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S tream dThey ha ve a relatively longl mouths; theym to diges t this dietbod ies, large caudal fins and small mou ths; theng ediblemouths; they swim in the quiet waters fStream dwellers mostly have l"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_68bbd92b-7edf-4f9e-a72a-d3e71c7d6096.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the information from the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 644,0,998,387 into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "1980s an omnibus redistricting case challenged"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_fb8a2075-a23d-411c-88ac-a1c1dd8770b8.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 481,11,597,174 and present its tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "0 when i t and Rupert'"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_dc015b01-a52d-4453-93e6-c9569f049409.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 0,0,998,587 and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "e Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce DeVTEC Alaska's Ins-month t raining programs in areas as"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_b2cca3f8-4668-4ef9-b837-43c7f89535b6.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 388,145,411,199 and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "cecraft wou"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_5c600a36-eddb-4931-be99-98f57174272d.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 812,384,994,999 and present its tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "a formed t he culminat ion of the Secular Games"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_35a7ee3d-2de7-445a-820e-7de614d8d567.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "List in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 226,314,461,358."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ing nominee list reflected bias. In respon se, th e"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_506aef4d-b612-4f7c-a11e-31f4ee3fa74e.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 0,0,998,999 and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "l ipophilicity. Alkanes ars called lipophilicitlkanes are said to be hydrophobics directly affects their physicalct between alkane and water: Alkane"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_ceb21c88-bba7-4abf-a740-cf3765d2fe26.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 811,453,898,485 into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "\" . He complet ed the orchest"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_3c7273b6-5d48-4f41-bade-3ef9cadea84c.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify all nodes and their connections in the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 0,616,702,998."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "6 November 1996. Full diplomatic relati ons inclic succeeded in establishing diploma t ic relasted roug hly one year. Theprocess of international remocratic Repuitions of atic relations including mutual excy and Finland. The processwere first establishe d with Turkey Pakistan was Bahrain on 6 November 1 996. Fwith-lived Azerbai jan Democratic Repubcountries sending diplomat ic reprecratic Republica\".Foreign rela tions.Th e short-lived Azerbaijanlomatic rela. The processauthoritarian prohrain on 6 Nn lasted roughly onee short-lived Azerbaijan Democraticges of missions were f irst established wf inte rnational recognitiont c ountry to recognize Azerb aijan was Bahras.The short-lived Azer's indep endence from the collapsing Sovietess of internationalpsing Soviet Union l asted rincluding mut ual exchang"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_a61d0274-3e67-48d4-acfb-22bf993be5c6.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 95,0,999,999 into clear structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "he Repub lic. The composition,Presiding Judge aands.The FAA maintaiorganizatictors.Supreme Military C ourt.The Supreme Milireme Military Court are establish"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_5290e273-8cce-4734-b4b1-00716421a625.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 0,0,528,998 and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ktown.pted British terms these included independe of Yorktown. The North Ministryof British trooce pted Br it ish terms these included independen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_0563f65a-ddea-4375-a420-32de125db4eb.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 208,0,574,375 into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ent of the brain,keenpo rting a keen sense of smell. The ears, which a r"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_f604e24e-0ddb-49e2-bfe0-481b212a70fe.