Why play a rigged game? Don't get killed from behind or the side from constant responsibilities around you. It's really worthless. Same BS spawn scheme for the last 15 years, and it's why I disregard this game 9/10 times. I'm on a Samsung S21 Ultra 5g and only 32ms latency, and people still just pop out of nowhere despite staring at the spot they came from. Meanwhile, you're appearing on their side for 10 seconds and it's just so damned boring. It never changes, regardless oh phone.
I haven't played long I really like this game, I haven't had any lag really and I don't have wifi just data. I gave it 2 star for 3 reasons. 1: using a controller it likes to Desync now and again and you have to get out of your team and reclick multi-player for it to register again. 2: the system they use to "win" legendary/mythic weapons is ridiculous sporting a $150 usd price tag. 3: it's just cosmetic skins that enables a neat kill animation,no special attachments
Much better than before with the blackouts. Still have problems with the mic cutting in and out the great Improvement. Can't seem to get controllers to work anymore. Xbox and ps4 controllers no longer seem to work. They connect to the phone and game but don't work in the game anymore. Also as of 11/22 won't connect to server.
BEST EXPERIENCE i have been playing for 3 days and im allready a pro exept im having some of bugs: im laging hard, hold to speak is not working for me, and wants me to download a lot of stuff i can handle the down loads but not the other bugs please fix this. Thx chu. (P.S. i still cant get CoD points please make CoD points easier to get. Another thx chu)
The game is great itself, but dude, fix the fact that the servers put you against players waaaay beyond your skillset. Im level 62 right now, and I get put up against enemy teams that are like level 130-150. Meanwhile the rest of my teammates are bots, please balance matchmaking and fix this irritating issue. Other than that, the game is a masterpiece.
Ive played this game with no issues, use to lag a little here and there. But recently the game just freezes once i try to get into a game. Shows the people vs, and the map and just stays there. is anyone else having this problem?
Controller useless now after November 2021 Season 10 Update. Some buttons are mapped differently and some do not work at all. The right analog stick does not work at all. Unplayable with controller now. I would appreciate it, as well as many others, if this would be fixed. Please fix ASAP.
The good in this game was short lived due to the lack of caring in the developers and support. The game took my cod points 2 different times on draws and they couldnt do anything to help, just make me more frustrated when they say this cant happen even tho it definetly did and i have pictures of it. And the cost of legendary weapons is stupid high. And the chances of getting it instead of the backpack that should be free are even more stupid. Done with this game until its fixed, if it will be!
Im done even trying to play this game i don't know why you would develope a game that not everyone can even play to begin with it makes no sense there's literally YouTube videos of people having to try to work around the "connection terminated" problem because it's that common and i can't get through it no matter what even with an unlimited 4g data plan so I'm done trying to play i spent 30 minutes with different VPN servers trying to be able to play if it could be fixed i would give 5 stars
The only thing this dev cares about is spamming bad skins, and making u spend money, constant glitching, no way to get ahold of help line, when players get hacked there's no way to fix it, PC version isn't any better, u can lose 20 minutes matches and exp, couse dev just pushed unfinished products, the only thing these guys care about is taking your money, I've been dealing with the same bugs since day one, if your not invested I advise moving to another multiplayer shooter, there is several opt
Good game... all of us play it. Few really bigs flaws... 1. The epic, legendary, etc weapons don't actually influence game play. COD is all about skins and effects. Weapon rarity is only appearance based. 2. Clan system is terrible. Might as well not be there. Invites and chat are a joke. No benefit to being in a clan other then things that, again, are only appearance based. 3. Support is non existent and updates etc are often problematic, incomplete and pointless. 4. New armor is a joke.
This is a very fun and addictive game. I love to play call of duty mobile because it's free and fun. The only problem I have is that it kinda takes alot of storage like 7gb but if you have a device that has alot of storage then your fine. I do recommend getting a SD card. If your device is compatible with a SD card.
Currently having some major technical issues with my ps4 controller in-game. Half my buttons don't work and the other half do not work the correct functions. Additionally my right joystick is unresponsive, preventing me from turning and looking. Everything worked great __ 2 days ago (11/15/21) but the following the recent update I cannot play with my controller. I checked with other players in-world chat and found someone having similar issues. We both have the same phone __ Samsung Galaxy S9+
This is an amazing game with amazing graphics and I absolutely love!!!! The only reason I rate 4 stars is with the release of the new season they took away the last 3 unlockable skins and I was close to getting them but they took them away. Plesde bring them back!
