diff --git "a/fine_tuning_data.jsonl" "b/fine_tuning_data.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/fine_tuning_data.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +{"prompt": "Question: What are the top 5 good customer service skills?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The top 5 customer service skills are problem solving, conflict resolution, multitasking, effective communication with customers and teammates, and active listening."} +{"prompt": "Question: How to demonstrate customer service skills?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Demonstrate customer service skills on your resume by creating a dedicated section, listing skills like problem solving, conflict resolution, multitasking, effective communication, and active listening, and quantifying achievements if possible."} +{"prompt": "Question: How to describe customer service skills?\nAnswer:", "completion": " In a job interview, describe your customer service skills by providing concrete examples of situations where you applied skills like problem solving, conflict resolution, and effective communication to ensure customer satisfaction. Prepare specific achievements to share during the interview."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are customer service skills?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Customer service skills include problem-solving, conflict resolution, multitasking, effective communication with customers and colleagues, active listening, and emotional intelligence."} +{"prompt": "Question: How can I transition out of a customer service job?\nAnswer:", "completion": " To transition out of a customer service job, identify your desired career path, gain relevant skills or qualifications, update your resume to highlight transferable skills, and network with professionals in your target field."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are transferable skills in customer service?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Transferable skills from customer service include technical skills, sales skills, specialised subject knowledge, emotional intelligence, and effective communication skills."} +{"prompt": "Question: What can you do after working in customer service?\nAnswer:", "completion": " After working in customer service, you can pursue careers in retail, sales and marketing, management, visual merchandising, e-commerce, human resources, logistics, events management, hotel management, travel and tourism, education and training, customer experience management, account management, quality assurance and training, social media management, or market research."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do I pivot into business from customer service?\nAnswer:", "completion": " To transition into business from customer service, consider studying a relevant degree, building a network, and gaining experience in areas like sales, marketing, management, or entrepreneurship."} +{"prompt": "Question: What should I do after customer service?\nAnswer:", "completion": " After a career in customer service, you can explore various paths in retail, food services, become a customer service representative, or pivot into IT roles like technical support."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the career path for customer service agents?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The career path for customer service agents can lead to roles in customer experience management, account management, quality assurance and training, social media management, and market research."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the most likely career for a customer support professional?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Customer support professionals can transition into roles such as Customer Experience Management, Account Management, Quality Assurance and Training, Social Media Management, and even Market Research."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the most common mistake when choosing a career?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A common mistake is prioritising short-term gains over long-term fulfilment. Many people choose careers based solely on salary or societal expectations, neglecting their true interests and passions. It\u2019s crucial to align your career choice with your values and aspirations for lasting satisfaction."} +{"prompt": "Question: What to do if you are confused about your career?\nAnswer:", "completion": " If you\u2019re unsure about your career path, take proactive steps. Start by self-assessing your strengths, interests, and values. Seek advice from mentors or career counsellors. Explore internships or volunteer opportunities in fields of interest. Be open to change and embrace the learning process as you navigate toward a fulfilling career."} +{"prompt": "Question: Why am I struggling to choose a career?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Career indecision can stem from factors like a lack of self-awareness, fear of making the wrong choice, external pressure, or limited exposure to different fields. Overcome this by conducting self-assessment, exploring various options, and seeking advice from mentors and career counsellors."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is it normal to not know what career you want?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, it\u2019s entirely normal, especially during transitions in life. Many people explore different options before finding the right fit. Embrace uncertainty, explore various paths, seek guidance, and remember that career choices can evolve with time and experience."} +{"prompt": "Question: How to find your dream job?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Finding your dream job involves identifying your passions and strengths. Set clear career goals and work on gaining the necessary skills. Network with people in your desired field. Be persistent and adaptable, as your dream job might evolve along the way."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do you figure out what you want to do as a career?\nAnswer:", "completion": " To discover your career path, start with self-reflection. Assess your interests, skills, and values. Utilise personality tests if needed. Research industries and seek advice from professionals. Align your passions and strengths with available opportunities."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the difference between a financial planner and a financial advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A financial planner typically has a broader scope of practice and can help with a wider range of financial matters. A financial advisor, on the other hand, is typically more specialised and may only focus on a particular area of financial planning, such as investment management or retirement planning."} +{"prompt": "Question: What qualifications do financial advisors need?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The minimum qualification required to become a financial advisor in Australia is an approved bachelor\u2019s degree (AQF7 level) comprising 24 subjects, or above or equivalent. However, many financial advisors choose to complete a graduate diploma or master\u2019s degree in financial planning."} +{"prompt": "Question: How long does an MBA take in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " In Australia, the duration of an MBA program can range from 1 to 2 years, depending on the institution and whether it\u2019s a full-time or part-time program."} +{"prompt": "Question: Who should do an MBA?\nAnswer:", "completion": " An MBA is suitable for a wide range of individuals, including business professionals seeking career advancement, career changers, entrepreneurs, those interested in networking, and anyone looking to enhance their business knowledge and leadership skills."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do you need a degree to do an MBA?\nAnswer:", "completion": " While a bachelor\u2019s degree is a common requirement for MBA programs, some institutions offer pathways for individuals without a bachelor\u2019s degree based on relevant work experience or related graduate certificates."} +{"prompt": "Question: Why study an MBA?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Studying an MBA offers benefits such as improved leadership skills, enhanced career prospects, a broader perspective on business, networking opportunities, personal growth, and the potential for a higher salary."} +{"prompt": "Question: What does an MBA teach?\nAnswer:", "completion": " An MBA teaches a wide range of business and management skills, including leadership, strategic thinking, problem-solving, financial management, marketing, and specialised knowledge based on chosen areas of study."} +{"prompt": "Question: How long does it take to finish a part-time MBA?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The time to complete a part-time MBA can vary significantly based on the program and individual progress. It may take several years, typically longer than a full-time MB"} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a weekend MBA?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A weekend MBA is a specialised MBA program designed for working professionals who can attend classes on weekends. It allows individuals to pursue higher education without disrupting their weekday work schedule."} +{"prompt": "Question: How long is a full-time MBA?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A full-time MBA program typically takes about two years to complete, although the duration can vary depending on the institution and specific program."} +{"prompt": "Question: How many hours a week is an MBA?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The number of hours per week for an MBA can vary based on the program and the number of units or courses taken, but a general guideline is around 12 hours per week per unit."} +{"prompt": "Question: Can you study an MBA part-time?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, part-time MBA programs are available for individuals who want to balance their studies with other commitments, including work and personal life."} +{"prompt": "Question: Can you complete an MBA while working full time?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, you can complete an MBA while working full time. Many MBA programs offer flexible study options to accommodate professionals with busy schedules."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is it easy to get a scholarship for Masters in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Gaining a scholarship for a master\u2019s degree in Australia can be competitive, as they are often based on academic excellence. While applying for a scholarship is straightforward, meeting the high academic standards required can be challenging."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do I get full funding for a Masters in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " To obtain full funding for a master\u2019s degree in Australia, you can apply for a scholarship through theOnline Australia Scholarships Information System. Scholarships are typically based on academic performance and other eligibility criteri"} +{"prompt": "Question: Do I have to pay for Masters in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, if you\u2019re planning to pursue a master\u2019s degree in Australia, you will need to pay for it. However, various financial assistance options are available, including government loan schemes, scholarships, and other financing methods."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do I pay for postgraduate study in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Financing your postgraduate study in Australia involves several options. You can apply for a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP), where the Australian Government subsidises part of your tuition fees. Alternatively, you can make use of the HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP loan schemes, which allow you to defer your payments until you start earning above a certain income threshold after completing your studies."} +{"prompt": "Question: How many degrees can you put on HECS?\nAnswer:", "completion": " There\u2019s no set limit on the number of degrees you can study using HECS, but there is a financial limit on how much you can borrow, currently set at $113,028. This amount includes all debts from both undergraduate and postgraduate study under the HECS-HELP scheme."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) the same as HECS?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) is the same as the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS). Both loan schemes were established by the Australian Government to help students manage their tuition fees. They offer support in paying for higher education, including master\u2019s degrees."} +{"prompt": "Question: Can you get a student loan for a masters in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, you can obtain a student loan for a master\u2019s degree in Australi The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) encompasses various loan schemes, including HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP, which can assist you in financing your postgraduate studies. These schemes allow you to defer your payments until you reach a specific income level after completing your degree."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is postgraduate study covered by HECS?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, postgraduate study is covered by HECS, meaning that a portion of the tuition fee is funded by the Australian Government, while the remainder is paid by you. This allows you to pay the tuition fee partially up-front or in full and then repay the remaining amount through a HECS-HELP loan once you start earning above a certain income threshold."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do you become a CEO of a company?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Becoming a CEO involves a strategic progression. Start with a bachelor\u2019s degree in relevant fields like finance or management. Gain experience in management roles, hone leadership skills, and consider pursuing an MBA for advanced knowledge. Attend workshops, build networks, and continuously develop. As you advance, showcase your leadership in diverse roles, express interest in executive positions, and convey a clear strategic vision. Apply for CEO roles, navigate the selection process, and demonstrate your leadership acumen."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do you become a CEO in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The process of becoming a CEO in Australia is like the process in other countries. To enhance your prospects, consider accumulating work experience within Australian companies, fostering connections with local CEOs and industry leaders, engaging with industry associations and organisations in the Australian context, staying current with evolving Australian business trends, and deepening your understanding of Australian business laws and regulations. These steps will empower your journey toward CEO success within the distinctive framework of the Australian business landscape."} +{"prompt": "Question: What skills do you need to become a CEO?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Becoming a CEO requires a diverse skill set. Key skills include exceptional problem-solving ability to identify and address issues, effective teamwork to foster collaboration within the company, strong communication skills to interact with stakeholders, decisive decision-making especially in challenging situations, and the capacity to develop and implement strategic plans. Leadership skills, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace challenges are also crucial attributes."