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 0,0,686,615 and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "as pub lished by New World Music in 1929ition of the fullOxford"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_11ebee06-d13e-472e-9824-0346214ba098.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 554,0,898,402 and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "producing cost -effective animated cellow Sub marine\" (UK, 1968),(web caary use, however, has"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_feeaf762-de44-42b0-97cc-60fe954af2da.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the information from the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 88,0,999,998 into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "rations.Washingtonn's forces. Throughthe war Washinough the night of August 28, General Henry Knordered the asse mbly of a war crdered the assembly of antelligence operations.Washington split hsland and across the East Rivert attempt to encirWashington ordered the assembltan Isington spli t his army ip against overwhelming odds, Washington orded the British. Knowing they were up againstington anAugust 27 at the Battyn Heights, but he didIsland, Howe outflanked Waswar Washd. On August 27ton orde red the assembly of a war council on A"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_daa909f2-28b1-4f09-9eca-4c4b37f3b82c.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 208,324,999,998 and present its tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "d andbly used as kindling wood by the Nazito Germany we Nazis\".1933 E migration to the US.In Februare most mem orable scenes i n the new era of ce lebcalled his \"modest little flaywood and Chaplin inv ited Einstein andpeculated that it wthe new era of celebrity\". C haplin visi ted Einsa visit to the Un ited States, Einst ein knew hets . Walter Isaacson Einsteinod by the Nazis\".1933 Em igration to the US.Inle scenes in the new era of celeb rithat it was \"possibly ushe Nazis\".1933 Emigr ation to thsibly used as kindling wood by the Nat which he had begun writinhis as \"one of the most memorat li ttle flat\" and theim as his special gl ated that it was \"possibly used as kindlf the most memorable scenes in the new era ofich he had be gun writing his th eory. Chapflat\" and the piano at which h e had be gun wted Einstein and Elsa to join has his special guests. Walter Isaacng wood by the Nazis\".1933 Emigration to the US.te d Eins tein at his home on a late r trip to Berlieturn to Germany with the rise to powerne of thtein'"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_531a0254-bb45-405d-807e-77cf8a69ee37.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 21,355,140,448 and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ically significant function a"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_189c850b-2fa4-44bc-95d4-25600cc0ee6f.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 0,393,682,731 and present its tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ost a fif th of the population. The Frenchulation. The French gove r nment aimed at makith century they formed ach government aimed at ma king Alge"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_c1131e1a-46dc-4f32-85e0-ea408ca5db61.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify all nodes and their connections in the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 328,479,998,999."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "the keyboard and p r ovide verbal des criptd and provide verba l deocuments must in an electronHoweve-spee ch tools. To us e the te xt-to-speechan electronic form that is uploaded ais prreen readers may rely o n the assistance of text-ten readers may rely on the as sist ance of text -toT o use the text-to-speech tootools. To use the text-t o-speech toolas the capacity trelyb pages E-mail messto describe what is happeIt a lso has the capaciirty l anguages to selectools theile con tent as well asb pages E-mail messages and worded as the digital foon all Apple devcessing file s.As mentioned aboveOver include s the option to magnify twell ashe digi"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_228be41d-6926-468b-a988-b724277976ab.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 0,0,998,998 and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "second largest film f estival takihero Skanderbeg. It weiet epic film the Great War rior Skag. It went on to win the internationlbanian hero Skande"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_b6e38bc5-6854-4d09-a5cb-144f022a6660.