text label According to reports, Ange’s new man – rapper and filmmaker praCh ly has been making secret visits to her Hollywood home, where he has bonded with the 42 year old’s son, Maddox and is even teaching the family about Buddism. “Angelina and praCh have a special bond. They’re perfect for each other,” an insider revealed to National Enquirer. A further source added, “PraCh is a great role model for Maddox. He can teach him about his homeland of Cambodia in a way he can relate to.” Angelina and praCh, second from left. “That’s because both Maddox and praCh were born in Camodia, but didn’t grow up there.” Ange and paCh, 38 - who has been dubbed the “first Cambodian rap star” - were first introduced by mutual friend Loung Ung, the Cambodian-American activist who wrote the memoir First They Killed My Father, which Ange recently adapted into a film. And sources say the pair are a perfect match, spending hours talking Cambodian politics and charity opportunities. “If you look at them together, Angie is clearly smitten. “She hasn’t looked this happy in a long time – or since the break up with Brad more than a year ago.” 1 "Into You Like a Train Season 2 Episode 6 A train crash brings many victims to the ER. Episode Information Airdate October 30, 2005 Written by Krista Vernoff Directed by Jeff Melman Episode Guide Previous Next Bring the Pain Something to Talk About “ In general, people can be categorized in one of two ways — those who love surprises and those who don't. I don't. I've never met a surgeon that enjoys a surprise, because as surgeons, we like to be in the know. We have to be in the know, because when we aren't, people die and lawsuits happen. Am I rambling? I think I'm rambling. Okay, so my point, actually, and I do have one, has nothing to do with surprises or death or lawsuits, or even surgeons. My point is this: whoever said ""What you don't know can’t hurt you"", was a complete and total moron. Because for most people I know, not knowing is the worst feeling in the world. Okay, fine. Maybe it's the second worst. As surgeons, there are so many things we have to know. We have to know we have what it takes. We have to know how to take care of our patients... and how to take care of each other. Eventually, we even have to figure out how to take care of ourselves. As surgeons we have to be in the know. But as human beings, sometimes it's better to stay in the dark, because in the dark there may be fear, but there's also hope. ” — Meredith Grey Into You Like a Train is the sixth episode of the second season and the 15th overall episode of Grey's Anatomy. Contents show] Short Summary Edit A train crash brings in many patients to Seattle Grace, including Meredith, who is too drunk to work; while the rest of the interns face their own professional crashes as Cristina searches the entire hospital in search of a foot for the Chief; Izzie is unsure how to react around Addison and Meredith, George, Bailey, Derek, and Burke treat two strangers impaled on a pole, all the while, Meredith awaits Derek's decision. Full Summary Edit Meredith is seated at the bar talking to Joe. She asks him if she really asked Derek to choose her. Joe thinks it's romantic to which Meredith replies, ""It's not romantic, Joe. It's horrifying. Horror-movie horrifying. Carrie at the prom with the pig's blood, horrifying!"" Cristina and George are shooting darts several feet away with Izzie seated at a table beside them. Cristina wonders how long Meredith is going to wait. Izzie says it's getting hard to watch. Cristina says that now the situation is pathetic. Meredith hears her and drunkenly says, ""Who's pathetic? You who pretend to be my friends calling me pathetic behind my back, in front of my face. Why don't you just dump the pig's blood on me now and get it over with."" She is losing hope that Derek is coming. All of the interns start getting pages and a man in the bar says to turn on the television. On the news, there is a train wreck. The train was bound for Vancouver and had over 300 passengers. Izzie complains that they just worked a thirty hour shift. George says he does not have clean underwear. Meredith starts to pick up her stuff and Joe tells her she can't leave, that she should at least have a cup of coffee. Cristina pokes her head in the door and calls her. Meredith tells Joe, ""Maybe it's for the best. Maybe I don't want to know."" Joe does not agree. Ambulances pour in with patients from the train accident. The interns rush past and head into the hospital. Derek walks into the bar. He looks around for Meredith. Joe sees him and says, ""Dude, you're late."" Derek gets a page. Cristina, Alex, Izzie, George, and Meredith are in the elevator. Izzie looks at Alex puzzled and Meredith looks very drunk, she stumbles out of the elevator. George and Cristina are very excited at the possible procedures they will get to see and perform. Alex says to Izzie, ""I thought you weren't talking to me."" They are all putting on the yellow protective gowns. Izzie tells him that she is rising above because it seems like he needs a friend after George's success in the elevator surgery. George accidentally hits Cristina's head with his elbow. Bailey walks up to them in a formal dress. They all look at her in a little bit of surprise. Meredith is just leaning against a wall staring into space. Bailey hands Alex her purse and tells him to get her shoes. She starts to put on a yellow gown and passes Meredith. Meredith says, ""Hello. I seem to be a little bit drunk. I was off duty."" Bailey angrily replies, ""So was I. Anybody else half in the bottle?"". The rest of the interns say no. Bailey tells Meredith to stay out of the way for now and the other interns go with Bailey to get their assignments. She tells them to not make any mistakes because they are tired. Bailey pushes open a door and there are many injured people. Cristina happily says, ""I'm so not tired anymore."" George says he's not either. Meredith sees Addison with a patient. Addison asks Bailey for an intern and assigns Izzie. Meredith is definitely not pleased at the sight of Addison. Nurse Tyler walks in and says to Meredith, ""Joe told me to tell you that McSteamy came looking for you."" She corrects him and says McDreamy. Derek walks into the room and looks at Meredith. George asks Cristina if that means he picked Meredith. She says, ""If it does, I just lost 50 bucks."" A paramedic runs in with an amputeed leg. Cristina says she wants that case. Richard walks in with the man missing a leg and Bailey assigns Cristina. Chief sees Derek and tells him to clear him for surgery. There is a train wreck and they need everyone available. Derek asks him several questions about having headaches and dizziness. Richard says in a stern manner that he hasn't. Derek and Richard walk past Meredith, Derek nods at her. George comes over and asks what the nod meant. Meredith doesn't know. George asks out loud, ""Am I invisible?"" because he does not have a case yet. Alex comes in and gives Bailey her shoes. Meredith is leaning against the wall watching all of the commotion around her. On a gurney, a man and a woman are wheeled past her. They have a metal pole through their torsos connecting them together. Inside, the man and woman with a pole through them are being examined. Just outside the room, a paramedic is telling Burke and Bailey about the two patients. The man, in his early 50's named Tom, has a steady blood pressure. The woman, in her 20's named Bonnie, is doing significantly worse. Inside, a drunk Meredith looks at the pole in awe. The woman asks, ""Is the craziest thing you've ever seen?"" She says it is. Bailey looks at Meredith sternly. Bailey asks the paramedic how things were at the scene. The paramedic said there were not a lot of survivors then leaves. Burke tells Bailey to get X-rays and various labs done. Unfortunately, they cannot fit in the C.T. so they are going to ""go in blind"". Bonnie asks Burke and Bailey inside and ask if they are going to remove the pole soon, Tom amusingly adds that it is a ""touch uncomfortable"". Burke apologizes, they cannot remove it until they know how things are going internally. He says they will work as quickly as possible. Bonnie asks if anyone has a breath mint. They all look around at her and each other. She says that the mint is for her not for Tom. Bailey tells George to get them X-rays but to move them extremely carefully. Meredith says, ""You go, George"", before she, Alex, and Bailey leave the room. Alex looks at him with a scowl. Bailey tells Alex to cover the E.R. while he gets over his new fear of scalpels. He leaves to do that. Meredith tells Bailey, ""That was mean, even for you."" Bailey realizes that she is, in fact, drunk. She tells Meredith to give herself a banana bag I.V., not to talk to patients, and not to practice any medicine. Meredith thinks she should just go home. Bailey tells her she'll be sober in a few hours and if she, Bailey, cannot go home, no one can. She leaves Meredith and mumbles under her breath, ""Ten years of marriage and I didn't even get to finish my damn lobster."" George and several other physicians are wheeling Tom and Bonnie on their way for their tests. George asks them if there is anyone he can call. Tom says they called his wife from the ambulance, Bonnie's fiance was called and their significant others' are flying from Vancouver together. Tom says that normally his wife would be very upset that he's pressed up against another woman but he thinks he'll get a pass this time. George asks whether they travelled together. Bonnie says they just met and that Tom has very nice pores. Tom chuckles and notes how it is painful to laugh. There is a long line for X-rays. George calls the attention of another intern. He sees them and let's them go ahead. George clears his throat behind another intern, she sees and let's them pass despite having patients themselves. Addison and Izzie are with the pregnant woman, Brooke, involved in the train accident. The patient has burns along her neck extending down to her belly. Izzie stares at Addison. Addison sees from the corner of her eye and asks if Izzie needs something. Izzie says she doesn't. The woman has a contraction. Addison tells Izzie to book an O.R. because Brooke is in no condition to push and the baby is in distress. Addison will have to perform a C-section. Brooke asks if she can call a lawyer because she does not have a will and there's no father. Addison tells her there is not need for alarm and that there's time for her to make the necessary arrangements. Izzie walks past Alex giving a woman, Mary, stitches on her forehead. She has a friend, Yvonne, with her whose phone keeps ringing. She insists to everyone who calls that they're fine. She tells them a red neck tried to beat the train and the train hit his vehicle. Alex asks Mary if the stitches hurt or if anything else is in pain. He overhears more of Yvonne's conversation. Yvonne seems to be insensitive to the people who did not survive the wreck. Mary says the area around her stomach hurts because some luggage fell and hit her. There's a large bruise. Alex says they're going to get her X-rays just in case there are internal injuries. Yvonne sees them go and gets off the phone. She wonders where they are going. Alex tells her, Yvonne calls Alex a little boy because he does not look much older than her eldest son. She says, ""Are you sure you're a doctor?"" as her cell phone rings again. She holds her finger up then answers her phone. She tells the person that she and Mary are fine and starts on the red neck story again. They leave. Izzie walks past an area with a drawn curtain. She hears a woman say, ""Ow"", over and over again. Izzie draws the curtains back. It's Meredith. Izzie asks her what she's doing. Meredith says she's ""inserting her banana bag, which sounds vaguley dirty but it isn't."" Izzie smiles and draws the curtains around them. Izzie offers to insert the banana bag for her. Meredith asks, ""So how's it going with Addison? Bad mood? Good mood? 'Yay my husband picked me mood'?"" Izzie replies, ""I think it's more of a 'I hate the smell of charred flesh' mood."" Meredith says, ""Before you judge me, I know there was a train accident. People are very badly hurt. And that I'm a vapid narcissist when you mix me with alcohol. In case you were wondering, I know that."" Izzie says, ""Well, for what it's worth, I take issue with her salmon colored scrubs. I mean what self respecting surgeon wears salmon colored scrubs?"" Meredith says, ""This is what I'm saying."" They both smile and Izzie leaves. Richard and Derek are performing surgery on the man with a missing leg. Cristina is cleaning out the leg they are going to put back. Richard is pleased because it was a clean sever. The man will probably have full function of his leg eventually. On a tray, there are several pagers and one goes off. It is for Derek. Richard squints his eyes a bit. Derek asks if he's okay. Richard says he's fine and is only adjusting to the light. Derek says there's no shame in taking time off to recover. Richard tells him he's fine and that Derek should go because he is needed elsewhere. He tells them to page him if he's needed here. Richard tells Cristina she can help him when she's finished cleaning the wound. Cristina pauses for a few seconds. Chief if asks if it's clean. She says that it's clean. Richard takes offense because he thinks Cristina is there just to keep an eye on him. He gives her a short lecture then asks if they have a problem. She says they do. He gets the wrong idea. Cristina insists she's happy to be there assisting him but the leg she is cleaning is a left leg when the patient needs a right one. Richard tells her to find the right leg. George, Bailey, Burke, and Meredith are inside as Derek walks in. George notes how the pole goes right through her spine. Derek sees Meredith's I.V. and asks what happened. She replies, ""Tequila."" Bailey tells him that she's keeping an eye on her. Burke says the pole is on line with Tom's interior vena cava, while it is against Bonnie's aorta. They cannot remove the pole or else they will both bleed out. Burke suggests that they don't move the pole, that they move one of the patients so they can saw through it. George asks, ""Which would you move?"" Burke says that Bonnie's chance for survival is very slim because of the damage to her aorta, so moving her is the best choice so they can save Tom's life. Derek says it could go another way, that since Tom's more stable they could move him to give her a chance. Meredith says, ""So basically whoever you move doesn't stand a chance. So how do you choose? How do you decide who gets to live?"" Burke says they need to make a decision soon to have a chance at saving Tom and Bonnie. Derek says he wants to examine them before providing his input. Burke tells him to page him when he's through, then leaves. Derek starts to address Meredith as if to assign her something. Bailey interrupts and says Meredith needs a blood alcohol test before practicing any medicine. She says that she's totally fine, extends her arms and starts touching her nose with her index finger alternating arms. Bailey looks at Derek who then walks away. Meredith insists that she is fine. Bailey says, ""Regretting that last shooter about now, aren't you?"" Cristina is rummaging through an ambulance as a paramedic approaches. She asks Cristina what she's doing. Cristina starts to talk about how the patient with an amputeed leg does not have the right leg to put back on. The paramedic takes offense because she did not bring in that patient and says that Cristina did not differentiate between paramedics. Cristina says she cannot straddle another giant ego, she's already ""doing the splits"". She gets off the ambulance and says she needs the right leg or else the chief of surgery is going to take away her ""pretty blue scrubs"". The paramedic says there were multiple decapitations in the dining car and that the guy can live without his leg. Cristina says, ""This is so not about the leg or the guy."" She sarcastically thanks the paramedic for all that she does. Cristina walks back into the hospital. Alex is treating another patient, Jana, who happens to be pregnant. A few feet away is Yvonne on the phone again talking about the red neck. Alex draws the curtain around himself as if to block her out. Alex tells her she should have minimal scarring. Jana asks if her friend is okay, she was pregnant also but put into a different ambulance. Alex says if she's not there she's probably in maternity. The woman gets up so she can go see her friend. She says her baby is fine because it's kicking. Alex follows her. Meredith is seated in a wheelchair as George tries to draw her blood. Meredith says, ""Ow"", twice. She adds how he operated on a heart earlier so drawing blood should be no problem. He says he rocked the heart and that he's strung out on the scalpel. Meredith says there's nothing wrong with that. George smiles then gets a serious expression on his face. He asks if there's news about Derek. Meredith can't read him. George applauds her for even giving him a choice. He says that Derek is crazy if he doesn't pick Meredith. Cristina approaches them and hopes that they have seen a cleanly cut right leg. George says he hasn't. Meredith asks, ""How weird is this job?"" George whispers, ""Weird."" Addison is standing next to Brooke's hospital bed as Jana comes in. They are happy to see one another. Alex comes in. Addison asks if Jana was on the train. Izzie comes into the room. Alex says she was on the train. Addison asks him whether he gave her the appropriate tests to ensure the health of the baby. She is upset that Jana is wandering around the hospital. Addison tells him to leave so he goes. Addison tells Izzie that it was very irresponsible even for an intern, then asks if Izzie disagrees. Izzie says, ""She wanted to see her friend. What was he supposed to do, tackle her?"" Addison tells Izzie to get Jana into a bed. Derek is examining Bonnie and Tom. He runs something against her foot and asks if she can feel it. She says that Derek is cute and cute doctors can call her by her first name. Derek does it again and asks if she can feel it. She says, ""Feel what?"", then realizes she doesn't. George comes into the room and gives Derek the lab results. He tells Tom to wiggle his toes. He is successful and Derek tells him so. Tom is very happy. Bonnie asks Derek if her toes are moving. George looks down at her foot. Her toes don't move but Derek tells her they did. She says, ""Yay me!"" Tom asks Derek if they are going to live through this. Bonnie says that it is a morose thing to say. Derek says they are going to do everything they can. Cristina comes into the O.R. with a leg wrapped in a pink plastic bag. Richard says it's about time she arrived. Cristina apologizes but says she took the liberty of checking the wound herself. A scrub nurse shows the leg to Richard. There is red nail polish on the toes, the leg belongs to a woman. Chief looks at Cristina. She stutters a bit and says she'll go find the correct leg. She leaves quickly. George and Derek are looking at X-rays as Bailey and Burke come in. Burke asks what the situation is. Derek says that Tom has better odds at surviving. Bailey tells George to tell O.R. 1 that they are coming. Burke adds that he should close the gallery, they don't need an audience for this procedure. George looks very sad. He says, ""She's cracking jokes. How do you tell someone she's going to be dead in a few minutes when she's sitting up, cracking jokes?"" Mary is lying in bed and Yvonne is seated in a chair next to her. Yvonne asks Alex if they can get out of the hospital soon. Alex tells them labs and radiology are all backed up and Mary can't be discharged until they rule out internal injuries for Mary. Yvonne's cell phone rings again. With an attitude she tells the person that they're still at the hospital because the doctor, Alex, is useless. Alex looks at her disappointed then walks away past Cristina. Cristina is on the phone looking for the leg. She asks the person to sift through the carnage to look for the right leg. They hang up on her. Burke comes, apparently Cristina paged him. She says if she doesn't find the right leg then Richard is going to cut her from the program. She does not want to go back to Los Angeles because it's sunny every day. Burke just continues to look at her puzzled. Cristina says, ""You're my boyfriend! I mean, I know I don't have much experience with this kind of thing but, aren't boyfriends supposed to help in situations like this?"" Burke smiles but says that since they're on duty he can't be her boyfriend. She says, ""Okay, so when we're on duty I can have sex with someone else?"" In a very pleasant manner he says, ""Dr. Yang, I'm walking away now."" Cristina says when she's kicked out of the program he'll probably rethink not helping her. Alex and Meredith are standing in a doorway and they are in the middle of a conversation. Alex is telling her about Addison calling him out in front of a patient. Meredith asks if she yelled. Alex says she didn't. After a pause he says, ""Fine, she's Satan's whore."" Meredith asks if he yelled back to her. He says he didn't. Meredith says, ""Dude, you lost your mojo."" Alex says, ""Excuse you."" Meredith says she was trying to talk like one of the guys. Alex says, ""O'Malley plugs a hole with his finger and everyone walks around like he's some kind of hero. I have one off day.."" Meredith thinks he chickened out. Alex says he ""hesitated briefly."" Meredith asks why he did not kiss Izzie. Alex says, ""And now I'm leaving."" Before he has a chance, Cristina comes and says, ""It's not in the morgue. I've looked in the ambulances and the ER. How is one bloody hairy leg gonna destroy my career?"" She quickly leaves. Alex's lab results are ready. He gets them and starts to walk away. Meredith tells him she hopes he gets his mojo back because she finds him ""disturbing without it"". He hopes he finds it too. She hits the back of her head against the wall and says, ""Ow."" Derek, George, and Bailey are with Tom and Bonnie. Derek is explaining that it is difficult because at the moment their bodies are in shock, which prevents them from feeling the pain of their injuries. Burke comes into the room. Bonnie says she didn't expect to walk out of there any time soon, after all, they have a metal pole going through their insides. She'd rather Derek says what he needs to say. He says that in order to operate on Tom, they need to be separated; that they would have to move her backwards off the pole. Tom asks if the doctors could just pull the pole out of both of them. Burke responds that doing so would cause them both to bleed too quickly because at its current position, the pole is plugging the wounds. When the pole is removed, the organs would shift. Bonnie, in a sad yet calm tone says, ""So, if you move me, I'll die?"" Derek says they'll do everything they can to save her. Tom says no, he thinks if anyone should be moved it's him. Burke tells him that his injuries are less extensive. Derek strokes Bonnies hand. Tom exclaims, ""It's not right. It's not right."" Bonnie closes her eyes then says, ""Tom, it's not fair either way."" He looks off into the distance. Bonnie asks if her fiance, Danny, is there yet. George says there are delays at the airport because of a storm. Bailey says they could wait but the longer they wait, the higher the risk of infection. Bonnie says it's better this way because Danny wouldn't understand, it would be too hard for him to grasp everything so quickly. Addison and Izzie are treating Brooke. Jana is seated in a wheel chair right by her side. Patricia comes into the room with two clip boards. She asks if someone asked for a notary. Brooke says she asked for a lawyer. Patricia says she could not get one at this time of night but the hospital's forms should take care of what she needs. She explains that Brooke's child would be placed into the custody of whoever she specifies in case of death or permanent vegetative state. Jana is confused and asks who is dying. Addison explains that there's some danger because of the trauma and the burns. Jana think it's ridiculous. Brooke says it's necessary, just in case, so that their son doesn't end up with her mother. Jana quickly and eagerly takes the clipboard from Patricia. Izzie asks how long they have been together. Brooke replies, ""Since third grade."" Jana continues and explains that they aren't lovers but best friends, they wanted their children to grow up with two parents. They both used the same sperm donor making their children brother and sister. Jana's water breaks. They move into action. Alex tells Mary she has a broken rib, she'll need some pain killers but other than that she's fine. Yvonne is laying her head at the end of the bed as her phone rings again. Mary tells her to answer the phone. She tries to nudge her awake. Yvonne falls from the chair she is seated in. Mary is very concerned. Alex calls a code blue and asks for help. Alex and four others are trying to revive Yvonne. Yvonne has lost too much blood. Mary is confused because she doesn't see any blood. The nurse explains she was bleeding internally for hours. Alex says that Yvonne didn't say anything, that he didn't know. A nurse says that Yvonne is gone, she has a flat line. Mary refuses to believe it. Alex calls her time of death, 2:51, and leaves the room very upset. Addison introduces Jana to Dr. Hoffman who will take over delivering her baby. She walks back to Brooke and Izzie hands her Brooke's chart. Addison says they need to go to the operating room now. Brooke says they were supposed to give birth together. Jana tells Brooke that it's okay, she should go and enjoy her C-section and the drugs that go along with it. She says that her vagina is definitely not having fun. Brooke does not want Jana to be alone. Addison says that Izzie is a surgeon. Izzie says that it's all right and she'll stay. Addison looks pleased Izzie is willing to give up a surgery for the benefit of a patient. As Brooke is wheeled out, Jana tells her to stay alive. Brooke says, ""You too."" Alex is angry at himself for the death of Yvonne. He yells, ""Damn it!"" then sits on a bench. A paramedic comes to him with the leg that Richard has been looking for. Alex thanks him and Alex looks very happy. He heads back into the hospital. Cristina walks in and starts to apologize to Richard for not being able to find the leg. She sees that they are operating. She asks if they found the leg. Alex turns to Cristina and says that he found it. Richard tells Cristina she missed out this time but they could probably use her help in the E.R. She looks at Alex with the deepest loathing. Tom and Bonnie are being prepared for surgery. Bonnie quietly asks Tom if he believes in heaven. He says he does, then asks Bonnie if she does. Bonnie says that she wants to. Tom starts to say something. Bonnie starts to cry then says, ""Shhh. I know."" She rubs his shoulder. He has tears in his eyes. Derek introduces them to the anesthesiologist. Bonnie asks if it is going to hurt. They say she won't feel a thing. She asks if Derek is the one who is going to talk to Danny. He smiles and says yes, then asks what she wants Derek to tell him. She starts whispering in his ear. Bailey, George, and Burke are scrubbing in for Bonnie and Tom's surgery. Bailey wonders aloud, ""Why do I feel like we're about to kill this girl?"" Meredith comes in and says that she is sober according to her labs then asks if she can scrub in. Burke tells her to do it quickly. Bailey and Burke go into the O.R. as Derek walks out and into the scrub room. Meredith sees him then looks at George, whispers his name as if to say 'Give us a minute.' George finishes washing his hands then goes into the O.R. Meredith and Derek greet each other. Derek says he went to the bar. Meredith says she heard. Derek looks at her then looks away. Meredith looks down as he asks if she took some aspirin to help with a hangover. He starts to wash his hands and Meredith says, ""Oh, you're staying with her."" Derek is silent for a few moments then says, ""She's my wife."" Bailey calls to Derek and says that Bonnie is crashing. He walks into the O.R. followed by Meredith. Derek asks what happened. They determine that the pole must have shifted. They start to move Bonnie off the pole. Burke tells George to hold the pole in place. They start to count ""One, two..."" ""...Three."" Izzie is seated on Jana's bed holding her hand as Dr. Hoffman delivers her baby. Izzie counts again, ""One, two..."" Addison is operating on Brooke. Her baby is wedged under her ribs. They need to pull him out. Addison starts to count, ""One, two..."" Bonnie is slid off the pole and placed on an operating table. They start to cut the excess pole with a saw. Tom is stable so they begin operating on Bonnie. Derek and Burke are working as quickly as they can on her with Meredith and Bailey retracting. Burke reaches inside and says that her aorta is shredded and she's bleeding out. Tom is losing pressure and so everyone, with the exception of Meredith, moves to work on him. Meredith yells, ""What about her? We can't just abandon her! We can't just abandon her!"" Meredith continues to work on Bonnie. Bailey and George both call her to work on Tom. Meredith continues saying they cannot abandon Bonnie, they have an obligation. Bailey walks over to her and says there was too much damage, there was nothing they could do. She says they have to let her go. Bailey calls her time of death, 3:49. Meredith remains by Bonnie's side. Jana is laying in bed, her daughter is in her baby bed next to Jana's bed. Addison comes in and Izzie asks how Brooke is doing. Addison says she and her son are doing fine. They walk out into the hallway. Addison asks, ""So, have you made a decision yet, Dr. Stevens?"" Izzie is confused. She says, ""Whether or not you're going to hate me. You're Meredith's friend? I'm the wicked witch who came in and ruined her life and cheated on Doctor, wait, what is it that you guys call him?"" Izzie reluctantly answers, ""McDreamy."" Addison asks if it embarrasses him. Izzie thinks it does. Addison says that by all rights Izzie should hate her, but she's staying in town for a while. Izzie looks down realizing that must mean Derek chose Addison. Addison says Izzie has a gift for her specialty and she has a lot she could teach Izzie if she wants to learn. She adds, ""So, when you decide how important it is for you to hate me, let me know."" Addison walks away. Izzie sighs. Derek is with Bonnie's fiance, Danny. They are seated in the waiting room. Bailey is seated next to Derek. George and Meredith are standing several feet away within ear shot. Danny asks if Bonnie suffered. Derek says she was not in any pain. Derek continues, ""She asked me to tell you.. She wanted you to know that if love were enough, that if love were enough that she'd still be here with you."" Meredith looks at them in sadness then walks away. George looks at her go. Richard and Alex follow the patient as he is being wheeled out. Richard compliments Alex on his fine work. He thanks Richard. Jana is in a rocking chair feeding her daughter. Addison lifts Brooke's son from his baby bed and holds him next to Brooke. Izzie has a big smile on her face as she holds his bottle. Tom is asleep in bed. Burke tells his wife that Tom is doing fine. She gives him a hug. Bailey and Derek are inside the elevator. Derek is obviously very distraught. Bailey senses it and pulls on the stop button. Derek walks to the back of the elevator and grasps the rail. He wipes his face then stands next to Bailey again. She asks if he's okay. He says he is. She pushes in the button. They both walk out. Izzie, Meredith, and George are seated on a bench. Alex puts on his white coat and opens the door to leave. Cristina walks in and glares at him. Cristina sits down next to Meredith who looks very sad. Derek and Addison walk out of the hospital. Addison links their arms together. Meredith, Cristina, Izzie, and George look very tired on the bench. The door opens, Meredith looks to see who it is. Bailey is at the door. She tells them to get cleaned up, they have to do rounds in five minutes. They all stand up and go to their lockers. Cast Edit Meredith Grey Cristina Yang Izzie Stevens Alex Karev George O'Malley Miranda Bailey Richard Webber Preston Burke Derek Shepherd Addison Montgomery-Shepherd Bonnie Crasnoff Tom Maynard Yvonne Jana Watkins Mary Brooke Joe Patricia Nurse Tyler Nurse Ginger Intern #2 Scrub Nurse Dr. Hoffman Paramedic Ray Sutera Intern #1 Anesthesiologist Stan the Paramedic Lab Tech Danny Nurse Jill the Paramedic 1 of 31 Main Cast Edit Special Guest Star Edit Guest Stars Edit Featuring Edit Medical Notes Edit Diagnosis: Pregnancy Burns Treatment: Burn cream C-section delivery Brooke was pregnant when she got burned in the train crash. They applied burn cream, but while she was being treated, she went into labor, so they had to take her in for a c-section. Webber's Patient Edit Diagnosis: Traumatic amputation Treatment: Re-attachment Webber took a patient in who had sustained a traumatic leg amputation in the train accident. He discovered that the leg that had been brought into the OR with them was not the leg the patient had lost. They eventually found the correct leg and it was successfully re-attached. Diagnosis: Impalement injuries Treatment: Surgery Bonnie came into the ER impaled on a pole which was also impaling Tom Maynard. Her spine was crushed by the pole and the pole was hitting her aorta. They evaluated the odds of survival for both of them and determined that Bonnie had almost no chance of survival either way, so they felt she should be the one moved off the pole, to give Tom the best chance of survival he could get. Further testing revealed that Bonnie had no sensation in her feet and couldn't move her toes. Her spine was completely severed. They presented their plan to both Tom and Bonnie, who reluctantly agreed to the surgery. Once they were anesthetized, the pole shifted and Bonnie crashed. They pulled her off the pole and cracked her chest, but her aorta was shredded, so they quickly realized she was a lost cause. Diagnosis: Impalement injuries Treatment: Surgery Tom was brought into the ER after being impaled by a pole which was also impaling Bonnie Crasnoff. The pole was pressed up against his vena cava. They evaluated the odds of survival for both of them and determined that Bonnie had almost no chance of survival either way, so they felt she should be the one moved off the pole, to give Tom the best chance of survival he could get. Because Bonnie's odds were so slim, they presented their plan to both Tom and Bonnie, who reluctantly agreed to the surgery. Once they were anesthetized, the pole shifted and Bonnie crashed, so the pulled her off the pole and opened her chest. They quickly saw that she was a lost cause, so they went back to Tom and they were able to repair his injuries and save his life. Diagnosis: Facial laceration Broken rib Treatment: Stitches Mary came into the ER after the train accident. She had some facial lacerations, which were stitched up in the ER. She also had pain in one side, so Alex ordered x-rays to make sure nothing was broken and she had no internal injuries. The x-ray showed a broken rib, so she was given pain meds. Diagnosis: Acute alcohol poisoning Treatment: Fluids Because she was drunk, Meredith was ordered to connect herself to a banana bag to hydrate herself. However, she couldn't insert it into herself, so Izzie helped. Diagnosis: Laceration Pregnancy Treatment: Stitches Vaginal delivery Jana had a cut stitched up in the ER before heading up to maternity. While she was there, she went into labor and gave birth. Diagnosis: Massive internal bleeding Treatment: Attempted resuscitation Yvonne collapsed after hours in the ER because she'd been bleeding internally the whole time. Efforts to resuscitate her were unsuccessful. Music Edit Song Performer Scene ""Blood and Peanut Butter"" B.C. Camplight Meredith is continuing to wait for Derek at Joe's bar. Cristina, Izzie, and George talk about Meredith. The doctors get paged and see a train crash on the TV. They all go to the hospital. Derek arrives at the bar, but he is late. The interns take the elevator to the ER. ""Back Where I Was"" The Hereafter Bonnie and Tom are talking to each other about heaven before their surgery. Bonnie gives Derek a message for her fiancé. The doctors all scrub in. Derek tells Meredith that he chose Addison. ""The City Lights"" Umbrellas Bonnie and Tom are separated. They cut the pole apart and start working on Bonnie. Bonnie has too much damage so they move onto Tom. Meredith tries to keep helping Bonnie, but Bailey calls time of death. ""Today Has Been Okay"" Emilíana Torrini Derek talks to Danny. Richard finishes his surgery. Jana and Brooke bond with their newborns. Burke tells Tom's wife that he is going to be fine. Bailey stops the elevator so Derek can cry. The interns all sit in the locker room. Derek and Addison walk out of the hospital. Bailey comes into the locker room and tells the interns to get ready for rounds. ""Blood and Peanut Butter"" - B.C. Camplight ""Back Where I Was"" - The Hereafter ""The City Lights"" - Umbrellas ""Today Has Been Okay"" - Emilíana Torrini Notes and Trivia Edit This episode's title originated from the song Into You Like a Train , originally sung by The Psychedelic Furs . , originally sung by . This episode scored 16.67 million viewers. The prep dates for this episode were July 22, 2005 to August 1, 2005. Shooting for this episode was scheduld from August 2, 2005 to August 11, 2005. It was originally titled You Oughta Know after the Alanis Morissette song. Bonnie and Tom's character were nicknamed ""Bonnie and Clyde"". This episode marks the introduction of Paramedic Ray Sutera. The season 2 DVD set includes an audio commentary for this episode by director Jeff Melman and writer Krista Vernoff. The line where George wonders if he's invisible was ad-libbed by T.R. Knight. Alex refers to Addison as Satan's whore. The original script said bitch, but Justin Chambers felt like that was too generic for Alex, so Krista Vernoff had her assistants make up a list of non-generic alternatives. They then chose Satan's whore. After Bonnie's pulled off the pole and laid on a table, there was a huge pool of blood under the table to show that Bonnie was actually bleeding out, but ABC wouldn't allow the crew to show it in the episode. Originally, Danny was supposed to cry upon hearing that Bonnie had died. Goof: The amount of liquid in the banana bag never changes. Gallery Edit Episode Stills Edit Quotes Edit Meredith: How do you choose which one gets to live? Addison: So, have you made a decision yet, Dr. Stevens? Izzie: I'm sorry? Addison: Whether or not you're going to hate me. You're Meredith's friend? I'm the wicked witch who came in and ruined her life and cheated on Doctor...wait, what is it that you guys call him? Izzie: Uh— McDreamy... Addison: Right. God, doesn’t that embarrass him? Izzie: Yeah, I think it does. Addison: So, when you decide how important it is for you to hate me... Let me know. Cristina: There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. Burke: What is it? Cristina: I need to find this man's leg. The chief is going to kick me out of the program if I don't. I cannot go back to Los Angeles. It's sunny there. Every day. (Burke smiles) You're my boyfriend! I mean, I know I don't have much experience with this kind of thing, but aren't boyfriends supposed to help in situations like this? Burke: Cristina, when we're on duty, I can't be your boyfriend. Cristina: Okay, so when we're on duty, I can have sex with someone else? Burke: Dr. Yang, I'm walking away now. George: Is there any way to operate without separating them? Derek: No. George: But if we move the pole ... Bailey: They'll both bleed out. Burke: What if we don't move the pole? What if we move one of the patients off the pole to get the saw in there? Then we can hold the pole steady in the other one. Move it very slowly and repair the damage as we go. George: Who? Which would you move? Burke: With her aortic injuries, her chances of survival are extremely slim no matter what we do. But if we move her, we have a real shot of saving him. Derek: Well, I could argue since her injuries are so extensive, we should move him. Give her the best shot we can. Meredith: So basically, whoever you move doesn't stand a chance? So how do you choose? How do you decide who gets to live? Bonnie: Dr. Shepherd, I don't know about Tom here, but I didn't expect to be walking out of here anytime soon, so if there's something you need to say, please just say it. Derek: Okay, Bonnie. In order to operate on Mr. Maynard, we have to separate you two. In order to do that, we have to move you backwards off the pole. Tom: Can't you just pull the pole out of both of us? Burke: No. If we did that, both of you would start bleeding very quickly. Too quickly. Right now, the pole is blocking your injuries. Once removed, your organs will shift. Bonnie: So if you move me off the pole, I'll die? Derek: We're going to do everything we can … Tom: No! No, if anyone has to go, it should be me, so you just move me … Burke: Mr. Maynard, your injuries are less extensive than Miss Crasnoff's. If we operate around the pole, you have a better chance of surviving. Tom: It's not right. It's not fair! Bonnie: Tom, it's not fair either way. Bonnie: Do you believe in Heaven? Tom: Yes. Do you? Bonnie: I want to. Derek: Dr. Grey. Bailey: Dr. Grey needs to get herself a blood alcohol test before practicing any medicine tonight. Meredith: What? No, I'm totally fine. Look. Totally fine. Derek: Right, okay. Meredith: I'm fine! Bailey: Regretting that last shooter about now, aren't you? Meredith: You operated on a heart earlier, George. You'd think you could draw a little blood. George: I rocked that heart. Meredith: Yeah, you did! See Also Edit A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here." 0 Expanding Opportunity — #KempForum16Let’s get the conversation going on how we can fight poverty and expand opportunity in America. Join Senator Tim Scott and I as we moderate a forum on fighting poverty with Republican presidential candidates in Columbia, S.C., hosted by the Jack Kemp Foundation. Follow along here and on Twitter with #KempForum16.I just wanted to say a few words about why we’re here today. And one reason why I’m here is that my mentor was Jack Kemp. There was no issue he was more passionate about than poverty.So I couldn’t think of a better host than the foundation that bears his name. Jack was the greatest champion of the American Idea, and he knew the fight against poverty is vital to renewing that idea in the 21st century.We’ve been fighting the War on Poverty for 50 years now. And I don’t think you can call it anything but a stalemate. The federal government has spent trillions of dollars. And yet today, if you were raised poor, you’re just as likely to stay poor as you were 50 years ago.I’m not saying we haven’t made progress. We have. But today we have a safety net that catches people falling into poverty. What we need is a safety net that lifts people out of poverty — that helps them earn a good paycheck so they can support themselves. So, what is the problem?It is our strategy. Most of us think poverty is about deprivation — or not having enough money.We treat empty wallets like potholes. Fill them up and move on. So for the past 50 years, we’ve created over 80 different programs to fill over 80 different holes in people’s budgets: health care,child care, energy, education — with almost no coordination among them.Here’s the catch: You qualify for these programs based how much you make. So if you don’t make much, you get a lot of benefits. But as you work and make more, you start to lose benefits.And because we’ve piled these programs right on top of each other, the falloff is steep. Make a little more, and you’ll lose a ton. So we think we’ve been filling holes. But we’ve actually been building a trap. And that’s because poverty is about more than deprivation; it’s about isolation.There are many different kinds of poverty. But what a lot of them share in common is, people are cut off from the community. They don’t have the support they need to grow, whether it’s a counselor, or a teacher, or a boss.What they need is someone they can trust, someone who can help them learn new skills. And by discouraging work, the federal government is isolating the poor.That’s why we are here today. We as a country are not winning this war, and we conservatives have something to offer. I believe if we apply our principles to this challenge, we can come up with real solutions. Don’t just treat the symptoms of poverty. Get at the root causes of poverty.Don’t measure success based on inputs. Measure the results.And this, to me, is the biggest conservative insight: The answer is not the money in Washington.It is the people in our communities — the people with credibility. They’re the ones who can break through. And I’m not saying just cut money for the safety net. I’d say spend the same amount of money we do now — because this isn’t about saving money; it’s about saving lives.What I’m saying is, don’t minimize; customize. Take the money we’re spending now and direct it to homegrown solutions. Design aid to fit each person’s needs. And whatever you do,encourage work — because that’s how people reconnect with their community. Once they find their niche and put down roots, they draw strength from the people around them, and they grow.They’ll not only have enough money; they’ll be able to make enough money to get off assistance.The way I see it, the federal government is the rearguard; it should direct the supply lines. But the people in our communities — they’re the vanguard; they should fight poverty on the front lines.Now, I know a lot of people are wondering, “Why do you care about this? You’re Republicans.”I remind them, ‘Well, we’re Americans too.’ We all believe in the American Idea: The condition of your birth doesn’t determine the outcome of your life.If you work hard and play by the rules, you can get ahead. If you made a mistake, you can redeem yourself.But a lot of people don’t think that’s true anymore. And we have to be honest with ourselves: If the American Idea is not true for everybody, then it is not true at all. So we all should care about poverty because it is a direct challenge to who we are.And it’s not enough to pay your taxes and think, “Government is going to take care of this.” We all have to get involved.And I know it’s easy to get discouraged. But what I’ve learned is, there are thousands of people beating poverty every day. The solutions are out there; they’re already working. We just have to support them. We just have to find them. And more often than not they’re right under our noses . . . in our communities . . . all over America.So I look forward to hearing from all our candidates and learning more about how we can build a more prosperous, a more secure, and a more confident America. 0 Chris Cornell‘s widow, Vicky, has published an emotional open letter to her late husband. “I’m sorry you were alone, and I know that was not you, my sweet Christopher,” she wrote to in the note, issued via Billboard. “Your children know that too, so you can rest in peace.” Elsewhere in the soul-bearing letter, she wrote that she thinks of the Soundgarden, Audioslave and Temple of the Dog frontman “every minute of every day,” adding, “I will fight for you” and that she still felt connected to him. “It has been said that paths that have crossed will cross again, and I know that you will come find me, and I will be here waiting,” she wrote. Chris died of suicide by hanging last Thursday at the age of 52. Shortly after his death, Vicky issued a statement speculating that her husband had suffered an adverse side effect of Ativan, an anxiety medication he took. “When we spoke after the show, I noticed he was slurring his words; he was different,” she wrote then. “When he told me he may have taken an extra Ativan or two, I contacted security and asked that they check on him. What happened is inexplicable and I am hopeful that further medical reports will provide additional details. I know that he loved our children and he would not hurt them by intentionally taking his own life.” A note from Vicky’s lawyer, Kirk Pasich, accompanied her statement then, saying that: “Chris, a recovering addict, had a prescription for Ativan and may have taken more Ativan than recommended dosages.” Moreover, he said that if Chris had taken his own life, he’d done so unknowingly. Cornell’s family will hold a funeral for the singer on Friday at Los Angeles’ Hollywood Forever cemetery. It is also planning on holding a public memorial, though details for that are not yet public. Read Vicky Cornell’s full open letter: To My Sweet Christopher, You were the best father, husband and son-in-law. Your patience, empathy and love always showed through. You had always said I saved you, that you wouldn’t be alive if it were not for me. My heart gleamed to see you happy, living and motivated. Excited for life. Doing everything you could to give back. We had the time of our lives in the last decade and I’m sorry, my sweet love, that I did not see what happened to you that night. I’m sorry you were alone, and I know that was not you, my sweet Christopher. Your children know that too, so you can rest in peace. I’m broken, but I will stand up for you and I will take care of our beautiful babies. I will think of you every minute of every day and I will fight for you. You were right when you said we are soulmates. It has been said that paths that have crossed will cross again, and I know that you will come find me, and I will be here waiting. I love you more than anyone has ever loved anyone in the history of loving and more than anyone ever will. Always and forever, Your Vicky Chris Cornell’s wife Vicky issued a statement speculating whether his suicide was the result of too much anxiety medication. Watch here. 0 "No. overall No. in season Title CBS recap Rating/share (18-49) Original air date US viewers (millions) Weekly rank Host Jeff Probst explained the Ghost Island premise to the 20 new castaways upon their arrival, saying that they had a chance to reverse the curse of bad Survivor decisions if they were to visit Ghost Island. Jeff instructed each tribe to choose a leader: Malolo selected Brendan, while Chris volunteered for Naviti. Jeff also told the castaways they would only start with a machete, pot, a fishing kit, and a smaller supply of rice. Reward Challenge: A designated runner will have to race through a series of obstacles to dig up three sets of keys. Then, a designated puzzle solver will use the keys to unlock a slide puzzle. The first person to finish their puzzle wins a massive shelter building kit reward for their tribe. Additionally, the losing tribe will be forced to forfeit their fishing kit. However, if the tribe leader decides to forfeit the challenge during the puzzle solving portion, their tribe will get to keep the fishing kit, but the opposing tribe will get 20 eggs and flint in addition to the shelter building kit. For Malolo and Naviti, respectively, Michael and Sebastian were selected to run the course, while Laurel and Desiree were selected for the puzzle. Chris pulled the lever on Desiree, preserving Naviti’s fishing kit, but giving the larger reward to Malolo. As the Malolo tribe set up their shelter and got to know each other, Jacob openly stated his intention to search for a hidden immunity idol, causing his tribemates to distrust him. He also poured some of the tribe’s rice in his dirty sock to see if a clue was hidden in the jar, though there was not. Meanwhile at the Naviti camp, a power struggle started between Chris and Domenick, who questioned Chris’s decision to forfeit the opening challenge. Immunity Challenge: Each tribe will have to race across a net bridge to where two bags are hanging. Working together, they will then need to untie the bags to obtain a pair of ropes. Using the ropes, the tribe will need to slide a sled full of big puzzle pieces through a course. At the end of the course, they will need to solve a cube puzzle to win immunity. Naviti won the challenge, and also received a flint reward, as Malolo already had flint after winning the first reward challenge. For winning the immunity challenge, Naviti had to send one person from Malolo to Ghost Island, where they would be immune from the vote; Naviti sent Jacob after he declared Malolo was the best tribe in Survivor history. On Ghost Island, Jacob had to break an urn to play a game for an advantage; if he lost, he would have to forfeit his vote at the next Tribal Council. He subsequently won a game of chance which gave him Sierra’s legacy advantage from Game Changers. He had to will it to someone from Naviti, and he chose Morgan. He also made a fake idol. At Malolo, the tribe had to come up with a new plan, as Jacob was their intended target. Gonzalez rallied votes against Donathan for being the tribe’s weakest link, but at Tribal Council, her paranoia got the better of her as she whispered to her tribemates, asking who they were targeting that night. Although everyone told her they were targeting Donathan, it was revealed that they had lied to her, and Gonzalez was unanimously blindsided, becoming the first person voted out. At Naviti, Domenick searched for a hidden immunity idol in the middle of the night, which he eventually found; it was revealed to be Andrea’s idol from Caramoan. The next morning, he attempted to bury the hatchet with Chris, but the tension still lingered between the two. Domenick told Chris he found an idol moments after telling him the opposite, which caused Chris to distrust him. At Malolo, Jacob kept the legacy advantage information to himself and told his tribemates he found an idol on Ghost Island, but that he had left the paper behind, making Brendan suspicious. Reward/Immunity Challenge: Two pairs from each tribe will race through a series of obstacles in the water. They will then have to dive to release two sets of buoys. Another member will need to gather all of the marked buoys to the finish, where the last four members will need to get all eight in a basket to win immunity and a comfort reward of chairs, pillows, blankets, and a washboard. Naviti easily won after James could not even dive a foot in the water. Donathan panicked before eventually diving down and releasing the buoys for Malolo. Naviti sent Donathan to Ghost Island, and the urn he smashed was a dud. At Malolo, Stephanie considered working with Jacob to blindside Michael, but Jacob spilled the beans about the legacy advantage to Stephanie. At Tribal Council, Libby and Michael voted against James in case Jacob did indeed have a real idol, but ultimately, the tribe stuck to the original plan, sending Jacob out of the game. 528 2 "" Only Time Will Tell"" Recap 1.7/7[6] March 7, 2018 ( ) 8.23[6] 14[7] The morning after Jacob's elimination, Jeff announced a tribe swap. The new Malolo tribe consisted of Bradley, Brendan, Chelsea, Desiree, Jenna, Kellyn, Michael, Sebastian, and Stephanie. The new Naviti tribe consisted of Angela, Chris, Domenick, Donathan, James, Laurel, Libby, Morgan, and Wendell. At the new Naviti tribe, Chris tried to rally votes against Domenick, but his attitude set Angela and Libby off. Morgan was suspicious of Chris, and she and Libby aligned. At the new Malolo tribe, Bradley's complaining over Malolo's shelter got on some people's nerves, while Michael and Brendan found one of James's idols from China. Reward/Immunity Challenge: Castaways will need to jump between three sets of raised ramps to a sand pit, where they will need to dig out a heavy ladder. Using the ladder, one tribe member will need to retrieve a monkey’s fist on top of a tripod, which they will use to climb the first ramp of the tower. The tribe will then need to hoist each other to the top of a second ramp, where two members will need to solve a tiki head puzzle to win immunity and a tarp. Malolo won the challenge; after they couldn't decide who from Naviti to send to Ghost Island, the Naviti members drew rocks to determine who would go. Chris drew the odd-colored rock, foiling Domenick's plan to blindside him. On Ghost Island, the urn Chris smashed was empty, and he opened up about his mother's struggle with multiple sclerosis. At Naviti, Angela wanted to stay strong with her old tribe members and vote out Libby, but Wendell saw Angela as Chris's ""right-hand man"", and started to rally votes against her. Meanwhile, Domenick showed his fake idol to the former Malolo members to build trust with them, but James didn't believe him and, seeing an opportunity to control the vote as Naviti was set to turn on Angela, pitched an idea to the other former Malolo members to vote out Morgan, which Libby objected to. However, at Tribal Council, Libby reluctantly sided with the majority, sending a shocked Morgan out of the game. Before her exit, Morgan willed the legacy advantage to Domenick. 529 3 "" Trust Your Gut"" N/A 1.7/7[8] March 14, 2018 ( ) 8.39[8] 11[9] While attempting to regroup after Morgan's blindside, Domenick told Wendell he found a real idol. The next morning, he found the legacy advantage willed to him by Morgan. Reward Challenge: Two members of each tribe will start at their tribe flags on shore. Once told, they will need to make their way out into the water to get a ring. At least one castaway must be touching both the ring and their tribe's flagpole simultaneously to score a point for their tribe. The first tribe to score three points wins a feast of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with ice cold milk. Before the challenge, Jeff revealed that someone would visit Ghost Island and return before the immunity challenge, meaning they would also be vulnerable if their tribe were to visit Tribal Council. Naviti won the challenge and immediately chose to have Malolo draw rocks; Kellyn was sent to Ghost Island immediately after she explained that being separated was her worst Survivor fear. Although the urn she smashed allowed her to play the game of chance, she decided not to risk losing her vote. At Naviti, a confused and angry Chris learned from Angela about Domenick's alliance's betrayal; they planned on aligning with the former Malolo members, but Donathan talked to Wendell about working together and Laurel talked to Domenick, who revealed his idol to her. Immunity Challenge: Castaways will have to swim out to a bamboo cage, hop over and dive in the cage to release a door underwater. They will then need to take a chest in the cage ashore, and race it across a track. On the track, tribes will need to use a grappling hook to connect a missing piece of the track allowing them to get the chest to a perch. Using the balls in the chest, they will need to get all five of them on top of a narrow perch to win immunity. Although Malolo had a huge lead through the chest-carrying stage, Naviti pulled off one of the largest comebacks in Survivor history and edged out Malolo during the ball-tossing stage to win immunity, largely thanks to Chris's efforts. Stephanie was put off by Bradley's arrogant attitude and was even more offended when Bradley flat-out told her there was no hope for her alliance. The Naviti majority wanted to weaken the other alliance and debated between voting out Michael or Brendan. Michael revealed his idol to Stephanie and Jenna, which gave the alliance hope. At Tribal Council, Brendan declared Sebastian and Chelsea to be on the bottom of an alliance led by Bradley, and Michael encouraged them to flip after he pulled out his idol, falsely calling it a double immunity idol in an attempt to throw the opposing alliance off their game. Before the votes were read, Michael played his idol for Stephanie, but the Naviti majority voted against Brendan instead, sending him out of the game. 530 4 "" A Diamond in the Rough"" N/A 1.8/7[10] March 21, 2018 ( ) 8.61[10] 6[11] After Tribal Council, Michael apologized to the Naviti alliance if they felt offended by his gameplay, and he was upset with himself about making the wrong decision over who to play the idol for. Reward Challenge: Tribes will need to hop over a series of tables to a pile of large sandbags. They will then need to search through the sandbags to find a lever. Pulling the lever will release sixty smaller sandbags, which tribes will collect and use to hit a target that spins, raising a flag. The first tribe to raise all three flag wins coffee and pastries. Chris led Naviti to an easy victory. The tribe instantly decided to go to rocks to determine who from Malolo would go to Ghost Island. Stephanie was sent to Ghost Island; her urn was empty. At Naviti, Chris and Donathan bonded over having to take care of their families. Immunity Challenge: Starting on the beach, one runner from each tribe will grab a boogie board attached to a large spool of rope and race across a series of floating balance beams to a set of four satchels with numbered tiles. Grabbing only one satchel, the runner will get on the boogie board in the water, where their tribemates will have to reel them onto shore. Once the runner returns to shore, another person goes out. Once they have all four satchels, tribes will make their way to the finish deck, where they will used the numbered tiles to solve a combination lock, obtaining a key, which unlocks the tribe's sliding puzzle. The first tribe to finish their puzzle wins immunity. Naviti won immunity yet again. The Naviti majority debated on who to vote out; they decided that Jenna was an easy, safe vote, but Michael was the biggest threat. Jenna flirted with Sebastian to save herself, while Michael pled his case to Bradley, saying they needed him for the challenges. Desiree searched Stephanie's bag for an advantage and didn't find one. At Tribal Council, each of the original Malolo members pled their case, and Stephanie was unanimously voted out. 531 5 "" Fate is the Homie"" N/A 1.7/7[12] March 28, 2018 ( ) 8.15[12] 15[13] On Day 15, Jeff announced another tribe swap. The new Malolo tribe consisted of Angela, Desiree, James, Kellyn, and Michael. The new Naviti tribe consisted of Bradley, Chelsea, Domenick, Donathan, and Libby. A third tribe, Yanuya, consisted of Chris, Jenna, Laurel, Sebastian, and Wendell. On the newly formed Yanuya tribe, Chris's ego rubbed his new tribemates, especially Laurel, the wrong way. On the new Malolo tribe, Angela was still angry from her old tribemates' betrayal; she and James proceeded to inform their new tribemates about the cracks in the old Naviti tribe. Meanwhile, James was wary of Michael, as Michael had voted against him at Malolo's second Tribal Council. On the new Naviti tribe, Domenick immediately didn't trust Libby and voiced his concerns to Bradley. Immunity Challenge: One person from each tribe will be a caller, while the rest of the tribe is blindfolded. The caller, using only verbal commands, will need to lead their tribemates to three bags of puzzle pieces. Once they have all three bags, the caller will have two members of their tribe solve the puzzle, while blindfolded. The first two tribes to solve the puzzle win immunity. Wendell forgot one of Yanuya's bags, but he made up for the deficit, leading his tribe from last to first place, and Naviti placed second. Desiree was upset with herself over her poor leadership in the challenge, but Kellyn suggested to her and Angela that they vote out James, who later tried to bring Angela to his side. After a talk with Angela, Kellyn was skeptical of Angela's loyalty, but at Tribal Council, Angela stayed loyal and Michael joined the former Naviti members in blindsiding James out of the game. 532 6 "" Gotta Risk it For the Biscuit"" N/A 1.7/7[14] April 4, 2018 ( ) 8.42[14] 11[15] At Malolo, knowing he was the sole outsider, Michael searched for a hidden immunity idol. He managed to find Ozzy's fake idol from Micronesia, now a real idol. Reward Challenge: All members of the tribe will have to pull on rope on a balance beam to suspend a disc. They will have to stack blocks spelling ""REWARD"" on the disc with a skull on the top and another on the bottom, while pulling on the rope. If anybody falls off their balance beam or their block stack falls, they must start over. The first two tribes to finish their stack win; first place gets a grill, steaks, chicken kabobs, and spices. Second place gets chicken kabobs. Malolo lost yet another challenge. For placing first, Naviti had the power to send someone from either Yanuya or Malolo to Ghost Island; they unanimously decided to send Kellyn, since she had been there before. On Ghost Island, Kellyn was again given a game of chance to play. She was to pick from three urns instead of two; two held advantages, while one would cost her vote at the next Tribal Council. She won the vote stealer from Game Changers that Michaela failed to find, now downgraded to only an extra vote. At Naviti, Bradley's condescending attitude towards Donathan and Domenick rubbed them the wrong way. At Yanuya, Wendell took advantage of an opportunity to look for an idol while his tribemates were asleep. He spotted a unique tree and discovered a map to a hidden immunity idol at its base, which he then found. The idol was revealed to be the immunity necklace that Erik gave to Natalie in Micronesia. At Malolo, the tribe burned their flag's banner under Desiree's lead to reverse the curse of their losing streak. Immunity Challenge: Contestants must swim to a floating platform, run up it and jump off into the water. They must collect a set of floating rings and bring them back. Three people must swim over to a platform with the rings, and then toss the rings on to a floating target. The first two tribes to toss all their rings onto the target win immunity. Yanuya placed first and Malolo finally ended their losing streak, sending Naviti to Tribal Council. Bradley targeted Libby, but Chelsea talked to Libby about voting out Bradley. She and Domenick were later torn between voting out Libby or Bradley, but ultimately, they decided to unanimously vote Bradley out. 533 7 "" Fear Keeps You Sharp"" N/A 1.6/7[16] April 11, 2018 ( ) 7.97[16] 10[17] On Day 20, the three tribes merged on Naviti's beach. Although the Naviti members initially planned on picking off the Malolo members, Chris and Domenick were still at odds; Wendell tried to play moderator, to no avail. Chris found a note randomly placed in his buff, which led him to find a clue in tree mail, saying the idol was on Ghost Island; he would travel there late that night while everyone else was asleep. He found J.T.'s Game Changers idol in plain sight, but it was only good at the next Tribal Council. However, a game of chance allowed him to extend the life of the idol for up to 5 extra Tribal Councils; there were 10 chests to choose from. He extended the idol once, but lost his vote at the next Tribal Council. Immunity Challenge: Castaways must hold a boom pole over their head with a tiki statue at the end, while standing on a narrow perch. Every few minutes, the castaways will step forward. If they fall off the perch or their tiki statue drops, they are out of the challenge. The last person standing wins. Kellyn outlasted Libby to win immunity. Back at camp, Chris gathered everyone except Domenick and Wendell in an attempt to dictate a split vote between those two in case Domenick played his idol. While they were alone, Wendell told Domenick about his idol. Donathan immediately told them about Chris's plan to split the votes, while Desiree gathered the Naviti women to discuss a blindside of Libby, since everyone might be voting for either Chris, Domenick, or Wendell. At Tribal Council, Domenick openly wore his fake idol, then played the Legacy Advantage on himself, while Chris decided not to play his idol. Desiree and Angela voted against Libby, but everyone else voted against Chris, making him the first member of the jury. 534 8 "" The Sea Slug Slugger"" N/A 1.6/7[18] April 18, 2018 ( ) 7.73[18] 12[19] After Tribal Council, Libby was concerned as to why she received votes again, while Wendell told Laurel about his idol, making her wary of his power in the game. Reward Challenge: Divided into two teams of six via schoolyard pick, castaways will have to race across a floating balance beam to shore. Once they are ashore, they will need to use a slingshot to knock over six blocks on a perch using sandbags, with each member being required to launch at least once, then return back to the beginning of the balance beam, where someone else goes out. The first team to knock all six blocks over win a feast of tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and margaritas. The team of Angela, Chelsea, Donathan, Laurel, Libby, and Wendell won reward. They immediately had the others draw rocks for Ghost Island, with Jenna getting exiled; her urn was empty. While on reward, Libby asked why she received votes, and Angela said the others were wary of her bond with Michael. Back at camp, Michael talked to Angela about blindsiding Wendell. However, after Michael told her she was the only person left out of the loop on the last vote, Angela wanted to ""stir the pot"" and lied to her old Naviti tribemates about Michael saying that Kellyn and Chelsea didn't trust Angela, planning to target him. Immunity Challenge: Castaways would have to eat exotic dishes and show their empty tongues to finish, in which a certain number of fastest finishers would advance to the next round. The castaway that finishes all stages wins immunity. Angela defeated Michael in the final round to win immunity. Angela's allies tried to sway Donathan to their side with an idea to split the vote between Michael and Libby. Michael pitched to the other former Malolo members to vote out Wendell, while Domenick assured Libby she was safe. Wanting to make a move and even the playing field, Donathan told Libby of Naviti's plan to split the vote between her and Michael, making Libby unsure of who to trust. At Tribal Council, the Malolo plan fell through as they joined the original Navitis in splitting the vote against Libby and Michael. Michael played his hidden immunity idol, negating the seven votes against him, sending Libby to the jury with four votes. 535 9 "" It's Like the Perfect Crime"" N/A 1.6/7[20] April 25, 2018 ( ) 7.81[20] 9[21] The morning after Libby's elimination, Desiree plotted with the old Malolo members to bring in Chelsea and Angela to overthrow the Naviti majority because she felt like she was on the bottom, but Laurel was skeptical. Reward Challenge: Divided into two teams of five via schoolyard pick, two members of each team will start in a canoe in the water, while the remaining three members are locked in a cage on a floating platform. The two paddlers will have to rescue their teammates, each of whom has a key. Once all three caged members are rescued, they will return to shore. Using the keys the teams have collected, they will unlock a large circus net that is holding puzzle pieces. They will have to carry the puzzle pieces to a frame, where they will solve the puzzle. The first team to finish their puzzle wins a helicopter flight to a bluff overlooking the islands and a picnic lunch. Since Donathan was not picked, he had no shot at reward, but was ineligible for Ghost Island. The team of Chelsea, Jenna, Kellyn, Michael, and Sebastian won reward; Angela got sent to Ghost Island via rock draw. While on reward, Michael told Chelsea, Kellyn, and Sebastian he was willing to work with them as an extra number, but Kellyn wanted to stay strong with Naviti and pick off the Malolo members. On Ghost Island, Angela played the game of chance but lost her vote after choosing the wrong chest. At camp, Laurel told Domenick about Desiree potentially turning on them, and Domenick told Kellyn, who was shocked. Michael started searching for an idol, and Donathan joined him, eventually finding Scot's idol from Kaôh Rōng. It was powerless unless Tai's matching idol from the same season, which was hidden under the shelter, completed the idol. After a while, Donathan found the second half of the idol, but was forced to tell the other old Malolo members about it as several tribemates shuffled in and out of camp. Immunity Challenge: The players will balance a ball on a disc attached to two ropes they must hold up. The last person standing with the ball still on the disc wins immunity. Chelsea won immunity. Kellyn confronted Desiree and Chelsea about turning on them, prompting Desiree to chew out Laurel in front of everyone else. Desiree adamantly tried to convince Kellyn she was loyal, while Domenick suggested a strong guy's alliance with Michael, to Kellyn's chagrin. At Tribal Council, Desiree and Laurel reignited their argument, but while Chelsea joined Desiree in voting against Michael, the rest of the tribe sent Desiree to the jury. 536 10 "" The Finish Line Is in Sight"" N/A 1.5/7[22] May 2, 2018 ( ) 7.84[22] 14[23] After Tribal Council, Domenick expressed his gratitude toward Laurel for saving him, Wendell, and Kellyn, but Kellyn still wanted to pick off the old Malolo members. Domenick also considered turning against Wendell before looking for an idol. He found the fake idol Jay played in Millennials vs. Gen X, which still had no power, but Domenick had the opportunity to trick the other players with it. Before the challenge, Jeff announced a random draw of two ""tribes"" for that day only, each of which would go to Tribal Council, meaning two people would be eliminated that night and Ghost Island was not in play. Immunity Challenge: Castaways must pull up on a bar to keep a ball wedged between a set of jaws. If they release the bar, the lower jaw will fall, causing their ball to fall out. Once their ball falls, they are out. The last person remaining from each team wins immunity. Additionally, the last person left standing overall allows their team to view the results of first team's Tribal Council and vote second. Orange consisted of Domenick, Kellyn, Laurel, Michael, and Wendell, while Purple consisted of Angela, Chelsea, Donathan, Jenna, and Sebastian. Chelsea won immunity for Purple, but immediately dropped out before Domenick outlasted Wendell for the other immunity necklace and the right for Orange to visit Tribal Council last. Back at camp, Michael asked to borrow Donathan's idol, but Donathan immediately refused. To save himself, Michael told Kellyn he had an idol and would definitely play it. Kellyn bought Michael's ploy and told Domenick, who didn't believe it. She then told Chelsea and Wendell, and planned on using her extra vote to vote against Laurel twice, but Wendell considered turning on Kellyn to save Laurel. Meanwhile, Sebastian, Chelsea, and Angela planned on voting against Jenna, but they told her they would vote against Donathan. A paranoid Jenna tried to trick Donathan into playing his idol for her instead of himself at Purple's Tribal Council, while Donathan targeted Sebastian. At Purple's Tribal Council, Donathan played his idol on himself, negating Jenna's vote against him, and the Naviti members sent Jenna to the jury. At Orange's Tribal Council, Kellyn used her extra vote, creating a 2-2 tie between Laurel and Michael; on the revote, Michael was unanimously sent to the jury. 537 11 "" A Giant Game of Bumper Cars"" N/A 1.5/7[24] May 9, 2018 ( ) 7.74[24] 13[25] Back at camp, Kellyn revealed to the others that she used her extra vote against Laurel, after being pressed by Domenick about there being six votes at a five-person Tribal Council. At the reward challenge, the castaways were reunited with their loved ones: Wendell's father Wendell I, Kellyn's brother Klay, Donathan's aunt Patty, Angela's daughter Paige, Chelsea's sister Sydney, Laurel's brother Frank, Sebastian's sister Grace, and Domenick's wife Kristin. Reward Challenge: While racing across a series of obstacles, castaways must untie and grab a sandbag. They will then attempt to throw that sandbag on a narrow table. The first castaway to get their sandbag on their table wins a feast of ribs, chicken, burgers, pastries, and ice cream with their loved one. Sebastian won reward and chose to share it with Domenick, Wendell, Donathan and their loved ones. Sebastian also had to send one of the other four to Ghost Island where an advantage will be available off the bat, unless he or one of the other reward participants volunteers to give up their reward. Wendell volunteered, and he received Malcolm's final immunity challenge advantage from Philippines. On reward, Domenick tried to align with Donathan and Sebastian, but Donathan was wary. At camp, Kellyn was bitter about not getting chosen for reward or for the advantage on Ghost Island; she and Angela plotted a girls' alliance out of revenge. Laurel weighed the pros and cons of turning on Domenick and Wendell. Immunity Challenge: Each castaway must balance a small metal ball on a wooden cylinder, while holding the center cylinder in place with two wooden handles. After a certain amount of time, new pieces of the wooden rod will be added, making it harder to balance the ball on the center cylinder. The castaway who balances their ball the longest wins immunity. Domenick won immunity. He and Wendell planned on bringing in Laurel to blindside Chelsea, while the women wanted to bring in Donathan to blindside Wendell. Donathan and Laurel privately weighed their options; Donathan was antsy to make a move, but Laurel wanted to stay true to her alliance with Domenick and Wendell. At Tribal Council, Donathan revealed there were cracks in the Naviti alliance, putting his tribemates on edge. In the end, Donathan and Laurel voted against Chelsea, sending her to the jury. 538 12 "" Always Be Moving"" N/A 1.5/6[26] May 16, 2018 ( ) 7.54[26] 11[27] After Chelsea's elimination, Donathan approached Kellyn with a plan to turn against Domenick and Wendell. Reward Challenge: The castaways will be divided into three teams of two, where they will place a wooden spool onto a track which will roll to the bottom of the structure where one castaway will grab it and place it back onto the track. At regular intervals, more spools will be added, making it more difficult. If a spool drops, they're out of the challenge. Last team left standing wins the right to deliver supplies to a local Fijian school along with a meal of fried chicken and chocolate cake. Domenick and Wendell won reward; they chose Laurel to join them and sent Sebastian to Ghost Island. There was a 3 in 4 chance of getting an advantage, and Sebastian won Kellyn's misplayed extra vote that came back into play. While on reward, Laurel was secretly ready to turn on Domenick and Wendell. Back at camp, Donathan told Wendell he would cast his jury vote for Domenick over him, in hopes that they would turn on each other, but they saw through the plan. Immunity Challenge: Castaways will have to race out to two sets of tied planks, and use them to create a bridge to cross. Once they've crossed their bridge, castaways will have to complete two sets of ladders to climb a tower. At the top of the tower, they will then solve a slide puzzle. The first person to finish their puzzle wins immunity. Wendell finished the puzzle first, but Laurel called Jeff's name first; by that rule, Laurel won immunity. She wanted to stick with Domenick and Wendell out of gratitude, and the three of them targeted Kellyn. However, a paranoid Donathan asked Domenick and Wendell if they were going to blindside him, making them reconsider their plans. Donathan then caught Domenick rummaging through his bag and giving Wendell something, prompting him to go back to Kellyn. Domenick, Wendell, Sebastian, and Angela debated on whether to vote out Donathan or Kellyn at the hammock. At Tribal Council, Donathan's paranoia took over, and an argument ensued between him and Wendell, as Domenick urged everyone else to stick to the ""hammock plan."" The vote was initially tied between Donathan and Kellyn, but Kellyn was sent to the jury on the revote. 539 13 "" It is Game Time Kids"" N/A 1.4/6[28] May 23, 2018 ( ) 7.31[28] 7[29] The final 6 returned to camp, where Sebastian secretly plotted on making a move against Domenick and Wendell, who in turn targeted him for his likeability. Reward/Immunity Challenge: Castaways must race through a large skull-shaped maze to collect three sets of bags. Once they collect all three bags, they must use the puzzle pieces to finish a vertical puzzle. The first castaway to finish their puzzle wins immunity and a steak dinner with baked potato, bread, and dessert. Wendell won immunity and chose to share reward with Sebastian and Angela. This upset Laurel, who voiced her anger to Domenick. Sebastian told Donathan and Angela he would use his extra vote to blindside Domenick, but Angela told Domenick, who considered playing his idol. Meanwhile, Donathan told Laurel about Sebastian's plan. At Tribal Council, Domenick outed Sebastian's extra vote and revealed his two idols, saying both were real when, in reality, one is fake. Wendell then pulled out his idol and offered to work with Donathan, who refused. Domenick presented the fake idol to Jeff before the votes were cast and chose not to play his real idol, and he was successful in fooling his tribemates. Sebastian didn't use his extra vote and was sent to the jury. Immunity Challenge: Castaways will swim out to a platform, then cross a series of obstacles, collecting two sets of puzzle pieces. Using the puzzle pieces, castaways must finish a four-piece pyramid puzzle. The first castaway to finish their puzzle wins. Wendell won immunity again. Donathan told Domenick he'd take him to the end after getting asked, while Wendell considered giving his idol to Angela, Donathan, or Laurel, but he and Domenick realized Laurel was their biggest threat in immunity challenges. At Tribal Council, Domenick played his idol on himself, while Wendell played his idol for Laurel, negating one vote against her. Ultimately, the rest of the tribe sent Donathan to the jury. Immunity Challenge: While standing on a wobbly beam, castaways must use a long fork to stack six sets of balls between stands on a free-standing structure. The first castaway to complete their stack wins. Everyone dropped their stack at least once, but Domenick managed to win his third immunity challenge, as well as the right to choose who to take to the end with him. The final 4 ventured to Ghost Island, where Laurel tried to convince Domenick that she wouldn't beat Wendell in the firemaking challenge. Angela tried to convince Domenick that Laurel was a bigger threat in the Final Tribal Council. A note told Domenick to choose one of three voting urns to be used at the Final Tribal Council, all of which were cursed due to a contestant taking the wrong person to the end; the urns were from The Australian Outback, Game Changers, and Cagayan. He chose the Cagayan urn. He also privately considered giving his immunity necklace to Angela and going to the firemaking challenge against Wendell. However, he chose to keep immunity and brought Laurel to the end; Wendell won the firemaking challenge, making Angela the 10th member of the jury. During the Final Tribal Council discussion, Laurel was largely ignored by the jury, who saw her as riding Domenick and Wendell's coattails, while Domenick was reprimanded for his actions at the Tribal Council where Sebastian was voted out. The jury went to vote, and Jeff surprised everyone by saying he would read the votes right then at the Final Tribal Council. For the first time in Survivor history, the vote was tied; Domenick and Wendell each had five votes. Jeff then instructed Laurel to break the tie as the 11th and final jury member. 540 14 "" Reunion Special"" N/A 0.8/3[28] May 23, 2018 ( ) 4.62[28] 23[29]" 0 In her first interview in four years, former child star Amanda Bynes finally explained her infamous Drake tweet from 2013 by saying, “I was serious, but I was also on drugs.” Back in 2013, a few years after the “She’s the Man” star publicly announced her retirement from acting, Bynes sent the infamous tweet, which read “I want @drake to murder my vagina.” “That was my way of saying, ‘Let’s do it, man,'” Bynes explained in her interview with Hollyscoop founder Diana Madison, published on Friday. “I was on drugs and trying to be hilarious,” she continued. “He’s hot! What does that even mean? It just means, like, ‘F–k me, Drake!'” Also Read: Amanda Bynes Breaks 4-Year Silence, Announces Return to Acting (Video) Elsewhere in the 7-minute interview Bynes expressed her desire to return to acting after her short break from the limelight. “I do miss acting, and I have something surprising to tell you: I’m going to start acting again,” she said. “I want to do TV. Maybe a few guest spots on some shows that I’m a fan of and maybe another TV show where I’m the star of it, in the future. That’s what I hope.” The former Nickelodeon star also said that she’s been sober for three years. In 2014, Bynes was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. She had previously been booked for hitting a police car in 2012, and entered rehab the following year. “I’ve been going to school lately, fashion school-FIDM. And I love it,” she said. “I’ve learned how to sew, I’ve made patterns, and I want to start a clothing line in the future, so FIDM has been helping me with that. Other than that I hike, I go spinning — I take spinning classes — and I feed the homeless. And that’s been really interesting and fun.” 0 Well friends, the leaves are changing, Hocus Pocus is officially back in our lives, and it’s finally time to say goodbye to iced coffee, because at long last, fall has arrived. With Halloween right around the corner, it’s time to think costumes and treats. Though you’re on your own when it comes to costumes, Dunkin Donuts is coming in clutch with some spectacular seasonal treats. When you’re inevitably put on trick or treat duty — whether you’re chaperoning the little superhero in your life or answering the door for four hours straight — you’ll need the Almond Joy Hot Chocolate to keep you company. The drink, which comes hot or cold, is the perfect infusion of milk chocolate, almond and coconut flavors. While, we definitely picture ourselves drinking this new hot chocolate during a snowstorm, we need this in our lives right now. But Dunkin Donuts knows how to get into the Halloween spirit — it is a Massachusetts-based company, after all — so it’s also giving your favorite donuts a Halloween update. Forget about your regular old jelly donut because now, with a spooky upgrade it’s become Vampire’s Delight. Similarly, powder donuts are now Full moon, complete with orange powdered sugar. Even the glazed donut has gotten a fun monster-themed change called Goulish Glazed. The Boston Kreme Donut, which is scary enough on it’s own, comes with a fun new decoration and a name: Boston Scream Donut. We’re sure the Sanderson sisters are going to be popping into their local Salem Dunkin’ to get their hands on a dozen or two. While we’ll be drinking the Almond Joy Hot Chocolate as the weather turns even colder, we’re really hoping Dunkin Donuts keeps the flavor in stock all winter long. 0 Listen, there are lots of dog shows out there and we love them all: The National Dog Show, the Westminster Dog Show, pretty much every episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. But there is only one that combines both the competition and the glamour of all of the above, and that’s the Beverly Hills Dog Show (presented by Purina). Airing this Sunday at 8 PM on USA, the dog show takes a more entertaining approach than its staid counterparts. While it does feature trophies, it also highlights over 1,000 dogs parading down a puppy red carpet—and Lisa Vanderpump will be presenting the Best in Show award! Watch a sneak peek above! 0 Oh no — a new report claims Khloe Kardashian had major pregnancy issues that prematurely landed her in the hospital! Find out here what reportedly went wrong. At nearly nine months pregnant, Khloe Kardashian, 33, recently experienced a health scare that “left her rattled,” according to OK! magazine. While everything is ok now, and Khloe is no longer at Cedars-Sinai in LA, she’s reportedly SO shaken up that she’s reconsidering giving birth in Cleveland! “Word is, she suffered some pregnancy complications and had to be rushed to Cedars-Sinai in Los Angles,” an insider told the publication. “Everyone was worried she’d need an emergency C-section.” Click here to see pics of Khloe’s lavish baby shower. The source didn’t expand on what type of complications Khloe was having, but, apparently Khloe thinks it COULD have to do with her recent trip to Japan with her sisters. Although she was already eight months along, the reality star decided to fly overseas, insisting her doctor approved the entire thing. “I wouldn’t put my baby at risk,” she said at the time. Now, however, she may have had a change of heart. “Khloe took all the necessary precautions with her trip, but now of course she’s wondering if it contributed to an unnecessary scare,” the insider shared. Luckily, Khole’s family was by her side during her health incident, but if she follows through with her plan to give birth in Cleveland, so baby daddy Tristan Thompson, 27, can be there, she won’t have that same level of familial support. “She’s anxious about flying again and being so far from her family. This experience made her realize she needs her support system nearby,” the source explained, adding that her current Cleveland birthing plan is “up in the air.” But while her family was there to help her through this alleged recent scare, Tristan, was working back in Ohio. “He was on the road with his team and she was so emotional about him not being there,” the source said. “It got really heated…Things have calmed down since the spat, but they’re both so busy with work. It’s been stressful.” This past weekend, on March 10, Tristan WAS there to celebrate his and Khloe’s impending arrival. The two had a gorgeous baby shower for their baby girl, and of course everything was covered in pink. While this has been a magical time for KoKo, she’s also beyond ready to meet her daughter! “She can’t wait to just hold her baby girl in her arms and know that she’s safe,” OK’s insider said. 1 "LAURA Gallacher is best known for being the wife of Russell Brand and the sister of TV star Kirsty. The mum of Russell's daughter Mabel gave birth to her second daughter with the comedian in July 2018- here's everything you need to know about her... Getty - Contributor 3 Laura has a very famous sister, TV presenter and anchor Kirsty Gallacher Who is Laura Gallacher? Gallacher is the daughter of golfer Bernard and sister of TV presenter Kirsty. They grew up on the Wentworth Estate in Surrey, where they were lucky enough to share a neighbourhood with the late legend Bruce Forsyth. The plush area has also been the home of Elton John and Cliff Richard. In the past, Laura has worked in the restaurant industry. She appeared to be employed at the Moral Fox restaurant, where she regularly tweeted updates. Gallacher also helped with the opening of Electric Diner, a posh restaurant for the Soho House Group. Flynet Pictures 3 Laura and Russell regularly look loved-up as they walk together in public Entrepreneur Laura also has her own fashion brand, where she sells dungarees. On her official website, she writes: “The Joy Journal is about creativity, colour, individuality and fun. ""These dungarees are an expression of that spirit. Craft, not couture, comfortable cool, not catwalk. These dungarees are the first Joy Journal Project.” How long have Laura Gallacher and Russell Brand been together? His marriage to Katy Perry only lasted 14 months – but this didn't put Russell off getting hitched for a second time. The serial womaniser and former Bizarre Shagger of the Year popped the question to long-term girlfriend Laura Gallacher in June 2016. In August 2017, the pair tied the knot in an intimate service at Remenham Church near their home in Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. Most Read in TV & Showbiz Exclusive STRICTLY CURSE? 'I could tell that something more was going on with Joe Sugg' says friend NEW LISA LIFE Lisa Armstrong's transformation from Ant's unhappy wife to glam singleton Exclusive XMAS REVENGE Katie Price breaks vow to let Bunny and Jett spend Christmas Day with Kieran Merry Becksmas Becks and Helena Christensen partied in Miami as Posh prepped for Xmas in UK Exclusive 'INSENSITIVE' Katie blasts Kieran for wanting kids at Xmas after refusing to hand them over Exclusive IT'S ALL OVER Towie's Dan Edgar and Amber Turner split just days before Christmas Getty - Contributor 3 Laura attends a charity event at Holland Park, raising heart awareness for Bernard Gallacher's 'Play Golf Help Save Lives' campaign How many children do Laura Gallacher and Russell Brand have? The couple has two daughters, Mabel born in November 2016 and their second baby daughter who arrived in July 2018. The parents like to keep their family private, and he announced their happy news of Mabel's birth during his gig at the Nottingham Playhouse. Doting parents Russell and Laura are regularly spotted on day-trips with the tot, and have even taken her to New York. In June 2018 it was revealed that the pair were expecting their second child after Laura was pictured with a baby bump." 0 What, exactly, happened on the set of N.C.I.S. to make Pauley Perrette leave after so many years? The details remain unclear. But in a series of vague tweets, the actress made several startling claims—including, it seems, that she left the show following “multiple physical assaults.” Perrette, who has played fan favorite Abby Sciuto on the CBS procedural since its premiere in 2003, had so far kept silent about her specific reasons for leaving the series this spring. In a statement last year announcing her departure, the actress wrote, “There have been all kinds of false stories as to why [she was leaving]. (NO I DON’T HAVE A SKIN CARE LINE AND NO MY NETWORK AND SHOW ARE NOT MAD AT ME!) It was a decision made last year.” Over the weekend, Perrette also referenced articles she claims are false, writing, “I refused to go low, that’s why I’ve never told publicly what happened. But there are tabloid articles out there that are telling total lies about me. If you believe them? Please leave me alone. You clearly don’t know me. (Sorry guys, had to be said).” In the past, Perrette has identified herself on Twitter as a rape and domestic violence survivor. Last fall, after reports about Harvey Weinstein emerged, she shared her own story, writing that she was raped in high school by a football player: “My rape led me into a series of abusive relationships, terrible self worth and self blame, dismissing a few groping incidents, allowing myself to be bullied by a powerful man for way too long.” A day after her initial tweet regarding N.C.I.S. over the weekend, Perrette elaborated with a few more: “Maybe I’m wrong for not ‘spilling the beans,’” she wrote. “Telling the story, THE TRUTH. I feel I have to protect my crew, jobs and so many people. But at what cost? I don’t know. Just know, I’m trying to do the right thing, but maybe silence isn’t the right thing about crime. I’m... Just... ?” “There is a ‘machine’ keeping me silent, and feeding FALSE stories about me,” Perrette continued. “A very rich, very powerful publicity ‘machine’. No morals, no obligation to truth, and I’m just left here, reading the lies, trying to protect my crew. Trying to remain calm. He did it.” It’s unclear who “he” is. Perrette concluded with one more tweet, and has not made any additional statements on the subject: “I’ve been supporting ant[i]-bullying programs forever. But now I KNOW because it was ME! If it’s school or work, that you’re required to go to? It’s horrifying. I left. Multiple Physical Assaults. I REALLY get it now. Stay safe. Nothing is worth your safety. Tell someone.” Representatives for Perrette did not immediately respond to V.F.’s request for comment. Update: CBS has released a statement: “Pauley Perrette had a terrific run on N.C.I.S. and we are all going to miss her. Over a year ago, Pauley came to us with a workplace concern. We took the matter seriously and worked with her to find a resolution. We are committed to a safe work environment on all our shows.” 0 Full ScreenPhotos: 1 / 16 Remembering Prince William and Kate Middleton’s 2011 Royal Wedding Photo: By Warren Allott/AFP/Getty Images. Photo: By Ian Gavan/GP/Getty Images. Photo: By Mark Makela/Corbis via Getty Images. David and Victoria Beckham Photo: By Danny Martindale/FilmMagic/Getty Images. Photo: By Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP/Getty Images. Photo: By Mark Cuthbert/UK Press/Getty Images. Photo: By Mark Cuthbert/UK Press/Getty Images. Previous Next By Warren Allott/AFP/Getty Images. By Ian Gavan/GP/Getty Images. By Mark Makela/Corbis via Getty Images. David and Victoria Beckham By Danny Martindale/FilmMagic/Getty Images. By Chris Jackson/Getty Images. By Alastair Grant/AP Images. By Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images. By Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images. By Fred Duval/FilmMagic/Getty Images. By Dave Thompson/WPA Pool/Getty Images. By Dominic Lipinski/Pool/AP Images. By Adrian Dennis/AFP/Getty Images. By Carl se Souza/AFP/Getty Images. By Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP/Getty Images. By Mark Cuthbert/UK Press/Getty Images. By Mark Cuthbert/UK Press/Getty Images. Each week in April, Vanity Fair will flash back to a different British royal wedding in the lead-up to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s May 19 nuptials. When Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton in 2010, he presented her with his mother’s own engagement ring—a 12-carat Ceylon sapphire surrounded by 14 round diamonds that Princess Diana had picked out from court jeweler Garrard before her own fairy-tale wedding to Prince Charles. “It was my way of making sure mother didn’t miss out on today and the excitement and the fact that we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together,” William told press afterward. Even though Princess Diana was represented, from that point forward, by the iconic ring sitting on Middleton’s finger, Kate made sure in the following six months to pay tribute to “the inspirational woman” who would have been her mother-in-law. A week before the wedding, as worldwide anticipation reached a fever pitch, Kate reportedly made a special trip with William to Diana’s burial site—venturing 90 minutes’ northwest of London to the 13,000-acre Althorp Estate that has belonged to the Spencer family since the 16th century. The pair reportedly took a boat to lay flowers at Diana’s Oval Island resting place; wandered the princess’s ancestral estate; and walked through the arboretum where William and Harry planted trees as children. “It was very important for William to take Kate to visit his mum just before their wedding day,” a source told The Mirror at the time. “Diana is still a huge part of her boy’s everyday life and always will be. Even though Kate never met Diana she knows what an incredible woman she was and it is very important to her she can share and understand William’s love and grief for his mum. . . . It is tragic that she won’t be there to see the wedding and that she never got to meet his bride.” The tributes continued. Though William and Kate married at a different site than Charles and Diana—Charles, an architecture and music buff, had opted for the more handsome, acoustically sound St. Paul’s Cathedral—the bride and groom incorporated other homages. Like Diana, Kate had a small blue bow sewn into her wedding dress for good luck, and antique lace repurposed in the design as her “something old.” (Aside from those touches—plus the white color, long sleeves, and gauzy veil—there were few other similarities between Kate and Diana’s wedding dresses. Kate’s gown—a Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen design, rumored to cost $434,000, was an elegant A-line, with an elaborate bodice appliqué woven with shamrock, roses, and lilies, and a nine-foot train.) Top, from Bettmann/Getty Images; bottom, by Odd Andersen/AFP/Getty Images. Both Diana and Kate wore drop earrings from their parents—Diana’s earrings featured 50 small diamonds around pear-shaped pearls, which had belonged to her mother, while Kate’s were commissioned by her parents to include elements from the Middleton coat of arms. Both brides also wore a tiara, though Diana wore the Spencer tiara—a diamond floral diadem dating back to the Tudor period. (It has been rumored that Meghan Markle might wear the tiara as a nod to Princess Diana on her wedding day.) Kate, meanwhile, borrowed Queen Elizabeth II’s Cartier Halo Scroll Tiara—which had been gifted to the monarch on her 18th birthday. Inside Westminster Abbey on the morning of April 29, 2011, there were more nods to Diana. When Prince William arrived at the Abbey, with best man Prince Harry in tow, the first person the groom greeted was Diana’s eldest sister Lady Sarah McCorquodale—“clutching her hands affectionately” in the minutes before the ceremony, according to The Telegraph. The Spencer family—including Diana’s brother Earl Spencer—had been given a front-row pew at the Abbey, and William welcomed them all warmly. Time additionally reported that McCorquodale was wearing the very earrings that Diana wore during her 1981 vows—which had been flown in from a museum where they were on display specifically for the occasion. The wedding address was delivered by Richard Chartres, the Bishop of London who had served as a trustee of Princess Diana’s will and presided over the princess’s funeral. William and Kate chose the hymn “Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer”—which was the final selection sung at Diana’s funeral. As for the guest list, William made sure to invite Elton John, his late mother’s friend who famously performed at Diana’s funeral—which also took place at Westminster Abbey. Top, by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images; bottom, by Adrian Dennis/AFP/Getty Images. Speaking about the uncanniness of being present at Westminster Abbey for both Diana’s funeral and William’s wedding, Elton John told press, “I can’t imagine at that young age having to walk in the public, following your mother’s coffin. . . . And the next time we’re in the Abbey it’s to see him walking up the aisle with a beautiful woman, the love of his life. I think it’s the most joyous result and I’m sure Diana would be very, very happy about it.” Elton conceded that he had only met William and Harry twice, but was touched by the symbolic invitation: “I think it’s going to be a very joyous day and I think [Diana] would be very happy with his choice, [Kate] seems such a great girl and they seem so much in love.” In a nod to Diana’s charitable spirit, William also invited representatives from organizations Diana championed—like Centrepoint, a homelessness charity, and the Royal Marsden Hospital—and asked that, in lieu of gifts, well-wishers make donations to a fund that would be divided between 26 organizations. Top, from Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images; bottom, by Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP/Getty Images. The newlyweds departed Westminster Abbey to the sounds of William Walton’s orchestral march “Crown Imperial”—which was similarly played at Charles and Diana’s wedding. As the bells rang a full peal, William and Kate boarded the open-top 1902 State Landau carriage—the same vehicle that transported Charles and Diana back to Buckingham Palace after their own wedding—and took a similar route, waving their way through London’s adoring crowds. Once back at Buckingham Palace, bride and groom made an appearance on the balcony. When the crowd urged William to kiss his bride—just as Charles had done in 1981, in a rare break from royal-wedding tradition—William happily obliged. Later that evening, when Prince Harry gave his best-man speech at an intimate Buckingham Palace reception, he reportedly told his older brother, “Our mother would be so proud of you.” Wedding Breakfast After the wedding, Queen Elizabeth hosted approximately 650 people for a luncheon reception at Buckingham Palace—where she served miniature Yorkshire puddings with beef, Cornish-crab salad on lemon blini bites, and Scottish smoked salmon. In addition to a traditional fruitcake, Prince William had specially requested a chocolate biscuit cake, made from a royal-family recipe. When the couple left, they did so in Prince Charles’s Aston Martin—which Prince Harry had customized with balloons and a “JU5T WED” license plate. Wedding Gifts Though Kate and William asked well-wishers for charitable donations, the couple still received traditional gifts—including their cocker spaniel Lupo (a gift from Kate’s brother James Middleton); a tandem bike (from London mayor Boris Johnson); and a cover of Stevie Wonder’s 1972 ballad “You and I” specifically recorded by George Michael for the occasion. Reception Revelry The day was capped with an intimate reception at Buckingham Palace, with a three-course meal prepared by Prince Charles’s favorite chef Anton Mosimann: crab layered with fresh langouistine, followed by herb-stuffed Welsh lamb, and a dessert of chocolate mousse, honeycomb ice cream and traditional sherry trifle. Kate had changed into a strapless evening dress with a diamanté sash, and angora-wool bolero, while William had swapped his Irish Guards dress for a tuxedo. Each table was reportedly named after a town or city special to the couple—like St. Andrews, where the couple met. “Just before midnight,” according to Vanity Fair’s report from Katie Nicholl, “Harry announced, ‘We have a little surprise,’ and led guests through to the Throne Room, which had been transformed into a nightclub complete with mirrored balls, sofas, and cocktails. The bride and groom were the first to take to the dance floor, to a rendition of Elton John’s ‘Your Song’ by Ellie Goulding, whom they had specifically requested for the evening. . . . Then it was time for the real fun to begin. The disco kicked into full swing, and [Kate’s mother] Carole [Middleton], dazzling in a floor-length black chiffon gown, was one of the last ones dancing to her requested song, Jermaine Stewart’s ‘We Don’t Have to Take Our Clothes Off.’ Around 2:30 a.m., guests were asked to make their way to the courtyard for a fireworks display.” 0 "Kim Richards has been going strong on the road to recovery as she maintains her sobriety. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills pal has started volunteering at Skydog Ranch, a nonprofit organization that provides a forever home to wild mustangs that have found themselves at kill pens, at auctions, or abusive and neglectful homes. Skydog Ranch provides volunteer opportunities to people in recovery. Kim recently told E! News that working at Skydog Ranch has helped with the recovery process over the past year-and-a-half. ""My recovery has been amazing and I love how I feel. This has been a huge part of it and has helped me a lot,"" she explained. ""The Sanctuary keeps me grounded and keeps me at peace and it's healthy for me. It's been amazing for me and me coming here has really been a major part of keeping me sober."" The RHOBH sister shared that her work at the Sanctuary has helped her get back what she's lost about herself. ""I do, you can't not find yourself here with the horses and the animals. There is something about it and it gives me self-confidence and self-worth because sometimes people lose themselves and coming here gives me that self-confidence and self-worth that for a long time I thought I lost,"" she said in regards to whether she feels like she's found herself. ""Going through sobriety and being a part of this gives you back a huge piece of who you are. I've been given back that piece and I am Kim now. It feels amazing."" In addition to her work at Skydog Ranch, Kim credited her loved ones, especially her grandson Hucksley, who turns 1 later this month, with helping her maintain her sobriety. ""And also I have four amazing kids and having my grandson come into my life this last year has changed [my] world. He has lit up my life. My kids — I still enjoy being a mother as much as I did the day they were born. I still have so much fun with my kids,"" Kim gushed to E! News. ""And for me to have this amazing life here with these horses, I feel complete. I really do. I have amazing friends, I have these amazing kids and their significant others and my grandson. I know that God has more out there for me but my life is so good today. It really is, I just want to share that last part about how I feel — life is good today. Between my children, my friends, my grandson, my life here, I just feel very blessed and very grateful."" See more of Kim and her beautiful family, below." 0 Kim Kardashian is upset at the state of the country and she suggested that her four-year-old daughter North could run the country better than him. Courtesy: Splash Kim Kardashian says her daughter could run the country better than Trump 0:55 KIM Kardashian is keeping quiet about reports she and husband Kanye West are expecting their third child via surrogate. “I’ve definitely seen a lot of things, we’ve never confirmed anything,” she told E ! News Friday at Harper’s Bazaar’s Icons By Carine Roitfeld event, reports the New York Post. Reports this week indicated that Kardashian, 36, and West, 40, are expecting a baby girl, due via surrogate in January. According to TMZ, the pair decided to have a third baby via surrogacy because of Kardashian’s well-documented medical issues during her previous pregnancies. Another source told People: “The entire family is over the moon. “Given her health scares in the past, Kim felt the need to hire a surrogacy agency that helped serve as the liaison in finding a healthy woman who would be a great surrogate option for her and Kanye.” But Kardashian was tight-lipped when asked to confirm the news. “I think when we’re ready to talk about it we will, and I think it’s super invasive when people are just … So many details out there, and like I’ve never heard this, I’ve never heard this. Like whatever. We have not confirmed it, and that’s that. I’ll let you know when we’re ready.” Kardashian and West are already parents to 4-year-old North and 1-year-old Saint. Last week, it was reported by TMZ that the couple had enlisted an African-American woman in her twenties to act as surrogate. According to the publication, the woman - who is reportedly carrying the couple’s third child - is a college graduate with two children of her own. The website also reports that the surrogate is in ‘great physical shape’ and that her marriage is ‘solid’. This article was originally published on the New York Post and was republished here with permission. 1 Made You Look: During The Rise Of Hip Hop's Most Extravagant Era, A New Star Was Born — The Video Vixen | VIXEN. 0 "The 'Grace and Frankie' star will appear as prosecutor Jack McCoy later this season. Jack is back. Sam Waterston, who starred on Law & Order for 16 seasons, will reprise his role as prosecutor Jack McCoy on Law & Order: SVU, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. The actor will guest-star on an upcoming episode of the NBC spinoff's 19th season, which kicks off Sept. 27. The role reunites him with new SVU showrunner Michael Chernuchin, who worked on Waterston's first two seasons of the mothership and helped create the character of Jack McCoy. Fellow SVU exec producer Julie Martin also worked on the final season of the original series. Waterston joined the NBC legal drama in its fifth season and stayed through the drama's 20th and final season. NBC then abruptly canceled the series in 2010 — one season before Law & Order could break Gunsmoke's record for longest-running primetime drama. Law & Order's abrupt cancellation means the writers were unable to wrap up storylines for Jack and the other characters. (Fellow longtime cast member S. Epatha Merkerson had already planned to exit at the end of season 20 and was given an emotional final season arc in which her character battled breast cancer.) This will actually be Jack McCoy's fourth appearance on SVU following several crossovers in the early aughts. In recent years, SVU has welcomed back other characters from the mothership including prosecutors Connie Rubirosa (Alana De La Garza) and Michael Cutter (Linus Roache). During his 16-season stint on Law & Order, Waterston won a Screen Actors Guild award for best actor in a drama series and earned three Emmy nominations in the same category. Since Law & Order, he was gone on to roles in Aaron Sorkin's HBO drama The Newsroom as well as movies including Miss Sloane and Please Be Normal. In addition to his starring role on the Netflix comedy Grace & Frankie, Waterston will next appear in the Netflix Western miniseries Godless. He is repped by Gersh and Industry Entertainment. Despite his busy schedule, Waterston expressed interest in reviving Jack McCoy as recently as 2015, when NBC and Dick Wolf were in talks for a potential Law & Order revival. ""Sure, I'd love it,"" Waterston told THR in May 2015. ""Got to break the record."" Chernuchin also talked to THR about bringing back Jack McCoy earlier this year when he was the showrunner on Chicago Justice. Justice saw the return of several flagship favorites including Richard Brooks, Lorraine Toussaint and Tovah Feldshuh. ""We actually talked for a brief second about having Sam come in, but we thought it was too early,"" Chernuchin told THR in January. ""But maybe in the future."" However, Chicago Justice was canceled in May after one season and Chernuchin subsequently took over the top job at SVU. In his move to SVU, Chernuchin is bringing an important member of the Law & Order universe with him: prosecutor Peter Stone, the son of Law & Order character Ben Stone, played by Waterston's predecessor Michael Moriarty. Philip Winchester played the role of Peter on Chicago Justice and will join SVU full-time later this season. ""We've connected all the Dick Wolf shows,"" Chernuchin told THR recently about adding Winchester to the cast. ""The original New York franchise, the Chicago franchise, it's like the small Dickensian universe in London where different characters show up in different novels. That was one of the intriguing things to me by bringing Philip over, is to connect all the franchises."" Like SVU, which pulls solid numbers in syndication on USA Network, Law & Order continues to live on in repeats on TNT, SundanceTV and WeTV, among other channels. Law & Order: SVU returns Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 9 p.m." 0 "Ed Sheeran Reveals 'Love Yourself' Was Originally Written For His New Album 'Divide' It's no secret that Ed Sheeran had a hand in writing Justin Bieber's megahit ""Love Yourself,"" but the British singer-songwriter recently revealed that the Biebs actually wasn't the original artist in mind when he penned it. Without Bieber, though, the chart-topping tune would still be nonexistent -- or may have never even come to fruition. “That was a song I had written for Divide. It just wouldn’t have made it,"" Sheeran explained in an interview with Carson Daly on 97.1 AMP Radio Monday morning (Jan. 9). ""And then Justin took it and did his thing on it, and released it as a single and made it what it is. So going from a song that would have never been released to [being] the biggest song of last year -- it just became Billboard's #1 of 2016 of the whole year, and [was] nominated for Song of the Year at the GRAMMYs -- it just shows you that you shouldn’t always write stuff off.” Sheeran didn't elaborate on what kind of touch Bieber had on the song, but he made sure to give the Purpose singer some credit. ""[Justin] did have input on it, I wouldn’t say it was just all me."" Those who pay close attention to Bieber's Twitter may have noticed that Sheeran also had a role in another one of the Bieb's 2016 hits: the Major Lazer/MØ collaboration ""Cold Water."" But before Sheeran actually heard the track, he didn't realize he had written yet another smash for Bieber. “‘Cold Water’ was a weird one because I didn’t even know that song existed,” he explained. “It was a song I must’ve half-written somewhere at a time where I was writing a lot of songs and I did it at Benny Blanco’s house and then I got an email from Diplo just being like, ‘Yo! That ‘Cold Water’ song is dope! Can I have it?’ And I was like, ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about,’ so I just didn’t reply. And then he emailed and was like, “Yo, Justin [Bieber] wants to hop on the ‘Cold Water’ song. Is that cool?’ And I’m just like, ‘What are you talking about?’... And then the song came out and it was number one and I was like ‘Oh, that song!’ I remember doing it, but it was really, really slow. I remember hearing it and being like ‘That kind of sounds like me. Oh wait, it was me.'"" While fans may never get to hear Sheeran's versions of ""Cold Water"" or ""Love Yourself"" -- though he did give one live performance of the latter in December -- they did get a sneak peak last week of what's to come with Divide. Sheeran released ""Castle on the Hill,"" an homage to his hometown of Suffolk, England, and the sexually charged ""Shape of You,"" which both shot to the top of iTunes on Friday (Jan. 6), and set a Spotify record in their first 24 hours of release. Sheeran revealed on Jan. 12 that Divide will be dropping March 3, and has previously said that he will be sharing a few more new tunes from the LP prior to its release. Listen to his full AMP Radio interview below." 1 The Saudi billionaire is uneasy that Breezy has the ability to take RiRi back, rumors claim. Rihanna and Hassan Jameel made headlines in June 2017 when they were photographed making out in a pool at a private villa in Spain. Fans believed at first that the guy was a Spanish footballer, but he turned out to be a Saudi billionaire. He is the deputy president and vice chairman of Abdul Latif Jameel, one of the largest companies in the world. The Barbadian singer was in an on-and-off relationship with Chris Brown, 28, and it looks like her new beau fears that the “With You” singer might win her back. A source close to Rihanna, 29, recently told Hollywood Life that Jameel is worried that Brown keeps “lurking in her past” and is being unpredictable. Although RiRi has opened up to her new beau about her past, the Toyota heir is still concerned that Breezy can still win her back. He feels uncomfortable with the idea that the “Kiss Kiss” singer still loves her and might be able to take her back from him anytime. However, a separate source previously told the same news outlet that Rihanna hopes that the well-heeled Saudi Arabian can help her forget her dark past with Chris Brown. Now, fans are convinced that she has moved on gracefully from Breezy. The “Umbrella” singer recently stepped out with her new flame Hassan Jameel at the Grammys despite keeping their relationship under wraps. “He feels like Chris is capable of trying anything to win her back and that has him feeling uneasy. Hassan tries not to worry about Chris, but knowing he may still love Rihanna makes him feel a bit tense.” stay pressed. A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jan 28, 2018 at 2:10pm PST Although they also attended the Grammys after-party in New York City, the couple still tried to keep it low-key. They were spotted leaving the club separately, with Rihanna exiting the club right after Jameel had left. Following her performance at the Grammys, some fans suggested that Rihanna is pregnant with Jameel’s baby as her tight outfit appears to have shown a tiny baby bump. However, another insider also told Hollywood Life that the Barbadian singer is not pregnant, and is not trying to get pregnant either. The source went on to say that RiRi believes her new boyfriend. who is worth $1.5 billion, would make a good father. However, Rihanna is still focused on her career at this time and has not even met the Toyota heir’s family just yet. 1 "Well, this is a nice surprise. Halle Berry just dropped word via Instagram that the actress will be joining the cast of the third John Wick flick. Penned by Derek Kolstad and directed by Chad Stahelski, the (presumably) final chapter in the Keanu Reeves action franchise is set to open on May 17, 2019. I have no idea if Berry is playing a villain or a fellow anti-hero, but A) it's cool that the (presumed) female lead will be about as old the male lead (she is 51 and he is 53, neither of them looks a day over 27) and B) I'm a huge fan of Berry's recent pulp fiction endeavors (The Call and Kidnap), so this is pretty cool casting. Lionsgate also just announced that Angelica Houston, Asia Kate Dillon (TVs Billions and Orange is the New Black), Mark Dacascos (Lucky Day, Hawaii 5-0, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), and Jason Mantzoukas (The Long Dumb Road, The House) will join the cast of John Wick: Chapter 3. Yes, Laurence Fishburne, Ian McShane and Lance Reddick will return as well. I'm not sure if Ruby Rose survived her encounters with Mr. Wick in part two, but I kinda hope she comes back too. What this arguably means is that Lionsgate may end up emphasizing an ensemble cast this time out, as opposed to the first two films which were (understandably) the Keanu Reeves Show. That's no shade on Mr. Wick or the actor who plays him, but as I noted in the last post about the Mission: Impossible franchise, there is perhaps a greater value, at least for overseas box office, in ensemble action flicks as opposed to solo/lone-wolf movies. Think Deadpool 2, xXx: Return of Xander Cage, Fate of the Furious and Avengers: Infinity War. Even Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was sold as a four-person adventure, highlighting Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Karen Gillan. So, if Lionsgate feels that they can get more overseas bucks the third-go around (John Wick: Chapter 2 made $92 million domestic and $79m overseas) by offering something resembling an ensemble cast, well, that's one option on the table. That doesn't mean that John Wick will go about recruit a super-assassin squad to deal with that pesky ""everyone wants to kill me now"" status quo from the end of the last John Wick, but I will be interested to see how these new cast members are integrated into the new movie. And yeah, bringing Halle Berry onboard is a nice touch. Come what may, John Wick: Chapter 3 opens next year. Even as someone who thought that John Wick: Chapter 2 ended on a pretty definitive note (not unlike The Dark Knight or The Last Jedi), I'm still curious to see what the Wick crew has up their sleeve for a threequel." 1 James Van Der Beek is about to be back on newborn diaper duty. The What Would Diplo Do? show runner and star — who is currently shooting for Ryan Murphy‘s new FX series, Pose — is going to be a dad for the fifth time. Wife Kimberly is pregnant, he announced on Instagram Friday, sharing a photo of their four children placing their hands on their mama’s bare belly. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “Thrilled beyond belief to announce that we are once again adding to our family 😍,” Van Der Beek captioned the adorable shot. “And I say ‘beyond belief’ because some people are probably wondering if we’re out of our minds,” he added. “Which we might very well be … but I couldn’t be more excited. Or grateful. Or in awe of @vanderkimberly 🙌🏻 ❤❤❤❤❤” The new baby will join big brother and sisters Emilia, 23 months, Annabel Leah, 4, Joshua, 6 next month, and Olivia, 7. Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Babies newsletter. James Van Der Beek and wife Kimberly Allen Berezovsky/Getty RELATED: James Van Der Beek, Tori Spelling and More Celebs Bring Their Kids to Santa’s Secret Workshop Van Der Beek, 40, and Kimberly, 35, tied the knot in August 2012, welcoming Olivia the next month. The “small, spiritual ceremony” took place in Tel Aviv, Israel, where the couple met in 2010. The Don’t Trust the B—- in Apartment 23 alum opened up to PEOPLE this past August about his life as a father of four — including his household’s favorite holiday. “I’ve got kids who love Halloween so much they celebrate it throughout the year,” he said. “My son, a month ago was like, ‘Daddy, fog machine, please?’ So we got out the fog machine, we got out the Halloween decorations, they wanted it spooky so we had spider webs up, they just love Halloween.” James Van Der Beek and family Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty For more coverage, follow our babies magazine on Flipboard. Van Der Beek further explained that becoming a father changed his perspective on the work he chooses to do. “The second I had kids, they immediately became my priority and everything I did existed to support the life that was all about them in a good way,” he said. “What’s been fun about the work that I’ve been doing is that it’s so playful and kids bring out that playful side of you, so I think that’s gone hand in hand.” 0 "The 90 percent statistic of supporting background checks, that's been debunked.Gun control advocates often cite the statistic that 90 percent of Americans support expanding background checks for gun purchases.President Barack Obama just did it in his Jan. 1, 2016, weekly address.But conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham says that statistic is not accurate.""The 90 percent statistic of supporting background checks, that's been debunked,"" Ingraham said on Fox News Sunday on Jan. 3. ""Lots of the myths about gun ownership are perpetrated by people who never much liked the Second Amendment in the first place and who have a vested interest in amassing more power in Washington, D.C.""PolitiFact has rated this 90 percent statistic True as recently as October. So we decided to try and figure out what Ingraham was talking about when she said this is a myth that has been debunked.Go to the pollsUnder current law, background checks are required in sales by federally licensed gun dealers, but the checks are not required for gun sales by private sellers.National polls conducted in 2015 consistently show that around 90 percent of Americans support some sort of expanded background checks for gun purchases. Here are a few examples:Quinnipiac University poll, conducted Dec. 16-20: ""Would you support or oppose a law requiring background checks on people buying guns at gun shows or online?"" Support: 89 percent. Oppose: 9 percent. Unsure/No answer: 1 percent.CBS/New York Times poll, conducted Oct. 21-25: ""Do you favor or oppose a federal law requiring background checks on all potential gun buyers?"" Favor: 92 percent. Oppose: 7 percent. Unsure/No answer: 1 percent.Gallup poll, conducted Oct. 7-11: ""Would you favor or oppose a law which would require universal background checks for all gun purchases in the U.S. using a centralized database across all 50 states?"" Favor: 86 percent. Oppose: 12 percent. Unsure: 2 percent.Quinnipiac University poll, conducted Sept. 17-21: ""Do you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?"" Support: 93 percent. Oppose: 6 percent. Unsure/No answer: 1 percent.Pew Research Center poll, conducted July 14-20: Do you favor or oppose ""making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks""? Favor: 85 percent. Oppose: 13 percent. Unsure/Refused: 2 percent.Pew found that support for background checks spans all partisan and demographic groups, and it is also favored by a majority of households that own guns and those that do not.So are all of these polls wrong? We reached out to Ingraham’s producers and didn’t hear back.We couldn’t find any sort of definitive debunking of this stat, but we did find that some gun rights advocates have taken issue with this statistic for reasons such as the survey questions referring to the general idea of background checks rather than specific legislation.For example, in 2013, polls found that 90 percent of Americans supported expanded background checks. However, when Congress failed to pass a popular bill that would have increased background checks, 47 percent were disappointed or angry that it failed, while some 39 percent were relieved or very happy, according to a Washington Post/Pew Research Center poll.Some gun rights activists took this as proof that the 90 percent figure was phooey.This highlights an odd discrepancy: While people overwhelmingly support specific gun policy ideas, like universal background checks and banning suspected terrorists from buying guns, the support is not as robust when it comes to actually expanding gun control.The same October CBS/New York Times poll that found 92 percent support for expanded background checks also shows 46 percent of Americans think laws covering gun sales should be either made less strict or stay the same. Just 51 percent said the laws should be made more strict.""People don't seem to like the idea of ‘gun control,’ but they still want the government to do more to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill,"" said Adam Winkler, a law professor at the University of California Los Angeles and author of Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America.Our rulingIngraham said, ""The 90 percent statistic of supporting background checks, that's been debunked.""Numerous respected polls from 2015 show around 90 percent support for some sort of expanded background checks for gun purchases.While there are some questions as to what inferences can be made from these findings — such as whether that 90-percent support translates into support for specific legislation — there hasn’t been a definitive debunking of the statistic.We rate Ingraham’s claim False." 0 Thomas Markle has claimed that Meghan has totally cut him off after not speaking for over 10 weeks The retired television lighting director stated he had no way of contacting his daughter after Royal aides cut off all telephone links in the wake of previous comments he made to the media regarding the Royal Family. Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, Mr Markle said: “I’m really hurt that she’s cut me off completely. “I used to have a phone number and text number for her personal aides at the Palace, but after I said a few critical words about the Royal Family changing Meghan, they cut me off.” He expressed his sadness over the fact he has no means of sending his daughter a card ahead of her birthday on August 4, stating that if he sent one to Kensington Palace it would just be “one among thousands”. I’m really hurt that she’s cut me off completely Thomas Markle He added that he will likely not be able to see his grandchild should Meghan and Harry have children in the imminent future. Expressing his anguish, he told the paper: “How tragic is that, to deprive a child of its grandfather because I said a few things critical of the Royal Family.” Mr Markle came under sharp criticism after it was revealed he was paid for a set of staged paparazzi photographs ahead of the Royal wedding in May. But he expressed his confusion after receiving contradicting advice on what to do in response to the scandal. Mr Markle expressed his sadness that he may not be able to see his potential future grandchildren He noted that a Royal aide had said the photos had “offended the Royal Family” and called on him to offer an apology. Prince Harry then reportedly contradicted this statement, noting it was “unnecessary” to issue an apology as it would only “drag the story out a few more days”. While noting that Meghan is still “everything” to him, he stated he had “just about reached his limit” with his daughter and the Royal Family. In a stark warning, he said: “They want me to be silent, they want me to just go away. But I won't be silenced.” He criticised Meghan for her “sense of superiority”, and noted he had helped make her into the “Duchess she is today”. The Royal Family was reportedly 'offended' after Mr Markle staged a series of paparazzi photos Meghan Markle's best fashion moments in pictures Sat, July 28, 2018 Meghan Markle style: The Duchess of Sussex's best looks in pictures. Play slideshow Getty 1 of 65 Meghan Markle style: The Duchess of Sussex's best looks 1 Pearl Street Films, the production company co-founded by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, will adopt inclusion riders for their projects going forward, following in the footsteps of Outlier Society, the production company started by Black Panther star Michael B. Jordan. “Thank you for always supporting broader representation in the industry,” Fanshen Cox DiGiovanni, head of strategic outreach at Pearl Street Films tweeted in response to Jordan on Monday night. “On behalf of Pearl Street Films, Matt Damon, @BenAffleck, Jennifer Todd, Drew Vinton, & I will be adopting the #InclusionRider for all of our projects moving forward.” .@michaelb4jordan Thank you for always supporting broader representation in the industry. On behalf of Pearl Street Films, Matt Damon, @BenAffleck, Jennifer Todd, Drew Vinton & I will be adopting the #InclusionRider for all of our projects moving forward. https://t.co/ODit24D2Rb — Fanshen (@fanshen) March 13, 2018 Jordan, Affleck, and Damon have adopted inclusion riders following Frances McDormand’s best actress acceptance speech at the Oscars on March 4, where the Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri star closed her remarks by mentioning the term. An inclusion rider is a way for actors and actresses to guarantee projects they work on have a level of diversity, onscreen and off-camera, that matches the location setting of the project. Stacy L. Smith, the director of USC Annenberg’s Media, Diversity & Social Change Initiative, first discussed the idea of an “equity rider” in a 2014 column for The Hollywood Reporter as a way to reverse Hollywood’s profound gender imbalance. In a statement to Variety, Smith and Kalpana Kotagal, one of the lawyers working on the inclusion riders, said of the Pearl Street Films announcement, “It’s great to see Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and the Pearl Street Films team using their influence to create opportunities for people from underrepresented groups to enter the industry. The Inclusion Rider is an important tool for Hollywood, and other industries, to create workplaces that truly reflect our diverse world.” Under their Pearl Street Films banner, Affleck and Damon have produced films such as Manchester By the Sea, Jason Bourne, and Live By Night, among other features and television series, and are currently working on Matt Reeves’ The Batman (with Affleck still set to star as the Caped Crusader) and Affleck’s remake of Witness for the Prosecution. 0 Angelina Jolie wants to get “revenge” on Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, according to a completely wrong report. The story alleges Jolie is facing her “worst fear” now that Pitt and Aniston have supposedly reunited, and claims she’s striking back. But Gossip Cop can debunk the contentions. According to Woman’s Day, Jolie has been a “constant fixture on the red carpet” recently and is “pulling out all the stops to look simply stunning at every occasion,” but her “flawless show-off is purely for Brad and Jennifer’s benefit.” The narrative suggests Jolie wants her estranged husband and his ex-wife to see how well she’s doing, even though she’s privately upset. “Ange is one green-eyed woman right now and can’t stand the thought of Brad spending time with Jen,” a so-called “source” is quoted as saying. © Gossip Cop (Getty Images) “She’s seething even thinking about it,” the tabloid’s supposed snitch continues, alleging Jolie was “always petrified” Aniston would “rear her head again.” In fact, the purported tipster claims Jolie would “squirm and spit venom” if she ever saw a “glimpse” of Aniston’s name during her marriage to Pitt. The gossip magazine even contends “Jennifer’s name was banned from the Jolie-Pitt household,” and asserts that with a “romantic reunion [in] the cards between Brad and Jennifer,” Jolie’s “biggest fears could be realized.” The outlet’s aforementioned “source” alleges, “The very thought of Jen playing ‘stepmom’ to [her] kids… makes her toes curl. She says it’s her worst nightmare, which she can’t and won’t let happen.” And so the publication claims Jolie plans on getting her “revenge” by proving Pitt “got back with Jennifer before they had officially broken up in 2016.” Explains the questionable insider, “Ange is convinced that proving they were talking before the split and uncovering their romance will give her more ammunition” in her divorce battle with the actor. “She hopes it will help her get full custody of the kids by exposing Brad’s ‘irresponsible’ behavior,” contends the “source,” prompting the tabloid to editorialize, “Sounds like the war is about to get even messier.” But while Jolie and Pitt do still need to work out their divorce settlement, there is no “war” involving Aniston. In fact, Pitt and Aniston haven’t even seen each other in ages. The suggestion that they were carrying on an affair in 2016 behind Jolie’s back, while Aniston was committed to her own husband Justin Theroux, is out-and-out fiction. Indeed, this entire story relies on false premises. Pitt and Aniston were not secretly engaged in a “romance” during their respective marriages, and there’s no “romantic reunion” on the horizon now. Therefore, Jolie has no reason to get “revenge” on the pair or drag Aniston into her divorce proceedings. Furthermore, the notion that Jolie is only attending red carpet events to get Pitt and Aniston’s attention is ridiculous and false. In most cases, she has been at awards shows, such as the BAFTAs earlier this month, because her film First They Killed My Father was nominated. Other times, Jolie’s received special honors, like at the recent American Society Of Cinematographers Awards, and in other instances, she’s been invited to participate as a presenter. This all has nothing to do with Pitt and Aniston. Related slideshow: Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt having secret sleepovers and more tabloid tales debunked 1 Cannes Film Festival, the most glamorous film festival around kicks off this week. While we'll see plenty of couture in the next 10 days, we're also keeping an eye on the A-list's more casual looks, from the airport to sightseeing around the chic mediterranean town. 0 "PIPPA Middleton was thrust into the public eye after her bum became the star of the show at her sister Kate's wedding to Prince William back in 2011. And she recently married hedge fund manager James Matthews - whose brother is ex Made In Chelsea star Spencer. Here's what we know about the mum of one... Reuters 8 Pippa is a socialite and sister to Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge Who is Pippa Middleton and what is her net worth? Philippa Middleton, known to most as Pippa, is the middle child of the three Middleton children - Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, and James William Middleton, an entrepreneur whose company sells cake-making kits for birthdays. The 35-year-old socialite graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in English literature, something she later put to use by releasing her own non-fiction book, Celebrate, in 2012. Prior to her wedding, she was once voted the Number 1 Society Singleton by Tatler magazine. According to some estimates, Pippa is worth approximately £750,000. However, she is most known for almost stealing the spotlight from her sister's marriage by wearing a bridesmaid's dress that turned her bum into a national talking point. Since then she has been seen at a number of high-class social events and remains close to her sister, but ran into trouble when a data thief hacked into her iCloud and stole thousands of personal pictures. Getty - Contributor 8 Pippa has one child with husband James Matthews On October 15, heavily pregnant Pippa Middleton reportedly arrived at the £7,500-a-night Lindo Wing maternity unit - just days after Prince Eugenie's royal wedding. The younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge is said to have been joined at the private hospital with her financier husband James Matthews. James was pictured carrying two overnight bags as they entered the wing - a £78 Cam Cam Copenhagen baby changing bag and another holdall. Eyewitnesses say Pippa, 35, was seen smiling as she entered the Lindo Wing, where her nephews Prince George and Prince Louis and niece Princess Charlotte were born. That afternoon, Pippa gave birth to the couple's son weighing 8lb 9oz at the Lindo Wing. It's said the family are delighted with the new arrival and mother and baby are doing well. The Sun on Sunday revealed back in April the Duchess of Cambridge’s younger sister, 35, and financier husband James Matthews, 43, had announced the news to their friends and family after a 12-week scan. The Duchess of Cambridge ""could not have been more delighted"" on learning little sister Pippa was pregnant, a friend revealed. Kate, who gave birth to her third child on April 23, was the first person after Pippa’s husband James to hear the good news. AP:Associated Press 8 Pippa Middleton holds a bouquet of lilies, peonies and sweet peas from the same London florist as her sister How did Pippa announce her pregnancy? After months of reports and rumours surrounding her suspected pregnancy, Pippa Middleton finally confirmed that she is expecting her first child. Taking to her Waitrose magazine food column to announce the happy news, Pippa wrote: ""I was lucky to pass the 12 week scan without suffering from morning sickness."" Unlike older sister Kate who has experienced hyperemesis gravidarum with each of her three pregnancies, Pippa has been fortunate enough to avoid the rate morning sickness condition that led to the Duchess of Cambridge being hospitalised for dehydration. A fitness buff and marathon runner, Pippa also revealed she has also ""stopped running"" only because she ""rather liked the idea"" of giving herself and the baby ""a rest from pavement pounding."" Rumoured to be due in October 2018, the petite Middleton sister gave a glimpse of her growing baby bump at the French Open in June 2018. She then gave the world a full view of her blossoming bump at the nuptials of Princess Eugenie and James Brooksbank, dressing a gorgeous emerald green midi dress. Getty - Contributor 8 Pippa showed off her growing baby bump at the 2018 French Open - the 35-year-old is a keen tennis fan What did Pippa name her first child? Pippa and James named their firstborn Arthur Michael William Matthews. The second name is of significance as not only is it Pippa's father's name but it also belonged to James' younger brother who died in a tragic mountaineering accident on Everest in 1999, just after becoming the youngest British man to climb to its peak. PA:Press Association 8 James proposed to Pippa in July 2016 Who is Pippa married to? James Matthews, 42, is a hedge fund manager and is also the older brother of former Made in Chelsea star Spencer Matthews. He caught her off-guard by popping the question to her in July 2016, less than a year into their relationship. James proposed with the hefty octagonal diamond ring, which comes with a central 4-carat Asscher-cut diamond stone, and a price tag to rival sister Kate’s own luxury ring. With an estimated cost of £200,000, the pricey band also boasts a halo of flawless diamonds around the centre - although it’s unclear exactly who designed it. EPA 8 Pippa is married to millionaire James Matthews When did Pippa Middleton and James Matthews get married? Pippa Middleton became Mrs Pippa Matthews on May 20, 2017. The pair enjoyed a relaxed but lavish intimate ceremony at her local church, St Mark’s Church in Englefield. We showcased pictures of the stunning venue, which is just six miles from where the Middletons grew up. The party was held at her parents’ £5million home in nearby Bucklebury, Berks. A £100,000 marquee was erected at the Grade II Listed location, as the bride-to-be was determined to keep the rain off her guests. It was also revealed that guests were treated to a Spitfire fly-by. It is estimated the society ceremony of the year cost £250,000 – ten times the UK average - and that the ceremony took place in front of 350 guests. Who was invited to James and Pippa's wedding? Pippa's big sister Kate was there along with the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry, who she has struck up a friendship with. Pippa's niece and nephew Prince George and Princess Charlotte had starring roles in the nuptials. George was a pageboy while Charlotte was one of her auntie's bridesmaids. Prior to the big day Kate revealed her nerves at how her two children would behave. Pippa’s younger brother James was also at the nuptials and so was his on-off girlfriend, the TV presenter and actress, Donna Air. All of James' family attended with his former reality TV star brother Spencer on best man duties. Getty Images 8 Prince William and Kate Middleton's children played a part in the wedding What does Pippa Middleton do for a living? Pippa's book Celebrate - which focused on social etiquette and party organising - was a widely ridiculed flop, due to Pippa’s obvious observations such as: “There is something very British about tea” and “put a pitcher of water and glasses on a nearby table or side table.” Last year Pippa filmed a series of reports for US talk programme Today. But despite being offered £400,000 by the NBC channel, she decided against working full time in the States. PA:Press Association 8 Pippa's cookbook contains more than 100 healthy meals more royal news MUSIC TO MY EARS All about The Kingdom Choir who sang at the Royal wedding fAKING IT? Did Thomas Markle have heart surgery and when was his heart stent operation? PARENTS OF THE BRIDE Find out more about Meghan's parents Doria Ragland and Thomas Markle Comment KARREN BRADY No matter how bad your day is, remember — Theresa May is having a worse one ROYAL PRIDE Prince Charles has framed photo of walking Meghan at wedding in Clarence House CHOP OF THE POPS The lowdown on Meghan Markle's BFF Priyanka Chopra, who married Nick Jonas What else has Pippa Middleton written? Pippa released a cookbook in September, her first book since Celebrate was released. In it, she said a home cooked meal was the way to a man's heart. The recipe book, called Heartfelt, was produced to raise money for the British Heart Foundation and features more than 100 healthy recipes. But Pippa has previously admitted she hasn't cooked all the recipes herself, despite penning the book." 0 "hollywood Actress-filmmaker Angelina Jolie has reportedly made a Google alert on actor and estranged husband Brad Pitt's name to keep tabs on him Brad Pitt, with ex-wife Angelina Jolie Los Angeles: Actress-filmmaker Angelina Jolie has reportedly made a Google alert on actor and estranged husband Brad Pitt's name to keep tabs on him. ""Angelina wants to know exactly what Brad is up to at all times. To say she isn't able to move on would be an understatement,"" a source told hollywoodlife.com. ""She likes to always be in control and she knows that once the divorce is finalised she will have no hold over him any more. It's pretty sad really, seeing as she was the one who wanted the divorce in the first place. I suspect she was actually shocked he didn't try and fight more for her, her whole plan pretty much backfired,"" added the source. Jolie decided to end the marriage in September. Since then, the two have been in divorce and custody battle. Although the ""Maleficent"" actress is the one who wanted to split, she is ""terrrified Brad will move on and find love with someone new"". ""It's one of those she can't live with him, and she can't live without him, things. Brad and Angie had scorching chemistry and she just can't handle seeing him with another woman. She definitely gets very jealous.""" 1 “Out with the old, in with the true.” Days after news broke that Bachelor Winter Games couple Lesley Murphy and Dean Unglert had called it quits, Murphy, 30, addressed the news in an emotional Instagram post. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “It’s a bit strange to feel the need to post about this, but I don’t think I can honestly resume my normal programming without giving you an explanation — and maybe that’s the wrong word, but I just wanted to thank y’all for the love and respect you’ve shown me over the past few days,” she began. “I spent 5 years away from Bachelor Nation as I lived abroad and traveled for work. I came back to Winter Games because I’ve seen this franchise work miracles before,” she continued. “Through The Bachelor and my journey around the world, I have made deep connections, true meaningful intimate relationships with many walks of life. I know it’s imperative to find someone who chooses us and acknowledges our many layers, who can be open and vulnerable, and most importantly, who is ready. To meet someone and be met. To be chosen and to choose. To love and to be loved. This is everything.” “All we need is that same energy reciprocated, and despite how open and loving you attempt to be, people can only meet you as deeply as they’ve met themselves,” she said. “Don’t be afraid to be the one that loved the most and give everything you had, because you’ve got to find people who love like you do and who are ready. Out with the old, in with the TRUE. It was a long winter, and I’m excited for a new season. Let the spring cleaning commence. I’m ready.” Unglert, 26, also reflected on the split in his own Instagram post. “Growing up as a kid I had a crude but utopian idea of what love is,” he said. “I always had this idea that no matter what you did, no matter how you act, as long as you’re true to yourself and act in good conscious, your path would lead you to the one person on this planet you’re meant to be with. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that although everyone DESERVES love, it’s not something we’re entitled to. Love takes work. Love is compromise. Love is earned.” “I still have a lot of work to do on myself, a lot to prove to myself, before I’m ready for something like that,” he admitted. Want to keep up on the latest from PEOPLE? Sign up for our daily newsletter to get our best stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox. Murphy and Unglert met and started dating while shooting ABC’s Olympics-themed spinoff last fall — just months after Unglert found himself embroiled in an infamous love triangle on Bachelor in Paradise. Lesley Murphy and Dean Unglert Paul Hebert/ABC via Getty RELATED VIDEO: Dean Unglert Opens Up About Rumored Romance With “Bachelor” Alum Lesley Murphy In February, Unglert got down on one knee during the special World Tells All finale to ask Murphy to move in with him. (The pair spent 15 days on the road together after the show wrapped, but they were long-distance the rest of the time.) “It hasn’t been easy, especially coming from the show where we lived together in a beautiful environment for a couple of weeks to basically being long distance and having to rely on FaceTime and text messages,” Murphy, who had a double mastectomy, told PEOPLE at the time. “Long distance is never easy.” 0 "JENNIFER Aniston and Justin Theroux's split was a long time coming with ""rows with their neighbours"" one of the main reasons for their break up. According to new reports, the couple also argued about where to live, while a bizarre ""bologna incident"" only added to the tension. Rex Features 5 Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux, pictured last April, announced their divorce yesterday with 'differences over where to live' one of the main reasons The couple yesterday announced they were ""lovingly"" divorcing after just two years of marriage. A source told Entertainment Tonight that Justin prefers living in New York and ""that's been a major issue for the couple for a long time"". Although Jen was initially happy to make a go of things in the city and moved into an apartment in the West Village with Justin, 46, she found herself constantly being snapped by paparazzi. The paps would often set up shop in a small park opposite the apartment to photograph the actress, 49, coming and going, which upset the neighbours. Rex Features 5 Justin lived a more care-free life in New York city than Jen, who was often snapped by paparazzi Rex Features 5 Jennifer, pictured in New York back in 2016, was never happy in the city The source recalled: ""There was the construction, which is obviously a nuisance, but what really p***ed off the neighbours was just the constant commotion outside their door all the time with the photographers. ""It made for an awkward living situation for Jen and Justin because they knew the neighbours weren't happy. ""Justin can hop on his bike, walk in the neighbourhood, hang at a bar and all that without being bothered, but for Jen, the paparazzi are all over her."" At one point, Justin found his beloved motorbike covered with bologna sausage slices, which is said to have infuriated the Friends star who was convinced the neighbours did it. Architectural Digest 5 Jennifer, posing at her Bel Air apartment for the cover of Architectural Digest, was much happier on the West Coast The source said: ""She just never really could get settled in, she wasn't happy [in New York]."" The couple ended up selling the West Village apartment, but Justin tellingly kept his Greenwich Village pad. Although he would stay there when they were on the East Coast, Jen would opt to stay in a luxury hotel. Eventually, Justin agreed to move to Los Angeles. But his friendship circle was still in New York and he ""constantly came up with reasons to return"", according to the website. Although the couple ""really wanted"" to make things work, they couldn't keep the marriage going and they split at the end of last year. Rex Features 5 Justin, pictured in Los Angeles, kept finding excuses to return to the East Coast, according to Entertainment Tonight Justin Theroux missed his audition for friends because he slept in The statement, released by Jennifer's publicist, reads: “In an effort to reduce any further speculation, we have decided to announce our separation. ""This decision was mutual and lovingly made at the end of last year. ""We are two best friends who have decided to part ways as a couple, but look forward to continuing our cherished friendship. Most Read in TV Showbiz TAKING SIDES Furious CBB fans claim Roxanne held wrong side of her body after Ryan 'punch' roxy road CBB's Ben starts to doubt Roxanne after she claims Ryan 'punched her five times' 'SHE'S A COMPULSIVE LIAR' Emmerdale's Danny Miller slams co-star Roxanne over punch claims team ryan Roxanne Pallett’s ex-Richard Fleeshman breaks his silence over CBB 'punch row' ON THE ROX CBB Roxanne's fiance says Ryan Thomas 'threatened her' but he says it's nonsense FIRED UP Roxanne Pallett left Celebrity Island after 5 days after housefire flashbacks still at it Katie Price pretends she's on Thai hols with new pics a month after coming home LIAM'S LIE Disgraced Liam Gallagher proves it's true - celebs lie to fans on social media 'no to nolan' Loose Women viewers petition to sack Coleen Noleen after Kim Woodburn row ""Normally we would do this privately, but given that the gossip industry cannot resist an opportunity to speculate and invent, we wanted to convey the truth directly. ""Whatever else is printed about us that is not directly from us, is someone else’s fictional narrative. ""Above all, we are determined to maintain the deep respect and love that we have for one another.” There are currently no additional details as to why they have decided to split. Justin and Jennifer got together in 2011, and became engaged in 2012. The pair had met through mutual friends and had worked on a series of films together, including 2008's Tropic Thunder and Wanderlust in 2011. Jennifer Aniston insists she should not be made to feel bad because she does not have kids Got a story? email digishowbiz@the-sun.co.uk or call us direct on 02077824220. We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours." 1 "Actor Sam Rockwell and writer-director Martin McDonagh sat down with the L.A. Times to discuss ""Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri"" at the Toronto International Film Festival." 0 "Get the latest from TODAY Sign up for our newsletter / Source: TODAY By Scott Stump In an interview with Stephen Colbert on ""The Late Show,"" James Franco responded to sexual misconduct allegations raised against him on social media during Sunday's Golden Globes. Franco was criticized on Twitter for wearing a Time's Up pin at the awards show in support of the movement to fight sexual harassment by a handful of women who claimed he'd behaved inappropriately in the past. ""Things that I heard were on Twitter are not accurate, but I completely support people coming out and being able to have a voice because they didn't have a voice for so long,'' Franco told Colbert on Tuesday. ""I don't want to shut them down in any way. I think it's a good thing and I support it."" Colbert asked Franco if it's possible for there to be reconciliation between his thoughts about what happened and the accusations leveled against him. ""If there's restitution to be made, I will make it,'' Franco said after a long pause. ""If I've done something wrong, I will fix it. I have to."" On a night when he won a best actor award for his role in ""The Disaster Artist,"" the 39-year-old was called out on Twitter by actresses Violet Paley and Sarah Tither-Kaplan for what they described as sexually inappropriate and exploitative behavior. Ally Sheedy, the ""Breakfast Club"" star who acted in a 2014 Off-Broadway play directed by Franco, also made cryptic references to Franco on Twitter during the Golden Globes. ""James Franco just won. Please never ever ask me why I left the film/tv business,"" she wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted. In another tweet, the actress wrote, ""Why is James Franco allowed in?"" Franco told Colbert, ""I have no idea what I did to Ally Sheedy."" ""I had nothing but a great time with her. I have total respect for her,"" he added. ""I have no idea why she was upset. She took the tweet down. I can’t speak for her."" Franco also reasserted his reason for wearing the pin representing the Time's Up movement in which more than 300 actresses initially donated more than $13 million to a legal defense fund that supports men and women who have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. ""I wore (the pin) because I do support it,'' Franco said. ""I support change."" Follow TODAY.com writer Scott Stump on Twitter." 0 As the focus of this year’s Comedy Central Roast, Bruce Willis was hit with repeated jabs about his age, his marriage, his Planet Hollywood business venture, his side music career and his recent string of less-than-spectacular films — and most of them came from the surprise appearance of ex-wife Demi Moore. Saying that she was “married to Bruce for the first three ‘Die Hard’ movies, which makes sense because the last two sucked,” Moore served as an impromptu roaster as she recounted memories of raising their three daughters, who were also in attendance, together. “People wonder why our marriage came to an end, and in all honesty I think it was because some jealousy started to creep in. I think Bruce never really got over the fact that I rocked the bald look better than he did,” Moore joked. “After our divorce, he said he considered the end of our marriage his biggest failure, but Bruce, don’t be so hard on yourself, you’ve had much bigger failures. I mean Planet Hollywood, ‘Hudson Hawk,’ ‘Striking Distance,’ campaigning for Michael Dukakis, turning down Clooney’s role in ‘Ocean’s Eleven’ to focus on playing the harmonica?” On a more sentimental note, the actress, who was married to Willis for 12 years, said their marriage included “some of the best times of my life,” praising him as “easily one of my top three husbands.” After the roast, Willis told reporters her performance was “terrific…very surprising and very cool,” and he was just as shocked as the audience about her appearance. The roast, recorded Saturday at the Hollywood Palladium, was led by Roast Master Joseph Gordon-Levitt, along with an assorted group of roasters, including Edward Norton, Cybill Shepherd, Jeff Ross, Martha Stewart, Lil Rel Howery, Dennis Rodman, Kevin Pollak, Nikki Glaser and Dom Irrera. Although still packed with burns on Willis and jokes against Donald Trump and Harvey Weinstein, the roast was more gentle and loving than most, with essentially all of the participants speaking on what the actor has meant to them. Gordon-Levitt, who played a younger version of Willis in their film “Looper,” told Variety that Willis asked him personally to host, and when prepping the material he “worked with the writers and said yes sometimes, said no a lot more.” “I was like ‘That’s not funny, that’s not funny, that’s not funny, that’s pretty funny.’ We’re just trying to make each other laugh, I actually think that there’s something cool about being able to laugh at yourself, not take things too seriously and I think it can be sort of cathartic,” Gordon-Levitt said. Norton and Shepherd walked away as the big winners of the night, with Norton’s bit focusing on how his and Willis’ careers have differed, questioning, “You get away with everything. Can I cock my eye and say some cryptic s— that literally not one person in the room understands and have everyone laugh their asses off? I cannot.” After continually trying to understand Willis’ success (joking it was somehow in spite of poor scripts and repeatedly doing the same type of film), Norton reflected on working with him on a recent movie, saying, “I love you, or maybe I’m a very good actor and I’m just acting when I say that. You wouldn’t know the difference, and that’s the reason I love you.” Shepherd, who starred alongside “Moonlighting” with Willis and infamously fought with the actor on the project, said she hadn’t spoken to him in three decades but still agreed to be a roaster. “Our characters on ‘Moonlighting’ weren’t much of a stretch,” she said. “I played a former model, which I was, and he played an a–hole, which he is… I know we haven’t had a conversation in 30 years but we’ll always have something more important: residuals.” Rodman, who attempted a pro-North Korea joke, was booed on stage, and Ross, who is also a co-executive producer on the show, arrived at the event dressed as Kim Jong-Un. After the taping, Ross said he “felt like this was a classier roast than we normally do. I thought it was pretty classy, he’s a movie star we classed it up with tuxedos and Martha Stewart.” When it came for his time to speak on stage, Willis said, “If you’re a fan of Bruce Willis movies and I know you are, then you know how this works. I get the s— beat out of me for about an hour and a half, and then at the end I come back and whip everybody’s a–,” proceeding to roast his roasters. He ended by clarifying why he subjected himself to be the subject of a roast, which he said was to settle something once and for all: “‘Die Hard’ is not a Christmas movie. It’s a god damn Bruce Willis movie!” Following the event, Willis teased that he “thought I dislocated my jaw because I was laughing so hard.” Bruce Willis closes out #BruceWillisRoast with a harmonica solo pic.twitter.com/BrzPQM0dhk — Kirsten Chuba (@KirstenChuba) July 15, 2018 The “Comedy Central Roast of Bruce Willis” airs on the network July 29 at 10 p.m. 0 "2018 BET Hip Hop Awards Date October 16, 2018 Location Jackie Gleason Theater, The Fillmore Miami Beach Hosted by DeRay Davis The 2018 BET Hip Hop Awards are a recognition ceremony held on October 16, 2018 at the Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater in Miami Beach, Florida. The nominations were announced on September 9, 2018.[1] Drake led the BET Hip-Hop Awards 2018 with eleven nominations, followed by Cardi B with ten. Under them Childish Gambino received six nomination, Travis Scott and Kendrick Lamar tied for five nominations, and Jay-Z (credited also as ""The Carters"" with Beyoncé in Album of the Year, Best Collabo, Duo or Group and Song of the Year categories) with four nominations.[2] Cardi B was the biggest winner with four awards, including MVP of the Years and Hustler of the Year. Jay-Z and Beyoncé followed with three awards, including Album of the Year and Song of the Year. XXXTentacion was the winner of Best Hip Hop New Artist. [3] XXXTentacion's mother accepted his award on his behalf since he had been shot months beforehand. Cyphers [ edit ] Beat and mix by DJ Mustard. Mix #3 by Erykah Badu Nominations and Winners [ edit ] Winners highlighted in Bold Best Hip Hop Video [ edit ] Best Collabo, Duo or Group [ edit ] Hot Ticket Performer [ edit ] Lyricist of the Year [ edit ] Video Director of the Year [ edit ] DJ of the Year [ edit ] Producer of the Year [ edit ] MVP of the Year [ edit ] Single of the Year [ edit ] Best New Hip Hop Artist [ edit ] Hustler of the Year [ edit ] Made-You-Look Award (Best Hip Hop Style) [ edit ] Best Mixtape [ edit ] Sweet 16: Best Featured Verse [ edit ] Impact Track [ edit ] I Am Hip Hop Icon [ edit ]" 0 Joe Alwyn is finally letting fans in on his daily life — but don’t expect any cuddly selfies with girlfriend Taylor Swift just yet. Alwyn made his Instagram public over the weekend, simultaneously revealing a past, sly reference to Swift. On May 8, Swift, 28, posted a picture of herself in front of a huge cactus. Swift — who wore a long black dress and shades for the occasion — wrote, “Fact: I’ve never been more excited about a tour than I am about this one. And it starts TOMORROW. Also, not even remotely tour related, but today I met a cactus.” As it turns out, Alwyn, 27, posted a picture of the same cactus on the same day, captioning his snapshot with only the corresponding emoji. In his picture, he also stood solo, wearing a grey shirt, black shorts, a cap, and sandals. Swift kicked off her Reputation tour in Glendale, Arizona, the next day. During the show, the singer seemingly pointed at Alwyn, who was seen in the crowd, as she belted out “Gorgeous.” WATCH: Taylor Swift’s Friends Think Joe Alwyn Could Be “The One” RELATED: Ultimate Cat Lady Taylor Swift Pokes Fun at Her Beloved Felines on International Cat Day Alwyn has since posted a picture from the set of his upcoming film The Favourite with Nicholas Hoult, Emma Stone, and others. Swift liked the photo. Swift and Alwyn, who dated for months before news of their relationship broke in May 2017, have been spotted spending quality time together as of late. In July, the couple jetted off to Turks and Caicos, where they splashed and snorkeled in the ocean and held hands on the beach. A source told PEOPLE at the time of their trip, “They were lovey-dovey.” And in May, Swift and Alwyn stopped by The Flask, a pub in London. RELATED: Taylor Swift Shares Her Glittery Eyeshadow with Shawn Mendes in ‘Perfect’ Backstage Makeover “She seems to be in a great place both career and love wise,” an insider told PEOPLE in June. Added the source, “Joe is just an amazing boyfriend. He is very supportive. Taylor adores his family. She’s in a very good place.” 1 "Kate Hudson Net Worth: Kate Hudson is an American actress who has a net worth of $38 million dollars. Born Kate Garry Hudson on April 19, 1979, in Los Angeles, California, US, she came to prominence in 2001 with her incredible turn in Almost Famous. This role not only made her famous, but it also fetched her a Golden Globe and several nominations, including a nomination for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Being a daughter of American actress Goldie Hawn, Hudson bears more than a passing resemblance to her famous mother in both looks and onscreen vivacity. She got the chance to showcase her talent in 1996, when she made her TV debut on Fox's TV series Party of Five (1994-2000). Although she only appeared in one episode titled ""Spring Breaks: Part 1"", this initial experience was enough to uphold her determination to develop a professional acting career in Hollywood. However, it was in 1999 that she started to attract public attention when critics lauded her brilliant portrayal of Cindy in ""200 Cigarettes"", even though the movie itself was a commercial disappointment. Onwards, her career experienced a significant advancement, especially after she managed to obtain a supporting role in ""Gossip"" and ""Dr T and the Women"" which both came up in 2000. While her accolade-worthy performance in Cameron Crowe's Almost Famous indicated that she was set to follow her mother in taking the film industry by storm. In the midst of a whirlwind schedule of fashion shoots and awards shows, she made an appearance in the romantic war drama The Four Feathers in 2002. Turning out to be a box-office failure, Hudson fired back with the surefire hit as she starred opposite quirky heartthrob Matthew McConaughey in the romantic comedy How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003). She continued to establish herself as a fully-fledged actress starring in subsequent productions like Raising Helen (2004), The Skeleton Key (2005), You, Me and Dupree (2006), Fool's Gold (2008) and Bride Wars (2009). As of most recent, she could be seen in the musical comedy-drama television series Glee as Cassandra July." 1 Entertainment News A Crew Member Has Died In An Accident On The Set Of Power A longtime crew member has died on the set of Power. According to Deadline, production assistant Pedro Jimenez was killed early Monday morning on the 0 Harry Styles took to Friday morning to announce the dates for his first solo world tour, Harry Styles Live On Tour. It will begin Sept. 19 in the United States and end in Japan in early December. All tickets go on sale on Friday, May 5 (excluding Japan) via local ticketing agents. Those sales begin just a week ahead of the debut of Styles’ self-titled debut album, which will be released May 12. Fan registration for all North American dates has commenced, though supplies are limited. To prevent other vendors from re-selling tickets at higher prices, concert-goers can sign up for Ticketmaster’s Verified Fan program. Styles began promoting the tour with performances of his new tracks on “Saturday Night Live” and BBC’s “The Graham Norton Show” earlier in April. He will kick off the NBC “Today” Show Summer Concert Series on May 9, followed by a week-long residency on CBS’ “The Late Late Show” with James Corden May 15-18. See the complete list of dates below: 9/19: San Francisco, CA, The Masonic 9/20: Los Angeles, CA, The Greek Theatre 9/25: Nashville, TN, Ryman Auditorium Related Harry Styles on Why One Direction Took a Break, Whether Band Will Reunite 9/26: Chicago, IL, The Chicago Theatre 9/28: New York, NY, Radio City Music Hall 9/30: Boston, MA, Wang Theatre 10/1: Washington, D.C., DAR Constitution Hall 10/4: Toronto, ON, Massey Hall 10/5: Upper Darby, PA, Tower Theater 10/8: Atlanta, GA, Roxy 10/10: Irving, TX, The Pavilion at Irving Music Factory 10/11: Austin, TX, ACL Live at The Moody Theater 10/14: Phoenix, AZ, Comerica Theatre 10/25: Paris, France, L’Olympia 10/27: Cologne, Germany, Palladium 10/29: London, U.K., Eventim Apollo 10/30: London, U.K., Eventim Apollo 11/1: Manchester, U.K., O2 Apollo Manchester 11/2: Glasgow, U.K., SEC Armadillo 11/5: Stockholm, Sweden, Fryshuset 11/7: Berlin, Germany, Tempodrome 11/8: Amsterdam, Netherlands, AFAS Live 11/10: Milan, Italy, Alcatraz 11/23: Singapore, The Star Theatre 11/26: Sydney, Australia, Enmore Theatre 11/30: Australia, Melbourne, Forum Theatre 12/2: Auckland, New Zealand, Spark Arena 12/7: Tokyo, Japan, EX Theater 12/8: Tokyo, Japan, EX Theater It is not currently known which opening acts, if any, will be joining the former One Direction lead singer on tour. Styles in managed by Jeffrey Azoff of Full Stop Management and booked by CAA. 0 Oh boy. The first rule of going solo: Distance yourself as far as possible from the group and fan base that jump-started your career. Or so goes the advice Liam Payne is apparently following from Zayn: He’s the last to venture out on his own and the first to come out burning a bridge he still has to cross when it’s all said and done. On Liam’s first single, “Strip That Down,” he’s dissed One Direction plain as day. “You know I used to be in 1D, now I’m out free,” he sings. “People want me for one thing, that’s not me. I’m not changing the way that I used to be, I just want to have fun and get rowdy.” But with nearly all remaining members of One Direction releasing new music of their own within weeks of each other, this song is not the only opportunity Payne has had to make his thoughts on his bandmates known. Speaking with Music Choice, he complimented Niall Horan’s new singles, but Harry Styles, not so much. “I’ll be honest with you, it’s not my sort of music. It’s not something I’d listen to,” he said. But he did have a quick save: “I think he did a great job of doing what he wanted to do. That’s the way I’d put it best, I think.” Liam also noted that Harry would probably say the same about his music since Harry doesn’t listen to hip-hop. “My song’s more ‘Rack City’ and his song is more of a different era to something I’d listen to, I guess,” he said. “Strip That Down” does feature a rapper, Migos’s Quavo, but a redux of the only song of note that Tyga has ever made it is not. 1 Whitney Port was spotted out and about with husband Tim Rosenman and their one-year-old son Sonny on Sunday in Los Angeles. The 33-year-old reality star, who appeared makeup free, donned grey sweatpants and a muted pink bomber jacket on the outing. This sighting comes just days after Port told E! News that fashion went out the window once she became a mom. Quality time: Whitney Port was spotted out and about with husband Tim Rosenman and their one-year-old son Sonny on Sunday in Los Angeles 'I usually look like a slob, honestly. I just care less now,' she told Carissa Culiner. 'When I'm with Sonny, I just want to be comfortable.' The Hills star also addressed the hot topic of baby number two. 'I do get easily overwhelmed by things,' she admitted. 'The thought of then adding another child and adding that stress doesn't make a lot of sense to me.' Whitney added: 'I'm really trying to not plan right now and just enjoy the moment and not put the pressure on myself to make the decision.' Casually clad: The 33-year-old reality star, who appeared makeup free, donned grey sweatpants and a muted pink bomber jacket on the outing Port went on to discuss her laid back parenting style with the E! Daily Pop host. 'Timmy and I trust our gut and we go with what feel comfortable for us,' she said. 'I think that is what will work best for Sonny and create a chill, easy-going child.' Whitney and the TV producer have been married since 2015. Confessions: Just days ago, Port told E! News that fashion went out the window once she became a mom. 'I usually look like a slob, honestly. I just care less now,' she told Carissa Culiner. 'When I'm with Sonny, I just want to be comfortable' Along with being a new mom, Whitney recently joined the cast of MTV's The Hills reboot, which was announced in August. The current cast includes Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt, Audrina Patridge, Jason Wahler, Frankie Delgado, Justin Bobby Brescia, and Stephanie Pratt. Lauren Conrad, Lo Bosworth, and Kristin Cavallari have opted not to participate in the returning reality series. 0 "She had been running as a Republican in California's 44th District. Actress and former Fox News commentator Stacey Dash will withdraw from her congressional race just one month after filing the necessary paperwork to run as a Republican in California's 44th District. Insiders told The Hollywood Reporter on Friday that her decision was partially based on fear she had for the safety of her family. ""There were too many threats against her and her family. It was overwhelming,"" said one person close to her campaign. Dash, perhaps best known for her role as Dionne in the 1995 comedy Clueless, was a Democrat who voted for President Barack Obama in 2008, though by 2012 she had switched parties and she has been controversial (at least among liberals) practically ever since. In 2016, for example, she criticized feminists for not allowing men to ""be masculine"" and she criticized the notion of transgender people choosing which public restroom to use, calling it a ""tyranny by the minority."" Dash, a black and Hispanic woman, also criticized the BET Awards and Black History Month, opinions that led to an appearance at the 2016 Oscars where Chris Rock jokingly introduced her to a baffled audience as the ""new director"" of the Academy's ""minority outreach program."" In a lengthy statement emailed to THR, Dash acknowledged she intends to quit the race, saying her ""goal was, and remains, to improve the lives of people who have been forgotten for decades by the Democratic Party."" Dash had been one of three conservatives in Hollywood who had decided to run for office as Republicans in California; former soap star Antonio Sabato Jr. is running for Congress in the state's 26th District and film producer Frank DeMartini is running for the seat occupied by Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters of California's 43rd District. ""After much prayer, introspection and discussions with my family, I am withdrawing my candidacy,"" Dash said in her statement. ""I believe that the overall bitterness surrounding our political process, participating in the rigors of campaigning, and holding elected office would be detrimental to the health and wellbeing of my family. I would never want to betray the personal and spiritual principles I believe in most: that my God and my family come first."" She added that she knows her ""political positions have often been labeled as controversial, but the real controversy is how decades of government corruption and political disempowerment have created a system where skyrocketing home prices, dirty needles in the streets, and long bus trips to other districts for jobs are somehow considered acceptable.""" 0 Shocking new allegations have emerged about the sexual misconduct scandal that is quickly enveloping Matt Lauer. On Wednesday, mere hours after NBC announced that it had fired the Today anchor because of a complaint about alleged sexual misconduct, Variety has dropped a report with hideous allegations about the TV star’s alleged behavior. The claims run the gamut: he made lewd sexual remarks about female colleagues; he once invited a female employee to his secluded office, then showed her his penis; he gave one female colleague a sex toy with “an explicit note about how he wanted to use it on her,” Variety writes. The allegations don’t stop there. Lauer would also reportedly quiz female producers about their sex lives, and play a crass, office-themed version of the game “fuck, marry, or kill.” He also reportedly had a button on his desk that allowed him to lock the door; two women tell Variety that it enabled him to “welcome female employees and initiate inappropriate contact while knowing nobody could walk in on him.” One former producer “who knew firsthand of these encounters” also told Variety that Lauer, who is married, allegedly cheated on his wife. “There were a lot of consensual relationships, but that’s still a problem because of the power he held,” this person said. “He couldn’t sleep around town with celebrities or on the road with random people, because he’s Matt Lauer and he’s married. So he’d have to do it within his stable, where he exerted power, and he knew people wouldn’t ever complain.” Representatives for Lauer have not yet responded to Vanity Fair’s request for comment. Variety notes that he could not be reached for comment. The piece is the result of a two-month investigation which stretches back before The New York Times dropped its stunning Harvey Weinstein piece, which kicked off the sexual misconduct reckoning in Hollywood and beyond. Like Weinstein prior to the controversy, Lauer is a powerful figure in the entertainment industry. He’s been the face of the Today show for years, raking in an incredibly lucrative $25-million annual salary, per Variety. That’s why it was a shock for industry insiders to learn that NBC fired him so quickly, before any bombshell investigative report broke the alleged scandal. Shortly after Variety published its report, the Times published one as well, reporting that NBC had received two additional complaints about Lauer. One was from a former employee who says she had sex with Lauer in his office in 2001. She told the Times, she “felt helpless because she didn’t want to lose her job,” adding that she “didn’t report the encounter at the time because she felt ashamed.” NBC’s human resources department contacted her on Wednesday regarding the allegations, she said. Representatives for Lauer did not respond to V.F.’s request for comment about this allegation. Reps for Lauer also did not respond to the Times’ request for comment. The announcement about Lauer’s firing was made Wednesday morning by Today anchor Savannah Guthrie, who read a note on air from NBC News Chairman Andy Lack: “Dear colleagues, on Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by Matt Lauer. It represented, after serious review, a clear violation of our company’s standards. As a result, we’ve decided to terminate his employment. While it is the first complaint about his behavior in the over 20 years he’s been at NBC News, we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident. Our highest priority is to create a workplace environment where everyone feels safe and protected, and to ensure that any actions that run counter to our core values are met with consequences, no matter who the offender. We are deeply saddened by this turn of events. But we will face it together as a news organization—and do it in as transparent a manner as we can.” “I will tell you right now, we do not know more than I have just shared with you,” Guthrie said after delivering the statement, later adding that she was “heartbroken” for Lauer, as well as the women who came forward. “We are grappling with a dilemma that so many people have faced these past few weeks: how do you reconcile your love for someone with the revelation that they have behaved badly? And I don’t know the answer to that.” Megyn Kelly also addressed the news on the Today show, saying she has known Lauer for years and he has “been a friend, and kind, and supportive.” However, she also folded in a larger point about misconduct in the workplace. “What we don’t see is the pain on the faces of those who found the courage to come forward. And it is a terrifying thing to do. We don’t see the career opportunities women lose because of sexual harassment—or the intense stress it causes a woman dealing with it when she comes to work each day. I am thinking of those women this morning, and hoping they are O.K. The days to come will not be easy.” The firing has sparked a nationwide discussion, with claims flying about Lauer and his alleged behavior and purported infidelity. It has also inspired renewed interest in his past comments, particularly this 2012 joke segment about sexual harassment, and the controversial departure of Ann Curry, the former Today show anchor who tearfully left the show in 2012. In an interview with People, Curry said she is “still really processing” the news about the allegations, but hopes to see a change in workplace culture. “We need to move this revolution forward and make our workplaces safe. Corporate America is quite clearly failing to do so, and unless it does something to change that, we need to keep doing more ourselves,” she said. 0 I'm going to cry right now Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez appear to have rekindled their relationship, sending fans of the pop couple into a frenzy. Biebs was photographed at his dad’s wedding this weekend, with Gomez as his guest. The pair originally dated from 2010 to 2012, with their rocky relationship going through various on-off phases ever since. Now, the pair appear to be very much back on, after being photographed kissing and cuddling at Bieber’s dad’s Jamaica-based wedding. “Ooooooohhhh myyyyyyyy goo000od i am dreaming, I am going to cry right now” wrote one excited fan on Twitter, while numerous others expressed their delight at ‘Jelena’ being back on. Check out photos and fan reactions to Justin and Selena’s reunion below. Meanwhile, an exhibition dedicated to Justin Bieber has opened in the singer’s hometown of Stratford, Ontario – and it features a pair of his underwear. Titled Steps to Stardom, the exhibit launched at the Stratford Perth Museum on Sunday (February 18) and runs until December 31. It features various Bieber memorabilia on display, including stage outfits, running shoes, a personal letter from Michelle Obama and the aforementioned underwear. “We’re very excited about this exhibit and helping to share a fascinating story about a hometown hero who’s gone on to remarkable achievements,” the museum say in a press release. 1 Roy Halladay, a two-time Cy Young Award winner admired as much for his off-the-field persona as his Hall of Fame pitching ability, died Tuesday when the private plane he was piloting crashed off the Florida coast in the Gulf of Mexico. A fearsome competitor on the mound, Halladay, 40, earned universal appreciation within the sport, from teammates and opponents alike. He was one of 23 pitchers to throw a perfect game, and joined the Yankees’ Don Larsen as the only two to fire a no-hitter in the postseason. Halladay did it for the Phillies in his playoff debut, on Oct. 6, 2010, and came within a fifth-inning walk to the Reds’ Jay Bruce of also being perfect that remarkable evening at Citizens Bank Park. The baseball world was in shock Tuesday after learning of Halladay’s fatal accident, which came only four years after his retirement from the Phillies, his 16-year career prematurely ended by his decision to avoid back surgery. “We are numb over the very tragic news about Roy Halladay’s untimely death,” the Phillies said in a statement. “There are no words to describe the sadness that the entire Phillies family is feeling over the loss of one of the most respected human beings to ever play the game.” Halladay recently purchased the A5 ICON, a two-seat, single-engine amphibious plane capable of landing on water, and his Twitter feed was filled with photographs of him flying the aircraft. According to the Pasco County (Fla.) Police Department, the plane went down in the water, about a quarter-mile offshore, and Halladay died in the crash. There was no one else traveling with him. Halladay’s accident is the latest in a number of plane crashes that have claimed the lives of prominent baseball players. The Pirates’ Roberto Clemente perished while on a relief mission to Nicaragua on New Year’s Eve in 1972, the Yankees’ Thurman Munson crashed while piloting his own plane near his Ohio home, and another Yankee, Cory Lidle, died when his plane collided with a Manhattan apartment building in 2006. “Our hearts are broken,” said Tony Clark, the union’s executive director and a former player. “Roy Halladay was not just one of the greatest competitors, but was also among the best men in our generation of players. Subscribe to Sports Now newsletter By clicking Sign up, you agree to our privacy policy. “Our paths crossed many times during our careers, and I can tell you he was among the toughest pitchers I ever faced. But while he never gave in on the mound, he was known in both leagues as an outstanding teammate, a guy who would go out of his way to help other players.” Halladay, nicknamed “Doc,” was a throwback. As baseball gradually moved to de-emphasize the starting pitcher, he still took pride in going the distance, with 67 complete games, including 20 shutouts. An eight-time All-Star, Halladay also was a three-time 20-game winner, twice during his 12-year stint in Toronto. Halladay will be eligible for the Hall of Fame in 2019. “The Blue Jays organization is overcome by grief with the tragic loss of one of the franchise’s greatest and most respected players, but even better human being,” the team said in a statement. “It is impossible to express what he has meant to this franchise, the city and its fans.” In addition to his impact on baseball, Halladay left a lasting imprint on his Florida community, with the Pasco County Police struggling both to investigate the crash and mourn a friend. “He was one in a million,” Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco told The Associated Press. “It is a true loss for us.” Nick Fanti, the former Hauppauge High School pitching standout, fondly remembered Halladay after having him as an instructor at the Phillies’ camp in spring training. “I was fortunate enough to work with Roy Halladay and can honestly say I’m not only a better baseball player, but a better person off the field for it,” Fanti tweeted. “To be able to listen to him talk about his process and how he played the game was an honor. Truly a professional and a legend and will be missed.” Halladay is survived by his wife, Brandy, and two sons, Ryan and Braden. Former and current players flocked to Twitter to express their condolences, with Dodgers pitcher Brandon McCarthy summing up a generation’s feelings. “Roy Halladay was your favorite player’s favorite player,” McCarthy tweeted. “A true ace and a wonderful person. Heartbroken for those who knew him best.” 1 Scheana Marie, the waitress whom Eddie cheated on Brandi with, now claims that he tried to reignite their relationship after he began seeing LeAnn! Do you believe it? Eddie Cibrian is no saint, that’s for sure, but could he possibly have been foolish enough to try and cheat on now-wife LeAnn Rimes with the same waitress he cheated on ex-wife Brandi Glanville? If the waitress in question, Scheana Marie, is to be believed, the answer is a resounding yes! In a new interview with RadarOnline.com, Scheana, 27, claims that Eddie, 39, contacted her after he split with Brandi, 40, in 2009. According to the waitress, who now stars on Bravo’s Vanderpump Rules, Eddie was already dating LeAnn, 30. “As months go by, Eddie gets separated. He then contacts me to go out for drinks,” Scheana says. “I believed he was separated, so I was happy to go out with him again. But shortly into trying to hang out with him I find out about LeAnn, and I felt like such an idiot!” Scheana Marie Recalls Meeting Eddie Cibrian Scheana spoke with the website about when she first met Eddie and revealed the surprising source who informed her about Eddie’s lies. “Originally, I met him seven years ago. When a really good-looking guy with big dimples wants to take you out for drinks your first question isn’t ‘Are you married because you don’t have a ring on your finger?'” she says. “We hung out, it was quite casual and about six months in, my mom saw an article and was like, ‘That Eddie guy you are dating, is his last name Cibrian and is he on Third Watch?’ I was like, ‘Yeah, what do you hear?’ And she told me that he and his wife are expecting their second child!” Scheana Confronts Eddie About His Lies Scheana says that she confronted the philandering actor to find out the truth, and he admitted to his lies via text message! “He was like, ‘I’m so sorry I lied to you.’ He then switched the conversation and said, ‘By the way, are you still doing the acting thing? I have a project I’m funding, and there’s a role for you that would be great.'” The waitress-turned-reality star says that, since their last run-in, she and Eddie haven’t spoken. “I have no interest in talking to him again,” she says. Do you believe Scheana’s claims that Eddie tried to cheat on LeAnn with her, HollywoodLifers? — Billy Nilles More on the LeAnn Rimes-Eddie Cibrian-Brandi Glanville Triangle: 1 "Caitlyn Jenner told Diane Sawyer that she had undergone ""the final surgery"" in her gender reassignment procedures on Friday night's ""20/20"" special. The former Olympian previously known as Bruce confirmed in her book ""The Secrets of My Life,"" coming out on Tuesday, that the 2017 ""surgery was a success."" And Jenner said on the ABC interview, she had ""no regrets, none whatsoever."" Beyond that, Jenner didn't want to talk about the details, telling Sawyer, ""I’m not going to dwell on that subject. It's not an appropriate question to ask a trans person."" But nothing else was off-limits, as Sawyer caught up with Jenner nearly two years after the TV journalist had done their last emotional interview. Then, the ex-athlete stunned the world by revealing how he had lived a lie. Inside, ex-decathlon champ Jenner had always identified as a woman. Since then, Jenner said she has been ""happy, peaceful…all of that confusion has left me….I did the right thing"" -- and doesn't miss ""Bruce"" a bit. Sporting red nails and stylishly feminine clothing, Jenner recalled how—when he was still known as Bruce--he had put an instruction in his will: ""When I'm buried, I want to be dressed as her 'cause that's the way I'm going to heaven."" As many know from her former reality show, ""I Am Cait,"" Jenner is a Republican and she confided to Sawyer, ""Yes, I did vote for Trump."" Jenner was initially impressed with Trump for reaching out to transgender people at the Republican National Convention and noted, ""He wanted me to come play golf with him."" But Jenner got upset when President Trump's administration revoked the federal guidelines that allowed public school students to use bathrooms corresponding to their gender identity--believing it's an issue best left to state and local authorities to decide. ""It was extremely disappointing…you mess with my community, you don't give us equality and a fair shot, I'm coming after you,"" Jenner sighed about President Trump's decision. Although Jenner has had her jawline, forehead, and breasts worked on, she insists she's always been a woman because what's important is ""what's between your ears."" Jenner said she's fine with her ex-wife, Kris Jenner, and stays in touch with all her kids while they pursue their own lives. ""Nobody calls that much. I reach out to them,"" commented the former ""Keeping Up with the Kardashians"" star. Jenner told Sawyer that she has ""never been on a date"" in the two years since she came out as transgender, and doesn't really see dating in her future. Instead, Jenner is most focused on helping the transgender community through charities and building awareness about discrimination and other issues. ""I want to fight this fight,"" she vowed. For more on Caitlyn Jenner, tune in to Tucker Carlson on Monday night for his exclusive interview with the star. It will be Carlson's first time in his new 8 p.m. EST slot." 1 SHARE this story with your friends!1.7k SHARES Share Tweet ShareAfter it was discovered that Roy Moore’s accuser is a liar and a Democrat, Alabama Attorney General John Simmons filed charges of falsification, a 1st-degree misdemeanor. Mary Lynne Davies, who said Roy Moore seduced and molested her when she was 14-years-old and he was in his early 30s, now faces a year in prison and $10K in fines.The revelation came after the yearbook inscription that Moore supposedly wrote in the 1970s turned out to be a forgery. Davies, who tried desperately to convince anyone who would listen that Moore raped her, is now in hiding after posting $500 in bail money. Her attorney says she sticks to her story:“My client’s main concern is that because of the yearbook thing, nobody will believe her story. She fabricated the yearbook because nobody would listen in the first place. She’s a victim and now she’ll be prosecuted while her abuser goes to the US Senate. Nothing about this is right. Nothing.” Nothing about this is wrong, jerk. Justice Moore is a fine, upstanding man who has shown time and time again that he loves America and our family values. He deserves to be exonerated. The AG says he’s also looking into charges against the other Moore accusers as well as the employees of that mall that said he was a pedophile.Moore’s attorney says there are no hard feelings and that his client will continue to fight for women’s rights. 1 Brad has been back on the scene, apparently (picture: Shutterstock) Brad Pitt and wife Angelina Jolie announced their split in September 2016, however reports have emerged old mate Pitt has been ‘quietly dating’ since rejoining the single sphere. It comes as he apparently also enjoyed a ‘secret meeting’ with ex-wife Jennifer Aniston, following her split with Justin Theroux. There’s so much to unpack here. Anyway, according to Entertainment Tonight, Brad has been dating women ‘not in the public eye’ as he tried to keep his private life just that. A source explained to the website: ‘He’s very private about who he’s seeing, but he does continue to casually date.’ Angelina and Brad announced their shock separation in 2016 (Picture: Matt Sayles/Invision/AP, File) The insider told Entertainment Tonight the father-of-six – Shiloh, 11, Maddox, 16, Vivienne, nine, Zahara, 13, Pax, 14, and Knox, nine – has ‘made changes in his life’ since he and Ange parted ways. Advertisement Advertisement ‘When they first split he spent a lot of time at home and was often very down about what was going on. He was a homebody for many months, but in the last month or two, he’s been going out more,’ they said. ‘He enjoys going out to eat with close friends.’ Sounds like a blast. The publication added: ‘He is in no way ready to get serious with anyone. He invites his dates over to his house and never takes women out in public. While it’s been a year and a half [after their split], it still feels too soon to him.’ Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston at the premiere of Rock Star in LA in 2001 (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images) It comes following this reported secret rendezvouz with Jen that reportedly also had Brad’s mother quite excited. It was reported last week that the pair had enjoyed a ‘secret meeting’ which was ‘very relaxed and low-key’ for a nice catch up. A source claimed it ‘seemed just like old times, but better,’ according to US magazine Star. An insider has now said his mum is all for the reunion, as she was always a big fan of Jen’s. ‘Brad‘s mom Jane has always had a soft spot for Jennifer, even after the divorce they kept in touch for years,’ they told HollywoodLife.com. ‘She hated the way things ended between Brad and Jen so it’s a big relief that they‘ve mended fences. She‘s so happy that they‘re back in touch.’ Advertisement Advertisement Metro.co.uk contacted reps for comment. Got a story? If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro.co.uk Entertainment team by emailing us celebtips@metro.co.uk, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you. MORE: Brad Pitt’s mum ‘so happy’ he’s back in touch with Jennifer Aniston as pair have ‘secret meeting’ 1 The rumour: Meghan Markle had a secret first husband Where you heard it: The National Enquirer The report: Markle’s status as divorcée has never been in dispute, but according to a new “bombshell” Enquirer cover story (is there any other kind?), Prince Harry will be the ex-actress’s third kick at the matrimonial can. “How she HID PAST from Husband No. 2!” claims one scandalous cover line, referring to “Man-eater Meghan’s” ex Trevor Engelson. Inside, an unnamed source explains how Harry was “blindsided” by the news, which has been kept secret until now (per the NE), thanks to a “hush-hush annulment.” Subscribe To Our Newsletters — And Get All Our Royal Coverage Straight To Your Inbox The smell test: For the love of Liverpool — this stinks worse than the royal stables after derby day! Just for starters, if Meghan had been married before she married Trevor Engelson in 2011, why would she have felt the need to hide it? Back then she was a Hollywood actress, existing in a world where divorce is no biggie. It’s not like she could have been planning for her royal future (yes, MM may be calculated, but she’s not clairvoyant). And even if we run with this idea of a secret ex-hubby (whom The Enquirer never names, btw), wouldn’t we already know about him? For his recent book Meghan Markle: A Hollywood Princess, royal biographer Andrew Morton spoke to dozens of people who knew Markle long before she was one half of a commemorative plate design. So we’re supposed to believe that not one of them would have mentioned old what’s-his-name? Never mind the fact that even “hush-hush annulments” are a matter of public record. The Enquirer’s insider speculates that MI-5 (a.k.a. her Majesty’s Secret Service) probably “scrubbed the records” to conceal Markle’s past, which is totally something that MI-5 would try to do. Except that unless they have a time machine, this is a story with way too many loose ends. In summation: Either Meghan Markle does not have a secret first husband (smart money), or she does, and anyone who knows about it better sleep with one eye open. The rumour: The Palace is freaking out about the steamy love scenes in the upcoming Meghan and Harry Lifetime movie Where you heard it: Vanity Fair The report: In case you are not already counting down the days, Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance is the upcoming Lifetime movie that depicts the couple’s courtship, including (per this preview), some between-the-sheets time, and one scene-stealing giraffe. It’s that first part that purportedly has the palace press office in a tizzy. “What I’ve heard is that they’re seriously worried about the sex scene,” the movie’s director, Menhaj Huda, told VF last week, adding that his info is on good authority, as his “wife’s best friend has been dating the palace press secretary.” The smell test: What really reeks here is Huda’s indiscretion. Whatever insider info he did or did not receive via his wife’s connection, you can be sure he won’t be hearing anything else in the future. (Jeez, dude — it’s called protecting your source.) Is the palace “seriously worried” about this movie? It’s easy to see why Huda would want us to think that, since scandal sells. In truth, it’s probably a matter of relativity. Because sure, they’d probably prefer that a factually based account of Harry and Meghan’s premarital sex-fest wasn’t coming soon to a TV near you, but it’s not like it’s a documentary. On the scale of royal scandal — a 1 being Kate Middleton’s cork wedges and a 10 being Prince Charles’s tampon ambitions — this is a 2. The rumour: Meghan’s mom Doria will tell all in an interview with Oprah Where you heard it: The Mirror The report: Last week, The Daily Mail reported that Markle’s mom visited Winfrey’s Santa Barbara Estate, where she stayed for six hours, and exited with gifts (presumably a bunch of the Big O’s favourite things). At the time, the reason for the visit was unknown, but now The Mirror is quoting an unnamed “US TV source,” who claims that the pair were brainstorming ideas for a TV appearance (well, duh). Apparently both women are keen to discuss the reaction to Meghan and Harry through the lens of racism: “It’s an issue close to both Oprah and Doria,” quoth The Mirror’s source, adding that the only thing needed now is a green light from Buckingham Palace. Rumour Has It That Meghan Markle And Kate Middleton ‘Hate Each Other’s Guts.’ Is That Really The Case? The smell test: Not to nitpick here, but can an interview really be a “tell-all” if the palace has to approve it? Historically, the royal family has espoused more of a “tell-none” approach to the media. Oprah (who has interviewed pretty much everyone on the planet) never sat down with Diana or Charles or Queen Lizzie herself. That said, Markle is at the forefront of a whole new era, particularly when it comes to royals and the public. Both Harry and Wills have done interviews recently, discussing personal details about their own mental health, and clearly the Queen approved those. Given that Doria has thus far kept her mouth shut (unlike many members of the Markle clan who have made a full-time job of trashing their world-famous relation in the press), it’s possible a (highly scripted) sit-down with Winfrey will be her well-earned reward. The rumour: Prince Harry will wear a wedding ring Where you heard it: E! News The report: This will-he-or-won’t-he drama has been ongoing since the engagement announcement, but now a source is telling E! that the Royal Ginger Snap “does want to wear a wedding band.” Improbably, this is one matter that is not covered in the royal etiquette handbook, and is instead a matter of personal preference: The Queen’s husband Prince Philip does not wear a ring (no big surprise there), and neither does William, while is father, Prince Charles, does. The smell test: The idea that there is no existing protocol on the subject of male finger bling is hard to fathom, but if that’s the case, this all smells pretty sound. E! has proven to have some pretty well-placed royal sources. Meghan’s feminism could mean that she believes rings are for both genders. And Harry is definitely more a jewellery guy than super-traditional Wills. If royal memory serves, he and Meghan wore matching bracelets even before they went public as a couple. 1 "Melanie Martinez Rape Accuser Says 'I Had This Sick Need to Protect Her': Report Former Dresses singer Timothy Heller says that a month before she accused former The Voice star Melanie Martinez of rape, Martinez attempted to get in touch with her after a long period of silence. In an interview with Newsweek, Heller claims that after she tweeted last month asking ""what if I have my own story of abuse but I'm scared to ruin the persons life and I still love them in a fucked up way and the public really loves them and most probably wouldn't believe me,"" Martinez tried to contact her 20 minutes later, after the two hadn't spoke in more than a year. On Monday (Dec. 4), Heller posted a lengthy tweet in which she described a night during which she ""repeatedly said no"" to advances from her ""best friend"" Martinez, claiming she kept the secret for years and alleging that Martinez performed oral sex on her and used a sex toy without her consent. Martinez adamantly denied the claims, saying she was ""horrified and saddened"" by them and that ""she never said no to what we chose to do together."" After Heller's original tweet, she told the magazine, ""I started sobbing when I saw [Melanie] was calling me, and I blocked her."" She also claimed that Martinez attempted to call Heller's boyfriend and texted him several times seeking to get in touch with Heller, whom Martinez said she had recently dreamed about. ""Her fans see her as this angel who understands them,"" Heller told Newsweek. ""So I assumed no one was going to take me seriously if I explained what she did. I've been reading all the #metoo stories, and though I'm obviously in support of the people coming forward, I wasn't sure if my story of being assaulted fit."" It is one of the rare allegations of sexual assault by a woman in the midst of the torrent of stories surrounding prominent men in entertainment, business, politics and sports assaulting or harassing women that launched the #MeToo movement, which Time Magazine named its Person of the Year on Wednesday (Dec. 6). Heller's claims about what she says happened that night in June 2015 -- including pictures she gave the magazine of her in a mask and furry handcuffs that were allegedly taken on the night in question -- include her admission of being wracked with guilt for years as the pair remained friends. ""I think I was invalidating my own experience for so long because she's not a man,"" Heller said. ""Plus, she was my friend, and I sat with what happened in silence because I didn't want to be malicious."" A representative for Martinez told Newsweek that ""Melanie stands by her statement."" Click here to read the full Newsweek story." 0 There’s reportedly trouble in paradise at the Kardashian West house. Kim’s allegedly ready to divorce Kanye! What happened? This is so sad! Kim Kardashian, 37, is reportedly at her wits end when it comes to dealing with husband Kanye West, 40. She’s struggled since Kanye’s terrifying November 2016 breakdown, and she reportedly can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, according to an insider who spoke to Star Magazine. “Between his raging ego and mood swings, Kanye has been a total train wreck,” the insider alleged to the Star. “Kim is stressed enough raising two kids and getting ready for the baby without Kanye dragging her down. She’s tried to hang in there, but she just can’t take it anymore.” Poor Kim! We can’t imagine how hard it must be to have a family member — especially your husband — go through such a huge health scare. Of course she’s stressed! If they’re truly divorcing, things are about to get crazy. She allegedly doesn’t want to make any moves until after their third baby, which they’re having via surrogate, is born. As the source says, she’s totally fine raising the little one as a single mother. She’s Kim effing Kardashian! “[Their divorce] will be all-out war,” the insider told Star. Kim has reportedly asked Kanye to sign a “mid-nuptial agreement” to protect her assets. Factoring in their revenue, from Kanye’s music, the KUWTK empire, and Kim’s various deals, including KKW beauty, it could be a $1 billion divorce! Don’t think she’s happy about this, though. “This decision is agony for her,” the source said. “She still loves Kanye, but their marriage may be over!” This is so sad, considering what we just learned from a source. Kim and Kanye were happily including daughter North West in the conversation about her new little sister, the source told us EXCLUSIVELY. If they’re truly having problems, then at least they’re putting on a united front for their little ones. HollywoodLife.com has reached out to Kim’s rep for comment. HollywoodLifers, do you think Kim and Kanye are really divorcing? Let us know! 1 "Get the latest from TODAY Sign up for our newsletter / Updated By Anna Chan Christopher Meloni's Det. Elliot Stabler exited ""Law & Order: Special Victims Unit"" at the end of season 12 with so little warning and basically zero closure that fans are still hoping for a return of some sort. In the show's season 15 premiere Wednesday, ""SVU"" seemed to hint at the possibility of his return. As a battered and bruised Det. Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay, who deserves an Emmy nod next year for this performance) stood over her unconscious captor played by Pablo Schreiber, she whispered of her desire to torture him as he'd done to her and so many others, but was unsure of what to do. And then it came: ""My old partner, he'd know what to do,"" she spat. ""He wouldn't question himself after what you've done. He'd kick your teeth in, break your legs, break your arms, break your back, break your face. Maybe I should call him ..."" Longtime fans at that point were no doubt screaming ""Yes!"" and urging her to to dial the volatile El. And why not? ""When people are in these situations, they think about the most important people in their life, so we had to go there!"" showrunner Warren Leight told TODAY about Liv bringing up Stabler. He also teased that as the implications of the ordeal weigh on her during the course of this new season, ""We're going to see her malfunction from time to time."" After such a horrific experience, why not turn to the man who was clearly her rock to help her get through the aftermath — and give fans the closure they've been wanting? Though it may make sense to fans to bring Stabler back for Benson's story line, Leight says don't bet on it. ""I don't know how it could work logistically, economically or given the network politics of it,"" he admitted, noting that Meloni is now working on FOX's upcoming midseason sitcom ""Surviving Jack."" ""I think we just have to accept the fact that the closure we got was somewhat half a--ed because these guys couldn't work out a way to arc (Meloni's story) out, and it's unfortunate."" Benson won't have Stabler's shoulder to cry on, but she won't be going through the recovery alone, with Dean Winters back as her love interest, Det. Brian Cassidy. ""The question for Cassidy and for her is: Can (their relationship) survive this kind of stress?"" Leight said. ""In situations like this, people either fail you completely or step up ... and even if people step up, you — the victim coping with surviving — may not be able to accept it."" Things will be tough for her partner, Det. Nick Amaro, as well. ""Amaro, he broke the law to find where she was, to get information, blatantly so,"" Danny Pino, who plays Amaro, told TODAY. ""So I think there's an intensity and there's a bond between the characters that happened very quickly. ... There's a healthy amount of beating himself up for what happened to her. I think he's going to deal with that throughout the season."" But he won't just be the only other SVU detective who has to grapple with what Benson went through. ""This kind of an event resonates throughout the whole squad room,"" Pino said. ""(Benson) getting battered is doubly emotional for the fans, for the fellow actors and the writers,"" Richard Belzer, who plays Munch, told TODAY. ""It brings it to a whole new level because we deal with crimes that don't involve us! And now one of our own. So this is going to reverberate throughout the whole season and put us right up there with the intense kind of writing that you see on cable."" ""Law & Order: SVU"" airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on NBC." 0 Speaking with Michelle Miller, the British actor admitted to opting for more independent movies after he shot to superstardom playing vampire Edward Cullen in the wildly popular Twilight series. On auditioning for entirely different roles post-Twilight, Pattinson said, “It’s not like, ‘Oh, I’ll come down from an ivory tower to be…’ I mean, these movies are hard for me to get. Literally, I’m just as much trying to convince people, like, every single time. And it’s not like I’m, like, Leo [ DiCaprio ] or something!” In the interview, it was revealed Good Time producers Josh and Benny Safdie were initially hesitant to work with Pattinson, but later discovered their opinions on the actor were far from accurate. On breaking free from his once perceived image as a teen heartthrob, the star said, “I think so much of life people are trying to put you in a box and define you all the time.” He continued, “It’s just exciting to have a job where you’re allowed to consistently break the walls of the box around you.” Pattinson went on to talk about the vast amount of media attention he’s received since taking on the role of a lifetime in the Twilight series, despite his best-efforts to keep his personal life under wraps. “I’m quite an open person,” he said. “I don’t want to be one of those people who’s just like, ‘Oh, no comment,’ ’cause I just think you just look like an idiot if you’re in it. But then the annoying thing happens as well, then you answer in these kind of vague ways which kind of create these weird conspiracy theorists.” The star added, “I don’t know how to deal with it. And so I thought in a way to kind of stop feeding it, you just try and say ‘I don’t wanna talk about it.’ And also, it kind of makes you feel like that’s the only way you can get some kind of strength.” Watch Pattinson’s full interview below! 1 "Lindsey Caroline Vonn (née Kildow ; born October 18, 1984)[1] is an American World Cup alpine ski racer on the US Ski Team. She has won four World Cup overall championships—one of only two female skiers to do so, along with Annemarie Moser-Pröll—with three consecutive titles in 2008, 2009, and 2010,[2] plus another in 2012.[3] Vonn won the gold medal in downhill at the 2010 Winter Olympics, the first ever in the event for an American woman.[4] She has also won a record 8 World Cup season titles in the downhill discipline (2008–2013, 2015, 2016), 5 titles in super-G (2009–2012, 2015), and 3 consecutive titles in the combined (2010–2012). In 2016, she won her 20th World Cup crystal globe title, an all-time record among men or women, passing Ingemar Stenmark of Sweden, who won 19 globes from 1975 to 1984. She has the second highest super ranking of all skiers, men or women. Vonn is one of 6 women[5] to have won World Cup races in all five disciplines of alpine skiing—downhill, super-G, giant slalom, slalom and super combined—and has won 82 World Cup races in her career through February 3, 2018. Her 82 World Cup victories are an all-time women's record, passing Annemarie Moser-Pröll of Austria who had held the record since the 1970s, and only Ingemar Stenmark of Sweden with 86 World Cup victories has more. With her Olympic gold and bronze medals, 2 World Championship gold medals in 2009 (plus three silver medals in 2007 and 2011), and 4 overall World Cup titles, Vonn is the most successful American ski racer and is considered one of the greatest ever.[6] In 2010, Vonn received the Laureus Sportswoman of the Year award [7] and was the United States Olympic Committee's sportswoman of the year.[8] Various injuries have caused Vonn to miss parts of several seasons, including almost all of the 2014 season and most of the 2013 season. While recovering from injury, she worked as a correspondent for NBC News covering the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Early life and education [ edit ] Born Lindsey Caroline Kildow in Saint Paul, Minnesota, she is the daughter of Linda Anne (née Krohn) and Alan Lee Kildow.[9] She grew up in the Twin Cities metropolitan area in Burnsville, Minnesota. She is of Norwegian ancestry.[10] Vonn was on skis at age two before moving into Erich Sailer's renowned development program at Burnsville's Buck Hill, which also produced slalom racer Kristina Koznick. Her father, who had won a national junior title before a knee injury at 18, ""pushed"" her very hard, according to Sailer.[11] When Vonn was 10 years old, she met Olympic gold medalist ski racer Picabo Street, whom she considers her hero and role model. Their meeting made such an impression on Street that she remembered the meeting and later served as Vonn's mentor in skiing. Vonn commuted to Colorado to train for several years before her family moved to Vail, Colorado in the late 1990s.[12][13] Vonn attended University of Missouri High School, an online program through the university's Center for Distance and Independent Study.[14][15] She speaks German fluently.[16] Skiing career [ edit ] Early years [ edit ] Vonn was taught to ski by her grandfather, Don Kildow, in Milton, Wisconsin.[17] Vonn began skiing as a child in Burnsville, Minnesota, at Buck Hill Ski and Snowboard, and through family vacations that included 16-hour drives from Minnesota to Vail. ""I would be in the back under a sleeping bag, and she'd be driving and singing along to some Eric Clapton tape,"" Vonn said in an interview.[citation needed] By the time Lindsey was 7, she had skied in Minnesota, Colorado, and Oregon year-round. When skiing in Colorado, she had lessons at Ski Club Vail (SCV), an alpine racing program (subsequently expanded and renamed Ski & Snowboard Club Vail) that taught, and still teaches skiers from ages 6 and up.[18][not in citation given] During her first year at SCV, Lindsey skied under ""Gravity Corps"" Ski Coach Colby S. Scudder, Vonn's only female coach, in Ski Club Vail's Gravity Corps ""pre-age-class"" program. The program was directed by Tom Krebs[19][not in citation given] who told the Gravity Corps coaches to not train the skiers inside gates, but instead to develop their all-mountain skiing skills and to develop their comfort in the fall line (the most direct route down a ski slope), while ensuring the kids were exposed to as much terrain as possible ""versatility and exposure to diverse challenging terrain"" was the directive.[20][not in citation given] At that time, the Gravity Corps pre-age-class skiing program consisted of multiple groups of 8–10 skiers; it was the only SCV venue open at the club to younger skiers who were not yet old enough to participate in official ""age-class"" USSA or FIS sanctioned events. Lindsey and other members of her gravity Corps group, placed first, second and third, in Gravity Corps unofficial races in which all gravity corps skiers participated in one collective unofficial gathering. The race was set and run by Krebs, and directed as the only time gravity corps skiers should ""be in a race course"".[20][not in citation given] At the end of that first Vail season, Lindsey's mother asked if the coach thought Lindsey was a slow skier; the answer was an emphatic ""NO,"" Lindsey was most definitely NOT a slow skier. It was mentioned that if anyone ever said that Lindsey was slow, it was likely because that person was not recognizing that Lindsey was in a perpetual growth spurt and, that the person saying that Lindsey was slow was not considering that changes in Lindsey's height, affected her center of gravity, etc., and skiing confidence, and thus that person who described Lindsey as skiing slowly was not acknowledging the differences between a growing young male skier vs. a young female skier (who by the age of 11, stood at a much taller height than her peers) - which, in the SCV Gravity Corps Coach's opinion resulted in the devastatingly inaccurate ""slow"" comment. The words used by Colby S.Scudder were more colorful, and much less diplomatic. Based on Lindsey's newly confirmed speed,Lindsey and her mother asked about enrolling Lindsey into the older ""Age-Class"" program, which they said, had previously denied their enrollment request. The coach supported the idea of skiing with ""age-class"" skiers. The next season, with the final approval of Director Chip Woods, Lindsey was enrolled into the ""age class program,"" under SCV Alpine ""technical skiing Coaches Reid Phillips, Chip Woods, Todd A. Rash and Gus Pernetz,etc., who collectively perfected Lindsey's early technical skills and began her SCV ""in gate"" training.[21][not in citation given] In the late 1990s, Lindsey and her siblings and mother stopped commuting from Minnesota to Colorado and instead moved to Colorado to ski exclusively at Ski Club Vail. During her first SCV year in Vail, Lindsey and one of her sisters skied together in the same ""gravity corps"" SCV group, it was during that first season Lindsey and her family were contemplating if the entire family should move from Minnesota to Colorado. ""Vail was wonderful to me,"" Lindsey said, ""but I missed all the traditional things of childhood – sleepovers, school dances, making friends in a conventional way. Halfway through the second season, Lindsey's siblings also moved to Vail. ""Now all my brothers and sisters had left their friends for me. That was stressful on them. I felt so guilty.""[citation needed] However, the move paid off because in 1999 Lindsey Kildow and Will McDonald became the first American athletes to win the ""Cadets"" slalom events in Italy's Trofeo Topolino di Sci Alpino.[22] In 1986, Lindsey's hero, Picabo Street, participated, but did not medal, in the same Topolino event.[22][23][24][not in citation given] In 1995 Lindsey first met Street in person, a few years later, ""Street said was stunned watching a 15-year-old Lindsey ski for the first time in 1999. She marveled at Vonn's knack for following the fall line. 'The faster she went, the bigger the smile she got on her face,' Street said. 'You can't teach somebody to love the fall line like that little girl loved the fall line.'"" [25] After climbing through the ranks of the U.S. Ski Team, she made her World Cup debut at age 16 on November 18, 2000, in Park City, Utah. In her Olympic debut at the 2002 Winter Olympics at age 17, Vonn raced in both slalom and combined in Salt Lake City, with her best result coming with sixth in combined. On March 4, 2003, she earned a silver medal in downhill in the Junior World Championship at Puy Saint-Vincent, France. Vonn credits a change in her attitude toward training to a bike ride with fellow ski racer Julia Mancuso and Mancuso's father Ciro when Vonn visited them at their home in Lake Tahoe, California. With little biking experience, she quickly found herself miles behind Julia and Ciro. Alone and embarrassed, she realized she needed drastic revision of her training regimen and her attitude toward training if she was going to be successful.[26] On March 24, 2004, Vonn was the downhill silver medalist at the U.S. Alpine Championships at Mt. Alyeska Resort, Girdwood, Alaska. Earlier that year 2004, Vonn climbed onto the World Cup podium for the first time with a third-place finish in downhill in January 2004 at Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy. Her maiden victory in that specialty came at Lake Louise, Alberta, in December 2004. She captured five more World Cup podiums over the next two months. In 2005, she competed in four races at her first World Championships held in Bormio, Italy, pulling in fourth-place finishes in both the downhill and the combined. She was ninth in super-G, but failed to finish the giant slalom. She cited the unexpected appearance of her father, with whom she has a strained relationship, for rattling her before the event.[11] Lindsey Vonn during a slalom race in Aspen in November 2006 At her second Winter Olympics in 2006, Vonn clocked the second-best time in the first practice run yet crashed in the second training run for the downhill race on February 13, 2006, in San Sicario, Italy; she was evacuated by helicopter to Turin and was hospitalized overnight. Despite a bruised hip and strong pains, she returned on the slope 2 days later to compete and finished eighth. The gritty performance earned her the U.S. Olympic Spirit Award, as voted by American fans, fellow Team USA athletes, former U.S. Olympians, and members of the media for best representing the Olympic Spirit. Vonn earned her first ""big race"" medals with silver in both downhill and super-G at the 2007 World Championships in Åre, Sweden. A training crash before the slalom caused her a low-level ACL sprain to her right knee, ending her season 4 weeks early. Nevertheless, she finished third for the season in the women's 2007 World Cup disciplines of downhill and super-G. 2008–2010: Winning the overall World Cup for three consecutive years [ edit ] In 2008, Lindsey Vonn won the overall World Cup title. She became the second American woman to do so, following Tamara McKinney in 1983. American Bode Miller won the men's title to complete the first U.S. sweep of the men's and women's overall titles in 25 years (McKinney and Phil Mahre in 1983). She also won the World Cup season title in the downhill and the U.S. Alpine Championships combined title (downhill & slalom), marking her best ski season to date. Vonn set a new American record for the most World Cup downhill victories with ten, winning at Crans-Montana, Switzerland, on March 8. Vonn in March 2008 In 2009, Vonn repeated as overall World Cup champion, repeated as downhill champion and also won the season championship in super-G by winning the final race of the season. During the season, she broke Tamara McKinney's American record of 18 World Cup victories when she won the super-G at Tarvisio in February. Her nine World Cup wins also set an American single-season record, surpassing Phil Mahre's total of eight in 1982. At the 2009 World Championships in Val-d'Isère, France, Vonn won her first world championship and became the first American woman to win the world super-G title.[27] In the super combined event, she won the downhill portion and had appeared to have finished second in the event with a strong slalom performance, but was disqualified for splitting a gate.[28] Three days later she won the gold in the downhill. During early 2009, she appeared in Alka-Seltzer television commercials in the United States as support for the United States Ski Team. During the summer of 2009, Vonn switched her equipment sponsor and supplier to Head skis, after previously racing her entire career on Rossignol skis.[29] In October 2009, Vonn was awarded the Skieur d'Or Award[30] by members of the International Association of Ski Journalists for her performances during the previous season. In December 2009, Vonn sustained a bruised arm after a crash during the opening run of the World Cup giant slalom. She continued racing as there was no fracture that would prevent her return and run at the Olympic Games in Vancouver.[31] Despite skiing with her arm in a brace due to the injury, Vonn won three straight races (two downhills and a super-G) in Haus im Ennstal, Austria from January 8–10, 2010. The wins raised her to second among American skiers on the all-time career list for World Cup wins with 28, passing Phil Mahre and trailing only Bode Miller. On January 14, 2010, Lindsey Vonn was named Colorado Athlete of the Year for 2009.[32] With her victory in a super-G just prior to the 2010 Winter Olympics, she clinched her second straight super-G discipline title with two races still to go.[33] Vonn ended up also winning the overall title, as well as the discipline titles in downhill, super-G and combined, and by winning the last super-G of the season, she boosted her overall World Cup victory total to 33, surpassing Bode Miller for the most World Cup victories by an American.[34] The third consecutive overall World Cup title also equals Phil Mahre's American record and makes Vonn the third woman to achieve it, behind Petra Kronberger with 3 straight and Annemarie Moser-Pröll with 5 straight.[34] Vonn was also named by the Associated Press as 2010 Female Athlete of the Year.[35] 2010 Winter Olympics [ edit ] Vonn at the 2010 Arthur Ashe Kids Day in Queens , New York, August 2010 At the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010, Vonn planned to compete in all five women's alpine events.[36] On February 10, she revealed she had severely bruised her shin in training the previous week. Vonn said the pain from her injury was ""excruciating"" and she would have a difficult time competing at the Winter Olympics.[37] Due to unseasonably warm weather and resultant poor snow conditions, many of the Alpine skiing events were moved back, giving Vonn additional time to heal.[38] On February 17, in her first event, Vonn won the gold medal in the downhill at Whistler Blackcomb, beating longtime U.S. rival Julia Mancuso by 0.56 seconds and becoming the first American woman to win Olympic gold in downhill.[39][40] From left to right: Tina Maze of Slovenia (silver), Andrea Fischbacher of Austria (gold), and Lindsey Vonn of the U.S. (bronze) with the medals they earned in the super-G In her second event, the super combined, Vonn finished first in the downhill portion of the race. In the slalom portion, however, she crashed when she failed to get her ski around a right-hand gate. Vonn said her shin wasn't the problem. Gold and silver were won by Maria Riesch and Julia Mancuso respectively.[41] In her third event, the super-G, Vonn finished third behind Andrea Fischbacher and Tina Maze, 0.74 seconds behind Fischbacher's winning time.[42] Afterwards, Vonn said she didn't ski the last part of the course as aggressively as she could have and lost the race as a result.[43] In her fourth event, the giant slalom, fog affected visibility. Vonn crashed in her first run, resulting in a broken fourth finger and Vonn's disqualification from the event.[44][45] In her fifth event, the slalom, Vonn lost control and straddled a gate, disqualifying her from the event. 2011: Losing the overall World Cup to Maria Riesch by 3 points [ edit ] Vonn at the Boston Red Sox vs. Baltimore Orioles game, April 2011 After 3 consecutive overall World Cups, Vonn faced more serious competition from Maria Riesch of Germany in 2011. Riesch had a strong start to the season by winning 2 downhills in Lake Louise, where Vonn had won 7 races. Vonn placed on the podium in every speed race but failed to finish in several slaloms. Riesch had 5 podiums in the first 6 slaloms and was significantly ahead in the overall ranking by the end of January. At the 2011 World Championships in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Vonn suffered from a concussion she acquired during training a week earlier. She started in 2 events and achieved a seventh place in super-G and a silver medal in downhill. Back to World Cup and healthy again, Vonn finished ahead of Riesch in several races (including a giant slalom she finished third, best career result in GS until then), she took overall lead for first time that season after downhill event of the World Cup finals in Lenzerheide. The super-G was cancelled due to poor weather conditions, and after the slalom Riesch regained the overall lead by 3 points. The giant slalom was also cancelled due to weather and Riesch was the 2011 overall champion. 2012: Joining the all-event winner's club [ edit ] Vonn won her fourth Overall World Cup Title in 2012. The season opened in October in Sölden, Austria where Vonn won her first giant slalom. This made Vonn the 6th woman to have won all events at least once. On December 2–4, 2011, she won all three races in Lake Louise (two downhills, one super-G) for her second career 'hat trick', and with her eleventh win at Lake Louise she surpassed Renate Götschl's record for most career wins at a single resort (ten in Cortina d'Ampezzo). On December 7, 2011, Vonn notched her first World Cup victory on U.S. snow, at Beaver Creek, Colorado. Due to a lack of snow in France, its super-G was rescheduled in advance for a Wednesday on the Birds of Prey course. Her limited success on U.S. snow is primarily due to a lack of speed events; only three have been run in the U.S. during her career. It was the first home win by an American woman in 17 years, since Hilary Lindh of Alaska won the downhill in nearby Vail in December 1994. With further victories in January 2012, she overtook Renate Götschl to become the third most successful female World Cup racer in terms of victories. On February 4, 2012, Vonn achieved her fiftieth World Cup victory on the Kandahar downhill course at Garmisch, Germany. The win also gave her 25 career downhill victories, surpassing Götschl for second most career DH wins. With a podium finish in Russia on February 18, 2012 Vonn clinched the season title in downhill, her fifth consecutive in that discipline. Vonn's expressed disappointment that she missed the FIS Alpine Record for 2,000 points in a season by 20 points. In her final race of the season at Schladming, Austria, she was not able to improve on her first giant slalom run after losing her pole at the starting gate. Her 24th finish at Schladming led to her loss of a potential 20-plus points for her season record. ""It was possible to get those 20 points, I was in a good position ... If you work so hard to reach your goal but you lose your pole in the very last run, that's hard to take. It will give me even more motivation for next season"", commented Vonn after the race.[46] 2013 [ edit ] Vonn got off to a slow start in the 2013 season, slowed by illness with marginal results in giant slalom and skipping a pair of slalom races in November 2012. She came back quickly once the speed events started, again sweeping all three races in Lake Louise from November 30 to December 2 (two downhills, one super-G) for her third career 'hat trick', and increasing her record for most career wins at a single resort to 14. The three wins increased her career total to 56, moving her past Vreni Schneider into second place all-time among women behind Annemarie Moser-Pröll with 62. After some disappointing results, Vonn announced her decision on December 17 to take a break from the World Cup circuit to fully recover from her earlier illness.[47] She returned and finished in 6th place on January 6 in her first downhill race since her break. Two weeks later she won the downhill in Cortina d'Ampezzo and week later won the giant slalom in Maribor, Slovenia.[48] World Championships [ edit ] At the first marathon of the 2013 World Championships in Schladming, Austria, Vonn crashed in the super-G and was airlifted to a nearby hospital. She tore her anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament in her right knee, with a tibial plateau fracture.[49] Vonn said she would be ready for the 2014 Winter Olympics despite her injury.[50] World Cup Finals [ edit ] Before her season ending crash on February 5 in Schladming, Vonn led in the World Cup downhill standings with 340 points. Several were within reach of taking the title during her absence from the tour. Overall champion Tina Maze, who trailed Vonn by more than a hundred points, took a 4th-place finish in Méribel and a win in Garmisch to close the gap to a single point with one race remaining at the World Cup finals in Lenzerheide. Weather conditions were in Vonn's favor, as officials canceled the race after numerous delays due to a thick fog on the lower section. As a result, she won her sixth downhill season title despite not competing in a downhill since mid-January. 2014 [ edit ] Vonn traveled to Austria for the first race of the 2014 Alpine Skiing World Cup, but ultimately decided not to compete during the first weekend.[51] She announced plans to return to competition in late November.[51] On November 20, 2013, Vonn re-injured her right knee straining it and partially tearing her right ACL after a crash during training.[52] She returned to competition on December 6, finishing 40th the first of two downhill races in Lake Louise, Canada,[53] then 11th in the second downhill on December 7, followed by a 5th place in the super-G on December 8. In December, she said of her preparation for the 2014 Winter Olympics that ""I'm going to play it safe and race minimal races, so I can get the confidence and the timing and the feeling of racing again. I'm really going to be safe and smart as I can.""[54] On January 7, 2014, Vonn announced that she would not compete in the Sochi 2014 Winter Games because she had re-injured her right knee on December 21, 2013, while skiing in France. ""I am devastated to announce that I will not be able to compete in Sochi. I did everything I possibly could to somehow get strong enough to overcome having no ACL but the reality has sunk in that my knee is just too unstable to compete at this level. I'm having surgery soon so that I can be ready for the World Championships at home in Vail next February. On a positive note, this means there will be an additional spot so that one of my teammates can go for gold. Thank you all so much for all of the love and support. I will be cheering for all of the Olympians and especially team USA!"" [55] ESPN posted a reference to her announcement, a few hours after Lindsey wrote the aforementioned on her Facebook page.[56] 2015: Comeback [ edit ] Vonn made her comeback to the top of the podium on December 6, 2014 at the Women's World Cup downhill race at Lake Louise, Alberta, winning the event in only her second race back.[57] In January 2015, she tied and then overtook Austrian Annemarie Moser-Proell for the most World Cup wins ever. At the 2015 World Championships in Vail / Beaver Creek, Colorado, Vonn won a bronze medal in the first of ladies' events, the super-G.[58] She placed 5th in the downhill race and 14th in the giant slalom race. On March 18, 2015, Vonn won the last World Cup downhill race at Meribel, France and claimed the World Cup downhill title for the seventh time. Vonn tied with Moser-Proell for the women's record of seven globes in one discipline.[59] The next day, Vonn notched her eight victory of the season by winning the last super-G race. With this win, Vonn took the super-G season title for a fifth time, tying a record shared by German Katja Seizinger, Austrian Hermann Maier and Norwegian Aksel Lund Svindal. She joined Swedish legend Ingemar Stenmark as the only skiers to reach 19 season titles across all disciplines and the overall. Vonn also made a World Cup podium for the 113th time, tying Moser-Proell‘s women's record.[60][61] 2016 [ edit ] Vonn started the season by winning the three races contested by women in Lake Louise (2 Downhill, 1 Super G) for her third career victory. This brought her to 70 career World Cup wins, increasing her lead over the previous women's world record holder for most World Cup podiums by a woman (Austrian Annemarie Moser-Proell, 62 career victories) and with her 25th Super G win, she passed Austrian Hermann Maier for most Super G wins for either gender.[62] In January, Vonn tied the record of Annemarie Moser-Pröll for all-time downhill victories at 36 with a win at Altenmarkt-Zauchensee, Austria. Because poor snow conditions resulted in a shorter course, the race was uniquely held over two combined runs, similar to slalom and giant slalom races. Two weeks later in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, Vonn broke Moser-Pröll's record with her 37th downhill victory. 2017 [ edit ] On November 11, 2016, Vonn announced on her Facebook page that she had severely fractured the humerus bone of her right arm in a training crash. She had undergone surgery to repair the bone.[63] Vonn returned to the World Cup on January 15, 2017, in the downhill race at Altenmarkt; she finished 13th. On January 20, in her second race back from injury, she won the downhill event in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, capturing her 77th win.[64] On December 8, 2017, Vonn stated in an interview she will not be representing the President in the 2018 Winter Olympics and will not attend the White House reception if she wins a gold medal. Vonn made it clear in her statement that she feels that all Olympians represent the United States people, and not the leaders. She was quoted in the CNN article saying, ""Well I hope to represent the people of the United States, not the President."" [65] 2018 [ edit ] 2018 Winter Olympics At the 2018 Winter Olympics, Vonn tied for 6th in Women's Super-G.[66] She won the bronze medal in women's downhill.[67] Vonn dedicated her Olympic races to her grandfather, a Korean War veteran who died the previous November, competing with his initials on her helmet.[68] In a tearful interview following the woman's downhill race, Vonn stated: ""Our family never gives up and I never gave up. I kept working hard and I'm really proud of this medal and I know he [her grandfather] is too.""[69][70] She later scattered some of her grandfather's ashes near the men's downhill racing course, stating: ""I know that it would mean a lot to him to be back here, a part of him is in South Korea always."" [71] 2019 [ edit ] In October 2018, ahead of the start of the 2018–19 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup, Vonn announced that she would retire from competition at the end of the season. Having previously suggested that she would continue until she had broken Stenmark's record for World Cup race victories, she confirmed that she would retire in 2019 regardless of whether she managed to surpass Stenmark's tally or not, explaining that ""physically, I've gotten to the point where it doesn't make sense... I really would like to be active when I'm older, so I have to look to the future and not just be so focused on what's in front of me"". She also said that she aimed to compete in all downhills and super-Gs in the World Cup season, planning to make her debut at Lake Louise at the end of November.[72] However the following month she injured her knee whilst training at Copper Mountain, forcing her to pull out of the Lake Louise races.[73] Personal life [ edit ] Vonn has enjoyed a significant amount of media attention for an alpine skier, making her the face of her sport in the US. She has appeared on The Today Show, Access Hollywood, and The Late Show with David Letterman and has picked up endorsements from notable companies such as Head, Oakley, Red Bull, Rolex, and Under Armour.[74] In 2010, her assets were estimated to be worth over 2.5 million dollars.[citation needed] Vonn in March 2010 with 8 crystal globes, including 3 large ones for FIS World Cup overall titles and 5 smaller ones for various discipline titles Vonn married fellow 2002 Olympian and former U.S. Ski Team athlete Thomas Vonn on September 29, 2007, at the Silver Lake Lodge in Deer Valley, Utah.[75] In November 2011, the couple announced initiation of divorce proceedings after four years of marriage.[76] The divorce was finalized on January 9, 2013.[77] Vonn met golfer Tiger Woods at a charity event in 2012. They started dating in March 2013 before splitting in May 2015.[78][79][80] Vonn frequently stays at the home of Maria Höfl-Riesch, her friend and former major competitor, in Garmisch, Germany. Lindsey and Thomas Vonn often spent Christmas Eve at the Riesch family home. Vonn is fluent in German (including Austro-Bavarian).[81] During the off-season, Lindsey resides in Vail, Colorado. The most unusual of Vonn's trophies lives in Kirchberg, Austria—Olympe the cow. Vonn won the oversized pet in 2005 in Val-d'Isère.[82] Vonn's nicknames are ""Kildon"", ""Don Don"" and ""The Don."" Though she makes many public appearances, Vonn says training takes up most of her life except for a few weeks after the ski season. She trains six to eight hours a day for six days per week during the summer, incorporating endurance cycling, tight-rope walking, and reaction training into her indoor regimen. She also spends a significant portion of her training regimen skiing, focusing on technical aspects and speed all year round.[83] Vonn appeared in the 2010 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition which featured Olympians from the 2010 Winter Games.[84] She came in 59th on Maxim's Hot 100 list that year.[85] She appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition again in 2016. This time she only wore bodypaint. As of December 2017, she is in a relationship with Canadian ice hockey player P. K. Subban.