{"image": ["bxmind_png/YPZDhGAI_2022-Personal-Annual-Report-FS-blog.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "2022 Personal Annual Report - Farnam StreetQ1: You're fired(Ruthlessly) analyzeWhat's working?What's NOT working?If you wanted to be more successful/ start from scratch todayWhat would you stop doing?What would you start?What's getting in the way?Q2: More and LessYou'll never reach the top of the mountain unless you enjoy the climb...PositivesWhat gave your energy?What gave you meaning?What do you want to spend MORE time on next year?NegativesWhat drained you?What seemed void?What do you want to spend LESS time on next year?Q3: Passive ModeDon't wait for things to happen, make them happenWhere am I waiting for another person to make the first move?What can I do to go positive and go first?Q4: Planting SeedsDo the things today that would put yourself in a better position tomorrowWhat can I do in the next week that will make the rest of the year easier?What can I do this year that will leave me in a better position for next year?Q5: Inner CircleSelect your friends as you would a personal board of directorsWho do I spend time with that pulls me down?Who do I spend time with that lifts me up?Q6: Film CrewAssume a film crew is following you around, all day, documenting your success....What would you be doing that you'd want the film crew to see?What are the things I'm doing that I don't want them to see?Q7: GoalsHave goalsAnd have SYSTEMS in place to make them inevitableYearly goals... break them intoMonthly goalsWeekly goalsWrite & Put them where you can see them!What are your goals for 2023?Do you have the right systems in place to make them happen?What needs to change?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/YlyBOCAa_GNOME-Adult-education-Metacognition.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GNOMEGoalsWhat are you going to do with this course ?What do you want to get from this training ?NeedsWhat do you need that training for ?What are the things you need to learn ?ObjectivesWhat outcomes do you expect from this course ?What are the results you want to achieve ?MethodsHow do you reach your goals ?How do you study ?What kind of tools are you using to study ?EvaluationHow do you measure your success ?What is working ?What is not working ?How can you do it better ?MOOC : Instructional Methods for Health Professions Education, Coursera, University of Michigan, Caren Stalburg, MD, MAMarco Bertolini, June 2016Mnemonic by Dr Quirk"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/h5YyHNJO_Identification-Process-Com.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Identification Process ComDéclencheur interne/externeSous-sujet 1Oui : prend l'initiativeOui : s'engage d'abord dans la relation (Empathique)Non : ne prend pas l'initiativeNon : s'engage d'abord dans la tâche à accomplir (Rêveur)Engagé/En retraitSous-sujet 1Oui : s'engage d'abord dans la relationOui : prend l'initiative (Empathique)Non : s'engage d'abord dans la tâche à accomplirNon : ne prend pas l'initiative (Rêveur)En fonction de ses valeurs, la personne sera plus ou moins tournée vers l'humainOrientation vers la tâcheSous-sujet 1Orientation vers la personneInitiative du contactObservation préalable du contact avant initiative du contactPerseverantEn situation de stress, son environnement préféré est le tête à têteReformuler son point de vue afin de faire comprendre que le message est passé Lui demander comment elle résoudrait la situation de son point de vue L'écouter, prendre en considération ses remarques pour assoir son besoin de reconnaissance pour ses opinionsInitiative du contact car besoin d'informations pour classer le contactTravaillomaneEn situation de stress..."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/PVH4xwQG_Henry-IV-Part-1.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Henry IV Part 11. Act I, Scene ii, lines 193-215.The scapegrace son of King Henry IV, Prince Harry is playing a much longer game than it may appear. The life of debauchery he leads, as his drinking companions take their leave one night, is only the cover from which he will one spring to glory.I know you all well, and will awhile uphold...2. Act V, Scene i, lines 127-140.Told by Prince Harry that he owes God a death, since all men must die eventually, Sir John Falstaff makes it clear that he has no intention of discharging his debt in that days battle:’Tis not due yet - I would be loath to pay him before his day.3. Act V, Scene iv, lines 86-109.The great and the gross: victorious in battle, Prince Harry finds two very different men lying dead before him, the defeated Hotspur and his old drinking companion Falstaff:For worms, brave Percy. Fare thee well, great heart! Ill-weaved ambition, how much art thou shrunk.4. Act V, Scene iv, lines 110-127.Yet Falstaff, it seems, is made of more heroic stuff, rising when Harry leaves to reply with a soliloquy of his own:Embowelled? If thou embowel me to-day, I’ll give you leave to powder me and eat me too tomorrow."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/bQfRUcga_Competition-Types.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Competition TypesMonopsonistOligopsonistPerfect CompetitionOligopolyCartelMonopolyLegal Monopoly >25%Dominant Monopoly >40%Natural MonopolyMonopolistic CompetitionBilateral Monopoly"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/BRyfcfgy_Mooc-definition.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MOOCMassiveMassifParfoisplus de 100.000 participantsEn FranceGdP : 10.000OpenOuvert à tousSans conditionAgeDiplômePas forcémentgratuitOnlineEn ligneParfoisMeetupsActivités hors ligneCourseCoursVidéoCourtesSous-titrées ou nonQuizEvaluation par les pairsMarco Bertolini pour le Sommet Mémoire et Apprentissage"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/KbjNfFEt_Ie.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "IEQCStatisticsOPDEHR6 sigma"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/u1jFAzoN_2019-Mind-Mapping-Software-Trends-Survey.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "2019 MIND MAPPING SOFTWARE TRENDS SURVEYBottom-line benefitsTime savings (hrs.)Biggest benefitProductivity increase (%)Creativity increase (%)Work improvementHow has it changed how you work?What specific areas of improvement does it enable?Quality of work it enablesConfidence working with mind mapping softwareTackle complex projects easilyTypes of thinking enabledBrainstormingThinking/planningResearchProject/task managementNumerous applications for businessWHY PARTICIPATE?TAKE THE SURVEY NOW! ()Benchmark best practices used by your peersHow ELSE should you be using it?Get maximum VALUE from it!Help quantify what mind mapping software makes possibleExpand its influence as a valuable business tool\"The savvy executive's secret weapon!\"Build a strong case for your team to use it and your boss to support itDemonstrate proof of its valueExplain its benefits to othersTell me where you're getting stuck with mind mapping softwareHelp me provide the right knowledge andresources to meet YOUR needsShare your opinions to help shape the future of mind mapping softwareTell software developers what you NEEDSupport the global community of mind mappersWe're all in this togetherYour opinion matters!I share abundant resources, learing and insights with you - please return the favor!TAKE THE SURVEY NOW!WHY PARTICIPATE? ()"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/9c89da04-c269-4bcd-a65f-a2d686844760.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BREAKING OF THE BREAD OF LIFEMatthew 26:17-30first day of the feast of unleavened breadMark 14:22-24as they did eatLuke 22:19-20this do in remembrance of meJohn 6:35I am the bread of lifeJohn 6:51I am the living bread which came down from heaven:John 6:53-57Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in youActs 2:42they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowshipActs 2:46-47And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple,Acts 20:7And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together1 Corinthians 10:16-17the communion of the body of Christ1 Corinthians 10:21-22partakers of the Lord's table1 Corinthians 11:20-34come together in one place to eat the Lord's supper"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/os7ErQEA_Mindflexing-the-Patrix.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mindflexing & the PatrixFixed MindsetTwo Mindsets (Intelligence is static)Avoid ChallengesGive up easilySee effort as fruitlessIgnores criticismThreatened by success of othersDisempoweringHow we acquire beliefsTwo MindsetsFixedGrowthReinforcement of fixed mindsetFixedFeedback affirms smart/stupidFixed mindset are deeply embedded in our cultureTakes awareness to notice where these insidious beliefs show upStimulate growth mindset attitudesEmpowerment to disengage & design better alternativesReinforcement of growth mindsetGrowthThe PatrixAlleviation (Key world changers task)Social ControlNeeds human development of willOpposes to Gaia U frameworkTeachers/Parents co-optedWe have been conditioned to the patrix!My ThoughtsWe have the power to empower!Gratitude/frustration/persistence/driveWelcoming my conditions/de conditionDriving force to sourceFlourish by exampleAlleviationThe Patrix (Key world changers task)Reclaim&liberate our own intelligencesRecovering from schooling & support others to do the sameNo need to blame ourselvesGrowth MindsetTwo Mindsets (Intelligence can be developed/World Changing)Embrace ChallengesPersist in face of setbacksEffort as path to masteryThrive from CriticismEncompass the power to empower/learn from othersEmpoweringTwo MindsetsFixed Mindset (Intelligence is static)Growth Mindset (Intelligence can be developed/World Changing)How we acquire beliefsFixed MindsetGrowth MindsetBook 1 Element 3"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/nudJ6PfD_-1-WORK_CREATIVITY-How-to-use-the-PMI-technique.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "IDEA / STATEMENT/ ISSUESTEPPLUSExamine the idea/ statement and write down the positive points-Sous-sujet 1Sous-sujet 2Sous-sujet 3Sous-sujet 4STEPMINUSExamine the idea/ statement and write down the negative points-Sous-sujet 1Sous-sujet 2Sous-sujet 3Sous-sujet 4STEPINTERESTINGExamine the idea/ statement and write down what are the interesting points?-Sous-sujet 1Sous-sujet 2Sous-sujet 3Sous-sujet 4STEPNow you can take your decision!!!THE PMI TECHNIQUE\" Improve your thinking by opening your mind \"The PMI technique is a thinking technique to find out the Plus, Minus ant Interesting points about an issue or idea, BEFORE to form your opinion.THE PMI TECHNIQUEMINDMPAP ## 1CATEGORyCREATIVITYMETHODPMIORIGINEduard de BonoDOCUMENTATIONDe Bono's Course in Thinking (Réfléchir vite et bien)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/f543d4b9-12d5-477e-9368-47fd283d47c4.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Central TopicMain Topic 2Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Subtopic 1Main Topic 3Main Topic 4Main Topic 5"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/c804e075-bed8-4dea-865a-12cdc317e9a8.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SoT Speech to StaffTable of ContentsKeyNoteChild ProtectionEducational VisitsTeaching and LearningAccreditation UpdateOther schools projectsKeynoteHealthT1a is exam resultsWellbeing / MindfulnessReflective SchoolCritical thinkingTalmud"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/KrCyZSeV_Ancient-Egyptian-Calendar.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Ancient Egyptian CalendarLucky DaysUNLUCKY DAYSLinksJetsu, LauriPorceddu, Sebastian"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/dSLKVKeG_Flash-BootLoader.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Flash BootLoaderFlash Driversaved in flashbetter run in RAMclear after use to avoid accidental call in appadvantage:fasteragile(only update flash driver without update bootloader)also could run in FLASHbootloader -> flash Mem.Flash Tool(PC)BootLoaderbasic CAN interfaceCANDCANCprotectedsaved in protected flashSelf protected子主题 3"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/KWEMxgPP_Coriolanus.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Coriolanus1. Act IV, Scene iv, lines 12-26.Exiled from Rome himself as an enemy of the people, Coriolanus now finds himself in Antium, an ‘enemy’ state. ‘City, ’tis I who made thy widows,’he wryly recalls, as he sets off in search of his old adversary, Aufidius:O world, thy slippery turns!"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/0KxW5AMM_PersonalManagement.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Personal ManagementSportingTravelingEatingWorkingHawaiiMaldivesHongKongJapanYellow MountainRunningYogaBasketballWalkingSwimmingReading"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/UGfgbbcq_Prozessaufbereitung-Prozessanalyse.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Prozessaufbereitung, ProzessanalysePPSProduktionsplanung ProduktionssteuerungErzeugnisstrukturplanung, (Stücklisten)AblaufdatenBetriebsmittelplanung AusführzeitenCADComputer Aided DesignKonstruktionspläneZwei - Dreidimensionale ModelleFunktions und BewegungsabläufeArbeitsplanerstellungCAPComputer Aided PlanningAblaufplanungenCNCCAE: Computer Aided Engineering - Oft als Überbegriff für CAD/CAP CAM: Computer AIDED Manufacturing"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/XVH63e0f_Henry-VI-Part-1.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Henry VI Part 11. Act I, Scene v, lines 19-26.The English Lord Talbot marvels at what he sees as the infernal prowess of Joan of Arc.My thoughts are whirled like a potter’s wheel...2. Act IV, Scene i, lines 182-194.Relieved at the restraint shown by the Duke of York in the face of King Henry’s ineffectual rule, Exeter nevertheless wonders just how long the rivalries between England’s various noble houses can be kept in check.Well didst thou, Richard, to suppress thy voice..."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/VpkpPkoh_Key-Principles-for-creating-accessible-web-content.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "accessible web contentPerceivableinformationpresentedto the userin a way he can perceiveUseALT Textread by screenreadersdisplayed in place of imagesread and found by search enginesOperableUser must be ableto controlthe functionsof the interfaceInputOutputdevicesOutputInputUnderstandableUsermust be able to understandThe informationThe operationof the interfaceThe operationThe informationInterfaceshouldavoidcorrectmistakescorrectavoidRobustReadable bya wide variety of agentsincluding assistive technologiespointersmagnifiersscreenreadersBrowsersMedia playersPluginsKey principles for creatingMarco BertoliniAccording to MOOC Digital Accessibility Future Learn"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/K0XogGLt_Interview-Questions.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Interview QuestionsWhy have you been out of work so long, and how many others were laid off?What's wrong with you?Best answer: I was an excellent employee & gave more than a day's work for a day's pay.What's wrong with you?If employed, how do you manage time for interviews?Are you short-changing your current employer?Best answer: I'm taking personal time off. I only interview for positions that are a terrific match.Are you short-changing your current employer?How did you prepare for this interview?How much do you really care about this job?Best answer: I researched it starting with the company website. I really want this job.How much do you really care about this job?Do you know anyone working for us?Who might be a good judge of true character?Best answer: If you do know someone only mention them by name if you're certain of their positive standing within the organisation.Who might be a good judge of true character?Where would you really work?Are you applying for every job in sight?Best answer: This is where I want to work and this job is what I want to do.Are you applying for every job in sight?What bugs you about coworkers or bosses?Are you impossible to work with?Best answer: I've been lucky to have good bosses who were knowledgeable and fair and past workers who were able, supportive and friendly.Are you impossible to work with?Can you describe how you solved a work or school problem?Can you think critically?Best answer: Example: How you solved time management issues in order to take on a special assignment or complicated project.Can you think critically?Can you describe a work or school instance in which you messed up?Do you repeat the same mistakes over and over?Are you too self-important or unaware that you don't see your own failings?Are you so insecure or terrible that you will list all of your personal flaws?Best answer: Briefly mention a single small, well-intentioned goof and follow up with an important lesson learned from the experience.Do you repeat the same mistakes over and over?Are you so insecure or terrible that you will list all of your personal flaws?Are you too self-important or unaware that you don't see your own failings?How does this position compare with others you're applying for?Who else is interested?What will it take to bring you on board?Best answer: I respect the privacy of any organisation where I interview. I have found my destination here.What will it take to bring you on board?Who else is interested?If you won the lottery, would you still work?Are you really a motivated and hard worker?Best answer: While I'd be thrilled to win the lottery, I would still look for meaningful work because meeting challenges and achieving makes me happy.Are you really a motivated and hard worker?Three most important questions.Can you do the job?StrengthsTechnicalLeadership/inter-personalWill you love the job?MotivationCan we tolerate working with you?FitTypical questions for motivation: What gets you out of bed in the morning? What's important to people now) Talk about some of the most significant memories you have had throughout your career and what it is that got you through those times wither good or bad. (Helps get at patterns and trends)Will you love the job?Can we tolerate working with you?Can you do the job?OnboardingGetting a head startManaging the messageBuilding the teamThe key to accelerating success and reducing risk in a new job.Getting a head startBuilding the teamManaging the message"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/0UcnvGUF_Pecuniary-and-Non-PecuniaryFactors.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Non-PecuniaryFactorsConvenience and flexibility of hoursMothers2nd jobs or other commitmentsStatusHouse of LordsLocal CouncillorsPromotion ChancesTrading FloorSalesGraduate recruitment SchemesFlexibility of locationWork from homeTravelQualifications and skillsPilotBeauticianJob SecurityJob for lifeTenureUniversityGovernment positionsPleasantness of the jobsFinborough rather than tough schoolGolf TrainerDive InstructorHolidaysTeachersPerks and fringe benefitsCompany CarShop discountsPension SchemesTravel SchemesCompany HolidaysQuantity and Quality of trainingAvivaChefs and restaurantsPerformance of firm / occupationFTSE 100Pecuniary (Financial)AccountancyEvery company needs oneBoring as hell!Banking / FinanceMcDonalds"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/dvLyGY4b_Coping-with-the-Holidays-in-Addiction-Recovery.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "HolidaysHolidays are toughBlogTopicQuoteMapPersonal/ExampleCBT contextDiscussionToolsI rememberProblemShift perspectiveGratitude articleNot aloneExampleToolGratitude ListConcludeNowSolutionHolidays blog outline"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/vNxkyPXM_Twelfth-Night.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Twelfth Night1. Act II, Scene ii, lines 17-41.When Viola, disguised as a boy, is sent a love token by the beautiful Olivia - who claims to be ‘returning’ it - she is struck by the power of a handsome form over female sensibilities:I left no ring with her; what means this lady?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/0b17b622-d33a-4d15-93aa-bae4fa52c295.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Refugee Youth Empowerment Project- DeliverablesMarketing PlanCreating Project awareness among relevant StakeholdersDesigning & Printing Brochures + Posters in Swedish along with translations in Dari, Arabic, Somali & EnglishLaunching a webpage explaining the project DetailsMeetings at 5 Refugee homes to provide first hand knowledge, sharing about the objectives, selection criteria & distributing of brochuresDistribution of forms to gauge basic interest, previous education, language competenciesInformation meetings with the Management of the Refugee homesSignup ProcessCollection & Selection of Prospective Participants on the basis of their age group (15 to 30 years), Availability & Intention to participate through the Project Implementation Phase, of not being in the Transit phase, of having Basic Literacy competencyInviting the Participants for Signup Process & having translators where neededSelect 40 ParticipantsHiring Interpreters for these Languages: Dari, Somali & Arabic to the Swedish languageInformation SessionsOrientation meetings where the relevant Organizations would give information regarding opportunities for business development, career opportunities & training sessionsGiving information about Coaching SessionsCoachingAdvertise for voluntary certified coaches, or coaches from the StakeholdersHire/Signup voluntary certified coachesPerform Initial 1 hour coaching sessions with aim to shape an idea for futher developmentInclude hard Info sessions to groups of the participants on where help can be given at different associations. Also inform them about the coaching session structure, its aims such as to encourage participants to explore their own ideas, to formulate their own solutions & develop their own plans. The Coaches will assist them by providing advice, making connections & providing intelligence on Market & Industries1 week later: Perform 45 min. coaching session aimed at the Coachee developing concrete plan with timeliness, part of the plan being within the following two weeks.2 weeks later: Perform final 45 min. coaching session aimed at developing long term plan & further strategies.Training Sessions and Information MeetingsMeetings for those working at the youth homes to train on how to provide the needed support for the participantsGroup ActivitiesInform Participants about the Group activities at Mollans BasementAllow scheduling & necessary resources that will help provide Mollans Basement with the needed requirements such as translators.Evaluation of ParticipantsCreate a survey to evaluate Participants' well-being & motivation before the coaching sessions start & after the coaching session have endedLong Term Evaluation (2+years): Create a Survey that will evaluate where the participants are in their career development, (are the employed, not employed or working independently)."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/naRhnntM_L-intensite-Du-CourantElectrique.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "L'INTENSITE DU COURANT ELECTRIQUECOMMENT LA MESURER?le multimètremesurela tension electriquela resistance electriquel'intensité electriquel'ampèremetreampères Amilliampères mAtoujours brancher A en sérieINTENSITE DANS UN CIRCUIT EN SERIELOI D'UNICITE DE L'INTENSITEl'intensité du courant électrique à la même valeur en tout point d'un circuit en sérieINTENSITE DANS UN CIRCUIT EN DERIVATIONLOI D'ADDITIVITE DE l'INTENSITEl'intensité du courant électrique issu de la branche principale (celle du générateur) est égale à la somme des intensités des courants dans les branches dérivées I =I 1 +I 2unicité de l'intensitéI = I1 = I2valentine dutour 2010additivité de l'intensitéI = I1 + I2"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/SJRIqKqq_Learning-Coding.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Learning CodingVisual BasicSmall BasicPythonApp MakersTouch DevelopApp inventorVisual ProgrammingKidsScratchSnapProject SparkKoduProfessionalStencylworksGame SaladGame Maker: StudioConstruct 2JavaBlue JGreenfootEclipsehtmlJavascriptLogoTurtle Academy (Online)Imagine LogoiPad Apps Many now in Android tooDynamic ArtCodeaSequencingKodableBee-botMove The TurtleA.L.E.X.Cargo BotHopscotchDaisy The DinosaurTynkerLight BotOnline CoursesTynkerCodecademyUK CurricEspressoPurple Mash"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/kIrtxXN9_5-Quality-Factors-for-Customer-Service.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "5 Quality Factors for Customer ServiceAbout MapReliabilityConsistent deliveryAppropriate levels of performanceResponsivenessIntelligent flexibilityTailored response(s)TangiblesCreate where possibleBalance intangiblesGive sense of valueGive sense of purchase/ownershipAssuranceTrust in the systemTrust in peopleTrust in productEmpathyPeople are PeopleTreat individuallyPersonal response/treatment"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/tL1mZ13l_Manufactory-Flow.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Manufactory FlowCrushing Raw MaterialsQuarrying Raw MaterialsGrinding Raw MaterialsGrinding Raw MaterialsCrushing Raw MaterialsDry Mixing & BlendingQuarrying Raw MaterialsCrushing Raw MaterialsDry Mixing & BlendingCoal Fly Ash Slag or PozzolansGrinding Raw MaterialsPreheaterPreheaterRotary KilnDry Mixing & BlendingRotary KilnClinker CoolerPreheaterClinker CoolerRotary KilnFinish GrindingFinish GrindingProduct StorageGypsumClinker CoolerProduct StoragePackagingFinish GrindingPackagingShippingProduct StorageShippingPackagingGypsumFinish GrindingCoal Fly Ash Slag or PozzolansDry Mixing & Blending"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/xJqSJVEu_Emma-Maid-Service-Atlanta.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Emma Maid Service AtlantaServicesHouse CleaningWindow CleaningMove Out/In CleaningOffice CleaningMaid ServicesBenefits24/7 Customer ServiceWeekends, Holidays and Same Day AppointmentsEco-Friendly Cleaning ProductsLicensed, Bonded and Insured CleanersPhone (470) 338-5301Emma Maids Atlanta Website"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/p16njIEW_TESCO.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TESCOTechnical FeasibilityEconomic FeasibilityThe \"TESCO\" template is a useful tool for assessing the feasibility of a proposed solution. It provides a checklist for assessing the feasibility of the Technology that will be used to implement the solution, the Economic benefit the solution provides, the implementation Schedule, Compliance with regulations, laws and standards and the Operational feasibility form the perspective of the users.Schedule FeasibilityCompliance FeasibilityOperational FeasibilityWill it be possible to implement the proposed solution using the available technology?Technical FeasibilityDoes the proposed solution provide some financial benefit?Economic FeasibilityWill the proposed solution comply with accepted conventions, standards, rules and regulations? What licences will be required to implement the proposed solution? What contract conditions will the proposed solution need to comply with?Compliance FeasibilityWill the target users of the proposed solution be able to operate it in an efficient manner?Operational FeasibilityCan the proposed solution be implemented in time?Schedule Feasibility"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/aff90031-8c2f-497b-94d1-d1f3670af548.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "HOLY SPIRIT Inspired by the Holy SpiritOld TestamentGenesis 41:38Exodus 31:3Exodus 35:31Numbers 11:16-17Numbers 11:25-29Numbers 24:2Numbers 27:18Deuteronomy 34:9Judges 3:10Judges 6:34Judges 11:29Judges 13:25Judges 14:6Judges 14:191 Chronicles 28:11-122 Chronicles 15:12 Chronicles 24:20Isaiah 51:16Jeremiah 1:9Ezekiel 8:3Ezekiel 11:1Ezekiel 11:5Ezekiel 11:24Daniel 4:8Zechariah 1:1New TestamentMatthew 10:19Mark 13:11Luke 1:15Luke 1:41Luke 1:67Luke 2:25-26Luke 12:12Luke 21:14-15Acts 6:3Acts 7:55Acts 8:29Acts 9:17Acts 10:452 Timothy 3:16"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/DnMwGLUH_Engineering-Design-Process.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Engineering Design ProcessBrain storming all that we know = CaptureTask SpecificationPOSTPurposeOutcomeStructureTimingVariablesConstantChangeableConceptual DesignComponentDeviceSystemSelection CriteriaTop 3Constraints"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/b8b9baca-33ff-45a5-8d06-37d79d484b86.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Test casesDuplicated DataCase Ticket NumbersDuplicated PartiesNULL DataCOALESCE NULL NamesCOALESCE NULL Case NamesConcatenating Mult. Rows Into OneJane, Mary, David, etc.Case, Subcase data LoadEscaping Ampersand and Less than or greater thanIDs that exist in child tables with no data whatsoever (everything is NULL)IDS that exist in child tables with data, but none all converted columns are NULLBad dataBad Telephone numbers0000000009999999999bad license numbers0000000$!!Addresses in source mis-matched fieldsSome address contain datesOthers are blankStreet and PO Boxes offData not trimmedCapitalization IssuesRegular Transform with case statementsConcatenating Dates from different tablesCreating an indexConcatenating dashes on ticket numbersAdding an 'UNKNOWN' to NULL NAmesHandling DEFAULT w/ no transformationLoading PeoplePerson IdentifiersAttorneysOfficersPartiesConsolidating People"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/op97hg3w_Lessons-Learned-Xmind-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Lessons LearnedOverviewObjectivesKey PeopleKey DocsPositivesNegativesNext TimeStartStopDo MoreDo LessMaintain"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/srMvanY8_Event-Planning.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Event PlanningKey InfoEvent NameDateTimeLocationLogisticsLocationRental FeeEquipment FeesAudio/Visual ServicesDecorationsDecor Idea / ThemeFlowersBalloonsLightingCateringFoodBeveragesStaffLinensPlates, etcGuest ListInvitation ListConfirmed AttendeesConfirmed AbsenteesUnconfirmedProgram AgendaScheduleMorningNoonAfternoonEveningEntertainmentSpeaker / PerformerMusicGifts/Prizes/FavorsPublicityGraphicsMailingsPhotographyPrinting CostsInvitations / Programs / BrochuresBudgetTotal BudgetCost Per PersonTotal Expenses"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/CmXXV2qZ_Bad-Company-Bad-Influence.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Bad Company Bad InfluenceGenesis 19:4Genesis 19:7-9Exodus 23:2Exodus 32:1-5Numbers 14:1-10Deuteronomy 18:9-14Proverbs 1:10-15Proverbs 13:201 Corinthians 5:61 Corinthians 15:33"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/wjHDKXbv_Offices-of-CIA.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Offices of CIAabout this mapby wojciech korsakall information:https://www.cia.gov/offices-of-cia/DIRECTORATE OF ANALYSISWelcome to the Directorate of Analysis (DA), where incomplete and sometimes contradictory information is transformed into unique insights that inform US policy decisions. The DA helps provide timely, accurate, and objective all-source intelligence analysis on national security and foreign policy issues to senior policymakers in the US government.More about Directorate of AnalysisDIRECTORATE OF OPERATIONSThe Directorate of Operations (DO) serves as the clandestine arm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the national authority for the coordination, de-confliction, and evaluation of clandestine operations across the Intelligence Community of the United States.More about Directorate of OperationsDIRECTORATE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYThe Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T) is one of five major components whose employees carry out the CIA's mission. The DS&T brings expertise to solve our nation's most pressing intelligence problems.More about Directorate of Science & TechnologyDIRECTORATE OF SUPPORTThe Directorate of Support (DS) provides everything the CIA needs to accomplish its critical mission of defending our nation. Serving side-by-side with our mission colleagues from the DA, the DS&T, the DDI, and the DO, our job is to ensure that all our mission elements have everything they need for success.More about Directorate of SupportDIRECTORATE OF DIGITAL INNOVATIONThe Directorate of Digital Innovation (DDI) is the Agency’s newest Directorate focused on accelerating innovation across the Agency’s mission activities with cutting-edge digital and cyber tradecraft and IT infrastructure.More about Directorate of Digital InnovationMISSION CENTERSThe ten Mission Centers will work closely with all Agency elements to help meet current and future national security challenges. The centers will serve as locations to integrate capabilities and bring the full range of CIA’s operational, analytic, support, technical and digital skillsets to bear against the nation’s most pressing national security problems.More about Mission CentersOFFICES OF THE DIRECTORIn addition, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA) has several staffs that deal with:public affairshuman resourcesprotocolcongressional affairslegal issuesinformation managementinternal oversightmilitary affairstalent center of excellence"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/inLTBsna_Beginner-s-Guide-to-Financial-Markets-Foreign-Exchange.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Beginner's Guide to Financial Markets: Foreign ExchangeBuying and sellingImagine you’re going to the Bureau de Change to get your holiday money...On the wall there’s a board with red neon numbers in columns next to a list of currencies and the columns are headed ‘buy’ and ‘sell’.Let’s say you’re going to Spain so you want Euros; you buy 300 Euros, which costs you £250.What you’ve just done is a foreign exchange transaction – you’ve bought one currency and sold another.Banks, brokers and other financial institutions do exactly the same thing, except on a much bigger scale.Where you bought 300 Euros, they will buy 300 million EurosAn FX transaction could enable a company in Japan, say, to import goods from the United States and pay US dollars rather than yen if the currency valuation is favourable.It also allows a profit to be made on inter-currency transactions, especially at the top level of the FX market, which is made up of the largest investment banks.Because they're in a position to trade huge volumes, the banks get a better price (measured in ‘pips’, or the difference between the buy and the sell price) than someone buying their holiday money.Each country has its own currency denoted by a three-letter codeMajor currenciesEUR (Euros)USD (US Dollars)GBP (British pounds)JPY (Japanese Yen)CHF (Swiss Francs)The value of moneyLike anything else that can be bought or sold, demand for a currency influences the price.So, one day you might pay £250 for your Euros but if you buy them a week later, they could be worth £255in other words, the ‘buy’ price is higher.Currency valuation depends on a variety of factors such as...speculationwhere someone thinks the price may increase and buys more of the currency, which has the ultimate effect of increasing demand and driving up the pricea country’s business activities and economy.For example, if a country has high unemployment, people spend less on goods and services lowering gross domestic product (GDP) and, as a result, the value of that country’s currencyCentral banks can also affect the value of a country’s currency by increasing the supply of money to suit the economy’s needs.The term ‘quantitative easing’ has popped up in the news quite a bit over the past couple of years.For most people, it’s another bit of impenetrable jargon and almost certainly somehow the fault of bankers.What the term actually means is that the Bank of England (our central bank) has decided to try and boost the economy by effectively conjuring up more money to buy assets.The FX markets also do ‘forward’ transactionswhich means that Bank A will agree to buy 20m Euros costing £1.20 each from Bank B, but the actual transaction will happen at a future date, usually Tomorrow Next (2 days), Spot Week (one week), two weeks, one month, three months, six months, nine months or 12 months.Why do they do this?Bank A, the buyer, gets to buy Euros at an agreed rate so even if the currency valuation increases before the transaction takes place, they still pay £1.20 for their 20m Euros while Bank B gets to charge a premium price for undertaking the risk that the currency value will increase.Obviously, if the currency value drops, then Bank B will make a profitSo why is the ‘sell’ price lower?Again, it’s basic supply and demandAssuming you haven’t spent all your holiday Euros boosting the economy of Spain by buying beer and donkeys with straw hats, you might decide to exchange your leftover Euros, in effect selling them to the Bureau de Change who buy them back and sell you pounds.A straightforward buy/sell transaction like this is called a ‘spot’.London's place in the marketLondon is currently the most important financial centre in the FX markets and accounts for over 40% of global foreign exchange transactions, so you can see why the government (and by extension the mayor of London) are quite keen to hang on to the financial industry.New York = 19%Tokyo = 7%FX is a tremendously fast-moving market and operates 24 hours a day, five days a weekIn April 2011 alone, FX turnover in the UK was $2,191bn.So based on this, we could be forgiven for thinking that a tax on financial transactions (or Tobin Tax as it’s often known) is a fantastic idea.It could raise a huge amount of revenue for the Treasury and only affects the banks, right?Not quite...If the tax was imposed globally then it wouldn’t be a problem because all countries would be equally liable for it.But the governments in Asia and the US have opposed a financial transactions tax, so the upshot of imposing it in London alone is that the banks, brokers and hedge funds who contribute to that 40% would up sticks and move to Asia or the US where they aren’t taxed.The financial industry is incredibly important to London and the UK in terms of tax take, local economy and GDP.So when you think of it like that, prime minister David Cameron’s stance that he would only consider a financial transaction tax if it was applied globally looks less like a rampant capitalist Tory protecting banks than an attempt to look out for the interests of the country, doesn’t itFX is just one market within the financial industry, albeit the one with the largest volume and amount of money involved.."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/tuGjM0GA_Lean-Readings.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Lean ReadingsLeanAza BadurdeenLean Manufacturing basicsBTVSM SimulationMckinseySegregating VariabilityThe choreography of expertise,\"McKinsey on Service OperationsThe lean work cell: A mortgage solutionFrom lean to lasting: Making operational improvements stickThe McKinsey Quarterly, November 2008,strategosa Bomber an hourWillow-run: colossus of American industryFord the men & the machinemy 40 years with FORDCharles sorensenTPSAlliance school pptMetricsCaseJohn HopkinsLew HoffmanIntro to LeanArt of LeanArt SmalleyHistory of TPSReferencesMichael Cusumano, History of the Japanese Automobile IndustryA3AgileParlez UMLAgile Metrics DesignMeasuring and Managing Performance in Organizations.Robert D. Austin,Dorset House Publishing,1996.www.agilespi.comwww.processimpact.comHexawareAgile Biz Caseoddescrum deckLean DesignMary poppendieckAHPVtech introDecision by ObjectivesErnest H. FormanInstitute of Marketing & InnovationDr. Rainer HaasDr. Oliver Meixner"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/crPsQGPP_Sir-Arthur-Conan-Doyle-Study.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The Famous Duo, occupants of 221B Baker street. The Early Adventures.1874Holmes solves his first case'The Gloria Scott'1876-1881Conan Doyle studies Medicine at Edinburgh University1877Holmes takes rooms by himself in London's Montague Street.'A Study in Scarlet'July 1880Watson is shot and wounded at the Battle of Maiwand, Afghanistan'A Study in Scarlet'January 1881Holmes and Watson meet at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. They lodge together at 221B Baker Street.'A Study in Scarlet'Baker Street ended at number 83. The House that is now home to the Holmes museum was then in Upper Baker Street, although it is very similar to the description in the stories. in 1990 it was given the number 221B.June 1882Conan Doyle moves to Southsea (Portsmouth, Hampshire) to set up a medical practice. He also renounces his Catholic faith.June 1887Queen Victoria celebrates her Golden JubileeDecember 1887Conan Doyle Publishes 'A Study in Scarlet' in Beeton's Christmas Annual.January 1889Watson marries Mary Morstan, and sets up a new Medical Practice.'The Stockbroker's Clerk'February 1889Conan Doyle Publishes 'Micah Clarke' - a Historical NovelFebruary 1890'The Sign of the Four' appears in Lippincott's Magazine.It is published as a Novel in October 1890march 1891Conan Doyle arrives in London, by way of Venice, Milan and Paris. He lodges at 23 Montague PlaceApril-May 1891Holmes and Moriarty disappear into the Reichbach Falls. The Great Hiatus begins.'The Final Problem'Of all of the tales written by Conan Doyle, none caused as much stir as 'The Final Problem'. Most significantly, it tells of Holme's untimely death, but it also features the infamous villain 'Professor Moriarty'The story was published in the 'Strand Magazine', the reaction was consternation, shock and outrage.Conan Doyle was taken aback by his readers extreme reactions. Later he defended himself be saying \"it was not murder, but justifiable homicide in self-defence, since, if I had not killed him, he certainly would have killed me\"Conan Doyle had long felt that Holmes was taking up to much of his life, and churning out story after story to a deadline was a demanding task that took precious time away from his serious work.May 1891Conan Doyle gives up his medical practice and decides to make his living from writingJuly 1891'The Strand Magazine' begins publishing Holmes Short Stories in Serialisation.October 1892Conan Doyle Publishes'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes'"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/b08146f9-4b2f-4902-a635-b4bedfa3ee83.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "QuaccheriFoxNaylerPenn"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/e6303468-e3ba-4856-acfc-c856f1abfb19.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SEO Lead GenerationWeek OneAction Steps✔ Make sure you go through all of the content and that you understand the bigger picture of all of this.✔ Create your mindset pack with your goals included. Make sure to print it out and keep it by you so it is the first thing you look at every day. Share it with me via email or in the group.✔ Plot your organic posts for the next 30 days (3 per week), using my examples as reference. This will build your momentum.Week 1Speed improvementCreated a LinkedIn post and then pushed that to Facebook and TwitterWeb ExampleSEO tipWeek 2Web exampleGoogle Plus ReviewsSEO tipWeek 3Web ExampleImproving Google Plus pageSEO tipWeek 4Web ExampleSocial Media tipSEO tip✔ Do you have an email list? Shake the tree to see what falls out and start booking consults.I don't have a list, but I have LinkedIn and AlignableUse my new post>pdf toolStart posting on LinkedIn✔ Reach out to 5-10 targeted people every day that you think you can help and when they say yes to learning more about how you can help their business, offer to get on the phone with them sometime this week.5-10 targeted people... hmmm...Use one of my lead gen tools to find slow page loads using the page speed analyzer✔ Define your niche according to our criteria and share it in the group. We will need this next week."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/YPLO6Jmb_Thema.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ThemaQuellmaterialauf ThemastudierenanalysenützlichHauptpunkte2-3ZielWas?relevantBeispielVeranschaulichungwww.wenzlaff.de"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/s4ymwyKc_gestion-de-portefeuille-1.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "gestion de portefeuille #1tempsdiscretcouper le temps en périodecontinuinteret composé toute les secondesmodalité de calculinteret simplesversés en une seul fois au début ou fin de périodeC+ (C*n*i)interet composésC * (1+i)^ncalculer a chaque période et s'ajoutent au capital immobiliserdate de paiement des interetsen fin de période = terme échu OU post composésen début de période = terme a échoir OU précomptéstaux d'interetproportionnelspour les intérets simples2 taux a 2 périodes différentes sont proportionnelle lorsque leurs rapport des durées de temps sur lesquelles elles sont définitequivalentpour les intérets composés2 taux relatifs a des périodes de capitalisation différentes sont equivalent si pour une meme durée de temps ils aboutissent a une meme valeur acquisepoint de départ pour interets1. modalité de calcul2. date de paiement des interets3. taux d'intereten temps continuactualisationVo = Vn e^-r ncapitalisationVn = V0 e^r ncapitalisationcalcule la valeur future1 seul fluxVn = V0 (1+i)^nsuite d'annuité quelconqueVn = ap (1+i)^n-pap = annuitésuites annuité constantesVn = a [ (1+i)^n -1)/i]actualisationcalcule la valeur actuelle1 seul fluxV0 = Vn/(1+i)^nVn= V0 (1+i)^-nsuite annuité quelconqueap(1+i)-pap/ (1+i)^psuite annuité constanteV0 = a[1-(1+i)^-n/i]suite annuité constante sur horizon infiniV0 = a[1-(1+i)^-n/i]suite annuité augmentant a un taux constant sur horizon infinia1 ((1+g/1+i)^n / i- g )"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/ob6MoAc8_Online-Cleaning-Courses-by-Fantastic-Academy.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Fantastic AcademyDomestic CleaningCarpet and Upholstery CleaningOven and Barbecue CleaningAntiviral SanitisationWindow Cleaninghttps://fantasticacademy.com/"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/9e1ae779-2226-48bb-afbd-a89092ff9f7d.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "COVENANTCovenant OLD Testament01. Genesis 09:8-1701. Genesis 15:1801. Genesis 17:1-1401. Genesis 17:19-2101. Genesis 21:2701. Genesis 21:3201. Genesis 26:26-2801. Genesis 31:43-4402. Exodus 02:2402. Exodus 06:3-502. Exodus 19:0502. Exodus 23:31-3202. Exodus 34:10-1202. Exodus 34:27-2803. Leviticus 24:0806. Joshua 07:1106. Joshua 23:1606. Joshua 24:2507. Judges 02:0107. Judges 02:2016. Nehemiah 01:0518. Job 31:0119. Psalm 025:1019. Psalm 025:1419. Psalm 050:0539. Malachi 02:4-5Covenant NEW Testament42. Luke 01:70-7244. Acts 03:2544. Acts 07:0848. Galatians 03:15-1758. Hebrews 08:6-1358. Hebrews 09:0158. Hebrews 09:0458. Hebrews 10:1658. Hebrews 10:2958. Hebrews 12:2458. Hebrews 13:20"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/yyOlsVZb_GTD-methodology.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GTD® methodologyFrom the wikipedia GTD entryA natural planning methodProjects1. Defining the purpose and principles2. Envisioning the outcome3. Brainstorming4. Organizing3. Organize5. Identifying next actionsA framework with 6 levels of focus4. Review (weekly review focused on different levels)1. Current actions2. Current projects3. Areas of responsibility4. Yearly goals5. 5 year vision6. Life goalsA workflow process1. CollectBucketsItem (Process one item a time)2. Processprocess F.jpgItemBuckets (Process one item a time)Requires Action:Do(if it takes less than two minutes)DelegateWaiting forDeferCalendarNext actionsProjectsdoes not require action:Throw it awayIncubate it for possible action laterSomeday/MaybeFile it for referenceFiling System3. Organize4. OrganizingProjectsNext actionsA natural planning methodWaiting forDeferNext actionsProjectsDeferOfficeHomePhone...Waiting forDelegateProjectsSomeday/MaybeIncubate it for possible action laterCalendarDeferFiling SystemFile it for reference4. ReviewA framework with 6 levels of focus (weekly review focused on different levels)tickler file5. Doprocess F.jpg2. Process"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/JSRzMbWl_XMind-7-les-nouvelles-fonctions.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Nouvelle interfacePlus gaieErgonomiePlus lisiblePlus claireElémentspar catégorieNouvelle page d'accueilDiagrammes videsModèlesAméliorationsModèlesDiagrammes videsNouveauxmodèlesdiagrammesLisibilitéClartépageLisibilitéClartéDiagramme de Ganttdirectement (dans le )AmélioréModification de tâchedirectementDiagramme de Gantt (dans le )Export versMicrosoft ProjectImagePDFCarte d'informationAfficheInformationsTâchesNotesHyperliensEtiquettesCommentairesCommentersa cartela carte d'un partenaireBullesIdéal pourattirer l'attentionajouter un supplément d'informationArborescence généralePossibilitéde l'imprimerde l'exporterImpression multi-pagesDéterminezNombre de pagesen hauteuren largeurLigne du tempshorizontaleverticalese déploie automatiquementvisuellement très réussieBiggerplatePartage directDepuis la carteGeleen, le 11 novembre 2015Marco Bertolini"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/AHGKQFyd_Kaizen.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "KaizenSeiriOrdnung schaffenSeisoSauberkeitShitsukeDisziplin und SelbstdisziplinSeiketsupersönlicher OrdnungssinnSeitonjeder Gegenstand am richtigen Ort aufbewahren"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/eghB2eQJ_Flower-City-SEO-Rochester-Internet-Marketing.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SEOLocal Rochester SEODomain and URLsCitationsSocial MediaOn Page SEO"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/tWVJ6pme_Shakespeare.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ShakespeareShakespeare's Poetry.He wrote his 1st poem in 1593.He lived in the Renaissance.The Bard was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564.Shakespeare's existence is still questionable for many scholars and researchers.Shakespeare's wrote more than 156 sonnets.He married Anne Hathaway.Shakespeare was a playwriter/playwrightsPlays.He married Anne Hathaway.ShakespeareShakespeare's Poetry.ShakespeareHe wrote his 1st poem in 1593.ShakespeareHe lived in the Renaissance.ShakespeareShakespeare's wrote more than 156 sonnets.ShakespeareShakespeare was a playwriter/playwrightsShakespeareThe Bard was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564.ShakespeareShakespeare's existence is still questionable for many scholars and researchers.ShakespearePlays.Shakespeare"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/FVqQAD4V_AutoCAD-for-beginners.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "AutoCADLesson 1draw a triangleExiting commandselectionfor specific thingsfor whole thingsLasso selectionsetting angle valuesetting unitsusing line toolpolar trackingOrtho-modedynamic inputscustomizationLesson 2poly linesradius settingsmove toolfilletingoffsetrotatingtrimingmirroringobject snap2d practicelesson 3converting shape to symbolLayeringAdding circlesArch toolusing blocksplotting and printing"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/dgwKc0DJ_What-is-Technology.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "What is Technology?References: 1)Defining \"Technology\". (2021, July 25). Retrieved from https://techliberation.com/2014/04/29/defining-technology/ 2)Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story. (2010, February 22). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/GS1xL1qcBa4 3)What is Technology. (2019, November 14). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/Px5z-dG531c 4)What is technology? (2019, July 22). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/G9CzjdrFgiY 5)The history of technology in education. (2011, October 03). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/UFwWWsz_X9s 6)\"Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra\"(Photo) https://www.sammobile.com/news/galaxy-s24-ultra-price-leaks-europe/ 7)Laptop photo https://www.rtings.com/laptop/reviews/best/brands 8)Photo of different hearing aids https://hearfine.com/ottawa-hearing-aids 9)Photo of Honda Asimo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_robotics 10)Photo of automated production line https://www.dekmake.com/20-benefits-when-using-automated-production-line/ 11)Tim O'Reilly quote https://criteriaforsuccess.com/18-awesome-technology-quotes-to-inspire-motivate 12)National Assessment Governing Board. (2010). Technology and Engineering Literacy Framework for the 2014 National Assessment of Educational Progress. Available: http://www.nagb.org/publications/frameworks/prepub_naep_tel_framework_2014.pdf National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/13165. 13)Apple iPad commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx0om7rWhl0How my idea of technology has changedWhat I think it is after reading the moduleWhat I thought it was before?Why we need new technologyWhat I thought it was before?What is Technology?Smartphones that improved over the yearsLaptops which became replacement to desktop computersNewer gadgets that helped people with disabilitiesRobots that are developing to increase there aid in householdsAutomatic manufacturing lines that make products at a much faster rateWhat I think it is after reading the moduleMuch more than the smartphones and tablets and includes any piece of invention that has been a solution to problems faced in any time period, which includes:What is Technology?The new definition of the termTechnology is any modification of the natural world made to fulfill human needs or desires ~National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012.The use of science and already existing technology to develop even more advanced technology to complete human needs and increase efficiency of completing tasks.The new definition of the termThe term vannot be explained in a single sentence due to the different forms that it took over the course of mankind.The new definition of the termHow my idea of technology has changedIt does not only consist of the gadgets and tools that we use in our daily life but also inlcudes any process that makes life simpler and convinient.I agree and believe with the definition given in Merriam-Webster dictionary which states that \"the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.\" ~Merriam-Webster DictionaryThe emotional aspect of technology that many people do not consider is something that I discovered while studying in this course. The apple advertisement video which showed me this side of technology made me think that technology also establishes connections between people which would not have been possible otherwise.As Isman pointed out, \"Human's use of technology involves not only machines (e.g., computer hardware) and instruments, but also includes structured relations with other humans, machines, and the environment. In short, technology is more than a collection of machines and devices. (Isman, 2012, 208).It is very important for the survival according to Kevin Kelly. ~Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story, YoutubeTechnology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born. - Alan Kay (Computer Scientist)What is Technology?It is nearly impossible to define technology because it's meaning is relative to time and keeps changing as time passes.It is very important for the survival according to Kevin Kelly. ~Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story, YoutubeHow my idea of technology has changedThe new definition of the termThe term vannot be explained in a single sentence due to the different forms that it took over the course of mankind.The use of science and already existing technology to develop even more advanced technology to complete human needs and increase efficiency of completing tasks.What I think it is after reading the moduleIt is nearly impossible to define technology because it's meaning is relative to time and keeps changing as time passes.How my idea of technology has changedIt does not only consist of the gadgets and tools that we use in our daily life but also inlcudes any process that makes life simpler and convinient.How my idea of technology has changedI agree and believe with the definition given in Merriam-Webster dictionary which states that \"the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.\" ~Merriam-Webster DictionaryHow my idea of technology has changedAs Isman pointed out, \"Human's use of technology involves not only machines (e.g., computer hardware) and instruments, but also includes structured relations with other humans, machines, and the environment. In short, technology is more than a collection of machines and devices. (Isman, 2012, 208).How my idea of technology has changedMuch more than the smartphones and tablets and includes any piece of invention that has been a solution to problems faced in any time period, which includes:Pens & Pencils- ...made it easier to record and reference to previous thoughts and actions.\" (Tuck,2019)Tables and Chairs which make it comfortable for us to sit and complete our work with ease, eat and many more.What I think it is after reading the modulePens & Pencils- ...made it easier to record and reference to previous thoughts and actions.\" (Tuck,2019)Much more than the smartphones and tablets and includes any piece of invention that has been a solution to problems faced in any time period, which includes:Tables and Chairs which make it comfortable for us to sit and complete our work with ease, eat and many more.Much more than the smartphones and tablets and includes any piece of invention that has been a solution to problems faced in any time period, which includes:The emotional aspect of technology that many people do not consider is something that I discovered while studying in this course. The apple advertisement video which showed me this side of technology made me think that technology also establishes connections between people which would not have been possible otherwise.How my idea of technology has changedWhy we need new technology“What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done.” – Tim O’Reilly1) To adapt to the changes that are taking place: Improving technologies and new innovations will help humans to adapt to the changes that are taking place in the globe and will provide tools necessary for our survival.What is Technology?2) To improve our standard of life: Future improvements in technology are aimed at development of better healthcare and for improving the proficiency of already exisiting systems to ensure a better and advanced life standard.1) To adapt to the changes that are taking place: Improving technologies and new innovations will help humans to adapt to the changes that are taking place in the globe and will provide tools necessary for our survival.Why we need new technologyTechnology is any modification of the natural world made to fulfill human needs or desires ~National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012.What I think it is after reading the moduleTechnology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born. - Alan Kay (Computer Scientist)How my idea of technology has changed2) To improve our standard of life: Future improvements in technology are aimed at development of better healthcare and for improving the proficiency of already exisiting systems to ensure a better and advanced life standard.Why we need new technology“What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done.” – Tim O’ReillyWhy we need new technologyReferences: 1)Defining \"Technology\". (2021, July 25). Retrieved from https://techliberation.com/2014/04/29/defining-technology/ 2)Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story. (2010, February 22). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/GS1xL1qcBa4 3)What is Technology. (2019, November 14). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/Px5z-dG531c 4)What is technology? (2019, July 22). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/G9CzjdrFgiY 5)The history of technology in education. (2011, October 03). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/UFwWWsz_X9s 6)\"Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra\"(Photo) https://www.sammobile.com/news/galaxy-s24-ultra-price-leaks-europe/ 7)Laptop photo https://www.rtings.com/laptop/reviews/best/brands 8)Photo of different hearing aids https://hearfine.com/ottawa-hearing-aids 9)Photo of Honda Asimo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_robotics 10)Photo of automated production line https://www.dekmake.com/20-benefits-when-using-automated-production-line/ 11)Tim O'Reilly quote https://criteriaforsuccess.com/18-awesome-technology-quotes-to-inspire-motivate 12)National Assessment Governing Board. (2010). Technology and Engineering Literacy Framework for the 2014 National Assessment of Educational Progress. Available: http://www.nagb.org/publications/frameworks/prepub_naep_tel_framework_2014.pdf National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/13165. 13)Apple iPad commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx0om7rWhl0What is Technology?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/22PVH25K_FBI-Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "FBI Federal Bureau of InvestigationDirectorDeputy DirectorChief of StaffDeputy DirectorDirectorSpecial Agents in Charge (SACs)Office of Public AffairsOffice of Congressional AffairsOffice of the General CounselOffice of Equal Employment OpportunityOffice of Professional ResponsibilityOffice of the OmbudsmanOffice of Integrity and ComplianceAssociate Deputy DirectorFacilities and Logistics Services DivisionFinance DivisionInspection DivisionRecords Management DivisionResource Planning OfficeExecutive Assistant Director for Information and Technology BranchIT Customer Relationship and Management DivisionIT Applications and Data DivisionIT Infrastructure DivisionExecutive Assistant Director for Human Resources BranchTraining DivisionHuman Resources DivisionSecurity DivisionExecutive Assistant Director for Intelligence BranchDirectorate of IntelligenceOffice of Partner EngagementExecutive Assistant Director for National Security Branch/ Associate Executive Assistant Director for National Security BranchCounterterrorism DivisionCounterintelligence DivisionWeapons of Mass Destruction DirectorateExecutive Assistant Director for Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services BranchCriminal Investigative DivisionCyber DivisionCritical Incident Response GroupInternational Operations DivisionExecutive Assistant Director for Science and Technology BranchOperational Technology DivisionLaboratory DivisionCriminal Justice Information Services Divisionbased on: fbi.govby Wojciech Korsakby Wojciech Korsakbased on: fbi.govwww.Explorer-Consulting.plwww.Komunikacja-Wizualna.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/4C3z5rvb_Riesling-Gewurztraminer.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Riesling & GewurtztraminerRieslingRegion/ClimateCool climatesGermanyMoselleRhineAlsace, France(Australia)StylesSparklingDryOff-drySweetIce WineGrapes left on vine over winterPicked in frozen stateGently squeezed releasing acidity and sugar with lower water contentPaletteRefreshingFloralFruityCitrusPeachApricotPineappleHoneyIn youthFreshPeachyWith ageOilyAcidityHighBodyLight - MediumGewurztraminerRegion/ClimateGermanyFranceAlsaceItalyCaliforniaCanadaAustraliaNoseDistinctSpicePaletteSpicey (Gewurz meaning spice in German)GrapefruitPepperFloralNuttySuited to spicy foodsAcidityMedium"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/Xh4A8qog_Gaia-U-Welcome-Call-Certificate-Ecosocial-Design.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Gaia U Welcome Call: - Certificate Ecosocial DesignCheck-InName and calling in from?Counter USA hegemony!Estados Unidos de MexicoSan Francisco * 19Wide angle on worldXMind Map open?Hands-up# 1 - for tech# 2 - for Q & AThink and ListenWhat's going well for you with your projects and/or Gaia U?What could be different (what is challenging) for you with your projects and Gaia U?What support would you like?Who?When?Find atWhen?Who?StaffAva Klingerhttps://calendly.com/andylang49Slack Direct Messages (DM's)ColleaguesSlack Direct Messages (DM's)Course navigation (Creating Regen Livelihoods 1)Using Slack - invite linkXMind - free version of XMind 8Readings to set the sceneQ&A Go AroundAnnouncementsCheck-out"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/VD91Dyia_Focus-on-2015-2016.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Focus on 2015 - 2016Teachers & ProfessionalsPractice writing learning scalesGain an thorough understanding of the Graduation Requirements and Performance IndicatorsUse Google Sites and Blogger to manage the requirements of Personalized Learning Plans (PLP)Continually reflect on professional goals and maintain evidence of growth and improvementAs LSSU teams; share draft content learning scalesModify and edit drafts to arrive at common scalesDiscuss language, number, and clarity of graduation requirements and performance indicatorsComplete common scalesProvide feedback for edits/ revisions to graduation requirements and performance indicatorsCreate authentic performance assessments that provide evidence of the requirements and indicators as described in the learning scaleCollect evidence of student workPractice using the common scales as a formative tool, to provide feedback to students, to provide evidence of teaching and assessment quality, to design scaffolding and revision opportunitiesBring collection of student evidence to campAs LSSU teams; share student work and collaboratively score work using common learning scaleUse conversation and student evidence to calibrate expectations of proficiencyUse conversation and student evidence to further edit or revise learning scale criteria or graduation requirements and performance indicatorsExplore Open Education Resources that could serve to curate student experiences, provide self directed-self paced learning, and/or create customized learning pathways for studentsMake learning targets and criteria from common scales explicit, public, and accessible so the measurement topic is known and learners know what is expected to meet itFaithfully implement the initial changes to grading practicesAssessment results and scores measure against performance level criteria in the learning scale, not against the performance of othersConsider performances and assessment that would provide evidence of requirements and indicatorsCurriculum CouncilConstruct Time-line and Visuals to communicate change and expectations betterCreate draft Graduation Requirement and Performance Indicator document for Mission Related GoalsAs sub-team; share draft of MRG requirements and indicators and solicit feedback and suggested edits/revisionsEngage in study and investigation of best practices for grading and reporting in proficiency based systemsMake necessary revisions to MRG document in preparation for LSSU School Board approvalCreate guidance for creation of, criteria, strategies, and implementation of high quality on-going formative assessmentsReview progress made at Camp, evaluate our current reality, determine next steps and write this time-line for 2016 - 2017Continue to study and learn from exemplar and model schoolsLeadershipBegin a communications team and create a plan for community engagementPractice & model the use of Blogger as a communication and reflection toolPrincipals develop a yearly strategic plan for staff development and instructional support of teaching teamsProvide opportunities for teachers to reflect on professional goals and maintain evidence of professional growth and improvementProvide learning opportunities to explore philosophies of grading and reporting in a proficiency systemShare examples of Open Education Resources being used by model schoolsProvide learning opportunities for exploring OERs and using them to curate learning experiencesShare MRG requirement and performance indicatorsOrchestrate discussion and facilitate initial decisions about changes to grading practicesOrchestrate discussion and facilitate initial decisions about changes to reporting and transcriptsWork with subcontractors and consultants to reconfigure the grading and reporting system to accommodate initial decisionsPrincipals develop a strategic plan for staff development and instructional support of teaching teamsCreate a resource which summarizes instructional practice, grading, reporting and other decisions made during Camp.Provide protocol for LSSU teams to integrate MRG requirements with content requirements in creation of learning scalesBring graduation requirements and performance indicators to LSSU School Board for approvalExplore Open Education Resources and methods to share with facultyCreate a needs assessment and build Curriculum Camp schedule, opportunities, and determine facilitationUse instructional rounds to collect evidence of distribution and quality of consistently using learning targets, learning scales, formative assessment, growth language and feedback, etc. Use this evidence to target professional needs and learning opportunities provided at Camp.Ensure every professional is aware of decisions and expectations resulting from camp.Supervise for implementation of decisions and expectations and provide supports when necessary, regardless of whether or not professional attended campCreate school level teams to further discuss and explore grading and reporting.Develop systemic practices within each school to allow feedback to be given from all stakeholders.Revisit and revise community engagement and communications plan. Construct new plan for 2016 - 2017"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/soG5fl1F_Les-angles-particuliers.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Les angles particuliers2 angles à côtés respectivement parallèleet de même senset de sens contrairesont supplémentaires sil'un est aïgusl'autre obtussont de même amplitudeet de même senset de sens contraire2 angles à côtés respectivement perpendiculaireont une même amplitudes'ils sont tous 2 obtussont suplémetaires sil'un est aïgusl'autre obtusangle inscritdans un même cercle, les angles inscrit interceptant le même arc ont la même amplitude.l'amplitude d'un angle inscrit est égale à la moitier de celle de l'angle au centre interceptant le même arc.angle tangentieltout angle tangentiel à un cercle à la même amplitude qu'un angle interceptant le même arc.un angle tangentiel à un cercle est déterminé par une tangente et une corde aboutissant au point de contact."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/A64F14cW_Learn-English.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Learn EnglishListeningDo texts in EnglishSeriesListen MusicsWritingDo texts in EnglishTranslate textsSpeakingConversationsWith FriendsWith TeacherWith familySeriesReadingTranslate textsJournalsDuolingoMagazinesSeries with subtitles"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/hxE8GxJZ_Methodes-pedagogiques.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Méthodes pédagogiquesExpositivesPrésentationsVidéosDémonstrationsEtudes de casCartesmentalesconceptuellesOrganisateurs graphiquesdiagrammes deVennGanttSous-sujet 2Exemples détaillésDémonstrationsVidéosApplicativesMéthodesdémonstrations pratiquesOutils de travailExercices fondés surcas pratiquesexpériences vécuesJeuxde rôlessérieuxsimulationsRecherches guidéesProjetsCollaborativesDiscussions guidées en ligneChats libresForumsTravaux de groupedocuments collaboratifsApprentissage par les pairstutoratévaluationMarco BertoliniJanvier 2016D'après un document de la FAO sur la conception de cours en e-learning"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/uWKiNqgb_I-Keep-Six-Honest-Serving-Men.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "I KEEP six honest serving-me (They taught me all I knew); Their names are...What?Why?When?How?Where?Who?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/d12f8530-cc32-4306-8e9d-da8ded80b66e.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Door listerloginmain menuDoor JobsDrawer JobscustomersAdd Edit CustomerCustomer FormSample ReportsSample ReportExpired SamplesExpired Sample ReportZip Code Check (Distribution)Zipcode CheckAdd / Edit DistributorAdd / Edit DistributorCustomer Reports / LabelCustomer Reports FormPreviewCustomer Alphabetical ReportPrintPDFExcelCustomer Merge FileCustomer Merge FormMake Merge FileExport UPS SystemUPS Export FormExport CustomersBack To Main MenuSystem Setting"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/KcseswGJ_Things-Successful-People-Do-Differently-You-can-do-too.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Things Successful People Do Differently & You can do too!Be specificDon't set vague or general goalsKnowing exactly what you want to achieve keeps you motivated until you get thereSeize the moment to act on your goalsPlan in advanceBe specific when & where you executeKnow exactly how far you have left to goTrack the progress against specific goalDo regular & frequent checkingBe a realistic optimistBring down the gap between (you as a ) planner & (you as an) executorFocus on getting better, instead of being goodGood is enemy of greatHave GritPersist in the face of difficultyPrepare your mindFocus on staying in regular practice than running behind outcomeBuild your willpowerChallenge yourself and buildFocus on what you will do, not what you won’t doConcentrate on strengthsReplace weakness with strengthsRememberYou don't need to become a different person to become a more successful oneIt’s never what you are, but what you do"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/BAYnCWyO_How-to-Analyse-a-Shakeaperean-Sonnet.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "How to Analyse a Shakeaperean SonnetIntroductionWhether you're working on a paper, or just want to explore a poem you love a little more deeply, this step-by-step guide will show you how to study one of Shakespeare’s sonnets and develop a critical response.Split Up the QuatrainsLuckily, Shakespeare’s sonnets were written to a very precise poetic form. And each section (or quatrain) of the sonnet has a purpose.The sonnet will have exactly 14 lines, split up into the following sections or \"quatrains\":Quatrain One: Lines 1–4By comparing these two quatrains (Quatrains one and four), you should be able to identify the sonnet’s theme. (Compare Quatrains 1-4 to 13-14)Quatrain Two: Lines 5–8Quatrain Three: Lines 9–12This is normally contained in the third quatrain, lines 9–12. The writer typically uses these four lines to extend the theme by adding a twist or complexity to the poem. (Possible Twists and Complexity)Quatrain Four: Lines 13–14By comparing these two quatrains (Quatrains one and four), you should be able to identify the sonnet’s theme. (Compare Quatrains 1-4 to 13-14)Identify the ThemeThetraditional sonnet is a 14-line discussion of an important theme (normally discussing an aspect of love).First, try and identify what the sonnet is trying to say? What question is it asking of the reader?The answer to this should be in the first and last quatrains: lines 1–4 and 13–14.Quatrain One: These first four lines should set out the subject matter of the sonnet.By comparing these two quatrains (Quatrains one and four), you should be able to identify the sonnet’s theme.Quatrain One: Lines 1–4 (Compare Quatrains 1-4 to 13-14)Quatrain Four: Lines 13–14 (Compare Quatrains 1-4 to 13-14)Quatrain Four: The final two lines normally attempt to conclude the subject and ask the important question at the core of the sonnet.Identify the PointNow you know the theme and subject matter. You next need to identify what the author is saying about it.This is normally contained in the third quatrain, lines 9–12. The writer typically uses these four lines to extend the theme by adding a twist or complexity to the poem.Quatrain Three: Lines 9–12 (Possible Twists and Complexity)Identify what this twist or complexity is adding to the subject and you will work out what the writer is attempting to say about the theme.Once you have some understanding of this, compare it to quatrain four. You will normally find the point that was elaborated in quatrain three reflected there.Identify the ImageryWhat makes a sonnet such a beautiful, well-crafted poem is the use of imagery. In just 14 lines, the writer has to communicate their theme through a powerful and enduring image.Go through the sonnet line by line, and highlight any images the author uses. What connects them? What do they say about the theme?Now look closely at quatrain two, lines 5–8. Typically, this is where the writer will extend the theme into imagery or apowerful metaphor.Identify the MeterSonnets are written iniambic pentameter. You will see that each line has ten syllables per line,in five pairs (or feet) of stressed and unstressed beats. This is usually one unstressed (or short) beat followed by a stressed (or long) beat, a rhythm also known as an iamb: \"ba-bum.\"Work through each line of yoursonnetand underline the stressed beats.An example of perfectly regular iambic pentameter is the following line:\"Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May\" (from Shakespeare's Sonnet 18).If the stress pattern changes in one of the feet (pairs of beats), then focus on it and consider what the poet is attempting to highlight by varying the rhythm.Identify the MuseLook back over the sonnet and use the information you have gathered so far to decide what the writer is saying about his or her muse.This is slightly easier in Shakespeare's sonnets because his body of work is split into three distinct sections, each with a clear muse, as follows:The Fair Youth Sonnets (Sonnets 1–126): These are all addressed to a young man with whom the poet has a deep and loving friendship.The Dark Lady Sonnets (Sonnets 127–152): In sonnet 127, the so-called \"dark lady\" enters and immediately becomes the object of the poet's desire.The Greek Sonnets (Sonnets 153 and 154): The last two sonnets bear little resemblance to the Fair Youth and Dark Lady sequences. They stand alone and draw upon the Roman myth of Cupid.The popularity of sonnets peaked during Shakespeare’s lifetime and during the Renaissance period, it was commonplace for poets to have a muse—normally a woman who served as the poet’s source of inspiration."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/94e1494c-8adc-4bd8-b86a-06e1f3e09faf.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "False AccusationExodus 20:16Exodus 23:1Exodus 23:7Deuteronomy 5:20Deuteronomy 19:16-201 Kings 21:9-13Psalms 27:12Psalms 35:11Proverbs 6:16-19Proverbs 12:17Proverbs 14:5Proverbs 19:5Proverbs 19:9Proverbs 21:28Proverbs 25:18Mark 14:55-59Acts 6:11-13"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/4d2c4b54-a5a8-4f97-95a1-01aa2654725a.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CONCEIT20. Proverbs 03:05-0720. Proverbs 12:1520. Proverbs 18:1120. Proverbs 23:0420. Proverbs 26:0520. Proverbs 26:1220. Proverbs 26:1620. Proverbs 28:1120. Proverbs 28:2623. Isaiah 05:2124. Jeremiah 09:2342. Luke 18:11-1245. Romans 01:2245. Romans 11:2545. Romans 12:1666. Revelation 03:17"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/RIavtg4g_PBL-I.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "64歲男性,已婚/育有1子1女 BH/BW:172cm/72kg HX:DM,HTN,Gout,Renal Stone s/p ESWL,CABGAspirin(100mg )1# QD Trandate(10mg) 1# QD Norvasc(5mg)1# QD Glucophage(850mg) 1# Tid AC (目前用藥)下腹不適約半年、夜尿約2-3個月、伴隨頻尿、解尿困難及血尿 尿量約100-200ml/天LMD就診未改善→轉診醫學中心s/p one week→BCG 60mg intravesical instillation ,then QM at OPDTUR-BTSystemic Chemotherapy Regimen: Cisplatin+Methrexate, 3days/Q3W, 6 courseAspirin(100mg )1# QD Trandate(10mg) 1# QD Norvasc(5mg)1# QD Glucophage(850mg) 1# Tid AC64歲男性,已婚/育有1子1女 BH/BW:172cm/72kg HX:DM,HTN,Gout,Renal Stone s/p ESWL,CABG (目前用藥)◆個案原為家中主要決策者及支柱,但近來身體疲倦、不堪工作負荷,故自飼料經營生意退休。 ◆案子女皆已而立,平日經濟獨立,罹病後主要照顧者為案妻,夫妻感情良好。 ◆信仰佛教,初一、十五會以牲禮祭拜;初診斷時案妻求神問佛,個案則對現況感到無奈,但覺得好心會有好報,罹癌可能是輪迴或因果報應,認為醫院不是可以久留的地方。HematuriaIVP: 膀胱壁不規則 Cystoscopy with Bx: superficial transitional cell carcinoma (半年後)營養少於身體需要身體心象改變疼痛潛在危險性感染/傷口知識缺失(病人及主要照顧者)社交互動障礙皮膚完整性受損/造廔口照顧者角色緊張噁心/嘔吐無望感潛在危險性損傷/化學治療"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/d43a22c0-35bf-442b-8387-5c13ba39f638.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GLORIFYING GODOld Testament1 Chronicles 16:28-29Psalms 22:23Psalms 34:3Psalms 50:15Psalms 50:23Psalms 69:30Psalms 86:9Psalms 86:12Psalms 99:9Psalms 115:1Psalms 118:28Isaiah 24:15Isaiah 25:1Isaiah 25:3Isaiah 42:12Isaiah 60:21Ezekiel 28:22New TestamentMatthew 5:16Matthew 15:31John 15:8John 21:19Acts 4:21Acts 11:18Acts 19:17Romans 4:20Romans 15:6Romans 15:91 Corinthians 6:201 Corinthians 10:312 Corinthians 9:13Galatians 1:24Philippians 1:11-121 Peter 2:121 Peter 4:111 Peter 4:141 Peter 4:16Revelation 4:11Revelation 5:13Revelation 14:7Revelation 15:4"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/1nsmAd1N_Sauvignon-Blanc-Chardonnay.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Sauvignon Blanc & ChardonnaySauvignon BlancAcidityHigh acidity is its keynote. Very refreshing.Region/ClimateSuited to cool climateOften pale as a resultFranceLoire ValleyBordeauxCaliforniaNew ZealandChilePaletteKiwiGrassGooseberry\"Cat's pee\"ChardonnayRegion/ClimateGrown worldwide in any climateCooler climates usually result in subtler ChardonnaysWarmer climates usually produce fuller bodied Chardonnays with bolder flavoursPaletteOften butteryCool climatesCrispHigh acidityMedium ClimatesHoneyTropical FruitAKAPinot BlancMuscadetPinot Chardonnay"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/aCmbwCcN_GTDWorkflow-at-a-glance.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Collect BoxIs it actionnable ? (Process an item)Is it actionnable ?Delete it (No)Collect Box (Process an item)Action this week ? (Yes)Archive it as reference/materials (No)Delete itIs it actionnable ? (No)Archive it as reference/materialsIs it actionnable ? (No)Action this week ?What is the next action for the project ?Is it actionnable ? (Yes)One single action ? (Yes)To your Incubate list (No)One single action ?To your Project list (No)Action this week ? (Yes)Do it in less than 2' ? (Yes)Do it in less than 2' ?Do it ! (Yes)Is for me ? (No)One single action ? (Yes)Is for me ?To your WaitngFor list (No)Do it in less than 2' ? (No)With a due date ? (Yes)Delegate it (No)With a due date ?To your Calendar (Yes)To your Action list (No)Is for me ? (Yes)To your Incubate listAction this week ? (No)To your Project listWhat is the next action for the project ?One single action ? (No)Do it !Do it in less than 2' ? (Yes)Delegate itIs for me ? (No)To your WaitngFor listIs for me ? (No)To your CalendarWith a due date ? (Yes)To your Action listWith a due date ? (No)What is the next action for the project ?Action this week ?To your Project list"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/RXqJmQkr_Book-summary-of-the-7-habits-of-highly-effective-people.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Win/WinAbundance MentalityEmphatic listeningP/PC BalanceBe ProactiveFocus on your \"Circle of Influence\"!Stewardship delegationfocuse on results instead of methodsMake a list of responsibilities you could delegate and the people you could delegate toSet up stakeholder information systemsBegin with the end in mindVisualisationPut first things first!Personal mission statement (personal constitution)identify your various roleslonger-term goalsTime management matrixQuadrant II \"important\" activitiesBig rocksSharpening the sawPhysical dimensionSpiritual dimensionMental dimensionone hour a day for the rest of your lifePhysical dimensionMental dimensionSpiritual dimension"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/267edd3c-1864-4185-a58a-5f9eaafb5a25.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ChoiceDeuteronomy 30:19Joshua 1:7Joshua 24:151 Samuel 12:201 Kings 18:21Proverbs 4:26-27Matthew 6:24Matthew 12:30Luke 11:23Acts 13:43Romans 11:22Galatians 5:11 Timothy 6:11James 1:12James 1:25"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/1d3656ee-2777-4bea-b0db-9f1dd7c168a3.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TestTest 21.12.2"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/A6fE2htk_Ecoute-Active-les-10-piliers.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Ecoute Active10. Maintenir l'attention9. Poser des questions8. Ne pas juger7. Rester calmeMairiser ses émotionsrespiration ventrale6. Etre patientSilencesLaisser le tempsNe pas interrompre5. Comprendre son point de vueEmpathie4. Eviter toute discussion3. Montrer de l'intérêt2. Mettre à l'aise1 Laisser parler10 Piliers de l'ECOUTE ACTIVEwww.coachrelax.fr"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/0b371cff-e58c-469d-9d66-f0616f1884b0.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Gardening Services WarringtonServicesTotal Garden MaintenanceExpert Gutter CleaningAccurate Lawn MowingGarden ClearancePatio and Driveway CleaningGarden Waste ClearanceWhy to Choose UsQuality Garden AssistanceScheduled Gardening ServicesNon-stop Customer CareTrained TeamsContact Us01925 698 036http://www.gardeningserviceswarrington.co.uk"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/XMJAegLF_Dramatic-Fitness-Meal-Plan-Template-Weeks-1-4.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Dramatic Fitness Meal Plan Template: Weeks 1-4Meal 13 whole eggs5 egg whites1 vegetable portion60-80g oatsMeal 2200g lean meatWhite fishChicken breastTurkeyLean steakEquals approximately 40-50g protein70g carbohydratee.g.100g (uncooked weight) brown rice1 medium sweet potatoWORKOUTMeal 3 (Post Workout)Protein shake40g proteinMeal 4200g lean meat70g carbohydrate1 vegetable portionMeal 5200g lean meat1 vegetable portion10-20g healthy fatsAvocadoOlive oilAlmondsAlmond ButterMeal 6200g lean meat1 vegetable portion10-20g healthy fatsORProtein shake with 10-20g healthy fats & 40g oats(Recommend adding almond butter to shake)Meal 71.5 scoops casein protein10-20g healthy fatsDaily Macro Aims:270g protein1-1.5g protein per lb of bodyweightIf bodyweight is 180lbs, protein intake should be 180g-270g of protein, dependant on body type and goals.240g carbohydrate90g fat2900 calories"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/G2XTLa42_Best-Cleaners-Oxford-Full-List-of-Commercial-and-Residential-Services.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Best Cleaners OxfordEnd of Tenancy CleaningOne-off CleaningOven CleaningWindow CleaningMattress CleaningCarpet CleaningAfter Builders CleaningDomestic CleaningOffice CleaningHard Floor CleaningUpholstery CleaningJet Washing"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/HIAucpKf_The-7-Rules-of-Highly-Worried-People.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The 7 Rules of Highly Worried PeopleRule 1If something bad could happen - if you can simply imagine it - then its your responsibility to worry about itSo, imagine all possible thing & worry about itRule 2Don't accept any uncertainty - you need to know for sureCertainty eliminates worry. Right? So, go out and get the perfection, that certaintyRULE 3Treat all your negative thoughts as if they are really trueIf you think someone doesn't like you, it's probably true. So, worry about itRULE 4Anything bad that could happen is a reflection of who you are as a personThis rule solves Rule #3 issueIf you don't do well in exam, you are incompetentIf someone doesn't like you, you must be a loserRULE 5Failure is unacceptableThink everything is your responsibility & if you fail, people will judge you are a failureYou can make your worries as powerful as possible by thinking \"I can never handle any failure\"RULE 6Get rid of any negative feelings immediatelyYou want to get rid of worries but can't & they are not going away. That's bad sign. You have to worry about that because it means something awful is going to happenRULE 7Treat everything like an emergencyDon't kid yourself by thinking you can wait to get around to handling these things. Everything has to be solved right now - all of your problems, all of your worries, everythingYou can lie on your bed & go over every single problem that you will face tomorrow or next year and say to yourself, \"I need the answers immediately\"BONUSWorry about worrying\"Now that you're worried, you've got to stop worrying completely or you'll go crazy and die\"From \"The worry cure\" by Robert L. Leahy"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/kvyY5pir_Les-Droits-De-L-homme-Et-L-europe.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "LES DROITS DE L'HOMME ET L'EUROPEUNE IDENTITE COMMUNE:UN PASSE COMMUNgrecs et romainsdemocratiemoyen âgechristianismeles lumières 18eidée de liberté et de droits de l'hommeLE CONSEIL DE L'EUROPE10 pays en 194946 pays de nos joursuniquement démocratiesrépubliquesmonarchies constitutionnellesLA CONVENTION EUROPEENNE DES DROITS DE L'HOMMEgarantit des droitsindividuelscivilspolitiquesLA COUR EUROPEENNE DES DROITS DE L'HOMMEun état ou un individu peut la saisirelle examine la requeteelle encourage les parties à négociersi pas d'accord elle tient son audience publiqueelle rend un arret définitifDES IDENTITES NATIONALESL'ECOLE EN EUROPEle droit à l'instruction est une valeur communediversité au sein de l'europerythmes scolairedifférentsdiversité de l'évaluationdiversité de l'enseignementréflexion communereconnaissance des diplomesechanges: erasmusLES MINORITESpolitique de l'immigration en europeouverture dans les annés 50fermeture à partir des années 70 suite à la crise économiquepolitiques différentes vis a vis des minoritésfrance: politique d'assimilationgrande bretagne: politique multiculturelledifficultés d'intégrationVERS UNE CITOYENNETE EUROPEENNE?MAASTRICHTest citoyen européen tout citoyen d'un état membredroit de vote et d'elligibilité qqs le pays d'origine et de résidenceSHENGEN:10 PAYSlibre circulation des hommes des marchandises des capitauxcoopération police et justicevalentine dutour 2010"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/awq5td7I_Celtic-Language-Timeline.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Celtic Timeline5th c. BCEFirst Celtic Attestations in Lepontic4th c. BCEFirst ogham inscriptions in Primitive Irish6th c. BCEBeginning of Old Irish PeriodLives of Taliesin and Aneirin8th - 9th c. CEFirst Welsh, Cornish and Breton AttestationsCornish dies out12th c. CEFirst manuscripts of the Táin Bó Cúailnge16th c. CEAn Irish scribe writes his name in ogham18th c. CECornish dies outFirst Welsh, Cornish and Breton AttestationsEndCE stands for “common (or current) era”, while BCE stands for “before the common (or current) era”. These abbreviations have a shorter history than BC and AD, although they still date from at least the early 1700s. They have been in frequent use by Jewish academics for more than 100 years, but became more widespread in the later part of the 20th century, replacing BC/AD in a number of fields, notably science and academia.Religious neutrality was the main rationale behind Jewish academics’ adoption of BCE/CE over a century ago, and continues to be its most widely cited justification. However, others object to the BC/AD system on the basis that it is objectively inaccurate. It is widely accepted that the actual birth of Jesus occurred at least two years before AD 1, and so some argue that explicitly linking years to an erroneous birthdate for Jesus is arbitrary or even misleading. BCE/CE avoids this inaccuracy since it does not explicitly refer to the birth of Jesus, removing some of the baggage associated with our dating system while also acknowledging that the starting point for 1 CE is essentially a convention.An important reason for adopting BCE/CE is religious neutrality. Since the Gregorian calendar has superseded other calendars to become the international standard, members of non-Christian groups may object to the explicitly Christian origins of BC and AD. Particularly problematic is AD (“in the year of the Lord”), and its unavoidable implication that the Lord in question is Jesus Christ.Religious neutrality was the main rationale behind Jewish academics’ adoption of BCE/CE over a century ago, and continues to be its most widely cited justification. However, others object to the BC/AD system on the basis that it is objectively inaccurate. It is widely accepted that the actual birth of Jesus occurred at least two years before AD 1, and so some argue that explicitly linking years to an erroneous birthdate for Jesus is arbitrary or even misleading. BCE/CE avoids this inaccuracy since it does not explicitly refer to the birth of Jesus, removing some of the baggage associated with our dating system while also acknowledging that the starting point for 1 CE is essentially a convention.Religious neutrality was the main rationale behind Jewish academics’ adoption of BCE/CE over a century ago, and continues to be its most widely cited justification. However, others object to the BC/AD system on the basis that it is objectively inaccurate. It is widely accepted that the actual birth of Jesus occurred at least two years before AD 1, and so some argue that explicitly linking years to an erroneous birthdate for Jesus is arbitrary or even misleading. BCE/CE avoids this inaccuracy since it does not explicitly refer to the birth of Jesus, removing some of the baggage associated with our dating system while also acknowledging that the starting point for 1 CE is essentially a convention.An important reason for adopting BCE/CE is religious neutrality. Since the Gregorian calendar has superseded other calendars to become the international standard, members of non-Christian groups may object to the explicitly Christian origins of BC and AD. Particularly problematic is AD (“in the year of the Lord”), and its unavoidable implication that the Lord in question is Jesus Christ.CE stands for “common (or current) era”, while BCE stands for “before the common (or current) era”. These abbreviations have a shorter history than BC and AD, although they still date from at least the early 1700s. They have been in frequent use by Jewish academics for more than 100 years, but became more widespread in the later part of the 20th century, replacing BC/AD in a number of fields, notably science and academia."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/7Scffme4_SWOT-Template-XMind.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SWOTStrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreats"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/3ba44e12-5c0e-479f-8bc4-c55e3f2232e0.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Bass FishingLaunch via PlatformLegal ScreensCheck Online ConnectionCheck Content EntitlementStart ScreenCharacter CreationNew CharacterSkip TutorialNoTutorialYesMain MenuExisting CharacterMain Menu"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/PqHg2N6p_Argumenter-communiquer-pour-convaincre.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Argumenter : communiquer pour convaincreLa posture à adoptersavoir écouterse mettre à la place de l'autreêtre sûr de soine pas s'identifier au débatje ne joue pas ma vieprise de recul, distanceLes compétences à développerconnaître son interlocuteurses motivations ?connaître le sujetle contexte ?relier logiquement les argumentscohérencereformuler ce que dit l'interlocuteurfaire passer le message clé : répétition !Les 3 CConnaissancede la situationdu sujetCompétencedans le contexteConvictionargumentsfil conducteur logiquecohérencecentré sur l'objectifConvictionCompétenceConnaissanceLes 3 EEcouteactiveprésence à l'autrelaisser parlerEmpathiese mettre à la place de...changer de point de vueimaginer ce que ressent l'interlocuteurEnquêtecomprendre la raison du désaccordidentifier les besoins sous-jacentscentré sur l'autreEmpathieEnquêteEcouteSupport réalisé par Alliam pour l'ISFEC Bretagne. www.alliam.fr"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/VOdttgdF_Why-Projects-Fail.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Why Projects FailUnclear/Conflicting ObjectivesToo many objectivesNo clear single goalConflicting goalsUnachievable ProjectScopeTimeResourceQualityOver-spendingUnrealistic costsCreeping spendPoorly researched business caseUnder-resourcingInsufficient peopleNot the right expertiseResource viabilityExtra workWork discovered en routeScope creepMoving GoalpostsCompleted work invalidatedChanges in personell and prioritiesAdding new objectives"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/a43eYkBI_Bond-Cleaning-in-Melbourne.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Bond Cleaning in MelbourneBathroomClean the tiles and the grout with a disinfectantUse bleach or ammonia to remove any mildew on the walls and grout. Don't mix the two substances together, because it will create poisonous fumes.Clean the shower head and the faucet with a non-abrasive polishing detergent.Remove any residue of the bath tub, the sink and the toilet with a sponge and a special detergent.Leave the windows open to allow fresh air to enter after the cleaning and avoid mildew due to high airborne moisture.KitchenEmpty the trash can and clean it thoroughly. Remove any odours by sprinkling the insides of the garbage can with lemon juice and vinegar. Rinse and leave on the sun to dry.Clear out any food, spices, jars and utensils from the cupboards. Clean the drawers and cabinets with a sanitizing solutions. If you use bleach, make sure to wipe away the white residue and use a proportion close to 50 ml bleach to 2 l water.Remove all the food from the fridge. Defrost the freezer and put all the food in a cooler. Turn the appliances off and clean them with a sponge and a non-toxic detergent. Leave them to dry and meanwhile, allocate all the products to freezer bags and prepare them for the food.Living roomClean the carpet with a steam cleaning machine. If you are unable to get one, brush off the grime from the carpet fibres after a through vacuum clean. Treat stains with a baking soda and vinegar before you get to using a harsh chemical.Vacuum the drapery with your vacuum cleaner turned on low. If you are able to, get the curtains off the rails and put them in the washing machine with some mild detergent. Yellowish stains on white drapery can be removed with bleach. Dip them in a bleach-based solution and then put them in the washing machine. Avoid high acceleration cycles.Treat stains on the couch and chair upholstery with a special solution of baking soda and water. Steam clean the upholstery for best results. Deodorize with lemon juice.BedroomRemove all bed sheets and put them in the laundry. Vacuum the mattress and give it one round with the steam cleaner to refresh it.Clean the drapery with a vacuum cleaner and treat the stains with a mild solution. Wash with bleach if they are white and avoid running the high-velocity cycles of the washing machine too avoid damaging the textile.Clear out the closet. Put all the shoes in boxes. Fold the clothes and put the ones needed in the laundry basket. Deodorize with a sprinkle of lemon juice. Clean with a common cleaner, a sponge and a cloth.Attic & BasementDispose all the unnecessary items. Clear out the place and put everything un boxes ready to be transported to your new home.Remove all cobwebs and mop the floor. Any unwanted smells can be removed with lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar. Use baking soda only on non-abrasive surfaces.WindowsClean with a special window cleaning solution. Mix 2 cups of water with 2 tbsp of vinegar. Add 10 drops of essential oil. Lemon juice is a preferred addition to break the vinegar smell.Spray the windows wit the solution and wipe away with a microfiber cloth.Polish with a crumpled newspaper or kitchen paper.WallsRemove scuff marks with a magic eraser sponge. Test on a neutral place to see if the paint would allow this type of cleaning. Alternatively, you can dip the end of a regular sponge in a water and soap solution, but make sure to use minimum of the solution on the wall.Any unremovable scuff marks can be defaced, if you have the same paint colour and type available at your disposal. Dip the end of a roller brush with a bit of the paint and gentry dab the spots."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/0edb9301-344d-48d0-83a5-3f6709dafe29.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "IDOLATRYOld TestamentGenesis 35:2Exodus 20:3-5Exodus 20:23Exodus 23:13Exodus 32:4Leviticus 19:4Leviticus 26:1Deuteronomy 4:16Deuteronomy 4:19Deuteronomy 4:28Deuteronomy 27:151 Samuel 15:232 Kings 18:4Psalms 115:4-5Isaiah 42:17Isaiah 45:20Isaiah 47:13Isaiah 57:5Jeremiah 19:4-5Ezekiel 23:37New TestamentActs 15:29Acts 17:22-23Acts 17:29Romans 1:22-23Romans 1:251 Corinthians 6:9-101 Corinthians 8:1-131 Corinthians 10:71 Corinthians 10:141 Corinthians 10:201 Corinthians 12:2Colossians 2:181 Peter 4:31 John 5:21Revelation 2:14Revelation 2:20Revelation 9:20Revelation 21:8"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/76bb1beb-7009-47db-b21a-7c429d88470c.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "BOD activities/tasks by IT teamFile upload by IT team to trading engineFiles download from exchangeFile upload by IT team to trading engineBOD activities/tasks by IT teamDionOdinFiles download from exchangeBOD activities/tasks by IT teamNSC equityNnf participantNnf securityContractSecurityParticipantsNSC derivativesFO participantsVAR fileContractSecurityParticipantsCurrencyCd_contractSubtopic 2Subtopic 3ContractSecurityParticipantsBSE filesSCRIP_DateEQD_SPDVAR fileMCX filesMSX_scriptsMCX_partNCDEXNcdex_contraSXMCSSXscript.bcpSX equityMSCSX_eq.bcp"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/78f2be2c-0319-4c52-b0a8-a33bf8b40575.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ObservationsWeak understanding of the importance of relationshipsDon't understand the importance of keeping in touchDon't understand how they themselves typically behave70% think that they are behaving differently than they actually areAre mainly right hand sided - tellersLack confidenceFeel that they must provide info to be of valueApproach meetings with a tell attitudeRely on credentialsDon't ask many questions or probeAre not used to strongly preparing for meetings or presentations -- e. g. rehearsingDon't prepare around questions that they should askCan improve in anticipating questions that they could be askedHave never seen Power Mapping but appreciateDon't have common tools, language or templatesLack training in the areas addressed in TMMWeak on soft skills of relationships, asking and probing and especially in emphatic skillsSeeing people as different in terms of vaules and how to be communicated with is an eye openerAre well below aveage in empathic skillsAre highly reliable and responsiveAre very strong on competenceClients would likeRelationshipsUnderstandingMore contactWould like to be informed of new developmentsNew ideasHaving CC Understand what's on their mindThe CC Environment'BrexitMore competitionInfluence of ProcurementRate pressure"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/5f47d9da-52a9-4eed-ac30-d425a3f84dc2.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOMMatthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.Matthew 9:35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.Mark 1:14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/KqsoeYfK_Mind-mapping-digital-products.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind mapping digital productsWhy use mind mappingThinkingIdeationBrainstormingLearningSummarizingSynthesizingLater reference materialVisual NotesCommunicationDrafting outlinesSpecing out ideas for contentWho can use mind maps?Content creatorsProject managersWriters/ Authors/ BloggersStudents/ LearnersSelf-careRetro/ ReviewReflection/ JournalingPlanningAnyone who works with ideasIdeasTeach Mind MapWhy use mind map?How to use mind map?Sell Mind MapInfoproductsSummariesBooksBlogs/ Articles/ EssaysThreadsPodcastsVideosTemplatesProject planningTask managementEmotional managementJournaling/ ReflectionCurationBest resources on mind mappingVideo productsTeaching about mind mappingTeaching on 'Accidental Creator' using mind mappingWhat are the benefitsThink betterLearn quickerEffective decision making"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/aMS5pCOu_Project-Plan.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Project PlanINFOMATIONPROJECT MANAGERTEAM MEMBERSDESCRIPTIONKEY STACKHOLDERSBACKGROUNDGOALSREQUIREMENTSBUDGETPEOPLEASSETSSCHEDULEPHASE 1TOP PRIORITIESMID PRIORITIESLOW PRIORITIESMILESTONE 1PHASE 2TOP PRIORITIESMID PRIORITIESLOW PRIORITIESMILESTONE 2PHASE 3TOP PRIORITIESMID PRIORITIESLOW PRIORITIESMILESTONE 3ACTUAL PROGRESSTASKS DONETASKS CANCELEDTASKS DELAYEDTASKS ON HOLDTASKS IN PROGRESSRISKRISK 1DESCRIPTIONIMPACTSEVERITYPROBABILITYLIKELIHOOD OF PRIOR DETECTIONMITIGATION APPROACHPROPOSED SOLUTIONSRISK 2LIKELIHOOD OF PRIOR DETECTIONMITIGATION APPROACHPROPOSED SOLUTIONSIMPACTSEVERITYPROBABILITYDESCRIPTION"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/p4pdIa1q_Les-Applications-Du-Mind-Mapping.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "LES APPLICATIONS DU MIND MAPPINGLES 3 GRANDS PRINCIPES D'UTILISATIONORGANISATION IDEESENTRANTESSORTANTESMEMORISATIONAUTRESPECIFIQUESTRANSVERSALESORGANISER LES IDEES DES AUTRESPRISE DE NOTESCOURSLIVRESVIDEOSCONDUITE D'ENTRETIENORGANISER SES PROPRES IDEESTROUVER DES IDEESCREATIVITERECHERCHE DE SOLUTIONSMETTRE DE L'ORDRE DANS SES IDEESOUTILS DE QUESTIONNEMENTDEFINIR SES OBJECTIFSPREPARATION A LA REDACTIONPREPARATION A LA PRISE DE PAROLE EN PUBLICMEMORISATIONAPRENTISSAGEPRISE DE NOTES EFFICACESMISE EN SCENEQUESTIONNEMENTREFAIRE DES CARTESAUTREPRESENTATIONGESTION DE PROJETSLA CARTE COCKPITLA CARTE CQQCOQPPLES CARTES COLLECTIVESLES CARTES D'ANALYSESEMERGENCES"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/iuRbHeEm_primate-cooperation.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "primate cooperationkey components of social lifeCooperationcollaborationhelpingcompetitionMachiavellian intelligence hypothesisWhiten & Byrnesocial brain hypothesisDunbarsocial intelligence hypothesisHumphreyevil eye hypothesisSchmelzMindreadingPremack & Woodruff"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/9cc39586-ea22-4e14-a3cb-de1bbaef7001.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The ElderlyLeviticus 19:32Job 32:7-9Psalms 71:9Psalms 90:10Psalms 92:12-14Proverbs 16:31Proverbs 20:29Proverbs 23:221 Timothy 5:1Titus 2:1-3"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/06w2D6xt_Denis-Blondie.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Denis - BlondieStartOh Denis doo be doI'm in love with you, Denis doo be doI'm in love with you, Denis doo be doI'm in love with youVerse 1Denis Denis, oh with your eyes so blueDenis Denis, I've got a crush on youDenis Denis, I'm so in love with youVerse 2Oh when we walk it always feels so niceAnd when we talk it seems like paradiseDenis Denis I'm so in love with youMiddle 8 + Key change!You're my king and I'm in heaven every time I look at youWhen you smile it's like a dreamAnd I'm so lucky 'cause I found a boy like youVerse 3Denis Denis, avec tes yeux si bleuxDenis Denis, moi j'ai flashe a nous deuxDenis Denis, un grand baiser d'eterniteVerse 4Denis Denis, je suis si folle de toiDenis Denis, oh embrasse-moi ce soirDenis Denis, un grand baiser d'eterniteEnd x 2Oh Denis doo-be-doI'm in love with you, Denis doo-be-doI'm in love with you, Denis doo-be-doI'm in love with you"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/ecj7ijCS_Eviter-Une-Grossesse-La-Contraception.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "EVITER UNE GROSSESSE: LA CONTRACEPTIONLA CONTRACEPTION DANS LA DUREELA CONTRACEPTION PONCTUELLELA CONTRACEPTION PONCTUELLEMECANIQUE: contraception lors d'un rapport sexuelEVITER UNE GROSSESSE: LA CONTRACEPTIONCHIMIQUE: contraception d'urgence après rapport sexuelLA CONTRACEPTION DANS LA DUREEEVITER UNE GROSSESSE: LA CONTRACEPTIONCHIMIQUEMECANIQUECHIMIQUE: contraception d'urgence après rapport sexuelLA CONTRACEPTION PONCTUELLEla pillule du lendemainMECANIQUE: contraception lors d'un rapport sexuelLA CONTRACEPTION PONCTUELLEle préservatif masculinle préservatif féminindifficulté d'insertion et de retraitles préservatifs masculins et féminins sont à usage unique et protège à la fois d'une grossesse et des MSTdiaphragme et spermicidesmise en place sur le col de l'utérus. utiliser des spermicides avec. usage uniqueles spz ne passent pas le col de l'uterus.ne protège pas des MSTCHIMIQUELA CONTRACEPTION DANS LA DUREEles pillulesà prendre tous les joursces méthodes libèrent des substances chimiques hormonales qui empèchent l'ovulation, la nidation (pas de croissance de l'endomètre) et le passage des spz au niveau du col de l'utérusles implants, patchs et anneauxà renouveller régulièrementces méthodes libèrent des substances chimiques hormonales qui empèchent l'ovulation, la nidation (pas de croissance de l'endomètre) et le passage des spz au niveau du col de l'utérusMECANIQUELA CONTRACEPTION DANS LA DUREEle stériletle stérilet empeche la nidation de l'embryon et la remontée des spz jusqu'aux trompes.il ne protège pas des MST.dure 3 à 5 ans.ces méthodes libèrent des substances chimiques hormonales qui empèchent l'ovulation, la nidation (pas de croissance de l'endomètre) et le passage des spz au niveau du col de l'utérusà prendre tous les joursà renouveller régulièrementvalentine dutour 2010"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/Yw2kp2x7_Sub-Saharan-Africa-part-2.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Sub-Saharan Africa part 2AIDS in Geopolitical frameworkFilm: Sowing Seeds of HungerQuestionsNumber of People with HIVFrequency of DeathsWhereConnection with Agricultural productionConnectionAIDSPovertyHungerConnectionGender Inquality"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/uIbqFfJu_Le-stress-est-votre-ami.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Le stress est votre amiIl peut vous aiderVoyez les signes de stress comme une préparation au challengeSueurCoeur qui bat rapidementNoeud dans l'estomacNe pensez pas qu'il est mauvais pour la santéVotre corps l'acceptera mieuxVotre rythme cardiaque sera rapide mais ne sera pas dangereux pour votre santéSimilaire à la joie et au couragePlus de confiancePlus de succèsIl vous rend sociableVous produisez de l'ocytocine en état de stressAgit sur votre cerveauRenforce votre besoin d'intimité avec les gens qui vous entoureRend bienveillant envers les autresAgit sur votre corpsProtège votre système cardio-vasculaire des effets du stressAide les cellules de votre coeur à se régénérer et guérir des dommages du stressVous allez donc chercher de l'aide auprès des gens qui vous entoureEnvie d'exprimer comment vous vous santez à quelqu'unBesoin d'être entouré par les gens qui tiennent à vous"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/0zSnoxdg_Subordinate-or-Dependent-Clauses.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Subordinate, or Dependent ClausesAdjective ClausesBackgroundLocationTimePurposeAttendeesAnswer: Which one? What Kind?Begin with Relative PronounsWhoWhoseThatAdverb ClausesPerson in chargeIssuesGoalsProgressReviewAnswer: When? Where? How? To What ExtentGoalsProgressReviewIssuesPerson in chargeBegin with Subordinating ConjunctionsGoalsProgressReviewIssuesPerson in chargeRefer to text box from your handout!Look for commas, tooBegin with Subordinating ConjunctionsAdverb ClausesAnswer: When? Where? How? To What Extent"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/mCp39mLW_Thumbs-Down-the-Death-of-the-Roman-Empire.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Thumbs Down, the Death of the Roman EmpireEnd begins in 190Commodus dressed like HerculesFought in the Arena190s year of 5 EmporersLegions fought LegionsMen fought to control the EmpireFive EmporersEliagabulusTransvestite from SyriaWanted to be castratedSo yeah, he was assassinatedThe Empire's ProblemsTotally UnmanagableGap between Rich and PoorUpper Class Roman Land ConfiscationResentment festered in the Limbs of EmpireThere were no longer any positives to Roman dominationSlavery, not CitizenshipHatred, not UnityEconomic WoesInflationTaxes312 ADConstantine takes to the fieldSees the crossBattle of Milnius BridgePainted Crosses on his ShieldsWins the BattleCould Christianity unite the Roman Empire?Constantine and the Single Emporer/ Single God fits togetherFounds ConstantinopleNew Rome!Converts to ChristianityJeromeTakes a 30 day fast on top of a column.The city that conquered the world is conquered?So Alaric burned the fucker to the groundAlaricFed UpWants to coexistFluent in LatinSettles inside the EmpireWanted Austrian territoryRome replied fuck no.So Alaric burned the fucker to the groundThe city that conquered the world is conquered?Sacked Rome in 410 AD because he didn't get appointed a Roman general."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/8084bfd3-0729-4bf4-895e-92640c398c4d.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "AC self portraitInfluenceUnderstanding of street spaces BishkekeAesthetics of InteractionMemoryPhilosophy as a practical toolExistentialismKnowledgeArtDesingcollaborationtechnologySkills & ExperienceResearchCreate animationscritical thinkingcreation of conceptsDIYwork with spaceexperimental theatrefilm makingarchivingpaintingexposuremathematicsnegotiationphotographyjournalismcookinggradeningorganizational workadministrationcontactsconsultation in medecinetranslationstreet artpersonnel managementSubtopic 25Media SourcesMaterial SourcesValuesFinancial ResourcesPeople, community, contacts cooperationArt and Public Organisations of Kyrgyzstan and of Central AsiaIndependent artists and curatorsGovernmental structuresResidence of 705 in other art organisationsEducational institutionsInternational organisations (crater, c3p, Berlin,)open source hardware bootcampDo it yourself"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/l6ldUPe0_carte-avec-plusieurs-onglets.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "carte avec plusieurs ongletsonglet 1onglet 2onglet 3onglet 4"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/wEwUlRG9_Research-Paper.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Research PaperTITLE PAGEABSTRACTBODYI) IntroductionA. Statement of topic areaB. Statement of general issuesC. General goal of paperD. Literature review1. Historical overview2. Major contributions to this research area3. Statement of purpose, including identification of gaps4. HypothesesII) MethodA. Participants1. How many?2. Characteristics (male/female, proficiency level, native language,B. Materials1. What instruments?2. What sort of test? What sort of task?C. Procedures1. How is the treatment to be administered?2. How/when is the testing to be conducted?D. AnalysisHow will the results be analyzed?III) ResultsCharts, tables, and/or figuresverbal descriptionsIV) Discussion/conclusionRestatement of the main idea of the study• Summary of the findings• Interpretation of the findings in light of the research questions• Proposed explanation of the findings, usually including informationabout any findings that were contrary to expectations• Limitations of the study• Suggestions for future researchNOTESREFERENCESAPPENDIXES"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/pRSqdqj5_Le-Mapping-pour-changer.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Le Mapping pour changerLe changementThème d'actualitéIndividusOrganisationsEnvironnementEnvironnement fluctuantZones de comfortRemises en causesPas facileil requiert de moyensdoit être orienté vers des objectifs précisil génère de la résistanceVisualiser ensembleVisualiserla vision partagéeles objectifsl'histoireAffronter la complexitéPenséeGlobaleSystémiqueIntuitiveLe Manager du XXIème siècleFacilitateurÉmergenceSolutionsInnovationDes outils pour le changementLeviers de changement siCommunicationcréativecohérenteUsages académiquesCarte conceptuelleRéunionsSketchnoteCanevas d'affairesStart-upCoachingEnvironnement physiqueCap Gemini A.S.EIdea PaintConclusionRencontreNécessité de changerpersonnesorganisationsNouveauxoutilsméthodesLeviers de changement siDes outils pour le changementdésir de changernon superficialité2013 Philippe Boukobza"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/TaN7HTpy_Summarize-a-dense-book.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Summarize a dense bookReadingcompletely1st contact with the bookstart withcovertable of contentscontentas you prefercovercontenttable of contentswithwithouta penwithoutwithStructurechapterssectionsdetailedwords of the bookClean-upone wordper linesentences intowordsideaschoicea big mapmultimapCorrectioncompareto the bookadddetailsremoveelementsstructureMake-upcolorslinksiconssectionslinkscolorsbalanceUsageprintre-reading(s)sharing"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/NL5Cvz79_Key-Data-Education-Europe.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Key Data Education EuropeRéformesCombattreSortie scolaire précoceEnseignement obligatoireplus longPromouvoiréducation de basepour tousAugmenterautonomieécolesniveau localDéveloppementassurance qualitéaugmentationqualitéenseignementEuropequalitéenseignementInvestissementInchangé2008TendancesréductionsréactioncrisesauvegardequalitéenseignementFormationenseignantsvolontéaugmenterqualitéBesoinrendreprofessionattractiveDanger (car)Dangerattractive (car)pénurieplusieurs paysBelgiqueMarché de l'emploiAugmentationFormation tertiaire20-24 ans30-34 ansJeunes surqualifiésEmploi occupéBesoinPrévisionsAdaptationsqualificationsAdaptationsPrévisionsExigencesmarchéemploiMarco Bertolini pour"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/nRS6YLBE_Porter-s-5-Force-Analysis-XMind.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Porter's 5 Force AnalysisThreat of New EntrantsObservationsImpactsActionsThreat of Substitute ProductsObservationsImpactsActionsBargaining Power of SuppliersObservationsImpactsActionsThreat of Established RivalsObservationsImpactsActionsBargaining Power of BuyersObservationsImpactsActions"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/B9EeERPb_5-Tips-to-Delegate-Tasks-Effectively.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "5 Tips to Delegate Tasks EffectivelySet ExpectationsRoughly 50% of the American workforce strongly feels thatthey don’t understand work expectationsThis means that only 5 out of 10 employeesat your organization know how to do their job effectivelyStep one as a part of mastering the art of delegationis to set clear expectationsEvery employee needs clarification of performance goalsProviding your team with the context for expectationswill increase the likelihood ofemployee's accountability for meeting those expectationsLack of misunderstood performance expectationsis often the source of workplace conflictsand the beginning of poor shared sense of purposeIt is manager's duty to relaythe importance of each employee’s roleand how their responsibilities impact the organizationConsider their skillsDelegating tasks to employees showshow much they are trustedand how competed they are considered to be by the managerWhen you’re entrusting responsibility to an employeehere are a few things to considerDoes this employee have experience and skills?Which employee needs to learn how to handle this responsibility?Which employee has the time to accept this responsibility?You must be careful to not overload your employeeswith responsibilities they cannot handle aloneSupervisePerhaps the hardest part aboutdelegating tasks to employeesis trusting that they will do it diligentlyA lot of managers are reluctant to turn over their responsibilitiesto an employee who requires more training and experience in that areaManagers should let go of this mentalityWhen you assign an employee a task for the first timethe chances of their succeeding are meagreThere is also the additional risk of damaging employee moraleYour employees might also feel that they are not capable of handling tasksReviewReview the ongoing task so your employeesare able to improve in real-timeif it’s a challenging taskAllow them to shadow youwhile you explain some of the key thingsProvide FeedbackManagers are still responsiblefor the successor failure of their employeesProvide continuous feedbackto help achieve the desired resultsIdentify key lessons learn during the exerciseWhat did the employee learn?How can they improve to do a better job next time?What needs to be done to move to a bigger task?