#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "type_shim.h" __device__ __forceinline__ int lastpow2(int n) { int out = 1 << (31 - __clz(n)); if(n == out) out >>= 1; return out; } __host__ __forceinline__ int h_next_pow2(unsigned int n) { n--; n |= (n >> 1); n |= (n >> 2); n |= (n >> 4); n |= (n >> 8); n |= (n >> 16); return ++n; } __host__ __forceinline__ int h_last_pow2(unsigned int n) { n |= (n >> 1); n |= (n >> 2); n |= (n >> 4); n |= (n >> 8); n |= (n >> 16); return n - (n >> 1); } #define WARP_SIZE 32 template __device__ __forceinline__ T warp_reduce_sum(T val) { #pragma unroll for(int i = WARP_SIZE/2; i > 0; i >>= 1) val = val + __shfl_down_sync(0xffffffff, val, i); return val; } template __device__ __forceinline__ T reduce_block(T *x, T val) { int tid = threadIdx.y*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int blockSize = blockDim.x * blockDim.y; if (blockSize > 32) { val = warp_reduce_sum(val); if (tid % WARP_SIZE == 0) x[tid/WARP_SIZE] = val; __syncthreads(); val = (tid < blockSize / WARP_SIZE? x[tid%WARP_SIZE] : T(0)); } if(tid/WARP_SIZE==0) val = warp_reduce_sum(val); return val; } #define ELEMENTS_PER_ITER 4 // enables concurrency within each thread to hide latency #define ELEMENTS_PER_THREAD 16 #define OPTIMAL_TILE_W 32 #define MAX_H_BLOCK 128 #define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 512 __host__ int div_ru(int x, int y) { return h_last_pow2(1 + (x-1)/y); } __host__ void flexible_launch_configs( const int reduction, const int stride, dim3 &block, dim3 &grid, const bool coop_flag = false) { int block_x = std::min(h_last_pow2(stride), OPTIMAL_TILE_W); int block_y = std::min(h_last_pow2(div_ru(reduction , ELEMENTS_PER_THREAD)), MAX_BLOCK_SIZE / block_x); if (block_x * block_y != MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) { block_x = std::min(h_last_pow2(stride), MAX_BLOCK_SIZE / block_y); } int grid_x = div_ru(stride, block_x); int grid_y = std::min(div_ru(reduction, block_y * ELEMENTS_PER_THREAD), MAX_H_BLOCK); if (coop_flag) { // it's not worth having a grid reduction if the reduction dimension is not big enough grid_y = grid_y < 8 ? 1 : grid_y; } block.x = block_x; block.y = block_y; block.z = 1; grid.x = grid_x; grid.y = grid_y; grid.z = 1; } template __device__ __forceinline__ void welford_merge_element(C& count, T& mean, T& m2n, const C& num_new, const T& mean_new, const T& m2n_new) { T factor = T(1.0) / max(1, (count + num_new)); T delta0 = mean - mean_new; mean = (mean_new * num_new + mean * count) * factor; m2n += m2n_new + delta0 * delta0 * num_new * count * factor; count += num_new; } template __device__ __forceinline__ void warp_reduce_mean_m2n(T &mean, T &m2n, int &num) { #pragma unroll for(int i = WARP_SIZE/2; i > 0; i >>= 1) { auto num_new = __shfl_down_sync(0xffffffff, num, i); auto mean_new = __shfl_down_sync(0xffffffff, mean, i); auto m2n_new = __shfl_down_sync(0xffffffff, m2n, i); welford_merge_element(num, mean, m2n, num_new, mean_new, m2n_new); } } template __device__ void welford_reduce_mean_m2n( T* __restrict__ x, int* __restrict__ count, T &mean, T &m2n, int &num, int block_size, int thread_id) { int lane = thread_id % WARP_SIZE; int wid = thread_id / WARP_SIZE; if (block_size > 32) { warp_reduce_mean_m2n(mean, m2n, num); if (lane == 0) { x[wid*2] = mean; x[wid*2+1] = m2n; count[wid] = num; } __syncthreads(); if (wid == 0) { mean = (thread_id < block_size / WARP_SIZE)? x[lane*2] : T(0); m2n = (thread_id < block_size / WARP_SIZE)? x[lane*2+1] : T(0); num = (thread_id < block_size / WARP_SIZE)? count[lane] : int(0); } } if (wid==0) warp_reduce_mean_m2n(mean, m2n, num); return; } // return spatial size for NC+ Tensors __host__ int get_tensor_spatial_size(const at::Tensor& input) { auto space_size = input.size(2); for (int i = 3; i < input.ndimension(); i++) { space_size *= input.size(i); } return space_size; } // promote accumulation scalar type. promote half to float. __host__ at::ScalarType promote_scalartype(const at::Tensor& input) { return input.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Half ? at::ScalarType::Float : input.scalar_type(); } // return single element size, optional accumulation type promotion. __host__ size_t get_element_data_size(const at::Tensor& input, bool accumulation = false) { auto scalar_type = accumulation ? promote_scalartype(input) : input.scalar_type(); return at::elementSize(scalar_type); } template __device__ __forceinline__ void welford_merge_block_vertical(C& count, T& mean, T& m2n, C* shmem_count, T* shmem_mean, T* shmem_m2n) { // write to shared memory auto address_base = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y * blockDim.x; shmem_mean[address_base] = mean; shmem_m2n[address_base] = m2n; shmem_count[address_base] = count; #pragma unroll for (int offset = blockDim.y/2; offset > 0; offset >>= 1) { __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.y < offset && threadIdx.y + offset < blockDim.y) { auto address = address_base + offset * blockDim.x; // read shared memory back to register for reduction