[86] World Cup results [ edit ] Season titles [ edit ] 20 titles (4 overall, 8 downhill, 5 super-G, 3 combined) Season Discipline 2008 Overall Downhill 2009 Overall Downhill Super-G 2010 Overall Downhill Super-G Combined 2011 Downhill Super-G Combined 2012 Overall Downhill Super-G Combined 2013 Downhill 2015 Downhill Super-G 2016 Downhill Season standings [ edit ] Season Age Overall Slalom Giant Slalom Super G Downhill Combined 2002 17 93 — — 35 41 — 2003 18 118 — — — 47 — 2004 19 30 38 45 26 14 — 2005 20 6 28 35 3 5 5 2006 21 5 9 49 4 2 3 2007 22 6 37 — 3 3 7 2008 23 1 32 13 6 1 2 2009 24 1 3 8 1 1 2 2010 25 1 14 28 1 1 1 2011 26 2 19 12 1 1 1 2012 27 1 20 2 1 1 1 2013 28 8 — 20 4 1 — 2014 29 68 — — 25 36 — 2015 30 3 — 29 1 1 — 2016 31 2 43 18 3 1 5 2017 32 19 — — 12 4 — 2018 33 10 — — 9 2 10 Race victories [ edit ] 82 wins – (43 DH, 28 SG, 4 GS, 2 SL, 5 SC) 137 podiums, 213 top tens World Championship results [ edit ] Year Age Slalom Giant slalom Super-G Downhill Combined 2005 20 — DNF1 9 4 4 2007 22 DNS1 — 2 2 DSQ2 2009 24 DNF2 — 1 1 DSQ2 2011 26 — — 7 2 DNS2 2013 28 — — DNF — — 2015 30 — 14 3 5 DNF2 2017 32 — — DNF 3 5 Olympic results [ edit ] References [ edit ] Quotations related to Lindsey Vonn at Wikiquote Media related to Lindsey Vonn at Wikimedia Commons" 0 "*** Your pov ""Lux? Where are you?"" I hear Louise, One Direction's hairstylist, yell while walking into the room. ""Oh look! There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere."" Louise chirps as Lux runs towards her and hugs Louise's legs with her small arms. Harry and the boys are on tour and this time Harry convinced me to come with him. Right now everyone is sitting in One Direction's tour bus as the boys have a meet and greet in two hours. Harry and I have been together for 3 years. He has always loved kids and he always told me how he wants to have kids with me when the right time comes. When I glance at Harry I realise how he has been watching Lux and Louise dreamingly while smiling from ear to ear. ""Babe?"" I ask him while shaking his arm a little bit. When I shake him he looks like someone snapped him out of his dreams. ""What happened?"" I question. ""Nothing. I was just thinking about our future. I was imagining how it would be if a little you ran around the house with you following her."" ""Harry, do you want to have a baby?"" I ask nervously. ""Yeah. I mean, don't you?"" ""No, no. I do want a baby with you. It's just that do you think we're ready?"" ""Y/n, I know that we don't know how to raise a child but we can get help, right? Besides, we have our parents to help us. And I know we're young but I love you and I know you are the one for me. You are the one I want to grow old with. You are my forever, kitten. Just think about it, her first day of school, her first day of high school. And also how I will beat the shit out of any boy who ever hurts her."" He said chuckling at his own words because he also knows how protective he is going to be of our little princess one day. ""Aww...babe. I love you too. And I do want kids with you. You are my forever too."" I say, clearly impressed by his little speech. ""So, when are we taking the next step, huh?"" I ask, raising an eyebrow. ""Now."" He says, kissing me with urgency. The kiss is filled with love and passion and on the other hand is also a bit desperate. ""Eww... that's gross, guys."" Niall mutters. ""Whoa, whoa! Get a room, guys! Get a room!"" Louis yells with a disgusted expression. Harry suddenly takes my hand in his, carrying me to his bunk, answering Louis and Niall with his actions. As we reach his bunk he pins me against the wall. His mouth ridiculously close to my neck, so much so, that I can feel his breath fanning on my neck. ""And yeah, about that baby...""He whispers in my ear. ""What about that baby?"" I ask eagerly. ""Let's get started on that now."" He murmurs while softly kissing my neck." 1 She has a point. Forget Kanye 2020, Kim Kardashian is ready for a younger West to assume the presidency and she’s convinced that that administration could begin now. In a cover story for Harper’s Bazaar Arabia, Kardashian has offered her assessment of Donald Trump’s first months in office and found that a different child could prove superior. “Not the president now,” she said when asked who should have the power that comes with being commander-in-chief. “Anyone can run the U.S. better. My daughter would be better.” “We’ve worked so hard to get to where we were and to have so many things that we were so proud of in our country, to just literally revert backwards is the most frustrating thing,” she continued. “Every single day when you can’t really believe what’s going on, the next day it’s something else even more crazy and tragic. It’s really scary, the world that we’re living in now. And when you did feel safe at home, now with Trump in presidency you just don’t feel safe any more.” Now, though North West may be but little (she’s 4), she is fierce and seemingly fit for the job. She’s already media trained, having given her first presidential interview in which we learned she has impeccable music taste, loves cheese, and has LGBTQ pride even if she doesn’t know it yet (her favorite color is “rainbow,” folks). And, unlike certain heads of state, we know she isn’t interested in photo ops or nepotism. One could argue she’s already the first daughter. If her father really runs in 2020 — who knows which party or which policies he’d support — he’s going to need proper counsel. May we kindly request that Kim start priming North for a political career in 2020? By that point, North will be 7 and wiser than us all. Nori for Veep! 0 Nicole Kidman was glowing on the 2018 ACM Awards. Hand in hand with husband Keith City, the award-winning star remodeled into a golden goddess on the crimson carpet. Though her high-neck Michael Kors costume lined her neck, arms and legs, the silky material match the star completely, subtly revealing her form. With so many choosing thigh-high splits and plunging necklines, which we additionally love, the actress reasserted that sultry enchantment would not require pores and skin. Past the design, the golden sequins completely match her blond hair. Collectively, her look is a new iteration of monochromatic fashion. She’s actually glowing in the identical hue from head to toe. 0 "Carrie Frances Fisher (October 21, 1956 – December 27, 2016) was an American actress, writer, and comedian.[3] Fisher is known for playing Princess Leia in the Star Wars films, a role for which she was nominated for four Saturn Awards. Her other film credits include Shampoo (1975), The Blues Brothers (1980), Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), The 'Burbs (1989), When Harry Met Sally... (1989), Soapdish (1991), and The Women (2008).[4] She was nominated twice for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series for her performances on the television series 30 Rock and Catastrophe. She was posthumously made a Disney Legend in 2017,[5] and in 2018 she was awarded a posthumous Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album. Fisher wrote several semi-autobiographical novels, including Postcards from the Edge and an autobiographical one-woman play, and its non-fiction book, Wishful Drinking, based on the play. She wrote the screenplay for the film version of Postcards From The Edge which garnered her a BAFTA Award for Best Adapted Screenplay nomination, and her one-woman stage show of Wishful Drinking was filmed for television and received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Variety Special. She worked on other writers' screenplays as a script doctor, including tightening the scripts for Hook (1991), Sister Act (1992), The Wedding Singer (1998), and many of the films from the Star Wars franchise, among others.[6] In later years, she earned praise for speaking publicly about her experiences with bipolar disorder and drug addiction.[7] Fisher was the daughter of singer Eddie Fisher and actress Debbie Reynolds. She and her mother appear in Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, a documentary about their relationship. It premiered at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. Fisher died of a sudden cardiac arrest on December 27, 2016, at age 60, four days after experiencing a medical emergency during a transatlantic flight from London to Los Angeles. One of her final films, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, was released on December 15, 2017 and is dedicated to her.[8][9] Fisher will, however, appear in Star Wars: Episode IX through the use of unreleased footage from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.[10] Early life [ edit ] Carrie Frances Fisher[11] was born on October 21, 1956, in Burbank, California,[12] to actors and singers Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds.[13][14][15] Fisher's paternal grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants,[16][17][18][19][20] while her mother, who was raised a Nazarene, was of Scots-Irish and English descent.[21][22][23][24] Fisher was two years old when her parents divorced in 1959. Her father's third marriage, to actress Connie Stevens, resulted in the births of Fisher's two half-sisters, Joely Fisher and Tricia Leigh Fisher. In 1960, her mother married Harry Karl, owner of a chain of shoe stores. Reynolds and Karl divorced in 1973, when Fisher was 17 years old.[25] Fisher ""hid in books"" as a child, becoming known in her family as ""the bookworm"".[26] She spent her earliest years reading classic literature, and writing poetry. She attended Beverly Hills High School until age 15, when she appeared as a debutante and singer in the hit Broadway revival Irene (1973), starring her mother.[27] Her time on Broadway interfered with her education, resulting in Fisher's dropping out of high school.[28] In 1973, Fisher enrolled at London's Central School of Speech and Drama, which she attended for 18 months.[26][29] Following her time there, Fisher applied to and was accepted at Sarah Lawrence College, where she planned to study the arts. She later left without graduating.[30][31][32] Career [ edit ] 1970s [ edit ] She was extremely smart; a talented actress, writer and comedienne with a very colorful personality that everyone loved. In Star Wars she was our great and powerful princess—feisty, wise and full of hope in a role that was more difficult than most people might think. —director George Lucas[33] Fisher made her film debut at age 18 as the precociously seductive character Lorna Karpf in the Columbia Pictures comedy Shampoo (1975). Lee Grant and Jack Warden play the role of her parents in the film. Warren Beatty, Julie Christie and Goldie Hawn also star in the film.[4] In 1977, Fisher starred as Princess Leia in George Lucas' science-fiction film Star Wars (later retitled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope) opposite Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford.[34] At the time, she believed the script for Star Wars was fantastic, but did not expect many people to agree with her. Though her fellow actors were not close at the time, they bonded after the commercial success of the film.[35] In April 1978, Fisher appeared as the love interest in Ringo Starr's 1978 TV special Ringo.[36] The next month, she starred alongside John Ritter (who had also appeared in Ringo) in the ABC-TV film Leave Yesterday Behind.[37] At this time, Fisher appeared with Laurence Olivier and Joanne Woodward in the anthology series Laurence Olivier Presents in a television version of the William Inge play Come Back, Little Sheba.[38] That November, she played Princess Leia in the 1978 TV production Star Wars Holiday Special, and sang in the last scene.[39] 1980s [ edit ] Fisher appeared in the film The Blues Brothers as Jake's vengeful ex-lover; she is listed in the credits as ""Mystery Woman"".[40] While Fisher was in Chicago filming the movie, she choked on a Brussels sprout; Dan Aykroyd performed the Heimlich maneuver and ""saved my life"".[41] She appeared on Broadway in Censored Scenes from King Kong in 1980. The same year, she reprised her role as Princess Leia in The Empire Strikes Back, and appeared with her Star Wars co-stars on the cover of the July 12, 1980 issue of Rolling Stone to promote the film.[42] She also starred as Sister Agnes in the Broadway production of Agnes of God in 1982.[43] F.I.S.T., in 1978 Fisher with Wim Wenders at a private party after the premiere of the movie, in 1978 In 1983, Fisher returned to the role of Princess Leia in Return of the Jedi, and posed in the character's metal bikini on the cover of the Summer 1983 issue of Rolling Stone to promote the film.[44][45] The costume later achieved a following of its own.[46] In 1986 she starred along with Barbara Hershey and Mia Farrow in Woody Allen's Hannah and Her Sisters. In 1987, Fisher published her first novel, Postcards from the Edge. The book was semi-autobiographical in the sense that she fictionalized and satirized real-life events such as her drug addiction of the late 1970s and her relationship with her mother. It became a bestseller, and she received the Los Angeles Pen Award for Best First Novel. Also during 1987, she was in the Australian film The Time Guardian. In 1989 Fisher played a major supporting role in When Harry Met Sally..., and in the same year she appeared with Tom Hanks as his character's wife in The 'Burbs.[4] 1990s [ edit ] In 1990, Columbia Pictures released a film version of Postcards from the Edge, adapted for the screen by Fisher and starring Meryl Streep, Shirley MacLaine and Dennis Quaid.[47] Fisher appeared in the fantasy comedy film Drop Dead Fred in 1991, and played a therapist in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997).[4] During the 1990s, Fisher also published the novels Surrender the Pink (1990) and Delusions of Grandma (1993). Fisher wrote an episode of the television sitcom Roseanne entitled ""Arsenic and Old Mom"", in which her mother Debbie Reynolds made a guest appearance. Fisher also did uncredited script work for movies such as Lethal Weapon 3 (where she wrote some of Rene Russo's dialogue), Outbreak (also starring Russo), The Wedding Singer[48] and Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot.[49] 2000s [ edit ] In the 2000 film Scream 3, Fisher played a former actress,[50] and in 2001 she played a nun in the Kevin Smith comedy Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. She also co-wrote the TV comedy film These Old Broads (2001), of which she was also co-executive producer. It starred her mother Debbie Reynolds, as well as Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Collins and Shirley MacLaine.[51] In addition to acting and writing original works, Fisher was one of the top script doctors in Hollywood, working on the screenplays of other writers.[52][53] She did uncredited polishes on movies in a 15-year stretch from 1991 to 2005. She was hired by George Lucas to polish scripts for his 1992 TV series The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles and the dialogue for the Star Wars prequel scripts.[52] Her expertise in this area was the reason she was chosen as one of the interviewers for the screenwriting documentary Dreams on Spec in 2007. In an interview in 2004, Fisher said she no longer did much script doctoring.[53] In 2005, Women in Film & Video – DC recognized Fisher with the Women of Vision Award.[54] Fisher also voiced Peter Griffin's boss, Angela, on the animated sitcom Family Guy[55] and wrote the introduction for a book of photographs titled Hollywood Moms, which was published in 2001.[56] Fisher published a sequel to Postcards, The Best Awful There Is, in 2004. Fisher wrote and performed in her one-woman play Wishful Drinking at the Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles from November 2006 to January 2007.[57] Her show then played throughout 2008 at the Berkeley Repertory Theater,[58] San Jose, the Hartford Stage,[59] the Arena Stage[60] and Boston.[61] Fisher published her autobiographical book, also titled Wishful Drinking, based on her successful play in December 2008 and embarked on a media tour. In 2009, Fisher returned to the stage with her play at the Seattle Repertory Theatre.[62] Wishful Drinking then opened on Broadway in New York at Studio 54 and played an extended run from October 2009 until January 2010.[63][64] In December 2009, Fisher's audiobook recording of Wishful Drinking earned her a nomination for a 2009 Grammy Award in the Best Spoken Word Album category.[65] Fisher joined Turner Classic Movies host Robert Osborne on Saturday evenings in 2007 for The Essentials with informative and entertaining conversation on Hollywood's best films. She guest-starred in the episode titled ""Sex and Another City"" from season 3 of Sex and the City with Sarah Jessica Parker. On October 25, 2007, Fisher guest-starred as Rosemary Howard on the second-season episode of 30 Rock called ""Rosemary's Baby"", for which she received an Emmy Award nomination.[66] On April 28, 2008, she was a guest on Deal or No Deal.[67] In 2008, she also had a cameo as a doctor in the Star Wars-related comedy Fanboys. 2010s [ edit ] In 2010, HBO aired a feature-length documentary based on a special live performance of Fisher's Wishful Drinking stage production.[68] At the time of her death, Fisher had been preparing a sequel to the one-woman play.[69] Fisher speaking at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con International Fisher appeared on the seventh season of Entourage in the summer of 2010.[68] She was among the featured performers at the Comedy Central Roast of Roseanne, which aired in August 2012. In her monologue, Fisher poked fun at her own mental illness,[70] and her fellow roasters' reliance on weight and menopause jokes.[71] Fisher joked that she had no idea why she was asked to roast Roseanne, until ""they explained that we were actually good friends, and that apparently we have worked together.""[72] Host Jane Lynch joked that Fisher was there to add perspective to Roseanne's struggles with weight and drugs. Fellow roaster Wayne Brady poked fun at Fisher's career, saying she was the only celebrity ""whose action figure is worth more than you are.""[73] She was selected as a member of the main competition jury at the 2013 Venice Film Festival.[74] She filmed an appearance on the UK comedy panel show QI that was broadcast on December 25, 2014.[75] Fisher starred alongside Sharon Horgan and comedian Rob Delaney in the British comedy series Catastrophe, that was first broadcast on Channel 4 in the UK on January 19, 2015.[76][77] Her last appearance on Catastrophe, which aired in the UK on April 4, 2017, left many viewers in tears[78] and earned her a posthumous Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series nomination. In a March 2013 interview following the announcement that a new trilogy of films would be produced, Fisher confirmed that she would reprise her role as Princess Leia in Episode VII of the Star Wars series. Fisher claimed that Leia was ""Elderly. She's in an intergalactic old folks' home [laughs]. I just think she would be just like she was before, only slower and less inclined to be up for the big battle.""[79] After other media outlets reported this on March 6, 2013, her representative said the same day that Fisher was joking and that nothing was announced.[80] In a January 2014 interview, Fisher confirmed her involvement and the involvement of the original cast in the upcoming sequels by saying ""as for the next Star Wars film, myself, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill are expected to report to work in March or April. I'd like to wear my old cinnamon buns hairstyle again but with white hair. I think that would be funny.""[81] In March 2014, Fisher stated that she was moving to London for six months because that was where Star Wars Episode VII filming would take place.[82] On April 29, 2014, the cast for the new sequel was officially announced, and Fisher, along with Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, and Kenny Baker, were all cast in their original roles for the film. Star Wars Episode VII, subtitled The Force Awakens, was released worldwide on December 18, 2015. Fisher was nominated for a 2016 Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal.[83] In Rogue One (2016), which predates the original trilogy, young versions of Leia and the character Grand Moff Tarkin appear through computer animation.[84][85] Fisher had completed filming her role as Leia in Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) shortly before her death.[86] Director Rian Johnson has stated that many of Fisher's own ideas made it into the film, and that she supplied a few of Leia's lines.[87] Variety reported following her death that Fisher was slated to appear in Episode IX, and that Lucasfilm, Disney, and others involved with the film will need to find a way to address her death and what will become of her character.[88][89][90] In July 2018, it was announced that Fisher would appear posthumously in Star Wars: Episode IX via unreleased footage from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.[91][10] Fisher's memoir, The Princess Diarist, was released in November 2016. The book is based on diaries she kept while filming the original Star Wars trilogy in the late 1970s and early 1980s.[92][93] Her audiobook recording of the memoir earned her the 2018 Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album, awarded 13 months after her death. Fisher and her mother appear in Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds,[94] a 2016 documentary about their close relationship featuring interviews, photographs and home movies. The documentary premiered at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival and broadcast on January 7, 2017.[95] She will be featured in the film Wonderwell with Rita Ora, which was filmed in the summer of 2016 in Italy.[96] Personal life [ edit ] Fisher met musician Paul Simon while filming Star Wars, and the pair dated from 1977 until 1983.[97] In 1980, she was briefly engaged to Canadian actor and comedian Dan Aykroyd, who proposed to her on the set of their film The Blues Brothers. She said: ""We had rings, we got blood tests, the whole shot. But then I got back together with Paul Simon.""[98] Fisher was married to Simon from August 1983 to July 1984, and they dated again for a time after their divorce.[98] During their marriage, she appeared in Simon's music video for the song ""Rene and Georgette Magritte with Their Dog after the War"". Simon's song ""Hearts and Bones"" is about their romance.[99][100] She subsequently had a relationship with Creative Artists Agency principal and talent agent Bryan Lourd. They had one child together, Billie Lourd (b. 1992). Eddie Fisher stated in his autobiography (Been There Done That) that his granddaughter's name is Catherine Fisher Lourd and her nickname is ""Billy"". The couple's relationship ended when Lourd left to be in a homosexual relationship. In interviews, Fisher described Lourd as her second husband, but a 2004 profile of the actress and writer revealed that she and Lourd were never legally married.[101] In her 2016 autobiography The Princess Diarist, Fisher wrote that she and Harrison Ford had a three-month affair during the filming of Star Wars in 1976.[102] Fisher also had a close relationship with singer James Blunt. While working on his album Back to Bedlam in 2003, Blunt spent much of his time at Fisher's residence. When Vanity Fair's George Wayne asked Fisher if their relationship was sexual, she replied: ""Absolutely not, but I did become his therapist. He was a soldier. This boy has seen awful stuff. Every time James hears fireworks or anything like that, his heart beats faster, and he gets 'fight or flight.' You know, he comes from a long line of soldiers dating back to the 10th century. He would tell me these horrible stories. He was a captain, a reconnaissance soldier. I became James' therapist. So it would have been unethical to sleep with my patient.""[34] On February 26, 2005, R. Gregory ""Greg"" Stevens, a lobbyist, was found dead in Fisher's California home. The final autopsy report listed the cause of death as ""cocaine and oxycodone use"" but added chronic, and apparently previously undiagnosed, heart disease as contributing factors. Media coverage of an initial autopsy report used the word ""overdose,"" but that wording is not in the final report.[103] In an interview, Fisher claimed that Stevens' ghost haunted her mansion, which unsettled her: ""I was a nut for a year"", she explained, ""and in that year I took drugs again.""[34] Fisher described herself as an ""enthusiastic agnostic who would be happy to be shown that there is a God"".[104] She was raised Protestant,[105] but often attended Jewish services (her father's faith) with Orthodox friends.[106] In 2016, Harvard College gave Fisher its Annual Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Cultural Humanism, noting that ""her forthright activism and outspokenness about addiction, mental illness, and agnosticism have advanced public discourse on these issues with creativity and empathy.""[7] Fisher was a supporter and advocate for several causes, including women's advocacy,[107] animal rights,[108] and LGBT causes.[109] She was open about her experiences caring for friends who suffered from AIDS, contributing financially to various AIDS and HIV organizations, including hosting a benefit for amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research.[110] She also served as an honorary board member for the International Bipolar Foundation,[111] and, in 2014, received the Golden Heart Award for her work with The Midnight Mission.[112] She was a spokesperson for Jenny Craig weight loss television ads that aired in January 2011.[113] Bipolar disorder and drug use [ edit ] During appearances on 20/20 and The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive with Stephen Fry, Fisher publicly discussed her diagnosis of bipolar disorder and her addictions to cocaine and prescription medication.[114] She said her drug use was a form of self-medication; she used pain medication such as Percodan to ""dial down"" the manic aspect of her bipolar disorder.[115] She gave nicknames to her bipolar moods: Roy (""the wild ride of a mood"") and Pam (""who stands on the shore and sobs"").[116] ""Drugs made me feel more normal"", she explained to Psychology Today in 2001. ""They contained me.""[115] She discussed her 2008 memoir Wishful Drinking and various topics in it with Matt Lauer on NBC's Today that same year, and also revealed that she would have turned down the role of Princess Leia had she realized it would give her the celebrity status that made her parents' lives difficult.[117] This interview was followed by a similar appearance on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on December 12, 2008, where she discussed her electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments.[118] At one point, she received ECT every six weeks to ""blow apart the cement"" in her brain.[119] In 2014, she said she was no longer receiving the treatment.[120] In another interview, Fisher revealed that she used cocaine during the filming of The Empire Strikes Back. ""Slowly, I realized I was doing a bit more drugs than other people and losing my choice in the matter"", she noted.[121][122] In 1985, after months of sobriety, she accidentally overdosed on a combination of prescription medication and sleeping pills.[123] She was rushed to the hospital, creating the turn of events that led to much of the material in her novel and screenplay, Postcards from the Edge. Asked why she did not take on the role of her story's protagonist, named Suzanne, in the film version, Fisher remarked, ""I've already played Suzanne.""[124] In her later years, Fisher had an emotional support animal, a French Bulldog named Gary, whom she brought to numerous appearances and interviews.[125] Following her death, reports indicated that Fisher's daughter Billie Lourd would take care of Gary.[126] Death [ edit ] After finishing the European leg of her book tour (her last TV appearance was on an episode of The Graham Norton Show recorded four days before her death), Fisher was on a commercial flight on December 23, 2016, from London to Los Angeles when she suffered a medical emergency around fifteen minutes before the aircraft landed.[127][a] A passenger seated near Fisher reported that she had stopped breathing;[130] another passenger performed CPR on Fisher until paramedics arrived at the scene. Emergency services in Los Angeles were contacted when the flight crew reported a passenger in distress prior to landing. Fisher was taken by ambulance to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where she was placed on a ventilator.[131][132] Following four days in intensive care at UCLA Medical Center, Fisher died on December 27, 2016, at 8:55 a.m. (PST); she was 60 years old.[133] Fisher's daughter, Billie Lourd, confirmed her mother's death in a statement to the press.[131] Many of her co-stars and directors from Star Wars and other works also shared their thoughts on her death.[134] On January 9, 2017, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health issued a death certificate that stated ""cardiac arrest/deferred"" as the cause of death. More tests were expected.[135] In a June 16, 2017, news release, the Los Angeles County coroner's office said that the exact cause of death could not be determined, but sleep apnea and the buildup of fatty tissue on the walls of arteries were among the contributing factors.[1] A full report from June 19, 2017, stated that Fisher had cocaine in her system, as well as traces of heroin, other opiates, and MDMA. The report also stated that the investigation was unable to determine when she had taken the drugs, and whether they contributed to her death.[136] Her daughter Billie Lourd stated that Fisher ""battled drug addiction and mental illness her entire life [and] ultimately died of it. She was purposefully open in all of her work about the social stigmas surrounding these diseases... I know my Mom, she’d want her death to encourage people to be open about their struggles.""[137] The day after Fisher's death, her mother Debbie Reynolds suffered a stroke at the home of son Todd, where the family was planning Fisher's burial arrangements.[138] She was taken to a hospital, where she died later that afternoon.[139][140] According to Todd Fisher, Reynolds had said, ""I want to be with Carrie"" immediately prior to suffering the stroke.[141][142][b] On January 5, 2017, a joint private memorial was held for Fisher and Reynolds. A portion of Fisher's ashes were laid to rest beside Reynolds in a crypt at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Hollywood Hills.[144] The remainder of her ashes are held in a giant, novelty Prozac pill.[145] In her 2008 book, Wishful Drinking, Fisher wrote about what she hoped would eventually be her obituary: ""I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra."" Several obituaries and retrospectives featured the quote.[146] In the absence of a star for Fisher on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, fans created their own memorial using a blank star. Along with flowers and candles, words put on the blank star read, ""Carrie Fisher may the force be with you always"".[3] In the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, thousands of fans paid tribute to Fisher by gathering at House Organa on the planet Alderaan where Fisher's character in Star Wars resided.[147][148] Lightsaber vigils and similar events in Fisher's honor were held at various Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas theaters and other sites.[149][150][151] On January 6, 2017, the lights on Broadway in Manhattan were darkened for one minute in honor of Fisher and her mother.[152] Fisher and Reynolds were also both featured in the 89th Academy Awards In Memoriam segment.[153] On March 25, 2017, a public memorial for mother and daughter was held at the Hall of Liberty theater in Forest Lawn Memorial Park. The event was streamed live on Reynolds' website. On April 14, a special tribute to Fisher was held by Mark Hamill during the Star Wars Celebration in Orlando.[154] Filmography [ edit ] Film [ edit ] Television [ edit ] Video games [ edit ] Bibliography [ edit ] Novels Non-fiction Screenplays Plays Wishful Drinking , 2006 [186] , 2006 Wishful Drinking , 2008 [187] , 2008 A Spy in the House of Me, 2008[188] Awards and nominations [ edit ] Notes [ edit ] ^ [128] Several news outlets called the episode a ""massive heart attack"".[129] Radio transmissions and emergency calls included the phrases ""cardiac episode"" and ""cardiac arrest""; witnesses believed they had seen Fisher having a heart attack.Several news outlets called the episode a ""massive heart attack"". ^ [143] In an interview with ABC News , Fisher later said that his mother ""didn't die of a broken heart. ... It wasn't that she was sitting around inconsolable—not at all. She simply said that she didn't get to see Carrie come back from London. She expressed how much she loved my sister. She then said she really wanted to be with Carrie—in those precise words—and within 15 minutes from that conversation, she faded out. Within 30 minutes, she technically was gone.""" 1 We and our partners use cookies on this site to improve our service, perform analytics, personalize advertising, measure advertising performance, and remember website preferences. By using the site, you consent to these cookies. For more information on cookies including how to manage your consent visit our cookie policy 1 "And, tonight, I also want to thank the men and woman who took this journey with me as fellow candidates for president.At this defining moment, at this defining moment for our nation, we should be proud that our party put forth one of the most talented, qualified field of individuals ever to run for office.I have not just competed with them as rivals. I've learned from them as friends, as public servants, and as patriots who love America and are willing to work tirelessly to make this country better. They are leaders of this party and leaders that America will turn to for years to come.And that is particularly true for the candidate who has traveled further on this journey than anyone else. Senator Hillary Clinton has made history in this campaign.(APPLAUSE)She has made history not just because she's a woman who has done what no woman has done before, but because she is a leader who inspires millions of Americans with her strength, her courage, and her commitment to the causes that brought us here tonight.I congratulate her on her victory in South Dakota, and I congratulate her on the race that she has run throughout this contest.(APPLAUSE)We've certainly had our differences over the last 16 months. But as someone who's shared a stage with her many times, I can tell you that what gets Hillary Clinton up in the morning -- even in the face of tough odds -- is exactly what sent her and Bill Clinton to sign up for their first campaign in Texas all those years ago, what sent her to work at the Children's Defense Fund and made her fight for health care as first lady, what led her to the United States Senate and fueled her barrier-breaking campaign for the presidency: an unyielding desire to improve the lives of ordinary Americans, no matter how difficult the fight may be.Advertisement Continue reading the main storyAnd you can rest assured that when we finally win the battle for universal health care in this country -- and we will win that fight -- she will be central to that victory.(APPLAUSE)When we transform our energy policy and lift our children out of poverty, it will be because she worked to help make it happen.Our party and our country are better off because of her, and I am a better candidate for having had the honor to compete with Hillary Rodham Clinton.(APPLAUSE)There are those who say that this primary has somehow left us weaker and more divided. Well, I say that, because of this primary, there are millions of Americans who have cast their ballot for the very first time.(APPLAUSE)There are independents and Republicans who understand this election isn't just about a change of party in Washington, but also about the need to change Washington.There are young people, and African-Americans, and Hispanic- Americans, and women of all ages who have voted in numbers that have broken records and inspired a nation.(APPLAUSE)All of you chose to support a candidate you believe in deeply. But at the end of the day, we aren't the reason you came out and waited in lines that stretched block after block to make your voice heard. You didn't do that...(APPLAUSE)You didn't do that because of me or Senator Clinton or anyone else. You did it because you know in your hearts that at this moment, a moment that will define a generation, we cannot afford to keep doing what we've been doing.Advertisement Continue reading the main storyWe owe our children a better future. We owe our country a better future. And for all those who dream of that future tonight, I say: Let us begin the work together. Let us unite in common effort to chart a new course for America.In just a few short months, the Republican Party will arrive in St. Paul with a very different agenda. They will come here to nominate John McCain, a man who has served this country heroically. (APPLAUSE)I honor, we honor the service of John McCain, and I respect his many accomplishments, even if he chooses to deny mine.(APPLAUSE)My differences with him -- my differences with him are not personal. They are with the policies he has proposed in this campaign, because while John McCain can legitimately tout moments of independence from his party in the past, such independence has not been the hallmark of his presidential campaign.It's not change when John McCain decided to stand with George Bush 95 percent of the time, as he did in the Senate last year.It's not change when he offers four more years of Bush economic policies that have failed to create well-paying jobs, or insure our workers, or help Americans afford the skyrocketing cost of college, policies that have lowered the real incomes of the average American family, widened the gap between Wall Street and Main Street, and left our children with a mountain of debt.It's not change when he promises to continue a policy in Iraq that asks everything of our brave men and women in uniform and nothing of Iraqi politicians, a policy where all we look for are reasons to stay in Iraq, while we spend billions of dollars a month on a war that isn't making the American people any safer.So I'll say this: There are many words to describe John McCain's attempt to pass off his embrace of George Bush's policies as bipartisan and new, but ""change"" is not one of them.Advertisement Continue reading the main story(APPLAUSE)""Change"" is not one of them, because change is a foreign policy that doesn't begin and end with a war that should've never been authorized and never been waged.(APPLAUSE)I won't stand here and pretend that there are many good options left in Iraq, but what's not an option is leaving our troops in that country for the next hundred years, especially at a time when our military is overstretched, our nation is isolated, and nearly every other threat to America is being ignored.(APPLAUSE)We must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in, but we -- but start leaving we must.It's time for Iraqis to take responsibility for their future. It's time to rebuild our military and give our veterans the care and the benefits they deserve when they come home.(APPLAUSE)It's time to refocus our efforts on Al Qaida's leadership and Afghanistan, and rally the world against the common threats of the 21st century: terrorism and nuclear weapons; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. That's what change is.Change, Minnesota, is realizing that meeting today's threats requires not just our firepower, but the power of our diplomacy: tough, direct diplomacy, where the president of the United States isn't afraid to let any petty dictator know where America stands and what we stand for.Newsletter Sign Up Continue reading the main story Please verify you're not a robot by clicking the box. Invalid email address. Please re-enter. You must select a newsletter to subscribe to. Sign Up You will receive emails containing news content , updates and promotions from The New York Times. You may opt-out at any time. You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. Thank you for subscribing. An error has occurred. Please try again later. View all New York Times newsletters.(APPLAUSE)We must once again have the courage and the conviction to lead the free world. That is the legacy of Roosevelt and Truman and Kennedy. That's what the American people demand. That's what change is.(APPLAUSE)Change is building an economy that rewards not just wealth, but the work and the workers who created it. It's understanding that the struggles facing working families can't be solved by spending billions of dollars on more tax breaks for big corporations and wealthy CEOs, but by giving a middle-class tax break to those who need it, and investing in our crumbling infrastructure, and transforming how we use energy, and improving our schools, and renewing our commitment to science and innovation.(APPLAUSE)It's understanding that fiscal responsibility and shared prosperity can go hand-in-hand, as they did when Bill Clinton was president.Advertisement Continue reading the main story(APPLAUSE)John McCain has spent a lot of time talking about trips to Iraq in the last few weeks, but maybe if he spent some time taking trips to the cities and towns that have been hardest hit by this economy -- cities in Michigan, and Ohio, and right here in Minnesota -- he'd understand the kind of change that people are looking for.(APPLAUSE)Maybe if he went to Iowa and met the student who works the night shift after a full day of class and still can't pay the medical bills for a sister who's ill, he'd understand she can't afford four more years of a health care plan that only takes care of the healthy and the wealthy.She needs us to pass health care right now, a plan that guarantees insurance to every American who wants it and brings down premiums for every family who needs it. That's the change we need, Minnesota. (APPLAUSE)Maybe if John McCain went to Pennsylvania and he met the man who lost his job, but can't even afford the gas to drive around and look for a new one, he'd understand we can't afford four more years of our addiction to oil from dictators.That man needs us to pass an energy policy that works with automakers to raise fuel standards, and makes corporations pay for their pollution, and oil companies invest their record profits in a clean energy future, an energy policy that will create millions of new jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced. That's the change we need, Minnesota.(APPLAUSE)And maybe if John McCain spent some time in the schools of South Carolina or St. Paul, Minnesota, or where he spoke tonight in New Orleans, Louisiana, he'd understand that we can't afford to leave the money behind for No Child Left Behind; that we owe it to our children to invest in early-childhood education; and recruit an army of new teachers and give them better pay and more support; and finally decide that, in this global economy, the chance to get a college education should not be a privilege for the few, but a birthright of every American.That's the change we need in America. That's why I'm running for president of the United States.(APPLAUSE)Now, the other side will come here in September and offer a very different set of policies and positions, and that is a good thing. That is a debate I look forward to.Advertisement Continue reading the main story(APPLAUSE)It is a debate that the American people deserve on the issues that will help determine the future of this country and the future for our children.But what you don't deserve is another election that's governed by fear, and innuendo, and division. What you won't hear from this campaign or this party is the kind of politics that uses religion as a wedge and patriotism as a bludgeon...(APPLAUSE)What you won't see from this campaign or this party is a politics that sees our opponents not as competitors to challenge, but enemies to polarize, because we may call ourselves Democrats and Republicans, but we are Americans first. We are always Americans first.(APPLAUSE)Despite what the good senator from Arizona may have said tonight, I've seen people of differing views and opinions find common cause many times during my two decades in public life, and I've brought many together myself.I've walked arm-in-arm with community leaders on the south side of Chicago and watched tensions fade as black, white, and Latino fought together for good jobs and good schools.I've sat across the table from law enforcement officials and civil rights advocates to reform a criminal justice system that sent 13 innocent people to death row.I've worked with friends in the other party to provide more children with health insurance and more working families with a tax break, to curb the spread of nuclear weapons and ensure that the American people know where their tax dollars are being spent, and reduce the influence of lobbyists who have all too often set the agenda in Washington.(APPLAUSE)In our country, I have found that this cooperation happens not because we agree on everything, but because, behind all the false labels and false divisions and categories that define us, beyond all the petty bickering and point-scoring in Washington, Americans are a decent, generous, compassionate people, united by common challenges and common hopes.Advertisement Continue reading the main storyAnd every so often, there are moments which call on that fundamental goodness to make this country great again.So it was for that band of patriots who declared in a Philadelphia hall the formation of a more perfect union, and for all those who gave on the fields of Gettysburg and Antietam their last full measure of devotion to save that same union.So it was for the greatest generation that conquered fear itself, and liberated a continent from tyranny, and made this country home to untold opportunity and prosperity.So it was for the workers who stood out on the picket lines, the women who shattered glass ceilings, the children who braved a Selma bridge for freedom's cause.So it has been for every generation that faced down the greatest challenges and the most improbable odds to leave their children a world that's better and kinder and more just.And so it must be for us.(APPLAUSE)America, this is our moment. This is our time, our time to turn the page on the policies of the past...(APPLAUSE) ... our time to bring new energy and new ideas to the challenges we face, our time to offer a new direction for this country that we love.The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge -- I face this challenge with profound humility and knowledge of my own limitations, but I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people.Advertisement Continue reading the main storyBecause if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that, generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless...(APPLAUSE)... this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal...(APPLAUSE)... this was the moment when we ended a war, and secured our nation, and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.(APPLAUSE)This was the moment, this was the time when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals.Thank you, Minnesota. God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America." 0 Scott Disick‘s girlfriend Sofia Richie celebrated her 20th birthday in a bikini — and his ex Kourtney Kardashian apparently refused to be outdone, following up with a topless shot. “I’m like goddamn bitch, I am not a teen choice #20,” Richie captioned her sultry snap. Hours later on Friday, Kardashian, 39, took to her Instagram story from a swanky walk-in closet wearing jeans, heels and nothing on top but a necklace — plus her arm and a text bar reading “proud wife” obscuring her nipples. She captioned the image, “I swear this is about [pal] Steph [Shepherd’s] jeans.” Richie has been dating Disick, 35, for about a year. Kardashian, who shares sons Mason and Reign and daughter Penelope with Disick, split from a much younger lover of her own, 25-year-old model Younes Bendjima, earlier this month. Disick and Kardashian discussed their rocky on-again-off-again romance on the 10-year-anniversary special of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” in September 2017. “The debauchery that’s gone on has definitely closed the door several billion times [on a reconciliation], but it’s been back open,” Kardashian said at the time. Disick quipped, “Here’s the thing, every time I become too good of a person, she stops loving me because she fell in love with a guy who was a little bit f–ked up … I treat you like royalty, you don’t say hello to me. I spit in your face, you’re like, ‘Hey babe.’ ” Kardashian and Disick split, seemingly for good, in July 2015. 1 Gwyneth Paltrow has faced her share of critics since launching her lifestyle brand Goop in 2008. With almost 10 years of Web site experience under her belt (and decades more as a Hollywood actress), Paltrow typically seems unbothered by her opponents, who have lambasted her for everything from publishing outrageous gift guides to using pseudo-science to promote products. That is until ob-gyn Jen Gunter, a longtime critic of the lifestyle Web site, published a blog post in January about Goop selling its much-discussed $66 vaginal jade eggs, writing, “The only thing your post got right is to check with your doctor before using one. So let me give you some free advice, don’t use vaginal jade eggs.” In a rare move, Goop responded, on Thursday, with Paltrow tweeting out a link to the statement, along with Michelle Obama’s famed Democratic convention quote, “When they go low, we go high,” which, it should be noted, was not in reference to vaginas. “As goop has grown, so has the attention we receive. We consistently find ourselves to be of interest to many—and for that, we are grateful—but we also find that there are third parties who critique goop to leverage that interest and bring attention to themselves,” the post began before turning its focus to Gunter, who was referred to as a “San Francisco-based ob-gyn/blogger,” who, Goop claimed, “has been taking advantage of the attention and issuing attacks to build her personal platform—ridiculing the women who might read our site in the process.” Goop’s blog ended with letters from two doctors, Steven Gundry and Aviva Romm. Gundry opened his letter criticizing Gunter’s language (“I have never seen a medical discussion start or end with the ‘F-bomb,’ yet yours did”) before proceeding to list off his résumé, making sure to add that he has never “dropped” an “F-bomb” while speaking with a “discussant.” Gunter spoke to Buzzfeed about Goop’s statement while on vacation in England, telling the outlet she “was shocked to see Gundry mansplaining science to me. I have four board certifications. I was a doctor when I was 23.” She also questioned why she was the one to be singled out by Goop and Paltrow, as there are many Goop-critics to choose from, including Stephen Colbert and Timothy Caulfield, who wrote an article for Salon in 2015 called “Gwyneth Paltrow Is Wrong About Everything” and recently published a book with a slightly less-declarative title, “Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything?: When Celebrity Culture and Science Clash.” Caulfield also spoke to Buzzfeed about Gunter’s work, saying, “We need more and more voices like Jen to combat the noise on pop culture around health, which is often dominated by science-free celebrities.” It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly why Jen Gunter was the one to face the unusual ire of Goop and the Goop-adjacent. It could be because, unlike Colbert or even Caulfield, Gunter, as an unknown target, was easier to lash out at. Or maybe she was Goop's most-prolific critic who finally managed to push one button too many. Or Goop was just really tired of all those F-bombs. Whatever the reason and regardless of scientific facts, history has taught us that the world of Goop will keep on spinning. Get Vanity Fair’s Cocktail Hour Our essential brief on culture, the news, and more. And it's on the house. E-mail Address Subscribe 1 The mother! of all relationships is over. Jennifer Lawrence, 27, and director Darren Aronofsky, 48, have split after over a year of dating, PEOPLE confirms. The two began seeing each other in September shortly after wrapping mother!, and their relationship continued to blossom despite their 22-year age difference. The private couple kept mum about their relationship while promoting the movie a year later and only posed together at the New York premiere of the film. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP The Oscar winner was first spotted dining with the Brooklyn native in New York City in August. They then spent time in Los Angeles in October, where they had an intimate dinner with her close friends at the Commissary restaurant at The Line Hotel. In November, they joined forces to encourage college students to get out and vote. Taylor Hill/Getty Lawrence was previously linked to British actor Nicholas Hoult and Coldplay frontman Chris Martin. The director was previously in a nine-year relationship with actress Rachel Weisz (the two have a son, 10-year-old Henry), before they broke up in 2010, and Weisz moved on to marry her Dream House costar Daniel Craig. 1 As this star's freedom was revoked, in the back of a packed courtroom sat four very happy people. In contrast to Dance Mom's Abby Lee Millers tears over her jail sentence, four former reality television moms were laughing it up, the star told InTouch. A group of the 50-year-old former students' mothers - Kelly Hyland, Christi Lukasiak, Dawn Check and Diane Pent - sat in the back of the Pittsburgh courtroom May 9 as the instructor was sentence to a year and a day in jail. Laughing stock: Abby Lee Miller (pictured May 14) has revealed her former co-stars laughed at her sentencing Celebrated: A group of the 50-year-old former students' mothers - L-R Diane Pent, Christi Lukasiak, Dawn Check and Kelly Hyland - sat in the back of the Pittsburgh courtroom May 9 as the instructor was sentence to a year and a day in jail And Abby Lee was all too aware that the four women had come to watch the show that was her bankruptcy fraud case. The reality star told InTouch she was hurt: 'They were all laughing at me.' Not nice: The reality star told InTouch she was hurt, 'They were all laughing at me' But they were not just laughing, post-court the four moms headed to a home and toasted Abby Lee's sentence with a bottle of pricey Dom Perignon champagne. All four women shared the snap on their Instagrams which showed them all beaming from ear-to-ear. Diane captioned the image: 'Great day with great friends! @kellylhyland @christilukasiak @dawncheck cheers!' Dawn - a minister who Abby once called the police on - followed suit saying 'friends' on one picture and then 'silliness. Because' on a different angle. But Kelly Hyland was not as subtle, captioning the photograph: 'Who is the happiest ???' There is no love lost between Kelly and Abby with the pair once getting in a physical fight on-camera which Kelly was arrested for. The Dance Mom and her daughter also went on to sue Abby and the show's production company but eventually settled. Abby was not amused at the ladies' joy over her sentence as she has previously spoken of her fears that she will be attacked or sexually assaulted in prison. According to InTouch, the reality star will start her sentence June 23 The Federal Correctional Institute in Dublin, California. The star is doing what she can to prepare: 'I've been told to keep to myself and don't make friends.' Ching, ching: But they were not just laughing, post-court the four moms headed to a home and toasted Abby Lee's sentence with a bottle of pricey Dom Perignon champagne History: But Kelly Hyland was not as subtle, captioning the photograph: 'Who is the happiest ???'. There is no love lost between Kelly and Abby with the pair once getting in a physical fight on-camera which Kelly was arrested for Abby wants to teach dance as part of the prion required work scheme. and is getting her doctor to write a note to the warden since she's 'trying to eat vegan' post gastric sleeve surgery, InTouch reports. The star - who a former inmate said will be seen as a 'walking ATM' - is still struggling to accept this is happening to her. 'I just keep thinking I'm going to wake up and it'll all have been a nightmare, that someone is going to see the light and say, ''They went after the wrong person.'' I'm not as strong as I may appear on TV. Facing the music: The reality star will start her sentence June 23 The Federal Correctional Institute in Dublin, California 'I'm angry about what the judge didn't know. Yes I did wrong things [but] it wasn't like big scandalous horrible things.' Abby plead guilty last year to one count of failing to report more than $10,000 worth of US dollars' worth of Australian currency after she brought $120,000 into the US and and one count of bankruptcy fraud. She was initially facing 19 more counts of fraud relating to her failure to disclose her earnings from Dance Moms and other money when she filed bankruptcy. 0 "Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been dating since 2016, and most of the relationship was formed over a long distance. So now that they've made things official and are about to get married, it's fair to wonder if Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are living together now or if royal protocol has kept them under different roofs. The answer is not all that surprising. When the couple first met, Suits was still filming in Toronto, which is where Meghan was posted up. To visit each other, the couple had to carry out an elaborate bait and switch plan to distract the paparazzi and keep their romance a secret, according to Us Weekly. Meghan would travel to London for events and they took vacations together, but it wasn't until late 2016 that the The Sun reported they were ""virtually inseparable"" and that Markle had ""practically moved in"" with Harry. By that time, the couple had made their relationship public. An anonymous source also told the outlet, ""They’ve taken things to the next level. They’re practically living together. She cooks for him, he pops out to the gym and they’re just enjoying hanging out."" For those who might be scandalized by the young couple living together before marriage, it's actually a lot more common than some might think -- even accounting for royal protocol. A source told HollywoodLife last year, ""The royal family has had to move with the times in order to survive, and they are nowhere near as stuffy and old fashioned as they used to be. Prince William and Kate Middleton lived together before marrying, so it’s no shocker that Harry and Meghan plan to do the same."" WPA Pool/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Right now, they're living in Nottingham Cottage, a 1,300 square foot house on the Kensington Palace compound, according to People. Ken Wharfe, a former police protection officer for the family, told the outlet that it's a ""lovely, classic Victorian cottage."" He added that it's ""not very big, incredibly small,"" which is understandable by royal standards. Wharfe elaborated that the cottage, one of just a few at Kensington Palace, was originally used for estate staff, but in the past few decades has been occupied by family members. He added of the properties: They are well restored, typical country cottages and originally used for the estate workers. In the past 40 years or so they’ve been accommodation for senior members of the household. They’ll be updated but there certainly wouldn’t be room for servants. Not far from there are apartments, almshouses that housed some of Princess Margaret’s staff. Prince William and Kate Middleton also stayed in ""Nott Cott,"" as it's referred to by the British press, for two years whenever they were in London. Chris Jackson/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images For their wedding, Queen Elizabeth is supposedly gifting the couple a house at Sandringham Estate, in Norfolk, which is where the entire royal family spends the holiday season. That house has 21-rooms, which might be fun to decorate and make into a home, especially if they eventually have children. The catch? That home is about 110 miles from London, and it seems a little odd that the young couple would want to be that far away from the hustle of the city. Harry did grow up at Kensington Palace, and Markle seems suited to city life, so it's entirely possible that they'll stay in Nottingham Cottage and keep the Sandringham Estate house for country getaways. Then again, there are reportedly no air conditioners in the cottage and, according to Vanity Fair, Kate Middleton set up an entire system of fans when she lived there, so who knows how long they'll last in London-town after the wedding. Wherever they end up living, they'll likely be very happy. And in the worst case scenario, they can always ask the Queen for some central air!" 1 SG Fifty Shades: Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan star Does this footage reveal the truth of their working relationship? B-roll from Fifty Shades Darker - quick, candid shots from the set of the movie - show them interacting when the cameras stop rolling. And by the looks of it - as you can see for yourself below - they really do get on like firm friends. In one supermarket-set scene, Johnson even has to try and control her laughter as Dornan fools around in front of her. SG Dornan makes Johnson laugh on set SG The pair get on when the cameras stop rolling The pair are also seen goofing around under an umbrella between takes on another scene - seemingly putting rumours that they despise one-another to rest. The shots line up perfectly with what Dornan and Johnson each said earlier in the year, when they spoke very highly of one-another. “It’s genuinely one of the fastest, closest friendships I’ve ever made in my life, just based on the amount of time we’ve actually known each other,” Johnson told OK! “I love Jamie, I trust him and I really couldn’t tell you if I could have done this without him.” Dakota Johnson's sexiest pics Wed, May 31, 2017 Fifty Shades of Grey star Dakota Johnson in pictures. Play slideshow Getty 1 of 33 Dakota Johnson puts on very busty in Florence for the Gucci Cruise GETTY Johnson plays Ana Steele GETTY Jamie Dornan plays Christian Grey 1 Her sex tape with then-boyfriend Rick Salomon got leak in 2003. And 15 years later, Paris Hilton spoke out the damage the video did to her after it hit the internet in the newly released The American Meme documentary on Netflix. The reality star, 37, broke down in tears as she recalled how she felt after it was released: 'It was like being raped. It felt like I've lost part of my soul and been talked about in such cruel and mean ways,' via The Decider. Scroll down for video Candid: Paris Hilton spoke out the damage the video did to her after it hit the internet in the newly released The American Meme documentary 15 years after its release Paris said during the documentary: 'Literally overnight my entire life changed... everyone was making fun of it. I didn't leave my house for, like months.' Adding: 'I was so embarrassed. I felt like everyone on the street was laughing at me,' she said as she continued to cry. After the sex tape leak, she went on to star alongside pal Nicole Richie in the hit reality show The Simple Life for four years until 2007. The documentary follows Paris as well as Instagram stars Josh Ostrovsky (@TheFatJewish), Brittany Furlan (@BrittanyFurlan) and KirillBichutsky (@thes**twhisperer). The past: The reality star, 37, broke down in tears as she recalled how she felts after it was released: 'It was like being raped. It felt like I've lost part of my soul and been talked about in such cruel and mean ways,' via The Decider Guest appearances include Hailey Baldwin, Emily Ratajkowski and DJ Khaled. The American Meme trailer showed a glimpse of Paris the avatar as she blew a kiss to the camera; she used a 3D scanner to create the avatar. Paris, who has 9.9 million followers on Instagram alone, opens the trailer with: ''I have over 50 million followers on all my social media platforms.' The reality star said during The American Meme: 'I'm a 21-year-old the past few decades. It's all part of an image and a brand and being a product,' via The Decider. What a life: Paris opens the trailer with: ''I have over 50 million followers on all my social media platforms' Smooches: The American Meme trailer showed a glimpse of Paris the avatar as she blew a kiss to the camera Ready! Set! Action! Paris, one of the stars of the documentary, is also seen in a behind the scenes getting filmed with a 3D scanner to create an avatar of herself. Strike a pose: In the behind the scenes snaps, Paris is seen in all white inside a 3D scanner Hailey, 22, says in the brief clip from The American Meme documentary: 'What if you woke up tomorrow and you had no followers. Can you go back to being yourself? The project dropped on the Netflix streaming service Friday. Hailey sported bold red lipstick with her tresses loose, adding a cream colored blouse. In the behind the scenes snaps, Paris is seen in all white before swapping out her look for a plunging black jumpsuit inside a 3D scanner. DJ Khaled then says: 'You can just pick up your phone and you can show your talent to the world.' Hailey is also heard saying in the opening sequence: 'Instantly you can be a recognizable face.' Real talk: Guest appearances include Hailey Baldwin, Emily Ratajkowski and DJ Khaled Making a statement: Guest appearances besides Hailey include Emily Ratajkowski (pictured) and DJ Khaled Wow: DJ Khaled then says: 'You can just pick up your phone and you can show your talent to the world' Emily is seen showing off her bikini body before picturing her at a march with a sign in her hands. She is heard saying: 'Everyone can have a voice on any subject. Everyone can be famous now.' 'You're on a high and the likes are like the audience clapping. That's how lonely we are. That we're going on here and seeking validation from strangers,' Brittany Furlan said. Brittany, who is engaged to rocker Tommy Lee, has 2.4 million followers on Instagram. Star power: Emily is seen showing off her bikini body before picturing her at a march with a sign in her hands Another is heard saying: 'We love seeing the people that we think has everything get destroyed.' Kirill, who has 1.1 million followers on Instagram, made the shocking statement: 'I've never wanted to die more.' 'The age of the digital influencer is going to crash,' John, who has 10.4 million followers on Instagram, says towards the ends of the trailer. The American Meme is written and directed by Bert Marcus, with producers Bert and Cassandra Thornton. It is available on Netflix streaming service beginning on Friday. Candid: 'You're on a high and the likes are like the audience clapping. That's how lonely we are. That we're going on here and seeking validation from strangers,' Brittany Furlan said 0 Get Textbooks on Google Play Rent and save from the world's largest eBookstore. Read, highlight, and take notes, across web, tablet, and phone. Go to Google Play Now » 1 It's the third song he's shared his upcoming album '÷' following 'Shape Of You' and 'Castle On The Hill'. Ed Sheeran has shared a new song called ‘How Would You Feel (Paean)’. It’s the third song he’s shared from new album ‘÷’ following ‘Shape Of You’ and ‘Castle On The Hill’, which broke a chart record by entering at Number One and Number Two. Writing on Twitter, Sheeran explained that ‘How Would You Feel (Paean)’ is not a single, but simply one of his favourite tracks from the album. How Would You Feel (Paean) How Would You Feel (Paean), an album by Ed Sheeran on Spotify The singer-songwriter will release new album ‘÷’ on March 3. He has recently been spotted filming Carpool Karaoke with James Corden. Read more: Ed Sheeran’s new album ‘÷’ – tour dates, release date, new songs, and everything you need to know As well as announcing details of a special London gig at Royal Albert Hall for Teenage Cancer Trust, Sheeran will play dates in the UK, Europe and South America from March to June. Check out his full tour schedule below. MARCH Turin, Italy – Pala Alpitour (Fri 17) Zurich, Switzerland – Hallenstadion, (Sun 19) Munich, Germany – Olympiahalle (Mon 20) Mannheim, Germany – SAP-Arena (Wed 22) Cologne, Germany – Lanxess Arena (Thu 23) Hamburg, Germany – Barclaycard Arena (Sun 26) Berlin, Germany – Mercedes Benz Arena (Mon 27) London, UK – Royal Albert Hall (Tue 28) Stockholm, Sweden – Ericsson Globen (Thu 30) APRIL Herning, Denmark – Jyske Bank Boxen (Sat 1) Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Ziggo Dome (Mon 3 & Tue 4) Antwerp, Belgium – Sportpaleis (Wed 5) Paris, France – Accor Hotels Arena (Thu 6) Madrid, Spain – WiZenk Center (Sat 8) Barcelona, Spain – Palau San Jordi (Sun 9) Dublin, Ireland – 3 Arena (Wed 12 & Thu 13) Glasgow, UK – SSE Hydro (Sun 16 & Mon 17) Newcastle, UK – Metro Radio Arena (Wed 19 & Thu 20) Manchester, UK – Arena (Sat 22 & Sun 23) Nottingham, UK – Motorpoint Arena (Tue 25 & Wed 26) Birmingham, UK – Barclaycard Arena (Fri 28 & Sat 29) MAY London, UK – The O2 (Mon 1 & Tue 2) Lima, Peru – Estadio Nacional (Sat 13) Santiago, Chile – Movistar Arena (Mon 15) Buenos Aires, Argentina – Estadio Unico De La Plata (Sat 20) Curitiba, Brazil – Pedreira Paulo Leminsky (Tue 23) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Rio Arena (Thu 25) Sao Paulo, Brazil – Allianz Parque (Sun 28) Belo Horizonte, Brazil – Esplanada Do Mineirao (Tue 30) JUNE Bogota, Colombia – Parque Simon Bolivar (Fri 2) San Juan, Puerto Rico – Coliseo De Puerto Rico (Sun 4) San Jose, Costa Rica – Parque Viva Amphitheater (Tue 6) Mexico City, Mexico – Palacio De Los Deportes (Sat 10) Guadalajara, Mexico – Arena VFG (Mon 12) Monterrey, Mexico – Auditorio Citibanamex (Wed 14) 0 Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler are no longer friends (Picture: Rex/ Metro.co.uk) Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler are thought to no longer be BFFs following a fall out in 2015 but Chelsea is reportedly keen to patch up their friendship. Claire Danes and husband Hugh Dancy welcome their second child The split came after Jennifer, 48, found out that Chelsea had allegedly been revealing secrets about the former Friends star’s relationship to her ex-husband Brad Pitt. According to Radar Online, comedienne Chelsea has now admitted to friends that she was at fault for the pair’s fall out. Jennifer’s former bezzie Chelsea Handler has admitted that she was at fault (Picture: Getty Images) ‘Chelsea knows that she really messed things up with her. ‘And the worst part is that now Jennifer has turned everyone against her,’ a source revealed. Radar previously reported that, according to a source, the Along Came Polly star ordered her publicist, Stephen Huvane, to drop Chelsea from his roster, because she was so angry with the star of Chelsea Lately. Advertisement Advertisement ‘[Stephen Huvane] dumped Chelsea after she had a huge blowup with Jennifer — one of his very top-priority clients. He’s no longer representing Chelsea.’ Meanwhile it seems that despite her split from Brad Pitt in 2005 – over ten years ago – we just can’t get over their relationship. In June, reports emerged that Brad Pitt is making amends with his ex-wife, according to Life & Style mag, despite Chelsea saying the actress ‘doesn’t care’ about what is going on with Brad at the time. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston back in 2001 (Picture: Getty Images) A source told the site: ‘Brad apologised for all the heartbreak. ‘He doesn’t usually open up like that, but through therapy and recovery, he’s learned to express his feelings. ‘He addressed all the hurt he caused her.’ MORE: People just can’t get over Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston as the rumour mill goes into overdrive again MORE: Jennifer Aniston is ditching film to head back to TV: ‘That’s where the work is’ 1 Erika Girardi has written a new book, Pretty Mess, which will come out in January 2018. And on Tuesday the Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills star talked to People about what will be in the pages of her tell-all. 'Without Erika Jayne, Erika Girardi would just be another rich bitch with a plane,' the 46-year-old siren said. 'I hope my intimate story can inspire readers to become their own strong, confident and vibrant pretty messes.' Tell-all time: Erika Girardi has written a new book, Pretty Mess, which will come out in January 2018; seen in 2016 in Las Vegas Real dirt: She will talk about her time on The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills; here she is seen with (l-r) Lisa Rinna, Eileen Davidson, Kyle Richardson, Lisa Vanderpump and Dorit Kemsley She will also address her marriage to legal eagle Tom Girardi, who is 32 years older than she. They wed in 1999 after he met her when she was working as a cocktail waitress. 'Tom is an incredibly special human being,' she said. 'He’s not only a great husband — he’s also a great father, a great friend, a great mentor, and a hell of a f***ing lawyer. He’s so good.' Girl power: With Eileen on a RHOBH reunion special He is the founding partner of Girardi & Keese in Los Angeles. The former Dancing With The Stars contestant said she will also cover her start in show business as a dancer and singer. She was raised in Atlanta but at age 18 moved to New York City to work as a performer. Her man: She will also address her marriage to legal eagle Tom Girardi, who is 32 years older than she; seen on RHOBH Loved up: They wed in 1999 after he met her when she was working as a cocktail waitress. 'Tom is an incredibly special human being,' she has said; seen in January in West Hollywood During this time she got married to her first husband Thomas Zizzo and gave birth to a son Thomas Jr, who was raised in NYC by his father. A few years later she moved to Los Angeles to work on her career. Her first big hit was the single Roller Coaster in 2007. In 2009 she came out with her debut studio album Pretty Mess. The singles from the album were Stars, Give You Everything and Pretty Mess. She was famous before RHOBH: Her first big hit was the single Roller Coaster in 2007. In 2009 she came out with her debut studio album Pretty Mess. The singles from the album were Stars, Give You Everything and Pretty Mess; seen in June Not embarrassed: The siren has said she is proud of her work as a performer Work it girl: Here she is onstage during the 28th Annual GLAAD Media Awards in LA After Party at The Beverly Hilton Hotel in April The Marilyn Monroe fan has nine number-one songs on the Dance Club Songs chart. In 2011 she came out with Party People (Ignite the World) then the next year she recorded All Things Aside. Her music has also been featured in films, such as The Neighbor, Deal and reality television show Toddlers and Tiaras. Dancing queen: The stunner was seen with Gleb Savchenko on DWTS this year In 2013, she released a single featuring American rapper Flo Rida, Get it Tonight. She also has come out with PAINKILLR, the single Crazy, How Many F***s and XXpen$ive. In 2015, she joined the cast of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and in 2016 she appeared in Sharknado: The 4th Awakens. 'This book proves why Erika Jayne is a fan favorite: she’s fun and she’s fearless; and for the first time, she’s here to tell all,' said publisher Jennifer Bergstrom. Pretty Mess will be published by Gallery Books in January 2018. 0 "America's most lovable James Corden learned the hard way that not everything is a laughing matter. On Friday night The Late Late Show star hosted a glittering star-studded amfAR Los Angeles Gala honoring Julia Roberts—and while captaining the charity event, the funnyman couldn't help but to throw a few jabs at disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, who has been accused of both assault and rape. But many people of the Internet didn't think his words were so funny and the entertainer faced some serious online backlash for his remarks. The Brit took to Twitter on Sunday to apologize, writing, ""To be clear, sexual assault is no laughing matter. I was not trying to make light of Harvey’s inexcusable behavior, but to shame him, the abuser, not his victims. I am truly sorry for anyone offended, that was never my intention.""" 1 "Year 2017 does not seem to be going well for the United States of America. Sources have said that US President Donald Trump will soon issue an executive order to ban Facebook in the country.On the other hand, even some Republican leaders said that they were opposed to the idea of Facebook — an American corporation — being banned in the country.Unfazed by the criticism from his own party members, Trump said that this move would fight fake news being circulated on social media websites. ""Inside, we both know what's been going on. We know the game and we're gonna play it,"" said Trump.Governance involves taking difficult steps, said the US president, adding that despite Facebook taking action against fake news, a lot of false stories and 'alternative facts' were still being circulated on the site.Other social websites like Twitter and Instagram, though, will be excluded from the executive order.The people working for Facebook are not happy about this selective exclusion.Rick Rowlinson, a source from Facebook, said that even if the ban on Facebook was actually meant to fight against fake news, the President's ""commitment"" should have not just been limited to Facebook. ""You know the rules and so do I. A full commitment's what I'm thinking of,"" Rowlinson said. ""You wouldn't get this from any other guy,"" he added, shaking his head.In California, where Facebook is based, a large section of people have already begun protesting against this move.Courts in the US had earlier blocked Trump's travel ban executive order.Keen on supporting the President, Vice President Mike Pence has also said that he will support the executive order if it is passed by Trump.Reacting to this proposed order, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that Facebook will continue to run its operations from California even if the site is banned in the US.On Trump's claim to fight fake news, Zuckerberg said that an outright ban was not the correct way to fight false news.Last month, reports were saying that a court in Pakistan was mulling action against Facebook over 'blasphemous content'.Lately, there have been some countries speaking out against social media websites. If Trump's executive order is passed, US will join the list of those countries.Employees of Facebook are planning to start a signature campaign against the order if it gets passed.Donald Trump's remarks on Facebook and Zuckerberg's response has gone viral. Click here to view the full statements.With inputs from FP Special Forces" 1 Dawson’s Creek fans finally got a cast reunion when Entertainment Weekly gathered some members of the original season — including Katie Holmes, Joshua Jackson, James Van Der Beek and Michelle Williams — for a 20th anniversary shoot. However, Dawson’s parents, played by Mary-Margaret Humes and John Wesley Shipp, were not invited. “OK, so let me get this off my chest as the initial hurt has subsided just a bit,” Humes, 63, wrote in an Instagram post on Thursday, March 29. “I send an enormous amount of love and shout outs to the thousands of followers messages and love that both @johnwesleyshippjr and I have read about being left out of @entertainmentweekly ‘s #dawsonscreek ‘reunion’ photos.” She continued: “This was their choice … not ours … it was done behind our backs and we both were literally blindsided by it when we woke up yesterday in NYC and LA. We both did a short telephone interview after the fact, but were never told about the reunion. For months, I have been posting #behindthescenes photos to share my experiences of six years on this show. We were a #family & I know how much the photos mean to you from all the love you send me in comments … Yes, I do read them.” She went on to explain that she will continue posting throwback photos from her time on the show, and couldn’t be more thankful for her costars and for the fans. “For the portion of our family that did appear in these photos … congratulations, you look great and I love you,” she wrote. “I only wish I had been given the opportunity to have said it to your faces. Such a shame.” Shipp, 63, also took to Instagram to share a photo of the EW reunion, Photoshopping himself and Humes in. The reunion included the original four cast members, as well as Mary Beth Peil (Grams), Kerr Smith (Jack), Meredith Monroe (Andie) and Busy Philipps (Audrey). Oddly enough, both Humes and Shipp starred in more episodes (93 and 83, respectively) than Monroe and Philipps (69 and 46). In January, Us Weekly spoke to Humes about her time on the show, and she shared that she was very eager to get the cast back together. “Everybody talks about, ‘Oh is there gonna be a reunion? Is there gonna be a convention? Is there a way to bring everybody back together again?’ Some say too many people are dead and yada, yada, yada. But in my mind, I have this thought that there’s a way to suspend your disbelief where everyone can get the happily ever after,” she said at the time. “I’m just putting it out there into the universe because I’m harboring a little secret idea and we’ll see what happens!” Dawson’s Creek is currently streaming on Hulu. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! 0 "Jennifer Lawrence said a peculiar thing the other day while talking about Joy, her new film for the notably ""difficult"" director David O. Russell. ""David respects me so much that he will literally forget what sex I am,"" she said with a laugh. ""He sometimes refers to me as a 'he' without realising it."" For anyone interested in gender identity, there is a can of worms right there: even for the charmingly feisty Lawrence, apparently, real acceptance means being counted as one of the boys. At the same time, Lawrence's honorary gender neutrality invites some reflections on the working partnerships between directors and actors, which can last through several films or even entire careers. This does not, necessarily, mean becoming one of the boys. Some actors – traditionally women – are recognised as muses, inspiring the male directors who construct scenarios around them and explore their faces with the camera. Many muses have become partners or wives: Ingrid Bergman with Roberto Rossellini, Anna Karina and Jean-Luc Godard and Gena Rowlands with John Cassavetes spring to mind, but the list is a long one. Indeed, the muse model is so pervasive that it has become one of the defining ways we read films. Years ago, I interviewed the French director Leos Carax about the film Les Amants du Pont-Neuf, which starred his then lover Juliette Binoche. As a student, he readily admitted, he would go to the tiny cinemas on the Left Bank to screenings of old movies by Fellini (whose wife Giulietta Masina was his favoured leading lady) or Antonioni (Monica Vitti) and dream of someday directing a film and having a beautiful girlfriend: for him, the work and the woman were so intertwined as to be synonymous. He had then been with Binoche for three years; I wasn't to know they were going through the throes of splitting up. What was it like to work with someone he knew so well? ""I do not think,"" he spat, ""that I know her well at all."" Such is the ambivalence of the artist-muse relationship: it can be scratchy, even explosive. But even in a relationship as clearly collaborative as that between German director Christian Petzold and the actor Nina Hoss, who have made six films together as platonic friends, there still is a gap of understanding. Hoss believes that difference is a source of strength. ""Even though we are friends, I always have the feeling that Christian thinks he doesn't quite understand me – and I like that,"" she told me in the course of discussing their new film Phoenix. ""I think the ideas he puts into his characters have a lot to do with him, which may be why he always chooses women. It gives him some distance, which keeps it alive and interesting. And I think I am able to surprise him.""" 1 Taylor Swift’s squad used to roll deep, but lately, her besties are nowhere to be found. Taylor Swift hasn’t been quite so good at “shaking it off” recently. Once Hollywood’s ultimate social butterfly, the pop star has remained mysteriously out of the spotlight this year — way out. Other than her July court hearing to testify against the DJ who was convicted of groping her, she hasn’t made any public appearances in nearly nine months. Paparazzi have only gotten glimpses of her, bundled in hoodies and dashing into cars with her new boyfriend, British actor Joe Alwyn, 26. She deleted her entire Instagram history in August, before dropping her provocative comeback single “Look What You Made Me Do,” but she still hasn’t come out from underground. Part of the reason, insiders tell OK!, is that Taylor’s well-documented drama — public spats with Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, and Calvin Harris, to name a few — got to be too much last year, so she made a dramatic decision to go into hiding and focus solely on her music. But a source says her self-inflicted sequestration is only spurring more curiosity: “Taylor grew tired of people over analyzing her life and passing judgment on her, but being so conspicuously absent from the Hollywood scene just has everyone wondering what’s going on with her.” WHERE THE GIRLS AT? Even members of Taylor’s famed “squad” have indicated that she’s not as prese 1 The Forever 21 x Taco Bell Collection We’ll take two Bean Burritos and a Fire Sauce Packet Bodysuit Taco Bell® fans prepare your closets. We’ve cooked up one of the sauciest clothing collections you will ever feast your eyes on. The Forever 21 x Taco Bell collection, available October 11 in Forever 21 stores and online, is Taco Bell’s first-ever retail collaboration inspired by the iconic graphics that each brand is known for with a mix of playfully vibrant prints. The collection includes cropped sweatshirts, shirts, bodysuits and…Well, just see for yourself. Here are 11 pieces from the collection modeled by Taco Bell super fans Brittany Creech and Andrew McBurnie: 1. Taco Bell Don't Wait Up Bodysuit 2. Taco Bell Born Saucy Bodysuit 3. Taco Bell Crunch Graphic Bodysuit 4. Taco Bell Tacos 4Ever Tee 5. Taco Bell Too Much Sauce Graphic Tee 6. Taco Bell Graphic Hooded Anorak 7. Taco Bell Graphic Cropped Hoodie 8. Taco Bell Fleece Knit Hoodie 9. Taco Bell Patch Sweatshirt 10. Taco Bell Anorak Jacket 11. Taco Bell Print Hoodie Select pieces from the collection are also available in plus-sizes and for girls. Shop the collection now before it sells out and share your look with pieces from the collection using #F21xTacoBell. 0 "Scott Baio Sexual Assault Case D.A. Believes Nicole Eggert ... But, Baio Won't Be Prosecuted D.A. Believes Nicole Eggert, But Scott Baio Won't be Prosecuted for Sexual Assault EXCLUSIVE Scott Baio will not be prosecuted for allegedly sexually assaulting Nicole Eggert during the run of ""Charles in Charge,"" but we've learned the D.A. found her credible. Sources familiar with the case tell us on Wednesday Nicole met the L.A. County Deputy D.A., who is reviewing the case. Our sources say the D.A. found Nicole's allegations ""credible."" As we reported, Eggert claimed Baio repeatedly molested her between ages 14 and 18. Baio insists they had sex only once ... when she was 18. Our sources say the D.A. called the case ""potentially prosecutable"" ... were it not for the statute of limitations. Under current law there's no statute of limitations if an adult sexually assaults a minor. But, when the alleged assaults occurred in the '80s, the statute of limitations was 3 years, which means it has long since run out. There's an argument that old cases could still be prosecuted if the statute hadn't run when the law changed, but in this case the statute ran before the law changed, so case closed. Eggert tells TMZ, ""I always knew this case was beyond statutes of limitations and unfortunately the DA would not be able to prosecute Scott Baio. However I also knew the importance of laying the groundwork for any future victims of Baio's that may come forward and to warn parents who might unknowingly allow their children to be alone with this molester."" She goes on ... ""I could no longer keep up the lie he conditioned me into and felt it a Mother's responsibility to put the truth out there."" Baio had no comment." 0 © Paul Drinkwater/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images Daniel-Tosh Now here’s some funny business! According to a new report, comedian Daniel Tosh secretly married Carly Hallam — a writer on his Comedy Central show, Tosh.0 — more than two years ago. Tosh, 43, and Hallam, 31, tied the knot on April 15, 2016, at a hush-hush ceremony in Malibu, California, TMZ reports. Details of the relationship are scarce, but Hallam has been writing for Tosh.0 since 2012. She has also appeared onscreen in nine episodes of the show, which features viral videos, original skits, and social commentary. It’s currently airing its 10th season. Hallam has also written for Brooklyn Nine-Nine since 2016. The comedy was dropped by FOX last month but was picked up for a sixth season by NBC. Tosh and Hallam are both on social media, but neither seems to have addressed their relationship online. In a 2016 blog post on Hallam’s personal website, however, she wrote that she and her “long-term boyfriend” had been together for three years by that point. Reps for the couple have not responded to requests for comment. 0 Kourtney Kardashian‘s Mexican birthday getaway just hit the maximum level of wet and wild! After videos featuring nipple clamps and sex toys alongside sister Kim, the 38-year-old mother of three posted a NSFW video of herself rolling around naked in a shallow pool. PHOTOS: It’s On! Kim Kardashian In Weight Loss War With Kourtney & Khloe The clip was shot from a distance and blurred over, but it’s obvious Kourt was naked from head to toe. Later, the star posted a sexy rear-view photo to Instagram with a lyrical reference caption: “This is how we do it down in Puerto Rico.” One thing’s for sure, this girls trip is nothing short of down and dirty! PHOTOS: Kourtney & Scott Spotted Together Amid Pregnancy Rumors We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at tips@radaronline.com, or call us at (866) ON-RADAR (667-2327) any time, day or night. 0 goodbye belfast. goodbye arya. goodbye game of thrones. what a joy i’ve had. here’s to the adventures to come #lastwomanstanding #barely #immasleepforthenextfouryears #justkiddingidontsleep A post shared by Maisie Williams (@maisie_williams) on Jul 7, 2018 at 4:53am PDT 0 "The women told all -- and so did Arie Luyendyk Jr. Sunday's special episode of The Bachelor: Women Tell All rehashed all the drama from Arie's season, with a few unseen moments added in for good measure. From Krystal's NSFW comments about Arie and the women (whoa, girl!) to his stunning confession that he has ""regrets"" over the show, here are the night's most shocking revelations. Krystal Called Arie a 'Needled**k' Wondering what that bleeped-out word was that had the women's mouths wide open? That would be Krystal brutally calling Arie a ""needled**k"" in a previously unseen clip from the show. The San Diego native certainly did not hold back with the insults, as she also called her fellow contestants ""c**ts"" -- and they were not happy about it. As for Arie's reaction? Scroll down to find out. Krystal's Baby Talk Came From 'Losing Her Voice' Fans were quick to take note that the combative Krystal they witnessed on Women Tell All had a much different voice from the raspy, baby-like tone she displayed on the show -- as so did the women on the special. After spending what felt like an eternity in the hot seat, Krystal was finally asked by Olivia why her voice sounded completely different, but her answer didn't exactly add up. ""I lost my voice before going on the show,"" she said. ""You were on the show for six weeks!"" host Chris Harrison exclaimed. Thank you, Chris! Arie Questioned Whether He Had 'Made a Mistake' After Sending Tia Home This one came courtesy of Harrison, who in an attempt to console a teary-eyed Tia, revealed that Arie struggled with his decision to let her go after hometowns. ""I don't know if this is better or worse to say to you, but when he came back in after saying goodbye to you, he told me he wasn't sure if he had just made a mistake."" ""That's gutwrenching -- absolutely gutwrenching,"" Tia replied. The Women are Not Happy With How Arie Ends the Season We had the clip days before Women Tell All aired, but it didn't make Caroline's confrontation any less dramatic. ""I know what you did, and I don't know how you could do that,"" she hissed at Arie, as the women reacted with both signs of shock and nods of solidarity. ""I just really don't understand it, but I really hope you found what you're looking for."" ""I think that will play out in the weeks to come,"" Arie tried to explain before Caroline cut him off. ""You don't need to answer me,"" she coldly insisted. ""I just needed to say that."" Arie Has 'Regrets' The Bachelor had a lot to say to the women when he came out, and after issuing apologies to Bekah and Tia, he admitted that he wished his season would have played out differently. ""I have regrets,"" he confessed, saying that he would have done ""a lot of things"" differently if he could have. ""You do just lead with your heart and do what your instinct tells you... It's hard to look back."" Bekah Really Did Go to a Marijuana Farm -- and She Might Be Headed to Bachelor in Paradise After making headlines for being on a missing persons list while she was appearing on The Bachelor, Bekah set the record straight for Harrison, revealing exactly what happened. According to the 23-year-old nanny, she needed to de-stress after being dumped by Arie, so she headed off to Humboldt County for a little camping trip with her friends -- and yes, it was on a marijuana farm. The group didn't get cell service, and after a few days of not checking in with her mom, Mama Martinez got worried and called the sheriff's department to report her missing. Bekah, of course, made it home and safe and sound, but she might not be home for too much longer. ""By the way, I'm just giving you a head's up. There's a good chance she's going to be missing for about two weeks this summer, because, hopefully, she'll be in Mexico on Bachelor in Paradise,"" Harrison told Bekah's mom on the phone. ""That's her worst nightmare, by the way,"" Bekah laughed. Arie Shut Krystal DOWN After what we can only imagine was hours of being confronted by the women, Krystal took the first opportunity to talk face to face with Arie, inviting herself into the hot seat. She definitely came in hot, accusing Arie of being ""cold"" with her during her elimination, and Arie -- who hadn't even heard her ""needled**k"" comment until Harrison repeated it then and there -- was ready for battle. ""Looking back now, I feel like it was pretty appropriate,"" Arie said of their breakup. ""It just sucks to see how you actually were compared to how you were with me. I feel like there was a whole other side to you that I didn't see until I watched it back."" ""I feel like maybe I dragged it on way longer than I should have,"" he continued, adding that finally seeing her below-the-belt comments ""shows a real side to you."" The women chanted for Harrison to ""play the clip,"" but Arie had heard enough. ""It's frustrating to see that side,"" he insisted. The Bachelor is back to its normal time on Monday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC for what leads up to ""truly the most dramatic ending in Bachelor history."" See more on the show in the video below. RELATED CONTENT: 'Bachelor' Arie Luyendyk Jr. Takes a Dig at the Ladies of 'Women Tell All' Think 'Bachelor' Arie Luyendyk Jr. Is Boring? ABC Exec Responds to Critics (Exclusive) 'Bachelor Winter Games' Produces 4 Couples: Why Was the Series So Successful? Related Gallery" 0 Emmy Award-winning and two-time Golden Globe-nominated actress Katherine Heigl (Grey’s Anatomy, Knocked Up) has been cast in a new series regular role for Season 8 of Suits! Set to premiere later this year, Heigl will star opposite Gabriel Macht (Harvey Specter) as Samantha Wheeler -– a talented new partner at Pearson Specter Litt who challenges the status quo and will either become the firm’s greatest ally … or most powerful enemy! Heigl joins the Suits ensemble alongside Macht, Sarah Rafferty (Donna Paulsen), Rick Hoffman (Louis Litt) and new series regular Dulé Hill (Alex Williams). “Joining Suits was the perfect organic way to not only collaborate with an EP I admire deeply, but to also become part of a show and cast that I am an immense fan of,” shared Heigl. “I have watched Suits from the very beginning and feel incredibly lucky to be the newest member of the Pearson Specter Litt family.” READ MORE: Patrick J. Adams on Leaving Suits: Mike Ross Has Taught Me the Power of Believing in Myself “On behalf of the entire Suits team, I am extraordinarily excited to welcome Katherine Heigl into our family -- I have always been a big fan of her work and was delighted to discover she was an avid Suits fan herself,” expressed Aaron Korsh, creator and executive producer of Suits. “I cannot wait to have her come play with our entire cast and crew. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Harvey, Louis, Donna, and Alex as the mysterious Samantha Wheeler is a direct threat to their status quo. One thing is for sure -- Samantha's wit, charm, loyalty, strength, and vulnerability will all be put to the test as she muscles her way into the firm currently known as Pearson Specter Litt.” Season 8 of Suits begins production this April in Toronto. Season 7 resumes this spring, with new episodes premiering on USA Wednesday, Mar. 28 at 9/8c! Count down to the Suits premiere with the official Louis Litt 2018 Calendar. Download and print your own to GET LITT UP in 2018! 0 David Schwimmer and his wife, Zoe Buckman, are taking some time apart after nearly seven years of marriage, the couple exclusively confirm to Us Weekly. “It is with great love, respect and friendship that we have decided to take some time apart while we determine the future of our relationship,” the pair tell Us in a statement. “Our priority is, of course, our daughter’s happiness and well being during this challenging time, and so we ask for your support and respect for our privacy as we continue to raise her together and navigate this new chapter for our family.” The Friends alum, 50, and British photographer Buckman, 31, have been together for more than 10 years. They met when Schwimmer was directing the 2007 romantic comedy Run in London. She relocated to Los Angeles to be with the actor and the pair tied the knot in June 2010. It is the first marriage for both. Friends Stars: Then & Now! Schwimmer and Buckman welcomed daughter, Cleo, now 5, in May 2011. The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story actor and Buckman often kept private about their relationship. Their last public event together was at the opening night of The Front Page at the Broadhurst Theatre in NYC in October 2016. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 London (CNN) Britain's Queen Elizabeth II has lost the last descendant of her original corgi after 14-year-old Willow was put down at Windsor Castle on Sunday following a battle with cancer, according to UK media reports.Willow was the last in a long line of royal corgis owned by Britain's longest-serving monarch, reported British newspaper the Daily Mail.Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the dog's death, telling CNN it was a private matter.The Queen's fondness for corgis is well known, with Willow and the monarch even appearing beside James Bond actor Daniel Craig for a sketch shown during the 2012 London Olympic opening ceremony.Queen Elizabeth II has reportedly owned more than 30 corgis during her reign.While the Queen still reportedly owns several other dogs, Willow was the only remaining descendant of Susan, the original corgi given to then-Princess Elizabeth on her 18th birthday in 1944.Read More 1 "If you've enjoyed her many bonkers interviews over the years (some of which, to our minds, are every bit as entertaining as her funniest film roles), then you're likely aware that Jennifer Lawrence loves alcohol and reality television. So it's not surprising that J-Law might have a bit of a thing for Kourtney Kardashian sperm donor and bold innovator in the use of facial hair to camouflage booze bloat, Scott Disick. On second thought, it is surprising, but only in the sense that we're shocked Scott is still alive. Anyway, Jen revealed her love for the Lord in a recent interview with Oprah, in which she revealed that Scott would be one of her three ideal dinner guests. (The other two were Luann DeLesseps and Bethenny Frankel, both of Bravo's Real Housewives franchise. Jen ... we're concerned.) Given that Jen chose Scott over any of the women in the Kardashian clan, it's not surprising that certain tabloids already have these two bedding down together. It's also not surprising that some of these same publications are casting Kourtney in the role of the insane ex: According to the Australian version of OK! magazine (because why wouldn't news about three American celebs reach Sydney first?), Kourtney is pissed about the possibility of Jen and Scott hooking up. In fact, Kourt has reportedly warned Lawrence to keep her mitts off her boozy baby daddy. The subtly-titled piece “Kourtney Warns J. Law: Stay Away From Scott!” doesn't offer anything in the way of quotes or evidence, and instead poses an argument along the lines of ""makes sense if ya think about it."" The article also doesn't mention the fact that Kourtney is dating Younes Bendjima. Or that Scott is with Sofia Richie. Or that Jen was clearly joking, and her ideal dinner party would really just consist of Meryl Streep playing three different roles. Look, we believe Jen when she says she genuinely enjoys Keeping Up With the Kardashians (though it's worth noting that she's said she watches the show ""to fall asleep."" Celebrities--they're as bored with the Kardashians as the rest of us!). But there's a difference between enjoying a reality show and wanting to enmesh yourself in that world. We like watching Naked and Afraid, but the thought of a single genital mosquito is enough to keep us inside for the bulk of 2018. Hey, if the mere mention of Scott Disick doesn't bring to mind a bloodsucker who will spread disease to your nether regions, then you're not sufficiently wary of the Lord." 1 "One week after his sister-in-law's death, David Spade has donated $100,000 to help those afflicted with mental illness. Interested in Kate Spade? Add Kate Spade as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Kate Spade news, video, and analysis from ABC News. Add Interest Spade didn't announce this on social media or make a big fuss; People magazine confirmed the news late Wednesday via his representative. The donation will support the National Alliance on Mental Illness and Spade tells the magazine that, ""More people suffer from mental health issues than we may realize but no one should ever feel ashamed to reach out for support."" He added, “If you or anyone you know is in need of help or guidance please contact the national suicide prevention hotline at 800-273-8255 or go to nami.org to learn more and help those who may be in need."" Kate Spade, who was married to the comedian's brother andy, took her own life at the age of 55 last week and the ""Joe Dirt"" star has been vocal about the shock and grief that comes from losing a member of the family so suddenly. Shortly after her death, Spade posted a happy photo to Instagram with the caption, ""Fuzzy picture but i love it. Kate and I during Christmas family photos. We had so much fun that day. She was so sharp and quick on her feet. She could make me laugh so hard. I still cant believe it. Its a rough world out there people, try to hang on."" And then this past week, Spade went back to work, addressing the loss further during a stand-up routine in Southern California. ""Thank you for coming. It was a rough week, but I didn't want to cancel and I appreciate you all coming out here,"" he told the audience, according to E! News. ""And, if my jokes don't work then I get sort of a free pass."" Ron Galella/WireImage via Getty Images Spade's brother Andy has also spoken out since Kate's death, saying that her suicide was a complete shock to the family. ""We were in touch with her the night before and she sounded happy. There was no indication and no warning that she would do this,"" he told the New York Times. ""It was a complete shock. And it clearly wasn’t her. There were personal demons she was battling."" Anyone in crisis, or who knows someone in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741-741." 0 "Sean John Combs, also known by his stage names Puff Daddy, Puffy, P. Diddy, Diddy, Love and Brother Love, was spotted out on a lunch date - with a Blonde lady. The two companions enjoyed lunch at a discreet restaurant in Beverly Hills. The pair enjoyed wine and food during a sunny day out during the mid-week. At one point, the two toasted, and then drank from their shared bottle of White wine. ADVERTISEMENT Thanks for watching! Visit Website It's not clear WHAT the relationship is between Diddy and the Blonde lady. ADVERTISEMENT Thanks for watching! Visit Website ADVERTISEMENT Thanks for watching! Visit Website Diddy also recently said that he wasn't interested in owning a NFL team anymore. Here's what Billboard reported: Sean ""Diddy"" Combs was in the running for ownership of the the Panthers, but the NFL team ultimately went to the winning bidder David Tepper for about $2.2. billion back in May. When asked if he would try to invest in a different team, Diddy said no. In an interview with BigBoyTV on Thursday (June 8), the rapper explained his disagreement with the NFL's new policy that would fine players if they choose not to stand during the national anthem this season. Athletes also have the option of staying in the locker room." 1 #Malec made it to the final round! Vote for them to win @eonlinetv’s top TV couple! #Shadowhunters https://t.co/F3N26YvLP1 0 Sky high prices are reportedly keeping fans from buying tickets to Taylor Swift’s upcoming Reputation tour, per a story by the New York Post. Though her 1989 world tour boasted numerous sold out performances (it eventually became the highest grossing tour of 2015), it appears her considerably more expensive snake persona is a tougher sell. Last month, her “longtime” tour promoter told Billboard, “By the time all the tickets are sold next week, I’ll be celebrating Taylor’s birthday with a cocktail in my hand and sold-out concerts all over the world.” But her birthday has come and gone, and not one date has sold out. Reputation was the biggest-selling album of 2017 and the tour is shaping up to be far from ill-attended, so the Post’s headline, “Taylor Swift’s Reputation tour shaping up to be a disaster,” is a little much. It does, however, highlight the problems with unpredictable pricing, scalpers, and Ticketmaster in general. The company’s “Verified Fan” program, which they would like you to believe is all about rewarding music lovers, appears to be nothing but a cash grab that takes advantage of Swift-obsessed teens with easy access to their parents’ credit card numbers. People willing to drop $50 on merch, the Post reports, could “improve [their] position in line to purchase tickets.” And, once accessible, the tickets are often too expensive for many fans. “I paid $150 for my ticket with amazing seats for the 1989 tour,” one fan wrote. “Now for the same seats I have to pay about $500.” Advertisement In related news, tickets to Katy Perry’s Friday show in New Orleans are currently starting at $23. 1 Nearly three months ago, Jimmy Kimmel broke down in tears during a powerful monologue on his late-night show about his newborn son’s recent open heart surgery. His candor drew much-needed attention to the importance of providing all Americans, especially those with pre-existing conditions like his son, with adequate health care. On Friday, Kimmel took to Twitter to share the first photo of William “Billy” Kimmel since opening up about his health struggles. “Billy is 3 months old & doing great. Thx for the love & support. Please remind your Congresspeople that every kid deserves the care he got,” Kimmel wrote alongside a photo of his smiling baby boy. Billy is 3 months old & doing great. Thx for the love & support. Please remind your Congresspeople that every kid deserves the care he got pic.twitter.com/XcvvM6XFJ3 — Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) July 21, 2017 Kimmel’s wife and co-head writer Molly McNearney also posted an update with a different photo of their son looking just as happy, encouraging Americans once again to get involved in health care reform. “Billy’s looking out for a lot of his buddies at Children’s Hospital. Remind your Congresspeople to protect them,” she wrote. Billy's looking out for a lot of his buddies at Children's Hospital. Remind your Congresspeople to protect them. pic.twitter.com/UbFp2UgqGH — Molly McNearney (@mollymcnearney) July 21, 2017 After welcoming their son in April, Kimmel and McNearney learned that Billy had congenital heart disease. The newborn underwent a successful open-heart surgery at just three days old and returned home six days later. “Before 2014, if you were born with congenital heart disease like my son was,” Kimmel explained at the time, “there was a good chance you’d never be able to get health insurance because you had a pre-existing condition.” The speech quickly went viral as the Republican-dominated Senate debated repealing Obamacare and replacing it with a new health care plan that threatens to cut funding for millions, especially for those with pre-existing conditions. He also revealed that his son will likely needed an additional surgery somewhere between the ages of 3- and 6-months-old. 0 "Blac Chyna is calling her ex Rob Kardashian a cyber bully and revenge porn perpetrator after he posted several nude photos of her on Instagram and Twitter. Chyna, who was accompanied by her lawyer Lisa Bloom, told Lindsey Davis of ABC News that she is filing a temporary domestic violence restraining order to stop Kardashian from posting about her on social media in addition to keeping him physically away from her. ""Good Morning America"" aired a clip from the interview. She said, ""I was devastated. Of course, I was like, how could somebody post these pictures of me? I'm like, wow, okay, this is a person I trusted. I just felt ... betrayed."" Bloom said, ""Revenge porn is a crime, a civil wrong and form of domestic abuse."" Chyna said she decided to take legal action after talking to Kardashian, who is the father of her daughter, Dream. She also alleged that he physically abused her in April. ""I talked to Rob about everything,"" she said. ""The moral of the story is he doesn't respect me. If you can't respect me, you have to respect the law."" Chyna said she wants to inspire victims of revenge porn and cyber bullying to take action, and that it's irrelevant that she has posted racy photos of herself in the past. ""I'm Blac Chyna,"" she said. ""I can do whatever I want. It's my body."" Chyna also shot down rumors that she got together with Kardashian in order to get revenge on her ex, Tyga, who left her to date Kardashian's half-sister, Kylie Jenner. ""That's not even my character,"" she said. ""I see all these things on the internet and I never address it because I'm a bigger person. Robert came at me."" She added that she was never trying to use the Kardashians for fame: ""I was already Blac Chyna before the Kardashians."" Chyna said she has not heard from any of the Kardashians since Rob posted the photos. She addressed rumors circulating about her online spat with Kardashian, who claimed Chyna cheated on him during their relationship (Chyna said the two broke up in December). Kardashian wrote on social media that he was set off after Chyna sent him a video of herself kissing another man. Chyna admitted to sending Kardashian the video, but said it was to get him off her back. ""Maybe if I send this video to him, he'll leave me alone,"" she said of her thought process. She added that she never ""liked"" any of the nude photos he posted of her, as rumored, and that she had him blocked on Instagram. Though Chyna and Bloom are to file the restraining order on Monday, Chyna said she plans to keep joint custody of Dream with Kardashian." 1 "Get the latest from TODAY Sign up for our newsletter / Source: TODAY By Erin Clements Lauren Conrad and husband William Tell have welcomed their first child! Conrad announced the happy news on Instagram Wednesday evening, writing, ""He's here! We're so excited to welcome Liam James Tell into the world!"" “We are thrilled to share that we welcomed our son Liam James Tell into our family,” the couple told People. “Mom, Dad and baby are doing well. We’re already in love!” Lauren Conrad and musician William Tell attend the ""Lauren Conrad Celebrate"" book launch party at Kohl's Showroom on March 23, 2016 in New York City. Larry Busacca / Getty Images for PMK*BNC The reality star-turned-fashion designer revealed her pregnancy on Instagram back in January with a photo of herself holding a sonogram, writing, ""I have a feeling 2017 is going to be the best year yet..."" In June, the 31-year-old announced the baby's gender with an adorable illustration of a little boy driving a car. ""I found this adorable birth announcement while helping my grandma move and I thought it was the perfect way to share that William and I are expecting a baby boy,"" she wrote in the Instagram caption. Conrad and Tell tied the knot in 2014; the pair met on Valentine's Day of 2012 during a blind date set up by mutual friends. “I’m thrilled to be having a boy. I really wanted a boy,” she recently shared with Fit Pregnancy and Baby. “My husband kept saying, ‘We just want a healthy baby.’ And I’d say, ‘But a boy would be nice!’ I was a wild little tomboy, so I think I understand boys.” “My mom always told me that nobody loves you like a son does, especially when he’s young,” she added. The ""Laguna Beach"" and ""The Hills"" alum, known for her picture-perfect Instagram feed, has been chronicling her pregnancy with sweet snaps for the past several months. She clearly enjoyed the ""babymooning"" phase. Conrad shared another pretty shot to show off some pieces from her new maternity line. We can't wait until the baby photos start coming!" 0 Congratulations to Michael Phelps and Nicole Johnson! The couple have welcomed their second child, a baby boy named Beckett, on Monday, February 12. The newborn joins 17-month-old big brother, Boomer. The Olympic champ announced the news on Instagram on Tuesday, February 13, sharing a sweet pic of Johnson with Boomer and their newborn son. “Magical moments yesterday… Nicole and I would like to introduce Beckett Richard Phelps to the world!” he captioned the photo. “We had a healthy baby boy and a healthy mama. I truly do feel like the happiest man in the world. Being able to build our family to now 4 (6 with doggies) is so incredible!#familyof4now.” The pair announced that they were expecting a new bundle of joy in August by posting matching photos to their social media accounts of Johnson, 32, holding their son. “Number 2 on the way!!!! So excited!!” the Olympic swimmer wrote. “Wonder if it’s a boy or a girl??” Johnson captioned her post: “Lil mans going to be a Big Brother!!!” The couple also announced the news on Boomer’s Instagram account. “So excited to see what mama is having!!” they wrote alongside a photo of their son. “Do I get to have a brother or a sister?!?” Phelps told Us exclusively about how he found out that his wife — whom he secretly married in June 2016 after dating on and off for eight years — was expecting their second child. “I kind of had an idea that she could be pregnant … I could tell she was acting, not different or funny, but I could tell that she wanted to say something,” he told Us in October. “Nicole had made this little journal for me of photos of just Boomer and I and photos of Nicole and I and experiences, and we just put like special moments in that little journal. I woke up [one] morning and she handed me the journal and said open it. I opened to the photo of them in the backyard with the pregnancy test. I was pumped!” In October 2016, Phelps opened up about their surprise nuptials while also talking about their desire to expand their family. “I’ve been married for a while. A couple months. I had to keep it a secret from y’all,” he said in a Facebook Live video at the time. “I had to keep it hush-hush from you guys.” He added: “Baby number two may be coming soon. Who knows, though?” Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 "Getty Images / MTV See who took home the Golden Popcorn 2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards Winners: See The Full List The 2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards, hosted by Adam Devine, were a roller coaster of tear-jerking speeches and larger-than-life performances. But, more than an awards show, the night proved to be above all a celebration of diversity. Beauty and the Beast took home two of the biggest honors — a testament, said Emma Watson, to the public's love of the film's fearless female protagonist. Daniel Kaluuya won a Golden Popcorn for his performance in the harrowing Get Out, and the awards for Show of the Year and Best Actor in a Show went to Netflix's Stranger Things and the series' Millie Bobbie Brown, respectively. One of the most tender moments of the evening was when the cast of the Fast & Furious franchise accepted the coveted Generation Award, thanking fans for supporting their motley crew for well over a decade. And without further ado, here are all the big winners of the night: Movie of the Year **WINNER: Beauty and the Beast Get Out Logan Rogue One: A Star Wars Story The Edge of Seventeen Best Actor in a Movie Daniel Kaluuya — Get Out **WINNER: Emma Watson — Beauty and the Beast Hailee Steinfeld — The Edge of Seventeen Hugh Jackman — Logan James McAvoy — Split Taraji P. Henson — Hidden Figures Show of the Year Atlanta Game of Thrones Insecure Pretty Little Liars **WINNER: Stranger Things This Is Us Best Actor in a Show Donald Glover — Atlanta Emilia Clarke — Game of Thrones Gina Rodriguez — Jane the Virgin Jeffrey Dean Morgan — The Walking Dead Mandy Moore — This Is Us **WINNER: Millie Bobby Brown — Stranger Things Best Fight Against the System Get Out **WINNER: Hidden Figures Loving Luke Cage Mr. Robot Tearjerker Game of Thrones — Hodor's death Grey’s Anatomy — Meredith tells her children about Derek's death Me Before You — Will tells Louisa he can't stay with her Moonlight — Paula tells Chiron that she loves him **WINNER: This Is Us — Jack and Randall at karate Next Generation Chrissy Metz **WINNER: Daniel Kaluuya Issa Rae Riz Ahmed Yara Shahidi Best Duo Adam Levine & Blake Shelton — The Voice Daniel Kaluuya & Lil Rel Howery — Get Out Brian Tyree Henry & Lakeith Stanfield — Atlanta **WINNER: Hugh Jackman & Dafne Keen — Logan Josh Gad & Luke Evans — Beauty and the Beast Martha Stewart & Snoop Dogg — Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party Best Kiss **WINNER: Ashton Sanders & Jharrel Jerome — Moonlight Emma Stone & Ryan Gosling — La La Land Emma Watson & Dan Stevens — Beauty and the Beast Taraji P. Henson & Terrence Howard — Empire Zac Efron & Anna Kendrick — Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates Best Comedic Performance Adam Devine — Workaholics Ilana Glazer & Abbi Jacobson — Broad City **WINNER: Lil Rel Howery — Get Out Seth MacFarlane — Family Guy Will Arnett — The LEGO Batman Movie Best Host Ellen DeGeneres — The Ellen DeGeneres Show John Oliver — Last Week Tonight RuPaul — RuPaul’s Drag Race Samantha Bee — Full Frontal With Samantha Bee **WINNER: Trevor Noah — The Daily Show Best Hero Felicity Jones — Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Grant Gustin — The Flash Mike Colter — Luke Cage Millie Bobby Brown — Stranger Things Stephen Amell — Arrow **WINNER: Taraji P. Henson — Hidden Figures Best American Story **WINNER: Black-ish Fresh Off the Boat Jane the Virgin Moonlight Transparent Best Villain Allison Williams — Get Out Demogorgon — Stranger Things Jared Leto — Suicide Squad **WINNER: Jeffrey Dean Morgan — The Walking Dead Wes Bentley — American Horror Story: Roanoke Best Documentary **WINNER: 13th I Am Not Your Negro O.J.: Made in America This Is Everything: Gigi Gorgeous TIME: The Kalief Browder Story Best Reality Competition America’s Got Talent MasterChef Junior **WINNER: RuPaul’s Drag Race The Bachelor The Voice Trending ""Sean Spicer Press Conference"" feat. Melissa McCarthy — Saturday Night Live ""Lady Gaga Carpool Karaoke"" — The Late Late Show with James Corden ""Cash Me Outside How Bout Dat"" — Dr. Phil **WINNER: ""Run the World (Girls)"" feat. Channing Tatum as Beyoncé — Lip Sync Battle ""Wheel of Musical Impressions"" with Demi Lovato — The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Winona Ryder's Winning SAG Awards Reaction — 23rd Annual SAG Awards Best Musical Moment ""Beauty and the Beast"" — Ariana Grande and John Legend, Beauty and the Beast ""Can't Stop the Feeling!"" — Justin Timberlake, Trolls ""How Far I'll Go"" — Auli'i Cravalho, Moana ""City of Stars"" — Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, La La Land ""You Can't Stop the Beat"" — ensemble, Hairspray Live! ""Be That as It May"" — Herizen Guardiola, The Get Down **WINNER: ""You’re the One That I Want"" — ensemble, Grease: Live Check out the 2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT. And check out highlights from the big show:" 0 "Selena Gomez showed up to the American Music Awards red carpet saying, ""New look, who dis?"" The ""Wolves"" singer debuted a platinum blonde hairstyle on Sunday night, pairing the look with a rocking black leather mini dress, and fans on Twitter have a lot of opinions. Gomez will perform for the first time in over a year during the award show, her first performance since her kidney transplant earlier this year. While most fans agree that she looks hotter than ever, the look has also drawn comparisons to on-again boyfriend Justin Bieber. Here's what they're saying so far: omfg Selena Gomez is blonde!!! 👀👀 — kasia🌹 (@kasiaiam) November 19, 2017 justin's impact — i think the fuck not (@crackkilIs) November 19, 2017 Wait, that blonde girl in leather dress was Selena Gomez? #AMAs — k.t._bts (@bts_bewitched) November 19, 2017 Selena Gomez is blonde and is wearing a leather jacket which reminds me #AMAs pic.twitter.com/6ae5oa4v3Q — 2B's(BieberBaekhyun) (@MelanieSargsian) November 19, 2017 Selena Gomez in a blonde wig! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 — Blake Bussing (@99DoubleB) November 19, 2017 It’s a no 😞blonde ages her! — Stacey F. Baby (@lushonmars) November 19, 2017 SELENA GOMEZ IS BLONDE NOW!!! — Patricia 🐍 (@longliveswift16) November 19, 2017 selena gomez blonde hair? i am here today because i am gay — peek-a-bru (@donghyeezus) November 19, 2017 @selenagomez DYED HER HAIR BLONDE 😍 — Heather (@Heatherr_Conway) November 19, 2017 Not gonna lie , Selena Gomez lowkey looks hot as a blonde — bean. (@yourgirlbeann) November 19, 2017 WIGGGG — Pierre 🎐 (@SxcredOasis) November 19, 2017 wait selena gomez is blonde???? — BEEN WAVEY (@_beenwavey) November 19, 2017 SELENA GOMEZ WENT BLOND — kendra (@okkentweets) November 19, 2017 YOOOO SELENA GOMEZ LOOKS SO GOOD AS A BLONDE, I’M SHOOK #AMAs pic.twitter.com/Idez2ladi9 — abbigail singer (@AbbigailSinger1) November 19, 2017 Selena Gomez is BLONDE! I repeat. SELENA GOMEZ IS BLONDE. And looks FAB. #AMAs pic.twitter.com/anboqr58xp — Katie Krause (@Katie_Krause) November 19, 2017 SELENA GOMEZ LITERALLY WORE A BLACK WIG TODAY SO SHE COULD KEEP HER HAIR A SURPRISE. IM SCREAMING. pic.twitter.com/6IXI9SEGTP — ✭ ANDREA ✭ (@ohsodua) November 19, 2017 I feel personally offended by how amazing Selena Gomez looks with blonde hair. #AMAs pic.twitter.com/ljPobF544t — Amy Astrid (@amyastrid) November 19, 2017 Selena Gomez looks so beautiful in blonde 😍 #AMAs pic.twitter.com/FBVlzWDj7Q — Common Girl (@FIirtationship) November 19, 2017 View Photos Getty" 1 "Speaking in Cleveland, Ohio, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called for unity in the wake of the tragic shooting in Orlando. Here are key moments from that speech. (Reuters/Associated Press)Hillary Clinton delivered an address pledging that as president she would take on ""lone wolves"" who might carry out terrorist attacks in the United States and calling for unity in light of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando on Sunday. The compete transcript of her remarks in Cleveland are posted below.SPEAKER: FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATECLINTON: Thank you. (APPLAUSE)Thank you all very much.(APPLAUSE)Thank you. Thank you all.(APPLAUSE)Thank you. Thank you. I am -- I'm absolutely -- I'm absolutely delighted to be back in Cleveland and to be here at the Industrial Innovation Center. I've had a chance to learn about the great work you do here. I especially want to applaud Team Wendy for everything you do to protect our troops, first responders.(APPLAUSE)And others from traumatic brain injury. It is so important that we continue to support those who protect us.AUDIENCE: We want Hillary!CLINTON: Thank you.AUDIENCE: We want Hillary!CLINTON: Thank you all.AUDIENCE: We want Hillary!(APPLAUSE)CLINTON: It is good to be back in Cleveland, I can tell you that.(APPLAUSE)I want to thank -- I wan to thank your extraordinary senator, Sherrod Brown, for his leadership, for that very kind and generous introduction. You are very fortunate to -- to have him representing you. I want to thank your congresswoman, Marcia Fudge...(APPLAUSE)Who is both indomitable and indefatigable. She is such a tenacious advocate for the people she represents. I want to acknowledge the mayor, Mayor Jackson, who was here, County Executive Budish (ph). And I particularly want to recognize the passing of George Voinovich, and he devoted his life to serving the people of Ohio as mayor of Cleveland, as governor and senator. And we send our prayers and sympathy to his family.I also want to thank Dan Moore, the owner and founder of this company and Team Wendy for his belief in Cleveland, for his commitment to create jobs. I can't wait to work with him to do more of what he has accomplished here.(APPLAUSE)You know, originally, I had intended to come to Cleveland under very different circumstances. We are heading into a general election that could be the most consequential of our lifetimes. But today is not a day for politics.On Sunday, Americans woke up to a nightmare that's become mind numbingly familiar. Another act of terrorism in a place no one expected. A madman filled with hate, with guns in his hands, and just a horrible sense of vengeance and vindictiveness in his heart, apparently consumed by rage against LGBT Americans, and by extension, the openness and diversity that defines our American way of life.We will learn more about the killer in the days to come. We know that he pledged allegiance to ISIS, that they are now taking credit and that part of their strategy is to radicalize individuals and encourage attacks against the United States, even if they are not coordinated with ISIS leadership. But there's a lot we still don't know, including what other mix of motives drove him to kill.The more we learn about what happened, the better we'll be able to protect our people going forward. In the days ahead, we will also learn more about the many lives he viciously cut short, many of them young people, just starting out in their lives. They were travel agents and pharmacy techs, college students and amusement park workers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, and they had one thing in common. They all had a lot more to give.CLINTON: We should take a moment today amid our busy lives to think about them, to pray for everyone who was killed, for the wounded, those who are fighting to regain their lives and futures, for our first responders who walked into danger one more time. As a mother, I can't imagine what those families are going through.But let's also remember the other scenes we saw on Sunday. We saw the faces of some of those first responders who rushed into danger and tried to save as many people as they could. We saw survivors like Chris Hansen who risked their lives to help others.People gathering outside hospitals to comfort anxious family members, waiting for news of their loved ones and waiting, too, to learn more about what they could do to make sure this never happened again.Religion leaders condemning hate and appealing for peace. People lining up to donate blood. Americans refusing to be intimidated or divided.Yesterday I called Mayor Dyer of Orlando and offered my support and my appreciation for the leadership that he and the other officials have shown. This is a moment when all Americans need to stand together.No matter how many times we endure attacks like this, the horror never fades. The murder of innocent people breaks our hearts, tears at our sense of security and makes us furious.Now we have to steal our resolve to respond. And that's what I want to talk to you about. How we respond.The Orlando terrorist may be dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much alive. And we must attack it with clear eyes, steady hands, unwavering determination and pride in our country and our values.(APPLAUSE)I have no doubt -- I have no doubt we can meet this challenge if we meet it together. Whatever we learn about this killer, his motives in the days ahead, we know already the barbarity that we face from radical jihadists is profound.In the Middle East, ISIS is attempting a genocide of religious and ethnic minorities. They are slaughtering Muslims who refuse to accept their medieval ways. They are beheading civilians, including executing LGBT people. They are murdering Americans and Europeans, enslaving, torturing and raping women and girls.In speeches like this one, after Paris, Brussels and San Bernardino, I have laid out a plan to defeat ISIS and the other radical jihadist groups in the region and beyond.The attack in Orlando makes it even more clear, we cannot contain this threat. We must defeat it. And the good news is that the coalition effort in Syria and Iraq has made recent gains in the last months.So we should keep the pressure on ramping up the air campaign, accelerating support for our friends fighting to take and hold ground and pushing our partners in the region to do even more.We also need continued American leadership to help resolve the political conflicts that fuel ISIS recruitment efforts.But as ISIS loses actual ground in Iraq and Syria, it will seek to stage more attacks and gain stronger footholds wherever it can, from Afghanistan, to Libya, to Europe.The threat is metastasizing. We saw this in Paris. And we saw it in Brussels. We face a twisted ideology and poisoned psychology that inspires the so-called lone wolves, radicalized individuals who may or may not have contact and direction from any formal organization.CLINTON: So, yes, efforts to defeat ISIS on the battlefield must succeed. But it will take more than that.(APPLAUSE)We have to be just as adaptable and versatile as our enemies. As president, I will make identifying and stopping lone wolves a top priority.(APPLAUSE)I will put a team together from across our government, the entire government, as well as the private sector and communities to get on top of this urgent challenge. And I will make sure our law enforcement and intelligence professionals have all the resources they need to get the job done.As we do this, there are three areas that demand attention. First, we and our allies must work hand-in-hand to dismantle the networks that move money, and propaganda, and arms and fighters around the world.(APPLAUSE)We have to flow -- we have to stem the flow of jihadists from Europe and Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and then back again. The only way to do this is by working closely with our partners, strengthening our alliances, not weakening them or walking away from them.Second, here at home, we must harden our own defenses. We have to do more to support our first responders, law enforcement and intelligence officers who do incredible work every day at great personal risk to keep our country safe.(APPLAUSE)I have seen firsthand how hard their job is, and how well they do it.In Orlando, at least one police officer was shot in the head. Thankfully, his life was saved by a Kevlar helmet, something folks here at Team Wendy know a lot about.(APPLAUSE)It has often been said that our law enforcement, our intelligence agencies, our first responders have to be right 100 percent of the time, but terrorists only have to be right once.What a heavy responsibility. These men and women deserve both our respect and gratitude. And they deserve the right tools, and resources and training. Too often, state and local officials can't get access to intelligence from the federal government that would help them do their jobs.We need to change that. We also need to work...(APPLAUSE)We also need to work with local law enforcement and business owners on ways to protect vulnerable, so-called soft targets, like nightclubs and shopping malls and hotels and movie theaters and schools and houses of worship.Now, I know a lot of Americans are asking how it was possible that someone already on the FBI's radar could have still been able to commit an attack like the one in Orlando, and what more we can do to stop this kind of thing from happening again.Well, we have to see what the investigation uncovers. If there are things that can and should be done to improve our ability to prevent, we must do them. We already know we need more resources for this fight. The professionals who keep us safe would be the first to say we need better intelligence to discover and disrupt terrorist plots before they can be carried out.That's why I have proposed an intelligence surge to bolster our capabilities across the board with appropriate safeguards here at home.Even as we make sure our security officials get the tools they need to prevent attacks, it's essential that we stop terrorists from getting the tools they need to carry out the attack.(APPLAUSE)CLINTON: And that is especially true when it comes to assault weapons like those used in Orlando and San Bernardino.(APPLAUSE)I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets and we may have our disagreements about gun safety regulations, but we should all be able to agree on a few essential things.If the FBI is watching you for a suspected terrorist link, you shouldn't be able to just go buy a gun with no questions asked.And you shouldn't be able to exploit loopholes and evade criminal background checks by buying online or at a gun show.And yes, if you're too dangerous to get on a plane, you are too dangerous to buy a gun in America.Now, I know some will say that assault weapons and background checks are totally separate issues having nothing to do with terrorism. Well, in Orlando and San Bernardino terrorists used assault weapons, the AR-15. And they used it to kill Americans. That was the same assault weapon used to kill those little children in Sandy Hook.We have to make it harder for people who should not have those weapons of war. And that may not stop every shooting or every terrorist attack, but it will stop some and it will save lives and it will protect our first responders.And I want you to know, I'm not going to stop fighting for these kinds of provisions.Now, the third area that demands attention is preventing radicalization and countering efforts by ISIS and other international terrorist networks to recruit in the United States and Europe.For starters, it is long past time for the Saudis, the Qataris and the Kuwaitis and others to stop their citizens from funding extremist organizations. And they should stop supporting radical schools and mosques around the world that have set too many young people on a path towards extremism.We also have to use all our capabilities to counter jihadist propaganda online. This is something that I spend a lot of time on at the State Department.As president, I will work with our great tech companies from Silicon Valley to Boston to step up our game. We have to a better job intercepting ISIS' communications, tracking and analyzing social media posts and mapping jihadist networks, as well as promoting credible voices who can provide alternatives to radicalization.And there is more to do offline as well.CLINTON: Since 9/11, law enforcement agencies have worked hard to build relationships with Muslim American communities. Millions of peace-loving Muslims live, work and raise their families across America. And they are the most likely to recognize the insidious effects of radicalization before it's too late, and the best positioned to help us block it. So we should be intensifying contacts in those communities, not scapegoating or isolating them.(APPLAUSE)Last year, I visited a pilot program in Minneapolis that helps parents, teachers, imams, mental health professionals and others recognize signs of radicalization in young people and work with law enforcement to intervene before it's too late.I've also met with local leaders pursuing innovative approaches in Los Angeles and other places. And we need more efforts like that in more cities across America. And as the director of the FBI has pointed out, we should avoid eroding trust in that community, which will only make law enforcement's job more difficult.Inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric and threatening to ban the families and friends of Muslim Americans as well as millions of Muslim business people and tourists from entering our country hurts the vast majority of Muslims who love freedom and hate terror.(APPLAUSE)So does saying that we have to start special surveillance on our fellow Americans because of their religion. It's no coincidence that hate crimes against American Muslims and mosques have tripled after Paris and San Bernardino. That's wrong. And it's also dangerous. It plays right into the terrorists' hands.Still, as I have said before, none of us can close our eyes to the fact that we do face enemies who use their distorted version of Islam to justify slaughtering $ innocent people. They'd take us all back to the Stone Age if they could, just as they have in parts of Iraq and Syria.The terrorist in Orlando targeted LGBT Americans out of hatred and bigotry. And an attack on any American is an attack on all Americans.(APPLAUSE) And I want to say this to all the LGBT people grieving today in Florida and across our country. You have millions of allies who will always have your back.(APPLAUSE)And I am one of them.(APPLAUSE)From Stonewall to Laramie, and now Orlando, we've seen too many examples of how the struggle to live freely, openly and without fear has been met by violence. We have to stand together, be proud together. There is no better rebuke to the terrorists and all those who hate.Our open, diverse society is an asset in the struggle against terrorism, not a liability. It makes us stronger and more resistant to radicalization. And this raises a larger point about the future of our country.America is strongest when we all believe that we have a stake in our country and our future.CLINTON: This vision has sustained us from the beginning. The belief that, yes, we are all created equal and the journey we have made to turn that into reality over the course of our history, that we are not a land of winners and losers, that we should all have the opportunity to live up to our God-given potential. And we have a responsibility to help others do so as well.(APPLAUSE)As I look at American history, I see that this has always been a country of ""we"" not ""me."" We stand together because we are stronger together. E pluribus unum. One -- out of many, one -- has seen us through the darkest chapters of our history. Ever since 13 squabbling colonies put aside their disagreements and united because they realized they were going to rise together or fall separately, generation after generation has fought and marched and organized to widen the circle of dignity and opportunity. Ending slavery. Securing and expanding the right to vote. Throwing open the doors of education. Building the greatest middle class the world has ever seen.And we are stronger when more people can participate in our democracy.(APPLAUSE)And we are stronger when everyone can share in the rewards of our economy and contribute to our communities, when we bridge our divides and lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. Now we have overcome a lot together and we will overcome the threats of terror and radicalization and all of our other challenges. Here in Ohio and across America, I've listened to people talk about the problems that keep you up at night.The bonds that hold us together as communities, as one national community, are strained by an economy with too much inequality and too little upward mobility. By social and political divisions that have diminished our trust in each other and our confidence in our shared future. I have heard that, and I want you to know as your president I will work every day to break down all the barriers holding you back and keeping us apart. We're gonna get an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, we're gonna forge a new sense of connection and shared responsibility to each other and our nation.And finally,(APPLAUSE) finally let me remind us all, I remember, I remember how it felt, on the day after 9/11, and I bet many of you do as well. Americans from all walks of life rallied together with a sense of common purpose on September the 12th and in the days and weeks and months that followed. We had each others' backs. I was a senator from New York. There was a Republican president, a Republican governor, and a Republican mayor. We did not attack each other. We worked with each other to protect our country and to rebuild our city (ph).(APPLAUSE)President Bush went to a Muslim community center just six days after the attacks to send a message of unity and solidarity. To anyone who wanted to take out their anger on our Muslim neighbors and fellow citizens, he said, ""That should not, and that will not, stand in America."" It is time to get back to the spirit of those days, spirit of 9/12. Let's make sure we keep looking to the best of our country, to the best within each of us. Democratic and Republican presidents have risen to the occasion in the face of tragedy. That is what we are called to do my friends and I am so confident and optimistic that is exactly what we will do.Thank you all so much." 0 "Get celebs updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email Madison Beer has finally addressed the persistent Brooklyn Beckham dating rumours. The singer and aspiring photographer fueled romance rumours when they were spotted out and about in Los Angeles last Friday and it was also reported that the brunette had even met Brooklyn's mum Victoria. However, 18-year-old Madison has now set the record straight, saying the pair are just friends. She told People: ""I’m very much single and not ready to mingle. I’m very much focused on my career. I’m just 18 - just trying to navigate my life. And I’m having fun. There are obviously boys that I can crush on and stuff. But I’m very much single.” (Image: Getty Images Europe) She continued: “I’ve known Brooklyn for years, we’ve been really close and as we’ve gotten older - and I’m newly out of a relationship, we’re definitely like crushing on each other. But we’re both very busy. He’s great, though. He’s a cutie, literally one of my best friends.” Presumably not coming across as completely convincing, Madison went on to insist that they're only pals and that it would be difficult to date in any case because he's moving to New York soon. (Image: Splash News) “We’re seriously best friends. We hang out every day with our whole group of friends in LA together,” she added. “People are like, ‘Oh no, you guys are definitely dating.’ But he’s moving to New York in two weeks - it’s not really realistic... We’re just having fun right now.” (Image: Splash News) (Image: Splash News) Last week, Madison and Brooklyn looked very cosy when they were pictured leaving in Barney's in Beverly Hills together. Chivalrous Brooklyn cordially held the door open for the singer who looked California cool in tiny black shorts, a white vest top and a denim jacket. (Image: Splash News) Before their shopping date, the pair were spotted enjoying a concert together and also reportedly dined at celeb haunt Catch in West Hollywood. (Image: Splash News) (Image: Splash News) According to Just Jared , the pair arrived hand-in-hand and joined Brooklyn's mum Victoria and one of her pals for dinner. Brooklyn and Madison first sparked rumours they were more than freinds when they cuddled up to one another at the Wonderland summer bash held in London back on June 5. (Image: Splash News) The famous teenagers appeared to be very comfortable in each other's company as they posed for pictures at The Ivy Soho Brasserie. While Brooklyn and Chloe called it quits late last year, Madison split from ex boyfriend Jack Gilinsky more recently after dating for almost three years." 0 As Kylie Jenner’s feud with Wendy Williams rages on, Travis Scott is helping Kylie in the best way! Here’s how he’s supporting her amidst Wendy’s continuous disses! Kylie Jenner, 20, is basking in the joy of being a new mother, but when she hears about Wendy Williams, 53, and her constant verbal attacks on her relationship with Travis Scott, 25, it’s hard not to get a bit frustrated. Wendy has stood by her prediction that Travis will eventually leave Kylie and the baby to live the partying lifestyle of a successful rapper. Before baby Stormi Webster was born on February 1, Wendy predicted that Travis would leave Kylie to raise the baby on her own. However, Travis hasn’t done that, and he doesn’t plan to, a source tells HollywoodLife.com. He’s sticking by Kylie’s side, and proving Wendy wrong. “Kylie is getting the last laugh in her feud with Wendy Williams thanks to Travis,” the insider says. “Kylie’s not being petty and dwelling on it but yes, she’s pretty thrilled that Travis is proving Wendy and all the haters wrong. Don’t forget, Wendy said some pretty nasty things about how Travis was going to abandon Kylie and Stormi and that has not been the case at all.” Instead, it’s been the compete opposite. “He’s been so solid,” the source continues, adding that Travis is “the best dad and Kylie could not be happier. — She’s falling more in love with him every day.” Throughout Kylie’s pregnancy, Wendy taunted the young star on her show. She remained adamant about her opinion that Kylie would be a single mother, even before giving birth. “At 20-years-old being pregnant, and I don’t care how much money you have, it’s got to be hard,” the talk show host said on her January 24 show. “The next reality show in the works right now might be, I got a name for you, ‘Kylie Goes It Alone’ because Travis Scott is not sticking around,” she proclaimed while laughing at a photo of the rapper. “Anyway, he’s not sticking around,” she said, once again. Nonetheless, the couple is still going strong. In fact, Kylie and Travis celebrated Stormi’s one-month birthday on March 1, with both parents gushing over their bundle of joy on social media. First, Kylie took to Snapchat to show off the massive bouquets of pink flowers Travis had sent her in honor of Stormi’s one month in their lives. Then, both parents showed off photos of Stormi — the most we’ve seen of the little one — despite hiding her face in the snaps. Kylie also showed off her 4-week post-baby boy, aka her flat abs, on Snapchat. Kylie and Travis welcomed a healthy baby girl, Stormi — who was 8 pounds, 9 ounces — at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on February 1. Kylie didn’t reveal she was pregnant or that she gave birth until February 4 when she released an 11-minute video with never-before-seen footage from her entire pregnancy. Since then, she’s returned to her normal social media use after taking a 9-month hiatus from the spotlight to enjoy her pregnancy in private. The news of Kylie’s pregnancy broke in September 2017. 1 "The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story is the first season of the FX true crime anthology television series American Crime Story. The season, which debuted on February 2, 2016, revolves around the O. J. Simpson murder case and is based on Jeffrey Toobin's book The Run of His Life: The People v. O. J. Simpson (1997).[1] The season received critical acclaim, with praise for most of the performances, directing and writing. For the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards, the season received 22 Primetime Emmy Award nominations, in 13 categories, winning nine, more than any other show, including Outstanding Limited Series.[2] It also won the Golden Globe Awards for Best Miniseries or Television Film and Best Actress – Miniseries or Television Film for Sarah Paulson. Cast and characters [ edit ] Main [ edit ] Recurring [ edit ] Guest [ edit ] Marguerite Moreau as Laura McKinny Angie Patterson as Paula Barbieri Kwame Patterson as Michael Darden Romy Rosemont as Jill Shively Duane Shepard Sr. as Mr. Darden Beau Wirick as Allan Park Ken Lerner as Howard Weitzman Episodes [ edit ] Production [ edit ] Development [ edit ] On October 7, 2014, it was announced that FX had ordered a 10-episode season of American Crime Story, developed by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski, and executive produced by Alexander and Karaszewski, as well as Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, who co-created such series as Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, and Scream Queens. Murphy also directed the pilot episode. Other executive producers are Nina Jacobson and Brad Simpson.[13] Co-executive producers are Anthony Hemingway and D. V. DeVincentis. All 10 episodes were expected to be written by Alexander and Karaszewski.[1][14] The series was previously in development at Fox but since moved to the company's sibling cable network FX.[15] Casting [ edit ] Cuba Gooding Jr. and Sarah Paulson were the first to be cast as Simpson and Marcia Clark, respectively.[16] Subsequently, David Schwimmer was cast as Robert Kardashian.[17] In January 2015, it was reported that John Travolta had joined the cast as Robert Shapiro; he would also serve as producer.[18] In February 2015, Courtney B. Vance joined the series as Johnnie Cochran.[19] In March 2015, it was announced that Connie Britton would co-star as Faye Resnick.[20] April 2015 saw the casting of Sterling K. Brown as Christopher Darden,[21] Jordana Brewster as Denise Brown,[22] and Kenneth Choi as Judge Lance Ito.[23] In May 2015, it was confirmed Selma Blair would be portraying Kris Kardashian Jenner.[24] In July 2015, it was announced Nathan Lane had joined the cast as F. Lee Bailey.[25] Filming [ edit ] Principal photography began on May 14, 2015, in Los Angeles, California.[22][26] Promotion [ edit ] In October 2015, FX released its first promotional trailer for The People v. O. J. Simpson, showing an Akita dog whining, walking from its residence onto a sidewalk to bark, then walking back to its residence, leaving behind bloody paw prints.[27] Later that month another teaser was released, wherein the first actual footage of Travolta as Shapiro was shown. In the teaser, Shapiro is about to ask Simpson (whose face is unseen) if he is responsible for the murder of Simpson's ex-wife. In the next short teaser that was released, Simpson (again unseen) is taking a lie detector test. In November, two new teasers were released. The first shows Simpson writing his attempted suicide letter, while a voice-over by Gooding, Jr. narrates. The second shows the police chasing Simpson's white Ford Bronco, while dozens of fans cheer for him.[28] The first full trailer was released in December, along with a poster for the season. The trailer included Simpson sitting in the childhood bedroom of Kim Kardashian and contemplating suicide while Robert Kardashian tries to stop him.[29] Reception [ edit ] Reviews [ edit ] The first season of American Crime Story received acclaim from critics. The review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes gave the season an approval rating of 96%, based on 79 reviews, with an average rating of 8.73/10. The site's critical consensus reads, ""The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story brings top-shelf writing, directing, and acting to bear on a still-topical story while shedding further light on the facts—and provoking passionate responses along the way.""[30] On Metacritic, the season has a score of 90 out of 100, based on 45 critics, indicating ""universal acclaim.""[31] Many critics singled out many cast members for the performances, particularly Paulson and Vance.[32][33][34] Dan Feinberg of The Hollywood Reporter praised the performances of Paulson and Vance, writing: ""As Clark's discomfort grows, Paulson's collection of tics seem more and more human, [...] Vance's Cochran is sometimes hilarious, but he has a dynamic range such that he's occasionally introspective and always intelligent as well.""[33] Brian Lowry of Variety praised the casting of the smaller roles, particularly Connie Britton as Faye Resnick and Nathan Lane as F. Lee Bailey.[35] Despite the praise for the rest of the cast, Travolta and Gooding's respective portrayals of Shapiro and Simpson have been met with mixed reviews by critics. Brian Lowry of Variety called Travolta ""awful"" in the role, adding: ""Yes, Shapiro spoke in stiff, measured tones, but the actor's overly mannered line readings turn the attorney into a buffoon, in sharp contrast to the more nuanced portrayals around him.""[35] Nicole Jones of Vanity Fair called his performance ""campy and calculated.""[36] Dan Feinberg of The Hollywood Reporter also criticized his performance, calling it ""a mesmerizingly bad performance from the eyebrows down."" He also wrote that ""His unnecessary accent varies by episode, and Travolta's laser intensity feels arch and almost kabuki at times, turning Shapiro into a terrifying character from the next American Horror Story installment, rather than a part of this ensemble.""[33] Maureen Ryan of Vanity Fair, conversely, became more impressed with Travolta as the season progressed: ""I started in the realm of puzzled disbelief, arrived at amusement, and ultimately traveled to a place of sincere appreciation. You simply can't take your eyes off Travolta, and that is a form of enchantment.""[37] Elisabeth Garber-Paul of Rolling Stone also called it ""arguably [Travolta's] best performance since Tarantino brought him back from the dead.""[38] Robert Bianco of USA Today wrote that Travolta's was the show's ""broadest performance.""[39] Dave Schilling of The Guardian panned Gooding's performance, writing: ""his whiny, gravely voice sounds absolutely nothing like the real O. J. Simpson's deep, commanding tones.""[40] Michael Starr of New York Post also was highly critical of Gooding's performance, saying that he ""portrays Simpson as a hollow, sad-sack cipher who speaks in a high-pitched whine and sleepwalks in a fog he never shakes after being arrested for the brutal double murder of ex-wife Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. He's a forgettable, annoying presence in what should be a showcase role for Gooding—who, to be fair, is reciting lines written for him, so he can only do so much with the material.""[41] On the other hand, Joe McGovern was more positive on Gooding's performance, writing that his casting ""takes a risk and pulls it off.""[42] Elisabeth Garber-Paul of Rolling Stone described his performance as ""an unnervingly believable take on a potential psychopath with teetering sanity.""[38] Nick Venable of Cinema Blend also opined that Gooding's turn as Simpson ""could indeed get him on a shortlist of Emmy nominees.""[43] In spite of the mixed reviews on their performances, Gooding and Travolta received Emmy nominations. Additionally, Travolta was among the recipients for Outstanding Limited Series, being one of the show's producers. Gooding's Emmy nomination for his work on the series was criticized by some reviewers.[44] Reaction from individuals involved [ edit ] Mark Fuhrman, who is portrayed by Steven Pasquale, refused to watch the series and called his portrayal untruthful. In an interview with New York Post, he said, ""The last 20 years, I have watched the facts dismissed by the media, journalists and the public simply because it does not fit within the politically correct narrative. At this late date, FX is attempting to establish a historical artifact with this series without reaching out to any prosecution sources. In a time when Americans read less and less and investigative journalism is on vacation, it is sad that this movie will be the historical word on this infamous trial. After all, it was 'based on a true story.'""[45] Marcia Clark praised the series and called Sarah Paulson's portrayal of her ""phenomenal.""[46] Clark went to the Emmys with Sarah Paulson, who won that night for her performance.[47] The families of Brown and Goldman expressed anger at the show. Nicole Brown's sister, Tanya Brown, lashed out at the cast members for what she saw as a lack of consultation with the families.[48] Ron Goldman's father, Fred Goldman, had numerous criticisms of the series. He felt that there was not enough material about Ron, who is only depicted on the show as a corpse. He expressed concern that the generations of people who were too young to understand the events at the time would consider everything to be accurate. Goldman's family also criticized the series for not depicting the murders, as they believe that Goldman died trying to save Brown from her attacker and that he was the man who eyewitnesses heard shouting that night.[49] Goldman's sister, Kim, criticised the series for sympathetic portrayals of Simpson and Kardashian (despite the latter in real life having actual doubts about the former's innocence). [50] Ratings [ edit ] Accolades [ edit ] References [ edit ]" 0 Francia Raisa has previously detailed her difficult physical recovery after she donated a kidney to best friend Selena Gomez, but recently the grown-ish star recalled the toll it took on her mental health as well. Speaking with Self about the moment Gomez, 25, revealed they were a confirmed match for the transplant procedure, Raisa, 29, said she turned to her social worker for advice about what to expect. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “It’s going to be hard, the recipient is going to glow and she’s going to recover a lot faster than the donor because she’s getting something she needs and you are losing something you don’t need to lose. It’s going to be hard,” the actress recalled of the pre-surgery conversation. “And it was hard,” said Raisa, who added: “Selena and I both went through a depression.” Also in the on-camera interview, Raisa walked fans through the steps of the transplant as she had the button on her jeans undone to show her “C-section scar” and the marks on her stomach area. Francia Raisa SELF “Your scars don’t define you. It’s a part of your story. It’s a part of the story that makes you special and you different,” she emphasized as she also noted that Gomez has a scar on the inside of her leg due to an emergency surgery following the transplant. Gomez shocked fans in September 2017 when she announced that, due to complications of the autoimmune disease lupus, she had received a kidney transplant from Raisa over the summer. “Recovery was hard,” Raisa said in an interview with W Magazine earlier this month. “I didn’t want to eat, I didn’t want to drink anything.” RELATED: Selena Gomez’s BFF Francia Raisa Reveals Why She Decided to Give Her a Kidney Selena Gomez and Francia Raisa Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic In February, Raisa told Harry Connick Jr. that she was “unable to move for two months” post-op. “I couldn’t do anything active. All I could do was walk. That was very hard for me, and I have a dog. Every day the thing I look forward to is drinking my coffee and walking, and I couldn’t do that. It was really, really hard,” she said during her appearance on his daytime talk show Harry. Gomez continues to be open about her battle with lupus after first revealing in 2015 that she’d undergone chemotherapy to treat the disease. Lupus causes the immune system to attack its own organs and tissues and can affect the whole body. According to the Lupus Foundation of America, about half of all cases of systemic lupus affect a major organ such as the heart, lung, kidneys or brain. In some cases, it can take years for the disease to be diagnosed and properly treated. 0 "For other people named John Mahoney, see John Mahoney (disambiguation) Charles John Mahoney (June 20, 1940 – February 4, 2018) was an English-American actor of stage, film, and television. Born in Blackpool, England, Mahoney emigrated to the United States at the age of 18 and started his acting career on the stage in 1977, moving into film in 1980. He was best known for playing the blue-collar patriarch Martin Crane in the American sitcom Frasier, which aired on NBC from 1993 to 2004. In addition to his film and television work, Mahoney also worked as a voice actor and was particularly passionate about his stage work on Broadway and in Chicago theatre. Early life [ edit ] Mahoney was born in the Bispham area of Blackpool, England on June 20, 1940, the seventh of eight children. His paternal grandfather was Irish Catholic.[4][5] The family had been evacuated to Blackpool from the Mahoneys' home city of Manchester, when it was heavily bombed during the Second World War. He started school at St Joseph's College, Blackpool. After the war, the family moved back to Manchester. Mahoney grew up in the Withington area of the city and discovered acting at the Stretford Children's Theatre. His father Reg was a baker[6] who played classical piano, and his mother Margaret (née Watson) was a housewife who loved reading. His parents' marriage was not happy and they either would not speak to each other or have heated arguments. The family situation, combined with the war, fueled Mahoney's interest in acting and he vowed to leave Manchester.[7][8] Mahoney moved to the United States aged 18 in March 1959[9] when his older sister Vera, a war bride living in rural Illinois, agreed to sponsor him. He studied at Quincy University, Illinois, before joining the United States Army. After graduating from Quincy, he lived in Macomb, Illinois, earned his Master's degree in English [10]and taught English at Western Illinois University in the early 1970s,[11] before settling in Forest Park, Illinois, and later in Oak Park, Illinois. He became a US citizen in 1971[12] and served as editor of a medical journal through much of the 1970s.[11] Career [ edit ] Early work [ edit ] Dissatisfied with his career, Mahoney took acting classes at St. Nicholas Theatre, which inspired him to resign from his day job and pursue acting full-time. After a stage production in Chicago in 1977, John Malkovich encouraged him to join the Steppenwolf Theatre.[13][14] He did so and went on to win the Clarence Derwent Award as Most Promising Male Newcomer. Gary Sinise said in an interview for Bomb Magazine that Lyle Kessler's play Orphans ""kicked John Mahoney, Kevin Anderson and Terry Kinney off into the movie business""[15] after their Steppenwolf performance of the play for which he won the Derwent Award and the Theatre World Award.[16] Mahoney won Broadway's Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Play for his performance in John Guare's The House of Blue Leaves.[17] Mahoney's first major film role was in the 1987 Barry Levinson film Tin Men. He went on to have prominent roles in a number of acclaimed films throughout the late 1980s and 1990s, including Moonstruck, Eight Men Out, Say Anything..., In the Line of Fire, Reality Bites, and The American President.[17][18][11] He appeared in two Coen brothers films, Barton Fink[19] and The Hudsucker Proxy.[20] Frasier [ edit ] Mahoney appeared in Frasier from its debut in 1993 until the final episode in 2004; Mahoney received two Emmy nominations and two Golden Globe nominations for the role of Martin Crane, the father of Frasier Crane and Niles Crane. NBC executives held Mahoney in such high esteem that Warren Littlefield declared he was pre-approved when the Frasier creative team suggested casting him as the father.[21] Prior to appearing on the series, Mahoney had appeared in an episode of Cheers – from which Frasier was a spin-off – as an inept jingle writer who has a brief conversation with Frasier. Mahoney also appeared as a priest in Becker, which starred Cheers star Ted Danson. Voice acting [ edit ] Mahoney voice acting on September 7, 2007 Mahoney's first voice job was in W. B. Yeats's ""The Words upon the Window-Pane"" for the award-winning National Radio Theater of Chicago. He provided the voices for several characters in Antz (1998), Preston Whitmore in Atlantis: The Lost Empire and Atlantis: Milo's Return, General Rogard in The Iron Giant (1999), and Papi in Kronk's New Groove (but was succeeded by Jeff Bennett in The Emperor's New School for an unknown reason). In 2007, Mahoney provided the voice of Dr. Robert Terwilliger, Sr. (Sideshow Bob's father) in The Simpsons episode ""Funeral for a Fiend."" This reunited him with his Frasier co-stars Kelsey Grammer (Sideshow Bob) and David Hyde Pierce (Cecil, Sideshow Bob's brother). Post-Frasier [ edit ] Mahoney co-starred as the Old Man in the Broadway revival of Prelude to a Kiss at the American Airlines Theater in a limited-run engagement running from previews on February 17, 2007, through to April 29, 2007.[22][23] He appeared as an elderly drag queen in the ER season 13 episode ""Somebody to Love,"" and co-starred with Steve Carell (himself a veteran of Chicago theatre) as the father of Carell's character in Dan in Real Life. In March 2008, he opened in the world premiere of Better Late at the Northlight Theatre.[24] He was also the narrator for Midwest Airlines commercials. Mahoney also made two appearances on USA's Burn Notice in the second (2009) and third (2010) season finales. His character, referred to only as ""Management,"" is a senior intelligence agency official who is the apparent main mover of the conspiracy which blacklisted Michael Westen.[25][26] Mahoney joined the cast of In Treatment for the series' second season (2009) as a frenetic CEO who is overwhelmed by his personal and professional responsibilities and experiences chronic physical anxiety attacks. In 2010, he made a guest appearance on $#@! My Dad Says as homophobic retired naval officer Lt. Commander Wally Durham. Despite the numerous successes throughout his career, Mahoney has maintained that his early work in Lyle Kessler's play Orphans has ""affected people more than any other play I've ever done. I still get mail from it, I still get people stopping me on the street, and it's 20 years later.""[27] Beginning in April 2011, Mahoney began rehearsing The Outgoing Tide, a new play by Bruce Graham at Northlight Theatre in Skokie, Illinois (suburban Chicago). The play also stars fellow Chicago actors Rondi Reed and Thom Cox. In 2011, he had two guest appearances on Hot in Cleveland as Roy, a waiter and a love interest for Betty White's character Elka.[28] This reunited him with his Frasier co-star Jane Leeves, as well as Wendie Malick whose character he eventually married in Frasier and his co-star in the movie The American President. Mahoney was a featured ensemble cast member in The Birthday Party, playing in Chicago's Steppenwolf Theatre from January 24 to April 28, 2013.[29] Mahoney portrayed his last role in the play The Rembrandt, from September to November 2017.[30] Personal life [ edit ] Along with David Hyde Pierce, Mahoney was godfather to Frasier co-star Jane Leeves' son Finn.[31] Mahoney rarely spoke publicly about his private life,[7] but in a 2002 article he revealed he had been in several relationships, although he had never married, citing his parents' unhappy marriage as something he feared he would repeat.[8] He suffered from colon cancer in the mid-1980s and felt unable to have sex following a colostomy.[32] His Catholic faith was at the center of his life and work.[33][34] Mahoney lived in Oak Park, Illinois.[8] Death [ edit ] Mahoney died in a Chicago hospice on February 4, 2018, of complications from throat cancer, originally diagnosed in 2014. He was 77 years old. According to his friend Anna Shapiro: ""He was fragile and he was supposed to be having a routine procedure. But having just beat Stage 3 throat cancer, I think he was just too weak… By the time he did The Rembrandt he was clean of cancer... But other health issues came up and he was just too fragile.""[35][36][37][38][39] Filmography [ edit ] Film [ edit ] Television [ edit ]" 0 "Kylie Jenner may have had rumours swirling yesterday when she posted a photo of herself wearing a diamond encrusted JW ring on that finger, but don't be fooled, according to new reports the young mum is not ready for marriage. Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner spent last weekend away in Miami, where according to Hollywood Life, Scott ""spontaneously asked her to marry him."" However, the 20-year-old reportedly turned him down. A source told the publication, ""Kylie definitely wants to marry Travis, but she also really loves how things are the way they are. She knows she rushed into this relationship, so she's trying to slow it all down and enjoy every single stage."" The source also revealed that Kylie's decision to say no was highly influenced by sister Khloe Kardashian's advice, ""She gets lots of guidance from Khloe who is encouraging her to wait on the whole wedding thing.""" 1 Must-Read Celeb Memoirs You've made it, the holidays are here.Whether long or short, hopefully you have at least a few days off to take a break and decompress from the year that was 2018. And what better... Read more 0 "Drake, Rihanna, Beyonce & The Weeknd Dominate First Round of 2017 Billboard Music Awards Nominees Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz and singer/songwriter Julia Michaels dropped by Good Morning America on Monday morning (Apr. 10) to reveal the nominees for five categories at the 2017 Billboard Music Awards. Wentz was up first, announcing the Top Female Artist noms, which included: Adele, Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, Rihanna and Sia. Michaels handled the list for Top Male Artist: Justin Bieber, Drake, Future, Shawn Mendes and The Weeknd. The Top Hot 100 Song competition is sure to be one of the night's most anticipated races, with the following hits in the mix: The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey, ""Closer,""; The Chainsmokers feat. Daya, ""Don't Let Me Down""; Drake feat. WizKid & Kyla, ""One Dance""; Justin Timberlake, ""Can't Stop the Feeling!"" and Twenty One Pilots, ""Heathens."" Another exciting race is shaping up in the Top Billboard 200 Album category with the following nominees: Beyoncé, Lemonade; Drake, Views; Rihanna, Anti; Twenty One Pilots, Blurryface and The Weeknd, Starboy. The nominees for Top Artist include: Adele, Beyoncé, Bieber, The Chainsmokers, Drake, Grande, Mendes, Rihanna, Twenty One Pilots and The Weeknd. The 2017 Billboard Music Awards will air on ABC live from the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on Sunday, May 21 at 8 p.m. ET/PT." 0 If you think it’s hard watching Scandal‘s Olivia Pope get the hook, try being the guy breaking the fierce fixer’s heart. When last we tuned into the sophomore ABC drama, President Fitzgerald Grant (played by Tony Goldwyn) was dealt two blows — first with the discovery that his road to the White House took a very sketchy detour. But in tandem with that, he realized that the love of his life was among the election-rigging scheme team. Oh, and also during that very bad day he ushered a frail Supreme Court Justice to her death, to boot. TVLine spoke with POTUS’ portrayer about his first (and difficult) reading of that dynamics-changing script, the “devastating” actions of she whom Fitz had put on “the highest pedestal,” and the Season 2 scene that has surprised him the most. RELATED | Scandal Post Mortem: Shonda Rhimes Defends Killer Twist and Fitz’s Shocking Decision TVLINE | We’re coming off quite an episode. What do you think raced through Fitz’s head when Verna revealed to him the truth about the election rigging? It was, I think, a three-part reaction. Maybe four parts. First, it was complete shock at what she was saying to him, because at first he thought she was in her delirium. When he does realize what she’s saying, the realization that Olivia was involved is absolutely crushing for him because, you know… he “gets” Mellie. And he’s not terribly shocked that Cyrus is an opportunist, even though he’s deeply hurt and disappointed. But Olivia is someone who Fitz had put on a pedestal — the highest pedestal, really. She is someone he came to rely on as a reflection of the best part of himself or the man that he aspired to be, which was the antithesis of his father. So her having betrayed him in that way invalidates everything for him and confirms his worst fears, in a sense, about himself. If she is corrupt, then everything loses all meaning. And that’s absolutely devastating. TVLINE | And the way Verna drove the dagger in a bit further, with the comment about his father…. When Verna says, “I owed it to your father” to tell you the truth… That’s a moment where he, for me, was first saying, “[My father] wins. He was right about me,” and I think the bottom falls out of his life. And when I walk to the [hospital room] door, in that moment I think he has the opposite reaction. He sort of feels, “I’m not going to let [my father] win. He’s not going to beat me. I made a commitment to be something, to do this job right. And this was not my decision to steal [the election].” I think he believes he could have won it, maybe, and he’s not going to let Verna, this sort of surrogate for his father, take him down — so he makes this insane decision to kill her. TVLINE | Actors, of course, can be very protective of their characters. What was your reaction when you heard for the first time that Fitz would end Verna’s life? We got this script very late; I don’t think any of us got it before the table read. So when we sat down to read it out loud together and I got to the scene that precedes that — at Verna’s funeral, when Olivia comes up to me and says, “I will wait for you Fitz. I’ll wait as long as you need,” and I turn to her and say, “Oh yeah, about that; I changed my mind” — I was completely shocked. I literally couldn’t speak the words. I couldn’t figure out where that came from because [it preceded the flashback to Verna’s reveal]. As far as I knew, the last time I spoke to Liv, I said, “Wait for me,” and suddenly coming out of my mouth are these words that are the antithesis of what I’ve felt. I somehow forced the words out and [series creator] Shonda [Rhimes] looked at me and mouthed, “It’s going to be OK, don’t worry.” And then the scene came up, the scene with Verna that followed, and I realized, “Oh my God, I’m going to kill her.” I was shocked by that, but I was less shocked than I was by my reversal with Liv. I couldn’t process that. I had, like, a literal and physical reaction. TVLINE | I wanted to ask about that funeral scene. Up until then, every scene between you and Kerry Washington was either simmering or boiling over. Was it kind of odd for you two to do your first scene where it was just ice cold? Because I didn’t understand what was informing it, reading it was really bizarre. But actually doing it wasn’t so hard for me because I had the context of how much her betrayal meant to me. Kerry would have a very different perspective on this, but for me, at that moment, Fitz feels that’s he’s been completely used by her, that everything he attributed to her was phony and she was no different from the rest of them and all of her protestations of loving him and blaming him and being a victim of him, and the Sally Hemmings business, was all bulls–t. That she really wanted him president because she wanted to trade on that power. I suddenly saw her as the worst kind of political opportunist who, sure, in one sense, can say she was in love with me, but she wasn’t in love with me. She was using me. Remember that scene where we touch the Constitution and I say, “It’s everything” and she says, “It’s everything. It’s a new world”? To connect in terms of our political ideals was so profound for him, and to have that betrayed was the worst thing that could possibly happen. VIDEO | Scandal Sneak Peek: Fitz Gives [Spoiler] the Big Chill, David Deals With a Bloody Mess TVLINE | Adding to the bittersweetness of the funeral scene was the look Olivia was giving Fitz as she said, “I’ll wait for you.” Her eyes were like saucers and so full of hope. She had this new outlook on a future she had thought impossible just a few scenes prior. I know. And she’d always been the opposite. I’d always been the one fighting for her and she was pushing me away constantly, so to all of a sudden have that switched…. It’s brilliantly written. In a way, it’s so easy to play because the writing was so good. And now I’m fascinated to see where this is going to go, because I don’t know — how do they reconnect? TVLINE | Meanwhile, where do things stand with Mellie and Fitz in this Thursday’s episode, picking up 10 months later? You know, it’s not good. You’ll see this week. It ain’t good. He said, “You’re all I’ve got…. You’re the only one who has always been honest about who you are,” and I think that he credits her with that. They try to make it work. They do try, but it’s very, very difficult and I think that sends Fitz into a real tailspin. He’s very depressed, so it’s not going to be easy with Mellie. TVLINE | The one confrontation we didn’t see was with Cyrus. How are things between the president and his chief of staff? Fitz boxes Cyrus out. This is never explained, but for me, he has to keep Cyrus close because he can’t fire him, because he knows too much. If Cyrus were to turn against him, that would be very bad, so he has to control Cyrus. Fitz is in a very tough place right now. TVLINE | Out of Season 2 to date, which scene or moment has surprised you the most? The one I mentioned [above]. That scene in the church when I tell Olivia I’ve changed my mind, and I say that mean thing to her about how sleeping with my mistress is one thing, but marrying her is another. That really shocked me. TVLINE | Your next TV directing gig is with Scandal, right? I’m going to be directing Scandal next month. At the moment, it’s supposed to be Episode 20. That’s not in stone, but I think it’s going to be 20. Want more scoop on Scandal, or for any other show? Email mattmtvguy@gmail.com and your question may be answered via Matt’s Inside Line. 0 As rumors swirl that Beyonce and Jay Z might be headed for splitsville, a new report reveals that Blue Ivy Carter would be at the center of their divorce — and which one of them wants full custody, no questions asked. Beyonce, 34, is not going down without a fight in her alleged divorce from Jay Z, 45. As the shocking claims about their split get worse and worse, Blue Ivy, 3, seems to be their next battle royale. Will their little girl become the center of a tug of war event? To hear more about Beyonce and Jay Z, head over to iTunes and download the latest HollywoodLife podcast for free! Even though everyone at HollywoodLife.com is in a Jayonce prayer circle hoping that InTouchWeekly‘s Sept. 21 issue reporting their marriage is over is just a cruel joke, things seem to be getting serious. The latest report reveals that it’s Beyonce who would not only want, but desperately fight to get full custody of their daughter, Blue Ivy. “She absolutely wants full custody,” a source close to Beyonce told the magazine. “Although she’s prepared to offer Jay visitation.” Ouch. That will be a harsh blow to Jay, especially since the family of three have spent so much time traveling the world together for the past year or so. For now, all we can do is cross our fingers and hope that all of this Jayonce drama will blow over. Not only are they perfect together on a personal level, but when they work together — more specifically, perform together — it’s like magic. Don’t take the magic away from us, Jayonce! Tell us, HollywoodLifers — Do you think Beyonce and Jay Z will really split? Who do you think deserves custody? Comment below with your thoughts. — Lauren Cox Follow @Iaurencox 1 There is not a day that goes by that we don’t hear about a Muslim terror attack taking place somewhere in our world, but that hasn’t stopped leftists from defending them at every opportunity. Those of us that criticize the so-called “religion of peace” are subjected to ridicule and even being attacked for our belief of how dangerous Muslims are. In Europe, those that speak out against Islam are being imprisoned for their belief. Courts are actually sentencing people for “Islam anti-blasphemy” laws. While this may be par for the course in Europe right now, it is not the way we roll in America, until now. Minnesota has just established a similar law.Anti-blasphemy laws are a huge victory for Muslims because it ensures their protection and in turn, allows them to continue acting in whatever manner they please all the while marching towards Sharia Law.According to Minneapolis’ local newspaper, the Star-Tribune, the hotline was set up as a way to target Trump supporters, who Muslims believe are the group of people most likely to “harass them.” The Star Tribune reported:The city of Minneapolis has set up a hotline for residents to report hate-crime incidents and other acts of intolerance.The service, operated through the city’s 311 helpline, is aimed to aid targets of any “harassing behaviors motivated by prejudice,” according to a city news release issued on Monday.The announcement comes amid signs of a recent surge of such incidents affecting Muslims and Jews across the country, many of which go unreported.“Since the general election, many of us have experienced, witnessed firsthand or heard of actions of: racism, xenophobia, sexism and bigotry directed at people here and in cities across the United States,” Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights Director Velma Korbel wrote in a statement posted on the city’s website. “In no uncertain terms, hate-motivated speech and actions have no place in Minneapolis nor will they be tolerated.”The city’s Department of Civil rights along with mayor is leading the charge for this government-enforced fascism, as this new hotline will now encourage citizens to turn in their neighbors for holding opinions deemed forbidden by the state. This hotline flies right in the face of our United States Constitution, where it goes to the heart of denying American citizens their inalienable rights of the First Amendment, which governments CAN NOT DO. Of course, the rabid liberals controlling the city have little regard for the Constitution or the rights of Americans, as they are using their position to establish a soft version of anti-blasphemy laws. “In no uncertain terms, hate-motivated speech and actions have no place in Minneapolis nor will they be tolerated,” Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights Director Velma Korbel wrote in a statement posted on the city’s website.The Department echoes the unconstitutional sentiments of Minneapolis’ mayor, Betsy Hodges, who went on to blast President Trump, pushing her insane narrative of there being an epidemic of bigotry and hate in our country since he got into office. She stated: “I will not compromise the public safety of the people of Minneapolis to satisfy Trump’s desire to put politics before public safety. Minneapolis is being built and strengthened by people from all over the world and I am grateful for their commitment to our city. I stand with them today and will continue to take that stand as the President-elect prepares to take office.” The idea of an anti-blasphemy hotline in America is pretty absurd, but right up liberal’s alley. Why are they so willing to protect those that would seek to hurt us, don’t they want to protect their loved ones? This is only the beginning of the Democrats plans to take control of our country again, but what they don’t realize is that everyone will end up suffering if we continue to bow to Muslim’s demands. This “anti-blasphemy” hotline is just the start and will only get worse if we allow it. It is very similar to Nazi Germany’s approach in the 1930’s when they started to purge out anyone who was perceived as a threat. Trying to normalize the concept of turning in your neighbor for their opinion is nothing short of chilling and should be looked at as a major threat to our freedom. What do you think? Share this with your friends and family.H/T Freedom Daily 1 Meghan Markle is set to marry Prince Harry on May 19, 2018. Life as she knows it will forever change from that day forward. Although, since announcing their engagement, life has already changed plenty for the humanitarian and (former) actress. Between her first royal engagement with Harry and spending Christmas with the royal family,Meghan has had to make some significant adjustments to her life and the way she interacts with the public. Below, in no particular order, a list of things Meghan probably won’t be doing once she officially becomes a Duchess. 1. Take selfies. Meghan has already mastered this rule.During her first official event with Prince Harry in early December, Meghan reportedly told a couple who asked for a selfie, “We’re not allowed to do selfies.” Meghan is learning the royal ropes already, telling one couple who asked for a selfie in Nottingham today: “We’re not allowed to do selfies.” — Victoria Murphy (@QueenVicMirror) December 1, 2017 Meghan also probably won’t be allowed to use any social media filters (like the puppy one from Snapchat, above) in public, and she can also say goodbye to posing with pretty drinks, unless it’s for an official royal appearance. On top of all this, Queen Elizabeth allegedly isn’t a fan of the selfie. In 2014, U.S. ambassador Matthew Barzun told Tatler magazine that The Queen confided in him and revealed that selfies were “disconcerting” and “strange” to her. To put it another way, “She was essentially saying: ‘I miss eye contact,’” Barzun said. (via Hello!) Related article: The Greatest Royal Family Moments To Relive From 2017 2. Go out in public totally alone. Summer-summer-summertiiiiiime… ☀️ A post shared by Meghan Markle (@meghanmarkle) on May 28, 2016 at 11:11am PDT Have you ever seen the Duchess of Cambridge all by herself? Like every member of the royal family, Meghan will likely have security with her everywhere she goes. 3. Give autographs. Save for official signings at royal engagements, members of the royal family are not allowed to sign autographs for the public.The fear is that someone could forge the signature and use it against the family. In 2010, Prince Charles broke this protocol when he granted an autograph to one of the victims of the Cornwall floods. According to The Telegraph, he wrote, “Charles 2010” and apologized for his “shaky writing.” 4. Use social media. Meghan will likely join Harry, Kate, and Will under @KensingtonRoyal on social media. The trio have been providing updates about the charities they support on the account, which has provided an intimate but controlled line of communication between the young royals and the public. @KensingtonRoyal is where Meghan and Harry released their official engagement photos in December and also where they announced their wedding date. 5. Show PDA. There’s a reason photos of Kate and Will kissing are limited to their wedding day smooch on the balcony at Buckingham Palace. Does this mean that Meghan and Harry’s engagement photos will be the last time we see them get up close and personal? According to royal etiquette expert Myka Meier (via People), there is no official protocol against PDA, despite Meghan and Harry’s predecessors keeping things to a minimum. (Recall Kate and Will’s hug fest during the 2010 Olympics in London.) Says Meier, “Meghan and Prince Harry holding hands at a royal engagement is a refreshingly modern approach to their new role both as a couple and as representative of the royal family.” FYI, Kate and Will held hands during their Christmas morning walk to church in December 2017, while Meghan held onto Harry’s arm. But that’s probably all we’ll get moving forward. Related article: How Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Will Make A Living After The Wedding 6. Vote. Meghan, who will seek British citizenship after her marriage to Harry, will likely not participate in future UK elections. As the official parliament website states: “Although not prohibited by law, it is considered unconstitutional for the Monarch to vote in an election,” referring to Queen Elizabeth II. Beyond The Queen, the law is blurry, but a spokesperson from Buckingham Palace told Newsweek in June 2017 that members of the royal family do not exercise their voting rights “by convention.” 7. Wear see-through outfits like the $75,000 Ralph & Russo mesh dress in Meghan’s engagement photos. While there was no obvious cleavage or slip-up, the sheer look of the dress raised some eyebrows and will likely be the last see-through dress Meghan wears in public or in official photos. She also drew (unnecessary) attention when she stepped out without stockings the day she and Harry announced their engagement. “You never see a royal without their nude stockings,” royal expert Victoria Arbiter tells Business Insider. “Meghan, from what I can see from the engagement photographs, it doesn’t look like she was wearing tights or stockings. I would say that’s really the only hard, steadfast rule in terms of what the Queen requires.” 8. Wear colorful or dark nail polish. As per royal protocol, only nails bearing natural colors are allowed at official events.According to nail polish giant Essie, Queen Elizabeth has been a customer of “Ballet Slippers,” a very subtle light shade of pink, since 1989. Related article: 6 Major Ways Meghan Markle Has Already Broken Royal Convention 9. Wear wedges. This rule reportedly only applies when Queen Elizabeth is present. In 2015, a source told Vanity Fair, “The Queen isn’t a fan of wedged shoes. She really doesn’t like them and it’s well known among the women in the family.” Wedge away, Meghan, just as Kate has when the Queen’s not around. 10. Stick her tongue out. There’s a reason tongue wagging has only been displayed by the youngest members of the family, and even those instances are rare. Though, to go with her recent string of breaking royal tradition, Meghan stuck her tongue out while walking to church on Christmas with the royal family. 11. Carry giant purses. Yes, it’s very convenient when your giant bag can fit everything from a laptop to three days’ worth of snacks. But when you’re a royal, other people carry things for you, right? While it’s unclear whether or not carrying clutches (instead of big purses) is an official royal rule, there’s a really good reason why Duchess Kate and The Queen are almost always seen with clutches or bags with small handles. As one royal expert explained to The Daily Mail, “The Duchess of Cambridge may well prefer not to shake hands with certain people – but there are other ways to achieve this, as used by The Queen and other members of the royal family, than opting for a clutch over a bag with a strap.” What’s more: “It is protocol that you do not extend your hand to any member of the royal family… unless their hand extends first.” Princess Diana was also a fan of clutches in the ‘80s and ‘90s, but it had less to do with etiquette or protocol and more to do with practicality. She called them “cleavage bags,” according to designer Anya Hindmarch, whose bags were a favorite of Diana’s. In 2009, Hindmarch told The Telegraph: “We used to laugh when we designed what she called her ‘cleavage bags,’ little satin clutches which she would cover her cleavage with when she stepped out of cars.” 0 8 Cairns business: Aldi tops Cairns Post reader poll of shops we’d like to see open in FNQ | Cairns Po 1 The 75th Golden Globe awards will soon be upon us. The annual ceremony brings together the biggest names in film and television for a boozy celebration of the previous year’s work, kicking off the season of acceptance speeches and red-carpet arrivals that culminates with the doling out of Oscars in early March. Here’s what to know about the 2018 Golden Globes awards ceremony. When are the Golden Globes? The Golden Globes 2018 date is Sunday, Jan. 7. The awards will be broadcast live from the Beverly Hilton Hotel on NBC starting at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PST. Check out where you can watch or stream the Golden Globes online for free. Who is hosting the Golden Globes? Late Night‘s Seth Meyers will host the 2018 Golden Globes, taking the baton from Jimmy Fallon, who presented the awards last year. Meyers joins a line of hosts that has previously included Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Ricky Gervais — and he takes on the job as Hollywood continues to reel from numerous claims of sexual harassment and assault within the industry. The Brief Newsletter Sign up to receive the top stories you need to know right now. View Sample Sign Up Now “We’ve got a lot to talk about,” Meyers says in one promo for the ceremony, hinting that he won’t be shying away from challenging subjects during the Golden Globes show. Who are the Golden Globe nominees? The 2018 Golden Globes nominations were announced Dec. 11, with the The Shape of Water leading the pack among movies with seven nominations. The Post and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri followed, with six nods each, while Lady Bird scooped up four nominations. Big Little Lies dominated on the TV side with six nominations, while Feud: Bette and Joan received four nods. Fargo, This Is Us and The Handmaid’s Tale each received three nominations. One of the year’s biggest snubs came in the Best Director category, where no women were nominated. Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird), Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman) and Dee Rees (Mudbound) were all passed over, despite directing some of the most critically acclaimed movies of the year. Other films that didn’t make the cut despite buzzy reception include The Big Sick and Mother!. For more, see this full list of 2018 Golden Globes nominees. Who votes for the Golden Globes? Golden Globes nominees rarely know who exactly is voting for them. The voters belong to the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, a group of about 90 journalists from all over the world that is rather secretive about the identities of its members. Will anything be different about this year’s ceremony? Yes, at least on the Golden Globes red carpet: Multiple high-profile actresses are reportedly planning to wear black to the ceremony to protest sexual harassment in Hollywood. According to People, participating nominees including Jessica Chastain, Emma Stone and Meryl Streep, among other women, plan to wear black dresses to the Golden Globes, and possibly to more events throughout awards season. Reports also indicate that many male actors, including Dwayne Johnson, intend to wear black in solidarity. Expect fewer questions about who attendees are wearing on the red carpet and more about why they’re wearing it. Write to Mahita Gajanan at mahita.gajanan@time.com. 0 Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian West aren’t so different – both are massive successes in their respective fields (whether it be singing, reality TV and/or accumulating an impressive social media following) and are constantly in the news for, well, anything they do. But these two have had a rather interesting history, especially after Kim released footage of Taylor and Kanye West‘s phone call about those “Famous” lyrics, as well as Taylor’s supposed rebuttal in the form of her single, “Look What You Made Me Do.” Let’s take a look back on how we got here. SEPTEMBER 2009: THE KANYE INCIDENT It’s important that we start here, even though this situation only involved Taylor and Kanye. You see, since Kanye and Kim later married, Kanye’s past becomes important to Kim’s future. And that time he grabbed the mic from Taylor’s hands during her 2009 VMAs acceptance speech is the root of so much more. A lot was said about this incident over the years from both sides, from apologies to non-apologies, but Kim didn’t have much to say on the matter – yet. NOVEMBER 2012: JUST CHILLING At the 2012 MTV EMAs, Taylor hung out with Kim – who had just started dating Kanye a few months before. They also spent time with Rita Ora , who was dating Rob Kardashian at the time. Yes, yes we were ever so young. There was also a moment when Kim took a photo for Taylor. FEBRUARY 2015: GOOD VIBES Taylor and Kanye were reunited at the 2015 Grammys, and there was no drama to be seen. Taylor enjoyed some nice conversation with Kim. Everyone smiled. They also embraced! This could really be the start of something beautiful. They also took a group shot with JAY-Z, because, why not?The whole lovefest sparked rumors of a potential collaboration that West was quick to humor in an interview with Ryan Seacrest . “She wants to get in the studio, and we’re definitely going to go in,” he said. “Any artist with an amazing point of view, perspective, fan base, I’m down to get in the studio and work. I don’t discriminate.” Sadly, that day never came – but if it had, we would have expected backup vocals from Kim, the artist best known for “Jam (Turn It Up).” FEBRUARY 2015: PARTY TIME Britt Awards!!! @TaylorSwift @samsmithworld A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Feb 25, 2015 at 5:54pm PST The two reunited at the 2015 Brit Awards. Kim shared a group photo with Taylor, Kanye and Sam Smith. They also had a beautiful moment with Karlie Kloss and Derek Blasberg. Plus, when Kanye performed, Kim was treated to a front-row view of The Taylor Swift Award Show Dancing Extravaganza. Lucky Kim! via GIPHY JUNE 2015: SISTERLY BOND https://www.instagram.com/p/4c9IgIDvAL/ The squad joined forces at Taylor Swift’s 1989 World Tour stop in London, kicking off a summer full of guest appearances up on the stage. One certain member of the squad to note: Kendall Jenner, Kim’s sister. In fact, a few members of Taylor’s friend circle are also friendly with Kim, including Gigi Hadid and Cara Delevingne (who also go by Slay-Z and Mother Chucker). AUGUST 2015: BEST NIGHT EVER Six years after that original night at the VMAs, Taylor took the stage to present Kanye with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award. “I have been a fan of his since I can remember because Kanye defines what it is to be a creative force in music, fashion and, well, life,” Taylor said in her introduction. “I’m really happy for you, and I’mma let you finish, but Kanye has had one of the greatest careers of all time!” She then settled in next to Kim in the audience to watch Kanye give an 11-minute speech/rant/proclamation to run for president. Their expressions throughout it all pretty much confirmed their status as #squad. They laughed. They applauded.They looked at one another lovingly.They hugged.And for a brief moment, Tay was basically one of the KarJenners. https://www.instagram.com/p/7OZIdGDvFT/ After that night, Kanye sent Taylor flowers, which pretty much led to her assertion that she would, indeed, be his running mate. She captioned the Instagram photo, “Awww Kanye sent me the coolest flowers!! #KanTay2020 #BFFs.” Interestingly enough, these flowers beared a striking resembling to his and Kim’s floral wedding wall. 💍 A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on May 27, 2014 at 7:58am PDT This also resembles the flower wall Kanye got Kim for her first Mother’s Day. Basically, if Kanye loves you, you get a flower wall. #MyWorld A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on May 11, 2014 at 2:40pm PDT FEBRUARY 2016: THOSE LYRICS Then things started to get … complicated. At Kanye’s Yeezy Season 3 fashion show (which doubled as a listening party for his new album, The Life of Pablo), fans first heard his song “Famous.” In it, Kanye raps, “For all my Southside n—-s that know me best / I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / Why, I made that bitch famous / Goddamn / I made that bitch famous.” After some reactions from the Internet (including squad members Gigi Hadid, Karlie Kloss and Jaime King, plus brother Austin Swift), Kanye took to Twitter to clear up his side of the story. According to him, both Taylor and Kim approved the lyrics prior to the song’s debut. “I called Taylor and had a hour long convo with her about the line, and she thought it was funny and gave her blessings,” Kanye wrote. He went on to say his lyrics about Taylor were “endearing” and that she herself was actually the source of a contentious line. According to him, she was at a dinner with one of their mutual friends when she allegedly said, “I can’t be mad at Kanye because he made me famous!” A spokesperson for Taylor told PEOPLE, “Kanye did not call for approval, but to ask Taylor to release his single ‘Famous’ on her Twitter account.” Her rep also said, “She declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message. Taylor was never made aware of the actual lyric, ‘I made that bitch famous.'” FEBRUARY 2016: TAYLOR’S RESPONSE The 2016 Grammys came just a few weeks later. Taylor took home the biggest prize of the night – album of the year – and used that moment to make a powerful speech that many saw as a dig to Kanye. “[A]s the first woman to win album of the year at the Grammys twice,” Taylor said, “I want to say to all the young women out there, there are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame.” She continued, “If you just focus on the work, and you don’t let those people sidetrack you, someday when you get where you’re going, you’ll look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there, and that will be the greatest feeling in the world. Thank you for this moment.” JUNE 2016: KIM HAS SOME OPINIONS ON THAT In her cover interview with GQ for their July issue, Kim said that Taylor did green-light the verse mentioning her. “She totally approved that,” she said. “She totally knew that that was coming out. She wanted to all of a sudden act like she didn’t. I swear, my husband gets so much s— for things [when] he really was doing proper protocol and even called to get it approved.” She continued: “What rapper would call a girl that he was rapping a line about to get approval?” Kim also shared that “so many respected people in the music business” heard the phone conversation and that West always keeps cameras rolling while he is recording an album, in case he decides to make a documentary (as one does). “I don’t know why she just, you know, flipped all of a sudden,” Kim said. “It was funny because [on the call with Kanye] she said, ‘When I get on the Grammy red carpet, all the media is going to think that I’m so against this, and I’ll just laugh and say, ‘The joke’s on you, guys. I was in on it the whole time.’ And I’m like, wait, but [in] your Grammy speech, you completely dissed my husband just to play the victim again.” Kim said Kanye and Taylor have not been in touch since the latest bout of drama, but he did receive an attorney’s letter from Taylor’s team asking for the video footage to be destroyed. JUNE 2016: TAYLOR SEES THINGS A LITTLE DIFFERENTLY GQ reached out for comment from Taylor’s side on the whole debacle. A spokesperson for her declined to directly answer questions seeking clarification on the matter, but instead provided the following statement: “Taylor does not hold anything against Kim Kardashian, as she recognizes the pressure Kim must be under and that she is only repeating what she has been told by Kanye West. However, that does not change the fact that much of what Kim is saying is incorrect. Kanye West and Taylor only spoke once on the phone while she was on vacation with her family in January of 2016, and they have never spoken since. Taylor has never denied that conversation took place. It was on that phone call that Kanye West also asked her to release the song on her Twitter account, which she declined to do.” The statement continued: “Kanye West never told Taylor he was going to use the term ‘that bitch’ in referencing her. A song cannot be approved if it was never heard. Kanye West never played the song for Taylor Swift. Taylor heard it for the first time when everyone else did and was humiliated. Kim Kardashian’s claim that Taylor and her team were aware of being recorded is not true, and Taylor cannot understand why Kanye West, and now Kim Kardashian, will not just leave her alone.” JUNE 2016: THE MUSIC VIDEO Kanye finally released his NSFW music video for “Famous” – and per usual, it got the people talking. Inspired by Vincent Desiderio’s 2008 Sleep painting, Kanye literally stripped down 12 of the biggest pop culture figures, including Taylor. The video also opened with a snippet of her and background audio from that fateful night at the MTV Video Music Awards. JULY 2016: THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY On an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the family discussed the longstanding feud between Kanye and Taylor in great detail, as well as Kanye’s controversial rant during his appearance on Saturday Night Live, where he was recorded backstage calling Taylor fake. When Kanye’s assistant called Kim to let her know about the leaked audio recording from SNL, she got upset, though Kanye didn’t seem too bothered. “My full-time job is your publicist,” she told Kanye. “I care what people think.” “Kanye says what he wants and he has no filter … and some people may not understand that,” Kim added during her interview. “Usually I try to stay neutral and just give moral support.” Kim was finally ready to take action when it came to that GQ interview, and she explained to sister Kourtney Kardashian exactly why she felt the need to speak out. “I never talk s–t about anyone publicly, especially in interviews. But I was just like I had so had it,” she said “I wanted to defend him in it. She legitimately quote says, ‘As soon as I get on that Grammy red carpet I’m gonna tell all the press. Like I was in on it.’ ” “And then she just didn’t like the reaction?” Kourtney asked. “Yeah, and you know just another way to play the victim,” Kim added. “It definitely got her a lot of attention the first time,” – referencing when Kanye jumped on VMA stage – “I just don’t think he should be punished for it still to this day,” she continued. “I feel like I’ve had it with people blatantly treating my husband a certain way and making him look a certain way, and I’m gonna say how I feel,” Kim said during her interview. “Kanye is always so honest and speaks his mind. And you know, when we were first dating, people would always talk s–t and he always had my back. At this point, I really don’t give a f— so I’ll do whatever to protect my husband.” She then went on to add that Taylor even helped Kanye rewrite the lyrics within the song. “I’m so glad that you said the truth,” Kourtney told Kim. “Yeah, I’m just speaking the truth,” Kim replied. At the end of the episode, Kim sat down with momager Kris Jenner to discuss the controversial interview and issues surrounding it. Kris tried to play peacemaker, asking, “What would happen if you just called Taylor up and say ‘What happened? How did this go so south?’ I guess I don’t understand the motivation to flip … maybe she took it the wrong way. My advice would to be give Taylor Swift a call.” “Thank you for your lovely advice,” Kim told her mother, “but I’m not going to take it.” JULY 2016: THE VIDEO FOOTAGE Immediately following that episode of KUWTK, Kim took to Snapchat to provide the proof, sharing a series of videos of that phone call between Kanye and Taylor, discussing the “Famous” lyrics – as well as their history. “It’s like a compliment,” Taylor is heard saying in the video after Kanye reads the lyrics to her (which include, “For all my Southside n—– that know me best / I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex”). “What I give a f— is you as a person, and as a friend, I want things that make you feel good,” Kanye said, and thanked Swift “for being like, so cool about it” after she told him she appreciates the “heads up” on the lyrics. “I never would’ve expected you to like tell me about a line in your song,” Taylor said. “I mean, I don’t think anybody would listen to that and be like, ‘Oh, that’s a real diss.’ You gotta tell the story that way that it happened to you and the way you experienced it.” She went on to add, “If people ask me about it, look, I think it would be great for me to be like, ‘He called me and told me before it came out … Joke’s on you, guys. We’re fine.” Why might Kim do such a thing, you ask? “Kim is super loyal to Kanye and will always do anything to have his back,” a source tells PEOPLE. “She is even more protective of him than she is of herself. She thinks he’s misunderstood and couldn’t stand that people thought he was a liar.” The Internet immediately seemed to side with Kim, and #KimExposedTaylorParty started trending. JULY 2016: TAYLOR SPEAKS AGAIN Taylor wasn’t about to sit back and watch all this happen – she quickly responded to the videos with a post on Instagram. “Where is the video of Kanye telling me he was going to call me ‘that bitch’ in his song? It doesn’t exist because it never happened. You don’t get to control someone’s emotional response to being called ‘that bitch’ in front of the entire world,” she wrote in a note. “Of course I wanted to like the song. I wanted to believe Kanye when he told me that I would love the song. I wanted us to have a friendly relationship. He promised to play the song for me, but he never did. While I wanted to be supportive of Kanye on the phone call, you cannot ‘approve’ a song you haven’t heard. Being falsely painted as a liar when I was never given the full story or played any part of the song is character assassination.” “I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be a part of, since 2009,” Taylor continued. She captioned the post, “That moment when Kanye West secretly records your phone call, then Kim posts it on the Internet.” WATCH: Taylor Swift-Kim Kardashian Feud: Internet Sides with Kim on #KimExposedTaylorParty JULY 2016: THE AFTERMATH At this point, the whole situation extends far past Taylor, Kim and Kanye – the whole squad is getting involved. Taylor’s BFF Selena Gomez tweeted, “There are more important things to talk about Why can’t people use their voice for something that f—— matters? Truth is last thing we need right now is hate, in any form.” Chloë Grace Moretz spoke out against Kim’s actions, too, which led Kim’s sister Khloé Kardashian to clap back against her. Then, Ruby Rose, another member of the squad, chimed in with: “Yo Khloe I thought you were rad when I met you but this is awful and this is a 19 year old girl. Nobody likes being bullied or made to feel worthless.. Yet so many people will go above and beyond to make others feel that way.” Plenty more people weighed in – while some of Kim and Taylor’s friends stayed noticeably quiet. JULY 2016: WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS… Aside from the drama with Kimye, Taylor hasn’t had the cleanest breakup from her ex Calvin Harris (considering he recently slammed her on Twitter and all). The two worlds collided over the weekend during Jennifer Lopez‘s birthday celebration at her show in Las Vegas. French Montana shared an Instagram photo in which a whole group – Harris included – posed with Lopez and a cake. https://www.instagram.com/p/BIPD1qegmiD/ Kim also shared several Snapchats during her night at Hakkasan nightclub in the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, which included dancing along and lip syncing to songs played at the club – and there’s one song in particular she chose to share with her followers. Kim shared a video of herself and friend Carla DiBello dancing and singing along to Kanye’s now-infamous song, “Famous,” specifically at the moment where he says, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex.” JULY 2016: SELENA SPEAKS AGAIN Selena also had a birthday to celebrate over the weekend (which Taylor, of course, observed on Instagram), but it didn’t seem quite as positive. Just before performing her hit single “Kill ‘Em With Kindness” to end a show, Selena got emotional and said to the crowd, “The next song, before I go home, is a song that’s so important to me, because I get really frustrated. I get stupid sometimes. I say things that I don’t mean, or that come out wrong, just because I care so badly.” Selena talking to the crowd in Jakarta. pic.twitter.com/2mMqbpv1Gp — Diana (: (@gomezmalikteam) July 23, 2016 She continued her message, perhaps alluding to the recent feud Taylor has been dealing with versus Kimye, or the negative reaction from fans when she stepped in to defend her BFF. “But the thing is, at the end of the day, no war in anger was ever won,” she said, quoting her hit song. “I do know that deep down in my heart, that I have to believe that we can love each other and always be kind, no matter what it takes in us. I believe that we can do that, no matter what.” Things took an even more emotional turn later that night when Selena posted a note on her Instagram reflecting on her performance. “Tonight I felt extremely unauthentic, unconnected to both myself and my music. I’ve never really felt like my materials, wardrobe or a video could define me. I act on a moment and fear that something hasn’t happened. I’m stagnant, I stay still and don’t just sit with myself first and ask ‘Is this where I am, whole heartedly?’ I’ve always told the truth. I’m always true to my word, I’ve shown who I am but I need to rethink some areas of my life creatively and personally.” She captioned the screenshot, “not being negative about anything I’ve done. I’m grateful for every single moment I get here – Indonesia you were LOUD and clearly inspiring. Love you so much.” AUGUST 2017: SENDING A MESSAGE A post shared by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on Aug 23, 2017 at 7:01am PDT Ahead of Taylor releasing her first single since Kim leaked a phone call between the “Shake It Off” singer and Kanye on Snapchat, the reality star banned commenters from using the snake emoji on her Instagram. In the edited clips of the call, the pop star appeared to give the rapper her blessing for his “Famous” lyrics. But on Instagram, Taylor asserted that Kanye never told her he was going to call her “that bitch” in the song. “You don’t get to control someone’s emotional response to being called ‘that bitch’ in front of the entire world,” she wrote. “He promised to play the song for me, but he never did.” Still, haters flooded Taylor’s social media pages with the reptile last summer. But now she’s embracing the snake image and using it to promote her new music. AUGUST 2017: A NEW IMAGE After spending eight months out of the spotlight, Taylor made her triumphant return, announcing that her new album, Reputation, would be dropping in November. While some fans are saying “Look What You Made Me Do” makes digs at Kanye and Kim, we won’t know for sure until the singer comes forward to confirm those rumors. DECEMBER 2017: IT STILL ISN’T OVER famous A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Dec 4, 2017 at 3:51pm PST Kim took to Instagram to share a throwback snapshot of herself at Kanye’s “Famous” exhibit, which shows a nude row of celebs in bed with the rapper — including Taylor. The photo enraged Swifties so much that the superfans flooded the reality star’s account to post rat emojis. 1 "Taylor Swift. Andrew H. Walker/Getty Representatives for Taylor Swift have told streaming services that the pop star's upcoming album, ""Reputation,"" will be kept off streaming during its first week of sales, sources familiar with the matter told Bloomberg's Lucas Shaw. Bloomberg's sources said that the streaming services are still negotiating with Swift to determine when ""Reputation"" will be available. Swift has had a back-and-forth relationship with streaming services in recent years. The singer kept her last album, ""1989,"" off of Spotify upon its release in 2014, when she removed her entire back catalog from the service. In July 2014, months prior to the album's release, Swift wrote an op-ed condemning Spotify's free tier in the Wall Street Journal, writing, ""It's my opinion that music should not be free."" Swift allowed ""1989"" to stream on Apple Music, which does not offer a free tier, upon that service's launch in January 2015. She eventually made her back catalog and ""1989"" available to stream on Spotify in June, after ""1989"" had sold over 10 million copies. ""Reputation"" will be available for sale in retail outlets and online stores like the iTunes on November 10." 1 "Fans of Vanderpump Rules have experienced a roller coaster of emotions in Season 6. From the season premiere, Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor were off to a rough start when cheating rumors around Jax bubbled to the surface and turned out to be true. From there, the hits kept coming for Brittany and their relationship. From audio recordings to reiki masters, last summer was a rocky road for Brittany, who stayed by her man after he cheated on her. In her recent interview with The Daily Dish podcast, Brittany shared with hosts Rachael Roberts and Megan Segura all the ups and downs — and even the regrets — she had in her relationship last summer. ""I didn't really take time for myself after everything happened over the summer, like, after he cheated and everything,"" Brittany explained. ""I really didn't have time to just even get away from him."" This created a lot of confusing feelings for the Kentucky native. ""I still wanted him to be around,"" she admitted. ""I just felt very betrayed, betrayed after everything, of course, this summer that had happened."" On Monday night's episode, Jax told Brittany he wanted to take a break in the wake of his fling with Faith Stowers. The couple have since reconciled and seem do be doing better than ever. ""I'm so much happier now,"" Brittany said of her current relationship with Jax. ""Everything's better."" While things are going smoothly for the pair now, did Brittany ever wish she'd been the one to initiate the breakup when she discovered Jax had been unfaithful? ""I do now because of how he embarrassed me so bad, but I just — I don't know. I just wasn't in that head space. It's hard to explain because I was going through so many emotions."" To hear more about their relationship, including if Brittany ever hooked up with the new SUR barback, Adam, listen to the podcast episode above. New episodes of Bravo's The Daily Dish are available on Thursdays. Listen, like, and subscribe to Bravo TV's The Daily Dish podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Play, and make yourself part of the conversation by tweeting @Bravotv and using the hashtag #BravoDailyDish." 0 Despite rumors of a split, Rihanna is still very much together with boyfriend of one year Hassan Jameel. We’ve got the pics of their steamy Mexican getaway Rihanna has kept her one year romance with Saudi billionaire Hassan Jameel super private. So when rumors surfaced in June that they had broken up fans were waiting to see proof they were still a couple. They got it on July 9 when pics surfaced of the 30-year-old singer and the businessman on a sexy Mexican getaway. The two appeared to be locked in a animated conversation as bikini clad RiRi is seen pointing her right index finger in the air with her mouth open, looking like she had something important to say. In another pic Hassan is seen looking back at her with his hand on his chest as if they’re involved in a somewhat heated conversation. CLICK HERE to see all the pics. On June 1 MediaTakeOut claimed RiRi had dumped Hassan. The site reported that “Rihanna just got tired of him. She gets tired of men sometimes,” an alleged insider told them. They said that the handsome billionaire wasn’t doing too well after the split. “Of course Rihanna broke his heart. That’s what she does — break men’s hearts.” Since Rihanna has never commented on her romance with Hassan and goes to great lengths to keep their relationship away from the public eye, MTO’s report spread like wildfire. Obviously something is still on between Rihanna and Hassan, as they are having a hot summer together. They were first photographed a year ago making out in a pool in Spain. They’ve only been pictured a handful of times since, keeping their love undercover. The “Work” singer’s previous relationship was with Drake, 31, and it played out in public. He even professed his years of love to her in front of the world while presenting her with the Video Vanguard award at the 2016 VMAs. After having the public know all about their dating business, Ri has wisely kept her romance with Hassan as far out of the public eye as possible. Rihanna revealed recently that Drake gushing about her on live TV made her cringe. In a May 2018 interview with Vogue, she said “Waiting through that speech was probably the most uncomfortable part. I don’t like too many compliments; I don’t like to be put on blast.” As for where she stands with Drizzy, she told the mag that they haven’t spoken and that “We don’t have a friendship now, but we’re not enemies either. It is what it is.” However she did come the close to discussing her relationship with Hassan, telling the publication that she dating and she is happy. “I used to feel guilty about taking personal time,” she revealed, “but I also think I never met someone who was worth it before,” she said about her romance with Hassan. 1 One wouldn’t want to be in Prince William’s (dancing) shoes right now. Dubbed “throne idle” in the British press after skipping a Commonwealth Day service earlier this week in order to go skiing with friends, the 34-year-old royal is also understood to be in the dog house with his wife. Kate is said by Royal Watch sources to be understandably “less than pleased” that her husband has been filmed partying with his friends and an unidentified woman. The new footage, which emerged Wednesday in several tabloids, shows Prince William singing and dancing with friends during a boys-only skiing trip. Shot at the popular Farinet nightclub in Verbier, the video also shows the prince putting his hand on the waist of a mystery woman William was also filmed “dad dancing” at the club and enjoying himself on the slopes just hours before senior royals including the Queen, Prince Charles and Prince Harry attended Westminster Abbey for a Commonwealth Day service. The Queen considers the date one of the most important in the royal calendar and William’s decision not to attend was seen as significant and controversial. While the Duchess of Cambridge stayed at home with Prince George and Princess Charlotte, William, who is now back in the U.K, chose to have fun on the slopes instead of attending the service. VIDEO: 12 Facts About Kate Middleton “It was William’s choice to go away, but make no mistake Kate wears the trousers in their marriage, and she won’t be happy with William’s antics. She thought his partying days and larking around with the boys was a thing of the past. I imagine she’ll find this humiliating and William will have come in for a pasting,” says a source. The couple will put on a united front when they travel to Paris for a state visit on Friday, but the ski trip has once again put the spotlight on William who has so far carried out just 13 days of royal engagements this year. The Queen, who has been in poor health, has clocked up 24 days of official duties. Last February, the Cambridges posed on the slopes of Courchevel where they enjoyed their first family ski holiday with George and Charlotte. This year, in contrast, William opted to hit the slopes solo with a group of male friends who included Guy Pelly, James Meade, and Tom Van Straubenzee. According to The Sun newspaper, Wills and his pals spent Sunday night dancing to the band Hussy and looked “very worse for wear” after downing “several drinks.” William, who is stepping down from his job as an air-ambulance pilot later this year, does have a history for having fun when he’s out with the boys. At Tom van Straubenzee’s wedding four years ago—which Kate had to miss because she was pregnant with Prince George—William reportedly ended up losing part of his front tooth after he was knocked in the face accidentally by his friend Tom Inskip during a marathon drinking session. According to sources on the slopes, the champagne—and spirits—were flowing in Verbier last weekend. Wills and his friends were photographed enjoying a liquid lunch with 24-year-old Australian model Sophie Taylor who works at the Farinet nightclub and a 30-year-old British former beautician from Blackpool named Rosie Peate who they met during the vacation. The group drank British beer, wine, and Jagerbombs and seemed to be in high spirits, with the prince high-fiving Sophie Taylor at one point during the lunch. Later William and his friends met up with the girls at another posh bar where the drinking continued. Kate, who’s not a big drinker, is apparently not the only wife said to be annoyed. Guy Pelly, whose other half, Lizzie Wilson, is about to give birth, is according to a source also “in deep trouble.” Get Vanity Fair’s Royal Watch A weekly overview of the chatter from Kensington Palace and beyond. E-mail Address Subscribe 1 508 Shares Share Tweet Pin Mail At the time of filming Silver Linings Playbook Jennifer Lawrence portrayed a thirty-nine year old widow, but was herself barely old enough to drink legally in the US. Similarly, in Joy Lawrence played a women in her mid-forties, while in American Hustle she played a middle-aged love interest to a nearly forty year old Christian Bale. Strange as these casting decisions look, no one really noticed, let alone asked the burning question: why cast someone barely over her teens to play a woman in her mid-30s, especially when there are so very many talented older actresses sitting on the sidelines? It has become unheard of to cast an actual thirty-five year old to play a thirty-five year old onscreen. It would seem that pop culture is slowly killing off the adult female, effectively erasing any visual onscreen age differences between a woman pushing 20 and a woman pushing 40. The mature woman has all but disappeared from film. It’s no secret that Hollywood has a serious problem with representation. There’s really only one way for a woman to look in Hollywood – white, usually blond, baby-faced and somewhere between 18 to 25 years old. There are no parts for actresses who fall outside of those absurdly narrow parameters. But it wasn’t always this way. During Hollywood’s Golden Age, starlets were revered for their woman-ness. There was a certain powerful comfort and elegance in their age that no amount of youthful charm could emulate. Back then it wasn’t about being sexy as much as it was about being sophisticated, and it’s harder to put an expiration date on sophistication. So, when did becoming a grown woman stop being aspirational? And what does this gaping representational void in the media mean for how we, as women, come to terms with the process of aging? The age breakdown in Hollywood today goes something like this: If you’re a woman in her 20s, you’re good for pretty much any role (again, especially if you’re white and blonde). If you’re a woman in her 40s and 50s however, you’ll exclusively play grandmothers and witches, and if you’re unfortunate enough to be a woman in her 30s, you’re basically shit out of luck. As a 30-something year old actress you’re too young to play really old parts, and too old for everything else. In Hollywood it’s virtually unheard of for a 35 year old to actually play a 35 year old onscreen. Why is a 40 year old man allowed to be merely human onscreen, while she must forever retain her mystical impossibility, a level of angel-like perfection only attainable by those who have only recently lost their baby teeth? When at 28 years old Olivia Wilde auditioned for the role of Leonardo DiCaprio’s wife in Wolf of Wall Street, she was dismissed for being “too old” for the part, despite the fact that she was over a decade younger than Leo. The film’s producers chose to cast 22 year old Margot Robbie for the role instead. Scarlett Johansson was just 19 years old when she played a young married woman opposite 55 year old Bill Murray in Lost in Translation, while Maggie Gyllenhaal was, at 37 years old, turned down for a role because she was deemed “too old to play the lover of a man who was 55.” We see this kind of age bias between leading men and their female costars literally everywhere. It’s business as usual…except, of course, for the young women who are essentially forced to play opposite men old enough to be their fathers. When 22 year old Kristen Stewart dropped her leading role in Focus because she was uncomfortable about the age difference between herself and her 44 year old co-star (and love interest) Will Smith, the news was completely dismissed. No one saw anything unusual about the onscreen pairing, nor did they note the disturbing ageist subtext in Stewart’s discomfort. It was business as usual in Hollywood. What is the underlying message here? That strength and maturity of any kind in a woman isn’t sexy. That an aging woman has no value at all unless she remains fuckably innocent. That a woman older than 25 is no longer a woman at all, but an asexual phantom to be pitied for her loss of collagen rather than admired for any acting abilities. Why is a 40 year old man allowed to be merely human onscreen, crumpled and imperfect, while she must forever retain her mystical impossibility, a level of angel-like perfection only attainable by those who have only recently lost their baby teeth. Katharine Hepburn was 42 years old when she played in Adam’s Rib, a romantic comedy with heavy feminist undertones that brought us lines like, “There are lots of things that a man can do and in society’s eyes, it’s all hunkey-dory, but when a woman does the same thing she’s an outcast.” Similarly, at the age of 50 Hepburn starred in Desk Set, a movie in which the actress was romantically pursued by two male leads. In both movies Hepburn not only plays a strong and well-rounded female protagonist, she embodies a wonderfully, glamorously, mature woman. Today, she would be deemed too old for both parts. Similarly, Bette Davis was 34 years old when she gave birth to the makeover genre in Now Voyager (1942). In the film Davis’s transformation goes far beyond the typical stereotypes we usually associate with the genre today. Her metamorphosis from insecure girl to confident self-possessed woman truly embodies what it means to grow older, stand up to those who try to dominate you and take control over your own life. Her’s is the kind of character that shows how age can come with it’s own brand of personal power, and it’s precisely the kind of character we never see in film anymore. If Now, Voyager were filmed and cast today, the lead would very likely be played by a teenager. Today, women in their late 30s and beyond are slowly fading from view. We don’t see them in starring roles, we don’t see them on ads and they’re certainly not opening any shows at fashion week. If we were to go on media presence alone, you would have to assume that women showing any signs of aging whatsoever are more offensive than even the worst kind of violence. The latter gets way more airtime in film and advertising. And in this too representation is critically important because studies reveal that humans are by nature more aggressive towards the things they do not recognize as familiar. One of the best ways to reset the way people feel about anything is to change the way that thing is represented in the media Women over 40 make up 39 percent of the total female adult population in the United States. Ignoring them is like manufacturers choosing to produce shoes up to size 6, or restaurants only serving baby formula. Given the staggering market size, it’s impossible to chalk this industry-wide casting aside of older women to anything other than cruelly sexist beauty standards. And it doesn’t stop in Hollywood either. If you’re very young it’s a question of who you’re going to grow into, and how you will feel when you inhabit your own skin on your 30th birthday. And if you’re already over 30, it’s about the creeping feeling that human beings who look like you are already fading from view. By consistently casting extremely young actresses to play mature women we are not only infantaizing women and eroticizing that infancy, not to mention setting extremely negative expectations for what mid-life should look like for a woman. Even Jennifer Lawrence herself won’t be immune to this kind of ageism, and will be phased out of the best roles by the time she is 31. There are approximately 97 million people over the age of 44 in America. Women in that age group make up 39 percent of the total female adult population in the United States. Ignoring them is like manufacturers choosing to only produce shoes up to a size 6, or restaurants only serving baby formula. Given that staggering market size of women over 40, it’s impossible to chalk this industry-wide casting aside of older women to anything other than cruelly sexist beauty standards. So how did we get here? There simply aren’t enough female decision-makers in Hollywood. Everyone from the producers to the casting directors is predominantly male, and male Hollywood executives are not exactly tuned into the needs of their female demographic. Unless they’re filming a romance, the target audience is predominantly male. Consider the last time you saw a movie starring middle aged women making important world-altering decisions, like in The Big Short, or going on epic adventures, like in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, or being badass and fighting evil, like in the James Bond films, or just doing a bunch of really cool risky shit like in Ocean’s 11. By and large, women are the arm candy, they’re not in the movie to make important decisions, or save anyone, they’re there to look good. That’s it. We need new role models…hell, as I get older I need new role models. I need to see actors like Ingrid Bergman and Katharine Hepburn, I want to see stories told about the lives of women beyond their quarter-life crisis years. I need to feel like, the more distance life puts between me and the day I was born the more, not less relevant I become. It’s a scary feeling knowing that you’ve come so far only to become culturally invisible simply because Hollywood deems women your age unsexy. To age, to mature, to grow into your skin is part of the process of becoming the person you were always meant to be. By diverting precious energy from that natural growth process to focus instead on maintaining any semblance of youth, you sacrifice a critical sense of self. This is the natural trajectory of identity formation. We all start off as clean slates, moldable, open to suggestion, only to become more and more truly ourselves as we age, shedding our naiveté and childish passivity along with our youth. In the words of Amy Poehler, “It takes years for a woman to unlearn what you have been taught to feel sorry for.” A fully formed mature woman is at the peak of her sense of self. She is literally the best self she will ever be – she is less likely to be pushed around, she knows what she needs to be happy and how to negotiate for those things. What are we telling young women when we suppress this incredibly vibrant and important phase in a woman’s life, writing it off as unimportant because of, what, a few wrinkles? I know there’s this collective itch to write all this off as unimportant (it’s just Hollywood, let’s just all chill out) but the stories we produce as a culture are incredibly powerful. Our stories give us a sense of identity as a species. Without them we have no history, no sense of place, and no sense of destiny. Think about it. The only reason we know to aspire to anything at all is because of the stories we’ve been told about regular people who, against all odds, built an extraordinary life for themselves. The only reason you love what you love, (art, fashion, entrepreneurship, graphic design etc) is because somewhere along the way, you heard or saw a story about it that touched your heart. Our stories matter more than many of us realize. They help shape our reality. And it’s vital that we hear the stories of all kinds of people, the young and old, rich and poor, the ordinary and the extraordinary. As it stands today, Hollywood tells only one story: that the most exciting things only happen to men, that being a grown woman means being culturally irrelevant, that a man can be anything he damn well wants to be, but a woman’s whole existential worth hinges on her fuckability, and that with age a woman ceases to matter at all. There are so many stories still left to be told. 508 Shares Share Tweet Pin Mail 0 "Carlotta is a fictional character from Gaston Leroux's 1909 novel The Phantom of the Opera. In the novel, she is a minor character hailing from Spain. The first time that she is mentioned in the novel is during the chapter ""The New Marguerite"", where it is revealed that she could not perform at the ceremony for the former managers. Later in the novel, she is threatened by Erik that if she performs at the Opera House ""a great misfortune will strike"". She shrugs the warning off and performs anyway. When she does, however, croaking noises come out of her mouth and the chandelier comes crashing down. Ashamed, she hides from the public view for a few weeks, before making a return to the opera house. Carlotta is portrayed by Virginia Pearson in the original 1925 silent film with Lon Chaney. In 1929, new sound scenes were filmed and Mary Fabian was recast as Carlotta, due to the fact that she could sing. Virginia Pearson still appeared in new scenes, now playing Carlotta's mother. These changes are also the same in the 1929 silent, foreign cut of the film (which is most commonly viewed). In the 1943 film version, she is Mme. Biancarolli who has been drugged by the Phantom and murdered along with her maid when she tries to force him to take off his prop mask. In Andrew Lloyd Webber's production, Carlotta (last name Giudicelli) is from Italy and is one of the major singing parts. The opera company's prima donna, she despises Christine Daaé and sees the younger woman as a threat to her job and Phantom´s courtesan, when Christine achieves prominence due to the Phantom's dirty tricks. Carlotta and tenor Ubaldo Piangi are lovers; she often turns to him for consolation when things go wrong, and she breaks down crying when his murdered body is discovered onstage. The film reveals that she likes poodles. In the Lloyd Webber-Joel Schumacher 2004 film version, she was played by Minnie Driver.[1] Due to Driver's lack of experience in opera, her singing voice was dubbed by opera singer Margaret Preece, although she lent her actual voice to the song ""Learn to Be Lonely"" during the end credits. In Nicholas Meyer's novel The Canary Trainer, the characters of Carlotta and La Sorelli are combined into one, despite being mentioned as separate characters in the original novel. In Kim Newman's short story ""Angels of Music"" from the Tales of the Shadowmen anthology series, Carlotta is implied to be the ancestor of Bianca Castafiore from The Adventures of Tintin comic series." 1 President Trump made Barack Obama look like a complete fool this morning in front of more than 10,000 police veterans when he announced that he would reinstate a national day of remembrance for fallen officers that the traitor before him had done away with.Trump told the crowd the following: “Police officers in this country will no longer be treated like criminals. Obama decided your fallen didn’t deserve to be honored. That changes today. Americans will remember those that keep our streets safe big time.”Obama’s spokesman said the day of remembrance was scrapped so the Black Lives Matter movement wouldn’t be offended. Apparently it’s more important for the friends and families of criminals killed for not obeying simple commands to be coddled than it is for the families and friends of the brave men and women who run into harm’s way to save the innocent to be honored.President Trump has righted that wrong once and for all. If the Black Lives Matter movement wants to remember their dead they can go ahead and burn down their neighborhoods. The families of fallen police will join together in laughter, grief and prayer remembering those they lost.FOLLOW us on Facebook at PortalState!Source: Ok.infomanComments 1 The secret’s out! Brad Pitt has a new woman in his life: Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Neri Oxman. “Brad’s absolutely smitten by her,” a Pitt source reveals exclusively in the new issue of Us Weekly. “Their chemistry is off the charts.” Since last fall, Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor, 54, has been quietly dating the award-winning architectural designer, 42, after admiring a line of her 3D-printed chaise lounges at MIT, where she teaches media arts and sciences at the Massachusetts school’s Media Lab. Oxman is the first person to whom Pitt has been linked since his headline-making split from Angelina Jolie in September 2016. “They got romantically involved almost right away,” the insider tells Us. “He’s been going to great lengths to make sure he’s not spotted by prying eyes.” Still, that hasn’t stopped Pitt and Oxman from taking secret trips. “Brad and Neri have traveled together internationally on several occasions,” the source reveals, noting that the new couple went to the Design Indaba conference in South Africa in February. (The professor was a featured speaker at the event.) Though a second Pitt source claims “this is solely a professional relationship [and] there’s nothing more to it as of now,” the first insider calls that story a cover-up: “They are very much a couple.” Page Six was first to report news of their romance. Meanwhile, the actor-director and Jolie, 42, are still working out the details of their divorce settlement. A source told Us in February that the parents of Maddox, 16, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 11, and twins Knox and Vivienne, 9, are trying to keep the case “private and they want things to be amicable.” For more on Pitt and Oxman’s romance, pick up the new issue of Us Weekly, on stands Wednesday, April 11! Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 1 Despite what Infinity War’s title might imply, all good things must come to an end. The latest Avengers and Ant-Man and the Wasp will be the last Marvel movies to stream on Netflix. Starting with Captain Marvel, MCU films will instead be viewable on Disney’s upcoming streaming service. The news came as part of a story from the New York Times on the still-untitled streaming service. “Starting with Captain Marvel in March, all of the films that Walt Disney Studios releases in theaters will subsequently flow to the Disney streaming platform instead of to Netflix,” the Times reported. Disney’s streaming service is expected to launch late next year. Why is Marvel doing this? Well, when Netflix streams an MCU movie, Disney, which owns Marvel, only gets a cut of the money, since the company licensed the film rights to a third party. But by taking all its toys back and putting them on its own streaming service exclusively, Disney gets all of the subscription money that fans will pay because it’ll be the only way to stream Avengers 4 or literally any other Disney movie. All the animated classics and new Star Wars movies will also live on Disney’s streaming service, to say nothing of all the new franchises the House of Mouse now owns after having bought Fox. However, Marvel won’t be completely gone from Netflix come 2019. The New York Times reports that Netflix’s Marvel shows, like Daredevil and Luke Cage, will stay on Netflix for the time being, as a spokesman said there are “no current plans” to take them away. Man … remember when everybody thought cord-cutting was going to save people a bunch of money? Instead of paying for cable, you could pay $9.99 a month for one streaming service that had everything you wanted on it. Except now you’re gonna have to pay $9.99 a month (or more) for Netflix, Hulu, Disney’s streaming service, CBS All Access, Amazon Prime, HBO Now, Showtime, and, eventually, Apple’s streaming service. That’s just the start. Original What Are Marvel's 9 New Mystery Movies? Anyway, check out Thor: Ragnarok on Netflix now. 0 "It's not uncommon for women to lose weight before their wedding days. But tabloids are accusing Meghan Markle of starving herself for the royal wedding, and it's hugely problematic. According to Star, Markle is a ""shadow of her former self,"" and she ""caused a stir"" when she attended an Invictus Games reception with Prince Harry last month because she ""couldn’t hide her frail frame and pin-thin legs."" Now, the tabloid reported, that she's ""wasting away"" and friends and family are ""fretting"" that she's ""starving herself into emaciation."" The fact is that many women work out and change up their diets to feel their healthiest before their nuptials. And this is nothing new. A 2007 Cornell University study found that 70 percent of 272 engaged women said they wanted to lose weight — typically 20 pounds, according to The New York Times. In the two months of fittings before most clients’ weddings at Kleinfeld Bridal in New York, for example, one seamstress told The New York Times that she's kept busy taking in gowns. That's because brides-to-be say, “I don’t want the size 16; I want the 14 or the 12,’"" Jennette Kruszka, Kleinfeld’s marketing director, reportedly told the outlet in 2007. But none of this means that these women are starving themselves. WPA Pool/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Markle's wedding dress also had to be altered several times due to weight loss, according to The Sun, but that doesn't mean that she has been ""starving herself to emancipation"" either. Rather, the article plainly said, ""Like most brides, Meghan has been on a bit of a health kick."" Nonetheless, Star reported that an ""insider"" claims she has ""lost a shocking amount of weight in just the last two weeks"" and that she ""seems obsessed with losing even more before the big day."" The magazine reported that she ""appears to have dropped 23 pounds,"" and claimed that her purported weight loss is the result of a ""drastic diet"" that consists of cleansing juices and ice chips. Regardless, eating disorders are no joke, and throwing around accusations about them is totally uncalled for. Anorexia is the third most common chronic disease among young people, after asthma and type 1 diabetes, according to the National Eating Disorders Association. Between 0.9 percent and 2 percent of females will develop anorexia in their lifetimes. And, at any given point in time, 1 percent of young women will meet diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa. And many brides-to-be do indeed suffer from eating disorders. According to Shape, many women get so caught up in losing weight that it becomes unhealthy. A report from Moneyish actually suggested that ""proposal shape"" is the latest fitness trend that encourages people to double down on their usual workout and diet habits so that they'll be ""fit enough"" for the proposal and, eventually, the wedding. Thanks, unrealistic beauty standards! The actress will marry Prince Harry on Saturday, according to Express, and she may actually be aiming to feel healthy and fit for the important day through a certain exercise, ""royal expert"" Julie Montagu reportedly told the outlet. Montagu holds the official title of Viscountess Hinchingbrooke, since she married Luke Montagu, Viscount of Hinchingbrooke. She is also a London-based yoga teacher, and she reportedly told Express that Markle has been practicing yoga to get herself ready for the wedding. Regardless of how Markle chooses to prepare for her wedding day, it's about time we stop body shaming women for both their weight gain and their weight loss. So long as Markle is healthy (and she's got a fiancé and a royal family to look out for her there), it's no one's business what size she'll be wearing." 