} +{"prompt": "Question: What qualifications do most CEOs have?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Most CEOs have at least a bachelor\u2019s degree, typically in fields like finance, financial planning, accounting, management, logistics and supply chain management, business administration, or marketing. While some exceptional individuals may have succeeded without formal degrees, having a solid educational background paired with relevant experience greatly enhances your chances of becoming a successful CEO."} +{"prompt": "Question: What qualifies you as a CEO?\nAnswer:", "completion": " To qualify as a CEO, you need a combination of education, experience, and essential skills. A strong educational foundation, such as a relevant bachelor\u2019s degree, is common. Moreover, accumulating years of experience in management roles, honing exceptional communication, decision-making, and problem-solving skills, along with the ability to convey and implement a vision for the business, are key qualifications that make you suitable for the role of a CEO."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the best degree for a financial advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The best degree for a financial advisor is the one that will give you the skills and knowledge you need to be successful in the field. Some common choices include a bachelor\u2019s degree in finance, economics, or accounting. However, many financial advisors also choose to complete a graduate diploma or master\u2019s degree in financial planning.\r \r Some popular choices include:Bachelor of Business \u2013 Accounting and FinanceBachelor of Business \u2013 FinanceMasters of Business Administration (MBA)Ultimately, the best degree for you will depend on your individual interests and goals."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the job of a financial advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The job of a financial advisor is to help people with their financial planning. This includes helping them set financial goals, develop a plan to achieve those goals, and make informed financial decisions. Financial advisors can help with a variety of financial matters, such as retirement planning, investment management, and estate planning."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are the duties of a financial advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Financial advisors have various responsibilities, but they usually involve helping clients create financial plans, looking at financial information, giving advice, handling client investments, and staying updated on financial rules."} +{"prompt": "Question: What kind of person can be a financial advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A financial advisor needs to be a good communicator, have strong analytical skills, and be able to build trust with clients. They should also be detail-oriented and have a strong work ethic."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is it stressful to be a financial advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, being a financial advisor can be stressful. Financial advisors are often under pressure to meet the needs of their clients, and they may be dealing with sensitive financial information. However, financial advisors who can manage their stress effectively can find the job to be very rewarding."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is it hard being a financial advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Being a financial advisor can be challenging, but it is also rewarding. It requires a strong understanding of financial markets and products, as well as the ability to communicate complex financial concepts to clients. Financial advisors also need to be able to build trust with clients and manage their expectations.."} +{"prompt": "Question: How long does it take to make it as a financial advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " It takes about three to four years to become a fully qualified financial advisor in Australi This includes the time it takes to complete the required education, training, and experience."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do I start being a financial advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " To become a financial advisor in Australia, you need to meet the following requirements:Complete an approved bachelor\u2019s degree (AQF7 level) comprising 24 subjects, or above or equivalent.Pass the financial advisor exam.Complete a professional year.Apply for registration with ASIC. ASIC will assess your application and determine if you meet the requirements to become a financial advisor. To maintain your registration, you will have to complete the continuing professional development (CPD) requirements."} +{"prompt": "Question: What qualifications do I need to be a financial advisor in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " To become a financial advisor in Australia, secure an approved qualification at bachelor, graduate diploma, or master\u2019s level, or an equivalent certification. Passing the Financial Advisor Examination (FAE) by ASIC is crucial, followed by a year of practical experience. If you hold a foreign qualification, you can seek assessment against local standards.\r \r A financial advisor needs to be a good communicator, have strong analytical skills, and be able to build trust with clients. They should also be detail-oriented and have a strong work ethic."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the main difference between a financial planner and a financial advisor in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " In Australia, financial planners create comprehensive plans with qualifications like CFP or FPA accreditation. They charge fees for their services. Financial advisors have narrower expertise and might specialise in investment or insurance. Their educational background typically includes a finance-focused bachelor\u2019s degree."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the main difference between a financial planner and a financial advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The key difference lies in their services. Financial planners offer holistic financial plans covering various aspects like retirement, savings, debt, and estate planning. Financial advisors focus on specific areas, such as investment management or insurance."} +{"prompt": "Question: Which is better, a financial planner or advisor?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Choose between a financial planner and advisor based on your preferences. Financial planners build long-term relationships and comprehensive financial plans. Advisors focus on areas like wealth management and insurance. Consider your skills, interests, and personality to make the right choice. Both offer fulfilling finance careers with an average salary of $110,000 to $130,000."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are the three major skills needed to run a business?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Running a successful business demands a blend of skills that can steer your venture towards growth and prosperity. Here are three major skills that are paramount:Leadership and Delegation: Effective leadership involves inspiring and guiding your team to work cohesively towards common goals. Delegation is crucial to distribute tasks efficiently and ensure each aspect of your business receives the attention it deserves.Financial Acumen: Understanding your business\u2019s financial health is fundamental. Proficiency in financial management, budgeting, and analysis empowers you to make informed decisions that drive profitability and sustainability.Communication and Networking: The ability to convey your ideas clearly to customers, partners, and employees is essential. Effective communication fosters collaboration and builds strong relationships. Networking allows you to connect with potential clients, partners, and mentors who can contribute to your business\u2019s success."} +{"prompt": "Question: What should I study for small business?\nAnswer:", "completion": " When it comes to preparing for a small business endeavour, consider honing your skills in areas that can make a significant impact on your success. While there isn\u2019t a one-size-fits-all answer, focusing on business-related fields can be beneficial. Courses in business administration, finance, marketing, and management can provide a comprehensive toolkit for navigating the challenges of running a small business effectively. At Swinburne Online, our Bachelor of Business \u2013 Marketing programme can help you master contemporary marketing practices, including digital marketing, branding, and consumer behaviour. If financial management is your forte, the Bachelor of Business \u2013 Finance programme can empower you to make sound financial decisions and strategise for your business\u2019s future. Remember, your chosen field of study should align with your strengths and the unique needs of your small business."} +{"prompt": "Question: What degree is best for starting a business?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Entrepreneurship is about innovation, adaptability, and managing various aspects of a business. Pursuing a degree in business administration, finance, marketing, or management can equip you with versatile skills. Swinburne Online offers excellent options to explore, such as our Bachelor of Business \u2013 Business Administration, which covers leadership, sustainable innovation, and more. Alternatively, our Bachelor of Business \u2013 Finance program delves into financial management, international trade, and economic principles, providing a solid foundation for managing the financial side of your business. Remember, while a degree can be advantageous, your passion and determination are the true driving forces behind your entrepreneurial journey."} +{"prompt": "Question: What degree is best for starting a business?\nAnswer:", "completion": " When it comes to starting a business, a Bachelor of Business \u2013 Entrepreneurship can be an invaluable asset. This specialised degree hones your skills in innovation, risk management, and strategic planning \u2013 all crucial for launching and sustaining a successful venture. It equips you with the tools to turn your business idea into a thriving reality."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the most versatile business degree?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A Bachelor of Business is among the most versatile degrees you can pursue. This comprehensive program covers key areas like Accounting, Marketing, Finance, and more. It provides a well-rounded education, making you adaptable across industries and roles. This versatility ensures you\u2019re equipped to tackle various challenges in the business world."} +{"prompt": "Question: Which business degree is best in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " In Australia, the best business degree is one that aligns with your career goals and provides comprehensive skills. Degrees like Bachelor of Business, specialising in fields like Accounting, Finance, or Management, offer a strong foundation. However, the \u201cbest\u201d degree is the one that resonates with your ambitions and equips you with practical knowledge for success."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the best type of business to major in?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The best type of business major depends on your interests, strengths, and career aspirations. If you\u2019re drawn to numbers, Accounting might be your calling. If you have a passion for creative problem-solving, Marketing could be your niche. Ultimately, the best major is one that aligns with your unique talents and fuels your enthusiasm to succeed."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are the four advantages of studying business environment?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Studying the business environment offers you a deeper understanding of the factors that influence organisational operations. Four key advantages include:Insight into Market Dynamics:Understanding market trends and consumer behaviour helps businesses adapt and thrive.Adaptability: Learning about the business environment equips you with the flexibility to respond to changing conditions.Strategic Decision-Making: Analysing the business environment guides informed choices that align with organisational goals.Competitive Edge: Businesses that comprehend their environment can anticipate challenges and seize opportunities, gaining a competitive edge."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are the benefits of doing business?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Doing business goes beyond mere transactions; it\u2019s about fostering connections, driving innovation, and contributing to economies. A business education equips you with knowledge that ranges from financial acumen to effective management. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions, foster relationships, and create value in diverse contexts."} +{"prompt": "Question: How can studying business be beneficial for your future?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Studying business sets you on a path of growth and versatility. By acquiring skills in communication, leadership, and critical thinking, you\u2019ll be well-prepared to navigate the complexities of the modern business world. Whether you\u2019re aiming for a specialised role or aspire to start your own venture, a business education provides a foundation for success."} +{"prompt": "Question: Why study business courses in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Studying business courses in Australia offers a gateway to a world of opportunities. Not only does Australia boast a vibrant business landscape, but its renowned educational institutions provide quality business programs. From diverse majors to practical experience, Australian universities offer a comprehensive education that equips you with the skills needed to thrive in various industries."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do people with business degrees get jobs?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, absolutely. Pursuing a business degree significantly improves your employability. Graduates with business degrees possess practical skills, critical thinking abilities, and a deep understanding of organisational dynamics. At Swinburne Online, we offer not only quality education but also valuable resources and workshops to support your career journey, ensuring you\u2019re well-equipped to secure a fulfilling job after graduation."} +{"prompt": "Question: What career outcomes can you get with a business degree?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A business degree can pave the way for an array of rewarding career outcomes. You might find yourself excelling as an Accountant, Financial Controller, Marketing Specialist, Supply Chain Manager, or even in Leadership roles like General Manager or Operations Manager. The versatile skills you gain from a business degree open doors across numerous industries."} +{"prompt": "Question: What job can you get with a business degree in Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " With a business degree in Australia, you have a wealth of opportunities across diverse industries. You could become a Financial Analyst, Marketing Manager, Project Manager, Human Resources Manager, or even an Entrepreneur starting your own business venture. Australia\u2019s dynamic business landscape welcomes business graduates into roles that span various sectors."} +{"prompt": "Question: What pays the most with a business degree?