notingResults1. Key word notes personally madeSuccessful noting ()2. Key word notes given3. Sentence summary notes personally made4. Sentence summary notes given5. Complete transcript notes personally made6. Complete transcript notes givenSuccessful noting1. Key word notes personally made ()BrevityEfficiencyActive personal involvementMindMapping Principles1. StructureCentral TopicMain themes radiate from centerBranches are key image or wordIdeas connected to ideasStart at 1 o'clock topic and read clockwise2. Identify Basic Ordering Ideas\"Chapter Headings\"Objectives3 .Use Emphasis & AssociationDefine relationships between topicsUse icons to convey meaning ()Use variations of font, size, line, color and image to emphasize an ideaUse icons to convey meaningDefine relationships between topics ()4. Be clearMake boundaries to embrace branch\"chunking\"5. Develop a personal style\" 1 + rule\"BrainstormingProject ManagementMeeting FacilitationCollaborationInformation ManagementProposal DevelopmentThe MindMap Book by Tony BuzanHTTP://www.mindjet.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/MeZQ8kXQ_THINK-better-Collection-Maps-for-teachers-students-and-institutions-Overview.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "THINK betterEvolutionsverläufe90 MindMapsLehrplanrelevante MindMaps von der biologischen bis zur WissensevolutionDiktaturen60 MindMapsMindMaps zu Diktatur/Demokratievergleichen, generelle Modelle über Didakturen, im 20.und 21. JahrhundertKonflikte im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert60 MindMapsLehrplanrelevante Geschichtsthemen. Kosovo Konflikt, NSA - Überwachung, Kalter Krieg, NahostkonfliktWirtschaft60 MindMapsLehrplanrelevante Themen zur Arbeits- und WirtschaftslehreEvolution-Tiere-Pflanzen-Ökologie80 MindMapsLernplanrelevante Themen zur Biologie.Evolution, Zoologie, Phytologie und ÖkologieSchulorganisation, Schulevolution, Mobbing90 MindMapsSchul- und unterrichtsrelevante Themen, die sich mit unterschiedlichen Aspekten der Schulorganisation und Schulveränderung befassenDie Bundesrepublik in einer globalisierten Welt50 MindMapsSozialkundliche Aspekte zum Thema BRD in einer globalisierten WeltGesellschaftsgeografische Zusammenhänge60 MindMapsLehrplarelevante GeografiethemenVon der Urgeschichte bis zum Mittelalter70 MindMapsUnterrichtsrelevante Themen von der Altsteinzeit, der Jungsteinzeit, Metallzeit, Pharaonenzeit, der antiken Welt und des MittelaltersProbleme des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts100 MindMapsLehrplanrelevante Geschichtsthemen Bevölkerungspolitik, Energieprobleme, Globalisierung, Schulden- und wirtschaftskrise, Klima- und Infromationspolitik und zur 3. WeltModelle über semantische Netze100 MindMapsEffekte sematischer Mappingverfahren, systhem- und wissenschaftstheoretische Aspekte des Modellierens von MindMaps. Ansästze einer MindMappingdidaktikMensch-Sexualität-Bevölkerung50 MindMapsLehrplanrelevante Biologiethemen. die sich mit dem menschlishcnen Körper und der Sexualität beschäftigen. Weiterhin Maps zum Thema BevölkerungsentwicklungThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMindMappingtechnik im Unterricht90 MindMapsGute Bespiele zur einübung der MindMappingtechnik. Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen ThemenbereichenMathematische Modellierungsoptionen und didaktische Möglichkeiten für Sachaufgaben70 MindMapsMindMaps zu vielen Unterrichtsrelevanten MathematikThemenGrundsätzliche geografische Zusammenhänge90 MindMapsLernplanrelevante Geografiethemen.Geografische Modellierung, der Himmelskörper Erde, Evolution der ErdhülleWirtschaftsgeografie60 MindMapsUmfangreiche Sammlung zuWirtschaftssysthemen, Wirtschafts- und Unternehmenspolitik, sowie WirtschaftsdynamikNeuzeit70 MindMapsLehrplan relevante MindMaps zum Thema Geschichte. Kirchspaltung, Gegenreformation, Neue Welt und deren Folgen, Absolutismus, Industrielle Revolution.Vom 1. zum 2. Weltkrieg50 MindMapsGeschichtsthemen zum 1. und 2. Weltkrieg, sowie Weimarer RepublikBerufskompetenzen60 MindMapsMindMaps aus der Arbeits- und Wirtschaftslehre, die sich mit Berufskompetenzen beschäftigenKrankheit und Sucht60 MindMapsViele MindMaps zum Thema suchtverhalten und Entstehung von KrankheitenPsychologie, Soziologie, Schulhygiene, Suchtaspekte70 MindMapsMindMaps zum Lernen ernen, Schulhygiene, soziologische und psychologische AspekteWeltall, Kräfte, Optik, Energie, Klima, Aerodynamik, Säuren und Laugen110 MindMapsZum Thema Physik und ChemieNaturgeografische Zusammenhänge80 MindMapsGeografiethemen, Geo-Zone, Aspekte und Probleme von Gewässern, Pflanzenwelt und verschiedener ÖkosystemeProbleme der Mensch-Raumbeziehungen100 MindMapsGeografiethemen umfangreiche Sammlungwirtschaftliche Ungleichheit, Wachstums- und Ressourcenprobleme, Umweltgefahren."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/7XgzfAgw_Administrative-divisions-of-Kaliningrad-Oblast.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Administrative divisions of Kaliningrad OblastintroKaliningrad Oblast (Russian: Калинингра́дская о́бласть, Kaliningradskaya oblast), often referred to as the Kaliningrad Region in English[14][15], or simply Kaliningrad, is a federal subject of the Russian Federation that is located on the coast of the Baltic Sea. As an oblast, its constitutional status is equal to each of the other 84 federal subjects. Its administrative center is the city of Kaliningrad, formerly known as Königsberg. It is the only Baltic port in the Russian Federation that remains ice-free in winter. According to the 2010 census, it had a population of 941,873.[9]The oblast is an exclave, bordered by Poland to the south and Lithuania to the east and north, so visa-free travel to the rest of Russia is possible only by sea or air. The territory was formerly the northern part of East Prussia, with the southern part now being Poland's Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. With the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945, the territory was annexed by the Soviet Union. Following the post-war migration and expulsion of the German-speaking population, the territory was populated with citizens from the Soviet Union. Today virtually no ethnic Germans remain; most of the several thousand who live there are recent immigrants from other parts of the former Soviet Union.Early in the 21st century, the hitherto fledgling economy of Kaliningrad Oblast became one of the best performing economies in Russia. This was helped by a low manufacturing tax rate related to its \"Special Economic Zone\" (SEZ) status. As of 2006, one in three televisions manufactured in Russia came from Kaliningrad. The territory's population was one of the few in Russia that was expected to show strong growth after the collapse of the USSR.[16]Cities and towns under the oblast's jurisdiction:Kaliningrad (Калининград) (administrative center)administrative districts:Leningradsky (Ленинградский)Moskovsky (Московский)Tsentralny (Центральный)Baltiysk (Балтийск)Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:Primorsk (Приморск)Pionersky (Пионерский)Sovetsk (Советск)Svetlogorsk (Светлогорск)Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:Yantarny (Янтарный)Svetly (Светлый)Bagrationovsky (Багратионовский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Bagrationovsk (Багратионовск)Ladushkin (Ладушкин)Mamonovo (Мамоново)with 11 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Chernyakhovsky (Черняховский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Chernyakhovsk (Черняховск)with 7 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Guryevsky (Гурьевский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Guryevsk (Гурьевск)with 9 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Gusevsky (Гусевский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Gusev (Гусев)with 7 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Gvardeysky (Гвардейский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Gvardeysk (Гвардейск)with 6 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Krasnoznamensky (Краснознаменский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Krasnoznamensk (Краснознаменск)with 7 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Nemansky (Неманский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Neman (Неман)with 9 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Nesterovsky (Нестеровский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Nesterov (Нестеров)with 7 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Ozyorsky (Озёрский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Ozyorsk (Озёрск)with 6 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Polessky (Полесский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Polessk (Полесск)with 6 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Pravdinsky (Правдинский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Pravdinsk (Правдинск)Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:Zheleznodorozhny (Железнодорожный)with 8 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Slavsky (Славский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Slavsk (Славск)with 7 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.Zelenogradsky (Зеленоградский)Towns under the district's jurisdiction:Zelenogradsk (Зеленоградск)with 9 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.about this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrative_divisions_of_Kaliningrad_Oblast"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/cJSsbVp1_4th-Quarter-2011-Mindmap.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "4th Quarter 2011OctoberWeek 1Saturday, 10/1/11Sunday, 10/2/11Week 2Monday, 10/3/11Tuesday, 10/4/11Wednesday, 10/5/11Thursday, 10/6/11Friday, 10/7/11Saturday, 10/8/11Sunday, 10/9/11Week 3Monday, 10/10/11Tuesday, 10/11/11Wednesday, 10/12/11Thursday, 10/13/11Friday, 10/14/11Saturday, 10/15/11Sunday, 10/16/11Week 4Monday, 10/17/11Tuesday, 10/18/11Wednesday, 10/19/11Thursday, 10/20/11Friday, 10/21/11Saturday, 10/22/11Sunday, 10/23/11Week 5Monday, 10/24/11Tuesday, 10/25/11Wednesday, 10/26/11Thursday, 10/27/11Friday, 10/28/11Saturday, 10/29/11Sunday, 10/30/11Week 6Monday, 10/31/11NovemberWeek 1Tuesday, 11/1/11Wednesday, 11/2/11Thursday, 11/3/11Friday, 11/4/11Saturday, 11/5/11Sunday, 11/6/11Week 2Monday, 11/7/11Tuesday, 11/8/11Wednesday, 11/9/11Thursday, 11/10/11Friday, 11/11/11Saturday, 11/12/11Sunday, 11/13/11Week 3Monday, 11/14/11Tuesday, 11/15/11Wednesday, 11/16/11Thursday, 11/17/11Friday, 11/18/11Saturday, 11/19/11Sunday, 11/20/11Week 4Monday, 11/21/11Tuesday, 11/22/11Wednesday, 11/23/11Thursday, 11/24/11Friday, 11/25/11Saturday, 11/26/11Sunday, 11/27/11Week 5Monday, 11/28/11Tuesday, 11/29/11Wednesday, 11/30/11DecemberWeek 1Thursday, 12/1/11Friday, 12/2/11Saturday,12/3/11Sunday, 12/4/11Week 2Monday,12/5/11Tuesday, 12/6/11Wednesday, 12/7/11Thursday, 12/8/11Friday, 12/9/11Saturday, 12/10/11Sunday, 12/11/11Week 3Monday, 12/12/11Tuesday, 12/13/11Wednesday, 12/14/11Thursday, 12/15/11Friday, 12/16/11Saturday, 12/17/11Sunday, 12/18/11Week 4Monday, 12/19/11Tuesday, 12/20/11Wednesday, 12/21/11Thursday, 12/22/11Friday, 12/23/11Saturday, 12/24/11Sunday, 12/25/11Week 5Monday, 12/26/11Tuesday, 12/27/11Wednesday, 12/28/11Thursday, 12/29/11Friday, 12/30/11Saturday, 12/31/11This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/d190823_Canada.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CanadaWestern CanadaBritish ColumbiaBritish Columbia InteriorAtlin DistrictStikine CountryPeace River CountryNechakoBulkleyCaribooInterlakesFraser CanyonChilcotinOmineca-Prince GeorgeRobson ValleyKootenaysWest KootenaySlocanArrow LakesEast KootenayElk ValleyColumbia ValleyColumbia CountryBig Bend CountryColumbia ValleyOkanaganBoundarySimilkameenThompsonNicolaBonaparteWells Grey-ClearwaterShuswapLillooet-Fraser CanyonBridge River CountrySouth CoastLower MainlandGreater VancouverFraser ValleySea-to-Sky CorridorPemberton Valley (alspart of Lillooet Country)Gates Valley (alspart of Lillooet Country)South CoastGulf IslandsSouthern Gulf IslandsNorthern Gulf IslandsSunshine CoastVancouver IslandGreater VictoriaSaanich PeninsulaMid-IslandCowichan ValleyNanaimo-ParksvilleComox ValleyNorth IslandWest Coast of Vancouver IslandJuan de Fuca regionCentral CoastQueen Charlotte StraitBella Coola ValleyNorth CoastQueen Charlotte IslandsSkeenaNassStewart CountryAlbertaNorthern AlbertaPeace River CountryAlberta's RockiesSouthern AlbertaCypress HillsPalliser's TriangleCalgary RegionEdmonton Capital RegionCentral AlbertaCalgary–Edmonton CorridorSaskatchewanCarlton Trail RegionEast Central SaskatchewanNorthern SaskatchewanGreater Regina AreaGreater Saskatoon AreaSoutheastern SaskatchewanSouthwestern SaskatchewanPalliser's TriangleCoteau HillsCypress HillsWest Central SaskatchewanLakeland RegionManitobaNorthernInterlakeCentral PlainsEastmanWestmanWinnipeg Capital RegionParklandPembina ValleyEastern CanadaOntarioNorthern OntarioNorthwestern OntarioNortheastern OntarioNickel BeltSouthern OntarioSouthwestern OntarioGeorgian TriangleBruce PeninsulaGolden HorseshoeGreater TorontAreaNiagara PeninsulaCentral OntarioKawartha LakesMuskokaHaliburtonBay of QuinteEastern OntarioOttawa ValleyNational Capital RegionThousand IslandsUpper Ottawa ValleyQuebecEastern TownshipsMontérégieLaurentian MountainsGreater MontrealNorthern QuebecOutaouaisGreater Quebec City AreaSaguenay-Lac-Saint-JeanBas-Saint-Laurent (Lower Saint-Lawrence)Eastern QuebecGaspésieCôte-NordÎle JésusIsland of MontrealÎle PerrotÎle d'OrléansL'Île-Bizard, QuebecAnticosti IslandMagdalen IslandsNew BrunswickAcadian PeninsulaNorth ShoreGulf ShoreFundy ShoreFundy IslesKennebacasis River ValleyRepublic of MadawaskaMiramichi ValleySt. John ValleyTantramarMetrMonctonGreater Saint JohnGreater FrederictonPrince Edward IslandNorth ShoreSouth ShoreWest PrinceEast Prince/Summerside AreaQueensCharlottetown AreaKingsNova ScotiaAnnapolis ValleyCape Breton IslandIndustrial Cape BretonCape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM)Cape Breton HighlandsStrait of CansAreaCentral Nova ScotiaEastern ShoreHalifax Regional Municipality (HRM)Musquodoboit ValleyNorth ShoreNorthern Nova ScotiaSouth ShoreSouthwestern Nova ScotiaTantramarLabradorLabrador WestLabrador CoastNunatsiavutNewfoundlandAvalon PeninsulaBurin PeninsulaBonavista PeninsulaSouth CoastWest CoastBay of IslandsSouth Shore Bay of IslandsNorth Shore Bay of IslandsCorner BrookBay St. GeorgeBay St. George SouthBonne BayGros MornePort au Port PeninsulaGreat Northern PeninsulaWhite BayNortheast CoastFogIslandNorthern CanadaYukonKlondikeNorthwest TerritoriesCensus divisionsFort Smith RegionInuvik RegionAdministrative divisions of the Government of the Northwest TerritoriesInuvik RegionSahtu RegionDehchRegionNorth Slave RegionSouth Slave RegionNunavutKitikmeot RegionKivalliq RegionQikiqtaaluk Regionmapped by Wojciech Korsak"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_KxiLocRe.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Intégrer le Mindmapping numérique dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage de la Psychologie par M. Bang Khanh Nong, M. Tuan Anh Pham, Mme. Thy Nu Mai Tran Carte de Lecture de Lucas Gruez, août 2011 Blog: http://classemapping.blogspot.com/ Curation: http://www.scoop.it/t/classemapping http://www.scoop.it/t/p-o-cIntroductionpsychologiematière obligatoire dans le cursus en sciences sociales pour la formation des enseignantsEducationApproche constructivisteoutils efficacesCartes mentalesPensée irradianteImage centraleBranches principalesBranches secondairesMots clésImagesStructure connectéeApproche multi-dimensionnelleCartes conceptuellesUn instantané de la construction des connaissances d'une personneComment les concepts sonthiérarchisésReliésIntégrésApprentissage plus efficaceUne meilleurefocalisation sur l'essentielMémorisationProductivitéCréativitéRelier connaissancesAntérieuresNouvellesEvaluer l'évolutionPlus grande motivationEnthousiasmeSentiment de compétenceTechnologies de l'Information et de la CommunicationProgramme de développement 2001-2005Priorité stratégique du développement socio-économiqueChanger la pédagogiecentréenon plus sur l'enseignantmais sur l'apprenantAméliorer la qualité de l'enseignementUtilisation de logiciels de mind mappingSur 150 professeurs interrogés95,2% trouvent l'outiltrès utileUn outil pourConnaissancesMieuxintégréesorganiséesIdéesBrainstormingmieux organiséesRésoudre des problèmesavec davantage de logiquela classeune plus grandemotivationcréativitécollaborationConfianceProblématique de la rechercheEfficacité du mind mapping numérique par rapportaux méthodes conventionnellesau mind mapping papier / crayonsl'utilisation du mind mapping a-t-il changé positivement l'attitude des étudiants vis à vis du cours de Psychologie auThai Nguyen Teacher Training Institution?MéthodesParticipants90 étudiants de première année du Thai Nguyen Teacher Training Institute (VietNam)30 dans chaque groupe, répartis de façon aléatoireGroupe expérimental: EEnseigner et apprendre avec des logiciels de mind mappingGroupe de contrôle 1: E1Enseigner et apprendre de façon conventionnelleGroupe de contrôle 2: E2Enseigner et apprendre avec le mind mapping papier / crayonsModèle de recherchePré-testAprès le premier chapitre du coursTous les étudiants au même niveauPas d'utilsation du mind mappingles trois groupes sont formésUtilisation du mind mappingE: logiciels de mind mappingE2: mind mapping papier / crayonPost-testA la fin du coursInstrumentsTests écritsQCMProcédureMise en oeuvre pédagogique sur le chapitre 4 du coursPour le groupe expérimental (mind mapping sur ordinateur)Apprentissage du mind mappingles techniquesles logicielspour le groupe contrôle 1 (méthode conventionnelle)Cours conventionnelaucune référence au mind mappingpour le groupe de contrôle 2 ( mind mapping papier / crayon)Apprentissage du mind mappingles techniquesutilisation papier / crayonsChaque groupe aeffectué les mêmes tâchesdans le même laps de tempsAperçu de l'activité des groupes expérimentauxFabrication d'une carte mentale collective sur la cognitiongrand groupeEnseignant + EtudiantsBrainstormingCréation de la structure de la carteConnexions entre les conceptsTableau de la connaissance du groupePar groupe de 5Un ordinateur portable par groupeA partir de la carte collective, les étudiants doiventanalysercomparersynthétisercompléterCréation d'une nouvelle carteprésentée au grand groupePendant la présentation de chaque groupeSynthèseCréation d'une nouvelle carte collectiveStructuration des connaissances par les étudiantsfaçon originale de créer un cours structurémise en place de différentes situations d'apprentissageEtudiants actifsse posent des questionsdoivent résoudre des problèmesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookRésultatsEfficacité du mind mapping numérique?Résultats du pré-testpas de différences significatives entre les groupesRésultats du post-testE = mind mapping numérique E2 = mind mapping papier crayon E1 = façon conventionnellel'utilisation de mind mapping joue un rôle crucial dans la réussite scolairemind mapping papier / crayonimpact significatif sur la façon d'apprendremind mapping numériqueplus grande efficacitéen relation avecbrainstormingtravail collaboratifPerception des étudiants sur l'utilité du mind mappingQuestionnaire pour les deux groupes utilisant les cartes heuristiquesles aide pourbrainstormingorganisation des idéesplus grande efficacité avec le mind mapping numériquecompréhension des conceptstravail avec des pairsutilisation dans d'autres matièresDifficultéau départ, pour quelques uns, l'utilisation du logiciel de mind mappingConclusiongrande efficacité du mind mapping dans l'apprentissagemême résultats que les études précédentesBuzan, 1996Farrand et al. 2002Riley & Ahlberg, 2004Akinoglu & Yasar, 2007Chiou, 2008Erdogan, 2008Logiciels de mind mapping, un outil extrêmement efficace pourconceptualiser des idéesétablir des liens entre les conceptsorganiser les idéesconstruire de nouvelles connaissancesrésoudre des problèmesdévelopper l'esprit critiquetravail collaboratifDéveloppe la créativitéLes étudiants se sont appropriés l'outil et l'ont utilisé dans d'autres matièrespour le cours de PsychologiemotivationintérêtConfiance en euxun outil pour les enseignantspour structurer les coursplanifierElaborermenerce n'est pas \"l'outil idéal\"A l'enseignant de déterminer dans quelle situation utiliser les cartes heuristiques pour un meilleur apprentissagePour un petit nombre d'étudiantsdifficulté à s'adapter rapidement à l'utilisation du mind mappingRisque de frustrationConcevoir un apprentissage préalable des techniques du mind mapping d'une grande clartémise en place d'un soutienune intégration raisonnable des TIC dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage permetaugmentation de la qualitéEducationPédagogieEn cas de manque d'équipementsl'utilisation du mind mapping est tout de mêmesimplea mettre en oeuvre"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/n595151_November_Blog_Post_Ideas.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "November Blog Post Ideas1-10Student Incentives in the Laptop ClassroomInfectiousStorytlr.com in History and English ClassCollaboration with JackCSS for History TeachersCaptivate VideoSimilar to Illustrated text from the Middle AgesMilitary History - Normandy InvasionWith Flash AnimationOverviewStreaming Your DesktopAdvantagesHow-toWirecastWimba for BlackboardReviewApplicationSharepod in the ClassroomInstructional Uses for iPodsEarly History of Science & TechnologyThe First 10The Middle Ages in 5 minutes and 9 secondsGoAnimateWhy study history?A student's perspective11-20Multiple MonitorsOne ComputerMultiple ComputersAdvantagesGradingThe Danger Poster in BlackboardImages for studentsFailing the classBehind in the workPraiseSelf & Peer Assessment in BlackboardHow-ToSCORMWhat is it?Frustrations of New Teachers with TechnologyInterviewsFrustrations of Administrators with TechnologyInterviewWallSchottCreegerAccelerated LearningWhat is it?Why use WordPress?Westward Expansion in US HistoryPAI Ch 12Teaching with ComicsSTEM focusInterview J Smith21-30The Age of Innovation and IndustryPAI Ch 13Labor's Response to IndustrialismPAI Ch 14Through Ellis Island and Angel Island: The Immigrant ExperiencePAI Ch 15The Culture of the High Middle AgesWH Ch 10-3The Late Middle AgesWH Ch 10-4The RenaissanceWH Ch 12-1The Intellectual and Artistic RenaissanceWH Ch 12-2The Protestant ReformationWH Ch 12-3The Spread of Protestantism and the Catholic ResponseWH Ch 12-4Exploration and ExpansionWH Ch 13-1"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/zvMkuq0D_FDF-1-et-2.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "fDF 1 et 2TarasconOrganisation administrativeNote de procédure10 stagiairesRajouter - GAVOIS Geoffrey SPVC - Information Chef de centreConducteursmessagerie tous CISEquipe pédagogiqueAntonuitti patrickRouan SébastienToute la semaineCanredon YannickRavaleux Rolandlundi AM, mercredi AM, jeudi AMMongenie Jean Jacques3 jours (mardi, mercredi, jeudiSpecia ChristopheOrganisation matérielleVéhiculesCCF 2000 TARASCONCCF 2000 PAMIERSCCF 2000 FOIXCCF 2000 LAVELANETPostes radio6 Postes radioPonchosPonchos formationun exemplaire pour montrerMoto pompe commandoA faire inclure dans la dotation du CCF FOIXOrganisation pédagogiqueSupports pédagogiquesFormateurEn ligne sur plate forme collaboratriceStagiairesLivret de formation - Icône GraphicCopie du GNR - PrêtMatérielsVidéo projecteur Tarasconvidéo projecteur supplémentaireOrdinateur portableLivrets d'évaluation10 livrets noir et blancConvocation juryMessagerie 3 FDF 3Programme FormationA rédigerÉvaluationÉvaluation préventive FDF 2Convoquer les 2 ayant échoués dans le DonezanOrganisation logistiqueRestaurationRéservation CIS TarasconHébergementCIS TarasconDiversEau84 bouteilles 1,5 l ou 0.5 lThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_5VoyOGsP.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "3 octobre – 19h – Office du Tourismec'est quoi12 muséesdes milliers de piècesdéjà làen dépôtpotentielspiècesremarquablesuniquesmonumentsclassification UNESCObutscomment mieux exploiterThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookfeuille de routeconstatles muséesoffre actuelle grand nombrele nombre de visiteursattractivité de la villeinventaire des collectionscentralisé?musée par muséesous quelle formeinventaireobjets découverts à Tournaien dépôt ailleurshistoire de la ville se concrétise commentmise en évidenceacteursofficielssatellitesAmis du Muséefabrique d’église cathédrale,association des guidesdéfinir le musée \"moderne\"dimensions du concept muséegestionbatimentscollectionsréservesscénarisationespacescommunicationpromotioncommentexpertsexpériences ailleursquestionsmuséesambitionsmodéleaccueildans un cadrecoordinationgestionréservesprogrammationexpositionscoordination avec autres villesformation continuéediversité des publicsscolaire, ados, familles, individuels, personnes âgées, handicapésintégration dans la citétouristes, habitants, écoles, associations, horeca,concilier, mettre ensembledonner envie au visiteur de venirrefléter la culture de la régionmise en évidencequartier cathédraleautres patrimoinescentre urbainpériphérievillagesimmobilierpaysagerchantier en coursles muséesMusee des Beaux-Artscourriel: musee.beaux-arts@tournai.beConservateur : Monsieur Jean-Pierre DE RYCKELa Maison Tournaisienne Musée de Folklorecourriel: musee.folklore@tournai.beConservatrice : Mademoiselle Nicole DEMARETMusée d'archéologiecourriel: musee.archeologie@tournai.beconservateur : Marianne DELCOURTMusée de la Tapisserie Et Des Arts Du Tissucourriel:musee.tapisserie@tournai.beConservateur : Madame Claudine MOLConservateur-adjoint : Madame Béatrice PENNANTMusée d'histoire Naturelle et Vivariumcourriel:conservateur : P. BruninMusée d'Histoire et des Arts Décoratifs de Tournai, Musée de la Porcelainecourriel: musee.histoire.arts.decoratifs@tournai.beconservateur : Monsieur Thomas BAYETMusée Royal d’Armes et d’Histoire Militairecourriel: musee.armes@tournai.beconservateur : Charles DELIGNELe Centre de la marionnettecourriel: maisondelamarionnette@skynet.beconservateur :"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ZFoEcFc8_MindManager_tips_tricks.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MindManager tips & tricks (Last Updated: 5th March 2011)About this mapCreated by: Adrian GriffithPurposeKeyboard shortcutsControlling and navigatingCollapse (and centre) entire mapCtrl + F3Collapse/expand selected topicCtrl + DZoom in/outCtrl + +Ctrl + -Fit map to screenCtrl + F5Show branch alone (toggle)F4Focus topicF3Organising topicsRe-ordering topics at the same levelCtrl + Alt + Arrow key(Sorting topicsAdd a subordinate (child) topicInsertAdd a sibling topicEnterInsert parent topicCtrl + Shift + InsertAdd a calloutCtrl + Shift + EnterAdd notesCtrl + TRemove topicCtrl + Shift + DeleteShow helpF1SubjectivityMind maps can be very subjective. To help with the \"interpretability\" of your map, try the following...Include a legend1. Open the Map Markers side tab2. Click Insert legend into map3. (Suggestion) Choose \"Include only markers that are currently used in the map\"Use the Outline view to see if your map makes sense in a traditional layout1. Click the View tab in the ribbon2. Click the Outline View buttonKnow your audience. Think about why you are building the map. What's the end-game?Draft a document?Explain a complex concept?Build a project plan?Assemble a dashboard?Just doing some thinking?Managing a meeting?Holding a brainstorming sessionPresentation?These are some typical reasons for making a map. Being mindful of this will determine how you structure your map.Know your audience. Think about why you are building the map. What's the end-game?Icons & markersResources Text MarkerUse the Resources text marker to assign people or teams to topics. Useful for then adding supplementary task data.Also useful for re-organising maps using filteringHow?1. Resources tab in the sidebar2. Right-click on resources3. Select 'New resource'Use icons to differentiate topicsUse power filter to exploitFocus only on what mattersThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAdding boundariesCtrl + Shift + Bor...1. In the Home tab on the ribbon ()1. In the Home tab on the ribbonor... ()2. Click BoundaryUseful things to rememberCopy & PasteCtrl + C (copy)Ctrl + V (paste)Web servicesGoogleWeb servicesWeb service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWeb Services TutorialAmazon Web ServicesWebServices.OrgJava Web Services At a GlanceWeb Services ArchitectureWelcome to Web Services Project @ ApacheMSDN Web Services Developer CenterWhat is Web services? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia ...Web Services -- Download SquadJust 'clever map parts'Linking mapsMaps can be hyperlinked together1. Open a mmap file in your file system2. Right click a topic3. Paste\\Paste Hyperlink(or just copy at Explorer level)Create a new map from selected topic1. Right-click topic2. Send to...3. 'New linked map'Maps can be added to your current mapEither copy & paste a topic from your clipboard, or...Click the Map button in the Insert tab in the ribbonMaps are searchableUse the search box at the top of the screenFilteringThis Help article summarises filteringTry it on a map which makes use of iconsTry it on a map which uses Resource Text MarkersFurther trainingMindManager HelpF1MindJet's Tips & Tricks mapMindjet MindManager Tips and TricksNavigatingExpand and collapse topicsClick on the '+/-' symbolMove map using 'grip hand'Click on an empty space on your map and hold to get a \"grip hand\" imageMove your mouse and your map will moveUse the Pan and Zoom window (good for large maps)From the 'View' tab, select 'Pan and Zoom'On the 'Pan and Zoom' window, click and drag to navigate and zoom your mapEditingSelect multiple topicsWithin an areaLeft-click on an empty spaceDrag to create a \"rubber band\"Highlight the topics you want to select and release the mouse buttonIndividuallyPress and hold the 'Ctrl' key while you select topicsAll topicsPress 'Ctrl+A'All siblingsPress 'Ctrl+Shift+A'Convert a topic into a Floating TopicPress and hold the 'Shift' keyClick and drag the topic to its new locationRelease the mouse buttonRemove a topic but keep its subtopicsRight-click on the topicIn the context menu, select 'Remove Topic'FormattingAlign topicsSelect the topics you want to alignFrom the 'Format' tab, select 'Align Topics'Select how you want the topics alignedBalance map topicsFrom the 'View' tab, select 'Balance Map'Change the layoutSelect the Central Topic or any topic that has subtopicsSelect the Format RibbonChoose a new layout from the Growth Direction drop down menuCreating an imageSave your map as an imageFrom the Application menu, select 'Export'Select the 'Export as Image' optionSelect 'Save'Paste topic as bitmap imageSelect a topicUse the 'Copy' commandSelect desired location for image (in MindManager or another application)From the 'Edit' menu in most applications, or the 'Paste' menu in the 'Home' tab in MindManager, select 'Paste Special' as 'Bitmap'© 2007 Mindjet LLC. All rights reserved.Learning Centre Tutorials HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!Getting started with MindManager (video)About this mapCreated by Adrian GriffithOval Business SolutionsFind usReal worldGodalming, Nr Guildford, United KingdomWebOur corporate web homewww.ovalbusinesssolutions.co.ukOur productivity websitewww.ovalbusinesssolutions.co.uk/ProductivitySocial webLinkedInFacebookTwitter@AdrianOvalClassicTelephone01483 424 993E-mailenquiries@oval.uk.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/iNStdZGX_FSB-The-Federal-Security-Service-of-the-Russian-Federation.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "FSB The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federationabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND, Warsaw)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Security_Serviceintro(FSB; Russian: Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации (ФСБ), tr. Federal'naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii, IPA: [fʲɪdʲɪˈralʲnəjə ˈsluʐbə bʲɪzɐˈpasnəstʲɪ rɐˈsʲijskəj fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjɪ]) is the principal security agency of Russia and the main successor agency to the USSR's Committee of State Security (KGB). Its main responsibilities are within the country and include counter-intelligence, internal and border security, counter-terrorism, and surveillance as well as investigating some other types of grave crimes and federal law violations. It is headquartered in Lubyanka Square, Moscow's centre, in the main building of the former KGB. According to the 1995 Federal Law \"On the Federal Security Service\", direction of the FSB is executed by the president of Russia, who appoints the Director of FSB.[1]The immediate predecessor of the FSB was the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK) of Russia, itself a successor to the KGB: on 12 April 1995, Russian president Boris Yeltsin signed a law mandating a reorganization of the FSK, which resulted in the creation of the FSB. In 2003, the FSB's responsibilities were widened by incorporating the previously independent Border Guard Service and a major part of the abolished Federal Agency of Government Communication and Information (FAPSI). The three major structural successor components of the former KGB that remain administratively independent of the FSB are the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the State Guards (FSO), and the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation.Under Russian federal law, the FSB is a military service just like the armed forces, the MVD, the FSO, the SVR, the FSKN, Main Directorate for Drugs Control and EMERCOM's civil defence, but its commissioned officers do not usually wear military uniforms.The FSB is mainly responsible for internal security of the Russian state, counterintelligence, and the fight against organized crime, terrorism, and drug smuggling, whereas overseas espionage is the primary responsibility of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, successor to the KGB's First Directorate, as well as the GRU, a body within the Russian Ministry of Defence. However, the FSB's FAPSI conducts electronic surveillance abroad. All law enforcement and intelligence agencies in Russia work under the guidance of the FSB, if necessary.[2]The FSB employs about 66,200 uniformed staff, including about 4,000 special forces troops. It also employs about 160,000–200,000 border guards.[2]Under Article 32 of the Federal Constitutional Law On the Government of the Russian Federation,[3] The FSB answers directly to the RF president and the Director of FSB, while a member of the RF government which is headed by the Chairman of Government, reports to the president only; the Director also, ex officio, is a permanent member of the Security Council of Russia presided over by the president and chairman of the National Anti-terrorism Committee [ru] of Russia.Directors of the FSBinfoOn 20 June 1996, Boris Yeltsin fired Director of FSB Mikhail Barsukov and appointed Nikolay Kovalyov as acting Director and later Director of the FSB. Aleksandr Bortnikov took over on 12 May 2008.Nikolai GolushkoDecember 1993 – February 1994Sergei StepashinFebruary 1994 – June 1995Mikhail BarsukovJuly 1995 – June 1996Nikolai KovalyovJuly 1996 – July 1998Vladimir PutinJuly 1998 – August 1999Nikolai PatrushevAugust 1999 – 12 May 2008Alexander Bortnikov12 May 2008 – presentOrganizationCenter of Information Security of the FSB RF, Lubyanka SquareBelow the nationwide level, the FSB has regional offices in the federal subjects of Russia. It also has administrations in the armed forces and other military institutions. Sub-departments exist for areas such as aviation, special training centers, forensic expertise, military medicine, etc.[6]Structure of the Federal Office (incomplete):Counterintelligence Service (Department)chiefs: Oleg Syromolotov (since Aug 2000), Valery Pechyonkin (September 1997 – August 2000)Directorate for the Counterintelligence Support of Strategic FacilitiesMilitary Counterintelligence Directoratechiefs: Alexander Bezverkhny (at least since 2002), Vladimir Petrishchev (since January 1996)Service (Department) for Protection of the Constitutional System and the Fight against Terrorismchiefs: Alexey Sedov (since March 2006), Alexander Bragin (2004 – March 2006), Alexander Zhdankov (2001–2004), German Ugryumov (2000–2001)Directorate for Terrorism and Political Extremism Controlchiefs: Mikhail Belousov, before him Grafov, before the latter Boris Mylnikov (since 2000)Economic Security Service (Department)chiefs: Alexander Bortnikov (since 2 March 2004), Yury Zaostrovtsev (January 2000 – March 2004), Viktor Ivanov (April 1999 – January 2000), Nikolay Patrushev (1998 – April 1999), Alexander Grigoryev (28 August – 1 October 1998).Operational Information and International Relations Service (Analysis, Forecasting, and Strategic Planning Department)chiefs: Viktor Komogorov (since 1999), Sergei Ivanov (1998–1999)Organizational and Personnel Service (Department)chiefs: Yevgeny Lovyrev (since 2001), Yevgeny Solovyov (before Lovyrev)Department for Activity Provisionchiefs: Mikhail Shekin (since September 2006), Sergey Shishin (before Shekin), Pyotr Pereverzev (as of 2004), Alexander Strelkov (before Pereverzev)Border Guard Servicechiefs: Vladimir Pronichev (since 2003)Control Servicechiefs: Alexander Zhdankov (since 2004)Inspection Directoratechiefs: Vladimir Anisimov (2004 – May 2005), Rashid Nurgaliyev (12 July 2000 – 2002),Internal Security Directoratechiefs: Alexander Kupryazhkin (until September 2006), Sergei Shishin (before Kupryazhkin since December 2002), Sergei Smirnov (April 1999 – December 2002), Viktor Ivanov (1998 – April 1999), Nikolay Patrushev (1994–1998)Science and Engineering Service (Department)chiefs: Nikolai KlimashinCenter of Information SecurityInvestigation Directoratechiefs: Nikolay Oleshko (since December 2004), Yury Anisimov (as of 2004), Viktor Milchenko (since 2002), Sergey Balashov (until 2002 since at least 2001), Vladimir Galkin (as of 1997 and 1998)Besides the services (departments) and directorates of the federal office, the territorial directorates of FSB in the federal subjects are also subordinate to it. Of these, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast Directorate of FSB and its predecessors (historically covering both Leningrad/Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast) have played especially important roles in the history of this organization, as many of the officers of the Directorate, including Vladimir Putin and Nikolay Patrushev, later assumed important positions within the federal FSB office or other government bodies. After the last Chief of the Soviet time, Anatoly Kurkov, the St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast Directorate were led by Sergei Stepashin (29 November 1991 – 1992), Viktor Cherkesov (1992 –1998), Alexander Grigoryev (1 October 1998 – 5 January 2001), Sergei Smirnov (5 January 2001 – June 2003), Alexander Bortnikov (June 2003 – March 2004) and Yury Ignashchenkov (since March 2004).Rashid Nurgaliyev (left) and Alexander Bortnikov in April 2010RoleCounterintelligenceIn 2011, the FSB said it had exposed 199 foreign spies, including 41 professional spies and 158 agents employed by foreign intelligence services.[22] The number has risen in recent years: in 2006 the FSB reportedly caught about 27 foreign intelligence officers and 89 foreign agents.[23] Comparing the number of exposed spies historically, the then-FSB Director Nikolay Kovalyov said in 1996: \"There has never been such a number of spies arrested by us since the time when German agents were sent in during the years of World War II.\" The 2011 figure is similar to what was reported in 1995–1996, when around 400 foreign intelligence agents were uncovered during the two-year period.[24] In a high-profile case of foreign espionage, the FSB said in February 2012 that an engineer working at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia's main space center for military launches, had been sentenced to 13 years in prison on charges of state treason. A court judged that the engineer had sold information about testing of new Russian strategic missile systems to the American CIA.[25] A number of scientists have been accused of espionage and illegal technology exports by the FSB since it was established; instances include researcher Igor Sutyagin,[26] physicist Valentin Danilov,[27] physical chemist Oleg Korobeinichev,[28] academician Oskar Kaibyshev,[29] and physicist Yury Ryzhov.[30] Ecologist and journalist Alexander Nikitin, who worked with the Bellona Foundation, was accused of espionage. He published material exposing hazards posed by the Russian Navy's nuclear fleet. He was acquitted in 1999 after spending several years in prison (his case was sent for re-investigation 13 times while he remained in prison). Other instances of prosecution are the cases of investigative journalist and ecologist Grigory Pasko,[31][32] Vladimir Petrenko, who described danger posed by military chemical warfare stockpiles, and Nikolay Shchur, chairman of the Snezhinskiy Ecological Fund.[24] Other arrested people include Viktor Orekhov, a former KGB officer who assisted Soviet dissidents, Vladimir Kazantsev, who disclosed illegal purchases of eavesdropping devices from foreign firms, and Vil Mirzayanov, who had written that Russia was working on a nerve-gas weapon.[24]Counter-terrorismFSB officers on the scene of the Domodedovo International Airport bombing in 2011. Combating terrorism is one of the main tasks of the agency.In 2011, the FSB prevented 94 \"crimes of a terrorist nature\", including eight terrorist attacks. In particular, the agency foiled a planned suicide bombing in Moscow on New Year's Eve. However, the agency failed to prevent terrorists perpetrating the Domodedovo International Airport bombing.[22] Over the years, FSB and affiliated state security organizations have killed all presidents of the separatist Chechen Republic of Ichkeria including Dzhokhar Dudaev, Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, Aslan Maskhadov, and Abdul-Khalim Saidullaev. Just before his death, Saidullaev claimed that the Russian government \"treacherously\" killed Maskhadov, after inviting him to \"talks\" and promising his security \"at the highest level\".[33] During the Moscow theater hostage crisis and Beslan school hostage crisis, all hostage takers were killed on the spot by FSB spetsnaz forces. Only one of the suspects, Nur-Pashi Kulayev, survived and was convicted later by the court. It is reported that more than 100 leaders of terrorist groups have been killed during 119 operations on North Caucasus during 2006.[23] On 28 July 2006 the FSB presented a list of 17 terrorist organizations recognized by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, to Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper, which published the list that day. The list had been available previously, but only through individual request.[34][35] Commenting on the list, Yuri Sapunov, head of anti-terrorism at the FSB, named three main criteria necessary for organizations to be listed.[36]Foreign intelligenceAccording to some unofficial sources,[37][38][39] since 1999, the FSB has also been tasked with the intelligence-gathering on the territory of the CIS countries, wherein the SVR is legally forbidden from conducting espionage under the inter-government agreements. Such activity is in line with Article 8 of the Federal Law on the FSB.[40]Targeted killingIn the summer of 2006, the FSB was given the legal power to engage in targeted killing of terrorism suspects overseas if so ordered by the president.[41]Border protectionThe Federal Border Guard Service (FPS) has been part of the FSB since 2003. Russia has 61,000 kilometers (38,000 mi) of sea and land borders, 7,500 kilometers (4,700 mi) of which is with Kazakhstan, and 4,000 kilometers (2,500 mi) with China. One kilometer (1,100 yd) of border protection costs around 1 million rubles per year.[42]Export controlThe FSB is engaged in the development of Russia's export control strategy and examines drafts of international agreements related to the transfer of dual-use and military commodities and technologies. Its primary role in the nonproliferation sphere is to collect information to prevent the illegal export of controlled nuclear technology and materials.[43]Claims of intimidation of foreign diplomats and journalistsThe FSB has been accused by The Guardian of using psychological techniques to intimidate western diplomatic staff and journalists, with the intention of making them curtail their work in Russia early.[44] The techniques allegedly involve entering targets' houses, moving household items around, replacing items with similar (but slightly different) items, and even sending sex toys to a male target's wife, all with the intention of confusing and scaring the target.[44] Guardian journalist, Luke Harding, claims to have been the subject of such techniques.[44]Doping scandalFollowing allegations by a Russian former lab director about the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, WADA commissioned an independent investigation led by Richard McLaren. McLaren's investigation concluded in a report published in July 2016 that the Ministry of Sport and the Federal Security Service (FSB) had operated a \"state-directed failsafe system\" using a \"disappearing positive [test] methodology\" (DPM) from \"at least late 2011 to August 2015.\" It was used on 643 positive samples, a number that the authors consider \"only a minimum\" due to limited access to Russian records.[45]On 9 December 2016, Canadian lawyer Richard McLaren published the second part of his independent report. The investigation found that from 2011 to 2015, more than 1,000 Russian competitors in various sports (including summer, winter, and Paralympic sports) benefited from the cover-up.[46][47][48] Emails indicate that they included five blind powerlifters, who may have been given drugs without their knowledge, and a fifteen-year-old.[49]2016 US presidential electionsOn 29 December 2016, the White House sanctioned the FSB and several other Russian companies for helping the Russian military intelligence service, the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), to allegedly disrupt and spread disinformation during the 2016 US presidential election. In addition, the State Department also declared 35 Russian diplomats and officials persona non grata and denied Russian government officials access to two Russian-owned installations in Maryland and New York.[50]WikiLeaks revelationsIn September 2017, WikiLeaks released \"Spy Files Russia,\" revealing \"how a St. Petersburg-based technology company called Peter-Service helped state entities gather detailed data on Russian cellphone users, part of a national system of online surveillance called System for Operative Investigative Activities (SORM).\"[51]HistoryInitial recognition of the KGBThe Federal Security Service is one of the successor organisations of the Soviet Committee of State Security (KGB). Following the attempted coup of 1991—in which some KGB units as well as the KGB head Vladimir Kryuchkov played a major part—the KGB was dismantled and ceased to exist from November 1991.[4][5] In December 1991, two government agencies answerable to the Russian president were created by President Yeltsin's decrees on the basis of the relevant main directorates of the defunct KGB: Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR, the former First Main Directorate) and the Federal Agency of Government Communications and Information (FAPSI, merging the functions of the former 8th Main Directorate and 16th Main Directorate of the KGB). In January 1992, another new institution, the Ministry of Security took over domestic and border security responsibilities.[6] Following the 1993 constitutional crisis, the Ministry of Security was reorganized on 21 December 1993 into the Federal Counter-Intelligence Service (FSK). The FSK was headed by Sergei Stepashin. Before the start of the main military activities of the First Chechen War the FSK was responsible for the covert operations against the separatists led by Dzhokhar Dudayev.[2]Creation of the FSBIn 1995, the FSK was renamed and reorganized into the Federal Security Service (FSB) by the Federal Law \"On the Federal Security Service\" (the title of the law as amended in June 2003[7]) signed by the president on 3 April 1995.[8][9] The FSB reforms were rounded out by decree No. 633, signed by Boris Yeltsin on 23 June 1995. The decree made the tasks of the FSB more specific, giving the FSB substantial rights to conduct cryptographic work, and described the powers of the FSB director. The number of deputy directors was increased to 8: 2 first deputies, 5 deputies responsible for departments and directorates and 1 deputy director heading the Moscow City and Moscow regional directorate. Yeltsin appointed Colonel-General Mikhail Ivanovich Barsukov as the new director of the FSB. In 1998 Yeltsin appointed Vladimir Putin, a KGB veteran who would later succeed Yeltsin as federal president, as director of the FSB.[10] Putin was reluctant to take over the directorship, but once appointed conducted a thorough reorganization, which included the dismissal of most of the FSB's top personnel.[2] Putin appointed Nikolai Patrushev as the head of FSB in 1999.[6]Role in the Second Chechen WarAfter the main military offensive of the Second Chechen War ended and the separatists changed tactics to guerilla warfare, overall command of the federal forces in Chechnya was transferred from the military to the FSB in January 2001. While the army lacked technical means of tracking the guerrilla groups, the FSB suffered from insufficient human intelligence due to its inability to build networks of agents and informants. In the autumn of 2002, the separatists launched a massive campaign of terrorism against the Russian civilians, including the Dubrovka theatre attack. The inability of the federal forces to conduct efficient counter-terrorist operations led to the government to transfer the responsibility of \"maintaining order\" in Chechnya from the FSB to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) in July 2003.[11]Putin reformsAfter becoming President, Vladimir Putin launched a major reorganization of the FSB. First, the FSB maybe was placed under direct control of the President by a decree issued on 17 May 2000.[6] Internal structure of the agency was reformed by a decree signed on 17 June 2000. In the resulting structure, the FSB was to have a director, a first deputy director and nine other deputy directors, including one possible state secretary and the chiefs of six departments: Economic Security Department, Counterintelligence Department, Organizational and Personnel Service, Department of activity provision, Department for Analysis, Forecasting and Strategic Planning, Department for Protection of the Constitutional System and the Fight against Terrorism. In 2003, the agency's responsibilities were considered considerably widened. The Border Guard Service of Russia, with its staff of 210,000, was integrated to the FSB via a decree was signed on 11 March 2003. The merger was completed by 1 July 2003. In addition, The Federal Agency of Government Communication and Information (FAPSI) was abolished and the FSB was granted a major part of its functions, while other parts went to the Ministry of Defense.[6] Among the reasons for this strengthening of the FSB were enhanced need for security after increased terror attacks against Russian civilians starting from the Moscow theater hostage crisis; the need to end the permanent infighting between the FSB, FAPSI and the Border Guards due to their overlapping functions and the need for more efficient response to migration, drug trafficking and illegal arms trading. It has also been pointed out, that the FSB was the only power base of the new president, and the restructuring therefore strengthened Putin's position (see Political groups under Vladimir Putin's presidency).[6] On 28 June 2004 in a speech to high-ranking FSB officers, Putin emphasized three major tasks of the agency: neutralizing foreign espionage, safeguarding economic and financial security of the country and combating organized crime.[6] In September 2006, the FSB was shaken by a major reshuffle, which, combined with some earlier reassignments (most remarkably, those of FSB Deputy Directors Yury Zaostrovtsev and Vladimir Anisimov in 2004 and 2005, respectively), were widely believed to be linked to the Three Whales Corruption Scandal that had slowly unfolded since 2000. Some analysts considered it to be an attempt to undermine FSB Director Nikolay Patrushev's influence, as it was Patrushev's team from the Karelian KGB Directorate of the late 1980s – early 1990s that had suffered most and he had been on vacations during the event.[12][13][14]By 2008, the agency had one Director, two First Deputy Directors and 5 Deputy Directors. It had the following 9 divisions:[6]Counter-EspionageService for Defense of Constitutional Order and Fight against TerrorismBorder ServiceEconomic Security ServiceCurrent Information and International LinksOrganizational and Personnel ServiceMonitoring DepartmentScientific and Technical ServiceOrganizational Security ServiceAccording to FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov, the FSB is developing its own unmanned aerial vehicle systems in order to gather intelligence.[15]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/gRw2VG1g_Decision_making.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Decision makingDecision making (100)Decision making can be regarded as the mental processes (cognitive process) resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternative scenarios.From a normative perspective, the analysis of individual decisions is concerned with the logic of decision making and rationality and the invariant choice it leads to.A major part of decision making involves the analysis of a finite set of alternatives described in terms of some evaluative criteria.Problem Analysis • Analyze performance, what should the results be against what they actually are • Problems are merely deviations from performance standards • Problem must be precisely identified and described • Problems are caused by some change from a distinctive feature • Something can always be used to distinguish between what has and hasn't been effected by a cause • Causes to problems can be deducted from relevant changes found in analyzing the problem • Most likely cause to a problem is the one that exactly explains all the facts Decision Making • Objectives must first be established • Objectives must be classified and placed in order of importance • Alternative actions must be developed • The alternative must be evaluated against all the objectives • The alternative that is able to achieve all the objectives is the tentative decision • The tentative decision is evaluated for more possible consequences • The decisive actions are taken, and additional actions are taken to prevent any adverse consequences from becoming problems and starting both systems (problem analysis and decision making) all over again Some of the decision making techniques people use in everyday life include: Pros and Cons: Listing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, popularized by Plato and Benjamin Franklin Simple Prioritization: Choosing the alternative with the highest probability-weighted utility for each alternative (see Decision Analysis) or derivative Possibilianism: Acting on choices so as not to preclude alternative understandings of equal probability, including active exploration of novel possibilities and emphasis on the necessity of holding multiple positions at once if there is no available data to privilege one over the others.\"Why did I ignore the evidence that the project was going over budget?\") and then craft potential cognitive interventions aimed at improving decision making outcomes.Reference class forecasting was developed to eliminate or reduce cognitive biases in decision making.Evaluation and analysis of past decisions is complementary to decision making; see also mental accounting.Another recent study found that lesions to the ACC in the macaque resulted in impaired decision making in the long run of reinforcement guided tasks suggesting that the ACC may be involved in evaluating past reinforcement information and guiding future action.Emotion appears to aid the decision making process: Decision making often occurs in the face of uncertainty about whether one's choices will lead to benefit or harm (see also Risk).objectives (100)Problem Analysis • Analyze performance, what should the results be against what they actually are • Problems are merely deviations from performance standards • Problem must be precisely identified and described • Problems are caused by some change from a distinctive feature • Something can always be used to distinguish between what has and hasn't been effected by a cause • Causes to problems can be deducted from relevant changes found in analyzing the problem • Most likely cause to a problem is the one that exactly explains all the facts Decision Making • Objectives must first be established • Objectives must be classified and placed in order of importance • Alternative actions must be developed • The alternative must be evaluated against all the objectives • The alternative that is able to achieve all the objectives is the tentative decision • The tentative decision is evaluated for more possible consequences • The decisive actions are taken, and additional actions are taken to prevent any adverse consequences from becoming problems and starting both systems (problem analysis and decision making) all over again Some of the decision making techniques people use in everyday life include: Pros and Cons: Listing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, popularized by Plato and Benjamin Franklin Simple Prioritization: Choosing the alternative with the highest probability-weighted utility for each alternative (see Decision Analysis) or derivative Possibilianism: Acting on choices so as not to preclude alternative understandings of equal probability, including active exploration of novel possibilities and emphasis on the necessity of holding multiple positions at once if there is no available data to privilege one over the others.cortex (87)Individuals who are highly defensive in this manner show significantly greater left prefrontal cortex activity as measured by EEG than do less defensive individuals.bias (87)Selective search for evidence (a.k.a. Confirmation bias in psychology) (Scott Plous, 1993) – We tend to be willing to gather facts that support certain conclusions but disregard other facts that support different conclusions.Wishful thinking or optimism bias – We tend to want to see things in a positive light and this can distort our perception and thinking.uncertainty (87)Underestimating uncertainty and the illusion of control – We tend to underestimate future uncertainty because we tend to believe we have more control over events than we really do.According to Katsenelinboigen, the two styles reflect two basic approaches to the uncertainty: deterministic (combinational style) and indeterministic (positional style).Emotion appears to aid the decision making process: Decision making often occurs in the face of uncertainty about whether one's choices will lead to benefit or harm (see also Risk).selection (87)Decision making can be regarded as the mental processes (cognitive process) resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternative scenarios.pros (75)Problem Analysis • Analyze performance, what should the results be against what they actually are • Problems are merely deviations from performance standards • Problem must be precisely identified and described • Problems are caused by some change from a distinctive feature • Something can always be used to distinguish between what has and hasn't been effected by a cause • Causes to problems can be deducted from relevant changes found in analyzing the problem • Most likely cause to a problem is the one that exactly explains all the facts Decision Making • Objectives must first be established • Objectives must be classified and placed in order of importance • Alternative actions must be developed • The alternative must be evaluated against all the objectives • The alternative that is able to achieve all the objectives is the tentative decision • The tentative decision is evaluated for more possible consequences • The decisive actions are taken, and additional actions are taken to prevent any adverse consequences from becoming problems and starting both systems (problem analysis and decision making) all over again Some of the decision making techniques people use in everyday life include: Pros and Cons: Listing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, popularized by Plato and Benjamin Franklin Simple Prioritization: Choosing the alternative with the highest probability-weighted utility for each alternative (see Decision Analysis) or derivative Possibilianism: Acting on choices so as not to preclude alternative understandings of equal probability, including active exploration of novel possibilities and emphasis on the necessity of holding multiple positions at once if there is no available data to privilege one over the others.The fourth step - List pros and cons of each alternative.Evaluation (72)Evaluation and analysis of past decisions is complementary to decision making; see also mental accounting.Emotion (72)Emotion appears to aid the decision making process: Decision making often occurs in the face of uncertainty about whether one's choices will lead to benefit or harm (see also Risk).combinational style (66)According to Katsenelinboigen, the two styles reflect two basic approaches to the uncertainty: deterministic (combinational style) and indeterministic (positional style).Katsenelinboigen writes: “As the game progressed and defense became more sophisticated the combinational style of play declined.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSummaryDecision making can be regarded as the mental processes (cognitive process) resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternative scenarios.Human performance in decision terms has been the subject of active research from several perspectives.From a normative perspective, the analysis of individual decisions is concerned with the logic of decision making and rationality and the invariant choice it leads to.Yet, at another level, it might be regarded as a problem solving activity which is terminated when a satisfactory solution is found.A major part of decision making involves the analysis of a finite set of alternatives described in terms of some evaluative criteria.Problem Analysis • Analyze performance, what should the results be against what they actually are • Problems are merely deviations from performance standards • Problem must be precisely identified and described • Problems are caused by some change from a distinctive feature • Something can always be used to distinguish between what has and hasn't been effected by a cause • Causes to problems can be deducted from relevant changes found in analyzing the problem • Most likely cause to a problem is the one that exactly explains all the facts Decision Making • Objectives must first be established • Objectives must be classified and placed in order of importance • Alternative actions must be developed • The alternative must be evaluated against all the objectives • The alternative that is able to achieve all the objectives is the tentative decision • The tentative decision is evaluated for more possible consequences • The decisive actions are taken, and additional actions are taken to prevent any adverse consequences from becoming problems and starting both systems (problem analysis and decision making) all over again Some of the decision making techniques people use in everyday life include: Pros and Cons: Listing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, popularized by Plato and Benjamin Franklin Simple Prioritization: Choosing the alternative with the highest probability-weighted utility for each alternative (see Decision Analysis) or derivative Possibilianism: Acting on choices so as not to preclude alternative understandings of equal probability, including active exploration of novel possibilities and emphasis on the necessity of holding multiple positions at once if there is no available data to privilege one over the others.These stages, or sometimes called phases, are important for the decision-making process to begin Orientation stage- This phase is where members meet for the first time and start to get to know each other.Emergence stage- The group begins to clear up vague opinions by talking about them.The fourth step - List pros and cons of each alternative.