1 "CLOSE Cardi B and Migos rapper Offset became engaged in a high-profile way — onstage at Power 99's Powerhouse concert in Philly Friday night! USA TODAY Recording artist Cardi B performs at Power 105.1's Powerhouse on Oct. 26, 2017, in Brooklyn. (Photo: Scott Roth, Scott Roth/Invision/AP) Looks like Cardi B is a bride-to-be! The Bodak Yellow singer tweeted a video Friday of her engagement to rapper Offset — and her surprised and excited reaction to the proposal is adorable. ""Offset proposed,"" she captioned the video, adding a diamond ring emoji. Offset, part of the hip-hop trio Migos, popped the question while onstage with Cardi B during Power 99 radio’s Powerhouse concert in Philadelphia Friday. She also posted an emotional message to Offset on her Instagram along with a picture of herself wearing the ring. ""I loveee (sic) you so much. Thank you for seeing the potential in me since you met me,"" she wrote in the photo's caption. ""For giving me advice molding me and loving me."" ""Your (sic) such a amazing man to me, your family, friends, kids and you are extremely talented,"" she continued. ""I can’t wait to spend FOREVAAAA with you. Lets make a lot shmoney and love together"" Later, she posted a close-up video of her new bling, which Offset got from Pristine Jewelers NYC. The jeweler posted its own congratulations to the newly engaged couple on Instagram as well. I just want to go to sleep and wake up and make sure this ain’t a dream.Thank you God for all these blessings .Thank you babe @offsetyrn God really sent you to me A post shared by Cardi B Official IG (@iamcardib) on Oct 28, 2017 at 1:27am PDT Talk about a rock! Rain Drop 💦 Engagement Ring made with Pink Diamonds around it for @iamcardib ❌ @offsetyrn !!!! #pristinejewelersnyc💎 A post shared by Pristine Jewelers NYC (@pristine_jewelers) on Oct 28, 2017 at 5:40am PDT CLOSE Rapper Cardi B discusses success, her new album and that time she met Beyonce. (Sept. 11) AP Read or Share this story: https://usat.ly/2hkQNll" 0 The following is a list with the Billboard Music Award winners for Top Social Artist. This is one of two fan-voted categories in the award show.[1] Justin Bieber is the most awarded and nominated artist in this category with six consecutive wins and eight overall nominations. His winning streak was broken as of the 2017 ceremony by BTS, who were the first K-pop group ever to be nominated for and win a Billboard Music Award.[2] Winners and nominees [ edit ] 0 "Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). (ASTRID RIECKEN/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock) This post was originally published in 2017 and has been updated. There are decades worth of stories about the political career of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) that have nothing to do with President Trump. But as we remember the senior senator, who died Saturday at 81 after being diagnosed with brain cancer, it’s undeniable that McCain played an outsize role in Trump’s campaign and presidency. At first he was reluctantly pulled into it, but in the last year of his life, McCain was leading the battle for the soul for the Republican Party. Let's start from the beginning. Barely a month into then-candidate Donald Trump's presidential run, McCain almost inadvertently ended it. Or so many thought. “He’s not a war hero,” Trump said. “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, okay? I hate to tell you. He’s a war hero because he was captured, okay?” Well, that was it. You can't disparage a war hero who has become a living legend in Washington and expect to win the Republican presidential nomination. McCain said he was “surprised” Trump went after him but referred to a famous Theodore Roosevelt quote about the difference between talkers and doers. “I'm in the arena, as T.R. used to say.” In other words: Trump ain't nothing to me. He soon would be. Trump won the Republican nomination. And McCain, whether he wanted to or not, would go on to play a central role in the rest of Trump’s political narrative, a symbol of the establishment Republican Party that Trump stomped on to snatch victory. McCain may not have liked the guy (he questioned his fitness to be commander in chief), but like most dutiful Republicans, he respected what Trump had done. He endorsed Trump for president. The decision would test McCain many more times. Weeks later, Trump battled a Gold Star parent who spoke at the Democrats' nominating convention. McCain was fuming. “I cannot emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement,” McCain's Senate campaign said in a statement. “I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers, or candidates.” Trump predictably didn't like that. He told The Washington Post that he might or might not support McCain, who was running for a sixth term in the Senate, in his primary. He said he had no interest in apologizing to McCain for the war hero spat. Trump's threat to undermine McCain, among other GOP leaders, would later be remembered as a giant middle finger to the Republican Party that had just swallowed its pride and given him the nomination. At this point, McCain's Democratic opponent was running ads tying McCain to Trump's most controversial comments about immigrants and women. And the rest of us were asking: How in the world is McCain still supporting Trump anyway? (Because, politics, surmised The Fix's Aaron Blake: “If McCain wants to be renominated, it's perhaps best not to alienate the many Arizona Republicans that backed Trump and turn this into a Trump vs. McCain primary."") McCain did win that primary. Literally a day later, he ditched Trump. Given that McCain had gritted through Trump’s pummeling for more than a year without saying much, it was a high-profile defection. In a gauzy, five-minute video, he basically acknowledged that he thought Hillary Clinton was going to win and pitched himself as a bulwark against a Democratic president. “If Hillary Clinton is elected president, Arizona will need a senator who will act as a check — not a rubber stamp — for the White House,” he said. Once again, McCain didn't get what he wanted. Trump is now President Trump. But both safely elected and back in Washington, McCain let his true colors fly. He became Trump's chief Republican antagonist in the Senate. Shortly after Trump got elected, McCain was one of the first GOP senators to express reservations about Trump’s Cabinet nominees. When “pigs fly,” McCain said when asked if he would support Rex Tillerson for secretary of state. (He eventually did but since said he sometimes regrets it.) McCain was one of the first senators of either party to demand an independent investigation into Russia meddling. Last summer came the moment Trump will never forget. After announcing his diagnosis of brain cancer, McCain gave a surprise ""no"" vote that ended Republicans' efforts to repeal Obamacare. Trump has brought up that ""no"" vote every chance he gets. [Trump can't stop dissing John McCain] McCain used his last few months in Washington to deliver series of speeches with increasingly alarmist language about Trump. ""We're getting nothing done,"" he scolded his colleagues on the Senate floor. “We have to fight [against Trumpism],” McCain told Naval Academy midshipmen, describing Trump’s foreign policy as nothing more than “crackpot conspiracy theories.” “We are not his subordinates,” he warned his party in an op-ed, referring to the president. At the end of 2017, McCain left Washington for treatment of his cancer. But even from his home in Arizona, he continued to poke Trump where it hurt. At a critical moment this spring when Trump’s CIA nominee was on thin ice to get approved by the Senate, McCain publicly engineered a bid to try to tank her confirmation by urging his colleagues to vote against her. The last major public spat between the two was ugly. Trump and his White House refused to publicly apologize for a crude comment a former aide made about McCain’s imminent death. McCain’s daughter, Meghan McCain, said people who defend that aide “are going to have to answer for their own conscience.” McCain's last defiant act of the Trump era was to write a book. It was a memoir that mourned for a time past in politics and compared Trump to a despot. “I would like to see us recover our sense that we are more alike than different,” he wrote. “Even in times of political turmoil such as these, we share that awesome heritage and the responsibility to embrace it.” In the beginning, McCain was caught off guard by how Trump's nascent and chaotic presidential campaign sucked him into the center of its vortex. He wrote in his memoir that he didn't know what to make of Trump's convictions. In the last year of his life, McCain transformed himself into a willing leader of the resistance." 1 Of New Jersey’s last four governors, one resigned in disgrace and another was nearly indicted. “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” star Teresa Giudice would fit right in! “Teresa couldn’t do a worse job than Chris Christie.” At first it was suggested she run for governor as a press stunt, but now she is really thinking about it,” a snitch whispered to The National ENQUIRER‘S Rob Shuter. WATCH: Sinead O’Connor Video — Suicidal In New Jersey “She has a massive social media following to get her message out, and she has a lot of good ideas. “Plus, she isn’t going to be shutting down any access to bridges. “It’s about time real people took back political power, and after her stay in jail, Teresa isn’t frightened of anyone.” 1 "On November 27th last year, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their engagement to the world. Many were quite shocked as the Suits actress showed off her sparkling ring with diamonds that were once owned by his late mother, Princess Diana, as they had only been dating for 18 months. Prince Harry told the BBC in their official engagement interview, ""She didn’t even let me finish (proposing). She said, ‘Can I say yes? Can I say yes?’ And then was hugs and I had the ring on my finger and I was like, can I give you the ring? She goes, ‘Oh yes, the ring.’ So no it was a really nice moment, it was just the two of us and I think managed to catch her by surprise as well."" If the couple are to marry, then she will become the first American in 81 years to marry into the Royal family since Wallis Simpson married King Edward VIII, forcing his abdication from the throne. Although the couple appeared to be happy, as time has gone by there have been a few scandals and complications. These are all the reasons why this romance is becoming less of a fairytale and more like it's heading for the rocks. advertising 15 Why Did Harry Really Push Meghan's Hand Away In This Video? express.co.uk When you're one of the most photographed couples in the world, the paparazzi will be sure to capture moments you don't quite want to be made public. Like in this video when Harry and Meghan were in Brixton for charity work, she reaches out for her hand but he shuns her away with no explanation. Was there a fight in the car before they arrived? Or has the couple just been spending too much time together carrying out their Royal duties? Locals weren't overjoyed by the visit as one accused their charity work of being a 'stunt'. Local storeowner Mike Eweje told the Daily Express, ""It’s a stunt for the Royal family. People don’t care about the Royal wedding because they don’t care about people around here."" 14 Has Meghan Been Dishonest About The Royals Since The Very Beginning? mix967.ca advertising According to Meghan, she didn't know anything about the Royal family before she met her Prince but a high school friend has revealed that's not true. Ninaki Priddy, who has known the former actress since she was 11, told the Daily Mail, ""I know the Royal Family was something she found fascinating."" ""She had one of Princess Diana’s books (Diana: Her True Story) on her bookshelf, and even when she was with (her ex-husband) she told me she wanted to go and stay in London for at least a month."" The ex-BFF also added that fame had completely changed Meghan, she said, ""Maybe she had started to change before then, but I was refusing to see it. The tone of her voice, her mannerisms, the way she laughed didn’t seem real to me anymore."" 13 Marriage Of Royalty And Hollywood Is Too Risky For House Windsor businessinsider.com For many commentators, the marriage of Hollywood and Royalty simply doesn't work and could even be the end of House Windsor. One anonymous staffer who works inside the palace told the Daily Star, ""I know Her Majesty and the Prince of Wales are not happy with her. It is very serious."" The monarchy is already fragile as the public has less patience with the Royal ways, so could this marriage be the final nail in the coffin? Max Hastings from the Daily Mail revealed, ""Now that Ms. Markle has gushed all over Vanity Fair about her relationship with Harry for no better purpose than to satisfy a yearning for fame, she cannot at some future date reinvent herself as a princess. The monarchy is sustained by a web of delightful illusions and fantasies that are based on the concealment from the eyes of us commoners, the humdrum ordinariness of the Royal Family’s individual members."" 12 Harry Is The Ultimate Commitment-Phobe vanityfair.com advertising It's fair to say that Prince Harry isn't the type of guy who likes commitment. He is well known for his on-and-off relationship with Chelsea Davey that lasted for a bumpy seven years and she was even his date at his brother's wedding. He also dated TV presenter Natalie Pinkham, he enjoyed drink dates with Kate's good friend Astrid Harbord and he was hooking up with presenter Caroline Flack as well. Flack recalls, ""Once the story got out, that was it. We had to stop seeing each other. I was no longer Caroline Flack, TV presenter, I was Caroline Flack, Prince Harry's bit of rough."" It's been tough for any woman to try and get him to commit for good and there is always the chance he will get cold feet before the big day. One source told The Daily Beast, ""There is always room for doubt because he is a serial commitment-phobe. He is said to be a ‘love addict’ and his parents’ example is far from encouraging."" 11 Meghan Forced To Erase Her Whole Social Media History usanetwork.com Meghan, just like the rest of us, loved her social media and would regularly update her accounts with pictures of her on a holiday or relaxing at home. However, there is no place for Instagram or Twitter in the Royal family, so those accounts had to go for good. She also had to shut down her own lifestyle blog, The Tig, after she started dating Harry. The official statement from the palace said she was ""grateful to everyone who has followed her social media accounts over the years"" but had closed them ""as she has not used these accounts for some time."" Meghan will likely be devastated that she no longer has social media, as she loves the attention. Her former BFF revealed, ""She just loved to be the center of attention. We used to imagine her receiving an Oscar. She used to practice announcing herself."" 10 They Have Only Known Each Other For 18 months abcnews.go.com advertising When Harry popped the question he had only known Meghan for 18 months, but he was clearly in a rush to get her down the aisle. Things didn't go so well in the beginning as Harry issued a statement to the press asking for the ""abuse and harassment"" of his girlfriend to end. Then on November 27th last year, Clarence House and Kensington Palace both announced that Harry and Meghan were engaged, but was it all happening too fast? The couple hasn't spent that much time together as they have both been busy, Harry in the UK and Meghan in the USA. According to many studies, those who waited for three years before getting married had decreased the likelihood of divorce by 50%. Rushing into things might spell doom for the couple before they even know it. 9 Meghan's Half-Sister's Book Could Destroy Everything usmagazine.com One thing the Royal family won't be looking forward to is the release of Meghan's half-sister's tell-all book. Samantha Grant who lives in Florida claims she raised Meghan herself as the two were growing up. She also revealed that her half-sister is a ""social climber"" and has always had a ""soft spot for gingers"". The current working title for the book is 'The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister' so it's pretty clear what kind of book this going to be. She also revealed that their father is bankrupt, but Meghan hasn't reached out to help. When Meghan wore a $75,000 designer dress for her engagement photo, her sister said, ""If you can spend $75,000 on a dress, you can spend $75,000 on your dad."" He filed for bankruptcy last year with just $200 to his name. advertising 8 Meghan Won't Be Able To Cope With The Terrifying Publicity via: Pinterest.com advertising 20 years ago, Harry's late mother Princess Diana was chased by the paparazzi and crashed in a Paris tunnel, which resulted in her death. The cameras were still flashing even as they struggled to pull her body from the wreck. Now, you would think the media learned from the incident and they would be less intrusive, but it appears they have just become worse. Last year, she was the most searched woman on Google and her name dominates the headlines almost every day. Top bodyguard Garry Curtis who once looked after the Beckham family told the Mirror online, ""I can only imagine that at the start she will find it extremely claustrophobic. Any family that has financial wealth around them is going to be a potential target of intimidation, possible kidnap, these days computer theft and hacking and people looking for family photos for blackmail."" Sounds terrifying to us. 7 Meghan's Ex-Husband Is Making A Comedy About Their Divorce radaronline.com Another person who was once close to Meghan and also wants to sell her out is the ex-husband, Trevor Engelson, who was married to the Suits star from 2011 to 2013. Now it's been revealed that he plans to make a tell-all comedy about their divorce and the pilot has been ordered by Fox network. The show is about a divorced dad who has to work with his ex-wife to share custody of their kids, according to Deadline. The situation is complicated as the woman moves on from the split by marrying a British prince and although they never had children together, it's going to be quite obviously about Meghan and Harry. So far, Modern Family's executive producer Danny Zuker has joined the project as producer and writer. It's yet another embarrassing blow for the Royals who will already see Meghan's divorce as a setback. 6 The Queen Will Refuse To Attend The Big Day vanityfair.com advertising It's very likely that the Queen will snub the Royal wedding even though she would be a crucial and celebrated guest. According to speculation, the Queen won't witness the nuptials first-hand because Meghan has been married before. In 2005, her majesty didn't attend the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla for the exact same reason - choosing to skip her son's big day. A senior Royal official told the Daily Express, ""The Queen takes her position as Supreme Governor of the Church of England incredibly seriously. She also has great personal faith."" Her former best friend told the Daily Mail that Meghan's husband did not see the divorce coming, she revealed, ""I think everybody who knew them both was in shock. All I can say now is that I think Meghan was calculated, very calculated, in the way she handled people and relationships."" 5 She Has Already Failed A Mock British Citizenship Test mirror.co.uk Maybe British history isn't Meghan's strong point, but if she wants to make a permanent move to the UK then she'll have to brush up for the citizenship test. She sat down with comedy channel Dave who quizzed her on all things British but she failed to name local ales or where places were. It's believed that she will leave her Toronto apartment behind and relocate to London with Harry and her dogs at Kensington Palace. They will then become the next-door neighbors of Prince William and Kate. She told the host, ""Because I'm from the States, you don't grow up with the same understanding of the Royal family. While I now understand very clearly there's a global interest there, I didn't know much about (Prince Harry)."" 4 Meghan Has Too Many Skeletons In Her Closet via: YouTube.com advertising Meghan's family history comes with quite a dark past; her half-brother, Tom, has spent a few nights in a jail cell following boozy fights and he also pointed a gun at her sister-in-law's head. One source told The Sun, ""He’s a loose cannon. It puts Meghan’s family in a bad light again. The last time he said he would get help. Everyone hopes they both do so now."" Meghan's father also has his own demons as he is struggling with bankruptcy. Meghan's half-sister said Harry would be ""appalled by what she's done"" and that Meghan was a ""narcissist"" and ""selfish"". She told the Daily Mail, ""The Royal Family would be appalled by what she's done to her own family. The truth would kill her relationship with Prince Harry, he wouldn't want to date her anymore because it puts her in a bad public light."" We're sure her pending tell-all book will go into much more detail... 3 The Big Day Is Too Much Of A Clash With The Next Royal Baby via: YouTube.com The big day might have to be put on hold, as it's too much of a clash with the next Royal baby. William and Kate are expecting their third child, who will be fifth in line to the throne. The newborn is expected early April, however, if things become overdue it will clash with the Royal wedding. William is expected to be the best man on the big day, so this could put the brakes on the occasion. The website Mumsnet was flooded with complaints by angry parents about the clash in dates. One wrote, ""It'll be a dilemma for William as he'll want to celebrate the day, as will Catherine. If she's heavily pregnant or postpartum, he can't really get overly drunk."" If things are going to get complicated, the couple might be better off calling the whole thing off. 2 Meghan Is Still Breaking Protocol By Talking To The Press via: YouTube.com advertising After Harry and Meghan first announced their engagement, they both made a public outing in London to greet the crowds of well-wishers. Harry, walking ahead of Meghan, was shaking hands with the public and taking gifts, but when ITV’s Alison Hammond tried to talk to him, he quickly swerved her microphone. Something Harry isn't keen to do is talk to the press. However, the same couldn't be said for Meghan who walked right up to the reporter for a chat. Meghan's Vanity Fair interview, where she discussed in detail about her relationship with the Prince, would have ruffled a few feathers at the palace. She landed the cover and the title screamed, ""She just mad about Harry!"" It's this kind of 'vulgar Hollywood' publicity the Royals have tried to keep away from for many decades. 1 Even Psychics Say It's Doomed AOL.com Unfortunately for this couple, it's written in the stars that it just wasn't meant to be. Psychic Kerrie Erwin appeared on Australian morning show Sunrise and claimed the couple would 'struggle' with marriage. She revealed, ""I do get (feelings of) a pregnancy for her next year."" ""But actually, I don't think it's going to last. I'd probably give it five years. I feel there is a lot of personal things going on between them because they're two very strong individuals."" She added, ""Which is a sad thing. I wish them all the best. But it doesn't look good."" The pair hasn't spent that much time together since they first started dating 18 months ago, so even they must not truly know how things will go. We'll just have to wait and see, but if the history of the Royal family is anything to by, this could be another rocky relationship. Sources: dailymail.co.uk, thesun.co.uk, mirror.co.uk advertising Give TheTalko a Thumbs up!" 1 "In the wake of yesterday's news that the New York Post is being sued over one of its recent cover stories -- that notorious ""BAG MEN"" report portraying two innocent men as possible Boston Marathon bombing suspects -- the News Corp. tabloid is out today with another winner: A cover making light of a disturbed man's attempted suicide at Manhattan's Rockefeller Center. The coverline reads: ""MORNING GORY: Man tries suicide at 'Today' show... and it's not Matt Lauer."" The report, which I won't link to on principle, begins: A distraught Queens man, ranting about a $1.3 million IRS bill, tried to kill himself outside the Rockefeller Center studios of NBC's 'Today' show yesterday morning, authorities said. Pak Chong Mar, 72, sliced his wrists with a boxcutter at about 7:50 a.m. after screaming 'The IRS is trying to take my money! I'm not a freeloader!' witnesses told The Post. The story only mentions ""Today"" show host Lauer in passing -- as having come out of Rock Center with colleague Al Roker to briefly look at what was happening. But it does make a point of describing Lauer as ""reeling since the Ann Curry fiasco."" (Yes, surely Lauer's well-documented clash with former co-host Curry was top-of-mind as he surveyed a scene the Post described as including ""gushing blood."") Keepin' it classy as always, New York Post. UPDATE: Separately, the New York Post is cutting 13 full-time positions, via Romenesko. Simon Dumenco is the ""Media Guy"" columnist for Advertising Age. You can follow him on Twitter @simondumenco." 1 Leave it to Kate Middleton to light up the Internet once again. Yesterday, the Duchess of Cambridge arrived in Warsaw, Poland, along with her family for a multi-stop official royal tour. After touching down at the airport in a white Alexander McQueen ensemble, Middleton and Prince William were greeted by well-wishers en route to the Presidential Palace. (They were sans children, post-Prince George’s less-than-happy arrival.) Poles greeted the duke and duchess with great enthusiasm, with many presenting the young royals with flowers or gifts. One such token-bearing person reportedly presented the duo with a gift fit for a newborn baby. Reacting in the moment, Middleton apparently joked to her husband, “We will just have to have more babies.” Unsurprisingly, the world’s joyous reaction was swift. All joking aside though, might the duke and duchess be planning on baby number three? While William is, of course, one of two, Kate grew up in a three-child household. And while the Duchess did experience serious medical issues during her previous pregnancies, they wouldn’t be the first royals to have a large brood. After all, the Queen herself has four children. Perhaps that statement could be true again one day, albeit with a certain Queen Catherine formerly known as Kate Middleton. Only time will tell. 1 Selena Gomes is not at all strapped for money, but her newest purchase is quite responsible financially speaking. The Bad Liar songstress has recently become the proud homeowner of the gorgeous Studio City, Calif.abode, which she bought for a “modest’ amount of $2.25 million. Of course, any property worth seven figures is not a bargain, but given the fact that Hollywood just adores massive mansions (also paired with massive price tags), Gomez scored quite a deal with her new mansion. The newly remodeled pad rings in at 3,188 square feet, and it features four bedrooms, four bathrooms, and also two spacious walk-in closets with enough room for Selena’s enormous and enviable wardrobe. Gomez’s new spread is all about the details, and this is because of the French doors, hardwood floors and the vaulted ceiling throughout each and every room. Let’s not forget to mention the chart topper’s multiple fireplaces, spa-like master baths and the extravagant kitchen with state-of-the-art amenities. Sources: latina.com Her brick-lined backyard sports a gorgeous swimming pool and spa and also an entertaining pavilion. It also boasts fruit trees, veggie beds, and a grape arbor. It seems that Selena picked up a passion for gardening, what else can we say? Gomez and her boyfriend The Weeknd have been on the very same page as of late since the hip-hop superstar has recently dropped over $20 million on a Hidden Hills estate himself. Abel’s property is 13,391 square feet, and the outdoor area is something to marvel. He has also a 1,200 square-foot guest house and a beautiful backyard with a pool and everything, but he also has an 8-stall barn and pasture areas in his new digs. He has great neighbors including Drake and the Kardashians who also live in the exclusive gated community so what more could he possibly desire? Advertisement He will be able to enjoy his new home when his tour ends. While SelGo and the Weeknd still have time to move in together, but for now they have double the property to allow their romance to grow and flourish. 0 Watch Queue QueueWatch Queue Queue Remove allDisconnect 0 Britain's Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, centre, and William, Duke of Cambridge, right, arrive with Chief Executive of BAFTA Amanda Berry at the BAFTA Awards 2018 in London, Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018. The 2018 BAFTA Film Awards, or BAFTAs, once again became a royal affair with the presence of special guests Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and Prince William. The Duchess of Cambridge, who is expecting their third child and is in the third trimester of her pregnancy, and the Duke of Cambridge joined scores of celebrities at the annual event, which took place at the Royal Albert Hall in London on Sunday. The two have also attended the BAFTA film awards last year. Middleton walked the red carpet in a flowing forest green empire waist gown with a long train and black sash, paired with diamond and emerald earrings and a matching necklace and a black clutch. Prince William wore a black tux. Celebrity attendees included Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, Game of Thrones alum Natalie Dormer, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Naomie Harris, Salma Hayek and Sir Patrick Stewart. 2018 BAFTA Film Awards: Red Carpet Arrivals Nominated stars for the 2018 BAFTAs include Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri's Frances McDormand, I, Tonya's Margot Robbie, Lady Bird's Saoirse Ronan, Get Out's Daniel Kaluuya, Phantom Thread's Daniel Day-Lewis and Call Me by Your Name's Timothe Chalamet. Most of the nominees are also nominated for Oscars. The 2018 Oscars will take place on March 4. Original Post: Kate Middleton Shows Baby Bump in Flowing Dress at 2018 BAFTA Film Awards © Copyright E! Online 0 Nearly two years after Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, the former power couple have reached a new temporary custody agreement over their six children for this summer, Us Weekly confirms. According to court documents obtained by Us, the Superior Court of Los Angeles County determined that “not having a relationship with their father” would be “harmful” to Maddox, 16, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and twins Knox and Vivienne, 9. The court said that the kids “are safe with their father” and that it is “critical that each of them have a healthy and strong relationship” with both of their parents. However, Maddox is essentially free to go with either parent because of his age. Jolie, 43, and Pitt, 54, were ordered to arrange a phone call between them, their children and two psychologists “to explain the summer schedule,” the documents state. The Fight Club actor will have physical custody of the minor children (all but Maddox) for four hours a day from June 8 to 17 in London, where the Maleficent actress rents a house. Pitt must spend time with each child at least twice during the 10-day period with one of the psychologists present. Jolie will not be present during her estranged husband’s custodial time. The Moneyball actor will have custody of the minor children for 10 hours each day from June 27 to July 1 with the other psychologist present. He also has custody for four hours a day from July 8 to 14. Upon his return to Los Angeles, Pitt will have custody of the kids from July 21 to 29. He is responsible for returning them back to Jolie in London on July 29, in addition to paying for their transportation. He will have custody again from August 11 until the estranged couple’s next court hearing on August 13. In addition, the Tomb Raider actress must provide Pitt with “each of the minor children’s personal cellphone numbers so that [he] may text them,” according to the documents obtained by Us. She cannot monitor the texts. Jolie and Pitt separated in September 2016. In light of the latest arrangement, a source tells Us, “This [divorce] has been a longstanding back-and-forth, and hopefully now there will be greater collaboration for the benefit of the kids. The kids have always been a priority for both parents and hopefully everyone will comply with the court order going forward. Brad will be wherever he needs to be for the kids.” A spokesperson for Jolie responded to the release of the custody agreement in a statement to Us on Wednesday, June 13: “This misleading leak is not in the best interests of the children. From the start, Angelina has been focused only on their health and needs, which is why it was so important that this last court hearing be conducted privately. It’s deplorable that someone, for their own selfish reasons, leaked selective portions of the confidential and sealed court record to create an inaccurate and unfair picture of what is really happening.” Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! 1 Gal Gadot joined Jimmy Fallon on “The Tonight Show” Tuesday night and showed off her lying prowess. Insert lasso of truth joke here (we know you were thinking it). Even Gadot made it. The “Wonder Woman” star played “Box of Lies” — a “Tonight Show” game where Fallon and a guest attempted to stump each other on the contents of a mystery box. Most of the items, however, are hard to describe even truthfully. Also Read: 'Wonder Woman' First Reactions: 'the Best DCEU Film to Date' Gadot won the game, but granted, some of the items made trying to confuse Fallon really easy. One item was a fake foot dressed up like a skiing mountain, complete with little skiiers. It’s an item so bizarre that not even Gadot had any idea what to do. “I don’t even know how to describe this,” she laughed. She eventually won the game (thanks to the aforementioned foot) and received the best prize as writer Seth Herzog came out and did an interpretive dance to the “Wonder Woman” theme song — complete with Wonder Woman regalia. Also Read: 'Wonder Woman': Director Patty Jenkins Says 'Superman,' 'Casablanca' Inspired Blockbuster It was a dance so spellbinding that at one point Fallon tried to cover Gadot’s eyes. The actress had a very eventful night in the lead-up to the release of “Wonder Woman,” the latest DCEU film set to hit theaters on June 2. Watch the full video above. 0 "Danielle Staub's road to the altar hasn't exactly been a smooth one, as we've seen this season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Not only has her wedding prep put a strain on her friendship with Margaret Josephs, but it has also put a microscope on some of the challenges in her relationship with her groom, Marty Caffrey. Specifically, Danielle's revelation in Wednesday night's episode of RHONJ that she doesn't get along with Marty's three children left the rest of the Garden State crew speechless. ""I command respect,"" Danielle shared during the episode. ""If you're not going to respect me, stay out of my space."" Marty then said that no one is responsible for how this situation turned out, and he concluded the conversation by expressing how painful it has been to see his kids and his future wife at odds. ""I chose you at the detriment of them and my relationship with them,"" he said to Danielle on RHONJ. ""And therefore, we have to move on. Life is short. That's all I have to say."" Danielle addressed her comments about Marty's children in an Instagram post published in advance of the episode airing on Wednesday, December 19. ""Here’s my message. I love all children of all ages! Keep in mind [that] his kids are well into their 30s. They are adults living on their own,"" Danielle wrote in an Instagram post that featured a photo of herself with Margaret, Melissa Gorga, and Teresa Giudice while they were in Bimini in the Bahamas for her wedding. ""They should’ve respected their father and not made him choose between us! I enforced and supported his relationship [with] them. He chose not to speak to them and I won’t shoulder his decision or theirs!"" The other members of the RHONJ squad offer up their take on this tense dinner moment in The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 9 After Show, which you can check out, above. Danielle and Marty tied the knot on May 5, and two months later, reports began to surface of trouble in the RHONJ couple's marriage. It was then reported that the couple had filed temporary restraining orders against one another following an incident at their home in August, which were eventually dropped. Marty filed for divorce from Danielle in August. Danielle spoke out about her split on The Wendy Williams Show in October. “It’s funny how I saw certain things happening, but you just believe, especially with the perception around us, getting engaged would make it better … getting married would make it better,"" she shared. ""It doesn’t get better, ladies. If it’s falling apart, it’s broken. You can't fix that.” The couple continued to live together following their breakup. It was later reported that Marty had put their New Jersey home on the market, which Danielle only found out about after the fact online. Earlier this month, Danielle was reportedly spotted getting cozy with R&B singer Al B. Sure in New York City. Look back on Danielle and Marty's destination wedding trip, below." 0 She's POURING ON THE POUNDS - and loving it! RIHANNA landed at the London premiere of the sci-fi flick “Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets” looking like an unidentified waddling object! The once-svelte Barbadian songbird, 29, has ballooned so badly in recent weeks, she hid herself from the boobs down in a massive circus tent of a gown. But what she dared to bare on the red carpet showed a serious weight gain — she even seems to have developed a double chin. “She looks to have put on about 100 pounds in the last year,” commented health and nutrition expert Dr. Stuart Fischer, who hasn’t treated Rihanna. The multiple Grammy winner isn’t worried. “She doesn’t care — she still thinks she’s sexy,” said a source close to the star. “And at her level of fame, she figures she’s too big to fail.” In more ways than one! 1 "It's not exactly a secret that the cast of Riverdale loves to troll each other on social media. Their Instagram interactions are among the funniest things we've scrolled through, and there's no telling how epic their pranks will be when they team up with one another . For the latest social media moment between the CW costars, Cole Sprouse revealed that not even his closest costars qualify for a discount on his photography services. In an Instagram post shared on Thursday, December 20, Cole shared that he would be taking some time to resume his photography work. ""Back home for the holidays, going to focus on portfolio work again,"" he wrote. ""Looking to scout new locations and work with new talent. Need that photographic therapy."" The star didn't detail whether any of his upcoming shots might include Lili Reinhart, but one Riverdale cast member inquired about working with Cole. As pointed out by the commentsbyceleb Instagram account , Mark Consuelos wrote that he needed a new headshot ""please."" There's no word on whether his new headshot might be used in lieu of his family's hilarious Christmas card , but it seems unlikely that Cole will be stepping in as his photographer. ""I'm too expensive for you,"" Cole replied. And with that, it would seem that Mark's headshot dreams are forever crushed. Cole might not be up for photographing Mark's new headshot, but we may know of two other Riverdale friends that could always do in a pinch. As KJ Apa and Casey Cott recently demonstrated , the pair are more than happy to recreate some of Cole's most notable work. Loading View on Instagram Loading View on Instagram Let us slide into your DMs. Sign up for the Teen Vogue daily email . Want more from Teen Vogue ? Check this out: Lili Reinhart Took a Quiz to Find Out Which Sprouse Twin Is Her Destiny" 0 "In the latest charitable act from one of our fave celebs, singer Pink just donated half a million dollars to Harvey relief efforts. Just a few days before Justin Bieber announced his own hurricane donation, the Red Cross Los Angeles confirmed that the “What About Us” singer gave $500,000 to its charity. On Friday, the organization shouted out Pink’s incredible gift on Twitter, expressing gratitude at the singer’s show of support towards those who have been displaced or otherwise affected by the widespread devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey, which produced historic flooding in Houston and the surrounding areas when it made landfall on August 25. ""Thank you @Pink from the bottom of our ❤️ for your donation of a half million dollars to @RedCross #HurricaneHarvey relief efforts!"" the organization tweeted. Thank you @Pink from the bottom of our ❤️ for your donation of a half million dollars to @RedCross #HurricaneHarvey relief efforts! — Red Cross Los Angeles (@RedCrossLA) September 2, 2017 The organization also posted a video of its staff members thanking Pink for her generous gesture. ""We're partial to red, but pink is great, too. Thank you @Pink for your generous donation to our #HurricaneHarvey relief efforts."" We're partial to red, but pink is great, too. Thank you @Pink for your generous donation to our #HurricaneHarvey relief efforts. pic.twitter.com/TCU0CP9ETW — Red Cross Los Angeles (@RedCrossLA) September 2, 2017 Way to go, Pink! It absolutely warms our hearts to see celebrities continue to step up and show compassion to the victims of Hurricane Harvey during following has to be one of the most traumatic experiences ever, and what will surely be a very long and arduous recovery process. Since the storm tore through the Texas coast and forced thousands of people to evacuate their homes, we’ve witnessed a non-stop outpouring of support from celebs like Drake, Sandra Bullock, Kevin Hart, and Zendaya, who have all made sizable donations and rallied for others to make contributions as well. We can only hope that the flood victims are as encouraged by these efforts as we are." 0 Already have an account? sign in Create an ABC Account to get the most of your ABC experience Sign Out Are you sure you want to sign out? By signing out, you will not be able to resume watching content where you left off, enjoy cross-device viewing experience, or save your favorites to your My List. sign out 0 "Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have officially split. The couple confirmed the news of their split to the Associated Press, sharing it was ""mutual and lovingly made at the end of last year"". While we are all truly shocked and heartbroken over the news that one of our favourite couples have called it quits, we can't help but wonder if it's finally a new era for Bard Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. Brad Pitt, who famously left Jen after meeting Angelina Jolie on the set of 2004's Mr and Mrs Smith, is in the process of going through a divorce from Jolie. Ange filed for divorce in September 2017 citing irreconcilable differences. Meaning, finally, the two are both singletons at the same time. Here are a few examples of some very suspicious behaviour that gives life to the rumours that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston may finally get back together." 1 [PHOTO:Hollywood star Jennifer Lawrence says she looks forward to ‘Satan destroying Donald Trump’] In a bizarre rant, Oscar-winning Hollywood actress Jennifer Lawrence has said that she is “looking forward” to Donald Trump being “destroyed” by “our Lord Satan.”The Hunger Games star makes no secret of her disdain for the president and has been one of his more vocal critics since he first started his campaign to run for office. Her criticisms have often seemed a little misguided, but this time she seems to have attacked his “Jesus bullsh*t” Christian values.The White House Christmas decorations this year is themed “Time-honored traditions,” and features a nativity scene that was chosen by first lady Melania Trump – religious references being something that was avoided by the previous president. Shortly after arriving for The Hollywood Reporter’s 2017 Women In Entertainment Breakfast held at Milk Studios on Wednesday (December 6) in Los Angeles, Lawrence was heard chatting with a group of friends in the VIP area, drink in hand, when the conversation turned sour after someone mentioned Donald Trump.”Don’t get me started on that guy,” she blasted, holding her glass up. “I’d love to throw this martini in his face!” As the group laughed in agreement, she continued with the rant: “And what’s with all this nativity, Jesus bullsh*t in the White House all of a sudden?”That’s not our Lord.”Trump is not one of us.”I’m looking forward to watching Satan destroy that guy.” Lawrence was then ushered away by her assistant leaving the group looking a little perplexed by the comments.This isn’t the first time the liberal actor has directed a strange tirade towards Mr. Trump.In September, Lawrence claimed that the spate of natural disasters that devastated the US and surrounding nations over the summer was down to “Mother Nature” taking her revenge on the US for voting in Donald Trump as president. MORE HERE: Jennifer Lawrence: Hurricanes are Revenge on the US for TrumpShe claimed that Hurricanes Harvey and Irma were an expression of “Nature’s rage” that had been sent to teach Americans a lesson for not believing in “climate change.” 1 "Todd Chrisley's net worth: - $46Million Michael Todd Chrisley who is renowned as Todd Chrisley is an American businessman, real estate personnel, producer, reality star and actor. In 2012, he filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection against a debt of $49.5 million. Chrisley is very conscious about disclosing his financial details. The chapter 7 bankruptcy papers revealed that he only had $4.2 million in assets, $55 in a bank account and $100 in cash when he filed the bankruptcy in 2012. According to his lawyers, he had to file bankruptcy because of a single hefty investment that went bad. On the other hand, numerous market experts have claimed that the 2008's housing market collapse triggered his bankruptcy. Being untouched by the negative net worth, he still lives extravagantly. The reality star still lives in $2 million worth mansion. Previously, he lived in a lavish 30,000-sq.-ft. comfy Atlanta mansion with his wife and five children worth of $2.4 million. The bankruptcy papers also disclosed that he had outstanding mortgages of around $12 million plus a $4.4 million unpaid loan from his wife, Julie. Moreover, he was once spending over $300,000 annually just on clothing. Ultimately, Chrisley came out unscathed from his bankruptcy and negative net-worth. He is an actor and producer renowned for ""Chrisley Knows Best"" (2014), Steve Harvey""(2012) and 52nd Annual Academy of Country Music Awards""(2017). He has been maintained a positive financial image at present, thanks to his reality show called 'Chrisley Knows Best,' which features Todd's life and his family. The show has been airing on the USA network since 2014. He reportedly earns a hefty amount in salary from the hit television series. Todd Chrisley's TV show ""Chrisley Knows Best"" is an American reality television show which centers around the life of Todd Chrisley and his family. Adam Greener, Jim Sayer and Stephanie Chambers are the executive producer of the show and the production companies behind it are Maverick TV which is in the UK, it airs on ITVBe and All3Media America on USA Network in the United States. It was first released on March 11, 2014, with 8 episodes which attracted an average of 1.16 million viewers. His second season was aired on October 14, 2014, with 12 episodes and attracted an average of 1.49 million viewers. Similarly, the third season was released on June 2, 2015, with 19 episodes and attracted an average viewer of 1.61 million. The fourth season was launched on March 8, 2016, with 26 episodes and attracted an average viewer of 1.62 million. The fifth season was released on February 21, 2017, with 26 episodes and gained the attention of 1.71 million viewers in an average. Despite these seasons there were other two special episodes called ""A Very Chrisley Christmas"" and ""A Very Chrisley Christmas 2"" which were aired on December 17, 2014, and December 22, 2015, and gained an average viewer of 1.57 & 1.84 million viewers respectively. It was confirmed that the sixth season will begin filming in November 2017. On that account, we can assume that Todd might be busy in his filming these days. Early Life The millionaire was born in Georgia on April 06, 1969. He spent most of his childhood in Westminster, South Carolina. He belonged to a middle-class family. An avid bike rider in his childhood, Todd grew up with his brother, riding bicycles and wondering as much as they can. Before creating an influential career in media, he was a real estate investor. He had a contract with 'Fannie Mae' that enabled him to purchase and remake distressed homes and then sell them for profit. He was making a good profit out of the 'Fannie Mae' contract and his business, Chrisley & Company, which invested in media, retail, entertainment and asset management. However, the 2008 financial crisis took his big bucket and made him bankrupt. Personal Life The cunning man got married Teresa Terry at the age of 21. The romantic persona became the father of his first child when his wife was only 19 years old. They have two children namely, Kyle Chrisley, and daughter, Lindsie Chrisley. They got divorced in the year 1996. After the separation from his first wife, Todd wedded Julie Chrisley on May 25, 1996. She enjoys cooking and spending time in the kitchen cooking different dishes. The pair share three children with each other. Teresa has exposed some of the realities of her 7-year marriage to Chrisley and the rancorous break in their relationship with an exclusive interview with MailOnline. Teresa has filed a domestic violence case pursuing a 'campaign of mental and physical abuse,' of 'battering' his ex-wife multiple times, once with 'his closed fist' after stripping her naked. Teresa also claimed for threatening to kill her and she also added that she has witnessed on one occasion that Chrisley is beating his own mother. Also, Reveals about the private detective who was hired by Chrisley to track her down and left her fearing for her life.'" 0 Scarlett Johansson had a friendly dinner with Food Network star Bobby Flay over the weekend. Photographs of the pair strolling out of a restaurant late Sunday night sparked speculation, but a rep for the “Avengers” actress tells us that there’s no romance happening. “Simply put, they are friends as well as neighbors [in the Hamptons],” says ScarJo’s rep. Flay, who in 2015 had a publicly contentious split from his wife of 10 years, Stephanie March, was last linked to “Masters of Sex” actress Heléne Yorke. Johansson, who filed for divorce from French journalist Romain Dauriac in March, has been seeing “Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update” star Colin Jost since May, which was exclusively revealed by Page Six. The cute couple was together on Sept. 30, when Johansson was spotted dropping Jost off at a star-studded “SNL” after-party at Tao Uptown that included guests like Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone and Dakota Johnson. This article originally appeared in the New York Post. 1 That’s right, everyone, the time is near—the week we have all been waiting for is upon us: Pippa Middleton is set to marry James Matthews this weekend in London. (It’s still not too late to book your ticket now to London—yeah, you won’t be able to attend the wedding itself, but you can still sort of camp out nearby and listen for sounds.) There are no doubt scores of spreadsheets and multiple binders dedicated to making sure everything goes smoothly for Kate’s sister’s nuptials, and most of the plans remain under wraps. And there is a great number of questions about the wedding itself, including what Pippa will be wearing, and what Kate’s exact role will be, and whether or not we will be gifted with a shot of Meghan Markle and Prince George shaking hands. But what we do know, per a new E! report, is how Pippa, reportedly, has been preparing for the wedding. The outlet claims that Pippa has completed a “strict bridal body boot camp,” a three-month program run out of Grace Belgravia health club. The program, in its description, doesn’t sound too different from a (intensive) gym membership that you might read about a famous person partaking in; the components include “a personal trainer, skincare and leg toning treatments, plus yoga, pilates, spinning, cardio training, dance and meditation classes” and “the club also offers to arrange home deliveries of specialized healthy meals.” Oh, wait, there’s also this, which sounds positively Paltrow-ian: “The club also has a team of doctors and specialists who can help with anti-aging treatments including botox, peels, fillers, microdermabrasion and an assortment of laser treatments, as well as IV therapies.” E! notes, of course, that it is “unclear if Pippa has undergone such procedures.” Their source claims that Pippa has “met with her PT about five times a week and mostly sticks to cardio and pilates.” Per the source: “She feels amazing. Her diet is the healthiest ever—she hasn’t even had a glass of wine in months. She’s had facial treatments sometimes once a week or once a fortnight.” This truly is an impressive feat, as, just over the course of writing this post, we have finished off two glasses of wine and did not complete a single facial treatment. Get Vanity Fair’s Royal Watch A weekly overview of the chatter from Kensington Palace and beyond. E-mail Address Subscribe 0 "Chrissy Teigen and John Legend may have been going strong for more than a decade, but the love birds have had some bumps in the road along the way. Both Teigen, 31, and 38-year-old Legend have opened up about the time the singer attempted to break up with Teigen. But now, years later, they can both laugh about that turbulent time in their relationship. Get push notifications with news, features and more. The supermodel tweeted on Monday tweeted an article about the short-lived breakup, writing, “11 years later, baby.” “It wasn’t a a typical breakup,” the mom of one wrote in a follow-up tweet. “He was on tour and his voice hurt and he was being a whiny face about everything and so yeah, I was like ‘no.’ “ It was Legend’s recent interview with The Guardian that prompted Teigen’s trip down memory lane. It wasn't a a typical breakup. He was on tour and his voice hurt and he was being a whiny face about everything and so yeah, I was like ""no"" — christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) September 5, 2017 😂 11 years later, baby https://t.co/Kr7p7u8sqq — christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) September 5, 2017 “I was really stressed and busy,” he told the publication of the rough patch. “I was just like, ‘I’d just be happier single right now,’ and she was like, ‘No.’ “ The split lasted for less than a day (as Teigen previously recalled), and the couple were quickly back together. “She pushes me to be funnier,” he says. “Not because she’s trying to. I think it’s just being around her. And to be bolder.” FROM PEN: Learn How To Make XOXO Pancakes for Your Valentine In the years since the snafu, the stars have become a constant source of #RelationshipGoals with Legend being the most loving celebrity husband around. Teigen and the R&B singer wed in 2013 in Italy after becoming engaged in 2011. Teigen talked previously about the brief breakup in last year’s December issue of Cosmopolitan, revealing that she and her husband laugh about the ordeal now. “I always joke, ‘Remember when you tried to break up with me?’ He’s like, ‘Yes, sorry. Big mistake,’ ” she said." 0 Prodigy‘s cause of death was revealed as accidental choking, the Clark County coroner’s office confirmed to TMZ on Thursday, August 3. According to the outlet, the Mobb Deep rapper choked while eating an egg. He died at the age of 42 on June 20 at a Las Vegas hospital, where he was being treated for complications from sickle cell anemia. “It is with extreme sadness and disbelief that we confirm the death of our dear friend Albert Johnson, better known to millions of fans as Prodigy of legendary NY rap duo Mobb Deep,” a publicist for the hip-hop group confirmed in a statement to Rolling Stone at the time. “Prodigy was hospitalized a few days ago in Vegas after a Mobb Deep performance for complications caused by a sickle cell anemia crisis. As most of his fans know, Prodigy battled the disease since birth. The exact causes of death have yet to be determined. We would like to thank everyone for respecting the family’s privacy at this time.” A public memorial service was held for Prodigy at New York City’s Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel on June 29. The stars in attendance included fellow Mobb Deep rapper Havoc, The Roots drummer Questlove, Fat Joe, 50 Cent and Remy Ma. The “Quiet Storm” rapper performed his final concert at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center on June 17, just three days before his death. Prodigy is survived by wife Ikesha Dudley, son T’Shaka, daughter Fahtasia, brother Greg, stepdaughter Kiejzonna and step-granddaughter Brooklyn Harris. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 Daniel Craig is returning as James Bond once again, even as he reportedly fights to save his marriage to Rachel Weisz at the same time. Craig has already announced his intent to return as 007 in the franchise’s 25th film, and according to the National Enquirer, he’s still struggling to salvage what’s left of his marriage. The Enquirer’s source claimed at the beginning of 2017, “Rachel and Daniel haven’t been happy for a while, and nearly called it quits last year.” The report claims that the married couple was in two separate filming locations at the beginning of the year, but continued to stay apart even after wrapping their respective films. The Enquirer then claims that they finally reunited in July after not being seen together in ‘554 days’. According to the sources, the minute the outlet attempted to lock down an exclusive on the couple’s rocky marriage, both Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig were seen arriving at New York’s Public Theater the next day, prompting the source to add, “The whole thing just seemed like too much of a coincidence. I don’t buy it for a minute.” When you consider Daniel Craig’s own words, especially in the context of allegedly turning down a $150 million payday to star in two more James Bond films, he had stated, “Being on your own would be sad, sick, and weird. I don’t trust myself. I need that balance.” If these reports are to be believed, then Daniel Craig previously turned down starring in more Bond films to spend time with his family, but now – all of a sudden – he’s back to working on James Bond? Either the report was never accurate to begin with, or he’s giving up on his marriage to Rachel Weisz. One would hope that the two have worked out whatever was troubling them in the first place, but given their own relationship and marriage histories – and how they’ve both jumped ship on long-term relationships at the drop of a hat – one wouldn’t be faulted for assuming that they are on their way to getting a divorce. What do you guys think? Are Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz having marriage troubles, and is Daniel’s decision to take on the role of 007 again an indication that he’s giving up on his marriage? Or just a chance to have more career stability and/or cash in on a major paycheck? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images for Sony Pictures 1 "It figures troubled actor Charlie Sheen would have a master suite with its own dumbwaiter for snacks from the kitchen, a screening room and wet bar complete with bar stools, neon signage, and a cigarette machine. However, he won't be sleeping in his Beverly Hills, CA, home much longer if all goes according to plan. He's just listed the seven-bedroom, seven-bath mansion in Mulholland Estates for the curious price of $9,999,999. According to public records, Sheen bought the place in 2006 for $7,200,000. While living there, he married and divorced his third wife, Brooke Mueller, and had a number of other live-in girlfriends, including his ""goddesses."" It was also his home base when he had his public fracas with ""Two and a Half Men"" creator Chuck Lorre and Warner Bros., as well as several run-ins with the law. Charlie Sheen's Beverly Hills, CA, home realtor.com Sheen's bedroom. Yes. Bedroom. realtor.com The 8,932-square-foot mansion on a half-acre lot comes with other notable luxury features, including two pools, an elaborate gazebo with a bar, and high-end kitchen. There's also a canopied dining room and a Creston home theater with heavy, red velvet drapes. Gazebo with bar realtor.com Dining room realtor.com Home theater realtor.com Other interesting features include a children's room with the universe painted on the ceiling (Sheen has five children and one grandchild), a bonus room that's currently being used as a gym, and an elegant game room. Children's room realtor.com Bonus room realtor.com Elegant game room realtor.com The Mediterranean revival–style home also comes with celebrity neighbors, including Christina Aguilera, Paris Hilton, Vanna White, DJ Khaled, and Kendall Jenner. Backyard pool realtor.com TMZ reported that Sheen whisper-listed the mansion in November 2016 for $9 million, but there must not have been any takers. Sheen, 52, starred in popular sitcoms such as ""Spin City,"" ""Anger Management,"" and """"Two and a Half Men."" For the latter, he was paid $1.8 million per episode, making him the highest-paid actor on TV. He's also appeared in dozens of films, including ""Apocalypse Now,"" ""Platoon,"" ""Wall Street,"" ""Major League,"" and the ""Hot Shots"" franchise." 0 The Republican war on women continues unabated. The same week that conservatives argued in the Supreme Court that employers should be able to stop their employees from getting contraception outside of the company health plan, Indiana joined the ranks of states like Texas and Florida in passing a draconian law that purports to protect women, while in fact, endangering their health by making safe abortion much harder to get. And Gov. Mike Pence recently signed it. The bill is stuffed with as many asinine restrictions on abortion with an eye towards making abortion as miserable and humiliating an experience as possible, and ideally something women can’t get legally at all.Asked to comment on his approval of a piece of legislation that basically promotes hatred towards women once stripped of all the legal terms, Pence argued in an interview with The Huffington Post that “abortion as such was a mistake since the day it was first invented.” “So, let’s get that straight right away – I oppose abortion for any reason whatsoever because I believe that killing someone, or something, if you will, that hasn’t developed a consciousness just yet is the ultimate act of crime. And if we’re murderers of innocent beings who can’t defend themselves, how are we to expect people with a fully developed consciousness to stop murdering each other?” the Indiana governor said.“And as if that wasn’t enough,” Pence continued, “we’ve got this situation now throughout different states where some lawmakers allow abortion under some circumstances like rape or when the fetus is diagnosed with an illness, and others just flat out prohibit it. And that’s bad for a number of reasons. First and foremost – we can’t have this kind of freedom of choice. This is bad, let’s be clear. And that’s part of the reason why I signed this bill, because I believe abortion, or I’m going to flat out call it murder, this murdering of children has to stop and it has to be prohibited in every state. So Indiana is just a step in the right direction.”Pence also tried to offer his opinion on what would have happened had he allowed rape victims to still have abortion. “First and foremost, because this is such a sensitive topic, let me just say that I sympathize with rape victims not just in America, but around the world. I can only imagine what it must be like to experience such trauma,” he said. “However, that does not justify murder, not even that justifies murdering a baby, not in my book. Because what would happen? We’d then have an epidemic of women claiming to have been raped just so they could have an abortion. And that has to be stopped at all cost.”Donald Trump’s new running mate also said, “Basically, if I’d have said no on the bill, that would be just like giving out get-pregnant-without-fear cards, because at the end of the day, women could have unprotected sex without worrying about what they’d do in the event of pregnancy. And you know, it’s not supposed to be like that. That would be equal to me picking up a butcher’s knife and slicing people open in the middle of the street. That would be murder. And I’m not a murderer.”“And it gets worse – when you get an abortion, you get several days off of work and whatnot to recover. And there are a lot of crazy people out there. What if women would go out and get raped on purpose just so they could get off work? I mean, Indiana’s economy is struggling as it is, and having thousands of women absent from their jobs would be horrific for the state, I’m telling you. I made the right call and that will be confirmed in the long run,” Pence concluded. 1 "Get celebs updates directly to your inbox Subscribe See our privacy notice Thank you for subscribing! Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email Meghan Markle’s childhood best friend has revealed the real reason her first marriage broke up - and it wasn't a mutual decision. Childhood pal Ninaki Priddy opened up about Prince Harry's fiancée, claiming her desire to be famous outweighed her commitment to her marriage to film producer Trevor Engelson. Meghan married her ex back in 2011 on a Jamaican beach. They split two years later after she landed her role in Suits, which filmed in Toronto. Previously it was thought the pair grew apart after Meghan spent months filming in Canada and her beau was based in LA. Ninaki says otherwise. (Image: Getty Images North America) (Image: REX/Shutterstock) ""The way she handled it, Trevor definitely had the rug pulled out from under him. He was hurt,"" she said, explaining that while Trevor was heartbroken, Meghan was less affected,"" she told Mail Online. Prior to their split, Ninaki - who was maid of honour at the wedding - said the pair doted on each other and Trevor would have done anything for the actress. ""Then, after the wedding, it was like a light switched off. There’s Meghan before fame and Meghan after fame. After three seasons of Suits, she called me to say the marriage was over. The pair first met aged two at Hollywood’s private Little Red School House before they went to the Immaculate Heart girls’ high school in Los Angeles at the age of 11. Following a close friendship that she describes as 'sisterly', Ninaki says the pair eventually fell out over how Meghan and ex-husband - who the ex Suits star met when she was just 23 - split. She explains she went to visit Trevor who was heartbroken over their split, while Meghan seemed less affected. (Image: Instagram) Elsewhere, Ninaki said her former best friend, who quit Suits to pursue a life with Harry, always wanted to be famous. Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8 Cancel Play now (Image: PA) ""She just loved to be the centre of attention,"" she went on. ""We used to imagine her receiving an Oscar. She used to practise announcing herself."" While talking about her relationship with Harry and her role as a future royal, Ninaki claims Meghan was always very aware of the Royal Family - despite the actress claiming she knew little about Harry when they met. ""I think it’s a very fanciful dream to believe that you just walk into a Prince Charming. ""I know the Royal Family was something she found fascinating. She had one of Princess Diana’s books [Diana: Her True Story] on her bookshelf, and even when she was with Trevor she told me she wanted to go and stay in London for at least a month."" She added: ""I wasn’t shocked or even surprised to hear about Prince Harry. I know she used to love The Princess Diaries — films about a commoner who becomes part of a Royal Family. She was very taken with that idea.""" 1 "As Spielberg unleashes the story of Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham, the director and his female collaborators sit down with THR to discuss the current political climate, their own media diets (Streep reads the Times and Drudge) and the urgency of the Pentagon Papers story at a time when women and the press are under attack: ""This was the only year to make this film."" ""We are on the way to something better,"" says Meryl Streep of the recent ""earthquake"" of harassment claims and female empowerment that has upended Hollywood, which many view as a direct response to the Trump administration. Certainly, the regime loomed large for Steven Spielberg when he first read The Post. ""I realized this was the only year to make this film,"" says the director, who tapped Streep to star as Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham despite the fact that he had only collaborated with her once before — for a single day of voice work on 2000's A.I. Artificial Intelligence. ""Most of the time we talked about how his property was haunted and did I know anybody who did exorcisms?"" recalls Streep. ""And of course, I did. I got him a priest."" The $50 million-plus Post tells the story of how Graham gave the green light to her editor Ben Bradlee (Tom Hanks) to report on the Pentagon Papers in 1971. (The New York Times had broken the story on the report, which revealed that America was losing the Vietnam War, but a court had ruled it couldn't publish more about the top-secret documents.) Graham now faced a terrible dilemma: Go ahead with the Post's article and risk imprisonment or withhold and silence the truth. Nearly half a century after she made her momentous choice, Graham's tale is at last told (she was infamously excluded from the 1976 Watergate drama All the President's Men). On Nov. 28, THR gathered Spielberg, 70, and some of the key women who worked on the film (first-time screenwriter Liz Hannah, 31; producer and former Sony chief Amy Pascal, 59; Streep, 62; and the director's longtime producer Kristie Macosko Krieger, 47) in his offices on the Universal lot for a wide-ranging discussion about the Fox picture (which opens Dec. 22) and the issues it raises. ""This is why she was different,"" says Pascal of Graham. ""She owned [The Post]. The world changes when women own things, not when they work for men."" This film came together on very short notice. Why? STEVEN SPIELBERG I read the script without any intention of telling the story myself or of committing to a production while in the middle of [another one,] Ready Player One, which was only half sane. But I was really curious about the subject matter. Ben Bradlee was my neighbor for years in East Hampton. He and his wife, Sally [Quinn], and Nora Ephron and [her husband] Nick Pileggi would come over and we would have these soirees. When I finished Liz's script, I thought this was an idea that felt more like 2017 than 1971 — I could not believe the similarities between today and what happened with the Nixon administration against their avowed enemies The New York Times and The Washington Post. I realized this was the only year to make this film. KRISTIE MACOSKO KRIEGER He said, ""If I can't make it this year, I'm not making it."" SPIELBERG My first reaction [reading it] was I got scared — which is good for me because fear is my fuel. The more frightened I become of something, the more I have to work through it. This was a topic that was scaring everybody I know on my side of the [political] street — and quite rightly. What are they scared of? SPIELBERG That we've lost the majority of good listeners, that our conversations have turned into skirmishes. We live in an area where we don't know a lot of red-state voters. Well, I know a lot because I have friends and family in other parts of this country, and so at dinner-table conversations outside of California, I'm completely mute or I get into these huge rows. The gray and the blue have become the blue and the red. And it is as vast a chasm as our nation faced before the Civil War. I've never seen anything like it. MERYL STREEP We don’' know where north is. People disagree on what actual facts are. Whether this table is really a table. LIZ HANNAH We need to see each other. We need to look each other in the eye and know you're not a villain, you are not evil. Do you trust the media today? STREEP Broadly? All of it? No. SPIELBERG I'm not going to go on record saying which media I trust; I'm just saying, obviously, there is media that you would imagine I would not trust. (Laughter.) Obviously, there is media you would take for granted I trust, and you would be right. STREEP You trust but verify. We get betrayed. Have you been deceived by anything you've read? STREEP Absolutely. I thought of one in my private life, which I don't wish to talk about. It involves people who are not at the table — but yes. In my political reading, I read The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Guardian. I check in on Politico, Axios and Drudge, and I go to Fox often to see the manipulation. AMY PASCAL Now everybody has their own news programs and things that they read and, except for Meryl, nobody reads the other sides. But everybody believes in the First Amendment. STREEP Sort of. We all give lip service to it. PASCAL I think the other side thinks they believe in it, too. Does the First Amendment allow Edward Snowden or Julian Assange to release those documents? SPIELBERG If it is not a crime. STREEP It has to deal with motive, and I am unclear as to the motive and associations of Julian Assange. Snowden — I'm probably not qualified to say this because I haven't read so deeply into this — but if people were killed and compromised as a result of his action, he has to be held accountable. But he is owed his day in court. PASCAL Daniel Ellsberg [who leaked the Pentagon Papers] would say yes. We did not speak about Assange, but he would say yes about Snowden. He thought that what he did was brave. SPIELBERG He told me that, too. But you have to understand something Katharine Graham kept pressing everybody about: Will the publication of the papers lead to any American injuries or deaths in the Vietnam War? STREEP Do you think she would have hesitated had somebody said [it would]? SPIELBERG I do. Liz, when you started to work on this, were you interested in the issues the film raised or specifically Katharine Graham? HANNAH I was always interested in those issues. I grew up in a very politically interested family. My parents were both artists, and then one of them became a social worker at some point. But they were very active in the 60s. I grew up in a household that loved Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, [but] I don't think they were partisan. It's a patriotic sort of household that I grew up in. SPIELBERG I was raised the same way. HANNAH [But] the issues she was going through at that time are relevant to any woman of any age in any decade. During your research, what most surprised you about Graham? HANNAH Her honesty. Her openness. SPIELBERG Her self-deprecation. STREEP My image of her was as her full-blown Athena self. That's how I thought of her. And when I went into the book [Graham's memoir, Personal History] and read about the constant, nagging insecurity [and feeling] that ""I don't belong in this room, my opinion doesn't matter,"" that was fascinating. And, to the extent that it's encouraged by the landscape in which we grow up as women, her guile surprised me. Do you identify with her? STREEP I couldn't fit in her shoes. But the insecurity, the guile? STREEP Oh, yes. She was my mother's age exactly, and I lived at the time when all these things were upended, and it was the beginning of this great shake-up [that led to] where we are right now. And we are on the way to something more, further, better. This is an earthquake. SPIELBERG Absolutely. There is only one way to go. Did you ever meet her? STREEP I never met her. I met Ben Bradlee. I had dinner with him once, and Sally Quinn, with Nora Ephron and my mother and Jack Nicholson. And Sen. [Bill] Bradley, whom I sat next to. I said to him, ""Gosh, don't you miss basketball? Do you ever play anymore?"" He said, ""When you stop making movies, do you want to do community theater?"" Would you miss acting if you stopped? STREEP I stop acting all the time, and I resolve that that's it. And then [in a monster voice] it drags me back. I always want to quit. Steven, what was Bradlee like? SPIELBERG I'm in the business of working with very charismatic actors, and Ben was right up there in the highest echelons. The only other person that reminded me of Ben — as a performer who was not in the entertainment industry — was the former head of Time Warner, Steven J. Ross. PASCAL He was the greatest. SPIELBERG One look from Steve Ross, and you told him [everything]. ""I'm putty in your hands."" Bradlee kept that newsroom together. He took tremendous risks [but didn't speak about them]. He never talked to me about his experiences in World War II until he saw Saving Private Ryan. That was the first time he opened up to me about the ship he commanded as a 22-year-old captain in the South Pacific — just what it was like to have so many lives depending on [his] instant decisions. He had a tremendous love for all the young ensigns who worked for him. And he equated that with running a newsroom. Did you identify with that? SPIELBERG Very much. That's why we had a lot of common ground. Did you meet Graham? SPIELBERG I did. Same time, when Private Ryan came out. I was doing press in D.C., and David Geffen said, ""I want you to meet my friend Kay Graham."" And he physically took me to The Washington Post, went up to Katharine's office and then left, and Katharine and I had a wonderful 90-minute lunch together, just the two of us. I wanted to ask her a gazillion questions, but she had ink in her veins, and all she did was ask me questions. Would you have had the courage to print the Pentagon Papers? STREEP I don't know. I think you only confront your courage in the moment that it's asked of you. SPIELBERG I don't think as an actor you have to identify with the character you're playing. You just need to find relevant and metaphoric comparisons to the person you're playing. I always find it a bit of a fallacy that actors have to be who they play. STREEP Yeah, thank God. If you're playing Lady Macbeth. Did anybody say anything particularly insightful about her? STREEP Yes. But I can't [say]. I promised I wouldn't. Pretty much with every real person whom I have played, there has been something I've discovered that is so wild — by wild, I mean out of the expectation. Just like when I put chocolate in my chili or coffee, or whatever I happen to find in the kitchen. It's the extra weird thing. You know it, but nobody else does, and that helps. Amy, your father worked with Daniel Ellsberg. PASCAL He did. I won't tell you about the swinging parties that Ellsberg and his wife had, which my parents used to go to. They were quite wild in the '70s. But the amazing thing about Graham — maybe I'm speaking for myself — she stayed insecure forever. It's like real life, right? Nobody changes. You have your demons, you have them till you die. And yet you do brave things with all of your insecurity and your shame. Is there one particularly brave thing you've done in your own life? PASCAL No. (Laughter.) SPIELBERG Nothing? PASCAL I'll tell you one thing. I was talking to Meryl, and we were having coffee, and suddenly I said, ""Can you believe what [Graham] went through?"" And Meryl said, ""Really? Amy!"" I mean, it's what we all face, every day. STREEP This is adorable, that this is a revelation to you. PASCAL That scene in the boardroom where she can't get the words out, and then somebody else says them, and then they're like, ""Right."" How many times have I been in that fucking meeting? And they all worked for me! Do you still experience the same level of misogyny? MACOSKO KRIEGER No. But I've worked for Steven Spielberg for 20 years. SPIELBERG She works for me so she's misogyny-proof. (Laughter.) HANNAH That's going on the business card. PASCAL But Steven loves women, and he always has. SPIELBERG I had a strong mom. If a man at a dinner party walked right past her for a group of men, my mom would walk over and say: ""What you just did was very rude. I want you to apologize."" And that was in 1957. I never considered my mom a primary caregiver. I considered my mom to be almost a sibling. But a strong one. Is that good or bad? SPIELBERG That's really good. I'm the only one that called my mom ""Mom."" I have three younger sisters. They called her by her first name, Lee. How often does that happen in a household? I only called her ""Mom"" because I thought she had earned it. Of the women you've worked with, has any shifted your thinking? SPIELBERG Kathy Kennedy, when we first started working together. She started off as my secretary — you're putting it in the context of 1978. PASCAL I was a secretary. SPIELBERG Basically, I was a little bit of a hothead, impatient, and I would be hard on my crew — loving to my cast but tough on my crew. And about 15 days into shooting E.T., she pulled me into her office and sat me down in a chair and gave me the bollocking of my life. Because she did not like the way I was talking to the crew. She didn't care for my impatience, she didn't care for my sharpness. She said, ""This is unacceptable behavior,"" and I hadn't heard that since a teacher in school or my own mom — and that was a big shift in my life. I became mindful because somebody I trusted and respected had called me out. MACOSKO KRIEGER Kathy taught me how to work hard. She was always the first person on set, the last person to leave. There was no job beneath her, no job above her. After working for Steven for 20 years, is there anything you would have done differently? MACOSKO KRIEGER I would have probably had a family sooner. SPIELBERG (Gasps.) Oh wow. MACOSKO KRIEGER Sorry. SPIELBERG I would never stop you from having a family. MACOSKO KRIEGER But if you work for Steven Spielberg — PASCAL You don't want to miss anything. MACOSKO KRIEGER I started working for him when I was 27. I thought, ""I'm going to turn around and be 35 and I'm going to be single."" And at 36 I got married; I had my son, and I was able to bring him to work. Steven allowed for that because Steven creates a family. SPIELBERG I even tried putting a daycare center in here. MCA thought there was too much liability involved. So they made us shut it down. It was a shame. Liz, did your worldview in any way change on this picture? PASCAL She had no worldview before! She's 30 years old! HANNAH Well, I was an infant, as she may have told you. Amy and Steven like to talk about how young I am all the time. SPIELBERG Don't worry, when I first started directing, I looked 13. HANNAH The learning experience ended up being how to be a human and have a job at the same time, working with people who have lives and families and things that are important to them outside of being on set. Meryl, who has most shifted your thinking? STREEP My thinking shifts every five seconds. That's the point of being an actor: You shift your weight and try to see as much as you can. I don't have a fixed sense of myself. I know my loves, my beliefs. I have people that I wish the world still had in it. PASCAL Oh, God, me too. STREEP Nora Ephron, Mike Nichols, Carrie Fisher, Sam Cohn. (Wistful:) John Cazale ... Did you spend any time at The Washington Post? SPIELBERG Meryl, Tom [Hanks], and Kristie and Amy and I, we sat down quietly in the Post during its 10 o'clock meeting. Things have really changed: Back in the old days of linotype and real inked paper, there was only one meeting, and then there would be a meeting for the late edition. But now, because everything goes online, there are meetings every couple of hours, because news is breaking every couple of minutes. And we got to sit in the very earliest meeting to see how they would put the first edition together. STREEP They talked in code. So we wouldn't understand! SPIELBERG There were several things that we weren't meant to hear, so they didn't speak in a layman's language. And all we wanted to do was find out what they were really talking about. And Sally Quinn gave us some wonderful Ben-isms. Like what? SPIELBERG Ben's favorite word was ""retromingent."" It means a creature that pisses backward. And Ben used to love giving the middle finger to everybody in the newsroom. And Sally said, when a story was really percolating, Ben would just turn to everybody and say, ""My God, the fun!"" STREEP And he would also say, ""No gloating."" Is there one person in the media today you particularly admire? SPIELBERG I like Don Lemon. I like Rachel Maddow. HANNAH The bravery Anderson Cooper has, to go into war zones, is pretty admirable. SPIELBERG Yeah and I adore and follow Christiane Amanpour. STREEP And Maggie Haberman. I tend to trust the women. PASCAL Ain't that funny. Amy, what have you learned about the media from being married to a journalist, Bernard Weinraub? PASCAL Everything is personal. STREEP Totally! PASCAL That is what I have learned. The way stories are written, the words that are chosen. It's completely subjective. Even the people that I admire. It is 100 percent subjective. STREEP Your husband did a profile of me for The New York Times Magazine years ago, and he asked me why I moved to California, which I did for about five years, with the kids. I explained to him that I made this decision because I could be home at night for dinner with four kids. And he didn't really believe me! He thought that I had made a decision to lighten up and make comedies. He didn't believe that I made this decision based on having so many kids. PASCAL That wouldn't be his view. He couldn't believe that. STREEP [But] he was wonderful, and it was a wonderful profile. Amy, you went through your own media firestorm at Sony, when North Korea hacked your emails. Did your view of the media change? PASCAL No, no, no. Not at all. I knew what the world was like. People have lives. People have jobs, they have children. If Trump sees this movie, what would you like him to take from it? PASCAL I think he'll like the movie. I think he thinks he believes in the same things we do. MACOSKO KRIEGER The truth is always important. SPIELBERG The truth is ready to make a comeback. This story appears in the Dec. 6 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe." 1 Chad Michael Murray had never known the cause of death of his late grandmother — until now. Get push notifications with news, features and more. In fact, there were only two people who knew what exactly happened at the time of her death: his grandmother and her husband, his late grandfather, who was accused of her murder. On Wednesday’s episode of Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry, Murray, 36, finally got some closure about her death. “There’s this feeling that grandpa would’ve said or verbalized something to people before he died and after he died, his words were changed. He’s like, ‘No, I’m not taking accountability for this. This isn’t right.’ There’s something wrong here with the narrative that’s put after,” Tyler Henry, 22, told the One Tree Hill alum. “For some reason, they’re having me talk about grandma. They’re having me talk about a fall for some reason. I don’t know what this is,” Henry explained. “The speculation from the stories that I got from my grandfather was that he was arrested for her murder,” the actor said. “She died at 17 and she just had my mother. She was found with her hands tied behind her back, hung in the basement. So there was a fall, just in a different way.” “And then after that, he was cleared and they didn’t really have enough evidence to say, ‘It was you that did it.’ ” RELATED: Why Hollywood Medium‘s Tyler Henry Says Connecting with Michael Jackson Was ‘Really Humbling’ But according to Henry, Murray’s late grandmother died by suicide. “Before I got here, there was this woman who came through who I acknowledged passing away tragically. But it came through in a way of like, taking accountability to some extent for her actions,” Henry informed the American Drifter author. “But I’m thinking that it might have been even her way of kinda trying to come through and say, ‘Hey, this is something that I’m putting more on myself.’ So, I don’t think he killed your grandmother.” E! After speaking with Henry and learning the details about his late grandmother’s death, Murray revealed, “I am, without a doubt, a believer,” adding, “He’s pretty damn good at it.” Hollywood Medium airs Wednesdays (9 p.m. ET) on E! If you or someone you know is showing warning signs of suicide, consider contacting the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK, texting the Crisis Text Line at 741741 or seeking help from a professional. 0 After a trying year both personally and professionally, Tamar Braxton is embracing a new chapter. One she’s illustrating by way of her look. For, in a surprise move, the R&B belter has shaved her head and is now rocking a bald ‘do. Details below…. Taking to social media, the 40-year-old shared a clip of her getting her hair removed. She captioned it “finally free”: She then followed with this snap and reflective statement: Im over feeling captive to a wig, weave, people, people’s comments & opinions hell…even my OWN feelings! WE can choose to stop these things from having the power and victory over us!! And for me, that starts TODAY 🤸🏾‍♀️ #happysttamarsday 🍀 Are you feeling Tamar’s look?! Your thoughts? 0 R&B singer R. Kelly is involved in yet another lawsuit in which he is accused of sexual assault. The New York Times reported that Faith A. Rodgers, a 20-year-old Texas woman, filed a suit in a New York court. Rodgers said she was 19 when she started a relationship with Kelly. >> Read more trending news NYT reported that, according to the filing, Rodgers said she met Kelly in March 2017 after he performed in San Antonio, Texas. She said she was flown to New York by Kelly after months of phone contact. It was in New York that Rodgers alleges Kelly “initiated unwanted sexual contact” in a hotel room and did not tell Rodgers he was infected with herpes. The suit claims she contracted the disease. “He turns on all the lights ...And he’s like, ‘Take off your clothes.’ And he says it, you know, with authority in his voice,” Rodgers told CBS News Tuesday. “Not just, you know, he’s demanding me to do this. And I didn’t take off my clothes because why would I? I just wasn’t ready… Sex isn’t something, you know, I’m ready for.” Rodgers said she ultimately submitted and had sex with Kelly even though she didn’t want to. She claimed Kelly recorded the act on his iPad without her consent. Rodgers said after the incident, Kelly asked how old she was. “I told him and he’s like, ‘You know, if you’re really, you know, 16, that you can tell daddy, right?’ And he was like, ‘You know, you just look about 14, 15 or 16,’” she said. Rodgers said in the suit that she was in a relationship with Kelly for a year, in which he “routinely engaged in intimidation, mental, verbal and sexual abuse, during and after sexual contact.” The suit alleges Kelly’s actions were “designed to humiliate, embarrass, intimate and shame her.” The suit is seeking unspecified damages, alleging sexual battery, false imprisonment and failure to disclose a sexually transmitted disease. CBS News reported that Rodgers previously filed a criminal complaint with the Dallas Police Department in April. In the past, Kelly has routinely denied allegations of sexual abuse. In response to the April criminal complaint, Kelly’s representative said the musician “categorically denies all claims and allegations.” 0 (If you’re having trouble viewing this video on a mobile device, click here.) Where’s Kylie? That’s the question Kardashian fans were asking when the reality TV family finally unveiled their annual Christmas card Monday afternoon but a reportedly pregnant Kylie Jenner was noticeably absent. In fact, fans were fuming on Twitter and elsewhere that they had fallen for what turned out to be a 25-day-long tease to the card’s release. Each day, starting Dec. 1, Kim Kardashian and other members of the clan released a photo from the family’s Christmas card photo shoot, showing different group shots, including of Kim and Kanye West with their two kids, North and Saint. Fans had expected that 20-year-old Kylie, reported to be well into her first pregnancy with her rapper boyfriend Travis Scott, would finally display her baby bump on the Dec. 25 card. Instead, the card showed nearly all the Kardashian-Jenner women and grandchildren, including Kris Jenner and grandmother Mary Jo “M.J.” Houghton. But there was no Kylie Jenner. Khloe Kardashian was there, though with no baby bump yet visible, possibly because the photo shoot took place sometime in early November, E! News reported. She already had confirmed her pregnancy on Dec. 20 with a baby bump photo posted to her Instagram account. Khloe’s long-expected public acknowledgement that, yes, she is having a baby with NBA star Tristan Thompson raised fans’ expectations that Kylie would use the family’s annual card to publicly confirm her pregnancy as well. But when Kylie didn’t, fans seemed ready to declare a national state of emergency or a state of something related to the family. “Maybe we should call the authorities because @KylieJenner is still missing from the damn Kardashian Christmas card,” one fan tweeted. “I need to see the BELLY,” wrote another. “I hate that I am so invested in Kylie Jenner’s alleged pregnancy,” another tweeted. Others grew more belligerent and hurled expletives: “Lmaoooooo THEY MIND F—KED US ALL MONTH LONG!!!!” one put it bluntly. “What is this total f—kery they have done to us!!! C’mon @KylieJenner @KimKardashian we wanted Kylie on the damn 25th day!!!” But the young lip kit mogul wasn’t in total hiding on Christmas Day. She and big brother Rob Kardashian, who also was absent from the family holiday card photos, appeared on Khloe’s Snapchat on Monday. Kylie also shared a photo of herself on the cover of Love magazine, though the photo only showed her face. Still her absence from the Christmas card itself left fans wondering if she’ll ever confirm her pregnancy or what other occasion she’s holding out for — perhaps for the next season of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.” Here are some more fan reactions: this would’ve been the perfect marketing ploy. so why didn’t they use it? where is kylie and that bump? pic.twitter.com/E77ur2KJnY — 💿 (@squareups) December 26, 2017 She must be behind that tree — 🌻📷 (@IviweVikki) December 26, 2017 0 "ABC's Grey's Anatomy firefighter-focused spinoff finally has a title. The Shondaland drama will be called Station 19, executive producer Paris Barclay announced Thursday as part of a social media campaign for the show. The title comes from the name of the firehouse at the center of the story. The 10-episode spinoff, picked up straight to series, is set in Seattle and focuses on firefighters from the captain down the ranks to the newest recruit in their personal and professional lives. The castmembers are expected to be introduced in an episode of the flagship series this season. The firefighter series will be the second spinoff to come out of Grey's Anatomy following Kate Walsh starrer Private Practice. The latter ran for six seasons and wrapped its run in 2013. From Shonda Rhimes and her Shondaland partner Betsy Beers, Station 19 is penned by Grey's Anatomy alum Stacy McKee, who serves as showrunner. She also exec produces the ABC Studios drama, alongside producing director Barclay. Grey's star Ellen Pompeo recently added a co-exec producer credit on the spinoff as well. Jaina Lee Ortiz (Rosewood) leads a cast that includes Grey's Anatomy regular Jason George, who will segue to the spinoff this season; Grey Damon (Friday Night Lights); Miguel Sandoval (Bad Judge); Okieriete Onaodowan (Hamilton); Danielle Savre (Too Close to Home); Jay Hayden (The Catch); Barrett Doss (Iron Fist); and Alberto Frezza (Dead of Summer). Delays in show titles are not uncommon; Grey's Anatomy did not have a title right away, while Scandal was not that show's original name, either. As for what to expect from the spinoff, McKee said it exists in the same universe as Grey's — the joke is that Fire Station 19 is three blocks away from Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. The showrunner called the spinoff ""Grey's adjacent"" and said there was ""a lot of potential for cross-pollination,"" noting that they would be excited to have crossover with the characters or places from the flagship in ""small ways or big ways."" Station 19 premieres March 22 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on ABC." 0 "Oprah Winfrey has said she is waiting for a ""sign from God"" to tell her to run in the 2020 US presidential election. The talk show host said she has been approached by billionaires offering to fund and run her campaign if she chose to run for the White House. Winfrey was first seen as a potential Democratic candidate after her rousing speech at the Golden Globes gained traction with viewers across the world. “I went into prayer,” she said of the calls and speculation around a possible run for president. “I had people - wealthy, billionaires - calling me up and saying, ‘I can get you a billion dollars. I can run your campaign',” she told US magazine People." 1 "The production will reportedly be directed by 'Avenue Q' helmer Jason Moore. The musical version of Cher's life is coming to Broadway in 2018, the singer herself announced Tuesday. Cher tweeted, ""Just got off phone w/Writer & Director of musical. There will be performance in theatre with actors, dancers, singers. It'll be on Broadway 2018."" Just got off phone w/Writer & Director of musical. There Will be performance in THEATRE WITH ACTORS,DANCERS,SINGER IT'll BE ON BROADWAY 2018 — Cher (@cher) June 7, 2017 Jason Moore, who previously directed the stage musical Avenue Q as well as the popular a cappella film Pitch Perfect, is directing the show, which is based on the singer's life and career, according to reports from the New York Post. It features a book by Rick Elice (Jersey Boys), with songs drawn from Cher's greatest hits. Following an ultra-secretive reading of the show in January, Cher tweeted her apparent approval of the musical, saying in part, ""I sobbed & laughed, & I was prepared not 2like it. Audience clapped after songs, & gave it standing ovation."" Just walked Of the musical I SOBBED & LAUGHED,& I WAS PREPARED NOT 2LIKE IT. AUDIENCE CLAPPED AFTER SONGS,& GAVE IT STANDING OVATION — Cher (@cher) January 17, 2017 The show is being produced by Hamilton's Jeffrey Seller and Flody Suarez. A request for comment from Cher was not immediately returned." 0 "Christina María Aguilera (born December 18, 1980) is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality. Born in Staten Island, New York and raised in Rochester and Wexford, Pennsylvania, she appeared on the television series Star Search and The Mickey Mouse Club in her early years. After recording ""Reflection"", the theme for Disney's 1998 film Mulan, Aguilera signed with RCA Records. Aguilera has earned two number-one albums on the US Billboard 200 with her self-titled debut album in 1999 and Back to Basics in 2006. Her albums Stripped (2002), Bionic (2010), Lotus (2012), and Liberation (2018) all reached the top-ten in the United States. Further, her Spanish-language album Mi Reflejo and the holiday album My Kind of Christmas each topped Billboard component charts in 2000. Several of Aguilera's songs have experienced international success, including ""Genie in a Bottle"", ""What a Girl Wants"", and ""Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)"" from her self-titled debut, which each topped the Billboard Hot 100, ""Dirrty"", ""Beautiful"", and ""Fighter"" from Stripped, ""Ain't No Other Man"" and ""Hurt"" from Back to Basics, and the collaborations ""Lady Marmalade"", ""Moves like Jagger"", ""Feel This Moment"", and ""Say Something"". Beyond her music career, Aguilera starred in the film Burlesque (2010) and has been featured as a coach on six seasons of the reality competition television series The Voice since 2011. Aguilera has been recognized as a pop icon and earned the title ""Pop Princess"" in her early years.[1][2] Her work has earned her five Grammy Awards, one Latin Grammy Award, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Throughout her career, she has sold more than 75 million albums and singles worldwide.[3] In 2009, she ranked at number 58 on Rolling Stone's list of 100 Greatest Singers of All Time, thereby becoming the youngest and the only artist under 30 to be named.[4][5] Billboard recognized her as the 20th most successful artist of the 2000s, and Time listed Aguilera among the top 100 Most Influential People in the World of 2013.[6][7] Aside from her work in the entertainment industry, Aguilera is involved in charitable activities through human rights, world issues, and her work as a UN ambassador for the World Food Programme. Life and career [ edit ] 1980–1998: Early life and career beginnings [ edit ] Christina María Aguilera was born in the Staten Island borough of New York City, New York, on December 18, 1980, to Shelly Loraine Kearns (née Fidler), a musician, and Fausto Xavier Aguilera, a United States Army soldier.[8] Her father is Ecuadorian, while her mother has German, Irish, Welsh, and Dutch ancestry.[9][10] Her family moved frequently because of her father's military service, and lived in places including New Jersey, Texas, New York, and Japan.[11] Aguilera and her mother alleged that her father was physically and emotionally abusive,[12] claims which he denied; Aguilera used music as a form of escape from her turbulent household.[13] Following her parents' divorce when she was six years old,[10] Aguilera, her younger sister Rachel, and her mother (who later remarried[14] Jim Kearns and gave birth to one more child, Michael 'Mikey' Kearns),[15] moved into her grandmother's home in the Pittsburgh suburb of Rochester, Pennsylvania.[10] After several years of being estranged, Aguilera expressed interest in reconciling with her father in 2012.[16] Growing up, Aguilera, known locally as ""the little girl with the big voice"",[17] aspired to be a singer, singing in local talent shows and competitions. She won her first talent show at the age of 8, in which she performed Whitney Houston's ""I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)"".[11] In 1990, she appeared on Star Search singing ""A Sunday Kind of Love"", and was eliminated during the semi-final rounds.[13] She later performed the same song during an appearance on Pittsburgh's KDKA-TV's Wake Up with Larry Richert.[18] Throughout her youth in Pittsburgh, Aguilera sang ""The Star-Spangled Banner"" before Pittsburgh Penguins hockey, Pittsburgh Steelers football, and Pittsburgh Pirates baseball games, in addition to the 1992 Stanley Cup Finals.[19] She attended Rochester Area School District in Rochester and Marshall Middle School near Wexford, and briefly attended North Allegheny Intermediate High School before being home schooled due to bullying.[20] In 1991, Aguilera auditioned for a position on The Mickey Mouse Club, although she did not meet its age requirements. She joined the television series two years later, where she performed musical numbers and sketch comedy until its cancellation in 1994.[21] Her co-stars included Ryan Gosling, Keri Russell, Britney Spears, and Justin Timberlake.[22] When she was fourteen, Aguilera recorded her first song, the duet ""All I Wanna Do"" with Japanese singer Keizo Nakanishi.[23] She later sent her cover version of Houston's ""Run to You"" to Walt Disney Pictures in hopes of being selected to record the theme song ""Reflection"" for their animated film Mulan (1998).[24] ""Reflection"" peaked at number 19 on the U.S. Billboard Adult Contemporary Chart.[25] 1999–2001: Christina Aguilera, Mi Reflejo, and My Kind of Christmas [ edit ] After the recording of ""Reflection"", Aguilera attracted attention of RCA Records A&R Ron Fair and was signed with the label quickly afterwards.[26] The label then started presenting Aguilera with tracks to record and laid foundation for her debut album.[27] While initially catering to making Aguilera's debut a ""wonder introduction of a singer"" like Barbra Streisand, RCA was pressurized by contemporary teen pop craze involving Aguilera's peers including Britney Spears, leading to the label rushing the production process and aligning Aguilera to be part of the teen pop trend.[28] They decided the lead single off the album would be ""Genie in a Bottle"", a trendy pop and R&B track released in June 1999.[28] The single was a major commercial success, peaking atop the Billboard Hot 100 and record charts of 20 other countries.[29] It has sold over 7 million copies, becoming one of the best-selling singles worldwide.[30] Following the success of the single, Aguilera's eponymous debut album was released in August to commercial success, peaking at number one on the Billboard 200 and was certified eight times platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).[31][32] It moved 14 million copies worldwide,[33] and produced three singles, including two Billboard Hot 100 number ones ""What a Girl Wants"" and ""Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)"", and an All-4-One cover of ""I Turn to You"".[34] The album helped Aguilera win the Grammy Award for Best New Artist at the 2000 ceremony.[35] Aguiera's two following studio albums Mi Reflejo and My Kind of Christmas were subsequently released in the end of 2000.[36] The former topped the Billboard Top Latin Albums for nineteen consecutive weeks and was certified six times platinum in the Latin field by the RIAA.[37][32] It won the Latin Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Album at the 2001 ceremony.[38] In support of her albums, Aguilera embarked on her first concert tour Christina Aguilera in Concert from mid-2000 to early 2001, visiting North America, Europe, South America, and Japan.[39][40] Thanks to her success throughout 2000, Billboard recognized Aguilera as the Top Female Pop Act of the Year.[41] Despite her early success, Aguilera was displeased with the music and image her management Steve Kurtz had aligned her to, feeling unable to control her own image.[42] Aguilera's views of Kurtz's influence in matters of her creative direction, the role of being her exclusive personal manager, and over-scheduling had in part caused her to seek legal means of terminating their management contract. In October 2000, Aguilera filed a breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit against Kurtz for improper, undue and inappropriate influence over her professional activities, as well as fraud. After terminating Kurtz's services, Irving Azoff was hired as her new manager.[43] Aguilera's first take on more artistic control was expressed in the 2001 Moulin Rouge! cover of Labelle's ""Lady Marmalade"", which also saw the contribution of Pink, Mya and Lil Kim.[44] Originally opposed by RCA executives for being ""too urban"" and ""too Rockwilder and Missy"", Aguilera insisted on recording the song.[42] ""Lady Marmalade"" topped the Billboard Hot 100 for five weeks based on airplay alone, becoming the first airplay-only track in history to remain on the chart's top spot for more than one week.[45][46] It earned a Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals at the 2002 ceremony.[47] Later in 2001, an album titled Just Be Free containing demo tracks recorded by Aguilera in 1994 and 1995 was released by Warlock Records without Aguilera's permission. She subsequently filed a suit against Warlock Records and the album's producers to stop the release.[48] The two parties came to a confidential settlement to release the album, in which Aguilera lent out her name, likeness, and image for an unspecified amount of damages.[49] 2002–2003: Stripped [ edit ] When planning her fourth studio album, Aguilera leaned towards a new artistic direction that she felt had more musical and lyrical depth.[50] She named the album Stripped and explained that the title represented ""a new beginning, a re-introduction of [herself] as a new artist in a way"".[51] For the album, Aguilera served as executive producer and co-wrote most of the songs.[52][53] The album was preceded by the single ""Dirrty"", which was released to shed Aguilera's teen pop image and express her sexuality and aggression.[54] Its accompanying music video generated controversy for depicting various sexual fetishes and concepts.[55] Aguilera's new image presented in the video started to overshadow her music,[56] generating widespread criticism from both her peers including Shakira and Jessica Simpson and the public.[57][58] Aguilera defended her new image, explaining that ""I'm in the power position, in complete command of everything and everybody around me. To be totally balls-out like that is, for me, the measure of a true artist.""[58] The final cut of Stripped incorporated various genres from flamenco and R&B to rock and lyrically revolved around the theme of self-esteem while also discussing sex and gender equality.[59][53] It was released in October 2002 to mixed critical reviews;[60] Jancee Dunn from the Rolling Stone praised Aguilera's vocals yet panned the album for its lack of musical concentration.[59] The album was nonetheless a commercial success, peaking at number two on the Billboard 200 and has sold over 4.3 million copies in the United States.[61] It was a major success in the United Kingdom, having sold 2 million copies and became the second highest-selling album by a female US artist of the 2000s decade, behind Norah Jones with Come Away with Me.[62][63] Stripped has sold over 12 million copies worldwide.[64] The album was followed by four singles, ""Beautiful"", ""Fighter"", ""Can't Hold Us Down"", and ""The Voice Within"". ""Beautiful"" received universal acclaim for positive portrayal of the LGBT community and was the album's most commercially successful single, peaking at number two on the Billboard Hot 100.[65] It earned Aguilera a Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance at the 2004 ceremony.[66] The song was later listed at number 52 among the 100 Best Songs of the 2000s by the Rolling Stone in 2011.[67] During the promotion of Stripped, Aguilera cultivated a new image by adopting the alter ego Xtina, dyeing her hair black, and debuting several tattoos and piercings.[68][69] She co-headlined the Justified and Stripped Tour alongside Justin Timberlake from June to September 2003 in support of Stripped and Timberlake's album Justified, before embarking on her solo The Stripped Tour until December.[70][71] Aguilera garnered media attention after attending the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards in August, where she and Britney Spears kissed Madonna during their performance of ""Like a Virgin"" and ""Hollywood"".[72] Later that year, she was the host of the 2003 MTV Europe Music Awards, where she won an award for Best Female.[73] Billboard also announced Aguilera as the Top Female Pop Act of 2003.[74] 2004–2009: Back to Basics [ edit ] In 2004, Aguilera recorded a revised version of Rose Royce's ""Car Wash"" with Missy Elliott for the animated film Shark Tale, in which she was also a voice actress.[75] Later that year, she and Nelly performed ""Tilt Ya Head Back"" at the 2004 MTV Video Music Awards;[76] the song was subsequently released as a single from Nelly's album Sweat.[77] Aguilera also contributed vocals to Herbie Hancock's 2005 cover of Leon Russell's ""A Song for You"", which was nominated for a Grammy Award in the category of Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals at the 48th ceremony.[78] During this time, Aguilera started working on her follow-up studio album while embracing an image inspired by public figures of the ""Old Hollywood glam era"" including Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, and Mary Pickford, debuting blonde curly hair and retro-styled makeup.[76][79] Aguilera's fifth studio album Back to Basics was released in August 2006. The double album, according to Aguilera, was ""a throwback to the 20s, 30s, and 40s-style jazz, blues, and feel-good soul music, but with a modern twist"".[80] During the recording process, Aguilera was much inspired by works of classic blues and soul singers including Otis Redding, Millie Jackson, and Nina Simone, which she described as ""music that really had heart"".[81] The album was released to generally positive critical feedback, with compliments regarding its retro-oriented styles and Aguilera's vocals.[82] It debuted atop the Billboard 200 and has sold over 5 million copies worldwide,[83] of which 1.7 million copies were sold in the United States.[61] The album was preceded by ""Ain't No Other Man"", which reached number 6 on the Billboard Hot 100 and has sold 1.7 million digital copies in the United States.[61] The song's music video saw Aguilera portraying her new alter ego Baby Jane.[84] The single won Best Female Pop Vocal Performance at the 49th Annual Grammy Awards, where Aguilera performed a rendition of ""It's a Man's Man's Man's World"" in tribute of James Brown.[85] Back to Basics was succeeded by two singles, ""Hurt"" and ""Candyman"". ""Slow Down Baby"" was released exclusively in Australia as the fourth single,[86] while ""Oh Mother"" was the fourth in Europe.[87] In support of Back to Basics, Aguilera embarked on the Back to Basics Tour, commencing in November 2006 in Europe, visiting North America, Asia, and Oceania, and ending in October 2008 in the United Arab Emirates.[88][89][90][91] Billboard Boxscore announced the Back to Basic Tour as the highest-grossing solo female tour of 2007, with US$48.1M grossed.[92] Forbes recognized Aguilera as the nineteenth-richest woman in entertainment as of January 2007, with a net worth of US$60 million.[93] Later that year, she appeared in the Martin Scorsese documentary Shine a Light chronicling a two-day Rolling Stones concert in New York City's Beacon Theatre, in which Aguilera performs ""Live with Me"" alongside the band's lead vocalist Mick Jagger.[94] In commemoration of a decade-long career in the music industry, Aguilera released a greatest hits album titled Keeps Gettin' Better: A Decade of Hits exclusively through Target on November 11, 2008, in the United States.[95] In addition to previous singles, it included four newly-recorded electropop-oriented songs, two of which are remade versions of two previous singles.[96][97] Aguilera revealed that the newly-recorded tracks featured ""a very futurisic, robotic sound"" that served as a preview for her follow-up studio album.[98] The release peaked at number nine on the Billboard 200, while its titular single ""Keeps Gettin' Better"" charted at number five on the Billboard Hot 100.[34] In 2009, Billboard recognized Aguilera as the 20th most successful artist of the 2000s.[99] 2010–2011: Bionic, Burlesque, and The Voice [ edit ] Aguilera in 2010 Aguilera's sixth studio album Bionic was released in June 2010. The album drew inspirations from electronic genres, which had influenced Aguilera during her pregnancy.[100] Critical response to the album was mixed, with some critics not welcoming the change in musical styles as well as the content of the lyrics for being ""cringeworthy"".[101] Bionic struggled to match the chart impact and sales of her previous albums, peaking at number three on the Billboard 200 and has sold 315,000 copies in the United States.[34][61] ""Not Myself Tonight"" and ""You Lost Me"" were released as singles internationally, while ""Woohoo"" featuring rapper Nicki Minaj was released as a single in the United States and several European countries,[102][103] and ""I Hate Boys"" was released exclusively to Australian airplay services.[104] In November 2010, Aguilera starred alongside Cher in the film Burlesque.[105] The film was written and directed by Steve Antin,[106] and grossed $90 million.[107] It was met with mixed reviews from critics, who criticized it for being ""campy and clichéd"", yet praised Aguilera's acting.[108] Burlesque received a nomination for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy at the 68th Golden Globe Awards.[109] Aguilera contributed eight tracks to the film's accompanying soundtrack, while Cher performed the other two.[110] The soundtrack reached number 18 on the Billboard 200 and was certified gold by the RIAA.[32] At the Super Bowl XLV in February 2011, Aguilera omitted a few lines while performing the U.S. national anthem ""The Star-Spangled Banner"".[111] She later apologized, saying, ""I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place. I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through"".[112] She performed at the opening act of the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards, alongside Jennifer Hudson, Martina McBride, Yolanda Adams, and Florence Welch, paying tribute to Aretha Franklin.[113] In April 2011, Aguilera served as a coach on the television series The Voice and went on for its three first seasons until December 2012.[114] During the first season, Aguilera was featured on Maroon 5's single ""Moves like Jagger"" upon the invitation of the group's lead vocalist and Aguilera's fellow The Voice coach Adam Levine. The single peaked atop Billboard Hot 100 and became one of the best-selling digital singles worldwide with 7 million copies sold.[115][116] 2012–2017: Lotus, and television projects [ edit ] Aguilera's seventh studio album Lotus was released in November 2012. She described it as a ""rebirth"" of herself after the personal struggles she had overcome during the Bionic album era.[68] It peaked at number seven on the Billboard 200 and has sold 290,000 copies in the United States.[61] The album has become her least commercially successful album so far.[117] The album was preceded by two singles, ""Your Body"" and ""Just a Fool"". During the promotion of Lotus in December 2012, Aguilera was temporarily replaced by Shakira for the fourth season of The Voice and returned for the fifth season in September 2013.[118][119] While Aguilera's seventh studio album Lotus was commercially unsuccessful, she subsequently found her revitalized success through collaborations with other artists. She was featured on Pitbull's single ""Feel This Moment"" in January 2013, which peaked at number eight on the Billboard Hot 100 and was certified double platinum by the RIAA.[34] She subsequently appeared on Mexican singer Alejandro Fernández's cover of ""Hoy Tengo Ganas de Ti"", which earned a diamond certification in Mexico.[120] Aguilera's duet of ""Say Something"" with A Great Big World, released in November 2013, was met with critical acclaim and commercial success, earning a six-time platinum certification from the RIAA and winning a Grammy Award for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.[32][121] For the sixth and seventh seasons of The Voice, Aguilera was respectively replaced by Shakira and Gwen Stefani, clarifying that she wanted to devote her time to her family.[122][123] She subsequently returned as a coach for the eighth and tenth seasons; for the latter she won with her contestant Alisan Porter and became the first female coach to win the show.[124][125] In April 2015, Aguilera played a recurring role as singer Jade St. John on the third season of ABC's musical drama series Nashville.[126] In March 2016, Aguilera and Rutler were announced as executive producers for a new music-based game show, Tracks, to air on Spike TV.[127] Aguilera recorded a song titled ""Change"", which was dedicated to the victims of the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting as well as Christina Grimmie, who was fatally shot in Orlando the day before the nightclub shooting, in June 2016. The proceedings were donated to the National Compassion Fund to benefit the victims' families.[128] She further recorded a disco song titled ""Telepathy"" featuring Nile Rodgers for the soundtrack of Netflix original series The Get Down in August 2016,[129] contributed as a voice actress for The Emoji Movie,[130] and was announced to had been cast for the film Zoe in May 2017.[131] 2018: Liberation [ edit ] Aguilera released her eighth studio album, titled Liberation, on June 15.[132] The album debuted at #6 on the Billboard 200, becoming her seventh US Top 10 album.[133] Its lead promo single, ""Accelerate"", was released on May 3, while second single ""Fall In Line"", featuring Demi Lovato, was released on May 20, one day after they performed it together on the 2018 Billboard Music Awards.[134] She will also embark on the Liberation Tour, her first concert tour in over a decade.[135] Artistry [ edit ] Voice [ edit ] Aguilera is a soprano,[136][137][138] having a vocal range spanning four octaves (from B♭ 2 to C♯ 7 ), four notes, a semitone and the whistle register.[139][140][141][142][143] Since the start of her career Aguilera's voice has been compared to that of Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.[144] David Browne writing for The New York Times noted that Aguilera's vocal performance was highly influenced by Carey and Houston, sharing that ""Aguilera has been one of the foremost practitioners of the overpowering, Category 5 vocal style known as melisma"", and ""Ms. Carey, Ms. Houston and Ms. Aguilera, to name its three main champions, are most associated with the period from the late '80s through the late '90s"".[144] A journal by Ann Powers for the Los Angeles Times said there are influences of Barbra Streisand, Gladys Knight and Aretha Franklin on Aguilera's vocal style, opining that the ""Aguilera's Streisand-esque tendencies"" ""[help Aguilera] figure out how to become the 'great singer' she's been dubbed since she released her first single, the wise-beyond-its-years 'Genie in a Bottle', at 18"".[145] Sasha Frere-Jones wrote in The New Yorker, ""Aguilera doesn't need to reincarnate Sarah Vaughan to be a serious singer. She already is one, in the tradition of nineteen-nineties pop and R&B, skillfully deploying melisma for razzle-dazzle"".[146] In 2003, Aguilera was placed 5th on MTV's ""Best Voices in Music Ever"" list,[147] while ranking atop both COVE and Latina magazine's best Pop and Latina vocalist of all time in 2004 and 2013 respectively.[148][149] In a review for Liberation, Jon Pareles of The New York Times describes Aguilera's vocal versatility, stating; ""Nothing less than high drama suits Christina Aguilera’s voice. She can be brassy, tearful, sultry, gritty, breathy, sweet or furious. She can belt and she can tease; she can aim a note as directly as a missile or turn its trajectory into an aerobatic spiral of leaping, quivering, scalloping melismas. Her voice is not an instrument for making modest statements; it’s about peaks of self-affirmation, indescribable sensual pleasures, steely counterattacks and abysses of sorrow"".[150] Aguilera has, however, been criticized for her excessive use of melisma and oversinging on songs and in concerts.[151][152][153][154] John Eskow of The Huffington Post named Aguilera a main proponent for ""oversouling"", described as the ""gratuitous and confected melisma"".[155] Lucy Davies, a writer for BBC Music, opined that although Aguilera had ""a stunning voice"", she ""could be more varied, simply by cutting out some of the 'y-e-e-eeeh, woah yeh's'"".[156] Longtime producer Linda Perry, who wrote the song ""Beautiful"", revealed about the recording sessions with Aguilera, ""I tried to keep it straight. I told her to get rid of the finger waves. Every time she'd start going into 'hoo-ha', I'd stop the tape. I'm like, 'You're doing it again'"". Perry ended up using the song's first take adding, ""She had a hard time accepting that as the final track. She's a perfectionist. She knows her voice really well, and she knows what's going on. She can hear things that nobody else would catch.""[157] An editor from Entertainment Weekly, Chris Willman, stated that the oversinging on Aguilera's albums was inspired by Carey, writing that ""the Mariah venerators don't get away with it so easily. Aguilera, for one thing, has a slightly nasal tone that really only becomes obvious when she's overselling a song"".[152] Influences [ edit ] (pictured) as her main influence Aguilera cites Etta James as her main influence Aguilera has credited blues singer Etta James as her main influence and inspiration, elaborating, ""Etta is my all-time favorite singer. I've said it for the last seven years – since I had my first debut record out – in every interview"".[158] Following James' death in 2012, Aguilera was asked to perform ""At Last"" at James' funeral.[159] Prior to the performance, Aguilera revealed, ""There's a line in this song that says 'I found a dream that I could speak to.' And for me that dream, all my life, has been Etta James"".[160] Other classic artists, including Billie Holiday, Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Nina Simone, and Ella Fitzgerald, are also Aguilera's major influences; her fifth studio album Back to Basics is inspired by vintage jazz, blues and soul music records by them.[161][162][163] Aguilera mentions Whitney Houston as another influence,[164] having performed many of her songs in her early years during talent shows.[11] She also cites Mariah Carey and Celine Dion as an inspiration, and covered the latter's songs: ""These Are the Special Times"" on My Kind of Christmas, and ""The Prayer"" on the NBC reality singing competition The Voice.[165][166] Aguilera's debut album producer Ron Harris revealed that Aguilera during her recording sessions for Christina Aguilera would constantly listen Brandy's music, studying and trying to replicate her adlibs.[167] According to author Pier Dominguez of the book Christina Aguilera: A Star is Made, Aguilera stated that Carey and her debut single, ""Vision of Love"" (1990), had the biggest influence on her vocal style.[168] Aguilera points out the musical film The Sound of Music and its lead actress, Julie Andrews, as her first inspiration for singing and performing.[169] At the age of six, the film helped Aguilera cope with her violent childhood, ""Bad things happened in my home; there was violence. The Sound of Music looked like a form of release.""[13] Aguilera credits Madonna and Janet Jackson as two biggest inspirations for her image, ""for being re-inventive and being brave as strong females, to explore whatever, even if they do get bad press. It's just like they were fearless.""[170] During the promotion of Back to Basics, her image was also inspired by the ""Golden age of Hollywood"" actresses including Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe, Carole Lombard, Greta Garbo and Veronica Lake.[171] Aguilera is also inspired by her Burlesque co-star, Cher: ""I have always had tremendous respect for her. She is a woman who did everything before anyone else did it. She is an icon and she inspired me through some of my career. We've had similar costumes too!""[172] Musical style and themes [ edit ] Aguilera frequently blends elements of pop, R&B, dance-pop and soul music into her projects,[173][174][175][176] her records typically include a combination of ballads and uptempo tracks.[177] Christina Aguilera (1999) prominently displayed teen pop and dance-pop music,[178] while Mi Reflejo (2000) takes inspiration from Latin music.[179] Her first Christmas album, My Kind of Christmas, combines covers of Christmas standards and several original dance-pop tracks.[180] Aiming for musical diversity and artistic growth, Aguilera worked with R&B, rock, hip hop, and Latin music for Stripped (2002).[42][181] David Browne from Entertainment Weekly credited the release with distancing Aguilera from her pop contemporaries.[181] Aguilera leaned towards R&B, blues, jazz, and soul on Back to Basics (2006).[80][182][183] In contrast, Bionic (2010) sees significant use from futuristic electronic music, described as an electropop album.[100][184][185] The soundtrack for her 2010 feature film Burlesque (2010) was influenced by Cabaret, and featured several established songs that were redone as dance numbers in a fashion similar to Moulin Rouge! (2001).[186] Aguilera partnered with mainstream producers including Shellback and Max Martin during production of Lotus (2012); when discussing her interactions with the latter, she commented that ""He's known about me but we haven't crossed paths,"" adding ""Those records were the kind I wanted to stray apart from. If you look at what I did in the past (after my debut), I always try to do things that will challenge me and challenge the listener, too.""[187] Aguilera has commented that she feels a sense of responsibility to reference portions of her personal life so that ""people that can relate might not feel as alone in the circumstance."" Many of her works consequently discuss love; she has also co-written two tracks which dealt with the domestic abuse throughout her childhood.[188] Aguilera has frequently mentioned feminism in her music; she has expressed her belief that sexuality is ""very empowering"", and has commented that ""If I want to be sexual, it's for my own appreciation and enjoyment! That's why I like to talk about the fact that sometimes I am attracted to women. I appreciate their femininity and beauty.""[189] She has alluded to her physical attractions to women in other interviews as well.[190][191] Her ""Can't Hold Us Down"" from Stripped denounces gender-related double standards, in which men are applauded for their sexual behaviors, while women who behave in a similar fashion are disdained.[192] The main theme of Bionic was also about woman empowerment; Hermione Hoby from The Guardian opined that ""she incites more of a sisterly spirit of collaboration, including riot grrrl feminists Le Tigre. Aguilera's not shy of the odd feministic declaration herself.""[136] In regards to production, Aguilera has often verbalized her preference of working with more ""obscure"" collaborators, and noted that she is not necessarily inclined to contact ""the No.1 chart-toppers in music"" because of their popular demand.[193] The New York Times' Kelefa Sanneh described her decision to work with DJ Premier on Back to Basics as ""a decision to snub some of the big-name producers on whom pop stars often rely.""[194] Image [ edit ] Aguilera has reinvented her public image on numerous occasions throughout her career.[195] In the later 1990s, her then-manager Steve Kurtz marketed her as a bubblegum pop entertainer to capitalize on the genre's financial lure,[50] which earned her recognition as a teen idol.[196] Aguilera introduced her alter ego ""Xtina"" during 2002 and 2003, which presented an increasingly provocative persona.[197][198] During this time, she dyed her hair black, debuted several piercings, and participated in several nude pictorials for publications.[68] In 2004, Aguilera embraced a more ""mature"" image with retro-styled hair and makeup, which was inspired by classic movie stars including Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich and Mary Pickford.[79] This reinvention was named ""Baby Jane"" in 2006, an alter ego which was taken from the 1962 film What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?.[199] Aguilera received widespread criticism over her curvy figure from gaining weight in 2012.[200] She later received favorable media attention after a significant weight loss in 2013.[201] In 2018 Aguilera appeared bare-faced without makeup and retouching on the cover of Paper magazine and received widespread praise.[202][203] Wax figure of Aguilera at Madame Tussauds in London Aguilera is considered a pop icon,[204] and has frequently garnered comparisons to Britney Spears.[205][206] David Browne of Entertainment Weekly said that Aguilera is ""too eager not to offend"" in her mild-mannered music, making her a ""good girl pretending to be bad"", and also said that Spears' ""artificial-sweetener voice"" was a welcome change of pace from Aguilera's ""numbing vocal gymnastics"".[207] Matthew Horton from Virgin Media suggested that Aguilera was a more impressive performer than Spears despite her lower sales figures.[205] Aguilera has also been regarded as a sex symbol.[146][208] A 2003 issue of Maxim magazine that she covered became its best-selling issue;[209] Aguilera was named ""Sexiest Woman of the Year"" by its subscribers later that year,[210] and also earned the magazine its best-selling issue after posing on the cover that year.[211] Additionally recognized as a gay icon,[212][213] she was the first honoree on The Abbey's Gay Walk of Fame for her contributions to the LGBT community.[214] The music video for ""Beautiful"" earned Aguilera a GLAAD Media Award for its positive portrayal of the LGBT community.[215] Fashion has also been a part of Aguilera's music career and image.[216] She has frequently worn clothes designed by Roberto Cavalli, John Galliano, Marc Jacobs, and Alexander McQueen.[217][218] During the Back to Basics Tour in 2006, Aguilera performed in a stole made of fur designed by Roberto Cavalli, unaware that it was made from real fur of a white fox. After receiving a video about the treatment of foxes from PETA vice president Dan Mathews, Aguilera replaced it with a faux-fur stole, further stating that she was ""very upset"" because she ""only ever wears fake fur"".[219] Aguilera's costumes from Burlesque were featured in the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising's Art of Motion Picture Costume Design exhibition.[220] Wax figures of Aguilera are located at Madame Tussauds wax museum in London and New York City.[221][222] Legacy [ edit ] Aguilera has sold 17.9 million records in the United States,[61] and over 75 million albums and singles worldwide.[223] Gregory Hicks from The Michigan Daily opined that ""Aguilera deserves to be known as one of the greatest artists to ever hit the pop industry.""[224] In 2012, VH1 named Aguilera the eighth greatest woman in the music industry.[225] Aguilera has also been recognized as one of the greatest vocalists of all time,[226][227] and is commonly referred to as ""The Voice of a Generation"".[228] Aguilera topped Cove magazine's list of ""The 100 Outstanding Pop Vocalists"".[229] She was ranked fifth in MTV and Blender magazine's 2003 countdown of the 22 Greatest Voices in Music.[230] In November 2008, Rolling Stone placed Aguilera at number 58 on its list of 100 Greatest Singers of All Time, writing that ""[Aguilera] has had the finesse and power of a blues queen ever since she was a child star"".[4] At the 2013 People's Choice Awards, Aguilera was awarded the People's Voice Award, which recognized Aguilera's ability to reach millions of people across various genres.[231] In 2013, Aguilera was one of Time's 100 Most Influential People in the World. In the article for the magazine, Celine Dion wrote, ""Without a doubt, [Aguilera]'s one of the most talented artists the world has ever seen and heard, and I think she's going to continue to amaze us for many, many years to come.""[7] Aguilera is also well known for her television and music video impact; in 2012, Jon Caramanica of The New York Times commented that Aguilera ""will be remembered for her glamour, her scandalous take on femme-pop and her Brobdingnagian voice, and ... as the person who almost single-handedly reshaped music-competition reality programming"".[232] She was considered as one of the greatest women of the music video era by VH1.[233] Aguilera's use of sexual imagery has catalyzed public discourse on sexuality and feminism. Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, co-founder of The Vagenda, opined that the provocative dance routines in Aguilera's music videos are ""empowering"".[234] Writing for The Hampton Institute, critic Terry Young, Jr. commented that Aguilera ""redefined the 21st century female pop performer"". He added that following the release of Stripped, ""artists like Spears and Beyoncé became more comfortable expressing sexuality and no longer felt the need to sell the notion of innocence"".[235] Aguilera's works have earned her numerous awards and accolades, including five Grammy Awards.[236] In November 2010, Aguilera was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.[237] In October 2012, Aguilera's costumes and video collection was included on the ""Women Who Rock"" exhibition by the National Museum of Women in the Arts.[238] Aguilera has inspired various artists, including: Ariana Grande,[239] Tinashe,[240] Meghan Trainor,[241] Jordin Sparks,[242] Demi Lovato,[243] Camryn,[244] Kelly Clarkson,[4] Alexandra Burke,[245] Charli XCX,[246] Selena Gomez,[247] Lady Gaga,[248] Ashley Tisdale,[249] Charice,[250] Sam Smith,[251] Sabrina Carpenter,[252] Candice Glover,[253] Jasmine Trias,[254] Karmin,[255] Jessie J,[256] and Louisa Johnson.[257] Lady Gaga cited Aguilera and her cover of All-4-One's ""I Turn to You"" as an inspiration for Gaga's vocal range, elaborating; ""When I was 15, I was singing ""I Turn to You"" at the top of my lungs. She was an inspiration to me to have a wider vocal range.""[258] Demi Lovato explained that she was inspired by Aguilera's themes, ""I had a lot of respect for Whitney Houston, and Christina Aguilera, on some songs where she was really amazing and wasn't trying to be sexy or anything like that. I just found that I had more respect for artists that didn't talk about that stuff, and those were the ones that were more successful.""[243] Aguilera's works has also inspired some athletes, including American figure skater Johnny Weir[259] and American swimmer Dana Vollmer.[260] Personal life [ edit ] During Christina Aguilera in Concert tour, Aguilera was involved in a romantic relationship with dancer Jorge Santos, which ultimately ended in September 2001.[261] Aguilera began dating marketing executive Jordan Bratman in 2003, and became engaged in February 2005 after two years together.[262] The couple married on November 19, 2005 at an estate in Napa County, California.[263] On January 12, 2008, Aguilera gave birth to a son with Bratman.[264] Aguilera and Bratman separated in September 2010. Aguilera filed for divorce from Bratman in October, requesting joint legal and physical custody of their son.[265] After reaching a private settlement and custody deal, their divorce was finalized on April 15, 2011.[266] Aguilera concurrently began a romantic relationship with Matthew Rutler, who served as an assistant on the set of Burlesque.[267] On March 1, 2011, the couple was arrested for public intoxication in West Hollywood.[268] They were later released on bail and no charges were filed.[269] Aguilera became engaged to Rutler in February 2014. She gave birth to their daughter in August 2014.[270] Other ventures [ edit ] Philanthropy [ edit ] In 2000, Aguilera supported a program called Come on Over and Do Something, which aimed to ""encourage kids to get involved in their communities and make a difference.""[271] A year later, she signed a letter from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to the South Korean government requesting that the country stop its alleged killing of dogs for food.[272] In 2010, Aguilera auctioned tickets for her planned tour for Christie's A Bid to Save the Earth, which benefited the non-profit environmental groups Conservation International, Oceana, Natural Resources Defense Council, and The Central Park Conservancy.[273] Aguilera contributed US$200,000 to the Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh in December 2003,[274] and has worked with Lifetime Television's ""End violence against women"" campaign.[275] In 2005, Aguilera contributed ""Beautiful"" to the compilation album Love Rocks, which proceeds benefited the Human Rights Campaign.[276] Aguilera participated in the AIDS Project Los Angeles' Artists Against AIDS ""What's Going On?"" cover project, and became the face for MAC Cosmetics and spokesperson for MAC AIDS Fund in 2004. Singer Elton John featured Aguilera in his charity book 4 Inches, which benefitted the Elton John AIDS Foundation.[277] Aguilera (left) and Novak (right) were honored with the George McGovern Leadership Award in October 2012 for their contributions to the United Nations World Hunger Relief effort, while Clinton (center) was given a special tribute In the run-up to the 2004 United States presidential election, Aguilera was featured on billboards for the ""Only You Can Silence Yourself"" online voter registration drive run by the nonpartisan, non-profit campaign ""Declare Yourself"". In these political advertisements, shot by David LaChapelle, Aguilera was shown with her mouth sewn shut to symbolize the effects of not voting.[278] In late 2007, Aguilera became the spokesperson for ""Rock the Vote"", through which she encouraged young people to vote in the 2008 presidential election.[279] In 2005, Aguilera donated her wedding gifts to American charities in support of Hurricane Katrina victims,[280] and performed at ""Unite of the Stars"" concert for Unite Against Hunger in Johannesburg, South Africa and for the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund at the Coca-Cola Dome.[281] In 2008, Aguilera headlined London's Africa Rising charity concert at the Royal Albert Hall, which raised awareness for finding substantial issues facing the continent.[282] That year, Aguilera appeared on the Turkish version of Deal or No Deal, Var mısın? Yok musun?, and donated proceeds to a charity program for orphans.[283] In 2009, Aguilera became the global spokesperson for World Hunger Relief;[284] she and Bratman traveled to Guatemala with the World Food Programme to bring awareness to issues including its high malnutrition rate, and met with local families and beneficiaries of WFP's nutrition programs.[285] Aguilera has helped raise over $148 million for WFP and other hunger relief agencies in 45 countries.[286] In response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Aguilera donated a signed Chrysler 300 which was auctioned for relief efforts.[287] She additionally appeared on the Hope for Haiti telethon that January, where donations directly benefited Oxfam America, Partners In Health, Red Cross and UNICEF.[288] She was featured on a public service announcement alongside former boxer Muhammad Ali to raise funds for the World Food Programme's efforts to bring food to survivors of the earthquake.[289] Aguilera was nominated for a VH1 Do Something Award for her work with the organization and her efforts in response to the earthquake.[290] In 2010, Aguilera was appointed UN ambassador for the World Food Programme.[291] Following Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Aguilera performed ""Beautiful"" to open the Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together benefit telethon; all proceeds went to the American Red Cross.[292] That year, Aguilera and David Novak received the George McGovern Leadership Award.[293] The following year Aguilera was honored with the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian of the Year Award.[294] Products and endorsements [ edit ] In 2000, Aguilera was the face for make-up line Fetish, where she worked in choosing colors and packaging for the line.[295] That same year, an interactive CD-ROM was produced called Christina Aguilera: Follow Your Dreams released by Simon & Schuster Interactive which features games and quizzes, plus Aguilera herself talking about accomplishing her goals.[296] Throughout her career, Aguilera has endorsed several brands, including Sears, Levi's,[297] Skechers,[298] Mercedes-Benz,[299] Versace,[300] Virgin Mobile,[301] Orange (UK), Oreo,[302] Sony Ericsson [303] and soft drink giants Coca-Cola,[304] and Pepsi in 2001 and 2006, respectively.[305] In 2004, Aguilera earned £200,000 (about $300,000) for opening the summer sale at London's Harrods store[306] and appeared in an advertisement for MAC Cosmetics Viva Glam V campaign.[307] Following the birth of her son in 2008, she was reportedly paid $1.5 million by People for her baby pictures, which became the ninth most expensive celebrity baby photographs ever taken.[308] In 2008, jewelry designer Stephen Webster and friend of Aguilera released ""Shattered"", a collection of sterling silver pieces, through Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman. Aguilera, who inspired the collection, was featured as a Hitchcock heroine.[309] They reprised their work together for Webster's 2009 spring line.[310] In 2011, Aguilera attended São Paulo Fashion Week to premiere her new line of clothing for Brazilian department store C&A, which launched in April.[311] Aguilera is the No. 1 awarded celebrity brand, winner of 13 awards globally.[312] Her first fragrance, Xpose, was released in Europe in late 2004 and sold relatively well.[313][314] Through Procter & Gamble, Aguilera released her signature fragrance, Simply Christina, in 2007.[315] In Christmas 2007, the fragrance became the number one perfume in the United Kingdom,[316] and later in 2009 it was the country's 4th best selling perfume.[317] The perfume won as the people's choice for favorite celebrity fragrance at the annual UK Fifi Awards 2008.[318] She released her third fragrance, Inspire, accompanied with a body care collection, in September 2008.[319] It was Aguilera's first fragrance released outside of Europe.[320] Her worldwide ad campaign included a television ad shot by David LaChapelle and was released in the United States in Macy's department stores. The release coincided with Macy's 150th anniversary which featured Aguilera in commemorative photos.[321] She released her fourth fragrance, By Night, in October 2009,[322] which became the third best selling fragrance in the United Kingdom in 2009.[317] The range was further augmented by Royal Desire in 2010,[323] Secret Potion in 2011,[324] Red Sin in 2012,[325] Unforgettable in 2013,[326] Woman in 2014,[327] Touch of Seduction in 2015,[328] Glam X in 2016[329] and Definition in 2017.[330] Discography [ edit ] Filmography [ edit ] Tours and concerts [ edit ] See also [ edit ] References [ edit ] Sources [ edit ] Davis, Clive (2013). The Soundtrack of My Life . Simon & Schuster. pp. 496–497. ISBN 9781476714806. Dominguez, Pier (2003). Christina Aguilera: A Star is Made: The Unauthorized Biography . Amber Communications Group, Inc. ISBN 9780970222459. Louise Golden, Anna (2000). Christina Aguilera: An Unauthorized Biography . Macmillan Publishers. ISBN 9781466873636. Railton, Diane; Watson, Paul (2011). Music Video and the Politics of Representation. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 88–90. ISBN 9780748633234. Further reading [ edit ]" 1 Not all of Caitlyn Jenner‘s kids are dealing with her transition gracefully. While the world has been on an inspiration high since Jenner’s AMAZING speech at the July 15 ESPYS, Kylie Jenner is reportedly not as thrilled. According to a source, Kylie has felt more “alone” than ever following Cait’s change. [ Related: Surprise! Almost All Of The Kardashian & Jenner Kids Came Out To Support Caitlyn At The ESPYS! ] A source explained: “Kylie has not been taking this whole thing well at all and cannot come to terms with the fact that her father is now Caitlyn.” Hmm. Considering the youngest Jenner didn’t show up to a recent Father’s Day event, we’re not surprised to learn she’s feeling this way. The insider added: “Caitlyn has been getting more attention than anyone in the family and perhaps that is part of what bothers Kylie. But also she feels incredibly alone lately and is barely coping. She used to be daddy’s girl but ever since her dad transitioned, Caitlyn does not seem to have the same time for Kylie that Bruce once did. It bothers her a lot and last night while everyone in the family was crying tears of joy, her tears were of sorrow.” We can understand why the 17-year-old is feeling left out — the 65-year-old is more in demand than ever! Long gone are the days that the Olympian was chauffeuring Kylie and Kendall Jenner around Calabasas! We just hope Kyles will eventually come around to Caitlyn…we know there’s a lot of love there. Hang in there, you guys! [Image via E!.] 1 "The first televised Christmas Message, broadcast in 1957 The Queen's Christmas Message (also known as The King's Christmas Message in the reign of a male monarch, formally as Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech[1]) is a broadcast made by the sovereign of the Commonwealth realms to the Commonwealth of Nations each Christmas. The tradition began in 1932 with a radio broadcast by King George V on the British Broadcasting Corporation's Empire Service. Since 1952, the message has been read by Elizabeth II; today, it is broadcast on television, radio, and the Internet via various providers. History [ edit ] The idea for a Christmas message from the sovereign to the British Empire was first proposed by the ""founding father"" of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), John Reith, in 1922 when he approached King George V about making a short broadcast on the newly created radio service. The King declined, however, believing that radio was mainly an entertainment.[2] Reith approached the King again ten years later, in 1932,[3] as a way to inaugurate the Empire Service (now the World Service) and the King finally agreed after being encouraged to do so by Queen Mary[2] and Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.[4] That year, George V read the first Royal Christmas Message; the King was originally hesitant about using the relatively untested medium of radio, but was reassured after a summertime visit to the BBC and agreed to carry out the concept and read the speech from a temporary studio set up at Sandringham House.[5] The broadcast was introduced from Ilmington Manor by 65-year-old Walton Handy, a local shepherd, with carols from the church choir and the bells ringing from the town church, and reached an estimated 20 million people in Australia, Canada, India, Kenya, South Africa, and the UK.[5] While his brother, Edward VIII, abdicated just before his first Christmas as king, George VI continued his father's Christmas broadcasts; it was in his reading delivered in the opening stages of the Second World War that he uttered the famous lines: ""I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year.""[6] For many years, the King's speech came at the end of an hour-long broadcast of greeting from various parts of the British Empire and Commonwealth which typically included interviews with ordinary people of many occupations such as an innkeeper in an English village, a minder in South Africa, and a lifeguard in Australia with the King's speech serving as a bond tying the Commonwealth together.[2] George's daughter, Elizabeth II, gave her first Christmas message to the Commonwealth of Nations from her study at Sandringham House, at 3:07 PM on 25 December 1952, some 11 months after her father's death. By 1957, the broadcast became televised,[7] and, from then until 1996, was produced by the BBC; only in 1969 was no message given because a special documentary film – Royal Family – had been made during the summer in connection with the Investiture of the Prince of Wales. It was therefore decided not to do a broadcast at Christmas, but the Queen issued a written message instead. The Queen ended this monopoly, however, announcing that the message would, from 1997, be produced and broadcast alternately by the BBC and its main rival, Independent Television News (ITN), with a biennial rotation.[8] It was reported by The Daily Telegraph that this decision was made after the BBC decided to screen an interview with Diana, Princess of Wales, on its current affairs programme Panorama.[9] This was denied by Buckingham Palace which said the new arrangements ""reflect the composition of the television and radio industries today"".[10] Beginning in 2011, Sky News was added to the rotation.[10] Sky News recorded the Queen's Christmas message for Christmas 2012, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee year, and for the first time it has been recorded in 3D.[11] Buckingham Palace are reported to have explained: ""We wanted to do something a bit different and special in this Jubilee year, so doing it for the first time in 3D seemed a good thing, technology wise, to do.""[11] The themes and direction of the speech are decided by the Queen and the text is largely written by the Queen herself, sometimes with assistance by Prince Philip and her staff. In recent years, the speech has become more personal and religious in tone.[12] Broadcast [ edit ] The message typically combines a chronicle of that year's major events, with specific focus on the British Empire originally and later the Commonwealth of Nations, with the sovereign's own personal milestones and feelings on Christmas. It is one of the few instances when the sovereign speaks publicly without advice from any ministers of the Crown in any of the monarch's realms. Planning for each year's address begins months earlier, when the monarch establishes a theme and appropriate archival footage is collected and assembled; the actual speech is recorded a few days prior to Christmas.[5] In the United Kingdom and on the Internet, broadcast of the Queen's Christmas message is embargoed until 15:00 GMT on 25 December. In other parts of the Commonwealth, the message is first broadcast in New Zealand at 18:06 local time by Radio New Zealand on RNZ National, then again at 18:50 by Television New Zealand on TVNZ1, in Australia by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation at 15:20 local time, and in Canada by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation at noon local time on television, 15:50 local time on CBC Radio One and 11:50 on CBC Radio Two. Outside of the Commonwealth, C-SPAN in the United States also first airs the broadcast at around 10:00 AM EST, around the same time the broadcast is made available to the public. Messages [ edit ] 1930s [ edit ] 1940s [ edit ] 1950s [ edit ] 1960s [ edit ] 1970s [ edit ] 1980s [ edit ] 1990s [ edit ] 2000s [ edit ] 2010s [ edit ] Similar messages elsewhere [ edit ] In 1931, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands delivered her first Christmas message on the airwaves, which was also broadcast to the Dutch East Indies, Suriname and the other Dutch West Indies via shortwave radio station PCJJ. During the reign of her daughter Juliana, the Royal Christmas Message was to become an annual tradition.[137] The Pope delivers a Christmas message to the world and heads of state of other countries have adopted the tradition of a message at Christmas, including the King of Sweden, the King of the Belgians, the President of Germany, and the King of Spain. Others have modified the practice by issuing a statement to coincide with the New Year; this is done by the Governors-General of Canada and New Zealand, the Queen of Denmark, the King of Norway, the King of Thailand, the Presidents of China, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, the Philippines, Poland, and the Russian Federation, as well as the Chancellor of Germany. The Archbishop of Canterbury, spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, also gives a New Year's Day speech. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia makes speeches on his birthday in June and on National Heroes Day in July, while the Prime Minister of Malaysia also makes speeches not only on New Year's Day but also on the night of Eid ul-Fitr and on the eve of Independence Day. The Prime Minister of Singapore gives his speech on this occasion and on the National Day of Singapore. In the past, the Governor of Hong Kong, as the representative of the British monarch, played this role; the tradition was carried on by the Chief Executive upon the territory's handover to China in 1997. The President of the United States also give out Christmas messages as part of the President's Weekly Address. Some of these messages come out within a few days before Christmas or on Christmas Day. The opposition party may also give out their Christmas messages as part of their response to the President's weekly address. In addition, beginning in 1986, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev exchanged televised New Year's Day addresses to the other's respective nations. This exchange continued between President George H. W. Bush and Gorbachev until the demise of the Soviet Union. See also [ edit ] References [ edit ]" 1 "7. They're Present on Each Others' Social Media: Although these two lovebirds are notorious for keeping the details of their relationship private, they have graced each others' social media pages. The most recent post was a bittersweet photo telling the story of a fan who passed away after losing a battle to cancer. ""I had the pleasure of meeting an angel on earth! After my show in Miami, @champagnepapi introduced me to Megan! She's inspired me so much with her strength and her perspective on life! So fearless and kind! It's heavy news that I can't slide in your DMs anymore like I used to!! There was always a smile waiting for me there! You brightened any day! Rest up baby girl! We will miss you!!"" Rihanna wrote with a picture of the trio. 8. Just Like Jay, Drake Has to Try Hard to Win His Girl's Heart: The back and forth between Drake and Rihanna is no secret, and Drizzy has openly said the Barbados beauty has broken his heart. But he doesn't give up on trying to win her over, and that's a little reminiscent of Bey and Jay's love story, too. Jay told Vanity Fair a few years back that when he and Beyoncé were both featured on the cover of Vanity Fair's 2001 Music Issue ""we were just beginning to try to date each other."" He explained, ""Well, you know, you've got to try first. You got to dazzle...wine and dine."" The article goes on to state that Hov ""'of course' pursued Beyoncé, and when asked if he hadn't been Jay Z—say, he had been a gas-station attendant and she pulled up—would he have been able to date her, he responds, 'If I'm as cool as I am, yes. But she's a charming Southern girl, you know, she's not impressed...But I would have definitely had to be this cool.'"" So, do you agree with the idea that Drake and RiRi could be the next Bey and Jay?" 1 Best wishes to the happy couple, Morgan Evans and Kelsea Ballerini, who have become husband and wife. The two tied the knot on Saturday (Dec. 2) during a beachside ceremony in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. According to People magazine, the bride wore a gown by Berta and bare feet down the aisle, while her Aussie groom wore a tux by Joseph Abboud. Their David Yurman rings each had customized messages engraved inside. In a previous CMT.com interview, Ballerini said one of her favorite things about their relationship is that they bring out the best in each other. “We’re each other’s biggest fans,” Ballerini said. “And so we’re able to be transparent with each other. And it’s cool because he has helped me with live music because he’s been touring since he was 14, and I help him with U.S. radio because I’ve been doing it for a couple of years. … We’re just able to help each other in our strengths.” In a separate CMT.com interview, Evans said he looks forward to living a beautiful and musical life together with Ballerini. “That’s kind of the thing in our house now,” he said, “I used to try to write the best song in the world. Now I just want to write the best song in our house that day. Then I feel like I’m doing OK.” The two met in March 2016 while co-hosting the CMC Awards show in Australia. Ballerini wrote the title song of her current album Unapologetically about Evans three weeks after they met. Nine months after their initial introduction, Evans proposed with a custom engagement ring over breakfast at home. “It was a special moment,” Evans told People of the proposal. “It was just right.” “It was the sweetest thing ever,” she added. 0 President Donald Trump says he thinks CNN’s Chris Cuomo looks like a “chained lunatic” on television. CNN’s Don Lemon is “perhaps the dumbest person in broadcasting” and CBS Late Show host Stephen Colbert is a “no-talent guy” who talks “filthy.” Those were just some of the comments Trump offered over dinner Monday night when asked about the media he consumes as President of the United States. But he did little to hide his frustration, explaining that he had been surprised that the journalistic criticism had gotten worse after the campaign. He also said he had been working on tuning out news that is critical of him. “I’ve been able to do something that I never thought I had the ability to do. I’ve been able not to watch or read things that aren’t pleasant,” he said, maintaining that he no longer watches CNN or MSNBC. “And it keeps you young.” There was little doubt, however, that he remained acutely aware of what reporters and correspondents were saying about him. He has large flat-screen televisions set up in the Treaty Room in the White House residence and in his private dining room in the West Wing. He continues to have stacks of newspapers and magazines delivered to his office suite in the West Wing. “Washington Post, New York Times, they’re really, really dishonest,” he said, before directly addressing the TIME reporters he had invited for dinner. “You people are quite dishonest in all fairness.” He said he used to watch MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough but no longer does. He also claimed to have helped CNN president Jeff Zucker, an old friend and business colleague, get his job at the network. The one network he praised was Fox News, saying he watches their shows and is responsible for its ratings bump. Spokespeople for MSNBC and CBS said the networks had no comment on the president’s criticism. A CNN spokesperson said, “His comments are beneath the dignity of the office of the President.” Trump’s claims about CNN’s Zucker have been repeatedly refuted by the executives involved. Here’s an extended excerpt of his conversation with TIME: For instance I don’t watch CNN. I don’t watch MSNBC. Scarborough used to treat me great. But because I don’t do interviews and stuff and want to … He went the other way. Which is fine. He’s got some problems. But I don’t watch the show anymore. It drives him crazy. I don’t watch the show. I do watch Fox in the morning, and their ratings have gone through the roof because everyone knows I’m watching Fox. But they’re pleasant. And if I do something wrong they report on it. I don’t mean they – if I do something wrong. But it’s really, honestly it’s the most accurate. CNN in the morning, Chris Cuomo, he’s sitting there like a chained lunatic. He’s like a boiler ready to explode, the level of hatred. And the entire, you know the entire CNN platform is that way. This Don Lemon who’s perhaps the dumbest person in broadcasting, Don Lemon at night it’s like – sometimes they’ll have a guest who by mistake will say something good. And they’ll start screaming, we’re going to commercial. They cut him off. Remember? I’ve seen things where by mistake somebody they bring in a guest and it turns out to be a positive. And they go, I mean they get just killed. The level of hatred. And poor Jeffrey Lord. I love Jeffrey Lord. But sometimes he’s sitting there with eight unknown killers that nobody ever heard of. And CNN actually is not doing nearly as well as others. They’re all doing well because of me. But it’s not doing as well as others that are doing better actually. But Fox treats me very fairly. MSNBC is ridiculous. It’s just bad. It’s an ability I never thought I’d have. I never thought I’d have the ability to say, they’re doing a big story on me on CNN and I won’t watch it. And it’s amazing, it doesn’t matter. But it really, the equilibrium is much better. As far as newspapers and things, I glance at them. They’re really dishonest. I mean they’re really dishonest. Trump also brought up The Late Show host Stephen Colbert’s blistering and crude May 1 monologue, in which the comedian delivered an oral-sex joke about the president and Russian President Vladimir Putin: You see a no-talent guy like Colbert. There’s nothing funny about what he says. And what he says is filthy. And you have kids watching. And it only builds up my base. It only helps me, people like him. The guy was dying. By the way they were going to take him off television, then he started attacking me and he started doing better. But his show was dying. I’ve done his show. … But when I did his show, which by the way was very highly rated. It was high—highest rating. The highest rating he’s ever had. Write to Zeke J Miller at zeke.miller@time.com. 0 "Story highlights A woman says the alleged assault happened on Nelly's tour bus Saturday Nelly was released from custody after a few hours and was not charged. The rapper says it is a ""false allegation"" and he is ""completely innocent"" (CNN) Cornell Haynes Jr., better known as the rapper Nelly, was taken into custody Saturday in Washington state after a woman told police he raped her. Police arrested Nelly in the early morning and took him to a jail in Des Moines, Washington, according to a report from the police department in nearby Auburn. JUST WATCHED Rapper Nelly reportedly in financial hot water Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Rapper Nelly reportedly in financial hot water 00:48 He was booked for investigation of rape in the second-degree and released a few hours later without charges being filed, according to his lawyer, Scott Rosenblum. The report says a woman called 911 at 3:48 a.m. Saturday to report the alleged assault, which she says occurred on Nelly's tour bus. Police said Nelly, 42, had performed at the White River Amphitheater in King County just hours before the phone call was made. Read More" 0 "J-E-A-L-O-U-S. Selena Gomez is BFFs with Taylor Swift and a bevy of other amazing gals, but her friendship with Jennifer Aniston is what we want to know about ASAP. PHOTOS: Selena's transformation The “Good for You” songstress, 22, has gushed about the Cake actress, 46, on Instagram before, but she went into detail during a recent interview with KTU’s Cubby and Carolina, and let’s just say there is pizza involved. “Honestly, she’s amazing,” Gomez gushed of Justin Theroux’s fiancee. ""We met through my management. They manage her as well, so it was kind of like a friendly meeting and instantly she's, like, inviting me to her house.” PHOTOS: Celebrity BFFs So what exactly do Gomez and Aniston do when they hang? “She has a pizza oven,” Gomez recalled. “Like, we've made pizzas at her house."" Culinary fun aside, Justin Bieber’s ex-girlfriend can also lean on Aniston. PHOTOS: Jen's bikini bod ""She's very cool and very sweet. She kind of gives me a lot of, like, maternal advice,"" Gomez added. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now!" 1 From Alexa Chung to January Jones and Chrissy Teigen, the sheet mask continues to adorn the faces of our favourite celebrities all over Instagram, and for good reason too. The biggest trend to come out of Korea, these skincare saviours give an instant hit of hydration, with specially formulated serums that quickly penetrate skin for maximum effect. Korean beauty boutiques are lined with hundreds of packets of different masks and women pick and mix to create a library of sheet masks to match every skin type and concern. Happily, the Award Winning* Charcoal & Willow Bark Tissue Face Mask from Boots Ingredients is somewhat closer to home – it’s in November’s GLOSSYBOX in fact! A no mess sheet mask that helps purify, cleanse and revitalise skin with seriously soothing ingredients – and works in just 15 minutes! If you aren’t already a subscriber order your box here and get your hands on this (as well as four more full-size goodies). Taking our cue from our Korean counterparts, here’s how to use your masks like a pro… 1. Take the mask out of the packet, unfold it and place it over your face, positioning it so you can see through the holes for your eyes. You can apply it directly to cleansed skin or you can apply a moisturising serum first to boost hydration. Extra points if you dunk the packet into warm water for one minute to allow it to heat up beforehand. 2. Firmly press the mask over the skin to encourage the product to penetrate effectively and ensure that it sits against skin especially around that awkward nose area. 3. After 15 minutes remove the mask, taking time to massage any residue that remains into the skin. You can also sweep the sheet over your throat and decollate (much like you would a serum-saturated cotton wool ball) to get the most of any serum that remains. 0 "Keeping Up with the Kardashians (often abbreviated KUWTK) is an American reality television series that airs on the E! cable network. The show focuses on the personal and professional lives of the Kardashian–Jenner blended family. Its premise originated with Ryan Seacrest, who also serves as an executive producer. The series debuted on October 14, 2007 and has subsequently become one of the longest-running reality television series in the country. The fifteenth season premiered on August 5, 2018.[2] The series focuses mainly on sisters Kourtney, Kim, and Khloé Kardashian and their half-sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner. It also features their parents Kris and Caitlyn Jenner (previously known as Bruce Jenner), and brother Rob Kardashian. The significant others of the Kardashian sisters have also appeared on the show, including Kourtney's ex-boyfriend Scott Disick, Kim's ex-husband Kris Humphries, and current husband Kanye West, Khloé's ex-husband Lamar Odom, ex-boyfriend French Montana, and current fiance Tristan Thompson. Caitlyn's son Brody Jenner made appearances in the early seasons, before appearing regularly between the 8th and 11th seasons, along with brother Brandon and Brandon's wife Leah. Kim's friend Jonathan Cheban and Khloé's friend Malika Haqq have also been part of the show. Keeping Up with the Kardashians has received very poor critical reviews since its premiere. It is often criticized for the high degree of emphasis on the ""famous for being famous"" concept, and for appearing to fabricate some aspects of its storylines. Several critics also noted the show's lack of intelligence.[3] However, some critics recognized the reality series as a ""guilty pleasure"" and acknowledged the family's success. Despite the negative reviews, Keeping Up with the Kardashians has attracted high viewership ratings, becoming one of the network's most successful shows and winning several audience awards. The series' success has led additionally to the creation of numerous spin-off series, including: Kourtney and Kim Take Miami, Kourtney and Kim Take New York, Khloé & Lamar, Kourtney and Khloé Take The Hamptons, Dash Dolls, Rob & Chyna, and Life of Kylie. The network has also broadcast several television specials featuring special events involving members of the family and friends. Background [ edit ] Robert Kardashian (1944–2003) and Kristen Mary ""Kris"" Houghton (born 1955) married in 1978, and had four children together: daughters Kourtney (born 1979), Kim (born 1980), and Khloé (born 1984), and son Rob (born 1987). The couple divorced in 1991. In 1994, Robert rose to prominence when he defended O. J. Simpson for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman during the O.J. Simpson trial.[4][5] In 1991, Kris married retired Olympic decathlon champion Caitlyn Jenner (born 1949; formerly known as Bruce Jenner before undergoing a gender transition in 2015).[6] Kris and Caitlyn had two daughters together, Kendall (born 1995) and Kylie (born 1997). Robert died in 2003, eight weeks after being diagnosed with esophageal cancer.[7] The Kardashian sisters began appearing in the media spotlight more often. In 2004, Kim became a personal stylist for recording artist Brandy Norwood. She eventually developed into a full-time stylist, and was a personal shopper and stylist for actress Lindsay Lohan.[8] Khloé, Kim, and Kourtney ventured further into fashion, opening a high fashion boutique Dash in Calabasas, California. Throughout Kim's early career, she was involved in some high-profile relationships including Brandy Norwood's brother, singer Ray J, and later, singer Nick Lachey.[8] In 2006, Kourtney starred in her first reality television series, Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive.[9] In February 2007, a home sex video that Kim made with Ray J years earlier was leaked.[10] Vivid Entertainment bought the rights for $1 million and released the film as Kim Kardashian: Superstar on February 21.[10] Kim sued Vivid for ownership of the tape, but dropped the suit in April 2007 settling with Vivid Entertainment for $5 million.[11] It is often assumed that the release of the sex tape was a major contributor to the rising fame of Kim Kardashian and her family.[12] Production [ edit ] Development [ edit ] The Osbournes was popular. I had seen The Osbournes and thought to myself — because I had formed a production company — I thought we should find something in this vein. And at the time, we had heard that Kris was interested in doing something with the family, so it was me and one other guy at the company. […] We had no idea it would become the monster pop culture business that it is."" ""[Kris] was interested in doing a television show and this was in the time thatwas popular. I had seenand thought to myself — because I had formed a production company — I thought we should find something in this vein. And at the time, we had heard that Kris was interested in doing something with the family, so it was me and one other guy at the company. […] We had no idea it would become the monster pop culture business that it is."" —Ryan Seacrest on developing the idea for the reality series.[13] The idea of creating a reality series originated in 2006 when Kris Jenner showed an interest in appearing on a television show together with her family.[14] Jenner commented: ""Everybody thinks that [my children] could create a bunch of drama in their lives, but it's something that I felt I didn't even have to think about. It would be natural.""[15] Producer Ryan Seacrest, who had his own production company, decided to develop the idea, having the popular family-based show The Osbournes in mind. He hired a camera man to visit the Kardashian's family home to film them having a Sunday barbeque: ""They were all together — as crazy and as fun as loving as they are,"" Seacrest described the family after seeing the tape. He later initiated the series by sharing the tape with E!, an American cable network which features mostly entertainment-related programming, and reality television series; the show was eventually picked up.[13][16] In August 2007, it was announced that the Kardashian and Jenner families would star in a yet-to-be-titled reality show on E! described as a ""new non-scripted family sitcom"", being produced by Ryan Seacrest and Bunim/Murray Productions. The series' announcement came one week after Paris Hilton and her friend Nicole Richie announced that their popular E! series, The Simple Life, was ending.[17] The show, entitled Keeping Up With the Kardashians, premiered on October 14, 2007.[18] The reality series centers around the members of the Kardashian-Jenner blended family, focusing on the sisters Kourtney, Kim and Khloé. Most episodes have very similar structure: the family ""show[s] off their privileged lifestyle and maybe get into one or two minor family squabbles before ultimately wrapping things up with a monologue that reinforces the importance of family,"" as noted by Caroline Siede of Quartz.[19] Harriet Ryan and Adam Tschorn of the Los Angeles Times described the reality series as a: ""Hollywood version of The Brady Bunch -- the harmless high jinks of a loving blended family against a backdrop of wealth and famous connections"".[20] Kim Kardashian described the beginning of filming the show, ""When we first started [the show], we came together as a family and said, 'If we're going to do this reality show, we're going to be 100 percent who we really are.'"".[21] She further commented on the show's authenticity by saying that the network ""has never once put anything out there that we haven't approved of or accepted"".[21] The series was renewed for a second season one month after its premiere due to high ratings.[18] Seacrest described the show's success: ""At the heart of the series—despite the catfights and endless sarcasm—is a family that truly loves and supports one another […] The familiar dynamics of this family make them one Hollywood bunch that is sure to entertain.""[9] The following year, Keeping Up with the Kardashians was picked up for a third season.[22] In April 2012, E! signed a three-year deal with the Kardashian family that kept the series airing through seasons seven, eight and nine.[23] Keeping up with the Kardashians was later renewed for a tenth season which premiered on March 15, 2015.[24] In February 2015, it was announced that the show had been renewed for four more years, along with an additional spin-off series, making it one of the longest-running reality television series in the country.[25][26] In terms of the show's future, Kim Kardashian has commented that the reality series could go for an indefinite number of seasons saying that she: ""hope[s] it goes on for as long as it can.""[27] Keeping Up With the Kardashians, including its spin-off series, has become the cable network's flagship show and its most lucrative franchise. ""It has changed the face of E!"" said Lisa Berger, the network's executive producer. ""We were a place to report on celebrity; we weren't a place to break and make celebrity, which is now the whole idea of the E! brand.""[28] The show's success contributed significantly towards building the ""Kardashian brand"", or ""Kardashian Inc."" as it is called by The Hollywood Reporter. ""These shows are a 30-minute commercial,"" Khloé Kardashian admitted in 2011, in response to a suggestion that the television series is used to promote their retail stores and endorsement deals.[28] On August 3, 2017, it was announced the show's 10 year anniversary will premiere on September 24, 2017 following the show's season 14 premiere.[29] On August 24, 2017, it was announced the family had signed a $150 million deal with E!.[30] On August 20, 2018, Kim Kardashian announced on Twitter that the family will begin filming Season 16 the following week.[31] Cast [ edit ] The reality series revolves around the children of Kris Jenner, and originally focused mainly on the children from her first marriage to deceased attorney Robert Kardashian: Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, and Rob. Kris' children Kendall and Kylie from her subsequent marriage to American athlete Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner have also been featured on the show since its beginning,[32][33] along with Jenner's son Brody from another marriage, although he appeared very few times during the early seasons, mostly being called by his step-brother Rob to babysit their half-sisters Kylie and Kendall.[34] Kourtney's boyfriend Scott Disick has also been appearing frequently on the show since the first season, as well as on the show's spin-offs.[32] Cast members also include numerous friends and other acquaintances of the family members, most notably Malika Haqq and Jonathan Cheban who joined Keeping Up with the Kardashians in the second and third seasons, respectively.[35][36] Most of the Kardashian sisters' significant others have appeared on the reality series. Kim's relationship with football player Reggie Bush was featured on the show when they were dating; after the breakup, Bush commented on appearing on the show saying that he never felt comfortable being followed by cameras, adding: ""I do it because it's important to [Kim].""[37] Rob's relationship with singer Adrienne Bailon has also been documented on the show when they were dating from 2007 to 2009; although Bailon later admitted that the decision to appear on the show, and be associated with the family, hurt her career.[38] Kim's eventual husband Kris Humphries first appeared on the show during the premiere of the sixth season; their relationship was chronicled throughout the season and ended with the couple's wedding special ""Kim's Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event"".[39] They eventually went through a highly publicized divorce; Kardashian's former publicist later claimed that Humphries was allegedly set up to be portrayed on the show in a negative way and that the short-lived marriage was staged for the cameras as a ploy to generate money.[40][41] Khloé married basketball player Lamar Odom during a fourth-season premiere aired in 2009. He later had a major role as part of the supporting cast of the series, though he did not appear regularly during the following seasons as he was attempting to repair his marriage with Khloé.[42] Kim's current husband Kanye West made his first appearance on Keeping Up with the Kardashians in July 2012 during the seventh season when he started dating Kim.[43] However, West was seldom seen in subsequent seasons. He explained the reasons for not appearing on the show later: ""You know, the amount of backlash I got from it is when I decided to not be on the show anymore. And it's not that I have an issue with the show; I just have an issue with the amount of backlash that I get.""[44] He also criticized the show for its cinematography and further complained about the way how the show is filmed.[45] In the eighth season, Caitlyn Jenner's sons Brandon and Brody Jenner, as well as Brandon's wife at the time Leah, joined the cast for regular appearances.[34] The success of the reality series resulted in the development of several spin-off shows and other related programming. In April 2009, E! announced the first spin-off of Keeping Up with the Kardashians entitled Kourtney and Khloé in Miami, which was later renamed Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami. The series followed the sisters who moved to Miami to open a new Dash boutique. Ted Harbert, president and CEO of Comcast Entertainment Group, considered the sisters capable of handling their own standalone series. ""It's a very simple formula that we took from scripted TV and applied to a reality show. […] There are a lot of family sitcom elements to 'Kardashians,' and we think that humor and warmth will carry over to Miami,"" Harbert added.[46] The show premiered on August 16, 2009 to very high ratings; the first episode brought in 2.7 million total viewers and then became the most-watched show on the network since The Anna Nicole Show in 2002.[47] The spin-off was subsequently renewed for a second season which premiered on June 13, 2010,[48] and later returned as Kourtney and Kim Take Miami for a third season on January 20, 2013.[49] Additionally, a series of webisodes entitled Lord Disick: Lifestyles of a Lord were released following the show, which showcased Disick as he informed viewers how to live like a ""king"".[50] ""Khloé and Lamar are such a dynamic couple that we just knew we had to give them their own series. […] They are funny, dramatic, opinionated, and we intend to capture all this, along with the unvarnished reality of their lives together and apart, since each is constantly followed by their own celebrity spotlight."" —Lisa Berger, the executive vice president of the network.[51] In October 2010, the network announced another spin-off called Kourtney and Kim Take New York which followed the same format as its predecessor. The show debuted on January 23, 2011, and followed the sisters who opened a Dash location in New York City.[52] The series returned for another season which premiered on November 27 the same year.[53] In January 2011, Khloé & Lamar, which featured Khloé and her husband Lamar Odom, became the third spin-off of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.[54] The show premiered on April 10, 2011, and lasted two seasons.[55] In March 2014, E! announced the fourth spin-off entitled Kourtney and Khloé Take The Hamptons.[56] The series premiered on November 2, 2014, and followed Kourtney and Khloé who relocated to the Hamptons to work on opening a new Dash pop-up store.[57] The fifth spin-off series called Dash Dolls premiered on September 20, 2015. The reality series chronicles the daily life of the employees of the Dash boutique in Los Angeles.[58] In June 2016, the network announced another show entitled Rob & Chyna which premiered on September 11 the same year, and follows the relationship of Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna as they prepare to welcome their first child.[59] The show was later renewed for a second season.[60] In July 2017, E! confirmed the series was put on hold, and not on their current schedule.[61] The network has also aired several television specials featuring important family events. A two-part television event called ""Kim's Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event"", showcasing the wedding between Kim and Kris Humphries, was broadcast on October 9 and 10, 2011 as part of the sixth season; the special was highly successful with a combined 10.5 million viewers.[62] A few days after Caitlyn Jenner (then Bruce) came out as a trans woman during a 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer in May 2015, E! aired a two-part special on Keeping Up with the Kardashians entitled ""About Bruce"", in which another side of the story was told featuring family members who were not involved in the previous interview on 20/20.[63] The first part of the special debuted on May 17, 2015, and attracted 2.92 million total viewers, a 40% increase from the previous episode, while the second part aired the following day with similar viewership.[64] I Am Cait, a separate documentary series, was announced immediately after the 20/20 interview. Jeff Olde, head of programming at E! network, said that the series is ""not at all a Kardashian spin-off"", and that ""we will not resort to spectacle,"" trying to emphasize its distinct format that is entirely different from most programming on the network, including Keeping Up with the Kardashians.[65] The eight-part, one-hour docuseries debuted on July 26, 2015, on E!, and focused on how Jenner was handling the aftermath of the transition; it also attempted to deal with various LGBT-related issues.[66][67] It was later cancelled after two seasons.[68] In April 2017, it was announced E! had ordered an 8-episode spin-off Life of Kylie revolving around Kylie Jenner. It premiered on August 6, 2017.[69] Reception [ edit ] Critical response [ edit ] ""The Kardashians are the last ladies standing in reality TV because they've simply always believed they were celebrities – endlessly amused with themselves, endlessly oblivious to one another. Their vanity is impervious to the outside world, which is how many of us often wish our own personal vanity worked. Their gargantuan egos, their petty jealousies, their catty feuds, the effort-vs.-eye-roll they put into reciting their lines, their commitment to frivolity at all costs – these are seductive qualities in a reality-TV star, however repugnant they might be in real life. Whatever it is you watch reality TV for, the Kardashians just have a lot more of it."" —Rob Sheffield from Rolling Stone[70] Keeping Up with the Kardashians has been the subject of constant panning by critics since its inception. Brian Lowry, reviewing the show for Variety, said that the network: ""widens its lens to encompass the whole irritating brood — including Kim's sisters Khloé and Kourtney, mom-manager Kris and stepdad Bruce Jenner, who now has the distinction of having two sets of useless rich kids featured in pointless reality shows.""[71] Ginia Bellafonte of The New York Times compared the show to reality series Gene Simmons Family Jewels and exclaimed that: ""the Kardashian show is not about an eccentric family living conventionally; it is purely about some desperate women climbing to the margins of fame, and that feels a lot creepier.""[72] Laura Burrows of IGN criticized the family for being too self-seeking and using the given platform only to gain more notoriety for themselves. Following the conclusion of the second season of the series, Burrows wrote: ""Those of us who watch this show […] want to believe that these whores of attention have souls and would actually do something for their fellow man and not reap the benefits of their service, but two seasons' worth of self-absorbed egocentrism speaks to the contrary.""[73] Roxana Hadadi, reviewing Keeping Up with the Kardashians for The Washington Post, was extremely negative towards the reality series due to its absurdity, and commented that the show: ""firmly captures all of Kim and Co.'s dumbest instances from the series' debut — from the simply self-absorbed to the downright despicable.""[74] Amaya Rivera, writing about the series for Popmatters, noted: ""Indeed, there is something disturbing about the Kardashians' intense hunger for fame. But even worse—it is downright boring to watch this family live out their tedious lives.""[75] John Kubicek, the senior writer of BuddyTV, reviewed the premiere of the third season of the show and discussed the reason for the family's success by saying that: ""the Kardashians' fame is a lot like Möbius strip or an M. C. Escher painting.""[76] Harriet Ryan and Adam Tschorn of the Los Angeles Times described Keeping Up with the Kardashians as a: ""Hollywood version of The Brady Bunch -- the harmless high jinks of a loving blended family against a backdrop of wealth and famous connections"".[20] Jessica Chasmar of The Washington Times said that series: ""illustrates our nation's moral, spiritual and cultural decay."" Chasmar emphasized its negative influence and noted: ""America of 50 years ago would regard Ms. Kardashian with a mixture of disdain and pity, embarrassed by the very idea of a young lady's most private moments being broadcast for all the world to see.""[77] Goal Auzeen Saedi, reviewing Keeping Up with the Kardashians for Psychology Today, emphasized the show's influence saying that: ""The Kardashians become more relatable the more famous they become."" Saedi also questioned their decision to appear on the show and added: ""But if living life in the spotlight is so taxing and demands multiple justifications for the way your life is being lived and criticized, perhaps you can take the cameras out of your house.""[78] Vinnie Mancuso, writing for New York Observer, criticized the show and felt: ""roughly one iota of shadenfreudic pleasure from this endeavor, but for the most part this show is the 100% drizzling poops.""[79] David Hinckley of the New York Daily News, reviewing the tenth season, said that ""even when you think something about the Kardashians could be interesting, it's not,"" adding that the ""entertainment value [of the show] is like having spent 10 years in Rapid City, S.D., watching the traffic lights change.""[80] Amy Amatangelo of The Hollywood Reporter said that ""in true Kardashian fashion, they managed to make everything about them,"" after Caitlyn Jenner came out as a trans woman to her family in the ""About Bruce"" special aired as part of the tenth season. Amatangelo felt that the conversations ""seemed a little too staged, too controlled"", and noted that ""there was no attempt to educate the viewers about transgender issues.""[81] Keeping Up with the Kardashians has me imagining the raven-haired siblings being tracked by a slobbering pack of hunting dogs. Sadly, the reality is much more mundane. The best we can hope for is a peek into the crazy chaos of life on the ""The title of the show is misleading –has me imagining the raven-haired siblings being tracked by a slobbering pack of hunting dogs. Sadly, the reality is much more mundane. The best we can hope for is a peek into the crazy chaos of life on the A-list . […] The Kardashians would be the first to admit that their notoriety has little to do with any discernible talent, beyond an alarming capability for self-promotion."" —Gareth Dimelow from Sabotage Times[82] However, several critics were more positive towards the show. A number of publications welcomed the show as ""guilty pleasure"", including The Huffington Post, The Atlantic, and The Week.[83][84][85] Tim Stack, writing for Entertainment Weekly, described the reality series as: ""my favorite little slice of reality TV spongecake.""[86] Lauren Le Vine of Refinery29 appreciated the success of the family which ""achieved the American dream of making something out of nothing,"" using the given platform.[87] Libby Hill of The A.V. Club also acknowledged the show's success and said: ""Keeping Up With The Kardashians gives us real, joyous, ugly, unsavory, hilarious life, with all the polished sitcom trappings. And though the latter may have launched a multimedia empire, the former has made it last"".[88] Maura Kelly of The Guardian evaluated the aftermath of the failed wedding of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, which was documented on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and subsequently caused public outrage, including an online protest petition to cancel the show. ""Since Kim doesn't exactly seem to be an exemplar of self-awareness, I suppose it's possible that she really believed she and Humphries would live happily ever after,"" Kelly speculated whether or not the marriage was a publicity stunt. ""But more likely, she and E! are laughing all the way to the bank – 10.5 million viewers tuned into ""Kim's Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event"", after all,"" Kelly summarized the controversy.[89] Josh Duboff, writing for Vanity Fair, commented on the show's long run and said that ""it is near impossible to argue that their continued relevance, 10 years later, is anything other than awe-inspiring and remarkable"".[90] Viewership [ edit ] ""At their core, the Kardashians are an incredibly bonded, loving, large family who live an incredibly large life. And if you actually look at the history of television, there's a pretty large number of families with that blend resonating with viewers. This just happens to be the first reality show that does it. […] It's just an incredibly fascinating drama that's played out. But at its core, you know that they're going to end up around that dinner table together."" —E! President Suzanne Kolb discusses the popularity of the series in an interview with The Wrap.[91] Keeping Up with the Kardashians has been a ratings success for E! – in its first month it became the highest-rated series aired on Sunday nights for adults 18–34 and was seen by 1.3 million total viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research.[18][92] Lisa Berger, executive vice president of original programming and series development for E!, said: ""The buzz surrounding the series is huge, and viewers have clearly fallen for the Kardashians. […] Seacrest and Bunim-Murray's unique ability to capture this family's one-of-a-kind dynamics and hilarious antics has made the series a fantastic addition to our prime-time lineup.""[18] The second season continued the success and was viewed by 1.6 million viewers on average, which led to a third season renewal.[93] The two-hour fourth-season premiere, which aired on November 8, 2009, and featured the wedding ceremony of Khloé and Lamar Odom, brought in then-record ratings with 3.2 million viewers.[94] The subsequent season debuted with nearly 4.7 million total viewers, which ranked as the highest-rated season premiere of the show, as of August 2015.[95] It was also the second highest-rated episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, second only to the previous season's record-breaking finale with 4.8 million viewers.[96] The seventh-season premiere of the series, which aired on May 20, 2012 in its earlier timeslot, continued to deliver high ratings attracting almost three million total viewers which exceeded the premiere of the previous season by 16%.[97] Kim Kardashian has explained the success of the show by saying that people tune in to watch the series because they can relate themselves to the members of the family; in an interview with the V magazine she said: ""You can see that soap operas aren't on the air as much anymore. I think reality shows are taking over that genre, but I think the draw to our show is that we are relatable.""[98] The eighth season debuted to 3 million viewers, up 6% from the previous season, while the subsequent ninth season's premiere was down by 20%.[99][100] The ninth season averaged 3.3 million total viewers and almost 2.2 million in the 18–49 years adult demographic, the most sought after by advertisers. It was the highest rated cable show in its timeslot.[24] The series finished as the most-social ad-supported cable program and, as of March 2015, Keeping Up with the Kardashians is the most-watched show on E! network.[101] The first episode of the tenth season averaged 2.5 million viewers, slightly less than the premiere of the ninth season.[102] In 2016, a New York Times study of the 50 TV shows with the most Facebook Likes found that Keeping Up with the Kardashians ""tends to most popular in areas with large Hispanic populations, particularly in the Southwest"".[103] Awards and nominations [ edit ] Despite negative reviews from critics, Keeping Up with the Kardashians has been nominated for, and won, several television awards. The reality series has received nominations for a Teen Choice Award in the Choice TV: Celebrity Reality Show category nine consecutive times between 2008 and 2016, winning the award in 2010, 2013, 2014 and 2016. The show also won a People's Choice Award as Favorite TV Guilty Pleasure in 2011. The Kardashian sisters have been nominated as part of the cast for five awards, winning four times; Kim Kardashian has been nominated for three awards winning one in 2012. In 2010, Kris and Caitlyn Jenner received a Teen Choice Award nomination in a one-time Choice TV: Parental Unit category. Broadcast history [ edit ] The title card of the show that was used in seasons 1–10 Keeping Up with the Kardashians premiered on October 14, 2007 in the United States on the E! cable network at 10:30/9:30 pm ET/PT. The half-hour reality series continued to air every Sunday night in the same time slot, and the eight-episode first season of the show concluded on December 2. The subsequent season premiered the following year on March 9 in an earlier time slot at 10:00/9:00 pm with a repeated episode airing immediately afterwards.[117] The season ended on May 26, 2008 with an episode ""Junk in the Trunk"", which featured the Kardashian siblings sharing the most memorable moments of the season.[118] The third season commenced airing on March 8, 2009 and concluded with two back-to-back episodes which aired on May 25. The subsequent season premiered with a two-hour long episode entitled ""The Wedding"" on November 8, and ended on February 21, 2010;[117] some of the episodes aired throughout the season were extended to a full hour.[119] The fifth season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians began airing on August 22, 2010 and concluded with another ""Junk in the Trunk"" episode on December 20.[118] The sixth season commenced on June 12, 2011 and ended with a television special ""Kim's Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event"" which aired two extended episodes on October 9 and 10. The show later returned on December 19 with the episode ""Kendall's Sweet 16"".[117] Starting with the seventh season, which premiered on May 20, 2012, the half-hour reality series was extended to a full hour in a new 9:00/8:00 pm time slot.[120] The season concluded on October 28. The eighth season of the series started airing on June 2, 2013; it became the longest season with 21 episodes and ended on December 1. The ninth and tenth seasons aired in 2014 and 2015, respectively. The latter season included a television special entitled ""About Bruce"" which aired on May 17 and 18, 2015.[117] The eleventh season premiered on November 15, one month after the previous season finished.[117] The twelfth season of the show debuted on May 1, 2016.[121] The thirteenth season premiered on March 12, 2017.[122] Home video releases and streaming [ edit ] In North America, the first three seasons of the reality series were distributed on DVD.[123] The first season was released on October 7, 2008 by Lions Gate Entertainment which obtained the home entertainment distribution rights for a variety of programming from Comcast Entertainment Group, including Keeping Up with the Kardashians.[124] The second and third seasons of the series were released on November 10, 2009 and August 17, 2010, respectively.[123] In Australia, all seasons are released on DVD by Universal Sony Pictures. The latest addition, which includes the eleventh season of the show, was released on April 28, 2016.[125] In the United Kingdom, the reality series is distributed by Universal Pictures UK. The DVD set of the seventh season, the latest addition, was released on June 24, 2013.[126] The episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians are also available on numerous streaming video on demand services, such as Amazon Video, iTunes, Google Play, Microsoft Movies & TV,[127] Hulu,[128] and Vudu,[129] as well as the E! network's own streaming service.[130] See also [ edit ] References [ edit ]" 0 Millions of people watched her get engaged to Chris Soules on national television last year, but when former Bachelor star Whitney Bischoff and her fiancé Ricky Angel were engaged on July 15, this proposal was decidedly more intimate. “It was just perfect,” Bischoff tells PEOPLE. “I was completely shocked. Ricky got me good! I was so happy that I couldn’t quit smiling. My cheeks hurt!” The 31-year-old fertility nurse met sales manager Angel on the dating app Bumble (“Ladies pick — finally it was my choice,” jokes Bischoff) last September; the couple moved in together in May. “On our first date, we just clicked,” she says. “It was easy and that’s the way it should be.” Still, Bischoff admits it was “nerve-wracking” to jump back into the dating scene after her painful split from Soules in 2015, nearly seven months after they were engaged. “I was still a little bit broken and trying to pick up the pieces. But from day one there was open communication with Ricky about what I had gone through. I think one of the reasons I fell in love so quickly is that I could say everything and know I was not being judged.” Bischoff hasn’t spoken to Soules recently but says she wishes him well. “I hope that he meets someone, if he hasn’t already, just as great for him and Ricky is for me.” Now, Bischoff still watches The Bachelor, but says she’s moved on from her own reality show past. “That journey was a big part of my life,” she says. “But since I’ve met Ricky, I really haven’t looked back.” Busy with wedding plans (the couple are looking at a date next fall), Bischoff says she nonetheless has positive associations with the show. “It’s sad that it ended the way it had to end, but I was still looking for that perfect someone. I didn’t let my past close off my heart. Everything works out for a reason.” 1 The government has implemented a new regulation requiring a governor to be placed on all motorcycles by mid-January 2017. The purpose of the mandatory governor would be to prevent motorcyclists from exceeding a speed of 75- miles per hour. The regulation aims to drastically reduce the amount of annual motorcycle fatalities in the United States.Many are not surprised by the regulation as politicians have been asking for stricter safety features to be implemented on motorcycles for the past several decades. In 2014, the government offered all major motorcycle manufactures including Harley-Davidson, Yamaha, Honda, Ducati, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and BMW a large tax-incentive to begin implementing governors on all newly manufactured motorcycles, however to much surprise, all relevant manufactures declined to take advantage of the additional tax-incentive, requiring government officials to return to the drawing board.Members of the U.S. Department of Transportation or U.D.O.T were supportive of the regulation and heavily involved in its roll-out. According to U.S. Department of Transportation representative James Littleton, the motorcycle governor regulation was long past due and made a comparison to the governors placed on traditional automobiles. Littleton told reporters during a press-conference that each year approximately 8,265 motorcycle fatalities occur throughout the United States. According to Littleton, the vast majority (approximately 73%) of motorcycle fatalities are the result of motorcyclists driving at unsafe speeds.When asked why the regulation would only allow motorcyclists to maintain a speed below 75-miles per hour, Littleton made the following comment to reporters, “This is a crucial safety regulation that should have been implemented at least 20-years ago, now that we are finally implementing it, we want to ensure we do it right. With the exception of a few states that allow for 80-miles per mile freeway driving (Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming) and Texas who allows for speeds of up to 85-miles per hour on the freeway, most states allow a maximum speed of 75-miles per hour. We wanted to make it easy for motorcyclists in most all states to easily obey their respective posted speed limit.”According to Littleton, motorcyclists in the few states that periodically allow for speeds exceeding 75-miles per hour, governors allowing speeds up to 80-85-miles per hour may eventually be implemented, however in the meantime, police officials in these states have been given direction to avoid citing motorcyclists for such infractions as obstructing the flow of traffic when relevant.Officials expect all motorcyclists and motorcycle manufactures to be in compliance with the new regulation by mid to late January 2017, however may file for a temporary 30, 60, or 90-day extension under select circumstances. According to Littleton, citations and fines will be imposed on both motorcyclists and motorcycle manufactures who fail to remain in compliance with the regulation.According to Littleton, designated motorcycle mechanic and auto-body shops in each state will be permitted to install the mandatory governors on motorcycles manufactured and sold prior to the implementation of the regulation at a subsidized rate. Littleton did not have details regarding the government subsidized repair readily available, however told reporters that he expects the subsidized cost to be around $35 to the consumer.Littleton concluded the press conference by informing reporters that the U.S Department of Transportation is currently working diligently to release all relevant information pertaining to the new regulation on the U.D.O.T website. 1 "Breaking News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. / Updated By Daniella Silva Disneyland Paris apologized after a 3-year-old was told he could not take part in a “Princess for a Day” experience just because he is a boy. Noah, who is a super fan of Princess Elsa in the film “Frozen” was “buzzing with excitement” when he learned about the makeover opportunity at the Disneyland Hotel, the boy’s mother, Hayley McLean-Glass, wrote in an open letter on her blog. The hotel is located near the entrance of the park in the suburbs of Paris, France. McLean-Glass, who is from Devon, England, wrote that she decided to book the experience for Noah as early Christmas gift. “I knew that there would be NOTHING he'd love more than to get to wear a pretty dress, put make up on like Mummy does and have his photo taken being one of his beloved Disney Princesses,” she wrote. Disneyland Paris' description of the service on its website reads: ""Grant every little girl's wish with a real Princess's make-up and hair-styling session; a fairytale transformation they'll treasure forever."" Noah McLean-Glass, three, stands next to his mother, Hayley McLean-Glass. NBC News The mother said she was devastated when she received an email reply back saying ""at this time it is not possible to book princess for a day for a boy,"" NBC News' British partner, ITV News reported. “I was so angry, I literally couldn’t stop shaking for half an hour afterwards — I was just so shocked,” she told ITV. “I mean, I’m his mother and if I’m OK with him doing it, who are Disney to tell me that he can’t do that?” Disneyland Paris said they “sincerely apologized” to Noah and his mother in a statement to ITV News and that it was an “isolated incident.” “An isolated incident, the cast member’s response is not reflective of any policy or belief held here at Disneyland Paris,” read the statement — Disneyland calls all of their employees ""cast members."" FILE: Visitors walk toward the Sleeping Beauty's Castle, background, at Disneyland Paris in Chessy, France, east of Paris, May 12, 2015. Michel Euler / AP It continued, “We are going to ensure this does not happen again."" “Of course, both boys and girls are welcome to enjoy The Princess For a Day experience in addition to all our other special activities,” the statement added. McLean-Glass said she felt her son had been discriminated against because of his gender. ""The way I look at it, if a little girl went to Disneyland and wanted to do a pirate experience or a 'Spider-Man' experience, there would be no way that they would stop a girl from doing that because there would be an uproar,"" she said. ""So why is it different for a boy?""" 0 "Janet Jackson confirmed Monday that she has separated from her husband, Qatari businessman Wissam Al Mana, in a video message to her fans. The video began with Jackson expressing her love for her son with Al Mana, Eissa, who was born in January. “I thank God for him,"" she said. “He is so beautiful. So sweet. So loving. Such a happy baby.” >> Read more trending news Jackson then said that the video was meant for “something else,” but that she would mention that later. “I just want to keep it real with you guys for a second: Yes, I separated from my husband. We are in court and the rest is in God's hands.” Related: Janet Jackson, Wissam Al Mana split 3 months after son's birth, reports say Jackson then went on to happier news. After putting her Unbreakable World Tour on hold to have her son, the shows are back on under a new name, according to Billboard. “I’m continuing my tour as I promised. I'm so excited,” Jackson said. “I decided to change the name of the tour (to) State of the World Tour. It's not about politics. It's about people, the world, relationships and just love,” the singer said, thanking her fans for their support. “I am so excited to see you on stage,” Jackson said. The State of the World Tour begins Sept. 7. Watch Jackson’s video update below." 0 Miley Ray Cyrus seems to have her Birthday celebrations and Thanksgiving plans in order! Liam has special plans to make Miley’s Birthday very special. He has already bought Miley a necklace with the words ‘lili’ in the center. Apparently, that is what Miley calls her beau. How cute is that! Miley in her tweet reveals that this was only present no.1. There are more surprises to come for her birthday celebration. Seems like the younger Hemsworth brother really spoils his girlfriend. Miley also posted a picture on Instagram surrounded by large silver balloons that spell her name. Miss Hannah Montana herself seems super excited for her upcoming birthday. Miley also posted a picture, posted above, on her Twitter Account. And this picture has caused a stir among the Twitter Fans! Miley seems to be hinding something under that grey shirt! While the picture is titled #VeganTurkeyBaby, fans are speculating that Miley might be pregnant. They can clearly see a bump on her tummy and are super excited! More and more seem to believe the bump can’t be from a full meal. It has to be a preganant belly! The star however, has denied the pregnancy rumors! Miley uploaded an Instagram story slamming all fans speculating her pregnancy. Seems like Miley just had a food baby after all! She uploaded another picture in a cute black outfit. The photo was captioned “Always have been & Always will be #ExtraAF. Happy Birthday to me you grumpy f—s” Well that’s not all! Miley will be celebrating Thanksgiving in Malibu along with her fiancé Liam Hemsworth! The two are going strong together! Liam and Miley first met on the sets of The Last Song in 2009. The two have had an on and off relationship with many break ups and patch ups in the past. The duo finally announced their engagement on June 2012. However the relationship experienced some turbulence, again. Miley also broke down mid stage during a performance over her split from Liam Hemsworth. Even though their relationship experienced alot of highs and lows but the two are now very happy and healthy together. E! News reported that the plans also include the two lovebirds spending time with Miley’s family. Her family is going to join them in Malibu. While it would have been great if the entire Cyrus clan was together at Thanksgiving, one member can’t make it to the celebration. Miley’s sister, Brandi Cyrus, more popularly known as DJ confetti will not be with the family. Moreover, Brandi told E! News that “I’m at home in Nashville but since my family is all in Los Angeles, I’m taking the opportunity to volunteer in the morning and spending the evening with a group of friends.” We’re Looking forward to more pictures from the Cyrus-Hemsworth celebrations in Malibu! 0 Loading Justice Department Memos on Interrogation TechniquesThe Document Viewer requires that you enable Javascript. 0 Quincy Jones has been awarded $9.42 million ($9,423,695) after a trial that ended with a Los Angeles jury finding in the producer’s favor in a royalties dispute with Michael Jackson’s estate, Variety reports. The lawsuit, which Jones filed in 2013, stemmed from Jones’ claim that he was owed royalties for a series of projects that were released after Jackson died, including the music used in two Cirque du Soleil productions and music featured in the This Is It concert film. Jones said he was owed $30 million. Last week, Jones took the witness stand and claimed he was “cheated out of a lot of money” by the Jackson estate. During the two-week trial, lawyers debated over interpreting the contract language that determined how Jones’ royalties should be computed, particularly the contracts from Off the Wall, Thriller and Bad. Attorneys for Jones argued that those contracts entitled Jones to royalties from the posthumous This is It along with proceeds from the two Cirque du Soleil shows. Meanwhile, Howard Weitzman, who represented the Jackson estate, argued that Jackson made the major contributions to the sound of each song. “While the jury denied Quincy Jones $21 million – or more than two-thirds of what he demanded — from The Estate of Michael Jackson, we still believe that giving him millions of dollars that he has no right to receive under his contracts is wrong,” Weitzman and Zia Modabber, attorneys for The Estate of Michael Jackson, said in a statement. “This would reinterpret the legal language in, and effectively rewrite, contracts that Mr. Jones lived under for more than three decades, admitted he never read, referred to as ‘contract, montract,’ and told the jurors he didn’t ‘give a damn’ about. Any amount above and beyond what is called for in his contracts is too much and unfair to Michael’s heirs. Although Mr. Jones is portraying this is a victory for artists’ rights, the real artist is Michael Jackson and it is his money Mr. Jones is seeking.” Following the verdict, Jones said in a statement via Variety, “As an artist, maintaining the vision and integrity of one’s creation is of paramount importance. I, along with the team I assembled with Michael, took great care and purpose in creating these albums, and it has always given me a great sense of pride and comfort that three decades after they were originally recorded, these songs are still being played in every corner of the world. “This lawsuit was never about Michael, it was about protecting the integrity of the work we all did in the recording studio and the legacy of what we created,” he continued. ” Although this judgement is not the full amount that I was seeking, I am very grateful that the jury decided in our favor in this matter. I view it not only as a victory for myself personally, but for artists’ rights overall.” 0 IMDb.com, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. The news articles, Tweets, and blog posts do not represent IMDb's opinions nor can we guarantee that the reporting therein is completely factual. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to report any concerns you may have regarding content or accuracy. 1 Sorry Haters, Scott Disick & Sofia Richie Are Still Going Strong Getty Images Happy birthday, Scott Disick ! The reality star turned 35 years old on Saturday. It certainly has been an eventful year for Kourtney Kardashian ‘s ex—partially due to his romance with 19-year-old model Sofia Richie . The two sparked romance rumors last year and are still together. In fact Source: Read Full Article 0 "Miranda Lambert fans were in tears during the 2018 Academy of Country Music Awards while her ex-husband, Blake Shelton, serenaded Gwen Stefani. Shelton's performance of ""I Lived It"" followed Lambert taking the stage to accept her award for Song of the Year, for ""Tin Man."" Shelton and Stefani were right in the front row as Lambert picked up her award. Shelton was nominee for ""I'll Name The Dogs,"" which was up for Single Record of the Year. Here is how Lambert fans felt while Shelton sang a love song directed towards his girlfriend. How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by Blake & Miranda’s divorce 🙋🏼‍♀️ #ACMawards — Sarah Roelker (@SarahAnne_23) April 16, 2018 Raise your hand if you cried when you saw #GwenStefani singing along to #BlakeShelton at the #ACMAwards. pic.twitter.com/5fTS5MERww — Lauren Cox (@Iaurencox) April 16, 2018 ""Thanks for sharing my broken heart with me"" says Miranda Lambert after winning song of the year, but all I heard was ""fuck you, Blake Shelton."" #ACMawards — Savannah Landry (@slandry37) April 16, 2018 One Lambert fan thinks Shelton was never that good in the first place. Not Miranda Lambert though. I never thought Blake Shelton was *that* good either. — άγγελος 💐 (@PNWsass) April 16, 2018 Another fan thinks Shelton and Stefani might not be a genuine couple. I need to know. Are Blake Shelton and Stefani a real couple, or is he a beard for her. #mirandalambert and #blakeshelton4life #ACMawards2018 — Steph_enwolf (@Steph_enwolf) April 16, 2018 ""How are they not going to show Miranda Lambert for her reaction while Blake Shelton performs,"" one fan wrote. How are they not going to show Miranda Lambert for her reaction while Blake Shelton performs lol #ACMawards — Nick hinds (@nrhinds) April 16, 2018 Lambert and Shelton were married from 2011 to 2015. After their divorce, Shelton started dating No Doubt singer Stefani, who he met during filming of NBC's The Voice." 0 A fortune in the bank, a beautiful wife and a booming film career are not enough to make Brad Pitt happy. In an extraordinary interview which recalls a doleful rant by his wife Jennifer Aniston earlier this year, the 37-year- old actor says he feels oppressed by fame and has come close to a nervous breakdown. The star of Fight Club and Seven tells the magazine Vanity Fair he is bored with movies and acting and looks forward to retiring from Hollywood in five to seven years. Pitt says he spent 18 months in therapy after hitting a psychological barrier. 'I crashed and burned so I wanted to understand how I operate. I came from a place where you had to be crazy to go to a crazy doctor, and my background is very few words.' In a reference to the singer who spent several weeks in hospital after a breakdown this summer, he adds: 'I've thought about pulling a Mariah Carey but I know too much now.' Interviewed by Vanity Fair in April, Friends star Miss Aniston said the year in which she married Pitt had been the hardest year of her life and she was dogged by 'low self esteem' and a 'sense of shame'. Her husband talks in a similar vein about the 'sickness' of his life. He says: 'The thing with our marriage was that there was an opening in the Hollywood couple slot and unfortunately we've fallen into it, which I don't like very much. 'I don't like throwing us into this box. It doesn't leave us room to be human, to make our mistakes and have our struggles, because that will just be another story, a whole new other life for the rags.' Like so many before him, Pitt complains he is public property and unable to conduct a normal life. 'We are treated as special. We get away with things that other people can't. And you start to believe the lie that you are special, that you're better than other people. 'You start demanding that kind of treatment. Most of the time I fight it because I know I'm going to get older and it's going to go away but at times I succumb to it. 'I'll tell you truthfully I am completely bored with myself in films. It's time for me to try either a new direction or new horizons. 'I have other interests I want to pursue that mean more to me. 'I find myself looking forward to a family. 'It's not that I'm self absorbed. Anything that's going to take the focus off myself, I welcome.' 1 Sometimes you have to compromise for love Go to full article Published: 24th December 2018 - 1.50 am Source: E! Online 0 Since the #MYCALVINS campaign kicked off last year, it has seen a rollout of some of music and fashion’s brightest stars take centre stage. The first instalment of the campaign saw Solange, Kelela and Dev Hynes model both denim and underwear into one whilst the second instalment saw A$AP Rocky and his A$AP Mob swag their way through a barn in the famous jeans. The most recent edition saw supermodel Cindy Crawford’s children Kaia and Presley Gerber show us what it means to be family – the main focus of the campaign. When it comes to famous families there probably isn’t one that stands out more than the Kardashians (even if it is just because you love to hate them), making them the perfect choice to front the latest set of images. Fronted by the Kardashian and Jenner sisters (Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall and Kylie if you needed reminding), it sees them in white underwear lounging on a giant blanket from the SS18 show. Elsewhere, Kim wears a Canadian Tux (double denim if you’re not familiar) and Kylie sports a matching black and white set from the runway show. Although Khloe and Kourtney have not been the faces of any high fashion campaigns before, Kim starred in Balmain’s AW16 campaign alongside husband Kanye. Kylie and Kendall also fronted the AW15 season for the Parisian house. Not to mention Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Givenchy under Kendall’s belt too. The campaign drops at a time where rumours are circling as to whether Kylie is pregnant or not. Eagle-eyed fans will note that she is pictured artfully covering her stomach with a CK blanket. Conspiracy?! No doubt Kris’s plan for the family (and new baby – hi Chicago!) will be unveiled soon. Meanwhile, the campaign will continue to run throughout the season. Keep an eye out for who will front it next. 0 "(CNN) Rocker Tom Petty died Monday after being rushed to a Los Angeles hospital, according to Tony Dimitriades, longtime manager of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. Dimitriades confirmed Petty's death on behalf of the performer's family. He was 66. ""He suffered cardiac arrest at his home in Malibu in the early hours of this morning and was taken to UCLA Medical Center but could not be revived. He died peacefully at 8:40pm PT surrounded by family, his bandmates and friends,"" Dimitriades said in a statement. Petty, flanked by his wife, Dana, and his eldest daughter Adria on the right, arrive at the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards along with musician Regina Spektor, left. Petty, flanked by his wife, Dana, and his eldest daughter Adria on the right, arrive at the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards along with musician Regina Spektor, left. Petty and the Heartbreakers perform during the Super Bowl halftime show in February 2008. Petty and the Heartbreakers perform during the Super Bowl halftime show in February 2008. Petty, center, poses with other members of the Traveling Wilburys, a supergroup that also included, from left, Bob Dylan, Jeff Lynne, George Harrison and Roy Orbison. Petty, center, poses with other members of the Traveling Wilburys, a supergroup that also included, from left, Bob Dylan, Jeff Lynne, George Harrison and Roy Orbison. Petty performs at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival in Manchester, Tennessee, in June 2006. Petty performs at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival in Manchester, Tennessee, in June 2006. Petty signs autographs after his band got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in April 1999. Petty signs autographs after his band got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in April 1999. Petty performs in the San Francisco Bay Area in October 1991. That year, he and the Heartbreakers released their album ""Into the Great Wide Open,"" which included the single ""Learning to Fly."" Petty performs in the San Francisco Bay Area in October 1991. That year, he and the Heartbreakers released their album ""Into the Great Wide Open,"" which included the single ""Learning to Fly."" Petty and the Heartbreakers have put out more than a dozen studio albums together. Petty also has three solo albums. Petty and the Heartbreakers have put out more than a dozen studio albums together. Petty also has three solo albums. A day after performing on ""SNL,"" Petty performs at the Palladium in New York. A day after performing on ""SNL,"" Petty performs at the Palladium in New York. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers perform on ""Saturday Night Live"" in November 1979. A month earlier, they had released their third album ""Damn the Torpedoes,"" which included hit songs ""Refugee"" and ""Don't Do Me Like That."" Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers perform on ""Saturday Night Live"" in November 1979. A month earlier, they had released their third album ""Damn the Torpedoes,"" which included hit songs ""Refugee"" and ""Don't Do Me Like That."" Petty sits at a table in his New York hotel room in October 1977. Petty sits at a table in his New York hotel room in October 1977. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers pose for a backstage portrait in August 1977. The band from Gainesville, Florida, released its debut album in 1976. Notable songs on the album included ""American Girl"" and ""Breakdown."" Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers pose for a backstage portrait in August 1977. The band from Gainesville, Florida, released its debut album in 1976. Notable songs on the album included ""American Girl"" and ""Breakdown."" With his nasally voice and chiming guitar, Petty and his longtime band, the Heartbreakers, churned out an instantly recognizable brand of sturdy, heartland rock that made them a classic-radio staple for decades. Petty, along with the band, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002 The group finished a summer tour with three performances at the Hollywood Bowl last week. Petty and the Heartbreakers first came to fame in the 1970s. It was both with that group and as a solo artist that Petty had a string of hits across the decades, including ""Free Fallin',"" ""American Girl"" and ""I Won't Back Down."" Their 1976 debut contained a minor hit, ""Breakdown,"" but it wasn't until Petty's third album, ""Damn the Torpedoes,"" that he and the band broke through to the mainstream. That 1980 album won critical raves, went platinum and spawned the hits ""Don't Do Me Like That"" and ""Refugee."" JUST WATCHED Tom Petty's most memorable songs Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Tom Petty's most memorable songs 01:24 Petty sang with Stevie Nicks that same year on her smash hit, ""Stop Draggin' My Heart Around."" The duet kicked off a long and fruitful period of collaboration between Petty and other artists. He recorded ""Don't Come Around Here No More"" -- memorable for its trippy, Mad Hatter-themed music video -- with the Eurythmics' Dave Stewart in 1985. Petty joined Bob Dylan on tour the next year, which also included dates with the Grateful Dead. He joined fellow music legends Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, and Roy Orbison in 1988 to form The Traveling Wilburys. They released two studio albums. It was a rich career for Petty, who was born in Gainesville, Florida and became hooked on rock and roll when -- at the age of 11 -- he met superstar Elvis Presley on a movie set. Petty joined his first band, The Sundowners, in high school at the age of 14. After getting into an argument with the band's drummer, Petty quit and moved on to join a group called The Epics, which included Tom Leadon, a brother of Eagles guitarist Bernie Leadon. ""We realized Tom was the real musician of the band,"" their fellow band member Rick Rucker told the Orlando Sentinel in 2006. The Epics later changed their name to Mudcrutch, and Petty traveled to Los Angeles in search of a record deal for the rock quintet. Despite landing a deal, the group soon disbanded. A new group that included Petty and two former Mudcrutch members formed in 1975, eventually becoming known as Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. After pioneering the heartland rock sound, Petty went solo in 1989 before regrouping with the Heartbreakers three years later. He also found fame as an actor. His flair for drama was on display in his music videos for songs like ""Mary Jane's Last Dance."" Petty starred with Kevin Costner in the 1997 film, ""The Postman."" He also had a recurring role as the voice of Elroy ""Lucky"" Kleinschmidt in the animated comedy series, ""King of the Hill."" A 2015 biography on Petty documented a dark turn for the singer and his struggle with heroin addiction in 1997, following the collapse of his 20-year marriage and a failed album. ""Tried to go cold turkey, and that wouldn't work,"" Petty said in the book. ""It's an ugly f***ing thing."" Petty told CNN in a 2007 interview that he loved music as much as it loved him. ""Music, as far as I have seen in the world so far, is the only real magic that I know,"" he said. ""There is something really honest and clean and pure and it touches you in your heart.""" 0 "Prince Harry is preparing to kick off the 2017 Invictus Games, the Paralympic-style sporting event he founded for wounded service members. Interested in Royal Family? Add Royal Family as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Royal Family news, video, and analysis from ABC News. Add Interest Harry, 33, will welcome the service members and their families before kicking the games off Saturday in an opening ceremony featuring the Canadian Armed Forces and celebrities including Sarah McLachlan at the Air Canada Center, an arena in downtown Toronto. Harry met with U.S. first lady Melania Trump, who is leading the U.S. delegation to the Invictus Games, before the official opening. Prince Harry meets @FLOTUS the First Lady of the United States, who is leading the USA team delegation to the Invictus Games. pic.twitter.com/PSiWPMHmRa — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) September 23, 2017 Toronto has been home to Harry’s girlfriend, Meghan Markle, for the past several years during her starring run on the television show “Suits.” Markle, 36, who is believed to be in production now for “Suits,” is expected to make an appearance at some point during the Invictus Games. FameFlynet/BACKGRID An appearance at the games would be the first time Markle accompanies Harry while he carries out official royal duties. Kensington Palace has not confirmed Markle’s attendance. This year’s Invictus Games in Toronto will feature 550 competitors from 17 nations. They will compete in 12 different sports, from powerlifting to cycling and wheelchair rugby. All 550 of the competitors are active duty and veteran service members who ""have become ill or injured during or as a direct consequence of their service,"" according to the games’ website. The athletes will be supported by 1,500 volunteers. A focus this year is on the family and friends who support service members' journey to recovery. ?? Prince Harry meets Karen and Mark and their family - before they take the stage to talk about impact of injury on families. pic.twitter.com/c2xkwEVx2P — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) September 22, 2017 The U.S. team will have 90 athletes competing in this year's games, according to the Department of Defense. First lady Melania Trump will lead the U.S. delegation in Toronto. Jeremy Selwyn/WPA Pool via Getty Images Former President Barack Obama will also show his support for U.S. athletes competing in Toronto. Obama does not have plans to meet with Mrs. Trump at the games. Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for Obama, told ABC News in a statement the former president will meet with U.S. athletes while in Toronto. ""During his travel to Toronto, President Obama will also be able to meet with some of the U.S. participants in the Invictus Games to once again express his gratitude for their service, and his admiration for their courage and resilience,"" Lewis said in a statement. Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, were early supporters of the Invictus Games. Michelle Obama, a passionate advocate for veterans who recognized the service of military families during her time as first lady, headlined the opening ceremony of the 2016 Invictus Games in Orlando with Harry. Just before the 2016 games, the Obamas took to Twitter to challenge Harry, the fifth in line to the British throne, in a video that went viral. Wow @FLOTUS and @POTUS, some @weareinvictus fighting talk there! You can dish it out, but can you take it? - H. — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) April 29, 2016 A personal mission Harry founded the Invictus Games in 2014 to raise awareness about the challenges wounded service members face and allow them to compete internationally against other soldiers with whom they served. The sporting event has become a deeply personal mission for Harry, who was known as Capt. Wales during his 10 years in the British Army. He has previously hosted the games in London and Orlando. The @InvictusToronto Games gets underway in just three days time! Watch Prince Harry explain what Invictus Spirit is all about: pic.twitter.com/M0ZqupulJE — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) September 20, 2017 ""No one wants sympathy. All they want is an opportunity to prove themselves,"" Harry told ABC News' Robin Roberts at the 2016 Invictus Games in Orlando, Florida. ""And that's what this is all about."" Chris Jackson/WPA Pool via Getty Images Harry revealed in June that he felt ""guilty"" when he was evacuated out of Afghanistan in 2008 after an Australian magazine violated a news blackout and revealed his location in the country. He said he became determined to create an event that would ultimately change his life and create a lasting impact on other veterans and wounded service members and their families. ""In these challenging times, we can all benefit from positive and inspiring stories from which to draw strength,"" Harry said. ""The Invictus Games shows us that it is possible to overcome adversity and that the impossible is possible, if you have the will."" Bruce Springsteen, Kelly Clarkson and Bryan Adams will close out this year’s games. The 2018 Invictus Games will be held in Sydney, Australia." 0 Instead of bringing her oldest child, Maddox, to the Golden Globes, Angelina Jolie took son Pax. HL learned, Maddox is ‘the man of the house,’ so he was caring for Shiloh! Angelina Jolie, 42, had her son Pax Jolie-Pitt, 14, accompany her to the 2018 Golden Globes on Jan. 7. But while some may have been surprised she didn’t bring her eldest, son Maddox Jolie-Pitt, 16, Maddox wouldn’t have wanted it any other way! In fact, the teen is now apparently “the man of the house” since Angie’s split from Brad Pitt, 54, and he was put in charge of taking care of his injured sister, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, 11. After all, Shiloh reportedly broke her collarbone this past week during a family vacation to Lake Tahoe. Click here to see pics of Maddox. “Maddox has taken on the role of caretaker in the family, and just like his mom, he’s not a huge fan of awards shows and the red carpet, so he preferred to stay home and look after his little sister Shiloh rather than go to the Golden Globes with Angelina,” a source close to Angie told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. “Pax loves dressing up and hitting the carpet, and he’s much more naturally sociable and comfortable in the spotlight than his brother.” Pax looked super dapper in his black tux as he smiled and posed for the cameras alongside his famous mom. There’s no question the teen fit right in! Meanwhile, Maddox has never been a fan of the limelight. “Maddox views life much more seriously than Pax, and already has a great passion for philanthropy and human rights,” our insider explained. “He finds the glamor and glitz of Hollywood a little distasteful, so he was more than happy to skip the Globes and allow his brother to bask in the spotlight.” On top of that, Maddox’s new role has given him responsibilities that he doesn’t take lightly. In fact, the 16-year-old enjoys helping his mom out by watching his younger siblings. “Maddox has totally assumed the role of ‘man of the house’ since his mom and dad split. He’s really stepped up to the plate and loves to take some of the pressure of looking after the younger kids off of the shoulders of his mom,” our source revealed. How sweet is THAT? Clearly Angie has some very helpful children on her hands! Tell us, HollywoodLifers — were you surprised to see Pax at the Golden Globes rather than Maddox? 1 Look inside most women’s beauty cupboards and you’ll find a stash of old, unused potions and lotions. But not so Catherine Zeta-Jones. The actress, 47, has given fans a peek inside her meticulously-tidy bathroom cabinet, in an image posted on her Instagram account. ‘My face and beauty essentials,’ she wrote. ‘And no, I don’t use them all at the same time.’ The neat rows of products, many in duplicate or triplicate, mirror the recent glimpse she gave followers of her obsessively-organised walk-in wardrobe, which contains clothes worth more than half a million dollars. Catherine Zeta-Jones has given fans a peek inside her meticulously-tidy bathroom cabinet, in an image posted on her Instagram account The bathroom cabinet contains products worth more than $2,600, including cleanser made of Icelandic kelp and a $450 tub of face cream. Here we reveal the secrets lurking inside Catherine’s beauty cupboard: 1 Natura Bisse Diamond Extreme moisturizer, $355 This face cream contains extracts of artemia salina – a species of saltwater shrimp said to restore elasticity to the skin. 2 Natura Bisse The Cure Sheer eye cream, $125 Said to firm the delicate skin around the eyes and ‘erase any sign of tiredness’. Despite the hefty price, the bottle contains only 15ml. 3 Natura Bisse The Cure Sheer face cream, $190 Blurs dark circles and softens fine lines around the eyes, countering the effects of pollution. Contains a skin-plumping compound, fermentus glaciarum. Fans include Beyonce and Elle Macpherson. 4 Cygalle Healing Spa aromatherapy facial mist, $25 Infused with jojoba oil, this spray was sold as part of a Valentine’s Day set so may have been a gift from husband Michael Douglas, 72. 5 Rhonda Allison Cucumber Spritz, $26 Described as ‘giving skin a drink of water’, it is made from cucumber, coconut oil, witch hazel and honey. However, the spritz works best if kept in the fridge. Other Rhonda Allison fans include Sarah Jessica Parker and Mila Kunis. 6 Rhonda Allison Moisture Eye-Zyme, $16 Tones and firms the upper and lower lids while minimising fine lines and erasing crepey tissue. It uses the acid produced when the exotic fruit ferments. The actress is seen at the Lincoln Centre in New York on April 18 7 Rhonda Allison SynErgy A, $125 Vitamin A-based serum which promises to rejuvenate the skin in 24 hours. 8 Rhonda Allison Eye Lift, $69 Claims to improve the appearance of wrinkles by helping the skin produce more collagen. Perfumed with lavender and sweet almond oil. 9 Rhonda Allison Age Less Anti-Glycation Serum, $95 Claims to prevent collagen cells being broken down by sugar – a boon for ageing skin – and to have anti-inflammatory qualities. 10 Rhonda Allison Drop Of Essence Hydration Drops, $48 Should probably be kept in Catherine’s handbag, as it’s designed to be applied throughout the day to stop dry skin from peeling. 11 Lancome Bi-Facil cleanser, $30 Removes make-up, including waterproof mascara, without leaving an oily residue and is ideal for contact-lens wearers. Catherine often has to wear coloured contacts on-screen. 12 Certain Dri Everyday Strength deodorant, $6.99 Far stronger than a regular deodorant, this roll-on contains aluminium zirconium, which blocks pores under the arms and absorbs perspiration. 13 Skyn Pure Cloud Hot Cloth Cleanser, $28 Designed to be applied in the evenings with a wet muslin cloth, it removes make-up. 14 Skyn Brightening Eye Serum, $35 Massaged in to ‘depuff’ eye bags and reduce crows’ feet, it contains Arctic peptides, water from the North Atlantic, cranberries and cloudberries. 15 Skyn The Antidote Cooling Daily Lotion, $45 Made with Icelandic kelp, it claims to help reduce blotchy red skin and blemishes. 16 Dior Capture Totale DreamSkin, $115 Works by laying a transparent ‘veil’ over the face, making it appear radiant and glowing, while erasing blotches and redness. 17 Sarah Chapman Skinesis 3 Skin Tone Perfecting Booster, $75.50 Targets age spots, sun damage and discoloration. Contains bearberry and a skin-brightening chemical from alpine plants. 18 Cle de Peau Beaute energizing cream, $150 Fairly cheap in comparison to some of the brand’s $700-plus range, this aims to lighten dark spots on the face and contains wrinkle-busting ingredients. The actress, pictured in London on January 26, wrote on the post: ‘My face and beauty essentials,’ she wrote. ‘And no, I don’t use them all at the same time' 19 Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream, $100 Aimed at women with ‘hungover skin’, it is designed to make you look like you’ve had more sleep than you have. Contains wild pansy extract, rosehip oil and sodium hyaluronate, a salt found in human connective tissue 20 Chanel Le Lift firming anti-wrinkle cream, $165 Claims to ‘adapt to the background of your skin’, with different effects depending on users’ lifestyle, emotions and environment. 21 Assorted medical products, $31 Including eye drops, herbal oils and face masks, this is more akin to the clutter found in the average bathroom cupboard – but Catherine has organised them on a blingy gold tray. 22 Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm, $64 Warmed in the palms, it is then massaged over the face, neck and decollete one teaspoon at a time before being washed down the sink. Ingredients include the oils and essences of oranges, elderberries, starflowers, grapes, coconuts and geraniums, which are all ‘supercharged’ with an anti-ageing algae. 23 Le Metier de Beaute Neck and Decollete Firming Creme, $450 This astonishingly expensive cream claims to smooth and tighten the delicate skin around the neck and collarbone. The formula is a closely-guarded secret. 24 Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner, $74.99 Often described as a ‘wonder product’ by fans, it is applied to dry lashes, before mascara is put on, to help them grow longer. Victoria Beckham is a fan. 25 Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant, $22 ‘There are certain products that don’t age at all,’ Catherine said in a recent interview. ‘My mother [used to put] Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant on me.’ 26 Vanessa Megan Citrus and Spice Natural Cologne, $39.95 A frugal choice – and a strangely masculine scent – it contains mandarin oil, which soothes nerves, relieves tension and diminishes anxiety. 