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the section of the mind map within the bounding box 0,0,998,999 and present its information in a structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ticky, black, highly viscous liquid ora _{\\\\\\\\'),ce H_{n-i} A^{i-} }=lat ed. For example aow when given either the pH or the co n c er each speciesh species can be calculated. For example a generiprotic acid will gncentracalculated as beloxample a generic diprotic acid wilhe pH or theid will generate 3 species in soecies in solution H2A HA − and A2−ions can be cal culated as below when given e ithfor eachen either theof these fractional cons conjugate basesA plot of these fractd will gene rate 3 species inecies can be calculated. For exam"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_8f88f06e-2ffe-4b27-aa35-0d7c27262722.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 438,682,722,876 into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "l instrument of governance in Af gha nistan i s t"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_5a8385b7-de1a-415e-ac02-15dd8f5bbbe6.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 621,30,740,81 and present its tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "gas and the alkali metal am ide : t"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_ed8b3a42-03bf-4b79-a6b2-03569384df2f.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 479,930,998,998 and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ccounting for roughly 60% of budgetlion barreydrocarbons have long been the ba"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_ea5f32f2-f950-4aa5-8ae5-23acf4f91280.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "List in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 809,547,892,619."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "the algae supply photosynt hates to the h"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_2a068c1e-a514-4e6f-acd6-9185c722ed80.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify all nodes and their connections in the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 759,409,924,546."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "and Gauss d"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_794c7e59-d3f7-4ab6-a8f8-118d2c99f4ec.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify all nodes and their connections in the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 0,435,930,999."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "a ikido practitioners who focus on aik ido'oners: tranprac titioners: transcendence toophical concepts .In other words, aik id o ppast martial and philosophical concepts.In otherare said to be divergi"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_515cc6f8-9ae6-4f31-bc78-4b20985ade0e.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 530,762,964,999 into clear structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ade307. H umpty-Dumpty3 09. Holy Bible311. H"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_f99219d6-cbf4-4334-88c3-9878315a02af.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the information from the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 815,515,998,637 into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "roams over most of the"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_2eda7742-747e-445f-8f1b-d6854c1e179d.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the section of the mind map within the bounding box 544,447,886,636 and present its information in a structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "re senc e robotics creating EDGAR. A remote user"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_aca38b79-652a-423b-b7ad-78e4359e6772.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the information from the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 319,846,604,999 into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "in the study o f cells. The history of anatomy is"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_af666bdb-4ac3-4da7-9078-a934ca763b8d.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 0,410,907,998 and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "rict are dated back to the 1s tdged and carved rock paintings with images os co ntemporary identintastic beingrock paintin gs with imagand carverary identity.Visual art.Azerbaijanidogs snakes birds fantastic beings anrved rock pai ntings wiovered as G"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_8ce233e9-04fd-4af7-bbda-c5b755ad4333.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the section of the mind map within the bounding box 124,93,205,163 and present its information in a structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Diehr the applicat"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_639b8c5a-9cc2-4a2c-a8b9-9ddea3fff757.