\"Why did I ignore the evidence that the project was going over budget?\") and then craft potential cognitive interventions aimed at improving decision making outcomes.Selective search for evidence (a.k.a. Confirmation bias in psychology) (Scott Plous, 1993) – We tend to be willing to gather facts that support certain conclusions but disregard other facts that support different conclusions.Individuals who are highly defensive in this manner show significantly greater left prefrontal cortex activity as measured by EEG than do less defensive individuals.Premature termination of search for evidence – We tend to accept the first alternative that looks like it might work.Wishful thinking or optimism bias – We tend to want to see things in a positive light and this can distort our perception and thinking.Underestimating uncertainty and the illusion of control – We tend to underestimate future uncertainty because we tend to believe we have more control over events than we really do.Reference class forecasting was developed to eliminate or reduce cognitive biases in decision making.Evaluation and analysis of past decisions is complementary to decision making; see also mental accounting.The terminal points on these dimensions are: thinking and feeling; extroversion and introversion; judgment and perception; and sensing and intuition.According to Katsenelinboigen, the two styles reflect two basic approaches to the uncertainty: deterministic (combinational style) and indeterministic (positional style).Finding a combinational objective allows the player to focus all his energies on efficient execution, that is, the player’s analysis may be limited to the pieces directly partaking in the combination.Katsenelinboigen writes: “As the game progressed and defense became more sophisticated the combinational style of play declined.Another recent study found that lesions to the ACC in the macaque resulted in impaired decision making in the long run of reinforcement guided tasks suggesting that the ACC may be involved in evaluating past reinforcement information and guiding future action.Emotion appears to aid the decision making process: Decision making often occurs in the face of uncertainty about whether one's choices will lead to benefit or harm (see also Risk).Map created automatically by WikiSummarizer http://www.contextdiscovery.com wikisummarizer@contextdiscovery.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Hym2zccT_Concussion.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ConcussionFirst AidAssess the victim. Examine the wound and look carefully at the victim. Visible external injuries are not always a good gauge, as some very minor scalp wounds bleed profusely, while some less visible impact injuries can cause major brain impairment.Any suspected head injury, or concussion, needs to be evaluated by a medical professional. What may seem like a minor head injury could be a fatal one. The best rule is to call for medical assistance if you have any doubtsKeep the victim as still as possible. Avoid moving the victim, as doing so may cause further injury. However, if the victim is in immediate danger, it may be necessary to move the victim.Know how to assess consciousness. It is important to know whether or not the victim is conscious, as the victim needs special positioning if unconscious, paying particular attention to breathing.A - is the victim alert? - are your questions being answered? (see step below for question samples)V - does the victim respond to voice? - give spoken commands or ask questions (see step below for question samples)P - does the victim respond to pain or touch? - pinch skin to see if there is movement or eyes openingU - is the victim unresponsive to anything attempted?If the victim is conscious, ask questions continually. This serves two purposes: to assess the degree of the victim's impairment, and to keep the victim awake.Keep the conscious or unconscious victim's head cool with an ice pack or damp cloths. This can prevent brain swelling. Monitor the body temperature, however, as the victim should be protected from any extremes of temperature.Allow the victim to rest. If the victim wishes to sleep, wake the victim every quarter hour for the first 2 hours, then every half hour for the following 2 hours, then hourly.[9] Every time you wake them, do the AVPU consciousness test as outlined above.Getting BetterAdultsSome people report that flying in airplanes makes their symptoms worse shortly after a concussion.Avoid sustained computer use, including computer/video games early in the recovery process.Do not neglect your basic needs, such as eating well and getting enough rest.Consult with family members or close friends when making important decisions.If you’re easily distracted, try to do one thing at a time. For example, don’t try to watch TV while fixing dinner.Write down the things that may be harder than usual for you to remember.Do not drink alcoholic beverages until your health care professional says you are well enough. Alcohol and other drugs may slow your recovery and put you at risk of further injury.Take only those drugs that your health care professional has approved.Consider talking with your employer about returning to work gradually and about changing your work activities or schedule until you recover (e.g., work half-days).Talk with your health care professional about when you can return to work. Ask about how you can help your employer understand what has happened to you.Because your ability to react may be slower after a concussion, ask your health care professional when you can safely drive a car, ride a bike, or operate heavy equipment.When your health care professional says you are well enough, return to your normal activities gradually, not all at once.Avoid activities, such as contact or recreational sports, that could lead to another concussion. (It is best to avoid roller coasters or other high speed rides that can make your symptoms worse or even cause a concussion.)Avoid activities that are physically demanding (e.g., heavy housecleaning, weightlifting/working-out) or require a lot of concentration (e.g., balancing your checkbook). They can make your symptoms worse and slow your recovery.Get plenty of sleep at night, and rest during the day.ChildrenHaving the child get plenty of rest. Keep a regular sleep schedule, including no late nights and no sleepovers.Making sure the child avoids high-risk/ high-speed activities such as riding a bicycle, playing sports, or climbing playground equipment, roller coasters or rides that could result in another bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body. Children should not return to these types of activities until their health care professional says they are well enough.Giving the child only those drugs that are approved by the pediatrician or family physician.Talking with their health care professional about when the child should return to school and other activities and how the parent or caregiver can help the child deal with the challenges that the child may face. For example, your child may need to spend fewer hours at school, rest often, or require more time to take tests.Sharing information about concussion with parents, siblings, teachers, counselors, babysitters, coaches, and others who interact with the child helps them understand what has happened and how to meet the child’s needs.Help Prevent Long-Term ProblemsEffectsThinkingMemoryReasoningSensationTouchTasteSmellLanguageCommunicationExpressionUnderstandingEmotionDepressionAnxietyPersonality ChangesAggressionActing outSocial InappropriatenessFAQsSocial symptoms following TBI Answers About Brain Injury FAQ for ReportersTreatmentLittle can be done to reverse the initial brain damage caused by trauma, medical personnel try to stabilize an individual with TBI and focus on preventing further injury. Primary concerns include insuring proper oxygen supply to the brain and the rest of the body, maintaining adequate blood flow, and controlling blood pressure.Clinical Practice Guideline Department of Veterans Affairs Department of DefenseThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPreventionWear appropriate protective gear during sports and other recreational activities. Always use the appropriate protective gear for any sport you or your child undertakes. Make sure the equipment fits properly, is well maintained and worn correctly. Follow the rules of the game and practice good sportsmanship. When bicycling, motorcycling, snowboarding or engaging in any recreational activity that may result in head injury, wear protective headgear.Buckle your seat belt. Wearing a seat belt may prevent serious injury, including an injury to your head, during a traffic accident.Make your home safe. Keep your home well lit and your floors free of clutter — meaning anything that might cause you to trip and fall. Falls around the home are the leading cause of head injury for infants, toddlers and older adults.Protect your children. To help lessen the risk of head injuries to your children, pad countertops and edges of tables, block off stairways and install window guards. Don't let your children play sports that aren't suitable for their ages.Use caution in and around swimming areas. Don't dive into water less than 9 feet (3 meters) deep. Read and follow posted safety rules at water parks and swimming pools.Wear sensible shoes. If you're older, wear shoes that are easy to walk and maneuver in. Avoid wearing high heels, sandals with thin straps, or shoes that are either too slippery or too sticky.Information to forward to health care professionalsCause of the injury and force of the hit or blow to the head or bodyAny loss of consciousness (passed out/knocked out) and if so, for how longAny memory loss immediately following the injuryAny seizures immediately following the injuryNumber of previous concussions (if any)RecognitionAny change in the athlete’s behavior, thinking, or physical functioningSigns observed by coaching stuffAppears dazed or stunnedIs confused about assignment or positionForgets an instructionIs unsure of game, score, or opponentMoves clumsilyAnswers questions slowlyLoses consciousness (even briefly)Shows mood, behavior, or personality changesCan’t recall events prior to hit or fallCan’t recall events after hit or fallSymptoms reported by athleteHeadache or “pressure” in headNausea or vomitingBalance problems or dizzinessDouble or blurry visionSensitivity to lightSensitivity to noiseFeeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggyConcentration or memory problemsConfusionDoes not “feel right” or is “feeling down”SLP Speech-Language-PathologyAphasia refers to the interference of the use and understanding of language following neurological damage. Aphasia may be diagnosed as fluent or nonfluent and can present with a variety of different behaviors. Fluent aphasia refers to an individual who appears to be speaking at a reasonable rate and pitch pattern although the words the individual is using may not make sense or may be scrambled. An individual with nonfluent aphasia may speak “telegraphically” meaning they only use nouns or verbs and leave out filler words that make a conversation cohesive. It is important to remember that with brain injury, these diagnoses may be combined with many other variables making them hard to differentiate between other diagnoses.Apraxia of speech (AOS) is an acquired impairment of the ability to plan or program movements required for the production of speech. AOS is caused by a disturbance in the motor strip of the brain that plans and sequences movements for speech. AOS is characterized by an individual inserting or substituting sounds in words, slowed speech, excessive pauses, and abnormal stress patterns. Due to the area in the brain, AOS often co-occurs with aphasia and is often hard to differentiate.Dysarthria is a generic name for a group of speech disorders that result from muscular disturbances. The symptoms of dysarthria vary and can be caused by paralysis, weakness, or incoordination of the speech musculature. Dysarthria can also be noted by changes in speed, steadiness, or accuracy of movements for speech.Dysphagia is a term meaning swallowing problems. Often, a brain injury can affect the muscles and nerves and cause problems during the swallow. An SLP is in charge of evaluating and treating the individual’s swallowing and determining what is safe for them to eat. An SLP may teach strategies that protect their airway or that help strengthen mouth and neck muscles. Altering diet and prescribing exercises or strategies are determined appropriate by each trained SLP on a case-by-case basis.Cognition is an individual’s thinking ability. Deficits in the area of cognition are often seen no matter what the severity of the head injury is. Cognitive deficits may be harder to identify than other physical deficits.Memory After TBI, memory can be affected in many ways. Although there are multiple types of memory, the most vulnerable form of memory when discussing TBI is working memory. Working memory is the ability to take in information and modify the information based on what is required of the individual. Someone with working memory deficits may have problems understanding what they hear or have difficulties in conversations.Attention Attention can be affected in all staged of TBI recovery. In the early stages of brain injury, and individual’s attention can be severely compromised in all areas. The most common attention deficit in recovered individuals is the ability to attend to a task that is cognitively demanding or in highly distracting environments.Executive Functioning Executive functioning is a high level cognitive ability that includes reasoning, planning, problem solving, and inhibition. Deficits in these areas are common with TBI and typically have a range of severity. Treatment of executive function abilities is vital for the success in rehabilitation and return to social and work environments.ScalesRancho Los AmigosGlasgow ComaFIM Functional Insependence MeasureTypes of TBIClosed Head InjuryOpen Head InjuryDiffuse Axonal InjuryCoup-contrecoupAnoxicHypoxicSecondary ProblemsIntracranial Pressure Brain swelling following an injury. This pressure against the skull can cause more damage if not treated.Hematoma A collection of blood in different areas of the brain that may cause further damage. There are three types of hematomas: subdural is a vein bleed between the skull and the brain, epidural is an artery bleed between the skull and the brain, and intracerebral is a bleed within the brain.Hydrocephalus Swelling of the cavities in the brain called ventricles. This occurs when the cerebrospinal fluid, which circulates the brain and spinal cord, gets blocked and the fluid builds up.Parts of the brainCerebrum FunctionsFrontalAttentionSelf-MonitoringEmotionsProblem SolvingSpeakingJudgmentPersonalityBehaviorBasic Muscle MovementBrainstem FunctionsTemporalMemoryUnderstanding LanguageHearingSequencingOrganizationCerebellum FunctionsParietalSense of TouchPerception of SurroundingsIdentification of Size, Shapes, and Colors Visual PerceptionOccipitalVisionBreathingBlood PressureAttentionConsciousnessSleep/Wake CyclesSwallowingMuscle CoordinationBalanceVisual PerceptionStats TBI by external cause in the USA 2002-200652,000 Deaths275,000 Hospitalizations1,365,000 Emergency Department Visits??? Receiving Other Medical Care or No CarePrevalenceAdults 15-24 and 75+75 % males 25 % females"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/3XKd1RW3_CONCEPTO-RESILIENCIA-NEOKIDS.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CONCEPTO RESILIENCIA NEOKIDSDEFINICIONProviene de la FísicaExpresa las cualidades de algunos materiales de sufrir cambios y recuperar su forma original (ejemplo un resorte).Las ciencias sociales adoptan el término para referirse a las personas que sobresalen aún a pesar de las adversidades, que tienen la habilidad y capacidad de adaptarse y resurgir antes los inconvenientes de la vida.En pediatría el enfoque se dirige a niños abandonados; niños en situaciones extremas de abandono familiar; niños prematuros que estuvieron sometidos a diversas enfermedades y adversidades.FUNDAMENTOSEN 1992 la Dra. Werner en Hawaii, estudió a 701 niños que padecían diversas situaciones como abandono, desnutrición, falta de afecto y agresión30 años después, más del 80% de ellos habían sobresalido, habían aprendido a leer y escribir por su cuenta y algunos habían llegado a ser exitosos en la vida,El término fue adoptado por las ciencias sociales para caracterizar a aquellos sujetos que, a pesar de nacer y vivir en condiciones de alto riesgo, se desarrollan psicológicamente sanos y socialmente exitosos (Demóstenes, Piaget, Ana Frank, Rigoberta Menchú son ejemplos de ello)Tomado del inglés “resilient” que expresa las características mencionadas anteriormente y el sustantivo \"resiliencia\" que expresa esta condición.CONCEPTO2 COMPONENTESResistencia a la destrucciónCapacidad para reconstruir sobre circunstancias o factores adversosNIÑOS RESILIENTESAquellos que al estar insertos en una situación de adversidad, esto es, al estar expuestos a una suma de factores de riesgo, tienen la capacidad de utilizar aquellos factores protectores para sobreponerse a la adversidad , crecer y desarrollarse adecuadamente, llegando a madurar como seres adultos competentes, pese a los pronósticos desfavorablesEl concepto de resiliencia incluye a la pobreza, sus efectos, sus características y componentesFactores Distales de la PobrezaGrupos SocialesIndices SocioeconómicosFactores Proximales de la PobrezaEstructura y dinámica familiarTemperamento de las personasThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookEXPRESIONESYO TENGOPersonas en quien confío y me quierenPersonas que me ponen límitesPersonas que me muestran como ser correctoPersonas que quieren que aprenda a desenvolverme soloPersonas que me ayudan cuando estoy enfermo o en peligroYO SOYUna persona por la que sienten aprecio y cariñoFelíz cuando hago algo buenoRespetuoso de mi mismo y del prójimoCapaz de aprenderAgradable y comunicativoYO ESTOYDispuesto a ser responsableSeguro que todo saldrá bienTriste, lo reconozco y lo expreso con la seguridad de encontrar apoyoRodeado de compañeros que me aprecianYO PUEDOHablar sobre cosas que me asustan o inquietanBuscar la manera de resolver mis problemasControlarme cuando tengo ganas de hacer algo peligroso o que no esta bienBuscar el momento apropiado para hablar con alguienEncontrar a alguien que me ayude cuando lo necesitoEquivocarmeSentir afecto y expresarloPERFIL DEL NIÑO RESILIENTECompetencia socialResolución de problemasAutonomíaSentido de propósito y de futuroATRIBUTOS DE LA PERSONA RESILIENTEControla emociones e impulsosAutonomíaSentido del humorAlta autoestimaEmpatíaCapacidad de comprensión y análisisCierta competencia cognitivaCapacidad de atención y concentraciónAcerca de NEOKIDS DR. ELIAS CORDOVA SASTRE"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/pcaEX3d6_Mind-Map-for-Restaurant-s-Future-Next-level.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Map for Restaurant's Future - Next levelCurrent ChallengesInternalLeadershipContradiction Between Duties and PowerMicro ManagementLosing TemperIndividualismLack of MotivationLack of Job Security to ManagementDe motivated EmployeesCultureCurrent Culture - Theory X (Dougles Mcgregor)Lack of TrainingCompetancy IssuesLow profitLack of MarketingExternalMarket RecessionWeather ConditionsDrop in SalesManagement's ConcernSalesHow can we get repetitive sales with little to no effort?How can we sell more to existing customers?How can we inspire and motivate employees?How can we enhance our overall sales quarterly?MarketingHow can we leverage content in our Marketing efforts?How can we best Build and Strengthen our Brand advocates, Customer retention?How can we Market our Products where we have never done it before?How can we Create a Marketing Campaign that Appeals to a more Customers?How can we make our Marketing efforts more Operationally Efficient?How can we sell more to Existing Customers?What ways can we Leverage Mobile, Geo-targeting, or Localized Marketing?What Non-traditional ways can we Market our Food?How many ways can we Market our Restaurant?Solutions To Current challengesCustomer SupportCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)Customer CareRepetitive CustomersMarketingEnhance SalesCorporate ClientsOutdoor CateringMotivate EmployeesRecognize Outstanding EmployeesRecognize your Employees as a GroupTake Advantage of your Wall SpacePlace Greeting CardsPlace Birthday CardsPlace Picture of Employee of a MonthSuggestion/Compliant BoxOutdoor EventsCreating a Friendly Work EnvironmentUse Food as an IincentiveCreate a Festive Environment through FoodInstitute cCasual Dress DaysBring in a cake or cupcakes on an Employee's BirthdayTake a interest in their Work-life BalanceDeveloping Great Relationships in the WorkplaceMaslow hierarchy of needsPhysiologicalFoodClothsHouseSafetyLoveEsteemSelf-Actualization or Self-FulfillmentCultureChange Culture - Theory Y (Dougles Mcgregor)Leadership styleMotivate Your EmployeesBe PassionateHave a Positive AttitudeEncourage CreativityCreating a Friendly Work EnvironmentEncourage People to Make ContributionsListen and Communicate EffectivelyKeep Trying New ThingsOffer Rewards and RecognitionCreate Social EventsInitiate a \" Weekend coffee\"Learn something about your Employees' InterestsLearn something about your Employees' Families"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/yeCcwvk9_Runways-UK-Cross-party-agreement-and-delivery.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Cross-party agreement and delivery Lord Adonis & Nelson OgunshakinLord AdonisImpact of politicsEasiest decision - not to take a decisionCrises drive decisionsAviation situation is not perceived as a crisisCritical nature must be illustratedOtherwise decision will be duckedPotential impactsOn businessOn employmentMust present a united frontPropositions and recommendations must be independent, not political submissionsVital that political parties don't pre-commit themselvesThey must act open mindedThey must remain open mindedWait for the final recommendationsOptions must be clear at election timePeople must know what they're voting forTheir preference must be explainedTo legitimise the decisionNelson OgunshakinWe're dealing with politiciansPoliticians have a timelineMarket ConfidenceHow can we create?Must be addressedDeliveryIt's not about technical difficultyIt's about political willClarity of policyExecution of policyResources and skills combinationAlready existsMust be evidencedAny chance of cross party sign up before election?No chance at allPriority is for them to be openShould not mortgage judgements before electionThey will state to waitElection will prompt people to ask MPsMust respect outcome of independent commissionRespect is one thingAgreement/support is anotherRecipe for inaction again?\"Need for further work...\"Why different to HS2?Preserving an earlier agreementAviation has no earlier agreementInterim reports can give 'flavour'Indication of roadmapThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookHow long can we afford to wait?Has the point of crisis been reached?What does the business community say?They split previouslyThere was not a united voiceMust speak more clearly this timeNational infrastructure planIs noise the deciding factor?Last time it was carbon emissionsReport must have convincing answersHow to manage local politics/politicians?Economic gain and community benefitAirports are largest employerThose who oppose are more vocalVoter viewsWhy can't I know MP viewWhy paying for such a long processChance of moving along afterMind Mapping Sponsored by:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/tcSHn2oj_Jens-Stoltenberg-13th-Secretary-General-of-the-North-Atlantic-Treaty-Organizati.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Jens Stoltenberg 13th Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationintroJens Stoltenberg (born 16 March 1959) is a Norwegian politician. Stoltenberg is the 13th Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, effective 1 October 2014.[1][2][3]Stoltenberg served as Prime Minister of Norway from 2000 to 2001 and from 2005 to 2013.In 2011, Stoltenberg received the United Nations Foundation's Champion of Global Change Award, chosen for his extraordinary effort toward meeting the Millennium Development Goals and bringing fresh ideas to global problems.[4]Personal lifeEarly lifeStoltenberg was born 16 March 1959 in Oslo, Norway, into the Stoltenberg family, whose name is derived from Stoltenberg in northern Germany. The family is believed to have emigrated to Norway in the 17th century. His father, Thorvald Stoltenberg (born 1931), was a prominent Labour party politician who served as ambassador, as defence minister and as foreign minister. His mother, Karin Stoltenberg (née Heiberg; 1931–2012), was a geneticist who served as state secretary in multiple governments during the 1980s.[5] Marianne Heiberg, married to former Foreign Minister Johan Jørgen Holst, was his maternal aunt. Jens lived in Serbia from 1960 to 1963 while his father was Ambassador to Yugoslavia.[6]EducationStoltenberg attended primary school at Oslo Waldorf School, and upper secondary school at Oslo Cathedral School. He served his mandatory military service with the Army's Infantry Training Centre at Evjemoen in Aust-Agder.After leaving the army, Stoltenberg enrolled at the University of Oslo, graduating in 1987 with the cand.oecon. degree in economics. The title of his thesis was Makroøkonomisk planlegging under usikkerhet. En empirisk analyse (\"Macroeconomic planning under uncertainty. An empirical analysis\").[7]Early political activityStoltenberg's first steps into politics came in his early teens, when he was influenced by his sister Camilla, who at the time was a member of the then Marxist–Leninist group Red Youth. Opposition to the Vietnam War was his triggering motivation. Following heavy bombing raids against the North Vietnamese port city of Hai Phong at the end of the Vietnam War, he participated in protest rallies targeting the United States Embassy in Oslo. On at least one occasion embassy windows were broken by stone-throwing protesters. Several of Stoltenberg's friends were arrested by the police after these events.[8]Family lifeStoltenberg is married to diplomat Ingrid Schulerud and they have two children: a son, Axel Stoltenberg (born 1989) who is studying Chinese at the Shanghai Jiaotong University[9][10] and daughter Anne Catharina Stoltenberg (born 1992) who is studying singing in Copenhagen.[5][11]He has one living sister, Camilla, a medical researcher and administrator who is one year older than him; and one late sister, Nini, four years younger, who died in 2014. Nini was a recovering heroin addict, and the Norwegian media have covered the family's efforts to cope with this challenge.[12]He prefers to spend his summer vacations at his family's cottage on the idyllic Hvaler Islands in the Oslofjord.[13] An avid outdoorsman, he rides his bike often and during the winter season he is an active cross-country skier.[14] In December 2011, in order to mark 100 years since Roald Amundsen reached the south pole on skis, Stoltenberg journeyed to Antarctica.[15]ReligionAlthough being portrayed as a staunch atheist for most of his adult life, and declining membership in the formerly official Church of Norway,[16] Stoltenberg has stated that he does not consider himself an atheist. He explained: \"Although I am not a member of any denomination, I do believe that there is something greater than man. Some call it God, others call it something else. For me, it's about understanding that we humans are small in relation to nature, in relation to the powers that are bigger and stronger than man can ever comprehend. I find that in a church.\"[17]CareerEarly career (1979 to 1990)From 1979 to 1981, Stoltenberg was a journalist for Arbeiderbladet. From 1985 to 1989, he was the leader of the Workers' Youth League. From 1989 to 1990, he worked as an Executive Officer for Statistics Norway, Norway's central institution for producing official statistics. He also worked part-time as an hourly paid instructor at the University of Oslo during this period. Between 1990 and 1992, he was leader of the Oslo chapter of the Labour Party.[18]Up to 1990, he had regular contacts with a Soviet diplomat. He ended this relationship after being informed by the Norwegian Police Security Service his contact was a KGB agent, warning him of further contact. Stoltenberg's code name within the KGB was \"Steklov\".[19][20][21]Political career in NorwayMinistry for Environment and Minister for Trade and Energy (1990 to 1996)Stoltenberg served as State Secretary in the Ministry of the Environment from 1990 to 1991. He was first elected to Parliament in 1993 for the Oslo constituency, and is a member of the Labour Party. He served as Minister of Industry from 1993 to 1996, until Brundtland resigned.[18]Minister of Finance (1996 to 2000)In 1996, Thorbjørn Jagland became Prime Minister, and Stoltenberg became Minister of Finance.[18] On 29 September 1997, Jagland resigned because of an ultimatum he had issued stating that the cabinet would resign should the party receive less than 36.9% of the popular vote.[22] Labour only received 35.0%; true to his promise, Jagland resigned as a consequence of its 36.9 ultimatum, and power was transferred to the first cabinet of Kjell Magne Bondevik.[23][24] After Jagland's resignation and while in parliamentary opposition, Stoltenberg served on the standing committee on Oil and Energy Affairs in the Storting.[18] He became the Parliamentary Leader and Prime Minister candidate for the Labour Party in February 2000.Stoltenberg with Russian President Vladimir Putin in New York City, 2000First term as Prime Minister (2000 to 2001)In 2000, the first cabinet of Bondevik resigned following an unsuccessful motion of confidence.[25] Stoltenberg's first cabinet governed Norway from 17 March 2000 to 19 October 2001.[25] Stoltenberg was the deputy leader of the labor party while Jagland was the party leader. Instead Jagland was given the post as Foreign Minister. Stoltenberg's first tenure as Prime Minister (2000–2001) was controversial within his own party, being responsible for reforms and modernisation of the welfare state that included part-privatising several key state-owned services and corporations. In the parliamentary election of 10 September 2001, the party suffered one of its worst results ever, winning only 24% of the vote.The 2001, election met with instability for the Labour Party. The Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet stated: \"We are heading for a political earthquake when the votes are counted tonight, if we believe the opinion polls.\"[26] In an interview with The Associated Press Jagland stated \"It is unstable and unpredictable.\"[26] After the election in 2001, Stoltenberg and his cabinet were forced to resign, with the Labour Party suffering from its worst election campaign results since 1924.[27] With the 98% votes taken, the Labour Party only garnered 24%, falling from 35%.[27] Jagland, the Labor Party leader, commented on the results saying, \"We will have to make a decision about whether to continue in government after we know the full results\".[27] After the election Stoltenberg said, \"What is clear is that this was a very bad election.\"[27]Several analysts has pointed out that one of the reasonable causes for their loss was that with only one year in power until the next election, more time was spent initiating or trying to start reforms than telling the people why they had to be done. Such reforms included selling down in state-owned companies, re-organisation of health care and public hospitals and changes in sick pay. The changes made from the 2001 election to the 2005 election were described by Norwegian newspaper VG as an \"extreme makeover\".[28]Party leader election The bad election result in 2001 was quickly followed by a leadership battle between Jagland and Stoltenberg. Both Jagland, as leader, and Stoltenberg, as deputy leader, said they were open to be challenged for their positions at the party's congress in November 2002. Stoltenberg refused to say whether he would challenge Jagland for the leadership position, which was seen by political commentators as a sign that he probably would seek the leadership position.[29] In the beginning of February 2002, Jagland, who had been briefly hospitalized in January, and had a subsequent sick leave,[30] said that he would not seek reelection as leader.[31] In November 2002, Stoltenberg was unanimously elected new leader at the party's congress.[32]Second term as Prime Minister (2005 to 2013)Stoltenberg's second cabinet governed Norway from 17 October 2005 to 16 October 2013. The 2005 parliamentary election saw a vast improvement for Labour, and the party gained a majority in parliament together with the other \"Red-Green\" parties, the Socialist Left Party and the Centre Party. This paved the way for a historic first in Norway, with Labour joining in a coalition government, the Red-Green Coalition, after a coalition deal with Stoltenberg was struck. Since the government's formation, key political issues such as Norwegian military participation in the war in Afghanistan, petroleum activities in the Barents Sea, LGBT rights, immigration and the quality of standard education were greatly debated by the public. Following Stoltenberg's re-election in 2009, he worked on the Swedish response to the ongoing global recession and championed for environmentalist policies through private and corporate taxation.[33]A marine border dispute with Russia in the Barents Sea since 1978 was settled when Stoltenberg and President of Russia Dimitry Medvedev signed an agreement on 27 April 2010 in Oslo.[34][35] The agreement is a compromise, which divides a disputed area of around 175,000 km2 (68,000 sq mi) into two approximately equally sized parts.[36] However, the agreement still needs ratification by the State Duma and the Parliament of Norway in order to be implemented. Whereas Norway had previously insisted on a border in accordance with the equidistance principle, which is recognized in international law, specifically the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea Article 15 and the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone Article 6, Russia invoked a Stalin-era decree of the Soviet Union from 1926, which was not recognised by any other country. The new agreement replaced a controversial[37] temporary agreement negotiated by Jens Evensen and Arne Treholt, who was later revealed to be a Soviet spy and who aided the Soviet Union in the negotiations.[38] Most of the disputed area was within what would normally be considered Norwegian according to the relevant international treaties.As Prime Minister, Stoltenberg worked for a constructive relationship with Russia through dialogue and cooperation underpinned by NATO's deterrence and defence capabilities. During his tenure, he also emphasised the need to focus on security challenges close to Allied territory.[39]22 July 2011 terror attacksOn 22 July 2011, a bomb went off in Oslo outside the government building which houses the prime minister's office, killing at least eight people while wounding others. About an hour later, a shooting spree, which killed 69 people, was reported at Utøya, an island forty-five minutes away where the ruling Labour Party was holding its annual youth camp. The PM was due for a visit at the youth camp the next day, and was in his residence preparing his speech at the time of the Oslo explosion.[40]On Sunday 24 July, Stoltenberg spoke at the church service in the Oslo Cathedral. He named two of the victims at Utøya, Monica Bøsei, who was the camp's leader, and Tore Eikeland, who was the leader of the youth chapter in Hordaland. He again vowed to work for more democracy, openness, and humanity, but without naivety.[41] He also said that \"No one has said it better than the AUF girl who was interviewed by CNN: If one man can show so much hate, think how much love we could show, standing together.\"[42][43] The AUF girl mentioned is Stine Renate Håheim interviewed by CNN's Richard Quest on 23 July 2011.[44] Håheim again quoted her friend Helle Gannestad, who had tweeted this from home, watching events unfold on TV.[45]On 24 August 2012, 33-year-old Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik was found guilty by the Oslo District Court of having perpetrated by himself both terrorist attacks, the bombing of the prime minister's office and the shooting spree on Utøya island, and was convicted to containment, a special form of prison sentence that can be extended indefinitely—with a time frame of 21 years and a minimum time of 10 years, which, in all, is the maximum penalty in Norway.[46]On 3 September 2012, Norwegian daily Klassekampen wrote that the Gjørv Report on the terrorist attack \"is the hardest verdict against a Norwegian cabinet since the Fact-Finding Commission of 1945 ensured that Johan Nygaardsvold's political career was abruptly halted.\"[47]Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said after the Gjørv Report was published that he had \"ultimate responsibility for the preparedness in our country, a responsibility I take seriously.\" But he said he would not resign.[48]Stoltenberg speaks at a service commemorating the one year anniversary of the 2011 attacks.Stoltenberg delivering a speech at Youngstorget, 1 May 2009Stoltenberg with Russian President Dimitry Medvedev, 27 April 2010.Stoltenberg at the Paris Summit of 19 March 2011 (back row, second from right), which marked the start of a military intervention in Libya.2013 election and defeatStoltenberg was the Prime Minister candidate for the Red-Green Coalition in the 2013 elections, seeking re-election for a third term.On 9 September 2013, the coalition failed to win majority, with 72 of the required 85 mandates, despite the Labour Party remaining the largest party in Norway with 30.8%.[49] In his speech the same night, he announced that his cabinet would resign in October 2013.[50] Stoltenberg returned to the Parliament where he became parliamentarian leader for the Labour Party and a member of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence. In December 2013, he was appointed by the United Nations as a Special Envoy on Climate Change, alongside the former Ghanaian president John Kufuor.[51]Policies as Prime MinisterStoltenberg has been described as a cautious politician, belonging to the right wing of social democracy.[52] In security policy, Stoltenberg favours increased military spending and dialogue.[53]Defense and foreign politicsWhile Stoltenberg was Prime Minister, Norway's defence spending increased steadily, with the result that Norway today is one of the NATO allies with the highest per capita defence expenditure.[54] Stoltenberg has also been instrumental in modernising the Norwegian armed forces, and in contributing forces to various NATO operations.[55]Stoltenberg is a supporter of enhanced trans-Atlantic cooperation ties. He has also always been a supporter of Norwegian membership in the European Union.[56]Stoltenberg has criticized Israel over alleged violations of international law in the Palestinian Territories as well as in international waters, such as the Gaza flotilla raid.[57] In 2006, Stoltenberg stated that \"Norway condemns Israel's actions against Palestinians. Such collective punishment is totally unacceptable.\"[58] Stoltenberg praised doctors Mads Gilbert and Erik Fosse for their humanitarian work in the Gaza Strip during the Gaza War, stating that \"all of Norway\" was behind them.[59]Financial crisisStoltenberg took an international role during the financial crisis by promoting international financial cooperation. This was among other arenas done through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a meeting in Chile 27–29 March 2009 where social democratic leaders from around the world met at a Progressive Governance Conference, just prior to the first G20 summit on the financial crisis. President Bill Clinton was among the delegates and panel that would chart a way out of the financial crisis, which included the host Michelle Bachelet, Britain's finance minister Gordon Brown, Brazil's President Lula da Silva and Stoltenberg. A special emergency meeting of the European Social Democratic Forum (PES) was gathered in Oslo in May 2011, on an initiative from Stoltenberg and the think tank Policy Network.Both nationally and internationally, Stoltenberg emphasised the enormous costs the financial crisis had in the form of a high unemployment rate, and appealed for better international coordination, the balance between austerity and economic growth stimulus, active labor market measures for young people, and investments for increased innovation.[citation needed] Norway came out of the financial crisis with the lowest unemployment rate in Europe.[60]Environment and climate changePartnering with tropical countries to preserve more of their rainforest to bind carbon dioxide (CO2) in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions was a policy of the Stoltenberg government. In 2007, the government received support from the opposition to a long-term agreement to finance forest conservation with 3 billion NOK annually.[61]Stoltenberg through his governing advocated that international agreements with global taxes or quotas are the most effective means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the UN Climate Change Conference 2009, a separate proposal on the preservation of rainforests with funding from rich countries, advanced by Stoltenberg and Brazilian Pres. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in 2009 obtained support from among others U.S. President Barack Obama during COP15 in Copenhagen.[citation needed]The summit in Copenhagen ended without a binding agreement, but before the subsequent COP16 in Cancún, Stoltenberg succeeded then-British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in the leadership of the committee dealing with the financing of climate actions in developing countries, also consisting of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. Under a separate forest and climate conference in Oslo in May 2010, a proposal was presented to a number of countries, with final delivery of the report in autumn 2010.In January 2014 Jens Stoltenberg became United Nations Special Envoy on Climate Change. During the meeting there he met with Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon as well as UN Framework Convention director Christiana Figueres and both Achim Steiner and Helen Clark of the United Nations Development Programme.[62]VaccinesStoltenberg has been an advocate for having all the world's children vaccinated against infectious diseases. The first speech he gave in his second term as Prime Minister was during Norway's \"Pharmaceutics days\" in 2005 under the title \"Vaccination against poverty\". Stoltenberg was director of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) from 2002 to 2005 and was awarded the Children's Health Award in 2005.An international initiative, with the UK, the Gates Foundation and Norway in the lead, that GAVI received more than $3.7 billion until 2015 for their work against child mortality.[63] Stoltenberg was one of the key driving forces behind the initiative, and has stressed that this is an important contribution to save 9 million children from dying of the most common childhood illnesses.In his New Year speech on 1 January 2013, Stoltenberg spoke about vaccination of the world's children as a personal matter of the heart. \"Small jabs are giving millions of children the gift of life. Simple medicines can save their mothers. The fact that all these mothers' and children's lives can be saved is – as I see it – a miracle of our time,\" Stoltenberg said in his speech.[64]United Nations (2013 to 2014)In 2011, Stoltenberg received the United Nations (UN) Champion of Global Change Award in New York City, USA, chosen for his extraordinary effort toward meeting the Millennium Development Goals and bringing fresh ideas to global problems. In 2013, Stoltenberg served as a UN special envoy on climate change (global warming), and he has chaired the UN High-Level Panel on System Wide Coherence and the High-Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing.NATO Secretary General (2014 to Present)On 28 March 2014 NATO's North Atlantic Council appointed Stoltenberg as designated successor of Anders Fogh Rasmussen as the 13th Secretary General of NATO and Chairman of the council, effective from 1 October 2014.[65] The appointment had been widely expected in the media for some time, and commentators pointed out that the alliance's policies toward Russia will be the most important issue faced by Stoltenberg.[66] Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, took the initiative to appoint Stoltenberg as Secretary-General, securing the support first of the United States, then of the United Kingdom, and then of all other member states.[67][68] Norway was a founding member of NATO in 1949, and Stoltenberg is the first Norwegian to serve as Secretary-General, although former Conservative Party Prime Minister Kåre Willoch was considered a strong candidate in 1988.[69]In September 2015, Czech Deputy Prime Minister Andrej Babiš criticized NATO's lack of response to the European migrant crisis. After talks with Stoltenberg on migrant crisis issue Babiš said: \"NATO is not interested in refugees, though Turkey, a NATO member, is their entrance gate to Europe and smugglers operate on Turkish territory\".[70]In January 2018, in response to the Turkish invasion of northern Syria aimed at ousting U.S.-backed Syrian Kurds from the enclave of Afrin, Stoltenberg said that Turkey is \"the NATO Ally which has suffered most from terrorist attacks over many years and Turkey, as all of the countries, have the right to self defence, but it is important that this is done in a proportionate and measured way.\"[71]Stoltenberg and Montenegro's Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic attend a NATO foreign ministers meeting on May 19, 2016Stoltenberg with US Secretary of State Pompeo, UK Foreign Secretary Johnson and Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu, Brussels, April 2018In popular cultureIncognito Taxi Driver in NorwayIn August 2013, Stoltenberg said on his Facebook page that he had spent an afternoon working incognito as a taxi driver in Oslo.[72] Stoltenberg said he had wanted to \"hear from real Norwegian voters\" and that \"taxis were one of the few places where people shared their true views.\" He added that, before driving the taxi, he had not driven a car in eight years.[72] The event was videotaped in a hidden camera fashion, and released as a promotional video by the Labour party for the election campaign.[73] It was later confirmed that 5 of the 14 customers were paid and recruited by the production company that produced the event for the Labour party.[74][75] None, however, knew they would meet Stoltenberg.[76][77]ControversiesHe was member of the then Marxist-Leninist group Red Youth, had regular contacts with KGB agent disguised as Soviet diplomat, and participated in protest rallies against the U.S. war in Vietnam.[78] In 2011, Stoltenberg said \"We sang the chorus, ‘Singing Norway, Norway out of Nato'. It was a hit.\"[78]In 2001, Stoltenberg crashed his Labour Party-owned car into a parked car; he then left the premises without leaving a note with his name or number; the damages cost 8000 Norwegian kroner to repair.[79]In 2002, Stoltenberg admitted to having used cannabis in his youth.[80] He therefore asked the Ministry of Justice and Public Security to evaluate his impartiality in the upcoming government response to the report on drugs by the Stoltenberg Commission, headed by his father, Thorvald Stoltenberg.[81]In 2009, while hunting, Stoltenberg shot a reindeer from a tame herd owned by Sami people. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority said it led to unnecessary suffering for the reindeer.[82]In 2011, Stoltenberg received a prize from the UN Foundation for excellent global leadership and Norway's support of the UN, earlier the same year, Stoltenberg had donated 150 million Norwegian kroner to the same foundation, which led to criticism.[83] Also in 2011 Stoltenberg got a 380,000 kroner boat as a birthday gift from the Norwegian Labour Party and the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions; the givers also paid the tax for the gift which led to criticism.[84][85]about this mapby wojciech korsakall information & pics wikipedia.orghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jens_Stoltenberg"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/8b2GwxLL_Financial-and-managerial-accounting-summary-Chap-1-2.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "chapchap 02LedgerJournalruleAssetsStockholder`s EquityCommon stockRetained earningsThe Accounting Processchap 01Accounting EquationAssetsSuppliesAccounts receivableCashFurnitureLandBuildingFixtureLiabilitiesAccounts payableNote PayableInterest PayableStockholder`s EquityCommon stockRetained earningsRevenueExpense ()Service revenueExpenseRevenue ()Salary expenseRent expenseSupplies expenseutilities expenseDividendsOTHERSTransaction TypeIssued StockThe Financial StatementsIncome StatementRevenueExpense ()ExpenseRevenue ()Statement of Retained EarningsNet income (Net loss)DividendsBalance SheetAssetsLiabilitiesStockholder`s EquityTable exampleStatement of cash flowsAnalysis of TransactionsTable example子主题子主题Balance SheetThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookchap 01 otherscharacter of corporationseparate legal entitycontinuous life and transferability of ownershno mutual agencyis not present in a corporation as it is in partnershiplimited liability of stockholderseparation of ownership and management"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/d6kFAmZa_Petit-Guide-de-l-innovation-transversale-pour-booster-votre-entrepriseDesign-Organisationnel-Design.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Petit Guide de l'innovation transversale pour booster votre entreprise Design Organisationnel & Design de l'information \"Toutes les batailles perdues se résument à 2 mots : Trop tard\" Général Mac ArthurSimplifier vos Process Design OrganisationnelRendez vos process intelligibles et communicants en évitant les approches topdownexcel n'a pas été concu pour ca !Utilisez de nouveaux leviers de modélisation et communicationIntégrez le MindMapping et les méthodes agilesRapport d'étonnementSimplifier vos modes de reportingLean ManagementReplacer l'humain au coeur des enjeux ManagementBooster vos RHDRH VS Gestion du Personnel子主题innover dans les formations proposées pour accompagner la montée en compétence de vos collaborateursDémarche compétence et RSEattention aux usines à gaz type GPECFaciliter l'intégration et la fidélisation de la Génération Ymoderniser vos livrets d'accueilencourager le développement des pratiques collaborativesDonner de l'autonomie et assumer le télétravailCartographier les compétencesEncourager la transversalité Agilité - RéactivitéModernisez votre Intranet en associant la DSI, la DRH, la ComIntégrer les usages innovants du web collaboratifFormer vos managers... au managementnouveau rôle du cadre : savoir gérer son inutilitéDévelopper des projets transverses à forte valeur ajoutéeRSEDémarches CompétencesDéveloppement DurableLean ManagementDévelopper le Management de projet (VS Gestion de projet)Moderniser les réunionsFavoriser l'usage du MindMapping pour des réunions plus participativesFaites des réunions plus courtes, plus dynamiques (arbitrage)Animer des séances de créativitéEncourager la créativité Méthodes AgilesIntégrer les méthodes agiles dans votre mode de managementvaloriser les initiativesIntégrer des temps de brainstorming dans vos séminairesFreeFriday GoogleRécompenser les initiativesDécorer vos bureauxVeille et Intelligence Économique Curiosité - Adaptabilitéassurer une veille multi thémesProcessus collaboratifLa veille n'est pas une démarche seulement orientée vers la prévention de risquesveille d'opportunité marchéveille sociétaleveille usages innovants et managementThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookIntégrer le WebMarketing à votre stratégie Business & NotoriétéÉlaborer une Stratégie et plan d'action 2.0l'innovation est aussi aujourd'hui dans le marketing avec l'approche mixmarketing et webmarketingBuzzInteractionNetlinkingCommunity Management, Traffic Manager... nouveaux métiers pour nouveaux usagese-reputation, personal brandingVeille activeprésence Réseaux sociauxDesign de l'information Bon sens 2.0l'intuitivité et l'ergonomie des interfaces doivent guider vos choix d'équipement logicielsPrenez en compte l'avis des utilisateursIntégrer des designers et webdesigners dans le processus de conception de vos outilsFavoriser l'appropriation des usages collaboratifsincitivesensibilisationintranet 2.0Partager et Capitaliser les connaissances Knowledge Management Organisation apprenanteAnticiper les départs et transmettre les connaissances tacitesEntretiens de successionsModerniser le système d'information en y intégrant des outils de KM appliquésCartographie des compétences critiquesBases de connaissances vidéoRéseau social interne et Communautés de pratiquesDéjargonner votre langage métierWikiDéveloppez vos réseauxPrendre le risque de la \"coopétition\"Élaborer une stratégie de présence réseaux physiques / réseaux sociauxSoignez votre présence sur les réseaux sociauxRepérer et Participer aux Clubs, Clusters, Pôles de votre régionInnovation participative Qualité & ÉcouteFavorisez l'intégration dans vos équipes de Designer ou de profils Sciences Socialesun regard neuf et transversale sur la conceptions de vos produits et servicesFavoriser les échanges internes en déployant des outils simples et efficaces dans un processus qualité permanent basé sur l'écoute et l'interactionLaboratoire d'idéesdémarche qualité permanentefavorise les échangesÉcoute des clients et des partenairesCommunauté WebFaites vous AccompagnerCabinets Conseils, Human Connect par exemple ;-))www.human-connect.comInstitutionsActeurs du développementOSEOetc."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/TIMEp5zB_CREATIVE-MEETING-6-THINKING-HATS.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CREATIVE MEETING 6 THINKING HATSTOPIC #1< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >TOPIC #2< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTOPIC #3< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >TOPIC #4< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >< COMMENT >WOJCIECH KORSAKEXPLORER-CONSULTING.PLKOMUNIKACJA-WIZUALNA.COM"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/3xuJLtIT_The-Creation-Story.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Creation Story King James Version compiled by Chuck FreyThe first dayGod created heaven and earthInitial stateEarth was without formDarkness was upon the deepLightGod said \"Let there be light.\"And there was lightHe divided light from darknessLight = daydarkness = nightHe saw it was goodThe second dayGod said \"Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters\"Divided the watersabove the firmamentbelow itIt was soFirmament = heavenThe third dayGod said, \"Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear.\"It was soEarth = dry landSea = gathering of the watersHe saw that it was goodGod said, \"Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth\"It was soEarth brought forthGrassHerb yielding seedTree yielding fruitHe saw it was goodThe fourth dayGod said, \"Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.\"Light upon the earthGreater light ruled the day (sun)Lesser light to rule the night (moon)God made the stars alsoHe set them in the firmament of the heavensGod saw it was good!This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookThe fifth dayGod said, \"Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.\"God createdGreat whalesEvery living creature that movethWinged fowlGod saw it was good!God blessed themBe fruitfulMultiplyFill the waters in the seasLet fowl multiply upon the earthThe sixth dayGod said, \"Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind.\"It was soGod madeThe beast of the earthCattleEverything that creepeth upon the earthGod saw it was good!God said, \"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.God created man in His own imageMaleFemaleGod blessed themBe fruitfulMultiplyReplenish the earthSubdue the earthHave dominion overThe fish of the seaThe fowl of the airEvery living thing that moveth upon the earthBehold, he gave themEvery herb bearing seedEvery tree bearing fruitGod gave to other living creatures green herb for meatGod saw everything He had madeIt was very good!The seventh dayGod restedGod sanctified it"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/s777615_Demonstration_dashboard_map_using_Power_Markers.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Management CommitteeAdministrative projectsSecretarialMinutes from last meetingAgenda for next meetingNext meeting datePermits for refuse collectionReturn contract forms to councilPermits for 3 binsJoint Valuation Board surveyWrite back to QSQS to return completed formReturn completed survey form to Valuation BoardOSCR monitoring requestForward OSCR letter to AccountantCall accountant to ensure he received letterReply to OSCR queriesElectricity supply contract changeoverComplete forms and sign contractCall to check our application was receivedPublic AGMAGM DateConfirmed dateAGM meetingNotices requiredPost nomination notices locallySubmit newspaper advertisementRoadside boardsCopy all handoutsDirectors1/3 of directors to retire by rotation in order of length of serviceAGM AgendaAGM Minutes from last yearReceive and adopt accounts and director's reportChairman's statementUse of hall so farPlans for futureCheck first draft of Chair reportTreasurer's reportCurrent financial positionRate of expenditureRate of incomeUser groupsDonations and grantsRetirement and election of directorsReappoint accountantQuestionsMore agenda ideasPresent the business plan at AGM?ITPublic web siteCheck domain renewal noticeTransfer domain backFind a new web site editor!Private WikispaceAdd new advisor details to the WikispaceWikispaces renewed $50 06Apr10Claim for Wikispaces renewalWikispaces subscription renewal next yearExisting fundersReview other grants for incomplete reports dueReturn unspent money to TrustReview Big Lottery milestones for final reportTrusthouse Charitable FoundationTrusthouse Charitable Foundation Guide.pdfTelephoneQ1 phone bill receivedReview call charges vs billed costsPhone appears to have a faulty displayRatesRates bill for next year is £0FinancialBudgetingBring the spreadsheet up to dateSet out budgets for next FYAnnual ReturnBooks to go to accountant for preparationSubmit annual return to Companies HouseInvoice from QS for stage payment #5This is their final accountCapacity DevelopmentNew Treasurer & Co. secE-mail development advisor with a copy of BL reportE-mail funding advisor with funding info she needsPolicies and proceduresFinish the User HandbookFinish the business planUser group projectsIT Class preparationsCommission laptopsOrder broadband serviceOnline Basics course - www.onlinebasics.co.uk designed for tutors as wellRun phone wire to corner of meeting room for modemFilm clubSpec out part numbers for video cablesOrder cables, plugs and blanking plates for projector installationCheck into the video equipment grant againBook clubSet up a trial reading sessionKeep-fit clubWhen does keep-fit club restart?Heritage projecthttp://www.skinnershall.co.uk/charities/lady-neville-charity.htmhttp://www.old-possums-practical-trust.org.uk/page.cfm?pageid=300#Equipment & fittingsFittingsSponsors plaque for lobbyLocal photos montage for lobbyJohn Pear said he would do this at materials costSuggestions box for the lobbyFull-sized notice board for lobby?Hooks for the changing roomsBenches in the changing roomsHand towel dispenser for cleaner's cupboardEquipmentMake an equipment inventory for insuranceFloor polisherGet large barrier mat for inside hall doorway5 multiblock extension leadsColour coded chopping boardsWhiteboard for meeting roomUpright dividers / display standsConsumablesGet a new toner cartridge for photocopierClaim for toner cartridgeGet an incident log bookGet some more photocopier paperMaintenance projectsKeysMore keys to be cut for side door?Electric doorsRecord notified by phoneDoor repair by service engineerAdd a UPS to the door power circuit?Replace MCB for door circuit with a NVR switch to protect against power cycling?OutsidePlant up around the septic tank (retaining access)Raking and grass seeding around siteFill potholes in trackInsideFit child locks to kitchen cupboards & label themCapital projectsConstruction completionGet snag list backSend snag list to architectsRemove fencing & other materialsAdditional power socketsPower socket in entrance lobbyPower socket in plant roomTarmac whole of driveProtective wall covering in furniture store roomLighting at entrance gatewayExternal sensor light at main doorExtend tarmac from disabled bay to trackReplace temporary infill on east sideRe-lay slabs by disabled parking bayLoading ramp for store room doorActive LegendActionsNew tasksTasks in progressWaiting for replyCompleted tasksPeopleDavid Roberts $key:ct:@davidJack Hughes $key:ct:@jackFiona Dawes $key:ct:@fionaDeadlinesOverdue $task:date:overdueIn next 3 days $task:date:3:dayIn next 4 weeks $task:date:4:weekIssuesQuestions $text:ew:?Problems $text:ew:!AssetsBookmarks $bookmarkAttachments $attachmentHyperlinks $hlRead these Topic Notes >>>Copyright © 2010 Harport Consulting All Rights Reserved."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/7xiIFM3Q_Calibration.