{"image": ["bmmanger_png/E5EDHhYk_How-are-you-Nick.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "How are you Nick?GoodBadUglyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VmJxcd3t_Apple-iOS-7-Most-wanted-features.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "iOS 7 Most wanted featuresMailUnlimited number and type of attachments with access to the new public folderCalendarAbility to copy an event Activation of the swipe-right gesture for deleting entriesContactsAbility to individually set the order of entriesiMessageAnswer or dismiss iMessages from the lock screenSiriDial a number without internet connectionOpen the task bar with one short wordWords for enabling (when disabled) or disabling (when enabled) BT, WiFi, DND)Customizable words for commands (like shortcuts for writing)NotificationsSlide to delete individual notificationsResized Notification Center for iPadNotification center on the lock screen by swiping down with two fingers. One that has toggles for BT, WiFi, Do Not Disturb and the volume of soundsNotification light in the home buttonAbility to turn off notifications during phone callsClipboardTapping on COPY moves an item into a clipboard queue with up to 10 entries. Tapping on INSERT inserts the first item of the queue which was the last which came in. Double tapping on INSERT opens the queue for selecting a specific item.SettingsAbility to individually set some recently used functionsKeyboardKeys to navigate from character to character and from word to word.App IconsApp Icons anywhere on the home screens gridApp SwitcheriPhone/Touch specific multi-touch gestures that work on the smaller screen. e.g. swipe to open the task bar app switcherDNDAdditional 'Do Not Disturb' sets like in Clock - AlarmNative AppsDeletion of native apps If grandma's stock or weather app was deleted I don't think she would miss it.Home ScreenPlacing of app Icons anywhere on the home screen gridTask BarDeleting all apps from the task bar with one gestureThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookNASSupport for direct access to network attached storages (e.g. access to HDDs attached to routers)Public FolderA public folder with creatable subfolders where every app may save (e.g. iWork apps) or open (e.g. the mail app) documentsiCloudiCloud with client-side encryption in transit (while uploading) and at rest (while stored on Apple's servers) Apple should give the key back to the customers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/EXi4KbZr_Increase_the_Security_of_Your_Laptop.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Increase the Security of Your Laptop1. Avoid using computer bags2. Never leave access numbers or passwords in your carrying case3. Carry your laptop with you4. Encrypt your data5. Keep your eye on your laptopThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook6. Avoid setting your laptop on the floor7. Buy a laptop security device8. Use a screen guard9. Try not to leave your laptop in your hotel room or with the front desk"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/s789914_Pyramid_Planning__Barbara_Minto.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pyramid Planning Barbara MintoSubject under discussione.g. Planning Application put inWhat Question am I asking?e.g. What do I base my objections to this plan on?Answere.g. YesSituatione.g. Planning application too big not compatible with what’s around, proposed entrance in wrong placeComplication (s)e.g. Revised application put inNew Questione.g. On what grounds do I object to this revised application?Answer (s)1. Planning application too bigNo difference to height of houseNo difference to style of houseBuilding extends into field - needs separate planning application2. Still not compatible with what’s aroundBears no resemblance to previous building on siteBears no resemblance to other houses in localityMaterials not in any way similar - roof / walls etc3. proposed entrance in wrong placeNarrow part of roadView blocked by treesAlready adequate passing placeDangerous section of road"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/NPfs5sjw_Axes-d-intervention-consultant.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Axes (non exhaustif)OpérationsOptimisation de FluxAnalyse de posteMise en place de Données TechniquesGammes, Postes de ChargesNomenclatures...Ré-implantationLocaleInde, Chine, TunisieIndustrialisation de Produits nouveaux...Technique/ConceptionInnovationSélection d'un nouvel outil CAO/FAODéveloppement de produits nouveauxOrganisation ProjetsDépôt de Brevets...This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSupply ChainOrganisationMise en cohérence des fonctions...Gestion de la DemandePIC (S&OP)PDP (MPS)...Achats / ApprosDéveloppement fournisseursContrats logistiquesOut-Sourcing...ERPAnalyse de processusSélection d'un nouvel outilImplantation...ManagementOrganisationManagement de proximitéManagement multi-culturel (Anglo-saxons, Chine, Inde, Maghreb)DélégationAnimation de réunions...FormationMind-MappingFondamentaux de la SupplyChainOutils LEAN...En Français et/ou Anglais"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/z52380_Biology-GCSE-Breathing-Mind-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BREATHINGLABEL DIAGRAM NOTE FUNCTIONSRIBSEXTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLESVENTILATION ()DIAPHRAGMVENTILATION ()TRACHEAC RINGS CARTILAGELUNGSBRONCHICILIA AND MUCUSBRONCHIOLESCILIA AND MUCUSALVEOLIGAS EXCHANGEGAS EXCHANGE ()HUGE SURFACE AREAMOISTTHINRICH BLOOD SUPPLYGAS EXCHANGEGAS EXCHANGE ()MAINTENANCE OF DIFFUSION GRADIENTBLOOD FLOWLUNG VENTILATIONSMOKINGBRONCHITISEXCESS MUCUSEMPHYSEMADESTRUCTION OF ALVEOLIREDUCED GAS EXCHANGELUNG CANCERGROWTHS CAUSED BY CARCINOGENSAIR COMPOSITIONEXHALED AIRINHALED AIRVENTILATIONEXTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES ()DIAPHRAGM ()INDIAPHRAGMINTERCOSTAL MUSCLESCHEST VOLUMEPRESSURE IN LUNGSOUTDIAPHRAGMINTERCOSTAL MUSCLESCHEST VOLUMEPRESSURE IN LUNGS"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/yhXeVwfk_Nachforschen.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Nachforschenüber Zuhörer nachdenkengründlich nach Info suchenlesenandere befragenanwendenWarum?AnstrengungLohnThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookInternetsortieren\"Korn von der Spreu trennen\"Zusammenhangaktuell?HilfsmittelKonzentrationZielwieviel Zeit"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/RxEQclNe_Brainwave-entrainment.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Brainwave entrainmentabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainwave_entrainmentintroductionalso referred to as brainwave synchronization[1] and neural entrainment, refers to the hypothesized capacity of the brain to naturally synchronize its brainwave frequencies with the rhythm of periodic external stimuli, most commonly auditory, visual, or tactile.It is believed that patterns of neural firing, measured in Hz, correspond with states of alertness such as focused attention, deep sleep, etc.[2] It is hypothesized that by listening to these beats of certain frequencies one can induce a desired state of consciousness that corresponds with specific neural activity, such as studying, sleeping, exercising, meditating, doing creative work, and so onNeural oscillation and electroencephalography (EEG)Neural oscillations are rhythmic or repetitive electrochemical activity in the brain and central nervous system. Such oscillations can be characterized by their frequency, amplitude and phase. Neural tissue can generate oscillatory activity driven by mechanisms within individual neurons, as well as by interactions between them. They may also adjust frequency to synchronize with the periodic vibration of external acoustic or visual stimuli.[3]The activity of neurons generate electric currents; and the synchronous action of neural ensembles in the cerebral cortex, comprising large numbers of neurons, produce macroscopic oscillations. These phenomena can be monitored and graphically documented by an electroencephalogram (EEG). The electroencephalographic representations of those oscillations are typically denoted by the term 'brainwaves' in common parlance.[4][5]The technique of recording neural electrical activity within the brain from electrochemical readings taken from the scalp originated with the experiments of Richard Caton in 1875, whose findings were developed into electroencephalography (EEG) by Hans Berger in the late 1920s.Neural oscillation and cognitive functionsThe functional role of neural oscillations is still not fully understood;[6] however they have been shown to correlate with emotional responses, motor control, and a number of cognitive functions including information transfer, perception, and memory.[7][8][9] Specifically, neural oscillations, in particular theta activity, are extensively linked to memory function, and coupling between theta and gamma activity is considered to be vital for memory functions, including episodic memory.EntrainmentMeaning and origin of the term 'entrainment'Entrainment is a term originally derived from complex systems theory, and denotes the way that two or more independent, autonomous oscillators with differing rhythms or frequencies, when situated in a context and at a proximity where they can interact for long enough, influence each other mutually, to a degree dependent on coupling force, such that they adjust until both oscillate with the same frequency. Examples include the mechanical entrainment or cyclic synchronization of two electric clothes dryers placed in close proximity, and the biological entrainment evident in the synchronized illumination of fireflies.[13]Entrainment is a concept first identified by the Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens in 1665 who discovered the phenomenon during an experiment with pendulum clocks: He set them each in motion and found that when he returned the next day, the sway of their pendulums had all synchronized.[14]Such entrainment occurs because small amounts of energy are transferred between the two systems when they are out of phase in such a way as to produce negative feedback. As they assume a more stable phase relationship, the amount of energy gradually reduces to zero, with systems of greater frequency slowing down, and the other speeding up.[15]Subsequently, the term 'entrainment' has been used to describe a shared tendency of many physical and biological systems to synchronize their periodicity and rhythm through interaction. This tendency has been identified as specifically pertinent to the study of sound and music generally, and acoustic rhythms specifically. The most ubiquitous and familiar examples of neuromotor entrainment to acoustic stimuli is observable in spontaneous foot or finger tapping to the rhythmic beat of a song.Brainwave entrainmentBrainwaves, or neural oscillations, share the fundamental constituents with acoustic and optical waves, including frequency, amplitude and periodicity. Consequently, Huygens' discovery precipitated inquiry[citation needed] into whether or not the synchronous electrical activity of cortical neural ensembles might not only alter in response to external acoustic or optical stimuli but also entrain or synchronize their frequency to that of a specific stimulus.[16][17][18][19]Brainwave entrainment is a colloquialism for such 'neural entrainment', which is a term used to denote the way in which the aggregate frequency of oscillations produced by the synchronous electrical activity in ensembles of cortical neurons can adjust to synchronize with the periodic vibration of an external stimuli, such as a sustained acoustic frequency perceived as pitch, a regularly repeating pattern of intermittent sounds, perceived as rhythm, or of a regularly rhythmically intermittent flashing light."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/LKar1dPY_Cost-Benefit-Analysis-Simple-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Cost Benefit Analysis - SimpleAlternative 1ProjectProjectProjectAlternative 2ProjectProjectProjectAlternative 3ProjectProjectProjectAlternative 4ProjectProjectProjectAlternative 5ProjectProjectProjectTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/v880810_Midsummer_Act_II_sc_1_248258_sc_2_134_.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Midsummer act II sc.1 L 248-258 sc.2 L.1-34 Titania/ Oberonbefore:in the forest at nightOberon, Titania had an argumentbecause of infidility, jealousyOberon's revengethe potionsc. 2 situationwho: Titania and the fairieswhen: late evening ---- > nightingale, owlfairies'job: singing Titania to sleep making clothes for the elves protecting from evil creatures, spells (Sleeping Beauty)sc. 2 functionintroducing the fairiesEnglish folklore (for the rank and file)Fantasy for the educatedSpencer's Faerie Queen 1590 (for the educated)Purcell'sFairy Queen, a masque, 1692life at Titania's courtcriticism of idleness (her subjects work)sex and sensualitysnakesmucus of snailsPhilomel the nightingalethe pastoral\"Paradise lost\"the pastoralmusicharmonyordercontrast with Oberon's evil spellcontrast with the silly craftmencompositioncontrastpleasant imagesunpleasant images/spells to stop evil spiritsmagic ---- > rhymed linesvaried vocabulary, English animals and plantsredundancy \"not near\", \"nor ...come nigh\"alliteration \"L sound\", Philomel, lullabymetonymy: hell, evil -<--- > awful creaturesOberon's spellseeks revenge/evillove potion= supernatural power of lovethe demiurge creates chaossorcerers were commonthe public feared spellsherbs collected at Midsummer broke the spellconclusionthen the supernatural is well-knownthe spectator lives a fantasybeginning: a nice relief then Oberon = the Beastcontrast with the clumsy craftmenA Midsummer Night's Dream is one of Shakespeare's most popular works for the stage ; it is performed across the world.It could have been written for an aristocratic wedding, which Queen Elizabeth attended and later could have been performed at The Globe.en-wikipedia Study for The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania by J. N. Paton"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/N5VlkWgc_SMART-Projektmanagement.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SMART ProjektmanagementSpecific Measurable Accepted Realistic Time BoundThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookzu jedem Ziel gehört eine klare Terminvorgabe, bis wann das Ziel erreicht sein mussZiele müssen möglich seinZiele müssen von den Empfängern akzeptiert werden/seinZiele müssen messbar seinZiele müssen eindeutig definiert sein"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/v883038_s_genitive_cas_possessif.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "'s genitivea does bPersonsthe government's decisionthe manager's lettera has bAnn's dogAnn's headachethe earth's gravityinanimate nouns that have a relationship to human activitythis cup is Peter'sgenitive without a noun (=a place, house, church)we went to Ann & Ben's, to St-John'sphrases:a friend of my brother'sa friend of minea room of his ownthe dog's coat; a spider's webanimalstomorrow's show ; a 2 days' journeyperiod of time"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WhTKnIZO_IW_Expo_(Internet_World)_London_-_Seminars_for_Day_Two.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Internet World Seminars Day TwoE-mail & Mobile Analytics Theatre10:45 - 11:15The Future of Digital Advertising for BrandsRobin Goad13:10 - 13:40Lessons from the High Street: Using e-mail to boost post sale marketingTink Taylor13:50 - 14:20Trying it all together: Designing a multi-channel campaignArchna Trivedi16:30 - 17:00Behavioural e-mail marketing: giving custpmers what they want right nowSean DuffyEmail CentreeCommerce Theatre13:10 - 13:40How to turn web traffic into sales: e-commerce trends in 2011Matt PoepselVP Performance StrategiesGomez15:45 - 16:15The Power of Social VideoGraeme FouxCEOKnexusSurinder PhullereCommerce Services ManagerHilton WorldwideThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAdvertising Theatre13:10 - 13:40Using social networks to collaborate with consumers in product and service designFoolproof15:45 - 16:15Social Media & Search Marketing: Combining The EffectivelyJohn HeffernanBusiness Development MangerMediaCoSocial Media Theatre10:00 - 10:30How to influence buying behaviour with social media marketingPaul SuttonHead of Social CommunicationsBottle PR15:00 - 15:30People are talking about your business. Are you listening?Russell Prince-WrightRegional DirectorAttensity Europe15:45 - 16:15Developing an effective content strategyClaire MartinContent ManagerThe Press Association"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/kIl7gdbn_Mehr-Gehalt-wie.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mehr Gehalt, wie?Richtiger ZeitpunktFakten sammeln: Sie müssen schon vor dem Lohngespräch wissen, wie viel Sie wert sind. Vergleichen Sie Ihren Lohn mit anderen in ihrer Position.Leistung dokumentieren: Ihr Chef wird fragen, warum er ausgerechnet Ihnen mehr Lohn geben soll. Belegen Sie ihm Ihre überdurchschnittlichen Leistungen.Realistisch bleiben: Ihr Gehalt darf das Lohngefüge im Betrieb nicht völlig auf den Kopf stellen. Ihre Forderungen sollten nicht zu stark aus dem Rahmen fallen.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAngebot machen: Lassen Sie Ihrem Chef keine Zeit zum Nachdenken. Machen Sie ihm schon im Gespräch ein konkretes Angebot.Zusatzforderungen: Mehr Geld bedeutet nicht unbedingt mehr Lohn. Überlegen Sie sich Alternativforderungen, etwa die Bezahlung einer Weiterbildung.Prozente statt Zahlen: Fordern Sie eine Lohnerhöhung in Prozenten. Zwei Prozent schrecken psychologisch weniger ab als 200 Euro.Taktisch vorgehen: Dramaturgie ist gefragt. Behalten Sie die besten Argumente bis zum Schluss auf. Behalten Sie Ihren Trumpf in der Hand.Ruhig bleiben: Teilen Sie Ihre Enttäuschung bei einer Ablehnung mit. Aber lassen Sie sich keinesfalls zu einem Verhalten provozieren, das Ihre Stelle gefährdet."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/kIjjPZQg_Antidot.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Antidotlat. antidotumGegenmittelGegengiftAntidotonThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAntiserumGegenmittelMassenvernichtungswaffen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/LhSo6CXD_Personnel-Review-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PersonOwn Dept.Does wellTopic areaDetailed feedback and quotesCould improveTopic areaDetailed feedback and quotesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookOther Depts.Does wellTopic areaDetailed feedback and quotesCould improveTopic areaDetailed feedback and quotes"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lgwlFGHH_The-Sixteenth-Century-Euan-Cameron-Note-Taking-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Sixteenth Century Euan Cameron Note Taking TemplateIntroductionThe scene in 1500Received ideas about the sixteenth centuryDistinctive themes of this bookThe EconomyPopulations, prices and wagesEastern EuropeThe Mediterranean landsNorth-western EuropeConclusionPolitics and warfareUnified spacesPolitical elitesWar and financeImages of ruleSocietyThe bonds of societySocial hierarchies: peasants, labourers, the middling sort, and elitesTowns and citiesElites and statusRural and urban society: mobilityGender relationsThe poor and social controlFears and tensionsThe mindNorthern Europe: Christian humanismThe religious programme of ErasmusClassical scholarship in literature and lawThe search for the esotericAristotle revived and challengedWhere Aristotle could not lead: mathematics and astronomyThe life sciencesMoral philosophyPolitical thoughtChallenges to knoweldge: forms of scepticismTowards the seventeenth centuryThe turmoil of faithThe beliefs of the majorityShared Catholicism on the eve of the ReformationThe 'Luther-Movement'Community and city reformations in the Germanic worldPeasants, princes, and monarchsThe refugee paradigmCatholicism chooses its pathOn the margins of the confessionsConclusionsEurope and a world expandedExpanding territories in the sixteenth centuryThe Iberian powers and the first oceanic explorationsThe conquests of Mexico and PeruThe Church in New Spain: ethical responses to conquestEstablishing a hispanic society in the New WorldThe Portuguese empireOther European powersEuropeans in AfricaThe Society of Jesus in the wider worldThe wider world in European literatureConclusions and commentaryHow to use this mind map"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k9XgS7zi_Edward-de-Bono-Thinking-Tools-PISCO-Purpose-Input-Solutions-Choice-Operation.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "[Topic]PurposeInputCAFSolutionsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookChoiceOperationPISCO"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/EMhfFDNy_ZEEBOON.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ZEEBOONThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/LlcDRMXt_Mind-Mapping.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind MappingPaperBlankLandscape formatA4ImagesIconsUniversalsPersonals3DEvocationColorsAbundantSignificantThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWordsOneHorizontalClearStructureCenterIrradiantBranchErgonomicNaturalStylePersonalPractical"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r746335_Basic__Bangladesh.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BangladeshHigh Rain FallLow LyingDacca is near a flood plainRegular FloodsRiver GangiesSourceNaplesBay of BanglesFunnel shape"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k07FYofE_Gestalt-coaching.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Gestalt coachingMETASourceArticle by Herb StevensonSee other papersThis mapNicolas Stampfwww.appreciatingsystems.comUse of self as instrumentAwarenessActive, directedOpen, undirectedCongruenceGestalt: talk the walkPresenceStanding for somethingModeling behaviorFocusing on the client's problemTeaching behavioral skillsEvoking experimentationAnother way: holding spaceThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookEmploy Gestalt techniquesObserve and share what you see, hear and feelAttend to your own experienceFocus on energy in the client system and the emergence or lack of themes or issuesFacilitate clear, meaningful, heightened contactsHelp the client system complete units of workUnits of Work ()to achieve closure around unfinished businessUnits of WorkHelp the client system complete units of work ()Experiential circle of learningConcrete experienceActive experimentation ()Reflexive observationAbstract conceptualizationPlanning for implementationActive experimentationConcrete experience ()Unit of work structureThe beginningAssess \"what is\"Transition: from beginning to middleChoosing what to attend toThe middleActing on the choiceTransition: from middle to endAgree on what is new or clearerThe end: Closing out the activityUnderstanding the new \"what is\""}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/gSOjUhxT_SWOT-Analysis.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SWOT AnalysisStrengthsInternalExternalWeaknessesInternalExternalOpportunitiesInternalExternalThreatsInternalExternal"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QtESPbvx_Connect_with_Biggerplate!.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Connect with Biggerplate!Learn about New FeaturesMembers Only Competitions!Updates on New Mind MapsRecommended Mind Map ResourcesConnect with Liam HughesBiggerplate User GroupThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/dR7p52NG_Aircrack.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "aircrackSchwachstellen in WLANsBerechnen der SchlüsselInitialisierungsvektoren (IVs)statistisch-mathematischen AngriffPTW-AttackeKoreK-AngriffWörterbuchangriffsFour-Way-HandshakeMitschneiden von DatenpaketenThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAircrack – Wikipediapage.webarchivegetting_started [Aircrack-ng]page.webarchiveAircrack-ngaircrack-ngberechnet WEP- (Brute-force-) und WPA-Schlüssel (Wörterbuchattacke)airodump-ngPaket-Sniffer: Zeichnet Datenverkehr in PCAP- oder IVs-Dateien auf und zeigt Informationen über Netzwerkeaireplay-ngschleust selbst erzeugte Pakete in Netzwerke einairdecap-ngentschlüsselt aufgezeichnete verschlüsselte WEP- oder WPA-Daten mittels eines bereits bekannten Schlüsselairmon-ngversetzt WLAN-Karten unter Linux in den Monitor-Modusairtun-ngerzeugt virtuelle Tunnelairolib-ngspeichert und verwaltet ESSID- und Passwort-Listen (für das Berechnen von WPA-Schlüsseln)wesside-ngberechnet automatisch die WEP-Schlüssel von gefundenen Netzwerken (instabil)airdriver-ngbaut und installiert WLAN-Treiber unter Linuxairbase-ngsimuliert Access Points aufgrund empfangener SSID-Scans von Endgeräten und ermöglicht es so, WEP- oder WPA-Schlüssel in Abwesenheit des Access Points durch Angriff des Endgeräts abzufangen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/hym0Pudt_Saving-the-Planet.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Saving the Planet+compassionate action for the Earth ()humansEarth-centered ()floraEarth-centered ()faunaEarth-centered ()Earth-centeredatmosphere ()compassion of humans ()flora ()land ()humans ()()fauna ()water ()brother/sisterhoodenduranceintegritysharingfairnessupdatingthinkingjusticehelpingatmosphereEarth-centered ()loveempathygivinglifepeacetrustwe-ismcaringchangeteamworkbest practicesthink for yourself, think with others, collectively act on best practices, updating as we go.planningintensioncooperationcollaborationkindnessrespectreciprocityidealscompassion of humansEarth-centered ()competitive energy of humans ()competitive energy of humanscompassion of humans ()waterEarth-centered ()landEarth-centered ()I believe that the Earth needs lots of work now and the best way to run our economy is not through the destructiveness, greed and profit dominance of capitalism. Instead, I believe we should try the more humane (towards all life and the Earth) system where we democratize the enterprise, putting the workers in charge and owning our businesses, a way that is called the new socialism!John Hartmann"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/TN90gCRb_Khan-Academy-World-History-Mindmap.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "World History MindmapUS History Overview 1Appomatox Court House to Lincoln's AssassinationUS History Overview 2: Reconstruction to the Great DepressionUS History Overview 3: WWII to VietnamCommunism: Overview of Communism and Marxist-Leninist StatesKorean War OverviewBay of Pigs InvasionCuban Missile CrisisVietnam WarPattern of US Cold War Interventions: Comparing the patterns of Korea, Cuba, and VietnamAllende and Pinochet in Chile: Outline of the 1973 Allende Coup in Chile and Pinochet's JuntaWhen Capitalism is Great and Not-so-great20th Century Capitalism and Regulation in the United StatesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFrench Revolution - Part 1French Revolution - Part 2French Revolution - Part 3French Revolution - Part 4Haitian Revolution - Part 1Haitian Revolution - Part 2Napoleon and the Wars of the First and Second CoalitionsNapoleon and the War of the Third CoalitionNapoleon and the War of the Fourth CoalitionNapoleon's Peninsular CampaignsFrench Invasion of RussiaNapoleon Forced to AbdicateMindmap by Chance Brown, 9/15/11"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/6gvPzqQK_What-are-Fat-Burning-Protein-Powder.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "What are Fat Burning ProteinsOpeningAfter reading this article the reader will learn:What are fat burning proteinsHow does fat burning proteins workHow to Make Fat Burning shakesBodyWhat are Fat burning ProteinsProtein does not actually burn fatProtein makes it easier for you to lose fatProtein helps convert fat into muscleHow does Fat Burning Proteins WorkIncreases SatietySpeeds up MetabolismAids in the build-up and maintenance of musclesHow to Make Fat Burning Shakes子主题ClosingThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jT4V7PjS_Myom.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Myomgutartiger MuskeltumorGebärmutterWucherungenbis 20 Zentimetern35. und 50. LebensjahrÖstrogen stimuliertgenetischer Einfluss vermutetSymptomestarke, lang anhaltende Monatsblutungen oder Zwischenblutungenwehenartigen SchmerzenKrämpfenNervenenden drückenBlutarmut (Anämie)Harnwegsinfektion und NierenerkrankungKomplikationen während einer SchwangerschaftThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTherapiemedikamentöschirurgischGebärmutterentfernung (Hysterektomie)Ausschälung des Myoms (Myomenukleation)fokussierten UltraschallMyomverödung (Embolisation)http://www.myomembolisation.de/"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QYBKbGLc_Music-Theory.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Music Theoryintervalsperfect intervals4 perfectsunision4th5thoctaveadd interval numbers to get 9major or minor2367inversionsperfect inverts to perfectmajor to minor & vice versaaugmented to diminishedscaleschromatic Scaleall 12 notesno sharps or flatsBCEFMajor scaleWWHWWWHW2 H W3 HThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BZ0ytCI1_GoogleCl.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GoogleClKommandozeileAnleitungDiensteBloggerCalendarContactsDocsFinancePicasaYoutubeThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAllgemeine Befehle'summary''title', 'name''url''url-site''url-direct''xml'BetriebssystemeMac OSWindowsLinux"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/MeZVl1mE_HVP-Projects.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "HVP ProjectsActive ProjectsBiggerplate HVP WebinarUpdate HVP main presentationAdvertise HVP Webinar on LinkedInBuild HVP GTD examplesImport new tasks into the HVP Projects mapDemonstrate GTD steps and integration ()Demonstrate GTD steps and integrationImport new tasks into the HVP Projects map ()Collect and send HVP mindmaps to GrahamAdvanced Project Management CourseNew Recreational VehicleResearch pros and cons of Class C RVsLinksWhat is a Class C Motorhome?Home Mortgage RefinanceResearch current interest ratesResearch best online mortgage firms ()Research best online mortgage firmsResearch current interest rates ()Next Biggerplate Webinar TopicSchedule brainstorming session with GrahamPrepwork ideasProductivity Hacks and TipsAdvanced Project Management ReduxWorkflow Automation in Mind MapsSomeday/MaybeAlaska Fishing VacationDetermine best time of year to visit AlaskaClassic Car Restoration"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/vRaoR1zq_Concept-Map-MindMapping.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题Write your focus question herePacific OceanMan-made things ()Rain ()Water ()Ecosystems ()Climate changeTsunamis ()Garbage ()Hydropower ()GarbageMan-made things ()Waves ()Climate change ()EcosystemsPacific Ocean ()Vegetation ()Animals ()VegetationSea grass ()Ecosystems ()Coral ()Bacteria ()Algae ()WaterPacific Ocean ()Water vapor ()Waves ()ArthropodsInvertebrates ()SpongesInvertebrates ()Man-made thingsPacific Ocean ()Boats & Ships ()Garbage ()Artifacts ()WavesTsunamis ()Water ()Garbage ()Hydropower ()Sports ()TsunamisWaves ()Climate change ()HydropowerWaves ()Climate change ()SportsWaves ()AlgaeVegetation ()CoralVegetation ()Sea grassVegetation ()Sea turtles ()BacteriaVegetation ()Sea turtlesSea grass ()Reptiles ()InvertebratesMollusks ()Arthropods ()Sponges ()Animals ()MollusksBirds ()Invertebrates ()BirdsMollusks ()Tetrapods ()Fish ()TetrapodsReptiles ()Mammals ()Vertebrates ()Amphibians ()Birds ()AmphibiansTetrapods ()TerrapinsReptiles ()ReptilesTerrapins ()Sea turtles ()Tetrapods ()ArtifactsMan-made things ()Boats & ShipsMan-made things ()Fish ()Water vaporClouds ()Water ()CloudsWater vapor ()Rain ()RainPacific Ocean ()Clouds ()FishBirds ()Mammals ()Boats & Ships ()Vertebrates ()AnimalsEcosystems ()Vertebrates ()Invertebrates ()VertebratesTetrapods ()Animals ()Fish ()MammalsTetrapods ()Fish ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jLPNcemI_The-Lion-Makers.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Lion MakersFour friendsThree had mastered all branches of learningWhat is the good of learning, if it can't help earn money? ()But lacked common senseThe fourth had no learning to boastBut had sound common senseDecide to go to distant lands in search of good fortuneWhat is the good of learning, if it can't help earn money?Three had mastered all branches of learning ()On the wayFurther consultationsExplain and examine each one's learning for determining their prospectsEach one explained'I'm good at putting in place the skin & bones of even the dead,' said the first'I'm good at creating flesh and blood,' said the second, \"I know the incantations.' ()'I'm good at creating flesh and blood,' said the second, \"I know the incantations.''I know the science of revival,' said the third, 'even the dead can be brought back to life.' ()'I'm good at putting in place the skin & bones of even the dead,' said the first ()'I know the science of revival,' said the third, 'even the dead can be brought back to life.''I'm good at creating flesh and blood,' said the second, \"I know the incantations.' ()'All I've got is a mind. I know no science,' said the fourth oneAlarmed, the fourth one tried to stop him: 'Hold on! The lion will come back to life and kill us all' ()Change of heartThe first & the second friendsDon't want to share their future wealth with the illiterate. They don't even want him to go with themThe third friend differsWants to honour friendship. Wants to share everything with himThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookApplying knowledgeIn a forest, they come across the bones of a dead lion. The learned men decide to test their learningThe first & the second were very fast at what they knew so wellThe third was eager to show his skill without any delay ()The third was eager to show his skill without any delayThe first & the second were very fast at what they knew so well ()But he was not going to let his learning go fruitless so he ignored the advice. 'You fool, stand aside,' he said & began to perform his skill immediately ()Alarmed, the fourth one tried to stop him: 'Hold on! The lion will come back to life and kill us all''All I've got is a mind. I know no science,' said the fourth one ()But he was not going to let his learning go fruitless so he ignored the advice. 'You fool, stand aside,' he said & began to perform his skill immediatelyThe third was eager to show his skill without any delay ()The consequenceThe three learned friendsWere killed by the lion they'd just revived. And that was the end of their science, of which they were very proudThe illiterate friendHe had climbed up a tree to save himself.Saddened, he went home later, pondering over the fate of his very learned friends and their science"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/7pTdmfNU_L-Espionnage-de-la-NSA.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "L'Espionnage de la NSANacional Security Agency4 Novembre 1952General Keith Alexander\"Signals Intelligence\" (SIGINT), le renseignement électromagnétique\"Information Assurance\" (IA), sécurité des systèmes de communication et de traitement des donnéesProgramme \"Prism\"Un Espion à Plusieurs VisagesSystème bancaire mondial sous surveillance75% du traffic Internet couvert par la NSADiplomatie mondiale sur écouteLes Tuyaux de la NSAFacebook & Google - les complices démasqués“Boundless Informant”, informateur sans frontière\"Système Garlick\", espionnage via satelliteThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookL'Europe, Cible de la NSAAllemagne, 1ère viséeAngela Merkel sur écoute15 à 60 millions de conversations téléphoniques/jour10 millions de connexion internet/jourDes arrangements illégaux entre les deux Etats, toujours à l'avantage des USALa crise en Europe, justification de l'oreille trainante américaineCacophonie politiques des pays européens inquiétanteFaiblesse économique et absence de réforme structurelleSiège du Conseil Européen doublement surveillé\"Centrale Européene\" de la NSA, bâtiment de surveillance à BruxelleInfiltration du réseau informatiqueRetombées du ScandalesCrise de confiance UE/EUViolation des Libertés Individuelles des citoyens dans le monde entierTimide proposition de réforme de la NSACorruption des entreprises informatiques mondiales"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_SclOmil3.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Les mécanismes du stressStress ponctuelCaractéristiquescoeur qui battranspirationRéponseSécrétion d'hormonescerveau ()Catecholaminesoxygenecerveaucorpsmuscleseffetsfréquence cardiaquetensiontemp du corpsGlucocorticoidesenergiesucre--> organesConséquenceAssez d'hormonescerveauSécrétion d'hormones ()récepteursymptômesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookStress chroniqueFonctionnementorganismerésistance duréesécrétion de plus d 'hormonerécepteursdébordésne fonctionne plusCaractéristiquesjourssommeilconcentrationmoismal dosmaladie cardiodépressionDéfinitionsituationMenacesituation importantePréparationcorpsréaction2 typesponctuellongue durée"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/G1BtYWz4_Podcast-Guests.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Podcast GuestsPaul O'CallaghanCEOBlueTech ResearchExecutive ProducerBrave Blue WorldGeorge HawkinsFounder & CEOMoonshot MissionsMegan GloverCo-Founder & CEO120WaterPeter FiskeExecutive DirectorNational Alliance for Water InnovationH2DuoStephanie CorsoArianne ShipleyCorey WilliamsPresident and CEOSmartCoverDan KeppenExecutive DirectorFamily Farm AllianceMelissa MeekerCEOThe Water TowerManny TeodoroProfessorUniversity of MichiganJeff HobbsInformation Technology LeaderPublic UtilitiesMae StevensExecutive Vice PresidentSignal Water PracticeReese TisdaleBluefield ResearchCEOAntoine WalterSenior Business Development ManagerGeorg FischerPodcast host(don't) Waste Water"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bVhqXFws_Defense-Logistics-Agency-DLA-quick-overview.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DLA - quick overviewabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information & pics: https://www.dla.milAt a GlanceAs the nation’s combat logistics support agency, the Defense Logistics Agency manages the global supply chain – from raw materials to end user to disposition – for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, 10 combatant commands, other federal agencies, and partner and allied nations.DLA also supplies 86 percent of the military’s spare parts and nearly 100 percent of fuel and troop support consumables, manages the reutilization of military equipment, provides catalogs and other logistics information products, and offers document automation and production services to a host of military and federal agencies. Headquartered at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, DLA is a global enterprise – wherever the United States has a significant military presence, DLA is there to support.DLA Senior LeadershipWilliams, Darrell K. LTG, U.S. Army, Director Defense Logistics AgencyScott, Michael D. Vice Director Defense Logistics AgencyFrench, Kristin K. Chief of Staff Defense Logistics AgencyBrahmsteadt, Shaun CMDCM, U.S. Navy, Senior Enlisted Leader Defense Logistics AgencyDLA Quick Facts:DLA provides more than $37 billion in goods and services annually.people performing logistics tasksEmploys about 26,000 civilians and military.Supports more than 2,400 weapon systems.Manages nine supply chains and about 5 million items.Administers the storage and disposal of strategic and critical materials to support national defense.Operates in most states and 28 countries.Operates a global network of distribution centers. DLA’s warehousing strategy is driven by the commitment to better serve warfighters, co-locating with the armed forces while placing supplies where they are most needed. By positioning material closer to its customers, DLA is able to decrease wait time, reduce cost and improve military readiness.Leads DoD’s efforts to supply the military services with alternative fuel and renewable energy solutions.Supports disaster response and humanitarian relief efforts at home and abroad.Supports other federal agencies, state and local governments with items such as uniforms, food and fuel. Customers include the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of the Interior, Health and Human Services, Forestry Service, and the Department of Agriculture School Lunch Program.DLA Major Subordinate CommandsManages the supply chains for food, textiles, construction material, industrial hardware and medical supplies and equipment, including pharmaceuticals.Manages the supply chain for aviation weapons systems repair parts, flight safety equipment, maps, environmental products and industrial plant equipment.Manages the supply chain for ground-based and maritime weapons systems repair parts, small arms parts and fluid-handling systems.Manages the supply chain for petroleum and lubrication products, alternative fuel/renewable energy, aerospace energy; provides fuel quality/technical support, fuel card programs and installation energy services.Provides storage and distribution solutions/management, transportation planning/management, logistics planning and contingency operations; operates a global network of distribution centers.Disposes of excess property by reutilization, transfer and demilitarization; conducts environmental disposal and reuse.Strategic MaterialsManages the strategic and critical raw material stockpile that supports national defense needs.Defense Business ServicesManages a wide range of logistics information and identification systems.Automated document production, printing services, digital conversion and document storage.Editing/routing of logistics transactions, network interoperability and eBusiness services.DLA Regional CommandsThe agency’s primary liaison to U.S. European Command, NATO and U.S. Africa Command, providing a unified DLA interface for warfighters throughout the areas of responsibility.The agency’s primary liaison to U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special Operations Command, providing a unified DLA interface for warfighters throughout the area of responsibility.The agency’s primary liaison to U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, U.S. Forces Korea, U.S. Forces Japan and U.S. Alaskan Command, providing a unified DLA interface for warfighters throughout the area of responsibility.DLA Strategic Plan 2018-2026Providing world-class logistics support doesn’t just happen. It takes a plan, the right people, and the constant desire to improve. DLA's strategic plan for 2018-2026 provides the roadmap to get us there. The five lines of effort represent the foundation DLA will use to provide global, end-to-end supply chain solutions. These efforts complement our mission as well as represent our commitment to remain agile and responsive to the current and emerging needs and expectations of warfighters and our other valued customers.Strengthen Service and Combatant Command Readiness and LethalityPrepared for Immediate ActionLeverage the Joint Logistics Enterprise, Interagency, Industry, and Partner and Allied NationsSupport to the NationAssured Supply Chain, Financial and Process ExcellenceThe heart of everything we do. If you take care of your people, the mission will happenWhile these may be our operational imperatives and focus areas, DLA will continue to thrive on our values of leadership, professionalism and technical knowledge through dedication to duty, integrity, ethics, honor, courage and loyalty."