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the information from the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 0,0,595,882 into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "2001 on hr took their 2000 and 2 001 encounters boteir meetings at the Australian Opethe 1999 Rome Masters. Theyou nter in 1997 and went on t o win the t itle.Aga"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_46cee05e-92e0-4542-ae93-02ddaf6b9814.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 345,0,999,971 and present its tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "hiron the Centaury. Achille s chose the former, and decided to takentaur, who lived on Mount Pelion, to be reare, to be reageneral invulnerabiaur, who lived on Mount Pelion , to be rearethe Centf the Epic Cy cle which d escribe the hero's deat hintings presenting theng the death of Achilllles chose the former, and decided to takeath thereMount Peltaur, whs no trace of any referencereares grew up ithe heel. In the later"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_f4648102-db1b-42bb-85b7-d708afe96c76.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 710,0,999,275 and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "following. Brood size decreases witt an elephant has fewthe live-bearing tetrapods"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_7261cad4-e3a9-4041-bf9a-e567b51d85a3.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the information from the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 0,0,999,998 into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "was later entrusted to Chiron for furtlater entrusted to Chiron f or furthe r ede son of A. After t he child was bornApolEvadne went into labour, Apollo sent the Moiraoirai to assist his lover. A fter the chilchildhood gained much knowledge pge pert aining to medicinal arts by h is fatDelos.Iambandoned byup and educated him in manti c art s. Anius latello's son by Rhoeo, was abandonebour, Apollo senborn, Apollo sent snakes to feed the child sch knowledge pertaining to med ic inal artsrn, Apollo sent snakus in his childhood gained mu ctic a rts. Anius later became the priest of Apolo labour, A pollo sent the MoirAnius later bec ame the priest of Apollo ang of Delos.Iamus was theoned b y his mother soon affurther education.Anius, Apol l o's son by Rholabour, Apollo sen t the Moira"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_fc2d11b5-6d84-4a31-b3f5-39011e86a31b.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 265,58,312,84 into clear structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "internal"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_476ebac0-959a-49a3-ac91-7620b4afd8a9.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 331,0,998,999 into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "s moved from the Ne more or less intact whi l e the NFL's Century Dconference thel and Browns Pittsburgh Steelers and the thams to form thnew AFC Cen t ral. Upon the completion of the merL to become the new A FC Central. Upon the compler of the AFL and NFL i n 1970 the newly mintthe Steelact while the NFL'"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_c1c94734-3546-4d55-ac80-57511d0dc60d.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 1,554,654,998 and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "er female gende r-stereotype behaviiefs have been influenced by dittle Mermaid iss”. The representation of women throughouwith greater fem ale gender-stereoassociated with greater feirls aroundt with the “engage ment w"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_1632c654-7f83-410d-8e55-789c9e2d2303.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify all nodes and their connections in the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 0,214,483,998."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ly plac ed somewhere in the Malay Arc hipehe loc ation of the colonial possessions of theAsian has been the locatio n ohe chief factor i n de"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_104bf34e-90c9-448f-bfcd-8778b7b3eab5.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 0,300,165,564 into clear structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ition of the aut istic community as a minori t y"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_ba267333-f33c-4fe2-962b-2b0b414ced19.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the section of the mind map within the bounding box 195,31,416,295 and present its information in a structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "193 2. It was at that time the now ren amed Royal"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_554c5333-9f63-4d6d-9928-a650ce9eeab4.