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A business degree can open doors to a variety of well-paying career paths. Some of the roles that tend to offer competitive salaries include Financial Analysts, Marketing Managers, and Information Systems Managers. Your earning potential can also be influenced by factors such as your specialisation, industry demand, and your level of experience."} +{"prompt": "Question: What will I learn in a business management degree?\nAnswer:", "completion": " In a business management degree program, you\u2019ll learn about leadership, organisational behaviour, strategic planning, project management, and more. You\u2019ll develop skills to manage people and make informed business decisions."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the definition of a business management degree?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A business management degree equips you with the skills to lead and manage teams effectively. It focuses on decision-making, communication, strategic planning, and fostering a productive work environment."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are examples of business management?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Examples of business management roles include project manager, human resources manager, logistics manager, and general manager. These roles involve overseeing various aspects of business operations."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the meaning of business management?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Business management involves leading and directing teams, making strategic decisions, and ensuring that a business\u2019s goals are met. It emphasises effective leadership and problem-solving skills."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are the main topics in business administration?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Business administration covers a wide range of topics, including leadership, organisational behaviour, sustainable innovation, data management, commercial law, and strategic planning."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the meaning of a degree in business administration?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A degree in business administration equips you with a comprehensive understanding of how businesses function. It covers topics such as leadership, organisational behaviour, strategic planning, and more."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is an example of business administration?\nAnswer:", "completion": " An example of business administration is managing financial records, coordinating office operations, and organising resources to ensure the company\u2019s overall efficiency."} +{"prompt": "Question: What does a Business Administrator do?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A Business Administrator is responsible for maintaining the operational aspects of a business. This can include tasks such as analysing finances, coordinating training programs, and ensuring smooth workflow."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the difference between management and administration?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Management often involves leading and guiding individuals or teams towards achieving organisational goals. Administration, on the other hand, focuses on overseeing day-to-day operations, ensuring efficiency, and implementing strategies to keep the business running smoothly."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the difference between business administration and business management?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Business administration and business management are related fields, but they have distinct focuses. Business administration often deals with the operational side of running a business, while business management emphasises leadership, decision-making, and people management."} +{"prompt": "Question: What support can I expect?\nAnswer:", "completion": " As a Swinburne Online student, you\u2019ll have support for extended hours, seven days a week, with Student Advisors available to help with anything from tech support to research advice and dedicated online tutors in each of your units. Learn more aboutyour support."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is an MBA too advanced for someone who has never studied?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, Swinburne Online\u2019s MBA is a postgraduate degree, meaning that previous tertiary study is an entry requirement for the course. If you have not studied at a tertiary level before, you may seek entry into the course via theGraduate Certificate of Business Administration. See the entry requirements for more information."} +{"prompt": "Question: As I am studying online, can I pursue full-time opportunities throughout my studies?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, there are no requisite live or in-person sessions, so you can elect to study anytime, anywhere. If you find the combination of full-time work and full-time study to be too much, you can choose to study part-time."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do these degrees provide any networking opportunities?\nAnswer:", "completion": " When you complete an MBA with Swinburne Online, you will be rewarded with not only a top-tier master\u2019s qualification, but also a valuable network of like-minded business professionals. Forge connections, motivate one another and share opportunities and ideas that you can continue to draw upon long after graduation."} +{"prompt": "Question: How will Swinburne prepare me for future job opportunities?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Your Master of Business Administration will give you the decisive vision and professional agility needed to stand apart from your peers. Gain the advanced skills essential to excelling as a leader in business. Leverage your MBA to grow your business as an entrepreneur, or step up into a senior management position."} +{"prompt": "Question: With an MBA, does the institution matter?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Different universities structure their MBAs in different ways. Swinburne Online\u2019s MBA is highly flexible, meaning that you can tailor the course content to suit your specific interests and career goals. Additionally, Swinburne University\u2019s MBA has a Tier-1 rating and is in the top Online MBAs inCEO Magazine\u2019s2022 Global Rankings, and isaccredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), a globally recognised business school standard achieved by less than 5 per cent of business schools worldwide. When you complete your MBA with Swinburne Online, you will receive the same globally recognised MBA as on-campus students, without having to attend any in-person or live teaching sessions."} +{"prompt": "Question: As a business leader/owner what value can an MBA add that I do not gain in my current vocation?\nAnswer:", "completion": " An MBA will enhance your professional skillset and give you the tools to grow your customer base, output and profit margin. With new insights into contemporary business practice, you will be ready to strategically upscale your processes and take your business to the next level."} +{"prompt": "Question: What job opportunities require an MBA?\nAnswer:", "completion": " An MBA signals to employers your readiness for a senior management position. An MBA is an advantage or requirement for employment in the following roles:Senior AssociateStrategic ManagerExecutive General ManagerManaging DirectorChief Operating OfficerChief Executive Officer (CEO)."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the likelihood of employment with an MBA?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A survey of recent Swinburne Online graduates revealed that 90 per cent of Business alumni were employed full-time. This comes as no surprise as the2021 GMAC Corporate Recruiters Surveyrevealed that worldwide, 91 per cent of recruiters planned to hire MBAs that year, and that demand for graduate management talent has now returned to pre-pandemic levels."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is there a pay increase between undergraduate and MBA students?\nAnswer:", "completion": " In 2020, the\u00a0Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and EmploymentGraduate Outcomes Surveyfound that working professionals without a postgraduate degree received a median salary of $64,000 per year, while those with a postgraduate degree in addition to their undergrad degree earned on average $98,000 per year. TheAustralian Financial Reviewreported in its 2019 MBA Rankings that Australian MBA graduates see an averagesalary increase of 28 per cent to reach $157,000within three years of completing their course."} +{"prompt": "Question: Why should I choose Swinburne over different providers?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Swinburne University\u2019s MBA has a Tier-1 rating and is in the top Online MBAs inCEO Magazine\u2019s2022 Global Rankings. It is alsoaccredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), a globally recognised business school standard achieved by less than 5 per cent of business schools worldwide. When you complete your MBA with Swinburne Online, you will receive the same globally recognised MBA as on-campus students, without having to attend any in-person or live teaching sessions. Swinburne Online\u2019s MBA is highly flexible, meaning that you can tailor the course content to suit your specific interests and career goals."} +{"prompt": "Question: What quantitative value can I hope for in taking on an MBA?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A survey of recent Swinburne Online graduates revealed that 90 per cent of Business alumni were employed full-time. This comes as no surprise as the2021 GMAC Corporate Recruiters Surveyrevealed that worldwide, 91 per cent of recruiters planned to hire MBAs that year, and that demand for graduate management talent has now returned to pre-pandemic levels.With a new job title, you can expect an increased salary.Australian Financial Reviewreported in its 2019 MBA Rankings that Australian MBA graduates seean average salary increase of 28 per cent to reach $157,000within three years of completing their course."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is STARS paid?\nAnswer:", "completion": " All students enrolled into the STARS program will receive a $900 Stipend to assist with the cost of their study or professional placement."} +{"prompt": "Question: Are STARS placements extra placements or part of my course?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The STARS professional placements are part of the required professional placements in your course. They are not extra placements."} +{"prompt": "Question: Can I complete my two STARS placements in the school that I am doing Permission To Teach (PTT) work? The school fits the low-socioeconomic criteria and have said they would be happy for me do my STARS placements there.\nAnswer:", "completion": " You will be able to complete your final two placements through the STARS program at your school. You will also be able to continue with PTT across the year. For example, it may be that you have a split, perhaps three days in STARS and two days in PTT. The STARS part would need to be supervised and would also allow you to do the GTPA (final placement assessment). After you have submitted your application for the STARS program, please reach out to Jade on this email address: edpartnerships@swinburneonline.com and she will be able to assist you in negotiating this with your school."} +{"prompt": "Question: When Swinburne matches the student to the placement school, what is the criteria for travel expectations, will Swinburne match me to somewhere within a reasonable distance from my home or could it be anywhere in regional/rural Victoria?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Swinburne will try to match you to a school as close as possible to your usual place of residence. The maximum travel time from your home to the school will be 90 minutes however, every endeavour will be made to try to ensure it is less than this."} +{"prompt": "Question: When do the STARS Canvas modules open? Would I be able to have access to them at the start of the teaching period as I'd like to work on the STARS module before placement?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The STARS modules remain open all the time, so you will be able to complete the module work at a time that suits you. There are five modules, each with approximately 1.5\u20132 hours of reading and activities. Allow 7.5\u201310 hours in total to complete the STARS modules."} +{"prompt": "Question: What will I receive at completion of this program?\nAnswer:", "completion": " You will receive a certificate of completion outlining your completion of the program. This certificate will be a valuable addition to your resume when applying for graduate teaching positions."} +{"prompt": "Question: Will there be any financial support for travel or accommodation to undertake a placement in regional or remote Victoria?\nAnswer:", "completion": " No, all costs associated with travel or accommodation will be incurred by the pre-service teacher. We hope to match pre-service teachers with a school in their are If you are a successful applicant, and there may be travel involved for you to get to the school. We will discuss with you the situation before matching you to the school."} +{"prompt": "Question: I have secured a placement in a school setting that is not a regional, remote or low socioeconomic school. If I am successful in my application will you help me change to a STARS-approved school setting?\nAnswer:", "completion": " We will be open to discuss this with you further."} +{"prompt": "Question: I am a Master of Teaching (Secondary) student applying for the STARS program. Does it matter the year level of placement or my Specialist Teaching Area?\nAnswer:", "completion": " No, we will work with the schools upon a successful application."} +{"prompt": "Question: What if I have already organised my placement/s? Can I still participate in the program?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Provided your secured placement is in regional, rural or low socioeconomic Victorian school and you have been successful in your STARS application, Swinburne can support negotiations with your placement setting to ascertain if they wish to be part of the program."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do I organise a placement in a STARS-approved school setting?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET) will be supporting Swinburne to access and source the placement schools on your behalf."} +{"prompt": "Question: What schools can I do my placement in as part of the STARS program?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The STARS program placement schools can be in regional and rural or low socioeconomic schools in Victoria that will be selected by Swinburne, with pre-service teachers matched to schools."} +{"prompt": "Question: How many practicums will I need to complete during the STARS program?\nAnswer:", "completion": " During the year the program runs (mid-year 2022 to mid-year 2023), you must undertake both remaining placements (or the one remaining), in your course during this time."} +{"prompt": "Question: How will the STARS program fit in with my current units of study?\nAnswer:", "completion": " This program will run alongside your current units of study.\r \r You will be enrolled into a STARS program unit. The unit is at no cost to you.\r Introductions to the STARS program are planned to commence in late May/early June.\r \r The STARS unit will commence from June.\r \r There are five modules of additional study and activities supported by academic teacher mentors.