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CalibrationCalibration (100)Calibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device.The term \"calibration\" probably was first associated with the precise division of linear distance and angles using a dividing engine and the measurement of gravitational mass using a weighing scale.A transplanted calibration process that worked well to support the microphone application may or may not be the best answer or even adequate for the coaxial cable application.The measuring equipment manufacturer generally assigns the measurement tolerance, suggests a calibration interval and specifies the environmental range of use and storage.The assignment of calibration intervals can be a formal process based on the results of previous calibrations.There are clearinghouses for calibration procedures such as the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) in the United States.More commonly, a calibration technician is entrusted with the entire process and signs the calibration certificate, which documents the completion of a successful calibration.The integrity of organization-wide calibration is easily compromised.Calibration can be called for: with a new instrument when a specified time period is elapsed when a specified usage (operating hours) has elapsed when an instrument has had a shock or vibration which potentially may have put it out of calibration sudden changes in weather whenever observations appear questionable In general use, calibration is often regarded as including the process of adjusting the output or indication on a measurement instrument to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy.measurement (100)Calibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device.The term \"calibration\" probably was first associated with the precise division of linear distance and angles using a dividing engine and the measurement of gravitational mass using a weighing scale.The measurement of pressure was an early example of how indirect measurement was added to the existing direct measurement of the same phenomena.Before the Industrial Revolution, the most common pressure measurement device was a hydrostatic manometer, which is not practical for measuring high pressures.The measuring equipment manufacturer generally assigns the measurement tolerance, suggests a calibration interval and specifies the environmental range of use and storage.When this goal is met, the accumulated measurement uncertainty of all of the standards involved is considered to be insignificant when the final measurement is also made with the 4:1 ratio.Calibration can be called for: with a new instrument when a specified time period is elapsed when a specified usage (operating hours) has elapsed when an instrument has had a shock or vibration which potentially may have put it out of calibration sudden changes in weather whenever observations appear questionable In general use, calibration is often regarded as including the process of adjusting the output or indication on a measurement instrument to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy.The NMI supports the metrological infrastructure in that country (and often others) by establishing an unbroken chain, from the top level of standards to an instrument used for measurement.instrument (46)The second device is the unit under test, test instrument, or any of several other names for the device being calibrated.Calibration can be called for: with a new instrument when a specified time period is elapsed when a specified usage (operating hours) has elapsed when an instrument has had a shock or vibration which potentially may have put it out of calibration sudden changes in weather whenever observations appear questionable In general use, calibration is often regarded as including the process of adjusting the output or indication on a measurement instrument to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy.The NMI supports the metrological infrastructure in that country (and often others) by establishing an unbroken chain, from the top level of standards to an instrument used for measurement.standards (46)When this goal is met, the accumulated measurement uncertainty of all of the standards involved is considered to be insignificant when the final measurement is also made with the 4:1 ratio.Establishing traceability is accomplished by a formal comparison to a standard which is directly or indirectly related to national standards (NIST in the USA), international standards, or certified reference materials.The NMI supports the metrological infrastructure in that country (and often others) by establishing an unbroken chain, from the top level of standards to an instrument used for measurement.pressure (27)The measurement of pressure was an early example of how indirect measurement was added to the existing direct measurement of the same phenomena.Before the Industrial Revolution, the most common pressure measurement device was a hydrostatic manometer, which is not practical for measuring high pressures.In the direct reading hydrostatic manometer design on the left, unknown pressure pushes the liquid down the left side of the manometer U-tube (or unknown vacuum pulls the liquid up the tube, as shown) where a length scale next to the tube measures the pressure, referenced to the other, open end of the manometer on the right side of the U-tube.indirect (16)The measurement of pressure was an early example of how indirect measurement was added to the existing direct measurement of the same phenomena.tube (13)In the direct reading hydrostatic manometer design on the left, unknown pressure pushes the liquid down the left side of the manometer U-tube (or unknown vacuum pulls the liquid up the tube, as shown) where a length scale next to the tube measures the pressure, referenced to the other, open end of the manometer on the right side of the U-tube.scale (13)The term \"calibration\" probably was first associated with the precise division of linear distance and angles using a dividing engine and the measurement of gravitational mass using a weighing scale.In the direct reading hydrostatic manometer design on the left, unknown pressure pushes the liquid down the left side of the manometer U-tube (or unknown vacuum pulls the liquid up the tube, as shown) where a length scale next to the tube measures the pressure, referenced to the other, open end of the manometer on the right side of the U-tube.correctness (13)Calibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device.traceability (13)Establishing traceability is accomplished by a formal comparison to a standard which is directly or indirectly related to national standards (NIST in the USA), international standards, or certified reference materials.SummaryCalibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device.The second device is the unit under test, test instrument, or any of several other names for the device being calibrated.The term \"calibration\" probably was first associated with the precise division of linear distance and angles using a dividing engine and the measurement of gravitational mass using a weighing scale.The measurement of pressure was an early example of how indirect measurement was added to the existing direct measurement of the same phenomena.Before the Industrial Revolution, the most common pressure measurement device was a hydrostatic manometer, which is not practical for measuring high pressures.In the direct reading hydrostatic manometer design on the left, unknown pressure pushes the liquid down the left side of the manometer U-tube (or unknown vacuum pulls the liquid up the tube, as shown) where a length scale next to the tube measures the pressure, referenced to the other, open end of the manometer on the right side of the U-tube.In the early days of US automobile use, people wanted to see the gasoline they were about to buy in a big glass pitcher, a direct measure of volume and quality via appearance.A transplanted calibration process that worked well to support the microphone application may or may not be the best answer or even adequate for the coaxial cable application.In other words, the design has to be capable of measurements that are \"within engineering tolerance\" when used within the stated environmental conditions over some reasonable period of time.The measuring equipment manufacturer generally assigns the measurement tolerance, suggests a calibration interval and specifies the environmental range of use and storage.The assignment of calibration intervals can be a formal process based on the results of previous calibrations.When this goal is met, the accumulated measurement uncertainty of all of the standards involved is considered to be insignificant when the final measurement is also made with the 4:1 ratio.This ratio was probably first formalized in Handbook 52 that accompanied MIL-STD-45662A, an early US Department of Defense metrology program specification.For example, a gage with 3% manufacturer-stated accuracy can be changed to 4% so that a 1% accuracy standard can be used at 4:1.There are clearinghouses for calibration procedures such as the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) in the United States.More commonly, a calibration technician is entrusted with the entire process and signs the calibration certificate, which documents the completion of a successful calibration.The integrity of organization-wide calibration is easily compromised.Most oscilloscopes are capital assets that increase the value of the organization, in addition to the value of the measurements they make.Establishing traceability is accomplished by a formal comparison to a standard which is directly or indirectly related to national standards (NIST in the USA), international standards, or certified reference materials.Calibration can be called for: with a new instrument when a specified time period is elapsed when a specified usage (operating hours) has elapsed when an instrument has had a shock or vibration which potentially may have put it out of calibration sudden changes in weather whenever observations appear questionable In general use, calibration is often regarded as including the process of adjusting the output or indication on a measurement instrument to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy.The NMI supports the metrological infrastructure in that country (and often others) by establishing an unbroken chain, from the top level of standards to an instrument used for measurement.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMap created automatically by WikiSummarizer product of Context Discovery http://www.contextdiscovery.com wikisummarizer@contextdiscovery.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/V3uogkeA_Apple-s-Devices-in-Meetings.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Apple's Devices in MeetingsPresentationwith iPadvia TVConnectionApple Digital AV AdapterTVHDMI CableHDMI Switch to switch between different iPads screensConnection via HDMI iPad - TVRemote Controlfor Keynote presentations with Apple's app REMOTE use iPhone as Remote ControlDisplay of iPad's screen to the audiencevia BeamerConnectionApple Digital AV AdapterBeamerHDMI CableHDMI Switch to switch between different iPads screensConnection via HDMI iPad - BeamerRemote Controlfor Keynote presentations with Apple's app REMOTE use iPhone as Remote ControlDisplay of iPad's screen to the audienceTypes of PresentationsKeynote/Powerpoint PresentationsNumbers/Excel SpreadsheetsImagesAd-Hoc created extensions to the primary topic of the meeting independent of the file format by sending just the screen contents of iPad to the audienceStickiesDoodlesDocumentation of Meeting ResultsInstant distribution to the audience membersby E-Mailby Sharingby direct transfer to other iOS devicesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAd-Hoc Transfer of Informationby E-Mailby saving scanned documents to a company server via FTP or a common used Cloudby beaming files to other iOS devices of people in the audienceRecommended AppInstashare by Lukas FoldynaAd-Hoc ResearchInternetDocuments on Cloud StoragesRecommended AppsDocuments by ReaddleDropboxSugarSyncBoxGoogleDriveSkyDriveOffice 365 SharepointMyDisk.sefilesanywhereStoregateCloudMeAny other cloud accessible via WebDAVApple's iWork Suite accessing iCloudKEYNOTE for presentationsNumbers for spreadsheetsPages for text editingScanningTake Photos with the built-in cameraDocumentProjection ScreenTake Videos of important parts of a lecture with the built-in cameraAudio RecordingNote TakingRecommended AppsNotability by Gingerlabs.comMediaPhotoPictureFigureStickiesKeyboardHandwritingAudioCloud SupportDropboxGoogleDriveBoxWebDAV"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/j415707_Irregular_Menstruation__Chinese_Medicine.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Irregular Menstruation Yue Jing Bu TiaoAny abnormal change in cycle3 Major typesPreceded Menstruation7 days earlierEven 2x/monthContinues for 2 cyclesDelayed Menstruation7 days laterEven 40-50 days betweenContinues for 2 cyclesIrregular Menstruation7 days late or earlyContinues for 3 cyclesHistorical discussionZZJWen Jing Tang for delayedTu Gua Gen San for delayed due to stasisTang/SongDiscussed early menstruation due to excess YangDelayed due to excess/deficient coldIrregular due to Qi stagnationYuan/MingQi = TimingLiang = FlowSe = ColorZhi = QualityPreceded/Early MenstruationUSUALLY DUE TO HEATMain pointsCV4Where Chong beginsregulates mensesSP10regulates the bloodboth even needlingIf excess heatLR3YuanClears heat in LRReduceLI11He-seaClears heatReduceIf deficiency heatSP6Nourishes YinKD2Ying springClears empty heatIf stagnant heatDue to LR Qi StagnationLR2Ying springClears heatSP8Xi cleftRegulates mensesAssists relationship of earth and woodIf Qi deficiencyST36He SeaBL20SP ShuBoth tonify stronglyDelayed MenstruationTX principleWarm channelsRegulate bloodMain pointsCV6Regulate Chong and RenKD13Qi XueMeeting of KD ChongSP6Meeting of 3 Foot yinIf Shi coldST 25LI MuMoves, warmsST 29Gui Laiwarms LJregulates menstruationtonifying techniqueAddl' SXThick blood, clottedNormal/average flowDark red colorIf Xu coldGV4KD3Addl' SXThin, scanty bloodIf blood XuST36Tonify Qi and BloodBL17Infl. BloodBL20SP ShuAddl' SXLateSmall amountLight colorThin consistencyHarder to treatIf Qi StagnationLR5Luo connect, ShaoyangAddl' SXNormal or heavy flowDark color, clottedIrregular MenstruationAddl' SXDark red colorClottedTx principleRegulate LR/KDTonify LR/KDMain pointsCV43 Yin channels meet ()SP63 Yin channels meet ()3 Yin channels meetCV4 ()SP6 ()If LR Qi StagBL18LR ShuLR Mu ()LR14LR MuYuan ()LR Shu ()LR3YuanLR Mu ()If KD XuKD3YuanKD5XiRegulates, reinforcesBlood"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WBjkyltw_Sources-of-Project-Milestones.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Sources of Project MilestonesProject Management MethodAgileScrumRADWaterfallTen StepPMIPrince2Other Fixed datesCode freezeHolidaysEvent dates e.g.OlympicsConference datesSummitSporting eventsXmasAnnouncmentsDeadlinesGrant application deadlineTax return deadlineRFP deadlineNatural environmentWeatherexamplesstorms preventing deliveries during a certain timeweather windows allowing flightspasses and roads passable only at certain timesSeasonsMigrationsmigrating birds & animalsTidesLEARN MORE ABOUT PROJECT MILESTONESFixed durationTransport takes x delivery must be by xe.g. duration on critical pathmore on the Critical PathProcess takes fixed time drives other datesMaterialsWork packagesExpiry datesRetirement datesMaintenance schedulesRegulatory & legislativeFinancial calendarend quarterEnd FYsee also fixed datesplanning deadlinesauditssite inspectionsreportingSupply chainraw material arrivalinbound and outbound shipmentsorder acknowledgementproduct eventsResource availabilityhiringcompletion of other projectsavailability of certain skill setsProject lifecycleStage or phase gatesFeasibility endUAT endMethod driven phases e.g. Prince2 phasesEnd of buildGo live datesdemos and 'show and tells'beta dates or proof of concept datesProject MilestonesDefinition of Milestoneimage of project lifecycle with milestoneswhen and where to use milestonestypical project milestones"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/8vqBLCpM_WordPress-links-for-cabre-co-uk-Easy-access-to-the-administration.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "WordPress links for cabre.co.ukDashboardHomeUpdatesAkismet StatsClicky StatsStore SalesStore UpgradesPagesAll PagesAdd NewPostsAll PostsAdd NewCategoriesPost TagsCommentsProductsProductsAdd NewProduct TagsCategoriesVariationsCouponsMediaLibraryAdd NewLinksAll LinksAdd NewLink CategoriesPluginsInstalled PluginsAkismetSettingsAll in One SEO PackOptions configuration panelAmazonSimpleAdminOptions panelClicky for WordPressSettingsExec-PHPSettingsGoogle XML SitemapsSettingsSexyBookmarks (by Shareaholic)SettingsWP-reCAPTCHASettingsWP e-CommerceGetShopped.orgSupport ForumDocumentationAdd NewEditorAkismet ConfigurationThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAppearanceThemesWidgetsMenusCustom HeaderEditorSettingsGeneralWritingReadingDiscussionMediaPrivacyPermalinksAll in One SEOAmazonSimpleAdminCollectionsUsageCacheTemplatesBreadcrumb NavXTClickyRelated PostsWP-reCAPTCHAStore - WP e-commerceGeneralPresentationAdminTaxesShippingPaymentsCheckoutMarketingImportExec-PHPXML-SitemapUsersAll UsersAdd NewYour ProfileToolsAvailable ToolsImportExportShareaholicSharing WidgetTopbarHelp"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g1nK50LW_Leading_Through_Conflict__-_How_Successful_Leaders_Transform_Differences_into_Opportunities_-_Mark_G.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Leading Through Conflict - How Successful Leaders Transform Differences into Opportunities - Mark GerzonThree Faces of LeadershipDemagogueManagerMediatorStrive to act on behalf of the whole, not just a partThink systematically and is committed to ongoing learningBuild trust by building bridges across the dividing linesSeeks innovation and opportunity in order to transform conflictEight Tools for the Leaders as MediatorIntegral VisionBackgrounds: Learning to See Beyond BoundariesRussel Schweickart, US AstronautMahatma GandhiAlbert EinsteinTipsCheck your visionDon't replace one border with anotherWatch your languageGo to the balconyDevelop maturity of mindLearn to see through wallsSystem ThinkingBackground: Drawing Better BoundariesRonald Heifetz, Harvard UniversityAnonymousApplications: We Are \"All Connected Now\"Fritjof CapraTipsKeep it simpleThink systemically about your own roleView yourself and your organization from \"Outside of the Box\"Practice asking, \"And Then What\"Think twice before you call someone an \"enemy\"PresenceBackground: Becoming AwakeLau Tzu, sixth-century Chinese sageBeing PresentOpen to perceiving what is happening right nowResponsive to the needs of this momentFlexible enough to shift gearsAble to notice if our current behavior or strategy is not workingCreative enough to invent a new approach in the momentHonest enough to admit if we don't have a new approach yetBeing UnpresentSo arrogant that we are unable to learn anything that contradicts our \"Reality\"So self-centered that we are not serving othersSo defensive that we \"kill the messenger\" rather than listeningSo committed to our \"superiority\" (inflation) that we treat others as inferior, wrong, or even \"the enemy\"So committed to our \"inferiority\" (Deflation) that we do not feel entitled to recognitionAn Alignment ofThe MindPresence allows access to the \"Big Mind\", a more systemic than ordinary linear mindFull human presence requires analytical mind and beyondThe HeartOnce stress and fear, from the conflicts, reaches a certain level, our heart and mind begin to closeSelf-Awareness, the first pillar of Emotional IntelligenceThe SoulEffective action requires StillnessCommitment requires DetachmentLeading requires FollowingHard Knowledge requires Clear SeeingApplications: Are you present right now?Dag Hammarskjold, UN Secretary GeneralReferencesPresence by Joseph JaworskiLearning and Education: If not in present, the teacher will probably miss important information;Will not take advantage of \"Teachable Moment\"Will be mechanical and uninspiringFar more likely to project her own unexamined emotions onto particular students or situations, as well as...Absorb or \"take in\" students' negative energyTipsFind your own pathMap guide may show you the best road to take when travelingBut the only way to reach a place called presence is to walk the path yourselfPractice presence every dayBecome a reliable witnessBe present even in the face of fearPay attention to energyClarify your motivationPromote presence in meetingsCultivate quiet patience to ... Why don't we...\"Just Sit Down\"?\"Focus on a Problem\"?\"Agree on a Solution\"?InquiryBackground: the Power of QuestionsDifferent Styles of Inquiry and Advocacy LeadershipUncertain about having reliable, complete informationHave not yet engaged all the relevant stakeholdersDoubt of sufficient votes and support to put plan into actionApplication: Building an Infrastructure for LearningTipsMake your questions countIs it a Genuine question, that you don't believe you know the answer?What kind of conversation do you imagine the question will invite?Is the question more likely to call forth a familiar response or to invite fresh thinking?Will this question help you probe your own assumptions?Remember that interrogation is not inquiryInterrogation is usually conducted \"in an aggressive manner, especially as part of an official investigation or trial,Designed to find faults, not innovationsDesigned to assign culpability, not inspire creativityUsing interrogation may prevent further misbehavior, but will never transform conflictLean your questions toward the lightConflict is already in darkness, so ask/craft questions that illuminateForward Looking, Action-Oriented, Blame-freeInstead of blaming, try listening more deeplyPractice inquiry especially with those you hate - and loveTake a simple listening testLearn from the master MediatorsListen particularly to those who have no voiceInquiry- basedDifferent Styles of Inquiry and Advocacy LeadershipConscious ConversationEight forms of discourses1. Verbal BrawlingWar of words - language as weaponVerbal attacks against the other \"side\"Violations of decency and truth are common\"Loose cannons\" - no sense of responsibility2. DebateHighly polarized pro-and-con \"sides\" on issuesSeeks monopoly on truth - right versus wrongFocused on wining, not compromiseNo verbal threats or actual physical violence3. Presentation/Q&AOne person (or \"panel\") dominates discourseAudience may question speakers (\"Q&A\")4. DiscussionNo inclusive; some dominate, some never speakGoal is information sharing, not decision making5. NegotiationResolving disputes by seeking common groundOrganized with two (or more) \"sides\" at the tableAssumes a willingness to compromiseGoal is a desirable settlement for all stakeholders6. CouncilStructured process that include all voicesEstablishes value of diverse points of viewNo opportunity for immediate reaction or rebuttalFosters attentive listening and mutual respect7. DialogueInquiry, not advocacy, leading to new optionsInvolves suspending judgementAcknowledges value of others' positionsDevelops a wider, shared knowledge baseIdentifies deeper issues requiring resolution8. Reflective SilenceInnovation of quiet to shift tone and awarenessMay involve use of words as\"Blessing\"Can be coupled with request for reflectionGround RulesRespectTo show considerationAvoid violation ofTreat with deferenceDemonstrate valuing of people and process as much as outcomeNo personal attackFairnessEqual time for speakersSpeak briefly, time is limitedListeningWhen others speak, listen - don't prepare your remarksListen with intent to understandOpennessTo other points of viewTo outcomeTo each person regardless of seniorityPrivacyTreat sessions as confidentialOutside the retreat do onto attribute comments to othersSpeak from your own experienceCommitmentBe presentCommunicate if absentTipsGo beyond Robert's rulesSet ground rules before you need themMake rules that everyone ownsLet go of \"Winning\" argumentsReplace abstraction with relationshipsGet out of your comfort zoneDialogueBackground: Moving Beyond Either-OrHoward Raiffa, The Art and Science of NegotiationLarry Bossidy, former CEO of HoneywellPrimacy of Dialogue vs. DebateAssuming that many people have pieces of the answerCollaborative: participants work together toward common understandingAbout exploring common groundListening to understanding, find meaning and agreementRevealing our assumptions for reevaluationSeeing all sides of an issueAdmitting that others' thinking can improve one's ownSearching for strengths and value in others' positionsKeeping the topic open even after the discussion formally endsDiscovering new options, not seeking closureApplications: Crossing the Threshold to HopeLaura Chasin, Public Conversation ProjectWhen the level of mistrust prevents getting necessary work doneWhen fundamentally different frameworks are causing chronic misunderstandingWhen Changes need to be made throughout an organization or communityWhen a new group enters your community, or two companies mergeWhen a new strategy or project requires building shared ownership and commitmentTipsSeek the ripple effectUncover assumptionsMake hidden agenda visibleEqualize power relationshipWhen necessary, combine dialogue with actionWhen trust is low, rebuild itChallenge arrogance with dialogueUse respect to dissolve stereotypesBridgingApplications: The CEO of the future is a TeamTipsBuild bridges one step at a timeBridge idealism and practicalityBuild from the middle, not only the topThink like a minorityRaise the level of the gameLearn bridging by doing itThink in terms of webs. not wallsInnovationApplication: Inspiring the system to changeDevelop new, more reliable informationCoordinate a joint inquiryIntegrating competing approachesCreate bridging organizationsLaunch collaborative projectsDesign better contracts, agreements, and legislationChange the gameTipsDon't seek limelightPractice collaboration as well as preach itEmphasize co-leaders and teams, rather than individualsFix the process, not just the problemEnsure the rules are fairLearn to danceThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookGuidelines in Times of Crisis - When Conflict EruptsMake time your allyBreathe and protect yourselfDetermine your goal and Focus on itSpeak to who is presentAvoid name-calling and blamingBeware of self-righteousnessKeep your shadow in front of youListen to everything, but response selectivelyFirst inquire, then fireConsider calling in a third sideTake stock before you take sidesListen more, speak lessLearn your adversary's \"language\"Let your adversary know youObserve the sacred rules"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/wihT3MwY_Moscow-Victory-Day-Parade.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Moscow Victory Day Paradeabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Victory_Day_Paradeintrorefers to the annual military parade of the Russian Armed Forces on Moscow's Red Square every 9 May during the Victory Day celebrations. The most important parade of those being held on May 9 is the one held on Moscow's Red Square, with the President of Russia as the guest of honor and keynote speaker in virtue of his constitutional mandate as Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces.According to anthropologist Sergey Ushakin, modern victory parades are intended to demonstrate the direct and immediate connection of the present with the past and to materialize the connection between generations.[1] Long time parade commander Oleg Salyukov described them as a \"celebration for people, not show of militarism\" referring to accusations of the parade being used as show of Russian military might.[2]placeRussiaVladimir PutinMoscowgalleryThe combined regiment of the Russian Aerospace Forces on parade.Spasskaya TowerThe trooping of the Russia Flag and the Banner of Victory.The parade report.The inspection of troops.154th Preobrazhensky Independent Commandant's Regiment.The Combined Arms Academy opening the active duty portion of the ground column.The mobile column.The flypast.The marchpast of the massed bands.President Putin greeting the commanders of parade formations.President Putin (center), General Shoygu (left) and General Salyukov (right) walkong to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.German Chancellor Angela Merkel (secon from the left) takes part in the wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during the Victory Day parade on 09 May 2010 in Moscow © EPA/MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV/RIA NOVOSTI/KREMLIN POOL()HistoryThe first military parade on Red Square in honor of the defeat of Nazi Germany took place with the participation of the Soviet Armed Forces and a guest appearance by a small detachment from the First Polish Army on 24 June 1945. It was the longest and largest parade in the Soviet capital, lasting hours and utilizing 40,000 Red Army soldiers as well as 1,850 military vehicles. It took place over a month after the victory actually took place on 9 May, the day of Germany's surrender. Intensive preparations for the parade took place in late May and early June in Moscow. The preliminary rehearsal of the Victory Parade took place at Khodynka Aerodrome, and the general rehearsal on Red Square on June 22. The day after the parade, a reception was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace in honor of the participants in the Victory Parade.[3] After the 1945 parade, Victory Day became obsolete in the Soviet Union, with parades only being held on major jubilee, in part to make favor for the October Revolution Day parade which took place every year in the winter. In the decades that followed, 3 parades were held: in 1965, 1985,[4][5] and 1990.[6][7][8][9]Parades were not held between 1991-1994, partly because First Deputy Prime Minister Gennady Burbulis thought of it as impractical primarily based on the state of the country at that time, particularly in terms of costs and expenses.[10] The Victory Day Parade of 1995 was held to commemorate the golden jubilee of the Soviet victory in the war.[11] It was the first one held in the newly formed Russian Federation, taking place 5 years after the fall of the Soviet Union. The parade was divided into two parts, a full military parade on Poklonnaya Hill and a veterans ceremony on Red Square. The 2020 edition of the parade, marking the 75th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany, was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.[12][13] It was the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the resumption of military parades in 1995 that parade was to be cancelled on a holiday itself.Full order of the paradeThe parade march past order, since the parade of 2010, is arranged in the following manner as it passes before the dignitaries:Corps of Drums, Moscow Military Music College154th Preobrazhensky Independent Commandant's Regiment Honor Guard and Color GuardYouth contingentsSurvorov and Nakhimov Military SchoolsCadet Corps colleges of the Armed Forces and other uniformed organizationsYoung Army Cadets National Movement Moscow Area (led by the Chairman, includes female students of the Moscow National Pensions School Cadet Corps)Combined Regiment of the Russian Ground ForcesCombined Regiment of the Russian Aerospace ForcesCombined Regiment of the Russian NavyRegiment of female cadets of Armed Forces academies (starting 2016 as a battalion, expanded to full regiment in 2017)Strategic Missile ForcesRussian Airborne ForcesOther military services (e.g.Military Police, NBC Protection Military Academy, Russian Railway Troops)Affiliated uniformed servicesMinistry of Emergency SituationsBorder Service of the Federal Security ServiceSeparate Operational Purpose Division of the National Guard of Russia's National Guard Forces CommandPolice of RussiaMilitary forces of the 1st Guards Tank Army, Western Military DistrictMoscow Higher Military Command School Supreme Soviet of RussiaPresiding officers1945MarshalKonstantin RokossovskyMarshalGeorgy ZhukovMarshal Georgy Zhukov receiving a report from Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky during the parade1965General of the ArmyAfanasy BeloborodovMarshalRodion Malinovsky1985General of the ArmyPyotr LushevMarshalSergey Sokolov1990Colonel GeneralNikolai Vasilyevich KalininMarshalDmitry Yazov1995General of the ArmyVladimir Govorov/Colonel General Leonid KuznetsovMarshalViktor Kulikov/General of the ArmyPavel Grachev1996Colonel General Leonid KuznetsovGeneral of the ArmyPavel Grachev1997Lieutenant General Igor PuzanovColonel General Leonid Kuznetsov1998Colonel General Leonid KuznetsovMarshalIgor Sergeyev1999Colonel General Igor PuzanovMarshalIgor Sergeyev2000General of the ArmyVladimir Govorov/Colonel General Igor PuzanovMarshalIgor Sergeyev2001-2003Colonel General Nikolai MakarovSergei Ivanov2004-2005General of the ArmyIvan YefremovSergei Ivanov2006Colonel GeneralVladimir BakinSergei Ivanov2007-2008General of the ArmyVladimir BakinAnatoliy Serdyukov2009-2012Colonel GeneralValery Gerasimov[19]Anatoliy Serdyukov2013Colonel GeneralVladimir ChirkinGeneral of the ArmySergey Shoygu2014-2018Colonel GeneralOleg SalyukovGeneral of the ArmySergey Shoygu2019-2020General of the ArmyOleg SalyukovGeneral of the ArmySergey Shoygu"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/NOfL5Svl_LA-GUERRE-CIVILE-EN-SYRIE.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "LA GUERRE CIVILE EN SYRIELE PAYSRépublique Arabe syrienneForme de l'ÉtatRépubliquePrésidentBachar el-AssadLangue officielleArabeCapitaleDamasIndépendance17 avril 1946Hafez el-Assad accède au pouvoirDevient l'homme fort de la SyrieNouveau 1er MinistrePolitique autoritaireParti unique du BaasContrôle de l'ensemble de la vie politiqueMassacre de HamaPrésident jusqu'à sa mort en 2000Bachar, son fils, lui succèdeCONFLIT SYRIEN DE 2011-2013Appel à manifester non suiviExemple des révolutions du Printemps ArabeAppel sur Facebook à manifesterArrestation et intimidationla Syrie garde en mémoire le massacre de HamaRévolte de Deraa - Mars 2011Nouvel appel sur facebookNouvelle manifestation a lieu à Damas le 15 MarsDispersée par les forces de l'ordreExtension à tout le pays - mars et avril 2011Parties internes au conflitUne frange d'armé se constituel'Armée Syrienne Libre (ASL)camp en Turquieen partie formé par de JihadistesProche de la mouvance de Al Qaidaarmée parTurquieArabie SaouditeQatarLe mouvement des officiers libresConseil National Syrien (CNS)reconnu par l'ASLCoalition nationale des forces de l'opposition et de la révolutionLe gouvernement SyrienRéactions Internationalesd'un côtéIsraëlÉtats-UnisUne grande partie des pays arabesde l'autreChineMaintien son veto contre les projets de résolution de l'ONURussiefournisseur d'armeMaintien son veto contre les projets de résolution de l'ONUIndeBrésilVénézuelaChavez apportait son soutien à son \"ami\" BacharTous les États favorables à la résolution du conflitEn EuropeSérie de sanctions contre la SyrieCondamne les violencesAux États-UnisSanctions économiquesEmbargo total sur les importations de pétroleONUConclusion de la commission d'enquêteur des droits de l'hommecrimes de guerrecrimes contre l'humanitéThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookL'ARRIVÉE DE HAFEZ EL.ASSADCoup d'État de ChichakliDécembre 1949Le parlement est dissoutAccord proposé par les États-Unis et le Royaume-UnisAdhésion de Chichakli au pacte de BagdadLes réfugiés palestiniens doivent être considérés comme des syriens à part entièreRefus de certains partis politiqueChiklakli refuse l'accordIl sera renverséRépublique Arabe Unie1er février 1958 union avec l'ÉgypteInterdiction des partis politiques syriensCoup d'État en 1961Rétablissement de la République Arabe SyrienneRépublique Arabe SyrienneGrande instabilité politiqueDivers coups d'État8 Mars 1963Coup d'État du parti BaasGouvernement BaassisteProjet d'union avec l'Égypte et l'Irak abandonnéUn groupe militaire renverse le parti BaasPolitique plus régionaliste et non panarabeGuerre des 6 jours perdue par Égyptien et SyrieAffaiblissement du gouvernementCoup d'État du premier ministre du parti BaasHafez el.AssadLe 13 Novembre 1970HISTOIREUne des plus vieille civilisation du MondeLes AmorritesDamas fondée en -3000 av. JCPays significatif dans l'histoire du christianismeSaint Paul converti sur la route de DamasOccupation des Ottomans1517-1918Révolte arabe en 1918Création du royaume arabe syrien indépendantFayçal 1er roiIndépendance1946 - Indépendance définitive du paysPremier président du paysHachem al-AtassiMandat FrançaisOccupation en 1920Exil de Fayçal en IrakLa France et le Royaume-Unis se partage le Moyen-OrientAccords Sykes-PicotFin à la Syrie HistoriqueMontée du nationalismeRévolte contre l'armée françaisePremier président du mandat FrançaisMohamed Ali Bey al-AbedPremiers pourparlers en 1936 pour l'indépendance"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/98Vm4fbY_United-States-European-Command.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "United States European Commandabout this mapby wojciech korsakall information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_European_CommandintroThe United States European Command (EUCOM) is one of ten Unified Combatant Commands of the United States military, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany. Its area of focus covers 21,000,000 square miles (54,000,000 km2) and 51 countries and territories, including Europe, Russia, Greenland, and Israel. The Commander of the United States EUCOM simultaneously serves as the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR) within NATO—an intergovernmental military alliance. During the Gulf War and Operation Northern Watch, EUCOM controlled the forces flying from Incirlik Air Base.History and significant operationsPrior to 1952, the title \"European Command (EUCOM)\" referred to a single-service, United States Army command. The senior U.S. Army administrative command in the European region had previously been designated European Theater of Operations United States Army (ETOUSA) from 8 June 1942 – 1 July 1945; USFET from 1 July 1945 – 15 March 1947; and then EUCOM 15 March 1947 – 1 August 1952.The first unified command in the European area was established by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 1 August 1952. Designated the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM), it was established to provide \"unified command and authority\" over all U.S. forces in Europe.[1] Prior to 1 August 1952, the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Army presence in Europe maintained separate commands that reported directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The respective titles of the service commands were: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Air Forces in Europe (USAFE); Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean; and Commander-in-Chief, U.S. European Command. In line with the creation of the joint-service European Command, the Army command in Europe was redesignated U.S. Army Europe on 1 August 1952.The unified command structure was born of the need to address changes wrought not only by America's rapid post-war demobilization but the end of the occupation of Germany in 1949. Questions arose over the U.S. commitment to the defense of Western Europe against the Soviet Union (USSR). Providing for the common defense was a great concern, especially after the Berlin Crisis of 1948–49 when the Soviet Union blocked access to the divided city and the U.S. and United Kingdom responded with an unprecedented airlift. In 1949 the allies established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).In 1952 the area of responsibility included continental Europe, the United Kingdom, North Africa and Turkey. The AOR was subsequently expanded to include Southwest Asia as far east as Iran and as far south as Saudi Arabia.After the Korean War began, the perceived threat to Europe grew. In early 1951, NATO established Allied Command Europe. General Dwight D. Eisenhower was called from retirement to become the first Supreme Allied Commander Europe. The United States sent massive reinforcements to Europe to deter the Soviet Union. From 1950 to 1953 United States military personnel in Europe grew from 120,000 to over 400,000. United States Air Forces in Europe grew from three groups with 35,000 personnel to eleven wings with 136,000 personnel. Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean doubled to more than 40 warships. United States Army, Europe, grew from one infantry division and three constabulary regiments to two corps with five divisions (including two mobilized National Guard divisions) and in November 1950 activated a new field army, Seventh Army, at Patch Barracks, Stuttgart. The Army activated the 10th Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg in 1952 and deployed it to Bad Tölz in November 1953 for unconventional warfare missions in the Soviet Bloc countries. To provide for national command within NATO and to help control this build-up of forces, Gen. Eisenhower proposed a separate command for all United States forces in Europe. Because the senior United States commander would continue as Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Eisenhower recommended giving \"a maximum of delegated authority\" to a four-star deputy.Eisenhower returned to the United States just as the new command was established. The first United States Commander-in-Chief Europe (USCINCEUR) was General Matthew Ridgway, former commander of Eighth Army and the Far East Command during the Korean War. His deputy was General Thomas T. Handy, commander of United States Army, Europe.Headquarters EUCOM initially shared the I.G. Farben Building in Frankfurt, Germany, with Headquarters United States Army, Europe. By 1953 over 400,000 U.S. troops were stationed in Europe. In 1954, the headquarters moved to Camp des Loges, a French Army base west of Paris and a short distance from SHAPE. There, EUCOM prepared plans for the defense of Western Europe within the NATO framework against the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact. EUCOM used the Military Assistance Program to help its NATO partners build their military capabilities, including after 1955 the German Bundeswehr. In 1955, EUCOM established a Support Operations Command Europe, soon renamed Support Operations Task Force Europe (later became Special Operations, Europe) for special operations missions. In 1961, EUCOM began operating an airborne command post, Operation Silk Purse.During the 1961 Berlin Crisis, on 25 August 1961, the Department of Defense announced 148,000 reserve personnel would be called on 1 October for twelve months of active duty service. 27,000 of these would be from Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard flying squadrons and support units to augment the Air Force, and 112,000 were U.S. Army Reserve. Many Army Reservists were sent to Europe to bring ground combat units up to full strength.Civil war broke out in Lebanon in 1958 due to mounting religious and political conflicts (see \"1958 Lebanon crisis\"). EUCOM conducted a major contingency operation, Operation Blue Bat, in response to Lebanon's request to restore stability within the government.In 1966, following disagreements by the French with certain NATO military policies, President Charles de Gaulle stated that all forces within France's borders would have to come under French control by April 1969. Soon afterward, France announced that SHAPE and its subordinate headquarters must leave French territory by April 1967.[2] The following year, SHAPE moved to Mons, Belgium, while Headquarters EUCOM moved to Patch Barracks in Stuttgart, Germany. Headquarters Seventh Army moved to Heidelberg, where it merged with Headquarters United States Army, Europe. At Patch Barracks, EUCOM renovated the buildings, built a new operations center, and modernized communications infrastructure.EUCOM continued to prepare for the defense of Europe and began a series of annual REFORGER (Return of Forces to Germany) exercises in 1967. Cold War crises continued, including the 1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia. But, because of the Vietnam War, the number of the American forces in Europe slowly declined. Troop strength in Europe fell to 265,000 by 1970.During the 1970s, force protection concerns in Europe increased as terrorist groups, such as the Red Army Faction and the Red Brigades, targeted American facilities and personnel with bombings, kidnapping and assassinations. Palestinian terrorist organizations conducted terror operations in Europe, such as the kidnapping of Israeli athletes during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.EUCOM and its components continued to provide military assistance throughout Europe, as well as humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, noncombatant evacuation, support to peacekeeping operations, and other non-traditional missions in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. For example, after the Congo became independent in 1960, EUCOM joined in several multinational operations in that country, including peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, and noncombatant evacuation in 1960, November 1964 (Operation Dragon Rouge), the 1967 second Stanleyville mutiny and again in 1978 (during Shaba II). In the Middle East, EUCOM provided military assistance to Israel and noncombatant evacuation of American citizens in 1967, 1973, and 1982–1984.In the late 1970s, the Soviet Union deployed SS-20 intermediate-range ballistic missiles into Eastern Europe and in 1979 invaded Afghanistan. NATO responded with a \"two-track\" decision to step up negotiations while deploying American intermediate-range Pershing II missiles and Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) to counter Soviet actions.During the 1980s, American forces in Europe increased to over 350,000. EUCOM established Fleet Marine Force Europe (later MARFOREUR) in 1980.The 1983 Unified Command Plan transferred responsibility for the Middle East from EUCOM to a new combatant command, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), but EUCOM retained responsibility for Israel, Lebanon and Syria. At the same time, EUCOM was formally assigned responsibility for Africa south of the Sahara. Thus the area of responsibility became Europe (including the United Kingdom and Ireland), the Mediterranean Sea (including the islands), and the Mediterranean littoral (excluding Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia and Djibouti).The Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986, together with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin L. Powell, who served from 1989 to 1993, further strengthened the role of combatant commanders. Goldwater-Nichols also established United States Special Operations Command, which led to the activation of a new sub-unified command, Special Operations Command, Europe.During the 1980s, negotiations continued with the Soviet Union on strategic and theater-level arms limitation. In 1987, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) called an end to the deployment of SS-20s, Pershing IIs and GLCMs. In 1990, NATO and Warsaw Pact members signed a treaty on conventional armed forces in Europe (CFE).In 1989, the Soviet Union and other Soviet Bloc countries in Eastern Europe collapsed and the Cold War came to an end. The citizens from both East and West Berlin began tearing down the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989. As a sign of reduced tensions, in 1991 EUCOM took its airborne command post off alert. Meanwhile, in 1991, EUCOM and its components provided forces -primarily VII Corps- to CENTCOM for Operation Desert Storm.EUCOM supports programs in former Soviet Bloc countries such as the Joint Contract Team Program, NATO Partnership for Peace and the National Guard Bureau State Partnership Program. It was also active in operations in the Balkans, including Bosnia, Macedonia and Kosovo. During this time, EUCOM's assigned forces were lowered below 120,000.Since 1990, EUCOM has hosted or co-hosted the annual International Military Chiefs of Chaplains Conference, the only one of its kind in the world, working to foster cooperation among religious leaders and understanding of religion as both a force for war and a force for peace.In 1999, changes to the command's area of responsibility were announced, after amendments to the Unified Command Plan. The United States Atlantic Command areas that had included the waters off Europe and the west coast of Africa were to be transferred to European Command.[3] U.S. European Command already had responsibility for all U.S. land and air military planning in Europe and most of Africa. The change gave EUCOM the responsibility for maritime planning in the same general area of operations. The changes were made effective on Oct. 1, 2000. The Atlantic Command areas that presently include the waters off Europe and the west coast of Africa were also transferred to European Command.Immediately after the terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, D.C., on 11 September 2001, NATO invoked Article V of the treaty and deployed NATO early warning aircraft to help monitor the skies over North America. EUCOM provided major forces for subsequent operations in Afghanistan and stepped up its efforts to protect United States interests in Europe and Africa. Subsequent terrorist attacks in the EUCOM theater in Casablanca, Madrid, London and Algiers prompted EUCOM to launch Operation Enduring Freedom Trans-Sahara in 2007 while continuing to provide rotational forces to Afghanistan and Iraq.The 2002 Unified Command Plan transferred responsibility for Lebanon and Syria to CENTCOM, but EUCOM retained responsibility for Israel, and assumed responsibility for Russia (formerly held by the Joint Staff) and for an increased portion of the North Atlantic, to include Iceland and the Portuguese Azores (formerly held by the U.S. Joint Forces Command).Joint Task Force East provided from forces rotating from continental United States though bases in Bulgaria and Romania, was initially intended to be provided by a rotating US-based brigade. Two bases at Constanţa, Romania were developed, apparently with the main facility at Mihail Kogălniceanu Airfield. Initially however, Joint Task Force East was to have been provided by a rotational 2nd Cavalry Regiment Stryker squadron. The Task Force was originally planned to be called the Eastern Europe Task Force. However, since the stresses of the Iraq and Afghan deployments, the army provision of Joint Task Force East has been replaced by a Marine force known as the Black Sea Rotational Force.In 2003, the headquarters reorganized to establish the EUCOM Plans and Operations Center (EPOC). From 2006 to 2008, EUCOM helped stand-up a new geographic unified combatant command, United States Africa Command (AFRICOM), which moved to nearby Kelley Barracks and took over responsibility for Department of Defense activities in Africa on 1 October 2008.Timeline1967: U.S. European Command headquarters moves to Patch Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany.1970: 265,000 US troops stationed in Europe.1980: 350,000 US troops stationed in Europe.1983: U.S. Central Command is established and takes over responsibility for DoD activities in the Middle East from EUCOM.1990: VII Corps (US Army) and other USAREUR units are deployed from EUCOM to Saudi Arabia for the Gulf War.1992: VII Corps (US Army) after redeploying from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait is withdrawn from EUCOM and inactivated.1999: US troops stationed in Europe fall below 120,000.2002: V Corps (US Army) is deployed from EUCOM to Kuwait for the Iraq War invasion.2003: General James L. Jones becomes the first US Marine to be EUCOM Commander.2006: V Corps (US Army) is deployed from EUCOM to Iraq as the command and control element for Multi-National Corps–Iraq.2008: U.S. Africa Command is established and takes over responsibility for DoD activities in Africa from EUCOM.2009: Navy Admiral James G. Stavridis becomes EUCOM's 15th Commander and the first Navy Admiral to lead the HQ.2012: V Corps (US Army) is deployed from EUCOM to Afghanistan, providing command and control of all United States ground forces engaged in the theater.[4]2013: V Corps (US Army) is inactivated after redeploying from Afghanistan, leaving EUCOM without a Corps HQ for the first time since 1951.[5]Operations1950sLebanon Crisis 1958 – USEUCOM transported 2,000 troops and more than 4.5 million tons of equipment to Lebanon.1960sCongo Crisis 1960 – USEUCOM transported UN troops and cargo to the Congo.Cyprus Crisis 1964 – USEUCOM positioned ships near the island to conduct evacuation of non military personnel and deterrent operations if needed.Congo Crisis 1964 – USEUCOM transported Belgian paratroopers in a rescue operation in the Congo.Cyprus Crisis 1965 – Airlifted UN peacekeepers and equipment to Cyprus.Congo Crisis 1967 – Provided airlift support for supplies, Congolese troops, and refugees.1970sJordan Hostage Crisis 1970Operation Nickel Grass 1973 – Support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War.Operation Night Reach 1973 – Transported UN peacekeepers to Middle East at end of Yom Kippur War.Cyprus Crisis 1974Operation Nimrod Spar 1974/1975 – Cleared the Suez Canal.Airlift 1978 – Airlifted multinational forces to Zaire to counter invasion by Angola.1980sIranian Hostage Crisis 1981 – Release of 52 hostages held for 444 days.Hostage Crisis 1982 – Italy – Release of Brigadier General James L. Dozier.Operation Arid Farmer 1983 – Supported in the Crisis in Chad.Beirut Bombing 1983 – USEUCOM coordinated evacuation and treatment of wounded Marines and identified and returned to CONUS the remains of 241 Marines killed.Beirut Air Bridge 1984–1998 – Provided administrative and logistical support the US Embassy in Beirut.Operation Eldorado Canyon 1986 – USAF and USN air strikes on Libya in retaliation for terrorist bombing of La Belle Disco in West Berlin.1990sOperation Steel Box/Golden Python 1990 – Supported withdrawal of chemical munitions from Germany and coordination of delivery/transport to Johnson Atoll.Hostage Situation 1990–1992 – Hostage release support for Americans kidnapped and held in the Middle East.Desert Storm and Proven Force 1991 – War to remove Iraq from Kuwait.Provide Comfort II 1991 – Kurdish security zone in northern Iraq.Operation Restore Hope 1992–1994 – Assisted in US Somalian security efforts.Operation Deny Flight 1993–1995 – Support to UN/NATO enforcement of no-fly zone over Bosnia-Herzegovina.Operation Sharp Guard 1993–1996Operation Able Sentry/Sabre 1993–1999 – Task force attached to UN Preventive Deployment Force in Macedonia to monitor border activity.Operation Vigilant Warrior 1994 – Response to Iraqi buildup along Kuwait border.Operation United Shield 1995 – Support of US withdrawal from Somalia.Operation Quick Lift 1995 – Support of NATO Rapid Reaction Force and Croatia forces deployment to Bosnia-Herzegovina.Operation Nomad Vigil 1995 – deployment to Albania in support of Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.Operation Deliberate Force 1995 – NATO air strikes on Bosnian Serb military forces.Operation Desert Strike 1996 – Missile Strikes on Iraq.Operation Northern Watch 1997–present – Enforcement of No Fly Zone over northern Iraq.Operation Assured Lift 1997 – In support of Liberian cease-fire monitoring.Operation High Flight 1997 – Search and Rescue effort at Windhoek, Namibia.Operations Phoenix Scorpion I & II 1997–1998 – support to UN weapons inspectors in Iraq.Operation Auburn Endeavor 1998 – relocation of uranium fuel from Tbilisi, Georgia.Operation Determined Falcon 1998 – Show of Force over Albania near Kosovo.Operation Calm Support 1998–1999 – Support to Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission mission to Kosovo.Operation Resolute Response 1998 – Support to US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.Operation Flexible Anvil/Sky Anvil 1998 – Planning for Balkan/Kosovo operations.Operation Eagle Eye 1998–1999 – Monitoring compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1199 in Kosovo.Operation Desert Fox 1998 – Air Strikes on Iraq.Operation Allied Force JTF Noble Anvil 1999 – Air war over Serbia to withdraw forces from Kosovo.2000sOperation Essential Harvest 2001 – Successful NATO program to disarm NLA in Macedonia.Operation Enduring Freedom 2001–present – USEUCOM theater planning and execution of the Global War on Terrorism.Operation Avid Recovery 2002 – Explosive Ordance Disposal support to Nigeria.StructureThe main service component commands of EUCOM are the United States Army Europe, United States Naval Forces Europe/U.S. Sixth Fleet, United States Air Forces in Europe and United States Marine Corps Forces, EuropeThe United States Army Europe (formerly Seventh Army) is based in Germany. It controls two brigades, one aviation brigade, and several supporting units while also providing support to other Army units in Europe. Previously it had two divisions, although for almost all of the Cold War it controlled two corps of two divisions each. V Corps was deactivated in 2013 upon its return from Afghanistan. VII Corps was deactivated in 1992 after returning to Germany after the Gulf War.The Sixth Fleet provides ships to NATO Joint Force Command Naples' Operation Active Endeavour, deterring threats to shipping in the Straits of Gibraltar and the remainder of the Mediterranean. Joint Task Force Aztec Silence, a special operations force established under the command of Commander, Sixth Fleet, has been involved in fighting Operation Enduring Freedom - Trans Sahara. It also has a growing role around the shores of West and East Africa, under the direction of United States Africa Command. It previously had a significant Mediterranean presence function against the Soviet Navy's 5th Operational Squadron (Mediterranean Squadron, effectively fleet sized), and for most of the Cold War was the most powerful maritime striking force along NATO's southern flank.The United States Air Forces in Europe, the Wing-support command, and Third Air Force, USAFE's Warfighting Headquarters are both based at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. They are now much reduced from their high Cold War strength and provide a pool of airpower closer to many trouble spots than aircraft flying from the United States.The United States Marine Corps Forces, Europe is headquartered in Panzer Kaserne in Böblingen (Stuttgart), Germany, and serves as the Marine Corps component of EUCOM. MARFOREUR is integral in the planning and execution of Black Sea Rotational Force.A subordinate unified command of EUCOM is SOCEUR (Special Operations Command Europe), headquartered at Patch Barracks in Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany. Special forces units within the AOR include the 352nd Special Operations Group of the USAF, based at RAF Mildenhall in the UK, a U.S. Navy SEALs unit, and Naval Special Warfare Unit 2 and 1st BN, 10th Special Forces Group located at Panzer Kaserne, Germany.EUCOM is also headquartered at Patch Barracks in Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany. The Iceland Defense Force also formed part of EUCOM from 2002, when it was transferred from Joint Forces Command in the October 2002 Unified Command Plan change,[7] until 2006 when it was disestablished.The Kaiserslautern Military Community is the largest U.S. community outside of the U.S., while the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center is the largest U.S. military hospital overseas, treating wounded Soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan.Service componentsUnited States Army Europe (USAREUR) (Lucius D. Clay Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Germany):[8]2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment: Rose Barracks, Vilseck, Germany[9]173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team: Vicenza, Italy[10]12th Combat Aviation Brigade: Katterbach Kaserne, Ansbach, Germany[11]7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command: Grafenwoehr, GermanyUS Army NATO Brigade: Heuberg Kaserne, Sembach, Germany19th Battlefield Coordination Detachment: Kaiserslautern, Germany10th Army Air & Missile Defense Command: Kaiserslautern, Germany[12]21st Theater Sustainment Command: Panzer Kaserne, Kaiserslautern, Germany16th Sustainment Brigade: Smith Barracks, Baumholder, Germany18th Military Police Brigade: Grafenwoehr, Germany30th Medical Brigade: Sembach, Germany7th Mission Support Command: Kaiserslautern, Germany1st Human Resources Sustainment Center405th Army Field Support Brigade: Daenner Kaserne, Kaiserslautern, Germany409th Contracting Support Brigade: Kaiserslautern, Germany266th Financial Management Support CenterUnited States Naval Forces Europe (NAVEUR) (Naples, Italy):United States Sixth Fleet (Naples, Italy)Navy Region Europe (Naples, Italy)United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) (Ramstein Air Base, Germany):Third Air Force (Ramstein Air Base, Germany)United States Marine Corps Forces, Europe (MARFOREUR) (Panzer Kaserne, Böblingen, Germany)U.S. European Command administers the low-profile U.S. military storage installations in Israel. William Arkin in his book Code Names revealed the locations of some of the American bases in Israel.[13] Arkin writes that the sites do not appear on maps, and their exact locations are classified. According to the book, some of the sites are located at Ben Gurion Airport, Nevatim, Ovda air base, and in Herzliya Pituah. The sites are numbered as \"site 51,\" \"site 53,\" \"site 54,\" \"site 55\" and \"site 56.\" Some of the depots are underground, others were built as open hangars. According to Arkin, site 51 holds ammunition and equipment in underground depots. Site 53 is munitions storage and war reserve vehicles at Israeli Air Force bases, site 54 is an emergency military hospital near Tel Aviv with 500 beds, and Sites 55 and 56 are ammunition depots.Commanders-in-chief / commandersGeneral Matthew RidgwayU.S. Army30 May 195211 July 1953General Alfred GruentherU.S. Army1 July 195320 November 1956General Lauris NorstadU.S. Air Force20 November 19561 January 1963General Lyman LemnitzerU.S. Army1 January 19631 July 1969General Andrew GoodpasterU.S. Army1 July 196915 December 1974General Alexander M. Haig, Jr.U.S. Army15 December 19741 July 1979General Bernard W. RogersU.S. Army1 July 197926 June 1987General John GalvinU.S. Army26 June 198723 June 1992General John ShalikashviliU.S. Army23 June 199222 October 1993General George JoulwanU.S. Army22 October 199311 July 1997General Wesley ClarkU.S. Army11 July 19973 May 2000General Joseph RalstonU.S. Air Force3 May 200017 January 2003General James L. JonesU.S. Marine Corps17 January 20037 December 2006General Bantz J. CraddockU.S. Army7 December 200630 June 2009Admiral James G. StavridisU.S. Navy30 June 200910 May 2013General Philip M. BreedloveU.S. Air Force10 May 20133 May 2016General Curtis M. ScaparrottiU.S. Army3 May 2016Incumbent"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/KM06vj9T_Mikhail-Mishustin-s-Cabinet-Since-21-January-2020.