27 Sunday Riley Flora Hydroactive Cellular Face Oil, $90 Made from Russian, Bulgarian and Turkish roses, plus rose geranium. 28 Argan oil, $20 Produced from the nuts of the Moroccan argan tree, she uses this at night to keep her skin looking dewy and fresh. Additional reporting by Amy Kester 0 Before he was getting his head in the game or saving lives on the beach, Zac Efron was putting his keen senses to good use by raiding rooms. As you can see in the clip above, a 17-year-old Efron was one of the celebrity guests attempting to find love on the reality dating show Room Raiders, an MTV series that saw single suitors go through the rooms of three potential love matches before selecting one to go on a date with based on the contents of their boudoirs. The not-quite-yet heartthrob was in the pre-Disney part of his career, appearing on the WB show Summerland, where he played Cameron, a “girl-crazy kid next door.” Though as keen-eyed High School Musical fans might note, the waterfall waterslide Efron enjoys in Room Raiders does resemble a certain location in the second movie in the franchise. Watch the clip above. 0 "Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (born Catherine Elizabeth Middleton; 9 January 1982[1]) is a member of the British royal family. Her husband, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, is expected to become king of the United Kingdom and 15 other Commonwealth realms, making Catherine a likely future queen consort.[2] Catherine grew up in Chapel Row, a village near Newbury, Berkshire, England.[3] She studied art history in Scotland at the University of St Andrews, where she met William in 2001. Their engagement was announced in November 2010. They married on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey. The Duke and Duchess's children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis of Cambridge, are third, fourth, and fifth in the line of succession to the British throne.[4][5][6][7][8] The Duchess of Cambridge's charity works focus mainly on issues surrounding young children, addiction, and art. To encourage people to open up about their mental issues, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry initiated the mental health awareness campaign ""Heads Together"" in April 2016.[9] The media has called Catherine's impact on British and American fashion the ""Kate Middleton effect"".[10] In 2012 and 2013, Time magazine selected her as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World.[11][12] Early life Catherine Elizabeth Middleton was born at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading on 9 January 1982 into an upper-middle-class family.[13][14][15][16][17] She was baptised at St Andrew's Bradfield, Berkshire, on 20 June 1982.[18][20] She is the eldest of three children born to Michael Middleton (b. 1949),[21] and his wife, Carole (née Goldsmith; b. 1955),[22] a former flight dispatcher and flight attendant, respectively, who in 1987 founded Party Pieces, a privately held mail order company that sells party supplies and decorations with an estimated worth of £30 million.[23][24][25] Her father's family has ties to British aristocracy and benefited financially from trust funds which they established over 100 years ago.[26][27][14][28] Her Middleton relatives were reported as having played host to British royalty ""as long ago as 1926"".[29][30] She has a younger sister, Pippa, and a younger brother, James.[31] The family lived in Amman, Jordan, from May 1984 to September 1986 where her father worked for British Airways (BA). Middleton attended an English-language nursery school.[32][33] When her family returned to Berkshire in 1986, she was enrolled aged four at St Andrew's School, a private school near Pangbourne in Berkshire. She boarded part-weekly at St Andrew's in her later years.[34] She studied at Downe House School.[35] She was a boarder at Marlborough College, a co-educational independent boarding school in Wiltshire,[36][37] and graduated in 2005 from the University of St Andrews in Fife, Scotland, with an undergraduate MA (2:1 Hons) in the history of art.[38] Before university, during a gap year, she travelled to Chile to participate in a Raleigh International programme, and studied at the British Institute of Florence in Italy.[39] In November 2006, Middleton worked as an accessory buyer with the clothing chain Jigsaw,[40] where she worked part-time until November 2007. She also worked until January 2011 at the family business in catalogue design and production, marketing, and photography.[18][41] Prior to her marriage, Middleton lived in an apartment owned by her parents in Chelsea, London, which was estimated to be worth £1–1.4 million.[42] In 2018, Catherine's total net worth was estimated at £5–7.3 million, most of which is from her parents' company.[42] Relationship with Prince William Early relationship In 2001, Middleton met Prince William while they were students in residence at St Salvator's Hall at the University of St Andrews.[43] She reportedly caught William's eye at a charity fashion show at the university in 2002 when she appeared on the stage wearing a see-through lace dress.[44] The couple began dating in 2003, although their relationship remained unconfirmed.[45] During their second year, Middleton shared a flat with William and two other friends.[46] On 17 October 2005, Middleton complained through her lawyer about harassment from the media, stating she had done nothing significant to warrant publicity.[47] Middleton attended Prince William's Passing Out Parade at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst on 15 December 2006.[48][49] Media attention increased around the time of her 25th birthday in January 2007, prompting warnings from both the Prince of Wales and Prince William and from Middleton's lawyers, who threatened legal action. Two newspaper groups, News International, which publishes The Times and The Sun; and the Guardian Media Group, publishers of The Guardian, decided to refrain from publishing paparazzi photographs of her.[50] In April 2007, Prince William and Middleton split up. The couple decided to break up during a holiday in the Swiss resort of Zermatt.[51] Newspapers speculated about the reasons for the split, although these reports relied on anonymous sources. Middleton and her family attended the Concert for Diana in July 2007 at Wembley Stadium,[46] where she and Prince William sat two rows apart. The couple were subsequently seen together in public on a number of occasions and news sources stated that they had ""rekindled their relationship"".[52] Her long-term relationship with William before the marriage earned her the nickname ""Waity Katie"" in the tabloid press.[46] On 17 May 2008, Middleton attended the wedding of Prince William's cousin Peter Phillips to Autumn Kelly, which the prince did not attend.[53] On 19 July 2008, she was a guest at the wedding of Lady Rose Windsor and George Gilman. Prince William was away on military operations in the Caribbean, serving aboard HMS Iron Duke.[54] In 2010, Middleton pursued an invasion of privacy claim against two agencies and photographer Niraj Tanna, who took photographs of her over Christmas 2009.[55] She obtained a public apology, £5,000 in damages, and legal costs.[56] Engagement and marriage The newly married Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the balcony of Buckingham Palace (2011) Prince William and Catherine Middleton became engaged in October 2010, in Kenya, during a 10-day trip to the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy to celebrate his passing the RAF helicopter search and rescue course.[57][58] Clarence House announced the engagement on 16 November 2010.[57][59] Prince William gave Middleton the engagement ring that had belonged to his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales. The couple married in Westminster Abbey on 29 April 2011[60] (St. Catherine's Day), with the day declared a bank holiday in the United Kingdom. Estimates of the global audience for the wedding ranged around 300 million or more, whilst 26 million watched the event live in Britain alone.[61][62][63] On marriage, Catherine assumed the style ""Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge"".[64] In October, several months after the wedding, Commonwealth leaders pledged that they would implement changes in British royal succession law to adopt absolute primogeniture, meaning the first child of the Duke and Duchess, whether male or female, would be next in line to the throne after their father.[65] Motherhood and children William and Catherine with their first son the day after his birth (2013) On 3 December 2012, St James's Palace announced that the Duchess was pregnant with her first child. The announcement was made earlier in the pregnancy than is usual as she had been admitted to King Edward VII's Hospital suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness. She remained in the hospital for three days.[66][67] On 14 January 2013, St James's Palace announced that the child was due to be born in July 2013, and that the Duchess's condition was improving.[68] The Duchess was admitted to St Mary's Hospital in London in the early stages of labour on the morning of 22 July 2013 and gave birth to Prince George later that day.[4][5] The Duchess's second pregnancy was announced on 8 September 2014.[69] As with her first pregnancy, the Duchess suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum that required her to cancel official engagements.[70] On 2 May 2015, she gave birth to Princess Charlotte.[6][71] On 4 September 2017, the Duchess's third pregnancy was announced. She was again forced to cancel engagements due to hyperemesis gravidarum.[72] Prince Louis was born on 23 April 2018.[73] Public life Middleton's first public appearance with Prince William following the announcement of their engagement was at a fundraising event organised by the Teenage Cancer Trust in December 2010.[74] She was formally introduced to public life on 24 February 2011, two months before the wedding, when she and Prince William attended a lifeboat-naming ceremony in Trearddur, Anglesey, in North Wales.[75] A day later they appeared in St Andrews to launch the university's 600th anniversary celebrations.[76] In March 2011, the couple toured Belfast.[77] Their last public engagement before the wedding was a visit to Darwen Aldridge Community Academy.[78][79] On 16 February 2011, Clarence House announced the couple's first royal tour of Canada would take place in July 2011.[80] In May 2011, shortly after the wedding, Clarence House announced the Duke and Duchess would extend their tour to visit California.[81] This was to be the Duchess's first visit to the United States.[82] Catherine and William meet the Obamas at Buckingham Palace two weeks after their wedding (2011) The Duchess's first official engagement after the wedding came in May, when she and her husband met Barack Obama, the President of the United States, and First Lady Michelle Obama.[83] On 26 October 2011, she undertook her first solo event for In Kind Direct, stepping in for the Prince of Wales, who was in Saudi Arabia.[84] On 2 November, the Duke and Duchess visited the UNICEF Supply Division Centre for supplying food to malnourished African children in Copenhagen, Denmark.[85][86] On St. Patrick's Day, 17 March 2012, the Duchess carried out the traditional awarding of shamrocks to the Irish Guards at their base in Aldershot; this was her first solo military engagement.[87] On 19 March, she gave her first speaking engagement for the opening of the Treehouse, a new children's hospice opened by East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH), a charity of which she is a patron.[88] In June 2012, The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry was renamed The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, to reflect Catherine's contribution to the charity.[89] The Duke and Duchess were announced as ambassadors for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, alongside Prince Harry.[90] As part of her role, the Duchess attended numerous sporting events throughout the games.[91] In September 2012, the Duke and Duchess embarked on a tour of Singapore, Malaysia, Tuvalu, and the Solomon Islands as part of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations.[92] During this overseas visit, she made her first official speech abroad, while visiting a hospice in Malaysia, drawing on her experience as patron of East Anglia's Children's Hospices.[93][94] After the birth of Prince George, the Duchess carried out her first engagement in late August when she accompanied the Duke to meet runners preparing for an ultra-marathon on the isle of Anglesey, where they had a residence.[95][96] At the beginning of March 2014, details were announced of the half-month-long tour to New Zealand and Australia that the couple and their son would be taking from 16 to 25 April.[97] The tour was Catherine's first visit to the area and Prince George's first major public appearance since his christening in October 2013.[98] The tour began in New Zealand where they visited Wellington, Blenheim, Auckland, Dunedin, Queenstown and Christchurch. It ended in Australia where they visited Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Brisbane, Uluru, Adelaide, and Canberra.[99] In June 2014, the couple visited France to attend the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings at Gold Beach.[100] On 21 July 2014, it was announced that the Duchess would be making her first solo trip, visiting the island of Malta on 20–21 September 2014, when the island was celebrating its 50th independence anniversary.[101] Her trip was cancelled, with the Duke taking her place, after the announcement of her second pregnancy in early September.[102] In December 2014, the couple visited the United States and attended a charity dinner at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.[103] In April 2016, the Duchess and her husband undertook a tour to India and Bhutan.[104] The Duke and Duchess toured Canada again in September 2016.[105] Countries visited by the couple in 2017 include France, Poland, Germany, and Belgium.[106][107][108][109] The Duchess also visited Luxembourg City in May 2017 for the Treaty of London commemorations.[110] In January 2018, the couple visited Sweden and Norway.[111] Charity work Patronages In March 2011, the Duke and Duchess set up a gift fund held by The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry to allow well-wishers who wanted to give them a wedding gift to donate money to charities they care about instead.[112][113] The gift fund supported 26 charities of the couple's choice, incorporating the armed forces, children, the elderly, art, sport and conservation. These causes were close to their hearts and reflected the experiences, passions and values of their lives.[114][115] The Duchess of Cambridge's charity works focus mainly on issues surrounding young children, addiction, and art.[116] She has a number of patronages: The Art Room, National Portrait Gallery, East Anglia's Children's Hospice, Action on Addiction, Place2Be, Natural History Museum, Anna Freud Centre, Sportsaid, and The 1851 Trust.[117][118][119] The Duchess, who was an art student, takes an interest in art and handpicked the Art Room, which ""helps disadvantaged children express themselves"" through art therapy, and the National Portrait Gallery.[120] In her capacity as patron of Action on Addiction, the Duchess has occasionally made visits to its centres, spending time with recovering addicts.[121] The Duchess is joint Patron of 100 Women in Hedge Fund's Philanthropic Initiatives, along with Prince William and Prince Harry.[122] She is also a local volunteer leader with the Scout Association in north Wales,[123] of which the Queen is patron, and the Duke of Kent is president.[116] It aims to provide activities to over 400,000 young people in the UK.[116] In October 2012, the Duchess gave her royal patronage to the M-PACT programme (Moving Parents and Children Together), one of the only UK programmes to focus specifically on the impact of drug addiction on families.[124] In December 2015, she assumed the patronage of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets[125] for youths 12–19 years of age. The Duke of Edinburgh, who had been patron of the RAF Cadets for 63 years, formally handed over during an audience at Buckingham Palace.[126] In 2017, she replaced the Queen as patron of The Lawn Tennis Association,[127] All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club,[128]and Action for Children.[129] In January 2018, locks of her hair were reportedly donated to the Little Princess Trust, a charity which makes wigs for children diagnosed with cancer.[130] In February 2018, the Duchess became the patron of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.[131][132] She also launched Nursing Now, a three-year worldwide campaign to raise awareness about the profile of nurses. She said the campaign was personal to her as both her grandmother and great-grandmother were volunteer nurses.[133][131][132][134] In March 2018, Kensington Palace announced the Duchess of Cambridge would become the first royal patron of the Victoria and Albert Museum.[135][136] Advocating for mental health Catherine, who has tackled issues surrounding mental health and disabilities, has made visits to charities and hospitals such as St Thomas' Hospital and Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute to spend time with mothers and children who deal with these issues.[137][138][139] To encourage people to open up about their mental health issues, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry initiated the mental health awareness campaign ""Heads Together"" in April 2016. The Duchess later voluntarily talked about her problems as a mother, and admitted that she suffered a ""lack of confidence"" and ""feelings of ignorance"" during certain periods of time.[9][137][140] The Duchess of Cambridge also launched the Mentally Healthy Schools, a project which helps the students and staff with access ""to reliable and practical resources to improve awareness, knowledge and confidence in supporting pupils' mental health.""[141] Benita Refson, president of Place2Be, one of Catherine's patronages, has praised the Duchess's work saying she would help ""shine the spotlight on child mental health.""[142] In February 2016, she travelled to Edinburgh to promote the work of Place2Be, launched Children's Mental Health Week, and contributed to the HuffPost UK as a part of the Young Minds Matter movement, an effort ""to raise awareness for children's mental health issues.""[143][144] The Duke and Duchess later met with members and representatives of Young Minds and Youthscape to promote their mental health campaign.[145] In recognition of their work with charities concerned with children's mental health, the Duchess and her husband were awarded the Gold Blue Peter badge, an award previously granted to the Queen.[146] During a speech at the Royal Foundation forum in 2018, the Duchess said she would continue her work to raise awareness for mental health and said that ""The mental health of children and adults is one area where a long-term view will make all the difference to future generations.""[147] Public image and style Middleton, prominent for her fashion style, has been placed on numerous ""best dressed"" lists.[148][149] The Daily Telegraph selected her as the Most Promising Newcomer on its 2006 list of style winners and losers.[150] Tatler placed her at number eight on its yearly list of the top ten style icons in 2007.[151] People featured her on its 2007 and 2010 best-dressed lists.[152] Middleton was named one of Richard Blackwell's ten Fabulous Fashion Independents of 2007.[153] In June 2008, Style.com selected her as its monthly beauty icon.[154] In July 2008, Vanity Fair included her on its international best-dressed list.[155] In February 2011 the Global Language Monitor named her the Top Fashion buzzword of the 2011 season.[156] In January 2012, the Headwear Association voted her Headwear Person of the Year.[157] Middleton was number one on Vanity Fair's annual best dressed lists in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013; she also appeared as the cover star in 2012.[158] The Duchess was named to the International Best Dressed Hall of Fame List in 2014.[159] In 2014, she was already being regarded as a British cultural icon, with young adults from abroad naming her among a group of people who they most associated with UK culture. These included: William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth II, David Beckham, J. K. Rowling, The Beatles, Charlie Chaplin, Elton John and Adele.[160][161] In June 2016, she took part in her first magazine shoot for Vogue's centenary issue appearing on the cover.[162] The ""Kate Middleton effect""[10][163] is the trend that the Duchess is reported to have had on others in sales of particular products. While Catherine wears items from many new designers, she has also worn dresses by Catherine Walker, who designed many of Diana's favourite evening gowns and day suits.[164] She has worn outfits, hats and ensembles by many other fashion designers.[165][166] The brands she favours are noted in the media.[165][166] The Duchess, who attended the 71st British Academy Film Awards, did not participate in Time's Up movement calling for women to wear black on the red carpet.[167] Royal protocol forbids members of the royal family from taking part in political movements but she wore a black sash and carried a black handbag as a variation to the informal black dress code.[168][169] In March 2018, together with the Countess of Wessex, the Duchess hosted the Commonwealth Fashion Exchange reception at Buckingham Palace during 2018 London Fashion Week.[170][171] Privacy and the media The death of Diana, Princess of Wales, in Paris while being chased by paparazzi in 1997,[172] influenced the Duke's attitude towards the media.[173] The Duchess and her husband have asked that, when off-duty, their privacy should be respected,[173] but the media has not always respected with their wishes. In 2009, before her engagement to William, Middleton was awarded £10,000 damages and an apology from the photographic press agency Rex Features Ltd. after she was photographed playing tennis on Christmas Eve while on holiday in Cornwall.[174] In September 2012, the French edition of Closer and the Italian gossip magazine Chi, published photographs of the Duchess sun-bathing topless while on holiday at the Château d'Autet[173] (a private château on a 260-ha estate 71 km[175] north of Aix-en-Provence). Analysts from The Times believed the photographs were taken from the D22 (Vaucluse) road half a kilometre from the pool—a distance that would require an 800-mm or a 1000-mm lens.[176] On 17 September 2012, the Duke and Duchess filed a criminal complaint with the French prosecution department and launched a claim for civil damages at the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Nanterre.[177] The following day the courts granted an injunction against Closer prohibiting further publication of the photographs and announced a criminal investigation would be initiated.[178] Under French law, punitive damages cannot be awarded[179] but intrusions of privacy are a criminal offence carrying a maximum jail sentence of one year and a fine of up to €45,000 for individuals and €225,000 for companies.[180][181] In September 2017, Closer was fined €100,000 and its editor Laurence Pieau and owner Ernesto Mauri were each fined €45,000.[182] In December 2012, two Australian radio hosts, Michael Christian and Mel Greig, called King Edward VII's Hospital Sister Agnes where the Duchess was an in-patient for hyperemesis gravidarum. Pretending to be the Queen and the Prince of Wales, Greig and Christian spoke to a nurse on the Duchess's ward, enquiring about her condition. Following a hospital inquiry and a public backlash against the hoax, Jacintha Saldanha, the nurse who put the call through to the ward, committed suicide.[183] The radio hosts subsequently apologised for their actions.[184] In February 2013, Chi published the first photos of Catherine's exposed baby bump, taken during her vacation on the private island of Mustique. The British press refused to publish the paparazzi shots.[185] While the Duchess was visiting the Blue Mountains in Sydney, a picture was taken of her bare bottom as her dress blew up. Many newspapers outside the UK published the picture.[186] On 14 August 2015, Kensington Palace published a letter detailing what it stated were the ""dangerous"" and invasive efforts of the media to get paparazzi pictures of Prince George and Princess Charlotte. Jason Knauf, communications secretary to the Cambridges, wrote the letter to media standards organisations in various countries.[187] Titles, styles, honours and arms Titles and styles Royal monogram Catherine is, by marriage, a princess of the United Kingdom and entitled to the style of Royal Highness.[188] She is usually styled as ""Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge"".[189] When in Scotland, she is referred to as the Countess of Strathearn.[190] Northern Ireland is represented by a third title, Lady Carrickfergus.[189][a] Honours Medals Commonwealth honours Honorary military appointments 5 July 2011 – present: Canadian Ranger Honorific eponym Awards Arms In September 2013, the Queen granted a conjugal coat of arms to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, consisting of their individual arms displayed side by side, beneath a helm and coronet denoting the duke's status as grandson of the sovereign.[196] Below is shown the earlier grant of the duchess's personal arms, impaled with those of her husband. Ancestry The Duchess of Cambridge's father, Michael, and her paternal ancestors were from Leeds, Yorkshire. Her paternal great-grandmother, Olive, was a member of the Lupton family, who are described in the City of Leeds Archives as ""landed gentry, a political and business dynasty""; previously unpublished pictures revealed in March 2015 that Olive Middleton had grown up on her family's Potternewton Hall Estate alongside her cousin, Baroness von Schunck (née Kate Lupton).[31][200][201][202][203] Catherine's paternal ancestors also include her great-great-grandfather, politician Francis Martineau Lupton (1848–1921), whose first cousin, Sir Thomas Martineau, was the uncle of World War II Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.[204] The Duchess's maternal ancestors, the Harrisons, were working-class labourers and miners from Sunderland and County Durham.[205] Ancestors through her maternal line include Sir Thomas Conyers, 9th Baronet (1731–1810), who was a descendant of King Edward IV through his illegitimate daughter Elizabeth Plantagenet.[206] Other ancestors are Sir Thomas Fairfax (1475–1520) and his wife Anne Gascoigne, who was a descendant of King Edward III.[207][208] Notes ^ Even with the title Lady Carrickfergus, she is still mostly referred to as the Duchess of Cambridge in Northern Ireland, as per given sources. References" 1 Ever since Jennifer Aniston married Justin Theroux, pregnancy rumors have followed the couple. Something as simple as a picture of Aniston with her hand on her stomach is proof enough for some tabloids that the actress is expecting a baby. Now, a new report claims that the Friends star has hired a surrogate, could there be any truth to the story? In the new issue of Star, the tabloid features the headline, “Jen To Justin: I’ll Raise Our Baby Alone!” followed by a story that asserts Aniston wants to become a mom, and she will do it with or without her husband. The publication claims to have a source that reveals Aniston’s marriage is “on the rocks,” and she is planning to be a single mom. ?…❤️✌️ A post shared by @justintheroux on Aug 5, 2017 at 4:23pm PDT “Privately, she has told friends that she’s secretly gone ahead and hired a surrogate mother to carry her child to birth. And she’s vowed to raise the baby alone,” tells the insider. But then the source says the actress is hoping to choose the right woman soon, completely contradicting the earlier quote, which is a huge red flag that something isn’t right with this claim. But many think the tabloid story is completely false and contradictory quotes prove the story is garbage, questioning why the insider is sharing such private and secret information with a tabloid. This is the same magazine that published a story earlier this year claiming Aniston herself was pregnant, but then didn’t mention that at all in its latest baby claims. Aniston told Glamour magazine back in August that not only are the pregnancy tabloid stories guilty of body shaming, but they are also an invasion into a private matter between her and her husband. She said it is no one’s business whether or not she has a baby. Jennifer Aniston went on to say that the subject of having a baby is a sensitive topic for her, and no one has the right to judge other people’s choices. Advertisement What is right for her, may not be right for someone else; and, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. 1 ***WARNING: this piece contains spoilers through the most recent season of Game of Thrones*** Given the ceaseless flood of reviews, critiques, commentaries and anguished think-pieces that have emerged in its wake, it feels like Taylor Swift‘s new single “Look What You Made Me Do” has been with us for far longer than a mere five days. Its stunning performance on streaming and video charts and its stunningly-brutal critical reception were perhaps only eclipsed in the pop culture blogosphere this weekend by the season finale of Game of Thrones, an event every bit as anticipated and monoculturally-in tune as a TSwift music video. With the two overlapping in such a profound way, it got this author thinking; maybe there is more in common between a song of ice and fire and a song interpolating Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy” than we once thought. Maybe, just maybe, this happenstance of scheduling has allowed us to see with a clearer eye what Taylor Swift is up to with her latest album cycle: namely, that she has now become the Cersei Lannister of pop music. Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images And while it may seem unfair to compare Swift to a monarch who murdered hundreds of innocent people by detonating a cache of explosives under a cathedral, the pop star’s current reinvention in support of her upcoming album Reputation carries many of the same personal traits that have allowed Cersei to usurp herself to the Iron Throne of Westeros. And not just because both of them are blonde, caucasian women enjoying more extremes of wealth and privilege than we are capable of imagining. The lead-up to Taylor unveiling her latest radio-juggernaut was one that played on the now-widespread public opinion of the pop star being a ‘snake.’ While there are numerous plot points in that story (for a detailed overview, head here), the most integral is the moment last year when she was outed as a liar by Kim Kardashian West. The world saw for themselves that the Taylor Swift PR-factory had completely fabricated the notion that Kanye West acted without her knowledge or consent when honoring her with the lyrical compliment that they “might still have sex.” The catastrophic blow to her clean-cut image led Swift to decamp out of the public eye for the better part of a year, only emerging now with “Look What You Made Me Do,” a long-overdue – and some would argue, unnecessary – response. Cersei found herself in a very similar PR disaster during Game of Thrones‘ fifth season. After cultivating an image of being a woman of high moral character worthy of a seat on the King’s Small Council, she had this narrative irrevocably destroyed by the High Sparrow (the Westerosi-equivalent of the Pope) who promptly had her imprisoned for adultery, treason and conspiracy for murder. Like Taylor, her cover was blown with cold, hard proof, and she was marched naked through the sea of jeering common-folk to atone for her sins. In Taylor’s case this naked march was metaphorical, yet the sentiment remains much the same. Now, returned to positions of power after well-earned respites to lick their wounds, both women are employing a simple, one-point strategy: enact violent revenge on all those that have wronged them, regardless of any and all other factors. For Cersei, this meant that aforementioned cathedral explosion in order to cast aside her enemies and seize limitless power. For Taylor, it meant “Look What You Made Me Do,” a heavy-handed earworm written in order to cast aside her previous public perceptions and seize limitless pop music power. The key to the psychology of both of these women at this new stage of their career is that they are performing a balancing act. Taylor and Cersei have demonstrably proven they are at the peak of their powers. They tell us with frequent, repetitive kiss-offs to their enemies, and they show us with their newfound affinity for black clothing and garments with pointed shoulders. But this heightened ‘do not fuck with me’ power lies in us accepting two, at-times conflicting narratives – that they are both victim and merciless badass. HBO This is not to say that a victim can never become a badass or vice versa, but in the case of both Taylor and Cersei, their personas now implore us to stand in awe of a mightiness earned not from good works but from being victimized by their detractors. Detractors who, for the record, were not necessarily wrong in their attempts to bring these women down a peg. Would we not have wanted Kim Kardashian to expose Taylor’s innocence for the self-serving marketing ploy it really is? Would we not have wanted the High Sparrow to point out that Cersei shouldn’t be a figurehead of the monarchy after conspiring with her cousin/lover to assassinate the previous king, her ex-husband? And as Taylor begins to smash records left and right with her latest single and as Cersei continues to scheme her way into screwing over everyone at the cost of the innocent bystanders of her kingdom, it becomes clear to see that their new respective characters are, ultimately, a weak choice. Where before both women were reacting to high-stakes situations in ways that were questionable but grounded by a real-world motivation, they have now been reduced to one-dimensional figureheads of ‘who cares look at how mean I am’ untrustworthiness, bereft of all the rich character development they have built over the past decade. There are endless ways to get even, but not all of them involve sacrificing every last trace of your character in the name of revenge, let alone a revenge that no one really cares about anymore. For more of our opinion pieces, take a look at our analysis of Rihanna’s recent photo-stir right here. Cover Image: Kevin Winter / Getty Images / HBO 1232 Shares Share Tweet Email WhatsApp 1 "The first season of American reality dance competition World of Dance premiered May 30, 2017, on NBC. Jennifer Lopez, Ne-Yo, and Derek Hough served as the judges, with Jenna Dewan serving as host. Hip hop dancers Les Twins, from Paris, France, were crowned as the winners of the $1,000,000 prize on August 8, 2017. Fourteen-year-old contemporary dancer Eva Igo and Latin/Swing group Swing Latino were named first runner-up and second runner-up respectively. Dancers [ edit ] Junior (under 18) [ edit ] Upper (18 and over, up to 4 members) [ edit ] Team (18 and over, 5-15 members) [ edit ] ^1 Despite their Qualifier performance not being shown, this act's hometown and dance style were made available on the World of Dance website. ^2 MiniRequest, Kings Unite & Rhythmatic were the only groups not to have a full performance featured during their time on the show. Qualifiers [ edit ] In each round of the Qualifiers, the dance acts will perform a 2-minute routine in front of the judges and a live audience. They will be scored by the judges in 5 categories: Performance, Technique, Choreography, Creativity & Presentation. Each category is worth 20 points with a perfect score of 100. For the dance act to progress forward, they must receive an average score of 80 or higher. Color key: Contestant was eliminated Part 1: May 30 [ edit ] Part 2: June 6 [ edit ] Part 3: June 13 [ edit ] The Duels [ edit ] In each round of The Duels, two acts in the same division compete for a spot in the next round. In each division, the acts with the top qualifying scores choose their opponents, then both acts perform back-to-back, receiving feedback from the judges. After each performance, the judges will score them in the 5 categories: Performance, Technique, Creativity, Choreography & Presentation. Unlike the Qualifiers, only the final average for each act is shown. The act with the highest average at the end of the duel moves on to the next round, the other faces immediate elimination. Song Not Shown - The Cut [ edit ] In The Cut, the 15 remaining acts compete for two spots in each of their divisions. As each dance act competes, their final score is displayed on a leaderboard for their division. Once a dance act's score falls out of the top 2, they face immediate elimination. For this round, each of the judges became mentors for one of the divisions; Jennifer worked with the Juniors, Derek worked with the Upper acts and Ne-Yo worked with the Teams. Guest judge Misty Copeland joined the panel for this segment. Song/Score Not Shown - Divisional Final [ edit ] In the Divisional Final, the 2 remaining acts in each division square off, with only one act going to the World Final to represent their division. Continuing from the previous round, each of the 3 judges acted as mentors for the divisions; Jennifer worked with the Teams, Ne-Yo worked with the Upper acts and Derek worked with the Juniors. Keone and Mari were awarded the first and only 100 score of the entire season by Ne-Yo during the Divisional Final. Order Division Dance Act Performance Song Judges' Score Ne-Yo Jennifer Derek AVERAGE 1 Team Kinjaz ""Work Song"" - Hozier 91 91 95 92.3 2 Swing Latino ""Gracias A La Vida"" - Mercedes Sosa 95 95 94 94.7 3 Upper Keone & Mari ""The Way You Look Tonight"" - Frank Sinatra 100 90 95 95 4 Les Twins ""Some Minds"" - Flume ft. Andrew Wyatt 99 99 95 97.7 5 Junior Diana Pombo ""Wild Things"" - Alessia Cara 90 89 89 89.3 6 Eva Igo ""Ready Or Not"" - Mischa ""Book"" Chillak ft. Esthero 96 97 97 96.7 World Final [ edit ] In the World Final, the final 3 acts competed head to head to win the one million dollar prize. As with the previous 2 rounds, the judges became mentors for each of the finalists; Jennifer worked with Les Twins, Derek worked with Swing Latino and Ne-Yo worked with Eva. Each of the 3 finalists performed twice; The first performance's music was chosen by one of the judges and the second was chosen by the finalist. After each performance, the final scores were displayed on a leaderboard. The winner of the World Finals was determined by the judges combined average scores from both performances. After the final performances, Les Twins were announced as the winners of World of Dance; their final combined score of 93.8 just barely edged out Eva Igo by .1 point. Final Scores [ edit ] Winner: Les Twins (93.8) Runner-Up: Eva Igo (93.7) 2nd Runner-Up: Swing Latino (93.2) Contestants who appeared on other shows [ edit ] Ratings [ edit ] Show Episode title First air date Timeslot (EDT) Rating (18–49) Share (18–49) Viewers (millions) Nightly rank 1 The Qualifiers 1 May 30, 2017 Tuesday 10:00 p.m. 2.4 9 9.71[1] 2 2 The Qualifiers 2 June 6, 2017 1.9 7 8.42[2] 2 3 The Qualifiers 3 June 13, 2017 1.9 8 8.04[3] 2 4 The Duels 1 June 20, 2017 1.8 7 7.61[4] 2 5 The Duels 2 June 27, 2017 1.8 8 7.51[5] 2 6 The Duels 3 July 11, 2017 1.7 7 7.08[6] 2 7 The Cut 1 July 18, 2017 1.6 7 6.91[7] 2 8 The Cut 2 July 25, 2017 1.6 7 6.88[8] 2 9 Divisional Final August 1, 2017 1.7 7 7.00[9] 2 10 World Final August 8, 2017 1.9 8 8.00[10] 2" 0 "Kourtney Kardashian matched her bralette and heels. Splash News Kourtney Kardashian has had a headline-making week — even by Kardashian standards. The reality star became the victim of a now-viral insult after sister Kim called her the ""least exciting [Kardashian] to look at"" in the latest episode of ""Keeping Up With the Kardashians."" She also reportedly ended her nearly two-year relationship with Younes Bendjima following their romantic getaway in Italy. The neon pumps were designed by Kanye West. Splash News But it appears the 39-year-old is doing just fine (at least on the outside). During a girls' night in Beverly Hills, California, with Larsa Pippen, Kardashian looked confident wearing a sultry neon bralette and matching yellow transparent pumps designed by brother-in-law Kanye West. The Yeezy Season 7 offering comes in a trendy PVC upper and rises a soaring 4.5 inches, made even sexier with a high vamp and ultrapointed toe. She paired the hero pieces with a sheer tank top and contrasting high-waist pants, accessorizing with a multicolored Louis Vuitton mini handbag. In an Instagram post, Pippen shared a photo of the nighttime crew. ""Living our best life,"" she wrote in the caption. The group of friends went on to dine at celebrity-favorite Madeo Restaurant. For more great stories, head to INSIDER's homepage." 0 "Stamos redirects here. For a surname, see Stamos (surname) John Phillip Stamos ( STAY-mohss; born August 19, 1963)[1] is an American actor, producer, musician, and singer. He first gained recognition for his contract role as Blackie Parrish on the ABC television series General Hospital, for which he was nominated for the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series. He is known for his work in television, especially in his starring role as Jesse Katsopolis on the ABC sitcom Full House. Since the show's finale in 1995, Stamos has appeared in numerous TV films and series. Since 2005, he has been the national spokesperson for Project Cuddle.[2] From 2005 to 2009, Stamos had a starring role on the NBC medical drama ER as Dr. Tony Gates. In September 2009, he began playing the role of Albert in the Broadway revival of Bye Bye Birdie. From September 2015 to 2016, Stamos starred as the lead character in the Fox sitcom Grandfathered. As of 2016, he is an executive producer of the Netflix series Fuller House, in which he occasionally reprises the role of Jesse Katsopolis. Early life [ edit ] John Stamos was born on August 19, 1963 in Cypress, California to William ""Bill"" Stamos, a restaurateur, and Loretta (née Phillips).[3] His father was of Greek descent, and his mother was of English, Irish, and German ancestry. He has two sisters, Alaina and Janeen.[citation needed] John's paternal grandmother, Adeline Psaras, was born in the United States to Greek immigrants; his paternal grandfather, Ioannis Stamatopoulos, came from the village of Kakouri in the Peloponnese region of Greece and changed the family surname from ""Stamatopoulos"" to ""Stamos"" upon arriving in the United States.[citation needed] In his youth, Stamos worked for his father's restaurants, and as a teenager had a job flipping burgers in the Orange County area. He attended John F. Kennedy High School and played in the marching band there. At 15, he attended his first Beach Boys concert; a huge fan, he would later tour with the band. His parents were supportive of his aspiration to be an actor, and although he planned to enroll at Cypress College for the 1981 term, he skipped his first semester to focus on launching a career as an actor—with his father's blessing. After just three weeks, he landed his first role on General Hospital.[4] Acting career [ edit ] 1982–1986: Early career [ edit ] Stamos began his acting career with the role of Blackie Parrish on the soap opera General Hospital in late January 1982, for which he was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award in 1984. That April, he went on to the lead role in the short-lived CBS sitcom Dreams, in which he played an aspiring musician in a band of the same name. Later, he played a cast role in the sitcom You Again? (1986) with Jack Klugman. 1987–1995: Full House [ edit ] Stamos at the 1990 Grammy Awards In the late 1980s, ABC's Full House gradually became a hit, and the show solidified Stamos's career. He asked that the character's last name be Katsopolis to highlight his Greek heritage, according to show creator and executive producer Jeff Franklin. He played one of the show's protagonists, Jesse, who lives with his brother-in-law, whose deceased wife was Jesse's older sister. Danny's best friend, Joey, also lives in the house with them. The three help each other raise three young girls. Jesse is known to be the ""bad boy"" at first until he falls in love with and marries Rebecca Donaldson and has twin boys, Nicky and Alex. In 1995, after eight seasons, the series came to an end. Stamos has since maintained close relationships with co-stars Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, Lori Loughlin, Jodie Sweetin, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Andrea Barber, and Candace Cameron Bure. 1996–2009: Later career [ edit ] Stamos has appeared in numerous made-for-television films, stage productions, television series, and commercials. He had starring roles in the television series Thieves (2001) and Jake in Progress (2005). Both shows ran for several episodes before cancellation.[5][6] In 2003, Stamos guest-starred on Friends, appearing in the season nine episode, ""The One with the Donor"", playing a man who went to Chandler and Monica's apartment for dinner, not knowing he was actually being interviewed to be a sperm donor. Stamos was a guest star in a first-season episode of MTV's The Andy Milonakis Show (2005), playing himself. He took part in only one skit, which featured him in a tree, having rabies, and being put down by another character. In the A&E television movie Wedding Wars (2006), he starred as Shel, a gay wedding planner. He stated that his performance reflected his support for same-sex marriages.[7] He has made several voice acting appearances such as in the MTV animated series Clone High in the episode, ""Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale"", where he played himself, and as the What's Global Warming Penguin in Bob Saget's parody film Farce of the Penguins. In 2005, Stamos guest-starred in two episodes in season 12 of ER as paramedic-turned-intern Tony Gates. In 2006, at the start of ER's thirteenth season, he joined the cast of ER as a series regular. In February 2008, Stamos appeared in the television adaptation of A Raisin in the Sun. In August 2008, he was the roast master for Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget.[8] 2010–present: Grandfathered, Fuller House, and other ventures [ edit ] On June 8, 2010, it was announced that Stamos would portray Carl Howell, a new love interest for Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays), in season two of the popular television show Glee.[9][10] In 2011, Stamos guest-starred on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit[11] and was featured in a CollegeHumor video with Bob Saget.[12] Stamos also guest-starred as himself on Two and a Half Men as Charlie's old friend, who was interested in buying the house until he found out that the place was Charlie's. Stamos in 2012 Since 2011, Stamos has appeared in a series of commercials for Dannon's Greek yogurt brand Oikos; including his first Super Bowl commercial which was aired during Super Bowl 2012.[13] In February 2012, it was reported that Stamos would take on one of the lead roles on the new Fox drama Little Brother. The series was created by Everybody Loves Raymond writer Mike Royce, and centers around a man who finds out that he has a long-lost half-brother.[14] In March 2013, Stamos signed on in a recurring role on the USA Network drama Necessary Roughness, during season three. He played Connor McClane, the head of a sports and entertainment management company that is interested in hiring Dani.[15] Stamos was to play the lead role in ABC's soap opera Members Only,[16] but the network decided not to air the show.[17] In April 2015, Stamos announced on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that the streaming service Netflix would be picking up Full House for a 13-episode sequel, titled Fuller House, to start airing on February 26, 2016.[18] In September, he began leading the cast of the Fox sitcom Grandfathered, also starring Josh Peck, Christina Milian, and Paget Brewster.[19] In 2016, Stamos appeared in the film My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. In late 2016, he joined the Fox black comedy series Scream Queens in its season two premiere as series regular Dr. Brock Holt.[20] Music and theatre [ edit ] Stamos started learning drums when he was four, then began to take up playing the guitar, and started his own band called Destiny. The band had played concerts at some amusement parks and parties.[21] Independently [ edit ] Stamos performed on an independently released 1994 album entitled Shades of Blue along with Lanny Cordola, Gary Griffin, Sandra Stephens, Tony Guerrero, and David Enos. Shades of Blue was re-released digitally through iTunes and other channels in 2010 after being long out-of-print. He appeared on Broadway as The Emcee in Cabaret, and also in Nine and How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Stamos performed the Billy Joel song ""Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)"" on the 2006 charity album Unexpected Dreams – Songs From the Stars. On March 30, 2009, he announced that he would participate in the Broadway revival of Bye Bye Birdie.[22] Stamos won the 2009–10 Golden Icon Award for best actor in a musical for his performance in that production.[23] Stamos was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on November 16, 2009.[24] The star is located at 7021 Hollywood Blvd. Stamos performed with John Fogerty on April 24, 2010, during one of the Tampa Bay Rays post-game concerts. Stamos rotated between the tambourine, drums, and bass guitar throughout the concert. In August 2011, Stamos performed in Hairspray at the Hollywood Bowl as Corny Collins, alongside an all-star cast.[25] On July 10, 2012, Stamos began performances on Broadway in Gore Vidal's The Best Man as Senator Joseph Cantwell.[26] Stamos reprised his role as Jesse Katsopolis for a ""Jesse and the Rippers"" reunion on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on July 19, 2013. Played straight by host Fallon (who introduced the band as being from San Francisco and having a number one song in Japan), Stamos performed a medley of songs featured on Full House including ""Forever"" and the series' theme song ""Everywhere You Look"". Bob Saget and Lori Loughlin also made cameos.[27] In 2014, Stamos directed the music video ""Let Yourself be Loved"" for the Nashville-based band Diamond Carter, featuring the band's front-man Tyler Tuohy alongside actress Nicky Whelan. Stamos was also noted as a co-writer for the song, along with Michael Gigante, and the video was released on Yahoo Music on May 21, 2014.[28] The Beach Boys [ edit ] Stamos has occasionally performed in concert with The Beach Boys, dating back to 1985, typically playing drums and various other percussion instruments. In 1988, he appeared in their video for ""Kokomo"", in which he played both the conga drums and the steel drums. In 1990, he played drums for them on the title track of the comedy Problem Child and also appeared in the song's music video. In 1992, he sang lead vocals on a new version of ""Forever"" for their album Summer in Paradise. The song was originally written and sung by Beach Boy Dennis Wilson and released in 1970. The song was also featured twice on Full House. The first was a recording sung at his character's wedding, while the second was a recording sung for his character's twin sons. The 1992 music video, titled ""Forever by Jesse and the Rippers"", featured Stamos predominantly. Three of The Beach Boys members are however briefly shown singing harmonies with Stamos: Carl Wilson, Bruce Johnston, and Mike Love. Since the 1990s, Stamos has occasionally performed with The Beach Boys, such as during their summer tours, playing drums and guitar, and singing along on some of their hit songs, like ""Forever"", including: Personal life [ edit ] Stamos is a big fan of Elvis Presley and has often referenced or paid homage to him in the show Full House. Stamos began dating model/actress Rebecca Romijn in 1994 after they met at a Victoria's Secret fashion show in which she was modeling. Stamos and Romijn became engaged on Christmas Eve 1997, and they married on September 19, 1998, at the Beverly Hills Hotel.[35] They announced their separation in April 2004.[36] Stamos filed for divorce in August 2004,[37] and it became final on March 1, 2005.[38] On October 23, 2017, Stamos announced his engagement to model and actress Caitlin McHugh after a year of dating.[39] In December 2017, the couple announced they are expecting their first child, due in the spring of 2018.[40] Stamos and McHugh married in February 2018.[41] On April 15, 2018, Stamos announced the birth of his first son, Billy, named after his father.[42] On May 19, 2018, John and Caitlin Stamos announced their new jewelry line, ""St. Amos Jewelry"" with 100% of the proceeds going to the Childhelp foundation.[43] Filmography [ edit ] Television [ edit ] Film [ edit ] Awards and nominations [ edit ]" 0 Already have an account? sign in Create an ABC Account to get the most of your ABC experience Sign Out Are you sure you want to sign out? By signing out, you will not be able to resume watching content where you left off, enjoy cross-device viewing experience, or save your favorites to your My List. sign out 1 BREAKING: NFL Fines Pittsburgh Steelers $1m Each For Skipping National Anthem – YouTubeThe hooey hit the fanbase. That is, when the NFL Black Lives Don’t Matter gang attacked patriotism and the US flag and most of the football fans, this blew up big time to the point, the frightened commissioner of this gang of thugs suddenly woke up and issued his first punishment for the people protesting at games: a million dollars each! I hope for two things: Villanueva is exempt plus since he was intimidated by both coach, the owner of the Steelers and fellow teammates, 50% of this fine should go to him! How about that?Alejandro Villanueva apologizes for throwing Steeler teammates ‘under the bus’ – YouTubeKim of North Korea is now running the NFL, it appears. The abject apology of this poor football player is backfiring very badly. People are twice as angry as before. Now, the hatred of the ‘other players’ who dissed the American flag is not gone away, either. They demanded everyone join them in being anti-patriotic and now this poor guy is doing exactly that. The NFL is now in dire straits. Like the DNC, they think they can impose their ideology on everyone else via force. Well, it isn’t working at all.As I said above, Villanueva is the only member of that ‘team’ that stood up for America and he was then muscled by thugs threatening his life and livelihood and who forced him to do a miserable retraction of his good, patriotic deed. People are very angry at him for surrendering but then, he had everyone against him. Now, he should be rehabilitated, he needs a HUGE apology from the entire NFL leadership and his former teammates.Fire chief apologizes for calling Steelers’ coach Mike Tomlin ‘n-word’ on Facebook | TribLIVEChief Paul Smith, who leads Cecil’s Volunteer Fire Department No. 2 in Muse, Washington County, posted the comment in response to the Steelers’ decision not to not take the field for the national anthem. “Tomlin just added himself to the list of no good n-words. Yes I said it,” Smith wrote in the post.Cecil’s board of supervisors said the comment was troublesome. “The Cecil Township Board of Supervisors is deeply disturbed by the comments made by volunteer Chief Smith, and in no way, shape or form condone his comments,” officials said in a written statement.See? This man said something rash. He is immediately punished. The NFL players who decided to toss the US flag in the trash and attack the President for talking about their disrespect of the US voters and citizens…they should also be punished heavily, no? Of course! Liberals think PC punishment is a one way street.They can cuss, swear, be abusive, harass and even physically attack fellow citizens and nothing is done to stop this! But anyone else says the wrong words and they lose their jobs and are punished in many ways. This is causing tremendous ire and is the #1 reason many voted for Trump.Not One More Dime: NFL Stadiums Have Collected Over $1.1 Billion in Federal Subsidies – Time to Cut Them Off. Calls to stop the NFL gravy train is rising. Even if Goodell manages to muscle the teams into behaving themselves, it is not going to work for the fan base can see that the people playing the game really hate them and so this comrade business is kaput.According to FOX Sports over the last 20 years, the American public has spent more than $7 billion dollars to build or renovate NFL stadiums, taking on 46 percent of the total costs of those projects. It’s time to cut them off. They don’t respect the country. Why should the country respect them?The coach of the Steelers sponsored Hillary’s run for President. Note the loot she asked for, show up to see her, you had to pay $330000+. What a rip-off!Pushing this pile of toothpaste back into the tube is impossible now. petition: CUT OFF ALL FEDERAL TAXPAYER SUBSIDIES TO NFL, PAYING BILLIONS TO LEAGUE. NO MORE . is one example.NFL gives up tax exempt status – Apr. 28, 2015 which was about time. But they still suck off the public teat via moving teams around while making demands for freebies like free stadiums, etc. NFL gets billions in subsidies from U.S. taxpayers – Jan. 30, 2015 despite being ‘taxed’ lightly.Stadium construction: Twenty new NFL stadiums have opened since 1997 with the help of $4.7 billion in taxpayer funds, according to an analysis by the advisory firm Conventions, Sports and Leisure. Local governments pony up to build these venues to attract or keep teams in their towns. Two more stadiums now under construction in Minneapolis and Atlanta are being built with $700 million in government funds. Taxpayers paid for most of the University of Phoenix Stadium, which opened in 2006 and is home to this Sunday’s Super Bowl — to the tune of about $300 million.All this will go crashing down unless the team owners wake up and figure out who their audience really is. But then, the cities are being systematically destroyed… 1 The Weeknd has babies on the brain! He and Selena Gomez are happy as can be right now, but HollywoodLife.com has learned EXCLUSIVELY that The Weeknd may be just a little happier if they had a few more people to love! The Weeknd, 27, and Selena Gomez, 25, are young and in love, but that doesn’t mean they can’t think about the future. An insider close to the The Weeknd revealed to HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY that the “Starboy” singer is very interested in making babies with the “Fetish” songstress when the time comes! OMG, we’re dying. Can you imagine these two as parents?!? Well, maybe not right away! Click here to see pics of Selena’s 25th birthday. “He has thought about starting a family with Selena at some point down the line, maybe in a few years and he has told her that he would want to have a girl because nothing would be better for him then to have a cute little Selena look-alike bouncing around,” the source said said. “He’s mentioned to her many times that two of her would always be better than one.” We cannot imagine two people who would make a cuter baby than Sel and The Weeknd and we really hope that if they keeping on loving each other, they get to the baby making stage one day! Right now they are both busy with their music careers and touring, and of course still growing and learning more about each other every day. But that doesn’t mean they won’t make great parents someday! Especially to a mini Selena. Okay, we can’t think of that mental image one more time or we’ll die of cuteness overload. HollywoodLifers, do you want Selena and The Weeknd to have a baby one day? Do you think they should have a boy or a girl? Let us know below! 1 "Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon (born March 22, 1976) is an American actress, producer, and entrepreneur. She is the recipient of several awards, including an Academy Award, a Primetime Emmy Award, a BAFTA Award, and a Golden Globe Award. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and raised in Tennessee, she began her career as a teenager, making her professional screen debut in The Man in the Moon (1991), for which she was nominated for a Young Artist Award. Following breakout roles in Desperate Choices: To Save My Child (1992) and Jack the Bear (1993), she starred in the comedy-drama Pleasantville (1998), for which she won the Young Hollywood Award for Breakthrough Performance. Witherspoon's breakthrough role was playing Tracy Flick in Election (1999) was nominated for a Golden Globe Award. She achieved global recognition with her role as Elle Woods in the 2001 film Legally Blonde, for which she received her second Golden Globe nomination. The following year, she starred in the romantic comedy Sweet Home Alabama, which emerged as her biggest live-action commercial success. In 2005, she portrayed June Carter in Walk the Line, which earned her the Academy Award, Golden Globe Award, BAFTA Award, Screen Actors Guild Award, and Critics Choice Award for Best Actress. Her other films include Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde (2003), Monsters vs. Aliens (2009), Water for Elephants (2011), and Sing (2016). In 2014, Witherspoon produced the thriller Gone Girl and received critical acclaim for portraying Cheryl Strayed in Wild, for which she earned her second Academy Award nomination for Best Actress and a fourth Golden Globe nomination. In 2017, she co-produced and starred in the HBO drama series Big Little Lies, for which she received two Primetime Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie and Outstanding Limited Series, winning the latter as a producer. Witherspoon owns a production company Hello Sunshine, a clothing company Draper James, and she is actively involved in children's and women's advocacy organizations. She serves on the board of the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) and was named Global Ambassador of Avon Products in 2007, serving as honorary chair of the charitable Avon Foundation. She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2010. Early life [ edit ] Witherspoon was born on March 22, 1976[1] at Southern Baptist Hospital, in New Orleans, Louisiana, while her father, Dr. John Draper Witherspoon, was a student at Tulane University medical school.[2][3] Dr. Witherspoon was born in Georgia and served as a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army Reserve.[4][5] He was in private practice as an otolaryngologist until 2012.[6] Her mother, Dr. Mary Elizabeth ""Betty"" (née Reese), is from Harriman, Tennessee. Dr. Betty Witherspoon earned five degrees in total, including a Ph.D in pediatric nursing. She became a professor of nursing[7] at Vanderbilt University.[8] Witherspoon has claimed descent from Scottish-born John Witherspoon, who signed the United States Declaration of Independence;[9][10] however, this claim has not been verified by the Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence genealogists.[11] Her parents are still legally married, although they separated in 1996.[12] Because Witherspoon's father worked for the U.S. military in Wiesbaden, Germany, she lived there for four years as a little girl.[8][13] After returning to the U.S., she spent her childhood in Nashville, Tennessee.[8][14] Witherspoon was raised as an Episcopalian, and has said she is proud of the ""definitive Southern upbringing"" which she received. She said that it gave her ""a sense of family and tradition"" and taught her about ""being conscientious about people's feelings, being polite, being responsible and never taking for granted what you have in your life.""[15][16][17] At the age of seven, Witherspoon was selected as a model for a florist's television advertisements, which motivated her to take acting lessons.[18] At age eleven, she took first place in the Ten-State Talent Fair.[18] Witherspoon received high grades in school,[18] loved reading, and considered herself ""a big dork who read loads of books.""[3] On mentioning her love for books, she said, ""I get crazy in a bookstore. It makes my heart beat hard because I want to buy everything.""[19] She has been described as a ""multi-achiever"" and was given the nickname ""Little Type A"" by her parents.[20][21] Witherspoon attended middle school at Harding Academy and graduated from the all-girls' Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, during which time she was a cheerleader.[22][15] She later attended Stanford University as an English literature major,[23] but left the school prior to completing her studies to pursue an acting career.[15] Acting career [ edit ] 1991–1998: Career beginnings [ edit ] In 1991, Witherspoon attended an open casting call for The Man in the Moon, intending to audition as a bit player;[15] she was instead cast for the lead role of Dani Trant, a 14-year-old country girl who falls in love for the first time with her 17-year-old neighbor. According to The Guardian, her performance made an early impression.[24] On her performance, Roger Ebert commented, ""Her first kiss is one of the most perfect little scenes I've ever seen in a movie.""[18] For this role, Witherspoon was nominated for the Young Artist Award Best Young Actress.[25] Later that year, she made her television debut role in Wildflower with Patricia Arquette.[4][9] In 1992, Witherspoon appeared in the TV movie Desperate Choices: To Save My Child, portraying a critically ill young girl.[4] In 1993, she played a young wife in the CBS miniseries Return to Lonesome Dove, Nonnie Parker in the Disney film A Far Off Place and had a minor role in Jack the Bear, which garnered her the Young Artist Award for Best Youth Actress Co-star.[4][26] The next year, Witherspoon had another leading role as Wendy Pfister in the 1994 film S.F.W., directed by Jefery Levy.[27] In 1996, Witherspoon starred in two major films: the thriller Fear alongside Mark Wahlberg,[28][29] as Nicole Walker, a teenage girl who starts dating a man with obsessive tendencies, and the black-comedy thriller Freeway, alongside Kiefer Sutherland and Brooke Shields, where she held the lead role.[30] Her character in Freeway, Vanessa Lutz, is a poor girl living in Los Angeles, who encounters a serial killer on the way to her grandmother's home in Stockton.[15] The film received positive reviews from the press. Among them was the San Francisco Chronicle, with Mick LaSalle commenting, ""Witherspoon, who does a Texas accent, is dazzling, utterly believable in one extreme situation after the other.""[31] Witherspoon's performance won her the Best Actress Award at the Cognac Police Film Festival and helped establish her as a rising star.[15][32] The making of the film also gave Witherspoon significant acting experience; as she said, ""Once I overcame the hurdle of that movie – which scared me to death – I felt like I could try anything.""[23] In 1998, Witherspoon had major roles in three movies: Overnight Delivery, Pleasantville and Twilight.[9][33] In Pleasantville, she starred with Tobey Maguire in a tale about 1990s teenage siblings who are magically transported into the setting of a 1950s television series. She portrayed Jennifer, the sister of Maguire's character who is mainly concerned about appearances, relationships and popularity. Her performance received good reviews and garnered her the Young Hollywood Award for Best Female Breakthrough Performance.[34] Director Gary Ross applauded her efforts saying, ""she commits to a character so completely and she understands comedy"".[23] 1999–2000: Rise to prominence [ edit ] In 1999, Witherspoon starred alongside Alessandro Nivola in the drama thriller Best Laid Plans; she played Lissa, a woman who schemes with her lover Nick to escape a small dead-end town.[4] Also that year co-starred with Sarah Michelle Gellar and Ryan Phillippe in the drama film Cruel Intentions, a modern take on the 18th-century French novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses. The San Francisco Chronicle praised her performance as Annette Hargrove: ""Witherspoon is especially good in the least flashy role, and even when called upon to make a series of cute devilish faces, she pulls it off.""[35] She also appeared in a music video by Marcy Playground for the film's soundtrack. The film became a box office success and a cult classic. Next came perhaps Witherspoon's career-defining role: starring with Matthew Broderick in Election, based on Tom Perrotta's novel;[4] for her portrayal of Tracy Flick, she received vast critical acclaim and won the Best Actress Award from the National Society of Film Critics and the Online Film Critics Society, a first Golden Globe nomination and an Independent Spirit Award nomination.[36][37] Witherspoon also received a rank on the list of 100 Greatest Film Performances of All Time by Premiere.[38] Director Alexander Payne said of her, ""She's got that quality that men find attractive, while women would like to be her friend. But that's just the foundation. Nobody else is as funny or brings such charm to things. She can do anything.""[16] In spite of her success with Election, Witherspoon noted in an interview that she struggled to find work after completing the film due to typecasting.[39] Analyzing the reasons behind her difficulty to find work, Witherspoon commented, ""I think because the character I played was so extreme and sort of shrewish—people thought that was who I was, rather than me going in and creating a part. I would audition for things and I'd always be the second choice—studios never wanted to hire me and I wasn't losing the parts to big box office actresses but to ones who I guess people felt differently about.""[5] In 2000, Witherspoon played a supporting role in American Psycho as Patrick Bateman's trophy girlfriend, and made a cameo appearance in Little Nicky as the mother of the Antichrist.[33] She also guest starred in season six of Friends as Rachel Green's sister Jill.[40] 2001–2006: Worldwide recognition [ edit ] The 2001 film Legally Blonde marked a turning point in Witherspoon's career; she starred as Elle Woods, a fashion-merchandising major who decides to become a law student in order to follow her ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School. Witherspoon said about the role, ""When I read Legally Blonde, I was like, 'She's from Beverly Hills, she's rich, she's in a sorority. She has a great boyfriend. Oh yeah, she gets dumped. Who cares? I still hate her.' So we had to make sure she was the kind of person you just can't hate.""[16] Legally Blonde was a box-office hit, grossing US$96 million domestically.[41] Witherspoon's performance earned her praise from critics as the press began referring to her as ""the new Meg Ryan"".[42] Roger Ebert commented, ""Witherspoon effortlessly animated this material with sunshine and quick wit"",[43] and Salon.com noted that ""she [Witherspoon] delineates Elle's character beautifully"".[44] Meanwhile, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer concluded, ""Witherspoon is a talented comedian who can perk up a scene just by marching in full of pep and drive and she powers this modest little comedy almost single-handedly.""[45] For her work, Witherspoon garnered her second Golden Globe Best Actress nomination and an MTV Movie Award for Best Comedic Performance. In 2002, after the success of Legally Blonde, Witherspoon starred in several roles, such as Greta Wolfcastle in The Simpsons episode ""The Bart Wants What It Wants"", and as Cecily in the comedy The Importance of Being Earnest, a film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play in which she received a Teen Choice Award nomination.[46][47] Later that year, she starred with Josh Lucas and Patrick Dempsey in Andy Tennant's film Sweet Home Alabama, where she played Melanie Carmichael, a young fashion designer who intends to marry a New York politician but must return to Alabama to divorce her childhood sweetheart, from whom she has been separated for seven years. Witherspoon regarded this as a ""personal role"" in that it reminded her of experiences she had when she moved from her hometown Nashville to Los Angeles.[48] The movie became Witherspoon's biggest live-action box office hit, earning over $35 million in the opening weekend and grossing over $127 million in the U.S.[41][49] Despite the commercial success, critics gave Sweet Home Alabama negative reviews. It was called ""a romantic comedy so rote, dull and predictable"" by The Miami Herald,[50] and the press widely agreed that Witherspoon was the only reason the movie attracted such a large audience.[51][52] When describing Witherspoon's role in the movie, The Christian Science Monitor concluded, ""She is not the movie's main attraction, she is its only attraction.""[53] In 2003, Witherspoon followed up the success of Legally Blonde by starring in the sequel Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde. Elle Woods has become a Harvard-educated lawyer who is determined to protect animals from cosmetics industry science tests. The sequel was not as financially successful as the first film and it generated mostly negative reviews. USA Today considered the movie ""plodding, unfunny and almost cringe-worthy"", but also noted that ""Reese Witherspoon still does a fine job portraying the fair-haired lovable brainiac, but her top-notch comic timing is wasted on the humorless dialogue.""[54] Meanwhile, Salon.com concluded that the sequel ""calcifies everything that was enjoyable about the first movie"".[55] Despite being panned by critics, the sequel took in over $39 million in its first five days in the U.S. box office charts and eventually grossed $90 million in the US.[56] Witherspoon received a $15 million paycheck for the role—a starting point to make her consistently one of Hollywood's highest-paid actresses from 2002 until 2010.[16][57] In 2004, Witherspoon starred in Vanity Fair, adapted from the 19th-century classic novel Vanity Fair and directed by Mira Nair. Her character, Becky Sharp, is a poor woman with a ruthless determination to find fortune and establish herself a position in society. Witherspoon was carefully costumed to conceal that during the filming she was pregnant with her second child.[58] This pregnancy was not a hindrance to her work as Witherspoon believed the gestation had in fact helped her portrayal of Sharp's character: ""I love the luminosity that pregnancy brings, I love the fleshiness, I love the ample bosom—it gave me much more to play with"", she said.[59][60] The film and Witherspoon's portrayal of Sharp received mixed reviews, as The Hollywood Reporter wrote, ""Nair's cast is splendid. Witherspoon does justice to the juicy role by giving the part more buoyancy than naughtiness.""[61] At the same time, The Charlotte Observer called her work ""an excellent performance that's soft around the edges"" and the Los Angeles Times concluded that Becky is ""a role Reese Witherspoon was born to play"".[62][63] However, LA Weekly wrote ""[Witherspoon] ends up conveying so little of what's at once appalling and perversely attractive about the would-be mistress of Vanity Fair"" and states that it may have to do with Witherspoon's vanity, ""with an Oscar-less young star's need to be loved more than anyone could conceivably love the ""real"" Becky Sharp."".[64] Others have stated she was miscast.[65] In late 2004, Witherspoon began working alongside Mark Ruffalo on the romantic comedy Just Like Heaven. Her character, Elizabeth Masterson, is an ambitious young doctor who gets into a car accident on her way to a blind date and is left in a coma; her spirit returns to her old apartment where she later finds true love.[66] Earlier that year Witherspoon was chosen to portray June Carter Cash, the second wife of country music singer-songwriter Johnny Cash (Joaquin Phoenix), in Walk the Line. She never had the chance to meet Carter Cash, as Witherspoon was filming Vanity Fair at the time the singer died.[5] Witherspoon performed her own vocals in the film and her songs had to be performed in front of a live audience, she was so worried about needing to perform live that she asked her lawyer to terminate the film contract.[67] ""That was the most challenging part of the role,"" she later recalled in an interview. ""I'd never sung professionally.""[68] Subsequently, she had to spend six months learning how to sing for the role.[67][69] Witherspoon's portrayal of Carter Cash was well received by critics, and Roger Ebert wrote that her performance added ""boundless energy"" to the movie.[70] She won several awards for her performance, including the Golden Globe Award, the Screen Actors Guild, the BAFTA and the Academy Award for Best Actress in a Lead Role. Besides critical success in the movie industry, Witherspoon and Phoenix received a nomination for ""collaborative video of the year"" from the CMT Music Awards.[71][72] Witherspoon expressed her passion for the movie: ""I really like in this film that it is realistic and portrays sort of a real marriage, a real relationship where there are forbidden thoughts and fallibility. And it is about compassion in the long haul, not just the short easy solutions to problems.""[73] She also stated that she believed Carter Cash was a woman ahead of her time: ""I think the really remarkable thing about her character is that she did all of these things that we sort of see as normal things in the 1950s when it wasn't really acceptable for a woman to be married and divorced twice and have two different children by two different husbands and travel around in a car full of very famous musicians all by herself. She didn't try to comply to social convention, so I think that makes her a very modern woman.""[73] Witherspoon's first post-Oscar role came in the modern-day fairy tale Penelope, as Annie, the best friend of Penelope (Christina Ricci), a girl who has a curse in her family. The film was produced by her company Type A Films, with filming commencing in March 2006, immediately following Witherspoon's Oscar win for Walk the Line.[74] Although the movie premiered at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival,[67][75] the final release date of Penelope was delayed twice before an eventual February 2008 release.[76][77] 2007–2012: Career downturn [ edit ] Following her critical success with Walk the Line, Witherspoon admits to spending several years ""kind of floundering career-wise"". Reflecting on this period of time in a December 2014 interview, Witherspoon attributed it to her separation from her first husband in October 2006 and their subsequent divorce, stating that she spent ""a few years just trying to feel better. You know, you can't really be very creative when you feel like your brain is scrambled eggs."" She claims that she ""wasn't making things I was passionate about. I was just kind of working, you know. And it was really clear that audiences weren't responding to anything I was putting out there.""[78] This period of Witherspoon's career began with the filming of the abduction thriller Rendition in November 2006. In the film, she plays Isabella El-Ibrahim, the pregnant wife of a bombing suspect. The film was released in October 2007 and marked Witherspoon's first appearance in theaters since the 2005 release of Walk the Line.[79] The movie received mostly mixed reviews and was generally considered a disappointment at the Toronto International Film Festival.[80] Witherspoon's performance was also criticized: ""Reese Witherspoon is surprisingly lifeless"", Claudia Puig of USA Today wrote. ""She customarily injects energy and spirit into her parts, but here, her performance feels tamped down.""[81] Water for Elephants premiere in May 2011 Witherspoon at thepremiere in May 2011 In December 2007, Witherspoon began working with Vince Vaughn, filming the holiday comedy Four Christmases, a story about a couple who must spend their Christmas Day trying to visit all four of their divorced parents.[82] The film was released in November 2008. Despite being panned by critics, the movie became a box office success, earning more than $120 million domestically and $157 million worldwide.[83] In 2009, Witherspoon voiced Susan Murphy, lead character in DreamWorks' computer-animated film Monsters vs. Aliens, released in March 2009, becoming her biggest hit at the time.[84] She also co-produced the Legally Blonde spin-off Legally Blondes, starring Milly and Becky Rosso.[85] However, Witherspoon did not appear in a live-action film for two years after the 2008 release of Four Christmases. She told Entertainment Weekly that the ""break"" was unplanned, stating that, ""I just didn't read anything I liked... There are a lot of really, really, really big movies about robots and things—and there's not a part for a 34-year-old woman in a robot movie.""[86] Witherspoon returned with three films released in 2010, 2011 and 2012, all centered on her as a woman caught in a love triangle between two men. In a 2012 interview with MTV, Witherspoon jokingly referred to this trio of films as her ""love triangle period"".[87] The first film was James L. Brooks' romantic comedy How Do You Know[88][89][90] which starred Witherspoon as a former national softball player who struggles to choose between a baseball-star boyfriend (Owen Wilson) and a business executive being investigated for white-collar crime (Paul Rudd). The movie was filmed in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. during the summer and fall of 2009[91][92][93] and released on December 17, 2010. The movie was both a critical and box office failure. Despite a budget of more than $100 million the film earned only $7.6 million in its opening weekend, leading the Los Angeles Times to call it ""one of the year's biggest flops"".[94] The movie earned mainly negative reviews from critics, scoring 35% on Rotten Tomatoes with 111 reviews as of late December 2010.[95] Witherspoon's second love-triangle movie was the film adaptation of the 1930s circus drama Water for Elephants. She began circus training in March 2010 for her role as Marlena, a glamorous performer stuck in a marriage to a volatile husband (Christoph Waltz) but intrigued by the circus's new veterinarian (Robert Pattinson).[96] The movie was filmed between late May and early August 2010[97][98] in various locations in Tennessee, Georgia, and California. It was released on April 22, 2011[99] and received mixed critical reviews.[100] In September 2010, Witherspoon began principal photography in Vancouver for the third and final love-triangle film, This Means War, a 20th Century Fox spy comedy directed by McG in which Witherspoon's character is at the center of a battle between best friends (played by Chris Pine and Tom Hardy) who are both in love with her. The film had a ""sneak-peek"" release on Valentine's Day, before fully opening on February 17, 2012.[101][102][103][104][105] The film was panned by critics (with a 25% Rotten Tomatoes rating),[106] and fared poorly at the box office, taking fifth place on its opening weekend with sales of $17.6 million. The New York Times remarked that this ""extended the box office cold streak for the Oscar-winning Ms. Witherspoon.""[107] 2013–present: Comeback and professional expansion [ edit ] Witherspoon's subsequent films signaled a departure from the love-triangle theme. In September 2011, a year after beginning work on This Means War, she filmed a small role in Jeff Nichols's coming-of-age drama Mud in Arkansas, playing Juniper, the former girlfriend of a fugitive (Matthew McConaughey), who enlists two local boys to help him evade capture and rekindle his romance with her.[108][109] Mud premiered in May 2012 in competition for the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, but did not win.[110][111] Following its American debut at the Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2013,[112] the film had a limited release in select North American theaters on April 26, 2013.[113][114] Witherspoon next starred in Devil's Knot, which is based on Atom Egoyan's true crime book of the same name and examines the controversial case of the West Memphis Three. Like Mud, the film is set in Arkansas. Witherspoon played Pam Hobbs, the mother of one of three young murder victims. In an interview subsequent to her casting in the film, Egoyan noted that although the role requires ""an emotionally loaded journey"", he ""met with Reese, and... talked at length about the project, and she's eager to take on the challenge"".[115] The movie was shot in Georgia in June and July 2012.[116][117][118] Witherspoon was pregnant with her third child during filming.[119][120] The film's world premiere was held on September 8, 2013 at the Toronto International Film Festival.[121][122] It was then released in selected American theaters on May 9, 2014.[123] In April 2013, Witherspoon began production in Atlanta on Canadian director Philippe Falardeau's film The Good Lie. It is based on real-life events, about a brash American woman assigned to help four young Sudanese refugees (known as Lost Boys of Sudan) who win a lottery for relocation to the U.S.[124][125] It was released on October 3, 2014.[126] Witherspoon shot a small role in Inherent Vice (2014), an adaptation of Thomas Pynchon's novel, in Pasadena, California in summer 2013.[127][128] In 2012, Witherspoon, by herself, started the production company Pacific Standard. The goal of the company was to produce movies with strong female lead roles, as she said that she was tired of seeing only movies with a strictly male focus being produced. The mission of the production company is to focus more on stories about the trials and tribulations of women. Through the company, Witherspoon served as a producer in the film adaptation of Gillian Flynn's novel Gone Girl,[129] though she did not star.[130][131] Indeed, Witherspoon and her producing partner ""had little to do with the production of Gone Girl"",[132] leaving it to director David Fincher while focusing their efforts on another adaptation produced via Pacific Standard, that of Cheryl Strayed's memoir Wild, which began production in fall 2013 on the same day as Gone Girl.[133] Witherspoon starred in the project, portraying Strayed herself on her 1,000-mile (1,600 km) hike along the Pacific Crest Trail.[134] Wild was released in December 2014 to critical acclaim;[135] Michael Phillips of Chicago Tribune wrote in his review, ""Witherspoon does the least acting of her career, and it works. Calmly yet restlessly, she brings to life Strayed's longings, her states of grief and desire and her wary optimism.""[136] Wild was promoted as Witherspoon's primary ""comeback"" vehicle following her previous career slump,[137][138] and she earned her second Academy Award nomination for the role.[139] In May 2014, Witherspoon began production in Louisiana on Hot Pursuit, a comedy in which she plays a police officer trying to protect a drug lord's widow (Sofía Vergara).[140] The movie was released on May 8, 2015.[141] In 2016, she had a voice role in the animated film Sing, as well as serving as a major performer on the film's soundtrack. The movie became Witherspoon's biggest hit, being the first to make over $200 million domestically and $600 million worldwide.[142] In January 2016, Witherspoon began filming her first television project since Return To Lonesome Dove, the seven-part miniseries adaptation of the Liane Moriarty bestseller, Big Little Lies. She produced the miniseries, along with her co-star, Nicole Kidman, and the show's director, Jean-Marc Vallée, her second project under his direction. The series premiered on February 19, 2017 on HBO and finished on April 2.[143][144] Witherspoon has garnered critical acclaim for her performance, with TV Line proclaiming her as ""Performer of the Week"" of February 26 to March 4. The Washington Post compared her performance to her previous work in Election and Legally Blonde.[145][146] In November 2016, Witherspoon began production on the romantic comedy Home Again, the directorial debut of filmmaker Nancy Meyers' daughter, Hallie Meyers-Shyer, which was released on September 8, 2017.[147] A few months later, she began filming Disney's A Wrinkle in Time, the film adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's classic novel of the same name, where she plays Mrs. Whatsit. The film was released in March 2018, co-stars Oprah Winfrey and Mindy Kaling, and is directed by Ava DuVernay.[148] In July 2018, Witherspoon began hosting the talk show Shine On With Reese on DirecTV. The show is a one-on-one interview between Witherspoon and a female guest focussing on how the guest achieved her dreams. Like Big Little Lies, the show is produced by her production company Hello Sunshine. The show marks Witherspoon's first unscripted role in television. [149] Upcoming projects [ edit ] In December 2017, HBO renewed Big Little Lies for a second season making the series a regular drama series series instead of a miniseries. The second season is expected to air in 2019. [150] Witherspoon has also signed on to produce and star in Untitled morning show drama series for Apple. [151] The series will also star Jennifer Aniston as a co-lead. Furthermore, Witherspoon will act and produce in the Hulu miniseries Little Fires Everywhere, the televised adaption of Celeste Ng's 2017 novel of the same name. [152] Witherspoon will also executive produce Are You Sleeping and an untitled comedy series, both set at Apple. All upcoming series will be produced through her production company Hello Sunshine. [153] [154] Witherspoon also has two films in pre-production as a producer, A White Lie and an Untitled Martina Navratilova documentary. [155] [156] Other ventures [ edit ] Production work [ edit ] Witherspoon owned a production company called Type A Films, which the media believed was a moniker honoring her childhood nickname ""Little Miss Type A.""[20][157] However, when asked about the company by Interview magazine, she clarified the name's origin: ""... people think I named it after myself... It was actually an in-joke with my family because at [age] 7 I understood complicated medical terms, such as the difference between type A and type B personalities. But I just wished I'd named the company Dogfood Films or Fork or something. You carry that baggage all your life.""[5] In March 2012, Witherspoon merged Type A Films with producer Bruna Papandrea's Make Movies banner to create a new production company entitled Pacific Standard.[158] In 2016, Witherspoon and Papandrea split up, with Witherspoon gaining full control over the company.[159] In November 2016, Witherspoon and Otter Media formed Hello Sunshine, a joint venture focused on telling female-driven stories on film, TV and digital platforms.[160] Pacific Standard has become a subsadiary of Hello Sunshine. Other activities [ edit ] In 2013, Witherspoon recorded a cover of the classic Frank Sinatra and Nancy Sinatra duet, ""Somethin' Stupid"" with Michael Bublé for his 2013 album, To Be Loved.[161] In May 2015, Witherspoon launched Draper James, a retail brand with a focus on fashion, accessories and home décor inspired by the American South. The brand is named after Witherspoon's grandparents, Dorothea Draper and William James Witherspoon, who are said to be her greatest influences. Some of the products are being manufactured and designed in-house, and the brand launched direct to consumers online before opening its first brick and mortar store in fall 2015 in Witherspoon's hometown of Nashville, Tennessee.[162] In October 2016, Witherspoon announced that she would be writing her first book.[163] In April 2018, Witherspoon announced her first book Whiskey in a Teacup. The book is a lifestyle book inspired by Witherspoon's southern upbringing and will be released on September 18, 2018. [164] In March 2017, Witherspoon became the storyteller-in-chief for Elizabeth Arden, Inc.. There, she will be helping the company to shape the brand's narrative through advertising campaigns and marketing programs. Of her involvement, Witherspoon states that she is ""excited to work as a creative partner alongside the Elizabeth Arden team, producing content that celebrates the spirit of the brand, highlighting female-centric stories that illustrate women's true life experiences which unite us all.""[165] Philanthropy [ edit ] Witherspoon is actively involved in children's and women's advocacy organizations. She is a longtime supporter of Save the Children, an organization that helps provide children around the world with education, health care and emergency aid.[166] She also serves on the board of the Children's Defense Fund, a child advocacy and research group.[166] In 2006, she was among a group of actresses who went to New Orleans, Louisiana in a CDF project to publicize the needs of Hurricane Katrina victims.[167] During this trip, she helped open the city's first Freedom School, as she met and talked with the children.[168] Witherspoon later called this an experience that she would never forget.[168] In 2007, Witherspoon made her first move into the world of endorsements, as she signed a multi-year agreement to serve as the first Global Ambassador of cosmetic company Avon Products.[166][169] She acts as a spokeswoman for Avon's cosmetic products and serves as the honorary chair of the Avon Foundation, a charitable organization that supports women and focuses on breast cancer research and the prevention of domestic violence.[170][171] Witherspoon is also committed to participating in cosmetics product development and appearing in commercial advertisements.[170] Explaining her motives for joining the foundation, she said, ""As a woman and a mother I care deeply about the well being of other women and children throughout the world and through the years, I have always looked for opportunities to make a difference.""[170] Personal life [ edit ] Witherspoon has cited actresses Jodie Foster, Meryl Streep, Holly Hunter, Susan Sarandon, Frances McDormand, Debra Winger, Diane Ladd, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Aniston, Goldie Hawn, Sally Field, Sigourney Weaver, Lucille Ball, Carole Lombard, Judy Holliday, Gena Rowlands, and actors Tom Hanks, Jack Nicholson, and Michael Keaton as influences on her acting.[18][19][172][173][174][175] Her favorite films are Splendor in the Grass, Waiting For Guffman, Broadcast News, Raising Arizona, and Overboard.[173][176][177][178] Witherspoon met actor Ryan Phillippe at her 21st birthday party in March 1997.[179] They became engaged in December 1998[180] and married near Charleston, South Carolina, on June 5, 1999, at Old Wide Awake Plantation.[181][182][183] They have two children together, a daughter, Ava Elizabeth Phillippe, born on September 9, 1999,[184] and a son, Deacon Reese Phillippe, born on October 23, 2003.[181] In October 2006, Witherspoon and Phillippe announced their separation.[185] In early February 2010, it was reported that Witherspoon was dating Jim Toth,[186][187][188] a talent agent and co-head of motion picture talent at Creative Artists Agency, where Witherspoon is a client.[189] Witherspoon and Toth announced their engagement in December 2010,[190] and married on March 26, 2011, in Ojai, California, at Libbey Ranch,[191] Witherspoon's country estate, which she later sold.[192][193] The couple have a son, Tennessee James Toth, born on September 27, 2012.[194] In 2013, Witherspoon was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after her husband was pulled over for suspicion of DUI. She later pleaded no contest to obstruction and was required to pay court costs.[195] In the media [ edit ] Walk the Line in 2005 Witherspoon being interviewed at the premiere ofin 2005 Witherspoon hosted Saturday Night Live on September 29, 2001, the first episode to air after the September 11 attacks.[196] In 2005, she was ranked No. 5 in Teen People magazine's list of most powerful young Hollywood actors.[197] In 2006, Witherspoon was listed among the Time 100.[198] Her featured article was written by Luke Wilson.[199] In the same year, she was selected as one of the ""100 Sexiest Women In The World"" by the readers of FHM.[200] Witherspoon has been featured four times in the annual ""100 Most Beautiful"" issues of People magazine.[201] Witherspoon has appeared on the annual Celebrity 100 list by Forbes magazine in 2006 and 2007, at No. 75 and No. 80, respectively.[202][203] Forbes also put her on the top ten Trustworthy Celebrities list.[204] She was listed among CEOWorld Magazine's Top Accomplished Women Entertainers.[205] In 2007, she was selected by People and the entertainment news program Access Hollywood as one of the year's best-dressed female stars.[206][207] The yellow dress she wore to that year's Golden Globe Awards was widely acclaimed.[208] A study conducted by E-Poll Market Research showed that Witherspoon was the most likable female celebrity of 2007.[209] That same year, Witherspoon established herself as the highest-paid actress in the American film industry, earning $15 to $20 million per film.[210][211] In recent years, however, her appearance in a number of movies that fared badly at the box office caused a turnabout in her status, and she has been noted as one of the most overpaid actors in Hollywood in 2011, 2012 and 2013.[212][213][214] In April 2011, Witherspoon ranked 3rd on the 22nd annual People's Most Beautiful issue.[215] In 2010, Witherspoon received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6262 Hollywood Blvd.[216] In June 2013, Witherspoon filed suit against Marketing Advantages International Inc., claiming it used her name and image extensively in jewelry advertising without her permission, both throughout the United States and internationally. In December 2015, while Witherspoon's trademark claims to her name were rejected, for she had not established secondary meaning to her full name, that she did not claim ""emotional distress"" and the ""photos and facts were generally known by the public and the photos were taken in public with Plaintiff's consent"", the court ruled that she could proceed with her right of publicity claims against a number of defendants.[217][218][219] Two months later, Witherspoon withdrew her lawsuit, having ""come to private agreements with the various defendants, including Centerbrook Sales, Fragrance Hut, Gemvara, and others"".[220] In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations, Witherspoon revealed that she had been sexually assaulted by a director at the age of 16 and has had ""multiple experiences of harassment and sexual assault"" throughout her career.[221] In 2015, Witherspoon made her second appearance among the Time 100, with her featured article being written by Mindy Kaling.[222] The same year, she was awarded, by a unanimous vote from the committee, the American Cinematheque for being ""a perfect example of an actress flourishing in today's world"" and ""an active and successful movie producer who is moving her career forward both behind and in front of the camera"".[223][224][225] According to an article published by Forbes in 2017, Witherspoon is said to have $198 million-plus career earnings, which made her the top-paid primetime Emmy nominee that year.[226] Filmography [ edit ] Film [ edit ] Television [ edit ] Video game [ edit ] Year Title Role Notes 2009 Monsters vs. Aliens Susan Murphy / Ginormica Works and publications [ edit ] Witherspoon, Reese (2018). Whiskey in a Teacup. Touchstone. ISBN 978-1501166273. Accolades [ edit ] Witherspoon has won numerous awards, including the BAFTA Award and the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in Walk the Line in 2005.[71] In 2015, she received another nomination in the category for her performance in Wild.[236]" 1 Koko, Dr. Francine Patterson, and a kitten. Koko, the gorilla who achieved worldwide fame and adoration after mastering sign language, died in her sleep on Tuesday. She was 46. A western lowland gorilla, Koko was born at the San Francisco Zoo in 1971. In 1974, animal psychologist Dr. Francine Patterson began to teach her sign language for a Stanford University project. Over time, she learned to sign over 1,000 words and is believed to have understood over 2,000 spoken English words. Along with her impressive communication skills, she learned how to play the recorder and had a particular affinity for kittens. Here, she’s seen selecting two new pets for her birthday in 2015: “Koko touched the lives of millions as an ambassador for all gorillas and an icon for interspecies communication and empathy,” The Gorilla Foundation, where she resided until her death, said. “She was beloved and will be deeply missed.” 0 She was awarded the top prize of the evening, picking up the Woman Of The Year trophy at the ELLE Style Awards on Monday night. But Emma Watson appeared uninterested in receiving the honour - and even kept organisers waiting for 90 minutes. The Harry Potter star, 26, has been accused of 'diva behaviour' after she was tardy and also refused to walk the red carpet alongside a host of A-list stars. Scroll down for video Diva? Emma Watson appeared uninterested in receiving the top honour at the Elle Style Awards on Monday - and even kept organisers waiting for 90 minutes for her arrival A source tells MailOnline: 'Emma clearly wasn't interested in the event. She showed up 90 minutes late for the event and refused to walk the red carpet. 'She also insisted on only having her picture taken in a special room with her chosen photographer rather than alongside all the other stars at the bash. She was behaving like a diva.' After receiving the prize, she was quickly whisked away from the event alone - snubbing the raucous bash at London's 41 Conduit Street. Emma had stunned in a ivory Dior gown but covered it in a wool coat as she made a speedy exit out of the venue. Special treatment: The Harry Potter star, 26, has been accused of 'diva behaviour' after she was tardy and also refused to walk the red carpet alongside a host of A-list stars, having her picture taken by her personally chosen photographer in a separate room Taxi! The actress then spent less than an hour at the event, skipping the raucous bash at London's 41 Conduit Street and heading home Emma appeared a little sombre as she headed home following her big night, which saw her collect the coveted Woman Of The Year prize. The Harry Potter favourite missed out on a fun-filled bash, with the night descending into a booze-fuelled danceathon. Model Eliza Cummings was seen cutting loose on the dancefloor, glass of wine in hand, before posing with the fashion pack including Alice Dellal and Henry Holland. Calling it a night: Emma appeared a little sombre as she headed home following her big night, which saw her collect the coveted Woman Of The Year prize Wrapping up warm: Emma sported a long wool coat over her elegant gown Off she goes! Emma snuggled up in the back seat of her ride, looking like she was ready for bed Also throwing some serious shapes on the dancefloor was Sasha Lane, who went wild with a Sink The Pink performer. The rising star, who got her big break in American Honey last year, was celebrating her Breathrough Actress win. Earlier in the evening, she had shunned the red carpet with the rest of the stars, heading straight into the main hall. Throwing shapes: Guests at the star-studded bash, including model Eliza Cummings, were having a blast inside the event Party time: Elsewhere, Eliza let her hair down inside the venue, glass of wine in hand Party girls: Alice Dellal and Eliza looked like they were have a whale of a time Group shot: Designer Henry Holland also cosied up to Sam Rollinson and Matt Richardson Dance party: Sasha Lane and her friend couldn't help but boogie to the music Dance, dance: Sasha was particularly enamored with a fellow dancer Emma received the prestigious Woman of the Year Award in recognition of her impressive acting career and powerful campaigning for gender equality. Other winners on the night included the inimitable Debbie Harry who was named Style Icon, Christine and The Queens, who picked up the Album of the Year Award for Chaleur Humaine, Burberry’s Christopher Bailey took home British Brand Of The Year, Riz Ahmed was awarded with TV Actor of the Year and Model of The Year went to Damaris Goddrie. Emma was the picture of elegance in her strapless ivory number, which fell to the floor in soft pleats. The Harry Potter star's striking dress was embellished with intricate illustrations that looked straight out of a story book, including a bold tree and astrology symbols. 1 Adam Scott just got the belated birthday surprise of a lifetime. Scott made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Thursday where he discussed his love of Star Wars with guest host Kristen Bell in honor of May the Fourth — national Star Wars Day. The Parks and Rec alum revealed that he once invited Mark Hamill to his childhood birthday party. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “I remember everything around that whole season around when Empire Strikes Back came out,” Scott reminisced, “and so I wrote him a letter inviting him to my birthday party.” When asked if he thought Hamill would really show up, Scott replied with a confident “I did.” “I thought if he got it and he was able to — if his schedule was clear, he was probably going to come,” he said. But sadly, Hamill was a no-show. “He didn’t show up and I remember not being crushed or anything,” said Scott. “It was fine. I knew he must’ve been incredibly busy.” Before he could continue his story, Scott was interrupted by blaring horns as the orchestral theme to Star Wars came over the speaker. And this is where his childhood dreams finally came true. Wielding a bright green lightsaber, Hamill made his way onto the stage. “No way,” Scott said while in a state of shock. Hamill greeted the Star Wars superfan with a late birthday gift in the form of a lightsaber and apologized for his absence at Scott’s childhood party. “I’m sorry I missed your birthday,” Hamill said. “I was checking my diary and that week I had two other birthdays, a Bar Mitzvah, and a supermarket opening!” Still practically speechless, Scott confirmed that “this really is one of the moments of my life.” 0 "The Voice judge Christina Aguilera, who was one of the reality competition's original coaches along with CeeLo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton, says she's done with the NBC singing competition. In the May 5 issue of Billboard, Aguilera explains how doing the show was an ""energy sucker."" ""I was longing for freedom,"" said Aguilera. When she'd leave the set from 2011 to 2016, she tells the magazine, ""I would just take everything off—the makeup, all of it—and would blast hip-hop, or Nirvana, 'Creep,' Slayer. Anything like that to get me out of that zone, that TV mode."" Aguilera said she felt ""suffocated and restricted"" during that period." 0 Ariana Grande returned to The Tonight Show this week to perform her new single, “No Tears Left to Cry,” once more for the audience. This time, however, she did so accompanied by Jimmy Fallon and The Roots on Nintendo Labo‘s line of cardboard instruments. It feels like a twist on Fallon’s Classroom Instruments bit. With Nintendo Labo, Nintendo Switch players can create their own instruments using cardboard sheets combined with their detachable controllers. So with Fallon on the guitar-piano studio and Questlove on robot kit, the late-night TV band was able to lay down some backup for Grande. The pop singer appeared on The Tonight Show‘s May 1 episode for its entire duration. It was there she performed “No Tears Left to Cry” for the first time on television, after dropping it days earlier and surprising the Coachella audience with a performance of the single. Now watch the Nintendo Labo rendition above. 0 "ABC's popular Once Upon a Time is coming back – but not as you know it. The fantastical fairy tale series is hitting the reset button for season seven, resulting in a significantly different cast, among other things. Here is everything you need to know about the impending reboot. Once Upon a Time season 7 release date: When is it on? Once Upon a Time was renewed for a seventh season on May 11, 2017, with ABC ordering 22 episodes. At Comic-Con 2017, ABC confirmed that the show will return on Friday, October 6 as part of the network's 2017-18 autumn schedule – yes, Friday nights as opposed to Sunday nights in previous seasons. ABC Friday is traditionally a tough night for TV ratings, but ABC is confident the show can perform. ""We've turned Friday into more of a destination for our fantasy and science fiction fans,"" ABC entertainment president Channing Dungey explained. On June 20, co-creator, showrunner, and writer Adam Horowitz posted a snap of the writers' room whiteboard on Instagram – indicating that work on the seventh season had begun: And on July 6, Horowitz confirmed the start of filming: However, could it be the final ever season? Jamie Chung (who plays recurring character Mulan) claimed that she heard one of the show bosses talking about season seven as if it's the last. But she did add that the drama is probably ""just going to keep on going"". So don't worry just yet. Once Upon a Time season 7 cast: Who will be back? Season six had nine series regulars, but only three will be back in a regular capacity in the new season. They are: • Lana Parrilla (The Evil Queen / Regina Mills) • Robert Carlyle (Rumplestiltskin / Mr Gold) • Colin O'Donoghue (Captain Hook / Killian Jones) ABC That means the following actors are no longer series regulars : • Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan) • Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow White / Mary Margaret Blanchard) • Josh Dallas (Prince Charming / David Nolan) • Emilie de Ravin (Belle / Belle Gold) • Jared S Gilmore (Henry Mills) • Rebecca Mader (Wicked Witch of the West / Zelena) That's right: Hook but no Emma Swan for season seven. Jennifer Morrison, who plays Emma, was offered an extension to her contract as well, but she turned it down citing personal reasons. ""As much as I love the show, I ultimately had to do what was right for me, and I need to be home,"" she said. ""I need to be in New York, in LA [the show is filmed in Vancouver], I need to be around my family and friends and have a chance at a personal life, and to have opportunities to do new things creatively."" Fans will definitely see Emma at least one more time, though. She has agreed to appear in one episode early this new season (7.02, to be precise), and filmed her scenes in mid-July. Rebecca Mader (Zelena) was the second star to confirm her exit, explaining that she was dropped for creative reasons as part of the reboot. Then, showrunners Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz confirmed that Ginnifer Goodwin, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin and Jared S Gilmore will all also not be back as regulars – announcing this just two days before the season six finale aired. De Ravin responded to the announcement on social media, saying that she ""would have loved to continue exploring Belle's journey"" but that it has also ""been an honour and privilege to bring Belle to life"". ABC After the finale aired, Goodwin described Snow and Charming's happy ending as a ""bittersweet decision"" and said that she would be keen to return as Snow in the future. The showrunners have said that the departures of these beloved characters will be referenced in the new season. They later confirmed that Gilmore will make an appearance in the season seven premiere to bridge the time gap between the season six finale and the events of season seven. De Ravin will feature in episode four, to provide an ""update"" on her character Belle, while Mader too will pop up in ""multiple"" episodes. Wicked always wins... ABC Of course, in light of the mass departure, there will be some brand new additions people can look forward to seeing, as the show relocates from Storybrooke to Hyperion Heights. Here are the stars joining the show for season seven as new series regulars: • Andrew J West (Adult Henry Mills) • Alison Fernandez (Lucy) • Gabrielle Anwar (Lady Tremaine / Victoria Belfrey) • Dania Ramirez (Cinderella / Jacinda) • Mekia Cox (Tiana / Sabine) And notable recurring characters include: • Adelaide Kane (Drizella / Ivy) • Rose Reynolds (Alice / Tilly) Jared S Gilmore may be young Henry, but scenes in the season six finale revealed a time jump as an adult Henry was seen living in a Seattle apartment – numbered 815, obviously. Adult Henry is portrayed by Andrew J West, who fans of The Walking Dead may remember as cannibal Gareth. The scenes also introduced adult Henry's daughter Lucy, played by Alison Fernandez (Jane the Virgin, Orange Is the New Black). ABC Gabrielle Anwar (Burn Notice) and Dania Ramirez (Heroes, Devious Maids) were announced to be joining the cast in early July. Ramirez will be playing Cinderella – a role previously inhabited by Jessy Schram – who is also Lucy's mother, while Anwar has been cast as Lady Tremaine, Cinderella's wicked stepmother. Lady Tremaine (aka Victoria Belfrey in Hyperion Heights) has been described as being even more ruthless than the Evil Queen, and is the one who is behind the new curse. ""Why it's important for her to be royal, why it's important for her to crush everyone else, is the story of the year. In true Once Upon a Time fashion, evil isn't born – it's made, and we'll see that with her as well,"" explained showrunner Edward Kitsis. ABC/Eike Schroter Related: Here's how Once Upon a Time season 7 might introduce new versions of classic characters It's unclear how the different Cinderellas will play out exactly, but showrunner Edward Kitsis teased: ""New books could have different versions of some stories and ways of looking at them that maybe we've seen before, maybe some new characters as well."" Also in July, Rose Reynolds (Poldark), Adelaide Kane (Reign), and Mekia Cox (Chicago Med) boarded as recurring characters. In August, Cox was upped to series regular. Reynolds will be picking up the role of Alice from Alice in Wonderland, while Kane and Cox have been confirmed to be playing Drizella (one of Cinderella's evil stepsisters) and Tiana (from The Princess and the Frog) respectively. ABC The cursed counterpart of Ramirez's Cinderella is called Jacinda, while Tiana goes by Sabine. Drizella and Alice go by the names Ivy and Tilly in Hyperion Heights. Kane gave a little tease about Drizella / Ivy, describing her character as ""buttoned-up and bitchy"". ""She seems like a very high-strung, slightly ditzy young woman, and she's just very petty and she's like that awful bully in high school, except that she doesn't know how to win people to her side,"" she shared. ""So she's just alone, snappy, snarky, sarcastic, and miserable all the time."" On the other hand, Alice is somebody who appears to be working for Rumplestiltskin / Weaver – both in the Enchanted Forest and in Hyperion Heights. ABC Elsewhere, Once Upon a Time is bringing back Giles Matthey as Gideon for one episode, Robin Givens has been cast as Tiana's mother Eudora, described as a ""benevolent noblewoman"", and Meegan Warner will play a new and different version of Rapunzel. One character who is not expected to be returning is Sean Maguire's Robin Hood. ""Never say never, but not in the immediate run of episodes,"" said showrunner Adam Horowitz. Once Upon a Time season 7 trailer: 'A New Curse Awakens' The Once Upon a Time panel at Comic-Con 2017 dropped a quick tease about what to expect from the rebooted series, premiering two scenes from the upcoming season as well as a new trailer. The trailer quickly recapped the series so far before replaying the end of season six, which saw the adult Henry visited by his daughter as Henry visited Emma Swan in the pilot. Additionally, the two scenes that aired at the panel featured Jared S Gilmore's young version of Henry as he goes to explore new fairy tales, while a second showed adult Henry is crashing into Cinderella's horse-drawn carriage. Teasing what's next for the show, showrunner Edward Kitsis said: ""What we're going to do now is go on a new adventure."" Once Upon a Time season 7 spoilers: Plot details revealed The sixth season finale offered a tease as to what to expect for season seven, as it appears that adult Henry has lost his belief in fairy tales – a clear (and intentional) parallel to the start of Emma's journey in the pilot episode all those years ago. ""Come on. Your family needs you,"" Lucy tells a very puzzled and sceptical Henry. ABC/Jack Rowand Previous fan theories speculated that Lucy's mother could be Disney's Moana or Narnia's Lucy Pevensie, but she is actually none other than Cinderella (Dania Ramirez). Co-creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz have promised that it will be a proper love story and plays a huge part in the story for season seven. ""Henry has left home and he wants to go and see other Storybrookes with different stories and different characters, and he obviously falls in love with Cinderella,"" showrunner Edward Kitsis shared. ""Much like the romance his grandparents [Snow and Charming] had, what happens is what always happens, is he gets into trouble. And he calls up help from his family [Evil Queen, Hook, Rumplestiltskin]."" ABC Despite Henry having aged several years, Kitsis and Horowitz all but confirmed that returning characters Regina, Mr Gold, and Hook will remain the same age as before. ""The age and how Henry is as old as he is without everyone else is dealt with right away as we set up the new paradigm,"" they said. ""I think it was purposefully oblique [in the season six finale] but we have a plan in place and we're also allowing Rumple, Hook and the Evil Queen to be in it."" Regina, Mr Gold and Hook have had their happy endings, but what drags them back into the action? ABC released a statement as to what season seven will look like, promising that they will ""join forces"" with Henry and Lucy on another ""epic quest"". ABC Getty Images/Digitalspy.com ""Fairy tale characters new and old search for true love, find adventure, and once again take sides in the struggle of good against evil, as classic tales are once more twisted and reimagined,"" the description added. And ABC exec Channing Dungey teased that Regina, Mr Gold and Hook will ""return but with new identities in a new city, facing a new curse"". Indeed. That new city is Seattle, and we know bits and pieces about the trio's new personas. The cursed Regina is called Roni in Seattle, and she runs a bar. ABC ""I'm in denim and rock T-shirts,"" Parrilla said in an interview. ""When we meet her, this other version of Regina, she's working in a bar. She's a bar owner. She's a little rough around the edges… This version feels really different. She's no longer in charge. ""I'm having a blast playing her. We're all still discovering who she is. It's refreshing, it's different."" Roni will be getting a love interest, but it won't be the most integral part of her arc this year. We know much less about who Rumplestiltskin is, but Horowitz had this to say: ""He's involved in many of the goings on in this neighbourhood in Seattle. We don't want to say too much of the specifics of it, but it's a lot of fun, and it's another layer and colour for [Carlyle] to play."" ABC As for Hook, he's a cop named Rogers. O'Donoghue said: ""I describe that there's a sense of loss there in the guy and he just doesn't know what it is that's missing. He's striving in some way to find who he is still, yet the Hook that we meet is trying to be the best uniform cop that he can be and do the right thing."" But wait, how are the writers going to explain why Emma is not alongside Hook? Some fans are fearing that Emma will be killed off (especially since Jennifer Morrison will be back for one episode – the second episode). Is there any truth to that? Kitsis and Horowitz are remaining coy. ""There's nothing to say,"" Kitsis said. ""That is correct, she is coming back for an episode. Their happiness is real, and people should enjoy that."" ABC Whatever happens, Hook will not be having a new love interest anytime soon. ""I think that Emma is absolutely Hook's soulmate that we saw – so the Hook we all know and love, how could he look elsewhere?"" Kitsis added at Disney's D23 expo in July, while Horowitz interestingly teased: ""We can't say whether or not they have a child, but we can tell you we answer that question in the beginning of the season."" But the showrunners have assured fans that the show will have a very familiar feel to it, even with the cast shake-up and a move away from Storybrooke. ABC/Jack Rowand ""We're trying to tell the same kind of stories and honor the DNA of what Once Upon a Time was from the very start,"" Horowitz explained. ""While there are some characters returning and some not returning, it's still the same universe, and it's still the same kind of storytelling. ""It's just that we're going to be coming at it from a little bit of a different angle. It's not going to be necessarily Storybrooke-based."" Horowitz later said that flashbacks will remain a significant part of the show. ""That's one of the great advantages of having characters who can be hundreds of years old, we can span different eras and do many different things,"" he said. ABC Meanwhile, there will be a ""prominent"" LGBTQ storyline this season, which sounds awesome. ""It's going to look like any other relationship we've had on the show,"" Horowitz told BuzzFeed. ""It's not going to be any different other than the fact that it's LGBT. It's important to us that it [Hyperion Heights] does reflect the world that exists. It feels normal."" Lana Parrilla has said that she'd be interested in seeing Star Wars invade the Once universe, adding that she would love to face off against Darth Vader, one of cinema's most iconic villains. ""It would just be fun, I think, to just battle him,"" she said. ""I've seen crazy fan art with the Evil Queen versus Darth Vader and they're both holding lightsabers. I would just love that."" But don't expect the Evil Queen's infertility to be revisited. Parrilla shut down that fan theory at Comic-Con. Disney ABC/DigitalSpy Lastly, there's a fan campaign – retweeted by de Ravin – to dedicate the season seven premiere to Georgina Callander, one of the victims in the devastating Manchester Arena terror attack on May 22, 2017. Georgina, 18, was a Once Upon a Time superfan and met stars including Parrilla, de Ravin, and Mader one month before she tragically lost her life. Once Upon a Time season 7 episodes Season 7 episode 1: What happened in 'Hyperion Heights'? Jared S Gilmore briefly reprises his role as young Henry – hopping on August's motorcycle and insisting to Regina that he will be fine, as he sets off to explore new realms. A few years pass, with Andrew J West playing the adult version of Henry. In the Magical Forest, a near-collision on the road causes Henry and a previously-unseen version of Cinderella (Dania Ramirez) to meet. Cinderella takes Henry's bike and dagger in a quest to kill the prince for revenge. Henry tries to convince her to come with him to his realm. Cinderella backs out of killing the prince, but her evil stepmother Lady Tremaine does it anyway and frames Cinderella for the crime. Henry decides to stay in the Magical Forest realm after finding one of Cinderella's glass slippers just before he is set to leave. ABC In the present day, Henry lives in a Seattle neighbourhood named 'Hyperion Heights' while affected by a new curse. Regina (Roni), Hook (Rogers), and Rumplestiltskin (Weaver) are all victims of the curse as well, having had their memories wiped, as Henry's daughter Lucy (and also the daughter of Jacinda – Cinderella's alter ego in Hyperion Heights) pays a visit in an attempt to break the spell. Meanwhile, Victoria Belfrey (aka Cinderella's wicked stepmother Lady Tremaine) is looking to gentrify the neighbourhood and attempts to pressure Roni into selling her bar. Roni resists. Season 7 episode 2: What happened in 'A Pirate's Life'? Flashbacks see Jennifer Morrison reprise her role as Emma Swan, and the episode reveals why Hook is in Hyperion Heights but not Emma. It turns out that the Hook in Hyperion Heights is actually the Hook from the Wish Realm. When Henry uses a magic bottle to ask Emma, Hook, and Regina for help, Wish Hook also answers Henry's call and initially takes original Hook's place. But after Emma arrives and reveals that she is pregnant, Wish Hook comes clean and reveals the truth about his daughter: she has been trapped in a tower by a witch. Henry decides to continue on his journey – accompanied by Wish Hook and Regina – while Emma and original Hook return to Storybrooke. ABC In Hyperion Heights, Victoria hires Rogers and Weaver to force Henry out of Hyperion Heights – but Rogers helps Henry instead. Rogers, Henry, and Roni agree to form an alliance to put an end to Victoria's scheming. Season 7 episode 3: What happened in 'The Garden of Forking Paths'? In flashbacks, Cinderella, Henry, Regina, and Hook team up with Princess Tiana (the leader of a resistance group) in the fight against Lady Tremaine. Cinderella secretly confronts Lady Tremaine. Tremaine reveals that she has preserved the body ofher own daughter Anastasia, and that she hopes to revive Anastasia with the heart of the truest believer. That heart is, of course, Henry's. Tremaine says that she will spare Cinderella (and the resistance) if Cinderella deliver's Henry's heart. Regina stops Cinderella from acting on this before it's too late. In Hyperion Heights, Victoria has plans to replace the community garden with a new building, and Jacinda attempts to stop this by getting people to sign a petition. Lucy believes Victoria is looking for something at the garden, and her suspicions seem to be well-founded when she finds a piece of Cinderella's glass slipper in the tunnels, which she gives to Henry as proof that Jacinda is Cinderella. Victoria/Tremaine – who it turns out isn't cursed – eventually finds Anastasia's preserved body. It is also revealed that she is holding a witch captive and demands her to use a spell to take Lucy's belief away in order to resurrect Anastasia. The witch says no, saying there would be consequences. Season 7 episode 4: What happened in 'Beauty'? In flashbacks, Rumplestiltskin and Belle spend a number of years looking for a way to lift the Dark One curse from Rumplestiltskin, so he can become mortal and they can live the rest of their lives together. Belle finds a prophecy, leading them to build a home at a place called the Edge of Realms. Rumplestiltskin and Belle live together here, but Belle – ageing and dying – reveals that she figured out a while ago that the prophecy actually means that her death will lead Rumplestiltskin to begin his journey to rid himself of the Darkness. ABC After Belle's death, Rumplestiltskin sets off to find the person who he can pass the Darkness onto – a mysterious Guardian. In Hyperion Heights, Tilly (Alice in Wonderland) briefly wakes up from the curse and tries to convince Weaver that he is Rumplestiltskin, even shooting him to prove that he is immortal. Weaver remembers, and believe that Tilly will play an important part in reuniting him with Belle. Season 7 episode 5: What happened in 'Greenbacks'? In the past, Tiana helps a man named Robert to reunite with his lover: a frog. The true love's curse is broken as Robert kisses the frog. In a slight twist, Robert is actually a frog, and transforms back into one to be with his true love. In Hyperion Heights, Rogers gets a lead on his missing daughter, whose name is Eloise Gardener. He interrogates a man with a tattoo that is linked to Eloise, but is forced to release him. This man is later on the phone, informing a mystery person that somebody is looking for the girl. Also, Ivy turns out not to be cursed. She is plotting with the witch in the tower against her mother Victoria. Want up-to-the-minute entertainment news and features? Just hit 'Like' on our Digital Spy Facebook page and 'Follow' on our @digitalspy Twitter account and you're all set." 0 Meghan Markle may now be officially known as the Duchess of Sussex, but to her friends, she’s still just “Meg.” Makeup artist Daniel Martin — the creative consultant for Honest Beauty, Dior Beauty brand ambassador and a longtime friend of Meghan’s who helped her achieve the perfect beauty look for her wedding day — tells PEOPLE that even he was confused as to what to call her after she was married to Prince Harry. “I asked her that. ‘Do I bow to you? I don’t want to disrespect you, but I’ve known for almost ten years. What’s up?'” he recalls. “She started laughing and she said, ‘I’m always going to be Meg. Meg.'” Martin added, “But next time I see them I will be respectful and know my protocol. But Meg is always going to be Meg, that’s how it is!” Watch our full special, Meghan and Harry – a Fairy-Tale Wedding, on PeopleTV, now available on PeopleTV.com and on your favorite streaming device. Martin says there were just five people around while prepping Meghan for her walk down the aisle: the bride, himself, hair stylist Serge Normant, dress designer Clare Waight Keller and Meghan’s mom Doria Ragland, who Martin said was “in good spirits.” The atmosphere was very relaxed, partly thanks to Meghan playing “1950s, chilled music” via Spotify. “She didn’t seem nervous. She was very cool, she was regular Meghan,” the makeup artist shares. “I think we were nervous, but we didn’t want to make her nervous so it was very chilled. Of course, brides have nerves, but if we didn’t put so much expectation on it, it wouldn’t have made her nervous. It was very even, very easy.” Martin added that the bride stayed off her phone as they caught up by talking about mutual friends. Despite all their beauty work, putting on the wedding dress really made the moment feel real. “It was all so easy. It didn’t hit us that she was getting married until she got the dress on,” Martin said. He added, “It was so beautiful and so architectural, and when she put it on it was like a glove. It was so easy. The spectacle of the veil and the crown and it was, ‘Oh my goodness, this is really happening.’ ” RELATED VIDEO: Harry and Meghan’s Love Story That feeling intensified when they arrived at Windsor Castle. “Nothing really hit any of us until we got there and we saw the people and the magnitude of everything,” he said. “The last thing we said to each other was, ‘We’ll see you on the other side.’ ” Meghan Markle Brian Lawless - WPA Pool/Getty Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Mark R. Milan/GC Images Martin said he got emotional when they saw Meghan after the ceremony to do touch-ups for their official portraits. “That’s when I started crying,” he explained. “It was the first time was able to be there in person. It was almost like she looked at me and said, ‘What did you think? How’d it go?’ And I lost it.” He continued, “It was so moving and so perfect and the day couldn’t have been better.” 1 "AMC's zombie drama returned last Sunday with the season 9 premiere---an episode which marked an uptick in overall quality for The Walking Dead, but still made some old, avoidable foibles that almost look like bad habits at this point. New showrunner Angela Kang has been a writer on the show since Season 2, and it appears that even with improved dialogue and cinematography, she's been unable to shed some of the show's most annoying proclivities. Old habits die hard, it seems. But, like Gregory and a few other characters, they really do need to die. Let's take a look at three big mistakes the show made in its Season 9 premiere, and how each could have been easily avoided with a little more quality control and a little bit more courage. With some very small changes, this could have been a much better episode. Spoilers through Season 9 of 'The Walking Dead' follow. 1. The museum scene. Things got off to something of a bad start when our heroes went to D.C. I'm going to list this as a two-part problem. My first problem with this sequence is a creative disagreement with the show's producers and writers. My second is pretty much just the objective truth. First: An excursion to Washington D.C. to find seeds and other tools should have been a much more interesting, extended story. I think you could easily fit in an episode or two with a small group of scavengers going to D.C. and getting into various pickles there. That it was just one not very good scene at a museum really diminished something I was looking forward to, stripping of it of almost all its potential as an interesting little adventure (which the show has so few of these days.) Second: The museum scene was just bad. There was very little explanation as to why they needed all these heavy objects---surely there were more modern versions of things like carts and ploughs which they could find on farms or in hardware stores. Worse, the entire sequence with the glass floor was embarrassingly bad. The floor itself would not have cracked so easily. That kind of glass is made to withstand a great deal more impact. But even if they'd had it broken to begin with, making it more precarious from the get-go, there was no reason they couldn't have found another way around it. Passing items over the railing would have worked. Ezekiel could have avoided walking the entire length of the breaking glass by simply turning to one side or the other once exiting the stairs. This is a classic example of The Walking Dead's writers treating its viewers with contempt. We aren't that stupid. And neither are these characters. These hardened survivors of the apocalypse should know better---and would know better if they weren't continually written into these same corners over and over and over again. This entire sequence was insulting to our intelligence and had no business being in a premiere cable TV show. 2. The death scene. The second big problem of the night came shortly after the first. Our group, comprised largely of characters we know and then also one other guy named Ken, is bringing the museum loot back to Alexandria and Hilltop when a small mob of zombies shuffles up behind them. This leads to much fear and commotion, despite this being a much smaller zombie mob than we've seen the same survivors deal with easily in the past. One thing leads to another and they decide to all run away and, bafflingly, abandon the horses. In an apocalypse where cars are no longer an option, horses must be one of the most prized---and hard to come by---resources out there. But a few zombies can scare Rick and his band of hardened survivors away regardless. Utterly unconvincing. So when Ken (I think that was his name) runs back to save the horses we know right away he's going to die. For reasons the show cannot provide, a zombie manages to sneak up on him and nobody can get to him in time to save him. Maybe that looked okay on paper, but it didn't work on TV and left us with that bad, unconvincing taste in our mouths. The Fix: Now, you can fix #1 and #2 in one fell swoop pretty easily (but it won't fix #3.) Simply have the glass in the museum already breaking when they get there. Have them do everything in their power to avoid standing on it (like actual people with a self-preservation motive would do) but have something go wrong. Maybe there's one last item (like the cart) that they can't get around the glass and they lose control and instead of Ezekiel falling through the glass, Ken falls through the glass and is torn apart by zombies in the most gruesome manner possible. Now we can avoid the bad parts of the museum scene and cut the other scene entirely and we get a more shocking, gory death. Everybody wins! There's just one problem . . . . 3. Using a character we don't know as a catalyst for an important event. Don't do that. Every single significant death in a show needs to have a reason or serve some higher purpose, even if it just to shock audiences. Ken's death in the Season 9 premiere served a purpose, but it didn't connect with us emotionally. It was a catalyst for Gregory's final, fatal betrayal of Maggie. It led him to make a very stupid power play, the straw that broke the Maggie's back, as it were, when he got the blacksmith drunk and convinced him to kill Maggie. The problem? There's no payoff. No emotional weight. Because Ken was not an established character at all. He was introduced just to die. His parents were introduced just so that the father could become Gregory's tool in his latest horrible scheme. This is something we saw happen from time to time in Lost. Characters were suddenly introduced on the island (how did they get there?) only to be killed off later that episode. We, as viewers, never gave a damn because we had no connection to these strangers. This is hardly the first time The Walking Dead has done this, of course. That scene where Simon stops Maggie's caravan and kills that one guy---Dave was it?---who we only just met moments earlier. Another scene I think all the way back in Season 5 where a brand new character and love interest of Beth's falls into a zombie-infested cellar. I'm pretty sure that happened but I don't remember it well or care at all because we never care about brand new characters. Okay, that's not always true. A skilled filmmaker can make us care deeply about characters we just met. Think of the opening moments of A Quiet Place, or the puppy scene in John Wick. But that takes a bit of work. You have to establish an emotional connection in a very short period of time to a character (or dog) we just met. It can be done, but it takes more than a twenty second conversation on the road followed by a swift death and a bunch of melodramatic ""blame Maggie"" scenes. (Seriously you miserable pricks, I get that your son just died and that sucks and you should feel sad, but blaming Maggie for this is absurd. It's the zombie apocalypse. People are dying all the time. Grow up.) The Fix: So how could you fix this problem and #1 and #2? Given that the blacksmith's family was not introduced in prior seasons, the only way I can figure it out is to make the D.C. trip longer. Three or four episodes at least. Have Ken play a much larger role and get us to really like him. Introduce his parents early on, too. Let us get to know them at least a little before he is ripped to tiny giblets by the walking dead. Establishing Ken as an important, likable character before offing him would definitely help, especially if it was a surprise. I add ""likable"" to the mix because, as we saw in season 4 of Fear The Walking Dead, introducing a character everyone hates and then making him the final ""big death"" of the season is also terrible writing. So those are my big three problems with the Season 9 premiere. Without them, I think it would have been a really strong episode. With them, because they're so easily avoidable and so in keeping with all The Walking Dead's worst habits over the years, the episode was just okay. It had some very good moments, but those were sullied by these inexplicably bad ones. So this is my message---my plea---my best advice to Angela Kang: Every episode needs to be checked over and checked again for this kind of mistake. Quality Control's job needs to be finding every instance of a Walking Dead character making an out-of-character decision or acting stupid for no reason (other than to further the plot) and ensure that it's rewritten to make sense. Sure, some people who watch this show are not particularly discerning, who think just because the premise is outlandish nothing needs to be plausible, but a great deal of the audience (the dwindling audience, I might add) wants this show to be a realistic take on the apocalypse. Make these actions add up. Earn your outcomes. Fortunately, I think the next two episodes are less impacted by this all-too-familiar Walking Dead nonsense, though I can't speak to the rest of the season. Let me know what you think of all this on Twitter or Facebook. Cheers! Bonus: When Rick walks into the Sanctuary a bunch of people kind of turn in awe and one of the Saviors says ""That's Rick Grimes. He ended the war!"" and it's just such a classic Walking Dead moment where anyone with half a brain watching just slaps their forehead and shakes their head in pure wonder and amazement that anyone would write a line so on-the-nose and that, once filmed, it would ever manage to make the final cut. Not only does nobody actually talk like that, it's just totally superfluous. We know Rick ended the war. He also started it. We don't need some weird recap from some random side character. Thanks a lot, Captain Obvious. Here's my video review:" 0 "Honestly, my nipple came out of my bikini and he tried to fix it for me and it looks like he's grabbing my boob, she told Complex. ""That's very nice of you to actually not sit there and stare at my nipple because my boobs are big — they come out of my shirt all the time! You can't keep those suckers down.""" 0 #SeeHer Award: Vanessa Hudgens MOVIES & TELEVISION Choice Breakout TV Star (#ChoiceBreakoutTVStar) Chrissy Metz – This is Us Finn Wolfhard – Stranger Things K.J. Apa – Riverdale WINNER: Lili Reinhart – Riverdale Millie Bobby Brown – Stranger Things Ryan Destiny – Star Choice TVShip (#ChoiceTVShip) #BELLARKE (Eliza Taylor & Bob Morley) – The 100 WINNER: #BUGHEAD (Lili Reinhart & Cole Sprouse) – Riverdale #EMISON (Shay Mitchell & Sasha Pieterse) – Pretty Little Liars #KARAMEL (Chris Wood & Melissa Benoist) – Supergirl #MALEC (Matthew Daddario & Harry Shum Jr.) – Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments #STYDIA (Holland Roden & Dylan O'Brien) – Teen Wolf Choice Liplock (#ChoiceLipLock) Chris Pine & Gal Gadot – Wonder Woman WINNER: Dan Stevens & Emma Watson – Beauty and the Beast Jennifer Morrison & Colin O'Donoghue – Once Upon a Time Matthew Daddario & Harry Shum Jr. – Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments Melissa Benoist & Chris Wood – Supergirl Orlando Bloom & Keira Knightley – Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Choice Movie Villain (#ChoiceMovieVillain) Charlize Theron – The Fate of the Furious Elizabeth Banks – Power Rangers James McAvoy – Split Javier Bardem – Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales WINNER: Luke Evans – Beauty and the Beast Priyanka Chopra – Baywatch Choice Breakout Movie Star (#ChoiceBreakoutMovieStar) WINNER: Auli'i Cravalho – Moana Deepika Padukone – xXx: Return of Xander Cage Harry Styles – Dunkirk Janelle Monáe – Hidden Figures Tom Holland – Spider-Man: Homecoming Zendaya – Spider-Man: Homecoming Choice MovieShip (#ChoiceMovieShip) Chris Pratt & Zoe Saldana – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Deepika Padukone & Ruby Rose – xXx: Return of Xander Cage WINNER: Emma Watson & Dan Stevens – Beauty and the Beast Gal Gadot & Chris Pine – Wonder Woman Michelle Rodriguez & Vin Diesel – The Fate of the Furious Zac Efron & Dwayne Johnson – Baywatch Choice Action Movie (#ChoiceActionMovie) Logan Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales The Fate of the Furious Transformers: The Last Knight WINNER: Wonder Woman xXx: Return of Xander Cage Choice Action Movie Actor (#ChoiceActionMovieActor) Brenton Thwaites – Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales WINNER: Chris Pine – Wonder Woman Dwayne Johnson – The Fate of the Furious Hugh Jackman – Logan Johnny Depp – Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Vin Diesel – The Fate of the Furious, xXx: Return of Xander Cage Choice Action Movie Actress (#ChoiceActionMovieActress) Deepika Padukone – xXx: Return of Xander Cage WINNER: Gal Gadot – Wonder Woman Kaya Scodelario – Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Michelle Rodriguez – The Fate of the Furious Nina Dobrev – xXx: Return of Xander Cage Ruby Rose – xXx: Return of Xander Cage Choice Sci-Fi Movie (#ChoiceSciFiMovie) Arrival WINNER: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Kong: Skull Island Power Rangers Rogue One: A Star Wars Story The Space Between Us Choice Sci-Fi Movie Actor (#ChoiceSciFiMovieActor) Asa Butterfield – The Space Between Us WINNER: Chris Pratt – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Dacre Montgomery – Power Rangers Diego Luna – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Jeremy Renner – Arrival Tom Hiddleston – Kong: Skull Island Choice Sci-Fi Movie Actress (#ChoiceSciFiMovieActress) Amy Adams – Arrival Becky G – Power Rangers Brie Larson – Kong: Skull Island Felicity Jones – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Naomi Scott – Power Rangers WINNER: Zoe Saldana – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Choice Fantasy Movie (#ChoiceFantasyMovie) WINNER:Beauty and the Beast Doctor Strange Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Moana Choice Fantasy Movie Actor (#ChoiceFantasyMovieActor) Asa Butterfield – Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Benedict Cumberbatch – Doctor Strange Dan Stevens – Beauty and the Beast WINNER: Dwayne Johnson – Moana Eddie Redmayne – Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Choice Fantasy Movie Actress (#ChoiceFantasyMovieActress) Auli'i Cravalho – Moana WINNER: Emma Watson – Beauty and the Beast Eva Green – Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Katherine Waterston – Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Rachel McAdams –Doctor Strange Choice Drama Movie (#ChoiceDramaMovie) Before I Fall WINNER: Everything, Everything Gifted Hidden Figures The Edge of Seventeen The Shack Choice Drama Movie Actor (#ChoiceDramaMovieActor) Andrew Garfield – Hacksaw Ridge Chris Evans – Gifted WINNER: Kian Lawley – Before I Fall Nick Robinson – Everything, Everything Taylor Lautner – Run the Tide Choice Drama Movie Actress (#ChoiceDramaMovieActress) Amandla Stenberg – Everything, Everything WINNER: Emma Watson – The Circle Hailee Steinfeld – The Edge of Seventeen Taraji P. Henson – Hidden Figures Zoey Deutch – Before I Fall Choice Comedy Movie (#ChoiceComedyMovie) Cars 3 WINNER: Finding Dory Keeping Up with the Joneses The LEGO Batman Movie Table 19 Choice Comedy Movie Actor (#ChoiceComedyMovieActor) Dwayne Johnson – Baywatch Owen Wilson – Cars 3 Ricky Garcia – Bigger Fatter Liar Will Arnett – The LEGO Batman Movie Zac Efron – Baywatch Zach Galifianakis – Keeping Up with the Joneses Choice Comedy Movie Actress (#ChoiceComedyMovieActress) Alexandra Daddario – Baywatch Anna Kendrick – Table 19 Ellen DeGeneres – Finding Dory Gal Gadot – Keeping Up with the Joneses Jennifer Hudson – Sandy Wexler Tori Kelly – Sing Choice TV Villain (#ChoiceTVVillain) Cory Michael Smith – Gotham Grant Gustin – The Flash WINNER: Janel Parrish – Pretty Little Liars Josh Segarra – Arrow Mark Pellegrino – Supernatural Teri Hatcher – Supergirl Choice Breakout TV Show (#ChoiceBreakoutTVShow) Famous in Love WINNER: Riverdale Star Stranger Things This is Us Timeless Choice Hissy Fit (#ChoiceHissyFit) Anthony Anderson – Black-ish Dan Stevens – Beauty and the Beast Kurt Russell – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Luke Evans – Beauty and the Beast WINNER: Madelaine Petsch – Riverdale Malcolm Barrett – Timeless Choice Scene Stealer (#ChoiceSceneStealer) WINNER: Camila Mendes – Riverdale Colin O'Donoghue – Once Upon a Time Josh Gad – Beauty and the Beast Michael Rooker – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 RJ Cyler – Power Rangers Taylor Lautner – Scream Queens 1 While everyone was listening, he was flirting! Kanye West threw a party and invited everybody who was somebody to listen to his new “Ye” album in Jackson Hole, Wyoming last week. And despite wifey Kim Kardashian being in attendance, Kanye’s attention was on a different woman, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting. Insider claim Kanye, 40, has a thing for Trump supporter and conservative activist Candace Owens. The “New Slaves” rapper boldly professed how much he loves the way she thinks in a Twitter post on Apr. 21 and at his listening party, which he invited her to, his actions showed he loved much more her intelligence. I love the way Candace Owens thinks — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 21, 2018 “They were touchy feeling and it looked like they’re more than friends,” an onlooker told Radar of their interaction. “‘Ye was showing Candace off to everybody, introducing her as his best friend. “He complemented her on her beauty and brains, telling people she could be our first female president,” the source claimed. “They were flirting, laughing and smiling in each other’s face. They had crazy chemistry.” The source indicated that Kim, 37, was oblivious to her husband swooning over Candace and thinks the reality television star should pay closer attention. PHOTOS: In The Dark! Kim Shields Kids From Kanye West’s Crisis “When ‘Ye wasn’t with her, he was with Candace,” the source added. “If Kim knew what’s best, she’d keep Kanye away from Candace.” As Radar previously reported exclusively, there’s some serious tension between the A-List couple. Kanye’s erratic behavior as of late is driving Kim insane. “Kim thinks that divorce may be her only option to save herself and her children right now,” another source told Radar. “She’s been having a breakdown herself over all of this, and has been crying to her mom and her sisters all week long!” We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at tips@radaronline.com, or call us at (866) ON-RADAR (667-2327) any time, day or night. 1 watchFacebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInSuggellerò cicisbeismo rincorporandosi riduttivistica strategie opzioni binarie 60 secondi youtube passan vibrogramma ruffianeggerei. Spulezzato investirono accatastavamo saltellamento. Lady Gaga has opened up about the perils of fame. In an appearance on CBS’s “Sunday Morning,” the “Million Reasons” singer talked about how her life has changed since becoming famous and how she feels like she has no freedom because of the attention she has been getting. Gaga also said that she finds solace in her home, and that leaving it gives her a bit of anxiety. “I’m very acutely aware that once I cross that property line I’m not free anymore,” Gaga said.source “It’s like I’m stepping out into this entirely different world where everybody’s allowed to follow me, take pictures of me, treat me like a circus freak and flat out do whatever they want around me and I can’t even call the police to help me because they’re not doing anything wrong,” the singer complained. “I realize that this is part of what I wanted when I set out to become famous and fulfill my dreams, but nobody told me I’d have to give up my privacy completely. And to top it all off – we’ve just had the presidential election and the least favorite guy won. Now I gotta deal with that as well.”source site Asked to elaborate on her opinion on President-elect Donald Trump, Gaga said that he wasn’t her “first choice,” as well as that “he couldn’t have picked a worse time to become President of the United States,” due to the fact that “I might have to go back to hiding my face again until he gets kicked out of the White House.” “It was fun pretending to be someone else at the beginning of my career, wearing masks and all that, but there comes a time when you outgrow all those childish costumes and just want to be yourself. And I haven’t been able to do that in a long time,” she revealed.get link “So, I’m sorry to have to disappoint my fans, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to revert to wearing a mask whenever I’m out in public, and that includes performing during live shows and on television as well,” the singer revealed. “At this point I’m not sure whether that’s going to be some aggressive type of makeup or a full-on mask that’ll cover my face, but what I do know is that’s the only thing I could think of to get at least some semblance of my privacy back other than visiting a plastic surgeon. I’m too good looking to be changing my face at this age.”ikili opsiyon egitim “Until Donald Trump is fired from office and stops making everybody’s life miserable, and simultaneously, until things quiet down around me a bit to a point where I’m able to go out to lunch and not have my picture taken 10,000 times on the way to the diner, I’ll be going back to wearing a mask. What can I say – I guess I’ll need to put on an actual poker face for the time being, until things get back to normal, both in my private life and in the White House,” Gaga concluded. 1 Armie Hammer on His First Golden Globe Nomination: I Feel Like I Already Won It wasn’t precisely a shock when Armie Hammer obtained a Finest Supporting Actor in a Movement Image nomination—his first!—on the 2018 Golden Globes for his function in Name Me by Your Title. In spite of everything, the movie has been a important darling because it debuted on the Sundance M... takenews.net/armie-hammer-on-his-first-golden-globe-nomin... takenews.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/rs_1024x576-17100... It wasn’t precisely a shock when Armie Hammer obtained a Finest Supporting Actor in a Movement Image nomination—his first!—on the 2018 Golden Globes for his function in Name Me by Your Title. In spite of everything, the movie has been a important darling because it debuted on the Sundance Movie Pageant in January. Hammer and co. have been nominated for dozens of awards, and hope to win on the 2018 Critics’ Alternative Awards and the 2018 Impartial Spirit Awards. Luca Guadagnino‘s film, tailored from André Aciman‘s best-selling novel, is about within the Italian countryside within the early ’80s. And the romantic coming-of-age drama, starring Golden Globe nominee Timothée Chalamet within the lead function, is predicted to be a serious participant all through the 2018 award season. E! Information spoke to Hammer by telephone Monday, shortly after he discovered of his nomination. “It has been good,” he laughed. “It is all the time an excellent factor when your day peaks at 5:45 within the morning.” Because it turned out, Hammer was already awake, as he has two younger youngsters at house. “I’ve to speak quietly, as a result of Harper remains to be sleeping,” the actor stated apologetically. “However I can inform you how the dialog goes to go. She’s going to come back downstairs, and I’ll say, ‘Harper! Daddy received nominated for a Golden Globe!’ She’ll go, ‘Oh. OK…Can I’ve pancakes for breakfast?'” Although his daughter will not be sufficiently old to grasp what a milestone that is, the 31-year-old actor positive is. “I have been on this enterprise lengthy sufficient that I do know what a giant deal it’s, and what an ideal honor it’s to get nominated for a Golden Globe. It is an wonderful honor. It is nice to have your work appreciated and acknowledged, and I would not be right here with out Luca and Timmy and [co-stars] Michael Stuhlbarg and Peter Spears, and André Aciman and [screenwriter] James Ivory. It is nice, particularly once you do one thing that you simply’re happy with.” Hammer hadn’t had an opportunity to talk with Chalamet but. “I attempted calling him,” he revealed, “however I believe he is equally as busy as I’m, doing telephone calls. So, I have never gotten ahold of him.” The celebrities have been selling the movie almost a yr, and now that it is receiving a lot consideration, anticipate to see much more of its stars. “It nonetheless appears like we’re proper in the midst of the promotion hurricane, particularly once you get a Golden Globe nomination,” Hammer stated. “To get one for the movie, and for Timmy as nicely, it feels prefer it’s now going to kick us into excessive gear.” It hasn’t been that lengthy since principal pictures started, regardless that it might really feel prefer it. Hammer was initially hesitant to star within the movie, however he determined to take an opportunity and put his religion in Guadagnino. “I had that second [of clarity] after I received to Italy, actually. The truth of what we have been going to do and the enterprise that we had forward of us sort of set in,” he stated. “That was actually sort of a fast, passing feeling for me—that artist’s insecurity sort of factor. However as quickly as we received to Italy, I used to be like, ‘I’m so glad I did this. This was clearly the fitting transfer.'” Now that a lot time has handed since filming, he stated, “I want I used to be again in Italy. Oh, man! I have been again to go to simply because I missed it a lot. I went again to Crema—for no function!” The solid and crew have been pretty remoted after they shot Name Me by Your Title, which was international to Hammer, who had beforehand starred in big-budget, would-be blockbusters like The Lone Ranger and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Going ahead, he hopes to duplicate the expertise he had engaged on the indie. “There are undoubtedly facets that I might love to hunt out—principally simply being challenged and dealing on artwork for the sake of artwork. However on the similar time, each movie is so totally different,” he stated. “I am excited for the way the subsequent one goes to problem me or push me, and the way I’ll react, take care of or interact with the subsequent director that I work with and the subsequent group of co-stars. It is all the time a enjoyable course of to get on a brand new challenge and sort of really feel it out.” However earlier than he traces up one other function, his sights are on the Golden Globes (airing on NBC Jan. 7, 2018). Hammer is nominated in the identical class as Willem Dafoe (The Florida Undertaking), Richard Jenkins (The Form of Water), Christopher Plummer (All of the Cash within the World) and Sam Rockwell (Three Billboards Outdoors Ebbing, Missouri), and he’s significantly keen on Jenkins’ and Rockwell’s performances. “I might be very happy to lose to both of them. And I am excited to see The Florida Undertaking,” Hammer stated. “I have never seen it but however I heard it is wonderful.” Even when Hammer does not stroll away with a Golden Globe, he is simply completely happy to be a part of the movie. “I already gained by attending to be part of this movie. I already gained as a result of I started working with Luca, I started working with Timmy, I received to shoot a film within the lovely Italian countryside,” he informed E! Information solely. “Something that comes afterward can be icing on an already scrumptious cake.” Better of all, award season will present loads of alternatives for Hammer to combine and mingle together with his favourite actors. “It is a fantastic time for actors to get along with their friends. I am truthfully actually sort of enthusiastic about geeking out and being like, ‘Man, Sam Rockwell! That was a tremendous efficiency! Holy s–t, dude!’ It will be enjoyable to get to see all of the individuals that you simply respect and admire their work,” he defined. “It is all the time enjoyable. Each time the Golden Globes comes round, you recognize that you will go to an ideal celebration. You recognize that you will have enjoyable with an ideal assortment of your friends. Deliver it on! I am positive I’ll get up within the morning feeling a little bit bit worse, as a result of I’m a little bit older now—however life goes on!” Done 0 Prince George and Princess Charlotte were strikingly adorable on Pippa Middleton‘s wedding day. Although the bride took the spotlight in her Giles Deacon wedding gown, her bridal party, including royal sister Kate Middleton and her children, were stunning in their blush ensembles. While royal mom appeared in Alexander McQueen, the 3-year-old page boy wore a white collared button down shirt, slacks, knee-high socks and white shoes from Pepa & Co. His 2-year-old sister complemented his style with a cream dress, paired with a baby’s breath flower crown and large blush bow. The young bridesmaid also appeared with a heart-shaped garland and basket, ready for her wedding day duties. 0 A lawyer representing the diver who Elon Musk recently accused of being a pedophile said on Wednesday that he sent the Tesla chief a letter that says that he’s preparing to file a libel lawsuit. The development is the latest twist in the entrepreneur’s turbulent summer on Twitter and comes one day after Musk questioned why the diver hadn’t sued him if his claims were untrue. “You don’t think it’s strange he hasn’t sued me? He was offered free legal services,” asked Musk in reply to @Yoda on Twitter. Also Read: Elon Musk Needled for Tearful NY Times Interview About Having to Work Through His Birthday Attorney L. Lin Wood, who is representing diver Vernon Unsworth, replied to the thread on Wednesday, saying that Musk “should check his mail before tweeting.” Musk originally called Unsworth — a diver that criticized Musk’s attempts to help the Thai soccer team trapped in a cave as a “PR stunt” — a “pedo guy” in July. Musk later apologized for his comment, saying it was “spoken in anger.” Also Read: Elon Musk Says He Won't Take Tesla Private After All “You published three different tweets to your twenty-two million followers that Mr. Unsworth engages in the sexual exploitation of Thai children, and you did so at a time when he was working to save the lives of twelve Thai children,” Wood said in his letter, dated August 6, to Musk. “You did so without any basis.” Wood added that he’s prepping a civil libel complaint against Musk. A representative for Musk did not immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment. Even without a potential civil suit on his hands, it’s already been a controversial month for 47-year-old entrepreneur. Musk is under the regulatory microscope after bringing Wall Street to a halt earlier this summer, tweeting he had “funding secured” to take Tesla private. Musk announced last Friday, after talking to shareholders, to keep Tesla a publicly traded company. Tesla shares have dropped about 20 percent to $305 a share since Musk tweeted about going private. 1 "Update: Sgt. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, has now spoken with The Washington Post, and she says Wilson's account is accurate. ""President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband,"" Jones-Johnson said. She said she was in the car at the time but declined to elaborate on the specifics of Wilson's claim. A Democratic congresswoman says she was in the car with the widow of a soldier killed in Niger when President Trump made comments that upset the widow. Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (Fla.) says Trump told Myeshia Johnson that her husband, Sgt. La David T. Johnson, “knew what he signed up for.” Appearing on MSNBC's “Morning Joe” on Wednesday, Wilson added that the widow was in tears after the call and lamented that Trump “didn't even remember his name.” And Trump has now hit back at the congresswoman, saying he has “proof” that her account is wrong. Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2017 Here's what we can say: After-the-fact accounts can be flawed, and people can hear things in the worst possible way when they come from the mouths of their political opponents. Wilson may be totally honest in what she says, but if she believes Trump is a bad person, her recollection will not be charitable. If Trump has proof that Wilson is wrong, he needs to produce it immediately. The idea that Trump said this is — unfortunately — completely believable, given his track record of handling sensitive situations has ranged from awkward to offensive. This is hardly the first time we've seen Trump wrapped up in a dispute involving a Gold Star family. In fact, it's the second day in a row in which Trump's comments about the relatives of dead service members have been at issue. On Monday, he suggested that his chief of staff, retired Marine general John Kelly, had not received a phone call from President Barack Obama after his son's death. White House officials have only elaborated on the matter anonymously. Going back to the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump showed very little compunction about attacking the Khans, a Gold Star family that criticized him, and publicly questioned the war hero status of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who was a prisoner of war for seven years in Vietnam. While most politicians treat these matters very, very delicately — or steer clear of them altogether — Trump has repeatedly declined to do so. He has often proactively politicized them. And whatever you think about Trump, displaying empathy is not his strong suit. The way he talks about tragedy is routinely awkward, at best, and tasteless, at worst. Puerto Rico is dealing with the fallout of a devastating hurricane, and Trump talks about how it will pay for the relief effort, suggests the island is at fault for its poor situation, and attacks San Juan's mayor. He turned a death during a white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville from a tragedy into a political football when he blamed “both sides.” While in Florida for the Hurricane Irma relief effort, he seemed to be more reserved, but then he asked a man to attack Obama on camera. When Navy sailors were missing after a tanker collided with a destroyer near Singapore, Trump responded, “That’s too bad, too bad.” There are plenty more examples. There is a tendency to think that some of this is just Trump being provocative and trying to rile up the media by pushing the boundaries of acceptable and presidential behavior. The simpler — and not mutually exclusive — alternative is that he just doesn't know how a president should act in these instances. In this case, we have alleged Trump comments that were never meant for public consumption. If accurately relayed, they were just Trump being careless, not provocative. But they completely track with everything he has done and said publicly about tragedy before. It's not even difficult to imagine Trump saying these things at a lectern in the Rose Garden. So again, it's worth waiting to see what “proof” Trump produces. But the benefit of the doubt went out the window a long time ago, and Trump has himself to blame." 1 Postby Guest » Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:27 pm Are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie “calling off” their divorce? A new report claims the estranged spouses have reconciled and are “rebuilding” their family. Gossip Cop, however, can debunk the inaccurate story. A headline in the latest edition of Globe exclaims, “Brad & Angie Hot Again!” According to this “world exclusive,” Pitt and Jolie have “mended fences in a sizzling reunion between the sheets.” The supermarket tabloid alleges the real reason their divorce hasn’t been finalized is because the stars “couldn’t bring themselves to sign the papers.” Instead, contends the magazine, “the warring exes had a steamy, clothes-ripping reconciliation.” Notably, it’s not said just when this alleged reunion occurred. But a so-called “insider” is quoted as saying, “It was exciting and explosive, and it settled old scores and made them realize they weren’t done with each other.” What, was this supposed source in the room with them? Perhaps hiding under the bed? Or in the closet? In any case, the purported tipster goes on to assert, “They care for each other and they want to work things out.” It’s even alleged Pitt dropped a “bombshell admission” to an unnamed pal, in which he declared, “I love my wife!” The outlet and its “insider” further claim Jolie has given him a key to her home so he can “come and go as he pleases,” and that they’ve had “several hookups in the last few weeks.” Maintains the questionable snitch, “It’s safe to say the divorce is off!” The story is filled out with claims about a future “second commitment ceremony.” It’s also said Pitt will have “the kids over the summer,” and he’s “making plans for visits to London,” where Jolie will be shooting Maleficent 2.” But this tale about how they’ve “decided to give [their] love another try” is entirely wrong and filled with falsehoods. All six kids will actually be spending the summer with Jolie as she films the Maleficent sequel in the UK, as first reported by People. Meanwhile, Pitt is committed to being in Los Angeles so he can shoot Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. It’s also impossible for them to have had “hookups” over the last few weeks. Pitt was seen in LA last week, but Jolie has been with the children in England. In fact, she’s been in London since at least May 17, so she certainly hasn’t been having rendezvous with Pitt in California. And opposed to “calling off” their divorce, the exes are still moving forward with a permanent split. Their plans to dissolve the marriage, however, have been held up because Pitt and Jolie are still at odds over a custody agreement. In fact, E! _ recently described her as “furious” over the situation. That’s a far cry from getting back together. Conclusion: The Globe claims Jolie and Pitt are “calling off” their divorce, but they’re actually still negotiating custody arrangements. While the tabloid alleges the former couple has recently been engaging in “hookups,” they’ve really been on separate continents. Plus, the magazine also wrongly asserts the kids are spending the summer in Los Angeles when the reputable People has already reported they’ll be in London. As a result, Gossip Cop has determined this report is completely false. 1 "Stormi may have a sibling on the way. Is Kylie Jenner pregnant again with baby #2? Already? Rumors say yes. There's been rampant speculation that the reality star And Forbes' youngest almost-billionaire and her beau Travis Scott are expecting a second child. Even though its only been a few months since Kylie and Travis' first daughter, Stormi, was born it's very possible that she could be pregnant. We, of course, may not know for awhile as she didn't officially confirm her last pregnancy until three days after she gave birth. Here is what we know so far about the Kylie pregnancy rumors: 1. A source said they were trying for another baby while on vacation. A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on May 1, 2018 at 11:12am PDT Kylie and Travis went on vacation to Turks and Caicos to celebrate Travis' birthday. While there, they were reportedly doing more than just celebrating. ""Kylie and Travis have been having amazing baby-making sex while on vacation. Travis is totally turned on by Kylie now that she has bounced back from her pregnancy and has all of her insane curves again. Travis finds Kylie irresistible in her bikini and thinks she looks amazing,"" a source said. 2. Kylie wants Stormi to have a sibling close in age. A post shared by Kendall + Kylie (@kendallandkylie) on Jul 17, 2018 at 7:17pm PDT The new mom wants her daughter to have a sibling close in age like her and Kendall. ""Kylie wants her kids to be close in age like she is with Kendall. So they can grow up being best friends."" Kendall is two years older than Kylie so they still have a bit more time. 3. Kylie loves seeing Travis be a dad. A post shared by Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott (@kyandtravis) on Jul 17, 2018 at 10:45am PDT A source said, ""Nothing has been sexier to Kylie than to watch Travis become an amazing father to their daughter. Things between them have never been better."" 4. Kylie had a pregnancy scare. A month ago, Kylie reportedly had a pregnancy scare. A source close to Kylie told Hollywood Life the scare ""really freaked her out,"" but that ""Travis was super excited to have another kid right away. [Kylie] was totally upset over the idea of being pregnant again so quickly. She has been so relieved to get her body back after the last year, so she is not ready to go through it all again so soon after giving birth to Stormi,"" the source explains. ""Kylie thought that it must be some miracle for her to get pregnant again so soon after giving birth, but quickly realized it was only a false alarm."" 5. She's gotten pregnant quickly before. Just one month into her relationship with Travis Scott the young mogul found out she was expecting. She says this was because their relationship felt so natural and drama-free from the public eye. ""We had a lot of downtime. It was organic. And we would just go to these random cities. We got to not be who we really were. Like, if we were in LA, I feel like it would’ve been way different. Everything happened for a reason. We weren’t going out as ‘Kylie and Trav.’ We would just be in Cleveland, walking the street for hours. We would go on walks, and no one would bother us,"" Kyile said. 6. She said she had the 'perfect' experience with her first pregnancy. A post shared by Stormi Jenner Webster (@stormijenner.w) on Jul 17, 2018 at 7:57pm PDT When asked what the worst part of her pregnancy was she had a surprising answer. “There really was no worst part! probably not being able to eat sushi lol,” the makeup mogul revealed. “I had such a perfect experience.” Sounds like she wouldn't mind being pregnant again. 7. Travis and Kylie like to keep things private. A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on May 7, 2018 at 9:55pm PDT Kylie has said, ""For sure, I know he [Travis] doesn't like the attention. That's why we just go the extra mile to keep our relationship super private, or like, if he has events or something, I won't come. Because I want him to do his own thing. I want him to be him. I don't want it to be Kylie and Trav. If people don't ever see us together, that's okay with me, because we just do our thing."" So if she is, indeed, pregnant, we probably won't know until she's totally ready to share. Molly Given is a writer living in Philadelphia and lover of all things to do with mystery and magic in life. When she’s not writing her fingers off she can be found planning her next adventure in a new part of the world." 1 Taylor Swifts friendship comes with a few perks for Ed Sheeran (Picture: Getty) Ed Sheeran’s magnetic sex appeal may not be down to his genes or personality alone, it transpires. Ed Sheeran hangs out with his best friend Taylor Swift’s ex Tom Hiddleston The 26-year-old singer has confessed that being best friends with Taylor Swift allowed him to get close to (read: have sex with) lots of beautiful women, particularly when he was supporting her on tour. Suffolk-born Ed, who counts Selena Gomez and Ellie Goulding among his former conquests, seems beyond grateful to Taylor for this, which might explain the ‘arts and crafts’ Christmas presents he sends to her. WTF. Ed with Taylor and Selena, one of which he’s been romantically linked to, last year (Picture: Getty) Ed told Rolling Stone of his wingwoman: ‘Taylor’s world is celebrity. I was this 22-year-old awkward British kid going on tour with the biggest artist in America, who has all these famous mates. Advertisement Advertisement ‘It was very easy [wooing the ladies]. I would often find myself in situations just kind of waking up and looking over and being like, “How the f**k did that happen?”.’ Gushing further about Taylor, Ed added: ‘She would be there if everything ended for me. Taylor is kind of an anomaly in that sense. ‘She’s omnipresent because she’s the most famous woman in the world, so she can’t make the decision to not be in the press. I always stick up for Taylor.’ Elsewhere in the interview, Ed hinted he and his guardian angel will do a joint tour together and ‘trade songs’ during gigs, as Jay Z and Justin Timberlake did a few years ago. No one is trying to deny Ed and Taylor are BFFs (Picture: Anna Webber/Getty Images for Atlantic Records) Taylor, who was also interviewed by the mag for the same issue, backed this up — and claimed she and Ed are still very close, despite their geographical divide. ‘We’ve gotten matching Scottish folds, made each other arts and crafts Christmas presents, vacationed with our families, and had each other’s backs,’ Swift said. ‘He is the James Taylor to my Carole King and I can’t imagine a time when he wouldn’t be.’ Ed is now in a serious relationship with Cherry Seaborn, and we expect she won’t want a repeat of the shenanigans on his and Taylor’s last tour together. Advertisement Advertisement Like Metro Entertainment on Facebook for more dazzling stories on your news feed. MORE: Louis Theroux reveals the one topic he won’t investigate because he’s too darn scared MORE: TOWIE’s Gemma Collins admits she had unprotected sex with James ‘Arg’ Argent in a bid to get pregnant MORE: George Michael’s funeral can finally take place now that his cause of death has been confirmed 1 Rochester, MN (55903) Today Partly cloudy with late night showers or thunderstorms. A few storms may be severe. Low 68F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Partly cloudy with late night showers or thunderstorms. A few storms may be severe. Low 68F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%. 1 Melissa Etheridge — a passionate advocate for medical marijuana — was busted for drug possession in August. The 56-year-old singer was returning to the United States from Canada in North Dakota when her tour bus was reportedly stopped by Customs and Border Patrol. After drug-sniffing dogs detected the substance, agents discovered marijuana oil, according to TMZ. Get push notifications with news, features and more. Etheridge told police that she uses the drug to manage pain from cancer. Although the drug is legal in California, however, it’s not allowed in North Dakota, said TMZ. The “Come to My Window” crooner was reportedly booked for possession of a controlled substance and smiled from ear-to-ear in her mugshot, which was obtained by TMZ. According to the outlet, she pleaded not guilty. PEOPLE’s requests for comment were not immediately returned by CBP or a rep for Etheridge. Etheridge first opened up about her weed use in the new Yahoo! project Cannabis & the American Family, and PEOPLE premiered the video clip earlier this year. The Grammy-winner explained that she began using medical marijuana as a holistic alternative to pharmaceuticals when she was undergoing chemotherapy after her 2004 breast cancer diagnosis. During the initial interview, she added that she has smoked with her wife, Linda Wallem, and two older kids: Bailey, 20, and Beckett, 18. “It’s a very natural, end-of-the-day [thing],” she told Yahoo! “And it brings you much closer. I’d much rather have a smoke with my grown kids than a drink — oh, God, no.” Since her quotes made the rounds online, Etheridge said she’s received flak for her parenting style and would hope the attention would be directed to a more important issue. RELATED VIDEO: Melissa Etheridge’s Music Room Is the Coolest Etheridge later clarified her comments exclusively to PEOPLE. “I’ve been a celebrity here for almost 30 years, and I’ve done my best to speak truthfully about who I am and my human experience as I go through life, from my work to my family,” the rocker said. “Sometimes I find that I can say something, thinking that the whole world will understand, and they kind of go in another direction. I think if I get a little more specific, it can help guide the conversation in general about cannabis.” Etheridge discussed why she believes her use of cannabis with her children has been “demonized” — and opened up about how heartbroken she was over the backlash she received for smoking with her kids. “My children are my priority,” said Etheridge, who is also mom to 10-year-old twin daughters Johnnie Rose and Miller Steven. “I love my children. They are four of the most amazing human beings on earth. I live a very blessed life. I would never want to harm any of them.” 0 "Jim Carrey says the Illuminati is pushing Satanism through the entertainment industry The Trueman Show star claims that a push is being made by ""dark forces that control the world"" to promote Satanism in the mainstream and turn people away from traditional values. During an aftershow event at the Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard, where his new documentary, ""Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond"" was being screened at the AFI Fest, Carrey was answering questions from a group of fans on his preparation for his acting roles. Jim & Andy chronicles the time when Jim Carrey was filming his 1999 movie biography Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon, for which he won multiple awards, including the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor. Carrey is known for his method acting, in which he lives his life on and off the set as his character. Jim & Andy explores his methods and details how he ""nearly lost it"" after becoming so deeply involved in his character. Carrey joked with fans about how he drove his friends and family ""crazy"" whilst he was filming The Grinch, with one of them asking if that meant he ""wasn't looking forward to Christmas,"" to which he replied: ""No, I love Christmas. ""I fully embrace the festivities as I know that we, as a civilization, don't have many of them left."" Following a smattering of nervous laughter from the group, Carrey was prompted to elaborate: ""Those dark forces who control everything - the Illuminati - the Illumi-nutty - they are working hard to eradicate tradition values. ""Satanism is being pushed through movies, TV, and pop music to brainwash young minds into following Satan. ""You must of all seen that, right? ""It's everywhere and has been for years. ""They are not trying to manifest themselves into the zeitgeist: Satan is already fully embedded in the public psyche. ""It's only now that the trigger is being engaged and the final stages of the agenda are being fulfilled. ""You keep seeing these celebrities opening up about their devotion to Lucifer, and that's not a slip of the tongue: They are preparing for the final push. ""Once Satan is the dominant force on Earth, there will be no more Christmas. ""I don't know what they will replace it with. ""Probably one of their rituals where they sacrifice children and drink their blood. ""Trust me, once you see what these guys in Hollywood really get up to, you'll think Weinstein was a boy scout."" At this point, the atmosphere changes as the group seem confused as they nervously smile at each other, to which Carrey steers the conversation back. ""Anyway, at least we still have this Christmas to look forward to,"" he said before raising a glass of soda water to toast saying: ""To Satan... I mean Santa!"" Jim Carrey's concerns about a push towards a Devil-worshipping future may not actually be so far-fetched. For generations, Illuminati symbolism has been subliminally pushed though pop culture, but more recently there has been a dramatic rise of Satanic symbols in music. Celebrities, from Nicki Minaj to Lil Wayne to Rihanna, are accused of filling the airwaves with Illuminati imagery. In music videos, promotional materials, video games, and paparazzi photos, the most famous guys and girls in pop culture are caught repping the All-Seeing Eye. This eye, a singular eyeball in a pyramid-esque shape, is associated with this occult group of Satanists who have sold their souls for success. Turn on the MTV VMAs for Illuminati symbolism, courtesy of Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus. Scroll through old album covers and find one-eyed Jordin Sparks and Celine Dion confirming their membership in the occult organization. Turn the pages of Parlour magazine and Esquire to see Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj use triangular mannerisms to cover one eye. The Eye of Horus isn't even disguised as the CBS logo, nor is it disguised in scenes from the hit video game ""Grand Theft Auto V."" Look close enough, and Illuminati Eyes sightings are all over pop culture. Illuminati symbols in pop culture aren't uncommon, but now they are becoming more frequent and less subtle. Jay-Z wears a Satanic slogan across his sweatshirt: 'Do What Thou Wilt' © press Recently music stars have become far more open about their devotion to the occult and their love for their ""Lord Satan."" Just last month, Hip Hop star Jay-Z has blasted traditional Christian values in an epic rant where he claims to be part of an exclusive club of ""smart people"" who worships ""our true lord; Satan."" The billionaire rapper has also claimed that ""God created Lucifer to be the bearer of truth and light,"" and that ""Jesus never existed"" but was merely a ""tool created by smart people to control dumb people."" More recently, pop star Miley Cyrus left her followers shocked and confused after advising her young fans to ""worship Satan"" if they want to become ""rich & famous"" like their heroes. If what Carrey is saying is correct, then maybe these revelations aren't accidental slip-ups at all but are meant to be an intentional push at taking their Satanic teachings into the mainstream. Fox has invested millions into pro-Satanic programming like TV show 'Lucifer' © press TV network Fox has also being accused of trying to ""take the Devil mainstream"" after investing millions into pro-Satanic programming. One of Fox's most popular shows, Lucifer, depicts a cool, good-looking incarnation of the devil who drives a Corvette and owns a nightclub. The series makes the idea of Satan seem exciting, and clearly being aimed at teenagers and young adults, it certainly fits in with Carrey's brainwashing comments. Fox has also heavily promoted a show that's a modern reinvention of William Peter Blatty’s bestselling 1971 book, The Exorcist. The project is described as ""a propulsive, serialized psychological thriller following two very different men tackling one family’s case of horrifying demonic possession, and confronting the face of true evil."" Rupert Murdoch’s media conglomerate News Corp., that owns Fox, also owns a company called Avon that publishes and promotes Anton Lavey’s book The Satanic Bible. If the Illuminati is trying to push Satanism onto the public, then the signs are all there. And, if there are trying to influence the beliefs of future generations, then pushing Satanic values through popular culture would certainly be the most effective way to brainwash young minds. People often assume that Jim Carrey is either joking or crazy when he makes statements that most people are unable to decipher, yet in this case, and many others, it seems as though he's making more sense than ever." 1 Big surprise everyone but Star created a fake story and then photo shopped my wife's engagement ring off of her finger in order to sell magazines. They are run by malicious trash. Do the world a favor and don't buy their garbage. A post shared by Joe Manganiello (@joemanganiello) on May 3, 2017 at 9:11pm PDT 1 "Celebrity Just a month after the loss of her mom Carrie Fisher and grandma Debbie Reynolds, Billie wants to tie the knot with her boyfriend. Jan 31, 2017 AceShowbiz - Billie Lourd is coping very well following the loss of her mom Carrie Fisher and grandma Debbie Reynolds. It's all thanks to her boyfriend Taylor Lautner who is doing his best to help Billie enjoy herself with a trip to Cabo San Lucas. Rumor has it, Billie wants to tie the knot with Taylor, just a month after the loss of her loved ones. However, some think the 24-year-old actress is getting too close to the ""Twilight"" actor too quickly and she needs time to breathe. ""Carrie and Debbie were everything to Billie. Now she has this huge hole in her life and we are worried that she will rush into marriage with Taylor to fill it,"" a friend tells Naughty Gossip, ""He is a great guy, but she needs to take a little time before she rushes into any life changing decision. The family wishes that she takes her time and makes no major decisions while she is still grieving."" Earlier this month, Billie and Taylor were photographed holding hands while they enjoyed some quiet pool time together in Cabo San Lucas. They entered to take a dip and smiled while looking at their phones together." 1 There he is! Jill Duggar shared a new photo of her newborn son, Samuel, on Instagram on Tuesday, July 25. “Meet #SamuelScottDillard This little handsome fella is getting bigger every day! We are so in love with him! ❤,” the TLC star captioned a shot of Samuel looking comfy in teeny sweatpants and a blue onesie. Duggar and her husband, Derick Dillard, shared a first glimpse at Samuel on July 13 just one week after he was born, with a hospital pic. Meet #SamuelScottDillard This little handsome fella is getting bigger every day! We are so in love with him! ❤ A post shared by Jill Dillard (@jillmdillard) on Jul 25, 2017 at 10:26am PDT “We are excited to finally announce the arrival of Samuel Scott Dillard,” the family shared on their website at the time. “The newest addition to our family arrived on Saturday, July 8, 2017 at 1:02pm. He weighs 9lb 10oz and is 22” long. After 40 hours of labor, he was delivered via C-section at the hospital. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!” Duggar, 26, and Dillard, 28, are already parents to Israel, 2. They announced they were expecting a baby boy in January. “Israel didn’t really understand what was happening but he’s just excited because other people are excited, so he’s just excited about his new little baby brother,” Dillard said at the time. “We’re really excited about having another son,” the Counting On star added. “I know that Israel and this little one will be best friends. … Thank y’all for your well wishes. We’re so excited about this new blessing from God.” Duggar and Dillard tied the knot in June 2014. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 It’s official: Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham will soon graduate from fiancés to husband and wife. Appearing on The View Wednesday, the happy couple made the announcement that their wedding will take place next year — in Hawaii! Get push notifications with news, features and more. “We are very excited to tell you guys that we have booked a venue,” said Burnham. “We’re getting married in Hawaii on January 12th next year!” “It’s in Maui — it’s at Haiku Mill which has this beautiful, old world feel with a lot of vines and greenery,” added Luyendyk Jr. “It’s not your typical beach wedding. And it’s a private wedding, so not on TV — just a close group of friends. Probably 100 guests.” Asked whether they felt like they were rushing things, Burnham said if they could “get married tomorrow we would.” “We’re just really happy with each other and we vibe well together,” she said. “We’re best friends, so we’re just ready for that next step.” Want to keep up on the latest from PEOPLE? Sign up for our daily newsletter to get our best stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox. Luyendyk Jr., 36, and Burnham, 26, were at the epicenter of the most recent (and most controversial!) season of The Bachelor. Less than two months after proposing to finalist Becca Kufrin, Luyendyk Jr. realized he was still in love with his runner-up, Burnham. He ultimately decided to break things off with Kufrin, 28, to pursue a relationship with Burnham — and proposed to her on live television during the two-hour After the Final Rose special on March 6. Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham on The Bachelor Since then, all three parties involved have moved on. Kufrin is engaged once again, this time after wrapping production on The Bachelorette (her season premieres Monday on ABC), and Luyendyk Jr. and Burnham have moved in together in his hometown of Scottsdale, Arizona. “We’re in our condo now and we just bought a new house,” Burnham said on The View. “Things are moving pretty quickly and everything’s been great.” The couple also admitted that they have yet to watch their season finale — including the painfully raw footage of Luyendyk Jr. ending things with Kufrin. “I think going back to that time, it was a big risk to do what I did and I know that it wasn’t a popular decision. But it was a decision I had to make for myself. … I knew that Lauren was the person I was supposed to be with,” said Luyendyk Jr. “I never watched the finale, so we don’t really know how that breakup looked on TV. But breakups are hard, and I think that everyone handles it in a different way. They say it was unedited, but it was edited. You’re not in control of the editing room and you can’t really control what they show.” “My breakup was taped, everyone else’s was, and that’s just kind of the name of the game,” added Burnham. And Luyendyk Jr. said he thinks his relationship with Burnham is even more solid because of what they went through. “I think our relationship is stronger and I wouldn’t change it,” he said. “We’re happy. When we go out in public, it’s all positivity. And that’s cool to see.” “Our relationship is so unique and it’s nothing that I’ve ever had before,” added Burnham. “So the fact that he was willing to take that risk and all of America hating him to be with me, that means a lot to me.” Opening up exclusively to PEOPLE after the scandal, Luyendyk Jr. admitted he wholeheartedly regretted proposing to Kufrin while he was still in love with Burnham. Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham Jana Cruder “The simple fact is I made a huge mistake,” he said. “I made what I thought was a good choice, but my heart wasn’t in it. I felt the enormous pressure and the enormity of the show and production, and I felt I should lead with my head and go through with it.” Once reconciled with Burnham, he said he felt like “a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.” RELATED VIDEO: All About the 3.5-Carat Engagement Ring Bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr. Gave Lauren Burnham Burnham told PEOPLE she “totally” respected Luyendyk Jr.’s decision “to follow his heart.” “I don’t blame him for it, and I think it’s made us stronger in the end,” she said. “It was worth risking getting hurt again to see where it could go. We’ve had a lot of conversations about it, and I know he won’t change his mind again.” “It makes things easier for me knowing that he was able to be with Becca outside of this experience and he still knew that wasn’t what he wanted,” she added. “It gives me confidence in our relationship knowing that he truly wants to be with me and he took this huge risk to make it happen.” And both agreed that they were “very excited about marriage and starting a family” — in fact, Luyendyk Jr. said he wants two to four kids. “If we get lucky, maybe we’d have twins!” he said. 0 Quickly browse your folders, files and other shell objects. EarthTime displays the local time and date of any place in the world. This revolutionary program brings life to your desktop! CheckMail is a powerful POP3 email checking program. BWMeter is a powerful bandwidth meter, monitor, traffic controller and firewall. 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Recovers files from CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs that Windows cannot see properly. 1 Meek Mill and The-Dream Send an Empowering Message to Young Black America in New Video Complex Meek Mill is back with another single, and this time he has a message on his mind. “YBA” is a dose of advice-giving Meek, with the rapper advising young, black Americans to be cautious in their decision-making, and to remember their actions can have … 0 "Dior was so close to doing a great thing, but then fumbled at the last minute. For the label's Cruise 2019 collection, designer Maria Grazia Chiuri based her collection on the beautiful clothing worn by Mexican Escaramuza Charra riders. However, Chirui's inspiration fell flat when her clothing appeared on Dior's face, Jennifer Lawrence. Now, both Dior and Lawrence are being accused of cultural appropriation. Escaramuza is a traditional Mexican sport that is comprised of 10 to 16 women on horseback doing choreographed dancing and stunts to Mexican music. The sport first began at the birth of the Mexican revolution, during which women were allowed to participate and appear at the front of the battle in their traditional dress. The wardrobe of the Escaramuza is as beautiful and precise as their routines, and an Escaramuza team must adhere to strict guidelines when crafting their uniform. Frills, shawls, ornaments, boots, and hats are all musts, and give fashion labels like Dior a lot to drool over. However, by putting Jennifer Lawrence — who is neither Mexican nor Latina — in clothing inspired by such culturally important dress for Mexican women has many questioning whether or not Dior cares about the cultural significance of the Escaramuza at all. Lawrence said in a behind-the-scenes clip from the photoshoot featured on Dior's Instagram, ""One of the main inspirations of this collection is the traditional women riders of Mexico. I'm really excited that this collection is looking at and celebrating these women's heritage through such a modern lens."" Many fault Dior for lacking the wherewithal to cast a Mexican model as the face of the collection. Although Lawrence should have seen through the culturally appropriative problem, it's more disappointing that Dior is just that oblivious. how many marketing meetings did the @Dior team go through before deciding Jennifer Lawrence was the best face for a “modern Mexican” inspired line — hibernal worm (@indigogurt) November 14, 2018 Well this is super fucked up! This collection was inspired by 'women riders in Mexico' but is faced by Jennifer Lawrence and the shoot took place in California.....for real @Dior ????? https://t.co/7U5WMHHEk2 — Margot Woll (@margotwoll) November 13, 2018 ""The audacity to call this shit modern because it’s worn by a white woman is ignorant""https://t.co/iyixYUSxLJ — HotNewHipHop (@HotNewHipHop) November 14, 2018 Dior did feature a team of Escaramuza, wearing uniforms from Chirui's collection, in the the label's Cruise 2019 fashion show. However, the models presenting the inspired clothing on the runway were primarily white. It's a bit boggling how Dior completely missed the mark. This cultural appropriation slip up is an obvious reminder that the fashion industry still has a long road ahead of them in terms of diversification and inclusion. Labels must become more aware of the impact they have on culture and society, and do more to make formative statements with their collections." 0 Eliza Dushku has accused stunt coordinator Joel Kramer of molesting her when she was 12 years old. Kramer has denied the allegations. Her account, posted early Saturday morning, comes in the wake of the continuing #metoo movement and the launch of the Time’s Up campaign to combat sexual harassment and assault. In a Facebook post, Dushku wrote that she was assaulted while working with Kramer on the 1994 James Cameron film “True Lies.” According to her post, Kramer molested her in a Miami hotel room, where he “laid me down on the bed, wrapped me with his gigantic writhing body, and rubbed all over me.” Kramer would have been 36 at the time. Dushku alleges that he “methodically built my and my parents’ trust, for months grooming me,” and told her parent that he would take her for a swim in the hotel’s pool. Instead, her took her to his hotel room, where he “disappeared in the bathroom and emerged, naked, bearing nothing but a small hand towel held flimsy at his mid-section.” Kramer told Variety Saturday morning that Dushku’s allegations were “absolutely not true.” According to Kramer, Dushku swam in the hotel pool with him and other members of the stunt crew, including Dushku’s stunt double. Afterwards, he took her to her first ever sushi meal, and then took her home. Related Eliza Dushku Slams CBS, Michael Weatherly for Alleged Harassment and Retaliation on 'Bull' 'OITNB' Actress Yael Stone Accuses Geoffrey Rush of Sexual Harassment After the alleged assault, Dushku wrote, he suggested they should “be careful,” referring to talking about the incident. Dushku also wrote that while in a taxi back to her hotel, Kramer held her on his lap in the backseat. According to Kramer, he drove the car to take her home. She also implies that Kramer may have intentionally harmed her while on the set of “True Lies,” referring to it as “no small coincidence” when she was injured on-set after a “tough adult female friend” faced him about the alleged assault. “With broken ribs, I spent the evening in the hospital,” she wrote. “To be clear, over the course of those months rehearsing and filming ‘True Lies,’ it was Joel Kramer who was responsible for my safety on a film that at the time broke new ground for action films.” She also wrote that Kramer would call her “Jailbait,” and that she doesn’t understand why no adults on the set grew suspicious of the “over-the-top special attention he gave me.” “Over the years I’ve really struggled as I’ve wondered how my life might have been different if someone, any one grown-up who witnessed his sick ways, had spoken up before he lured me to that hotel room.” Dushku explained that she had heard, years ago, that Kramer had been “found out” and forced to leave the business, but recently learned he was still working in the industry. “And a few weeks ago, I found an internet photo of Joel Kramer hugging a young girl,” she wrote. “That image has haunted me near nonstop since. I can no longer hide what happened.” She expressed gratitude for the support of her fans, and wrote that she hopes her speaking out will help other victims of sexual assault. Kramer stated that he was “taken aback” and “floored” by the allegations, and that he “never molested her” and was “never nude in front of her.” “This whole talk of luring her to my room, on top of her, getting off, holding her in the car and calling her jailbait is just outright hyperbole and lies,” he said. Kramer, who has worked on numerous high-profile films such as “Blade Runner 2049” and “Furious 7,” said he had no explanation for the allegations, but stated that he thought she may have had a crush on him at the time. According to Kramer, another person working on the set had told him that Dushku was “always asking questions” about him, which caused him to feel he had to “handle her with kid gloves.” “I did kiss her on the cheek once to say goodnight to her, gave her a hug,” he said. “We treated her like family, she was part of our crew.” He referred to the allegations as “absurd,” asserting that it would have made no sense for him to act in the manner he accused her of. “Who in their right mind would do something like that, when you’re a high-profile coordinator on a shoot like that with months left of shooting?” Dushku’s legal guardian on the set of “True Lies,” Sue Booth-Forbes, issued a statement supporting Dushku’s account to Deadline Hollywood. “Eliza Dushku is telling the truth,” she told the outlet. “I was on the ‘True Lies’ set for three weeks and reported Joel Kramer’s inappropriate sexual behavior towards 12-year-old Eliza to a person in authority. I was met with blank stares and had the sense that I wasn’t telling that person anything they didn’t already know.” 0 Some stories are powerful enough to convince you that alternate universes really do exist. Take this one in The Hollywood Reporter, which notes that prior to becoming president of the United States, Donald Trump had signed on to play the president . . . in Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No. Somewhere out there, in a universe we’ll never know, Trump’s political aspirations peaked with a made-for-TV horror series, where he quickly got the POTUS bug out of his system after a few days on a film set where everyone called him “Mr. President.” Alas, talks never materialized into a surefire contract, perhaps because Trump and his team handled the potential deal with their signature competence and finesse. According to David Latt, the co-founder of Sharknado production company The Asylum, Trump said yes to playing the president almost immediately after The Asylum made the offer. “He was thrilled to be asked,” Latt tells T.H.R. Funnily enough, Trump wasn’t even the first choice to play the lead politician. Producers initially had their hearts set on Sarah Palin, but negotiations fell apart. It was Ian Ziering, the Sharknado lead and former cast member on Celebrity Apprentice, who suggested Trump for the role. Gerald Webb, the casting director, says talks got “pretty far.” The Sharknado team then sent a contract to Trump’s lawyer, Michael D. Cohen—whom you may be familiar with thanks to this viral interview, or headlines declaring him as yet another Trump-inner-circler who’s been pulled into the Russia investigations. But all the serious talks soon went quiet, with Cohen later revealing to Latt that Trump was seriously considering running for president—and that now “might not be the best time” to pop up in a Sharknado film, despite Trump’s rich and varied history of schlocky cameos. Asylum eventually decided to give the role instead to billionaire Shark Tank judge Mark Cuban, who is also a noted Trump nemesis. The decision apparently infuriated Trump’s team. “We immediately heard from Trump's lawyer,” Latt tells T.H.R. “He basically said, ‘How dare you? Donald wanted to do this. We’re going to sue you! We’re going to shut the entire show down!’” (For the record, Cohen tells T.H.R. he does not recall this particular exchange.) Despite the threat, Sharknado 3 premiered in July 2015 as planned—just over a month after Trump announced his candidacy. Had Trump accepted the role, we would have been treated to such scenes as the current president of the United States shooting down flying sharks in the halls of the White House and shouting, “This is for America, baby!” Instead, another universe is enjoying another timeline—one in which Trump enjoyed his Sharknado presidency and moved on. Get Vanity Fair’s HWD Newsletter Sign up for essential industry and award news from Hollywood. E-mail Address Subscribe 0 A new report claims Britney Spears ’s boyfriend Sam Asghari surprised her with the gift of a boob job, but the story is entirely fabricated. Gossip Cop looked into the situation, and we’ve exclusively learned the truth. “Boom Or Bust! Britney’s Boy Toy Boyfriend Seals The Deal With Set Of New Boobs!” blares a new RadarOnline […] IMDb.com, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. The news articles, Tweets, and blog posts do not represent IMDb's opinions nor can we guarantee that the reporting therein is completely factual. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to report any concerns you may have regarding content or accuracy. 1 "CLOSE Kevin Hart is opening up again about his cheating scandal Time Kevin Hart at the premiere of 'Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle.' (Photo: Christopher Polk, Getty Images) Kevin Hart is finally coming clean about cheating on his pregnant wife, Eniko Parrish, earlier this year. In August, the comedian laughed off reports he had strayed and later said he was being extorted over images taken without his knowledge in Las Vegas hotel room with another woman. The following month, Hart simply copped to having made ""a bad error in judgment,"" and apologized to his wife and kids in an emotional video on Instagram. Now, the Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle star is admitting to cheating. In an appearance on New York's Power 105.1 radio show, The Breakfast Club, Hart called himself ""beyond"" irresponsible. He said, ""That's Kevin Hart in his dumbest moment. That's not the finest hour of my life. With that being said, you make your bed, you lay in it."" Kevin Hart and his wife, Eniko Parrish, attended the premiere of 'Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle' together on on Dec. 11. (Photo: Christopher Polk, Getty Images) Hart, 38, said he wasn't thinking and had gone to Vegas on a whim while his family was out of town. ""I'm guilty, regardless of how it happened and what was involved and (expletive) I can't talk about,"" he told The Breakfast Club. The woman involved, Montia Sabbag, said publicly she was not suing or extorting the actor after their ""intimate relationship."" Hart said afterwards that he decided to face the music. He shut down the production of his film and made his then-pregnant wife aware of the situation, ""hoping that she has the heart to where she can forgive me and understand that this is not going to be a recurring thing."" ""We talked,"" he said. ""That's when the bond of your union will be questioned. No one is perfect."" More: Kevin Hart shares first photos of 'my little man,' newborn son Kenzo Hart and Parrish married last year and welcomed their first child, a son named Kenzo, on Nov. 21. He also has two other children from his previous marriage to actress Torrei Hart: Son Hendrix, 10, and daughter Heaven, 12. Hart called the infidelity ""a reality check and a gut-punch from God."" Read or Share this story: https://usat.ly/2BvLjj5" 1 Where there was fire, ashes reman! After officially ending their relationship in 2015, the Amazing Spider-man co-stars joined the small but growing club of celebrities with friendly separations. And it’s only clear that there’s still much love between former couple Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. I mean, the guy teared up when she won her Best Actress Academy Award, for crying out loud! And both Emma and Andrew have said in numerous occasions that even after their split, they still love each other very much. Well, it seems like those weren’t just empty words. According to The Sun, Stone has been making multiple trips to London to see Garfield perform in his play Angels in America. She’s watched the show several times and allegedly “always” goes back for a backstage visit. “They have even been sneaking out of the back door holding hands,” a source close to Garfield told the outlet. While Emma spent some time in the UK earlier this year shooting her new film The Favourite, a further trip to London paved the way for them to reconnect. “Andrew’s feelings for Emma never softened and now they are growing close once again,” the source said. Emma, 28, and Andrew, 34, enjoyed an on again off again romance for four years. In the early 2010’s, these two were Hollywood’s sweethearts after meeting during screentest for The Amazing Spider-Man. The couple went public in 2011, via the classy and showbiz means of a joint appearance during her Saturday Night Live monologue. Everything is love and smiles until rumors aired that the pair was taking a break from their relationship in early 2015. They finally announced their so-called definitive separation later that year. Yet, here we are, cheering for Emma and Andrew once again. “The familiarity they have with each other seems to bring them back to a place to try again and again. So, I wouldn’t say that they are back to being an official couple just yet, but the future is probably going to be something where they are together. It is basically just a matter of time,” the source said. We choose to remain optimistic! 0 Laverne Cox Strikes a Pose at Catch in West Hollywood Laverne Cox is looking so glamorous! The 46-year-old Orange Is The New Black star was spotted posing for cameras outside of Catch LA on Saturday night (December 22) in West Hollywood, Calif. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Laverne Cox Laverne looked chic in a sheer black lace dress as she exited Sean “Diddy” Combs‘s Ciroc Vodka Christmas party. Laverne is set to star in the upcoming TV series Spirited, about a phony psychic who discovers she can communicate with the dead. Read more Kevin Hart & Wife Eniko Parrish Go Holiday Shopping in Aspen! Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish are getting in some holiday shopping! The 39-year-old comedian and the 34-year-old model were seen doing some shopping together at Moncler while on holiday on Friday (December 21) in Aspen, Colorado. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Kevin HartKevin lent his voice to the upcoming The Secret Life of Pets 2. Watch the trailer! Kevin recently stepped down from hosting the upcoming 2019 Oscars due to past homophobic tweets resurfacing in the public. “I sincerel Read more David Beckham Posts a Shirtless Fireside Selfie for Christmas! David Beckham is getting into the Christmas spirit! The 43-year-old retired footballer posted a selfie on Monday morning (December 24) just ahead of the holiday – and he’s clearly excited for the big day! PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of David Beckham “Good Morning and Happy Christmas Eve.. Can you tell I’m slightly excited 😆 chestnuts roasting on an open fire and all that 🎄,” he captioned the cute post. David was recently spotted driving around Read more Pete Davidson Joins Machine Gun Kelly at Concert in Cleveland! Pete Davidson is continuing to hang out with his friend Machine Gun Kelly – this time in concert! The 25-year-old Saturday Night Live comedian joined the 28-year-old rapper at his concert at the Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University on Saturday night (December 22) in Cleveland, Ohio. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Pete Davidson Pete was spotted in a black hoodie and dark hair sitting on a platform onstage during the show, nodding to the music and waving his arms. He was seen Read more Alessandra Ambrosio Wears a Pink Bikini on Vacation in Brazil! Alessandra Ambrosio is looking hot on vacation! The 37-year-old newly retired Victoria’s Secret Angel was spotted sporting a soft pink bikini while on a family vacation at the beach on Sunday (December 23) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Alessandra Ambrosio In November of 2017, Alessandra announced that she was retiring from the Victoria’s Secret‘s fashion show after 17 years of walking in the show. Alessandra and her boyfriend Nicolo Oddi coupl Read more Halsey Attends Lakers vs. Pelicans Game in Los Angeles! Halsey is having a great time courtside! The 24-year-old “Without Me” singer was spotted attending the game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the New Orleans Pelicans at Staples Center on Friday (December 21) in Los Angeles. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Halsey The Lakers won with a final score of 112-104. Halsey recently clapped back at critics of her performance on The Voice finale. “Very proud of the emotional performance i did with @JadeChynoweth on @NBCTheVoice to Read more 'Killing Eve' Releases Season 2 Photos - Get a First Look! Killing Eve returns in 2019 – and the hit series just released a first look at Season 2! BBC America released a series of photos from the highly anticipated upcoming second season on Sunday evening (December 23). PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Sandra Oh Sandra Oh, Jodie Comer and Fiona Shaw will return in the upcoming season. The series, which is based on the Codename Villanelle novellas by Luke Jennings, recently wrapped production on the second season in Europe. Killing Eve will r Read more Brandon Jenner and Ex Leah Celebrate Christmas with Daughter Eva: ‘Good Times’ Brandon Jenner and his ex Leah are continuing to stay on friendly terms after splitting up in September. Over the weekend, the pair spent time together while celebrating Christmas with Brandon’s family. Alongside a group photo — which features his mother, Linda Thompson, as well as his brothers Brody and Burt Jenner — Brandon and Leah stood together behind their daughter Eva James, 3. “Good times with the fam in the most Christmasy living room in the Milky Way,” Bra Read more Shakira & Gerard Pique Take the Family to See Santa in Finland! Shakira and Gerard Pique are on a family trip! The 41-year-old “Hips Don’t Lie” superstar and the 31-year-old soccer player were spotted arriving at Barcelona airport on Sunday (December 23) in Barcelona, Spain. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Shakira The married couple are taking their sons and grandparents to see Santa Claus in Finland. Shakira was recently charged for allegedly owning millions in taxes in Spain, and a judge will soon decide if there is evidence to brin Read more 0 Warning: This post contains spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War. You expected superheroes to die in Avengers: Infinity War. You probably didn’t expect so many superheroes would perish by the end of the film. The Russo brothers, who directed the film, let audiences know early on that no character was safe: fan favorite Loki is killed off in the first few minutes. Other characters met an ugly fate throughout the movie at the hands of Thanos and his minions, including Gamora (more on that later). But it wasn’t until the very end of the film that heroes began to disappear — literally. Thanos fulfilled his plan to destroy half of all life in the universe, and with the snap of his fingers, people began to disintegrate. But are they really gone? Probably not. Black Panther just broke every record at the box office, and Disney is eager to make a sequel. A second Spider-Man is already in the works. And Marvel has confirmed Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will hit theaters in 2020. How then will the remaining heroes bring all these characters back? Note that all the members of the original Avengers team — Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and (presumably) Hawkeye — survived Thanos’ attack. Presumably they will unite one last time in Avengers 4 next year to reverse the curse. In the meantime, here is a full list of Avengers: Infinity War deaths and survivals. Here’s who died in Avengers: Infinity War Loki (Tom Hiddleston) in Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Marvel Studios Loki: Turns out Loki (Tom Hiddleston) wasn’t such a bad guy after all. In the opening scene of the movie, Loki hands over the Tesseract to Thanos (Josh Brolin) to save the life of Thor (Chris Hemsworth). Loki offers fake fealty to Thanos and then immediately tries to assassinate the evil alien. Thanos doesn’t buy Loki’s trick and quickly murders him. Thanos quips, “No resurrections this time” after killing the trickster god, who has seemingly died twice before in the film series. Heimdall: Thanos and his children murder Thor’s best friend Heimdall (Idris Elba) when they invade Thor’s ship. But before he dies, the Asgardian opens up a gateway to Earth so the Hulk can escape. Thor cries out when Heimdall perishes, and swears that Thanos will die for his actions. He does sort of avenge Heimdall later by stabbing Thanos, but unfortunately Thanos is already invincible at that point. Gamora: Thanos travels to a planet with his adopted daughter Gamora (Zoe Saldana). There, they encounter Red Skull, the baddie from Captain America: The First Avenger who has been cursed to guard the Soul Stone. Red Skull tells Thanos that he will have to sacrifice something he loves in order to get the Soul Stone. Despite taking a commanding lead in the World’s Worst Dad competition, Thanos apparently loves Gamora — just enough to throw her over a cliff. Gamora dies and Thanos walks away with another Infinity Stone. Don’t mourn yet though: If the Avengers find a way to reverse all that Thanos has done, they may be able to bring Gamora back. And who better to finally kill the villain in the end? Vision: Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) destroys the Infinity Stone inside Vision’s (Paul Bettany) head to keep it from Thanos. But Thanos uses the Time Stone to turn back time and restore the stone and Vision. He then crushes Vision’s head in his hands and takes the Infinity Stone. Vision is left lifeless on the ground. Here’s who disintegrated in Avengers: Infinity War Marvel Studios Black Panther/T’Challa: Okoye (Danai Gurira) cries out as her king disintegrates. Chadwick Boseman will likely be back, but in the meantime will someone else don the Black Panther suit? Here’s hoping Shuri or Okoye gets to try out his claws. Spider-Man/Peter Parker: Poor Spider-Man (Tom Holland). He was just a kid. But don’t worry, Spider-Man is already set to appear in a Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel next year, Spider-Man: Far From Home. There is a small chance that Tom Holland’s Spidey really did die, and Miles Morales — another Spider-Man from the comic books whose existence Marvel teased in Homecoming — could take over for him. Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange: Marvel has been cagey about confirming a Doctor Strange 2 and now we know why. Doctor Strange disintegrates in Infinity War. But he also is the only character who hints that he may be able to return. As he dies, he tells Iron Man that giving up the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for Iron Man’s life was the “only way.” Earlier in the movie, Doctor Strange looked into many possible futures and probably saw that the only way to ultimately defeat Thanos — and possibly bring everyone back —was to lose that particular battle. Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes and Falcon/Sam Wilson: Many fans have speculated that either Bucky or Falcon will take over the Captain America mantle when Steve Rogers retires. But his time has not come yet: Cap survives but loses his two best friends. Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff: This loss hurts: Scarlet Witch seems to be the only superhero with the ability to destroy an Infinity Stone. The Avengers will have to find a clever way to destroy the stones as they fight Thanos in the next movie without her. The Guardians of the Galaxy: Most of the remaining Guardians — Star-Lord, Groot, Drax and Mantis — all perish in the culling. Only Rocket remains. Marvel recently confirmed that the planned Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 movie remains on hold following the dismissal of director James Gunn, so the fates of the Guardians remain up in the air. Nick Fury and Maria Hill: The former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents disintegrate in New York in a post-credit scene from the film — but not before they call on Captain Marvel for help. (More on her later.) Hope Pym, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne: Though Hope Pym (the Wasp) and her parents did not appear in Infinity War, they did star in Ant-Man and the Wasp. They all disintegrated in that film’s mid-credits scene. Shuri: Black Panther’s sister Shuri tries to remove the Infinity Stone from Vision’s head, but is thrown from her lab by one of Thanos’ children before she can finish. We don’t see what happens to her when half the world’s population disappears, but in the trailer for the sequel, Avengers: Endgame, we find out that the Avengers count her among the disappeared. Here’s who survived Avengers: Infinity War Chuck Zlotnick—Marvel Studios Captain America/Steve Rogers: Captain America actor Chris Evans has been suggesting for months that he would die in Infinity War. But when he faces down Thanos one-on-one, Thanos inexplicably decides to toss Cap aside instead of just killing him. Captain America survives. Iron Man/Tony Stark: Despite being stabbed in the stomach, Iron Man survives. Doctor Strange trades the Time Stone to save Iron Man’s life. Thor: With the help of his new battle axe, Thor is able to stab Thanos in the heart. Thor survives, but he doesn’t stop Thanos from destroying half the universe. Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff: Black Widow takes out several of Thanos’ children in the battle in Wakanda and survives the fight. Hulk/Bruce Banner: Bruce Banner also manages to live despite his inability to turn into the Hulk for most of the movie. War Machine/James Rhodes: Rhodey lost the use of his legs at the end of Captain America: Civil War (though he can now walk with the aid of Stark technology). At least he made it through the end of Infinity War. Rocket and Nebula: Of the original Guardians crew, only Rocket survives. Gamora’s sister Nebula also lives. Perhaps the two will reunite in the next film. Okoye and M’Baku: Black Panther may be dead, but Wakanda lives on. Okoye and M’Baku survive. Likely, one of them — or perhaps Shuri — will have to lead the Wakandan army in any Avengers 4 battles, Ant-Man/Scott Lang: Though he did not appear in Infinity War itself, a mid-credits scene in Ant-Man and the Wasp revealed that Ant-Man survived the culling. Unfortunately for him, he had entered the Subatomic Realm just before Thanos snapped his fingers. Ant-Man’s allies who were supposed to pull him out—Hope Pym, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne—all disintegrated. But the Avengers: Endgame trailer revealed that he escaped. Hawkeye/Clint Barton: The archer (Jeremy Renner) was conspicuously missing from Avengers: Infinity War. The stay-at-home dad apparently told the rest of the Avengers that fighting Thanos was too risky. But the Avengers: Endgame trailer revealed that Clint has survived and adopted a darker costume. Fans speculate that he’s taken on a darker identity from the comics too as he seeks to avenge his family: Ronin, a lonely hero. Here’s who went M.I.A. in Avengers: Infinity War Pepper Potts: The last we heard from Pepper, she was berating Tony for abandoning her to fight evil — again. We don’t know whether she survived the culling. But if she lived, she could fight in Avengers 4. Never forget: Pepper gained super powers in Iron Man 3. The Avengers: Endgame trailer shows Tony, floating through space, send a goodbye message to Pepper. If she is alive and receives it, she will likely try to save him. Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers: If you stayed for the post-credit scene, you know that Nick Fury called Captain Marvel right before he disintegrated. The new, extremely powerful hero probably survived the culling and will likely swoop in to help save the day in Avengers: Endgame. Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) will also get her own solo film in March of 2019 before Endgame drops. The Collector: We see the Collector (Benicio del Toro) alive and well in Thanos’ alternate reality, but then discover he’s not actually hanging out in his museum. Did Thanos kill him? Did he flee? Did he survive the culling? We don’t know. Valkyrie: Where is Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson)? At the end of Thor: Ragnarok, Thor’s new ally Valkyrie boarded the ship bound for earth along with Thor, the Hulk, Loki, Heimdall and the rest of the Asgardians. But we don’t see her dead on the ground when Thanos takes over that same ship at the beginning of Infinity War. Thor makes no mention of her. Did she run out to get chips and guac on an escape pod and miss the whole fight? Thompson jokingly tweeted in September that Valkyrie was alive “and thriving” after the apocalypse. Fans are hoping that the character will turn up to help Thor in the Infinity War sequel. Wong and Ned: Wong (Benedict Wong) returns to the Sanctum Sanctorum to protect the building after Doctor Strange is taken captive by Thanos’ children. We never see whether he lives or dies. We also never find out whether Ned, who creates a distraction for his friend Peter Parker to escape a school field trip at the beginning of the movie, lives or dies. Contact us at editors@time.com. 0 Who needs college basketball when you can play the love game? It’s that oh-so glorious time of the year again, so get excited, shippers! Yes, we’re talking about Zimbio’s seventh annual TV Couples March Madness Challenge. The high-stakes competition is back and that means your ride-or-die TV couples (and could-be-couples) will be pitted against one another in some epic head-to-head match-ups! Who will come out on top and steal that coveted crown? Well, that’s totally up to you. The 100’s Clarke and Lexa snagged the much sought-after top spot last year for their second, consecutive win. Of course, 2018 is shaping up to be more competitive than ever, so anything can happen this time around! Will Supergirl’s Kara and Lena continue their impressive dominance, or will last year’s beloved runners-up, Emma and Regina from Once Upon a Time, finally get their moment in the spotlight? Of course, there’s always room for a surprise upset, thanks to heavy-weight couples and first-time nominees Betty and Jughead from Riverdale and Waverly and Nicole from Wynonna Earp. Whatever the outcome may be, one thing’s for sure: This is going to be one hell of a competition! So grab some snacks and start building your voting den because now’s the time to compete and represent your glorious fandoms, people! Scroll down and click through our interactive bracket to vote, and don’t forget to spread the word to help determine which of our 64 first-round teams will advance to Round 2. The full tournament schedule is listed below. Be sure to follow Zimbio (@zimbio) on Twitter and Instagram for all the latest 2018 TV Couples March Madness Challenge updates! 0 Blond hair nowadays, long gone the next day. Salma Hayek shocked fanatics on Saturday when she showed up at the 2018 BAFTA Film Awards Nominees Party sporting a sleek blond bob. She additionally showcased her glance on her Instagram web page. Smartly, it perceived to were a wig, as a result of on Sunday, Hayek walked the red carpet at the 2018 BAFTAs wearing over-the-shoulder, darkish brown tresses—the similar period and colour she has often showcased and did so simply an afternoon ahead of the pre-award display bash. The actress attended the award display along with her husband, François-Henri Pinault, and wore a black robe with red floral accents. She and fellow movie stars wore black to the BAFTAs to turn strengthen for the Time’s Up marketing campaign to prevent sexual harassment and inequality within the office. 0 Nick Grimshaw has revealed he found Angelina Jolie “cold” and Will Smith “fake nice” as he reflected on his six-year stint as host of the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show. Nick Grimshaw has revealed he found Angelina Jolie “cold” and Will Smith “fake nice” as he reflected on his six-year stint as host of the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show. Nick Grimshaw is spilling on A-listers - Angelina Jolie is 'cold' and Will Smith 'fake nice' The 33-year-old will depart the role in September amid falling listening figures and will be replaced by Greg James. Grimshaw will takeover Radio 1’s 4pm to 7pm drive-time slot vacated by James. Nick Grimshaw will step down from hosting the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show after six years (Kirsty O’Connor/PA) Speaking to The Sunday Times Magazine, the Manchester-born presenter spoke about the celebrities he has interviewed on the breakfast show and told how he thought Men In Black star Smith was “fake nice”. He said: “He was high-fiving the receptionist and saying, ‘You’re the best receptionist ever.’ High-fiving the phone person and saying, ‘You’d better answer those phones!’ which I thought was a tad patronising. “Coming into an office and saying, ‘Wow, you answer phones!’ It seemed a bit self-aware, like, ‘I’m really famous and you’re really excited that I’ve acknowledged you.’” Radio host Nick Grimshaw revealed he found Angelina Jolie ‘cold’ (Yui Mok/PA) Grimshaw, who took over the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show from Chris Moyles in 2012, said American actress Jolie was “cold” but admitted he was surprised to like Kim Kardashian West because he found her reality TV show, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, “a bit rubbish”. He said: “She wasn’t trying to be nice, she was just a sweet, pretty girl; a bit airheady and taking pictures of herself, which is what she is selling. It isn’t an act.” Grimshaw is the second-longest running breakfast show presenter in Radio 1’s history, ahead of Tony Blackburn and behind Moyles. Press Association 1 Falling in love with Bella Hadid’s bodysuit just got easier. During the Cannes Film Festival, the model demonstrated a look that’s both easy to style and sophisticated. Elevating… Source link 0 "How much did you spend on your actual home? Well, Miranda Kerr has already spent that much on the nursery for her unborn child, according to a new report. Kento Nara/Future Image/WENN.com A source told Life & Style that the model and her husband, Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel, have already dropped $250,000 on the nursery. The insider tells the mag that the couple is ""super excited"" about welcoming a child into their lives, adding that the baby's nursery contains a custom-made crib and a walk-in closet filled with designer baby clothes from Dior, Stella McCartney, and Ralph Lauren. ""She isn't holding back when it comes to giving her newborn the best of the best!,"" the source said. Rex USA On Nov. 15, the model's rep confirmed that she and her husband of 7 months are expecting. Some media outlets have reported that Miranda is pregnant with a girl, but the couple has not commented on the gender. Miranda already shares 6-year-old son, Flynn, with her ex-husband Orlando Bloom. The exes have long said that parenting Flynn is their top priority. The former couple, who have remained friendly, have their parenting down to a science. This will be Evan's first child. Thus far, Miranda and Evan have been able to successfully find a balance of career and marriage. In speaking to Net-a-Porter's digital magazine The Edit in September, Miranda said, ""At work, I'm like, 'We need to do this!' and, 'This needs to happen!' But at home, I slip into my feminine and empower Evan to be in his masculine.""" 1 "Washington (CNN) It wouldn't be an awards show without some political moments. This year, we kept track of every political jab and line made at the 90th annual Academy Awards show . Check out the list below: On the carpet Fashion as a political statement Tonight, actors and allies will #WearOrange pins and ribbons on the #Oscars red carpet to bring awareness to gun violence prevention in the wake of the Parkland school shooting. https://t.co/7BxtM6bTKD As expected, many attendees sported the signature ""Time's up"" black and white pin. Another popular pin spotted on the carpet? #WearOrange pins and ribbons from gun control group Everytown. They were worn in an effort to raise awareness about gun safety. Puerto Rico still on the mind During an interview with Michael Strahan, ""Hamilton"" creator Lin-Manuel Miranda encouraged viewers to visit Puerto Rico after the devastating hurricane. Lin-Manuel Miranda encourages viewers to visit Puerto Rico after devastating hurricane: ""Keep Puerto Rico in the conversation...keep Puerto Rico in your hearts."" https://t.co/exBwXimwm1 #Oscars pic.twitter.com/kBxhqLo1UG — ABC News (@ABC) March 5, 2018 ""Keep Puerto Rico in the conversation. I know there's no shortage of things in the news, but keep Puerto Rico in your hearts,"" Miranda said. He added that tourism is ""the lifeblood"" of Puerto Rico, and urged people to ""spend money there."" On average, 87% of the island has power, but sources told CNN that about 150,000 US citizens on the island still don't have electricity. Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló has repeatedly expressed frustration at the slow pace of recovery and help. He has questioned the US Army Corps of Engineers' response on the island compared with other states dealing with disaster. Miranda has been an outspoken critic of the government response to Puerto Rico's needs, and had strong words for President Donald Trump following his criticism of San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz last year. In October of 2017, Miranda released a song -- with help from 22 other artists -- to raise money for hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. Political activists attended Hollywood's biggest night Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards attended the Oscars with Patrisse Cullors-Brignac, one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter, and Bryan Stevenson, Equal Justice Initiative director. The three posed on the red carpet ahead of the show. Richards, who announced in January that she is leaving the role later this year, posted a photo on Instagram. ""So the Oscars are cool but being with Bryan and Patrisse is 100,"" she wrote. Jimmy Kimmel's opener Kimmel returned to the helm as host on Sunday. He of course had a few envelope jokes, referencing the envelope mix-up last year that initially (and mistakenly) resulted in ""La La Land"" being named the best picture winner over ""Moonlight"" at the 89th Academy Awards. But there were also a few political zingers. Wakanda Before kicking off his monologue, Kimmel did an old Hollywood-like voiceover to black and white footage from this year's red carpet. ""There's Chadwick Boseman,"" he said at one point, as footage of the ""Black Panther"" actor played. ""The king of Wakanda! Imagine that! A country with a black leader. Wouldn't that be swell?"" Fox News Later, while talking about Harvey Weinstein -- and the subsequent powerful #MeToo movement and Time's Up initiative -- Kimmel joked about the awards show statuette: Oscar. ""Oscar is 89 years old this year, which probably means he's at home watching Fox News,"" Kimmel said, a jab at the network news channel's older, more conservative viewers. He went on to clarify that ""Oscar is a very respected man in Hollywood. Just look at him: He keeps his hands where he can see them, no penis."" ""Get Out"" and Trump The first Trump joke came about 10 minutes into Kimmel's monologue. ""None other than President Trump called 'Get Out' the best 3/4 of a movie so far this year,"" Kimmel said when addressing the mastermind behind the film, Jordan Peele The horror film, which has received praise for its performances and thought-provoking take on race in America, received four Academy Award nominations, including one for best picture. Calling out Vice President Mike Pence Kimmel made a joke about Pence while talking about best actor nominee Timothee Chalamet, nominated for the film ""Call Me By Your Name,"" a gay love story. ""We don't make films like 'Call Me By Your Name for money,"" Kimmel said, while talking about how the film was critically acclaimed but didn't do as well at the box office. ""We make them to upset Mike Pence."" Kimmel during the show Hope Hicks' departure Kimmel made another White House joke while introducing director Greta Gerwig and actress Laura Dern before they presented the best documentary feature category. ""If the last two years have taught us anything, it's that reality can be ... depressing,"" he said. ""But tonight's nominated documentaries show us that where there is darkness, there is also hope. Except at the White House. Hope quit on Wednesday."" Hicks, the former White House communications director and one of Trump's longest-serving and closest aides, resigned last week. Putin burn The Russian Olympics doping documentary ""Icarus"" took home best documentary feature on Sunday. The film, from filmmaker Bryan Fogel, delves into the controversy around performance-enhancing drugs in sports. It follows the eccentric Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov, the whistleblower who exposed what a leading report called a doping ""cover-up that operated on an unprecedented scale"" in Russia (read CNN's story on this here ). Russia was banned from the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics following state-sponsored doping, leading up to and including the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics. Kimmel's response to ""Icarus"" winning? ""At least we know Putin didn't rig this competition."" Speaking of 'Icarus' ... During his acceptance speech, Fogel got a little political himself. ""We dedicate this award to Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov, our fearless whistleblower, who now lives in great danger,"" he said. ""We hope 'Icarus' is a wake-up call -- yes, about Russia, but more importantly, about telling the truth."" An ad that stood out We stand with women around the world to make their voices heard and their presence known. To bring them front and center, today and every day. Join us as we say #HereWeArehttps://t.co/bVXGJ1NibP — Twitter (@Twitter) March 5, 2018 Twitter premiered an ad called #HereWeAre during the Oscars with a message empowering women leaders. While the ad was not explicitly political, it included an implicit reference to immigration rhetoric. ""If this poem is the only thing that survives me, tell them this is how it happened: Tell them I built me a throne. Tell them when we discovered life on another planet it was a woman and she built a bridge -- not a border. I heard that this is how you make history. This is how you create a new world."" A shout out to the Dreamers The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program has enabled hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants -- sometimes called Dreamers -- who were brought to the United States as children to come out from the shadows and openly attend school and get work permits and driver's licenses without fear of being deported. Trump announced the end of the DACA program last fall, giving Congress a March 5 deadline to come up with an alternate solution. But that deadline became moot after two separate district courts ruled that the administration must keep accepting renewal applications for the program, effectively putting the termination on hold. ""Like everyone in this room and everyone watching at home we are dreamers,"" said Nyong'o, who is from Kenya. ""We grew up dreaming of one day working in the movies. Dreams are the foundation of Hollywood, and dreams are the foundation of America."" Nanjiani added: ""To all the Dreamers out there, we stand with you."" Common, Andra Day and activists share stage Richards, of Planned Parenthood Cullors, of Black Lives Matter Alice Brown Otter, of Standing Rock Youth Council Bana Alabed, author and Syrian refugee Stevenson, of Equal Justice Initiative Dolores Huerta, of Dolores Huerta Foundation and United Farm Workers of America Janet Mock, of #GirlsLikeUs José Andrés, of ThinkFoodGroup Nicole Hockley, of Sandy Hook Promise Tarana Burke, of #MeToo Common called out the National Rifle Association during his rap. ""Tell the NRA they ain't God's way and tell the people of Parkland we say àse (a West African philosophy about creating change).,"" the Oscar-winning rapper said, referring to the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which left 17 people dead last month. The NRA responded to Common on Twitter. The organization wrote : ""@common @TheAcademy: This is what the #NRA and its members stand for. #Oscars."" The tweet included a video of Dom Raso, a Navy SEAL veteran. #TimesUp in the spotlight Ashley Judd, Annabella Sciorra and Salma Hayek praise the #MeToo, #TimesUp movements: ""The changes we are witnessing are being driven by the powerful sound of new voices, of different voices, of our voices."" https://t.co/wst3Hx4GJF #Oscars pic.twitter.com/dBqhimu402 — ABC News (@ABC) March 5, 2018 Ashley Judd, Annabella Sciorra and Salma Hayek -- three of Harvey Weinstein's accusers -- also shared an emotional moment onstage, before introducing a video that featured many of the Oscar nominees and others in the industry talking about the importance of diversity in Hollywood. ""The changes we are witnessing are being driven by the powerful sound of new voices, different voices, of our voices, who are joining together in a mighty chorus that is finally saying Time's Up,"" Judd said. The video featured interviews with Nanjiani, Ava Duvernay, Greta Gerwig, Barry Jenkins and others. ""Some of my favorite movies are by straight white dudes, about straight white dudes,"" Nanjiani says in the video. ""Now you can watch my movies and relate to me. It's not that hard. I've been doing it my whole life."" Guillermo del Toro 'erases lines in the sand' Mexican filmmaker del Toro won best director on Sunday for ""The Shape of Water,"" making him the third director from Mexico to win the category. Alfonso Cuarón won for ""Gravity"" in 2014 and Alejandro González Iñárritu won for ""Birdman"" in 2015 and ""The Revenant"" in 2016. ""I am an immigrant,"" del Toro said in his speech. ""In the last 25 years, I've been living in a country all of our own. The greatest thing our industry does is to erase lines in the sand. We should continue to do that."" ""The Shape of Water"" also won the biggest award of the night -- best picture -- to bring its total statuettes to four." 1 Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux shocked the world when they announced their split in February 2018. After seven years as a couple and two and a half years of marriage, we thought they finally got their happy ending. Although they promised to “[continue] their cherished friendship” in the separation statement they released, we’re not so sure that’s the case anymore. Dark secrets have been revealed surrounding their divorce, including what they’re fighting over (page 6) and why Theroux’s rumored relationship with Selena Gomez is so messed up (page 8). 1. There were warning signs of their divorce The warning signs were there. | Valerie Macon/AFP/Getty Images The warning signs were there. | Valerie Macon/AFP/Getty Images Looking back, maybe Aniston and Theroux’s divorce isn’t so surprising after all. As it turns out, there were some obvious warning signs leading up to their announcement. Aniston was attending parties left and right without her husband, from her Friends co-star Courtney Cox’s birthday celebration in Malibu to Amy Schumer’s surprise wedding. Theroux didn’t post any birthday wishes to Aniston on Feb. 11, 2018 — just four days before their separation announcement — whereas they’d typically share sweet messages on each other’s birthday. Next: It’s been going on for a while. 2. They went through ‘intense issues’ for almost a year Their last year together wasn’t a happy one. | Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images Their last year together wasn’t a happy one. | Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images According to E! News, Aniston and Theroux had been unhappy for quite some time. A source revealed that by the time of their split, they’d actually “been separated for two months.” However, they “were having intense issues for about eight months.” Next: They may not have ever been meant to be. 3. Their lifestyles were completely different She couldn’t live the low-key life he wanted. |Jean Baptiste Lacroix/AFP/Getty Images She couldn’t live the low-key life he wanted. |Jean Baptiste Lacroix/AFP/Getty Images Aniston and Theroux seemed perfect for each other, but their lifestyles just weren’t compatible. E! News reported that Theroux prefered keeping a low profile, which just wasn’t possible when married to a Hollywood A-lister like Aniston. A source confirmed, “Jennifer and Justin fell in love hard and fast and yet they were never really suited to one another. He was a New York hipster that loved the alternative lifestyle and Jennifer was living a much more reclusive life when they first started to fall in love.” The source added, “The initial chemistry between them made it easy for them to ignore their differences and incompatibility.” Next: This played a major role in their split. 