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/XVMdzJX1_Chronodex-Daily-GTD-How-it-works.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Chronodex Daily GTD : How it works. reynald.bonnard@gmail.comDay :PrinciplesRather than arrange days as a plain table with rows for time slots, Chronodex displays each day a circle with sections for time, like using a pie chart. The sections correspond with the positions on a clock and the day runs from 9am to 9pmEvents can then be marked by drawing around the correct times. There is plenty of space around each day describe events and to add other information and tasks for the day.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAdded valueThe chronodex seems ideal as it enables me to track hours spent - and the fact it is very intuitive and visual is a big advantage (and I get to colour code!).Visual exampleChronodex is divided into 5 main parts:Header in which you can fill out your ‘Satisfaction level’ & ‘Points of improvement’Time schedule which is nicely lay-out in a graph-like circleNext actions – listInbox/Notes (scaled up to importance)Waiting for / Projects – listConcept developped by Patrick Nghttp://scription.typepad.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/e249387_Bill_Blundells_6_Points_to_Organizing_a_Story.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Bill Blundell's 6 Points to Organizing a StoryHistoryStartedwhenwhoTimelinepivotaleventsScopeProblemextentPeopleaffectedwhatat stake$Central ReasonsWhyhappeningWhat areeconomicforces ()socialforces ()politicalforces ()created itinfluence itthreaten itImpactsWho ishelpedhurtextentwhatresponseemotionalGatheringOngoingwho isdoinganythingabout itand is itworkingFutureIfcontinueswhatlooklike5 to10 yrspeopleaffectedeyesforceseconomic ()political ()social ()Additional Resource: The Art and Craft of Feature Writing by Bill Blundell(c) Copyright 2009. Catherine Franz"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Xka1Nwg9_Nytrogen-Cycle.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Nytrogen CycleAirSoil ()SoilGroundwater ()Air ()FertilizersSurface WaterGroundwater ()GroundwaterSoil ()Surface Water ()This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAirSoil ()SoilAir ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/v5oGwssE_Leadership-Types.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "LeadershipTotalConsciousQuietSituationalCharismaticTransactionalPrinciple-centeredEffectiveIntent-basedToy boxLeverageEmotionally IntelligentExploringFearlessSpiritualAdaptiveFierceSelfThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookInstructionalQualityConnectiveEnergyEthicalCourageousLeanReality-basedResonantHeroicPositiveAuthenticTransformationalSeriousServantPrimalTribal"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/i0HhGmot_US-Army-Criminal-Investigation-Command.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "about this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND, Warsaw)all information: https://www.cid.army.mil/command-group.htmlCOMMANDING GENERALThe Provost Marshal General of the Army, Commanding General U.S. Army Criminal Investigation CommandMajor General Glaser was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1985 through the Reserve Officer Training Corps at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. He holds a Masters Degree in Comptrollership from Syracuse University. His military education includes the Military Police Officer Basic and Advance Courses, the Command and General Staff College, the Joint and Combined Warfighting School and the Senior Service College Fellowship – Center for New American Security.His principal staff assignments have been as the Executive Officer, 25th Military Police Battalion, later Executive Officer, U.S. Army Military Police Brigade-Hawaii, 25th Infantry Division (Light) Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Chief, Military Police Branch, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, Alexandria, Virginia; Deputy Operations Officer, G-3, I Corps, Fort Lewis, Washington; Deputy Provost Marshal General, Office of the Provost Marshal General, Washington, DC; Deputy Director, Ministry of Interior Advisory Group, Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan, International Security Assistance Force (OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan); and Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Central, Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina.He commanded the 570th Military Police Company, 95th Military Police Battalion, 21st Theater Army Area Command, U.S. Army Europe and Seventh Army, FRG; 519th Military Police Battalion, Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Polk, Louisiana, and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, Iraq; 42nd Military Police Brigade, I Corps, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, Iraq; Commanding General, U.S. Army Corrections Command; Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command.Major General Glaser's awards include the Army Distinguished Service Medal, the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, the Bronze Star Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Meritorious Service Medal with five oak leaf clusters, the Combat Action Badge, the Parachutist Badge, the Air Assault Badge and the Army Staff Identification Badge. He is a recipient of the MP Regimental Association's Order of the Marechaussee (Silver), the Infantry Order of Saint Maurice and the Cavalry Community Combat Spurs. He is also a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Correctional Association.DEPUTY COMMANDING GENERALDeputy Commanding GeneralBrigadier General Miller was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1992 after serving as an enlisted Soldier in the 18th MP Brigade; the Supreme Allied Commander Europe Security Detachment/CID, Belgium; and the 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania Army National Guard.BG Miller’s key command and leadership assignments include: Chief of Staff, Senior Fellow to the Atlantic Council and the HQDA Lead Integrator for the Long Range Precision Fires Cross Functional Team, Washington D.C.; Commander, 8th MP Brigade and Director of Emergency Services, USARPAC, Hawaii; Senior Advisor to the Minister of Interior, Afghanistan, in support of Operation Resolute Support; Executive Officer to the Provost Marshal General, and Commanding General, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency & Army Corrections Command; Commander, 95th MP Battalion, Germany; Force Development Integrator and Executive Officer to the G3/5/7, Army Staff, HQDA; Operations and Executive Officer, 793d MP Battalion, Germany, including service in Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom; Company Commander and Platoon Leader for the 25th MP Battalion, Hawaii.BG Miller's military education and professional associations include: Basic Training/AIT through Command & General Staff College and USMC War College. Civilian education achievements include: A.A. in Criminal Justice from Harrisburg Area Community College; B.S. in Business Administration (Accounting) from Duquesne University, M.B.A. from Syracuse University/Army Comptroller Program; Masters of Strategic Studies from USMC War College.BG Miller’s awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit; Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Bronze Star Medal (2 OLC); Meritorious Service Medal (3 OLC); Joint and NATO Service Medals; Defense, Expeditionary and Humanitarian Service-Medals; Iraq and Afghanistan Campaign Medals; Ranger Tab; Combat Action, Air Assault and Airborne Badges, along with the Order of the Marechaussee (Silver) for achievement and service within the U.S. Army Military Police Regiment.COMMAND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICERCommand Chief Warrant OfficerChief Warrant Officer Five Edgar A. Collins is a native of Berkeley, California, and a graduate of Sacramento State University. He entered military service in 1988 and attended the Military Police One Station Unit Training School at Fort McClellan, Alabama.His previous duty assignments include Operations Officer, 3rd MP Group (CID), Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia; Operations Officer, Washington CID Battalion, Fort Myer, Virginia; Operations Officer, 10th MP Battalion (CID), Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Operations Officer, 10th MP Battalion (CID), deployed in Afghanistan; Chief, Investigative Operations and Command Forensic Science Officer, Headquarters, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, Fort Belvoir, Virginia; Detachment Commander, 48th/41st Military Police Detachment CID, Fort Carson, Colorado; Detachment Commander, 48th Military Police Detachment CID, Camp Slayer/Victory, Baghdad, Iraq; Operations Officer/Forensic Science Officer, Benning CID Battalion, Fort Benning, Georgia; Special Agent-in-Charge, Fort Irwin Resident Agency, Fort Irwin, California; Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge, Fort Sam Houston Resident Agency CID, Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Team Chief Special Agent, Fort Irwin Resident Agency CID, Fort Irwin, California; Special Agent, Hanau Resident Agency CID, Hanau, Germany; Physical Security NCO in the S-2, 1st of the 1st Air Defense Artillery, Spangdahlem Air Force Base, Germany; Military Policeman/drug suppression team member, 545th MP Company, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.His military education includes the Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course, Warrant Officer Staff Course, Warrant Officer Advanced Course, Warrant Officer Basic Course, Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course, Primary Leadership Development Course, Advanced Fraud Course, Protective Services Training Course, Child Abuse Intervention and Training Course, Apprentice Special Agent Course, Military Police One Station Unit Training School, Basic and Advanced Forensic Pathology, Forensic Anthropology, and Forensic Dentistry at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.His civilian law enforcement education includes graduating from the FBI National Academy, Quantico, Virginia; the Major Case Management Course at the Canadian Police College in Ottawa, Canada; and the Advanced Metropolitan Police CID Course, Scotland Yard, London, England.CW5 Collins holds a Masters of Forensic Science from The George Washington University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from the California State University at Sacramento. He is an Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Fellow in Medicolegal Death Investigations and a member of the American Academy of Forensic Science.His awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal (1OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (SOLC), Army Commendation Medal (3OLC), Army Achievement Medal (2OLC), the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Medal, the NATO Medal, the National Defense Service Medal (2), and the Overseas Service Medal (Long/Short tours).COMMAND SERGEANT MAJORCommand Sergeant MajorCommand Sergeant Major Brian A. Flom is a native of Los Angeles, California. He entered the U.S. Army in August of 1991 where he completed One Station Unit Training (OSUT) at Fort McClellan, Alabama, graduating as a Military Policeman. His military education includes the Basic Leaders Course (Honor Graduate), the Advanced Leaders Course (Commandant’s List), the Senior Leaders Course, the Battle Staff Noncommissioned Course (Honor Graduate), the Inter-service Nonlethal Weapons Instructor Course (Honor Graduate), the Equal Opportunity Leaders Course (Honor Graduate), the Military Deception Planners Course, the First Sergeants Course, the Unit Antiterrorism Officer Basic Course (Honor Graduate), and Class 62 of the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy (Commandant’s List).Command Sergeant Major Flom is a graduate (Cum Laude) of Troy University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and a graduate of The University of Texas at El Paso with a Masters of Arts Degree in Leadership Studies.Command Sergeant Major Flom’s previous assignments include Military Policeman and Protective Services Guard for the U.S. Army Europe Commanding General, 529th Military Police Company, Heidelberg, Germany; Military Police Supervisor, NTC Military Police Company, Fort Irwin, California; Squad Leader and Operations Sergeant, 529th Military Police Company, Heidelberg, Germany; Squad Leader and Platoon Sergeant, 64th Military Police Company, Platoon Sergeant, 401st Military Police Company, Intelligence NCO, 720th Military Police Battalion, First Sergeant, 401st Military Police Company and First Sergeant, HHD, 720th Military Police Battalion, all while assigned to Fort Hood, Texas; Antiterrorism Operations Sergeant for 8th Army, Yongsan, Korea; Operations Sergeant Major, 91st Military Battalion at Fort Drum, New York; Command Sergeant Major for the 92nd Military Police Battalion, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; and Command Sergeant Major of the 42d Military Police Brigade at Joint Base Lewis McChord, Washington.Command Sergeant Major Flom’s awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal (2 oak leaf clusters), the Purple Heart, the Meritorious Service Medal (2 oak leaf clusters), the Army Commendation Medal (4 oak leaf clusters), the Army Achievement Medal (1 oak leaf cluster), the Army Good Conduct Medal (8th award), the National Defense Service Medal (bronze star), the Korea Defense Service Medal, the Kosovo Campaign Medal (2 campaign service stars), the Iraqi Campaign Medal (5 campaign service stars), the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development Ribbon (numeral 5), the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon (numeral 8), the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, the NATO Medal (bronze star), the Valorous Unit Award, the Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Army Superior Unit Award (1 oak leaf cluster), and the Combat Action Badge. Command Sergeant Major Flom has also twice been awarded the Order of the Combat Spur (Gold)."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Ba0GjuME_3-Step-Process-for-Effective-Communication.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "3 Step Process for Effective CommunicationConnect: Managing AttentionStay in their momentFrontloadGoldilocks CandorConvey: Managing InformationThe Eyes Trump The EarsTalk in 3sUse StoriesConvince: Managing ActionSound DecisiveTransfer OwnershipAdjust EnergyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMindmap by Chance Brown Source: \"Talk Less, Say More\" by Author Connie Dieken"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r739896_Blogs_map_librarys_user_groups_add_ins_for_MindManager.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Cabre MindManager Web Links Sources of InformationBlogsCabre - MindManager Bugs, Work Arounds and Unfulfilled ExpectationsCabre - MindManager Tips & TricksCabre - MindManager X5 - 6 Web Publishing Learning PointsCabre MindManager ApplicationsChuck Frey - The Mind Mapping Software WeblogDorkoTechEric Mack On-LineMapliciousMike Jetter's BlogMindjet BlogNick Duffill's BlogRobiNZ CAD Blog MindManagerResourcesBiggerPlate - MindManager Map GalleryMappio - General Mind Map GalleryMindjet DevZone - Resources and Information for DevelopersMindjet Partners - Channel, Development, Service & Training and Strategic Partners.Mindjet SupportThe Mindjet LabsAdd InsAha!Context DiscoveryGyronix - ResultsManager, \"Getting Things Done\"Mind2Chart MindManager add-in for project planningMindBusiness - Map4Web, Map4List, Map4ShareMindjet Labs - Research AcceleratorMindManuals - MM2002 & X5 add insTeamDirection -- Solutions for Groove and SharePoint Project ManagementUser GroupsCabre CommunityCabre's Visual Thinking, Planning and Publishing with MindManagerFrappr Maps - MindManager UsersGTD_MindManager Yahoo Group - ResultsManagerLinkedIn MindManager User GroupMindjet User Forum UKMindjet User Forum USAMindjet's Support Forum before 2006MindManager Developers on YahooMindManager Users Group on YahooNing - MindManagerEnthusiasts GroupCabre - Open MindManager Club - Open to anyone but principally for Cabre Course Attendees."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/E8pdJ5gw_My-Microsoft-Outlook-Dashboard.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "My Microsoft Outlook DashboardTasksToday's TasksThis Week's TasksNext Week's TasksAppointmentsToday's AppointmentsThis Week's AppointmentsEmailsRecent Unread MailContactsNew ContactsNotesRecent NotesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lb1eOXUb_M3U-Playlist.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "M3Uoffenes Playlist-FormatMediendateienWiedergabelistefrei editierbare TextdateiEinfacheDateinameabsolutem oder relativem PfadURL'#' KommentarThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookErweiterteDateinameabsolutem oder relativem PfadURL'#' KommentarMetadaten#EXTINFLänge der Mediendatei in ganzen SekundenName der Mediendateiein Kopfdatenbereich#EXTM3U"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/v6qnL6IS_Management-Situacional.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Management SituacionalDirectivoVentajasBueno para generar pautasEn situaciones problemáticasToma de decisiónGenerar procesosInconvenientesAutoritarismoDecisión erróneaClima laboralCrecimiento del ejecutivoPersuasivoVentajasGenera buen clima de trabajoMejor análisisCapacidad de escuchaObtener otro punto de vistaCrecimiento del equipoInconvenientesConfusiónAmigoColaboradorArgumentar cosas que no tienen fundamentosLa manipulaciónThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookParticipativoVentajasResponsabiliza la genteComparteGenerar zona de confianzaInconvenientesToma de decisión independienteRiesgo de desorganizaciónLimite a la visiónPerdida del liderazgoDelegativoVentajasAlivio del trabajoTrabajo en confianzaFomentar la motivaciónProbar una personaInconvenientesExceso de confianzaPerdida de la visiónPerdida del rol de managerAbuso de responsabilidad"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/w939130_KPI_Sales_Management_example.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Sales Management KPIMarket share %Sales relative to the size of the marketAverage order sizeThe average amount spent by a customer per orderAverage number of items per purchaseAverage number of items per purchaseGross Margin as a % of selling priceGross Margin = Profit as a percentage of the selling price.Coupon conversion percentagePercentage of coupons used by customers% of sales revenue via partner channelPercentage of sales revenue via partner channelAverage Spend per CustomerTotal sales revenue / total number of customers% of online sales revenueOnline sales / total salesSales Conversion Cost Per Lead% product trials that convert in customersNew customer / total trials....................................mapped by Wojciech Korsak"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/t821927_Radioactivity.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "RadioactivityUsesPaper ThicknessSmoke AlarmsDatingCarbon 14Once living thingsUraniumRocksSterilisingFoodMedical EquipmentAnd many MoreDangersAlphaSafe outside the body but very dangerous inside.BetaKeep in lead containerUse TongsKeep AwayGammaDon't point at peopleKeep awayPhotographic BadgesMonitor RadiationThree TypesNamesAlpha αBeta βGamma γPropertiesIonising AbilityAlphaGammaStopped byPaper/SkinAlpha1/2 cm of AluminiumBetaThick LeadGamma (not stopped but reduced)Half LifeTime for half the radioactive atoms to decayHalf life tableHalf life graphBackgroundSourcesFrom radioactive particles in surroundings"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/aqL8BggS_Stroomlijn-je-focus.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Stroomlijn je focusPrioriteerje meest belangrijke takenTIP: gebruik Mindjet TasksWees selectiefwelke blogs en feeds je wilt volgenTIP: gebruik RSS mappart in Mindjet desktopControleer tijdmaak tijdframesstel tijdlimieten inals je je mail checktwerk statussen bij aan het einde van de dagScheidwerkgerelateerde emailssocial media abonnementen ()social media abonnementenwerkgerelateerde emails ()TIP: gebruik filtering of gescheiden emailaccountsOrganiseerje social media accountsfilterfacebook newsfeedtwitter lijstengoogle+ kringenTIP: haal tweets in je mindmapThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWeigertaken die je werkdagen in de war schoppenBesteed uitonderzoeken en taken die zoveel tijd vergen dat je de belangrijkste taken niet kunt uitvoerenOntsnapgeen internetgeen telefoonFocusstel je optimale productie tijd invertel anderen wanneer je 'onbereikbaar' bentBereid voorvoeg soortgelijke taken samenalle focus op je werkOntsnap"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/mSycohN1_DRAKON-algorithmic-visual-programming-and-modeling-language.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DRAKONabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DRAKONintrois an algorithmic visual programming and modeling language developed within the Buran space project following ergonomic design principles. The language provides a uniform way to represent flowcharts of any complexity that are easy to read and understand.The DRAKON Editor, which was released in September 2011, is an implementation of the language available in the public domain. It can be used for creating documentation, or for creating visual programs that can be converted to source code in other languages.Unlike UML's philosophy, DRAKON's language philosophy is based on being augmented if needed, by using a hybrid language, which can be illustrated as \"incrustating code snippets from text language used into shape DRAKON requires\". This way, DRAKON always remains a simple visual language that can be used as an augmentation for a programmer who is interested in making their own project code easier to support or other long-term needs for example improving the ergonomics of the coding process or to making code easier to review and understand.The name DRAKON is the Russian acronym for \"Дружелюбный Русский Алгоритмический [язык], Который Обеспечивает Наглядность\", which translates to \"Friendly Russian algorithmic [language] that illustrates (or provides clarity)\". The word \"наглядность\" (pronounced approximately as \"naa-glya-dno-st-th\") refers to a concept or idea being easy to imagine and understand, and may be translated as \"clarity\".The DRAKON language can be used both as a modelling/\"markup\" language (which is considered a standalone \"pure DRAKON\" program) and as a programming language (as part of a hybrid language).Integration of a stricter, \"academic\", variant of a markup language into programming, such as provided by DRAKON, adds syntactic sugar allowing users of different programming languages to comprehend each other's contributions to the overall project and even provide commentary if needed.HistoryThe development of DRAKON started in 1986 and was directed by Vladimir Parondzhanov with the participation of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Academician Pilyugin Center, Moscow) and Russian Academy of Sciences (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics). The language was constructed by formalization, ergonomization and nonclassical structurization of flowcharts described in the ISO 5807-85 standard and Russian standard «Гост 19.701-90» and for the development of real time programs.[2][3]The goal was to replace the specialized languages PROL2 (ПРОЛ2) (used for developing onboard complex software for embedded computer system Biser-4 (Бисер-4) on board Buran),[4] DIPOL (ДИПОЛЬ) (used for developing software for the ground maintenance computer system of Buran)[4] and LAKS (ЛАКС) (used for modelling) used in the Buran project with one universal programming language.The work was finished in 1996 (3 years after the Buran project was officially closed), when an automated CASE programming system called \"Grafit-Floks\" was developed.[5]This CASE is used since 1996 in many major space programs: an international project Sea Launch, Russian orbit insertion upper stage Fregat (Russian: Фрегат, frigate),[6] upgraded heavy launch vehicle (carrier rocket) Proton-M, etc. The exact role DRAKON played in these projects however can not be determined. The actual real-world experience of building systems with DRAKON remains extremely scarce as only a few very short snippets of code are publicly available.DRAKON rules for creating diagrams are cognitively optimized for easy comprehension, making it a tool for intelligence augmentation.[2][7][8][9]Family of DRAKON-languages (hybrid languages)DRAKON (Russian: ДРАКОН; dragon in English) is designed with humanistic ideas in mind, as usage of three different languages for the same project was a source of human factor-related hardships such risks of having a mutual misunderstanding.DRAKON is used not as a single stand-alone language but as a family of hybrid languages, such as DRAKON-C, DRAKON-ASM, DRAKON-Java, etc. All hybrid languages of the DRAKON-family have the uniform graphical syntax, based on flowcharts. The standard graphical syntax provides similarity of drakon-charts for different hybrid languages. The text language used uses its own syntax.Strict distinction of the graphical and textual syntax along with rich graphics improves flexibility and variety of expressive means of the language. The unification of the rules of the graphical syntax in the hybrid languages secures their conceptual unity.The basis of the graphical syntax is a graphical alphabet. Graphical elements (graphical letters) of the DRAKON alphabet are called icons (not symbols). There are 27 icons in the DRAKON graphical alphabet.DRAKON has not only icons, but also macroicons. Macroicons are the graphical words of the DRAKON language. Just as words are made up of letters, macroiсons (graphical words) consist of the icons (graphical letters). There are 21 macroicons in the DRAKON language.Icons and macroiсons are the building blocks for constructing drakon-charts.The important parts of maсroiсons are valence points (in the illustration to the right, they are depicted as little black circles). Into these points, icons or microicons can be successively entered and arranged by drakon-editor in neat, orderly vertical rows.DesignDRAKON was created as a language with a set of rules that would allow to depict algorithms in fields, not necessarily related to computing, being easy to learn.The main reason to the development of the language was emerging risk of misunderstanding, and following errors upon interaction between users of different programming languages in same project (namely, DIPOL, LAX and PROL2, used in the 1980s in Russian space program development).DRAKON initially uses drakon-chart, which is initially based on a formalization of a traditional flowchart yet with additional functionality for handling code in text language. This technique allows to produce and keep readable flowchart at hand simultaneously with process of making the program in question.It is to note a large multi-purpose program with too large drakon-chart may be harder to be comprehended that a set of small programs that serve same purposes separately; similar problem of maintaining code of a single large program is occasionally referred to as \"rule of 30 [lines of code]\" among programmers.PurposesWhile DRAKON is designed to be a tool that allows to comprehend purposes of programs in different programming languages, for illustrative, planning and strategy purposes (mirrored to Perl programming language's primary function). Drakoncharts can also be made in spoken language with same tools. Example of medical program on reducing body fat (not translated).\"DRAKON editor\" is popular in Russia for being used as a tool for making 'charts without programming language syntax in the medicine field in Russia as a markup language for algorithms of performing actions in certain cases and scenarios. DRAKON allows both create a map-like guide for patients and form instructions for medical personnel.DRAKON editor takes infographics and flowchart together in a some way: for some purposes DRAKON icons can be augmented a photo inside an icon (which will be placed under icon's text).Visual syntaxThe full-text article containing description of the visual syntax of the DRAKON language in English, 12 pages, free to download, pdf.[10]ManualA full description of the DRAKON language is provided in a Russian book. The book is 520 pages long and free to download.[9]ExamplesBranchingThe algorithm of going out of one's apartment: Put on clothes. Take umbrella if it's raining. Leave the house.Check-do (while) loopDo-check (do-while) loopAnother training algorithm: Warm up. Lift the weight. Rest. If tired, quit. Repeat.DRAKON in the German Aerospace CenterDRAKON language is used in the German Aerospace Center for implementation of some critical functions dictated by the safety regulations of the flight tests, where automation is important because of maximum distance to the ground station and the process needs quick automatic execution.The DRAKON Editor software was using to graphically program flowcharts which were specially checked. C-code was generated from the drakon-charts, for instance, for DRAKON representation of launch detection code.[14]DRAKON language in medical careThe goal of clinical algorithms is to do the right clinical decisions while standardizing and equalizing performance of practitioners. Besides, it improves the quality of health care and minimizes the risk of errors. DRAKON algorithms are ergonomical ones and help to prevent mistakes and ambiguities. DRAKON algorithmic language uniforms medical algorithms and allows complete clinical tasks successfully.The importance of clinical algorithms in the patient diagnosis, treatment, and intervention is obvious. Similarly, algorithms are useful in education of medical practitioners, especially while working as a team. In order to maximize the utility of algorithms, they need to be simple, inclusive, and ergonomic, so that every user executes a specific algorithm in the identical manner. Medical care requires an instant implementation of latest scientific achievements. DRAKON algorithm can be used for practical “skills and drills” of undergraduate and postgraduate students. The “DRAKON” charts standardize, ensure quality of diagnostic and treatment procedures. It minimizes the possibility of error, thus, increases patient safety.[15]icons"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/x976498_Odyssey_Book_14.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Odyssey Book 14 lines 236-389LyingCreativity/Reworking of his storyEumaeus not that interested in his tales'what call is there for...you to tell lies?''My poor friend' ()slant on story to flatter his leadershipXeniaEumaeus trusts strangergood Xenia from EumaeusO invokes sympathy from EO's mention of xenia in his taleKleosCrew's responsibility for downfallPromotes Odysseus' kleos by talking about himNot trying to spread his kleos as much as he has doneLoyaltymention of Odysseus to give E hopeGodsIntervention of GodsReunionEveryone in Ithaca has given up hope of O's return'My poor friend''what call is there for...you to tell lies?' ()Conclusion"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/O3KILE5q_A-350.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "A-350Erstflug14. Juni 2013Kraftstoffmengen156 000 LiterThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFlugreichweite17.600 kmHöchstgeschwindigkeit910 km/hMaximale Passagierkapazitätca. 300"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/YvjDQdPr_Influences_on_a_Business.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Influences on a BusinessDistributorsCustomersShareholders, Creditors, Parent CompanyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCompetitorsEmployees, UnionsSuppliers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/4rKcKH7g_TPACK.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TPACKQUE ES TPACKDefiniciónDel ingles Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge y de su traducción, Conocimiento didáctico del contenido tecnológico es un acrónimo que en su transcripción literal, nos informa que el conocimiento esencial (y que ha de ser buscado) es aquel que suma los tres conocimientos básicos: el tecnológico, el pedagógico y el disciplinar o de contenidos.Imagen del Acrónimo TPACKTPACKEs la intersección de los tres ámbitos: Tecnológico, Pedagógico y los ContenidosEs la novedosa y correcta utilización dentro del ámbito educativo, de la naciente terminología en cuanto a las TIC´S, enfocadas al aprendizaje y basados en la enseñanza. Es el punto donde se une el ámbito educativo enfocado al aprendizaje, con los contenidos curriculares usando las nuevas tecnologías.COMPONENTESAmbito PedagogicoEl conocimiento pedagógico es el conocimiento profundo sobre los procesos y las prácticas o métodos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y cómo se abarca (entre otras cosas) en general con fines educativos, valores y objetivos.incluye el conocimiento acerca de las técnicas o métodos que se utilizarán en el aula, la naturaleza de la audiencia objetivo y las estrategias para la evaluación de la comprensión del estudiante. Un maestro con conocimientos pedagógicos profundos entiende cómo los alumnos construyen el conocimiento y adquieren habilidades, desarrollan hábitos mentales y conoce acerca de las disposiciones positivas hacia el aprendizajeAmbito de ContenidosEl conocimiento del contenido es el conocimiento real sobre el tema que se debe aprender o enseñar.El contenido que se tratarán en los estudios de secundaria como sociales o álgebra es muy diferente de los contenidos que se tratarán en un curso de postgrado en ciencias de la computación o en medicina. Claramente, los profesores deben conocer y entender las materias que imparten, tales como: conocimiento de los hechos centrales, conceptos, teorías y procedimientos dentro de un campo determinado, el conocimiento de los marcos explicativos y el conocimiento de las reglas de evidencia y sus pruebas.Ambito de TecnologíasConocimiento sobre tecnologías estándares, como los libros, gis y la pizarra, así como tecnologías más avanzadas, como Internet y video digital, plataformas educativas, salas On Line, uso de tabletas, ofimática, etc. Se trataría de los conocimientos necesarios para operar tecnologías.En el caso de las tecnologías digitales, esto incluiría el conocimiento de los sistemas operativos y el hardware de la computadora, así como la capacidad de utilizar un conjunto de herramientas estándar de software como procesadores de texto, hojas de cálculo, navegadores, correo electrónico, etc, conocimientos tradicionales que incluyen el conocimiento de cómo instalar y eliminar los dispositivos periféricos, instalar y quitar programas de software, crear y archivar documentos.MEZCLAS DE TPACKConocimiento en Contenidos Pedagógicos KPCEste conocimiento incluye saber cómo la enseñanza se acerca a ajustar el contenido, y cómo este se puede organizar para una mejor enseñanza.Se refiere a la representación y la formulación de conceptos, técnicas pedagógicas, el conocer que hace que los conceptos sean fáciles o difíciles de aprender, el conocimiento de los conocimientos previos de los alumnos y las teorías de la epistemología.Implica el conocimiento de estrategias de enseñanza que incorporan representaciones conceptuales apropiadas para abordar dificultades y malentendidos del alumno así como fomentar la comprensión significativa. Incluye el conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre estrategia de aprendizaje y malas aplicaciones sobre conocimientos previos.PCK es una amalgama de contenidos y pedagogía, representa la transformación de contenidos en formas pedagógicamente poderosas; implica la metacognición tanto del docente como del alumno, atender y entender el proceso mediante el cual desarrollan esta metacognición.Conocimiento en Contenidos TecnológicosImplica el conocimiento de como se mezclan e interrelacionan los contenidos con la tecnologíaHace necesario el conocimiento de los contenidos y cómo desarrollar estos con el uso de las tecnologíasConsidere la enseñanza de la anatomía en medicina mediante modelos anatómicos tridimensionales en línea o tipo hologramáticoConocimiento en Tecnologías PedagógicasImplica el conocimiento de temas de pedagogía y el uso y la habilidad de mezclar las nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizajeAmerita el pleno conocimiento de la didáctica y del uso de tecnologías para poder interrelacionar y desarrollar estrategias afines y compatibles con las TIC´SConsidere en la enseñanza de la anatomía el uso de ordenadores, tabletas o modelos anatómicos tridimensionales tipo hologramas que haría a un lado el uso de cadeveres disecados para la materiaMODELO TPACKT = TECNOLOGIAP = PEDAGOGÍAC = CONTENIDOK = CONOCIMIENTOThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/0uIpUiXG_Mind-Maps-for-Strategic-Thinking-help-to.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Maps for Strategic Thinking help to...Systems Perspective ...see the big picture...provide an overview of complex situations...share thinkingHypothesis Driven ...identify relationships, patterns and trends...identify structures underlying the big picture...bridge missing information...highlight key factorsIntelligent Opportunism ...not stop with the first right answer...stimulate thinking...challenge self-imposed constraints (assumptions)This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFocused on Intent ...manage competing priorities...focus attention...trigger memoryThinking in Time ...keep action aligned with intention...display multivariate performance variablesAdapted from: Liedtka, J. M. (1998). Strategic thinking: can it be taught?. Long range planning, 31(1), 120-129."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/KevqGwtO_Aide-choix-support-Brodit-pour-iPhone-4-4S.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Aide choix support iphoneAvec étuisPassifref 511165 pour tout étuis sauf Apple bumper et Otterboxref 511169, compatible uniquement avec l'étui Bumber de marque AppleAlimentation intégréeChargeur allume cigareref 521165 pour tout étuis sauf Apple bumper et Otterbox, avec chargeur allume cigareref 521378 pour étuis Otterbox Defenderref 521379 pour étuis Commuter SeriesInstallation fixeref 527165 pour tout étuis sauf Apple bumper et Otterbox527378 pour étuis Otterbox Defender527379 pour étuis Commuter SeriesConseillé pour autoradio adapté iPhoneref 516165ref 516193ref 521165 pour tout étuis sauf Apple bumper et Otterbox, avec chargeur allume cigareSans étuisPassifref 511164ref 511170, avec sécurité paysageAlimentation intégréeref 521164ref 521170 avec sécurité paysageConseillé pour autoradio adapté iPhone516164516170ref 521164This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookUsage avec kit ParrotRéf 514181Modèles antivolsref 535279 avec chargeur allume cigareref 536279 pour installation fixe"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/AbldhG5h_Glycine-for-Better-Sleep.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Glycine for Better Sleep?OpeningTowards the end of this article, the reader shall understandWhat Glycine isWhy it is good for sleepingOther Uses of GlycineBodyWhat is Glycine?Is an amino acidUsed primarily as an anti-inflammatory supplementWhy is Glycine good for sleeping?Glycine improves sleep quality by increasing time to fall asleep and slow wave deep sleepGlycine is coupled with other amino acids for better effectMakes you feel less \"tired\" during the dayOther uses of GlycineFor healthier skinProtects you against ulcersHelps the brain in various waysClosing"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/xP0NHuwj_New-WB.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "New WB分支主题分支主题分支主题分支主题子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookResources"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/P90AdhLP_Edward-de-Bono-Thinking-Tools-C-S-Consequence-Sequence.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "[Topic]Short-termMid-termThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookLong-termC&S"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VW8vrntY_Essentiellen-Spurenelemente.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "essentiellen SpurenelementeEisenKupferManganMolybdänThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSelenSiliciumZinkCobalt (als Bestandteil von Vitamin B12)Iod"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/b130215_NCAA_DivIA_Conferences_.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "NCAA Div-IA ConferencesACCBig 12Big EastBig 10Conference USAIndependentsMACMountain WestPac-10SECSun BeltWAC"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g327756_constructing_a_social_science_essay.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Constructing a Social Science EssayIntroductionSet the sceneSet the scopeSummarise the taskEstablish the purpose of the pieceTrack the questionExplicitlyuse a term from the questiondefine it before using itConclusionNO NEW IDEASSummariseDraw togetherPrecis statement of main argument\"I conclude . . . . . .\"Tips & HintsSub-headings are approved of"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bAzGZgfY_Hierarchisches-Organigramm.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题分支主题子主题子主题子主题分支主题子主题子主题子主题分支主题子主题子主题子主题"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_fPatW7f0.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TOP 5 zum besseren Zuhörerehrliche Interesse am anderenauf Zuhörer konzentrierenThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFragen stellenauf die Botschaft hörenausreden lassen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_x548p9wm.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Предварительный просмотрПредварительный просмотр лекционного материалаСделать карту с основными ветками для дальнейшего ее заполнения.Сделать ветки для дополнительной информации побуждающий интерес или раскрывающий тему более глубокоУчастиеПринимать активное участие в лекцияхАктивное участие в лекции , в рамках созданных ключевых элементов карты- укрепляет осмысленное обучениеПроцессОбрабатывать всю лекционную информацию и заносить ее в ментальную картуОбработать информацию из лекции, и других источников, вскоре после лекции, и добавить ее в вашу картуВся информация перерабатывается через личный опыт и имеет больший смыслПомогает перевести информацию из кратковременной в долговременную памятьThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookПрактикаПрактика по решению новых проблемКлючевым моментом здесь является применение того, чему вы научились в ситуациях, с которыми вы еще не сталкивалисьИспользуйте имеющиеся знания для решения новых проблем всех видов: конкретные, абстрактные, фактические, концептуальные и процедурныеДает вам \"практический\" опыт, поможет вам закрепить то, что вы узналиПроизводствоПродукция результатов и новых идейВаши критические мысли, вопросы, проблемы, ваш свежий взгляд- приведет к уникальным продуктам вашего понимания, новым понятиям, переживаниям, идеям и рассуждениямВаш ум будет, по сути, создавать новые знания, которые уже хорошо интегрированы с существующими знаниямиКраткий обзор метода обучения (CLM)5 ФазПредварительный просмотр; участие; процесс; практика; производствоПерерыв в любой из частей делает обучение более управляемымКаждая последующая фаза усиливает и основывается на предыдущем этапе4 Повторите шаги1) определите ключевые понятия 2) организовать и подключить ключевые понятия к визуальной карте 3) критически мыслить 4) задавать ключевые вопросыПостоянно пересматривайте вашу картуЭто позволит вам добавлять новую информацию, которая находиться в вашем сознанииInfoToni Krasnic, author of Concise Learninghttp://conciselearning.com/clm.html"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/i402402_Enterprise_Architecture_or__Enterprise_IT_Architecture.