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mikhail Mishustin's Cabinet Since 21 January 2020about this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Mishustin%27s_CabinetintroCapital and largest cityMoscowGovernmentFederal dominant-party semi-presidential constitutional republic• PresidentVladimir Putin• Prime MinisterPrime Minister ()Mikhail Mishustin• Chairwoman of the Federation CouncilValentina Matviyenko• Chairman of the State DumaVyacheslav VolodinPrime Minister• Prime Minister ()Mikhail MishustinFirst Deputy Prime MinisterAndrey Belousovfor Agro-Industrial Complex, Natural Resources and EcologyViktoria AbramchenkoChief of Staff of the GovernmentDmitry Grigorenkofor Communications and Digital EconomyAlexey Overchukfor Construction and Regional DevelopmentMarat Khusnullinfor Fuel–Energy Complex, Defense and Space IndustryYury BorisovPresidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal DistrictYury Trutnevfor Social PolicyTatyana Golikovafor Tourism, Sport and CultureDmitry ChernyshenkoMinister of AgricultureDmitry PatrushevMinister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass MediaMaxut ShadayevMinister for Construction and HousingVladimir YakushevMinister of CultureOlga LyubimovaMinister of DefenceSergey ShoyguMinister for Development of the Russian Far East and ArcticAlexander KozlovMinister of Economic DevelopmentMaxim ReshetnikovMinister of EducationSergey KravtsovMinister of Emergency SituationsYevgeny ZinichevMinister of EnergyAlexander NovakMinister of FinanceAnton SiluanovMinister of Foreign AffairsSergey LavrovMinister of HealthMikhail MurashkoMinister of Industry and TradeDenis ManturovMinister of Internal AffairsVladimir KolokoltsevMinister of JusticeKonstantin ChuychenkoMinister of Labour and Social ProtectionAnton KotyakovMinister of Natural Resources and EcologyDmitry KobylkinMinister of Science and Higher EducationValery FalkovMinister of SportOleg MatytsinMinister of TransportYevgeny Dietrich"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/LsqTMGQ6_Vendre-avec-les-Yeux-Le-Mind-Mapping-au-service-de-la-vente-Extrait.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Vendre avec les Yeux _________ Le Mind Mapping au service de la vente ExtraitIntroductionPhilosophie du livreVision synthétiqueConseils techniquesCas concretsLivre évolutifPas exhaustivitév1, v2 ...Format du livreFormat LinéaireDirectifChronologiqueFormat CartographiqueVision globaleHeuristiqueConcentriqueExpertises des auteursApproche Bruno Delezenne / FridayLinkCollaborer en commercialTransformer son gesteApproche SignosEfficacitéindividuelcollaborativePasseridée à l'actionproblème à la solutionMéthode SIGNOSLe Mind Mapping au service de la venteLes bases du Mind MappingLes différentes formes de MappingDéfinitionMind MappingCarte MentaleCarte HeuristiqueAvantagesOutil de réflexionOutil de mémorisationOutil d'organisationOutil de collaborationOutil de projetFondamentaux techniquesCentreStructure arborescenteCouleursImagesMots clésLes bénéfices du Mind Mapping en VenteInteraction commerciale et collaborativeFaciliterOptimiserAccompagner le clientAider le client à clarifier ses idéesS'inscrire dans une dynamique de projetMettre le client au coeur de la dynamique d'achatCapitaliser l'informationCentraliserCapitaliserEnrichirPrésentation commercialeSortir de la logique PowerPointFavoriser le dialogueMaîtriser le marchéSegmentationSegmentsDescriptionObjectifs commerciauxObjectifs venteDéfinition territoiresExcel ou Mind Mapping ?Pipeline idéalProposition de valeurCapacitésProblèmesDouleursPlan Action CommercialDéfinir les actions (SMART)Prioriser les ActionsAllocations ressourcesDiagramme de GanttSupports commerciauxPrésentation sociétéPrésentations offresPlan de prospectionUn ciblage minutieuxTémoignage Veille commercialeScore moyen - Stratégie de nurturingScore haut - Approche activeDévelopper les comptes-clésLes fondamentaux de \"l'account management\"Regarder le clientLa signalétique de votre clientL'organisation de votre clientLes enjeux de votre clientLes opportunités pour vousFaire un état des lieuxVotre activité avec votre clientVotre relation avec votre clientFixer des objectifsVotre objectif de positionnementVotre objectif de valeurVotre objectif de relationPlan d'actions sur le compteVotre plan de développement de valeurVotre plan de développement relationnelVotre plan d'action globalPiloter une affaireCibler les affairesQualification d'affaireProcessus de Go / No GoIdentifier le processus d'achatLes étapes du clientLes indicateurs d'avancementQuadriller les décideursLes décideurs et leur rôleLes décideurs face à l'achatFaire avancer le projetUn planning partagéVers la phase suivanteInteragir avec le clientLes 4 temps de l'interaction clientRelationDiagnosticSolutionEngagementLes 4 Niveaux de \"Vente avec les yeux\"Niveau 1 : PréparerNiveau 2 : PrésenterNiveau 3 : Structurer la co-élaborationNiveau 4 : Collaborer en heuristiqueRelation avec les yeuxIn-groupingPitchDiagnostic avec les yeuxPréparer un diagnosticMatrices de questionnement et d'analyseMéthode SCOREDiagnostic heuristiqueSolution avec les yeuxBâtir la solution sco-R-ePrésenter la solution SCORESolution heuristiqueEngagement avec les yeuxNext stepTraiter les objectionsNégocier gagnant-gagnantManager l'équipe commercialeTableaux de bord du ManagerVisualiser son pipelineSuivi des plans d'actionAnimer les entretiens et réunions d'équipePrésentiel ou à distance ?Management visuelPrises de notes et comptes-rendus visuelsDes entretiens/réunions productifs de qualitéApprendre pour s'améliorerRapport d'activité commercialeAmélioration continueConclusion(R)évolutionÉcrire en mode Mind Mapping"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/blDuGZ5C_A-Simple-Business-Continuity-Planning-Process.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "A Simple Business Continuity Planning ProcessEstablish a Business CaseWhat is a crisisAnything that interrupts your business - in particular anything which impacts your organisation's ability to generate or maintain revenue. Specifically this is any event that impacts the delivery of the organisation's products and services.Agree that your organisation is under threatIt's not all about air crashes, bombs and major floods. The key to effective business continuity management is recognising the more mundane and more likely threats to your business“It won't happen to us”, “We will cope – we always do”, “We are too big to fail” and “We are not a terrorist target” , are frequent responses by businesses when questioned about their lack of preparedness. Others believe their insurance company will pay for everything. Most think they haven't got the time or money to prepare for something that will never happen. The catalogue of businesses that have failed following an incident suggests that these responses are based on false assumptions.Whilst bombs, fires and floods capture the headlines almost 90% of business-threatening incidents are ‘quiet catastrophes which go unreported in the media but can have a devastating impact on an organisation’s ability to function. Many of the causes are outside of an organisation’s control and they are often at the mercy of the emergency services or suppliers who define the timescale of an interruption.Examples:You can never know what will happen and when but you can take steps to keep critical business activity going.You will probably not recover from an interruption as easily as you think you will but you can takes steps to minimise the impact.There are inexpensive things you can do to mitigate the worst effectsAssess the impact of interruptionsInterruptions damage your organisation's ability to deliver it's key products and services. An interruption may result in, for instance:The impact for your organisation will be one or more of:Many organisation's do not recover from these situationsPlan for Business ContinuityThere are steps you can take to reduce the threats to your organisation and minimise the impact of any interruption.Understand your organisation - it's key products and services, the critical activities and business prioritiesDefine the response needed to reduce risk and minimise interruption - what can you do quickly and what should be the overall strategyImplement the strategy - make the changes that will reduce risk and maintain continuity plans for critical activities in case of interruptionMake business continuity management part of the \"business as usual\" activities of your organisationUnderstand Your Organisation - Where are you Vulnerable?Identify the critical parts of your businessIdentify the critical aspects of your business and the impact of loss or disruptionYou can't afford to protect everything and there will be aspects of your business that won't warrant protecting. The obvious first step, then, is to understand what is important and what will be the impact of any disruption.Commit the sponsorsBefore starting you might need to gain senior management sponsorship. It is also useful if the scope of your review can be agreed at this stage or you may define this as part the analysis.It might also be worth understanding the organisations's strategy as this will provide one view of priority. It's also worth considering the organisational culture, it's view on risk and what might help or hinder you.Consider a quick reviewDepending on the size and scale of your organisation, it might be appropriate to perform a quick review - to focus on the obvious and critical priorities. This will also give you a feel for what might need to be done next in a more considered way:What elements of your business do you depend on for generating revenue?How might these elements fail?What are the key risks for your business?What actions can you take to mitigate these risks?Business Impact AnalysisThe review of the organisation can be termed \"Business Impact Analysis\"Its purpose is to consider the impact of loss or disruption for each business activity and product or service. Be as objective as you can about the impact.An important aspect of the approach is to identify the internal and external dependencies for each activity, product or service. These will give clues as to components that might go wrong and bring about an interruption.Information RequiredFor each business activity, product or service:Depending on the priorities and business activities you identify, there are relatively quick, albeit sometimes, interim measures you can take:Protect Yourself from the Worst LossesCreate Fall Back PositionsSecure What You HaveKnow What To Do and Who To ContactEvaluate Threats - Risk AssessmentThe business impact analysis should identify activities where urgent action may be required. Before taking action however, it is worth assessing the risk of interruption to these activities. The value of this is that you may better identify the activities that are most quickly disrupted, to which disruption has the biggest impact and to those that you can actually address. It may also highlight concentrations of risk and single points of failure - these will naturally become priorities.The key focus for this activity is to identify the threats likely to cause the disruptions and to assess their probability and impact. Knowing this it will be possible to prioritise the threats and the actions you take to address them.Define an Affordable ResponseAgree a StrategyAgree a strategy to reduce risk and minimise the impact of interruptions for critical areasArmed with the priorities suggested by the business impact analysis and threat assessment, it should now be possible to assemble the acceptable responses into a business continuity management strategy that supports the organisation's products and services.The strategy will be a mix of:Actions that can be taken immediately and with minimal planning - addressing the obvious risks and prioritiesThreat reduction activities, such as a review of insurance or change or duplication of suppliersBusiness activities that require robust continuity plans to be revised or implementedDocument the strategy, listing the key focus areas, the actions and deliverables, milestones and a timetable or schedule.Ensure the owners for each focus area understand their role and responsibilities. Define the programme management processes by which progress can be kept under review and reported to senior management.Consider a Business Continuity PolicyDepending on the size of your organisation, it may be appropriate or necessary to document key business decisions, priorities and roles as policy.Implement the StrategyImplement any immediate responses, devise business continuity plans and initiate longer term actionsThe business continuity strategy will identify the threat reduction actions and initiatives to be taken. These may be addressed as business as usual initiatives; such as reviewing insurance or suppliers. They may also result in projects such as technology replacement or premises relocation.The strategy will also identify which business activities require revised or new continuity plans. These should be documented and implemented.Business Continuity PlansContinuityIncident ManagementRestorationOther Response PlansDevelop and Document the Plan(s)Assign and brief roles and responsibilitiesIssue plan and deliver access to other required informationMake Continuity \"Business as Usual\"Exercise the continuity plans - does everyone know what to do?. Review every major business change for it business continuity impact. Review the strategy and plans annually.Exercise the Strategy - How Will I Know it Works?A Business Continuity Management (BCM) capability cannot be considered reliable until it has been exercised. Since it is rarely possible to undertake an exercise for the whole organisation at one time, a planned exercise programme is required to ensure that all aspects of the plans and personnel have been exercised over a period of time. This chapter examines the various ways a BCM capability can be exercised.Embed BCMHaving defined a BCM Strategy, review regularly - at least annually to ensure it reflects changes in your organisation and the environment in which it operatesReview the BCM Strategy every time the organisation plans to make a major change, ahead of the change. Examples include:Essential ItemsReally Useful Things to Have Prepared\"Emergency\" and back up servicesWho you can call on for help\"A Team\" and planCommunication PlanReally Useful DataList key assets and who supports themList key suppliersList alternate suppliersList \"emergency\" servicesList key customersManagement Team and \"A Team\"Employee contact listCommunication PlanAccess to All the Data and InformationCopies at all locationsCopies at homeAlternate copies and access - Internet4 Things You Need In the First Hours of A CrisisAccess to your contact data and informationA communication planA means to communicate with key contactsA location from which to control \"the battle\"This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookwww.elstar-consulting.comPeace of Mind Blog - vismap.blogspot.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/l1VH5aSl_Administrative-divisions-of-Cambodia.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Administrative divisions of Cambodiaabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info & visuals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CambodiaBanteay Meanchey6,679859,545districtsMongkol Borei (01-02)Phnum Srok (01-03)Preah Netr Preah (01-04)Ou Chrov (01-05)Serei Saophoan Municipality (01-06)Thma Puok (01-07)Svay Chek (01-08)Malai (01-09)Paoy Paet Municipality (01-10)Battambang11,702987,400districtsBanan (02-01)Thma Koul (02-02)Battambang Municipality (02-03)Bavel (02-04)Ek Phnom (02-05)Moung Ruessi (02-06)Rotanak Mondol (02-07)Sangkae (02-08)Samlout (02-09)Sampov Loun (02-10)Phnum Proek (02-11)Kamrieng (02-12)Koas Krala (02-13)Rukhak Kiri (02-14)Kampong Cham4,549895,763districtsBatheay (03-01)Chamkar Leu (03-02)Cheung Prey (03-03)Kampong Cham Municipality (03-05)Kampong Siem (03-06)Kang Meas (03-07)Koh Sotin (03-08)Prey Chhor (03-13)Srey Santhor (03-14)Stueng Trang (03-15)Kampong Chhnang5,521525,932districtsBaribour (04-01)Chol Kiri (04-02)Kampong Chhnang Municipality (04-03)Kampong Leaeng (04-04)Kampong Tralach (04-05)Rolea B'ier (04-06)Sameakki Mean Chey (04-07)Tuek Phos (04-08)Kampong Speu7,017872,219districtsBasedth (05-01)Chbar Mon Municipality (05-02)Kong Pisei (05-03)Aoral (05-04)Odongk (05-05)Phnom Sruoch (05-06)Samraong Tong (05-07)Thpong (05-08)Kampong Thom13,814677,260districtsBaray (06-01)Kampong Svay (06-02)Stueng Saen Municipality (06-03)Prasat Balangk (06-04)Prasat Sambour (06-05)Sandaan (06-06)Santuk (06-07)Stoung (06-08)Kampot4,873592,845districtsAngkor Chey (07-01)Banteay Meas (07-02)Chhuk (07-03)Chum Kiri (07-04)Dang Tong (07-05)Kampong Trach (07-06)Tuek Chhou (07-07)Kampot Municipality (07-08)Kandal3,1791,195,547districtsKandal Stueng (08-01)Kien Svay (08-02)Khsach Kandal (08-03)Kaoh Thum (08-04)Leuk Daek (08-05)Lvea Aem (08-06)Mukh Kampul (08-07)Angk Snuol (08-08)Ponhea Lueu (08-09)S'ang (08-10)Ta Khmau Municipality (08-11)Kep33641,798districtsDamnak Chang'aeur (23-01)Kep Municipality (23-02)Koh Kong10,090123,618districtsBotum Sakor (09-01)Kiri Sakor (09-02)Khemara Phoumin Municipality (09-03)Smach Mean Chey (09-04)Mondol Seima (09-05)Srae Ambel (09-06)Thma Bang (09-07)Kratié11,094372,825districtsChhloung (10-01)Kratié Municipality (10-02)Preaek Prasab (10-03)Sambour (10-04)Snuol (10-05)Chitr Borie (10-06)Mondulkiri14,28888,649districtsKaev Seima (11-01)Kaoh Nheaek (11-02)Ou Reang (11-03)Pechr Chenda (11-04)Saen Monourom Municipality (11-05)Oddar Meanchey6,158261,252districtsAnlong Veaeng (22-01)Banteay Ampil (22-02)Chong Kal (22-03)Samraong Municipality (22-04)Trapeang Prasat (22-05)Pailin80371,600districtsPailin Municipality (24-01)Sala Krau (24-02)Phnom Penh6792,129,371districtsChamkar Mon Section (12-01)Doun Penh Section (12-02)Prampir Makara Section (12-03)Tuol Kouk Section (12-04)Dangkao Section (12-05)Mean Chey Section (12-06)Russey Keo Section (12-07)Sen Sok Section (12-08)Pou Senchey Section (12-09)Chrouy Changvar Section (12-10)Prek Pnov Section (12-11)Chbar Ampov Section (12-12)Preah Sihanouk1,938302,887districtsPreah Sihanouk Municipality (1801)Prey Nob (18-02)Stueng Hav (18-03)Kampong Seila (18-04)Preah Vihear13,788251,352districtsChey Saen (13-01)Chhaeb (13-02)Choam Khsant (13-03)Kuleaen (13-04)Rovieng (13-05)Sangkum Thmei (13-06)Tbaeng Mean Chey (13-07)Preah Vihear Municipality (13-08)Pursat12,692411,759districtsBakan (15-01)Kandieng (15-02)Krakor (15-03)Phnum Kravanh (15-04)Pursat Municipality (15-05)Veal Veaeng (15-06)Prey Veng4,8831,057,428districtsBa Phnum (14-01)Kamchay Mear (14-02)Kampong Trabaek (14-03)Kanhchriech (14-04)Me Sang (14-05)Peam Chor (14-06)Peam Ro (14-07)Pea Reang (14-08)Preah Sdach (14-09)Prey Veaeng Municipality (14-10)Kampong Leav (14-11)Sithor Kandal (14-12)Pea Reang (14-13)Neak Loeung (14-14)Svay Antor (14-15)Ratanakiri10,782204,027districtsAndoung Meas (16-01)Banlung Municipality (16-02)Bar Kaev (16-03)Koun Mom (16-04)Lumphat (16-05)Ou Chum (16-06)Ou Ya Dav (16-07)Ta Veaeng (16-08)Veun Sai (16-09)Siem Reap10,2991,006,512districtsAngkor Chum (17-01)Angkor Thom (17-02)Banteay Srei (17-03)Chi Kraeng (17-04)Kralanh (17-06)Puok (17-07)Prasat Bakong (17-09)Siem Reap Municipality (17-10)Sout Nikom (17-11)Srei Snam (17-12)Svay Leu (17-13)Varin (17-14)Stung Treng11,092159,565districtsSesan (19-01)Siem Bouk (19-02)Siem Pang (19-03)Stung Treng Municipality (19-04)Thala Barivat (19-05)Borei O'Svay Sen Chey (19-06)[23]Svay Rieng2,966524,554districtsChantrea (20-01)Kampong Rou (20-02)Rumduol (20-03)Romeas Haek (20-04)Svay Chrum (20-05)Svay Rieng Municipality (20-06)Svay Teab (20-07)Bavet Municipality (20-08)Takéo3,563899,485districtsAngkor Borei (21-01)Bati (21-02)Bourei Cholsar (21-03)Kiri Vong (21-04)Kaoh Andaet (21-05)Prey Kabbas (21-06)Samraong (21-07)Doun Kaev Municipality (21-08)Tram Kak (21-09)Treang (21-10)Tboung Khmom5,250775,296districtsDambae (25-04)Krouch Chhmar (25-09)Memot (25-10)Ou Reang Ov (25-11)Ponhea Kraek (25-12)Tboung Khmum (25-16)Suong Municipality (25-17)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/4nASrVdu_Project-Management-Interview-Questions.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PM Interview MapIntroductionElevator SpeechWho You Are________________________________________What You Do________________________________________How you can help the organization________________________________________Leadership and Management ScenariosManaging Multiple Projects and Teams________________________________________Demonstrate Initiative and New Ideas________________________________________Demanding Customer and Project Constraints________________________________________Balancing Quality and Schedule Constraints________________________________________Managing Difficult Conversations________________________________________Technical ScenariosProject Schedule Development________________________________________Monitor and Control Work________________________________________Requirements Gathering and Management________________________________________PM Methodology________________________________________Risk Issue and Change Management Techniques________________________________________This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCompanyInterviewersInterviewer 1Common Facts________________________________________Interviewer 2Common Facts________________________________________Company FactsCore Products________________________________________Recent Blog or Press Release________________________________________Financial Standing________________________________________Social Media Buzz________________________________________Questions to AskWhat are the top 3 project issues or challenges?How engaged is the business partner?Budget or schedule constraints?What is the Project Manager Career Path?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Project Management Interview Questions Made Easy by Dr. Andrew Makarhttp://www.amazon.com/Project-Management-Interview-Questions-ebook/dp/B00ANEVZ0CFor more project management tipshttp://www.tacticalprojectmangement.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/PU1P5IFg_List-of-administrative-divisions-of-Shanghai.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "List of administrative divisions of Shanghaiabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all informationhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_administrative_divisions_of_Shanghaihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShanghaiinfoCountryPeople's Republic of ChinaDivisionsCounty-level16 districtsTownship-level210 towns and subdistrictsGovernmentTypeMunicipalityParty SecretaryLi QiangMayorGong ZhengCongress ChairmanJiang ZhuoqingMunicipal CPPCC ChairmanDong YunhuAreaMunicipality6,341 km2 (2,448 sq mi)Water697 km2 (269 sq mi)Urban (2018)4,000 km2 (1,550 sq mi)Population (2019)[10]Municipality24,281,400Density3,800/km2 (9,900/sq mi)Metro[11]34,000,000Time zoneUTC+08:00 (CST)introductionShanghai is one of the four direct-controlled municipalities of People's Republic of China, and is further divided into 16 districts. There is no single downtown district in Shanghai as the urban core is scattered across several districts, although Huangpu is generally considered the center of Shanghai. Today's Huangpu is the result of the mergers of three old districts: the original Huangpu District merged with Nanshi District in 2000, and in 2011 Luwan District also merged into Huangpu. Huangpu is now the location of the city hall, The Bund, and shopping areas including the famous Nanjing Road, Huaihai Road, and Xintiandi. Across the Huangpu River, Pudong includes Lujiazui, the financial center of Shanghai as well as China, and has been undergoing rapid development since its formation in 1992. In April 2009 Nanhui District was merged into Pudong.[1] Other prominent business and shopping areas include Xujiahui in Xuhui District, Jing'an Temple in Jing'an District, Hongqiao in Changning District, Wujiaochang in Yangpu District, and North Sichuan Road in Hongkou District. Many universities in Shanghai are located in Yangpu, Minhang, and Songjiang Districts.Seven of the districts are situated in Puxi (literally Huangpu West), or the older part of urban Shanghai on the west bank of the Huangpu River. These seven districts are collectively referred to as downtown Shanghai (上海市区) or the city centre (市中心).The downtown district also includes Pudong New Area. (Within the outer ring line)Chongming, Changxing, Hengsha, and Yuansha Islands at the mouth of the Yangtze River are governed by Chongming District.Huangpu District[5] (City seat)Bansongyuan Road SubdistrictHuaihai Central Road SubdistrictDapuqiao SubdistrictNanjing East Road SubdistrictLaoximen SubdistrictRuijin Second Road SubdistrictWuliqiao SubdistrictXiaodongmen SubdistrictYuyuan SubdistrictXuhui DistrictCaohejing SubdistrictChangqiao SubdistrictFenglin Road SubdistrictHongmei Road SubdistrictHunan Road SubdistrictKangjian Xincun SubdistrictLingyun Road SubdistrictLonghua SubdistrictTianlin SubdistrictTianping Road SubdistrictXietu Road SubdistrictXujiahui SubdistrictHuajingtownCaohejing Hi-tech ParkChangning DistrictHuayang Road SubdistrictJiangsu Road SubdistrictXinhua Road SubdistrictZhoujiaqiao SubdistrictTianshan Road SubdistrictXianxia Xincun SubdistrictHongqiao SubdistrictChengjiaqiao SubdistrictBeixinjing SubdistrictXinjingtownJing'an DistrictBeizhan Subdistrict[10]Baoshan Road SubdistrictCaojiadu Subdistrict[11]Daning Road SubdistrictGonghexin Road SubdistrictJiangning Road SubdistrictJing'ansi SubdistrictLinfen Road SubdistrictPengpu Xincun SubdistrictShimen Second Road SubdistrictNanjing West Road SubdistrictTianmu West Road SubdistrictZhijiang West Road SubdistrictPengputownPutuo DistrictCaoyang Xincun SubdistrictChangfeng Xincun SubdistrictChangshou Road SubdistrictGanquan Road SubdistrictShiquan Road SubdistrictYichuan Road SubdistrictZhenruzhen SubdistrictWanli SubdistrictChangzhengtownTaoputownHongkou DistrictOuyang Road SubdistrictQuyang Road SubdistrictGuangzhong Road SubdistrictJiaxing Road SubdistrictLiangcheng Xincun SubdistrictSichuan North Road SubdistrictTilanqiao SubdistrictJiangwanzhen SubdistrictYangpu DistrictDinghai Road SubdistrictPingliang Road SubdistrictJiangpu Road SubdistrictSiping Road SubdistrictKongjiang SubdistrictChangbai Xincun SubdistrictYanji Xincun SubdistrictYinhang SubdistrictDaqiao SubdistrictWujiaochang SubdistrictXinjiangwancheng SubdistrictWujiaochangtownMinhang DistrictJiangchuan Road SubdistrictGumei Road SubdistrictXinhong SubdistrictPujing SubdistrictPujiangtownXinzhuangtownQibaotownZhuanqiaotownHuacaotownHongqiaotownMeilongtownWujingtownMaqiaotownXinzhuang Industrial ZoneBaoshan DistrictYouyi Road SubdistrictWusong SubdistrictZhangmiao SubdistrictLuodiantownDachangtownYanghangtownYueputownLuojingtownGucuntownGaojingtownMiaohangtownSongnantownBaoshan City Industrial ParkJiading DistrictXincheng Road SubdistrictZhenxin SubdistrictJiadingzhen SubdistrictNanxiangtownAntingtownMalutownXuhangtownHuatingtownWaigangtownJiangqiaotownJiading Industrial ZoneJuyuan New AreaAdministrative CommitteePudong New AreaWeifang Xincun SubdistrictLujiazui SubdistrictZhoujiadu SubdistrictTangqiao SubdistrictShanggang Xincun SubdistrictNanmatou Road SubdistrictHudong Xincun SubdistrictJinyang Xincun SubdistrictYangjing SubdistrictPuxing Road SubdistrictDongming Road SubdistrictHuamu SubdistrictChuanshaxinTown* (Chwansha)GaoqiaotownBeicaitownHeqingtownTangtownCaolutownJinqiaotownGaohangtownGaodongtownZhangjiangtownSanlintownHuinantownZhouputownXinchangtownDatuan TownKangqiaotownHangtoutownZhuqiaotownNichengtownXuanqiaotownShuyuantownWanxiang TownLaogangtownNanhui XinchengTown**Luchaogang FarmDonghai FarmChaoyang FarmWaigaoqiao Free-trade ZoneJinqiao Export Processing ZoneZhangjiang Hi-tech ParkJinshan DistrictShihua SubdistrictCaojingtownFengjingtownJinshanweitownLangxiatownLüxiangtownShanyangtownTinglintownZhangyantownZhujingtownJinshan Industry ZoneSongjiang DistrictYueyang SubdistrictYongfeng SubdistrictZhongshan SubdistrictFangsong SubdistrictGuangfulin SubdistrictJiuliting SubdistrictCheduntownDongjingtownJiutingtownMaogangtownSheshantownShihudangtownSijingtownXiaokunshantownXinbangtownXinqiaotownYexietownSheshan ResortShanghai Songjiang Export Processing ZoneSongjiang Industrial ZoneQingpu DistrictXianghuaqiao SubdistrictXiayang SubdistrictYingpu SubdistrictBaihetownChonggutownHuaxintownJinzetownLiantang[zh]townXujingtownZhaoxiangtownZhujiajiaotownFengxian DistrictXidu SubdistrictNanqiaotownFengchengtownZhuanghangtownJinhuitownSituantownQingcuntownZhelintownHaiwantownFengpu CommunityShanghai Fengxian Bay Tourism ZoneJinhai CommunityShanghai Seaport Comprehensive Economic Development ZoneChongming DistrictChengqiaotownButownXinhetownMiaotownShuxintownXianghuatownSanxingtownGangyantownZhongxingtownChenjiatownLühuatownGangxitownJianshetownXinhaitownDongpingtownChangxingtownXincun TownshipHengsha TownshipQianwei FarmDongping Forest ParkShangshi Contemporary Agricultural Park"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/RIYGyXvC_CUBA-municipalities-by-province.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CUBAArtemisa ProvinceAlquizarArtemisaBahía HondaBautaCaimitoCandelariaGuanajayGüira de MelenaMarielSan Antonio de los BañosSan CristóbalCamagüey ProvinceCamagüeyCarlos M. de CespedesEsmeraldaFloridaGuáimaroJimaguayúMinasNajasaNuevitasSanta Cruz del SurSibanicúSierra de CubitasVertientesCiego de Ávila ProvinceBaraguáBoliviaChambasCiego de ÁvilaCiro RedondoFlorenciaMajaguaMorónPrimero de EneroVenezuelaCienfuegos ProvinceAbreusAguada de PasajerosCienfuegosCrucesCumanayaguaLajasPalmiraRodasGranma ProvinceBartolomé MasóBayamoBuey ArribaCampechuelaCauto CristoGuisaJiguaníManzanilloMedia LunaNiqueroPilónRío CautoYaraGuantánamoBaracoaCaimaneraEl SalvadorGuantánamoImíasMaisíManuel TamesNiceto PérezSan Antonio del SurYaterasHavanaArroyo NaranjoBoyerosCentro HabanaCerroCotorroDiez de OctubreGuanabacoaLa Habana del EsteLa Habana ViejaLa LisaMarianaoPlayaPlaza de la RevoluciónReglaSan Miguel del PadrónHolguín ProvinceAntillaBáguanosBanesCacocumCalixto GarcíaCuetoFrank PaísGibaraHolguínMayaríMoaRafael FreyreSagua de TánamoUrbano NorisIsla de la JuventudLas Tunas ProvinceAmancioColombiaJesús MenéndezJobaboLas TunasMajibacoaManatíPuerto PadreMatanzas ProvinceCalimeteCárdenasCienaga de ZapataColónJagüey GrandeJovellanosLimonarLos ArabosMartíMatanzasPedro BetancourtPericoUnión de ReyesVaraderoMayabeque ProvinceBatabanóBejucalGüinesJarucoMadrugaMelena del SurNueva PazQuivicánSan José de las LajasSan NicolásSanta Cruz del NortePinar del Río ProvinceBahía HondaCandelariaConsolación del SurGuaneLa PalmaLos PalaciosMantuaMinas de MatahambrePinar del RíoSan CristóbalSan Juan y MartínezSan LuisSandinoViñalesSancti Spíritus ProvinceCabaiguánFomentoJatibonicoLa SierpeSancti SpíritusTaguascoTrinidadYaguajaySantiago de Cuba ProvinceContramaestreGuamaMellaPalma SorianoSan LuisSantiago de CubaSegundo FrenteSongo-La MayaTercer FrenteVilla Clara ProvinceCaibariénCamajuaníCifuentesCorralilloEncrucijadaManicaraguaPlacetasQuemado de GüinesRanchueloRemediosSagua la GrandeSanta ClaraSanto Domingoby wojciech korsakhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipalities_of_Cuba"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jzLmJ40V_Project-Management-Current-Trends.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Project Management - Current TrendsHosts: Maven TrainingProject & Change Management TrainingWebsiteTwitter@MavenTraining@MavenMelanieKey Questions/ Common ChallengesHow to manage a project portfolio?Simultaneous projectsInter-linked projectsAre we focused on the right projects?Align projects with strategic aimsDo projects meet strategic criteriaYes: Focus HereNo: Postpone or CancelProject Management MaturityEstablished StandardsDocumentation has been createdResponsibilities have been definedTemplates existQualifications ExpectedPRINCE2 Etc are StandardMore Emphasis on...'How' to run a projectTechnical SkillsInterpersonal SkillsThe peopleRecognitionChange is delivered via projectsMust look wider than the project itselfProject management exists in all functionsProject management is a core skillHigher base level skillsMove from specialists to generalistsJob descriptions incl 'Project Management'Requires Integrated ApproachProject...Programme...Change...Portfolio...Risk...ManagementRequires Integrated ApproachCurrent TrendsIncreased focus on Strategic AlignmentCancelling non-aligned projects ()Increased Top Down ControlReducing costsCancelling low benefit projectsCancelling non-aligned projectsIncreased focus on Strategic Alignment ()Increased entry criteriaTighter Business CasesTighter MeasurementMore Tangible DataBefore & After MeasuresEvidence-Based\"Project & Change\" ManagementProject DeliveryNew thing deliveredProject team released back to wildThrow project over to others and leaveChange ManagementAssist in teething issuesHelp learning and integrationReduce learning curve depth and lengthReduce loss of productivityReduce length of time to realise benefitsIncreasing focus on combining the roles\"Change managers\"Project LifecycleChange LifecycleDeliver projectsManage changesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BB8K3Zu0_DEAR-Design-Enable-Act-Review-v2.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DEAR - Design Enable Act Reviewa project management techniquewhat? not another one!oh yeswhy can't i use PRINCE2 or PMBOK or similar?bigunwieldycomplexno subsets are definedits 'all or nothing', unless you have the experience to know what to leave out.not cost effective for small to medium projectsfor any technique most of the team must be fluent in it.they are designed to be 'all things to all men', consequently they do nothing efficiently.they do not take advantage of current & upcoming software that allow information sharing on a scale not anticipated 10 years ago, & these big methods have been developing for >20years.the approach - keep things as simple as possible - there are only 2 aspects to learn1. always, but always build the product hierarchythis includes the parts that make up the productsand the parts that make up the partsetc.continue to do so as your knowledge & understanding of the products develops.this is the foundation for all project controlsconceptually it is simple, all the team can relate to it.it may be supported by other technical diagrams showing how parts fit togetherproduct dependency to be shown by use of relationships between the nodes.2. against every node carry out 'DEAR', this will be iterative & recursiveDesignContinue the product hierarchy /breakdown to the level required to either enable a unit to be made, or for it to be delegated to a body (e.g. a supplier) who will continue the breakdown.where the designing to be done is complex or extensive it may itself require resource (Enable), time to do it (Act), & a quality check at the end (Review)EnableAcquiring resources & assigning to productsActthere are several subtypes of 'making'createmakeobtain/buystealborrowa formal procurement process could be set out as a floating tree. The steps are not part of this tree/product set, but form a tree of their own, the root of which is the product that feeds into the parent tree.choose/ selectfind/ searchJoin - i.e. create a relationshipget from stockchangemaintain/ fix - this is not a 'project' taskchange feature(s) of the itemexplicit or implicitassign to a classre-classifymove the item? no. See 'provide' belowdisabledelete/removecommunicatepromote/marketawareness - to know about, not to dotrain - 'How to use product X'recommendinform - e.g. 'Product X is here'find/ identifyincluded here is 'integration' of child parts, which may be added to a parent product, or the integration process makes the parent.may be added to a parent product, or the integration process makes the parent.included here is 'integration' of child parts, which may be added to a parent product, or the integration process makes the parent.Reviewanalyseconfirm / inspecttest / evaluatee.g. validate against a specification - which is another productaccept someone else's test result / certificatesRecursive work - as more detail of the design is exposed then the same processes will be carried out on parts & sub-partsIterative work - on any particular node you may obtain resources (Enable) for the Design, Act & Review steps. Equally you may Review the Design as well as the outcome of the Act.HowDevelop the product treewalk down the tree ensuring that all required detail is presentschedulingriskresourcesqualitywalk back up the tree, completing sub-parts, parts, products until the deliverables are producedMindmaps are just what's neededbut I would say that as I'm using a map to document the ideaespecially if the software can set dates, flags, resources etc. against nodespretty much all other project management processes can be derived from this one view.e.g. 1. the project mandate will be the top 2-3 layers of the product tree2. risks can be identified on the relevant part of the treeriskthere will still be a 'risk document', showing all the analysis, so that overall risk can be assessed.the specific points in the tree where a risk applies can be highlighted & hyperlinked to the risk documentHigh risk nodes or branches can be easily seen by all.i.e. easy to show the risk locations - the actual context of a risk is visible & drives home the 'impact' message to all the team.resource managementdepending upon the capability of the mind mapping software, either:sum the times & costs within the mapping s/wlink from every Act node to a spreadsheet to summarise resource requirementif consumables (e.g. disposable overalls) or parts (e.g. nuts & bolts) are required in more than 1 product then link from the Act node to a spreadsheet that can provide the complete list of such needsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookadvantagesunique selling points of DEARbased on product breakdown1 diagram can do alla version is the requirement spec.which can be frozen & subject to change controlthere will be different iterationsproduct breakdown is good as the team can see the build/development process progressing up to the focus or end point.all can see which branch/es is/are lagging!reflects human thinking, not making us absorb multiple diagrams/ abstruse termshumans like treesuses what is already thereproduct orientated, during both development & use/maintenance phasesstuff continues to need support/development well after the launch or delivery. DEAR supports that.projects are about making or changing things, not carrying out PM processessets the context of tasks - they are not isolated, the motivation to do the task is clear by the context (the objects/products involved).you can see what things come before & what followsthe method can be used as much for maintenance as for projects.in some organisations, you may not be able to distinguish maintenance from projects.does not introduce new methods - just the way of arranging them, to support team work, focus on the goal, & ensuring a good map between user requirements & actual delivered productsMetcalfe's law - the more use is made of an item then the more valuable it iscorollary - if an item is not used then its worthless, this may apply to parts of PRINCE2 etc. that have minimal usehaving such items in a project reduce the signal to noise ratio - a bad thingso get the data to all those who need it - share the treeBureaucracy Vs. directed & managed independence / creativitythe tree appraoch supports thinking - 'what if', exploring options, whereas text presents too static a view, as if cut & dried.the mind is non-linear so why should our documentation be linear?context is reinforced by seeing the other branchesthe tree implies growth, space to explore optionsbig methods totally loose sight of the workspace, the tree brings it backa small method can be as formal & structured as the big methodssupports knowledge transfer for staff turnoverexample1st versionV 2 ()aa.1a.2bb.1b.2b.3extend breakdownV 21st version ()V 3 ()aa.1a.2a.2.1a.2.2bb.1b.1.1b.1.2b.1.2.1b.1.2.2b.2b.3extend breakdownreview breakdown of BV 3V 2 ()aa.1buildtesta.2Modify A.2 ()a.2.1buya.2.2buyintegration testbb.1b.1.1Modify A.2a.2 ()b.1.2b.1.2.1get from stockaccept suppliers guaranteeb.1.2.2b.2b.3review breakdown of B, use tags against a node to show statusextend breakdownV 4, branch A completed, for clarity B is 'rolled-up'aa.1buildtesta.2Modify A.2 ()a.2.1buya.2.2buyintegration testtest A.1 + A.2Test A+Bbb.1b.1.1Modify A.2a.2 ()b.1.2b.1.2.1get from stockaccept suppliers guaranteeb.1.2.2b.2b.3review breakdown of B, use tags against a node to show statusextend breakdown"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/KpDRKj4c_Modelo-de-Benziger.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Modelo de BenzigerFrontal derechoCompetenciasFuturoIncertidumbreIntuiciónInspiraciónIdeasGlobalCambioExploraCreativoLibreDesafíosResuelve problemas nuevosImpacientes con la rutinaHabilidadesCreaciónInnovaciónIntegraciónImpulsar cambiosConceptualizaciónPlaneamientoEstratégicoPercibir tendenciasCerebro integralInnovadorArquetipoCientífico locoSoñadorPresta atención alas ideas nuevaspatrones abstractosgrandes tendenciasAprendizaje de valoresConceptos nuevosLenguaje internoPatronesImágenesUsa el lenguaje parapensar en voz altaconsiderar un problema o idea que ha analizado internamente, en forma simbólica o mediante imágenes.Modo de comunicaciónMetafóricaSimbólicaMe di contra la paredPatrón de conversaciónRápidoHace pausas para analizar lo que esta pensandoPatrón de pensamientoMetafóricoPictóricoA veces parece perder contacto con la realidadFrases típicasCuando todo lo demás falla, lea las instrucciones“Utilizar un gran angular.”ImprovisemosJuguemos con esa ideaUna vez que se te ocurre una idea, no la dejes irNuevo,” o “estar a la vanguardiaVínculos” o “sinergias.”Ver la situación generalComo lo percibe el otrovive en las nubesun soñadoralguien que no se puede concentrarPercepción de si mismovisionarioLiderBasal derechoCompetenciasArmoníaEmpatiaTrabajo en equipoContextoPersuasivoConviccionesConsciente de las emocionesSuyasdel otroNecesita reconocimientoHuye del conflictoHabilidadesExpresión de ideasEscrituraEnseñanzaEntrenamientoCerebro integralEmpaticoArquetipoMadre TeresaDianaLa madre tierraLa mama judíaPresta atención aLas relacionesPersonasAprendizaje de valoresEmpatiaConfección con el otroEspiritualismoLenguaje internoSentimientoArmoníaUsa el lenguaje paraExpresar y compartir sus sentimientosMediarTemplarModo de comunicaciónCantarBailarTocarHablar con la miradaPatrón de conversaciónFluidoModeradoEn voz altaEn consecuencia de sus sentimientosPatrón de pensamientoVisceralSe entusiasma rápidamenteComo un neneFrases típicasMe preocupo por ti“Va a ser divertido. Podemos disfrutarlo juntos.”“Trabajo en equipo” y “Participación.”“Aprovecha lo que la vida te ofrece.”“Crecimiento personal.”Dime qué sientesHagamos algo juntosComo lo percibe el otroProclive al contacto físicoque habla sin pararNo hace nada que se aleje de la normaNunca hace nada incorrectoPercepción de si mismoPersona que se preocupa por los otros.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookBasal izquierdoCompetenciasProcesosSecuenciasPrioridadesEstructuraDetalleConservadorControlPresenteStandaresRepetitionPrecisoresuelve problemas con procesosPaciente con la rutinaHabilidadesPlaneamientoSupervisiónAdministraciónOrganizaciónImplementaciónCerebro integralEficienteArquetipoCalculadoraCaballo de aradoPresta atención aSeguir instruccionesSeguir rutinasRealiza tareas según las reglasAprendizaje de valoresAplicaciones que siguen procedimientos y tienen un uso claro e inmediatoque se les presentan en forma organizada, predigerida o paso a paso.Lenguaje internoEntrada y salida de datosLa reproducción secuencial de hechos ya experimentadosColocar siempre el caballo delante del carroUsa el lenguaje paraComunicar el orden, secuenciasDecir que eso esta malNo sigue el ordenModo de comunicaciónFormulariosMatrices de verificaciónPatrón de conversaciónLentoConstanteParejoPatrón de pensamientoVisceralPrefiere trabajar con objetos que con personasFrases típicasDígame qué hacer y yo me encargoVayamos a lo seguroLa ley dice que...”,El reglamento indica...Es importante establecer buenos hábitosLa autodisciplina es importanteAquí lo hacemos asíJuntos pero no revueltos..Como lo percibe el otroAburridoPoco imaginativoSe opone a las cosas nuevasTrabajadorManiáticoPercepción de si mismoProductivoFrontal izquierdoCompetenciastoma de decisiónLógicoAnalíticoJustoCriticocon principiosobjetivoCriticoNo muestra facilmente las emocionesHabilidadesResolución de problemasAnálisisLógicaEstadísticasAspectos TécnicosFinanzasPrecisiónIdentificar factores clavesCerebro integralLógicoArquetipoEl rey SalomonEl juezPresta atención aPrincipios operativoResolver problemasTomar decisionesFacilitar las cosasAprendizaje de valoresPrincipios operativos generales.Lenguaje internoLógicoUsa el lenguaje paraComunicar los resultadosComunicas decisionesModo de comunicaciónResumidoDebate verbalPatrón de conversaciónBrevePrecisoRecortadoSecoPatrón de pensamientoRegistra la información por bloques o conceptos claveconceptualFrases típicas¿Cómo fortalecemos nuestra posición?Algo importante que debemos reconocer...¿Qué nos aporta?Según mis cálculos...Fíjate si puedes obtener algún beneficioEn conclusión.” “¿Cuál es el resultado final?Pondera todas las variablesPresta atención a la cláusula sobre sancionesHaz un análisis crítico. Desglósalo.DesgránaloEs fundamental...Como lo percibe el otroPoderoso, pero con frecuencia también al quien a quien no le preocupa nadaSin sentimientosCrítico y calculadorManipuladorPercepción de si mismoUn líder fuertecompetente en la toma de decisiones."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/c160351_Colour_by_Design.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Colours by DesignThe absorption of ultraviolet light and visible light in terms of transitions between electronic energy levels.The relationship between colour in materials and transitions between electronic energy levels. ()An object has a colour because it reflects certain wavelengths of light that enter our eye. Transparent objects allow light to travel through them and then they enter our eye. White light is a continuous spectrum made up of lots of different colours. When some of those are absorbed by a body and only some are reflected or transmitted the object will appear coloured.When absorption occurs wavelengths corresponding to one colour are removed from the white light and the complementary colour is seen.When an atom (X) absorbs visible radiation an electron moves to a higher energy level, so it is in an excited state(X*).The same can happen in a molecule (It can move to an electronically excited state)The use of ultraviolet (u.v.) and visible spectroscopy to help identify unsaturated organic molecules.Particular wavelengths of light are passed through a sample and reference cell to determine what wavelengths are absorbed by the sample.If wavelengths in the UV are absorbed the sample will appear colourless to usCarotene appears orange to us as it absorbs in the blue regionBenzene appears colourless to us as it absorbs in the UV region (note axes valuesColour changes associated with the following types of chemical changes: acid-base (indicators), ligand exchange, redox, precipitation and polymorphism (different crystal structures).Essentially all of these rely on changing the electronic energy levels and so the transitions that occur between them.Acid-baseIf a species with a lone pair gains a proton, the lone pair can no longer join a conjugated, delocalised system and so the electron energy levels will change as will the frequency of light absorbed and so the colour of the sample.Ligand exchangeLigands affect the energy levels in the central metal ion of a complexBy changing the ligand present the energy levels in the metal ion are changed, so a different frequency of light is absorbed and the complex changes colour.RedoxThis involves removing or adding electrons.This will change the electron energy levels and so the frequency of light being absorbedPrecipitationWhen aqueous ions come together to form an insoluble precipitate it will often be coloured.PolymorphismThe existence of several different crystalline structures of the same substance, possibly with different coloursThe relationship between the properties of pigments (colour shade, colour intensity, fastness) to relevant properties (Storyline CD2 and CD3).The general principles of gas-liquid chromatography (g.l.c.)Chromatography: equilibrium between stationary phase and mobile phase. Different substances distribute themselves to different extents between the two phases so they move along the mobile phase at different speeds.Mobile phase is inert gas (carrier gas); stationary phase a high boiling point liquid held on a finely divided inert solid support. The material is packed in a coiled tube called a column, which is in an oven.The sample to be analysed is injected into the inert gas stream before entering the column.The components in the mixture will have different affinities for the stationary phase and the mobile phase and distributes itself to different extents. Volatile components favour mobile carrier phase and emerge from the coil first. A detector monitors the compounds emerging form the column and via a recorder produces a chromatogram. This gives the time since injection when a compound is detected. This is shown as a peak on the chromatogram.Each peak represents a different component of the petrol. The area under a peak represents the relative amount of that component.The time a compound is held in the coil is characteristic of that compound under given conditions and is called the retention time.Factors Affecting Retention Time · Length and packing of column · Nature and flow rate of carrier gas · TemperatureThe techniques used to identify the materials used in a painting, including the use of g.l.c. atomic emission spectroscopy, visible spectroscopy (reflection and transmission) (Storyline CD3 and CD4; Activities CD4.1 to CD4.5).The nature of fats and oils as mixed esters of propane-1,2,3-triol with varying degrees of unsaturation.The alkyl groups can be either saturated, unsaturated or polyunsaturated.Triglycerides formed from cis-unsaturated fatty acids like this cannot pack so closely together. Their intermolecular forces are weaker, so they tend to be liquids at room temperature.Unsaturated acids can have hydrogen added to them to increase the degree of saturationAs a result, the treated fats and oils have a higher melting point than before.Palmitic acid is a fatty acid that can be made in to a fat.Fats can be hydrolysed to produce the glycerol and also the fatty acids.If done in alkaline conditions the sodium salt of the acid is produced which can be used in soap.An outline of the process of oxidative cross-linking by which unsaturated oils harden; the relationship of this process to their use as media in oil-based paints.The binding medium in a paint binds the paint pigments together and must be viscous enough to stop the paint running but not too sticky so it can be used.The binding medium must then dry and harden when the paint has been applied to leave the paint protected.Cross links can occur between unsaturated chains which results in the oils used in binding mediums 'hardening' and so protecting the pigment.See activity CD 4.2What arenes and arene derivatives (aromatic compounds) are.The structure of benzene. ()Compounds containing benzene ringsThe structure of benzene.What arenes and arene derivatives (aromatic compounds) are. ()Electron density equally spread around 6 carbon atom ring: delocalisedHow the characteristic properties of aromatic compounds arise from the delocalisation of electrons.Are attacked by electrophiles because benzene ring is area of high electron densityUndergo substitution reactions usually in order to maintain (stabilised) delocalised structure.The following electrophilic substitution reactions of arenes: halogenation of the ring, nitration, sulphonation, Friedel-Crafts alkylation and Friedel-Crafts acylation.Benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reactions. These reactions are relatively slow because the delocalised electrons confer additional stability to benzene, and the first stage in the reaction involves disrupting the stable benzene ring system.The reaction mechanism proceeds in two stages:1. Addition of an electrophile to the benzene molecule to form an unstable positively charged intermediate.2. Elimination of a hydrogen ion H+ from the intermediate.The organic product depends upon the other reactant and the electrophile it produces. The table summarises these.The formation of azo dyes by coupling reactions involving diazonium compounds.Azo compounds contain the azo functional group (R-N=N-R)Azo compounds containing arene groups either side of the azo group are more stable than those containing alkyl groups. This is because the azo group is stabilised by delocalised electrons from the arene groups.Formed by reaction phenylamine with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid (cold to prevent decomposition of product) together to make a diazonium salt and then reacting this with a coupling reagent such as phenolThe structure of a dye molecule in terms of its various components: chromophore, groups which modify the chromophore, groups which made the dye more soluble in water and groups which attach the dye to the fibre (Storyline CD5 to CD7).Ways in which dyes attach themselves to fabrics: weak intermolecular forces, hydrogen bonds, ionic attractions and covalent bonding (Storyline CD7; Activity CD7.2). ()A chromophore is a group of atoms that is largely responsible for the colour of a dye moleculeThe relationship between the colour of a dye and the presence of a chromophore, and groups that modify the chromophore, in the dye molecule. ()They often contain unsaturated groups such as C=O and -N=N- and they are often part of a conjugated system involving arene rings.A conjugated system is one with an extended system of alternating double and single bondsThe chromophore of a compound can be changed by adding extra groups (such as those containing lone pairs which add electrons to the delocalised system and so change the electron energy levels and therefore the frequency of visible light they absorb.If a dye compound contains a carboxylic acid group the sodium salt will be more soluble.Groups can be attached to dye molecules to make them form stronger intermolecular forces to the compound it is dying, so they stick better (e.g. Instantaneous dipole-induced dipole, H bonds, ionic bonds and covalent bonds in direct dyes)Ways in which dyes attach themselves to fabrics: weak intermolecular forces, hydrogen bonds, ionic attractions and covalent bonding (Storyline CD7; Activity CD7.2). ()See pages 229 to 235 of Chemical StorylinesWays in which dyes attach themselves to fabrics: weak intermolecular forces, hydrogen bonds, ionic attractions and covalent bonding (Storyline CD7; Activity CD7.2).Groups can be attached to dye molecules to make them form stronger intermolecular forces to the compound it is dying, so they stick better (e.g. Instantaneous dipole-induced dipole, H bonds, ionic bonds and covalent bonds in direct dyes) ()The structure of a dye molecule in terms of its various components: chromophore, groups which modify the chromophore, groups which made the dye more soluble in water and groups which attach the dye to the fibre (Storyline CD5 to CD7). ()The relationship between the colour of a dye and the presence of a chromophore, and groups that modify the chromophore, in the dye molecule.A chromophore is a group of atoms that is largely responsible for the colour of a dye molecule ()If an extra atom or group of atoms can be added to or removed from the chromophore of a molecule it will affect the colour of the molecule (usually if the atoms under consideration affect the conjugated system) because the electron energy levels will be affected and so the frequency of light needed to promote an electron between energy levels.The relationship between colour in materials and transitions between electronic energy levels.The absorption of ultraviolet light and visible light in terms of transitions between electronic energy levels. ()If the energy absorbed to bring about these transitions corresponds to a frequency of visible light our sample will appear coloured. E=hfElectron energy levels in atoms are quantised (at specific energy levels) and so the difference between them is always the same. This difference in energy levels will result in a frequency of a specific value being absorbed as electrons move from one to another. E=hf"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/uXqmKJCS_CMC-2012Fifth-InternationalConference-on-Concept-Mapping.