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/eefdbaa0-25e7-4035-ad83-22bfc770b1e6.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CONSTATEnvironnementalchangements monde du travailmodification des règlestravail & compétencesmodification des règlesévaluationinitiativeempathieadaptabilitédynamismemotivationautonomie...Jeuneré-active & re-prendapprentissagesinscription dans un projet individualiséapprentissagesPersonneljeunes accueillis au sesipsmauvaise estime de soiéchec milieu scolaire ordinaireaccueil au sesipsparcours d'autonomie socialeparcours sécurité routièreparcours d'orientation et d'insertion professionnellepédagogiquethérapeutique"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/6282c1ae-41d2-4b86-bfdc-747e0f42466c.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DEATH Talking With The Dead03. Leviticus 19:3103. Leviticus 20:0605. Deuteronomy 18:09-1205. Deuteronomy 26:1409. 1Samuel 28:07-1923. Isaiah 08:19"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/5ZcmcpN4_Problem-solving-M-Magnethi.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Copy of WS Problem solving Erik Magnethi DalgaardWhat do we know?InfoGather all infoMake drawingMake mind mapBrain stormWhat can we do?What do we want to doOptionsBased on info from step 1Update drawingUpdate mind mapBrain stormWhat do we want to doWhat are we going to doWhat can we do?GoalBrain stormCheck Goal back to step 1 & 2What are we going to doWhat do we want to doActionCheck action back to step 1,2 & 3make risk analysis before starting"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/1b48e79a-5916-40a5-843d-dfe9982aedd9.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "AC Ecosystem MapKnowledge exchangeRAW AcademyArtachatHomeworks (Ashkal Alwan)FinanceResourcesResidency programmeLugar a dudasKioskoRAW Material Company"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/ji5S63tP_As-Level-Micro-Economics.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "As Level Micro EconomicsFactors of ProductionLandCapitalEnterpriseLabourSpecialisation, Exchange and Opportunity CostOpportunity CostExchangeSpecialisationProduction Possibility FrontierWhat is a Market?EquilibriumDemand for goods or servicesConsumer SurplusMarginal Cost PriceProducer SurplusSupplying Goods or ServicesElasticityIncome ElasticityCross ElasticityPrice ElasticityEconomic EfficiencyProductive EfficiencyAllocative EfficiencyExternalitiesPrivate CostsExternal Costs (Negative Externalities)External Benefits (Positive Externalities)Private BenefitMarket FailuresBrandingSupplier MonopoliesMerit Goods (Public Goods)Demerit GoodsResource immobilityInformation failureGovernment InterventionTaxationRegulationSubsidiesExtension of property RightsInformation ProvisionAffirmative ActionRedistribution of incomeProhibitionState Provision"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/6X4x6IG5_Keep-productivity-from-killing-your-creativity.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Keep productivity from killing your creativityGive yourself timeCreativity is hard to quantifyStop searching for efficient ways to do thingsSpend time doing things you want to doThink beyond tasksDo meaningful workDon't get trapped in a never-ending cycle of tasks and to-dosTake a break from repetitive tasksSpend a day working on big ideasPrioritize quality over quantityEffect on relationship to entertainmentTry to make downtime more productiveRead two full long-form articlesPick one new movie to watchTake deeper dives into one storyChange your metricsFind balance between creativity and productivityThink of a new way to quantify workExplore new ways to do old tasksCreate a spreadsheet to capture fringe ideas for projectsspend a few more minutes every week daydreamingWander a whileDon't concentrate to hardUnplug from external sourcesTurn to your instinctsTake a walk around the blockGive your total attention to your senses"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/05b81419-22d7-438b-8673-ccf2672b21f4.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "HISTORICAL mention of JESUSChristian source50-70 ADJames1 & 2 ThessaloniansGalatians1&2 CorinthRomansPhillipiansColossiansPhilemonEphesiansLuke & Acts1 TImothyTitus2 TimothyMarkMatthewHebrews1&2 peterJude & Rev.80 - 96 ADJohn1&2 Epistle of JohnNon-Christian source50-60 ADThallus70-75 ADMara bar serapion90-120 ADFlavius JosephusPliny the youngerCornelius Tacticus165-180 ADLucian of SamosataJude & Rev."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/e9e22c1b-b55e-4f35-9585-5a40bee3b236.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Edification & EducationEdificationRomans 14:19Romans 15:21 Corinthians 8:11 Corinthians 10:23-241 Corinthians 10:331 Corinthians 14:3-51 Corinthians 14:121 Corinthians 14:15-171 Corinthians 14:262 Corinthians 10:82 Corinthians 12:192 Corinthians 13:10Ephesians 4:11-12Ephesians 4:15-16Ephesians 4:29Philippians 2:4Colossians 2:6-71 Thessalonians 5:111 Timothy 1:4Jude 1:20-22EducationExodus 18:17-20Exodus 24:12Leviticus 10:11Deuteronomy 4:5Deuteronomy 4:9-10Deuteronomy 11:19Deuteronomy 31:10-13Deuteronomy 31:192 Chronicles 15:32 Chronicles 17:7-92 Chronicles 30:222 Chronicles 35:3Ezra 7:10Nehemiah 8:9Psalms 34:11Psalms 78:5-8Psalms 119:99Proverbs 1:5Proverbs 9:9Daniel 1:3-4Matthew 4:23Matthew 28:19-20John 18:20Acts 7:22Acts 15:35Acts 19:9Acts 22:3Galatians 3:24-25Galatians 6:6Colossians 3:16Titus 2:3Hebrews 5:8"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/fXR7pBxv_Wunder.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "WunderÖffentlichEinfachPersönlichkein Nutzenkeinkein Ruhmvielfältigwww.wenzlaff.deGegnerBeispielFlugzeugMP3GrammatikOPSchwanVideoAnekdoteElefantWasserEis"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/QewOpM0x_Frederick-Douglass.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Frederick DouglassOccupationWriterSpeakerNewspaper ownerLife StatsBorn: February 1818Died 20, Feb 1895Had 5 childrenAccomplishmentsEscaped SlaveryWrote first Black Best SellerTravelled to Britain and IrelandNominated for Vice-presidentDarth Vader read his speechesQuotes\"I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.\"If there is no struggle, there is no progress.A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.Life EventsEscaped slavery disguised on a trainGiven Lincoln's walking stickOn speaking tour: Chased out of room & rescued by Quaker familyWent back to US, despite the risk of being made a slave again"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/dAtc1rEy_Health-and-Wellness.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Health & WellnessJodi MorganOhio Empowerment CoalitionDefs.Free from illnessGood shapeSelfStay healthyStay well?SupportKnow how you feel?In control?Self-careParamountinterrelatedTools - Mental Health AmericaLive healthyHygieneSee friendsDo things enjoyableRelaxationMaintainShare feelingsID warningsQuestionsWhat am I like when I'm good?What triggersSigns for othersHow to interveneGeneralFocus on goalsInvolve supportOpen mindAvoid negative focusConsider interestsJoyMotivationWhat they wantwhat would you do more of, if you couldEncourage effortHowSmall stepsID pos. changesStrengths/SkillsJournalingScrapbooksBe open to new goalsSticky NotesExamplesSchedule/Categories"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/XwaLK6OQ_Richard-II.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Richard II1. Act V, Scene v, lines 1-66.No longer a King but a prisoner, Richard struggles to find an adequate metaphor for his transformation - but he’ll have to ‘hammer’ language to match the violent rending of his destiny.I have been studying how I may compare..."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/ZkplRcV7_ABC-De-La-Chimie-1.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ABC De la chimie #1atome=unité de matièrecontientcoeur de l'atomeprotonproton; electriquement positifneutron; electiquement neutreelectronsentoure le coeur de l'atomechargé négativementprotoncoeur de l'atomecomposition1 quark up (Contraire)2 quarks up1 quark downnombre protons determine élément chimiqueneutronscomposition2 quarks down1 quark upcomposition (Contraire)electronsentoure atome par couche electroniquenombre éléctrons = nombre protonsions=particules électriquement chargéesforme quand atome perd/gagne des électronsmoléculesgroupe de deux atomes ou plus"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/8Iy0MVl4_How-to-plan-process-and-write-an-Article-with-Mind-Maps.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Article Writing MM FrameworkRESEARCH (SELF)AUDIENCEDemographicsKnowledge levelothersOBJECTIVEInspireEducateEntertainCORE MESSAGEFAQsINTRODUCTIONOPENINGMetaphorPhraseQuoteQuestionROADMAPHookObjectiveA-BCLAIMImportanceAuthorityNeedGRABARGUEMENTMindsetsMythsRESEARCHStatisticsBooksPersonSOURCESEMOTIONSTORIESPERSONALGENERALEXAMPLESQUESTIONSCHALLENGESCONCLUDERestateConcludeCTA"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/sxQrcxpD_Mind-Map-Learning-Portal.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Map Learning Portal BooksVideosSoftwareTrainingWebsitesExpertsHow to"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/6D8VzCkg_MACROSCOPE.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MACROSCOPEManagersActorsCustomersRegulatorsOwnersThe \"MACROSCOPE\" template is a useful tool for identifying stakeholders. It provides a checklist of stakeholder categories that includes Managers, Actors, Customers, Regulators, Owners, Suppliers, Competitors, Others, Partners and Employees. Metaphor: A microscope is used to inspect tiny things while a macroscope is used to survey the big picture.SuppliersCompetitiorsOthersPartnersEmployeesActors are stakeholders that perform activities in the area under investigation. For example, a customer is performing a data entry activity when they use an ATM. Normally competitors and regulators are not actors.ActorsThis category is for any stakeholders that do not fit into the other categories. For example, offender, witness, defendant, prosecutor.OthersOwners are stakeholders that invest in some aspect of the area under investigation. For example, a shareholder or parent company.OwnersStakeholders can be classified usinmg more than one category. For example, managers are also employees and actors.EmployeesStakeholders can either be classes of stakeholder such as local customers, overseas customers ... or individual stakeholders such as customer ABC, customer XYZ...CustomersRegulators include legislators, industry bodies and the sources of internal policy.Regulators"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/JrIXclcl_Professionel-LPro-TP-BAT.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Professionel LPro TP/BATReprésenter son entreprise sur les chantiers et en dehors de l'entrepriseIntroduction à la communicationcommunication interpersonnelleprincipes de la communication écriteprincipes de la communication oraleprincipes de la communication verbale et non verbaleCommuniquer sur son activité professionnelleprésenter oralement et à l’écrit un projet aux différents stades de son développementprésentation synthétique d’un projet professionnelanalyse réflexive sur la conduite du projetpréparation de la soutenancePrésenter – Dialoguer – Argumenter avec les acteurs et partenaires du projetConnaître et mettre en œuvre les principes de la communicationApprendre à gérer une équipeDévelopper son attitude commerciale dans la permanence de ses fonctions et lors d'entretiens avec la clientèleCommuniquer avec les acteurs du projetSavoir représenter son entreprise sur les chantiers et en dehors de l'entrepriseéléments généraux sur les réunionspréparation d'une réuniondéroulement d'une réunionconduite de réunion: maîtrise des phases de réunion, du rôle de l’animateur, de la diffusion des messagesanalyse des missions confiées et de leurs enjeuxgestion des conflits : capacité à négocier les conflits, choix d’un mode de coopération adaptéApprendre à Gérer une équipeorganisation d’une équipe : identification des missions, des profils et des postes. Organisation du travaildynamique de groupe : apprentissage des objectifs et règles de fonctionnement communs aux collaborateursprise de conscience du phénomène de groupeAttitude Commercialeanalyse des missions confiées et de leurs enjeuxanalyse du besoin clientélaboration d'une solution en vue de formaliser une offre techniquesuivi clientCommuniquer avec AutruiAnalyse transactionnelleMaitriser les états du MoiPrendre conscience de son comportementComprendre le comportement d'autruiDéfinir un état d'esprit"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/BO54Yl04_Value-of-Personal-Data.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Value of Personal DataTargetting AdvertisingAmazon target based on products boughtSell Personal DataWebsite TrafficAdvertising portraitsPersonal news does not cost FB moneyRepeat visitsInvite friendsEmbarrassing informationInappropriate picturesPersonal GossipPaedophiliaInformation on young childrenFB being used for groomingPlace to store infoThink they only share info with friendsDon't need Web SkillsStay in touch with friends and family"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/oq2AG5PS_histoire-CM2-le-pouvoir-en-France.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "pouvoir en Francepouvoir éxécutif le president de la republique élu suffrage universel1er ministre nommé par le présidentnommés par 1er ministreministre de la villeministre environnementministre de l'educationministre des financesministre des transportsgouvernement propose le budget propose textes de loi consil des ministres tous les mercredis1er ministre nommé par le présidentparlement pouvoir législatifASSEMBLEE NATIONALE: DEPUTES élus au suffrage universel (577) pour 5 ans palais BourbonSENAT: SENATEURS elus par les grand electeursvotent les lois votent le budget controlent le gouvernement debattent sur les lois proposent des textes de loi proposent des AMENDEMENTSSENAT: SENATEURS elus par les grand electeursASSEMBLEE NATIONALE: DEPUTES élus au suffrage universel (577) pour 5 ans palais Bourbonparution au journal officiel"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/D01z8Ttm_How-to-Identify-the-Beginning-of-a-Bull-Market.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "How to Identify the Beginning of a Bull MarketIntroductionIf you're into trading stocks, bonds and other funds, being able to identify the signs of a bull market can help you plan your trading strategy for maximum benefit.What is a \"Bull Market\"?\"a market in which share prices are rising, encouraging buying.\"IndicatorsSigns that the market is entering a phase of investor confidence are:Bull markets begin before the economy starts to recoverInterest rates are lowIndustrial production statistics are inching higherTechnology and cyclical stocks are starting to riseWeekly chart of S&P 500 shows highes highs and higher lowsthe MACD (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence) line is above the trigger line and risingBullish percent index indicator shows bull alert or bull confirmation pattern"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/MX5z7SbB_Grenache-Tempranillo-Sangiovese-and-Nebbiolo.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Grenache, Tempranillo, Sangiovese and NebbioloGrenacheRegion/ClimateHot climatesOften seen in form of Chateauneuf du PapeTanninLowThin skinChateauneuf du Pape often blended with syrah for added tanninAlcoholHighAmple sugar produced by grapes converted into alcoholPaletteFruity in youthMore savoury flavour after ageingTempranilloPrimary grape in RiojaRegion/ClimateSpainArgentinaHot climatesPaletteStrawberry fruit in youthGran reserva means been aged for at least 4-6 yearsOften given American oak = creamy qualitySangioveseRegion/ClimateTuscany, ItalyMedium/HotTanninMedium/HighAcidityHighGood food winePaletteHerbalFloralNebbioloPalettePrunesChocolateTarRegion/ClimateSpeciality of Northern ItalyBarolo use Nebbiolo exclusivelyTanninHighSoftens with ageOften lighter in colour"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/nVxEEYVt_Pinot-Noir-Shiraz-Syrah.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Pinot Noir & Shiraz/SyrahPinot NoirRegion/ClimateCool climatesBurgundyNew ZealandOften greater ripeness for bolder, fruitier flavourPaletteRed berries: strawberries, raspberries & cherriesNoseFruity: strawberries, raspberries & cherriesTanninLow - ModerateAcidityHighGood food wineAboutExpect an elegant wineRequires perfect treatment in manners, etiquette and weather to produceSyrah (Shiraz)TanninHighThick skinsColourRichHigh levels of pigmentRegion/ClimateRhone Valley, FranceAustraliaPaletteBlack fruitsPepperFull bodiedRichHeavySmoothWell suited to bold flavoured foods like venison"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/XIhw2RE3_Healthy-food.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Healthy food"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/tsA5QVCa_Fonctions-du-nom.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Fonctions du nomEpithèteliée\" La petite fille autoritaire donne des ordres.\"devantderrièrele nomderrièredevantdétachéeséparée du nompar virgule\"Généreux, Arthur prète ses jouets volontiers.\"Trucs!Seulement des adjectifsvarieen genreet en nombreavec le nomet en nombreen genreComplément du nom\"L'arbre de Noël est superbement décoré.\"Trucs\"Quel?après le nom\"\"De qui?/de quoi?après le nom\"toujours à droitedu nomtoujours 2 motsintroduit par prépositionApposition\"Thomas, mon filleul, aime aller à la chasse.\"Trucssigne=entre appositionnomtoujours à droiteentre virgulesLa P2 relative\" Les élèves qui étudient réussiront leur année scolaire.\"TrucsCommence parpronom relatifcontientverbe conjuguétoujours à droite du nom"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/d03DcSJo_GTD-methodology.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GTD® methodologyFrom the wikipedia GTD entryA natural planning methodProjects1. Defining the purpose and principles2. Envisioning the outcome3. Brainstorming4. Organizing3. Organize5. Identifying next actionsA framework with 6 levels of focus4. Review (weekly review focused on different levels)1. Current actions2. Current projects3. Areas of responsibility4. Yearly goals5. 5 year vision6. Life goalsA workflow process1. CollectBucketsItem (Process one item a time)2. Processprocess F.jpgItemBuckets (Process one item a time)Requires Action:Do(if it takes less than two minutes)DelegateWaiting forDeferNext actionsProjectsCalendardoes not require action:Throw it awayIncubate it for possible action laterSomeday/MaybeFile it for referenceFiling System3. Organize4. OrganizingProjectsNext actionsWaiting forDeferA natural planning methodNext actionsProjectsDeferOfficeHomePhone...Waiting forProjectsDelegateSomeday/MaybeIncubate it for possible action laterCalendarDeferFiling SystemFile it for reference4. ReviewA framework with 6 levels of focus (weekly review focused on different levels)tickler file5. Doprocess F.jpg2. Process"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/99OZXWkB_ADR-Adverse-Drug-Reactions.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ADR: Adverse Drug ReactionsAllergiesSide effectsSensitivity"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/dmhtJYk4_IGCSE-English-as-a-Second-Language-Lesson-Plan-Grade-9-Travel-and-Tourism.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "IGCSE English as a Second Language Lesson Plan - Grade 9 - Travel and TourismUnit OverviewTopic: Travel and TourismDuration: 17 hoursCore Skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking, ListeningLesson BreakdownLesson 1: Introduction to Travel and TourismObjectivesVocabulary introductionPre-assessment quizLesson 2: Reading - Travel ArticlesVocabulary reinforcementArticle analysisLesson 3: Writing - Crafting a Travel ItineraryVocabulary usageItinerary creationLesson 4: Listening - Podcast on famous tourist locationsPodcast analysisLesson 5: Speaking - Role-play on buying airline ticketsVocabulary practiceRole-play activityLesson 6: Reading - Hotel ReviewsReview analysisLesson 7: Writing - Composing a hotel reviewVocabulary applicationReview compositionLesson 8: Listening - Travel Experiences MonologuesMonologue analysisLesson 9: Speaking - Sharing Personal travel experiencesPersonal experience sharingAssessmentsReading Assessment - Article reviewWriting Assessment - Travel brochureSpeaking Assessment - Presentation on dream destinationListening Assessment - Comprehension quiz on travel podcastRevision and Concluding ActivitiesVocabulary RecapSkill-based activitiesConcluding Assessment."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/Ga6PVxrf_Project-Management-Process-Groups.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Project Management Process GroupsPlanning Process GroupMonitoring & Controlling Process GroupInitiating Process GroupExecuting Process GroupClosing Process GroupExecuting Process GroupProject Management Process GroupsClosing Process GroupProject Management Process GroupsMonitoring & Controlling Process GroupProject Management Process GroupsInitiating Process GroupProject Management Process GroupsPlanning Process GroupProject Management Process Groups"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/YRiVQRLz_5-Pieces-Of-Career-And-Business-Advice.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "5 PIECES OF CAREER AND BUSINESS ADVICE1. Let that employee goIf one employee, MAKES ALL THE OTHER EMPLOYEES MISERABLEAND THEY STILL DON’T FIX THEIR BEHAVIORAFTER YOU TRY TO CHANGE IT A FEW TIMESTHEY’VE GOT TO GOthe person will turn their behavior around in a couple of monthsOther times, it’ll continue and I’ll let them goIf their bad behavior continuesand you’re a CEO who keeps them aroundbecause they’re hitting their targetsyou’re sending a clear message to other employeesabout what you really think about company culture2. Dont think what others will think of youif you work mon-Fri and wait for weekendsyou basically live to workstep back and ask yourself what you’re actually doingby thoughtfully analyzing what you could do to change your situationFocus on your own happinessnot necessarily the dollars to take an extra vacation a yearbuying things out of insecurity or unhappinessor pandering to other people’s opinions of you3. STOP TRYING TO SELL THE UNSELLABLEDont try to convince people who dont want to buyIt’s a GIANT waste of timetrying to sell it to everyoneinstead of the people who actually want to be sold toOnly talk to potential buyers4. CHASE THE PROCESS, NOT JUST THE END RESULTIf you love your processyou’ve already wonfigure out something that you enjoy doing so muchthat just doing it makes you happynot just the end result5. YOU WORK FOR YOUR EMPLOYEESIF YOU’RE A BOSS REALIZEYOU WORK FOR YOUR EMPLOYEESNOT THE OTHER WAY AROUNDIf you don’t like how something is happening within your companyor how employees are performingit’s your processes or frameworks that created those issues in the first placeput your employees in a position to succeeddelivering feedback with radical candor in a constructive wayobserving everyone’s strengths and weaknessesand understanding what everyone cares about at any given time"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/ht7AxVrJ_Computing-Primary.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Computing (Primary)AlgorithmsFormulae (Spreadsheets)CodingScriptingProgramming and DevelopmentCoding & RoboticsCreate your own programsProblem SolvingTinkeringData & Data RepresentationData Types (Spreadsheets)Information TechnologyThe BasicsTrackpad/mouse controlKeyboardTouch ControlCreatingLaying out information for printPresentationsVideo EditingDrawing & PaintingHardware and ProcessingBuying HardwareCommunication and NetworksSharing & CommunicatingEmailCloud Based DocsBlogsDigital CitizenshipStaying Safe OnlineOnline PortfoliosOnline news sourcesNavigationResearch (Search Engines)Filing (Find/Open/Save)Logging on and off (Computer & Online Services)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/r0r1e3JR_Troilus-Cressida.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Troilus & Cressida1. Act I, Scene i, lines 91-106.Through his city, Try, is at war, Prince Troilus deems no dispute worthy of his Cressida-engrossed attention - his anger is saved for the difficult intermediary who is running his love affair, Lord Pandarus:Peace, you ungracious clamours! Peace, rude sounds!2. Act I, Scene ii, lines 281-295.Cressida too finds romance conducted through a go-between hard, but knows enough not to surrender any ground. Love, she senses, is as much a power-struggle as any war:Words, vows, gifts, tears, and love’s full sacrifice.....3. Act III, Scene ii, lines 16-27.All but overcome already in anticipation of love, Troilus is sure he will be overwhelmed by love in fact- annihilated as effectively by please, perhaps, as he might be by death in battle:I am giddy; expectation whirls round me....."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/vMRxT8eK_GtdWorkflow.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GTD WORKFLOWCreditsStuffIn basketIn basketStuffWhat is this ?Is is Actionable ?NOYESNOIs is Actionable ?TrashSomeday / MaybeReferenceYESIs is Actionable ?What's Next Action ?PROJECT Plans Review for Actions (If multi-step what's the succesful outcome ?)PROJECT planning (what's next action ?)Will Take Less Than 2 Minutes ?NOYESNOWill Take Less Than 2 Minutes ?Delegate ITWAITING for someone else doing itDefer ItCALENDAR to do it at specific timeNEXT ACTIONS To do as soon as I canYESWill Take Less Than 2 Minutes ?Do it!PROJECT Plans Review for ActionsPROJECT planning (planning)What's Next Action ? (If multi-step what's the succesful outcome ?)PROJECT planningWhat's Next Action ? (what's next action ?)PROJECT Plans Review for Actions (planning)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/2c59356b-8ab2-4946-bec7-70954fa7094b.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SCARFStatusask their opinion and seek their expert advicelisteninclude and appreciateask for assistance and include themavoid jargonCertaintyeat the elephant bit by bitrefocus people on what is certainbe open about what you are uncertain aboutset goals and expectations and stick to themcommunicate often and with transparencyAutonomydelegate clearly and co-decide on tasksencourage self-directed learningallow team to make their own decisionencourage people to find answers proactivelypat attention to when directive is neededRelatednessfind things you have in commonfind things you have in commonget to know what motivates themencourage everybody's input and team cohesionlisten, coach, and mentorFairnessensure everybody has access to informationincrease positive culture and sense of \"I have a say\"acknowledge emotions, show empathyunderstand that fair does not mean equaldon't shy away from behavioral issues\"Do I lose the amount of control I have over what I do?\"\"What exactly does that mean for me and my team?\"Will I lose my influence, high paying job, team, corner office, sexy job title?\"\"Does my role change or do I lose my job and therefore my mates at work?\"\"How is that supposed to be fair?\""}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/Jx8J7A9B_forme-negative.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "forme negativehave got +i have (got)you have (got)he/she/it has (got)we have (got)you have (got)they have (got)have got -i have not (got)you have not (got)he/she/it has not (got)we have not (got)you have not (got)they have not (got)to be -i am notyou are notwe are notyou are notthey are notto be +i amyou arehe/she/it iswe areyou arethey are"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/9XjGwL3n_Multilingualism-post-Brexit-Creative-Multilingualism-Conference.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Talk 6- Multilingualism post-BrexitRajinder DudrahBirmingham City ProfessorCentre for Cultural StudiesCreatively thinking about how we can tackle BrexitNotion of languages being functionalSomething LARGER than contextTo what extent are languages apparent in that contextAssimilationPre and post war analysisLanguages in transitionPolitics at stakeContext: immigrants saying 'get rid of immigrants' !Languages and cultures coming togetherFilm studiesTrailerMusicChallenge?What types of human beings do we want to be coming forward??Languages can have a 3% impact on GDP in industryLanguage on Bexit'Soft' Brexit'Hard Brexit'Masculaisation/feminisationCultural contextLoss of language and skillsMultilingualismMulti-beingMulti-thinkingHow can we still work together?Feel you have no voice, and others are speaking for youSelba DabbagAuthourMixed : English Palastinian'Lost' linguistHaving a stomach for cultural variablityBrexitFeeling like you are writing from behind a wallTrump's languageThe way he delivers his messagesOutright statementsPalastinian writersAddress the question of \"what does a writer do when faced with suffering around\"Nicky HarmannFreelance literary translatorLooking both waysTranslation is a window to another worldTranslation opens a door for other peopleChinese and English linguistic differencesRoles of the translatorBridge between author and publisherBridge between two culturesCurrent state of multilingualismThere is thriving multilingualism in the UK alreadye.g London busesLack of motivationLoss of interest anyway of learning other languagesSignpost of something much worse to comeSense of rejectionWe're forgetting the Eastern European LanguagesDon't dismiss Eastern EU languages47% of Tower Hamlets voted to leaveDespite being the most multi-cultural districtLess Chinese texts translated into EngXenophobiaAlready existed!Is Brexit part of an ideological programme?Policies?Can Britain negotiate the language issue?Too early to sayEnglish is THE universal languageEU Literature repercussionsReading languages gives us more access to langaugeNot enough people reading EU books ANYWAYToo early to sayPublishing equivalentsLess EU language translations?More Arabic/Chinese?Who reads EU novels anyway?ConsequencesSolidarityPotential for more interestDon't fall into the trap of thinking 'it's all doom and gloom'XenephobiaWe are all connected to the language industryTherefore we must respond!EU literature combats XenophobiaEffects on social cohesionERASMUSSocial mobility issueThere is a budget available nowSolutions?As language teachers / linguistisKeep up the momentumBe positiveWe are the creators of linguistic brliiance !Contribute to Languages in SocietyArtiuclate language alongside cultre moreReportsDebatesConferencesLinguists will seek solutionsIs it too early or too late to be pessimistic/optimisticWe should get ready for the challengeLiterature is part of the wider contextBut there is more to do!Women's marchLanguage surrounded these campaignsCommunity languageBeforeUncoolAfterTrendy!"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/3ce975c1-ae03-4265-86bd-563c17e9afbb.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "The CHURCHthe Church-BELONGS TO GOD54. 1Timothy 03:15the Church-OBJECT OF THE GRACE OF GOD23. Isaiah 27:0347. 2Corinthians 08:01the Church-BODY OF CHRIST19. Psalm 045:13-1449. Ephesians 01:22-2366. Revelation 19:07-0866. Revelation 21:02the Church-BRIDE OF CHRIST19. Psalm 045:13-1466. Revelation 19:07-0866. Revelation 21:02the Church-CHRIST THE FOUNDATION-STONE46. 1Corinthians 03:1149. Ephesians 02:2060. 1Peter 02:04-05the Church-CHRIST THE HEAD OF49. Ephesians 01:2249. Ephesians 05:23the Church-LOVED BY CHRIST22. Song of Solomon 07:1049. Ephesians 05:25the Church-PURCHASED BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST44. Acts 20:2849. Ephesians 05:2558. Hebrews 09:12the Church-SANCTIFIED AND CLEANSED BY CHRIST46. 1Corinthians 06:1149. Ephesians 05:26-27the Church-SUBJECT TO CHRIST45. Romans 07:0449. Ephesians 05:24the Church-DISPLAYS THE WISDOM OF GOD49. Ephesians 03:10the Church-SHOWS FORTH THE PRAISES OF GOD23. Isaiah 60:06the Church-GOD DEFENDS19. Psalm 089:1823. Isaiah 04:0523. Isaiah 49:2540. Matthew 16:18the Church-GOD PROVIDES MINISTERS FOR24. Jeremiah 03:1549. Ephesians 04:11-12the Church-GLORY TO BE ASCRIBED TO GOD BY49. Ephesians 03:21the Church-ELECT60. 1Peter 05:13the Church-GLORIOUS19. Psalm 045:1349. Ephesians 05:27the Church-CLOTHED IN RIGHTEOUSNESS66. Revelation 19:08the Church-BELIEVERS CONTINUALLY ADDED TO BY THE LORD44. Acts 02:2744. Acts 05:1444. Acts 11:24the Church-UNITY OF45. Romans 12:0546. 1Corinthians 10:1746. 1Corinthians 12:1248. Galatians 03:28the Church-SAINTS BAPTISED INTO BY ONE SPIRIT46. 1Corinthians 12:13the Church-MINISTERS COMMANDED TO FEED44. Acts 20:28the Church-IS EDIFIED BY THE WORD46. 1Corinthians 14:0446. 1Corinthians 14:1349. Ephesians 04:15-16the Church-THE WICKED PERSECUTE44. Acts 08:01-0352. 1Thessalonians 02:14-15the Church-NOT TO BE DESPISED46. 1Corinthians 11:22the Church-DEFILERS OF WILL BE PUNISHED46. 1Corinthians 03:17the Church-EXTENT OF PROPHESIED23. Isaiah 02:0226. Ezekiel 17:22-2427. Daniel 02:34-3535. Habakkuk 02:14CHURCH OF ISRAEL ESTABLISHED BY GOD05. Deuteronomy 04:5-1405. Deuteronomy 26:1844. Acts 07:3544. Acts 38the Church-ADMISSION INTO BY CIRCUMCISION01. Genesis 17:10-14the Church-ALL ISRAELITES MEMBERS OF45. Romans 09:04the Church-WAS RELATIVELY HOLY02. Exodus 31:1304. Numbers 16:03the Church-AN APPOINTED PLACE OF WORSHIP05. Deuteronomy 12:05the Church-APPOINTED ORDINANCES02. Exodus 18:2058. Hebrews 09:0158. Hebrews 09:10the Church-APPOINTED FEASTS03. Leviticus 23:0223. Isaiah 01:14the Church-AN ORDAINED MINISTRY02. Exodus 29:0905. Deuteronomy 10:08the Church-THE DIVINE PRESENCE MANIFESTED IN IT02. Exodus 29:45-4603. Leviticus 26:11-1211. 1Kings 08:10-11the Church-A SPIRITUAL CHURCH WITHIN IT45. Romans 09:6-845. Romans 11:02-07the Church-THE DEPOSITORY OF HOLY WRIT45. Romans 03:02the Church-CONGREGATION OF THE LORD04. Numbers 27:1704. Numbers 31:16the Church-CONGREGATION OF ISRAEL02. Exodus 12:4703. Leviticus 04:13the Church-PRIVILEGES OF45. Romans 09:04the Church-SACRIFICE02. Exodus 10:2503. Leviticus 01:0258. Hebrews 10:01the Church-IN COVENANT WITH GOD05. Deuteronomy 04:1305. Deuteronomy 04:2344. Acts 03:25the Church-ATTACHMENT OF THE JEWS TO43. John 09:28-2944. Acts 06:11the Church-PREACHING16. Nehemiah 08:04-05the Church-PROSELYTES ADMITTED INTO04. Numbers 09:1404. Numbers 15:1504. Numbers 15:29the Church-SUPPORTED BY THE PEOPLE02. Exodus 34:2005. Deuteronomy 16:17the Church-PRAYER02. Exodus 24:1119. Psalm 005:0719. Psalm 095:06the Church-PRAISE14. 2Chronicles 05:1314. 2Chronicles 30:21the Church-READING GOD’S WORD02. Exodus 24:0705. Deuteronomy 31:11the Church-REQUIRED TO KNOW ITS STATUTES03. Leviticus 10:11the Church-REQUIRED TO KEEPS ITS STATUTES05. Deuteronomy 16:12the Church-REQUIRED TO ATTEND ITS WORSHIP02. Exodus 23:17the Church-SEPARATED FROM WHILE UNCLEAN03. Leviticus 13:4603. Leviticus 15:3104. Numbers 05:02-04the Church-EXCOMMUNICATED FOR HEAVY OFFENCES04. Numbers 15:30-3104. Numbers 19:20the Church-PERSONS EXCLUDED FROM02. Exodus 12:4805. Deuteronomy 23:01-0426. Ezekiel 44:07-09the Church-TYPE OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST48. Galatians 04:24-2658. Hebrews 12:23the Church-MINISTERS AUTHORISED TO ESTABLISH40. Matthew 16:1940. Matthew 18:18the Church-MAINTAINING SOUND DOCTRINE54. 1Timothy 01:0356. Titus 01:13the Church-ORDERING ITS AFFAIRS46. 1Corinthians 11:3456. Titus 01:05the Church-REBUKING OFFENDERS54. 1Timothy 05:2055. 2Timothy 04:02the Church-REMOVING OBSTINATE OFFENDERS46. 1Corinthians 05:03-0546. 1Corinthians 05:1354. 1Timothy 01:20the Church-SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO58. Hebrews 13:17the Church-IS FOR EDIFICATION47. 2Corinthians 10:0847. 2Corinthians 13:10the Church-OBJECTS OF46. 1Corinthians 14:40the Church-EXERCISE IN A SPIRIT OF CHARITY47. 2Corinthians 02:06-08the Church-PROHIBITS WOMEN PREACHING46. 1Corinthians 14:3454. 1Timothy 02:12the Church-DERIVED FROM GOD23. Isaiah 28:05the Church-DERIVED FROM CHRIST23. Isaiah 60:0142. Luke 02:34the Church-RESULT FROM THE FAVOUR OF GOD23. Isaiah 43:04the Church-GOD DELIGHTS IN19. Psalm 045:1123. Isaiah 62:03-05the Church-SAINTS DELIGHT IN23. Isaiah 66:11the Church-THE SEAT OF GOD’S WORSHIP19. Psalm 096:06the Church-THE TEMPLE OF GOD46. 1Corinthians 03:16-1749. Ephesians 02:21-22the Church-BEING ESTABLISHED19. Psalm 048:0823. Isaiah 33:20the Church-EMINENT POSITION19. Psalm 048:0223. Isaiah 02:02the Church-GRACES OF CHARACTERSong 02:14the Church-PERFECTION OF BEAUTY19. Psalm 050:02the Church-MEMBERS BEING RIGHTEOUS23. Isaiah 60:2166. Revelation 19:08the Church-STRENGTH AND DEFENCE19. Psalm 048:12-13the Church-SANCTIFICATION49. Ephesians 05:26-27the Church-BY INCREASE OF ITS MEMBERS23. Isaiah 49:1823. Isaiah 60:04-14the Church-ABUNDANCE23. Isaiah 66:11the Church-SIN OBSCURES25. Lamentations 02:14-15"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/brLmCq8V_Apparent-Bible-Contradictions-04-NUMBERS.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Apparent Bible Contradictions 04.NUMBERSApparent Contradictions NUMBERS 159-175159What were the twelve tribes of Israel? 1:5, 13:4Genesis 49ReubenSimeonLeviJudahZebulunIssacharDanGadAsherNephtaliJosephBenjaminNumbers 1ReubenSimeon-JudahZebulunIssacharDanGadAsherNephtali(children of) JosephBenjaminManassehNumbers 13ReubenSimeon-JudahZebulunIssacharDanGadAsherNephtaliJosephBenjaminManassehDeuteronomy 33Reuben-LeviJudahZebulunIssacharDanGadAsherNephtaliJosephBenjaminManassehEzekiel 48ReubenSimeonLeviJudahZebulunIssacharDanGadAsher-JosephBenjaminManassehRevelation 7ReubenSimeonLeviJudahZebulonIssachar-GadAserNephthalimJosephBenjaminManassesChristian Response160How should strangers be treated? 1:51, 3:10, 3:38, 18:7Be kind to them.Exodus 22:21Exodus 23:9Leviticus 19:33-34Deuteronomy 10:19Jeremiah 22:3Zechariah 7:10Matthew 25:35Kill them.Numbers 1:51, 3:10, 3:38, 18:7Deuteronomy 7:2Christian Response161Should men have long hair? 6:5YesNumbers 6:5Judges 13:51 Samuel 1:11No1 Corinthians 11:14Christian Response162Will God destroy those that intermarry? 12:1, 9-10YesExodus 34:16Deuteronomy 7:3-41 Kings 11:1-2NoGenesis 46:20Numbers 12:1, 9-10Christian Response163Who was Moses' father in law? 10:28JethroExodus 3:1Exodus 4:18Exodus 18:1Exodus 18:5HobabJudges 4:11Numbers 10:29ReuelExodus 2:18-21Christian Response164Was Moses meek? 12:3, 31:14-18YesNumbers 12:3NoNumbers 31:14-18Christian Response165Christian ResponseWho wrote the Pentateuch? 12:3Moses wrote the entire Pentateuch.Deuteronomy 31:9Deuteronomy 1:1There were other authors.Numbers 12:3Deuteronomy 34:5-6Deuteronomy 34:10166Did everyone die in the flood? 13:33YesGenesis 7:21-23NoGenesis 6:4Numbers 13:33Christian Response167Can God be seen? 14:14YesGenesis 12:7Genesis 17:1Genesis 18:1Genesis 26:2Genesis 26:24Genesis 32:30Genesis 35:9Genesis 48:3Exodus 3:16Exodus 4:5Exodus 6:3Exodus 24:9-11Exodus 33:11Exodus 33:23Numbers 14:14Deuteronomy 5:4Deuteronomy 34:10Judges 13:221 Kings 22:19Job 42:5Psalm 63.2Isaiah 6:1Isaiah 6:5Ezekiel 1:27Ezekiel 20:35Amos 7:7Amos 9:1Habakkuk 3:3-5Matthew 18:9NoExodus 33:20John 1:18John 6:46Colossians 1:151 Timothy 1:171 Timothy 6:161 John 4:12Christian Response168Are we punished for the sins of others? 14:18YesGenesis 9:21-25Genesis 20:18Exodus 20:5 , Deuteronomy 5:9Exodus 34:7Numbers 14:18Deuteronomy 23:2Deuteronomy 28:181 Samuel 3:12-132 Samuel 12:142 Samuel 21:6-91 Kings 2:331 Kings 11:11-121 Kings 21:292 Kings 5:27Isaiah 14:21Jeremiah 16:10-11Jeremiah 29:32Jeremiah 32:18Zephaniah 1:8NoDeuteronomy 24:162 Kings 14:6Jeremiah 31:29-30Ezekiel18:20Christian Response169Does God desire animal sacrifices? 15:27-30, 29:5YesLeviticus 4:20, 26, 31, 35Leviticus 5:10, 16, 18Leviticus 6:7Leviticus 17:11Numbers 15:27-28Numbers 29:5NoHebrews 10:4Hebrews 10:11Christian Response170To kill or not to kill. 15:32-36KillExodus 32:27Numbers 15:351 Samuel 15:2-3Don't KillExodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17Exodus 23:7Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20Matthew 19:18Christian Response171How should Sabbath-breakers be punished? 15:32-36They should be exiled.Exodus 31:14They should be killed.Exodus 31:14Exodus 31:15Exodus 35:2Numbers 15:32-36Christian Response172Should we follow our own hearts? 15:39YesEcclesiastes 11:9NoNumbers 15:39Proverbs 28:26Christian Response173Did God burn all of Korah's children to death? 16:32, 26:11YesNumbers 16:27-33NoNumbers 26:11Christian Response174Who may offer sacrifices to God? 18:6Only Levites before the tabernacle.Leviticus 17:1-5Numbers 18:6-8Non-Levites may offer sacrifices away from the tabernacle.1 Samuel 1:1-2, 201 Samuel 7:7-9Christian Response175Does God desire animal sacrifices? 18:17-19YesGenesis 4:4Genesis 8:20-21Genesis 15:9-10Exodus 20:24Exodus 29:11-37Leviticus 1:5(See all of Chapters 1 - 9)Leviticus 23:12-18Numbers 18:17-19Deuteronomy 12:27NoPsalm 40:6Psalm 50:13Psalm 51:16Isaiah 1:11Isaiah 66:3Jeremiah 6:20Micah 6:6-7Matthew 9:13, 12:7Christian ResponseApparent Contradictions NUMBERS 176-191176Where did Moses get water from a rock? 20:1-8, 27:14The wilderness of Sin in RephidimExodus 17:1-7The desert of Zin in KadeshNumbers 20:1-8Numbers 27:14Deuteronomy 32:51Christian Response177Christian ResponseHow did God tell Moses to get water from a rock? 20:7-8By smiting it.Exodus 17:5By talking to it.Numbers 20:7-8178Where did Aaron die? 20:27-28, 33:38on mount Hor.Numbers 20:27-28Numbers 33:38at Mosera.Deuteronomy 10:6Christian Response179Is it OK to make images? 21:8NoExodus 20:4, Deuteronomy 5:8Deuteronomy 4:16-18Deuteronomy 4:23Deuteronomy 27:152 Kings 18:3-4YesExodus 25:18, 20Numbers 21:8Christian Response180Does God know and see everything? 22:9YesJob 42:2Psalm 44:21Psalm 139:7-8Proverbs 15:3Jeremiah 16:17Jeremiah 23:24Acts 1:241 John 3:20NoGenesis 3:8Genesis 4:14Genesis 4:16Genesis 11:5Genesis 18:9Genesis 18:17Genesis 18:20-21Genesis 22:12Genesis 32:27Numbers 22:9Deuteronomy 8:2Deuteronomy 13:32 Chronicles 32:31Job 1:7, 2:2Hosea 8:4Jonah 1:3, 10Christian Response181Does God repent? 23:19YesGenesis 6:6Exodus 32:14Deuteronomy 32:361 Samuel 15:111 Samuel 15:352 Samuel 24:161 Chronicles 21:15Isaiah 38:1-5Jeremiah 15:6Jeremaih 18:8Jeremaih 26:3Jeremiah 26:13Jeremiah 26:19Jeremaih 42:10Amos 7:3, 6Jonah 3:10NoNumbers 23:191 Samuel 15:29Ezekiel 24:14Malachi 3:6James 1:17Christian Response182Is God merciful? 25:1-5YesExodus 34:6Deuteronomy 4:312 Samuel 24:141 Chronicles 16:34; Psalm 106:1, 107:1, 118:1, 136:1; Jeremiah 33:11Psalm 25:8Psalm 86:5Psalm 100:5Psalm 103:8Psalm 145:9Jeremiah 3:12Jeremiah 33:11Lamentations 3:33Joel 2:13Micah 7:18Judith 13:212 Corinthians 1:3James 5:111 John 4:16NoExodus 34:6-7Numbers 25:4Deuteronomy 7:161 Samuel 6:191 Samuel 15:2-3Lamentation 2:2Lamentations 2:17Lamentations 3:43Jeremiah 13:14Jeremaih 16:3-7Ezekiel 7:4, 9Ezekiel 9:5-6Micah 1:12Christian Response183How many did God kill for \"committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab\"? 25:923,000.1 Corinthians 10:824,000.Numbers 25:9Christian Response184Who were the sons of Benjamin? 26:38Genesis 46:21BelahBecherAshbelGeraNaamanEhiRoshMuppimHuppimArdNumbers 26:38-40BelaAshbelShuphamHupham1 Chronicles 7:6BelaBecherJediael1 Chronicles 8:1-2BelaAshbelAharahNohahRaphaChristian Response185Were Naaman and Ard the sons or the grandsons of Benjamin? 26:38-40sons of BenjaminGenesis 46:21grandsons of BenjaminNumbers 26:38-40Christian Response186What is the correct recipe for the new moon sacrifice? 28:11Two bullocks, 1 ram, and 7 lambsNumbers 28:11One bullock, 1 ram, and 6 lambsEzekiel 46:6Christian Response187Does the blood of animal sacrifices take away sin? 29:6YesLeviticus 4:20, 26, 31, 35Leviticus 5:10, 16, 18Leviticus 6:7Leviticus 17:11Numbers 15:27-28Numbers 29:5NoHebrews 10:4Hebrews 10:11Christian Response188Is it OK to take oaths? 30:2YesGenesis 21:23-24Genesis 24:2-3Genesis 24:9Genesis 31:53Genesis 47:31Leviticus 27:2, 10Numbers 30:2Deuteronomy 6:13Deuteronomy 10:20Deuteronomy 23:21Psalm 63:11Isaiah 45:23Isaiah 48:1Isaiah 65:16Jeremiah 4:2Jeremiah 12:16Daniel 12:7Hebrews 6:13Rev.10:5-6NoMatthew 5:34James 5:12Christian Response189Did the Israelites kill every male in Midian? 31:7, 16-17YesNumbers 31:7, 16-17NoJudges 6:1-2, 5Christian Response190How long does God's anger last? 32:13God's anger lasts for just a moment.Psalm 30:5God's anger lasts a long time.Numbers 32:13God's anger doesn't last forever.Jeremiah 3:12Micah 7:18God's anger lasts forever.Jeremiah 17:4Malachi 1:4Matthew 25:41Matthew 25:46Christian Response191How many gods are there? 33:4only one God.Deuteronomy 4:35Deuteronomy 4:39Deuteronomy 6:4Deuteronomy 32:391 Kings 18:39Isaiah 43:10Isaiah 44:8Isaiah 45:5-6Isaiah 45:21/A>Isaiah 46:9Mark 12:29Mark 12:32John 17:31 Corinthians 8:6several godsGenesis 1:26Genesis 3:22Genesis 11:7Exodus 12:12Exodus 15:11Exodus 18:11Exodus 20:3, 5Exodus 22:20Exodus 22:28Exodus 23:13Exodus 23:24Exodus 23:32Exodus 34:14Numbers 33:4Deuteronomy 3:24Deuteronomy 5:7Deuteronomy 6:14-15Deuteronomy 10:17Deuteronomy 28:14Joshua 24:2Joshua 24:14Judges 11:241 Samuel 6:51 Samuel 28:131 Chronicles 16:25Psalm 82:1Psalm 82:6Psalm 86:8Psalm 96:4Psalm 97:7Psalm 135:5Psalm 136:2Jeremiah 1:16Jeremiah 10:11Jeremiah 25:6Jeremiah 46:25Zephaniah 2:11John 10:33-341 John 5:7Christian Response"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/de77f154-0229-4fb0-9d6d-ead1e588f06f.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CHOOSE-CHOSE WordGroupCHOOSE02. Exodus 17:0904. Numbers 16:0704. Numbers 17:0505. Deuteronomy 07:0705. Deuteronomy 12:0505. Deuteronomy 12:1105. Deuteronomy 12:1405. Deuteronomy 12:1805. Deuteronomy 12:2605. Deuteronomy 14:2305. Deuteronomy 14:2405. Deuteronomy 14:2505. Deuteronomy 15:2005. Deuteronomy 16:0205. Deuteronomy 16:0605. Deuteronomy 16:0705. Deuteronomy 16:1505. Deuteronomy 16:1605. Deuteronomy 17:0805. Deuteronomy 17:1005. Deuteronomy 17:1505. Deuteronomy 18:0605. Deuteronomy 23:1605. Deuteronomy 26:0205. Deuteronomy 30:1905. Deuteronomy 31:1106. Joshua 09:2706. Joshua 24:1509. 1Samuel 02:2809. 1Samuel 17:0810. 2Samuel 16:1810. 2Samuel 17:0110. 2Samuel 21:0610. 2Samuel 24:1211. 1Kings 14:2111. 1Kings 18:2311. 1Kings 18:2513. 1Chronicles 21:1013. 1Chronicles 21:1116. Nehemiah 09:0718. Job 09:1418. Job 34:0418. Job 34:3319. Psalm 025:1219. Psalm 047:0420. Proverbs 01:2920. Proverbs 03:3123. Isaiah 07:1523. Isaiah 07:1623. Isaiah 14:0123. Isaiah 49:0723. Isaiah 56:0423. Isaiah 65:1223. Isaiah 66:0426. Ezekiel 21:1926. Ezekiel 21:1938. Zechariah 01:1738. Zechariah 02:1250. Philippians 01:22CHOOSEST18. Job 15:0519. Psalm 065:04CHOOSETH18. Job 07:1523. Isaiah 40:2023. Isaiah 41:24CHOOSING58. Hebrews 11:25CHOSE01. Genesis 06:0201. Genesis 13:1102. Exodus 18:2505. Deuteronomy 04:3705. Deuteronomy 10:1506. Joshua 08:0307. Judges 05:0809. 1Samuel 13:0209. 1Samuel 17:4010. 2Samuel 06:2110. 2Samuel 10:0911. 1Kings 08:1611. 1Kings 08:1611. 1Kings 11:3413. 1Chronicles 19:1013. 1Chronicles 28:0414. 2Chronicles 06:0514. 2Chronicles 06:0518. Job 29:2519. Psalm 078:6719. Psalm 078:6819. Psalm 078:7023. Isaiah 66:0426. Ezekiel 20:0542. Luke 06:1342. Luke 14:0744. Acts 06:0544. Acts 13:1744. Acts 15:40CHOSEN02. Exodus 14:0702. Exodus 15:0404. Numbers 16:0505. Deuteronomy 07:0605. Deuteronomy 12:2105. Deuteronomy 14:0205. Deuteronomy 16:1105. Deuteronomy 18:0505. Deuteronomy 21:0506. Joshua 24:2207. Judges 10:1407. Judges 20:1507. Judges 20:1607. Judges 20:3409. 1Samuel 08:1809. 1Samuel 10:2409. 1Samuel 12:1309. 1Samuel 16:0809. 1Samuel 16:0909. 1Samuel 16:1009. 1Samuel 20:3009. 1Samuel 24:0209. 1Samuel 26:0210. 2Samuel 06:0111. 1Kings 03:0811. 1Kings 08:4411. 1Kings 08:4811. 1Kings 11:1311. 1Kings 11:3211. 1Kings 11:3611. 1Kings 12:2112. 2Kings 21:0712. 2Kings 23:2713. 1Chronicles 09:2213. 1Chronicles 15:0213. 1Chronicles 16:1313. 1Chronicles 16:4113. 1Chronicles 28:0413. 1Chronicles 28:0513. 1Chronicles 28:0613. 1Chronicles 28:1013. 1Chronicles 29:0114. 2Chronicles 06:0614. 2Chronicles 06:0614. 2Chronicles 06:3414. 2Chronicles 06:3814. 2Chronicles 07:1214. 2Chronicles 07:1614. 2Chronicles 11:0114. 2Chronicles 12:1314. 2Chronicles 13:0314. 2Chronicles 13:0314. 2Chronicles 13:1714. 2Chronicles 29:1114. 2Chronicles 33:0716. Nehemiah 01:0918. Job 36:2119. Psalm 033:1219. Psalm 078:3119. Psalm 089:0319. Psalm 089:1919. Psalm 105:0619. Psalm 105:2619. Psalm 105:4319. Psalm 106:0519. Psalm 106:2319. Psalm 119:03019. Psalm 119:17319. Psalm 132:1319. Psalm 135:0420. Proverbs 16:1620. Proverbs 22:0123. Isaiah 01:2923. Isaiah 41:0823. Isaiah 41:0923. Isaiah 43:1023. Isaiah 43:2023. Isaiah 44:0123. Isaiah 44:0223. Isaiah 48:1023. Isaiah 58:0523. Isaiah 58:0623. Isaiah 65:1523. Isaiah 66:0324. Jeremiah 08:0324. Jeremiah 33:2424. Jeremiah 48:1524. Jeremiah 49:1924. Jeremiah 50:4426. Ezekiel 23:0727. Daniel 11:1537. Haggai 02:2338. Zechariah 03:0240. Matthew 12:1840. Matthew 20:1640. Matthew 22:1441. Mark 13:2042. Luke 10:4242. Luke 23:3543. John 06:7043. John 13:1843. John 15:1643. John 15:1643. John 15:1944. Acts 01:0244. Acts 01:2444. Acts 09:1544. Acts 10:4144. Acts 15:2244. Acts 15:2544. Acts 22:1445. Romans 16:1346. 1Corinthians 01:2746. 1Corinthians 01:2746. 1Corinthians 01:2847. 2Corinthians 08:1949. Ephesians 01:0453. 2Thessalonians 02:1355. 2Timothy 02:0459. James 02:0560. 1Peter 02:0460. 1Peter 02:0966. Revelation 17:14"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/ZmNQ4BnH_Apparent-Bible-Contradictions-10-2SAMUEL.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Apparent Bible Contradictions 10. 2SAMUEL2SAMUEL 319-335319How did Saul die? 1:8-10Saul committed suicide.1 Samuel 31:4-61 Chronicles 10:4Saul was killed by an Amalekite.2 Samuel 1:8-10Saul was killed by the Philistines.2 Samuel 21:12God killed him.1 Chronicles 10:14Christian Response320Did Saul and Samuel kill all the Amalekites? 1:8-10Christian ResponseYes1 Samuel 15:7-8, 33No, Agag's mother was left alive.1 Samuel 15:33No, David killed them all a few years later.1 Samuel 27:8-91 Samuel 30:1, 17No, Saul was killed by an Amalekite.2 Samuel 1:8-10321Did Saul's family die with him? 2:9Yes, all of Saul's family died with him.1 Chronicles 10:6No, one of Saul's sons (Ishbosheth) became king of Israel after Saul died.2 Samuel 2:1-7No, David sacrificed two of Saul's sons and five of his grandsons to God to stop him from starving people to death.2 Samuel 21:1-14Christian Response322The sons of David born in Hebron 3:2-52 Samuel 3:2-5AnnonChileabAbsalomAdonijahShephatiahIthream1 Chronicles 3AnnonDanielAbsalomAdonijahShephatiahIthreamChristian Response323How many Philistine foreskins did David buy his first wife with? 3:141002 Samuel 3:142001 Samuel 18:27Christian Response324When did Absalom rebel against David? 5:4, 15:7After forty years2 Samuel 15:7Much less than forty years since David only ruled for a total of forty years.2 Samuel 5:4Christian Response325The sons of David born in Jerusalem 5:14-162 Samuel 5:14-16ShammuahShobabNathanSolomonIbharElishuaNephegJaphiaElishamaEliadaEliphalet1 Chronicles 3:5-8ShimeaShobabNathanSolomonIbharNogahNephegJaphiaElishama (listed twice!)EliadaEliphelet (listed twice!)1 Chronicles 14:3-7ShammuaShobabNathanSolomonIbharElishuaElpaletNogahNephegJaphiaElishamaBeeliadaEliphaletChristian Response326How long was the ark of the covenant at Abinadab's house? 6:2-3Twenty years.1 Samuel 7:1-21 Samuel 10:24More than forty years.2 Samuel 6:2-3Acts.13:21Christian Response327Where did God kill Uzza? 6:6at the threshingfloor of Nachon.2 Samuel 6:6at the threshingfloor of Childon.1 Chronicles 13:9Christian Response328How many children did Michal have? 6:23, 21:8none2 Samuel 6:23five children.2 Samuel 21:8Christian Response329Does God lie? 7:28No, God cannot and does not lie.Numbers 23:191 Samuel 15:292 Samuel 7:28Titus 1:2Hebrews 6:18.It was impossible for God to lie.Yes, God lies by proxy; He sends prophets or lying spirits to deceive.1 Kings 22:232 Chronicles 18:22Jeremiah 4:10Jeremiah 20:7Ezekiel 14:92 Thessalonians 2:11Christian Response330How many horsemen did David take? 8:47002 Samuel 8:470001 Chronicles 18:4Christian Response331Was Abiathar the father or the son of Ahimelech? 8:17Abiathar was the son of Ahimelech.1 Samuel 22:201 Samuel 23:6Abiathar was the father of Ahimelech.2 Samuel 8:17, 1 Chronicles 18:16, 24:6Christian Response332How many men did David kill? 10:18700 men in chariots and 40,000 horsemen2 Samuel 10:187000 men in chariots and 40,000 footmen1 Chronicles 19:18Christian Response333Was Solomon David's second or fourth son by Bathsheba? 12:15, 24Second2 Samuel 12:15, 24Fourth1 Chronicles 3:5Christian Response334Are we punished for the sins of others? 12:18YesGenesis 9:21-25Genesis 20:18Exodus 20:5 , Deuteronomy 5:9Exodus 34:7Numbers 14:18Deuteronomy 23:2Deuteronomy 28:181 Samuel 3:12-132 Samuel 12:142 Samuel 21:6-91 Kings 2:331 Kings 11:11-121 Kings 21:292 Kings 5:27Isaiah 14:21Jeremiah 16:10-11Jeremiah 29:32Jeremiah 32:18Zephaniah 1:8NoDeuteronomy 24:162 Kings 14:6Jeremiah 31:29-30Ezekiel18:20Christian Response335How many sons did Absalom have? 14:27, 18:18none2 Samuel 18:18three2 Samuel 14:27Christian Response2SAMUEL 336-352336Who was Amasa's father? 17:25Ithra an Israelite.2 Samuel 17:25Jether an Ishmaelite.1 Chronicles 2:17Christian Response337Does God approve of human sacrifice? 21:1, 8-9, 14YesGenesis 22:2Exodus 22:29Leviticus 27:28-29Judges 11:29-402 Samuel 21:1, 8-9, 141 Kings 13:22 Kings 23:202 Chronicles 34:1-5NoLeviticus 18:21Leviticus 20:2Deuteronomy 18:102 Kings 21:6Christian Response338Are we punished for the sins of others? 21:6YesGenesis 9:21-25Genesis 20:18Exodus 20:5 , Deuteronomy 5:9Exodus 34:7Numbers 14:18Deuteronomy 23:2Deuteronomy 28:181 Samuel 3:12-132 Samuel 12:142 Samuel 21:6-91 Kings 2:331 Kings 11:11-121 Kings 21:292 Kings 5:27Isaiah 14:21Jeremiah 16:10-11Jeremiah 29:32Jeremiah 32:18Zephaniah 1:8NoDeuteronomy 24:162 Kings 14:6Jeremiah 31:29-30Ezekiel18:20Christian Response339Did all of Saul's family die with him? 21:6Yes, all of Saul's family died with him.1 Chronicles 10:6No, one of Saul's sons (Ishbosheth) became king of Israel after Saul died.2 Samuel 2:1-7No, David sacrificed two of Saul's sons and five of his grandsons to God to stop him from starving people to death.2 Samuel 21:1-14Christian Response340How did Saul die? 21:12Saul committed suicide.1 Samuel 31:4-61 Chronicles 10:4Saul was killed by an Amalekite.2 Samuel 1:8-10Saul was killed by the Philistines.2 Samuel 21:12God killed him.1 Chronicles 10:14Christian Response341Who killed Goliath? 21:19David killed him twice. (Once with a sling and once with a sword.)1 Samuel 17:49-501 Samuel 17:511 Samuel 21:8-9Elhanan2 Samuel 21:19Christian Response342Who did Elhanan kill? 21:20Goliath2 Samuel 21:19Lahmi, the brother of Goliath1 Chronicles 20:5Christian Response343How many men did the chief of David's captains kill? 23:88002 Samuel 23:83001 Chronicles 11:11Christian Response344Who tempted David to number Israel? 24:1God2 Samuel 24:1Satan1 Chronicles 21:1Christian Response345Has God ever tempted anyone? 24:1God has never tempted anyone.James 1:13Many people have been tempted by God.Genesis 22:12 Samuel 24:1Matthew 6:13Christian Response346Is it OK to take a census? 24:1Yes. Solomon had a census (like his father David's) and God didn't mind at all.2 Chronicles 2:17No. God killed 70,000 men because of David's census.2 Samuel 24:1-171 Chronicles 21:2Christian Response347How many soldiers? 24:9800,000 for Israel; 500,000 for Judah.2 Samuel 24:91,100,000 for Israel; 470,000 for Judah.1 Chronicles 21:5Christian Response348Did David sin? 22:21, 22:25, 24:10David never sinned. (He was clean and righteous.)2 Samuel:22:212 Samuel 22:251 Kings 3:141 Kings 9:41 Kings 14:8David never sinned, except in the matter of Uriah.1 Kings 15:5David sinned in numbering the people.2 Samuel 24:10Christian Response349How many years of famine? 24:13Seven2 Samuel 24:13Three1 Chronicles 21:11-12Christian Response350Is God merciful? 24:14YESExodus 34:6Deuteronomy 4:312 Samuel 24:141 Chronicles 16:34; Psalm 106:1, 107:1, 118:1, 136:1; Jeremiah 33:11Psalm 25:8Psalm 86:5Psalm 100:5Psalm 103:8Psalm 145:9Jeremiah 3:12Jeremiah 33:11Lamentations 3:33Joel 2:13Micah 7:18Judith 13:212 Corinthians 1:3James 5:111 John 4:16God is love.NOExodus 34:6-7Numbers 25:4Deuteronomy 7:161 Samuel 6:191 Samuel 15:2-3Lamentation 2:2Lamentations 2:17Lamentations 3:43Jeremiah 13:14Jeremaih 16:3-7Ezekiel 7:4, 9Ezekiel 9:5-6Micah 1:12Christian Response351Does God repent? 24:16YesGenesis 6:6Exodus 32:14Deuteronomy 32:361 Samuel 15:111 Samuel 15:352 Samuel 24:161 Chronicles 21:15Isaiah 38:1-5Jeremiah 15:6Jeremaih 18:8Jeremaih 26:3Jeremiah 26:13Jeremiah 26:19Jeremaih 42:10Amos 7:3, 6Jonah 3:10NoNumbers 23:191 Samuel 15:29Ezekiel 24:14Malachi 3:6James 1:17Christian Response352For how much did David buy the threshing floor? 24:24For fifty shekels of silver.2 Samuel 24:24For six hundred shekels of gold.1 Chronicles 21:25Christian Response"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/RuenaSzi_Customer-Insights-Mind-Mapping-to-Satisfy.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Customer Insights Mind Mapping to SatisfyLEGEND - Read this map from 1 o'clock position HERE clockwiseThe simple principleEngage in two way conversationListenDo NOT sellDo NOT look for opportunitiesBe interested and capture everythingMake NO AssumptionsQuestion to clarify and understandDo NOT draw or reach conclusionsCollaboratively prioritise, plan and progressSTEP 1 CaptureMind Maps are a great way to capture everything your customer saysDo not try to sort or batch the content, just listen and record itClarify with questions to be sure you understand their pointsOPTION - if you can do the capture, face-to-face, with mind map projected DO ITIt is easy to do this remotely via SCREEN SHARING if you cannot be face-to-faceThis creates a 'feeling' of collaborationA customer watching their perspective being captured accurately becomes very engagedThey can correct or amend the points with you to be sure you understandTheir focus is on the screen so it helps them to relax and talkDepending on the customer style: clarify and batch itemsSome customers will think about and want to batch things as they go alongSome customers will want to review at the end and sort/batch thingsUse icons, markers to highlight or categorise points of importance to the customerFlags for good or bad pointsIcons to show related/connected pointsLet the customer define what an icon meansmight mean 'a question to address'STEP 2 PrioritiseGuide the customer to identify the Top 3Show inter-dependenciesConclude this step with clear priorities for attention (identified by number icons)Use the mind map to work through what the customer believes are priorities for them on the mind mapADD more items as they think of themA mind map stimulates thoughts so new ideas and perspectives will come to light whilst reviewing the mind mapAsk questions about what is troubling the customer, looking through different lensesFinancial lens: sales, costs, margins, profitsStrategic lens: achieving their annual objectives/goalsStaffing lens: workload and coverage of their customers' needs and demandsSales and Marketing lens: generating interest and converting to ordersOperational lens: delivering their products/service consistently (on time, right quality, on budget)Culture lens: attitudes and behaviours in the business and how they are influencing performanceTools, equipment and facilities lens: systems, offices, equipment and facilities impact on performanceInnovation/Learning lens: what is happening to improve and do things differently and better in the futureApply numbers to illustrate the importance they have given to a topic or itemSTEP 3 PlanAgree with the customer action plans for each of Top 3 PrioritiesShow inter-dependenciesBe clear WHAT is to happenBe clear WHENBe clear WHO will complete the actionThis STEP gains emotional commitmentUnderstand how the actons interconnect and make it explicitShow inter-dependenciesAgree with the customer action plans for each of Top 3 PrioritiesGuide the customer to identify the Top 3STEP 4 ProgressEstablish a review routine (NOT ONE-OFF) to ensure Plans are ProgressingShow progress on a mind mapUse flags to illustrate statusStalledBehindOn scheduleNeed helpTechnicalDecision makingOthersProgress means NUDGING a series of actions alongUse this mind map as a record and monitor of progress, referring back to it and updating it with the customer regularlyFloating Topic"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/tbAuknCo_A-New-Creature.