--- dataset_info: features: - name: instruction dtype: string - name: input dtype: string - name: output dtype: string splits: - name: train num_bytes: 30938408 num_examples: 37413 download_size: 19612221 dataset_size: 30938408 --- # Dataset Description: opus_instruction_format This dataset is a translation dataset from opus-en-fr data, in the same format as the Stanford Alpaca dataset. The dataset contains a set of instructions for translation tasks, which include the following two reformulations: - "Traduire la ou les phrases suivantes en anglais" (Translate the following sentence(s) into English) - "Traduce the following sentences in english". The dataset consists of input sentences in either English or French and their corresponding translations in French or English. The dataset includes a variety of sentence types, ranging from simple to complex sentences, and covers a wide range of topics. The dataset consists of a total of 37413 number of examples. This dataset will be used for training and evaluating LLM such as LLaMA or GPT type models. The goal is to improve it's capabilities to answer in french.