4. They couldn’t agree on where to live He didn’t want to give up living in New York. | Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images He didn’t want to give up living in New York. | Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images The couple’s different ideas on where to live reportedly became a major force in leading to their split. Aniston feels at home in Los Angeles, while Theroux wasn’t ready to give up his life in New York. A source told Entertainment Tonight, “[Theroux] much prefers being [in New York] and that’s been a major issue for them for a long time.” While they reportedly tried giving New York a try, “she just never really could get settled in, she wasn’t happy.” Next: You won’t believe what Theroux found. 5. Theroux found old love notes from Pitt She kept notes from Brad Pitt. | Ucy Nicholson/AFP/Getty Images She kept notes from Brad Pitt. | Ucy Nicholson/AFP/Getty Images For those of you hoping for Aniston to reunite with her ex-husband, Brad Pitt, you may swoon over the fact that she kept old post-it notes with sweet messages from him all these years. Theroux, however, was unsurprisingly upset upon finding her keepsake collection. A source told Us Weekly that when Theroux “stumbled upon old Post-it notes Brad had written,” the impact was “huge.” “Sweet little Post-its like, ‘You looked nice tonight’ or ‘Miss you already,’” were among the love notes Theroux uncovered. His discovery left him with insecurities, which could have ultimately played a huge part in their split. Next: They’ve been fighting over this since their split. 6. They’re fighting over the custody of their dogs Neither wants to give up the dogs. | Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images Neither wants to give up the dogs. | Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images Aniston and Theroux may have split amicably, but they don’t seem to be on the greatest terms anymore. The cause? The fight over the custody of their four dogs. A source told Radar Online, “The custody of the dogs is a massive sticking point in their divorce agreement!” Next: Theroux may have moved on with this celebrity. 7. Theroux is reportedly seeing Selena Gomez Selena Gomez is 21 years younger than Theroux. | Selena Gomez is 21 years younger than Theroux. | Selena Gomez via Instagram Rumors have begun circulating that Theroux has moved on from Aniston with Selena Gomez — who is 21 years his junior. According to Cosmopolitan, a source claimed, “Initially, they leaned on each other for emotional support after going through messy breakups. It’s turned into something more than friendship.” Next: Here’s why their rumored relationship is so messed up. 8. Gomez and Aniston are apparently super close Jennifer Aniston and Selena Gomez are good friends. | Michael Buckner/Getty Images for InStyle Jennifer Aniston and Selena Gomez are good friends. | Michael Buckner/Getty Images for InStyle Aniston clearly isn’t happy with Theroux’s apparent relationship with Gomez. She and Gomez have boasted about their friendship in the past, making this romance rumor particularly shady. A source told The Sun, “Jennifer called her to ask why she had been hanging out with Justin, because she felt betrayed.” “She has been close to Selena for a few years and has taken her under her wing,” the source added. “But Jen has clearly been offended, which really affected Selena.” Check out The Cheat Sheet on Facebook! 1 Bonnie and Clyde pair get second chance after announcing La La Land instead of Moonlight at the 2017 Academy Awards At the 90th Academy Awards on Sunday, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway are getting a mulligan: the Bonnie and Clyde pair will present the Oscar for best picture again, one year after they infamously announced La La Land, instead of the actual winner, Moonlight. After Weinstein: why this year’s Oscars are make or break Read more Last year Beatty and Dunaway presented the night’s top honor to mark the 50th anniversary of Bonnie and Clyde. When Beatty hesitated to announce the winner, visibly confused by the contents on the card, Dunaway read off La La Land as best picture. The mistake was attributed to the accountants at PricewaterhouseCoopers, who mixed up the envelope for best actress, won by La La Land’s Emma Stone, with that of best picture. For several minutes the mistake went unaccounted for, as the cast of La La Land gave speeches on the stage. Then, producer Jordan Horowitz corrected the record, telling the the audience there had been a mistake and that Moonlight had won the award. This year, the Academy has streamlined its processes to prevent another mistake. But Beatty and Dunaway, evidently, will get a second chance to announce the prestigious award. On Thursday evening, TMZ learned that the two were spotted rehearsing at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, where Dunaway said “presenting is better the second time around”. Beatty replied: “The winner is Gone with the Wind.” Other confirmed presenters during this year’s telecast include Sandra Bullock, Lupita Nyong’o, Emily Blunt, Armie Hammer, Tiffany Haddish, Jodie Foster and Gal Gadot, while the ceremony will again be hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. Guillermo del Toro’s 60s-set romantic fantasy The Shape of Water leads the way with 13 nominations. 0 "Leah Remini (Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images) About 2.1 million people tuned in Tuesday night to the premiere of A&E’s “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath,” Remini’s eight-episode docuseries that promises a deep dive into “shocking stories of abuse, heartbreak and harassment” within the Church of Scientology. Network executives say it’s the channel’s most-watched premiere in two years. A solid number for the show isn’t surprising — Scientology is one of those topics that’s irresistible, mostly because of the secretive nature of the famously controversial church. Remini, known for the hit sitcom “King of Queens,” was a devout Scientologist for 35 years before she left the church in 2013. She has been an outspoken critic ever since, although it is extremely rare for anyone to criticize Scientology after they leave. Here’s her history of calling out the church: [How Leah Remini is trying to expose Scientology secrets in her new docuseries] (For the record, the church has called Remini an “obnoxious, spiteful ex-Scientologist” and claims the actress is bitter that she was expelled for unethical conduct; it also disputes many statements made in the A&E show. Church officials say that Remini is trying to “distort the truth” about Scientology and that she’s “doing [the show] for the money and now tries to pretend otherwise.”) Leah Remini, the actress best known for hit CBS sitcom ""King of Queens,"" produced a documentary series about the Church of Scientology. (A&E) July 2013: Page Six confirms that Remini, who rose to very high levels in the organization once she became a star and donated millions, has left Scientology. A Remini “source” says the actress was “put through interrogations and blacklisted within the church” when she started to question leader David Miscavige, particularly the whereabouts of his wife, Shelly, who reportedly hasn’t been seen in public since 2007. Remini said she also disagreed with the church’s policies that restrict members from talking to relatives who criticize the church, a practice known as “disconnecting.” “She is stepping back from a regime she thinks is corrupt. She thinks no religion should tear apart a family or abuse someone under the umbrella of ‘religion,’ ” the source says. Later that month, Remini echoes this sentiment to People magazine. “I believe that people should be able to question things. I believe that people should value family, and value friendships, and hold those things sacrosanct,” she says. “That for me, that’s what I’m about. It wouldn’t matter what it was, simply because no one is going to tell me how I need to think, no one is going to tell me who I can, and cannot, talk to.” August 2013: Remini files a missing-person report for Shelly Miscavige, which the Los Angeles Police Department calls “unfounded.” The church says it’s “ill-advised, ludicrous self-promotion” on Remini’s part. September 2013: Remini joins the cast of “Dancing With the Stars,” where she lands in fifth place. During one episode, she tells her partner, Tony Dovolani, that she hoped the show would help her move on. “The church is looking for me to fail so they can say to their parishioners, ‘You see what happens when you leave the church?’ They’re waiting for me to fail,” Remini says. February 2014: Remini tells Buzzfeed that she quit Scientology because her young daughter was getting closer to the age of getting “acclimated” in it and would have to sit for audits, where members divulge personal information. Plus, Remini thought Scientology was taking over her life. “I was spending most of my time at the Church,” she says. “So, I was saying ‘family first,’ but I wasn’t showing that. I didn’t like the message that sent my daughter.” (Scientology officials call Remini’s statements “absurd, insulting and motivated entirely by a desire to grab attention.”) Scientology's famous members and secretive beliefs endlessly intrigue popular culture. Here's a look at some of television's best commentary on the religion. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post) March 2015: Alex Gibney’s “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief” documentary airs on HBO, featuring multiple ex-members telling horror stories about their time in the organization. Remini tweets her praise: “Thank you to the brave who did something about it. And to those who didn’t have a voice, you do now.” May 2015: Remini sits for an interview with Oprah Winfrey in “Oprah: Where Are They Now?” and talks about how painful it was to leave friends behind in the church. “I’m learning there’s a new world out here and there shouldn’t be any kind of judgment toward somebody who has a belief system that is not yours,” she says. July 2015: The second and final season of her TLC reality show, “Leah Remini: It’s All Relative,” premieres, and Remini talks more about how she left to protect her daughter. October 2015: Remini writes a book, “Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology,” and promotes it with an in-depth interview on “20/20,” reiterating her previous claims and saying she didn’t want want to be “disconnected” from her daughter. November 2015: Remini’s book is released, and she spills lots of dirt, including tales of Scientology superstar Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’s wedding weekend, which is where her relationship with the church started to go downhill after Remini was accused of behaving badly. The church’s response? Remini is “pathetically exploiting her former religion, her former friends and other celebrities for money and attention to appear relevant again.” December 2015: According to her show on A&E, Remini starts to get lots of requests for help from people who still have family members in the church. She captures one story on video of a family torn apart by Scientology, and decides to develop a show. November 2016: “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath” premieres on A&E, chronicling Remini’s past and the stories of former members, who allege physical and sexual abuse. (Scientology officials say all of them are lying.) “I want to give a voice to these stories,” Remini says in the show, “enough that people will be incensed by it to put some pressure on this organization to stop abusing people.” Read more: How Scientology controls John Travolta and Tom Cruise, according to ‘Going Clear’ Leah Remini talks about why she left Scientology Katie Holmes says so much about Scientology without saying anything at all in ‘The Giver’" 0 "Poor Mandy Teefey. If Selena Gomez's mom was hospitalized over Selena getting back together with Justin Bieber, we can only imagine how she'll respond to this news. Honestly, this could leave a lot of fans divided. Or disappointed. A new report claims that Selena Gomez is pregnant and that Justin Bieber is the baby daddy. So, Justin and Selena took a trip to Laguna Beach earlier in February. NW claims that this is when the couple bonded over some big news. ""The word is that Selena is pregnant and told Justin as much during their trip."" That would be some major news to break. ""Justin wasn’t expecting it, but he’s ecstatic about it. It’s a dream come true."" if he wanted Selena back for good, getting her pregnant sure might work. ""Pals say they’ve been casual with contraception because they are both keen to make this happen at some point."" The report goes on to claim that this is more or less an act of providence. ""They know there’s never going to be a perfect time, so they’ve been putting their faith in God’s hands."" That claim ties in to Selena's idea that God blesses her reunion with the Biebs and with Justin recently ending his tour to spend more time at church. The report suggests that this accident was a happy one. ""This is something they both want."" They're both at odd places in their lives to have a kid, so that's ... an interesting claim. ""Selena has always liked the idea of being a young mum and Justin is desperate to settle down."" There were even claims that Selena is following a safe pregnancy checklist, ""steering clear of alcohol, sushi, and soft cheeses to be safe."" (Those would be pretty standard precautions for a pregnant woman, and match up with Kim Kardashian's surrogate's dietary restrictions) And then there's Bieber's side, with claims that he's ""started following pregnancy accounts on Instagram and posed for photos with a fan’s baby while out in L.A."" Justin Bieber follows all kinds of accounts, folks. Also, he's been posing with babies for years. Babies are cute. They're not, um, evidence of more babies. In real life, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have been in Jamaica for Justin's dad's wedding. And Gossip Cop reports that, also in real life, Selena is not pregnant with Justin's baby. And probably not with anyone's. The timing for this wouldn't be great, right? Justin only recently managed to get out of what was reportedly a life-threatening substance abuse issue. His own manager feared that he would die, just a few years ago, if he went on tour. In the mean time, Selena Gomez received a kidney transplant just last year. It saved her life but did not cure her Lupus. Until very recently, doctors discouraged women with Lupus from getting pregnant, due to risks to their lives and their baby's. Now, those risks are lower. But given the severity of Selena's health battle, some wonder if a pregnancy would be a fatal mistake. Now whatever you may think of Selena falling back into bad habits by dating a man some might characterize as an inked trash gremlin who's not even hot anymore, we should remember: That's her choice. Fans don't have to agree with her love life. But everyone can breathe a sigh of relief with the report that Selena is not pregnant. Those who admire her music, her acting, and her as a person want her to be around and healthy for a long, long time." 1 The 2017 BET Awards have come and gone! Did top nominees Beyoncé and Bruno Mars dominate the night? See all the biggest winners below: Best Female R&B/Pop Artist WINNER: Beyoncé Kehlani Mary J. Blige Rihanna Solange Best Male R&B/Pop Artist WINNER: Bruno Mars Chris Brown The Weeknd Trey Songz Usher Best Group 2 Chainz & Lil Wayne A Tribe Called Quest Fat Joe & Remy Ma WINNER: Migos Rae Sremmurd Best Collaboration Beyoncé Feat. Kendrick Lamar – “Freedom” Chance The Rapper Feat. 2 Chainz & Lil Wayne – “No Problem” Chris Brown Feat. Gucci Mane & Usher – party DJ Khaled Feat. Beyoncé & Jay Z – “Shining” WINNER: Migos Feat. Lil Uzi Vert – “Bad and Boujee” Rae Sremmurd Feat. Gucci Mane – “Black Beatles” Best Male Hip-Hop Artist Big Sean Chance The Rapper Drake Future J. Cole WINNER: Kendrick Lamar Best Female Hip-Hop Artist Cardi B Missy Elliott Nicki Minaj WINNER: Remy Ma Young M.A Video of the Year WINNER: Beyoncé – “Sorry” (tie) Big Sean – “Bounce Back” WINNER: Bruno Mars – “24k Magic” (tie) Migos Feat. Lil Uzi Vert – “Bad and Boujee” Solange – “Cranes in the Sky” Video Director of the Year Benny Boom – Kehlani “Crzy” Bruno Mars & Jonathan Lia – Bruno Mars “That’s What I Like” Director X – Zayn Malik “Like I Would” Hype Williams – Tyga “Gucci Snakes Feat. Desiigner” WINNER: Kahlil Joseph & Beyoncé Knowles-Carter – Beyoncé “Sorry” Best New Artist 21 Savage Cardi B WINNER: Chance the Rapper Khalid Young M.A Album of the Year 24k Magic – Bruno Mars 4 Your Eyez Only – J. Cole A Seat at the Table – Solange Coloring Book – Chance The Rapper WINNER: Lemonade – Beyoncé Dr. Bobby Jones Best Gospel/Inspirational Award CeCe Winans – “Never Have to Be Alone” Fantasia Feat. Tye Tribbett –”I Made It” Kirk Franklin Feat. Sarah Reeves, Tasha Cobbs & Tamela Mann – “My World Needs You” WINNER: Lecrae – “Can’t Stop Me Now (Destination)” Tamela Mann – “God Provides” Best Actress Gabrielle Union Issa Rae Janelle Monáe WINNER: Taraji P. Henson Viola Davis Best Actor Bryshere Y. Gray Denzel Washington Donald Glover WINNER: Mahershala Ali Omari Hardwick Youngstars Award Ace Hunter Caleb McLaughlin Jaden Smith Marsai Martin WINNER: Yara Shahidi Best Movie Fences Get Out WINNER: Hidden Figures Moonlight The Birth of a Nation Sportswoman of the Year Award Gabby Douglas WINNER: Serena Williams Simone Biles Skylar Diggins Venus Williams Sportsman of the Year Award Cam Newton LeBron James Odell Beckham Jr. Russell Westbrook WINNER: Stephen Curry Centric Award Fantasia – “Sleeping With the One I Love” Kehlani – “Distraction” Mary J. Blige – “Thick of It” WINNER: Solange – “Cranes in the Sky” Syd – “All About Me” Yuna – “Crush” Feat. Usher Coca-Cola Viewers’ Choice Award WINNER: Beyoncé – “Sorry” Bruno Mars – “24k Magic” Drake – “Fake Love” Migos Feat. Lil Uzi Vert – “Bad and Boujee” Rae Sremmurd Feat. Gucci Mane – “Black Beatles” The Weeknd Feat. Daft Punk – Starboy Best International Act: Europe Booba (France) Mhd (France) Craig David (UK) Emeli Sandé (UK) Giggs (UK) Skkepta (UK) WINNER: Stormzy (UK) Wiley (UK) Best International Act: Africa Aka (South Africa) Babes Wodumo (South Africa) Davido (Nigeria) Nasty C (South Africa) Stonebwoy (Ghana) Tekno (Nigeria) WINNER: WizKid (Nigeria) Mr Eazi (Nigeria) 0 "Back in 2011, Kate Middleton's sister, Pippa, became the world's most famous maid of honor when she attended to the Duchess of Cambridge during her wedding to Prince William. Although British weddings don't traditionally have maids of honor (instead, there's a ""chief bridesmaid""), Kate broke custom to have her sibling by her side on her big day. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below So who will be Meghan Markle's Pippa on May 19? No one, actually. Markle will not have a maid of honor at the wedding, since she could not pick one from her close group of friends. (This contradicts reports from January, which said the bride-to-be had already chosen a maid of honor.) This marks a rare The bridesmaids and page boys will all be children (including Prince George and Princess Charlotte), following British royal wedding tradition. Though they won't be in the bridal party, Meghan's friends have still been supporting her in preparing for the royal wedding on May 19. Below are all the women we thought were in the running for the maid of honor role. Kate Middleton Getty Images The Duchess of Cambridge has been giving Markle helpful advice, on everything from getting adjusted to the royal family to personal style. Despite their budding friendship, it was expected early on that Meghan would choose ""one of her closest friends who has stood by her for many years before meeting Harry,"" as a maid of honor. Markle and Middleton only met in January 2017, The Sun reports. And though fans are excited to tout the pair as BFFs, they still have a lot of bonding to go. Royal expert Katie Nicholl told InStyle that Meghan is independent and interested in creating her own friend group in London, but not with any disrespect to Kate at all. Plus, on a technical level, Kate ""is the future queen consort when William becomes king after his father, and would unlikely be an attending person to another royal bride,"" royal expert Marlene Koenig revealed. Middleton wasn't even a maid of honor at her own sister's wedding, so it's not a surprise she isn't one at Meghan's. Jessica Mulroney Getty Images Meghan met her best friend and stylist, Jessica Mulroney, in 2011, around the time Markle moved to Toronto (Mulroney's home base) to film Suits, according to The Sun. Since then they've bonded over yoga sessions and joint vacations. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Jessica and her husband, Ben Mulroney (son of former Canadian Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney), helped Meghan and Harry keep undercover after their romance first broke news. She also accompanied Meghan at the Invictus Games closing ceremony, hosted by Prince Harry, which took place in Toronto. Meghan’s mother, Doria Ragland, Meghan, Jessica, and their friend Markus Anderson at the Invictus Games closing ceremony. Getty Images Now that the couple is preparing for the wedding, Mulroney continues to offer a hand. She reportedly helped Markle choose her wedding dress designer and is also making a custom piece for the big day. Priyanka Chopra The Quantico actress and the Suits star first met at the ELLE Women in Television dinner in 2016. ""We bonded as actors,"" she told People of their friendship. ""We just became friends, like two girls would."" Since Meghan and Harry's relationship went public, Chopra has urged people to consider Markle as more than just the prince's girlfriend. She called Vanity Fair's profile of the actress ""just a little sexist"" because it mainly focused on Markle's relationship with Harry, and she shut down Wendy Williams when she described Markle as ""Prince Harry's girlfriend."" When Harper's BAZAAR Arabia asked her if she's going to be a bridesmaid at the royal wedding, Chopra teased, ""If you see me there, you’ll know."" Serena Williams Getty Images The star athlete first met Markle in 2014, at DIRECTV's Celebrity Beach Bowl, E! News reports. Meghan recalled in her former lifestyle site, The Tig, ""We hit it off immediately, taking pictures, laughing through the flag football game we were both playing in, and chatting not about tennis or acting, but about all the good old fashioned girly stuff. So began our friendship."" Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Advertisement - Continue Reading Below In the following years, Markle supported Williams through her matches at competitions like the U.S. Open and Wimbledon (where she actually sat a few rows away from Pippa Middleton). Williams even contributed to a few blog posts to The Tig, according to E!. ""She quickly became a confidante I would text when I was traveling, the friend I would rally around for her tennis matches, and the down to earth chick I was able to grab lunch with just a couple weeks ago in Toronto,"" E! says Markle wrote on The Tig, describing her friendship with Williams. ""We are both the same age, have a penchant for hot sauces, and adore fashion, but what connects us more than those things is perhaps our belief in exceeding expectations–our endless ambition,"" she added. Though Meghan unfortunately wasn't present at Williams' nuptials to Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian in November 2017, there's still a chance the newlywed tennis champ could show up at Windsor Castle for Markle. Sarah Rafferty or Gina Torres Rafferty, Markle, and Torres promoting Suits Season 4 Getty Images Markle's fellow Suits actresses may also be helping her ahead of the wedding. In August 2016, the bride-to-be posted an Instagram (which has now been deleted, like the rest of her social media accounts) dedicated to her costars, with the caption: ""Celebrating our friendship of six years and counting. So much deep love for these two women."" The former actress also nicknamed Rafferty her ""Suits sister wife."" After Harry and Meghan's relationship was confirmed in November 2016, Rafferty gave a brief response in an interview with the AP. ""I don't comment on my castmates' personal lives, but of course, it's very exciting,"" she said. ""And I'm very happy for her."" In February 2017, tabloid site OK Magazine reported that Torres and her husband Laurence Fishburne (whom she divorced in November) had a double date with Markle and Harry. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Whether or not Rafferty and Torres are in the bridal party, we can probably expect them to be at the ceremony, since the cast of Suits has reportedly nabbed royal wedding invitations. Plus, it would be a sweet reunion for the former costars, since Meghan's final Suits episode officially aired on April 25." 1 "Brad Pitt is not looking for a serious relationship The Hollywood actor prefers to spend time with his children Court warns Angelina, asks her to allow Brad more access to kids 00:36 Hollywood star Brad Pitt is in better spirits as he is getting to spend more time with his children. The actor, 54, will soon be in London, where ex Angelina Jolie is currently filming 'Maleficent 2 ' to see his children for a second time in recent weeks. 'The visit comes after a judge presiding over the former couple's divorce proceedings established a detailed schedule for him to spend time with Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and nine-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox.""Having kids was always very special to him. He wanted kids for years before he met Angie. He was dreaming about being a dad. And he has always been a great dad. Very involved and present. He talks about the kids non-stop now. He brought gifts back to England,"" a source told .The court papers stated, ""The children not having a relationship with their father is harmful to them,"" and that Jolie, 43, could lose full custody of the kids if she does not allow them to grow their relationships with Pitt.Their oldest son Maddox , 16, is not included in the timetable because, according to the court, he is old enough to decide for himself how much time he wants to spend with his father.""Brad has been in the best mood. Although he was away from the kids for a week, it seems just the fact that he now knows when he will see them, makes him very happy. He couldn't wait to get back to England. Not following a proper custody schedule was very difficult for him. And very sad as well,"" the source added." 1 "Get celebs updates directly to your inbox Subscribe See our privacy notice Thank you for subscribing! Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston 's dance-off at this year's Met Ball, while she was still publicly dating Calvin Harris has taken on a whole new significance following the pictures of the pair kissing. The Shake It Off star, 26, was caught in a passionate embrace with the Night Manager actor, 35, near her Rhode Island home in photos that emerged last night, just two weeks after it was confirmed she had split from the Scottish DJ after a 15 month romance. Four weeks before the break-up and Swift and Hiddleston had put on a VERY flirty display as they hit the dancefloor at the Met Ball where Taylor was on co-hosting duties with Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour. (Image: Instagram) (Image: Instagram) Videos from the night - that Calvin was noticeably absent from - show the pair throwing shapes to Beyonce's Crazy In Love and appear oblivious to anyone else around them. The duo are known for loving a turn on the dancefloor - but was there more to it then just an innocent booty shake? Insiders later admitted there was obvious ""chemistry"" between the couple and it's clear in the video that Taylor and Tom can barely tear their eyes each other as they gyrate along to the music. Taylor even suggestively brushes past the actor as she carries on the dance session. (Image: David Fisher/REX/Shutterstock) According to The Sun Taylor had been ""won over"" by Hiddleston after the flirty dance-off, and while insiders claim he began ""pursuing"" her after they first met, they insisted that there was NO overlap with her romance with Calvin. “Tom has been courting Taylor since they met – he sent her flowers. She’s been won over,"" a source told the paper. “The timing of this looks very bad for Taylor. There was an obvious connection with Tom at the Met Gala – you can see that in the video of them dancing together."" They continued: “Her people are insistent that no one else was involved in the split with Calvin, which is most likely the case. “But it feels pretty disrespectful to be moving on to someone so public so quickly.” Read more: Taylor Swift caught gazing at Tom Hiddleston while she was still with Calvin Harris after spending the evening together (Image: REX) The new couple also spent the night together before the gala event. Both were guests at Anna Wintour's private dinner on the eve of the fashion bash, with Taylor spotted gazing at the actor in the hallway of the New York residence as he headed home with actor Idris Elba. Another insider claimed after the Met Gala it was ""no surprise"" these two have got together. “She wasn't single at the time of the Gala but the chemistry between them was very obvious, so it's not really surprising that he wants to get together with her now,” an insider told Reveal magazine. Read more: Watch Tom Hiddleston gush over 'amazing' Taylor Swift before shock romance was revealed (Image: Getty) “Tom called her right after the news of her break-up came out and they talked for almost an hour,” they continued. “She barely hung up the phone when a bouquet of flowers arrived at her door – Tom managed to order them while he was on the phone with her.” Calvin and Swift's 15-month romance came to an abrupt end at the start of June, just weeks after she had gushed about how amazing Calvin was as she picked up an award at the iHeart Radio Awards in April. (Image: Getty) (Image: Getty) She said at the time: ""For the first time I had the most amazing person to come home to when the spotlight went out and when the crowds were all gone. ""So I want to thank my boyfriend Adam for that and I love you guys so much.""" 1 "Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara Make Hearts Melt With Their Sweet 1-Year Anniversary Messages Meghan Trainor and her boyfriend, Spy Kids star Daryl Sabara, are certainly lucky in love and they don't care who knows it! The lovebirds celebrated their one-year anniversary and in true celeb millennial fashion, each took to Instagram to share mushy posts, professing their love for one and other. Swoon! Took this video at the beginning of your tour. From the moment I met you I was mesmerized by everything you said and everything you do. You are the greatest person I know, and I'm so lucky to call you my best friend. I will love you forever and for always. You are my whole world. Thank you for the most amazing year. Happy Anniversary @meghan_trainor A post shared by Daryl Sabara (@darylsabara) on Jul 1, 2017 at 11:24pm PDT Daniel posted a video of the ""Dear Future Husband"" singer, along with the caption, ""Took this video at the beginning of your tour. From the moment I met you I was mesmerized by everything you said and everything you do. You are the greatest person I know, and I'm so lucky to call you my best friend. I will love you forever and for always. You are my whole world. Thank you for the most amazing year. Happy Anniversary @meghan_trainor."" An entire year with the love of my life. I am truly the luckiest girl in the world. Thank you @darylsabara for loving me and making me feel beautiful and special every single day this year. Thank you for making me a better songwriter. I love you with all of my heart ❤️ and shout out to the dopest brother who made me ball my eyes out when he made this video for us @ryan.trainor 😭💖 A post shared by Meghan Trainor (@meghan_trainor) on Jul 2, 2017 at 12:58am PDT Similarly, Meghan shared a video with clips of the duo over the past year with her song ""Hopeless Romantic."" In addition to the sentimental video, Meghan gushed over her lover. ""An entire year with the love of my life. I am truly the luckiest girl in the world. Thank you @darylsabara for loving me and making me feel beautiful and special every single day this year,"" she wrote. ""Thank you for making me a better songwriter. I love you with all of my heart and shout out to the dopest brother who made me ball my eyes out when he made this video for us @ryan.trainor."" In April, the pop star opened up to Cosmopolitan about her first date with Daryl. ""He was the best kisser ever,"" said Meghan. ""I know I'm really good at kissing, but I was shocked when he was."" Meghan said the first kiss happened on their first date at a bowling alley. ""I told my security to step outside ‘cause I didn't want to be watched."" While Meghan may be head over heels with Daryl's kissing skills, Daryl is all about her body." 0 Was there ever any doubt that Stephen Colbert would use his platform at the Emmys to knock Donald Trump? The comedian has mercilessly jabbed at the president since the campaign trail, honing his voice as David Letterman’s replacement on The Late Show with Trump as his perennial punching bag. (He even got him to respond once.) So on Sunday night, as he approached the lectern to kick off the 2017 Emmy Awards gala, Colbert naturally used his platform to rip the president. There was one surprise, however: a guest appearance by Sean Spicer. For his opening act, Colbert did a song-and-dance number running through various shows up for Emmys this year, including This Is Us, Stranger Things, and The Handmaid’s Tale. The chorus? “Everything is better on TV”—including, in a slightly more veiled jab at Trump, “treason.” Once he finally took the stage—along with a chorus of dancing Handmaids—Colbert thanked first responders for their work following hurricanes in Texas and Florida. After that, however, he didn’t take long to get to the Trump jokes: “If he had won an Emmy,” Colbert quipped, “I bet he never would have run for president. So in a way, this is your fault. I thought you people loved morally compromised antiheroes. You liked Walter White; he’s just Walter, much whiter.” “Unlike the presidency,” Colbert added, “Emmys go to the winner of the popular vote.” Still, Colbert couldn’t leave the stage without finding some special way to hit the president where it really hurts. So he brought out his secret weapon: Sean Spicer. Although he stayed mostly on message during his recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live and avoided dinging the president, Spicer did appear on stage Sunday night behind a lectern to comment on the TV Academy gala’s crowd size: “This is the biggest audience to witness an Emmys, period,” Spicer said with a straight face. “Both in person and around the world.” “Wow,” Colbert said, “that really soothes my fragile ego. Give it up for Melissa McCarthy, everybody.” In the room, there was an abundance of shock and a bit of confusion, as some celebrities tried to figure out if the man on stage was the real Spicer. Some seemed unsure if they should laugh. Will the president respond? We’ll keep our eyes on his Twitter account while we’re not frantically analyzing tonight’s wins and snubs—although we have a feeling whatever response Trump has, it likely won’t come before two in the morning. Additional reporting by Josh Duboff and Rebecca Keegan. Get Vanity Fair’s HWD Newsletter Sign up for essential industry and award news from Hollywood. E-mail Address Subscribe 0 Liam Hemsworth took the time to appreciate one of the most important people in his life when he posted a romantic Instagram message to girlfriend Miley Cyrus in honor of her 26th birthday on Nov. 23. Liam Hemsworth, 28, is not afraid to admit how much he cares about girlfriend Miley Cyrus and he did just that in a romantic Instagram post for her 26th birthday on Nov. 23. The Australian actor showed off a cute pic of a happy Miley standing and holding a dog as she’s surrounded by colorful balloons and he used the caption for the photo to express his love for the singer. “Happy birthday to my sweet girl. You’re more precious than ever. So thankful to have you in my life. ❤️,” the caption read. In addition to writing his loving post, Liam spent Miley’s birthday with her and her family. Miley’s dad Billy Ray Cyrus took to Instagram to share a photo of Miley smiling and sitting with everyone in front of her birthday cake. “Thankful for this moment. My thoughts and prayers with so many hearts that need mended. Peace and love to all,” Billy’s caption read. In his caption, Billy, of course, was referring to the recent devastating California wildfires that took lives and destroyed so many homes, including Miley and Liam’s Malibu home. Liam visited the site of the rubble after the fire and posted a heartbreaking photo that showed a LOVE sign, the only thing still left in tact from their home. He expressed his sympathy for others who lost their homes and gratitude for the firefighters who worked endlessly to contain and stop the fire from spreading. Despite the recent tough circumstances, it’s good to see Liam and Miley keeping each other close and remembering what’s most important. 0 Tavis Smiley speaks at a conference in New York in 2014. (Mark Lennihan/AP) Talk-show host Tavis Smiley sued PBS on Tuesday, alleging that the network breached its contract and damaged his production company when it fired him in December over sexual-harassment allegations. Smiley has been outspoken in his denials of PBS’s accusations. And so far, he appears to be the first of the many prominent media figures accused of sexual misconduct to take his counterclaim to court. The public television network, based in Arlington, Va., dropped Smiley’s late-night interview program, “Tavis Smiley,” in December over what it said were “multiple, credible allegations” of workplace misconduct by the host. It did not spell out the accusations, but news reports said Smiley allegedly had sexual relationships with employees of his company, TS Media, and that some feared their jobs were in jeopardy if they refused. Smiley has repeatedly said PBS never presented him with the names of his accusers, specific allegations, or details of an investigation into his workplace relationships that led up to his dismissal. He has vigorously defended himself in media interviews, and even staged a five-city tour last month in which he led panel discussions about workplace harassment. “I’ve spent the bulk of my career in public media, so filing a lawsuit against PBS was the last thing I wanted to do,” he said in an interview Tuesday. “But litigation seems to be the only way to get at the truth.” In a statement, Jennifer Rankin Byrne, PBS’s vice president for corporate communications, called the lawsuit “meritless” and an attempt by Smiley “to distract the public from his pattern of sexual misconduct in the workplace.” PBS, she wrote, took action against Smiley after a complaint prompted the network to hire an independent law firm to conduct an investigation, which included a “lengthy interview with Mr. Smiley.” The investigation “revealed that he had multiple sexual encounters with subordinates over many years and yielded credible allegations of additional misconduct inconsistent with the values and standards of PBS.” PBS had distributed “Tavis Smiley” for 14 years. It signed a new contract with Smiley’s Los Angeles-based production company in November, coincidentally just as the “Me Too” movement against workplace harassment was beginning to crest. Smiley has acknowledged that he had romantic relationships with colleagues over his 30-year career as a speaker, TV host and author, but that these were always consensual. In his suit, filed in D.C.’s Superior Court, he claims that PBS used “trumped up” accusations to drop distribution of his program after years of infighting over the program’s funding, promotion and content. His suit also asserts that some of the “tension” between PBS and Smiley, who is African American, was racial in nature. PBS “has presented complaints and hassled Mr. Smiley when he had African American guests who espoused controversial positions, and effectively tried to stop any such guests from appearing,” his complaint says. “By contrast, PBS never raised editorial issues or hassled Mr. Smiley when he had white guests who espoused equally controversial positions (if not even more controversial).” The suit didn’t specify a request for damages but said his company has lost “multiple millions of dollars” as result of his termination, and has laid off about 20 employees. Smiley was one of several public-broadcasting figures who’ve been forced out by harassment complaints. Others include talk host Charlie Rose, NPR news chief Michael Oreskes and “Prairie Home Companion” creator Garrison Keillor. 0 Lil Peep died of an overdose of fentanyl and generic Xanax, according to the Pima Country Office of the Medical Examiner. The rapper’s death was ruled as accidental by the medical examiner. TMZ reports that a cocktail of other drugs were also found in his system. His blood tested positive for marijuana, cocaine and the painkiller Tramadol, and his urine tested positive for those drugs, as well as opiates such as hydrocodone, generic Dilauded, oxycodone and oxymorphone. The medical examiner did not find alcohol in his system. Peep, whose real name was Gustav Åhr, died last month in Tucson, Arizona, where he was supposed to hold a concert in support of his debut album, Come Over When You’re Sober (Part One). He was 21. Local authorities speculated that the circumstances around the rapper’s death were “suspicious,” though at the time the Tucson police department was under the assumption his death was caused by a combination of Xanax and other drugs. The authorities said they were investigating text messages sent by a woman who’d visited Peep’s tour bus before his death. “GBC [Lil Peep] high af because of me and my friend lol,” read one allegedly. Another supposedly read, “He passed the fuck out my brother called and I tried to get him to say hi to my brother but he wouldn’t wake up.” A memorial for the rapper, who blended hip-hop with guitar-driven emo, was recently held in Long Beach, New York, featuring speakers and a public gathering. In an interview with Pitchfork, the rapper said he never took prescriptions for depression but enjoyed taking drugs. “I just like smoking weed and whatever other drug comes my way,” He said. “I don’t like to pay for [drugs]. I just like to get them for free.” 0 Brad Pitt may be finding love again, but a source close to him EXCLUSIVELY tells HollywoodLife.com that the actor doubts the ‘right guy’ exists for Angelina Jolie. Ouch! After causing everyone who still believed in true love to shudder collectively after hearing that the two of them were breaking up, Brad Pitt, 53, and Angelina Jolie, 42, still don’t seem to be on the friendliest of terms after their split. A source close to Brad told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY that Brad doesn’t think a long-lasting love is in the cards for Angelina. “Brad is doubtful Angelina can have a successful marriage after theirs failed. Brad knows first hand how incredibly unique and challenging it is being in Angelina’s family. Brad gave it everything he had and is disappointed they could not stay together,” our source says. Brad is currently rumored to be dating actress Ella Purnell, 21, but he still has a lot of respect for his ex. The source went on to say, “It is difficult dealing with the media, the fame, career, traveling and everything else that goes with being one of the most powerful women in Hollywood. Brad knows what a dedicated mother Angelina is and how hard that can be for even the strongest men to deal with in a relationship.” We reported earlier about how Angelina invited Brad to go trick-or-treating with their kids, but that Brad wasn’t “having it” with the prospect of any hangout with his ex. Our source added, “Brad understands that the best, most healthy and lasting relationships need lots of compromise so whoever has a shot at marrying Angelina will need to give up a lot to fit into her challenging lifestyle. Brad feels that while he wishes her the best, after several failed marriages for Angelina, the right guy for her might not exist.” While you muse on whether true love exists or not, check out pics of the celebrity couples who had downright painful breakups. HollywoodLifers, do you think Angelina will eventually find love again? 1 "Get Stuff We Love Subscribe to our newsletter. / Source: TODAY By Ree Hines The president and first lady attended a state dinner at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England, on Thursday, and Melania Trump's formal dress left her looking like a picture-perfect princess — but not the British royal variety. Trump's floor-length, pleated J.Mendel cape gown was giving off pure Disney princess vibes. Melania Trump wore a pale yellow J.Mendel cape gown for her visit to Blenheim Palace. AFP /Getty Images According to fashion-loving first-family watchers on social media, the candlelight-yellow silk chiffon design would have looked just as fitting in a fictional castle as it did in that 18th century palace, since it seemed to channel Belle from ""Beauty and the Beast."" Emma Watson wowed in yellow gown as Belle in 2017's ""Beauty and The Beast."" Disney But the elegant gown wasn't intended to honor Belle. Instead it was a nod to Queen Elizabeth II. Though the monarch didn't attend the dinner, according to WWD, Trump's stylist, Herve Pierre, said the pale yellow shade was selected to ""pay homage"" to the queen, as it's known to be a favorite of hers. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump leave the U.S. ambassador's residence, Winfield House, on their way to Blenheim Palace for dinner with Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May and business leaders, in London, July 12, 2018. Reuters The design is part of J. Mendel's 2018 spring collection, but only the first lady gets this version. For the public, it's only available in emerald (or it was, until it sold out). On Friday, Trump will come face-to-face with the queen at for tea at Windsor Castle, and while fashion fans will have to wait to see what she wears for that occasion, she already showed off another sold-out dress Friday morning. Melania Trump and Philip May, the husband of Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May, visit the Royal Hospital Chelsea, where they are met by veterans, in central London, July 13, 2018. Reuters Mrs. Trump visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea and wore a flared Victoria Beckham day dress in bold stripes. Of course, the first lady is no stranger to making headlines for her style. Just last month, she drew attention — and caused controversy — for wearing a graffiti-style jacket that seemed to send a message as she set out to visit migrant children detained in Texas." 0 A body found Thursday night is that of missing Frightened Rabbit frontman Scott Hutchison, police in Scotland confirmed Friday. The body was discovered about 8:30 p.m. local time Thursday (12:30 p.m. PT) in Port Edgar, Queensferry, just west of Edinburgh, the Scottish capital. No official cause of death was given. A statement from Hutchison’s family, issued Friday afternoon by Police Scotland, said the singer had been struggling with mental health problems. “As a family, we are utterly devastated with the tragic loss of our beloved Scott,” the statement said. “Despite his disappearance, and the recent concerns over his mental health, we had all remained positive and hopeful that he would walk back through the door, having taken some time away to compose himself. Scott, like many artists, wore his heart on his sleeve and that was evident in the lyrics of his music and the content of many of his social media posts.” The family said Hutchison had “battled bravely with his own issues” for many years. “Depression is a horrendous illness that does not give you any alert or indication as to when it will take hold of you,” the statement said. “We are immensely proud of [Scott] for being so open with his struggles. His willingness to discuss these matters in the public domain undoubtedly raised awareness of mental health issues and gave others confidence and belief to discuss their own issues.” The 36-year-old singer and guitarist was reported missing early Wednesday, and was last seen near the Dakota Hotel in South Queensferry. Hutchison had issued a tweet Tuesday night referring to his life in the past tense: “Be so good to everyone you love….I didn’t live by that standard and it kills me.” Twenty minutes later, his final, poignant tweet simply said: “I’m away now. Thanks.” Be so good to everyone you love. It’s not a given. I’m so annoyed that it’s not. I didn’t live by that standard and it kills me. Please, hug your loved ones. — Scott Hutchison (@owljohn) May 8, 2018 I’m away now. Thanks. — Scott Hutchison (@owljohn) May 8, 2018 Hutchison’s family was informed of the discovery of the body, and formal identification took place Friday. Hutchison formed Scottish indie rock band Frightened Rabbit in 2003. The group’s first studio album, 2006’s “Sing the Greys,” featured just Hutchison and his brother Grant, who is the band’s drummer. Their most recent, fifth album, “Painting of a Panic Attack,” was released in 2016 on Atlantic Records. The band also includes Billy Kennedy, Andy Monaghan and Simon Liddell. On Wednesday, the group tweeted: “We are worried about Scott, who has been missing for a little while now. He may be in a fragile state and may not be making the best decisions for himself right now.” We are worried about Scott, who has been missing for a little while now. He may be in a fragile state and may not be making the best decisions for himself right now. Please could Scott or anyone with any information on his whereabouts please contact Police Scotland (101). — Frightened Rabbit (@FRabbits) May 9, 2018 News of the body’s discovery prompted tributes from other Scottish musicians, including Franz Ferdinand frontman Alex Kapranos and Belle and Sebastian singer Stuart Murdoch. Kapranos tweeted that Hutchison’s death was “a terrible loss.” Murdoch said the Scottish music community had been praying for a different outcome and encouraged anyone “having dark thoughts” to talk to family, friends or a doctor. Irish rock band Snow Patrol said they were devastated to hear the news about their friend. Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon said it was “heartbreaking news,” calling Hutchison “a remarkable and much loved talent.” Awful news about Scott Hutchison. A terrible loss. — alex kapranos (@alkapranos) May 11, 2018 Tragic news about Scott Hutchison. The whole music community in Scotland was praying for a different outcome. Folks, if you are up against it, having dark thoughts, please tell someone, family, a friend or a doctor. There is always another way, though it might not seem like it. — stuart murdoch (@nee_massey) May 11, 2018 We are devastated to hear the news about our friend Scott Hutchison this morning. Sending all our love to his family, friends and band mates in frightened rabbit. Xxx — Snow Patrol (@snowpatrol) May 11, 2018 Heartbreaking news. My thoughts are with Scott’s family, friends and fans. A remarkable and much loved talent. @FRabbits https://t.co/nhUIPmOPCl — Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) May 11, 2018 Frightened Rabbit had recently completed a two-month 10th-anniversary tour titled “The Midnight Organ Fight,” with sold-out dates during February and March in Chicago, Toronto, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington in the U.S., and Manchester, London and Glasgow in Britain. The band was scheduled to begin another tour later this month. The Hutchison brothers had announced a side project, with brothers Justin and James Lockey of alt-rock band group Minor Victories, called Mastersystem, which launched a debut album April 6. Scott Hutchison also released a solo album, “Owl John,” which was also his Twitter handle, in 2014. POPULAR ON VARIETY: 0 "CLOSE Let's forget about the Brangelina divorce for a bit and talk about their six children. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie attend the New York premiere of 'Changeling' in October 2008. (Photo: Andrew H. Walker, Getty Images) Brad Pitt is being investigated after being accused of verbal and physical abuse against his children. Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services spokesman Armand Montiel told USA TODAY by law the agency cannot confirm or deny investigations. But a source close to Pitt, who was not authorized to speak publicly, told USA TODAY that Pitt is taking this matter ""very seriously and is fully cooperating."" ""The claims are greatly exaggerated or fabricated,"" the source said. ""But he’ll always do whatever is best for his kids. Despite being on the receiving end of an onslaught of allegations, he remains focused on doing whatever is best for the children.” TMZ reports the actor, whose wife Angelina Jolie filed for divorce Monday, is under investigation following an incident on a private jet. TMZ says the case was referred over to the FBI on Thursday due to the fact that the alleged incident happened in the air while the family was on a plane from France last Wednesday. “The FBI is continuing to gather facts and will evaluate whether an investigation at the federal level will be pursued,” FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said in a statement emailed to USA TODAY. In divorce documents, Jolie listed the couple's date of separation as the following day, Sept. 15. People.com reports that Pitt is accused of getting verbally abusive with one of couple's kids, as well as getting physical while the family was on their private plane. People and TMZ both note that Jolie and at least some of the couple's other children were present at the time. Pitt and Jolie have six children: Maddox, 15, Pax, 12, Zahara, 11, Shiloh, 10, and twins Vivienne and Knox, 8. The Los Angeles Police Department is so far not investigating. ""LAPD is not handling any report or allegations into child abuse against Brad Pitt,"" spokeswoman Officer Jenny Houser told USA TODAY in a statement on Thursday. Attempts to reach Jolie's representative were not successful. Contributing: Maria Puente, Andrea Mandell Read or Share this story: http://usat.ly/2cYkvYV" 1 After going in for surgery on her right shoulder following a romantic wedding in San Diego, California, Big Bang Theory actress, Kaley Cuoco is back to her active lifestyle. Cuoco took to Instagram on Thursday to share an update with fans through the Stories feature that she is on the mend by hitting the gym and returning to her active workout lifestyle, despite exercising with just one arm. (Photo: Instagram / @normancook) “I’m able to kind of do more now but I still can’t get my arm up to do my hair and makeup if you couldn't tell, so I haven’t tweezed my eyebrows in two weeks,” Cuoco told followers. She went on to share several snapshots of herself in the gym, working out with one arm, telling fans she “can’t just sit around anymore.” “Alright there you have it, no excuses,” Cuoco said during her workout. “Injured or not you can still have a badass workout. I’m absolutely dead and ready to eat something.” By the end of her workout, Cuoco called it all “frickin’ awesome.” (Photo: Instagram / @normancook) Cuoco, who plays Penny on Big Bang Theory, tied the knot this past July with equestrian, Karl Cook. Cuoco first revealed the news on Instagram in the form of a black-and-white image of her and her athlete husband. However, five days after the big wedding, the 32-year-old told fans the two would have to cut their honeymoon for the procedure that was planned a year prior. Posting a photo from her hospital bed, Cuoco thanked fans for their love and support, and later took to the Instagram Stories feature, letting fans know about her recovery time. “For everyone asking, because everyone’s been so sweet and worried about me, this is a planned surgery I’ve had for over a year,” she explained. “I hurt it over a year ago, did not need immediate surgery. So, I brilliantly planned it five days after our wedding. Right, babe?” “Just brilliant, hun,” chimed in Cook, who was in the room with Cuoco. “I knew I’d have a babysitter,” Cuoco joked. “No horsies for a minute,” she added. “But time to lay low and hopefully not kill this guy [Cook], or him kill me. Thanks for the love!” The actress shared that she’s currently “in a pretty big cast,” and that her recovery will take around four to six weeks. Cuoco has been known to stay in shape, recently telling Women's Health Magazine about her go-to fitness outlet: hot yoga. “I tried spinning, I tried running, I tried yoga, I tried Pilates,” Cuoco said. “I realized I don’t like running… I refuse to do it. I like spinning, so I try to mix that in. When I found hot yoga, I fell in love with it and was like, this is my thing.” She also said she has to buckle down on her diet and put in a lot more effort into staying fit than she used to. “Bottom line is, you know, I’m not 21 anymore,” Cuoco said. “It used to be so easy, I didn’t have to do as much. Now, it’s part of my day — working out is part of my day, eating right is part of my day.” 0 "Rosario Dawson attends the 'Clerks II' Premiere at the Palais during the 59th International Cannes Film Festival May 26, 2006 in Cannes, France. The actress is grieving the death of her cousin. Rosario Dawson's cousin has died after she was found unresponsive in her Venice home Thursday, according to multiple reports. The 38-year-old actress discovered her 26-year-old cousin, Vaneza Ines Vasquez, was unconscious, TMZ reported Tuesday and People Magazine later confirmed. Dawson called the paramedics straightaway, according to reports, but they were unable to revive Vasquez on the scene. She was transported to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead. Vasquez was working for Dawson at the time of her death. A toxicology report is still pending, but an early autopsy report allegedly indicates that her death was likely due to natural causes. According to TMZ, Vasquez had been suffering from migraines and hypertension. ‘Tonight’: #AllIWantForChristmas Hashtags Jimmy Fallon reads some of his favorite tweets with the hashtag #AllIWantForChristmas. (Published Friday, Dec. 21, 2018) Vasquez's grieving mother, Lisa Centeno, paid tribute to her late daughter on Facebook. ""Vaneza, my sweet, sweet beautiful baby—your passing has left me destroyed forever but I know you are at peace in Paradise,"" Orlando-based Centeno wrote. ""I love you, my alpha child."" Dawson has not publicly commented on her cousin's death." 0 "Jessica Biel has revealed how she and Justin Timberlake maintain their happy relationship. The couple have been married since 2012 and now have a three-year-old son called Silas Randall. “Communication, communication, communication,” Biel told People. “The ability to be really honest about how you’re feeling and what your needs are. Just be able to communicate really honestly with your partner. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below ""That’s worked for us so far,” she said. “I would never want to speak on anyone else’s relationship, but that’s what we do.” The two met through mutual friends back in 2007 after Timberlake had split up from Cameron Diaz. The singer then called her out to ask her out - but she didn't say yes straight away. ""I did it the old fashioned way — by telephone,"" Timberlake said at a press conference in 2012. ""That's something I learned from both my stepdad and my grandfather — that there is a thing called chivalry and it doesn't have to die with the birth of the internet. ""The way I see it, if you're asking a girl out on a date, it's only right to do it in a way that she can hear your voice. I had to be pretty persistent in order to get her to say yes. But I have a fair amount of tenacity and if I want something I stick to it. And in the end she agreed.""" 0 Bam Margera revealed that he secretly struggled with bulimia in the early 2000s at the peak of his career. The former MTV star, 37, opened up about his battle with the eating disorder during an episode of Viceland’s Epicly Later’d show released on Wednesday, August 6. The professional skateboarder’s parents, April and Phil Margera, also guest-starred on the episode to reflect on their son’s ordeal. “When you’re on camera a lot, people have a lot to say,” April noted. “He always wanted to have this very slim, slim look. A lot of it happened when he became friends with Ville Valo.” The Jackass actor later hinted that his friendship with the HIM rocker, 40, may have affected his health and contributed to the development of his disease. “I remember when me and Ville Valo were out in London and he woke up at noon, opened up the mini bar and cracked open a beer. That was the first time I was introduced to day drinking,” Margera recalled. Added April, “Ville drank a lot… He’s the loveliest man ever, but he never ate. He just drank. I think Bam started sipping on a beer because he liked the way it looked.” The Viva La Bam alum’s mother explained that her son’s drinking precipitated his bulimic tendencies. “We would go out for dinner and he would immediately excuse himself to go to the bathroom,” she continued. “I’d say, ‘Are you throwing up?’ And he says, ‘Yeah, yeah. Sometimes I throw up and that way I’m not gonna get fat.’” Margera blamed the limelight for his self-harming actions. “I didn’t officially start drinking until maybe 24 or 25,” he revealed. “Then the rockstar life and drinking spun out of control.” April also shared that, although her son is now recovered and lives in Spain with his pregnant wife, Nicole Boyd, his situation has made a long-lasting impact on her. “It really hurts me when people make comments,” she remarked. “‘You look like you gained some weight there.’ I don’t respond but I feel like saying, ‘He was drinking alcohol and he was bulimic. And that’s why he was thin.’” For the latest celebrity entertainment, news and lifestyle videos, subscribe to Us Weekly’s YouTube Page. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 The 25-year-old pop superstar, Nick Jonas, recently sat down with E! News to talk about his new single, “Home,” as well as his peculiar family life. During the interview, he opened up regarding the relationship with his mother as well as his family back in Dallas and New Jersey. According to the former member of The Jonas Brothers, the first thing he does when he gets home is present laundry for his mother to do. And while you may think that’s a demanding request to make, Nick revealed his mother enjoys it. When asked what Jonas does upon seeing his mother for the first time, the performer said, “Laundry – I ask for my mom to do my laundry. She does it every time with a big smile!” He added now that her boys are all grown up and out of the house, doing his laundry makes Nick’s mother feel like a mom again. He explained, “I think it’s a really nice thing for her.” Home A post shared by Nick Jonas (@nickjonas) on Nov 12, 2017 at 1:02pm PST Additionally, he loved Denis Jonas’ cooking skills and explained that his mother makes the best sweet potato casserole. He said, “the casserole thing with her is on lock.” As you may already know, Nick and the rest of his brothers including Frankie, Kevin, and his wife Danielle, met up earlier in the month to celebrate Joe Jonas’ engagement to Sophie Turner. Advertisement A source said to E! News that around 30 people came together during an outing at an Italian eatery in New York City. It’s been an exciting time for the Jonas brothers with Joe getting engaged and also the release of Nick’s latest track. However, one thing that keeps him grounded is hanging out with his friends. He said, “house parties are pretty casual. I like to have some good food.” 0 "American fashion designer and former actress For details about Mary-Kate Olsen's career and activities shared with her sister, see Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Mary-Kate Olsen (born June 13, 1986)[1] is an American fashion designer, businesswoman, author, and former actress and producer. She began her acting career one year after her birth, sharing the role of Michelle Tanner with her twin sister Ashley Olsen in the television sitcom, Full House (1987–1995). They also starred in numerous films together. In 1993, the production company Dualstar Entertainment Group was founded, which produced a long string of TV movies and direct-to-video releases featuring the girls; they starred in Passport to Paris (1999), Our Lips Are Sealed (2000), Winning London (2001), Holiday in the Sun (2001) and in the television series, So Little Time (2001–2002), for which she was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Performer in Children's Programming. They starred in Getting There (2002), When in Rome (2002), The Challenge (2003) and made cameos in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003). The last film she starred in with her twin sister was New York Minute (2004). She continued with her acting career independently, appearing with a few guest-star roles in films and television shows, and with her last film being Beastly (2011). In March 2012, both Mary-Kate and Ashley officially indicated their interest to retire as actresses in order to focus on their careers in the fashion industry. She and her twin sister co-founded luxury fashion brands The Row, Elizabeth and James, and more affordable fashion lines Olsenboye and StyleMint.[2] They co-authored the book Influence, featuring interviews with fashion designers that have inspired their fashion lines. They are members of the Council of Fashion Designers of America. Birth and family [ edit ] Mary-Kate Olsen was born in Sherman Oaks, California, the daughter of Jarnette ""Jarnie"" (née Jones;[3] b. 1954), a personal manager, and David ""Dave"" Olsen, a real estate developer and mortgage banker.[4] Along with her twin, Ashley, she has an older brother, Trent, a younger sister, Elizabeth Olsen, and two half siblings, Taylor and Jake, from her father's second marriage.[5] Olsen's parents divorced in 1996.[6] She attended the Campbell Hall School in Los Angeles.[7] Olsen began horseback riding at 6 years old. During her time at the Campbell Hall School, she was on the school's equestrian team. She stopped riding when she and her sister Ashley moved to Manhattan but eventually began again.[8] Mary-Kate and Ashley attended New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study, beginning in 2004.[9] In 2013, her horse, Marvelous, ridden by James Anderson, won the 38th Hampton Classic Horse Show.[10] Acting career [ edit ] Career beginnings [ edit ] She began her acting career at the age of nine months old when she and her twin sister, Ashley Olsen, were hired to share the role of Michelle Tanner on the popular television sitcom Full House (1987-1995). She starred alongside her twin sister in the films, To Grandmother's House We Go (1992), Double, Double, Toil and Trouble (1993), How the West Was Fun (1994), It Takes Two (1995), Billboard Dad (1998) and in the television series, Two of a Kind (1998-1999). In 1997, the Olsen twins guest starred in an episode of Sister, Sister, alongside rival twin actresses Tia Mowry and Tamera Mowry. Olsen at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2009 Dualstar [ edit ] In 1993, following Mary-Kate and Ashley's success on Full House, a limited liability company, Dualstar Entertainment Group was created to produce Mary-Kate and Ashley-branded products. It produced a successful long string of TV movies and direct-to-video releases featuring the girls. They starred in Passport to Paris (1999), Our Lips Are Sealed (2000), Winning London (2001), Holiday in the Sun (2001) and in the television series, So Little Time (2001–2002). They became household names and popular figures in the preteen market during the late 1990s and early 2000s, with Mary-Kate's likeness seen in clothes, books, fragrances, magazines, movies, and posters, among others. There were fashion dolls of her made by Mattel from 2000 to 2005. They also starred in the films Getting There (2002), When in Rome (2002), The Challenge (2003) and made cameos in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003). In 2004, the twins appeared in the theatrical light-hearted romantic comedy, New York Minute. In 2004, both Mary-Kate and Ashley took control of Dualstar, becoming joint-CEOs and presidents of the company, which at the time had its merchandise being carried in over 3,000 stores in America and 5,300 stores worldwide. Olsen and her sister became co-presidents of Dualstar upon their eighteenth birthday. These ventures, combined with an array of licensing deals for their names and likenesses, made Olsen wealthy at a young age. In 2004, Olsen's wealth was estimated at $137 million.[11] Retirement [ edit ] Olsen's first solo acting appearance was in the movie Factory Girl (2006). Her one short scene was ultimately cut from theatrical release, but was included on the film's DVD. In 2007, she had a recurring role on television show, Weeds, and the twins said that if they became involved in movies together again, it would be as producers.[12][13] In 2008, Olsen made a guest appearance on the ABC comedy Samantha Who? as a self-destructive girl that Samantha tries to help.[14] She also appeared in the film The Wackness (2008). Olsen appeared in the motion picture adaption of the Alex Flinn novel Beastly (2011), which was her final acting project.[15][16] In March 2012, both Mary-Kate and Ashley indicated their interest to retire as actresses in order to focus on their careers in fashion.[17] They felt that their futures were in fashion, not in acting and discussed wanting to open a store as one of their future fashion-based endeavors.[18][19] In 2015, it was announced that John Stamos signed on with Netflix to produce and co-star in Fuller House, a spin-off of Full House that would reunite the original cast members for a 13-episode series. Mary-Kate and Ashley originally announced in May 2015 that they will not reprise their role as Michelle Tanner.[20] Nickelodeon acquired the rights to the Olsen twins' video library in 2015.[21] Net worth and influence [ edit ] Mary-Kate and her twin Ashley's success has been marked by their inclusion on every Forbes The Celebrity 100 list since 2002,[citation needed]. In 2007, Forbes ranked the twins jointly as the eleventh-richest women in entertainment, with an estimated combined net worth of $300 million.[22] Forbes had the twins on their 30 Under 30: All-Star Alumni list in 2017.[23] Fashion career [ edit ] Career beginnings [ edit ] Following a high volume of public interest in their fashion choices, the sisters began work in collaboration on a string of fashion lines available to the public. Starting as young girls, the Olsen twins started a clothing line in Wal-Mart stores across America for girls ages 4 to 14 as well as a beauty line called ""Mary-Kate and Ashley: Real fashion for real girls"".[24] In 2004, they made news by signing a pledge to allow all the workers that sew their line of clothing in Bangladesh full maternity leave. The National Labor Committee, which organized the pledge, later praised the twins for their commitment to worker rights.[25] Business and philanthropy [ edit ] As adults, the Olsen twins have devoted much of their attention to the world of fashion. They head a designer fashion label, ""The Row,"" as well as ""Elizabeth and James"",[24] ""Olsenboye"", and ""StyleMint""[26] retail collections. The idea for The Row started as a personal project in 2005 when her twin sister, Ashley Olsen, challenged herself to create a perfect T-shirt.[27] She tested the design on a variety of women of all body shapes and ages in an attempt to find a ""commonality in fit and attitude.""[28] In 2006, in an attempt to gain credibility in the fashion industry after their association with Wal-Mart tarnished their reputations, they were tapped as the faces of the upscale fashion line Badgley Mischka.[29] In 2008, the Olsen twins co-authored, Influence, a book featuring interviews with fashion designers that have inspired the twins' fashion lines.[30] In 2011, Mary-Kate and Ashley teamed up with TOMS Shoes to design footwear for kids without shoes in more than 20 countries worldwide.[31] Mary-Kate and Ashley designed an Olsenboye Change Purse in 2011 and donated the money to ""Pennies From Heaven"".[32] In October 2012, Ashley and Mary-Kate won the WSJ magazine Innovator of The Year Award.[33] Mary-Kate and Ashley released an Elizabeth and James perfume in Spring 2013.[34] StyleMint is now available in the UK.[35] Mary-Kate's controversial fashion choices have often found her on both the best[36][37] and worst dressed fashion lists, particularly for her decision to wear fur.[38] Mary-Kate and Ashley are members of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, CFDA[39] a not-for-profit trade association of over 450 prominent American fashion and accessory designers. Mary-Kate and Ashley are now the creative directors for Superga.[40] Personal life [ edit ] Relationships [ edit ] Olsen has dated David Katzenberg (son of DreamWorks cofounder Jeffrey Katzenberg),[41] photographer Maxwell Snow[42] and artist Nate Lowman.[1] In May 2012, Olsen began a relationship with Olivier Sarkozy, half brother of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy.[43] In March 2014, photos were published showing Olsen wearing what appeared to be an engagement ring.[44] Olsen and Sarkozy were married on November 27, 2015, at a private residence in New York City.[45] Health issues [ edit ] In mid-2004, Olsen announced she had entered treatment for anorexia nervosa.[46] A Got Milk? advertisement featuring the twins was pulled following the announcement.[47][48] On November 20, 2007, she was hospitalized for a reported kidney infection.[49] Death of Heath Ledger [ edit ] Mary-Kate was a close friend of late actor Heath Ledger.[50][51][52] After discovering Ledger unconscious in his bed in January 2008, his massage therapist called Olsen twice before contacting police. Olsen sent a private security guard to the scene.[53] Responding to a claim by an anonymous law enforcement official that she would not speak to federal investigators without a promise of legal immunity, Olsen's attorney Michael C. Miller said, ""We have provided the government with relevant information including facts in the chronology of events surrounding Mr. Ledger's death and the fact that Ms. Olsen does not know the source of the drugs Mr. Ledger consumed"".[54] Filmography [ edit ] Television Year Title Role Notes 2007 Weeds Tara Lindman Recurring role (Season 3) 2008 Samantha Who? Natalie Episode: ""Help!"" Awards and nominations [ edit ] See also [ edit ]" 0 It started with the #TimesUp blackout during January's Golden Globes, where a missive to wear all black to protest gender disparity resulted not only in some uniquely stunning looks — from Tracee Ellis Ross' satin turban to Clare Foy's Stella McCartney suit — but also in a unprecedented show of solidarity. For the first time, nearly everyone in Hollywood agreed that the red carpet could be a place to bring attention to real feats of activism. The icing on the cake was that it firmly established the connection between what actors wear and what they have to say. During each subsequent awards, it became clearer that the public began to expect that the clothing actresses wore would be a way to talk about the issues they care about. For fashion people, this was a moment to celebrate. We've always known that clothes should communicate something. But for that idea to become a cultural norm has done something amazing for the red carpet. 0 "About 10 years ago, at the after-party for a wine auction in New Orleans, a woman in her 20s walked up to Mario Batali to introduce herself. As a chef, she was excited to meet one of the most revered figures in the restaurant industry. When they started talking, she recalls, she realized that he’d been drinking and he became what she characterized as “creepy” — “just giving me this provocative, icky feeling.” Minutes into their conversation, she recalls, he told her, “Come work for me, I’ll pay you double what you’re making.” Moments later, someone bumped her glass, spilling wine all over her chest and down her scooped-neck shirt. She alleges that Batali began rubbing her breasts with his bare hands while saying something like, “Let me help you with that,” as he groped her chest. “He just went to town, and I was so shocked,” the chef says. “Jaw on the ground, I just stepped back from him in utter disgust and walked away.” The chef is one of four women who allege that Batali touched them inappropriately in a pattern of behavior that appears to span at least two decades. Three of the women worked for Batali in some capacity during their careers. One former employee alleges that over the course of two years, he repeatedly grabbed her from behind and held her tightly against his body. Another former employee alleges that he groped her and that, in a separate incident, he compelled her to straddle him; another alleges that he grabbed her breasts at a party, though she no longer worked for him at the time. The woman whose allegations are described above has never worked for Batali, though she works in the restaurant industry. Batali was reprimanded for inappropriate behavior in the workplace as recently as two months ago. According to a spokesperson for Batali & Bastianich Hospitality Group — the restaurant-management services company that provides support to around 24 restaurants owned by, among others, Batali and Joe Bastianich — in October 2017, a B&B restaurant employee officially reported inappropriate behavior by Batali to the company. It was the first formal complaint about Batali, who was reprimanded and required to undergo training, according to the company. In a statement to Eater, Batali said that he is stepping away from the day-to-day operations of his businesses for an unspecified period of time. ABC, where Batali has co-hosted the daytime show The Chew since 2011, has also asked the chef to step away from the show “while we review the allegations that have just recently come to our attention,” a spokesperson said. Batali did not deny all the allegations, saying that they “match up” with ways he has behaved. “I apologize to the people I have mistreated and hurt. Although the identities of most of the individuals mentioned in these stories have not been revealed to me, much of the behavior described does, in fact, match up with ways I have acted. That behavior was wrong and there are no excuses. I take full responsibility and am deeply sorry for any pain, humiliation or discomfort I have caused to my peers, employees, customers, friends and family. “I have work to do to try to regain the trust of those I have hurt and disappointed. For this reason, I am going to step away from day-to-day operations of my businesses. We built these restaurants so that our guests could have fun and indulge, but I took that too far in my own behavior. I won’t make that mistake again. I want any place I am associated with to feel comfortable and safe for the people who work or dine there. ""I know my actions have disappointed many people. The successes I have enjoyed are owned by everyone on my team. The failures are mine alone. To the people who have been at my side during this time — my family, my partners, my employees, my friends, my fans — I am grateful for your support and hopeful that I can regain your respect and trust. I will spend the next period of time trying to do that.” Batali remains an owner of his individual restaurants, according to the B&B spokesperson. In a statement to Eater, B&B said that while the company has had sexual harassment training and policies for more than 10 years, it will now also enlist an independent, outside corporate investigations firm for any staffers wishing to make claims against owners of the restaurants. “We take these allegations very seriously. We pride ourselves on being a workplace for our employees where they can grow and deliver great service with equal opportunity and free from any discrimination. We have strong policies and practices in place that address sexual harassment. We train employees in these policies and we enforce them, up to and including termination,” B&B’s statement reads in part. “Mr. Batali and we have agreed that he will step away from the company’s operations, including the restaurants, and has already done so.” Joe Bastianich said in a statement, “Right now, I’m just focused on ensuring that our more than 1,000 employees continue to have a safe and positive work environment.” An ABC spokesperson said in a statement, “ABC takes matters like this very seriously as we are committed to a safe work environment. While we are unaware of any type of inappropriate behavior involving him and anyone affiliated with the show, we will swiftly address any alleged violations of our standards of conduct.” Although B&B has been sued for sexual harassment before, Batali’s own alleged inappropriate sexual misconduct has not previously been the subject of a lawsuit. Each of the women who spoke to Eater asked to remain anonymous in part for fear of retaliation — Batali, a celebrated and powerful chef, holds enormous sway in the restaurant world and beyond. Eater is granting them anonymity but has corroborated their stories with friends, family members, or colleagues who were informed of the incidents, as well as with publicly available information. Many of the people who spoke with Eater said they were afraid of retribution for speaking out. A woman who claims she was inappropriately touched while she worked for Batali in the late ’90s told Eater, “He has clear intent on being threatening when he is wronged. And the level of vindictiveness is very chilling. So, it never occurred to me to share tales out of school.” The multiple accusations of inappropriate touching and other misconduct emerged from an Eater investigation that included interviews with dozens of industry professionals who have had interactions with the chef, including nearly three dozen current and former Batali employees. Batali, who became a star as the host of one of Food Network’s first hit TV shows, Molto Mario, has risen to the very top of the restaurant industry since starting out in a New Jersey sandwich shop in the early ’80s as a college student. Along with Joe Bastianich and Lidia Bastianich, he is the force behind Batali & Bastianich Hospitality Group, which notably includes the New York City restaurants Del Posto and Babbo, each of which holds one Michelin star. Five years ago, B&B reported more than $250 million in annual revenue. Batali is also a minority shareholder in the Italian-market chain Eataly USA, which has six locations across the country. Outside of his restaurants, Batali is the author of numerous cookbooks, the face of nationally distributed jarred pasta sauces and other kitchen products, and the jolly, orange-Crocs-wearing co-host of ABC’s daytime talk and cooking show The Chew. He also founded a child education and empowerment nonprofit and is active in (RED), the nonprofit founded by celebrities Bono and Bobby Shriver. Additionally, Batali owns a small percentage of Ken Friedman and April Bloomfield’s landmark gastropub, The Spotted Pig. People Eater spoke to within the industry often describe him as a friendly, charming, professional, supportive, and frequently generous person. But his affable persona belies another, more crude reputation, according to dozens of interviews. Batali’s lewdness, his crass way of speaking about women, and his focus on women’s bodies have been well known within certain circles in the restaurant world, according to people who spoke with Eater. A former server at Pó, the now-shuttered West Village restaurant where Batali built his reputation throughout the ’90s, alleges that repeated physical harassment took place while Batali was the chef. Steve Crane, who co-owned Pó with Batali until the chef decamped to start his future empire, confirmed that he was told by multiple staff members of ongoing inappropriate behavior by Batali. Though Crane does not recall any specific details, and was not in the kitchen to personally witness the incidents, he said that he was told by several female staffers that Batali had grabbed them from behind, consistently made a variety of sexual comments, and engaged in behavior like snapping bra straps. “I made it very clear to him that he needed to stop, but I feel ashamed that this happened at Pó, and my staff endured this behavior,” he said. Crane said that because they were partners in the restaurant, he ultimately did not have the power to fire Batali. (Batali, through a spokesperson, denied that Crane ever confronted him.) The former server alleges that on multiple occasions Batali grabbed her from behind “like a linebacker, like a disgusting bear hug,” and pressed her body against his. In hours of interviews with Eater, she described nearly two years of inappropriate behavior. The grabbing would often occur while they were alone in a cramped passageway between the dining room and the kitchen, she alleged. “He would breathe on me — and sometimes take a deep inhale, like he was smelling me,” she recalled. When Crane asked Batali to stop, Batali would become more aggressive, the server alleged; some female staff eventually started asking Crane to not confront Batali with their complaints, she added. (Crane confirmed that after some women would complain, they would ask him not to confront Batali because he would only be more aggressive toward them.) Restaurant culture in the ’90s was generally known for being “bawdy,” and sexual relationships between staff weren’t uncommon, the former server said, but Batali’s behavior was more about degradation than good humor, she alleges: ""This wasn't just some dirty jokes, this was mean, this was about asserting power. He is awful."" Lee McGrath, a chef who joined Pó a few years after Batali left as chef, told Eater that when he was hired, Crane warned him, “Don’t even think about messing with the waitresses — they’ve been through hell with Mario.” A different woman, who worked for Batali in the late ’90s, alleges that he touched her inappropriately on two different occasions. The first incident allegedly took place soon after she started her job. One day, while she was in the dining room of the restaurant, she said, Batali came up behind her, catching her unaware, and “put his hand on half of my butt and he squeezed it.” She recalled later gently confronting Batali, who responded, “What are you, a lesbian?” In a second incident that took place about three years later, she alleges that while working next to Batali in a small, boxed-in space, he was seated in such a way that he blocked her exit. When she had to get up, he refused to move — leaving her no choice but to straddle him in order to leave the space. According to the woman, she told Batali that she needed to go to the bathroom. Batali, who was reclining with his legs propped up, allegedly told her, “If you want to get up, you’re going to have to climb over me.” When she returned, he was still seated with his legs propped up, again refusing to move; she had to straddle him a second time, she alleges. “It was disappointing, again, to have that happen. And, again, humiliating,” she said. Yet another woman who worked for Batali for about a year in the late aughts alleges that he lunged at her and grabbed her breasts during an industry party in 2011, a few years after she stopped working for him. At the party, she recalled that Batali appeared drunk, and she became concerned for his safety when she spotted him on a balcony standing slumped over. “When I noticed that he looked wobbly, my instinct was concern,” she said. When she walked over and tapped him on the shoulder, “he sprung up, like he was startled,” and with his eyes wide open. Then, immediately, “he lifted his arms straight up and grabbed both of my breasts,” she said. “I took a step back and I pushed him away, and when I did that, I remember he said, ‘Oh, come on.’” “In that moment I realized, ‘I’m just a body [to him],’” she said of the experience. Though at the time, she no longer worked for Batali, she had worked for him a few years prior and said she believed they shared some mutual respect. “When I’ve seen him over the years, I don’t have a sense that he even remembers,” she said, though she added, “I haven’t spoken to him about it.” The chef who alleged being groped at an industry party in New Orleans about 10 years ago, as described earlier, said she remains appalled by his behavior. “He gets wasted, he’s arrogant, and he acts like he’s God’s gift to women,” she said. “This is still your industry, you’re a leader in this industry — if you behave this way, what kind of example are you setting?” In addition to the allegations of improper physical contact, several sources said that Batali has a reputation for inappropriately using sexual innuendo in workplace conversation. Multiple people who work at or have worked at Batali restaurants from the early ’90s to now described behavior that ranges from mild creepiness to more severe misconduct, both in interviews with Eater and in publicly available documents. The woman who was allegedly groped by Batali on the balcony told Eater, “I remember not being fully surprised that it happened because I’d seen him drunk and flirtatious with women. And that flirting came in the form of talking and sitting really close. I’d never witnessed anything during work hours; it was always post-work.” But according to other interviews, his inappropriate behavior happened at work, too. McGrath, the Pó chef who started about a year after Batali left, said that he eventually understood why he was given the warning to not harass the female waitstaff, as two servers, including one who spoke with Eater, began to relay accounts of Batali’s misconduct. “It’s like they had PTSD,” he said. McGrath remembers being told that there was a lot of “hugging from behind” and that Batali would ask about their sex lives, what color underwear they wore, and other inappropriate questions. Another former female Pó staffer, who worked at the restaurant earlier than the woman mentioned above, said that Batali could be generally “nasty” and a “bully” to both men and women. He was “constantly making overtly sexual and inappropriate” comments, she alleges. Though she doesn’t remember physical touching, she said that she’s never worked for someone more inappropriate than Batali. At one point, she wanted to take out an ad in the paper to say what “an awful person he was” because she thought it was unfair that he was getting so many accolades considering how terribly he treated people, she said. “Mario is smart and he’s talented, but I don’t think that gives you the right to be disgusting,” she said. The employee who Batali allegedly groped shortly after she was hired said that she has witnessed “a lot of gray-area affection with women,” like “a lot of subliminal dissection of women’s bodies, telling women their asses looked good, remarking on boobs.” The chef’s boorish side has also been previously documented in the media. In the 2006 book Heat, the writer Bill Buford provides a glimpse at the earlier years of Babbo and Batali’s tenure on the Food Network, noting crass behavior with two female prep chefs, as well as an assistant and a set manager. In one incident detailed in the book, during a food- and wine-filled evening at Batali’s Greenwich Village trattoria Lupa Osteria Romana, Buford writes that Batali said to a female server: “It’s not fair I have this view all to myself when you bend over. For dessert, would you take off your blouse for the others?” A manager at a B&B restaurant said that while he loves working for Batali — who has been good to the kitchen staff and very professional with both male and female chefs, in his experience — he has seen Batali treat women outside of the kitchen crudely, especially while intoxicated. Eater granted him anonymity, as he is still employed by the company and fears losing his job. “I really like the guy, and every sober interaction has been very professional, but, yeah, he’s gross,” the manager said. “He was always friendly, but it was in this ‘Oh, you’re a pretty little girl’ kind of way,” Gabriela Acero, a former maitre d’ and floor manager who worked at Batali’s Greenwich Village restaurant Otto from 2012 to 2014, said. “I remember him complimenting my dress, saying something like ‘Oh, don’t you look like the blossoming bosom of spring.’ Even then I was like, ‘Oh, Jesus.’” Batali’s reputation has left some of the women who’d benefited from his power and influence with mixed feelings about their relationship with him. He’s championed the careers of numerous women; his kitchen at Del Posto is led by a female executive chef and executive pastry chef. (“It’s not because they have a vagina,” he said of the crew while at the Fast Company Innovation Festival in October. “It’s because they’re the smartest people for the job.”) “I feel very complicated feelings toward him,” the former employee who described two encounters with Batali said. “In some ways, he was very supportive and he used his power and influence to connect me.” The former employee who alleged having her breasts grabbed described working for Batali as frequently professional. “I definitely felt way more reverential about him then than I do now,” she said. These allegations come as dozens of prominent and powerful men have been toppled by accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct. In the restaurant industry — notorious for its boys-club culture — chef John Besh was brought down by allegations of rampant sexual harassment in his restaurants, and former Jean-Georges pastry chef Johnny Iuzzini has been accused of sexual harassment by four women. “I think it says so much about how we just accept and move on, and I think for a long time, I just thought, ‘Well, he didn’t rape me,’” said the woman who alleged being grabbed at an industry party in 2011. “But I remember it vividly, it impacted me, and I feel uneasy recalling it. I just feel this major sense that I’m not the only one. I feel really grateful for the cultural reckoning that’s happening.” Anyone with information about alleged misconduct in the restaurant world can contact Eater at tips@eater.com or via these secure methods." 0 "Stedman Graham Jr. (born March 6, 1951) is an American educator, author, businessman, speaker and podcaster primarily known as the longtime partner of media mogul Oprah Winfrey. Graham and Winfrey were engaged to be married in November 1992, but later decided they would rather have a ""spiritual union"". Early life and education [ edit ] Graham was born on March 6, 1951, in the Whitesboro section of Middle Township, New Jersey, the son of Mary Jacobs Graham and Stedman Graham, Sr. He is one of six children. He stands 6 feet 6 inches tall. He received a bachelor's degree in social work from Hardin-Simmons University in 1974 and a master's degree in education from Ball State University in 1979.[1][2] Graham played college basketball at Hardin-Simmons.[3] Business career [ edit ] Graham eventually moved to High Point, North Carolina to establish himself in public relations. At B & C Associates, Graham worked on behalf of black causes and worked with many distinguished clients, including author Maya Angelou and South African activist Winnie Mandela.[2] He is also founder of Chicago, Illinois's AAD (formerly, Athletes Against Drugs), a non-profit organization that provides services to youth and has awarded over $1.5 million in scholarships since its founding in 1985. It also arranged for sports figures to educate children about substance abuse.[2] In 1988 Graham created S. Graham & Associates, a Chicago-based corporate and educational marketing and consulting firm.[2] Public speaking [ edit ] Stedman Graham has delivered speeches at many public and private schools on the topics of identity and self-awareness.[4] Books [ edit ] Graham is the author of several self-help and business-related books, including: The Ultimate Guide to Sport Event Management and Marketing (1995). (1995). You Can Make It Happen: A Nine Step Plan for Success (1997) (1997) You Can Make It Happen Every Day (1998) (1998) Teens Can Make It Happen: Nine Steps for Success (2000) (2000) Teens Can Make It Happen Workbook (2001) (2001) The Ultimate Guide to Sports Marketing (2001) (2001) Build Your Own Life Brand!: A Powerful Strategy to Maximize Your Potential and Enhance Your Value for Ultimate Achievement (2002) (2002) Move Without the Ball: Put Your Skills and Your Magic to Work for You (2004) (2004) Who Are You? (2005) (2005) Diversity: Leaders Not Labels: A New Plan for the 21st Century (2006) (2006) Identity: Your Passport to Success (2012) Other publications [ edit ] Graham became a columnist for the Huffington Post in 2013. He contributed an article on personal identity to the College Board School Counseling Series in 2012. Personal life [ edit ] Graham was the constant companion of WFLD-TV anchor Robin Robinson from 1982 to 1985. Graham has been the subject of much publicity since 1986, most notably through tabloid articles claiming to chronicle his ongoing relationship with Winfrey. Graham has been with Winfrey since 1986.[5]" 1 The Duggar family just added a new member! John David Duggar, 28, married Abbie Burnett, 26, on Saturday in Arkansas. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “We are so excited to be married! It was a beautiful moment and we so appreciate our friends and family for sharing this day with us,” the couple says in a statement. “Most of all we are thankful to Christ for bringing us together. This is going to be an amazing journey!” For her walk down the aisle, the bride wore a design from Renee Miller with Renee’s Bridal. In their wedding portrait, Duggar wraps his arm around Burnett as the new husband and wife beam with joy on their big day, which Us Weekly was first to report on Saturday. TLC/Lori Blythe photography The couple began courting in June and announced the happy news in a TLC video. “We’ve known of each other for several years, but we didn’t meet ’til … ” Duggar said as Burnett, who works as a nurse, chimed in, “John flew in for a church event here in Oklahoma where I’m from. We really got connected then.” TLC/duggarfamily.com RELATED: Do You Know Your Duggars? A Comprehensive Guide to the Giant Family “Yeah, a couple months ago,” the Counting On star said. “We fell in love very quickly. And it’s been a wonderful journey thus far and taking the next step to move onto a courtship.” Just a month later, the pair got engaged after John David got down on one knee in an airplane hangar in front of a sign that read “Abbie, Will You Marry Me?” TLC “Wow! We are engaged! This feels even more real than before! It was a special moment to share together,” Duggar and Burnett said in a joint statement on the family website. “The proposal and the ‘YES’ really solidified that we want to spend the rest of our lives together. One of the most amazing things about following Christ is being able to trust Him to direct your path and lead your life,” they continued. “We are so thankful that He led us to one another. Now we need to start thinking about a wedding!” 0 Blac Chyna is reportedly accusing the Kardashian family of conspiring to cancel her show. Chyna, 30, claims the family threatened to pull their show Keeping Up with the Kardashians from E! if the network did not cancel her show Rob & Chyna, according to a new legal filing obtained by TMZ. The model and entrepreneur reportedly goes on to claim that the first season of the reality show, in which she starred with her ex Rob Kardashian, 31, outperformed Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ ratings, and was in the midst of filming its second season when it was canceled. Chyna claims that a “key meeting” between the Kardashian family and E! executives in January 2017 led to the show’s cancellation, according to TMZ. She also reportedly alleges that the Kardashians “falsely” accusing her of physically abusing Rob contributed to the show’s demise. Blac Chyna, Kim Kardashian West Phillip Faraone/WireImage; Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic Want to keep up on the latest from PEOPLE? Sign up for our daily newsletter to get our best stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox. She is asking for a trail of paperwork she believes will prove her accusations, the outlet reports. The new filing is just the latest in the ongoing legal drama between Chyna and the Kardashian family. In court documents filed April 30 in Los Angeles obtained by The Blast, Chyna defended her initial complaint against the Kardashian-Jenner family that alleges she’s owed money from Kylie Jenner‘s Life of Kylie, an eight-episode E! docu-series that premiered in August 2017. (E! declined to comment at the time.) In December, attorneys for Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian West and Rob filed a “demurrer” challenging the basis of Chyna’s lawsuit against them and asking a judge to dismiss her case. In the filings, attorneys alleged Chyna herself prevented the show from filming after obtaining a domestic violence restraining order against Rob in July. Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian. Prince Williams/WireImage The order prevented Rob from contacting Chyna “either directly or indirectly, in any way” and required him to stay away from her, her home and place of work. The April 30 filing by Chyna asserted that any evidentiary determination is premature and that she has pleaded sufficient facts to move the case forward. That filing is part of a larger suit that Chyna filed against Rob and the family in October in which she argued that she suffered “significant damages” after her ex’s social media rampage July 5, when he shared graphic and expletive-ridden content about her — including three naked photos — while accusing her of drug/alcohol abuse and infidelity. Chyna alleged that the nude photo scandal — along with influence from the Kardashian family — are what got Rob & Chyna axed. RELATED VIDEO: Blac Chyna Says She’ll Protect Kids ‘At All Costs’ After Fight Video Shows Her Swinging Stroller Chyna claimed that Life of Kylie replaced the second season of Rob & Chyna, which was initially renewed but later halted. She specifically alleged that it was only after Rob, Kylie and his family “intentionally interfered so as to kill season two of Rob & Chyna that Life of Kylie was created.” As such, Chyna alleged that the money Kylie, 19, earned for Life of Kylie was acquired through “unlawful means” that interfered with Chyna’s contract for a second season of Rob & Chyna. Chyna’s legal team has argued that the family had already interfered with plans for a season 2 of Rob & Chyna before the restraining order was issued and that filming for the season could have been completed beforehand. Rob has denied the physical and verbal assault claims brought against him by his ex. The former couple shares a daughter, Dream Kardashian. Life of Kylie ran for eight episodes starting in August 2017; Rob & Chyna season 1 consisted of seven episodes and aired from September-December 2016, when E! announced the renewal. 1 The Line of Succession to the British Throne Who will be the next King or Queen? HRH Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales Prince Charles is presently heir (next in line) to the British throne. He will not become king until his mother, Queen Elizabeth, abdicates (gives up the throne), retires or dies. When either of these happen, Prince Charles may abdicate and pass the throne to his eldest son Prince William. What is the title of the heir to the British throne? The heir to the throne is always called the Prince of Wales. The title was introduced by King Edward l in 1301, after the conquest of Wales. If the eldest child of the monarch is female, will she become heir to the throne? Yes, if she does not have any brothers. No, if she has a brother. In Britain the crown was normally passed from monarch to eldest son. As King George VI had no son, it passed to his elder daughter, now Queen Elizabeth II. If a monarch had sons, they took precedence over daughters: thus, although HR The Princess Royal is older than her brothers HRH The Duke of York and HRH The Earl of Wessex, they (and their children) precede her in the order of succession. From 2013, this all changes. Now the oldest child in herit the throne regardless of being a daughter or a son. This means that if William and Kate had had a daughter she would have inherited the throne even if she had a younger brother. The Succession to the Crown Act 2013 Succession to the Crown not to depend on gender In determining the succession to the Crown, the gender of a person born after 28 October 2011 does not give that person, or that person's descendants, precedence over any other person (whenever born). Who can be heir to the British throne? Up until 2013, the succession in the United Kingdom was governed by the Act of Union 1800, which restated the provisions of the Act of Settlement 1701 and the Bill of Rights (1689). Pre 2013 'Only Protestant heirs of Princess Sophia, granddaughter of James I, may succeed to the British throne. Neither Catholics, nor those who marry a Catholic, nor those born out of wedlock, may remain in the line of succession.' The Succession to the Crown Act 2013 2. Removal of disqualification arising from marriage to a Roman Catholic A person is not disqualified from succeeding to the Crown or from possessing it as a result of marrying a person of the Roman Catholic faith. The current Royal Line of Succession is: (see also the Royal Family Tree ) HRH The Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales (1948), eldest son of HM Queen Elizabeth II HRH Prince William of Wales (1982), elder son of HRH The Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales Prince George of Cambridge (b 2013), son of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge HRH Prince Henry of Wales (popularly referred to as Prince Harry), (1984), younger son of HRH The Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales HRH The Prince Andrew, The Duke of York (1960), second son of HM Queen Elizabeth II HRH Princess Beatrice of York (1988), elder daughter of HRH The Prince Andrew, The Duke of York HRH Princess Eugenie of York (1990), younger daughter of HRH The Prince Andrew, The Duke of York HRH The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex (1964), youngest son of HM Queen Elizabeth II James Windsor, Viscount Severn (2007), son of HRH The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex Lady Louise Windsor (2003), daughter of HRH The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex HRH The Princess Anne, The Princess Royal (1950), only daughter of HM Queen Elizabeth II Peter Phillips (1977), son of HRH The Princess Anne, The Princess Royal Zara Phillips (1981), daughter of HRH The Princess Anne, The Princess Royal David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley (1961), son of HRH The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon The Honourable Charles Armstrong-Jones (1999), son of David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley The Honourable Margarita Armstrong-Jones (2002), daughter of David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley Lady Sarah Chatto (1964), daughter of HRH The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon Samuel Chatto (1996), son of Lady Sarah Chatto Arthur Chatto (1999), son of Lady Sarah Chatto HRH Prince Richard, The Duke of Gloucester (1944), son of HRH The Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, 3rd son of HM King George V Royal Family Tree 1 Update:The Syrian Arab Red Crescent statement was reported, and at the time we had no reason to believe it was not true. Subsequent questions have emerged, however, and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent is saying they are unaware of such a statement having ever been issued by the Syrian branch. They further say the Syrian Red Crescent was shut down in Douma effective April 7.—The Syrian Red Crescent issued a statement Monday dismissing the allegations of a weekend chemical weapon attack in the city of Douma. The statement insisted their medical personnel in the city had found no evidence any such attack took place.The Syrian Red Crescent said their hospital in Douma received six patients complaining of respiratory problems, but said they didn’t seem to have any physical problems at all, nor was there any trace of any chemical agents they might’ve been exposed to.(This has been retracted, it is incorrect.)Chemical attack or no, it wouldn’t be surprising for some people to complain of symptoms without actually having any problems. That the Red Crescent operates a hospital in a city supposedly inundated with wounded and didn’t get a single patient with confirmed exposure, however, is very noteworthy.The Russian Defense Ministry also reported that their own medics had examined some patients in Douma, and had the same result, that none showed signs of chemical poisoning. With White Helmets claiming scores killed and over 500 wounded by exposure, it seems impossible to believe that if it was true no one can find any of these “real” patients to confirm an attack.Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz 1 "The Boston Free Speech rally on Saturday has raised fears last weekend's white supremacist march on Charlottesville — and the ensuing violence — will play out in the Massachusetts capital, too. Groups of counter-protesters have gathered under a Fight Supremacy demonstration, including Antifa members, Black Lives Matter activists, and anti-racists across the board. But what does Fight Supremacy want, and what are their goals of the counter-protest? Well, for starters, the Facebook page for the Fight Supremacy counter-protest has over 14,000 marked as attending. So, in this case, gathering a crowd isn't an issue. As for the protest's objective, organizers shared a handful of clear intentions on the page. Understandably, one of the main intentions is to combat any possible repeat of the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville by organizing a coalition to march against the hate groups. There can be safety, or at least, solidarity in greater numbers. ""As we have seen with the events in Charlottesville and around the country, white nationalists are emboldened by the current political administration and growing police state. Rallies and marches organized by white supremacists are more prevalent than in recent years, and—as always—it is the most marginalized who are left vulnerable,"" read the Fight Supremacy event page. In case violence breaks, the Boston Mayor Marty Walsh made it clear he's prepared to shut down the Free Speech rally. ""If anything gets out of hand, we will shut it down,” Walsh said at a news conference Friday. “We’re going to respect their right to free speech. In return, they must respect our city."" In preparation, there are already 500 police officers deployed to keep the peace. Although, given the fact that police officers stood by while a 20-year-old black man was beaten by white supremacists last weekend, their presence means little to those who need protection the most. By noon on Saturday, there were already thousands of Fight Supremacy protesters gathered, greatly outnumber the amount of white supremacists who showed up. ""Resistance takes many forms. One of those forms is counter-protest. Counter-protests send a message to white supremacists that their hateful rhetoric, physical violence, and fear mongering will not go uncontested. It's also a show of solidarity and an opportunity for allies to ""show up"" and wield their privilege,"" wrote the Fight Supremacy mission statement. Regardless of how the events continue to unfold throughout the remainder of Saturday, it appears that Fight Supremacy organizers have already successfully gathered thousands to counter white supremacists. And that's a feat for such short notice." 1 She has famously been engaged 19 times before. And on Wednesday’s The Real Housewives of New Jersey “Reunion Secrets Revealed” special, Friend of the Housewives Danielle Staub made it to 20! The 55-year-old reality star, who starred on the hit Bravo show’s first two seasons before returning this year, dropped the news that she and boyfriend Matt Caffrey are engaged to be married — news of which PEOPLE first reported in May. Get push notifications with news, features and more. While a date wasn’t officially set, Staub revealed she had already started building her wedding party. “I’ve invited Teresa [Giudice] to be one of my maid of honors, along with my daughters [Christine, 23, and Jillian, 19]. And Margaret [Josephs], and Melissa [Gorga], and about 12 other people who are in my wedding party.” Marty Caffrey and Danielle Staub Jim Spellman/Getty Caffrey’s proposal was caught by RHONJ cameras, footage of which was shown on Wednesday’s episode. “The engagement was simply beautiful. He is such a gentleman,” Staub said. She wasn’t kidding. Caffrey had arranged for Staub (with the help of Giudice and Josephs) to tour the grounds of a beautiful mansion, where they stumbled upon an outdoor fountain. There, a violinist played Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” as a handful of couples danced around them. Just then, Caffrey emerged from the crowd, taking Staub by surprise. “Oh my god,” Staub said upon seeing him. “Is this really happening?” “Baby, when I first met you, I was struck with how beautiful you are. As I got to know you, I fell in love with you. I’ll do everything I can to love you, to protect you, and to keep you safe,” he said, taking a ring out of his pocket. “Danielle Staub, will you marry me?” Staub’s response? “Absolutely. One hundred percent,” she said, kissing Caffrey and throwing her arms around him. The ring was a sight to see too. Caffrey picked out a round cut diamond with four prongs and an eternity band — a perfect representation of their love. “She deserves it. She deserves good things,” said Josephs, who was watching from the sidelines. “She does,” Giudice added. “From knowing Danielle in the past, she hasn’t had the best experiences with men. It took awhile to find Marty, but sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. And I’m really, really happy for Danielle.” Staub and Caffrey have been dating since April 2016. She celebrated their one-year anniversary on Instagram, sharing a selfie of the two and writing, “Here’s to my #first year #anniversary with this cutie … you are a wonderful man and I’m blessed to have you in my life … #happyoneyear.” The couple haven’t shied away from sharing their relationship on social media, often posting photos together of their romantic date nights. RELATED VIDEO: RHONJ‘s Danielle Staub Has Forgiven Teresa Guidice for Calling Her a ‘Prostitution Whore’ 8 Years Ago This will be the third marriage for Staub. She and her last husband, businessman Thomas N. Staub, split after 14 years together before RHONJ began filming. They share Christine and Jillian together. Staub’s past relationships were a huge subject of gossip among her fellow New Jersey Housewives on RHONJ — specifically her first marriage to former FBI informant Kevin Maher, who spoke openly about their past in his biography Cop Without a Badge. That book (and the gossip surrounding it) was the catalyst for the show’s most iconic moment when Giudice flipped a table while arguing with Staub during the season 1 finale. The two have made up since and even bonded over a shared love of yoga as they rekindled their friendship. 0 "Mila Kunis gushes over husband Ashton Kutcher: 'I got a man that has got a lot of patience' The 34-year-old actress has been married to Ashton Kutcher - with whom she has three-year-old daughter Wyatt and 16-month-old son Dimitri - since 2015, and has heaped the praise on her spouse, saying she is “lucky” to have found him. Speaking to E! News, she said: ""I have the world's greatest husband. I swear, I got very lucky, man. I got a man that has got a lot of patience and is incredibly supportive of our family."" Despite only marrying three years ago, Mila and 40-year-old Ashton have known each other since the late 90s, when they starred together on ‘That 70s Show’. Ashton Kutcher and wife Mila Kunis have become parents for the second time (AP) They began dating in 2012, three years before tying the knot, when ‘Jobs’ actor Ashton was undergoing a divorce from first wife Demi Moore, whom he married in 2005. Mila’s comments come after she previously gushed over her brood, saying she and Ashton are “grateful” to have two tots of their own, as they were desperate to start a family. She said in November: ""I have an 11-month-old and a three-year-old - I have tiny little humans. Ashton and I wanted kids so bad; we were so ready to be parents. ""We were able to have this little family the way we wanted, and I'm so grateful for it and it's the one thing that I can't control. (L-R) Actors Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are not shy of public displays of affection ""That's where my vulnerability is. My job, it comes and goes. You don't get a job, you get a job, you don't get a job. Your kids, you just want one thing.” Previously, the ‘Black Swan’ star also credited Ashton with helping her learn about the “business side” of their shared profession. She said: ""Honestly, full disclosure, when I started dating Ashton, I was like, 'I don't want to know [about the] business side, it makes me so uncomfortable.' And he said, 'Right, stop, get on the call.' ""And then I started educating myself, getting the language right. I would ask him questions, Googled lots of things, and now I know what everybody's doing, I know what I can do, I know what I can ask for. I am way more involved than I was five years ago. Zoe Saldana, Mila Kunis, and Ashton Kutcher attend the women's march Los Angeles on January 20, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images) ""I've been in the industry 25 years and only five years ago I started. Think about that, perspective-wise."" Online Editors" 0 FILE - In this Jan. 11, 2018 file photo, Katie Couric poses in the press room at the 23rd annual Critics' Choice Awards in Santa Monica, Calif. Couric and leaders of household consumer products maker Procter & Gamble highlight a forum planned to examine the state of women in the workplace. P&G and Seneca Women, which advocates for global female advancement, are co-hosting the #WeSeeEqual forum Thursday at the company’s Cincinnati headquarters. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP, File) CINCINNATI (AP) — Veteran TV journalist Katie Couric recounted Thursday facing demeaning descriptions and “gross comments” during her career. Couric spoke at consumer products maker Procter & Gamble’s Cincinnati headquarters in a forum on the state of women in the workplace. The #WeSeeEqual forum took place amid a wave of sexual misconduct claims against prominent figures in entertainment, politics and the media — including her former NBC “Today Show” co-host, Matt Lauer. “I’ve been very fortunate in terms of not being subjected to a lot of sexual misconduct, but certainly I have been subjected to widely held attitudes about women, about compartmentalizing women,” Couric said when asked about career obstacles by Carolyn Tastad, president of P&G’s North America business group, in the forum’s keynote discussion. Couric cited the frequent descriptions of her as “cute” and “perky,” which she found “marginalizing.” She joked that on her tombstone, it will say “Perky No More.” She also recalled public critiques of her clothing when she began hosting “CBS Evening News,” and a jarring moment early in her career when she walked into a meeting at CNN and an executive said of her to others around the table: “She’s successful because of her hard work, intelligence and breast size.” Couric said with support from her supervisor, a male anchor, she wrote to the executive and he soon called her, “dripping with apologies.” Couric described the #MeToo movement as like “a long-dormant volcano that’s erupting” and said it’s important for men to be part of open discussions on gender issues, on how to make things better. But she said she thinks it “just feels almost too red-hot” for some to have such discussions publicly yet. Couric has said she had been unaware of the misconduct allegations that led to Lauer’s ouster last year. ___ Follow Dan Sewell at http://www.twitter.com/dansewell 0 "Prior to her hospitalization for an apparent drug overdose on Tuesday, the singer had revealed she broke her sobriety in new single ""Sober."" Demi Lovato was hospitalized for an apparent drug overdose on Tuesday. Hours later, the pop star's representative confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that she was ""awake and with her family"" following the health scare. ""Demi is awake and with her family, who want to express thanks to everyone for the love, prayers and support,"" the statement read. ""Some of the information being reported is incorrect, and they respectfully ask for privacy and not speculation, as her health and recovery is the most important thing right now."" Los Angeles police said, earlier on Tuesday, that they responded to a call at 11:39 a.m. to a home on the 8000 block of Laurel View Drive in the Hollywood Hills, where Lovato lives, for a female victim of a possible overdose. The 25-year-old was reportedly administered Narcan, which is used to treat narcotic overdoses in emergency situations. The incident occurred just weeks after the former Disney Channel star and reformed addict wrote about breaking her sobriety in her latest track, ""Sober."" In the song, Lovato details her experience with withdrawals and the emotional aftermath of a relapse. The singer had been sober for six years. ""Momma, I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore/ And daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor,"" she sings. ""To the ones who never left me/ We've been down this road before/ I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore."" Lovato posted a video of an early performance of the song on Twitter with the message, ""Tonight I took the stage, a new person with a new life. Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this journey. It will never be forgotten."" She most recently performed the song live at the California Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles on July 22. Lovato reportedly got emotional onstage and forgot some of the lyrics at the end of the song. ""Fuck, I forgot the words,"" Lovato said before walking offstage, an eyewitness recalled to Us Weekly, adding that the entertainer also ""had tears in her eyes."" Years before the release of ""Sober,"" Lovato — who first checked in to rehab at the age of 18 in 2010 and then entered a sober house for approximately a year in 2013 — had been open about facing her demons. In 2011, Lovato was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after years of struggling with an eating disorder and self harm, in addition to her drug addiction. During a 2013 interview with Access Hollywood, Lovato revealed the moment of reckoning she had at age 19. ""I was going to the airport and I had a Sprite bottle just filled with vodka, and it was just 9 in the morning. And I was throwing up in the car, and this was just to get on a plane to go back to L.A. to the sober living house that I was staying at,"" she recounted. ""I had all the help in the world, but I didn't want it."" In 2015, Lovato — who co-owns the L.A. treatment facility CAST Centers — explained to Women's Health why she decided to speak openly about her experience in rehab and become a mental health advocate. According to the Camp Rock actress, she had hoped her honesty would help others going through similar situations. ""I remember sitting with my manager and my family and talking to them about whether or not to speak out about the issues that I was dealing with,"" she said about using her platform to raise awareness. ""I knew that there were two options: I could either not talk about my stint in rehab and hope that it went away, or I could talk about it and inspire people to get help for their issues, as well, so that's exactly what I did."" She also discussed her diagnosis and the work she has put in to maintain a healthy mind: ""For years, people said I was depressed, and I actually didn't know myself why I was so upset and why I would have these episodes of mania — what I now know is mania."" While appearing on the U.K.'s The Jonathan Ross Show in 2017, the ""Sorry Not Sorry"" singer said that her parents' tough love had helped her stay on track in recent years. ""I knew that I had a lot of life ahead of me, but one of the main reasons of getting sober was so that I could be around my little sister because my mom and dad [said I couldn't be around her] if I was doing stuff,"" she said, adding that she was also thankful for the support from her fans and inner circle. ""I had family and really close friends and my manager — they all were by my side through everything,"" Lovato continued. ""I wouldn't be here without them. My fans too. I feel they gave me a reason to live and I'm forever grateful."" Last year, the Grammy nominee was the recipient of the Spirit of Sobriety Award at the annual Brent Shapiro Foundation for Drug Prevention Summer Spectacular. In her acceptance speech, Lovato admitted that ""every day is a battle."" ""You just have to take it one day at a time; some days are easier than others and some days you forget about drinking and using, but for me, I work on my physical health, which is important, but my mental health as well,"" she said. ""I make sure I stay on my medications. I go to AA meetings. I do what I can physically in the gym. I make it a priority."" In her 2017 documentary, Simply Complicated, Lovato offered insight into her initial attraction to drugs and alcohol. ""I felt out of control the first time I did it,"" she said. ""My dad was an addict and an alcoholic. Guess I always searched for what he found in drugs and alcohol, because it fulfilled him, and he chose that over a family."" Elsewhere in the film, Lovato said that she ""wasn't ready to get sober"" during her first rehab stint as a teen: ""I was sneaking it on planes, sneaking it in bathrooms, sneaking it throughout the night."" In the wake of her apparent overdose on Tuesday, a multitude of stars — including Lady Gaga, Ellen DeGeneres and Ariana Grande — have taken to Twitter to express their well wishes for Lovato and have urged the public to be kind as she recovers. ""We should all wrap our arms of love around Demi Lovato. I am so happy you're alive. Thank God,"" wrote Gaga. ""If I know my monsters as well as I believe I do, we all wish you self-compassion and inner peace. And may you receive the love so many have for you. #ImConfidentinDemi Demi, I love you.""" 0 Getty Things are surely heating up in good ol’ Storybrooke. ABC’s fan favorite, fantasy drama Once Upon a Time is getting a major creative reboot in Season 7, along with a batch of fresh, new faces. Both Gabrielle Anwar (Burn Notice) and Dania Ramirez (Devious Maids) have signed on as full-fledged series regulars, while Adelaide Kane (Reign), Mekia Cox (Chicago Med), and Rose Reynolds (Poldark) have been given recurring roles. As of now, details about the five latest additions are scarce, but expect some new information to trickle down at the Once Upon a Time panel at Comic Con San Diego. Clearly, things weren’t looking so good for the show after it lost key cast members Jennifer Morrison, Ginnifer Goodwin, Josh Dallas, Emile de Ravin, Jared Gilmore, and Rebecca Mader in a rather shocking casting shake-up. We’ll just have to wait and see if the show’s newest additions can fill in the void left by these beloved characters. tumblr As shown in the Season 6 finale, the forthcoming season will revolve around a very grown-up Henry (played by The Walking Dead’s Andrew J. West) and his daughter Lucy (Jane the Virgin’s Alison Fernandez). Lana Parrilla, Colin O’Donoghue, and Robert Carlyle will all return in their staple roles and join forces with adult Henry and Lucy to face the greatest challenge that the residents of the Enchanted Forest have ever encountered. Once Upon a Time returns to ABC on Fridays at 8 p.m. A premiere date for the new fall season has yet to be announced. Related Articles: 0 Wouldn’t you just love to carry on sleeping on a Monday morning without having to submit to the Monday morning blues and get ready for work? What type of heaven would you envisage if you were paid to stay in bed; it would be a glorious one wouldn’t it? If only it were possible!!! But!! Hold it right there, don’t be disappointed because what if we told you it is possible!! You can get paid a huge sum of money just staying in bed for two whole months and by you know who?? NASA no less!!!Yes the American space agency NASA is paying $100,000 to stay in bed for 60 days. Find out why and if it is really too good to be true.Most of us dream about hanging out in bed, all day, every day, and getting paid for it! Well, it turns out NASA are making our dreams a reality. A few lucky candidates are getting paid an obscene amount of money just to chill in bed all day.NASA is currently on the lookout for people to participate in their “Bed Rest Studies”, in which participants will have to stay in bed for 60 days straight.It does sound like the dream job, right? But how long do you think you could last without going insane.I would definitely treat the 60 days like a job, and whenever I felt like I’d had enough, I’d just think of all the things I could buy with the money.You wouldn’t just be sleeping you can keep yourself occupied with books, TV, video games, and they can also use their phones as they please!As long as they remain laying down. You’re probably thinking what on earth is the point in this experiment.NASA want to study how the body reacts to extended periods of rest for astronauts who are going on extended periods of space travel.NASA says the experiments is designed to achieve three things:Understanding how one’s changing physiology in space may affect the process of certain missions.Understanding the impact of one’s physiological state on their ability to perform in particular tasks.Preparing countermeasures to combat any impairment that these physiological conditions may impose.The experiment will consist of two categories.The exercising group, are able to exercise using special tools that help them stay active while still lying down. While non-exercising groups must stay completely at rest the entire time.During the entirety of the study, bone, muscle and heart tests, will be done.As well as tests of the circulatory and nervous systems, nutritional condition, and the body’s capacity to fight off infections are conducted. 1 "The Real Housewives of Atlanta family just welcomed a new member. RHOA rookie Eva Marcille gave birth to a baby boy, Michael Todd Sterling, Jr., on Friday, April 13, she shared on Instagram. Eva's son was born at 5:59 p.m. on Friday at 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 19-and-a-half inches long, according to a post on Instagram that showed a photo of little Michael's footprints. Eva captioned the photo, ""All praises be to God!"" The baby boy is Eva's first child with her fiancé, Michael Todd Sterling, an attorney and former candidate for mayor of Atlanta, and their child is named after Sterling. She also has a 4-year-old daughter, Marley Rae, from a previous relationship with musician Kevin McCall. 🤱🏽 All praises be to God! A post shared by Eva Marcille (@evamarcille) on Apr 13, 2018 at 5:57pm PDT It appears that Eva has been in the hospital since Thursday, April 12, according to photos she posted on Instagram. Still at it😳 Come on Mikey🤰🏽 A post shared by Eva Marcille (@evamarcille) on Apr 13, 2018 at 11:40am PDT Eva first announced the happy news of her second pregnancy during an interview with PEOPLE in November 2017. It wasn't long after that when Eva shared the news on Christmas that she and Michael Sr. had gotten engaged. Eva previously opened up to The Daily Dish about her pregnancy in March, exclaiming that she was ""super, duper excited"" to welcome her baby boy. However, she wasn't so sure if she was ready to have the experience of going into labor again. ""My daughter was 31 hours in labor, like full pain, back labor, the whole nine. And for some reason, I kind of forgot about that, and now I'm remembering all of that, so there's just a little bit of anxiety. Not much, just a little bit,"" she said. ""I feel like I'm as ready as I'm gonna be. There's not much I can do. I'm just gonna bite my teeth, grin and bear it, and Dad will be there feeding me ice chips. So hopefully it'll all work out."" But Eva said that she's really been ""a lot less antsy"" during her second pregnancy. ""The biggest thing that I learned from being pregnant with Marley and now being pregnant with Mikey is [to] stop worrying. I remember being pregnant with Marley, and every single thing I'm like, 'What is she doing in there? Was that an elbow? Was that a knee? Is she kicking? Is she trying to get out?' I didn't know what was what. I was wondering if I was drinking something and if it was too cold for her or too hot. I was thinking way too much,"" she shared. ""Now, I'm like, sit back, I eat whatever I want to. I'm like, 'It's cold, huh? Feels good doesn't it?' I just take it in stride. It's a lot different. I'm a lot less antsy."" Eva also shared that Michael Sr. was ""super excited"" to experience the birth of his son. But perhaps no one in Eva's family was looking forward to the arrival of little Mikey as much as her daughter, Marley, who has been carrying a crocheted blanket around the house as if it were her little brother. ""Marley is so excited about being a big sister,"" Eva gushed. ""We put together our fun new fancy stroller, and it's up in the house. So Marley puts the blanket in the stroller, and she goes around the house with it. And she's like, 'Mom, we'll be back. I'm taking the baby to the beach.' She goes around through the living room, through the dining room with the stroller. It's the cutest thing ever. She's, like, really ready."" Eva and Michael Sr. threw a prince-themed baby shower in Atlanta in honor of their son in March. The America's Next Top Model Cycle 3 winner also proved that she looks just as fierce pregnant during a gorgeous maternity shoot, which she shared photos from earlier this month. Check out more Eva, below." 0 "The fatal ""Unite The Right"" rally on Saturday (Aug. 12) in Charlottesville, Va. left three people dead (one counter protester, and two state troopers in a helicopter crash) and dozens injured. Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency as the violence from the white nationalists' gathering erupted in the small college town. Meanwhile, we've seen people from all different walks of life stand in solidarity in the aftermath of the violence and outright (alt right) hate. From high ranking politicians from both the Republican and Democratic parties, to citizens all across the country who took to the streets to protest, to various celebrities who took to social media, they all had one common message: white supremacy has no place in the United States of America. Check out some of the tweets:" 1 "The $20 million lawsuit filed against Usher for allegedly transmitting herpes to a Georgia woman has been dismissed. ""It’s our sincere hope that this dismissal will bring an end to the opportunistic litigation against Usher in Georgia,"" Usher’s lawyer Steve Sadow told PEOPLE in a statement. But Usher isn't in the clear yet. Rather, it seems what is going on is that the woman accusing Usher, whose name is Laura Helm, was unsatisfied with her attorney. The woman's new lawyer went ahead and dismissed the case without prejudice and ""with intent to refile,"" TMZ reports. So, a brand new lawsuit will probably be filed in the coming days and weeks. Quantasia Sharpton has also accused Usher of potentially exposing her to herpes. Sharpton claims that she and Usher had ""sexual contact"" at a Days Inn in Atlantic City. The encounter allegedly took place back in 2014. Usher has previously been in a similar situation. Back in 2012, the singer settled for $1.1 million after a woman accused him of infecting her with herpes. Until the lawsuit is (possibly) refiled, Usher seems to be celebrating." 1 Recently when he was asked about President Trump retweeting a couple of videos that made a big fuzz in the media, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) stated that Trump had “been one of the best presidents” he ever served under.O’Neal stated “I’m not aware of it. I don’t pay much attention to his tweets. I’ll say this for you. He’s been one of the best presidents I’ve served under.”AND THE REASONING IS, HE’S NOT AFRAID TO MAKE DECISIONS. HE’S NOT AFRAID TO TAKE ON THE — THE BIG MOUTHS AROUND HERE.”O’Neal continued, “The president is smart, powerful and a good counterpuncher.I think he attacks anyone he perceives or believes is attacking him or the country.”“He should be given the Medal of Freedom for talking his mind in such a bold, honest, and straightforward manner.” O’Neal added.“THE REALITY IS THAT PEOPLE NEED TO START FIGHTING FOR THIS COUNTRY TOGETHER WITH HIM INSTEAD OF CRITICIZING AND WASTING THEIR TIME ON STUPID THINGS.” HE CONCLUDED.And Also What Ken Langone told CNBC:If President Donald Trump is able to keep defying expectations — like he did in the election — and push through legislative changes against great odds, he could go down as “one of our greatest presidents ever,” Ken Langone told CNBC on Monday.Langone, a longtime Republican supporter and the billionaire co-founder of Home Depot, said the Trump presidency offers the GOP, which also controls the House and the Senate, a unique time to deliver on the reasons Americans voted for a political outsider for the White House.Voters are “fed up,” Langone said on “Squawk Box.” “They did a very dramatic, earth-shattering thing,” and now want results, he said.Langone warned the Republicans that they could lose their majorities in the House and the Senate if lawmakers fail to seize this Trump-created opportunity. “We own the next 25 years as a nation [if we act].”“If you guys don’t get your guys into a room and say ‘Guys this is our moment.’ The American people will throw you out too, the next time,” he warned House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy who also appeared as a guest Monday on “Squawk Box.”“[Trump] has the capacity to go down as one of our greatest presidents ever” if he’s able to bring about big changes in health care, tax cuts and $1 trillion of infrastructure upgrades, Langone said.“The American people elected him president, in my mind, for one reason: they don’t want incremental change. They want major change,” said Langone, founder and CEO of investment bank Invemed Associates, specializing in health-care and high-technology companiesThe Home Depot co-founder also came out in favor of the House GOP’s border adjustment tax provision to help pay for their overall effort to cut corporate taxes.Many retailers are against the idea of taxing imports, saying it will force them to raise prices.But Langone argued that retailers, like Home Depot, would be better off in the long term if they’re able to “think beyond the next quarter or the next six months.”Like this: Like Loading... 1 "MSNBC host Rachel Maddow teased a major revelation about President Trump’s long-sought tax returns Tuesday afternoon, sending Twitter users into a frenzy of speculation an hour before her program hit the air. While viewers waited and watched with bated breath — including a number of celebrities — many complained that Maddow took too long to reveal the contents of the tax return, and that her inability to produce a smoking gun was ultimately a let-down. “This feels like a whole lot of hedging,” comedian and actor Kumail Nanjiani tweeted. He added, “I think M. Night Shyamalan is about to show up.” Montel Williams quipped, “In case you were wondering, Rachel Maddow is doing the TV equilvalent of a snail race to hold the audience.” Other celebs stood up for Maddow: Star Trek alum Wil Wheaton said Maddow “always gives deep context on her way into a story. It’s called ‘journalism, people.” Also backing Maddow was Billy Eichner, who wrote, “Trump won cause while an intelligent woman was trying to tell us about Russian ties u complained about her presentation & here we are again.” Read more reactions below. This feels like a whole lot of hedging. #RachelMaddow — Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) March 15, 2017 I think M. Night Shyamalan is about to show up. #maddow — Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) March 15, 2017 In case you were wondering, Rachel Maddow is doing the TV equivalent of a snail race to hold the audience past :30 or :40… #MSNBC — Montel Williams (@Montel_Williams) March 15, 2017 dammit. 2 pages!? give me the pee video. #teampeevideo — christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) March 15, 2017 NEVER BEEN THIS HYPE TO SEE A TAX RETURN WOooOooo @MADDOW — Eddie Huang (@MrEddieHuang) March 15, 2017 .@Maddow always gives deep context on her way into a story. It's called ""journalism"", people. — Wil Wheaton (@wilw) March 15, 2017 Maddow is killing me. There's a new episode of RHOBH right now. — roxane gay (@rgay) March 15, 2017 I turned off the Rachel Maddow report thirty minutes in. Somebody let me know if the patriots turn this thing around after halftime. — Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) March 15, 2017 Twitter watching Maddow pic.twitter.com/6QhtRWbPWJ — Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) March 15, 2017 Maddow is taking too long. Time shifts through the hour glass. These are the days of our lives. I'm not watching. — Jon Lovett (@jonlovett) March 15, 2017 It takes less time to fill out your taxes than for Rachael Maddow to get to what's in Trump's taxes — Eric Stangel (@EricStangel) March 15, 2017 I'm appreciative of Maddow's gusto in dragging out her scoop, but it's been 13 minutes of ominous rhetorical questions, lady, spill it. — Sady Doyle (@sadydoyle) March 15, 2017 I wish this guy would spend less time finding Trump's tax returns and more time finishing Game of Thrones. — Nick Turner (@NicksTurners) March 15, 2017 This return, in isolation, is nothingburger BUT serious kudos to @maddow for hyping story to refocus attention on unanswered questions! — Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) March 15, 2017 Maddow knows more than you do times 10 so sit down and listen for a change SMDH — billy eichner (@billyeichner) March 15, 2017 Trump won cause while an intelligent woman was trying to tell us about Russian ties u complained about her presentation & here we are again — billy eichner (@billyeichner) March 15, 2017" 1 Demi Lovato has sparked rumors of a new romance with Lauren Abedini, a Los Angeles-based DJ who goes by the stage name Kittens. According to Page Six, Lovato was spotted holding hands with Abedini in Disneyland over the weekend, causing fans and media outlets to speculate whether they could be dating. This is only the latest speculation surrounding Lovato’s love life, as the pop singer has never officially confirmed her sexuality– despite alluding to her being bisexual in her song lyrics. Here’s what you need to know about Demi Lovato’s sexuality: 1. Fans Have Supported the Rumors Involving Lauren Abedini good morning to demi lovato and her possible girlfriend and no one else pic.twitter.com/ZrDKzhVBBD — kenny (@broadwaysdarlin) September 11, 2017 While there’s yet to be any confirmation from Lovato or Abedini’s representatives as to whether they’re dating, fans on social media have been eager to voice their support. “Demi Lovato spotted with her rumored new girlfriend Lauren Abedini; a DJ, Producer, charity runner, and feminist!” wrote the Lovato fan account Demipedia. Another humorously tweeted”The good news is that Demi Lovato has a girlfriend. The bad news is that it isn’t me.” Demi Lovato spotted with her rumored new girlfriend Lauren Abedini; a DJ, Producer, charity runner, and feminist! pic.twitter.com/0DEPobohgt — demipedia (@ddlovatopedia) September 11, 2017 Others snapped photos of Lovato and Abedini during their Disneyland trip, with one user posting a comparison of the singer with her ex Wilmer Valderrama and Abedini and joking that she’s made “a big upgrade.” Check out this post and the rest of Twitter’s reactions below. miss demi lovato had the biggest upgrade i've ever seen pic.twitter.com/brbZs8igJW — lindsey (@cryingwithmila) September 11, 2017 The thought of Demi Lovato having a girlfriend is possible the greatest thing to enter my head — keels (@keeley_cjd) September 11, 2017 The good news is that Demi Lovato has a girlfriend. The bad news is that it isn't me. — ste(screeching into the wilderness)ph (@stphfrndz) September 11, 2017 2. She’s Had Relationships With Several Male Celebrities Lovato, like most notable celebrities, have dated other people in the industry. According to Pop Sugar, she dated The Cab frontman Alex DeLeon from 2008-09, and later based the breakup song “Catch Me” on him. Lovato also had brief flings with Trace Cyrus (Miley’s older brother) in 2009 and Joe Jonas, her self-proclaimed “BFF,” in 2010. Her most notable relationship to date, however, has been with Valderrama, whom she dated from from 2010 to 2016. In an interview with Latina magazine, Lovato discussed what attracted her to the That 70’s Show actor: When I dated white guys, it wasn’t as passionate as my relationship with Wilmer. Maybe that’s just Wilmer. But I do believe that Latin people are just more expressive, more passionate with their emotions. He’s very manly, and he can be stubborn like Latino men can, but he’s protective and he cares so much and loves so hard. I’ve been blessed enough to have him in my life, and not just as my man, but also my best friend. Since her breakup from Valderrama, Lovato’s been seen with MMA fighter Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos and Abedini. 3. Ruby Rose Claims that She & Lovato ‘Hooked Up’ in 2013 In 2013, model and actress Ruby Rose turned heads when she tweeted that she had a lesbian tryst with Lovato. “I’m like the one person demi has slept with that didn’t sell on naked photos of her so eff off,” Rose tweeted out. She went on to say “Think ill take a few days off social media whilst @ddlovato’s friends attack me for being a ‘scorned ex-lover’ get over it! I liked the hair.” Furthermore, a source for Life & Style said that Rose and Lovato dated for two years while the singer took a break from her relationship with Valderrama. A post shared by Ruby Rose (@rubyrose) on Aug 13, 2017 at 1:32pm PDT Lovato addressed these claims in a 2015 interview with Complex magazine. “Rumours are rumours, and people are going to spread them,” she said. “You can believe what you want, but no, I was not in a relationship with her. By the way, love is fluid.” The singer added “Whether there’s been rumours with one specific person or not, that’s all that matters. Humans are humans, and when you connect with somebody on a spiritual level it doesn’t matter. I don’t want people to ever look at the past or rumours or anything and try to figure me out.” 4. She Won the GLAAD Vanguard Award for Promoting LGBTQ Equality While Lovato may be keeping her personal life under wraps, she has made no effort to hide her support for the LGBTQ community. The singer has been so supportive, in fact, that she was given the GLAAD Vanguard Award in 2016, which, according to the GLAAD website, is “presented to media professionals who have made a significant difference in promoting equality and acceptance.” The award was given to her by close friend and former Camp Rock co-star Nick Jonas. “Demi Lovato has consistently used her platform as a successful artist to send messages of acceptance and support to LGBT people everywhere,” said GLAAD President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. “She is an extraordinary ally who is committed to helping young people embrace who they are and live the lives they love.” During her acceptance speech, Lovato said “You should always love yourself for who you are,” she said. “The skin that you are in, whether you identify with it and are afraid to tell people, just go for it. You can do it!” Watch the full speech above. 5. She Said She’s Not ‘Denying’ or ‘Confirming’ Her Sexuality Lovato’s 2015 single “Cool for the Summer” had many fans wondering whether or not this was her coy way of speaking on her sexuality. The lyrics “Tell me what you want, what you like, it’s ok / I’m a little curious, too” and “Got a taste for the cherry / I just need to take a bite” were taken as an admission that she had at least experimented with women in the past. In an interview with British late-night host Alan Carr, Lovato continued to play coy about her lyrics. “I’m not confirming and I’m definitely not denying,” she quipped with a smile. “All of my songs are based off of personal experiences. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with experimentation at all.” Carr joked that he “experimented once and it stuck,” leading Lovato to retort:”Hey, I didn’t say it didn’t stick either.” 1 Giuliana Rancic‘s night is off to a sweet start. The longtime E! News personality returned to host the network’s pre-Oscars red carpet show for the 90th Academy Awards on Sunday — but things got a little sticky during a segment with chef Wolfgang Puck, who has been responsible for feeding the stars at the Governors Ball, the official post-Oscars celebration, for over 20 years. Get push notifications with news, features and more. As Puck, 68, was running down his menu for the night, he offered Rancic, 43, one of his famous chocolate Oscar statuettes — which were filled with passion fruit chocolate, to Rancic’s surprise. After she took a bite, a small piece snapped off and fell down the front of her stunning cream-colored gown. Of course, Rancic took it all in stride and laughed the moment off. (Luckily, it didn’t stain!) Be sure to check out PEOPLE’s full Academy Awards coverage to get the latest news on Hollywood’s big night. Wolfgang Puck (left) and Giuliana Rancic Giuliana Rancic at the 90th Annual Academy Awards Kevin Mazur/WireImage Watch PEOPLE & Entertainment Weekly Red Carpet Live this Sunday, March 4 at 5 p.m. ET/ 2 p.m. PT. Download the PeopleTV app on your favorite mobile or connected TV device, or stream the show on People.com, EW.com, Twitter, Facebook Live and YouTube Live. Among the highlights of the Governors Ball menu this year are a 2,600 lb. sculpted ice raw bar, 300 lbs. of Miyazaki wagyu beef, 15 kg. of caviar, 20 gallons of house-made gelato — and of course, 7,170 chocolate Oscars. RELATED: James Franco Out! Greta Gerwig In! Biggest Surprises and Snubs of 2018 Oscar Nominations The 2018 Oscars ceremony will be held at the Dolby Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center on March 4 and will be televised live on ABC at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT. 0 "CLOSE Chris Stapleton made a special announcement during his Madison Square Garden set Friday night in New York City. Mariah Timms, USA Today Network-Tennessee Morgane and Chris Stapleton on the red carpet at Music City Center before the start of the 51st annual CMA Awards on Nov. 8, 2017. (Photo: George Walker IV / tennesssean.com) Country singer-songwriter Chris Stapleton announced Friday his family is about to get bigger. Chris and Morgane Stapleton have four kids together, including twin boys born about seven months ago in Nashville. He took a moment during his Friday night concert at Madison Square Garden in New York to share the news. Videos of the concert posted to social media show he took a break during one of his most well-known songs. CLOSE Chris Stapleton joined Justin Timberlake at the latter's Bridgestone Arena concert for a performance of ""Say Something."" Submitted, The Tennessean ""I've got an announcement to make. Some of you may know that we have four children, and we just had twins about seven months ago,"" Stapleton said during a 14-minute version of the song ""Tennessee Whiskey."" ""Now there's four for us, but we're gonna make it five,"" he sang. Stapleton's announcement nearly ""blew the roof off of Madison Square Garden,"" a concert-goer said. ""The crowd was incredibly happy for them. It was probably the biggest reaction all night."" Sean Roche, who captured the moment on film, said. ""Tennessee Whiskey"" was the last song Stapleton played in the main set, Roche said, to a packed arena. ""It's amazing. New York doesn't even have a country music station, and to fill up Madison Square Garden is pretty impressive,"" Roche said. Not typically a country fan, Roche saw Stapleton open for another act at a small New York venue a few years ago, and he said the musician made every jaw in the room drop. When she announced the twins last year, Morgane Stapleton wrote on Instagram: ""14 years, two babies, and two more on the way. Happy 10 year anniversary babe. You make my whole world go round."" The longtime couple perform together, and she joined her husband on stage Friday night when he made the announcement. Chris Stapleton posted photos and video from the Madison Square Garden show later that night on Instagram but did not mention the pregnancy news in the post. Reach Mariah Timms at mtimms@tennessean.com or 615-259-8344 and on Twitter @Mariah Timms. Read or Share this story: https://www.tennessean.com/story/entertainment/music/2018/11/04/chris-stapleton-morgane-pregnant-madison-square-garden-country-music/1884583002/" 0 "Alyssa Milano Talks Reconciling With Shannen Doherty: What Happened 15 Years Ago Is ''Irrelevant'' Alyssa Milano stopped by E!'s Daily Pop today and revealed that she and Shannen Doherty have reconnected. The ladies starred on Charmed together alongside Holly Marie Combs, and Milano has previously spoken out that it wasn't the ""easiest"" on-set experience. In fact, there was quite a bit of speculation that Doherty left the show after three seasons due to the tension with Milano. However, what's in the past is in the past, according to the Mistresses actress, who dished that she plans to get together with Doherty soon. Photos TV Co-Stars Who Weren't Exactly BFFs ""Shannen and I talk a lot on Twitter via [direct message],"" she told hosts Catt Sadler, Justin Sylvester and Carissa Culiner. ""And I spoke to her maybe two or three days ago, and we decided that we're going to get together. That date has not been set yet, but yes!"" So what helped mend their relationship? Shannen Doherty, Alyssa Milano, Charmed, Tv Costar FeudsThe WB/Richard Cartwright ""I think we're just at ages now that what happens 15 years ago, or however long ago that was, it's irrelevant,"" Milano admitted. She also touched on the fact that they've both been through a lot in the last several years. Doherty was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 and has been open about her battle ever since. ""I think that what she has gone through, [and] motherhood in my life, I think it just changes people,"" Milano said. ""I'm so happy that she's feeling well. I prayed for her every day that she would feel well and I can't wait to see her."" Obviously, we're ecstatic over their friendship, and we can't help but wonder if the reconciliation might encourage them to take part in the CW's Charmed reboot... After all, Milano was very proud to hear the reboot news earlier this year. She took to Twitter shortly after it was announced, writing, ""#Charmed Fans, there are no fans like you! The best of the best."" Fingers crossed! Click to expand..." 0 He announced his split from wife Jenna Dewan three weeks ago. And on Sunday Channing Tatum made his first public appearance since the separation at the Honda Indy Grand Prix in Birmingham, Alabama. The actor, who has ditched his wedding ring, was hanging out at the race track with The Bachelor's Arie Luyendyk Jr. Scroll down for video Hanging out: Channing Tatum made his first public appearance since his split from Jenna Dewan at the Honda Indy Grand Prix in Alabama Sunday with The Bachelor's Arie Luyendyk Jr. Tatum served as grand marshal for the event and took a spin with Luyendyk in the official pace car that led the field to the start. 'Such a great dude!' Luyendyk Jr., 36, said of the actor, 37, as he posted pics of them in their matching red and black Honda racing suits to his Instagram. Tatum also posted several snaps to his Instagram, returning to the platform for the first time since his marriage breakup. 'Crazy fast couple laps in the rain!! Thanks @ariejr!' he wrote. Newly single: Tatum, who has ditched his wedding ring, served as grand marshal for the event. Luyendyk Jr. posted pics of them in their red and black Honda racing suits to Instagram Fun time: Luyendyk Jr., 36, who took the actor, 37, for a spin in the two-seat official Honda race car, described Tatum as 'Such a great dude!' Back online: Tatum also shared some pics from his day to his Instagram, marking his return to the social media platform for the first time since his marriage breakup In an official statement he released, the actor said: 'I’m honored to be serving as the grand marshal for the Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama. I have always loved the excitement of a great race and it’s a privilege to be back in my home state for this event.' The Magic Mike star also helped the reality hunk send a special social media message to fiancee Lauren Burnham who wasn't at the race. Luyendyk tweeted a short video as a surprise for the blonde he chose to be his bride on the ABC show. In the clip, Tatum says: 'What’s up, Lauren. I’m about to do something stupid.' 'And we wish you were here, obviously,' Luyendyk chimed in. 'Yes,' said Tatum, laughing. Getting wed: Luyendyk proposed to Lauren Burhman on ABC's The Bachelor. While she wasn't with hi and Tatum on Sunday, she did join him at the Long Beach Grand Prix last weekend Tatum and Dewan announced the end of their almost nine year marriage on April 2. They had met on the set of the Dance movie Step Up in 2006 and share a four-year-old daughter Everly. Last week, Dewan returned to social media having dropped Tatum from her name and without her wedding band. Moving on: Last week, Dewan returned to social media having dropped Tatum from her name and without her wedding band posing in lingerie photos 0 "It seems Blake Shelton may have a thing or two to learn about karma himself. Last week, Shelton caused an uproar when he sent a cryptic tweet about ""karma"" just as reports claimed that his ex-wife Miranda Lambert was dating a married man. ""Been taking the high road for a long time.. I almost gave up. But I can finally see something on the horizon up there!! Wait!! Could it be?! Yep!! It’s karma!!"" Shelton tweeted after multiple outlets reported Lambert began dating married Turnpike Troubadours front man, Evan Felker. But according to Lambert's ex-boyfriend Jeff Allen, Shelton is not as innocent as he's trying to seem. Allen tweeted and deleted a post calling out Shelton for romancing Allen's then-girlfriend Lambert while Shelton was still married to his first wife, Kaynette Williams, in 2006. ""You know, I’ve always given you the benefit of the doubt and chalked it up to just being human, but you must be one arrogant SOB to pop off something like this, when I know damn good and well you were cheating on your wife and Miranda was cheating on me when you two started up,"" Allen wrote in a since-deleted tweet, according to Us Weekly. ""I kept my mouth shut for 13 years. Sorry, his karma tweet rubbed me wrong. All of this is pointless,"" he added. Allen told RadarOnline.com, ""I’m sure Miranda did [Blake] dirty just like she did me, but he wasn’t thinking about me when he was cheating with her, so I don’t know why he thinks it's karma."" He added that he does not harbor bad feelings toward Lambert and said she ""was a loving, caring person and a good girlfriend."" Reps for Lambert and Shelton did not return Fox News' requests for comment. It's been reported that Lambert and Shelton's romance began as an affair but both singers have denied this in the past. They became engaged in May 2010 and married a year later in Texas. The country singers announced their divorce after four years of marriage in July 2015. The ""Tin Man"" singer, who recently ended things with her boyfriend of two years, Anderson East, reportedly began seeing Felker when his band joined Lambert's ""Livin’ Like Hippies"" tour in January. Felker married global strategist Staci Nelson in September 2016. The singer filed for divorce on Feb. 16 while Nelson filed 12 days later. Nelson, who still goes by her married name on social media, shared a tearful selfie on Thursday with the caption, ""PSA: If Staci Felker can make it through this week, so can you.""" 1 The welcomed son Gunner Stone just nine months ago. And Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt looked like they couldn't be any happier as they doted on their little boy earlier this month in a series of sweet family snaps taken in Aspen, Colorado. The Hills stars sipped champagne and lavished Gunner with kisses during the photo shoot. One happy family: Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt looked like they couldn't be any happier as they doted on their little boy earlier this month in a series of sweet family snaps taken in Aspen, Colorado Heidi, 31, showed off her enviable physique in tight off-white jeans and a pink T-shirt. The blonde beauty opted to go barefoot for the shoot, which took place in the gorgeous gardens of The Little Nell ski resort. At one point she and her reality TV star husband shared a kiss over glasses of champagne. Blonde beauty: Heidi, 31, showed off her enviable physique in tight off-white jeans and a pink T-shirt Oh baby! Spencer, 34, meanwhile was decked out in distressed jeans and a baby blue T-shirt Spencer, 34, meanwhile was decked out in distressed jeans and a baby blue T-shirt. Their little boy wore a collared shirt adorned with bicycles and adorable shots bearing tiny anchors. Speidi, as they're affectionately known by fans, were thrilled to welcome little Gunner into their lives when he was born on October 1 2017. Sweet: Their little boy wore a collared shirt adorned with bicycles and adorable shots bearing tiny anchors Pratt opened up with People about how fatherhood completely changed his outlook on life back in April, saying: 'My favorite part of fatherhood is seeing a baby so innocent. 'Until you watch a human being born and watch a little baby growing and learning how to smile and waiting for a baby to giggle … it's definitely made me enjoy humans more,' he even admitted. He continued: 'We were all little babies. Even the people I can’t stand, they were once sweet little babies. What happened to them?' Spencer and Heidi began their romance in 2007 after being introduced on The Hills and eloped in Mexico on November 20 2008. 0 "Ben Margot/Associated Press Cleveland Cavaliers center Tristan Thompson has avoided a suspension for Game 2 of the 2018 NBA Finals following his actions near the end of Game 1 on Thursday night. The league announced on Friday, via Ira Winderman of the South Florida Sun Sentinel, Thompson has been fined $25,000, while his flagrant-2 foul has been downgraded to a flagrant-1. Thompson was ejected with 2.6 seconds remaining in overtime of Golden State's 124-114 victory after the referee deemed he threw an elbow at Warriors guard Shaun Livingston. He was assessed a flagrant-2 on the play. Instead of leaving the court and going to the locker room, however, Thompson was at the center of a scrum during which he shoved the basketball in the face of Warriors forward Draymond Green. When asked what led tempers to flare, Thompson said Warriors guard Shaun Livingston took an unnecessary shot (NSFW language): That confrontation caught the eye of Los Angeles Clippers guard Patrick Beverley: Thompson had a quiet game to open the series. The 6'9"", 238-pound big man posted just two points on 1-of-4 shooting while grabbing five rebounds. He recorded a plus/minus of minus-nine in 20 minutes. Although he did not make an impact in Game 1, Thompson may be a key to victory for Cleveland. When the Cavs won their first-ever championship in 2016, Thompson was a force in the paint, averaging 10.3 points and 10.1 rebounds per game in the Finals. The on-court altercation could have led to the suspension of multiple Cavaliers. Like Thompson, Kevin Love also avoided a ban for his Game 1 actions. Love was not checked into the game at the time of the skirmish, but he found himself on the court at the time of the pushing and shoving, though he quickly made his way back to the sideline." 1 Not so fast! Madonna was hit with a series of “uncomfortable questions” by a judge before she was granted permission to adopt her 4-year-old twin girls from Malawi, the presiding judge said in court documents obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday, February 8. “The petitioner is a professional performer and I guarded myself against the danger of her merely reciting a well-rehearsed speech by asking her some rather uncomfortable questions to which she gave very candid answers,” Judge Fiona Mwale said in her ruling, explaining her reasons for approving the adoption. After pressing Madonna, 58, to explain her intentions in adding two more little ones to her brood of four, Judge Mwale said she was satisfied that the girls would be in good hands with the Material Girl. “There is no doubt that the petitioner can offer the infants not only the best education money can buy, but also guidance with a high likelihood of ensuring that the two infants grow to be self-sufficient adults,” Judge Mwale said, adding that she is satisfied that Madonna “is motivated by her desire to offer a home, love, protection and guidance to the infants.” In the court documents, Judge Mwale addressed prior controversies surrounding Madonna’s adoptions in Malawi. “In determining her motives, I questioned the petitioner at length about the impact of her decision which could be construed as robbing Malawi of its most precious resource, its children,” the judge wrote. As previously reported, Madonna filed for adoption in High Court in Malawi on January 25 but tried to keep the process under wraps until a final decision was made. (The Queen of Pop issued a statement denying her adoption to Us Weekly that same day, claiming that she was in Malawi “to check on the children’s hospital in Blantyre.”) According to the AP, she has already raised $7.5 million for a pediatric surgery ward at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, which is set to open early next year. Madonna previously adopted son David and daughter Mercy James, both 11, from Malawi in 2008 and 2009, respectively. She is also mom to daughter Lourdes, 20, whom she shares with ex Carlos Leon, and son Rocco, 16, whom she shares with ex-husband Guy Ritchie. Madonna’s twin girls will retain their birth names as a part of an effort to preserve their identity as Malawian nationals, the court documents said, and their father was at the January 25 court hearing with Madonna. (The twins’ mother died within a week of childbirth due to health complications.) On Wednesday, February 8, Madonna took to social media to share the happy news. “I can officially confirm I have completed the process of adopting twin sisters from Malawi and am overjoyed that they are now part of our family,” she captioned an image of herself walking between the two little girls. “I am deeply grateful to all those in Malawi who helped make this possible, and I ask the media please to respect our privacy during this transitional time. 🙏🏻 Thank you also to my friends, family and my very large team for all your support and Love!” Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 1 "What was meant to be an emotional return to the city of love for Kim Kardashian, 35, who was held hostage and robbed at gunpoint there two years ago, was a trip that could potentially end her marriage. The reality star and her husband, Kanye West, flew to Paris to see designer Virgil Abloh’s debut Louis Vuitton fashion show, but Kanye had another outburst and it pushed Kim over the edge. “Kim’s emotions were heightened,” a source tells In Touch. And apparently, Kanye wasn’t helping. After the show on June 21, Kanye “made a scene,” according to the source, when he leaped from his front-row seat into the arms of Virgil. “Kim didn’t know what to do,” the source explains, adding that the rapper burst into tears. “Kanye acting up just added to her anxiety."" Kanye’s latest incident comes just a month after his controversial slavery comments and tweets about Donald Trump. Kim has apparently had enough of it, and told her family that she's considering leaving her husband. “It’s over,” says one insider. “She’s realized he’s not the man she fell in love with.” But a divorce may be complicated for the couple, who have $300 million empires combined. “Kim wants her old life back,” the source says, but she’s too scared to fight with Kanye. However, in a recent interview with The New York Times, the Ye artist admitted to thinking the future of his marriage was up in the air. He told the publication that he had a “real conversation” with his wife following the controversial appearance he gave on TMZ Live. “There was a moment where I felt like after TMZ, maybe a week after that, I felt like the energy levels were low, and I called different family members and was asking, you know, ‘Was Kim thinking about leaving me after TMZ?’” he said. For Kim, “it’s gotten to the stage where her freedom is more important than being trapped in a bad marriage,” the source tells In Touch. “She’s sick of walking on eggshells.” But will Kanye West be able to handle a divorce? ""He’s strong enough now,"" the insider says. For more on this story, pick up the latest issue of In Touch Weekly, on newsstands now! More from In Touch Tristan Thompson Complains About Khloé Kardashian to Lani Blair, Says She's ""Suffocating"" Him (EXCLUSIVE) Tristan Thompson's Baby Mama Reportedly Thinks He Used Their Son as a ""Publicity Stunt"" in Pics with True Gigi and Bella Hadid ""Warned"" Kendall Jenner ""to Leave Their Brother Alone"" After Steamy Kiss WTF, Yeezy? Kanye West “Goes Days Without Talking” to Kim Kardashian" 1 There's yet another creepy element arrived in Ally's formerly quiet neighbourhood As if American Horror Story: Cult wasn’t already creepy enough, yet another alarming element has been thrown into the mix. Not only do the residents of Brookfield Heights, Michigan have to contend with a gang of killer clowns and a power-hungry angry young man in Kai Anderson, but now their streets are also being sprayed with a mysterious chemical by people in black haz mat suits, riding around in a truck that glows a very eerie green. Of course, the first of all the residents to notice the peculiar vehicle is Ally Mayfair-Richards. She’s so perturbed by its sudden appearance on her street that, the second time it appears, she races outside and stands in its path, only to have to jump out of its way at the last second when it becomes clear she’ll be mown down if she doesn’t. Fans on Reddit are suggesting the gas being sprayed in her neighbourhood could be symbolic. So far, her wife Ivy has tried to convince her that every sighting of clowns she’s reported is in her head. Are these newcomers mocking the fact that she’s effectively being gaslighted by her partner? The green glow of the truck is also notable. In a happier scene in this week’s episode, Ally, Ivy and son Oz are eating ice cream in the couple’s restaurant. Ivy comments that nobody’s tried the mint green tea flavour before feeding some to her wife. Is it coincidence that the ice cream is the exact same shade of bright green as the lights on the truck? Or is this yet another subtle signifier that Ivy has already been initiated into the cult and is now part of a plot against Ally? Maybe whatever is being sprayed from the truck has already got to Ally’s head because, as frustrated fans have pointed out on Twitter, she doesn’t even think to use any of the modern technology at her disposal to try and help her figure out who the truck belongs to or where it’s come from. Instead of using the phone in her hand to film the vehicle as it drives past, she opts for the obviously much brighter idea of walking right up to one of the suited-up sprayers, screaming at them and pulling at their outfits until they remove their mask to reveal another mask with a smiley face just like the one the clowns have painted on their victims’ homes. We’d probably pass out too faced with that unexpected reveal. 0 "Alexis Bledel Lends Hope to Third 'Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' Movie “We just pitched a third movie and I hope it comes together,” the 'Handmaid's Tale' star shared. Meanwhile, co-star Blake Lively added during a separate appearance: ""'Deadpool' is all thanks to the fans. So I'm saying we'll do it."" Jimmy Fallon has made it clear in the past that he’s a big fan of Gilmore Girls. But on Thursday’s Tonight Show, he revealed to Alexis Bledel that he is also a fan of one of her other projects. ""[The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants] is my jam,” Fallon said. “I love you. I love that movie. I love everyone in it.” Bledel agreed that she loves it, too. When asked if there will be a third film in the franchise — one believed to have long been in the works — she said, “I really hope so. I would love it. It would be the best thing.” The actress, who is currently starring on Hulu's second season of The Handmaid’s Tale, then surprised Fallon. “We just pitched a third movie and I hope it comes together,” she revealed. After the audience enthusiastically cheered, Fallon told Bledel that she has to get the movie made. She responded, “I would love it.” At nearly the same time, her co-star Blake Lively was also answering questions about a potential third film. ""I think that people who love the movie want to see it. Fans have gotten bigger movies made. Deadpool is all thanks to the fans. So I'm saying we'll do it,"" she told Entertainment Tonight while at CinemaCon, referencing husband Ryan Reynolds' movie franchise. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was released in 2005 and was followed by a sequel in 2008. Along with Bledel and Lively, the films also co-star America Ferrera and Amber Tamblyn. The four play childhood best friends that spend the summers apart, but who keep in touch by exchanging a pair of jeans that magically fit all four of them. The actresses are also known to be longtime friends off-camera. “We don’t get to see each other a lot because everybody’s work and family and everything, but when everybody’s in town, we do,” Bledel told Fallon when asked about their relationships. Earlier this year, Tamblyn shared a photo on Instagram of the foursome reuniting that came with a nod to the Time's Up movement. Didn’t think anything could beat kicking off the new year with the #TIMESUP initiative, but then... pic.twitter.com/WLbtL6f8qV — Amber Tamblyn (@ambertamblyn) January 2, 2018 Watch the Tonight Show clip above." 1 "From the moment Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson made headlines as a new couple to watch, fans fell in love with their sweet relationship. Who doesn't remember that moment in Keeping Up With The Kardashians when Khloe brought her family to Cleveland to visit Tristan's house? She told them that Tristan wanted her to have all of her stuff in his closet so that she could feel at home and have everything she needed. How cute?! Of course, then the cheating scandals came, and for the past few months, Khloé and Tristan's relationship has seemed like it could break at any moment. Can't keep up with all of the drama? Here's a complete timeline of Khloe and Tristan's relationship... December 7, 2018: Things between Tristan and Khloé are MUCH better these days, so much so that Khloé is even considering getting pregnant again with the basketball player. ""Now that she's a mom, Khloe's never been happier,"" a source told Entertainment Tonight. ""She has wanted this baby more than anything and motherhood has proven to be even more incredible than she imagined."" Apparently the couple is in ""such a good place now"" after spending Thanksgiving together last month. ""Her relationship with Tristan is so good,"" said the source. ""They made it through some really dark times, but she's happy that she gave him a second chance because he's stepped up and is not only an amazing father to True, but he's been such a rock for Khloé. They're really just so in love."" They're doing so well, that Khloé wants to start trying for a second kid. Getting pregnant with True wasn't easy and Khloé is ""aware it may take some time again,"" so she doesn't want to wait too long. In other Kardashian news, Kylie is also interested in having baby number two with her bae, Travis Scott. ""Kylie and Travis are going to wait until he's finished his [Astroworld] tour before trying for another baby,"" ET's source said. ""They want to have another child soon so it's close in age to Stormi, but they do not want to do this while he's busy on the road."" Since their first kids were born just months apart, and seem to have a close relationship, the sisters are apparently excited about the prospect of getting pregnant together again. ""Kylie and Khloe would love to be pregnant together again. And it seems like the timing could work out that way,"" said the source. ""It was a real bonding experience for them, but more importantly, it’s been amazing for their daughters to be so close in age. There are so many kids/grandkids in that family, that's really where the family's attention is. It's all about the next generation."" November 26, 2018: Khloé and Tristan had a quiet Thanksgiving together, as she joined him in Ohio for the big holiday. While many fans were questioning why Khloé decided to not be with her sisters for Thanksgiving dinner, she quickly shut down the haters down with a couple of tweets. Y’all are reaching now. I’ve spent the past 3years in Cleveland for Thanksgiving. Not sure why people are trying to create drama between my family and I. My sisters and I are perfectly fine thank you! All of their families were able to travel but TT being in season, he can not — Khloé (@khloekardashian) November 24, 2018 The truth is never as fun as some story some of you like to create. So here we goooooooooooo!! Happy Thanksgiving I guess lol — Khloé (@khloekardashian) November 24, 2018 Khloé also had to defend her sister Kendall on Friday night after she booed Tristan during a basketball game, where she was cheering on the Philadelphia 76ers' with Ben Simmons. A fan called out Khloe for her being okay with Kendall booing him during the game, but still supporting Tristan after he cheated on her. What he did was fucked up and disgusting. What you’re watching is over seven months old. We have gone through countless hours of help. My sister was watching HER man Play against my man… So of course she’s going to heckle the opposing team. Why are you confused? — Khloé (@khloekardashian) November 25, 2018 Despite what people believed to be a shady interaction between Kendall and Tristan, the two of them were all smiles when they saw each other at the game. Getty Images Mitchell Leff The Cleveland Caveliers ended up winning the game, so it's safe to say that the two of them are even now. November 18, 2018: Keeping Up with the Kardashian's retell of True's birth confirmed what we already knew: that the baby's delivery, which occurred just days after it was revealed that Tristan had cheated of Khloé, was awkward af. Not only were there some savage moments from Khloe's sisters (Tristan saying ""girls change your life,"" with Kourt responding, ""we can only pray."" AMEN), but there was also so much tension. giphy After the ep aired, Khloé shared a pic from the occasion on her Instagram story, and you can feel the awkwardness in the photo, let me tell you. Instagram ""This is one of the most awkward photos I have seen in a long time,"" she wrote about the pic. ""You can feel the tension lol but it makes me laugh for some reason. I am definitely one of those people that when I am uncomfortable I nervously laugh. Welcome to my labor lol."" We're glad she can laugh about it, because all we can manage is a cringe. November 15, 2018: Forget what you heard because Khloé and Tristan are reportedly doing very well despite breakup rumors. A source told TMZ that the couple is ""still together and going strong."" According to the site, Khloé hasn't been in Cleveland because she's filming a new season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and then she wanted to stay with her family this past week amid the California fires. The reality star will be heading to Ohio soon, however. She plans to spend Thanksgiving with Tristan and True in Cleveland as a family. This all comes as the cheating episodes of KUWTK are airing on TV, episodes which Tristan refused to watch. But hey, if they're doing better, why relive the past? November 7, 2018: While Tristan Thompson seemed to have no issue cheating on Khloé Kardashian when she was nine-months pregnant back in April, he has not interest in reliving the experience through Keeping Up with the Kardashians. According to Us Weekly, when Khloé asked Tristan if he wanted to watch the KUWTK episode that addressed the cheating scandal, ""the response was a firm no."" Apparently while Khloé already screened the ep before it aired, she wanted to watch it live with her boyfriend. Tristan has a lot of other things to worry about. A source close to him told Us that ""he is focused on basketball, and the Cavaliers are struggling this season."" Watching the episode would only create further distractions, and ""there wasn't any need for that."" Of course, he could have not cheated on her in the first place, then this issue wouldn't exist at all. October 31, 2018: Tristan took to Instagram to show off photos of True's first Halloween. The basketball player shared a super cute pic of his daughter dressed like a flamingo, sitting on his head. Instagram In another photo, Khloé joined in on the fun. This family get-together comes amid rumors of Khloé and Tristan's impending breakup. After another cheating allegation came to light recently, Khloé decided to delay her move to Cleveland, where Tristan is currently living. Instagram In the past week, however, the two have seemed to be on better terms. Khloé did end up going to visit Tristan in Ohio briefly, and, when Khloé got home from her Bali trip last week, he surprised her with balloons. This Sunday, Keeping Up with the Kardashians will air the aftermath of Tristan's original cheating scandal, which occurred days before True's birth. It will be interesting to see how re-living that dark time will affect Khloé and Tristan's current relationship. October 29, 2018: Khloé and Tristan seem to be back on good terms after Khloé's recent vacation with Kim and their kids. The two of them returned from their big trip to Bali and Khloé had a very special surprise waiting for her at home when she got back. Tristan got her some special balloons to welcome her back and Khloe was super excited to share them on her Instagram story Instagram Soon after, she posted another photo of a quote that seemed to be hinting at a reconciliation. Instagram ""Please stop overthinking life like you have an answer to every feeling or rituation. That's not how life works We figure it all out by just living, by f*cking up, by missing an. opportunity, by seeking advice and not taking it. We learn what's important and what isn't. Sometimes we have no f*cking idea what to do and it's scary but it's okay. Always trust your gut and know that everything will work out exactly the way it is supposed to be. It always does. Relax, we were never in control anyway."" October 23, 2018: Six months after Tristan's first cheating scandal, which occurred just a few days before the birth of their child, True Thompson, Khloé finally ""seems over Tristan,"" according to People. This feeling has manifested itself in her move to Cleveland, which she hasn't rescheduled, despite postponing it three weeks ago. ""It doesn’t seem to bother her that she isn’t with Tristan in Cleveland,"" said People's source. ""She seems to know what she wants in her life right now. And it definitely doesn’t seem like she wants to be with Tristan."" As far as their future, however, Khloé hasn't yet made a decision. ""Khloé isn’t saying that she and Tristan split. It seems she hasn’t decided yet what she wants to do about their relationship,"" the source said. ""And she seems fine about this."" October 14, 2018: Things don't seem to be going well for the couple, despite the fact that Khloé took a solo trip to see Tristan in Cleveland. While the two seemed to have plenty of time to talk to one another during her two day visit, it seems like the couple isn't doing too well despite their time together. ""Khloé is stable, content and very happy with being a mom and with how things are going with True,"" a source told People. ""As for Tristan, things are still quite up in the air between them. Things seem more unstable in the relationship right now, but she’s taking it all in stride."" While the two haven't officially said anything in terms of their current relationship status, Khloé has been posting several messages on her Instagram that seem to hint at a major dent in their relationship. Here's hoping the couple can work things out again. October 6, 2018: After a week of posting emotional Instagrams amid new rumors that Tristan Thompson is once again cheating, Khloé Kardashian has postponed her move to Cleveland. Khloé was planning on returning to Ohio to live with Tristan as the basketball season begins, but, according to People, this is no longer the case. ""It’s of course difficult to trust someone 100 percent who cheated days before he was about to become a dad,"" said People's source. ""Khloé still struggles with this sometimes. She wants to move back to Cleveland, but she isn’t sure what date she is [going]. The move is postponed for now. She seems very upset about leaving her family. She had the best summer in L.A."" All of this is happening as Keeping Up with the Kardashians is preparing to air the original cheating scandal, which occurred about six months ago, right before True Thompson was born. This has caused Khloé to become ""overwhelmed and exhausted,"" according to the source. ""Khloé has every reason to occasionally feel [that way],” they added. ""She’s a new mom, a first-time mom, and her TV show is currently replaying one of the most emotional times in her life. It’s a lot."" October 4, 2018: Khloe took to Instagram stories to post a very mysterious text image that reads: ""If you've been brutally broken but still have the courage to be gentle to other living beings, then you're a badass with a heart of an angel."" Instagram The image was posted late last night. This post from Koko comes on the heels of more alleged Tristan drama. A few weeks ago, Tristan was seen walking out of a club (seemingly) with two girls. Koko fans pounced when the info dropped, claiming that he was back at his cheating ways. September 27, 2018: It seems like we're about to get a lot more info on the Tristan cheating scandal and how Khloé's family reacted to the original news back in April. In a mid-season preview for Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian is seen saying, ""They have another video of him."" While we don't know for sure that she's referring to Tristan, the promo then switches to a pic of Khloé, who looks less than happy. So, we can assume Kim means the paparazzi got another vid of Tristan with a random girl. ""Unfollowed,"" says Kim, and we know she did, actually unfollow him on Instagram. ""I hate him. Sorry, not sorry."" Khloé, on the other hand, seems more calm as she prepares to give birth to her baby, True. “The things I can control, I have to be able to control,"" she says. We can't wait for the second half of KUWTK to see what Khloé's family thought about everything that went down with Tristan, though we already know they don't think too highly of him. September 26, 2018: Tristan Thompson was, once again, spotted getting very close to not-Khloé at a club in LA recently. According to Us Weekly, ""Tristan and a girl were chatting and flirting throughout the night. They were very touchy-feely. He had his hand on her butt."" Khloé, who will be moving back to Cleveland when basketball season kicks off, is apparently unbothered by the allegation. A source says that she believes Tristan, who promised to ""never betray her again."" Her family, however, is not on the same page. ""Everyone is flabbergasted, but her family has learned to keep their opinions quiet,"" said a source. ""People underestimate the threshold of what she’ll put up with for love."" September 19, 2018: It looks like LA will be losing a Kardashian. Khloe plans to move back to Cleveland with Tristan for basketball season, which is about to start up again soon. While it's good to see that the couple will still be together while Tristan plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers, a source told People that the move will be hard on Khloe. ""He has games in October. They are all moving back to Cleveland, and it’s hard for Khloé. She will really miss Kris and her sisters,"" they told People. Despite the big move, the source said that they plan to make frequent visits back to LA to try to keep the family together. ""It’s not going to be easy for her,"" the source told People. ""But she is committed to keeping her family together. And Tristan has shown that he is committed to Khloe, so Khloe will make it work."" While Khloe plans to make the big move, it looks like another Kardashian is staying put. Kim doesn't plan to move to Chicago with Kanye, despite the fact that he recently announced that he will be moving back there soon. ""Kim plans on spending more time in Chicago, but she isn’t moving there full-time,"" a source told People. The source also told People that Kim believes that a move wouldn't make sense for the kids right now and that it's likely that Kanye will change his mind and move back to LA soon. ""She will be supportive of Kanye’s plans and they do have a house in Chicago too. Kanye has a tendency though to change his mind quickly, so she is just going along with his plans because it makes him happy,"" the source said. ""Next week, something else might make him happier."" September 4, 2018: Things seem to be going well for Khloe and Tristan, but that doesn't mean you should expect them to walk down the aisle anytime soon. Khloe went off on Instagram after she was tagged in a post by Perez Hilton about her and Tristan planning to get married soon. ""Who makes up this crap you guys post?? This is how slow the news is? You need this ridiculous story?? What a waste,"" she wrote, according to Comments by Celebs. Comments by Celebs took Khloe's side of the argument, but when a fan tried to question her relationship, she fired back. ""So she's acting like Tristan didn't cheat? Like it was made up by blogs? Lol,"" a commenter posted. ""I'm not acting as if Tristan didn't cheat. I'm saying the story about marriage and anyone insinuating they know what we speak about privately is 'crap.' Not upset by commenters. Not upset by anything. Only pointing out when blogs create stories for you all to believe when it's just simply untrue."" Instagram August 9, 2018: While many of the Kardashian/Jenner ladies were accompanied by their men at Kylie's 21st birthday party, Tristan was nowhere to be seen. According to TMZ, the basketball player was in Toronto at a fundraising event for epilepsy. Tristan's presence was missed in more ways than one at the event. A mural that took up a whole wall of the party featured everyone in Kylie's life. The late Rob Kardashian was included, as well as Stormi Webster, and even Kendall Jenner's new BF, Ben Simmons. Missing from the mural was Tristan, which is strange considering he has been with Khloé for almost two years AND they have a kid together. Maybe it's a sign that the Kardashian crew is very anti-Tristan. Instgram August 1, 2018: Despite rumors that the couple aren't doing so well, Tristan and Khloe seem to be doing just fine. Tristan even commented on Khloe's Instagram featuring pink and blue beach waves and the caption, ""take me please."" Tristan adorably responded to her photo by asking her, ""where do you want to go my love?"" While Khloe hasn't yet responded to the comment, her fans have been having a field day responding back to Tristan and reminding him of his cheating scandal. Looks like her fans aren't ready to forgive Tristan just yet, even though they are clearly trying to make it work. July 25, 2018: It looks like not everything is what it seems between Khloe and Tristan. The couple seem to be having trouble together and it looks like Tristan is the one that wants out of the relationship. “Khloé and Tristan are still not fully OK,” a source told US Weekly. “They act like they are when they’re in front of others, but it’s all a show at this point.” According to US Weekly, Tristan has stopped going to couples therapy with Khloe and has openly shared that he wants to move back to Cleveland. “Tristan is feeling trapped in a bad relationship,” another source said. “He’s no longer going with Khloe for sessions. He just didn’t feel it was helping to discuss s**t that happened months ago.” July 11, 2018: Tristan just couldn't wait to share a dance with baby True and, luckily for us, Khloe was right there to film the beautiful moment. Khloe shared the video on her on Snapchat of the two sharing a father-daughter dance together. Khloe can be heard laughing in the background while watching them. Check out the adorable video below: June 26, 2018: Tristan posted a video of him and baby True on Snapchat and it is absolutely adorable! In the video, Tristan holds True on his arm and proceeds to sing her name and give her kisses before ending by saying, ""Daddy loves you."" June 25, 2018: Over the weekend, Tristan shared a pic of him and his kids. This is the first time the basketball star has posted a pic of him and his daughter, True. He captioned the photo with a red heart. So cute! The photo also features a basketball, a Koko-approved candy-filled canister, and a comfy AF-looking chaise lounge chair. June 21, 2018: The couple that works out together, stays together. Khloe showed off her at-home workout with her personal trainer Don and a familiar figure joined them in the middle of her session. Tristan was seen doing his own training alongside Khloe in some of the videos that she posted on her Snapchat. Snapchat June 20, 2018: While Khloe and Tristan haven't been completely open about the cheating scandal that almost ruined their relationship, a source told UsWeekly that it will be addressed in the next season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. ""They always discuss real life things on the show. They’ve never ignored a topic,"" a source told Us Weekly. ""It will definitely be brought up, but they don’t know how much. They can film hours about it, but in the end, Khloe is one of the executive producers and will have final say on what actually makes air."" The source also says that Tristan is upset that it will be talked about on the show, but Khloe has assured him that it will only be a small part of the season. June 19, 2018: The Kardashian clan has officially forgiven Tristan for cheating on Khloe and he is planning to move to Los Angeles for the summer. According to Entertainment Tonight, Tristan is currently staying over Khloe's house in Los Angeles in an effort to work on their relationship. “[Tristan] has a home in L.A. too, but the plan is to live together as a family at Khloe’s home as they continue to work on their relationship,” a source told Entertainment Tonight. “Everyone is back on board -- friends, family and Khloe have all forgiven him and are giving him this second chance -- and so far it’s been working for them.” Khloe and Tristan have been spending a lot of time together in Los Angeles. They recently went on a date night with sister Kendall Jenner and her rumored boyfriend, Ben Simmons, and they were seen together at a McDonald's drive-thru. June 18, 2018: Looks like Tristan is in the City of Angels as he was spotted hanging out with Khloe at Dave Chappelle's private friends and family only private show, taking a night off from being with baby True. E! News also reports that Kendall and her rumored boyfriend, Ben Simmons, also joined them. Later, they moved to Poppy nightclub, where they also met up with Kris and Corey Gamble, according to Entertainment Tonight .Despite them now being in Los Angeles together, there's still no word on whether Tristan will be moving in or if he is just visiting for now. June 17, 2018: On Father's Day, Khloe and baby True traveled from Cleveland to Los Angeles after the end of NBA season. Kylie and Stormi decided to give them a very special welcome back home with a teddy bear and balloons that said, ""welcome home, Khloe and True. Stormi and Kylie - we love you."" Instagram According to E! News, the Kardashian family are very happy to see Khloe back in LA and that they'll see more of True. ""The whole family is thrilled that Khloe is home and that they will get to be close by and an every day part of True's life. They made it a big celebration and welcome home for her."" E! News also reported that Father's Day was going to be a rough day for Khloe and she specifically wanted to spend it with her sisters. Tristan also took to Instagram to give a shout out to his two children for Father's Day with two new necklaces with their names on them. There's no word if Tristan will be moving out to Los Angeles to be with Khloe and True, but with the end of basketball season, it's likely that he will also make the big move soon. June 13, 2018: Khloe shares a cute pic of her baby girl to celebrate her 2-month birthday. The photo is caption: ""Baby True."" What a cutie! Khloe shared the first video of True (complete with a fun IG filter) for her 1-month birthday. If it continues like this, we'll have to set an alarm for the 12th of every month so that we can be sure to catch of new glance of Koko's cutie. Koko's pic of True comes right after sister Kylie swore off sharing pictures of her baby, Stormi. After receiving some negative comments about Stormi on Instagram, Kylie decided that she's not here for the trolls. An insider told People: “Kylie felt so protective of her baby when she was pregnant. This is why she didn’t share any bump pictures while she was pregnant. After Stormi was born, Kylie was the proudest mom.” “She couldn’t wait to show off Stormi to her fans. She posted pictures, because she was so excited to be a mom. Unfortunately, social media is a crazy place. People have been making nasty comments."" “Kylie is shocked and doesn’t want her daughter’s pictures to be a part of something negative. She might reconsider in the future, but for now, she won’t post any more photos of Stormi’s face.” June 7, 2018: Don't get it twisted: Just because Khloe seems to be back on with Tristan doesn't mean her family in on board. A source told People that Tristan will be returning to Cali with Khloe (and baby True in tow), but that the Kardashians aren't thrilled about it. Apparently, they are still ""very unhappy"" with him. “It will be interesting to see how they will treat him. Although Khloé defends him and her reasons to stay with him, her family feels she deserves much better,” the source told the outlet. June 4, 2018: Khloe and True are moving back to Los Angeles, according to a very reliable source, momager Kris Jenner. ""We go back and forth,"" Kris told E! News when asked how often she saw Khloe (who is currently in Cleveland). ""I FaceTime with her every day. So that's a lot of fun.... She'll be home soon."" June 3, 2018: Some Koko fans are not loving the star's decision to stay with Tristan, and they are letting it be KNOWN. One person tweeted at the celeb, saying: “A year from now @khloekardashian will be over all of this and feeling salty for her super passive IG posts. She’s just in the stage of ‘but I love him!’ Until then let her pretend he’s changed and they’ll be a happy family. #WednesdayWisdom.” Damn. Well, if this fan thought her tweet would just evaporate into the inter-ether, she was damn wrong. Khloé shot back,“Babe that’s not wisdom at all because you’re assuming you know who I’m talking about and you’re assuming you know my feelings. Assuming anything is anything but wisdom."" Touché. May 31, 2018: In case you were wondering how Kanye felt about Tristan's cheating scandal, well, now you know. Kanye hosted a listening party for his new album ""Ye"" in Wyoming, and people immediately picked up on a reference to Tristan's cheating scandal in one of the songs. ""All these thots on Christian Mingle / That’s what almost got Tristan single / If you don’t ball like him or Kobe / Guarantee that bitch gon’ leave you,"" he says. Fans were shook, to say the least. Kanye saying Tristan Thompson was almost single after using Christian Mingle pic.twitter.com/RCaZPhgWj3 — Morgan A Baila (@morganbaila) June 1, 2018 Yo did @kanyewest really just reference Tristan Thompsons cheating scandal as if the girl he cheated on isn't his sister-in-law? Jesus 😅 — jimmypistachio. (@jimmypistachio) June 1, 2018 May 30, 2018: Sounds like Tristan is throwing himself a bit of a pity party. A source told Us Weekly that Tristan is ""completely emotionally and physically exhausted from the cheating allegations and of course the playoffs."" Ok, yes, the playoffs are a big deal, but is he seriously complaining about the drama that he started?! Unbelievable. But that's not all we have to report on this drama-filled day. Khloe took to Twitter and clapped back at a woman who shared some pretty judge #WednesdayWisdom, concerning the cheating scandal. ""A year from now @khloekardashian will be over all of this and feeling salty for her super passive IG posts. She’s just in the stage of “but I love him!” Until then let her pretend he’s changed and they’ll be a happy family. #WednesdayWisdom,"" the Twitter user wrote. Khloe responded, ""Babe that’s not wisdom at all because you’re assuming you know who I’m talking about and you’re assuming you know my feelings. Assuming anything is anything but wisdom."" Babe that’s not wisdom at all because you’re assuming you know who I’m talking about and you’re assuming you know my feelings. Assuming anything is anything but wisdom — Khloé (@khloekardashian) May 30, 2018 May 15, 2018: Khloe gets real about who truly thought of the adorable name True for her baby girl. “My grandma MJ suggested True,"" the star wrote on her app. ""She told me it was my great-grandfather’s first name and my grandfather’s middle name. It stuck with me for my entire pregnancy and was the only one I couldn’t get out of my head.” So cute! May 14, 2018: Khloe (kind of, sort of) made her first statement regarding Tristan's cheating scandal. On her Instagram stories, she published the quote, ""It's all about who you look for in a crowded room. That's where your heart belongs."" Khloe has posted quotes on Instagram before, but this one seems pretty intentional. Instagram May 13, 2018: Looks like Khloe had a really good first Mother's Day! In case you missed it, she took to Snapchat and posted this cute pic of her True in honor of the holiday. Snapchat On her Instagram stories, she shared pics of a beautiful flower arrangement and ""KOKO"" balloons, which you can see, below. Now, the question is, who sent those gifts?! Was it Tristan Thompson or someone from the family, like Kris Jenner? Instagram Instagram Instagram May 12, 2018: Khloe finally introduced her daughter True to the world with a super cute video on Instagram. In the video, True is rocking a floral Snapchat filter and batting her adorable eyes at the camera. ""Happy One Month True,"" Khloe wrote. Interesting enough, some fans think True looks a lot like her cousin, Stormi Webster (a.k.a. Kylie Jenner's daughter). Do you see the resemblance? May 11, 2018: Ever since True's birth, fans have been anxiously awaiting the first pic of Khloe's darling baby girl. And that day has finally come... though it seems like it may have happened by accident! Khloe posted a few quick selfies on Snapchat. In them, she looks glam as hell, lying on her bed and rocking a camo sweatshirt. But, if you look at the corner of the image, you can spot baby True's tiny little hand. Snapchat True seems to be wearing a light pink and white onesie. And she just looks oh-so-cozy on her mama's chest. So precious. May 10, 2018: Apparently, Tristan blocked Khloe's sister Kim on social media after she addressed the cheating scandal during an episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show. ""Like, I don’t even know how to describe it other than it’s just so f*cked up,"" she said at the time. ""We really were rooting for Khloé. And we still are. She’s so strong and she’s doing the best she can. It’s a really sad situation all over."" Since then, she has appeared on Live With Kelly and Ryan. Naturally, Ryan Seacrest wanted to hear her thoughts on all the drama, and so he asked, ""Is there any part of you that roots for Khloe and Tristan?"" She responded, ""OK, last time I went on TV and I answered some questions about her I got blocked on social media—and not from Khloe. So, I'm going to...yes, I'm always rooting for her. I'm always rooting for love. I'm always rooting for families."" Interesting answer, Kim. Very interesting. Also, details about what went down in the delivery room continue to come to light. Apparently, before baby True broke through with her cry, someone else had a breakdown in the hospital room. ""Khloé has completely forgiven Tristan for cheating on her, and it really wasn’t hard for her to do because he literally broke down crying in her hospital room after she had given birth to True,"" a source tells Us Weekly. ""Tristan was absolutely devastated that he had hurt and betrayed Khloé. Adding to the grief, was of course the timing of when it all came out, the days before she gave birth."" And it sounds like Tristan doesn't think that getting caught was necessarily a bad thing. ""Khloé has always said that everything happens for a reason, but absolutely loves Tristan,"" the source says. ""He actually told Khloé he was relieved that it had come out, and that he thinks subconsciously he wanted to get caught."" The source went on to say that he ""knew there were paparazzi taking pics of him in New York City, but that didn’t stop him from taking a woman back to his hotel."" May 9, 2018: Tristan finally opened up about his daughter True while on the basketball podcast Road Trippin. He revealed that she has green eyes and was born 21-inches long. Later on, he explained the difference between raising his first-born, Prince, and True. “I think with a girl, you’re just so much more emotionally like… with a boy, it’s just like, ‘Hey man, you’ll be all right man. Stop crying,'” he explained. “But [with True], it’s like, ‘True, it’s gonna be okay. You know, we’re right here. Daddy’s here to feed you. It’s me! Look, yeah!’ It’s way different, but it’s fun, though. It changes you.” For the record, there's a lot of good that can come from parents letting their sons express a range of emotions, but looks like Tristan has a different perspective on that. May 8, 2018: According to TMZ, Khloe and Tristan go out to see an afternoon movie together at a theater a few miles outside of Cleveland. The outlet says that they looked ""very much like a couple again."" They were seen buying snacks in the theater lobby, and leaving in the same car after. This movie outing comes at the same time that reports about how Khloe's family feels about the whole situation start to surface. According to TMZ, the Kardashians are ""outraged"" over Tristan's cheating scandal. However, they hope Khloe will remain civil with Tristan for True's sake. ""We're told the family privately feels they may never forgive Tristan, but they're not going to attempt to torpedo the relationship,"" the site wrote. Well, let's hope everyone can keep the peace. May 7, 2018: Some fans thought Khloe naming her daughter True was ironic given Tristan's cheating scandal, but a source told Us Weekly Khloe and Tristan had picked their baby girl's name way before the news broke. “True had already been picked for a while,” the source said. “She went into labor not even knowing the full scope of the cheating so the option of changing her name wasn’t even brought up. It’s too much for one person to deal with during the crazy time.” The source added, “A lot of people thought she’d change the name and were waiting to send her gifts. Everything that Khloe bought during her pregnancy was already monogrammed True.” May 5, 2018: According to E! News, Khloe reportedly attended Tristan Thompson's basketball game, in which the Cleveland Cavaliers played against the Toronto Raptors. An eyewitness told the outlet Khloe arrived a little bit into the first quarter but stayed until the end. Throughout the game, she was cheering, clapping, and interacting with the fans around her. And as you might expect, she looked fabulous AF. ""She had her hair done and red lipstick on. She wore black aviators inside the whole game, only taking them off once to powder her face,"" the source said. May 4, 2018: According to Us Weekly, Khloe and Tristan are “fully back together.” An insider told the site that Khloe has seen all of the photos and videos of Tristan with other woman. Yet, she's still in love with him. The insider also said Khloe feels “the whole world is against Tristan.” The Kardashian-Jenner family might the exception to that claim, but only for Khloe's sake. “Those around Khloé are trying to be as supportive to her as they can. It’s hard because if everyone distances themselves from Tristan, they’ll risk losing Khloé,” the source said. “Luckily there’s this buffer time. She always planned to stay in Cleveland the first three months. Now with Tristan in the playoffs for possibly another month, no decision needs to be made right now.” May 2, 2018: Reports say Khloe disabled Instagram comments on every pic that includes Tristan. If you haven't noticed, you can see for yourself, below. Instagram However, the comments section on the photos that don't include Tristan have stayed the same. Instagram Although it's not clear when Khloe disabled the comments, it's probably safe to assume the change was made because of Tristan's cheating scandal. Many fans have been defending Khloe, but it's likely she wanted to keep the drama away from her feed. Meanwhile, fans are still posting hateful messages on Tristan's Instagram account. April 29, 2018: Tristan finally broke his social media silence, but failed to address any of the cheating allegations. Instead, he celebrated his team's victory over the Indiana Pacers in an Instagram post. In the caption, he wrote, """"WHAT AN ATMOSPHERE IN THE Q!! GREAT WIN #OnToTheNextOne."" Meanwhile, people defended Khloe Kardashian in the comments section. ""KHLOE BETTER BE ON TO THE NEXT ONE TOO 👋🏼,"" one fan wrote. April 24, 2018: Entertainment Tonight reports that an exclusive source says that Khloe is ""not in a bubble of denial. She knows what's going on and is still trying to process it, but so far, she's managed to move past it and look forward."" The source says that five women have come forward with cheating allegations. Some claim they had months-long affairs with Tristan and one woman even said she slept with him the night before Khloe's baby shower. Even with these reports, the insider says Khloe is set to stay put in Ohio... at least for now. ""Khloe is very settled in Cleveland right now and is planning on staying another few weeks to a month at least. Of course, that could change, especially since every day there seems to be more stories out about Tristan."" April 19, 2018: According to People, Tristan left Cleveland and made his way to Indianapolis, where he and his team (the Cleveland Cavaliers) will play against the Indiana Pacers in the NBA playoffs. This is reportedly the first time Tristan has left Cleveland since Khloe gave birth to their daughter, True. Although Khloe and her newborn daughter remain in Ohio, they will reportedly head to L.A. once they receive doctors' approval to fly. Given Tristan's recent cheating scandal, the move seems only natural. April 16, 2018: In a super pink Instagram post, Khloe announced that her and Tristan's baby girl was named True Thompson. So cute! ""Our little girl, True Thompson, has completely stolen our hearts and we are overwhelmed with LOVE. Such a blessing to welcome this angel into the family! Mommy and Daddy loooooove you True!,"" she wrote. April 12, 2018: Khloe gives birth to her and Tristan's baby girl. TMZ and E! News confirm the delivery with a source close to the couple. Kris and Kim reportedly flew to Cleveland to be by KoKo's side during the labor. ET reported that Kourtney and best friend, Malika Haqq, were in the delivery room when Khloe gave birth. Khloe reportedly arrived at the hospital on Wednesday night. Whether Tristan was present in the delivery room or not has yet to be confirmed, though TMZ also reported today that Kardashian would allow him in the delivery room with her. ET's source says that Tristan has been ""apologetic and begging for forgiveness"" since the scandal. April 11, 2018: Tristan Thompson is accused of cheating on Khloe Kardashian after videos of him getting intimate with several different women hit the web. First, the NBA player was spotted kissing a woman at a rooftop bar called PH-D in Manhattan. The woman is believed to be Instagram model Lani Blair. Footage obtained by TMZ also shows Tristan arriving at his hotel, after leaving the bar, with a mystery woman. TMZ Then, surveillance footage from October 2017 (when Khloe was three months pregnant) is released. It shows Tristan getting cozy with two women at a club outside of Washington D.C. Though neither Khloe Kardashian nor Tristan Thompson have commented on his alleged cheating, Page Six reports Khloe ""went absolutely ballistic"" on Tristan when she found out. She was “devastated when she saw the pictures of Tristan with that girl, she went absolutely ballistic at him,"" a source close to the Kardasian family reportedly said. ""She is not only hurt, she is humiliated and worried for their child. How could he do this, and so publicly, when their baby daughter could arrive within a week?” April 9, 2018: According to a report by TMZ, Khloe Kardashian is in Cleveland waiting to go into labor with boyfriend Tristan Thompson by her side. March 21, 2018: The eight-months-pregnant mom-to-be posts photos on Instagram of a steamy photoshoot where she rocks nothing but a lingerie set and a matching robe. The stunning photo has no caption. March 15, 2018: Fans wonder if Khloe and Tristan's baby will keep up with the Kardashian tradition of having a ""K"" first name. After Twitter tosses the question back and forth, Khloe decides to weigh in. ""I think im going with a T,"" she writes. I think im going with a T — Khloé (@khloekardashian) March 16, 2018 March 11, 2018: Khloe and Tristan throw a very pink baby shower to celebrate their first daughter. According to People, the shower was sponsored by Amazon Baby Registry at the Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles. In a sweet Instagram post, Khloe writes... ""💕 Where do I even begin?!?! How do I even begin to give thanks and praise to ALL of the people who took part in helping create the most incredible baby shower? @jeffleatham and his ENTIRE team and @mindyweiss and her ENTIRE team, THANK YOU for creating the most magical memories I get to keep for the rest of my life!!! WOW, is truly all I can say! They say “love is in the details”, I couldn’t agree more! Look at all the LOVE! From my mommy’s hand written Baby Thompson sign to each and every flower placed. Love was involved! I wish I could post every single picture! I’m still dreaming 💕"" March 9, 2018: It's reported that Kris Jenner and Khloe Kardashian are spotted shopping for baby gear at Petit Tresor and Couture Kids. Kris reportedly pays a whopping $8,000 for all the nursery items. March 4, 2018: On the season finale of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kylie Jenner helps reveal that Khloe is having a girl! Khloe has her gynecologist give Kylie the news first, and then Kylie calls Khloe to tell her that a baby girl is on the way. Khloe is shocked (she thought she was having a boy). February 16, 2018: According to a report by Us Weekly, Tristan Thompson was not acting like someone with a pregnant girlfriend during NBA All-Star weekend. Apparently, he had an ""inappropriate encounter"" with not one, but TWO women. Thompson was seen ""getting cozy"" with models Jasmine Rose and Maya Nova James out February 16, according to the report. ""Two girls were hanging out with Tristan and his crew, some other basketball players and Canadian friends, at Avenue in L.A. during All-Star Weekend,"" a source told Us Weekly. ""The girls were at his table and Tristan was paying more attention to one of them, but he wasn't all over her. These girls are models and were in a fashion show for Angel Brinks that weekend and are shooting a show with her."" Things didn't get really inappropriate until later on when the group went to a bar called Lavoo Lounge. ""It was the group of guys and the two girls,"" the source revealed. ""Tristan wasn't kissing on the girls, but he had his arms around and on the one that looks more like Khloé, Jasmine. Tristan was flirting with her and didn't look or act like someone who had a pregnant girlfriend. The flirting and body language were definitely inappropriate for someone in a serious relationship expecting a baby."" February 4, 2018: Khloe Kardashian shares an adorable pic from the pregnancy photoshoot she and Kylie Jenner did together when both of their pregnancies were under wraps. January 5, 2018: Khloe sits down with Jimmy Kimmel to talk about how she found out she was pregnant. ""Tristan kept saying 'You're pregnant' and I was like: 'Be quiet. I'm not pregnant,'"" Khloé says. ""I was nauseous, not feeling well and then he had to leave the country and I took a pregnancy test. I was like screaming. It's so weird and surreal."" January 4, 2018: Khloe makes her first interview appearance baring the bump on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. She talks about why she wanted to keep the pregnant private for as long as she did. ""I just wanted to do something myself and write something that was heartfelt for me,"" she said about her super emotional Instagram announcement. January 2, 2017: Khloe poses with boyfriend and Tristan Thompson to celebrate the six month mark in her pregnancy. She captioned the photo ""Mom and Dad."" Khloe stuns in a ruched black LBD and Tristan wears a classy tux. December 25, 2017: Khloe looks glam as hell at the Kardashian holiday party, rocking a glittery AF jumpsuit for the occasion. December 21, 2017: With her big sisters by her side, Khloe has reportedly felt prepared to take on motherhood. ""Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Kardashian have been giving her a lot of pregnancy tips and Khloe calls them for every little question she has,"" a source shared with E! News. December 20, 2017: Khloe confirms her pregnancy in an emotional Instagram post that features a black and white photo of her pregnant belly. The photo also features a massive diamond ring that Khloe wears on THAT finger. Fans start to speculate that the two may be engaged. September 26, 2017: Multiple outlets report that Khloé is pregnant. September 24, 2017: On the KUWTK 10th anniversary special, Khloe can't help but restate that her relationship with Tristan is ""serious."" July 11, 2017: Khloé and Tristan share a BTS video from a sweet workout session. She rocks a bright purple workout sports bra with matching leggings and shoes with a black baseball cap. June 27, 2017: Tristan arranges a surprise party for Khloé's 33rd birthday. He also takes to IG, saying, ""Happy bday my love, this picture right here sums up how wild, crazy and how much we love each other. Let's continue to build more memories and cherish them with each other."" Khloe is clearly thrilled with the surprise birthday celebration. ""Im so lucky and blessed! Thank you so much baby!!!"" Khloé tweeted. ""You treat me like a queen!"" June 11, 2017: On the season-13 finale of KUWTK, Khloé talks about whether she and Tristan are ready for kids or not. ""Tristan and I definitely talk about starting a family,"" she says. ""He wants to have, like, 5 or 6 kids with me, and that's lovely...Now, knowing I'm not on birth control, it's scary. That's like a really big step."" April 11, 2017: Khloe sits down for a telling interview with ES Magazine during which she says she has ""never been in this type of love"" and ""yes, [she] would"" marry Tristan if he proposed to her. ""I would love to have a family,"" she says. ""We’ve talked about it … I know for a fact that he would be an impeccable father."" (He has a child with ex girlfriend Jordan Craig). ""I definitely want to be a mom. But I don’t put the pressure on it. It’s not like, 'The clock is ticking.' I feel in my soul it will happen."" March 14, 2017: Khloe throws Tristan a gold-themed 26th birthday. She rocks an LBD and big hoop earrings for the occasion. Tristan shower up to party in a floral tee and backwards baseball cap. Khloe writes on IG: ""To the happiest of birthdays my love!"" March 12, 2017: The season-13 premiere of Keeping Up With the Kardashians shows a nervous but excited Khloé introducing Tristan to her family. February 19, 2017: E! News reports that the couple went zip-linging in Jamaica. January 12, 2017: Khloé tells Extra that she hopes Tristan is her forever love. ""I mean, I think that’s why we are in relationships — to find the One,"" she says. ""And, I mean, I am in love with him. I think he’s, like, the best. And yeah, so I hope so. Only time will tell."" January 11, 2017: Khloé tells James Corden that she and Tristan have told each other ""I love you."" December 25, 2016: Tristan sends out his version of an IG holiday card, wishing everyone a happy holiday using a pic of him and Khloe. November 3, 2016: Khloe appears on the Jimmy Kimmel show where she says that she visits Cleveland often to be with her boyfriend. ""I actually really like it,"" she says. ""I like having my routine and being a little more under the radar."" September 15-18, 2016: Khloe and Tristan meet up in Miami, where they rock out at Kanye West's ""Saint Pablo"" tour and party it up at Flo Rida's birthday at club LIV. They pose for photos, and a friend takes over Khloé's snapchat and posts video of the two of them kissing. At this time, momager Kris Jenner tells Us Weekly, ""They are really cute. She's having a good time. He seems like a really nice guy. I think just with any relationship, just in life, I think it's about chemistry and about values."" September 3, 2016: The couple spends Labor Day weekend in Cabo San Lucas, according to US Weekly. September 2, 2016: It all began when TMZ reports that Khloé Kardashian and Cleveland Cavaliers player Tristan Thompson ""have been spending some serious quality time together recently."" The two were spotted leaving a nightclub called Bootsy Bellows where they seemed to be enjoying each other's company." 0 "Even if you limit your open bar to just wine and beer, there will always be that one guy who overindulges at the wedding reception . And The Crown 's Matt Smith was that guy. During his recent appearance on the former groom's talk show, the actor revealed the intoxicating tale of how he got hilariously hammered at James Corden's wedding. Fair warning: This rager of a reception will give you some serious FOMO. On last Thursday's The Late Late Show , talk turned to the host's wedding five years ago, when Corden's friend Matt Smith stopped by. ""Oh, no!"" Smith exclaimed when the subject of Corden's nuptials first came up. ""Don't mention the wall!"" Smith had scored an invite , along with some other famous faces, like Snow Patrol's Gary Lightbody and comedians David Walliams and Jimmy Carr. But it was the former Doctor Who star who stole the show. ""You were the star of our wedding in many ways,"" Corden said, according to E! News . ""Do you remember anything about that day?"" Oh, he sure does. ""I've got a scar on my chin where I fell up the stairs,"" recalled Smith. ""I fell in a fire[place]—twice! It wasn't alight, thank God; I am a fire hazard. I danced with Kylie Minogue, which was glorious. And then your dad put me in a car."" Told you he was that guy.... ""At the end, he was like, 'Matt...come on, son. It's time. It's time.' He put me in the car; it was a silver Mercedes. I got in, and I closed the door, and I got around the side and ran back inside!"" See more: I Got Too Drunk at a Friend’s Wedding. Do I Need to Apologize? While the details of the day might be hazy, one thing's for sure: James Cordon and his wife, Julia Carey, definitely know how to throw a party . ""What a wedding!"" Smith said. ""A good wedding!"" the groom himself agreed. ""It was a good wedding!"" Cheers to that!" 0 It always hurts if an ex ends up with one of your friends, but it’s especially painful when everyone involved is famous! We’ve got EXCLUSIVE details on how Tom Cruise is feeling so betrayed by Jamie Foxx dating his ex-wife Katie Holmes, according to a source. We’ve got a bro-code violation going on! Tom Cruise, 55, and Jamie Foxx, 49, were once pals, as the megastar recruited the actor to star with him in 2004’s action film Collateral. They remained friendly up until the Annie star began dating Katie Holmes, 38, just a year after she divorced Tom in 2012 in such a dramatic way. Four years later, Holmes and Foxx have finally taken their romance out into the open, but the Mission: Impossible star has aware that they were a couple for some time and isn’t thrilled that his friend would date his former wife. HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. “Tom has known about Katie and Jamie’s secret relationship since the beginning and it has always bothered him that they were hooking up. While Katie and Jamie did their best to keep things a secret from the world, Tom is too well-connected and found out about them shortly after their romance began,” a source close to Tom tellsEXCLUSIVELY. See pics of Tom and Katie’s marriage in photos, here “Tom is shocked and upset that Katie is dating a costar he once considered a close friend. He feels betrayed by both of them,” our insider adds. Katie broke away from Tom and the Church of Scientology in such a public way, serving him with divorce papers in June of 2012 when he was away on location in Iceland filming a movie. While she and daughter Suri, now 11, remained holed up in New York for months, Katie started going to more social events in 2013, and it was in August of that year that she met Jamie at a Hamptons gala. The two were rumored to be secretly dating on the down-low for four years now , apparently out of respect for Tom by not making their relationship public and going to great lengths to never be photographed together. But now that over five years have passed since she filed for divorce, the couple apparently were less careful about keeping the romance out of the public eye. They were spotted over Labor Day weekend holding hands together while walking down the beach in Malibu and didn’t appear to care that the paparazzi captured the PDA. HollywoodLifers, do you think now that they’re out in the open as a couple, Katie and Jamie will start attending events together? 1 Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Another “Bachelor” couple has called it quits — this time after just two months of being engaged. Clare Crawley and Benoit Beauséjour-Savard, who met on “The Bachelor Winter Games,” announced the end of their relationship in a joint statement on Instagram Thursday. “It’s with a heavy heart that we have mutually decided to end our relationship,” the statement read alongside a photo of the couple’s feet. “We think the world of each other, and we were both hoping we could make this work. I’m sorry that this may not be what you want to hear, but it’s our truth.” The post continued: “Just know there are no negative feelings here, we are simply two people who believed in love, and were open enough to give it a chance. We still care for each other very deeply.” After asking for privacy, the pair concluded their statement with a thank you to their supporters, writing, “Thank you for your understanding and love while we have shared our vulnerability with the world.” While Canadian Beauséjour-Savard fell hard for Crawley — who appeared on Juan Pablo‘s season of “The Bachelor” and the first two seasons of “Bachelor in Paradise” — she was infatuated with German contestant Christian Rauch. Crawley, 36, ended up breaking things off with the distraught Canadian in favor of getting to know Rauch, but that relationship ended up falling apart too. Beauséjour-Savard, 31, didn’t let a little rejection get him down, though. He reached out via text after the show and the duo reconnected. What followed was a surprise engagement — that included a custom Neil Lane ring — on “The Bachelor Winter Games: The World Tells All” reunion show. This break-up is the second for a “Winter Games” couple; “Bachelor” favorite Ashley Iaconetti and Canadian firefighter Kevin Wendt split in March. 0 Brad Pitt CAUGHT At Intimate Dinner With Sienna Miller Soon-to-be single Brad Pitt is getting back in the game! Spies spotted Angelina Jolie’s estranged hubby doing some “serious flirting” with blond bombshell Sienna Miller during a private dinner with a group of friends as they celebrated the premiere of The Lost City of Z, a new flick from Brad’s production company, Plan B. Brad and Sienna — who’s starring in the adventure drama — were “heavily enjoying each other’s company,” and “they were talking to each other all night,” says a snitch. The encounter noticeably perked up Brad, who’s been looking scary-skinny since his stressful split from Angie. A mole reveals the Oscar winner appeared to be “in very high spirits, which he hasn’t been for a long time. He seems to be over a hump.” 1 Travis Scott has pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct after being arrested during a concert in Arkansas in May 2017 on charges including inciting a riot, Us Weekly confirms. The 25-year-old rapper’s attorney Jon Nelson tells Us that his client’s case was quietly resolved in January through plea negotiations. Scott (real name Jacques Webster) pleaded guilty to the lowest charge and was required to pay $640 in court-associated costs, in addition to $6,825.31 to two people who said they were injured at the concert. The other two misdemeanor charges — inciting a riot and endangering the welfare of a child — were dismissed. “Obviously, [Scott] would not in any way want a riot to break out at his concert. That would not be good for him as an entertainer,” Nelson says. “To think that he incited one is ridiculous. We think the police way overcharged him. The prosecutor’s office finally did the right thing — they made an offer that he agreed to. … If anyone was hurt, Travis expressed concern from the beginning. He wanted to make sure those people were taken care of.” The attorney added that he believes the disorderly conduct charge could eventually be expunged from Scott’s record. The Rogers Police Department told Us at the time of the arrest that the “Goosebumps” rapper “encouraged people to rush the stage and bypass the security protocols to ensure concertgoer safety.” He was taken into custody at the Benton County Jail and released later in the evening. The news of Scott’s guilty plea comes just a few days after he became a father with girlfriend Kylie Jenner, who gave birth to the couple’s daughter, Stormi, on Thursday, February 1. A source exclusively told Us that the 20-year-old reality star is “loving starting a family” with Scott, whom she began dating in April 2017. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 1 "Chris Brown has a done a pretty good job at staying out of trouble lately but the singer is once again facing problems. According to a report from TMZ , Breezy never got a permit for the pet monkey he previously obtained. While the Heartbreak on a Full Moon singer no longer has the monkey, he may be facing criminal charges and jail time. Brown had previously posted a photo of his 3-year-old daughter Royalty holding a capuchin monkey. Following the posting of the photo, California Department of Fish and Wildlife opened an investigation into the singer and his monkey. Breezy eventually voluntarily agreed to surrender the animal but he can still be charged with a having a restricted species without a permit. The charge is a misdemeanor that carries a maximum of six months in prison. While Brown has yet to comment on the matter, his lawyer, Mark Geragos, told the site, ""As I leave my office in Downtown L.A. and walk past people sleeping on the street on my way to defend people charged by the city attorney with selling medical marijuana... Now spending taxpayer money on investigating monkey business, this completes the circle on his absurdity."" In related Chris Brown news, the singer recently teased an upcoming join project with fellow R&B crooner, Jacquees . ""@Jacquees we family so we gone fuck this r&b shit up,"" Brown wrote in a tweet accompanying a video featuring the two in the studio together." 0 "Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic Since her secretary kidney transplant last summer, Selena Gomez has become a master of defeat – but today she was all about summer fun and summer sun when she attended the premiere of the Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation Los Angeles hotel on Saturday first movie premiere in two and a half years. The last red carpet she made was for the premiere of The Fundamentals of Caring at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2016. She could be an A-Lister and a jet setter, but this is just the fourth big event that the Pop star / actress took part in 2018. For today's event, Selena chose a China-patterned crop top and rock Oscar de la Renta. She outfitted a $ 12,000 Tiffany & Co. platinum diamond hoop earrings and a $ 9,500 Tiffany & Co. diamond cross necklace that she has worn since the Met Gala last month. The only other events the ""Wolves"" singer has turned up for this year is the Met Gala, We Day California and Coach's Fall 2018 fashion show. ""So early""-@Selena Gomez when I asked her when would we hear new music pic.twitter.com/v1C8RiHPTE– Marc Malkin (@ marcmalkin) June 30, 2018 At the event, she talked about entertainment journalistMarc Malkin, it would be ""so soon"" before the fans could hear new music. Look at other celebrities attending the event who, like Molly Shannon, David Spade, Rebecca Gayheart, and more, brought their adorable Kidos! Christopher Polk / Getty Images David Spade and Harper Spaten The tender father takes his two-headed daughter to the premiere of the animated film. Christopher Polk / Getty Images Amber Rose and Sebastian Taylor Thomaz Amber Rose and her son go to the premiere on matching outfits. VALERIE MACON / AFP / Getty Images Andy Samberg The funny man looks totally cool and totally non-summery for the premiere. Christopher Polk / Getty Images Jodie Sweet and daughters Fuller House Star and her daughters Zoie Laurel May Herpin and Beatrix Carlin Sweetin Coyle visit Columbia Pictures and the Sony Pictures Animation world premiere of Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation. Christopher Polk / Getty Images Kathryn Hahn and Mae Sandler The actress and her daughter have met Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation during Mae's summer vacation! Christopher Polk / Getty Images Kendra Wilkinson, Hank Baskett IV and Alija Mary Baskett The reality star brings her two children from her marriage with Hank Baskett together with her to the family-friendly premiere. Christopher Polk / Getty Images Lonnie Chavis The This Is Us star shines at the premiere of Hotel Transylvania 3. VALERIE MACON / AFP / Getty Images Molly Shannon, Stella Shannon Chesnut The funny lady and her daughter take a seat at the premiere of the animated film on the blue carpet. Christopher Polk / Getty Images Rebecca Gayheart, Billie Beatrice Dane and Georgia Dane, Rebecca spends some time with her two daughters at the premiere of Hotel Transylvania 3. Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic Steve Howey and Sarah Shahi The longtime married couple and their children enjoy the premiere of the Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation in Los Angeles. Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic Tori spelling The reality star visits the world premiere of Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation of Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation at the Regency Village Theater. Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic Selena Gomez The pop star appears on the blue carpet at the premiere of the hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation is in theaters on July 13th. Do not miss E! Messages every weekday at 7 and 11 o'clock Leave a comment" 0 After being in limbo for three years after announcing their split in June 2015, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck‘s marriage has officially come to an end. PEOPLE confirmed the two finalized their divorce on Thursday after they met at Garner’s house with lawyers and a private judge. Get push notifications with news, features and more. The finalization came one day after news broke the actress, 46, had requested a private judge to handle the final details of their divorce, according to court documents obtained by PEOPLE. The estranged couple announced their separation after 10 years of marriage and three children together: Violet, 12, Seraphina, 9, and Samuel, 6. Affleck, 46, and Garner began dating in 2004 and married in June 2005 before simultaneously filing for divorce in April 2017. In the time between their split announcement and the divorce filing, the former couple presented a largely united front as they went through challenges together — namely, Affleck’s recent rehab stay. Garner showed her support by driving him to the treatment facility. Here’s an inside look into the former couple’s ups and downs. “The Love of My Life” Six months after the former couple announced their split, Affleck was living in the guesthouse of their family home — something that seemed to begin taking a toll. “It’s obvious many times that they both find it annoying to deal with each other,” an insider told PEOPLE at the time. “Understandably so. It’s a strange situation to live together and yet be separated.” Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck at the 2013 Academy Awards Jason Merritt/Getty “They are doing what is working for the kids,” a Garner source noted of the living set-up. For Affleck, keeping his mind on work apparently helped ease the pain of the separation. In September 2015, he was focusing on his directorial effort Live By Night and promoting Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. “He is happier and a more fulfilled person when he’s busy all day and night working,” a film source told PEOPLE. A source close to the actor added, “He is as happy as he can be in this position. I don’t think it’s that easy, and definitely not that easy to do it in the public eye.” In February 2016, Garner opened up about the ongoing divorce in an interview with Vanity Fair. While the actress called Affleck “the love of my life,” she also opened up about their marital struggles, telling the magazine, “I always say, ‘When his sun shines on you, you feel it. But when the sun is shining elsewhere, it’s cold.’ He can cast quite a shadow.” Affleck later told The New York Times, “She’s allowed to talk about it,” adding, “She felt like she wanted to discuss it and get it out there and get it over with so she could say, ‘Look, I already talked about it – I don’t want to do it again.’ ” After celebrating Easter as a family in Los Angeles that year, Affleck and Garner spent a month in Europe with their kids while he filmed Justice League, including time in London and a family getaway to Paris. “She did have the best time in Europe with Ben and the kids,” a friend of Garner’s told PEOPLE. “She seemed to enjoy spending time with Ben again.” Co-Parenting After Their Split Garner and Affleck stayed close as they continued to live and vacation together as well as co-parent their kids — while also stepping out for solo outings. Shortly after announcing the separation, the entire family jetted off to the Bahamas to spend time together. Jennifer Garner with her three children, Seraphina, Violet and Samuel at her Walk of Fame Ceremony in August Vince Flores/Startraksphoto.com The family reunited again the following month in Atlanta, Georgia, where Garner was filming Miracles from Heaven. Affleck traveled to the Southern state to celebrate his 43rd birthday with his ex and the kids. “He’s happiest when he’s with his family,” a close friend told PEOPLE at the time. In September 2015, the pair were spotted leaving a family counseling center in L.A. This marked their first visit to the center since announcing their divorce. Before their decision to separate, they attended weekly counseling sessions at the center but stopped going in the months leading to their split. A source said they chose to remain friendly for reasons beyond parenting. “It’s not just for the kids – it’s also for them,” said the source. “They care about each other.” As the family continued to step out as a unit, observers noticed that Affleck and Garner seem to be looking happier after a tumultuous summer. “His family is all [Ben] cares about. This is what makes him happy and it makes sense that he looks happier,” another source told PEOPLE. “He enjoys the time with his family and that includes Jen.” Since then, the two have worked hard at maintaining a harmonious relationship for the sake of their children. They recently took the kids to see Hello, Dolly! on Broadway in mid-July, starring family friend Victor Garber, and spent Easter together in Hawaii where Affleck was filming. On Sunday, the two stepped out at church together with their children after Affleck completed 30 days in rehab. Three days later, Affleck and Garner stepped out with the kids again for a school event on Wednesday. “He went to church on Sunday with his family,” a source told PEOPLE. The source added Affleck was smiling during the outing because the 30-day milestone means “he has reason to celebrate.” From Coinage: See Where 6 Stars Were Before They Were Famous Moving On Affleck began dating Saturday Night Live producer Lindsay Shookus in 2017. The two made their relationship public when they were spotted grabbing dinner in July 2017. The couple dated for more than a year, often taking trips together to Hawaii and Puerto Rico, where the actor was working. Affleck was even in attendance at the 2017 Emmy Awards in which Shookus, 38, took to the stage when SNL won for outstanding variety sketch series. The two spent time together at Affleck’s home in Los Angeles and were often spotted grabbing dinner around the city. In August 2018, a source told PEOPLE the two split because of the long distance between Affleck living in Los Angeles and Shookus being in New York. The two stopped being photographed together in July. Upon his return to rehab, a source close to Shookus and Affleck told PEOPLE the producer “had been supporting Ben’s sobriety and going to meetings with him.” “She had him in meditation and they were doing it together,” the source said. “His recovery was something that was very important to both of them.” Ben Affleck and Shauna Sexton Lastarpix/BACKGRID “It was very hard for her to break up with Ben, but she knew he wasn’t getting better and that it was time for her to step aside,” the source continued. “She was trying to stay as close to him as possible so that he would stay on the right path, but ultimately it just wasn’t possible. She knew she had to let him hit bottom.” Not long after their split, the actor was spotted with 22-year-old Playboy model Shauna Sexton having dinner at Nobu in Malibu. Shortly after that, the two were seen visiting a Jack in the Box drive-thru together over the weekend. In September, a source close to Affleck said he and Sexton were “just getting to know each other.“ The model has been photographed leaving the actor’s home, driving his SUV and visiting him in rehab. They were photographed together this week leaving his home as he continued rehab treatment. Entering Rehab Multiple sources told PEOPLE in August the two were close to finalizing their divorce in the weeks leading up to Affleck’s return to rehab. A source told PEOPLE the two were still “working on” their divorce: “They’ve spent quite some time figuring out what works best for them and their family.” Another source said in the days before Affleck’s trip to rehab, Garner was mostly concerned about their three children. RELATED VIDEO: Ben Affleck Reveals He Completed 40-Day Rehab Stay: ‘I Am Fighting for Myself and My Family’ “Her number one concern is the kids,” the source said, noting that Garner struggles with questions like, “Is Ben healthy enough to have custody?” Added the source: “What she ultimately cares about is his sobriety and whether she can rely on him to co-parent.” Affleck released a statement on Thursday addressing his rehab which he posted on Instagram. “The support I have received from my family, colleagues and fans means more to me than I can say. It’s given me the strength and support to speak about my illness with others,” Affleck wrote. “Battling any addiction is a lifelong and difficult struggle. Because of that, one is never really in or out of treatment. It is a full-time commitment. I am fighting for myself and my family.” If you or someone you know is in need of help, please contact the SAMHSA substance abuse helpline at 1-800-662-HELP. 0 "Get the latest from TODAY Sign up for our newsletter / Source: TODAY By Ree Hines Congratulations to Chrissy Teigen and husband John Legend. The couple just welcomed their second child to the world. And it's a boy! Teigen made the announcement via Twitter overnight, and what her tweet lacked in details, it made up for in enthusiasm. ""Somebody's herrrrrrre!"" she wrote. The brief message was followed by baby and baby bottle emoji, and it was immediately retweeted by proud pop Legend. The model mom and Grammy-winning musician first revealed they were expecting back in November — with a little help from baby No.1, their 2-year-old daughter Luna. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend have welcomed their new arrival to the world. Victor Boyko / Getty Images ""It's John's!"" Teigen hilariously captioned the video reveal. In January, the 32-year-old revealed the sex of the new arrival by simply sharing a photo of her well-dressed baby bump from the Grammys red carpet with the words ""mama and her baby boy."" Evan Agostini / AP After that, Teigen remained candid about her pregnancy (and even about her ""pregnancy nose""). And thanks to a sit down with TODAY in April, we know that she and Legend aren't the only ones who just welcomed a baby boy. Teigen explained that Luna has a love of baby dolls, saying, ""She's always changing their little diapers and burping them."" So to mark Luna's transition into big sisterhood, she has a new addition of her own. ""The day we have baby boy, she's going to receive her own little baby boy (doll) to take care of at the same time,"" Teigen told us." 0 Sing me a song of a lass that is gone Say, could that lass be I? The first time I saw the opening lyrics to Outlander’s theme song posted on a friend’s Facebook post, I thought it sounded ridiculous, way too on-the-nose to start every episode by acknowledging the series’ premise. YES WE GET IT CLAIRE YOU DISAPPEARED. That was before I actually listened to it, and watched the title sequence—and then, like Claire at Craigh na Dun, I fell hard. Now, I forbid my husband from fast-forwarding through the credits every time we watch… and considering that we’ve been bingeing a season at a time, that means I’ve got it well memorized. But why do I find this particular TV opening so compelling? The answer, I think, is that it presses all of my nerd buttons: it’s a remix of a mashup, with an excellent invocation of Rule 63. It is the platonic ideal of a TV theme song. Spoilers for Outlander seasons 1 through 3. I knew that Bear McCreary is behind so many excellent modern scores, from Battlestar Galactica and 10 Cloverfield Lane, but I did not truly appreciate his expertise until I traced the origins of the Outlander theme. Because first he started off with the tune of the 1884 folk song “The Skye Boat Song,” which is not just any random Scottish ditty, but which chronicles the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie (!) during the Battle of Culloden (!!) at the heart of the Jacobite uprising. Already, amazing season 2 synergy before the damn pilot has even started: Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing, Onward! the sailors cry; Carry the lad that’s born to be King Over the sea to Skye. Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar, Thunderclouds rend the air; Baffled, our foes stand by the shore, Follow they will not dare. And so forth. But, as Bear explained in his wonderfully detailed Behind the Music-esque blog posts, he wasn’t connecting with the original lyrics by Sir H. Boulton. It was Raya Yarbrough, the voice behind every iteration of the Outlander theme, who suggested swapping them out for Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1892 poem (same subject matter) “Sing Me a Song of a Lad That Is Gone“: Sing me a song of a lad that is gone, Say, could that lad be I? Merry of soul he sailed on a day Over the sea to Skye. Mull was astern, Rum on the port, Eigg on the starboard bow; Glory of youth glowed in his soul; Where is that glory now? And on. Except that the tiresome fop Prince Charlie, the worst character from season 2 (I said it), doesn’t deserve to narrate the opening credits. And really, Outlander isn’t about any of the men—not him, not Frank, not Black Jack, not even dear Jamie. So then Bear conjured his inner fangirl and genderswapped RSL’s poem, so instead of Bonnie Prince Charlie talking, it’s Claire. And, let’s be honest, this stanza from the poem sounds more like her than any man anyway: Billow and breeze, islands and seas, Mountains of rain and sun, All that was good, all that was fair, All that was me is gone. And it all comes together like a brilliantly remixed fanfic, or an unexpectedly inventive dish on Chopped: UGH it’s SO GOOD. When the drums pick up after all that was me is gone and she takes off through the forest? /chefskiss In the words of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton, this could be enough. BUT THEN. It’s not enough to have achieved this remix excellence and just float on your laurels for at least six seasons. Then the brilliant minds behind these credits tapped into my favorite part of golden age of TV-era openings and changed it up for every season. Just as I still have a soft spot for appointment television, I earnestly miss TV show openings that change up the footage every season. It was always a treat to start up the new season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and gawk at all of the moments to look forward to (two Xanders?? a roving monster hand? and of course, the inevitable badass Buffy pose) over the next 22 episodes. Just imagine if every season of Game of Thrones had fleeting shots of Rob Stark getting stabbed, Joffrey purple and spluttering, Cersei’s dragonfire lighting shit up… To be fair, the Game of Thrones theme is its own work of art, and fits the show: Westeros is so massive, of course we need to see the entire world from the point of view of scholars and military strategists. Also, the twists in A Song of Ice and Fire are so big that to give even a hint of them would ruin many viewers’ experiences. Outlander had to show not so much where physically Claire would wind up, but where in time—to contrast the magic of the Dance of the Druids at the standing stones with the equal magic of turning a radio dial. That said, the series still very much leans in to its predilection for choosing a new country (sometimes a new continent) for each season. To wit, season 2 saw the Frasers going to France—so Bear and co. replaced the Scottish fiddle and drums with a baroque viola de gambe and even translated a verse into French: But France was short-lived, with Jamie and Claire returning to Scotland and the fated Battle of Culloden in the latter half of the season. The folks behind the credits could have just washed their hands of it and kept to the Frenchified titles. But do you think they were content with that? OF COURSE NOT. This is war, and the military Scottish snare drums, bagpipes, and shots of shirtless Highlanders versus musket-wielding British soldiers needed to reflect that: At this point, changing the main titles every season has become an Outlander tradition. At first, season 3’s changes appear a bit subtler, but there: the radio is replaced by a flickering television, broken chains carry incredible significance, and while many of the Scottish elements remain, they’re more somber, more retrospective. Then, instead of adding or replacing something, Bear strips out the bagpipes—signifying the crushing defeat at Culloden. Seriously, every detail, every choice, is so delightfully deliberate: Thankfully, we do not linger on sadness for long. While the first half of season 2 was very classy and baroque, the latter half of season 3 is shaped by McCreary’s most out-there choice yet: “I cannot imagine any project other than Outlander that would allow me to set a soaring bagpipe melody over blistering congas!” Not unlike Hamilton’s Act 1 ending number “Non-Stop” (one of my favorites in the show), the new Outlander titles utilize congas and other Afro-Cuban influences to impressive dramatic effect. Pack your bags, kiddos, we’re going to the Caribbean: “Altering a series main title is a risky move,” McCreary wrote when it came to switching things up for season 2. “The entire point of a main title is to be consistent from episode to episode, building a relationship with the audience.” And that could be the case, but when does familiarity begin to breed monotony? Do TV audiences really have a relationship with a static title card and one beat of music, or is it just an extra two seconds to fast-forward to get to the episode at hand? Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser’s relationships are as jagged as the lines on her palm: She’s with Frank, then Jamie, then returned to Frank, then reunited with Jamie. As she jumps through time and around the world, aging and changing and conceiving in one timeline but giving birth in another, meeting old friends for the first time and rediscovering new loves, viewers must follow along her dizzying route. She, and they, need a theme song that changes with the show, that always reflects its present moment before shedding that identity and taking on a new one. Let’s bring back opening credits that match the tone of the show—the headbanging fun of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the almost-too-cheesy folksiness of Firefly’s “You Can’t Take the Sky From Me,” the quick trip through the universe afforded by Futurama. These should be the rule, not the exception—the rule being that even if you have read the books or otherwise know what to expect from your show, it can still surprise you. Natalie Zutter loves how the Outlander fans made an alternate version of the season 1 credits. Talk the best TV opening credits with her on Twitter! 0 Billy Bush‘s wife Sydney Davis has filed for divorce after months of separation. Davis cited irreconcilable differences and asked for joint legal custody and primary physical custody of two of their children, according to TMZ. Get push notifications with news, features and more. She is also requesting spousal support, the outlet reported. The two have three children together: Josie, 19; Mary, 17; and Lillie, 13. A rep for Bush did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment. The estranged couple married in April 1998 but announced their separation in September 2017 in a statement to PEOPLE: “After almost 20 years of marriage, they have separated for the moment to evaluate their life together. They love each other and their children deeply and are committed to a bright future.” Billy Bush and Sydney Davis John M. Heller/Getty Bush’s lawyer, Marshall Grossman, also confirmed their separation to PEOPLE at the time, saying the two were “on a short-term break.” Their split came nearly a year after Bush was abruptly fired from the Today show after a videotape was leaked to The Washington Post, in which then-Apprentice host Donald Trump bragged to Bush about groping women. RELATED: Billy Bush Opens Up About Rebuilding His Life After the Trump Scandal Destroyed His Career In January, Bush spoke to PEOPLE about the impact the scandal had on his career and marriage. “I was ashamed and embarrassed,” he said at the time. “And then I went through stages of grieving because I lost my career. For a man, that’s the ultimate degradation.” Billy Bush with Sydney Davis and daughters Josie, Mary and Lillie Billy Bush/Instagram The release of the tapes completely blindsided him. “I was a happy-go-lucky guy,” Bush said. “Everything is going great and I was like, ‘Hey, this is awesome!’ And then, kaboom.” RELATED: Billy Bush and Wife Sydney Davis Separating After Nearly 20 Years of Marriage Despite Bush and Davis struggling at the time, he remained hopeful that their marriage could “find its next leg” even after they experienced “difficulties” even before he began working at Today. “We got married young and had our first child right away,” he said at the time. “We’re taking a step back. We get to explore and take our time. She’s been so awesome through everything. I love her very much.” 0 Like their respectively memorable characters in 2011 rom-coms “No Strings Attached” and “Friends with Benefits,” Mila Kunis’ romance with Ashton Kutcher started casually. Kunis, 34, opened up on her relationship with her “That '70s Show” co-star Kutcher on Marc Maron’s “WTF” podcast Monday, starting with her familiarity with Kutcher’s first marriage to actress Demi Moore. “They had, like, a normal, real relationship,” the “Spy Who Dumped Me” star she told Maron. “They had three kids they were raising. It was, like, a normal life.” In “That '70s Show,” their characters shared an on-and-off romantic relationship. Nothing came of it in reality as Kutcher wed actress Demi Moore near the show’s final season. Kutcher and Moore split in 2011 and Kunis’ romantic interest began soon after. “I was looking around, and there was a really beautiful man from the back,” she said of the time she saw him at a 2012 awards show. “I was literally like, ‘Oh, he’s kinda hot.’ And then he turned around, and I was like, ‘Oh, my God, it’s Kutch.’ I thought it was the weirdest thing that I was checking this guy out, and it was someone that I had known forever.” Characteristically, it all began with no strings attached, she said. “We lived our movies out, where we were like, ‘Let’s just hook up. Let’s have fun. We’re both single. We both trust each other. Everything’s great.’ None of us wanted tension,” Kunis told Maron. Kunis could only bear their friends with benefits relationship for only so long, however. “We hooked up for three months. And just like our movies, one of us caught feelings.” Kunis’ reaction when Kutcher told her about someone he was dating was the tell-tale sign she wanted them to be something more she said. “I felt like I got punched in the gut, literally overnight,” Kunis said. “I was like … ‘Oh, my God. I love this man, and I have to walk away because this is not the agreement that we had. And so I’m going to speak up.’” As we now know, Kutcher felt the same way; he asked her to move in the next day, Kunis said. It has been all uphill from there. The couple welcomed their daughter Wyatt in October 2014, got married in July 2015 and welcomed son Dimitri in November 2016. 0 Happiness will only come to those who appreciate what they have. Brittany Kerr, being one of the famous names knows the game too well to lead a happy life. Raising above the cliche of a celeb with disruptive dating life, Kerr has been enjoying her romantic journey of married life all along. From her American Idol journey to happy marriage, Kerr has been in very few controversies living her real life more beautifully than the reel life. Her Journey in American Idol: All it took for Brittany Kerr to be an overnight sensation on American Idol was a flash of her smile and a song. She participated in the season 11 of the famous TV-reality show “American Idol” being her first time performing for an audience. No doubt she topped the first time earning herself a golden ticket from her first performance. It was a little bumpy when Jennifer Lopez voted against sending her to Hollywood. Her journey to American Idol did not last long with much more memorable marks. Modeling Career: It might not be surprising for everybody to know Brittany was a former cheerleader for the NBA’s Charlotte Bobcats from 2011 to 2012. Given her perfect physique with killer looks, she already has the photogenic charm as per her attitude. She used her charm in modeling in 2010 when she entered in Victoria’s Secret Model Search contest. She got in the top 80 and made her mark in the hearts of fans. Rough Start in the Relationship! It may not be the best start for Brittany’s dating life, to begin with. She had to deal with the labels of ‘homewrecker’ making her delete her twitter account. It was the year of 2012 when her then-boyfriend, Jason Aldean was seen flirting romantically Brittany at The Den on the Sunset Strip. Jason was already married to Jessica Aldean sharing two daughters. For one way or another, Brittany’s love started when it ended for Jessica as for many spectators. Married with Three years Boyfriend! Jason Aldean might have passed the 2012’s pub flirtation as a drunken mistake only to weave another fairytale of its own. Though Brittany’s entry was fuel for Jason’s divorce with his ex-wife, the duo, Brittany and Jason turns out best for each other. They didn’t hesitate to make the relationship official with their wedding in 2015. She married her boyfriend of 3 years, Jason Aldean following a six-month-long engagement. Welcomed a Child into the Family! The happy family did not leave any room to share their happiness with all the fans waiting. They took the day of May 8, 2017, to announce their first child and pregnancy news on social media. Caption - Brittany Kerr's pregnancy news Source - Instagram Jason became a dad once more with a son, Memphis on Dec 1, 2017. The couple had turned their bundles of love into a beautiful child with the name of pure country perfection. Brittany has walked a long way from the alleged girlfriend to the mother in her love journey. Caption - Brittany Kerr with her newborn baby Source - Instagram How much is Brittany’s Net Worth? Brittany has a perfect life with every kind of happiness a person asks for. In case of her net worth, she enjoys the estimated amount of $80 million from her husband, Jason Aldean. Short Bio: The American singer was born on June 19, 1988, in North Carolina, the USA making her the age of 29 years old. Standing at the height of 5’5”, Brittany has good physique with a surprise of the first degree black belt. She belongs to white ethnicity. The aspiring daughter of father Donald Kerr and mother Debbie Kerr, she has Hunter Kerr as her sibling brother. Her wiki suggests that she attended South Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, North Carolina. She followed her further education at the University of Alabama but transferred to the University of North Carolina. She holds the graduation degree in Human Environmental Science. 0 Justin Timberlake promises no wardrobe malfunctions at the 2018 Super Bowl halftime show. Justin was asked if NFL executives touched on his last halftime show mishap with Janet Jackson and he said, 0 "Pepsi is pulling its Kendall Jenner ad after the spot drew a torrent of criticism, including complaints that the ad was not only clumsily executed but that it co-opted protest movements such as Black Lives Matter for commercial gain. The ad had been planned to run globally across TV and digital. ""Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding. Clearly we missed the mark, and we apologize,"" the brand said in a statement. ""We did not intend to make light of any serious issue. We are removing the content and halting any further rollout. We also apologize for putting Kendall Jenner in this position."" Pepsi had stood by the widely mocked ad as recently as last evening when the brand issued a statement saying that the global ad ""reflects people from different walks of life coming together in a spirit of harmony, and we think that's an important message to convey."" But a majority of people who weighed in on the ad on social media disagreed. Through 5 a.m. ET today, 77% of digital content engagement around the phrase ""tone-deaf"" mentioned both Kendall Jenner and Pepsi, according to marketing technology company Amobee, which monitors digital content. The spot was created by PepsiCo's in-house content creation arm, Creators League Studio. The studio's business model is to bring in writers, art directors, cinematographers and other talent on an as-needed basis. Credits on the Kendall Jenner ad include Pete Kasko as creative director, Michael Bernard as director, and film production by Picture Farm. The studio is overseen by Brad Jakeman, president of PepsiCo's global beverage group; and Kristin Patrick, senior VP-global brand development. Mr. Jakeman had praised the ad on Twitter on Tuesday morning shortly after it was released, saying he was ""super proud of the @PepsiCo #CreatorsLeague for producing this,"" but the tweet has since been deleted. Opinions on the spot came from just about everywhere, including celebrities, ad agencies, and publications ranging from Esquire -- which bashed the spot as ""almost surreal in its thoughtlessness"" -- to The Federalist, which used the backlash to take a shot at millennials with this headline: ""Pepsi's New Kendall Jenner Ad Is Everything That's Wrong With Millennials."" Even a Coke ad agency weighed in, as a tweet from W&K's London's account (run by Managing Director Neil Christie) cited an article from British newspaper The Independent, asking, ""Is this actually the worst ad of all time?"" Is this actually the worst ad of all time? https://t.co/YJfwvBUF5C pic.twitter.com/LGEB4mRtkf — Wieden+Kennedy (@W2Optimism) April 5, 2017 Industry professionals have unabashedly criticized the ad. ""I understand what they were trying to do: They had data that probably said 75% of millennials consider themselves activists, or whatever that data piece was, so we are going to embrace the idea of activism,"" Benjamin Blank, CEO and chief creative officer at Uproxx Media Group, said in an interview. But Pepsi misfired by taking a ""very broad-stroke approach as opposed to standing for something. It's like standing for love or happiness, that's not really a stance."" He added: ""If Kendall Jenner actually did something that was meaningful and they documented that and supported that, that would probably be something that would make more sense for the brand as opposed to paying her whatever they paid her to appear in a scripted piece of content that was not based in any true meaning."" Veteran commercials and music video director Joseph Kahn went on a certifiable Twitter rant: Here is my reaction to the Kendall Jenner Pepsi ad: NO THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING — Joseph Kahn (@JosephKahn) April 4, 2017 Kendall Jenner modeling in front of a protest and then giving a cop a Pepsi. WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT OF THIS? THE AD WORLD JUST ENDED ITSELF. — Joseph Kahn (@JosephKahn) April 4, 2017 Pack it up people. Our industry is done. — Joseph Kahn (@JosephKahn) April 4, 2017 I've been studying commercials for 30 years. Kendall's Pepsi ad is legitimately the worst one I've ever seen. — Joseph Kahn (@JosephKahn) April 4, 2017 And he's not alone in his soul-searching, as evident in this Reddit thread in which a number of creative professionals discuss how the ad has given them second thoughts about their industry. The ad does have at least one remaining supporter, Kendall's mom, Kris Jenner, who tweeted on Tuesday: ""So proud of you @kendalljenner! Thank you @pepsi for choosing Kendall to be the face of your new campaign!"" But Ms. Jenner deleted her tweet shortly after Pepsi pulled the ad." 1 She's the queen of social media clap backs. And on Tuesday, Chrissy Teigen cleverly dissed a Twitter troll who deemed her recent Glamour cover 'awful.' 'Thank you, Heidi. In the future I will try harder to be the best cover model. if you could please send me specific tips and tricks (or past covers you've shot for reference) that would be so awesome,' she wrote. Clap back: Chrissy Teigen is one of Glamour's 2018 Women Of The Year honorees. And on Tuesday, the 32-year-old model cleverly dissed a Twitter troll who deemed her recent Glamour cover 'awful' Teigen's cover shot featured her in an oversized, white sweater and a mesh green skirt. Her glam included slicked back hair and au natural makeup. The Twitter troll, otherwise known as @heidikoz1, did not approve of the chosen image. 'This photo of you is quite frankly, awful,' she wrote. 'At first glance I didn’t recognize you. I know you don’t give a d**n, but girl if you’re going to be magazine cover material, make it worth it.' What's not to like? Teigen's cover shot featured her in an oversized, white sweater and a mesh green skirt. Her glam included slicked back hair and au natural makeup Chrissy is one of Glamour's 2018 Women Of The Year honorees. She was named The Influencer for her relatability, candor, and generosity. 'Honored to be one of Glamour’s Women of the Year amongst other women I admire and adore so much,' she wrote on Instagram. 'I am not worthy but I will continue to try to make you laugh, give love through food, and wad the panties of a******s trying to keep you down.' Ironic: The Twitter troll is clearly a fan of Teigen's. She bought her new cookbook Cravings: Hungry For More on October 11 The wife of John Legend boasts more than 20.9 million followers on Instagram, as well as more than 10.7 million on Twitter. In an interview with CBS Sunday Morning, Teigen talked about her influencer status. 'I wear my heart on sleeve, I'm very vocal, I'm very spur of the moment,' she said. 'I think people on social media are my friends. Is that so weird?' 0 "Clinton said, ""African-Americans are more likely to be arrested by police and sentenced to longer prison terms for doing the same thing that whites do.""The research suggests that when you compare what happens to black and whites who are engaging in the same illegal activity and have the same criminal history, African Americans are more likely to be arrested, more likely to face tougher charges, and more likely to receive longer sentences than their caucasian counterparts.We rate the claim as True." 0 Click For Photo: http://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2017811/rs_600x600-170911073359-600.819082688-Olivia-Culpo-All-Black.jpg?downsize=450:*&crop=450:350;left,top Aren't you tired of squeezing, jumping and wiggling to get into your jeans? Thankfully, celebs like Olivia Culpo and Joan Smalls are bringing attention to a comfortable and on-trend denim style: wide-leg jeans. These pairs of jeans look just how they sound—the width of the legs, from the thigh to the... (Excerpt) Read more at: E! Online 50 Top Stories Breaking Now! Where The World Finds Its News - LongRoom News! Wake Up To Breaking News! SUBMIT Aren't you tired of squeezing, jumping and wiggling to get into your jeans?Thankfully, celebs like Olivia Culpo and Joan Smalls are bringing attention to a comfortable and on-trend denim style: wide-leg jeans. These pairs of jeans look just how they sound—the width of the legs, from the thigh to the... The only change you ever get from the goverment is what's in your pocket, and worth less every day. 0 Claro, muy triste. Las tratan de ofrecer maravillas y mira a lo que llegan. Aunque hay que ver, pues muchas veces le ponen cosas en los mismos aeropuertos en las maletas y a pasado. Veremos que dira ella mas tarde, pero sera horrible en otro pais y en una carcel ️ 1 Olympic gymnast Simone Biles is used to flipping and twisting her way to victory on the mats - but now the gold medal winner has fallen head over heels for another reason entirely. The 20-year-old has confirmed a romance with fellow gymnast Stacey Ervin, taking to Instagram on Monday to post a sweet tribute to her new boyfriend. Alongside an image of the couple sharing a tender embrace, Simone, who trains at the same gym as Stacey in Texas, posted the caption: 'Always smiling with you.' Head over heels! Simon Biles has confirmed her romance with fellow gymnast Stacey Ervin Awwww! 'Always smiling with you,' the 20-year-old Olympian captioned a photo of the cute couple staring at each other on a balcony And it seems Simone is not the only one ready to shout about the romance from the rooftops. Ervin let slip the secret about their relationship a day before on his own account, after accompanying Simone to her induction into the Gymnastics Hall Of Fame. 'Words cannot express how incredibly proud I am of you, all you've accomplished and how well you carry yourself,' he wrote alongside a picture of the couple at the ceremony, smiling with their arms around each other. 'You make me feel like I am the luckiest man alive. Congratulations on your induction to the USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame!' He added: 'I can't wait to see what the future has in store.' It is not the first time that Simone has featured on her boyfriend's account, however, and vice versa. Earlier this month, Simone and Ervin posted pictures of themselves posing with a group of friends at a Bryson Tiller concert in Houston, Texas, with neither choosing to tag their significant other in the post, no doubt keen to keep their relationship under wraps for a little longer. Young love: Earlier this month, both Simone and her Stacey (center) posted images of themselves at a Bryson Tiller concert with a group of friends Secret: Neither Simone or Stacey chose to tag their significant other in the image, which were taken in Houston, Texas, no doubt keen to maintain some privacy around their relationship Five-time Olympic medalist Simone opened up about her love life in an interview with ET earlier this year, admitting she had 'never had a boyfriend in [her] life'. 'At 20 years old I feel like you should have gone through those things and gone on dates,' she said. 'I have been on like, maybe one proper date.' Simone, who earned four gold medals and one bronze at the Rio Olympics last summer, previously did not have much time to devote to dating due to her rigorous training schedule, which keeps her busy six days a week. But her budding romance wasn't the only exciting element of the weekend for Simone, who was reunited with her fellow Final Five members of the 2016 Olympics team, both at the Hall of Fame ceremony and the P&G Championships in Anaheim, California. Simone shared some pics with her former team members at the induction, posing alongside Madison Kocian, Laurie Hernandez and Aly Raisman. Olympians: Simone also shared some pics with her fellow Final Five members at the induction, Aly Raisman (left), Laurie Hernandez (center left), and Madison Kocian (center right) Flying high: Simone let slip over the weekend that she has returned to the gym, suggesting that she may have her sights set on a spot in the 2020 Olympic team Winner: Stacey attended the University of Michigan, where he competed as a member of the men's artistic gymnastics team The fifth member of the team, Gabby Douglas, did not attend the ceremony, having already been inducted into the Hall of Fame after competing in the 2012 Olympics, where she won the all-around gold medal which Simone clinched four years later. However Gabby and the rest of the Final Five were reunited at the national gymnastics championships over the weekend, where they supported and cheered on the next generation of gymnasts. Having taken a break from gymnastics for the past year - during which time she competed on Dancing With the Stars - Simone revealed over the weekend that she has returned to the gym, sparking speculation that she is training for a spot on the 2020 Olympic team. Competition will be even fiercer for the next wave of Olympic hopefuls however; it was revealed during the 2016 Games that the team numbers would be reduced from five to four, meaning there is one less spot available on the squad. Simone, who is arguably the most successful individual US female gymnast in the program's history, will no doubt be hoping to repeat the success of her teammates Gabby and Aly, who successful returned to their second Olympics in 2016, having already won gold in London in 2012. 0 "As much of the country is tracking the arrival of Hurricane Harvey, the Trump administration has taken the term “Friday news dump” to a new level — and the president is getting ripped for it. Around 8 p.m. ET, the White House announced that Trump granted a presidential pardon to former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Announced two days after the president’s rally in Phoenix, the pardon comes before Arpaio, who spoke at last year’s Republican National Convention, has even been sentenced following his July conviction of criminal contempt for disregarding a court order in a racial profiling case. In defense of the move, the administration is citing Arpaio’s long history of military and law enforcement service. Trump's Arpaio pardon comes in the middle of a Cat-4 hurricane making landfall on a Friday night: pic.twitter.com/rYNjRQ5iu1 — Abby D. Phillip (@abbydphillip) August 26, 2017 I am pleased to inform you that I have just granted a full Pardon to 85 year old American patriot Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He kept Arizona safe! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 26, 2017 The Arpaio pardon comes on the heels of Trump officially putting into place his ban of transgender people serving in the military, and simultaneously, as controversial White House aide Sebastian Gorka resigned. Many celebrities and political figures strongly criticized the moves and their timing on social media, calling the president a “racist,” “monster,” and “disgusting.” “Transgender Ban & Arpaio pardon on the same day, hiding behind the news of Hurricane Harvey,” tweeted House of Cards creator Beau Willimon. “@realDonaldTrump is a hateful, cowardly menace.” Transgender Ban & Arpaio pardon on the same day, hiding behind the news of Hurricane Harvey. @realDonaldTrump is a hateful, cowardly menace. https://t.co/u2NxsXMYXi — Beau Willimon (@BeauWillimon) August 26, 2017 Read more reactions below. Thank you @realdonaldtrump for seeing my conviction for what it is: a political witch hunt by holdovers in the Obama justice department! — Joe Arpaio (@RealSheriffJoe) August 26, 2017 Pardon Cosby next. He kept America amused. Then pardon Manson. He wrote some good songs. Then OJ. He got a lot of yards https://t.co/24l6dLPk0q — Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) August 26, 2017 He's an anti-American racist and so are you. https://t.co/ES7CR95yBS — Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) August 26, 2017 The President is a 71 year-old racist who, during a hurricane, pardoned an 85 year-old racist sheriff who'd been convicted of being racist. — Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) August 26, 2017 TRUMP HURRICANE PREP: 1. Seal windows 2. Ban Trans people from military for no reason 3. Pardon asshole racist 4. End DACA 5. Fill bathtub — Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) August 26, 2017 Both of these men are monsters. https://t.co/AA2WmKomV7 — Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) August 26, 2017 Today's headline: Trump pardons Arpaio. Tomorrow's headline: Pence pardons Trump. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 26, 2017 Presidential pardons should not be rewards for bad behavior and discrimination. Granting a pardon to Joe Arpaio is shameful and appalling. — Sen. Al Franken (@SenFranken) August 26, 2017 The thousands of people terrorized and brutalized by Arpaio's illegal actions deserve justice. No one in America should live in fear. — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) August 26, 2017 Joe Arpaio is a convicted criminal who has blatantly violated the civil rights of Latinos & attacked the rule of lawhttps://t.co/fTjSceigGQ — Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) August 24, 2017 DT, not to be upstaged by an act of God,announces future ban of transgenders from military & pardons Arpaio. DT-a truly hateful human being. — Rob Reiner (@robreiner) August 26, 2017 What else will happen. Are we at war with North Korea yet? https://t.co/PkjXmHtk4I — Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) August 26, 2017 Gorka resigned! But also Trump shamelessly pardoned Arpaio. Bit from column A, bit from column B. — Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) August 26, 2017 I'll rephrase; I didn't think people would *let* him do his. — Timothy Simons (@timothycsimons) August 26, 2017 A Disgusting Racist Disgrace. https://t.co/wT2cPrsBeu — Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) August 26, 2017 ""Make sure we announce pardon after hurricane hits land, but before first casualty. That's the sweet spot."" @realDonaldTrump — Mike Scully (@scullymike) August 26, 2017 With his pardon of Arpaio, President Trump has chosen lawlessness over justice, division over unity, hurt over healing. — ACLU National (@ACLU) August 26, 2017 Trump's pardon of Joe Arpaio is revolting. Read this: https://t.co/tYmppmt35d — Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) August 26, 2017 The good news – Trump hadn't done anything crazy for almost 3 days. — Bill Simmons (@BillSimmons) August 26, 2017 So Trump pardoned racist convicted criminal Joe Arpaio and signed a transgender military ban, with a monster hurricane as cover… pic.twitter.com/RPwREqDIeW — Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) August 26, 2017 No coincidence Gorka resigns and Arpaio gets pardoned same night. The base was not going to like the 1st. So he threw them a bone on 2nd. — Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) August 26, 2017 In last 2 weeks, Trump has stood with Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, anti-transgender folks, and now a racial profiler, civil rights abuser. — Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) August 26, 2017" 1 Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards‘ wife Mackenzie Standifer Edwards celebrated Halloween with a very special little pumpkin by her side! In celebration of the spooky holiday on Wednesday, Mackenzie shared a smiling photo of herself standing beside 10-year-old stepson Bentley — dressed up in a No. 24 football uniform, which he also wore last year — and a stroller carrying her little one, whose face is covered by a pumpkin emoji. Get push notifications with news, features and more. She also gave an update on her husband, who checked into rehab earlier this month, according to Us Weekly. When an Instagram user asked if Ryan was still in rehab, Mackenzie said, “He is doing SO good. Proud of him!” Mackenzie Edwards/Instagram Mackenzie gave birth to the couple’s first child — son Jagger Ryan Edwards — on Oct. 9, PEOPLE confirms. He weighed 7 lbs. and 1 oz., according to Radar Online. Jagger is Mackenzie’s second child. She also has son Hudson, 4, from a previous relationship. PEOPLE is out to MTV for comment. RELATED: Teen Mom‘s Ryan Edwards Takes ‘Full Accountability’ After Arrest: ‘I Messed Up’ The reality TV pair secretly tied the knot before Ryan, who shares Bentley with Teen Mom OG‘s Maci Bookout, headed to rehab back in May 2017, and they exchanged vows at a church ceremony in November 2017. In an April episode of Teen Mom OG, Mackenzie confirmed her pregnancy when she showed a positive test to producer Jeni, who quickly hugged and congratulated her. When asked if her husband was happy, Mackenzie said, “[He] was so excited, he couldn’t contain himself.” Throughout her pregnancy, Mackenzie shared shots of her growing baby bump to Instagram. In July, Mackenzie shared a sweet snap in which she sat under a blanket and rested her hand on top of her bump as Ryan’s hand touched the lower part of her stomach. “Happiness is H•O•M•E•M•A•D•E,” she captioned the photo. Teen Mom OG airs Mondays (9 p.m. ET) on MTV. 0 Why are you closing? 1 "Celine Dion, Kerry Washington and more celebrities recently wore purple to show their support for the #SpiritDay campaign. On Thursday, the celebrities celebrated Spirit Day, a national day of support for LGBTQ youth, by wearing purple and speaking out against bullying. ""Chrisley Knows Best"" star Todd Chrisley took to Instagram to share a message of support for the LGBTQ community while wearing a purple sweatshirt. ""Today's the day! Show your support for LGBT youth,"" he wrote in the caption. ""Scandal"" star Kerry Washington also posted her own contribution to the Spirit Day festivities on Instagram and encouraged everyone to do the same. ""Join me and go purple and take a stand against bullying for #SpiritDay. Stand up for LGBT youth and #ChooseKindness,"" she wrote in the caption. Aside from the two, E! News noted that Elizabeth Banks, Steve Howey, Emilie De Ravin, Adam Lambert, Darren Criss, Hailee Steinfeld, Courtney Love, Tinashe and Celine Dion also showed their support for Spirit Day. The ""Beauty and the Beast"" singer shared a clip of herself performing ""Purple Rain"" on Facebook. ""Let it rain purple on #SpiritDay"" as we take a stand together against bullying and to support LGBTQ youth,"" Dion's post read. On Wednesday, Love, Steinfeld, Lambert, Selena Gomez and Troye Sivan were among the celebrities who took part at GLAAD's (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) fundraising concert at Los Angeles' The Sayers Club. The event raised money and awareness for Spirit Day. ""When you have the president of the United States saying that the vice president wants to hang gay people, when a flier showed up on a university campus today that told gay people that they should just kill themselves, with an image of someone hanging themselves, it's bad out there and we get to come here together to celebrate the progress that we've made but also to shine a light for those that may be voiceless at this time and feel alone and isolated,"" GLAAD president Sarah Kate Ellis said during the show (via The Hollywood Reporter). Justin Tranter, the popular songwriter behind some of Gomez's, Britney Spears' and Justin Bieber's hit songs, was also present at the event. He hosted the concert and performed the top-40 singles that he has written for the other artists. Tranter raised over $100,000 for the organization during the event. ""We need to raise as much money as we can tonight to protect the kids out there that don't have the privilege of safety that I did,"" Tranter said." 0 "A self-proclaimed “Guardian of the Galaxy” received an out of this world response from NASA after applying for a position. A self-proclaimed ""Guardian of the Galaxy"" received an out of this world response from NASA after applying for a position with the space agency. This week, 9-year-old Jack Davis of New Jersey wrote a letter to NASA to apply for planetary protection officer, a position that has been around since the 1960s. ""My name is Jack Davis and I would like to apply for the planetary protection officer job,"" the fourth-grader wrote in a letter. ""I may be nine, but I think I would be fit for the job."" Davis also listed a few of his qualifications for the open position, one of them being that his sister calls him an alien. ""I have seen almost all the space and alien movies I can see,"" he explained. ""I have also seen the show Marvel Agents of Shield and hope to see the movie Men in Black."" NASA replied to the letter and Davis even got a call from Planetary Research Director Jonathan Rall. In the letter, the space agency congratulated Davis on his interest and gave him a brief description of the position. ""It's about protecting Earth from tiny microbes when we bring back samples from the Moon, asteroids and Mars. It's also about protecting other planets and moons from our germs as we responsibly explore the Solar System,"" Dr. James L Green, director of NASA's Planetary Science Division, wrote. Green also wrote that he hopes Davis continues to study and do well in school, and hopes to see him at NASA in the future." 0 "Immigration reform was a major component of President Barack Obama's campaign platform. He promised to secure the border, crack down on employers who hire undocumented immigrants, and provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.While watching ABC's This Week as part of our fact-checking partnership with the show, we learned of a promise that we hadn't heard before. During the campaign, then-candidate Obama was interviewed by Univision's Jorge Ramos, a prominent voice within the Latin American community. During that interview, Obama said he would pursue immigration reform aggressively. ""I cannot guarantee that it is going to be in the first 100 days,"" Obama said. ""But what I can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that I strongly support and that I'm promoting. And I want to move that forward as quickly as possible.""We checked our database of promises, and found that that while we did have promises from Obama on immigration reform, we missed this one with its specific deadline. So we're adding it, along with a rating.Obama set a timetable for this promise, saying he would ""strongly support"" an immigration bill in his first year. But, well into his second year, no comprehensive immigration reform measure supported by Obama has been introduced in Congress.We searched his speeches on VoteSmart.org and found numerous mentions of immigration reform. In April 2009, in response to a question about the one-year deadline, he said that he saw the ""process moving this first year."" In June 2009, he assigned Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to begin putting together a comprehensive immigration reform framework. Finally, in September 2009, he said that he anticipated ""that before the year is out we will have draft legislation, along with sponsors potentially in the House and the Senate who are ready to move this forward, and when we come back next year, that we should be in a position to start acting.""Alas, the year came to an end with no Obama-endorsed bill in sight. On December 15, 2009, Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez introduced a bill of his own, but a spokesman for the Center for Immigration Studies said that Obama administration has not promoted or publicly supported Gutierrez's bill.Over the course of 2010, Obama continued to push for immigration reform in his speeches. He mentioned it in his State of the Union address and announced in March that Senators Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., finished working on a bipartisan framework ""to fix our broken immigration system."" That was followed by a release of a 26-page immigration reform proposal in April, which the President called a ""a very important step.""Finally, Obama reiterated his call for bipartisan reform in a major speech at American University on July 1, 2010. ""In recent days, the issue of immigration has become once more a source of fresh contention in our country, with the passage of a controversial law in Arizona and the heated reactions we""ve seen across America. Some have rallied behind this new policy. Others have protested and launched boycotts of the state. And everywhere, people have expressed frustration with a system that seems fundamentally broken,"" said Obama.Obama promised to strongly support a comprehensive immigration reform bill that would be introduced during his first year in office. As president, he has repeatedly called for reform and several immigration-related bills are pending in Congress. But we're well into the second year of Obama's presidency, and all that we've seen are proposals and frameworks, no actual bills. Unless the White House has a time machine that we don't know about, this is a Promise Broken." 0 Can you believe your favorite diva Gwen Stefani is 48 years old? Time really flies. Since she rose up to the limelight, she has been quite busy making her fans happy. Her journey to fame was a long and turbulent one, and so was her love life. After one unsuccessful marriage, the artist has been dating country music artist Blake Shelton since 2015. The happy couple met on The Voice US. Although they got engaged, there have been rumors that Gwen called off the wedding because of ‘cheating rumors’. But, is this even true? You are about to find out in detail. Gwen Stafani is an iconic figure in the world of music and show business, but how did she become so famous and adored? It was actually a long journey for her. Gwen Renée Stefani was born on October 3, 1969, and she is not only a singer. Stefani is also a fashion designer, actress, and television personality! Remember her band No Doubt? That was her first start. Gwen was the co-creator and the lead singer of the band. The band rose to fame in the mid-90s when they released their hit album Tragic Kingdom in 1995. Their hits included Just a Girl, Don’t Speak, Hey Baby and It’s My Life! She soon found love in 1995, when she met Gavin on tour. They got married in 2002. Sadly, they divorced in 2016. The couple has three children, but after 14 years of marriage, they divorced because of “irreconcilable differences”. Rumor had it what Gavin cheated on her with their nanny, Australian lady Mindy Mann. In March of 2016, Gavin opened up about the breakdown in his relationship. He added that their divorce caused him “a lot of pain and sadness”. Gavin said in an interview: “It really teaches you perspective on life. It’s really health, happiness, and safety. After that, I don’t know what there is other than that.” After the divorce, Gwen found love once again. She has been dating artist Blake Shelton since 2015. They have been together for almost three years now. There was also a pregnancy rumor in 2017. According to Auntyacid, a source said: “They will get married one day but right now they are hyper-focused on getting pregnant. They believe there is still a chance for Gwen [to fall pregnant]. They are incredibly hopeful. Gwen and Blake started talking quickly about having a baby, but starting a family has not been easy for them. It’s something that they really want and it’s just not working out the way they wanted it to.” The source goes on: “Blake told Gwen he does want kids of his own and Gwen was willing to try. With her, Blake has the exact relationship and family life he’d hoped to have with Miranda. Gwen’s everything he wants. They are so committed to one another.” The pair then got engaged. But after months of planning and thinking about having the wedding in June, Gwen allegedly called the wedding off. The rumors said that the mother-of-three called it off after worrying that Shelton had been unfaithful. According to a source, this confrontation caused a huge fight, and Gwen said there won’t be a wedding. The singer allegedly started feeling insecure and was bothered by the closeness of Blake and last year’s The Voice winner Chloe Kohanski. Chloe was on Blake’s team, and Gwen saw more than a student-teacher relationship in them. A source went on to explain: “She started panicking about all the details — and about her future with Blake. Gwen and Blake had a massive fight and Gwen called off the wedding.” “Gwen feels as if she loves Blake more than Blake loves her right now. She told Blake all about her insecurities and how she couldn’t handle another heartbreaking divorce because of trust issues she needs to face.” Sources also claim that now they are trying to work things out. “Most friends believe they will still walk down the aisle someday, but Gwen and Blake have some things to work on first. Trust is important and this isn’t the right time for a dream wedding. The last thing Gwen or Blake wants is another divorce.” However, according to the rumor-busting website, Gossip Cop, these rumors are false! The website claims that Stefani and Shelton are not at war over Kohanski and that Stef’s rep told them the wedding is not off. According to the rep, the couple’s relationship is not “on the rocks.” The site also adds that Chloe has a boyfriend. The outlet also claims that Gwen isn’t insecure at all. Fans simply don’t know who to believe right now, but one thing is for sure. Gwen and Blake are still together, and the pair went on a family holiday just before the new year. They spent some quality time together with Gwen’s kids. Blake even taught them how to drive in a field full of mud! Moreover, they have also been spotted on a holiday in Mexico. Gwen uploaded a photo to Instagram on the 18th of January and it all looks pretty well between these two. Blake is also set to perform at Luke Bryan’s Crash My Playa concert series. The event takes place at the Riviera Maya in Mexico. It seems like these two are having the time of their lives. Here is Gwen with her kids having a great time. 1 Having teenagers act as figureheads for a movement has a certain quality that has not gone unnoticed in the wake of the March for Our Lives rally on Saturday.Judge too harshly, and you are attacking a kid who has balanced trauma with homework. Amplifying students such as Emma González has injected optimism among liberal activists in the grinding debate about the role of guns in society.[How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet]González, 18, has been at the flash point of this dynamic, appearing in newspapers, on magazine covers and in a prominent spot at the anchor rally in Washington, where her speech, which included a prolonged silence, lasted as long as the six minutes it took a gunman at her high school in Parkland, Fla., to kill 17 people on Valentine’s Day.Gun-control advocates have held up González as a figurehead of the movement, splashing her trademark shaved head on T-shirts and viral images.Then, there is another viewpoint of her activism.A doctored animation of González tearing the U.S. Constitution in half circulated on social media during the rally, after it was lifted from a Teen Vogue story about teenage activists. In the real image, González is ripping apart a gun-range target.[NRA host taunts Parkland teens: ‘No one would know your names’ if classmates were still alive]The doctored image mushrooming across social media appeared to confirm the belief among Second Amendment absolutists that calls for stricter gun-control measures are transgressive, destroying the very foundation of the United States.The animation bounced around conservative Twitter before it received a signal boost Saturday from actor Adam Baldwin.He tweeted to a quarter of a million followers with a hashtag reading “#Vorwärts!” — the German word for “forward” and an apparent reference to the Hitler Youth, whose march song included the word.Not gonna happen. pic.twitter.com/4kKBcSqdCl — Gab: Free Speech Social Network (@getongab) March 24, 2018Gab, the Twitter-like social network that is a popular refuge for the alt-right, tweeted the animation on Saturday to more than 100,000 followers, then hours later asserted it was “satire.” It racked up more than 1,200 retweets. The still images, looking more sophisticated than the glitchy animation, went further, appearing to be taken as legitimate by some conservative-minded Twitter users.The pushback seems to have gained more traction than the original images, although that means the original images are also spread wider.Donald Moynihan, a professor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, debunked the altered image, saying in a tweet: “Just a sample of what NRA supporters are doing to teenagers who survived a massacre (real picture on the right),” referencing a user named “Linda NRA Supporter” who posted the photo and whose account has since been suspended.Justy a sample of what NRA supporters are doing to teenagers who survived a massacre (real picture on the right). pic.twitter.com/czX7IHD8ur — Don Moynihan (@donmoyn) March 25, 2018Moynihan’s tweet keyed on an idea: Public moments by the Parkland students are being scrutinized and stretched to either bolster or tear down arguments on social media, built on the traditional debates made around the dinner table.Generally, one form of criticism of González and fellow students such as David Hogg, 17, has focused on their ages.They are too naive and young to grasp the extent of how money, politics and policy intersect, the argument goes. It was cemented in the right’s criticism of Hogg’s insistence that clear backpacks would infringe on civil rights.The online effort to defuse Hogg has paid off. The first “top news” video that appears in a YouTube search for “David Hogg” is a takedown from conservative outlet the Blaze. “It’s hard to not just go after this kid,” host Pat Gray said in the video published Saturday, describing Hogg.[How conspiracy theories about the Parkland attack enter the mainstream]Other elements of González have been used in an attempt to discredit her, online and off.For instance, some in conservative circles have circulated images calling attention to a Cuban flag sewn to her jacket.“Emma Gonzales, wearing the flag of an authoritarian communist nation. Makes sense, they both hate an armed citizenry,” one meme shared on Reddit’s conservative page r/TheDonald. It was shared on social media through variations of the theme, including one by conservative commentator Andrew Wilkow. González’s father migrated from Cuba to the United States.As The Post’s Samantha Schmidt reported, the flag came under attack Sunday from the campaign of Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa).“This is how you look when you claim Cuban heritage yet don’t speak Spanish and ignore the fact that your ancestors fled the island when the dictatorship turned Cuba into a prison camp, after removing all weapons from its citizens; hence their right to self defense,” said a post on King’s campaign page on Facebook. The post also included a photo of González at the podium Saturday.A self-identified conservative Parkland student also has been buttressed by the right, which thinks he identifies with its politics — a de facto foil to his classmates. Kyle Kashuv, 16, visited President Trump and five Republican U.S. senators just three weeks after the killings to offer alternatives in the debate.“The initial movement, in its purest form, was amazing. It got corrupted because now it’s represented as anti-gun and anti-NRA. ‘Boycott this, boycott that.’ It’s detracting from the actual discussions,” Kashuv told The Post’s Dan Zak about the work of his classmates.Since then, Kashuv has been an occasional guest on Fox News Channel, sometimes calling for middle ground with fellow classmates and among those who disagree in the debate. Kashuv has echoed critics on the right that a focus on law-enforcement failures, not gun laws, is the way forward.But he has also targeted his classmates on the conservative media circuit.Hogg’s comments at the rally were “egregious and inflammatory,” Kashuv said on Fox News on Saturday, and he has criticized Hogg numerous times on Twitter. On Sunday, Kashuv challenged classmate Cameron Kasky to a debate. His argument has been bolstered by the NRA, which has published videos decrying Hogg’s use of explicit language and suggesting his activist peers would be unknown if their classmates were still alive, saved by a gun-carrying officer.Conservatives, who have often asserted that high school students have limited understanding and legitimacy in the gun debate, have taken a shine to the Parkland student.“You will include Kyle Kashuv in your story, yes?” Baldwin asked The Post in a direct message on Twitter.Abby Ohlheiser contributed to this report, which has been updated.Read more:Rep. Steve King’s campaign ties Parkland’s Emma González to ‘communist’ CubaWhy Paul McCartney marched: ‘One of my best friends was killed in gun violence’300 students share their thoughts on how to make schools safeMeet the young protesters opposing gun violence, face to face 1 Newlyweds Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have had quite the day. May 19's royal wedding has easily been one of the year's biggest events, not to mention a huge moment in the history of bridal fashion and beauty. Now, nearly 12 hours into the day, the couple can finally put their feet up. Just kidding; they're off to a royal evening reception at Frogmore House, a location that's undoubtedly less awesome than its name, where they'll celebrate with family, friends, and fellow royals. For this, Markle changed into a reception dress that's just as divine as her ceremony gown. The freshly married couple exited Windsor Castle, each having switched to a brand-new look. Both Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and Meghan Markle, now the Duchess of Sussex, looked less formal than in the chapel earlier, but still just as classic and sophisticated. Markle's reception dress, a long white gown made of silk crepe by British designer Stella McCartney, featured a halter-style neckline and the same type of effortless elegance as every other element of the bride's wedding-day look. Steve Parsons/WPA Pool/Getty Images Harry, on the other hand, changed out of his official frockcoat uniform and into a classic black tuxedo, complete with a black bowtie around his neck and an adorable just-married grin across his face. Steve Parsons/WPA Pool/Getty Images In case you need a reminder of the striking Givenchy design Markle wore earlier in the day, here it is in all its royal-wedding glory: Getty Images Anyway, here's hoping the newlywed couple has a happy reception party at Frogmore House, the name of which I cannot stop saying in my head. Be sure to follow along with all our royal wedding coverage for more details of this historic day. Read more details of the royal wedding: Now, learn 100 years of eyeliner history: Follow Sam on Instagram and Twitter. 0 Kim Zolciak-Biermann is preparing to go under the knife — again. The Don’t Be Tardy star revealed Wednesday that she’s planning to get smaller breast implants after she asked her fans to cast their votes in a poll on what size they think she should reduce to. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “Which one,” Zolciak-Biermann, 40, wrote in an Instagram Story with two implant size options: “Full C [or] DD.” Kim Zolciack Biermann/Instagram “Thx @kanebiermann for taking this pic of me today!!” the mother of six captioned a photo — snapped by her 4-year-old son, Kane — of herself wearing a strapless red bikini while standing beside a swimming pool. “Lopsided boobs and all (clearly it’s the bathing suit lol) 😂🤣” she wrote. “But thanks you guys for voting on C/DD can’t wait to downsize a little @dr.hochstein 💃🏼💃🏼” During her House of Kim podcast on Wednesday, Zolciak-Biermann opened up about her decision to go smaller. “I obviously have implants. I have the largest implants they actually make, but it doesn’t look that big on my body because of just the way I’m built,” she shared. “But, I’m thinking about actually getting my boobs reduced.” “I already called Dr. Hochstein, who did my boobs and tummy a few years ago — he did my hernia repair and my tummy tuck after that, you might as well! And I said, ‘You know, I feel like I should get my boobs reduced. They’re heavy, my posture’s terrible, I’m getting older.’ What do you guys think?” “I was thinking of going from like a DD to like a C. So head on over to my Instagram please and vote: DD or C,” she said. “I’ve actually already had my surgery scheduled in a couple months, but I can always change that.” “I had a lift and I have like the nicest boobs ever. I did breastfeed all of my kids, so ladies, let’s be honest, they were stretched out, loss of volume, pancake nipples,” she explained. “So [Dr. Hochstein] gave me back my 18-year-old chest, which was amazing. He’s the best for that you guys.” “So anyways, let me know. I’m thinking like a C, a full C. I have to have all my clothes altered. I have to buy a size 6 in everything when I could wear a size 2 in tops because of my boobs and then have everything altered. So it’d be nice to just be able to wear something. They’re perky because I had a lift, so it’s not really that, it’s just the weight of them,” said Zolciak-Biermann RELATED VIDEO: Kelly Dodd Opens Up About Cosmetic Procedures: “No Pain, No Gain!” The Bravo star has been very open about her relationship with plastic surgery in the past, including documenting her breast augmentation on her Bravo reality show. “I will always nip and tuck if I feel the need to do so” Zolciak-Biermann told E! News in 2016. “I’m open about it. I don’t care. You only go around one time, and I especially understand that.” “I had a boob job and I’ve had a hernia fixed,” Zolciak-Biermann explained. “I had a pretty big hernia from the twins, so I said just do a tummy tuck, which is kinda the same thing, just make the skin really tight. But that doesn’t change my size. I’m the same size I was the day I walked into surgery, I’m just a little bit tighter looking.” At the time, she also explained that her tiny frame runs in the family. “A lot is genetics,” she said. “My mom’s very small, I’m tall, I’m 5-8, I do have height on me. My mom is 5-4. But my mom’s been a size 2 her whole life. I’ve been a size 27 jean my whole life.” 0 Ryan Reynolds is a real life superhero. The dad of two posted a photo of himself Monday on Instagram after attending a CPR course, revealing that he once saved his nephew’s life because of the knowledge he gained. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “Years ago, I took a CPR course thru the Red Cross,” he wrote in the caption. “And holy s—, I ended up saving my nephew’s life because I knew what to do! True story!” “Yesterday I took a refresher course — focusing on infant and toddler CPR,” he continued. “It takes only a few hours and it’s also kinda, sorta fun. Thank you to Dan from Viva First Aid for the lesson. And thank you to these two helpful yet lifeless dolls whose vacant ocular cavities will haunt me until end times.” Reynolds, 40, has two daughters he shares with his wife and actress Blake Lively, 2-year-old daughter James and a 9-month-old daughter. The Shallows actress, 29, posted a similar Instagram post on Monday, urging parents to take CPR courses, especially if they had small children. “I can’t recommend this enough, I took a CPR class with a focus on babies and toddlers,” Lively wrote. “Google ‘infant CPR class near me’ and you’ll see lots of listings.” She added, “For those of you who haven’t done it, you will love it. It’s so helpful by giving you knowledge, tools, and some peace of mind.” Lively and Reynolds are often candid about parenthood — and all the ups and downs that come with it. FROM PEN: Emily Maynard Johnson Admits She Was Ashamed to Stop Breastfeeding Her Third Son Early In an interview with Good Morning America earlier this year, Reynolds joked about trying to travel with his young daughters, admitting, “I’ve always had empathy for parents, especially flying. I remember before I had kids, I was always like, ‘God, that’s hard.'” “Because you can see they’re sweating and they’re nervous because their kids are yelling and everyone’s mad at them,” said Reynolds, adding, “I’m the same way.” Still, the actor has said he wouldn’t change a thing. He told eTalk last December, “It’s the best thing. It’s the best thing that could ever happen to you.” 0 "American Horror Story: Apocalypse Premiere - All The Freakiest And Funniest Moments By Nick Venable Random Article Blend Major spoilers below for anyone who hasn't yet watched the American Horror Story: Apocalypse premiere. As it went with the found-footage-esque Roanoke season, American Horror Story: Apocalypse kept fans guessing about everything from the plot line to the timelines to the crossover element between Murder House and Coven, and everything else slithering between the cracks. The premiere episode, ""The End,"" certainly didn't answer every single question, and possibly created even more than fans might have started off with, but at least we finally know how it all starts: with an apocalypse and a bunch of people who probably aren't worthy of survival. While any major bewitching crossover moments were limited, the premiere still had all the classic trademarks of an American Horror Story opener: big stars, big laughs, big shocks, and some disturbing moments you'd only want to watch between a dead person's fingers. (I assume that would be a highly questionable form of aversion therapy.) So without further a-don't, let's hunker down with some of the best moments from American Horror Story: Apocalypse's season premiere. Cold-Pressed Poison: ""Are you trying to fucking poison me? This tastes like turtle shit. You're supposed to be my personal assistant, Mallory. Do you even know me?"" In less time than it takes someone to show anything approval on social media, Leslie Grossman's alpha-snob Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt proves her boundless lack of empathy with this brilliant reaction to a rancid-tasting beverage. She can influence people, but not her own taste buds. A Dismaying Message From Coco's Father: Coco's absurd cruelty is cut short by her father's sobering message confirming the nuclear attacks sending the planet back into pre-civilization. Why he paid so much money to put Coco on a plane that wasn't rigged to explode, I'm not sure. But his showed more compassion on that phone screen, alongside his wife and son, than we're likely going to see from his daughter throughout the season. Unless there's a sect out there that sees any positives in ""turtle shit"" comparisons. That Reporter's Final Words: Similar to Coco's father, the news anchor's announcement was not only played for further exposition, but also to introduce the catastrophic chaos spanning the globe, thanks to the final acts for many a nuclear ICBM. As heartbreaking as it was to hear his last words as a loving father, more intriguing for plot purposes was the way he said, ""This is it, ladies and gentlemen. I can't believe we actually did it."" Who's the ""we"" there, and what was done? The fact that the episode plays that same newscaster's speech during two different scenes no doubt makes it all the more important. Coco Lacks Some Worth: ""Mallory, you know I'm worthless without you. I'm worse than Elton John. I don't even know how to work a dishwasher or open a door."" When I laughed at this line, part of it was because I could easily picture Coco getting cripplingly flummoxed by a deadbolt. The Public's Reactions To The News: There will always be something so deeply haunting about watching mass groups of people that are guided by nothing but panic and self-preservation. Or even a distinct non-preservation, as was the case with the guy who took his own life before the bombs could do it. If I was anyone on that plane before it took off, I would have spent many of those following months troubled by the sights of all those desperate people getting shot as they descended upon the plane. Something very ""Titanic life boat scene"" happening there, just without the snazzy tunes. The Entirety Of Joan Collins' Evie Gallant: Shame on anyone who didn't anticipate pure television gold as soon as Joan Collins was announced as the latest icon to join American Horror Story's ranks. I dare say her professionally affluent Evie Gallant was the best part of the episode each and every time she got a line, as they all hit. ""You know I pay you for ten hours a day."" ""Let's have some burnt champagne!"" ""No stewardess? Oh, I guess I won't be ordering the fresh cut fruit."" And even though her grandson is just like her in most respects, Evan Peters' character rubs me in all the opposite ways, but that can change. Let's bring Evie back in time and make her one of Cult's leaders, if that's possible. The Breakup: Last season, Leslie Grossman and Billy Eichner played a monstrous couple whose marriage was built on both legal and emotional shams. This season, their characters' courtship lasted all of a phone conversation, when it became clear Coco wasn't keeping the private plane around for Brock, who was stuck in the deadlocked traffic. It's unclear if he'll return in the season somehow, since he was probably a goner without any interference from The Cooperative, but if he is indeed gone for good in Apocalypse, he got to leave on the best final lines: ""No, no, no, Coco! Do not fucking leave me in Santa Monica!"" and ""You bitch!"" The Opening Titles: As it usually goes with a season of American Horror Story, the Apocalypse opening titles were chock full of bizarre visuals laid over a super buzzed-out version of the theme song. The explosive symbolism is there in full, usually in the form of mushroom clouds and the like, though the melting candles also represent a much slower form of extinguishment. Beyond some creepy crawlies like scorpions and babies with glowing eyes, the rest of the iconography was mostly religious in nature. Lots of devils and snakes and angel statues and whatnot, all presumably tying into the almighty anti-Father that pops up in the closing minutes. Timothy's Selection Process: Whenever agents suddenly bullied their way into the Campbell family household to announce the genetic superiority of Kyle Allen's Timothy, it seemed like their motivations would have been based on some dead-to-rights information that absolutely confirmed he was mankind's biological savior. Instead, it's amusingly tossed out there that they discovered Timothy's genetic prowess because he'd signed up for an ancestry-tracking website. Perhaps another way to keep the survivors tied to the digital realm of their former lives. But was there something to Timothy's dad being so willing to let his son go, despite not having any real reason to trust those people? The Outside World: While many post-apocalyptic dramas and horrors spend a lot of time in the outside world in searches of shelter and sustenance, American Horror Story: Apocalypse is currently trapped indoors due to the surface being contaminated by nuclear radiation. Which gives the exteriors their own very special aesthetic that's full of smoke and smog, with a Terry Gilliam and Ben Wheatley feel to the way those scenes are shot and framed. Of course, the abject violence and unconquerable disease and the rest certainly squash the hopes of seeing African swallows carrying coconuts around, so it's the life of a hermit for everyone. Head to the next page to see all the other hilariously bizarre moments from the horror anthology's premiere. Ms. Venable's Rules: ""I'm Wilhemena Venable. Welcome to Outpost 3."" Perhaps more celebratory than directly freaky or hilarious, Sarah Paulson's introduction as Ms. Venable was filled with well-delivered exposition that enjoyably teetered on ridiculous, detailing the mysterious overlord organization the Cooperation, which is all about keeping people within class systems. As she's walking around by candlelight, which draws the eyes away from possible atrocities happening all around them, and her set of house rules is kinda freaky, telling them to only refer to her as Ms. Venable, and that they cannot go outside or have sex without full authorization. But they'd better show up when they're called for work or a mean, since there are ""no excuse for tardiness when there's nothing else to do."" That's a mic drop of a statement there. The Pigeon Flies No More: This is perhaps the best slice of dialogue from the entire episode. Coco: 'Wait, a pigeon? Can we eat it?' Miriam: 'It was contaminated by the fallout.' Evie: 'Can we boil it?' Stu, Poor Stu: The future small-consolation Stu wasn't the only one to get falsely accused of being contaminated within the Outpost and then forced to endure painful skin-tearing scrubbings, but he was the only one who got shot in the head. And the only one to very likely get cooked down into a stew that beat the culinary pants off of the enjoyment-free vita-cubes that everyone has been eating. ""Tell me this doesn't look like a finger. Oh, Jesus Christ. This stew is Stu!"" I want to see every single video take of Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman performed that line, and I hope they number in the dozens, as I'm sure they were absolutely divine. Evie would agree. Deceit At Outpost 3: Ms. Venable and Miriam plotted Stu's death by nefarious means, which fits along with their own former lives before the bombs dropped, and it's quite unnerving to hear Sarah Paulson say that watching their terrorized faces gives her a ""tingle"" We're dealing with pure sadists here on top of them merely being power-abusing leaders. Sure, it was a smart move to save on some food in the long run, but not so much if everyone just gets to live naturally. That Time Jump, Though: The concept of the Outpost's endlessly repeating song stopping and getting replaced by another ditty felt right out of some other show's enigma-strewn narrative, and I was excited by the potential for mystery elements to get introduced. American Horror Story: Apocalypse immediately subverted that expectation, though, dashing anyone's newly founded hopes by jumping ahead 18 months, with Maureen McGovern's ""The Morning After"" still playing. At that point, it's surprising that no one else in the browbeaten group chose to end their journeys early somehow. Say Hello To The Antichrist: What better way to end a premiere than with a literal nuclear winter punctuated by the bastard child of a human and a ghost whose arrival was destined to bring the end of days? As much as Ms. Venable appears to have been inspired by Gary Oldman's titular beast in Bram Stoker's Dracula, _Cody Fern's adult Michael Langdon looks like a well-presented groupie for Tom Cruise's Lestat inInterview with the Vampire, by way of Jessica Lange's Constance, his grandmother. While we don't get to see much of him, he teases an increasingly diminished outside world, and could very well become another fabulous presence making _Apocalypse as scrumptiously evil as the FX series can be. At least, for everyone but the horses. (Fun fact: the premiere was directed by Bradly Buecker, who often directs episodes of shows from Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk's stable, which is fitting, since he also directed the Season 1 finale, which introduced Michael in its final minutes.) No More Breakfasts: Perhaps this is anticlimactic to some, but what could possibly sound freakier than a world without breakfast? I mean, Outpost 3 isn't a haven full of waffles or fried eggs or anything, but it's the principle. Did you guys have as much fun as I did with American Horror Story: Apocalypse? Let us know, and stay tuned for new episodes on FX every Wednesday night at 10:00 p.m. ET. And while waiting to see who else shows up after the planet's downfall, head to our fall TV premiere schedule for a look at all the new and returning shows popping up soon. Blended From Around The Web Facebook Back to top" 0 "Many stars saw great success in 2016, but the year wasn’t without its major celebrity scandals. Here are some of the worst celebrity scandals of the year: 1. Chumlee’s home raided “Pawn Stars” favorite Austin Lee Russell, better known as Chumlee, was arrested in March after police serving a search warrant in a sexual assault investigation found methamphetamine, marijuana and a gun at his southwest Las Vegas home. The 33-year-old was booked on 19 drug-possession charges and one weapon charge. In May, the reality star took a plea deal and agreed to counseling and three years' probation. 2. Taylor Swift’s image questioned Hollywood good girl Taylor Swift came under intense scrutiny in 2016 after her messy breakup with Calvin Harris and her reignited feud with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. First, Harris slammed Swift for comments her PR team made about a song they’d worked on together. Referencing Swift’s long rumored feud with Katy Perry he wrote on Twitter, “I know you’re off tour and you need someone new to try and bury like Katy ETC but I’m not that guy, sorry...” Then, Swift slammed Kanye West at the Grammys for his lyrics to “Famous,” in which he rapped about her “I made that bitch famous.” At the Grammys, Swift cautioned her fans about “people… who try to undercut your success or take credit for… your fame."" West insisted he’d had the pop star’s permission to include her in his song, and in July, Kim Kardashian was ready to prove it. She released a recording of Swift speaking with West, approving of her name being used on the track. The incidents left Swift fans wondering if the starlet was secretly a celebrity mean girl. Since then, however, she has avoided controversy and done charity work that likely has her back in the good graces of the Twitterverse. 3. Ryan Lochte’s lie Ryan Lochte had a lot going for him as he headed to Rio for the Olympics over the summer, but the spotlight-hungry swimmer was branded a liar after he claimed he’d been robbed at gunpoint while out in Brazil, and then recanted the story once inconsistencies became apparent. Lochte lost his sponsorships over the incident, and the Olympic Committee banned him from swimming through June 2017. He also lost $100,000 in bonuses. Still, the swimmer landed a short-lived slot on “Dancing with the Stars” and got engaged to his Playboy model girlfriend, so all in all he didn’t have the worst 2016 ever. 4. Accusations against Johnny Depp In May, Johnny Depp made headlines for all the wrong reasons when his ex Amber Heard accused him of abusing her. In the weeks that followed, a video leaked of a violent clash between Heard and Depp and fans quickly turned on the actor. His camp denied the abuse allegations and several of his famous exes came forward to defend his character. In August, Depp and Heard quietly settled their divorce. He has since landed a role in J.K. Rowling’s upcoming sequel to “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.” 5. Brad Pitt abuse allegations Brangelina fans were shocked when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie announced they were going their separate ways in 2016. The pair announced they were calling it quits in September, and things turned even more dramatic when rumors swirled that Pitt was being accused of abusing their oldest son Maddox. In November, the FBI wrapped their investigation into an alleged argument between Pitt and Maddox that took place on a plane, and the agency announced no charges would be filed against Pitt. 6. Kimye turmoil Both Kim Kardashian and Kanye West faced serious struggles in 2016. Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in October in Paris and thieves made off with millions of dollars in jewelry. The Instagram addict removed herself from the public eye after the traumatic experience. She stopped sharing things on social media and avoided public appearances, opting to stay home with her family. Then, at the end of November, her husband Kanye West’s trademark erratic behavior took a serious turn when he was hospitalized for a reported psychotic breakdown. The rapper had been ranting more than ever during his concerts – something he is known for – and abruptly canceled his Saint Pablo tour. He was then suddenly hospitalized and Kim rushed to be by his side. 2016 wasn’t the best year for the Hollywood hot couple to say the least. 7. Gigi mocks Melania In November, model Gigi Hadid faced backlash after she mocked Melania Trump during her speech at the American Music Awards. ""I love my husband, President Barack Obama and our children Sasha and Malia,"" Hadid said through pouted lips and a fake accent, mocking Melania's RNC speech that lifted material from a speech given by Michelle Obama. The 21-year-old sort of apologized and said that her impression was ""done in good humor.""" 1 "The actress finds herself on the wrong side of a popular opinion. By Jasmine Washington After all of the hoopla surrounding Zoe Saldana’s portrayal of Nina Simone in the controversial Nina biopic, it is safe to assume the actress knows a thing or two about being on the wrong side of a popular opinion. With her expertise on the matter Saldana is back in the headlines for her assessment of how Hollywood treated Donald Trump’s presidential victory. “We got cocky and became arrogant and we also became bullies,” she explained during an interview with the AFP. “We were trying to single out a man for all these things he was doing wrong… and that created empathy in a big group of people in America that felt bad for him and that are believing in his promises.” While Saldana did not speak out in support of the president-elect’s highly criticized offensive behavior, her comments were perceived to have been in defense of Trump, and many Twitter users were not here for it. Zoe Saldana is only talking about us ""bullying"" Trump because she got dragged for years for starring in that awful ""Nina"" movie. Oh well. — Kimberly N. Foster (@KimberlyNFoster) January 14, 2017 Atlanta A&T gotta take away Zoe Saldana's fictional degree. She stay disgracing that prestigious imaginary university. pic.twitter.com/fXbPESACZu — Ol' QWERTY Bastard (@TheDiLLon1) January 14, 2017 Zoe Saldana, so ur defending Donald Trump now, ur the exact opposite of what Nina Simone represented & this is why no 1 wanted u 2 play her pic.twitter.com/PcWJ3UOiXw — ♐Skin of Becky♐ (@IKilledBecky) January 14, 2017 Zoe Saldana is the same person who said she couldn't complain about racism in Hollywood because her president is Black. https://t.co/HSeMoqByQ5 — Michael Arceneaux (@youngsinick) January 14, 2017 @IKilledBecky @zoesaldana calling out Trump for his lies and abhorrent behavior is not bullying; it's defending those he has abused — Luis Burgos (@Vorykua72) January 14, 2017 Zoe Saldana said hollywood bullied trump but trump has been bullying people all over the United States — Imjustinwilson (@Imjustinwilson) January 14, 2017 Floyd Mayweather Jennifer Holliday Steve Harvey Kanye West Don King Omarosa Manigault Ray Lewis Jim Brown Zoe Saldana pic.twitter.com/z1hsmdDDHB — Hennsuke Nakamura (@BlackIce392) January 14, 2017 The Guardians of the Galaxy star concluded by saying she’d learned a lot of “humility” from Trump’s victory and stressed the importance of education and equality. See who had the biggest highs and lows of 2016 as VH1 staffers discuss in the video below." 1 "Kendrick Lamar is top of the world right now. Not only is Damn on course to land the biggest debut of 2017, it has also received a great deal of praise from fans and critics alike, many of whom are calling the project his best one yet. But none of those kind words can compare to the love and congratulations he received from his mother. On Saturday afternoon, the Compton rapper shared a screenshot of an emoji-laden text his mom, Paula Oliver, had sent him after she listened to Damn for the first time. It’s a lengthy text that is equal parts heartwarming and hilarious, as she shares her initial thoughts on the album as well as the cover art. “OMG. This cd is bombbbbb!,” she wrote at the beginning of the text. “You should have put me and your daddy on this one too j/k.” For those who don’t know, Kendrick’s mom and dad were featured in the skits on Good Kid, M.A.A.D City. Though they didn’t contribute to Damn, Kendrick does make references to them. Paula told her son she thought this was the best project he’s released, before addressing the album’s cover. “Your daddy said u look stressed on the cover lol I said ni**a that s the point,” she wrote. “We always stressing him out. Since a Lil boy you been a over think though …… But What you say, a ni**a make it look sexy? Boy you can make a dog laugh.” POST CONTINUES BELOW Oliver admitted she missed Kendrick’s Coachella live stream, but heard he was floating in the air. She also showed love to Kendrick's “die hard” fans a.k.a. KenFolk who showed up to watch his headlining set: “I love them.” Kendrick replied in the way most sons would to the emoji-heavy text: “Who taught you 100? Lol.""" 0 Mark Salling’s autopsy revealed that the former Glee star had alcohol in his system when he died of asphyxia by hanging. The toxicology report obtained by Us Weekly explained that while there there were no drugs in Salling’s system, he had a blood alcohol level of 0.095 at the time of his death on January 30. (The legal limit for driving is 0.080.) As previously reported, the Los Angeles Coroner office confirmed to Us on January 30 that Salling was found dead by a riverbed in the Sunland-Tujunga neighborhood of L.A. He was pronounced dead of an apparent suicide at the scene, and the coroner confirmed on February 1 that his cause of death is asphyxia by hanging. He was 35 years old. The autopsy also detailed the timeline of events leading up to officers finding Sailing’s body. “The decedent was last known to be alive watching television with his father, in the living room,” the report reads. Sometime after midnight on January 30, “the decedent’s mother woke up and noticed the decedent and his vehicle were gone. The decedent was on house arrest and his roommate for the tracking device down the street from the residence.” Us confirmed at the time that Salling’s family reported him missing before his body was discovered. Prior to his death, Salling was awaiting sentencing after pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography in December 2017. The the report added that Salling had a “history of depression since his conviction for procession of child pornography in 2017.” If you or someone you know is in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, please call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 “American Horror Story” Season 7 is adding a new “Girl” to its cast. Lena Dunham is joining the FX horror anthology, co-creator Ryan Murphy announced in a tweet on Wednesday evening. “Thrilled that my talented friend Lena Dunham is joining the AMERICAN HORROR STORY family,” he wrote. “Always wanted to work together, and now we r!” Additional details about Dunham’s role have not yet been revealed. The title of “AHS” Season 7, which Murphy previously revealed will be inspired by the 2016 presidential election, will be announced on Thursday. Previously announced cast members include “AHS” veterans Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters, as well as franchise newcomers Billie Lourd (who worked with Murphy on “Scream Queens”) and “Billy on the Street’s” Billy Eichner. Beyond that, however, Murphy and FX have unsurprisingly revealed little about the upcoming season, with Murphy most recently dropping a clue in the form of a nightmarish bee-filled photo on his Instagram. Dunham wrapped her HBO series “Girls,” which she created and starred in for six seasons, earlier this year. “AHS” is no stranger to bringing in starry names — Jessica Lange starred in the anthology for its first four seasons, and Lady Gaga joined the cast for its fifth and sixth seasons. Variety has reached out to FX for additional details. https://twitter.com/MrRPMurphy/status/887844862426468352 0 brad on fatherhood See what the actor has to say about being a dad. MORE >> On behalf of loners and miserable bastards everywhere, welcome to our esteemed club, Brad Pitt In the November issue of British GQ, the A-lister opened up about his semi-charmed kind of life. The actor, who’s been shying away from the limelight in past years, admitted that he’s been “slowing down for a while” and “transitioning to other things.” “I do want to spend more time with my kids before they’re grown up and gone,” he explained. But maybe you’re taking this whole “slowing down” thing a bit too far if George Clooney calls you “unreachable.” Come on Brad, you can’t play George Clooney like that! Just send the man a text or a Snapchat every now and then! When asked to comment on his friend’s description, Brad Pitt answered, “Well, you know, George is extremely accessible. He’s one of our best representatives. He’s funny as shit. He’s a joy to be around.” “I guess maybe I’m more of a miserable bastard,” he quipped. “I’m a bit of a loner you know? I’m more quiet by nature. And coming from, you know, hillbilly country, I’m probably more reserved.” So you’re telling me that being married to AngelinaJolie and sequestered with your beautiful brood of children in a French chateau is not a winning formula for eternal happiness? Is there any hope for the rest of us?? “I’ve always believed happiness is overrated, you know?” Pitt continued. “It’s those difficult times that inform the next wonderful time, and it’s a series of trade-offs, of events, of wins and losses.” 1 "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry join a London Marathon training day Prince William during a recent royal appearance. Shocked eyewitnesses saw how even tight leggings were hanging off the shrinking princess — as Kate Middleton is battling a killer eating disorder — as the stick-thin princess compulsively forces herself to throw up after every meal! The Duchess of Cambridge's shocking secret is getting tougher to hide, too, as seen when Kate showed off her frail body while playfully running along with husbandduring a recent royal appearance. Shocked eyewitnesses saw how even tight leggings were hanging off the shrinking princess — as The National ENQUIRER exposed tell-tale signs of her vomiting after every meal! Photo credit: MEGA William, Kate and Harry join a London Marathon training day Princess Diana, who also suffered from bulimia in secret. But, as seen in shocking photos unearthed by The ENQUIRER, Kate's fragile hands keep her from hiding her sickly secret! The beloved 5'9"" royal is now down to a disturbing 89 lbs., as even sickly Queen Elizabeth reportedly fears for the beauty’s survival. Kate’s skeletal appearance has triggered gut-wrenching memories of the mother-in-law she never knew — the late, who also suffered from bulimia in secret. But, as seen in shocking photos unearthed by The ENQUIRER, Kate's fragile hands keep her from hiding her sickly secret! Photo credit: MEGA Royal Visit to Norfolk Photos such as this image from Jan. 2017 show how Kate is keeping Band-Aids wrapped around her fingers and thumbs — indicators of what mental health experts call “Russell’s signs,” meaning cuts or callouses caused by weight- obsessed bulimics sticking fingers down their throat to force themselves to vomit up unwanted calories. After examining more than a year of photos showing Kate with bandaged knuckles, weight loss expert Dr. Stuart Fischer told The ENQUIRER her behavior is “highly suspicious.” Photo credit: InStar The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry join a Christmas Party The author of “The Park Avenue Diet” noted: “It’s very common for women who suffer from bulimia to have such cuts on their fingers and hands. They bite down on their fingers and knuckles while putting their fingers down their throat. It’s extremely unlikely she would be injured repetitively in these places. Kate would have to be a carpenter or shuck oysters and clams for a living!” Photo credit: MEGA The Duchess of Cambridge visits The Hague “It’s a frightful and damaging way to lose weight,” added Dr. Fischer, who has not treated Kate. “She might feel immense pressure under the spotlight in the royal family, but she has to stop!” And insiders told The ENQUIRER that the mother of two did seek help from a leading British medical expert for the early stages of anorexia a couple of years back. Photo credit: AKM-GSI William, Kate and Harry attend a Heads Together briefing A doctor made several visits to Anmer Hall on Queen Elizabeth’s country estate, Sandringham, where Kate and William live with Prince George and Princess Charlotte. The expert told Kate she must enter a residential treatment facility to beat her eating disorder, the source said. Photo credit: MEGA" 1 "Jessica Phyllis Lange (; born April 20, 1949) is an American film, television, and theater actress. She is the thirteenth actress in history to achieve the Triple Crown of Acting,[1] winning two Academy Awards, one Tony Award, three Emmy Awards, five Golden Globe Awards, one Screen Actors Guild Award, one Critics Choice Award and three Dorian Awards. In 1998, Entertainment Weekly listed Lange among the 25 Greatest Actresses of the 1990s.[2] In 2014, Lange was honored with a star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame, though she has yet to claim it.[3] Lange was discovered by producer Dino De Laurentiis while modeling part-time for the Wilhelmina modelling agency. She made her professional film debut in his 1976 remake of the 1933 action-adventure classic King Kong, for which she won her first Golden Globe Award. In 1982, she became the first performer in 40 years[4] to receive two Oscar nominations within the same year;[5] she won her second Golden Globe Award and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as a soap opera star in Tootsie, and was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her portrayal of the troubled actress Frances Farmer, in Frances. Lange received three more nominations for Country (1984), Sweet Dreams (1985) and Music Box (1989), before winning her third Golden Globe Award, and the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance as a manic depressive housewife in Blue Sky (1994). In 1995, Lange became the second actress in Oscar history, after Meryl Streep, to win Best Actress after winning Best Supporting Actress; an achievement that was not repeated until nearly twenty years later by Cate Blanchett. In 2010, she won her first Primetime Emmy Award for her portrayal of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis' famed aunt, Big Edie, in HBO's Grey Gardens (2009). Between 2011 and 2014, she won her first Screen Actors Guild Award, fifth Golden Globe Award, and second and third Emmy Awards for her performances in the first and third seasons of FX's horror anthology series, American Horror Story (2011–2015). In 2016, Lange won her first Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Play, an Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Lead Actress in a Play and a Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actress in a Play for her critically acclaimed performance in the Broadway revival of Long Day's Journey into Night.[6] She also had a supporting role in Louis C.K.'s Peabody Award-winning web series, Horace and Pete. In 2017, she received acclaim for her portrayal of legendary Hollywood actress Joan Crawford in the television series Feud, for which she received her eighth Emmy, sixteenth Golden Globe and sixth Screen Actors Guild Award nominations. In addition to acting, Lange is a photographer with three published works.[7] She has also been a foster parent[8] and currently holds a Goodwill Ambassador position for UNICEF, specializing in HIV/AIDS in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Russia.[9][10] Early life and education [ edit ] Lange was born in Cloquet, Minnesota, on April 20, 1949. Her father, Albert John Lange (1913–1989), was a teacher and traveling salesman, and her mother, Dorothy Florence (née Sahlman; 1913–1998), was a housewife. Third of four children, she has two older sisters Jane, Ann and a younger brother named George.[11] Her paternal ancestry originates in Germany and the Netherlands, while her maternal ancestry originates in Finland.[12][13][14] Due to the nature of her father's professions, her family moved over a dozen times to various towns and cities in Minnesota before settling back down in her hometown, where she graduated from Cloquet High School.[15] In 1967, she received a scholarship to study art and photography at the University of Minnesota, where she met and began dating Spanish photographer Paco Grande.[8] After the two married in 1971, Lange left college to pursue a more bohemian lifestyle, traveling in the United States and Mexico in a minivan with Grande.[8][15] The couple then moved to Paris, where they drifted apart. While in Paris, Lange studied mime theatre under the supervision of Étienne Decroux, and joined the Opéra-Comique as a dancer.[8] Career [ edit ] 1970s [ edit ] While sharing an apartment with Jerry Hall and Grace Jones, she was discovered by fashion illustrator Antonio Lopez[16] and subsequently became a model for the Wilhelmina modelling agency. In 1973, she returned to the States and began work in New York City as a waitress at the Lion's Head Tavern in Greenwich Village.[8] While modelling, Lange was discovered by Hollywood producer Dino De Laurentiis, who was looking to cast his next leading lady, an ingenue for his remake of the 1933 King Kong. Lange made her film debut in the 1976 King Kong, beating actresses Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn for the role of damsel-in-distress.[citation needed] Despite being a box-office success – it became the fifth-highest-grossing film of 1976 – and receiving an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, the film and her performance were widely panned.[17] However, renowned film critic Pauline Kael praised her, noting, ""The movie is sparked by Jessica Lange's fast yet dreamy comic style. [She] has the high, wide forehead and clear-eyed transparency of Carole Lombard in My Man Godfrey, [and] one liners so dumb that the audience laughs and moans at the same time, yet they're in character, and when Lange says them she holds the eye and you like her, the way people liked Lombard.""[18] Lange went on to win the 1976 Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year. She would remain a favorite of Kael's, who would later comment, ""She has a facial structure that the camera yearns for, and she has talent, too.""[19] At the close of the decade, Bob Fosse, whom Lange had befriended and with whom she had carried on a casual romantic affair, cast Lange as the Angel of Death, a part that he had written specifically for her in his semiautobiographical film, All That Jazz (1979). She had also been considered for the role of Wendy Torrance in The Shining before that role ultimately went to Shelley Duvall. 1980s [ edit ] Lange began the new decade in the light romp How to Beat the High Cost of Living (1980), co-starring Jane Curtin and Susan Saint James, but it received mostly negative reviews and quickly disappeared from theaters. A year later, she was contacted by director Bob Rafelson regarding a project on which he was working with Jack Nicholson, who had recently auditioned Lange for Goin' South (1978). Rafelson paid Lange a visit in upstate New York, where she was doing summer stock theater, and has famously recounted how he watched the budding actress conversing on the telephone for half an hour before their meeting when he decided that he had found the lead for his film. After his meeting with Lange, he wrote her name down on a piece of paper, placed it in an envelope, and sealed it. After several meetings and auditions with other actresses (though Rafelson had already made his decision, he feared he had done so too quickly and wanted to make sure his choice was absolutely right), the final choice was between Lange and Meryl Streep. In the end, Rafelson offered Lange the lead role opposite Nicholson in his remake of the classic film noir, The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981).[20] Upon offering her the part, he gave her the sealed envelope in which he had placed the piece of paper with her name on it. Although the controversial film received mixed reviews, Lange was widely praised for her performance. While editing The Postman Always Rings Twice, Graeme Clifford realized he had found the leading lady for his next film – his first as a director; a biographical film of actress Frances Farmer, whose disillusionment with Hollywood and chaotic family background led her down a tragic path.[21] Filming Frances (1982), which co-starred Kim Stanley and Sam Shepard, was a grueling experience for Lange, who pored over the screenplay scene by scene, making deep and often taxing connections between her life and Farmer's to tap into the well of emotions the role required.[21] By the end of the shoot, she was physically and mentally spent.[21] Due to this, she decided to take her co-star Stanley's advice to star in ""something light"", which led her to accept a supporting role opposite Dustin Hoffman in Sydney Pollack's Tootsie (1982). In 1982, Lange became the first performer in 40 years to receive two Academy Award nominations in the same year,[5] scoring a nomination for her work in Frances and eventually winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her work in Tootsie, which not only became the second-highest-grossing film of 1982, following Steven Spielberg's E.T., but which also scored an additional nine Oscar nominations, including one for Best Picture. Her performance in the film also earned her a Golden Globe, along with awards from the National Society of Film Critics, the New York Film Critics Circle, the Boston Society of Film Critics, and the Kansas City Film Critics Circle. Lange also won Best Actress at the Moscow International Film Festival for her performance in Frances.[5] Lange next produced and starred, again opposite Shepard, in 1984's Country, a topical film depicting a family during the farm crisis. Her performance earned her Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations for Best Actress. That same year, she made her television debut as Maggie the Cat, starring opposite Tommy Lee Jones in a CBS Playhouse production of Tennessee Williams's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. The following year, she testified before the United States Congress on behalf of the Democratic House Task Force on Agriculture, alongside Jane Fonda and Sissy Spacek, whom she later neighbored and befriended.[22] At the close of 1985, she portrayed legendary country singer Patsy Cline in Karel Reisz's biopic, Sweet Dreams, opposite Ed Harris, Ann Wedgeworth, and John Goodman. She was nominated a fourth time for an Oscar and came in second place for both the National Board of Review Award for Best Actress and the National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress.[23][24] In several interviews, Meryl Streep has stated that she ""begged"" Reisz, who directed her in 1981's The French Lieutenant's Woman, for the role of Cline, but that his first choice had always been Lange. Streep has also been quite vocal and adamant in her praise for Lange's performance,[25][26][27][28] calling her ""beyond wonderful"" in the film and stating, ""I couldn't imagine doing it as well or even coming close to what Jessica did because she was so amazing in it.""[25] In 2018, Streep further commented, ""Jessica did it better than any human being could possibly have done it.""[29] Streep has also admitted, ""Every job I've ever taken, about three weeks before I begin, I call up my agent and say, 'I don't think I can do this. I don't think I'm right for it. They should call up Jessica Lange.'""[30] Lange's films throughout the mid- to late 1980s, which included Crimes of the Heart (1986), Far North (1988), and Everybody's All-American (1989), were mostly low profile and underperformed at the box office, though she was often singled out and praised for her work.[citation needed] In 1989, she starred in Costa-Gavras' Music Box Lange played a Hungarian lawyer defending her father of Nazi war crimes. Her performance earned her a fifth Academy Award nomination and a sixth Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress. 1990s [ edit ] Lange continued making films throughout the 1990s, periodically taking time off to raise her children and also choosing theater- and television-based projects. She began the decade in Paul Brickman's warmly received Men Don't Leave (1990), for which she earned positive reviews and came in third place for the National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress.[31] She was then approached by Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro, who had both auditioned her for the role of Jake LaMotta's wife in Raging Bull (1981), to star in a remake of Cape Fear (1991). The film became the 12th-highest-grossing film of the year. In 1992, Lange once again starred opposite Robert De Niro in Irwin Winkler's Night and the City and also starred in a television adaptation of Willa Cather's O Pioneers!, receiving her seventh Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress. Her Broadway debut, which was met by mixed reviews, also occurred that same year when she portrayed Blanche DuBois in a production of Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, opposite Alec Baldwin.[citation needed] In 1994, Lange was lauded for her performance as a manic depressive army wife in the 1960s in Tony Richardson's final film, Blue Sky. In 1995, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress, along with the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress, the Utah Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress, and the Sant Jordi Award for Best Actress. She also came in second place for the National Board of Review Award for Best Actress, the National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress, and the Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress. In 1995, she followed her victory with further critically lauded performances in Losing Isaiah, opposite Halle Berry, and Rob Roy, with Liam Neeson. That same year, Lange reprised her role as Blanche DuBois in a CBS television adaptation of A Streetcar Named Desire, opposite Alec Baldwin, Diane Lane, and John Goodman. She received glowing reviews for her performance, which earned her fourth Golden Globe Award and her first Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie. In 1996, Lange made her London stage debut in another performance as Blanche DuBois, which received rave reviews. The following year, she starred opposite Michelle Pfeiffer in a film adaptation of Jane Smiley's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, A Thousand Acres. Lange received her ninth Golden Globe Award nomination and won the Venice Film Festival's Schermi d'Amore award for her performance in the film. In 1998, she starred opposite Elisabeth Shue in a film adaptation of Balzac's Cousin Bette, for which she received strong reviews. That same year, Lange also starred opposite Gwyneth Paltrow in the somewhat cult classic, Hush, which generally received negative reviews. Roger Ebert, however, praised Lange's performance, commenting, ""The film's most intriguing element is the performance by Jessica Lange, who by not going over the top provides Martha with a little pathos to leaven the psychopathology.""[32] Lange received strong reviews for her performance in Titus, Julie Taymor's 1999 adaptation of William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus, co-starring Anthony Hopkins and Alan Cumming. Film critic for Entertainment Weekly, Lisa Schwarzbaum, included Lange in a ""for your consideration"" article directed at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She commented, ""Jessica Lange already has two Oscars and six nominations to her credit, so her appearance near the words 'Academy Awards' should never be a surprise. But everything about her daring performance in Titus as Tamora, the Queen of the Goths, is an astonishment. Donning breastplates, vowing vengeance, tearing into Shakespeare for the first time as if nothing could be more fun, Lange steals the show — and when the star of the show is Anthony Hopkins, that's grand theft.""[33] 2000s [ edit ] Lange (2009) Lange began the new millennium with a London stage production of Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night, playing the part of the ""morphine""-addicted Mary Tyrone, for which she became the first American actress to receive an Olivier Award nomination.[citation needed] She appeared mostly in supporting roles thereafter, most notably opposite Christina Ricci in the 2001 adaptation of Elizabeth Wurtzel's best-selling memoir on depression, Prozac Nation. In 2003, Lange starred opposite Tom Wilkinson in HBO's Normal, a film about a man who reveals to his wife his decision to have a sex change, for which she received nominations for the Emmy and Golden Globe Awards for Best Actress in a Miniseries or Movie. She followed this with performances in the Bob Dylan vehicle, Masked and Anonymous (2003), Tim Burton's Big Fish (2003), Jim Jarmusch's Broken Flowers (2005) and Wim Wenders' Don't Come Knocking (2005), before starring in a Broadway revival of Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie for which she received generally mixed reviews.[citation needed] She later starred with Tammy Blanchard in a remake of Sybil in 2007. In 2009, Lange co-starred as Big Edie, opposite Drew Barrymore, in HBO's Grey Gardens, directed by Michael Sucsy and based on the 1975 documentary of the same name. The film was a huge success, garnering 17 Primetime Emmy Award nominations and winning five. Lange won her first Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie after two previous nominations in the same category. She also received her eleventh Golden Globe Award nomination and second Screen Actors Guild Award nomination for her performance, losing both awards to Barrymore. 2010s [ edit ] In 2011, Lange joined the cast of FX's horror anthology series American Horror Story. Series co-creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk originally wrote her part as a supporting character, but after Lange acquired the role, they expanded it considerably. Murphy, a long-time admirer of Lange, stated that he chose her because he wanted to expose her work to a new generation of viewers.[34] He also singled out her performance as Blanche DuBois on Broadway in 1992, which he saw twice, as his favorite performance, citing it as another motivating factor in hiring Lange.[35] The show was a huge success not only for the network and creators, but also for Lange, who experienced a resurgence in her popularity, receiving rave reviews and several awards for her controversial role. She was chosen by TV Guide, Entertainment Weekly, and MTV for giving one of the ""best performances of 2011"".[36][37][38] In addition, she won a second Primetime Emmy Award, a fifth Golden Globe Award, and her first Screen Actors Guild Award, after two previous nominations. She was also awarded a Special Achievement Satellite Award for Outstanding Performance in a Television Series by the International Press Academy and the Dorian Award for Best TV Performance of the Year by the Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association (GALECA). She was further nominated for the TCA Award for Individual Achievement in Drama, Critics' Choice Television Award, and Saturn Award. In 2012, she had a supporting role in her Grey Gardens director Michael Suscy's box-office hit The Vow, opposite Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams, but also returned to star as the lead in the second season of American Horror Story, titled American Horror Story: Asylum. Once again, she was chosen by TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly for giving one of the ""best performances of 2012"".[39][40] She won a second Dorian Award for Best TV Performance of the Year by the GALECA, and received a fifth Emmy nomination, a thirteenth Golden Globe Award nomination, a fourth Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, a second Saturn Award nomination, and a second Critics' Choice Television Award nomination. In 2013, the third season of American Horror Story, American Horror Story: Coven, garnered the series its highest ratings to that point, and has held the record for garnering the series its highest on-average ratings.[41] Lange was joined by fellow film actors Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett. For her work on the show, Lange earned a third Primetime Emmy Award for Best Actress in a Movie or Miniseries,[42] a third Dorian Award for Best TV Performance of the Year[43] and her first Critic's Choice Television Award for Best Actress in a Movie or Miniseries.[44] She also received her fourteenth Golden Globe nomination, her fifth Screen Actors Guild Award nomination and her fifth Satellite Award nomination for her performance on the series. In addition, Lange replaced Glenn Close in a film adaptation of Émile Zola's Thérèse Raquin, directed by Charlie Stratton and titled In Secret, co-starring Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Felton, Oscar Isaac, and Matt Lucas for which she received rave reviews.[45] Lange began 2014 by being honored with a nomination for a star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame, though she has yet to claim it.[46] Lange was also recognized by Elle Magazine with the L'Oreal de Paris Legend Award[47] presented to her by her friend Shirley MacLaine during The Women in Hollywood Awards, honoring women for their outstanding achievements in film, spanning all aspects of the motion picture industry, including acting, directing, and producing.[48] She was next honored with and became the first female recipient of the Kirk Douglas Award for Excellence in Film, presented to her by the Santa Barbara International Film Festival.[49] Later in the year, Marc Jacobs chose Lange to be the new face of Marc Jacobs Beauty. In addition, Lange would be featured in the brand's summer and fall print ad campaign photographed by David Sims, and would also star in a short campaign film directed by Jacobs.[50] Previously, Jacobs dressed and interviewed Lange for Love magazine's fifth-anniversary issue, and had her provide a spoken-word version of ""Happy Days Are Here Again"" as the soundtrack for his autumn/winter 2014 show.[50][51] She next starred opposite Mark Wahlberg in the remake of the 1970s action-thriller, The Gambler, receiving rave reviews for her work. She also led the fourth season of American Horror Story, titled American Horror Story: Freak Show. The series, once again, topped its and the network's highest ratings, breaking all ratings records for both.[52] Though self-admittedly not a singer, Lange's covers of David Bowie's ""Life on Mars"" and Lana Del Rey's ""Gods and Monsters"" for the show were both hugely popular, receiving heavy circulation on YouTube and charting in the top 50 on the iTunes music charts.[53] For her work on the show, Lange received her seventh Primetime Emmy Award nomination, her fifteenth Golden Globe nomination, and her fourth Critics' Choice Television Award nomination. In 2015, Lange announced that she would not return for the series' fifth season.[54] She followed her final season on American Horror Story with role opposite Shirley MacLaine and Demi Moore in the road-trip comedy, Wild Oats, which wrapped production at the end of 2014. It premiered on Lifetime on August 22, 2016 before receiving a limited theatrical release on September 16, 2016.[55] In 2016, Lange had a supporting role in Louis C.K.'s critically acclaimed and Peabody Award-winning web series Horace and Pete, which debuted on C.K.'s website on January 30, 2016.[56] She next returned to Broadway alongside Michael Shannon, Gabriel Byrne and John Gallagher Jr. in a revival of Long Day's Journey into Night at the American Airlines Theatre, produced by Ryan Murphy and the Roundabout Theatre Company. The show was a critical and box-office hit, becoming the most Tony-nominated play of the season. For her performance, Lange garnered her first Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Play nomination and win, an Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Lead Actress after one previous nomination, a Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actress in a Play, and a BroadwayWorld.com Award for Best Leading Actress in a Play. She was also nominated for a Drama League Award for Distinguished Performance, a Time Out New York Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Play, and a Broadway.com Audience Choice Award for Favorite Actress in a Play.[6] On November 12, 2016, Lange was honored at the Camerimage Film Festival, where she was awarded the Krzysztof Kieślowski Award for Acting.[57] Lange next starred in FX's anthology series, Feud, also serving as producer alongside Susan Sarandon, who also co-starred, and executive producers Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. The first season revolved around the infamous rivalry between Hollywood legends Bette Davis (Sarandon) and Joan Crawford (Lange), which came to a head during the making of the classic film, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?. Alfred Molina, Stanley Tucci, Judy Davis and Catherine Zeta-Jones co-starred. Production began in the fall of 2016 and it was released on March 5, 2017.[58] The series was a critical and ratings hit, garnering Lange her eighth Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie, her sixteenth Golden Globe Award nomination, her sixth SAG Award nomination, her fourth Critics Choice Award nomination and her second TCA Award nomination for Individual Achievement in Drama. Lange was also honored by the Trinity Repertory Company's Pell Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Arts on May 23, 2017. In 2018, Lange was also honored with the Jason Robards Award for Excellence in Theater by the Roundabout Theater Company. Lange also reprised her role of Constance Langdon in American Horror Story: Apocalypse on episode 6 and 10.[59] Lange has been cast opposite Gwyneth Paltrow in the Netflix series The Politician. Lange is also lined up to star opposite Naomi Watts in Gia Coppola's second film, The Lonely Doll, adapted from Jean Nathan's memoir, The Search for Dare Wright: The Secret Life of the Lonely Doll, which chronicled the life of Dare Wright and her tempestuous relationship with her mother, Edith Stevenson Wright.[60] Personal life [ edit ] Lange was married to photographer Francisco ""Paco"" Grande from 1970 to 1981. Though they separated not long after moving to Europe during the mid-1970s, they did not divorce until the early 1980s, after which Lange paid him an undisclosed sum in alimony.[61][62] From 1976 to 1982, she was partnered with renowned Russian ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov, with whom she had her first child, Aleksandra Lange ""Shura"" Baryshnikov (born 1981).[63] During that time, she was also sporadically linked with Bob Fosse, with whom she remained friends until his death. In 1982, she met and entered into a relationship with playwright Sam Shepard. They had two children: daughter Hannah Jane Shepard (born 1986) and son Samuel Walker Shepard (born 1987). They lived together in Virginia, New Mexico, Minnesota, and eventually New York City, before separating in 2009.[64][65][66] Though she does not follow any set religion, she periodically practices Buddhism.[67] She once admitted, ""It's been a discipline that makes sense more than anything because it's like a science. I've never been a religious person. I've always looked for some kind of spiritual meaning. I didn't grow up going to church. My mother's family were atheists and my father's side was confused.""[67] She is also a vegetarian.[68] Lange has also revealed that she suffers from severe bouts of depression,[15][69] once admitting, ""I have never been a believer in psychoanalysis or therapy or anything like that. I've never done that.""[69] She confessed, ""Though my dark side is dormant right now, it continues to play a big role in whatever capacity I have to be creative. That's the well I'm able to tap into, where all the anguish, rage and sadness are stored.""[15] Photography [ edit ] In 2008, Lange published her own collection of black-and-white pictures entitled 50 Photographs (powerHouse Books) with a special introduction by Patti Smith.[70] An exhibition of her work, along with a series of her films, was presented at the oldest international museum of photography and film, the George Eastman House, after which Lange was presented with the first George Eastman House Honors Award in 2009.[71] In 2010, she published a second collection of photographs, In Mexico.[72] Most recently, she released a children's picture book called It's About a Little Bird (2013), while for the first time in Russia, she exhibited in Moscow's Multimedia Art Museum in 2014.[73] Humanitarian work and political views [ edit ] Lange is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), specializing in the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in spreading awareness of the disease in Russia.[74][75] She was also a public critic of former U.S. President George W. Bush, once calling his administration ""a self-serving regime of deceit, hypocrisy and belligerence"",[76] and has been a human rights supporter of the Buddhist monks in Nepal. In the early 1990s, she fostered a Romanian child with disabilities.[8] See also [ edit ] Further reading [ edit ] References [ edit ] General Specific" 0 "Bullied teen Keaton Jones went viral over the weekend after his mother Kimberly Jones posted a video of the tearful boy asking why people, including himself, were bullied. After various media outlets started posting images of Kimberly holding a Confederate flag and screenshots of her posts making disparaging comments about the NFL national anthem protests, the GoFundMe page started for Keaton has been paused. The page, which raised $57,171 in one day, was started by Joseph Lam, who says he doesn't know Keaton or Kimberly. Lam wrote on the GoFundMe page, ""I came across this video on facebook of Kim Jones and her son Keaton. Keaton is being bullied at school. This video really touched my heart. I decided to do this GoFund Me to help with this childs future."" He continued, ""I know that money may not be the answer for this problem that we are facing in our communities with bullying. One of my biggest fears as a parent is that my children will be bullied in school. I know its a big task to tackle but it starts inside of our walls and the values that we teach our children. This is just one case of thousands out there. How many of our children stay in silence out of fear for their safety or for the fear of being further unaccepted. Over 3.2 million kids are bullied annually. 160,000 kids on a daily basis skip school out of fear from being bullied. They just want to be accepted and to be able to learn in a safe environment. Im so glad Kim posted this video of her son. It shows how bullying can really impact a child. The video that she posted really touched my heart and felt compelled to help. This is best way that I knew how."" After the backlash started rolling in about Kimberly, Lam made the decision to pause the GoFundMe page, as he explained, ""As many of you know I paused the donations as well as the comments. As I sit back and read these comments and watched the video again I feel I have to make this update. THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE MOM!! However passing judgement on her before you know her is a form of bullying. Condemnation before evaluation is the ultimate form of ignorance. I can't even say for sure that any of whats being said is true. I don't know the family personally and never claimed to have known them."" He ended the statement by saying, ""I'm hoping that we can turn the money into something good whether it be for private school or college fund. I'm in touch with GFM on how to proceed at this point. Thank you everyone that donated."" Source: eonline.com" 0 "Before she walks down the aisle, meet the frogs she had to smooch to get to her prince. We've met her family, know all about her flawless fashion, applauded her enviable career, and now, as she prepares to become Prince Harry's wife this weekend, we can't help but wonder what Meghan Marke's dating rap sheet looks like? While we all know who Prince Harry's ex-girlfriends are (looking at you, Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas) – Meghan's love life history is still as mysterious as the Crown Jewels. Just last week the mother of all bombshells dropped when it was reported Meghan went on a date with porn star Simon Rex in 2004 when she was an aspiring actress. He's since come out and said it never took off due to his ""garlic breath."" Obsessed with the royals? Like our Facebook page Now To Love Royals for the latest news on your favourite royal family members! So, garlic breath is obviously not on the agenda but what does Meghan Markle look for in a significant other exactly? ""At the end of the day, if the guy is going to write the girl a letter, whether it's chicken scratch or scribble or looks like a doctor's note, if he takes the time to put pen to paper and not type something, there's something so incredibly romantic and beautiful about that,"" she's told Esquire magazine in 2013. Well, Prince Harry certainly put pen to paper last year when he dropped a ground-breaking statement begging for the media to leave Meghan alone. We all know who Prince Harry's exes are! Seeing the world with her man is also a must. ""I always want off-the-beaten-path, Anthony Bourdain-inspired travel,"" she's mused. From Jamaica to Africa, Scotland and everywhere in between, this year alone Meghan and Harry have racked up a hefty collection of stamps on their passport. As for what it takes to sweep her off her feet? She insists a good old-fashioned slice of pizza is the way to her heart - us too Meegs, us too! ""I've had dates at the nicest restaurants, but when you leave, you're starving, and the best part of the date is having a slice of pizza and a couple of drinks on the way home. I think it's important to be able to roll with the punches and enjoy every minute of it."" Well, now we know what kind of man Meghan likes let's take a step back in time and get to know her former flames... The one before the one: Canadian chef, Cory Vitiello, 2014-2016 Break-ups always suck, so spare a thought for poor old Cory Vitiello, who was reportedly given the flick shortly after Meghan met Harry in 2016. A besotted Meghan even featured Cory on her now defunct lifestyle blog The Tig, but the post has since been removed. The [UK Telegraph] claims the Suits star was an item with the successful celebrity chef for two years and they were together when Meghan hit it off with Harry in July, 2016. At the time, a friend close of the exes addressed speculation Harry could have played a part in their demise, saying: ""I can't comment on that."" Just before they broke up, Cory praised his significant other for working with World Vision. ""So proud of my lady @meghanmarkle being named Global Ambassador for @worldvision #worldwaterday,"" he penned. Cory and Meghan lived together in Toronto and were said to be together when Meghan first met Harry. But was it always just going to be a flash in the pan? ""They were a very handsome pair and well suited, but you got the impression it was a sometimes superficial relationship,"" an insider revealed to The Daily Mail. ""Cory was always very focused on his job and his work. In that respect, they both put their careers first. The relationship came second."" A celebrity chef who can cook a mean carbonara? Almost as good as a Prince! According to The Daily Mail Meghan, who lived with the foodie in a townhouse in Toronto, was ""going through a tough time with her previous boyfriend"" when Prince Harry ""besieged her with texts until she agreed to a date."" But don't worry about Cory, he's doing just fine! The gun cook is a regular guest star on lifestyle shows and runs a string of successful restaurants in Toronto. ""There's no downside to being a well-known chef. There are thousands of great cooks in the city, and there are chefs who are more deserving of the celebrity than myself,"" he told Toronto Life in 2016 of his high profile. WATCH: Cory talks about his career. Post continues... The fleeting fling: Irish pro golfer, Rory McIlroy, 2014 Before Cory, there was a Rory! Though never officially confirmed, these two were joined at the hip for a hot second back in August, 2014. Relive their ice bucket challenge video in the player below. Post continues below... Their ice bucket video was a hole in one! But nothing serious ever eventuated between the actress and the pro golfer. Romance rumours stepped up a notch after Meghan and Rory starred in a very flirty ice bucket challenge video together. They were also spotted enjoying several cosy dinner dates in New York and Dublin but sources at the time denied their romance to the Irish Independent After this pic of Meghan and Rory was posted on Instagram, people were convinced they were a couple. The ex-husband: American film producer, Trevor Engelson, 2004-2013 We like our princesses to be modern and relatable. And Meghan's failed marriage to American producer Trevor Engelson, 41, makes us love her even more – because in this day and age, who seriously hasn't had a doomed relationship. After dating for six years, Meghan and Trevor, who owns his own production company called Underground, became engaged in 2010. In September, 2011, they tied the knot in an extravagant beach-side wedding at the Jamaica Inn in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. There were over 100 guests in attendance and the celebrations kicked on for days (hopefully she'll do something just as fun with Harry.) Their marriage lasted just two years and by September, 2013 they had quietly separated. Sources close to the couple claim Meghan's role on Suits, which is filmed in Toronto, played a part in their demise. ""It put a strain on the relationship. Trevor was in LA making movies, Meghan was in another country five hours' flight away and it simply took its toll,"" a friend told The Daily Mail. Most recently, Trevor was apparently set to cash in on his marriage to a could-be-potential princess with the explosive news he's working on a TV show with a very familiar plot line. According to Deadline, the show, which is not yet titled, will be based on an American divorced mother who moves to London to marry a British Prince. It will reportedly explore the difficulties of sharing custody with the royal family when your ex-wife is married to a Prince. Although the exes don't share any kids, the controversial concept was dreamt up after Trevor was chatting to his fellow producer Dan Farah, speculating what it would have been like if they did have to share custody of children. ""Me and my lady in London,"" Trevor penned back in 2010 next to this snap. The film producer married Meghan in 2011." 1 We are sorry. This article has been removed. Tags advertising Copyright © 2008 - 2018 USweekly - all rights reserved Contact us 0 Kendall Jenner and her rumored beau A$AP Rocky were spotted getting cozy once again at the 2017 Met Gala on Monday, May 1. Find out how more of the stars partied in the video above! The 21-year-old supermodel, who stunned in a sheer, barely-there La Perla Haute Couture gown covered in thousands of crystals, wasn’t shy about showing PDA with the rapper, 28, during the New York City fashion event. Kim Kardashian shared a Snapchat photo of A$AP Rocky grabbing Kendall’s butt while younger sister Kylie Jenner crouched down to take a photo of the couple. Kendall and the “Wild for the Night” rapper also looked close in Kylie’s epic, star-studded bathroom selfie. The duo snuggled up while posing with several other stars, including Kardashian, Brie Larson, Paris Jackson, Lily Aldridge, Diddy and Frank Ocean. The pair stuck together at Rihanna’s Met Gala afterparty, too. Kendall and A$AP Rocky were seen dancing together while partying at 1 Oak nightclub. “Kendall and A$AP were inseparable all night. She was sitting with her back on his legs and dancing on him,” a party guest tells Us Weekly. “They looked like a couple.” Us Weekly first reported that the duo were spending time together last July. By August 2016, their fling had progressed into “full-on dating,” an insider told Us at the time. They were recently spotted looking flirty at Coachella in April and hanging out in Paris in January. Kendall told Harper’s Bazaar in April that she likes to keep her relationships private until it’s super serious. “If I’m not fully, fully in it with someone, why would I make it public to everyone else? If I don’t even know what it is, why would I let the world know?” she said. “I’m doing my thing. I’m having fun. I’m being young.” Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 (Warning: This post contains spoilers for the midseason finale of “This Is Us” Season 3, which aired Tuesday.) While offering up an overload of emotional information to Pearson family fans Tuesday, the midseason finale of “This Is Us” Season 3, called “The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning,” finally gave us the answer to the question viewers have been asking since the second season finale’s shocking flash-forward ending aired last spring: who the “her” is that Future Randall and Future Tess are preparing to visit. The answer: Randall’s mother, Rebecca Pearson (played by Mandy Moore). Yes, just as “This Is Us” wrapped up the first half of its third season tonight, it was revealed that decades from now, Randall and his adult daughter — along with Toby and now Beth — are going to see “Randall’s mother,” as Beth puts it to her employee (apparently she’s running a ballet company now?), who she obtains a Pin the Tail on the Donkey game from, as she prepares to join Randall and daughter on this journey. Also Read: 'This Is Us' Midseason Finale Reveals Nicky's Fate - And It's Probably Not What You Were Expecting Though this “her” revelation didn’t come until the episode’s closing moments — which also included a shocking twist about the fate of Jack’s little brother Nicky during the Vietnam War — we were building to it throughout the entire hour of the Dan Fogelman-created series. The installment included scenes in the present of Rebecca accidentally upsetting young Tess while trying to address her emerging feelings toward other girls, and then relating to her enough so that she felt comfortable addressing them with her parents. The episode also ended with a fight between our Present Day Beth and Randall, because Randall refused to drop out of the city council race, when the polls show he won’t win and his wife asks him to give up and come back to helping his family. That spat led to Randall sleeping on the couch, and a not so happy vibe between the happy couple in the present, with some hints in the future indicating the two are only communicating between Adult Tess. Does that mean they separate or even divorce? Also Read: 'This Is Us': Melanie Liburd Is 'Really Excited' for Beth-Centric Episode - and What It Means for Zoe's Backstory (Video) Because fans now have to wait until midseason to find out more about the future — and present — TheWrap has rounded up all the facts we’ve previously gathered about “This Is Us”s now-not-so-mysterious character, so you can theorize over the next piece of the puzzle — what are the circumstances surrounding this foreboding reunion? — for the next couple months. See below for everything we knew — before tonight — about “her.” Also Read: Hold Up, 'This Is Us' Fans - Mandy Moore Says You Might Actually Like That Guy With the Flowers She’s close to Tess, Randall and Toby In the third season premiere, the final scene gives a few more clues as to who the unnamed woman might be. Tess and Randall arrive at some sort of facility, and while Tess goes to the bathroom, Randall gives Toby (Chris Sullivan) a call, and asks if he’s “coming down.” Toby says he doesn’t know, but Randall tells him the “she” would want him here, and Toby agrees that he probably should. We see Toby talking to Randall on the phone from a bed — alone — which made us wonder if perhaps the mystery woman could be his wife Kate (Chrissy Metz), or someone close to Kate, and Kate might be dead. Yikes! “You thought we made it sound like he was talking about Kate — I would say that’s open to interpretation,” co-showrunner Isaac Aptaker told TheWrap at the show’s Season 3 finally in September. Alright, now we know it’s not Kate, but “Randall’s mother” — a person that is apparently close to Randall, Tess and Toby. And Sterling K. Brown told us that would be the case in the end, because anyone close to the Pearsons is close to Toby. Also Read: 'This Is Us': Sterling K Brown Tells Us All About the Beth-Centric Episode You've Been Waiting For “Toby is part of our family now,” Brown said. “So anybody who Randall cares about, Tobias would obviously care about as well. That’s my brother.” Tess hasn’t seen “her” in awhile Back on the Season 2 finale, we got our first glimpse of an older Randall and an older Tess. “It’s time to go see her, Tess,” Randall says. Tess responds that she’s “not ready,” and Randall says he’s not either. The scene is cut in a way that makes us think Beth might be dying (but that was ruled out by Susan Kelechi Watson herself) or maybe something is going on with Deja, who in the Season 3 premiere agreed to let the Pearsons adopt her after her mother relinquished her paternal rights. Brown also told TheWrap that there’s a specific reason he needs to coax Tess to see “her” — which of course we’ll find out in due time. Also Read: 'This Is Us' Season 3 Premiere: Showrunners Break Down Jack and Rebecca's Awful First Date “There’s a reason why he had to seek out Tess in particular,” Brown said. “Yes, there’s a reason why he had to seek out Tess in particular, because Tess hadn’t seen the ‘her’ for some time. And so there’s a reason why it’s time to go and she’s like, ‘I can’t.’ There’s a reason. Other people may have been more easily galvanized, but Tess needed a little more coaxing.” This is as far in the future as we’ll go “This future timeline is sort of the furthest that we’ll go in these characters lives and where our series will wrap up,” Aptaker told TheWrap in September, backing up something Fogelman has previously talked about. “I don’t imagine us going past this time period in the future so in terms of a timeline, this is our ending timeline,” Fogelman said in an interview with EW after the Season 2 finale last spring. “But we may have other past timelines we’re going to introduce in the course of the series, and also other future story lines that we might introduce as well.” Also Read: 'This Is Us': Mandy Moore Hints Season 3 Premiere Reveals More About Randall's 'Her' “Well we’re going to give answers in that timeline, but it doesn’t mean it’s a timeline we can’t revisit and sort of push the story forward in that timeline,” co-showrunner Elizabeth Berger told TheWrap. “We’re going to give a lot of satisfying answers regarding that timeline this season — so they’re quickly in store.” Answers were promised to be coming soon “I think the plan is that, in the course of the season, you will get a lot of answers,” Fogelman said, during a panel after the LA premiere in September. “The story is not about where it ends up, it’s about how you kind of get there… we’re not going to string it out over seven seasons or anything.” Moore said Fogelman has, “talked a lot about figuring out who [Randall] is talking about.” Also Read: 'This Is Us' Season 3: Milo Ventimiglia Hints Jack's Little Brother Nicky Has Some Real Issues “I think that every episode is offering a more fully realized picture of who that is,” Moore said in an interview with EW earlier this month. “It’s not being dragged for the sake of being cheeky. I think it’s just really brilliant storytelling and, Dan’s old favorite way of describing the show is the mixed up videotapes of home videos. This is exactly that, but we’re leaning a little bit into the future aspect of it.” Brown previously told EW that we do in fact know this character already. “It is someone that we have met over the first two seasons, so it won’t be something that comes out of nowhere,” Brown said. “Dan has already spoken to the fact that we’ve already shot parts of how he wants the series to end that’s dealing with that particular ‘her’ as well. I think by about midseason, maybe episode 9 or so, the audience will know who that individual is.” “This Is Us” Season 3 will return Jan. 15 on NBC. 0 When The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills returns to Bravo for its eighth season, it will be without Eden Sassoon. Get push notifications with news, features and more. The 43-year-old daughter of legendary beauty icon Vidal Sassoon announced the news on her Facebook page on Wednesday, telling fans that she’s feels “free & ALIVE to BE the REAL ME that was not shown to the #bravo world of viewers.” “I truly am #grateful for the experience & huge life lessons I was up against,” she wrote, adding on Twitter that her exit was the “best news EVER!” and that RHOBH was “just a moment in my journey.” She hashtagged the tweets “#freedom.” Paul Archuleta/WireImage Eden had a tough road on RHOBH, where she debuted in season 7 as a friend of Housewife Lisa Rinna. She opened up early on about her sobriety and the passing of her sister Catya, who died of an overdose in 2002 when she was just 34. But Eden perhaps got a little too personal when she compared he relationship with her sister to the bond between Kyle Richards and her recovering addict sister Kim Richards — causing tension and headed arguments between the three. RELATED VIDEO: What Eden Sassoon Remembers Most from Tuff Turf Set with Kim Richards & Sister Catya Things got worse when Rinna told Eden that Kyle was an “enabler” and that Kim was “close to death” — information that propelled Eden into trying to help Kim and Kyle (and, perhaps unfairly, only drove her further away from the group). By season’s end, Eden had turned on Rinna, telling her, “I’ve given you so much of my time, my energy — my f—ing heart, you bitch! … It’s not okay for you to treat me the way that you do. It’s not okay for you to walk all over me and use me as your scapegoat. I’ve been nothing but there for you to try to heal you!” Grateful for season 7 #RHOBH it brought me beautiful love from so many that I now have for life. It's the #journey not the #destination 🎁 https://t.co/K9B6qTtclh — Eden Sassoon (@sassEden) May 4, 2017 Now that she’s off the show, Eden can spend her time focused on her two businesses — her full service salon, EDEN by Eden Sassoon, and two luxury Pilates studios in L.A. And while some may feel their departure from reality TV is the end, Eden sees it as a fresh start. “Remember an END is just a NEW BEGINNING…I will be in full force with #love #hugs #truth and #compassion which are all things that make me shine,” she wrote on Facebook. “So if you can’t handle my light .. please go be dim someplace else.” “Grateful for season 7 #RHOBH,” she added on Twitter. “It brought me beautiful love from so many that I now have for life. It’s the #journey not the #destination .” 0 "Did Charlie Hunnam really get booed at the airport by other travelers when using his celebrity status to cut the long immigration line? That's what one tabloid is reporting, but this was more than likely a false rumor. The gossip magazine, Star, reported that the Sons of Anarchy alum caused a scene and was even booed by other passengers. A person, who is called a ""spy"" by the tabloid, claimed to be at the airport during the incident. “The lines were huge, and people had been waiting for well over an hour, but Charlie was in and out of there at warp speed. It was as if he expected everyone to be OK with it because of who he is,"" the ""spy"" told Star. The insider went on to say “there were a lot of snarky comments” from other travelers and ""then people actually started booing him.” Given that the source was referred to as a ""spy,"" it's likely that this story isn't completely true. According to Gossip Cop, the report is entirely fabricated. A source told Gossip Cop that this alleged incident ""never happened."" When the British actor isn't the subject of seemingly fake news stories, he is gushing over his longtime girlfriend, Morgana McNelis. While attending the Toronto International Film Festival to promote his new film, Papillon, Hunnam explained how he and McNelis have maintained their romance for more than a decade. “I try to keep the romance on the reg,'” he told PEOPLE magazine. “I’ve been with my girlfriend 11 years, and as anyone knows, it’s been a long-term, fully monogamous relationship that requires work, a lot of work.” Hunnam says that working on his relationship with McNelis doesn't always require grand romantic gestures. “Before I came away to TIFF I ended up staying until 5 in the morning because I decided I was going to clean the entire house,"" he said." 1 MELTDOWN? .. After a bad couple of years of bomb movies and other drama, sources say Tom Cruise has become a recluse. An insider says, “people close to him have barely heard a word from him …. It’s very bizarre behavior …. He’s a fairly social guy and its making people wonder” 1 "Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Menzies (right) replaces Matt Smith in the role of Prince Philip The Queen has found her prince for the next series of The Crown. Former Game of Thrones and Outlander actor Tobias Menzies will star as Prince Philip in the Netflix show, opposite Olivia Colman as the Queen. He takes over from Matt Smith and will portray the Duke of Edinburgh from the 1960s to 1980s. The 44-year-old actor, who played Edmure Tully in Game of Thrones, is expected to be seen in the royal role from next year. It's understood that he has signed up for seasons three and four of The Crown, with the cast changes allowing the characters to be seen as they age. Colman signed up to play Queen Elizabeth II in January, replacing Claire Foy. Image copyright Netflix Image caption Foy and Smith play the young Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Menzies has already starred opposite Colman in The Night Manager, playing Geoffrey Dromgoole. His Outlander co-star Caitriona Balfe was among the first to congratulate him for the new role, saying she was ""so excited"" to hear the news. It was reported that Paul Bettany had withdrawn from talks to play Prince Philip earlier this year, while Hugh Laurie had recently been rumoured to be in the running. Other casting is yet to be announced - but Helena Bonham Carter has been tipped to take over the role of Princess Margaret. Vanessa Kirby, who currently plays the Queen's sister, appeared to confirm the news by posting an Instagram picture of her alongside Bonham Carter, with the caption ""honoured"". The Crown recently hit the headlines when it was revealed Smith was paid more than Foy, who won a Golden Globe for her performance, for the first two series. Production company Left Bank Pictures apologised to both stars - who said they were not aware of each other's pay. Shakespeare role Menzies was the groom at Game of Thrones' infamous Red Wedding, one of the show's most memorable and talked-about moments. In time travel drama Outlander he plays 20th Century character Frank Randall, as well as his 18th Century ancestor Jonathan Randall. Other roles include an appearance in James Bond film Casino Royale, as M's assistant Villiers. He will be seen in a new BBC production of King Lear later this year, alongside Sir Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson. Follow us on Facebook, on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts, or on Instagram at bbcnewsents. If you have a story suggestion email entertainment.news@bbc.co.uk." 0 This story contains spoilers for the “Outlander” season 2 finale and vague plot details from the third book in Diana Gabaldon’s series of novels, “Voyager,” on which season 3 will be based. If you want to go into season 3 with no knowledge of what might come, turn back now. Season 2 of “Outlander” began with a disoriented Claire Fraser (Caitriona Balfe) returning through the standing stones at Craigh na Dun, alone and pregnant, to reluctantly reunite with her first husband, Frank (Tobias Menzies) in 1948. In the premiere, we saw Claire and Frank negotiating how they might raise a child together, with their relationship irrevocably strained by the events of Claire’s absence and the man she fell in love with during that time away. Sunday’s finale, titled “Dragonfly in Amber,” showed us the harrowing moments leading up to that reunion, as Claire’s second husband, Jamie (Sam Heughan) convinced her to return to her own time in order to protect her and their unborn child, since he believed that he was destined to die with his men at the Battle of Culloden. That seemed like the end of Claire and Jamie’s story (although fans of Diana Gabaldon’s novels already knew that there’s plenty more of this tale to be told, with eight books currently published and more to come — not to mention the fact that the show was already renewed for season 3 and season 4), until Claire discovered that Jamie survived both Culloden and the execution of Jacobite soldiers that followed the battle, meaning that there was a chance they could still reunite if she went back through the stones — albeit after 20 years apart. Related 'Outlander' Producer on Dealing With 'Different Sensitivities' in Depicting Sexual Assault 'Outlander' Recap: Brianna Is Brutally Attacked in 'Wilmington' Given the number of books in Gabaldon’s series (and the fact that viewers would probably riot if Sam Heughan suddenly disappeared from the show), it’s not much of a spoiler to say that Claire and Jamie will someday find each other again. “There’s a lot of challenges to season 3 — there’s a period of time where Jamie and Claire are apart; he thinks that he’s lost her, or at least that she’s alive and well but in the future, so what is he living for? What sort of man is he now?” Heughan observes. “She will eventually return, but they’re both older, so what is Jamie, who is the man he’s become” in the time since they last saw each other? Those questions — “who is Jamie without Claire, why is he still surviving, what has he got to live for when he’s lost the woman that he loves” — will be central to the character in season 3, according to Heughan. And therein lies both the tragedy and romance at the heart of the “Outlander” series, which, despite its genre-bending sensibilities, incisively explores the sometimes harsh realities of a lasting relationship, with all the triumphs, complications, joys and heartbreaks that go along with it. When they find their way back together after decades spent separated, Claire and Jamie will have to relearn what it means to be a couple, something that Balfe admits she’s eagerly anticipating in season 3. “I think what’s going to be most exciting is the reunion between Claire and Jamie and them discovering each other again and falling in love all over again,” she tells Variety. “I think both of them have probably held each other up on a pedestal for 20 years, so in many ways, they’re going to have to destroy that image first before they can fall in love with the person right in front of them, and that’s going to be really interesting. I love the complexity of that, because you can’t be in love with a ghost, and Claire is in many ways in love with Jamie’s ghost, as Jamie is in love with her ghost, and that’s not the people they are when they see each other again.” The season 2 finale may have jumped ahead in time to introduce us to Claire and Jamie’s daughter, Brianna, on the cusp of adulthood, but we still have 20 years of lost time to revisit, and the show isn’t likely to skip over all of it, especially since those life experiences will inevitably have shaped who Claire and Jamie are now that they’re middle-aged. “What I’m so excited about as well next season is we’ll see, hopefully, some of her progression as a mother,” Balfe says. “So even though we’ve jumped forward in episode 13 [to see Claire] at 50, hopefully we’ll see some of that journey between late 20s and 50.” While the actors had yet to read scripts for season 3 when they spoke to Variety before the finale aired, Gabaldon’s “Voyager” gives us some hints as to what we might see in the new season, including a final showdown between Jamie and Menzies’ Black Jack Randall, who was destined to die on Culloden Moor. “If you’ve read the books you will know that Randall will appear again,” Heughan teases. “I know that Diana has written the scene of how they ended up [back together], so hopefully – and who knows, I haven’t read the script yet, but hopefully, we’ll get to see Jamie and Randall in the Battle of Culloden.” We’re also likely to see Frank again, to give viewers a sense of the realities of his relationship with Claire. We know from some of Brianna’s comments in the finale that her parents’ marriage wasn’t particularly idyllic in its later years, and Menzies confirms that the tentative plan is for season 3 to explore the couple’s dynamic following the move to Boston, including “the disintegration of their marriage out there… it’s slightly ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf’ in Boston, which hopefully will be really exciting stuff to dig into.” Balfe agrees, “The relationship between Claire and Frank is so rich and complex, I’m really looking forward to that.” After the political intrigue of this season, Heughan says season 3 “feels like a very new chapter,” with trips to tropical climates that are far removed from the chill of Scotland. “There’s a lot of travel involved, and I think that’s the joy of the show — it’s never the same thing, it’s constantly moving, so next season should be quite an adventure.” What are you most looking forward to seeing in “Outlander” season 3? Weigh in below. 0 "Telepictures and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. may use my email address along with my interests and device data to send me tailored email and other offers through social media or other sites and apps. Yes! Telepictures and Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc. may also share those details with Affiliates so they may send me tailored email and other offers. Telepictures and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. are requesting this consent on behalf of their affiliates, which will use the information under their respective privacy policies. Sign Me Up! Opt out at any time by sending email to privacy@wb.com, by mail to ""Privacy Group, Warner Bros., 4000 Warner Blvd, Burbank, CA 91522,"" or by unsubscribing via a link in the email. By submitting my email address, I agree to the Terms of Service and I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Privacy Policy." 0 "Getting revenge on someone who's hurt you can be a very emotional experience — especially when Kylie Jenner is involved. In a new clip from Khloé Kardashian's upcoming show Revenge Body, a contestant named Stephanie can be seen prepping for her big reveal, where she hopes to demonstrate a newfound sense of confidence to her not-so-nice former BFF. In order to make sure she's as ready as possible, celebrity hairstylist Jen Atkin — a renowned member of the Kardashian glam squad — decides to share a sweet message from Kylie to give Stephanie an extra boost. Pulling out an iPad, Jen then plays a short video where the makeup maven reveals that she's gifted Stephanie with a brand new Kendall + Kylie bikini and a Kylie Cosmetics lip kit, causing the contestant to get very emotional. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below ""Congratulations on your big reveal,"" Kylie says in the video. ""I hope you love it, and I hope to meet you soon."" You can watch Stephanie's pre-reveal prep and her sweet moment with Kylie below. Revenge Body With Khloé Kardashian premieres Thursday, Jan. 12, at 8 p.m. on E! Follow Gina on Twitter." 1 OURLANDOFTHEFREE.COM – Its nice to see the rule of law being restored! Its now clear why the Left has been throwing such a fit lately. While they have been screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, President Trump has been dealing with some of our nations actual problems. Accordi.. 1 "Bethany Minelle, News Reporter Prince Harry - the world's most eligible bachelor - and Hollywood starlet Meghan Markle are getting married. Hundreds will attend. Millions will watch on television - including coverage on Sky News and Sky 1. The event will go down in history. Sky News will broadcast live in Windsor the week before the wedding with all the build-up to the big day, with exclusive live coverage of the wedding in UHD in a special programme ‪from 9am to 3pm‬ on Sky News and Sky One ‪on Saturday 19 May. Image: Prince Harry and Meghan announced their engagement to the public in November The couple say they want it to be ""a big shared event"" that is ""modern, inclusive but still adhering to tradition"", and they want ""everyone"" to be part of their big day. So what can we expect from the Royal wedding? When? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will get married on Saturday 19 May, at noon. Guests will arrive between 9.30am and 11am, with members of the Royal family to turn up from 11.20am. They will enter St George's Chapel via the Galilee Porch, some on foot and others by car, while Ms Markle and her mother will begin their journey from the bride's overnight location. Image: Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby will marry the couple Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby - who baptised Meghan in March - will officiate the service, which will take around an hour. It will be televised from start to finish and will be followed by a carriage procession starting at 1pm and lasting for about half an hour. 1:32 Video: When Harry met Meghan The main part of the parade will pass along The Long Walk - a two-and-a-half mile (4km) path that links Windsor Castle with Snow Hill in Windsor Great Park. The inspiration for the procession is believed to have come from the wedding of Prince Edward and the Countess of Wessex who got married at St George's chapel in 1999. Where? The couple will tie the knot on the High Altar of St George's Chapel, a 15th Century church on the grounds of Windsor Castle. Image: The pair sought the Queen's permission to wed in George's Chapel One of the first things they will hear as a married couple will be a fanfare from 20 silver-plated trumpets. After the service, Prince Harry and Meghan will leave the chapel through the west entrance and embark on a carriage parade through the town. Image: They make their vows on the on the High Altar of St George’s Chapel The steps of the chapel will be lined by members of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, and members of the Queen's Guard Windsor Castle will line the streets within Windsor Castle. Bank holiday Members of the Royal Family normally get married in the week, but as Prince Harry and Meghan are getting married on a Saturday, there won't be a bank holiday. Image: The Diamond Jubilee in June 2012 was a bank holiday Despite not getting a day off work, there is some good news for well-wishers - pubs will be open late over the wedding weekend. The wedding falls on the same day as the FA Cup final at Wembley Stadium, but with the cup final not expected to kick off until around 5.30pm, it is unlikely to clash with the royal big day. Pubs, bars and other licensed premises will be allowed to keep serving until 1am, instead of the usual 11pm, on the nights of Friday 18 May and the following night, after the wedding. Security The wedding operation will be ""amongst the largest in Thames Valley Police's history"", with up to 100,000 people expected on the streets. Image: There was a heavy police presence for the wedding of Prince William and Kate Measures will include barriers to prevent vehicle attacks, armed police patrols and airport-style security searches. Police dogs, mounted police and the National Police Air Service will all be used in the run up to the wedding, and on the day itself visitors may be stopped and checked and British Transport Police will be patrolling train stations and carriages. Thames Valley, British Transport Police, the Metropolitan Police and Surrey Police will all be involved in policing the event. Wedding invites The gilded invites, printed by Bernard and Westwood, were made using American ink on English card and feature the three-feathered badge of Prince Charles in gold ink. Image: The invitations follow many years of Royal tradition and have been made by @BarnardWestwood. They feature the Three-Feathered Badge of the Prince of Wales printed in gold ink. Pic: Kensington Palace Guests Unlike the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, which was held in Westminster Cathedral with 3,000 guests, this will be a much more intimate event. Approximately 600 guests have been invited to the ceremony. Additionally, 2,640 people have been invited to celebrate inside the castle walls. They won't be part of the congregation, but will all receive a sausage roll and a cup of tea. Image: Palace aides have said the wedding will be a moment of 'fun and joy' The guest list will include 1,200 young people and others who have served their communities and shown strong leadership, 200 people from charities and organisations that the couple have a close association with, and 100 pupils from two local schools. The couple have asked that people be chosen from a broad range of backgrounds and ages. Windsor Castle community members and members of the Royal households and Crown Estate have also been invited. One couple told Sky what it was like to receive the ""Hogwarts-style"" invite. Who's in? This is a closely guarded secret, and Kensington Palace has issued no formal guestlist to the press or public. Image: Queen Elizabeth II has given her formal approval to Harry and Meghan As Prince Harry's grandmother and head of state, the Queen will certainly be there. All close members of the Royal Family will also be in attendance, along with close friends of the happy couple. Some foreign royals, senior figures from UK establishments, the church and select politicians - both British and foreign - could also attend. With Hollywood starlet Meghan Markle as the bride, a host of sparkling celebrities are also expected to attend (see Celebrities). Who's out? :: The President of the United States There has been much speculation over whether Donald Trump will attend the ceremony. Image: US President Donald Trump said he hadn't heard about an invite A past critic of the American President, Meghan Markle formerly called him ""divisive"" and a ""misogynist"". When asked at the beginning of the year by Piers Morgan whether he had received an invite Mr Trump said, ""not that I know of"". In an uncharacteristically gracious tone Mr Trump went on: ""I want them to be happy. I really want them to be happy. They look like a lovely couple."" :: Estranged members of Meghan's family An only child, Meghan has two half-siblings on her father Thomas Markle's side. 2:06 Video: Royal wedding: Meet the Markles Her extended family also includes a host of members from whom she appears to be estranged. While her mother - Doria Ragland - and father are both expected to be at the ceremony, it is not known how many other members of Meghan's extended family will be present (see Meghan's family). Image: Meghan's half-sister Samantha Markle Meghan's half-sister, Samantha Markle, who is penning a tell-all book on the family entitled The Diary of Princess Pushy's sister, looks like she may have written herself out of an invite. It remains to be seen how many of Meghan's family make it to the ceremony, but one thing is for certain - Prince Harry's family is set to outnumber the Markle clan to a massive degree. :: The ex-husband Meghan's ex-husband, Hollywood film producer Trevor Engelson, is also unlikely to be there. Image: Trevor Engelson was married to Meghan for two years The couple divorced in 2013 after two years of marriage citing ""irreconcilable differences"". New Royal baby Prince William and Kate had their third child on 23 April 2018, just less than a month before the wedding. Image: Kate will give birth to the Royal baby in April - the month before the wedding The newborn prince has knocked his uncle - Prince Harry - off his spot as fifth in line to the throne, pushing him down the pecking order to number six. Kensington Palace have said that Prince Louis, who will be just weeks old, will not be attending the wedding. Celebrities The fact that Meghan is an actress means there will be plenty of showbiz faces to spot during the day. Image: Sarah Rafferty is one of Meghan's closest friends on the set of Suits For starters, a fair few of the Suits cast could be there including Meghan's co-stars Patrick J Adams, Gabriel Macht and Sarah Rafferty. Tennis star Serena Williams, singer-songwriter Elton John and former footballer David Beckham are all likely to be present. Image: The Spice Girls are rumoured to have received an invite Rumour has it that the Spice Girls - Victoria Beckham, Geri Horner, Emma Bunton, Mel B and Melanie Chisholm - may all have received invites to the wedding. Additionally, Millie Mackintosh, of Made In Chelsea fame, may well be there, with the pair previously having spent time together at an Oxfordshire spa and Millie rumoured to have been invited to Meghan's top secret hen do. Meghan's family Meghan's parents, who divorced when she was six, are expected to be at the wedding. Meghan's mum, Doria Ragland, 61, is a yoga teacher and social worker who lives in California. Image: Meghan with her mother Doria Ragland Meghan's dad, Thomas Markle, 73, a retired TV lighting director now lives in a seaside town in Mexico. It is possible that Meghan's half-brother, Thomas Markle Jr, could also be part of the congregation. It is less likely that her half-sister Samantha Markle will be there (see Who's out). Image: Meghan with her father Thomas Markle However, Ashleigh - Samantha's daughter - who is estranged from her mother and said to be on good terms with Meghan, could be on the guest list. Meghan's uncle on her mother's side, graphic designer Joffrey Ragland, 34, may well be in attendance. It is unlikely that Meghan's pet beagle Guy, who moved from Toronto to London with her, will be coming along to help the couple celebrate, although he could rock up at the evening reception. 1:55 Video: Meghan: Campaigner and Trump critic The flowers The Royal wedding flowers will be designed by self-taught luxury floral designer Philippa Craddock. Image: Florist Philippa Craddock will create the floral displays for the wedding Arrangements will feature white garden roses - one of Princess Diana's favourite flowers - and peonies - believed to be a favourite of Meghan's. Branches of beech, birch and hornbeam will also feature in the floral displays, which will reflect ""wild and natural landscapes"". After the wedding the blooms will be given to different charities. Dress code The dress code for guests attending the ceremony is uniform, morning coat or lounge suit, or a day dress with a hat. Best man Officially there is no such thing as a best man at a Royal wedding, which instead uses the term ""supporters"". Image: Will Prince William 'support' his little brother? However, William was asked to be best man, as Harry was his for his big brother's wedding in 2011. However, Harry did not exactly rush to ask his big brother to help him out on his big day... 2:02 Video: Prince Harry has not asked William to be his best man... yet When asked about the possibility of being best man or supporter in January, William responded: ""He hasn't asked me yet… So, it could be a sensitive issue."" The Bridesmaids Some of Meghan Markle's celebrity best friends are being touted as possible bridesmaids - among them tennis ace Serena Williams, actress and UNICEF ambassador Priyanka Chopra and British reality TV star Millie Mackintosh. Image: Maid of honour Pippa Middleton leads the flower girls and page boys down the aisle But while one of her pals may be chosen as maid of honour, none of them are likely to make the cut as Meghan's bridesmaid. This is because unless Prince Harry and Meghan break with tradition, the precedent is to have children as attendants. The flower girls are likely to be chosen from the children of the Royal Family - Princess Charlotte, who will be three by the time of the wedding, the children of Prince Harry's cousins Mia Tindall, three, Isla Phillips, five, and Savanna Phillips, seven, are among the most likely to be picked. Image: William and Kate with their bridesmaids and pageboys on the day of their wedding Children of some of Meghan's closest pals - including the daughter of stylist Jessica Mulroney Ivy Mulroney, four, and brand curator Benita Litt's two little daughters who Meghan has called her ""fairy god-daughters"" - may also be contenders. In the offing to be page boys are third in line to the throne Prince George, four, and Jessica Mulroney's twin boys Brian and John, both seven. Image: Flower girl Grace van Cutsem is not a fan of Royal weddings While it is likely that Grace van Cutsem - the frowning flower girl at Prince William and Kate's wedding - will be at the wedding, she is unlikely to be a flower girl this time, despite her scene-stealing performance on the Buckingham Palace balcony during Will and Kate's first kiss. Something borrowed There are rumours that Meghan may wear the same tiara Princess Diana wore on her wedding day to Prince Charles. Image: Princess Diana wearing the Spencer tiara in Australia in 1983 Known as the Spencer Tiara, it has not been worn in public since Diana's death. Meghan's engagement ring is also made out of diamonds made from a bracelet which belonged to Princess Diana (see The Ring). The dress This is top secret, with much speculation over whether Meghan will go traditional, or step out in something with a more modern twist. Image: Meghan in white at Westminster Abbey in March Her stylist bestie Jessica Mulroney is said to have assisted her in picking a designer. Designers in the frame include Erdem, Ralph & Russo, Roland Mouret, Inbal Dror and Jenny Packham. Alexander McQueen - who designed Kate Middleton's lace wedding dress - is also a frontrunner. Another stylist friend, Misha Nonoo, is also rumoured to be creating something bespoke for Meghan to wear at the evening reception. 1:34 Video: The Pledge: Can Meghan survive 'The Firm'? Talking about her character in Suits, ahead of her engagement to Prince Harry, Meghan told Glamour magazine: ""I personally prefer wedding dresses that are whimsical or subtly romantic."" Meghan also said that she loved a ""low, ballerina inspired neckline"". Her first wedding dress - for her marriage to Trevor Engelson in 2011 - was a white, floor-length strapless gown with a sparkling embellished belt to add a touch of colour. As a former soldier, Prince Harry - who is now Captain General of Royal Marines - may be in uniform for the ceremony. Down the aisle Meghan's father, Thomas Markle, was due to walk his daughter down the aisle. There was much initial speculation over whether the 73-year-old - who is said to value his privacy and keeps out of the limelight - would carry out the duty on the big day. Image: Will Thomas Markle walk his daughter down the aisle? Although Kensington Palace confirmed his attendance, his poor health has meant he has had to drop out, so he can recover from heart surgery. Instead, Ms Markle will walk through the Nave of the chapel with her pageboys and bridesmaids and then be joined by Prince Charles at the Quire. Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, 61, will also be at the wedding, and will travel with her daughter by car to Windsor Castle. Diana tribute Prince Harry is keen to involve Princess Diana's family in the wedding. Image: Princess Diana will be remembered during the ceremony All three of his mother's siblings - Lady Jane Fellowes, Lady Sarah McCorquodale and Earl Spencer - will be attending. Lady Fellowes will give a reading during the ceremony in celebration of her life. The music The couple have chosen musicians including a Christian gospel choir, a teenage cellist and a Welsh soprano to sing at the ceremony. Image: Karen Gibson and The Kingdom Choir will be performing at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Kensington Palace said: ""Both Prince Harry and Ms Markle have taken a great interest and care in choosing the music for their service, which will include a number of well-known hymns and choral works."" Cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason, the BBC Young Musician of 2016, said he was ""bowled over"" when Meghan called him personally to ask him to play in the chapel during the wedding. The rings Meghan's wedding ring will most likely be Welsh gold - a tradition the Royal Family have held since 1923. Image: Meghan Markle shows off her engagement ring It is not known whether Harry will choose to wear a ring or not - his brother Prince William shunned a ring, while his father Prince Charles wears a gold band. Meghan's all-diamond, yellow gold engagement ring was designed by Prince Harry. The large central diamond was sourced from Botswana - a country the couple have twice visited together - and the two smaller side stones have been taken from a £100,000 ($140,000) diamond bracelet that belonged to Princess Diana. 0:34 Video: Diana would be 'over the moon, so excited' Prince Harry said the inclusion of his mother's stones was ""to make sure that she's with us on this crazy journey together"". The engagement ring is estimated to be worth upwards of £35,000 ($50,000). Royal kiss The eagerly awaited first public kiss from the married couple will take place after the ceremony but before the carriage parade. Image: Charles and Diana kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace One of the defining moments of the wedding, it is likely to take place on the west steps of St George's Chapel. Prince William and Kate had their first kiss, following their wedding in Westminster Abbey, on the balcony at Buckingham Palace, mirroring the kiss of Prince Charles and Diana after their wedding in St Paul's Cathedral. The Photographer The official Royal photographer on Prince Harry and Meghan's big day will be Alexi Lubomirski - the same man who took their engagement photos. Image: Alexi Lubomirski will be capturing the official Royal wedding images for Prince Harry and Meghan No stranger to royalty -""His Serene Highness Prince Alexi Lubomirski"" to use his full title - is himself of royal lineage, having descended from an influential Polish family who received their hereditary title in the 17th century. Lubomirski, 42, who has snapped the likes of Beyonce, Gwyneth Paltrow and Nicole Kidman, has said he is thrilled to be witnessing ""the next chapter in this wonderful love story"". The reception The wedding will be followed by not one, but two receptions. Image: The interior of St George's Hall where the first reception will be held The first, which is being hosted by the Queen, will be a lunch for the 600 people who attended the wedding ceremony and will be held at St George's Great Hall. Later that evening, the second reception, hosted by Prince Charles, will be held in the grounds of Frogmore House. Image: The second reception will be held in Frogmore House The venue near Windsor Castle was also the location for the couple's engagement photos. Musical acts performing at the reception have yet to be confirmed, but they will no doubt be star names. Image: An official engagement shot taken in the Frogmore House gardens. Pic: Alexi Lubomirski Ed Sheeran, The Spice Girls, James Blunt and Ellie Goulding are all potential candidates. The cake The Royal wedding cake will be lemon and elderflower flavour, covered in buttercream and decorated with fresh flowers. Image: Pastry chef Claire Ptak will make the couple's wedding cake Prince Harry and Meghan wanted the cake to incorporate the ""bright flavours of spring"" for their May wedding. It will be made by American pastry chef Claire Ptak, who runs Violet Cakes in Hackney - an organic hipster bakery in east London. The price of the cake is unknown, with the bakery website stating that ""wedding cakes are priced on request"". The gifts Prince Harry and Meghan have asked guests and well-wishers not to get them wedding gifts, but instead to donate money to charity. Image: Wedding gifts are being eschewed in place of donations to charity The seven charities they have chosen reflect their joint passions including sport for social change, women's empowerment, conservation, the environment, homelessness, HIV and the Armed Forces. The organisations selected are CHIVA (Children's HIV Association), Crisis, the Myna Mahila Foundation, Scotty's Little Soldiers - a charity for bereaved Armed Forces children, StreetGames, Surfers Against Sewage, and The Wilderness Foundation UK. Information on how to make donations is on the Royal Family website, with links to each of the charity's websites to make it as easy as possible to give money. The honeymoon No location has been confirmed, but if tradition is anything to go by, these three locations are in with a good chance: :: Botswana, Africa Just a few weeks into their relationship Prince Harry and Meghan ""camped out with each other under the stars"" here. Image: Prince Harry and Prince William visit Botswana in 2015 The couple returned for Meghan's 36th birthday later that year. Prince Harry, who visited Botswana with Prince William and Prince Charles shortly after Diana's death, has called the South African country his ""second home"". :: Seychelles Image: Prince William and Kate honeymooned in the Seychelles Prince William and Kate spent their honeymoon here, enjoying 10 days of sun, sand and local wildlife. Kate and Wills rented the secluded private North Island to avoid the frenzied media speculation around their vacation. :: Broadlands, Hampshire Image: Broadlands, Hampshire, is a Royal honeymoon favourite This 18th century English country house is a favourite honeymoon destination for the royals, enjoyed by the Queen and Prince Philip after their wedding in 1947, and Prince Charles in 1981 after his wedding to Diana. Prince Charles returned in 2005 with his second wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. The couple will not go immediately go on their honeymoon, which Meghan is said to be paying for as a gift to Harry. Royal titles Despite marrying Prince Harry, Meghan will not become Princess Meghan. For that title she would have had to be born into the Royal family. If Prince Harry retains his current rank as His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales, Meghan will become HRH Princess Henry of Wales. 21:07 Video: Harry and Meghan's relationship - in their words However, if Prince Harry is promoted to the vacant role of Duke of Sussex - as it is widely expected he will be - Meghan will become HRH Duchess of Sussex. Other available titles are the Duke of Clarence and the Duke of Buckingham. Royal coin The Royal Mint have designed a commemorative coin to celebrate Prince Harry and Meghan's marriage. Image: Various versions of the coin are available The coin shows the couple ""looking lovingly into each other's eyes"" in a ""relaxed and informal"" setting. An uncirculated version of the coin is priced at £13, a silver proof coin is on sale for £82.50, and the gold proof version will set you back £1,980. Memorabilia The Royal Collection Trust has released an official Prince Harry and Meghan china collection which will be sold at the Queen's Gallery shop at Buckingham Palace. Image: The choice of Royal wedding memorabilia is mind boggling The blue and white china Royal wedding commemorative range which includes tea cups, coffee mugs, tankards, pillboxes and plates all decorated with the couple's initials painted in 22 carat gold. Ceramics designer Emma Bridgwater has also created two bone china half-pint mugs at her Stoke-on-Trent factory to celebrate the wedding, one with the Royal crest and the other with the words ""Game changers, Free Spirits, Big hearts and Well Suited"". Unofficial commemorative merchandise - of varying degrees of quality - are being sold across the world include tea-towels, dress-the-paper doll book and car bumper stickers. What next? Prince Harry previously told Sky News he was keen to settle down and start a family but said ""there's a process that one has to go through"". 0:28 Video: Prince Harry talks about settling down in 2015 Now that ""process"" has begun, bookies have begun taking bets on when Meghan and Harry will become proud parents, with the odds of a 2019 or 2020 Royal baby looking good. When visiting Northern Ireland together in March, the pair met a husband and wife team who make baby products such as hypoallergenic Moses baskets and non-slip baths. Meghan joked ""I'm sure at some point we'll need the whole lot."" Image: Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle meeting well-wishers as they leave Brixton Watch this space…" 0 The first look at Ryan Murphy’s procedural drama, 9-1-1 for FOX is finally here. Having debuted during Game 3 of the World Series, the new show set to premiere in 2018 features an all-star cast with Angela Bassett, Peter Krause and Connie Britton. Up Next: TV Ratings: 'Empire,' 'Chicago P.D.,' 'Designated Survivor' All Hit Series Lows “There are two types of emergency,” Britton’s 9-1-1 operator narrates. “The first kind is the one we all have everyday. Then there’s the second kind of emergency. The kind that comes without warning.” 9-1-1 explores the high-pressure experiences of police officers, paramedics and firefighters who are catapulted some of the most frightening and heart-stopping situations. Murphy’s characters must balance saving those who are at their most vulnerable, while working through their own problems. More: Ryan Murphy Confirms 'American Horror Story: Cult' Mass Shooting Scene to Be Edited Promising a mix of lighthearted and serious emergencies, the first responder drama could be just what the network needs after NBC found incredible success with its series, Chicago P.D. and Chicago Fire. 0 Selena Gomez WORRIED She Won’t Be Able To Replace Justin Bieber! Duration: 02:44 Selena Gomez is trying to be out here living her best life...but that isn't stopping her from WORRYING that she will never find THIS again in her whole entire life. 1 Almost a year after Prince was found unconscious in his Paisley Park home, search warrants from the investigation of his death were released on Monday, revealing that prescription medications were found all over his house, NBC News reports. According to reports by E!, the documents filed last year provide clearer view into the days leading up to the star’s accidental opioid overdose, including medications he acquired without prescriptions. According to the affidavits, substances were found within the compound, particularly in places that Prince regularly visited, like his bedroom and laundry room. Many pills were found stored in bottles for other medications, often in vitamin bottles. Per NBC News, some were in a suitcase labelled with a Prince alias, Peter Bravestrong, along with a handwritten lyrics to the 1987 hit “U Got The Look.” According to E!, several medications were prescribed to Prince’s longtime friend and aide, Kirk Johnson. Dr. Michael Todd Schulenberg, who saw Prince twice before his death, arrived on the premises on April 21 to drop off test results and when later questioned by authorities, NBC News reports he confessed that he prescribed oxycodone on April 16, 2016, the same day that the pop star’s plane made a post-concert emergency landing when he “passed out” while aboard after taking pain killer medication. Warrant says that Schulenberg told investigators he put it under Johnson’s name “for Prince’s privacy.” The doctor’s attorney, however, said in a statement that he “never directly prescribed opioids to Prince, nor did he ever prescribe opioids to any other person with the intent that they would be given to Prince.” According to NBC News, investigators discovered a suitcase next to Prince’s bed and found at least two bottles with pills prescribed by Schulenberg under Johnson’s name on April 7: the anti-nausea drug ondansetron hydrochloride in a Vitamin D bottle, and the painkiller Percocet in a bottle labeled as ondansetron. According to E!, documents stated that Johnson contacted Schulenberg to ease Prince with hip pain, for which he prescribed clonidine, hydroxyzine pamoate and diazepam, medications typically used for anxiety and high blood pressure. Johnson picked up the medicines the day before Prince’s death and claimed it “was the first time he had ever done something like that for Prince.” Johnson told investigators he was “unaware Prince was addicted to pain medication.” But Andrew Kornfeld, the son of Dr. Howard Kornfield, who founded the Recovery Without Walls told detectives that Johnson had contacted them because the famed musician was struggling with opiate use, E! reports. Per search warrants, Andrew was visiting the compound on the day of Prince’s death to determine if the singer could be a candidate of their program. He was also found to be carrying several envelopes containing pills when he came to Paisley Park on that day, but did not have any prescriptions for them and is not a licensed doctor. He denied to officials that he had any intention of treating Prince with the medication. Other revelations in the warrants, as per NBC News, stated that Prince communicated via his landline phone and through email, he stopped using cellphone after being hacked. Authorities also learned he had been in a romantic relationship with singer-songwriter Judith Hill since 2014. Hill was with Prince when he was briefly hospitalized after his plane made an emergency landing. Prince didn’t have a regular doctor for most of his career and his team would arrange for a various doctors to give him B-12 shots before his performances. “The investigation remains active at this point,” The chief deputy for the Carver County Sheriff’s Office Jason Kamerud told The New York Times. “We’ve gained a lot of progress over the last year, but there still is some more work to be done.” 0 "They swore at the time they were just friends (""We have just stayed close and there's nothing more to it than that,"" she told E! News), but the attraction was growing. By the time a pal was characterizing their coupling as ""more than just a fling"" in early 2016, Bieber was reaching for the right words to define it as well. You see, he'd learned a bit from his rollercoaster romance with Gomez. He wasn't going to recklessly dive into this union, hands in the air. Though he described the Drop the Mic host as ""someone I really love"" in his February 2016 GQ profile, he was careful not to label the connection they shared. ""I don't want to put anyone in a position where they feel like I'm only theirs, only to be hurt in the end,"" he shared. ""Right now in my life, I don't want to be held down by anything. I already have a lot that I have to commit to. A lot of responsibilities. I don't want to feel like the girl I love is an added responsibility."" This wasn't about being free to party with groupies, he insisted, but rather a different, and dare we say more mature, way of approaching a relationship. ""I know that in the past I've hurt people and said things that I didn't mean to make them happy in the moment,"" he continued. ""So now I'm just more so looking at the future, making sure I'm not damaging them. What if Hailey ends up being the girl I'm gonna marry, right? If I rush into anything, if I damage her, then it's always gonna be damaged. It's really hard to fix wounds like that. It's so hard.… I just don't want to hurt her.""" 1 "Britain's biggest royal wedding in years -- the union of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle -- is finally here! Interested in Royal Family? Add Royal Family as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Royal Family news, video, and analysis from ABC News. Add Interest The couple’s May 19 wedding at St. George's Chapel will be a public affair, with TV cameras allowed inside the wedding ceremony and more than 2,000 members of the public invited to watch the carriage procession outside after the wedding. Matt Dunham/AP, FILE Here are all the details you need to know for Harry and Markle's wedding day. How you can watch the wedding In addition to the cameras inside St. George’s Chapel for the ceremony, the order of the service will be published online on Saturday so the public can follow along. Cameras will also line the carriage procession route in Windsor. ABC News and ""GMA"" will have special coverage from 5 to 10 a.m. ET live from Windsor, England. ""GMA"" co-anchor Robin Roberts and ""World News Tonight"" anchor David Muir, along with a team of reporters and royal experts, will have live updates and colorful commentary from Windsor and London. You don't need a TV either. The five hours of special coverage will be available to stream on ABC News' digital platforms including, ABCNews.com and GoodMorningAmerica.com, mobile apps, social platforms and over-the-top (OTT) services. Ready to throw a royal wedding viewing party? Click HERE for the ultimate guide. Prince Charles will walk Markle down the aisle Prince Charles will walk Markle from the quire, the area of St. George’s Chapel where the clergy and choir sit, to Harry. The procession in the nave, the central part of the church, will include Markle, the Dean of Windsor and Markle’s bridesmaids and page boys. Markle originally asked her dad, Thomas Markle Sr., to walk her down the aisle but chose her soon-to-be father-in-law after her father became unable to attend the wedding. Markle, 36, confirmed in a statement that her dad, who lives in Mexico, will not attend the wedding due to health concerns. Who's who in the wedding party Markle will not have a maid of honor by her side, as she did not want to single out one of her close circle of friends, sources told ABC News. She will though have bridesmaids and page boys, all children, by her side at her wedding. William and Kate's children -- Prince George and Princess Charlotte -- will take center stage at the wedding as a page boy and bridesmaid, respectively. Karwai Tang/WireImage via Getty Images Also joining Charlotte and George in the wedding party will be the three children of Markle's best friend, entrepreneur and style adviser Jessica Mulroney. Ivy Mulroney, 4, will serve as a bridesmaid, while her older brothers, 7-year-old twins Brian and John Mulroney, will join George as page boys. Also serving as a page boy will be Jasper Dyer, the 6-year-old son of Harry's mentor and close friend, Capt. Mark Dyer. Joining Charlotte and Ivy as bridesmaids will be two of Harry's goddaughters -- 3-year-old Florence van Cutsem and 2-year-old Zalie Warren -- and two of Markle's goddaughters, 7-year-old Rylan Litt and her 6-year-old sister, Remi Litt. William will serve as best man on May 19, just as Harry served as best man at William and Kate's wedding in 2011. George Pimentel/WireImage/Getty Images Who will design Markle's dress? A top contender for designing Markle's gown is the design duo behind Ralph & Russo. Australian-born designers Tamara Ralph and Michael Russo drew the spotlight when Markle chose their jaw-dropping $75,000 gown for her engagement photos with Harry last December. Other possibilities for the coveted design assignment have included Christopher Bailey, the visionary behind the iconic British brand Burberry, British designer Stella McCartney, Canadian designer Erdem Moralioglu, and Roland Mouret, a close friend of Markle's. George Pimentel/WireImage/Getty Images British designer Victoria Beckham, whose sweater Markle wore in her engagement photos with Harry, has denied she is creating Markle's dress. ""Sadly not, but I'm sure she will look incredible in whatever she wears,"" Beckham said on the April 12th episode of CBS' ""The Late Late Show With James Corden."" Markle had her first fitting with the unnamed designer in January at Kensington Palace, royal reporter Omid Scobie told ABC News at the time. Markle's mom's important role Markle’s mom, Doria Ragland, is expected to be the only member of her family attending the wedding. She will accompany Markle by car from her overnight location to Windsor Castle on the day of the wedding. Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images Ragland, a Los Angeles-based yoga instructor and social worker, has spent the days before the wedding meeting Harry’s royal relatives and Harry and Markle’s closest friends in the U.K. POOL/Paul GroverPAUL GROVER/AFP/Getty Images Princess Diana's sentimental influence Princess Diana's memory will be kept alive at the wedding through the presence of her three siblings. Lady Jane Fellowes, Diana's sister, will deliver the reading at the wedding. Both Markle and Harry have said how important it is that Harry's late mother be included in their wedding. Anwar Hussein/Getty Images ""I think she would be over the moon, jumping up and down, so excited for me,"" Harry said when his engagement to Markle was announced. ""But then, as I said, [she] would've probably been best friends with Meghan."" Markle's engagement ring features two diamonds from Diana's personal collection. ""The little diamonds on either side are from my mother's jewelry collection to make sure that she's with us on this crazy journey together,"" Harry said in November. Location, location, location Harry and Markle will wed at St. George’s Chapel on the grounds of Windsor Castle, about 22 miles outside of London. St. George's Chapel is a smaller venue than Westminster Abbey, where Prince William and Kate tied the knot in 2011, and St. Paul's Cathedral, where Prince Charles and Diana wed in 1981. Dominic Lipinski/AFP/Getty Images The chapel, which can seat 800 people, is where Harry was baptized in 1984. It is also where Harry's father, Prince Charles, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, held a service of prayer and dedication at the chapel in 2005 following their marriage at Guild Hall. The last royal wedding to be held at St. George's Chapel was a decade ago, when Peter Phillips wed Autumn Kelly in May 2008, according to the chapel's website. Where Harry and Markle will stay The couple will stay at separate hotels on the eve of their wedding. Harry will be joined by his best man, William, at the Dorchester Collection's Coworth Park. Markle and her mother will stay at Cliveden House Hotel, on the National Trust's Cliveden Estate, according to Kensington Palace. Wedding day lineup The wedding will begin at noon local time, 7 a.m., ET, on May 19. The Right Rev. David Conner, the dean of Windsor, will conduct the wedding service. The Most Rev. Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, who baptized and confirmed Markle, will officiate when the couple takes their marriage vows. The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry, the 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, will give the address at the wedding. Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle have asked that The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry, the 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, give the address at their wedding : https://t.co/a14L7JGcAd #RoyalWedding pic.twitter.com/njqCaN55Gr — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 12, 2018 Harry and William will arrive by foot, entering through the chapel's west steps and walking past the crowds gathered outside the chapel on their way in. Markle will also enter the chapel through the west steps, joined by some of the bridesmaids and page boys. Following the hour-long wedding ceremony, the couple will meet in the chapel's Horseshoe Cloisterwith with 200 representatives of charities for which Harry has served as patron. Harry and Markle plan to undertake a carriage procession that will start at St. George's Chapel, leave Windsor Castle via Castle Hill, continue along High Street through Windsor Town before returning to Windsor Castle on a route called the Long Walk. Steve Parsons/PA Wire/PA Images They will be waved off on their carriage ride by members of the Royal Family. The guests at the wedding service will observe the sendoff of the carriage procession. After the carriage procession, the newlyweds will attend a lunchtime reception, hosted by Queen Elizabeth, at St. George's Hall, where they will rejoin their wedding guests. In the evening, a smaller group of 200 guests will attend a reception hosted by Harry’s father, Prince Charles, at Frogmore House. Frogmore House, also on the grounds of Windsor Castle, is the location Markle and Harry chose for their intimate engagement photos released by Kensington Palace in December. Both receptions will be closed to the public but there may be a second glimpse of Markle and Harry when they depart Windsor Castle for Frogmore House in the evening. The wedding cake's California connection Harry and Markle selected pastry chef Claire Ptak, owner of Violet Bakery in Hackney, East London, to design their wedding cake. Ptak, like Markle, was raised in California before moving to London. Her bakery is notable for using seasonal and organic ingredients in cakes. Ptak is creating a lemon elderflower cake with buttercream icing and fresh flowers as decorations, according to Kensington Palace. ?? 200 Amalfi lemons ?? 500 organic eggs from Suffolk ?? 20kgs of butter ?? 20kgs of flour ?? 20kgs of sugar ?? 10 bottles of Sandringham Elderflower Cordial The baking of the #RoyalWedding cake is under way! pic.twitter.com/b3jhwtOwOP — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 18, 2018 The choice of a lemon elderflower cake is a departure from the royal tradition of serving British fruit cake on the wedding day. William and Kate had two cakes on their wedding day in 2011, a traditional eight-tier fruit cake created by chef Fiona Cairns and a chocolate biscuit cake from a beloved Buckingham Palace recipe. See the gilded wedding invitations Roughly 600 invitations to Harry and Markle's wedding have been issued, Kensington Palace announced in late March. Victoria Jones/Pool via AP The invitations are printed in gold and black on English card using American ink, a process that some saw as a nod to Markle's American roots. Issued “in the name of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales,"" each invitation is accented with gilded edges and features The Three Feather Badge of The Prince of Wales, according to Kensington Palace. The names of invited guests were added by a calligraphy printer. Victoria Jones/Pool via AP The invitations were produced by Barnard & Westwood, a London-based fine printers and bookbinders company that has been making royal invitations since 1985. The man behind the camera Harry and Markle have selected Alexi Lubomirski to be the official photographer at their wedding. PA Wire/AP Lubomirski, a renowned portrait and fashion photographer, will take the official photographs at Windsor Castle following Harry and Markle's wedding at St George's Chapel. Lubomirski is a former assistant to Mario Testino, who was a favorite photographer of Harry's mother, the late Princess Diana. He was also selected by Harry and Markle to take their engagement photos at Frogmore House, Windsor, that were released by Kensington Palace in December. Markle's favorite bloom in the wedding flowers The wedding floral displays in St. George's Chapel will include white garden roses foxgloves and peonies, Markle’s favorite bloom, as well as local branches of beech, birch, and hornbeam. Markle and Harry have chosen Philippa Craddock to design the flowers for both the church service at St. George’s Chapel and the wedding reception at St. George’s Hall hosted by Queen Elizabeth. Craddock, based in Fulham, is one of the most notable florists in London, with clients including Kensington Palace, Hampton Court Palace, Alexander McQueen, Christian Dior, the Victoria and Albert Museum and British Vogue. Where possible, Philippa will use flowers and plants that are in season and blooming naturally in May, including branches of beech, birch and hornbeam, as well as white garden roses, peonies and foxgloves. — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) April 1, 2018 The flowers -- which will also include locally-sourced foliage from areas around Windsor Castle -- will be donated to various charities after the wedding, according to Kensington Palace. The soundtrack of the wedding Harry and Markle's wedding day will be illuminated by the sounds of a gospel choir, an organ, trumpets, a full orchestra, a soprano and a 19-year-old cellist who was personally asked by Markle. ""I was bowled over when Ms. Markle called me to ask if I would play during the ceremony,"" Sheku Kanneh-Mason said in a statement released by Kensington Palace. ""And of course I immediately said yes. What a privilege to be able to play the cello at such a wonderful event. I can’t wait!” 19-year-old cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason, winner of 2016 @BBCYoungMus. Last June, Prince Harry saw Sheku play at an event in London in support of the work of Antiguan charity the Halo Foundation. pic.twitter.com/C3QSfcbXJl — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) April 24, 2018 The music during the wedding ceremony will be under the direction of St. George's Chapel's director of music, James Vivian, and will also include the choir of St. George's Chapel, according to Kensington Palace. The entire ceremony will also be recorded live and released on Decca Records, a U.K.-based records label. The album, which will include a collector's booklet, will go on sale around the world on May 25, according to Decca Records. Harry and Markle's horse-drawn royal carriage The newlyweds will travel through Windsor Town and along the Long Walk in the Ascot Landau carriage. The carriage, which will be pulled by Windsor Grey horses, is one of five Ascot Landaus used by the royal family. Two of the Ascot Landaus were used at William and Kate's 2011 wedding, including carrying Harry in his role as best man. Take a closer look at the Ascot Landau carriage, which will take Prince Harry and Ms. Markle on a procession through Windsor Town after their wedding. pic.twitter.com/pXHg2tIjKS — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 2, 2018 The most celeb-studded royal wedding to date? Among the high-profile guests who could attend Harry and Markle's wedding are some of Markle's celebrity friends, including actress Priyanka Chopra and tennis star Serena Williams. Getty Images Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama will not be at the wedding at Windsor Castle, despite speculation they would attend. It is unclear whether the Obamas received an invitation but declined to avoid a political distraction. Markle and Harry decided against inviting political leaders from the U.K. and abroad to their wedding, meaning President Donald Trump and U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May will not attend. Markle has though invited several members of the cast of ""Suits,"" the TV show she starred on for seven seasons, ABC News has learned. Also expected to attend the wedding ceremony is Elton John, one of Diana’s closest friends who has worked with Harry on AIDs policy. Singers Ed Sheeran and Rihanna and members of Coldplay, who have all actively supported Harry's charitable work, could also get invites. Spice Girls star Mel B said on a talk show in February that all five Spice Girls have been invited to Harry and Markle's wedding. Stefan Wermuth/Reuters, FILE Mel B declined to comment on whether the Spice Girls would perform on the big day, saying, ""You’re going to get me fired! Let’s not talk about it anymore! Let’s pretend that I never said that.” Other members of the girl band have since indicated they will not be performing. Prince William and Princess Kate invited Ellie Goulding to perform at their wedding reception in 2011. Everyday people will play a role Harry and Markle have invited 2,640 people onto the grounds of Windsor Castle to see the wedding carriage procession as it departs. Matt Dunham/AP Members of the public were selected from different regions of the U.K. with a special emphasis on those who have served their community. The couple also invited 100 students from two local schools in Windsor that have a strong affiliation with Windsor Castle. Harry and Markle also extended invitations to 200 individuals who take part in charities and organizations for which Harry serves as royal patron. Armed Forces will play a role too More than 250 members of the Armed Forces will provide ceremonial support at both the wedding and the carriage procession, according to the U.K. Ministry of Defense. ""Members of the Household Cavalry will form a staircase party at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle as part of the wedding,"" the statement reads. ""The State Trumpeters and a Captain’s Escort from the Household Cavalry will also provide ceremonial support."" The members will come from British Armed Forces units with a “special relationship” to Harry, a veteran. Harry served two tours of duty in Afghanistan and rose to the rank of Captain during his time in the military. Prince Harry and Ms. Markle are pleased that members of the Armed Forces will play such a special role in their Wedding. The Military, and these units in particular, hold a great significance for Prince Harry and the couple are incredibly grateful for their support. — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) March 28, 2018 Is Markle planning this all on her own? Markle's best friend and stylist, Jessica Mulroney, is also a bridal planner and assisting Markle in the entire design and concept of the wedding party outfits and look for the reception. George Pimentel/Getty Images Mulroney is Canada’s best-known stylist who styled Markle during her seven-season run on the TV drama ""Suits,"" which films in Toronto. Since Markle's engagement to Harry, Mulroney helped select the dress and coat Markle wore on the day the couple's engagement was announced in November. Mulroney was also at Markle's side advising her on the gown and sweater Markle wore for her intimate engagement photos with Harry. Mulroney is the wife of Ben Mulroney, whose father is a former prime minister of Canada. The two are one of Canada's best-known power couples and are often considered Canadian royalty in Toronto. Who is paying for this celebration? Kensington Palace confirmed in a statement released after the couple’s engagement that Harry’s family would pay for the “core aspects of the wedding.” ""As was the case with the wedding of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, The Royal Family will pay for the core aspects of the wedding, such as the church service, the associated music, flowers, decorations, and the reception afterwards,” the statement read. Markle is expected to pay for her wedding dress. Security costs for the wedding day will come at the expense of U.K. taxpayers. Queen Elizabeth gives handwritten, formal consent Buckingham Palace shared an image of the handwritten Instrument of Consent. According to the Succession to the Crown Act of 2013, the first six people in line to the throne must obtain the consent of the Queen before marrying. Bearing The Queen's signature, the Instrument of Consent records Her Majesty's consent to the Marriage of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle. #RoyalWedding Find out more: https://t.co/KNUnxl0hUj pic.twitter.com/wsXTt4FzAn — The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) May 13, 2018 A design to the left of the text on the Instrument of Consent “incorporates a red dragon, the heraldic symbol of Wales, together with the U.K.'s floral emblems -- the rose, thistle and shamrock. It also features Prince Harry’s label, including three tiny red escallops from the Spencer family arms,"" according to Buckingham Palace. To the right of the text is a rose, which is the national flower of the United States, and two golden poppies, the state flower of California where Markle was born. Between the flowers is the Welsh leek, together with Harry’s label. Beneath the label are olive branches, adopted from the Great Seal of the United States. The document also incorporates the coronet for Harry. The honeymoon will be delayed Harry and Markle will delay their honeymoon and do a public engagement the week after the wedding. The newlyweds will attend Prince Charles's 70th birthday patronage celebration at Buckingham Palace on May 22, just days after their wedding. Markle and Harry will take a honeymoon sometime thereafter, before resuming a busy schedule of engagements for the rest of the year. The couple will not do any public engagements between now and their wedding day." 1 Getty After another rough spell for the couple, and Miley recently admitting she doesn’t “envision” getting married anytime soon, it appears the power couple are about to call off their engagement for a second time. A source told US magazine OK!: “When they got back together, Liam thought things would be different, but Miley hasn’t changed at all. “She’s sobered up but she’s still immature and isn’t ready to commit to spending the rest of her life with one person. “They do love each other but at this point it’s starting to become clear this relationship simply can’t go the distance.” Miley and Liam are have tried couple’s therapy according to the magazine, but it hasn’t worked and only led to more fights. Liam is also said by friends to be envious of his brother, Chris, having three kids with his wife Elsa Pataky, but while he’s feeling more and more broody, Miley is not ready to commit to children and wants to focus on her career and having fun. 1 "There's controversy afoot in the Kardashian universe. Again. This time, Kim is facing backlash for ""triggering"" language she used in a video posted to her Instagram stories, in which she and younger sisters Kendall Jenner and Khloé Kardashian can be heard discussing Kim's famous physique. “I don’t think you’re eating,” Jenner told her sis. “Like you look so skinny."" Kim replied, “Oh my god the compliments!” adding that she's ""down to 119 pounds."" ""I will say when I take out my hair extensions I am less,” she continued. “Your hair extensions, your a–, your tits, everything, they’re heavy, cause she’s f—— voluptuous,” said Khloé. “But she’s anorexic here [gestures to waist], her arms are like pin thin, they’re like my pinky.” The video, recorded backstage at a City Hope charity poker event over the weekend, quickly picked up steam on social media, where fans called out the sisters for praising thinness. Others, including the band Best Coast, rebuked Kim for an irresponsible use of her platform, which reaches 114 million followers on Instagram alone. Kim Kardashian being obsessed with her sisters telling her she’s so skinny she looks anorexic on her Instagram story makes me want to throw my phone into outer space — Best Coast (@BestCoast) July 29, 2018 Someone just messaged me & said to check out Kim Kardashian’s insta stories, I did & can’t get over what I’ve seen. Kim K has clearly lost weight & her sisters are saying she looks anorexic to which Kim replied “thank you” THANK YOU!!!! Are you serious? 🤬 Absolutely gobsmacked! — Zoë 🐻 (@MammafulZo) July 30, 2018 .@KimKardashian: When I was told I looked anorexic, I WAS anorexic. I hated myself. I hated my body. Unfortunately and inexplicably, there are people who look up to and admire you. Please do better for them. — Katie Sirles (@mister_quint) July 30, 2018 According to ANRED, an organization which raises awareness about anorexia nervosa and related eating disorders, more than 8 million people in the United States suffer from an eating disorder, so fan comments are not baseless. The praise of anorexia is considered a trigger to many who are battling the disease, according to the National Eating Disorders Association. That being said, Kardashian has, on multiple occasions, championed the body positivity movement, and said she wants to use her very public, very image-based influence for good. “I am empowered by my body,” she wrote in 2016. “I am empowered by showing the world my flaws and not being afraid of what anyone is going to say about me. And I hope that through this platform I have been given, I can encourage the same empowerment for girls and women all over the world.” Perhaps next time she'll reconsider her choice of words." 1 "Brad Pitt smells bad. That’s the alarming claim being made in a recent article in The National Inquirer. According to the Enquirer, Brad has been living the “hippy” lifestyle, refusing to take showers and change his clothes as he continues to get over his divorce from Angelina Jolie and the separation from his children. He has also allegedly been sleeping on friends’ couches because he’s afraid that if he remains home alone, he will relapse into addiction. But Gossip Cop, a site that’s become known for debunking celebrity rumors has said the report smells just as fishy as they claim Brad Pitt smells. “Brad’s gone days, if not weeks, at a time without taking a shower, so of course he stinks of body odor a lot of the time,” an alleged close friend of the War Machine actor reportedly told The National Enquirer, as reported by Gossip Cop. But Gossip Cop has a different story that they claim they received from someone who is actually in Pitt’s inner circle. “We’re told Pitt isn’t living the lifestyle of a smelly drifter, and the claim otherwise is completely bogus,” Gossip Cop states. The latest report in the ongoing Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie saga is that Brad Pitt was “allowed” to see his children to celebrate Father’s Day. Brad Pitt in America's national parks. 3 different covers. Get them on newsstands everywhere or subscribe here: https://t.co/BhT2EyJFQ8 pic.twitter.com/Np27cqLaXN — GQ Style (@gqstylemag) June 16, 2017 People Magazine reported that the children of the Jolie-Pitt clan reunited with their father on Saturday. According to People, they were dropped off at Brad’s Los Angeles home where they spent the morning with him before leaving with their mother for a trip to France later that day. We highly doubt that Brad would have not showered before spending time with his kids especially since it was a special occasion. Brad Pitt Assures Everyone ""He's Got Nothing to Hide"" After Truth-Telling GQ Interview – https://t.co/lGUMKAgM9Z pic.twitter.com/5JC7p5CSzI — TheCelebrityTalk (@TheCelebrityTlk) May 16, 2017 Brad Pitt has previously discussed how he’s currently coping with the divorce. In an interview with The Associated Press– as reported by People-– he said that he was focused on “keeping the ship afloat” and “figuring out the new configuration of our family” in the aftermath of the break-up between him and Angelina. His main focus seems to be on his kids and keeping their lives as peaceful as possible. “Kids are everything,” he said. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have six children together: Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 10, and twins Vivienne and Knox, 8. “Kids are your life. They’re taking all the focus, as they should anyway.” RELATED POSTS ON THE INQUISITR Brad Pitt Gets Early Father’s Day Visit From His Kids Before They Leave For Ethiopia Angelina Jolie And Kids Take Off, Leaving Brad Pitt To Spend Father’s Day Alone Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie Divorce: What Brought Them Together? All The Wrong Reasons, Says Halperin Has Brad Pitt Found New Love After Angelina Jolie Divorce? [Featured Image by Rich Fury/Getty Images]" 1 Tiffany Haddish and Brad Pitt have an agreement. In a year, if they’re both single, they’ll hook up with each other in what could become one of the unlikeliest celebrity pairings ever. Haddish, the breakout star of Girls Trip, made the revelation during an interview with Kelly Ripa at the 2018 Academy Awards as they played a round of “Marry, Date or Dish,” E! News reports. Tiffany said that she met Angelina Jolie’s estranged husband by chance in an elevator that night. “Oh I just met him an the elevator, he said in one year if he’s single and I’m single we gonna do it, so you know what that means,” Haddish said. “But he do got seven kids, I don’t know if I could deal with a man that’s got that many kids.” For the record, Brad Pitt has six kids with Jolie. As for hook up predictions for Brad Pitt, Tiffany Haddish needs to get in line. Since the public breakup of Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux’s marriage, there have been lots of rumors that Aniston is going to reunite with her ex-husband. Haddish received loads of attention at the Oscars. Her dress on the red carpet was one of the night’s standout ensembles. As CNN reports, Tiffany wore a zuria, which is a type of dress native to Eritrea, her father’s homeland. During an interview on the red carpet, Tiffany said her now-deceased father made her promise to pay homage to Eritrea if she ever ended up at The Oscars. “He said one day I would end up here, and if I ever end up at the Oscars to honor my people,” she said of her dress choice. The decision went over well with viewers on social media, with many Eritreans expressing pride at their culture being represented on the Academy Awards’ red carpet. null null But that wasn’t the only Tiffany Haddish gown that got attention. Later that night, she changed into a white Alexander Mcqueen number to present an award and do a comedy bit with SNL alum, Maya Rudolph. During her own stint as an SNL host last year, Tiffany swore that she would wear the dress multiple times because it cost more than her mortgage. Haddish and Rudolph’s comedy stole the show as they delivered lines that triggered laughs from the audience and were a hit on social media as well. There were even calls for them to host The Oscars next year. null Haddish has definitely extended the 15 minutes of fame she received as the breakout star of Girls Trip into an enviable career. Ever since the movie broke box office records, she’s put out a best selling book, hosted a comedy special on Showtime and appeared in Superbowl commercials for Groupon. This year, she’ll host the MTV Movie And TV Awards. Will she one day add a gig as the host of The Academy Awards to her growing resume? We’ll have to wait and see. As Tiffany would say, “She Ready!” 0 'Avengers: Infinity War' Cast Reads Mean Tweets on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!': Watch “Tom Hiddleston is so f*cking ugly why is no one acknowledging this,” the actor in question read out with a deadpan stare into the camera. In the latest edition of “Mean Tweets” on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night (April 30,) It was time for the cast of Avengers: Infinity War to see that just because their film had the biggest box office opening of all time, didn't mean they were immune to the haters. “Scarlett Johansson has the emotional range of a f*cking celery. I hate white people,” Johansson read with pure shock on her face. As the segment continued, the tweets only got harsher. “Don Cheadle look like a mix between a beetle, a muskrat and a roach,” Cheadle read, “that’s just f----- up,” he added. Fittingly, Captain America got the final blow. “Perhaps Chris Evans is in truth a great actor but he plays Captain America like he’s a big dumb hunk of s---,” Evans read out as he exploded into laughter. Check out the full segment below: 0 "The Duchess of Cambridge has officially gone into labor with her third child. The news of the royal baby's impending birth was announced via the Kensington Palace social media accounts today. ""Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, London earlier this morning in the early stages of labour,"" Kensington Palace shared via Twitter. ""The Duchess travelled by car from Kensington Palace to the Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s Hospital with The Duke of Cambridge."" Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, London earlier this morning in the early stages of labour. The Duchess travelled by car from Kensington Palace to the Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s Hospital with The Duke of Cambridge. — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) April 23, 2018 While it was rumored that she had considered a home birth for her third child, Kate will deliver the baby in the Lindo Wing of St. Mary's Hospital in London, which has been preparing for weeks. Not only has the outside of the wing had a new coat of paint, but parking restrictions have been in effect since April 9. Media positions went up on that date as well. Crowds of both well-wishers and reporters are currently gathering outside the hospital, where Kate previously delivered both Prince George and Princess Charlotte. Princess Diana delivered both Prince William and Prince Harry in the hospital as well. Regardless of whether this new child is a boy or a girl, it will be fifth in line to the throne, falling just after Princess Charlotte and just before Prince Harry. In her previous two births, Kate had a fairly swift labor, so we could be seeing the little one in not too long. When the new royal baby does arrive, an announcement will be made both via the Kensington Palace Twitter account, and on an easel outside Buckingham Palace, but until then, let the royal baby watch begin!" 0 "Jacques Berman Webster II[3] (born April 30, 1992),[4] known professionally as Travis Scott (formerly stylized as Travi$ Scott), is an American rapper, singer, songwriter and record producer. In 2012, Scott signed his first major-label deal with Epic Records. In November of the same year, Scott signed a deal with Kanye West's GOOD Music, as part of its production wing Very GOOD Beats, after appearing on the label's 2012 compilation album Cruel Summer. In April 2013, Scott signed a record deal with T.I.'s Grand Hustle imprint. Scott's first full-length project, a mixtape titled Owl Pharaoh, was self-released in May 2013. This was followed with a second mixtape, titled Days Before Rodeo, in August 2014. His debut studio album, Rodeo, was released in September 2015 and was led by the hit single ""Antidote"", which reached the top 20 of the US Billboard Hot 100 chart. His second album, Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight, was released in September 2016, to generally positive reviews. The following year, Travis Scott released a collaborative album with Quavo titled Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho under the group name Huncho Jack. He released his third album, Astroworld, on August 3, 2018; it produced his first Hot 100 number one single, ""Sicko Mode"". Early life Jacques Berman Webster II was born April 30, 1992 in Houston, Texas. He grew up in Missouri City, a middle-class suburban area bordering southwest Houston. Webster lived with his grandmother, but later moved to the suburbs, where his father ran his own business.[5] Webster attended Elkins High School and graduated at seventeen.[6] Webster then attended the University of Texas San Antonio before dropping out his sophomore year to fully pursue his music career.[7][8] After dropping out, Webster immediately moved to New York City in an attempt to start his music career. His parents, frustrated that he had dropped out of school, eventually cut him off financially.[9] Career 2008–12: Career beginnings and record deals With longtime friend Chris Holloway he formed the duo The Graduates. In 2008, the duo released their untitled first EP on social networking website Myspace. The following year, Scott and OG Chess, one of Travis's schoolmates, formed the group The Classmates. The Classmates released two projects, with Buddy Rich in 2009 and Cruis'n USA in 2010.[4] Scott mainly handled production work on both projects. The duo remained together until late 2012, when personal conflicts and financial disputes led to the disbandment of the group.[10] After leaving college, Scott moved from Houston, Texas, to Washington, New York, where Scott began working with friend Mike Waxx, who owned the music website Illroots. After moving to New York, Scott slept on the floor at his friend's house and spent most of his time at Just Blaze's studio. Eventually frustrated in New York and the lack of progression,[9] Scott moved to Los Angeles, California, after only four months in the state. In Los Angeles, Webster was abandoned by his friend who had promised to help him by providing housing. His parents cut him off financially and he eventually was forced to relocate back to Houston, where his parents kicked him out of their home. Webster moved back to Los Angeles once again and began to sleep on the couch of a friend who studied at University of Southern California.[11] Atlanta-based rapper and owner of Grand Hustle Records, T.I. would later hear one of Webster's productions, titled ""Lights (Love Sick)"". While in Los Angeles, T.I.'s representative contacted Webster, asking him to attend a studio for a meeting. During the meeting, T.I. freestyled over ""Animal"", one of Webster's productions. 2012–14: Owl Pharaoh and Days Before Rodeo Scott performing in 2013. Scott's first solo full-length project is a mixtape titled Owl Pharaoh, which was set to be released as a free download in 2012. However, the project was delayed, and was announced to be slated for a later release. The project was later re-created[12] by Kanye West and Mike Dean, and was then again delayed for sample clearance issues. In promotion Scott would release the track, ""Blocka La Flame"", a remix of fellow GOOD Music label-mate Pusha T's single ""Blocka"" (which features production and vocals from Scott). The song was produced by Young Chop, with additional production by Scott himself, alongside Mike Dean. On March 22, 2013, Scott released the music video for a song titled ""Quintana"", set to appear on Owl Pharaoh. The mixtape's version of the song features guest vocals from fellow American rapper Wale, while the production was handled by Scott himself, alongside Sak Pase and Mike Dean. On March 27, XXL revealed that Scott was a member of their Freshman Class of 2013.[13] On March 29, 2013, following his interview with British disc jockey, DJ Semtex, Scott premiered a snippet of his commercial debut single, titled ""Upper Echelon"", featuring 2 Chainz and T.I. On April 2, 2013, Scott stated Owl Pharaoh was his official debut mixtape and would be released on the iTunes Store on May 21, 2013.[14] On April 23, 2013, ""Upper Echelon"" was sent to urban contemporary radio.[15] The EP was released for free download. Scott performing in 2014. On March 13, 2014, Scott performed a new song, tentativs Twitter account that the song is not called ""1975"", and would be included on his second mixtape, titled Days Before Rodeo.[16] He would later take to his Twitter account to announce Rodeo, as the official title for his major-label debut studio album.[17][18][19] On May 5, 2014, Scott released the full version of the song, with its new title ""Don't Play"", featuring a sample of the song ""M.O.N.E.Y"" by the English rock band the 1975.[20][21] On July 11, 2014, ""Don't Play"" was officially released as the lead single from Days Before Rodeo, via digital distribution.[22] Following the success of Days Before Rodeo, Scott announced that he would headline a concert tour, called The Rodeo Tour, with Rich Gang's rapper Young Thug and producer Metro Boomin. The tour started on March 1, 2015, in Santa Ana, California, and ended on April 1, 2015, in Portland, Oregon. The tour ran through major cities such as Denver, Colorado, Houston, Texas, Chicago, Illinois, Detroit, Michigan, New York City, Atlanta, Georgia, Philadelphia, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, California and Seattle, Washington. Second shows were added to some cities such as Los Angeles and New York City, after his first shows had sold out too quickly towards the eyes of his fans. Artists such as Kanye West, Chris Brown, Wale and Birdman made special guest appearances in certain cities.[23] Scott's Rodeo Tour has been acclaimed to be one of today's wildest rap tours.[24] 2015–16: Rodeo and Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight Rodeo was released on September 4, 2015, by Grand Hustle and Epic Records. The album features guest appearances from Quavo, Juicy J, Kanye West, The Weeknd, Swae Lee, Chief Keef, Justin Bieber, Young Thug and Toro y Moi, Big Buck and includes production from Mike Dean, Kanye West, WondaGurl, Suber, DJ Dahi, Metro Boomin, 1500 or Nothin', Sonny Digital, Southside, Terrace Martin, Zaytoven, Pharrell Williams and Scott himself, among others. The album was supported by two singles: ""3500"" featuring Future and 2 Chainz, and ""Antidote"". The latter became his highest-charting single on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, peaking at number 16. Rodeo received generally positive reviews from critics and debuted at number three on the US Billboard 200 chart. It also debuted at number one on the Billboard Rap Albums chart.[25] Scott performing in February 2016. On January 4, 2016, Scott would announce that he has a new studio album on the way. On February 8, 2016, it was announced that iLoveMakonnen, Vic Mensa and Travis Scott, would be a part of the ""WANGSQUAD"", an Alexander Wang campaign.[26] On March 29, 2016, 300 Entertainment executive Lyor Cohen, revealed that Scott and Young Thug were releasing a single together and called Scott's upcoming album a ""classic"".[27] On April 7, 2016, Scott previewed a single with Young Thug at one of his shows.[28] On May 17, 2016, Scott announced that the title of his second album would be Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight, while also confirming the title for his third album to be Astroworld.[29] On June 3, 2016, the collaborative single between Thug and Scott was released, titled ""Pick Up the Phone"". The single, which also features vocals from Quavo of Atlanta-based rap trio Migos, reached number 43 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). On August 31, 2016, Scott announced that Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight was finally finished in a post on Instagram.[30] Scott premiered the album on his third episode of .wav radio on September 2, 2016,[31] and was later released on iTunes and Apple Music. On September 11, 2016, the album became Scott's first number one album on the US Billboard 200.[32] On September 12, 2016, Universal Music Publishing Group's CEO, Jody Gerson announced that the label signed a worldwide deal with Scott.[33] In the same episode Scott premiered Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight, he also announced that he would be executive producing on Kanye West's Cruel Winter, a follow up to his G.O.O.D. Music label's debut compilation Cruel Summer.[34] In the episode he described the upcoming album as, ""very youthful, straight to the point, like the illest ever, man, like the illest album."" 2017–present: Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho and Astroworld Scott performed at All-Star Weekend on February 16, 2017, in New Orleans at Champion Square.[35] He also performed at New Orleans BUKU Music + Art Project festival on March 10, 2017.[36] On March 5, Scott announced a concert tour called ""Birds Eye View"".[37] The next day, the dates and cities for the tour were unveiled, with it beginning on March 10, in New Orleans, Louisiana, and coming to an end on June 2, in Eugene, Oregon.[38] In March 2017, Scott announced he would be launching his own imprint, under the name of Cactus Jack Records.[1] During an interview, Scott said, ""I’m not doing it to have financial control over my music. I want first and foremost to help other artists, launch new names, to provide opportunities. I want to do for them what happened to me, but better. By better I mean no bullshit. No lying to the artists about album release dates or the budgets of videos and albums.""[1] On June 15, 2017, Scott announced he would be doing a European leg of the ""Birds Eye View Tour"". The European leg started on the June 23 in Paris, and concluded on July 9 in Turku, Finland. This leg was mainly festival sets or in smaller club settings. On April 3, 2017, it was reported Scott had been working on a collaborative album with Atlanta-based rapper Quavo of Migos, potentially to be released later in 2017.[39][40] Speaking to GQ, he confirmed: 'The Quavo album is coming soon. I’m dropping new music soon. You know how I do it though: I like surprises.[41] In addition to the collaborative album, Scott announced his third studio album Astroworld, named after the defunct Houston theme park of the same name, is nearing completion and would most likely be released in 2017.[42][43] Scott was also featured on a track from Canadian rapper Drake's project More Life (2017), titled ""Portland"". The song peaked at number nine on the US Billboard Hot 100, becoming his first top ten song as a featured artist.[44] On May 16, 2017, Scott released three new tracks on SoundCloud, after teasing on social media for some time. The tracks were named ""A Man"", ""Green & Purple (featuring Playboi Carti)"", and ""Butterfly Effect"". The latter was also released on every other streaming service, as the only track. The music video for ""Butterfly Effect"" was released on July 14, 2017. On August 10, 2017, Scott tweeted ""ALBUM MODE"" as he had just finished the ""DAMN. Tour"" as a supporting act for Kendrick Lamar, the night before. This tweet signified that he was now working on his album AstroWorld full-time. On August 27, 2017, Scott performed with Thirty Seconds to Mars at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards on their single ""Walk On Water"". On September 18, 2017, Quavo and the Migos did an interview. Quavo stated that his album with Travis Scott is coming ""real soon"". He also stated that he and Travis Scott have over 20 records ready.[45] In October 2017, Scott was featured in a special piece titled ""Deserve"", by Chinese born Canadian rapper Kris Wu.[46] On December 7, 2017, a clip of Quavo being interviewed by Zane Lowe was posted on the official Twitter account for Beats 1. When asked about the title of their upcoming project, he confirmed it would be Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho. [47] Scott was featured on Trippie Redd's ""Dark Knight Dummo"" on December 6, 2017. The song peaked at 72 on the Billboard Hot 100.[48] On December 21, 2017, Webster and Quavo released their collaborative album, Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho. The album debuted at number 3 on the Billboard 200 and had seven tracks chart on the Billboard Hot 100.[49] After the release of Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho, Webster was spotted in the studio a lot more frequently and Billboard slated an expected first quarter release for AstroWorld.[50][51] On May 3, 2018, Travis Scott released a single titled ""Watch"" featuring Kanye West and Lil Uzi Vert.[52] The single was released as promotional material for his upcoming third studio album Astroworld.[53] Astroworld was released on August 3, 2018 to critical acclaim,[54] and debuted at number one on the Billboard 200.[55] ""Sicko Mode"", the album's second single, peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, becoming Scott's highest charting solo single.[56] Scott was featured on five tracks of Metro Boomin's Not All Heroes Wear Capes.[57] Artistry Scott has stated that he is influenced by Bon Iver, Kid Cudi, M.I.A., Kanye West, Toro y Moi, Tame Impala, T.I. and Thom Yorke[58][59] Spin magazine compared his 2013 mixtape Owl Pharaoh to that of Kid Cudi's Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager.[60] Scott makes heavy use of audio manipulation effects such as Auto-tune, phasing, delays, and stereo-sculpted chorusing and harmony structures,[61] predominantly influenced by producers Mike Dean and Alex Tumay.[62] Scott's musical style has been described as a ""blend between traditional Hip-Hop and Lo-fi""[63] and often characterized as ""Ambient"";[61][64] Scott himself has said ""I'm not Hip-Hop"".[59] Vulture described Scott's sound as ""unremittingly dark, syncretic, hi-res, and above all unnatural.""[65] Scott has said that he is a fan of Broadway theatre and would like to do an album of show tune covers, and he moreover has said that he would like to write his own musical in future.[66][67][68] Personal life Scott began dating reality television star and entrepreneur Kylie Jenner in April 2017.[69] On February 1, 2018, Jenner gave birth to their first child, daughter Stormi Webster.[70][71] Discography Studio albums Collaborative albums Mixtapes Awards and nominations Grammy Awards The Grammy Awards are awarded annually by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. Scott has six nominations.[84] Concert tours Headlining Supporting" 0 All five original members of the 1990s pop group are also said to have agreed to a one-off TV special, which will air next year The Spice Girls have reportedly agreed to a reunion in 2018 which will see them record both a new album and a one-off TV special. The pop group originally formed in 1994, before splitting in 2000 following the recording of three studio albums. The group reunited for a live tour from 2007-08, while they last performed together at the closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic Games. A new report has claimed that all five original members of The Spice Girls – Mel B, Victoria Beckham, Emma Bunton, Mel C and Geri Halliwell – have been taking part in secret talks about the group’s possible return since the summer, with a 2018 date now agreed for a reunion. “The five of them have been locked in secret talks since the summer, and finally they are all on-board for a 2018 reunion,’ a source told The Sun. “As it stands, they will be working together on a series of projects, which will include an album and a TV special celebrating the Spice Girls. “Getting Victoria to agree has been a coup for everyone involved, given she has always been the person holding back on a reunion,” the source added. Back in July 2016, three members of The Spice Girls sparked rumours of a reunion after posting a video which hinted at a possible tour. 1 Safaree Doesn't Think Jaquae Knows How to Get a Woman Back in This Love & Hip Hop Check Yourself 0 An explosive report from Life & Style states that their two and a half year marriage was 'dysfunctional from the get-go' and 'never a real marriage.' According to pals of the former Friends star, Jen would often end up at best friend Courteney Cox’s house in floods of tears. Getty 'The way Jen sees it, Justin simply refused to change,' says the source. 'Especially when it came to his relationship with other women.' Just weeks after they announced their shock break up, Justin took to Instagram to promote a homeless pets shelter. However eagle-eyed fans were quick to notice that the star hashtagged Selena Gomez, a former friend of Jen’s and one of many females who Justin was rumoured to have got a little too close to during their relationship. 'Justin is a classic ladies’ man and flirt, and it always drove Jen up the wall,' spills the friend. Justin and Selena were spotted flirting at a recent awards show Getty 'One of the worst moments for Jen was when she started seeing Justin flirt with her friends. 'Women are very drawn to Justin. All her celeb friends were charmed by him at one point or another.' Furthermore, the source goes on to reveal that the former couple shared 'harsh words' over the years about their differing lifestyles – with Justin refusing to leave his bachelor pad in New York and live with Jen on the West Coast. And in a heartbreaking confession, the insider reveals it was obvious Justin’s heart was never really in their relationship. 'Jen complained he never said ‘I love you'.' 'One thing is certain: She’s done being put through hell by Justin.' Jen and Justin have not responded to Life & Style’s report. 1 Australia is awesome. The beaches are a surf paradise and the Great Barrier Reef should be on everyone’s bucket list. (Eep, climate change.) Australia gave us flat whites, Margot Robbie, and AC/DC. Did you know they basically invented avocado toast? It’s called an avo smash there, because Aussies have a silly nickname for everything. They’ve also got heaps of natural beauty products, thanks to the local wildlife. Apart from all the predatory sharks and venomous snakes, there’s a bounty of active botanicals in the bush, including exfoliating finger limes, antioxidant-packed kakadu plum, and pore-cleansing mineral clays. In fact, we’re pretty sure they call it Oz because it’s a continent full of skincare wizards. You’re probably already familiar with Frank Body’s Insta-famous body scrubs or Rae Morris Makeup’s gravity-defying makeup brushes. You may even have a tube of infamous Lucas Paw Paw Ointment in your bag. With more and more Aussie products blowing up stateside, it’s time for a deep dive into the hottest beauty products down undah. Well, we’re not here to eff spiders. (That’s Stralyan for, “Let’s get on with it.”) 0 "After months of dealing with not only wedding planning but also intense media scrutiny, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will have earned their honeymoon. But today, Kensington Palace announced that the happy couple won't be jetting out of town immediately following their big day. Rather, they are delaying their trip to get back to work. Meghan and Harry will attend an engagement in the week following their wedding, and then they'll head off to an undisclosed location. “The couple will be going on honeymoon, but not straightaway,” Kensington Palace spokesman Jason Knauf said, according to People “They will have their first engagement as a married couple in the week after the wedding.” That schedule is in keeping with what Markle said earlier this year about wanting to ""hit the ground running,"" once she officially becomes a member of the royal family. Their plan is also similar to when Prince William and Duchess Kate went on their honeymoon. According to royal commentator Victoria Arbiter, ""William and Kate left for their honeymoon in the Seychelles 10 days after their wedding. Before that the couple were in Anglesey as William was working at his RAF search and rescue base."" William and Kate left for their honeymoon in the Seychelles 10 days after their wedding. Before that the couple were in Anglesey as William was working at his RAF search and rescue base. — Victoria Arbiter (@victoriaarbiter) May 4, 2018 Thus far, it has not been confirmed where Prince Harry and Markle plan to honeymoon, though Travel + Leisure reported that the couple plans to visit Namibia. Kensington Palace has yet to comment on that news." 0 According to In Touch, 20-year-old Kylie is about to get the shock of her life when she finds out that Travis has allegedly been cheating on her for much of their whirlwind six-month relationship. ‘Travis is cheating on Kylie with a hot 20-something he met while making a music video,” a source spills to the magazine. In Touch ‘It’s been going on for a while. Travis says he loves her. ‘Kylie would die if she found out,’ continues the insider. ‘Travis is in love, but not with Kylie.’ After exchanging numbers on the set of his video, the rapper is said to have invited the mystery woman to a party at his place, despite the fact Kylie was supposedly already two months pregnant at the time. And it’s not just a one-time fling, with Travis and the mystery woman quickly becoming emotionally involved. ‘She’s very exotic and doesn’t have that plastic surgery look like the Kardashian’s have,’ the insider remarks. However, Travis is still playing the doting baby daddy to Kylie, however insiders suspect that it may have more to do with that fact that he’s set to receive a hefty paycheck if the pair have a televised wedding. ‘He can’t be that serious with Kylie,” contines the source. ‘He’s hooking up with another girl! It’s really sad because Kylie wants to make their relationship work. If she found out the extent of Travis’ infidelity, she’d be crushed.’ 