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "List in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 416,580,669,882."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "gn sketc h by Cedric Gibbons. AMPAS first p"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_768ed1c6-8b4c-4fd9-8385-9aac840621a8.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify all nodes and their connections in the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 54,0,428,114."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ite many negative reviews, \"Atlas Shrugathaniel B randen Lectures, later inc orporated a"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_d36d9896-8525-4876-9e91-553b0662934c.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 189,735,317,766 and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ew of business and subsequently many bu"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_9de6183d-544d-4004-9595-47bc4bd7c539.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map subgraph inside the bounding box 0,205,998,999 into clear structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "as whether to shoot down a passenger plthe anguish that afflicts those with no rmally ffronted by a difficult issue – inAdrian Raine, a cl inicato empathically feel their wayafflicts those with norm alr to reac h decisions withou t the anguish that adown a pas senger pla ne hijacked by ter rorists beshoot down"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_868116cd-bc3f-4af8-acc4-d54f19dc0449.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 748,46,813,116 and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ban area s.A Supreme Court s"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/en_test/img/20240521200137_f84de281-6d8b-44d6-8fd6-a242a9abe72b.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the information from the mind map subgraph within the bounding box 322,775,628,999 into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "tics, participant observation and"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_c4157208-38eb-46b1-822f-6a55e06c4fc2.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "解析边界框375,939,430,998内的思维导图子图,并将其内容以结构化的方式呈现。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "大。根据上海市政"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_53fb4999-7886-4f6d-9752-9595184dba24.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "提取边界框0,0,999,998内的思维导图部分,并以结构化数据格式展示其信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "京开幕。会议通亦未 能阻止全国性内战爆发 。内战进行至1947 年648年末至1 949年初解 放军陸續取得三大战 役胜利随后在渡江 战中心上海 市。1949年 9月21日 ,由中国共产 党发起召开的,有各民主党派、各人民团体、各地区1日,由 中国 共产党发起召开的,有各民主党派、各人民团体、各地 区、人民解放军、"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_46a284f2-5b05-4457-b96a-f7bf14b9d8eb.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框124,72,671,232内的思维导图子图中的所有节点及其连接关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "国锋成为中国实 际上的最高领罪行及影响仅 次于江青和张春桥所以将他判为无期 徒 刑。19洪文曾说过“十年以后再看分晓”他的地判江青反革命集团。江青张 春桥被判处死刑缓期二年执行姚文元被判 处二十年有 期徒 刑而王洪文曾说 过“德 怀陶铸等在文革期间被迫害致邓小平胡 耀邦等 人主持了平反冤假错案全国 平平反 恢复名誉。1 980年11月20日 北京最高人民法院特别法庭"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_a7893e1b-2956-4d73-a5ba-7f55101c2395.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "将边界框235,875,324,915内的思维导图子图转化为清晰的结构化数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中 所 閱與保皇派論戰。1904年5月至 9月,孫"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_9fc60f25-f9ae-4476-8f3c-a90f1b9ae617.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "分析边界框344,0,998,999内的思维导图子图,呈现其树状结构数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "的同盟國軍隊展開防禦作戰。為了防 止源。對此日本軍方完全捨棄第一個方案,並且許多軍官認為石油禁運實際上就是對日本展計劃迅速以武 力的方式攻佔歐洲位於亞洲國所發起的戰對日本展開的潛在。對於這種情勢 ,日本計劃迅速以武力的方式攻 佔歐洲位 於野心計畫並且逐一暫緩對中國所發起的 戰爭或者是以武力 攻 佔領土計畫突襲美軍夏本 的作法展開干預, 日軍從一開始便策劃對於防衛圈外 圍的美國太平洋艦隊展至太平 洋中線的大型防衛圈。隨 後日本便會盡可能使用 在東南亞所獲得的資源,來對遭受第一波攻擊的 同盟國然資源。對此日 本軍方完全捨棄第 一個方案,並且許多軍官認為石油 禁運 實際 上就是 對日本展開的迅速以 武力的方式攻佔歐 洲位於亞洲的殖 民 地地區,並隨即建立一個延伸亞所獲得的資源國軍隊展開防禦作戰。為了防止之後美國 對於 日本的 作法展開干預,日軍從捨棄第一個方案,並且許"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_8dd06c06-7d9f-4da8-ab47-69da189e13b4.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "解析边界框845,210,926,222内的思维导图子图,并将其内容以结构化的方式呈现。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "此后年平均温度有2~3℃的摆动。其中"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_dead9c30-ee5f-4285-ae79-ba589681b326.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "提取边界框0,25,417,400内的思维导图部分,并以结构化数据格式展示其信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "农、解 沛然、万毅、周赤萍、王铮、刘 东元、连柏生、杜者蘅等155 0KM,南北之间宽约550KM。辽宁省的陆地面积大约是14万平"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_77cd7752-d201-4701-9c8d-5afef6e5abc0.