Question ID,Type,Statement 1,Orientation,a rabbit facing right 2,Orientation,a rabbit facing left 3,Orientation,a car facing front 4,Orientation,a car facing back 5,Orientation,a rabbit facing right 6,Orientation,a rabbit facing front 7,Orientation,a butterfly facing right 8,Orientation,a butterfly facing left 9,Orientation,a toy rabbit in the middle 10,Orientation,a toy rabbit on the left 11,Orientation,shoes on the left 12,Orientation,shoes on the right 13,Orientation,person facing right 14,Orientation,person facing left 15,Orientation,a car towards the camera 16,Orientation,a car away from the camera 17,Orientation,flowers on the right 18,Orientation,flowers on the left 19,Orientation,house in front 20,Orientation,house at the end 21,Orientation,a dog facing left 22,Orientation,a dog facing right 23,Orientation,a snake facing up 24,Orientation,a snake facing forward 25,Orientation,a needle facing up 26,Orientation,a needle facing down 27,Orientation,a bird flapping upward 28,Orientation,a bird flapping downward 29,Orientation,a duck facing left 30,Orientation,a duck facing right 31,Presence,a helmet 32,Presence,no helmet 33,Presence,snowman with clothes 34,Presence,snowman without clothes 35,Presence,apples in the image 36,Presence,no apples in the image 37,Presence,bars of chocolates 38,Presence,no bars of chocolates 39,Presence,decorations on the egg 40,Presence,no decorations on the egg 41,Presence,tulips 42,Presence,no tulips 43,Presence,a broccoli in the image 44,Presence,no broccoli in the image 45,Presence,doors in the back 46,Presence,no doors in the back 47,Presence,no coffee beans around 48,Presence,coffee beans around 49,Presence,no blueberry in the image 50,Presence,blueberry in the image 51,Presence,people holding something 52,Presence,people not holding something 53,Presence,empty on the wall behind the bed 54,Presence,a painting on the wall behind the bed 55,Presence,drinks on the table 56,Presence,no drinks on the table 57,Presence,a minion smiling with tongue out 58,Presence,a minion smiling without tongue out 59,Presence,easter eggs with pattern 60,Presence,easter eggs without pattern 61,State,butterfly with wings open 62,State,butterfly with wings closed 63,State,eggs placed in a basket 64,State,eggs placed on the ground 65,State,buildings during sunset 66,State,buildings during the day 67,State,family riding bikes 68,State,family walking with bikes 69,State,many clouds 70,State,sun shining 71,State,people standing 72,State,people running 73,State,duck standing 74,State,duck floating 75,State,violin in still 76,State,violin being played 77,State,light on the keyboard 78,State,no light on the keyboard 79,State,pouring olive oil 80,State,still olive oil 81,State,lock locked 82,State,lock unlocked 83,State,ground wet 84,State,ground dry 85,State,door on the truck open 86,State,door on the truck closed 87,State,woman about to bump the volleyball 88,State,woman about to set the volleyball 89,State,snake head coiled 90,State,snake head extended 91,Quantity,4 eggs 92,Quantity,2 eggs 93,Quantity,3 drinks 94,Quantity,4 drinks 95,Quantity,7 eggs 96,Quantity,4 eggs 97,Quantity,4 people 98,Quantity,3 people 99,Quantity,1 drink 100,Quantity,2 drinks 101,Quantity,4 eggs 102,Quantity,3 eggs 103,Quantity,2 drinks 104,Quantity,1 drink 105,Quantity,1 wheel 106,Quantity,2 wheels 107,Quantity,4 eggs 108,Quantity,5 eggs 109,Quantity,containing 4 tomatoes 110,Quantity,containing 5 tomatoes 111,Quantity,one eye of the cat 112,Quantity,both eyes of the cat 113,Quantity,one eye of the eagle 114,Quantity,both eyes of the eagle 115,Quantity,one red apple 116,Quantity,more than one red apple 117,Quantity,one tree 118,Quantity,more than one tree 119,Quantity,animal with 8 legs 120,Quantity,animal with 6 legs 121,Spatial,a rabbit in the middle of the eggs 122,Spatial,a rabbit on the left of the eggs 123,Spatial,female on the left of male 124,Spatial,male on the left of female 125,Spatial,moon on top of the castle 126,Spatial,moon on the upper left of the castle 127,Spatial,kiwi on upper part of the image 128,Spatial,kiwi on lower part of the image 129,Spatial,female on the left of male 130,Spatial,female on top of male 131,Spatial,a house between two trees 132,Spatial,a house on the right of the tree 133,Spatial,light directly above the bed 134,Spatial,light adjacently above the bed 135,Spatial,butterfly under the flower 136,Spatial,butterfly on top of the flower 137,Spatial,animal inside the basket 138,Spatial,animal outside the basket 139,Spatial,glasses on the right of the slipper 140,Spatial,glasses on the left of the slipper 141,Spatial,Christmas tree in front of a window 142,Spatial,Christmas tree between two windows 143,Spatial,juice and carrots on the same level of a surface 144,Spatial,juice and carrots on different levels of the surface 145,Spatial,eggs in the bottom right corner 146,Spatial,eggs in the bottom left corner 147,Spatial,knife lay flat 