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Enterprise Architecture or Enterprise IT Architecture?Enterprise ArchitectureReporting to the CEO/MD and CIOFocus - StrategicWorking with strategic planningWorking closely with strategy and planning group/function.Unless EA has the resources to take up job of strategic plan developmentHandle both Macro / Micro viewsWorking at an enterprise level giving direction to all projects. (holistic view)Working closely with PMO to provide guidance to individual projects (detail view)Working with the entire EnterpriseWorking with the entire enterprise (all functions and all cross-functional process owners)Business mission, business vision, business drivers, business objectives, business goals, business tactics, strategy, Customers, Products, Activities, Departments, Functions, Locations , Services, Applications, Databases, TechnologiesWorking mainly at the logical level. (Projects develop the physical expressions of the logical)Helping in integration efforts at a logical level and avoiding redundancies in business processes, applications, data and technology, for example.Working with HR on motivation modelsMaintaining an EA repository/database containing information about elements of business, applications, data, and technology.Able to provide gap-analysis between as-is and to-be states to help both the strategic planning and PMOAble to help the management in making \"informed\" decisions by providing reports from the EA repositoryMaking the whole organization \"flexible\" to \"changes\" as per the business/customer requirementsBringing the business-side closer to IT-sideEnterprise IT ArchitectureTalking only to the CIOConcerned with design and implementationWorking at individual project levelWorking with project planningWorking with the IT of the enterprise (Processes, Services, Applications, Databases, Technologies, Networks)Working largely at a physical levelWorking with HR on Technical role definition.Focus - OperationalThoughtsYes, EA \"lives\" in IT, and the majority of the executive interaction is with the CIO, but the senior executive team's collective strategy and agenda is EA's charter, not the agenda of the CIO. Otherwise, IT agenda becomes enterprise agenda.Despite our convictions, the terms \"Enterprise IT Architecture\" or\" Enterprise Application Architecture\" are the two terms that most commonly people mean when they say Enterprise Architecture.About this Map"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VQmExQok_Seven-Secrets-of-Effective-Fathers.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Seven Secrets of Effective FathersKnowingask questions.. don't interrogatespend time on his/her turfListen to the comments/advise ofConsistencyBe Predictable - don't make your child guesskeep your promisesSchedule regular family timeProtecting andPrepare your children for crisis and disappointmentConsider family dynamics in your career choicesProtect their hearts from unhealthy attachmentsProvide resources and instructionsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSpiritualMeet your children's motherProvide opportunitiesWhat messages are your children receivingActiveFace your child squarelyGet on your child's levelTurn off \"the noise\" when your child is speakingGive positive verbal and non verbal feedbackLovingTangibly demonstrate your loveGive her unexpected giftsTell your kids why you married your momMake sure her needs being metCommitmentVerbalize your commitmentAdopt a task orientationinvolve yourself in their activities"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/uO3dQWjm_SCAMPER-Brainstorming.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题ErsetzenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题KombinierenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题AnpassenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题ÄndernBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题UmnutzenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题EliminierenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题UmkehrenBrainstorming Spielhausdesign ()子主题子主题子主题子主题子主题Brainstorming SpielhausdesignKombinieren ()Eliminieren ()Umkehren ()Umnutzen ()Anpassen ()Ersetzen ()Ändern ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/xCWFNrVL_Biggerplate-Unplugged-Utrecht-Speakers-Sessions.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "biggerplate Unplugged Utrecht, Netherlands 9th October 2013 Speakers & SessionsLiam Hughes Biggerplate.com \"Biggerplate Progress & Plans\"Saskia Smet Numentum \"3 Mistakes visual-spatial thinkers make at work\"Richard Egan MindMeister \"Cloud-based mind mapping: Advantages and Obstacles\"Marc van Oudheusden Dutch Government \"Mind Mapping within large government\"Hans Terhurne Creamatics \"World Cafe: Barriers to mind mapping adoption\"Marco Bertolini Revedution \"Study better with visual thinking\"This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookJohn Albers Brainfun Coaching \"World Cafe: Getting the Netherlands mind mapping\"Mathieu van der Wal aha!Coaching \"Mind mapping for smarter meetings\"Lucas Calabro Mindjet \"Project collaboration: From planning to execution\"Hans Buskes Master Mind Maps \"Mind Mapping 3.0\"Live Mind Mapping Provided by Connection of Minds"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/s7wBr33v_Roger-C-Parker-s-60-second-Introduction-to-Mind-Mapping.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Roger C. Parker's 60-second Introduction to Mind Mapping www.PublishedandProfitable.comWhat are mind maps?What can you do with them?Create a marketing calendarCreate a table of contents for a bookPlan articles, blog posts, speeches, or presentationsTrack your competitorsCreate buyer or reader personasManage projects and track progressCreate and deliver new business proposalsManage complex projectsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWhat makes mind maps so useful?Display lots of information in a small spaceEasily shared over multiple platformsAdd visuals for selective emphasis and enhance recallAdd icons to display priority, progress, or responsibilityShare and collaborate onlineAdd Start Dates and Due Dates to tasksFilter and sort results to show only relevant detailWhat can you do with mind maps after creating them?Print complete maps or just selected topicsCreate graphics to add to documents and print publicationsCreate interactive PDFs that can be shared online or via emailEmbed maps in emails and websitesShare maps online or as email attachmentsCollaborate with others in real timeAllow others to comment and update maps posted onlineDeliver presentations & webinars from computer or iPadExport maps to word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and project management softwareHow do you get started?Download free apps for iPhones, iPads and Android mobile applicationsDownload free trial software for Macintosh and Windows computersDownload free 4-page sample report, Mind Mapping for Marketers & Writers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/3Mq6v43Q_Nervous-system-Function.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Nervous system (Function)about this mapby wojciech korsakhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nervous_systemintroThe nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. The nervous system detects environmental changes that impact the body, then works in tandem with the endocrine system to respond to such events.[1] Nervous tissue first arose in wormlike organisms about 550 to 600 million years ago. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed bundles of the long fibers or axons, that connect the CNS to every other part of the body. Nerves that transmit signals from the brain are called motor or efferent nerves, while those nerves that transmit information from the body to the CNS are called sensory or afferent. Spinal nerves serve both functions and are called mixed nerves. The PNS is divided into three separate subsystems, the somatic, autonomic, and enteric nervous systems. Somatic nerves mediate voluntary movement. The autonomic nervous system is further subdivided into the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system is activated in cases of emergencies to mobilize energy, while the parasympathetic nervous system is activated when organisms are in a relaxed state. The enteric nervous system functions to control the gastrointestinal system. Both autonomic and enteric nervous systems function involuntarily. Nerves that exit from the cranium are called cranial nerves while those exiting from the spinal cord are called spinal nerves.At the cellular level, the nervous system is defined by the presence of a special type of cell, called the neuron, also known as a \"nerve cell\". Neurons have special structures that allow them to send signals rapidly and precisely to other cells. They send these signals in the form of electrochemical waves traveling along thin fibers called axons, which cause chemicals called neurotransmitters to be released at junctions called synapses. A cell that receives a synaptic signal from a neuron may be excited, inhibited, or otherwise modulated. The connections between neurons can form neural pathways, neural circuits, and larger networks that generate an organism's perception of the world and determine its behavior. Along with neurons, the nervous system contains other specialized cells called glial cells (or simply glia), which provide structural and metabolic support.Nervous systems are found in most multicellular animals, but vary greatly in complexity.[2] The only multicellular animals that have no nervous system at all are sponges, placozoans, and mesozoans, which have very simple body plans. The nervous systems of the radially symmetric organisms ctenophores (comb jellies) and cnidarians (which include anemones, hydras, corals and jellyfish) consist of a diffuse nerve net. All other animal species, with the exception of a few types of worm, have a nervous system containing a brain, a central cord (or two cords running in parallel), and nerves radiating from the brain and central cord. The size of the nervous system ranges from a few hundred cells in the simplest worms, to around 300 billion cells in African elephants.[3]The central nervous system functions to send signals from one cell to others, or from one part of the body to others and to receive feedback. Malfunction of the nervous system can occur as a result of genetic defects, physical damage due to trauma or toxicity, infection or simply of ageing. The medical specialty of neurology studies disorders of the nervous system and looks for interventions that can prevent or treat them. In the peripheral nervous system, the most common problem is the failure of nerve conduction, which can be due to different causes including diabetic neuropathy and demyelinating disorders such as multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neuroscience is the field of science that focuses on the study of the nervous system.FunctionAt the most basic level, the function of the nervous system is to send signals from one cell to others, or from one part of the body to others. There are multiple ways that a cell can send signals to other cells. One is by releasing chemicals called hormones into the internal circulation, so that they can diffuse to distant sites. In contrast to this \"broadcast\" mode of signaling, the nervous system provides \"point-to-point\" signals—neurons project their axons to specific target areas and make synaptic connections with specific target cells.[35] Thus, neural signaling is capable of a much higher level of specificity than hormonal signaling. It is also much faster: the fastest nerve signals travel at speeds that exceed 100 meters per second.At a more integrative level, the primary function of the nervous system is to control the body.[4] It does this by extracting information from the environment using sensory receptors, sending signals that encode this information into the central nervous system, processing the information to determine an appropriate response, and sending output signals to muscles or glands to activate the response. The evolution of a complex nervous system has made it possible for various animal species to have advanced perception abilities such as vision, complex social interactions, rapid coordination of organ systems, and integrated processing of concurrent signals. In humans, the sophistication of the nervous system makes it possible to have language, abstract representation of concepts, transmission of culture, and many other features of human society that would not exist without the human brain.Neurons and synapsesMost neurons send signals via their axons, although some types are capable of dendrite-to-dendrite communication. (In fact, the types of neurons called amacrine cells have no axons, and communicate only via their dendrites.) Neural signals propagate along an axon in the form of electrochemical waves called action potentials, which produce cell-to-cell signals at points where axon terminals make synaptic contact with other cells.[36]Synapses may be electrical or chemical. Electrical synapses make direct electrical connections between neurons,[37] but chemical synapses are much more common, and much more diverse in function.[38] At a chemical synapse, the cell that sends signals is called presynaptic, and the cell that receives signals is called postsynaptic. Both the presynaptic and postsynaptic areas are full of molecular machinery that carries out the signalling process. The presynaptic area contains large numbers of tiny spherical vessels called synaptic vesicles, packed with neurotransmitter chemicals.[36] When the presynaptic terminal is electrically stimulated, an array of molecules embedded in the membrane are activated, and cause the contents of the vesicles to be released into the narrow space between the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes, called the synaptic cleft. The neurotransmitter then binds to receptors embedded in the postsynaptic membrane, causing them to enter an activated state.[38] Depending on the type of receptor, the resulting effect on the postsynaptic cell may be excitatory, inhibitory, or modulatory in more complex ways. For example, release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at a synaptic contact between a motor neuron and a muscle cell induces rapid contraction of the muscle cell.[39] The entire synaptic transmission process takes only a fraction of a millisecond, although the effects on the postsynaptic cell may last much longer (even indefinitely, in cases where the synaptic signal leads to the formation of a memory trace).[12]There are literally hundreds of different types of synapses. In fact, there are over a hundred known neurotransmitters, and many of them have multiple types of receptors.[40] Many synapses use more than one neurotransmitter—a common arrangement is for a synapse to use one fast-acting small-molecule neurotransmitter such as glutamate or GABA, along with one or more peptide neurotransmitters that play slower-acting modulatory roles. Molecular neuroscientists generally divide receptors into two broad groups: chemically gated ion channels and second messenger systems. When a chemically gated ion channel is activated, it forms a passage that allows specific types of ions to flow across the membrane. Depending on the type of ion, the effect on the target cell may be excitatory or inhibitory. When a second messenger system is activated, it starts a cascade of molecular interactions inside the target cell, which may ultimately produce a wide variety of complex effects, such as increasing or decreasing the sensitivity of the cell to stimuli, or even altering gene transcription.According to a rule called Dale's principle, which has only a few known exceptions, a neuron releases the same neurotransmitters at all of its synapses.[41] This does not mean, though, that a neuron exerts the same effect on all of its targets, because the effect of a synapse depends not on the neurotransmitter, but on the receptors that it activates.[38] Because different targets can (and frequently do) use different types of receptors, it is possible for a neuron to have excitatory effects on one set of target cells, inhibitory effects on others, and complex modulatory effects on others still. Nevertheless, it happens that the two most widely used neurotransmitters, glutamate and GABA, each have largely consistent effects. Glutamate has several widely occurring types of receptors, but all of them are excitatory or modulatory. Similarly, GABA has several widely occurring receptor types, but all of them are inhibitory.[42] Because of this consistency, glutamatergic cells are frequently referred to as \"excitatory neurons\", and GABAergic cells as \"inhibitory neurons\". Strictly speaking, this is an abuse of terminology—it is the receptors that are excitatory and inhibitory, not the neurons—but it is commonly seen even in scholarly publications.One very important subset of synapses are capable of forming memory traces by means of long-lasting activity-dependent changes in synaptic strength.[43] The best-known form of neural memory is a process called long-term potentiation (abbreviated LTP), which operates at synapses that use the neurotransmitter glutamate acting on a special type of receptor known as the NMDA receptor.[44] The NMDA receptor has an \"associative\" property: if the two cells involved in the synapse are both activated at approximately the same time, a channel opens that permits calcium to flow into the target cell.[45] The calcium entry initiates a second messenger cascade that ultimately leads to an increase in the number of glutamate receptors in the target cell, thereby increasing the effective strength of the synapse. This change in strength can last for weeks or longer. Since the discovery of LTP in 1973, many other types of synaptic memory traces have been found, involving increases or decreases in synaptic strength that are induced by varying conditions, and last for variable periods of time.[44] The reward system, that reinforces desired behaviour for example, depends on a variant form of LTP that is conditioned on an extra input coming from a reward-signalling pathway that uses dopamine as neurotransmitter.[46] All these forms of synaptic modifiability, taken collectively, give rise to neural plasticity, that is, to a capability for the nervous system to adapt itself to variations in the environment.Neural circuits and systemsThe basic neuronal function of sending signals to other cells includes a capability for neurons to exchange signals with each other. Networks formed by interconnected groups of neurons are capable of a wide variety of functions, including feature detection, pattern generation and timing,[47] and there are seen to be countless types of information processing possible. Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts showed in 1943 that even artificial neural networks formed from a greatly simplified mathematical abstraction of a neuron are capable of universal computation.[48]Historically, for many years the predominant view of the function of the nervous system was as a stimulus-response associator.[49] In this conception, neural processing begins with stimuli that activate sensory neurons, producing signals that propagate through chains of connections in the spinal cord and brain, giving rise eventually to activation of motor neurons and thereby to muscle contraction, i.e., to overt responses. Descartes believed that all of the behaviors of animals, and most of the behaviors of humans, could be explained in terms of stimulus-response circuits, although he also believed that higher cognitive functions such as language were not capable of being explained mechanistically.[50] Charles Sherrington, in his influential 1906 book The Integrative Action of the Nervous System,[49] developed the concept of stimulus-response mechanisms in much more detail, and Behaviorism, the school of thought that dominated Psychology through the middle of the 20th century, attempted to explain every aspect of human behavior in stimulus-response terms.[51]However, experimental studies of electrophysiology, beginning in the early 20th century and reaching high productivity by the 1940s, showed that the nervous system contains many mechanisms for generating patterns of activity intrinsically, without requiring an external stimulus.[52] Neurons were found to be capable of producing regular sequences of action potentials, or sequences of bursts, even in complete isolation.[53] When intrinsically active neurons are connected to each other in complex circuits, the possibilities for generating intricate temporal patterns become far more extensive.[47] A modern conception views the function of the nervous system partly in terms of stimulus-response chains, and partly in terms of intrinsically generated activity patterns—both types of activity interact with each other to generate the full repertoire of behavior.[54]Reflexes and other stimulus-response circuitsThe simplest type of neural circuit is a reflex arc, which begins with a sensory input and ends with a motor output, passing through a sequence of neurons connected in series.[55] This can be shown in the \"withdrawal reflex\" causing a hand to jerk back after a hot stove is touched. The circuit begins with sensory receptors in the skin that are activated by harmful levels of heat: a special type of molecular structure embedded in the membrane causes heat to change the electrical field across the membrane. If the change in electrical potential is large enough to pass the given threshold, it evokes an action potential, which is transmitted along the axon of the receptor cell, into the spinal cord. There the axon makes excitatory synaptic contacts with other cells, some of which project (send axonal output) to the same region of the spinal cord, others projecting into the brain. One target is a set of spinal interneurons that project to motor neurons controlling the arm muscles. The interneurons excite the motor neurons, and if the excitation is strong enough, some of the motor neurons generate action potentials, which travel down their axons to the point where they make excitatory synaptic contacts with muscle cells. The excitatory signals induce contraction of the muscle cells, which causes the joint angles in the arm to change, pulling the arm away.In reality, this straightforward schema is subject to numerous complications.[55] Although for the simplest reflexes there are short neural paths from sensory neuron to motor neuron, there are also other nearby neurons that participate in the circuit and modulate the response. Furthermore, there are projections from the brain to the spinal cord that are capable of enhancing or inhibiting the reflex.Although the simplest reflexes may be mediated by circuits lying entirely within the spinal cord, more complex responses rely on signal processing in the brain.[56] For example, when an object in the periphery of the visual field moves, and a person looks toward it many stages of signal processing are initiated. The initial sensory response, in the retina of the eye, and the final motor response, in the oculomotor nuclei of the brain stem, are not all that different from those in a simple reflex, but the intermediate stages are completely different. Instead of a one or two step chain of processing, the visual signals pass through perhaps a dozen stages of integration, involving the thalamus, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, superior colliculus, cerebellum, and several brainstem nuclei. These areas perform signal-processing functions that include feature detection, perceptual analysis, memory recall, decision-making, and motor planning.[57]Feature detection is the ability to extract biologically relevant information from combinations of sensory signals.[58] In the visual system, for example, sensory receptors in the retina of the eye are only individually capable of detecting \"points of light\" in the outside world.[59] Second-level visual neurons receive input from groups of primary receptors, higher-level neurons receive input from groups of second-level neurons, and so on, forming a hierarchy of processing stages. At each stage, important information is extracted from the signal ensemble and unimportant information is discarded. By the end of the process, input signals representing \"points of light\" have been transformed into a neural representation of objects in the surrounding world and their properties. The most sophisticated sensory processing occurs inside the brain, but complex feature extraction also takes place in the spinal cord and in peripheral sensory organs such as the retina.Intrinsic pattern generationAlthough stimulus-response mechanisms are the easiest to understand, the nervous system is also capable of controlling the body in ways that do not require an external stimulus, by means of internally generated rhythms of activity. Because of the variety of voltage-sensitive ion channels that can be embedded in the membrane of a neuron, many types of neurons are capable, even in isolation, of generating rhythmic sequences of action potentials, or rhythmic alternations between high-rate bursting and quiescence. When neurons that are intrinsically rhythmic are connected to each other by excitatory or inhibitory synapses, the resulting networks are capable of a wide variety of dynamical behaviors, including attractor dynamics, periodicity, and even chaos. A network of neurons that uses its internal structure to generate temporally structured output, without requiring a corresponding temporally structured stimulus, is called a central pattern generator.Internal pattern generation operates on a wide range of time scales, from milliseconds to hours or longer. One of the most important types of temporal pattern is circadian rhythmicity—that is, rhythmicity with a period of approximately 24 hours. All animals that have been studied show circadian fluctuations in neural activity, which control circadian alternations in behavior such as the sleep-wake cycle. Experimental studies dating from the 1990s have shown that circadian rhythms are generated by a \"genetic clock\" consisting of a special set of genes whose expression level rises and falls over the course of the day. Animals as diverse as insects and vertebrates share a similar genetic clock system. The circadian clock is influenced by light but continues to operate even when light levels are held constant and no other external time-of-day cues are available. The clock genes are expressed in many parts of the nervous system as well as many peripheral organs, but in mammals, all of these \"tissue clocks\" are kept in synchrony by signals that emanate from a master timekeeper in a tiny part of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus.Mirror neuronsA mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another.[60][61][62] Thus, the neuron \"mirrors\" the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting. Such neurons have been directly observed in primate species.[63] Birds have been shown to have imitative resonance behaviors and neurological evidence suggests the presence of some form of mirroring system.[63][64] In humans, brain activity consistent with that of mirror neurons has been found in the premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area, the primary somatosensory cortex and the inferior parietal cortex.[65] The function of the mirror system is a subject of much speculation. Many researchers in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology consider that this system provides the physiological mechanism for the perception/action coupling (see the common coding theory).[62] They argue that mirror neurons may be important for understanding the actions of other people, and for learning new skills by imitation. Some researchers also speculate that mirror systems may simulate observed actions, and thus contribute to theory of mind skills,[66][67] while others relate mirror neurons to language abilities.[68] However, to date, no widely accepted neural or computational models have been put forward to describe how mirror neuron activity supports cognitive functions such as imitation.[69] There are neuroscientists who caution that the claims being made for the role of mirror neurons are not supported by adequate research.[70][71]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/613bbd51-4dbd-4ada-a621-c91ea378fc9f.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Fashion & MindMapping example: Triumph collection (Pensacola) all images & info: www.Triumph.comPush-up bikiniRealza tu escote con el mejor bikini push up.Copa/ TallasA - C36 - 42Materiales80% Polyamida20% ElastanoBikini con rellenoBikini balconet acolchado se puede llevar con o sin tirantes para moldear tu escote.Copa/ TallasB - D36 - 44MaterialesB-C21% Polyamid61% Polyester18% ElastaneD19% Polyamid63% Polyester18% ElastaneBikini under-wiredBonito bikini de aro oculto con buena sujeción decorado con accesoriosCopa/ TallasB - E38 - 46Materiales83% Polyester17% ElastanoThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookBañador con rellenoPrecioso bañador acolchado con tirantes ajustablesCopa/ TallasB - E38 - 46Materiales80% Polyester3% Polyamida17% Elastanomapped by Wojciech KorsakBañador con rellenoBañador acolchado decorado con accesorios en el centro del busto.Tirantes extraibles y ajustables con slicona en los bordes para evitar que se resvaleCopa/ TallasB - D38 - 44Materiales80% Polyamida20% Elastano"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g3djqTot_Skyfall-soundtrack.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Skyfall (soundtrack)James Bond (100)Skyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.The cd booklet mentions that the score contains interpolations of the James Bond Theme, written by Monty Norman.James Bond music Outline of James BondThomas Newman (83)Released by Sony Classical on October 29, 2012 in the United Kingdom and on 6 November 2012 in the United States, the music was composed by Thomas Newman.soundtrack (66)Skyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.This is Newman's first Bond soundtrack, making him the ninth composer to score a Bond film.The soundtrack album does not contain the title song by Adele.This marks only the second time that this has happened, the first being the Casino Royale soundtrack album.Skyfall (66)Skyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.Track 13 contains an instrumental interpolation of \"Skyfall\", written by Adele and Paul Epworth.composer (50)This is Newman's first Bond soundtrack, making him the ninth composer to score a Bond film.Bond film (50)Skyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.This is Newman's first Bond soundtrack, making him the ninth composer to score a Bond film.interpolations (33)The cd booklet mentions that the score contains interpolations of the James Bond Theme, written by Monty Norman.Adele (33)The soundtrack album does not contain the title song by Adele.Track 13 contains an instrumental interpolation of \"Skyfall\", written by Adele and Paul Epworth.soundtrack album (33)The soundtrack album does not contain the title song by Adele.This marks only the second time that this has happened, the first being the Casino Royale soundtrack album.Arnold (33)Newman took over musical duties for the film from David Arnold who was busy directing the musical aspects of the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic closing ceremonies.However, Arnold later commented that the reason behind the selection of Newman had been because of his past work with Mendes.Full SummarySkyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.Released by Sony Classical on October 29, 2012 in the United Kingdom and on 6 November 2012 in the United States, the music was composed by Thomas Newman.This is Newman's first Bond soundtrack, making him the ninth composer to score a Bond film.Newman took over musical duties for the film from David Arnold who was busy directing the musical aspects of the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic closing ceremonies.However, Arnold later commented that the reason behind the selection of Newman had been because of his past work with Mendes.On 6 October 2012, the album's track list was revealed featuring the running times of each track.The soundtrack album does not contain the title song by Adele.This marks only the second time that this has happened, the first being the Casino Royale soundtrack album.The cd booklet mentions that the score contains interpolations of the James Bond Theme, written by Monty Norman.Track 13 contains an instrumental interpolation of \"Skyfall\", written by Adele and Paul Epworth.James Bond music Outline of James BondShort SummarySkyfall is the soundtrack to the 23rd James Bond film of the same name.James Bond music Outline of James BondThis is Newman's first Bond soundtrack, making him the ninth composer to score a Bond film.The cd booklet mentions that the score contains interpolations of the James Bond Theme, written by Monty Norman.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/dSweOXyZ_Porter-s-5-Force-Analysis.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Porter's 5 Force AnalysisThreat of New EntrantsObservationsImpacts?ActionsThreat of Substitute ProductsObservationsImpacts?ActionsThreat of Established RivalsObservationsImpacts?ActionsBargaining Power of SuppliersObservationsImpacts?ActionsBargaining Power of BuyersObservationsImpacts?Actions"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/n601437_Visual-english-learning-Animals-we-see-in-the-forest.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Animaux que nous voyons dans la foret. Animals we see in the forest.Un sanglier A boarUn marcassinUn cerf A deerUne biche A doeUn faon A fawnUne oie cendrée A greylag gooseUn lièvre A hareUn colvert A mallardUne perdrix A partridgeUn faisan A pheasanUne caille A quailUn chevreuil A roeUn blaireau A badgerUne hermine An ermineUn renard A foxUn loup A wolfUn hiboux An owlsVisuals learning for french/english reynald.bonnard@gmail.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/IB6GPouW_Incident-Management-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题Part1StartKD 1 New enquiry ()KD 1 New enquiryStart ()HOL 1 Recording and analysis of the request ()HOL 1 Recording and analysis of the requestHOL 2 New IT- Problem? ()Knowledge- management ()KD 1 New enquiry ()Knowledge- managementHOL 1 Recording and analysis of the request ()HOL 2 New IT- Problem?HOL 3 Does an alternativen or solution exist? ()Remaining request ()HOL 1 Recording and analysis of the request ()HOL 3 Does an alternativen or solution exist?HOL 4 Incident ticket exist? ()HOL 5 Communicate Solution/ Alternative ()HOL 2 New IT- Problem? ()HOL 4 Incident ticket exist?HOL 3 Does an alternativen or solution exist? ()Transfer/ transmission ()HOL 7 Assign inquiry to Iticket ()HOL 5 Communicate Solution/ AlternativeKD 2 Accepting the solution and feedback ()HOL 3 Does an alternativen or solution exist? ()KD 2 Accepting the solution and feedbackHOL 6 Conclusion of the inquiry ()HOL 5 Communicate Solution/ Alternative ()HOL 6 Conclusion of the inquiryKD 2 Accepting the solution and feedback ()End ()HOL 7 Assign inquiry to IticketHOL 4 Incident ticket exist? ()End ()Remaining requestHOL 2 New IT- Problem? ()Transfer/ transmissionHOL 4 Incident ticket exist? ()EndHOL 6 Conclusion of the inquiry ()HOL 7 Assign inquiry to Iticket ()Restliche AnfragenHOL 8 negative Einwände? ()HOL 8 negative Einwände?Reklamationsablauf ()Restliche Anfragen ()HOL 9 Aktualisierung Status/ Nachfrage? ()HOL 9 Aktualisierung Status/ Nachfrage?HOL 8 negative Einwände? ()HOL 10 Update IN/ Verknüpfung Anfrage ()Weitere Anfragen ()HOL 10 Update IN/ Verknüpfung AnfrageEnde ()HOL 9 Aktualisierung Status/ Nachfrage? ()EndeHOL 10 Update IN/ Verknüpfung Anfrage ()ReklamationsablaufHOL 8 negative Einwände? ()Weitere AnfragenHOL 9 Aktualisierung Status/ Nachfrage? ()StartST 1 Automatische Erstellung IN ()StartSVP 1 Erfassung IN ()SVP 1 Erfassung INSVP 2 Entgegennahme Incident ()Start ()ST 1 Automatische Erstellung INStart ()SVP 2 Entgegennahme Incident ()SVP 2 Entgegennahme IncidentHOL 11 Erfassung Incident und Übermittlung ()ST 1 Automatische Erstellung IN ()SVP 4 Weitergabe Incident ()SVP 3 Verantwortlich? ()SVP 1 Erfassung IN ()SVP 4 Weitergabe IncidentSVP 2 Entgegennahme Incident ()SVP 3 Verantwortlich? ()SVP 3 Verantwortlich?SVP 2 Entgegennahme Incident ()SVP 5 Bearbeitung IN ()SVP 4 Weitergabe Incident ()SVP 5 Bearbeitung INSVP 6 Löschung IN/ Entfernung ()SVP 3 Verantwortlich? ()SVP 6 Löschung IN/ EntfernungSVP 7 Weitergabe IN/ Schließung ()HOL 13 Problem lösendes Ergebnis übermitteln ()SVP 5 Bearbeitung IN ()SVP 7 Weitergabe IN/ SchließungSVP 6 Löschung IN/ Entfernung ()Ende ()EndeSVP 7 Weitergabe IN/ Schließung ()HOL 11 Erfassung Incident und ÜbermittlungSVP 2 Entgegennahme Incident ()Weitergabe/ Übermittlung ()Weitergabe/ ÜbermittlungHOL 11 Erfassung Incident und Übermittlung ()HOL 12 Überwachung IncidentHaupt- Incident ()Problem Management ()Problem ManagementHOL 12 Überwachung Incident ()Haupt- IncidentHOL 12 Überwachung Incident ()HOL 13 Problem lösendes Ergebnis übermittelnWissens- management ()KD 3 Annahme der Lösung/ Rückmeldung ()SVP 6 Löschung IN/ Entfernung ()KD 3 Annahme der Lösung/ RückmeldungHOL 14 Schließung IN ()HOL 13 Problem lösendes Ergebnis übermitteln ()Wissens- managementHOL 13 Problem lösendes Ergebnis übermitteln ()HOL 14 Schließung INKD 3 Annahme der Lösung/ Rückmeldung ()Ende ()EndeHOL 14 Schließung IN ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/l511899_How_to_organize_your_vocabulary_.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "organizing vocabulary1 same topicteaser, trailer, clipshort film, feature filmart house film2 ex. of general wordequipmentdevice, appliancetripod, dolly3 similar meaningintern, traineementor, supervisor4 oppositecontract workerfree lance worker5 same basic roottutor/tutorialto provide/service provider6 along a scaleto produceto rent equipmentto shootto broadcast, to air7 scale in the same processproducing contentsupplying contentto a free-to view channelto a video on demand serviceproducing tied-ins"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r2jPfoHI_NO-PERDAMOS-LA-ESENCIA-DE-LAS-REGLAS-DE-LOS-MAPAS-MENTALES.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GESTOR IVcuadrarreportesCONTABILIDADcuadrarimportesreportesCAMARAS DE SEGURIDADpagoPTZ360señalNANOESTACIONESDISCO DUROELECTRICOpagoconexionesSubtemaJARDINEROlista chekeoreglas de trabajoGUARDIAS SEGURIDADcontratoemp. nuevaBANCOSALDOSBANCARIZACIONIV-COBRO018.pdfdirectorioacta子主题poda arboles子主题reglamo分支主题SISTEMACOMIDAHELADOLOVEE-MAPS"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g325955_Male_Relationships_in_Carver.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Male relationships in Carvercommunicationlack of/ bad at itphysicalsexualityPeople want sexobsessionrepressedmain charactersBillJerryEarlangeraggressionSelf-angerviolencecompetitionTNYHTTWWGinsecurestereotypealpha maleunsympatheticemotionlessclosedlack of empathyselfishStoriesTTWWGTNYHJMS"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QfG4nnxU_Mind-Control-Project-Soul-Catcher-Today-s-MK-ULTRA-Monarch-Programming.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Control – Project Soul Catcher – Today’s MK ULTRA – Monarch Programming -Trauma Based Behavior Modificationabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://jeff5859.wordpress.com/book to buy on amazonDr. Robert Duncan is honest and concise in his description of some of the most intrusive surveillance and behavioral modification technologies ever created. His latest work is a must read for everyone concerned with the future of human rights in the both the United States and abroad. His detailed description of the modalities used for hacking the human mind are both accurate and troublesome. Countless thousands have seen their lives ruined in the non-consensual experimentation phase regarding this technology. Finally, the reality of mind control is presented to the public in a factual and academic manner by a credible scientist with the curriculum vitae to back it up. The future of humanity is truly in peril when the abilty exist for the masses to be compltetely controlled by the whims of the few so insidiously. The technology Dr. Duncan describes in Soul Catcher is fascinating, worrisome and currently in use by several industrialized nations. Only time and ethical restraint will tell if this most pervasive technology is evil or devine.Volume 2 details the CIA’s practices of interrogation and cybernetic mind control in their pursuit to weaponize neuropsychology. It covers the art of bio-communication war. Human beings are complex machines but their inner workings have been deciphered. Mind control and brainwashing have been perfected in the last 60 years. Hacking computers and hacking into individual minds are similar. The 21st century will be known as the age of spiritual machines and soulless men.About the Authors:The Mind Hacking Strategy Group is a consortium of conscientious scientists who report the abuses of science. ROBERT DUNCAN holds multiple degrees from Harvard University and Dartmouth College in Applied Sciences and Business. He has worked on projects for the Department of Defense, CIA and Justice Department in his career.About the Book:Volume 2 details the CIA’s practices of interrogation and cybernetic mind control in their pursuit to weaponize neuropsychology. It covers the art of bio-communication war. Human beings are complex machines but their inner workings have been deciphered. Mind control and brainwashing have been perfected in the last 60 years. Hacking computers and hacking into individual minds are similar. The 21st century will be known as the age of spiritual machines and soulless men.The Objective:During these mind control projects the handlers require a certain amount of ignorance by the individual about the topic to do their dirty work. More a person understands, the less influence they have. They have given up on subjects once they know too much. Humanity is undergoing a cataclysmic evolutionary event. Technology can be used for good or evil. These volumes of Project: Soul Catcher hope to force a technology transfer to the public sector for all its benefits by exposing the U.S.’s darkest secrets.“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/smRMTehU_Tourism-in-Russia.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Tourism in Russiaabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all infohttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russiahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Russiahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yalta_ConferenceintroTourism in Russia has seen rapid growth since the late Soviet times, first domestic tourism and then international tourism as well. Rich cultural heritage and great natural variety place Russia among the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Not including Crimea, the country contains 23 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, while many more are on UNESCO's tentative lists.