Really good game overall until recently. The last patch broke support for my dualshock 4 controller. Trying to contact activision support is a joke, didnt reply for a few days then gave generic advice that didnt work. The issue i am having appears to be the same as others are reporting. Button mapping is off and wrong button reads when pressed. Hopefully devs fix this patch soon or they're losing another player. If you use bluetooth controller for phone shooters, stay away from this game
The gameplay is..........surprisingly, very good! I took the extra time to customize the placement of each button to fit my own phone comfort zone. That zone separates the quick, from the dead!****new update 11/16/21*** has taken away use of controller. Can't use right stick, and buttons are jacked. Please fix
I keep attempting to sign in to play, and it just keeps saying Auto Login but never logs me in. Very upset with this as I have been playing for a while and still want to play. I have restarted my phone, used wifi, mobal data, everything and it does the same thing.
The best Game I've played on my phone.... You guys killed it .. Thank you sooooo much!!!!!!! And I have been playing it for awhile now and have had no problems with it.. but the only thing that is kinda bad is how much space it takes, but it's worth it in the end
Great time killer. But I'm not going to play without a controller. The game doesn't always allow all the controls to work. So I leave the game to fix it. And I'm punished because of a game bug I had nothing to do with... cool. I'm not playing on my cracked screen. I would have rated higher, but they have a $20 coupon that you can't use on anything without spending money. I'd love to change this rating to 5stars.
This game is the perfect online battle royal/pvp game u can get. Plus the variety of guns. If I could I would rate it 5.5. The problem is the downloading resources stuff cause like my phone is out of space now and I'm not even done downloading the resources. All in all the game is great.
Hi I really like this game on all platforms But there are points that can be improved It is true that it was much better before Its graphics are more masterpiece than mobile But there are problems connecting and lagging despite the excellent internet in this area This game really needs to be improved and it is not useful that Activision can not cope with all this masterpiece in the field of PlayStation device Thankful
Used to be awesome before this latest update-broke my ps4 controller to where some buttons don't work at all, and others don't do what the onscreen indicator says (on Galaxy Note 9). Shoot and aim are R1/L1 instead of R2/L2, can't turn using right stick, etc. Way to break a great game! Will be uninstalling to reclaim the GB of storage this now-defective app is taking up...until this is fixed.
Everytime a new update comes in (which seems to happen every month) I need to find stuff to delete. It has begone to be the only app on my phone I can have since there isn't any room for anything else. The lag in BR is very frustrating at times, at times I find myself against the last player and bam the lag and I die.
The game is excellent, but when you get to level 150 you start too glitch out and have a lot of other problems. The security teches need to pay better attention to hackers that are hacking into the gaming network. The firewall needs to be bulit better so there ain't anymore of theses problems.
Love CODM. It's just like playing on Xbox one. Only wish it had a couple of things like holographic scope doesn't highlight the enemies like on Xbox really enjoyed that. Also buying items is a bit expensive to get need to lower prices or give better options on buying guns and other equipment it's been the same ones for a long time need to change it up. Also really don't like that enemy can pick up your weapons especially if you have a mythic or legend they shouldn't be able to use them
_ Well it's been about a year now and they still have not fixed the mapping error for my DS4 DUALSHOCK Controller. _ The only reason I even play Fortnite is because they haven't fixed that single issue in COD-Mobile. _ because of my inability to use my controller, money I would have spent here has gone to Fortnight. Which places this issue as a direct cause of profit loss. Which in my case has been about $130.00 on the working alternative (Fortnite). _ I'm done with waiting. _ Uninstalling.
Fun game, nice action. Been playing since I think season 2. Content upgrades have been great and the ability to configure your play action to your own style makes this my favorite game. Of course it could just be I like killing people.