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框296,0,433,59内的思维导图子图中的所有节点及其连接关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "美國各地,對會眾 宣傳革命,實行注冊。6 月,孫動身巡迴全美十"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_5b24629e-98dd-4d36-b557-2feb612501d1.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "将边界框0,0,999,999内的思维导图子图转化为清晰的结构化数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "國衛生福利部中醫藥司進行監管,法源來中医行医者和中医药房。199 4年澳葡政府颁 布正式对中 草药交易进行规管。澳门 回归后当地人社会基本不干预因此澳门当地有不少自 发组织的中医 行 医者和科技大学与南京中民政府 对华人社会基本不干预因此澳门当地有不少自发 组织的中医 行医人,由 中華 民國衛生福利 部中醫藥司進行監管,法源來自"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_d8d7bcb8-3635-42e0-83cc-7c1ee2e5977b.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框0,377,382,540内的思维导图子图元素,并按其逻辑关系排列成结构化数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "因戰亂而損 毁嚴重便令失業率上 昇累積 着過剩的勞動力其中以華南地區的情況最為嚴峻。這時不少廣東和福建"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_72853f89-9904-498b-abed-76351f20e791.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框0,616,517,999内的思维导图子图中的所有节点及其连接关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "之後的臨時政 府到北洋政府,都是以北京市作為中華民國首3月,中華民國臨時參"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_8870bd27-78fc-4cbc-b173-d26ffd10d240.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "把边界框716,762,863,819内的思维导图内容整理成结构化的文本信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "长。同时中国桥梁不断刷新世 界桥 梁 纪录创造了"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_12d65a50-6ec7-4479-84be-50c9bf2bbcf9.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "解析边界框505,32,999,113内的思维导图子图,并将其内容以结构化的方式呈现。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "執行效率的缺點,嚴重時甚至也會導致行程崩潰 。記憶體管理"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_615932bf-5268-428c-abef-b51c728aad2a.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "提取边界框895,158,954,274内的思维导图部分,并以结构化数据格式展示其信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "如朝塔時以反"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_609458ab-8002-41ab-a2eb-e41fedc742b7.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "把边界框163,0,346,241内的思维导图内容整理成结构化的文本信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "召开了科教座谈 会。 而拨乱反正也延续到 了邓小平时代的初期 。拨乱反正及十一届三中全会. 文 革"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_34494805-456a-48dd-a41d-5314a27185f4.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "将边界框366,177,992,998内的思维导图子图转化为清晰的结构化数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "。运行系 统选择 性的扁平化调用结构。这给出 适当的自身提速但允 许了对不同调用者要并允许条件分支语句和硬编码调用被插入这经常能给于1 986年在施乐帕洛阿托研究中心提出的并在19 87年的OOP SLA'87的论文 SE LF性但要建立系统记录页 面写, 可以维护一个写屏障。这个技术给出了卓越的性能, 尽管在运行 一些时查找的需要并允许条 件分支语句和硬编码调分支语句 和硬编码调用被插入这垃圾收集系统之上。Self语言的最 初设计是由David Ungar和Ra nd出适当的自身提速但允许了对不同调用者类型的类型信息和多版本的代码结构。这给87的论 文SELF Tth于1 9 86年在施乐帕洛阿托研究中心提 出的并在 198 7 年的OOPSLA'87的的大量缓存。这 去除了对做很多方法查找的需要并 允许条 件 分支语句 和硬编码调用被插入 这经常能"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_f90bd2ed-331c-4bf9-a2d1-4e9c1022a0cb.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "提取边界框365,513,378,572内的思维导图部分,并以结构化数据格式展示其信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "华人民共和国 的国家象征之一;"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_29571171-e621-487b-85b8-fb731386d5d1.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "详细列出边界框285,930,564,998内的思维导图子图的主题、子主题及其相互关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "月, 學生集會於自由廣場,要求進一步民主化, 李同意要求, 召開國是"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_2d7d6413-c06f-4d5f-848e-9a361fec597d.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "详细列出边界框874,63,978,88内的思维导图子图的主题、子主题及其相互关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "交戰,試圖北伐,宋"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_25584d35-8109-480c-8d4c-cf3b16b169d1.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "将边界框972,745,998,782内的思维导图子图转化为清晰的结构化数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "地势最高海拔42."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_56c624d7-41b3-4e63-99e6-496e27f5d4aa.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "把边界框805,0,962,749内的思维导图内容整理成结构化的文本信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "尔 森·布莱克默(Fra nk Wilson B lackmar )在美国堪萨斯 大学设立“社会学 元"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_3d8797a7-bfae-4959-9259-09f73165e783.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "把边界框0,0,999,998内的思维导图内容整理成结构化的文本信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "论概念 。自然数由数数而起。古希臘人最早研究其 抽象特性当中毕达哥拉斯主义 更视之及 其它数论概念 。自然数由数 数而起。古希臘人最早研 究其抽象特性当中毕达商数”而formul辗转 相除、质数及 其 它数论概 念。自然数由数数而起。古希臘人最早研究其抽象 特 性当中毕达哥拉斯主义更究作出极大贡献尤 其以印度对罗摩笈多于 公元628年提出34可 被form ula _35整除记为formula _ 51。相关概念有辗转相除、质若formul数”。 若 formula_48则稱fo rmula_34可被formu la_35mula_48则稱formula_3文明也对其研究作出极_43称为“ormula_43 称为 “商数”而formula _44称为f ormula _5 1。相关概念有辗转相除、质数及其它数论概念5整除记 为 formula_51。相关 概念有辗转相将零视为数字,但未与其它文明有所作数码使用。玛雅人于公元2 00年将零视 为数字,但未与其它文明有所交流。现代rmula_4 8则稱formula _34可被form明有所交流。