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "A New CreatureFirst, that the true definition of a Christian is to be IN ChristSecond, whoever is in Christ, is a new creature.What is the new creature ?The supernatural work of God's Spirit, renewing and transforming the heart into the divine likeness.The cause of regenerationThe turning of the will to God—is from God.The Word is the seed— out of which springs the flower of the new creature.We must distribute the Word wisely as a seed!Our soul is not changed but its qualitiesIt requires a greater power to make a new creature than to make a world1. When God made the world He met with no opposition2. It cost God nothing to make the world—but to make the new creature costs Him something.3. God made the world in six days—but He is carrying on the new creature in us all our lives long.In the creation, we may see the strength of God's arm; in the new creature, we may see the working of God's heart.The work of grace, not based on what is in usThe new creature is a work of rare excellency.In the incarnation, God made Himself in the image of man; in the new creation, man is made in the image of God.POSITION 1. It is not in the power of a natural man to convert himselfBut why does God command us to convert ourselves, if we have no power?We cannot change our heart, but we can seek Gods graceGod reaches out with a helping handPOSITION 2. When God converts a sinner, He does more than use a moral persuasionUSE 1. Of terror to such as are not new creaturesUse 2. counterfeits of the new creature1. Natural honesty, moral virtue, prudenceMoral virtue may exist with the hatred of godliness . A moral man hates true holiness2. Religious education is not the new creature.3. A form of godliness is not the new creature.4. Every change of opinion does not amount to the new creature.5. Every sudden passion or stirring of the affections6. One may have trouble for sin—yet not be a new creature.7. A man may have some actings of the Spirit—yet not be a new creature.Only conviction - but no conversion8. Every abstaining from sin, is not the new creature.Restraining gracemen may abstain from sin for awhile —and then return to it again;men may leave gross sins—and yet live in more spiritual sins.men may leave sin partially, abstain from some sin—not all.wherein the essence of the new creature consists.A great visible changeBut every change does NOT evidence the new creature.It is an inward change—a change of heart .Trying to redeem sin outwardly is uselessThe first trial of the new creature is this: \"Old things are passed away.It's a thorough change, but not a perfect one.If sin in the regenerate is not quite done away—then how far must one put off the old man, that he may be a new creature?There must be a GRIEVING for the remains of corruption.In the new creature, there must be a DETESTATION of old thingsIn the new creature, there is an OPPOSITION against all old thingsThe natural man can also oppose sin - but that's different from the new creatureHe doesn't realize the stirring of lusts or anger is already sin !The natural man doesn't oppose Gospel sins !He has different MOTIVESIn the new creature, there is a MORTIFYING of old corrupt lusts\"All things are become new.\"In the new creature, there is a new UNDERSTANDINGHe knows Christ after another manner.The new creature knows himself better than he didThe new creature is renewed in his CONSCIENCEIn the new creature, the WILL is renewedThe new creature has a new LIFE.USE 3. Of exhortation.OBJECTION 1. If we are new creatures, there must be so much strictness in religion, so much praying and watching—this discourages us.Without labor, nothing valuable can be obtainedThe labor in true religion, bears no proportion with the reward.Men talk of pains in religion—but, when God's Spirit comes into a person—He turns labor into delight.MOTIVES to labor above all things, to be new creatures.1. In this true Christianity consists2. We cannot converse with God until then.The NECESSITY of being new creatures.1. Until then, we are odious to God.2. our duties are not accepted with GodGod accepts no man—except where He sees His own image. The new creature is called the renewing of God's image, Ephesians 4:24.A soul renewed by grace, is fit to ascend to the heavenly glory.The excellency of the new creature1. The nobility2. The immortalityThe misery of the unregenerate creature.What shall we do to be new creatures?The preaching of the Word is the seedPray earnestly for the new creatureAs a new creature give thanks to God"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/cjJAiPYe_Logiciel-de-Mind-Mapping.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Logiciel de Mind MappingObjectifUsageprofessionnelpersonnelmixtebrainstormingbloomingCommunicationInterpersonnellegroupeprésentationpublicadultesadolescentsenfantsTravailéquipecollaborationCollaborationsynchroneasynchroneBudgetGratuitpermanentversionessailimitéetempsfonctionnalitésnombrecartesPayantlicenceannuellepluriannuelleà vieliéepersonnemachinemises à jour ?à viepluriannuelleannuellefréquenceprixEmplacementOrdinateurDisque durPériphériqueclé usbCDDVDEn ligneMixteMobileiPhoneiPadAndroidInteropérabilitéImportationExportationIntégration / Liens versDocumentsMédiasaudiovidéoimagesCompatibilitéautreslogicielsmindmappingsupportssystèmesexploitationWindowsMac OSLinuxdonnéesExportationImportationsuitesMS OfficeOpen OfficeLibre OfficeMS ProjectGraphismedessinmanuelindustrielsimpleélaboréCollaborationcollaborationSynchronetemps réelasynchroneemailplateformeDropboxPropriétélogicielpropriétaireopen sourceServicesaprès-ventesupportcommunautéforumformationsComment choisir son...Geleen, 8-11-2012Marco Bertolini for"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/y9JhhH50_Les-coniques.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Les coniquesAlpha // 1 génératriceParabole c/a=e=1d(F;P)=d(d;P)Equations cartésiennes4 sortes!HorizontalesParab.{ y²=2pxF=(p/2;0)d{ x=-p/2HorizontaleParab.{ y²=-2pxF=(-p/2;0)d{ x=p/2VerticaleParab.{ x²=2pyF=(0;p/2)d{ y=-p/2VerticaleParab.{ x²=2pyF=(0;-p/2)d{ y=p/2Avec p tjs positif!!VerticaleVerticaleHorizontaleHorizontales3 point précis pour tracerS=(0;0)A=(P/2;p)A=(P/2;-p)Equations paramétriquesx=2.p.cotg²alphay=2.p.cotg alphaAlpha coupe 2 nappesHyperbole c/a=e>1l d(F;P) - d(F';P) l = 2aEquations cartésiennesa²+b²=c²2 sortesH horizontaleH{ (x²/a²)-(y²/b²) =1Si Centre= (C;C') --> (x-C)² ET (y-C')²F= (-c;0) F'= (c;0)S= (a;0) S'= (-a;0)Asymptote{ y=(b/a).xH verticaleH{ (y²/a²)-(x²/b²) =1Si Centre= (C;C') --> (y-C')² ET (x-C)²F= (0;-c) F'= (0;c)S= (0;a) S'= (0;-a)Asymptote{ x=(b/a).ydirectrice: d{ x=a²/cRelation avec droite dd pas // à Asymptoted tangente à Hd sécante à Hd // à 1 Asymptoted inter. H = singletonEquations paramétriquesx= a.Sec Alphay= b.Tg AlphaAlpha coupe 1 nappeEllipse c/a=e<1Equations cartésiennesa²-b²=c²2 sortesEllipse couchéeE{ (x²/a²)+(y²/b²)=1F= (c;0) F'= (-c;0)Ellipse deboutE{ (y²/a²)+(x²/b²)=1F= (0;c) F'= (0;-c)directrice: d{ x=a²/cPosition droite f et ellipsef sécante à Ef tangente à EEquations paramétriquesCos²alpha+Sin²alpha =1d(F;P) + d(F';P) = 2a"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/SyEtUTYB_Personality-Organizational-Levels.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Personality Organizational LevelsHistorical Context: Diagnosing Level of Character PathologySaneInsaneKraepelinian DiagnosisNeurosisPsychosisFreudNeuroticPsychoticEgo Psychology Diagnostic CategoriesNeuroticSymptom NeurosisSNSNSNSNSNCharacter NeurosisCNCNCNCNCNQuestions?Is there an identifiable precipitant of the difficulty, or has it existed to some degree as long as the patient can remember?Yes?SNSymptom NeurosisNo?CNCharacter NeurosisIs the patient self-referred and others did NOT send him or her for treatment?Yes?SNSymptom NeurosisNo?CNCharacter NeurosisAre the person’s symptoms ego alien ego dystonic as opposed to ego syntonic?Yes?SNSymptom NeurosisNo?CNCharacter NeurosisIs the person’s capacity to get some perspective on his or her problems adequate to develop an alliance with the therapist against the problematic symptom, or does the patient seem to regard the interviewer as either potentially hostile or magically rescuing outsider?Yes?SNSymptom NeurosisNo?CNCharacter NeurosisHas there been a dramatic increase in the patient’s anxiety, especially pertaining to the neurotic symptoms, or has there been only an incremental worsening of the person’s overall state of feeling?Yes?SNSymptom NeurosisNo?CNCharacter NeurosisPsychoticSpecific Dimensions of a Neurotic-Borderline-Psychotic SpectrumNeurotic-Level Personality StructureCharacteristicsClinical ImplicationsPsychotic-Level Personality StructureCharacteristicsDefensesWithdrawalDenialOmnipotent controlPrimitive idealization and devaluationPrimitive forms of projection and introjectionSplittingDissociationGrave Identity IssuesClinical ImplicationsProvide psychological safetyEducate patientRelate upset emotions to specific stressesBorderline-Level Personality StructureCharacteristicsPrimitive Defenses...Better reality testingGlobal and minimizing descriptionsLimited Capacity for Therapeutic Self-ReflectionClinical ImplicationsSafeguarding boundariesVoicing contrasting feeling statesInterpret primitive defenses as they appear in the relationshipGetting supervision from the patientPromote individuation and discourage regressionInterpret during quiescence—“strike while the iron is cold”Respect countertransference dataObject Relations DiagnosisBorderline Psychopathology"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/ETsUxB64_SEO-with-Joomla.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SEO with JoomlaGetting StartedkeywordsMake your list of keywordsfind competitor keywordsCombine keywords in toTwothreefourlong tail keywordsTwofourthreeToolsUse Joomla SEO toolsRename htaccess.txt to .htaccessJoomla Global ConfigurationEnableSEF URL'sURL RewritingRemove /images/ for the Robots.txt fileURL's should use keywordAvoid special characters$~#@Keep it simpleThird party extensionsCostSite speed can be effectedLong leaning curveCan give more controltrySh40sefArtio JoomSEFManage contentContent is KingA page should have a minimum of 250 wordsThe more content which is relevant (keywords) the more chance you haveKeywordsWrite text effectively around keywordswords people are searching forDONT stuff to many Keywords inRegular updatesUse a BlogOptimize text, links, images & the pageTitle tag is importantMust have key wordsNot more than 70 charactersAdd unique META descriptionMETA should be not more than 130 charactersIf the keyword is not in the article than its no good in the META dataEvery IMAGE should have keyword-rich alternate textCreate internal linksInter-relating your web pagesDONT leave the hyperlink title attribute emptySite SpeedJoomla speed improvementsSet Cache onCheck loading speed of the pageUse GZIPJCH OptimizeIs the server the right oneApacheWindows IISPages sizeShould not be to large < 150kb before images and CSSGet indexedGoolgeAsk.comAOLBingYahoo!Use the free toolsBing Webmaster ToolsGoogle Webmaster ToolsPromotebacklinksIn-boundswap link with othersTweetDel.icio.usStumbleUpon.comShare contentYouTubeFlickrSlideshareTrack and analyzeUse Google analyticssearch enginesBounce rateKeywordsMost popular pageMost common exit pageToolsJoomla Blogger SEOThe Moz BlogSEOSEO with Joolma - 5 StepsThe Short Cutts Video"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/3cc3ef77-642e-4eb3-aaaa-fc80d46c4bc6.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "COVENANT BY THEMES (with scriptures)A COVENANTGenesis 9:13Genesis 15:18Genesis 21:27Genesis 21:32Genesis 26:28Genesis 31:44Exodus 34:10Exodus 34:12Exodus 34:15Exodus 34:27Numbers 18:19Deuteronomy 5:2Joshua 24:251 Samuel 11:11 Samuel 11:21 Samuel 18:31 Samuel 20:81 Samuel 20:161 Samuel 23:181 Kings 8:91 Kings 20:342 Kings 11:42 Kings 11:172 Kings 17:352 Kings 23:31 Chronicles 11:32 Chronicles 5:102 Chronicles 13:52 Chronicles 15:122 Chronicles 23:32 Chronicles 23:162 Chronicles 29:102 Chronicles 34:31Ezra 10:3Nehemiah 9:8Job 31:1Job 41:4Psalms 50:5Psalms 89:3Isaiah 28:15Isaiah 42:6Isaiah 49:8Isaiah 57:8Jeremiah 34:8Jeremiah 34:13Jeremiah 34:15Ezekiel 16:8Ezekiel 17:13Ezekiel 34:25Ezekiel 37:26Hosea 2:18Hosea 10:4Hosea 12:1AGAINST THE COVENANTDaniel 11:32ARK OF THE COVENANTARK OF THE COVENANTNumbers 10:33Numbers 14:44Deuteronomy 10:8Deuteronomy 31:9Deuteronomy 31:25Deuteronomy 31:26Joshua 3:3Joshua 3:6Joshua 3:8Joshua 3:11Joshua 3:14Joshua 3:17Joshua 4:7Joshua 4:9Joshua 4:18Joshua 6:6Joshua 6:8Joshua 8:33Judges 20:271 Samuel 4:31 Samuel 4:41 Samuel 4:52 Samuel 15:241 Kings 3:151 Kings 6:191 Kings 8:11 Kings 8:61 Chronicles 15:251 Chronicles 15:261 Chronicles 15:281 Chronicles 15:291 Chronicles 16:61 Chronicles 16:371 Chronicles 17:11 Chronicles 22:191 Chronicles 28:21 Chronicles 28:182 Chronicles 5:22 Chronicles 5:7Jeremiah 3:16Hebrews 9:4Numbers 10:33ARK OF THE COVENANT OF GODJudges 20:271 Samuel 4:42 Samuel 15:241 Chronicles 16:6ARK OF THE COVENANT OF THE LORDNumbers 14:44Deuteronomy 10:8Deuteronomy 31:9Deuteronomy 31:25Deuteronomy 31:26Joshua 3:3Joshua 3:11Joshua 3:17Joshua 4:7Joshua 4:18Joshua 6:8Joshua 8:331 Samuel 4:31 Samuel 4:41 Samuel 4:51 Kings 3:151 Kings 6:191 Kings 8:11 Kings 8:61 Chronicles 15:251 Chronicles 15:261 Chronicles 15:281 Chronicles 15:291 Chronicles 16:371 Chronicles 17:11 Chronicles 22:191 Chronicles 28:21 Chronicles 28:182 Chronicles 5:22 Chronicles 5:7Jeremiah 3:16BLOOD OF THE COVENANTExodus 24:8Hebrews 10:29BOND OF THE COVENANTEzekiel 20:37BOOK OF THE COVENANTExodus 24:72 Kings 23:22 Chronicles 34:3BREAK THE COVENANTEzekiel 17:15BREAKING THE COVENANTEzekiel 16:59Ezekiel 17:18BROKEN THE COVENANTIsaiah 33:8CONFIRM THE COVENANTDaniel 9:27CORRUPTED THE COVENANTMalachi 2:8COVENANT BETWEENCOVENANT BETWEENGenesis 9:12Genesis 9:13Genesis 9:15Genesis 9:16Genesis 9:17Genesis 17:2Genesis 17:7Genesis 17:10Genesis 31:442 Kings 11:172 Chronicles 23:16Genesis 9:12Genesis 17:11COVENANT BETWEEN ME ANDGenesis 9:13Genesis 9:15Genesis 9:17Genesis 17:2Genesis 17:7Genesis 17:10Genesis 31:44Genesis 17:11COVENANT BETWEEN ME AND THE EARTHGenesis 9:13COVENANT BETWEEN ME AND YOUGenesis 9:12Genesis 9:15Genesis 17:10Genesis 17:11COVENANT BETWEEN GODGenesis 9:16Genesis 9:9COVENANT OFCOVENANT OF AN EVERLASTING PRIESTHOODNumbers 25:13COVENANT OF CIRCUMCISIONActs 7:8COVENANT OF GODJudges 20:271 Samuel 4:42 Samuel 15:241 Chronicles 16:62 Chronicles 34:32Psalms 78:10COVENANT OF HER GODProverbs 2:17COVENANT OF MY PEACEIsaiah 54:10COVENANT OF THE LORDNumbers 10:33Numbers 14:44Deuteronomy 4:23Deuteronomy 10:8Deuteronomy 29:25Deuteronomy 31:9Deuteronomy 31:25Deuteronomy 31:26Joshua 3:3Joshua 3:11Joshua 3:17Joshua 4:7Joshua 4:18Joshua 6:8Joshua 7:15Joshua 8:33Joshua 23:161 Samuel 4:31 Samuel 4:41 Samuel 4:51 Samuel 20:81 Kings 3:151 Kings 6:191 Kings 8:11 Kings 8:61 Kings 8:211 Chronicles 15:251 Chronicles 15:261 Chronicles 15:281 Chronicles 15:291 Chronicles 16:371 Chronicles 17:11 Chronicles 22:191 Chronicles 28:21 Chronicles 28:182 Chronicles 5:22 Chronicles 5:72 Chronicles 6:11Jeremiah 3:16Jeremiah 22:9COVENANT OF THE LORD OF HOSTS1 Samuel 4:4COVENANT OF THE LORD YOUR GODDeuteronomy 4:23Deuteronomy 31:26Joshua 3:3Joshua 23:16COVENANT OF THE PRIESTHOODNehemiah 13:29COVENANT OF THY FATHERSDeuteronomy 4:31COVENANT OF THY SERVANTPsalms 89:39COVENANT THAT HE HAD MADE WITH DAVID2 Chronicles 21:7COVENANT THAT I HAVE MADE WITH YOU2 Kings 17:38COVENANT THAT I MADEJeremiah 31:32Hebrews 8:9COVENANT THAT I WILL MAKEJeremiah 31:33Hebrews 8:10Hebrews 10:16COVENANT WHICH GOD MADE WITH OUR FATHERSActs 3:25COVENANT WHICH HE MADE WITH ABRAHAM1 Chronicles 16:16COVENANT WHICH I MAKEGenesis 9:12COVENANT WHICH THEY HAD MADEJeremiah 34:18COVENANT WITHCOVENANT WITHGenesis 9:11Genesis 15:18Genesis 17:19Genesis 26:28Exodus 2:24Exodus 6:4Exodus 23:32Exodus 34:12Exodus 34:15Exodus 34:27Leviticus 26:9Leviticus 26:42Leviticus 26:44Deuteronomy 5:2Deuteronomy 5:3Deuteronomy 7:2Deuteronomy 29:12Joshua 24:25Judges 2:11 Samuel 11:11 Samuel 11:21 Samuel 20:161 Kings 8:91 Kings 20:342 Kings 11:42 Kings 13:231 Chronicles 11:32 Chronicles 5:102 Chronicles 23:12 Chronicles 23:32 Chronicles 29:10Ezra 10:3Nehemiah 9:8Job 31:1Job 41:4Psalms 50:5Psalms 89:3Isaiah 28:15Isaiah 28:18Isaiah 55:3Isaiah 57:8Isaiah 59:21Isaiah 61:8Jeremiah 14:21Jeremiah 31:31Jeremiah 32:40Jeremiah 34:8Jeremiah 34:13Ezekiel 16:8Ezekiel 16:60Ezekiel 16:62Ezekiel 17:13Ezekiel 37:26Daniel 9:27Hosea 12:1Hebrews 8:8COVENANT WITH ABRAMGenesis 15:18COVENANT WITH ABRAHAMExodus 2:24Leviticus 26:422 Kings 13:23COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM, WITH ISAAC, AND WITH JACOBExodus 2:24COVENANT WITH ALL THE PEOPLEJeremiah 34:8COVENANT WITH DEATHIsaiah 28:15Isaiah 28:18COVENANT WITH HIMGenesis 17:191 Kings 20:342 Chronicles 23:1Nehemiah 9:8Ezekiel 17:13COVENANT WITH ISAACLeviticus 26:42COVENANT WITH JACOBLeviticus 26:42COVENANT WITH MINE EYESJob 31:1COVENANT WITH MYPsalms 89:3COVENANT WITH MY CHOSENPsalms 89:3COVENANT WITH OUR FATHERSDeuteronomy 5:3COVENANT WITH OUR GODEzra 10:3COVENANT WITH THE ASSYRIANSHosea 12:1COVENANT WITH THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL1 Kings 8:92 Chronicles 5:10COVENANT WITH THE HOUSE OF1 Samuel 20:16Jeremiah 31:31Hebrews 8:8COVENANT WITH THE HOUSE OF DAVID1 Samuel 20:16COVENANT WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAELJeremiah 31:31Hebrews 8:8COVENANT WITH THE HOUSE OF JUDAHJeremiah 31:31Hebrews 8:8COVENANT WITH THE INHABITANTS OF THE LANDExodus 34:12Exodus 34:15COVENANT WITH THE KING2 Chronicles 23:3COVENANT WITH THE LORDDeuteronomy 29:122 Chronicles 29:10COVENANT WITH THE PEOPLEJoshua 24:25COVENANT WITH MANYDaniel 9:27COVENANT WITH THEEGenesis 26:28Exodus 34:27Job 41:4Ezekiel 16:8Ezekiel 16:60Ezekiel 16:62COVENANT WITH THEMExodus 6:4Exodus 23:32Leviticus 26:44Deuteronomy 7:22 Kings 11:41 Chronicles 11:3Isaiah 57:8Isaiah 59:21Isaiah 61:8Jeremiah 32:40Ezekiel 37:26COVENANT WITH USDeuteronomy 5:21 Samuel 11:1Jeremiah 14:21COVENANT WITH YOUGenesis 9:9Genesis 9:11Leviticus 26:9Judges 2:11 Samuel 11:2Isaiah 55:3COVENANT WITH YOUR FATHERSJeremiah 34:13COVENANT WITH THE LORDDeuteronomy 29:122 Chronicles 29:10CURSES OF THE COVENANTDeuteronomy 29:21ESTABLISH MY COVENANTGenesis 6:18Genesis 9:9Genesis 9:11Genesis 17:7Genesis 17:19Leviticus 26:9Ezekiel 16:62I ESTABLISH MY COVENANTGenesis 6:18Genesis 9:9MESSENGER OF THE COVENANTMalachi 3:1MY COVENANTGenesis 6:18Genesis 9:9Genesis 9:11Genesis 9:15Genesis 17:2Genesis 17:4Genesis 17:7Genesis 17:9Genesis 17:10Genesis 17:13Genesis 17:14Genesis 17:19Genesis 17:21Exodus 6:4Exodus 6:5Exodus 19:5Leviticus 26:9Leviticus 26:15Leviticus 26:25Leviticus 26:42Leviticus 26:44Numbers 25:12Deuteronomy 31:16Deuteronomy 31:20Joshua 7:11Judges 2:1Judges 2:201 Kings 11:11Psalms 50:16Psalms 89:28Psalms 89:34Psalms 132:12Isaiah 56:4Isaiah 56:6Isaiah 59:21Jeremiah 11:10Jeremiah 31:32Jeremiah 33:20Jeremiah 33:21Jeremiah 33:25Jeremiah 34:18Ezekiel 16:60Ezekiel 16:62Ezekiel 17:19Ezekiel 44:7Hosea 8:1Zechariah 11:10Malachi 2:4Malachi 2:5Romans 11:27Hebrews 8:9PRINCE OF THE COVENANTDaniel 11:22PROFANING THE COVENANTMalachi 2:10SALT OF THE COVENANTLeviticus 2:13TABLES OF THE COVENANTDeuteronomy 9:9Deuteronomy 9:11Deuteronomy 9:15Hebrews 9:4THE COVENANTGenesis 9:12Genesis 9:17Genesis 17:11Exodus 24:7Exodus 24:8Exodus 34:28Leviticus 2:13Leviticus 26:45Numbers 10:33Numbers 14:44Numbers 25:13Deuteronomy 4:23Deuteronomy 4:31Deuteronomy 7:12Deuteronomy 9:9Deuteronomy 9:11Deuteronomy 9:15Deuteronomy 10:8Deuteronomy 29:1Deuteronomy 29:21Deuteronomy 29:25Deuteronomy 31:9Deuteronomy 31:25Deuteronomy 31:26Joshua 3:3Joshua 3:6Joshua 3:8Joshua 3:11Joshua 3:14Joshua 3:17Joshua 4:7Joshua 4:9Joshua 4:18Joshua 6:6Joshua 6:8Joshua 7:15Joshua 8:33Joshua 23:16Judges 20:271 Samuel 4:31 Samuel 4:41 Samuel 4:52 Samuel 15:241 Kings 3:151 Kings 6:191 Kings 8:11 Kings 8:61 Kings 8:212 Kings 17:382 Kings 23:22 Kings 23:31 Chronicles 15:251 Chronicles 15:261 Chronicles 15:281 Chronicles 15:291 Chronicles 16:61 Chronicles 16:161 Chronicles 16:371 Chronicles 17:11 Chronicles 22:191 Chronicles 28:21 Chronicles 28:182 Chronicles 5:22 Chronicles 5:72 Chronicles 6:112 Chronicles 21:72 Chronicles 34:302 Chronicles 34:312 Chronicles 34:32Nehemiah 13:29Psalms 74:20Psalms 78:10Psalms 89:39Proverbs 2:17Isaiah 33:8Isaiah 54:10Jeremiah 3:16Jeremiah 22:9Jeremiah 31:32Jeremiah 31:33Jeremiah 34:10Jeremiah 34:18Ezekiel 16:59Ezekiel 17:15Ezekiel 17:18Ezekiel 20:37Daniel 9:4Daniel 9:27Daniel 11:22Daniel 11:32Hosea 6:7Malachi 2:8Malachi 2:10Malachi 3:1Acts 3:25Acts 7:8Galatians 3:17Hebrews 8:9Hebrews 8:10Hebrews 9:4Hebrews 10:16Hebrews 10:29TOKEN OF THE COVENANTGenesis 9:12Genesis 9:17Genesis 17:11TRANSGRESSED THE COVENANTJoshua 7:15Joshua 23:16Hosea 6:7WORDS OF THE COVENANTExodus 34:28Deuteronomy 29:12 Chronicles 34:31Jeremiah 34:18"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/IZNZf6wy_New-Era-Computing.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "New Era ComputingIntelligent SystemsCognitive AnalysisComputer Systems that Learn....that Hypothesize....that SuggestBig DataData finds DataData finds the peopleContext to provide relevanceSituation + Time + PlaceNon-obvious Relationship Awareness (NORA)When Bad Big Data can be Good Big DataUntrusted Data - just as valuable potentially depending upon....ContextSituationLocationTimeDestructive vs. Non-destructive interferenceTrusted DataSingle View of Customer (SVOC)Complex Algorithms to differentiatebut also used to hide and defraudBPM5% are STP that require no human intervention25% of processes are predictable and repeatable= domain focus of traditional BPM =70% of all processes are unstructured, non-predictable, and often non-repeatableSimplicity, Visibility, Governance and Control is the STRATEGY\"automation\" a mere tactic80% of Users operate the 70% of processes that are non-repeatablee-mailad-hocunstructurednon-predictablespreadsheetsdocumentssocial interactionsWho will own the \"app store\" for business process(es) ?Social BusinessWisdom of crowdsPeer recommendations trump all othersSocial BPMPower of one-voiceKlout scores to measure \"influence\"Era of the CMO is nowNon-trusted brand market communicationsExtreme CollaborationCustomer market of 1Cloud ComputingIaaSMyOwn-PremisePaaSCommoditized already on the public cloudSaaSTraditional vendors obliged to re-factor their I/P or go out of businessBPaaSProcess \"app stores\" to emerge on the CloudBusiness Process Mashups without recourse to ITSoftware VendorsFreemium license modelpay-per-usageopensource new-entrants = \"good enough\" in many domains alreadyCOTSNo longer \"1 app\" but dozens of variationsbespoke\"app\" development in the hands of the massesSkills barrier diminishing across BRICProducts have rapidly diminishing half-livesDigital NativesiGeneration expects:Always OnAnywhereEverywhereFreemium licensesiPad + iTunes ease of useBusiness OutperformersManiacal focus on operational disciplineParanoid about productivityEmpirically creativeBusinesses must be run on facts not intuitionPredictive AnalyticsInstrumented Business ProcessesPeopleProcessInformationDecision ManagementInsight into ActionData is the new \"oil\" of businessNeed to refine for better decision makingContact the authortigerman@thejungleroom.co.ukTwitter: @GarryGomersall"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/6a864c79-e5fc-4d0e-ab67-200164b12e14.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CanadaGeneral InfoFlagConfederationJuly 1, 1867Official LanguagesEnglishFrenchCapitalOttawaCurrencyCanadian dollar ($) (CAD)Dialing Code+1Largest CityTorontoMottoA Mari Usque Ad Mare (Latin)StatisticsArea9,984,670 square kilometersPopulation35.16 MillionGDP$1.672 trillionPoliticalSystemFederal Parliamentary democracyunder constitutional monarchyMonarchQueen Elizabeth IIGovernor GeneralDavid JohnstonPrime MinisterJustin Trudeau(Liberal Party of Canada)Chief JusticeBeverley McLachlinBranchesExecutiveLegislativeJudicialGeographyAdmin MapProvincesNewfoundland and LabradorSt. John'sEnglishNova ScotiaHalifaxEnglishPrince Edward IslandCharlottetownEnglishNew BrunswickFrederictonEnglish & FrenchQuebecQuebec CityFrenchOntarioTorontoEnglishManitobaWinnipegEnglishSaskatchewanReginaEnglishAlbertaEdmontonEnglishBritish ColumbiaVictoriaEnglishTerritoriesNunavutIqaluitEnglishNorthwest TerritoriesYellowknifeEnglishYukonWhitehorseEnglish"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/LyI5TxJf_Outils-de-publication-en-ligne.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Outils de publication en ligneWIKIS à paramétrer en local ou à distanceYESWIKIProjet français basé sur WikiniGratuit (prévoir frais d'hébergement)Avec base de donnéeDocumentation détailléeLION WIKIAide en françaisGratuit (prévoir frais d'hébergement)Sans base de donnéesThèmes minimalistes paramétrables via config.phpWIKIS préparamétrés hébergésArticle en anglais sur Scribble et JottitSCRIBBLEArticle en anglais sur ScribbleJOTTITPBwikiUn article en français sur PBwikiOutils en ligne de création de siteOutils gratuitsBLOGGERAide en françaisLe blog de bloggerOutil payant (et parfois avec option gratuite)options gratuitesWIXOffre à partir de 4,08 euros/moisNom de domaine gratuit dans l'offre à 8,25 euros/moisAide en françaisExemple de sitehttps://www.osteopathe-toulouse-nathaliecrombez.com/SITE 123Option gratuitePremium à partir de 9 euros par moisUCRAFTUne landing page gratuiteLanding pages templatesSite en anglaisVidéo de présentation de l'outil sur ViméoORSONOffre de départ à 20 euros/moisNom de domaine offertAide en françaisExemples de sites créés avec Orsonhttps://fr.orson.io/7/sites-web-crees-par-les-clientsSQUARE SPACEOffre à partir de 11 euros/mois en paiement annuelNom de domaine gratuit pendant 1 anAide en françaisPlateforme newyorkaiseWEBLEEÀ partir de 20 euros/moisNom de domaine gratuitAide en françaisExemple de sitehttps://marc-lizano.weebly.com/GO DADDYZOHO SITESOffre de départ à 5 dollars/moisAide en anglaisSITE WOffre à 8 euros/mois pour 3 Go de stockageOffre découverte gratuiteAide en françaisIM CREATOR ou XPRSGratuit pour les étudiants, les artistes et les organisations à but non lucratifPremium à partir de 6 dollars/moisAide en anglaisBoutique en ligne gratuite ou comprise dans le forfaitSTRIKINGLYÀ partir de 16 dollars/moisOffre limitée gratuite incluant la vente en ligne d'un produitPage d'accueil traduite en françaisOutils hors ligne de création de sitesMOBIRISEhttps://mobirise.com/fr/Site onepage modulaireConstruction par glisser-déposer de blocs fonctionnelsThèmes de base gratuitsPlusieurs fonctionnalités supplémentaires payantesCMS avec base de donnéeLes plus connusWORDPRESShttps://fr.wordpress.org/JOOMLAhttps://www.joomla.fr/DRUPALhttps://www.drupal.fr/Les moins connus (mais très fonctionnels)PAGE KIThttps://pagekit.com/Installation guidée à la première connexionGratuitLook sobre très esthétiqueAide en anglaisCMS sans base de donnéeKIRBYLes thèmes de KirbyLes thèmes portfolios de KirbyDocumentation Kirbyhttps://getkirby.com/docs/guideGratuit pour une installation en local. 99 euros/site (réductions pour étudiants et projets éducatifs)GRAVGratuitArticle de présentation en françaishttps://laravel.sillo.org/grav-cms/L'aide (en anglais)https://learn.getgrav.orgDocumentation( slidedoc) en françaishttp://slides.com/shinobic/deck-1 (fr)http://slides.com/paulhibbitts/grav-cms-for-educators#/ (en)Des squelettes (thèmes fonctionnels) prêt à l'emploihttps://getgrav.org/downloads/skeletonsPage de téléchargement des extensionshttps://getgrav.org/downloads/pluginsBATFLATGratuit pour un usage non 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flat-fileshttps://www.ionos.fr/digitalguide/hebergement/cms/cms-sans-base-de-donnees-une-bonne-alternative/https://www.cmscritic.com/flat-file-cms/Générateurs de site statiqueshttps://www.staticgen.com/ZOLAhttps://www.getzola.org/HUGOhttps://gohugo.io/HARPhttp://harpjs.com/En savoir plusComparatif de constructeurs de sites en ligne6 alternatives au CMS WordPressFormation FCS"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/Nre3h8nn_Sir-Arthur-Ignatius-Conan-Doyle-22nd-May-1859-7th-July-1930.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle 22nd May 1859 - 7th July 1930.1859Born22nd MayFather - Charles Altamont DoyleMother - Mary FoleyEdinburgh1876EnrolsEdinburgh University to study medicine.MeetsDr Joseph BellThe Main Inspiration for Holmes1883Establisheshis own Medical PracticeSouthsea (Portsmouth, Hampshire)1885MarriesLouise Hawkins (Touie)Sister of a PatientChildrenMary 1889Kingsley 18921887Published'A Sudy in Scarlet'The First Sherlock Holmes novel1891FirstHolmes Short Story'A Scandal in Bohemia'Appears in the 'Strand Magazine'1897Meetsand falls in loveJean Leckie1900ServesMedic to British TroopsSecond Boer War (1899-1902)South Africa1902KnightedFor a Pamphlet justifying the Boer Warand for Service in the Conflict1906Deathof Louise (Wife)from Tuberculosis4th July1907MarriesJean Leckie18th SeptemberChildrenDenis 1909Kingsley 1892Adrian 1910Lena Jean 19121912Published'The Lost World'FirstProfessor Challenger Story1917Published'His Last Bow'titular short story,The War Service of Sherlock Holmesas a collection56 stories about Sherlock Holmesin Book Form1918Deathof eldest son (from first marriage)Kingsley18th October1922Published'The Coming of Fairies'at the height of his Spiritualism1924Published'Memories and Adventures'his Autobiography1930Diedat HomeWindlesham7th July"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/pZMhrT4J_Time-value-of-money.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Time value of moneydefinitionTimelines are a critical first step in organizing the cash flows in a financial problemlettersn = period (or number of years/months)FV = future valuePV = present valuer = rateg = growing rateP = principalC = cash flowSous-sujet 33 rules of time travelOnly cash flow that occur ate the same point in time can be compared or combinedTo move a cash flow forward in time, you must compound itTo move a cash flow backward in time, you must discount itThe future value in n years of a cash flow C today isFV = C * (1 + r)^nThe number of years it will take for an investment to double in value is approximately equal to 72 divided by the interest rate earned : 72/rThe present value today of a cahs flow C received in n years isPV = C / (1 + r)^nStream of cash flowFV on date n of a cash flow with a present value of PV is :FVn = PV * (1 + r)^nPV of a cash flow stream is :The PV equals the amount you would need in the bank today to recreate the cash flow streamNet present valueThe NPV (or net present worth (NPW)) is defined as the sum of the present values of incoming and outgoing cash flows over a period of time. Incoming and outgoing cash flows can also be described as benefit and cost cash flows, respectively.NPV = PV(benefits - costs)Perpetuityin case of growing perpetuityPV = C / (r - g)C / rConstant cash flow paid every period, foreverAnnuityin case of growing annuityPV = C * (1/(r - g)) * (1 - ((1+g)/(1+r))^N)FV = C * 1/r * ((1+r)^n - 1)PV = C * 1/r * (1 - (1/(1 + r)^n))k is considered as the periodConstant cash flow paid every period during n periodsNon-annual cash flowMonthly cash flow streams can be easily calculated. Be careful touse the right periodsuse the monthly rate of interestSolving for cash paymentsThe annuity and perpetuity formulas can be used to solve for the annuity payments when either the present value or the future value is known. The periodic payment on an N-period loan with principal P and interest rate r is :C = P / ((1/r) * (1 - (1/(1+r)^N)))Internal rate of return (IRR)When the cash flows are a growing perpetuity with a starting cash flow of C with growth rate g, the IRR can be calculated as :IRR = (C / P) + gWhen there are only two cash flows, the IRR can be calculated as :IRR = (FV / P)^1/N - 1The IRR of an investment opportunity is the interest rate that sets the NPV of the investment opportunity equal to zeroSolving for the number of periodsIf you know PV, FV and IR and you look for number of periodsFV = C * (1 + r)^nTo find N you can use logarithmln(x^y) = y ln(x)(1+r)^N = FV/CRessourcesExcel formula translationKhan academyCorporate financeJ. Berk & P. DeMarzo"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/p9bYkftM_-5-HOME-_ORGANIZATION-My-baby-travelling-checklist.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "FOODFEEDING BOTTLES6FLANNEL1BABE2FORMULACLOTHINGSBODYSUIT1PYJAMAS1SOCKS1OUTFIT1HAT1MITTEN1SHOES1CHANGENAPPIES6WIPESTISSUBATHSHOWER GELSHAMPOOBODY CREAMOLIVE OILPHYSIOLOCAL SERUMCOTTON WOOLCOMB / BRUSHTOWEL1SLEEPINGSLEEPING BAG1BLANKET1DUMMY2FLANNELTRANSPORTATIONBABY BUGGY/ CAR SEAT1CARRIER1BUGGY PLASTING RAIN PROTECTION1FLANNELBABY TRAVELLING CHECK-LISTMINDMPAP ## 5CATEGORyHOME / ORGANIZATIONMINDMAP CREATORJocelyne ASSOGBALEGENDQUANTITY16UNCOUNTABLENb OF ItEMS REQUIRED FOR THE PERIOD61PERIODWHOLE JOUNEY1 DAY2 DAYSUSE FOR SEVERAL PURPOSEALWAYS PLANNED AT LEAST 1 EXTRA ITEMBABY TRAVELLING CHECK-LISTOr how to make sure that your baby gets everything he needs when travelling"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/sD6Ztjis_17-Typical-Cognitive-Distortions.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "17 Typical Cognitive Distortionsl. Mind readingYou assume that you know what people think without having sufficient evidence of their thoughts\"He thinks I'm a loser.\"2. Fortune-tellingYou predict the future—that things will get worse or that there is danger ahead\"I'll fail that exam,\" \"l won't get the job.\"3. CatastrophizlngYou believe that what has happened or will happen will be so awful and unbearable that you won't be able to stand it\"It would be terrible if I failed.\"4. LabelingYou assign global negative traits to yourself and others\"I'm undesirable,\" \"He's a rotten person.\"5. Discounting positivesYou claim that the positives that you or others attain are trivial\"That's what wives are supposed to do, so it doesn't count when she's nice to me\"\"Those successes were easy, so they don't matter.\"6. Negative filterYou focus almost exclusively on the negatives and seldom notice the positives\"Look at all of the people who don't like me.\"7. OvergeneralizingYou perceive a global pattern of negatives on the basis of a single incident\"This generally happens to me. I seem to fail at a lot of things.\"8. All-or-nothing thinkingYou view events or people in all-or-nothing terms\"I get rejected by everyone\"\"It was a waste of time.\"9. ShouldsYou interpret events in terms of how things should be rather than simply focusing on what is\"I should do well. If I don't, then I'm a failure.\"10. PersonalizingYou attribute a disproportionate amount of the blame to yourself for negative events and fail to see that certain events are also caused by others\"The marriage ended because I failed.\"11. BlamingYou focus on the other person as the source of your negative feelings and refuse to take responsibility for changing yourself\"She's to blame for the way I feel now\"\"My parents caused all my problems.\"12. unfair comparisonsYou interpret events in terms of standards that are unrealistic—for example, you focus primarily on others who do better than you and find yourself inferior in the comparison\"She's more successful than I am\"\"Others did better than I did on the test.\"13. Regret orientationYou focus on the idea that you could have done better in the past, rather than on what you can do better now\"I could have had a better job if I had tried\"\"l shouldn't have said that.\"14. What if?You keep asking a series of questions about what if something happens, and fail to be satisfied with any of the answers\"Yeah, but what if I get anxious, and can't catch my breath?\"15. Emotional reasoningYou let your feelings guide your interpretation of reality\"l feel depressed, therefore my marriage is not working out.\"16. Inability to disconfirmYou reject any evidence or arguments that might contradict your negative thoughts\"I'm unlovable—my friends hang out with me only because they must feel sorry for me\"17. Judgment focusYou view yourself, others, and events in terms of evaluations of \"good\" and \"bad\" or \"superior\" and \"inferior,\" rather than simply describing, accepting, or understanding\"I didn't perform well in college\"\"If I take up tennis, I won't do well\"\"Look how successful she is. I'm not successful.\"From \"The worry cure\" by Robert L. LeahyCognitive distortions are simply ways that our mind convinces us of something that isn’t really true. These inaccurate thoughts are usually used to reinforce negative thinking or emotions - telling ourselves things that sound rational and accurate, but really only serve to keep us feeling bad about ourselves."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/PEgdfxBi_Grace.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GraceRole & Purpose\"Grace emerges from the graciousness (an attribute / characteristic) of God.\"For the meaning of grace, we must look into the character of God.Pre-conversionYou can do nothing to earn salvation. It is 100% God's work.Becoming a Christian is what God does.Post-conversionBeing a Christian is what we do.Definition[hannun]occurs 13x11x with [rachum] \"merciful, compassionate\"All occurrences refer to GodExo22.27Exo34.6Allusions to thisNum14.18Psa86.15Psa103.8Psa145.8Joe2.13Jon4.22Chr30.9Neh9.17Neh9.31Psa111.4Psa112.4The regenerate man who shares God's naturePsa116.5GraciousDerivation[Hanan]694חָנַן (ḥānan) I, be gracious; pity; in Hithpael stem to beseech, implore. Derivatives 694aחֵן (ḥēn) favor, grace. 694bחִנָּם (ḥinnām) freely, for nothing. 694cחִין (ḥı̂n) grace. Occurs only in Job 41:4. 694dחַנּוּן (ḥannûn) gracious. 694eחֲנִינָה (ḥănı̂nâ) favor. 694fתְּחִנָּה (tĕḥinnâ) supplication. 694gתַּחֲנוּן (taḥănûn) supplication.Theological Wordbook of the old TestamentCognate with Akkadian enēnu, hanānu “to grant a favor,” Ugaritic ḥnn “to be gracious, to favor” (UT, 19: no. 882), and Arabic ḥanna “to feel sympathy, compassion.” It is used in the Qal stem fifty-six times, in the Hithpael seventeen times, in the Hophal once, in the Piel once, in the Polel twice, and in the Niphal once. The verb ḥānan depicts a heartfelt response by someone who has something to give to one who has a need. Ap-Thomas’s suggestion that the verb comes from a biliteral root “to bend, to incline,” i.e. to condescend, is not convincing. According to Flack the verb describes “an action from a superior to an inferior who has no real claim for gracious treatment.” In reaction to earlier studies, Neubauer in his recent monograph defines the verb as God’s intervention to save and to help his faithful servant or nation with the emphasis on loyalty rather than on grace and love. He arrives at this conclusion by an extrapolation from social relations to theological relations. His attempt to read such a nuance into the various occurrences of ḥānan and its derivatives leads to forced interpretations.The LXX translates the verb with oikteireō “to pity or have compassion,” with eleō “to show mercy or sympathy,” or in the Hithpael stem with deisthaō “to supplicate.”The verb is used in social or secular contexts as well as theological ones. It often has the sense of showing kindness to the poor and needy. Job begs his friends, “Pity me, pity me” (Job 19:21).The Hithpael stem means “to beseech,” as in Gen 42:21 where the brothers recalled how Joseph had pleaded with them. The Syrian captain besought Elijah for his life and for the lives of his soldiers (II Kgs 1:13). Esther implored the king with tears (Est 8:3; cf. 4:8). The Hithpael is used in supplications to God: by Moses who begs to see the Promised Land (Deut 3:23); by Solomon in dedicating the temple (I Kgs 8:33, 47, 59; 9:3; II Chr 6:24, 37); by the Psalmist (Ps 30:8 [H 9]; 142:1 [H 2]); and by Hosea (12:4 [H 5]) of Jacob’s appeal to the angel who wrestled with him. Job, who is advised by Bildad to supplicate God (Job 8:5), concedes that though he were righteous this would be his only recourse (Job 9:15).The apparent Niphal in Jer 22:23, nēḥant, is probably a textual error for a form derived from the verb ˒ānaḥ as shown by the LXX, Peshitta, and Targum. Modern translations follow the LXX katastenaxeis and render “you will groan.”The overwhelming number of uses in the Qal stem, some forty-one instances, have Yahweh as the subject. The plea ḥonnēnı̂, “be gracious to me,” appears nineteen times in the Psalms. The Psalmist asks Yahweh to show him favor in view of his loneliness (Ps 25:16 [H 17]), his distress (Ps 31:9 [H 10]), his transgressions (Ps 51:1 [H 3]) where the favor he asks for is that God will erase the indictment against him, etc. Cf. Isa 33:2. The Lord graciously gave Jacob his children (Gen 33:5) and prospered him (Gen 33:11). Joseph’s benediction upon Benjamin (Gen 43:29), and Aaron’s benediction (Num 6:25) ask for God’s gracious dealing. Amos (5:15) urges his hearers to establish justice that the Lord might be gracious to them. In the final analysis the Lord is sovereign in acting graciously to those whom he selects (Ex 33:19).Instead of taking ḥannôt as an infinitive in Ps 77:9 [H 10], “Hath God forgotten to be gracious?” (av), Dahood suggests taking it as a substantive, parallel to raḥămāyw “bowels.” He translates, “Have the inmost parts of God dried up?”The verb ḥānan and its derivatives are components of the names of fifty-one persons. These include: Baalhanan, Elhanan, Hananel, Hanani, Hananiah, Hannah, Hanun, Henadad, Jehohanan, Johanan, Tehinnah. Cf. the Punic names Hanno and Hannibal. The woman’s name Hannah has given us Anna, Ann, Nan, Nancy, Anita (Spanish) and Annette (French). Johanan has given us the name John: Jean (French), Giovanni (Italian), Juan (Spanish), Johann, and Hans (German), Jan (Dutch), and Ivan (Russian).For synonyms of ḥānan, etc. see especially ḥesed and raḥûm.NT2-partTit2.11Saves usTit2.12-13Teaches usOTGen1CreationBy God, unaidedFloodGen6.6NACEmbedded in the word \"is sorry\" is the word \"Noah\". Salvation is embededd in God's wrath (in this case, the need for annihilation).AbrahamGen18.10God does the impossiblev12 in spite of unbeliefGen22To IsraelEx6.6-8No \"if\" / \"when\"v9In spite of their unbeliefDt1.8Dt7.6-8To GentilesEx7.5Notice inclusion of gentilesthat they may knowprophetic of NT Pentecost?ExamplesExpresses God's response to the cry of the oppressedExo22.27His treatment of those that reverence himPsa111.4Psa112.4His attitude to those who repentJoe2.13His mercy in the face of rebellionNeh9.17Neh9.31Jon4.2We focus on the \"3 days, 3 nights\" quote and ignore the rest of bookDoes it show?How God's will cannot be thwartedThat he will save the gentilesThat he saves Jonah in spite of himselfA believerwho runs from GodGod gets him to do the jobthen convinces him why he was wrongGod is [hannun] to Jonah as much as to NinevehHis leniency towards his people in the midst of judgment2Chr30.9IssuesRCCSaving grace is communicated thru the 7 sacraments, which are means of grace. Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist: initiation into the Church. Penance, Anointing: healing. Marriage, Orders: sacraments of commitment and vocation.LutheranSalvation only by grace thru faith.Source: God's grace thru JC work.We contribute NOTHING. We are totally without free will in this respect.HS works thru word of the Gospel (incl. baptism & Euacharist) to bring salavationHS uses baptism of infants to produce faith in them and bring them to salvationEucharist involves actual presence of JC, but the elements (bread and wine) remain what they are (consubstantiation)Thru theology of the cross we come to knowledge of God & true knowledge of selves & our relationship with GodAnabaptistSin = more a lost capacity to respond to God, rather than bondage of free will.)Free will allows us to repent & be obedient to gospelWhen we repent / believe - Gor regenerates to walk in new lifeEmphasis: obedience rather than sin regeneration rather than justificationReformedGod chose a number of fallen creatures to be reconciled to Himself.In time JC came to save the chosen.HS enlightens those so they can believe gospel and receive salvationElect cannot resist, nor fall away again.SummaryTotal depravityUnconditional electionLimited atonementIrresistible gracePerseverenceArminianConditional election: God predestined those he foreknew would repent & believeChrist died for ALL mankind - thus unlimited atonementSalvation can be lostNeed to strive to not be lostJC did not pay the penalty for our sins (otherwise all would be saved)JC suffered for our sins so that Father can forgive those who repent & believeJC: example of the penalty of sin & the cost of forgivenessWesleyan3-step processPrevenient grace: universal work of HS btween birth & salvationPrevents us from moving too far from GodThus enables one to respond positivel or negatively to the gospelJustifying grace: to those who receive the gospel - produces salvation, begins next stepSanctifying graceEntire sanctificationour goala 2nd work of grace by HSwe are perfected in lovePerfection: not absolute but relative & dynamicIs achieved when can love without self-interest or impure motive(sounds almost like what the Buddhists believe)LiberalMan not innately sinful, but possesses a universal religious sentimentGoal: not personal conversion but societal improvementJC: the exampel of what we strive for and ultimately becomeDenies the Fall, original sin, substitutionary nature of AtonementExistentialYou achieve salvation by findign the \"true self\"we do this by choosing to put faith in Godthis choice changes our view of selvesSalvation =change of whole outlookconductbuilt on an experience of Goddoes not change man's natureWe cannot knwo God objectively, it is a matter of \"faith in faith\"Neo-orthodoxMan is completley sinful / can only be saved by God's gracethe Word produces a crisis decision between rebellion of sin / grace of GodOnly by faith can we choose grace in this crisis and receive salvationBarth: all mankind is elect in JCBrunnersin is by choice not natureno such thing as inherited sin from Adamsin = self-centrednessNiebuhrsin = social injustice & fearKierkegaardSalvation = commitment to God in blind leap of faith while in despairLiberationsalvation = social change when justice for poor & oppressedany means is acceptable (incl revolution & violence)(Jo18.36 thus the Kingdom of these misses the point - it is just another of \"this world\")C Torres: \"The Ctholic who is not a revolutionary is living in mortal sin\"Tends towards universalismevangelism merely becomeseffort to create awarenesspreparation for political actionBlackSalvation = freedom from oppression, for blacksconcerned more with political / theological rather than spiritual\"heaven\" is seen as a distraction to dissuade from goal of real liberation of the whole black personFeministsalvation = escape from oppression of sexismCovenantGod has one plan of salvation for his people since Adam.The plan is graceoutworking of the etermal covenant of gracecomes through faith in JCTends to be amillennialthe KoH is present & spiritualor postmillennialKoH is being brought by the church nowwill be completed at JC returnSome premills recentlythere will be a future manifestation of KoH on earthDispensationalismGod has only one plan of salvationThis is confused by the various writerssome have misunderstood that OT this si achieved thru works & sacrificesmost believe that it has always been grace thru faithhowever the content may vary until the full revelation of God in JCGod has 2 separate peoplesIsraelan earthly kingdom planned for themHas been postponed until after his return in powerbecause Israel rejected it at his first coming(This is not what the Gospels sayI get the impression they desperately wanted it)ChurchA heavenly peopleduring the church age, God si calling out a heavenly peopleThey disagree whether these 2 will remain distinct in the eternal stateTrinitarianThese are my thoughts (House does not deal with this)Everything emanates out of the nature of Godlove = what the F, JC, HS dofaith = the condition of unlimited trust that exists between themGo reveals himselfWe cannot \"see\" GodNature does not reveal GodYou cannot \"work out\" the nature of God by studying the creationJesus came to reveal the FatherGod reveals his nature to MosesExo34.4-7Note start [YHVH YHVH El][rachum] - merciful, compassionate[channun] - gracious[erek annun] - long suffering, patient[rab chesed] - great in loving-kindness[we emet] - firm, truth, trustworthybut will not clear the guiltyNeh9.17; Psa86.15; Jon4.2"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/QVK5kpXk_Homepage.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "HomepageCurrent StudentsStudent ServicesOnline ServicesAcademic AdvisingHealthStudent EssentialsTech & Study HelpFinancialsAcademicsClasses & RegistrationStudy AbroadExamsGrades & TranscriptsGraduationProgramsClass SearchEventsFaculty & StaffLinks to ServicesCareersAlumniGiveBenefitsCareer SupportAlumni DiscountsYork U FramesInsuranceAlumni CardEducational TravelAlumni StoriesConnectVolunteerNetworksUpdate ProfileBoardYork Cares United wayStudentsNewsEventsScholars' HubBryden Alumni AwardsGRADitudeYork CircleResearch OverviewServicesEthicsInitiatives & InnovationGrants and ApplicationsBrainstormPartnershipsAbout UsAboutPresident’s MessageInternational CommunitiesOur FacultiesThe FutureNewsCareersHistorySearch ResultsFuture Students (Admission Section)Program OverviewColleges & SchoolsColleges & Schools SiteDepartmentsProgramsResearchStudentsContactApplyEventsPreparing for UniversityFind a ProgramFinancialTuition & CostsScholarshipsCampus LifeHousingWhy YorkSupportToursContactAdmissionsHow to ApplyInternational StudentsTransfer CreditsRequirements & Deadlines"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/76f3593b-3eea-4fd0-b985-661272375b0a.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GOD'S FAVOUR Towards His Chosen PeopleGenesis to JobGenesis 6:8-9Genesis 18:26Genesis 32:28Genesis 46:4Exodus 3:12Exodus 20:24Exodus 24:2Exodus 20:21Exodus 33:11-12Leviticus 26:11-12Numbers 6:27Numbers 14:14Numbers 22:12Numbers 23:20-21Numbers 24:1Deuteronomy 4:7Deuteronomy 31:6-8Deuteronomy 33:231 Kings 6:132 Chronicles 15:2Job 10:12Job 22:27Job 29:3-5PsalmsPsalms 3:8Psalms 5:12Psalms 11:7Psalms 18:19Psalms 18:25Psalms 24:4-5Psalms 25:14Psalms 30:7Psalms 36:9Psalms 37:18Psalms 37:23Psalms 41:11-12Psalms 44:3Psalms 46:7Psalms 58:11Psalms 68:16-18Psalms 75:10Psalms 84:11Psalms 89:17Psalms 92:10Psalms 94:19Psalms 102:13Psalms 115:12-13Psalms 132:13-14Psalms 147:11Psalms 149:4Proverbs to IsaiahProverbs 3:4Proverbs 3:32Proverbs 3:35Proverbs 8:35Proverbs 10:6Proverbs 10:22-24Proverbs 11:20Proverbs 11:27Proverbs 12:2Proverbs 14:9Proverbs 16:7Isaiah 28:5Isaiah 30:26Isaiah 33:17Isaiah 33:21-22Isaiah 41:10Isaiah 43:5Isaiah 43:21Isaiah 54:8Isaiah 60:10Jeremiah to MalachiJeremiah 15:20Lamentations 3:24Ezekiel 37:27Ezekiel 39:29Ezekiel 48:35Hosea 14:4Joel 2:17Joel 3:16-17Joel 3:20-21Amos 3:2Zephaniah 3:15Haggai 1:13Zechariah 2:5Zechariah 8:3Zechariah 9:16New TestamentLuke 1:28Luke 1:30Luke 1:66Luke 2:52John 14:16-21John 15:15Acts 4:33Acts 10:35Romans 2:291 Corinthians 1:91 Corinthians 3:21-232 Corinthians 4:152 Corinthians 10:18Galatians 4:6Ephesians 1:6Ephesians 2:13-16Ephesians 3:12Hebrews 4:16Hebrews 11:51 Peter 2:9Revelation 1:5"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/VKAzlRnB_Cultural-Geography-Southwest-Asia-and-North-Africa-Part-2.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Southwest Asia and North AfricaIslamHistoryEarly 600sMohammed wrote Koran from GodMohammed acknowledged Abraham's holinessChristianity & JudaismFive Pillars of IslamShahadah: Allah is only true godPrayer 5 times a dayGiving AlmsFastingRamadanHajj - Mecca PilgrimageTodayAbout 15-20% are ShiaShia believes the original twelve imams are divine80-85% are SunniYahizd followers are SunniBelieves any pious muslim can act as an Imam, not diviningly revealedShia are the majority in Iraq and BahrainImamSeperation of Shia and SunniMohammed Dies in 632Mohammed's Family thought the new Caliph should be a family memberAliSome still supported Ali after Uthman's death, some supported MuawiyahOther leaders thought they should get to become CaliphAbu BakrThen Islam starts spreading, and disputes over control of the new lands of contorlThings got a little difficultSubsequent caliphs started getting murderedUthman (3rd caliph) is murdered by Abu Bakr's sonSome still supported Ali after Uthman's death, some supported MuawiyahAliThen it really hit the fanAli and Muawiyah fight for control over IslamAli is murderedMuawiyah then became Caliph and convinced Ali's son Hassan to not run.Hassan was poisonedNew Leaders, New ProblemsYazid (son of Muawiyah) took overBut, Hussein, son of Ali, refused to recognize Yazid to revolt.They did not succeed, and were all executed.Yahizd followers are Sunni80-85% are SunniChristianity & JudaismMohammed acknowledged Abraham's holinessKurdsIraq (Significant numbers live in)Arab?Kurds are not arabs.Many different tribes living under a single statePopulationA section of them live Iraq, Turket, Iran. 03.5mi IraqisStateless NationalityReligionMostly sunni muslimsSome Yazdani, pre-islmic Kurdish religionIraqKurds (Significant numbers live in)Become IraqColonial empireMosul is predominantly KurdishBaghdad is central sunnis live.Iraquis?Are Kurds iraqi?Iraq was artificually made that wah"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/3PDZDD6c_Dental-Extraction.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "ExtractionPreoperative evaluationmedical historyclinicalaccessmobilitycrown(s)radiographicalvital structurerootsbonePositionGENERALYARMS CLOSE TO BODYMechanical principleleverelevatorswedgebeaksapical pressurewheel and axiscryerExtraction movementsapical pressurebeakssocket expantioncenter of rotationbuccal forcelingual apical pressurelingual force`rotationsingle conical rootsno curvaturetractional forceRoll of the opposite handtactilesupportaccessRoll of assistantaccesssuctionprotectionemotional supportcomplicationsprevention is the goalsoft tissueflap tearsmall flappunctureuncontrolled forceabrasioncorners of mouthpoor retractionAB ointmentroot fracturedisplacement to a spacepharynxadjacent toothfracturebrake restorationluxationextraction of wrong toothFocusbone fracturealveolar precessmaxillary sinusnerve damageno vertical releasing incisionB/w Mandibular Canine and 2ed premolarlingual of mandibleposterior maxillado not stretch tissuesTMJ Jointmouth blockoroantral communicationbleedinghistorygelfoamcollagen plag5 min finger pressureinfectionirrigationwound dehiscencebecause of tensionleave it or smooth it, no flapdry socket20% in impacted mandibular molarsdecreased byminimal trauma and bacterial contaminationtetracycline or gelatine sponge in the socketmouth washSubtopic 2Impactionremovalindicationspreventionperiodontistcariespericoronitismanagementroot resorptioncysts and tumorsfollicular apace > 3mmloss denturejaw fractureTreatmentpain with unexplained originfacilitateorthodontic treatmentperiodontal healingcontraindicationsage >35medically compromised ptrisk to vital structuresRisksSubtopic 1Subtopic 2Subtopic 3Subtopic 4Technical tipsmandibularstretching the anterior border of the mandible with hemostat will easy poster flap incisiondeep impactionreleasing incisioncuttingsection tooth more than removing bonepurchase pointmaxilary teeth rarely sectionedmandibularno buccal and lingule luxation for expansionmaxillaryroots rarely sectionedlittle bone removalsoft bonesuture closure may not be requiredclassificationangulationmesioangularcommonhorizontalvertcaldistoangularBuccolingualdose not effect surgeryAlways Buccal approachpalatal is difficultramus of the mandible (Pell and Gregory)Class iclass II1/2Class IIIOcclusal Plan (Pell and Gregory)second molarLEVEL ALEVEL BB/WLEVEL Cperi extraction evaluationRootdevelopmentCurvature and DirectionWidthPDL widthSac widthBone density2ed molarrelationrestorationcariesrelationmaxillary sinuscomplicationsIANOverlying TissueSoftSoft+boneBoneMesodensein the palatecanine managementweak PDLSurgicalflapgeneral requirementbase wider than apexon sound boneaway from pathology with 6-8 mmvital structuresposter palatelingual mandiblelingual nerveb/w mand premolarsmental nervevertical incisiondo NOTcross bone eminencedehiscencefacial aspect of papilapoor healingon the papilaperiodontal problemsdoon the line angle of the toothtypesenvelopethe most common3 cornerusedposterior areadifficult to closelong healing timewith poor suturing4 cornerrareY shapein the palatefor toriNO artery bleedingsemilunarlimited access neededsuturinggeneraltypessimple interruptedhorizontal mattressFig of 8vertical mattresscontinues simple suturelockingnon lockingindicationsbonenon elestic bone in old patientbruxismmaxillary sinus expansionroots close to IANpressure on itrootshypercementosisdivergencesever dilacerationextensive cariestechnical tipsRoot tip fractureirrigation-suction techmust see the PDLwedging+wigglingroot tip pickstraight elevatorremove Buccal boneopen-window approachendo fileleave<5 mmdeepnot infectedMultiple teethplaning with restomaxillary 1stposterior 1steasy teeth 1stno primary closuredecrease depth of vestibulePost extraction socket careinspectionirrigate under the flapcurettagewhen?mild finger pressureavoid undercutbone palpationgausePost extraction instructions"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/jwmB9ggv_Les-menus-de-Google-Analytics.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Les menus de Google AnalyticsRechercheTableaux de bordPrivéPublicRaccourcisEvènements d'alertesVue d'ensembleQuotidiensHebdomadairesMensuelsTemps réelVue d'ensembleLieuxSources de traficContenuEvènementsConversionsAudienceVue d'ensembleUtilisateurs actifsAnalyse de cohortesExplorateur d'utilisateursDonnées démographiquesPrésentationÂgeSexeCentres d'intérêtPrésentationCatégorie d'affinitéSegments dans le marchéAutres catégoriesDonnées géographiquesLangueOrigine géographiqueComportementNouveaux vs. connusFréquence et récenceIntérêt et interactionTechnologieNavigation et OSRéseauMobileVue d'ensembleAppareilsPersonnaliséVariables personnaliséesValeurs personnaliséesAnalyse comparativeCanauxOrigine géographiqueAppareilsFlux d'utilisateursAcquisitionPrésentationTout le traficCanauxTreemapsSource/SupportSites référentsAdWordsCampagnesTreemapsMots clésRequêtes de rechercheStatistiques horairesURL finalesSearch ConsolePages de destinationPaysAppareilsRequêtesRéseaux sociauxVue d'ensembleRéseaux sociaux référentsPages de destinationConversionsPlug-insFlux d'utilisateursCampagnesToutes les campagnesMots clés achetésMots clés naturelsAnalyse des coûtsComportementVue d'ensembleFlux de comportementContenu du siteToutes les pagesDétail par URLPages de destinationPages de sortieVitesse du siteVue d'ensembleTemps de chargementSuggestions relatives à la vitesse du siteTemps utilisateurRecherche sur siteVue d'ensembleUtilisationTermes de recherchePagesEvènementsVue d'ensemblePrincipaux évènementsPagesFlux d'évènementsEditeurVue d'ensemblePages EditeurURL de provenanceTestsAnalyse de pages WebConversionsObjectifsVue d'ensembleURL des objectifsChemin de navigationSchéma de l'entonnoirFlux de l'objectifCommerce électroniqueVue d'ensemblePerformance des produitsPerformance des ventesTransactionsDélai avant l'achatEntonnoirs multicanauxVue d'ensembleConversions indirectesChemins de conversionDélai avant conversionLongueur du cheminAttribution"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/Yl5sA6gd_Personal-goals-2012.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Goals 2012HealthSportsRunning kmMarathonkm125250375500625Pushupstimes1 0003 0006 0009 00011 000One time75cyclingkm30060090012001500to Sigulda120 kmswimmingkm5152740551 km < 20 minSleep714212835detailsWake up35 days7 AMno excusesStart9/01Diet714212835detailsExclude35 daysColaAlcoholSweetsStart16/01SocialParties123456detailsorganizepartiesinside or outsidefacebook180190200210220detailsNew friendsWho I know in real lifeDo not invite by my ownwith exceptionsBDBig partyPeople+20WorkSWIFTsystem upgrade3DLT projectIncrease workload???LearningUniversityMasters work20406080100Online lectures12345detailsWatchonlineone lecture> 10 hoursCreate a mind mapLanguage???New skill12345DetailsSomething totally newLikerope walkdivingdancingdrawingphotographyactingscreen writingEvaluate the resultDrivingkm100200300400500DetailsGet experienceDrive > 500 kmTake cars from friendsInterestsMaking videoviews1 3001 6001 9002 1002 500detailsyoutubetotal viewsanbodi channelnew3691215Reading# of books510152025details1/01131TravellingCountries12345detailsexcludeEstnonia & LithuaniaHiking12345detailsByfootcyclingboatshort1-2 daysinlocal countriesmind maps510152025detailsonlinebiggerplatexmindCookingNew recepies246810Detailscookfor friendsadd toevernoteFinanceSavings2004006008001000Additional Income306090120150"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/IJ1hlAGv_THE-WORD-OF-THE-LORD-scriptures.