auto num_new = shmem_count[address]; auto mean_new = shmem_mean[address]; auto m2n_new = shmem_m2n[address]; welford_merge_element(count, mean, m2n, num_new, mean_new, m2n_new); // last write is not necessary shmem_mean[address_base] = mean; shmem_m2n[address_base] = m2n; shmem_count[address_base] = count; } } } template __device__ __forceinline__ void merge_block_vertical(T& sum_dy, T& sum_dy_xmu, T* shmem_sum_dy, T* shmem_sum_dy_xmu) { // write to shared memory auto address_base = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y * blockDim.x; shmem_sum_dy[address_base] = sum_dy; shmem_sum_dy_xmu[address_base] = sum_dy_xmu; #pragma unroll for (int offset = blockDim.y/2; offset > 0; offset >>= 1) { __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.y < offset && threadIdx.y + offset < blockDim.y) { auto address = address_base + offset * blockDim.x; sum_dy += shmem_sum_dy[address]; sum_dy_xmu += shmem_sum_dy_xmu[address]; // last write is not necessary shmem_sum_dy[address_base] = sum_dy; shmem_sum_dy_xmu[address_base] = sum_dy_xmu; } } } // welford kernel calculating mean/biased_variance/unbiased_variance template __global__ void welford_kernel( const scalar_t* __restrict__ input, outscalar_t* __restrict__ out_mean, outscalar_t* __restrict__ out_var_biased, const int bs, const int fs, const int ss) { int block_size = blockDim.x * blockDim.y; int count = 0; accscalar_t x_mean = accscalar_t(0); accscalar_t m_2_n = accscalar_t(0); int thread_id = threadIdx.y*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; for (int batch_id = threadIdx.y; batch_id < bs; batch_id += blockDim.y) { int input_base = blockIdx.x*ss + batch_id*ss*fs; // sequential welford for (int offset = threadIdx.x; offset < ss ; offset += blockDim.x) { count++; auto x_n = static_cast(input[offset+input_base]); auto d = x_n - x_mean; x_mean += d / count; m_2_n += d * (x_n - x_mean); } } static __shared__ int s_mem[160]; accscalar_t* s_mem_ac = (accscalar_t*) &s_mem[32]; welford_reduce_mean_m2n(s_mem_ac, s_mem, x_mean, m_2_n, count, block_size, thread_id); if (thread_id == 0) { out_mean[blockIdx.x] = static_cast(x_mean); out_var_biased[blockIdx.x] = static_cast(m_2_n/count); } } // elementwise BN kernel template __global__ void batchnorm_forward_kernel( const scalar_t* __restrict__ input, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ inv_std, const layerscalar_t* __restrict__ weight, const layerscalar_t* __restrict__ shift, scalar_t* __restrict__ out, const int ss, const int bs) { auto m_c = mean[blockIdx.x]; auto inv_std_c = inv_std[blockIdx.x]; auto w_c = weight == NULL ? accscalar_t(1.0) : static_cast(weight[blockIdx.x]); auto s_c = shift == NULL ? accscalar_t(0.0) : static_cast(shift[blockIdx.x]); for (int batch_offset = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; batch_offset < bs; batch_offset += gridDim.y*blockDim.y) { int address_base = blockIdx.x*ss + batch_offset*gridDim.x*ss; for (int offset = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.z*blockDim.x; offset < ss ; offset+= gridDim.z*blockDim.x) { out[address_base+offset] = static_cast(w_c * (static_cast(input[address_base+offset]) - m_c ) * inv_std_c + s_c); } } } // Backward BN kernel, calculates grad_bias, grad_weight as well as intermediate // results to calculating grad_input. // Breaking the grad_input to two step to support sync BN, which requires all // reduce of the intermediate results across processes. template __global__ void reduce_bn_kernel( const scalar_t* __restrict__ input, const scalar_t* __restrict__ grad_output, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ inv_std, accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean_dy, accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean_dy_xmu, layerscalar_t* __restrict__ grad_weight, layerscalar_t* __restrict__ grad_bias, const int bs, const int fs, const int ss) { static __shared__ int s_mem[64]; int total_item_num = bs * ss; int thread_id = threadIdx.y*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; auto r_mean = mean[blockIdx.x]; auto factor = inv_std[blockIdx.x]; // Kahan sum accscalar_t sum_dy = 0.0; accscalar_t sum_dy_xmu = 0.0; accscalar_t sum_dy_c = 0.0; accscalar_t sum_dy_xmu_c = 0.0; for (int batch_id = threadIdx.y; batch_id < bs; batch_id += blockDim.y) { int input_base = blockIdx.x*ss + batch_id*ss*fs; for (int offset = threadIdx.x; offset < ss ; offset += blockDim.x) { auto e_grad = static_cast(grad_output[offset+input_base]); auto e_input = static_cast(input[offset+input_base]); // calculating sum_dy auto sum_dy_y = e_grad - sum_dy_c; auto sum_dy_t = sum_dy + sum_dy_y; sum_dy_c = (sum_dy_t - sum_dy) - sum_dy_y; sum_dy = sum_dy_t; // calculating sum_dy_xmu auto sum_dy_xmu_y = e_grad * (e_input - r_mean) - sum_dy_xmu_c; auto sum_dy_xmu_t = sum_dy_xmu + sum_dy_xmu_y; sum_dy_xmu_c = (sum_dy_xmu_t - sum_dy_xmu) - sum_dy_xmu_y; sum_dy_xmu = sum_dy_xmu_t; } } sum_dy = reduce_block((accscalar_t*)s_mem, sum_dy); __syncthreads(); sum_dy_xmu = reduce_block((accscalar_t*)s_mem, sum_dy_xmu); if (thread_id == 0) { if (grad_bias != NULL) { grad_bias[blockIdx.x] = static_cast(sum_dy); } if (grad_weight != NULL) { grad_weight[blockIdx.x] = static_cast(sum_dy_xmu * factor); } mean_dy[blockIdx.x] = sum_dy / total_item_num; mean_dy_xmu[blockIdx.x] = sum_dy_xmu / total_item_num; } } // elementwise backward BN kernel template __global__ void batchnorm_backward_kernel( const scalar_t* __restrict__ grad_output, const scalar_t* __restrict__ input, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ inv_std, const layerscalar_t* __restrict__ weight, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean_dy, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean_dy_xmu, scalar_t* __restrict__ grad_input, const int ss, const int bs) { auto m_c = static_cast(mean[blockIdx.x]); auto m_dy_c = static_cast(mean_dy[blockIdx.x]); auto factor_1_c = inv_std[blockIdx.x]; auto factor_2_c = (weight == NULL ? accscalar_t(1.0) : static_cast(weight[blockIdx.x])) * factor_1_c; factor_1_c = factor_1_c * factor_1_c * mean_dy_xmu[blockIdx.x]; for (int batch_offset = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y+threadIdx.y; batch_offset < bs; batch_offset += gridDim.y*blockDim.y) { int address_base = blockIdx.x*ss + batch_offset*gridDim.x*ss; for (int offset = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.z*blockDim.x; offset < ss ; offset+= gridDim.z*blockDim.x) { grad_input[address_base+offset] = (static_cast(grad_output[address_base+offset]) - m_dy_c - (static_cast(input[address_base+offset]) - m_c) * factor_1_c) * factor_2_c; } } } // welford kernel for c last tensor calculating mean/biased_variance/unbiased_variance template __global__ void welford_kernel_c_last( const scalar_t* __restrict__ input, outscalar_t* __restrict__ out_mean, outscalar_t* __restrict__ out_var_biased, volatile accscalar_t* staging_data, int* semaphores, const int reduction_size, const int stride) { // hide latency with concurrency accscalar_t x_mean[PARALLEL_LOADS]; accscalar_t m_2_n[PARALLEL_LOADS]; int count[PARALLEL_LOADS]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < PARALLEL_LOADS; i++) { x_mean[i] = accscalar_t(0); m_2_n[i] = accscalar_t(0); count[i] = accscalar_t(0); } // tensor dimension (m,c) // loop along m dimension int inner_loop_stride = blockDim.y * gridDim.y; // offset along m dimension int m_offset = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; int c_offset = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int loop_count = 1 + (reduction_size - 1) / (inner_loop_stride * PARALLEL_LOADS); int address_base = m_offset * stride + c_offset; int address_increment = inner_loop_stride * stride; for (int i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) { accscalar_t x_math[PARALLEL_LOADS]; accscalar_t x_count_inv[PARALLEL_LOADS]; accscalar_t is_valid[PARALLEL_LOADS]; // load multiple data in #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < PARALLEL_LOADS; j++) { if (c_offset < stride && m_offset < reduction_size) { x_math[j] = input[address_base]; count[j]++; x_count_inv[j] = accscalar_t(1) / count[j]; is_valid[j] = accscalar_t(1); } else { x_math[j] = accscalar_t(0); x_count_inv[j] = accscalar_t(0); is_valid[j] = accscalar_t(0); } m_offset += inner_loop_stride; address_base += address_increment; } // calculate mean/m2n with welford #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < PARALLEL_LOADS; j++) { accscalar_t delta0 = x_math[j] - x_mean[j]; x_mean[j] += delta0 * x_count_inv[j]; accscalar_t delta1 = x_math[j] - x_mean[j]; m_2_n[j] += delta0 * delta1 * is_valid[j]; } } // thread reduction to accumulate mean/m_2_n/count between PARALLEL_LOADS #pragma unroll for (int j = 1; j < PARALLEL_LOADS; j++) { welford_merge_element(count[0], x_mean[0], m_2_n[0], count[j], x_mean[j], m_2_n[j]); } // release x_mean / m_2_n auto mean_th = x_mean[0]; auto m2_th = m_2_n[0]; auto count_th = count[0]; // block-wise reduction with shared memory (since reduction cannot be done within a warp) static __shared__ accscalar_t shmem_mean[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; static __shared__ accscalar_t shmem_m2n[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; static __shared__ int shmem_count[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; welford_merge_block_vertical(count_th, mean_th, m2_th, shmem_count, shmem_mean, shmem_m2n); // grid reduction if needed (coop launch used at the first place) if (gridDim.y > 1) { volatile accscalar_t* staging_mean = staging_data; volatile accscalar_t* staging_m2n = &staging_data[stride*gridDim.y]; volatile int* staging_count = reinterpret_cast(&staging_m2n[stride*gridDim.y]); address_base = c_offset + blockIdx.y * stride; // write data to staging_data; if (threadIdx.y == 0 && c_offset < stride) { staging_mean[address_base] = mean_th; staging_m2n[address_base] = m2_th; staging_count[address_base] = count_th; } __threadfence(); __syncthreads(); // ensuring writes to staging_ is visible to all blocks __shared__ bool is_last_block_done; // mark block done if (threadIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0) { int old = atomicAdd(&semaphores[blockIdx.x], 1); is_last_block_done = (old == (gridDim.y-1)); } __syncthreads(); // check that all data is now available in global memory if (is_last_block_done) { count_th = 0; mean_th = accscalar_t(0.0); m2_th = accscalar_t(0.0); for (int y = threadIdx.y; y < gridDim.y; y += blockDim.y) { address_base = c_offset + y * stride; int num_new = c_offset < stride ? staging_count[address_base] : 0; accscalar_t mean_new = c_offset < stride ? staging_mean[address_base] : accscalar_t(0.0); accscalar_t m2n_new = c_offset < stride ? staging_m2n[address_base] : accscalar_t(0.0); welford_merge_element(count_th, mean_th, m2_th, num_new, mean_new, m2n_new); } welford_merge_block_vertical(count_th, mean_th, m2_th, shmem_count, shmem_mean, shmem_m2n); if (threadIdx.y == 0 && c_offset < stride) { out_mean[c_offset] = static_cast(mean_th); out_var_biased[c_offset] = static_cast(m2_th / count_th); } } } else { if (blockIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0 && c_offset < stride) { out_mean[c_offset] = static_cast(mean_th); out_var_biased[c_offset] = static_cast(m2_th / count_th); } } } // parallel welford kernel to further reduce mean / biased_var // into mean / unbiased_var / inv_std across multiple processes. template __global__ void welford_kernel_parallel( const scalar_t* __restrict__ mean, const scalar_t* __restrict__ var_biased, scalar_t* __restrict__ out_mean, scalar_t* __restrict__ out_var, scalar_t* __restrict__ inv_std, const int world_size, const int feature_size, const float eps, const int numel) { for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < feature_size; i += gridDim.x * blockDim.x) { // load data; int address = i; scalar_t x_mean = 0; scalar_t m_2_n = 0; int count = 0; for (int j = 0; j < world_size; j++) { welford_merge_element(count, x_mean, m_2_n, numel, mean[address], var_biased[address]*numel); address += feature_size; } out_mean[i] = x_mean; out_var[i] = m_2_n/ (count - 1); inv_std[i] = scalar_t(1) / sqrt(m_2_n/count + eps); } } // elementwise BN kernel template < typename scalar_t, typename accscalar_t, typename layerscalar_t, int PARALLEL_LOADS> __global__ void batchnorm_forward_c_last_kernel( const scalar_t* __restrict__ input, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ inv_std, const layerscalar_t* __restrict__ weight, const layerscalar_t* __restrict__ shift, scalar_t* __restrict__ out, const int reduction_size, const int stride) { // tensor dimension (m,c) // loop along m dimension int inner_loop_stride = blockDim.y * gridDim.y; // offset along m dimension int m_offset = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; int c_offset = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; auto m_c = mean[c_offset]; auto inv_std_c = static_cast(inv_std[c_offset]); auto w_c = weight == NULL ? accscalar_t(1.0) : static_cast(weight[c_offset]); auto s_c = shift == NULL ? accscalar_t(0.0) : static_cast(shift[c_offset]); int loop_count = 1 + (reduction_size - 1) / (inner_loop_stride * PARALLEL_LOADS); int address_base = m_offset * stride + c_offset; int address_increment = inner_loop_stride * stride; for (int i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) { #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < PARALLEL_LOADS; j++) { if (c_offset < stride && m_offset < reduction_size) { out[address_base] = static_cast( w_c * (static_cast(input[address_base]) - m_c ) * inv_std_c + s_c ); } m_offset += inner_loop_stride; address_base += address_increment; } } } // batchnorm backward kernel for c last tensor template __global__ void reduce_bn_c_last_kernel( const scalar_t* __restrict__ input, const scalar_t* __restrict__ grad_output, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ inv_std, accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean_dy, accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean_dy_xmu, layerscalar_t* __restrict__ grad_weight, layerscalar_t* __restrict__ grad_bias, volatile accscalar_t* staging_data, int* semaphores, const int reduction_size, const int stride) { // hide latency with concurrency accscalar_t sum_dy[PARALLEL_LOADS]; accscalar_t sum_dy_xmu[PARALLEL_LOADS]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < PARALLEL_LOADS; i++) { sum_dy[i] = accscalar_t(0); sum_dy_xmu[i] = accscalar_t(0); } // tensor dimension (m,c) // loop along m dimension int inner_loop_stride = blockDim.y * gridDim.y; // offset along m dimension int m_offset = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; int c_offset = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int loop_count = 1 + (reduction_size - 1) / (inner_loop_stride * PARALLEL_LOADS); int address_base = m_offset * stride + c_offset; int address_increment = inner_loop_stride * stride; auto r_mean = mean[c_offset]; auto factor = inv_std[c_offset]; for (int i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) { accscalar_t x_input[PARALLEL_LOADS]; accscalar_t x_grad_output[PARALLEL_LOADS]; // load multiple data in #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < PARALLEL_LOADS; j++) { if (c_offset < stride && m_offset < reduction_size) { x_input[j] = input[address_base]; x_grad_output[j] = grad_output[address_base]; } else { x_input[j] = accscalar_t(0); x_grad_output[j] = accscalar_t(0); } m_offset += inner_loop_stride; address_base += address_increment; } // calculate sum_dy / sum_dy_xmu #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < PARALLEL_LOADS; j++) { sum_dy[j] += x_grad_output[j]; sum_dy_xmu[j] += x_grad_output[j] * (x_input[j] - r_mean); } } // thread reduction to accumulate sum_dy / sum_dy_xmu between PARALLEL_LOADS #pragma unroll for (int j = 1; j < PARALLEL_LOADS; j++) { sum_dy[0] += sum_dy[j]; sum_dy_xmu[0] += sum_dy_xmu[j]; } // release array of registers auto sum_dy_th = sum_dy[0]; auto sum_dy_xmu_th = sum_dy_xmu[0]; // block-wise reduction with shared memory (since reduction cannot be done within a warp) static __shared__ accscalar_t shmem_sum_dy[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; static __shared__ accscalar_t shmem_sum_dy_xmu[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; merge_block_vertical(sum_dy_th, sum_dy_xmu_th, shmem_sum_dy, shmem_sum_dy_xmu); // grid reduction if needed (coop launch used at the first place) if (gridDim.y > 1) { volatile accscalar_t* staging_sum_dy = staging_data; volatile accscalar_t* staging_sum_dy_xmu = &staging_data[stride*gridDim.y]; address_base = c_offset + blockIdx.y * stride; // write data to staging_data; if (threadIdx.y == 0 && c_offset < stride) { staging_sum_dy[address_base] = sum_dy_th; staging_sum_dy_xmu[address_base] = sum_dy_xmu_th; } __threadfence(); __syncthreads(); // ensuring writes to staging_ is visible to all blocks __shared__ bool is_last_block_done; // mark block done if (threadIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0) { int old = atomicAdd(&semaphores[blockIdx.x], 1); is_last_block_done = (old == (gridDim.y-1)); } __syncthreads(); // check that all data is now available in global memory if (is_last_block_done) { sum_dy_th = accscalar_t(0.0); sum_dy_xmu_th = accscalar_t(0.0); for (int y = threadIdx.y; y < gridDim.y; y += blockDim.y) { address_base = c_offset + y * stride; sum_dy_th += (c_offset < stride ? staging_sum_dy[address_base] : accscalar_t(0.0)); sum_dy_xmu_th += (c_offset < stride ? staging_sum_dy_xmu[address_base] : accscalar_t(0.0)); } merge_block_vertical(sum_dy_th, sum_dy_xmu_th, shmem_sum_dy, shmem_sum_dy_xmu); if (threadIdx.y == 0 && c_offset < stride) { if (grad_bias != NULL) { grad_bias[c_offset] = static_cast(sum_dy_th); } if (grad_weight != NULL) { grad_weight[c_offset] = static_cast(sum_dy_xmu_th * factor); } mean_dy[c_offset] = sum_dy_th / reduction_size; mean_dy_xmu[c_offset] = sum_dy_xmu_th / reduction_size; } } } else { if (blockIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0 && c_offset < stride) { if (grad_bias != NULL) { grad_bias[c_offset] = static_cast(sum_dy_th); } if (grad_weight != NULL) { grad_weight[c_offset] = static_cast(sum_dy_xmu_th * factor); } mean_dy[c_offset] = sum_dy_th / reduction_size; mean_dy_xmu[c_offset] = sum_dy_xmu_th / reduction_size; } } } // elementwise BN kernel template < typename scalar_t, typename accscalar_t, typename layerscalar_t, int PARALLEL_LOADS> __global__ void batchnorm_backward_c_last_kernel( const scalar_t* __restrict__ grad_output, const scalar_t* __restrict__ input, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ inv_std, const layerscalar_t* __restrict__ weight, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean_dy, const accscalar_t* __restrict__ mean_dy_xmu, scalar_t* __restrict__ grad_input, const int reduction_size, const int stride) { // tensor dimension (m,c) // loop along m dimension int inner_loop_stride = blockDim.y * gridDim.y; // offset along m dimension int m_offset = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; int c_offset = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; auto m_c = mean[c_offset]; auto m_dy_c = mean_dy[c_offset]; auto factor_1_c = inv_std[c_offset]; auto factor_2_c = (weight == NULL? accscalar_t(1.0) : static_cast(weight[c_offset])) * factor_1_c; factor_1_c = factor_1_c * factor_1_c * mean_dy_xmu[c_offset]; int loop_count = 1 + (reduction_size - 1) / (inner_loop_stride * PARALLEL_LOADS); int address_base = m_offset * stride + c_offset; int address_increment = inner_loop_stride * stride; for (int i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) { #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < PARALLEL_LOADS; j++) { if (c_offset < stride && m_offset < reduction_size) { grad_input[address_base] = static_cast( (static_cast(grad_output[address_base]) - m_dy_c - (static_cast(input[address_base]) - m_c) * factor_1_c) * factor_2_c); } m_offset += inner_loop_stride; address_base += address_increment; } } } std::vector welford_mean_var_CUDA(const at::Tensor input) { const auto batch_size = input.size(0); const auto feature_size = input.size(1); auto space_size = get_tensor_spatial_size(input); auto