import datasets #from datasets import load_dataset train0, validation0, test0 = datasets.load_dataset("superb", "ks", split=["train","validation","test"]) labels = train0.features["label"].names label2id = {x: labels.index(x) for x in labels} id2label = {str(id): label for label, id in label2id.items()} down_id = label2id['down'] on_id = label2id['on'] # This filters 51094 rows to 3706 rows, with features ['file', 'audio', 'label'] train1 = train0.filter(lambda example: example['label'] == down_id or example['label'] == on_id) # 521 rows validation1 = validation0.filter(lambda example: example['label'] == down_id or example['label'] == on_id) # 499 rows test1 = test0.filter(lambda example: example['label'] == down_id or example['label'] == on_id) train1.to_csv('/home/mr249/ac_h/do1/tmp/train1.csv') validation1.to_csv('/home/mr249/ac_h/do1/tmp/validation1.csv') test1.to_csv('/home/mr249/ac_h/do1/tmp/test1.csv') # Fix the labels. TODO Put this in this python program. # This is kindof in the wrong location? # /home/mr249/ac_h/do1 # cat tmp/train1.csv | awk -f ../script/fix-down-on-labels.awk > train.csv # cat tmp/validation1.csv | awk -f ../script/fix-down-on-labels.awk > validation.csv # cat tmp/test1.csv | awk -f ../script/fix-down-on-labels.awk > test.csv # Create new datasets from the csv files train2 = datasets.Dataset.from_csv('/home/mr249/ac_h/do1/train.csv','train') validation2 = datasets.Dataset.from_csv('/home/mr249/ac_h/do1/validation.csv','validation') test2 = datasets.Dataset.from_csv('/home/mr249/ac_h/do1/test.csv','test') # Above, the second argument names the split. It may not be relevant. # validation2.split # NamedSplit('validation') # Add the label names. It does not change the examples, which have ints as labels. new_features = train2.features.copy() new_features["label"] = datasets.ClassLabel(names=['down', 'on'],id=None) train2 = train2.cast(new_features) validation2 = validation2.cast(new_features) test2 = test2.cast(new_features) # Combine them into a DatasetDict. down_on = datasets.DatasetDict({ "train": train2, "validation": validation2, "test": test2, }) # Save to disk down_on.save_to_disk('/home/mr249/ac_h/down_on') # Load from disk # However, we prefer to load from the hub. # down_on2 = datasets.load_from_disk('/home/mr249/ac_h/down_on') # Push to hub # See from huggingface_hub import login login() # It prompts for the token down_on.push_to_hub("MatsRooth/down_on",private=False,embed_external_files=True) # Now the dataset can be loaded from the hub! train3 = load_dataset("MatsRooth/down_on", split="train") # When running training, the names are wrong # FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: "{'bytes': None, 'path': # '/home/mr249/.cache/huggingface/datasets/downloads/extracted/5836831ec57281eff9b # 1882385bf370d016058e6cba1fd7ff1dcb68cd8cddefd/down/28ed6bc9_nohash_4.wav'}" # train3.features['label'] # ClassLabel(names=['down', 'on'], id=None)