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CMC 2012 Fifth International Conference on Concept MappingFiles and PicturesPicture Librarycmc2012 Photos5. CMC Malta 2012Cmappers RepositoryCMC - International Conference on Concept MappingTag 1: MontagRegistration & Welcome ReceptionThe Palace, VallettaTag 2: Dienstag8:30 - 9:00Registration for Maltese Participants9:00 - 9:30Opening SessionWelcome MessageJoseph D. NovakInstitute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC)9:30 - 10:00Inaugural TalkConcept Mapping for Meaningful Learning within a Maltese Educational ContextProf. Grace Grima, Director General of Education, MaltaA Vision for Science Education in Malta - Ministry of Education10:00 - 11:30Session on Concept Maps and Assessment10:00 - 10:30Analysis of the Content and Structure of Representations Starting from Concept Maps,Marķa-Eugenia Salamanca-AvilaCécile Vander BorghtMariane FrenayUniversidad Católica de Lovaina, Bélgica11:00Concept Mapping as an Assessment Tool in Science EducationKatrin SoikaPriit ReiskaRain MikserTallinn University, EstoniaSession on Interdisciplinary Learning with Concept Maps10:00 - 10:30Concept Mapping and Environment as ConnectionJames D. ProctorLewis & Clark CollegeJennifer BernsteinUniversity of Hawai'i at Manoa, USARecommendations11:00Making Interdisciplinarity Visible using Concept MappingGislaine Banchetti CordeiroPaola Lacerda AguiarCamila Aparecida Tolentino CicutoPaulo Rogério Miranda CorreiaUniversidade de São Paulo, BrazilSession on Collaboration with Concept Map10:00 - 10:30Analysing Knowledge Generation and Acquisition from Individual and Face-to-Face Collaborative Concept MappingRoberto Martinez Maldonado, Judy Kay, Kalina Yacef, The University of Sydney, Australia11:00Do Virutal Groups Recognize Situations in which it is Advantageous to Create Digital Concept Maps-Tanja Engelmann & Richard KolodziejDO VIRTUAL GROUPS RECOGNIZE SITUATIONS IN WHICH IT IS ...Knowledge Media Research Center, Germany12:30Invited TalkExpertise and Knowledge ElicitationRobert HoffmanIHMC Receives Award from iARPA for MetaphorInstitute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC), USA14:15 - 15:15Session on Concept Maps and Assessment (2)14:15Concept Map-Based Knowledge Assessment Tasks and their Scoring Criteria- an OverviewMaija StrautmaneRiga Technical University, Latvia14:45Using Concept Mapping to Assess a Large-Scale ProjectColleen M.EddyDavid WojnowskiPamela HarrellKarthigeyan SubramaniamSarah PrattUniversity of North Texas, USASession on Concept Maps and Teachers14:45Concept Mapping in the Teaching of Physical Science- Assessment of Real World Applications of Wave Energy by Pre-Service Teachers Negotiating Concept UnderstandingSumitra HimangshuMacon State College, USA14:15Prospective Teachers' Knowledge of Constructing Concept MapsKarthigeyan SubramaniamDavid WojnowskiPamela HarrellColleen EddySarah PrattZiad ShakerUniversity of North Texas, USASession on Concept Maps and Sustainability14:15A Research Methodological Study of Concept Mapping to Foster Shared Understanding to Promote Sustainable Development in the Unu-Ias Rce Espoo, FinlandJani SiiriläMauri ÅhlbergUniversity of Helsinki, Finland14:45Applying Concept Maps to Analyse the Level of Sustainable Development Awareness Held by Policy Makers in MaltaSheryl GreenGiovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, Malta15:45Posters Session15:45 - 16:45Session on \"Concept Maps\"15:45 - 16:15Diversity of Concept Mapping Tasks- Degree of Difficulty, Directedness, and Task ConstraintsVita GraudinaRiga Technical University, Latvia16:45 - 17:15Cognitive Structure Study: Concept Maps versus Pathfinder Associative NetworksJosé Luís Torres CarvalhoUniversidade de ÉvoraPortugalRicardo Luengo GonzálezLuis Manuel Casas GarcíaMercedes Mendoza GarcíaUniversidad de Extremadura, EspańaSession on Concept Maps and Teachers (2nd part)15:45 - 16:15Use of Concept Maps in a Peer Observation ProgramNorma L. MillerUniversidad Tecnológica de PanamáPanamáIan M. KinchinKing's College London, UK16:45 - 17:15Uncovering Differences in the Conceptual Views of Expert and Novice Teachers through Concept Maps Produced by SConSAt InterviewsDorit SimonTamar LevinTel Aviv University, IsraelSession on Skeleton and Expert Concept Maps15:45 - 16:15Using Enriched Skeleton Concept Mapping to Support Meaningful LearningJan M. van BruggenOpen UniversiteitWim M. G. JochemEindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands16:15 - 16:45Reasoning Models developed with Concept Maps (Expert Maps) using CmapTools. Example from KinematicsÁngel Luis PérezGuadalupe MartínezMa Isabel SueroPedro J. PardoUniversidad de Extremadura Espańa17:15 - 18:15Panel 1: Integration of Disciplines during Learning using Concept MapsModerator/Moderador:Priit Reiska, Tallinn University, EstoniaParticipants/Participantes:Mauri Ahlberg, University of Finland,Paul Pace, University of MaltaSumitra Himangshu, Macon State College,James D. Proctor, Lewis & Clark College, USAThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTag 3: Mittwoch9:00 - 10:00Invited TalkConcept mapping and the Fundamental Problem of Moving Between Knowledge StructuresIan KinchinUniversity of Surrey, UKStundenten brauchen Herausforderungen10:00 - 11:00Session on Misconceptions10:00 - 10:30Compulsory Concept as Instructional Strategy to Identify Limited or Inappropriate Propositional Hierarchies in Concept MapsCamila Aparecida Tolentino CicutoPaulo Rogério Miranda CorreiaUniversidade de São Paulo, Brazil10:30 - 11:00Concept Maps as Diagnostic and Treatment of MisconceptionsLadislada del Puy Molina AzcárateUniversidad Nacional de Tucumán, ArgentinaFermín M. González GarcíaUniversidad Pública de Navarra, EspańaSession on Videos & Concept Mapping10:00 - 10:30Use of Video-Presentations Created with CmapTools for Online Training: A Preliminary StudyErnest Prats GarciaCentro de Profesorado de EivissaIslas Baleares, Espańa10:30 - 11:00Conocity: Videos Enriched with Maps for Knowledge ManagementJosi Sierra OrrantiaDpto. Educacion Gobierno VascoMar CamachoUniversitat Rovira i Virgili, EspańaSession on Automatic Assessment of Concept Maps10:00 - 10:30Assessing Diversity and Similarity of Conceptual Understanding Via Semi- Automated Semantic Analysis of Concept MapsNatalia DerbentsevaA Concept Map Knowledge Model of Intelligence Analysis - DTICApplied Behavioral Science in Support of Intelligence AnalysisPeter KwantesDavid R. MandelDefence R&D Canada - Toronto, Canada10:30 - 11:00Structural Evaluation of Concept Maps at Digital TECEderick NavasMario Chacón-RivasInstituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica11:30 - 12:30Session on Concept Mapping in Preschool11:30 - 12:00Using Concept Maps to Promote the Emergent Literacy Skills of 3- to 5-Year- Old ChildrenBronwyn McLemore, Heather Monroe-Ossi, Stephanie Wehry, Janice Hunter, Florida Institute of Education at the University of North Florida, USA12:00 - 12:30An Experience in the Introduction of Concept Maps to Preschool StudentsFermín M. González, Paula de Andrés, Leyre Palau, María Pardo, Andrea Serrano, Edurne Zoco, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Ohiane Elrío, Itziar López de Maturana, Antonio Yániz, Colegio Escolapios, EspañaSession on Concept Mapping in Higher Education11:30 - 12:00Challenges in Cross-Cultural PhD Supervision- Mapping to Facilitate DialogueCamille B. Kandiko, Ian M. Kinchin, King's College London, UKHigher Education Research Network Journal HERN-JPhD Supervision: Mapping the Cognitive ... - King's College London12:00 - 12:30Concept Mapping and Vee Heuristics- a Model of Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationJacqueline Vanhear, Directorate for Standards and Quality in Education, MaltaSession on Concept Mapping in Physics Education (1)11:30 - 12:00The Use of Mind Maps and Concept Maps in Quantum Mechanics at High School LevelThais Rafaela Hilger, Marco Antonio Moreira, Adriane Griebeler, Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil12:00 - 12:30Procedural Models Created with Concept Maps. Realization of an Optics Laboratory Practice, Guadalupe MartínezÁngel Luis Pérez, Ma. Isabel Suero, Pedro J. Pardo, Universidad de Extremadura, España13:45 - 15:15Session on Concept Maps and Writing13:45 - 14:15Concept Mapping and Text Writing as Learning Tools In Problem-Oriented LearningBärbel Fürstenau, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, Lenie Kneppers, Rijkje Dekker, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands14:15 - 14:45Concept Mapping and WritingEly Kozminsky, Ben-Gurion University, Nurit Nathan, Lea Kozminsky, Kaye Academic College of Education, Israel, Rosalind Horowitz, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA14:45 - 15:15Impact of an Intervention Method Mediated by the Construction of Concept Maps in a News Production Network on Students' Conceptualization of Written LanguagePatrícia B. Schäfer, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Alberto J. Cañas, Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC), USA , Léa C. Fagundes, Alex F. T. Primo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilSession on Concept Mapping in Higher Education13:45 - 14:15Mastery and Appropriation of Concept Mapping in Higher EducationLilia Susana Domínguez-Marrufo, Jesús Manzano-Caudillo, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México14:15 - 14:452The Concept Map as a Research Instrument: Construction and Representation of a Virtual Mentoring ModelAntònia Darder, Adolfina Pérez, Jesús Salinas, Universitat de les Illes Balears, España14:45 - 15:15Follow the Arrows- Tracing the Underlying Structure of a DoctorateCamille B. Kandiko, Ian M. Kinchin, King's College London, UKSession on Concept Mapping with Elementary School Children13:45 - 14:15Progressive Concept Maps: a Study of Elementary School Students, Conceição Aparecida Soares Mendonça, UFRPE/UAGFIG-UNIMESP, BrasilFelipa Pacifico Ribeiro de Assis Silveira,14:15 - 14:45Improving the Odds- Using Concept Mapping Strategies and Informational Books to Build Children's and Educators' Background KnowledgeFlorida Institute of Education at the University of North Florida, USAJanice HunterHeather Monroe-OssiStephanie WehryBronwyn McLemoreCheryl Fountain14:45 - 15:15The Nature of Third Grade Students' Experiences with Concept Maps to Support Learning of Science ConceptsMargaret L. Merrill, University of Maine, USA15:15 - 16:15Posters Session16:15 - 17:15Panel 2: Concept Mapping in Higher EducationModerator/Moderador:Carlos Araya-Rivera, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa RicaParticipants/Participantes:Jesús Salinas, Universidad de las Islas Baleares, EspañaIan Kinchin, University of Surrey, UKJacqueline Vanhear, Directorate for Standards and Quality in Education, MaltaGuadalupe Martínez, Universidad de Extremadura, EspañaTag 4: Donnerstag9:00 - 10:00Invited TalkVideogaming for Concept MappingJaime Sánchez, Universidad de Chile, Chile10:00 - 11:00Session on Concept Maps in Organizations10:00 - 10:30Adult Supervision: Using Route Concept Maps as a Tool to Iincrease Cohesion, Motivation and MemorizationLaura Salamanca-ÁvilaMaría-Eugenia Salamanca-ÁvilaUniversidad Católica de LovainaServicio para la Transformación la Innovación y el Cambio Social, STICS, Bélgica10:30 - 11:00Visualizing Irregular Adversaries- Applied Concept Mapping in the Military and Security DomainJames W. MooreDRDC Toronto, CanadaSession on Knowledge Models10:00 - 10:30Knowledge Model Viewers for the iPad and the WebAlberto J. CañasRoger CarffMassimiliano MarconInstitute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), USA10:30 - 11:00Knowledge Model and the Social Imaginaries RepresentationDiana Elizabeth García-SalgadoLorena Noyola-PiñaManuel F. Aguilar-TamayoUniversidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, MéxicoSession on Concept Mapping in Physics Education (2)10:00 - 10:30Solving Physics Problems: Ascertain with Metacognitive Maps what the Teacher already Knows ... and Learn AccordinglyMaría Sol Ramírez de MMario AspeéIrma SanabriaNeyra TéllezUniversidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira, Venezuela10:30 - 11:00Using Concept Maps for the Study of Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy Using a Learning CircleMa. Isabel SueroGuadalupe MartínezÁngel Luis PérezPedro J. PardoUniversidad de Extremadura, España11:30 - 12: 30Session on Concept Mapping and Reading11:30 - 12:00The Strategical Use of Concept Maps in Reading Comprehension of Students Who are DeafMagda NikolaraiziUniversity of ThessalyGreeceMaria TheofanousKing's College London, U.K.12:00 - 12:30Co-Regulation and Communicative Function of the Exchanges in Collaborative Learning with Concept MapsSantiago Roger AcuñaUniversidad Autónoma de San Luis PotosíGabriela López AymesUniversidad Autónoma del Estado de MorelosMaría A. Gabino CamposUniversidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, MéxicoSession on Automaic Concept Map Generation11:30 - 12:00Using Automatically Generated Concept Maps for Document Understanding- a Human Subjects ExperimentAlejandro ValerioDavid LeakeIndiana UniversityAlberto J. CañasInstitute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), USA12:00 - 12:30Automated Concept Map Generation from Service-Oriented Architecture ArtifactsJohn W. CoffeyThomas ReichherzerBernd Owsnick-KleweNorman WildeThe University of West Florida, USASession on Concept Maps in Secondary Education11:30 - 12:00Convergent Validity- Concept Maps and Competence Test for Students' Diagnosis in PhysicsSiv Ling LeyHeiko KrabbeHans E. FischerUniversity of Duisburg-Essen, Germany12:00 - 12:30Skills Development Supported by Fleixible Learning Itineraries Based on Concept MapsOlga Lucía Agudelo VelásquezUniversidad EAFITColombiaJesús Salinas IbañezUniversidad de las Islas BalearesEspañaClaudia Zea RestrepoUniversidad EAFIT, Colombia13:45 - 14:45Session on Concept Map Support for Learning13:45 - 14:15Learning Itineraries with Concept Mpas as a Resource for Autonomous LearningBárbara De BenitoAntonia DarderFrancisca NegreJesús SalinasUniversitat de les Illes Balears, España14:15 - 14:45Medicine Higher Education Quality Exams (ECAES), Learning Styles, and Knowledge RepresentationAnge BaumgartnerUniversidad Cooperativa de ColombiaUniversidad Pedagógica NacionalOscar FonsecaUniversidad Cooperativa de ColombiaSession on Concept Mapping in Science Education13:45 - 14:15The Concept Map as a Teaching Resource in the Construction of Astronomy ConceptsFelipa Pacifico Ribeiro de Assis SilveiraFIG-UNIMESPCélia Maria Soares Gomes de SousaUnB, Conceição Aparecida Soares Mendonça, UFRPE/UAG, Brasil14:15 - 14:45Everybody Together with \"Energy\" We are Part of the EarthCesarina MancinelliRitonnale MariarosaUniversità degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, ItalySession on Concept Maps with Studens in Secondary Education13:45 - 14:15The Development of Sixteen Year Old Students' Biology Concepts through Out-of- Classroom ActivitiesMiriam MuscatGiovanni CurmiHigher Secondary School, Naxxar, Malta14:15 - 14:45Concept Mapping Applications and Assessment in an After School Program for Adolescent StudentsHeather Monroe-OssiStephanie WehryCheryl FountainSharonCobb, University of North Florida, USA15:15 - 16:45Special SessionParticipation in Group Discussions16:45 - 17:30Closing TalkFreedom vs. Restriction of Content and Structure during Concept Mapping - Possibilities and Limitations for Construction and AssessmentAlberto J. Cañas & Joseph D. Novak (videoconference)Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), USAPriit ReiskaTallinn University, Estonia17:30 - 18:00Closing SessionGroup Discussion on Cmappers and CMC"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Dk7cky5M_Planifier-et-suivre-un-projet-avec-MindManager.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Planifier et suivre un projet avec MindManagerCréer votre map projetCréer une branche \"Définition du projet\"Résultat attenduDocumentsBudgetDélaiEquipeetc...Créer une branche \"Planning\"Créer la map \"Planning\"Insérer un hyperlien vers elleCréer une branche \"Suivi du projet\"Créer la map \"Suivi du projet\"insérer un hyperlien vers elleCréer la map \"Planning\" : 1.Créer l'arborescence des tâchesgénérer les tâchesLancer un Brainstormingjeter les idées en vrac à l'écranutiliser les Sujets flottantsstructurer les tâchesDéfinir les phasesformuler sous forme de tâchesex : \"faire ceci\"vérifier la constructiontâche récapitulativessous-tâchesous-tâchetâche récapitulativessous-tâchesous-tâchecompléterCréer la map \"Planning\" : 2. Entrer les infos de tâcheDans Onglet IndexPréparer la Liste des Marqueurschoisir les PrioritésEntrer les RessourcesDupontDurandDéfinir les Icônes Marqueurs(re)nommer(re)nommerDéfinir les Marqueurs Couleurs(re)nommer(re)nommerDéfinir les BalisesexempleAttribuer les Marqueurs aux tâchessous-tâche 1Dans Onglet Infos de tâcheDéfinir les Dates de début et de finaux tâches élémentaires uniquementsous-tâche 1la Duréeest calculée automatiquementen jours ouvrésEntrer le % progressionsous-tâche 1This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCréer la map \"Planning\" : 3. Filtrer les informations selon critèresouvrir le Filtre multicritèresOnglets du filtreMarqueurs de mapscocher les Marqueurs souhaitéschoisir entre1. marqueur quelconqueOU2. tous les marqueursETexemples2. possession des MarqueursOUOU1. possession des MarqueursETmasquer ou afficherInformations de tâchechoisirDates de débutET/OU de finET/OU Duréeexempleà finir entre 18/10 et 24/10Créer la map \"Planning\" : 4. Afficher le diagramme de Ganttvérifier la construction de la mapAfficher/Masquer dans MindManagercliquer sur l'icôneBarre d'état en bas de l'écranou Ruban Affichagesaisir et déplacer les barres de tâche dans le diagrammeVisitez le site MMD France !"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lRIrutvb_Alexandra-Watkins-Hello-My-Name-is-AWESOME.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Alexandra Watkins Hello: My Name is AWESOMEAbout Alexandra Watkin's Hello, My Name Is AwesomeSubtitle: How to Create Brand Names that StickAt a glanceAuthorLearning tools and tipsAmazon CategoriesFront matterPrefaceIntroductionChapter 1: SMILE--The 5 Qualities of a Super Sticky NameSuggestive: Evokes something about your brandMeaningful: Resonates with your audienceImagery: Visually evocative to Aid in MemoryLegs: Lends itself to a theme for extended mileageExceptional: Moves peopleChapter 2: SCRATCH--The Seven Deadly SinsSpelling ChallengedCopycat: Similar to a competitorRestrictive: Locks you in, limits growthAnnoying: Forced, frustrates customersTame: Flat, descriptive, uninspiredCurse of Knowledge: Only insiders get itHard to pronounce: not obvious, unapproachableChapter 3: Domains--Strategies, Secrets, and SillinessStrategiesAdd another word or twoUse a Creative phraseGet a .net or .biz extensionSecretsNot all names are takenMake a lowball offerBuy the misspellingsURLs don't need keywordsLonger names are OKSilly ideasSpell it creativelyUse an obscure domain extension to spell your nameUse .0rg for a for-profit businessDomain name = trademarkDon't look before you leapChapter 4: Creative Brief--Your Brand Name Road MapThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookChapter 5: Brainstorming--How to Be an Idea MachineChapter 6: Name Review--12 Rules for Building ConcensusChapter 7: Name Changes--Pros and ConsResourcesThe How Awesome Is My Name Self-Assessment ToolTrademarkingLogo & Identity DesignService ProvidersEnd matterAcknowledgementsIndexAbout Eat my WordsAbout the AuthorAsk AlexandraAbout Roger C. Parker"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_Tg5jF34n.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Супер-интеллектСотвори самого себя - ваш творческий интеллектВключаетБеглостьГибкостьОригинальностьСпособость к тщательному вынашиванию идей4 правилаРазвивай свои органы чувствИзучай исскуство наукиИзучай науку исскустваПойми, что все на свете взаимосвязаноТренировочные упражненияПочаще предавайтесь грезамДорожите своими снамиЗаписывайте свои сныТворческие игрыСпособы применения канцелярской скрепкиУчитесь рисоватьЧетырехэтапный метод Конни ГордонУчитесь рассказывать анекдотыИграйте в игру \"Все на свете взаимосвязано\"Лягушка и космический корабльОба живут в двух различных средахУ каждого из них своя стартовая площадкаОба они \"подпрыгивают\"Оба они приземляютсяМиллионы людей коллекционируют их игрушечные копииИм посвящаются телевизионные программыУ них обоих есть глазаОба они устремлены к некой целиОба они представляют собой некую энергетическую системуЛягушка-путешественница, корабль-путешественникАвтоматически чертите карандашом разные фигуры, когда вы думаете совсем о другомС пользой применяйте свой творческий интеллектПишите стихиСферы игрыРассказывайте всевозможные истории, и пусть вам их тоже рассказываютПодумайте до завтрака о \"шести невозможный вещах\"Характерные особенности творческого подходаотыскивать взаимосвязи между новыми, уникальными идеями и \"старыми\" укоренившимися представленииконспектируя, делайте пометки различными цветамирисование разных геометрических фигурсоздавайте в уме грандиозные ландшафты. увеличивайте и рассмотривайте в воображениипредстваляйте, как выглядят вещи с различных точек зрениясвязывайте воедино старые понятия и концепции, раскладывайте, собирайте зановоПереверните наизнанку существующие понятия и концепцииБудте отзывчими на эстетическую привлекательность предметовэмоционально откликайтесь на каждое событие в вашей жизнивыражайте свое сокровенное Я!Упражнение с канцелярской скрепкойотыскивать взаимосвязи между новыми, уникальными идеями и \"старыми\" укоренившимися представленииРазвешивание бельяЗажим для носаЗашпилить одеждуЗакрыть ранкуконспектируя, делайте пометки различными цветамиПередать сообщениеУкрасить столРассортировать бумагиИгрушки для детейрисование разных геометрических фигурИзваять скульптуруУкрасить художественный орнаментТайный знак для друзейсоздавайте в уме грандиозные ландшафты. увеличивайте и рассмотривайте в воображенииПресс-папьеОриентир на местностиДамбаМостикПодпорка для дереваВосьмое чудо светапредстваляйте, как выглядят вещи с различных точек зренияСточки зрения микроба - ограмная пещерадиетолога - огромная шоколадкаврача - шприцмузыканта - камертонвоин - смертоносное оружиефилософа - инструмент для поиска смысла жизниэкономиста - новая валютачесотка - чтобы чесатьсясвязывайте воедино старые понятия и концепции, раскладывайте, собирайте зановоорудие письмаотмычка для замкавертел или венчик для взбиваниявычищать разные укромные уголки и трещинынажать \"ресет\" и отрегулировать часы, компьютерПереверните наизнанку существующие понятия и концепциивыкинуть и будетпутаница в бумагахпомощь в удалении другой скрепкине сможете на ней полететь на Лунуне сможете напиться водыне сможете завести автомобильне сможете с ней заняться любовьюБудте отзывчими на эстетическую привлекательность предметовювелирное украшениесимвол определенного положенияталисманвещица, которую приятно держать в рукахэмоционально откликайтесь на каждое событие в вашей жизнив роли воображаемого другасредство переменить настроениев роли памятки о собвтияхвыражайте свое сокровенное Я!оживить в качестве персонажа мультфильма или кукольного спектакляиспользовать атомную энергию скрепкисоорудить музыкальный инструментУмственные картыЯ+Я - ваш личностный интеллектОхватываютЛевоесловалогикачислапоследовательностьлинейностьанализперечни и спискиПравоеритмпространственное восприятиецелостное восприятиевоображениемечтыцветобъемТренировочные упражненияРазговор с самим собойОтноситесь к себе как к своему лучшему другуНепрерывно развивайте все остальные интеллектыПереждите!Время от времени делайте перерывыПолнее выражайте свои эмоцииБудьте честны с самим собойПостигните тайны исскуства медитеции, самовнушения и самогипнозаСосредотачивайтесь на радостных моментахТишинаРуководство по самоанализу и умению управлять собойУправляйте своей собственной жизньюМоя мечтаживописьмузыкаэстрадные жанрыпутешествиялюбительская авиациядельтапланеризмпрыжки в воду с трамплинаскульптуракакое-либо рукоделиеспорт олимпийского уровняМетодика самовоспитания \"посредством мечты\" - будьте готовы к случайостям\"Складирование\", самовоспитание и потребность в любви子主题Деятельность, направленная на самопознаниеАвтор некрологаВаш самоанализ - умственная карта вашего \"я\"полученное воспитание и образованиесильные стороныслабые стороныхоббидостижениянеудачисимпатииантипатииописание физических качествсемьяверованияобласти знаний, в которых наиболее осведомленыобласти знаний, в которых ты невеждаВаша умственная карта, что необходимо сделатьвсе телефонные звонкиписьмалюди, с которыми надо поговоритьстиркауборкапокупкиприготовление пищизабота о другихзадачи, которые должны выполнить и цели, которых хотите достичьобщественные и деловые мероприятия, которые вам надо посетитьпроекты, которые нужно довести до умаразгрести письменные столыфайлы, которые надо обновитьвещи, которые надо пересмотреть нановоподписки, которые вы должны оформить или отменитьфинансовые дела, которые требуется привести в поряддоклюди, которым вы должны принести извенениягодовщины и дни рождения, которые вы должны помнитьВаше будущее, каким оно должно быть в идеалеЯ+Они - ваш социальный интеллектБог знает! - ваш духовный интеллектThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookЯзык тела - ваш физический интеллектОсмыслите свои ощущения - ваш сенсорный интеллектУмный секс - ваш сексуальный интеллектРасчитывайте только на себя - ваш цифровой интеллектНе забудте прикинуть расстояние - ваш пространственный интеллектМогучая сила слова - ваш вербальный интеллектВходящие"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/RatK8vWP_Mindjet-Connect-SP-8th-Dec-2011.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mindjet Connect SP: 8th Dec 2011About the EventMindjet Connect SP: Connect for SharepointFocused on SharepointHow does MM 2012 integrate with SP?Research into Sharepoint AdoptionWhich SP Version being used?65% - 200757% - 2010Being used among all sizes of BusinessWhich Industries?Financial 21%Tech 19%Satisfaction with SPHigh SatisfactionAcross FunctionsMeeting Needs/ExpectationsBarriers to DeploymentTech IssuesLack of GovernanceOrganisations are looking to collaboration to drive innovation and efficiencyCollaborative Work ManagementCapture, Organise, Plan, and Act, TogetherMindjet ProductsConnectFreeBusinessSP (Sharepoint)Desktop AppsWindowsMacMobile AppsiOSAndroidConnect SPBenefitsDocument DiscoveryEdit and View InformationManage TasksCollaborate on ProjectsNavigational MapsVisualise Processes/PlansHow can it help?Information ConsumersFind infoNavigate SPMultiple sitesMultiple projectsNumerous documentsInformation WorkersTasksTimelinesResourceProject ManagementDifficulty CollaboratingMindManager UsersDesktop UserWant to share/collaborateInvolve others in mappingFunctionalityCreate new map (within SP)Map Editor within browserEdit mapsOthersTeam MembersTasksView MapAnyone (Permission-Based)No licence requiredEditing Access (Permission)Search TasksAssigned to...Date ranges...Returns results with linksEmbed Map in Web PartPull from SP to...DesktopPCMacMobileQuestions RaisedWhat are people using Sharepoint for?How in-depth can the search go?Microsoft 365 Compatibility?Find out more about Mindjet ConnectThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/rsarAUqj_Social-Communities-Workshop-APM-PMO-SIG-Autumn-Conference-2015.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Social CommunitiesEnabling Change SIGAPM interest group330 PeopleAll welcome to joinSpark collaborationMatched with other practitionersInformal engagementResearch projectPlease supportWhat are social communities?Informal networksCommon interestsLearning through discussionSafe sharing environmentsPeople will naturally form communitiesSharing best practiceKnowledgeLearningContinuous improvementLed by practitionersLearning communitiesLunch & learnWorked for a whileEncourage 'giving back'Subject matter expertsForumsRange of subjectsFunctional forumsUseful for newcomersSocial MediaInternalJive platformExternalWhy would you use a community in a project context?Share best practiceHelpful for newcomersLearn from other expertiseLessons learnedAvoid repeat mistakesBuilds relationshipsSupport changeSupport collaborationBuilding communities to help projects happen?In workshop contextsProvides objective perspectiveStakeholder communities?Steering groupsCommon goalInvolve key peopleMix project managers and stakeholdersSample of end usersVolunteer basisHelp to shape the approachCreate stories for sharingMaintaining momentum?Communities fizzling outThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTips for building communities?Provide a visionClear purposeCharterEngage the engagedWhat's in it for me?'Giving back' cultureReinforce learning?Help progress?Technology toolsE.g. WebexTeaching mechanismsInteractivity optionsLike/dislikeComments/questionsReal engagement on web meetingsManagement attitudeSponsorship at right levelArticulate business caseCommercial effectivenessHard to quantifyLots of anecdotal evidenceRules/GuidelinesOften self-regulatingWhat will you do differently?Look at new technologySupport those who are trying/engagedUse communities to remind of overall goalsUse what's already out there"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/{69638_Marketing_Environment_and_Market_Research.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Week Two: Marketing environment & Market ResearchMarketing EnvironmentMicroStakeholdersA stakeholder can be any group or individual who can affect or are affected by the achievement of organisational goals.3 typesExternal stakeholderse.g. government, pressure groups, community, professional bodiesConnected stakeholderse.g. shareholders customers, suppliers, bankersInternal stakeholderse.g. Staff, managersFour different reactions to stakeholdersProactiveaddress problem before it becomes a problemReactiveIgnore until forcedDefensiveblock and fight... PR wars, lobbying, courtsAccommodateaccept responsibility and tackle issuesStakeholder communicationsWhat are their information needs?Information required/neededLevel of detail and timingWhat do/don't we want them to know?What are the best channels?Meetings, consultations, questionnairesDirect- leaflets, newsletters, exhibitions etcIndirect... PR, conferences, sponsorshipsDefinition of the environment\"The forces external to the marketing management function of the firm that impinge on the marketing managements ability to develop and maintain successful transactions with its customers\"MacroMacro Marketing\"The area of study of the nations exchange process, within its own borders, in which political, cultural, social, and economic interactions are examined\"\"To manage a business well is to manage its future and to manage a future is to manage information\"The Macro EnvironmentP.E.S.T.L.EPolitical\"Laws, government agencies, regulations and pressure groups that influence and limit various organisations in a given society\"Positive impacts of governmental/ legal factors...Facilitates desirable social change e.g. equal pay, equal opportunitiesCorrects markets i.e. makes sure they are fair and competitiveEncourages further knowledge e.g. researchReassurance to the publicEconomicThe economic environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns\"The money cycleThere are injections and leakages to and from the money cycleInjectionsInvestmentsGovernment spendingExportsLeakagesSavingsTaxationImportsThese injections and leakages affect expenditure and income, and hence the movement of resources and goods for companies.International tradeWhy is international trade so attractive to domestic firms?A global market allows for comparative marketing studiesInternational trade allows for more competition and choice for consumersWorld markets allow for economies of scale and cost advantageTrade brings contact, cultural understanding and cooperationOpening of the tiger economies. Emerging markets in asia.SocialSegmentation & Assessment of market potential is related to the analysis of studying human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, sex, race and occupation.Implications of population trends to the marketerThe aggregate demand for goods and servicesThe demand in different market segments/regionsThe availability of labourThe level of dependents in the populationThe living standardsTechnicalConsists of the forces that create new technologies, creating new products and market opportunities.Technological diffusion process (adoption: slow or fast)Profitabilityis the new technology worth it?Consequencesof not adopting- impact on businessScale of investmentIn both soft and hardwareEnvironmental impactHow green is the technologyAcceptance of changeEffect 'how we do things'- to what degreeLegalEnvironmentalMarket ResearchDefinitionThe objective gathering and recording and analysing of all facts about problems relating to the transfer and sales of goods and services from producer to consumerQualitative ResearchExploratory research used to uncover consumer motives, attitudes and behaviourQuantitative ResearchResearch that involves data collection from a sufficient volume of customers to allow for statistical analysisPrimary DataInformation collected for a specific purpose or issue to be addressedSecondary DataInformation that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purposeResearch MethodologyResearch: Primary or Secondary?1. Diagnose the problem (be specific)2. Initial investigationSecondary data sufficient?YesNoUse primary data research to fill the gaps3. Report: conclusions and recommendationsTypes of informationQuantitative ResearchSales history by product, customer, location, order size, distribution, season£ Market growth, % GrowthCompetitor products, prices, advertising spendCustomer number, location, demographics, segmentQualitative ResearchCustomer perceptionsBuying behaviourAttitudes and motivationsPackagingBrand image/ preferencesReaction to advertsExternal factorsPower of stakeholdersDMU'sSecondary ResearchInternal Desk ResearchSales and marketing datacustomer databases, EPOS/loyaltyProduction and distribution dataGeneral market intelligencePrevious market reports/dataFree, quick and easyExternal Desk ResearchGovt statsTrade/industry reports and mediaCompetitors- ads, catalogues, exhibitionsDirectories/journalsoff the shelf reports (mintel, BRAD)Problems with secondary researchCurrencyoften out of dateAccuracymay be uncertain/doubtfulRelevanceMay not quite suit purposeSufficiencyoften only part of the solutionAvailabilitymay be limitedPrimary ResearchExperimental/ObservationLab tests... tastes, colour etcProduct trials... in homesProduct sampling... in storeTest market... new product, advert etcHidden cameras... in store cctvmay be time consuming and expensiveSampling and surveysStatistical sample of populationmay use structured questionnairemay use semi structured talk guidesFace to face, street, interview, doorstepDistance...mail, phone, e-mail, fax etcGood for lots of quantitative dataqualitative methods for primary researchNon statistical methodsAim for depth not breadthIn depth interviews. One to one.Focus/discussion groups 7-12 peopleProjective... \"my mate\"Can be used to add depth to quantitative data"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BjixNgmB_Constituencies-of-Namibia.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Constituencies of Namibiaabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information & maps: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constituencies_of_NamibiaErongo RegionArandisDâuresKaribibOmaruruSwakopmundWalvis Bay RuralWalvis Bay UrbanHardap RegionAranosDawebGibeonMariental RuralMariental UrbanRehoboth RuralRehoboth Urban EastRehoboth Urban WestKavango EastMashareMukweNdiyonaNdonga LinenaRundu Rural (2015)(Rundu Rural East, 2010)Rundu UrbanKavango WestKapakoMankumpiMpunguMuseseNcamangoroNcuncuni (2015)(Rundu Rural West, 2010)NkurenkuruTondoroKhomas RegionJohn PandeniKatutura CentralKatutura EastKhomasdal NorthMoses ǁGaroëbSamora MachelTobias HainyekoWindhoek EastWindhoek RuralWindhoek WestKunene RegionEpupaKamanjabKhorixasOpuwo RuralOpuwo UrbanOutjoSesfonteinOhangwena RegionEenhanaEndolaEngelaEpembeOhangwenaOkongoOmulongaOmundaungiloOndobeOngengaOshikangoOshikundeOmaheke RegionAminuisEpukiroGobabisKalahariOtjineneOtjombindeOkorukambeOmusati RegionAnamulengeElimEtayiOgongoOkahaoOkalongoOnesiOshikukuOtamanziOutapiRuacanaTsandiOshana RegionOkakuOkatanaOkatyaliOmpundjaOndangwa RuralOndangwa UrbanOngwedivaOshakati EastOshakati WestUukwiyuUuvudhiyaOshikoto RegionEengodiGuinasNehale lyaMpinganaOkankoloOlukondaOmunteleOmuthiyagwiipundiOnayenaOniipaOnyaanyaTsumebOtjozondjupa RegionGrootfonteinOkahandjaOkakararaOmatakoOtaviOtjiwarongoTsumkweZambezi RegionJudea LyabolomaKabbe NorthKabbe SouthKatima Mulilo RuralKatima Mulilo UrbanKongolaLinyantiSibbindaǁKaras RegionBersebaKarasburg EastKarasburg WestKeetmanshoop RuralKeetmanshoop UrbanǃNamiǂNûsOranjemund"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r4fpoUHV_STEVE-JOBS-Timeline-1955-2011.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TIMELINE!950's - 1960'sFebruary 24, 1955:Steven Paul Jobs is born in San Francisco to Joanne Carole Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali. The then-unmarried couple give up their son to adoption. Paul and Clara Jobs become Jobs' non-biological parents.1961:The Jobs family moves to Mountain View, Calif., part of what would later become known as Silicon Valley.1968:Jobs calls Bill Hewlett, the co-founder and co-namesake of Hewlett-Packard, looking for spare parts to build a frequency counter. Hewlett gives Jobs the parts, as well as an internship with the company that summer.1970's1970:Meets future Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak through a friend. In Wozniak's 2006 autobiography, \"iWoz,\" he notes that the two \"hit it off\" immediately, despite their four-year age difference.1972:Graduates from Homestead High School in Cupertino, Calif., and enrolls at Reed College in Portland, Ore., only to drop out a semester later. Jobs would go on to sit in on classes that interested him, such as calligraphy, despite not getting credit for them.1974:Begins a brief stint as an engineer at Atari. Working the night shift, he employs Wozniak to help whittle down the hardware required for a prototype of a single-player version of Pong, the game that would go on to become Breakout. Jobs leaves Atari in the summer to travel through India, only to return to California to live in a commune.1976:Co-founds Apple Computer with Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. That same year, the company sells the Apple I in the form of a kit that sells for $666.66.January 3, 1977:Apple incorporates.June 5, 1977:Releasesthe Apple II, the first commercially available personal computer in a plastic case with color graphics--and Apple's first successful personal computer.The Apple II computer.(Credit: Computer History Museum)1980'sDecember 12, 1980:Apple goes public, putting Jobs' net worth north of $200 million.January 24, 1984:Two days after the $1.5 million Ridley Scott-directed \"1984\" Super Bowl commercial airs, introduces the Macintosh to much fanfare during Apple's shareholder meeting. \"For the first time ever, I'd like to let Macintosh speak for itself.\" The computer's voice then says, \"Never trust a computer you can't lift.\" Macintosh becomes the first commercially successful small computer with a graphical user interface.Original Macintosh (Credit: Apple)September 12, 1985:CEO John Sculley engineers Jobs' ouster from Apple. Jobs resigns as Apple chairman, saying in a board meeting, \"I've been thinking a lot, and it's time for me to get on with my life. It's obvious that I've got to do something. I'm 30 years old.\" Soon thereafter, Jobs starts NeXT Computer (which later becomes NeXT Software), funded by selling $70 million of his Apple stock. An \"interpersonal\" NeXT workstation, sporting a built-in Ethernet port, is used by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN to become the first server of the World Wide Web.February 3, 1986:For $10 million, buys the Graphics Group division of Lucasfilm that becomes Pixar Animation Studios.1988:NeXT Computer releases its first computer.1990's1993:NeXT discontinues hardware business, gets into software instead. The company is renamed NeXT Software, Inc.November 29, 1995:Becomes Pixar's president and CEO. Later in the year, Jobs brings Pixar pubic one week after the release of \"Toy Story,\" with Tom Hanks doing the voice of Woody and Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear. The film earns $192 million at the box office. Its success helps make it quite attractive for celebrities to lend their voices to animated characters.December 10, 1996:Returns to Apple, as an adviser, after it buys NeXT for $429 million.July 9, 1997:Becomes CEO, initially as the de facto chief, then as interim chief in September.August 6, 1997:Announces a $150 million investment from Microsoft, coupled with a partnership onMicrosoft Office and Internet Explorer for theMac.November 10, 1997:Introduces the Apple Store, which lets consumers custom-order Apple products directly from the company online.January 8, 1998:Apple returns to profitability.May 6, 1998:Introduces the iMac, which becomes commercially available in August.Apple's original iMac.(Credit: Apple)This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook2000'sJanuary 5, 2000:Drops the \"interim\" from his CEO title at the Macworld Expo, joking that he would be using the title \"iCEO,\" paying homage to the company's product-naming conventions. Takes a $1 annual salary. Soon terminates projects including Newton and OpenDoc, and changes licensing terms to make Mac-cloning cost-prohibitive. Technologies developed at NeXT ultimately evolve into Apple products such as the Mac OS.January 9, 2001:Introduces iTunes, then exclusively for Mac users. \"iTunes is miles ahead of every other jukebox application, and we hope its dramatically simpler user interface will bring even more people into the digital music revolution.\"March 24, 2001:Apple ships the the first version of Mac OS X, code-named Cheetah.May 19, 2001:Opens Apple's first retail stores in Tysons Corner, Va., and Glendale, Calif. The store designs and personal sales methods proved to be tremendously popular. Apple was running 330 stores worldwide as of July 2011.October 23, 2001:Introduces the iPod:Original iPhone(Credit: Declan McCullagh/ CNET News.com)\"With iPod, Apple has invented a whole new category of digital music player that lets you put your entire music collection in your pocket and listen to it wherever you go...With iPod, listening to music will never be the same again.\" Apple's shipped more than 300 million iPods as of October 2011.July 17, 2002:Apple introduces the first Windows-compatible iPods at Macworld.The original iPod.(Credit: Apple)April 28, 2003:Opens the iTunes Music Store in the United States. Apple sold 10 billion songs via iTunes as of February 24, 2010, and it counted 225 million iTunes accounts with credit cards as of June 2011.October 16, 2003:Introduces \"the day hell froze over,\" announcing iTunes' compatibility with Windows.August 1, 2004:Jobs undergoes surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in his pancreas.January 11, 2005:Apple introduces an iPod Shuffle. \"iPod Shuffle is smaller and lighter than a pack of gum and costs less than $100...With most flash memory music players, users must use tiny displays and complicated controls to find their music; with iPod Shuffle you just relax, and it serves up new combinations of your music every time you listen.\"June 6, 2005:At WWDC, announces switch from IBM chips to Intel's Core Duo chips with Apple's new MacBook Pro and iMac.June 12, 2005Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford University Commencement AddressStay Hungry. Stay Foolish! (Text))September 7, 2005:Introduces iPod Nano: \"iPod Nano is the biggest revolution since the original iPod...iPod Nano is a full-featured iPod in an impossibly small size, and it's going to change the rules for the entire portable music market.\"October 12, 2005:Introduces iPod with video: \"This is the best music player we've ever made...It's 30 percent thinner and has 50 percent more capacity for the same price, and you get video as a bonus.\"January 13, 2006:That year, Apple's market capitalization surpasses Dell's.January 25, 2006:Disney buys Pixar for $7.4 billion; Jobs joins Disney's board as its top shareholder. As of March 2011, Jobs owns 138 million shares of Disney, an estimated 7.29 percent of the company, and his net worth is estimated to be $8.3 billion. He owns 5.426 million shares of Apple as of February 2011.February 2, 2006:iTunes sells its billionth song: \"I hope that every customer, artist and music company executive takes a moment today to reflect on what we've achieved together during the past three years.\"January 9, 2007:Drops \"Computer\" from Apple's name. Introduces the iPhone: \"iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone...We are all born with the ultimate pointing device--our fingers--and iPhone uses them to create the most revolutionary user interface since the mouse.\" Apple owns 19.1 percent of the smartphone market as of August 2011, having shipped 108 million iPhones worldwide as of March 2011.September 5, 2007:Introduces the iPod Touch: \"The iPod Touch is a landmark iPod, ushering in a whole new generation of features based on its revolutionary multitouch interface and built-in Wi-Fi wireless networking...People are going to be amazed at how thin it is and how much it does.\"December 5, 2007:Inducted in the California Hall of Fame by Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger.January 15, 2008:Introduces the App Store as an update to iTunes. Also introduces the MacBook Air. The App Store facilitated 18 billion app downloads as of October 4, 2011.June 9, 2008:Unveils MobileMe, Apple's first cloud offering: \"Now users who are not part of an enterprise that runs Exchange can get the same push email, push calendars and push contacts that the big guys get.\"January 14, 2009:Jobs takes a 6-month leave of absence for medical reasons.2010'sJanuary 27, 2010:Introduces the iPad. Apple sells 500,000 iPads during their first week on the market and gains 84 percent of the tablet market by the end of the year, with an estimated 12.9 million shipped as of December 10, 2010, and 25 million shipped worldwide as of June 2011. That same month, the company discloses that it has sold 200 million iOS devices.November 16, 2010:Convinces Apple Corps. and EMI Group to make Beatles albums available on iTunes: \"We love the Beatles, and are honored and thrilled to welcome them to iTunes...It has been a long and winding road to get here. Thanks to the Beatles and EMI, we are now realizing a dream we've had since we launched iTunes 10 years ago.\"January 17, 2011:Goes on medical leave of absence from CEO post nearly two years after the six-month break he took to undergo a liver transplant.February 10, 2011:Apple starts selling iPhones via Verizon Wireless, officially ending AT&T's exclusive U.S. contract.February 15, 2011:Launches a media subscription service in the App Store: \"Our philosophy is simple--when Apple brings a new subscriber to the app, Apple earns a 30 percent share; when the publisher brings an existing or new subscriber to the app, the publisher keeps 100 percent, and Apple earns nothing.\"March 2, 2011:Jobs makes a surprise appearance to take the wraps off the iPad 2 at an invite-only event in downtown San Francisco. It's his first public appearance at a company event since announcing his third medical leave from the company in January.June 6, 2011:Gives a keynote speech at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, it's Jobs' last public appearance at an Apple event.June 7, 2011:Pitches Cupertino on a new Apple campus.August 9, 2011:Apple shares edge past those of Exxon Mobil to become the most valuable U.S. company, in terms of market capitalization, at $337.17 billion.August 24, 2011:Resigns from Apple CEO post; becomes chairman.Renowned technology pioneer Steve Jobs died today at the age of 56. The Apple co-founder had been the company's CEO until August when he stepped down for health reasons. For the past two months, he was Apple's chairman of the board."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/FDJkaSYF_Cantons-of-Switzerland.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Cantons of Switzerlandabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND)all information & detailed maps: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantons_of_Switzerland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SwitzerlandAargauAarau with capital AarauBaden with capital BadenBremgarten with capital BremgartenBrugg with capital BruggKulm with capital UnterkulmLaufenburg with capital LaufenburgLenzburg with capital LenzburgMuri with capital MuriRheinfelden with capital RheinfeldenZofingen with capital ZofingenZurzach with capital Zurzach*Appenzell AusserrhodenHinterland with capital HerisauMitteland with capital TrogenVorderland with capital Heiden*Appenzell InnerrhodenAppenzell with capital AppenzellGontenObereggRüte with capital AppenzellSchlatt-HaslenSchwende with capital Appenzell*Basel-LandschaftArlesheim with capital ArlesheimLaufen with capital LaufenLiestal with capital LiestalSissach with capital SissachWaldenburg with capital Waldenburg*Basel-StadtBernBern-Mittelland with capital Ostermundigen, made up of all or part of the former districts of Bern, Fraubrunnen, Konolfingen, Laupen, Schwarzenburg and SeftigenBiel/Bienne with capital Biel/Bienne, made up of all of the former district of Biel and about half of the former district of NidauEmmental with capital Langnau im Emmental, made up of all or part of the former districts of Burgdorf, Signau and TrachselwaldFrutigen-Niedersimmental with capital Frutigen, made up of all or part of the former districts of Frutigen and NiedersimmentalInterlaken-Oberhasli with capital Interlaken, made up of all or part of the former districts of Interlaken and OberhasliJura bernois with capital Courtelary, made up of all or part of the former districts of Courtelary, Moutier and La NeuvevilleOberaargau with capital Wangen an der Aare, made up of all or part of the former districts of Aarwangen and WangenObersimmental-Saanen with capital Saanen, made up of all of the former districts of Obersimmental and SaanenSeeland with capital Aarberg, made up of all or part of the former districts of Aarberg, Büren, Erlach and NidauThun with capital Thun, made up of all of the former administrative district of ThunFribourgBroye with capital Estavayer-le-LacGlâne with capital RomontGruyère with capital BulleSarine with capital FribourgSee/Lac with capital Murten/MoratSense with capital TafersVeveyse with capital Châtel-Saint-DenisGenevaGlarusGrisonsAlbulaBerninaEngiadina Bassa/Val MüstairImbodenLandquartMalojaMoesaPlessurPrättigau/DavosSurselvaViamalaJuraDelémont with capital DelémontPorrentruy with capital PorrentruyFranches-Montagnes with capital SaignelégierLucerneEntlebuch with capital SchüpfheimHochdorf with capital HochdorfLuzern with capital LuzernSursee with capital SurseeWillisau with capital WillisauNeuchâtelBoudry with capital BoudryLa Chaux-de-Fonds with capital La Chaux-de-FondsLe Locle with capital Le LocleNeuchâtel with capital NeuchâtelVal-de-Ruz with capital CernierVal-de-Travers with capital Val-de-Travers*Nidwalden*ObwaldenSchaffhausenStein with capital Stein am RheinSchaffhausen with capital SchaffhausenSchleitheim with capital SchleitheimOberklettgau with capital NeunkirchUnterklettgau with capital HallauReiat with capital ThayngenSchwyzEinsiedeln including only the municipality of the same nameGersau including only the municipality of the same nameHöfe with capital alternating between Wollerau and the village of PfäffikonKüssnacht including only the municipality of the same nameMarch with capital LachenSchwyz with capital SchwyzSolothurnBucheggberg, Amtei Wasseramt-BucheggbergDorneck, Amtei Dorneck-Thierstein (unofficially Schwarzbubenland)Gäu, Amtei Thal-GäuGösgen, Amtei Olten-Gösgen (unofficially Niederamt)Lebern, Amtei Solothurn-LebernOlten, Amtei Olten-GösgenSolothurn, Amtei Solothurn-LebernThal, Amtei Thal-GäuThierstein, Amtei Dorneck-ThiersteinWasseramt, Amtei Wasseramt-BucheggbergSt. GallenRheintal with capital AltstättenRorschach with capital RorschachSarganserland with capital SargansSee-Gaster with capital Rapperswil-JonaSt. Gallen with capital St. GallenToggenburg with capital LichtensteigWerdenberg with capital BuchsWil with capital WilThurgauArbon with capital ArbonFrauenfeld with capital FrauenfeldKreuzlingen with capital KreuzlingenMünchwilen with capital MünchwilenWeinfelden with capital WeinfeldenTicinoBellinzona with capital BellinzonaBlenio with capital AcquarossaLeventina with capital FaidoLocarno with capital LocarnoLugano with capital LuganoMendrisio with capital MendrisioRiviera with capital RivieraVallemaggia with capital CevioUriValaisBrig with capital Brig-GlisConthey with capital ContheyEntremont with capital SembrancherGoms with capital Münster-GeschinenHérens with capital EvolèneLeuk with capital LeukMartigny with capital MartignyMonthey with capital MontheySaint-Maurice with capital Saint-MauriceSierre with capital SierreSion with capital SionVisp with capital VispThe district of RaronÖstlich Raron with capital Mörel-FiletWestlich Raron with capital RaronVaudAigle with capital AigleBroye-Vully with capital PayerneGros-de-Vaud with capital EchallensJura-North Vaudois with capital Yverdon-les-BainsLausanne with capital LausanneLavaux-Oron with capital CullyMorges with capital MorgesNyon with capital NyonRiviera-Pays-d'Enhaut with capital VeveyOuest Lausannois with capital RenensZugZürichAffoltern with capital Affoltern am AlbisAndelfingen with capital AndelfingenBülach with capital BülachDielsdorf with capital DielsdorfDietikon with capital DietikonHinwil with capital HinwilHorgen with capital HorgenMeilen with capital MeilenPfäffikon with capital PfäffikonUster with capital UsterWinterthur with capital WinterthurZürich comprises the city of Zürich"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WxZR41c0_Base-Birmingham-2013-Waste-as-a-Resource.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Waste as a ResourceIntroduction Chair: Barry Bolton Chairman ACMBarry BoltonCo founder/CharimanB2B waste management solutionsUse waste as a resourceE.gDisposing of plasticMoving to food waste and other materialsHalf of world's population lives in citiesCities should value the subject matterCurrentFutureLatest thinking on exploiting the cities wasteInitial a problem we buried!Waste is a man made conceptDebate and Discuss the optionsHow have peoples views evolvedMuch more done at homeExpand this to strategic thinkingHow might Birmingham rethink and better utilise the value in its waste? What can the city learn from European best practice?Peter Jones (Ecolateral)Peter Jones IntroductionAgent of ChangeEconomistLogisticsTrucksDataMovementMeasure of flowsWhat you put in you get outThe 3 musketeers of PolicyEconomicsAffordabilityTechnologyAvailabilitySocietal attitudeThe Scale of TransformationOrganic MassBig changes in the volumes of Carbon WasteAlmost trebled in sizeThe Reverse Logistics of WasteCollectionIntermediate Quality ControlMaterial TransitionProduct SalesMarket Driven EconomicsPicky about Technology ChoicesThe long term winner willMaximise feedstock conversionSell output at higher priceLow carbon footprintWhat type of technology?Zero Waste GameBoomerangFrom incineration to LandfillWhat is the CO2 impactChallenge for BirminghamWhere to put itProperties companies such asHospitalsFoodData centresMust have evaluation criteriaThe Planning Route MapWhere are the energy sinksRecyclingSoil ManufacturingGasShift from Gate fees to Backend improvementsNew players in this marketDS SmithPeelStobartAir ProductsSupermarket LogisticsThe lights go out???We do not have an energy strategyAdequate selection of tech and where you put itCrucial to tip the balanceCome back in 5 or 10 years time to check outRichard Kirkman (Veolia ES)IntroGenerate a New Model3 stagesVeolia ESInvestmentfuture 1Bn over the next yearBack in timeWhat has Birmingham Achieved6.5 increased to 31.4Invested in the energy recovery facilitiesContinually change and improve over timeWhere shall we go nextAchieve targetsKeep Birmingham as top performingRaise awareness in the wider communityA unified PlanMaterialsWaterEnergyRecycle and recoverWhat can we deliverExpand recyclablesCollect PET and HDPEKey is separatingMagpie techFood waste collectionWhich wayAnaerobic DigestionCompostingPercolating Anaerobic Digestion!PANDAQuick winsModify Existing tech in Tyseley Energy HubHigher thermal recoveryFutureWhat will it look like!Vertical FarmsTrucks from Bio DieselAlreadyLeeds recycling centre 2016Hertfordshire recycling and recovery centre.. PlanningValue from everywhere and anywhereStreet sweeping recyclingSeparatesStonestwigscansPlasticsDustPladiumThe Future is in our handsTech is importanthowever it is the value and outcomesDecisionsHeating, power to public, Max recycling, BiomassMake Birmingham the reference citySee slideLow Carbon ENERGY cityExtend district heating and innovate low carbon energyDe carbonisingThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookGary Donoghue/Andrew Cousins (Amey)IntroMunicipal Waste related to BirminghamCollection is the main focusAmeyCespaamey public sector Cespa spainFocuses on waste treatmentKey accountsCamN YorkMilton KeynesHow can Birmingham drive more value out of its waste?Waste Hierarchymove up to the topImportance of people to do thatPerformance to dateFocused on recovery of energyPrevention!BirminghamCost £60MpaBiggest in the UKRecycling 29.5%Bottom Quartile in the UKWill have to collect a huge amount of waste to reduceIncreasing value from Birmingham waste3 ways to focus on increase RecyclingTarget Right MaterialsTarget Materials which are localTagert Materials with a real valueAre they recognisable to residentsDon't generate waste to meet targetsKeep food in the garden to compost!Collect material in an efficient wayBins are winning!Service should be easy to useMake sure people ParticipateNo use if people don't useNew containersNew fleetsEducate and engage residentsPeople overestimate how much tax is spent on waste removalQuality Service for little moneyEducate PeopleStandardise Materials to make it easier to recycleEnforcement2 tier waste service charge?Tim Miller (European Bioenergy Research Institute Aston UniversityEBRIA solution provider in the areaexampleResearch through to industrial collaborationRange of expertiseIntermediate hybolosis!(Check)?Creates CharcoalGas and OilRuns EnginesSoil enhancerApplication of Pyroformer Technology in BirminghamA city Powered by wasteLeakage of £1bnDistributed heating schemesLooking at what is already thereBroadband networksRegional development fundBioenergyAston University3 units within commercial sitesSpread of companies who are interestedDefenceAgriculturePlasticsCernFood ManufacturingTo achieve bioenergyNeed to develop innovative and effective BiotechnologyImproving Investment opportunitiesStudies to uncover how tech can be usedInvestors seek to minimise risk and favour established, proven techPanel DiscussionQuestions from BarryWhat type of city do we want to work and live in?Where are we now?Where do we want to be?How do we get there?Energy tax?Questions from GaryCharging for waste?Hidden vs DirectShould we focus our efforts on recycling more and forget about non recyclers?Communal collections? On domestic properties?Landfill taxWhat is the most series stumbling block to bring new tech into todays funding market?ConsiderPlanningPrivate companies should partnerPublic money should not be riskedBarriersRisk averse investorsNeed the planIs the existing technology ok?Government incentivesCertaintyConsistencyTrustUK industry more to blameComplicatedStress costs coming downSimple taxes for true cost of carbonLocal Authorities need to understand the value of resourceDo they have vision?Not riskBarrierCostsSolutionsStart smaller to avoid risk aversionEvaluate true cost of wasteRate of change of techScaleClosed loop solutionsRight PartnersPrivate waste companiesSee Circular Economy for answersFind the NicheProblem to fit techTo scale TechApplies to other sectorsReal BenefitHow to build into an economical development StrategyThink about the environmentNOT procurement processWaste as a resourcePush and Pull economicsShort Supplydifferent driver of how to set up a systemSolutions should be closer to each otherSewage worksOut of the water industry?More carbon resource managementAnother viewIts possible!Part of a bigger strategyNot always away from residentialMind Mapping Sponsored by:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/YDDctg3g_ARGENTINA-List-of-provinces.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ARGENTINA List of provincesabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinces_of_ArgentinaCiudad de Buenos AiresBuenos AiresAREA203 km2(78 sq mi)Buenos AiresLa PlataAREA307,571 km2(118,754 sq mi)Catamarca(San Fernando del Valle de) CatamarcaAREA102,602 km2(39,615 sq mi)ChacoResistenciaAREA99,633 km2(38,469 sq mi)ChubutRawsonAREA224,686 km2(86,752 sq mi)CórdobaCórdobaAREA165,321 km2(63,831 sq mi)CorrientesCorrientesAREA88,199 km2(34,054 sq mi)Entre RíosParanáAREA78,781 km2(30,418 sq mi)FormosaFormosaAREA72,066 km2(27,825 sq mi)Jujuy(San Salvador de) JujuyAREA53,219 km2(20,548 sq mi)La PampaSanta RosaAREA143,440 km2(55,380 sq mi)La RiojaLa RiojaAREA89,680 km2(34,630 sq mi)MendozaMendozaAREA148,827 km2(57,462 sq mi)MisionesPosadasAREA29,801 km2(11,506 sq mi)NeuquénNeuquénAREA94,078 km2(36,324 sq mi)Río NegroViedmaAREA203,013 km2(78,384 sq mi)SaltaSaltaAREA155,488 km2(60,034 sq mi)San JuanSan JuanAREA89,651 km2(34,614 sq mi)San LuisSan LuisAREA76,748 km2(29,633 sq mi)Santa CruzRío GallegosAREA243,943 km2(94,187 sq mi)Santa FeSanta FeAREA133,007 km2(51,354 sq mi)Santiago del EsteroSantiago del EsteroAREA136,351 km2(52,645 sq mi)Tierra del FuegoUshuaiaAREA21,263 km2(8,210 sq mi)aTucumán(San Miguel de) TucumánAREA22,524 km2(8,697 sq mi)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/YUcptB0r_A-step-by-step-instruction-on-how-to-mind-map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Put your main topic (e.g. mapping guidelines) in the center (1st check objective and audience)turn paper to landscape (use pencil w/ eraser) ()main branch ()draw the first branch at 1 o'clockbranches close to the center are more directly related to the central topicbranches further away are more loosely related and or have a lower level of abstraction (examples)radiating out ()e.i. the chapters and paragraphs of a bookdraw branchesclock wisefrom thick to thinwrite clearlyCAPITALSlength branch = length wordUse words and numb3r5write ()point out hierarchical structure and orderbranches are connectedradiating outbranches further away are more loosely related and or have a lower level of abstraction (examples) ()e.i. the structure of a treewriteUse words and numb3r5 ()lessfull sentencesmorekeywords(exception: instructional maps like this one)draw an empty branch.......................................stimulates (deep) thinkingclarify relationshipsusingarrowsor the sameColorsiconsboundariesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookstimulate Whole Brain Thinking toincrease ()increasestimulate Whole Brain Thinking to ()creativityproblem solving abilitymemoryuseColorsorganic shapesordersymbols, codes, icons, shapes,drawingslistsdo this in groups using a projector and facilitator toincrease understandingbuild a fundament for changeuse memory techniques to facilitateinfo fromShort-term memoryLong-term memory ()Long-term memoryShort-term memory ()for remembering, re-using, presenting,examplesRepetitionhumormake it bizarre.......and use it inMeetings and brainstormingWriting articles and (business, project, ) plansManagement information and knowledge managementstarting-up and tracking projectsReporting and presentingCustomer Loyalty events and conferences........For doing more the right things in less time with more results, fun and peace of mindand use it inturn paper to landscape (use pencil w/ eraser)Put your main topic (e.g. mapping guidelines) in the center (1st check objective and audience) ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/4FJnDlJj_Life-Planner-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Life PlannerMy GoalsHealthMentalCurrentTargetBy WhenHowSpiritualCurrentTargetBy WhenHowPhysicalCurrentTargetBy WhenHowDietaryCurrentTargetBy WhenHowFinancialDebtNowTargetWhenHowIncomeNowTargetWhenHowSpendingNowTargetWhenHowCareerNowTargetWhenHowLifestylePastPresentGoalHowRelationshipsFamilyNowTargetWhenHowDatingNowTargetWhenHowFriendsNowTargetWhenHowService to OthersCommunityNowTargetWhenHowVolunteeringNowTargetWhenHowMy FinancesIncomeMonthly BudgetActual SpendingSavings401kMy CareerNowFutureWantsSalaryPositionNecessityRetirementAnalysisStrengthsWeaknessesLack Work ExperienceLow GPA - Wrong MajorLack Industry KnowledgeWeak Technical KnowledgeWeak Job Hunting SkillsNegative AttitudeLack MotivationIndecisivenessShyEmotionalOpportunitiesPositive Industry TrendsGrowthGlobalizationTechnological AdvancementEducational OpportunitiesLow CompetitionRapid AdvancementGeographyStrong NetworkExtra ProjectsThreatsCompetition from peersCompetitors with superior talentSkillsExperienceKnowledgeCompetitors from better schoolsObstaclesLack of advancementLack of trainingCompanies aren't hiringLimited professional developmentExperiencesCurriculum VitaeTo DoTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4TravelDestinationsThings to doBudgetPossible DatesBalancePhysicalEmotionalSpiritualMentalFinancialHealthFamilyRelationshipsTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/m549176_Carnegie_Stress.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Comment dominer le stress et les soucisPRINCIPES1. Vivez un jour à la fois2. Dans les situations stressantes :1. Envisagez le pire2. Préparez-vous à accepter le pire3. Tirez parti du pire3. Rappelez-vous le prix exorbitant que le stress et les soucis peuvent coûter à votre santé4. Rassemblez tous les faits5. Pesez tous les faits puis décidez6. La décision prise, agissez7. Notez les réponses à ces quatre questions clés. 1/ Quel est le problème 2/ Quelles sont les causes du problème 3/ Quelles sont les solutions possibles 4/ Quelle est la meilleure solution8. Occupez-vous constamment9. Ne vous tracassez pas pour des bagatelles10. Faites le calcul des probabilités pour gérer votre stress11. Composez avec l'inévitable12. Evaluez votre niveau maximum d'inquiétude pour une situation13. Ne vous tracassez pas au sujet du passé14. Emplissez-vous l'esprit de pensées de paix, de courage, de santé et d'espoir.15. N'essayez jamais de vous venger16. Attendez-vous à l'ingratitudeEnumérez vos raisons d'être heureux - et non vos malheurs18. N'imitez pas les autres. Soyez vous-même19. Tirez parti de vos épreuves20. Créez du bonheur autour de vous21. Priez22. Considérez qu'une critique injuste cache souvent un compliment23. Faites vraiment de votre mieux24. Analysez vos erreurs et faites votre autocritique25. Reposez-vous avant d'être fatiguéApprenez à vous détendre au travailCh.1 Comment compartimenter votre vieL'important n'est pas de voir ce qui se profile confusément au loin, mais de faire ce qui est nettement à portée de mainJe vous recommande d'apprendre à contrôler votre esprit de manière à pouvoir diviser votre existence en compartiments étanches. Bloquez l'avenir ainsi que le passé, l'avenir c'est aujourd'hui.La meilleure façon de se préparer aux échéances de demain c'est de consacrer au travail du jour toute l'intelligence et l'enthousiasme don't on dispose afin de l'accomplir au mieux.Considérer votre vie comme un sablier. La partie supérieure contient des milliers de grains de sable, qui, tous, passent, l'un après l'autre, lentement et régulièrement, par l'étroit goulot du milieu. Quoi que nous fassions, nous ne pouvons faire passer plus d'un grain à la fois, à moins de briser l'appareil. Nous ressemblons tous à un sablier. Chaque matin nous avons l'impression que nous devons mener à bonne fin dans la journée des centaines de tâches différentes. Mais is nous ne les abordons pas séparément, l'une après l'autre, nous finirons inévitablement par ruiner notre mécanisme physique et nerveux.Bienheureux est celui qui possède le jour, Qui, sûr de lui, peut dire : Que m'importe demain, même si je dois mourir, Aujourd'hui j'ai vécu, à fond et sans détour. HoracePour le sage, chaque jour est une nouvelle vieSALUT A L'AURORE Vois ce jour. Il est la vie. L'essence même de la vie. Dans sa course brève sont encloses Toutes les réalités de l'existence. La joie de progresser, Le bonheur d'agir, La splendeur d'accomplir. Déjà hier n'est plus qu'un rêve. Demain n'est encore qu'une vision. Mais cette journée bien vécue Fait de tous tes hiers un rêve de bonheur Et de tous tes demains promesse d'espérance. Un nouveau jour commence, Accueille-le joyeusement! Tel est le salut à l'aurore. Kalidasa Poète indienPrenez le temps de vous poser les questions suivantes et de noter vos réponses :Ai-je tendance à oublier le présent en me souciant de l'avenir ou en rêvant à quelque jardin enchanté ?M'arrive-t-il de gâcher le présent en regrettant le passé ?Suis-je bien décidé, chaque matin, à vivre ce jour, à utiliser au maximum la journée qui commence ?Pourrais-je profiter d'avantage de l'existence en la divisant en compartiments étanches ?Quand vais-je commencer ? La semaine prochaine ? Demain ? ... Aujourd'hui?Ch. 2 Une formule utile pour gérer les situations stressantesLa vraie sérénité ne peut résulter que de l'acceptation de l'inévitable1. Envisagez le pire2. Préparez-vous à accepter le pire3. Tirez parti du pireCh. 3 Evaluez les conséquences du stress sur votre santéJe ne connais rien de plus encourageant que cette attitude indéniable que possède l'être humain d'élever sa qualité de vie par un effort conscient ...ThoreauRappelez-vous le prix exorbitant que le stress et les soucis peuvent coûter à votre santéCh. 4 Quelles sont les informations nécessairesLa confusion est la raison principale du stress. La moitié du stress vient de personnes essayant de prendre des décisions avant d'avoird rassemblé suffisamment de faits.Lorsque nous consacrons notre temps et notre énergie à la recherche objective des faits, nos appréhensions sont presque toujours dissipéesCh. 5 Comment décider avec sang-froidCh. 