\r Engagement with the modules will be periodic, and is planned to occur between June to October 2022.\r \r The workload per module is anticipated to be approximately 10 hours over two to three weeks for each module. \r \r More specific details will be provided to successful applicants."} +{"prompt": "Question: How many pre-service teachers can partake in the STARS program for 2022\u20132023 year?\nAnswer:", "completion": " This opportunity is only open to 75 students and therefore a rigorous selection process will take place."} +{"prompt": "Question: When does the STARS program commence?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The STARS program commences mid-year 2022 (TP2, Q3)."} +{"prompt": "Question: What if I want to continue studying after 1 December 2020?\nAnswer:", "completion": " You can.\u00a0 If you wish to continue studying the course after 1 December 2020, you will be eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place for the rest of your studies."} +{"prompt": "Question: Can I enrol in a Professional Certificate?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Not exactly. The federal government is providing discounts for students who are enrolled in qualifications recognised by the Australian Qualification Framework. This means, to ensure you receive the discounted course fee, you need to enrol in at least a graduate certificate level qualification. If you only complete the first two units, Swinburne is ensuring that you still receive a qualification by awarding you a professional certificate."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a Professional Certificate?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Professional Certificates are generally the first two units of a Graduate or Undergraduate Certificate and provide you with solid introductory knowledge, as well as contributing to the higher degree should you wish to continue studying later. Professional Certificates are a good way of upskilling quickly and providing you with an opportunity to start your education journey at a discounted fee."} +{"prompt": "Question: What if I only want to complete two units?\nAnswer:", "completion": " If you enrol in the Graduate Certificate, you can choose to complete your studies after the first two units and exit with a University-accredited Professional Certificate."} +{"prompt": "Question: Can I obtain help to defer payment?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, students can defer their payment though a HECS-HELP loan."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do I ensure I\u2019m enrolled with a discounted fee?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Your discounted fee will be applied at the time of enrolment."} +{"prompt": "Question: Why are these courses discounted?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Swinburne University has worked with the Federal Government to provide short, focused online courses to workers displaced by the COVID-19 crisis. These courses have been significantly discounted to allow you to complete study during the next 6 months and support your future employment opportunities."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the entry criteria?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Undergraduate Certificate of Information and Communication TechnologyTeaching Period 2 July \u2013 NovemberCOS10005 Web Development\r \r ICT10001 Problem Solving with ICTTeaching Period 3 November \u2013 FebruaryINF10002 Database Analysis and Design\r \r INF10003 Introduction to Business Information SystemsGraduate Certificate of Management (Workplace Transformation)Teaching Period 2 July \u2013 NovemberHRM60016 Behaviour in Organisations\r \r INF80042 Technology Essentials for ManagersTeaching Period 3 November \u2013 FebruaryFST80008 Designing for Change\r \r MGT60044 Leading Innovation in the Workforce"} +{"prompt": "Question: What units will I study?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Undergraduate Certificate of Information and Communication TechnologyTeaching Period 2 July \u2013 NovemberCOS10005 Web DevelopmentICT10001 Problem Solving with ICTTeaching Period 3 November \u2013 FebruaryINF10002 Database Analysis and DesignINF10003 Introduction to Business Information SystemsGraduate Certificate of Management (Workplace Transformation)Teaching Period 2 July \u2013 NovemberHRM60016 Behaviour in OrganisationsINF80042 Technology Essentials for ManagersTeaching Period 3 November \u2013 FebruaryFST80008 Designing for ChangeMGT60044 Leading Innovation in the Workforce"} +{"prompt": "Question: Is the whole course discounted?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Units you complete prior to 1 December are discounted, so this includes the two units available in Teaching Period 2, 2020. If you continue studying following Teaching Period 2, you can do so with a Commonwealth Supported Place, rather than the standard full fee unit fee."} +{"prompt": "Question: Will you be offering courses as part of the government\u2019s higher education relief package?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, we will be offering a range of courses as part of this initiative. Read more about ourpriority courseprogram."} +{"prompt": "Question: Will I receive the same qualification as an on-campus student?\nAnswer:", "completion": " When students graduate from our courses, they will receive the same accredited qualification as a Swinburne University of Technology on-campus student. The graduation certificate awarded will also be the same. Our courses and learning outcomes are the same as Swinburne University of Technology\u2019s, but we adapt the material and its delivery to enable students to enjoy the most engaging online environment."} +{"prompt": "Question: Will I receive credit for my previous studies?\nAnswer:", "completion": " We can\u00a0potentially\u00a0offer students unit exemptions\u00a0for our undergraduate courses, based on diploma and higher\u00a0education\u00a0qualifications undertaken\u00a0within\u00a0the last 10 years.Previous studies don\u2019t\u00a0necessarily\u00a0need\u00a0to be related to the field you\u2019re looking to pursue with us to make you eligible for exemptions. We can also award unit exemptions towards our postgraduate courses, where previously completed studies are considered academically equivalent\u00a0(i.e. postgraduate level) and have been completed within the last 10 years.TAFE students may be eligible to receive credit for previous study and work experience. If you\u2019ve completed units or certificates at another recognised institute or training organisation, you may be able to apply for a credit transfer. Alternatively, if you have significant work experience related to your studies, you can apply to have this recognised through recognition of prior learning."} +{"prompt": "Question: Will I need to be screened to work with children?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Anyone who works with children in Australia must have a valid Child Safety Screening Check. To ensure your placements run smoothly and there are no delays in your course progression make sure you complete the Child Safety Screening Check requirements for your state as soon as you enrol. You will have access to instructions for your state once you\u2019re enrolled in your course."} +{"prompt": "Question: Will I need to attend placements to complete the Diploma of Nursing?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The majority of your learning will be completed online, however you will also have the opportunity to attend Simulation Labs and Clinical Placements during your course. These aspects incorporate essential practical and experiential learning elements to your learning and better prepare you for working as a nurse. Students are required to achieve a minimum of 400 hours of Clinical Placement throughout the course\u2019s two-year duration."} +{"prompt": "Question: Will I have to sit exams in the Diploma of Nursing?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, some of your units in the Diploma of Nursing course require you to sit exams. More information about exams and your study support options will be discussed on orientation day."} +{"prompt": "Question: Will I ever need to go to a campus?\nAnswer:", "completion": " We provide you with everything you need to complete your studies online, however, you have access to all the facilities the campus has to offer."} +{"prompt": "Question: Will I be studying alone?\nAnswer:", "completion": " We know how important it is to have a supportive and collaborative network around you when you\u2019re studying.\r \r When you choose your units, we\u2019ll enrol you into an online class of 20-25 students. Small class sizes ensure that you receive quick and effective feedback from tutors.\u00a0You will also be encouraged to collaborate on discussion boards with other students."} +{"prompt": "Question: Will I be charged interest on my HECS-HELP loan?\nAnswer:", "completion": " There is no\u00a0interest charged on a HECS\u2011HELP loans, but\u00a0your debt will be indexed each year.\u00a0The indexation adjustment is made by the Australian Taxation Office on 1 June each year and applies to the portion of your debt that has been unpaid for 11 months or more. For more information seeInterest and indexation."} +{"prompt": "Question: Why is the Diploma of Nursing changing?\nAnswer:", "completion": " In late 2020, the federal Government announced changes to the current national health training package. As a result, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers across Australia are now required to update their courses to implement these changes,\u00a0including Swinburne Online.\r \r This is in effort to enhance VET qualifications\u00a0and ensure students are developing the skills that employers require in the future."} +{"prompt": "Question: Why is Swinburne Online a good study option during isolation?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The courses we offer have been designed specifically for online consumption. You\u2019ll study in a purpose-built virtual classroom with extended hours of support, allowing you to study whenever you like. With over 10,000 students currently studying with us, you can rest assured that our online study has been tried, tested and approved by many. All you need is an internet connection."} +{"prompt": "Question: Who can I contact for support during my studies?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Your academic and student support teams are here to assist you with different aspects of your studies. Your Vocation Learning Advisor (VLA) is your go-to person to help you through your learning journey. Your VLA is extremely experienced, is a Registered Nurse and a qualified Training and Assessor. You will also have Student Advisors available seven days a week to assist with any general queries you may have, including those about your enrolment details, placements, exams and academic performance."} +{"prompt": "Question: Who can help me put together a study plan for my course?\nAnswer:", "completion": " OurCourse Consultantsare always happy to recommend a study load and specific units for you to start off with based on your needs before you begin your degree with us. Once you are enrolled, you can contact one of ourStudent Advisorsat any time and they can help you set yourself up with a study plan designed to maximise your success."} +{"prompt": "Question: Who can help me if I am having technological difficulties?\nAnswer:", "completion": " When completing your degree, there is a vast amount of technical support at your disposal, both on our website and through our support team. If you can\u2019t find what you need on our Student PortalTechnical Support sectionthen get in touch with one of ourStudent Advisorson 1300 937 765 from Australia, +61 3 9956 0777 for Australian citizens living overseas and 800 8001 1222 for international students, anytime between 9am\u20139pm (AEST) Monday to Friday and 10am\u20136pm (AEST) on weekends and public holidays."} +{"prompt": "Question: Which units should I start with?\nAnswer:", "completion": " When you enrol to study a degree with us, you will nominate how many units you would like to select per teaching period, based on a recommendation from one of ourCourse Consultants. From here, our enrolments team will allocate you automatically to the units they feel will be best suited to your needs, so you don\u2019t need to worry about choosing units. If you want to choose something different than what you are allocated to, that is no problem, just get in touch with our Student Advisors and they will take care of it for you."} +{"prompt": "Question: Which units can I take as electives?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Students are free to choose their elective units from any degree, as long as the unit doesn\u2019t have a pre-requisite requirement that the student hasn\u2019t met."} +{"prompt": "Question: Where can I study online from?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Swinburne Online takes domestic students for both degrees and TAFE diplomas from anywhere in Australi International students are also accepted for our degrees, although some differences to their payment processes will apply."} +{"prompt": "Question: Where can I go for career advice?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Our Centre for Career Development is a one-stop shop for students looking for career advice and guidance. You\u2019ll not only get assistance with career planning, you\u2019ll also receive advice and discover avenues to develop experience and skills outside university \u2013 all giving you the advantage in the job application process. And once you\u2019ve entered the job market, you will still be able to get in touch with the Centre for advice on how to further develop your career into the future.\u00a0For more information visit our Centre for Career Development page."} +{"prompt": "Question: Where can I get important information about the VET Student Loan Program?\nAnswer:", "completion": " You must read theVET Student Loans Information Bookletbefore applying for a loan. A VET student loan results in a HELP debt that continues to be a debt due to the government until it is repaid. You will start repaying the loan when you reach the minimum repayment threshold.\r \r The rate at which you repay the loan is based on your income, as you earn more you will repay a higher percentage of your taxable income towards your loan. Check theStudy Assistwebsite to find out more. We encourage you to seek independent financial advice to be sure a VET Student Loan is right for you."} +{"prompt": "Question: Where can I get English language support?\nAnswer:", "completion": " As a Swinburne student studying online you have access toStudiosity, an independent tutoring service that offers constructive essay feedback in less than 24 hours. Submit your draft essay or report to get expert feedback on academic writing, structure, flow and use of research to help develop your English language skills."} +{"prompt": "Question: Where can I get assessment support?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Aside from the Student Advisors, we offer independent assessment feedback viaStudiosity. Studiosity is an online tutoring service that offers constructive essay feedback in less than 24 hours. Submit your draft essay or report to get expert feedback on academic writing, structure, flow and use of research.\r \r If you\u2019re enrolled in a VET course you will access assessment support in Canvas \u2013 your online learning environment. A dynamic live chat means you can find out who else is online at the same time as you and ask other students questions. There is also a discussion board where you can post questions that will be answered by a pool of industry trained teachers, waiting to help you."