Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Two of climate alarmists favorite bellwethers of global warming doom Greenland and the South Pole, are cooling not warming. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The most important outcome of the international agreement in Paris is the pressure that 200 countries agreeing to environmentally conscious practices put on global markets. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Global warming may be occurring more slowly than earlier thought, and that previous climate models may have been on the hot side. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the most important factor, because wetlands can naturally adapt to lower rates of sea level rise. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The research is the first to quantify how air pollution in the United States is affected by China’s production of goods for export and by global consumer demand for those goods. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Through the 1980s, Exxon researched the emerging science of man-made climate change by, among other things, modeling increases in global temperatures due to carbon dioxide emissions. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: This work bolsters the view of scientists who’ve been calling for a conservation strategy for polar bears and other ice-dependent species focused on areas of the Arctic where sea ice is projected to endure well into this greenhouse-heated era. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: You could have two people in the same room who agree about the details of climate change investing, but then they start fighting over the nuance. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Glacier melt in Iceland will cause more volcanoes everywhere. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: We had just lived through the third consecutive year of the highest global temperatures on record and the lowest levels of Arctic ice. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: There are no significant observed trends in global tropical cyclone frequency over the past century. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Thousands more homes are damaged by Florence because of rising seas. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: 90 U.S. communities are considered “ inundated today, ” mostly in Louisiana and Maryland, where allegedly seas are rising and the land is sinking. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Not acting on climate change is a "kind of sin," as though God had a political program, and that program involved handing power over to Pete Buttigieg. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The standard global warming narrative is stale and alienating — and perhaps worst of all, stuck in the technical weeds. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The U.S. going back to the stone age will not do anything to stop global warming. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: During the past 15 years, the retreat of summer sea ice has led to a 5 percent increase in the amount of energy the Arctic Ocean has taken up. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Global warming could increase these risks in the future. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Global warming is real, because the rise of terrorism tracks with their “ adjusted ” climate data. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The CO2 emitted by burning fossil fuel is the greenhouse gas that causes global warming. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Ms. Trump is embracing at least some of Ms. Thunberg's urgency about climate change. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: She is advocating for violence against world leaders who dodge their responsibilities to fight climate change. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: We need to get rid of fossil fuel subsidies now. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The flood area is so far and wide that it is acting like part of an ocean, feeding warm moisture up into Harvey. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: There has been no increase in global temperature for 18 years. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Recent global warming is both real and mostly the result of human activity. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Global temperature increases have been far, far less than doomsday computer models predicted – about three times smaller. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: A group whose journey is meant to highlight the effects of global warming is trapped by a substance that is supposed to be melting. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Achieving global prosperity especially for the most vulnerable and poorest depends in large measure on whether the Paris Agreement succeeds or not. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The Arctic environment is changing extremely rapidly and it is time for the rest of the world to take notice and also to take action to address the root causes of climate change. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Europe’s financial losses related to flooding, which now total about 4.9 billion euros a year, could increase almost 380% to 23.5 billion euros by 2050. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Some people believe that the global elite go to Davos and plan for world domination, but it's much scarier than that. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: If human-driven climate change continues on the present course, the ice covering the site could begin to melt in about 75 years. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The U.S. has 10 years left to act on climate change. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The shoddy and absurd climate change plan. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Climate change is causing global or regional crop devastation. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Antarctica's sea ice has expanded by about half a percent a year. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The non-climatic effects of carbon dioxide as a sustainer of wildlife and crop plants are enormously beneficial, that the possibly harmful climatic effects of carbon dioxide have been greatly exaggerated, and that the benefits clearly outweigh the possible damage. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: When the media the media speak of unusually hot weather as a sign of global warming, the media never seem to look for places where it is unusually cold to show nature’s balance. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The world needs to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030, and must eliminate them by 2050 to limit warming to relatively safe levels. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Carbon dioxide contributes to warming. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The Southern Hemisphere must be balancing the warming of the Northern Hemisphere by becoming colder (and thus, net global warming is zero). Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Climate alarmists’ve got it wrong on global warming. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The earth’s cattle population actually produces more carbon dioxide than automobiles, planes, and all other forms of transport combined. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Greenland is not only melting. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Global warming is an election-winning issue. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Kauppinen is the author of a separate submission to Nature in 2010 that also contests the UN Climate Panel’s consensus view on the degree to which human activity contributes to global climate change. Output:
[ "neutral" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: A warning sign that some scientists worry could mean global warming has passed an ominous tipping point. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: The global warming of the 1900s is caused by a rise in solar output. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Beating climate change won't require a miracle. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: And ocean acidification, which comes from the added carbon absorbed by oceans, will harm marine life. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: We can’t retreat from the rising sea. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: A rapid shift away from those fuels over coming decades would preserve much of the ice, or at least slow the melting drastically. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Anyone objectively looking at the data, even at the graph produced above, can see that climate models are much, much, much better at predicting global warming over the past decade. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Bleaching has been triggered by global warming and El Nino, a warming of parts of the Pacific Ocean that changes weather worldwide. Output:
[ "agrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Future warming will be benign, supporting his position with convincing data. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: Fossil fuels are the moral choice for the developing world. Output:
[ "disagrees" ]
Definition: Read the passage and find if the passage agrees, disagrees, or has a neutral stance on whether Global warming is caused by human activities. Answer only with keyword (a) agrees - if passage agrees with the target (b) disagrees - if passage disagrees with the target (c) neutral - if the given passage neither agrees nor disagrees with the target. You don't need to use external knowledge in this task, and you have to answer based on the given passage. Positive Example 1 - Input: Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now. Output: disagrees Positive Example 2 - Input: All fossil fuel use needs to be regulated to reduce global warming. Output: agrees Negative Example 1 - Input: We can not live on fossil fuel forever. Output: disagrees Negative Example 2 - Input: More warming leads to more fires, which release more carbon, which causes more warming, and so on. Output: I don't agree Now complete the following example - Input: I was surprised to learn that shortage of good climate scientists is a global problem. Output:
[ "neutral" ]