6 De la décision à l'actionDevant un problème difficile nottre incapacité à nous fixer une ligne de conduite nous mène au stress.Ch.7 Comment éliminer 50% de votre stress professionnelNotez les réponses à ces quatre questions clés. 1/ Quel est le problème 2/ Quelles sont les causes du problème 3/ Quelles sont les solutions possibles 4/ Quelle est la meilleure solutionCh.8 Comment chasser les idées noiresIl est difficile d'être angoissé quand on est absorbé par une activité exigeant concentration et réflexionJe suis bien trop occupé pour avoir le temps de me tourmenterThérapie de l'actionCh.9 Gare aux petits ennuis qui gâchent la vieSouvent une personne fait face aux grandes catastrophes de la vie avec courage, mais se laisse abattre par les bagatellesDisraeli: \"La vie est trop brève pour être petite\"André Maurois: \"Ces mots m'ont aidé à surmonter bien des déconvenues. SOuvent nous nous laissons désarçonner par des vétilles que nous devrions ignorer. Nous avons peut-être quelques dizaines d'années ) vivre et nous gaspillons des heures irremplaçables à ressasser des rancoeurs qui, dans bien des cas, setont oubliées de tous. Emplissons notre vie d'activités et de sentiments qui en valent la peine, de grandes idées, de vrais affections et d'entreprises durables. Car la vie est trop brève pour être petite.\"9. Ne vous tracassez pas pour des bagatellesCh.10 Une technique anti-stressAu fil des ans, j'ai découvert que 99% des choses qui me stressaient n'arrivaient jamais.10. Faites le calcul des probabilités pour gérer votre stressCh.11 Que faire devant l'inévitableLa rapidité avec laquelle nous pouvons nous adapter à des circonstances nouvelles est étonnanteNous pouvons tous supporter des catastrophes quand nous y sommes forcés. Parfois, nous pensons que nous n'y arriverons pas, mais nous possédons des réserves surprenantes de force et d'énergie qui nous permettront de nous dépasser à condition de les utiliser.Nous sommes plus fort que nous ne le pensonsDurant la guerre, des millions de soldats durent faire ce choix: ou bien composer avec l'inévitable, ou bien s'effondrer sous l'effet de la tension continuelle11. Composez avec l'inévitableCh.12 Comment limiter votre inquiétudeChaque fois que je passe un ordre en bourse, je fixe en même temps une limite de pertes; si j'achète un titre à 50 dollars, je donne immédiatement un ordre de vente à 45 dollars.Une grand epartie de smalheurs dont nous souffrons provient d'une mauvaise estimation de la valeur réelle des choses et du fait que nous payons trop chers nos siffletsChaque fois que nous sommes tentés de gâcher notre force vitale, arrêtons-nous et posons-nous ces 3 questions: 1/ Combien ce qui me préoccupe vaut-il réellement pour moi? 2/ A quel niveau vais-je placer un \"ordre limitatif de pertes\" pour ne plus y penser? 3/ Quel est le exactement prix que je dois payer pour ce \"sifflet\"? Ne l'aurais-je pas déjà payé plus qu'il ne vaut?12. Evaluez votre niveau maximum d'inquiétude pour une situationCh.13 Pourquoi \"scier de la sciure\"?Il n'y a qu'une seule manière de réfléchir au passé de façon utile et constructive: analyser posément nos erreurs, en tirer des leçons profitables, puis oublier ces erreurs.13. Ne vous tracassez pas au sujet du passéCh.14 9 mots qui peuvent changer votre vieA présent je sais avec une certitude absolue que le choix judicieux de nos pensées est, de tous les problèmes que nous devons résoudre, le plus important, en fait, presque l'unique problème. Si nous savons maîtriser nos pensées, nous serons en bonne voie pour résoudre toutes nos difficultés.Marc Aurèle a résumé cette vérité en neuf mots \"Notre vie est ce que nos pensées en font\"L'homme est moins malmené par les évènements que par sa seule pensée sur ces évènementsLe moyen souverain et volontaire de retrouver l'enthousiasme, c'est de prendre uen attitude joyeuse, de parler et d'agir comme si l'enthousiasme était déjà revenu.Aujourd'hui1. Aujourd'hui, j'apprécie mon bonheur. Je peux en décider dans une large mesure car le bonheur dépend de moi, non d'éléments extérieurs2. Aujourd'hui, j'accepte que tous mes désirs ne se réalisent pas. Je m'adapte aux exigences de mes proches, de mes activités et des circonstances.3. Aujourd'hui,je prends soin de moi. Je soigne mon corps et l'entraîne sans excès, pour qu'il réponde à mes demandes.4. Aujourd'hui, j'enrichis mon esprit. Jévite de paresser. Je choisis des lectures qui demandent réflexion et développent mon esprit.5. Aujourd'hui, j'exerce mon âme. Je rends discrètement service à quelqu'un. A titre d'exercice, j'accomplis deux tâches que je n'ai pas envie de faire.6. Aujourd'hui,je suis aimable. Je soigne ma présentation. J'agis avec courtoisie. Je complimente volontiers, sans critiquer ni me plaindre.7. Aujourd'hui, je m'efforce de vivre uniquement cette journée, sans essayer de résoudre tous mes problèmes à la fois.8. Aujourd'hui, j'établis un emploi du temps précis. Quels que soient les changements, ce plan élimine les deux poisons que sont l'indécisions et la précipitation.9. Aujourd'hui, je m'isole dans le calme pendant une demi-heure pour me détendre. C'est l'occasion de méditer pour élargir la perspective de ma vie.10. Aujourd'hui, j'ai confiance. Je ne crains pas d'appréhender ce qui est beau, d'aimer ni de croire à l'amour de ceux que j'aime14. Emplissez-vous l'esprit de pensées de paix, de courage, de santé et d'espoir.Ch.15 Les rancunes se paient très cherEn haïssant nos ennemis, nous leur donnons un grand pouvoir sur notre vie: un pouvoir sur notre sommeil, notre appétit, notre tension, notre santé et notre équilibre.\"Faible qui ne peut se mettre en colère, Sage qui ne veut se mettre en colère\"15. N'essayez jamais de vous vengerCh.16 Comment réagir devant l'ingratitudeIl est normal que les gens oublient d'exprimer leur gratitude; si nous attendons cette gratitude, nous njous exposons à bien des déceptions16. Attendez-vous à l'ingratitudeCh.17 Que donneriez-vous pour un milliard?Logan Pearsall: \"Il y a, dans noter vie, deux buts à atteindre: d'abord, obtenir ce que nous voulons; ensuite, nous en réhouir. Seuls les plus intelligents parviennent au second\"Enumérez vos raisons d'être heureux - et non vos malheursCh.18 Que gagnez-vous à mieux vous connaître?L'erreur la plus flagrante dans les entretiens d'embauche, c'est de ne pas être naturel.18. N'imitez pas les autres. Soyez vous-mêmeCh.19 Que pouvez-vous faire d'un citron?Alfred Adler: \"Une des qualités les plus merveilleuses de l'homme est sa faculté de transformer un désavantage en avantage\"Le bonheur n'est pas surtout fait de plaisir, il est surtout fait de victoire. La victoire qui provient d'un sentiment d'accomplissement, d'un \"plus\" réalisé à partir d'un \"moins\"accidenté, hadicapé ... \"Pour la première fois, je fus en mesure de considérer le monde et de consiéderer de nouvelles valeurs. Je commençais à comprendre que, le plus souvent, les buts que j'avais visés ne valaient guère la peine\"Nietzsche a défini ainsi l'homme idéal: \"Celui qui, non seulement résiste à l'épreuve, mais l'envisage comme un défi\"Plus j'étudie la carrière des hommes exceptionnels, plus s'affermit ma conviction qu'ils se sont souvent distingués parce qu'ils ont débuté avec un handicap qui les a incités à se dépasser et à se fixer des objectifs élevés.Supposons que nous soyons découragés, envisageons au moins deux bonnes raisons de faire un effort. Premièrement, nous nous donnons une chance de réussir. Deuxièmement, même si nous ne réuissons pas, rien que l'effort entrepris pour transformer un moins en plus nous forcera à regarder en avant, il apportera des idées positives qui chasseront les négatives; il libérera des idées créatrices et nous incitera à nous occuper tant et si bien que nous n'auarons plus le le temps ni l'envie de ruminer ce qui est définitivement passé.19. Tirez parti de vos épreuvesCh.20 L'antidote de la déprimeComment cet homme, condamné à ne plus quitter son lit, réussissait-il à tirer tant de satisfaction de son existence? En adoptant la devis du Prince de Galles \"Ich dien\", \"Je sers\". De son lit, il écrivait une moyenne de 1400 lettres par an et apportait du bonheur à des milliers d'hommes en leur faisant parvenir des livres et ...Il avait la joie d'être dévoué à un idéal infiniment plus grand que sa propre existence au lieu d'être, pour employer une formule de George Bernard Shaw, \"un petit tas de douleurs qui se lamente parce que l'univers ne veut se consacrer uniquement à son bonheur\"Rendre service, c'est faire une bonne action. Qu'est-ce qu'une bonne action? \"C'est, dit le prophète Mahomet, celle qui fait apparaître un sourire sur le visage d'un autre\". La bonne action quotidienne a une influence bénéfique sur son auteur, parce qu'en cherchant à faire plaisir à d'autres, nous cessons de penser uniquement à nous-mêmes.L'individu qui ne s'intéresse pas à ses semblables est celui qui rencontre le plus de difficultés dans l'existenceCarl Jung: \"Environ trente pour cent de mes clients souffrent non pas d'une névrose cliniquement définissable, mais du sentiment d'inutilité et du vide de leur existence.\"Proverbe chinois: \"Un peu de parfum adhère toujours à la main qui offre des roses\"20. Créez du bonheur autour de vousCh.21 Comment mes parents ont surmonté leurs soucis21. PriezCh.22 Comprenez pourquoi on vous attaqueSchopenhauer: \"Le commun des mortels prend plaisir à faire ressoirtir les défauts et travers des grands hommes\"22. Considérez qu'une critique injuste cache souvent un complimentCh.23 Que faire quand on vous critique?La plupart d'entre nous prenons trop au sérieux les flèches et les piques qui nous sont envoyées... à mes débuts, je réagissais vivement à la moindre critique. Je tenais beaucoup à être considéré comme un homme parfait par tous mes employés. Dès que quelqu'un élevait la moindre protestation, j'essayais de lui donner satisfaction mais ainsi je m'attirais les foudres de 2 ou 3 autres. Plus je m'ingéniais à apaiser les ressentiments de l'un ou l'autre, plus je pouvais être certain d'accroître le nombre de mes adversaires.Principe très utile lorsque vous êtes en butte à des critiques injustifiées. Vous pouvez évidemment répondre à votre adversaire qui répondra à son tour, mais que peut-on dire à quelqu'un qui se contente de rire?23. Faites vraiment de votre mieuxCh.24 Mes propres erreursConserver un classeur \"Mes erreurs\" qui contient les rapport circonstanciés des erreurs commisesLa Rochefoucauld: \"Nos ennemis s'approchent plus de la vérité dans les jugements qu'ils ont de nous, que nous n'en approchons nous-mêmes\"24. Analysez vos erreurs et faites votre autocritiqueCh.25 Comment gagner une heure par jourNous ne pouvons être stressés si nous sommes détendusPour prévenir la fatigue et le stress: reposons-nous souvent, reposons-nous avant d'être fatiguésAvant une réunion importante, 15 minutes de repos/méditationTrouver des postures détendantesSe reposer fréquemment tout au long de la journée25. Reposez-vous avant d'être fatiguéCh.26 Comment rémédier à votre fatigueLe stress est une habitude. La détente est une habitude. Or on peut se défaire de mauvaises habitudes, comme on peut en acquérir de bonnes.Apprenez à vous détendre au travailCh.27 Comment garder votre énergie et rester jeune"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_mhqxM65d.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Les défisEduquerchoc de culturesdes famillesfamilles très rondesrapport à la langueoral pratiqueméconnaissance de l'abstraitrégulationabsenceplainteespoir d'amoursoumissionfamilles carréesconnaissance des codes\"pédagogisation\" des activités familialesrégulationinterventionnismeet l'écolepression des différents types de famillesperçue comme contrainte ou libertéprivilégiant le modèle carréproblème : pas seulement communicationéduquer ou enseignerquatre enjeux de passagede l'affectif au cognitifdu particulier au le collectifde l'expérience personnelle au savoir reconnude l'appréciation à la mesureTransmettrelégitimitérésistance pertinenteconservatoiremais en phase avec le mondesocialiser par les savoirsdonner du sensici et maintenantrendre les apprentissages visiblesmalentendusaller au delà des gestesexpliciter le sens des activités scolairesactivités intellectuellespartir de là où cela tientEn 2013révolutionde grande ampleurécritureimprimerienumériqueresponsabilitéweb 1.0compétences ênous aussi devons maitriserweb 2.0incompétence ênécessité de les équiperrecherche documentaireécriture non-dialogalesens critiqueetc.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ZEYidnWD_Clean-Approaches-for-Coaches.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Clean Approaches for CoachesWhat are they?6 ways to encourage conditions for changeIntentionAcceptanceFocus on metaphorSeparationIterationCalibrationClean questions3 part syntaxAcknowledgeAnd...Direct attentionAnd when...Stops timeAnd as...Continues actionAsk a questionIs there anthing else about...DevelopingIs there anything else about...?What kind of ... is that ...?Where is ...?Whereabouts is ...?That's ... like what?Does ... have a size or a shape?How many ... are there?Is ... on the inside or the outside?In which direction is/does ...?Relating over spaceIs there a relationship between... and ...?When ... what happens to ...?Is ... the same or different to ...?And when [symbol1], where is [symbol2]?And when [symbol1] is there anything else about [symbol2]?And is there a relationship between ... and ...?And is ... the same or different as/to ...?Relating across timeThen what happens?What happens next?Where does/could ... come from?What happens just before...?Desired outcome questionsWhat would you like to have happen?What needs to happen for ...?Can ...?Other questionsWhat's happening now?How do you know ...?What just happened?Symbolic Modelling is...Clean LanguageModellingMetaphorOutcome OrientationListeningDon't paraphrase, resay what has been saiduse...AND...Match non verbal behaviorP.R.O. coaching modelProblemSomething you have and don't like?What would you like to have happen?Use 3-part syntaxRemedySomething you would like to not have?Then what happens??What happens next?Use 3-part syntax, but drop 'desire' wordOutcomeSomething you would like and don't haveDevelop and omit 'desire' wordResourcesSomething you would like and have?Where does/could ... come from?This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMetaphorsIdentifying\"It's as though...\"\"It's like\"\"It's similar to...\"\"It resembles...\"\"It puts me in mind of...\"Gerard and Lindsay Zaltman 7 deep metaphorsJourneyhow the meeting of past, present, and future affect consumer thinkingContainerhow inclusion, exclusion, and other boundaries affect consumer thinkingConnectionhow the need to relate to oneself and others affects consumer thinkingBalancehow justice, equilibrium, and the interplay of elements affect consumer thinkingTransformationhow changes in substance and circumstances affect consumer thinkingControlhow the sense of mastery, vulnerability, and well-being affects consumer thinkingResourcehow acquisitions and their consequences affect consumer thinkingDeveloping metaphors so that they haveA NameA LocationA few Attributes4 kinds of vectorIdentify Desired OutcomeDevelop individual symbolsRelate over spaceRelate across time(Identify change)Change ()Change(Identify change) ()IdentifyingChange of languageA symbol may changeA pattern may changeThe client may meta-comment on the changeVerbs may change tense or modalityChange in nonverbal modalitiesThe client's physiology may changeThe client's speech may changeWhat just happened?What's happening now?Necessary conditionsClient's signals\"Need to\"\"Have to\"Maturing changeWhen ... what happens to ...?Then what happens?What happens next?Working with bindsFor each problem, ask And what ... would like to have happen?And when [outcome1] and [outcome2] and... what would you like to ave happen?Ending a sessionAnd [most recent words], and when [desired outcome], is there anything else that needs to happen in this session for that to happen?And when [recap all elements of current landscape], is that a good place to stop?And when [recap all elements of current landscape], take all the time you need to get to know more about ... and ... and ...Example AssignmentsWritingLogging particular behaviorsResearching words and phrasesTrying out new behaviorsPhysicalising their metaphor landscapeMind-mapping3D modellingAbout this mapSourceBook \"Clean Approaches for Coaches\" by Marian WayAmazonDedicated web siteAuthorNicolas StampfMailBlog: Appreciating SystemsAbout.me"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jGGPmjYo_Debt.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DebtThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookStudentEducationSlaveConsumer DebtTuitionDelinquencyDeleveragingSchoolAgeGraduatesCostsSpanishBondsBailoutBankEcbYieldBondDepositMinisterYieldsEurozoneSpainGermanyDeficitEcbGdpMinisterTargetBondBailoutBankBondsGreekBailoutAusterityBondsEcbTroikaDemocracyAthensElectionGermanPartyStudent LoanEducationConsumer DebtHousingGraduatesDelinquencyCredit CardsMishFiscal TimesSchoolChartGovernmentTaxSpendingMerkelEcbEurosTaxesPartyHollandeFranceBankJapanChinaJapaneseDeficitDisputeFitchAccountExportsIslandsSurplusChineseBanksLendEcbCredit-WorthyGermanBankingEurozoneGermanyCentral BanksHousing BubbleBorrowersGreeceGermanyBailoutEurozoneTroikaMerkelEcbDemocracyAusterityCountryExitEuroGermanyGermanMerkelEcbExitCrisisCountriesPartyBankEurozoneEuropeanEcbMerkelPresidentGermanyCountriesUnionCentral BankPartyBankBankingEconomyChinaRecessionJobsGrowthManufacturingMishGdpBankReportFranceRatingBusinessRating AgencyFitchBankEgan-JonesInvestorsNrsroGrowthCanadianBanksia SecuritiesCreditDeflationMarketInflationConsumerTrillionLendingDemandDeleveragingFinanceCongressImfLagardeAusterityJunckerEurozoneTroikaMishDeductionVatSpendingBerlinMoneyCityLendReservesLendingBernankeMarketBankInflationWizardsGoldCollegeTuitionWorkersCostsAgeMarketJobsLaborTrendsStudentsEducationTradeChinaGermanyRomneyAccountKrugmanSurplusImbalancesFree TradeKleinDeficitManagementMishCapital Preservation StrategiesMarketWealth ManagementMikeRegardlessMarket DirectionInvestmentJobsLow VolatilityLoansChinaCredit-WorthyPayHousing BubbleBorrowersHaircutInvestorsBankingMaking Credit-WorthyBankMap created automatically by BlogSummarizer product of Context Discovery http://www.contextdiscovery.com websummarizer@contextdiscovery.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/dIcsSrD1_Effective-Email-Marketing-Figaro-Digital-Seminar.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Email Marketing: Figaro Digital SeminarAbout EventHost: Figaro Digital@figaro_digitalHashtag: #figaroseminarPresentation OneHow to be an email superstar in 2012Speaker: Stuart RussellEMail Marketing ConsultantStream:20SuperstarsGreat Email, Against the OddsTheoryTimelyPersonalisedIntegrated\"Cheap\"RealityHardTime-ConsumingNot everyone is a specialistRequires InvestmentWhat an Email Superstar DoesBalances best practice with number focusWorks on quick winsKills multiple birds, one stoneNavigates noise, acts pragmaticallyWelcome EmailsSome of the best performing mail you sendDevelop them asapDevelop this as an eCRM strategyIdentify SegmentsNew SubscribersActive SubscribersPending LapsedLapsedBreak it down into several emailsEducate the users in stagesOne step at a timeCapture PreferencesFeed to DataLink to PersonalisationLow to High Value CustomersLink to RevenueCross-Sell Early OnSend to revenue generating pagesInvest in TriggersTriggers WorkNot visitedNot contributedWinback StrategyTimely MessagesBirthdaysDefine % of trigger emails you currently send, set strategy to increase themAddress the non-respondersCreate 3 SegmentsEngagedPending LapsedLapsedDon't keep repeating the same approachChange the subject heading, content etcReduce amount of sending to these peopleCreative Spring CleanNav bar within headerDon't forget the footerStrive to offer valueCreate a Data StrategyPresentation TwoWinning elections in the new marketing democracySpeaker: Hari SainiDirector, client successStrongMailThe Marketing DemocracyEveryone ContributesEveryone has an InfluenceEveryone has a VoiceWhat does it mean?Consumers trust eachotherOn decisions etcMore than they trust youOnline Conversations PersistWOM Amplified by Web & MobilePeople are tuning outPeople don't share ads, they share things that interest themPeople want to pay attention when it's convenient/relevantLike a tapOn when interestedOff when notIf you get their attention, what are they going to remember?People can vote with their feet/eyes/walletsGet it wrongThey will call you outYou can't ignore itYou must respondThink Campaigns, not single email sendsConnectedOther mediaPlan OutcomesClickNo ClickEmbrace a \"Permanent Campaign\" MindsetEnlist support of biggest fansGroundhog Day Theory of MarketingListenLearn a bit moreReact to what was saidThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPresentation ThreeUsing email newsletters to engage and retain customersSpeaker: Zoe GouldingEmail Marketing ManagerMore Th>nChallengesMarket SaturationLow Interest CategoryAggregators Driving Price CompetitionIncrease in Switching BehavioursLow Product DifferentiationLow Customer EngagementReputation ManagementObjectivesIncrease Loyalty & RetentionIncrease Brand AwarenessBecome More InteractiveIncrease Traffic to Loyalty WebsiteRecipe for SuccessDataMore Th>n has about 40 per customerTesco has about 1,600 per person!Data rules to drive contentDesignDynamic ContentBullet-Proof ButtonsPre-HeaderRotateMeasurementFocus on a \"Clean List\"What did they do next?Things we learnedAudience most receptive to newsletter are traditionally the least sticky'Suck it and see' on audience selectionIt's ok to stop sending emails. Think about optimising results.Localise and personaliseEveryone likes to winIdentify Key Email ThemesTest responseSegment by theme responsePresentation FourThe power of email opportunitiesSpeaker: Kate GowersAccount directorAdestraNow & ThenSeveral Years AgoFew ChannelsSingle Sources of InfoNowNumerous Fragmented ChannelsNoise and ClutterUnified MessagingPersonal ContactEventWebCall CentreLetterEmailAll Data in One PlaceUnified ExperienceAny channel, same coherent messageReinforcing key pointsRelationships + Relevance = ResultsEmail OpportunitiesBrandingEducation & ConversionCross & Up SellBecome AdvocatesTargeting drives 60% of your resultsBrand Checklist1. I have something of value to say2. Leverage your offline brand in the 'from' field3. Test campaigns and fine tune content4. Thinking about delivering value to your customers5. Set up preference centres to allow choice6. Segment campaigns to deliver most relevant content7. Use dynamic content to maximise one-to-one feelCross and Up SellUse confirmation emails to cross & up sellAccount/User SummariesInclude/mirror web navigation into your email"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_GbxEKNE2.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Business Plan Modèle AFICRESUME OPERATIONNELPrésentation de l'offreQuelles sont les fonctionnalités du produit ou service proposé ?Le produit ou service est-il protégé (brevets, marques, licences)En quoi le produit ou service correspond à un besoin non couvert par le marché ?Qui paie le produit ou service fourni ?Description du marchéQuelle est la valorisation du marché visé ? quel est le volume du marché visé ?Quels sont les perspectives d'évolution du marché ?Quel est le pourcentage du marché visé par l'entreprise ?Quels sont les concurrents directs ou indirects identifiés ?Quels sont les éléments de différenciation par rapport à la concurrence ?Quel mode ou réseau de distribution est susceptible d'être mis en place ?Description de l'équipeQui sont les membres clés de l'équipe de direction ?Quelles responsabilités ont été exercées ?Quels sont les recrutements envisagés ?FinancementQuel est le besoin de financement global du projet ?Quels est le montant des fonds recherchés ?Quels sont les résultats prévisionnels et plans de trésorerie sur les 12 premiers mois ? à trois ans ?Quel est le mode de sortie de l'investisseur ?PRESENTATION DE L'OFFRE DE PRODUITS ET/OU SERVICESNature de l'offreRéaliser une présentation du produit ou du service (photographies, copie d'écrans, dessins, etc.),Quelles sont les fonctionnalités du produit ou du service (fonctions principales, fonctions secondaires)Quelles sont les performances du produit ou du service (économies réalisées, confort d'utilisation, rapidité d'exécution, etc.) ?Le produit ou le service s'inscrit-il dans une chaîne de produits ou de services fournis par l'entreprise ? par des tiers ?Quels sont les points forts de l'offre ? les points faibles ?Stade de développement du projetA quel stade de développement le projet se situe-t-il ? (concept, R/D, prototype/maquette, brevet, bêta test, mise sur le marché, etc.) ?Technologies utilisées, brevets, marquesSur quelles technologies le projet est-il fondé ?S'agit-il de technologies standardisées ou développées spécifiquement pour le projet ?Qui détient les technologies utilisées (brevet, licence, etc.) ?Quelles marques sont déposées (France, Europe, etc.) ? par qui ?PrixQui paie le produit ou le service fourni ? Quelles sont les sources de revenus de l'entreprise (utilisateurs et/ou tiers) ?MARCHE - ENVIRONNEMENT CONCURRENTIELNature du marchéQuelle est la valorisation du marché ?Quel est le volume du marché ?Est-ce un marché à dimension nationale ou internationale ?Quelle est l'évolution du marché ?Quels sont les acteurs du marché ? en France ? à l'étranger ?Ce marché est-il réglementé en France ? à l'étranger ? (conditions d'accès ; conditions d'exercice)Quel pourcentage de ce marché est-il visé par l'entreprise ?ClientèleQuelle est la clientèle-cible ? quel est le profil des différents clients potentiels visés ?Que recherchent les clients potentiels visés ? Quels sont leurs besoins ? A quoi sont-ils sensibles ?Quel est l'intérêt de l'offre pour les clients potentiels visés ?ConcurrenceQui sont les principaux concurrents directs de l'entreprise ? Où sont-ils localisés (en France, à l'étranger) ?Quel est leur profil (positionnement, image de marque, actionnariat, capitaux, chiffre d'affaires, rentabilité, parts de marché, stratégie, etc.) ?Quels sont leurs points forts par rapport au projet ? leurs points faibles ?Sont-ils en mesure de réaliser les produits ou services de l'entreprise ? sous quels délais ?Quels sont les éléments de différenciation de la concurrence par rapport au projet ?Quels sont les concurrents indirects de l'entreprise (produits ou services de substitution) ?OBJECTIFS FIXESCalendrier d'exploitationQuel est le calendrier des investissements ?Quel est le calendrier de mise en exploitation ou de mise en service ?Quel est le calendrier de mise sur le marché ?Parts de marchéQuelle part de marché doit être détenue pour subsister sur le marché ? pour être bénéficiaire ?Quelle part de marché est visée par l'entreprise ? à quelle échéance ?Chiffre d'affairesQuelles sont les hypothèses de prévisions de chiffre d'affaires ?En combien de temps ces prévisions de chiffre d'affaires seront-elles réalisées ?RentabilitéQuel est le chiffre d'affaires à réaliser pour atteindre le point mort ?Quand le point mort doit-il être atteint ?Quand l'entreprise commencera-t-elle à faire des bénéfices ?Quelles sont les perspectives de rémunération des investisseurs ?STRATEGIES DE L'ENTREPRISEStratégiesQuelles sont les stratégies mises en place par l'entreprise (maîtrise des compétences clés, alliances ou associations éventuelles, etc.) ?Quelle est la stratégie de l'entreprise en matière de recherche ? en matière de protection industrielle ?Quelle est la stratégie de l'entreprise en matière de développement (croissance interne, croissance externe, etc.) ?Production/Sous-traitanceQue va produire la société ?Quels moyens sont nécessaires ?Quels approvisionnement sont nécessaires ?Quelle sera la production confiée à la sous-traitance ?Quels sont les besoins financiers liés au cycle de production ?DistributionQuel système de distribution a été retenu ?L'entreprise disposera-t-elle d'un réseau de vente interne ou externe ? en France ? à l'étranger ?Quels sont les investissements nécessaires pour mettre en place le réseau (recrutement, etc.) ?Quels sont les besoins financiers liés au cycle de commercialisation ?Plan MarketingComment l'entreprise va-t-elle communiquer pour faire connaître son offre ?Quelle est la stratégie de marque ?Quelle politique de communication sera mise en oeuvre ? Quel type de promotion ? Quel type de publicité ? sur quels media ?A quel niveau l'entreprise envisage-t-elle de communiquer (niveau régional, national, européen, etc.) ?Quelle est la politique de prix retenue par l'entreprise ? (' rapport qualité/prix ')Quels sont les investissements nécessaires pour faire connaître l'offre de l'entreprise ?Quel est le coût d'acquisition d'un client ? Quel est le coût de fidélisation d'un client ?Installations et équipementsQuels sont les équipements nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de l'entreprise (machines, matériel, mobilier, etc.) ?Quels sont les besoins de l'entreprise au plan immobilier (surface de locaux, etc.) ?Quels sont les investissements correspondants à réaliser (aménagements spécifiques, etc.) ?Quels sont les besoins de financement liés à la mise en oeuvre de l'exploitation ?Partenariats stratégiquesDes partenariats ont-ils été (ou seront-ils) conclus ? auprès de qui ? à quel prix ?FournisseursQuels seront les fournisseurs de l'entreprise ? L'entreprise dépendra-t-elle d'un ou de plusieurs de ses fournisseurs ? Pourra-t-elle en changer ?Les fournisseurs de l'entreprise seront-ils localisés en France ? à l'étranger ?Quelles seront les conditions de paiement ? les délais de livraison ?Résultats atteintsChiffre d'affaires dès à présent réalisé,Etat d'avancement du projet (réalisation d'un prototype, dépôt d'un brevet, constitution d'une gamme de produits ou services, etc.),Etat d'avancement au plan commercial (prospects, contrats signés, etc.).EQUIPE DE DIRECTION - MANAGEMENT- RESSOURCES HUMAINESPrésentation de l'équipe de directionIl ne s'agit pas d'intégrer in extenso le CV de tous les membres de l'équipe mais de décrire brièvement les points saillants du profil de chacun en rapport avec le projet (les CV figureront en annexe). Il pourra ainsi être répondu aux questions ci-après :Qui sont les membres clés de l'équipe ? (nom, prénom, âge)Quelles formations ont été suivies ?Quelles responsabilités ont été exercées ? quelles expériences ont été acquises ?Quelles réalisations professionnelles peuvent servir de références ?Quels sont leurs domaines de compétence dans le projet ?Constitution de l'équipe de directionD'où vient l'idée du projet ? Qui est à l'origine du projet ?Comment l'équipe de direction s'est-elle constituée autour de ce projet ?Comment est organisée l'équipe de direction ?Quelles sont les qualités et complémentarités des membres de l'équipe de direction ?ManagementRessources humainesPrésenter un organigramme de l'entrepriseQuels sont les effectifs actuels de l'entreprise, les effectifs nécessaires à atteindre ?Quels sont les points forts et points faibles des effectifs actuels ?Quelles sont les mesures à prendre pour remédier aux points faibles (recrutement, etc.) ?Quel est le calendrier de recrutement ?Un système d'intéressement des salariés sera-t-il mis en place ? (stock options, etc.)This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookASPECTS JURIDIQUESForme juridiqueCalendrierQuelle est/sera la forme juridique de la société ? le montant de son capital ?Quels sont les représentants légaux ? - Quel est le calendrier de création de l'entreprise ?La société a-t-elle été constituée ? a-t-elle commencé son activité ?Evolution du capital socialQuelle est la répartition actuelle du capital (identité des actionnaires, quote-part du capital détenue, etc.) ?Des pactes d'actionnaires ont-ils été conclus ?Quelle sera l'évolution du capital à terme (contrôle, ouverture du capital, introduction en bourse, etc.) ?Quels sont les effets des augmentations de capital en termes de dilution ?Les salariés pourront-ils devenir actionnaires de la société (stock options, etc.) ?Protection industrielleQuelle est la durée de vie du produit ?Des brevets ont-ils été déposés ? Qui est propriétaire des brevets ? Existe-t-il des brevets concurrents ?L'entreprise détient-elle un savoir-faire particulier ? développé par l'entreprise ?Des marques ont-elles été déposées ? Des noms de domaine ont-ils été enregistrés ?BESOINS DE FINANCEMENTBesoin de financement globalQuel est le besoin de financement global du projet ?Quels sont les fonds dont l'entreprise doit disposer pour financer le projet dans les meilleurs conditions ?Quelle est la destination du financement (investissements à réaliser, besoin en fonds de roulement, etc.) ?Quelle est la quote-part du financement affectée aux dépenses de publicité/marketing ? aux charges externes ? aux frais de personnel ?Montant des fonds recherchésQuel est le montant des fonds recherchés auprès des investisseurs ?Quel type d'actions est proposé aux investisseurs ?Quelle proportion de capital est proposée aux investisseurs ? Quelle est la valorisation de l'entreprise ?Quel est le calendrier des besoins de financement ?Rentabilité de l'investissementQuels sont les éléments susceptibles d'améliorer la rentabilité du projet ?DOCUMENTS FINANCIERSTableaux de financement prévisionnelscalendrier des besoins,nature des augmentations de capital successives,prévisions de dilution du capitalComptes de résultat prévisionnels mensuels sur les 12 premiers mois Au niveau des produits :identification des différentes catégories de produits (ventes, publicité, etc.),identification du prix unitaire du produit ou du service fourni,volume du chiffre d'affaires envisagé,incidences de la non réalisation des objectifs (effets de la concurrence, etc.).Au niveau des charges :identification des charges fixes (charges supportées quel que soit le niveau d'activité de l'entreprise),identification des coûts variables (coûts proportionnels en fonction de l'activité),identification du coût de revient unitaire du produit ou du service fourni.Compte de résultat annuel sur trois/cinq anscalendrier de rentabilitéPlan de trésorerie mensuel sur les 12 premiers moisQuels sont les délais de paiement de la clientèle ? les conditions de règlement des fournisseurs ?Quels sont les pics identifiés de trésorerie ? le montant des découverts bancaires ? les motifs de ceux-ci ? les moyens d'y remédier ?En cas de réalisation d'un chiffre d'affaires inférieur à 20% des prévisions, l'entreprise encourt-elle le risque d'un état de cessation des paiements ?MODES DE SORTIE DES INVESTISSEURSLes modes de sortie pourront consister, en fonction de la stratégie de développement retenue, en :une introduction en bourse,le rachat par un industriel,le rachat par un financier.ANNEXESDocumentation commercialeGlossaireBrevets et marques déposésEtude de marchéContrats importants (clients/fournisseurs)accords de partenariats stratégiquesRéférencesCV des membres de l'équipe de directionStatuts (ou projet de statuts) de la sociétéEtats financiers détaillés"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/GLhqEbdA_NSA-Directorates.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "NSA Directoratesabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agencyintroductionis a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence. The NSA is responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign and domestic intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, specializing in a discipline known as signals intelligence (SIGINT). The NSA is also tasked with the protection of U.S. communications networks and information systems.[8][9] The NSA relies on a variety of measures to accomplish its mission, the majority of which are clandestine.[10]Agency executivesPaul M. Nakasone, the director of the NSA.George C. Barnes, Deputy DirectorParent agencyDepartment of DefenseAgency executivesMark Esper, SecretaryDavid Norquist, Deputy SecretaryGen Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffChild agenciesDepartment of the ArmyDepartment of the NavyDepartment of the Air ForceNational Security AgencyDefense Intelligence AgencyNational Geospatial-Intelligence AgencyNational Reconnaissance OfficeDP – Associate Directorate for European AffairsDP1 –DP11 – Office of European AffairsDP12 – Office of Tunisian AffairsDP15 – Office of British AffairsE – Directorate for Education and TrainingE9 –Known is E92 the National Cryptologic School [113]F –F1 -F1A2 - Office of the NSA Representative of US Diplomatic MissionsF4 –F406 – Office of Foreign Affairs, Pacific FieldF6 – Special Collection Service acronymically the SCS, a joint program created by CIA and NSA in 1978 to facilitate clandestine activities such as bugging computers throughout the world, using the expertise of both agencies.[114]F7 -F71 – Operations Center GeorgiaF74 – Operations Center in Fort MeadeF77 – NSA Station at RAF Menwith HillG – Directorate only known from unit G112, the office that manages the Senior Span platform, attached to the U2 spy planes.[115] Also known by GS2E4, which manages Iranian digital networks[116]H – Only known for joint for joint activities, this directorate specializes in collaboration with other nationsH52G – Joint Signal ActivityI – Information Assurance Directorate (IAD), which ensures availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation of national security and telecommunications and information systems (national security systems).J – Directorate only known from unit J2, the Cryptologic Intelligence UnitL – Installation and LogisticsLL – ServicesLL1 – Material ManagementLL2 – Transportation, Asset, and Disposition ServicesLL23 –LL234 –LL234M – Property SupportM – Associate Directorate for Human Resources (ADHRS)Q – Security and CounterintelligenceR – Research Directorate, which conducts research on signals intelligence and on information assurance for the U.S. Government.[117]S – Signals Intelligence Directorate (SID), which is responsible for the collection, analysis, production and dissemination of signals intelligence. This directorate is led by a director and a deputy director. The SID consists of the following divisions:S0 – SID Workforce PerformanceS1 – Customer RelationsS11 – Customer GatewayS112 – NGA Accounting ManagementS12 Known under S12 is S12C the Consumer Services unitS17 – Strategic Intelligence Disputes and IssuesS2 – Analysis and Production Centers, with the following so-called Product Lines:S211 –S211A – Advanced Analysis LabS2A: South AsiaS2B: China and KoreaS2C: International SecurityS2D – Foreign CounterintelligenceS2D3 –S2D31 – Operations SupportS2E: Middle East/AsiaS2E33: Operational Technologies in Middle East and AsiaS2F: International CrimeS2F2:S2F21: Transnational CrimeS2G: Counter-proliferationS2H: RussiaS2I – Counter-terrorismS2I02 – Management ServicesS2J: Weapons and SpaceS2T: Current ThreatsS3 – Data Acquisition, with these divisions for the main collection programs:S31 – Cryptanalysis and Exploitation Services (CES)S311 –S3115 –S31153 – Target Analysis Branch of Network Information ExploitationS32 – Tailored Access Operations (TAO), which hacks into foreign computers to conduct cyber-espionage and reportedly is \"the largest and arguably the most important component of the NSA's huge Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) Directorate, consisting of over 1,000 military and civilian computer hackers, intelligence analysts, targeting specialists, computer hardware and software designers, and electrical engineers.\"[118]S33 – Global Access Operations (GAO), which is responsible for intercepts from satellites and other international SIGINT platforms.[119] A tool which details and maps the information collected by this unit is code-named Boundless Informant.S34 – Collections Strategies and Requirements CenterS35 – Special Source Operations (SSO), which is responsible for domestic and compartmented collection programs, like for example the PRISM program.[119] Special Source Operations is also mentioned in connection to the FAIRVIEW collection program.[120]T – Technical Directorate (TD)T1 Mission CapabilitiesT2 Business CapabilitiesT3 Enterprise IT ServicesV – Threat Assessment Directorate also known as the NTOC National Threat Operations CenterDirectorate for Corporate LeadershipForeign Affairs Directorate, which acts as liaison with foreign intelligence services, counter-intelligence centers and the UKUSA-partners.Acquisitions and Procurement DirectorateInformation Sharing Services (ISS), led by a chief and a deputy chief.[121]PRISM: a clandestine surveillance program under which the NSA collects user data from companies like Microsoft and Facebook."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/OsI3Qlsk_Tips-for-improving-Client-Engagement-and-Making-Meetings-more-Impactful-with-Mindjet.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Tips for improving Client Engagement and Making Meetings more Impactful with MindjetAbout this mapbased on a Mindjet webinarJuly 17th11.00 - 11.45 CESTorganizerLaura ConrardySolutions Sales Specialist NEWSUK Mindjet officeMindjet Ltd.This map is shared byaHa!CoachingMindjet MindmanagerTraining Centervalue added resellersince 2002specialized inLarge Scale Deploymentadd-in developmentbackground informationtime Crunch infographic\"one either meets or one works\" - Peter Druckerpoll during webinar shows:60%5-10 meetings a weekmost popular inhibitor productive meetingsdiversionmany diversions of focus on the meetingloaded agendatoo much items to cover in the allotted meetingToo Many Meetings infographichow to stay focused and engaged all the time?general tips for meetingsdecide if the meeting is requireddeicide what type of meeting you are holdinginformationdiscussionpermissionhave an agenda and stick to itonly invite people to the meeting who need to be thereHave someone chair the meetingstart on time and do not overrunfollow up afterwardsTips for starting your meeting with MindManageruse built-in templatesread the tips section in the templatetemplate containsagendadesired outcomesattendeesrulesagendanotescapture all the information during the meetingaction itemsparking lotcan prevent diversionsimportant infobut not for the time beinguse things like the client logo to increase client engagementagendadrag information from Outlook to your mape.g. from your calendardesired outcomesuse priority icons to state priorities and align everyoneattendeesembed business cardshyperlink directly to e-mail addressaction itemsuse priorities iconsstart date / due dateprogression on taskssplit up intobeforeduringafteruse org chart lay-out for WBS-like structurelink dependent tasksuse Gantt viewdrag topicsshow timelinesummarize tasksby using the task roll up featurethis will also color tasks which are at risk or overdueuse Resources to assign tasks to peoplevisual way to manage your tasksaction itemsTips for sharing the meeting mapusing Mindjet Connect integration in MindManager 2012share and add information as you go alongusing the map as an agenda AND a live documentavailable fromiPhoneiPadAndroid tablettipschoose the right access levelread-onlyeditshare usingfirst namelast namee-mailfollow up using e-mail with hyperlink to mapuse call-outs to highlight specific information for colleaguesalso available from webbrowser using Connect Visionmap can be shared with anyonethey only need Mindjet IDfree version availablebusiness versionmore permissionsaccess rightsstorage spaceetc.person will get an inviteshare usingThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTips for using the meeting map with Connect Visionsend action items to Connect Actionwill create link to specific action in Connect Actionsend to specific task liste.g. a specific projectwill allow for notification around the tasksadd followers to taskswho needs to know about the task?via e-maildifferenceConnect Visionable to visually engage the personConnect Actionfollow-up with actionsin the end:making sure the follow up is well donesend less e-mailrecap and extra tipsgather everything in one placeyour meeting mapstay focusedclear agendavisual markersfilter in mindmape.g. filter on specific priority or personMindjet Connectshare mapmake sure actions are followed upexportMS OfficeWordPowerPointPDFcreate a status reportwhat's nexttemplates for meetings on BiggerplatePlanning Effective Meetings groupSearch for 'meeting' mindmapsimprove your meetings infographicGeneral questionsdifference windows and macGantt currently not availablehowever, new version available this yearintegration of Connect and MindManager 7?integration only availble in Mindmanager 2012However, webversion of Mindjet is avaiable for everyone"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/1WGKy58X_Ministry-of-Digital-Development-Communications-and-Mass-Media-Russia.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (Russia)about this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Digital_Development,_Communications_and_Mass_Media_(Russia)introductionThe Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation[2] (until 2018 was the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications)[3] (Russian: Министерство цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации), also known as MinComSvyaz Rossii (Russian: Минкомсвязь России), is the governmental agency in Russia established in May 2008 that is responsible for telecommunications, media and the post. Child agencies include Roskomnadzor, Rospechat and Rossvyaz.LeaderPrime MinisterMikhail MishustinAppointed byPresidentVladimir PutinMain organCouncil of MinistersResponsible toState DumaPresidentHeadquartersMoscowMinister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian FederationIgor Shchyogolev(12 May 2008 — 20 May 2012)Nikolay Nikiforov(21 May 2012 — 7 May 2018)Konstantin Noskov(18 May 2018 — 21 January 2020)Maxut Shadayev(21 January 2020 — present)infoFormed2008Preceding agenciesMinistry of Information Technologies and Communications (2004-2008)Ministry of Communications and Informatics (1999-2004)Ministry of Communications (1946-1991)People's Commissariat for Communications of the USSR (1932-1946)People's Commissariat for Posts and Telegraphs of the USSR (1923-1932)People's Commissariat for Posts and Telegraphs of the RSFSR (1917-1923)JurisdictionGovernment of RussiaHeadquartersTverskaya 7, MoscowAnnual budget58.8 billion rouble (FY 2011)Minister responsibleMaxut ShadayevChild agenciesRoskomnadzorRospechatRossvyazRoskomnadzor Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass MediaoverviewJurisdictionRussiaHeadquartersКитайгородский пр., д.7 стр.2Kitay-gorodMoscowEmployees3,019 (2017)Annual budget8.5 billion rubles (2016)Agency executiveAleksandr ZharovintroductionThe Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Russian: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций)[1] or Roskomnadzor (Russian: Роскомнадзор) is the Russian federal executive body responsible for censorship in media and telecommunications. Its areas include electronic media, mass communications, information technology and telecommunications; overseeing compliance with the law protecting the confidentiality of personal data being processed; and organizing the work of the radio-frequency service.HistoryThis Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications was re-established in May 2008. Resolution number 419, \"On Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications\", was adopted on February 6, 2008.[2][3]In March 2007 the authority—then a subdivision of the Cultural Ministry of Russia called Russian Federal Surveillance Service for Compliance with the Legislation in Mass Media and Cultural Heritage Protection (Rosokhrankultura)—warned the Kommersant newspaper that it shouldn't mention National Bolshevik Party on its pages, as the party had been denied official registration.[4]In 2019 media criticized the service's choice of experts who are performing analysis of referred publications to assess their compliance with regulations. A number of experts recruited by Roscomnadzor are associated with pseudo-scientific and sectarian movements, including HIV-deniers, ultra-conservative, anti-vaccination and alternative \"medicine\" activists. Three of such experts - Anna Volkova, Tatyana Simonova and Elena Shabalina - assessed lyrics of popular rapper Egor Kreed in which they found \"mutagenic effect\", \"satanic influence\" and \"psychological warfare\".[5]Also in 2019 Roscomnadzor published the first iteration of the \"list of information resources who had in the past been spreading unreliable information\" including a number of social media groups and media websites accused mostly of incorrectly reporting on a single incident in Dzerzhinsk in June 2019.[6][7]Service tasksRoskomnadzor is a federal executive body responsible for control, censorship, and supervision in the field of media, including electronic media and mass communications, information technology and communications functions control and supervision over the compliance of personal data processing requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data, and the role of co-ordinating the activities of radio frequency service. It's an authorized federal executive body for the protection of human subjects of personal data.[8] It is also the body administering Russian Internet censorship filters.[9]Blacklisted websitesOn April 5, 2013, it was confirmed by a spokesperson for Roskomnadzor that Wikipedia had been blacklisted over the article 'Cannabis smoking' (Курение каннабиса) on Russian Wikipedia.[10][11] On March 31, 2013 The New York Times reported that Russia was beginning 'Selectively Blocking [the] Internet'.[12] In 2014, during the Crimea Crisis, Roskomnadzor had a number of websites criticising Russian policy in Ukraine blocked, including the blog of Alexei Navalny, Kasparov.ru and Грани.ру [ru].[13] Also, on June 22, 2016 Amazon Web Services was entirely blocked for a couple of hours because of a poker app.[14][15]GitHubIn October 2014 GitHub was blocked for a short time. On December 2 GitHub was blocked again for some satiric notes, describing \"methods of suicide\",[16] which caused major tensions among Russian software developers. It was unblocked on December 4, and GitHub had set up a special page[17] dedicated to Roskomnadzor-related issues. All content was and remains available for non-Russian networks.Russian WikipediaOn August 18, 2015, an article in Russian Wikipedia about charas (Чарас (наркотическое вещество)) (in Russian) was blacklisted by Roskomnadzor as containing propaganda on narcotics. The article was then rewritten from scratch using UN materials and textbooks, but on August 24 it was included in the list of forbidden materials, sent to Internet providers of Russia. As Wikipedia uses HTTPS protocol to encrypt traffic, effectively all of the site with all language versions of Wikipedia was blocked in Russia on the night of August 25.[18]Adult contentIn September 2016, adult websites Pornhub and YouPorn were blocked by Roskomnadzor as containing adult pornographic content.[19] The watchdog says that they are not in the market and the demography is not a commodity.[20]The Daily StormerIn 2017, the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer was briefly moved to a Russian domain, but Roskomnazdor subsequently acted to remove its access, and the site was subsequently moved to the dark web.[21]TelegramOn April 16, 2018, Russia’s federal censor ordered Russian ISPs to start blocking access to the instant messenger Telegram. Soon, the government censor also banned millions of IP addresses belonging to Amazon and Google.[22][23]Rospechat Федеральное агентство по печати и массовым коммуникациям России Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of the Russian FederationoverviewJurisdictionRussiaAgency executiveMikhail Seslavinsky(Федеральное агентство по печати и массовым коммуникациям России) is the regulating state agency within the hierarchy of modern Russian Government. It also may be referred to as abbreviation FAPMC (ФАПМК) or by the short name Rospechat (Роспечать).The agency is the former Ministry of Press, Broadcasting and Mass Communications (МПТР). It was transformed during governmental reform in 2004 and subordinated to Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, so it was no longer a standalone ministry. Since reorganization, it is headed by Seslavinsky, Mikhail Vadimovich.As stated on the Russian government website, the FAPMC \"a) executes law enforcement and provides state services in sphere of creation and functioning of mass media and mass communications, television and radio, usage of radio-frequency spectrum and orbital positions of communication sputniks for the purposes of television and radio broadcasting, development of means of mass communications and spreading of mass media, in sphere of information interchange, broadcasting of additional information, computer networks of common usage in the area of electronic mass media, printing, activities in publishing and polygraphy; b) maintains all-Russian registers of mass media and mass communications, TV and radio broadcasting companies, makers of audio and video production\" ([1]).The Rospechat is supposed to be one of the authorities overseeing usage of the Internet in Russia. It supports several projects such as The Runet Prize and well-known Gramota.ru, the educational portal on the Russian language. It also had sponsored Maksim Moshkow's Library — the most famous Russian language free online library — and animator.ru, a website dedicated to chronicling Russian animation.Rossvyaz Министерство связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации Russian Federal Communications Agencyintroduction(Russian: Федеральное агентство связи, abbreviated Rossvyaz, Russian: Россвязь) is the federal agency, controlled by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia.[1] It is responsible for providing public services, the management of state property and law enforcement functions in the field of communication and information.Functions and roleEnsuring the implementation of inter-state and federal programs in the field of communication and information;Provision of public importance of services in the field of communication and information to the public on the conditions set by federal law, including: providing in the prescribed manner of distribution and proper use of radio frequency (RF channels) and civil and numbering resources;Conformity assessment in the field of communication and information;Organization in the prescribed manner of functioning, development and modernization of federal communications and national information and telecommunications infrastructure;Organization of a network of certification centers digital signature;Publication of individual legal acts in the field of communication and information on the basis and in pursuance of the Constitution of Russia, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, regulations and orders of the President of Russia, and orders of the Government of Russia and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media;Maintenance of registers, registers and inventories.Is the only body in the country issuing stamps and other government postage stamps (GZPO), which are designed and printed in the Mark Publishing and Trading Centre.Heads of the agencyDmitry Milovantsev(March 18, 2004 - July 9, 2004)Andrey Beskorovainy(July 2004/10 June 2005 - 20 June 2007)Valeriy Bugaenko(June 20, 2007 - June 28, 2011 [3])Oleg G. Dukhovnitsky(April 23, 2012 - present)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/h340695_Stop__Stare_Programme_Workshops.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Programme WorkshopsOutplacement Workshops (Individual Change)Workshop 1: Enabling Career & Job ChangeObjectivesTo provide individuals with tools and techniques that enable them to identify new opportunities and maximise their potential for securing a role that suits their capabilities.OutcomesA step by step guide for identifying and securing a new roleAn understanding of personal needs, interaction strengths and weaknesses and the type of roles and work context that will suit them bestAn appreciation of how to make contact with appropriate people who will enable themWorkshop StructurePre-Workshop: Online QuestionnaireSession 1: Introductions and ExpectationsSession 2: Reviewing and Learning from Profile QuestionnaireSession 3: Building a Plan (Based on Mental, Emotional and Physical Profiles)Session 4: Understanding Context and ContactSession 5: Next StepsWho's it For?Individuals who have to change jobs or career through personal choice or redundancyWhat Does it Cost?The \"Enabling Career and Job Change\" workshop is part of the Outplacement Programme, which costs £5000, usually paid for by the organisation making redundancies. The Outplacement Programme contains a combination of 3 Workshops, Personal Coaching, and Partner Network Access.It is also possible to book an individual place on the workshop as a one-off event (instead of a series) at a cost of £500 per person.Workshop 2: Planning & Managing ChangeObjectivesTo provide individuals with tools and techniques that enable them to explore how they respond to and/or drive change, plan their approach in terms of change, and how to organise their activities and behaviour to create success.OutcomesAn understanding of different types of changeAn understanding of their personal response to different types of changeAn approach for navigating successfully through changeA set of personal change assessment and managing toolsWorkshop StructureSession 1: Introductions and ExpectationsSession 2: Exploring Change - Types, Interpretation and ImpactSession 3: My Profile and My Approach to ChangeSession 4: Techniques and Approaches to Change (Planning and Managing)Session 5: Next Steps - Anticipating Change and Managing NeedsWho's it For?Individuals who have to adapt and broaden their attitude to change and develop fixed plans and behaviours for exploring new or unfamiliar situations. It is ideal for individuals seeking to change jobs, roles or move their career in a new direction.What Does it Cost?The \"Planning and Managing Change\" workshop is part of the Outplacement Programme, which costs £5000, usually paid for by the organisation making redundancies. The Outplacement Programme contains a combination of 3 Workshops, Personal Coaching, and Partner Network Access.It is also possible to book an individual place on the workshop as a one-off event (instead of a series) at a cost of £500 per person.Workshop 3: Managing My DirectionObjectivesTo provide individuals with tools and techniques that enable them to actively chart and manage their development at personal, professional, and philosophical levels.OutcomesAn understanding of different types of changeAn understanding of their personal response to different types of changeAn approach for navigating successfully through changeA set of personal change assessment and managing toolsWorkshop StructureSession 1: Introductions and ExpectationsSession 2: Getting a Compass Bearing and Identifying PhilosophySession 3: Integrating Personal and Professional DirectionSession 4: Intent - Establishing Direction Setting ApproachesSession 5: Next Steps - Monitoring Progress and Enabling Course CorrectionsWho's it For?Individuals who are seeking clarity and purpose in professional and/or personal endeavours. It is ideal for individuals seeking to change jobs, roles, or move their career in a new direction.What Does it Cost?The \"Managing My Direction\" workshop is part of the Outplacement Programme, which costs £5000, usually paid for by the organisation making redundancies. The Outplacement Programme contains a combination of 3 Workshops, Personal Coaching, and Partner Network Access.It is also possible to book an individual place on the workshop as a one-off event (instead of a series) at a cost of £500 per person.Restructuring Workshops (Organisational Change)Workshop 1: LeadershipObjectivesTo provide participants with leadership best practices and an understanding of the contexts and situations in which they can be applied successfully.OutcomesAn understanding of tried and tested leadership practicesClarity about role of a leader vs managerAn understanding of leadership approaches and stylesA set of leadership tools and techniques to accelerate performanceWorkshop StructureSession 1: Introductions and ExpectationsSession 2: Leadership - Best Practice (Vision, Mission, Strategies)Session 3: Leading - Attitudes, Behaviours, SituationsSession 4: Vital Tools and Techniques to Support LeadershipSession 5: Next Steps - Clarifying My Leadership RoleWho's it For?Individuals in leadership roles or taking on leadership responsibilities in a group, team or business. It is ideal for individuals moving from managing (tactical) roles to leadership (strategic) roles.What Does it Cost?People can participate in this workshop as part of an Organisation Restructuring Programme (sponsored by a company) or as a single workshop for £750Workshop 2: CommunicationsObjectivesTo provide participants with insights about the complexity of organisational communication and how to integrate and manage it successfully.OutcomesAn understanding of all the components of communicationClarity about types of communication and their contextual relevanceAn understanding of communication styles and efficacyA set of communication tools and techniquesWorkshop StructureSession 1: Introductions and ExpectationsSession 2: Components of Communication (Media, Content, Intent)Session 3: Communication - Transmit or Connect (Styles, Context, Objectives)Session 4: Essence of Communication - Cracking the FundamentalsSession 5: Next Steps - Communication Challenges and Potential SolutionsWho's it For?Individuals who need to coordinate the efforts of people: leaders (team, function, organisation), managers and influencers.What Does it Cost?People can participate in this workshop as part of an Organisation Restructuring Programme (sponsored by a company) or as a single workshop for £750Workshop 3: OperationsObjectivesTo provide participants with project management and implementation tools and techniques that enable \"things to get done\"OutcomesClarity about the components of effective execution/doingFramework for planning, organising and monitoring activitiesAn understanding of styles and approaches that engage different types of people in tasksA set of tools and techniques for coordinating activityWorkshop StructureSession 1: Introductions and ExpectationsSession 2: Execution & Implementation - Components of SuccessSession 3: Styles and Approaches for Engaging People in Getting Things DoneSession 4: Key Frameworks for Maintaining Focus and EffortSession 5: Next Steps - My Personal Implementation ApproachWho's it For?Individuals who have to coordinate and enable the efforts of other to get things done (managers, team leaders, voluntary roles, etc)What Does it Cost?People can participate in this workshop as part of an Organisational Restructuring Programme (sponsored by a company) or as a single workshop for £750.Peak Performance Workshops (Performance Change)Workshop 1: Motive Driven SellingObjectivesThis workshop provides an opportunity to explore and learn the skills and techniques that enable sales by viewing the world through customers' eyes and devising creative solutions to meet their needs in uncertain times.OutcomesAn understanding of how to use an innovative 'lens' tool to view customers' worldsClarity about customers' motives and real needsAn understanding of how to create 'pull' from customers rather than 'pushing' products or servicesA framework for prioritising customer engagements to maximise successAn understanding of assumptions, beliefs and behaviours that sabotage successWorkshop StructureSession 1: Introductions and ExpectationsSession 2: Assumptions and Behaviours when SellingSession 3: Exploring Customers' Buying Motives and NeedsSession 4: Constructing Offers that Meet Mutual Business NeedsSession 5: Planning New Approaches and Establishing Further Support RequiredWho's it For?Teams or groups of sales people from the same organisation and their customersWhat Does it Cost?This workshop can be attended as a one-off development workshop at a cost of £3,750 (for up to 10 participants) or as part of a Peak Performance Programme of workshops to accelerate performance improvement across an organisation.Workshop 2: Performance AlignmentObjectivesThis workshop focuses on the attitudes, behaviours, communication processes and disciplines that ensure coherent efforts between individuals and groups that deliver the most efficient results.OutcomesAn understanding of the key components that align people, process and performanceClarity about how to communicate efficientlyAn understanding of how to align different motivations and working stylesA framework for handling misunderstandings and perspective differencesA unifying vision and reason for working as a teamWorkshop StructureSession 1: Introductions and ExpectationsSession 2: Identifying Common Purpose and Shared VisionSession 3: Practical Issues in Communication and MotivationSession 4: Frameworks for Communication - Processes, Monitoring and Adapting PerformanceSession 5: The Way Forward - Agreeing What to do Differently to Create Different ResultsWho's it For?Teams or groups of people from the same organisation and their internal customer (people in related functions)What Does it Cost?This workshop can be attended as a one-off development workshop at a cost of £3,750 (for up to 10 participants) or as part of a Peak Performance Programme of workshops to create and embed cross-functional effectiveness across an organisation.Workshop 3: Managing ExcellenceObjectivesThis workshop focuses on the challenge of implementing an organisation's business plan and the vital things managers must do (with limited resources) to achieve continuing, consistent results.OutcomesAn understanding of the organisation's business plan and where the manager's contribution impacts upon itAn understanding of the key elements of day-to-day activities that together ensure successClarity about how to align different motivations and styles round a common purposeA framework for identifying priorities and guiding continuous adaptation to changing situationsA set of planning, organising and monitoring tools and techniques for continuous managingWorkshop StructureSession 1: Introductions and ExpectationsSession 2: Organisational Planning and Functional Contributions (Organisational Excellence Model)Session 3: Activities, Motivations, Styles - Creating Common Purpose and Inter-DependenceSession 4: Frameworks, Tools and Techniques - Prioritising and Monitoring PerformanceSession 5: The Way Forward - Planning for Sustainable WorkingWho's it For?Senior or middle management teams from the same organisation.What Does it Cost?This workshop can be attended as a one-off development workshop at a cost of £3750 (for up to 10 participants) or as part of a Peak Performance Programme of workshops to create and embed cross-functional effectiveness across an organisation"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/p642590_LED_New_Trend__New_Technology__New_Chance.