} +{"prompt": "Question: Where can I find out more about VET Student Loans?\nAnswer:", "completion": " More information is available atVET Student Loans."} +{"prompt": "Question: Where are Swinburne Online\u2019s exam centres located?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Exams are held in\u00a0Australian capital cities or regional centres based on the number of candidates in that location. Venues within these cities will be selected based on their central location and proximity to public transport. Some capital cities may not be established as examination\u00a0centres due to low candidate numbers. For more information, view ourwebsite."} +{"prompt": "Question: When will Swinburne Online be releasing the new Diploma of Nursing?\nAnswer:", "completion": " ANMAC (Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council) are reviewing submissions to teach the new course packaging. This is likely to be in place in early 2022."} +{"prompt": "Question: When is the cut-off date for enrolment?\nAnswer:", "completion": " If you are applying to study a degree at Swinburne Online, enrolments close approximately 10 days before the start of each teaching period. Our teaching periods run three times a year, from March to June, July to October and November to February.\u00a0For TAFE students, you can enrol at any time and begin your self-paced studies at a variety of start dates that suit you. For full details about start dates, visit ourkey datespage."} +{"prompt": "Question: What\u2019s changing in the Diploma of Nursing?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The learning outcomes will remain the same, with students gaining a nationally recognised qualification. The changes follow industry review and aim to better align student outcomes:To current and evolving best-practiceTo support learners in an increasingly digital environment.The regulatory bodies review and update these courses every five years to ensure students can:Keep pace with rapidly changing industry needsRespond to future skillsReflect industry practice."} +{"prompt": "Question: What sort of career prospects do I have with an online qualification?\nAnswer:", "completion": " As a graduate of Swinburne Online, you receive the same accredited qualification as an on-campus student, meaning you have the same skills and knowledge as them. This means with an online degree you have the same career prospects as an on-campus graduate of Swinburne University of Technology, which is in the top 3% of universities worldwide.\r \r TAFE study is designed to give you the skills you need to help take your career to the next level. A Swinburne Online TAFE qualification builds upon your industry experience, and gives you the formal skills and knowledge needed to take on a more senior role or change careers. For more information read how you canAdvance your Career."} +{"prompt": "Question: What resources are available to alumni once they have graduated?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Swinburne University of Technology provides its alumni the following benefits and services: networking events with alumni both in Australia and around the world, continued access to career support, discounted professional development programs, notifications of new courses, qualifications and scholarships and access to commercial discounts and special offers. To find out more ways that you can stay connected with Swinburne alumni and their networking programs, visit ourAlumni Resourcespage."} +{"prompt": "Question: What level of English language proficiency do I need to study an undergraduate degree at Swinburne Online?\nAnswer:", "completion": " It is expected that applicants have proficient English skills. We recommend the below levels in anEnglish language testsuch as IELTS or TOEFL to ensure you are successful at university study:For paper based TOEFL tests a score of 550 with a written English score of 5For Internet based TOEFL tests a score of 79 with no band below 18.International English Language Test System (IELTS) course specifications:Undergraduate Business\u00a0courses require an IELTS score of 6 with no band below 6Undergraduate Media and Communication courses require an IELTS score of 6 with no band below 6Undergraduate Social Science requires an IELTS score of 6 with no band below 6Undergraduate Psychological Sciences requires an\u00a0IELTS score of 6.5\u00a0with no band below 6Undergraduate Education requires an IELTS score of 6.5 with no band below 6Further informationon English requirements"} +{"prompt": "Question: What level of English language proficiency do I need to study a Masters at Swinburne Online?\nAnswer:", "completion": " It is expected that applicants have proficient English skills. You should have a bachelor degree or equivalent (at least three years) studied in English, or have completed year 12 English in Australi\r \r You must meet the below levels in an English language test such as IELTS, ISLPR or PEAT to ensure you are successful:Achievement in the International Second Language Proficiency Rating (ISLPR) of Level 4 in all four areas of speaking, listening, reading, writing from an approved testing site.Achievement of a score A in all four areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the Professional English Assessment for Teachers (PEAT) test.International English Language Test System (IELTS) course specifications:Master of Professional Accounting requires IELTS 6.5 no band below 6Master of Business Administration (MBA) requires IELTS 6.5 no band below 6Masters of Teaching requires IELTS of 7.5 and the following scores for each component Speaking 8.0, Listening 8.0, Reading 7.0, Writing 7.0"} +{"prompt": "Question: What kind of support do you offer to your online students?\nAnswer:", "completion": " We have a whole variety of support options available to students seven days a week, so no one is ever left feeling alone.\r \r For students studying a degree with us, your small online class of 20\u201324 students is run by a dedicated online tutor (eLearning Advisor), who will always be happy to respond to your questions.\r \r Our Student Advisors (SAs) are a team of academic/technical and administrative specialists who can be contacted seven days a week. They can help with issues from advice on assignments to problems with logging in to the Student Hub.\r \r We also have online assessment support options that will cater to a range of academic needs. To find out more about our university support options, visit the student support page on our website."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is VET?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Vocational Education and Training (VET) is focused on providing students with specific job related and technical skills. Qualifications include certificates, diplomas and advanced diplomas and take less time to complete than a university degree. Nationally recognised VET qualifications cover a wide range of industries, from business and management to trades, retail and hospitality."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is Undergraduate Study?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Undergraduate study is a term used to describe formal,\u00a0accredited tertiary education achievements.\u00a0Studied at a university, higher education institution or college, an undergraduate degree will usually be your first university degree, such as a bachelor degree and will take between three and four years of full-time study (or part-time equivalent) to complete."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the Tableau Desktop Certified Specialist certification?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The Tableau Desktop Certified Specialist certification is an industry-recognised qualification that demonstrates your comprehensive knowledge and abilities in Tableau application. This certification does not expire and does not need to be renewed.\r \r For more information, please visit theTableau Desktop Certified Specialist Certificationpage."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the Student Amenities Help fee for and why do I have to pay it?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Our students do have access to Swinburne\u2019s campus facilities, including our libraries and this means they are required to pay a Student Amenities fee like all university students in Australi For students who aren\u2019t based in Victoria, we have an agreement with 34 institutions that our online students have access to. The program is called ULANZ and more information is available here: ULANZ website"} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the relationship between Swinburne University of Technology and Swinburne Online?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Swinburne Online was born out of a joint venture between SEEK.com.au and Swinburne University of Technology. We focus on providing you with industry-ready qualifications, from a university withover 100 years of\u00a0history.\u00a0Swinburne Online students receive the same qualification as students at Swinburne University of Technology, an internationally ranked university with 30,000 students across its Melbourne and overseas campuses."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is the difference between a degree and a diploma?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Offered by universities, TAFEs, Registered Training Organisations and Community Education Centres, a diploma is a practical qualification, while a degree is typically offered by universities and encompasses more academic courses. For more information about the different qualifications, visit ourOnline Coursespage."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is TAFE?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Technical and Further Education (TAFE) is the term used to describe certain state-administered education institutions. Such institutions provide Vocational Education and Training (VET) and qualifying courses under the National Training System, Australian Qualifications Framework and Australian Quality Training Network.\r \r A Registered Training Organisation (RTO) is an organisation accredited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) which is the national regulator for Australia\u2019s vocational education and training sector. ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is Postgraduate Study?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Postgraduate study is a term generally used to describe tertiary education courses available to students who have already completed a bachelor degree or have significant relevant work experience. Postgraduate study takes the form of either coursework or research.\r \r Coursework consists of a program of academic study to achieve one or more of the following:Graduate CertificateGraduate DiplomaPostgraduate DiplomaMaster by CourseworkProfessional MasterProfessional DoctorateTaking a research approach to postgraduate study entails conducting research and providing a thesis to earn a:Master by Research orDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is online education?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Online education utilises breakthrough web technologies to deliver academic courses. When undertaking online study, students may use a range of tools such as webinars, videos, chat sessions and e-texts to deliver content.\r \r Assessments can be undertaken synchronously or asynchronously. Synchronous learning refers to situations where online participation from a student is required at a certain time. This may involve a live discussion session with an online tutor, or a presentation which is only available to be viewed at that time. Asynchronous learning involves study where the event is not in a live format, but it may still have a loose timeframe, for example: an assessment that will be accessible at any time over a week long period. Both of these learning styles are utilised to their optimum when studying with Swinburne Online."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is Higher Education?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Higher education encompasses Bachelor level degrees and above and is offered by universities. Whether you\u2019re entering or re-entering the workforce, changing career paths or simply want to broaden your expertise, higher education will help you achieve your career goals with courses ranging from bachelor degrees, masters degrees, doctorates and more. Each course requires different commitments in terms of time, cost and pre-requisite or foundation study or experience."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is HECS-HELP?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The HECS\u2011HELP scheme can benefit an undergraduate domestic student (for example an Australian citizen studying a Bachelor degree at Swinburne Online) as a student loan. Instead of paying upfront, HECS-HELP is how eligible students can pay their\u00a0student contribution amount."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is Distance Education?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Distance education (sometimes known as learning by correspondence) is a broad term that describes education delivered to a student who is in a separate location to the source of the academic content. This method of education has been around since the 1800s and in comparison withonline education, which\u00a0is offered by Swinburne Online, it is often viewed by professionals as outdated.\u00a0The mode of delivery traditionally\u00a0involves\u00a0sending the course materials and assessments back and forth between the student and learning institution in hard copy. Many distance education programs require the student to attend classes or workshops on campus at some stage during the semester."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is an Honours Degree?\nAnswer:", "completion": " You can graduate with honours from a Bachelor Degree\u00a0by undertaking an additional year of study, generally requiring you to complete a research project and submit a thesis, thereby positioning you for further research studies."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is an e-Learning Advisor and how can I contact them?\nAnswer:", "completion": " At Swinburne Online, each unit you study will be run by an online tutor with years of industry experience. The tutors are called e-Learning Advisors\u00a0and they have been trained to teach specifically in an online environment. You can contact your e-Learning Advisor via the discussion boards in the student portal, or via email for a timely response."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a virtual classroom?\nAnswer:", "completion": " For students studying a degree, a virtual classroom is the online space where your learning will take place. You\u2019ll participate in interactive learning activities, access online reading, watch instructional videos and interact with your fellow students. Plus, class sizes are kept small so you get the personalised support you need."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is an e-Learning Advisor and how can I contact them?\nAnswer:", "completion": " At Swinburne Online, each unit you study will be run by an online tutor with years of industry experience. The tutors are called e-Learning Advisors\u00a0and they have been trained to teach specifically in an online environment. You can contact your e-Learning Advisor via the discussion boards in the student portal, or via email for a timely response."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a specialisation?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A specialisation is a prescribed set of units within an are Specialising in a second discipline, particularly one that complements your major, can complement your quali\ufb01cation and employment prospects. However, a specialisation is an area of interest not an accredited major."