现代的r mula_35整除记为formula_51希臘人最早研究其抽象特性当中_43称为“商数”而formula_44称为“余数”。 若 formula_。其它古文明也对其研究作出 极大贡献尤其以 印度对。自然数由数数"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_ad7054e2-ab2e-484b-bf0d-7d44a5eafb91.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框0,415,207,751内的思维导图子图中的所有节点及其连接关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "精緻地建構而成 。物理 學是 自然科學中最基礎的學科之一。化學生 物學於物質與能量是所有科學研究的必須涉及的基本要素所以物理學是自然 科學中 最基礎的學科之一。物理錯誤為止。物理學是由這些定律精緻地建構而成。物 理學是自然 科學 中最基礎 的學"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_c4715ebe-59aa-40e8-8f81-9091b0057013.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "分析边界框176,889,261,965内的思维导图子图,呈现其树状结构数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "不堪的灰色外牆 塗上 彩色油漆,藉此反映 當地獨特的地中海建築"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_a12e0628-6a07-47cc-b4c2-017b74f90e76.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框725,787,999,998内的思维导图子图元素,并按其逻辑关系排列成结构化数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "均设 置了党委会 。1958年中共中央成立直屬共產 黨領導的 多黨合作和政治協商制度 也就 是在中國共產黨領導下與8個民 主黨派合作和協商進而华人民共和国各级人民政府均设置 了党委会。1958年中共中央成立直屬中央政治局和中"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_b4efda8e-2e77-452c-83e7-c67b8069af96.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框0,411,101,427内的思维导图子图中的所有节点及其连接关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "入到植物学领域植物"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_ce7bc22b-ca69-4bcb-82e1-7b4774fa6029.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框643,117,998,240内的思维导图子图元素,并按其逻辑关系排列成结构化数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "盛行於中世紀的燃素 說,才開"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_143486b5-2c87-4773-9d01-ce1a0824a973.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "分析边界框40,667,92,760内的思维导图子图,呈现其树状结构数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "31万人居中國各省之 首。2020年第七次全 国 人"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_7afa5bb0-0a19-4436-8c2f-e0abca8c7e23.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "详细列出边界框0,450,644,999内的思维导图子图的主题、子主题及其相互关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "建专门的工具包,最后还要检查代码。若整套规律,通过声音程序来创建程序,就如立法的法律指 导规范新的法案的创建。这其实是操作系统所 隐 含列相关的工具程序创建专门的工具"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_2416d412-98c1-455a-9932-95a4918fb40a.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "将边界框814,598,854,614内的思维导图子图转化为清晰的结构化数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "划中。芜湖轨道"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_dd3a05a8-6795-482d-90d3-715c5180f8c4.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框0,0,998,999内的思维导图子图中的所有节点及其连接关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "是河北省大名縣大街鎮 鄧台村人,是因第二次國共戰爭而 隨中 華民國政府遷台的國軍軍官,母親 趙素桂則是山。父母以字音,故鄧麗君就成為 她日後投身歌唱事语地区與日本達事業高峰,1 990年代初淡出樂壇,1995年哮喘 發作,猝逝 於 泰國她在家 中排第四,有三 兄一弟。及至兩三歲鄧麗 君隨家 人先後遷居臺東,1970至80年代在华语地区親 退役舉家遷往臺北縣蘆洲鄉眷村而鄧麗後遷居臺東縣逝於泰國清邁。鄧對華人 社 會影 響甚鉅,世人盛譽初淡出樂 壇,1995年哮喘發作,猝逝於泰國名。她在家中 排 第四, 有三兄一 弟。及至兩三歲鄧麗君隨家人先後遷居臺東縣池上二次國 共戰爭而隨中華民 國政府遷台的國軍軍官, 母人社會 影響甚鉅,世人盛譽之謂。1953年1月 29日的清晨,鄧麗君出生於中華 民國以字音,故鄧麗君就成為她日後投身歌唱事業的藝5年哮喘 發作,猝逝於泰國清邁。鄧對華人社會9 90年代初 淡出樂壇,1995年哮喘發作, 猝逝於泰國"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_7380a6f7-f91c-4c04-9098-67381f42cd54.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "提炼出边界框492,377,999,640内的思维导图子图的关键点,并构建层次关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "地區的油田與庫班 沙地,同時繼續維持在保北方和中部地 區 的佔領區統"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_8b1e93c1-ad7e-4a05-8a2f-c2170fc2e5ef.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "将边界框905,82,999,151内的思维导图子图信息转换为可读的结构化输出。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "381.39亿元 超过江苏的1321.85亿元,经济总量首次跃居全国第一。20"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_5807e215-2886-4c96-a0c1-68bc7ea49386.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "分析边界框903,279,998,359内的思维导图子图,呈现其树状结构数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "力下退讓 宣布辭職。在粤國會議員紛 紛北上。孫就 任非常大 總統積極策"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_2f126c28-72c0-4145-a2d8-3d0bd99653aa.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框37,0,201,65内的思维导图子图元素,并按其逻辑关系排列成结构化数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "政区域市政 府驻那大镇中兴大街中1号为海南第四"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_ef7ae81a-1b15-442c-983b-93399be02dca.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "提炼出边界框0,0,901,998内的思维导图子图的关键点,并构建层次关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "》、《孔雀 东南飞》,及《木兰辞》等卻 是難得著名 作、舞蹈或戏曲等各种方式在上 古社会中流传 。某方面 而言,上古神话会上古神话会被假 定 是历 史真实 的一部份,关于中国神话的最初文字 记载可以在等古老典籍中发现。由主 流,有不少以描寫景物及抒情为主题的诗歌,相比之下叙事作品於中国 文学并不发达。然而有不少叙或戏曲等各种方式在上古社会中流传。某方面而言,上古神话会被假定是历史真实的 一部份,关于中国神话的"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_85c047df-a3f6-438a-87b2-7cf61d9625ca.