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "LED ( Light Emitting Diode ) 發光二極體-投資新趨勢-新技術-新挑戰-新機會LED 基本結構-製程-供應鏈LED 發展史LED 分類可見光 LED 的顏色與材料種類LED 與傳統燈泡及日光燈管特性比較 (驚人的節能省碳效果 - 體積小壽命長)LED 照明節能效益預測LED 基本製程與產業鏈白光 LED 製造方法上游-磊晶製程中游-晶粒製造下游-封裝測試LED 製程設備與原材料終端應用-產品應用市場全球 5 大 LED 廠商概況LED 技術門檻與挑戰-亮度-成本-散熱發光效率高低決定技術高下掌握散熱技術是大贏家螢光粉材料是白光 LED 中的關鍵要角影響 發光光譜 / 色溫 / 發光效率 / 演色性藍光 LED 主流技術 - 氮化鎵基板 & 藍寶石基板矽基板 LED - 降低成本與提升毛利的關鍵光子晶體 LED - 大幅提升取光效率電子束光刻法 - Electron Beam Lithography激光全息技藝 - Holography奈米壓印技術 - Nano Imprint Technology在 LED 結構內加入光子晶體 ( LED 表面會粗化 ) - 就可以克服全反射障礙來提高發光效率紫外光 LED - 搶攻白光市場的利器調整 RGB 三色螢光粉比例即可產生穩定性高的白光AC 交流 LED - 突破直流電源驅動的限制無極性 LED - 實現高效率 LED 的技術革命垂直結構 LED - 提升發光效率與改善散熱問題Smart Control ( AC 調光 )LED 新興應用市場與投資LED 相關應用與開發產品 ( 汽車 / 一般照明 / 低溫照明 / 背光模組光源 --> 手機 筆記本電腦 DVD 液晶電視 數位相機 數位相框 戶外看板 ) ()LED 全球領導企業豐田合成 = Toyoda Gosei日亞化 = NichiaLumiled ( Philips ) / Agilent LumiledCree = 克理Osram = 歐司朗Avago = 安華高科技美/日技術領先 --> 台灣/中國/韓國擴大量產實力從專利保護時代進入專力競爭時代全球 LED 廠商的專利關係圖.JPG背光模組應用手機筆記本電腦數問相框數位電視數位相機PDA & GPS戶外看板汽車產業第三煞車燈車內照明儀表燈情境照明車前照明車後照明一般照明戶內照明戶外照明路燈照明先進國家機及測試中國市場快速崛起建築照明低溫照明 - 冰箱全球低溫 LED 市場分析.JPGLED 驅動 IC台灣 IC 設計公司跨足 LED 產業領域概況.JPG企業集團戰略布局上游積極整併下游異業合作Liteon 光寶集團聯電集團 - 垂直整合 積極合併複製半導體成功經驗面板二虎 - 友達與奇美各有策略鴻海集團 - 切入路燈照明與下游封裝LED IC 設計客製化程度高台灣 LED 產業的 SWOT 分析工研院最新 LED 與安定器技術LED 相關應用與開發產品 ( 汽車 / 一般照明 / 低溫照明 / 背光模組光源 --> 手機 筆記本電腦 DVD 液晶電視 數位相機 數位相框 戶外看板 )LED 新興應用市場與投資 ()AC Dimming Controller + Power Supply + RF Receving Module + LED Lighing (電源+調光+遙控器+ LED 燈具)電源調光+遙控器+ LED 燈具.jpg交通管制燈應用.jpg交通指示燈應用.jpg電子顯示系統.jpgLED-各項應用.jpg維基百科-LED"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/4YFq57gs_Tax-Preparation-Checklist.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Tax Preparation ChecklistPersonal DataSocial Security NumbersBusiness IENMiscellaneous Tax DocumentsRetirement plan contributionsRecords to document medical expensesRecords to document casualty or theft lossesRecords for any other expenditures that may be deductibleOthersIncomeEmployedW-2 formsUnemployment compensationJury duty payPensions and annuitiesSocial security benefitsSelf-EmployedBusiness incomePartnership incomeOther business incomeInvestmentsDividend incomeProceeds from broker transactionsRetirement plan distributionOther income from investmentsOther incomeAlimony receivedRent incomeState and local income tax refundsScholarships and fellowshipsPrizes and awardsGambling and lottery winningsOther miscellaneous incomeThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookExpensesPersonalHomeowner/RenterMortgage interestReal estate taxes paidRent paid during tax yearSale of your home or other real estateMoving expensesFinancial liabilitiesAuto loans and leasesStudent loan interest paidEarly withdrawal penalties on CDs and other time depositsPersonal property tax for carJobJob-hunting expensesJob-related education expensesKidsChild care expensesAlimony paidAdoption expensesInvestment expensesMedical Savings AccountsDues, subscriptionsGifts to charityOther expensesSelf-EmployedSchedule COther expenses (Statement 1)Use database or finance program to track business income and expensesOther expensesTax return preparation expenses and feesOther notesAccountantTo dowww.ConciseLerning.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/4rQLsIOY_List-of-the-United-States-National-Park-System-official-units.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "List of the United States National Park System official units http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_United_States_National_Park_System_official_unitsAlabamaHorseshoe Bend National Military ParkLittle River Canyon National PreserveRussell Cave National MonumentTuskegee Airmen National Historic SiteTuskegee Institute National Historic SiteNatchez Trace ParkwayNatchez Trace National Scenic TrailAlaskaAlagnak Wild RiverAniakchak National MonumentAniakchak National PreserveBering Land Bridge National PreserveCape Krusenstern National MonumentDenali National ParkDenali National PreserveGates of the Arctic National ParkGates of the Arctic National PreserveGlacier Bay National ParkGlacier Bay National PreserveKatmai National ParkKatmai National PreserveKenai Fjords National ParkKlondike Gold Rush National Historical ParkKobuk Valley National ParkLake Clark National ParkLake Clark National PreserveNoatak National PreserveSitka National Historical ParkWorld War II Valor in the Pacific National MonumentWrangell-St. Elias National ParkWrangell-St. Elias National PreserveYukon-Charley Rivers National PreserveAmerican SamoaNational Park of American SamoaArizonaCanyon De Chelly National MonumentCasa Grande Ruins National MonumentChiricahua National MonumentCoronado National MemorialFort Bowie National Historic SiteGlen Canyon National Recreation AreaGrand Canyon National ParkHohokam Pima National MonumentHubbell Trading Post National Historic SiteMontezuma Castle National MonumentNavajo National MonumentOrgan Pipe Cactus National MonumentPetrified Forest National ParkPipe Spring National MonumentSaguaro National ParkSunset Crater Volcano National MonumentTonto National MonumentTumacacori National Historical ParkTuzigoot National MonumentWalnut Canyon National MonumentWupatki National MonumentArkansasArkansas Post National MemorialBuffalo National RiverCentral High School National Historic SiteFort Smith National Historic SiteHot Springs National ParkPea Ridge National Military ParkPresident William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic SiteCaliforniaWorld War II Valor in the Pacific National MonumentCabrillo National MonumentChannel Islands National ParkDeath Valley National ParkDevil's Postpile National MonumentEugene O'Neill National Historic SiteFort Point National Historic SiteGolden Gate National Recreation AreaJohn Muir National Historic SiteJoshua Tree National ParkKings Canyon National ParkLassen Volcanic National ParkLava Beds National MonumentManzanar National Historic SiteMojave National PreserveMuir Woods National MonumentPinnacles National MonumentPoint Reyes National SeashorePort Chicago Naval Magazine National MemorialRedwood National ParkRosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical ParkSan Francisco Maritime National Historical ParkSanta Monica Mountains National Recreation AreaSequoia National ParkWhiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation AreaYosemite National ParkColoradoBent's Old Fort National Historic SiteBlack Canyon of the Gunnison National ParkColorado National MonumentCurecanti National Recreation AreaDinosaur National MonumentFlorissant Fossil Beds National MonumentGreat Sand Dunes National ParkGreat Sand Dunes National PreserveHovenweep National MonumentMesa Verde National ParkRocky Mountain National ParkSand Creek Massacre National Historic SiteYucca House National MonumentConnecticutWeir Farm National Historic SiteFloridaBig Cypress National PreserveBiscayne National ParkCanaveral National SeashoreCastillo de San Marcos National MonumentDeSoto National MemorialDry Tortugas National ParkEverglades National ParkFort Caroline National MemorialFort Matanzas National MonumentGulf Islands National SeashoreTimucuan Ecological and Historic PreserveGeorgiaAndersonville National Historic SiteChattahoochee River National Recreation AreaChickamauga and Chattanooga National Military ParkCumberland Island National SeashoreFort Frederica National MonumentFort Pulaski National MonumentJimmy Carter National Historic SiteKennesaw Mountain National Battlefield ParkMartin Luther King, Jr. National Historic SiteOcmulgee National MonumentGuamWar in the Pacific National Historical ParkHawaiiWorld War II Valor in the Pacific National MonumentHaleakala National ParkHawaii Volcanoes National ParkKalaupapa National Historical ParkKaloko-Honokohau National Historical ParkPu'uhonua O Honaunau National Historical ParkPu'ukohola Heiau National Historic SiteIdahoCity of Rocks National ReserveCraters of the Moon National MonumentCraters of the Moon National PreserveHagerman Fossil Beds National MonumentMinidoka National Historic SiteNez Perce National Historical ParkYellowstone National ParkIllinoisLincoln Home National Historic Sitemapped by Wojciech Korsakwww.Explorer-Consulting.plhttp://explorer-consulting.pl/blog/IndianaGeorge Rogers Clark National Historical ParkIndiana Dunes National LakeshoreLincoln Boyhood National MemorialIowaEffigy Mounds National MonumentHerbert Hoover National Historic SiteKansasBrown vs. Board of Education National Historic SiteFort Larned National Historic SiteFort Scott National Historic SiteNicodemus National Historic SiteTallgrass Prairie National PreserveKentuckyAbraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical ParkCumberland Gap National Historical ParkMammoth Cave National ParkBig South Fork National River and Recreation AreaFort Donelson National BattlefieldLouisianaCane River Creole National Historical ParkJean Lafitte National Historical Park and PreserveNew Orleans Jazz National Historical ParkPoverty Point National MonumentVicksburg National Military ParkMaineAcadia National ParkSaint Croix Island International Historic SiteMaine to GeorgiaAppalachian National Scenic TrailMarylandAntietam National BattlefieldAssateague Island National SeashoreCatoctin Mountain ParkC & O Canal National Historical ParkClara Barton National Historic SiteFort McHenry National Monument and Historic ShrineFort Washington ParkGreenbelt ParkHampton National Historic SiteMonocacy National BattlefieldPiscataway ParkPotomac Heritage National Scenic TrailThomas Stone National Historic SiteMassachusettsAdams National Historical ParkBoston African American National Historic SiteBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation AreaBoston National Historical ParkCape Cod National SeashoreFrederick Law Olmstead National Historic SiteJohn F. Kennedy National Historic SiteLongfellow National Historic SiteLowell National Historical ParkMinuteman National Historical ParkNew Bedford Whaling National Historical ParkSalem Maritime National Historic SiteSaugus Iron Works National Historic SiteSpringfield Armory National Historic SiteMichiganIsle Royale National ParkKeweenaw National Historical ParkPictured Rocks National LakeshoreRiver Raisin National Battlefield ParkSleeping Bear Dunes National LakeshoreMinnesotaGrand Portage National MonumentMississippi National River and Recreation AreaPipestone National MonumentVoyageurs National ParkMississippiGulf Islands National SeashoreBrices Cross Roads National Battlefield SiteNatchez National Historical ParkNatchez Trace ParkwayNatchez Trace National Scenic TrailTupelo National BattlefieldVicksburg National Military ParkShiloh National Military ParkMissouriGeorge Washington Carver National MonumentHarry S Truman National Historic SiteJefferson National Expansion MemorialOzark National Scenic RiverwaysUlysses S. Grant National Historic SiteWilson's Creek National BattlefieldMontanaBig Hole National BattlefieldBighorn Canyon National Recreation AreaGlacier National ParkGrant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic SiteLittle Bighorn Battlefield National MonumentFort Union Trading Post National Historic SiteYellowstone National ParkThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookNebraskaAgate Fossil Beds National MonumentHomestead National Monument of AmericaMissouri National Recreational RiverNiobrara National Scenic RiverScotts Bluff National MonumentNevadaDeath Valley National ParkGreat Basin National ParkLake Mead National Recreation AreaNew HampshireSaint-Gaudens National Historic SiteNew JerseyGreat Egg Harbor Scenic and Recreational RiverMorristown National Historical ParkPaterson Great Falls National Historical ParkThomas Edison National Historical ParkGateway National Recreation AreaStatue of Liberty National MonumentNew MexicoAztec Ruins National MonumentBandelier National MonumentCapulin Volcano National MonumentCarlsbad Caverns National ParkChaco Culture National Historical ParkEl Malpais National MonumentEl Morro National MonumentFort Union National MonumentGila Cliff Dwellings National MonumentPecos National Historical ParkPetroglyph National MonumentSalinas Pueblo Missions National MonumentWhite Sands National MonumentNew YorkAfrican Burial Ground National MonumentCastle Clinton National MonumentEleanor Roosevelt National Historic SiteFederal Hall National MemorialFire Island National SeashoreFort Stanwix National MonumentGateway National Recreation AreaGeneral Grant National MemorialGovernors Island National MonumentHamilton Grange National MemorialHome of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic SiteMartin Van Buren National Historic SiteSaint Paul's Church National Historic SiteSagamore Hill National Historic SiteSaratoga National Historical ParkStatue of Liberty National MonumentTheodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic SiteTheodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic SiteVanderbilt Mansion National Historic SiteWomen's Rights National Historical ParkNorth CarolinaBlue Ridge ParkwayCape Hatteras National SeashoreCape Lookout National SeashoreCarl Sandburg Home National Historic SiteFort Raleigh National Historic SiteGuilford Courthouse National Military ParkMoores Creek National BattlefieldWright Brothers National MemorialGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkNorth DakotaFort Union Trading Post National Historic SiteKnife River Indian Villages National Historic SiteTheodore Roosevelt National ParkOhioCuyahoga Valley National ParkDayton Aviation Heritage National Historical ParkFirst Ladies National Historic SiteHopewell Culture National Historical ParkJames A. Garfield National Historic SitePerry's Victory and International Peace MemorialWilliam Howard Taft National Historic SiteOklahomaChickasaw National Recreation AreaWashita Battlefield National Historic SiteOregonCrater Lake National ParkLewis and Clark National Historical ParkJohn Day Fossil Beds National MonumentOregon Caves National MonumentFort Vancouver National Historic SitePennsylvaniaPotomac Heritage National Scenic TrailAllegheny Portage Railroad National Historic SiteDelaware Water Gap National Recreation AreaEdgar Allan Poe National Historic SiteEisenhower National Historic SiteFlight 93 National MemorialFort Necessity National BattlefieldFriendship Hill National Historic SiteGettysburg National Military ParkHopewell Furnace National Historic SiteIndependence National Historical ParkJohnstown Flood National MemorialMiddle Delaware National Scenic RiverSteamtown National Historic SiteThaddeus Kosciuszko National MemorialUpper Delaware Scenic and Recreational RiverValley Forge National Historical ParkPuerto RicoSan Juan National Historic SiteRhode IslandRoger Williams National MemorialSouth CarolinaCharles Pinckney National Historic SiteCongaree National ParkCowpens National BattlefieldFort Sumter National MonumentKings Mountain National Military ParkNinety Six National Historic SiteSouth DakotaMissouri National Recreational RiverBadlands National ParkJewel Cave National MonumentMinuteman Missile National Historic SiteMount Rushmore National MemorialWind Cave National ParkTennesseeChickamauga and Chattanooga National Military ParkCumberland Gap National Historical ParkNatchez Trace ParkwayNatchez Trace National Scenic TrailAndrew Johnson National Historic SiteBig South Fork National River and Recreation AreaFort Donelson National BattlefieldGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkObed Wild and Scenic RiverShiloh National Military ParkStones River National BattlefieldTexasAlibates Flint Quarries National MonumentAmistad National Recreation AreaBig Bend National ParkBig Thicket National PreserveChamizal National MemorialFort Davis National Historic SiteGuadalupe Mountains National ParkLake Meredith National Recreation AreaLyndon B. Johnson National Historical ParkPadre Island National SeashorePalo Alto Battlefield National Historical ParkRio Grande Wild and Scenic RiverSan Antonio Missions National Historical ParkUtahGlen Canyon National Recreation AreaDinosaur National MonumentHovenweep National MonumentArches National ParkBryce Canyon National ParkCanyonlands National ParkCapitol Reef National ParkCedar Breaks National MonumentGolden Spike National Historic SiteNatural Bridges National MonumentRainbow Bridge National MonumentTimpanogos Cave National MonumentZion National ParkVermontMarsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical ParkVirgin IslandsBuck Island Reef National MonumentChristiansted National Historic SiteSalt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological PreserveVirgin Islands National ParkVirgin Islands Coral Reef National MonumentVirginiaCumberland Gap National Historical ParkAssateague Island National SeashoreBlue Ridge ParkwayAppomattox Court House National Historical ParkArlington HouseBooker T. Washington National MonumentCedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical ParkColonial National Historical ParkFort Monroe National MonumentFredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military ParkGeorge Washington Birthplace National MonumentGeorge Washington Memorial ParkwayMaggie L. Walker National Historic SiteManassas National Battlefield ParkPetersburg National Battlefield ParkPrince William Forest ParkRichmond National Battlefield ParkShenandoah National ParkWolf Trap Farm ParkWashingtonKlondike Gold Rush National Historical ParkLewis and Clark National Historical ParkEbey's Landing National Historical ReserveFort Vancouver National Historic SiteLake Chelan National Recreation AreaLake Roosevelt National Recreation AreaMount Rainier National ParkNorth Cascades National Park'Olympic National ParkRoss Lake National Recreation AreaSan Juan Island National Historical ParkWhitman Mission National Historic SiteWashington DCCarter G. Woodson Home National Historic SiteConstitution GardensFord's Theatre National Historic SiteFranklin D. Roosevelt MemorialFrederick Douglass National Historic SiteKorean War Veterans MemorialLincoln MemorialLyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the PotomacMartin Luther King, Jr. MemorialMary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic SiteNational Capital ParksNational MallPennsylvania Avenue National Historic SiteRock Creek ParkTheodore Roosevelt IslandThomas Jefferson MemorialVietnam Veterans MemorialWashington MonumentWhite HouseWorld War II MemorialWest VirginiaBluestone National Scenic RiverGauley River National Recreation AreaHarpers Ferry National Historical ParkNew River Gorge National RiverWisconsinApostle Islands National LakeshoreSaint Croix National Scenic RiverwayWyomingDevils Tower National MonumentFort Laramie National Historic SiteFossil Butte National MonumentGrand Teton National ParkJohn D. Rockefeller Memorial ParkwayYellowstone National Park"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/DDMCQJZf_My-personal-Social-networking-Strategy.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "My personal Social networking StrategyZonePersonalObjectivesKeep up with family / friendsCharacteristicsInstant sharingsynchronous modeHelp to keep the social link between peopleInteractive modePush informationGive access to information you have chosen to shareSave timeNot similar to e-mailTimelineasynchronous modeYour personal info will be used by Facebook (sell to X) and its partnersLanguageFrenchEnglishZoneProfessionalObjectivesBuild my professional networksInfluence my professional networksKeep up with my professional relationsGet the orientation / state of the business trendsGroupsLinkedin TodayShare ideas / thoughtsStep in and show your convictionsLearn from my professionalGroupsLinkedin TodayNews (updates)CharacteristicsInteractive modeasynchronous modesynchronous modePush informationGive access to information you have chosen to shareSave timeHelp to keep the social link between peopleNot similar to e-mailLanguageEnglishThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookBlogosphereMy blogZoneProfessionalEnterprise ArchitectureMind MappingGTD (Getting Things Done)Personal developmentPerformanceObjectivesDevelop ideas / thoughtsStep in and show your convictionsInteract / Influence my professional networksCharacteristicsLanguageEnglishOpen space to develop / share ideasOpen mindAsynchronousReadingsGoogle ReaderBlogs selection (catalog)SlideshareZoneProfessionalObjectivesShare ideas / thoughtsStep in and show your convictionsBuild / strengthen relationships with my professional networksInfluence my professional networksLearn from my professionalTweetscharacteristics160 charactersBe clear and shortInstant sharingsynchronous modeHelp to keep the social link between peoplelmpactinformation overflowNot similar to e-mailBe clear on your communicationDon't mess your messages1 - 3 main axes by tweeter account ()1 - 3 main axes by tweeter accountDon't mess your messages ()LanguageEnglishToolsHootsuiteMobileBrowserPCLaptopMy6senseYour digital intuitionMobilelinkedinMobileBrowserPCLaptopAmplifySlideshareSlides show sharinginstapaperRead laterGoogle ReaderBlogs catalogBiggerplateMind maps librairySharingKloutKPIAnalyticsPrinciplesQuality is better than quantityWhat you share is publicDo not be disappointed if no-one reactDefine your bordersDynamic bordersYour priorities and ideas will change over timeBe aware of saving valuable time for your real lifeDon't get stock into the virtual worldMy opinion are my own, they don't engage my companyBe a curator instead of overloading your community with un-relevant informationDeal with information overflowMy 2/3Stick to your contextNet ethicRespectNever denigrateMention your sourceDon't distort somebody else ideas / thoughts => RTFollow the rulesFollow / followers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_8hsSci4h.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Jornadas de Reflexión UNEXPO Barquisimeto sábado, 28 de julio de 2012CordinadorasLic Evely FrancoLic Carmen CarrascoAsistentes50 anos del PolitécnicoUniversidad NacionalModelo educativo dificilA donde vamosCual es la universidad que queremosEstablecer vinculo permanente con los egresadosPrograma de seguimiento a partir del2013Sentimiento de pertenenciaMesas de trabajoTemas de trabajoOportunidades inmediatasVulnerabilidades, o debilidadesFortalezasCambios de planes de estudioUniversidad MetropolitanaVenta de tecnologíaFunda UNEXPOAlquiler de espacios para eventosDiagnostico子主题Áreas para ConversarFarmaciaSueros AntiVenenos para Mordeduras de Culebras y Picaduras de Escorpiones ( Antiescorpionico)MedicinasVeterinariaSemenventa de animalesClínica de Pequeños y grandes animalesDerivados LácteosAgronomíaÁreas RentalesEl JunquitoChampiñónRosasGuanareHoyo de la PuertaIngenieríaCorpomeneEmpresa PetroleraDerivados Lácteos y Bebidas AlimenticiasAgronomíaVeterinariaIngenieríaCienciasPetróleos,suelos,localización de Plantas Industriales, Impacto Ambiental, e Impacto Social de Infraestructuras.Miles de millones en Investigación aplicada, en contratos a través de un fondo rotatorio anual. prorrogable en el tiempo.La creatividad es el limitePagos de impuestos, y trasparencia administrativa.Observatorio de utilizacion de los fondos provistos por las investigaciones子主题ArquitecturaInfraestructura UniversitariaestadiosOtrosEmpresa UniversitariaAspectos Legales de una empresa UniversitariaAspectos Administrativos,Financieros ,Contables y de AuditoriaSelección de Directores y su conocimiento de la empresa UniversitariaRecursos Financieros子主题Componente Docente y su currículo desactualizadoFocus GroupPlan de AcciónFortalezasOportunidadesDebilidadesAmenazasObjetivos EstratégicosTécnicas Cibernéticas子主题Que sucesos Importantes NO controlables,presentes o por presentarse en el futuro, positivos enfrenta la Universidad para hacerse mas competitiva.Entrada al MercosurProgramas para asesorar a PYMESMejora de sus sistemas de producciónServicios de GestiónTransferencia de TecnologíaAsistencia Técnica en el desarrollo y mejora de productosEmprendedoresFormación de pequeños empresarios y su crecimientoSector PetroleroSector Siderúrgico子主题This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/vH82ZjgZ_Personal-Projects-Dashboard.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ProjectsCurrentBudgetShort-term:Understand financial status betterCollect informationLong-term:More controlPay offAltruisticMore extra money to help othersResumegather everythingbullet pointsformatShort-term:Have basic parts ready to put togetherLong-term:Can put together a resume quicklyNot as much upkeepUltimately serves budgetEducationShort-term:Using time productivelyGaining knowledgeEnjoymentLong-term:Many modes of Usagealtruisticnon-altruisticPotential for incomeUltimately serves budgetVolunteerShort-term:altruistichelp othersnon-altruistichelp selfsocialexperienceLong-term:altruistichelp otherspotential to serve budget ()non-altruistichelp selfsocialexperiencepotential to serve budgethelp others ()Keep Equipment/Software Possessions Up To DateAltruistic:Use equipment/software to help othersUse equipment/software, knowledge to help othersUse possessions to help othersUltimately serves budgetNon-Altruistic:Use equipment/software to facilitate educationUse equipment/software to obtain and keep employmentUse possessions to obtain and keep employmentUltimately serves budgetUpcomingOn HoldThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook2013FilesASK:What is the short-term value?What is the long-term value?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/N6ao6jVS_LOTNICTWO-W-POLICJI.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "LOTNICTWO W POLICJIabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND, Warsaw)wszystkie dane & zdjęcia: http://policja.pl/pol/kgp/glowny-sztab-policji/47520,Lotnictwo-w-Policji.htmlMIL Mi-8 - Średni śmigłowiec transportowy, załoga 3 osoby, pasażerów 9 / 22 Aktualnie Lotnictwo Policji eksploatuje 2 maszyny tego typu.OpisKonstrukcja duraluminiowa, półskorupowa;Wirnik nośny pięciołopatowy;Pierwszy lot 17.09.1962 r.;Wersje: pasażersko-towarowa;Dodatkowe wyposażenie:- rama z zaczepem zewnętrznym o udźwigu 3000 kg,- wciągarka LUCAS o udźwigu 250 kg- stanowisko do desantu na linach,- reflektor-szperacz,- przystosowany do lotów w NVG,- dodatkowe zbiorniki paliwa 2 x 915 l.Dane techniczneSilniki: 2 turbinowe TW-2 117 A po 1267 kWŚrednica wirnika: 21,29 mDługość kadłuba: 18,17 mWysokość: 5,65 mMasa własna: 6800 kgMasa użyteczna: 5200 kgMasa całkowita: 12000 kgPrędkość maks.: 250 km/hPrędkość przelot.: 225 km/hWznoszenie: 8 m/sPułap: 4500 mZasięg: 350/540 kmZapas paliwa: 1870/2615 lPZL \"SOKÓŁ\" - Lekki śmigłowiec wielozadaniowy, załoga 2/3 osoby, pasażerów 10 Aktualnie Lotnictwo Policji eksploatuje 2 maszyny tego typu.OpisKonstrukcja duraluminiowa, półskorupowa;Wirnik nośny czterołopatowy;Pierwszy lot 16.11.1979 r. (w Polsce 1965 r.);Wersje: pasażerska, salon, transportowa;Wyprodukowano kilkaset szt.;Dodatkowe wyposażenie:- wciągarka LUCAS o udźwigu 250 kg,- dodatkowy zbiornik paliwa 1030 l.,- kamera LEO-400 (tele i termowizyjna),- reflektor-szperacz.Dane techniczneSilniki: 2 turbinowe PZL-10W po 650 kWŚrednica wirnika: 15,70 mDługość kadłuba: 14,21 mWysokość: 4,12 mMasa własna: 3680 kgMasa użyteczna: 2420 kgMasa całkowita: 6400 kgPrędkość maks.: 255 km/hPrędkość przelot.: 235 km/hWznoszenie: 8,5 m/sPułap: 5100 mZasięg: 690 kmZapas paliwa: 1700 lBell 412B-HP - Średni śmigłowiec wielozadaniowy, załoga 1/2 osoby, pasażerów 8/7 Aktualnie Lotnictwo Policji eksploatuje 1 maszynę tego typu.OpisKonstrukcja półskorupowa z poszyciem z metalu i włókna szklanego;Wirnik nośny czterołopatowy;Pierwszy lot – sierpień 1979Wersja: salonWyprodukowano ponad 800 sztDane techniczneSilniki: 2 turbinowe PT6T3B po 754 kWŚrednica wirnika: 14 mDługość kadłuba: 14 mWysokość: 4,6 mMasa własna: 3202 kgMasa użyteczna: 2196 kgMasa całkowita: 5398 kgPrędkość maks.: 259 km/hPrędkość przelot.: 222 km/hWznoszenie: 6,0 m/sPułap: 6096 mZasięg: 650 kmZapas paliwa: 1246 lBell 206B-III Jet Ranger - Lekki śmigłowiec wielozadaniowy, załoga 1/2 osoby, pasażerów 3 Aktualnie Lotnictwo Policji eksploatuje 2 maszynę tego typu.OpisKonstrukcja duraluminiowa, półskorupowa;Wirnik nośny dwułopatowy;Pierwszy lot 10.01.1966 r.;Wersje: pasażerska, salon, transportowa;Wyprodukowano ponad 7500 szt.;Dodatkowe wyposażenie:- głośniki zewnętrzne;- reflektor-szperacz;- kamera FLIR (termowizyjna).Dane techniczneSilnik: turbinowy Allison 250C-20 313 kWŚrednica wirnika: 10,16 mDługość kadłuba: 9,50 mWysokość: 2,91 mMasa własna: 730 kgMasa użyteczna: 720 kgMasa całkowita: 1450 kgPrędkość maks.: 216 km/hPrędkość przelot.: 190 km/hWznoszenie: 6,5 m/sPułap: 4115 mZasięg: 550 kmZapas paliwa: 345 lPZL Mi-2 - Lekki śmigłowiec wielozadaniowy, załoga 1/2 osoby, pasażerów 5 Aktualnie Lotnictwo Policji eksploatuje 3 maszyn tego typu.OpisKonstrukcja duraluminiowa, półskorupowa;Wirnik nośny trójłopatowy;Pierwszy lot 12.09.1961 r. (w Polsce 1965 r.);Wersje: rozpoznawczo-łącznikowa;Wyprodukowano ponad 5400 szt.;Dodatkowe wyposażenie: - kamera Ultra Force 275C (4 statki powietrzne),- wciągarka ŁPG-3 o udźwigu 150 kg,- głośniki zewnętrzne,- reflektor - szperacz.Dane techniczneSilnik: 2 turbinowe GTD-350 po 294 kWŚrednica wirnika: 14,50 mDługość kadłuba: 11,94 mWysokość: 3,75 mMasa własna: 2400 kgMasa użyteczna: 1100 kgMasa całkowita: 3500 kgPrędkość maks.: 210 km/hPrędkość przelot.: 160 km/hWznoszenie: 4,5 m/sPułap: 4000 mZasięg: 540 kmZapas paliwa: 1070 lPo reorganizacji lotnictwa Służb Porządku Publicznego na szczeblu MSWiA przeprowadzonej w 2009 roku Lotnictwo Policji operuje z 6 baz tj.: z bazy centralnej znajdującej się na lotnisku Warszawa-Babice oraz 5 baz terenowych zlokalizowanych przy Komendach Wojewódzkich Policji w- Wydział Operacji Lotniczych, Zarząd Lotnictwa Policji, KGP WARSZAWA1 x Bell – 206,1 x Bell - 412,2 x Mi – 8,2 x W-3,Sekcja Lotnictwa KWPŁodz1 x Bell - 206,Krakowie1 x W3Poznaniu1x Mi-2Szczecinie1x Mi-2Wrocławiu1x Mi-2Spektrum zadańprzewóz sił i środków (zadania transportowe), w tym:przewóz grup AT,transport osób na potrzeby innych służb (w tym zatrzymanych, deportowanych, świadków),loty transportowe na terenie Polski i EU,zapewnienie szybkiego przemieszczenia na miejsce zdarzenia policjantów grup operacyjno-dochodzeniowych, zespołów minersko-pirotechnicznych, techników kryminalistyki, negocjatorów, pododdziałów antyterrorystycznych,przewóz grup ratowniczo – ewakuacyjnych w czasie klęsk żywiołowychposzukiwanie, rozpoznanie i obserwacja, w tym:udział w operacjach policyjnych z wykorzystaniem termowizji i transmisji obrazu telewizyjnego na stanowiska kierowania lub ruchome stanowisko kierowaniaw czasie rzeczywistym.rozpoznanie terenu pod względem nielegalnych upraw maku, konopi indyjskich, itp.udział w poszukiwaniach osób i mienia o dużej wartości.udział w operacjach policyjnych związanych z zabezpieczeniem porządkui bezpieczeństwa publicznego w czasie trwania imprez masowych o podwyższonym stopniu ryzyka oraz podczas zabezpieczenia szczególnej rangi uroczystości państwowych i kościelnych, w tym również wizyt VIP.zapewnienie realizacji zadań związanych z bezpieczeństwem i koordynacją ruchu drogowego.obserwacja rejonów szczególnie zagrożonych przestępczością pospolitąi zorganizowaną, osłona i wspomaganie działań operacyjnych.poszukiwanie zwłok za pomocą urządzeń termowizyjnych.rozpoznawanie zagrożeń pożarowych kompleksów leśnych, przekazywanie informacji o ogniskach pożarów.filmowanie i fotografowanie w celach rozpoznawczych lub dowodowych.zadania szkoleniowe, w tym:szkolenie własne w celu podtrzymania i podwyższania kwalifikacji.szkolenia i treningi zgrywające dla podmiotów współpracujących.zadania związane z wykorzystaniem szczególnej właściwości śmigłowców, w tym:desantowania i podejmowania na pokład osób i towarów.wsparcie działań pościgowo-blokadowych.działanie w sytuacjach kryzysowych, ewakuacja, w ramach akcji ratowniczych w związku z zaistniałymi katastrofami i klęskami żywiołowymi.zabezpieczenie prewencyjne porządku na akwenach wodnych oraz udział w akcjach ratowniczych,współdziałanie z pododdziałami antyterrorystycznymi w tym osłona medyczna tych działań.ujawnianie skradzionych ładunków, tymczasowych magazynów i innych obiektów mających związek z przestępstwem, a usytuowanych w miejscach trudno dostępnych (teren górzysty, leśny, podmokły).ujawnianie przestępstw związanych z kradzieżami paliw z rurociągów, magazynów, elementów wyposażenia linii kolejowych i sieci energetycznych.współdziałanie z lotnictwem MON, SG, LPR, TOPR, Policji państw sąsiednich, zabezpieczenie działań na rzecz MSWiA."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/tAA3earf_How-to-manage-project-risk-with-Mindjet.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "How to manage project risk with MindjetAbout this mapbased on a Mindjet webinarJuly 26th15.30 - 16.00 CESTorganizerJohn BarberPre Sales and Solution Sales ManagerUK Mindjet officeMindjet Ltd.This map is shared byaHa!CoachingMindjet MindmanagerTraining Centervalue added resellersince 2002specialized inLarge Scale Deploymentadd-in developmentrisk management process backgroundstepsinitiateidentifyassessplan responsesimplement responsesusing a 'risk register'standard formattrack and update actionlearning after project closecan be reused as checklist on future projectse.g.in Excelmanage processstepsstoring all the risk that's taking placeusing a 'risk register'Steps in analysis with Mindjetassemble the teamcentral shared mapIdentify the project to be analysedbrainstormmake sure all the possible risks are listedgather and review relevant project informationReview the risk checklist and mark all the relevant riskscheck each on/offtask informationadd add risks if identifiedperform corrective action and re-evaluate risksrisk assessment map partdrag and dropprioritise and assign corrective action with map markersdistribute, review and the analysis as appropriatedepending on if they have the correct access rights or notwhy Mindjetalign the teamaccess to everybodyshared the map across the teamFacilitate brainstormingeasy entry of topicsprioritise riskswith built-tin frameworkse.g.2-by-2 analysistrack and document tasksattachmentsresourceslinkstask informationsee dependencies clearlyrelationshipsRefine and categorize risksmap markersuse map parts as checkliststrack impactusing it like a logsharing map across the teamupdate as time goes byadd attachmentshow to startstart with a map templatemapsforthat.comsearch for risksfill in project informationnamedescriptionkey stakeholderslist them in the mapproject managerdefine risk teamImport these from Outlook in MindManageralso from SharePointdirectly e-mail people from the mapbackground informationlink to folders on your computer or network driveusing File Explorer map partautomatically creates topics and links to fileslink to folder on Mindjet Connectchecklistinternalexternalorganizationaltechnicalrisk assessmentuse this as a template per riskuse risk assessment map part ()resources for specific project are available for teambackground informationkeep results in there from the last timechecklistusemap markersto create checkboxesdifferent categoriesrisksmarker indexcreate summary of all the risksThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFacilitating the brainstormjust type anywhere in the mapthen drag them directly to the appropriate topicsexpand on inserted topicsthen add markerse.g.is riskneeds fundingPrioritise risksusing analysis viewavailable in MM2012e.g.impact vs likelihoodlow vs highhow todrag risks into viewin right quadrantthen apply markersmap will be updated with appropriate markersflesh out the detailsuse risk assessment map partuse this as a template per risk ()how toexisting topics in mapadd selected topic(s)apply map to each riskassessment for each riskadd explanationapply prioritiesadd relationshipseasier than spreadsheetsnot: 1.1 is connected to 1.3but: a visual line between two topicsdivide tasksfrom solutionsaddprogressstart dateend dateprioritiesresourceswho should be working on these?review and presenting document & running the meetingall based on markers which are used in your mapusing power selecte.g.all topics which are ticked offthen apply new markerselect everything with same markersusing power filtere.g.look at certain types of riskslook at risks with specific resourceslook at risks which require fundingwill only show specific topicsmarker indexe.g.all risks assign to Johnquick list of risks requiring fundingnew in MM2012shows only used markersWalk through modeusetab key to jump through topicsusing clicker which can be used for PowerPointshare and save mapusing save in Mindjet Connect buttonthen able to share it with team membersallows editing by team memberslink to other mape.g. a dashboardGeneral questionshow to set-up own map markers?is set-up per mape.g. included in risk assessment map from mapsforthat.comable to create own groupscreate new icon group in Markers Task Panemarkers will be available when you share your map with colleagueshow to add own marker images?e.g flagsneed.ico filesindividualadd new icon from Library Task pabemultipledrop them in library folder using Windows File Exploreruse map marker each time?nocan copy/paste as well"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/tE7JfAcv_RAGE-AGAINST-THE-MACHINE-discography-and-US-Presidents.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE discography and US Presidentsabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND, Warsaw)all informationhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_Against_the_Machine_discographyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_the_United_States#1Rage Against the Machine Released: November 3, 19921. \"Bombtrack\" 4:042. \"Killing in the Name\" 5:143. \"Take the Power Back\" 5:374. \"Settle for Nothing\" 4:485. \"Bullet in the Head\" 5:076. \"Know Your Enemy\" 4:557. \"Wake Up\" 6:048. \"Fistful of Steel\" 5:319. \"Township Rebellion\" 5:2410. \"Freedom\" 6:06George Herbert Walker BushIn office January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993#2Evil Empire Released: April 16, 19961. \"People of the Sun\" 2:302. \"Bulls on Parade\" 3:493. \"Vietnow\" 4:394. \"Revolver\" 5:305. \"Snakecharmer\" 3:566. \"Tire Me\" 3:007. \"Down Rodeo\" 5:208. \"Without a Face\" 3:369. \"Wind Below\" 5:5010. \"Roll Right\" 4:2211. \"Year of tha Boomerang\" 4:02Bill Clinton (William Jefferson Clinton (born William Jefferson Blythe III)In office January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001#3The Battle of Los Angeles Released: November 2, 19991. \"Testify\" 3:302. \"Guerrilla Radio\" 3:263. \"Calm Like a Bomb\" 4:584. \"Mic Check\" 3:335. \"Sleep Now in the Fire\" 3:256. \"Born of a Broken Man\" 4:407. \"Born as Ghosts\" 3:228. \"Maria\" 3:489. \"Voice of the Voiceless\" 2:3110. \"New Millennium Homes\" 3:4411. \"Ashes in the Fall\" 4:3712. \"War Within a Breath\" 3:36Bill Clinton (William Jefferson Clinton (born William Jefferson Blythe III)In office January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001#4Renegades Released: December 5, 20001. \"Microphone Fiend\" 5:012. \"Pistol Grip Pump\" 3:183. \"Kick Out the Jams\" 3:114. \"Renegades of Funk\" 4:355. \"Beautiful World\" 2:356. \"I'm Housin\" 4:567. \"In My Eyes\" 2:548. \"How I Could Just Kill a Man\" 4:049. \"The Ghost of Tom Joad\" 5:3810. \"Down on the Street\" 3:3811. \"Street Fighting Man\" 4:4212. \"Maggie's Farm\" 6:34Bill Clinton (William Jefferson Clinton (born William Jefferson Blythe III)In office January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jrVgTYQY_Berliner-Bezirke-Berlin-boroughs.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Berliner Bezirke / Berlin boroughsMitteMitteMoabitHansaviertelTiergartenWeddingGesundbrunnenFriedrichshain-KreuzbergFriedrichshainStralauOberbaum CityBoxhagenKreuzbergSO36Kreuzberg 61PankowPrenzlauer BergWeißenseeBlankenburgHeinersdorfKarowPankowBlankenfeldeBuchFranzösisch BucholzNiederschönhausenRosenthalWilhelmsruhCharlottenburg-WilmersdorfCharlottenburgWilmersdorfSchmargendorfGrunewaldWestendCharlottenburg-NordHalenseeSpandauSpandauHaselhorstSiemensstadtStaakenGatowKladowHakenfeldeFalkenhagener FeldWilhelmstadtTreptow-KöpenickAlt-TreptowPlänterwaldBaumschulenwegJohannisthalNiederschöneweideAltglienickeAdlershofBohnsdorfOberschöneweideKöpenickFriedrichshagenRahnsdorfGrünauMüggelheimSchmöckwitzSteglitz-ZehlendorfSteglitzLichterfeldeLankwitzZehlendorfDahlemNikolasseeWannseeTempelhof-SchönebergSchönebergFriedenauTempelhofMariendorfMarienfeldeLichtenradeMarzahn-HelllersdorfMarzahnBiesdorfKaulsdorfMahlsdorfHellersdorfNeuköllnNeuköllnBritzBuckowRudowGropiusstadtLichtenbergAlt-FriedrichsfeldeKarlshorstLichtenbergFalkenbergMalchowWartenbergNeu-HohenschönhausenAlt-HohenschönhausenFennpfuhlRummelsburgReinickendorfReinickendorfTegelKonradshöheFrohnauHermsdorfWaidmanslustLübarsWittenauMärkisches ViertelBorsigwaldeThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/2kPZNoYT_Countries-by-coal-production.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "countries by coal productionabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_coal_productionWorld7727.37,460.407,861.108,164.908,074.60China3523.23,411.003,747.003,874.003,974.30India716692.4677.5648.1608.5United States702.3660.6812.8906.9893.4European Union490.1484.7528.1491.5557.9Australia481.3492.8484.5503.2472.8Indonesia461434392458474.6Russia411.2385.4373.3357.6355.2South Africa252.3251.2252.1260.5256.3Germany175.1176.1183.3185.8190.6Poland127.1131.1135.5137.1142.9Kazakhstan111.1102.4106.5108.7119.6Turkey99.870.658.465.260.4Colombia89.490.585.588.685.5Canada59.560.360.768.868.4Mongolia49.538.124.525.330.1Czech Republic44.94646.246.949Serbia4038.438.129.840.3North Korea--38.8[5]34.0[5]33.0[5]Vietnam38.139.441.541.241.1Greece37.833.147.749.353.9Bulgaria34.531.535.931.328.6Ukraine34.241.838.560.984.8Romania25.723.225.523.624.7Thailand16.31715.21818.1Mexico10.411.414.413.814.6Kosovo--9.1[5]7.9[5]9.1[5]Hungary89.[5]10.5[5]7.8[5]Mozambique--7.2[5]15.8[5]6.7[5]Bosnia and Herzegovina--6.7[5]6.8[5]6.9[5]Macedonia--6.5[5]7.9[5]7.4[5]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/j423077_Website_Design_and_Development_-_Scoping_Guide_v.1.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Website Development A Project Scoping Guide v.1About this documentDocument purposeHow to use this documentAbout meContact menick@oxfordnewmedia.com+44 (0) 1869 357116What is the primary purpose of the web site?Evaluating the overall requirementsBudgetTimescaleCompany profileBusiness to Business?Business to Consumer?Market sectorsCorporate image projectionTarget audience for websiteContentIs a CMS required?Is a professional copywriter required?Does any content already exist or is it all to created from scratch?CreativeAre there existing brand guidelines that must be followed?What creative assets are available?Vector format logo?Data CaptureNewsletter subscriptions?User registration and login?AccessibilitySystem IntegrationFuture plansSite ReferencesSites the client likes and whySites the client doesn't like and whySite StructureHomeNewsCurrent newsNews ArchiveAbout UsCompany HistoryManagement TeamRecruitmentOur productsProduct listingProduct DocumentationOur servicesContact usFeeback FormMap & directionsTechnical RequirementsScripting LanguagesASPASP.NETPHPColdfusionJSPFlash / ActionscriptRuby on RailsHostingServer platformWindowsLinuxPackage typeShared hostingVirtual serverDedicated serverManagedUnmanagedDatabase requirementsSQL ServerMS AccessMySQLOracleExisting web site considerationsAre there any current issues that should be resolved in the new site?Are there any features to be carried over to new site?Switching over from the old site to the new siteUpdate robots.txt file to remove old pages from Search Engine indexes.Use Google Webmaster tools to request removal of old URLs quicklyCreate sitemap.xml file and upload to Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.Custom error page for 404 Page Not Found errors that informs visitors that the site has changed.Change the DNS for the domain name to point to the new site's location.Measurement of success of new site vs. old siteDomain NamesExisting domain namesDNS ChangesDomain names to be registeredWho to use for domain registrationOngoing requirementsMinor updates & supportCMS training / re-trainingMeasurement of trafficSearch Engine RankingInternal resourcesDecision makingDoes the person you are talking to have the power to engage commercially with you?Who else will be involved in decision making for the website project as a whole?What is the decision making process?What sort of proposal is required?Copyright ©2008 Nick Carpenter. All rights reserved. If you'd like to reproduce any or all of this document, or include it in your own publications please contact me first."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/rvyCPnUJ_Livre-Managez-avec-le-Mind-Mapping.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Managez avec le Mind MappingLe Mind Mapping ProfessionnelDécouvrir le Mind MappingPourquoi ça marche ?Quels sont les ingrédients d'une bonne carte ?Comment créer votre première carte ?Choisir votre logicielÉvaluer vos besoinsTravailler en mode bureauTravailler dans le cloudDémarrer avec un logiciel de Mind MappingDémarrer avec XMindDémarrer avec MindManagerDémarrer avec MindomoDe l'idée à l'actionMultiplier vos idées Idea MappingFaire émerger les idéesStructurer les idéesValider les idéesMieux gérer vos projets Action MappingFaire émerger les actionsStructurer les actionsValider les actionsÉliminer tous les problèmes Solutions MappingAnticiper les problèmesChoisir une méthode pour résoudre les problèmesRésoudre le problèmeStratégie gagnanteDécider vite et bien ! Decision MappingDécider : entre intuition et logiqueDécider visuellementDécider (collectivement) avec le Mind MappingRéussir votre stratégie Strategy MappingDéfinir et piloter sa stratégieTransformer des matrices au format MappingUtiliser des matrices d'aide à la décisionConquérir de nouveaux clients Sales MappingRéussir sa veilleRéussir son marketingRéussir son commercialThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookDe la communication à la collaborationConvaincre en quelques cartes Prez MappingPréparer sa cartePrésenter en mode Mind MappingPartager vos cartesEn finir avec la réunionite !!! Meeting MappingAnimer la réunion avec un support Mind MappingFluidifier les échanges en réunionRédiger le compte-rendu en quelques clicsCollaborer à tous les niveaux Co MappingDépasser les problèmes de la collaborationCollaborer au quotidienCollaborer à distanceDe la compétence à la performanceFédérer vos équipes RH MappingRecruter (sans se tromper)Encadrer (sans se prendre la tête)Évaluer (sans stresser)Développer les compétences Skills MappingCartographier les connaissances et les compétencesTransférer les connaissances et les compétencesÉlaborer un référentiel de compétencesFormer avec le Mind Mapping Training MappingConstruire un module de formationAnimer une formationÉvaluer les connaissance acquises"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/nL3t1as5_Recreate-not-relocate-Clean-up-your-file-storage-made-easy-with-MindManager.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Recreate not relocate - Clean up your file storage made easy with MindManagerWhy usevizualisation makes better comprehensioneverysteptimeadvantages of the Mind Map methodologyreadabilityworkabilityauditabilityviabilityCreate new folder system using our folder creation tool for MindManagerUse the feature Map Parts for creating a map of the old file systemmap partstools tabfile manageronly folderchoose location of old file systemOKcreates map ofold file storagecompletelyevery levelfoldersubfolderDevelop new folder structuretogether!structuredunderstandablescalableusing the x-focus folder creation tool https://fancysoftware.de/apps/csv-to-folder for creating a new folder structure out of the MindMapexport map as *.csv filemenu fileshareCSV-formatany subformat works fine!choose fileopen dialog boxslect fileOKDownload ZIP archiveunpack to desired storage locationREADY!Tips for file namingdateYYYY-MM-DD2016-06-30advantagealways visible timelineinitialsauthorfilenameshortmeaningfulunderstandablemax. 15 charactersexample: 2016-06-30_PN_recreate not relocateThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookthe golden rule: recreate instead of relocate / cleaning upold filesstayoldfile storageneeded againnew file storage ()new filesnew file storageneeded again ()structureforoverviewfind the right placemost importantintuitiveretrievableDon't waste your energy!Don'told stuffmovingrearrangingclean upDoinformation filescreaterecreatesave in structureInformation managementuse of informationdifferenceinformationknowledgeknow where you can find informationagreementuse of informationnaming the filesstoragelocationstructureaccess right managementrulesunderstandableclearChallengeInformation overloadto muchuntraceablemany peoplefilesavingsharingediting"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k6dgMTL2_Netherlands-regions-with-contextual-stats.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Netherlands source: en.wikipedia.orgDrentheAa en HunzeAssenBorger-OdoornCoevordenEmmenHoogeveenMeppelMidden-DrentheNoordenveldTynaarloWesterveldDe WoldenFlevolandAlmereDrontenLelystadNoordoostpolderUrkZeewoldeFrieslandAchtkarspelenAmelandhet BildtBoarnsterhimBolswardDantumadeelDongeradeelFerwerderadielFranekeradeelGaasterlân-SleatHarlingenHeerenveenKollumerland en NieuwkruislandLeeuwardenLeeuwarderadeelLemsterlandLittenseradielMenaldumadeelNijefurdOoststellingwerfOpsterlandSchiermonnikoogSkarsterlânSmallingerlandSneekTerschellingTytsjerksteradielVlielandWeststellingwerfWu^nseradielWymbritseradielmapped by Wojciech KorsakGelderlandAaltenApeldoornArnhemBarneveldBerkellandBeuningenBronckhorstBrummenBurenCulemborgDoesburgDoetinchemDrutenDuivenEdeElburgEpeErmeloGeldermalsenGroesbeekHarderwijkHattemHeerdeHeumenLingewaalLingewaardLochemMaasdrielMillingen aan de RijnMontferlandNeder-BetuweNeerijnenNijkerkNijmegenNunspeetOldebroekOost GelreOude IJsselstreekOverbetuwePuttenRenkumRhedenRijnwaardenRozendaalScherpenzeelTielUbbergenVoorstWageningenWest Maas en WaalWestervoortWijchenWinterswijkZaltbommelZevenaarZutphenGroningenAppingedamBedumBellingweddeTen BoerDelfzijlEemsmondGroningenGrootegastHarenHoogezand-SappemeerLeekLoppersumDe MarneMarumMenterwoldeOldambtPekelaSlochterenStadskanaalVeendamVlagtweddeWinsumZuidhornLimburgBeekBeeselBergen (L)BrunssumEcht-SusterenEijsdenGennepGulpen-WittemHeerlenHorst aan de MaasKerkradeLandgraafLeudalMaasgouwMaastrichtMargratenMeerssenMook en MiddelaarNederweertNuthOnderbankenPeel en MaasRoerdalenRoermondSchinnenSimpelveldSittard-GeleenSteinVaalsValkenburg aan de GeulVenloVenrayVoerendaalWeertThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookNorth BrabantAalburgAlphen-ChaamAstenBaarle-NassauBergeijkBergen op ZoomBernhezeBestBladelBoekelBoxmeerBoxtelBredaCranendonckCuijkDeurneDongenDrimmelenEerselEindhovenEtten-LeurGeertruidenbergGeldrop-MierloGemert-BakelGilze en RijenGoirleGraveHaarenHalderbergeHeeze-LeendeHelmond's-HertogenboschHeusdenHilvarenbeekLaarbeekLanderdLithLoon op ZandMaasdonkMill en Sint HubertMoerdijkNuenen, Gerwen en NederwettenOirschotOisterwijkOosterhoutOssReusel-De MierdenRoosendaalRucphenSchijndelSint AnthonisSint-MichielsgestelSint-OedenrodeSomerenSon en BreugelSteenbergenTilburgUdenValkenswaardVeghelVeldhovenVughtWaalreWaalwijkWerkendamWoensdrechtWoudrichemZundertNorth HollandAalsmeerAlkmaarAmstelveenAmsterdamAndijkAnna PaulownaBeemsterBergen (NH)BeverwijkBlaricumBloemendaalBussumCastricumDiemenDrechterlandEdam-VolendamEnkhuizenGraft-De RijpHaarlemHaarlemmerliede en SpaarnwoudeHaarlemmermeerHarenkarspelHeemskerkHeemstedeHeerhugowaardHeilooDen HelderHilversumHoornHuizenKoggenlandLandsmeerLangedijkLarenMedemblikMuidenNaardenNiedorpOostzaanOpmeerOuder-AmstelPurmerendSchagenSchermerStede BroecTexelUitgeestUithoornVelsenWaterlandWeespWervershoofWieringenWieringermeerWijdemerenWormerlandZaanstadZandvoortZeevangZijpeOverijsselAlmeloBorneDalfsenDeventerDinkellandEnschedeHaaksbergenHardenbergHellendoornHengeloHof van TwenteKampenLosserOldenzaalOlst-WijheOmmenRaalteRijssen-HoltenStaphorstSteenwijkerlandTubbergenTwenterandWierdenZwartewaterlandZwolleblog postUtrechtAbcoudeAmersfoortBaarnDe BiltBreukelenBunnikBunschotenEemnesHoutenIJsselsteinLeusdenLoenenLopikMaarssenMontfoortNieuwegeinOudewaterRenswoudeRhenenDe Ronde VenenSoestUtrechtUtrechtse HeuvelrugVeenendaalVianenWijk bij DuurstedeWoerdenWoudenbergZeistZeelandBorseleGoesHulstKapelleMiddelburgNoord-BevelandReimerswaalSchouwen-DuivelandSluisTerneuzenTholenVeereVlissingenSouth HollandAlblasserdamAlbrandswaardAlphen aan den RijnBarendrechtBergambachtBernisseBinnenmaasBodegravenBoskoopBrielleCapelle aan den IJsselCromstrijenDelftDirkslandDordrechtGiessenlandenGoedereedeGorinchemGoudaGraafstroomHardinxveld-GiessendamHellevoetsluisHendrik-Ido-AmbachtHillegomKaag en BraassemKatwijkKorendijkKrimpen aan den IJsselLansingerlandLeerdamLeidenLeiderdorpLeidschendam-VoorburgLiesveldLisseMaassluisMiddelharnisMidden-DelflandNederlekNieuwkoopNieuw-LekkerlandNoordwijkNoordwijkerhoutOegstgeestOostflakkeeOud-BeijerlandOuderkerkPapendrechtPijnacker-NootdorpReeuwijkRidderkerkRijnwoudeRijswijkRotterdamSchiedamSchoonhovenSliedrechtSpijkenisseStrijenTeylingenThe HagueVlaardingenVlistVoorschotenWaddinxveenWassenaarWestlandWestvoorneZederikZoetermeerZoeterwoudeZuidplasZwijndrecht"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/t813809_urban_zones.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Urban ZonesLand Use ModelsConcentric model (burgess)Ignores public trnsportSector model (hoyt)It has public transport and rivers included.Solutions to CBD problemsCrimeHigher police presence - foot patrolsLe gestation to punish graffiti etc.CCTVAlcohol free zonesHappened in oxfordGum zonesTraning bouncersHappened in oxford.CongestionHybrid bussesPark and rideOxfordGreen busesoxfordPedestrian roadsSpeed bumpsTraffic carming measuresRural Urban FringeGreen Beltshelps stops the growth of cities.Greenfield sightsA sight that has not been built on before.Brownfeild sightA sight that has been built on before.Problems in the iner city areasEnvironmental problemsAir and water pollutionTraffic congestionTower blockswarehousesHigh grafete levelsLack of open spaceSocial problemsAbove average congestionHigh disease levelsRising crime ratespore police and community relationsEconomic problemspoverty and low incomeHigh unemploymentDeclining industriesPore acessHigh land valuesCBD CharacteristicsRout centreOfficesShopping/ EntertainmentsSkyscrapersHigh dencity of buildingsSmall residential population.BecauseNoisyPollutionTrafficSmall houses/gardensCharacteristics of the core and frameCoreDepartment storesSpecialist sopsHigh rise office blocksBanksFrameUniversitiesTheatres/cinemasBus/coach stationsSmaller shopsCBD problemsTraffic congestionpollutionlack of space and high cost of landUrban decline"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k0AcNTT3_Edward-de-Bono-Thinking-Tools-TEC-Target-Expand-Contract.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Edward de BonoCAFTerrainPeopleRisksConstraintsResourcesFutureOtherHV/LVHigh ValueLow ValueOPV[Person/Group 1][Person/Group 2][Person/Group 3]ADIAgreementDisagreementIrrelevanceEBS[Other] Side/ViewYour Side/ViewTECTargetTaskExpand & ExploreCAFContract & ConcludeThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPMIPlusMinusInterestingPISCOPurposeInputCAFSolutionsChoiceOperationC&SShort-termMid-termLong-termAPC[Possibility 1]TEC/PISCOC&SPMIHV/LVOPV[Possibility 2]TEC/PISCOC&SPMIHV/LVOPV[Possibility 3]TEC/PISCOC&SPMIHV/LVOPVAGOAimsGoalsObjectives"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/W6rfztGC_Homer-Simpson.