scalar_type = promote_scalartype(input); at::Tensor out_var_biased = at::empty({feature_size}, input.options().dtype(scalar_type)); at::Tensor out_mean = at::empty({feature_size}, input.options().dtype(scalar_type)); int block_y = min(h_last_pow2(batch_size), int(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE / 32)); int block_x = max(1, min(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE / block_y, h_last_pow2(space_size))); const dim3 block(block_x, block_y); const dim3 grid(feature_size); auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); { using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "welford_mean_var_kernel", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; welford_kernel<<>>( input.data(), out_mean.data(), out_var_biased.data(), batch_size, feature_size, space_size); ); } return {out_mean, out_var_biased}; } at::Tensor batchnorm_forward_CUDA( const at::Tensor input, const at::Tensor mean, const at::Tensor inv_std, const at::optional weight, const at::optional shift) { const auto batch_size = input.size(0); const auto feature_size = input.size(1); at::Tensor out = at::empty_like(input); auto space_size = get_tensor_spatial_size(input); int block_x = max(32, min(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, h_last_pow2(space_size)/4)); int block_y = max(1, min(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/block_x, h_last_pow2(batch_size)/4)); const dim3 block(block_x, block_y); int grid_z = max(1, min(65535, h_last_pow2(space_size)/4/block_x)); int batch_group_size = max(1, min(65535, h_last_pow2(batch_size)/block_y)); const dim3 grid(feature_size, batch_group_size, grid_z); auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); if (input.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Half && weight.has_value() && weight.value().scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Float) { using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_forward", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; batchnorm_forward_kernel<<>>( input.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), weight.has_value() ? weight.value().data() : NULL, shift.has_value() ? shift.value().data() : NULL, out.data(), space_size, batch_size); ); } else { if (weight.has_value()) { AT_CHECK(input.scalar_type() == weight.value().scalar_type(), "input.scalar_type() is not supported with weight.scalar_type()"); } using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_forward", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; batchnorm_forward_kernel<<>>( input.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), weight.has_value() ? weight.value().data() : NULL, shift.has_value() ? shift.value().data() : NULL, out.data(), space_size, batch_size); ); } return out; } std::vector reduce_bn_CUDA( const at::Tensor grad_output, const at::Tensor input, const at::Tensor mean, const at::Tensor inv_std, const at::optional weight) { const auto batch_size = input.size(0); const auto feature_size = input.size(1); auto scalar_type = promote_scalartype(input); at::Tensor mean_dy = at::empty({feature_size}, mean.options()); at::Tensor mean_dy_xmu = at::empty({feature_size}, mean.options()); at::Tensor grad_weight; at::Tensor grad_bias; if (weight.has_value()) { grad_weight = at::empty({feature_size}, weight.value().options()); grad_bias = at::empty({feature_size}, weight.value().options()); } else { grad_weight = at::empty({0}, mean.options()); grad_bias = at::empty({0}, mean.options()); } auto space_size = get_tensor_spatial_size(input); int block_y = min(h_last_pow2(batch_size), int(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/ 32)); int block_x = max(1, min(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/ block_y, h_last_pow2(space_size))); const dim3 block(block_x, block_y); const dim3 grid(feature_size); auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); if (input.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Half && weight.has_value() && weight.value().scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Float) { using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_backward_reduce", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; reduce_bn_kernel<<>>( input.data(), grad_output.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), mean_dy.data(), mean_dy_xmu.data(), weight.has_value() ? grad_weight.data() : NULL, weight.has_value() ? grad_bias.data() : NULL, batch_size, feature_size, space_size); ); } else { if (weight.has_value()) { AT_CHECK(input.scalar_type() == weight.value().scalar_type(), "input.scalar_type() is not supported with weight.scalar_type()"); } using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_backward_reduce", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; reduce_bn_kernel<<>>( input.data(), grad_output.