import torch as t import numpy as np from jukebox.sample import sample_level from jukebox.utils.torch_utils import assert_shape from jukebox.hparams import Hyperparams def repeat(x, n, dim): if dim == -1: dim = len(x.shape) - 1 return x.reshape(int([:dim+1])), 1, int([dim+1:]))).repeat(1,n,1).reshape(*x.shape[:dim], n * x.shape[dim], *x.shape[dim+1:]) # Tests class DummyPrior: def __init__(self, n_ctx, level, levels): self.n_ctx = n_ctx self.level = level self.levels = levels self.downsamples = (8,4,4) self.cond_downsample = self.downsamples[level+1] if level != self.levels - 1 else None self.raw_to_tokens = int([:level+1])) self.sample_length = self.n_ctx*self.raw_to_tokens print(f"Level:{level}, Cond downsample:{self.cond_downsample}, Raw to tokens:{self.raw_to_tokens}, Sample length:{self.sample_length}") def get_y(self, labels, start): y = labels['y'].clone() # Set sample_length to match this level y[:, 2] = self.sample_length # Set offset y[:, 1:2] = y[:, 1:2] + start * self.raw_to_tokens return y def get_z_conds(self, zs, start, end): if self.level != self.levels - 1: assert start % self.cond_downsample == end % self.cond_downsample == 0 z_cond = zs[self.level + 1][:,start//self.cond_downsample:end//self.cond_downsample] assert z_cond.shape[1] == self.n_ctx//self.cond_downsample z_conds = [z_cond] else: z_conds = None return z_conds def ancestral_sample(self, n_samples, z_conds=None, y=None): z = t.zeros((n_samples, self.n_ctx), dtype=t.long, device='cuda') + \ t.arange(0, self.n_ctx, dtype=t.long, device='cuda').view(1, self.n_ctx) if z_conds is not None: z_cond = z_conds[0] assert_shape(z_cond, (n_samples, self.n_ctx // 4)) assert (z // 4 == repeat(z_cond, 4, 1)).all(), f'z: {z}, z_cond: {z_cond}, diff: {(z // 4) - repeat(z_cond, 4, 1)}' return z def primed_sample(self, n_samples, z, z_conds=None, y=None): prime = z.shape[1] assert_shape(z, (n_samples, prime)) start = z[:,-1:] + 1 z_rest = (t.arange(0, self.n_ctx - prime, dtype=t.long, device='cuda').view(1, self.n_ctx - prime) + start).view(n_samples, self.n_ctx - prime) z =[z, z_rest], dim=1) if z_conds is not None: z_cond = z_conds[0] assert_shape(z_cond, (n_samples, self.n_ctx // 4)) assert (z // 4 == repeat(z_cond, 4, 1)).all(), f'z: {z}, z_cond: {z_cond}, diff: {(z // 4) - repeat(z_cond, 4, 1)}' return z # Sample multiple levels def _sample(zs, labels, priors, sample_levels, hps): for level in reversed(sample_levels): prior = priors[level] # set correct total_length, hop_length and sampling_kwargs for level total_length = (hps.sample_length * hps.n_segment)//prior.raw_to_tokens hop_length = hps.hop_lengths[level] zs = sample_level(zs, labels[level], dict(), level, prior, total_length, hop_length, hps) return zs # Ancestral sample def test_ancestral_sample(labels, priors, hps): sample_levels = list(range(hps.levels)) zs = [t.zeros(hps.n_samples,0,dtype=t.long, device='cuda') for _ in range(hps.levels)] zs = _sample(zs, labels, priors, sample_levels, hps) # Test for z in zs: total_length = z.shape[1] # Check sample assert ((z - t.arange(0, total_length, dtype=t.long, device='cuda').view(1, total_length)) == 0).all() print("dummy ancestral sample passed") def test_primed_sample(labels, priors, hps): sample_levels = list(range(hps.levels)) start = t.tensor([15, 23, 11, 9], dtype=t.long, device='cuda').view(4, 1) zs_in = [] zs = [] for i in reversed(range(3)): n_ctx = 8192*(4**i) n_prime = n_ctx // 4 z_prime = t.arange(0, n_prime, dtype=t.long, device='cuda').view(1, n_prime) % (2*(4**i)) z_rest = t.randint(-10, -1, size=(1, n_ctx - n_prime), dtype=t.long, device='cuda') z_in =[z_prime, z_rest], dim=1) + (4**i)*start zs_in.append(z_in) zs.append(z_prime + (4**i)*start) zs = _sample(zs, labels, priors, sample_levels, hps) # Test for z, z_in in zip(zs, zs_in): total_length = z.shape[1] prime_length = z.shape[1] // (4 * hps.n_segment) # Match prime tokens assert (z[:,:prime_length] == z_in[:,:prime_length]).all() # Check sample z_rest = z[:,prime_length-1:] - z[:,prime_length-1:prime_length] assert ((z_rest - t.arange(0, total_length - prime_length + 1, dtype=t.long, device='cuda').view(1, total_length - prime_length + 1)) == 0).all() print("dummy primed sample passed") def check_sample(): n_ctx = 8192 n_samples = 4 levels = 3 priors = [DummyPrior(n_ctx, level, levels) for level in range(levels)] max_total_length, offset, sample_length = 4134368, 0, n_ctx*8*4*4 y = t.tensor([max_total_length, offset, sample_length, 10, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1], dtype=t.long, device='cuda').view(1, 9).repeat(n_samples, 1) labels = [dict(y=y, info=[[]*n_samples]) for level in range(levels)] hps = Hyperparams({ 'levels': 3, 'sample_length': sample_length, 'n_segment': 2, 'n_ctx': n_ctx, 'n_tokens': 0, 'hop_lengths': [n_ctx//2, n_ctx//2, n_ctx//8], 'n_samples': n_samples, 'use_tokens': False }) test_ancestral_sample(labels, priors, hps) test_primed_sample(labels, priors, hps) check_sample()