This game needs work, when you're playing on a less powerful device it lags and crashes which I understand. Then you upgrade to a Galalaxy S21 Ultra and it crashes to never let you passed the loading screen. You have the team COD mobile and I don't think resources are the problem. Fix the bugs, glitches and constant crashing. It makes playing the game less enjoyable
I believe it's the play store or my phone's fault for not understanding storage space. An update ultimately leads to having to just redownload the entire game, plus all the small dl's inside the game add up to a lot of data and frustration, especially when a lot of maps come and go. Most themes and content have an evil aspect to them, which could also be rather subversive/intrusive to younger players. New season bumped me down to low gfx and medium fps. Can't give it any more than 2 stars rn __
Legit FPS action in your pocket. Traditional multi-player modes with ranked play and a greatest hits roster of maps. Offers solid Battle Royale across 2 maps as well. Eases you into the game with some bot matches early on, but ranked play is sweaty as could be at higher ranks. Monetization is also fair with no pay-to-win, paywalls, or time gates.
Best mobile game hands down. Had great graphics, modes, great selection of maps for both mp and br. Devs are very commutative with players and listen to try and make the game even better. Free game with no ads. Can spend if you want but certainly not required to be able to play and have access to anything.
Constantly crashes on the loading screen after downloading only some of the non required downloads. It's ridiculous that this app is made larger and larger yet never optimized. I have a top of the line device and I can't even download my own weapon skins or the majority of maps because of this. Also, why the hell won't they bring back the original zombie mode? I'm Constantly disappointed.
Great game EXCEPT there's far too many bots. Bots you're teamed with are rarely if ever teamed with you. However bots that are chicken with their heads cut off ARE teamed with so you lose more often. Let alone cheaters using controllers to cheat and play better than you playing on your phone.
I'll change my review when they make a better system for legendary weapons. And bundles. There's no reason you should have to spend that much on the skin. 150 bucks for legendary weapon? No thank you. Haven't bought one yet. But if they made it like 60 bucks I would buy plenty. Maybe even cheaper.
I love this game. But just so you are aware of the cash grab. If you do a lucky draw the game increases the cost each time you draw the last draw is near 5 dollars this game is a rip off if you want cool stuff.
Hate being put into the middle of a match that is 2 kills away from ending, whether it's winning or losing. And happens extremely often. And many times I have ran into players completely invisible in MP, all you see if the red floating around. What's that all about?
Standard 32gb phone isn't enough. System files takes up 16gb and this game now takes up around 9gb with downloading temporary updates. That leaves little room for photos,videos,and other apps. I had to delete most of my apps and games to download the latest update. I use the website version of apps like fb and others now to compensate. Also they can't make a good zombies game like they used too. The zombies should chase the players not the base, I rather play the old zombies version of strategy
I like the game a lot. The only thing I would want is more ww2 and bo4 guns. Also the bots are way crazy there aim needs to be worse. There are also a lot of hackers and I can't get into a game without being layered through the walls or just being tracked. Also give us the bo2 reflex sight and the asm10 should be remade as the an 94 from bo2 or qt least changed to make it similar. Also if possible add some infinite warfare guns. Also add the honeybadger I really want that gun to return
Update... after buying a new phone for the last update (so I could still play) & 12 gig download...__... the game has been running decent. Still laggy in areas like multi player battle royals. An issues when I 1st load the game(says sever error An I have to close the app An reopen it till it works).. but is still a great game, last couple passes have been nice and like the new feel of the game. Good job.
Game mechanics in themselves arent bad. Why do I have to click OK 10 times in between battles.. win or lose show report move on. Also p2w and laggers all over the place very frustrating for f2p. Latest update practically not playable not sure if it's buggy or system demands are too high. Never bothered to install HD content will probably only make it worse.
Had 100 c p. Spent 30 on the deadly cute draw. After that I was given 40 off of my next draw. I tried doing that but it forced me to quit the game. Came back and that discount was gone and 40 of my cp was subtracted. I pressed on the icon that said 80 cp but I didn't get the draw and it forced me to quit. Came back again and it said I have to spend 120 for the next draw. I would like to have my cp back and the draw back to its normal cost. Or just the idol star lk24 instead. Thank you.
Five stars for graphics and gameplay. But 1 star for staying connected to cod servers. So a 3 avarage. it's screwing up my rank scoring a lot at least 30% of ranked matches while I'm playing it boom kicked me off to my homepage and usually by the time you reconnect especially in battle Royals which in battle Royals I would say 80% of time it kicks me off and by the time you reconnect you're dead early death is a lot of points lost kind of getting over it
Shame of a game. They do nothing about players that take advantage of software glitches. And any legend or mythic weapons will cost you $130 per weapon. Don't get fooled thinking it's a random draw. It's not random, you won't get the weapon until the very last draw. SCAM all around.