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "THE WORD OF THE LORDACCORDING TO THE WORD OF THE LORD04. Numbers 03:5104. Numbers 04:4504. Numbers 36:0505. Deuteronomy 34:0506. Joshua 19:5006. Joshua 22:0911. 1Kings 12:2411. 1Kings 13:2611. 1Kings 14:1811. 1Kings 16:1211. 1Kings 16:3411. 1Kings 17:1612. 2Kings 01:1712. 2Kings 04:4412. 2Kings 07:1612. 2Kings 09:2612. 2Kings 14:2512. 2Kings 23:1612. 2Kings 24:0213. 1Chronicles 11:0313. 1Chronicles 11:1013. 1Chronicles 12:2313. 1Chronicles 15:1514. 2Chronicles 35:0624. Jeremiah 13:0224. Jeremiah 32:0832. Jonah 03:03ACCORDING UNTO THE WORD OF THE LORD06. Joshua 08:2711. 1Kings 17:0511. 1Kings 22:38AGAINST THE WORD OF THE LORD13. 1Chronicles 10:13AT THE WORD OF THE LORD11. 1Kings 22:0514. 2Chronicles 18:04BUT THE WORD OF THE LORD13. 1Chronicles 22:0814. 2Chronicles 11:0223. Isaiah 28:1360. 1Peter 01:25BY THE WORD OF THE LORD09. 1Samuel 03:2111. 1Kings 13:0111. 1Kings 13:0511. 1Kings 13:0911. 1Kings 13:1711. 1Kings 13:1811. 1Kings 13:3214. 2Chronicles 30:1219. Psalm 033:0652. 1Thessalonians 04:15CAME THE WORD OF THE LORD09. 1Samuel 15:1011. 1Kings 16:0723. Isaiah 38:0424. Jeremiah 29:3024. Jeremiah 32:2624. Jeremiah 35:1224. Jeremiah 37:0624. Jeremiah 43:0826. Ezekiel 12:0826. Ezekiel 20:0237. Haggai 01:0137. Haggai 01:0337. Haggai 02:0137. Haggai 02:1038. Zechariah 01:0138. Zechariah 01:0738. Zechariah 07:04FULFIL THE WORD OF THE LORD11. 1Kings 02:2714. 2Chronicles 36:21GLORIFIED THE WORD OF THE LORD44. Acts 13:48HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD12. 2Kings 20:1614. 2Chronicles 18:1823. Isaiah 01:1023. Isaiah 28:1423. Isaiah 39:0523. Isaiah 66:0524. Jeremiah 07:0224. Jeremiah 09:2024. Jeremiah 22:0224. Jeremiah 22:2924. Jeremiah 31:1024. Jeremiah 34:0424. Jeremiah 42:1524. Jeremiah 44:2426. Ezekiel 06:0326. Ezekiel 16:3526. Ezekiel 20:4726. Ezekiel 25:0326. Ezekiel 34:0726. Ezekiel 34:0926. Ezekiel 36:0126. Ezekiel 36:0426. Ezekiel 37:0428. Hosea 04:01HEAR THOU THE WORD OF THE LORD30. Amos 07:16HEAR YE THE WORD OF THE LORD12. 2Kings 07:0124. Jeremiah 02:0424. Jeremiah 17:2024. Jeremiah 19:0324. Jeremiah 21:1124. Jeremiah 44:2626. Ezekiel 13:02HEARD THE WORD OF THE LORD44. Acts 19:10IS THE WORD OF THE LORD12. 2Kings 09:3612. 2Kings 20:1923. Isaiah 39:0824. Jeremiah 17:1538. Zechariah 04:06KEPT THE WORD OF THE LORD14. 2Chronicles 34:21NOT THE WORD OF THE LORD02. Exodus 09:21NOTHING OF THE WORD OF THE LORD12. 2Kings 10:10OF THE WORD OF THE LORD12. 2Kings 10:1028. Hosea 01:0238. Zechariah 09:0138. Zechariah 12:0139. Malachi 01:01PREACHED / PREACHING THE WORD OF THE LORD44. Acts 08:2544. Acts 15:3544. Acts 15:36REJECTED THE WORD OF THE LORD09. 1Samuel 15:2309. 1Samuel 15:2624. Jeremiah 08:09REMEMBERED THE WORD OF THE LORD42. Luke 22:6144. Acts 11:16SEEK THE WORD OF THE LORD30. Amos 08:12SOUNDED OUT THE WORD OF THE LORD52. 1Thessalonians 01:08SPAKE THE WORD OF THE LORD44. Acts 16:32THAT THE WORD OF THE LORD10. 2Samuel 07:0411. 1Kings 13:2011. 1Kings 17:2411. 1Kings 18:0112. 2Kings 20:0414. 2Chronicles 36:2215. Ezra 01:0124. Jeremiah 42:0726. Ezekiel 03:1626. Ezekiel 26:0126. Ezekiel 30:2026. Ezekiel 31:0126. Ezekiel 32:0126. Ezekiel 32:1738. Zechariah 07:0153. 2Thessalonians 03:01THE WORD OF THE LORD AGAINST11. 1Kings 13:3211. 1Kings 16:07THE WORD OF THE LORD BY04. Numbers 04:4506. Joshua 22:0913. 1Chronicles 11:0314. 2Chronicles 35:0614. 2Chronicles 36:2115. Ezra 01:0128. Hosea 01:0237. Haggai 01:0137. Haggai 01:0337. Haggai 02:0137. Haggai 02:10THE WORD OF THE LORD BY THE HAND OF04. Numbers 04:4506. Joshua 22:0914. 2Chronicles 35:06THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME01. Genesis 15:0101. Genesis 15:0410. 2Samuel 07:0410. 2Samuel 24:1111. 1Kings 06:1111. 1Kings 13:2011. 1Kings 16:0111. 1Kings 17:0211. 1Kings 17:0811. 1Kings 18:0111. 1Kings 18:3111. 1Kings 19:0911. 1Kings 21:1711. 1Kings 21:2812. 2Kings 20:0413. 1Chronicles 22:0814. 2Chronicles 11:0214. 2Chronicles 12:0724. Jeremiah 01:0224. Jeremiah 01:0424. Jeremiah 01:1124. Jeremiah 01:1324. Jeremiah 02:0124. Jeremiah 13:0324. Jeremiah 13:0824. Jeremiah 16:0124. Jeremiah 18:0524. Jeremiah 24:0424. Jeremiah 28:1224. Jeremiah 32:0624. Jeremiah 33:0124. Jeremiah 33:1924. Jeremiah 33:2324. Jeremiah 34:1224. Jeremiah 36:2724. Jeremiah 39:1524. Jeremiah 42:0726. Ezekiel 01:0326. Ezekiel 03:1626. Ezekiel 06:0126. Ezekiel 07:0126. Ezekiel 11:1426. Ezekiel 12:1726. Ezekiel 12:2126. Ezekiel 12:2626. Ezekiel 13:0126. Ezekiel 14:0226. Ezekiel 14:1226. Ezekiel 15:0126. Ezekiel 16:0126. Ezekiel 17:0126. Ezekiel 17:1126. Ezekiel 18:0126. Ezekiel 20:4526. Ezekiel 21:0126. Ezekiel 21:0826. Ezekiel 21:1826. Ezekiel 22:0126. Ezekiel 22:1726. Ezekiel 22:2326. Ezekiel 23:0126. Ezekiel 24:0126. Ezekiel 24:1526. Ezekiel 24:2026. Ezekiel 25:0126. Ezekiel 26:0126. Ezekiel 27:0126. Ezekiel 28:0126. Ezekiel 28:1126. Ezekiel 28:2026. Ezekiel 29:0126. Ezekiel 29:1726. Ezekiel 30:0126. Ezekiel 30:2026. Ezekiel 31:0126. Ezekiel 32:0126. Ezekiel 32:1726. Ezekiel 33:0126. Ezekiel 33:2326. Ezekiel 34:0126. Ezekiel 35:0126. Ezekiel 36:1626. Ezekiel 37:1526. Ezekiel 38:0127. Daniel 09:0232. Jonah 01:0132. Jonah 03:0137. Haggai 02:2038. Zechariah 04:0838. Zechariah 06:0938. Zechariah 07:0138. Zechariah 07:08THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME AGAIN26. Ezekiel 14:1226. Ezekiel 23:0126. Ezekiel 25:0126. Ezekiel 27:0126. Ezekiel 28:0126. Ezekiel 30:0126. Ezekiel 37:15THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME AGAIN UNTO ME26. Ezekiel 23:0126. Ezekiel 25:0126. Ezekiel 27:0126. Ezekiel 28:0126. Ezekiel 30:0126. Ezekiel 37:15THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO11. 1Kings 06:1111. 1Kings 16:0111. 1Kings 18:0111. 1Kings 19:0911. 1Kings 21:1711. 1Kings 21:2812. 2Kings 20:0413. 1Chronicles 22:0814. 2Chronicles 11:0214. 2Chronicles 12:0724. Jeremiah 02:0124. Jeremiah 18:0524. Jeremiah 33:2324. Jeremiah 34:1224. Jeremiah 36:2726. Ezekiel 12:1726. Ezekiel 12:2627. Daniel 09:02THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO/UNTO JEREMIAH27. Daniel 09:0224. Jeremiah 28:1224. Jeremiah 33:0124. Jeremiah 33:1924. Jeremiah 33:2324. Jeremiah 34:1224. Jeremiah 36:2724. Jeremiah 39:1524. Jeremiah 42:0724. Jeremiah 37:06THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME UNTO01. Genesis 15:0101. Genesis 15:0410. 2Samuel 07:0410. 2Samuel 24:1111. 1Kings 13:2011. 1Kings 17:0211. 1Kings 17:0824. Jeremiah 01:0424. Jeremiah 01:1124. Jeremiah 01:1324. Jeremiah 13:0324. Jeremiah 13:0824. Jeremiah 24:0424. Jeremiah 28:1224. Jeremiah 32:0624. Jeremiah 33:0124. Jeremiah 33:1924. Jeremiah 39:1524. Jeremiah 42:0726. Ezekiel 03:1626. Ezekiel 06:0126. Ezekiel 07:0126. Ezekiel 11:1426. Ezekiel 12:2126. Ezekiel 13:0126. Ezekiel 14:0226. Ezekiel 15:0126. Ezekiel 16:0126. Ezekiel 17:0126. Ezekiel 17:1126. Ezekiel 18:0126. Ezekiel 20:4526. Ezekiel 21:0126. Ezekiel 21:0826. Ezekiel 21:1826. Ezekiel 22:0126. Ezekiel 22:1726. Ezekiel 22:2326. Ezekiel 24:0126. Ezekiel 24:1526. Ezekiel 24:2026. Ezekiel 26:0126. Ezekiel 28:1126. Ezekiel 28:2026. Ezekiel 29:0126. Ezekiel 29:1726. Ezekiel 30:2026. Ezekiel 31:0126. Ezekiel 32:0126. Ezekiel 32:1726. Ezekiel 33:0126. Ezekiel 33:2326. Ezekiel 34:0126. Ezekiel 35:0126. Ezekiel 36:1626. Ezekiel 38:0132. Jonah 01:0132. Jonah 03:0137. Haggai 02:2038. Zechariah 04:0838. Zechariah 06:0938. Zechariah 07:0138. Zechariah 07:08THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME UNTO ME24. Jeremiah 01:0424. Jeremiah 01:1124. Jeremiah 01:1324. Jeremiah 13:0324. Jeremiah 13:0824. Jeremiah 24:0424. Jeremiah 32:0626. Ezekiel 03:1626. Ezekiel 06:0126. Ezekiel 07:0126. Ezekiel 11:1426. Ezekiel 12:0126. Ezekiel 12:0826. Ezekiel 12:2126. Ezekiel 13:0126. Ezekiel 14:0226. Ezekiel 15:0126. Ezekiel 16:0126. Ezekiel 17:0126. Ezekiel 17:1126. Ezekiel 18:0126. Ezekiel 20:4526. Ezekiel 21:0126. Ezekiel 21:0826. Ezekiel 21:1826. Ezekiel 22:0126. Ezekiel 22:1726. Ezekiel 22:2326. Ezekiel 24:0126. Ezekiel 24:1526. Ezekiel 24:2026. Ezekiel 26:0126. Ezekiel 28:1126. Ezekiel 28:2026. Ezekiel 29:0126. Ezekiel 29:1726. Ezekiel 30:2026. Ezekiel 31:0126. Ezekiel 32:0126. Ezekiel 32:1726. Ezekiel 33:0126. Ezekiel 33:2326. Ezekiel 34:0126. Ezekiel 35:0126. Ezekiel 36:1626. Ezekiel 38:0138. Zechariah 04:0838. Zechariah 06:09THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME UNTO ME AGAIN26. Ezekiel 18:0126. Ezekiel 21:18THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME UNTO ME, SAYING24. Jeremiah 01:0424. Jeremiah 01:1124. Jeremiah 13:0824. Jeremiah 24:0424. Jeremiah 32:0626. Ezekiel 03:1626. Ezekiel 06:0126. Ezekiel 07:0126. Ezekiel 11:1426. Ezekiel 12:2126. Ezekiel 13:0126. Ezekiel 14:0226. Ezekiel 15:0126. Ezekiel 16:0126. Ezekiel 17:0126. Ezekiel 17:1126. Ezekiel 20:4526. Ezekiel 21:0126. Ezekiel 21:0826. Ezekiel 22:0126. Ezekiel 22:1726. Ezekiel 22:2326. Ezekiel 24:0126. Ezekiel 24:1526. Ezekiel 24:2026. Ezekiel 26:0126. Ezekiel 28:1126. Ezekiel 28:2026. Ezekiel 29:0126. Ezekiel 29:1726. Ezekiel 30:2026. Ezekiel 31:0126. Ezekiel 32:0126. Ezekiel 32:1726. Ezekiel 33:0126. Ezekiel 33:2326. Ezekiel 34:0126. Ezekiel 35:0126. Ezekiel 36:1626. Ezekiel 38:0138. Zechariah 04:0838. Zechariah 06:09THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME UNTO THE PROPHET10. 2Samuel 24:1111. 1Kings 13:2024. Jeremiah 37:06THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME UNTO US01. Genesis 15:0411. 1Kings 17:0211. 1Kings 17:08THE WORD OF THE LORD FOR ISRAEL38. Zechariah 12:01THE WORD OF THE LORD FROM23. Isaiah 02:0333. Micah 04:02THE WORD OF THE LORD GOD12. 2Kings 14:2526. Ezekiel 06:0326. Ezekiel 25:0326. Ezekiel 36:04THE WORD OF THE LORD IN11. 1Kings 17:2438. Zechariah 09:01THE WORD OF THE LORD IS10. 2Samuel 22:3112. 2Kings 03:1219. Psalm 018:3019. Psalm 033:0424. Jeremiah 06:1036. Zephaniah 02:05THE WORD OF THE LORD OF HOSTS23. Isaiah 39:0538. Zechariah 07:0438. Zechariah 08:0138. Zechariah 08:18THE WORD OF THE LORD THAT24. Jeremiah 14:0124. Jeremiah 47:0124. Jeremiah 49:3428. Hosea 01:0129. Joel 01:0133. Micah 01:01THE WORD OF THE LORD THAT CAME24. Jeremiah 14:0124. Jeremiah 47:0124. Jeremiah 49:3428. Hosea 01:0129. Joel 01:0133. Micah 01:01THE WORD OF THE LORD TO11. 1Kings 22:0514. 2Chronicles 18:0423. Isaiah 38:04THE WORD OF THE LORD UNTO09. 1Samuel 15:1011. 1Kings 13:0124. Jeremiah 29:3024. Jeremiah 32:2624. Jeremiah 35:1224. Jeremiah 37:0624. Jeremiah 43:0826. Ezekiel 12:0826. Ezekiel 20:0238. Zechariah 01:0138. Zechariah 01:0738. Zechariah 04:06THE WORD OF THE LORD WAS09. 1Samuel 03:0123. Isaiah 28:1324. Jeremiah 20:0844. Acts 13:49THE WORD OF THE LORD WHICH06. Joshua 08:2711. 1Kings 22:3812. 2Kings 01:1712. 2Kings 15:1212. 2Kings 20:1912. 2Kings 23:1623. Isaiah 39:0824. Jeremiah 46:0136. Zephaniah 01:01THE WORD OF THE LORD WHICH CAME24. Jeremiah 46:0136. Zephaniah 01:01THEN CAME THE WORD OF THE LORD09. 1Samuel 15:1023. Isaiah 38:0424. Jeremiah 29:3024. Jeremiah 32:2624. Jeremiah 35:1224. Jeremiah 37:0624. Jeremiah 43:0826. Ezekiel 20:0237. Haggai 01:0338. Zechariah 07:04WAS THE WORD OF THE LORD09. 1Samuel 03:0712. 2Kings 15:1224. Jeremiah 32:0838. Zechariah 11:11"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/2pwyyaMF_-7-HOME_-Journey-organization-with-baby-xmind.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PARIS JOURNEY 05-11/09/2017BeforelaundryShoppingluguageEmeryMyselfAccoladelaundryShoppingluguageJOURNEYOutwardADMINTICKET IMPRESSIONCHECK JOURNEY ROUTEPastimeSTORE VIDEOBooksSNACKFoodDrinkDetailsIn londonin eurostarIn parisAccoladeADMINSNACKPastimeDetailsDuringEmery needsBaby sittingTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayMondayFoodBathSleepAccoladeSleepBathFoodMyselfTo do listVisite / contactSous-sujet 1Sous-sujet 1Sous-sujet 1AccoladeMyselfVisite / contactEmery needsJOURNEYReturnADMINTICKET IMPRESSIONCHECK JOURNEY ROUTEPastimeSTORE VIDEOBooksSNACKFoodDrinkDetailsIn parisin eurostarIn londonAccoladeAfterlaundryShoppingluguageAccoladeShoppingluguageSujet flottantMINDMPAP ## 7CATEGORYHOME / JOURNEYMINDMAP CREATORJocelyne ASSOGBAChecklist to organize a journey with my baby"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/9OSdcKmV_Mind-Mapping-Softwares.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Mind Mapping SoftwaresThe Brainhttp://www.thebrain.com/MindJetThe Leader in BusinessThe more completeExpensiveOnline Sharinghttp://www.mindjet.com/products/mindmanagerMindWievhttp://www.matchware.com/mv3be_landing_fr.php?gclid=CMLdv9DBnLMCFQzKtAodxAUApQMindGeniushttp://www.mindgenius.com/FreeMindOpenSourceFreeOpenSourceBut not funhttp://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_PageXMindVersion gratuiteRapide, légerhttp://www.xmind.net/IMindMapsFree versionFull version not expensiveTony Buzan companyVerynice mapsSuperb 3D presentation modeLots of possibilitiesJust a little bit slow for fast mapping an reorganizing branchesOnline sharinghttp://www.thinkbuzan.com/a_id/4e293f6657e90Mind MeisterOnlinebut also offline modeCollborative work very easySynchro with Apps very efficientFree version Limited at 3 mapshttp://www.mindmeister.com/?r=14256WisemappingOnlineMaps sharingDebategraphweb-platform for visualizing and sharing networks of thoughtOnlineDropmindhttp://dropmind.com/SmartDrawhttp://www.smartdraw.com/specials/mindmapping.asp?id=45232&gclid=CMXmv9WSnrMCFSTLtAodNzoA3AMindMapperhttp://www.mindmapper.com/main/main.aspMind Mapping AppsSimple Mindhttp://www.simpleapps.eu/simplemind/touch http://www.simpleapps.eu/simplemind/touchIthoughtshttp://ithoughts.co.uk/Start/Welcome.html http://ithoughts.co.uk/Start/Welcome.htmlIpad IphoneVery fluid and fastQuick Markuphttp://quick-markup.com/mindmap http://quick-markup.com/mindmapApp for Chrome & FirefoxMap created by Frédéric Veve www.fredericveve.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/MsW6Jexy_XMind-10-Years.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "20162015NOVXMind 7 (v3.6.0) releasedJUNXMind 6 (v3.5.3) releasedAPRXMind 6 (v3.5.2) released2014NOVXMind 6 (v3.5.1) releasedOCTXMind 6 (v3.5.0) releasedJULXMind is rated as the best brainstorming and mind-mapping tech tools on LifehackJANXMind 2013 SE (v3.4.1) released2013NOVNew brandingXMind 2013 (v3.4.0) releasedSEPWe become 2013 Red Herring Asia Top 100 Winner. It's a huge honer for our work these yearsAPRLiferhacker.com highlights XMind as the most popular mind mapping tool2012DECXMind 2012 SE (v3.3.1) released. XMind Share becomes XMind LibraryAUGFree private sharing service released. Now, the entire XMind Share online service is free.New packages for team business are available.We start new life-time license of XMind Plus 2012, XMind Pro 2012.XMind 2012 (v3.3) released. The biggest release of past years.2010NOVXMind v3.2.1 and XMind Pro v3.2.1 releasedOCTXMind was picked as one of PCWorld Best 100 of 2010, and ranked #50 among all hardware, software, services, sites, and apps, and also the #6 among all best productivity softwareSEPWe offer the special group subscription code for business.XMind v3.2 and XMind Pro v3.2 released2009DECXMind v3.1.1 and XMind Pro v3.1.1 releasedOCTXMind v3.1.0 and XMind Pro v3.1.0 releasedJULXMind wins The Best Project for Academia at Sourceforge.net Community Choice AwardsAPRXMind v3.0.3 and XMind Pro v3.0.3 releasedMARXMind v3.0.2 and XMind Pro v3.0.2 released2008DECXMind v3.0.1 and XMind Pro v3.0.1 releasedNOVXMind 3 become an open source project.XMind Pro 3 released, available for a subscription feeMARXMind 2008 v2.3 released.XMind wins the \"Best Commercial RCP Application\" award at EclipseCon 2008JANXMind 2008 v2.2 released2007NOVXMind 2008 v2.1 released.XMind garners award as one of \"The 100 Best Products of 2007\" from PC World ChinaXMind gets ready for Leopard.SEPXMind 2008 is released, with Chinese, English, and Germany language editionsAPRXMind 2007 released. It's our first productJANXMind released the first beta2006 GETTING STARTXMIND TEN YEARS"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/PbDMcwLU_Lessons-I-learned.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Lessons I learnedGeneral RulesDon't Make Your Web Site Look Like An Adadviceeditorialcase studyendorsementtestimonialStop Readers Dead In Their Trackspowerful headlinesdramacuriousitySense of urgencyCapture Email AddressesOnly sell to existing listUse web copy to list buildThe First Lookheadlines and most important content above the foldTestimonial early in copyinfluences the restStyleconversationalUse contractionsUse common colloquialismscareful with regional differences when selling internationallyavoid corporate jargonsimple, non-academic languageReading on the Webpeople scan, they don't readbullet pointshighlightmeaningful subheadings1 idea per paragraphkey points/conclusions FIRSTEmail Writingspam wordsfreecash bonusbuy nowcontratulationsdear friendguaranteemoneynewopportunitypowerfulprofitsaleswinnerBlueprintBeforeknow your objectiveknow your target audienceknow the product or serviceWhat is the product or service?what is it made of ?why was it invented or developed?where did it originate?When was it discovered?who invented or discovered it?how is it made?5 Questions to AskWhat is the problem?put it in writinga few sentencesreader must say you really understand themWhy hasn't the problem been solved?why is customer still stuck?What is possible?paint a picture of what it will be like when the customers problems are solvedWhat is different now?explain how you will help themexplain what's different about your solutionUSP (unique selling proposition)competitor advantageWhat should you do now?sign uppurchasefree consultationFleshing it outInject emotionEmotional words instead of rational wordsfind out instead of learnrich instead of wealthyHere are... instead of The following are...Tool to check thisemotional scenarioWords that sellwhen instead of ifBullets, bonuses, guarantee and closeClosing the saleRemove order button from top2nd or 3rd screen before it showsmouthwatering bulletsemotiondramaintriguepaint a pictureBonusestie to deadlinedynamic date scriptsCredibility elementstestimonialsstatisticsAdd Psychological and Involvement Devicescliffhangershypnotic commandswords that make your copy more believableBenefits, not featureUnique selling propositionUnlike most of my competitors...First paragraphimmediately demonstrates compelling rewards for continuing onask a question that will grip the readers interestThe Offer You Can't Refusewritingclearconciseirrestibleminor purchase techniqueequate it to the price of a movie, or coffee or dinner outMoney Back GuaranteeReason to act nowbonuses that expirelimited supplyCall to actionpurchase nowdownloadstart nowsave your seatlock in this priceEditorial Style HeadlinesHeadline WritingCritical as people decide to read on based on the headlineBrainstorm 30-50 Firststep back for a day before you decidefresh perspectiveAsk yourself - Can this headline be even better?emotionalPage WritingBuilding Blocksstrong compelling promiseHow a Simple Formula Has Been Scientifically Proven To Cure Cancer and Virtually All Diseaseshighlight benefitsThe World's Richest Source of Cash - And How You Can Tap Into It To Start or Grow Your Businessexplaining what the offer isEarn Your Masters Degree Online in 18 Months or Lessappealing to the emotionsWill These Internet Trends Kill Your Online Businessusing specificsWhy the Securities Regulators FORBID Me to Tell You...arousing curiousityWords That Command People to Do Your Biddingcall out to specific target audienceThe Sales Closing Techniques of a Self-Made BilloinaireMaking an announcement$2 Million Scientific Project Unlocks The Secret of AgingAsking a questionDoes Coral Calcium Really Reverse Aging?How ToHow to Cotrol the Mind of your ProspectsHidden benefitsHow to Give Yourself A 20% Pay Raise Without Having to Squeeze a Singel Cent From Your Boss.Quotation marksframing headline in quotation marks has a bigger impactActive language or expresses a commandland a better jobCreate yor own channelCancel your DebtDrop cap on first paragraphwrite in first personReading Score/LevelFlesch70 or higher7th greade eductionWords to avoideuphemismsbuzzwordspeople may not understandcorpoatespeaktentative phrasespretty goodwords to use to grab attentionaffordableapplausebigblockbusterbottom linebreakthroughchallengingcompetitive edgedangerdaringeagereasyMultiple Pricing StructuresPurchase wordssubmitbecome an associateunlockget nowattendreserveTest with selling quotient formula on page 1049 or bookExamplesDon't Buy a DVD Player Unless It Meets These 5 CriteriaCan Streaming Audio Really Double Your WebSite Sales?A Year of Exposure To the Sun is Like a Week At the Beach Without SunscreenLosing 1 Pound Of Weight Takes 4 Pounds of Pressure Off Your KneesSo You Want A Web Site That SellsTemplatesCan You Really...What If...Think Back...Just $ Per dayFirst of It's KindIn 5 hours or less...in 7 days or your money backWhat would it meanCan You ImagineStep by StepThe Secret toMake Anyone doHow toWhy Some _____ earn $_____ and others struggleDo You Have...Do You Do These Embarrassing Things?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/dLnGUNMD_TIME-and-SEASON-Ecclesiastes-3-1-8.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "TIME and SEASON Ecclesiastes 3:1-8Season Pair 01 BORN & DIE (Ecclesiastes 3:2a)A time to be BORNJohn 3:3-7a time to DIEJohn 10:17John 12:24Colossians 3:3Season Pair 02 PLANT & PLUCK UP (Ecclesiastes 3:2b)a time to PLANTMatthew 13:241 Corinthians 3:6-8Ephesians 3:17a time to PLUCK UP that which is plantedMatthew 15:131 Thessalonians 4:17Season Pair 03 KILL & HEAL (Ecclesiastes 3:3a)A time to KILLRomans 8:13Colossians 3:5a time to HEAL1 Peter 2:24Revelation 22:2Season Pair 04 BREAK DOWN & BUILD UP (Ecclesiastes 3:3b)A time to BREAK DOWNJohn 2:19-21Ephesians 2:14a time to BUILD UPJohn 2:19-21Season Pair 05 WEEP & LAUGH (Ecclesiastes 3:4a)A time to WEEPJohn 16:22a time to LAUGHJohn 16:22Revelation 21:4Season Pair 06 MOURN & DANCE (Ecclesiastes 3:4b)A time to MOURNJohn 14:1John 16:20a time to DANCEJohn 16:20Season Pair 07 CAST AWAY & GATHER (Ecclesiastes 3:5a)A time to CAST AWAY STONESEcclesiastes 11:1John 15:131 Peter 2.7-8a time to GATHER STONES TOGETHERMatthew 24:31Mark 13:27Season Pair 08 EMBRACE & REFRAIN FROM (Ecclesiastes 3:5b)A time to EMBRACEMatthew 10:13Philemon 1:15-17a time to REFRAIN FROM EMBRACINGMatthew 10:14Luke 10.42John 1:10-11Season Pair 09 GET & LOSE (Ecclesiastes 3:6a)A time to GETPhilippians 4:12Matthew 16:251 Corinthians 9:19-22a time to LOSEPhilippians 4:12Philippians 3:7-8Matthew 16:25Season Pair 10 KEEP & CAST AWAY (Ecclesiastes 3:6b)A time to KEEP1 Timothy 6:202 Timothy 1:12John 17:12a time to CAST AWAYRomans 11:151 Corinthians 5:5Season Pair 11 REND & SEW (Ecclesiastes 3:7a)A time to RENDRomans 11:17a time to SEWRomans 11:17Season Pair 12 KEEP SILENCE & SPEAK (Ecclesiastes 3:7b)A time to KEEP SILENCEMatthew 10:19Matthew 27:12-14Revelation 8:1Matthew 22:12a time to SPEAKMatthew 10:19Acts 24:101 Peter 3:15Acts 4:20Season Pair 13 LOVE & HATE (Ecclesiastes 3:8a)A time to LOVEMatthew 5:441 Corinthians 14:1a time to HATELuke 14:261 John 2:15Revelation 2:6Revelation 2:15Jude 1:23Season Pair 14 WAR & PEACE (Ecclesiastes 3:8b)A time to WARMatthew 10:34-35Luke 22:36Ephesians 6:122 Thessalonians 2:8Revelation 12:7Revelation 6:4Jude 1:3a time to PEACEJohn 14:27Romans 12:18Hebrews 12:14Colossians 1:20"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/RzcWAoxh_Hillsong-2015.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Hillsong 2015ShortsBrian Houston - live love lead Q&AHow to be comfortable in your own skinStop being who other people want you to be, just be who God wants you to beEphesians ch 1 - Paul says who he is, what he does and whyIf you followed this you would be so much more comfortableFavourite book of biblePsalms and proverbsLots of depth in James, 2 corinthiansWhat did you learn from your worst day (or any valleys)Make sure you take time to look after yourselfGary: send meMatthew 9-10The great Commission of the disciples. Go and do what I have done. Trials will happen but you will overcome for what God has done in youIf you are going to have a dream you may as well make it a big oneWhen trouble comes you will be able to move through because of what God gives youWhen you want to quit God will give you something - show or speak something - so we can keep goingIn the book of Matthew you have Matthew talking about his own journey. Met Jesus and was then invited to follow himIsaiah 6:6 has encounter with God then then gets sent. Here I am Lord send meIf God is asking who will I send? What is our answer? Are we saying send me? Are we preparing ourselves to go? Here I am Lord send me has to be our response. If it is then go!Jenson Franklin on givingBook of Job - daily Job gave an animal for each childSatan told God that Satan couldn't touch Job. The first attack on Job killed his animals so he couldn't give for his family and removed that hedge of protectionGiving into the next generationBrian Houston - when faith talksFaith is a language with its own sound and toneGalatians 3:5 supplies spirt through the hearing of faithUs hearing God but also God hearing usFaith has a sound and it does talkWhat names do we call our obstacles?Words are all around us all the time. If there are words we should be able to hear and reflect then should be the language of faithPeople underestimate the language of confessionDon't underestimate faith and confessionFaith without confession I'd like an unsigned chequePower in confession whether good or badHebrews 3:1 Jesus the high priest of our confessionOld testament couldn't have direct access to heaven. Could only go through the the high priest - no direct relationship . Can now through Jesus our high priest. Can have a relationship directly with HimConfession of our faith is the Word of JesusNew testament - free access to God through Christ Jesus. Nothing else requiredHebrews 13:15 no longer blood of animals but praise from our lips giving thanks to His namePrayer and worship - language of faithPraise - same words that God speaksHow often is it easy to praise in church then as soon as you go into the real world that it becomes harderSurround yourself in praise alwaysWhy do we will our speech with doubts rather than giving thanksNever underestimate who God will use to help youBreakthroughs come when you start talking in faithSometimes when you can't believe someone else can come in and speak that word into your lifeGet the word of faith into our mouths to keep us from having an unblemished confessionRomans 10:8 word of faith in your mouth and believe in your heart then you will be saved and confession I'd made onto salvationThis is not just mind over matter. There is power in our words when they are the words that God speaksBreakthroughs will comes and they are needed in our citiesCome back to talking through faithLet us grow old full of joy and not growing bitterPaul said we need the word of faith in the mouthMark 11:23 say to the mountain and believe what you say you will receive have said2 corinthians 4:9 struck down but not out. I believed and therefore I spoke, we also believe and therefore speakThis is what we believe so this is what we are going to speakEasy to speak positive in public but be negative and doubtful in private. Don't let that happen.By the hearing of faith comes miraclesCreation - God spoke into being and it wasWords are for creation not just communicationThroughout the Bible the prophets spoke and it was createdActs 3:6 in the name of Jesus rise up and walk, and he didYour words have creative powerMiracles are released by your confessionAbraham and Sarah - God changed their names then gave them a family through those names and his promiseLots of depth in James, 2 corinthiansSpeak life into each otherRomans 4:17 God calls into being the things that were notFaith doesn't lie or pretend. Didn't deny the things that areFaith doesn't bind or is selfish or judgesGod wants to bless you and amaze youProsperity - helping you on your journey to live the life that God wants you to leadEvery moment, every day, every year countsBe consistent and other your words and your deedsSpeak words of life - lots of references in proverbsSpeak boldly into your inner selfWhen faith speaks something powerful is about to happenBobbie Houston: don't settleAnxious yet trustingHad prepared yet lost confidenceSometimes we need to rest and trust and let God workElijah - had doubt after killing the prophets of BaalHad to flee and God supplied his needs with plan after planElijah wants to give up but got nourishment from an angelRest eat and get refreshedGod was in the whisper not in the storm asking what are you doing. God gives him clear direction1 kings 17-19 Elijahs storyQuestion of all of us. What are we doing here and now? Are you prepared to wait and not fearWait and not fearWait and not give in to things are not of GodWait and not settle for anything less than what God has for youDo not settle for the familiar, the obvious or the easy. But wait for what is perfect in GodBetter to go out in faith with nothing than to go out with something made upPeople want what is real. Often missing in these daysJoel 2:28 I will pour my spirit out among all the peopleActs - Peter echoes JoelImportant part - we will echo the spirit of GodRevelations - pay attention to the pouring out of God's spiritLots of depth in James, 2 corinthiansJoel 2-3 speaks of the day of the Lord and the judgement of nations. God will roar from Zion, the harvest is ripe, a fountain will flow out of the Lords house and will water the valleyJesus said that God's word will be done on earth and heavenRevelation 2:11 are your ears truly awake? Listen to the wind words, spirit moving through the churchesChurches need to be were people can hear the heart of God. Will be there for only stable place in the last daysPeople are hungry for truth and for lifeWhat is God truly saying? Revelation 22:17 - ComeCome see a man called JesusCome as you areReceive the gift of life freely givenJoel Houston: come as you areGod doesn't need you but he wants youBrian Houston - live love lead Q&Aparadox is truth standing on its head to make you listenWe are saved on the confession of the heartNeed to remove all distractions so we can hear God1 corinthians 15 some will ask how are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come. Each kind of seed he gives its own body The body that is sown in weakness will be raised in power. Natural first then spiritualFor everything we see there is a whole lot that we don'tKingdom empire that will never fail unlike our earthly kingdomsGod wants to relate to us so wants to use everything so we can have a relationship with himIf we could understand God then he wouldn't be GodFreedom and power in not trying to understand but to trust him all the moreWithin the limitation then God can do anything eg tunes from the 12 keys on a pianoIn the midst of my limitation then God can do anything through usWe take a moment of rejection and hide it below layers that we display to the outside world to protect ourselvesIn the society and culture we live in but the worst part is that we bring it into church as wellWe need to remove the cover that we are hiding behindPeople can see through us. Come as you are - but you aren't realPsalm xx going through the motions doesn't please youThis is more that just faithfulness and consistency. If it's going through the the motions that is the what God wantsFalse humility is just pride in another guise. Trying to live your own life is the same. All God wants is our heartsThis should be good news as God wants the real you not the front you show to the worldIs God really impressed by the outward things we do. He just wants us to love himWhat impresses God is a heart broken for him in humility and surrenderBrian Houston - live love lead Q&AYou can be you. God has dreams and plans for you. We fall and God lifts us back up by his grace2 corinthians 4 just tell the truth and be real and honest. Be yourself. you don't have to have all the answers. We do not lose heart, for what we preach is not ourselves but God. We have this treasure in jars of clay (not gold) to show this power is from God and not from us. We carry the death of Jesus so his life may be revealed through usTake off the layers - all of them. No pretense, no pretendingExcellence is not a performance but heartIt'd not about us it's all about God working through us. Let God be God in youGod wants the broken you with all you faults failings and weaknesses with all that you have gone through. The knackered about to give up you. Because it is all about him and for his glory so people will see him and not youCarl Lentz: it is well with my soulIt is well with my soulWe serve a God who is about soul transformation3 John 1 - you will be good health as it is well in your soul. Do not imitate evil but imitate goodIf we can get our souls right then our lives will be rightKeep your soul right then God can keep on using youOur world is looking for something to fill a void but they don't know how to find itWe buy stuff that we don't need with money that we don't have - a lost generation who are trying to fill a voidIt can be wrong in your situation or your body but can still be well in your soulYou cannot run from the condition of your soul you have to allow the holy spirit to take controlWorld is so filled with distractions that we are scared to realise that we are dying on the insideYou cannot fill a divine void with anything in earthThe attraction in the early church was the joy in their souls jot earthly goodsThree ways to know your soul is healthyWe change the environment the environment does not change usIf we don't know what we stand for we won't be able to change a thingDo you know who God has called you to be then you can change the worldDon't ever walk into your world with a clean slate. Don't let people write on your soulAsk God to show you who you areDo not acclimate to your societyShould not get used to the need in our societyDon't let our hearts get hard or over familiarWe get more familiar with things quicker than you thinkWhat ever you do don't let your past create a prison for your reality and your futureYou give the benefit of the doubt to God. Unhealthy souls are waiting for things to go wrongBelief that is it all going to go well in my lifeWhat happens when a challenge comes into your life. Do you get wounded or trust God to move even when I can't see itBelieve for the bestSome people are waiting to be wounded and the failure. Grace tells us that Jesus has overcomeIt's a complete attitude changeWe should be the type of Christian that is shocked by negativityWe should appear crazy to the outside world. We have a Saviour who was raised from the dead for usHas the devil convinced you to lower your expectations?Be conscious of the theme of your soul as it will become the theme of your lifeDon't let our souls wander and driftingGo on a god discovery tour not a self discovery oneDon't Google your symptoms but go to God for your lifeBe positive about who God isWe get help when hurting. Unhealthy souls try to do it aloneHave you bought the lie of show your best and hide the restIf your souls is healthy you will seek as much help as you canLet God heal youDon't get separated from the source of your healingMatthew 11:28 come to me and I will give you rest for your soulJoseph Prince: GraceContrasting John 3 and John 4Brian Houston - live love lead Q&ADivine sandwich - compliment then revelation then complimentNeed to be real in love. Need to be yourself. Honest with yourselfJesus told the women that he loved and knew everything about her - warts and allJesus very strong against hypocrisy. Why? Because he loves them and wants them to see beyond their pretenceJesus called himself I AM to the women at the well. Same name that God gave himself to MosesLaw came to Moses, truth and grace came from Jesus. The truth that sets the church freeYou have to pick your battles and use discernment and common senseWhen you believe right you will live right. Grace is not an excuse for behaviour Romans 6:14 - sin will not have dominion over youPaul - shocked that you have moved from grace to another gospel1st century gospel - simplicity. Believe in Jesus and you will be saved. Today it has been made more complex - repentance but there needs to be belief in Jesus which dan be missing from the appealThe mother of all sin is self righteousness. If Jesus is not Lord of all then he is Lord of noneYou believe in God? So does the devil. Belief in Jesus Christ as the saviour I'd what saves usJesus sweat drops of blood in anticipation of the cross never mind the pain of hanging on itSalvation is simple not easy. Paid for with the price of Jesus's lifeDebtors were coming to enslave her children - the next generationGod worked for his grace not for what the Israelites had doneFAITH NOT WORKS OR SELF BELIEFTen commandments only come after the self belief. Break one break allJesus brought us back to the simplicity of God's graceRomans 5:19-21 God brought us out of slavery by grace and will keep us by graceYour standing is grace and righteousness but our moment to moment can be sin. We need to be open with God. True confessionRevelation 2:1-2 Jesus wants to be in the midst of the churchPaul made it personal - Jesus who loved me and gave himself for me1 thessalonians work of faith, labour of love, patience of hopeRomans 5:19-21 the law entered but where sin abounded then grace entered much moreAs soon as you have confidence in the flesh and self confidence then sin will come. We need grace to aboundLiving in grace. We become a citizen of another country - leave the old life behindThe devil has no defence against grace. Where sin was in abundance grace was in super abundance and then more on top of thatJoseph Prince: Mercy and GraceAt the name of Jesus every knee will bowPeople sense that the name has powerIt was never God's plan for us to die or have sicknessBible calls death an enemyWhen Jesus returns we will be transformedTwo types of people when Jesus returns - those alive and those passed on. Death were is your sting. Grave where your victoryPraise the Lord for his name is good and his mercy endures foreverMercies new very morning - because you fail every day so have new mercies to cover themJohn 1:17 grace and truth came from JesusYour standing is grace and righteousness but our moment to moment can be sin. We need to be open with God. True confessionMercy is not getting the judgement we deserve. Grace is getting the blessings we haven't earnedTranslators struggle with hased as Jesus has not yet returned.Micah 6:8 to do justly and love mercyGod loves mercy - God not destroying sodom because of 50-10 righteous people in the cityWhen you here that God has finished with a country do you honestly think there isn't 10 righteous people there.No phrase of God rich in wrath, always rich in mercyLuke 18/19 juxtaposed young rich man and Zacchaeus. One asked to give and one who gave without asking. Difference is grace - giving for right reasonsJohn 3/4 Nicodemus at night, women in day. Nicodemus a master rabbi. Women had 5 husbands. John 4:4 - he needed to go through samariaNormally Jews would have went round. Jesus went through - no geographical reason to do soWoman came to draw water at noon to avoid gossip. Jesus was waiting for her. Jesus told her she was looking for satisfaction in all the wrong places. With Nicodemus he used old testament teachings. Used the relevant words with each personPreachers in these end times have two qualities - relate to common people & established religion don't like. Exactly like JesusPreachers are we preaching from judgement or from grace?Grace revelation - the Lord of the righteousGod wants you to look at Jesus1 John 4:17 boldness in the day of judgement. Because as he is so are we. Present tenseChange is through heart transformationOld testament the people where blessed based on the high priest. High priest dies - bye bye blessingOur high priest - Jesus Christ. Jesus accepted so we are accepted and he lives forevermoreNothing more painful than introspectionDevil wants us to look inward all the time. Points out all faults and failings. Never enoughHoly spirit speaks of righteousness in ChristHabit is a hard word to get rid of. Letter by letter you still have itGreatest commandment - love the Lord with all your heart mind and soul and strengthYou can keep elements of the law for all the wrong reasons. Should be kept for grace and love insteadJesus became sin for us so we don't have to bear them. We are closer to God than we thinkWe don't pray for victory. We pray from victoryBelieve right and you will live rightBlessing of God leads to repentanceThe holiest of the holiest is the mercy seat.God gave us his son for us to redeem us. We don't understand that sacrifice until we understand how much he loves his sonHe who knew no sin became sin for usGod's holiness and righteousness is upon you through his sonJenson Franklin: vessels2 kings 4:2 women with the oil, told to borrow vessels from her neighbours. Shut the door and pour the oil into the vessels. So she did. The oil flowed until the he vessels ran outDebtors were coming to enslave her children - the next generationOnly thing between the slavery and freedom Was the oil - represents the holy spiritWhat you have in your house can provide or hinder a blessingThe problem is not the supply from heaven. The only thing that will stop the anointing is do you have enough vessels to out the miracle inThe woman determined the limit of the miracle not God. If we want huge miracles from God we need to offer enough space in our soul that he can fillThe type of vessel didn't matter - all he needed was a vessel that he can fillStop disqualifying yourself from being a blessing. Bring what you have and God will do the restWhen God is going to use you it requires separation - shut the door on the issues that prevent you from receiving your anointingGive yourself to God to fillThe oil is moving and looking for a vesselHeaven has it all but is looking for something to pour it intoThe box may be cheap but the product inside provides the valueAll we are is a vessel for God's glory. You just need to be empty and clear and together we can change the world. Will you be God's vessel?What is a human - a spirit living in a dirt bodyGod reduced himself down to fit into a human vessel - Jesus Christ his son 100% human filled with 100% God's spiritSatan couldn't attack the blessing of Jesus's spirit so attacked his body instead to stop the oil flowing. He was bruised for our sinsHe said IT IS FINISHED not HEDemons celebrated Jesus's body being destroyed. Jesus conquered death hell and the graveThe devil is so defeated he doesn't even have the keys to his own houseJesus borrowed Joseph's tomb because he only needed it for three days. But Jesus bought you. Satan cannot attack your spirit so it will attack your vessel instead. Need to be a clean vessels for him to use. Be a living holy sacrifice to the LordIf Satan can he will destroy all vessels - suicide, abortion etcJesus didn't leave his scars behind. He took our transgressions awayWhen Jesus returns the dead in Christ will rise and will shall be transformed.Acts - Vessels cleaned from the blood shed on the cross, filled with the holy spiritThe church is the body of Christ - his vesselThe only body that Christ can work through is his churchYou are either a container of trash or treasureWe need to stop cancelling ourselves out. Just be openYou are a chosen vesselMany are called but few are chosenJenson Franklin: fight for what's leftThere are two ways that you learn - mistakes and mentorsJenson Franklin: fight for what's leftThere are old existing paths that work for every situation. Ask for the tried tested and proven paths do you will find rest in itWhen we ask for direction - God will give us the tried paths to follow. With safeguards built in to protect us as we walk in themStudy the prophets and apostles and look at the end of their lives and their walksThree treasuresFamilyChurchPersonal walk with Jesus ChristEssential to keep a record of the past to preserve it for the future so they can learn from it in days to comeExample treasures preserved during world war 2 when paintings and sculptures where saved. Book - monument menThe small things in our lives can blow up and destroy us if not kept under checkThere is treasure in your home and in your family. Something to be valued and appreciated. A family that loves God together is a rare treasure these daysWhat goes on the home leads into the local church. Devil wants to come in and destroyWe need men of valour in the church to help stand and defend for their church and family. Monument menMonument men and women - greatest value is in their families and want to protect them for GodMinistry can be the hardest thing on familySin and immorality will show up in your family before it will show up in our churchesNeed to be positive and joyful and enjoy our families. Need to learn the art of being family men and womenStarts at homes and then into the churchEvery family and every marriage will have arguments - can be a battle zone. After every battle assess the damage, repair and restore so the enemy will not steal the treasure for your homeEven something that looks destroyed can have value - you just need to look for itFight for what is left. Because there is value and treasure remainingTo have a family that is intact and loves Jesus takes constant work and commitmentJenson Franklin: fight for what's leftThe greatest thing you have is your personal walk with Jesus (esp for. Pastors)Preserve your walk by staying out of the wrong places and wrong situationsDavid - cast not your presence oh LordNothing can take away anything greater than the presence of God in your life and his anointingGuard and protect it alwaysEven when your guard is down be careful and watch for the enemy will try to attackLet's talk church: servant leadershipIs it the will of God for us to be great or is it for us to serve.Matthew 20:20 mother of zebedee, asked for a request. Jesus answered do you know what you ask? The response we are able. When the other 10 heard they were displeased. Jesus said this is how the gentiles will lead. Bit not among you. Servant leadership insteadJesus came to serve not to be servedSo should we want to do great things for God or should we just serve? The two aren't mutually exclusiveDon't wait for great people to walk in through the door. You have to build them up. Long term commitment to raise them up from within the church body esp the youthMany leaders from Hillsong have come through the youth ministryGive young people the confidence to become leadersMany times church mindset is against greatness and excellence. Instead let's be all that we can be for the glory of GodJesus said if you want to be great then you need to be a servantNot everyone needs to be in formal ministry but you can serve in business, community etcProverbs 29:18 where there is no restriction the people perishInput into young peoples lives is vital. So much pressure to succeed and win. We need young people who want to be someone in the church. The difference is serviceMany different types of people needed to build a church. Why not have a once in a generation person in the different areasWhere there is a lack of leadership then you will also have a lack of servantsPeople want someone to follow. Without strong leadership there is often a voidLeadership and servant hood work hand in hand. Completely different than the eh way of the worldJesus's Kingdom the way to greatness is through service. I find heaven when my knees hit the groundMatthew 9:38 the harvest is plentiful but the workers are fewThere is lots of work to do but a lack of servant hearted people. Big problem in church is finding enough people who want to serveAre you really prepared to pay the price for the prize that you want?Pressures, challenges, disappointments that come with it on the journeyPeople who want to be great but don't want to payLack of leadership - politics often come into itStrong leadership gives a strong example to follow and doesn't need authority to do so. Does need to be jealous of other people on the teamStrong leadership builds people up and refuses to be destroyed by criticism or swayed by success1 Peter 5:1 Shepherd the flock of God serving as overseers by being examples to the flockLeadership - honest, eager examplesMy sheep hear my voice and follow him - give people something to followLeading should inspire. Lording gives fearLeading is who you are not the title you haveKnow who you are in Christ and take your confidence from that and be the person that God wants you to be. God's authority comes from Him not from manIt'd what God puts on us that counts. Because no can take it from you bar GodMany times church mindset is against greatness and excellence. Instead let's be all that we can be for the glory of GodYou can be great but you need to be a servant firstWe need to remember that every person counts and we need to be able to release themSee what we can do for others not what they can do for usEncouragement of others is vitalThose who come after us should be better than us and we shouldn't be jealous of that, instead encourage itLet's talk church - preemptive leadershipThe best leadership is preemptive. You have to trust people3 John 1;2 your church has a soulIf the soul is not prosperous and health then the church won't beNeed to focus on the health of the churchOf there is poison in the root then there is trouble ahead. Often hiddenProblems that can affect the the heartSelfish ambitionPhilippians 2:4 don't look only at your own ambition and interestsCan have a holy ambitionParallel worldsMore than one vision is damagingOne vision served through all ministriesNeed a long term and committed team with one vision. Everyone working combinedDiffering rulesYour words with someone else's spirit can come across completely differentlySilence that roars loudlyWhen someone should have spoken up but didn'tUnredeemed egoWhen people are thinking more of themselves than the whole that they are part ofRoot of bitternessCan't see the root of a treeHebrews 12:15 root of bitterness springing up to cause troubleTrouble doesn't come from nowhereNever entertain offenseOne thing to be offended. Different to living offendedDon't stew over what people say. This can be a process to walk throughNo mature Christian has an reasonable excuse to live offendedVine spoiling little foxesAttitudes and small things that can catch you outLittle bits of negativityNeed to be the culture you wantShades of greyEasy to keep clarity in a small team. When layers appear and messages move between them they can changeThe spirit of what was said can change in moving between the layersThe fruit of your ministry will depend on your spiritBad spirit, bad fruitYour words with someone else's spirit can come across completely differentlyLittle fish complexNot realising that where you are is amazingWhat about meIt's not about you in a teamWhat you are building is greater than the part you playDon't let praise take you outNot everyone will stay with you - even those you have poured the most intoPeople you love the most can hurt the mostSometimes you have to confrontNever feels like the right timeCan't ignore itWhy it's hard to confrontThe fallout can be massive. The issue is that you fear the dramaEasier in a corporate environment. In church you are going to see that person again in church on SundayHarmless as dovesDon't want to hurt peopleDon't make it personalAllow the people to connect to the leader they identify with but not seeking to steal hearts. It's not a competitionProblems from David's relationships with his sonsCan be problems when people stop getting consul where they were getting advice before2 Samuel 14:25 Absalom - no one greater praisedMade the mistake of being seduced by those that loved himStarted competing for the hearts of peopleNever ignore the invitation listIt's not who people are hanging out with but who they aren't hanging out with and stop hanging out withDavid failed to keep up to speed and his son failed to keep him in the loopPeople starting to stop telling you thingsMany times church mindset is against greatness and excellence. Instead let's be all that we can be for the glory of GodYou have to pick your battles and use discernment and common senseOnce bitterness happens Some people don't change so sometimes people become lost and can take their whole families with themDiscussionSometimes we wait for the worst thing to happen before changing anything. Be preemptive insteadWhat do you look for in a leaderA persons heart, a pure heart, a heart that is for you not against youAlways build from peoples heartsNeed to lean on the spirit of God and listenWhen to speakWhen to challengeHow to know when to give in grace and keep working or give upYou have to pick your battles and use discernment and common senseCommon problems and mistakes from young leadersAsk before you actReflect before acting and talk it over with a leader firstHave a good mentorNot every thought in your mind is from GodMinistry and family balanceChildren are entrusted to come on the journeyHealthy church environment will be easy to bring children with youCan become seamless but can be seasons where need to focus on one over the otherWhen you start in a new city. What to start and when to startWe are there to serve the city not to ask what the city will do for youStart with what you can do. Will gain credibility and God will bless and open doorsYou can't do everything but you can do somethingThe need is so great that it can be overwhelmingRemember that you are God's hands and feet. Just needs your obedience - yield to GodLeading churches through differing culturesVoice of the church isn't being heard as it once wasNeed to focus on who we represent not what we representPreach Christ Jesus in a life affirming wayAre we prepared to ask the hard questions of ourselves. Constantly challenging ourselves so we can connect with the worldWhat have you learnt about leadership in your journeyBe careful of drifting away from our roots so you don't end up in a completely different placeThe is a great need for women in senior leadershipWhat gets your attention in someoneLooking at their giftsNeed to trust peopleNeed to be quicker at releasing young people and trusting themLook for the goldLook for people who will stretch youBelieve in people. People will be warm towards someone who believes in them"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/cBfAzuhB_Solar-PV-Project-Plan-MicroFit-.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Solar PV Project PlanOntario Power Authority (OPA)Local Distribution Company (LDC) ( Connection Authoriziation and Certificate of Inspection)RegistrationMicroFit ProgramPermits,Certificates,Authorizations and Insurance (Documentation of domestic content must be supplied by Solar PV supplier/manufacturer for microFIT application)microFIT_pamphlet.pdfmicroFIT Rules_Version 1 2_ November 19 2009.pdfmicroFIT-Domestic-Content.pdfPanel supplier/manufacturer (40% Domestic Content on or before Dec 31, 2010, 60% on or after Jan 01, 2011)microFIT-Program-price-schedule.pdfRegistrationMy MicroFIT homepage (Create online account with OPA )Ontario Power Authority (OPA)microFIT-Registration-Instructions.pdfMy MicroFIT homepageRegistration (Create online account with OPA )microFIT-Application-Instructions.pdfmicroFIT-Application-Form-Sample.pdfContractmicroFIT Contract_Version 1.2_November 19 2009.pdfConditional-Offer-of-microFIT-Contract.pdfCreate Generator Account (Use MicroFIT Reference #)Panel supplier/manufacturermicroFIT-Domestic-Content.pdf (40% Domestic Content on or before Dec 31, 2010, 60% on or after Jan 01, 2011)Permits,Certificates,Authorizations and InsuranceMicroFit Program (Documentation of domestic content must be supplied by Solar PV supplier/manufacturer for microFIT application)Solar Renewable Energy Approval (REA) .pdfExemptions! (MicroFIT qualifited solar PV exemption only, other MicroFIT renewables require approval)Building PermitPermit Required If panels exceed 5m^2 in face area and are attached to a building.Electrical Safety Authority ESAElectrical_Guidelines_for_Inverter-Based_Micro_Generation_Facilities.pdfLocal Distribution Company (LDC) (Connection Authorization and Certificate of Inspection)renewable_energy_application.xlselectrical_inspection_fee_schedule.pdfOntario Energy BoardExemptions! (MicroFit Program generators and Feed-in Tariff Program generators with gross nameplate capacity of 500 kilowatts or less are exempt from the need to obtain a generation licence. )Electricity Generator Licenseannual_registration_exemption_form_311006.pdfOntario Energy Board’s Distribution System Code (Appendix F)appendixf_201206.pdfInsuranceLocal Distribution Company (LDC) (Requirement of LDC)Home Owners Liability InsuranceCommercial General LiabilityLocal Distribution Company (LDC)Insurance (Requirement of LDC)Electrical_Guidelines_for_Inverter-Based_Micro_Generation_Facilities.pdf (Connection Authorization and Certificate of Inspection)Ontario Power Authority (OPA) ( Connection Authoriziation and Certificate of Inspection)Create Generator AccountConditional-Offer-of-microFIT-Contract.pdf (Use MicroFIT Reference #)Micro-Embedded Generation Facility Connection Agreement.pdfExemptions!Ontario Energy Board (MicroFit Program generators and Feed-in Tariff Program generators with gross nameplate capacity of 500 kilowatts or less are exempt from the need to obtain a generation licence. )Solar Renewable Energy Approval (REA) .pdf (MicroFIT qualifited solar PV exemption only, other MicroFIT renewables require approval)Quick overviewOrganizationProgramRequirement 1Requirement 2Requirement 3Requirement 4Ontario Power AuthorityMicroFIT programRegistrationApplicationConditional ContractFinal ContractElectrical Safety AuthorityOntario Electrical Safety Code (oesc)Certificate of InspectionConnection AuthorizationMunicipalityOntario Building Code/ ActBuilding PermitLocal Distribution CompanyLocal electrical distributiongenerator (and Load) AccountMicro-embedded generation agreementOtherSolar PV manufacturer/supplierMicroFIT programDomestic content of solar PV systemInsuranceHomeowner & commercial Liability"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/baP5yKe6_Push-Button-Jenkins-Deployment.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Push Button Jenkins DeploymentInfrastructure SetupInfraStructure As Code (IAC)SetupAnsibleCreate Private VPCCreate Public VPCTear DownAnsibleTear Down Private VPCTear Down Public VPCServices SetupCI LocalhostBuildGit MergeGit pullOpsDeckMake ReleasePrivate ServicesMongoBackup CronRestore AvailabilityStormValidate Environment VariablesTopology MaintenanceTopology CreationKafkaValidate TopicsValidate Environment VariablesZooKeeper VerificationPublic ServicesApi ServerValidate Environment VariablesUnified Web AppValidate Environment VariablesChat Server?Asterisk?Git RollbackOpsDeckMake ReleaseDeployGit MergeGit pullOpsDeckMake ReleaseGit RollbackOpsDeckMake ReleaseRemoteAnsible Env SetupSetup ZshSetup DockerSetup QA ToolsSetup GitCustom /usr/local/binConsul / RegistrarDocker OrchestrationService DiscoveryManualSetup ZshSetup DockerSetup QA ToolsSetup GitCustom /usr/local/binFabricMake DeployServices MaintenanceCI LocalhostBuildGit MergeGit pullOpsDeckMake ReleaseGit RollbackOpsDeckMake ReleaseDeployGit MergeGit pullOpsDeckMake ReleaseGit RollbackOpsDeckMake ReleaseRemoteAnsible Env SetupSetup ZshSetup DockerSetup QA ToolsSetup GitCustom /usr/local/binConsul / RegistrarDocker OrchestrationService DiscoveryManualSetup ZshSetup DockerSetup QA ToolsSetup GitCustom /usr/local/binFabricMake Deploy"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/fvk1vyai_SICKNESS-and-DISEASE.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SICKNESS & DISEASESICKNESSSICK01. Genesis 48:0103. Leviticus 15:3309. 