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a pre-requisite?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A pre-requisite subject is a subject or sequence of subjects which must be completed before choosing a subsequent unit or course. For example, an undergraduate student cannot choose postgraduate units at Swinburne Online."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a PhD?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A Doctor of Philosophy, or PhD, is a globally recognised qualification that\u2019s considered the highest postgraduate achievement an individual can earn.\u00a0To be awarded with a PhD, you must select a specific subject within your chosen field, carry out extensive and original research and submit a substantial thesis on your findings. Your thesis will be assessed by external examiners and will be judged on the quality of original research and contribution to the knowledge of the subject.\r \r You\u2019ll be required to commit to three or four years of full-time study (or part-time equivalent) and will be supervised by academic staff members. Once you graduate, you\u2019ll be eligible to teach in your chosen field at a university level or work in a specialised position."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a Masters Degree?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A Masters Degree allows you to become a specialist in your chosen field. Typically students are required you to demonstrate a high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice. When you graduate, you\u2019ll possess advanced knowledge of a specialised body of theoretical and applied topics, high order skills in analysis, critical evaluation, or professional application; and the ability to solve complex problems and think rigorously and independently. You will generally be required to undertake academic coursework and in some cases, preparation for professional practice."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a major unit?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A major unit refers to what \u2018specialisation\u2019 you would like to focus on within your degree. For example, as a Bachelor of Business Administration student, you may wish to major in a specialisation area such as marketing. For current students, more information can be found in theStudy Resourcessection of our Student Portal."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a Graduate Diploma?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A Graduate Diploma will allow you to complete specialisation studies in a smaller amount of\u00a0time and at a reduced cost of a Masters degree. Most of the time you will also have the option of transferring to a masters degree in the same topic.\u00a0Once you complete your graduate diploma, you\u2019ll have advanced knowledge and skills for professional, highly skilled work or further learning."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a Graduate Certificate?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Completing a Graduate Certificate will help you upgrade your qualifications or give you advanced practical skills required in specialist industries.\u00a0If you haven\u2019t earned a bachelor degree, many\u00a0programs may allow you entry\u00a0provided you have sufficient relevant work experience in your chosen field.\u00a0Graduate Certificates generally require a commitment of six months full-time study, or an equivalent part-time commitment."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a Grade Point Average (GPA)?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A GPA is a calculation for higher education results. There are two GPA scales commonly used in Australia and overseas, the four-point and the seven-point scale. These scales differ in the grade points that they allocate to each grade but the method of calculation is the same. Swinburne uses a four-point method. To find out how to calculate a GPA visit our Grade Point Average page."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a good option for upskilling during this time?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The best study option for you will depend on your current level of education, as well as the amount of available time you have to commit. For those looking to step up and earn a promotion or just upskill in general, ashort coursemight be the best choice.\r \r AGraduate Certificateis also a good option for anyone looking to be educated over a short period of time.\r \r If you are unsure about what level of study or time commitment is best for you, utilise our Study Time Calculator orview our range of coursestoday."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a Double Degree?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A double degree is a university degree where you study two single degrees at the same time, giving you the option of specialising in two different fields. To be eligible to enrol in a double degree, you must meet all the entry requirements of both degree programs.\u00a0Even though you\u2019ll be doubling your opportunities and giving yourself more career flexibility once you graduate, a double degree generally doesn\u2019t take double the time to complete.\r \r In most instances, you\u2019ll benefit from cross-crediting elective units, which will reduce your study costs and time compared to if you were studying separate bachelor degrees at different times.\u00a0Usually a double degree will take\u00a0four years full time study\u00a0or part-time equivalent."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a Diploma?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Completing a Diploma or Advanced Diploma certificate will give you practical skills for work as well as the opportunity to progress to another qualification. At Swinburne, you\u2019ll be taught by experienced teachers and have access to equipment used in industry to help prepare you for your future."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a Commonwealth Supported Place?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The Australian Government subsidises an Australian citizen student\u2019s education by giving them a Commonwealth supported place. By doing this they are paying part of the course fees directly to the university and the student pays the remainder. If you are a domestic undergraduate student, you are eligible for a Commonwealth supported place."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a Certificate?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Certificates are the most basic qualification available to secondary school students and beyond. Offered by TAFEs, Community Education Centres and Registered Training Providers, Certificates I, II, III and IV will prepare you for employment or further education and training.Certificate I:Will give you skills when beginning a profession or help you gain community involvement.Certificate II:You\u2019ll build on knowledge and skills to work in a defined context and undertake further learning.Certificate III:You\u2019ll learn more in-depth theoretical and practical skills for work or further learning.Certificate IV:You\u2019ll learn theoretical and practical skills for specialised work or further learning."} +{"prompt": "Question: What is a Bachelor Degree?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Bachelor degrees are offered by universities and are presented to you when you complete an undergraduate course of study. Depending on the field of study, the duration of the degree can range from three to five years of full-time study (or part-time equivalent). Most bachelor degrees are recognised worldwide. A Bachelor degree teaches you skills such as research and analytical thinking and is recognised as a higher qualification to diplomas or certificates. Where a Diploma will give you the skills you need for your job, a Bachelor will set you up for your career."} +{"prompt": "Question: What happens if I don\u2019t pay my fees on time?\nAnswer:", "completion": " It is your responsibility to ensure that your enrolment is correct prior to the due date.\u00a0If you do not pay your fees by the due date you may be cancelled from your degree. If you withdraw from a unit after the due date you will receive a fail result on your student record.\r \r For TAFE students, your course won\u2019t begin until you\u2019ve paid your fees, or submitted your VET FEE HELP form."} +{"prompt": "Question: What devices will I need to complete my qualification?\nAnswer:", "completion": " These are the minimum technical requirements to study with Swinburne Online:Laptop or desktop computerSpeakers or headphonesWeb cameraMicrophoneFor Mac: OSX version 10.7For PC: Windows 7Broadband internet connection with at least 30 GB data allowance per month (mobile dongles are not recommended)."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are the main differences between online, on-campus and distance education?\nAnswer:", "completion": " At Swinburne Online, our online education method just requires students to have access to a broadband connection! Students can log in to their online environment to access their course, whenever and wherever it is convenient for them.\u00a0Traditional on-campus education requires students to attend lectures and tutorials at a venue at a given time.\r \r Distance education often requires a number of different communication modes and can sometimes involve the sending of printed material to a student\u2019s residence."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are the entry requirements for the Diploma of Nursing?\nAnswer:", "completion": " To study a diploma with Swinburne Online, you need tomeet the specific entry criteriafor your course. Please ensure you meet the entry criteria for the Diploma of Nursing before you apply."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are the entry requirements for TAFE Business courses?\nAnswer:", "completion": " To study a diploma with Swinburne Online, you need to meet the specific entry criteria for your course.\r \r For our Business diplomas you must either hold a relevant Certificate IV, Year 12, or higher level qualification, or have at least two years of relevant work experience and have completed Year 10 Maths and English.\r \r If you haven\u2019t completed Year 10 Maths and Englishcomplete an online applicationand our Course Consultants will be in touch to talk to you about your situation."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are the benefits of acquiring a Tableau certification?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Earning an industry certification is a powerful way todemonstrate and validate your competency to the market. Tableau certified professionals enjoy advanced career prospects, higher salaries, improved job security, greater confidence and proficiency in the workplace, and skill validation.\r \r Tableau certified professionals are also invited to enter theTableau directory\u2013 a platform used by companies and prospective employers to find Tableau-accredited talent."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are placements?\nAnswer:", "completion": " When you study an education degree you complete practicum units that include theory and professional experience, also called a placement. Your placement will provide you with a real-life teaching experience at an early learning centre or primary school. This will give you the chance to apply the skills you\u2019ve learnt online, build your confidence in the classroom, and gain invaluable industry experience."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are exemptions?\nAnswer:", "completion": " An exemption is a credit you are given by Swinburne Online for previous study or prior learning at another institute. If you are eligible for exemptions, it can mean that you can fast-track your degree or diploma and graduate sooner. To find out if you are eligible for any exemptions, speak to one of ourCourse Consultants."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are electives and why do I need to study them?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Electivesare free choice units that must be completed to meet the requirements for most of our degrees. They are included in many of our courses to give students flexibility, in terms of how they complete their degree. Their inclusion in our courses allows students to explore other subjects of interest that may not be included in the core structure of their chosen degree."} +{"prompt": "Question: What are core units?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A core unit is a unit common to most degrees within a discipline. For example, all social science degrees at Swinburne Online share the same core units, regardless of which degree you are studying. Generally, core units are taken towards the start of your degree. For current students, more information can be found in theStudy Resourcessection of our Student Portal."} +{"prompt": "Question: Should I start studying now?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Depending on your current situation, now might be the perfect time for you to start studying. If you are finding yourself with extra time that you would usually spend on commuting or weekly commitments and would like to use it constructively, view ourrange of coursestoday."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is there fee or financial assistance for Postgraduate Degrees?\nAnswer:", "completion": " According to studyassist.gov.au, Australian citizens or permanent residents (humanitarian visa) are eligible for FEE-HELP, providing they have not exceeded their FEE-HELP limit.\u00a0To check your eligibility, visit the Australian GovernmentStudy Assist website."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is there fee or financial assistance for international students?\nAnswer:", "completion": " International students are not eligible for any financial assistance from the Australian government."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is there a graduation ceremony?\nAnswer:", "completion": " As a student of Swinburne Online, you are eligible to participate in the Swinburne University of Technologygraduation ceremony, which is held three times a year at the Melbourne Convention Centre. If you cannot make it to Melbourne, you can graduate in absentia and can opt to have your testamur (degree) posted to you."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is now a good time to look at a career change?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Following the impacts of COVID-19, there are likely to be many changes in different industries. This may spark an opportunity for you to begin a career in a new field. If you are finding yourself with extra time that you would usually spend on commuting or weekly commitments and would like to use it constructively, view ourrange of coursestoday. Starting or completing a course now will help put you ahead of the pack."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is anyone eligible for a VSL?\nAnswer:", "completion": " No \u2013 VET Student Loans will not be approved for students who do not meeteligibility requirements."} +{"prompt": "Question: Is an online qualification a real qualification?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, students of Swinburne Online graduate with the exact same qualification as a student at Swinburne University of Technology. Not only does your graduation certificate look exactly the same, your coursework will cover all the same topics \u2013 we just transpose the information and assessment tasks so that they are perfectly suited to an online classroom."