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), mean_dy.data(), mean_dy_xmu.data(), weight.has_value() ? grad_weight.data() : NULL, weight.has_value() ? grad_bias.data() : NULL, batch_size, feature_size, space_size); ); } return {mean_dy, mean_dy_xmu, grad_weight, grad_bias}; } at::Tensor batchnorm_backward_CUDA( const at::Tensor grad_output, const at::Tensor input, const at::Tensor mean, const at::Tensor inv_std, const at::optional weight, const at::Tensor mean_dy, const at::Tensor mean_dy_xmu) { const auto batch_size = input.size(0); const auto feature_size = input.size(1); at::Tensor grad_input = at::empty_like(input); auto space_size = get_tensor_spatial_size(input); int block_x = max(32, min(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, h_last_pow2(space_size)/4)); int block_y = max(1, min(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/block_x, h_last_pow2(batch_size)/4)); const dim3 block(block_x, block_y); int grid_z = max(1, min(65535, h_last_pow2(space_size)/4/block_x)); int batch_group_size = max(1, min(65535, h_last_pow2(batch_size)/block_y)); const dim3 grid(feature_size, batch_group_size, grid_z); auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); if (input.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Half && weight.has_value() && weight.value().scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Float) { using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_backward", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; batchnorm_backward_kernel<<>>( grad_output.data(), input.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), weight.has_value() ? weight.value().data() : NULL, mean_dy.data(), mean_dy_xmu.data(), grad_input.data(), space_size, batch_size); ); } else { if (weight.has_value()) { AT_CHECK(input.scalar_type() == weight.value().scalar_type(), "input.scalar_type() is not supported with weight.scalar_type()"); } using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_backward", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; batchnorm_backward_kernel<<>>( grad_output.data(), input.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), weight.has_value() ? weight.value().data() : NULL, mean_dy.data(), mean_dy_xmu.data(), grad_input.data(), space_size, batch_size); ); } return grad_input; } std::vector welford_parallel_CUDA(const at::Tensor mean_feature_nodes, const at::Tensor var_biased, int numel, const float eps) { const auto world_size = mean_feature_nodes.size(0); const auto feature_size = mean_feature_nodes.size(1); at::Tensor out_var = at::empty({feature_size}, var_biased.options()); at::Tensor inv_std = at::empty_like(out_var); at::Tensor out_mean = at::empty_like(out_var); // TODO(jie): tile this for memory coalescing! const int block = std::min(h_last_pow2(feature_size), MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); const int grid = std::max(1, feature_size / block); auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); { using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(mean_feature_nodes.scalar_type(), 0, "welford_parallel_kernel", welford_kernel_parallel<<>>( mean_feature_nodes.data(), var_biased.data(), out_mean.data(), out_var.data(), inv_std.data(), world_size, feature_size, eps, numel); ); } return {out_mean, out_var, inv_std}; } std::vector welford_mean_var_c_last_CUDA(const at::Tensor input) { const auto stride = input.size(input.ndimension()-1); const auto reduction_size = input.numel() / stride; auto scalar_type = promote_scalartype(input); auto option = input.options().dtype(scalar_type); at::Tensor out_var_biased = at::empty({stride}, option); at::Tensor out_mean = at::empty({stride}, option); dim3 block; dim3 grid; flexible_launch_configs(reduction_size, stride, block, grid, true); at::Tensor staging_data; at::Tensor semaphores; if (grid.y > 1) { staging_data = at::empty({4*stride*grid.y}, option); semaphores = at::zeros({grid.x}, input.options().dtype(at::kInt)); } auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); { using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "welford_mean_var_c_last", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; accscalar_t* staging_data_ptr = grid.y > 1 ? staging_data.data() : nullptr; int* semaphores_ptr = grid.y > 1 ? semaphores.data() : nullptr; welford_kernel_c_last <<>>( input.data(), out_mean.data(), out_var_biased.data(), staging_data_ptr, semaphores_ptr, reduction_size, stride); ); } return {out_mean, out_var_biased}; } at::Tensor batchnorm_forward_c_last_CUDA( const at::Tensor input, const at::Tensor mean, const at::Tensor inv_std, const at::optional weight, const at::optional shift) { const auto stride = input.size(input.ndimension()-1); const auto reduction_size = input.numel() / stride; at::Tensor out = at::empty_like(input); dim3 block; dim3 grid; flexible_launch_configs(reduction_size, stride, block, grid); auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); if (input.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Half && weight.has_value() && weight.value().scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Float) { using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_forward", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; batchnorm_forward_c_last_kernel <<>>( input.