[1]Major tourist routes in Russia include a travel around the Golden Ring of ancient cities, cruises on the big rivers including the Volga, and long journeys on the famous Trans-Siberian Railway. Diverse regions and ethnic cultures of Russia offer many different foods and souvenirs, and show a great variety of traditions, including Russian Maslenitsa, Tatar Sabantuy, or Siberian shamanist rituals. In 2013, Russia was visited by 33 million tourists, making it the ninth-most visited country in the world and the seventh-most visited in Europe.[2]info (Russia,Moscow)RussiaPresidentVladimir PutinPrime MinisterMikhail MishustinSpeaker of the Federation CouncilValentina MatviyenkoSpeaker of the State DumaVyacheslav VolodinChief JusticeVyacheslav LebedevMoscowFederal districtCentralMayorSergey SobyaninArea2,511 km2 (970 sq mi)License plates77, 177, 777; 97, 197, 797; 99, 199, 799TransportRailwaysThe state-owned company Russian Railways (abbreviated as РЖД) operates most of rail services across the country and is crucial for the rail transport in Russia. High-speed rail services are available between Moscow and St Petersburg, between Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, and between St Petersburg and Helsinki (Finland). European Russia and the Russian Far East are connected by rail via the Trans-Siberian Railway. A train trip from Moscow to Vladivostok takes 6 days.[7] Russia uses the 1,524mm (5ft) track gauge, which is also shared by all the former Soviet republics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan), Mongolia, and is practically identical with the rail gauge of Finland. Trains crossing the border between Russia (Belarus, Ukraine) and EU member states (except the Baltic states and Finland) or between Russia and China, stop at special crossing points where each carriage is lifted for its bogies to be changed. Trains remain at crossing points for up to 2 hours.[8]Sea and river transportRussia's major sea ports Category:Port cities and towns in Russia include St Petersburg and Kaliningrad on the Baltic coast; Murmansk and Arkhangelsk on the Arctic coast; Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on the Pacific coast; Sochi, Novorossiysk, and Sevastopol on the Black Sea coast; Astrakhan on the Caspian coast. In European Russia, many river boat companies offer journeys to cities and towns on the Volga River, its tributaries and connected canals: Moscow (via the Moscow Canal), Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan. River boats from St Petersburg can travel to Staraya Ladoga and Veliky Novgorod on the Volkhov River, to Ladoga Lake, and to Moscow (via canals).[9]Air transportRussia's busiest international airports are situated near Moscow, St Petersburg, Volgograd, Kazan, Krasnodar, Sochi, and Vladivostok. For more information see a list of airports in Russia. Moscow and Saint Petersburg are served by direct flights from most European capitals, and Moscow also has direct flights from any cities in East Asia, South Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and North America.[10] Countries that have no direct flights to Russia include Australia,[11] Canada[12] and Ukraine.[13]RoadsMajor national thoroughfares are known as federal highways. For more information see Russian federal highways. Most of highways are toll-free, however recently there have opened a few toll roads.[14] Usual roads in smaller Russian cities and in the countryside can be in bad condition.[15] During the cold season (from November till April), when there is permanent snowpack and ice on the roads, winter tyres are mandatory.[16]Public transport in major citiesRussian cities that have a metro include Moscow, St Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Kazan.[17] Entrances to metro stations are marked using the letter M which looks the same in the Russian and Roman alphabets. On the Moscow Metro, announcements on trains are made in Russian and English, and direction signs and maps often include English.[18] Apart from buses and trams, trolleybuses are a very common means of overground transport in Russian cities. For more information see the list of trolleybus systems in Russia. Another widely used means of public transport is marshrutkas, or shared taxies. If you are going to visit Moscow and use public transport, see the article about the Troika card (a similar card known as Podorozhnik is used in St Petersburg). Taxi services available in major Russian cities include Yandex.Taxi, Uber (operated by Yandex.Taxi), and Gett.Resorts and nature tourismThe warm subtropical Black Sea coast of Russia is the site for a number of popular seaside resorts such as Sochi and Tuapse, known for their shale beaches and wonderful nature. At the same time Sochi can boast a number of major ski resorts, such as Krasnaya Polyana. The city was the host of 2014 Winter Olympics. The mountains of the Northern Caucasus contain many other popular ski resorts, such as Dombay in Karachay–Cherkessia.One of the most famous natural tourist attractions of Russia is Lake Baikal, known as the Blue Eye of Siberia. This unique lake, the oldest and the deepest in the world, has crystal-clean waters and is surrounded by taiga-covered mountains.Other areas interesting for tourists include Kamchatka with its volcanoes and geysers, Karelia where many lakes and granite rocks are found, including Ruskeala Canyon, Altai with its snow-capped mountains, Tyva with its wild steppes, Republic of Adygea where Fisht Mountain is located, Chechnya Republic where Lake Kezenoyam is located.[20]The Seven Wonders of Russia, the most popular tourist destinations chosen in a national vote in 2008, include Lake Baikal, Valley of Geysers, Manpupuner rock formations, and Mount Elbrus.The most famous national parks and sanctuaries of Russia include the Transbaikal National Park, the Altai Nature Reserve, the Lazovsky Nature Reserve, the Kedrovaya Pad' Nature Reserve, the Samarskaya Luka National Park, the Smolenskoye Poozerye Nature Reserve, the Curonian Spit Nature Reserve, the Valdai National Park, the Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve, the Lake Ilmen Nature Reserve.Since 2014, the following tourist destinations in Crimea are administered as part of the Russian Federation:Yalta – a health resort on Black Sea, where the post-World War II Yalta peace conference took place.Because of Stalin's promises, Churchill believed that he would keep his word regarding Poland, remarking \"Poor Neville Chamberlain believed he could trust Hitler. He was wrong. But I don't think I am wrong about Stalin.\"[21]Churchill defended his actions at Yalta in a three-day Parliamentary debate starting on February 27, which ended in a vote of confidence. During the debate many MPs criticised Churchill and expressed deep reservations about Yalta and support for Poland, with 25 drafting an amendment protesting the agreement.[22]When the Second World War ended, a Communist government was installed in Poland. Many Poles felt betrayed by their wartime allies. Many Polish soldiers refused to return to Poland, because of the Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (1939–1946), the Trial of the Sixteen and other executions of pro-Western Poles, particularly the former members of the AK (Armia Krajowa). The result was the Polish Resettlement Act 1947, Britain's first mass immigration law.On March 1, Roosevelt assured Congress that \"I come from the Crimea with a firm belief that we have made a start on the road to a world of peace.\"[23] However, the Western Powers soon realized that Stalin would not honour his promise of free elections for Poland. After receiving considerable criticism in London following Yalta regarding the atrocities committed in Poland by Soviet troops, Churchill wrote Roosevelt a desperate letter referencing the wholesale deportations and liquidations of opposition Poles by the Soviets.[23] On March 11, Roosevelt responded to Churchill, writing, \"I most certainly agree that we must stand firm on a correct interpretation of the Crimean decision. You are quite correct in assuming that neither the Government nor the people of this country will support participation in a fraud or a mere whitewash of the Lublin government and the solution must be as we envisaged it in Yalta.\"[24]By March 21, Roosevelt's Ambassador to the USSR Averell Harriman cabled Roosevelt that \"we must come clearly to realize that the Soviet program is the establishment of totalitarianism, ending personal liberty and democracy as we know it.\"[25] Two days later, Roosevelt began to admit that his view of Stalin had been excessively optimistic and that \"Averell is right.\"[25]Four days later, on March 27, the Soviet Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) arrested 16 Polish opposition political leaders that had been invited to participate in provisional government negotiations.[25] The arrests were part of a trick employed by the NKVD, which flew the leaders to Moscow for a later show trial followed by sentencing to a gulag.[25][26] Churchill thereafter argued to Roosevelt that it was \"as plain as a pike staff\" that Moscow's tactics were to drag out the period for holding free elections \"while the Lublin Committee consolidate their power.\"[25] The Polish elections, held on January 16, 1947, resulted in Poland's official transformation to a communist state by 1949.Following Yalta, in the USSR, when Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov expressed worry that the Yalta Agreement's wording might impede Stalin's plans, Stalin responded \"Never mind. We'll do it our own way later.\"[21] While the Soviet Union had already annexed several occupied countries as (or into) Soviet Socialist Republics,[27][28][29] other countries in central and eastern Europe that it occupied were converted into Soviet-controlled satellite states, such as the People's Republic of Poland, the People's Republic of Hungary,[30] the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic,[31] the People's Republic of Romania, the People's Republic of Bulgaria, the People's Republic of Albania,[32] and later East Germany from the Soviet zone of German occupation.[33] Eventually the United States and the United Kingdom made concessions in recognizing the then Communist-dominated regions, sacrificing the substance of the Yalta Declaration, while it remained in form.[34]Sevastopol – a federal city on the Black Sea coast.Simferopol – the capital of the Republic of Crimea, on the Salhir River. It is a manufacturing, commercial, and transportation centre located in a productive agricultural region."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lmckaVfk_Project-Approach.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Project ApproachValidation (Jan)Identify & confirm .....................................................................................Initiation (Feb)Kick of...................................................Design & implement..................................Execution (Mrt-Sept)Monitor .................Monthly update .................Communicate .................This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookClosure (Okt)Evaluation .................Lessons learned & actions proposedTeam composition & EffortProject BoardJan KlaasseTrompetterProject TeamJan KlaaseFriendsEffort BD: 1560hValidation: 40hInitiation: 160hExecution: 1200hclosure: 160hScope..................................................."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_JTVuGH8i.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "La Catalogne veut son IndépendanceUn vote symboliqueDéfini comme une consultation de la populationSans valeur constitutionnelleVoté le dimanche 9 novembre 2014Une question en deux partiesvoulez vous que la Catalogne devienne un Pays ?souhaitez vous qu'il soit indépendantLes réponses du vote80,7% des participants votent favorable2,3 millions de participantssur 5,4 millions en capacité de participer\"C'est un succès total\"a annoncé le président CatalanArtur MasRéponses faussées ?Seuls les partisan pour l'indépendance se seraient déplacésEt Madrid ?Contre l'indépendance de la CatalogneAccuse la Catalogne d'attenter à la souveraineté du PaysSelon Mariano Rajoy«Rien, ni personne, ni aucun pouvoir, ni aucune institution ne peut rompre ce principe de souveraineté unique, indivisible sur lequel se fonde notre vie commune»Président du Gouvernement d'EspagneIls suspendent le référendumThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPourquoi veulent-ils l'indépendance ?Notion d'identité CatalaneTradition, culture, langue, drapeauToujours été très forteEn 2010 le tribunal constitutionnel espagnol rejette le nouveau statut de la CatalogneL'estatutLes catalans se sentent trahisUn combat pour l'indépendance commenceDes aspects économiquesForte crise en Espagnedeficit fiscal trop importantProjet d'indépendance : nouvel avenirselon les indépendantistesDonnent beaucoup et reçoivent peuManque d'infrastructure en CatalogneLa Catalogne c'est quoi ?Région d'EspagneDans le Nord de l'EspagneL'une des Régions les plus puissantes et les plus riches de l'Espagne7,5 millions d'habitantssur 47 millions d'espagnolsLes catalans produisent 20% de la richesse du paysEt la Région représente 25% des importations espagnolesCommunauté AutonomePropre gouvernement et ParlementDeux langues officiellesCastillan (espagnol)CatalanCapitale de la régionBarceloneDeuxième ville d'EspagneCentre économique et culturel majeur de l'Europe"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r539Tre8_Why-we-need-personal-knowledge-libraries-.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Why we need personal knowledge libraries?summaries (100)For example, if we were interested in a specific topic, the search would provide a rich selection of relevant summaries – not links only – directly pertaining to our interests.Example of Visual Summary - dynamically exploring the topics and summariesBy summarizing and then and indexing information by keywords together with the most relevant summaries.keyword (63)Each keyword points to all of those Wikipedia articles that contain important information related to the keyword.directs (63)Our mind directs us to filtering information until we find the relevant pearls we are searching for.Plain text Short Summary directs (100) analyze (50) ability (33) sifting (33) mind (33) sorting (16) spending (16) immediate (16) communicate (16) connections (16)Wikipedia (46)Example of such knowledge base is a collection of English Wikipedia articles summarized and organized as Wikipedia Knowledge Base.Each keyword points to all of those Wikipedia articles that contain important information related to the keyword.knowledge libraries (39)We can imagine not only the convenience and efficiency of creating personal knowledge libraries but also the ability to have them on any devices of choice and having them always available whether we are connected or not.analyze (36)And all this without the need to analyze each link and then deciding how much more time we can afford to spend analyzing the never ending possible connections.Instead of being crushed by too much information to analyze, we have direct access only to information that is of immediate interest to us.Plain text Short Summary directs (100) analyze (50) ability (33) sifting (33) mind (33) sorting (16) spending (16) immediate (16) communicate (16) connections (16)ability (36)So the question is, what if we had an ability to quickly access the content according to the topics we have in mind.Having the ability to directly access content of interest makes a huge difference to how we work, communicate and collaborate.Plain text Short Summary directs (100) analyze (50) ability (33) sifting (33) mind (33) sorting (16) spending (16) immediate (16) communicate (16) connections (16)We can imagine not only the convenience and efficiency of creating personal knowledge libraries but also the ability to have them on any devices of choice and having them always available whether we are connected or not.articles (31)Example of such knowledge base is a collection of English Wikipedia articles summarized and organized as Wikipedia Knowledge Base.Each keyword points to all of those Wikipedia articles that contain important information related to the keyword.knowledge base (31)Example of such knowledge base is a collection of English Wikipedia articles summarized and organized as Wikipedia Knowledge Base.back-of-the-book index (27)This is very much similar to the way we accessed information using the back-of-the-book index except that now we can do it without the physical limits of a book.Full SummaryTypically when we read web pages and documents we scan and skim through the text like hunters trying to spot the most valuable information that is hidden in the stream of sentences and paragraphs.Our mind directs us to filtering information until we find the relevant pearls we are searching for.So the question is, what if we had an ability to quickly access the content according to the topics we have in mind.For example, if we were interested in a specific topic, the search would provide a rich selection of relevant summaries – not links only – directly pertaining to our interests.So instead of getting a long list of links to documents containing our search term we would get a handy list of the most important excerpts!And all this without the need to analyze each link and then deciding how much more time we can afford to spend analyzing the never ending possible connections.Having the ability to directly access content of interest makes a huge difference to how we work, communicate and collaborate.Instead of being crushed by too much information to analyze, we have direct access only to information that is of immediate interest to us.Instead of spending our valuable time on tedious sifting and sorting it is far better to access the relevant directly so we can focus on the creative aspect of how we want to use the information.Plain text Short Summary directs (100) analyze (50) ability (33) sifting (33) mind (33) sorting (16) spending (16) immediate (16) communicate (16) connections (16)Example of Visual Summary - dynamically exploring the topics and summariesBy summarizing and then and indexing information by keywords together with the most relevant summaries.This is very much similar to the way we accessed information using the back-of-the-book index except that now we can do it without the physical limits of a book.Also, our digital index has not hard limits in terms of size and content so it can be easily grown and customized to our many and diverse needs and interests.Example of such knowledge base is a collection of English Wikipedia articles summarized and organized as Wikipedia Knowledge Base.Each keyword points to all of those Wikipedia articles that contain important information related to the keyword.This makes a very handy access to wealth of information and it is fast and easy.We can imagine not only the convenience and efficiency of creating personal knowledge libraries but also the ability to have them on any devices of choice and having them always available whether we are connected or not.Short SummaryEach keyword points to all of those Wikipedia articles that contain important information related to the keyword.Example of such knowledge base is a collection of English Wikipedia articles summarized and organized as Wikipedia Knowledge Base.Plain text Short Summary directs (100) analyze (50) ability (33) sifting (33) mind (33) sorting (16) spending (16) immediate (16) communicate (16) connections (16)For example, if we were interested in a specific topic, the search would provide a rich selection of relevant summaries – not links only – directly pertaining to our interests.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookThis MindMap was created by WebSummarizer http://www.WebSummarizer.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/27khMNuc_Blu-ray-Disk-not-Blue-ray-Disk.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Blu-ray Diskwörtlich so viel wie blauer Strahl, was sich auf den violetten Lichtstrahl des verwendeten Lasers (405 nm) beziehtBDVariantennur lesbare BD-ROMeinmal beschreibbare Variante BD-Rwiederbeschreibbare BD-REKapazität25 GB[1] (Single Layer)50 GB (Dual Layer)100/128 GB (BDXL; 3 bzw. 4 Layer)unter Laborbedingungen bis zu 500 GB (20 Layer)Aktuell (März 2013)Größen 25, 50 und 100 GB im HandelThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookLebensdauer30 bis 50 Jahre"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/sKThi0yS_Content-Captures-Interest.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Content Captures Interest - Barb Giamanco, SocialTech TuesdayWrite a blog and/or comment on other top blogs in your industry.Conduct podcast interviews with industry leaders.Curate the content from key influencers (not competitors) or websites you like – Forbes, Mashable, TechCrunch, Top Sales World…whoever is important to you in your field… via RSS feeds and using a dashboard tool like Hootsuite.Follow influencers in your field on Twitter and on LinkedIn. Share their posts.Reach out to other influencers and ask about guest blogging on their site. If they do podcast or video interviews, ask to be considered for an interview. Share content from the people you respect and follow on LinkedIn.Use the new mention feature to give them a shout-out.Conduct a webinar. Deliver your own content or set it up panel style and moderate. Record the session for post follow up and use in sharing content later.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCreate a kick-butt presentation and post via Slideshare and then share it with you minions and encourage them to share with theirs.Curate a newspaper using Paper.li. Add 25 of the top people you like and include their blog posts, tweets, etc. It will post automatically through your Twitter account, and you can also share it with others via email or LinkedIn.Speak at an event – could be as a featured speaker or a panelist and have it videotaped. Share the video on your LinkedIn profile.Create a video of your tip of the week. Get really good at it and do it daily.Host a live tweet chat, capture key points from the discussion and turn that into blog posts, interviews or presentations. Get to know editors at various online sites who publish blog posts or magazines. Offer to guest write an article.Host and record a Google hangout session focused on an educational topic that your prospects would be interested in.Conduct a survey and share the results with prospects and others in your network. For example, I co-authored our Social Media and Sales Quota report, which you can download from our website"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/CaW6zfb8_Risk-Management.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Types of TweetsPass along infoReplies/commentsComplimentingOpinionMission AccomplishedEntertainmentQuestionsAsk TweetsHelp!PicturesIntroductionRetreetsStatusBlog postMundaneTrivial PursuitSageReporterNewsWeatherLinkersKindosCriticsAdvocateFree stuffcontestsgiveawayswinning stuffDirect Sales or Direct MarketingYour products/servicesSpamBe a friendPlay-by-PlayPresentationsResourcesThe Clever SheepJoelComm.comJohn WelshPenn OlsonThe Art of Business"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/tQKUBTuX_LAGERBAUFORMEN.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Lagerbauformenspeziallägerfür besondere WarenFlüssigkeiten, GaseFlüssigkeiten ()verderbliche Warenumweltschädigende Materialiendiebstahlgefärdete WarenOffene LägerFreilägerhalboffene LägerüberdachtFreilagerwitterungsunempfindliche GüterBaustoffeSchüttgüterHolzStahlerzeugnisseBunker / Silo / TankFlüssigkeitenFlüssigkeiten, Gase ()GaseSchüttgüterGetreideHöhe bis 50 m Nutzinhalte bis 2000 KubikmeterTraglufthallenlagerAusweichlagerZugang über LuftschleusenRaumnutzungsfaktor beschränkt durch gewölbte Formschnell auf- und abzubauenbei NaturkatastrophenThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFlachlagerin Gebäudenbis 7 m Höhebis 12 m = HochflachlagerBlocklagerungRegallagerungEtagenlagerFlachlager auf mehreren Stockwerkenkleine GrundstücksflächeAufzüge notwendigEngpass im Materialfluss ()Engpass im MaterialflussAufzüge notwendig ()Hochregallagerüber 12 m HöheGrößte: 45 m, 120 m Längenur als Lager nutzbar1. Betonbauweise mit freistehenden Regalen2. Regale sind Tragekonstruktion für Wände und Deckengeschlossene LägerEingeschosslagerMehrgeschosslager"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/3dQu6ALf_EFQMExcellence-ModelQuick-Reference-Card.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "EFQM Excellence Model Quick Reference CardLeadershipLeaders develop the mission, vision, values and ethics and are role models of a culture of ExcellenceLeaders are personally involved in ensuring the organisation’s management system is developed, implemented and continuously improvedLeaders interact with customers, partners and representatives of societyLeaders reinforce a culture of Excellence with the organisation’s peopleLeaders identify and champion organisational changePolicy & StrategyPolicy and Strategy are based on the present and future needs and expectations of stakeholdersPolicy and Strategy are based on information from performance measurement, research, learning and external related activitiesPolicy and Strategy are developed, reviewed and updatedPolicy and Strategy are communicated and deployed through a framework of key processesPeoplePeople resources are planned, managed and improvedPeople’s knowledge and competencies are identified, developed and sustainedPeople are involved and empoweredPeople and the organisation have a dialoguePeople are rewarded, recognised and cared forPartnerships and ResourcesExternal partnerships are managedFinances are managedBuildings, equipment and materials are managedTechnology is managedInformation and knowledge are managedProcessesProcesses are systematically designed and managedProcesses are improved, as needed, using innovation in order to fully satisfy and generate increasing value for customers and other stakeholdersProducts and Services are designed and developed based on customer needs and expectationsProducts and Services are produced, delivered and serviced5e. Customer relationships are managed and enhancedThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCustomer ResultsPerception MeasuresPerformance IndicatorsPeople ResultsPerception MeasuresPerformance IndicatorsSociety ResultsPerception MeasuresPerformance IndicatorsKey Performance ResultsKey Performance OutcomesKey Performance Indicators"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/MJVZZvyF_Rethink-Your-Content-Jay-Baer-s-Youtility-Why-Smart-Marketing-is-About-HELP-not-HYPE.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "About Epic ContentSubtitleAt a glanceLearn moreLearning toolFront matterForewordAcknowledgements子主题IntroductionPART I: Turning Marketing Upside DownChapter 1. Top-of-Mind AwarenessChapter 2. Frame-of-Mind AwarenessChapter 3. Friend-of-Mind AwarenessPART II: The Three Facets of YoutilityChapter 4. Self-Serve InformationChapter 5. Radical TransparencyChapter 6. Real-tme RelevancyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPART III: Six Blueprints to Create YoutilityChapter 7. Identify Customer NeedsChapter 8. Map Customer Needs to Useful MarketingChapter 9. Market Your MarketingChapter 10. Insource YoutilityChapter 11. Make Youtility a Process, Not a ProjectChapter 12. Keeping ScoreEnd matterYoutility: An Easy Reference GuideAcknowledgementsAuthor's Note: E-mail MeNotesIndexAbout Roger C. Parker"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/scSN33B3_PESTLE-Analysis-Mind-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PESTLE AnalysisPoliticalEconomicSocialThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTechnologicalLegalEnvironmental"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/wdQLgs11_Porter_Five_Force_Analysis_as_a_Mind_Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Porter Five Force Analysis as a Mind MapIndustry CompetitorsInter-RivalryRanges from Zero (Monopoly) to cut-throat rivalryIntense rivalry expands growth marketsDegree depends on switching/exit costs, overheads, objectives, growth rate, product/service differentiationSubstitutesTechnical ThreatSubstitute materialsAlternative technologyNew distribution channelBuyers are informed and willing to swtichLow switching costsPotential EntrantsEntry ThreatCauses supply capacity to riseMay reduce prices and increase input costsBarriers may delay entry, but not for longEntry is less likely where...Existing profitabilities are lowBarriers to entry are highEconomies of scale have been fully exploitedSet-up capital requirements are highBrand loyalty is highSwitching costs are highPotential retaliation (from established players) may occurSuppliersBargaining PowerCan squeeze and redistribute value addedSupplier power depends on...Degree of supplier concentrationSubstitutability between suppliersSwitching costs involvedThreat of forward integrationBuyersBargaining PowerBuyer leveragePrice SensitivityMarket knowledgeAvailability of alternativesSwitching costsImportance of purchaseThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/5ajutWmv_Grosbot-CISTERCIAN-ABBEY-Charente.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Grosbot CISTERCIAN ABBEY Charente12TH C. EREMETISM NEW religious ORDERSSTEPHEN founds Obazine1125-27; Abbot 1142expansion in Charentegot le MAS COUDOUR 1147FONTVIVE CharenteREGULAR CANONSABBOT JEAN 1121ABBOT BERNARD1169 FONTVIVE1172 GROSBOTGROSBOTRIGHTSPORKSLANDTOLL, TITHEThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookDOMAINSin ROUGNAC FORESTfrom CHARRAS to GRASSACMEADOWS, ORCHARDS, LANDS MILLS, RENTS1212 GRANGESRENTSPERPETUAL RENTINGTITHESLAND 1/5, VINEYARD 1/7WHEAT, VINE, HENSACHATSCHURCHES1177 SOUFFRIGNAC1231 ROUGNACBRETHRENPRIESTS CLERKSCONVERSESOBLATESCONCLUSIONFOUNDED TWICEas FONTVIVEas GROSBOTMANY DOMAINSSource: Martine Larigauderie-Beijeaud,« Grosbot. Situation économique», Bulletin de la société archéologique et historique de la Charente, n°1, 1999, p. 49-72. http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_93.html"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/52XC3j4K_Kohlrabi.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "KohlrabiBrassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.rabi leitet sich von der lateinischen Bezeichnung rapa, rupum = Rübe ab und Kohlrabi bedeutet somit Kohlrübeleckerzweijährige PflanzeThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookzwei Güteklassenpl. KalarepaMineralstoffen sind Kalium (380 mg), Calcium (70 mg), Phosphor (50 mg), Magnesium (45 mg)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_W6czyh31.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "16 octobre – 19h – Choiseul (salle 4)actusévolutionnombreux événementsexemplesCarnavalles InattenduesRamdam FestivalMCTenjeufaire rayonner les événements au-delà du moment précis de l’événementattractivitéidentité propreThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookquile monde culturelrôle pivot ()autorités politiquesrôle pivot ()mobilisés par la gestionprojetredéfinir une politique culturellecrainte à dépasserinstrumentalisationau-delà du culturelmettre en lien avecsocialtourismedéveloppement économiqueobjectifspopulation localele rayonnement de l'événementmarqueur d'identitéparticipation en tant qu'acteur-ambassadeurfinancement participatifau service de la villefédérer les acteurs culturelscréercréer des solidaritésdes synergiesdes économies d’échelleimaginer une interface entreorganisateursassociationsartistesservicesmettre à disposition espace de développementcoordination de programmationrééquilibrage# concurrenceirradier d'autres groupesau-delà du localprivilégier les événements spécifiques qui n’existent pas ailleurs en Eurométropoleinscrire les événements dans des calendriers européenspenser une communication à l’échelle de l’Eurométropole,mieux accueillir le public (étranger)dépasser la barrière de la langue"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/In5YQqZq_LE-CARNAVAL.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "LE CARNAVALWEEK-ENDFAUXAPERThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookGREUX"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/3buDkGwo_Mindjet-Mobile-Tips.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mindjet Mobile TipsMap StatusFolder view of checkout status. Your options:Black padlock - someone else has checked it out but you can view itCould be you in the web or desktop apps or another mobile device. Log in to Mindjet Files via a browser or desktop client to see to see who it isRed padlock - you have checked it out and can edit itNo padlock - you can open/check it out and edit itA check in happens when you: 1. Tap the cross top left on the tool bar 2. Open another map 3. Close the app (make sure it is synced first)SynchroniseIf there are changes to be uploaded to the server a number will be shown next to the circular arrow in the tool barIf you think a map should not be padlocked, tap the Sync arrowIf you are leaving the app or locking your mobile device: sync first!Editing topicsDouble tap topicTextNotes (and Links)Edit Topic ()ImageIconNot available on central topicColourLinesFillText cannot be changed in the app but can on web or desktop and is displayedShapeInsert topic at same levelInsert subtopicDeleteUsing LinksEdit TopicNotes (and Links) ()Open Notes (and Links)Poke the link to open in browser or appA tap is not enoughInserting topic and relationshipsTouch topic and dragOrange arrow at 07:30 is for adding relationshipsLevel of detailTap topicTo hide subtopicsTap again to reveal subtopicsTapping the hidden subtopics indicator does nothingFormatting alteredOnly growth style is map. Tree, organigram etc. are reformatted for display on mobile device as mapNot available or hidden if added in web or desktop appCall outsFloating topicsTopic notes imagesLimited range of iconsAttachmentsLinks to anything except a web URLNotDocumentsFoldersMapsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMap Prepared by Andrew Wilcox Please tell me if I should edit or add anything www.cabre.co.uk"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/m553174_Equilibria_and_The_Haber_Process.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Equilbria and Industrial processesDefinition of reversible reactiondefinition of equilibriumHaber processraw materialsconditionsexplanation as to why conditions chosenformation of ammonium saltsnitrogenous fertilizerspositive effectsnegative effectsEffect on equilibria of changing conditions"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ChWtvUCh_Mind-mapping-software-Benefits-you-re-missing-missing-out-on.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "What you're missingTopic noteHypertext linkDocument attachmentJeffrey Ritter interview.docTaskSub-map linkThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookRSS feedsThe Mindjet BlogHot Tips: Tracking upcoming deadlinesGreat minds don’t think alike…Use Case: Getting the Most from your ResourcesBringing Power Markers to MarketMMDevX: A Great Place to Find Useful Add-insInformation Mapping Hits the Charts at ABA Tech ShowDiscovering hidden treasures – help us create more!Helpful tip: Create a personal dashboardUse Case: Creating a Strategic Plan with MindManagerGuest Post: Using MindManager to Plan a WebsiteDatabase recordsBeverages: Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and alesCondiments: Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasoningsConfections: Desserts, candies, and sweet breadsDairy Products: CheesesGrains/Cereals: Breads, crackers, pasta, and cerealMeat/Poultry: Prepared meatsProduce: Dried fruit and bean curdSeafood: Seaweed and fishExcel rangeExcel dataOutlook integrationE-mailsRE: Additional Exhibitor RegistrationContactsJon GoodneyTasksCreate a \"what you're missing\" mind mapNotesThis is an Outllook Note....SharePointHow to contact meBlog: http://mindmappingsoftwareblog.comE-mail: chuck@innovationtools.comTwitter: @chuckfrey"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/dRqP5meY_Mindjet-Map-Dataelements.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mindjet Map Data elementsMap PartsInsert MapMindjet TasksThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookOutlook ItemsSharePoint Items自由主题"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/gjql2o3v_Checklist-Control-Panel-Dashboard.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Checklist & Control PanelWork LogsClient 1 Consulting Time LogClient 2 Consulting Time LogQuick LinksConference Call NumberRewards NumbersMicrosoft AccountCompany Phone ListLibrary CardProjectsProject 1Project 2Project 2.1Main MapsWorkHome & PersonalClient MapsClient 1Client 2This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWeekly ReviewReview Journal EntriesReview Project NotesReview CalendarReview Someday ListReview To Read ListClear MindFile Paper FilesDaily ChecklistCheck InputsProcess Evernote InboxReview Project ListCheck CalendarReview Main Work Map & Task ListsFill out To Do listJournalTask ListsDoing NowNext ActionsWaitingErrandsOn HoldCalendarsProduct X ScheduleTravelClient Trip MM/DD/YYYYFlightCarHotelOther Work Trip MM/DD/YYYYFlightCarHotelArchivePast TravelOld Maps & Notes"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ARvDv9OG_Unternehmenskommunikation.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "UnternehmenskommunikationÖffentlichkeitsarbeitWerbungSocial MediaCorporate IdentityMarketingKrisenkommunikationMitarbeiterkommunikationInvestor Relations"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_3ic0PazF.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "conduite du changement en équipeLes 3 principaux messages :1 - La psychologie d’un groupe n’est pas seulement la somme des psychologies individuelles2 - Le médecin est avec le directeur et le cadre infirmier co-manager de l’équipe3 - Manager l’équipe c’est aussi accompagner le changement vers la qualitéAtelier 5PauseThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPlénièrePlénièreÉvaluation 30’Conclusion de l’expert en médecine généraleRemise des documents administratifsFin du séminaireQuatrième demi journée"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/pSNGfgS6_TOP-4-What-to-do-before-flight.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "What to do before flight? TOP 4stroll around the terminalavoid heavy mealsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookwear comfortable clothingmoderate caffeine intake"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/zgfrICfy_IT-STRATEGY.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "IT STRATEGYunderstand the business strategyengage with business and senior management in aligning IT strategic planning with current and future trendsestablish processes of bi-directional education and reciprocal involvement between business management and IT to achieve business and IT alignment and integrationagree on IT policiesdevelop a prioritisation schemeidentify how IT goals will contribute to business strategic objectivesidentify best way for IT to contributedocument IT goalsestablish how IT will supportdetermine how IT will support operational service deliverydefine the information architecturedefine the technology architecturedefine IT processes, organisation and relationshipsestablish the IT budget and investment scheduledocument the strategydefine how IT goals will contribute to business strategic objectivesdevelop IT objectivesdefine how IT objectives will be met and achievement measureddevelop IT strategic initiatives to achieve objectivesdefine and develop IT road map for implementingdetermine sourcing and acquiring resources strategy for achieving objectivesidentify sources for fundingdocument IT strategy and workshopmanage the strategy's implementation and executionThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bsD2kika_Masaru-Emoto.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Masaru Emotointrocontenance d'eau dans l'Hommeenfants = 80%adultes = 70%plus que 65 ans = 60%50% = mortla mémoire de l'Homme est dans l'eauAlzeimer = manque H2Oeau = messager de Dieuprocédure d'observation des cristaux-25° pendant 3hgrossissement 200 xexpériencesréaction avecun verre d'eau posé sur une photodauphinéléphantcoeurondes électromagnétiquesTVPCGSMmicro-ondeliquide amniatiqueThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookdiversdiapason440 Hzsi combinaison avec 442HzwouwouwouwoudoremifasollasidowouwouwowuA D Ncontient H2O= trace de DieuH2O trait d'union avec Dieusolution pour avoir de beaux cristauxenvoyer à l'eau \"amour et gratitude\"UCL 4 octobre 2010"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VIpKuMSI_Impact-windows-and-doors-Miami.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Impact windows and doors MiamiWhy to choose impact windows and doors MiamiStorm preparation convenienceProtection against intrudersAccess to natural lightStorage and appearanceUV ray reductionImpact windows Miami"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/j419080_Southeastern_Conference_2010.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Southeastern Conference (SEC) 2010Florida GatorsGeorgia BulldogsKentucky WildcatsSouth Carolina GamecocksTennessee VolunteersVanderbilt CommodoresMississippi State BulldogsMississippi RebelsLouisiana State TigersAlabama Crimson TideAuburn TigersArkansas Razorbacks"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/u0r1fBNO_Marketing-in-a-Downturn.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Marketing in a DownturnBuild your downturn marketing strategyCreate a vision and roadmap for the next 90 days - 6 monthsHaving a specific downturn strategy will set you apart from competitorsTap your existing customer baseRenew relationships with lapsed customersPhone callsThought leadership briefings on emerging issues\"We miss you\" discount email / mailingStart a customer community and add value beyond the transactionSTP - Segment > Target > PositionRefine, refine, refine your targetingTarget more direct response marketing vehicles at your prospectsNOW is the most important time to keep your focusFocus on who NOT to targetAttract more of the right customersHold a customer / prospect symposiumSubmit articles to trade journals & local business publicationsDevelop a \"diagnostic service\" to help your customers become more profitable in the downturnWord of mouth marketingDo something that's word of mouth worthy!Formalize your customer evangelist & referral programsMaintain discipline in pricingDon't train your customers to expect discountsWork with your best customers to define \"affordable\"Shape the message, don't slash the priceFocus on driving behaviorDrive buying behavior & critical actions vs. brand buildingEncourage trial, sampling and get customers to engage with youQuantify and qualify your valueUnderstand how you reduce your customer's TCO (total cost of ownership) and increase the ROI for your solutionsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookCommunicate constantly and consistentlyStart that monthly webinar / teleconferene that you've been meaning to doDrive more valuable content into your email newsletters. Start them if you don't already have them.Delve into your dataDeep insights into your existing customer base can pay large dividends for current and new business developmentSegment, analyze, cross-reference and build data models that inform your marketing effortsCut those activities that make marginal contributions to profitabilityCollaborate intimately with your sales teamWeekly calls to ensure that you're both focused on driving the right results & behaviorGather near real-time market intelligence as the downturn evolvesNurture and manage your leads & lead processDeliver offers that connect with their buying cyclesPartner up with complimentorsShare marketing costs & assets to drive prospect behavior in your sectorCollaborate with local businesses to drive commerce in your localeDifferentiate and InnovateFocus on what performs in faltering economyPosition your company for the reboundUnderstand your customers' current pain pointsSustain your brandGrant access to your execs with market insightsApply branding efforts to customer value add projectsPricing segmentationUse data to maximize revenue per customerDevelop offerings/packages based on tiers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/c177121_Pinot_Noir_Key_Facts.