} +{"prompt": "Question: If I have just completed Year 12, can I apply to enrol in your March intake (Teaching Period 1)?\nAnswer:", "completion": " No, recent Year 12 students must apply through VTAC for Swinburne courses for the March intake. However you may apply for Swinburne Online\u2019s July or November intakes."} +{"prompt": "Question: If I have a VSL can I withdraw from my course?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes. If you decide to discontinue your studies, you will need toformally withdraw from your course. To formally withdraw, please complete the self-service request form including:Your full name and student numberThe course you\u2019re enrolled inYour intent to withdrawWhether you paid your fees upfront or applied for VET FEE HELP or a VET Student Loan.Withdrawing before Census:To avoid incurring a VET FEE HELP or VET Student Loan debt (or to receive a full refund if you pay for your fees upfront) you must send your email to Swinburne Online on or before your Census date. We will inform you of your Census dates when you enrol.\u00a0If you paid your fees upfront, Swinburne Online will send you a refund application form. Once this is processed you will receive a full refund within 10 business days.Withdrawing after Census:If you withdraw from your course after your Census date, you will be automatically charged for the units you enrolled in. You won\u2019t be able to receive a refund. If you elected for VET FEE HELP or VET Student Loan, you will incur the debt."} +{"prompt": "Question: I\u2019m studying a TAFE Business course, will I have to sit exams?\nAnswer:", "completion": " There are no exams for Swinburne Online\u2019s TAFE Business courses."} +{"prompt": "Question: I\u2019m studying a degree, will I have to sit exams?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Exam attendance is necessary for all of our courses, other than education courses, our Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) and some media studies units. Exams are taken at specified exam centre venues in capital cities around Australi When students reside more than 100km from an exam centre, or have any condition that would prevent them from taking exams at exam centres, they can sit an online exam.\r \r All our international students will also be required to sit their exams online, at home using a personal computer. To find out more about exams, visit ourassessments and examspage on the website."} +{"prompt": "Question: I\u2019m interested in becoming a teacher. How will teaching placements work, given that your degrees are online?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Students studying our online education courses still have to complete placements like on-campus students. In order to register to teach, graduates must have completed at least 60 days of professional placement when studying at postgraduate level and at least 80 days at undergraduate level. Professional placements can be taken anywhere in Australia, in schools that use the Australian curriculum or early childhood settings that use the Early Years Learning Framework."} +{"prompt": "Question: I'm not sure what to study. Who can help me?\nAnswer:", "completion": " If you are unsure which qualification is most relevant to you, speak to aCourse Consultantfor some advice or see our Levels of Education FAQ section. Otherwise you can submitan application formand one of our Course Consultants will be in touch."} +{"prompt": "Question: I'm not sure if I meet the entry requirements but I want to study. What should I do?\nAnswer:", "completion": " If you\u2019re unsure about whether you\u2019ll be eligible to study with Swinburne, it\u2019s definitely worth calling our team of course consultants on 1300 069 765 or\u00a0+61 3 9956 0777 if you are calling from overseas. The team will be able to outline which entry requirements are relevant to you and explain your next steps.\r \r Often students will be eligible for a range of courses on the basis of their work experience. It may be as simple as sending through an updated resume to get on track towards your qualification of choice."} +{"prompt": "Question: I currently work at an early childhood service, primary or secondary school, can I do my teaching placement at my workplace?\nAnswer:", "completion": " A placement may be able to be completed at your workplace depending on your course and circumstances. Please contact the Placements Team to discuss if this is an option for a particular placement in your course."} +{"prompt": "Question: How will a credit for previous studies appear on my transcript?\nAnswer:", "completion": " If you have credits or exemptions from previous study, it will appear on your academic transcript under \u2018Other Results\u2019. Please note there will be no grade or mark associated with these studies."} +{"prompt": "Question: How much will my course cost?\nAnswer:", "completion": " For domestic university students, estimates of your overall course cost can be found on our Course Fees page on the website. For international students, course fees can be found on theirCourse Fees and Scholarshipspage. These prices may vary slightly depending on which units you choose. For more information about individual unit costs, visitSwinburne University of Technology\u2019s Higher education fees page.\r \r For information on how much your VET course will cost, visit ourVET Fees page."} +{"prompt": "Question: How many units can I undertake per teaching period?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Within a teaching period, you have to do at least one unit to continue studying your degree. The maximum amount of units you can undertake in a teaching period is four units. If you need to take a teaching period off, you can look at deferring your course."} +{"prompt": "Question: How many placements do I have to do?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The number of placements you have to complete depends on your course:\r Bachelor of Education (Primary): 3 x 20 days, 1 x 21 days. Total: 81 days\r Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Teaching): 4 x 20 days. Total: 80 days\r Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary): 3 x 20 days, 1 x 21 days, 1 x 10 days. Total: 91 days\r Master of Teaching (Primary): 3 x 20 days. Total: 60 days\r Master of Teaching (Secondary): 3 x 20 days. Total: 60 days"} +{"prompt": "Question: How many hours of study per week are recommended per unit?\nAnswer:", "completion": " For most undergraduate students, we recommend you allow eight hours of study a week per unit. For postgraduate education students (domestic only), we recommend 10 hours a week per unit and for postgraduate business students and undergraduate design students we recommend allowing 12 hours a week of study per unit."} +{"prompt": "Question: How many alumni are there?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Swinburne University has over 215,000 alumni in more than 140 countries around the world."} +{"prompt": "Question: How long will my application take to be assessed?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Our team of Course Consultants will normally get in touch with you within two working days of you submitting your application with an outcome, or to retrieve some further information. During busy periods this time frame can be a little longer. You are welcome to contact us if you\u2019d like to follow up on an application that has exceeded this guideline."} +{"prompt": "Question: How long will it take to earn my degree?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The length of your degree will largely depend on how many units you undertake per teaching period. The number of units required to complete a degree varies from qualification to qualification and you can see how many units are required to complete a particular degree on ourCourse Pages.\r \r Alternatively, you can have a look at our Course Planners for more detailed information about how to manage a specific degree. As students have the option of studying between one and four units per teaching period and can change their study load throughout, each student will graduate at a different point.\r \r If you are studying a VET course, you can personalise your program, giving you the freedom to set your own goals, choose what units you study first, and determine how long you spend on each one. So whether you want to complete your diploma in two months or over a year \u2014 you can work towards your goals at a pace that suits you.\r \r It\u2019s important to note that number of study hours required for each diploma does change, and you can view the specific requirements on our VET course pages."} +{"prompt": "Question: How long has Swinburne been around for?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Swinburne started as a technical college in 1909 and gained university status in 1992.Read the history of Swinburne."} +{"prompt": "Question: How does your model of online study work for the Diploma of Nursing?\nAnswer:", "completion": " All of your study will happen in Canvas. Canvas is the online platform where you\u2019ll manage your course and receive study support from your Vocational Learning Advisors (VLAs). The Diploma of Nursing course is fast-paced and you will need to find a work-life-study balance that suits your personal needs."} +{"prompt": "Question: How does your model of online study work for TAFE?\nAnswer:", "completion": " When you study a TAFE course with Swinburne Online all of your study will happen in Canvas. Canvas is the online platform where you\u2019ll manage your course and receive study support from teachers. You\u2019ll be able to personalise your program, giving you the freedom to set your own goals, choose what units you study first, and determine how long you spend on each one. With the support of your Assessors and Lead Trainer, you can work towards your goals at a pace that suits you."} +{"prompt": "Question: How does your model of online study work for higher education if there are no lectures?\nAnswer:", "completion": " We know students are most successful when they learn actively. This means not just remembering new information, but evaluating it and using it to solve problems and to come up with new ideas. Students at Swinburne Online learn with the three learning components: theory, practice and sharing. You learn your theory through the free Learning Materials, put it into practice with weekly Learning Activities and then share your learnings with other classmates in the Discussion Boards."} +{"prompt": "Question: How does Swinburne University of Technology rate against other universities?\nAnswer:", "completion": " For over 100 years Swinburne has been committed to providing our students with the latest innovations in education. In recent years, Swinburne has become one of the world\u2019s leading universities, ranking in the top 400 in the world, as assessed by the Academic Ranking of World Universities. This result places Swinburne among the top 2% of universities in the world.\u00a0Swinburne has over 30,000 students enrolled worldwide, supported by 2,800 staff and an alumni network of over 90,000."} +{"prompt": "Question: How does online study work?\nAnswer:", "completion": " You can undertake our courses from anywhere with an internet connection, including the comfort of your own home during social isolation.\r \r Swinburne Online takes domestic students for both degrees and TAFE diplomas from anywhere in Australi International students are also accepted for our degrees, although some differences to their payment processes will apply.\r \r You won\u2019t normally have to be online at a specific time. Your course material is available for you from the beginning of each teaching period and you can work through it in the hours that suit you.\r \r There are some live webinar sessions that run approximately once a month. These are a special opportunity for students to sign in at the same time as their tutors, normally before an assessment deadline. It gives you the chance to ask any questions relating to the assignment in real time and hear other student\u2019s questions and thoughts. We understand that students won\u2019t always be able to make these sessions, so they can be replayed the next day."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do I stay on track with my study?\nAnswer:", "completion": " When studying a degree and you are struggling with motivation, time management or simply need help with an assignment or some technical support, you can get in touch with our Student Advisors. Call 1300 937 765 from Australia, +61 3 9956 0777 for Australian citizens living overseas and 800 8001 1222 for international students, anytime between 9am \u2013 9pm (AEST) Monday to Friday and 10am \u2013 6pm (AEST) on weekends and public holidays \u2013 or fill out aHelp Web Formto speak to one of our Student Advisors.\r \r If you\u2019re enrolled in a TAFE course you will have support in Canvas \u2013 your online learning environment. A dynamic live chat means you can find out who else is online at the same time as you and ask other students questions. There is also a discussion board where you can post questions that will be answered by a pool of industry trained teachers, waiting to help you."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do I repay my HELP loan?\nAnswer:", "completion": " HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP and VET FEE-HELP enable eligible students to state their intention for tuition fees to be paid on their behalf by the federal government to Swinburne Online. This results in students having a loan with the Australian Tax Office that can be repaid through the tax system. Repayments for HELP loans are not required until students are earning more than a certain amount per annum."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do I apply to enrol in a degree or a diploma?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Applying to study with Swinburne Online is simple and one of ourcourse consultantswill be available to help you with any questions you have.\u00a0Students wishing to study with\u00a0us, simply need to complete anapplication form.\u00a0A course consultant will assess the application and give you prompt feedback, including any documentation required. If successful, they will be then able to finalise your application with you over the phone."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do exams work?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Exam attendance is necessary for all of our courses, other than education courses, our Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) and some media studies units. Exams are taken at specified exam centre venues in capital cities around Australi When students reside more than 100km from an exam centre, or have any condition that would prevent them from taking exams at exam centres, they can sit an online exam. All our international students will also be required to sit their exams online, at home using a personal computer.\r To find out more about exams, visit ourassessments and exams page."} +{"prompt": "Question: How do assessments work?\nAnswer:", "completion": " All of our assessment tasks and assignments at Swinburne Online are submitted online, so there is no need to worry about broken printers, or assignments getting lost in the mail. If you are unable to submit your assessment on time, there are a number of options available to you including extensions and special consideration. To find out more about assessments, visit our assessments page for university on the website.\r \r When you study a TAFE course with us your assessment tasks will be highly practical \u2013 instantly improving your work performance and helping advance your career. You will find short assessment tasks featured throughout your learning journey such as quizzes, short answer responses and reflection, and short projects. Read more about TAFE assessments here."