1Samuel 19:1409. 1Samuel 30:1310. 2Samuel 12:1510. 2Samuel 13:0210. 2Samuel 13:0510. 2Samuel 13:0611. 1Kings 14:0111. 1Kings 14:0511. 1Kings 17:1712. 2Kings 01:0212. 2Kings 08:0712. 2Kings 08:2912. 2Kings 13:1412. 2Kings 20:0112. 2Kings 20:1214. 2Chronicles 22:0614. 2Chronicles 32:2416. Nehemiah 02:0219. Psalm 035:1320. Proverbs 13:1220. Proverbs 23:3522. Song of Solomon 02:0522. Song of Solomon 05:0823. Isaiah 01:0523. Isaiah 33:2423. Isaiah 38:0123. Isaiah 38:0923. Isaiah 39:0124. Jeremiah 14:1826. Ezekiel 34:0426. Ezekiel 34:1627. Daniel 08:2728. Hosea 07:0533. Micah 06:1339. Malachi 01:0839. Malachi 01:1340. Matthew 04:2440. Matthew 08:0640. Matthew 08:1440. Matthew 08:1640. Matthew 09:0240. Matthew 09:0240. Matthew 09:0640. Matthew 09:1240. Matthew 10:0840. Matthew 14:1440. Matthew 25:3640. Matthew 25:3940. Matthew 25:4340. Matthew 25:4441. Mark 01:3041. Mark 01:3441. Mark 02:0341. Mark 02:0441. Mark 02:0541. Mark 02:0941. Mark 02:1041. Mark 02:1741. Mark 06:0541. Mark 06:1341. Mark 06:5541. Mark 06:5641. Mark 16:1842. Luke 04:4042. Luke 05:2442. Luke 05:3142. Luke 07:0242. Luke 07:1042. Luke 09:0242. Luke 10:0943. John 04:4643. John 11:0143. John 11:0243. John 11:0343. John 11:0644. Acts 05:1544. Acts 05:1644. Acts 09:3344. Acts 09:3744. Acts 19:1244. Acts 28:0850. Philippians 02:2650. Philippians 02:2755. 2Timothy 04:2059. James 05:1459. James 05:15SICKLY46. 1Corinthians 11:30SICKNESS02. Exodus 23:2503. Leviticus 20:1805. Deuteronomy 07:1505. Deuteronomy 28:6111. 1Kings 08:3711. 1Kings 17:1712. 2Kings 13:1414. 2Chronicles 06:2814. 2Chronicles 21:1514. 2Chronicles 21:1514. 2Chronicles 21:1919. Psalm 041:0321. Ecclesiastes 05:1723. Isaiah 38:0923. Isaiah 38:1228. Hosea 05:1340. Matthew 04:2340. Matthew 09:3540. Matthew 10:0143. John 11:04SICKNESSES05. Deuteronomy 28:5905. Deuteronomy 29:2240. Matthew 08:1741. Mark 03:15DISEASEDISEASE12. 2Kings 01:0212. 2Kings 08:0812. 2Kings 08:0914. 2Chronicles 16:1214. 2Chronicles 16:1214. 2Chronicles 21:1514. 2Chronicles 21:1818. Job 30:1819. Psalm 038:0719. Psalm 041:0821. Ecclesiastes 06:0240. Matthew 04:2340. Matthew 09:3540. Matthew 10:0143. John 05:04DISEASED11. 1Kings 15:2314. 2Chronicles 16:1226. Ezekiel 34:0426. Ezekiel 34:2140. Matthew 09:2040. Matthew 14:3541. Mark 01:3243. John 06:02DISEASES02. Exodus 15:2605. Deuteronomy 07:1505. Deuteronomy 28:6014. 2Chronicles 21:1914. 2Chronicles 24:2519. Psalm 103:0340. Matthew 04:2441. Mark 01:3442. Luke 04:4042. Luke 06:1742. Luke 09:0144. Acts 19:1244. Acts 28:09"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/E98H9f3g_Heuristic-Testing-Strategy-Model-Master-.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Heuristic Testing Strategy Model (Master)PRODUCT ELEMENTSStructureEverything that comprises the physical product.Collateral: anything beyond software and hardware that is also part of the product, such as paper documents, web links and content, packaging, license agreements, etc..Non-executable files: any files other than multimedia or programs, like text files, sample data, or help files.Hardware: any hardware component that is integral to the product.Interfaces: points of connection and communication between sub-systems.Code: the code structures that comprise the product, from executables to individual routines.FunctionsEverything that the product does.Testability: any functions provided to help test the product, such as diagnostics, log files, asserts, test menus, etc.Interactions: any interactions or interfaces between functions within the product.Error Handling: any functions that detect and recover from errors, including all error messages.Multimedia: sounds, bitmaps, videos, or any graphical display embedded in the product.Startup/Shutdown: each method and interface for invocation and initialization as well as exiting the product.Time Relatedtime-out settingsdaily or month-end reportsnightly batch jobstime zonesbusiness holidaysinterest calculationsterms and warranty periodschronograph functions.Calculation: any arithmetic function or arithmetic operations embedded in other functions.Application: any function that defines or distinguishes the product or fulfills core requirements.Transformations: functions that modify or transform something (e.g. setting fonts, inserting clip art, withdrawing money from account).System Interface: any functions that exchange data with something other than the user, such as with other programs, hard disk, network, printer, etc.User Interface: any functions that mediate the exchange of data with the user (e.g. navigation, display, data entry).DataEverything that the product processes.Input: any data that is processed by the product.Output: any data that results from processing by the product.Preset: any data that is supplied as part of the product, or otherwise built into it, such as prefabricated databases, default values, etc.Persistent: any data that is stored internally and expected to persist over multiple operations.modes or states of the productoptions settingsview modescontents of documentsSequences: any ordering or permutation of data, e.g. word order, sorted vs. unsorted data, order of tests.Big and little: variations in the size and aggregation of data.Noise: any data or state that is invalid, corrupted, or produced in an uncontrolled or incorrect fashion.Lifecycle: transformations over the lifetime of a data entity as it is created, accessed, modified, and deleted.PlatformEverything on which the product depends (and that is outside your project).Internal Components: libraries and other components that are embedded in your product but are produced outside your project. Since you don’t control them, you must determine what to do in case they fail.External Software: software components and configurations that are not a part of the shipping product, but are required (or optional) in order for the product to work: operating systems, concurrently executing applications, drivers, fonts, etc.External Hardware: hardware components and configurations that are not part of the shipping product, but are required (or optional) in order for the product to work: CPU's, memory, keyboards, peripheral boards, etc.OperationsHow the product will be used.Extreme Use: challenging patterns and sequences of input that are consistent with the intended use of the product.Disfavored Use: patterns of input produced by ignorant, mistaken, careless or malicious use.Common Use: patterns and sequences of input that the product will typically encounter. This varies by user.Environment: the physical environment in which the product operates, including such elements as noise, light, and distractions.Users: the attributes of the various kinds of users.TimeAny relationship between the product and time.Concurrency: more than one thing happening at once (multi-user, time-sharing, threads, and semaphores, shared data).Changing Rates: speeding up and slowing down (spikes, bursts, hangs, bottlenecks, interruptions).Fast/Slow: testing with “fast” or “slow” input; fastest and slowest; combinations of fast and slow.Input/Output: when input is provided, when output created, and any timing relationships (delays, intervals, etc.) among them.OPERATIONAL CRITERIACapabilityCan it perform the required functions?ReliabilityWill it work well and resist failure in all required situations?Data Integrity: the data in the system is protected from loss or corruption.Error handling: the product resists failure in the case of errors, is graceful when it fails, and recovers readily.Safety: the product will not fail in such a way as to harm life or property.UsabilityHow easy is it for a real user to use the product?Learnability: the operation of the product can be rapidly mastered by the intended user.Operability: the product can be operated with minimum effort and fuss.Accessibility: the product meets relevant accessibility standards and works with O/S accessibility features.SecurityHow well is the product protected against unauthorized use or intrusion?Security holes: the ways in which the system cannot enforce security (e.g. social engineering vulnerabilities)Authorization: the rights that are granted to authenticated users at varying privilege levels.Authentication: the ways in which the system verifies that a user is who she says she is.- Privacy: the ways in which customer or employee data is protected from unauthorized people.ScalabilityHow well does the deployment of the product scale up or down?PerformanceHow speedy and responsive is it?InstallabilityHow easily can it be installed onto its target platform(s)?Upgrades: Can new modules or versions be added easily? Do they respect the existing configuration?Uninstallation: When the product is uninstalled, is it removed cleanly?Configuration: What parts of the system are affected by installation? Where are files and resources stored?System requirements: Does the product recognize if some necessary component is missing or insufficient?CompatibilityHow well does it work with external components & configurations?Resource Usage: the product doesn’t unnecessarily hog memory, storage, or other system resources.Backward Compatibility: the products works with earlier versions of itself.Hardware Compatibility: the product works with particular hardware components and configurations.Operating System Compatibility: the product works with a particular operating system.Application Compatibility: the product works in conjunction with other software products.DEVELOPMENT CRITERIASupportabilityHow economical will it be to provide support to users of the product?TestabilityHow effectively can the product be tested?MaintainabilityHow economical is it to build, fix or enhance the product?PortabilityHow economical will it be to port or reuse the technology elsewhere?LocalizabilityHow economical will it be to adapt the product for other places?Regulations: Are there different regulatory or reporting requirements over state or national borders?Language: Can the product adapt easily to longer messages, right-to-left, or ideogrammatic script?Money: Must the product be able to support multiple currencies? Currency exchange?Social or cultural differences: Might the customer find cultural references confusing or insulting?PERCEIVED QUALITYTEST TECHNIQUESFunction TestingTest what it can doIdentify things that the product can do (functions and sub- functions).Determine how you’d know if a function was capable of working.Test each function, one at a time.See that each function does what it’s supposed to do and not what it isn’t supposed to do.Domain TestingDivide and conquer the dataLook for any data processed by the product. Look at outputs as well as inputs.Decide which particular data to test with.boundary valuestypical valuesconvenient valuesinvalid valuesbest representativesConsider combinations of data worth testing together.Stress TestingOverwhelm the productLook for sub-systems and functions that are vulnerable to being overloaded or “broken” in the presence of challenging data or constrained resources.Identify data and resources related to those sub-systems and functions.Select or generate challenging data, or resource constraint conditions to test withlarge or complex data structureshigh loadslong test runsmany test caseslow memory conditionsFlow TestingDo one thing after anotherDefine test procedures or high level cases that incorporate multiple activities connected end-to-end.Don’t reset the system between tests.Vary timing and sequencing, and try parallel threads.Scenario TestingTest to a compelling storyThink about everything going on around the product.Design tests that involve meaningful and complex interactions with the product.A good scenario test is a compelling story of how someone who matters might do something that matters with the product.Claims TestingVerify every claimIdentify reference materials that include claims about the product (implicit or explicit).Analyze individual claims, and clarify vague claims.Verify that each claim about the product is true.If you’re testing from an explicit specification, expect it and the product to be brought into alignment.User TestingInvolve the usersIdentify categories and roles of users.Determine what each category of user will do (use cases), how they will do it, and what they value.Get real user data, or bring real users in to test.Otherwise, systematically simulate a user (be careful—it’s easy to think you’re like a user even when you’re not).Powerful user testing is that which involves a variety of users and user roles, not just one.Risk TestingImagine a problem, then look for it.What kinds of problems could the product have?Which kinds matter most? Focus on those.How would you detect them if they were there?Make a list of interesting problems and design tests specifically to reveal them.It may help to consult experts, design documentation, past bug reports, or apply risk heuristics.Automatic TestingRun a million different testsLook for opportunities to automatically generate a lot of tests.Develop an automated, high speed evaluation mechanism.Write a program to generate, execute, and evaluate the tests.PROJECT ENVIRONMENTCustomersAnyone who is a client of the test project.Do you know who your customers are? Whose opinions matter? Who benefits or suffers from the work you do?Do you have contact and communication with your customers? Maybe they can help you test.Maybe your customers have strong ideas about what tests you should create and run.Maybe they have conflicting expectations. You may have to help identify and resolve those.InformationInformation about the product or project that is needed for testing.Are there any engineering documents available? User manuals? Web-based materials?Does this product have a history? Old problems that were fixed or deferred? Pattern of customer complaints?Do you need to familiarize yourself with the product more, before you will know how to test it?Is your information current? How are you apprised of new or changing information?Is there any complex or challenging part of the product about which there seems strangely little information?Developer RelationsHow you get along with the programmers.Hubris: Does the development team seem overconfident about any aspect of the product?Defensiveness: Is there any part of the product the developers seem strangely opposed to having tested?Rapport: Have you developed a friendly working relationship with the programmers?Feedback loop: Can you communicate quickly, on demand, with the programmers?Feedback: What do the developers think of your test strategy?Test TeamAnyone who will perform or support testing.Do you know who will be testing?Are there people not on the “test team” that might be able to help?People who’ve tested similar products before and might have advice?Programmers?Designers?Users?Writers?Do you have enough people with the right skills to fulfill a reasonable test strategy?Are there particular test techniques that the team has special skill or motivation to perform?Is any training needed? Is any available?Equipment & ToolsHardware, software, or documents required to administer testing.Hardware: Do we have all the equipment you need to execute the tests? Is it set up and ready to go?Automation: Are any test automation tools needed? Are they available?Probes: Are any tools needed to aid in the observation of the product under test?Matrices & Checklists: Are any documents needed to track or record the progress of testing?ScheduleThe sequence, duration, and synchronization of project events.Test Design: How much time do you have? Are there tests better to create later than sooner?Test Execution: When will tests be executed? Are some tests executed repeatedly, say, for regression purposes?Development: When will builds be available for testing, features added, code frozen, etc.?Documentation: When will the user documentation be available for review?Test ItemsThe product to be tested.Scope: What parts of the product are and are not within the scope of your testing responsibility?Availability: Do you have the product to test?Volatility: Is the product constantly changing? What will be the need for retesting?New Stuff: What has recently been changed or added in the product?Testability: Is the product functional and reliable enough that you can effectively test it?Future Releases: What part of your tests, if any, must be designed to apply to future releases of the product?DeliverablesThe observable products of the test project.Media: How will you record and communicate your reports?Standards: Is there a particular test documentation standard you’re supposed to follow?Purpose: Are your deliverables provided as part of the product? Does anyone else have to run your tests?Content: What sort of reports will you have to make? Will you share your working notes, or just the end results?"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/pKbQH8u2_Calibration.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CalibrationCalibration (100)Calibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device.The term \"calibration\" probably was first associated with the precise division of linear distance and angles using a dividing engine and the measurement of gravitational mass using a weighing scale.A transplanted calibration process that worked well to support the microphone application may or may not be the best answer or even adequate for the coaxial cable application.The measuring equipment manufacturer generally assigns the measurement tolerance, suggests a calibration interval and specifies the environmental range of use and storage.The assignment of calibration intervals can be a formal process based on the results of previous calibrations.There are clearinghouses for calibration procedures such as the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) in the United States.More commonly, a calibration technician is entrusted with the entire process and signs the calibration certificate, which documents the completion of a successful calibration.The integrity of organization-wide calibration is easily compromised.Calibration can be called for: with a new instrument when a specified time period is elapsed when a specified usage (operating hours) has elapsed when an instrument has had a shock or vibration which potentially may have put it out of calibration sudden changes in weather whenever observations appear questionable In general use, calibration is often regarded as including the process of adjusting the output or indication on a measurement instrument to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy.measurement (100)Calibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device.The term \"calibration\" probably was first associated with the precise division of linear distance and angles using a dividing engine and the measurement of gravitational mass using a weighing scale.The measurement of pressure was an early example of how indirect measurement was added to the existing direct measurement of the same phenomena.Before the Industrial Revolution, the most common pressure measurement device was a hydrostatic manometer, which is not practical for measuring high pressures.The measuring equipment manufacturer generally assigns the measurement tolerance, suggests a calibration interval and specifies the environmental range of use and storage.When this goal is met, the accumulated measurement uncertainty of all of the standards involved is considered to be insignificant when the final measurement is also made with the 4:1 ratio.Calibration can be called for: with a new instrument when a specified time period is elapsed when a specified usage (operating hours) has elapsed when an instrument has had a shock or vibration which potentially may have put it out of calibration sudden changes in weather whenever observations appear questionable In general use, calibration is often regarded as including the process of adjusting the output or indication on a measurement instrument to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy.The NMI supports the metrological infrastructure in that country (and often others) by establishing an unbroken chain, from the top level of standards to an instrument used for measurement.instrument (46)The second device is the unit under test, test instrument, or any of several other names for the device being calibrated.Calibration can be called for: with a new instrument when a specified time period is elapsed when a specified usage (operating hours) has elapsed when an instrument has had a shock or vibration which potentially may have put it out of calibration sudden changes in weather whenever observations appear questionable In general use, calibration is often regarded as including the process of adjusting the output or indication on a measurement instrument to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy.The NMI supports the metrological infrastructure in that country (and often others) by establishing an unbroken chain, from the top level of standards to an instrument used for measurement.standards (46)When this goal is met, the accumulated measurement uncertainty of all of the standards involved is considered to be insignificant when the final measurement is also made with the 4:1 ratio.Establishing traceability is accomplished by a formal comparison to a standard which is directly or indirectly related to national standards (NIST in the USA), international standards, or certified reference materials.The NMI supports the metrological infrastructure in that country (and often others) by establishing an unbroken chain, from the top level of standards to an instrument used for measurement.pressure (27)The measurement of pressure was an early example of how indirect measurement was added to the existing direct measurement of the same phenomena.Before the Industrial Revolution, the most common pressure measurement device was a hydrostatic manometer, which is not practical for measuring high pressures.In the direct reading hydrostatic manometer design on the left, unknown pressure pushes the liquid down the left side of the manometer U-tube (or unknown vacuum pulls the liquid up the tube, as shown) where a length scale next to the tube measures the pressure, referenced to the other, open end of the manometer on the right side of the U-tube.indirect (16)The measurement of pressure was an early example of how indirect measurement was added to the existing direct measurement of the same phenomena.tube (13)In the direct reading hydrostatic manometer design on the left, unknown pressure pushes the liquid down the left side of the manometer U-tube (or unknown vacuum pulls the liquid up the tube, as shown) where a length scale next to the tube measures the pressure, referenced to the other, open end of the manometer on the right side of the U-tube.scale (13)The term \"calibration\" probably was first associated with the precise division of linear distance and angles using a dividing engine and the measurement of gravitational mass using a weighing scale.In the direct reading hydrostatic manometer design on the left, unknown pressure pushes the liquid down the left side of the manometer U-tube (or unknown vacuum pulls the liquid up the tube, as shown) where a length scale next to the tube measures the pressure, referenced to the other, open end of the manometer on the right side of the U-tube.correctness (13)Calibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device.traceability (13)Establishing traceability is accomplished by a formal comparison to a standard which is directly or indirectly related to national standards (NIST in the USA), international standards, or certified reference materials.SummaryCalibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device.The second device is the unit under test, test instrument, or any of several other names for the device being calibrated.The term \"calibration\" probably was first associated with the precise division of linear distance and angles using a dividing engine and the measurement of gravitational mass using a weighing scale.The measurement of pressure was an early example of how indirect measurement was added to the existing direct measurement of the same phenomena.Before the Industrial Revolution, the most common pressure measurement device was a hydrostatic manometer, which is not practical for measuring high pressures.In the direct reading hydrostatic manometer design on the left, unknown pressure pushes the liquid down the left side of the manometer U-tube (or unknown vacuum pulls the liquid up the tube, as shown) where a length scale next to the tube measures the pressure, referenced to the other, open end of the manometer on the right side of the U-tube.In the early days of US automobile use, people wanted to see the gasoline they were about to buy in a big glass pitcher, a direct measure of volume and quality via appearance.A transplanted calibration process that worked well to support the microphone application may or may not be the best answer or even adequate for the coaxial cable application.In other words, the design has to be capable of measurements that are \"within engineering tolerance\" when used within the stated environmental conditions over some reasonable period of time.The measuring equipment manufacturer generally assigns the measurement tolerance, suggests a calibration interval and specifies the environmental range of use and storage.The assignment of calibration intervals can be a formal process based on the results of previous calibrations.When this goal is met, the accumulated measurement uncertainty of all of the standards involved is considered to be insignificant when the final measurement is also made with the 4:1 ratio.This ratio was probably first formalized in Handbook 52 that accompanied MIL-STD-45662A, an early US Department of Defense metrology program specification.For example, a gage with 3% manufacturer-stated accuracy can be changed to 4% so that a 1% accuracy standard can be used at 4:1.There are clearinghouses for calibration procedures such as the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) in the United States.More commonly, a calibration technician is entrusted with the entire process and signs the calibration certificate, which documents the completion of a successful calibration.The integrity of organization-wide calibration is easily compromised.Most oscilloscopes are capital assets that increase the value of the organization, in addition to the value of the measurements they make.Establishing traceability is accomplished by a formal comparison to a standard which is directly or indirectly related to national standards (NIST in the USA), international standards, or certified reference materials.Calibration can be called for: with a new instrument when a specified time period is elapsed when a specified usage (operating hours) has elapsed when an instrument has had a shock or vibration which potentially may have put it out of calibration sudden changes in weather whenever observations appear questionable In general use, calibration is often regarded as including the process of adjusting the output or indication on a measurement instrument to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy.The NMI supports the metrological infrastructure in that country (and often others) by establishing an unbroken chain, from the top level of standards to an instrument used for measurement.Map created automatically by WikiSummarizer product of Context Discovery http://www.contextdiscovery.com wikisummarizer@contextdiscovery.com"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/5MdlSUY5_InDesign-for-beginners.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "IDColorsSwatchesMenuNew color swatchName color valuecolor modeRGB valueAddStealing from imagesClick imageuse eyedropper tooladd to swatchAdd to CC libraryDrag swatch to CC libraryBackground colorDraw rectanglechange fill colorImportingImageFilePlaceimage fileTexttype toolCopy from wordpaste in type framefileplaceword docxGrouping and rotating imagesGroupRight clickgroupRotatingclick on imagerotate at edgesungroupingright clickungroupNew DocumentWelcome screenNewPrintA5FileNew documentprintA5Adjust unitEditpreferenceUnitOpacityclick on colored itemReduce opacity sliderpackagingfilepackageExportingJpegFileExportJpegQualitymaximumResolution300ppiPdffileExportPdfCrop marksUse document bleed settingsExtrasIdeaspin interestniice.cobehance.netInDesign Templatemissing fontsresolvemissing imagesreplacePreview workdeselect all itemstype wESCViewdisplay performancehigh qualitymaking dotted linesdraw rectangleno fill colorstroketypedottedvalue4mmQuestionsWhat is convertednot opened InDesign file for a very long timecan one open pdf in InDesign?No"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/1555b3ca-1992-40b2-b766-41b92e369be6.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "2016Q1JANUARYWEEK # 12016-01-01< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-02< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-03< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 22016-01-04< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-05< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-06< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-07< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-08< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-09< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-10< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 32016-01-11< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-12< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-13< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-14< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-15< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-16< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-17< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 42016-01-18< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-19< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-20< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-21< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-22< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-23< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-24< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 52016-01-25< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-26< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-27< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-28< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-29< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-30< TASK >< TASK >2016-01-31< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlFEBRUARYWEEK # 62016-02-01< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-02< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-03< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-04< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-05< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-06< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-07< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 72016-02-08< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-09< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-10< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-11< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-12< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-13< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-14< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 82016-02-15< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-16< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-17< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-18< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-19< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-20< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-21< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 92016-02-22< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-23< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-24< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-25< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-26< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-27< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html2016-02-28< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 102016-02-29< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.html< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlMARCHWEEK # 102016-03-01< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-02< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-03< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-04< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-05< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-06< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 112016-03-07< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-08< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-09< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-10< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-11< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-12< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-13< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 122016-03-14< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-15< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-16< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-17< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-18< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-19< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-20< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 132016-03-21< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-22< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-23< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-24< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-25< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-26< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-27< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlWEEK # 142016-03-28< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-29< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-30< TASK >< TASK >2016-03-31< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlQ2APRILWEEK # 142016-04-01< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-02< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-03< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 152016-04-04< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-05< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-06< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-07< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-08< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-09< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-10< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 162016-04-11< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-12< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-13< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-14< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-15< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-16< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-17< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 172016-04-18< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-19< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-20< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-21< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-22< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-23< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-24< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 182016-04-25< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-26< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-27< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-28< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-29< TASK >< TASK >2016-04-30< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlMAYWEEK # 182016-05-01< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 192016-05-02< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-03< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-04< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-05< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-06< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-07< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-08< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 202016-05-09< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-10< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-11< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-12< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-13< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-14< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-15< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 212016-05-16< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-17< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-18< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-19< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-20< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-21< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-22< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 222016-05-23< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-24< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-25< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-26< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-27< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-28< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-29< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 232016-05-30< TASK >< TASK >2016-05-31< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlJUNEWEEK # 232016-06-01< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-02< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-03< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-04< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-05< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 242016-06-06< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-07< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-08< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-09< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-10< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-11< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-12< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 252016-06-13< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-14< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-15< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-16< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-17< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-18< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-19< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 262016-06-20< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-21< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-22< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-23< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-24< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-25< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-26< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 272016-06-27< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-28< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-29< TASK >< TASK >2016-06-30< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlQ3JULYWEEK # 272016-07-01< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-02< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-03< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 282016-07-04< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-05< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-06< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-07< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-08< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-09< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-10< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 292016-07-11< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-12< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-13< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-14< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-15< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-16< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-17< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 302016-07-18< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-19< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-20< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-21< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-22< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-23< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-24< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 312016-07-25< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-26< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-27< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-28< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-29< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-30< TASK >< TASK >2016-07-31< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlAUGUSTWEEK # 322016-08-01< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-02< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-03< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-04< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-05< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-06< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-07< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 332016-08-08< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-09< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-10< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-11< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-12< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-13< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-14< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 342016-08-15< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-16< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-17< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-18< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-19< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-20< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-21< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 352016-08-22< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-23< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-24< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-25< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-26< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-27< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-28< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 362016-08-29< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-30< TASK >< TASK >2016-08-31< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlSEPTEMBERWEEK # 362016-09-01< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-02< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-03< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-04< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 372016-09-05< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-06< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-07< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-08< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-09< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-10< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-11< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 382016-09-12< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-13< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-14< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-15< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-16< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-17< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-18< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 392016-09-19< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-20< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-21< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-22< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-23< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-24< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-25< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 402016-09-26< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-27< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-28< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-29< TASK >< TASK >2016-09-30< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlQ4OCTOBERWEEK # 402016-10-01< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-02< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 412016-10-03< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-04< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-05< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-06< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-07< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-08< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-09< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 422016-10-10< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-11< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-12< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-13< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-14< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-15< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-16< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 432016-10-17< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-18< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-19< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-20< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-21< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-22< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-23< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 442016-10-24< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-25< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-26< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-27< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-28< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-29< TASK >< TASK >2016-10-30< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 452016-10-31< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlNOVEMBERWEEK # 452016-11-01< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-02< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-03< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-04< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-05< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-06< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 462016-11-07< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-08< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-09< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-10< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-11< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-12< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-13< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 472016-11-14< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-15< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-16< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-17< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-18< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-19< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-20< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 482016-11-21< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-22< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-23< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-24< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-25< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-26< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-27< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 492016-11-28< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-29< TASK >< TASK >2016-11-30< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlDECEMBERWEEK # 492016-12-01< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-02< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-03< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-04< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 502016-12-05< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-06< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-07< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-08< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-09< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-10< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-11< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 512016-12-12< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-13< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-14< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-15< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-16< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-17< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-18< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 522016-12-19< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-20< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-21< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-22< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-23< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-24< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-25< TASK >< TASK >WEEK # 532016-12-26< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-27< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-28< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-29< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-30< TASK >< TASK >2016-12-31< TASK >< TASK >D:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\g3zL9YAQ_XMind-calendar-2016.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlD:\\yanfeng\\biggerplate_v1.0\\biggerplate_anno_xmind\\d0168afc-6b11-4159-97d2-c3798b89975b.htmlmapped by Wojciech 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"task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/oQgQ4wo7_Resumer-un-article-avec-XMind.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "RésumerPréparationlecturerapiderepéragepartiestitressous-titrechapôQuestionsréponsescarteIdéecentralesecondairessecondaires (déjà prêtes)IntertitresArticleSubdivisionscoursMindmapIdéescentralesecondairessecondaires (déjà prêtes)surlignantmots-clésarticlemots-cléssurlignantDétailspetitesbranchesmots-clésTechniques réactivation.pdfRelectureattentivesoucidétailRéarrangesujetsordreprioritésIllustrationiconesimagesrelationsnuagesLiensrelationsnuagesExportTexteWordTXTRTFPDFPowerPointRéactivationRelectureRecréationMindmapRelectureRecréationAprès1 heure1 jour2 jours1 semaine1 moisMarco Bertolini pour29-01-2012"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/8yTVUCWu_DECEPTION-scriptures.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DECEPTION ScripturesDECEPTION OLD Testament01. Genesis 03:01-0501. Genesis 03:0101. Genesis 03:04-0501. Genesis 03:13-1501. Genesis 03:1301. Genesis 12:1301. Genesis 20:0201. Genesis 26:0701. Genesis 27:06-2301. Genesis 34:13-3101. Genesis 44:01-3403. Leviticus 19:35-3605. Deuteronomy 18:2205. Deuteronomy 25:13-1606. Joshua 09:03-1507. Judges 03:15-3007. Judges 16:04-2009. 1Samuel 21:10-1510. 2Samuel 13:06-1410. 2Samuel 13:24-2810. 2Samuel 15:0710. 2Samuel 16:15-1911. 1Kings 13:1812. 2Kings 05:20-2416. Nehemiah 06:01-1918. Job 06:1519. Psalm 024:03-0519. Psalm 043:0119. Psalm 052:0220. Proverbs 10:0920. Proverbs 12:2223. Isaiah 05:2024. Jeremiah 07:01-11DECEPTION NEW Testament40. Matthew 06:01-0740. Matthew 07:15-1640. Matthew 07:21-2340. Matthew 13:24-3040. Matthew 15:07-0940. Matthew 16:01-2840. Matthew 20:20-2840. Matthew 23:01-3340. Matthew 23:2740. Matthew 24:04-0540. Matthew 24:1140. Matthew 24:2240. Matthew 24:2440. Matthew 27:6341. Mark 12:28-3041. Mark 13:05-0641. Mark 14:0142. Luke 16:02-0842. Luke 20:46-4742. Luke 21:0843. John 08:01-0843. John 08:4443. John 07:1243. John 07:4744. Acts 20:29-3145. Romans 07:1145. Romans 12:0245. Romans 16:1846. 1Corinthians 06:08-1046. 1Corinthians 15:33-3447. 2Corinthians 11:02-0446. 1Corinthians 03:1846. 1Corinthians 06:0946. 1Corinthians 15:3347. 2Corinthians 06:0848. Galatians 06:0348. Galatians 06:07-0849. Ephesians 04:1449. Ephesians 05:0649. Ephesians 06:1150. Philippians 03:18-1952. 1Thessalonians 05:2153. 2Thessalonians 02:0354. 1Timothy 02:1454. 1Timothy 04:0155. 2Timothy 03:0555. 2Timothy 03:1356. Titus 01:1056. Titus 03:0359. James 01:2259. James 01:2662. 1John 01:0862. 1John 02:22-2362. 1John 03:0762. 1John 04:0162. 1John 04:02-0363. 2John 01:0763. 2John 01:10-1166. Revelation 12:0966. Revelation 13:13-1466. Revelation 13:1466. Revelation 18:2366. Revelation 19:2066. Revelation 20:01-0366. Revelation 20:0366. Revelation 20:0866. Revelation 20:1066. Revelation 21:08"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/csSt6t88_CTO-Mind-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CTO Mind MapCulturePeople (Team)HiringPartnership with Recruitment TeamSocial MediaEmployee Referrals and ContactsRetentionEmployee RelationshipsExit InterviewsCareer DevelopmentCareer GrowthEducation & TrainingBroadening Experience & Skill SetsTechnical Career TracksHappinessFeedback & SurveysSense of PurposeMeaningful, Intrinsically Rewarding WorkDefined & Measurable AccomplishmentsFair CompensationPhysical EnvironmentActivitiesFunPerksUnderstanding, Flexibility & CareVacation PolicyFamily Leave PolicyWorking Remotely: Pros & ConsCollectivismCollaborationPhysical Workspace DesignPair ProgrammingFeeling Welcome to Ask for HelpTeam BuildingEncouraging Helping & Teaching OthersPartners & StakeholdersStakeholder RelationshipsAssigned Technology PartnersExecutive RelationshipsPeer RelationshipsCommunicationsAdvocacyFeedback & SurveysSecurityCulture of People Caring about Security & PrivacySpreading Awareness & KnowledgeRelationships with Security Vendors & PartnersGreater GoodOpen SourceOpen Sourcing Technologies, Libraries & ProductsParticipating in & Contributing to Others' WorkTechnologySoftware ArchitectureFlexibleMaintainableUpgradableSecureAutomationSoftware PlatformsProgramming LanguagesApplication ServersFrameworks & LibrariesData StoresRelational DatabasesNoSQL DatabasesOperating System PlaformHardwareMobile DevicesSmartphonesWearablesInternet of ThingsSecurityProducts & ToolsResearch & DevelopmentIndustry & TrendsEmerging Technologies to ConsiderProducts to ConsiderVendors & Partners to ConsiderCompetitive AnalysisMachine LearningArtificial IntelligenceData ScienceInventoryTechnologies and Tools in use in the organizationOperationsProject ManagementPlanningMeasurementsRisk ManagementKnown IssuesDeliveryLearningPortfolio & Priorities ManagementRegular PrioritizationRegular Assessment of Ongoing ProjectsDecommissioning ProjectsInfrastructureSystems PerformanceUptimeStabilityResilienceResponse Time & SpeedMonitoring & MeasurementOptimizationCachingInternet & NetworksVendors & PartnersIn-houseHostingCloudManaged Data CentersServer VirtualizationSecurityInventory & AssesmentSystems We OwnDependenciesSystems that Other Teams OwnSystems of Vendors & PartnersAuditsRegular Security TestingExternalInternalMeasurement of Value at RiskBudgetsCapital InvestmentsProjectsProduct PurchasesOperational ExpensesSalariesCompensation StrategyMarket ResearchPromotions & RaisesBase SalariesBonusesOther Salary ExpensesVendorsSaaS Service FeesProjects & Temporary StaffingServices VendorsEducation & TrainingTravel & EntertainmentGuidelinesChecks & Balances"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/fJvy2Z8v_Jeweler-Bootcamp.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Jeweler Bootcamp LaunchPrelaunch contentFree report / Early notification listPre-Launch contentVideo 1The journey/opportunityReal valueYou can change your life for the betterVideo 2The transformation videoCase studiesVideo 3Ownership experienceWhat it's like to have this change in their livesVideo 4Sales videoOfferUltra Early BirdKiller bonusesScarcityMake online only offer to people who DON'T buy for 3 days after ultra early bird expiresJV PartnersSponsorsOthers?Collateral/Technology NeededVideosScriptingShootingEmailsShane and JimPre-launchDay 1 - something's comingDay 3 - video 1Day 6 - video 2Day 9 - video 3LaunchDay 1 - cart open/sales videoDay 3 - add bonus (online component)Day 4 - 12-pay option availableDay 6 - Early bird pricing closingDay 7Last chance - 12 hoursLast chance - 4 hoursDay 11 - Online only option available for 72 hoursDay 12 - Online only option closing in 24 hoursDay 13 - Online only option closing in 4 hoursJV EmailsPre-launchDay 1 - something's comingDay 3 - video 1Day 6 - video 2Day 9 - video 3LaunchDay 1 - cart open/sales videoDay 3 - add bonus (online component?)Day 4 - 12-pay option availableDay 6 - Early bird pricing closingDay 7Last chance - 12 hoursLast chance - 4 hoursDay 11 - Online only option available for 72 hoursDay 12 - Online only option closing in 24 hoursDay 13 - Online only option closing in 4 hoursClick FunnelsLaunch sequence templateCart open page"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/EicSjHpn_How-to-Use-The-Prioritization-Matrix-When-Every-Task-Is-1.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "How to Use The Prioritization Matrix When Every Task Is #11. List and Rank Your PrioritiesHighlight all the tasks you need to carry out in a dayDon’t mind the order or numberThen, classify them based on urgency and importanceIdentify any activity that requires prompt actionI’m referring to a task that if you don’t complete that dayit could produce a grave consequenceFor instanceif you don’t submit your content strategyother content writers cannot workIt means you need to check for high-priority dependencies2. Define the ValueThe next step is to examine the importanceand assess which of them impacts your business or organization the mostAs a rule of thumbyou can check which tasks possess higher priority over othersFor instance, you need to attend to client’s requirementsbefore you take care of any internal workYou can also estimate value by examining how the task impacts the peopleand customers in the organizationIn a nutshell, the more impact a task has on people or the organizationthe higher the priority3. Take out the Most Challenging TaskProcrastination is not a symptom of lazinessbut avoidance isThe truth is that you will typically avoid tasksyou don’t want to doThe former CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein, once saidhe would take out the most dreaded task first thing when he got to the officeIt’s simple!Take out any task that you dread first!Brian Tracy called these tasks the frogs you need to eatThat will remove the nagging dreadwhich mounts pressure on you when you postpone necessary tasks4. Know What’s Important to YouAs long as you are in this cosmosyou will always encounter different choices that may be contradictory to your goalsFor instance, a fantastic promotion that requires excessive travelwill isolate you from important relationshipsIf you are not priority-consciousyou may accept iteven though your family is your priorityit makes sense to identify what is important to youand to prepare yourself not to compromise those important things for immediate pleasure or gain5. Establish Regular “No Work” TimeYouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki established a rulenot to check her emails between 6 p.m and 9 p.mshe was the first woman to request maternity leave when Google just got startedShe prioritizes dinner time with her family despite being the CEO of YouTubeIs it possible to cut out time for our relationships and interests outside of work?Of course!That’s why you need to set out your “no work” timeThis approach will enable you to renew your energy levels for the next taskAlso, you will be in the best position to introspectas you are not in your usual work zone6. Know When to StopYou can achieve everything on your list sometimesAfter you have prioritized your workload and assessed your estimatesremove the remaining tasks from your priority listand focus on your most urgent and important tasksConclusionIt’s not enough to be successful at workEnsure you make out time for your familyand an important relationship in your lifeGetting started and finding time may be trickybut with some practice using the Prioritization Matrixyou’ll find that you are more productive and better able to divide your timebetween the things that are important to youSource"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/TffJW0mF_Hillsong-2014.