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pinot Noir: Key FactsFlavoursCool ClimateVegetalHigh AcidLow TanninsModerate ClimateRed FruitMedium/High AcidLow/Medium TanninsHot ClimateNot SuitableOther FlavoursVegetalAnimalClassic Region: Bourgogne (Burgundy)A Bourgogne AC WineMedium BodiedRed Fruit and Savoury AromasLight TanninsMedium to High AcidityIndividual VillagesGevrey-ChambertinNuits-Saint-GeorgesBeaunePommardPremium RegionsNew ZealandMartinboroughMarlboroughCentral OtagoCaliforniaCoastal RegionSonomaCarnerosChileCasablancaSouth AfricaCoastalBulk/Inexpensive RegionsRomaniaCentral Valley (Chile)Blends WithGamay"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/1v8wlgvW_Time_management.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Time managementlists (100)Task lists are used in self-management, grocery lists, business management, project management, and software development.He argues that the traditional never-ending to-do lists virtually guarantees that some of your work will be left undone.time management (100)Time management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity.Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals.Time Management can be considered as a project management subset and is more commonly known as project planning and project scheduling.Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities as well.Usually time management is a necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion time and scope.priority (75)To prioritize a daily task list, one either records the tasks in the order of highest priority, or assigns them a number after they are listed (\"1\" for highest priority, \"2\" for second highest priority, etc.) which indicates in which order to execute the tasks.goals (52)Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals.This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing.Second generation: planning and preparation based on calendar and appointment books; includes setting goals.Fourth generation: being efficient and proactive using any of the above tools; places goals and roles as the controlling element of the system and favors importance over urgency.If some time is not regularly spent on achieving long-range goals, the individual may get stuck in a perpetual holding pattern on short-term plans, like staying at a particular job much longer than originally planned.planning (30)This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing.Second generation: planning and preparation based on calendar and appointment books; includes setting goals.Time Management can be considered as a project management subset and is more commonly known as project planning and project scheduling.This could be caused by procrastination by prolonging the planning activity.productivity (30)Time management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookurgent (29)Activities are ranked upon these general criteria: A – Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important.to-do lists (25)He argues that the traditional never-ending to-do lists virtually guarantees that some of your work will be left undone.techniques (22)Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals.completing (22)A task list (also to-do list or things-to-do) is a list of tasks to be completed, such as chores or steps toward completing a project.SummaryTime management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity.Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals.This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing.Second generation: planning and preparation based on calendar and appointment books; includes setting goals.Time Management can be considered as a project management subset and is more commonly known as project planning and project scheduling.This could be caused by procrastination by prolonging the planning activity.Fourth generation: being efficient and proactive using any of the above tools; places goals and roles as the controlling element of the system and favors importance over urgency.If some time is not regularly spent on achieving long-range goals, the individual may get stuck in a perpetual holding pattern on short-term plans, like staying at a particular job much longer than originally planned.Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities as well.Usually time management is a necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion time and scope.Task lists are used in self-management, grocery lists, business management, project management, and software development.He argues that the traditional never-ending to-do lists virtually guarantees that some of your work will be left undone.To prioritize a daily task list, one either records the tasks in the order of highest priority, or assigns them a number after they are listed (\"1\" for highest priority, \"2\" for second highest priority, etc.) which indicates in which order to execute the tasks.Activities are ranked upon these general criteria: A – Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important.A task list (also to-do list or things-to-do) is a list of tasks to be completed, such as chores or steps toward completing a project.Attention management: Attention Management relates to the management of cognitive resources, and in particular the time that humans allocate their mind (and organizations the minds of their employees) to conduct some activities.A particular method of applying the ABC method assigns \"A\" to tasks to be done within a day, \"B\" a week, and \"C\" a month.Modern task list applications may have built-in task hierarchy (tasks are composed of subtasks which again may contain subtasks), may support multiple methods of filtering and ordering the list of tasks, and may allow one to associate arbitrarily long notes for each task.Rather than put \"clean the kitchen\", \"clean the bedroom\", and \"clean the bathroom\", it is more efficient to put \"housekeeping\" and save time spent writing and reduce the system's administrative load (each task entered into the system generates a cost in time and effort to manage it, aside from the execution of the task).If you are in the habit of brushing your teeth every day, then there is no reason to put it down on the task list.A disaster occurs constantly whether it is personal or business-related.Map created automatically by WikiSummarizer http://www.contextdiscovery.com info@contextdiscovery.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/cSxVyhnY_Burnout.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Burnoutengl. burn out ‚ausbrennenwissenschaftlich nicht als Krankheit anerkanntmeist durch Stress ausgelöstSymptomeZustand der totalen ErschöpfungEmotionale ErschöpfunDepersonalisierungErleben von MisserfolgThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTodoPRIORITÄTEN FESTLEGENAM ARBEITSPLATZ GRENZEN ZIEHENLEBEN VEREINFACHENKRAFT TANKENBurnout-Syndrom – Wikipediapage.webarchive"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QwyCqDTB_Marketing-Strategy-Map-Fundamentals.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Marketing Strategy Map FundamentalsFundamentalsGoals for the YearOrganizational goalsMarketing goalsObjectivesQuantifyTargets/Segments/PersonasCoreSecondaryOpportunityHarvestMessaging & DifferentiationUVPMessagesStrategyGo-to-marketStrategies by marketTacticalTactics & Channels ListProgressive Tactics ScheduleDailyWeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyYearlyMarketing Cycles30 day review60 day review90 day reviewThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookMonthly PlansMonthly FocusEnergy & timeMessageTargetMonthly GoalsThemesKey DatesIndustry eventsHolidaysSpecial occurrencesWeekly TacticsMarketing Review Cycle30, 60, 90 DaysDid we meet our goals?What worked?Why did it work/not work?How effective was it?What do we need to change?What’s on deck for the next 30/60/90 days?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/oEACLkhi_Stidda.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Stiddaabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StiddaintroductionThe Stidda (pronounced [ˈstiɖːa]; Sicilian for '\"star\"') is a Mafia-type criminal organization centered in the central-southern part of Sicily in Italy. Members are known as stiddari or stiddaroli. It is most active in the rural parts of southern Sicily and is partially a rival to Cosa Nostra. Some members have a star tattooed on their bodies.[1]infoFounding locationSouthern SicilyYears activesince the mid-20th centuryTerritoryAgrigentoCaltanissettaGelaVittoriaNiscemiCriminal activitiesRacketeeringfraudGamblingextortionmurderAllies'NdranghetaCamorraRivalsSicilian MafiaHistoryLittle is known of the origins of the organization, though it is believed to have come about in a similar fashion to the Mafia, in the same rural environment of Sicily. Unlike the Mafia, however, the Stidda was mostly rural and low-profile until the 1980s, when it became somewhat more expansionist and started moving into the cities, bringing the two Sicilian groups into competition with one another. It differs from the Mafia by the fact that it is not based on an honor system but is interested only in criminal activities and the resulting profits.[1]The Stidda came into public view when Cosa Nostra pentito Francesco Marino Mannoia spoke about it in 1989. Later another Mafia member Leonardo Messina[2] told his own view. According to their testimonies, Stidda is an organisation that was founded by former members of the Cosa Nostra during the Second Mafia War of the early 1980s. They had been expelled due to disobedience or, in a couple of cases, even marrying a relative of a police officer. Many of the original stiddari were followers of the murdered Mafia-boss Giuseppe Di Cristina.[1]The Stidda was particularly strong in southern Sicily around the towns of Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Gela, Vittoria, Niscemi and others smaller.[1] The original leaders of the Stidda were Giuseppe Croce Benvenuto and Salvatore Calafato. A dynamite bomb later killed Stidda boss Calogero Lauria. They were involved a more direct war with the Mafia in the early 1990s. The vicious war led to over 300 deaths.[3] One of these was the judge Rosario Livatino.Stidda is not a tight organization and many gangs (\"clans\") operate relatively independently. They ally with each other or even the local chapter of Cosa Nostra. They have similar rituals and rules. There is also a membership tattoo. Older members use a needle and black and blue ink to carve a five-pointed star on the initiate's right hand between the thumb and index finger. This tattoo is known as stiddari.Francesco Marino MannoiaGiuseppe Di CristinaRosario LivatinoSee alsoSicilian MafiaCamorraMala del BrentaBanda della Magliana'NdranghetaSacra Corona Unita"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g332043_Web_Seminar_Attendance_TPAssist.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Web Seminar (Attendance) SAMPLE - Intelligent Visual Mapper (New Jersey) 2-3 October 2008Research & Other preparationGeneral ResearchWeb Site for registrationAGENDAPresentations to Include:Project Mapping: Visual Thinking in Project ManagementUtilizing Visual Mapping for Personal and Professional Motivation and Goal SettingIncreasing Personal and Business Productivity through Visual Mapping StrategiesVisual Mapping as a Systematic Framework for Business ImprovementVisual Mapping Software- Tools of the TradeUsing Visual Mapping Tools for Marketing Your BusinessUsing Visual Mapping Tools in AcademiaQuestion for speaker/panelWeb Seminar Planner and Task ManagerBooking / SchedulingEvent noticeScheduling (tentatively allocate the time) ()Scheduling (tentatively allocate the time)Acceptance / Registration Request ()Event notice ()Acceptance / Registration RequestPayments ()Confirmation ()Scheduling (tentatively allocate the time) ()PaymentsAcceptance / Registration Request ()ConfirmationConfirm scheduling ()Acceptance / Registration Request ()Confirm schedulingConfirmation ()AttendanceFollow-up (Actions)... action 1...JOURNAL20080530292726NOTESTASK SUMMARYFull template and related Resources"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/REvJrR7j_iPad-Work-Around-MindManager-Export.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Testing iPad Work AroundOverviewQuestion: \"How can I upload a map to Biggerplate from an iPad?\"Quick Answer: Not quite possible yet, but we're working on it using iThoughts HD. In the meantime, there is a work around that will enable you to get your maps up on Biggerplate.Start: Create a map in iThoughts HDSave Mind MapExport Options: Select to export to eitheriMindMap 5MindManagerXmind'Send Email'Send E-mail to yourself from within iThoughtsIncludes exported files as an attachment.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookOpen EmailSave Mind Map fileOpen Biggerplate.comLoginSelect \"Upload\"Select Exported mind map fileXmindIMindmapMindManagerFinish: Admire Your Work!Tell other PeopleTwitterFacebookLinkedin"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/c153287_Shakespeare_Midsummer_Nights_Dream_the_Pastoral.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Midsummer. The Pastoraloriginoften in Arcadia- Greecerefers to the golden age/ placerevived in Italy (Petrach 1304-74)... France (H. d'Urfé's Astrée 1607-27)Spencer's The Shepherd calender 1579Shakespeare's As you like it; The Winter's taledecaying values, intrigues --> escapismforest = pastoral blissa place where struggles must be resolvedwhere the individuals find themselveswhere Hermia escapes patriarchal authoritywhere Hermia fights arranged marriagewhere the youths reach adulthoodinstinctive life in a safe placefairies replace shepherds and their erotic fantasies = 1/3 of the play; magic flowers play a partshepherd, shepherdess : Corin Philllida II-1-66-68folklore: may pole (picking foliage) ode to the secret wild force of nature in spring, to the green man and nymphsMidsummer eve: linked to magical herbal medecine, sabbatic dances, Diane's ridereverse imagesdanger for \"the rich worth of your virginity\" II-1-219; \"One heart, one bed\" II_1-42crawling serpent (III-1-149 ≠ II-1-255 left her skin) adder III-2-71; bear (II-2-94), bats, ivy strangling the elm (I-1-137)... II-2-12... \"I'll leave thee to the mercy of the wild beasts\" II-1-228; worms, spidersevil use of herbal medicine: the flower potion II-1the real wood of the carpenter (elm...)the real wood of the forester, of the fowler III-2-20 IV-1-109, with hounds, 112, huntsmen 144, birds of prey and guns III-2- 21, where the wolf howls V-2; \"thorough bush, thorough brier\" II-1-3; hawthorn-brake III-1-3, thorns, III-2; clamorous owl II-2-5; \"wild fowl\" III-1-35\"but she being mortal, of that boy did die\" II-1-135 --> procreation means deathstorms, upheaval causes by the Oberon-Titania quarrel II-1-88-116harrowing experiences --> dark night \"bedabbled with the dew and torn with briers\" III-2-443 \"lost in the wood\", \"faint with wandering\" II-1-192; II-2-35; swoons with fear II-2- 154the golden age, the enchanted place, a forest in England!Abundance in England flowery beds; I know a bankflowers: primrose beds, I-1-215; cowslips II-1-10; musk-rose buds, II-2-3, wild thyme, oxlip, violet eglantine honeysuckle II-1-248...birds: Philomel II-1; the blackbird, the throstle, the wren, the finch, the sparrow, the lark, the cuckoo, III-128-137; wild geese III-2-20; morning lark, IV-1-99insects: bumble bees; bees, butterfliesfresh water: dew-drops II-1-14; fountain clear II-1-29Manna: apricots, berries, grapes, figs, honey III-1- 165; nuts IV-1-39...light: the moon + night tapers III-1- 171; 203Utopia/ paradise other equivalent of the forestfar away countries: \"spiced indian air\" II-1-1-124\"by paved fountain, or by rushy brook, or in the beach margent of the sea\" II-1-84-85\"on neptune's yellow sands... to see the sails...\" II-1- 124.., the deep, III-1-161.(ie The Tempest)()dancingas often the play ends with a dancetraditions: Saint Vitus' Dance linked to Midsummer, dances around bonfiresa roundel II-2-1 (a country dance), round II-1-, = old merry EnglandconclusionShakespeare plays with the convention of the pastoralthe wood is ambivalent --> pastoral bliss turns into horrible experiencesthe journey in the wood = a trial to undergo to reach adulthoodIt is not the golden place which transforms everyone but magic, the primitive world of the fairiesthe forest is the place of magic and illusion, like a theatre experience! a happy dream there has become a balladthe forest with its wild beasts and wild plants should be tamed, civilized (--> fields with peas and oats, meadows with sweet-hay IV-1-36, forester, huntsmen)no need to work; romantic lovethe idea that nature should be protected is a modern concepta journey through space and through time , 4 nights I-1-7, from the end of April to May eve, 2nd night I-1-128; 2rd night I-1-164; 209, till new moon I-1-83; -->I-1-128; --> the last night III-2-374; 395; IV-1-185 \"Midsummer madness\"; May morning, IV-2-134"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WRgxvTwu_Gretting-card.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Bonne AnnéeAmourProspéritéRéussite...Feliz NatalAmorProsperidadeSucesso...This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookHappy New YearLoveProsperityAchievement...Feliz año nuevoAmorProsperidadÉxito..."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/xKC8QoiC_Benefits-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Benefits MapMe - Participant子主题子主题子主题子主题The Team子主题子主题子主题子主题Bigger Picture子主题子主题子主题子主题"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QHHHHTyq_El-pensamiento-divergente.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "El pensamiento divergenteFuenteSir Ken Robinsonesotra cosa queesencial porHabilidada vervarias repuestasvarias interpretacionesa una preguntaa verThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookEnfoqueEjemploNúmero de repuestas por edad3-5 años98 %8-10 años32 %13-15 años10 %25 años2 %la creatividades2010 Philippe Boukobza www.mind-mappers.blogspot.comNúmero de repuestas¿Qué podemos hacer con un clip para papel?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/1Dcxz05P_7-Steps-to-Creating-a-MindManager-Add-in.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "7 Steps to Creating a MindManager Add-inDownload registry fileStart Visual StudioAdd the MindManager Type Library ReferenceCreate the code for the Connect fileThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookBuild the ProjectInstall the Add-inFire up MindManagerFurther ResourcesAttachmentsPDF of this guideMindManager_Add-in_Visual_Studio_Set_Up.pdfRegistry file for installing registry keysVS_MindManager_Registry_Settings.zipComplete sample project in VS SolutionExampleMindManagerAddin.zipWebMMDevX.comOlympic Limited"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/e232968_Les_personnages_du_film_Promesses.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Promesses Les personnagesLes jumeauxJuifsquartier juif de Jérusalem-Ouestnon pratiquantgrand-père qui a fui la Pologne lors de la 2nde guerre mondialeShlomofils d'un rabinquartier juif de la vieille ville de Jérusalempratiquantétudie la Torah 12h par jourMoishefils de colons juifs extrémistescolonie de Beit-ElCisjordaniepratiquanta perdu un ami dans un attentatMahmoudArabequartier musulman Jérusalem-Estpratiquantsoutient le HamasFarajréfugié palestiniencamp de Deheisheterritoire palestiniennon pratiquantami tué par un soldat israélienSanabelfille de réfugiés palestinienscamp de Deheisheterritoire palestiniennon pratiquantpère journaliste; partisan du FPLP, en prison"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/VKsidAet_12-Universal-Laws.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "12 Universal LawsDivine Onenesseverything is connected to everything elseVibrationeverything movies, vibrates, and travels in circlesActionmust be employed to manifest things on earthCorrespondenceas above, so belowCause and Effectnothing happens by chanceCompensationyour deeds return as gifts, money, inheritance, friendships, or blessingsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAttractionwe create things, events, and people in our livesEnergy Transmutationwe have power to change our livesRelativitywe are given trials to strenghten the light within usPolarityeverything is on a continuum and has a oppositeRhythmeverything vibrates and moves to certain rhythmsGendermanifests in all things as masculine and feminine"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/SxTDhmLD_MindManager-Functionalities-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MindManager Functionalities MapFileHomeClipboardAdd TopicsObjectsMarkersTopic ElementsInsertAdd TopicsObjectsMarkersTopic ElementsBranchTaskTasksSchedulingSend Task ToDesignMap FormatObject FormatFontTemplatesThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAdvancedTopic DataEdit TopicsQueriesDatabasesAnalysisBrainstormMacrosReviewProofingCommentsTrackingChangesViewDocument ViewFilterDetailHelpProductHelp"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/wHfgmDlL_Group-Brainstorming-Steps.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Better Brainstorming1. Think IndividuallySilentlyPost it notes2. Compare in PairsOverlaps?Differences?Most important?3. Group FeedbackGather from each pairMost important first"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/u869137_Bonding.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Bonding (how atoms join together)Ionic (formed between a metal and a non-metal)formation of ionscharges of ionsdot and cross diagrams of ionic compounds e.g. NaClthe ionic bond, what is it?covalent (formed between non-metals)the covalent bond, what is it?dot and cross diagrams ofhydrogenchlorineammoniamethanewateroxygen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/t832761_Big_10_Conference_2010.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Big 10 Conference 2010Illinois Fighting IlliniIndiana HoosiersIowa HawkeyesMichigan WolverinesMichigan State SpartansMinnesota Golden GophersNorthwestern WildcatsOhio State BuckeyesPenn State Nittany LionsPurdue BoilermakersWisconsin Badgers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/p648648_BSc_Marine_Biology_Honours_Project_Dissertation.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Does functional composition of communities found in the habitat provided by Mytilus edulis depend on patch size?IntroductionPrevious WorkM. edulis as a habitatMussel biologyMussel habitat MechanicsPatch sizeSize classesPatch size classes? ()AreaPreferred (return to in future studies?)Patch size ()VolumePatch size ()Age dependantIsland BiogeographyTaxonomic diversityFunctional diversityBiological Traits analysisPotential factors affecting f. diversityFunctional trait analysisTypical organisms presentAimsDiscussionResearch organismsPatch sizePreferred (return to in future studies?) ()Volume ()ClassesDetermination?ConclusionReferencesAs I writeResultsDataIdentificationCharacteristic Functional Traits ()Species PresentPatch size classes?Size classes ()Area preferredPatch featuresCharacteristic Functional TraitsIdentification ()AnalysisBTAFunction vs species richnessFunction vs species diversityAnalyse particular functional GroupsIsland biogeographyAbstractMethodsField workEcological Functions & ModalitiesVariables"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ZTDVeVcq_Emotion.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Emotionphysiologische Reaktionenveränderung des Herzschlagsbeschleunigte Atmungmanifeste VerhaltensweisenGesichtsausdruckKörperhaltungTonfallThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookbewusstes Empfindensubjektive Erfahrung von TraurigkeitGlück"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/z56836_Rites_of_Passage_William_Golding.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Rites of PassageContextWilliam GoldingDates?Other publications?Common themes?Nobel Prize laureate?Late 20th centuryPost-modernism?Post-colonialism?War and nationhood?Early 19th centuryCusp of Enlightenment/Romanticism?Attitudes to foreign travel?Attitudes to class?The Navy?The Novel form?Attitudes to religion?CharacterisationNarrative form?Caricature?Dialogue?Men and women?Colley's narrativeWhy does Golding include it?Why does Talbot paste in into his journal?What light does it shed on events already related?Does it alter the novel's apparent purpose or genre?Key passages: add your own and subject each to close analysisPassing the equatorEncounter with ZenobiaConversations with SummersFilm versionSuccesses?Failures?Genre?Distinct reading of novel?Casting decisions?TrilogyHow does Talbot develop?Does the narrative focus shift?Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts?Different readingsHistorical novel?Meta-narrative?Tragedy?Social Satire?Comedy?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_pqTi36Ja.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "10 secrets pour être un bon orateur1. RechercheQui est votre auditoire?Quels sont vos \"points clés\"?Que voulez-vous que l'auditoire retienne?2. Préparer des notes claires1. Écrivez votre discours en entier2. Sélectionnez les parties principales3. Choisissez Mots Clés pour vous guider4. choisissez différentes couleurs pour vos points clés3. Entraînez-vous parfaitementavec un dictaphoneavec un chronomètredevant d'autres personnesavec votre matériels supportsPPlaser pointeurMind Map4. Visitez les lieux avantPlacez-vous exactement là où vous parlerezprenez conscience de l'EspaceFaites une vérification son5. Habillez-vous de façon à ressortir face à votre auditoirecouleurs contrastantesselon la couleur du rideau de fondJamais de noir en hautPantalon noir avec haut clair ou de couleurBienRobe avec ceinturetransmetteur du microThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook6. Respirez profondémentAvant de monter sur scène Prenez une minute de calme7. Pensez PositifImaginez vous un résultat parfaitement réussiPensez combien vous vous sentirez bien après8. Ne Vous Pressez PasParlez lentementPrenez le temps d'aller jusqu'au boutAnnotez un timing dans vos notes9. Montrez votre PassionCeci va capter l'attention de l'auditoirevoix dynamiqueplus forte à certains momentsplus basse à d'autres10. Soyez Vous-même & Amusez-vousD'aprés l'article: \"The Top Ten Secrets of Today's Most Successful Speakers\" d'Ali Brown"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ybbe1lze_Dealing-with-a-Difficult-SituationGary-Furlong.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "dealing with a Difficult Situation Gary FurlongThe Topic子主题Denial子主题Anger子主题Acceptance子主题The Resolution子主题"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/OEaeYZ61_Social-Media-Skill-Set-Requirements.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Social Media Skill Set RequirementsStrategic VisionaryCreate engaged social media presences and communitiesTurn your creative vision into a technical planUser Experience ResourceDesign for active participation and contribution of your audienceCreate a workflow that promotes interactionTechnical DevelopmentLightweight development to create landing pages and other technical elements on social platformsGraphic DesignCreate the visual elements that support social media platformsDesigner must understand the constraints and variables when designing for social mediaProject ManagementSocial media requires a strong project manager to bring all of the pieces together and keep the moving parts in motionProject manager must understand the social style of communicationThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookContent CreationIn-house content creation resource that understands the brand platform and voiceContent resource has a full grasp on all of the content resources in the organization and knows when to create and when to re-purposeMedia CreationVideo, audio and photo creation and editing to enhance your social media presenceAn in-house social media content creator to add new media to your social channels on an ongoing basisCopy and Content EditorEstablish and maintain the voice of your social media presenceSomeone who understands the tenor of the social web, and can write in an informal voiceA Content Wrangler who can help turn your thinkers into publishing Thought LeadersSocial Media MonitoringA human being who can read what turns up, source a response from somewhere in your organization and then engage with the social audienceDiplomacy to manage conflict or criticism with the kind of enthusiasm that engages your audience"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ivv6owWZ_M1-highway-Russia.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "M1 highway (Russia)about this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ M1_highway_(Russia)infoRussiapresidentVladimir Putinprime ministerMikhail MishustinThe Russian route M1 (also known as the Belarus Highway, road to Minsk) is a major trunk road that runs from Moscow through Smolensk before reaching the border with Belarus. The length is 440 kilometers (270 mi). The highway runs south of Odintsovo, Kubinka, Mozhaysk, Gagarin, north of Vyazma, through Safonovo and Yartsevo. After crossing the border with Belarus, the highway continues (as olimpijka) to Minsk, Brest, and Warsaw. The entire route is part of European route E30 and AH6.During the 1980 Summer Olympics, a 50-kilometer (31 mi) stretch between the 23-kilometer (14 mi) mark and the 73-kilometer (45 mi) mark was used for the road team time trial cycling event.[1]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WhwSku4y_Solutioning-Solution-Considerations-CATWOE-.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Solution Considerations - CATWOEC = CustomersWho is on the receiving end?What problem do they have now?How will they react to what you are proposing?Who are the winners and losers?A = ActorsWho are the actors who will 'do the doing', carrying out your solution?What is the impact on them?How might they react?T = Transformation processWhat is the process for transforming inputs into outputs?What are the inputs? Where do they come from?What are the outputs? Where do they go to?What are all the steps in between?This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookW = World ViewWhat is the bigger picture into which the situation fits?What is the real problem you are working on?What is the wider impact of any solution?O = OwnerWho is the real owner or owners of the process or situation you are changing?Can they help you or stop you?What would cause them to get in your way?What would lead them to help you?E = Environmental constraintsWhat are the broader constraints that act on the situation and your ideas?What are the ethical limits, the laws, financial constraints, limited resources? regulations, and so on?How might these constrain your solution? How can you get around them?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/V2XB31ax_Prozesslandkarte.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ProzesslandkarteInputMarktanalysePlanung von LDLEntwicklung von LDLBeratungThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookGeschäftsprozesseErbringung der LerndienstleistungMarketingÜberwachung LerntransferEvaluierungRessourcen- managementPersonal- managementVorbeuge und KorrekturmaßnahmenInputAuditierungGeschäftsprozesseÜbertreffen von AnforderungenSystementwicklung ()Systementwicklung ()SystementwicklungÜbertreffen von Anforderungen ()SystementwicklungÜbertreffen von Anforderungen ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/aifaiHuM_Eisenhower-Matrix.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Eisenhower-Matrix自由主题自由主题 ()自由主题自由主题 ()Aufgabenliste子主题子主题子主题"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/e252042_Angouleme_the_visual_art_city.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ANGOULEME, the visual art cityfeudal lords and abbots had mills8th-9th abbey ()Paper mills : (since 1516 on la Lizonne)since the 1400s in Limousinpaper made with rags100 paper mills in the 17th c.Saint-Cybard8th-9th abbeyfeudal lords and abbots had mills ()mills on la Charentefrom 1808-1812 Joubert+Laroche; 1833 Lacroix paper mills1845-1970 Bardou: created JOB,hundreds of authors, young talents, thousands of fans ()1870 exported to The Middle East--> le NIL1842-1966 breweriesfoundry; wire cloth factory; felt factoriessince 1974: International Comic strips festivalhttp://en.bdangouleme.com/http://www.bdangouleme.com/actualite-categorie/web%20tv/17http://www.rfi.fr/francefr/articles/097/article_61773.aspa 4-day festival in Januaryhundreds of authors, young talents, thousands of fans1845-1970 Bardou: created JOB, ()prestigious prizes : ALPH-art1988: Paper Museumarchitects: Reichen et Robertcigarette papers and posterscomics and images200 studios or schools1989 LYCEE de l'Image et du Son LISA2005 ENJMIN (European college for digital interactive games & media)ESI (European animation & computer graphics college)EMCA; EMCI (cinema school)....2002 maison des auteurs (for young talents)Murals; painted buses; street signs are balloons1989: Comic strip museum2009: new comic strip museum ()architects: Castro et Remond2009: new comic strip museum1989: Comic strip museum ()architect: Bodinin 19th c. warehouses7000 drawings115 000 booklets42 000 albumsJanuary 2008: opening of a site devoted to comics and picturessince 2008 Francophone Film festivalto promote French-speaking filmsFine art museumPoitou-Charentes cinemaregional fundinghelping producerssetting for filmsMagelis 1997animation studiosvideo game studiospostproduction studiosvideo competitionsartistic & technical aida promising \" image valley\"From paper-mills to image and cinemaModern Art museum (FRAC)Societe archeologique museum"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/h509hos2_Quarter-Onion-Plot-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TITLETITLE自由主题自由主题自由主题自由主题Tips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/o3XLQAJS_MindManager-Meeting-Jetpack-Overview.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MindManager Meeting Jetpack OverviewBrainstorming Meeting MapAbout this mapDecision Making Meeting MapAbout this mapFeedback Meeting MapAbout this mapInformational Meeting MapAbout this mapThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPre-Meeting Investigation MapAbout this mapProblem-Solving Meeting MapAbout this mapStand-Up Meeting MapAbout this mapWork Session Meeting MapAbout this map"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/zvU79D6J_Cyber-and-Information-Space-Command-Germany.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Cyber and Information Space Command (Germany)introThe Cyber and Information Space Command (German: Kommando Cyber- und Informationsraum) (Kdo CIR) is the youngest branch of Germany's military the Bundeswehr. The decision to form new a military branch was presented by Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen on 26 April 2016, with the command becoming operational on 1 April 2017. The command's headquarter is BonnActive2017–presentCountryFederal Republic of GermanyTypeElectronic WarfareSize13,500Garrison/HQBonnCommandersInspector of the Cyber and Information SpaceLieutenant General Ludwig LeinhosDeputy Inspector of the Cyber and Information Space and Chief of StaffBrigadier General Michael VetterHistoryIn November 2015 the German Ministry of Defense activated a Staff Group within the ministry tasked with developing plans for a reorganization of the Cyber, IT, military intelligence, geo-information, and operative communication units of the Bundeswehr.[3]On 26 April 2016 Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen presented the plans for the new military branch to the public and on 5 October 2016 the command's staff became operational as a department within the ministry of defense. On 1 April 2017 the command activated as the 6th branch of the Bundeswehr and will take command of all existing Cyber, IT, military intelligence, geo-information, and operative communication units. The Command is planned to be fully operational by 2021.OrganisationThe Kdo CIR is commanded by the Inspector of the Cyber and Information Space Command (Inspekteur des Kommando Cyber- und Informationsraum) (InspCIR), a three-star general position, based in Bonn.Inspector CIRDeputy-Inspector CIR and Chief of StaffCommand StaffOperations StaffPlanning StaffStrategic Reconnaissance Command, in Gelsdorf911th Electronic Warfare Battalion912th Electronic Warfare Battalion, mans the Oste-class SIGINT/ELINT and reconnaissance ships931st Electronic Warfare Battalion932nd Electronic Warfare Battalion, provides airborne troops for operations in enemy territoryBundeswehr Strategic Reconnaissance SchoolBundeswehr Operational Communications CenterCyber-Operations CenterElectronic Warfare Analysis CenterCentral Imaging Reconnaissance, operating the SAR-Lupe satellitesZU-StelleBwTAufkl.png Central Bundeswehr Investigation Authority for Technical ReconnaissanceBundeswehr Geographical Information Center, in EuskirchenInformation Technology Command, n BonnBundeswehr IT Operations CenterBundeswehr Information Technology School281st Information Technology Battalion282nd Information Technology Battalion292nd Information Technology Battalion293rd Information Technology Battalion381st Information Technology Battalion383rd Information Technology BattalionBundeswehr Cyber-Security Centerabout this mapby wojciech korsakall information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber_and_Information_Space_Command_(Germany)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/xql5xcfI_PNL-Les-3-positions-perceptuelles.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PNL - Les 3 positions perceptuellesPosition 1Situation telle que je la perçois de mon point de vue uniquement, sans tenir compte des autres. C'est une position associée par excellencePensez à une expérience passée où vous étiez conscient de ce que vous pensiez à ce moment là, sans tenir compte des autres ou de leur perceptionPosition 2Je considère l'expérience/situation du point de vue d'une autre personneComment se représente- t-elle cette situationC'est le point de vue de l'autre personneTelle qu'elle vit la situationce qu'elle perçoit de moide notre interactionIl s'agit d'une position dissociéeEmpathiePosition 3Point de vue en dehors du système formé par moi et l'autreQuel est le point de vue d'un observateur neutreDécouvrir l'impact positif sur le système d'interaction entre nous et l'autreCommentUtilisation 3 perspectives pour voir une même situationPosition 1 = SOI (je) Position 2 = L'autre (tu) Position 3 = ObservateurobjectifApprendre davantage de toute situation/expérience en recueillant l'info du plus grand nombre de points de vue possiblesConclusionCette capacité d'accéder aux 3 positions est indispensable pour agir avec sagesse et apprécier la complexité de nos relations interpersonnellesConsidérer l'objectif des 3 positionsd'autres personnes sont impliquéesFaire émerger pour raffiner, peaufiner l'objectif~50% des gens modifient leur objectif dans cette étapeThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookExempleExplique les ancrages spatiauxpose les positions \"Je\" \"Tu\" et \"Observateur \"En position \"JE\" reformule l'objectif \"je veux être un coach qui favorise le dialogue intérieur par objectifs précis\"En position \"TU\" fait reformuler l'objectif et demande ce qui vient \"En tant que client nous aimerions savoir plus concrètement en quoi ça consiste\"Retourne en \"JE\" pour voir qu'est-ce qui se passeEnsuite va en Observateur pour lui demander son avis \"prendre du temps pour rédiger sa pub du côté des clients\"retour en JE pour vérifier \"il faut que ma brochure soit extrêmement et simple et complèteComment précisémentje dois cogiteret si tu savaisRetour en TU \"Tu veux pour nous une brochure avec des points très spécifiques et simples... et avec des couleursen Observateur As-tu des choses à suggérerNon c'est une bonne première étapeLaisser le temps de laisser remonterCollecter des infos pour voir ce qui lui parle le plusen JE comte tenu de ces infos nouvelles reformule ton objectifcompte tenu de mon objectif de départ mon objectif maintenant concret est \"lire différente brochure afin d'en faire un qui remplisse la demande de mes clientsEn Observateur qu'est-ce qui se passe maintenantc'est bonen je : je veux cogiter maintenant ma brochure pour qu'à fin août elle soit prêteen Tu vérification Tu veux faire une brochure pour fin aoûtVérification en ObservateurOKen méta positionde ce point de vue tu regardes la personne qui te regarde qu'est-ce qui se passe.sensation alignéepasse par l'observateur pour aller en position JE"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/i397565_Themes_in_the_Odyssey.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Themes in the OdysseyXeniaVengeanceWomenThe loyal femaleThe dangerous femaleTravelAppearance and RealityDisguise and RecognitionIdentityPerseveranceLoyaltyDivine Intervention"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jlfBYJwS_Dipolantenne.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DipolantenneZweipolantennelateinisch di ‚zwei‘deutschen Physiker Heinrich Hertzoptimale Länge einer λ/2-Dipolantenne ist etwa die Hälfte der Wellenlänge λDipolantenne – Wikipediapage.webarchiveThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/wh9KKdF2_SERIENORIENTIERTE-PARALELLE-KOMMISSIONIERUNG.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Serienorientierte paralelle KommissionierungDurchführung:Eingehende Aufträge sammelnSammelentnahme der Artikel ()zu Serien zusammenfasseninnerhalb einer Serie einzelne Auftragspositionen für die Lagerzonen aufteilenSammelentnahme der ArtikelEingehende Aufträge sammeln ()nach Entnahme der Artikel diese auf die einzelnen Aufträge verteilenvorteileWegminimierungjeder Lagerplatz muss nur einmal je Serie und nicht je Kundenauftrag angefahren werdenThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebooknachteilerelativ lange Auftragsdurchlaufzeitenaufwendige VorbereitungEDV unumgänglichArbeitsaufwand für zweite Kommissionierstufe"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/RDMZoP61_TOP-9-Java-Security-Mistakes.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TOP 9 Java Security MistakesNot Restricting Access to Classes and VariablesDepending on InitializationNot Finalizing ClassesRelying on Package ScopeMinimize the Usage of Use Inner ClassesHard CodingAllow the Echoing Of Sensitive Data to the UINot Paying Attention to Class CloneabilityOverdoing of Serialization and DeserializationThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/WLbaADx7_F-Checklist-Tools-for-E-commerce-Website.