} +{"prompt": "Question: How can I get in touch with other students?\nAnswer:", "completion": " You can communicate with students using the discussion boards within your student portal, or via CONNECT, Swinburne Online\u2019s very own social networking site. CONNECT is much like an online student lounge, where you can chat with students from across the whole of Swinburne Online. From\u00a0discussing your course, reflecting on student life, creating\u00a0face-to-face study groups with students in your local area and even networking for your future, CONNECT is your networking haven.\r \r If you\u2019re studying a TAFE diploma you\u2019ll have access to live chat within Canvas, which allows you to see who else is online at the same time as you and ask other students questions. You can also open up discussions with students and teachers by posting questions to an online discussion board."} +{"prompt": "Question: How are my placements arranged?\nAnswer:", "completion": " The process for accessing and securing a placement may differ depending on your course, your location and the type of setting. Once you\u2019re enrolled in your course you will be able to access information and resources about placements. Our Placements Team is also available to answer any questions you may have and give you advice."} +{"prompt": "Question: Has Swinburne Online been affected by COVID-19?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Neither the operations nor the teaching period at Swinburne Online have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to operate as business as usual throughout this time of uncertainty, with no reduction in teaching, support or enrolment services. Our intake dates remain unchanged. Swinburne Online is designed to thrive in the online environment. Our experienced support teams and tutors have always effectively worked with our satisfied students from a distance."} +{"prompt": "Question: Does the Graduate Certification in Professional Data Analytics prepare me for the Tableau Desktop Certified Specialist certification exam?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes! The Data Analytics for Business unit, which forms part of the Graduate Certificate of Professional Data Analytics, covers the subjects and topics assessed in the Tableau Desktop Certified Specialist certification exam. These include how to:create and explain data connectionsorganise and simplify datacreate basic charts and visualisationscalculate and map datacreate a dashboard.While the unit will equip you with the knowledge and skills that are tested on the exam, it is not designed to be direct preparation for the certification and we recommend consulting the Tableau exam guide andfree resources, in addition to the unit content, during your preparation."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do you offer online support, or will I need to figure it all out myself?\nAnswer:", "completion": " We have a whole variety of support options available to students seven days a week, so no one is ever left feeling alone.\r \r For students studying a degree with us, your small online class of 20-24 students is run by a dedicated online tutor (eLearning Advisor), who will always be happy to respond to your questions. Our Student Advisors (SAs) are a team of academic/technical and administrative specialists who can be contacted seven days a week. They can help with issues from advice on assignments to problems with logging in to the Student Portal. We also have online assessment support options that will cater to a range of academic needs. To find out more about our university support options, visit thestudent support pageon our website.\r \r For VET students, everything you need to know to complete your diploma is housed in our unique system called Canvas. However, if you do find yourself with questions one of ourVET student teamare on hand."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do you offer HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP?\nAnswer:", "completion": " We offer either HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP to Australian citizens and permanent humanitarian visa-holders for all of our university courses. For undergraduate degrees, Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) are available for all students who meet the entry criteri HECS-HELP is available for Australian citizens and permanent humanitarian visa-holders as part of their CSP offer.\r \r New Zealand citizens and Australian permanent residents will need to pay their unit fees up front, but will be eligible for our domestic student fee. For postgraduate courses, Australian citizens and Permanent Humanitarian visa-holders that are eligible for courses, will be able to use FEE-HELP to pay their tuition fees. International students are not eligible for any Australian government fee assistance."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do you have postgraduate programs?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, we offer a number of postgraduate degrees in business and education that will help you develop the skills and knowledge for a great career. All programs require a bachelor degree in any discipline, or relevant work experience."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do you have a head office somewhere if I want to meet someone face-to-face about my course?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Because you will be studying a degree online, all of our support systems are available over the phone or online. When you go through our simple enrolment process you will speak to one of our knowledgeable course consultants over the phone. Once you are a student with us, you are always welcome to drop in to any of our campuses to access the library or any of our otherstudent benefits."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do you accept international students?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, Swinburne Online accept applications from international students for our higher education courses. The process of applying to enrol is exactly the same as for domestic students. Simply fill in arequest for informationand submit any documentation required or speak to one of our Course Consultants on 800 4002 0400."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do I need to purchase any learning materials for the Diploma of Nursing?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, you will be required to purchase textbooks for this course at an additional cost. You will also need to purchase a nursing kit and a uniform for when you go on placement at your own cost. You can purchase these online once you begin your studies or at your on-campus orientation tour."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do I need to be logged on to study at specific times?\nAnswer:", "completion": " You won\u2019t normally have to be online at a specific time. Your course material is available for you from the beginning of each teaching period and you can work through it in the hours that suit you.\r \r There are some live webinar sessions that run approximately once a month. These are a special opportunity for students to sign in at the same time as their tutors, normally before an assessment deadline. It gives you the chance to ask any questions relating to the assignment in real time and hear other student\u2019s questions and thoughts. We understand that students won\u2019t always be able to make these sessions, so they can be replayed the next day."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do I need fancy software?\nAnswer:", "completion": " For students undertaking a degree, most of the software, like your online eTexts, that you will need to complete your course can be downloaded for free, using a license provided to you by Swinburne Online. However, certain units will require students to purchase some software. If you are studying a unit(s) that requires you to purchase software, you will be notified via email prior to the start of the teaching period.\r All students can download a free version of\u00a0Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) for the duration of their studies.\r \r You will also need ongoing access to either:Mac: OS X Version 10.7 or higherPC: Windows 7 or newer."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do I have to purchase learning materials?\nAnswer:", "completion": " For students undertaking a degree, most of your learning materials are included with a free license provided to you by Swinburne Online. However, in some cases, you will be notified via your student email that you will need to buy specific software or eTexts.\u00a0For TAFE Business students, all of your learning materials will be available online and are covered by your course fees. You won\u2019t need to purchase any further materials."} +{"prompt": "Question: Do I have to pay for my studies upfront?\nAnswer:", "completion": " If you are eligible for a HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP loan, you will be able to defer your study payments until you earn above the repayment threshold defined by the Australian Tax Office.\r \r We offer either HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP to Australian citizens and permanent humanitarian visa-holders for all of our university courses. For undergraduate degrees, Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) are available for all students who meet the entry criteri HECS-HELP is available for Australian citizens and permanent humanitarian visa-holders as part of their CSP offer. New Zealand citizens and Australian permanent residents will need to pay their unit fees up front, but will be eligible for our domestic student fee. For postgraduate courses, Australian citizens and Permanent Humanitarian visa-holders who are eligible for courses will be able to use FEE-HELP to pay their tuition fees. International students are not eligible for any Australian government fee assistance."} +{"prompt": "Question: Can I study abroad?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, most students will be eligible for some type of overseas study program, either longer term student exchange or short term study tours. For more information visit ourSwinburne Abroad pageon the Swinburne University of Technology website."} +{"prompt": "Question: Can I study a mixture of on-campus and online units?\nAnswer:", "completion": " If you are an on-campus student at Swinburne University of Technology, you may be able to study some of your units online, through Swinburne Online. Speak to aCourse Consultanttoday to find out if we can meet your unit requirements."} +{"prompt": "Question: Can I do my education placement outside of Australia?\nAnswer:", "completion": " You may be able to complete one primary placement overseas provided that it is undertaken at either an Australian Curriculum School or an International School where the language of instruction is English. All early childhood placements must be completed in Australi For more information, contact the Placements Team via theHelp Web Form."} +{"prompt": "Question: Can I cover the cost of my Introductory Skill Set Course using VET Student Loan?\nAnswer:", "completion": " No. Once you have finished your Introductory Skill Set course, you can apply for VSL to apply to the Diplom"} +{"prompt": "Question: Are there dates I need to think about when applying for a VSL?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes \u2013 It\u2019s important that when you enrol, you take note of your desired start date as this will determine the deadline for your fee payment and your Census date.Start datesrefer to your course start date (new students), as well as start date options for your next block of units. Census date is your last opportunity to change your enrolment without incurring the cost of your enrolled units."} +{"prompt": "Question: Are the education degrees nationally recognised?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Our education degrees are accredited and recognised by the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) and/or by the Australian Institute of Teaching and Leadership (AITSL) and/or by the Australian Children\u2019s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), depending on the particular course accreditation requirements.\r \r The Bachelor of Education (Primary), Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary), Master of Teaching (Primary) and Master of Teaching (Secondary) enable you to register as a teacher anywhere in Australia under mutual recognition. For the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Teaching), you should check with the teacher registration authority in your state or territory and course accreditation requirements necessary for any early childhood teacher registration requirements of your state or territory."} +{"prompt": "Question: Are the courses the same as the on-campus courses?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Swinburne Online students receive the same qualification as students at Swinburne University of Technology, an internationally ranked university with 30,000 students across its Melbourne and overseas campuses."} +{"prompt": "Question: Are Postgraduate students eligible for Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP)?\nAnswer:", "completion": " There are currently no Commonwealth Supported Places available to postgraduate students."} +{"prompt": "Question: Are placements available part time for education students?\nAnswer:", "completion": " When attending placement you are required to attend full days (seven to eight hours per day).\u00a0We recommend you complete your placement five days per week over four weeks. You also have the option of completing some placements three consecutive days per week (e.g. Wed, Thurs, Fri) over eight weeks."} +{"prompt": "Question: Are exams only held at the end of each teaching period?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, you are only required to attend exams at the end of each teaching period. There are no formal mid-semester exams."} +{"prompt": "Question: Am I eligible for a student concession card when studying online?\nAnswer:", "completion": " Yes, you can request a student card when you enrol with Swinburne Online. You can use this to borrow books at Swinburne University of Technology\u2019s library or any ULANZ libraries and will also need it when you attend exams."} +{"prompt": "Question: Am I eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place and a HELP loan?\nAnswer:", "completion": " ACommonwealth Supported Place(CSP) is a subsidised higher education place. You will only pay the student contribution (remaining amount) of the unit fees after the government subsidy has been applied.\r \r AHECS-HELP loanwill allow you to defer your fees to a government loan forCSP\u00a0courses, allowing you to avoid any upfront fees for your course. You would start to pay this loan back once you are earning over the advised threshold. This loan is available to Australian citizens and Humanitarian Visa holders.\r \r AFEE-HELP loanwill allow you to defer your fees to a government loan for full fee paying places (non-CSP) allowing you to avoid any upfront fees for your course. You would start to pay this loan back once you are earning over the advised threshold. This loan is available to Australian citizens and Humanitarian Visa holders. You can nominate to defer your fees to a HELP loan during your enrolment, and once you log into your student account that application can be finalised."} +{"prompt": "Question: Am I able to study at Swinburne Online if I don't live in Victoria?\nAnswer:", "completion": " You can study at Swinburne Online from any state or territory in Australia, as long as you meet the entry requirements for youronline courseand have an Internet connection!"}