I like this game a lot, I play with my friend almost every day! The only thing that I don't like are the random mirco transactions. I bought $20, because I wanted the jigsaw. But I didn't get it with $20 because it's a random prize. Mines well buy the whole battle pass with that price.
Hello--- very nice game! Graphics are awesome! I just wish that there were more permanent Battle Royale options the same way that there's multi-player options. Besides that it's a great game __ ____
Horrible experience. Do not play this game and do not spend money on this game I spent money on this game and instantly got blocked and couldn't play any of the missions or games and I contact customer service and customer service told me well there's no refunds and you are just out of luck.
you'll get over how pretty the game looks when the cost of "draws" reaches well into the $300 in app purchase range and you get sick to your stomach because the a**hat devs purposely don't give you an idea what the final in app cost would be to win the character and/or gun the draw is based on because very few would buy them. seriously, timi studios and activision must be purposely overlooking the disclosure of needed funds to win the most prized items in a draw. legally it seems, sketchy.
WHY ISNT CONTROLLER ISSUE FIXED???? Ive been playjng cod mobile for over a year now and with my controller for over 6-7 months, but now after season 10 update, its all screwed up. Why isnt this being corrected? Ive been an extremely loyal player, and customer since ive bought all but one battle pass since ive been playing, along with a nice amount of funds ive put towards weapon draws, etc., however, im left here feeling neglected and ignored by the developers of what was hands down my fav game.
I just wanted 1 gun. And after spending $20 I still don't have it and I think it literally TRUTHFULLY honestly speaking, cost $80 minimum to get it but most likely more. And what, a new gun in a week or so, so why? $80 per week for this game? This and many other reasons why this is a terrible game. It feels pathetic like a Nintendo 64 game, just with good graphics.
You will only get that advantage over other players when you buy a skin, unless you buy one of the Mexican skins your player will still be very slow. Trust me i bought 3 skins, the ghost which was very fast and two of the mexican skin which turned really slow. And no it is not my internet. My provider is Xfinity and i have one of the fastest plans on them.
All the sudden it won't play on my wifi, nothing has changed with my wifi or my phone, it's always played on my wifi before. Having to play on my data which isn't going to last very long at all. Please fix my issue, I'll reinstate 4 stars.
Pretty good but bots. Maybe get ride of ranked mode or make it only ranked mode you are dividing the already seemingly small player base. Br load times are Instant and you get thrown into br with sometimes no other real players. I'd rather wait 2 minutes and have 70 players in the lobby. Really need to do away with the bots by whatever means. Also you false advertised that ranked has no bots but in actuality you have them untill pro tier and even then at odd times of the day you get bots.
Changing rating from 5 to 1. I've never seen a game with over 12 gb used. It would be different if it worked. I have to update at least once a month and now it's freezing so I have to leave the game. Support is nonexistent . The game is great when it works and I hate to uninstall but no one will fix the game.
I literally made a JOB of playing this game, better than the newer one I think! EDIT: After playing for 2 years, I just couldn't take the ripoff pricing. A single skin cost me $160 and I probably spent near $1000 in the store gambling system that should put this game in the regulation on casinos so warnings against gambling addiction can be up front. The updates are nearly constant and take forever, mostly to got it..lottery skins! Just gambling lost $? 3 Stars. Probs too? ..1 star
Our pleas fall on deaf ears.... Devs only care about players spending obscene amounts of cash on their game I guess cause there has been no response to CONTROLLER SUPPORT for dualshock that still hasn't been addressed yet. Lag this season is way out of control, never had a problem until the latest update. And to make matters worst aimbot cheaters are everywhere
Well developed and very polished overall, but updates are incessant! Hate hate hate the CONSTANT updates! I've seen many players leave the game over time because it is such a PITA to have to be constantly updating the game. IMO many players don't care about all the monthly gimmicks that you're always having to load and update (and that cost $ to use)--it's not what brought people to the game. Agree with others that lag kicked in with season 10 update, probably due to the high def package.
Absolutely love this game but since the last two updates been nothing but problems and this time most obnoxiously with my controller. Everything works fine except right analog stick and I've been blowing up support bout it going on a week no and nothing resolved. CoD you are to big of a name for all the issues and not even contact consumers bout trying to fix any of the issues.