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "F Checklist Tools for E-commerce WebsiteStorefront Site Building and HostingStorefront hosting (enhanced security)Full-store examplesEasy site creation, includes Help functionOnline browser store editorSupports multimedia linkImports/ Exports database filesHosts inventory & customer databasesEntire store and database backupDoes not require equipment or installationCatalog and BrowsingUnlimited number of items in catalogHot listProduct search engineMultiple tiers in catalogCatalog items have multiple attributesFeatured items for depts. and categoriesShopping Cart and Payment ProcessingOnline payment processingInternational-currency capableCalculate sales tax & shipping chargesAccepts all major credit cardsAccepts PayPal and eCheksSupports “Verified by Visa” programSupports “MasterCard Secure Code” prog.Supports SSLCross-sellingAdvertising ToolsAdvertiser reportsCreate a traceable advertiser linkTrack advertiser revenueSearch-engine registrationShopping-portal listingMailing list to customersCustomer newsletterCustomer Service AdministrationLive chat-room helpEmail order-verification to customerEmail order-verification to merchantMerchant help w/storeSite-Activity AdministrationOnline browser administrationVisitor-tracking reportsDetailed sales reportsInventory reportsExports to accounting systemsMember profilingMultiple-account passwordsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Ahzie24P_Greg-McKeown-s-Essentialism-Shows-You-How-to-Make-the-Most-of-Your-Time.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "About Greg McKeown's Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of LessAuthorAt a glanceLearning tools and tipsAmazonBooksBooks > Business & Money > Skills > Time ManagementBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Decision-Making & Problem SolvingBooks > Business & Money > Personal FinanceKindle eBooksBusiness & moneySelf-HelpPART I. ESSENCE. What is the core mind set of an Esssentialist?Chapter 1. The EssentialistChapter 2. CHOOSE: The Invincible Power of ChoiceChapter 3. DISCERN: The Unimportance of Practically EverythingChapter 4. TRDE-OFF: Which Problem Do I Want?PART II. EXPLORE How can we discern the trivial many from the vital few?Chapter 5. ESCAPE: The Perks of Being UnavailableChapter 6. LOOK: See What Really MattersChapter 7. PLAY: Embrace the Wisdom of Your Inner ChildChapter 8. SLEEP: Protect the AssetChapter 9. SELECT: The Power of Extreme CriteriaThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPART III. ELIMINATE How can we cut out the trivial many?Chapter 10. CLARIFY: One Decision That Makes a ThousandChapter 11. DARE: The Power of a Graceful \"No\"Chapter 12. UNCOMMIT. Win Big by Cutting Your LossesChapter 13. EDIT: The Invisible ArtChapter 14. LIMIT: The Freedom of Setting BoundariesPART IV. EXECUTE How can we make doing the vital few things almost effortless?Chapter 15. BUFFER: The Unfair AdvantageChapter 16. SUBTRACT: Bring Forth More by Removing ObstaclesChapter 17. PROGRESS: The Power of Small WinsChapter 18. FLOW: The Genius of RoutineChapter 19. FOCUS: What's Important Now?Chapter 20: BE: The Essentialist LifeAppendixLeadership EssentialsNotesAcknowledgementsIndexAbout Roger C. Parker"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/tzHcFmSI_Como-promover-su-empresa-en-Biggerplate.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Como promover su empresa en BiggerplateSuba su presentación en Mapa MentalServiciosExpertiseAcerca de nosotrosInformaciones de contactoComplete su perfil BiggerplateAcerca de ustedDirección de su sitio webDirección de BlogEnlaces de Redes SocialesLinkedinTwitterFacebookThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSuba Mapas Mentales de ConocimientosDemuestre su ExpertiseComparta ayuda gratuitaDirija a su Sitio WebPublicitarQuien puede publicitar ?Empresas de Mapas MentalesPYMESComunidad online activaLow-CostProceso simpleContacto: Liam@biggerplate.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/GKDHKf4W_Security-of-Systems.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Security of SystemsDiversityItems of similar rating but of different design and/or provenanceProvision against type weakness...in special circumstances, e.g. seismic eventsRedundancyMore items than simply to meet demandProvision for failuree.g. 3 pumps to do the duty of 250% redundancy2 Tablet PCs100% redundancyThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSegregationProvision of barriers between items that have joint service provisionProof against common mode failure& to uphold redundancy claimsSeparationProvision of different locations for items that have joint service provisionProof against common mode failure& to uphold redundancy claims"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/T90lAD6x_Special-Operations-Command-Spain.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Special Operations Command (Spain)about this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all informationhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spainhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Groups_(Spain)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Command_(Spain)introduction (Spain)Capital and largest cityMadrid40°26′N 3°42′WGovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchyMonarchFelipe VI (with Putin 2002)Prime MinisterPedro Sánchez (with Merkel 26 June 2018President of the SenatePilar LlopPresident of the Congress of DeputiesMeritxell BatetPresident of the Supreme CourtCarlos Lesmes SerranoAreaTotal505,990[6] km2195,360 sq miWater (%)1.04Spain is a secular parliamentary democracy and a parliamentary monarchy,[16] with King Felipe VI as head of state. It is a major developed country[17] and a high income country, with the world's fourteenth largest economy by nominal GDP and sixteenth largest by purchasing power parity. It is a member of the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), the Eurozone, the Council of Europe (CoE), the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI), the Union for the Mediterranean, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Schengen Area, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and many other international organisations. While not an official member, Spain has a \"Permanent Invitation\" to the G20 summits, participating in every summit, which makes Spain a de facto member of the group.[18]Special Operations Command(Spanish: Mando de Operaciones Especiales) is the command charged with overseeing the various Special Operations Groups (Grupos de Operaciones Especiales or GOE) of the Spanish Army.It is based in Alicante, Alférez Rojas Navarrete barracks.It was created in 1997, following other NATO armies organization. The Spanish Army had created in the 1980s six Special Operation Groups (Grupos de Operaciones Especiales, GOE) and also had a Special Operations group in the Spanish Legion, the Bandera de Operaciones Especiales de la Legión (BOEL).Subordinate operating units are Grupos de Operaciones Especiales Valencia III, Tercio del Ampurdán IV, and Bandera de Operaciones Especiales \"C. L. Maderal Oleaga\" XIX de la Legión.Organization2nd Special Operations Group \"Granada\" (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales \"Granada\" II)3rd Special Operations Group \"Valencia\" (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales \"Valencia\" III)4th Special Operations Group \"Tercio del Ampurdán\" (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales \"Tercio del Ampurdán\" IV)19th Special Operations Group \"Maderal Oleaga\" (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales \"Maderal Oleaga\" XIX)Special Operations Command Headquarters Group (Grupo del Cuartel General del Cuartel General de Operaciones Especiales)Special Operations Command Signals Company (Compañía de Transmisiones del Mando de Operaciones Especiales)Units in 1989The Special Operations Groups were Ranger type units that specialized in counter-insurgency and guerrilla warfare tactics.1st Special Operations Group \"Ordenes Militares\"2nd Special Operations Group \"Santa Fé\"3rd Special Operations Group \"Valencia\"4th Special Operations Group \"Almogávares\"5th Special Operations Group \"San Marcial\"6th Special Operations Group \"La Victoria\"7th Special Operations Company8th Special Operations Company9th Special Operations Company"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/rI7yMQFL_Google-ZeitGeist-2011-Top-10-Fastest-Rising-Global-Queries-in-2011.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Google ZeitGeist 2011#1 Rebecca BlackFriday167 Million views on YouTube ()167 Million views on YouTubeFriday ()#2 Google +Launched June 2011User base of more than 10 million people.#3 Ryan DunnLost his life in a car accident on June 20, 2011 at the age of 34.The volume of searches for Ryan Dunn grew >10,000% in 2011.#4 Casey AnthonyCharged with First-Degree MurderNot Guilty - July 5, 2011#5 Battlefield 3Video GameSold 5 Million Copies in First WeekThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook#6 iPhone 5Searches for the nonexistent iPhone 5 outnumbered those for the actually released iPhone 4s.iPhone 4s#7 Adele#1 on the UK Albums Chart for 16 consecutive weeks.Album “21” sold 208,000 copies in the UK in its first week.#8 (TEPCO) Fukushima I PlantAfter the 2011 earthquake in Japan#9 Steve JobsLost a hard-fought battle with cancer at the age of 56.#10 iPad2500,000 sold on their debut weekend.2012 Candidate?Idea MappingIdea Mapping Blog"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/JJlcTeom_The-Mindjet-Videos-Map-Maximizing-Collaborative-Work-Management.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Mindjet Videos Map: Maximizing Collaborative Work Management\"Get Connected Week\" (March 20-22, 2012): Day 1 VideosFrom Vision to Action: Introducing Mindjet Connect (Video)About Presenter: Laura ConrardyA Better Way to Brainstorm (Role Play Video)About Presenter: John BarberBusiness Planning (Role Play Video)About Presenter: Laura ConrardyDon't Drown in Data: Get on top of information overload in 2012 (Video)About Presenter: John Barber\"Get Connected Week\" (March 20-22, 2012): Day 2 VideosWorking Together: Introducing MindManager 2012 and Mindjet Connect (Video)About Presenter: Greg LynchMeeting Management (Role Play Video)About Presenter: John BarberCollaboration in a Digital Agency: Learn how Zeta Improves Efficiency with Mindjet Connect (Video)About Presenter: Henry Waterfall-AllenEffective Account Planning (Video)About Presenter: Greg Lynch\"Get Connected Week\" (March 20-22, 2012): Day 3 VideosCollaborating Behind the Firewall: Introducing Mindjet Connect SP (Video)About Presenter: Laura ConrardyProblem Solving (Role Play Video)About Presenter: Greg LynchMindjet for Projects: Ensuring Success From Planning to Action (Video)About Presenter: John BarberQ&A Session: With Kelly Miller, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Mindjet (Video)About Presenter: Kelly MillerThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Zw67gLfI_Human-resource-Job-advertisement.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Problem SolvingProblem DefinitionDefine the problemRepeat if the problem is very complex and consists of multiple problemsVerify your understanding of the problem with your peersPrioritize the problemsBrainstorm Potential CausesUse MindManager's Brainstorming featureBrainstorm Potential SolutionsUse MindManager's Brainstorming featureSelect an ApproachPrioritize the approaches with map markersSort or filter to help you select your approachPlan Next StepsDevelop your planTargetsBudgetScheduleStepsResourcesTrainingMeasurementTasks / Next StepsKey MilestonesImplement the PlanMonitor your plan with MindManager's task management capabilitiesMonitor and Report ResultsShort-termRegular reportsProgress meetingsCorrective actionsLong-termProcess ControlThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Oth1eJYY_Grandmont-Rousset.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Roussetfoundationby Faydit de Vaulry; in the lordship of Rochechouart-Mortemart ()diocese: Limoges, FranceVaulry (87)ways to the West, North West St-Junien, Montmorillon1224 (before that hermits?)expansion 1220-1310by donations, achatsby Faydit de Vaulry; in the lordship of Rochechouart-Mortemartfoundation ()1295: 5 priests1317, a domain of Grandmont1428: emphyteotic lease250 ha; forest: 150 ha; 17th c.. farm lease 660 pounds/year; 1791: sold 22 400 poundsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSource: Martine Larigauderie Beijeaud, Grandmont, de l’ermitage à la seigneurie ecclésiastique, 12e-18e siècles, thèse de doctorat de l’université de Poitiers, dirigée par J. Péret, Poitiers, 2004.resources: rye, wheat, oats, buckwheat, wine, wax, hemp, tithes, rents, obituary rents, breeding, fruit, statute labourponds; corn, oil millsvestigesstonesmap: http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_127.html http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_109.html"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_CIl5ThNz.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "QualitätsvergleichstückkaufWare ist einmaligz.B. Sonderanfertigunggenaue Beschreibung der Ware nötiggenaue Qualitäts und GütebezeichnungenGattungskaufWare ist nach Art und Qualität mehrfach vorhandenz.B. WaschpulverQualitätsstandards sind bekanntThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookkauf auf probeRückgaberecht innerhalb einer Fristz.B. Umtausch im EinzelhandelAchtung: Der Kunde hat ohne Absprache kein generelles Umtausch- oder Rücktrittsrecht!\"Bei Nichtgefallen - Geld zurück\" ist Kulanz, kein Rechtsanspruch!Besondere Regelungen bei Haustürgeschäften!kauf zur probekleine Menge der Ware als MusterHauptbestellung erst nach MusterprüfungNeuer Zweig"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BuWHdv6V_Counties-of-Ireland.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Counties of Irelandabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counties_of_IrelandUlsterAntrimArmaghCavanDonegalDownFermanaghLondonderry[MonaghanTyroneMunsterClareCorkKerryLimerickTipperaryWaterfordLeinsterCarlowDublinDún Laoghaire–RathdownFingalSouth DublinKildareKilkennyLaoisLongfordLouthLouthMeathOffalyWestmeathWexfordWicklowConnachtGalwayLeitrimMayoRoscommonSligo"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jKZEHkMI_Intelligence-Advanced-Research-Projects-Activity.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activityabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_Advanced_Research_Projects_ActivityintroductionThe Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is an organization within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence responsible for leading research to overcome difficult challenges relevant to the United States Intelligence Community.[1] IARPA characterizes its mission as follows: \"To envision and lead high-risk, high-payoff research that delivers innovative technology for future overwhelming intelligence advantage.\"IARPA funds academic and industry research across a broad range of technical areas, including mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, neuroscience, linguistics, political science, and cognitive psychology. Most IARPA research is unclassified and openly published. IARPA transfers successful research results and technologies to other government agencies. Notable IARPA investments include quantum computing,[2] superconducting computing, machine learning, and forecasting tournaments.infoFormed 2006JurisdictionUnited States GovernmentHeadquartersIntelligence Community Compound BethesdaAgency executiveCatherine Marsh, Ph.D., DirectorParent agencyOffice of the Director of National IntelligenceWebsite IARPA.govMissionIARPA characterizes its mission as follows:To envision and lead high-risk, high-payoff research that delivers innovative technology for future overwhelming intelligence advantage.HistoryIn 1958, the first Advanced Research Projects Agency, or ARPA, was created in response to an unanticipated surprise—the Soviet Union's successful launch of Sputnik on October 4, 1957. The ARPA model was designed to anticipate and pre-empt technological surprise. As then-Secretary of Defense Neil McElroy said, \"I want an agency that makes sure no important thing remains undone because it doesn’t fit somebody's mission.\" The ARPA model has been characterized by ambitious technical goals, competitively awarded research led by term-limited staff, and independent testing and evaluation.Authorized by the ODNI in 2006, IARPA was modeled after DARPA but focused on national intelligence needs, rather than military needs. The agency was a consolidation of the National Security Agency's Disruptive Technology Office, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's National Technology Alliance, and the Central Intelligence Agency's Intelligence Technology Innovation Center.[3] IARPA operations began on October 1, 2007 with Lisa Porter as founding Director. Its headquarters, a new building in M Square, the University of Maryland's research park in Riverdale Park, Maryland, was dedicated in April 2009.[4]IARPA's quantum computing research was named Science magazine's Breakthrough of the Year in 2010.[5][6] In 2015, IARPA was named to lead foundational research and development in the National Strategic Computing Initiative.[7] IARPA is also a part of other White House science and technology efforts, including the U.S. BRAIN Initiative, and the Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge for Future Computing.[8][9] In 2013, New York Times op-ed columnist David Brooks called IARPA \"one of the government's most creative agencies.\"[10]ApproachIARPA invests in multi-year research programs, in which academic and industry teams compete to solve a well-defined set of technical problems, regularly scored on a shared set of metrics and milestones. Each program is led by an IARPA Program Manager (PM) who is a term-limited Government employee. IARPA programs are meant to enable researchers to pursue ideas that are potentially disruptive to the status quo.Most IARPA research is unclassified and openly published.[11] Former director Jason Matheny has stated the agency's goals of openness and external engagement to draw in expertise from academia and industry, or even individuals who \"might be working in their basement on some data-science project and might have an idea for how to solve an important problem\".[12] IARPA transfers successful research results and technologies to other government agencies.Research fieldsIARPA is known for its programs to fund research into anticipatory intelligence, using data science to make predictions about future events ranging from political elections to disease outbreaks to cyberattacks, some of which focus on open-source intelligence.[13][14][15] IARPA has pursued these objectives not only through traditional funding programs but also through tournaments[13][14] and prizes.[12] c is an example of one such program.[12][14] Other projects involve analysis of images or video that lacks metadata by directly analyzing the media's content itself. Examples given by IARPA include determining the location of an image by analyzing features such as placement of trees or a mountain skyline, or determining whether a video is of a baseball game or a traffic jam.[12] Another program focuses on developing speech recognition tools that can transcribe arbitrary languages.[16]IARPA is also involved in high-performance computing and alternative computing methods. In 2015, IARPA was named as one of two foundational research and development agencies in the National Strategic Computing Initiative, with the specific charge of \"future computing paradigms offering an alternative to standard semiconductor computing technologies\".[7] One such approach is cryogenic superconducting computing, which seeks to use superconductors such as niobium rather than semiconductors to reduce the energy consumption of future exascale supercomputers.[12][16]Several programs at IARPA focus on quantum computing[2] and neuroscience.[17] IARPA is a major funder of quantum computing research due to its applications in quantum cryptography. As of 2009, IARPA was said to provide a large portion of quantum computing funding resources in the United States.[18] Quantum computing research funded by IARPA was named Science Magazine's Breakthrough of the Year in 2010,[5][6] and physicist David Wineland was a winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics for quantum computing research funded by IARPA.[12] IARPA is also involved in neuromorphic computation efforts as part of the U.S. BRAIN Initiative and the National Nanotechnology Initiative's Grand Challenge for Future Computing. IARPA's MICrONS project seeks to reverse engineer one cubic millimeter of brain tissue and use insights from its study to improve machine learning and artificial intelligence.[8][9]Past researchAggregative Contingent Estimation (ACE) Program aimed \"to dramatically enhance the accuracy, precision, and timeliness of intelligence forecasts for a broad range of event types, through the development of advanced techniques that elicit, weight, and combine the judgments of many intelligence analysts.\"[19]ATHENA Program was a research program about cybersecurity.[20] It aimed \"to provide an early warning system for detecting precursors to cyberattacks\".[21]Babel Program developed \"agile and robust speech recognition technology that can be rapidly applied to any human language in order to provide effective search capability for analysts to efficiently process massive amounts of real-world recorded speech\".[22] The program tries to develop a software that can transcribe and search among all the languages.[23][24]Biometrics Exploitation Science & Technology (BEST) Program focused on \"significantly advance the state-of-the-science for biometrics technologies\".[25] It was to discover techniques on utilising biometric from a subject in a less controlled environment which could produce a similar result to that in a controlled environment.[26]Synthetic Holographic Observation (SHO) Program's stated goal was \"to enable full-parallax, full-color, high-resolution display of dynamic 3D data without head-gear, and possessing visually continuous perspectives without artifacts over wide viewing angles.\"[27]Current researchCreation of Operationally Realistic 3-D Environments (CORE3D) aims to \"develop rapid automated systems for 3-D models which are designed with complex physical properties and automated methods that will pull commercial, satellite, and airborne imagery.\"[28]Crowdsourcing Evidence, Argumentation, Thinking and Evaluation (CREATE) Program is about \"to develop, and experimentally test, systems that use crowdsourcing and structured analytic techniques to improve analytic reasoning\".[29] It hopes to improve the intelligence community's ability on better understanding evidence and sources in order to produce accurate information.[30][31]Deep Intermodal Video Analytics (DIVA) aims to \"advance state-of-the-art artificial visual perception, and automate video monitoring.\"[32]Functional Genomic and Computational Assessment of Threats (Fun GCAT) aims to \"develop next-generation biological data tools to improve DNA sequence screening, augment biodefense capabilities through the characterization of threats, and advance our understanding of the relative risks posed by unknown sequences.\"[33]Hybrid Forecasting Competition (HFC) aims to \"aims to improve accuracy in predicting worldwide geopolitical issues, including foreign political elections, interstate conflict, disease outbreaks, and economic indicators by leveraging the relative strengths of humans and machines.\"[34]Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language (MATERIAL) aims to \"develop and deploy fully automatic systems that will allow English-only speakers to accurately and efficiently identify foreign language documents of interest.\"[35]Molecular Analyzer for Efficient Gas-phase Low-power Interrogation (MAEGLIN) aims to \"develop a compact system capable of unattended environmental sampling and chemical identification with minimal (preferably no) consumables.\"[36]Multimodal Objective Sensing to Assess Individuals with Context (MOSAIC) Program aims to develop \"unobtrusive, passive, and persistent measurement to predict an individual’s job performance\".[37] It designs and tests sensors which can collect data about monitoring employees' work performance.[38][39][40]Rapid Analysis of Various Emerging Nano-electronics (RAVEN) aims to \"develop tools to rapidly image current and future integrated circuit chips.\"[41]DirectorsSteven Nixon (acting, 2007)[42]Tim Murphy (acting, 2007–2008)[42][43]Lisa Porter (2008–2012)[43]Peter Highnam (2012–2015)[44]Jason Matheny (2015–2018)[45]Stacey Dixon (2018–2019)[46]Catherine Marsh (2019–present)[47]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/n586377_Fault_Tree_Analysis_Diagram.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Potential HazardCause 1Sub-Cause 1Hardware Defect 1Hardware Defect 2Software Defect 1Software Defect 2Hardware Defect 3Software Defect 3Software Defect 4Cause 2LegendOR gateAND gateTransfer gateundeveloped eventbasic eventhighlighted textsoftware basic eventTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/djkXa05E_The-Pareto-Principle.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Pareto Principle()The Secret to Success by Achieving More with LessAppleJonathan IveYou know good design when you use it.iOS 7 is a pure representation of simplicity.Simplicity is actually quite complicated.One common adage in the IT industry is that 80 percent of all end users generally use only 20 percent of a software application's features. ()MicrosoftSteve BallmerOne common adage in the IT industry is that 80 percent of all end users generally use only 20 percent of a software application's features.Simplicity is actually quite complicated. ()Microsoft has learned that 80 percent of the errors and crashes in Windows and Office are caused by 20 percent of the entire pool of bugs detected, and that more than 50 percent of the headaches derive from a mere 1 percent of all flawed code.Other Examples20% of the criminals commit 80% of crimes20% of drivers cause 80% of crashes20% of products generate 80% of revenue20% of employees generate 80% of profitThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookOriginal Pareto DistributionWealth and Incomelog N = log A + m log xAnnotationThe term 80–20 is only a shorthand for the general principle at work. In individual cases, the distribution could just as well be, say, 80–10 or 80–30. There is no need for the two numbers to add up 100, as they are measures of different things e.g. 'number of customers' vs 'amount spent'Vilfredo ParetoHe was also the first to discover that income follows a Pareto distribution, which is a power law probability distribution. The Pareto principle was named after him and built on observations of his such as that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population.Engineer, Sociologist, Economist, Political Scientist, Philosopher1848-1923Italian"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/SKbBroli_Facilitator-Workspace.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Facilitator WorkspaceClient DetailsOrganizationContactsClient MaterialsAnnual ReportProject PlansContractingClient RequirementsRequirements SummaryDesign Of eventsContractingA. Before the FacilitationB. During the FacilitationC. Post FacilitationFacilitation EngagementPlanCo-Plan with the ClientDesign the Group ExperienceFacilitateFacilitator focusGroup ExperienceReflectDocumentExternal ResourcesSystem InformationSector InformationLegislative InformationReference MaterialsIAF CompetenciesIAF Code of EthicsToP Focused Conversation"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/2Aqe4XNX_Problem-SolvingTemplate.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Problem Solving TemplateDefine the ProblemWhat happens/happened?Why is it a problem?Where do you see it?Impacts who?Impacts how?Possible CausesHypothesis 1EvidenceLikelihoodConnects to...Hypothesis 2EvidenceLikelihoodConnects to...Hypothesis 3EvidenceLikelihoodConnects to...Possible SolutionsSolution 1ProsConsSolution 2ProsConsSolution 3ProsConsActionsStopStartDo MoreDo LessMaintain"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BtNe48m4_10-Things-to-Express-Thought-Leadership-Today.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "10 Things to Express Thought Leadership TodayAsk a QuestionDo a tweetpoll surveySend an email to your close colleagues or customersAdd a question on your blogAsk a thought-provoking question on LinkedInTweet an IdeaTweet a fun fact or something usefulShare a great link from Google ReaderRe-Tweet an insight from a fellow thought leaderMind Map ItMap out your ideas for a particular solutionPublish the map on your websiteThinkTake a drive and work something outGo for a walkChange your environment - take a notebook withMind Your ToneSpeak the language of your audienceMake them think!Be positive, helpful and forward-thinkingThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSchedule a WebinarGo for a few weeks outEmail your prospect & customer databasePick a timely topic from your industryAnswer a Question on LinkedInBe useful!Answer in depth and w/out self promotionBlog SomethingTalk about a new project/client/industry issueLink to other industry thought leadersInterview a customer - make them famous!Post Slides on Slideshare or Documents on ScribdHow about the slides from your webinar?What about that keynote your CEO did?Publish your library of thought leadership documentsComment on Another BlogSomeone from the RSS feeds you followAdd something to the conversation, don't just write nonsense to see your words on the screen"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/uW2anLcr_JAPAN-prefectures-by-region.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "JAPAN prefectures by regionabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrative_divisions_of_JapanChūbuAichiFukuiGifuIshikawaNaganoNiigataShizuokaToyamaYamanashiChūgokuHiroshimaOkayamaShimaneTottoriYamaguchiHokkaidoHokkaidōKansaiHyōgoKyōtoMieNaraŌsakaShigaWakayamaKantōChibaGunmaIbarakiKanagawaSaitamaTochigiTōkyōKyushuFukuokaKagoshimaKumamotoMiyazakiNagasakiŌitaOkinawaSagaShikokuEhimeKagawaKōchiTokushimaTōhokuAkitaAomoriFukushimaIwateMiyagiYamagata"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ucNfidca_TPAssist-My-Life-Template-for-organising-what-s-important-2-of-8.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SpiritualityMy Spirituality... details ...This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookJOURNALNOTESTASK SUMMARY"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/2Cx8AZMn_Get-StartedIn-3-Minutes.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Get Started In 3 Minutes!What is a Mind Map?Click the \"+\" to see more. ()A mind map shows related concepts visually, in a branching outline structure made up of topics.What are Topics?Topics make up the content in a map. The types of topics in a map are shown in the diagram below.A: Central topic, B: Sub-topics, C: Callout topic, D: Floating topicHow do I Add New Topics?Add a New TopicPress Enter, then start typing.Add a Sub-TopicClick a topic, then press Insert.Add a Floating TopicClick an empty spot on the map then start typing.Add a Callout TopicSelect a sub-topic and press Control + Shift + EnterHow do I Organize Topics?Move TopicsDrag & drop to move topics.Connect & Reorder TopicsThe red connection guide shows possible topic connections and relationships while you are actively dragging a topic.How do I Add Images and Documents?Drag & drop content from your computer into the map or right-click a topic and select \"Image\" or \"Add Attachment\"How can I Collaborate and Share?Share via Mindjet’s online servicesClick \"Share\" in the \"Tools\" section of the “Home” tab to share and collaborate with colleagues in real time.Share via ExportClick \"File\" and then \"Export\" and select one of the options to share your mind map with others who don't have MindManager.Manage Tasks, Progress, and ResourcesClick \"Task Info\" in the \"Tasks\" section of the \"Home\" tab to assign owners, set start and end dates, and more.Also in the \"Tasks\" section are shortcuts to set priority, update progress, and manage resources.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookClick the \"+\" to see more.What is a Mind Map? ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/pzjRHPMC_BBEX-marketing.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BBEX marketingoffer servicesSEOPPC managementLink buildingSocial media marketingMobile websitesSales boosting servicesWeb design south floridaContact US :Phn: (888) 747-2239Fax: (561) 961-5191AdvantagesDesigned to perfectionAffordableGoogle friendlyOn-timeAny kind of siteSuper supportThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/L99Ivx7n_25-Things-You-Need-to-Stop-Wasting-Time-On.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "25 Things You Need to Stop Wasting Time On by MARC CHERNOFFDistractions that keep you from special moments with special peoplePay attention to the little things, because when you really miss someone you miss the little things the most, like just laughing together. Go for long walks. Indulge in great conversations. Count your mutual blessings. Let go for a little while and just BE together.Compulsive busynessSchedule time every day to not be busy. Have dedicated downtime - clear points in the day to reflect, rest, and recharge. Don’t fool yourself; you’re not so busy that you can’t afford a few minutes of sanity.Negative thinking about your current situationLife is like a mirror; we get the best results when we smile. So talk about your blessings more than you talk about your problems. Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re failing. Every great success requires some type of worthy struggle to get there.The needless drama around youBe wise enough to walk away from the nonsense around you. Focus on the positives, and soon the negatives will be harder to see.The desire for everything you don’t haveNo, you won’t always get exactly what you want, but remember this: There are lots of people who will never have what you have right now. The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for. Happiness never comes to those who don’t appreciate what they already have.Comparing yourself to everyone elseSocial comparison is the thief of happiness. You could spend a lifetime worrying about what others have, but it wouldn’t get you anything.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookEvery point in time other than right nowDon’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress too much about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Do your best to live NOW and make this moment worth living.Regrets of any kindYou don’t have to be defined by the things you once did or didn’t do. Don’t let yourself be controlled by regret. Maybe there’s something you could have done differently, or maybe not. Either way, it’s merely something that has already happened. Leave the unchangeable past behind you as you give yourself to the present moment.Any hateful thoughts at allSet an example. Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because you are. Make kindness a daily ritual; it’s what makes life happier and more fulfilling in the long run.ResentmentKindness is not to be mistaken for weakness, nor forgiveness for acceptance. It’s about knowing that resentment is not on the path to happiness. Remember, you don’t forgive people because you’re weak. You forgive them because you’re strong enough to know that people make mistakes.Other people’s mistakes and oversightsToday, be tolerant of people’s mistakes and oversights. Sometimes good people make bad choices. It doesn’t mean they’re bad; it simply means they are human.Thinking about who you were or what you had in the pastYou’re not the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. You’re always growing. Experiences don’t stop. That’s life.Worrying about the mistakes you’ve madeIt’s OK if you mess up; that’s how you get wiser. Give yourself a break. Don’t give up. Great things take time, and you’re getting there. Let your mistakes be your motivation, not your excuses. Decide right now that negative experiences from your past won’t predict your future.Close-minded judgmentsOpen your mind before you open your mouth. Don’t hate what you don’t know. The mind is like a parachute; it doesn’t work when it’s closed.Band-Aids and temporary fixesYou can’t change what you refuse to confront. You can’t find peace by avoiding things. Deal with problems directly before they deal with your happiness. (Angel and I discuss this in detail in the “Adversity” chapter of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently .Worrying about what everyone thinks and says about youDon’t take things too personally, even if it seems personal. Rarely do people do things because of you; they do things because of them You honestly can’t change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react and who you choose to be around.Self-deceptionYour life will improve only when you take small chances. And the first and most difficult chance you can take is to be honest with yourself.Thinking the perfect time will comeYou can’t always wait for the perfect moment. Sometimes you must dare to do it because life is too short to wonder what could have been.People who continuously dump on your dreamsIt’s better to be lonely than allow negative people and their opinions derail you from your destiny. Don’t let others crush your dreams. Do just once what they say you can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their negativity again.Doubting and second-guessing yourselfWhen in doubt just take the next small step. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.A life path that doesn’t feel rightLife is to be enjoyed, not endured. When you truly believe in what you’re doing, it shows, and it pays. Success in life is for those who are excited about where they are going. It’s about walking comfortably in your own shoes, in the direction of YOUR dreams.Everyone else’s definition of success and happinessYou simply can’t base your idea of success and happiness on other people’s opinions and expectations.All the fears holding you backFear is a feeling, not a fact. The best way to gain strength and self-confidence is to do what you’re afraid to do. Dare to change and grow. In the end, there is only one thing that makes a dream completely impossible to achieve: Lack of action based on the fear of failure.Trying to impress everyoneOne of the most freeing things we learn in life is that we don’t have to like everyone, everyone doesn’t have to like us, and that’s perfectly OK. No matter how you live, someone will be disappointed. So just live your truth and be sure YOU aren’t the one who is disappointed in the end.Those who insist on using and manipulating youWhat you allow is what will continue. Give as much as you can, but don’t allow yourself to be used. Listen to others closely, but don’t lose your own voice in the process.25 Things You Need to Stop Wasting Time On.docx自由主题“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.” ―Benjamin Franklin"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/gH4StOI4_Pre-Meeting-Investigation-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pre-Meeting InvestigationWhat decision needs to be made?Who owns the decision that needs to be made?Who is critical in making the decision or creating the Action Plan?Who has a stake in the decision, but not critical in making the decision?Make your decisionOutline it in an agendaShare it with the Critical Contributors along with the invitationAll Critical Contributors must review the information before the meeting, or please do not comeTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/F1jdfqyZ_EFFECTIVE-MEETING.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "EFFECTIVE MEETINGPersiapan MeetingTentukan Tujuan MeetingTujuan jangka pendekTujuan jangka panjangSusun AgendaTentukan topik-topik yang akan dibahasUrutkan topik-topik tersebut berdasarkan skala prioritasBila perlu, bisa menambahkan sub topikSesuaikan antara jumlah topik dengan alokasi waktuTentukan person yang akan diundangPastikan person yang diundang memiliki kompetensi dan berkaitan dengan topik yang akan dibahasBila perlu, pertiimbangkan untuk melibatkan top manajemenTambahkan beberapa ketentuan tentang meeting yang perlu ditaatiHarap datang tepat waktuHarap fokus pada agendaHormati perbedaan pendapatHarap mempersiapkan bahan yang diperlukan sebelum meeting dimulaiSebarkan Agenda Meeting ke semua peserta dengan jangka waktu yang mencukupi sebelum meeting dimulai, misalnya seminggu sebelumnyaPelaksanaan MeetingMulai dengan pernyataan pembukaan yang berisi :Tujuan MeetingPersetujuan mengenai agenda, bila ada masukan dari peserta bisa disesuaikanPembahasan topik-topik sesuai agendaHasilTugastentukan PICtentukan target pelaksanaanKesepakatan bersamaMetodediskusibrainstorminganalisa untung rugianalisa potensi hambatan dan peluangvotingkeputusan manajemenPembahasan harus fokusBila ada pembahasan di luar topik namun cukup penting, masukkan di dalam catatan khusus, dan akan dibahas di meeting yang lainPenarikan kesimpulanpenegasan mengenai tugas dan kesepakatanpenjadwalan rencana evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan hasil meetingTindak Lanjut MeetingSusun NotulenSebarkan Notulen ke semua pesertaThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPerlengkapan MeetingProjectorDaftar hadirPointerPapan tulisSpidolLaptop/komputer"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/2oSxSChP_Veranschaulichung.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "VeranschaulichungvertrautesTätigkeitenKulturkreisDingetägl. LebeneinfachThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWie?an Zuhörer denkenEinzelheiten im Umfeldbildliche Ausdrückezum Stoff passenZuhörern anpassenPrivatleben"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/rMX4Amms_Kali-Linux-Eigenschaften.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Kali Linux EigenschaftenKali Linux ist eine fortschrittliche Penetration Testing und SecurityKali ist eine komplette Erneuerung von BackTrack Linux und angelehnt an Debian Entwicklungsstandards.Kostenlos und immer verfügbarWireless Geräte SupportAngepasster Kernel für InjectionThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFHS kompliantMehr als 300 Penetration Test ToolsARMEL und ARMHF Unterstützungaktuell verfügbar für die nachfolgenden ARM Geräte:rk3306 mk/ss808Raspberry PiODROID U2/X2Samsung ChromebookEfikaMXBeaglebone BlackCuBoxGalaxy Note 10.1"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/lHq5SJkC_Continuous-Improvement-Leadership-Training.