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Hillsong 2014The biggest enemy of faith is the familiarJohn 5:1-9 Healing at the pool of BethesdaWhat has been with us for so long that it just won't go awayOne moment in the presence of Jesus can change everythingDo you want to be wellThe longer a problem existsThe more discouraged you getResigned that nothing is going to changeThe more excuses you tend to make\"no one to help me\"Living in the land of excusesThat's just the way it isThe more we learn to compensateWe cover things upYou cannot change what you are prepared to tolerantUntil desire is bigger than disability change cannot happenBiggest enemy of faith: the familiarUsed to accepting what is rather than what it can beIt takes tremendous faith to step away room familiarStep away from what's comfortableHarder to help those that need help rather than want helpCan only help someone who wants helpObsession with what people think about me prevents me from seeing what God wants me to beThat which had held you back will be the thing on which you stand for ChristHealingHe didn't even ask to be healedGetting close to Jesus is enoughDidn't come as he expectedJesus exceeds expectationsGod will do what you cannot do but he expects you to do what you can: step out in faithBrian Houston - No higher nameActs 11.26We carry his name: Christ - iansDo we bring glory to him as carriers of his nameActs 3 - beggar at beautiful gateBeggar taken to the gate but never through itWhat gates have we not passed throughDone what he had never done beforeThere is power in the name of JesusWe have the opportunity to lift people up through his nameHe opens us up to opportunities and this we've never done or dreamed of doingSanhendrienWhat power and who's name?Acts 4:13Silver and gold have I none - it wasn't about what he didn't have but what he did - Jesus namePeter +this wasn't about what he had. The glory of God caused the miracle not PeterIt's not about the person. Hope is about JesusMatthew 7 - narrow gateFew find the narrow gate to lifeThe gate is narrow but the path is straight (not narrow)Sometimes the path can be difficultDon't make life narrow but have a glorious life2 Samuel - you enlarged my path so my feet didn't slip2 corinthians - wide open spacious life. Your lives aren't small jut you are living small livesEnable Jesus to give us that abundant life that we could never have imaginedNumbers 6:22 Lord blessing that Moses to give to AaronPut my name on the people and I will bless themExodus 28 - names of the tribes of Israel within his robes. Name of God on his turbanPeople are now to carry the name of GodStarts and ends with blessing in the nameMake us be a blessing to othersWe become that blessing to those around usReveal Christ to those around usGod wants to give you peace and positariaryRevelation 3:7 - the faithful churchThough you have little strength you have keep my word and my nameGod will make you a pillar - write His name on youBrian Houston - leadership in crisisUnderstanding that pain has a processCrisis has a process that gets followed so you can pass through itExodus 2 - God's people in slaveryProcess of timePain: Cain and HannahCain put God lastHannah put God firstCan't avoid the processHow do you respondLearn the difference between responding and reactingMake sure you respond rather than reactingDon't get defensiveDon't lead from a siege mentallyBeware the human tenancy to isolateThe time you need fellowship the most is when you feel you need it leastHebrews 10 - do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together.Psalms 142 - who cares about me. Then.... The righteous shall surround meGet Godly people around youBe humanDon't be afraid to be humanCan't connect with someone who isn't realBe honest and be yourself - be open without being pitifulDon't make excusesTake responsibility and take accountabilityFocus on the good thingsPhilippians - focus on the good thingsFocus on what God is goingBe as wise as serpents and as gentle as dovesSometimes people forget to use wisdom in crisisMan up (even if you're a woman)Our personal reactions show what's in our heartsChallenge reactions if neededNeed to draw on your emotional bankNeed to look after yourselfWhat are your coping mechanismsWe careful on taking it out on the people you loveBe transparentGather trusted confidantsPerhaps people who have already been thereYou need counsel not opinionsBring those around you on the journeyDon't isolateResolve what to doTake the time to play with God and to come up with a strategyFocus on visionVision, vision, visionKeep looking forwardKeep leading peopleLead - Joel A'BellActs 6 - divisions of labour within the churchThe result of our activities is that things continue to move forwardWhat things should you do and what things should you not doWhat people do you have and what can they doGroups of people in church lifeNew people networkNew Christian or new to that churchService activeChurch attendersMost unreached people within the churchConnect group active - home groupsMinistry activeKey teamOversee leaders who oversee volunteersLeadershipOverseeing volunteersLeaders should never do what others can do, should only do what kind one else can doResponsibilityNeed to accept the basic amount of responsibility that comes with itLet the sense of responsibility lead you throughThe plans you have been trusted withThe things you care aboutHow to we provide ways of helping people to participateGod uses a spark that is already there that he can entrust his plans toDavid - chosen because he protected his father's sheepDaniel - king chose because he trusted him with his interestsCarl Lentz - whether you like it or notPsalm 23 - the Lord is my ShepherdSometimes you need the truth if you want it or notWe need a ShepherdGod is not done with you and is still working in your lifeWe no longer have to chase the right situation all you have to do is focus on Jesus every day of your lifeJohn 10:14 - I am the good Shepherd and my sheep know my voiceKeep you eyes on Jesus and be fully secure in himSheep don't striveWe don't need a breakthrough - Jesus already broke throughWhat can you expectJesus Always correctsSomething to ponder when you are tempted to wanderHebrews 12:6 accept Jesus's disciplineJesus will use people and situations to make you how he wants you to beHow much better would we be of we accepted correctionDon't let the floor or rock bottom be your only teacherUse the result of your correction to help othersThe thing you are hiding could be the thing that set someone freeJesus always protectsEverything you do and everywhere you go Jesus will always protectDream bigger and wonder further because Jesus is there for youProtected us from things we don't even know aboutWhat if we lived like we knew that Jesus was for usCraig Groeschel - more of Jesus through youEphesians 3:20 - God who can do more than we can imagineGod wants do do more for us and more through us than we can ever imagineThere is more in you than you realiseYou have NO IDEA of how much Jesus can do in youIncreasing you leadership capacityBuild your confidenceWhen you are hitting your lidTalking yourself downEncourage yourself in the LordI can do all things who Christ who strengthens mePreach to yourselfToo often we trust in ourselves and not in GodTake one step forward - stepping out of who I am into faithStep into God's callingExpand your connectionsShow me when you are listening to and I will show you who you are becomingYou might be one relationship from changing the course of your destinySometimes our perspective is limitedFind someone four or five steps ahead of youlearn how they thinkLearn how they work through peopleLearn what they do not doThe best leaders do less and empower other peopleImprove your competenciesSpecific area that you need to improve onCommunication skillsBecome better listenersReceiving feedbackGiving feedbackWork ethicHiring peopleFiring peopleRunning meetingsEfficienciesInitiate rather than responding to thingsStrengthen your characterWho you are when no one is lookingTalent can get you to the top but only character will keep you thereCheck for spiritual leaksTime with God is sporadicPrayer time is inconsistentLying to yourselfUnconfessed sinYou are only as strong as your honestyIncrease your commitmentWorld of Difference between I want to change and I will changeEasier to talk about something that to do itYour greatest dreams are tiny in comparison to God's plans for youIf we don't let God increase our capacity then we are the barrier to growthBrian Houston- seven decisions with generational impactPsalm 78 - teach the childrenNever underestimate the decisions we make in lifeSmall decisions with big consequences are big decisions in disguiseWhoWho you marry and deciding to stay marriedSpiritual passion is vitalGoals and your dreams line upPriories are critical - sharedSomeone with passion and energySomeone who knows how to have funStaying married is a decisionAre you wineing and dining fantasy or killing them by starvationBitterness is like drinking posiondangerousting the other person to dieYou have Complete control over a thought but a stronghold has control over youThoughts - imagination - argumentsDon't just apologise - changeLook for someone who is more spiritual than youLive in the season that you are inSometimes seasons can be difficultEmbrace them not fighting themLove is proactive - not just latentLove is a verb not a nounWhere we liveCareer, family, comfort? Should be about callingWhat if Mum isn't where your calling isCalling over comfortWhat you doBest thing you could be doing is what God calls you to doGood test - are you good at it?Don't do what you were not called to doWhenTiming is crucialRight people, right place at right timeHoly Spirit is our guide for timingBible talks about the process of timeDon't be in a hurry - let God set the paceWithWho your friends are and who you do life withDon't underestimate the importance of your relationships and friendshipsSurround yourself with healthy conversations2nd thessalonians - withdraw from every brother who walks disorderlyDo not grow weary in going goodKeep with people who are instep with GodIt can be dangerous to be everybody's friendA friend to the world is a bad friendNeed tough love at timesWhy do you do what you doSometimes we do the right things for the wrong reasonsDo it because you are passionate and God called youKeep it about God and peopleWhat do you really want in lifeEg Solomon asked for wisdom and got all thingsBitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to dieLive for Jesus and rather than you chasing blessing, blessing will chase youRobert Madu - On their markHebrews 13 1-4Run the race that God has set before us by keeping our eyes on JesusWho are you racing rather than running the race that God has given youComparing yourself to others rather than focusing on youComparison is the enemy of destinyDestroy your peace2nd corinthians 10:12 - comparison is not wiseClouds the clarity of God's call on your lifeGod's call is unique to you - No one else can do itDifference between a career and a callingYou already have the ability to fulfill his callEverything is already in youYou are a masterpieceChallenge is to run our race and stay on himTwo destiny's in our livesUniversal - to be a believer of GodYours - to be unlike anyone who God had ever createdForms the two lines of our lane where we are runningSaul is a case study in the downward spiral that starts in comparisonOur awareness drives our discontentmentLead - tests to find leadersthe local church is the hope of the world... The future of it depends on its leadersMore to a church than just preaching - needs leadershipLuke 5 - fishing in the deep waters after fruitless nightJesus doesn't ask Peter for permission to enter the boat. Jesus enters it and asks Peter to rowPeters response is to immediately help and therefore passes the bias towards action testWho deserves the credit testRecognise that God gets the credit for the results of churchCredit hogging does nothing to help team dynamicsMany leaders have come to ruin because of prideGod has brought you to where you are todayBeware of counting - its not about the numbers but what God is doingThe vision testThink a grander thought and think how much more amazing that will beCompare the value of a dollar to a human destinyWhile feeling the thrill of one achievement think of something bigger and how that would feelGod's only concern and treasure are peopleTherefore our vision needs to be bringing people to ChristThe will you leave it testThere is a price to pay for the greater vision. The grander the vision the higher the priceIs the vision grand enough for you to leave some things behind to follow the visionIf you grab it clearly enough and you see it clearly enough then weigh up the costs and then decideNeed to accept where people are - some people only want to stay with the smaller vision. They count the cost and don't want to pay the priceJesus left the glory of Heaven for the grander vision of worldwide redemptionPanel responseNeed to get better at selling the visionRealise the power of the local churchYou need to be an attractive leader to attract leadersThere is a misconception on the topic of submission within church. It's about going in the same direction not dictatorshipNeed to be constantly looking for leaders within your teamGod gives us the eyes to seeThe answer for every need that your church has right now is already within your church bodySometimes we are afraid of being truthful of what the cost is from the beginningGod is more intent full about building what you are trying to build that you are. God is on your sideCan you follow test?Can people take direction and follow your leadRemove the my way or the highway peopleWilling to submit to God's willAction orientated peoplePeople with a can do spiritRobert Madu - I got more than what I came forMark 2 1-12 - paralysed man lowered through the roofWhen you come to Jesus you get more than what you came forThe Bible is the only book that is still aliveThere is a world of difference between knowing church and knowing JesusMost people want Jesus but only on their termsWe need a God who is bigger than we are and will contradict usPeople came from everywhere just because Jesus sat down to restPeople know that if they get into his presence something supernatural will happenWaiting to see what he was going to do. Should have been waiting to hear what he would sayThe only thing that can change our soul is the word of JesusYour identity is not your issue (or your label)What is the issue that you are carrying? We act as if we don't have issuesJesus will always exceed your expectations of the situation"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/8YZHL0aJ_Matematik-Asas.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Matematik AsasSistem NomborSistem Nombor NyataSubset-subset Nombor NyataGaris NomborNilai mutlakTakrifJarak Antara Dua TitikOperasi AsasSongsanganSifat IdentitiSifat TaburanSifat SongsanganSifat Nombor NyataSifat TutupanKetaksamaanSelangNombor KompleksNombor Khayalan dan Nombor KompleksOperasi Aljabar Nombor KompleksKesamaan Dua Nombor KompleksGambarajah ArgandTeorem De MoivreSetUnsur SetSet Terhingga dan TerbilangkanGambar Rajah VennBilangan UnsurSet KosongSet SamaSet SemestaSet Semesta dengan Set dan Gambar Rajah VennSubsetSubset Bagi Suatu SetPerbezaan Simbol Subset dan Bilangan UnsurOperasi ke Atas SetSet PelengkapPersilanganPersilangan Diwakili Gambar Rajah VennPersilangan Tiga SetPelengkap Persilangan Dua SetKesatuan SetKesatuan Diwakil dengan Gambar Rajah VennSubset Kepada Kesatuan SetKesatuan Tiga SetBeza Antara Dua SetPelengkap Kesatuan SetGabungan Operasi ke Atas SetHukum-hukum Aljabar Operasi SetTeorem SetHasil Darab CartesianIndeks, Logaritma, SurdIndeks Integer PositifIndeks Sifar dan Indeks NegatifIndeks PecahanTeorem IndeksPersamaan IndeksTeorem LogaritmaOperasi LogaritmaLogaritma Biasa dan AsliPertukaran Asas LogaritmaPersamaan LogaritmaPersamaan Logaritma dan IndeksSurdOperasi RadikalPersamaan SurdGeometri KoordinatSistem Koordinat CartesianJarak Antara Dua TitikKoordinat Titik TengahTitik Pembahagian dengan NisbahKecerunan GarisPersamaan Garis LurusJarak SerenjangJarak Antara Dua Garis Lurus SelariPersilangan Garis LurusPembahagian Dua Sama Sudut Antara Dua GarisLuas Segitiga dan SegiempatTrigonometriPenukaran Darjah ke RadianPanjang Lengkok dan Luas Sektor BulatanNisbah Trigonometri bagi Sudut TirusFormula SegitigaPetua Sinus dan KosinusNisbah Trigonometri bagi Sudut-sudut KhasNisbah Trigonometri Untuk Sudut AmSudut Sepadan/RujukanSudut Positif dan Sudut NegatifRumus Sudut TirusNisbah Trigonometri bagi Sebarang Sudut NegatifPenyelesaian Persamaan TrigonometriIdentiti TrigonometriVektorPerwakilan VektorMagnitud VektorVektor UnitKesamaan VektorVektor SifarVektor NegatifPendaraban Skalar k dengan Vektor vVektor SelariPenambahan VektorPenolakan VektorPerwakilan Vektor dalam Satah dengan Bentuk KomponenVektor Antara Dua TitikPendaraban Titik Vektor (Dot Product)Sudut Antara Dua VektorHukum-hukum Hasil Darab TitikSudut ArahHasil Darab Vektor (Cross Product)Hukum-hukum Hasil Darab Vektor"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/4d0ad27f-4e1c-42b7-8a4b-eae63e797148.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "VENOM (UK)Chronology1979Band formed in Newcastle upon TyneGUILLOTINE (Band)Band-MembersClive Archeraka Jesus ChristTony Brayaka AbaddonJeff Dunnaka MantasConrad Thomas LantDWARF STAR (Band)aka Mr Cronos1980April 1980Venom records a 4-track demo1981First record a single\"In League with Satan\"/\"Live Like an Angel\"NEAT recordsDiscography1981VENOM - Welcome to Hell1982VENOM - Black Metal1984VENOM - At War with Satan1985VENOM - PossessedVENOM - Official Bootleg (Live)1986VENOM - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Live)Year: 1986 NetherlandsLabel, Catalognr: Roadrunner Records – RR 9639, Neat Records – RR 9639Music Genre: Black Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash Metal, NWOBHMProduction information:Producers:Cronosreal name: Conrad Thomas Lant1979-1989Venom1991-presentVenomKeith NicholVenomRecording informationMobile production:The Nomo Bile Co.Mobile Engineers:Dicky SwitchJack PlugAlbum packagingUpdate photographer and artwork sheets as wellAll photos byFin CostelloPete CroninTony MottranAbaddonAlbum cover concept:AbaddonArtwork:AbaddonTony GrayChatsworth, NewcastleMusiciansCronos – bass, vocalsreal name: Conrad Thomas LantMantas – guitarAbaddon – drumsEstimated valueAuthor: Jim GeutherPersonal Projects1987VENOM - Calm Before the Storm1989VENOM - Prime EvilInfluencers ofMetallicaSEPULTURAGUILLOTINE (Band)Band formed in Newcastle upon TyneBand-MembersJeffrey Dunn (Guitars)1979-1985VENOM1986-1989MANTAS1989-2002VENOMDave Rutherford (Guitars)Dean Heward (Bass)Dave Blackman (Vocals)Chris Mercater (Drums)Paul Burke (Drums)Band-MembersJeffrey Dunn (Guitars)Dave Rutherford (Guitars)Dean Heward (Bass)Clive Archer (Vocals)OBERON (Band) (Clive moves from Oberon to GUILLOTINE)Anthony Bray(Drums)Band-MembersJeffrey Dunn (Guitars)Dave Rutherford (Guitars)Alan Winston (Bass)Clive Archer (Vocals)Anthony Bray(Drums)See thisPaul Burke (Drums)Chris Mercater (Drums)OBERON (Band)Clive Archer (Vocals) (Clive moves from Oberon to GUILLOTINE)DWARF STAR (Band)Conrad Thomas Lant"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/fXg8htye_Educational-Technology-Leadership-Mind-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Educational Technology Leadership Mind MapSwitchDirect the RiderMotivate the ElephantShape the PathShrink the ChangeFind the FeelingGrow Your PeopleLeadership Theory - (Horner 1997)PastPresentFuturePast Leadership Contingency TheoriesLeaders were thought to be born, rather than madeAbsence of environmental influencesStudies conducted to identify behaviors that distinguish leaders from followersTwo factor models:\"Concern for people\"\"Concern for output\"Emergence of situational favourability-situational ease of influencing othersPath-Goal Theory:Leaders' abilities to help followers reach their goalsVertical Dyad Linkage Theory:In-groupOut-groupPresent: Leadership and Organizational CultureCulture ManagemnetEmployees' desire for more empowerment and autonomyIncreasing impetus on motivating othersEmergence of hierarchies of needsExpectancy TheoryMotivated by probabilitiesEquity TheoryMotivated by balanceGoal SettingIntentions drive goalsReinforcementMotivated by the consequencesTransactional v. Transformational LeadershipBig Five Personality ModelIntellectEmotional StabilityConscientiousnessAgreeablenessSurgencyFuture Calls for Change in Existing Leadership ModelsFutureInnovationCreativityCustomizationDecline of industrial ageInformation ageInformation technologyCollaborationCustomizationLeadership= processCollective enterpriseConstructivismParticipatory environmentsLeadership teams21st Century LeadershipTraditional lines become blurred between leaders and followersRoles of leaders and followers become interchangableSeven Habits of Highly Effective People Steven CoveyCharacter EthicCourageIntegrityHonestyPatiencePerseverancePrinciplesDon Tapscott's Books on Leadership and TechnologyPeter Senge\"Flattening\" the learning organizationLeadership systems more objective and dispassionate over emotional decision- making at the topOrganizations learning together- a rising tide lifts all the shipsGenerative learning= leadership; Adaptive learning= survival modeAct upon a system, not emotion\"Vision is vocation\" Make thinking visual and visible\"To the Greeks dia-logos meant a free-flowing if meaning through a group, allowing the group to discover insights not attainable individually\" (Senge 1990)Communication StrategiesGoal setting, vision plansManagement by ObjectivesLeadership accountabilityProfessional Growth PlansDon Hall (2008)Leadership PlanningDelegation StrategiesFinding bright spotsMind mapping strategiesFinding common groundRally herd, shrink change, find the feelingInterest-Based NegotiationsPolitical implications?Affected stakeholdersLeader's level of experience/tenure in the organization?Developmental Stages of TeamsFormingStormingNormingPerformingTuckerman (1965)\"Grow or Perish\"\"The team knows how to leverage the strengths of individual members and compensate for the members' weaknesses\"“the most appropriate leader is one who can lead others to lead themselves” (Mans and Sims, 1991)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/gbo04XPp_Stock-Analysis-Value-Investing.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Stock Analysis - Value InvestingCompany information.............Recent NewsBusiness ReviewProducts/ Services........................CompetitionCompetitionCompetitorsMarket ShareBarriers to EntryUnique AgreementsUniquenessBrand IdentityPopular Brands Owned1.2.Brand Building InitiativesProduct Differentiation ParametersTechnologyTechnological InnovativenessR&D SpendTotal:% of RevenueCapital RequirementRecent investmentsPlanned InvestmentsCapital Turnover RatioFinancialsRevenueXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXEBITXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXInterestXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXProfit Before TaxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXProfit After TaxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXEPSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXNetworthXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDebtXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFixed AssetsXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXInvestmentsXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXNet Current AssetsXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCash BalanceXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDecision CriteriaFinancialsAvg GrowthRevenueEBITEPSPrice EarningsHistorical AverageCurrentPrice to BookNet Profit MarginNet profit to SalesORNet Profit to Capital EmployedCapital Employed to RevenueDebt EquityCashCash Value per ShareAvg. Cash from OperationsQuality Of ManagementManagementBusiness StrategyOrganic GrowthInorganic GrowthDividend PolicyBusinessSustainabilityCompetitionCompetitionUniquenessUnique AgreementsBUY/ SELL/ WATCHDecision CriteriaHighlight Green for Positive Or Red for NegativesManagementQuality Of ManagementChairmanName:Experience:In companyPriorShares Held:Shares PledgedCEO/ MDName:Experience:In companyPriorShares Held:Shares PledgedDirector 1Name:Experience:In companyPriorShares Held:Shares PledgedDirector 2Name:Experience:In companyPriorShares Held:Shares Pledged"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/3600adf1-b3ab-45cc-beeb-5e84e718ab44.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "RequestsRequest F01come with accounts ( and a list of accounts w or w/o gtp shall be updated quarterly) Field to be created by partner.To automate from accountContracts/AccountsSales ContractAccomplishmentsModifyTestingApprovedAction 1Action 1aAction 1bAction 2Action 3TBAPick ListTRN TypeRequest F02Sales Contract/InvoicesTrade/OpsTo automate from accountto add an IEC No in buyers account, and shall be pulled to contract then invoice from the account since it's NEVER changed. Sales Contract - use formula field and workflow to populate existing IEC No. (https://ap4.salesforce.com/01Q6F000000VVsF) For Invoice use formula field straight through Sales Contract to Account. Added to Invoice but not sure which page layouts to use.AccomplishmentsModifyTestingApprovedTBAAction 1Action 1aAction 1bAction 2Action 3TextIEC CodeRequest F03Bank RequestMaheshTo automate from AGPrelated commodity, shipment from, shipment to https://ap4.salesforce.com/00O6F000009BWiS report shows formula vs what has been entered in existing Bank Request Workflows currently inactive: https://ap4.salesforce.com/01Q6F000000VVs0 (Commodity), https://ap4.salesforce.com/01Q6F000000VVs5 (Shipment From), https://ap4.salesforce.com/01Q6F000000VVsA (Shipment To) Also must make Commodity not required on Bank Request page layouts to allow workflow to default a value in during save.AccomplishmentsModifyTestingApprovedTBAAction 1Action 1aAction 1bAction 2Action 3MultipleRequest F04To automate from AGSBank RequestMaheshrelated vessel and commodity Name - not possible with formula as you have to go through Related Invoice to Invoice to Sale Contract and there could be many SC for a Bank RequestMultipleRequest F05Sales ContractTrade/OpsTo reviseqty shipped now is a manual field, and invoice is not in master-relation with SC, so can't roll up qty from invoice yet, to be coded to tallyAccomplishmentsModifyTestingApprovedTBAAction 1Action 1aAction 1bAction 2Action 3Formula (Number)Quantity ShippedRequest F06Sales ContractTrade/Ops/AccountsTo revise formulaby achieving above, then the formula can be accurate as \"AccomplishmentsModifyTestingApprovedTBAAction 1Action 1aAction 1bAction 2Action 3Formula (Number)Qty to be shippedRequest F07Sales/Purchase ContractTrade/ContractTo streamline cancel/washout processcurrently cancel contract button exist, with reasons required.AccomplishmentsModifyTestingApprovedTBAAction 1Action 1aAction 1bAction 2Action 3Cancel ContractsButtonRequest F08Sales ContractJitendra/ShantaNewAccomplishmentsModifyTestingApprovedTBAAction 1Action 1aAction 1bAction 2Action 3Cancel/Washout RemarksTextsupplier/buyer doesn't perform ; counter contrat is issued (need to be linked, and value differnces result in DN/CN)Request F09Sales ContractTrade/AccountsNewAccomplishmentsModifyTestingApprovedTBAAction 1Action 1aAction 1bAction 2Action 3manual input (should read from advance transfer payment term once it's properly broken down)Sales Advance %%"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/DrEnfJJ1_Kleine-Geschichte-des-Kapitalismus-2-.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Kleine Geschichte des Kapitalismus (2)KonfessionskriegeHugenottenkriege1562 bis 1598Dreißigjähriger Krieg1618 bis 1648HerrschendenAngst vor MachtverlustZieleFreiheit des IndividuumGleichstellung aller KonfessionenReligionsfreiheithoher BlutzollGrundlage für pluralistische westliche Kultur20. Jahrhundertgesellschaftliche Umwälzungenpolitische Vernunfteuropäische BourgeoisieRegierungenerzwungenerzwungene Anerkennung der Arbeiterbewegungerzwungene Anerkennung der ArbeiterbewegungerzwungenKommunismus als reelle Bedrohungwiderwillige ZugeständnisseVerbesserungen für Arbeitnehmer und Invalidensozialen und ökonomischen RechteVerbesserungen für Arbeitnehmer und Invalidenwiderwillige Zugeständnissebessere Arbeitsplatzbedingungengerechtere BezahlungVersicherungenZerschlagung der Versicherungssysteme (mühsam erkämpft)staatlich organisiertsolidarischneue FormenRentenversicherungKrankenversicherungArbeitslosenversicherungUnfallversicherungPflegeversicherungStaat kann in die Wirtschaft eingreifenMarktwirtschaft„Goldene Zeitalter“Erfolgsgeschichte fehlt bislangbreiter Wohlstandso gut wie nie zuvorneoliberale ökonomische Theorieökonomischer \"Mainstream\"Erfolgsgeschichte fehlt bislang„Goldene Zeitalter“raffinierte Ideologiedient der ökonomischen Elitedient egoistischen Interessen1945 bis 1975nach der großen Depressionnach dem Zweiten WeltkriegReiche und Kapitalbesitzerkein „goldenes“ ZeitalterProfitquote geschrumpfthöhere LöhneKosten für VersicherungssystemeMachtverlustökonomischpolitischBevölkerunggut abgesichertmateriellsozialrechtlichordentlich versorgtkeynesianische Wohlfahrtsstaatsgesellschaft\"klassenlose\" GesellschaftZusammenbruch des „real existierenden Sozialismus“\"Bourgeoisklasse\"Machtzuwachs der KonzerneBanken und die BörsenAufhebung früherer Reformen zur Finanzmarktregulierungkeine gesellschaftliche Kontrollekeine privaten VerantwortungInteressen der Reichsten und des GroßkapitalsStaat (wirken auf)finanzielle AbhängigkeitenParlamentarier als \"Volksvertreter\"indirekt (Finanzierung)WahlenStaatInteressen der Reichsten und des Großkapitals (wirken auf)Versagen der ParlamenteParlamentarier als \"Volksvertreter\"finanzielle Abhängigkeiteneigene Kariereeigene Interessendienen dem Volk (Widerspruch zu)politischer KorruptionDemokratiendienen dem Volkeigene Interessen (Widerspruch zu)\"Reformen\"NeusprechSchleifung des SozialstaatesRücknahme von SozialgesetzenAufhebung früherer Reformen zur FinanzmarktregulierungBanken und die Börsenfehlende RegulierungZerschlagung der VersicherungssystemeVersicherungen (mühsam erkämpft)Scheinargumentezu teuerschlechte Funktionsweisenicht effizienteingeschleuste SchmarotzerPrivatisierungGeld an die BörsePlünderung der Bürgerprofitabelste Investitionensatte Renditen„das Geld für sich arbeiten lassen\"Gegenbewegungin Europa\"Die Empörten\"Plünderung der BürgerGeld an die Börsegespartes GeldVolk im Besitz der Wertpapiereteilweise in seriöse UnternehmenErzeugung von realen Werten (Gütern)ScheininvestorenBeraterAnalystenQuasimanagerBruchteil an Investitionen zurück in die reale WirtschaftWertpapiereVolk im Besitz der Wertpapieregespartes Geldin der Realwirtschaft kaum etwas wertimaginärer Wert hochgetriebenRatingagenturenRatingagenturenimaginärer Wert hochgetriebenWerbeagenturen (Marketingabteilungen) der BankenSpekulantenUmstrukturierungReorganisationSanierungfehlgeschlagene Gegenmaßnahmenmangelhaften Gesetzeslagefehlende RegulierungAufhebung früherer Reformen zur FinanzmarktregulierungRettungspaketefür Banken und BörsenPrivatisierung der GewinneSozialisierung der VerlusteLaufzeitverlängerungen für Krediteeuropäischen SteuerzahlerMindMap erstellt von Stephan SchielkeOriginaltext von Paul SimekQuelle: le-bohemien.net18.07.2011"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/c935fb16-309d-42b0-a0d8-847f0bd4e987.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Daily AgendaPrimary TasksProjectsTicket 8697 - Office 2016 DeploymentConverted to MSI to append Silent SwitchesTesting in LabTesting against Office 2013/365 ClientsTesting against No Office ClientsTesting for Visibility, Runtime, and Variables that cause failureTesting in Lab was Successful using Deployment ToolkitA little more testing to make sure it's not downloading office remotelyDeployment seems to take about 20 minutes or so.TicketsTicket 9386 - Build VM for CanadaSystem is waiting for user testing.Ticket 9289 - Stand Up 2 servers for AcquisitionsChecklist CompletedWaiting for System Roles Installation (DLO, etc)Waiting for final checks from EmanSecondary TasksProjectsTicketsMiscellaneous TicketsTicket 9267 - Bomgar Removing BackgroundTasks On Hold / MonitoringTicket 9332 - Updates Not Respecting Maintenance WindowPending Ticket - Migrate Pacific to SCCM 2012Waiting for Pacific to Publish Client InstallEvaluating Aftermath of ESX Host Outage on FridayDiagnostic Data failed to download on two ESX nodes with a timeout error.Retrying downloadTicket 8700 - MS AuditProvided a Raw Data of Office Products to TicketMonitoring TicketTicket 6060 - GPO to Force Outlook Add-ins to LoadStumbled across the potential solution for this.Monitoring for effectiveness.Ticket 9233 - GPO Not Rename Local Admin (Not in queue for today)GPO createdLocation of Former Rename GPO?Pending Closed TicketsTicket 9412 - Upgrade Office 365 2013 to 2016Pacific wants to upgrade a few systems to match their installed Visio versionTook this instance of contact to reach out about SCCM upgrade (See above)Ticket 9401 - Investigate SCCM Outage on 4/21Outage was resolved ~1 Hour after notificationPotential Conflict with old SCCM server?Ticket 9348 - Screen Saver RemovedSaw Eman resolved this. Thank you.Was in queue for today, moved to Closed PendingTicket 9038 - Specops Email Notification Sample Sent to DP ManagersSample e-mail was sent to DP managers and to ChrisCopy was uploaded into TicketTicket 9214 - Windows 10 GPO SettingsGPO settings were created and applied to 07's Win10 Test OUTicket 8924 - SEPM check as it appears [...]Policy is now updating servers appropriatelyMorning Checklist confirms without manual interactionsTicket Tracker9214 - MS - Windows 10 GPO settings9233 - MS - Windows 10 and GPO to rename admin account not working9038 - BNA - Specops email notification samp to be sent to DP...9395 - Simplivity Implementation8697 - BNA - Office 2016 Upgrade9289 - BNA - Stand up 2 new servers for newly acquired companies9334 - NE - Wireless Connection9267 - MS - Bomgar and Windows 109386 - CA - Create a Virtual Machine to connect to G...9332 - BNA - Updates Note Respecting Maintenance WindowsWeekly GoalsFinalize Office 2016 Deployment PackageTest on LabIron out kinksTest on live test (volunteers)Finish SpecOpsE-mail was sent to DP ManagersSpecOps Client Deployed week of 4/25SpecOps Deployment Date?Finalize Acquisition ServersAssist Leroy with his itemsHave Eman review servers.Identify what network changes need to happen before shipmentFinish Canada's VM Hop MachineTesting Phases Week of 4/25Monitor for issuesPrepare for SimplivityGet a list of tasks from Eman before Annual Training starting 5/7Set Priority on Simplivity Tasks vs Other TasksSummary for EmanNeed Prep Tasks for Simplivity by 5/2Need a Confirmed Rollout Date for SpecOpsOffice Deployment WorksMay need to be alteredMay download from off-site location (high network traffic)Need volunteers for testing the next phaseAcquisition ServersEman to review them prior to shipmentConfirm final stepsRE-IP machines?Local Admin name / PW?VM MachineWaiting on User TestingShould be good to go if the 11 network can reach what's expectedPre-emptive troubleshooting if it doesn't workCan 11 network reach it?Compare working with not workingInvolve networking where necessary"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/VLnlHl1c_Book-Summary-by-Johan-DHaeseleer-for-http-litemind-com.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Book Summary by Johan DHaeseleer for http://litemind.comAboutbookMade To Stick : Why Some Ideas Survive and Others DieChip and Dan Heath2007291 pagesBuy it on Amazon.comReviewratingContentDelivery Style(1 = worst / 5 = best)the goodgreat stories and examplespractice what it preachesan approachmind mapJohan DHaeseleerA Spoonful of SparklesMap LegendexampleParadigm shiftNot included in the bookDefinition2009Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0imagesCrystal ClearEveraldo CoelhoSxc0. Introduction What Sticks?stickywhy make ideas stick?not every idea is stick worthyalternativerepeat, repeatif you need to repeat it 10 times, it was not well designedit also about the design of the messageWhat Led to MTSDanpublishing companyThinkwellChipwhy false ideas can replace true onesProfessor StanfordUnderstandable, memorable and effective in changing thought and behaviorSuccessSimplemaster of exclusionprioritizesimple and profoundUnexpectedviolate people expectationscounterintuitivesurprisegenerate interestgenerate curiosityopening gapsopening gapsgenerate curiosityConcreteterms of sensory informationproverbabstract truthsencoded in concrete languageCredibleAuthoritycarry their own credentialstry before you buyEmotionalCarefeel somethingwired for peoplenot abstractions?the right emotion to harnessStoryact on ideasmentally rehearsing= mental flight simulatorchecklist for successful ideasThe Villain Curse of Knowledgewe know too muchexpert in our domainCreativity starts with templatessix templatesPictorial AnalogyExtreme ConsequenceExtreme situationsCompetitionInteractive ExperimentsDimensionality Alterationusing these templates makes ads more successfulTapperElizabeth NewtonPhD psychologyStanfordlistenerdifficult jobhearing the song in the headtransform your ideasno foolproof recipefocused effort make almost any idea stickierexamplesKidney Heistsuccessful urban legendsunderstandablerememberretell it latercore 3 elementsdrugged drinkthe ice-filled bathtubkidney-theft punch lineMovie popcornHalloween Candyit's your family you should worry aboutChapter 1: SimpleCommander's IntentNo plan survives contact with the enemydesired end-state of the operationfinding the corecritical essenceweed outsuperfluoustangentialweed out the NOT most important ideathe most important insight signpracticedstep 1 find the coreStep 2 translate the core using the SUCCES checklistThe inverted pyramidBurying the leadmetaphorForced prioritizationpainfulDecision paralysisparalysis byuncertaintyeven irrelevant uncertaintychoicethe paradox of choiceBarry SchwartzSimple = core + compactbandwidth issuecompactness alone isn't enoughsound bite with deep meaningProverbsAesop's fablesguidingindividual decisionsenvironments with shared standardsDef by Servantesshort sentencescompactdrawn from long experiencecoreThe Palm Pilot Wood Blockfeature creepfeatured to deathUsing what's thereJ FKFB INAT OUP SNA SAI RSJFK FBI NATO UPS NASA IRSwhat is easiest to remember?The Pomelo schemahow does complexity emerge from simplicityschemaderives power from schemasDEFcollection of generic propertiesconceptcategoryconsistslots prerecorded informationstored in our memoryhelp to create complex material from materialsaccessibility firstthen accuracyGenerative analogiesmetaphorgeneratesnew perceptionnew explanationsnew inventionsDisneycast membersauditionare on stageguestscostumesSubwaysandwich artistbad metaphorDonald SchonExamplesThe Low-fare airlineHerb KelleherFocus on reducing costshow to act in unscripted situationsfull of easy wordsabout elegance and prioritizationnot about dumbing downIt's the economy, stupidIf you say 3 things you say nothingBill ClintonNames, names, nameslocal newspaperlocal coveragesharing the coreextreme about itwilling to be boring for local focusforced prioritizationlocal focus is more important than minimizing costsclear tangible languageHigh Conceptanalogiesderives power from schemasschemagreat way to avoid accuracyone sentences analogyjaws on a spaceshipHollywood version of proverbsChapter 2: UnexpectedSuccessful flight safety announcementhowbreak a patternhumans adapt quickly to consistent patternsour braindesignedto be aware of changesto get attentionsurpriseto keep the attentionInterestplanned unexpectednessbreak through the clutterGetting people's attentionviolates peoples schemasschemas are like guessing machinesschemas are like guessing machinesviolates peoples schemasemotionsurprise jolts our attentionThe surprise bowPaul EckmanUnmasking the facewe see moreunexpected ideaspay attentionmake us thinkGimmicky surprisesurprise non germane messageuse the surprise to reinforce the messageuse surprise in service of the messageBreaking the guessing machinesurprise is not enoughwe also need insightbreak the guessing machinethen fix itcommon senseenemy of sticky ideassearch for what is uncommon senseGap Theorycuriositywhen we feel a gap in our knowledgeWhat will happenWas I rightchallenge someone to predict an outcomePriming the gapconcept testingconceptual questionvote publiclythirst to fill a knowledge gapmore powerful than slidesEric MazurMovie Turning pointsTurning Pointcuriosityintellectual needto answer questionsclose open patternssituational interestwhat features of a situationsparkelevate interestExamplesThe Nordieoutstanding customer servicewho refunded tire chainsNordstrom doesn't tire chainsstories in line with Nordstroms valuesJournalism 101figuring out the pointrepairing a defective schemaSaturn's RingsMystery storypowerfulneed for closureAha after Huhwherever there are questions without obvious answersCialdiniNCAA footballthe more we know the more curious we becomemakes gossip popularLoewensteincase of NCAA football gamesno knowledgegive people contextso they start to careset the scenestart with something they knowtease and flirtmystery novelistgive us cluesPocketable Radiocase of Sony in 1950Man on the moonJFKa manbefore the end of the decadeto the moonbring safely backChapter 3: ConcreteConcrete is memorablesticky ideas stuffed full of concrete wordsIliad and the Odysseyconcrete details survivedabstractions evaporatedEric HavelockVelcro Theory of memorynature of memorydifferent mental activityno single filing cabinetDavid Rubinmultiplying the hooks in a particular ideaconcrete allows coordinationpleasingly concretemakes targets transparentdesign Boeing 727131 passengersfly nonstopMiamiNew Yorkland at runway 4-22 at La GuardiaExamplesSour grapesfable Aesopsticky because message was encodedconcrete imagesin businessBusiness buzzword generatorlanguage is often abstract but life isn'ttangible actions of human beingsLandscapes as eco-celebritiesmaking land areas concretetalking about landscapes instead acresteaching subtraction with less abstractionconcrete language helps novices understand new conceptsconcrete = examine something with your sensesSubtopichow do you teach a kid 5 minus 3take existing schemaadd new overlay of abstractiontell a novice cook to make a dish hearty consistencycomputing in contexthow do you teach a kid 5 minus 3Brown Eyes, Blue eyesmake prejudice tangiblebrutally concreteturned prejudice into an experienceEngineers vs manufacturersdifferencenoviceconcrete detail = detailexpertconcrete detail = symbols of patternsCurse of knowledgeengineersmade drawings more elaboratelike Americansspeak slowlyspeak louderin foreign countrylike Americansability to think abstractlydifferenceThe Ferraris go the Disney Worlduse concrete techniques to help create changecreated a 6000 Sq Feet exhibitFerraris = Familyat DisneyTo demonstrate HP engineering powerscreated a 6000 Sq Feet exhibitStone Yamashita PartnesThe leather computercreates a shared turfHamburger helperGeneral Millsfingertipspicture of brand's customersvisit the customertake a look what IDEO doesSaddleback Samconcreteness = most effectivedescribes the 'client' in detailwe slip easy into abstract speakfind a universal languageEngineers vs manufacturersit will be concreteChapter 4: CredibleFinding credibilitywhat make people believe ideas?obvious answersbecause our parents and friends believewe had experiences that led us to our beliefsbelieve because of our religious faithbecause we trust authoritiesfamily, personal experience, faithobvious answersflesh-eating bananasFDAManheim Research Institutecredibility boostersflesh-eating bananasthe human scale principlemake it tangible for human imaginationsometimes there will be a tradeoffexampledistanceaccuracyPowerful detailsinternal credibilityadd particular detailsknowledge credibilitymake it more reallend the idea credibilityauthority / anti-authorityauthoritiesexpertcredentialscelebritiesinspirational figuresanti authorityPam Laffin, SmokerThe Sinatra TestIf you can make it here you can make it anywhereNY, NYpowerful credentialNBA rookie campAIDShearing about someone who fooled someonebeing fooled yourselfClinicdealing with shark attack hysteriaMessage 1You're more likely to drown with a lifeguard than to be eaten by a sharkMessage 2Which animal is more likely to killsharkdeerillustrate the underlying relationship instead of the numbersour intuition is flawed/availability biasit's more powerful to experience the effect for yourselfExamplesNobel-winning scientistulcerRobin WarrenBarry Marshallhad poison himself to believedcreated by Bacteriaulceragainst conventional Wisdomthe sourcethe locationPam Laffin, Smokeranti authorityseries of anti smoking addsstarted smoking age of 10started smoking to look olderPam says : \" I'm sorry to say it works\"Jurors and the Darth Vader toothbrushvivid detailssupporting imaging detailsthe dancing seventy-three year oldLiz Lerman Dance Exchangeoldest member = 73only joined after retirementcore value : diversitystatistics : nuclear warheadsvivid detailbeyond warhouse partiescore beliefmake people believe that arms race is a problemdetermined what is unexpectedadded a sensory dimensionstatisticsrarely meaningful on its ownto illustrate a relationshipmore important tor remember the relationship than the numbertransporting BollywoodSafexpressassures customers of safe , on-time deliverypowerful credentialHarry Potter bookOwners brothers examsIndia's DHLEdible fabricunites three 'internal credibility sources'detailsstatisticsSinatra TestMc Dounogh /Braungart8000 chemicals7962 failed38 chemicalssafe enough to eatproduction onlineNothing in the waterinspectors thought equipment was brokenwater was cleaner out than ina Sinatra testManufacturer processwhere's the beefWendy's BurgerMore meat than competitorsit outsourced the credibility to the customersmade a falsifiable claimtestable credentialtestable credentialstestable credentialstestable credentialsee for yourselfAre you better of than 4 years agodetails have a big impactJurors and the Darth Vader toothbrushchoose details that symbolize and support our core ideashould be authenticChapter 5: EmotionalThe Mother Teresa principlewhen it comes to our hearts, one individual trumps the masses.thinking about statisticsshifts us in our more analytical frame of mindthe mere act of calculatingthe mere act of calculatingshifts us in our more analytical frame of mindput our analytical hatreact to emotional appeal differentlyto take action you have to carebelief is not enoughnot about pushing people's emotional button'semotions to inspiremovere = Latinmeans to moveroot of emotionsIf I look at the mass I will never act, If I look at one, I will.Semantic stretchassociating themselves with emotions that already therestand outwhen everyone paints with lime green, lime green stands no longer outdevaluation of imagesassociations get overusedassociation with something they already care aboutassociations get overuseddevaluation of imagesSchlocky but masterful mail-order adstry to get self interest into every headline you writespell out ' the benefit of the benefit'appealing to Self-InterestWIFFYWhat's in it for youkeep the self in self-interestAvoiding Maslow's basementself interest isn't the whole storyMaslow Pyramidlist of needhierarchywrongin the pyramid there are opportunities to motivate peopleClinicthe Need for AlgebraMs 1Ms 2Ms 3there is always an opportunity to move out Maslow's BasementThree strategiesusing/avoiding associationsappealing to self-interestappealing to identityCreating empathyIDEOI realizedpeople start to caretake off your analytical hatExamplesBeating smoking with the truthbody bags vs Think don't smokewhen you put on your analytical hat you don't feel anymoreReclaiming \"sportsmanship'John McEnroeseems likenot doing something badHonoring the gameDining in IraqPegasus chow hallserving foodor improving moraleThe popcorn popperpowerful motivation outsidenarrow self interestsometimes self-interesthelpsbackfiresgroup interestwhat's in it for my grouptwo basic decision modelscalculating consequencesstandard in economic classespeople areself interestedrationalbased on identitywho am IWhat kind of situation is thisWhat do people like me in this kind of situation.method to align peopleJames MarchDon't mess with Texasanti litter campaign in Texaslook out for preaching to the choirBubbaDon't mess with TexasDon't confuse the slogan with the ideaMake Bubba care about litterreal Texans don't litterWho cares about duo piano?why should I carewhy should I care...why should I carehelps us reminds of the core valuesthe core principles that underlie our ideasChapter 6: StoriesSpotting inspiring storieslook for good storiesstory templates that have proven to be effectiveAristotlesimple tragicSimple FortunateComplex TragicComplex Fortunateinspirational domainthree templatestemplatesthe challenge plotDavid vs Goliathvariationsunderdog storyrags-to-richestriumph of sheer willpowerinspire as to actthe connection plotgood Samaritandevelop a relationship that bridges a gapromance storiesinspire us in a social waythe creativity plotapple on Newton's headsomeone making a mental breakthroughthe MacGyver plotspringboard storytell people about possibilitiescombat skepticismcreate buy-inmobilize people to actproblem-solve for the main-characterand for our-selvesGary Kleinstories are toldlevel 1they contain wisdomgood teaching toolsillustrate causal relationshipmedical storythe day the heart monitor liedlevel 1stories are toldsimulationknowledgelevel 2inspirationmotivation to actstories as flight simulatorsmental practice alone produced 2/3 of the benefits of actual physical practicenew thingsoutcome visualizationsold thingsrelive the past experienceClinicdealing with problem studentsfight the temptation to skip the stories and go directly to the tipsExamplesthe day the heart monitor liedmedical storypneumopericardiumstick the heartshop talk at Xeroxswapping storiesHumanity 101things we have in commonJared, the 425 pound fast-food dieterstory about weight lossfirst article by previous roommatewho almost didn't recognize himreprise in Men's Healthcrazy diet that worksUSA Today, Oprah calledchecklistsimpleeat sub lose weightunexpectedlost weight eating fast foodviolate our schema of fast foodconcreteoversized pants, particular sandwichescrediblea guy who wore a 60 inch pants gives adviseemotionalan individualtaps in the profound areas of Maslow's theoryStoryprotagonist overcomes big odds to triumpha health worker in ZambiaStephen Denningknowledge management in the world banktold the Zambia storygot response of 2 key peopleDenning became a storytellerthe springboardwas spotted by a local subway man & ad companyJared, the 425 pound fast-food dieterEpilogue: What SticksMisquotations that stickedNice guys finish lastelementary, my dear Watsonthe power of spottingbarrier to idea-spottingprocess differentabstractionsanecdotesthere is a wall between the twoput the core - glasses ona spotter is greater than a creatormore ideas in the world than you can createspeakers and stickerscaptivating speakers do not better than othersvillainnatural tendency to bury the leadit get lost in a sea of informationstripping out is not instinctualthe curse of knowledge againanother is the decision paralysisdon't share datacurse of knowledgeThe communication FrameworkPay attentionUNEXPECTEDunderstand and remember itCONCRETEagree/believeCREDIBLEcareEMOTIONALbe able to act on itSTORYsticky problemsJFK vs Floyd Leeaudience has a vote in itMisquotations that stickedcan improve your ideaour idea prideQuestion to ask : is the audience's version still core"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/Xk3poEud_DSM-IV-TR-Personality-Disorders.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "DSM-IV-TR Personality DisordersOddParanoidGeneral SuspiciousnessExamplesAssumption Of ExploitLoyalty IssuesCannot ConfideHidden MeaningsPerceived InsultsDifferentialDelusional Disorder (Dd)\"Knows With Certainty\"Onset Sudden/Middle AgeVs Since ChildhoodPersecutory TypeSchizoidHappy LonerExamplesLack Desire Of IntimacyFew FriendsSolitary ActivitiesSocial IndifferenceEmotionlessNot A Big ProblemSchizotypalWeirdExamplesOdd SpeechOdd AppearanceNon-Bizarre Ideas Of ReferenceSgu Gazette Article --> Not Going To ClassParanormal Phenom PreoccupationPremorbid To SchizophreniaChaoticBorderlineUnstableExamplesAvoids AbandonmentUnstable Intense RelationshipsIdealizationDevaluationUnstable Self-ImageSelf-Damaging ImpulsivitySuicidal Gestures/Self MutilationUnstable MoodFeelings Of Emptiness, BoredomTransient Dissociative SymptomsGeneral FeaturesMore Common In WomenHistory Of AbuseOften Mdd, Related To Dissociative Identity DisorderHistrionicTheatricalExamplesCenter Of AttentionPhysical Appearance To Draw AttentionImpressionistic Speech/Lacks DetialExaggerated Emotional ExpressionAssumes Greater Intimacy Than ExistsNarcissisticExtreme ArrogranceExamplesGrandiose Sense Of Self-ImportancePreoccupied With SuccessNeeds AdmirationEntitlementExploitativeHaughtyDifferentialsDelusional DisorderGrandiose TypeUnfounded Belief Of TalentOlder Age Onset/AbruptVs Arrogant In NarcissisticBipolar I DisorderBpi Have More Symptoms Than GrandiosityEuphoriaLoss Of SleepAntisocialActions Against Society's NormsExamplesUnlawfulDeceitfulIrritable/AggressiveDisregard SafetyIrresponsibleLacks RemorseSociopathPsychopathMust Be At Least 18 W/ Symptoms Of Conduct Disorder Before Age 15General ProfileMenSuperficial Charm From Dysfunctional FamilyLow Socioeconomic HouseholdUnder Responsive Physiology To StressorsAnxiousAnxiety ComponentAvoidantInferiority ComplexExamplesAvoids Interpersonal Activities For Fear Of CriticismUnwilling To Start Relationship Unless Certain Of Being LikedRestraint/Inhibition In RelationshipNegative Self ImageTreatmentLike Social PhobicCognitive BehavioralSsri UsefulDifferentialsSocial PhobiaStronger Amount Of AnxietySchizoid Personality DisordersNo Desire For RelationshipAvoidants Do Have DesireDependentExtreme Reliance On AnotherExamplesIndecisiveOthers Must Take Responsibility For LifeDifficulty DisagreeingDifficulty Initiating Due To Low ConfidenceExcessive Lengths To Keep/Gain SupportNeed To Be In RelationshipTreatmentPeople Amenable To TreatmentPsychotherapyRelatively SuccessfulObsessive CompulsiveOverwhelmed WorkaholicExamplesPreoccupation With Details, Rules, ListsPerfectionism Interferes With Task CompletionExcessive Devotion To WorkOver Conscientious, ScrupulousRelectance To DelegateRigid StubbornTreatmentMay Seek TreatmentDifferentialNot The Same As OcdMore Similar To Type A BehaviorCompetitiveHard-DrivingTime UrgentPressuredImpatientIrritableHostileIncreased Risk Of Coronary Heart Disease"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/8ZC58jdo_Marketing.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "MarketingSearch EnergySEO1st Page RankingIncrease the quantity of referralsRedesign context of official websitePPCList the keywordsThe global vendors or local vendorsHow long should it takeBlogBlog listThe list of commonly related BolgOccasionally Related ArticlesSharing & ResponsesRelated BlogOccasionally Related ArticlesSharing & ResponsesThe list of commonly related BolgOther applicationSEO OptimizedProspects taken to social mediaAutomatic updates on Facebook & Google +Official webstieSEO OptimizedRedesign website's structureThe keywordsThe links of websiteRealm nameWebsite contextThe modules of sharing mind mapsBetter introduction of XMindThe changed priceSocial mediaFacebookSurveysContestsFacebook ads - Advertising - OptionalProspects taken to Marketing SystemLinked InMarketing strategies that get resultsProfessional PresenceE-mailDirect E-mailThe recipient listThe content of E-mailThe attachment of PDF documentConventional E-mailNewsletterCommercial E-mailTechnology SupportReferralsYoutubeVideo ReviewsVideos On YouTube - Your Own YouTube ChannelVideo Creation & MarketingIndustry websiteProfessional industry website listThe reviews of the productPinterestPin Product Pictures and Key InformationProspects taken to marketing systemWikipediaAdd the information at the beginningCheck and update the information timely"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/XWL62sGY_Information-Security-Frameworks.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Information Security FrameworksTermsFrameworkA structured description of a topic of interest, including a detailed statement of the problem(s) to be solved and the goal(s) to be achieved.Security ControlsCountermeasures to avoid, detect, counteract, or minimize security risksWhy?Reasons to useRegulatory compliancePublic safetyDifferentiationProtecting sensitive dataReputationBenefitsSecurity effectiveness baselineComplianceImproved and demonstrable maturityCommon languageMeasurement and BenchmarkingSystemic and holistic approachTopSecurity effectiveness baselineComplianceImproved and demonstrable maturityTop ChallengesLack of budgetTrained staffAutomation toolsLack of integration between toolsRegulationsHIPPASOXFISMAGLBAPCI DSSGDPR / CCPA...Types1. Control FrameworksExamplesNIST 800-53CIS ControlsISO 27002Use toIdentify baseline set of controlsAssess state of technical capabilitiesPrioritise implementation of controlsDevelop an initial roadmap for the security team2. Program FrameworksExamplesISO 27001NIST CSFUse toAssess state of the overal security programBuild a comprehensive security programMeasure maturity and conduct industry comparisonsSimplify communication with business leaders3. Risk FrameworksExamplesNIST 8000-39, 800-37, 800-30ISO 27005FAIRUse toDefine key process steps for assessing and managing riskStructure risk management programIdentify, measure, and quantity riskPrioritise security activitiesYour framework mustBe appropriate to the level of security risk in your information environmentBe consistent with your business needs and legal obligationsIntegrate with any other frameworks governing your organisation’s security.Implementation1. Setting the objectives2. Choosing a framework3. Building a team4. Education and awareness5. Gap-assessment6. Planning6. ImplementationTypes of IS Controls7. Assessment / Audit / Measurements!!!Evidence8. Certification (if applicable)Types of IS Controls6. ImplementationManagerialTechnicalPhysicalCompensativeCorrectiveDetectiveDeterentPreventiveIdentifyProtectDetectRespondRecoveryExamplesISO 27001 / 27002 / 27701CIS Critical Security ControlsNIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)NIST 800-53PCI DSSPayment cardsThe ISF Standard of Good Practice for Information SecurityCOBITCyber Assessment Framework (CAF) by NCSCNational Capabilities Assessment Framework (NCAF) by ENISAAustralian Government Information Security Manual (ISM)New Zealand Information Security Manual (NZISM)Shared Assessments Standardized Information Gathering (SIG)Main featuresContentPracticesPoliciesProcessesReport toLeadershipAuditorsEssentialsRepeatableReusable"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/IHopRCSb_Course-Development-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Course Development TemplateRationale and AimsRationaleSubtopic 1Subtopic 2Subtopic 3AimsCourse OutcomesKnowledge and UnderstandingSubtopic 1Subtopic 2Subtopic 3Cogniive SKillsSubtopic 1Subtopic 2Subtopic 3Practical/Professional SkillsSubtopic 1Subtopic 2Subtopic 3Transferrable SkillsSubtopic 1Subtopic 2Subtopic 3AssessmentsCourseworkDiscussionsProjectsLearning ProgramWeekly ProgramWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Course Outline AttachmentLearning MaterialsCore TextsSupplementary TextsWebsitesBlackboard/Collaborate PlanWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Lecture SlidesWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Seminar SlidesCase StudiesVideo LinksCore Skills ContentSubtopic 1Subtopic 2Subtopic 3Subtopic 4"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/UaVpsqic_GDPR-Data-Protection-Principles.