Unable to play battle royale after the last update. My Fold 3 connection will time out in the loading screen. I'll go to the home screen and it'll try to reconnect me to that match. However when playing multiplayer games, no issues.
Redoing my previous review. The game is really good shooter just like the other cods. Mix warzone with cold war and you have our current mobile game. The guns are amazingly balanced aswell with the gameplay. Its currently experiencing alot of bugs like HD resorses not working or bullet desyncing and etc but they improve and fix them every season (month) so yeah! Great game.
This game of all the games on the marketplace and all the development teams, Deserves a 5 star rating. This development team does such a good Work. In my opinion they truly care about the gamer's experience and it shows in the quality of their product. Absolutely the best game on the market right now and It deserves your support
Also to add on to my review if they made it to where it shows if you unlock camos in game would be cool too. I haven't had this much fun playing this game in a while the new Crb4 or p90 as I like to call it is so amazing grinding the gold camo or mastery camo for the weapon was extremely easy but one suggestion if they could the 1911 and make an akimbo attachment it would be cool but so far this game is amazing and I've had so much fun playing it and grinding Damascus has been fun too I'm close!
So many people quit in the middle of a match that there is no way you can win at a huge disadvantage. No point in reporting them because there's no actual punishment for AFK or anything. It would be nice if you went AFK the system reports you went AFK that they would ban you for 24 hours. If you kept going AFK they would ban you for longer but like all companies they're just greedy and want money so that'll never happen. Why improve gameplay when you can just keep throwing out new skins. 0 star
Good game but 120hz only for high end device that sucks. Even though my mid range gaming chip support 120hz and have an 120hz display. game don't show ultra frame rate. Br is not quite there yet. Mostly multiplayer was fun now 120hz/rich player got advantage over 60hz /middle class player.
This game is great! All it needs is a mapping feature for third-party controllers that don't sync natively with the buttons on screen.. I have a game sir G4 pro and my d-pad buttons won't sync with the game or my right trigger... So my right bar acts as my right trigger but when I flip trigger buttons in the menu setting I can't actually use my controller trigger cuz it doesn't map correctly to the app. It's a shame but it's still a lot of fun just have to touch a few buttons on screen sometime
Totally awesome game. I've been hoops in season 1. BR is awesome. Only thing that would make it better is more combat vehicles. Yeah! Put guns on the helicopters and boat. Make the sports car like 007s. Well that may be too much but you get the point
Highly addictive, & promotes gambling too children, & the loot box's are waaay over-priced. They used too have a feature where you could just buy the lucky draw bundle straight out the gate! & now the "Lucky Draw" is an agonizing sensation of regret. VERY Very few get the leigiondary right out the gate or the featured Toon Skin. Nevertheless it's even gives you odds on the lucky draws JUST LIKE a gambling chart at a casino its a shame. So if you can look past all that crud its an amazing game.
Awesome Well it was an awesome game but after the recent update I played and just couple of days ago it kicked me out of a battle royale match and I have been trying to get bak on to play ever since but keeps kicking me out. I turned my phone off and bak on to c if it would fix it but nothing. Than I uninstalled the app an re-installed it and still doing the same thing. Can't play the game no more. Not sure why and if u can please find the problem and fix it for me it would b much appreciated. T
Since the recent update, it will load the game to "getting game info" and close everytime. I Uninstalled it and reinstalled it, it worked while I was playing it. But when I close the app and re open it, it will not load again. Please fix this issue.
This app is all around great The one problem though is that well occasionally I don't know if it's cuz I'm a bad player but like as soon as I respond something happens one time out of nowhere a hunter killer drone appeared out of nowhere then again I'm probably unlucky so All in all five out of five excuse me I'm going to fill the rest of this until I reach 500 letters mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I love how i accidently uninstalled but everything is back like i was so worried because i was doing so good. So i recommend others to play. Only 2.02 gigs [right now] so if you have enough storage pls download but if you dont that is fine i am just recommending for players who like shooter games so after reading this I hope you think about downloading. Good byeeee. [By the way activision you are top 3 in my favorite game companies]
I would give this game five stars, but the last update has bugs. The game freezes several times during one fight and the scores are inaccurate. My review will change when the bugs are fixed. Before the last update, this was the only game on my phone.
