import numpy as np import torch as t import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from jukebox.transformer.ops import filter_logits from jukebox.transformer.transformer import Transformer from jukebox.utils.logger import get_range from jukebox.utils.torch_utils import empty_cache def get_normal(*shape, std=0.01): w = t.empty(shape) nn.init.normal_(w, std=std) return w def roll(x, n): return[:, -n:], x[:, :-n]), dim=1) def split_chunks(length, chunk_size): n_passes = (length + chunk_size - 1) // chunk_size chunk_sizes = [*[chunk_size] * (n_passes - 1), (length - 1) % chunk_size + 1] assert sum(chunk_sizes) == length return chunk_sizes class PositionEmbedding(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_shape, width, init_scale=1.0, pos_init=False): super().__init__() self.input_shape = input_shape self.input_dims = input_dims = self.pos_init = pos_init if pos_init: self.register_buffer('pos', t.tensor(get_pos_idx(input_shape)).long()) self._pos_embs = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(len(input_shape)): emb = nn.Embedding(input_shape[i], width) nn.init.normal_(emb.weight, std=0.02) self._pos_embs.append(emb) else: self.pos_emb = nn.Parameter(get_normal(input_dims, width, std=0.01 * init_scale)) def forward(self): if self.pos_init: pos_emb = sum([self._pos_embs[i](self.pos[:,i]) for i in range(len(self.input_shape))]) else: pos_emb = self.pos_emb return pos_emb class ConditionalAutoregressive2D(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_shape, bins, width=128, depth=2, heads=1, attn_dropout=0.0, resid_dropout=0.0, emb_dropout=0.0, mask=True, zero_out=False, init_scale=1.0, res_scale=False, pos_init=False, m_attn=0.25, m_mlp=1, checkpoint_res=0, checkpoint_attn=0, checkpoint_mlp=0, attn_order=0, blocks=None, spread=None, x_cond=False, y_cond=False, encoder_dims=0, only_encode=False, merged_decoder=False, prime_len=None): super().__init__() self.input_shape = input_shape self.input_dims = input_dims = self.encoder_dims = encoder_dims self.bins = bins self.width = width self.depth = depth self.x_emb = nn.Embedding(bins, width) nn.init.normal_(self.x_emb.weight, std=0.02 * init_scale) self.x_emb_dropout = nn.Dropout(emb_dropout) self.y_cond = y_cond self.x_cond = x_cond if not y_cond: self.start_token = nn.Parameter(get_normal(1, width, std=0.01 * init_scale)) self.pos_emb = PositionEmbedding(input_shape=input_shape, width=width, init_scale=init_scale, pos_init=pos_init) self.pos_emb_dropout = nn.Dropout(emb_dropout) self.transformer = Transformer(n_in=width, n_ctx=input_dims, n_head=heads, n_depth=depth, attn_dropout=attn_dropout, resid_dropout=resid_dropout, afn='quick_gelu', scale=True, mask=mask, zero_out=zero_out, init_scale=init_scale, res_scale=res_scale, m_attn=m_attn, m_mlp=m_mlp, checkpoint_attn=checkpoint_attn, checkpoint_mlp=checkpoint_mlp, checkpoint_res=checkpoint_res, attn_order=attn_order, blocks=blocks, spread=spread, encoder_dims=encoder_dims, prime_len=prime_len) self.only_encode = only_encode self.prime_len = prime_len if merged_decoder: # Merged piped model uses this setup self.add_cond_after_transformer = False self.share_x_emb_x_out = False else: self.add_cond_after_transformer = True self.share_x_emb_x_out = True if not only_encode: self.x_out = nn.Linear(width, bins, bias=False) if self.share_x_emb_x_out: self.x_out.weight = self.x_emb.weight self.loss = t.