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Continuous Improvement Leadership TrainingTarget group(Senior) Vice PresidentsManaging DirectorsManagement TeamsTraining Objectivedeveloping Lean Leadership Skillsattitudebehaviourcontinuous improvementContextRelated initiativesBooster ProgramSafety InitiativeMust Win BattlesThis trainingBusiness QuestionsCustomer satisfactionSafetyQualityCostDeliveryMethods to seeTools to solveThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookConceptPurpose, Process, PeopleWhatKnowSkillsKey PointsRoutinesLeading PrinciplesOpportunity for improvementTaguchi CurveGoal PostingHidden FactoryProgramResultIndividual Deployment Plan"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qdycxtrQ_Fault-Tree-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Curing temperature too lowORtemperature control brokenORCalibration not performedDetermine calibration dataAutomatic warning in case of missing calibrationDetermining the calibration checkDefine intervalsSensor faultyORTo Do: Sensor replacementTo Do: Sensor RepairIncorrect configurationCreate Checklist ConfigurationDefine inspection intervalsBackup configurationDocument import procedure for backupAndMissing functionLack of KnowledgeTrainingINFO"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Fx0c2uwi_QATAR-MUNICIPALITIES.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "QATAR MUNICIPALITIESMadinat ash ShamalAbu Dhalouf ZubarahAin Sinan Madinat Al Kaaban FuwayritAl Shamal City Ar Ru'aysAl KhorSimaisma Al Jeryan Al Khor CityAl Thakhira Ras Laffan Umm BirkaAl GhuwariyahUmm SalalBu FasseelaIzghawaAl KharaitiyatUmm Salal AliUmm Salal MohammedAl DaayenAl RayyanAl Gharrafa Gharrafat Al Rayyan Izghawa Bani Hajer Al Seej Rawdat Egdaim Al ThemaidAl Luqta Lebday Old Al Rayyan Al Shagub Fereej Al ZaeemNew Al Rayyan Al Wajbah MuaitherFereej Al Amir Luaib Muraikh Baaya Mehairja Fereej Al SoudanFereej Al Soudan Al Waab Al Aziziya New Fereej Al Ghanim Fereej Al Murra Fereej Al Manaseer Bu Sidra Muaither Al Sailiya Al MearadFereej Al Asiri New Fereej Al Khulaifat Bu Samra Al Mamoura Abu Hamour Mesaimeer Ain KhaledAl UtouriyaAl JemailiyaAl-ShahaniyaMebaireekRawdat RashedAl KaraanaUmm BabAl NasraniyaDukhanAbu SamraSawda NatheelAd Dawhah (Doha)Al WakrahAl WakrahAl Thumama Al Wukair Al MashafMesaieedMesaieed Industrial AreaShagraAl KharraraKhawr al Udaydmap byWojciech Korsakall informationen.wikipedia.org"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/o627881_Option_Settings_and_other_Configuration_Recommendations.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Cabre's Recommended Set Up for MindManager 6 or 7 or 8 or 9MM6 - Tools > Options MM7/8 - MindManager Button > Options MM9 - File > OptionsSaveBackup CopySo you have a \"last version\"Auto Recoverand set time to 5 minutesTo minimise loss of dataRe-Open last workspaceOpen document on Start Up ()When you start MM it will open all the maps you previously had open.Its entered automatically into map properties for each map created.At night don't close all the maps you are working on. Close MindManager and it will prompt you to save any unsaved maps.User InformationFill it inGeneralRecently Used FilesIncrease this to 15Open document on Start UpRe-Open last workspace ()And create a desktop map which:Links to your favourite web sites, documents, folders, Outlook contacts and mapsHas your To Do topicsLeft-Handed User InterfaceSometimes this box gets tickedVisual EffectsShow Favicons for web hyperlinksEditBalance New TopicsSome people find this interferes with creating or editing a mapMM8/9 Add InsDisable Browser Add In if you always want to open links in your default browser and not the MindManager Browser PaneDisable other Add Ins you do not useMM7/8/9 - Ribbon and Quick Access ToolbarHide the ribbon by right clicking and Minimise RibbonMM9 - Ctrl-F1 and Down/Up Chevron top rightAdd tools to the Quick Access Toolbar by right clicking the ribbon tool and Add to Quick Access ToolbarOr use Customise Quick Access ToolbarMM6 - Tools > CustomizeCommandsFileSave AllViewCenter MapFocus on TopicOptionsAlways show full menuSo you can see where all the menu options areTo get off to a good start with MindManager 6 or 7 or 8 or 9, Cabre recommends the following settings"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qg5pm4fh_Prospecting-Factory-e-g-a-bank.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Prospecting Factory e.g. a bankBusiness ContextBank's External PressuresGain marketshareMajor Apps ()Bank's Business ObjectivesGrow revenueMajor Apps ()Bank's Internal ChallengesBank's Digital ContextSIsEnterprise AgreementsMajor AppsGain marketshare ()Internal ()Grow revenue ()External ()Strategic AssetsCustomer serviceCustomer satisfactionDifficult to replicateAudiences ImpactedInternalMajor Apps ()New service for youth market ()CMOCIOAppsInfraExternalMajor Apps ()FintechsNew service for youth market ()InitiativesCyber securityCloudApp migrationModernise AppsNew service for youth marketAmazon ()Internal ()Fintechs ()C:I ()New ways of workingDatacentre consolidationetcBusiness ValueRatiosFinancialC:INew service for youth market ()OperationalCompeteVs traditionalVs disruptersAmazonNew service for youth market ()Leverage Existing InvestmentsMake new investments"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/a7yw0zby_TOP-5-Anzahl-Gefangene.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TOP 5 Anzahl GefangeneUSA2,2 Mil.China1,6 Mil.Russland0,6 Mil.Brasilien0.5 Mil.Indien0,4 Mil.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookkleiner 100 000PolenDeutschlandEngland"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k480801_nalise_Combinatria.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Análise CombinatóriaArranjop < m ()considera a ordemArrumadoSimplesSem repetiçãoQualquer ordemrepetiçãorepetição do elemento no grupoCondicionalN=A(m1,p1).A(m-m1,p-p1)p < mCombinação ()Arranjo ()m: Tamanho do espaço amostral p: Tamanho da amostraCombinação\"Caio e Camila = Camila e Caio\" ()p < m ()não considera a ordemComissõesSimplesCom Repetiçãop vezesCr(m,p)=C(m+p-1,p)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/bDNHczIg_Daily-Chronodex-Planner-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Daily Chronodex Planner Map :Next actionsDay :Satisfaction level Points of improvementThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWaiting for /ProjectsTo be delegatedInbox/ Notes"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/GhGqd60B_Margareth-Weathley-10-Principles-for-Creating-Healthy-Communities.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Margareth Weathley 10 Principles for Creating Healthy CommunitiesPeople Support What They CreatePeople Act Responsibly When They CareConversation Is the Way Human Beings Have Always ThoughtTo Change the Conversation, Change Who Is In ItExpect Leaders to Come From AnywhereThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWe Focus On What Works and It Releases Our Creative EnergyThe Wisdom Resides Within UsEverything is a Failure in the MiddleHumans Can Handle Anything As Long As We’re TogetherGenerosity Forgiveness and LoveThis mapAuthor: Nicolas STAMPFBlog: www.AppreciatingSystems.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/x971646_A_Code_of_Conduct_for_21st_Century_Americans.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "A Code of Conduct & Ethics for 21st Century AmericansLive each day with courageBe tough, but fairTake pride in your work and who you areDo what has to be doneAlways finish what you startWhen you make a promise, keep itTalk less and say moreRemember that some things aren't for saleRide for the brandKnow where to draw the lineRespect your fellowmen and natureBe there for your friendsTake care of your ownLend a helping handBe modestBe thankful and graciousBe honestNever shoot a man in the backDefend your country and the ConstitutionLive by Kant's Categorical ImperativeMind Map © 2010 Dietmar W. SokowskiSalus Populi Est Suprema Lex"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/1k3wwkGN_Agile-Planning-Board.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Agile Planning BoardProduct BacklogCross product map compatibility testing and fixesOpen Fire ClusteringDecommissioning of all Connection Manager ServersUpdate Web client to display read only modeServer-side map savingDefect : Web client co-editing (CONN 3808)Notification architecture updatesSprint 1BacklogIn ProgressDoneRetrospective FindingsTeam took on more than it could complete in 2 weeksEnvironment setup took more time than expectedSprint 2BacklogServer-side map savingCross product map compatibility testing and fixesIn ProgressDoneArchiveThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/w911511_B2I.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "collège1 - S'approprier un environnement informatique de travail1.1) Je sais m'identifier sur un réseau ou un site et mettre fin à cette identification.1.2) Je sais accéder aux logiciels et aux documents disponibles à partir de mon espace de travail.1.3) Je sais organiser mes espaces de stockage.1.4) Je sais lire les propriétés d'un fichier : nom, format, taille, dates de création et de dernière modification.1.5) Je sais paramétrer l’impression (prévisualisation, quantité, partie de documents…).1.6) Je sais faire un autre choix que celui proposé par défaut (lieu d’enregistrement, format, imprimante…).2 - Adopter une attitude responsable2.1) Je connais les droits et devoirs indiqués dans la charte d’usage des TIC et la procédure d'alerte de mon établissement.2.2) Je protège ma vie privée en ne donnant sur internet des renseignements me concernant qu’avec l’accord de mon responsable légal.2.3) Lorsque j’utilise ou transmets des documents, je vérifie que j’en ai le droit.2.4) Je m'interroge sur les résultats des traitements informatiques (calcul, représentation graphique, correcteur...).2.5) J’applique des règles de prudence contre les risques de malveillance (virus, spam...).2.6) Je sécurise mes données (gestion des mots de passe, fermeture de session, sauvegarde).2.7) Je mets mes compétences informatiques au service d'une production collective.3 - Créer, produire, traiter, exploiter des données3.1) Je sais modifier la mise en forme des caractères et des paragraphes, paginer automatiquement.3.2) Je sais utiliser l’outil de recherche et de remplacement dans un document.3.3) Je sais regrouper dans un même document plusieurs éléments (texte, image, tableau, son, graphique, vidéo…)3.4) Je sais créer, modifier une feuille de calcul, insérer une formule.3.5) Je sais réaliser un graphique de type donné.3.6) Je sais utiliser un outil de simulation (ou de modélisation) en étant conscient de ses limites.3.7) Je sais traiter un fichier image ou son à l’aide d’un logiciel dédié notamment pour modifier ses propriétés élémentaires.4 - S'informer, se documenter4.1) Je sais rechercher des références de documents à l’aide du logiciel documentaire présent au CDI.4.2) Je sais utiliser les fonctions principales d'un logiciel de navigation sur le web (paramétrage, gestion des favoris, gestion des affichages et de l'impression).4.3) je sais utiliser les fonctions principales d'un outil de recherche sur le web (moteur de recherche, annuaire...).4.4) Je sais relever des éléments me permettant de connaître l’origine de l’information (auteur, date, source…).4.5) Je sais sélectionner des résultats lors d'une recherche (et donner des arguments permettant de justifier mon choix).5 - Communiquer, échanger5.1) Lorsque j'envoie ou je publie des informations, je réfléchis aux lecteurs possibles en fonction de l'outil utilisé.5.2) Je sais ouvrir et enregistrer un fichier joint à un message ou à une publication.5.3) : Je sais envoyer ou publier un message avec un fichier joint.5.4) Je sais utiliser un carnet d’adresses ou un annuaire pour choisir un destinataire.Pour obtenir le B2I collègevalider au min 23 des 29 compétencesau min la moitié des items doit être validée par domaineCette fiche est là pour te rappeler les compétences que tu as à acquérir au cours de tes années au collège pour valider le Brevet Informatique et Internet (B2I). Elle t'aidera notamment à faire le point sur les compétences que tu pourras valider en cours de français ou de latin."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/c170407_WorkLife_Balance.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Work-Life BalanceIdentify Your PrioritiesChildrenSpouseCareerReligionHealthDrop Unnecessary ActivitiesTV / NetflixBrowsing the WebCollecting Unnecessary \"Junk\"Protect Your Private TimeRespond to e-Mail and Phone Calls during work hoursAccept Help to Balance Your LifePlan Fun and RelaxationExerciseDate NightFamily Game NightGuitar LessonsBased on the WebMD Article, \"5 Tips for Better Work-Life Balance\""}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/FiMOxRJq_TOP-10-NG-Projekt-Management.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TOP 10 NG Projekt-management1. Emotionale Intelligenz. Das meint die Fähigkeit, Augen und Ohren offen zu halten, um den Input von Projektmitarbeitern und Kunden in Zusammenhang mit dem Ziel in die Arbeit einfließen zu lassen.2. Anpassungsfähige Kommunikation. Die Fähigkeit, seine Ideen - mündlich oder schriftlich - einem weiten Kreis von Interessenten zu vermitteln, egal, aus welcher Abteilung, aus welchem Kulturkreis und mit welcher Vorbildung sie stammen.3. Fähigkeit, mit Leuten umzugehen. Die Begabung, schnell positive Beziehungen zu Team-Mitgliedern und Stakeholdern aufzubauen und zu pflegen.4. Fähigkeit zu managen. Das Können, in einem Team zu arbeiten, es zu motivieren, auf das Ziel zu fokussieren und die Zusammenarbeit im Team zu fördern.5. Flexibilität. Der Wille und die Fähigkeit, seinen Denkansatz zu überarbeiten, wenn es der Projektgegenstand und das Business verlangen.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook6. Business-Kenntnisse. Wissen über das Business des Kunden und seine Branche. Die Fertigkeit, seine Strategie zu verstehen und seine Projektarbeit an dieser Strategie auszurichten.7. Analysefähigkeit. Die Eignung, Probleme analysieren zu können und seine Entscheidungen aufgrund solcher Analysen zu treffen.8. Blick für den Kunden. Das Vermögen, Kunden- und Anwenderbedürfnisse zu verstehen und den Drang, diese Kundenbedürfnisse im Projekt auch befriedigen zu wollen.9. Ausrichtung am Ergebnis. Die Fähigkeit, das Projekt effizient und wirksam abzuschließen.10. Charakter. Der Projektmanager der Zukunft sollte eine ansprechende Persönlichkeit sowie starke Wertvorstellungen und einen moralisch einwandfreien Charakter besitzen. (ad/mje)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/cagQhRxf_All-About-iOS-5-Apple-s-New-Operating-System-for-iPad-and-iPhone.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "All About iOS 5: Apple's New Operating System for iPad and iPhoneNotification CenteriMessageNewsstandRemindersTwitterCameraPhotosSafariThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPC FreeMailCalendarGame CenterWi-Fi SyncMultitasking Gestures for iPadAirPlay MirroringMindmap by Chance Brown, 10/4/11Content from Apple.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/1cKLWYsc_Ettercap.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "EttercapNetzwerkanalyseSniffinAnalysenEchtzeitkontrolleautomatisches ProtokollierenMan-In-The-Middle-Angriffeinhaltbezogenes FilteringThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookBenutzerschnittstelleNCurses-FronteGTK2-GUIDaemonmodesudo apt-get installettercap-text-onlyettercap-graphical'Version0.8.0-LacassagneEttercap Home Pagepage.webarchive"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/7tJpC1f9_10-Things-Successful-People-Do-Differently.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "10 Things Successful People Do DifferentlyThey commit to their GoalsPersist until they achieve themtake ResponsibilityWork HardFind People who are doing what they want and emulate themmake Mistakes and learn from themConstantly LearnRest and RechargeTake Care of themselvesbelieve in Themselves and their vision"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/5KZ2Fevx_4D-BRAND-Tomas-Gad.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "4D BRAND - Tomas Gad4-D Branding offers a revolutionary four-dimensional model for understanding brand strengths and weaknesses.It can just as easily be used to create a new brand or analyze the strategic options for established brands.The model enables companies to create their own unique 'brand code' or 'mindspace'.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookThe brand code represents an organization's unique corporate DNA , which can be used to drive every aspect of the business - from product innovation to recruitment.Understand these four dimensions & create the brands of the future.4D-Branding argues that in an era of transparent markets, branding has four dimensions:1. The functional dimension:Describes the unique features of a product or service.Everything to do with physical quality, taste, style & efficiency.Depend too heavily on this dimension and you run the risk of copycats stealing your market.2. The social dimension:Speaks about the experience of the consumer as a user, Starbucks did when it introduced European café culture into the U.S.Buyers in any market make their purchase decision subjectively.It is based on what they feel best conveys or portrays their social identity.With growing instability, brands are increasingly powerful definers of social standing.3. The mental dimension:Creates an individual experience through the brand, as Nike did with \"Just do it.\" Builds value in the minds of its users.In every human being there is an inner landscape of mental programming.4D-Brands touch the soul.4. The spiritual dimension:Talks about what the brand stands for. The 4-D brand goes right to the core of the customer's system of beliefs, as Anita Roddick did with Body Shop.Understand the spiritual and you understand the connections between the brand, the product or the company, and the bigger system of which we are all part.The spiritual dimension is now purposely used to build brands.It is not a token gesture or a fashionable statement.To work it has to be believed and lived."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ZUaXTxJd_Facilitation-Why-Pinpoint-Keith-Warren-Price.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Why Pinpoint? Keith Warren-PriceFact : Most people don't like meetings!Reasons givenNo outcomeNo follow upWaffleVerbose / quiet peopleNo preparationInviting the wrong peopleHaving too manySo what happens in meetings?PowerPoint presentationsWorkshop with trainer and students around a tableFor these to work the energy, direction & motivation has to come from the person at the front ... the audience is passive!Pinpoint switches this ...Group has the energyFacilitator is doing less ... if not nothing!How does it work?Use large pinboardsgroup and meeting happens thereagenda and action plan at the end happens on the boardDelivery may still be necessary but ... can still pause for audience reactionThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookBeware the icebergBehaviours we see above the table are what we can cope with!Don't see emotion, negativity, hidden agendas and nasty stuff below the tableNot always purposely negative ... rarely done to be destructivePart of our nature ...Working on boards rather than people to people becomes almost unemotionalThe emotion is based on activity an engagement that is happening on the BoardsAcademics have written tomes on what to do ... but PinPoint effectively sidelines the issueMore about the processFollow the processesWork with what's on the BoardsAllow people to be real & do what they want to do on the Boardsand you will get the results you wantAnd remember ...The start - see other video about preparing for meeting - is vitalWhere are we going to finish up?What does the final board look like?Then work backwards to find out where you are going to startThere is no excuse whatsoever for a Pinpoint meeting not to have a clear, engaged owned active outcomeWhat-is-Facilitation-0112.pdf"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/KYgLHn59_Chembakolli.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ChembakolliLocationVillage in Southern IndiaIn the state of Tamil NaduLocated in the Nilgiri HillsSurrounded by forestsClosest town is GudalurClosest City is MysoreEducationChildren walk to their nearest school, in Gudalur.This school has recently been rebuilt and has a library, computers and a large hall.If there was a elephant in the way they would turn back and go home.They also sometimes get to school by using a jeep.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookAgricultureMost people in Chembakolli are farmersCrops include rice, onions, tomatoes, peppers and oranges.These crops are generally grown for consumption in the village rather than for sale.Tea is the main commercial crop grown around Chembakolli.Land rightsThe Adivasi tribe were forced to leave their forest land when the Mudumalai Forest Reserve was established in 1940.On 5 December 1988 10,000 people took part in a march through the town of Gudalur, demanding the return of their land."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_N8Mbm4zG.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PME et Réseaux sociaux...RS et webmarketingCréer des inter-actions avec ses clientsopen innovationStratégie de communication multi canal (mix marketing)Développer sa notoriétéDévelopper son businessGérer la e-reputation des dirigeantsAmplificateur de réseauRS et Intelligence économique... une veille multicanal et dynamiqueConcurrenceOpportunités et tendances marchésRecruterIdentifier des fournisseurs, des experts, des partenaires...Réseaux Sociaux d'Entreprise pour booster la Com interne et le managementModerniser l'intranet pour en faire de vraies plateformes collaborativesInnovation participativePartager les connaissances et le savoirIdentifier les bonnes pratiquesCartographier les compétences et savoirs critiques de l'entrepriseOptimiser les process et l'organisationMieux intégrer la génération YBooster la com interneFacteur clef de réussiteÊtre accompagné..De la stratégie à l'actionSe former...démythifier l'innovation et se centrer sur les usagesVoir grand mais commencer petitStratégies de déploiement d'usages progressiveBusiness et prospectionProductivitéManagementClimat socialInnovation transversaleThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookLa question n'est plus \"Faut-il y aller ?\" mais \"Comment y aller et pour quels usages ?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/veCCTk5K_Th-233-orie-U.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Théorie UProcessus en 5 mouvementsCo-initierConstruire une intention communeS'arrêter, écouter les autres, écouter ce que la vie vous appelle à faireCo-sentirObserver, observer, observerAller vers le plus grand potentiel et écouter, esprit et coeur grand ouvertsPresencingSe connecter à la source d'inspiration et de volontéCo-créerPrototyper le nouveau... par des exemples vivants pour explorer le futur par l'actionCo-évoluerIncorporer le nouveau aux écosystèmes... qui permettent de voir et d'agir à partir de l'ensembleNouvelle technologie sociale7 qualités de LeadershipGarder un espace : écouter ce que la vie vous appelle à faireCréer ou maintenir un espace d'accueil aux autresLa clef est l'écouteEcoute de vous-mêmeEcoute des autresEcoute de ce qui émerge du collectif que vous réunissezPrincipe d'incomplétudeInviter les autres dès la composition du menu et non pas lorsque le dessert est au fourObserver : prêter attention l'esprit grand ouvertSuspendre la Voix du Jugement (VDJ)Suspendre la Voix du Cynisme (VOC)Suspendre la Voix de la Peur (VOP)Ressentir : se relier à son coeurL'esprit est comme un parachute : il ne fonctionne que s'il est ouvertPresencing : se relier à la source la plus profonde de son moi et de sa volontéCristalliser : accéder au pouvoir de l'intentionMargaret Mead : \"Ne doutez jamais qu'un petit groupe de citoyens réfléchis et engagés puisse changer le monde. C'est d'ailleurs la seule chose qui l'ait jamais changé.\"Prototyper : intégrer la tête, le coeur et la main3 ennemisExécuter sans aucune attention ni talent d'improvision (action réactionnelle)Réfléchir sans fin et sans volonté d'agir (analyse qui paralyse)Discourir sans se lier à la source ni à l'action (bla-bla-bla)Interpréter : jouer du macro violonThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookQuestions pour un nouveau managerQuel est votre objectif le plus important et comment puis-je vous aider à le réaliser ?Quels seront vos critères pour évaluer l'efficacité de ma contribution à votre travail ?Si je pouvais changer deux choses dans mon secteur de responsabilité dans les six mois à venir, lesquelles vous apporteraient le plus de valeur et de bénéfices ?S'il y a lieu, quelles sont les tensions passées et/ou les demandes conflictuelles qui ont posé problème à mes prédécesseurs pour accéder à vos exigences et à vos attentes ?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/nypafO44_Learn-How-to-Mind-Map-free-webinar-on-Oct-8th-7pm-EDT.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Learn from FLUENT BRAIN's CEO & Chief Visual Facilitator, Matt TanguayFree training webinar on the Mind Mapping FundamentalsOct 8th, 7pm EDT (4pm PDT)You will learn...How to create your mind maps quickly in 3 little stepsLearn the 3 strategies for the creation of a mind mapDiscover the best mind mapping software on the marketHow to mind map with Mindjet MindManagerThere's more!Pick Matt's brain to help you with your projects’ maps, and get your questions answeredParticipate in the draw to win a mind mapping software license!bit.ly/NOVuAm or go to FluentBrain.comThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ZJOJX02m_BIBLIOGRAPHIE-MIND-MAPPING-Francophone.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BIBLIOGRAPHIE MIND MAPPING FrancophoneINFORMATIQUEEFFICACITE PROFESSIONELLEThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookDEVELOPPEMENT PERSONNELEDUCATIONEnseigner avec les cartes mentales et conceptuelles"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/NnUeSKGj_TOP-5-Projektarbeit.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TOP 5 Projektarbeitaktive KommunikationTeam für das Projekt begeisternAnerkennungThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookgute ArbeitsatmosphäreAufgaben delegieren"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/x984433_PMBOK_Cost_Estimating_Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Estimation (of Cost)DefinitionEstimating the cost of resources needed to complete project activitiesInputsWork Breakdown StructureResource RequirementsCost Unit PricesActivity Duration EstimatesChart of AccountsComputerized Tools ()Cost centersCost management systemTools and techniquesBottom-up EstimatingComputerized ToolsChart of Accounts ()OutputsCost EstimatesCost Management Plan"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/QSfhhy08_QA-Plan-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "QA Plan MapThemeDatesBuilds in QAPost RTMPost GASystem RequirementsHyperlink to Requirements docThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTest Cases Master MapTo DoQuestionsNew in Release"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/UCzd7Dgm_Les-7-Merveilles-du-Monde-NATURELLES-NOUVELLES.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Les 7 Merveilles du Monde : NATURELLES NOUVELLESL'AmazonieBrésil+ grande forêt du mondeBiodiversité extraordinaireForêt amazonienne5 500 000 km² de superficieFleuve Amazone6 800 kmLes chutes d' IguazuArgentine/Brésil275 cascadesGarganta del diablo+ haute90m de hauteur6 millions de litres d'eau par secondeLa baie d'HA LongVietnamFormées par 2000 îlesGolfe du Tonkin1500 km²Côte de 120 kmÎle de JejuCorée du SudVolcan Hallasanvolcan le + haut de Corée du SudOrigine de la formation de l'îleReliefs incroyablesTunnels de laveThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookÎle de KomodoIndonésie\"Dragon de Komodo\"plus grand lézard vivant3190 km²2000 habitantsRivière souterraine de Puerta PrincesaPhilippinesRivière souterraine sur 8 kmStalactites + StalagmitesTrès grande diversité écologiqueSubit l'influence des maréesEcosystème completMontagne de la TableAfrique du SudMontagne platecuriosité géologiqueTrès grande diversité faune/ floreSurplombe la ville du cap"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/EVMo8DgU_Why-to-choose-Nuez-dela-India.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Nuez dela indiaproductsNuez dela India dietary supplementNuez dela India natural seedsWhy to choose ?PureRawUnprocessedFreshContact Us :info@nuez-dela-india.com18884251206https://twitter.com/nuez_dela_indiahttps://www.facebook.com/TheRealNuezDelaIndiabeneficial forWeight lossFat burnerDetoxificationCleansingCholesterolHemorrhoidsBowel MovementsHair & SkinQuit smokingwebsiteThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Znx3oqOY_SWOT-Matrix.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题Outdated branding is making us fall behind the times against \"cooler\" and more modern looking businessesDifferentiating our brand amongst ones that offer similar productsWe need to make updates to our product and branding to a more modern look and feelTeam is too small, too many tasks to accomplish with not enough personnel to complete themEasier to use interface that makes the initial learning process easier for novice usersCompetitors have raised prices while not introducing any new features or functionalityIncrease in work-from-home/remote work positionsUnique features and functionality are good for novices to experts and everyone in betweenEngaging potential customers on popular forms of social mediaWell established in the market, household name, good reputationUnique features and functionality that our competitors have not yet adopted or do not have the ability to developSocial media marketing team and public outreachSaturation of the market with similar product and service offeringsCompetitors have not penetrated large markets in foreign countriesReliable product and customer satisfactionEarly innovators in the industry offering products and services that are successful and adopted by many competitors"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/g3FRtGAg_Winning-Support-for-Flexible-Work.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Winning Support for Flexible Work reynald.bonnard@gmail.comWhat the Experts Say\"Traditionally, managers were reluctant to have people work remotely because of lack of trust: Are you really working or are you eating bonbons with your friend?\"Even those bosses who trust their employees worry about appearing to favor certain people or allowing productivity to decline.when people are given the flexibility they need, they meet goals more easily, they're absent or tardy less often, and their morale goes up.By focusing on these upsides and framing your request correctly, you greatly increase your chances of getting approval for an alternative work arrangement.Define what you wantRemark 1 : The first step is to figure out what you are trying to accomplish.do you want to remove distractions in order to be able to focus on bigger, more long-term projects?Reduce the amount of time you spend at the office?Once you're clear on your goal, decide what arrangement will best help you achieve it — options include a compressed work week, a job share, reduced hours, working from home, taking a month-long sabbatical, even something as simple as turning off your Blackberry in the evenings — and consider whether you could still do your job effectively.Tip 1 : Before you make a proposal, be sure to understand the impact your wished-for schedule will have on your boss, your team and your performance.If your company doesn't have a formal policy, you'll need to create a proposal yourself.Design it as an experimentMany managers will be hesitant especially if your organization does not have established protocols.Tip 2 : Explain that if it doesn't work, you are willing to try a different arrangement or go back to the way things were.Ask for team input and supportRemark 2 : Remember that your team — peers and direct reports — is affected by your work schedule, so you need everyone's support to make your new arrangement a success.Be sure to let your boss know that your proposal includes your colleagues' suggestionsTip 3 : Some worry that if they grant one person flexibility, the floodgates will open and everyone will want the same arrangement. In fact, many people prefer a traditional schedule.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookHighlight the benefits to the organizationWhat you propose needs to have the clear goal of improving your performance at work and making your boss successful.Tip 4 : Demonstrate that you have considered the company's needs, that your new schedule will not be disruptive and that it will actually have positive benefitsReassess and make adjustmentsOnce your experiment has been in place three or four months, evaluate its success.Are you reaching your goals?Is the schedule causing problems for anyone?Tip 5 : you will want to report back to your boss \"Get the data to support your productivity. Show that it's working,\"Principles to RememberDoKnow what you are trying to accomplish with flexibility before proposing an alternative schedule.Acknowledge the impact your arrangement will have on your boss, your team, and your productivity.Start with an experiment, and be open to adjustments if it doesn't work out.Don'tFocus exclusively on the benefits to you and your family.Assume your team will be behind you; you must incorporate their input and suggestions.Propose anything as a permanent solution without testing it first."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/u869794.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pupil Session ObjectivesHyperlinksCTRL + KNote FunctionCTRL + TMap MarkersLibrary ()Priority markerTask Complete %SmileyFlagLibraryMap Markers ()IconsImagesClipartFormatting, colouring etc...FontSizeBox ColourBoundaries"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/n7SA0miz_COOPERATIVAS-de-LA-REFLA.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "COOPERATIVAS de LA REFLAINMPRECINDIBLE EL LEVANTAR LA INFORMACION EN UN SISTEMA DE GESTION INFORMATICO !! ()Analisis de Datos de Acuerdo al Censo Economico del 2010Mapeo de la Zona de Acuerdo a la tipologia de los negocios (Comercio/Produccion/Servicio)Cruce de Informacion con los datos tomados de la Base de Datos de la CooperativaClasificacion y Zonificacion de los Creditos Productivos ()Analisis de Base de Datos (Archivos Impresos o Archivos Magneticos)Determinacion de los tipos de Negocios o Emprendimientos ProductivosClasificacion y Zonificacion de los Creditos ProductivosCruce de Informacion con los datos tomados de la Base de Datos de la Cooperativa ()Credito Productivo ACredito Productivo BCredito Productivo CDeterminacion de Plan de Negocio y Cadena de Valor de acuerdo a los tipos de Creditos ProductivosClasificacion y Zonificacion de los Creditos ProductivosEntrevista con clientes, se obtiene datos reales contrastables con la informacion de los Archivos ()Clientes con Creditos ProductivosAnalisis de CreditosMoraClientes ImpagosClientes 3A/2AAl conocer la situacion de los creditos en relacion con los tipos de emprendimientos, podemos preguntar: El porque de los problemas o de los exitos, fundamentados en la informacion de las tipos de negocio de la zona y con el levantamiento de los Planes de Negocio y Cadena de Valor determinados por la investigacion de las bases de datos realizados en las CooperativasAnalisis de CreditosEntrevista con clientes, se obtiene datos reales contrastables con la informacion de los ArchivosDeterminacion de Plan de Negocio y Cadena de Valor de acuerdo a los tipos de Creditos Productivos ()This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookINMPRECINDIBLE EL LEVANTAR LA INFORMACION EN UN SISTEMA DE GESTION INFORMATICO !!COOPERATIVAS de LA REFLA ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_heKA0bFp.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "プロジェクト ダッシュボード計画段階プロジェクト定義顧客満足度コミュニケーション 方針リスク定義WBS(Work Breakdown structure) の定義プロジェクト体制リソース成果物This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook開始段階プロジェクトのキックオフチームビルディングチームコミュニケーションを 促進するためのワークショップコーチングアクションラーニングトレーニングチームメンバに必要なトレーニングの企画トレーニングの実施実施段階要件管理会議ミーティングテンプレート進捗会議進捗報告テンプレートTODOリスト終了段階プロジェクト監査"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/DoWSAInS_High-level-view-of-the-strategic-planning-workshop.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "the workshopwhat does winning look like?what is your goal for the business?vision? BHAG?what is the purpose of our business?what does our firm exist to do?where will we compete to win?where can we win?in what markets will we compete?what markets will we avoid?segments?how will we win?what is our competitive advantage?what are our competitive strengths?what innovation can we apply to create competitive advantage?low cost? differentiation?what capabilities do we need to win?what 'broad' capabilities? culture? expertise? experience? domain knowledge?what capabilities in our people and teams?what activities will enable our firm to fulfill our decisions in #2 and #3.right people in right roles.what management systems do we need to win?processes, structures, that build capability and supportpeoplerecruitmentonboardingprofessional developmentperformance managementleadership, coaching, mentoringmarketinginformation technologysalesinnovation"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/7LX2lqoq_Amy-Morin-s-bestselling-13-Things-Mentally-Strong-People-Don-t-Do-table-of-contents.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Amy Morin's 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't DoAbout Amy Morin's 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't DoAt a glanceAuthorLearning tools and tipsAmazon CategoriesAmy Morin's 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do is a consistent Top 5000 seller out of the hundreds of thousands of books in all categories (fiction plus nonfiction) on Amazon.com.It's currently an Amazon Top 100 books in several popular categories:Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Mental Health > HappinessBooks > Business & Money > Business Culture > Motivation & Self-ImprovementBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > MotivationalIt's also available in different formats:Soft coverHard coverAudio CDFront matterIntroductionChapter 1: They Don't Waste Time Feeling Sorry for ThemselvesChapter 2: They Don't Give Away Their PowerChapter 3: They Don't Shy Away from ChangeChapter 4: They Don't Focus on Things They Can't ChangeChapter 5: They Don't Worry About Pleasing EveryoneChapter 6: They Don't Fear Taking Calculated RisksChapter 7: They Don't Dwell on the PastThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookChapter 8: They Don't Make the Same Mistakes Over and OverChapter 9: They Don't Resent Other People's SuccessChapter 10: They Don't Give Up After the First FailureChapter 11: They Don't Fear Alone TimeChapter 12: They Don't Feel the World Owes Them AnythingChapter 13: They Don't Expect Immediate ResultsEnd MatterMaintaining Mental StrengthReferencesAcknowledgementsAbout Roger C. Parker"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/UitK4iQa_Machine-Learning-Summarized-in-One-Picture.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Machine Learning Summarized in One Picture MACHINE LEARNINGabout this mapby wojciech korsakimage from https://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/machine-learning-summarized-in-one-pictureSUPERVISED LEARNINGCLASSIFICATIONsupport vector machinesdiscriminant analysisnaive Boyesnearest neighborREGRESSIONlinear regression, GLMSVR, GPRensemble methodsdecision treesneural networksUNSUPERVISED LEARNINGCLASTERINGK-means, K-medoids Fuzzy C-meansHierarchicalGaussian MixtureNeural networksHidden Markov Model"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/kSUriyVy_Puls.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pulslateinisch pellere „schlagen, klopfen“PulsfrequenzZahl der Impulse pro Minute50 bis 100 Schläge pro MinuteHerzschlagfrequenzPulsdefizitanterograden (vorwärts, mit dem Blutstrom)arterielleretrograde (rückwärts, gegen den Blutstrom)venöseThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookPulsmessgerätRadialispuls/Arteria radialis – Handgelenkpuls (daumenseitig)Carotispuls/Arteria carotis communis – HalsschlagaderpulsPulsqualitäten▪ Regelmäßigkeit:• regularis (regelmäßig)• irregularis (unregelmäßig) (Herzrhythmusstörung)Durchschnittlicher Ruhepuls▪ bei Föten: ca. 150/min▪ bei Säuglingen: ca. 130/min▪ bei Kindern: ca. 100/min▪ bei Jugendlichen: ca. 85/min▪ bei Erwachsenen: ca. 70/min▪ bei Senioren: ca. 90/min"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/glWGwQy2_The-Great-Reset.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Great Resetabout this mapby wojciech korsak (Warsaw/POLAND)all info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ The_Great_ResetintroThe Great Reset is a proposal by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy sustainably following the COVID-19 pandemic. It was unveiled in May 2020 by the United Kingdom's Prince Charles and WEF director Klaus Schwab.[1][2] It seeks to improve capitalism by making investments more geared toward mutual progress and focusing more on environmental initiatives. It has been criticized for using the pandemic to implement a risky experiment and a petiton to stop it gained 80,000 signatures in under 72 hours. A conspiracy theory has spread in response, claiming it will be used to bring in socialist and environmental changes and a supposed New World Order.[2][3]The proposalAccording to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to shape an economic recovery and the future direction of global relations, economies, and priorities.[4] When Britain's Prince Charles introduced the plan, he outlined that it will only happen if people want it.[1]According to Prince Charles, the economic recovery must put the world on a path to sustainability, with systems being redesigned to help. Carbon pricing was mentioned as a way to help achieve sustainability. He also outlined that innovations, science, and technology need to be reinvigorated so we can achieve significant breakthroughs that help us make sustainable ideas more profitable.[1] According to the WEF, we should also adapt to the current reality by directing the market to fairer results, ensure investments are aimed at mutual progress including accelerating ecologically friendly investments, and to start a fourth industrial revolution, creating digital economic and public infrastructure.[1][5]Prince Charles emphasized that the private sector would be the main drivers of the plan.[1] According to Klaus Schwab, the would not change the economic system, but rather improve it to what he considers to be \"responsible capitalism\".[6] A book written by Schwab and economist Thierry Malleret was published detailing the plan.[7] It will be the main theme of the WEF's 2021 summit.[8]ResponseProgressive political leaders such as Trudeau and US president-elect Joe Biden have endorsed the plan, as has UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.[9]Following the spread of Trudeau's speech, a petition was launched by the Canadian Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre to \"stop The Great Reset\" which had amassed 80,000 signatures in less than 3 days, aided by the spread of the conspiracy theory. His rhetoric was criticized by multiple commentators and editorial boards.[10][11][12] The Toronto Star editorial board criticized the petition claiming it was \"giving oxygen\" to the conspiracy theory. Aengus Bridgman, a McGill PhD candidate, said that the timing of Poilievre's petition was unlikely to be a coincidence.[13][14][15] Poilievre responded saying he was simply quoting Trudeau and the WEF. Ahmed Al-Rawi, a professor at Simon Fraser University, claimed that this reaction was a misinterpretation of Poilievre's attacks on the government.