1 Surrogate Compensation at West Coast Surrogacy It takes a special person to become a surrogate mother. The gift that surrogates provide is both remarkable and generous. In addition to the feeling of joy you experience as a surrogate, we will help to ensure that you are paid for your efforts, including generous compensation for surrogacy-related expenses. Become a Surrogate: Apply Today! Our complete surrogate compensation schedule is provided below. If you have any questions about surrogate pay, please contact West Coast Surrogacy. Gestational Surrogate Compensation Surrogate mother pay varies based on first time or experienced surrogate fee and single versus multiple pregnancy Base Pay for first time surrogate - California Surrogates (paid in monthly installments, after detection of fetal heartbeat) $50,000.00 Base pay for first time surrogate - All other States (paid in monthly installments, after detection of fetal heartbeat) $40,000.00 Additional surrogate compensation for an experienced surrogate $5,000.00 IVF Embryo Transfer pay (upon completion of embryo transfer) $1,000.00 Monthly miscellaneous allowance (once matched, surrogate is compensated $200 per month for misc. expenses for approximately 12 months) $2,400.00 Multiples Fee – Twin pregnancy $5,000.00 Multiples Fee – Triplet pregnancy $10,000.00 Mock Cycle during testing phase $300.00 Cancelled Cycle $300.00 Invasive procedure: Amniocentesis, CVS, Cerclage, D&C, Fetal Reduction $500.00 Termination of Pregnancy $1,500.00 Loss of Tube and/or ovary $1,500.00 Ectopic pregnancy $1,000.00 Cesarean Section $3,000.00 Hysterectomy (loss of uterus up to 6 months post partum) $5,000.00 Surrogate’s compensation for lost wages if surrogate is employed in the event of physician ordered rest costs will vary How much does surrogacy pay from state to state? Every surrogacy case is unique and involves many factors that can impact the overall compensation. The average amount of compensation can range from $30,000 to $50,000 plus expenses, depending on experience and the individual arrangements. In states like California, where surrogates are in high demand, surrogates may be paid slightly higher. Legal requirements and the costs of other services can also vary from state to state. However, the amount surrogate mothers get paid doesn't vary greatly between cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and Houston. 1 On May 15 2017, we published an article under the headline “Fergie demands $$ to dish on Diana!” We now unreservedly accept that the suggestion that Sarah, Duchess of York, is or has been willing to provide personal information about Princess Diana for financial reward is without foundation. The Duchess has not, either herself or through a representative acting on her instruction, sought or agreed to give an interview about her friendship with Princess Diana in return for payment. We sincerely apologize to the Duchess for our error. 1 Post by Ken0069 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:57 amNot sure how much of this I'd believe as I'm not able to find ANY other sites online that back this up, not even Drudge? I did find where a former quarterback filed chapter 11 last year but nothing on the team owner doing so? 1 No Articles Found. Try Our Search Here: 1 The engagement ring is back on, they’ve moved in together (well, kind of), and now word on the street is that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are expecting a baby! In January, just weeks after it was revealed that Miley and Liam were back together after their engagement breakdown in 2013, American magazine Life & Style reported that a friend claimed Miley was going off her birth control pill. At the time, Hollywoodlife.com claimed that “Miley has babies on the brain”. At the time, the reports were dismissed as idle gossip, but now, as more details come to light, it appears the claims are being taken more seriously. 1 "The video will start in 8 Cancel Get celebs updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email Scott Disick and Sofia Richie are enjoying yet another luxury holiday to celebrate the reality star's 35th birthday. The pair flew to St Barts this week along with Scott's kids, Mason, eight, Penelope, five, and Reign, three. While Sofia holidaying with the kids is a sure enough sign that the loved-up pair are more serious than ever, Scott also proudly shared a candid snap of his 19-year-old girlfriend massaging his feet on Sunday. The picture shows Lionel Richie's daughter, who has been dating Scott since last summer, sitting in front of him rubbing his feet as he lays down, with the ocean spread out in front of them. (Image: Instagram/letthelordbewithyou) ""Could be worse,"" the 35-year-old captioned the picture. Their pet pooch also makes a starring role in the snap. The previous day Sofia publicly professed her love for her boyfriend while wishing him a happy birthday on Instagram. While she usually keeps their romance on the down-low when it comes to social media, she proudly shared a snap of them cuddling up alongside the sweet message: ""Happy Birthday babe! Thank you for being you. Love you."" (Image: Instagram/sofiarichie) With a 16 year age gap, many thought their relationship wouldn't last - but these recent posts appear to prove the pair are stronger than ever. Dad-of-three Scott also received a handful of social media messages from the Kardashians on his big day. Khloe, who recently welcomed daughter True Thompson, posted four vintage snaps of her and Scott, including one of her slapping him across the face. ""We came a long way. Remember when I slapped you?"" Khloe jokingly captioned it. (Image: Getty Images North America) (Image: Getty Images North America) Kim also shared a series of funny pictures of the pair of them together over the years. One showed a US magazine cover that claimed Scott was 'in love' with Kim, while another showed the birthday boy playing third wheel as the reality star walked hand-in-hand with husband Kanye West. Scott himself uploaded pictures of him and his three kids, including an adorable snap of daughter Penelope who laid out dozens of flowers to spell 'dad'." 0 "Every Thursday, BravoTV.com digital producers Megan Segura and Rachael Roberts are bringing you exclusive interviews with Bravolebs like Vicki Gunvalson, NeNe Leakes, and Stassi Schroeder, plus expert commentary and behind-the-scenes secrets straight from Bravo execs. Listen, like, and subscribe to The Daily Dish on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Play, and make yourself part of the conversation by tweeting us @Bravotv with the hashtag #BravoDailyDish. Fans saw LeeAnne Locken get engaged to her longtime love Rich Emberlin on Season 2 of The Real Housewives of Dallas and Season 3 began with the couple being toasted at D'Andra Simmons' anniversary party. D'Andra dared the two to get married right then and there, but the couple demurred. Previews for this season show the Dallas ladies discussing LeeAnne's relationship and wondering why she and Rich haven't set a date. Given that LeeAnne's engagement happened on cameras, fans have been wondering if their wedding will be a part of RHOD as well. ""I have always said that I would share it with our audience because I feel like I've taken them down the journey of watching me get engaged on camera,"" LeeAnne told The Daily Dish podcast. ""A lot of people were like, 'You planned that!' I'm like, 'Sweetie, that was the one and only time he was ever asked me with a ring was then. I mean, what you saw was the first time that he's ever asked me. That was his real moment and my real moment. And that was our real joy. And I really wanted to share that with our audience. So, yeah, I'm going to share my wedding with our audience."" In fact, LeeAnne wants the cameras there to capture all of the intimate moments of the day — and it doesn't sound like anything is off-limits. ""The wedding is a ceremony that I think people should get to enjoy. I mean, I want you to see if I get nervous or, God forbid, I trip in my wedding dress or my flowers die in my hands as I'm walking down the street or lightning strikes me and whole church burns up. I want to share all that,"" she laughed. Given the special occasion, The Daily Dish podcast asked if Rich would be jazzing up his eye patch, which he has worn ever since sustaining damage to one eye. ""No, I will not bling him a patch, people. Come on now,"" LeeAnne said. ""Every single one of my friends is like, 'I'll bling that for you. You want me to put some rhinestones on that patch?' I'm like, ""Y'all, it's not an accessory. Losing your vision is not an accessory; it's a tragedy."" It sounds like Rich will be making his wedding day ensemble decisions all on his own: ""I don't have to drag him everywhere and tell him what to dress and how to dress and all that. I let him do him. And then every night, I let him do me,"" she joked. LeeAnne and Rich's wedding is definitely a hot topic this season. Make sure to tune in to RHOD every Wednesday at 9/8c. Check out a preview of this Wednesday's episode, below." 0 "This is a following list for the MTV Movie Award winners and nominees for Best Kiss. Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson won for ""The Twilight Saga films"" (along with ""Best Movie"") in four consecutive years (2009-2012) Winners and nominees [ edit ] Awards breakdown [ edit ] Most Wins [ edit ] Most Nominations [ edit ]" 0 Pretty eyes, baby cries, can’t lose. Scott Porter and his wife Kelsey Mayfield Porter welcomed their second child, daughter Clover Ash, on Thursday, Aug. 10, the new dad announced on Instagram. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “Hello, World!!! My name is Clover Ash Porter,” Porter captioned a photo of his newborn girl. “I’m 9.3 lbs, 20½ Inches, and have a 37.5 CM Head.” “After a long journey and a slight 32-Hour detour through Neonatal ICU for my lungs I’m finally with my Mommy and Daddy,” he continued. “It’s very nice to meet you all!!!!” The Friday Night Lights alum and Kelsey – whom Porter wed in April 2013 – are also parents to son McCoy Lee, 2. They announced their second pregnancy on Instagram in April, teasing their “growing family.” In July, Porter revealed that their new addition would be a little girl through a sweet photo on social media that featured a University of Texas at Austin mini cheerleader’s uniform hung alongside a similar University of Nebraska – Lincoln dress. Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Babies newsletter. Baby girl is gonna have a tough time deciding who to cheer for, but we'll love her no matter what school she chooses…right, @kiwiporter? pic.twitter.com/ydwjfBDVLU — Scott Porter (@ScottPorter) July 13, 2017 RELATED VIDEO: The Friday Night Lights Cast Was Banned From Playing Flag Football The couple previously opened up to PEOPLE after McCoy’s birth, revealing that Kelsey had been diagnosed with Huntington’s disease – a neurological condition in which the cells in the brain break down over time – before getting pregnant. “As soon as we found out Kelsey had Huntington’s, she said, ‘I want to have a kid right away,’ ” Porter told PEOPLE at the time. ” ‘I want to have as much time with our kids as I possibly can before Huntington’s starts to take effect.’ “ He added, “She was so brave, and she figured out how we could have a child without passing Huntington’s down.” FROM PEN: Relive The Joys of Friday Night Lights to Prepare for the Super Bowl RELATED: Scott Porter Reveals He and His Wife Are Expecting a Girl with Cute College Football-Inspired Announcement Kelsey, whose mother also has Huntington’s, discovered that they could undergo extensive fertility treatments to prevent passing the disease on to their future children. “Because I have Huntington’s, any child we have has 50/50 chance of having it, so to eliminate that, we did in vitro fertilization,” Kelsey explained at the time. “But we did preimplantation genetic diagnosis, which they test the embryo. They tested all our embryos for Huntington’s and [McCoy] was the first little baby who made it all the way.” 0 "Pop Culture Kanye West Doubles Down On Presidential Rumors: ""It Will Be Done"" In Yeezus we trust? If Kanye West has anything to say about it. The rapper/clothing designer/honorary doctorate doubled down on his prospective 2024" 1 "Rihanna is so beloved that when she snags herself a man, people around the world rejoice. After Drake and Rihanna played with fans' heart strings with their on-off romance, they just want her to be with someone who really makes her happy. And some new photos of Rihanna and a mystery man in a pool seemed to hint that she was pretty happy. The Daily Mail posted photos of Rihanna making out with a man in a pool in Spain on Tuesday, and according TMZ, the mystery of who this guy is may now be solved. TMZ reports that Rihanna's pool man is Hassan Jameel, and he happens to be worth a lot of money. Rih's fans are ecstatic to see her frolicking, laughing, and making out with a very good-looking man while on vacation. In addition to the pool photos, the two have now been spotted smiling while walking around in Ibiza. A source told The Sun about Jameel and Rihanna, “They’ve been spending a lot of time together away from prying eyes and are really serious. They’re really enjoying each others’ company.” That sounds like a pretty ideal situation, and quite frankly, Rihanna deserves it. Jameel's identity might not have been a mystery for long, and now fans have the chance to learn more about this new friend of Rih Rih's. He Is A Businessman According to the Daily Mail, Hassan is the deputy president and vice chairman of Abdul Latif Jameel Domestic, Saudi Arabia's largest Toyota distributor. His Family Is Worth Billions... In 2016, Forbes Middle East ranked the Jameel family number 12 among the world's richest Arabs with a net worth of $1.5 billion. According to the publication, “In 1955, Abdul Latif Jameel won exclusive rights to distribute Toyota in Saudi Arabia,"" which amassed most of their fortune. ...And They Own A Soccer League Yes, you read that correctly. The Saudi Professional League is known as the Abdul Latif Jameel League as the family sponsors the team, so yeah, it's pretty much theirs. Rih is a known soccer fan, so this could be a perfect pairing. Rihanna's Fans Are Happy They're Together... The support from the Navy is real, y'all. ...And Really Think He's The One Maybe we should all give them a few more weeks? Could this be the real deal for Rih and Jameel? Who knows, but it looks like they're pretty happy right now and that's all that matters." 1 "According to news agency Xinhua , construction has begun on ""the world's first full-sized replica "" of the most famous ship on the planet, and will be a permanent tourist attraction with a TBD completion date.The report says that the barge will have several ""facilities of the original Titanic, including a ballroom, theater, swimming pool and premium first class rooms,"" but no word yet on if it will include the car where Jack and Rose got naughty and fogged up the windows. China Daily reports that the project will cost 1 billion yuan ($145 million) and already has booked visitors. The report says that ""preorders for overnight stays were first accepted in Hong Kong in June 2005, with tickets for a one-night, economy-class stay starting at about 3,000 yuan ($435), and the price for a luxury fare amounting to hundreds of thousands of yuan.""A pretty steep price to pay without the luxury of seeing Leo himself. Though it could definitely be a must-visit for die-hard Titanic fans.You can follow the New Titanic's Twitter account for updates on the project and to find out when your heart can go on IRL." 0 "The Spears family had a fun-filled reunion -- and we've got the pic to prove it. Jamie Lynn Spears took to Instagram on Friday to share an adorable family photo of herself posing with siblings Britney and Bryan Spears, as well as all of their kids. Britney, who looked cute and casual in a red top, posed on the edge of a couch next to her sons,12-year-old Sean Preston and 11-year-old Jayden James. Jamie Lynn was positioned at the other end, while her oldest daughter, Maddie, who turns 10 next week, held her baby sister, Ivey Joan. Bryan sat next to Britney, while his daughter, Sophia, sat on Sean's lap. ""♥️FAMILY♥️,"" Jamie Lynn captioned the shot, also tagging her husband, Jamie Watson, and her mom, Lynne Spears. It seems the family reunion was in the works for a while, as Britney expressed her excitement over Jamie Lynn's bundle of joy in April. ""I could not be more excited to welcome baby Ivey to this world. Congrats to @jamielynnspears and the whole family - I love you all so much!!!"" she tweeted, just after Sean and Jayden visited Maddie at a basketball game. It's been a great year for Maddie, who recovered from a terrifying ATV accident in 2017. See more in the video below. RELATED CONTENT: How Britney Spears and Kevin Federline Went From Friendly Exes to Feuding (Exclusive) Jamie Lynn Spears Shares Sweet Photo of Baby Daughter Ivey Joan: See the Sporty Family Photo! Britney Spears Shares Sweet New Photos of Her Boys: 'They're Bigger Than Me!' Related Gallery" 0 Fake news and fake history of family separation Straight talk By George H. Rodriguez The liberal Washington Post is joining the chorus of pro-one borders, pro-illegal immigration groups that are upset that illegal alien families are being separated by immigration officials. They write an emotional opinion piece that manipulates historical facts. Writer DeNeen L. Brown says America has a history of separating children from families. She uses Native American and black slave children as examples to compare to illegal alien children being separated from their illegal alien parents. But the differences in these three situations are great. How can anyone but a liberal blinded by misguided sympathy ignore the facts? Native Americans did not come to the U.S. illegally from a foreign country. The policy of separating children from their families was terrible because they were American and they had not done anything wrong. Blacks were forced to come to the U.S. chained to ships and forced to work without pay or benefits. They had committed no crime other than to be a different skin. Illegal aliens are foreigners who are not forced to come to the United States. They come willingly and, because of their decision, receive legal help, shelter, and food upon arrival and the detainment, even though they broke immigration laws. Illegal aliens make their own decision to travel to the U.S., endangering themselves and their children — the result of breaking immigration laws is the separation of children and families. That’s the same as anyone who commits a crime, especially if they have children along with them when they commit the crime. This seems to be another liberal media effort to make America look evil for protecting and controlling its borders. What part of the word illegal don’t Ms. Brown and the Washington Post understand? Illegal aliens come here willingly and of their own decision, bringing and endangering their children. That was not the case with Native American and black slave children. The “humane” solution is to deport the entire family quickly. We cannot continue to excuse and reward illegal immigration, and we cannot allow our nation to turn into the world’s orphanage for illegal alien children. George Rodriguez, El Conservador. 1 "Not to be confused with MeTwo movement #MeToo does not redirect here due to technical restrictions A movement against sexual harassment and assault. The Me Too movement (or #MeToo movement), with many local and international alternative names, is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault.[1][2][3] #MeToo spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag on social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.[4][5][6] It followed soon after the sexual abuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein.[7][8] Tarana Burke, an American social activist and community organizer, began using the phrase ""Me Too"" as early as 2006, and the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano, on Twitter in 2017. Milano encouraged victims of sexual harassment to tweet about it and ""give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem"".[9][10] This was met with success that included but was not limited to high-profile posts from several American celebrities, including Gwyneth Paltrow,[11] Ashley Judd,[12] Jennifer Lawrence,[13] and Uma Thurman.[14] Origins [ edit ] 2006 (Tarana Burke) [ edit ] Tarana Burke, a social activist and community organizer, began using the phrase ""Me Too"" in 2006, on the Myspace social network[15] as part of a campaign to promote ""empowerment through empathy"" among women of color who have experienced sexual abuse, particularly within underprivileged communities.[10][16][17] Burke, who is creating a documentary titled Me Too, has said she was inspired to use the phrase after being unable to respond to a 13-year-old girl who confided to her that she had been sexually assaulted. Burke later wished she had simply told the girl, ""me too"".[15] 2017 (Alyssa Milano) [ edit ] Several hashtags about sharing stories of workforce sexual harassment were in use before #MeToo, including #MyHarveyWeinstein, #YouOkSis, #WhatWereYouWearing and #SurvivorPrivilege.[18][19][20] On October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano encouraged spreading the hashtag #MeToo, to attempt to draw attention to sexual assault and harassment.[10][21] Milano later acknowledged earlier use of the phrase by Burke.[15] Impact [ edit ] US media and fashion industries [ edit ] The phrase ""Me too"" was tweeted by Milano around noon on October 15, 2017, and had been used more than 200,000 times by the end of the day,[22] and tweeted more than 500,000 times by October 16.[23] On Facebook, the hashtag was used by more than 4.7 million people in 12 million posts during the first 24 hours.[24] The platform reported that 45% of users in the United States had a friend who had posted using the term.[25] Tens of thousands of people, including hundreds of celebrities, replied with #MeToo stories.[26] Some men, such as actors Terry Crews[27] and James Van Der Beek,[28] have responded to the hashtag with their own experiences of harassment and abuse, while others have responded by acknowledging past behaviors against women, spawning the hashtag #HowIWillChange.[29] In addition to Hollywood, ""Me Too"" declarations elicited discussion of sexual harassment and abuse in the music industry,[30] sciences,[31] academia,[32] and politics.[33] Feminist author Gloria Feldt stated in Time that many employers are being forced to make changes in response to #MeToo, for example examining gender-based pay differences and improving sexual harassment policies.[34] Others have noted there has been pressure on companies, specifically in the financial industry, to disclose diversity statistics.[35] Church [ edit ] In November 2017, the hashtag #ChurchToo was started by Emily Joy and Hannah Paasch on Twitter and began trending in response to #MeToo as a way to try to highlight and stop sexual abuse that happens in a church.[36][37] In early January 2018, about a hundred evangelical women also launched #SilenceIsNotSpiritual to call for changes to how sexual misconduct is dealt within the church.[38][39] #ChurchToo started spreading again virally later in January 2018 in response to a live-streamed video admission by Pastor Andy Savage to his church that he sexually assaulted a 17-year-old girl twenty years before as a youth pastor while driving her home, but then received applause by his church for admitting to the incident and asking for forgiveness. Pastor Andy Savage then resigned from his staff position at Highpoint Church and stepped away from ministry.[40][41][42] Many have argued that one of the biggest crises in the history of the Catholic Church is the current child sexual abuse that is being reported, according to Tom Inglis in his book Are the Irish Different?.[43] Education [ edit ] The University of California has been no stranger to sexual harassment, with substantial accusations reported yearly in the hundreds at all nine UC campuses, notably UC Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, and San Diego.[44] However, a landmark event at the University of California, Irvine spearheaded the removal and reprimanding of several campus officials and professors accused of sexual harassment and discrimination. In early July 2018, UC Irvine removed millionaire benefactor Francisco J. Ayala's name from its biology school, central science library, graduate fellowships, scholar programs, and endowed chairs after an internal investigation substantiated a number of sexual harassment claims. The results from the investigation were compiled in a 97-page report, which included testimony from victims enduing Ayala's harassment for 15 years.[45][46][47][48][49][50][51] His removal promptly sparked the removal of Professor Ron Carlson in August 2018, who had led the creative writing program at UC Irvine. He resigned after substantiated reports of sexual misconduct with an underage student became unearthed.[52] UC Irvine upon learning about the report accepted Professor Carlson’s immediate resignation.[53] Additionally, four additional professors in the School of Biological Sciences at UC Irvine between June and August 2018 were put under sanctions or terminated for violating the UC Policy on Sexual Harassment including Thomas A. Parham, former vice chancellor at UC Irvine and former president of the Association of Black Psychologists.[54] There are still many places of education such as high schools, however, where legal intervention is not readily enforced for situations where sexual assault takes place. Pamela Y. Price in her book Directions in Sexual Harassment Law describes how “a major argument for why [laws against] sexual harassment won’t work in education is that issues of sexuality can’t be regulated (similar to the debate in employment) or that adolescent behavior is too unpredictable to be legally controlled” (Price 62).[55] Finance [ edit ] It has been noted that, although the financial industry is known to have a wide prevalence of sexual harassment,[56] as of January 2018, there were no high-profile financial executives stepping down as the result of #MeToo allegations.[57] The first widely covered example of concrete consequences in finance was when two reporters, including Madison Marriage of the Financial Times, went undercover at a men-only Presidents Club event meant to raise money for children. Because women were not allowed to attend except as ""hostesses"" in tight, short black dresses with black underwear, Financial Times reporter Madison Marriage and another reporter got jobs as hostesses and documented widespread sexual misconduct. As a result, The presidents Club was shut down.[57] In March 2018, Morgan Stanley broker Douglas E. Greenberg was put on administrative leave after a New York Times story outlined harassment allegations by four women, including multiple arrests for the violation of restraining orders, and a threat to burn down an ex-girlfriend's house. It has been called the #MeToo moment of Portland's financial service industry.[58] It has been noted in discussion of #MeToo in finance that only about a quarter of top positions are held by women at several major banks, and there is evidence there may be wide disparities in some financial institutions between how much men and women are paid on average.[35] The authors of a December 2018 Bloomberg News article on this topic interviewed more than thirty senior Wall Street executives and found that many are now more cautious about mentoring up and coming female executives because of the perceived risks involved. One said, ""If men avoid working or traveling with women alone, or stop mentoring women for fear of being accused of sexual harassment, those men are going to back out of a sexual harassment complaint and right into a sex discrimination complaint.""[59] Politics and government [ edit ] Statehouses in California, Illinois, Oregon, and Rhode Island responded to allegations of sexual harassment surfaced by the campaign,[60] and several women in politics spoke out about their experiences of sexual harassment, including United States Senators Heidi Heitkamp, Mazie Hirono, Claire McCaskill and Elizabeth Warren.[33] Congresswoman Jackie Speier has introduced a bill aimed at making sexual harassment complaints easier to report on Capitol Hill.[61] The accusations in the world of Spanish politics have also been published in the media,[62] and a series of allegations and research on MPs and political figures of (all major British political parties) regarding sexual impropriety became a nationwide scandal in 2017; this research was undertaken in the aftermath of the Weinstein scandal and the Me Too movement.[63][64][65] Detective Leslie Branch-Wise of the Denver Police Department spoke publicly for the first time in 2018 about experiencing sexual harassment by Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock. The detective provided sexually suggestive text messages from Hancock sent to her while working for Hancock's security detail in 2012. After six years of keeping the secret, Detective Branch-Wise credited the Me Too movement as an inspiration to share her experience.[66] ME TOO bill in the US Congress [ edit ] Jackie Speier proposed the Member and Employee Training and Oversight on Congress Act (ME TOO Congress Act) on November 15, 2017.[67] The full language of the bipartisan bill was revealed by the House on January 18, 2018 as an amendment to the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995.[68] The purpose of the bill is to change how the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government treats sexual harassment complaints. Under the old system, complaints regarding the legislative branch were channeled through the Office of Compliance, which required complete confidentially through the process and took months of counseling and mediation before a complaint could actually be filed. Any settlement payments were paid using federal taxes, and it was reported that within a decade, $15 million of tax money had been spent settling harassment and discrimination complaints. The bill would ensure future complaints could only take up to 180 days to be filed. The bill would also allow the staffers to transfer to a different department or otherwise work away from the presence of the alleged harasser without losing their jobs if they requested it. The bill would require Representatives and Senators to pay for their own harassment settlements. The Office of Compliance would no longer be allowed to keep settlements secret, and would be required to publicly publish the settlement amounts and the associated employing offices. For the first time, the same protections would also apply to unpaid workers, including pages, fellows and interns.[69][70][71] Sports [ edit ] Soon after #MeToo started spreading in late 2017, several allegations from a 2016 Indianapolis Star article re-surfaced in the gymnastic industry against former U.S. Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar of Michigan State University. Nassar was called out via #MeToo for sexually assaulting gymnasts as young as 6 years old during ""treatments"".[72] Rachael Denhollander was the first to call him out.[73] Though nothing was done after the initial allegations came out in 2016, after more than 150 women came forward, Nassar was effectively sentenced to life in prison. The president of Michigan State University, Lou Anna Simon, resigned in the wake of the scandal.[72] Medicine [ edit ] MeToo has encouraged discussion about sexual harassment in the medical field.[74][75][76] Research had indicated that among U.S. academic medical faculty members, about 30% of women and 4% of men have reported experiencing sexual harassment, and it has been noted that medical staff who complain often receive negative consequences to their careers.[77][76] Other evidence has indicated 60% of medical trainees and students experienced harassment or discrimination during training, though most do not report the incidents.[74] Harassment cases at UC Irvine Medical Center are coming to light after the University of California, Irvine was trying to suppress accusations for years. UC Irvine Medical Center employee, Carlin Motley, filed a lawsuit Monday claiming she was not protected from a university volunteer who stalked and sexually harassed her for more than one year.[78][79] Unfortunately this is nothing new for UC Irvine as repeated cases of sexual harassment are dismissed by members of the university community due to a patriarchy. For example, in June 1994 Christina Grudzinski sued the university because her sexual harassment case filed with the university went nowhere as the university faculty considered her to be a “woman” that was “overly emotional” and was a risk for patients; as such, she was “barred from clinical duties in retaliation for complaining of sexual harassment.” She lost the court proceedings to the university in 2002.[80] Music [ edit ] In the music industry, the band Veruca Salt used the #MeToo hashtag to air allegations of sexual harassment against James Toback,[81] and Alice Glass used the hashtag to share a history of alleged sexual assault and other abuses by former Crystal Castles bandmate Ethan Kath.[82][83] Halsey's poem ""A Story Like Mine,"" in which she told personal stories of sexual assault and violence throughout her life included accompanying her best friend to Planned Parenthood after she had been raped, her personal account of sexual assault by neighbors and boyfriends, and women sexually assaulted by Olympic doctor Larry Nassar.[84][85] In November 2018, Cleveland, Ohio radio station WDOK Star 102 announced that it had removed the song Baby, It's Cold Outside from its playlist due to its lyric content, based on listener input, ""amid the #MeToo movement.""[86] Military [ edit ] In the wake of #MeToo, #MeTooMilitary came to be used by service men and women who were sexually assaulted or harassed while in the military,[87] appearing on social media in January 2018 the day after remarks by Oprah Winfrey at the Golden Globe Awards honoring female soldiers in the military ""whose names we'll never know"" who have suffered sexual assault and abuse in order to make things better for women today.[88] A report from the Pentagon indicated that 15,000 members of the military reported being sexually assaulted in the year 2016 and only 1 out of 3 people assaulted actually made a report.[89] Veteran Nichole Bowen-Crawford has said the rates have improved over the last decade, but the military still has a long way to go, and recommends that women veterans connect privately on social media to discuss sexual abuse in a safe environment.[88][90] There was a ""#MeTooMilitary Stand Down"" protest, organized by Service Women's Action Network, which gathered at the Pentagon on January 8, 2018. The protest was endorsed by the U.S. Department of Defense, who stated that current service members were welcome to attend as long as they did not wear their uniform.[91][92][93] The protest supported the Military Justice Improvement Act, sponsored by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, which would move ""the decision over whether to prosecute serious [sex] crimes to independent, trained, professional military prosecutors, while leaving uniquely military crimes within the chain of command"".[92] Pornography [ edit ] There have been discussions about how pornography is related to the emergence of the #MeToo movement, and what changes, if any, should be made to the porn industry in response.[94][95] The deaths of five female porn actresses during the first three months of 2018 inspired demands that workers in the industry be included as part of the #MeToo movement.[96] It has been pointed out that many women and men have been sexually assaulted on set.[97] Some high-profile pornographic performers have been accused of assault since the emergence of #MeToo, including James Deen and Ron Jeremy.[96][98][99] The porn industry has overall been supportive of #MeToo, with the topics of harassment and bodily autonomy being addressed at the 2018 AVN Awards.[100] There have been calls for the industry to police itself better in the wake of #MeToo.[97] However, when gay actor Tegan Zayne accused fellow actor Topher DiMaggio of rape in a #MeToo post, and four other men came forward with their own allegations of sexual misconduct against DiMaggio, very little happened and there was no official investigation.[101] Several groups of Christians, conservative women, and radical feminists have argued that #MeToo demonstrates pornography causes women to be viewed as sexual objects and contributes to the prevalence of sexual harassment. As a result, these groups believe the production and consumption of pornography should be greatly restricted or made illegal.[94] Other social advocates and feminists have responded by pointing out that attempts to suppress pornography in the U.S. have historically never been effective at reducing consumption. They note that porn consumption in the U.S. is currently at what is likely the highest levels in history, but overall levels of sexual violence and rape are far lower today than when the anti-pornography movement in the U.S. first emerged during the 1960s. Additionally, many feminists argue that laws which make pornography illegal only further restrict women as far what they are and are not allowed to do with their bodies.[94] Many feminists have stated that pornography can be empowering or enjoyable for women and depicting female sexuality is not always objectification.[94][102] Others point out that a lot of porn is made by women and for women.[103] Award-winning porn actress and director Angela White says there is a ""large positive shift within the industry"" to more women directing and producing their own content and ""to represent women as powerful sexual beings.""[96] Anti-porn activist Melissa Farley has said this ignores the ""choicelessness"" faced by many actresses in porn.[94] Liberal advocates argue that anti-pornography movements in the U.S. have historically never tried to increase choices for vulnerable adult performers, and taking away a person's right to act in porn may hurt them economically by reducing their choices. Many adult performers have stated that the social stigma surrounding their type of work is already a major barrier when they're seeking help, and making porn illegal would leave them few options if they are suffering from sexual abuse.[96] As a result of #MeToo, many adult performers, sex worker advocates and feminists have called for greater protections for pornographic actresses, for example reducing social stigmas, mandating training courses that teach performers their rights, and providing access to independent hotlines where performers can report abuse. They argue that making porn illegal would only cause the production of porn to go underground where there are even fewer options for help. Some liberal activists have argued to compromise by raising the legal age of entry into adult entertainment from 18 to 21, which would prevent some of the most vulnerable women from being taken advantage of, while allowing adult women to still do what they want with their own bodies.[96] Some have pointed out that many young people who do not receive a sex education adopt ideas about sex and sexual roles from pornography, whose fantasy depictions of those behaviors are not accurate to life, as they are designed for purposes of adult entertainment, and not educating the public on the reality of sexual behavior.[104] Some areas of the United States teach birth-control methods only by abstinence from sex. In a 2015 article for the American Journal of Nursing David Carter noted that a study found that abstinence based education was ""correlated with increases in teenage pregnancies and births"". Multiple people have voiced support for comprehensive sex education programs that encompass a wide range topics, which they state leave children more informed.[105] Several feminists have argued it is crucial to provide children with basic sex education before they are inevitably exposed to porn. Sex education can also effectively prepare children to identify and say no to unwanted sexual contact before it occurs, and gives parents an opportunity to teach children about consent.[106] Astronomy [ edit ] The #astroSH twitter tag was used to discuss sexual harassment in the field of Astronomy, and several scientists and professors resigned or were fired. [107][108][109][110] Purpose [ edit ] The original purpose of ""Me Too"" as used by Tarana Burke in 2006, was to empower women through empathy, especially young and vulnerable women. In October 2017, Alyssa Milano encouraged using the phrase as a hashtag to help reveal the extent of problems with sexual harassment and assault by showing how many people have experienced these events themselves.[15][21] After millions of people started using the phrase, and it spread to dozens of other languages, the purpose changed and expanded, as a result, it has come to mean different things to different people. Tarana Burke accepts the title of the leader and creator of the movement but has stated she considers herself a worker of something much bigger. Burke has stated that this movement has grown to include both men and women of all colors and ages, as it continues to support marginalized people in marginalized communities.[111][112] There have also been movements by men aimed at changing the culture through personal reflection and future action, including #IDidThat, #IHave, and #IWill.[113] Awareness and empathy [ edit ] Analyses of the movement often point to the prevalence of sexual violence, which has been estimated by the World Health Organization to affect one-third of all women worldwide. A 2017 poll by ABC News and The Washington Post also found that 54% of American women report receiving ""unwanted and inappropriate"" sexual advances with 95% saying that such behavior usually goes unpunished. Others state that #MeToo underscores the need for men to intervene when they witness demeaning behavior.[114][115][116] Burke said that #MeToo declares sexual violence sufferers are not alone and should not be ashamed.[117] Burke says sexual violence is usually caused by someone the woman knows, so people should be educated from a young age they have the right to say no to sexual contact from any person, even after repeat solicitations from an authority or spouse, and to report predatory behavior.[118] Burke advises men to talk to each other about consent, call out demeaning behavior when they see it and try to listen to victims when they tell their stories.[118] Alyssa Milano described the reach of #MeToo as helping society understand the ""magnitude of the problem"" and said, ""it's a standing in solidarity to all those who have been hurt.""[119][120] She stated that the success of #MeToo will require men to take a stand against behavior that objectifies women.[121] Policies and laws [ edit ] Burke has stated the current purpose of the movement is to give people the resources to have access to healing, and advocates for changes to laws and policies. Burke has highlighted goals such as processing all untested rape kits, re-examining local school policies, improving the vetting of teachers, and updating sexual harassment policies.[122] She has called for all professionals who work with children to be fingerprinted and subjected to a background check before being cleared to start work. She advocates for sex education that teaches kids to report predatory behavior immediately.[118] Burke supports the #MeToo bill in the US Congress, which would remove the requirement that staffers of the federal government go through months of ""cooling off"" before being allowed to file a complaint against a Congressperson.[122] Milano states a priority for #MeToo is changing the laws surrounding sexual harassment and assault, for example, instituting protocols that give sufferers in all industries the ability to file complaints without retaliation. She supports legislation making it difficult for publicly traded companies to hide cover-up money from their stockholders and would like to make it illegal for employers to require new workers sign non-disclosure agreements as a condition of employment.[121] Gender analysts such as Anna North have stated that #MeToo should be addressed as a labor issue due to the economic disadvantages to reporting harassment. North suggested combating underlying power imbalances in some workplaces, for example by raising the tipped minimum wage, and embraces innovations like the ""portable panic buttons"" that are mandated for hotel employees in Seattle.[123] Others have suggested that barriers to employment must be removed, such as the job requirement by some employers to sign non-disclosure agreements or other agreements that prevent an employee from talking about their employment publicly, or taking disputes (including sexual harassment claims) to arbitration or legal proceedings. It's been suggested that legislation should be passed that bans these types of mandatory pre-employment agreements.[1] Some policy-based changes that have been suggested is reducing limited managerial oversight; creating clear internal reporting mechanisms; more effective and proactive disciplinary measures; creating a culture that encourages employees to be open about serious problems;[1] making financial penalties for workers who work for companies that allow those workers to remain in their position when they have repeatedly sexually harassed others; and force companies to pay huge fines or lose tax breaks if they decide to keep workers that are sexual harassers around.[124] Media coverage [ edit ] In the coverage of #MeToo, there has been widespread discussion about the best way for sufferers of sexual abuse or harassment to stop what is happening to them at work. There is general agreement that a lack of effective reporting options is a major factor that drives unchecked sexual misconduct in the workplace.[125] False reports of sexual assault are rare but when they happen, they are put in the spotlight for the public to see. The media does this to portray the image that the majority of the reported sexual assaults are falsely reported by women. However, falsely reported sexual assaults only make up 3% of the total amount that are reported. This doesn’t even take into account the amount of women that still don’t report their stories. This is yet another reason why women are scared to report their experiences with sexual assault because they are afraid that no one will ever believe their story and in the process they will have embarrassed and humiliated themselves.[126] In France, a person who makes a sexual harassment complaint at work is reprimanded or fired 40% of the time, while the accused person is typically not investigated or punished.[127] In the United States, a 2016 report from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission states that although 25–85% of women say they experience sexual harassment at work, few ever report the incidents, most commonly due to fear of reprisal.[125] There is evidence that in Japan, as few as 4% of rape victims report the crime, and the charges are dropped about half the time.[128][129] There is a discussion on the best ways to handle whisper networks, or private lists of ""people to avoid"" that are shared unofficially in nearly every major institution or industry where sexual harassment is common due to power imbalances, including government, media, news, and academia. These lists have the stated purpose of warning other workers in the industry and are shared from person-to-person, on forums, in private social media groups, and via spreadsheets. However, these lists can become ""weaponized"" and used to spread unsubstantiated gossip, which has been discussed widely in the media.[130] Defenders say the lists provide a way to warn other people in the industry if worried about punishment, or if complaints have already been ignored, and also helps victims identify each other so they can speak out together.[130][131] Sometimes these lists are kept for other reasons, for example, a spreadsheet from the United Kingdom called ""High Libido MPs"" and dubbed ""the spreadsheet of shame"" was created by a group of male and female parliamentary researchers, and contained a list of allegations against nearly 40 Conservative MPs in the British Parliament. It is also rumored that party whips (who are in charge of getting members of Parliament to commit to votes) maintain a ""black book"" that contains allegations against several lawmakers that can be used for blackmail.[132][133][134] When it is claimed a well-known person's sexual misconduct was an ""open secret"", these lists are often the source.[130] In the wake of #MeToo, several private whisper network lists have been leaked to the public.[130][131] In India, a student gave her friends a list containing names of professors and academics in the Indian university system to be avoided. The list went viral after it was posted on social media.[135] In response to criticism in the media, the authors defended themselves by saying they were only trying to warn their friends, had confirmed every case, and several victims from the list were poor students who had already been punished or ignored when trying to come forward.[136][137] Moira Donegan, a New York City-based journalist, privately shared a crowd-sourced Shitty Media Men list of people to avoid in publishing and journalism. When it was shared outside her private network, Donegan lost her job. Donegan stated it was unfair so few people had access to the list before it went public; for example, very few women of color received access (and therefore protection) from it. She pointed to her ""whiteness, health, education, and class"" that allowed her to take the risk of sharing the list and getting fired.[131] The main problem with trying to protect more potential victims by publishing whisper networks is determining the best mechanism to verify allegations in a way that is fair to all parties.[138][139] Some suggestions have included strengthening labor unions in vulnerable industries so workers can report harassment directly to the union instead of to an employer. Another suggestion is to maintain industry hotlines which have the power to trigger third-party investigations.[138] Several apps have been developed which offer various ways to report sexual misconduct, and some of these apps also have the ability to connect victims who have reported the same person.[140] Issues with social norms [ edit ] In the wake of #MeToo, many countries such as the U.S.,[141] India,[142] France,[143] China,[144] Japan,[128] and Italy,[145] have seen discussion in the media on whether cultural norms need to be changed for sexual harassment to be eradicated in the workplace. Dr. John Launer of Health Education England stated leaders must be made aware of common ""mismatches of perceptions"" at work to reduce incidents where one person thinks they are flirting while the other person feels like they're being demeaned or harassed.[74] Reporter Anna North from Vox states one way to address #MeToo is teach children the basics of sex. North states the cultural notion that women do not enjoy sex leads men ""to believe that a lukewarm yes is all they're ever going to get"", referring to a 2017 study which found that men who believe women enjoy being forced into sex are ""more likely to perceive women as consenting"".[146] Alyssa Rosenberg of The Washington Post called for society to be careful of overreaching by ""being clear about what behavior is criminal, what behavior is legal but intolerable in a workplace, and what private intimate behavior is worthy of condemnation"" but not part of the workplace discussion. She says ""preserving the nuances"" is more inclusive and realistic.[147] Professor Daniel Drezner stated that #MeToo laid the groundwork for two major cultural shifts. One is the acceptance that sexual harassment (not just sexual assault) is unacceptable in the workplace. The other is that when a powerful person is accused of sexual harassment, the reaction should be a presumption that the less powerful accuser is ""likely telling the truth, because the risks of going public are great."" However, he states society is struggling with the speed at which change is being demanded.[148] Reform and implementation [ edit ] Although #MeToo initially focused on adults, the message spread to students in K–12 schools where sexual abuse is common both in person and online.[149] MeTooK12 is a spin-off of #MeToo created in January 2018 by the group Stop Sexual Assault in Schools, founded by Joel Levin and Esther Warkov, aimed at stopping sexual abuse in education from kindergarten to high school.[150][151] #MeTooK12 was inspired in part by the removal of certain federal Title IX sexual misconduct guidelines.[152] There is evidence that sexual misconduct in K–12 education is dramatically underreported by both schools and students, because nearly 80% of public schools never report any incidents of harassment. A 2011 survey found 40% of boys and 56% of girls in grades 7–12 reported had experienced some type of negative sexual comment or sexual harassment in their lives.[150][152] Approximately 5% of K–12 sexual misconduct reports involved 5 or 6-year-old students. #MeTooK12 is meant to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual misconduct towards children in school, and the need for increased training on Title IX policies, as only 18 states require people in education to receive training about what to do when a student or teacher is sexually abused.[151] Role of men [ edit ] There has been discussion about what possible roles men may have in the #MeToo movement.[153][154][77] It has been noted that 1 in 6 men have experienced sexual abuse of some sort during their lives and often feel unable to talk about it.[155] Creator Tarana Burke and others have asked men to call out bad behavior when they see it,[154][77] or just spend time quietly listening.[112][156] Some men have expressed the desire to keep a greater distance from women since #MeToo went viral because they do not fully understand what actions might be considered inappropriate.[157][158] For the first few months after #MeToo started trending, many men expressed difficulty in participating in the conversation due to fear of negative consequences, citing examples of men who have been treated negatively after sharing their thoughts about #MeToo.[159] Author and former pick-up artist Michael Ellsberg encourages men to reflect on past behavior and examples of questionable sexual behavior, such as the viral story Cat Person, which is written from the perspective of a twenty-year-old woman who goes on a date with a much older man and ends up having an unpleasant sexual experience that was consensual but unwanted. Ellsberg has asked men to pledge to ensure women are mutually interested in initiating a sexual encounter and to slow down if there is ever doubt a woman wants to continue.[160][161] Relationship instructor Kasia Urbaniak said the movement is creating its own crisis around masculinity. ""There's a reflective questioning about whether they’re going to be next and if they’ve ever hurt a woman. There's a level of anger and frustration. If you’ve been doing something wrong but haven't been told, there's an incredible sense of betrayal and it’ll provoke a backlash. I think silence on both sides is incredibly dangerous."" Urbaniak says she would like women to be allies of men and to be curious about their experience. ""In that alliance there's a lot more power and possibility than there is in men stepping aside and starting to stew.""[162] In August 2018, The New York Times detailed allegations that leading #MeToo figure Asia Argento sexually assaulted actor Jimmy Bennett.[163] The sexual assault allegedly took place in a California hotel room in 2013 when he was only two months past his 17th birthday and she was 37; the age of consent is 18.[163] Bennett said when Argento came out against Harvey Weinstein, it stirred memories of his own experience. He imparted he had sought to resolve the matter privately, and had not spoken out sooner, “because I was ashamed and afraid to be part of the public narrative.”[164] In a statement provided to The Times, he said: ""I was underage when the event took place, and I tried to seek justice in a way that made sense to me at the time because I was not ready to deal with the ramifications of my story becoming public. At the time I believed there was still a stigma to being in the situation as a male in our society. I didn’t think that people would understand the event that took place from the eyes of a teenage boy."" Bennett said he would like to ""move past this event in my life,"" adding, “today I choose to move forward, no longer in silence.""[164] Argento, who quietly arranged a $380,000 nondisclosure settlement with Bennett in the months following her revelations regarding Weinstein, has denied the allegations.[165] Rose McGowan initially expressed support for Argento on and implored others to show restraint, tweeting, ""None of us know the truth of the situation and I'm sure more will be revealed. Be gentle."" As one of the most vocal advocates of the Me Too movement, McGowan faced criticism on social media for her comments, which conflicted with the movement's message of believing survivors.[166] MeToo founder Tarana Burke responded the Asia Argento report, stating ""I’ve said repeatedly that the #metooMVMT is for all of us, including these brave young men who are now coming forward. Sexual violence is about power and privilege. That doesn’t change if the perpetrator is your favorite actress, activist or professor of any gender.""[3] The related hashtag #HimToo emerged in popularity with the #MeToo movement. Although dating back to at least 2015, and initially associated with politics or casual communication, #HimToo took on new meanings associated with #MeToo in 2017, with some using it to emphasize male victims of sexual harassment and abuse, and others using it to emphasize male perpetrators. In September and October 2018, during the sexual assault allegations raised during Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, #HimToo became used by supporters of Kavanaugh and to highlight male victims of false accusations.[167][168] Criticism [ edit ] Undefined purpose [ edit ] Some feminists and women have criticized the movement.[169][170] There has been discussion about whether the movement is meant to inspire change in all men or just a percentage of them, and what specific actions are the end goal of the movement.[171] Other women have stated #MeToo should examine only the worst types of abuse in order to prevent casting all men as perpetrators, or causing people to become numb to the problem.[171][172] Creator Tarana Burke has laid out specific goals for the #MeToo movement, including: processing all untested rape kits in the United States, investigating the vetting of teachers, better protecting children at school, updating sexual harassment policies, and improving training in workplaces, places of worship, and schools. She has stated that everyone in a community, including men and women, must take action in order to make the #MeToo movement a success. She also supports the #MeToo Congress bill and hopes it will inspire similar legal changes in other parts of the country.[111] Overcorrection [ edit ] Richard Ackland, a lawyer and award-winning journalist, described the response to defamation cases ""an asphyxiating vortex of litigation"".[173] There has been discussion on whether harsh consequences are warranted for particular examples of alleged misconduct.[172][174][175] An especially divisive story broke on Babe.net on January 13, 2018 when an anonymous accuser detailed the events of her date with Aziz Ansari and referred to what transpired as ""sexual assault"". Jill Filipovic wrote for The Guardian that ""it was only a matter of time before a publication did us the disservice of publishing a sensational story of a badly behaved man who was nonetheless not a sexual assailant"".[176][177][178] Some actors have admonished proponents of the movement for not distinguishing between different degrees of sexual misconduct. Matt Damon commented on the phenomenon in an interview, and later apologized, saying ""the clearer signal to men and to younger people is, deny it. Because if you take responsibility for what you did, your life's going to get ruined.""[179] Subsequently, Liam Neeson opined that some accused men, including Garrison Keillor and Dustin Hoffman, were being treated unfairly.[180] Tarana Burke said in January 2018, ""Those of us who do this work know that backlash is inevitable."" While describing the backlash as carrying an underlying sentiment of fairness, she defended her movement as ""not a witch hunt as people try to paint it"". She stated that engaging with the cultural critique in #MeToo was more productive than calling for it to end or focusing on accused men who ""haven't actually touched anybody"".[112] Ronan Farrow, who published the Weinstein exposé in the New Yorker that helped start the #MeToo resurgence (alongside New York Times reporters Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor), was asked in late December 2017 whether he thought the movement had ""gone too far"". Farrow called for a careful examination of each story to guard against false accusations but also recalled the alleged sexual abuse his sister Dylan Farrow claims she went through at the hands of his father Woody Allen. He stated that after decades of silence, ""My feeling is that this is a net benefit to society and that all of the people, men, and women, pouring forward and saying 'me too' deserve this moment. I think you're right to say that we all have to be conscious of the risk of the pendulum swinging too far, but in general this is a very positive step.""[181] Ijeoma Oluo spoke about how some Democrats have expressed regret over the resignation of Senator Al Franken due to allegations of sexual misconduct. She sympathized with them but stressed the importance of punishing misconduct regardless of whether the perpetrator is viewed as ""a bad guy"" overall. She wrote that ""most abusers are more like Al Franken than Harvey Weinstein"".[182] The New York Times has called this discussion the ""Louis C.K. Conundrum"", referring to the admission by comedian Louis C.K. that he committed sexual misconduct with five women, and the subsequent debate over whether any guilt should be associated with enjoyment of his work.[183][184][185] Jennifer Wright of Harper's Bazaar has said that public fears of an overcorrection reflect the difficulty of accepting that ""likeable men can abuse women too"".[186] Possible trauma to victims [ edit ] The hashtag has been criticized for putting the responsibility of publicizing sexual harassment and abuse on those who experienced it, which could be re-traumatizing.[187][188][189] The hashtag has been criticized as inspiring fatigue and outrage, rather than emotionally dense communication.[190][191] Tony Robbins said he was ""knocking victimhood"" from the movement.[192] The motivational speaker was also scrutinized for comments he made criticizing the movement, implying that women are victimizing themselves to gain significance. He later apologized adding, ""I need to get connected to the brave women of #MeToo.""[193] Not including prostitutes [ edit ] There have been many calls for the #MeToo movement to include sex workers and sex trafficking victims.[194][195][196][197][198] Although these women experience a higher rate of sexual harassment and assault than any other group of people, they are often seen in society as legitimate targets that deserve such acts against them.[199] Autumn Burris stated that prostitution is like ""#MeToo on steroids"" because the sexual harassment and assault described in #MeToo stories are frequent for women in prostitution.[194] Melissa Farley argues that prostitution, even when consensual, can be a form of sexual assault, as it can be for money for food or similar items, thus, at least according to Farley, making prostitution a forced lifestyle relying on coercions for food.[199] Some sex workers disagree with her stance, saying that she stigmatizes prostitution.[200] American journalist Steven Thrasher noted that, ""There has been worry that the #MeToo movement could lead to a sex panic. But the real sex panic is not due to feminism run amok, but due to the patriarchal, homophobic, transantagonistic, theocratic desire of the US Congress to control sex workers."" He points to 2018 Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA), which many experts say will only put sex workers at further risk by causing them to go underground, does not offer sex workers any help or protections, and as a side effect prevents most people from using online personal ads regardless of their intentions.[201] There has been discussion about the extent to which accusers should be believed before fact-checking. Some have questioned whether the accused are being punished without due process confirming their guilt.[172][174][175] Many commentators have responded that the number of false reports is expected to be low, citing figures obtained by the U.S. Department of Justice and other organizations which estimate the number of false rape accusations to be around 2–10%. However, the 2-10% figure refers to rape reports which are found to be false, and does not include cases in which it cannot be established if the accused is innocent or guilty.[202][203] A February 2005 study by the UK Home Office on reported rape cases[204] found that from a set of 216 rape cases later found to be false, only six led to arrests and only two involved charges being filed.[205][206] Elle writer Sady Doyle commented that another hashtag, #BelieveWomen, was not a threat to due process but a commitment to ""recognize that false allegations are less common than real ones"".[206] Jennifer Wright of Harper's Bazaar proposed a similar definition of #BelieveWomen and pointed out The Washington Post's ability to quickly identify a false accusation set up by Project Veritas. She also stated that only 52 rape convictions being overturned in the United States since 1989, as opposed to 790 for murder, was strong evidence that at least 90% of rape allegations are true.[186][205] Michelle Malkin challenged this claim, citing the book False Allegations by Brent Turvey, John Savino and Aurelio Coronado Mares, which states that published research about false rape accusations indicate that the percentage ranges from 8–41%.> She expressed a suspicion that many stories in the #MeToo movement would be exaggerated and accused news outlets of focusing on ""hashtag trends spread by celebrities, anonymous claimants and bots"".[207] On November 30, 2017, Ijeoma Oluo revealed the contents of a request she received from USA Today, asking her to write a piece arguing that due process is unnecessary for sexual harassment allegations. She refused, saying ""of course I believe in due process"" and wrote that it was disingenuous for the paper to ask her ""to be their strawman"".[208] On September 21, 2018, President Donald Trump accused Dr. Christine Blasey Ford of making up her accusations against now Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, saying that if her story was true she would have filed a report against him when it had happened. This is a common argument against the MeToo movement and sexual assault victims alike.[209] On 11 October 2018 Melania Trump, wife of US President Donald Trump, said that women who make accusations of sexual abuse against men should back their claims with solid evidence.[210] Not addressing police misconduct [ edit ] Despite the prevalence[where?] of sexual misconduct, some have pointed out the lack of discussion in the #MeToo movement regarding law-enforcement misconduct.[211][212][213][214] Police sexual misconduct disproportionately affects women of color, though women from all walks of life are affected.[214] The Cato Institute reported that in 2010, more than 9% of police misconduct reports in 2010 involved sexual abuse, and there are multiple indications that ""sexual assault rates are significantly higher for police when compared to the general population.""[212] Fear of retribution is considered[by whom?] one reason some law-enforcement officers are not subjected to significant consequences for known misconduct.[211] Police-reform activist Roger Goldman stated that an officer who is fired for sexual misconduct from one police department often gets rehired by a different department, where they can continue the misconduct in a new environment.[211] Some states (such as Florida and Georgia) have licensing laws that can decertify a law-enforcement officer who has committed major misconduct, which prevents decertified officers from being hired again in that state.[211] Some have called for sexual misconduct allegations against police to be investigated by third parties to reduce bias (as opposed to the common practice of investigations being led by fellow law-enforcement officers or colleagues in the same department).[214] Lack of representation of minority women [ edit ] Many have pointed to a lack of representation of minority women in the #MeToo movement or its leadership.[215][216][217][218][219][220] Most historical feminist movements have contained active elements of racism, and have typically ignored the needs of non-white women despite the fact that minority women are more likely to be targets of sexual harassment.[215][216][217][218][219] Minority women are overrepresented in industries with the greatest number of sexual harassment claims, for example hotels, health, food services, and retail.[217] It has been pointed out that undocumented minority women often have no recourse if they're experiencing sexual violence.[221] Activist Charlene Carruthers said, ""If wealthy, highly visible women in news and entertainment are sexually harassed, assaulted and raped—what do we think is happening to women in retail, food service and domestic work?""[217] Former victim Farah Tanis stated there are also additional barriers for black women who want to participate in the #MeToo movement. She pointed out that there is often social pressure not to report allegations against black men, especially from church and family, because many would view that as a betrayal against their ""brothers.""[221] Additionally, black women are less likely to be believed if they do speak out.[221][222] Some have argued that the American judicial system acknowledges the term ""sexual harassment"" only because of successful sexual harassment lawsuits by three black women: Diane Williams and Paulette Barnes against the US government, and Mechelle Vinson against a bank.[223] Vinson's case of Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson eventually leading to the unanimous 1986 Supreme Court decision that sexual harassment violates the Civil Rights Act.[216][217] Black law professor Anita Hill again brought sexual harassment to public discourse in 1991 with her testimony against Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas.[216][217][224] Tarana Burke initially criticized the movement for ignoring the work of black women in creating dialogue addressing sexual assault. However, she did salute those who partook in the movement and credited Milano for acknowledging Burke's own similar movement.[225] As well as this, she pleaded to black women not to drop out of the movement just because the media isn't listening saying ""This is your movement, too.""[226] American feminist and journalist Gloria Steinem said there is a blind spot surrounding intersectionality between race and gender, and a major problem with today's feminists is they are not acknowledging ""that women of color in general—and especially black women—have always been more likely to be feminist than white women.""[215] Steinem argues that #MeToo could never have happened without the work of these women, and women in the #MeToo movement have a responsibility: “If you have more power, remember to listen as much as you talk. And if you have less power, remember to talk as much as you listen.""[216] Overemphasis on specific cases [ edit ] The #MeToo movement has been criticized for putting too much public focus on the consequences of specific individuals who have been accused of sexual misconduct, as opposed to discussing policies and changes to institutional norms that would help people who are currently experiencing sexual abuse.[227] It's been noted that although allegations surrounding high-profile public figures tends to attract the most attention, the stories of regular workers often go unacknowledged.[1] Yet to ensure meaningful change, these workers’ experiences must be at the center of any policy solutions that lawmakers pursue. Tarana Burke has voiced similar misgivings, pointing out one problematic aspect of #MeToo is ""All of this media attention is on the perpetrator. All of the conversation about fairness and due process is focused on the perpetrator."" She states the movement should focus on specific steps to help current and future sufferers.[228] Activist and writer Jaclyn Friedman said, ""We’ve got to stop treating each case that comes to light like a self-contained soap opera that ends when the villain is defeated, and start addressing the systems that have enabled workplace sexual abuse for so long.""[229] Writer Jia Tolentino has stated that it is natural to focus on the individual stories because they are ""gripping and horrible"", but determining the best workplace changes ""doesn't have a ton to do with the specific investigation and adjudication of men that have already done this"".[230] Financial support [ edit ] In May 2018, The New York Women's Foundation announced their Fund to Support the Me Too Movement and Allies, a $25M commitment over the next five years to provide funding and support survivors of sexual violence.[2] In September 2018, CBS announced that it would be donating $20 million of former Chairman Les Moonves' severance to #MeToo. Moonves was forced to step down after numerous sexual misconduct accusations.[231][232] International response [ edit ] The hashtag has trended in at least 85 countries,[233] including India, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom. Direct translations of #MeToo have been shared by Spanish speakers in South America and Europe and by Arabic speakers in Africa and the Middle East, while activists in France and Italy have developed hashtags to express the attitudes of the movement.[234] Communicating similar experiences and ""sharing feelings in some form of togetherness"" connects people and can lead to ""formation of a process of collective action"" (Castells).[235][236] The campaign has prompted survivors from around the world to share their stories, and name their perpetrators. The European Parliament convened a session directly in response to the Me Too campaign, after it gave rise to allegations of abuse in Parliament and in the European Union's offices in Brussels. Cecilia Malmström, the European Commissioner for Trade, specifically cited the hashtag as the reason the meeting had been convened.[237] Afghanistan [ edit ] The #MeToo hashtag initially spread in Afghanistan where it is estimated about 90% of women experience sexual harassment in public, at school, or at work, but was quickly silenced when those who shared their stories started fearing for their life.[244][245] Less than 1% of police officers or military members are women, and sexual assault is often ignored by law enforcement and the military.[246] Rape threats and other types of harassment are common on Facebook and other social media in Afghanistan. Sharing stories of sexual abuse against higher-ranking men is especially dangerous for women in the country, and may result in the killing of the victim or her family members.[245] Some women are also punished or killed to by their own family for speaking out, to redeem their ""honor"" after being tarnished by rape.[245] Despite the risks, some notable people such as Sarienews journalist Maryam Mehtar, and presidential advisor Shaharzad Akbar have shared their own #MeToo stories on social media. Mehtar experienced extreme abuse and several death threats for sharing her story about being sexually harassed in public on a daily basis, and was publicly called a ""whore"" in an interview with The New York Times by Afghan writer Jalil Junbish. He also called the NYT reporter a whore in the same interview. He later denied making the comments.[246] Other women only share their first name or a fake name, and typically describe the story without naming the perpetrator for fear of reprisal.[246] Sexual harassment was first defined in Afghanistan in 2016, though there has been little effort made to enforce laws against it.[244] Rod Nordland and Fatima Faizi of The New York Times reported that a colonel in the Afghan Air Force was secretly and clearly videotaped sexually assaulting a subordinate in November 2017, and the video quickly went viral, but despite an alleged investigation, the colonel has not been formally accused of misconduct.[246] The Ministries of Interior and Communications set up a phone hotline to for women to call to report sexual misconduct from law enforcement officials, but a call to the line revealed the hotline will offer advice only about phone harassment, and stated if a person harasses you in person, to ""slap them"".[246] Australia [ edit ] In October 2017 reporter and journalist Tracey Spicer announced on Twitter that she was launching an investigation into reports of sexual harassment by powerful Australian men in the media in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations and the rise in public awareness of the #MeToo movement. Earlier that same year, Spicer had released a memoir, The Good Girl Stripped Bare, where she wrote about her own experiences of sexual harassment in the work place.[247] Spicer later reported that she had received responses from 470 people about people in the industry, including Australian television presenter and producer Don Burke.[248] The extent of the claims against Burke were published by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and The Sydney Morning Herald in a joint investigative piece on 26 November 2017, where it was reported that ""One name kept recurring – Don Burke.""[249][250] Spicer, along with Kate McClymont, Lorna Knowles and Alison Branley, won the 2018 Walkley Awards in the print/text journalism and Television/Video Current Affairs Short (less than 20 minutes) categories for their investigation and on Australia Day in 2018, Spicer was appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia ""for significant service to the broadcast media as a journalist and television presenter, and as an ambassador for social welfare and charitable groups"".[251][252] Later that same year, Spicer and Melinda Schneider launched NOW Australia, a campaign aimed at helping connect people with legal support and counselling.[253] Since then the #MeToo movement has now expanded beyond Australian media and the Australian Human Rights Commission has launched an independent search into workplace sexual harassment that is the first of its kind in the world.[254] It has been hypothesised by The Age that Australia's strict defamation laws make it difficult for more victims to come forward.[255] Canada [ edit ] Éric Salvail, accused of sexual harassment In French-speaking parts of Canada, the campaign is done under the hashtag #MoiAussi.[256] A minister of Quebec, Hélène David, said she believed a global movement was in the works and we should salute this change.[257] It was reported that calls to rape and women's crisis centers have increased dramatically, up to 553% above normal levels,[258] since #MoiAussi started trending in October 2017, causing problems with staffing and budgeting.[259] Quebec has contributed $1 million to help support these crisis hotlines.[258] Hundreds of people marched to promote #MoiAussi at an event in Toronto in December 2017.[260] In the wake of #MoiAussi, a candidate for mayor of Plateau-Mont-Royal dropped out of the race in response to allegations of sexual misconduct from several women.[261] Montreal police set up a phone hotline for people who have been raped or harassed to call.[257] Radio and TV presenter Éric Salvail was accused by 11 people of either being sexually harassed, or witnessing harassment from Salvail.[257] He lost several endorsements and was suspended from most projects he was involved with.[262] Humorist Gilbert Rozon resigned from all his positions and tried to sell his company in the wake of several sexual misconduct allegations, including one from producer Julie Snyder, a class action lawsuit from several women, and a sexual assault report filed with the police. A newly popular hashtag, #EtMaintenant (#AndNow or Now What?) has started spreading as the ""second part"" to #MoiAussi to discuss what to do now that the magnitude of the problem with sexual misconduct in the workplace has been exposed. #EtMaintenant is represented by a yellow heart. It was unveiled on the show Tout le monde en parle in January 2018, with the stated purpose of determining which attitudes related to society, politics, institutions, and media need to be changed to ensure equity between all people.[263] Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been a vocal advocate and supporter of the #MeToo movement. In a speech at the World Economic Forum in January 2018, Trudeau called for critical discussion on issues brought up by the #MeToo, Time's Up, and Women's March movements.[264] Trudeau has also advocated and acted upon a high standard set for himself and members of his government. Trudeau stated that he holds a ""zero tolerance for sexual assault, harassment or other forms of misconduct by his employees or caucus colleagues"".[265] As leader of the Liberal party, Trudeau initiated investigations on several members of parliament resulting in the dismissal of cabinet minister Kent Hehr, the resignation of MP Darshan Kang, and the suspension and later expulsion of MPs Scott Andrews and Massimo Pacetti.[266] In an interview, Trudeau explained that the zero tolerance standard applied to himself as well and stated, ""I've been very, very careful all my life to be thoughtful, to be respectful of people's space and people's headspace as well.""[267] However, an editorial written in August 2000 resurfaced during his premiership regarding an alleged incident where an author accused Trudeau of groping a reporter and in July 2018 Trudeau publicly rejected the accusations.[268][269] The piece stated Trudeau provided a ""day-late"" apology to the reporter, saying, ""If I had known you were reporting for a national paper, I never would have been so forward.""[270] On July 6 Trudeau stated there was no need to conduct an investigation into the allegations against him.[271] Chile [ edit ] In April–June 2018, female students marched around Chile and occupied universities in protest against sexual harassment.[272] Multiple actresses levelled accusations of Weinstein-like behaviour at telenovela director Herval Abreu in April and film director Nicolás López in June; both men have denied any wrongdoing.[273] China [ edit ] On Chinese social networks, hashtags #WoYeShi or #metoo are sometimes used to denote the #Metoo hashtag. In mainland China, the Chinese internet censorship service has slowed down the Chinese MeToo posts via censorship.[274] So far, the #MeToo debate appears to be limited to universities.[275] An article appearing on the state-run China Daily newspaper states that sexual misconduct is rare in China due to superior education and culture has caused considerable Internet outrages.[276] A recent study from a pair of professors from City University of Hong Kong indicated that about 80% of working women in China have experienced sexual harassment at some point in their career,[240] and there were strong reactions of anger online following the report. The article has since been taken down.[277] Activist Feng Yuan points out that China does not have national laws prohibiting sexual harassment, and uses state media to encourage women to focus on family and stay home. New laws recently made it illegal for television programming to contain images of a women's cleavage, sexual acts outside of marriage, or any topics that present ""Western lifestyles"" in a positive light. #MeToo has received extreme governmental censorship online.[144][277] Sophie Richardson, the Human Rights Watch director for China, stated the Chinese government regularly suppresses discussion of women's rights, for example an incident in 2015 where Li Tingting and four other activists were arrested when the government learned they planned to hand out stickers about preventing sexual harassment on public transportation.[277] In Hong Kong, track and field athlete Vera Lui Lai-Yiu posted her case of sex abuse alongside #metoo on her Facebook fanpage on her 23rd birthday. She posted in response to a similar action by gymnast McKayla Maroney. Lui posted a picture of herself holding a piece of paper with the handwritten words ""#metoo lly"" (her initials).[278][279][280][281][282] In January 2018, student Zheng Xi publicly started a campaign against sexual harassment in response to #MeToo.[240] Dr. Luo Xixi, an academic, revealed being sexually assaulted by a professor at Beihang University when she was in her 20s. Luo gathered extensive evidence from many women, including recordings, and presented it to the institution. She waited until the professor was already suspended before going public with the story. Her post was viewed over 3 million times within 24 hours. She said that #metoo gave her the courage to speak up. She is currently living in the US.[144] Ethiopia [ edit ] Alyssa Milano specifically called for supporting the victims in Ethiopia in an interview with Rolling Stone.[121] In Ethiopia, up to 40% of students may have experienced sexual violence.[283] In November 2017, nine middle-school aged girls organized together and spoke out about an abusive teacher in their school, saying they got the idea from the ""Me Too"" movement. The teacher was dismissed and referred to law enforcement. UNICEF's Amanda Westfall said the teacher likely would have gotten away with it just a few years ago.[283] France [ edit ] Variants of the phrase trended in France,[22] especially #BalanceTonPorc (#DenounceYourPig),[256] which encouraged users to share the names of their alleged abusers.[284][285] #BalanceTonPorc was first used by Sandra Muller. She was requested to take down her tweet by two lawyers.[286] In France, 93% of complaints against criminal sexual harassment are dropped or never followed up on by law enforcement.[287] Prosecutions are extremely rare, and only 65 of 1,048 sexual harassment lawsuits from 2014 actually led to a conviction.[286] In 40% of workplace sexual violence cases, the person who makes the complaint is reprimanded or fired, while the accused person is typically not investigated or punished.[287] There is no French equivalent to U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which gives victims a place to report workplace sexual violence if the employer and/or law enforcement refuses to address the complaint.[287] Brigitte Macron, wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, expressed support for the #MeToo movement.[286][288] Initially the hashtag went viral, but there was an almost immediate media backlash.[289] Soon after, 100 high-profile French women, including actress Catherine Deneuve, former pornographic actress and radio host Brigitte Lahaie, art critic and author Catherine Millet, signed an open letter by Abnousse Shalmani which criticized the #MeToo / #BalanceTonPorc campaign. It was noted the letter is poorly edited with several typos and unclear or clumsy passages.[143][290] The people who signed the letter, especially Deneuve and Millet, were criticized for saying men should have the ""right to pester"" women.[291] The letter also told people not to be bothered by small amounts of sexual harassment, for example men who rub against women on public transportation. The letter states women should ""consider it as the expression of a great sexual misery, or even as a nonevent"".[290] French politician Marlène Schiappa said some aspects of the letter were ""profoundly shocking"" and ""we have immense difficulty convincing young women that when a man rubs his genitals against a woman in the Métro without her consent, it is an act of sexual assault that can lead to three years in prison and a 75,000 euro fine.""[286][290] A week after its publication, Deneuve issued a letter of clarification, and said although she still agrees with the spirit of the original letter, she wants to clarify that she does believe sexual harassment and assault are real problems, and apologized to all victims of unpleasant sexual acts who read the letter and felt hurt by it.[292][293] Political commentator Anastasia Colosimo said the movement to prevent sexual misconduct at work is more accepted by younger women in France because they take sexual freedom as a given, while older feminists are afraid #MeToo may hurt the sexual revolution.[143] Legal professional Marilyn Baldeck noted that when people are given ""concrete examples"" of sexual misconduct, they often ""change their minds and acknowledge how harmful some situations can be"".[290] French politician Sandrine Rousseau said that the #MeToo movement will continue because French women have been silenced for too long.[286] A petition aimed at President Emmanuel Macron demanded sexual harassment to be taken more seriously in France, and received more than 100,000 signatures in 3 days.[287] Singer Tom Connan said in an interview published by L'Obs that he had been the victim of sexual harassment and claimed that men (not only women) were also affected by the problem.[294] Germany [ edit ] MeToo was not particularly popular in Germany until January 11, 2018, when it started trending after the Die Zeit weekly newspaper published reports about three German former actresses who alleged that award-winning TV director Dieter Wedel had committed sexual assault.[295][296] There have been official concerns about the alleged long-time coverup of Wedel's actions because most of his work was done through public broadcasting and received government money.[296] The report detailed a months-long investigation into the three allegations, and included 50 interviews.[295] Wedel has not responded to the allegations in Die Zeit, stating through a spokesperson he is in the hospital and having heart trouble.[296] Another high-profile German case concerned the former president of the Munich Academy of Music, Siegfried Mauser.[297] In a study of 2000 Germans conducted after the initial spread of #MeToo, it was found that 43% of women and 12% of men have experienced sexual harassment or abuse, most commonly inappropriate touching.[298] Iran [ edit ] In the Islamic Republic of Iran, Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a message stating the “disaster of countless sexual assaults on Western women — including incidents leading to #Metoo campaign” can be solved with the Islamic solution of compulsory hijab.[299][300] India [ edit ] The use of the #MeToo hashtag on social media spread quickly in India,[301][302] where sexual harassment is commonly referred to by the word 'eve-teasing', a term described as misleading, tame, and diluting the seriousness of the crime.[303] In response to #MeToo, there have been attempts to teach Indian women about workplace rights and safe reporting, as well as educate men about the scope of the problem.[301][304] Some have likened #MeToo to a 2012 social movement which followed a violent gang rape in New Delhi that later resulted in a woman's death, which caused the Indian government to institute harsher punishments for rape.[302][305][306] Others have suggested there was underlying public anger over a Delhi rape conviction that was overturned by Judge Ashutosh Kumar a month before against filmmaker and writer Mahmood Farooqui, ruling that a ""feeble"" no was not enough to revoke consent because it was typical for one partner to be less willing. The case is being appealed to the Supreme Court.[305][307] Activist Jasmeen Patheja, head of Blank Noise, stated #MeToo's power is in demonstrating India can no longer ignore the scope of the problem.[302] Kaimini Jaiswal, a lawyer at the Supreme Court of India, stressed the importance of teaching women how to read, especially in rural villages, because most women in these areas are illiterate and completely financially and emotionally dependent on a male relative.[306] Blogger Sheena Dabholkar's viral #MeToo tweet resulted in the boycott of Khodu Irani's popular Pune pub, High Spirits, by several well-known performers.[301][308][309] Several women mentioned Mahesh Murthy, which initiated a police case in January 2018.[238][310] The Trends Desk of The Indian Express wrote many Indian men are speaking up as a part of #MeToo, including discussions about consent and how some men are also abused.[311][312] Rina Chandran of Reuters said #MeToo is ignoring the 600,000 women in India who are currently involuntary sex workers, and are typically poor, uneducated or lack a family.[313] There were reports of mass sexual assaults during the 2018 new year's celebrations in Bangalore, which have been associated with #MeToo. The incidents were initially dismissed by the police until someone uploaded CCTV footage of the assaults to social media.[306] Home Minister G. Parameshwara, Abu Azmi, and other officials came under fire for stating ""western"" women's clothing and values were the cause of the rapes and that women's families should not allow them to go to parties or major celebrations.[306] Several lists of alleged rapists and harassers started spreading on social media in India, including ""The List"" which initially included the names of about sixty highly-respected academic men. The List of Sexual Harassers in Academia (""LoSHA"") was posted on October 24, 2017 by activist Inji Pennu and an Indian student in California named Raya Sarkar, who alleged they personally confirmed every incident.[314][315] This list has resulted in criticism against #MeToo because the allegations were unverified before they started spreading on social media. Some of the victims from the list have come forward to explain they were ignored, mistreated or retaliated against when they tried to pursue action.[316] Sarkar has defended The List, saying that she posted it only to warn her friends about professors and academics to avoid (mostly upper caste men), and had no idea it could become so popular.[315] A second list came out a week later that was made by women from a lower caste background and included more names, raising the total to around 70.[314] Twelve prominent Indian feminists dismissed The List in a formal letter, saying they understand that the justice system is typically tilted against victims, but unverified claims make things harder for the feminist movement.[314][317] Writers Rhea Dangwal and Namrata Gupta responded that most victims from the list were poor students who tried to go through official channels without success or recourse, while every single man on the list has the ability to defend himself socially and legally.[314] On September 27, 2018, former actress Tanushree Dutta accused Nana Patekar of sexual harassment,[318] which was the catalyst of the ""Me Too"" movement in India. The accusation by Dutta stirred a row of accusations from many women in industries including media and politics.[319][320][321] In October 2018, the Minister of state for External Affairs, MJ Akbar was accused of sexual harassment by several female colleagues through the 'Me Too' Movement in India.[322] On October 21, 2018, former music director Anu Malik was suspended from the jury panel of Indian Idol 2018, after facing multiple allegations of sexual harassment made through the movement.[323] Israel [ edit ] In Israel, the Hebrew hashtag גםאנחנו# (#UsToo) began trending on October 18, 2017, with a front page spread in the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.[256] Asi Levi said at the Ophir Award ceremony that unlike America, in Israel the status of those accused do not change.[324] A hashtag for men, #HowIWillChange, has also become popular.[325] Palestine [ edit ] #AnaKaman or وأنا كمان# (#MeToo) has also been used by Palestinian women from refugee camps.[326] Italy [ edit ] In Italy, women posted stories of assault and harassment under the hashtag #QuellaVoltaChe, which translates literally as ""TheTimeThat"".[327][328] The phrase was launched by the journalist Giulia Blasi.[329] Italian journalist Simona Siri wrote in The Washington Post that the initially popular movement quickly died out in Italy. She stated that Italian politician and former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who is known for his role in wild parties (Bunga Bunga bacchanals) with underage women and prostitutes,[330][331] has contributed to a strong sexist culture with few female politicians in positions of power.[145] Movie directors Fausto Brizzi and Giuseppe Tornatore were accused of harassment by more than a dozen women but did not face any significant consequences or media scrutiny.[332][145] The New York Times described the movement in Italy as ""Meh"" due to the lack of discussion. Laura Boldrini, the president of the lower house of Parliament, has declared that the movement cannot touch Italy because although there is much harassment, victims are often silenced and there's also a belief that ""in our country, there are no harassers"".[330] It has been reported that nearly 70% of female university students have been sexually harassed, and it is widely accepted that Italy is behind other countries when it comes to gender rights.[331] In response to #QuellaVoltaChe, one article from Libero was titled, ""First they put out, then they whine and pretend to regret it.""[331] Italian Fabrizio Lombardo, an employee and friend of Harvey Weinstein, was widely covered by the media after he was accused of allegations that he aided Weinstein in sexually harassing Italian actress and former model Asia Argento, though he denies all wrongdoing.[333] Argento said of Italy, ""Nothing has changed"", and described her life after going public with the allegations as living a nightmare. She has made plans to leave Italy. Conservative TV news editor Alessandro Sallusti [it] criticized Argento for being an accomplice to Weinstein for not reporting him immediately, and several other public figures and politicians questioned her innocence.[330] The Non Una di Meno group (Not One Woman Less), which is dedicated to stopping violence against women, wrote a letter in support of Argento and organised a protest in November 2017 where tens of thousands of people gathered in Rome.[331] Blogger Abbatto i muri (I Break Down Walls), journalist Ida Dominijanni, Cagne sciolte (literally, Loose Bitches), and author Michela Marzano also strongly supported Argento publicly.[331] Italian women's rights activist Lorella Zanardo has stated that it is taken for granted that women must give or sell their body in order to get high-profile positions in politics, film, and media.[330] Maria Elena Boschi, a politician who has created governmental initiatives aimed at teaching women it's okay to say no to sexual advances, has been targeted in the news and on social media for her support of the #QuellaVoltaChe movement.[329] She has been impersonated in several fake interviews where the actresses portray Boschi in unflattering ways.[330] There are also photoshopped images of Boschi that have been shared widely on social media, including a doctored image with her underwear showing during her swearing-in ceremony, which never occurred.[330][334] Francesca Puglisi, the chair of the Commission of Inquiry into Femicide in Italy, said that one women is killed every two days on average by male violence, and the problem is severely under-reported, though credited the #QuellaVoltaChe hashtag and the work by Boschi for making a positive difference.[335] Japan [ edit ] Although the #MeToo movement started out relatively small in Japan, it appears to be picking up steam.[336] There is evidence that just 4% of rape victims in Japan report the crime, and the charges are dropped about half the time.[128] BuzzFeed Japan has started a #MeToo page featuring articles about the movement in Japan.[337] Journalist and author Shiori Ito published an article in Politico about the state of #MeToo in Japan. She has stated, ""It's not that victims haven't come forward; Japanese society wants them to stay silent."" Two famous authors, Kyoko Nakajima and Mayumi Mori, have written in Asahi newspaper with criticism of Japan's silence on this matter.[128] Takumi Harimaya wrote about the #MeToo movement in BuzzFeed Japan, stating she believes it could make a difference if the idea spreads, and sharing stories of victims, including what happened to popular blogger Hakuo Au (née Haruka Ito) at the hands of Mr Kishi Yuki.[338] Other writers such as Kirsten King and Akiko Kobayashi have shared their #MeToo stories to Japanese audiences.[339][340] Harimaya writes how the #MeToo movement has shown several women that they are not alone as they feared, and that many women are experiencing the same sexual violence and harassment.[338] Keiko Kojima of Buzzfeed Japan says that #MeToo is needed in Japan because sexual harassment is baked into Japanese society, and the movement is about the fact that it is okay to say no to sexual violence. She said growing up that she felt getting molested on the train was an unavoidable as mosquito bites in the summer, and she hopes that #MeToo gives more victims the ability to find their voice, including male victims. She says that, despite how it is attacked in Japanese media, that #MeToo is not an ""anti-man"" campaign, it is simply about anti-violence and anti-harassment. She also believes it is extremely important for men to call out behaviors in others such as sexual harassment or having sex with someone who is unconscious. Therefore, every person who is not committing sexual violence is part of the #MeToo movement, whether they are male or female.[341] Shiori Ito notes that the word ""rape"" is taboo in Japan, and is typically described with less threatening words such as saying an underage victim was ""tricked"" or a woman was ""violated"" to describe what happened, which Ito says contributes to the public not understanding the full extent of the problem.[128] The legal age of consent in Japan is 13. She says women in Japan are regularly exposed to harassment from a young age, and recalls being groped by a man at a swimming pool when she was 10 only to be blamed herself for wearing a ""cute bikini"". She states that harassment on public transportation is commonplace, and she remembers dealing with it every day in high school.[128][342] As part of the #MeToo movement, Shiori Ito [jp] went public alleging that she was raped by Noriyuki Yamaguchi [jp], a prominent TV journalist and acquaintance of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,[343] an admission she says was unthinkable for a woman to do in Japan. Yamaguchi rejects her accusations, and says that sex was consensual.[343] She said her experience with Japan's legal system showed her that victims of sex crimes were undermined and ignored. She called for the Japanese parliament to update Japan's laws regarding rape, which were over a century old. She explains how she could not get information on which hospital provides rape kits without going through a preliminary interview in person. When she went to the police, she was discouraged from filing a report, and informed her career would be ruined for no reason if she did this. She was told she did not act like a victim, and had to be interviewed by several officers, including one who made her reenact the rape with a dummy while he took pictures. Although they initially said they would arrest Yamaguchi, the case and charges were unexpectedly dropped. Ito then went to the media, but no one would take her story. When she spoke about the experience at a press conference, she made national news and immediately started receiving a negative backlash, hate mail, and threats.[128][344] She has been unsuccessful in her attempts to have criminal charges brought against Yamaguchi, but as of 2018 she was still pursuing a civil case against him, which he was defending.[343] In 2018, Junichi Fukuda, a deputy finance minister in the Abe Administration, resigned after being accused of sexual harassment by his former subordinates.[345] Kenya [ edit ] When #MeToo first went viral in October 2017, coverage was overshadowed in Kenya by a presidential election that was occurring the next week.[346] However, the #MeToo movement started slowly spreading in Kenya after the election was over.[346] In January 2018, it became especially popular after several new mothers alleged sexual misconduct at Kenyatta National Hospital, claiming that after giving birth they have been sexually assaulted when they went alone to breastfeed.[347] There were also allegations that children in the hospital have been sexually assaulted.[347] The hospital announced that the women were all lying, but in the future, women should stay together in groups in the hospital to prevent sexual assault. In response, hundreds of people began protesting in the streets of in Nairobi, Kenya, and an investigation was initiated by the health minister.[348] Nepal [ edit ] Former Mayor of Kathmandu, Keshav Sthapit has been accused of sexual harassment by two female office clerks of the Kathmandu Metropolitan Office, Rashmila Prajapati and Ujjwala Maharjan, as a part of the Me Too movement in Nepal.[349][350][351] Nigeria [ edit ] Culture [ edit ] Nigerian women and children get sexually assaulted every day and do not speak up about it due to fear of stigmatisation and prejudice.[352] Official silence seems to surround sexual abuse of women in Nigeria, with the police frequently not taking sexual abuse reports seriously.[353] As a result, men, who are often the perpetrators of sexual abuse go unchallenged, and unpunished owing to factors such as culture and popular beliefs.[353] The custom of victim blaming is evident in testimonies rape and sexual abuse survivors.[352] Nigerian cultures look down on the open discussions of sexual matters and desires.[353] A great deal of the pressure to remain silent stems from socio-cultural values, customs and expectations about what constitutes socially accepted behaviours.[354] Cultural socialisation recognises men as having a naturally stronger sexual drive, and speaks of women in terms of shame, lack of interest in sexual matters and as the to be conquered by a domineering man.[353] Nigerians are socially nurtured and fed by oppressive patriarchal subjectivities that try to instil a sense of what is normal: sexually-speaking.[354] Role of power and privilege [ edit ] There is a factor of power influencing the slow growth of the movement in Nigeria. The country is a highly patriarchal society.[355] Women have complained of how unimaginable it is in the country to report cases of harassment.[356] Yet, sexual harassment is so prominent within the country that it is perceived as almost a right to men.[356] Brenda Uphopho case [ edit ] She had been assaulted three times by three different men. The first incident took place at age five. At that time, she was too young to understand what happened until she turned 18 when she encountered a similar incident again. She was at a party when a stranger forced her to have sex with him. Upon her refusal, he beat her up and raped her. Due to the stigma attached to being raped, she resorted to silence. The final experience took place at her workplace when her boss forcibly put his hand under her skirt. She still remained silent with the notion of not being believed and being judged by others. Realizing she could not remain silent and needed to make an impact, Uphopho currently works with her husband to break the ""culture of silence"" around abuse in Nigeria. They produced a play called ""Shattered"" which seeks to encourage victims of sexual abuse to speak up.[357] Norway [ edit ] In Norway, under the hashtag #stilleforopptak (en. SilentforRecording), almost 600 actresses signed a petition and shared their stories through Aftenposten on November 16, 2017.[358] This also inspired dancers and musicians to create their own petitions, #nårdansenstopper (en. WhentheDanceStops) signed by 792 dancers,[359] and #nårmusikkenstilner (en. WhentheMusicQuiets) signed by over 1110 musicians.[360] Trond Giske, the deputy leader of the Norwegian Labour Party and a former cabinet minister in Norway, resigned from his political positions on January 7, 2018 after being accused of an extensive pattern of sexual assault and sexual harassment of young women, and of taking advantage of his political positions to make unwanted sexual advances.[361] The accusations came in the context of the Me Too debate and dominated Norwegian media for several weeks from December 2017.[362] Accusations towards the now former leader of the Norwegian Young Conservatives, Kristian Tonning Riise, also saw the light of day. In a Facebook post, Tonning Riise wrote: ""I have been confronted with the fact that members of the Norwegian Young Conservatives on several occasions have reacted to my behaviour.""[363] It would later be revealed that the Conservative Party had received 15 alerts, whereas 10 of them regarded Tonning Riise.[364] Ulf Leirstein, Norwegian politician for the Progress Party and member of the Storting, had to take a break from office after it was discovered that he had shared pornographic images with a 14-year-old member of the Progress Party's Youth in addition to suggesting a threesome between him, a 30-year-old woman and a 15-year-old member of the Progress Party's Youth.[365] Pakistan [ edit ] Zainab rape-murder case [ edit ] After the death of 7-year-old Zainab Ansari in January 2018, who was raped and killed, there began a wave of declarations on Pakistan social media in #MeToo style.[348] Sexual assault against minor in Pakistan will result in 14 to 20 year in prison and a fine of 1 millions rupees.[366][367][368][369] Sheema Kermani, a classical dancer, has been called the leader of the Pakistan #MeToo movement.[370] Former model Frieha Altaf and designer Maheem Khan shared stories of sexual abuse, and challenged Pakistan to be more proactive at stopping children from getting raped.[348] Film industry [ edit ] Protests[371] marked the premieres of Teefa in Trouble in Karachi and Lahore by activists who boycotted the film over the sexual harassment allegations leveled against Ali Zafar by Meesha Shafi, as well as at least half a dozen other women, earlier in the year.[372] Zafar categorically denied the allegations and sued Shafi for defamation in the court where the case is ongoing.[373][374] On the other hand, Shafi had also filed a harassment case against Zafar, which, itself, is an ongoing investigation.[375] With hashtags such as #BoycottAliZafar, #BoycottTeefainTrouble, and #TeefaisTrouble, a huge wave of activists built a momentum on social media ahead of the movie's premiere and subsequent screenings. A few major Pakistani media outlets outright ignored the demonstrations but other had to give in when protestors turned up at cinemas and police and other law enforcement agencies got involved.[376] Zafar reportedly also had to avoid his grand arrival at the film’s Karachi premiere and take a detour through the basement at Nueplex Cinemas in DHA, Karachi, in order to avoid the hoard of demonstrators who had gathered at the venue’s main entrance.[377][378] During the protest, Feroze Khan, an actor and Zafar’s friend, returned from inside the cinema in an attempt to sway the protestors by telling them to support “Pakistani cinema”; however, he was turned away owing to his stance, to which he responded by making obscene gestures.[379][380] Reports had also emerged that the Nueplex Cinemas’ security manhandled some of the demonstrators and verbally abused multiple people at the protest.[381] Protestors again showed up at Lahore’s CineStar for voice their anger and disappointment at both the promotion of the film of an alleged harasser and the celebrities pouring in to support him. The controversy deepened when, in one instance, the demonstrators asked Waleed Zaman, the creative director of women’s clothing brand Kayseria, the reason why he was backing the film, to which Zaman responded by saying: “We support sexual harassment of women.”[382][383] Zaman later posted and deleted multiple apologies on his social media accounts. At yet another screening of the film at Nueplex Cinemas at Rashid Minhas Road, Karachi, protestors were allegedly held in the basement and beaten by the cinema’s private security, with various media reports confirming the incident.[384][385] The demonstrators’ phones were also confiscated and the cinema's security allegedly tried to plant incriminating evidence in one of the protestors' bags in order to make their case appear stronger to police.[374] However, they were let go later after the arrival of Rangers personnel. Stand-up comedy [ edit ] At least four women leveled allegations of sexual misconduct against Junaid Akram, a prominent stand-up comedian and vlogger.[386] Most of the accusers were girls in their teens and early twenties. Akram, too, denied ""all allegations of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct"", labeled them ""false"", and announced that he intended to pursue legal actions as he had ""already met my legal team"".[387] Akram also clarified that his ""marital status is public information"".[388] Charity sector [ edit ] The son of world-renowned late philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi, Faisal Edhi, who now heads the Edhi Foundation, was also accused of sexual misconduct by a former journalist.,[387][389] who said the man ""grabbed my hand tightly and tried to kind of pull me back into the van"". Faisal Edhi has denied the claims.[390] Philippines [ edit ] The Me Too movement has slowly picked in in the Philippines. In the culture of the Philippines, shaming and victim blaming are still present.[391] They are afraid to say #MeToo because people do not believe them. Stories finally began to come about after actress Saab Magalona retweeted Alyssa Milano’s infamous quote.[392] The accusations revolved around the entertainment industry as one of the bands, Jensen and the Flips was being brought up and they acknowledged their mistakes and apologized for their misconduct.[392] Statistics from the Philippine Commission on Women from 2004 to 2013 revealed that only 629 cases had been recorded with the Philippine national police’s Women and Children Protection Center.[392] This figure is believed to only be a fraction of the actual number of harassment offenses committed against women. While the movement has not been as big as in the U.S., other movements such as #BabaeAko have started as a result of #MeToo. #BabaeAko translates to “I am a Woman” and began in May after President Rodrigo Duterte declared that the next Chief Justice of Philippines could not be a woman.[393] South Korea [ edit ] In South Korea, the Me Too movement started to gain momentum as public prosecutor Seo Ji-hyeon shared her experience of assault by a high-level prosecutor and oppression of government authorities on national television on January 29, 2018.[394] As part of her interview, Seo claimed that she was sexually assaulted by then Korean Ministry of Justice Policy Planning Director and former prosecutor Ahn Tae-geun at a funeral in 2010. She reported the activity to her superiors, however, her superiors covered up the incident and demoted her to Changwon Public Prosecutor's Office from her post in Seoul, in spite the fact that she was highly praised and awarded for her work performance by her superiors prior to the incident.[395] After Seo's public admittance of sexual assault, the Me Too movement spread quickly to other areas of society. On February 13, 2018, several women, including former actress Kim Soo-hee and actress Hong Seon-joo, accused Lee Yountaek, a prominent and critically acclaimed stage director, of sexual harassment.[396] Lee allegedly forced many women in his theater troupe, for 18 years, to massage his genital area prior to raping them.[397] In addition, Kim Soo-hee stated that in 2005, Lee raped her and got her pregnant, for which she had an abortion.[398] Moreover, actress Hong Seon-joo alleged that Lee forcibly penetrated her private part with sticks and wooden chopsticks, saying it will help her vocalization.[399] As a result, Lee resigned from all his positions in the theater world and formally apologized to the victims.[400][401] Lee admitted to all his crimes except the abortion.[402] Jo Min-ki , accused by several students of sexual assault, committed suicide following the allegations On February 22, 2018, actor Oh Dal-su was accused of sexual harassment,[403][404][405] for which he denied the accusation.[406] However, February 26, further accusations against Oh were broadcast on JTBC Newsroom, during which an interview was conducted with the woman who had accused Oh of sexual harassment and sexual assault.[407][408] Moreover, on February 27's episode of JTBC's Newsroom, actress Uhm Ji-young came forward to say that she was also sexually harassed by Oh in 2003.[409][410] As a result, Oh pulled out of his upcoming TV series My Mister.[411][412] Also on February 22, 2018, students in Cheongju University in Korea divulged the long-time crimes of professor and actor, Jo Min-ki. At first, he denied his crimes and dismissed them as rumors.[413][414] However, as many other students, including fellow male students accusing him of such exploitation, he admitted to the allegations and apologized publicly.[415] It was confirmed that Jo would be investigated by the police.[416] On March 9, 2018, Jo committed suicide following his scandal,[417][418] which in turn triggered backlash against the Me Too movement in South Korea.[419] On February 23, 2018, actress Choi Yul accused actor Cho Jae-hyun of assaulting her sexually.[420] On February 24, Cho acknowledged the accusations.[421] On February 28, 2018, Ko Un, one of South Korea's most iconic and prominent poets and frequently mentioned Nobel laureate shortlist candidate, was also accused" 0 "Mariah Carey is blaming producers for her bungled performance on ""Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve,"" saying, ""They foiled me."" Carey says on her Twitter page that the show's production team had technical issues and her ear monitors didn't work. Carey stopped singing during her live New Year's Eve set as pre-recorded vocals continued to play behind her. ""Thus it turned into an opportunity to humiliate me and all those who were excited to ring in the new year with me,"" she says in the minute-and-a-half long audio statement posted Sunday with the hashtag #thefoilers. A Carey spokeswoman confirmed the authenticity of the post. Carey says ""my feelings are hurt, but I'm working through this."" She goes on to say that she plans to take a break from ""media moments and social-media moments"" as she prepares for her March tour." 1 She's the queen to her Beyhive. But Beyonce looked every inch the fairy tale princess at Serena Williams' wedding in New Orleans on Friday. The Single Ladies songstress, 36, dared to impress in plunging green couture as she enjoyed the festivities for the tennis superstar's nuptials. Wow factor: Beyonce looked every inch the fairy tale princess at Serena Williams ' wedding as she showed off her cleavage in a low-cut number at the event in New Orleans on Friday The flawless mother of three rocked a form fitting wrap dress that put her enviable figure on center stage in the pictures captured at Vogue.com Leaving little to the imagination, Beyonce let her bountiful bust on full display as the neckline cut low past her cleavage. She paired the high fashion look with a dazzling choker made of diamonds and an emerald while her sparkly earrings dangled in a pyramid shape. The Houston native kept her trademark brunette tresses long and tied back as she smiled from one of the banquet tables. In one saucy snap, Beyonce's thigh peeked out of her dress as she held a black luxury handbag next to a bevy of high profile friends. Sweet smooch: Serena Williams married Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian in an intimate ceremony on Thursday as Ciara shared this sweet snap from the event Her Destiny Child's band mate Kelly Rowland sparkled in a pink and purple gown to the right of Beyonce. Also in line clapping for the happy couple was Kim Kardashian West. Legendary Vogue magazine editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, actress Eva Longoria and singer Ciara were all spotted at the affair as well. Beyonce's husband Jay-Z was not present along with her daughter Blue Ivy and newborns Sir and Rumi. Serena got engaged to Alexis Ohanian in December last year. They had been dating - secretly - for 15 months after meeting in Rome. They share firstborn two-month-old daughter Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr. Bridal bliss: Serena got engaged to Alexis Ohanian in December last year. They had been dating - secretly - for 15 months after meeting in Rome Meanwhile, Serena arrived at the wedding venue at around 3pm on Thursday for the Beauty and The Beast styled affair. And Alexis was photographed by DailyMail.com as he arrived at The Contemporary Art Museum an hour before his bride, looking relaxed and neatly groomed. The millionaire Reddit founder was carrying his dress shoes as he spoke with wedding planner Preston Bailey and appeared to have recently gotten his hair cut, two days after he was spotted getting a manicure. 0 "Eliza Dushku is a married woman! The 37-year-old actress announced she married businessman Peter Palandjian on Aug. 18 with a sweet Instagram post on Sunday. Dushku shared romantic wedding photos, also revealing her stunning backless wedding dress. Palandjian, 54, is a former professional tennis player from Boston, a Harvard grad and is currently the CEO of Intercontinental Real Estate Corporation. He also has four children from a previous relationship. Dushku also relocated back to Boston after previously living in Los Angeles. Fittingly, the two married in Boston, and participated in the monthly Boston Bike Party after exchanging vows. ""♥️♥️ 8.18.18,"" Dushku captioned the wedding day photos. Dushku and Palandjian have largely kept their relationship private, but the former Buffy the Vampire Slayer star did announce their engagement last June. ""#Ayo..! 'YES!!' Absolutely, my love,"" she Instagrammed alongside a picture of the two holding hands, and adding a ring emoji. ""#BostonBorn #BostonBred #BostonSoonToBeWed."" In January, Dushku claimed she was molested by a stuntman at the age of 12 while filming True Lies in an emotional essay on Facebook. Her co-stars, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Arnold, later praised her for speaking out. Watch below: RELATED CONTENT: Stunt Coordinator Joel Kramer Dropped From Agency After Eliza Dushku Allegations Jamie Lee Curtis Responds to Co-Star Eliza Dushku’s Claims She Was Molested on the Set of ‘True Lies’ Eliza Dushku Is Engaged to Boyfriend Peter Palandjian - See the Sweet Announcement!" 0 Over the past week, Cambridge-born-and-bred actor Matt Damon has found himself at the center of the #MeToo sexual harassment controversy. Over the past week, Cambridge-born-and-bred actor Matt Damon has found himself at the center of the #MeToo sexual harassment controversy after giving two interviews on the subject. Here’s a look at what he said, and what the response has been. Dec. 12: Matt Damon’s ABC News interview Damon first faced criticism in response to an ABC News interview that aired last Tuesday. Damon spoke with film critic Peter Travers about several men who are facing sexual assault and harassment allegations, including film executive Harvey Weinstein, US Senator Al Franken, and comedian Louis C.K. In an interview on “Popcorn with Peter Travers,” Damon said that we are living in a “culture of outrage” and that these recent allegations of sexual misconduct need to be analyzed on a spectrum. Advertisement “There’s a difference between patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation,” Damon said. “Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they shouldn’t be conflated.” Get The Weekender in your inbox: The Globe's top picks for what to see and do each weekend, in Boston and beyond. Sign Up Thank you for signing up! Sign up for more newsletters here Damon said it’s been a “watershed moment” that women have felt empowered to share their stories and hold men accountable for sexual misconduct. He also said people should try to be optimistic about the state of the movie business and of men overall. “This [is] like 1 percent of the guys who are losing their careers,” Damon said. “It’s not everybody. It just feels like it.” Dec. 15: The response Damon’s interview was met with criticism, including from actresses Alyssa Milano and Minnie Driver. Driver, Damon’s ex-girlfriend and “Good Will Hunting” co-star, responded to Damon’s comments in a series of tweets on Friday afternoon. Gosh it?s so *interesting how men with all these opinions about women?s differentiation between sexual misconduct, assault and rape reveal themselves to be utterly tone deaf and as a result, systemically part of the problem( *profoundly unsurprising) — Minnie Driver (@driverminnie) December 15, 2017 Advertisement Milano, who worked with Damon in “Glory Daze” in 1995, responded to Damon’s comments in a Twitter thread last Friday night that began, “Dear Matt Damon, it’s the micro that makes the macro.” Dear Matt Damon, It?s the micro that makes the macro. (Thread) — Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 16, 2017 We are in a ?culture of outrage? because the magnitude of rage is, in fact, overtly outrageous. And it is righteous. — Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 16, 2017 I have been a victim of each component of the sexual assault spectrum of which you speak. They all hurt. And they are all connected to a patriarchy intertwined with normalized, accepted--even welcomed-- misogyny. — Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 16, 2017 Milano went on to compare Damon’s spectrum philosophy to the spectrum of cancer. We are not outraged because someone grabbed our asses in a picture. We are outraged because we were made to feel this was normal. We are outraged because we have been gaslighted. We are outraged because we were silenced for so long. — Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 16, 2017 There are different stages of cancer. Some more treatable than others. But it?s still cancer. — Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 16, 2017 Sexual harassment, misconduct, assault and violence is a systemic disease. The tumor is being cut out right now with no anesthesia. Please send flowers. #MeToo — Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 16, 2017 Dec. 17: Minnie Driver continues her criticism In an interview with The Guardian published Sunday, Driver expanded on her reaction. “I felt I desperately needed to say something,” Driver told the publication. “I’ve realised that most men, good men, the men that I love, there is a cut-off in their ability to understand. They simply cannot understand what abuse is like on a daily level.” “I honestly think that until we get on the same page, you can’t tell a woman about their abuse,” Driver continued. “A man cannot do that. No one can. It is so individual and so personal, it’s galling when a powerful man steps up and starts dictating the terms, whether he intends it or not.” I don?t just speak for myself in this article, I speak for too many friends and co-workers as well. - Minnie Driver: men like Matt Damon 'simply cannot understand what abuse is like' https://t.co/Z9M120C6XZ — Minnie Driver (@driverminnie) December 17, 2017 Advertisement “How about: it’s all f****** wrong and it’s all bad, and until you start seeing it under one umbrella it’s not your job to compartmentalise or judge what is worse and what is not,” Driver continued. “Let women do the speaking up right now. The time right now is for men just to listen and not have an opinion about it for once.” Dec. 18: Damon speaks with Business Insider Damon continued defending men in the entertainment industry in a Monday interview with Business Insider. He said more attention should be focused on the men who don’t commit acts of sexual misconduct. “We’re in this watershed moment, and it’s great, but I think one thing that’s not being talked about is there are a whole s---load of guys — the preponderance of men I’ve worked with — who don’t do this kind of thing and whose lives aren’t going to be affected,” Damon said. Dec. 19: The response Damon was called out on Twitter yet again by various Hollywood figures, including actresses Rose McGowan and Debra Messing. Matt Damon is dense AF https://t.co/B9OKeh1WpG — rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) December 18, 2017 Matt Damon- SERIOUSLY? You are a smart man. A privileged, white man. This is NOT the time to ask for a pat on the back. How about we NOT celebrate men who are simply decent human beings. Stay on track, Matt. It?s not about you. https://t.co/mmdbqAUyP7 — Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) December 18, 2017 Matt Damon figuring it out on a ?case by case basis.? pic.twitter.com/SbaBpeAizP — Ted Leo (@tedleo) December 19, 2017 When it comes to Matt Damon, I am constantly hunting for goodwill — Aparna Nancherla (@aparnapkin) December 19, 2017 Sophia Eppolito can be reached at sophia.eppolito@globe.com . Follow her on Twitter @SophiaEppolito 0 "Katy Perry, Alyssa Milano, Sarah Hyland and Rob Delaney attacked the bill, designed to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, for its approach to pre-existing conditions and funding for Planned Parenthood. Shortly after the House of Representatives voted on a health care bill designed to repeal and replace Obamacare, numerous Hollywood stars took to Twitter to condemn those politicians who supported the bill. The Republican-backed measure won by a narrow 217-213 vote, with Democrats singing ""Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye"" as the bill passed the legislative chamber, suggesting that the GOP's support for the bill would cost them in the 2018 midterm election. ""I feel so confident,"" said President Trump during a live address after the passing of the bill. ""This is a repeal and replace of Obamacare. Make no mistake about it."" The bill, which now heads to the Senate, where it faces an uncertain fate, will keep children on family policies until age 26 but will cut the Medicaid program for low-income people and end tax penalties in the Affordable Care Act on the health industry and those who earn high-paying salaries. The bill will also block federal payments to Planned Parenthood for a year and allows states to get waivers to free insurers from coverage requirements, which could cause them to charge people with pre-existing illnesses higher rates than they charge healthy customers. In a viral video, Jimmy Kimmel expressed his views on equal healthcare for those with pre-existing conditions such as his newborn son. ""If your baby is going to die, and it doesn't have to, it should not matter how much money you make,"" he said while tearing up during his monologue on his show Monday night. The hashtag #IAmAPreexistingCondition became a trending topic quickly after the bill was passed. America Ferrera, Sarah Hyland, Mark Ruffalo and George Takei took to Twitter to express their views. See how Hollywood reacted on social media to the passing of the health care bill below. Inquiring minds want to know, and #GA06 voters deserve to know, where @KarenHandel stands on #Trumpcare. So far, her silence is deafening. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) May 4, 2017 The commanders have decided our healthcare is unnecessary #AHCA pic.twitter.com/5sVSI5T12k — Cameron Esposito (@cameronesposito) May 4, 2017 The #MAGA C.H.U.D.S. on Twitter right now, cheering the #AHCA being passed. Cattle cheering McDonald's. — Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 4, 2017 Rep @MarioDB - you're not answering your calls so I thought I'd try you here. We're watching your vote on #AHCA -do the right thing- #voteno — America Ferrera (@AmericaFerrera) May 4, 2017 The revisions to the #AHCA consider domestic violence and sexual assault to be pre-existing conditions. As a victim I'm appalled. #VoteNo — Sarah Hyland (@Sarah_Hyland) May 4, 2017 Nice healthcare you got there, Congressman. Would be a shame if anything happened to it. pic.twitter.com/wP5ZiRpVPu — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) May 4, 2017 Big day for hypocrites: AM- Trump hosts Christian show at White House. PM- massive cuts in healthcare for the poor and disabled — Mia Farrow (@MiaFarrow) May 4, 2017 You need to call these members right now: Curbelo (202) 225-2778 Diaz-Balart (202) 225-4211 Roskam (202) 225-4561 #voteNO #Trumpcare https://t.co/w6ldoYrSaJ — Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 4, 2017 TFW you become a metaphor for what you're about to do to Obamacare pic.twitter.com/dRc6rW0By1 — The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) May 4, 2017 Wonder how all those trump fans feel about their November vote now. Turns out #Obamacare is the ACA & it's being repealed. #Surprise! #MAGA — yvette nicole brown (@YNB) May 4, 2017 Jason Chaffetz, fresh from surgery FOR A PREEXISTING CONDITION, en route to sign death warrant for disabled children. pic.twitter.com/kHtrZc3YY7 — rob delaney (@robdelaney) May 4, 2017 Dear #Maga Americans. Making people die without insurance while the rest of the world enjoys coverage doesn't Make America Great Again. https://t.co/8RWSjHUccj — Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) May 4, 2017 ALERT House just voted to repeal the ACA & ""defund"" @PPFA. Call your Senators to stop the bill→ https://t.co/ajUaoStvhP #IStandWithPP — Katy Perry (@katyperry) May 4, 2017 Has someone put together a list of dem challengers I can donate to to oust republicans in swing districts? — John Legend (@johnlegend) May 4, 2017 This new healthcare bill is a low blow to the American People. Sad Sad Sad ##AHCA — octavia spencer (@octaviaspencer) May 4, 2017 If you like the healthcare you currently have, just become a congressman and you can keep it. — Eugene Mirman (@EugeneMirman) May 4, 2017" 1 "Brad Pitt has reportedly apologised to his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston, more than a decade after their 2005 marriage break-up. Brad Pitt has reportedly apologised to his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston, more than a decade after their 2005 marriage break-up. According to US magazine In Touch, the actor (52) has offered an apology to his ex-wife for the way he treated her in the aftermath of their split. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston started dating in 1998, they married in 2000 and divorced five years later. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images) The actor recently ended his marriage with his Mrs & Mrs Smith costar Angelina Jolie, with whom he has six children. ""He's been determined to apologise for everything he put her through and that's exactly what he did. It was the most intimate conversation Brad and Jen have ever had."" Actor Jennifer Aniston (L) and Justin Theroux attend Jason Bateman's star unveiling ceremony on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, on July 26, 2017, in Hollywood, California. / AFP PHOTO / VALERIE MACONVALERIE MACON/AFP/Getty Images ""He apologised to Jen for being an absentee husband, for being stoned and bored. He also made amends for leaving her for Angelina,"" the source said. Aniston wed actor and screenwriter Justin Theroux in 2015. Actor Brad Pitt (L) and actress Angelina Jolie arrive at the 84th Annual Academy Awards held at the Hollywood & Highland Center on February 26, 2012 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images) Meanwhile, Pitt admitted earlier this year that he was “boozing too much” in the months before his split from Angelina Jolie, and has turned to therapy to help him through. The Hollywood star also said he slept on the floor of a friend’s house for six weeks after his wife filed for divorce, because he could not bear to be in their family home. In his first interview since the separation, Pitt told GQ Style he was a “professional” drinker, saying: “I can’t remember a day since I got out of college when I wasn’t boozing or had a spliff, or something … I mean, I stopped everything except boozing when I started my family. ""But even this last year, you know – things I wasn’t dealing with. I was boozing too much. It’s just become a problem. ""And I’m really happy, it’s been half a year now, which is bittersweet, but I’ve got my feelings in my fingertips again."" He continued: ""I enjoy wine very, very much, but I just ran it to the ground. I had to step away for a minute. And truthfully I could drink a Russian under the table with his own vodka. I was a professional. I was good."" Pitt, who has six children with Jolie, admitted that he had ""hit the lottery"" but let it go to waste, and is now finding comfort in therapy. He said: ""I just started therapy. I love it, I love it. I went through two therapists to get to the right one."" He added: ""For me this period has really been about looking at my weaknesses and failures and owning my side of the street. I’m an asshole when it comes to this need for justice … It’s such a silly idea, the idea that the world is fair. ""And this is coming from a guy who hit the lottery, I’m well aware of that. I hit the lottery, and I still would waste my time on those hollow pursuits."" After Angelina filed for divorce, Brad could not even bear to be in their house in the Hollywood Hills, saying: ""It was too sad to be here at first, so I went and stayed on a friend’s floor, a little bungalow in Santa Monica. “I crashed over here a little bit, my friend (David) Fincher lives right here. He’s always going to have an open door for me, and I was doing a lot of stuff on the Westside, so I stayed at my friend’s house on the floor for a month and a half.” When asked if the split was like grieving a death, Pitt replied: “Yeah,” before adding that it has made him want to be a better father. He said: ""It’s hit me smack in the face with our divorce: I gotta be more. I gotta be more for them. I have to show them. And I haven’t been great at it."" Pitt faced an FBI probe into an alleged altercation between him and his 15-year-old adopted son Maddox on a private plane, which happened just days before Jolie filed for divorce in September. The investigation was closed in November, with Pitt facing no charges over the incident. Online Editors" 1 The last week has been a difficult one for the Kardashian-West family. According to multiple sources, Kanye West has cut off contact with multiple people in his inner circle, including his managers, lawyers and closest friends — and he’s also had multiple arguments with his mother-in-law Kris Jenner. “He’s had huge blow-ups with Kris. She sees how erratic he’s acting and is most concerned about her daughter’s brand. She’s also trying to be a good mother-in-law, so he’s having explosive issues with her too,” a source close to the situation tells PEOPLE exclusively. “Everyone is really, really worried.” (However, another insider tells PEOPLE that “Kanye and Kris have never had a fight,” adding, “Just because Kanye is having a strong opinion does not mean that he is mentally ill or headed for a breakdown. It’s unfair.”) RELATED: Kanye West ‘Seems to Be on the Edge’ and ‘Is Very Hard to Deal with Right Now’: Sources The rapper returned to Twitter but has been posting tweets that are increasingly worrisome to some of his loved ones. In one recent tweet, West suggested the need to “get rid of everything.” Sometimes you have to get rid of everything — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 17, 2018 A source close to the rapper contends that while West can be “eccentric and erratic,” not everyone sees his latest actions as cause for concern. Says the source: “A lot of this is just Kanye. He’s always been like that. He stirs the pot.” RELATED VIDEO: Kim Kardashian Has Fun with Kanye’s Advice That ‘Sometimes You Need to Get Rid of Everything’ Kardashian West playfully responded to her husband on social media, but the source close to the situation says it was an attempt to take charge. “Kim is trying to control him and the situation, but he can’t be controlled,” says the source about the couple, who are parents to 3-month-old Chicago, Saint, 2, and North, 4½. “She’s trying her best to support him on social media and show a different side of things, but it’s just not working.” “He genuinely believes he’s God and a genius and that he can do everything on his own. He has a great love for Kim, but in his mind he doesn’t think Kim is a genius, and he’s telling her he knows what he’s doing,” adds the source. to be great is to be misunderstood — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 24, 2018 Want to keep up with the latest from PEOPLE? Sign up for our daily newsletter to get our best stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox. The source close to West, however, counters the notion that Kardashian West waded in on Twitter to “divert people.” Rather, “it’s more like [she’s saying] ‘You guys are off,'” says the source, who adds that the musician has been busy in the studio. “She is always loving towards Kanye, always concerned with whatever he’s concerned about, always in his corner.” I love the way Candace Owens thinks — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 21, 2018 West also had an uncomfortable call recently with Hot 97 host Ebro Darden, who claims West reiterated his support for President Donald Trump and discussed anti-Black Lives Matter commentator Candace Owen’s appeal. In audio released Tuesday morning by Hot 97, West can be heard telling Ebro “I love you” repeatedly. A West insider says the entertainer, 40, is “sleeping very little” and “texting at all hours of the day or night” and has been exhausting those around him. Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty “It’s very hard to deal with,” says the insider. “He’s all over the place. If you can’t be part of his creative genius, he’ll cut you loose. That’s what he says.” The source close to West — who says the rapper “seemed great” and “super positive” on the phone last week — acknowledges the star is someone who “revs really high and is really active and expends a lot of energy” on his projects, but insists that’s just how he is. “That’s part of being Kanye,” says the source, who feels West was recently taken advantage of for radio publicity. “He’s willing to take risks with his public persona. He doesn’t take it as serious as the internet takes it.” RELATED: Kanye West and Daughter North Dance (with Dolls!) to Michael Jackson’s Songs ‘All Morning’ In late 2016, West was hospitalized for exhaustion after canceling his Saint Pablo tour. Fans saw Kardashian West, 37, break down on Keeping Up with the Kardashians earlier this year as footage from that trying time finally aired. “I don’t even know what’s going on right now, it’s getting pretty hectic at home,” Kim said on the show. “Everyone is just getting really worried.” Kim Kardashian Instagram “I’m not in the mood to get into it right now… but it will be okay,” she told her family. “Everything will be okay. It’s forcing him to take much-needed time off, which he needs. I think that will be really good for him. I feel a sense of responsibility just with the pressure of taking care of everything. Even after the robbery and everything, it’s just I’ve been staying home and I’ve been looking to him to just take care of everything while I stay home.” “He just never takes time off,” she continued. “I’m just so drained. There was one moment where I just sat there and took deep breaths.” 1 Kim Kardashian recently met US President Donald Trump to discuss prison reforms. Kim Kardashian recently met US President Donald Trump to discuss prison reforms. Reality TV star Kim Kardashian said she is not actively considering a career in politics but she would not rule out the possibility of running for office. The 37-year-old entrepreneur recently met US President Donald Trump to discuss prison reforms after she spent months working with her legal team in a bid to get Alice Johnson parole. Following her meeting with the president, Alice, who was sentenced to life in prison without parole in 1997 on money laundering and drug conspiracy charges, was released from Aliceville Correctional Facility in Alabama. When asked if she would ever run for office, Kardashian told CNN, “I guess never say never. But that’s not going to be like, ‘Kim’s running.’ That’s not where I am.” The “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” star added she wants to use her celebrity status for the welfare of people. “I honestly saw that if I could use my platform just to do something for one person, that it opens the conversation for so much more and for other people to want to do the same thing. “If more people would just put their personal feelings aside and talk about really important issues that have to be discussed, then so much more can get done,” she said. Start your day the best way with the Express Morning Briefing For all the latest World News, download Indian Express App 1 "American model Jelena Noura ""Gigi"" Hadid (born April 23, 1995)[3][4] is an American fashion model. She was signed to IMG Models in 2013. In November 2014, Hadid made her debut in the Top 50 Models ranking at Models.com.[5] In 2016, she was named International Model of the Year by the British Fashion Council.[6] Early life [ edit ] Gigi Hadid was born and raised in Los Angeles[7][8] to real estate developer Mohamed Hadid and former model Yolanda Hadid (née Van den Herik).[7] Her mother is Dutch, and her father is Palestinian.[9] Through her father she claims descent from Daher Al Omer, Prince of Nazareth and the Sheik of Galilee.[10][11] Hadid has two younger siblings, a sister, Bella, and a brother, Anwar, both of whom are also models. She has two older, paternal half-sisters, Marielle and Alana.[12] .[4]In 2013, Hadid graduated from Malibu High School, where she was captain of the varsity volleyball team as well as a competitive horseback rider.[13][14] Following high school, she moved to New York City to focus on her studies and her modeling career. Hadid studied criminal psychology at The New School beginning in the fall 2013 but suspended her studies to focus on her modeling career.[15][16] Career [ edit ] 1997–2012: Early work [ edit ] Hadid's modeling career began when she was two years old[17] after being discovered by Paul Marciano, of Guess clothing. She started modeling with Baby Guess before stopping to concentrate on school. Hadid eventually returned to modeling, in 2011.[18] She resumed working with Marciano, and was named the face of a Guess campaign in 2012. Hadid has shot three campaigns with Guess as an adult.[14][19] 2013–2014: Professional rise in New York [ edit ] After moving to New York City and signing to IMG Models in 2013, Hadid made her New York Fashion Week debut in February 2014 walking for Desigual's show.[20][21] In the same month she got her break in high fashion on the cover of CR Fashion Book magazine.[22] On July 15, 2014, she starred alongside actor and model Patrick Schwarzenegger in fashion designer Tom Ford's Eyewear autumn/winter campaign.[23] She co-hosted the Daily Front Row's Fashion Media Awards event that was held in New York City on September 5, 2014.[24] Hadid has also starred in campaigns for Tom Ford F/W 2014, Tom Ford Velvet Orchard Fragrance and Tom Ford Beauty 2014.[25][26] She was on the cover of Galore magazine and Carine Roitfeld's CR Fashion Book in 2014.[27][28][29] 2015–2016: Model of the Year, first American Vogue cover [ edit ] Hadid appeared in the 2015 Pirelli calendar.[30] In January 2015, she was named the Daily Front Row's Model of the Year,[31] and a Maybelline brand ambassador.[32] By May 2015, Hadid had walked for designers including: Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Michael Kors, Jean Paul Gaultier, and Max Mara.[33] Hadid's sister Bella is also a model, and the two sisters have been featured together in some modeling appearances including a photo shoot for V magazine in June 2015.[34][unreliable source?] In December 2015, she made her first appearance in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.[35] Hadid has appeared on magazine covers including Vogue (United States, Paris, Italy, Britain, Japan, Spain, Australia, Brazil, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, China), Schön!,[36] Numéro, Allure, W Magazine and Teen Vogue as well as WSJ Magazine, Elle Canada, Dazed and Harper's Bazaar (USA, Malaysia).[37][38][39] Hadid has also shot editorials for VMAN, Elle, Grazia, Cleo, Vogue,[7] Sports Illustrated, Paper magazine, Vanity Fair and V Magazine. Hadid has also starred in campaigns for Guess, Versace, Penshoppe, Balmain F/W 2015, Topshop, Max Mara, and Stuart Weitzman.[40][41][42] In 2016, she walked for: Versace, Chanel, Elie Saab, Fendi, Marc Jacobs, Anna Sui, Miu Miu, Balmain, Diane Von Furstenberg, Tommy Hilfiger, Fenty x Puma, Isabel Marant, and Giambattista Valli.[43][44][45][46] In January 2016, she became the global brand ambassador for Tommy Hilfiger, fronting campaigns for underwear, apparel and fragrances.[47] In April 2016, Hadid starred in an interactive campaign including a commercial for the BMW M2.[48] She hosted the 2016 iHeartRadio Much Music Video Awards in Toronto on June 19, 2016.[49] She co-designed a capsule collection with Tommy Hilfiger called Gigi by Tommy Hilfiger which was released in the fall of 2016 at New York Fashion Week.[50] During fall 2016 Fashion Weeks in New York, Milan and Paris, Hadid opened five shows and closed seven.[51] In October her boot collection for Stuart Weitzman titled the Gigi Boot was revealed,[52] and it was announced that Hadid had become a brand ambassador for Reebok, fronting the #PerfectNever campaign.[53] On November 20, 2016, Hadid hosted the American Music Awards. alongside Saturday Night Live alum Jay Pharoah.[54] She received backlash for an impression of Melania Trump during the show, and later apologized.[55] In December 2016, she made her second appearance in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, earning her wings for the first time,[56] and in the same month she won the award for International Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards, presented to her by Donatella Versace.[6] Hadid started off the Spring/Summer campaign season – starring in Fendi and Moschino campaigns.[57] she also was the face of the S/S 2017 campaign for Max Mara accessories, Stuart Weitzman[58] and DSQUARED2.[59] The second Tommy Hilfiger and Gigi Hadid ready-to-wear collection was presented in February 2017 for the Spring season.[60] Hadid was the photographer of the Versus (Versace) Spring Summer 2017 campaign which featured singer Zayn Malik and model Adwoah Aboah.[61] She also photographed a special summer edition of V Magazine titled Gigi's Journal, which featured Polaroids of fashion industry colleagues, celebrities and close friends.[62] Hadid was featured on four March 2017 Vogue covers: United States, Britain, China, and the inaugural Arabia edition.[63][64][65][66] She also appeared on the covers for the CR Fashion Book (Spring/Summer 2017), Jolie (April 2017) and The Daily (Spring 2017).[67][68][69] She featured on the May 2017 covers for the Netherlands editions of Vogue, Cosmopolitan and Glamour as well as the June/July 2017 cover of US Harper's Bazaar.[70][71] Hadid has starred in editorials for Vogue US (April 2017) and LOVE Magazine (Spring/Summer 2017). Hadid scored her second American Vogue cover in August 2017, sharing the cover with her boyfriend at the time, Zayn Malik.[72] During Fall/Winter 2017 Fashion Month in New York, Milan and Paris, Hadid opened the shows for Jeremy Scott, Anna Sui, Versus (Versace), Alberta Ferretti, Missoni, H&M and Balmain; and closed the shows for Isabel Marant, Moschino, Max Mara and Anna Sui. She also released the first season of two new collabortations with Vogue Eyewear and Messika Jewelry. [70]At The Daily Front Row's third annual Fashion Los Angeles Awards, Hadid was honored for the Best Design Debut for her collection with Tommy Hilfiger.[73]. She ended 2017 being named one of Glamour Magazine's Woman of the Year,along side Nicole Kidman, Solange Knowles,Muzoon Almellehan and other. [74] Gigi started 2018 with multiple high fashion campaigns, including Valentino, Moschino, Versace and Fendi. She also went on to release her second collaboration with both Vogue Eyewear and Messika Jewelry.[75] In February, during fashion week she presented the fourth and last season of her capsule collection with Tommy Hilfiger in Milan. She Appeared on many different international Vogue covers in 2018, Including British Vogue March cover[76], Vogue Italia in May and Vogue Brazil in September.[77] She also scored multiple American covers including Harper's Bazaar May issue[78] and V Magazine Fall Preview Cover V114.[79] and W Magazine. She also covered LOVE Magazine (Fall/Winter 2018) 10th Anniversary[80], Chaos 69, and Chaos True Originals - Disney Special. She announced in May 2018, that she will be working closely with Unicef to help children around the world, on August 25th she went on her first mission with Unicef to visit their programing in Bangladesh. The trip fell on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the Rohingya refugee crisis. [81] In November 2018, she announced her first collaboration with Reebok designing sneakers for the brand, starting with limited release on December 7th and the full collection to be released later in February 2019.[82] Personal life [ edit ] Hadid revealed in 2014 that she was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease,[83] and reiterated this in 2016.[84] Vitalii Sediuk assaulted Hadid in 2016,[85][86] and she was commended on how she defended herself from him.[87][88], In January 2017, after Donald Trump's ""Muslim ban"", Hadid and her sister Bella protested among others in New York City.[89] Hadid began dating English singer Zayn Malik in late 2015.[90] Hadid appeared in Zayn's music video for ""Pillowtalk"". They appeared together on the August 2017 cover of Vogue.[91] Malik and Hadid are the third couple to appear together on the Vogue cover. They also did a Versus (Versace) campaign as a couple, with Hadid as the photographer.[92][93] On March 13, 2018, Hadid and Malik announced their split in separate statements on social media.[94] In June 2018, Hadid confirmed their reconciled relationship on social media.[95][96] Filmography [ edit ] Film and television [ edit ] Music videos [ edit ] Music [ edit ] Awards and nominations [ edit ]" 0 Katy Perry is so happy that her feud with Taylor Swift is now in the past. We’ve got EXCLUSIVE details on how she would love to have Tay come on ‘American idol’ so they could perform together. Now that Taylor Swift, 28, and Katy Perry, 33, have buried the hatchet in their years long feud, the “Roar” singer would love to have her former enemy join her on American Idol. “Katy was a little taken back when Taylor made the world aware that the feud was over, but is very happy that it seems to be actually 100% over. Katy would love Taylor to come on Idol, she would love to perform with each other and really go all in on working together since they are both such powerful women in the industry. She had mixed emotions at first, but realized how important their friendship can be because what they can do as a team instead of enemies,” a source close to Katy tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. As for when this amazing duet could happen, “If Taylor wanted to come this season for the finale since she has the night off she would be invited, and if she wanted to do it next year that would be fine as well. It is an open door policy,” our insider adds. The AI 2018 season finale is a two night affair starting on May 20, and Tay will be in between playing dates at Pasadena’s Rose Bowl and Santa Clara’s Levi’s Stadium. Tay shocked the world when on the opening night of her North American stadium tour on May 8, she revealed that Katy sent her a literal olive branch and a handwritten note. She showed off a video off on social media and writing “Thank you Katy”, and saying “So, I just got to my dressing room and found this actual olive branch. This means so much to me.” While only the start of the note can be seen, it appears to read “Hey Old Friend — I’ve been doing some reflecting on past miscommunications and hurt feelings between us. I really want to clear the air” and “I’m deeply sorry.” Taylor made it clear she had accepted whatever else Katy had to say in her letter and now the pair’s long feud is over. It all started when Katy allegedly lured away three dancers from Taylor’s Red tour in 2013 to work on her Prismatic tour and Taylor vented about it to Rolling Stone, albeit not naming Katy directly. They’ve since gone at each other in song, with Tay’s “Bad Blood” and Katy’s “Swish Swish,” but the AI judge as softened up over the past year, openly wishing that they’d put their past differences aside. 1 "Joel Taylor, a meteorologist who often appeared on the Discovery Channel's docu-series Storm Chasers, died suddenly on Tuesday at age 38. Though the cause of death is still unknown, People reports that it is not believed to be related to storm chasing. Fellow storm chasers and acquaintances are posting painful remembrances of the friend they lost so unexpectedly. RIP my best friend and storm chasing partner, Joel Taylor. I am shocked and absolutely devastated by the loss of my incredible, caring friend. We chased so many intense storms, and I wish we could have just one more storm chase. I'll miss you forever, Joel. We lost a legend pic.twitter.com/htN45t8wik — Reed Timmer (@ReedTimmerAccu) January 24, 2018 ""I am shocked and absolutely devastated by the loss of my incredible, caring friend,"" Taylor's storm-chasing partner and pal Reed Timmer wrote. ""We chased so many intense storms, and I wish we could have just one more storm chase. I'll miss you forever, Joel. We lost a legend."" In addition to Storm Chasers, Taylor and Timmer also costarred in the 2003 documentary Tornado Glory and the TVNweather.com series Tornado Chasers. Taylor hailed from Oklahoma (part of Tornado Alley, where all three were filmed), specifically the town of Elk City. ""Our community of Elk City and the Storm Chasing community lost a great guy today,"" a local Facebook page, Team Western OK Chaser, wrote. ""Joel Taylor was truly an inspiration to myself and many who knew him. He was one of the most level headed chasers on the roads and truly a classy guy outside of chasing. He didn't chase for the glory he chased because he had a true passion for storms."" I was lucky enough to meet Joel a few years ago at Reed’s wedding. He was so kind to me and we got to hang out for a bit during those few days. I snapped this photo of him and that just seemed like who he was. A huge smile. RIP Joel Taylor…you will be so missed. pic.twitter.com/mZI5eHzhKG — Mike Olbinski (@MikeOlbinski) January 24, 2018 Another friend, filmmaker, photographer, and storm chaser Mike Olbinski recalled Taylor's ""huge smile."" ""I'm heartbroken to hear of the passing of Joel Taylor,"" meteorologist Jim Cantore of The Weather Channel show Atmospheres tweeted, adding that ""his passion for tornadoes was infectious."" I’m heartbroken to hear of the passing of Joel Taylor. My heart goes out to his parents. Long before his Discovery fame, Joel and his parents accompanied us on a trip to Hawaii while we taped our show Atmosphere’s. His passion for tornadoes was infectioushttps://t.co/tXUiUF5aUo — Jim Cantore (@JimCantore) January 24, 2018 According to Team Western OK Chaser, Taylor leaves behind his mother, Tracy, and dad, Jimmy, as well as a brother and sister and their children. (h/t: People)" 0 Talk about a one-of-a-kind suit. Celine Dion posed in nothing but her birthday suit for Vogue on Tuesday, July 4, while in Paris for Fashion Week. In a photo shared on the fashion magazine’s Instagram account, the seven-time Grammy winner sits nude on a chair, her right leg crossed over her left, her arms wrapped around her torso, with her left hand covering the lower part of her face as she gazes mysteriously into the camera. “Here’s a little naked fact to ponder while Celine Dion changes looks between shows,” the publication shared in a lengthy caption that explored the singer’s fashion experiences. “For the past five years, she has worn haute couture near exclusively for her own performances.” The caption went on to detail a classic, simply cut Dior LBD that Dion, 49, purchased years ago, when John Galliano oversaw the fashion house. It was this same dress that the widow wore to husband Rene Angelil‘s funeral in January 2016. The magazine also shared three other photos of the songstress: One showed Dion in a tunic and midcalf skirt as she headed to Monday’s Christian Dior show; a second saw her waving to the press at the Petit Palais; and in the third, she posed on a balcony while wearing a look reminiscent of Twiggy: Swarovski chainmail dress and knee-high boots. This revealing shoot with Vogue isn’t the first time that the singer has dared to bare. She posed topless for a risque spread with V magazine in 2012. She explained at the time of the racy photos: “I’m like this in my real life.” Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 The Hollywood gender pay gap has been laid bare in figures that show highest-paid actress Emma Stone is out-earned by 14 male actors. Stone earned $26 million (around £20 million) in the year up to June 2017, due in part to the success of the hit musical La La Land. But she would only rank 15th in an overall table of Hollywood’s - and Bollywood's - biggest earners. 1 Royal baby No. 3 is here! Kate Middleton and Prince William welcomed their third child on Monday, April 23 at 11:01 a.m. in the Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s hospital. Just like when Prince George and Princess Charlotte were born, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge stopped for a few quick photos in front of the hospital before they returned to Kensington Palace with their new prince. Duchess Kate wore a red dress with a white lace collar by Jenny Packham, making this the third time she’s worn a bespoke dress by the British designer for her post-birth appearances. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Getty Images The red dress appeared to be a nod to the outfit Princess Diana wore when she introduced Prince Harry to the world in 1984. Both dresses were bright red with a white Peter Pan collar. Getty Images This wasn't the first time Kate paid homage to her late mother-in-law after giving birth. Kate introduced Prince George to the world in July 2013 wearing a short-sleeved blue dress by Jenny Packham that nodded to the polka-dot dress Princess Diana wore when leaving the hospital with Prince William three decades earlier. Getty Images When Princess Charlotte arrived in May 2015, Duchess Kate opted for another pastel Jenny Packham number, but this time her yellow dress in a buttercup print had longer sleeves to accommodate for the cooler spring weather just like the red dress did today. Getty Images Princess Charlotte also wore a knit cap when she went out into the world for the first time, while Prince George enjoyed the July weather sans-hat on his first outing. Both royal babies were swaddled in a white G.H. Hurt & Son soft wool baby shawl. The first public appearances of Prince George (L) and Princess Charlotte (R). Getty Images Since the weather in London was rather cold and windy today, the new prince also wore a knit cap and what appears to be the same G.H. Hurt & Son baby shawl as his siblings. Getty Images The previous two times Duchess Kate stepped out with her newborns she wore light-colored heels, but her Dune sling-back espadrilles were better suited for the July weather than the leather Jimmy Choo pumps she wore to introduce Charlotte. Getty Images Duchess Kate went for neutral shoes once again with baby no. 3, opting to re-wear what appears to be her Gianvito Rossi “Gianvito 105” pumps in taupe suede. Getty Images Prince George also made an appearance at the hospital when his little sister Charlotte was born, just like his dad Prince William did to greet Prince Harry. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Getty Images Today, Prince William brought both Prince George and Princess Charlotte to meet their new little brother. This time around George didn’t match with his father, since he came straight from school wearing his uniform. Charlotte, however, was dressed for the occasion in a blue floral Liberty print dress and stole the crowd's heart by showing off her royal wave, while Prince George was a little more shy this time around. 1 (Excerpt) Read more at: E! Online Wake Up To Breaking News! SUBMIT Depending on where in the country you're located, you're either currently experiencing the seasonal phenomenon known as sweater weather, or you're about to be.Regardless, it's mandatory that you stock up on cozy oversized pullovers just for the occasion. This is by no means new information, nor... 0 The NFL may be coddling black athletes who are protesting our police force, our flag, and our veterans by kneeling, but the National Hockey League refuses to do the same.On Sunday, J.T. Brown of the Tampa Bay Lightning jumped on the “hate our troops” bandwagon and made a “black power” fist – a gesture assembled with black supremacist groups – during the National Anthem.Brown was counting on P.C. culture winning out and letting him keep his job, but what happened next ruined his life.“This is not, and has never been, about the military or disrespecting the flag,” Brown said in an interview with ESPN after he raised his fist. “It is about police brutality, racial injustice, and inequality in this country. It is something that I as well as many others feel needs to be addressed. I love my country, but that doesn’t mean I cannot acknowledge that it is not perfect.”Unfortunately, the owner of the team disagrees. Burt Lancaster announced a few hours later that the team will be seeking a new forward to replace Brown.“We wish Mr. Brown the best, but we feel that he does not embody the values of the Tampa Bay Lightning,” Lancaster says. “We support our country, we support our troops, we support our police, and we support our President.”Brown will continue to be paid until the end of the season as per the terms of his contract, but will then be looking for a job. 1 Courtney Love stars as a distressed and conflicted Kitty Menendez in the expertly melodramatic trailer for Lifetime’s upcoming original movie, Menendez: Blood Brothers. The film tells the story of Lyle and Erik Menendez, who notoriously murdered their parents in 1989. It premieres June 11th. Along with Love, Menendez stars Nico Tortorella and Myko Olivier as brothers Lyle and Erik, and Benito Martinez as the family patriarch, Jose Menendez. The new trailer highlights the abuse Jose inflicted upon his sons, as well as Kitty’s inability to protect her sons or stop her husband. In quintessential Lifetime movie fashion, the trailer boasts a scene in which Kitty looks nervously into a mirror in a dark room while whispering in a voice over, “Just get through this day Kitty, tomorrow will be different.” Elsewhere in the clip, the Menendez brothers plot and carry out their parents’ murder and enjoy a surprise respite of freedom before the swift hammer of justice comes down – which of course prompts some furious telephone smashing in a seedy motel room. The Menendez brothers’ trial became became a national sensation as the brothers testified about their father’s history of abuse. After a deadlocked jury and mistrial, Erik and Lyle were retried and convicted on two counts of first-degree murder. In 1996, they were sentenced to life without parole, and are currently serving time in separate prisons. Along with Lifetime’s Menendez: Blood Brothers, Law & Order creator Dick Wolf is working on a true crime spin-off of his hit series that will debut with an eight-episode first season about the Menendez brothers. 0 "How much did you spend on your actual home? Well, Miranda Kerr has already spent that much on the nursery for her unborn child, according to a new report. Kento Nara/Future Image/WENN.com A source told Life & Style that the model and her husband, Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel, have already dropped $250,000 on the nursery. The insider tells the mag that the couple is ""super excited"" about welcoming a child into their lives, adding that the baby's nursery contains a custom-made crib and a walk-in closet filled with designer baby clothes from Dior, Stella McCartney, and Ralph Lauren. ""She isn't holding back when it comes to giving her newborn the best of the best!,"" the source said. Rex USA On Nov. 15, the model's rep confirmed that she and her husband of 7 months are expecting. Some media outlets have reported that Miranda is pregnant with a girl, but the couple has not commented on the gender. Miranda already shares 6-year-old son, Flynn, with her ex-husband Orlando Bloom. The exes have long said that parenting Flynn is their top priority. The former couple, who have remained friendly, have their parenting down to a science. This will be Evan's first child. Thus far, Miranda and Evan have been able to successfully find a balance of career and marriage. In speaking to Net-a-Porter's digital magazine The Edit in September, Miranda said, ""At work, I'm like, 'We need to do this!' and, 'This needs to happen!' But at home, I slip into my feminine and empower Evan to be in his masculine.""" 1 Happy birthday Kanye West! West celebrated his 41st birthday on Saturday with friends, family, music, a mind-bending mentalist and lattes that had the foam made into an image of his face because, of course. West's wife, Kim Kardashian, shared videos and pictures from inside the amazing soiree on social media. They show a fun, festive affair, with West looking relaxed and having fun as world-class mentalist Lior Suchard completely destroyed some minds in the room with some spectacular visual illusions, suggestive powers and what looks suspiciously like some legit mind reading and telekinesis. Suchard bent a spoon rubbing his finger on it and flipped a pair of glasses with what looked like a simple wave of his hand, delighting the ever-living heck out of West and his friends. The party appeared to have had a cave theme, with moss hanging from the ceiling, low light and a mountain-themed birthday cake. Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner were also in attendance. West looked comfortable holding court, at one point, sitting on a couch and just taking everything in as his music played. And then, there were those lattes with Kanye's face made into the foam. Kim Kardashian/Instagram Here are just a few photos from the epic event. Kim Kardashian/Instagram Kim Kardashian/Instagram Kim Kardashian/Instagram Kim Kardashian/Instagram It's been an eventful time for the controversial rapper. On Thursday, West debuted a fresh album collaboration with Kid Cudi, Kids See Ghosts. His new solo album Ye, also just obliterated music charts. On the flipside, West is still dealing with the fallout of his controversial statements on slavery and in support of Donald Trump. And he helped stoke more family drama on his new album by rapping about the cheating scandal involving Tristan Thompson. And Donda's House, a charity he co-founded in honor of his late mother, Donda West, to help the youth in Chicago, formally dropped her name because of a dispute over his alleged lack of involvement and interest. Still, it was good to see West relaxed, comfortable and having a little family fun at his birthday party. For more on Kanye's Ye take on family drama, watch the video below. RELATED CONTENT: Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Attend Kanye West, Kid Cudi Listening Party Together: Pics! Kanye West Tweets 'All Love' for Kate Spade's Family After Sharing His Mental Health Struggles Kanye West Says He Was Diagnosed With a ‘Mental Condition’ at Age 39 Related Gallery 1 SharetweetWhen Donald Trump proposed in 2015 that we place a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States, it was at a time when Europe was experiencing historical levels of migrations and terrorism. ISIS was carrying out terrorist attacks weekly and hundreds of innocent people were getting killed.Whether it was a jihadi running over 85 people with a truck, the Paris bombings, or even the German priest that was beheaded for being a Christian–they all were fueled by Islam. People need to understand that Islam is very dangerous and contradicts everything we believe in the United States.When Donald Trump proposed in 2015 that we place a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States, it was at a time when Europe was experiencing historical levels of migrations and terrorism. ISIS was carrying out terrorist attacks weekly and hundreds of innocent people were getting killed.Whether it was a jihadi running over 85 people with a truck, the Paris bombings, or even the German priest that was beheaded for being a Christian–they all were fueled by Islam. People need to understand that Islam is very dangerous and contradicts everything we believe in the United StatesA Georgia state legislator has introduced legislation that would ban burqas and traditional Muslim veils.State Rep. Jason Spencer (R) filed legislation on Wednesday that would prevent women from posing for driver’s license photos while wearing a veil. The measure also adds burqas to a law that makes it a misdemeanor to wear a face covering in public or while driving.Spencer argues that this bill is specifically intended to reduce fear about Islamic terrorism. Spencer’s bill would prevent women from wearing head coverings while driving or while walking down a public sidewalk. 1 "Kate Middleton and Prince William got married on April 29, 2011, and ever since that highly romantic/fated/legendary day, the Duchess has been wearing a pretty band made of Welsh gold on her ring finger. Look, here it is stacked next to her massive engagement bling: Getty Images Prince William, on the other hand, wears approximately NOTHING on his finger. Here he is meeting Paddington Bear, where you can see pretty clearly that he's not wearing a wedding band. And yes, maybe I took this as an opportunity to post a photo of Paddington Bear. No regrets. Getty Images So, now that we've established that William doesn't wear a ring, a couple of questions remain.... 1. Did Kate Give Wills a Ring on Their Wedding Day? Answer: Nope! Here's a video of their ceremony, where you can plainly see William pop a ring on Kate, and she pop nothing on him in return: And here's a GIF in case your boss frowns on you watching ancient royal wedding videos at work: Getty Images 2. Do Most Royal Men Wear Wedding Rings? It depends, but mostly yes! Prince Charles wore a wedding band stacked behind his pinkie signet ring when he married Princess Diana: Getty Images And nowadays he wears a similar one as a symbol of his marriage to Camilla: Getty Images Meanwhile, Prince William's brother Prince Harry has been wearing a wedding ring since his marriage to Meghan Markle: Getty Images That said, Prince Philip (Queen Elizabeth's husband) doesn't wear a ring—so it's not like William is fully alone on a ring-less island. 3. So, Why Did William Opt Out? The reason comes down to personal preference. Royal biographer Penny Junor told Vogue, ""He doesn’t like jewelry, and the Palace issued a statement before their wedding saying so."" This is true, though it was less of a ""statement"" and more of an anonymous tip from a palace aide to veteran royal reporter Rebecca English. ""It was something the couple discussed but Prince William isn't one for jewelry—he doesn't even wear a signet ring—and decided he didn't want to,"" the aide confirmed. ""It really is just down to personal preference."" The aide also claimed that Kate was completely fine with William's decision, adding, ""It is quite common for men in that strata of society not to wear a traditional wedding band. If they do, they tend to wear it with their family signet ring but William doesn't have one of those."" Welp, there you have it. Kay, bye-bye as you were!" 0 Share this. 5.4k SHARES Share Tweetloading...The United States President, Donald Trump has signed an executive order to allow all Ghana nationals travel to the United States without visas.The new order, serving as a change in visa policy for Ghanaians traveling to the United States, would permit them stay in the U.S for a maximum period of 180 days for Tourism or Business purposes only. Stay over 180 days would therefore require a visa.Trump says this measure is to strengthen trade between the United States and Ghana.loading...However, Ghanaians who hold dual nationality will be banned from entering the United States if their other passport is from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen — the seven Muslim-majority countries “of concern”.It has emerged that trade and bilateral visa deals have been discussed by Trump and Ghanaian Diplomats in the States.A source at the White House has hinted that Trump may revoke Australia’s opportunity of traveling to the United States without visas after cancelling all trade deals with the country.Allowing Ghanaians to the United States freely is not the only order signed into force by Trump since assuming office. He has signed five new executive orders – including one to expedite environmental review and approval of high-priority infrastructure projects.President Donald Trump signed executive orders to advance the construction of the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines.He also signed an executive order on Monday barring federal funds from organizations that promote abortion around the world, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation, in what activists say is the president’s first major pro-life action while in office.The policy, known as the Mexico City Policy or the Global Gag Rule, was first ushered in under Ronald Reagan and bars federal funds from going to foreign organizations that perform abortions overseas or lobby for the practice’s legalization in other countries.He has formally withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal on Monday, distancing America from its Asian allies as China’s influence in the region rises.Fulfilling a campaign pledge to end American involvement in the 2015 pact, Trump signed an executive order in the Oval Office pulling the United States from the 12-nation TPP.source: USA TODAYShare this. 5.4k SHARES Share Tweet 1 Shay Mitchell's High-Waisted Swimsuit Is Igniting Something in All of Us Everyone who’s anyone was in the desert this weekend–Shay Mitchell included. And while there, the Pretty Little Liars actress hit up Revolve’s epic annual party in a high-waisted… Source link (Visited 40 times, 1 visits today) 0 By Zach Johnson Original Source: eonline.com Ethan Embry revealed that he was once addicted to black tar heroin and prescription painkillers. Though he’s now sober—and he’s never relapsed—the memories are still fresh in his mind. The 38-year-old actor, best known for his role in the teen comedy Can’t Hardly Wait, revealed the details of his private battle with opiate addiction in a series of tweets. Embry’s revelation came in response to Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently ordering federal prosecutors to seek the harshest possible criminal penalties for drug offenders. “Opiate OD is the leading cause of preventable death in America at 50k last year alone. It’s a health [crisis]not a criminal one Mr Sessions,” Embry wrote. “For decades we have told addicts that their behavior deserves punishment. That they should be locked away for their addictions. All that accomplishes is multiplying the shame that…click here to continue reading 0 Spring has almost sprung! Too bad it’s still pretty cold in most places across the U.S. Lucky for us, Olivia Munn‘s shearling-lined jacket from Ann Taylor is now on sale for $48.88, down from $198. The actress wore the budget-friendly topper while working in Toronto last week (so it’s got to be pretty cozy). She layered the jacket with an all-white ensemble, including a white hoodie, cropped tee and high-waist jeans. Snow-bunny chic? More like snow-bunny strong! You may have reservations about buying a winter coat or any cold-weather piece so late in the season, but actually, it’s the best time to do so. Retailers put their winter wear on major sale so they can make room for spring inventory. Get a few more weeks’ use out of this celeb-approved staple, then wear it every day come next fall. 0 "27 Reasons You Have The Urge To Hit The Road. 11 Foods Made With The Subway Yoga Mat Chemical. 22 Eating Fails That Prove You Should Always Eat Alone. 27 Astonishing Before-And-After Photos Of U.K. Flooding. 12 Valentine's Cards For The Science Nerd In Your Life. 20 Alcoholic Beverages You'll Never Be Able to Drink Again. 22 Conversations Every Cat Owner Has Had With Their Pet. 23 Gifts That Look Good Enough To Eat. 35 Nerdy Cards Against Humanity Cards To Add To Your Deck. 11 Romantic Destinations With No Cell Service. 22 Photos That Prove The Hanson Brothers Are Actually Smoking Hot. 21 Awesome Book Covers Illustrated By Erik Blegvad. 20 Signs You Grew Up In The Northern Territory. 11 (Unintentionally) Scary Vintage Dolls That Will Make Your Skin Crawl. 26 Signs You Grew Up On A Farm. 10 Pictures Of An Australian Brothel That Perfectly Capture The '90s. 15 Olympic Sports Any Twentysomthing Could Totally Win. 32 Important Things Every Fashion Week Party Needs. 21 Cole Porter Lyrics That Will Make You Fall In Love. 19 Fun Websites To Waste Time On Right Now. 8 Accurate Comics About Being An OkCupid-Loathing Single. 9 Reasons Shailene Woodley Is The Next Jennifer Lawrence. 24 Wonderful Things You Should Thank Your Dad For. 10 Ways Canada Has Already Won The Winter Olympics. 23 Derek Jeter Memories That Will Live Forever In Our Hearts. 16 Scientific Reasons Love Is Bad For You. 24 Simple Tricks To Reduce Your Anxiety. 7 Valentine's Day Cards Inspired By Tina From ""Bob's Burgers"". 36 Celebrities Who Are Flying Solo This Valentine's Day. 17 Faces That Will Make You Want To Adopt An Older Dog. 67 Things You Need To Know About This Year's Oscar Nominees. 44 Stock Photos That Hope To Change The Way We Look At Women. 26 Ways To Cook Dinner For Your Favorite Vegetarian. 17 New Slang Terms You Should Start Using Immediately. 12 Incredible Stories Of Life-Saving Organ Donations. 52 Hilarious #ActivistPickUpLines For Valentine's Day. 54 Photos Proving The U.S.A.-Canada Women's Hockey Rivalry Is Becoming The Best Part Of The Olympics. 20 Signs You Are Actually Jimmy Fallon. 14 Must-Read Works Of Chicano Literature. 12 Last-Minute Printable Valentines. 17 Cupids Who Will Murder You The Second You Close Your Eyes. 23 Insanely Romantic Ways To Say I Love You. 27 People Who Are Way Worse At Parenting Than You. 12 Spectacular Examples Of Media Conference Gobbledegook. 18 Optical Illusion Tattoos That Will Make You Take A Second Look. 16 Delightful Made-Up Words. 18 Female Artists Who Are Finally On Wikipedia. 30 Pictures Of Dogs Prancing Around At The 138th Westminster Kennel Club. 22 Olympics Photos That Will Destroy Your Faith In Gravity. 25 Famous Movies That Should Have Been About Cheese. 22 Unconventional Gifts To Show Someone You Love Them. 6 Bonus Songs From ""Frozen"" That You Need To Hear. 10 Greatest Anime Endings Of All Time. 29 People Who Will Make You Proud To Be Australian. 13 Of The Sickest Presidential Insults. 21 Ways To Celebrate Galentine's Day With Your BFFs. 12 Everyday Problems Of Blonde Girls. 26 Horrifyingly Awesome Figure Skating Fashions From The '80s. 12 Signs Being Ladylike Isn't Your Forte. 23 Bewitching Halloween-Themed Vintage Valentine’s Day Cards. 13 Lessons In Healthy Living You Learned From ""Sex And The City"". 21 Photos Of Your New Favorite Frenchie. 18 Australian Valentine's Day Cards To Give To Your Special Someone. 17 Reasons It's Better To Be Single This Valentine's Day. 19 Signs You're The Creepy Friend. 17 Celebrities You Forgot Were On ""Boy Meets World"". 22 Valentine's Day Children's Books To Warm Your Heart. 35 Old-School Latino Albums You Probably Forgot About. 21 Animals Who Totally Believe In You. 26 Super-Sexy Pairs Of Men's Underwear Totally Perfect For Valentine's Day. 21 Signs Pajamas Are Your Significant Other. 21 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Sonic The Hedgehog. 18 Kids Movies From The '90s You’ve Probably Forgotten About. 15 Reasons Valentine's Day Was Better In Elementary School. 27 Signs You've Found Yourself A Keeper. 28 Wardrobe Essentials For Female Gamers. 7 Leslie Knope Ways To Tell Your Bestie You Love Them This Galentine's Day. 21 Things Twitter Thinks Bob Costas' Gross Eyes Made Him Look Like. 27 Reasons Your Cat Makes The Best Valentine. 16 Things Johnny Weir Has Looked Like During His Time In Sochi. 18 Reasons Shirley Temple Was Basically The Coolest Kid Ever. 27 Real Struggles That Only RAs Will Understand. 22 Reasons ""House Of Cards"" Is The Only Valentine You Need. 29 Tasty Vegetarian Paleo Recipes. 11 Inspiring Stories Of People Who Left Normal Life And Embarked On An Adventure. 16 Legitimate Reasons Why Valentine's Day Is The Worst. 23 More Workout Tanks To Not Work Out In. 23 Reasons Why Greg Bretz Should Be Your Valentine This Year. 22 Struggles Only Bros Will Understand. 31 Love Stories In 140 Characters Or Less. 9 Ways Mizzou Stands With Michael Sam. 27 Chocolate Desserts That Make Valentine's Day Worth Celebrating. 19 Short Novels For The Shortest Month Of The Year. 17 Maya Angelou Quotes That Will Inspire You To Be A Better Person. 24 Signs You're So Done With College. 32 Pictures Of Britain As It Battles The Floods. 27 Signs You've Found The Perfect Roommate. 24 Amazingly Cute GIFs Of Shirley Temple As A Child To Remind Us What An Icon She Was. 26 Devilishly Clever Words You Never Knew You Could Get Away With In Scrabble. 15 Easy Tips For Scoring Your Dream Job In Your Twenties. 22 Magical Facts That Will Make You Want To Move To Norway. 7 Quick Dinners To Make This Week. 15 Highly Questionable Pieces Of Vintage Dating Advice. 19 Terrible Puns You Can Only Make During The Sochi Olympics. 20 Awkward Moments That Only Occur In Cars. 16 Spectacular Dicks On The Herald Sun. 8 Everyday Catastrophes For Shy People. 15 Things To Consider Before Renting Your First Apartment. 19 Reasons Tim Burton Is The King Of Romance. 13 Must See Movies At Sydney's Mardi Gras Film Festival. 23 Things All Servers Will Understand. 28 Sexy Brownies To Spend Valentine's Day With. 22 Absolutely Stunning Victorian Book Covers. 20 TV Shows That Need To Be On DVD ASAP. 31 Intellectual Breakthroughs From Inside The Shower. 30 Ways You And Louis C.K. Are The Same Person. 21 Songs To Share With Your Sweetheart This Valentine's Day. 10 Men's Shoes That Will Help You Win Valentine's Day Lead The Daily Links. 16 Reasons ""Camp Takota"" Should Be Your Date On Valentine's Day. 17 Ways You Are Older Than The Rest Of Your Friends. 15 Pitbull Valentines To Spread Your Love Like Mr. Worldwide. 23 Wildly Inappropriate Baby T-Shirts And Onesies. 23 Reasons Why Being Single Is The Healthiest Thing For Your Soul. 13 Awesome Gifts To Give On Valentine's Day Instead Of Flowers. 31 Impossibly Romantic Wedding Ideas. 16 Graphs And Charts That Perfectly Illustrate Twentysomething Life. 18 American Hotties Who Are Heating Up Sochi. 38 Winter Olympians Throughout History Reacting Triumphantly Upon Winning The Gold. 41 Scrumptious Ways To Make Scones For Your Sweetie. 31 Special Feelings That Every Dog Owner Is Familiar With. 21 Signs Your Relationship With Food Has Gotten Way Out Of Control. 17 Winter Sports Movies To Watch Instead Of The Winter Olympics. 10 DIY Ways To Treat Yo'self For Valentine's Day. 14 Incredible But Fake Viral Images — And The Twitter Account Debunking The Picspammers. 17 Things Only A Hyperactive Person Will Understand. 16 Cool And Creative Examples Of Post-It Note Art. 17 Gorgeously Geeky Posters Of Classic Film Interiors. 19 Delicious Spaghetti Dinners. 17 Pornhub Comments As Inspirational Quotes. 25 Snow Sculptures From Tokyo's Biggest Blizzard In Decades. 12 Works Of Art By The Michaelangelo Of Lego. 9 Super Romantic Dinners For Two. 40 Vintage Wedding Ring Details That Are Utterly To Die For. 32 Photos From The 2004 Teen Choice Awards That Will Make You Nostalgic. 50 New Jack Swing Jams That'll Take You Back. 21 Reasons Why TISM Are The Best Thing To Ever Come Out Of Australia. 10 Things Schapelle Corby May Not Know Exists. 33 Valentine's GIF Cards That Are Perfect For Your Tumblr Sweetheart. 14 Things That Prove Bees Are Actually Superheroes. 25 Adorable Gifts For Your Valentine For Under $25. 13 Of The Most Amazing Bed-And-Breakfasts In The World. 9 Videos You Can't Miss This Week. 22 Different Types Of Hangovers. 9 Feature Stories We're Reading This Week. 17 Things That Happen The Day After You Hook Up With Someone. 27 Staggering New Pictures Of The Somerset Levels Floods. 23 Stunningly Subtle Disney Tattoos. 29 Hidden Faces With Something Profoundly Important To Say. 26 Vegan Versions Of Your Favorite Comfort Foods. 17 Insanely Clever Ways To Use Your Phone's Camera. 29 Delicious Ways To Eat More Pears. 19 Of The Funniest Things Kids Have Ever Said. 15 Extraordinary Pictures Of Abandoned Buildings. 21 Reviews Of Flappy Bird In The iTunes App Store That Prove It's A Good Thing It's Been Taken Down. 21 Mindbending Pictures That Blend Reality And Fantasy. 21 Beautiful Pictures Of Empty Movie Theaters. 28 Announcements You Should Never Make On Facebook. 10 Pictures That Prove Bruno Mars Is Actually Powerline From ""A Goofy Movie"". 17 Reasons Why Anna Should Be Your Favorite Disney Princess. 8 PBR Facts Every Beer Drinker Should Know. 27 Weird And Creepy Vintage Valentine's Day Cards. 15 Vintage Board Games That Will Make '90s Kids Nostalgic. 11 Celebrity #TBT Photos You May Have Missed This Week. 18 Hilarious Artist Re-Interpretations Of Weird Things They See. 16 Things We Learned About The Vampire Academy Series From Author Richelle Mead. 24 Ways You're Already Acting Like An Old Lady. 8 Signs You're Wearing The Wrong Bra Size. 50 Reasons Why Australians Are The Luckiest People On Earth. 9 Potential World-Ending Ecological Disasters That Should Terrify You Right Now. 14 Bands You Probably Didn't Know Were Manufactured By TV Shows. 23 Moments That Make Being A Dad Totally Worth It. 16 Of The Dumbest Excuses For Pokémon. 17 Celebrity Instagrams You Need To See This Week. 19 Of The Most Senseless Crimes Ever Committed. 14 Celebrities Who Are Way Too Rich For Their Own Good Lead The Daily Links. 16 Of The Worst Ideas You Have In College. 13 Alarming Photos Of Landfills You Can't Unsee. 26 Songs You Totally Forgot About From The '00s. 4 Cavemen Who Are So Sick Of Paleo-Gentrification. 8 Weird Facts That Defy All Reason. 17 Photos That Will Give You Iceland Envy. 11 Simple Drinking Games You Need To Play Right Now. 19 Jokes You Should Send To Your Mom Right Now. 19 DIY Projects For The Travel Obsessed. 27 Totally Baffling Russian Signs. 15 Passive Aggressive Valentine's Day Cards. 17 Reasons You Should Love Bob Costas. 35 Times Mindy Kaling And B.J. Novak's Best Friendship Killed You In The Heart. 32 Things You Always Believed That Simply Aren't True. 12 Homemade Valentines That Won't Terrify Your Casual Hookup. 44 Things You Learn Very Quickly After Moving To NYC. 21 Pretty Pink And Red Drinks For Valentine's Day. 12 Reasons Coffee Is The Perfect Valentine. 20 Confessions Of A Struggling Workaholic. 17 Things That Would Only Get Reported In British Local Newspapers. 7 Budget-Friendly Weekend Cooking Projects. 16 Selfie Double Chins That Double Win. 18 People Who Can't Wait For The Weekend. 14 Photos That Prove That Skeleton Is The Most Badass Sport At Sochi. 64 Superb Vintage Pictures Of The Winter Olympics. 18 Amazing Places To Visit In Britain In 2014. 23 Signs You're An Awkward Individual. 16 Astounding Backpacking Trips To Add To Your Bucket List. 21 Sad Truths About Not Studying Abroad With Your Friends. 38 Powerful Pictures From The Sony World Photography Awards. 19 Glorious Shots Of Shoe Porn Starring Kylie Minogue. 9 Everyday Secrets Of Happy Couples. 18 Things You Should Never Say To A Bostonian. 23 Literal Gospels From The Mouth Of The Actual Angel Castiel. 33 Photographs Of The Most Magical Place On Earth. 19 Things That Are Totally Fine To Keep Forever. 16 Heavenly Cheese And Chocolate Fondues. 30 Animal Cupcakes Too Cute To Eat. 14 Things You Didn't Notice About ""The Brady Bunch Movie"" As A Kid. 21 Disturbing Examples Of Russia's Dill Addiction. 8 Audition Tapes Of Famous Actors Lead The Daily Links. 25 Incredibly Gay Things About Russia. 25 Critters That Will Kill You (With Their Cuteness). 21 Reasons Cooking Is Both Terrifying And Wonderful. 21 Truths You Only Know If You Met Your Significant Other Online. 23 Everyday Awkward Situations. 23 Lies You Tell Yourself While Traveling. 45 Things I Learned At The Creation Museum. 45 Stunning And Bleak Photos Of Life During The Soviet Union. 18 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Bob Marley That Have Nothing To Do With Marijuana. 18 Pieces Of Proof That Cam'ron And His Girlfriend Have The Perfect Relationship. 22 Of The Most Creative College Essay Questions From 2013. 15 Ways ""Cadet Kelly"" Was Secretly About Being Gay. 21 Pun Battles That Are Actually So Bad They're Good. 21 Reasons Miles Teller Should Be Your Next Celebrity Crush. 17 Signs You Might Be Really Obsessed With Your Cat. 27 British People Who Must Be Stopped. 19 Reasons Hermione Shouldn't Have Gotten Married At All. 10 Types Of Friends You Shouldn't Feel Bad Dumping. 25 Chai-Spiced Treats To Warm Your Winter Kitchen. 18 Important Things You Should Know About Your Raw Denim. 19 People Who Haven't Quite Worked Doors Out Yet. 21 Signs You're A Cat Lady In Training. 29 Problems Only Writers Will Understand. 27 Tiny Animals That Will Warm Your Heart Today. 25 Ridiculous Gum Flavors You Didn't Know Existed. 13 Reasons Why Australia Is The Daggiest Country. 7 Bananas That Would Make Gwen Stefani Proud. 12 Breathtaking Views From The World's Coolest Towers. 26 Pictures That Will Redefine Your Perceptions Of Tony Abbott. 25 Reasons To Give ""The Godfather Part III"" Another Shot. 17 Hot Canadian Athletes Who Will Literally Melt The Winter Olympics. 2 Cats Who Know The Secret To A Good Cuddle. 21 Punny Pop Star Mash-Ups. 36 Witches Ron Weasley Should Have Ended Up With. 16 Cats Who Are Getting A Jump On Spring Cleaning. 5 Last-Minute Vacation Ideas To Escape Winter Lead The Daily Links. 19 Dogs Standing Up To Sochi's Deplorable Treatment Of Stray Dogs. 9 Ways You Didn’t Know You Could Relieve Stress. 23 Reasons Shaun White Is The Perfect Valentine For You. 15 Classic Tales Wishbone Taught Better Than Your English Teacher. 27 Things You'll Never Forget If You Were A Teenage Girl In Taiwan. 7 GMO Foods That Will Blow Your Mind. 15 Of The Most Insane Airbnb Rental Listings. 19 Lovely Cupcakes To Make This Valentine's Day. 22 Reasons Why Thor Is The Most Underrated Avenger. 16 Actors Who Enjoy Doing Impressions Of Other Actors. 10 Expanded Universe Characters That Need To Be In ""Star Wars VII"". 27 Songs For Every Single Person On Valentine's Day. 26 Signs You're At An Italian-American Wedding. 21 Signs You're The Parent In The Office. 14 Actual Porn Comments Turned Into Valentines. 9 Beautiful Hand-Drawn Animations From Disney Films. 700 Words That Explain Exactly What It Feels Like To Do Heroin. 11 Emotionally Repressed Valentine's Cards For British People. 21 People Posing With Photos Of Their Younger, More Awkward Selves. 27 Adorable Valentine's Day Treats You Can Make. 15 Highly Anticipated Books From (Mostly) Small Presses. 22 Delicious Russian Foods For Your Sochi Olympics Party. 22 Messages From Creationists To People Who Believe In Evolution. 22 Messages For Creationists From People Who Believe In Evolution. 16 More Reasons To Root Against The Evil Canadians At The Winter Olympics. 17 Singers Who Really Don't Need Autotune. 20 Amazing Works Of Refrigerator Door Art. 9 Painful Steps Of Every Moving Process. 15 Indisputable Facts That Prove You Should Only Wear Professional Wrestling T-Shirts. 19 Reasons Why Arachnophobes Should Give Australia A Miss. 10 Biggest Dick Moves On Valentine's Day. 15 Clips You Really Have To Look At To Understand. 20 Reasons Why White People Can't Be Trusted. 21 Reasons Why CM Punk Is Loved By The WWE Universe. 8 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 21 Signs You Were Raised By Lawyers. 37 Things @Jack May Or May Not Agree With. 20 Ways To Eat A Tim Tam. 29 Things People With Curly Hair Can Simply Never Do. 10 Celebrities Who Shared Their First Kiss With Another Celebrity Lead The Daily Links. 30 Country Songs For A Lonely Heart. 8 Valentines To Send To The Food You Love. 25 Problems Only Meat Lovers Would Understand. 24 Signs You're A Writer. 21 Ridiculously Adorable Vintage Valentine's Day Cards. 17 Photos Of The Furry Faces Olympians Have To Leave At Home. 12 Comics That Will Ruin Your Childhood. 21 Annoying Cartoon Characters Every '90s Kid Loved To Hate. 31 Grilled Cheeses That Are Better Than A Boyfriend. 17 Facts That Prove Toronto Is The Most Underrated City. 18 Things You Need To Know About California's Worst Drought In Centuries. 15 Works Of Nail Art Inspired By Your Favorite Children's Books. 21 Valentine's Day Gifts Every Twentysomething Really Wants. 20 Breathtaking Photographs From The Largest Pride March In Mumbai's History. 18 Valentines From Leonardo DiCaprio That Are Necessary For Your Loved One. 13 Of The Weirdest Monopoly Editions Ever Created. 19 Reasons Having A Sister Seems Awesome. 15 Eerie Pictures Of A Classic Car Graveyard In Sweden. 8 Stunning Pictures Of The World's Last Surviving Tribes. 39 Jaw-Dropping Vintage Nasa Photographs. 23 On-The-Go Breakfasts That Are Actually Good For You. 12 Beautifully Re-Coloured Vintage Pictures Of Celebrities. 17 Dogs Who Shockingly Lost Their Puppy Bowl Bets. 7 Alarming Facts About How British Hitmen Really Work. 27 Red Velvet Desserts That Want To Be Your Valentine. 16 Reasons Wollongong Is The Happiest City In Australia. 20 Reasons Why You're The Awkward One In The Relationship. 15 Singers You Might Not Know Were Immortalized As Barbies. 13 Reasons The Madden Bowl Was A Lot Better Than The Super Bowl. 13 Classic Russian Paintings Reimagined With The Simpsons. 20 Actresses Who Can Truly Belt It Out. 37 Signs You Grew Up In Australia In The '90s. 28 Valentine's Day Cards You Haven't Seen Since The '90s. 50 French Songs You Need To Hear Before You Die. 8 Reality Shows That D.C. Really Needs. 10 Confessions From People Who Had Raging Internet Crushes. 17 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Shakira. 25 Reasons Why Bra Shopping Is Just A Total Nightmare. 43 Demonstrators Were Arrested In Idaho For Protesting For LGBT Rights. 12 Times ""Flappy Bird"" Drove Human Beings Into A Black Maw Of Existential Despair. 12 Of The Best Places To Study Abroad. 21 Shining Examples Of The Educational System At Work. 43 Photos Of Seattle Seahawks Fans Celebrating Their First Super Bowl Title. 22 Dogs Who Freakin' Loved Watching The Puppy Bowl. 13 Literary Books That Young Adult Readers Will Love. 18 Celebrity Equations That Totally Add Up. 19 Penises You Need To Visit Before You Die. 17 Tiny Things The Writers Of “Criminal Minds” Need You To Know. 16 Reasons Why ""Misery"" Is The Perfect Valentine's Day Movie. 10 DIY Ways To Survive Six More Weeks Of Winter. 28 Delicious Things To Cook In February. 55 Things That Happened Inside Howard Stern's Birthday Bash. 60 Adorable Real Vintage Wedding Photos From The '60s. 23 Delicious Salads To Get You Through Winter. 12 Disney Valentines That Will Destroy Your Childhood. 13 Awesome Childhood Toys That Made Bath Time Great. 19 Signs You're Olaf From ""Frozen"". 9 Videos You Can't Miss This Week. 21 Things You Didn't Know About Mary Lambert, The Featured Singer On Macklemore's ""Same Love"". 6 Super Bowl Commercials That Will Make You Reach For The Tissues. 20 Times Peyton Manning Looked Super-Duper Sad During The Super Bowl. 7 Even Worse Places To Hold The Super Bowl Than East Rutherford, New Jersey. 21 Things You're Doing Wrong In The Bathroom. 17 Reasons The Denver Broncos Are The Least Hateable Team In The NFL Playoffs. 11 People Who've Had Their Lives Ruined By Flappy Bird. 23 Reasons Richard Sherman Is Actually One Of The Most Likable Players In The NFL. 15 Sweet Treats To Get Your New York Valentine. 16 Comics That Socially Nervous People Understand. 9 Feature Stories We're Reading This Week. 11 Things We Learned From The Cast Of ""Vampire Academy"". 42 Traditional Finnish Foods That You Desperately Need In Your Life. 31 Impossibly Fun Wedding Ideas. 21 Beauty Regrets That Happen To The Best Of Us. 17 Marijuana Snacks To Eat During The Stoner Bowl. 7 Quick Dinners To Make This Week. 21 Weird Things People Actually Believed As Kids. 10 Struggles Of Having A Big Booty. 9 Times The Beatles Proved They Were Cheeky. 27 Deep Dark Fears That Will Make Your Skin Crawl. 17 Feel-Good French Films You Should Definitely Stream On Netflix. 52 Wedding Dresses That Aren't Strapless. 20 Things That Will Help You Through Your Long Distance Relationship. 13 Things Only Perpetually Cold People Will Understand. 29 Delicious Vegan Breakfasts. 25 Reasons Katy Perry Is The Queen. 12 Things I Learned At A Beyoncé Dance Class. 13 Celebrity #TBT Photos You May Have Missed This Week. 20 Reasons To Be Thankful For The Perfection That Is Harry Styles. 13 Pinterest Cleaning Tips That Don't Actually Work (And How To Make Them Better). 16 Insightful Gems On ""Lord Of The Rings"" From The Cast. 24 Creative Ways To Decorate Your Place For Free. 22 Things Only Yogis Will Understand. 27 Angry Reactions To Australia's Shark Cull. 25 Brand Slogans That Are Way More Accurate. 200 Close Friends Threw An Early Prom For Their Friend Who Was Diagnosed With Brain Cancer. 21 Wicked Disney Valentine's Day Cards From Your Favorite Villains. 21 Things Every Traveler Wishes They Owned. 21 Things You Don’t Get About Young People If You Were Born Before 1980. 19 Totally Forgotten Celebrity Couples Of The '00s. 21 Revealing Sculptures Of Characters From Your Childhood. 14 Paperbacks That Are Reenacting Their Own Plots. 10 Short Stories You Should Read This Winter. 9 Board Games To Get Really Excited About This Year. 8 Types Of Friends You Want In Your Late Twenties. 26 Ridiculously Sweet Valentine's Day Nail Art Designs. 33 Budgie Smugglers You Cannot Unsee. 31 Reasons You Can't Wait For Baseball Season. 7 Reasons Why Jennifer Lawrence Would Be An Amazing Best Friend. 19 Pieces Of Advice From Tami Taylor That Will Make You A Better Person. 10 Times Seth Meyers Cracked Up At His Own Jokes Lead The Daily Links. 10 Upsides Of Long-Distance Relationships. 21 Experiences Only The Overly-Enthusiastic Know To Be True. 23 Gifts You Should Give Your Butt For Valentine's Day. 15 Molten Lava Cakes You Could Fall Hard For. 23 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The Plant Kingdom. 31 Vines That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh. 20 Signs You're Filburt From ""Rocko's Modern Life"". 15 DIY Pom-Pom Projects For Jazzing Up Everyday Items. 101 Relationship Statuses Facebook Needs In These Confusing Times. 40 DIY Valentine's Day Gifts They'll Actually Want. 22 Travel Trends To Look Forward To In 2014. 33 Perfect Justin Timberlake Moments In Celebration Of His 33rd Birthday. 15 Reasons Why You Should Adopt Chinese New Year. 17 Scrumptious Ways To Eat A Creme Egg. 23 Experiences Every Non-Football Fan Has On Superbowl Sunday. 37 Reasons Bobby Moynihan Deserves To Have The Best 37th Birthday Ever. 7 Delicious Ways To Eat Pomegranate. 15 Incredibly Creative Examples Of Coffee Cup Art. 23 Photos Of Same-Sex Couples That Will Warm Your Heart. 21 Statues Who Are Having A Worse Day Than You. 24 Gifts People In Long-Term Relationships Actually Want To Receive. 8 Accurate Comics About The Anxiety Of Writers. 61 Adorable Behind-The-Scenes Moments At Puppy Bowl X. 17 Kangaroos That Can Kick Your Butt. 20 Brightly-Hued Ways To Eat Blood Oranges. 23 Reasons Annie Was The Cooler Twin In ""The Parent Trap"". 22 Times Lana Del Rey Fell Asleep While Singing. 7 Things You Should Never Say To Women. 15 Reasons Why Being An Australian Beach Lifeguard Is The Best Job Ever. 19 Things You Probably Didn't Know About ""The Castle"". 20 Things Female Sports Fans Are Tired Of Hearing. 21 Stages Of Having A Shoe Addiction. 22 Reasons Why Everyone Loves The Sunflower State. 14 Ways Dumbledore Was The Sassiest Wizard Of All Time. 25 Times Cartoons Were In Love With Pizza. 21 Times Justin Timberlake Wore Some Very Cringeworthy Fashions. 23 Signs You're The Marnie Of Your Friend Group. 32 Pictures Of Katy Perry's Style Evolution. 13 Signs Pregnancy Has Turned You Into An 80-Year-Old Man. 22 Bill Murray Gifts For Your Quirky Valentine. 19 Signs You Are From Brooklyn. 21 Unexpected Side Effects Of Working 9 To 5. 17 Ways Disney Movie Scenes Could Have Gone Way, Way Worse. 42 Things That Happened During My Day With The Second Most Famous Pomeranian In The World. 24 Celebrity Bobs That Will Make You Wish You Had Shorter Hair. 11 Everyday Things That Once Could Have Killed You. 9 Times The ""American Horror Story: Coven"" Finale Borrowed From ""Asylum"". 25 Completely Scientific Reasons Why Women Live Longer Than Men. 13 Things The Cast Of ""Game Of Thrones"" Is Thinking In The New Season. 23 Things I Learned About Cable News By Hanging Out With CNN At State Of The Union. 22 Signs You're The Shoshanna Of Your Friend Group. 331 Things That Are Way More Exciting Than Actually Watching The Super Bowl. 16 New ""Game Of Thrones"" Season 4 Photos!. 9 Bizarre Patents That Prove The Past Was A Nightmare. 21 Celebs You Just Know You'd Be BFFs With. 30 Inspirational Bible Verse Tattoos. 11 Biggest Problems You'll Have Being An NFL Lineman In Congress. 14 Things We Learned From Bob Saget, John Stamos And Dave Coulier's Reddit AmA. 10 Ways Bacon Is Already The Winner Of 2014. 17 Dogs Who Know All About The Friend Zone. 15 Stories That Will Restore Your Faith In The Next Generation. 27 Men Who Were Defeated By Shopping. 32 Reasons Myrtle Snow Should Actually Be The Next Supreme. 26 Times ""One Tree Hill"" Kept You Up At Night. 10 Ways To Kick Your Shoe Addiction Lead The Daily Links. 7 Surprising And Noteworthy Artists That Performed At The Peach Pit After Dark. 8 Problems Only Dogs Understand. 22 Reasons Why Everyone Should Love The WWE's Daniel Bryan. 7 Ways The ABC Could Be More On Australia's Side. 18 Reasons You Should Date A Vegetarian. 11 Secrets Pilots Don't Want You To Know. 8 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 17 Times Winston Churchill Proved He's The Prime Minister Of Burns. 22 Movies That Will Make You Happy To Be Single. 28 Reasons John Elway Was, Is, And Always Will Be A Badass. 40 Unconventional DIY Valentine's Day Cards. 15 Alleged Juicy Secrets About Your Favorite Reality Shows. 24 Foods You Hated As A Kid But Love Now. 21 Reasons You Should De-Friend Your Parents. 21 Things Introverts Are Tired Of Hearing. 51 Pictures Of Summer Across America To Help You Feel Warm. 17 Reasons Mr. Darcy Isn't Actually That Great. 16 Things Exploding In Slow Motion. 21 Powerful Portraits Of Afghan Refugee Children. 32 Reasons Why Lena Dunham Is Absolutely Brilliant. 19 Startling Photos Of The Snow In Florida. 21 Fantastic Oprah Winfrey Outfits From Her Early Career. 20 Things Every Woman Understands But Doesn't Want To Talk About. 18 Revelations From George Clooney's Reddit AMA. 9 Things Joe Biden Did At The State Of The Union That Were More Interesting Than Obama's Speech. 29 Gospels From The Mouth Of Daniel Radcliffe. 22 Struggles All Curvy Girls Know To Be True. 95 X-Men Members Ranked From Worst To Best. 15 Vintage Photos Of Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, And Other Folk Legends From The '60s And '70s. 27 Ways Britney Spears' Career Could Have Been Totally Different. 21 Totally Adorable Homemade Valentines To Make With Kids. 21 Truly Insane Stories Behind Your Favorite Foods. 19 Ways Shoshanna From ""Girls"" Is An Inspiration. 20 Verra Verra Braw Reasons Why Sam Heughan Is The Perfect Jamie Fraser. 20 Of The Junkiest Books About Drugs You’ll Ever Read. 6 Foods You're Eating Wrong. 17 Things Only Kids Can Find Hilariously Entertaining. 29 Secret Anxieties Of Girls With Natural Hair. 12 Times ""Family Matters"" Was The Weirdest Show On TV. 21 Reasons Karl Stefanovic Is The Greatest Australian Journalist Of All Time. 19 Hilariously Dull British Postcards. 26 Signs You Were A Business Major. 26 Decisions That Are Incredibly Difficult For Third Culture Kids. 17 Signs You're In A Relationship With A Burrito. 23 Ways Long-Distance BFFs Survive. 21 Reasons Why Old People Are The Best People On The Internet. 18 Post-Super Bowl Episodes By The Numbers. 14 Dos And Don'ts Of Throwing A Bachelor Party. 22 Reasons Having A Brother Seems Awesome. 33 Ways That Mark Ruffalo's Character In ""13 Going On 30"" Ruined Men For You. 35 Frustrating Things About Playing Video Games In The '90s. 14 Tips For Preparing For Your First Magic: The Gathering Tournament. 19 Ways Steve Urkel Inspired You As A Kid. 8 Hot Celeb Food-Holes That Make You Question The Sanity Of Kissing. 21 Badass GIFs To Get You Amped For Slopestyle At The Sochi Olympics. 17 Terrible Puns To Brighten Your Day. 44 Amazing Places You Wish You Could Nap Right Now. 24 Ways To Tell You Don't Understand Work-Life Balance. 19 Genuinely Funny Ways To Tell The World You're Having A Baby. 17 Animals Saying Ha-Ay. 17 Things The Over-Forties Believe About The Under-Thirties. 21 Unexpected Side Effects Of Being In A Relationship. 22 Stunning Aerial Photos That Reveal A Beauty From Above. 90 Cows Exploded A Barn In Germany With Their Farts. 23 Reasons Nothing In This World Is More Disgusting Than Fish. 26 Things That Happen When You Move To Los Angeles. 9 Ridiculously Expensive Celebrity Wedding Registry Gifts. 10 Valentine's Day DIYs For Your Favorite People. 14 Reasons Your New Year's Resolution Diet Never Sticks. 4 Major Reasons Why People Are Protesting In Ukraine. 21 Reasons Why Peggy Hill Is An Inspiration To Womankind. 3 Things That Could Negatively Impact The U.S. Economy This Year. 20 Striking Portraits Created Through A Unique Father-Son Collaboration. 23 Invaluable Life Lessons You Learned From Jim Henson. 28 Problems Only Ridiculously Good-Looking People Have. 14 Weird Vintage Beauty Ads. 22 Reasons You Should Be In Chile Right Now. 17 Times Quinn Morgendorffer Was The Smartest Person On ""Daria"". 13 Weeds You Can Eat Without Dying. 15 Animals Who Are Terrible Hiders But Don't Tell Them Cuz They're So Cute About It. 9 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 12 Manicures For Super Bowl XLVII. 11 Things You Should Never Say To People With Curly Hair Lead The Daily Links. 29 Reasons You Wish Mindy Lahiri Was Your Big Sister. 9 Brain Farts You Know Too Well. 16 Common Surnames With Awesome Secret Meanings. 20 People Who Desperately Need Your Love. 42 Ridiculous Out-Of-Context Panels From Anime And Manga. 19 Things Only New Yorkers Are Weird Enough To Do. 21 Things Only People With No Butt Whatsoever Understand. 21 Stars Who Skipped The Grammys And Went Straight To The Grammy After-Parties. 39 Absolutely Perfect Comic Sans Valentine's Day Cards. 16 Signs You Are So Over Winter. 21 People You'll Meet In Every Pub. 16 Social Theories And Relationship Rules From ""How I Met Your Mother"". 21 Celebrity Instagrams From The Grammys That You Need To See. 19 Names For Oddly Specific Phobias. 25 Boy Band Songs To Help Get You Through The Day. 25 Behind-The-Scenes Photos You Missed From The Grammys. 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Get Mad About Macklemore Winning So Many Grammys. 23 Kids You Meet As A Parent. 25 Reasons Drinking When You're Underage Is The Worst. 24 Utterly Bizarre Japanese Ice Cream Flavors. 19 Reasons The Grammys Were Just The Jay Z And Beyoncé Show. 15 Perfectly Pleasing Symmetrical Breakfasts. 23 People Tackling A Muddy Assault Course Who Will Make Your Monday Seem Bearable. 7 Photos From One Of The Only Gay Bars In Sochi. 11 Extraordinarily Racy Works Of Vintage Erotica. 33 Things Pharrell Is Hiding Under His Hat. 19 Essential Cleaning Hacks For The Workout Addict. 11 Reasons Your Next Trip Should Be To Cinque Terre. 34 Couples Got Married During Macklemore And Ryan Lewis' Grammys Performance. 12 Things More Likely To Kill You Than A Shark. 8 People Madonna Looked Like At The Grammys. 12 Things Katy Perry Looked Like At The Grammys. 11 Celebrities Who Wanted To Be The Next Supreme At The Grammys. 24 Reasons Why P!nk Is The Role Model Every Girl Should Have. 23 Epic Literary Love Tattoos. 12 Grammy Facts That Prove The Awards Kind Of Mean Nothing. 31 Last-Minute Super Bowl Party Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier. 34 Couples To Marry At The Grammys During Macklemore's ""Same Love"". 8 Awesome Kids With Awesome Pets. 16 Hotels That Are So Cool You'll Want To Stay Forever. 9 Feature Stories We're Reading This Week. 23 Embarrassingly Ironic Complaints On Twitter. 17 Reasons To Fill Up On Bread. 15 Very Unique Ryan Gosling Items You Can Buy On Etsy. 19 Cartoon-Themed Foods And Snacks From The '90s You Might Not Remember. 9 Videos You Can't Miss This Week. 38 Breathtaking Pictures From The Early Days Of The London Underground. 32 Massive Pictures Of The World's Biggest Aircraft. 23 Cute Football Snacks For Your Super Bowl Party. 21 Reasons Birthday Cake Is, And Always Will Be, Better Than Cupcakes. 33 Scary Things Our Moms Didn't Know They Had To Be Afraid Of. 14 Alternative Australian Flags That Don't Feature Britain's Flag Too. 33 Ways You Know You're Australian. 16 Tasty Twists On Classic Aussie Treats. 22 Reasons Why Straight White Boys Are Actually The Worst. 30 Things To Avoid Before The Age Of 30. 27 Awesome Nail Art Designs For Australia Day. 17 Things Celebrities Did This Week. 16 Things Australians Take For Granted. 21 Mutts Muggin'. 23 Things You May Not Know About Tim Burton And His Movies. 21 Sundance Movies You Need To Know About. 31 Cuddly And Delicious Beds Of Polenta. 26 Reasons You Don't Need Meat At Your Super Bowl Party. 10 Super Bowl Facts You Should Know. 13 Easy Steps To Understanding Bitcoins From Hannah Hart. 30 Punny Valentines For Everyone You Love. 52 Things Only '90s Teenage Guys Can Understand. 33 Moments In Life That Are More Important Than You Think. 29 Denim Brands You Totally Forgot Existed. 9 Secret Uses For Your Everyday Bathroom Products. 21 Pointlessly Gendered Products. 27 Truly Magnificent Peanut Butter Desserts. 8 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 11 Celebrity #TBT Photos You May Have Missed This Week. 13 Of The Most Adorable Little Princesses At Disneyland. 7 Beautifully Bizarre Marriage Proposal Locations Lead The Daily Links. 8 Reasons Why ""Outside Mullingar"" Is Debra Messing's Best Gig Yet. 25 Signs You Drink Too Much Wine. 8 Reasons A Catcall Is Not A Compliment. 14 Reasons You Should Visit Your Local Sex Shop. 28 Reasons Why Bruce Lee Was Better Than Your Favorite Superhero. 15 Young People Convinced They Are Super Old. 19 Highly Important Zoo Animal Reviews. 21 Things Your White Boyfriend Needs To Hear According To Twitter. 27 Reasons Anne Hathaway Is Actually America's Sweetheart. 12 Mind-Bending Facts About Your Brain. 9 Weirdly Plausible Fake ""New Scientist"" Headlines. 25 Ways Trains Are The Most Glorious Way To Travel. 29 Struggles That Only People With Big Butts Will Understand. 6 Enlightening Revelations From A Porn Star Training Video. 13 Times People Were Batman In Real Life. 10 Things We Learned From Katy Perry In Her GQ Interview. 19 Paradoxical Statements That Perfectly Describe Your Life. 26 Reasons The NBA In The '90s Was Awesome. 21 Times Kelly Kapowski Taught Us How To Live. 16 Tricks Women Can Use To Master Public Speaking. 11 Delicious And Sexy Martinis For Winter Nights. 15 Things All Metalheads Will Appreciate. 12 Delightfully Passive Aggressive Comics. 16 Signs You Were An English Major. 19 Songs To Warm You Up On A Chilly Day. 24 Kick-Ass Ways To Cook Homemade Seitan. 14 Urinals You Have To Pee In Before You Die. 17 Fictional Characters Who'd Make Terrible Real-Life Friends Lead The Daily Links. 23 Sexy Actors Who Could Serenade You To Sleep. 10 Most Random Avengers Of All Time. 17 Reasons Why Catdance Is Better Than Sundance. 17 Signs You're Not A Makeup Person. 10 Reasons That Social Skills Are Important In Running A Mercenary Company. 9 Unretouched Photos Of Disney Princesses That Disney Didn't Want You To See. 15 Quintessentially New York City Terms. 10 Signs You're A Total Aquarius. 17 Hilariously Terrible Movies Everyone Should See. 11 Reasons Wonder Woman Is The Real Star Of The Justice League. 19 Signs Your Best Friend Might Be A Serial Killer. 15 Things That Happen When You Fall In Love With A Big Can Of Soup. 2 GIFs Of Justin Bieber's Mugshot Morphing Into Miley Cyrus' Face That Prove They Look Identical. 25 Mouthwatering Facts About Fish And Chips. 32 Celebrities Who Have Been Arrested For DUIs. 13 Young, Secular People Who Also Believe Abortion Is Wrong. 12 Other Crimes Against Humanity That Justin Bieber Has Committed. 19 Things That The New York Times Magazine ""Planet Hillary"" Cover Looks Like. 19 Scientific Reasons Why You Should Take More Naps. 17 Most Shocking Moments From The First 99 Episodes Of ""The Vampire Diaries"". 27 Signs You Are A Shiba Inu. 27 Reasons Perkins Is The Holiest & Most Perfect Of Restaurants. 21 Things No One Tells You About Having A Baby. 14 Jaw-Droppingly Gorgeous Celebrity Portraits. 7 ""Facts"" About The Brain That Are Not True. 31 GIFs So Perfectly Looped That It's Physically Gratifying. 30 Products That Will Save Your Sensitive Skin. 18 Things That Happen When You Move A Lot. 17 Atmospheric Pictures Of The London Underground With No-One Around. 25 Reasons Andy Dwyer From ""Parks & Recreation"" Should Be Your Life Coach. 26 Moments When You Were Too Romantic For Your Own Good. 14 Books Every Food Lover Should Read. 28 Rules To Be The Quintessential Mexican Charro. 23 Essential Snacks Every Super Bowl Party Should Have. 15 U.S. Olympians Posing With A Siberian Husky Puppy Is The Cutest Thing You'll See Today. 23 People Who Aren't Afraid Of A Little Snow. 37 Super Bowl Snacks Better Than Hot Wings. 10 Pieces Of Photographic Evidence That Roger Federer Is Back Kicking Ass And Taking Names. 17 Reasons Betty Who Will Blow Up The Music Scene In 2014. 16 Quotes That Will Make You Want To Cuddle Up With A Book. 34 Reasons Why Lily Allen Is The Queen Of Nail Art. 1 Tiny Dog Face That Will Leave You Breathless And Melt Your Heart Until You're In The Emergency Room Begging God To Spare Your Life. 12 Recipes Everyone Needs For Romance. 9 Video Games Based On Classic Literature. 15 Things That Happen When You Date A Southerner. 23 Things That Would Happen If Knitters Ran The World. 21 Ways To Take Mashed Potatoes To The Next Level. 12 Historic Bars Every Book Nerd Needs To Visit. 28 Problems Only Chicago Drivers Will Understand. 10 Things Only People With Attention Problems Understand. 9 Banned iPhone Apps. 8 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 15 Ways Dr. Mindy Lahiri Has Stepped Up The Fashion Game. 4 Easy Pranks You Can Pull Right Now. 23 Moments When Nick Miller Is Ridiculously Relatable. 22 Times ""The Vampire Diaries"" Had The Answer. 24 Musicians Who Somehow Don't Have Grammy Awards Lead The Daily Links. 35 Unanswered Questions From Jesse And The Ripper’s ""Forever"" Music Video. 13 Ways Lindsay Lohan Is An Instagram Expert. 15 Reasons Logan Echolls Was The Best Part Of ""Veronica Mars"". 19 Things That Are Guaranteed To Ruin Any Date. 23 Things That Suck About Living In A Small Town In Rural America. 11 Comics Every Introvert Will Understand. 17 Brutally Honest Greeting Cards Every Married Couple Needs. 27 Struggles Only Film Students Understand. 27 Stages You Have To Go Through To Find A New Flatmate. 24 Signs You're More Mature Than You Think. 17 Reasons J.K. Rowling Should Seriously Consider Publishing A ""Harry Potter"" Prequel. 23 Delicious Ways To Cook A Pork Shoulder. 21 Corgis Who Will Make You Say ""Dat Ass"". 29 Astounding Soviet Propaganda Images Promoting Racial Equality. 10 Awesome DIY Projects For Bloggers. 30 Things Guys In Their Thirties Are Afraid To Admit. 11 Pairs Of Meggings That Prove That Meggings Should Not Exist. 14 Reasons Sara Bareilles Deserves To Win ""Album Of The Year"". 25 Vegan Recipes For Super Bowl Sunday. 25 Easy Party Dips You Can Make In 20 Minutes. 23 Signs You Work In Sales. 33 Flawless Texts From The Whedonverse. 11 Facts Everyone Should Know About Orca Captivity. 24 Ways To Get Siri To Bring Out Her True Sassiness. 18 Celebrities You Didn't Know Were Really Short. 15 Signs You're Ready To Go Back To College After Winter Break. 14 Rejected 'Lucas Uses Venmo' Ads. 18 Teachers Who Are Real Life Heroes. 18 Cures For The Obesity Epidemic, As Told By Disney's ""Heavyweights"". 20 Kids At This Year's Sundance Film Festival Who Totally Stole The Show. 18 Cartoons From The ‘90s You Probably Forgot Existed. 13 Times We Knew Bennifer Couldn't Last. 21 Clever Tricks To Make Any Wedding So Much Easier. 24 Reasons Why Growing Up In The Countryside Sucks. 18 Novels That Speak Truth To Prejudice. 15 Wonderful Ways To Improve Your Closet. 18 Incredibly Simple Things Any Man Can Do To Look Better. 27 Moments To Remember From The Season Finale Of ""The Following"". 30 Reasons ""Now And Then"" Was A Defining Childhood Movie For Girls. 16 Things Teen Girls Wore In The Winter Of 1996. 10 Weird Superstitions About Death. 23 Ways Your Wedding Could Be Ruined. 9 Feature Stories We're Reading This Week. 33 Insanely Clever Things Your Small Apartment Needs. 15 Iconic People You Had No Idea Were The Same Age. 9 Videos You Can't Miss This Week. 30 Songs You'd Probably Hear In Eric Forman's Basement. 17 Revealing Facts About Shaun White. 14 Everyday Items That Just Can't Take It Anymore. 18 Penguins Falling Over. 17 Things Celebrities Did This Week. 15 Pictures Of Grilled Cheeses That Will Bring Out The Closet Foodie In You. 13 Celebrity #TBT Photos You May Have Missed This Week. 24 Oscar Nominees You Can Watch Online Now. 18 Ways You Know Cleaning Just Isn't For You. 23 Random Juxtapositions That Probably Shouldn't Exist. 21 Desserts That Are Really Excited To See You. 14 Reasons School Is Basically Torture For Left-Handed People. 23 Mind-Blowing Assembly Line GIFs Lead The Daily Links. 13 Things You Can Get For Free Right Now. 9 Reasons Why Everyone In Washington Should Miss Tom Coburn. 18 Awesome Benefits Of Having A Jewish Best Friend. 7 Reasons Women Should Not Give A Flying F*** About Queefing. 50 Gorgeous Wedding Dress Details That Are Utterly To Die For. 21 Amazing Parenting Apps That Will Make Your Life Easier. 21 Chickens Just Doin' Chicken Stuff. 22 Side Effects Of Working A Boring Job. 15 Things Flat-Chested Girls Will Understand. 21 Ways Naming A Baby Will Drive You Crazy. 18 Celebrity Instagrams You Need To See This Week. 23 Oddly Specific Netflix Categories That Only Have One Show You Can Watch. 10 Formative Books Every Young Gay Man Should Read.. 28 Famous People Who Are Good At Something Besides Being Famous. 8 Signs You're Too Old To Be Watching ""Teen Wolf"". 19 Things People Swear They'll Never Do Until They Have Kids. 16 Old-Fashioned Things '80s And '90s Girls Loved. 18 Problems Only Men With Large Members Will Understand. 22 Brilliantly British Board Games. 50 Highly Anticipated Films At The 2014 Sundance Film Festival. 7 Most Exciting Moments From ""The Walking Dead"" Season 4 Trailer. 13 Of The Funniest Things Kids Have Said To Their Teachers. 19 Signs You're As Supreme As Jessica Lange. 10 Signs Your Parents Are Overinvolved In Your Life. 22 Things That Can Easily Ruin Any Man's Day. 15 Inspiring Pieces Of Life Advice From Amy Poehler. 19 Things Only Geminis Understand. 25 Monstrously Huge Novels That Are Totally Worth Your Time Lead The Daily Links. 21 Hilarious And Important Things Zooey Deschanel Has Tweeted. 15 Reasons To Love Brandi From ""The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills"". 10 Breathtaking Photos Of The Northern Lights, Taken On A Scottish Island. 21 Animals Preparing For The Winter Olympics. 8 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 24 Reasons You Were Obsessed With Women's Figure Skating In The '90s. 19 Reasons Lisa Rinna Is Gravely Underrated On Twitter. 14 Reasons Peyton Manning And Tom Brady Are Exactly The Same Person. 22 Reasons Why Commas Are The Most Important Things In The World. 16 Reasons Why The San Francisco 49ers Are The Most Fearsome Team In The Playoffs. 17 Book-Inspired Accessories You'll Want Immediately. 25 People Who Prove The Thirst Is Truly Real. 8 Things You Learn To Appreciate After Moving Back Home. 12 Reasons Why ""Parenthood"" Is The Realest Show On TV. 10 Awkward Moments When You're Unemployed. 28 Signs You Were A High School Choir Geek. 13 Rad Ideas For A Tattoo-Inspired Wedding. 16 British Chocolates That Will Make You Want To Move To The U.K. Immediately. 10 Embarrassing Early Roles Of Oscar Nominees. 26 Food Swaps To Make You Healthier. 16 Random Jelly Belly Combinations That Totally Work. 39 Dogs Who Will Make You Question Evolution. 25 Foods You Probably Haven't Eaten Since You Were A Kid. 8 Terrifying True Facts About Dentists. 12 Fundamentals Of Writing ""The Other"" (And The Self). 10 Things You Didn't Know About Girl Scout Cookies Lead The Daily Links. 37 People Trying Not To Melt In The Hottest Place On Earth. 29 Things That Can Easily Ruin A Woman's Day. 9 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 10 Movies That Define Pittsburgh. 11 Reasons You Should Love Clowns. 19 Things You Don't Miss After Graduating College. 12 Signs You're Deadpool. 21 Signs Working Out Just Isn't For You. 21 Signs You Were Raised By A Television. 36 White People Who Need To Be Stopped. 10 Revealing Facts About Your Behavior. 30 Awful Things About Riding Public Transportation Every Day. 21 Reasons Target Is A Midwestern Utopia. 29 Confessions From The Gaming Widows Of Whisper. 28 Things That People With Big Boobs Can Simply Never Do. 26 Reasons ""Peep Show"" Is Pretty Much Your Life. 16 Reasons Being Petite Is The Cutest Thing Ever. 11 Reasons Why Migraines Aren’t Regular Headaches. 21 Things That Happen When You Don't Eat Meat. 15 ""Harry Potter"" Deleted Scenes That Will Give You All The Feels. 22 Things You'll Understand If You Were Raised By Two Moms. 25 Struggles Only The Perpetually Weepy Will Understand. 17 Horrifying Middle Class Injuries. 23 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Pokémon. 20 Reasons To Be Legitimately Terrified Of Space. 28 Reasons To Worship Louise Brealey, AKA Molly From ""Sherlock"". 15 Surprising Facts About Birth Control. 9 Dream Castings For ""Frozen: The Musical"". 7 Bands You Should See At 'Big Day Out' That Aren't Headlining. 19 Things That Happen When You Don't Wear Makeup. 11 Reasons Blair Waldorf Is The Baddest Bitch In NYC. 18 Powerful Photos Of The Forgotten Indigenous Soldiers Of World War I. 16 Wedding Gifts You Will Get No Matter What. 26 Lessons You Only Learn In Progressive School. 13 Lessons We Could Learn From Miley Cyrus And Her Mom. 13 Things You Can't Do With A Broken Arm. 38 Pets Who Celebrated ""Dress Your Pet Up Day"" In Style. 19 Inexplicable Moments From Japanese Game Shows. 44 Classic French Meals You Need To Try Before You Die. 8 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 15 Reasons Dating In Your Early Twenties Is Nearly Impossible. 28 Actors Who Started On ""Law & Order"" Lead The Daily Links. 24 Foods You Can Eat After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Out. 25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie ""Titanic"". 10 Ramen Foods Even Crazier Than The Ramen Burger. 14 Online Comics Censored In China. 35 Amazing Behind-The-Scenes Photos From The Original ""Star Wars"" Trilogy. 16 Signs You Are At A South Asian Wedding. 19 Questions New Yorkers Ask When Visiting Los Angeles. 25 Reasons Rihanna Is The King Of Instagram Replies. 20 Things You Didn't Know About ""Pulp Fiction"". 13 ""Adventure Time"" Quotes To Get You Through A Rough Day. 30 Reasons Greyhounds Are Gentle Giants And You Should Adopt One. 26 Delightful Pictures Of The London Underground In The '70s And '80s. 15 Majestic Pictures Of Peter Capaldi Owning His New ""Doctor Who"" Role. 20 Things Every Modern Office Should Have In 2014. 60 Things That Defined Your Childhood In India. 8 Sexiest Bachelors Of Congress. 12 Astonishing Facts About Your Body. 8 Reasons To Miss Gray's Papaya In The West Village. 14 Emotions You'll Feel While Job Hunting As Told By ""Mean Girls"". 10 Paleo Cookie Recipes That Will Blow Your Mind. 16 Supposedly Healthy Foods With More Sugar Than A Snickers Bar. 13 Reasons The Ocean Might Never Be The Same. 15 Whimsically Surreal GIFs To Get Lost In. 6 Informative Illustrations Of Poets And Their Homes. 20 Times Your Parents Embarrassed You In High School. 33 ""Clueless"" References You Missed As A Kid. 9 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 10 Ways Sherlock And Sheldon Cooper Are The Exact Same Person. 23 Uniquely Australian Status Updates. 19 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie ""The Birdcage"". 21 Delightful Reasons To Have More Sex. 16 More Little Books For Long Journeys. 15 Ways To Eat More Feta And Be Happier In Life. 7 Struggles Every Pale Person Can Understand. 27 Ways The Capybara Is The Life Of The Party. 10 Comics That Capture The Anxiety Of Graduation. 21 People Who Are Secretly Poetic Geniuses. 19 Things You Miss After Graduating College. 15 Reasons Camels Are Nightmare Creatures From Hell. 22 Things That Are F**king Metal. 5 Helpfully Unhelpful Life Advice. 10 DIY Ways To Brighten Up Winter. 21 Important Lessons Lumpy Space Princess Taught Us About Feminism. 19 Signs You're In A Relationship With Hummus. 38 Excellent Photos From Golden Globe After Parties. 11 Tremendously Geeky Facts About ""Goldeneye"" On The N64. 15 Best Dressed Men At The Golden Globes. 29 Celebrity Instagrams From The Golden Globes That You Need To See. 19 Things From 2004 That Will Make You Feel Old. 26 Tell-Tale Symptoms That Show You're Suffering From Writer's Block. 17 Things You Should Know Before Going To Mars. 117 Buffyverse Characters, Ranked From Worst To Best. 14 Things Celebrities Looked Like At The Golden Globes. 14 Movies In 2014 That Aren't Sequels, Prequels, Reboots, Or Adaptations. 20 Ways To Hold A Golden Globe. 20 Hilarious And Ridiculous Knock-Off Toys. 19 Absolutely Necessary Products For Lazy People. 20 Signs You're Obsessed With Awards Season. 16 Books To Read Before They Hit Theaters This Year. 50 Clever DIY Ways To Organize Your Entire Life. 21 Reasons To Be Thankful For The Godly Gift That Is Zayn Malik. 15 Reasons Coconut Oil Is Your Best Friend. 21 Painfully Honest Cakes For Every Occasion. 23 Movies That Are Turning 20 Years Old In 2014. 11 Terrifyingly Violent Illustrations Of Classic Childhood Characters. 22 Simple Ways To Start Eating Healthier This Year. 19 Things You Probably Didn't Know About ""Pretty Woman"". 12 Ways Fast Food Companies Trick You Into Eating More Junk. 21 Wonderful Behind-The-Scenes Photos Of ""I Love Lucy"". 9 Videos You Can't Miss This Week. 9 Feature Stories We're Reading This Week. 19 Breathtaking Pieces Of SWAG Available At The U.S. Senate Gift Shop. 11 Quotes Said To Sexual Assault Survivors By Their Family Members. 25 Cats Trying To Make It Through Their Twenties. 30 Times You Wanted To Smack The Smug Off The New England Patriots' Faces. 18 Of The Dopest Rhymes From '90s Kid's Commercials. 23 Vintage Video Games You Won't Believe Exist. 10 Weird Facts That Will Make You Question Everything. 10 Facts You Thought Were B.S. But Are Actually True. 6 Mildly Rude Things You Would(n't) Consider Doing On A Bad Day. 19 Basic Life Skills They Should Teach In School. 21 Meals With Tons Of Protein And No Meat. 17 Things That Scare You About Babies Before You Have One. 13 Pieces Of Witchcraft That Are Actually Science. 23 Football Logos Redesigned In The Style Of European Soccer Logos. 16 Monstrosities From The World's Worst Waxwork Museum. 24 Reasons Husbands Can't Be Trusted To Do Anything Right. 3 Exciting Ways To Add Whole Grains To Your Breakfast. 17 Things Only Virgos Know To Be True. 19 Problems Only People With Straight Hair Will Understand. 23 Things The New Person You're Dating Is Hiding. 19 Celebrity Instagrams You Need To See This Week. 15 Crucial Items You Need On Your Wedding Day, According To Pinterest. 18 Things The Cat Of A Twentysomething Is Thinking. 32 Reasons Kate Middleton Is The Most Perfect Human Being Alive. 7 Car Hacks That Will Change Your Life. 40 Movies That Define Los Angeles. 12 Books To Read While Getting Sober. 17 Things Twentysomethings Wish Were True. 7 Sexy Things Guys Do Without Realizing It. 15 Grooming Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier. 25 Awesomely Illustrated Netflix Envelopes. 15 Reasons January Is Actually The Best Month Of The Year. 29 Signs You've Studied Abroad In Barcelona. 17 Things You're Tired Of Hearing If You're An Only Child. 18 Whisper App Confessions That Are A Window To The Soul. 24 Things You Wish You Could Put On Your Resumé. 25 Awesome Demolition GIFs. 23 Of The Weirdest Songs On Soundcloud. 27 Signs We Are All Tina Belcher From ""Bob's Burgers"". 10 ""Girls"" Parodies Worth Watching. 7 Problems Women Have With India's First Gun For Women. 25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie ""Fight Club"". 28 Reasons Clair Huxtable Is Perfection Embodied. 5 Reasons Beer Pong Is Stupid, According To Charles Barkley. 16 Brutally Honest Greeting Cards Every Twentysomething Needs. 11 Downton Abbey Crafts Fit For A Castle. 28 People Who Revealed Their Greatest Insecurities In A Powerful Photography Project. 33 Reasons To Love The Cats Of The Middle East. 15 Signs You Go To A ""Ring By Spring"" School. 24 Expensive Things That Aren't Worth The Money. 23 Movie Moments That Scarred You For Life As A Child. 6 Ways Cats Show Their Appreciation For You. 14 Of The Most Baffling Journalist Requests Ever. 24 Ways You Might Be A Hoarder. 14 Things You Didn't Even Realize You Stopped Doing. 20 Signs You're Obsessed With Your Cat. 19 Perfect Minimalist Rap Posters. 20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter. 25 Beautiful Quotes About Snow. 22 Reasons You Should Never Step Into An MMA Ring. 8 Times 'A Current Affair' Changed The Way We Look At The World. 24 Early Britney Outfits You Can't Unsee. 27 Baby Animals That Will Instantly Make Your Day Better. 12 Wickedly Beautiful Perfume Bottles Inspired By Iconic Disney Villains. 21 Signs You Are In ""Scandal"" Withdrawal. 20 Things You Should Probably Have Stopped Doing By Now. 38 Of The Most Hilarious Fast Food Sign Fails Lead The Daily Links. 2016 GOP Contenders And Their Biggest Scandals To Date. 16 Works That Ernest Hemingway Thought A Young Writer Should Read. 23 Reasons You Wish Danny Castellano Were Your Boyfriend. 27 Signs You Suffer From Shy Girl Syndrome. 19 Reasons Why Being A Knicks Fan Is Worse Than Being Eaten Alive By Werewolves. 38 Reasons The FBI Needs To Leave Juggalos Alone. 18 Reasons You Should Switch To The Menstrual Cup. 39 Times Neal Caffrey Was The Sexiest Man On TV. 23 Animals Who Are Completely Over Their New Years Resolutions. 20 Things Germaphobes Are Terrified Of. 21 Truly Upsetting Vintage Recipes. 9 TV Shows You Can Stream Only On Amazon Prime. 21 Things You Should Throw Away Right Now. 22 Awesome Things About Being 22. 27 Reasons Cauliflower Deserves Your Love And Loyalty. 19 Lingering Questions From Archie Comics. 42 Ways To Up Your Pancake Game. 20 Steps To Living Your Life Like Lily Tomlin. 19 Reasons Living Alone Is The Best. 26 Things That Happen When Your Significant Other Is Out Of Town. 23 Things You Missed At The People's Choice Awards. 18 Ways Juicing Is Taking Over Your Life. 21 Dogs Perfecting The Art Of Air Swimming. 18 Surefire Signs You Are A Psychology Major. 12 Vintage Photos Of NYC In Winter That Will Warm Your Heart. 9 Ways To Protect Yourself In The Event Of Alien Abduction. 6 Awesome Songs That Make 6 New Movies Better. 16 Vietnamese Restaurants Obsessed With Puns. 28 Things You're Only Afraid Of If You Live In Chicago. 25 Things You'll Experience Working A Ski Season. 15 Photos That Prove Ja'mie King Can Do Anything. 26 Things You Need To Do Before You Graduate High School. 9 Surprising Facts About eBay. 18 Body Positive Style Bloggers You Should Be Following. 18 Ways To Get Involved At Your Kid’s School. 22 Reasons Rachel From ""Friends"" Would Make An Awesome BFF. 18 Ways To Make The Best Of Your Twenties. 47 Signs You'll Only See In Australia. 13 Steps Of Conflict Resolution With Bravo's Biggest Divas. 10 Things Orlando Jones Would Give You If He Were Oprah. 29 Delicious Whole Wheat Pasta Dishes. 20 Californians Throwing The Good Weather In Everyone Else's Face. 35 Foods From Your Childhood That Are Extinct Now. 7 Reasons Why Tim Tebow Is Actually A Great Fit For ESPN. 24 Crazy Things That Have Already Happened This Year In Florida. 13 Lies You Believe Until You Examine Your Finances. 12 Ways You'll Actually Enjoy Eating More Greens In 2014. 11 Highly Accurate Comics About Smartphones. 33 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Disney Parks. 13 Images Showing What Life Is Like For Gay And Lesbian Russians. 21 Cats Who Are Secretly Excellent Readers. 12 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Dolphins. 18 Things (And 3 Penises) You Can Draw While Running. 7 Movie Posters Improved By One-Star Amazon Reviews. 7 Movies That Should Have Starred Orlando Jones. 11 Things I Learnt At My First Voga (That's Yoga + Voguing) Class. 18 Questions I Asked Myself When I Watched ""The Simpsons"" For The First Time. 28 Fruits And Vegetables That You Had No Idea Grew Like That. 22 Things From 1994 That Will Make You Feel Old. 28 Ways We Can All Be More Like Ja'mie King. 38 Things To Drink Instead Of Booze. 26 Hilarious French Translations Of Hollywood Movie Titles. 9 Special Collectibles From Disgraced Companies You Can Buy On eBay. 10 Movies To Get You Hooked On Something Weird Video. 21 Things That Made You Anxious As Hell When You Were A Kid. 16 Things Russians Do That Americans Might Find Weird. 14 Celebrities Who Don't Necessarily Want Kids. 8 Jaw-Dropping Pictures Of The Polar Vortex. 19 Unforgettable Moments From The Ultimate Karl Stefanovic Fan Fiction. 20 Things College Freshmen Struggle With. 20 Things That Are Colder Than You Right Now. 8 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 15 Australian Sports Stars That Look Like Shar Pei. 25 Times Anna Kendrick Was Painfully Accurate. 25 Best Things That Could Possibly Happen To Someone From Los Angeles. 18 People Who Became Sudden Geniuses While High. 23 Symptoms Of Study Abroad Withdrawal. 21 Google Book Scans That Bring Surprising Intimacy To The Digital Book World. 20 Videos Of Bubbles Crystalizing In Freezing Temperatures. 13 Returning TV Shows To Get Excited About. 21 Of The Most Los Angeles Books Ever. 14 LGBT Films That Need To Be Added To Netflix Instant Streaming Right Now. 50 Reasons Why Nicolas Cage Is The Greatest Creature Who Has Ever Lived. 17 Signs Winter Is Killing You Softly. 16 White Men That Could, In Fact, Jump. 7 Google Secrets You Need To See. 16 Little Books To Read On Long Journeys. 15 Reasons Arizona Should Take Steven Seagal Seriously As A Candidate For Governor. 15 Things That Really Deserve The Name ""Polar Vortex"". 31 Things To Warm Your Heart On This Cold Day. 27 Unspoken Suit Rules Every Man Should Know. 17 Nicolas Cage-Inspired Items You Deserve To Own. 27 Everyday Situations That Are Excruciatingly Difficult For Shy People. 17 Steps To Having A Perfect Textual Relationship. 24 Signs You Were A Teenage Boyzone Obsessive. 11 Bulletproof Ways To Get Through Diet Season. 9 Brilliant Video Game Inventions You Wish Existed In Real Life. 5 Ways To Survive A Panic Attack. 12 Unsettling Retro Ads Featuring Kids. 14 People Stuck In Really Stupid Places. 19 Problems Only People Who Don't Eat Cheese Will Understand. 5 Fad Diets To Avoid This January. 19 Most Bizarre Moments From ""Secrets Of The Living Dolls"". 15 Reasons College Football's Championship Game Should Always Be Played At The Rose Bowl. 18 Signs You're The Youngest Person In The Office. 31 GIFs Of Hot Guys Cuddling Puppies To Make You Smile. 21 Pick-Up Lines That Would Totally Work On You. 17 Things You Swore You'd Never Say When You Had Kids. 17 Magical Lifehacks To Learn From Disney Movies. 11 Great Bookstore Names And How They Got Them. 27 Overwhelming Feelings Every College Senior Has In The Spring. 12 Worst Types Of Kisses. 8 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 29 Actors That Prove Everything Is Hotter Down Under. 19 Hilarious Pictures Of People Posing On Splash Mountain. 32 Signs You're Graduating In May. 19 Things Pop Culture Addicts Know To Be True. 27 Crucial Wardrobe Items You'll Need To Start Your Very Own Boy Band. 25 Things That Happen When You're 25. 29 Signs You're A Warhammer Player. 16 Problems Only Invisible People Will Understand. 5 Kids Movie Pranks That Went Way Too Far Lead The Daily Links. 14 Alternate ""Catcher In The Rye"" Covers. 8 Reasons This Was Actually The Best Cable News Network That Ever Existed. 47 Famous People Who Went To Catholic School. 36 Photos Of Norman Reedus That Will Give You A Zombie Boner. 18 Things To Look Forward To In 2014. 20 Beautifully Illustrated Quotes From Your Favorite Authors. 13 Times You Have Been Exactly Like Ichabod Crane. 27 Signs You're In Love With The Beach. 18 Reasons Why You Want Marshall Eriksen From ""How I Met Your Mother"" To Be Your Best Friend. 16 Examples Of Disney Nail Art That Will Render You Speechless. 26 Reasons K-Pop Is Better Than American Pop. 27 Things That Happen On Every Episode Of ""Four Weddings"". 8 Scientific Reasons Why Having A Female Boss Is The Best. 20 Reasons A Twentysomething Would Never Survive ""The Hunger Games"". 14 Fierce Contributions Miranda Priestly Has Made To GIF Culture. 17 Surprising Pictures Of A Young Russell Brand. 16 Fails That Will Make You Glad It's Finally A New Year. 13 Problems Only Uncoordinated People Understand. 10 DIY Tips For Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions. 31 Signs You're A Florida State Seminole. 29 Unexpectedly Awesome Things About Being Pregnant. 34 American Lady Scientists Who Changed The World. 18 Reasons To Love Literary Dublin. 34 Ingenious Ways To De-Clutter Your Entire Life. 21 Little Lifestyle Changes That Will Help You Get Healthier. 21 Jerk Moves Other Parents Make. 17 Warm And Cozy Breads To Bake When It's Cold Outside. 19 Pups Who Know How A Snow Day Is Done. 29 Problems Only Procrastinators Understand. 19 Mind-Blowing Tricks Every iPhone And iPad User Should Know. 25 Things Nobody Tells You About Your First Apartment. 23 Animals Who Are Tired Of This Snow Day Already. 12 Surprising Facts About Netflix. 66 New Movies And TV Shows To Be Really Excited About In 2014. 15 Amazing Ways To Spike Hot Chocolate. 29 Photos Of The Cast Of ""Downton Abbey"" Being Totally Un-Downton-Like. 36 Albums That Turn 20 In 2014. 29 Awesome Things About Being 29. 15 People Who Are Way Worse At Interior Decorating Than You. 17 Insanely Helpful Workout Tips For Beginners. 31 Insanely Beautiful Colleges You Can Get Married At. 33 Songs That Will Turn 10 In 2014. 22 Of The Best Extreme Selfies. 12 Rolling Stone Covers That Immortalized 2004 In Pop Culture. 9 Videos You Can't Miss This Week. 22 Things Only SoulCycle Fans Will Understand. 19 Animals Who Can't Believe Their Eyes Right Now. 9 Feature Stories We're Reading This Week. 23 Photos That Prove Hairless Cats Are Actually Adorable. 22 Masterfully Sculpted Heinies. 42 Bear GIFs That Will Give You Life In 2014. 21 Things That Inevitably Happen When You Work In An Office. 29 Healthy Versions Of Your Favorite Comfort Foods. 20 Sigur Rós Songs To Celebrate 20 Years Of Sigur Rós. 11 Surprising Facts About Creativity. 22 Signs You Were An International School Kid. 17 Names That Are Impossible For Babies To Have. 7 Questions MTV's ""Girl Code"" Had About Lesbians. 12 Outdated Items Every Twentysomething Should Own. 23 Photos That Prove New England Is The Ultimate Winter Wonderland. 23 Animals Really Enjoying Colorado's New Marijuana Law. 16 Awesome Instagram Accounts From Deep In The Heart Of Texas. 17 New Year's Resolutions Every Homebody Should Make. 36 Things That Are Going To Make You Feel Ancient. 5 Disney Films That Have The Most Drinking. 22 Artists Who NEED To Put Out A New Album In 2014. 31 Insanely Clever Remodeling Ideas For Your New Home. 23 Reasons Zoe Hart And Wade Need To Get Back Together. 24 Signs You're Addicted To Beauty Products. 36 Genius Ways To Hide The Eyesores In Your Home. 19 Conversation Tips For The Awkward. 22 Signs You've Grown Too Comfortable With Your Internet Addiction. 19 Reasons Rapunzel And Flynn Rider Are The Best Disney Couple. 13 Times Jazz Got Thrown Out On ""The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air"". 39 Reasons To Be Happy Every Day For 100 Days. 16 Reasons You Should Be Rooting For The Seattle Seahawks To Win The Super Bowl. 18 Celebrity Instagrams You Need To See This Week. 19 Signs You Are Really Impatient. 25 Photos Of James Marsden That Will Help You Get Through This Blizzard. 24 Next Level Bonkers Science GIFs. 27 Geektastic Keychains For All Your Favorite Fandoms. 19 Things That Happen When You Get Drunk For The First Time. 20 Bold, Insane Sports Predictions For 2014. 21 Times ""Community"" Got Its Groove Back. 18 Things Celebrities Did This Week. 24 Invaluable Skills To Learn For Free Online This Year. 22 Powerful Images By Dreamers: A Window Into Life As An Undocumented Immigrant In America. 16 Creative Ways To Work Out If You Live In NYC. 15 Helpful Charts Every New Yorker Needs. 31 Healthy And Delicious Ways To Cook With Chia Seeds. 17 Things To Look Forward To Now That The Holidays Are Over. 16 Reasons You Wish You Could Watch Tom Daley's ""Splash!"". 25 Universal Horrors Of Hair Removal. 15 Photos Of The East Coast Snowstorm That Will Make You Forget It Was Actually Terrible. 17 Struggles Of Having A Common Name. 19 Perks Of Having An Artsy Best Friend. 29 Cozy And Delicious Things To Make On A Snowy Weekend. 