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() def preprocess(self, x): # Input: x is NHWC and uint8. Converted to NL and long # Can include stuff like bitpacking, reordering here. N = x.shape[0] return x.view(N, -1).long() def postprocess(self, x, sample_tokens=None): # Convert back from NL and long to NHWC N = x.shape[0] assert (0 <= x).all() and (x < self.bins).all() if sample_tokens is None or sample_tokens==self.input_dims: return x.view(N, *self.input_shape) else: return x.view(N, -1) def forward(self, x, x_cond=None, y_cond=None, encoder_kv=None, fp16=False, loss_full=False, encode=False, get_preds=False, get_acts=False, get_sep_loss=False): # Preprocess. with t.no_grad(): x = self.preprocess(x) N, D = x.shape assert isinstance(x, t.cuda.LongTensor) assert (0 <= x).all() and (x < self.bins).all() if self.y_cond: assert y_cond is not None assert y_cond.shape == (N, 1, self.width) else: assert y_cond is None if self.x_cond: assert x_cond is not None assert x_cond.shape == (N, D, self.width) or x_cond.shape == (N, 1, self.width), f"{x_cond.shape} != {(N, D, self.width)} nor {(N, 1, self.width)}. Did you pass the correct --sample_length?" else: assert x_cond is None x_cond = t.zeros((N, 1, self.width), device=x.device, dtype=t.float) x_t = x # Target x = self.x_emb(x) # X emb x = roll(x, 1) # Shift by 1, and fill in start token if self.y_cond: x[:,0] = y_cond.view(N, self.width) else: x[:,0] = self.start_token x = self.x_emb_dropout(x) + self.pos_emb_dropout(self.pos_emb()) + x_cond # Pos emb and dropout x = self.transformer(x, encoder_kv=encoder_kv, fp16=fp16) # Transformer if self.add_cond_after_transformer: # Piped doesnt add x_cond x = x + x_cond acts = x if self.only_encode: return x x = self.x_out(x) # Predictions if get_sep_loss: assert self.prime_len is not None x_prime = x[:, :self.prime_len].reshape(-1, self.bins) x_gen = x[:, self.prime_len:].reshape(-1, self.bins) prime_loss = F.cross_entropy(x_prime, x_t[:, :self.prime_len].reshape(-1)) / np.log(2.) gen_loss = F.cross_entropy(x_gen, x_t[:, self.prime_len:].reshape(-1)) / np.log(2.) loss = (prime_loss, gen_loss) # Note order! Prime is first else: loss = F.cross_entropy(x.view(-1, self.bins), x_t.view(-1)) / np.log(2.) # Loss if get_preds: return loss, x elif get_acts: return loss, acts else: return loss, None def get_emb(self, sample_t, n_samples, x, x_cond, y_cond): N, D = n_samples, self.input_dims if sample_t == 0: # Fill in start token x = t.empty(n_samples, 1, self.width).cuda() if self.y_cond: x[:, 0] = y_cond.view(N, self.width) else: x[:, 0] = self.start_token else: assert isinstance(x, t.cuda.LongTensor) assert (0 <= x).all() and (x < self.bins).all() x = self.x_emb(x) assert x.shape == (n_samples, 1, self.width) if x_cond.shape == (N, D, self.width): cond = x_cond[:, sample_t:sample_t + 1, :] else: cond = x_cond x = x + self.pos_emb()[sample_t:sample_t + 1] + cond # Pos emb, dropout is identity at eval time assert x.shape == (n_samples, 1, self.width) return x, cond def sample(self, n_samples, x_cond=None, y_cond=None, encoder_kv=None, fp16=False, temp=1.0, top_k=0, top_p=0.0, get_preds=False, sample_tokens=None): assert == False if sample_tokens is None: sample_tokens=self.input_dims N, D = n_samples, self.input_dims if self.y_cond: assert y_cond is not None assert y_cond.shape == (N, 1, self.width) else: assert y_cond is None if self.x_cond: assert x_cond is not None assert x_cond.shape == (N, D, self.width) or x_cond.shape == (N, 1, self.width), f"Got {x_cond.shape}, expected ({N}, {D}/{1}, {self.width})" else: assert x_cond is None x_cond = t.zeros((N, 1, self.width), dtype=t.float).cuda() with t.no_grad(): xs, x = [], None if get_preds: preds = [] for sample_t in get_range(range(0, sample_tokens)): x, cond = self.get_emb(sample_t, n_samples, x, x_cond, y_cond) self.transformer.check_cache(n_samples, sample_t, fp16) x = self.transformer(x, encoder_kv=encoder_kv, sample=True, fp16=fp16) # Transformer if self.add_cond_after_transformer: x = x + cond assert x.shape == (n_samples, 1, self.width) x = self.x_out(x) # Predictions if get_preds: preds.append(x.clone()) # Adjust logits x = x / temp x = filter_logits(x, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p) x = t.distributions.Categorical(logits=x).sample() # Sample and replace x assert x.shape == (n_samples, 1) xs.append(x.clone()) del x self.transformer.del_cache() x =, dim=1) if get_preds: preds =, dim=1) x = self.postprocess(x, sample_tokens) if get_preds: return x, preds else: return x def primed_sample(self, n_samples, x, x_cond=None, y_cond=None, encoder_kv=None, fp16=False, temp=1.0, top_k=0, top_p=0.0, get_preds=False, chunk_size=None, sample_tokens=None): assert == False if sample_tokens is None: sample_tokens=self.input_dims # Preprocess. with t.no_grad(): x = self.preprocess(x) assert isinstance(x, t.cuda.LongTensor) assert (0 <= x).all() and (x < self.bins).all() assert x.shape[0] == n_samples xs = t.split(x, 1, dim=1) xs = list(xs) assert len(xs) < sample_tokens N, D = n_samples, self.input_dims if self.y_cond: assert y_cond is not None assert y_cond.shape == (N, 1, self.width) else: assert y_cond is None if self.x_cond: assert x_cond is not None assert x_cond.shape == (N, D, self.width) or x_cond.shape == (N, 1, self.width), f"Got {x_cond.shape}, expected ({N}, {D}/{1}, {self.width})" else: assert x_cond is None x_cond = t.zeros((N, 1, self.width), dtype=t.float).cuda() with t.no_grad(): if get_preds: preds = [] # Fill up key/value cache for past context by runing forward pass. # We do so in chunks instead of doing the whole past in one forward pass to reduce max memory usage. if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = len(xs) #assert len(xs) % chunk_size == 0, f'expected {len(xs)} to be divisible by {chunk_size}' chunk_sizes = split_chunks(len(xs), chunk_size) x_primes = [] start = 0 x = None for current_chunk_size in get_range(chunk_sizes): xs_prime, conds_prime = [], [] for sample_t in range(start, start + current_chunk_size): x_prime, cond_prime = self.get_emb(sample_t, n_samples, x, x_cond, y_cond) x = xs[sample_t] xs_prime.append(x_prime) conds_prime.append(cond_prime) start = start + current_chunk_size x_prime, cond_prime =, dim=1),, dim=1) assert x_prime.shape == (n_samples, current_chunk_size, self.width) assert cond_prime.shape == (n_samples, current_chunk_size, self.width) del xs_prime del conds_prime if not get_preds: del cond_prime x_prime = self.transformer(x_prime, encoder_kv=encoder_kv, sample=True, fp16=fp16) if get_preds: if self.add_cond_after_transformer: x_prime = x_prime + cond_prime assert x_prime.shape == (n_samples, current_chunk_size, self.width) del cond_prime x_primes.append(x_prime) else: del x_prime if get_preds: x_prime =, dim=1) assert x_prime.shape == (n_samples, len(xs), self.width) x_prime = self.x_out(x_prime) # Predictions preds.append(x_prime) empty_cache() self.transformer.check_cache(n_samples, len(xs), fp16) x = xs[-1] assert x.shape == (n_samples, 1) empty_cache() for sample_t in get_range(range(len(xs), sample_tokens)): x, cond = self.get_emb(sample_t, n_samples, x, x_cond, y_cond) self.transformer.check_cache(n_samples, sample_t, fp16) x = self.transformer(x, encoder_kv=encoder_kv, sample=True, fp16=fp16) # Transformer if self.add_cond_after_transformer: x = x + cond assert x.shape == (n_samples, 1, self.width) x = self.x_out(x) # Predictions if get_preds: preds.append(x) # Adjust logits x = x / temp x = filter_logits(x, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p) x = t.distributions.Categorical(logits=x).sample() # Sample and replace x assert x.shape == (n_samples, 1) xs.append(x.clone()) del x self.transformer.del_cache() x =, dim=1) if get_preds: preds =, dim=1) x = self.postprocess(x, sample_tokens) if get_preds: return x, preds else: return x def check_sample(self, chunk_size): bs, l, d = (4, self.input_dims, self.width) prime = int(self.input_dims//8*7) enc_l = self.encoder_dims with t.no_grad(): y_cond = t.randn(bs, 1, d).cuda() if self.y_cond else None x_cond = t.randn(bs, l, d).cuda() if self.x_cond else None encoder_kv = t.randn(bs, enc_l, d).cuda() x, preds_sample = self.sample(bs, x_cond, y_cond, encoder_kv, get_preds=True) loss, preds_forw = self.forward(x, x_cond, y_cond, encoder_kv, get_preds=True) max_err = t.max(t.abs(preds_sample - preds_forw)) assert max_err <= 1e-6, f"Max err is {max_err} {[i for i in range(l) if t.max(t.abs(preds_sample - preds_forw)[:, i, :]) > 1e-6]}" x_prime = x.view(bs, -1)[:,:prime] # unchunked x, preds_sample = self.primed_sample(bs, x_prime.clone(), x_cond, y_cond, encoder_kv, get_preds=True) assert (x.view(bs, -1)[:,:prime] == x_prime).all(), "Priming samples don't match" loss, preds_forw = self.forward(x, x_cond, y_cond, encoder_kv, get_preds=True) max_err = t.max(t.abs(preds_sample - preds_forw)) assert max_err <= 1e-6, f"Max err is {max_err} {[i for i in range(l) if t.max(t.abs(preds_sample - preds_forw)[:, i, :]) > 1e-6]}" # chunked x, preds_sample = self.primed_sample(bs, x_prime.clone(), x_cond, y_cond, encoder_kv, get_preds=True, chunk_size=chunk_size) assert (x.view(bs, -1)[:,:prime] == x_prime).all(), "Priming samples don't match" loss, preds_forw = self.forward(x, x_cond, y_cond, encoder_kv, get_preds=True) max_err = t.max(t.abs(preds_sample - preds_forw)) assert max_err <= 1e-6, f"Max err is {max_err} {[i for i in range(l) if t.max(t.abs(preds_sample - preds_forw)[:, i, :]) > 1e-6]}" def test_prior(input_shape, encoder_dims, blocks, heads, chunk_size): bins = 512 width = 32 depth = 2 prime_len = encoder_dims for x_cond in [True, False]: for y_cond in [True, False]: for attn_order in [0,2,6,12]: prior = ConditionalAutoregressive2D(input_shape, bins, width=width, depth=depth, heads=heads, attn_order=attn_order, blocks=blocks, x_cond=x_cond, y_cond=y_cond, encoder_dims=encoder_dims, prime_len=prime_len).cuda() = False prior.check_sample(chunk_size) print(f"Checked x_cond: {x_cond}, y_cond: {y_cond}, attn_order: {attn_order}") # prior.apply(_convert_mlp_traced) # prior.check_sample() # print(f"Checked traced x_cond: {x_cond}, y_cond: {y_cond}") if __name__ == '__main__': from jukebox.utils.dist_utils import setup_dist_from_mpi setup_dist_from_mpi(port=29600) test_cases = [ ((6144,), 384, 64, 2, 23), ((6144,), 384, 64, 2, 8), ((8192,), 512, 128, 2, 16), ] for test_case in test_cases: test_prior(*test_case)