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), weight.has_value() ? weight.value().data() : NULL, shift.has_value() ? shift.value().data(): NULL, out.data(), reduction_size, stride); ); } else { if (weight.has_value()) { AT_CHECK(input.scalar_type() == weight.value().scalar_type(), "input.scalar_type() is not supported with weight.scalar_type()"); } using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_forward", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; batchnorm_forward_c_last_kernel <<>>( input.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), weight.has_value() ? weight.value().data() : NULL, shift.has_value() ? shift.value().data(): NULL, out.data(), reduction_size, stride); ); } return out; } std::vector reduce_bn_c_last_CUDA( const at::Tensor grad_output, const at::Tensor input, const at::Tensor mean, const at::Tensor inv_std, const at::optional weight) { const auto stride = input.size(input.ndimension()-1); const auto reduction_size = input.numel() / stride; at::Tensor mean_dy = at::empty({stride}, mean.options()); at::Tensor mean_dy_xmu = at::empty({stride}, mean.options()); at::Tensor grad_weight; at::Tensor grad_bias; if (weight.has_value()) { grad_weight = at::empty({stride}, weight.value().options()); grad_bias = at::empty({stride}, weight.value().options()); } else { // because I cannot return an uninitialized at::Tensor grad_weight = at::empty({0}, mean.options()); grad_bias = at::empty({0}, mean.options()); } dim3 block; dim3 grid; flexible_launch_configs(reduction_size, stride, block, grid, true); at::Tensor staging_data; at::Tensor semaphores; if (grid.y > 1) { staging_data = at::empty({2*stride*grid.y}, mean.options()); semaphores = at::zeros({grid.x}, input.options().dtype(at::kInt)); } auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); if (input.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Half && weight.has_value() && weight.value().scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Float) { using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_backward_reduce", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; accscalar_t* staging_data_ptr = grid.y > 1 ? staging_data.data() : nullptr; int* semaphores_ptr = grid.y > 1 ? semaphores.data() : nullptr; reduce_bn_c_last_kernel <<>>( input.data(), grad_output.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), mean_dy.data(), mean_dy_xmu.data(), weight.has_value() ? grad_weight.data() : NULL, weight.has_value() ?grad_bias.data() : NULL, staging_data_ptr, semaphores_ptr, reduction_size, stride); ); } else { if (weight.has_value()) { AT_CHECK(input.scalar_type() == weight.value().scalar_type(), "input.scalar_type() is not supported with weight.scalar_type()"); } using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_backward_reduce", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; accscalar_t* staging_data_ptr = grid.y > 1 ? staging_data.data() : nullptr; int* semaphores_ptr = grid.y > 1 ? semaphores.data() : nullptr; reduce_bn_c_last_kernel <<>>( input.data(), grad_output.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), mean_dy.data(), mean_dy_xmu.data(), weight.has_value() ? grad_weight.data() : NULL, weight.has_value() ?grad_bias.data() : NULL, staging_data_ptr, semaphores_ptr, reduction_size, stride); ); } return {mean_dy, mean_dy_xmu, grad_weight, grad_bias}; } at::Tensor batchnorm_backward_c_last_CUDA( const at::Tensor grad_output, const at::Tensor input, const at::Tensor mean, const at::Tensor inv_std, const at::optional weight, const at::Tensor mean_dy, const at::Tensor mean_dy_xmu) { const auto stride = input.size(input.ndimension()-1); const auto reduction_size = input.numel() / stride; at::Tensor grad_input = at::empty_like(input); dim3 block; dim3 grid; flexible_launch_configs(reduction_size, stride, block, grid); auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(); if (input.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Half && weight.has_value() && weight.value().scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Float) { using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_forward", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; batchnorm_backward_c_last_kernel <<>>( grad_output.data(), input.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), weight.has_value() ? weight.value().data() : NULL, mean_dy.data(), mean_dy_xmu.data(), grad_input.data(), reduction_size, stride); ); } else { if (weight.has_value()) { AT_CHECK(input.scalar_type() == weight.value().scalar_type(), "input.scalar_type() is not supported with weight.scalar_type()"); } using namespace at; DISPATCH_FLOAT_AND_HALF(input.scalar_type(), 0, "batchnorm_forward", using accscalar_t = at::acc_type; batchnorm_backward_c_last_kernel <<>>( grad_output.data(), input.data(), mean.data(), inv_std.data(), weight.has_value() ? weight.value().data() : NULL, mean_dy.data(), mean_dy_xmu.data(), grad_input.data(), reduction_size, stride); ); } return grad_input; }