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "GDPR: Principles relating to processing of personal data1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparencyPersonal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subjectLawfulness of processingidentify valid grounds (lawful basis) for collecting and using personal dataConsentContractLegal obligationVital interestsPublic taskLegitimate interestsWe must:identify valid grounds (lawful basis) for collecting and using personal dataLawfulness of processingNOT process the data in a way that is unduly detrimental, unexpected or misleading to the individuals concerned.be clear, open and honest with people from the start about how we will use their personal dataRight to be informed2. Purpose limitationPersonal data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposesWe must:be clear about what our purposes for processing are from the startdocumented those purposesinclude details of our purposes in our privacy information for individualsregularly review and update our documentation+Data protection by design and by default3. Data minimisationPersonal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processedWe must ensure the personal data is:AdequateRelevantLimited to what is necessaryWe must:only collect personal data we actually need for our specified purposeshave sufficient personal data to properly fulfil those purposesperiodically review the data we hold, and delete anything we don’t need+Data protection by design and by default4. AccuracyPersonal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to dateEvery reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delayWe must:keep the personal data updatedtake reasonable steps to correct or erase incorrect or misleading personal dataRight to rectification5. Storage limitationPersonal data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processedbut extensionsbut extensionsPersonal data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processedarchiving purposes in the public interestscientific or historical research purposesstatistical purposesWe must:not keep personal data for longer than we need ithave a policy with standard retention periodsregularly review our information and erase or anonymise personal data when we no longer need itRight to erasure / Right to be forgotten6. Integrity and confidentialityPersonal data shall be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measuresArticle 32 Security of processinga) the pseudonymisation and encryptionb) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and servicesc) the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incidentd) a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the processingArticle 25 Data protection by design and by defaultAccountabilityThe controller shall be responsible for, and be able to demonstrate compliance with the principlesEvidenceData protection policies, Notices / Consents, ‘Data protection by design and default’ approach, Contracts / DPAs, Records of processing activities, Implemented appropriate security measures, Personal data breaches notifications and evidence, DPIA reports, Appointing a DPO, Codes of conduct and Certification, ..."}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/Qvcb6SsE_Lateral-Thinking.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Lateral Thinkingnature of Lateral Thinking (Nature of)TechniquesUsesVertical Thinking (Complements)ApplicationsInsight (Permanent phenomenon)DifferencesCreativity (Effect vs process)How does the mind work? (Helps advance how the mind works)Humour (Temporary phenomenon)Vertical ThinkingLateral Thinking (Complements)DifferencesSequential Steps processneeds to be right through out for it to workHumourLateral Thinking (Temporary phenomenon)InsightLateral Thinking (Permanent phenomenon)CreativityLateral Thinking (Effect vs process)How does the mind work?DisadvantagesLateral Thinking (Helps advance how the mind works)Pattern Recognition and formation systemEfficient Memory and information processing systemInfluenced by the sequence of information it receivesself organizing systemLimited attention span - help FocusDifferencesLateral ThinkingVertical ThinkingLateral Thinking can and needs to be wrong at some point in timeFocuses on the non-important to draw minds attention away from existing patternsDigging a deeper hole and digging another holeVertical == Selective; Lateral == generativevertical == moves towards the solution; lateral == focused on movingvertical == category,journal; lateral = no category - web 2.0Vertical == Analytical; Lateral == ProvocativeDisadvantagesHow does the mind work?Pattern becomes the focs of attention - GestaltPattern becomes difficult to changeinformation in one pattern is not readily used elsewhereCentral limit theorem of patternsSequence of information is a big influence on thinkingPattern chosing results in pattern dropsTransition between patterns is discontinuousProblem of repetition - clichenature of Lateral ThinkingLateral Thinking (Nature of)Generative Process to bring about change / restructureIs not a judgmentis a method to use information in the mindis not development, is restructuringBackward and forward thinking with improvement and creation of an effectUsesLateral ThinkingNew IdeasProblem SolvingWith new infoWithout infoNo Problem - SIPDefining perceptual choice before getting into problem solving - scopingConflict resolution & PolarizationTechniquesLateral ThinkingGeneration of AlternativesChallenging AssumptionsInnovationSuspension of JudgmentDesignDominant Ideas & Crucial FactorsFractionationReversal MethodBrainstormingAnalogiesChoice of Entry point & Attention AreaRandom SimulationConcepts Divisions Polarizationnew word POBlocked by OpennessApplicationsLateral ThinkingDescriptionProblem SolvingDesign"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/f93c1987-baf5-428f-9c6b-8a8db2fe4f05.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CURSE (Word Group)ACCURSED05. Deuteronomy 21:2306. Joshua 06:1706. Joshua 06:1806. Joshua 06:1806. Joshua 06:1806. Joshua 07:0106. Joshua 07:0106. Joshua 07:1106. Joshua 07:1206. Joshua 07:1206. Joshua 07:1306. Joshua 07:1306. Joshua 07:1506. Joshua 22:2013. 1Chronicles 02:0723. Isaiah 65:2045. Romans 09:0346. 1Corinthians 12:0348. Galatians 01:0848. Galatians 01:9CURSE01. Genesis 08:2101. Genesis 12:0301. Genesis 27:1201. Genesis 27:1302. Exodus 22:2803. Leviticus 19:1404. Numbers 05:1804. Numbers 05:1904. Numbers 05:2104. Numbers 05:2204. Numbers 05:2404. Numbers 05:2404. Numbers 05:2704. Numbers 05:2704. Numbers 22:0604. Numbers 22:1104. Numbers 22:1204. Numbers 22:1704. Numbers 23:0704. Numbers 23:0804. Numbers 23:1104. Numbers 23:1304. Numbers 23:2504. Numbers 23:2704. Numbers 24:1005. Deuteronomy 11:2605. Deuteronomy 11:2805. Deuteronomy 11:2905. Deuteronomy 23:0405. Deuteronomy 23:0505. Deuteronomy 27:1305. Deuteronomy 29:1905. Deuteronomy 30:0106. Joshua 06:1806. Joshua 24:0907. Judges 05:2307. Judges 05:2307. Judges 09:5710. 2Samuel 16:0910. 2Samuel 16:1010. 2Samuel 16:1010. 2Samuel 16:1111. 1Kings 02:0812. 2Kings 22:1916. Nehemiah 10:2916. Nehemiah 13:0216. Nehemiah 13:0218. Job 01:1118. Job 02:0518. Job 02:0918. Job 03:0818. Job 03:0818. Job 31:3019. Psalm 062:0419. Psalm 109:2820. Proverbs 03:3320. Proverbs 11:2620. Proverbs 24:2420. Proverbs 26:0220. Proverbs 27:1420. Proverbs 28:2720. Proverbs 30:1021. Ecclesiastes 07:2121. Ecclesiastes 10:2021. Ecclesiastes 10:2023. Isaiah 08:2123. Isaiah 24:0623. Isaiah 34:0523. Isaiah 43:2823. Isaiah 65:1524. Jeremiah 15:1024. Jeremiah 24:0924. Jeremiah 25:1824. Jeremiah 26:0624. Jeremiah 29:1824. Jeremiah 29:2224. Jeremiah 42:1824. Jeremiah 44:0824. Jeremiah 44:1224. Jeremiah 44:2224. Jeremiah 49:1325. Lamentations 03:6527. Daniel 09:1138. Zechariah 05:0338. Zechariah 08:1339. Malachi 02:0239. Malachi 02:0239. Malachi 03:0939. Malachi 04:0640. Matthew 05:4440. Matthew 26:7441. Mark 14:7142. Luke 06:2844. Acts 23:1244. Acts 23:1445. Romans 12:1448. Galatians 03:1048. Galatians 03:1348. Galatians 03:1359. James 03:0966. Revelation 22:03CURSED01. Genesis 03:1401. Genesis 03:1701. Genesis 04:1101. Genesis 05:2901. Genesis 09:2501. Genesis 27:2901. Genesis 49:0703. Leviticus 20:0903. Leviticus 24:1103. Leviticus 24:1403. Leviticus 24:2304. Numbers 22:0604. Numbers 23:0804. Numbers 24:0905. Deuteronomy 07:2605. Deuteronomy 07:2605. Deuteronomy 13:1705. Deuteronomy 27:1505. Deuteronomy 27:1605. Deuteronomy 27:1705. Deuteronomy 27:1805. Deuteronomy 27:1905. Deuteronomy 27:2005. Deuteronomy 27:2105. Deuteronomy 27:2205. Deuteronomy 27:2305. Deuteronomy 27:2405. Deuteronomy 27:2505. Deuteronomy 27:2605. Deuteronomy 28:1605. Deuteronomy 28:1605. Deuteronomy 28:1705. Deuteronomy 28:1805. Deuteronomy 28:1905. Deuteronomy 28:1906. Joshua 06:2606. Joshua 09:2307. Judges 09:2707. Judges 21:1809. 1Samuel 14:2409. 1Samuel 14:2809. 1Samuel 17:4309. 1Samuel 26:1910. 2Samuel 16:0510. 2Samuel 16:0710. 2Samuel 16:1310. 2Samuel 19:2111. 1Kings 02:0812. 2Kings 02:2412. 2Kings 09:3416. Nehemiah 13:2518. Job 01:0518. Job 03:0118. Job 05:0318. Job 24:1819. Psalm 037:2219. Psalm 119:02121. Ecclesiastes 07:2224. Jeremiah 11:0324. Jeremiah 17:0524. Jeremiah 20:1424. Jeremiah 20:1524. Jeremiah 48:1024. Jeremiah 48:1039. Malachi 01:1439. Malachi 02:0239. Malachi 03:0940. Matthew 25:4143. John 07:4948. Galatians 03:1048. Galatians 03:1361. 2Peter 02:14A CURSED05. Deuteronomy 07:2605. Deuteronomy 07:26CURSETH01. Genesis 12:0301. Genesis 27:2902. Exodus 21:1703. Leviticus 20:0903. Leviticus 24:1504. Numbers 24:0920. Proverbs 20:2020. Proverbs 30:1140. Matthew 15:0441. Mark 07:10CURSING04. Numbers 05:2105. Deuteronomy 28:2005. Deuteronomy 30:1910. 2Samuel 16:1219. Psalm 010:0719. Psalm 059:1219. Psalm 109:1719. Psalm 109:1820. Proverbs 29:2445. Romans 03:1458. Hebrews 06:0859. James 03:10CURSES04. Numbers 05:2305. Deuteronomy 28:1505. Deuteronomy 28:4505. Deuteronomy 29:2005. Deuteronomy 29:2105. Deuteronomy 29:2705. Deuteronomy 30:0714. 2Chronicles 34:24CURSEDST07. Judges 17:0241. Mark 11:21CURSEST04. Numbers 22:06CURSINGS06. Joshua 08:34"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/szBjXiBc_Business-Plan-Template.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Business Plan TemplateBusiness IDBusiness NameBusiness AddressBusiness PhoneBusiness FaxBusiness CellphoneBusiness EmailExecutive SummaryOverviewProducts and ServicesMarket AnalysisMarketing StrategyKey ObjectivesFinancial OverviewManagement Profileperson1NameContact DetailsSummaryKey ObjectivesShort TermLong TermMarket AnalysisIndustry BackgroundTypical Customer ProfileSeasonality/TrendsMarket Research ResultsProducts/ServicesCompetitionCompetitorscompetitor1namelocationstrengthsweaknessesOur Competitive AdvantageMarketing StrategyPromotionwebsite planimpacte-commerceadvertisingpublicityActionsaction1MonthMethodExpected OutcomeCostPerson ResponsibleDone?Product/Service productionSWOT analysisStrengthsWeaknessesSolutionsOpportunitiesThreatsSolutionsBusiness StructureType Of Legal EntityPhysical PremisesFacility RequiredLocationDistribution MethodsCompliance RequirementsCustomer Service PoliciesHours Of OperationStaffperson1NameJob DescriptionManagement/Ownershipkey managersperson1Contact DetailsSkills PossessedAdditional Skills NeededPersonal GoalsShort TermLong TermFinanceEstablishment Costsitem1DescriptionCost To BuyValue Of ExistingFirst Year's ProjectionsProfit And LossCash FlowBalance SheetSources Of FinanceBreak-Even AnalysisReturns On InvestmentPersonal BudgetFunds Requiredpersonal living costdrawing from businessProjected Profit/ShortfallAction PlanContingenciesrainy weather during outdoor eventshave marquis on standbyhotel meeting roomKey Contacts/Supplierscontact1NamePhoneAddressEmailServices Offered"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/nvAaasCI_Introduction-to-SBIRT-OHMAS.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "SBIRT - IntroEvidence-basedScreening, Brief Intervention50% decreased risk1/4 reduce to lowID at-riskWhat is low-riskTobacco, Obesity, AlcoholPReventable deathsReferralSpecialty treatmentImproving overallComposite score 6 mos.improvementsCommunityHelp outcomesIncreased engagementAffect ER rates? Yes. declineImplementPatientWho?Age, Gender, LocationAnyone, screeningsmallDepartment or floorLarger facilityCoherentthere long enoughWhatScreening forEx., Alcohol4+ drinks in 1 yr?Validated tool1-2 ?sspecificScreenerWhenAt intake or closeWhereStore datachart? flags, docs?Who completes?Pt.with healthcare workerTargeted screenPositive answerMove them forwardAuditDAST10drugsPHQ-9depression10-20 ?s. 5-10 mins.WhenPt. workfloweasier if admittedWho conductsWhere?Example80% rule outlow-risk levelno depressionaffected by env., demographicsTargetedScreening25%Brief Intervention60%Brief Treatment10%Referral5%LevelsScreening and FeedbackTargeted or UniversalMOST patientsEducation or encouragementNo real action; adviceScoresAuditmen 0-5women 0-3DAST0PHQminimal1-4mild5-9Bief InterventionBNIBrief Negotiated InterviewYale MedicalSEmi-structured5-15 mis.4 stepsGoalRecognize consequenceRaise subjectProvide feedbackEnhance motivationPlan for changeConversation to enhance motivationScoresAuditModerate RiskMen 6-15women 4-15DASTLow1-2Brief treatmentHarmful riskConsequencesWhat scores require brief treatment4-15 sessions15-45 mins.Who?Where?referralspaceWhen?ScoresAuditmen 16-19women 16-19Moderate High; harmfulDAST3-5Moderate HighReferralRecommend treatmentSymptomatic of DependenceHigh riskWhere?Who?Who to refer to?WARMMake phone callsmooth barriersAuditMen >19Women >19DAST>5PHQMod - 10-14Mod/severe 15-19Severe 20-27Ohio MHAS Peer Support Ellen Augsburger"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/fJQAD7Jh_CSS-Level-3.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert this mind map into a clear structured data format."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "CSS Level 3Vendor Prefixes-webkit-Google ChromeSafariIOSAndroid-moz-Firefox-o-Opera-ms-Internet Explorerhttp://caniuse.com/border-radiusTopleftrightBottomleftrightBoxbox-shadowrequiredHorizontal+ or - pxVertical+ or - pxoptionColorBlur+ only pxSpread+ only pxTypeInsetOutsetH | V | B | S | C | inset , outsetone or more shadow ,box-sizingborder-boxTexttext-shadowsame box-shadowtext-overflowclipellipsis...word-wrapnormalbreak-worldTransform2D TransformRotaterotate(deg)+ or -Scalescale(width,height)scaleX()scaleY()Translatetranslate(x,y)+ or - pxtranslateX()translateY()Skewskew(x deg,y deg)+ or - degskewX(deg)skewY(deg)Matrixmatrix(a,b,c,d,x,y)a: scaleXb: skewYc: skewXd: scaleYx: translateXy: translateY3D TransformRotaterotateX()rotateY()rotateZ()Translatetranslate3d(x,y,z)translateX()translateY()translateZ()Scale3Dscale3d(x,y,z)Matrix3Dmatrix3d(16)x: translateXy: translateYd: scaleYa: scaleXb: skewYc: skewXPrespective3d spaceprespectivepxprespective-originex y%pxleft - right- center .....Transform-origineTransform-stylepreserve-3dBackfacebackface-visibiltyvisibleSubtopic 2AnimationlastFin"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/ECsgT6Lo_How-I-Monetized-My-Blog-Case-Study-Mind-Map.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "JosephRodrigues.com (Monetization V1.0)CurrentKnow + Like + TrustSkypeEmailYoutubeTwitterPhoneSalesSalesPhoneEmailTwitterSkypeYoutubeAffiliate PromotionsConsultationInternet MarketingServicesWeb workFunnelSEOYoutube VideosTraining + Study Note videosKeywords?Blog PostsKeywords?YoutubeKeywords?FacebookPostsGroupsPMsTwitterJoefromIT profileSharesRetweets/FavoritesGoogle+SharesOther Bogs/sitesBlog CommentingLinksGuest PostsWarrior ForumWSOsWar RoomRelevant Forum conversations (Sig)PodcastJoseph Rodrigues Show5 Insights From A PodcastJosephRodrigues.comTwitterYoutubeFacebookOther Bogs/sitesSEOGoogle+PodcastWarrior ForumContent (Know + Like + Trust)5 insights from a podcast (Videos)Book notes (videos + mind map)Weekly podcast showInternet Business knowledge (Text + Videos + Mind map)LifestyleCall To Action (Optin)LifestyleInternet Business knowledge (Text + Videos + Mind map)Weekly podcast showBook notes (videos + mind map)5 insights from a podcast (Videos)Top of pageSidebarBottom of each postSite popupLanding pagesAutoresponder (Aweber)SidebarSite popupLanding pagesBottom of each postTop of pageEmail # 1 Free Content (Video + Mind Map)Email #2 (Main Offer)YesRelationship building + higher offernoContent + relationship building(Main Offer)"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/6f1f1c8e-0943-47e9-8e2a-03444e4eb30c.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Doctorsgynecologistgyne- ¨woman¨gynecologygynecologicalorthopedistortho- ¨straight, upright¨orthopeicorthodonticsorthodoxorthodontistorthopedicsorthographyorthodontistcardiologistcardio- ¨heart¨cardiologycardiaccardiogramcardographinternistinternneurologistneuro- ¨nerve¨neuralgianeurologyneuritisneuroticneurosisosis- ¨abnormal or diseased condition¨neurotoxinophthalmologistophthalmo-/¨eye¨ophathalmologyophthalmologistophthalomogicaloculus-¨eye¨occulistinoculatemonoclebinocularspsychiatristpsych- ¨mind soul¨psychosispsychoticpsychepsychedelicpsychosomaticpsychotherapistpsychiatryosteopathgeriatriciangerontologistgeras- ¨old age¨geriatricsgeriatricchiropractorpsychologistdermatologistdemar- ¨skin¨demagoguedermatologydermatologicalhypodermicdermaldermisttaxidermytaxidermistepidermispachydermdermatitisoptometristoptic- ¨eye¨optometristoptometricoptometricalopticalopticsopticianpodiatristpedis- ¨foot¨quadrupedimpedimentpedagogypedestrianpedigreepedestalpedalpsychoanalystgraphologistobstetricianobstetrix- ¨midwife¨obstetricsobstetricobstetrical-ician ¨expert¨physicianmusicianmagicianelectricianpediatricianpaidos- ¨child¨pediatricspedagogyagogos- ¨leading¨pedagoguedemagoguedemos- ¨people¨demagoguerydemagogic"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/cd906d38-3ac3-4874-82e0-51d88dcffef5.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "God's MercyGenesis to DeuteronomyGenesis 8:21Genesis 18:26Genesis 19:16Exodus 15:13Exodus 20:2Exodus 20:6Exodus 20:22Exodus 25:17Exodus 32:14Exodus 32:34Exodus 33:19Exodus 34:6-7Leviticus 26:44-45Numbers 14:18-20Numbers 16:48Numbers 21:8Deuteronomy 4:31Deuteronomy 5:29Deuteronomy 7:9Deuteronomy 32:29Deuteronomy 32:36Deuteronomy 32:43Joshua to JobJudges 2:18Judges 10:162 Samuel 12:132 Samuel 14:142 Samuel 24:141 Kings 8:232 Kings 13:232 Kings 14:26-271 Chronicles 16:342 Chronicles 5:132 Chronicles 7:32 Chronicles 7:62 Chronicles 7:142 Chronicles 30:92 Chronicles 36:15Ezra 9:9Ezra 9:13Nehemiah 1:10Nehemiah 9:17Nehemiah 9:27-31Job 23:2-6Job 24:12Job 33:14-30PsalmsPsalms 18:50Psalms 25:6Psalms 30:5Psalms 31:7Psalms 32:1-2Psalms 32:5Psalms 36:5Psalms 50:21Psalms 57:10Psalms 62:12Psalms 65:3Psalms 69:16Psalms 78:38-39Psalms 85:2-3Psalms 85:10Psalms 86:5Psalms 86:13Psalms 86:15Psalms 89:2Psalms 89:14Psalms 89:28Psalms 99:8Psalms 100:5Psalms 103:3Psalms 103:8-14Psalms 103:17Psalms 106:1Psalms 108:4Psalms 111:4Psalms 116:5Psalms 117:2Psalms 119:64Psalms 119:156Psalms 130:3-4Psalms 130:7Psalms 135:14Psalms 138:2Psalms 145:8-9Psalms 146:7-8Proverbs to JeremiahProverbs 16:6Proverbs 28:13Isaiah 1:5Isaiah 1:18Isaiah 6:7Isaiah 12:1Isaiah 17:6Isaiah 54:9Isaiah 55:7-9Isaiah 57:11Isaiah 57:15-16Isaiah 57:18-19Isaiah 60:10Isaiah 65:2Isaiah 65:8Jeremiah 2:9Jeremiah 3:12Jeremiah 3:22Jeremiah 4:27Jeremiah 5:10Jeremiah 9:24Jeremiah 29:11Jeremiah 30:11Jeremiah 31:20Jeremiah 31:34Jeremiah 31:37Jeremiah 32:18Jeremiah 33:8Jeremiah 33:11Jeremiah 36:3Jeremiah 50:20Jeremiah 51:5Lamentations to MalachiLamentations 3:22-23Lamentations 3:31-33Ezekiel 14:22Ezekiel 16:6Ezekiel 16:42Ezekiel 16:63Ezekiel 18:23Ezekiel 18:31-32Ezekiel 20:17Ezekiel 20:42Ezekiel 33:11Ezekiel 36:25Daniel 4:22-27Daniel 9:4Daniel 9:9Hosea 2:14Hosea 2:23Hosea 11:8-9Hosea 14:4Joel 2:13Amos 7:3Jonah 4:2Jonah 4:10-11Micah 7:18-19Nahum 1:3Zephaniah 2:7Zechariah 1:16Zechariah 3:9Zechariah 10:6Malachi 3:6New TestamentMatthew 6:14Matthew 18:11-14Matthew 18:23-27Luke 1:50Luke 1:77-78Luke 6:36Acts 3:19Acts 17:30Acts 26:18Romans 10:12Romans 11:32Romans 15:9-102 Corinthians 1:32 Corinthians 4:152 Corinthians 12:9Ephesians 1:6-8Ephesians 2:4-71 Timothy 1:13Titus 3:5Hebrews 4:16Hebrews 8:12James 2:13James 4:8James 5:111 Peter 1:31 Peter 5:102 Peter 3:92 Peter 3:151 John 1:9Revelation 2:21"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/QLEQZjJO_Euro-2016-France-timeline.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "EURO 2016 FRANCEFRIDAY 10 JUNEGROUP AFRANCE - ROMANIA 21:00SATURDAY 11 JUNEGROUP AALBANIA - SWITZERLAND 15:00GROUP BWALES - SLOVAKIA 18:00ENGLAND - RUSSIA 21:00SUNDAY 12 JUNEGROUP DTURKEY - CROATIA 15:00GROUP CPOLAND - NORTHERN IRELAND 18:00GERMANY - UKRAINE 21:00MONDAY 13 JUNEGROUP DSPAIN - CZECH REPUBLIC 15:00GROUP EREPUBLIC OF IRELAND 18:00BELGIUM - ITALY 21:00TUESDAY 14 JUNEGROUP FAUSTRIA - HUNGARY 18:00PORTUGAL - ICELAND 21:00WEDNESDAY 15 JUNEGROUP BRUSSIA - SLOVAKIA 15:00GROUP AROMANIA - SWITEZRLAND 18:00FRANCE - ALBANIA 21:00THURSDAY 16 JUNEGROUP BENGLAND - WALES 15:00GROUP CUKRAINE - NORTHERN IRELAND 18:00GERMANY - POLAND 21:00FRIDAY 17 JUNEGROUP EITALY - SWEDEN 15:00GROUP DCZECH REPUBLIC - CROATIA 18:00SPAIN - TURKEY 21:00SATURDAY 18 JUNEGROUP EBELGIUM - REPUBLIC OF IRELAND 15:00GROUP FICELAND - HUNGARY 18:00PORTUGAL - AUSTRIA 21:00SUNDAY 19 JUNEGROUP ASWITZERLAND - FRANCE 21:00ROMANIA - ALBANIA 21:00MONDAY 20 JUNEGROUP BSLOVAKIA - ENGLAND 21:00RUSSIA - WALES 21:00TUESDAY 21 JUNEGROUP CNORTHERN IRELAND - GERMANY 18:00UKRAINE - POLAND 18:00GROUP DCROATIA - SPAIN 21:00CZECH REPUBLIC - TURKEY 21:00WEDNESDAY 22 JUNEGROUP FICELAND - AUSTRIA 18:00HUNGARY - PORTUGAL 18:00GROUP ESWEDEN - BELGIUM 21:00ITALY - REPUBLIC OF IRELAND 21:00SATURDAY 25 JUNERUNNER-UP A - RUNNER-UP C 15:00WINNER B - THIRD-PLACE A/C/D 18:00WINNER D - THIRD-PLACE B/E/F 21:00SUNDAY 26 JUNEWINNER A - THIRD-PLACE C/D/E 15:00WINNER C - THIRD-PLACE A/B/F 18:00WINNER F - RUNNER-UP E 21:00MONDAY 27 JUNEWINNER E - RUNNER-UP D 18:00RUNNER-UP B - RUNNER-UP F 21:00THURSDAY 30 JUNEWINNER R16 (ST-ETIENNE) - WINNER R16 (LENS) 21:00FRIDAY 1 JULYWINNER R16 (PARIS) - WINNER R16 (TOULOUSE) 21:00SATURDAY 2 JULYWINNER R16 (LILLE) - WINNER R16 (ST-DENIS)SUNDAY 3 JULYWINNER R16 (LYON) - WINNER R16 (NICE) 21:00WEDNESDAY 6 JULYWINNER QF (MARSEILLE) - WINNER QF (LILLE) 21:00THURSDAY 7 JULYWINNER OF (BORDEAUX) - WINNER QF (ST-DENIS) 21:00SUNDAY 10 JULYWINNER SF (LYON) - WINNER SF (MARSEILLE) 21:00DIAGRAM BYWOJCIECH KORSAKWWW.EXPLORER-CONSULTING.PLWWW.KOMUNIKACJA-WIZUALNA.COM"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/1UKIW2D0_Surgical-Procedures-in-an-elective-surgical-unit-UK.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Procedures at EGTCOrthopaedicsMajor/intermediateTHR (Total Hip Replacement)TKR (Total Knee Replacement)/UKR (Unilateral Knee Replacement)ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligaments)Revisions (Knee/Hips DAIR)ArthroscopyFoot surgery (Bunionectomy, claw toe/hammer toe correction, osteotomy)Analgesia (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Codeine, Tramadol, Thromboprophylaxis (Rivaroxaban, Enoxaparin), Omeprazole, lactulose, sometime antibioticTKR (Total Knee Replacement)/UKR (Unilateral Knee Replacement)Revisions (Knee/Hips DAIR)THR (Total Hip Replacement)ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligaments)VTE!Analgesia and sometimes ThromboprophylaxisFoot surgery (Bunionectomy, claw toe/hammer toe correction, osteotomy)ArthroscopyVTE!MinorCarpal Tunnel SurgeryDupuytren's releaseTrigger finger releaseGanglion cyst removalAnalgesia (Paracetamol/Ibuprofen/Codeine/Tramadol/Diclofenac)Carpal Tunnel SurgeryTrigger finger releaseDupuytren's releaseGynaecologyMajorHysterectomy (various methods)Urogynaecology/Prolapse (repairs)Analgesia (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Codeine, Tramadol, diclofenac, Thromboprophylaxis (,Enoxaparin), Omeprazole, lactulose, sometime antibioticHysterectomy (various methods)Urogynaecology/Prolapse (repairs)VTE!MinorHysteroscopyOther (Labial surgery, Bartholin cysts, Urodynamics, small lesions removal...)AnalgesiaOther (Labial surgery, Bartholin cysts, Urodynamics, small lesions removal...)General surgeryMajor/intermediateLaparoscopic cholecystectomyHernia repairs (inguinal/umbilicalVaricose vein strippingAnalgesia (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Codeine, Tramadol, diclofenac, Thromboprophylaxis (,Enoxaparin), Omeprazole, lactulose, sometime antibioticAnalgesia, lactulose and sometime thromboprophylaxisHernia repairs (inguinal/umbilicalLaparoscopic cholecystectomyVTE!MinorRectal surgery (Haemorrhoids, fistula, fissure, pilonidal sinus...)Bumps and lumpsAnalgesia, lactuloseBumps and lumpsRectal surgery (Haemorrhoids, fistula, fissure, pilonidal sinus...)ENT (Ear Nose and Throat)Intermediate/majorFESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery)TonsillectomySeptorhinoplasty/SeptoplastyTurbinectomyAnalgesia, nasal ointment (Antibiotic), nasal rinse (Sterimar), nasal decongestant, sometime oral antibioticsFESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery)TonsillectomyTurbinectomySeptorhinoplasty/SeptoplastyMinorMinor ear surgeryMyringotomy and grommetsExcision of external ear lesionsTympanoplastyAnalgesia, ear dropsTympanoplastyExcision of external ear lesionsMyringotomy and grommetsMinor nose surgery/explorationPolypectomyNasoendoscopyOphtalmologyPhacoemulsificationEye drops (Antibiotic+steroid) Tobradex/Maxitrol/Minims unidose option available)Minor eye surgery (Chalazion, ectropion,...)DCR (Combined procedure with ENT Surgeon)Choramphenicol eye ointmentMinor eye surgery (Chalazion, ectropion,...)Dental surgerySingle or multiple tooth extraction under sedationDental clearance (Upper ot lower)Dental root extractionAnalgesia (Paracetamol/Ibuprofen/Codeine/Tramadol/Diclofenac) and oral antisepticDental root extractionSingle or multiple tooth extraction under sedationDental clearance (Upper ot lower)EndoscopyColonoscopy/SigmoidoscopyGastroscopyWith or without sample collection/polyp removal necessitate prior preparation with a bowel preparationColonoscopy/SigmoidoscopyUrologyMinor surgery (Circumcision, frenuloplasty, Hydrocoelectomy, excision of lesions etc...CystoscopyNo TTOsCystoscopyAnalgesia (Paracetamol/Ibuprofen/Codeine/Tramadol/Diclofenac)Minor surgery (Circumcision, frenuloplasty, Hydrocoelectomy, excision of lesions etc...Analgesia (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Codeine, Tramadol, diclofenac, Thromboprophylaxis (,Enoxaparin), Omeprazole, lactulose, sometime antibioticVaricose vein strippingVTE!Eye drops (Antibiotic+steroid) Tobradex/Maxitrol/Minims unidose option available)Phacoemulsification"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/e220c2e8-9641-4eec-8bbf-0aa7683a61b9.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "COVETOUSNESSCOVETOUSNESS OLD Testament02. Exodus 18:2102. Exodus 20:1705. Deuteronomy 05:2116. Nehemiah 05:0718. Job 20:1518. Job 31:24-2518. Job 31:2819. Psalm 010:0319. Psalm 119:03620. Proverbs 01:1920. Proverbs 11:2420. Proverbs 11:2620. Proverbs 15:2720. Proverbs 21:25-2620. Proverbs 22:1620. Proverbs 23:0420. Proverbs 30:08-0921. Ecclesiastes 01:0821. Ecclesiastes 04:0821. Ecclesiastes 05:10-1123. Isaiah 01:2323. Isaiah 05:0823. Isaiah 56:1123. Isaiah 57:1724. Jeremiah 06:1324. Jeremiah 08:1024. Jeremiah 17:1124. Jeremiah 22:1724. Jeremiah 51:1326. Ezekiel 22:12-1326. Ezekiel 33:3128. Hosea 04:1828. Hosea 10:0133. Micah 02:0233. Micah 03:1133. Micah 07:0335. Habakkuk 01:15-1635. Habakkuk 02:05-0937. Haggai 01:0639. Malachi 01:10COVETOUSNESS NEW Testament40. Matthew 06:19-2140. Matthew 06:24-2540. Matthew 06:31-3340. Matthew 13:2240. Matthew 16:2640. Matthew 19:2440. Matthew 22:0541. Mark 04:1941. Mark 07:2142. Luke 07:1442. Luke 12:1542. Luke 12:33-3442. Luke 14:1842. Luke 18:24-2543. John 06:26-2745. Romans 01:2945. Romans 13:0946. 1Corinthians 05:1146. 1Corinthians 06:1049. Ephesians 05:0350. Philippians 03:18-1951. Colossians 03:0251. Colossians 03:05-0652. 1Thessalonians 02:0554. 1Timothy 03:0354. 1Timothy 06:5-1154. 1Timothy 06:1755. 2Timothy 03:0256. Titus 01:0756. Titus 01:1158. Hebrews 13:0559. James 04:0259. James 04:13-1460. 1Peter 05:0261. 2Peter 02:0361. 2Peter 02:14-1565. Jude 01:11"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/eSDU9ak6_Food-Choices-for-Toddlers.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Analyze the image and describe in detail the levels and relationships of information in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "foodB Food IdeasVeggiesPeasblack-eyedcrowdergreenbeanslimabuttercorncarrotscooked with glazemushroomssweet potatoesbroccolisteamed with cheesefishsalmonalaskan onlyGrainmuffinbranveggiezucchinifruitblueberrystrawberrywhole wheat breadsandwichPB&Jturkey/cheesetoastcheesepeanut buttercottage cheesefrenchcinnamonbagelbagelsenglish muffinpeanut buttertortillaquesadillasturkey and cheesewraproll-uppear pinwheelcerealfruit loopscheerioscinnamon toast crunchmeatturkeyfruitsstrawberriesblueberriesbananaorangesgrapesraisinspearspeacheswatermeloncanteloupepineappleapplecookedadairyeggsomelettefrench toastegg muffinsyogurtparfaitfruit with yogurtcat in the hatfruit yogurtyogurt on toaste high caloriefruits and veggiesavocadobananasweet potatohummus (chickpeas)add insoilsolive oilcoconut oilgrainquinoagranolabrown ricepasta (whole wheat)wheat breadbagelsbagelnuts & seedsalmondsnut butteralmondpeanutcoconutpumpkin seedssunflower seedsproteineggsfishtunasalmonalaskansteakdark chocolatetipsdecrease sugar intakedecrease caffeine intakeset a routinesleepexerciseeatingdecrease stress levelsadrenal gland functionchronic stressorscopingpositive pshycology3 NEW things grateful for EVEVRYDAYJournal about 1 positive XP EVERYDAYExerciseMeditate for 10 minutes a dayRandom acts of kindnessbananas, almonds, applessupplementsl-tyrosine or acetyl-l-tyrosinedopaminereleased during pleasurable activitiesreleased in response to stressaddicted to stress?reframe pleasurerhodiola roseatryptophan5-HTPserotoninwhen low, carb cravings ensuecreated in digestive tractaffirmationhappiness is not on the other side of successtipskeep drinking lots of watereat within 15 minutes of waking upmust eat every 2-3 hours"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/qDDo6dAf_Planificando-tu-Album-de-principio-a-fin-RANDY-CHERTKOW-AND-JASON-FEEHAN.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify the elements of the mind map in this image and arrange them into structured data according to their intrinsic logical relationships."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Planificando tu Album de principio a fin  RANDY CHERTKOW AND JASON FEEHAN(A) Pre grabación -planificación(1) Tipo de producciónEPAlbumAlbum serie(2) Selección de canciones(3) Grabación casera o en estudio profesional(4) Ensayos(5) Puesta a punto de instrumentos y equipos(B) Pasos de grabación(1) Haga mezclas, escuchelas, obtenga feedback y repita(2) Haga mexclas finales(C) Mastering - pasos de post producción(1) Seleecione una casa de Mastering(2) Tenga a mano el formato correctoCD-RDVD-RFlash drive (Pen Drive)Via UploadClase de archivos necesitan.WAV.aiffSDIIFLAC(3) Decida el oreden de los tracks para el album(4) Decida el monto de tiempo entre canciones(D) Pasos legales(1) Documentos de propiedad de las canciones y de la grabación(2) Permiso de uso de loops, samples y covers(3) Status legal de todos los textos (permisos para imprimir las letras de las canciones)(4) Permisos para artistas invitados(F) Replicación - pasos para distribución digital(1) Fabricacion de CDsDetermine la cantidad de discos a fabricarCampaña de prensaCampaña de radioCopias promocionalesCopias gratisCopias para vender(2) Decida el tipo de presentaciónEstuche joyeroChaquetaInsert(3) Use una plantilla - contrate un diseñador gráfico calificado(3) elementos para hacer la replicación(CD-R o via upload)Archivos del arte gráficoDocumentos de propiedad intelectualPresupuestoPago(E) Arte y diseño(1) Seleccione un nombre para el CD(2) Obtenga un código de barra UPC(3) Contrate un diseñador gráfico profesionalArte de la cubiertaTarjeta de la bandejaImpreso sobre el discoNotas del folletoLista de control imprescindibleTitulo del albumNombre del artistaDerechos de propiedad editorialMúsicaArte gráficoTextosDerechos de ejecución (si aplica)Listado de las cancionesSu sitio webRedes sociales: Facebook-twitter, etcInformación de contactoLista de control OpcionalDonde y cuando fue grabadoDonde fue masterizadoQuienes tocaronQuien produjoIngenierosTiempo duración de las cancionesMúsicos invitadosOtros discos a la ventaNotas sobre las cancionesLetrasAgradecimientos"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/IoePQbFO_EYE-Bristol-2017-Personal-Branding-for-Engineers.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Organize the content of this mind map into structured textual information."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "17th June 2017 Personal Branding for Engineers Petros Kkolas, Tryfon AmpartzisOutcomeLeave room feeling positiveUnderstand how we enhance our personal brandHow we met?LinkedIn - noticed and met to discuss our perspectivesDiscovered common interests and agreed to build our work in promoting engineersExercise 1Form a pairExplain yourself to the otherBeyond age/educational and experienceInformation/incidents which others don't know about you, but represents youObservationsWhat other person thinks is not necessarily what we think of ourselvesAudience usually focuses on different thingsOthers will often remember how we were, not our wordsExercise 2Capture your perspectives (yes, no, maybe more) to questions about other personCapture perspective to questions about myselfObservationsDemonstrate behaviour that is aligned with what you want others to know about youBe open to feedbackGive feedback to othersDialogue to share and understandInfluence to create changeInfluence to leadJohari WindowLuft and Ingham 1955Better understand relationship with yourself and othersArenaInformation known to bothBlindspotNot known to usFacadeKnown to me but not to othersUndiscoveredNot known to me or othersStrengths of engineersStrong analyticalAttention to detailThink logicallyCreative mindsGood solving skillsMathematically inclinedGood team playersWeaknessNot good communication skillsWhat is personal branding?There is no right or wrong but how you customise how you present yourselfWe are emotional and in communicating we share emotionsHow we stand outConfidenceMemorableWhere we need brandingIn current jobIn career searchIn finding new opportunities and partnershipsBuilding rapportDeveloping leadership skillsImproving networking skillsHelp become more personally fulfilled in lifeBrandingHow you present yourself to othersWhat other people say about you when you are not in the roomA promise to delivereveryone has their own brand identity the qualities that you different and unique3 R's of personal brandingReceiveRetainRememberRepeatStrongest brandsPowerfulAuthenticConsistentValuableVisibleHow to do it?Discover itWhat is your unique selling pointDevelop itCommunicate itMaintain itConsistentOne mistake is not easily forgivenExercise 3 - discover your brandGroups of 4What are your goals?What do you value?What are you passionate about?What motivates you?What makes you remarkable?What do you offer that no one else would?'Remarkable' some examplesFairly generalEmpathyExperienceCompassionCreativityMore specificSpecialist knowledge in my fieldWhat I think I am good at will be my unique selling pointI am refining all the timeHow would others describe you?Compliments about youHow they would describe youWhat makes people stop and say wowDevelop your brandIdentify your target audienceI am the only person who can .......Understand your unique value proposition use your own abilityAnswer why you are a 'go to' personFind personal brand attributesKnow your strengthsShow how these strengths apply to your clientIt is not about you, but what others think of youIdentify what you can do differently to improve your brandSocial media usePortfolioDress codee-mail addressBusiness cardsResume (c.v.)Google yourselfGoogle alert when your name comes upCreate your tagline (elevator pitch)30 second summarise yourselfAbout you, not what you doMotivationsValuesAlways follow upDo not rely on others to maintain the relataionshipWe can make a living or design a life"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/KZmrIviC_Coaching.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "PPJSPS0OP : être content de ce qu'il faitA W :MotivationOrganisationmémoireconcentrationW : 3 P+Envoyer quest. profilQu'est ce qui va bien ?S1Bases de la P+ressenti5 piliersEmotions positivesEngagement,Relations humainesSens de la vieLes accomplissementsQu'est ce qui va bien ?Sens de la vieEngagement,Relations humainesEmotions positivesLes accomplissementsEnvoyer quest. profil3 tempsPasséBien êtreSatisfactionPrésentFlowBonheurFuturEspoirOptimismeW :Test VSS2Résultat testanalyseréponse aux questions5 forcesQuelle utilisation aujourd'hui2 à 3 situations1 acti du quotidien pour applicationexpliquerQuels ressentis quand appliqué ?Roue des forcesWPlan action 1 moisS3PROCESSUSELEMENTS REF°Coaching1hPédago0,5 hCarte MentaleMémoireOrganisationMémoireStyles d'apprentissage - autodiagnostic.xlsxExtrait Mémoire.pptxSRSConcentrationG° Tps"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/i1wDVSLR_Trekking-List.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Parse this mind map and present its content in a structured way."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Trekking ListDollardRupeeThermolite Reactor +8C;Sea to Summit [248g]Duvet Lafayette;Valendré[1024g]boules quies;Noton [6g]Drap de soie;Sea to summit [160g]briquet;bic [9g]Pharmacie;Tropicare [310g]Antibacterien;Puressentiel [84g];Compeed [35g];Diamox[6g];micropur[3g]batterie (4)mémoire (4)chargeurMultiprise;[91g]Appareil;Panasonic DMX TZ31 [209g]Panneau solaire;PowerMonkey [600g]Adaptateur Courant;[85g]PorteurchaussureBasket;North Face[723g];crocs [350g]marche;Scarpa Kinesis GTX [1710g]cadenasgd sac poubelle(4); [60g]sac étanche ZipSac;Tatonka [1500g]Journéecouteau suisse;SIGG [164g]couverture de survie;Sirius [65g]CarnetStyloBatons;Black Diamond [462g]lunette de soleil;Wed'ze 900 [36g]étuit;[100g]lampe;petzl e-Lite [26g]lampe;Petzl Tikka XP2 [84g]bougiesgourde;SIGG [145g]gourde;SIGG [164g]GPS;Garmin 910XT [70g]Chaufferettes(3);Grabber [165g]GPS;Suunto Ambit [80g]Sac couchage survie; [100g]Sac Xpé;Cilao [280g]Pantcho;[51g]Gant de toilette;[40g];Savon de marseille [100g]Tupperware;[90g]Petite Serviette; Sea to Summit [73g]Serviette; Sea to summit [153g]couple ongle;[42g]pince épilé;[7g]mirroir;[20g]stick levre;[11g]lingettepapier toilette(2);cao [80g]cisceau;[30g]dentifrice;elmex[18g]Brosse à dent;Signal [16g]déo;aptonia [73g]tee shirtTee Shit;Summit of my life [175g]ts Sans Manche;Ice Breaker [110g]manche courte tsctsc Gris;Ice Breaker [152g]tsc Bleu;Ice Breaker [147g]tsc Gris; Ice Breaker [137g]manche longue tsltsl Bleu; Ice Breaker [275g]tsl Gris;Ice Breaker [407g]tsl Bleu capuche;Ice Breaker [420g]pantalonPtl rouge;trangoworld[340g]Ptl gris;North Face[370g]Ptl noir;Simond [736g]Ptl pluie;Lafuma [400g]Ptl Trek;Colombia [330g]sous vetements(11);Ice Breaker [530g]Maillot Bain;Adidas [80g]Chaussette Orange;[100g]Chaussette Bleu;[110g]Chaussette Grise;[84g]Chaussette sport;Quechua [43g]Collant Thermique;Odlo [175g]casquette;Haglofs [34g]GoreTex;North Face [390g]Veste Polaire;Pentagonia [600g]Doudoune;North Face [395g]Gant;Marmot [270g]Gant;Black Diamond [70g]Sous Gant;Ice breaker [42g]Tour de cou;Odlo [45g]Collant sport;Salomon [160g]Bonnet chaud;Capo [90g]Bonnet leger;Ice Breake [60g]Coupe Vent;Quechua [100g]PassportVisaPhotoBillet Avion"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/TX851GWV_Disciplined-agile-delivery-Scott-Ambler.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Convert the mind map information in the image into a readable structured output."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Disciplined agile delivery - Scott AmblerWhat does it mean to scale agileWhy context countsAll factors affect approachTeam sizeTeams of hundredsMission critical, still workedGeographic distributionNot as common to be all together as people thinkDifferent buildings or rooms still count as distributionOrganisational distributionDifferent units different goalsContractorsOffshoringCompliance issuesFinancialDelivery of medsISO issuesDomain complexityEcommerceBankingAir traffic controlTechnical complexityNot all systems are brand newLegacyIntegration with other systemsAre organisations scalingNeed to get proof from real worldAmbysoft. Com/surveysAll previous surveys availableMaster students now using dataKeeps honestAgile experiences with team sizeMost teams under 20 peopleVarious team sizes with both success and failure at all sizesAgile as good as or better at all team sizes vs traditional methodsIterative methods have same success rates as agileGeographicSuccesses and failures for all types of distributedAgile/iterative better than traditional in all distributionsCompliance - again agile worksDomain complexity - again successes at all risk levelsHow to scaleScaling practicesApi firstContinuous documentationMultiple backlogsParallel independent testingRelease trainIntegration TestingNeed to test against future architectureExplore initial scopeLevel of detailView typesModelling strategyCoordinate activitiesWork towards deliveryParting thoughtsThink outside the agile boxReal world not theoryContext countsThink bigger than just your projectRisk value driven life cycleScaling requiresDisciplined approachMore up front thinkingQuestionsLong running waterfalls to agileWrap up existingGet buyin from development team + businessNeed to make investmentNeed buy in from senior down as well as devs upGet appropriate coaches eg used to environmentWhat is the difference between inception and specsNeed some up front thinking but don't overdo itAvoid making guesses and decisions too earlyDefer commitment and details until neededFocus then goes on what they wantCan ask better questions later and business have been able to see results so have a better idea of what they needHappy mediumIf things constantly change when do you end the projectMinimum viable productIf you make it too hard to change requirements then you are charging people for what they don't needGeneralAgile is all about limiting risksComplex documentation easiest way of increasing riskDisciplined agile delivery - process decision frameworkFind the right techniques for the situationCharacteristics of DAD frameworkPeople firstGoal drivenHybrid agileLearning orientedFull delivery life cycleSolution focusedRisk-value life cycleEnterprise awareScrumVery prescriptive eg stand up questions all the sameWorks for enterpriseLook at the whole enterprise not just what the team wantStakeholdersOverlapLeverage what is already availableOptimise the wholeMaking it workGood peoplePrimary rolesStakeholderEnd userCentral ITMore people than just the customerTeam rolesTeam leadTeam membersProduct ownerRisk point in agile world - trying to be an expert on too many areasSecondary rolesSpecialists, domain experts, testers, technical expertsScales betterLeadership teamProject management teamProduct owner teamArchitecture owner teamProgramme managerLarge teamsFunctional dependencies between requirementsOn boarding, off boarding constantlyScrum of srums falls apartDAD is a hybrid frameworkNo need to continually reinvent the wheelDevops baked into DAD frameworkEnterprise awareProject team exists within larger companyTake advantage of what's there and other resourcesMake sure that enterprise will support all techs eg ruby in oracle houseFull delivery life cycleAgile :lots of things missing eg live deployments, support tasks, setupNeed to be honest about everything else going onNot just implementing requirementsDAD life cycle: advanced/leanInceptionConstructionImplement risky items firstBuilding working skeleton framework firstProject viabilityTransitionDevelopers are not process expertsWork it out end to end first. Start in middle rather than heavy weight or light weightDelighted stakeholdersProduction readySolution focused not software focusedProduct upgradesDocumentationRetrospectivesContinuousDemos when neededInception and transition becomes shorter over timeContinuous deliveryMore than one life cycleGoal driven approach1. GoalInitial scopeFormal initial team2. Issue3. Options"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/NTKgKc2K_Cultural-Geography-Southwest-Asia-Part-2.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Please list in detail the topics, subtopics, and their connections in the mind map."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Southwest AsiaOrientationMainland Southeast AsiaBurmaMyanmarVietnamThailandCambodiaInsular Southeast AsiaSingaporeMalaysiaIndonesiaPhilippinesBruneiEast TimorIntroducing the RegionFormer ColoniesBritainBurmaFranceLaosCambodiaVietnamNetherlandsIndonesiaThailandnot colonizedPortugalTimorASEANAssocation of Southeast Asian Nationsrecognize each other as soverign statespromote economic growthpolitical stabilityFounded in 1967IndonesiaMalaysiaPhillippinesSingaporeThailandEven Burma was in for a bitSingaporeIslandCityFormer British ColonyMajor Financial CenterStateAll these as oneEast TimorPortugese colony to 1500sDecolonization in 19751975Indonesia invades East TimorHorribleHorrendousForced StarvationsUnited States sold arms to IndonesiaJimmy Carter sold arms to Indonesia1999United Nations sponsors Independence2002East Timor joins its own nation as its own countryBurma (Myanmar)Timeline8/8/888888 Pro-Democracy uprising1962Military Coup by Ne Win1948Independence from Britianmid-1800sBurma named after Berman peopleAfter the 8888 RevoSLORC takes power from the pro-Democracy factionSLORC changes the name of the country to MyanmarCurrent Situation1990-Elections for the first time ever.DLC won, Aung San Suu Kyi won the presdiencySLORC refused to leave te presidencyNobel Prize in 1991SLORC still owns the presidency11/7/2010The KarenEthnic group distinct from Burmans (~7 million)Subjugated by ruling Burmans under the BritishBritish ColonialismConditions get better cuz everyone is fogroyJapanese ColonialismIndependenceproblem for Karen1960s and 1979sTo establsih own stateLAWSThai Government bans Commerical loggingOH NOES Burma does not have moneyCondition that Karen are restricted"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/n2BmTZJ9_Espace-Collaboratif.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Espace CollaboratifTravail collaboratifPrincipes et conceptsLe Design ThinkingOrigine et historique : Palo Alto, repris par IDEOLogique de co-créationGymnastique intellectuelleEtudes d terrrainMulti-disciplinaireArticleshttp://frenchweb.fr/le-design-thinking-un-nouvel-avantage-competitif/122936StarbucksFrenchWebLes Clés de demainOpen InnovationInnovation ascendanteSPOTCREAhttp://www.spotcrea.fr/actualite/quand-l-innovation-ascendante-fait-de-nous-de-potentiels-einsteinex la PosteInnovation collaborativehttp://www.pressmyweb.com/startup/innovation-collaboratif/voir si on trouve exemples \"chez vous aussi\"Sous-sujet 2Processus participatifs\"Agile\" / lean: les grands processus : id les acteurs, construire la vision, faire des scénarios, modéliser, ...Transversalité et intégration des acteurs, stakeholders, key users au niveau de la conceptionNouveaux formats d'animationBarCampsOpen Forum\"Town Halls\", - Réunions d’expression des salariéssujets \"ambiance\" vie communeOnline MeetingsTélétravailFormation en \"open bar\"style Orange Campusmanager minute (instant feedback)\"Chargé d'ambiance\"Activités originales, stimulantesModèle horizontal, cf groupe Poult (biscuiterie)ExemplesSNCFinnov' ascendanteRATPSYSTRA highlineoutil communautaire interneTalkSpiritEDF et Tinker à Londreshttp://tinkerlondon.com/what-we-do-edf-innovation-workshop.htmlEDF Innovation Space à ClamartModéliser, cf. henkel et le pont, bacs de legosSanofiObjectif : favoriser la collaboration, source d’innovation, de créativité et de performance.800 postes de travails, 16 bureaux fermés seulement. Auparavant, 98% des bureaux étaient fermés.Installation du siège de l’entreprise à Paris en 2012.Accenture, Générali, Airbus, BacardiLa PosteCap Gemini, exemple Nordine SErapidit de la création de valeurLes 10 questions collaborativesproposer 3-4, à vous de compléterles modèles : le pilotage par objectifs, par fonctions, par création de valeur? est-ce collaboratif?qu-est'ce qui crée de la valeur? un contrat de 74 pages?Design Conception Co-créationAuchan-Quirkyhttp://www.auchan.fr/quirky/achat7/9481965Décathlon-OxylaneVery Important PersonShe likes tulipLes créateurs de solutions : interviews Jean-François Marti (fondateur de Nealite) et Cédric Borderie (fondateur de Creasenso)Makers\"du brainstorming au makestorming\", Marie-Noéline Viguié, Nod-a à Lift via La Finghttp://www.internetactu.net/2013/10/25/industrie-et-nouveaux-bricoleurs-faire-ensemble/NealiteFabLabshttp://www.gegarages.com/http://www.up-magazine.info/EspaceExemplesheavenFacebookAmazonco-workingMedia VillageLa RucheVille de Paris : pépinièresHalle Freyssinetla CantineGoogleCohn & WolfeUtilisationsdécloisonner les étagesespace agile, micro-zoningex : les espaces non utilisés peuvent devenir des espaces de co-workingl'open space, une proposition qui peut être modulée, incarnéeintro : s'autoriser, s'approprier, inventer, prendre des libertésASE : Cap Gemini : Accelerated Solutions Environmentla Customer Valleyle principe : faire de cette tour un leu emblématique de la relation client avec un plateau dédié et la capacité à réunir autour d'un client tous les acteurs concernésTendancesGénération YDigital nativesFrom Open Space to GoogleplexBien-être au travail\"Great Place to Work\"Production collaborativeCrowdsourcingcrowdfunding avec des plateformes aujourd’hui largement connues comme Kickstarter, My MajorCompany, UluleHuman ConnectL’esprit collaboratif issu du web « 2.0 »conférence de O’Reilly Media, Batelle et MediaLive en 2004Consommation collaborativeBlablacar, SharewizzAuteursFrançois de SinglyD.CardonC. Aguiton et D. Cardonhttp://documents.irevues.inist.fr/bitstream/handle/2042/24155/hermes_2008.pdf?sequence=1Web participatif et innovation collectiveNovin est un bureau d’étude industriel spécialisé dans l’open innovation. Retrouvez les sur leur site novin.frla Fabrique du futurGroupe SOS Up CampusDreamStorming SolidairesLeave behind?La pres' sur le site d'Astrolabconclusion : modluaire, un esprit, une philosophie, plus que des technos, shopping liste, essayez, appropriez-vousconclusion : rapidité de création de valeurqu'est-ce qui vous a étonné?Quelle métaphore de communauté aimeriez-vous être?Questions-réponses"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/b33b875a-0927-40f4-9421-44ddf7b7a622.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Identify and output all the nodes and their interconnections in this mind map image."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Reading skills (RG)A higher level activity\"COGNITION\"Mental processinvolved in any kind of learning when we look at the skills, especially ReadingAll skills are basically cognitive in natureReading research quarterlyjournal - ELIJJournal for reading skillsELTJTESOLLanguage learningJEFLTwo views of reading1. Product viewLooks at the END product of readingWHAT happens at the RESULT of the readingComprehension or no comprehensionHow much, how well are on understand1. (+) comprehensionComplete comprehension2. (+, -) comprehensionpartial comprehension3. (-) comprehensionNill (Zero) comprehension2. Process viewHOW does one read?HOW to manage to comprehension?1. TOP-DOWN PROCESScomplete, total comprehensioninformation in the text is already available in our cognition and no pat of the text is new or unknown, unfamiliarinformation flows from the cognition, storage and checks with the text and finds that the text is already familiar2. INTERACTIVE PROCESSpartial unsuccessful, partial successful comprehensionsome parts of the text are knownsome parts of the text are newwhile reading, we can GUESS \"MEANING\" of the unknown with the help of contextual clues.3. BOTTOM-UP PROCESSComprehension starts form the text and moves towards the cognition storageno part of the text is known and everything is newunless, the words, expression, concepts, etc given in the text, become known and familiar, comprehension will not take placeQuestionsHow do we understand reading?What is reading?How does one read and understand?How does one fail to read and understand?Who is a good Reader?Who is an average of poor reader?Why, how some one become a poor, average and good reader, what are the factors affect reading?Can one improve reading skills?Can one become better reader, how?Why can't become better reader?Is reading skill essential? useful activity?Will there be problems, if I do not reading?LSRW - are interlinked?\"COMPREHENSION\"a complex processinvolves a number of activitiesInter-related process (Cyclical process)What is comprehension?How does comprehension take place?The result of several \"PROCESS\"1. Locationof a piece of information2. Recognition3. Reading4. Re-organization5. Integration6. Evaluation7. Relocate InformationReaders1. Every Reader uses his/her own cognition in readingwho has words, syntax, meaningsprevious knowledgeSocial knowledge2. A reader brings \"A Lot of Information\" into his readingSCHEMAA set of ideas from experienceproduce \"SCHEMATA\"Reading (types)two types1. Intensive ReadingDetailed textto teach vocabulary, grammar, reading, writingto give a close knowledge of the detailsteaching everything slow + comprehension2. Extensive Readingnon-detailed textfor reading, for pleasure, enjoymentfast + comprehension, rapid readingSKIMMINGfor general informationEg: newspaper, pagelearn how to guess meaningSCANNINGfor specific informationEg: film, theater, timeReading Comprehension1. Global comprehensionin general2. Local comprehensionin specificReading activityskillReading silentlyreading aloudall adult reading is silent reading, + speed comprehension, not disturbMechanicssub-vocalizationindex fingerEYE-SPANchunks of informationnatural groupMeaningful chunksStages1. pre-reading stageMotivationintroducing theme, interest, purpose, need to do something, identification, curiosity, activates thinking, provokes related framework, meaning captured, guessing approximation2. reading stage3. post reading stage4. teaching reading class roomEvaluation1. Questionsoral, written, oral-writtendiscussionQuestions while teaching in the class2. Teaching Questions/ Testing questionsduring teachingEg: is it clear?do you get it?in examination, assignment, test....Three types of Q1. Factual\"FACTS\"look for information in the textsdirectly available2. Inferential\"Read between the lines\"inferring from the context3. Evaluative\"Read beyond the lines\"bring personal feelings, choices, knowledge, experiencecontext is not available directly in the text- deduce, deduct, assumeEvery question should have very clear OBJECTIVES"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/9QBU4erH_EYE-Bristol-2017-Lightening-Sessions.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Present the information from the mind map in the image in the form of tree-structured data."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "17th June 2017 Lightening SessionsProject Cause or Topic sharingPetrosCivil engineer from CyprusFreelance project solar panel construction projectIrradition map of EuropeHuge advantage of sun hoursHuge incentive to harness solarSome challenges with island and related carbon footprintIsolated from main electricity network of EuropeWhere to locate the parkCentre of islandSystemSolar thermalMicro pipes circulating the waterRequires less energy to heat waterArraysTypical have sensor to move to follow the sun7 month timeframe to get online 31 Aug 13or lose the funding, made it on the dayConstruction90 cms depth, we only had 60Created a concrete beam to achieveHealth and Safety challengesHandling of panelsWorking under panelsPhoto of first connection to the grid and meter readingPaulaVDI Digital EngineerGerman and American collaborationVDI ASME projectImplications of additive manufacturing3D printingProject includes students and inter cultural collaborationUniversities help and inputUSA universitiesGerman companiesWhat is additive manufacturingIntroduce 3D data to make up construction layer by layerMaterialsPolymersMetalsConductor being printedIt is proper engineeringElectronicsFoodAutomativeAerospaceand moreIt is every whereMaker Space is where people come together to create with this processProcessDesignConvert data to layer by layer technologySecurity issues to keep in mindDohmeyerKoen works for themCryogenic machine builderStarted in 1955, cryogenics in 2003Manufacturing in Poland3000 projects worldwideWe are growing across the worldCryogenic freezing vs mechnical freezingLiquid glass6 pillarsInvest in equipmentHygieneQualityperformance and efficiencyFocus on life scienceCutting edge industryThere are those who want to investFirst adopterRed CrossBlood banksCompetitive advantagesExploit better freezing benefitsProvide service 24 x 7Train how to get best from machinesIf problem is too difficult we respond quickInvest in the environment and the futureDismantle bombs freeze and break!Cooling nuclear installationExcite your customersProvide demo productsBuild testing facilitiesSimulate and visualiseInvestment in R&DHelp customer stay head of competitionLearn togetherRhysLightening talkQueen Bohemian RhapsodyProtect planes from lightening strikesLightening is electricityPositive charge top, negative at bottom, meet and create electric field chargedifferent typesCloud to ground lighteningInter cloud lightening90% does not touch the groundWhat happens nextLightening strike on planePlane keeps flyingMetal Airbus Faraday Cage EffectMost planes struck once a yearNew materials (non metal)Glider fibre glass hitBurns instead of flowing throughNon metalMassive saving in fuel cost due to weight reductionCarbon fibre exampleSecond with metal mesh embedded creating Faraday CageSaves 20% by carbon fibre, but metal puts 2% back onPiggy bank lightening strike!!!!!!!!!"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"} {"image": ["bxmind_png/JBBxGZ8c_Events-Planning.png"], "prompt": "", "text": "", "system_instruction": "", "conversations": [{"from": "user", "value": ""}, {"from": "user", "value": "Extract the key points from this mind map and construct their hierarchical relationship."}, {"from": "assistant", "value": "Project PlanINFORMATIONPROJECT MANAGERTEAM MEMBERSDESCRIPTIONKEY STACKHOLDERSInternalExternalBACKGROUNDThe 4 STEPSImaginePreliminary researchEvaluate, qualify, imagine improvementsBrainstorming sessionthe BIG IDEADefineProject goals and outlineSet project ParametersRoles & ResponsibilitesQualifyIdentify needed resourcesExplainProject communication w. StakeholdersGOALSCORPORATEPRODUCTLaunchPromoRELATIONSHIPB2BB2CREQUIREMENTSBUDGETPEOPLEASSETSTOOLSProject management toolsProcessCheck listsDashboardsSUCCESS FACTORSHEALTH & SECURITYStandardsFire hazardsAccidentsTrade show : Exhibitor guidelines, specificationsCheck-listCSR- ENVIRONMENTALProper contractsEnergyRecyclingSCHEDULEPHASE 1TOP PRIORITIESMID PRIORITIESLOW PRIORITIESMILESTONE 1PHASE 2TOP PRIORITIESMID PRIORITIESLOW PRIORITIESMILESTONE 2PHASE 3TOP PRIORITIESMID PRIORITIESLOW PRIORITIESMILESTONE 3ACTUAL PROGRESSTASKS DONETASKS CANCELEDTASKS DELAYEDTASKS ON HOLDTASKS IN PROGRESSRISKToo many participantsDESCRIPTIONIMPACTSEVERITYPROBABILITYLIKELIHOOD OF PRIOR DETECTIONMITIGATION APPROACHPROPOSED SOLUTIONSRISK 2DESCRIPTIONIMPACTSEVERITYPROBABILITYLIKELIHOOD OF PRIOR DETECTIONMITIGATION APPROACHPROPOSED SOLUTIONSMetricsAttendanceAcquisitionUsageMedia/ social media coverageSalesCustomer satisfaction"}], "task_type": "qa_sft"}