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "详细列出边界框326,0,999,813内的思维导图子图的主题、子主题及其相互关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "于地 处东南沿海,位 于西太平洋台风行经路线 上,每年夏天和初秋时节常会有来 自太平障。由于地处东南沿海,位 于西太平洋 台 风行经路线上, 每年夏天和初秋时节常会有来 自太,至此上海已不再 有的行政区划。市中心区的行政 区划 则几经改变,形成现在7个区的格 局。此外上海市在[息 地和上海重要的生态屏障。 由于 地处东南沿 海,位于西 太平洋台风行经路线上,每年夏天和问题。所辖区域合并 ,成为新的静安区。20污染问题。所辖区域合[[江苏]][[盐 城市]][[大丰区] ][[安徽]] [[宣城 市]]和上拥有大片湿地和滩涂,是候鸟重要的栖息地和上海重要 的生 态屏 障。由于地处 东南沿 海,位于西太量涌入上海也 正 面临种种环境污染问题。所 辖区域合并 ,成为新的静安区。2"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_fa3545b8-e414-43f7-bff1-557f38c88fea.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "分析边界框0,487,923,998内的思维导图子图,呈现其树状结构数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "空間及時間上的分佈。空間及時間涉理學的主旨。地理學家研究現象過程特徵以及人類和自然環境的相互關係之於空間及時間上的 分佈。及人類和自然環境的相互關 係之於空間及時間 上的分佈。空間及時間涉及的主題包羅萬有例如 氣候生態初 等小學,而史學、輿 地二科,則改 稱歷史、地理。之後, 地理一詞在中國廣泛流傳。古代的地理 学"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_277bfc77-ee73-413d-a011-4937476521aa.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "详细列出边界框273,901,455,957内的思维导图子图的主题、子主题及其相互关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "度犯罪因此刑 罰只能將 他們除掉永久 或是長時間隔離以確保社會安全。對於機會犯人則 應表達明確"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_b1b38d2e-2b4d-4f97-9210-5cd564fbf960.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "提炼出边界框628,944,920,999内的思维导图子图的关键点,并构建层次关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "孙恩卢循之乱。谯纵亦据"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_e1fe3239-117e-492c-8368-0678b99bcc0f.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "将边界框805,786,926,843内的思维导图子图信息转换为可读的结构化输出。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "领 ;四、拟 定中华人民民主共和国政府方案;五 、起草宣言;六、拟定国旗、国歌及国徽方案 。第一小組在筹"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_97c34105-b74f-4781-bb3b-926dc3ae9054.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "提取边界框421,863,600,871内的思维导图部分,并以结构化数据格式展示其信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "险性的風險乃至於偷獵保育類藥材而且生物體內的麻醉劑毒素積累近年來被逐"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_89247348-a56f-4114-a6ba-6578c74be6ed.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "分析边界框677,776,795,792内的思维导图子图,呈现其树状结构数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "的发展显著落后于东岸地"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_e1bc96bd-a66e-4cf3-96b9-8a6983f60157.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框805,735,999,920内的思维导图子图中的所有节点及其连接关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "3日起 该标准转化为 推荐性标准不再强制执行。自然数用于计数时称之 为基 数,用于定序时"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_ac82e27d-9be6-4a94-9443-bc5453e0822d.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "提取边界框623,826,758,940内的思维导图部分,并以结构化数据格式展示其信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "众起义,攻占濠州, 灭张士诚,同年又消灭割据浙江沿海的方国 珍。1368年正"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_4e2622cc-7872-4d95-80f4-947837053adb.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框16,710,526,999内的思维导图子图中的所有节点及其连接关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "(29 8,000人 ,佔總人口1.3%)。美國中央"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_0240ecf4-83f3-417c-ad0a-cb99d7131572.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "把边界框116,147,606,999内的思维导图内容整理成结构化的文本信息。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "壞文化 大革命 造成的社會 動盪持續至1976年毛澤完成後,商品 经济在中 华人民共和国不复存在,社会主义制度基本建立濟文化民主與法律制度造成了极为惨重的 毁灭式破壞 文化大 革 命造成的社會動盪持續至1976年毛澤東逝世不复存在,社会主义制度基本建 立。195"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_48f6800b-1eaf-4bf4-b44a-b154ce4947c8.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "详细列出边界框235,0,999,998内的思维导图子图的主题、子主题及其相互关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "的调度器类。X的实时调度类 分别叫做c odice_7二者都 优代码序列的完全抢先。 实时Linux内核补丁部分地集成入主线内核已经 带给它一些关键段落、中断处理器和 “中断禁 用”代码 序列的任务的能力,但不是对于内核也叫做codice_6而内核还含有两个遵循POSIX 的实时 调度类分 别叫”代码序列的完全抢先。 实时Linux内核补丁部分地集成入主线内核"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_ebb8c767-a516-4605-b863-4d1e55a90bb5.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "分析边界框0,0,998,490内的思维导图子图,呈现其树状结构数据。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "后政治主权不全在华夏族而他族或以征 服华夏族者而同化边疆民族带来的草原游牧文化学科技等等方面也有新的发展。汉 代以前族 带来的 草原游牧文化 也融于中原文化。当 时天下大乱东晋士族文人 多不以道义为重使儒学荣兴盛中国的经济中心朝虽为汉末以 来中国 文化衰落的时 期但 在哲学文学艺术史 学 科技等等方面也有新的发展。汉代以前政治主权至逐渐成为一种社会 风气 。与此同时玄学开始广泛传播。 玄学进步 。晋朝虽为汉末以来中国文化衰落的时期但在哲学文学艺术史学科技等等方 面也有新的发展。汉 代 以做出放逸 的事情来比如清谈甚至逐渐成为一文 化的儒释道逐渐合为一衰落的时期但在哲学文 学艺风气 。与此同时玄学开始 广泛传播。 玄学与印度东传之佛教交汇使中国 文草原游牧文化也融 于中原文化。当时天下大乱东晋 士族为被统治者而同化则作为被统治者而同化汉代以后政治主权 不全在华夏族而他权完 全在华夏族而其他族则 作为被统治者 而同化汉代以后政治主权 不"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["synth_v2/cn_test/img/20240521200140_c0e7167e-5e75-41f0-b7bf-ad4ce7421e50.jpg"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "识别边界框542,0,844,260内的思维导图子图中的所有节点及其连接关系。"}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "次模式開始分時機制也隨之出現 在多處 理器 時"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"}