I'd like to say people are being little c.u.n.t.s because their controllers don't work, how about you play the game how it was made to play. Touchscreen! Try adjusting to mobile attachments. Works for me, I never have any problems only problem is the people using controllers getting a better advantage. So F.U.CK YOU if you think otherwise. This game is fine how it is
It now crash 3 times per game and many more bugs. You use class it doesn't allow you to do anything accept running around and jump. We spend money here and money brings corruption. Same cycle of problems with every other money app . Okay take care everyone. It crashes conveniently for the enemy to kill you suspiciously.
So theres been a problem whete it wont load me into a game, it will start, put me in the map, then dissconect me from the servers. Devs have not fixed, problem still happens, cant play game, not worth it. It used to be such a good game, Not anymore
11-26-21: After an update the PS4 controller mapping is wrong and the game is unplayable. Please fix this issue. Tried restarting the phone, resetting the PS4 controller, reinstalling the games, and a few others. Nothing works and can't remap in the game. PLEASE FIX!
Everything you loved about MW and BO.. From maps to characters skins. Legendary weapons and camo grinding. Fun game. Rank Mp for the serious players and a fun battle royal and zombies mode. 100% Free to play! Default weapons work exactly the same as legendary store bought, The gunsmith feature makes sure of this. With a fun group of codm live streamers to watch giving out pro tips & tricks and giving helpful info on just about everything. Solo play is ok, Better when clanned up with friends _
I like the game very much when im not using a controller, Yall need to fix the controller settings. Some how when i connected my ps4 controller to my phone and hopped into a game the buttons were flipped and other buttons wasn't working, i don't know what yall did, but can one of yall fix it, or allow us to customize how we want our buttons. Thank you
Game is still definitely NOT optimized for the Galaxy Z Fold 3's inner 120hz display. Please fix this problem. This game looks super choppy/awful! This lack of graphical optimization, has been going on since the original Z Fold. This company, must not have the budget to fix it.......sad__
Everythings good the only thing it needs is some twiking in the low graphics we cant hear cars coming or load object such as vehicles or enemies when thier 100m or 20m a way also 5mins ago i was playing tank battle and i couldnt snipe due to the same reason, ive uninstalled and installed download audio quality and HD graphics and it still dont work can we get this fixed.
Love the game kinda. But not really. There are way to many glitches in this game. Winning a match is preety darn easy. But with the glitches and stuff I haven't won a match in about 3 days. And I've been playing for about 4 hours every day. The red teams points are going up by one every second. That's way to fast. 1 point is like 5 to 7 seconds. Plz fix these glitches. Then I will play the game a lot more. I'm getting really mad about the glitches and laggs. Plz fix this soon. Then I will play.
Would be a good game if you fix the damn lagging and make the game where it can fit peoples storage. Other then that I like it. But why can't I see anyone until they are right up to me I use to be able to see them far away. ______
The latest update lags so much to the point it's getting unplayable even at the lowest settings, warfare is like watching frame by frame. Weapons take so long to spawn you can run for a while before anything appears. Not everyone has a high end device to catch up with the requirements of this game.
I think they made this game on an iceberg cause it's always freezing. Come on global warming. Seriously though it was good at first and now it lags so bad it's unplayable. Fix it if you want more of my money.
Hackers ruin this game, etremely unfair matchmaking, the game puts you with 4 bots, But the opposite team is full of name players & you get obliterated. It is not fun anymore. The free rewards are a joke & the paid lucky draws are extremely expensive & perverts on world chat are disgusting. They treat it like tinder. Reporting them does nothing , I would Uninstaller but I have too much invested already
I love playing and a huge fan but after this update it really needs to fix. Fix for improvement and beginning of match it freezes and no kills. It just sits there shooting and not getting any points. It's been happening frequently and I'm on good wifi.
I love the game but I'm on a galaxy A10e so as I play ranked or any other like BR it's SUPER laggy I'm usually killed a lot and it's no joke once you hit master rank so if there's a way to help the lag I'd very much appreciate if you do that I've been playing for 1 1/2 years, It wasn't as laggy like 3 seasons ago but it was just a little I think CODM is taking it way to fast.
The ban system is terrible. Due game lags i tried to test it on my pc emulator then my account banned for 1 day without telling me the reson of ban in the ban message, then i tried another time and banned me for 7 days! After researchs i understand playing on other devices could be the cause of ban. Now i lost the events but why the game didn't warn or at least telleing the reason of ban? Game Support also is very confusing and i couldn't contact with them.