[16] Around the same time, Conservative leader Erin O'Toole criticized the idea of a reset, claiming that Trudeau was using the pandemic to implement a massive and risky experiment.[13][14][17]Conspiracy theoryThe conspiracy theory alleges that \"global financial elites\" and world leaders have planned a pandemic, deliberately letting loose the coronavirus to cause the conditions that will allow a restructuring of the world's governments.[18] It alleges the main goals of the Great Reset are to take global economic control and instate a Marxist totalitarian regime and the New World Order.[2][7][17] Such a regime, it is claimed, would abolish personal ownership and property rights, send the military into cities, impose mandatory vaccination, and create isolation camps for people who resist.[13][19] Various things proponents claim are evidence of a conspiracy include a since-deleted 2016 tweet describing what life might be like in 2030, Joe Biden's campaign slogan \"Build Back Better\", and Justin Trudeau's September 2020 speech. According to The Daily Dot, this is just discourse of how to create a more just and sustainable world.[20][17] In some variations of the theory, US President Donald Trump is the only world leader keeping the scheme from happening based on a video from August 2020 which had been viewed three million times.[2][3]Following the spread of the now viral September 2020 speech by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking on the Agenda 2030 goals, a conspiracy theory was spread via far-right internet personalities and groups, some also supporting the QAnon conspiracy theory, and conservative political commentators including Maxime Bernier, Ezra Levant, Tucker Carlson, Paul Joseph Watson, and Glenn Beck.[2][13][20] It has also been disseminated by Russian propaganda outlets. According to Oliver Kamm in an article for the CapX website: \"The propaganda apparatus of the Putin regime has for many months published wild allegations from obscure bloggers that the Great Reset is code for oligarchs to amass wealth and control populations.\"[21] The conspiracy theory first spread following the initiative's announcement.[2] The following October, a chain email spread claiming to be from a member of a non-existent committee within the Liberal Party of Canada was picked up by QAnon-associated groups.[19] The conspiracy theory would spread further that November after footage of Trudeau's speech went viral online.[3]The conspiracy theory is without evidence and has been debunked.[3][21] The WEF does not have authority to tell countries what to do, nor did politicians plan the virus, nor are they using it to destroy capitalism or have formed a secret cabal.[3]The Great Reset (book)The Great Reset: How New Ways of Living and Working Drive Post-Crash Prosperity is a book published in April 2010 by Richard Florida, a professor at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. The book puts into context Florida's urban development theories, with the financial crisis of 2007–2008, to describe the future of cities. The Great Reset looks at the economic incentives which have driven American society in the past. Florida compares the recession to two similar periods in recent history, the 1870s and the 1930s. The book is divided into three parts, how past resets have shaped development, how different cities are positioned, and what trends will emerge from the reset.Part 1: Past as PrologueFlorida claims the 1870s reset best mirrors the American economic situation in the 2010s. The 1870s changed the organization of production, creating the American system of manufacturing, which paved the way for unprecedented growth and innovation. During the first great reset there was a mass migration of people from the countryside to urban areas, and significant development of new transportation structures.The second great reset laid our current foundation. Florida cites historian Alexander Field, calling the Great Depression of the 1930s, the \"most technologically progressive\" time of the 20th century.[1] The second reset, through a combination of public policy, economic incentives, and a shift in social preferences started the move towards suburbs. Consumption habits were significantly altered as people spent less on basic necessities like food, shelter, and clothing and began to spend more on appliances and other household items. The second reset created the \"ownership society\"; our new economic model is more dynamic and will require increased flexibility.There is a pattern, common to both of the previous resets, which Florida expects to recur over the next few decades. Initially, old institutions break down and businesses and consumers cut back their spending. This transitions into the emergence of new innovations, which are developed into new technologies and forged together into bigger and better systems. This coincides with public and private investments in: energy, transportation, and communication infrastructure, to give the broad skeleton of a new economic landscape. These create a new spatial fix that is more closely in sync with the improved productive capacities of the underlying economy.Part 2: Redrawing the Economic WayThis section examines the potential impact that the recession and the reset will have on different types of cities. The higher a city's exposure to the creative economy, the better it will do in the great reset. Cities like London and New York City, despite their exposure to the financial industry, have the diversity and global reach to prosper. Cities that are major or regional hubs will also thrive as they become the beneficiary of increased consolidation. Smaller cities heavy on particular aspects of the economy, for example those overly exposed to manufacturing or the FIRE economy (Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate) will need to adjust their economic model and demographics. Government and college towns will prosper because of their ability to attract and maintain members of the creative class.Part 3: A New Way of LifeTwo types of jobs are growing in size and salary: creative class jobs and routine service jobs. The geographic sorting of people based on ability and educational attainment is the highest ever. Cities with cosmopolitan bases such as Austin, Boston, and San Francisco are seeing large increases in population, with a heavy concentration of creative people. Former industrial cities such as Buffalo or Akron are falling behind by both measures.Consumption habits are changing drastically, particularly with the younger generation. Young people tend to have a negative perception of owning a car, and are less likely to purchase luxury goods. They are more likely to spend on experiences or social activities.Florida sees enormous potential for the mega region, a combination of major cities located close together. He lists several notable ones around the world including the BosWash corridor which encompasses Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C., and ChiPitts which contains the major cities in the American Midwest. He argues that these mega regions are becoming spikier and are creating a disproportionate amount of productivity and wealth for the global economy. As the cities in these regions become more connected their dominance will increase. The suburb versus city debate will not produce a winner; the solution is a complex mixture of the two. They will both become part of mega regions, with many of the suburbs emerging into mix use communities. He cites the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington DC as early examples of this.Big cities with a diverse demographic and creative base have proven that they are the most capable of attracting young people and new talented graduates. Cities like New York City, Chicago and San Francisco are where the most graduates flock each year. Florida argues that cities benefit from economies of scale and produce the most efficient systems for the economy, environment, and transportation. He sees this scale as an advantage as cities become smarter and more versatile.ReactionFlorida has drawn criticism for taking an overly academic and elitist point of view. Critics argue that he overstates the size and potential impact of the creative class, neglecting many economic and social realities. They also argue that he ignores many factors that people consider when they are choosing a place to live.[2][3]"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/c155331_Health-and-Fitness-Mind-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "sport ScienceHealth and FitnessHealthA State of complete PHYSICAL and SOCIAL WELL BEINGsocialMentalPhysicalIn order to be fitEat sensiblytake regular fitness and exerciseget regular rest and sleeplimit intake of alcoholnot smoke tabaco or tale any other social drugsimprove our ability to cope with stressFitnessThe Ability to meet the demands of ENVIRONMENT and LIFESTYLE and still have the energy left for emergencies.EnvironmentLifestyleLifeStamina (arobic capacity)Flexibilitybody buildstrengthRespiratory systemWhy do we breathwe need to respire to produce oxygen to oxidize the lactic acid and waste products.glucose+oxygen ---- energy+Carbon dioxide+water子主题HeartLabel heartLungs"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/hictNZyp_Galileo-Galilei.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Galileo Galileiitalienischer Philosoph, Mathematiker, Physiker und Astronom* 15. Februar 1564 in Pisa; † 29. Dezember 1641jul./ 8. Januar 1642greg. in Arcetri bei FlorenzLektor für Mathematik an der Universität PisaPendeluhrschiefe EbeneThermometerVorläufers des Rechenschiebers, der CompassoThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookFernrohr zur Himmelsbeobachtungspezifische Gewicht der Luft als ein 660stel des Gewichts des Wassers„Eppur si muove“ (und sie [die Erde] bewegt sich doch), ist historisch nicht belegt und äußerst unwahrscheinlichdas heliozentrische Weltsystem gegenüber dem vorherrschenden Glauben an das geozentrische Weltbild favorisierte"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/fwKl8dU3_A-Day-of-Working-Clean.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "A Day of Working CleanEveningAfternoon ()Place physical inputs into a stackAdd physical items to digital inputsPlan next dayAdjust calendar/action lists Move completed backburner items to front burner items List any new actions and/or routines Schedule today's overflow into tomorrows schedule Identify new actions/routines along with completion assigned time Add immersive time actions to scheduleGather anything needed for tomorrowBackpack/brief case weather gear, if needed place next day's schedule in center of desk turn off devices, leaveMorning Processing WorkScan emails, discern quickies and longer Pick up phone messages Identify and adjust new actions needed for that days schedule Readjust new items to schedule with assigned timeAfternoonEvening ()Immersive timewith intentional mental breaksAfternoon Processing WorkPhone calls e-mails Scan read quick items Assign to specific times to items longerTie loose ends Make notes as to where you left off and need to pick up again Adjust calendar on real time spent where, on what Review any errors and make notes as to how to correct themBook Notes: Work Clean by Dan Charnas' Work Clean SystemNotes by Catherine Franz"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/BMKnYOGL_Organizations-and-specialized-agencies-of-the-United-Nations.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Organizations and specialized agencies of the United NationsVienna, AustriaInternational Atomic Energy AgencyUnited Nations Industrial Development OrganizationMontreal, Quebec, CanadaInternational Civil Aviation OrganizationParis, FranceUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationRome, ItalyFood and Agriculture OrganizationInternational Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentWorld Food ProgrammeMadrid, SpainWorld Tourism OrganizationSwitzerlandBernUniversal Postal UnionGenevaInternational Labour OrganizationInternational Telecommunication UnionWorld Health OrganizationWorld Intellectual Property OrganizationWorld Meteorological OrganizationLondon, United KingdomInternational Maritime OrganizationWashington, D.C., United StatesInternational Monetary FundWorld Bank Group"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/m529217_Questions_to_Ask_Before_Hiring_a_Web_Design_Company.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Before Hiring a Website Design CompanyHow do they price their services?What is their track record?Types of clients have they worked withKind of results have they deliveredFigures to prove their resultsDo they retain their clients and have ongoing working relationships with themHow do they measure their results?Lower bounce ratesHigher repeat trafficConversionsPage One Google rankings for multiple keywordsWhat are their core services?What are their credentials or qualifications?What does their operation look like?fully staffed with professionalsrely on freelancers or outsourcing for the heavy liftingHow do they ensure your project is executed properly?How big is the company and what is their structure?What is their methodology for website planning and executionIs it right for you projectHow do they staff individual projects?Number of team members on your projectWho takes accountability for your projectHow often will they send you updateswhat is the communication processWho owns the company? Is it financially stable?Shelley-Ann J. West"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/0LVaRTHd_Grandmont-Chatenet.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Chatenetfoundationby the lords of Chalusset; Pierrebuffiere? ()diocese: Limoges, FranceFeytiat (87)near ancient ways towards l'Auvergne, the Southbefore 1157expansion: 13th c.by donations, achatsby the lords of Chalusset; Pierrebuffiere?foundation ()1295: 5 priests1317 a Priory1576:a Grandmontine nunnery, girl school18th c. income: 4500 poundsThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookSource: L. GUIBERT, « Destruction de l'Ordre et de l'abbaye de Grandmont », BSAHL, t. 23-25, 200-201.resources: rye, wheat, oats, tithes, rents, obituary rents, wood,wax, breeding statute labourponds, mills,vestigeswest rangepart of the south rangemap: http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_127.html http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_109.html"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/uWqhrlOA_Printemps-Culture-Tournai.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Printemps Culture TournaiJe participe1. Les débats publics2. Contributions sur le site3. Débats internes aux institutions et associationsThématiques分支主题This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookatelier"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/hjb82qwZ_Project-Plan.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Project PlanProject DescriptionDefinitionDeliverablesScopeIncludedExcludedConstraintsBudgetResourcesMaterialsServicesDeadlinesDependenciesPlanningDefine phasesCreate a scheduleDependenciesMilestonesContingenciesTolerance thresholdScheduleBudgetDefine project trackingTrainingSchedulePhase 1Create specificationsCustomer RequirementsSign-off CheckpointsAction itemsPhase 2Develop as needed...Phase 3Develop as needed...TrackingScheduleBudgetResourcesMission creepTroubleshootingThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookTips:"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qbMKrxVd_Concept-Map-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "中心主题NeurobiologyProcessing & transmission ()Processing & transmissionNeurobiology ()Stimuli ()StimuliProcessing & transmission ()nervous system ()nervous systemNeurons ()Stimuli ()NeuronsInformation ()consist of ()nervous system ()Nerve cells ()Synapses ()InformationNeurons ()Action- Potential ()Nerve cellsNeurons ()consist ofNeurons ()Soma ()Dendrites ()Axon ()AxonAxonhill ()Action- Potential ()consist of ()Dendritesconsist of ()Somaconsist of ()Action- PotentialAxon ()Information ()SynapsesNeurons ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/oVrIMwn2_Exceptional-Commencement-Speeches.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Exceptional Commencement Speeches2004Jon Stewart at William & MaryBill Gates at HarvardBono at Penn2005Steve Jobs at Stanford2008J. K. Rowling at Harvard2009Ellen DeGeneres at TulaneBarack Obama at ASUHillary Rodham Clinton at BarnardThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook2010Meryl Streep at BarnardJeff Bezos at Princeton2011Conan O'Brien at DartmouthStephen Colbert at NorthwesternTom Hanks at YaleRobert Krulwich at Berkeley2012Jacqueline Novogratz at GettysburgNeil Gaiman at University of the ArtsAaron Surkin at Syracuse"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/l523663_Principles_of_Crucial_Conversations.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Principles of Crucial Conversations An Interpretation of the work of Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler - Crucial Conversations - tools for talking when stakes are highGet unstuckStart with the heart of the matter (focus on what you really want)Work on meRefuse sucker's choiceLearn to look (for when safety is at risk)Spot the warning signs that indicate safety is at risk.Notice various forms of silence and violence.Step out of a conversation and notice how to make it work.Step out of a conversation and notice how to make it work.Identify your own Style Under Stress™ and manage it.Make it safe• Talk about almost anything-without silence and violence.• Use specific skills to keep everyone sharing information.• Establish and maintain mutual purpose and mutual respect.• Recognize when you’re at cross-purposes.Master my story (how to stay in dialogue when things turn crucial for you)• Eliminate victim, villain, and helpless stories, and improve your results.State my path (Speak persuasively, not abrasively.)• Get your meaning across even with potentially threatening messages.• Share strong opinions without shutting down contrary views.• State your mind while making it safe for others to do the same.Explore other's paths• Use exploring skills to make it safe for others to speak up.• Diffuse others’ violence and eliminate silence.• Encourage others to share issues they fear bringing up.• Get safely to the meaning behind others’ emotions.Move to action"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/w3BEnu2n_Documenting-a-Process-to-Handle-Safety-Incidents.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "IncidentAccident ()Safety Infraction ()This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookWho To Report ToHow To Report ()SupervisorHuman Resources DepartmentSafety DirectorMust complete \"First Report of Injury\" for Accident or Safety Infraction Within 24 HoursAccident ()How To Report ()Safety Infraction ()Create header record with minimum requirements to start processemail ()safety app ()Safety InfractionIncident ()Must complete \"First Report of Injury\" for Accident or Safety Infraction Within 24 Hours ()AccidentIncident ()Must complete \"First Report of Injury\" for Accident or Safety Infraction Within 24 Hours ()Priority - Get employee medical attentionHow To ReportWho To Report To ()Must complete \"First Report of Injury\" for Accident or Safety Infraction Within 24 Hours ()phoneemailCreate header record with minimum requirements to start process ()safety appCreate header record with minimum requirements to start process ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/k469754_Meta_Ethics.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Meta EthicsdefinitionA branch of moral philosophy asking questions about what we mean when something is right or wrong.meta ethical statements are about what it means to claim something is right or wrong.Normative ethicsa criteria we might use when making a moral judgemente.g.. Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, religious theories of ethics, situation ethics, virtue theory and natural lawCognitivismmaintain that moral statements are about factsNon-Cognitivismbelieve moral statements are neither right nor wrongbeyond anyone's understandingcan not be verified/ proventruth or falsity of claim cannot be knownNaturalismbelieves it is possible to establish facts just as one does scientificallyNon Naturalisma statement need justification'nothing is right or wrong thinking makes it so.' (Hamlet)a statement of evaluation cannot be derived directly from a statement of factIntuitionismrelies on sensory experience to decide right and wrongindividual moral intuitioncant be explained just knowgoodness cannot be described just demonstratedLogical positivismeverything depends on evidenceanything meaningful has to have been verifiedanything else is mysticism or intutionbut couldn't be describedEmotivismmoral language does not deal with objective or facts.opinion based.related to users emotions and valuePerscriptivismexpressions of opinion/feeling but also encouraging other to adopt our attitude.prescribing our opinions, recommending that listeners adopt our approach.No EvidenceE.g. we cant know if murder is wrongnon-cognitivismlogical positivismemotivismperscriptivismtruth or falsityopinionE.g. I think Murder is Wrongsubjectivenon-naturalismopinionsemotivismperscriptivismEvidenceE.g. Murder is WrongobjectivefactNaturalsimcognitivismUniversalAbsolute"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/pCwqEyjS_Apple-s-Advertisement.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Apple's AdvertisementCompanyDesigned by Apple in CaliforniaGet a MacSwitchThink different.The Power to Be Your BestThe Computer for the rest of usSoon there will be 2 kinds of people. Those who use computers, and those who use Apples.Byte into an AppleiPadThe iPad is...A magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price.Thinner. Lighter. Faster. Facetime. Smart Covers. 10 hour battery.Now with iOS 5 and iCloud, it just got even harder to put down.ResolutionaryEvery inch an iPadJust as stunning. Twice as fast.Two sizes do all.MacHigher Resolution. Better MileageState-of-the-art meets state-of-the-art.There's something in the air.ThinnovationNimble, meet quick.Redesigned. Reengineered, Re-everythinged.The highest-resolution notebook ever. And the second-highest.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookiPhoneThe internet in your pocket.Touching is believingHelloiPhone Apple reinvents the phoneSay Hello to iPhoneThe iPhone you've been waiting for.The first phone to beat the iPhone.Twice as fast, for half the priceThe most advanced mobile OS. Now even more advanced.25,000 apps. And counting.The fastest, most powerful iPhone yet.More to love, less to payThis changes everything. Again.There's an app for that. That's the iPhone. Solving life's dilemma one app at a time.If you don't have an iPhone, well, you don't have an iPhone.The world's thinnest smartphone.Finally.It's the most amazing iPhone yet.The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhoneLoving it is easy. That's why so many people do.For the colorful.Forward thinking.The Initiator"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/K5cDbfWh_U-S-Government-Spending-on-Contractors-2010-.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "U.S. Government Spending (2010)Agriculture Department$ 6 BillionCommerce Department$3.9 BillionDefense Department$367.2 BillionEducation Department$1.8 BillionEnergy Department$25.6 BillionEPA (Environmental Protection Agency)$1.6 BillionGeneral Services Administration$18 BillionHealth and Human Services$19 BillionHomeland Security$13 BillionHousing and Urban Development$1.6 BillionInterior Department$6.1 BillionThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookInternational Development$6.6 BillionJustice Department$6.4 BillionLabor Department$2.2 BillionNASA$16 BillionOther Agencies$2.2 BillionSmall Business Administration$143 MillionSocial Security Administration1.3 BillionState Department$8.1 BillionTransportation Department$5.6 BillionTreasury Department$5.9 BillionVeteran Affairs Department$16.1 BillionMindmap by Chance Brown, 8/7/11"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/SaadRKCh_Budget-Calculation-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Budget CalculationRegion NorthEvent AEvent CEvent KRegion EastEvent DEvent ORegion SouthEvent BEvent NRegion WestEvent IEvent FEvent MEvent EEventsEvent LEvent HEvent G"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/Biggerplate_MindMap_xFpDPnge.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "VielbeschäftigteingespannthektischGlücklichGefühlWohlergehensZufriedenheitwas geschafft zu habenrationellpünktlichschafft mehrThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookwww.wenzlaff.deGleichgewicht bewahrenbeständigausgeglichenPraxis\"lebender Hund besser als Toter Löwe\"delegierenpositive EinstellungplanensystematischsofortÜberlegtGesundheitErnährungRuheSchlaf"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/dhlvgF6t_Contrasting-and-categorization-of-EMOTIONS.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Contrasting and categorization of EMOTIONSabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrasting_and_categorization_of_emotionsintroThe contrasting and categorization of emotions describes how emotions are thought to relate to each other. Several proposals have been made for organizing them into groups.Plutchik's wheel of emotionsIn 1980, Robert Plutchik constructed diagram of emotions visualising eight basic emotions: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger and anticipation. The wheel was inspired by Plutchik's Ten Postulates[17][18] Plutchik also theorized twenty-four \"Primary\", \"Secondary\", and \"Tertiary\" dyads (feelings composed of two emotions).[19][20][21]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Plutchik-wheel.svgThe wheel emotions can be paired in four groups:Primary dyad= one petal apart = Love = Joy + TrustSecondary dyad= two petals apart = Envy = Sadness + AngerTertiary dyad= three petals apart = Shame = Fear + DisgustOpposite emotions= four petals apart = Anticipation ≠ SurpriseEmotions can be mild or intensefor example, distraction is a mild form of surprise, and rage is an intense form of anger.The kinds of relation between each pair of emotions are:Emotions and oppositesDyads (Combinations)Plutchik's wheel in Venn formatJessica Hagy wrote on her blog that Plutchik's wheel of emotions gave a demonstration on emotions, but needed more levels of intensity in the emotion combinations.She observed that the wheel was a Venn diagram format, and expanded the primary dyadsEmotional overlapThe Hourglass of EmotionsThe 2012 book The Hourglass of Emotions was based on Robert Plutchik's model, but categorised the emotions into four sentic dimensions.It contrasted anger, anticipation, joy, and trust as positive emotions, and fear, surprise, sadness and disgust as negative.[24]Emotional flowAdvanced emotionsAdvanced emotions formed from two sentic dimensions."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/MFsmukJY_Social-Media-Trade-Show-Skill-Set-Requirements.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Social Media Trade Show Skill Set RequirementsStrategic VisionaryCreate engaged social media presences and communitiesTurn your creative vision into a technical planFeet on the StreetGreat shows need a social media presence at the show to be successful, capture the essence and voice of the show and to capture mediaNeeds to be highly proficient and resourceful with technologyTechnical DevelopmentLightweight development to create landing pages and other technical elements on social platformsGraphic DesignCreate the visual elements that support social media platformsDesigner must understand the constraints and variables when designing for social mediaProject ManagementSocial media requires a strong project manager to bring all of the pieces together and keep the moving parts in motionProject manager must understand the social style of communicationThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookContent CreationIn-house content creation resource that understands the brand platform and voiceContent resource has a full grasp on all of the content resources in the organization and knows when to create and when to re-purposeMedia RelationsThe connector (PR agent) who liaises with the media to ensure that your social channels are top of mindAn in-house social media content creator to add new media to your social channels on an ongoing basisEvent TalentProduct managers and other leaders who help establish and maintain the voice of your social media presence through video, audio and textSomeone who understands the tenor of the brand with respect for social web, and can connect with the audience in an informal (social media) voice\"Back Office\" Social Media MonitoringA human being who can read what turns up, source a response from somewhere in your organization and then engage with the social audienceDiplomacy to manage conflict or criticism with the kind of enthusiasm that engages your audienceOptional ResourcesVideographerPodcasterEvent guest bloggers"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/wA4899YP_Las-Vegas-Trip-Agenda.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Vegas TripParis Las VegasConf. #MMCDD702-946-7000July 9Mat Franco7:00pm The LinkRow 34; Seats 1-2July 5 Print tickets off of ticketmaster.comJuly 10Piff the Magic Dragon8:00pm Bugsy's Cabaret - FlamingoFor tickets bring Conf. and ID to Box Office no later than 6pmGeneral Admission - Arrive to get in line by 7:15pmJuly 11Jeff Dunham & Dinner7:30pm The Colosseum Inside Caesar's PalaceTicket Pick-up @Colosseum Box Ofc 4:00-6:30pmDinner @Planet Hollywood Restaurant in Caesar's Palace. Terrace Level in Forum ShopsJuly 12Tape Face7:00pm Bugsy's Cabaret - FlamingoFor tickets bring Conf. and ID to Box Office no later than 5pmGeneral Admission - Arrive to get in line by 6:15pmJuly 15Mesa Grill 11:00amCaesar's PalaceParanormal4:00pm Windows - Bally'sFor tickets bring Conf. and ID to Box Office no later than 2pmPremium SeatingRestaurantsGordon RamseyStage Door Casino & BarViva Las Arepas4.6* (854) $ 3.1 MilesDelivery via Grubhub, Doordash, etc.Earl of Sandwich4.4* (557) $ .4 MilesPlanet Hollywood Resort"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qtGh5ZmA_Personal-Improvement-NVC-Non-Violent-Communication.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "NVCEmpathetically Receiving1. ObservationWhat you observe (free from evaluation) that does not contribute to your well-being.\"When you...\"SeeHearRememberImagine2. FeelingsHow you feel (emotion or sensation rather than thought) in relation to what you observe.\"You feel...\"List of words for feelingsWhen satisfiedWhen not satisfied3. NeedsWhat you need or value (rather than a preference, or a specific action) that causes your feelings.\" . . . because I need/value. . . \"Empathetically receiving that which would enrich your life without hearing any demandList of needs4. RequestThe concrete actions you would like taken\"Would you like to . . . \" (sometimes dropped with offering empathy)All four steps are not needed in all situations.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookHonestly Expressing1. ObservationWhat I observe (free from my evaluation) that does not contribute to my well-being.\"When I...\"SeeHearRememberImagine2. FeelingsHow I feel (emotion or sensation rather than thought) in relation to what I observe.\"I feel...\"List of words for feelingsWhen satisfiedWhen not satisfied3. NeedsWhat I need or value (rather than a preference, or a specific action) that causes my feelings.\" . . . because I need/value. . . \"Clearly requesting that which would enrich my life without demandingList of needs4. RequestThe concrete actions I would like taken\"Would you be willing to . . . \"All four steps are not needed in all situations.Other\"Never stick your butt in the face of an angry man\"If someone hears blame when you show your feelings and needs then they have not understood/heard your pain.Slow the conversation down to conveyAnger is a reaction to stimulus. The cause of the anger, however, is an unmet need within you for which you are responsible.It is a million times harder to get things done if you have reacted badly rather than having understood the need behind the expressed stimulus.Never connect to what is going on in the head of the other person. Listen for and connect with the underlying feelings and needs.Only listen for needs and feelings"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/qixvnr9e_Las-7-maravillas-del-Mundo-en-5-categorias.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Las 7 maravillas del Mundo en 5 categoriasAntiguasLas pirámides de KheopsLos jardínes suspendidos de BabiloniaEl templeo de ArthémisLa estatua de ZeusLe Mausoleo de HalicarnasseLa estatua de bronce de HeliosEl faro de AlexandríaNuevasLa Gran MurallaPetraEl Cristo RendentorEl Taj MahalEl Machu PichuEl ColiseoChichen ItzaModernasEl barrera de ItaipuEl canal de PanamáLa torre de TorontoEl Empire State BuildingEl Golden Gate BridgeEl Plan DeltaEl túnel del canal de la ManchaThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookNaturalesEl Gran CañonLa bahía de GuanabaraLas auroras polaresEl volcán ParicutinLes cataratas VictoriaEl EverestLa gran barera de coralNuevas NaturalesAmazoníaLas cataratas del IguazúLa bahía de Ha LongLa isla de Jeju DoEl río subterráneo de Puerto PrincesaLa isla de KomodoLa montaña de la mesa"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/ZjpP3vtb_Chmod.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "chmodAufrufchmod [options] mode file1 ...-R für rekursiveNotationSymbolischeu für den Eigentümer (user),g für die Gruppe (group)o für alle anderen Benutzer (other)a, welches alle drei Benutzergruppen umschließt (all)+-=NumerischVoll7Lesen und Schreiben6Lesen und Ausführen5Nur Lesen4Schreiben und Ausführen3Nur Schreiben2Nur Ausführen1Keine0This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebook"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/415z497y_Weekplanner.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "WEEK 25MAANDAG 18-6DINSDAG 19-6WOENSDAG 20-6This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookDONDERDAG 21-6VRIJDAG 22-6WEEKEND 23/24-6"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/U0QkItB3_Lutter-contre-laProcrastination.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Lutter contre la ProcrastinationLes rituelsManque de disciplineÉparpillementPosent un cadre rassurant3-4 semaines pour ancrer le rituelLe deal des 5 minutesDifficulté à démarrerÉvitementDifficile de ne pas démarrer juste pour 5 minutesDans 80% des cas on aura envie de continuer au-delà des 5 minutes !Sinon respecter le deal avec soi-même et s'arrêterLa visualisationDifficulté à atteindre ses objectifsDifficulté à suivre son planPréparer son cerveau à réussirEn se visualisant en train de réussirEt ressentir le plus de détails possible : émotionnels et sensorielsLa to-do listOubli de certaines tâchesProblème d'organisationAvoir une idée globale de TOUT ce qu'il y a à faireFaire de la place dans sa têteSans rien oublierThis mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookLa notion du tempsDifficulté à finir dans les tempsTrop d'optimismeRéapprendre la mesure objective du tempsNoter le temps estimé pour chaque tâcheComparer avec le temps effectivement passéSavoir dire nonSe surcharger inutilementManque de confiance en soiDire non avec bienveillanceEt faire une contre-proposition\"Court-circuiter\" le cerveau : passer par le corpsSe sentir pris au piège de ses émotions / peursNe pas trouver de solution à ses problèmesRespiration : Cohérence cardiaqueMéditationArts-martiauxSéminaire gestion des peursCarte créée par Bernard JOUVEL"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/r720105_The_6_Capability_To_Success.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "通往成功的新能力 (混搭 6 力-人生加值)整合力跨領域凝聚資源溝通力精通產品與客服了解客戶執行力從零開始勤動手企業成功上升螺旋成功企業上升螺旋.jpg科技力大膽運用數位資源e 化 M 化 U 化e 化 M 化 U 化 企業改造 & 專案計劃展開計分卡.jpg感受力找出創意並商品化市場力品牌力行銷力"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/4zIGouDU_Security-made-by-Apple.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Security made by AppleApple IDYour Apple ID is the key to a lot of things you do with Apple, so it's important that only you have the ability to access your account details, update your password, or make other changes to your account.PropertiesE-Mail AddressPasswordUsageUsing iCloudUsing FacetimeUsing iMessagePurchase in storesiOS File SystemEvery app is an islandApps can only access their own local foldersAppStoreApplication controlApple controls appsNo third-party storesFingerprint TechnologyiPhone 5SSetupOpen the Settings to the Passcode & Fingerprint menu, and select Fingerprints.Select Add A Fingerprint. You can choose any finger you like — and even enter multiple fingers — but it’s best to choose one that you’re most likely to use when holding the phone.Place your finger on the Home button without pressing it down. You will have to touch the button several times; as you do, the gray lines will turn red. When all the lines have turned red, the setup process will move to the next step.Adjust your grip so that you’re holding the iPhone 5s as you would normally.Roll the edges of your finger on the Home button. This is so the Touch ID sensor will be able to identify your fingerprint even if you don’t press it the same way every time. Now you can unlock your phone just by using your fingerprint.Press the Home button to turn on your iPhone’s screen. This will bring up the lock screen.Rest your finger on the Home button to unlock your iPhone. You don’t need to press down on it. If you want to add additional fingerprints, repeat the steps.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookiCloud KeychainComing soonMost of the websites you visit nowadays require user names and passwords. Remembering them all can be tough. So let iCloud Keychain do it for you. It stores your website user names and passwords on the devices you’ve approved, protects them with robust 256-bit AES encryption, and keeps them up to date on each device. Then it automatically fills them in whenever and wherever you need them. Password Generator can even suggest unique, hard-to-guess passwords for your online accounts. iCloud Keychain works with credit card information too, so checking out takes no time at all.Activation LockFind My iPhone Activation Lock.Your iPhone is your iPhone, no matter where it is. The same goes for your iPad and iPod touch. Because security features in iOS 7 make it very difficult for anyone who’s not you to use or sell your device. Turning off Find My iPhone or erasing your device requires your Apple ID and password. Find My iPhone can also continue to display a custom message, even after your device is erased. And your Apple ID and password are required before anyone can reactivate it.102-Step VerificationWhyTurning on two-step verification reduces the possibility of someone accessing or making unauthorized changes to your account information at My Apple ID or making purchases using your account.WhatTwo-step verification is an optional security feature for your Apple ID. It requires you to verify your identity using one of your devices before you can:Make an iTunes, App Store, or iBooks Store purchase from a new device.Get Apple ID-related support from Apple.HowSign in to My Apple ID to manage your account.When you set up two-step verification, you register one or more trusted devices. A trusted device is a device you control that can receive 4-digit verification codes using either Find My iPhone notifications or SMS to verify your identity.Then, any time you sign in to manage your Apple ID at My Apple ID or make an iTunes, App Store, or iBooks Store purchase from a new device, you will need to enter both your password and a 4-digit verification code as shown below."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/hS1PR5Xf_Mainz-15-local-districts.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mainz 15 local districtsabout this mapby wojciech korsak (POLAND)all information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MainzAltstadtBretzenheimDraisEbersheimFinthenGonsenheimHartenberg-MünchfeldHechtsheimLaubenheimLerchenbergMarienbornMombachNeustadtOberstadtWeisenau"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/jBgDbeNe_Bergen.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BergenhasPhotoCollectionhometownKurt_NilsenabstractKurt Erik Kleppe Nilsen (born September 29, 1978) is a Norwegian pop/country singer. He won the first season of the Norwegian version of the reality television show Pop Idol, which aired on TV 2 in May 2003. He then won a one-off international version of Pop Idol, called World Idol on January 1, 2004, featuring winners of the various national Idol shows.titleIdol (Norway)WinnerNorwegian VG-lista number-one single: Hallelujah w/Lind, Fuentes and HolmNorwegian VG-lista number-one single: \"Push Push\"Norwegian VG-lista number-one single: \"Lost Highway\" w/Willie NelsonNorwegian VG-lista number-one single: She's So HighWorld IdolthumbnailhasPhotoCollectionKurt_NilseninstrumentDrum_kitSingingBass_guitarGuitarRCA_RecordsoccupationSongwriterSingingsubjectcategory:Norwegian_pop_singerslocationSt_John's_Church,_BergenGamlehaugenthumbnail200px-Gamlehaugen1.jpgabstractGamlehaugen is a mansion in Bergen, Norway, and the residence of the Norwegian Royal Family in the city. Gamlehaugen has a history that goes as far back as the Middle Ages, and the list of previous owners includes many of the wealthiest men in Bergen. Today owned by the Norwegian state, the most recent private owner was Christian Michelsen, a politician and shipping magnate who later became the first Prime Minister of Norway after the dissolution of the union between Sweden and Norway. Michelsen commissioned the construction of the current main building at Gamlehaugen, where he would live for most of the rest of his life. When Michelsen died in 1925, his closest friends and colleagues started a national fund-raising campaign that brought in enough money to allow the Norwegian state to purchase the property. The large English park was opened to the public the same year, and the first floor of the house was opened as a museum two years later. Gamlehaugen has been the Norwegian Royal Family's residence in Bergen since 1927.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebooklocationlatd60 (xsd:integer)latm23 (xsd:integer)lats22 (xsd:integer)latnsNgeo:long5.330000 (xsd:float)geo:lat60.389446 (xsd:float)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bmmanger_png/iN6R0xvP_Grandmont-Jayat.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Jayatfoundationby the lords of DEOLS? Andre de Chauvigny, Richard the Lionheart ()diocese: Limoges, FranceBord-Saint-Georges (23)circa 1194, during the war in Berry?by the lords of DEOLS? Andre de Chauvigny, Richard the Lionheartfoundation ()1295: 4 priests1317, a domain de Chavanon (63)emphyteotic leaseSource: L. GUIBERT, « Destruction de l'Ordre et de l'abbaye de Grandmont », BSAHL, t. 23-25, p. 296-297. G. DEVAILLY, Le Berry du Xe au milieu du XIIIe s., p. 372.This mind map was downloaded from www.biggerplate.comFind more mind maps in our libraryFollow us on TwitterFind us on Facebookmap: http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_127.html http://limousin-grandmont.com/cariboost1/crbst_109.html"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"}