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Homer SimpsonHomer Simpson (100)Homer Simpson is the bumbling husband of Marge and father of Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson.Homer Simpson is an \"everyman\" and embodies several American stereotypes of working class blue-collar men: he is crude, overweight, incompetent, clumsy and a borderline alcoholic.Homer (100)Homer Jay Simpson is a fictional main character in the animated television series The Simpsons and the patriarch of the eponymous family.Homer was created and designed by cartoonist Matt Groening while he was waiting in the lobby of James L. Brooks' office.Homer and his wife Marge have three children: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.In the shorts and earlier episodes, Castellaneta voiced Homer with a loose impression of Walter Matthau; however, during the second and third seasons of the half-hour show, Homer's voice evolved to become more robust, to allow the expression of a fuller range of emotions.Homer Simpson is the bumbling husband of Marge and father of Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson.In most episodes, he works as the Nuclear Safety Inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, a position he has held since \"Homer's Odyssey\", the third episode of the series.Matt Groening has stated that he decided to have Homer work at the power plant because of the potential for Homer to create havoc.In some early episodes, Homer's hair was rounded rather than sharply pointed because animation director Wes Archer felt it should look disheveled.Executive producer Al Jean notes that in The Simpsons' writing room, \"everyone loves writing for Homer\", and many of his adventures are based on experiences of the writers.The writers often debate how far to go in portraying Homer's stupidity; one suggested rule is that \"he can never forget his own name\".Homer was also the runaway winner in British polls that determined who viewers thought was the \"greatest American\" and which fictional character people would like to see become the President of the United States.Homer Simpson is an \"everyman\" and embodies several American stereotypes of working class blue-collar men: he is crude, overweight, incompetent, clumsy and a borderline alcoholic.In 2008, Entertainment Weekly justified designating The Simpsons as a television classic by stating, \"we all hail Simpson patriarch Homer because his joy is as palpable as his stupidity is stunning\".Alongside the television series, Homer regularly appears in issues of Simpsons Comics, which were first published on November 29, 1993, and are still issued monthly.Simpson (48)Homer Jay Simpson is a fictional main character in the animated television series The Simpsons and the patriarch of the eponymous family.After appearing for three seasons on The Tracey Ullman Show, the Simpson family got their own series on Fox that debuted December 17, 1989.Homer Simpson is the bumbling husband of Marge and father of Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson.Homer Simpson is an \"everyman\" and embodies several American stereotypes of working class blue-collar men: he is crude, overweight, incompetent, clumsy and a borderline alcoholic.In 2008, Entertainment Weekly justified designating The Simpsons as a television classic by stating, \"we all hail Simpson patriarch Homer because his joy is as palpable as his stupidity is stunning\".character (33)Homer Jay Simpson is a fictional main character in the animated television series The Simpsons and the patriarch of the eponymous family.Homer was also the runaway winner in British polls that determined who viewers thought was the \"greatest American\" and which fictional character people would like to see become the President of the United States.Matt Groening (20)Homer was created and designed by cartoonist Matt Groening while he was waiting in the lobby of James L. Brooks' office.Matt Groening has stated that he decided to have Homer work at the power plant because of the potential for Homer to create havoc.Castellaneta (20)He is voiced by Dan Castellaneta and first appeared on television, along with the rest of his family, in The Tracey Ullman Show short \"Good Night\" on April 19, 1987.In the shorts and earlier episodes, Castellaneta voiced Homer with a loose impression of Walter Matthau; however, during the second and third seasons of the half-hour show, Homer's voice evolved to become more robust, to allow the expression of a fuller range of emotions.The voice began as a loose impression of Walter Matthau, but Castellaneta could not \"get enough power behind that voice\", and could not sustain his Matthau impression for the nine- to ten-hour-long recording sessions and had to find something easier.Bart (12)Homer and his wife Marge have three children: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.Homer Simpson is the bumbling husband of Marge and father of Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson.father (10)Homer Simpson is the bumbling husband of Marge and father of Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson.television (10)Homer Jay Simpson is a fictional main character in the animated television series The Simpsons and the patriarch of the eponymous family.He is voiced by Dan Castellaneta and first appeared on television, along with the rest of his family, in The Tracey Ullman Show short \"Good Night\" on April 19, 1987.He was placed second on TV Guide's 2002 Top 50 Greatest Cartoon Characters, behind Bugs Bunny; fifth on Bravo's 100 Greatest TV Characters, one of only four cartoon characters on that list; and first in a Channel 4 poll of the greatest television characters of all time.In 2008, Entertainment Weekly justified designating The Simpsons as a television classic by stating, \"we all hail Simpson patriarch Homer because his joy is as palpable as his stupidity is stunning\".Alongside the television series, Homer regularly appears in issues of Simpsons Comics, which were first published on November 29, 1993, and are still issued monthly.Marge (9)Homer and his wife Marge have three children: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.Homer Simpson is the bumbling husband of Marge and father of Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson.SummaryHomer Jay Simpson is a fictional main character in the animated television series The Simpsons and the patriarch of the eponymous family.He is voiced by Dan Castellaneta and first appeared on television, along with the rest of his family, in The Tracey Ullman Show short \"Good Night\" on April 19, 1987.Homer was created and designed by cartoonist Matt Groening while he was waiting in the lobby of James L. Brooks' office.Groening had been called to pitch a series of shorts based on his comic strip Life in Hell but instead decided to create a new set of characters.After appearing for three seasons on The Tracey Ullman Show, the Simpson family got their own series on Fox that debuted December 17, 1989.Homer and his wife Marge have three children: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.In the shorts and earlier episodes, Castellaneta voiced Homer with a loose impression of Walter Matthau; however, during the second and third seasons of the half-hour show, Homer's voice evolved to become more robust, to allow the expression of a fuller range of emotions.Homer Simpson is the bumbling husband of Marge and father of Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson.In most episodes, he works as the Nuclear Safety Inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, a position he has held since \"Homer's Odyssey\", the third episode of the series.Matt Groening has stated that he decided to have Homer work at the power plant because of the potential for Homer to create havoc.Groening had been called in to pitch a series of animated shorts for The Tracey Ullman Show, and had intended to present an adaptation of his Life in Hell comic strip.In some early episodes, Homer's hair was rounded rather than sharply pointed because animation director Wes Archer felt it should look disheveled.The voice began as a loose impression of Walter Matthau, but Castellaneta could not \"get enough power behind that voice\", and could not sustain his Matthau impression for the nine- to ten-hour-long recording sessions and had to find something easier.During a pay dispute in 1998, Fox threatened to replace the six main voice actors with new actors, going as far as preparing for casting of new voices.Executive producer Al Jean notes that in The Simpsons' writing room, \"everyone loves writing for Homer\", and many of his adventures are based on experiences of the writers.The writers often debate how far to go in portraying Homer's stupidity; one suggested rule is that \"he can never forget his own name\".If we keep it that he’s ruled by his impulses, then he can easily switch impulses.He was placed second on TV Guide's 2002 Top 50 Greatest Cartoon Characters, behind Bugs Bunny; fifth on Bravo's 100 Greatest TV Characters, one of only four cartoon characters on that list; and first in a Channel 4 poll of the greatest television characters of all time.Homer was also the runaway winner in British polls that determined who viewers thought was the \"greatest American\" and which fictional character people would like to see become the President of the United States.Homer Simpson is an \"everyman\" and embodies several American stereotypes of working class blue-collar men: he is crude, overweight, incompetent, clumsy and a borderline alcoholic.In 2008, Entertainment Weekly justified designating The Simpsons as a television classic by stating, \"we all hail Simpson patriarch Homer because his joy is as palpable as his stupidity is stunning\".Alongside the television series, Homer regularly appears in issues of Simpsons Comics, which were first published on November 29, 1993, and are still issued monthly.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMap created automatically by WikiSummarizer product of Context Discovery http://www.contextdiscovery.com wikisummarizer@contextdiscovery.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/gIIOhpeY_Agile-for-Public-Sector-Governance-Coexistence-Delivery.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Agile: It's a tool, not magic Mark O'Neill, Government Digital ServiceJob to change way services delivered to citizens in this countryIncluding backbendsOld, locked up in silos and very expensiveStandard approach to life is ... AgileAgile - it's a tool, not magicLike all tools it can solve problems, but you can drop it on your toe and break itAgility is not a thing (organisation)Forces us to do things rapidly, involve users, participate in a community to deliverW-agile - just because you have got post-it notes on the wall doesn't mean you have got agilityAbout culture, and everyone in the organisationSilos with distinct boundaries, ownership becomes diffusedThe dead weight of perfectionHow can we address a user need?Business case that defines the perfect solution?I have no idea and it would cost too much anywayShift focus to meet a user need, then iterate and work with users to improveIT industry littered with the dead bodies who died trying to deliver P - meanwhile eaten by othersBig Problem does not equal big solutiontechnology changes so rapidlyExample £15M with payback of 4 yearsWhy embark on such a project - what will the service landscape be at that time?Commoditisation of IT keeps rising up the stackGDS - will never by another server ... all in CloudNever buy another printer - not printed anything in 18 monthsWhat is the user need?Users are obtained - game of pass the parcel - unwrap but is it every ChristmasJob title is proposition director - how do we propose to meet user needsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMake it realWireframes - after one yeartwo weeks sprintsaverage delivery cycle = 6 weeksContinuous delivery within GDS - iteration is so importantNever stopContinuous iteration environmentPeople like itEngaged at GDSPeople feel delivering worthwhile useful things\"A website is a person, not a thing\"Checklist1. Product not pilotIf you are building a pilot which will not go into something wasting timemust meet a user need, if you wanted to you could roll outPilots to often provide an excuse, breaks cadence2. Owner is in the roomExample - large projectProgramme Board - looked for writeboard ... not there, nor owner, can we write a paper and come backdaily stand ups and weekly show and tell that the owner must come to3. Real soonEnd of first sprint, must be something that you can touchearly on had first walk through of how it was going to work after one weekidentified and edge case - multiple votescould take a system with a few weeks and put in from of a Minister4. User, user, useris it stated anywaywho are they, where do they leavehow often do you speak to them?most critical thing ...snapshot_Agile_Delivery.pdfMerv Wyeth www.chanctonbury.org"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/IrvzmnrZ_Mindjet-Revolution-roadshow-quick-notes.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mindjet Revolution roadshow quick notesWelcomechris Harmangoalseducate on solutionsMichael DeutchHilary de RoverJohn BarbercustomerMavimhttp://www.mavim.nl/vision forwardMichaelroadmapSolutionstoday+2M users500k trials in 201080% of global 200user poll in the audience52% = 3jr+ user of MindManager4 pilarsmindManager 2012CohumanMobileConnectFree mappingstudentsBusinessCohumane-mail to cohumanauto prioritizationpatentedAlso available as apphttp://www.cohuman.com/current 'puzzle'ConnectCaptureOrganizedesktopPlanCohumanactMavin presentationMavim Rules 7integration with MindManagerhttp://www.mavim.nl/This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMindManager 2012 new features top 10Don't confuse new usersSimplified Ribbonintegrated video guideskick start with templatesout-of-the-box templatese.g. Project Management Jetpackintegrated online templatesMap galleryMapsforthat.comfind it faster on SharePointget the most out of your SharePoint investmentintegrated add-inPreviously SharePoint Exploreruse it forlinkingdocstasksseems pretty technical...multiplying map linksmultiple links per topicability to change to order of linkse.g. for mobile devicesExcel with ExcelExport of your map to CSVsupports selections of topicsmanage tasksintegrated ganttprintPrint previewPrint of selection of ganttdrag and dropPower Filterfilter presetsnew sort optionssort by due dateeasily navigate complex mapsmarker IndexPreviously an add-in called Power MarkersUpdates livea good way to understand a map from one of your colleaguesmake better decisionsAnalysis Viewtwo dimensionalCopy matrix to clipboard as imageunleash your ideaspreviousely and add-in called The RealizerGuided Brainstormchallenge cardsidea cardsflesh out idease.g. using 5W+HConnect with your teamMindjet Connectfree versionpaid versionConnect Businessmultiple access levelsnewfolders and subfoldersinegrated feedsGoogleBingLinkedInEvernotedesktopintegrated with connectwebfree versionno single-sign-on yetmobileview maps with mobile devicesRoadmapcan't talk about thismore information at www.ahacoaching.nl"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/X3Sd9P69_Generalized-Sales-Process-Funnel.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookdirect mail()Initial contact()They call me ()Autoresponder Send them one email to thank them for their interest and saying what the questions are and that you'll call them within 24 hours ()()()()()First Meeting ()Combo ($1097) Save $103implementation packageInfoRefer the right resources (programs, books, experts,...)Help you overcome change resistanceHelp you build rituals, routines that will make it inevitable for you to get the success you wantAccountabilityMake you more productiveExpert as neededHow much?Present it better, clarify value.Referral()word of mouth buzz()People with lists()sales promotions()websites()email marketing()catalogues()Networking()Joint ventures()Personal Selling()One Time EventsRegular NetworkingCold calling()High-touch Personal One-on-one activitiesviral marketing()Direct contact Directed to many people at onceNotesCreating awarenessPaying for eyeballs through advertising or sponsorshipsAdwordsSpecial EventsBecome notoriousBecoming known as the \"... guy\" through speakingwritingPR/publicitySocial media marketing()Blog marketingAutoresponder Send them one email to thank them for their interest and saying what the questions are and that you'll call them within 24 hoursInitial contact ()Email from website form ()Email from website formAutoresponder Send them one email to thank them for their interest and saying what the questions are and that you'll call them within 24 hours ()They call meInitial contact ()2nd Order Network Getting people to spread the wordMake my sale firstThen, if I see I can refer somebody (ex: Danny), do it once client signed.If I slip up, mention someone or a resource and prospect asks about it before invoice is paid, then synergizeFor Natural SelectionTell prospect full pricesAnd how much I can take off my packageInitial Assessment Session(s)Product / Packages ()Follow Up System ()Solution Design ()Close on product/service ()Custom Packages ()Solution DesignInitial Assessment Session(s) ()Ongoing WorkEvery x periodFollow Up SystemInitial Assessment Session(s) ()Custom PackagesInitial Assessment Session(s) ()Product / PackagesInitial Assessment Session(s) ()Close on product/serviceInitial Assessment Session(s) ()Follow Up Meetings ()Agreement or Letter of IntentFirst MeetingFollow Up Meetings ()Initial contact ()Follow Up MeetingsClose on product/service ()First Meeting ()Scope of Work"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/e247174_Control_Systems_in_Living_Organisms.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Control systems in living organismsCellular levelMetabolic pathways controlled by enzymesSome enzymes act as rate controlling enzymesActivity of enzymes controlled by non-competitive inhibitionEnd-product of the pathway acts as an inhibitorAs conc. of end-product rises so level of inhibition increasesPathway is self-regulatingTo respond to changes in the environment, organisms must have cells sensitive to changesThermoreceptorsDetect changes in body temp.Impulses sent to hypothalamusHeat loss or heat gain mechanisms are initiatedIncrease in temp.VasodilationIncr. sweatingPilorelaxationPhotoreceptorsDetect changes in light intensityRods in retinaLight causes photosensitive pigment rhodopsin to breakdownImpulses in ganglion cellsAutonomic NS controls pupil diameterParasympathetic neuronesPupil constrictionSympathetic neuronesPupil dilationGuard cellsRespond to changes in light intensityContain chloroplastsIncreased light causes K-pumpingCells swell and stomata openAnimals have control systems that enable to maintain a constant internal environmentLong-term controlled often uses hormonesReleased from endocrine organs and transported in the bloodControl of blood glucose levelsFluctuate with intake and usageFailure to control glucose levels can lead to coma and deathLevels monitored by pancreasIf levels too high, insulin released from beta cellsActs on liver and muscle cellsIncr. in number of uptake carrier proteinsIncr. in glucose uptake from the plasmaGlycogen synthetase activatedIncr. in glycogen synthesisShort-term control often uses the nervous systemUses neurones to conduct electrical signalsVery responseAutonomic nervous system controls heart rateDuring exercise blood levels of carbon dioxide rise as muscles respire at faster rateDetected by chemoreceptors in carotid bodiesImpulses sent along sensory neurones to medulla oblongataImpulses sent from the cardiovascular centre down sympathetic neuronesNoradrenaline is released at SA nodeHeart rate increasesIncreased blood flow to lungsIncreased carbon dioxide excretionIncreased oxygen uptakeIntroductionInternal and external environments are continually changing.Organisms must be able to respond to these changes to surviveRegulatory systems are usually controlled by negative feedbackDeparture from a norm value initiates changes that restore the system to the norm.Response is in the opposite direction to the change"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/m9c2G8ef_BIOFEEDBACK.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BIOFEEDBACKabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biofeedbackintroductionis the process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions of one's own body, primarily using electronic or other instruments, with a goal of being able to manipulate the body's systems at will.[1][2] Some of the processes that can be controlled include brainwaves, muscle tone, skin conductance, heart rate and pain perception.[3]Biofeedback may be used to improve health, performance, and the physiological changes that often occur in conjunction with changes to thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Eventually, these changes may be maintained without the use of extra equipment, for no equipment is necessarily required to practice biofeedback.[2]Biofeedback has been found to be effective for the treatment of headaches and migraines.[4][5]A diagram showing the feedback loop between person, sensor, and processor to help provide biofeedback trainingInformation coded biofeedbackInformation coded biofeedback is an evolving form and methodology in the field of biofeedback. Its uses may be applied in the areas of health, wellness and awareness. Biofeedback has its modern conventional roots in the early 1970s.[6][7]Over the years, biofeedback as a discipline and a technology has continued to mature and express new versions of the method with novel interpretations in areas utilizing the electromyograph, electrodermograph, electroencephalograph and electrocardiogram among others. The concept of biofeedback is based on the fact that a wide variety of ongoing intrinsic natural functions of the organism occur at a level of awareness generally called the \"unconscious\".[6] The biofeedback process is designed to interface with select aspects of these \"unconscious\" processes.The definition reads: Biofeedback is a process that enables an individual to learn how to change physiological activity for the purposes of improving health and performance. Precise instruments measure physiological activity such as brainwaves, heart function, breathing, muscle activity, and skin temperature. These instruments rapidly and accurately feed back information to the user. The presentation of this information—often in conjunction with changes in thinking, emotions, and behavior—supports desired physiological changes. Over time, these changes can endure without continued use of an instrument.[2]A more simple definition could be: Biofeedback is the process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions primarily using instruments that provide information on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able to manipulate them at will.[8] (Emphasis added by author.)In both of these definitions, a cardinal feature of the concept is the association of the \"will\" with the result of a new cognitive \"learning\" skill.[9] Some examine this concept and do not necessarily ascribe it simply to a willful acquisition of a new learned skill but also extend the dynamics into the realms of a behavioristic conditioning[10][11] (7). Behaviorism contends that it is possible to change the actions and functions of an organism by exposing it to a number of conditions or influences. Key to the concept is not only that the functions are unconscious but that conditioning processes themselves may be unconscious to the organism.[12] Information coded biofeedback relies primarily on the behavior conditioning aspect of biofeedback in promoting significant changes in the functioning of the organism.The principle of \"information\" is both complex and, in part, controversial. The term itself is derived from the Latin verb informare which means literally \"to bring into form or shape\". The meaning of \"information\" is largely affected by the context of usage. Probably the simplest and perhaps most insightful definition of \"information\" was given by Gregory Bateson—\"Information is news of change\" or another as \"the difference that makes a difference\".[13] Information may also be thought of as \"any type of pattern that influences the formation or transformation of other patterns\".[14] Recognizing the inherent complexity of an organism, information coded biofeedback applies algorithmic calculations in a stochastic approach to identify significant probabilities in a limited set of possibilities.Sensor modalitiesElectromyographAn electromyograph (EMG) uses surface electrodes to detect muscle action potentials from underlying skeletal muscles that initiate muscle contraction. Clinicians record the surface electromyogram (SEMG) using one or more active electrodes that are placed over a target muscle and a reference electrode that is placed within six inches of either active. The SEMG is measured in microvolts (millionths of a volt).[17][18]In addition to surface electrodes, clinicians may also insert wires or needles intramuscularly to record an EMG signal. While this is more painful and often costly, the signal is more reliable since surface electrodes pick up cross talk from nearby muscles. The use of surface electrodes is also limited to superficial muscles, making the intramuscular approach beneficial to access signals from deeper muscles. The electrical activity picked up by the electrodes is recorded and displayed in the same fashion as the surface electrodes.[19] Prior to placing surface electrodes, the skin is normally shaved, cleaned and exfoliated to get the best signal. Raw EMG signals resemble noise (electrical signal not coming from the muscle of interest) and the voltage fluctuates, therefore they are processed normally in three ways: rectification, filtering, and integration. This processing allows for a unified signal that is then able to be compared to other signals using the same processing techniques.Biofeedback therapists use EMG biofeedback when treating anxiety and worry, chronic pain, computer-related disorder, essential hypertension, headache (migraine, mixed headache, and tension-type headache), low back pain, physical rehabilitation (cerebral palsy, incomplete spinal cord lesions, and stroke), temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), torticollis, and fecal incontinence, urinary incontinence, and pelvic pain.[20][21] Physical therapists have also used EMG biofeedback for evaluating muscle activation and providing feedback for their patients.[16]Feedback thermometerA feedback thermometer detects skin temperature with a thermistor (a temperature-sensitive resistor) that is usually attached to a finger or toe and measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. Skin temperature mainly reflects arteriole diameter. Hand-warming and hand-cooling are produced by separate mechanisms, and their regulation involves different skills.[22] Hand-warming involves arteriole vasodilation produced by a beta-2 adrenergic hormonal mechanism.[23] Hand-cooling involves arteriole vasoconstriction produced by the increased firing of sympathetic C-fibers.[24]Biofeedback therapists use temperature biofeedback when treating chronic pain, edema, headache (migraine and tension-type headache), essential hypertension, Raynaud's disease, anxiety, and stress.[21]ElectrodermographAn electrodermograph (EDG) measures skin electrical activity directly (skin conductance and skin potential) and indirectly (skin resistance) using electrodes placed over the digits or hand and wrist. Orienting responses to unexpected stimuli, arousal and worry, and cognitive activity can increase eccrine sweat gland activity, increasing the conductivity of the skin for electric current.[22]In skin conductance, an electrodermograph imposes an imperceptible current across the skin and measures how easily it travels through the skin. When anxiety raises the level of sweat in a sweat duct, conductance increases. Skin conductance is measured in microsiemens (millionths of a siemens). In skin potential, a therapist places an active electrode over an active site (e.g., the palmar surface of the hand) and a reference electrode over a relatively inactive site (e.g., forearm). Skin potential is the voltage that develops between eccrine sweat glands and internal tissues and is measured in millivolts (thousandths of a volt). In skin resistance, also called galvanic skin response (GSR), an electrodermograph imposes a current across the skin and measures the amount of opposition it encounters. Skin resistance is measured in kΩ (thousands of ohms).[25]Biofeedback therapists use electrodermal biofeedback when treating anxiety disorders, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), and stress.[21][26] Electrodermal biofeedback is used as an adjunct to psychotherapy to increase client awareness of their emotions.[27][28] In addition, electrodermal measures have long served as one of the central tools in polygraphy (lie detection) because they reflect changes in anxiety or emotional activation.[29]ElectroencephalographAn electroencephalograph (EEG) measures the electrical activation of the brain from scalp sites located over the human cortex. The EEG shows the amplitude of electrical activity at each cortical site, the amplitude and relative power of various wave forms at each site, and the degree to which each cortical site fires in conjunction with other cortical sites (coherence and symmetry).[30]The EEG uses precious metal electrodes to detect a voltage between at least two electrodes located on the scalp. The EEG records both excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) that largely occur in dendrites in pyramidal cells located in macrocolumns, several millimeters in diameter, in the upper cortical layers. Neurofeedback monitors both slow and fast cortical potentials.[31]Slow cortical potentials are gradual changes in the membrane potentials of cortical dendrites that last from 300 ms to several seconds. These potentials include the contingent negative variation (CNV), readiness potential, movement-related potentials (MRPs), and P300 and N400 potentials.[32]Fast cortical potentials range from 0.5 Hz to 100 Hz.[33] The main frequency ranges include delta, theta, alpha, the sensorimotor rhythm, low beta, high beta, and gamma. The thresholds or boundaries defining the frequency ranges vary considerably among professionals. Fast cortical potentials can be described by their predominant frequencies, but also by whether they are synchronous or asynchronous wave forms. Synchronous wave forms occur at regular periodic intervals, whereas asynchronous wave forms are irregular.[31]The synchronous delta rhythm ranges from 0.5 to 3.5 Hz. Delta is the dominant frequency from ages 1 to 2, and is associated in adults with deep sleep and brain pathology like trauma and tumors, and learning disability.The synchronous theta rhythm ranges from 4 to 7 Hz. Theta is the dominant frequency in healthy young children and is associated with drowsiness or starting to sleep, REM sleep, hypnagogic imagery (intense imagery experienced before the onset of sleep), hypnosis, attention, and processing of cognitive and perceptual information.The synchronous alpha rhythm ranges from 8 to 13 Hz and is defined by its waveform and not by its frequency. Alpha activity can be observed in about 75% of awake, relaxed individuals and is replaced by low-amplitude desynchronized beta activity during movement, complex problem-solving, and visual focusing. This phenomenon is called alpha blocking.The synchronous sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) ranges from 12 to 15 Hz and is located over the sensorimotor cortex (central sulcus). The sensorimotor rhythm is associated with the inhibition of movement and reduced muscle tone.The beta rhythm consists of asynchronous waves and can be divided into low beta and high beta ranges (13–21 Hz and 20–32 Hz). Low beta is associated with activation and focused thinking. High beta is associated with anxiety, hypervigilance, panic, peak performance, and worry.EEG activity from 36 to 44 Hz is also referred to as gamma. Gamma activity is associated with perception of meaning and meditative awareness.[31][34][35]Neurotherapists use EEG biofeedback when treating addiction, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disability, anxiety disorders (including worry, obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder), depression, migraine, and generalized seizures.[21][36]PhotoplethysmographA photoplethysmograph (PPG) measures the relative blood flow through a digit using a photoplethysmographic (PPG) sensor attached by a Velcro band to the fingers or to the temple to monitor the temporal artery. An infrared light source is transmitted through or reflected off the tissue, detected by a phototransistor, and quantified in arbitrary units. Less light is absorbed when blood flow is greater, increasing the intensity of light reaching the sensor.[37]A photoplethysmograph can measure blood volume pulse (BVP), which is the phasic change in blood volume with each heartbeat, heart rate, and heart rate variability (HRV), which consists of beat-to-beat differences in intervals between successive heartbeats.[38][39]A photoplethysmograph can provide useful feedback when temperature feedback shows minimal change. This is because the PPG sensor is more sensitive than a thermistor to minute blood flow changes.[35] Biofeedback therapists can use a photoplethysmograph to supplement temperature biofeedback when treating chronic pain, edema, headache (migraine and tension-type headache), essential hypertension, Raynaud's disease, anxiety, and stress.[21]ElectrocardiogramThe electrocardiogram (ECG) uses electrodes placed on the torso, wrists, or legs, to measure the electrical activity of the heart and measures the interbeat interval (distances between successive R-wave peaks in the QRS complex). The interbeat interval, divided into 60 seconds, determines the heart rate at that moment. The statistical variability of that interbeat interval is what we call heart rate variability.[40] The ECG method is more accurate than the PPG method in measuring heart rate variability.[37][41]Biofeedback therapists use heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback when treating asthma,[42] COPD,[43] depression,[44] anxiety,[45] fibromyalgia,[46] heart disease,[47] and unexplained abdominal pain.[48] Research shows that HRV biofeedback can also be used to improve physiological and psychological wellbeing in healthy individuals.[49]HRV data from both polyplethysmographs and electrocardiograms are analyzed via mathematical transformations such as the commonly-used fast Fourier transform (FFT).[41] The FFT splits the HRV data into a power spectrum, revealing the waveform's constituent frequencies.[37] Among those constituent frequencies, high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) components are defined as above and below .15 Hz, respectively. As a rule of thumb, the LF component of HRV represents sympathetic activity, and the HF component represents parasympathetic activity. The two main components are often represented as a LF/HF ratio and used to express sympathovagal balance.[37] Some researchers consider a third, medium-frequency (MF) component from .08 Hz to .15 Hz, which has been shown to increase in power during times of appreciation.[50]PneumographA pneumograph or respiratory strain gauge uses a flexible sensor band that is placed around the chest, abdomen, or both. The strain gauge method can provide feedback about the relative expansion/contraction of the chest and abdomen, and can measure respiration rate (the number of breaths per minute).[32] Clinicians can use a pneumograph to detect and correct dysfunctional breathing patterns and behaviors. Dysfunctional breathing patterns include clavicular breathing (breathing that primarily relies on the external intercostals and the accessory muscles of respiration to inflate the lungs), reverse breathing (breathing where the abdomen expands during exhalation and contracts during inhalation), and thoracic breathing (shallow breathing that primarily relies on the external intercostals to inflate the lungs). Dysfunctional breathing behaviors include apnea (suspension of breathing), gasping, sighing, and wheezing.[51]A pneumograph is often used in conjunction with an electrocardiograph (ECG) or photoplethysmograph (PPG) in heart rate variability (HRV) training.[38][52]Biofeedback therapists use pneumograph biofeedback with patients diagnosed with anxiety disorders, asthma, chronic pulmonary obstructive disorder (COPD), essential hypertension, panic attacks, and stress.[21][53]CapnometerA capnometer or capnograph uses an infrared detector to measure end-tidal CO2 (the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in expired air at the end of expiration) exhaled through the nostril into a latex tube. The average value of end-tidal CO2 for a resting adult is 5% (36 Torr or 4.8 kPa). A capnometer is a sensitive index of the quality of patient breathing. Shallow, rapid, and effortful breathing lowers CO2, while deep, slow, effortless breathing increases it.[51]Biofeedback therapists use capnometric biofeedback to supplement respiratory strain gauge biofeedback with patients diagnosed with anxiety disorders, asthma, chronic pulmonary obstructive disorder (COPD), essential hypertension, panic attacks, and stress.[21][53][54]RheoencephalographRheoencephalography (REG), or brain blood flow biofeedback, is a biofeedback technique of a conscious control of blood flow. An electronic device called a rheoencephalograph [from Greek rheos stream, anything flowing, from rhein to flow] is utilized in brain blood flow biofeedback. Electrodes are attached to the skin at certain points on the head and permit the device to measure continuously the electrical conductivity of the tissues of structures located between the electrodes. The brain blood flow technique is based on non-invasive method of measuring bio-impedance. Changes in bio-impedance are generated by blood volume and blood flow and registered by a rheographic device.[55] The pulsative bio-impedance changes directly reflect the total blood flow of the deep structures of brain due to high frequency impedance measurements.[56]HemoencephalographyHemoencephalography or HEG biofeedback is a functional infrared imaging technique. As its name describes, it measures the differences in the color of light reflected back through the scalp based on the relative amount of oxygenated and unoxygenated blood in the brain. Research continues to determine its reliability, validity, and clinical applicability. HEG is used to treat ADHD and migraine, and for research.[57]PressurePressure can be monitored as a patient performs exercises while resting against an air-filled cushion.[58] This is pertinent to physiotherapy. Alternatively, the patient may actively grip or press against an air-filled cushion of custom shape.[59]ApplicationsUrinary incontinenceMowrer detailed the use of a bedwetting alarm that sounds when children urinate while asleep. This simple biofeedback device can quickly teach children to wake up when their bladders are full and to contract the urinary sphincter and relax the detrusor muscle, preventing further urine release. Through classical conditioning, sensory feedback from a full bladder replaces the alarm and allows children to continue sleeping without urinating.[60]Kegel developed the perineometer in 1947 to treat urinary incontinence (urine leakage) in women whose pelvic floor muscles are weakened during pregnancy and childbirth. The perineometer, which is inserted into the vagina to monitor pelvic floor muscle contraction, satisfies all the requirements of a biofeedback device and enhances the effectiveness of popular Kegel exercises.[61] Contradicting this, a 2013 randomized controlled trial found no benefit of adding biofeedback to pelvic floor muscle exercise in stress urinary incontinence.[62][non-primary source needed] In another randomized controlled trial the addition of biofeedback to the training of pelvic floor muscles for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, improved pelvic floor muscle function, reduced urinary symptoms, and improved of the quality of life.[63][non-primary source needed]Research has shown that biofeedback can improve the efficacy of pelvic floor exercises and help restore proper bladder functions. The mode of action of vaginal cones, for instance involves a biological biofeedback mechanism. Studies have shown that biofeedback obtained with vaginal cones is as effective as biofeedback induced through physiotherapy electrostimulation.[64]In 1992, the United States Agency for Health Care Policy and Research recommended biofeedback as a first-line treatment for adult urinary incontinence.[65]Fecal incontinence and anismusBiofeedback is a major treatment for anismus (paradoxical contraction of puborectalis during defecation). This therapy directly evolved from the investigation anorectal manometry where a probe that can record pressure is placed in the anal canal. Biofeedback therapy is also a commonly used and researched therapy for fecal incontinence, but the benefits are uncertain.[66] Biofeedback therapy varies in the way it is delivered. It is also unknown if one type has benefits over another.[66] The aims have been described as to enhance either the rectoanal inhibitory reflex (RAIR), rectal sensitivity (by discrimination of progressively smaller volumes of a rectal balloon and promptly contracting the external anal sphincter (EAS)), or the strength and endurance of the EAS contraction. Three general types of biofeedback have been described, though they are not mutually exclusive, with many protocols combining these elements.[66] Similarly there is variance of the length of both the individual sessions and the overall length of the training, and if home exercises are performed in addition and how. In rectal sensitivity training, a balloon is placed in the rectum, and is gradually distended until there is a sensation of rectal filling. Successively smaller volume reinflations of the balloon aim to help the person detect rectal distension at a lower threshold, giving more time to contract the EAS and prevent incontinence, or to journey to the toilet. Alternatively, in those with urge incontinence/ rectal hypersensitivity, training is aimed at teaching the person to tolerate progressively larger volumes. Strength training may involve electromyography (EMG) skin electrodes, manometric pressures, intra-anal EMG, or endoanal ultrasound. One of these measures are used to relay the muscular activity or anal canal pressure during anal sphincter exercise. Performance and progress can be monitored in this manner. Co-ordination training involves the placing of 3 balloons, in the rectum and in the upper and lower anal canal. The rectal balloon is inflated to trigger the RAIR, an event often followed by incontinence. Co-ordination training aims to teach voluntary contraction of EAS when the RAIR occurs (i.e. when there is rectal distension).[66]EEGCaton recorded spontaneous electrical potentials from the exposed cortical surface of monkeys and rabbits, and was the first to measure event-related potentials (EEG responses to stimuli) in 1875.[67]Danilevsky published Investigations in the Physiology of the Brain, which explored the relationship between the EEG and states of consciousness in 1877.[68]Beck published studies of spontaneous electrical potentials detected from the brains of dogs and rabbits, and was the first to document alpha blocking, where light alters rhythmic oscillations, in 1890.[69]Sherrington introduced the terms neuron and synapse and published the Integrative Action of the Nervous System in 1906.[70]Pravdich-Neminsky photographed the EEG and event related potentials from dogs, demonstrated a 12–14 Hz rhythm that slowed during asphyxiation, and introduced the term electrocerebrogram in 1912.[71]Forbes reported the replacement of the string galvanometer with a vacuum tube to amplify the EEG in 1920. The vacuum tube became the de facto standard by 1936.[72]Berger (1924) published the first human EEG data. He recorded electrical potentials from his son Klaus's scalp. At first he believed that he had discovered the physical mechanism for telepathy but was disappointed that the electromagnetic variations disappear only millimeters away from the skull. (He did continue to believe in telepathy throughout his life, however, having had a particularly confirming event regarding his sister). He viewed the EEG as analogous to the ECG and introduced the term elektenkephalogram. He believed that the EEG had diagnostic and therapeutic promise in measuring the impact of clinical interventions. Berger showed that these potentials were not due to scalp muscle contractions. He first identified the alpha rhythm, which he called the Berger rhythm, and later identified the beta rhythm and sleep spindles. He demonstrated that alterations in consciousness are associated with changes in the EEG and associated the beta rhythm with alertness. He described interictal activity (EEG potentials between seizures) and recorded a partial complex seizure in 1933. Finally, he performed the first QEEG, which is the measurement of the signal strength of EEG frequencies.[73]Adrian and Matthews confirmed Berger's findings in 1934 by recording their own EEGs using a cathode-ray oscilloscope. Their demonstration of EEG recording at the 1935 Physiological Society meetings in England caused its widespread acceptance. Adrian used himself as a subject and demonstrated the phenomenon of alpha blocking, where opening his eyes suppressed alpha rhythms.[74]Gibbs, Davis, and Lennox inaugurated clinical electroencephalography in 1935 by identifying abnormal EEG rhythms associated with epilepsy, including interictal spike waves and 3 Hz activity in absence seizures.[68]Bremer used the EEG to show how sensory signals affect vigilance in 1935.[75]Walter (1937, 1953) named the delta waves and theta waves, and the contingent negative variation (CNV), a slow cortical potential that may reflect expectancy, motivation, intention to act, or attention. He located an occipital lobe source for alpha waves and demonstrated that delta waves can help locate brain lesions like tumors. He improved Berger's electroencephalograph and pioneered EEG topography.[76]Kleitman has been recognized as the \"Father of American sleep research\" for his seminal work in the regulation of sleep-wake cycles, circadian rhythms, the sleep patterns of different age groups, and the effects of sleep deprivation. He discovered the phenomenon of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep with his graduate student Aserinsky in 1953.[77]Dement, another of Kleitman's students, described the EEG architecture and phenomenology of sleep stages and the transitions between them in 1955, associated REM sleep with dreaming in 1957, and documented sleep cycles in another species, cats, in 1958, which stimulated basic sleep research. He established the Stanford University Sleep Research Center in 1970.[78]Andersen and Andersson (1968) proposed that thalamic pacemakers project synchronous alpha rhythms to the cortex via thalamocortical circuits.[79]Kamiya (1968) demonstrated that the alpha rhythm in humans could be operantly conditioned. He published an influential article in Psychology Today that summarized research that showed that subjects could learn to discriminate when alpha was present or absent, and that they could use feedback to shift the dominant alpha frequency about 1 Hz. Almost half of his subjects reported experiencing a pleasant \"alpha state\" characterized as an \"alert calmness.\" These reports may have contributed to the perception of alpha biofeedback as a shortcut to a meditative state. He also studied the EEG correlates of meditative states.[80]Brown (1970) demonstrated the clinical use of alpha-theta biofeedback. In research designed to identify the subjective states associated with EEG rhythms, she trained subjects to increase the abundance of alpha, beta, and theta activity using visual feedback and recorded their subjective experiences when the amplitude of these frequency bands increased. She also helped popularize biofeedback by publishing a series of books, including New Mind, New body (1974) and Stress and the Art of Biofeedback (1977).[81][82][83]Mulholland and Peper (1971) showed that occipital alpha increases with eyes open and not focused, and is disrupted by visual focusing; a rediscovery of alpha blocking.[84]Green and Green (1986) investigated voluntary control of internal states by individuals like Swami Rama and American Indian medicine man Rolling Thunder both in India and at the Menninger Foundation. They brought portable biofeedback equipment to India and monitored practitioners as they demonstrated self-regulation. A film containing footage from their investigations was released as Biofeedback: The Yoga of the West (1974). They developed alpha-theta training at the Menninger Foundation from the 1960s to the 1990s. They hypothesized that theta states allow access to unconscious memories and increase the impact of prepared images or suggestions. Their alpha-theta research fostered Peniston's development of an alpha-theta addiction protocol.[85]Sterman (1972) showed that cats and human subjects could be operantly trained to increase the amplitude of the sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) recorded from the sensorimotor cortex. He demonstrated that SMR production protects cats against drug-induced generalized seizures (tonic-clonic seizures involving loss of consciousness) and reduces the frequency of seizures in humans diagnosed with epilepsy. He found that his SMR protocol, which uses visual and auditory EEG biofeedback, normalizes their EEGs (SMR increases while theta and beta decrease toward normal values) even during sleep. Sterman also co-developed the Sterman-Kaiser (SKIL) QEEG database.[86]Birbaumer and colleagues (1981) have studied feedback of slow cortical potentials since the late 1970s. They have demonstrated that subjects can learn to control these DC potentials and have studied the efficacy of slow cortical potential biofeedback in treating ADHD, epilepsy, migraine, and schizophrenia.[87]Lubar (1989) studied SMR biofeedback to treat attention disorders and epilepsy in collaboration with Sterman. He demonstrated that SMR training can improve attention and academic performance in children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD). He documented the importance of theta-to-beta ratios in ADHD and developed theta suppression-beta enhancement protocols to decrease these ratios and improve student performance.[88] The Neuropsychiatric EEG-Based Assessment Aid (NEBA) System a device used to measure the Theta-to-Beta ratio was approved as a tool to assist in diagnosis of ADHD on July 15, 2013.[89] However, the field has recently moved away from the measure. This move has been caused by the general change in the population norms in the past 20 years (most likely due to the change in the average amount of sleep in young people).Electrodermal systemFeré demonstrated the exosomatic method of recording of skin electrical activity by passing a small current through the skin in 1888.[90]Tarchanoff used the endosomatic method by recording the difference in skin electrical potential from points on the skin surface in 1889; no external current was applied.[91]Jung employed the galvanometer, which used the exosomatic method, in 1907 to study unconscious emotions in word-association experiments.[92]Marjorie and Hershel Toomim (1975) published a landmark article about the use of GSR biofeedback in psychotherapy.[27]Meyer and Reich discussed similar material in a British publication.[93]Musculoskeletal systemJacobson (1930) developed hardware to measure EMG voltages over time, showed that cognitive activity (like imagery) affects EMG levels, introduced the deep relaxation method Progressive Relaxation, and wrote Progressive Relaxation (1929) and You Must Relax (1934). He prescribed daily Progressive Relaxation practice to treat diverse psychophysiological disorders like hypertension.[94]Several researchers showed that human subjects could learn precise control of individual motor units (motor neurons and the muscle fibers they control). Lindsley (1935) found that relaxed subjects could suppress motor unit firing without biofeedback training.[95]Harrison and Mortensen (1962) trained subjects using visual and auditory EMG biofeedback to control individual motor units in the tibialis anterior muscle of the leg.[96]Basmajian (1963) instructed subjects using unfiltered auditory EMG biofeedback to control separate motor units in the abductor pollicis muscle of the thumb in his Single Motor Unit Training (SMUT) studies. His best subjects coordinated several motor units to produce drum rolls. Basmajian demonstrated practical applications for neuromuscular rehabilitation, pain management, and headache treatment.[97]Marinacci (1960) applied EMG biofeedback to neuromuscular disorders (where proprioception is disrupted) including Bell Palsy (one-sided facial paralysis), polio, and stroke.[98]\"While Marinacci used EMG to treat neuromuscular disorders, his colleagues used the EMG only for diagnosis. They were unable to recognize its potential as a teaching tool even when the evidence stared them in the face! Many electromyographers who performed nerve conduction studies used visual and auditory feedback to reduce interference when a patient recruited too many motor units. Even though they used EMG biofeedback to guide the patient to relax so that clean diagnostic EMG tests could be recorded, they were unable to envision EMG biofeedback treatment of motor disorders.\"[99]Whatmore and Kohli (1968) introduced the concept of dysponesis (misplaced effort) to explain how functional disorders (where body activity is disturbed) develop. Bracing your shoulders when you hear a loud sound illustrates dysponesis, since this action does not protect against injury.[100] These clinicians applied EMG biofeedback to diverse functional problems like headache and hypertension. They reported case follow-ups ranging from 6 to 21 years. This was long compared with typical 0-24 month follow-ups in the clinical literature. Their data showed that skill in controlling misplaced efforts was positively related to clinical improvement. Last, they wrote The Pathophysiology and Treatment of Functional Disorders (1974) that outlined their treatment of functional disorders.[101]Wolf (1983) integrated EMG biofeedback into physical therapy to treat stroke patients and conducted landmark stroke outcome studies.[102]Peper (1997) applied SEMG to the workplace, studied the ergonomics of computer use, and promoted \"healthy computing.\"[103]Taub (1999, 2006) demonstrated the clinical efficacy of constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) for the treatment of spinal cord-injured and stroke patients.[104][105]Cardiovascular systemShearn (1962) operantly trained human subjects to increase their heart rates by 5 beats-per-minute to avoid electric shock.[106] In contrast to Shearn's slight heart rate increases, Swami Rama used yoga to produce atrial flutter at an average 306 beats per minute before a Menninger Foundation audience. This briefly stopped his heart's pumping of blood and silenced his pulse.[85]Engel and Chism (1967) operantly trained subjects to decrease, increase, and then decrease their heart rates (this was analogous to ON-OFF-ON EEG training). He then used this approach to teach patients to control their rate of premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), where the ventricles contract too soon. Engel conceptualized this training protocol as illness onset training, since patients were taught to produce and then suppress a symptom.[107] Peper has similarly taught asthmatics who wheeze to better control their breathing.[108]Schwartz (1971, 1972) examined whether specific patterns of cardiovascular activity are easier to learn than others due to biological constraints. He examined the constraints on learning integrated (two autonomic responses change in the same direction) and differentiated (two autonomic responses change inversely) patterns of blood pressure and heart rate change.[109]Schultz and Luthe (1969) developed Autogenic Training, which is a deep relaxation exercise derived from hypnosis. This procedure combines passive volition with imagery in a series of three treatment procedures (standard Autogenic exercises, Autogenic neutralization, and Autogenic meditation). Clinicians at the Menninger Foundation coupled an abbreviated list of standard exercises with thermal biofeedback to create autogenic biofeedback.[110] Luthe (1973) also published a series of six volumes titled Autogenic therapy.[111]Fahrion and colleagues (1986) reported on an 18-26 session treatment program for hypertensive patients. The Menninger program combined breathing modification, autogenic biofeedback for the hands and feet, and frontal EMG training. The authors reported that 89% of their medication patients discontinued or reduced medication by one-half while significantly lowering blood pressure. While this study did not include a double-blind control, the outcome rate was impressive.[112]Freedman and colleagues (1991) demonstrated that hand-warming and hand-cooling are produced by different mechanisms. The primary hand-warming mechanism is beta-adrenergic (hormonal), while the main hand-cooling mechanism is alpha-adrenergic and involves sympathetic C-fibers. This contradicts the traditional view that finger blood flow is controlled exclusively by sympathetic C-fibers. The traditional model asserts that, when firing is slow, hands warm; when firing is rapid, hands cool. Freedman and colleagues' studies support the view that hand-warming and hand-cooling represent entirely different skills.[113]Vaschillo and colleagues (1983) published the first studies of heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback with cosmonauts and treated patients diagnosed with psychiatric and psychophysiological disorders.[114][115] Lehrer collaborated with Smetankin and Potapova in treating pediatric asthma patients[116] and published influential articles on HRV asthma treatment in the medical journal Chest.[117] The most direct effect of HRV biofeedback is on the baroreflex, a homeostatic reflex that helps control blood pressure fluctuations.[118] When blood pressure goes up, the baroreflex makes heart rate go down. The opposite happens when blood pressure goes down. Because it takes about 5 seconds for blood pressure to change after changes in heart rate (think of different amounts of blood flowing through the same sized tube), the baroreflex produces a rhythm in heart rate with a period of about 10 seconds. Another rhythm in heart rate is caused by respiration (respiratory sinus arrhythmia), such that heart rate rises during inhalation and falls during exhalation. During HRV biofeedback, these two reflexes stimulate each other, stimulating resonance properties of the cardiovascular system caused by the inherent rhythm in the baroreflex,[119] and thus causing very big oscillations in heart rate and large-amplitude stimulation of the baroreflex.[120] Thus HRV biofeedback exercises the baroreflex, and strengthens it. This apparently has the effect of modulating autonomic reactivity to stimulation. Because the baroreflex is controlled through brain stem mechanisms that communicate directly with the insula and amygdala, which control emotion, HRV biofeedback also appears to modulate emotional reactivity, and to help people suffering from anxiety, stress, and depression[121][122][123][124][125]Emotions are intimately linked to heart health, which is linked to physical and mental health. In general, good mental[126][127] and physical[128] health are correlated with positive emotions and high heart rate variability (HRV) modulated by mostly high frequencies. High HRV has been correlated with increased executive functioning skills such as memory and reaction time.[126] Biofeedback that increased HRV and shifted power toward HF (high-frequencies) has been shown to lower blood pressure[129] On the other hand, LF (low-frequency) power in the heart is associated with sympathetic vagal activity, which is known to increase the risk of heart attack.[130] LF-dominated HRV power spectra are also directly associated with higher mortality rates in healthy individuals,[131][132] and among individuals with mood disorders.[133] Anger and frustration increase the LF range of HRV.[134] Other studies have shown anger to increase the risk of heart attack,[135] so researchers at the Heartmath Institute have made the connection between emotions and physical health via HRV.Because emotions have such an impact on cardiac function, which cascades to numerous other biological processes, emotional regulation techniques are able to effect practical, psychophysiological change.[129] McCraty et al. discovered that feelings of gratitude increased HRV and moved its power spectrum toward the MF (mid-frequency) and HF (high-frequency) ranges, while decreasing LF (low-frequency) power.[134] The Heartmath Institute's patented techniques involve engendering feelings of gratitude and happiness, focusing on the physical location of the heart, and breathing in 10-second cycles.[136] Other techniques have been shown to improve HRV, such as strenuous aerobic exercise,[137] and meditation.[138]PainChronic back painNewton-John, Spense, and Schotte (1994) compared the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Electromyographic Biofeedback (EMG-Biofeedback) for 44 participants with chronic low back pain. Newton-John et al. (1994) split the participants into two groups, then measured the intensity of pain, the participants' perceived disability, and depression before treatment, after treatment and again six months later. Newton-John et al.(1994) found no significant differences between the group which received CBT and the group which received EMG-Biofeedback. This seems to indicate that biofeedback is as effective as CBT in chronic low back pain. Comparing the results of the groups before treatment and after treatment, indicates that EMG-Biofeedback reduced pain, disability, and depression as much as by half.[139]Muscle painBudzynski and Stoyva (1969) showed that EMG biofeedback could reduce frontalis muscle (forehead) contraction.[140] They demonstrated in 1973 that analog (proportional) and binary (ON or OFF) visual EMG biofeedback were equally helpful in lowering masseter SEMG levels.[141] McNulty, Gevirtz, Hubbard, and Berkoff (1994) proposed that sympathetic nervous system innervation of muscle spindles underlies trigger points.[142]Tension headacheBudzynski, Stoyva, Adler, and Mullaney (1973) reported that auditory frontalis EMG biofeedback combined with home relaxation practice lowered tension headache frequency and frontalis EMG levels. A control group that received noncontingent (false) auditory feedback did not improve. This study helped make the frontalis muscle the placement-of-choice in EMG assessment and treatment of headache and other psychophysiological disorders.[143]MigraineSargent, Green, and Walters (1972, 1973) demonstrated that hand-warming could abort migraines and that autogenic biofeedback training could reduce headache activity. The early Menninger migraine studies, although methodologically weak (no pretreatment baselines, control groups, or random assignment to conditions), strongly influenced migraine treatment.[144][145] A 2013 review classified biofeedback among the techniques that might be of benefit in the management of chronic migraine.Phantom-limb painFlor (2002) trained amputees to detect the location and frequency of shocks delivered to their stumps, which resulted in an expansion of corresponding cortical regions and significant reduction of their phantom limb pain.[147]Financial decision makingFinancial traders use biofeedback as a tool for regulating their level of emotional arousal in order to make better financial decisions. The technology company Philips and the Dutch bank ABN AMRO developed a biofeedback device for retail investors based on a galvanic skin response sensor.[148] Astor et al. (2013) developed a biofeedback based serious game in which financial decision makers can learn how to effectively regulate their emotions using heart rate measurements.[149]Stress reductionA randomized study by Sutarto et al. assessed the effect of resonant breathing biofeedback (recognize and control involuntary heart rate variability) among manufacturing operators; depression, anxiety and stress significantly decreasedMacular disease of the retinaA 2012 observational study by Pacella et al. found a significant improvement in both visual acuity and fixation treating patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration or macular degeneration with biofeedback treatment through MP-1 microperimeter.HistoryClaude Bernard proposed in 1865 that the body strives to maintain a steady state in the internal environment (milieu intérieur), introducing the concept of homeostasis.[176] In 1885, J.R. Tarchanoff showed that voluntary control of heart rate could be fairly direct (cortical-autonomic) and did not depend on \"cheating\" by altering breathing rate.[177] In 1901, J. H. Bair studied voluntary control of the retrahens aurem muscle that wiggles the ear, discovering that subjects learned this skill by inhibiting interfering muscles and demonstrating that skeletal muscles are self-regulated.[178] Alexander Graham Bell attempted to teach the deaf to speak through the use of two devices—the phonautograph, created by Édouard-Léon Scott's, and a manometric flame. The former translated sound vibrations into tracings on smoked glass to show their acoustic waveforms, while the latter allowed sound to be displayed as patterns of light.[179] After World War II, mathematician Norbert Wiener developed cybernetic theory, that proposed that systems are controlled by monitoring their results.[180] The participants at the landmark 1969 conference at the Surfrider Inn in Santa Monica coined the term biofeedback from Wiener's feedback. The conference resulted in the founding of the Bio-Feedback Research Society, which permitted normally isolated researchers to contact and collaborate with each other, as well as popularizing the term \"biofeedback.\"[181] The work of B.F. Skinner led researchers to apply operant conditioning to biofeedback, decide which responses could be voluntarily controlled and which could not. In the first experimental demonstration of biofeedback Shearn[182] used these procedures with heart rate. The effects of the perception of autonomic nervous system activity was initially explored by George Mandler's group in 1958. In 1965, Maia Lisina combined classical and operant conditioning to train subjects to change blood vessel diameter, eliciting and displaying reflexive blood flow changes to teach subjects how to voluntarily control the temperature of their skin.[183] In 1974, H.D. Kimmel trained subjects to sweat using the galvanic skin response.[184]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/tkLQs7cG_Dystopia-in-media-and-culture.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "АнтиутопияКино198419561984M.Radfordэкранизация1984 Macintosh adR.Scott1984BrazilT.Gilliam1983Brave New World1998адаптацияTHX 1138G.Lucas1971обобщениеDestroyer1993заимствованиеThe IslandM.Bay2005V for Vendetta2005AnarchyОбитаемый ОстровФ.Бондарчук2008экранизацияÆon Flux2005Karyn KusamaA Clockwork Orange1971S.KubrickэкранизацияThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookОпределенияУтопияSir Thomas More in 1516WikipediaDystopia, eng.John Stuart Mill (1806-73)Антиутопия как жанрКнигиМыE.Замятин1920Ключевые концепцииНумераСкрижальБлагодетельBrave New WorldA.Huxley1936Ключевые концепцииГенетические разработки1984G.Orwell1948-49Ключевые концепцииПостоянная войнаНовоязМыслепреступлениеБольшой БратIngsiocОбитаемый ОстровА и Б Стругацкие1969Piano PlayerK.Vonnegut195xA Clockwork OrangeAnthony Burgess1962"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"}