148,Spatial,knife stand up 149,Spatial,shoes placed side by side 150,Spatial,shoes placed one on top of another 151,Color,a sign with black background 152,Color,a sign with red background 153,Color,black shoes 154,Color,pink shoes 155,Color,black lock 156,Color,yellow lock 157,Color,black keyboard 158,Color,white keyboard 159,Color,butterfly on the purple flower 160,Color,butterfly on the pink flower 161,Color,corn with white and yellow kernels 162,Color,corn with only yellow kernels 163,Color,white remote control 164,Color,black remote control 165,Color,person in blue clothes 166,Color,person in white clothes 167,Color,blue motorcycle 168,Color,grey motorcycle 169,Color,snowman with black hat 170,Color,snowman with silver hat 171,Color,dark blue sky 172,Color,light blue sky 173,Color,people sitting on black chairs 174,Color,people sitting on white chairs 175,Color,different colors of grapes 176,Color,only one color of grape 177,Color,hearts with white edges 178,Color,hearts with dark-color edges 179,Color,chicken with black body 180,Color,chicken with red body 181,Structral Character,christmas-tree shaped gingerbread 182,Structral Character,people shaped gingerbread 183,Structral Character,uneven road surface 184,Structral Character,smooth road surface 185,Structral Character,glasses of juice 186,Structral Character,jars of juice 187,Structral Character,a electric weight 188,Structral Character,a mechanical weight 189,Structral Character,a slices of bread 190,Structral Character,a whole loaf of bread 191,Structral Character,easter egg with flat pattern 192,Structral Character,easter egg with raised pattern 193,Structral Character,a cake with a slice missing 194,Structral Character,a slice of cake 195,Structral Character,a butterfly with wings open 196,Structral Character,a butterfly with wings closed 197,Structral Character,egg with dots painted 198,Structral Character,egg with bunny painted 199,Structral Character,some fruits cut in half 200,Structral Character,uncut fruits 201,Structral Character,elephant with curved trunks 202,Structral Character,elephant with straight trunks 203,Structral Character,dog's ears are erect 204,Structral Character,dog's ears are drooping 205,Structral Character,dense webs 206,Structral Character,sparse webs 207,Structral Character,center of the flower protruding 208,Structral Character,center of the flower indenting 209,Structral Character,a glass of drink 210,Structral Character,a jar of drink 211,Text,"A poster says ""Happy Easter!""" 212,Text,"A poster says ""Happy Easter""" 213,Text,"letter ""Q"" in it" 214,Text,"letter ""X"" in it" 215,Text,"points at ""0""" 216,Text,"points at ""80""" 217,Text,"a sign says ""Closed""" 218,Text,"a sign says ""We're Closed""" 219,Text,"bottoms are ""1108764527""" 220,Text,"bottoms are ""1239816889""" 221,Text,"A poster says ""Happy Easter!""" 222,Text,"A poster says ""APPY EASTE""" 223,Text,hour hand points at 10 224,Text,hour hand points at 8 225,Text,"""UGA""" 226,Text,"""SUGAR""" 227,Text,"""11:54""" 228,Text,"""11:59""" 229,Text,"letter ""N"" in the bottom left" 230,Text,"letter ""M"" in the bottom left" 231,Text,"center says ""OK/SELECT""" 232,Text,"center says ""OK""" 233,Text,"minute hand closer to ""12""" 234,Text,"minute hand closer to ""1""" 235,Text,"numbers ""226"" on the bus" 236,Text,"numbers ""224"" on the bus" 237,Text,"key ""3""" 238,Text,"key ""b""" 239,Text,"letters above the space are ""VBN""" 240,Text,"letters above the space are ""XCVBN""" 241,Camera Perspective,eagle from front view 242,Camera Perspective,eagle from side view 243,Camera Perspective,close-up view of corn 244,Camera Perspective,top view of corn 245,Camera Perspective,front view of the duck 246,Camera Perspective,side view of the duck 247,Camera Perspective,words shown directly to the camera 248,Camera Perspective,words shown at an angle to the camera 249,Camera Perspective,a bottom-up view of the ambulance 250,Camera Perspective,a front view of the ambulance 251,Camera Perspective,a long shot of the elephant 252,Camera Perspective,a close-up shot of the elephant 253,Camera Perspective,wine glass from bottom-up view 254,Camera Perspective,wine glass from top-down view 255,Camera Perspective,medium-shot of a spider 256,Camera Perspective,long-shot of a spider 257,Camera Perspective,side view of the rabbit 258,Camera Perspective,front view of the rabbit 259,Camera Perspective,flowers seen from above 260,Camera Perspective,flowers seen from the side 261,Camera Perspective,back view of a person 262,Camera Perspective,side view of a person 263,Camera Perspective,front view of a family 264,Camera Perspective,back view of a family 265,Camera Perspective,photo of coffee from top 266,Camera Perspective,photo of coffee from side 267,Camera Perspective,eye level view of an apple 268,Camera Perspective,top view of an apple 269,Camera Perspective,child facing the camera 270,Camera Perspective,child in profile to the camera