THIS IS AMAZING ONE OF THE GAMES THAT I RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE. but, I wish you could rate how broken some of the weapons are. P.s. the DL Q33 is way too overpowered in VS. AI you can just grind and I also don't like how the bots are literally trash at aiming at you but against the other bot their aim is on point. Other than that it is a very good game
Used to really like this game, can't play MW because I dont have the internet for it anymore, so i returned to this. Too bad its full of sweats and hackers. Every other lobby someone is either aimbotting or using a controller/keyboard. Its a mobile game, you're not gonna go pro dude, use thumbs like the rest of us. Super disappointing, especially getting basically bots on my team. Still a solid game but damn is it annoying
Had problems with a in-game item from the warzone coin event long story short they help me receive the item __ just go the the setting click the support they are amazing n helpful 10 outa 10 would recommend if you have problems receiving item Update 10/31/21 Don't waste your time to a game that doesn't appreciate the ppl that spend money FIX YOUR GAME no more spending money no more feeling like your gambling to all the parents out here stop letting your kid play!!! There sex offenders on here
Overall my experience with the game has been great. But I'm having issues when I go to join a match it will show me the map and then it will boot me completely out of the game on the game itself I play on my tablet I have gone in to my settings and deleted cache and cookies uninstalled and reinstalled the app but the issue continues I think the issue is on your end please fix I'm tired of getting penalized in ranked matches for something I'm not doing thanks
Controls glitch to an unplayable degree. 5 star game 1 star update. Paying player! *Update Lost profile lvl 150 lost everything and have troubleshot til I was purple in the face, I. Am. SOFRUSTRATED! And now it won't open on my Pixel 6 Pro!? 11/28 C'mon man I've spent like 40 bucks and is now literally useless!!!!
Five stars for having to keep loging-in, please do something about this problem a lot of people are having to do this because of it thank you Dana rupert this is an awesome game stop people from using phone cheating tactics in games, I love playing this game you guys need to stop the HACKERS need to mod/ all the older maps please update the maps in MP mode ty five stars
Changed my rating from 5 to 2 as they add more to this game it LAGS soooo much. I'm so irritated by the fact that I've lost matches simply due to lagging. Times where I'm shooting a person only to find they .o Ed 50 ft and it just lagged. It truly makes me not want to play at all which sucks because this is my favorite game. There are certain times in the day where its worse than others and you can definitely tell more people are logged on.
Fantastic just started playing a week and a half ago the best game I played on mobile so far and I'm addicted to it I'm on it literally 24/7 ...ok maybe a few hrs less but still I get in trouble all the time I hear" that's all you do is play that stupid game". Yep lol!!! I want to become a top contender one day in the near future so I'm practicing my skills everyday for as long as I'm awake lol... Who knows maybe I'll be in the next championship I'm going to give it all I have and work hard to.
HEY EVERYONE, WE FIGURED OUT ANOTHER SOLUTION!!!! If you are a controller player having issues with the joystick!!! So go to your settings, go to accessibility, then go to installed services and turn off everything that's running. Mine was my Grabber app for Amazon Flex. Turn it off in installed services and instantly my controller worked for the next match!! Apparently auto type clicker apps are bugging us out
There should be a Hardcore Battle Royale. I shot an enemy from less than 10 m away with a fennec with the best range possible and it failed to down him before the recoil raised the iron sights too high. I usually fire in bursts when this is a problem but I was very close to the enemy. The new SVD takes more than three shots to down an enemy even if two of those shots is a HeadShot. The duel fennic only works if you're touching them as if knifeing. THE .50 ! DESERTEAGLE pistol should = 1 HS =kill
After the last update my controller somehow isn't working. Its a perfectly good controller, my start button is my left trigger, jump is nonexistent and my switch gun is triangle. Its not me, it happened overnight and my controller just sits on my desk. Whats going on? Its a ps3 controller. Nothing has changed on my settings at all. I checked plenty of times. Help!
No Y-flip... I'm good. Settings and display are way too hectic. There seems to be a setting for every little thing. I think there might be one for which direction your avatar sneezes.
It was a great game until the most recent update. Since then the PS4 controller won't work. I tried everything even bought a brand new controller. I tried to contact them and all I was told is that they are working on it. Just undo whatever you did to mess up the controller coding.