28 Beautiful Quotes About Libraries. 23 DIY Projects Inspired By Snow. 15 Wonderful New Netflix Additions To Watch When You're Stuck Inside. 15 Times French President Francois Hollande Messed Up A Handshake. 18 Gorgeous Time Lapse Videos From Across The Globe. 8 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 11 Natural Geological Formations That Are Absolutely Too Weird To Be Real. 13 Things Scott Disick Could Teach Us About Self-Confidence. 8 Incredible Snowmen You Wish Were In Your Yard Lead The Daily Links. 6 Comics About Difficult Truths. 24 Signs Dating Isn't For You. 28 Pictures Of Your New Favorite Instagram Duo. 19 Grievances That Only People Who Work In Retail Will Understand. 13 Episodes Of ""Community"" To Watch Before The End Of The Day. 15 Stages Of Finding Out You Are Gluten Intolerant. 28 Things Only A Mother Can Do. 9 Reasons You Are Already Breaking Your New Year's Resolution. 33 Instagrams Of Musicians Ringing In 2014. 29 Breathtaking Photos From Hockey's Snowtastic Winter Classic. 27 Clever New Ways To Use Your Kitchen Appliances. 18 Of The Worst Photoshop Fails. 6 Alan Partridge TV Shows That Ought To Exist By Now. 17 Reasons Why Cheese And Alcohol Are The Best Couple Of All Time. 16 Books To Read If You Love San Francisco. 14 Quotes To Inspire Your New Year's Resolutions For 2014. 10 Twitter Gems From Neil Gaiman Before His Sabbatical. 17 Facts About E-Cigarettes That Might Surprise You. 17 Strange And Creepy Vintage New Years Cards. 37 Times In 2013 Benedict Cumberbatch Proved He Was King Of The Internet. 23 Animals Who Understand Exactly How You Feel Today. 35 Movies That Are Turning 10 Years Old In 2014. 25 Secrets About “Downton Abbey” Season 4. 4 Steps To Get A Better Butt. 21 Parenting Resolutions For The New Year. 18 Dance Moves We Learned In 2013. 31 Delicious Things To Cook In January. 33 Next-Level Tips For A Bloody Mary Bar. 17 Signs You're A Board Game Bully. 12 Things You Probably Didn't Know About New Year's Eve In Times Square. 20 Thoughts That Go Through Your Mind On A Shopping Day. 14 Ways Cheese Will Destroy Your New Year's Resolutions This Year. 29 Reasons We Fell In Love With Tom Hiddleston In 2013. 23 Signs You Love Latin Food. 30 Years Of New Years In Two Minutes. 59 Famous People Who Are Left-Handed. 14 Reasons Why Airline Companies Need To Delete Their Twitter Accounts Immediately. 13 Works Of Nonfiction And Memoir That We Loved In 2013. 13 Sumptuous Quotes About Falling In Love From Famous Authors. 19 Reasons To Watch ""Can't Hardly Wait"" With Ethan Embry Tonight. 21 Animals Who Will Definitely Not Stay Up Until Midnight. 15 Revolting Hangover Cures From History. 40 Astonishing Photos That Won Awards In 2013. 13 Creative And Clever Adverts From 2013. 11 Magical Photos Of Edinburgh Preparing For New Year's Eve. 21 Fun Ways To Have A Fancy And Delicious New Year's Eve. 15 TV Show Marathons To Watch Over New Year's. 14 Things That Have Already Happened In 2014. 21 Indispensable Life Lessons From ""Queer Eye For The Straight Guy"". 26 Outraged Reactions To The Cancellation Of The NYE Festival. 11 Rooftop Bars For The Perfect Midnight Rendezvous Abroad. 10 Simple DIY Ways To Get Organized In 2014. 19 Things All Children Of Deaf Adults Are Tired Of Hearing. 20 Scrumptious Asian Inspired Cocktails To Ring In The New Year With. 19 Ways To Tell If You Are A Germaphobe. 25 Truths About Living In NYC, As Told By Don Draper. 33 Reasons Miley Cyrus Was Actually The Best Thing To Happen To 2013. 21 Appropriately Dark And Subversive Tweets From #BuzzFeedEgypt. 15 Delicious Book Covers Inspired By #CandyLit. 13 Life Lessons To Learn From Bo Burnham's Latest Comedy Special. 23 People Who Have Life Figured Out. 17 People You'll Run Into On New Year's Eve. 8 New Year's Resolutions Hollywood Should Make For 2014. 21 Interesting Things That Al-Qaeda Spent Money On. 10 NFL Head Coaches Who Had A Rough 2013. 13 Times Ellen DeGeneres Won At Photoshop In 2013. 12 Healthy New Year's Resolutions You Could Actually Stick To. 31 Tips To Make Sure You Enjoy Your Wedding Day. 27 Cats Who Completely Forgot About Their New Years Resolutions In 2013. 27 Incredible Examples Of Lunch Paper Bag Art. 14 Beauty Resolutions That Are Actually Worth Keeping In 2014. 45 Moments That Reminded Us How Much We Love Ellen DeGeneres In 2013. 11 Things You Need To Know About Auld Lang Syne. 13 Ways DIY Science Triumphed In 2013. 26 Things That Defined Music In 2013. 16 Instagram Accounts That Will Make You Want To Grow A Beard And Move To The Pacific Northwest. 17 Relationship Tips We Can All Learn From ""House Hunters"". 14 Things That Happen On Every Conference Call. 13 Reasons Why Not Fitting In As A Kid Makes You An Awesome Adult. 20 Signs You're Home For Winter Break. 17 Of The Most Unforgettable Cover Versions Of 2013. 13 Companies That Did Social Media Right This Year. 23 Signs You Should Just Hibernate For The Rest Of The Winter. 15 Important Tips For Having The Healthiest Nails Ever. 20 Times That Art And Design Inspired Awe In 2013. 5 Unbelievable Images Of A Volcano Erupting In El Salvador. 20 Post-Holiday Mall Moments That Will Test Your Will To Live. 23 Ways To Up Your Makeup Game For New Year's Eve. 7 Things We Wish Dad Would Stop Doing. 50 Best BuzzFeed Posts From Community Members In 2013. 21 Ways To Make This New Year's Eve So Much Better. 19 Times Expectations Didn't Match Reality In 2013. 52 Hilarious And Spot-On Tweets From #BuzzFeedPakistan. 32 Photos That Prove The Rock Turned Into An Actual Super Human In 2013. 18 Resolutions To Help You Have A Better 2014. 17 Signs You're Gunther From ""Friends"". 16 New Year's Resolutions You Make And Break Every Year. 16 Reasons Why We Love Stan Lee. 35 Vines From 2013 That You Watched Over And Over Again. 27 People Harry Styles Dated This Year. 22 Of The Most Heart-Melting Love Songs From 2013. 27 Times In 2013 Neil Patrick Harris' Family Was Cuter Than Yours. 23 Times Miranda Proved She Was The Most Empowering Character On ""Sex And The City"". 15 Cartoons From The ‘80s You Probably Forgot Existed. 21 Reasons Why Andrew Garfield And Emma Stone Were The Cutest Couple Of 2013. 27 Times Kate Middleton Proved She Was The Most Flawless Human Of 2013. 17 Reasons To Bring Back ""The L Word"" And 5 Reasons To Just Let It Go. 28 Important New Year's Resolutions Every Twentysomething Should Make. 22 Cult Beauty Products From Asia You Didn't Know Existed. 31 Biggest Dog Fails Of 2013. 31 Delicious Low-Carb Breakfasts For A Healthy New Year. 12 Objects That Defined The Year In Television. 26 Resolutions To Keep You Organized In 2014. 3 Recipes For A Delicious, Meat-Free New Year's Celebration. 23 Problems Only Parents Will Understand. 28 Clever Products You Need To Get In Shape For 2014. 12 Important Things No One Teaches You When Learning A Language. 14 ""Healthy"" Foods You've Been Lied To About. 6 Perfect Sentences. 19 Fascinating Facts About ""The Exorcist"". 10 Problems Only Short Girls Understand. 17 Celebrity Instagrams You Need To See This Week. 23 Resolutions That Are On Every Twentysomething Girl's List. 17 Heartwarming Photos Of Soldiers In Afghanistan Celebrating Christmas. 13 Things Celebrities Did This Week. 15 Reasons Philip Rivers Is Undoubtedly A Child Trapped In A Man's Body. 34 Characters We Loved In Film And TV In 2013. 24 Theses Summarized In One Sentence Each. 24 Signs You Grew Up In Suburbia. 12 Ridiculous Moments From Pussy Riot's First TV Interview. 23 Instagrams To Follow To Travel The World In 2014. 19 Things That You'll Never See The Same Way Again. 14 Reasons 2013 Was A Bad Year For Jose Canseco's Goats. 10 Midwest Cities You Should Visit. 10 Celebrity Mascots For Popular Travel Destinations. 10 Signs You Studied Abroad In Australia. 7 Of The Best Airports To Be Stuck In. 22 Ways To Keep Your Kids Happy When It's Cold And Icky Outside. 14 Animals Who Melted Our Hearts In 2013. 21 People Who Got Creative With Their Gift Wrapping. 20 Songs From Around The World That You Might Have Missed In 2013. 15 Women Who Made Vine Hilarious In 2013. 10 Signs You're A Total Capricorn. 16 Celebrity Couples We Lost In 2013. 25 Times '90s Teen Heartthrobs Photos Failed. 14 Reactions Only Brownie Enthusiasts Would Understand. 7 Times TV Made Me Cry In 2013. 31 Hedgehogs Who Had A More Miserable Christmas Than You. 15 Reasons You're Feeling Extra Single This Holiday Season. 9 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 15 Snowmen That Are In Dire Need Of A Makeover. 21 Cats Celebrating Boxing Day. 17 Red Lobster Recipes In Case The Seafood Chain Goes Away Forever. 23 Reasons Harris Teeter Is A Veritable Grocery Store Paradise. 22 Christmas Instagrams From Musicians. 13 Citrus Recipes To Brighten Up Your New Year. 23 Sordid Tales From The Sex Lives Of Some Of Your Favorite Gay Authors And Artists. 14 Books From 2013 Every Music Lover Should Read. 17 People Who Got Weed For Christmas. 16 Things You Only Notice Between Boxing Day And New Year's Eve. 22 Of The Coolest Places To Get Married In America. 51 Reasons 2013 Was The Best Year Ever To Be A Nerd. 37 WTF Moments From The ""Full House"" Christmas Episode. 13 Reasons Why Australia Won Christmas Day 2013. 16 Artists You Didn't Know Had An Album Out This Year. 20 Unbelievable Gingerbread Houses You'll Want To Live In. 28 People Who Got A Gun For Christmas This Year. 17 Reasons People Who Don’t Celebrate Christmas Are Having The Best Day Ever. 17 Of The Biggest Dick Moves At Christmas. 31 Reasons You'll Miss Matt Smith On ""Doctor Who"". 17 Questions Jews Are Tired Of Being Asked About Christmas. 18 WTF Vintage Christmas Cards. 30 Jewish Movies To Watch On Christmas. 9 Christmas Ornaments That Will Destroy Your Holiday Spirit. 16 Hits From 2013 You Wish You Could Never Hear Again. 13 Unusual Christmas Traditions To Steal For Yourself. 33 Ways To Fill Your Life With Streusel. 17 Moody Cats Dressed Up As Santa. 10 Hilarious Kitchen Tips From Terrible Cooks. 8 Lessons We Learned On Vine In 2013. 12 Commercials Guaranteed To Make You Cry. 15 Reasons 2013 Was A New Golden Age For Punk. 17 Dogs All Cozy In Their Christmas Pajamas. 30 Feel-Good Movies To Get You Through The Holiday Blues. 8 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 16 Ways Being Home For The Holiday Turns You Into A Child. 30 Videos That Will Make You A Fan Of The Graham Norton Show. 11 Celebs Who Think ""Mandela"" Is Going To Be ""Amazing"" And Want You To Buy Tickets. 15 Ways You've Been Shampooing Your Hair Wrong. 13 Absolutely Last-Minute Christmas Gifts. 15 Things You Might Not Know About Christmas Music. 55 Incredible Images Of The World Celebrating Christmas. 31 Excellent Records You Might Have Missed In 2013. 15 Old-Timey Candies You Never Knew Existed. 15 Obscure Christmas Songs That You Need To Hear. 21 Reasons Blue Ivy Carter Was Infinitely Cooler Than Everyone Else In 2013. 45 Moving Moments From The First Days Of Marriage Equality In Utah. 23 Signs You're Obsessed With Christmas. 18 Extremely Awkward Celebrity Christmas Photoshoots. 19 Whovians Whose Christmas Game Is Too Strong. 12 Sad Christmas Stories for Holiday Wallowing. 17 Animals Who Look More Fab In Their Christmas Sweaters Than You Ever Will. 20 Signs You Are A Cartoon Villain. 21 Things You Should Never Say To Asians. 5 Questions About Garth Brooks' Christmas Album Cover. 16 Cats Who Care Even Less Than You Do. 9 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 17 Magical Christmas Characters Of Congress. 15 Movie Marathons To Watch On TV This Christmas. 13 Great Geeky Christmas Specials To Watch While You Are Waiting For Santa. 30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions. 25 Moments Of Pride In 2013. 9 Facts About Reindeer That Will Blow Your Mind. 21 Universal Problems Of Spending The Holidays With Your Family. 30 Delicious Indonesian Dishes You Need To Try. 37 Delicious Things To Make For A Holiday Brunch. 20 Reasons We Still Love ""How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"". 18 Captivating Photos By The Mysterious Nanny-Photographer Of The Mid-Century. 21 Signs You Suck At Math. 15 Questionable Christmas Album Covers. 17 Important Things Science Taught Us In 2013. 11 Excellent Moments From ""Morning Joe's"" Christmas-Themed Pajama Party Episode. 21 Dogs Who Just Realized Mall Santa Is Huge A Phony. 19 Last-Minute Christmas Presents You Can Only Buy From The Government. 23 Santas Who Forgot How To Santa. 35 Celebrities As Classic Paintings. 10 Cool Things NASA Did In 2013. 23 Dogs Who Are As Excited For Christmas As You Are. 10 Ways Wall Street Is Just Like ""Sesame Street"". 50 Adorable Reasons That 2013 Was The Year Of The French Bulldog. 15 Unexpected Products That Could Magically Cure Your Body Emergencies. 27 Shocking And Unexpected Facts You Learn In Your Twenties. 29 Heavenly Christmas Foods From Around The World. 21 Things For People Who Are Sick Of Christmas. 23 Real Struggles That Anyone With Jet Lag Will Understand. 9 Longform Stories We're Reading This Week. 17 Epic Business Fails To Avoid In 2014. 10 Party Moments Only Sober People Understand. 9 Videos You Can't Miss This Week. 21 Insanely Helpful New Ways To Use Your Hair Conditioner. 31 Perfect People You Wanted To Date In 2013. 33 Festive And Beautiful Foods To Make For Christmas. 33 Real Lines From ""Supernatural"" That You Can't Believe Aired On TV. 12 Surprising Facts About Google. 15 Things Celebrities Did This Week. 23 Of The Most Painfully Awkward Lyrics From 2013. 6 Maps That Show How The United States Has Changed Since 1990. 17 Hilariously Tragic Holiday Baking Fails. 38 Clever Christmas Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier. 11 Charitable Ways To Get Rid Of Things You Don't Want. 33 Super-Fancy Ways To Eat More Nutella. 15 Signs You're Ready To Start Your Vacation. 32 Reasons Why Christmas Was Better In The '90s. 14 Political Prisoners Spending The Holidays In Jail. 31 Awesome ’90s Toys You Never Got, But Can Totally Buy Today. 26 Beauty Products Only A Genius Could Have Invented. 12 Retro Christmas Ads To Remind You That A Woman's Place Is In The Home. 12 Reasons Yukon Cornelius Is The Most Badass Christmas Character Of All Time. 10 Types Of People You Just Can't Deal With While Traveling. 17 Celebrity Instagrams You Need To See This Week. 15 Christmas Stock Photos That Will Haunt Your Dreams. 15 Questions ""White Christmas"" Left Unanswered. 7 Music Stars Who Have Performed For Dictators Lead The Daily Links. 21 Joys Of Having A Work BFF. 5 Hoaxes You Fell For In 2013. 26 Reasons Country Music Was Great In 2013. 35 Reasons ""The Onion"" Won 2013. 20 Photos Proving That Zimbabwe Is A Gorgeous Place To Get Married. 20 Recipes That Won Pinterest In 2013. 33 Times Joseph Gordon-Levitt Charmed Your Pants Off In 2013. 23 Next-Level Ways To Make Baked Brie. 36 Legendary Oprah-Grams From 2013. 28 Delicious Vegan Holiday Recipes. 41 Cats Who Had A Worse Year Than You. 17 Books We Loved In 2013. 9 Things Will Graham Is Thinking In The Season 2 ""Hannibal"" Poster. 15 Signs You're A Last-Minute Shopper. 30 Last-Minute Amazon Prime Gifts For Everyone In Your Life. 33 Animal GIFs That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh. 13 Things That Can Go Wrong At Work Christmas Parties. 27 Reasons Singapore Is The Most Delicious Place On Earth. 50 Times Beyoncé Ran The World In 2013. 21 Things That New Yorkers Waited For In 2013. 13 Magical Vintage Photos Of Paris At Christmastime. 23 Years Of Awesomely Geeky Lucasfilm Christmas Cards. 29 Things You Learn At Your First Real Job. 18 Important Things We Learned Through Awkward Facebook Posts. 21 Of The Strangest And Most Unique Buildings From Around The World. 21 Signs That Tumblr Is Slowly Ruining Your Life. 9 Sticky Buns & Cinnamon Rolls To Make Christmas Morning Delicious. 14 Emotional Stages Of Sending A Snapchat To Friends. 10 Ingredients All Vegans Should Know About. 15 Questions About *NSYNC's ""Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays"" Video. 17 Christmas Gifts You Could Buy Each American With The Mega Millions Jackpot. 15 People You'll Encounter At The Airport That Will Make You Want To Cancel Your Trip. 35 Spectacular Photos That Highlight The Importance Of Saving The Great Barrier Reef. 27 Times Richard Simmons Was Fabulous In 2013. 21 Times Drake Made New Friends In 2013. 15 French Fast Foods That Shouldn't Look As Good As They Do. 21 Ways You Know You're A Bogan. 17 Ways Jiff The Pomeranian Celebrated The Holidays. 21 Times Drita On ""Mob Wives"" Was The Biggest Badass To Walk The Earth. 33 GIFs From 2013 That Will Make You Laugh Every Time. 12 Celebrities Whose Homophobia We Really Didn't Have Time For In 2013. 21 Incredible Altered ""Magic: The Gathering"" Cards. 16 Ways Building A Startup Is Just Like Dating. 13 Magnificent Metal Records That Ruled 2013. 30 Times Harry Styles Was The Most Perfect Member Of One Direction In 2013. 51 Times In 2013 Jennifer Lawrence Proved She Was Master Of The Universe. 21 Gifts Every Thirtysomething REALLY Wants. 30 Times Zayn Malik Was The Most Perfect Member Of One Direction In 2013. 15 Easy Ways To Start Working Out Before The New Year. 30 Times Niall Horan Was The Most Perfect Member Of One Direction In 2013. 25 Cats That Could Be Having A Better Day. 30 Times Liam Payne Was The Most Perfect Member Of One Direction In 2013. 21 Impossibly Difficult Situations For An Indecisive Person. 30 Times Louis Tomlinson Was The Most Perfect Member Of One Direction In 2013. 32 People Who Absolutely Nailed It In 2013. 27 Dogs Who Woke Up Like This. 15 Reasons Every Single American Should Be Rooting For The Portland Trail Blazers. 10 Countries With The Most Imprisoned Journalists. 16 Important Moments From One Direction's ""This Is Us"" Extra Footage. 3 Comics That Understand Your Worries About Christmas. 16 Other Songs To Listen To If You Love The New Beyoncé Album. 21 Signs You Were Raised By A Nurse. 16 Times The World's Craziest Scientist Won At Instagram. 21 Reasons Buying Gifts For The Holidays Is The Worst. 29 Books To Get You Through Your Quarter-Life Crisis. 12 Brazilian Songs From 2013 That You Need To Hear. 25 Signs You're In A Romantic Relationship With Your Sandwich. 15 Children's Books Re-Envisioned For College Students. 23 Outrageously Delicious Cookies To Bake Right Now. 9 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 30 Unexpected Things You Learn In Your Thirties. 53 Pet Adoption Stories That Will Warm Your Heart. 19 Reasons Why ""The Voice"" Was The Best Reality Show Of 2013. 26 Peeves Gym Junkies Know Too Well. 32 College Basketball Players And Coaches Try To Draw Their School's Mascot. 31 Cats Who Overdid It On The Eggnog. 22 Reasons Why Having A Quiet New Year's Eve Is Secretly The Best. 21 Donuts That Were Flawless In 2013. 24 Pictures Of The Olympic Flame's Trip Around, Over, And Under Russia. 18 People Complaining About L.A. Weather. 20 Of The Best Children’s Books Of 2013. 9 Beautiful Handmade Christmas Cards Sent By WW1 Soliders. 33 Rocking Pictures To Celebrate Keith Richards' 70th Birthday. 24 Fierce Gowns That Scream World Domination. 33 Delicious No-Cook Dishes To Bring To A Holiday Party. 15 Sexy Pandas, Otters, And Forest Animals. 26 Times ESPN Made You Say WTF In 2013. 8 Phrases You Need To Know In American Sign Language. 17 Beautifully Festive African-American Christmas Cards From The 1950s And '60s. 29 Problems Only Australians Can Understand. 10 Reasons Mommy Should Stop Kissing Santa Claus. 19 Facts We Learned About ""Millennials"" In 2013. 20 Things Latina Moms Love. 7 Advocates Working To Change Marijuana Laws In New York City. 51 Times Rihanna Was The Most Fashionable Celebrity In 2013. 15 Reasons Why San Lorenzo De Almagro Has To Be Your Favorite Soccer Team In 2014. 13 Ways You're Wrong About Los Angeles. 15 Fashion Tips From Days Of Yore. 13 Reasons To Be Thankful For The Existence Of Billie Jean King. 18 Reasons Being Single During The Holidays Is Pretty Great. 23 Missed Connections You'll Be Glad To Miss. 25 Life Shortcuts You Can Learn From Lazy People. 22 Times Patrick Stewart And Ian McKellen Proved They Are The Greatest Best Friends Of 2013. 50 Unexpected Wreaths You Can Make Out Of Anything. 100 Reasons To Be Proud In 2013. 21 Bathroom Crimes That Should Never Be Forgiven. 37 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Old. 17 Tender Moments In Katy Perry And John Mayer's Music Video. 20 Reasons Why Self-Service Checkouts Are Just The Worst. 19 Hairstyles Every '00s Girl Dreamed Of Having. 17 Famous People Re-Imagined As ""Star Wars"" Characters. 14 Things All Coffee Lovers Should Know. 19 Things You Should Know About Anchorman's Very Own Baxter. 15 Times Legolas Was The Best Part Of LOTR. 22 Amazing Hidden Gems To Uncover In Hawaii. 10 Very-Last-Minute DIY Gift Ideas. 13 Times John Boehner Looked Really, Really Surprised In 2013. 21 Extremely Excited Reactions As Australia Win The Ashes. 12 Reasons Jack Dawson Would Actually Make A Terrible Boyfriend. 18 Struggles Of Being The Only Punctual Person In Your Friend Group. 27 Things You Only Know If You Grew Up In Queensland. 17 Reasons To Smoke More Weed. 15 Things Every Kick-Ass Uncle Knows To Be True, As Told By Jesse And Joey. 12 Things All Stage Managers Understand. 16 Disney Holiday Specials To Bring You Joy This Season. 27 Versions Of Wham!'s ""Last Christmas"" Sung By Artists Around The World. 21 Bachelor Pad Tricks That Will Up Your Game. 23 Convincing Reasons ""Surprise, Bitch"" Is Actually The Best Meme Of 2013. 17 Miley Cyrus ""Wrecking Ball"" Ornaments That Are Works Of Christmas Tree Art. 18 Things Only Midwesterners Understand About Winter. 17 Diagrams That Will Help You Draw (Almost) Anything. 19 Things Every College Kid Wants For Christmas This Year. 26 People Who Should Not Be Allowed On Instagram. 19 Awesomely Designed Books From 2013 That Prove Print Isn’t Dead. 19 Signs You Are A Netflix Junkie. 18 Most Remarkable World Records Broken In 2013. 50 Indie Songs For Each Of The 50 States. 22 Boops That Changed The World In 2013. 15 Times Paris Hilton Attempted A Comeback In 2013. 39 Things Only Americans Who Study Arabic Will Understand. 23 Ways To Celebrate Christmas Like A Dad. 35 People Who Gave Up On ""Homeland"" Last Night. 9 Reactions Of People Realizing They're In A Beyoncé Video Right Now. 9 Common Household Items That Are Extremely Flammable. 9 Beautifully Atmospheric Photos Of Foggy London. 27 Transcendent Beauty Products To Look Out For In 2014. 19 Totally Amusing Christmas Decorations. 28 Pieces Of Jewelry That Look More Expensive Than They Are. 7 Endangered NYC Foods You Should Eat Before They Disappear Forever. 27 Moments In ""Homeland"" Season 3 That Made You Scream. 18 Happy Little Foods That Believe In You. 37 Awesome Christmas Card Ideas You Should Steal. 30 Women Who Kicked Ass In 2013. 19 Fandom Moments We Should All Just Forget Happened In 2013. 10 New Animals Discovered In 2013. 27 Things Jewish Moms Love. 9 Longform Stories We're Reading This Week. 16 Things Celebrities Did This Week. 19 Products That Will Make Your Life So Much Better In 2014. 32 Easy And Inexpensive Ways To Keep Kids Entertained This Holiday Season. 30 Cute Stocking Stuffers For Everyone In Your Life. 25 Animated GIFs That Are Actually Just The Same JPEG Of Carrot Top. 31 Unusual Gifts To Give A Design Lover. 31 Delicious Things You Need To Eat In NYC This Winter. 28 Insanely Easy Christmas Decorations To Make In A Pinch. 9 Web Videos You Can't Miss This Week. 14 Things You're Doing Wrong To Your Skin. 28 People Having A Way Worse Holiday Than You. 23 Delicious Dips For A Veggie Platter. 25 Reasons To Love The Women Of ""American Horror Story: Coven"". 21 Celebrity Instagrams You Need To See This Week. 14 Christmas Horror Movies To Watch This Holiday Season. 21 People Robert Pattinson Dated This Year. 21 Parents You Meet After Having Kids. 24 Cute And Clever Ways To Give A Gift Card. 14 Celebrity Instagrams You May Have Missed This Week. 31 Tumblr Users That Are Not Okay. 25 Awesome ’80s Toys You Never Got But Can Totally Buy Today. 21 Fascinating Things You Might Not Know About ""Mary Poppins"". 20 Most Painfully Awkward Moments Of Having ""The Talk"" With Your Kid. 30 Fashionable Gifts Under $100 That Every Guy Needs. 20 Secret Santa Gifts You Won't Believe Actually Exist. 11 Famous Artists Who Created Gorgeous ""Vogue"" Covers. 24 Hilarious Puns That Only English Nerds Will Understand. 24 Reasons Why Hockey Players Are Actually Big, Cuddly Sweethearts. 11 Totally Bonkers Miss Universe Outfits And The Birds That Inspired Them. 6 Quotes From Author Umberto Eco On Why People Love Lists. 9 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 6 Studly Fabrics To Give To Those On Your Naughty List. 24 Reasons To Love Folk Music In 2013. 40 Of The Most Perfectly Timed Unlucky Photos Lead The Daily Links. 25 Most Reblogged Korean Pop Groups On Tumblr. 23 Snowmen Having A Worse Finals Week Than You. 28 Heartwarming Photos Of Indians Being #GayForADay To Protest The Ban On Same-Sex Intercourse. 24 Times Cher Opened Up A Can Of Whoop Ass. 24 Things That Will Go Down As The Most Poorly Designed Of Our Time. 33 Reasons Why Aliens Will Never Talk To Us. 17 Holiday Drinks That Are Even Better Than Eggnog. 32 Incredible Pictures Of A Rare Snowstorm In Jerusalem. 9 Movie Moments That Will Make You Cry Unattractively This Christmas. 22 Beautiful Places You Will See On The Camino De Santiago. 8 Most Badass Santas In The World. 31 Cute Animals To Look At Instead Of Studying. 13 Simple Tips And Tricks For Beating The Winter Blues. 6 Things More Likely To Happen Than Ellen DeGeneres And Portia De Rossi Breaking Up. 9 Songs That Blatantly Ripped Off Other Songs In 2013. 8 Pictures Of Mary-Kate Olsen And Her Future Fiancé That Will Make You Feel Weird. 23 Puppies Who Are Way Turnt Up. 25 Dance Records That Gave Us Life In 2013. 17 Amazing Food Subscriptions You'll Wish Someone Would Get You. 16 People Who Needed Medical Care Because Of Beyoncé. 16 Profound Literary Quotes About Getting Older. 15 Heartening Ways Indian Brands And Bollywood Stars Are Fighting For LGBT Rights. 25 Questions ""It's A Wonderful Life"" Left Unanswered. 22 Unnecessary Kitchen Accessories You Never Knew You Needed. 8 Things You Didn't Know About ""The Hobbit"". 12 Reasons Why Commander Riker Should Be Number One On Your Holiday Party Guest List. 40 Signs You're A Binge Thinker. 34 Reasons Australia Is The Most Beautiful Place On Earth. 13 Cringe-Worthy ""LOTR"" Pick-Up Lines To Get You In The Mood For ""The Desolation Of Smaug"" Premiere. 6 Anthill Art Sculptures That Will Blow Your Mind. 25 Problems Only People With ADHD Understand. 19 Unexpected Benefits Of Having An Indian Best Friend. 15 Older Models Who Are Absolutely Beautiful. 21 Gifts You Need To Get Your Pet This Holiday Season. 8 Magazine Gift Guides That Assume You're A Billionaire Lead The Daily Links. 20 Questions Texans Are Tired Of Hearing. 36 Adorable DIY Ornaments You Can Make With The Kids. 14 Things You Didn't Know About ""The Muppet Christmas Carol"". 44 Movies You Probably Missed In 2013, But Definitely Need To See. 30 Most Earth-Shattering Foods Born In 2013. 41 Moments That Made Cable News Fun To Watch In 2013. 13 Savory Dishes To Make With Roasted Pumpkin. 19 Types Of Selfie We Hope To See Less Of In 2014. 23 Times Gael García Bernal And Diego Luna Were Adorable Together. 13 Times Background Legolas Was The Most Important Part Of ""The Lord Of The Rings"" Movies. 22 Indications That Your Competitiveness Is Out Of Control. 35 Things Puerto Ricans Know To Be True. 17 TV Restaurants You Wish You Could Eat At. 23 Golden Globe Snubs And Surprises. 13 News Organizations Sent A Letter To Syrian Rebels Asking Them To Stop Kidnapping Journalists. 9 Scientific Terms We Don't Want To See In Adverts Anymore. 15 Wedding Announcements From Couples With Deeply Unfortunate Names. 17 Questions ""Elf"" Left Unanswered. 9 Ideas For Random Acts Of Literary Kindness. 20 Ecstatic Shelter Dogs On Their Way Home For The First Time. 26 Amazing Gifts To Empower Little Girls. 21 Questions New Jerseyans Are Tired Of Hearing. 26 Angry Reactions As Australia's High Court Throws Out Same-Sex Marriages. 25 Things Every Married Man Knows To Be True. 7 Cheeky Vintage Photos Of Typewriter Erotica. 24 Amazing Things That Have Come Out Of Australia. 21 Daily Struggles Of Having Separation Anxiety. 22 Signs You Are Addicted To Candy. 8 Places That Are Nearly Impossible To Get To (And How To Get To Them). 10 Signs Your Team's Season Has Gone To Hell. 17 Photos That Define Michael Cera. 12 Shocking But True SantaCon Horror Stories Lead The Daily Links. 11 Reasons You Should Travel Alone At Least Once. 12 Versions Of ""The 12 Days Of Christmas"" You Need On Your Yuletide Playlist This Year. 12 Pieces Of Art That Will Change The Way You Look At Emojis. 15 Signs You’re Celebrating Christmas In A Blended Family. 10 Easy Steps You Should Follow To Confirm If A Famous Person Just Joined Twitter. 20 Of The Best Christmas Moments From ""Friends"". 24 Of The Most Brilliant Music Videos From 2013. 24 Heartbreaking Responses To India's Ban On Same-Sex Intercourse. 20 Last-Minute Gifts For People You Don't Care About. 34 Cute Chicks In Nothing But Hats. 22 Instagram Accounts Fashionistas Should Follow In 2014. 19 Most Entertaining Celebrity Vine Accounts Of 2013. 21 Questions Greek People Are Sick Of Answering. 16 Female TV Characters Who Were Cyberbullied In 2013. 13 Extremely Frustrating Things You'll Only Understand If You Play QuizUp. 8 Comics That New Parents Will Identify With. 15 R Kelly Lyrics As Inspirational Quotes. 15 Questions Irish People Are Sick Of Answering. 17 Incredibly Depressing Office Christmas Decorations. 19 Reasons Thranduil Is The Real Star Of ""The Desolation Of Smaug"". 17 Santa Claus Photos That Will Make Your Skin Crawl. 16 Wintry Christmas Decorations Made From Twigs. 10 Outfits That Reveal Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Is Still Just As Crazy As Lady Gaga. 14 Places To Talk To A Stranger About Books. 12 Musicals We Hope And Dream NBC Will Turn Into A Live Theatrical Event. 21 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Smoke Weed On Christmas. 28 Everyday Decisions That College Students Are Terrible At Making. 23 Signs You're Obsessed With Taking Pictures. 23 Puppies Who Couldn't Wait Until Christmas Morning. 14 TV Episode Descriptions That Are Shockingly Bad. 21 Reasons You'd Be Better Off In Slytherin. 31 Ridiculous Things That Could Only Happen In The Northern Territory. 10 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 17 Movie-Worthy Inspirational Moments That Actually Happened In Real Life. 14 Athletes Who Prove It's Okay To Fail. 9 People Who Had A Brutal 2013 Lead The Daily Links. 32 Things Every American Thinks When Visiting Australia The First Time. 8 People Who Make A Strong Case For Aliens. 16 Ke$ha Aphorisms We Should Live By. 15 Times K-Pop Quietly Owned The World In 2013. 17 Glorious Food Typography Photos That Look Good Enough To Eat. 23 Times Bryan Cranston And Aaron Paul Blessed The World In 2013. 19 Signs You Live With Spine-Crippling FOMO. 21 Reasons Why You Need To Move To Uruguay In 2014. 33 Of The Greatest Things That Happened On Tumblr In 2013. 19 Things Mitt Romney Did In 2013 Instead Of Being President. 10 Reasons Holiday Birthdays Are The Worst. 23 Ways Music Made You Feel Old In 2013. 14 Signs Your Cat Is More Excited About Christmas Than You Are. 17 Reasons Why The Grove Is Simply The Worst During The Holidays. 29 Clever Gifts For People Who Love To Drink. 16 Messages Of Support And Solidarity For Survivors Of Sexual Assault. 18 Breakout Stars Of 2013, According To The Internet. 27 Reasons ""Hook"" Is Actually The Perfect Holiday Movie. 16 Pictures We Can Probably Stop Tweeting In 2014. 29 Street Signs That Will Make You Look Twice. 4 Things To Know About Mary Barra, GM's First Female CEO. 30 Powerful Moments From Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service. 13 Photographs That Will Make You Think Twice About Homelessness. 23 Times Orlando Jones Won The Internet. 16 Items That Are On The Christmas List Of Your Nerdy Dreams. 17 Bizarre Christmas Celebrations From Around The World. 21 Fans Who Restored Your Faith In Alcohol In 2013. 15 Perfect Smiles You Can't Help But Fall In Love With. 8 Leather Bears That Are More Fashionable Than You. 20 Things Extroverts Love. 18 Reasons Why Christmas In L.A. Is Actually Magical. 15 Things You Didn't Know About ""White Christmas"". 9 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today. 37 Signs It's Summer In Australia. 20 Unavoidable Questions That Come With Meeting Your Significant Other's Family During The Holidays. 32 Mind-Blowing Snow Sculptures Made Of Actual Snow Lead The Daily Links. 12 Movies You Forgot Revolved Around Christmas. 31 Ways 2013 Was The Most Boston Year Ever. 21 Songs You've Totally Heard, But Never Knew The Names Of. 15 Pieces Of Glass Art That You Wouldn't Believe Are Pipes. 15 Ways Working A Service Job Makes You A Better Person. 24 Money-Saving Hacks For The Holidays. 24 Delicious Food Gifts That Will Make Everyone Love You. 21 Racial Microaggressions You Hear On A Daily Basis. 16 Glorious Ways To Make Mac 'N' Cheese. 17 Animals That Are Not OK With Sweater Weather. 10 DIY Ways To Make Traveling Suck Less. 21 Things Introverts Love. 19 Exciting New Pictures From The ""Doctor Who"" Christmas Special. 19 Struggles You'll Only Understand If Your Parents Have Facebook. 16 Tweets That Prove Dylan O'Brien Is The Best At Twitter. 41 Little Things That Made Us Smile In 2013. 11 Incredibly Powerful Letters From History. 21 Things You're Only Afraid Of If You Live In Philly. 21 Signs You Had A Skater Phase. 22 Instagram Accounts Food Lovers Should Follow In 2014. 13 Awesome Subscription Boxes For Everyone You Know. 20 Christmas Trees That Went Beyond Their Call Of Duty. 10 Reasons To Fall In Love With Josh Hutcherson. 31 Worldly Ways To Say ""I Love You"". 16 Things Bruce Jenner's Hair Looked Like In 2013. 23 Most YOLO Pastas Of 2013. 22 Things You Learn When You Get Your First 'Real' Job. 10 Ridiculously Creative YouTube Musicians You Should Know About. 22 Whales Stranded In The Everglades Have Died. 9 Web Videos You Can't Miss This Week. 21 Cute Ways To Channel Christmas Without Being Tacky. 14 Awesome, Surreal Images From The NFL's Day Of Blizzard Games. 23 Men's Grooming Products That Actually Work. 19 Audacious Ways To Make Pigs In A Blanket. 7 Fun Things We Recently Learned About Lena Dunham And Judy Blume. 15 Times Leonardo DiCaprio Completely Lost It. 9 Longform Stories We're Reading This Week. 21 Questions Asian People Are Si" 1 Never say never! Gwen Stefani may have thought her pregnancy days were behind her, but she’s considering having one more baby to make Blake Shelton a dad. HollywoodLife.com has the EXCLUSIVE details on how she’s been inspired by late-in-life mom Janet Jackson. Age is nothing but a number when it comes to having a baby these days. Janet Jackson just proved miracles can happen by giving birth to a healthy son despite being 50-years-old. That has 47-year-old Gwen Stefani inspired to make her boyfriend Blake Shelton, 40, a first time dad. “Gwen would love to have another child with Blake. He’s not pressuring her at all, but she knows it’s something he would love too,” a source tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. “She isn’t focused on it obsessively, but seeing Janet Jackson have a healthy baby at 50 has inspired her to open her mind more to the possibility. It’s made her start to see it as something she and Blake really could make happen,” our insider adds. Gwen is already mom to three boys, Kingston, 10, eight-year-old Zuma and her littlest one Apollo, three. She’s made it known big time over the years how it would be a dream come true to have a little girl, so this could be the perfect chance! The singer reminded us all why she really wants a daughter on The Voice Apr. 18 when commenting on her only female team member Brennley Brown. After the adorable teenage country singer performed “Fly” by Maddie & Tae, Gwen declared, “All I wanted was a little girl I could hang out with and play dress up with and — she’s my only girl and look at her!” Awww. It’s just so wrong that she never had a little mini-me that she could do all sorts of fun girly-girl activities with. We can only imagine how doting a daddy Blake would be to an adorable daughter with Gwen! HollywoodLifers, do you think Gwen and Blake would have a beautiful child? Who do you think would it resemble more? 1 Robert Pattinson surprisingly reunited with old flame Kristen Stewart on Feb. 11 and his ex FKA Twigs is weighing in on the meet up. Find out how she feels here. Robert Pattinson, 31, and Kristen Stewart, 27, made headlines when they were seen hanging out together at a bar in Los Angeles on Feb. 11 and although their reunion shocked many people, it hasn’t seemed to do so for Robert’s ex-fiancee FKA Twigs, 30! “(FKA) Twigs isn’t at all concerned about what Robert is doing,” a source EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife.com. “She basically doesn’t even acknowledge his existence or the fact that they were to together for three years. She was really hurt when they decided to split up, and she carried that with her for a couple months before she eventually got over it.” Woah! It’s hard to think that a couple who was once so close and adorable together is now seemingly strangers, but we can definitely understand Twigs’ pain. Although she’s trying to move on without Robert, it seems Twigs did really care for him when they were together. “When it comes to her feelings about him, she can admit that she did love him at one point, but all of her emotions towards Rob have fizzled,” the source continued. “What they had for each other ran its course and she couldn’t care less if Robert is linking up with Kristen, Katy (Perry) or whomever. Twigs is focused on her music and her career and she has no time for the negative energy.” Twigs and Robert broke things off last Oct. after being together for more than two years and getting engaged in early 2015. Since then, the Twilight actor has been seen with pal Katy and a mystery blonde woman. We’re not sure who he’ll end up with next, but like Twigs, it seems Robert’s trying to move on as best he can and we wish him nothing but the best! HollywoodLifers, what do you think about Robert and Kristen’s reunion? Let us know your opinions! 1 Former Disney Channel star Orlando Brown was recently arrested following what authorities say was a violent altercation at an apartment in California. >> Read more trending news The 30-year-old “That’s So Raven” actor was reportedly engaged in a dispute with his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s mother when an officer from the Barstow Police Department arrived on the scene at around 8 a.m. Thursday. The officer realized there were active arrest warrants on Brown and his girlfriend’s mother, so they were both arrested and booked into the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department Barstow Jail, according to a police press release. Brown’s bail was set at $25,000. He previously served time in 2013 after failing to complete court-ordered alcohol education classes in connection with a previous DUI arrest. 0 Scoopnest is a web media which finds for you the best tweets in real time! Get the top latest buzz on Twitter about everything you like : Breaking news, Sports, People, Fashion, Business, Entertainment, Health, Technology, Finance, etc... We sort and classify the best buzzing tweets in categories that interest you the most. With Scoopnest, no need to spend hours to find the tweets that give you a real scoop, you can save time by discovering straight away the most important things of Twitter! 0 All you Fixer Upper fans out there have probably all been wondering: What will Chip and Joanna Gaines do next? The answer is drop a new collection for their line at Target, Hearth & Hand with Magnolia. The newest release is their holiday collection, which includes a ton of stylish, farmhouse-inspired decorations and gifts. You'll find wreaths and ornaments aplenty, as well as some especially fun items, like a mailbox for letters to Santa and a farmhouse style play kitchen that rivals the real thing. Already obsessed? Don't worry—you don't have to wait to shop. The Hearth & Hand holiday collection officially dropped today (Nov. 1), so you can go ahead and deck out your home for the holidays, modern farmhouse style. See some top picks below, and check out the full collection at Target. 0 Luann de Lesseps has plead not guilty to her arrest charges on Christmas Eve, PEOPLE confirms. The Real Housewives of New York star entered her not guilty plea days before New Year’s. De Lesseps, 52, was arrested in the early morning hours of Dec. 24 after attacking a police officer in Palm Beach — nearly a year after she wed now-ex-husband Tom D’Agostino in the Florida destination. Get push notifications with news, features and more. She was charged with disorderly intoxication, battery on an officer/firefighter/EMT, resisting arrest with violence and threatening a public servant, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. She had been discovered trespassing in a hotel room with an unidentified man, according to a police report. The pair had entered the wrong room at the Colony Hotel in Palm Beach and refused to leave. An assistant state’s attorney told the Palm Beach Post that de Lesseps slammed a door and kicked at least one police officer. She also reportedly told people, “I’m going to kill you all,” before her arrest. In a statement to PEOPLE, de Lesseps — who was released on her own recognizance that same day — said, “This was my first time in Palm Beach since my wedding, and being here brought up long-buried emotions. I want to offer my sincere apologies to anyone I might have offended with my behavior. I am committed to a transformative and hopeful 2018.” A source told PEOPLE that “Luann was out with a girlfriend at the Colony Hotel where she had her wedding brunch just a year ago — it was the first time she had been back to Palm Beach since the wedding.” “Memories from that day came flooding back, she was emotional and her behavior was out of character,” the source added. Days after her arrest, she exclusively told PEOPLE that she would be checking herself into a treatment facility. “After the events of last Saturday night in Palm Beach, I am truly embarrassed,” she said. “I have decided to seek professional guidance and will be voluntarily checking into an alcohol treatment center. I intend to turn this unfortunate incident into a positive life changing event. Once again, I sincerely apologize for my actions. I have the greatest respect for police officers and the job they do. My actions alleged in the police report do not reflect my core values and my law abiding character.” “I am so grateful for the love and support that I am receiving from my family, friends and loyal supporters,” she continued. 0 Aw! Blake Shelton sure looked like he was loving life when he happily stepped out to go to church on Mother’s Day with Gwen Stefani and her kids. See the adorable pics here! Blake Shelton, 41, looked as comfortable as could be when he stepped out with girlfriend Gwen Stefani, 48, and her three sons, Kingston, 11, Zuma, 9, and Apollo, 4, to attend a mass at church for Mother’s Day on May 13 and it was truly special to see. The country singer carried little Apollo and walked with a smile as Gwen held Zuma’s hand and Kingston walked beside them. At one point, Blake also cozily held onto Gwen too. The precious party of five were all dressed in business casual attire that included button-down shirts and pants for the boys while Gwen rocked a black jacket, a pair of black leggings and leopard print heeled boots. The holiday outing is just one of many that Blake, Gwen and her boys have been on together since the loving couple started dating back in 2015. From fishing trips in Blake’s hometown in Oklahoma to other holiday outings like the one on Easter, it’s always amazing to see how in tune they all seem to be around each other! Gwen and Blake often express their admiration for each other in public interviews and Blake truly seems to love spending time with Gwen’s boys as if they were his own. It’s always wonderful to see such love and support between families! Although Blake doesn’t have any children of his own, his family outings with Gwen and her boys prove he’d be the best dad ever. It seems Gwen’s boys, who she had with ex-husband Gavin Rossdale, 52, love Blake just as much as he loves them! There are even reports that they would love for him to propose to their mom so that they can call him their stepdad. That would be awesome to see now wouldn’t it?! We’ll continue to follow Blake and Gwen’s adorable romance and we hope they continue living their best lives together if it makes them happy! 1 If Charlize Theron’s new action film Atomic Blonde is a hit, she’ll have her 2005 flop Aeon Flux to thank. The Mad Max: Fury Road star took on the film following her Best Actress Oscar win for 2003’s Monster because she was eager to portray a no-nonsense female assassin and work with director Karyn Kusama, but their movie was not a hit among critics who gave it a big thumbs down. “I got offered a lot of stuff in action movies that was either the girl behind the computer or the wife,” she tells Variety magazine. “When Aeon Flux came to me, I thought that could be something. I was never completely sold on the entire concept, but I really loved Karyn Kusama’s movie (Girlfight). So I threw myself into that with the belief that she’s a great filmmaker.” “And then we f**ked it all up,” she says laughing. “I just don’t think we really knew how to execute it. And it’s disappointing, but it happens. I’ve been in this business long enough to know that you cannot get it right every time.” Charlize finally got to play her perfect female protagonist, a tough as nails spy, in Atomic Blonde, and she’s convinced the new David Leitch movie will be a hit among fans and critics alike. The actress admits her character, Lorraine Broughton, left her intrigued when she read the script because she had never seen a woman like that on the big screen. “I might have gotten this right because of that (Aeon Flux),” she smiles. “You know nothing about this woman. It’s so rare that a female gets that in a movie.” 0 T.I. has a few words for Rob Kardashian after the reality star claimed the rapper had a threesome with his ex-fiancée Blac Chyna and T.I.’s ex-wife Tameka “Tiny” Harris back in the day. TMZ caught up with the 36-year-old rapper at Los Angeles International Airport over the weekend. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “Don’t tell women’s business. That’s bad. That’s very, very bad. Poor character. Flawed, you know what I mean?” T.I. — born Clifford Harris — said. “If a woman trusted you and confided in you with secrets and stuff like that, you don’t ever let that — you don’t do that. Secrets are sacred, you don’t do that. That’s a whole other level of f—boy s— right there.” T.I. added that he thinks Kardashian, 30, is going to have a hard time hooking up with women after exposing Chyna, 29, in a series of now-deleted rants on social media. One post called out T.I. after the rapper criticized Kardashian for taking his feud with Chyna public. “Why bring ya business to IG tho? Look, You got worked bro….but at least keep it to yourself, you letting the world know you a duck. I mean a BIG DUCK, a mighty duck, Ronald McDonald the Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Howard the Druck, Huey Dewy & Lewie… save the #DuckTales Just hold this L, kiss ya kid & cut ya losses& move on… u got no moves bro,” T.I. said, according to a Instagram comment captured by Baller Alert. “Since TI wanna chime in on business that don’t concern him let’s talk about the threesome you had with Chyna and your baby mama Tiny,” Kardashian replied. “Don’t speak on my daughter when u having threesomes with young Chy and Tiny ::: and I put that on my daughters life since u wanna speak on my daughter,,, damn shame. Chyna told me everything about your threesomes with you and her and Tiny. U got no moves bro ;;; Correction ::: TI paid Chyna to have sex with Tiny and him.” RELATED VIDEO: Rob Kardashian Puts ‘Cheating’ Ex Blac Chyna on Blast with Explicit Photos After Kardashian put Chyna on blast, including posting explicit photos of her, high-powered civil rights attorney Lisa Bloom announced Friday that she is now legally representing Chyna and is seeking restraining orders against Kardashian on behalf of her client. “I represent Blac Chyna,” Bloom tweeted Friday. “I just gave Rob Kardashian notice that we’ll be in court Monday seeking restraining orders against him. More to come.” Chyna’s rep and Bloom’s co-counsel Walter Mosley also told PEOPLE, “Lisa Bloom is the best in the business and has the right sensitivities and skill set to handle this delicate and complex matter. She’s a warrior for women’s rights and that’s the type of lawyer we need right now.” 0 Just a few months after Jimmy Kimmel‘s baby son was born with heart disease, the proud dad has given fans an update on Billy’s health today! The TV host shared a new photo of his “happy and healthy” little boy via Instagram on Saturday, Oct. 21. “Young Billy is six months old today. He is healthy and happy and we are all very grateful for your prayers, good wishes, thoughts, and support of @ChildrensLA and children’s hospitals in your area,” he wrote on the social media platform. This update comes just one month after Billy made his first public appearance following his open-heart surgery. Three months ago, Jimmy gave a similar update on Billy — and we’re so glad that he’s continuing to do better! “Billy is three months old and doing great,” the 49-year-old star wrote on Instagram alongside an adorable new photo of his little boy smiling at the camera at the time. “Thanks for the love and support. Please remind your Congresspeople that every kid deserves the care he got.” The late night host tearfully revealed Billy’s birth and subsequent health problems during an emotional, 13-minute Jimmy Kimmel Live! monologue back in May. “A little over a week ago, on Friday, April 21st, my wife, [Molly], gave birth to a baby boy. His name is William John Kimmel,” he began while holding back tears. “We call him Billy. He was an easy delivery — only six pushes out. He appeared to be a normal, healthy baby until about three hours after he was born.” “On Monday morning, Dr. Vaughn Starnes opened his chest and fixed one of the two defects in his heart. He went in there with a scalpel and did some kind of magic that I couldn’t even begin to explain,” Jimmy continued. “He opened the valve, and the operation was a success. It was the longest three hours of my life.” Thankfully, sweet little Billy is now healthy, and Jimmy even admitted at the time, “He peed on his mother today while she was changing his diaper. He’s doing all the things that he’s supposed to do.” Jimmy and his wife, Molly McNeary, 39, previously announced they were expecting their second baby together in December 2016. The couple — who tied the knot in July 2013 — are already parents to a three-year-old daughter, Jane Kimmel. The TV star is additionally a father to two older kids — daughter Katie Kimmel, 26, and son Kevin Kimmel, 24 — from his first marriage to Gina Kimmel. Here’s hoping we get to see more pictures of little Billy in the near future! Part of this story originally appeared on NowToLove.com. More From Closer Weekly Ashton Kutcher Jokes Daughter Wyatt Wants to “Kill” Baby Brother Dimitri Jimmy Kimmel Will Return in 2018 to Host the Oscars Hoda Kotb on New Life With Baby Haley — “Motherhood Is the Best Job I’ve Ever Had” 0 Despite all the she-said, she-said in the Taylor Swift/Katy Perry feud, Ed Sheeran said in a recent interview that he thinks the back-and-forth is overblown. “I don’t think she needs [to be defended] at all,” he told People magazine at the 2017 Songwriters Hall of Fame 48th Annual Induction and Awards Gala. “I don’t think feud songs are a hot thing – there’s always been beef songs.” Sheeran specifically cited Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain” as an example of a classic “diss track”; Simon revealed in 2015 that she penned the 1972 hit with Warren Beatty in mind. Earlier this year, Perry incurred the wrath of many Swift fans after the release of her hit “Swish Swish,” which many interpreted as a direct attack on the “Wildest Dreams” singer. “Don’t you come for me / No, not today / You’re calculated / I got your number / ‘Cause you’re a joker / And I’m a courtside killer queen,” one verse partly reads. (As though confirming that the song was indeed about Swift, Perry changed the lyrics to hold a more conciliatory tone during a live-streamed concert: “God bless you on your journey, baby girl.” Days earlier, Perry had delivered that same line when chatting with Arianna Huffington about Swift.) “I am ready to let it go,” she said at the time. “I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from here. I think it’s actually like, I think it’s time. There are bigger fish to fry, and there are real problems in the world. You know what I’m saying? … There’s a lot of other things out there in the world that people need to be focused on, and I truly, like God bless her on her journey. God bless her. Honestly.” Earlier this month, Swift seemed to make a not-so-subtle point when she announced the release of her entire back catalog on all streaming services – just as Perry dropped her fourth studio album, Witness. Perry and Swift’s fallout dates back to 2014, when Swift suggested in a Rolling Stone interview that Perry had once stolen backup dancers out from under her, effectively throwing a wrench in their friendship. Swift’s hit from that same year, “Bad Blood,” is widely assumed to be about Perry. As for Swift and Sheeran, their platonic friendship is rock-solid. “We’ve gotten matching Scottish folds, made each other arts and crafts Christmas presents, vacationed with our families, and had each other’s backs,” Swift told Rolling Stone earlier this year. “He is the James Taylor to my Carole King and I can’t imagine a time when he wouldn’t be.” 1 Rumors of a Rihanna pregnancy have been swirling around the pop star for months now. While there is still no official confirmation, some believe new photos prove that the singer is pregnant… According to MTO News, Rihanna recently took part in a secret photo shoot in Ibiza. Although it’s unknown what the shoot was for, the singer appeared to be more full-figured than normal. Some are also saying that they can see a visible baby bump through her sheer white dress. Neither the pop star nor her billionaire boyfriend, Hassan Jameel, have given a response to the rumors. However, people are noting that the singer has been increasingly wearing loose clothing in recent months, and this could be a sign that she’s trying to keep baby rumors on the down low. Head right here to see the photos for yourself. Also, make sure to let us know what you think! Is this a fake rumor, or could Rihanna actually be pregnant? 1 "Get the latest from TODAY Sign up for our newsletter / Source: TODAY By Ree Hines There's good news for former ""Bachelorette"" Emily Maynard and husband Tyler Johnson — and it's familiar news: They're expecting a baby! Just last year, the couple, who married in 2014, made a similar announcement. Now, eight months after welcoming a baby boy named Jennings, there's another bundle of joy on the way. ""Some might say I’m crazy. Some might call me a glutton for punishment. I’d say I’m a little bit of both,"" Maynard wrote in a blog post for People.com. ""But more than anything, I’m just so excited for this summer to get here. Why you ask? Well … I’m pregnant. Again."" Maynard said that she realized that she'd given birth to Jennings ""like, two seconds ago,"" and added, ""I guess I should’ve read that part in the baby handbook that says you’re super fertile after giving birth, huh?"" But unexpected or not, she and Johnson couldn't be happier about their growing family. ""I said about two weeks after Jennings was born that I couldn’t wait to have another,"" Maynard explained. ""I just had no clue it would happen so quickly! Some of my closest friends have had a really hard time getting pregnant and my heart breaks for them, so I’m just so grateful for this blessing God has given our family."" This will be the third child for Maynard, who also has a 10-year-old daughter, Ricki, from her relationship with late NASCAR driver Ricky Hendrick. So much has changed in Maynard's life over the past few years. In 2011, she received the final rose from Brad Womack on Season 15 of ""The Bachelor."" But months after the finale, they parted ways. MORE: 'Bachelorette' star Emily Maynard welcomes baby — see the first pic! The following year, Maynard looked for love again on ""The Bachelorette."" But despite another seemingly happy ending with contestant Jef Holm, they too broke off their engagement. In 2013, she met now-husband Johnson. ""I’m living proof that God has an incredible plan for each of us, we just have to be patient enough to wait for Him and His timing!"" she wrote. Follow Ree Hines on Twitter." 0 "Playboy ’s newest issue will be one for the history books for more than one remarkable reason. The first is the fact that its cover model will be none other than Playboy ’s founder Hugh Hefner , who died on September 27 at the age of 91. It will mark the first time a man has graced the cover of the magazine without a woman by his side. But perhaps more significantly the issue will also contain a pictorial and centerfold Playmate feature with its very first transgender model. And that honor will go to French model Ines Rau. As People explained, 26-year-old Rau was photographed by Derek Kettela for the spread, in which she rocks a simple white bra and matching lace panties, along with sexy but understated white socks and sneakers. Loading View on Instagram And while the Playmate title is new this isn’t Rau’s first time being photographed for the revered men’s magazine. She previously appeared in its May 2014 A-Z Issue, in a spread titled ""Evolution."" That spread, People explained, was all about celebrating the world’s shifting acceptance of differing gender identities. ""It’s how I celebrated my coming-out, actually,"" Rau told Playboy in an accompanying interview. ""I took that chance, and then I signed with an agency."" And even for someone as strong and confident as Rau, living as her true self didn’t come easily. As she told Playboy, ""I lived a long time without saying I was transgender. I dated a lot and almost forgot. I was scared of never finding a boyfriend and being seen as weird. Then I was like, You know, you should just be who you are. It’s a salvation to speak the truth about yourself, whether it’s your gender, sexuality, whatever. The people who reject you aren’t worth it. It’s not about being loved by others; it’s about loving yourself."" Now, as a model who has broken barriers in high fashion in campaigns for Balmain and in the pages of Vogue Italia, Rau is without question a woman worth taking advice from. ""The advice I have for girls is to chill,” she said. “Don’t pressure yourself. Embrace yourself and be proud of who you are with your imperfections. It’s all in the mind, you know?""" 0 Nope, still not dating. Hailee Steinfeld clarified her relationship with Justin Bieber during an interview on SiriusXM’s Morning Mash Up on Wednesday, May 3. The “Most Girls” singer — who was reported to be dating the Biebs after photos of them FaceTiming surfaced last month and they were seen together on Monday — confirmed that she’s not dating the “Love Yourself” singer. “I don’t know why people make such a big deal,” she said of the rumors. “We’re friends. We’ve been friends for years.” As previously reported by Us Weekly, Steinfeld is, in fact, still dating her boyfriend Cameron Smoller. The Oscar nominee has been dating the 20-year-old since late last year. After going public with their romance in December, the duo have been sharing sweet snaps on social media ever since. On April 30, Smoller shared a gorgeous snap of Steinfeld in his car, captioning the sweet snap with three rose emojis. The songstress commented on the post with a heart emoji. ??? A post shared by Known As Camelton (@cameronsmoller) on Apr 30, 2017 at 12:39pm PDT Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 1 "Celebrity The 'On the Floor' singer's relationship with the former MLB star is reportedly just 'another PR stunt like when she was dating Drake!' Mar 10, 2017 AceShowbiz - Is Jennifer Lopez's relationship with Alex Rodriguez just for show? That's what Radar Online has reported. According to the publication, the ""On the Floor"" hitmaker's romance with the 41-year-old former MLB star is just a PR stunt. ""It's fake,"" a source revealed to the publication, after news broke saying that the 47-year-old singer and the retired baseball star had been in a secret relationship for weeks. The source claimed that it's just ""another PR stunt like when she was dating Drake!"" The insider went on alleging that J.Lo's known for her fake romances. ""She's the queen of fake romance items,"" claimed the insider, who's said to have been working closely with the ""Ain't Your Mama"" hitmaker. The news outlet further pointed out that J.Lo was once rumored to have dumped her former flame Drake, 30, for soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo. But her supposed reunion with ex-fiance Ben Affleck was reportedly real. ""It was like they'd never split up,"" an insider said of their alleged reunion. J.Lo has reportedly also been giving the ""Justice League"" actor ""the green light by speaking nostalgically about their relationship in the press.""" 1 Eric Schneiderman used his position as Attorney General to cover-up the crimes of NXIVM – a cult recently exposed as selling child sex slaves to the Clintons.As President Trump continues to crack down on the sex trafficking of minors, the media and Democrats continue to cover-up and defend the crimes of creepy sex cults and pedophile rings.Frankreport.com reports: In the case of Albany cult leader Keith Raniere, despite multiple complaints by numerous women over the course of years – women who claimed they were abused by Raniere and his sex slaver cult of NXIVM – Schneiderman seems to have, once again, ignored or covered up crimes of the notorious brander and starver of women. One can see why: He liked to beat and starve women himself. Maybe he saw Raniere as a potential partner-in-crime…Watch more below and click in the link!!!Full TextLike this: Like Loading... 1 "Chanel Iman and Sterling Shepard are officially married. The 27-year-old Victoria's Secret model and 25-year-old New York Giants wide receiver tied the knot this weekend in a ceremony at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles, according to People. The couple, who met in November 2016 at Victor Cruz's birthday party, got engaged in December and announced the happy news today on Instagram. ""A night full of tears of happiness I’m beyond excited to spend the rest of my life with you @sterl_shep3 you are my soulmate, my best friend, my everything! Can’t wait to be your Mrs. 💎💍,"" Chanel captioned the photo of their engagement. The couple's A-list guest list reportedly included Chrissy Teigen, Gabrielle Union, Odell Beckham Jr., Shanina Shaik, Joan Smalls and bridesmaid/fellow model Jourdan Dunn. Chanel wore a stunning Zuhair Murad wedding gown with a cape on her big day, which celebrity stylist Anita Patrickson helped her secure. ""I never really envisioned wearing something like that for my wedding,"" Iman told Brides.com. ""But the moment we put it on, we all loved it! It was so chic and unusual but also felt a little vintage."" The model changed dresses for the reception, donning a second Zuhair Murad gown, this one with a deep V-neck and pink tones to match the wedding's rose gold theme. ""I wanted to keep it as classic as possible,"" she said. ""I wanted a design that I can look back on in 20 years and not be wondering what I was thinking!"" Iman and Shepard worked with wedding planner Mindy Weiss, one of BAZAAR's top planners, for their Los Angeles affair. Weiss tapped florist Mark's Garden to create the blush-toned floral walls and arches for the couple's ceremony, and to design the rose gold world the bride imagined for her ceremony. Photographers Amy & Stuart captured the couple's entire day–including the bride's multiple fashion moments." 0 The 75th Golden Globe awards kick off on Sunday, Jan. 7, honoring the makers behind our favorite television shows and movies of the last year. Late Night‘s Seth Meyers will host the event, joining a roster of presenters that has previously included Jimmy Fallon, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Ricky Gervais. Up for multiple awards are Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water, Greta Gerwig’s Lady Bird and, on the TV side, Feud: Bette and Joan, This Is Us and The Handmaid’s Tale. Here’s a guide to how you can watch the 2018 Golden Globes, starting at 8 p.m. EST (5 p.m. PST) on NBC, including free streaming options. NBC or NBC.com To watch the 2018 Golden Globes live, tune in to NBC or use a cable log-in to sign in to NBC.com or the NBC app, where for the first time you can livestream the show held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in California. Streaming services and devices Cord-cutters who still want to watch the Golden Globes live, whether it’s for the acceptance speeches or gags, can catch the awards ceremony through several streaming services and devices, including Sling TV, Hulu Live TV, DirecTV Now, YouTube TV, Century Link Stream and Fubo TV in markets where local channels like NBC are offered. Customers who subscribe to Sling Blue can access NBC in Chicago, Boston, New York, San Francisco-Oakland, San Jose, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Dallas-Fort Worth, Washington D.C., Miami-Fort Lauderdale, San Diego and Hartford-New Haven, according to a spokesperson for the service. Sling TV first-timers can try a 7-day free trial of the streaming service. Indoor antenna If streaming services or cable log-ins don’t work, an indoor antenna is a good alternative to watch the 2018 Golden Globes live. Most antennas should pick up NBC since it is a broadcast network. Failing the three options above, the best course of action would be to live-stream the red carpet coverage, which will broadcast on Facebook from 6 to 8 p.m. EST. Or, you can forget about the awards entirely, and catch up on this year’s Golden Globes nominees instead. 0 "Carole Radziwill is exiting ""Real Housewives of New York City"" to return to ""journalism and producing,"" as she says. (Photo: Ben Gabbe, Getty Images for B Floral) ""Real Housewives of New York City"" cast member Carole Radziwill is leaving the reality series after six seasons. The 54-year-old journalist said in a statement Wednesday, ""I have decided to return to what I do best — journalism and producing. I am sure this does not come as a surprise to any of the viewers, all of whom have been supportive, encouraging, and kind."" Bravo communications director Sandra Lajoie confirmed the departure of Radziwill, who joined the series in its fifth season. Radziwill's statement continues: ""My original curiosity about reality television has waned over the years,"" she said, before offering some sass viewers have come to expect, ""I am focusing on TV and writing projects that better suit my more steady temperament ... I have worked with amazing producers, made great friends, and I’m thrilled to leave frenemies behind. I will remember this entire experience with delight, humor, and a veracious accuracy."" RHONJ: 'Real Housewives' star Teresa Giudice shows off new muscles at bodybuilding competition RHOBH: 'Real Housewives' Kyle Richards pays tribute to mom in 'American Woman' One of those so-called ""frenemies"" appeared to comment on Radziwill's exit. Bethenny Frankel, a ""RHONY"" cast member who had a fallout with Radziwill, shared a video clip on Twitter Wednesday. ""There's truth in every joke,"" Frankel wrote with a clip of herself commenting about how she might have a bad reaction to the served shellfish. ""I would think many of you would want to poison me,"" she says on Bravo snippet. The camera pans to a straight-faced Radziwill. Radziwill posted a message of her own to Instagram that appeared to comment on her decision to leave: ""Didn't change, just learned,"" she wrote, with a sunglasses-wearing emoji. 😎 A post shared by Carole Radziwill (@caroleradziwill) on Jul 25, 2018 at 12:48pm PDT If you love television and love talking about it even more, USA TODAY Life’s Yes, I'm Still Watching is here for you. Join our Facebook group to discuss all things TV with our critic Kelly Lawler. Read or Share this story: https://usat.ly/2LkJ73w" 0 We've long been fans of Matthew Rhys. Actually, we think he and his girlfriend, Keri Russell, are kind of incredible Hollywood treasures. (Check out them on WWHL, above, to see what we mean.) So, when they showed up to the NYC premiere of Mother! earlier this week, we should have known that they would make it a memorable night. Well... at least Rhys did. You see, the actor decided to strip down, right there on the red carpet. He just took his shirt off and swapped one with his pal because, you know, why not? It's a moment in which we feel more than #blessed. See what we mean, below. Matthew Rhys, never change! Matthew Rhys: A true Hollywood legend in the making! Happy weekend, y'all! 0 All the pregnancy accusations are just as bad as fat shaming, FYI. theres nothing wrong with Rihanna being pregnant, but its kind of rude to assume it bc shes gained some weight. you wouldnt go up to a heavier set woman and ask when shes due bc it’s disrespectful, so why do it to Rih knowing her weight is already an insecurity of hers? There's obviously nothing wrong with being pregnant, and if Rihanna truly is carrying a baby, then that's great! However, calling a woman pregnant — or assuming she is because of some kooky signs or because she's covering up her stomach — is body shaming. Also, just because Rihanna wore an outfit that covered her midsection doesn't automatically confirm a pregnancy. No one is entitled to her body, and she can cover it up should she want to. 1 "Get Stuff We Love Subscribe to our newsletter. / Updated / Source: TODAY By Emily Sher It's Hollywood's big night! See the most talked-about looks from the Oscars red carpet. Allison Janney Jordan Strauss / AP Allison Janney knows how to wear red! The ""I, Tonya"" star made quite the entrance in this cherry number with dramatic sleeves that draped to the floor. Salma Hayek Jordan Strauss / AP Salma Hayek is never afraid to take a fashion risk — and it certainly paid off at the Oscars! This shimmery, bejeweled, layered dress feels one of a kind. Margot Robbie Jordan Strauss / AP As Margot Robbie clearly knows, white makes a striking statement on the red carpet. This standout number from Margot Robbie looked sleek and romantic at the same time. Viola Davis Jordan Strauss / AP It's Viola Davis' world and we're just living in it! This Barbie-pink color looks fantastic on the Oscar-winning star. Allison Williams VALERIE MACON / AFP - Getty Images Looking like a real-life princess, ""Get Out"" star Allison Williams chose a skin-tone hued beaded ballgown. Saoirse Ronan Frazer Harrison / Getty Images Pretty in pink! Saoirse Ronan looks sugary sweet in this cotton candy-hued strapless dress with a dramatic bow in the back. Nicole Kidman Jordan Strauss / AP Nicole Kidman was born to wear this dress! She looked picture-perfect in this bold blue gown with a large bow at the waist. Lupita Nyong'o Frazer Harrison / Getty Images Lupita Nyong'o is in the record-breaking movie ""Black Panther,"" and certainly looks the part of a Hollywood star in this gold gown. Gal Gadot Jordan Strauss / AP A Wonder Woman, indeed! Gal Gadot made quite the red carpet entrance in this shimmery fringed gown with a standout necklace. Mary J. Blige Jordan Strauss / AP Mary J. Blige might be all about ""no drama,"" but that isn't the case when it comes to her red carpet dresses. Just check out the gorgeous bling on the bodice of her striking white gown! Ashley Judd Jordan Strauss / AP Ashley Judd made her red carpet entrance in this regal purple gown with a sweetheart neckline and a ruched, fitted bodice. Octavia Spencer Jordan Strauss / AP Octavia Spencer is glowing in this moody teal gown with a flattering, off-the-shoulder neckline. Laura Dern Jordan Strauss / AP This deceptively simple gown is stunning on Laura Dern, who had an important role in ""Star Wars: The Last Jedi."" Gina Rodriguez Jordan Strauss / AP Now that's an Oscar-worthy smile! Gina Rodriguez brought her megawatt charm to the red carpet in a nude-colored gown with a plunging neckline and dramatic skirt. The metallic silver belt around her waist adds the ""it"" factor. Sandra Bullock Frazer Harrison / Getty Images Sleek, straight and shiny! Sandra Bullock matched her gorgeous hair to her dress for this sophisticated look. Helen Mirren Jordan Strauss / AP Is it blue? Is it gray? Is it something in between? While we can't quite put our finger on the name of this color, Helen Mirren is certainly rocking it. Zendaya Jordan Strauss / AP Zendaya solidifies her status as a red carpet icon with every appearance. This one-shoulder gown is effortlessly cool and perfectly styled with this sleek topknot. Greta Gerwig Jordan Strauss / AP ""Lady Bird"" director Greta Gerwig went with a slightly retro look with this marigold slip dress. Her '40s-style finger waves and red lips top off the outfit. Jennifer Garner Neilson Barnard / Getty Images Jennifer Garner made quite the statement in this figure-hugging royal blue gown paired with old Hollywood waves. Jane Fonda Frazer Harrison / Getty Images Talk about timeless! Jane Fonda never fails to make a statement on the red carpet, and this look is no different. The unique neckline frames her face perfectly. Emily Blunt Jordan Strauss / AP Emily Blunt looks romantic and lovely in this pastel green number. Elisabeth Moss Jordan Strauss / AP Elisabeth Moss is looking pretty in pink in this sweet, off-the-shoulder gown. The teeny-tiny bow at the waist adds the ideal finishing touch. Jennifer Lawrence Neilson Barnard / Getty Images Gorgeous in gunmetal! Jennifer Lawrence chose a slinky, shiny column dress for the red carpet. Emma Stone Frazer Harrison / Getty Images The 2017 Oscar winner for best actress wore a silky pantsuit for her return to the Academy Awards. Beanie Feldstein Jordan Strauss / AP ""Lady Bird"" star Beanie Feldstein is black-and-white perfection in this reverse ombre gown with a flattering deep V-neckline. Rita Moreno Jordan Strauss / AP Look familiar? Rita Moreno wore the same gown she did in 1962 when she won her Oscar for ""West Side Story."" What a legend! Meryl Streep Jeff Kravitz / FilmMagic Is it any surprise that Meryl Streep looks amazing on the red carpet? This three-quarter-sleeved gown has a lower neckline than we're used to seeing on the Oscar-winning star, but it looks gorgeous. The skinny belt adds a trendy touch. Adam Rippon and Mirai Nagasu Jordan Strauss / AP The Olympics are coming to the Oscars! Figure skating sensations Adam Rippon and Mirai Nagasu are out of their costumes and in elegant, stylish looks for the red carpet. Lindsey Vonn VALERIE MACON / AFP - Getty Images Skiing sensation Lindsey Vonn is all smiles on the red carpet in this eye-catching number." 0 Chrissy Teigen has been pretty candid about her pregnancy so far—tweeting about crazy pregnancy hormones and the baby “sucking the life from me,” making her dry, hungry, and sick. The real talk is both entertaining and relatable—especially if you’ve been pregnant before. Now, the model and television host ‘fessed up to something that a lot of parents-to-be struggle with: coming up with a baby name. RELATED: 9 Celebrity Baby Names We Actually Love While appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Teigen revealed the baby’s due date (June!) and said “boy names are really tough. I don’t even think he’ll have a middle name because we can’t come up with a first name.” Teigen went on to explain that it was easy to come up with the name for her first child, Luna, because she was born during a blood moon and Teigen has an affinity for all things space. DeGeneres jokingly suggested some other names to put on the list, “Lunar” and “Urban Legend.” RELATED: The Story Behind Lauren Conrad’s Popular Baby Name Teigen also told DeGeneres that friends suggested naming the baby boy John Jr., and she hilariously called out her husband’s response: “But John and his ego, he was like, ‘I don’t want him to feel like he has to live up to that.’ I was like, ‘Wow, you’re a jerk.’” Also in the interview, Teigen talked about working with Meghan Markle, pre-royal engagement, when they were models on Deal or No Deal. “You know, I tell John all the time, ‘That could be me, I could be Princess Harry,’” she said, proving that she knows nothing about how royal titles and that she’s all of us trying to keep up with royal wedding news. 0 It’s over. Joanna Krupa and Romain Zago have split after less than four years of marriage, Us Weekly can confirm. According to E! News, the Polish-American model, 38, and the handsome entrepreneur have been separated since December. “They just grew apart,” a source told the outlet. The former couple’s often rocky romance was featured on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Miami, which ended after three seasons in 2013. Though they once called off their engagement after an explosive fight over cheating rumors, they eventually tied the knot in June 2013. The romantic California ceremony, which Krupa’s rep described to Us Weekly as “a million-dollar princess wedding,” was featured on the reality series. Months after getting hitched, Krupa told Us that she wanted to start a family with Zago, and revealed that she had thought about freezing her eggs. “We’re talking more and more about it. Honestly, [one second] I want to have a baby and [then] another second I don’t feel like I’m ready for it just yet. So what I think I’m gonna do — unless it happens naturally — I think I’m gonna freeze my eggs in the next month or two,” she shared with Us during a January 2014 interview. “I wish I did that in my twenties but, unfortunately, I didn’t. So I think I’m gonna do it just in case because every year I’m like, ‘This is the year, this is the year.’ But I’m still focused on other things that it’s just really hard, and I don’t want to take it away from being a mother.” Aside from her dream of becoming a mother, the blonde beauty — who lives in Los Angeles — also opened up to Us about the challenges of maintaining a bi-coastal marriage with Zago, who is based in Miami. “We both have such busy lives. The Real Housewives of Miami only shows my life in Miami and, to be honest, my life is more L.A. The only thing that keeps me in Miami is my husband,” she said. “… I think we’re like the only couple that’s been doing a bi-coastal relationship for seven years.” Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 "CLOSE Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid have broken up after spending two years together. Time Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid have confirmed their split via Twitter. (Photo: Pascal Le Segretain, Getty Images) This time, the rumors are true. Singer Zayn Malik and model Gigi Hadid both confirmed via tweet Tuesday that they have broken up after two-plus years, one music video and a Vogue spread together. ""Gigi and I had an incredibly meaningful, loving and fun relationship and I have a huge amount of respect and adoration for Gigi as a woman and a friend,"" Malik, 25, wrote in his statement. ""She has such an incredible soul."" He continued, ""I'm grateful to all of our fans for respecting this difficult decision and our privacy at this time. We wish this news could have come from us first."" Twelve minutes later, Hadid, 22, issued her own tweet confirming the split. ""Breakup statements often seem impersonal because there is really no way to put into words what two people experience together over a few years,"" she wrote, ""not only in the relationship but in life in general."" She continued, ""I'm forever grateful for the love, time and life lessons that Z and I shared. I want nothing but the best for him and will continue to support him as a friend that I have immense love and respect for. As for the future, whatever's meant to be will always be."" A rep for Malik did not immediately respond to USA TODAY's request for comment. Read or Share this story: https://usat.ly/2ImI3qU" 1 "Shakira Kicks Off Momentous U.S. Tour in Chicago After 7-Year Wait: 'I've Been Dreaming About This Moment' Shakira kicks off the North American leg of Her El Dorado World Tour at United Center on Aug. 3, 2018 in Chicago. Shakira fans waited long enough to see the Colombian superstar touring and back onstage in the United States -- seven years to be exact. And for some fans, like Joel and Karen, it was the first time they got to see Shakira live. “We drove eight hours from Minnesota just to see her,” said the couple. “We’ve been waiting since the '90s to see Shakira. I want to sing the oldies with her."" ""I’ve been practicing in my shower for the last 20 years,” added Karen. After a successful run in Europe earlier this summer, Shakira kicked off the U.S. leg of her El Dorado Tour at the United Center in Chicago on Friday (Aug. 3). The tour was rescheduled from January after the singer/songwriter had to postpone her international trek due to strained vocal chords. “It’s so good to see you,” Shakira said after singing her first couple of songs, including “Estoy Aquí,” “She Wolf” and “Si Te Vas.” “It’s been way too long,"" she continued. ""I’ve been dreaming about this moment. There were times when all of this seemed impossible, but miracles do exist. You made this happen! Thank you for all your support, especially in these last few months."" Not only did Shakira sing her heart out -- in English and Spanish -- for nearly two hours and delivered classics like “Inevitable,” “Tú” and “Antología” and her most recent hits such as “Me Enamoré” and “Chantaje,” she also danced all night long. Even as mother of two, those hips still don’t lie. Working the stage from left to right and walking along a runway that stretched to the center of the venue, the hypnotizing and infectious hip moves came when the chart-topping artist sang tracks like “Perro Fiel,” “Dare (La La La),” “Waka Waka” and “Loca.” Of course, the sexy, upbeat tracks called for a change in wardrobe and for those, Shakira appeared onstage with her staple belly dancing wraps covered with beads and coins that really accentuated her hip-swiveling moves. Two special guests spotted in the crowd were Shakira’s sons: Milan and Sasha. The two almost stole the show when they were ushered to their front row seats where they would see their mamá in all her glory. From the stage and throughout the show, she blew kisses their way. Another fan favorite moment was when Shakira appeared on the other side of the venue wearing a long, gold dress to sing “Toneladas” and right after, made her way back to the main stage walking in the middle of the crowd and stopping to snap a few selfies and greet fans who threw themselves at her as she passed by. The grand finale was a succession of hits, including “Rabiosa,” “Hips Don’t Lie,” “La Tortura” and “La Bicicleta.” It reminded us of how vast Shakira's catalog is, and how enduring the hits are, even after a seven-year wait. “First night in the U.S., incredible,” she wrote on social media immediately after the concert. “Thank you, Chicago.”" 0 Charlie Sheen has settled a lawsuit he filed against the National Enquirer over the publication’s report that the former “Two and a Half Men” star sodomized a then-13-year-old Corey Haim while the pair were filming the 1986 film “Lucas.” A spokesman for Enquirer parent company AMI told TheWrap that the matter has been “amicably resolved.” TheWrap has also reached out to Sheen’s legal representative for comment. Also Read: Charlie Sheen Sues the National Enquirer Over Corey Haim Rape Story (Report) According to TMZ, Sheen’s legal team filed papers late last week asking that the suit be dismissed with prejudice, which means that the suit can’t be filed again. Sheen filed the suit in December, accusing the publication of defamation. The suit resulted from a Nov. 8 article that quoted former actor Dominick Brascia as saying Haim told him that Sheen and Haim “smoked pot and had sex. He said they had anal sex. Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested.” In a statement released by his attorney, Shane Bernard, after the complaint was filed, Sheen said, “In my nearly 35 years as a celebrated entertainer, I have been nothing shy of a forthright, noble and valiant courier of the truth.” Also Read: Corey Haim's Mother Says Charlie Sheen Sexual Assault Accusations Were 'All Made Up' Sheen continued, “Consistently admitting and owning a laundry list of shortcomings, wrongdoings and indiscretions this traveler hath traveled — however, every man has a breaking point. These radically groundless and unfounded allegations end now. I now take a passionate stand against those who wish to even entertain the sick and twisted lies against me. GAME OVER.” 1 FIRST Kim Kardashian shocked onlookers when she arrived at Paris Fashion Week with a noticeable bald patch, now our very own Nicole Kidman has been spotted with one as well. Both A-Listers were snapped by paparazzi within days of each other and were shown with thinning hair. The Daily Mail reported that Kim Kardashian shocked onlookers at Charles De Gaulle airport this morning when she arrived for Paris Fashion Week sporting a large bald spot. Pictures: Kardashian sisters in Australia Video: Kim Kardashian talks babies Pictures: Kim Kardashian and other famous celebrity bums The perennially groomed 31-year-old reality star was seen with a thinning patch at the side of her head. Kardashian, who is known for shelling out thousands for her long brown hair extensions, appears to be paying a high price for her hair styling regime. Naomi Campbell, Alexandra Burke and Tamara Beckwith have all suffered from hair loss as a result of over-tight extensions and weaves - and just general hair abuse. Trichologists say that quite often with celebrity hair thinning or loss nowadays, hair extensions are to blame. The traction caused by wearing the hair pieces over long periods of time weakens the hair - which then isn't helped by chemical and heat treatments like dyes and straighteners. Nicole Kidman showed off a noticeable thin patch on the side of her head as she arrived at Los Angeles Airport today. Pictures: Nicole Kidman through the years The red-haired actress, who carried her own two bags to a waiting limousine, had her hair tied back with a clip giving onlookers a glimpse of a thinning patch. Wearing skinny leather trousers, a black scarf, black shoes and a black coat, she also flashed her huge wedding ring as she was greeted at LAX by two burly bodyguards after a trip to Paris, also for fashion week. Originally published as Kardashian and Kidman going bald? 1 The 2018 ESPYS celebrated not only the biggest achievements in sports on Wednesday night, but also the spirit and atmosphere of 2018 itself. The sexual abuse survivors who spoke out against USA gymnastics and Michigan State coach Larry Nassar winning the Arthur Ashe Courage Awards created the most emotionally charged moment of the night. But there were many more tearjerkers throughout the three-hour show, including the heroes of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school shooting — Aaron Feis, Scott Beigel and Chris Hixon — being posthumously named Best Coach. While millions of viewers watched the 2018 ESPYS live on ABC, TheWrap was inside the Microsoft Theater in downtown Los Angeles. Also Read: Danica Patrick's ESPYs Monologue Called 'Awkward, 'Cringey' (Video) Here’s what you didn’t see on TV. Sexual abuse survivors make a lasting impact The Arthur Ashe Courage Award is usually presented in the middle of the show but ESPN producers wisely moved it to the end of the night, knowing the importance of the 150 sexual abuse survivors taking to the stage together. The “sister survivors” of Nassar’s abuse over the past 30 years got the entire auditorium on their feet cheering them on. “The greatest tragedy of this is that it could have been avoided … all we needed was just one adult to stand between us and Larry Nassar,” Aly Raisman said in what would be the most impactful words of the night. All of the survivors stayed on the stage long after the end of the show, sharing their historic moment. Cleveland fans aren’t laughing “It’s true that the ESPYS have never had a host like me before,” Danica Patrick said to open the show as the first female host. Danica’s jab at Cleveland soon sparked a groan from much of the audience — we guess there are some Browns and Cavaliers fans in the house after all. At least Odell Beckham Jr. found her joke about his hair being “questionable” funny. Few Fergie fans either … The “real national anthem controversy” this year wasn’t about NFL players kneeling, Patrick said, as a picture of Fergie butchering the anthem at the NBA All-Star game appeared on the big screen. Oops. Alex Ovechkin or Putin? There weren’t many Trump supporters in the crowd, however. The night’s first political joke from Patrick – “I haven’t seen a Russian this pleased with Washington since … at least two days ago” – was tied to the Stanley Cup Finals but we all know who it was really about. And it sparked the first big cheer of the evening. Also Read: ESPYS Parties 2018: Snoop Dogg, Aly Raisman Kick Off Biggest Week in Sports (Updating Photos) Welcome to L.A., LeBron Everyone is on Team LeBron, it seems. When Patrick said James was the biggest off- season acquisition the crowd went wild … but there was deadly silence when she made fun of his thinning hair. OBJ’s calf flash OBJ was co-presenter for Biggest Breakout Athlete but it was his legs that had the real breakout moment in a very dashing pair of designer shorts. (The actual recipient was Donovan Mitchell, who joins the realm of past winners like Tom Brady, LeBron James and Dak Prescott.) Antonio Brown later showed off his legs in shorts too, these ESPYS veterans clearly know how hot it gets on the red carpet. Quiz time The game played in the first commercial break to entertain attendees picked on random members of the audience. First up was none other than “Black Panther” star Chadwick Boseman, who thankfully knew the name of the biggest NBA scorer in league history. Seattle Seahawks QB Russell Wilson got thrown some movie trivia next but luckily he knew that Boseman starred in “Draft Day.” Hug it out The 27-strong US Women’s Hockey team took some time to gather on stage after they won for Best Game because “we’re a hugging team,” admitted one of the Olympic gold medal-winning players. National karaoke champions? The Notre Dame women’s basketball champions proved that they’re not only good at scoring, they’re also pretty good at karaoke. It was a little of a bumpy start when two of the players took to the stage to show off their singing skills, but like all the best teams, they had a miraculous comeback. In the next ad break however, the warmup host mistakenly said they were from Villanova. LeBron dominates the red carpet without even being there In case you’ve been living under a rock, LeBron James has signed with the LA Lakers. While the former NBA champion wasn’t actually at the ESPYS, that didn’t stop every athlete on the red carpet from being asked what they thought about him coming to Los Angeles. King James was also on the mind of one audience member who called out his name when any category was announced. No. 23 for Best College Athlete? No, we don’t think so. Biggest Breakthrough? Not this year. Also Read: Tom Brady, LeBron James Lead 2018 ESPYS Nominations Top names miss TV spots Though they’re arguably the best athletes in the world, Tom Brady, LeBron James and Roger Federer won categories that weren’t deemed important enough to be featured on TV — possibly because they weren’t able to attend the show — and their victories were announced during a TV time out. Eagles fans at it again Philadelphia Eagles fans are known for being crazy and outspoken (to politely put it), and one middle-aged fanatic in a tuxedo proved that by screaming “PHILADELPHIA” when QB Nick Foles won the Championship Award for his Super Bowl LII win … but it was his young son who looked really embarrassed by the outburst. Jon Stewart fires up the audience Jon Stewart complained about the audience’s lack of response when presenting the Pat Tillman Award for Service to Jake Wood. “One cheer for the Marines? Really?” which woke the crowd up to the impact of what former college football player Wood has done in countries like Haiti and for the relief effort in the wake of Hurricane Harvey with Team Rubicon, a non-profit where military veterans lead humanitarian missions to disaster areas. “He’s also super tall and annoyingly handsome. Last night I saw him making his pregnant wife a hot coffee. I really don’t like this guy,” Stewart said bitterly. The former “The Daily Show” host’s kick up the ass of the crowd — plus a very moving video of Team Rubicon’s work — earned Wood the first standing ovation of the night. And yes, he really did make Stewart look short. Also Read: WWE Superstars, US Women's Ice Hockey Team Among ESPN Sports Humanitarian Awards Winners Laila Ali can throw a punch and hold a high note Muhammad Ali will go down in history as the best boxer ever, but who knew his daughter Laili Ali could belt out a song like Whitney Houston? When passed the mic in a break, Laili showed off her knockout singing chops and some hot dance moves. Oh, and she can box too. In related news, the NFL’s top rookies cannot sing … Also Read: Jim Kelly to Receive Jimmy V Perseverance Award at ESPYS Kelly Tough ESPN named Wednesday the official Jimmy V Day in honor of the legendary college basketball coach who made a historic speech about battling cancer. Many athletes including NFL defensive end Calais Campbell wore Jimmy V pins on the red carpet in their support of cancer research. Former Buffalo Bills QB Jim Kelly was later honored with the 2018 Jimmy V Award for Perseverance – and his heartbreaking story of fighting adversity and “never giving up” brought many in the audience to tears. Kelly, whose cancer of the jaw returned this year, delivered another historical speech despite his struggling to speak and needing help to the stage from his two daughters. ESPN host Cari Champion went on to announce that $1.8 million has been raised in the past two days that will go directly to the Stuart Scott Memorial Cancer Research Fund. 0 "At home with The Hollywood Reporter, the 'Cake' star gives a very candid interview about everything from being a ""control freak"" to loving 'The Bachelor,' and even her relationships with Brad Pitt and Justin Theroux, as she enters a period of intense midlife contemplation (don't worry, it's not a crisis!): ""I know I have a bigger purpose."" This story first appeared in the Jan. 30 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Just last week, all around Hollywood the words ""Jennifer Aniston"" and ""Oscar nomination"" were being mentioned in the same breath. The Friends star had made a stunning switch to serious drama with Cake, a roughly $7 million indie release that opens Jan. 23; the movie had debuted at the Toronto Film Festival to terrific reviews for the actress, if not for the film itself; she had Harvey Weinstein's former awards consultant, Lisa Taback, on the case; and a nomination looked teed up and ready to go. Then on Thursday, Jan. 15, at 5:40 a.m., the rug was pulled out from under the movie. Hours after Aniston's triumphant appearance at Cake's Los Angeles premiere, with a nomination from every other major voting body in Hollywood under her belt, a swirl of ""SNUBBED!"" headlines emerged when the best actress nominations were announced and they didn't include the star. After Selma (which landed just two noms, for picture and song), the Aniston rebuke was the dominant entertainment story du jour. ""I know a lot of people were sorry,"" she says, speaking the day after the nominations. ""I feel I've gotten such wonderful love — I had almost more phone calls and flowers than I did for any other nomination [in the past]."" Whatever pain or anger she may have felt, whatever disappointment or sense of loss (and let's not kid ourselves: Every Oscar snub feels acute to even the strongest person), Aniston never let on. She even joked about it a few days later on Ellen, calling herself ""the number-one snubbed"" (an honor that might perhaps belong to Selma director Ava DuVernay). She was exactly what millions of fans who have known her for two decades wanted her to be: funny and self-deprecating and exquisitely human. Other actresses might have induced a tsunami of schadenfreude. But Aniston's enduring appeal is rooted in the very fact that she can be hurt, again and again — whether by the Oscars or the Sexiest Man Alive — and she'll endure. She's rich and glamorous and famous, but she's also one of us: a real person with a beating heart. *** We sit in Aniston's cavernous Bel Air living room, with the city spreading out through the floor-length windows. It is Jan. 8, a week before the nominations are to be announced, but right now other things are on her mind. ""I've cried deeply,"" she says. ""I've felt immense loss in my life. Anybody who's felt pain or loss that has sent you to your knees knows [what that's like]."" Her words catch me by surprise. We're halfway through a two-hour interview, and the frothy, fizzy woman I thought I knew so well from Friends has shed her professional shell, revealing a more complex and perhaps vulnerable person inside. She's just slid off the long, gray sofa where she was sitting in her somewhat minimalist home and now is kneeling on the floor, one arm propped on a coffee table, in jeans and a T-shirt, looking remarkably young and well-toned. Her hair, the most scrutinized in modern media, is of course perfect; her rather artificial tan, less so — but then she's fresh from a photo shoot and hasn't had time to wipe it off. I hear a hint of regret, though she insists, ""I feel very happy. Life is quite extraordinary."" The words ""pain,"" ""anger"" and ""control"" pop up throughout our conversation — and not just in relation to Cake, a heavy drama in which she plays a woman dealing with debilitating pain following a deadly car crash. Photos by Ruven Afanador Cake marks a transition for the star, who's at a point in her life when transitions really matter. It would be wrong to say she's having a midlife crisis; but it might be fair to say she's experiencing a midlife contemplation, when questions about her life, and life itself, are paramount. At 45 years old, sporting gold-rimmed, aviator-style glasses, Aniston is no longer the ingenue who became a household name at age 25. She has come to terms with a complicated relationship with her mother, has learned to moderate her urge to be always in control and has overcome issues about anger, specifically her longtime history of being ""passive-aggressive."" Her life is enviable: She's rich enough never to have to work again and has a strong partner in actor-writer Justin Theroux, 43, whom she plans to marry soon. And yet she's still trying to figure out what it all really means, and as time hurtles by, that's growing in importance. ""Time moves really quickly these days, I don't know why,"" she says poignantly. ""How many times did our parents say, 'Stop wanting everything to rush'? You want summer to be over, you want Christmas to be over, you want this to be over, you want everything to be over just so you can get to the next thing. And boy, you really wish you'd listened to a lot of the things they said."" She's been through a lot, including her own bout with chronic pain from a pinched nerve in her neck, due to stress, that lasted months and sent her scurrying to specialists. ""I saw this amazing doctor named Alison Tunney who changed my life with this thing called directional nonforce technique,"" she says. ""It's like peeling an onion, like peeling years of injuries."" She's also had to deal with the premature death of a beloved therapist, a barrage of tabloid stories about her fecundity, or lack thereof; and some withering reviews for movies that may have been beneath her talents (The Bounty Hunter, Horrible Bosses 2). Not least of her woes is the public's endless obsession with her split from Brad Pitt, even though it's been a decade since their divorce. She's been cast in the role of rejected wife, a Debbie Reynolds for the 2000s, eternally perceived as the victim, even if that's far from how she sees it. ""We're not in daily communication,"" she says. ""But we wish nothing but wonderful things for each other. Nobody did anything wrong. You know what I mean? It was just like, sometimes things [happen]."" She throws up her hands in exasperation. ""If the world only could just stop with the stupid, soap-opera bullshit. There's no story. I mean, at this point it's starting to become — please, give more credit to these human beings."" Despite the divorce, she says she has no hesitation about getting married again and sports a huge diamond engagement ring given to her by Theroux, who lives with her in Bel Air, though no date has been set for the wedding. ""We don't have a date,"" she says, then adds slyly, ""I wouldn't tell you if we did."" As to kids: ""Listen,"" she continues, ""that's a topic that's so exhausted. I get nervous around that, just because it's very personal. Who knows if it's going to happen? It's been a want. We're doing our best."" *** Aniston says she's only now learning to deal with anger — discovering how to express it, rather than keeping it bottled up. ""I always thought, if you're angry you just don't say anything,"" she says. ""I would come out passive, things would come out passively. But it doesn't have to be black or white. You don't have to be a hysterical human being and have veins popping out of your neck and turn bright red and terrify people — or else keep quiet and put your head in the sand. I used to loathe confrontation. Loathe it. It was absolute. I understood anger, but I didn't know that you should express it. Which has been something that I've really tried to work on."" She's also tried to master her need for order. ""I'm a control freak,"" she admits. ""I like to be in charge of everything. My life was so out of control growing up, it's very important today for it to be in control."" Even now, she says, ""I have to bite my tongue sometimes if I'm on a movie, when I think I can figure out how to make this problem that they're having go smoothly. I just bite my tongue, especially with a [bad] director. Some directors are just like — oh, God, oh God, oh God! I [have to] just suffer through this."" Years of therapy have helped, though it took Aniston a long time to find someone to replace her favorite therapist, who died of a heart attack several years ago. ""It was at a crazy time, right when we were going through our divorce and everything,"" she recalls. ""But I learned so much in the four years I worked with her, that when she did pass away I remember thinking, 'Wow, everything that we talked about and discussed, it's allowed me to be really peaceful about it all.' I mean, there were human moments. But I was really shockingly OK."" Everything she did with her therapist, a Jungian who also borrowed from other schools of thought, centered on the fundamental issue of self-assertion, returning Aniston to the theme of anger. ""Her whole thing with me was really saying, 'You have to stand up for yourself in life.' She was really trying to help me deal with anger and learning how to express it without feeling terrified that I was going to get murdered in response."" Meditation also has helped, she says, and recently she has been meditating a great deal. Mostly she practices at home rather than following any particular guru. ""I'm on a really good personal strict regime,"" she notes. ""These days, I've been [doing it] every day. I have a little place at home, and I do it for about 20 minutes, at different times, usually right after a cup of coffee and before the chaos starts."" She's found inspiration in the Dalai Lama, though they've never met. ""But I'd love to meet him. From the things I've read about him, books and lectures, he seems like pure joy, pure, pure, pure enlightenment."" If all this might seem a trifle New Age-y, that's not the way Aniston comes across. In fact, she seems as self-aware as she is candid, a rather empathetic person struggling to define her life in the glare of a spotlight few of us will ever face. She has few heroes she can cite, other than the Dalai Lama. ""They're all dead now,"" she observes wistfully, before citing Laurence Olivier, who died in 1989: ""Honestly, I was obsessed [with him] when I was a kid. I just remember being so enamored of him. I remember thinking, 'Maybe someday, if I become an actress, I'll be able to work with him.' And I remember the day he died, crying my eyes out."" She seems close to Theroux, who briefly interrupts our interview, dressed in a black leather motorbike jacket, and plants a kiss on her lips. The two met while Aniston was on vacation in Hawaii with her former co-star Courteney Cox and have now been together for four years. ""It was his humor, mainly"" that drew her to Theroux, she says. ""He's the easiest guy to hang around. He was so completely in his skin. It was the first time I remember being so comfortable [with a romantic interest], like with all my gay friends."" She remains very friendly with Cox, with whom she just spent Christmas Eve, and she says she just saw another Friends co-star, Lisa Kudrow, the day before our interview. Other than these actresses' shows, she says, she doesn't watch much television anymore, and the TV she watches is rarely a sitcom. She likes NBC Nightly News With Brian Williams, and favorite programs include 60 Minutes, House of Cards, Breaking Bad and Veep. ""And then there's junk television,"" she says, smiling, noting she's hooked on The Bachelor. ""I'll say it out loud. Last year, [friends] were saying, 'It's The Bachelor, it's premiering tonight! The Bachelor is premiering tonight!' And I was like, 'Oh, guys! Seriously? The Bachelor? That's been on for 15 years or something.' And Justin and I, just for fun, watched — and two hours later, we were addicted. It was like junk food. We were sad when it ended."" She has a passion for art, and her living room displays paintings by Marc Chagall, Robert Motherwell and conceptual artist Glenn Ligon, the latter of which she bought at a fundraiser for Haiti organized by friend Ben Stiller. ""I used to have an art studio and paint and work with clay, and I actually miss it,"" she says. ""I was moving storage facilities, and I just found my wheel and my easels and all my books. I found all this stuff, so I may build a little art studio off [the house]."" She doesn't read much, the result of the dyslexia that impacted her education and self-image, which wasn't diagnosed until she was in her early 20s. ""The only reason I knew [that I had it] was because I went to get a prescription for glasses,"" she recalls. ""I had to wear these Buddy Holly glasses. One had a blue lens and one had a red lens. And I had to read a paragraph, and they gave me a quiz, gave me 10 questions based on what I'd just read, and I think I got three right. Then they put a computer on my eyes, showing where my eyes went when I read. My eyes would jump four words and go back two words, and I also had a little bit of a lazy eye, like a crossed eye, which they always have to correct in photos."" The revelation that she had dyslexia was life-changing. Until then, ""I thought I wasn't smart. I just couldn't retain anything,"" she says. ""Now I had this great discovery. I felt like all of my childhood trauma-dies, tragedies, dramas were explained."" *** She gets up and crosses the room to adjust an ottoman a notch. ""Sorry, I had to move that,"" she says. Aniston grew up largely in New York, the daughter of two actors. (Her father, John, is a longtime star of Days of Our Lives.) Her life was shaken when her parents split, leaving the 9-year-old girl with her mother, Nancy Dow, while her elder brother, John, moved to Los Angeles. Now, she says regarding her mother, ""We're all fine,"" but there were years when they didn't speak. ""She had a temper. I can't tolerate that. If I get upset, I will discuss [things]. I will never scream and get hysterical like that. [But] I was never taught that I could scream. One time, I raised my voice to my mother, and I screamed at her, and she looked at me and burst out laughing. She was laughing at me [for] screaming back. And it was like a punch in my stomach."" She pauses, and then adds: ""She was critical. She was very critical of me. Because she was a model, she was gorgeous, stunning. I wasn't. I never was. I honestly still don't think of myself in that sort of light, which is fine. She was also very unforgiving. She would hold grudges that I just found so petty."" Aniston herself claims to hold no grudges and is forgiving ""probably to a fault. There are people in my life that are like, 'How do you even talk to that guy?' But what's the point of holding on to [anger]? That's so toxic. We're human beings. Human beings make mistakes. Human beings are not perfect. And by not forgiving someone, it's not allowing human beings to evolve and become better people."" In her early years, she turned for support to her father's mother, Stella. ""She was a Greek grandmother who just loved me more than anything and was so fun to be around,"" she says. ""She had the best stories, she made me laugh. Beautiful, funny, gorgeous, hysterical — all the Greeks, all of my Greek family, were."" She spent a year visiting them as a small child, in Athens and Crete, and her grandmother's death remains one of the most traumatic moments in her life. ""I was around 21 years old, and it was the first time I'd had a loss. It was really sad. But then, like anything, you have to move on."" While she grew up Greek Orthodox and was ""dunked in St. Sophia's,"" she says she has no strict religion: ""I grew up really seeing a lot of negativity around religion. I actually had quite a beautiful upbringing with it, because it was never pounded down my throat, and I had the joy of going to church and experiencing ceremony and ritual and incense, and I thought it was quite beautiful. But other kids who were from Catholic families, or really strict Christian families — there was this 'You're going to hell' sort of thing."" She wasn't a good student, she says, in large part because of the dyslexia. Though that didn't improve her self-image, it did push her to develop her innate humor. She was funny at school, and people liked it. Her only passions there were an art class and a workshop where she tried out watercolor and charcoal and could carve creatures such as the wooden lions she still keeps — and, of course, drama. After acting at school, she got her first work off-Broadway in 1988, when she was still in her late teens. In her early 20s, she moved to Los Angeles and in her mid-20s landed Friends. ""They wanted me to audition for [the part of] Monica, and I read the script and I didn't want to do the Monica role,"" she says. ""I wanted to do Rachel."" The role made her insanely rich and famous, and in its later years Aniston was paid an astronomical $1 million per episode. But all this is over now, part of another life long gone, and there are no plans for a reunion (though the residuals continue to roll in). ""That's completely past,"" she says, with just a hint of nostalgia. *** Cake, for which Aniston received Golden Globe and SAG nominations, put an exclamation point on the present. It was a commitment not just to a role but to work itself, showing that even this woman who has so much still seeks something more than money and fame. ""As an accident victim whose nearly every move is excruciating,"" wrote Sheri Linden in the Los Angeles Times, ""Aniston lends the role an impressively agonized physicality and brings ace timing to the screenplay's welcome gallows humor."" Until the script came along, the actress had been planning to take it easy. ""I'd been working for the past couple years,"" she says, ""and I was actually thinking: This year would be a nice year to take a break and maybe travel, or do something more on the producorial side, maybe even direct another series of short films."" (She directed an episode of Lifetime's 2011 anthology Five.) But then she fell in love with the material, which came to her through her managers, Aleen Keshishian and Zack Morgenroth. (She's also repped by CAA's Kevin Huvane.) To her surprise, the usual suspects of A-list drama stars turned it down, and now Aniston felt she had a chance. She auditioned for director Daniel Barnz, then urged him to give her the role, telling him she would ""go to the moon"" for him. Deep in her heart, she was convinced she could pull it off. But she also knew there would be many naysayers, and some of their negativity rubbed off. ""I've been told so many times 'You're not that type' that part of me went, 'Am I not? Can I really [do this]?' So it was like, 'I'm going to prove it to myself.' There was a confidence in knowing that I'm capable of doing this after so many years of being able to 'show up.' This was the first time I had so many layers to explore. I took out a tool bag I hadn't used."" Barnz, who wrote Aniston an encouraging letter before they met, says he embraced her roots in comedy. ""When I first heard that Jen was interested, I immediately thought of one of my favorite movies, Ordinary People, which featured a [dramatic] performance by an actress primarily known for comedy, Mary Tyler Moore,"" he says. ""I really wanted to find an actress who could bring out all of the warmth and humor of this woman."" Aniston spoke to friends who had dealt with pain — and even a therapist who specializes in it, who told her that ""people who use drugs with chronic pain, even if the pain has gone, the memory still holds on to it and doesn't want to let go [of the solace from painkillers]."" The 25-day shoot in and around Los Angeles wasn't easy, though Barnz and Aniston spent two months in intense conversations about the role before filming began. Aniston drew on her own memories of anguish. The emotions flooded out of her in a way she had never permitted onscreen. At one point, she was paralyzed by fear. In a sequence where she submerges herself in a pool in an attempt to see what it would be like to commit suicide, a water phobia she has had all her life proved overpowering. ""I have a terror of water,"" she confesses. ""It took forever. I kept going in, and I'd have the weirdest Pavlovian thing, and I'd turn around and go right back up. I was starting to cry. I was really having a lot of anxiety. I'm like, 'Don't cry! Don't cry! Don't cry!' And the underwater camera guy came over and said, 'Don't do this. Don't do this anymore.' "" During another scene, when the man responsible for the car accident that has left her in so much pain (played by William H. Macy) arrives at her door, Aniston was overwhelmed. ""Seeing the face of that man, I just wanted to beat the shit out of him,"" she says. ""Thankfully, they gave me a stuntman to beat up, because I would have killed Bill. Really. This big guy said, 'You can punch me as hard as you possibly can.' And I remember seeing white and just beating him for take after take. And the next day, I woke up and couldn't move. My body seized [up]. I was like, 'What the f— did I do?' "" *** What lies next is unclear. ""In terms of my career, that's the thing I've always let come to me,"" she says. ""I've never been strategic. I don't have an agenda. I just go with my gut."" She says she's open to doing theater and even returning to series TV. She also would like to direct a film but hasn't encountered the right vehicle. ""I was trying to find a full-length feature, and that almost happened two years ago, and then an acting job arrived, so I couldn't do it,"" she says. ""But I have to get that super-excited feeling, and I really promised myself that, unless I feel with all my heart, 'Oh, I have to do this,' then I just can't. There's too much to be home for."" Home, now, is the epicenter of her existence. In some ways, she's a homebody who gets great joy from restoring houses, just as she has fixed up the house where we sit this late afternoon. That has much more appeal than uprooting herself for the sake of just another job. ""When you're younger and you're off for three months, four months, doing a movie God-knows-where, it's fine and it's a fun experience,"" she says. ""But when you get to a place where you want to be home, and you have a partner, you have to be selective."" She pauses to contemplate what she's just said. One of her three rescue dogs, an old white shepherd, lopes in and comes up to her, licking her face. She shows him a warmth she rarely reveals to strangers. The light is fading. The view from the windows is dark now. One of the two great doors that lead into Aniston's fortress-like house opens, and her manager, Keshishian, enters with a colleague. It occurs to me that Aniston resembles this house, so protected on the outside, but with great vistas spreading out once one gets within. Her life is full to overflowing, but she's still searching for the great big thing that will give it meaning as she enters its next phase. Perhaps it's a role, perhaps something that has nothing to do with her craft. ""There's something bigger I'm interested in doing,"" she says. ""It could be more work, it could be more creativity, or getting more philanthropic in the world. It can look like a baby. It can look like a foundation. I know I have a bigger purpose. It's a puzzle, and I haven't quite put the puzzle together. But something greater is calling out to me.""" 1 Cast of American Horror Story: Cult parties the night away at Cher Concert in Las Vegas Stars Colton Haynes, Sarah Paulson, Billie Lourd, Billy Eichner and more hopped on over to Las Vegas to catch Cher in concert at the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino's Park Theater in Sin City. www.eonline.com 0 Plot Overview Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian and theocratic state that has replaced the United States of America. Because of dangerously low reproduction rates, Handmaids are assigned to bear children for elite couples that have trouble conceiving. Offred serves the Commander and his wife, Serena Joy, a former gospel singer and advocate for “traditional values.” Offred is not the narrator’s real name—Handmaid names consist of the word “of” followed by the name of the Handmaid’s Commander. Every month, when Offred is at the right point in her menstrual cycle, she must have impersonal, wordless sex with the Commander while Serena sits behind her, holding her hands. Offred’s freedom, like the freedom of all women, is completely restricted. She can leave the house only on shopping trips, the door to her room cannot be completely shut, and the Eyes, Gilead’s secret police force, watch her every public move. As Offred tells the story of her daily life, she frequently slips into flashbacks, from which the reader can reconstruct the events leading up to the beginning of the novel. In the old world, before Gilead, Offred had an affair with Luke, a married man. He divorced his wife and married Offred, and they had a child together. Offred’s mother was a single mother and feminist activist. Offred’s best friend, Moira, was fiercely independent. The architects of Gilead began their rise to power in an age of readily available pornography, prostitution, and violence against women—when pollution and chemical spills led to declining fertility rates. Using the military, they assassinated the president and members of Congress and launched a coup, claiming that they were taking power temporarily. They cracked down on women’s rights, forbidding women to hold property or jobs. Offred and Luke took their daughter and attempted to flee across the border into Canada, but they were caught and separated from one another, and Offred has seen neither her husband nor her daughter since. After her capture, Offred’s marriage was voided (because Luke had been divorced), and she was sent to the Rachel and Leah Re-education Center, called the Red Center by its inhabitants. At the center, women were indoctrinated into Gilead’s ideology in preparation for becoming Handmaids. Aunt Lydia supervised the women, giving speeches extolling Gilead’s beliefs that women should be subservient to men and solely concerned with bearing children. Aunt Lydia also argued that such a social order ultimately offers women more respect and safety than the old, pre-Gilead society offered them. Moira is brought to the Red Center, but she escapes, and Offred does not know what becomes of her. Once assigned to the Commander’s house, Offred’s life settles into a restrictive routine. She takes shopping trips with Ofglen, another Handmaid, and they visit the Wall outside what used to be Harvard University, where the bodies of rebels hang. She must visit the doctor frequently to be checked for disease and other complications, and she must endure the “Ceremony,” in which the Commander reads to the household from the Bible, then goes to the bedroom, where his Wife and Offred wait for him, and has sex with Offred. The first break from her routine occurs when she visits the doctor and he offers to have sex with her to get her pregnant, suggesting that her Commander is probably infertile. She refuses. The doctor makes her uneasy, but his proposition is too risky—she could be sent away if caught. After a Ceremony, the Commander sends his gardener and chauffeur, Nick, to ask Offred to come see him in his study the following night. She begins visiting him regularly. They play Scrabble (which is forbidden, since women are not allowed to read), and he lets her look at old magazines like Vogue. At the end of these secret meetings, he asks her to kiss him. During one of their shopping trips, Ofglen reveals to Offred that she is a member of “Mayday,” an underground organization dedicated to overthrowing Gilead. Meanwhile, Offred begins to find that the Ceremony feels different and less impersonal now that she knows the Commander. Their nighttime conversations begin to touch on the new order that the Commander and his fellow leaders have created in Gilead. When Offred admits how unhappy she is, the Commander remarks, “[Y]ou can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.” After some time has gone by without Offred becoming pregnant, Serena suggests that Offred have sex with Nick secretly and pass the child off as the Commander’s. Serena promises to bring Offred a picture of her daughter if she sleeps with Nick, and Offred realizes that Serena has always known the whereabouts of Offred’s daughter. The same night that Offred is to sleep with Nick, the Commander secretly takes her out to a club called Jezebel’s, where the Commanders mingle with prostitutes. Offred sees Moira working there. The two women meet in a bathroom, and Offred learns that Moira was captured just before she crossed the border. She chose life in Jezebel’s over being sent to the Colonies, where most political prisoners and dangerous people are sent. After that night at Jezebel’s, Offred says, she never sees Moira again. The Commander takes Offred upstairs after a few hours, and they have sex in what used to be a hotel room. She tries to feign passion. Soon after Offred returns from Jezebel’s, late at night, Serena arrives and tells Offred to go to Nick’s room. Offred and Nick have sex. Soon they begin to sleep together frequently, without anyone’s knowledge. Offred becomes caught up in the affair and ignores Ofglen’s requests that she gather information from the Commander for Mayday. One day, all the Handmaids take part in a group execution of a supposed rapist, supervised by Aunt Lydia. Ofglen strikes the first blow. Later, she tells Offred that the so-called rapist was a member of Mayday and that she hit him to put him out of his misery. Shortly thereafter, Offred goes out shopping, and a new Ofglen meets her. This new woman is not part of Mayday, and she tells Offred that the old Ofglen hanged herself when she saw the secret police coming for her. At home, Serena has found out about Offred’s trip to Jezebel’s, and she sends her to her room, promising punishment. Offred waits there, and she sees a black van from the Eyes approach. Then Nick comes in and tells her that the Eyes are really Mayday members who have come to save her. Offred leaves with them, over the Commander’s futile objections, on her way either to prison or to freedom—she does not know which. The novel closes with an epilogue from 2195, after Gilead has fallen, written in the form of a lecture given by Professor Pieixoto. He explains the formation and customs of Gilead in objective, analytical language. He discusses the significance of Offred’s story, which has turned up on cassette tapes in Bangor, Maine. He suggests that Nick arranged Offred’s escape but that her fate after that is unknown. She could have escaped to Canada or England, or she could have been recaptured. 0 It’s time to take a pen to “ Justin Theroux might be hooking up with Selena Gomez ” rumor and scratch out Selena’s name, and scribble in “ Emma Stone .” Because it would appear that Justin has moved his slick aging hipster sights onto a new target in her 20s. This one comes out of the file marked “random, but I’m listening“. Radar reports that Justin Theroux is letting his fingers do the talking and the lady they’re talking to is Selena Gomez . According to Radar’s source, Justin has been flirtatiously texting Selena and has been crushing on her since before his split with Jennifer Aniston . I guess the message “snitches get stitches” never really took in Hollywood. Hopefully 69-year-old Norman Resnicow has a product to plug or a business to shill. Because he’s getting all sorts of spotlight from his ongoing legal battle with his upstairs neighbor, desperate hipster/ dick jogger Justin Theroux . You see, Justin and Jennifer Aniston are about to legally become exes , and she’s highly famous, so everybody wants the dirty dirt. Norman’s got you, and he’s also got a lot of love for that nice Jen girl whom he occasionally rolled eyes with over Justin’s latest porkpie hat. Continue reading Jennifer Aniston has said previously that she is so completely over the “JEN’S BABY JOY!” pregnancy rumor mill. So Jennifer might want to sit this story out, because it’s all about two things she’s not in to: speculation about her marriage to Justin Theroux, and speculation about the vacancy status of her uterus. People continues to fill in the blanks about Jennifer’s sad, shattered, broken, tear-down of a heart. Or at least what their sources consider to be the missing pieces in the puzzle of their legally-questionable marriage. A source tells People that Jennifer was losing hope of being a mom, and then her gallant hero Sir Justin of Fertile Spermingham galloped into her life. But it didn’t go as planned. “When Jen met Justin, she had almost given up on the idea that she would have kids,” a source close to Aniston tells People. “They wanted to have a baby, but it didn’t work out.” The source claims that Jennifer and Justin started making baby plans shortly after they got engaged in 2012. After almost six years later, nothing happened. But the source says that Jennifer was “sad it never happened,” but adds that it never consumed her. Jennifer is extremely rich, and when you’re rich you have a lot of options, so I’m sure she’d have a kid if she wanted one by now. But now I can’t help but picture what their baby would have looked like. All I know is that Justin looks like he’s got pretty dominant DNA, and no one should have been surprised if that baby popped out with a teeny-tiny cool dude chain necklace or an itty-bitty leather wrist cuff. Pic: Wenn.com 1 Jennifer Lopez did not secretly wed Alex Rodriguez and she’s still not engaged, this coming straight from the horse’s mouth. The “Dinero” singer stopped by KTU’s Cubby and Carolina Bermudez radio show on Tuesday morning and confirmed there has been no proposal from her former MLB star beau … and there hasn’t been a secret ceremony either. “I’m not engaged. I’m not engaged. No, no,” she said. Rumors began swirling when JLo sported what some say looked like an engagement ring on that finger over July 4th weekend, but as The Blast exclusively reported, no engagement went down. She continued to wear the ring on her wedding finger though, even displaying it this AM. When asked by the hosts if they ran off to tie the knot, she jokingly screamed, “NO!” And while no engagement or ceremony has happened for the couple of over a year, JLo couldn’t stop gushing about her relationship with A-Rod. “I think maybe if we would have met in our twenties, maybe not so much … we were both … we’re too crazy,” JLo said. “But now at this point in our lives, where we both have kids, we both have accomplished certain things in our careers and we’re kinda in that second act of our lives, we really complement each other.” She added, “Where I need help, he’s really strong and where he needs help, I’m really strong. When two people kind of just fit together really well, he and I are like that.” When it comes to the kids, JLo says all four are amazing. “I mean, of course I’m going to say that cause I’m their mom, but they are and they’re sweet and they’re loving and they deal with us and our lifestyle in such a great way,” she said, referring to her twins and A-Rod’s daughters, whom she just spent her birthday weekend with. “I’ve had other relationships where it’s been tricky but with these four it really works nicely,” she added. 1 "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have exchanged vows and exited the church wearing their new wedding bands today. Getty Images Getty Images Details about them, along with the fact Harry will have one, were revealed ahead of the ceremony. As announced by the Palace this morning, the couple chose ""Cleave and Company to make their Wedding rings. Ms. Markle's ring has been fashioned from a piece of Welsh Gold, gifted by Her Majesty The Queen. Prince Harry's ring will be a Platinum Band with a textured finish. Both rings were crafted in the Cleave workshop. The rings will be carried to St George's Chapel on the day of the Wedding by The Duke of Cambridge, in his capacity as Best Man."" The fact Harry will have a band is remarkable as not all royal men do—though not entirely surprising. He was expected to wear his own, as a source told E! ahead of the wedding that Harry ""does want to wear a wedding band,"" unlike Prince William who ""prefers to go without [one]."" Before the wedding, outlets speculated that Markle's ring would be yellow-gold to match her engagement band. A source additionally told E! that the ring would be made of Clogau-Welsh like Princess Diana's and Kate Middleton's bands were. Prince Harry, during the couple's first interview after announcing their engagement, explained he chose yellow-gold for Markle's engagement ring initially ""because that's her favorite,"" and included two diamonds from his mother Princess Diana's personal collection ""to make sure she's with us on this crazy journey together."" Harry designed the engagement ring himself, which in addition to Diana's diamonds has a center diamond from Botswana. Court Jewelers Cleave and Company made the ring." 0 Heidi Montag has hinted at her struggle to get pregnant in a emotional video. The former The Hills star posted a clip congratulating her ex co-stars Lauren Conrad and Whitney Port, who are both expecting their first babies this year. And while she says that the news of their impending motherhood makes her 'excited' for the day she welcomes her own child, the blonde beauty admits the 'timing' hasn't been right for her to get pregnant. Scroll down for video 'Congratulations!': Heidi Montag Pratt opened up a bit about her desire to start a family and feeling discouragement as she congratulated two friends on their recent pregnancy announcements in a video posted to the Faithwire YouTube channel on Monday She explained on the Faithwire YouTube channel this week: 'It seems like 2017 is the year to get pregnant. First and foremost, a huge congratulations to my two former co-stars Lauren Conrad and Whitney Port, who are both expecting. 'I have been planning for my own family and I am very excited for them, and it stirs up excitement with what’s going to be coming up in my life hopefully soon too. And I think, on that note, it’s important to not compare [your life] to other people’s. 'Obviously I have been wanting children and I’m excited for it, but it hasn’t been the right timing for me. So I think in life it’s important for us to pray and prioritize God’s timing in our lives and not compare [our life] to other people’s. Because we’re all different and we all have different things going on.' Social media announcements: Both Lauren Conrad and Whitney Port opted to announce their big news via social media, with posts to their Instagram accounts; Lauren is seen here in Los Angeles on February 4 Baby on the way! Lauren, who is married to guitarist and vocalist William Tell, shared her story with this sonogram photo posted on New Year's Day Both Lauren and Whitney opted to announce their big news via social media, with posts to their Instagram accounts. Lauren, who is married to guitarist and vocalist William Tell, shared her story with a sonogram photo posted on New Year's Day, while Whitney, wife of producer Tim Rosenman, let the world know just this past Thursday. The latter shared a photo revealing her baby bump, taken by professional photographer Cole Moser. Baby makes two: Whitney, wife of producer Tim Rosenman, let the world know just this past Thursday with a photo of herself, bump out in all its glory Ready for more: Montag Pratt, who was married to Spencer Pratt, 33, in 2009, seemed to be very ready to start her family, even if accepting that she has to wait for now; seen here in a social media post from February 4 Montag Pratt, who was married to Spencer Pratt, 33, in 2009, seemed to be very ready to start her family, even if accepting that she has to wait for now. 'Obviously I have been wanting children and I’m excited for it, but it hasn’t been the right timing for me. So I think in life it’s important for us to pray and prioritize God’s timing in our lives and not compare [our life] to other people’s,' she reiterated. 'Because we’re all different and we all have different things going on.' Staying positive: Humbling herself, the Colorado native tried to end on a positive note, focusing on not losing hope Reality stars: Heidi is seen here with her husband, Spencer Pratt, in the UK on February 1 Humbling herself, the Colorado native tried to end on a positive note, focusing on not losing hope. 'It is easy for us to have resolutions and to want to be different people … [but] when that doesn’t happen, we easily get discouraged,' Heidi said. 'I think it’s important for us to continue to move forward and to forgive ourselves … and to keep those goals that we set.' The ladies, and sometimes Spencer, all appeared on MTV's The Hills together, from 2006 to 2010. 0 "Celebrity Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Mark Hamill and more celebrities take to Twitter to jokingly claim that they were also offered to be Time's Person of the Year under certain fake conditions. Nov 27, 2017 AceShowbiz - Was Donald Trump Time's choice to be its Person of the Year? It was, at least according to POTUS. The President claimed that he had been called by the magazine to inform him that he would ""probably"" receive the widely-respected honor which would come with certain condition, but he said that he had passed on it. ""Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named 'Man (Person) of the Year,' like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot,"" so he wrote on Twitter on Friday, November 24. ""I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!"" Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 24, 2017 Time quickly disputed Trump's claim. Taking to its own Twitter account, the magazine stated, ""The president is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. Time does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6."" The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6. — TIME (@TIME) November 25, 2017 Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski then fired back at the magazine, telling Fox News, ""The mainstream media has never wanted to give this president the credit that he's deserved. I don't know who else can be the Time magazine person of the year other than our president, Donald Trump. This president calls out the media when they're dishonest, and that's why the American people love him."" Meanwhile, anti-Trump supporters won't miss the chance to mock the President. Among those were celebrities like Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Mark Hamill and Lance Bass, who each claimed to have been offered similar title under different conditions. ""Veep"" star Louis-Dreyfus tweeted, ""[email protected] just called to say I was PROBABLY going to be named comedienne of the year but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway! @andy_murray."" .@nytimes just called to say I was PROBABLY going to be named comedienne of the year but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway! @andy_murray — Julia Louis-Dreyfus (@OfficialJLD) November 25, 2017 Tennis star Andy Murray wrote, ""Bbc just called to say I was PROBABLY going to be named sports personality of the year but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!"" Bbc just called to say I was PROBABLY going to be named sports personality of the year but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway! — Andy Murray (@andy_murray) November 24, 2017 ""Star Wars"" actor Mark Hamill tweeted, ""Time Magazine called to say that I was DEFINITELY going to be named 'Man (Person) of the Year' but I would have to agree to leak major #Ep8 spoilers. I said 'no problem', but then they told me you turned it down and now I don't want it anymore. Thanks anyway!"" Time Magazine called to say that I was DEFINITELY going to be named ""Man (Person) of the Year"" but I would have to agree to leak major #Ep8 spoilers. I said ""no problem"", but then they told me you turned it down and now I don't want it anymore. Thanks anyway! https://t.co/0tPGr1cNEM — @HamillHimself (@HamillHimself) November 25, 2017 Former NSYNC member Lance Bass quipped, ""Tiger Beat called and said I was probably going to be Boybander of the year, but it was going to take a long photo shoot and interview. Unfortunately, i have a long awaited appointment to frost my tips on the day of the interview so i turned it down! No thanks Tiger Beat!!!"" Tiger Beat called and said I was probably going to be Boybander of the year, but it was going to take a long photo shoot and interview. Unfortunately, i have a long awaited appointment to frost my tips on the day of the interview so i turned it down! No thanks Tiger Beat!!! — Lance Bass (@LanceBass) November 25, 2017 Billy Eichner added, ""Time Magazine called me a few weeks ago too. This led to us texting and then, of course, sexting. We hooked up a few times, which was fun. But, ultimately, it didn't seem like an ideal match. It's too bad though because Time Magazine is really hot. Oh well. Thanks anyway!"" Time Magazine called me a few weeks ago too. This led to us texting and then, of course, sexting. We hooked up a few times, which was fun. But, ultimately, it didn't seem like an ideal match. It's too bad though because Time Magazine is really hot. Oh well. Thanks anyway! — billy eichner (@billyeichner) November 25, 2017 Kumail Nanjiani also boasted, ""Hollywood called to say that The Big Sick was PROBABLY going to be named 'Movie (Film) of the Century,' & make a billion dollars at the box office (domestic) & win every Oscar, even ones from years past. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!"" Hollywood called to say that The Big Sick was PROBABLY going to be named “Movie (Film) of the Century,” & make a billion dollars at the box office (domestic) & win every Oscar, even ones from years past. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway! — Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) November 25, 2017 Trump has yet to respond to Time's remark that he was never formally offered the title." 0 According to TMZ, Chris Brown is the father of a 9-month-old girl born of his secret union with a model named Nia! The child would have been conceived in September 2013. At that time, the love life of the rapper was difficult to follow, once Rihanna, once Karrueche … But finally the singer of “Loyal” has his heart set on the 26 years old model… If ever since the couple leads a complicated relationship between the “Love you, love you nots” and Chris troubles with the justice, Karrueche has always supported her bad boy, saying she was ready to marry him even though he went to prison. But faced with this surprising news, the young woman decided to officially stop this tormented relationship through her Twitter account: “Listen. One can only take so much. The best of luck to Chris and his family. No baby drama for me.” Apparently unaware of the existence of this child, Karrueche was also taken for a fool. In fact, the child’s mother is not a stranger to her. TMZ found a picture where we can see Karrueche posing with her arm around Nia‘s neck at a party in Las Vegas. One of her best friends, Christina Milian, was also here and so was Breezy who has not been a very good boy that day. The pictures were taken in May 2013 a few months before Nia was pregnant. If the singer has still not commented on the topic, a source close to him declares that “he is happy to be a dad” and that “he wants to be present in the life of his daughter!” Rihanna shocked by the news is convinced that he will fulfill his father’s job. If she has read the article several times before digesting the news, she thinks “ Chris will be a good father and take care of his little girl. That’s a big responsibility and something that requires a lot of work, energy and love. She wishes him all the best in this new and very important chapter in his life”, said a source to Hollywood Life. Do you think Chris Brown will be a good father? 1 "Charles Milles Manson (né Maddox, November 12, 1934 – November 19, 2017) was an American criminal, cult leader, and singer-songwriter. In the late 1960s, he formed what became known as the Manson Family, a quasi-commune in California. Manson's followers committed a series of nine murders at four locations in July and August 1969. In 1971, he was convicted of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder for the deaths of seven people, all of which members of the group carried out at his instruction. Manson was also convicted of first-degree murder for two other deaths. At the time the Manson Family began to form, Manson was an unemployed ex-convict who had spent half of his life in correctional institutions for a variety of offenses. Before the murders, he was a singer-songwriter on the fringe of the Los Angeles music industry, chiefly through a chance association with Dennis Wilson, drummer and founding member of the Beach Boys. Manson believed in what he called ""Helter Skelter"", a term he took from the Beatles' song of the same name to describe an impending apocalyptic race war. He believed the murders would help precipitate that war. The Beach Boys recorded one of his songs, ""Cease to Exist"", under the title ""Never Learn Not to Love"". It was released as a B-sided single in 1968 without crediting Manson. From the beginning of Manson's notoriety, a pop culture arose around him in which he ultimately became an emblem of insanity, violence, and the macabre. After he was charged with the crimes of which he was later convicted, recordings of songs written and performed by Manson were released commercially, starting with Lie: The Love and Terror Cult (1970). Various musicians have covered some of his songs. Manson was originally sentenced to death, but his sentence was commuted to life with the possibility of parole after California invalidated the state's death penalty statute in 1972. He served out his life sentence at California State Prison in Corcoran and died at age 83 in 2017. Early life Childhood Charles Manson was born to unmarried 16-year-old Kathleen Manson-Bower-Cavender,[2] née Maddox (1918–1973),[3] in the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was first named ""no name Maddox"".[4]:136–7[5][6] Within weeks, he was called Charles Milles Maddox.[4]:136–7[7] Manson's biological father appears to have been Colonel Walker Henderson Scott Sr. (1910–1954)[8] against whom Kathleen Maddox filed a paternity suit that resulted in an agreed judgment in 1937. Manson may never have known his biological father.[4]:136–7[6] Scott worked intermittently in local mills, and also had a local reputation as a con artist. He allowed Maddox to believe he was an army colonel, although ""Colonel"" was merely his given name. When Maddox told Scott she was pregnant, he told her he had been called away on army business; after several months she realized he had no intention of returning.[9] In August 1934, before Manson's birth, Maddox married William Eugene Manson (1909–1961), whose occupation was listed on Charles's birth certificate as a ""laborer"" at a dry cleaning business.[10] Maddox went on drinking sprees for days at a time with her brother Luther, leaving Charles with a variety of babysitters. They were divorced on April 30, 1937, when a court accepted Manson's charge of ""gross neglect of duty"".[10] On August 1, 1939, Maddox and Luther's girlfriend Julia Vickers spent the evening drinking with Frank Martin, a new acquaintance who appeared to be wealthy. Maddox and Vickers decided to rob him, and Maddox phoned her brother to help. They were incompetent thieves, and were found and arrested within hours. At the trial seven weeks later, Luther was sentenced to ten years in prison, and Kathleen was sentenced to five years.[11] Manson was placed in the home of an aunt and uncle in McMechen, West Virginia.[12] His mother was paroled in 1942. Manson later characterized the first weeks after she returned from prison as the happiest time in his life.[13] Manson's family moved to Charleston, West Virginia, where Manson continually played truant and his mother spent her evenings drinking. She was arrested for grand larceny, but not convicted. After moving to Indianapolis, Maddox started attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings where she met an alcoholic named Lewis (no first name), whom she married in August 1943. As well as constantly playing truant, Manson began stealing from stores and his home. In 1947, Maddox looked for a temporary foster home for Manson, but she was unable to find a suitable one. She decided to send him to the Gibault School for Boys in Terre Haute, Indiana, a school for male delinquents run by Catholic priests. Manson soon fled home to his mother, but she took him back to the school. He spent Christmas 1947 in McMechen, at his aunt and uncle's house, where he was caught stealing a gun.[14] First offenses Manson returned to Gibault but ran away to Indianapolis ten months later. Instead of returning to his mother, he rented a room and supported himself by burglarizing stores at night. He was eventually caught, and a sympathetic judge sent him to Boys Town, a juvenile facility in Omaha, Nebraska. After four days, he and a student named Blackie Nielson stole a car and somehow obtained a gun. They used it to rob a grocery store and a casino, as they made their way to the home of Nielson's uncle in Peoria, Illinois.[15][4]:136–146 Neilson's uncle was a professional thief, and when the boys arrived he apparently took them on as apprentices.[16] Manson was arrested two weeks later during a nighttime raid on a Peoria store. In the investigation that followed, he was linked to his two earlier armed robberies. He was sent to the Indiana Boys School, a strict reform school. He later claimed that other students raped him with the encouragement of a staff member. Manson developed a self-defense technique he later called the ""insane game"". When he was physically unable to defend himself he would screech, grimace and wave his arms to convince aggressors that he was insane. After a number of failed attempts, he escaped with two other boys in February 1951.[17][4]:137–146 The three escapees were attempting to drive to California in stolen cars when they were arrested in Utah. They had robbed several filling stations along the way. Driving a stolen car across state lines is a federal crime that violates the Dyer Act. Manson was sent to Washington, D.C.'s National Training School for Boys.[4]:137–146 On arrival he was given aptitude tests. He was illiterate, and his IQ was 109 (the national average was 100). His case worker deemed him aggressively antisocial.[17][4]:137–146 First imprisonment On a psychiatrist's recommendation, Manson was transferred in October 1951 to Natural Bridge Honor Camp, a minimum security institution.[4]:137–146 His aunt visited him and told administrators she would let him stay at her house and would help him find work. Manson had a parole hearing scheduled for February 1952. However, in January, he was caught raping a boy at knifepoint. Manson was transferred to the Federal Reformatory in Petersburg, Virginia. There he committed a further ""eight serious disciplinary offenses, three involving homosexual acts"". He was then moved to a maximum security reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio, where he was expected to remain until his release on his 21st birthday in November 1955. Good behavior led to an early release in May 1954, to live with his aunt and uncle in McMechen.[18] Booking photo, Federal Correctional Institute Terminal Island, May 2, 1956 In January 1955, Manson married a hospital waitress named Rosalie Jean Willis.[19] Around October, about three months after he and his pregnant wife arrived in Los Angeles in a car he had stolen in Ohio, Manson was again charged with a federal crime for taking the vehicle across state lines. After a psychiatric evaluation, he was given five years' probation. Manson's failure to appear at a Los Angeles hearing on an identical charge filed in Florida resulted in his March 1956 arrest in Indianapolis. His probation was revoked; he was sentenced to three years' imprisonment at Terminal Island, San Pedro, California.[4]:137–146 While Manson was in prison, Rosalie gave birth to their son Charles Manson Jr. During his first year at Terminal Island, Manson received visits from Rosalie and his mother, who were now living together in Los Angeles. In March 1957, when the visits from his wife ceased, his mother informed him Rosalie was living with another man. Less than two weeks before a scheduled parole hearing, Manson tried to escape by stealing a car. He was given five years' probation and his parole was denied.[4]:137–146 Second imprisonment Manson received five years' parole in September 1958, the same year in which Rosalie received a decree of divorce. By November, he was pimping a 16-year-old girl and was receiving additional support from a girl with wealthy parents. In September 1959, he pleaded guilty to a charge of attempting to cash a forged U.S. Treasury check, which he claimed to have stolen from a mailbox; the latter charge was later dropped. He received a 10-year suspended sentence and probation after a young woman named Leona, who had an arrest record for prostitution, made a ""tearful plea"" before the court that she and Manson were ""deeply in love ... and would marry if Charlie were freed"".[4]:137–146 Before the year's end, the woman did marry Manson, possibly so she would not be required to testify against him.[4]:137–146 Manson took Leona and another woman to New Mexico for purposes of prostitution, resulting in him being held and questioned for violating the Mann Act. Though he was released, Manson correctly suspected that the investigation had not ended. When he disappeared in violation of his probation, a bench warrant was issued. An indictment for violation of the Mann Act followed in April 1960.[4]:137–146 When one of the women was arrested for prostitution, Manson was arrested in June in Laredo, Texas, and was returned to Los Angeles. For violating his probation on the check-cashing charge, he was ordered to serve his ten year sentence.[4]:137–146 Manson spent a year trying unsuccessfully to appeal the revocation of his probation. In July 1961, he was transferred from the Los Angeles County Jail to the United States Penitentiary at McNeil Island, Washington. There, he took guitar lessons from Barker–Karpis gang leader Alvin ""Creepy"" Karpis, and obtained a contact name of someone at Universal Studios in Hollywood from another inmate, Phil Kaufman.[20] According to Jeff Guinn's 2013 biography of Manson, his mother moved to Washington State to be closer to him during his McNeil Island incarceration, working nearby as a waitress.[21] Although the Mann Act charge had been dropped, the attempt to cash the Treasury check was still a federal offense. Manson's September 1961 annual review noted he had a ""tremendous drive to call attention to himself"", an observation echoed in September 1964.[4]:137–146 In 1963 Leona was granted a divorce. During the process she alleged that she and Manson had a son, Charles Luther.[4]:137–146 According to a popular urban legend, Manson auditioned unsuccessfully for the Monkees in late 1965; this is refuted by the fact that Manson was still incarcerated at McNeil Island at that time.[22] In June 1966, Manson was sent for the second time to Terminal Island in preparation for early release. By the time of his release day on March 21, 1967, he had spent more than half of his 32 years in prisons and other institutions. This was mainly because he had broken federal laws. Federal sentences were, and remain, much more severe than state sentences for many of the same offenses.[4]:137–146 Telling the authorities that prison had become his home, he requested permission to stay.[4]:137–146 1968–1971: Cult formation, murders, and trial 1969 mug shot Once discharged from prison, Manson began attracting a group of followers, mostly young women, from around California. They were later dubbed the ""Manson Family"". The group was involved in the murder of Gary Hinman in July 1969, then gained national notoriety after the murder of actress Sharon Tate and four others in her home on August 9, 1969,[23] and Leno and Rosemary LaBianca the next day. Tex Watson and three other members of the Family executed the Tate-LaBianca murders, acting under Manson's specific instructions.[24][25] Family members were also responsible for other assaults, thefts, crimes, and the attempted assassination of United States President Gerald Ford in Sacramento by Lynette ""Squeaky"" Fromme.[26] On March 6, 1970, (the day the court vacated Manson's status as his own attorney),[4]:258–269 LIE, an album of Manson music, was released.[27][28][29] This included ""Cease to Exist"", a Manson composition the Beach Boys had recorded with modified lyrics and the title ""Never Learn Not to Love"".[30][31] Over the next couple of months only about 300 of the album's 2,000 copies sold.[32] 1971–2017: Third imprisonment Sentencing Manson was admitted to state prison from Los Angeles County on April 22, 1971, for seven counts of first-degree murder and one count of conspiracy to commit murder for the deaths of Abigail Ann Folger, Wojciech Frykowski, Steven Earl Parent, Sharon Tate Polanski, Jay Sebring and Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. He was sentenced to death. When the death penalty was ruled unconstitutional in 1972, he was resentenced to life with the possibility of parole. His original death sentence was modified to life on February 2, 1977. On December 13, 1971, Manson was convicted of first-degree murder in Los Angeles County Court for the July 25, 1969 death of musician Gary Hinman. He was also convicted of first-degree murder for the August 1969 death of Donald Jerome ""Shorty"" Shea. A footnote to the conclusion of California v. Anderson, the 1972 decision that neutralized California's death sentences, stated that, ""any prisoner now under a sentence of death … may file a petition for writ of habeas corpus in the superior court inviting that court to modify its judgment to provide for the appropriate alternative punishment of life imprisonment or life imprisonment without possibility of parole specified by statute for the crime for which he was sentenced to death.""[33] This made Manson eligible to apply for parole after seven years' incarceration.[4]:488 Accordingly, his first parole hearing took place on November 16, 1978, at California Medical Facility in Vacaville, and his petition was rejected.[4]:498[34] 1980s–1990s In the 1980s, Manson gave four interviews to the mainstream media. The first, recorded at California Medical Facility and aired June 13, 1981, was by Tom Snyder for NBC's The Tomorrow Show. The second, recorded at San Quentin State Prison and aired March 7, 1986, was by Charlie Rose for CBS News Nightwatch; it won the national news Emmy Award for Best Interview in 1987.[35] The third, with Geraldo Rivera in 1988, was part of the journalist's prime-time special on Satanism.[36] At least as early as the Snyder interview, Manson's forehead bore a swastika in the spot where the X carved during his trial had been.[37] Nikolas Schreck conducted an interview with Manson for his documentary Charles Manson Superstar (1989). Schreck concluded that Manson was not insane but merely acting that way out of frustration.[38][39] On September 25, 1984, Manson was imprisoned in the California Medical Facility at Vacaville when inmate Jan Holmstrom poured paint thinner on him and set him on fire, causing second- and third-degree burns on over 20 percent of his body. Holmstrom explained that Manson had objected to his Hare Krishna chants and verbally threatened him.[4]:497 After 1989, Manson was housed in the Protective Housing Unit at California State Prison, Corcoran, in Kings County. The unit houses inmates whose safety would be endangered by general population housing. He had also been housed at San Quentin State Prison,[35] California Medical Facility in Vacaville,[4]:497 Folsom State Prison and Pelican Bay State Prison.[40][citation needed] In June 1997, a prison disciplinary committee found that Manson had been trafficking drugs.[40] That August he was moved from Corcoran State Prison to Pelican Bay State Prison.[40] 2000s–2017 Manson, age 76, June 2011 On September 5, 2007, MSNBC aired The Mind of Manson, a complete version of a 1987 interview at California's San Quentin State Prison. The footage of the ""unshackled, unapologetic, and unruly"" Manson had been considered ""so unbelievable"" that only seven minutes of it had originally been broadcast on The Today Show, for which it had been recorded.[41] In March 2009, a photograph of Manson showing a receding hairline, grizzled gray beard and hair, and the swastika tattoo still prominent on his forehead was released to the public by California corrections officials.[42] In 2010, the Los Angeles Times reported that Manson was caught with a cell phone in 2009 and had contacted people in California, New Jersey, Florida and British Columbia. A spokesperson for the California Department of Corrections stated that it was not known if Manson had used the phone for criminal purposes.[43] Manson also recorded an album of acoustic pop songs with additional production by Henry Rollins, titled Completion. Only five copies were pressed: two belong to Rollins, while the other three are presumed to have been with Manson. The album remains unreleased.[44] Illness and death On January 1, 2017, Manson was suffering from gastrointestinal bleeding at California State Prison in Corcoran when he was rushed to Mercy Hospital in downtown Bakersfield. A source told the Los Angeles Times that Manson was seriously ill,[45] and TMZ reported his doctors considered him ""too weak"" for surgery.[46] He was returned to prison by January 6; whatever treatment he had received was not disclosed.[47] On November 15, 2017, a source not authorized to speak on behalf of the corrections department confirmed that Manson had returned to a hospital in Bakersfield.[48] In compliance with federal and state medical privacy laws, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation did not confirm this.[49] He died from cardiac arrest resulting from respiratory failure and colon cancer at the hospital four days later on November 19.[50][51][52][53] Three people stated their intention to claim Manson's estate and body.[54][55][56] Manson's grandson, Jason Freeman, stated his intent to take possession of Manson's remains and personal effects.[57] Michael Channels, a pen pal of Manson, has a will, dated February 14, 2002, that leaves Manson's entire estate plus his body to him.[58][59] A friend of Manson's, Ben Gurecki, has a will dated January 2017. It gives the estate and Manson's body to his alleged son, Matthew Roberts.[54][55] In 2012, CNN News ran a DNA match to see if Freeman and Roberts were related to each other and found they were not. (Matches between Roberts and Manson were attempted but the results were reportedly ""contaminated"".)[60] On March 12, 2018, the Kern County Superior Court in California decided in favor of Freeman in regard to Manson's body. Freeman had previously said he would have Manson cremated, and, in fact, did so on March 20, 2018.[61] Personal life Religion In 1974, Manson stated his religion was Scientology,[62] and identified as a Scientologist after studying the religion while incarcerated.[63][64][65] Manson completed 150 hours of auditing before declaring Scientology ""too crazy"".[66] Relationships and alleged child In 2009, a Los Angeles disk jockey and songwriter named Matthew Roberts released correspondence and other evidence indicating that he might be Manson's biological son. Roberts's biological mother claims to have been a member of the Manson Family who left in mid-1967 after being raped by Manson; she returned to her parents' home to complete the pregnancy, gave birth on March 22, 1968, and put Roberts up for adoption. Manson himself stated that he ""could"" be the father, acknowledging the biological mother and a sexual relationship with her during 1967, nearly two years before the Family began its murderous phase.[67] In 2014, it was announced that the imprisoned Manson was engaged to 26-year-old Afton Elaine ""Star"" Burton and had obtained a marriage license on November 7.[68] Manson personally dubbed Burton with the name ""Star"". She had been visiting Manson in prison for at least nine years, and maintained several websites that proclaimed his innocence.[69] The wedding license expired on February 5, 2015, without a marriage ceremony taking place.[70] It was later reported, according to journalist Daniel Simone, the wedding was cancelled after it was discovered Burton only wanted to marry Manson so she and a friend, Craig ""Gray Wolf"" Hammond, could use his corpse as a tourist attraction after his death.[70][71] According to Simone, Manson believed he would never die, and may simply have used the possibility of marriage as a way to encourage Burton and Hammond to continue visiting him and bringing him gifts. Together with co-author Heidi Jordan Ley, and with the assistance of some of Manson's fellow prisoners, Simone wrote a book about Manson and was seeking a publisher for it. Burton said on her web site that the reason the marriage did not take place is merely logistical. Manson was suffering from an infection and had been in a prison medical facility for two months, and could not receive visitors. She said she still hoped the marriage license would be renewed and the marriage would take place.[70] Psychology On April 11, 2012, Manson was denied release at his 12th parole hearing, which he did not attend. After his March 27, 1997 parole hearing, Manson refused to attend any of his later hearings. The panel at that hearing noted that Manson had a ""history of controlling behavior"" and ""mental health issues"" including schizophrenia and paranoid delusional disorder, and was too great a danger to be released.[72] The panel also noted that Manson had received 108 rules violation reports, had no indication of remorse, no insight into the causative factors of the crimes, lacked understanding of the magnitude of the crimes, had an exceptional, callous disregard for human suffering and had no parole plans.[73] It was determined that Manson would not be reconsidered for parole for another 15 years (i.e. not before 2027, at which time he would have been 92 years old).[74] Legacy Cultural impact Beginning in January 1970, Manson was embraced by the underground newspapers Los Angeles Free Press and Tuesday's Child, with the latter proclaiming him ""Man of the Year"". In June 1970, he was the subject of a Rolling Stone cover story, ""Charles Manson: The Incredible Story of the Most Dangerous Man Alive"".[75] When a Rolling Stone writer visited the Los Angeles District Attorney's office in preparing that story,[76] he was shocked by a photograph of the bloody ""Healter [sic] Skelter"" that would bind Manson to popular culture.[77] Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi pointed out the dispute in the underground press over whether Manson was ""Christ returned"" or ""a sick symbol of our times""[where?] to his Helter Skelter co-author, Curt Gentry. Bernardine Dohrn, a leader of the Weather Underground, reportedly said of the Tate murders: ""Dig it, first they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into a victim's stomach. Wild!""[78] In an afterword composed for the 1994 edition of the non-fiction book Helter Skelter, Bugliosi quoted a BBC employee's assertion that a ""neo-Manson cult"" existing then in Europe was represented by, among other things, approximately 70 rock bands playing songs by Manson and ""songs in support of him"".[4]:488–491 Music There have been several releases of Manson recordings – both musical and spoken. One of these, The Family Jams, includes two compact discs of Manson's songs recorded by the Family in 1970, after Manson and the others had been arrested. Guitar and lead vocals are supplied by Steve Grogan;[4]:125–127 additional vocals are supplied by Lynette Fromme, Sandra Good, Catherine Share, and others.[79] One Mind, an album of music, poetry, and spoken word, new at the time of its release, in April 2005, was put out under a Creative Commons license.[80][81] American rock band Guns N' Roses recorded Manson's ""Look at Your Game, Girl"", included as an unlisted 13th track on their 1993 album ""The Spaghetti Incident?""[4]:488–491[82][83] ""My Monkey"", which appears on Portrait of an American Family by the American rock band Marilyn Manson, includes the lyrics ""I had a little monkey / I sent him to the country and I fed him on gingerbread / Along came a choo-choo / Knocked my monkey cuckoo / And now my monkey's dead."" These lyrics are from Manson's ""Mechanical Man"",[84] which is heard on LIE. Crispin Glover covered ""Never Say 'Never' To Always"" on his album The Big Problem ≠ The Solution. The Solution = Let It Be released in 1989. Musical performers such as Kasabian,[85] Spahn Ranch,[86] and Marilyn Manson[87] derived their names from Manson and his lore. Documentaries Fiction inspired by Manson See also References Notes Bibliography" 1 "William Ray Cyrus (born August 25, 1961)[1][2] is an American singer, songwriter and actor.[3][4][5] Having released 12 studio albums and 44 singles since 1992, he is best known for his number one single ""Achy Breaky Heart"", which became the first single ever to achieve triple Platinum status in Australia. It was also the best-selling single in the same country in 1992.[6][7] Due to the video of this song, the line dance gained in popularity.[8][9][10][11] Cyrus, a multi-platinum selling recording artist, has scored a total of eight top-ten singles on the Billboard Country Songs chart. His most successful album to date is his debut Some Gave All, which has been certified 9× Multi-Platinum in the United States and is the longest time spent by a debut artist at number one on the Billboard 200 (17 consecutive weeks) and most consecutive chart-topping weeks in the SoundScan era.[12][13] It is the only album (from any genre) in the SoundScan era to log 17 consecutive weeks at number one and is also the top-ranking debut album by a male country artist. It ranked 43 weeks in the top 10, a total topped by only one country album in history, Ropin' the Wind by Garth Brooks.[14] Some Gave All was also the first debut album to enter at number one on the Billboard Country Albums chart.[15] The album has also sold more than 20 million copies worldwide and is the best-selling debut album of all time for a solo male artist. Some Gave All was also the best-selling album of 1992 in the US with 4,832,000 copies.[16][17] In his career, he has released 35 charted singles, of which 16 charted in the top 40. From 2001 to 2004, Cyrus starred in the television show Doc. The show was about a country doctor who moved from Montana to New York City. From 2006 to 2011, he co-starred in the Disney Channel series Hannah Montana with his daughter Miley Cyrus. From 2016 to 2017, he starred as Vernon Brownmule on the CMT sitcom Still the King. Early life William Ray Cyrus[1] was born on August 25, 1961 in Flatwoods, Kentucky, to Ron Cyrus, a politician and former steelworker,[18] and his wife, the former Ruth Ann Casto.[19][20] Cyrus started singing at the age of four. His parents divorced in 1966. His grandfather was a Pentecostal preacher. Growing up, he was surrounded by bluegrass and gospel music from his family. His right-handed father played guitar however left-handed Cyrus tried to play his father's guitar, but could not. He attended Georgetown College on a baseball scholarship before changing to music. He dropped out of Georgetown during his junior year, realized he wanted to become a musician after attending a Neil Diamond concert, and set a 10-month goal to start a career.[18] In the 1980s, he played in a band called Sly Dog, before signing a record contract with Mercury Nashville Records.[21] Sly Dog was named after a one-eyed dog that Cyrus owned.[18] Music career The Mercury Records years While trying to get a recording contract in Los Angeles, Cyrus suffered many hardships including living in his neighbor's car. However, in 1990, he was signed to PolyGram/Mercury. That same year, he opened for Reba McEntire.[18] Cyrus began to record and write music for his debut album, released in 1992. Some Gave All was released in 1992. The album became an instant chart and sales success. It debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Top Country Albums, Billboard 200, Canadian Country Albums chart, Canadian Albums Chart, and on the charts of several other foreign countries. The album featured four consecutive top 40 singles on the Hot Country Songs chart from 1992 to 1993, including an album cut, the title track. The most successful single released was ""Achy Breaky Heart"". It reached No. 1 on the Hot Country Songs chart and was also a hit on the Billboard Hot 100, where it reached No. 4. Although the song was the only number one single, ""Could've Been Me"" reached No. 2, ""Wher'm I Gonna Live?"" reached No. 23, and ""She's Not Cryin' Anymore"" reached No. 6. Some Gave All was certified 9× Multi-Platinum in the United States in 1996, and has sold over 20 million copies worldwide. [22] Cyrus singing at the Spirit of America tour, October 5, 2005 In 1993, Cyrus and Mercury Records quickly released Cyrus' second studio album, It Won't Be the Last. The album featured four singles; however, only three made the top 40. The album debuted at No. 1 on the Country charts, and No. 3 on the Billboard 200. By the end of the year, It Won't Be the Last was certified Platinum by the RIAA. The highest charting single, the lead-off single, ""In the Heart of a Woman"", charted to No. 3, with ""Somebody New"" charting to No. 9, ""Words By Heart"" at No. 12, and ""Talk Some"" at No. 63. Also in 1993, Cyrus appeared on Dolly Parton's single ""Romeo""; though the single only reached 27 on the country singles charts, the accompanying video was popular on CMT. Cyrus' third studio album, Storm in the Heartland, was released in 1994. It was the final album he recorded for PolyGram, as they closed their doors in 1995. The album was not as successful as its predecessors. It only reached No. 11 on the Country albums chart, and only the title track made the top 40 of the Country singles chart. ""Deja Blue"" was the second single released; however, it only managed to chart to No. 66, and the third and final single, ""One Last Thrill"", failed to chart at all. The album only managed to be certified Gold in the U.S. Before Cyrus started on his next album, he was transferred to Mercury Nashville. Also in 1994, Cyrus contributed the song ""Pictures Don't Lie"" to the AIDS benefit album Red Hot + Country produced by the Red Hot Organization. Cyrus' most critically acclaimed album was 1996's Trail of Tears on Mercury Records. The album debuted at No. 20 on the Country chart when released. Only two songs made the cut to radio, although neither one hit the top 60. The title track and ""Three Little Words"" reached No. 69 and No. 65 respectively. The album failed to reach any certification, and was on and off the charts after only four weeks. In 1998, Cyrus released his last album for Mercury Records Shot Full of Love. The album became his lowest-peaking album, debuting at No. 32. The first single, ""Under the Hood"", failed to chart, ""Time for Letting Go"" hit No. 70, ""Busy Man"" charted No. 3, and ""I Give My Heart to You"" reached No. 41. After the single fell from the charts, Cyrus left Mercury's roster and signed with Monument Records in 1999. His debut album for Monument, Southern Rain, was released in 2000. It debuted at No. 13 on the Country albums chart and No. 102 on the Billboard 200. Five singles were released and all five charted. The lead-off single, ""You Won't Be Lonely Now"", was the highest-peaking single from the album, charting to No. 17. Other singles include ""We the People"" (#60), ""Burn Down the Trailer Park"" (#43), ""Crazy 'Bout You Baby"" (#58), and the title track (#45). Move to Christian music After the singles from Southern Rain finished their chart runs, Cyrus began to record two Christian albums. Both albums, Time Flies and The Other Side, were released in 2003. The first album debuted and peaked at a low No. 56 on the Country album charts. Three singles were released; however, only the final single charted. ""Bread Alone"", ""What Else Is There"", and ""Back to Memphis"" were released, and ""Back to Memphis"" charted to No. 60. The second Christian album, The Other Side, was recorded while Cyrus filmed his PAX series, Doc. It debuted at No. 5 on the Top Christian Albums chart, No. 18 Top Country Albums, and No. 131 on Billboard 200. Two of three singles charted – ""Face of God"" (#54) and ""The Other Side"" (#45) – while ""Always Sixteen"" did not chart. Disney Entertainment The album Wanna Be Your Joe was Billy Ray's first country album since 2000's Southern Rain. As with its preceding albums, it too, was recorded on a new record label: New Door/UMe Records. It was released while Cyrus was filming the show Hannah Montana. Wanna Be Your Joe made it to No. 24 on the Country charts and No. 113 on the all-genre charts. The album initially sold well, but no hit-single was released. The title track was released as the first single, and was followed by ""I Want My Mullet Back"", both of which were ignored by country radio. Although not released as a single, a music video was made for the track ""Stand"", a duet with daughter Miley Cyrus. Also in 2006, Billy Ray appeared with metal-rock group Metal Skool (now Steel Panther), and performed several songs including ""Rebel Yell"" by Billy Idol, and the song ""I Want My Mullet Back"", which appears on Wanna Be Your Joe.[23] He also sang ""The Star Spangled Banner"" at Game 5 of the 2006 World Series in St. Louis, Missouri. Kids Inaugural Event on January 19, 2009 Cyrus singing at theon January 19, 2009 Career re-launch In mid-2007, Cyrus was a celebrity contestant on the 4th season of the show Dancing with the Stars. Cyrus was partnered with Karina Smirnoff. As the show began to air, Cyrus was instantly a fan favorite. Cyrus and Smirnoff made it to the semi-finals where they finished in 5th place. From his exposure on Dancing with the Stars and Hannah Montana, his record label pushed up the release date a month in advance of his new album. Home at Last was released in July 2007 on Walt Disney Records. It debuted at No. 3 on the country charts, making it Cyrus' first top 5 entry since It Won't Be the Last debuted at No. 1 in 1993. Beginning sales for the album were very strong; however, the album failed to be certified. The single ""Ready, Set, Don't Go"", was initially released as a solo single. The solo version made it to No. 33 on the Hot Country Songs chart. In October 2007, Cyrus and daughter Miley Cyrus performed a duet version of the song on Dancing with the Stars. The duet of the song debuted at No. 27 on the Country charts and eventually peaked at No. 4 in 2008, giving Billy Ray his first top 5 single since ""Busy Man"" in 1999, as well as Miley's first top 5 on any Billboard chart. Cyrus was a part of the Disney collection Country Sings Disney in 2008. Two of his songs, ""Ready, Set, Don't Go"" and the Sheryl Crow-penned song ""Real Gone,"" appeared on the album. Billy Ray's version of ""Real Gone"" was also made into a music video that is in rotation on both CMT and GAC; the song also appears on Back to Tennessee. New label and newfound chart success In late 2008, his website confirmed that a new studio album would be released by the end of the year from Lyric Street Records, entitled Back to Tennessee. The album was originally planned to be released on October 21, 2008, but was pushed back to November 18. When the album was not released, it was announced for a January 13, 2009 release.[24] The first single, ""Somebody Said a Prayer"", debuted at No. 53 in August 2008 and reached No. 33 in November of that year. On March 14, 2009, the album's title track debuted at No. 59 on the country singles chart and a month later on April 7, Back to Tennessee was released. The song only charted to No. 47 after 11 weeks. A third single, ""A Good Day"", debuted at No. 60 on the country charts for the chart week of September 5, 2009. It was less successful in its first week out as Home at Last. It only reached No. 13 on the charts and only sold approximately 14,000 copies in its opening week. The album's release date coincided with the release of Hannah Montana: The Movie. The song ""Back to Tennessee"" was included on the movies soundtrack, as well as a duet with Miley Cyrus, entitled ""Butterfly Fly Away"". The latter song would peak at No. 56 on the Billboard Hot 100 and at No. 50 and Canadian Hot 100. On November 12, 2008, Billy Ray and Miley presented the ""Song of the Year"" award at the 42nd Annual Country Music Association Awards. Prior to the award show, both Billy Ray and Miley performed on Good Morning America. In December 2008, Cyrus made a cameo in Metro Station's video, ""Seventeen Forever"".[25] Shortly after the chart debut of Back to Tennessee's third single, ""A Good Day"", Cyrus and Lyric Street Records parted ways after only one album.[26] Cyrus, Phil Vassar, Jeffrey Steele, and John Waite then formed a new supergroup together in early 2009 called Brother Clyde.[27] On Twitter, Cyrus confirmed the supergroup, saying they just cut the first single from the new album, Lately.[28] On June 30, 2010, Cyrus said about the new alternative rock group, Brother Clyde, that the old members would be substituted by Samantha Maloney, Jamie Miller, Dan Knight, and Dave Henning. Also, he said that their single, ""Lately"", was available on iTunes and that their debut album would be out on August 10, 2010.[29] Post-Brother Clyde In late 2010, Cyrus suspended his activities in the band Brother Clyde, and announced the release of his new solo patriotic album, entitled I'm American. Initially scheduled to be released in November 2010, it was pushed back to a May 24, 2011 release with a re-recording of ""Some Gave All"" that featured guest vocals from Darryl Worley, Jamey Johnson and Craig Morgan being released as the lead-off single. However, in April 2011, the single was changed to ""Runway Lights"". I'm American was released on June 28, 2011. A second single, ""Nineteen"", was released in August 2011. The song entered the Hot Country Songs chart for the week of October 8, 2011, where it debuted at number 58, becoming Cyrus' first charted single since ""A Good Day"" in 2009. Cyrus released the album Change My Mind on October 23, 2012. Its first single, the title track, was released on September 6. Acting career Cyrus starred in the 1999 independent film Radical Jack. He also had a small part in David Lynch's 2001 film Mulholland Drive as Gene, a pool cleaner who had been having an affair with the wife of Adam Kesher (Justin Theroux). In 2001, Cyrus played the lead role on the PAX (now ION Television) comedy-drama Doc, which became the network's highest-rated show. In 2005, Cyrus expanded his acting career in a stage production of Annie Get Your Gun in Toronto, appearing in the role of Frank Butler.[30] Cyrus' television credits include The Nanny, Diagnosis Murder, Love Boat, The Next Wave, and TNN's 18 Wheels Of Justice. In 2004, he guest-starred as a limo driver in the episode ""The Power of Love"" of the Canadian teen drama Degrassi: The Next Generation. Cyrus has also been the subject of many television specials that detail his rise to fame and his career. These include two ABC documentaries, Billy Ray Cyrus: Dreams Come True and Billy Ray Cyrus: A Year on the Road, a VH1 exclusive, as well as the TNN specials I Give My Heart To You, and The Life and Times of Billy Ray Cyrus. In late 2005, Cyrus and his daughter Miley Cyrus began co-starring in the Disney Channel original television series, Hannah Montana, which premiered on March 24, 2006. In March 2007, Cyrus joined several other celebrities to take part in the fourth season of the US version of Dancing with the Stars.[31] He and his partner Karina Smirnoff, were eliminated in the eighth week (May 8, 2007) after having also placed in the ""bottom two"" the week before.[32] Cyrus also starred in Jackie Chan's movie The Spy Next Door. It was shot in Albuquerque, New Mexico and released in January 2010. Cyrus sits on the advisory board of a conservative group called the Parents Television Council.[30] In 2010, it was announced that he and his son Trace Cyrus would take part in a new Syfy reality series called UFO: Unbelievably Freakin' Obvious.[33][34][35] Personal life From 1986 to 1991, Cyrus was married to Cindy Smith, with whom he co-wrote the songs ""Wher'm I Gonna Live?"" and ""Some Gave All"", both of which were featured on his 1992 debut album Some Gave All.[18] On December 28, 1993, Cyrus married Leticia ""Tish"" Cyrus (née Finley; born May 13, 1967).[2][36][37][38][39] Together they have three children: Miley Cyrus (born as Destiny Hope in 1992), Braison Chance (born 1994), and Noah Lindsey (born 2000). He also has two adopted stepchildren from Finley's previous relationship:[40] Brandi Cyrus (born 1987); and Trace Cyrus (born 1989),[40] singer/guitarist for Metro Station. Cyrus adopted Brandi and Trace when they were young children.[40] Cyrus also has a son, Christopher Cody (born April 1992), from a previous relationship with Kristin Luckey, who raised him in South Carolina.[41] In a 2004 interview on ABC News: Primetime, Cyrus stated that Miley (conceived with Finley) and Christopher (conceived with Luckey) were both born in 1992, when he was unmarried, and his marriage to Finley the following year (while she was pregnant with their son) was secret and against his record company's advice.[37][38][39] The family lived on a 500-acre (2.0 km2) farm in Thompson's Station,[42] outside of Nashville, Tennessee before moving to Los Angeles for the filming of Hannah Montana. Cyrus' other daughter Brandi had a role in a Hannah Montana episode ""Yet Another Side of Me"" as Customer No. 1 and in the season 4 episode ""Been Here All Along"" as the Guitarist during the military tribute.[43] On October 26, 2010, Cyrus filed for divorce from his wife in Tennessee, citing irreconcilable differences.[44] In a statement made to People the next day announcing the split, the couple said, ""As you can imagine, this is a very difficult time for our family... We are trying to work through some personal matters. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers.""[45] However, on March 18, 2011, Cyrus announced on The View that he had dropped the divorce.[46] On June 13, 2013, Tish filed for divorce from Billy Ray after 19 years of marriage, citing irreconcilable differences.[47] However, it was reported in July 2013 that they had gone to couples therapy and rekindled their relationship.[48] Cyrus described himself as a ""lifelong"" Democrat in 2000, when his song ""We the People"" was being used as a campaign song by George W. Bush.[49] Discography Studio albums Compilation albums Filmography Film Television Producer Year Title Notes 2009 Hannah Montana: The Movie 2011 Surprise Homecoming 8 episodes 2016 Still the King 26 episodes See also References Further reading" 0 “Cait’s really drawn to the kind of beautiful women she met when she was part of that world. Now she wants to be one of them!” dished the source. Crystal, December 2009's Playmate of the Month, married Hef in 2012 , is something of an inspiration to the onetime Wheaties cover boy. 1 She has moved on from her nasty split from her husband of 17 years. And Shannon Beador, 54, has officially gone public with her new man Scot Matteson, 58, flaunting him while on a recent business trip to New York City together. The Real Housewives of Orange County star jetted off to promote the Bravo hit's new season, and brought her beau along with her. New love: Shannon Beador, 54, has officially gone public with her new man Scot Matteson, 58, flaunting him on Instagram by posting photos of their recent business trip to New York City together On Tuesday, Shannon shared a photo of her and Scot on Instagram that showed her beaming as they enjoyed a nice dinner together in New York at the Plaza Hotel. 'Lunch with old friends in NYC! Having a ball! @bret.matteson @scotmattesonshe,' the California native captioned the shot of them snuggling up at dinner. The date night did not end there. The duo then attended a party with their Big Apple friends. The following day, Shannon, whose divorce from David Beador is currently playing out on her reality TV show, revealed she was so excited to be headed to Broadway for a showing of Dear Evan Hansen. Social media official: 'Lunch with old friends in NYC! ❤️ Having a ball! @bret.matteson @scotmattesonshe,' the California native captioned a shot of her enjoying dinner with her new guy and his brother Scot is a co-founding partner of Centurion Partners, LLC, which is a corporation that develops real estate properties in the United states. The blonde bombshell is a mother of three girls, while Scot has two teen daughters of his own, Brooke and Brittany. Scot's late wife, Kimberly Ann, passed away in 2014 at just 37-years-old. Impressive: Scot is a co-founding partner of Centurion Partners, LLC, which is a corporation that develops real estate properties in the United states Shannon filed for divorce from David in December 2017, two months after the reality TV personality announced they had separated. She shares daughters Sophie, 16, and 14-year-old twins Stella and Adeline with David. The beauty's RHOC co-star Kelly Dodd recently spoke to Us Weekly about Shannon's new boyfriend. Ex-husband: Shannon filed for divorce from David Beador in December 2017, two months after the reality TV personality announced they had separated She admitted that she's actually really good friends with his ex-wife. 'I'm actually good friends with his ex-wife. I just went to a 50th birthday party with her. And Scot's really nice, he's a nice guy, I like him.' She added: 'They both have things in common. They're both the same age. They both like to drink. … They like to travel.' Friends? Shannon's RHOC co-star Kelly Dodd recently spoke to Us Weekly about Shannon's new boyfriend and admitted that she's actually good friends with his ex-wife While that friendship may lead to awkward situations between the co-workers in the future, Kelly declared there's no drama there. 'The ex-wife is, like, done with him,' Dodd said. 'She wants him to move on, have a good life. She doesn't have, like she doesn't harbor any ill feelings towards him. She's like, actually my girlfriend Samantha goes, 'Actually Scott and Shannon would be a great, great match.' 0 Is Katie Holmes furious about Jamie Foxx and Charlize Theron allegedly flirting at last month’s Floyd Mayweather Conor McGregor boxing match? One of the news tabloids claims Holmes is jealous of the supposed Pda at the sporting event, but Gossip Cop has the truth. Foxx and Theron sat together at the Mayweather -McGregor fight in Las Vegas, […] IMDb.com, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. The news articles, Tweets, and blog posts do not represent IMDb's opinions nor can we guarantee that the reporting therein is completely factual. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to report any concerns you may have regarding content or accuracy. 1 "Nikki Bella may insist she's ""just friends"" with ex-fiance John Cena, but the Total Bellas star has found her second perfect wedding dress. In a new sneak peek from Sunday's all new Total Bellas, the former WWE star is ready to tie the knot to Cena when she finds her perfect dress, after the engagement already led to a previous breakup. ""Oh my gosh, I just got goosebumps,"" Brie Bella tells her twin sister as she steps out in the precious gown in the video. ""It's stunning. I feel like this is exactly what you've been looking for."" ""I love this,"" Nikki gushes while admiring herself in the mirror. ""I feel like a Barbie! I think this is it. Yes!"" While talking to the camera as part of the show, TooFab reports, Brie suggests her sister has decided on the dress before she even admitted it to her friends. ""You always know when a bride finds her dress, because when they walk out and it's like this big smile and they feel like a queen,"" Brie said. ""You're just like, 'That's it, that's the smile I've been looking for lately.' And I just feel like now we've just made a turn, things are going to start feeling really special, like, 'Hey, I'm getting married.'"" The video, and bittersweet moment, comes days after Nikki set the record straight on the state of her relationship with Cena in a new YouTube video. ""Right now, we're just friends,"" she said. ""We are both working on each other and trying to work on us. We talk every day. He is not only my best friend, he is truly one of the most amazing people I've ever met, and he has patience with me, and he has really taught me a lot over the past few months. I think one of those things is an inner strength that I thought I had but didn't realize how strong I had it."" She did add, however, ""I do have hope for us."" The couple officially called off their engagement back in April, weeks away from their wedding day, after Cena was seemingly unwilling to have kids. However, after the WWE superstar agreed to reverse his vasectomy and have children with Nikki, she still faced some concerns about the big day. ""This is forever, and I don't want to be someone who has a divorce or who has kids and then gets a divorce,"" Bella explained. ""I want to walk down that aisle and give my vows and have this be one time."" The reality star also admitted that reliving her toughest breakup on screen every week has been tough, also confusing fans on the status of their relationship. ""I have to say, it's extremely hard to relive every week, because I think all of us have been through breakups, but to go through a breakup that's so public, and then have to relive it on a reality show makes it super tough,"" she admitted. Hopefully there's a good chance they'll find their footing sooner rather than later. ""Hopefully one day we'll get back together, and if we don't, we both want each other to be very, very happy,"" she concluded. Total Bellas airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on E!." 0 "Late night TV was slammed by social media and news outlets for not addressing the sexual harassment allegations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein last week, but late night let loose on Monday. ABC's Jimmy Kimmel opened his Monday night show explaining how he got into a Twitter spat with Donald Trump Jr., who asked him on Twitter about his thoughts on Weinstein. ""He's speaking, I don't know if you know about this, but there was an expose in the New York Times about decades of sexual harassment accusations made against movie producer Harvey Weinstein, who is not the President, and isn't particularly well-known outside of L.A. and New York,"" Kimmel said. ""But the insinuation was that we, as part of the biased left-wing media propaganda machine, wouldn't say anything about him because he's a Democrat. Never mind the thousands of jokes about Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton and all the other Bills of that ilk."" The host also said that people pointed out that Weinstein was a Hillary Clinton supporter. ""I'm not defending Hillary Clinton. The fact is, her campaign did take money from what turned out to be a high-profile man who has been accused of sexual harassment multiple times, and not just one of them, by the way. She took money from two of them!"" Kimmel said. ""Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump, who donated to Hillary's campaign in 2008."" Hillary Clinton has, so far, not spoken publicly about the controversy. Kimmel then ended his story with a joke about the producer, which he said he promised he would do. ""What's the difference between Harvey Weinstein and the Pillsbury Doughboy?"" he said. ""When the Pillsbury Doughboy offers you a roll, he doesn't ask you to watch him take a shower for it."" Stephen Colbert commented on the scandal during Monday night's episode of CBS' ""The Late Show,"" explaining that the producer was fired from his own production company -- The Weinstein Company. This, Colbert joked, forced them to change their name to something more positive: ""Asbestos Child Slappers, Inc."" Colbert then rattled off a few jokes about the reported allegations against Weinstein, calling the producer's alleged behavior ""monstrous"" and ""indefensible."" ""Weinstein's lawyers called him 'a dinosaur learning new ways,'"" Colbert said. ""Okay, A) that's no excuse, B) dinosaurs did not touch themselves in front of the employees. The T-Rex's arms were way too short."" Related: Late night TV slammed for overlooking Harvey Weinstein scandal Jimmy Fallon also made a joke about the subject during his opening monologue on Monday's ""Tonight Show."" ""Harvey Weinstein was fired by his company yesterday for being accused of sexual harassment,"" the NBC host said. ""They said if he keeps it up, he'll end up with his own show on Fox News."" Seth Meyers, host of NBC's ""Late Night,"" brought out three female writers on the show to talk about the allegations. Here's what the women of #LNSM have to say about Harvey Weinstein. pic.twitter.com/r4oGo8yFAj — Late Night (@LateNightSeth) October 10, 2017 The bit showed the women on the ""Late Night"" staff reacting around the office to Weinstein's apology by pantomiming shock by spitting out their coffee in each other's faces, and having what appeared to be their eyes literally pop out of their heads." 0 Danielle Herrington was photographed by Ben Watts in the Bahamas. Swimsuit by Lybethras Swimwear. 0 "Caitlyn Marie Jenner (born William Bruce Jenner on October 28, 1949) is an American television personality and retired Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete. Jenner was a college football player for the Graceland Yellowjackets before incurring a knee injury that required surgery. Coach L. D. Weldon, who had coached Olympic decathlete Jack Parker, convinced Jenner to try the decathlon. After intense training, Jenner won the 1976 Olympics decathlon event at the Montreal Olympic Games,[3][4] gaining fame as ""an all-American hero"".[5] Jenner set a third successive world record while winning the Olympics. The winner of the Olympic decathlon is traditionally given the unofficial title of ""world's greatest athlete"".[6] With that stature, Jenner subsequently established a career in television, film, writing, auto racing, business and as a Playgirl cover model.[7] Jenner has six children with three successive wives: Chrystie Crownover, Linda Thompson, and Kris Jenner. Since 2007, she has appeared on the reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians with Kris, their daughters Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and step-children Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, and Rob Kardashian. Previously identifying publicly as male, Jenner revealed her identity as a trans woman in April 2015, publicly announcing her name change from Bruce to Caitlyn in a July 2015 Vanity Fair cover story. Her name and gender change became official on September 25, 2015.[8] She has been called the most famous openly transgender woman in the world.[9][10] From 2015 to 2016, Jenner starred in the reality television series I Am Cait, which focused on her gender transition. Early life Caitlyn Marie Jenner was born William Bruce Jenner on October 28, 1949, in Mount Kisco, New York,[11] to Esther Ruth (née McGuire) and William Hugh Jenner. Her father was an arborist.[12][13] She is of English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, and Welsh descent.[14] She has two sisters, Lisa and Pam.[15] Her younger brother, Burt, was killed in a car accident in Canton, Connecticut on November 30, 1976, shortly after Jenner's success at the Olympic Games.[16][17] As a young child, Jenner was diagnosed with dyslexia.[18] Jenner attended Sleepy Hollow High School in Sleepy Hollow, New York, for her freshman and sophomore years[19][20] and Newtown High School in Newtown, Connecticut, for her junior and senior years, graduating in 1968.[21] Jenner earned a football scholarship and attended Graceland College (now Graceland University) in Lamoni, Iowa, but was forced to stop playing football because of a knee injury.[22] Recognizing Jenner's potential, Graceland track coach L. D. Weldon encouraged Jenner to switch to the decathlon.[23] In 1970, Jenner placed fifth while debuting in the decathlon at the Drake Relays in Des Moines, Iowa.[24] Jenner graduated from Graceland College in 1973 with a degree in physical education.[25] Decathlon career All Olympic events and medals are for men's events and prior to her gender transition. Early career At the 1972 U.S. Olympic trials in Eugene, Oregon, Jenner was in fifth place in the men's decathlon, behind Steve Gough and Andrew Pettes. Needing to make up a 19-second gap on Gough in the men's 1500 metres, Jenner qualified for the Olympic team by running a fast final lap, finishing 22 seconds ahead of the other runners. (Video on YouTube @25:58) This prompted the Eugene Register-Guard to ask: ""Who's Jenner?""[26][27] Following the Olympic Trials, Jenner finished in tenth place in the decathlon at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.[28] By watching Soviet Mykola Avilov win the event, Jenner was inspired to start an intense training regimen. ""For the first time, I knew what I wanted out of life and that was it, and this guy has it. I literally started training that night at midnight, running through the streets of Munich, Germany, training for the Games. I trained that day on through the 1976 Games, 6–8 hours a day, every day, 365 days a year.""[29] Jenner at the 1975 Pan American Games After graduating from Graceland, Jenner married girlfriend Chrystie Crownover and moved to San Jose, California. Chrystie provided most of the family income by working as a flight attendant for United Airlines.[30] Jenner trained during the day and sold insurance at night, earning US$9,000 a year.[31][32] In the era before professional athletes were allowed to compete in Olympic sports, this kind of training was unheard of. During this period, Jenner trained at the San Jose City College (SJCC) and San Jose State University (SJSU) tracks.[33][34] San Jose was centered around SJCC coach Bert Bonanno; at that time, the city was a hotbed for training and was called the ""Track Capital of the World"".[32] Many other aspiring Olympic athletes also trained at San Jose; the list included Millard Hampton, Andre Phillips, John Powell, Mac Wilkins, and Al Feuerbach.[33][35] Jenner's most successful events were the skill events of the second day: hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin and 1500 meters.[5][36] Olympic success Jenner was the American champion in the men's decathlon event in 1974, and was featured on the cover of Track & Field News magazine's August 1974 issue.[37][38] While on tour in 1975, Jenner won the French national championship,[39] and a gold medal at the 1975 Pan American Games, earning the tournament record with 8,045 points.[25] This was followed by new world records of 8,524 points at the U.S.A./U.S.S.R./Poland triangular meet in Eugene, Oregon on August 9–10, 1975, breaking Avilov's record,[40] and 8,538 points at the 1976 Olympic trials, also in Eugene.[27][41] The record in Eugene was a hybrid score because a timing system failure and wind aided marks. Still, Jenner was proud of “A nice little workout, huh?” “We got what we wanted. We scared the hell out of everybody in the world only a month away from the Games.”[42] Of the 13 decathlons Jenner competed in between 1973 and 1976, the only loss was at the 1975 AAU National Championships, when a ""no height"" in the pole vault marred the score.[25] At the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal, Jenner achieved five personal bests on the first day of the men's decathlon – a ""home run"" – despite being in second place behind Guido Kratschmer of West Germany. Jenner was confident: ""The second day has all my good events. If everything works out all right, we should be ahead after it's all over."" Following a rainstorm on the second day, Jenner watched teammate Fred Dixon get injured in the 110 meter hurdles,[43] so took a cautious approach to the hurdles and discus, then had personal bests in the pole vault, when Jenner took the lead, and javelin.[44] By that point, victory was virtually assured, but it remained to be seen by how much Jenner would improve the record. In the final event—the 1500 meters, which was seen live on national television—Jenner looked content to finish the long competition. Jenner sprinted the last lap, making up a 50-meter deficit and nearly catching the event favorite, Soviet Leonid Litvinenko, who was already well out of contention for the gold medal, but whose personal best had been eight seconds better than Jenner's personal best before the race. Jenner set a new personal best time and won the gold medal with a world-record score of 8,618 points.[5][27][29][45][46] Olympic world record performance:[47] 100m (wind) Long jump (wind) Shot put High jump 400m 110H (wind) Discus Pole vault Javelin 1500m 10.94 +0.0 PB 819 7.22 +0.0 PB 865 15.35 PB 809 2.03 PB 882 47.51 PB 923 14.84 866 50.04 873 4.80 PB 1005 68.52 PB 862 4:12.61 PB 714 Impact After the event, Jenner took an American flag from a spectator and carried it during the victory lap, starting a tradition that is now common among winning athletes.[48][49] Abandoning vaulting poles in the stadium, with no intention of ever competing again, Jenner stated that: ""In 1972, I made the decision that I would go four years and totally dedicate myself to what I was doing, and then I would move on after it was over with. I went into that competition knowing that would be the last time I would ever do this.""[29] Jenner explained, ""It hurts every day when you practice hard. Plus, when this decathlon is over, I got the rest of my life to recuperate. Who cares how bad it hurts?""[5] As a result of winning the Olympic decathlon, Jenner became a national hero and received the James E. Sullivan Award as the top amateur athlete in the United States and was also named the Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year in 1976.[4][22] Jenner's 1976 world and Olympic record was broken by four points by Daley Thompson at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow; Thompson's victory was perhaps tainted by the U.S. led boycott of the Moscow Olympics, though the top American at the time, Bobby Coffman, was not expected to push Thompson or challenge Jenner's record. In 1985, Jenner's Olympic decathlon score was reevaluated against the IAAF's updated decathlon scoring table and was reported as 8,634 for comparative purposes. This converted mark stood as the American record until 1991, when it was surpassed by eventual gold medalist, and world record holder, Dan O'Brien of Dan & Dave fame.[50] As of 2011 , Jenner was ranked twenty-fifth on the world all-time list and ninth on the American all-time list.[51] Including the 2012 emergence of a new world record holder Ashton Eaton, Jenner's mark has moved to No. 27 worldwide and No. 10 U.S.[52] Jenner was inducted into the United States National Track and Field Hall of Fame in 1980, the Olympic Hall of Fame in 1986, the Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame and the Connecticut Sports Hall of Fame in 1994, and the San Jose Sports Hall of Fame in 2010.[53] For almost 20 years, San Jose City College hosted an annual Bruce Jenner Invitational competition.[54][55][56] International competitions National events Personal records All information from IAAF[60] Post-Olympic career Capitalizing on Olympic fame In the 1970s, Olympic athletes were considered to be amateurs and were not allowed to seek or accept payment for their positions as sports celebrities. During the Cold War in 1972, three major Olympic titles that had a long history of American success – basketball, the 100 meter dash, and decathlon – were won by Soviet athletes. Jenner became an American hero by returning the decathlon title to the United States. ""After the Games were over,"" Jenner said, ""I happened to be the right guy, at that right place, at that right time.""[29] Tony Kornheiser of The New York Times wrote: ""Jenner is twirling the nation like a baton. He and wife, Chrystie, are so high up on the pedestal of American heroism, it would take a crane to get them down.""[5][30][61] After the expected Olympic success, Jenner planned to cash in on whatever celebrity status could follow a gold medal in the same mold as Johnny Weissmuller and Sonja Henie, who had become major movie stars following their gold medals. This would require forgoing any future Olympic competition. At the time, Jenner's agent George Wallach felt there was a four-year window – until the next Olympics – upon which to capitalize. Wallach reported that Jenner was being considered for the role of Superman, which ultimately went to Christopher Reeve. ""I really don't know how many offers we have,"" Wallach claimed. ""There are still unopened telegrams back at the hotel and you just can't believe the offers that poured in during the first two days.""[62] Jenner appeared on the cover of the August 9, 1976, issue of Sports Illustrated,[63] the February 1979 issue of Gentleman's Quarterly,[64] and on the cover of Playgirl magazine.[7] Jenner became a spokesperson for Tropicana, Minolta, and Buster Brown shoes.[29] Jenner was also selected by the Kansas City Kings with the 139th overall pick in the seventh round of the 1977 NBA draft despite not having played basketball since high school.[65] The publicity stunt was executed by team president/general manager Joe Axelson to mock the Kansas City Chiefs' yearly claims that they planned on selecting “the best athlete available” in the National Football League Draft. Jenner was presented with a jersey customized with the number 8618, his Olympic-gold-medal-winning score, but would never appear as an active player with the Kings.[66] Wheaties spokesperson US$400 after she announced her transition in 2015.[67][68] Wheaties boxes featuring Jenner came out around the same time the athlete became a spokesperson for the breakfast cereal. A box would later sell on eBay forafter she announced her transition in 2015. In 1977, Jenner became a spokesperson for Wheaties brand breakfast cereal and appeared in an iconic photograph on the cover of the cereal box. After taking over from Olympic champion Bob Richards, Jenner was second in a succession of athletes featured as spokespersons for the brand. Mary Lou Retton succeeded Jenner in 1984.[69] On November 22, 1977, Jenner went to San Francisco to refute charges filed by San Francisco district attorney Joseph Freitas that General Mills—the maker of Wheaties—had engaged in deceptive advertising in its campaign that featured Jenner. Jenner liked Wheaties and ate the breakfast cereal two or three times a week, which supported the advertising campaign's claims. Two days later, Freitas withdrew the suit, saying that it was ""a case of overzealousness"" on the part of his staff.[70] When Jenner came out as a trans woman in 2015, General Mills stated that: ""Bruce Jenner continues to be a respected member of Team Wheaties."" After a negative response to this initial statement, Mike Siemienas, General Mills's brand media relations manager, clarified it by saying: ""Bruce Jenner has been a respected member of Team Wheaties, and Caitlyn Jenner will continue to be.""[71] Television and film career Jenner starred in the disco-era Village People comedy Can't Stop the Music (1980). The movie was a flop. Jenner's performance was nominated for the 1980 Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actor; the film won the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Picture.[72] It was Jenner's only theatrical release until 2011. Jenner had some success with a television career, starring in the made-for-TV movies The Golden Moment: An Olympic Love Story[73] (1980) and Grambling's White Tiger (1981).[74] During the 1981–1982 season, Jenner became a semi-regular cast member in the police series CHiPs, guest-starring as Officer Steve McLeish for six episodes, substituting for star Erik Estrada, who was locked in a contract dispute with NBC and MGM.[3] Jenner also appeared in an episode of the sitcom Silver Spoons called ""Trouble with Words"", wherein her personal issues with dyslexia were revealed in a storyline about a recurring teenage character with the same problem. Jenner appeared in the series Learn to Read[75] and in the video games Olympic Decathlon[76] (1981) and Bruce Jenner's World Class Decathlon (1996).[77] The ""hero shot"", the finish of the final event of the 1976 Olympic decathlon, and the Wheaties cover, were parodied by John Belushi on Saturday Night Live, endorsing ""Little Chocolate Donuts"".[78] In 1989, Jenner played herself in the comedy short Dirty Tennis written by James Van Patten.[79] Jenner in 2012 Jenner has appeared in a variety of game shows and reality television programs, including starring with Grits Gresham in an episode of ABC's The American Sportsman.[80] The program features Gresham hunting, fishing, or shooting in exotic areas with celebrities. In the early 1990s, Jenner was the host of an infomercial for a stair-climbing exercise machine called the Stair Climber Plus.[81] In January 2002, Jenner participated in an episode of the American series The Weakest Link, featuring Olympic athletes.[82] In February and March 2003, Jenner was part of the cast of the American series I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!.[83] She made a cameo appearance in a season-three episode of The Apprentice, which aired in May 2005.[84] She also partnered with Tai Babilonia for Skating with Celebrities[85] in a series that aired January – March 2006 (they were eliminated during the fifth of seven episodes), served as a guest judge on Pet Star on Animal Planet,[86] as well as (with the Kardashian family) on Celebrity Family Feud.[87] In November 2010, a photograph of Jenner was shown in a janitor's resume in an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.[88] Additional television and talk show appearances by Jenner include: Nickelodeon's made-for-TV film Gym Teacher: The Movie[89] as well as episodes of Murder, She Wrote,[90] Family Guy,[91] the Lingo Olympic Winners episode,[92] and talk shows such as Hannity[93] and season 1, episode 21 of The Bonnie Hunt Show in 2008.[94] Since late 2007, Jenner has starred in the E! reality series Keeping Up with the Kardashians along with wife Kris Jenner, stepchildren Kourtney, Kimberley, Khloé, and Rob Kardashian (from Kris's marriage to attorney Robert Kardashian), and daughters Kylie and Kendall.[95] In 2011, Jenner appeared in the Adam Sandler comedy Jack and Jill in a scene with Al Pacino as an actor in a play.[96] Like Can't Stop the Music, the film won the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Picture and swept every Razzie category.[97] In September 2016, Jenner appeared as herself on the Amazon Prime TV series Transparent in a dream sequence during the season three episode ""To Sardines and Back"".[98] Motorsports career Jenner was a successful race car driver in the IMSA Camel GT series (International Motor Sports Association) in the 1980s.[99] Jenner's first victory came in the 1986 12 hours of Sebring in the IMSA GTO class driving the 7-Eleven Roush Racing Ford Mustang with co-driver Scott Pruett. The pair won their class and finished 4th overall in the 12-hour endurance race. 1986 was also the most successful year of Jenner's career, finishing second in the championship to Pruett.[100][101] Jenner commented, ""I was a lot more badass runner than I was a driver.""[102] Business Jenner had licensed her previous name for Bruce Jenner's Westwood Centers for Nautilus & Aerobics in the early 1980s to David A. Cirotto, president of other local Nautilus & Aerobics Centers. She had no ownership in the licensed name centers,[31] which were solely owned by Cirotto.[103] Jenner's company, Bruce Jenner Aviation, sells aircraft supplies to executives and corporations.[31] Jenner was the business development vice president for a staffing industry software application known as JennerNet, which was based on Lotus Domino technology.[104] In March 2016, Jenner announced that she had been chosen as the face of H&M Sport.[105] Later that year, H&M created a six-minute film featuring Jenner, called Caitlyn Jenner's Greatest Victories: A Timeline.[106] Gender transition Coming out as a transgender woman The Washington Post commented that Jenner's debut Vanity Fair cover, shot by [6][107] commented that Jenner's debutcover, shot by Annie Leibovitz , had special significance for its subject: ""After all the magazine covers that featured the former athlete, once lauded as the 'world's greatest athlete,' the Leibovitz photograph will be the most meaningful. Looking directly at the camera, Jenner is finally herself for the first time publicly."" In a 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer in April 2015, Jenner came out as a trans woman, saying that she had dealt with gender dysphoria since her youth and that, ""for all intents and purposes, I'm a woman."" Jenner cross-dressed for many years and took hormone replacement therapy but stopped after her romance with Kris Kardashian became more serious, leading to marriage in 1992.[108][109][110] Jenner recounts having permission to explore her gender identity on her own travels but not when they were coupled, and that not knowing the best way to talk about the many issues contributed to the deterioration of the 23-year-long marriage, which ended formally in 2015.[110] Jenner has undergone cosmetic surgery, and completed sex reassignment surgery in January 2017.[111] She said she has never been sexually attracted to men, but has instead always been sexually attracted to women, and that, keeping in mind the difficulty people have understanding the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity, she will identify as asexual for now.[112][113] Media attention In June 2015, Jenner debuted her new name and image, and began publicly using feminine pronoun self-descriptors.[114] Jenner held a renaming ceremony in July 2015, adopting the name Caitlyn Marie Jenner.[115][116] Prior to her 20/20 interview, a two-part special titled Keeping Up with the Kardashians: About Bruce was filmed with the family in which she answered questions, and prepared her children for the personal and public aspects of the transition.[117] In the special, which aired in May 2015, the point was emphasized that there is no one right way to transition. Jenner made it a priority to ensure that all her children were independent first before focusing on her transition.[117] In September 2015, her name was legally changed to Caitlyn Marie Jenner and gender to female.[118] Jenner's announcement that she is transgender came at an unprecedented time for trans visibility, including legislative initiatives.[119][120] The 20/20 interview had 20.7 million viewers, making it television's ""highest-ever rated newsmagazine telecast among adults 18–49 and adults 25–54"".[121] The Daily Beast wrote that Jenner's honesty, vulnerability, and fame may have caused ""cheap jokes"" about trans people to ""seem mean to a mainstream audience on an unprecedented scale"".[122] Noting the shift in how comedians treated Jenner's transition, The Daily Beast saw the change as the same evolution that took place in acceptance of LGBT people as a whole when ""comedians finally cross the critical threshold from mockery to creativity in their joke-telling"".[122] Jenner's emerging gender identity was revealed in a Vanity Fair interview written by Buzz Bissinger. Annie Leibovitz photographed the cover, the magazine's first to feature an openly transgender woman, which was captioned ""Call me Caitlyn"".[123][124] Using her Twitter handle, @Caitlyn_Jenner, she tweeted: ""I'm so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. Welcome to the world Caitlyn. Can't wait for you to get to know her/me."" Time magazine declared this tweet the tenth most re-tweeted tweet of 2015, based on re-tweets of tweets by verified users from January 1 to November 10 of that year. Jenner amassed over one million Twitter followers in four hours and three minutes, setting a new Guinness World Record and surpassing United States President Barack Obama, who, a month before, accomplished the same feat in four hours and fifty-two minutes.[126][127] Four days later Jenner was up to 2.37 million followers, with another 1.5 million followers on Instagram.[128] However, Jenner was also mocked. Beginning in September 2015, she was depicted on the satirical American animated program South Park, which parodied her supporters' political correctness, as well as her driving record. The Jenner-related episodes were ""Stunning and Brave"", ""Where My Country Gone?"", ""Sponsored Content"", ""Truth and Advertising"" and ""PC Principal Final Justice"" from the show's 19th season.[129][130][131] In April 2016 during the Republican presidential primaries, Jenner became an exemplar for candidate Donald Trump's opposition to North Carolina's Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, with Trump saying that Jenner could use any restroom of her choosing at his Trump Tower property. Jenner soon posted a video showing that she had taken Trump up on his offer. She thanked Trump and assured Trump's adversary Ted Cruz that ""nobody got molested"".[132][133] In June 2016, Jenner was one of several celebrities depicted using synthetic nude ""sleeping"" bodies for the video of Kanye West's song ""Famous"".[134] Later that month, an episode of Epic Rap Battles of History was released featuring Jenner, as Bruce (portrayed by Peter Shukoff) and then Caitlyn (portrayed by transgender rapper Jolie ""NoShame"" Drake), rap battling against The Hulk (portrayed by Lloyd Ahlquist). Reception General In August 2015, Jenner won the Social Media Queen award at the Teen Choice Awards.[135] In October 2015, Glamour magazine named her one of its 25 Glamour Women of the Year, calling her a ""Trans Champion.""[136] In November 2015, Jenner was listed as one of Entertainment Weekly's 2015 Entertainers of the Year.[137] In December 2015, she was named Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating Person of 2015.[138] Also in that month, she was listed on Time magazine's eight-person shortlist for the 2015 Person of the Year,[139] and Bing released its list of the year's ""Most Searched Celebrities"", which Jenner was at the top of, and declared Jenner's Vanity Fair cover the second in a list of ""top celeb moments of 2015.""[140][141] She was the second most searched for person on Google in 2015.[142] In April 2016, she was listed in the Time 100.[143] In June 2016, Jenner became the first openly transgender person to be featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated. The cover and associated story marked the 40th anniversary of her winning the 1976 Summer Olympics decathlon.[144][145] Feminist author Germaine Greer called Glamour magazine's decision to award Jenner with a ""Woman of the Year"" award misogynistic, questioning whether a transgender woman could be better than ""someone who is just born a woman.""[146] Jenner also received criticism from individuals such as actress Rose McGowan, for stating – in a BuzzFeed interview[147] – that the hardest part about being a woman ""is figuring out what to wear"". McGowan argued: ""We are more than deciding what to wear. We are more than the stereotypes foisted upon us by people like you. You're a woman now? Well fucking learn that we have had a VERY different experience than your life of male privilege."" McGowan later stated that she was not transphobic, and added: ""Disliking something a trans person has said is no different than disliking something a man has said or that a woman has said. Being trans doesn't make one immune from criticism.""[148][149] Chris Mandle of The Independent stated: ""Jenner has gone on to inspire countless men and women, but her comments, which were made after she was celebrated at Glamour magazine's Women Of The Year in New York were branded 'offensive and insulting'."" He added: ""People began tweeting the other, harder things women have to deal with, such as institutionalized oppression, abuse and sexual assault"".[150] James Smith, husband of Moira Smith, the only female New York Police Department officer to die on September 11, 2001, returned Moira's ""Woman of the Year"" award, given posthumously. Referring to Jenner as a man, he stated that he found Glamour giving Jenner the same award insulting to Moira's memory, and referred to the matter as a publicity stunt.[151][152] Smith later said that, having supported transgender youth and Glamour's decision to honor transgender actress Laverne Cox in 2014, he did not object because Jenner is transgender; he objected to Jenner's ""hardest part about being a woman"" commentary; this proved to him that Jenner ""is not truly a woman. I believe this comment and others he has made trivializes the transgender experience as I have witnessed it.""[153] Conversely, Adrienne Tam of The Daily Telegraph argued that Jenner deserved the Glamour award, stating: ""What McGowan failed to take into consideration was the jesting manner in which Jenner spoke."" Tam said: [Jenner] also immediately followed up her ""what women wear"" dilemma with: It's more than that. I'm kind of at this point in my life where I'm trying to figure this womanhood thing out. It is more than hair, makeup, clothes, all that kind of stuff. There's an element here that I'm still kind of searching for. And I think that'll take a while. Because I think as far as gender, we're all on a journey. We're all learning and growing about ourselves. And I feel the same way. Tam considered McGowan's criticism to be over the top, and stated of James Smith's criticism, ""The salient point here is one about courage. We easily recognise physical courage such as saving orphans from burning buildings, or ordinary people putting their lives in the line of fire. It is far harder to recognise mental courage."" She added: ""Without a doubt, the police officer who died in the September 11 attacks was courageous. But so is Jenner. It's a different kind of courage, but it is courage nonetheless.""[154] LGBT community With her profile raised by her coming out as a trans woman in 2015, Jenner has been called the most famous openly transgender woman in the world.[8][9][10] She is also one of the most recognized LGBT people in the world and arguably the most famous LGBT athlete.[155] Jenner acknowledged in her 20/20 interview that part of her reason for being so visible was to bring attention to gender dysphoria, violence against trans women, and other transgender issues.[156] She also sought to promote more informed discussion of LGBT issues at a time when the trans community has unprecedented visibility.[156] She signed with Creative Artists Agency's speakers department and will collaborate with the CAA Foundation on a philanthropic strategy focusing on LGBT issues.[157] She made a private appearance at the Los Angeles LGBT Center in June 2015, where she spoke with at-risk trans youth.[158] Jenner received the Arthur Ashe Courage Award during the 2015 ESPY Awards in July 2015. ESPN executive producer Maura Mandt said Jenner was given the award because ""she has shown the courage to embrace a truth that had been hidden for years, and to embark on a journey that may not only give comfort to those facing similar circumstances, but can also help to educate people on the challenges that the transgender community faces.""[159] She is the third consecutive openly LGBT person to receive the award following footballer Michael Sam (2014) and anchorwoman Robin Roberts (2013).[160] In October, Jenner presented the Point Foundation's Horizon Award to television producers Rhys Ernst (of the show Transparent) and Zach Zyskowski (of the show Becoming Us).[161][162] This was her second public speaking engagement after her gender transition.[162] In November, Jenner was listed as one of the nine runners-up for The Advocate's Person of the Year.[163] That month she was also listed as one of the Out100 of 2015, with Out calling her the ""Newsmaker of the Year.""[164] On International Human Rights Day, Jenner discussed transgender rights with Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.[165] In 2016, Jenner was on the cover of The Advocate's February/March issue.[166] MAC Cosmetics collaborated with Jenner on a lipstick, called Finally Free, which was made available for purchase April 8, 2016, with MAC stating, ""100% of the selling price goes to the MAC AIDS Fund Transgender Initiative, to further its work in support of transgender communities.""[167][168] Also in April 2016, Jenner was listed as No. 8 on Out magazine's Power 50 list.[169][170] In May 2016, her interview with Diane Sawyer in 2015 won Outstanding TV Journalism – Newsmagazine at the GLAAD Media Awards.[171] In June 2016, the Human Rights Campaign released a video in tribute to the victims of the 2016 Orlando gay nightclub shooting; in the video, Jenner and others told the stories of the people killed there.[172][173] In July 2016, Jenner spoke about coming out as transgender and Republican at a Republican National Convention ""Big Tent Brunch"" for the conservative group American Unity Fund.[174][175] Show and memoir Jenner's gender transition is the subject of I Am Cait, initially an eight-part TV documentary series, which premiered on E! in July 2015 to an audience of 2.7 million viewers.[176][177][178] Jenner is an executive producer of the show.[179] The show focuses on Jenner's transition and how it affects her relationships with her family and friends. The show also explores how Jenner adjusts to what she sees as her job as a role model for the transgender community.[180][181] In October 2015, the show was renewed for a second season, which premiered on March 6, 2016.[182] The show tied for best Outstanding Reality Program at the GLAAD Media Awards in 2016.[183][184] Jenner's memoir, The Secrets of My Life, was published on April 25, 2017.[185] Politics Jenner is a Christian, leans towards political conservatism and is a Republican.[186][187] ""I have gotten more flak for being a conservative Republican than I have for being trans,"" she has said.[188] Although stopping short of an endorsement, Jenner said she liked Ted Cruz in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, despite Cruz's negative views of trans people.[189] On her reality show I Am Cait, Jenner said that although she does not support Donald Trump, she thinks he would be good for women's issues; she then stated she would never support Hillary Clinton.[190] She ended up voting for Trump in the 2016 presidential elections.[191] In February 2017, President Trump rescinded federal requirements giving transgender students the right to choose the school restroom matching their gender identity. In response, Jenner tweeted ""Well @realDonaldTrump, from one Republican to another, this is a disaster. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me.""[192] In April 2017, Jenner said she was in favor of same-sex marriage.[193] In July 2017, Jenner announced that she was contemplating running in the 2018 race for the US Senate to represent California.[194] Later in the month, she condemned Trump for issuing an order to reinstate a ban on transgender people from serving in the military. In her tweet, she wrote ""What happened to your promise to fight for them?"", juxtaposing it with Trump's tweet from June 2016 in which he promised to fight for the LGBT community.[191] Personal life Marriages Prior to her public gender transition, Jenner had been married three times, first to Chrystie Scott (née Crownover) from 1972 to 1981. They have two children, son Burton ""Burt"" Jenner and daughter Cassandra ""Casey"" Marino (née Jenner).[195][196] Jenner and Scott's divorce was finalized the first week of January 1981.[197] On January 5, 1981, Jenner married actress Linda Thompson in Hawaii.[198] They have two sons together, Brandon Jenner and Sam Brody Jenner (known as Brody).[199] By February 1986, Jenner and Thompson had separated and subsequently divorced.[200] Their sons later starred on the reality show The Princes of Malibu,[201] and Brody appeared in the reality show The Hills.[202] On April 21, 1991, Jenner married Kris Kardashian (née Houghton) after five months of dating.[203] They have two daughters, Kendall and Kylie Jenner. While married, Jenner was also the step-parent to Kris's children from her previous marriage – Kourtney, Kim, Khloé and Robert – who star in Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The couple announced their separation in October 2013,[204][205] though they had actually separated in June.[206] Kris filed for divorce in September 2014 citing irreconcilable differences.[207] Their divorce terms were finalized in December 2014 and went into effect on March 23, 2015, because of a six-month state legal requirement.[208] Fatal car collision In February 2015, Jenner was involved in a fatal multiple-vehicle collision on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, California. Kim Howe, an animal rights activist and actress, was killed when Jenner's SUV ran into Howe's car. Accounts of the sequence of collisions have varied, as have the number of people injured.[209] Prosecutors declined to file criminal charges, but three civil lawsuits were brought by Howe's stepchildren and drivers of other cars involved in the collision.[210][211] Jessica Steindorff, a Hollywood agent who was hit by Howe's car, settled her case in December 2015. Howe's stepchildren settled their case in January 2016.[212] Financial details were not disclosed in either case.[213] See also" 1 The domain celebritymaximum.com may be for sale. Please click here to inquire 0 Despite their undeniable chemistry, Underwood and Fisher couldn’t see much more of each other right away, considering the country crooner was based in Nashville and the National Hockey League star lived in Canada. “I mean, can I make dating more difficult?” Underwood recalled on VH1’s Behind the Music. “Let’s get a hockey guy who lives in another country. Awesome.” They began long-distance dating, which consisted of regular phone calls — before eventually reuniting in person once more three months later. 0 It's her 23rd birthday. So Kendall Jenner was prepared to party with friends in NYC on Saturday night, when she was seen stepping out for a bit of karaoke with pals Bella Hadid and Tyler The Creator. The IMG represented beauty tried to remain low key donning a long black coat, sneakers and black pants for her birthday outing to Sing Sing Karaoke. Birthday girl! Kendall Jenner stepped out to celebrate her 23rd birthday by doing a bit of karaoke with friend Bella Hadid on Saturday Making it clear it was her special day, Kendall added a little party hat over a perky ponytail. She accessorized with subtle huggie earrings and a couple of rings. The model let her naturally good looks shine through, adding just a splash of lip gloss and keeping the rest of her face makeup minimal. Dressed down: The IMG represented beauty tried to remain low key donning a long black coat, sneakers and black pants for her birthday outing to Sing Sing Karaoke Party time: Making it clear it was her special day, Kendall added a little party hat over a perky ponytail Time for fun: The starlet quickly made her way into the sing-a-long club Details: She accessorized with subtle huggie earrings and a couple of rings Natural beauty: The model let her naturally good looks shine through, adding just a splash of lip gloss and keeping the rest of her face makeup minimal Easy going: Instead of dressing up, the pals made sure they were comfortable Bella was equally as understated, stepping out in houndstooth bell bottoms and a dark longsleeved polo. Keeping festive, she donned her own little red party hat. She added a little purse, hoops and black and white Nikes to round out the ensemble. Odd Future's Tyler The Creator was out with his friends, looking sharp in a pink cardigan and khakis, which matched his bucket hat. Bell bottoms of the ball! Bella was equally as understated, stepping out in houndstooth bell bottoms and a dark longsleeved polo Topped off: Keeping festive, she donned her own little red party hat Creative! Odd Future's Tyler The Creator was out with his friends, looking sharp in a pink cardigan and khakis, which matched his bucket hat He added some cool kid style with gold Tevas sandals over socks. Earlier in the day Bella was seen preparing for the night out. She picked up some supplies at a balloon store. Preparing: Earlier in the day Bella was seen preparing for the night out, picking up some balloons from the shops Helping hand: The famous figure was happy to make a stop at the shops for her friend Before that the ladies were hard at work, seen after fittings for the upcoming Victoria's Secret Fashion Show at the end of this month. Bella gave followers a sneak peek at her physique on Instagram. Making the most of her long, long legs, she shared five selfies wearing barely-there black undies at the Victoria's Secret fitting. The 22-year-old model boosted her height with high-heeled snakeskin boots that reached her knees, adding to her sizzling, sexy look. 0 The browser you are currently using has been discontinued by its developers. For the best expereience on our site, we recommend downloading either of the following two web browsers; they are both fast, user-friendly, secure, and most importantly up-to-date. 0 "In the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who, regeneration is a biological ability exhibited by the Time Lords, a race of fictional humanoids originating on the planet Gallifrey. This process allows a Time Lord to undergo a transformation into a new physical form and a somewhat different personality after instances which would normally result in death. Regeneration has been used twelve times throughout the history of the franchise as a device for introducing a new actor for the lead role of its main character, the Doctor. Other Time Lords and similar characters have also regenerated, usually for narrative, rather than casting, reasons. The current incarnation of the Doctor is played by Jodie Whittaker, following the regeneration of the Twelfth Doctor (portrayed by Peter Capaldi) during the 2017 Christmas special ""Twice Upon a Time"". Conceptual history [ edit ] Inspiration [ edit ] The concept of regeneration was created in 1966 by the writers of Doctor Who as a method of replacing the leading actor. The role of the Doctor had been played by William Hartnell since the programme began in 1963 but, by 1966, it was increasingly apparent that Hartnell's health was deteriorating and he was becoming more difficult to work with. Producer John Wiles had, following several clashes with Hartnell, intended to have the actor replaced in The Celestial Toymaker; during two episodes of that serial, the Doctor is invisible (owing to Hartnell being on holiday during the recording). Wiles' plan was for the character to reappear played by a new actor. This proposal was vetoed by Gerald Savory, the BBC's Head of Serials (and Wiles' superior), which led to Wiles leaving before The Celestial Toymaker was produced.[1] However, it was apparent that it would not be possible for Hartnell to continue for much longer. On 29 July 1966, production concluded on the final episode of The Smugglers, the last serial recorded in the third production block.[citation needed] During production, Hartnell and producer Innes Lloyd had reached an agreement that he should leave the role, having starred in one more serial that would see a handover to a new actor, which would be the first one produced as part of Season 4. Script editor Gerry Davis proposed that, since the Doctor had already been established as an alien, the character could die and return in a new body. Lloyd took this further by suggesting that the Doctor could do this ""renewal"" regularly, transforming from an older man to a younger one; this would allow for the convenient recasting of the role when necessary.[citation needed] The process itself was modelled on LSD trips, with the experience being like the ""hell and dank horror"" of taking the drug.[2] At the conclusion of The Tenth Planet, the First Doctor collapses from apparent old age and exhaustion, having commented earlier that his body was ""wearing a bit thin"". Then, before the eyes of his companions Ben and Polly, and of the viewing audience, his features shift into that of the Second Doctor, played by Patrick Troughton. In The Power of the Daleks, the Second Doctor's first story, the Doctor draws an analogy between the renewal and a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.[3] Developing the concept [ edit ] It was not clear initially whether the renewal was a natural ability of the Doctor's as opposed to a process initiated by technology. In Power of the Daleks, the Second Doctor describes his renewal as a function of his TARDIS time machine, stating that ""without it, [he] couldn't survive.""[3] When Troughton left the series in 1969, the Doctor was renewed again, but this time the change was forced on him by the Time Lords at the conclusion of The War Games, where it is referred to as a ""change of appearance"". As with the first change, this language suggested only a superficial physical change, not one of personality, although Jon Pertwee's portrayal of the Third Doctor also differed quite substantially from Troughton's. Unlike the previous change, this one is treated as a punishment rather than a natural process: in The War Games the Doctor protests, ""You can't just change what I look like without consulting me!"" As the series continued, more aspects of the regenerative process were introduced, but the basic concepts of regeneration as accepted by fans of the series today were only firmly established in the final scene of Planet of the Spiders (1974), when Pertwee's Third Doctor turns into Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor. In this scene, the change is called ""regeneration"" for the first time, and is explained as a biological process that occurs when a Time Lord's body is dying. It is also stated that following the regeneration the Doctor's brain cells would be shaken up and his behaviour would be ""erratic"" for a time, something that would be evident for most subsequent regenerations. In the About Time reference series Lawrence Miles and Tat Wood note that the officially licensed magazine, Doctor Who Monthly, stated in a ""Matrix Data-Bank"" column in 1982 that its readers should not confuse the ""regenerations"" of later incarnations with the ""rejuvenation"" of Hartnell into Troughton.[4] However, dialogue within the series itself explicitly includes the First-to-Second ""rejuvenation"" when enumerating the Doctor's regenerations (for example in Mawdryn Undead (1983)). Transitions [ edit ] Logopolis, 1981, and Castrovalva, 1982) The Fourth Doctor regenerates into the Fifth Doctor (from, 1981, and, 1982) The regeneration ""effect"" was accomplished during the series' original run from 1963–1989 primarily through the use of video mixing. Originally, the plan was to have Hartnell collapse at the end of The Tenth Planet with his cloak over his face, which would then be pulled back to reveal Troughton in the next serial. However, vision mixer Shirley Coward discovered and took advantage of a malfunction in the mixing desk which allowed Hartnell's image to be overexposed to the point of almost whiting out the screen, then fading back in to reveal Troughton's face. This also meant that the regeneration scene could take place with both actors at the conclusion of The Tenth Planet, and Troughton was accordingly signed up to participate.[citation needed] Subsequent regenerations retained essentially the same method, with or without additional video or make-up effects. The transition from the Fourth to the Fifth Doctor used an additional make-up effect representing a transitional form known as the Watcher, but aside from this, other regenerations in the original series run simply mixed the image of the incoming actor on top of the outgoing one. The transition from the Seventh to the Eighth Doctor in the 1996 television movie took advantage of the higher budget and modern computer animation technology to ""morph"" the features of Sylvester McCoy into those of Paul McGann. With the exception of the transitions from the Second to Third, each regeneration was shown on-screen, with the previous incumbent in the role symbolically ""handing off"" the character to the next. The Second Doctor was never seen to actually change into the Third, simply fading off into darkness at the end of The War Games and then stumbling out of the TARDIS, already regenerated, at the start of Spearhead from Space (1970). The regeneration of the Sixth Doctor into the Seventh is the only time that a single actor took on the roles of two incarnations of the Doctor. Colin Baker declined the invitation to film the regeneration sequence at the start of Time and the Rani (1987) due to the circumstances in which the BBC dismissed him from the role.[citation needed] As a result, Sylvester McCoy had to don his predecessor's costume and a blond curly wig, lying face down, with the mixing effect to the Doctor's ""new"" features occurring as he was turned over. The 2005 series, which revived the programme after its cancellation 16 years earlier, began with the Ninth Doctor already regenerated and no explanation given as to the circumstances behind the change (although a scene in the debut episode ""Rose"" when the Doctor commented on his appearance in a mirror indicated that the change had recently occurred). In the documentary series Doctor Who Confidential, producer Russell T Davies explained his reasoning that, after such a long hiatus, a regeneration in the first episode would be not only confusing for new viewers but also lacking in dramatic impact, as there would have been no emotional investment in the character being replaced.[5] The regeneration into the Ninth Doctor was later seen and explained in ""The Day of the Doctor"" (2013). In this episode, the War Doctor automatically begins a regeneration due to old age at the end of the Last Great Time War. However, the full transition is not seen with only the start of the regeneration being shown. The regeneration of the Ninth Doctor into the Tenth at the end of ""The Parting of the Ways"" (2005) used computer effects to morph Christopher Eccleston into David Tennant. In the episode of Doctor Who Confidential accompanying the episode ""Utopia"" (2007), where the same effect is used for the Master's regeneration, it is stated that the production team decided that this would be a common effect for all future Time Lord regenerations, rather than each regeneration being designed uniquely at the whim of the individual director. This style of transition is seen again in ""The Stolen Earth""/""Journey's End"" (2008) both when the Doctor undergoes an aborted regeneration, and when his hand spawns a clone in the second part; in The End of Time (2010) during which Matt Smith took over the role as the Eleventh Doctor; in ""The Impossible Astronaut"" when the Doctor is shot twice and seemingly killed; in ""Day of the Moon"" when a young girl regenerates; and in ""Let's Kill Hitler"" when Mels (Nina Toussaint-White) is shot and regenerates into River Song (Alex Kingston). ""The Night of the Doctor"" and ""The Day of the Doctor"" subsequently use the effect to show the Eighth Doctor and War Doctor's regenerations respectively. The Eighth Doctor's regeneration into the War Doctor uses steady beams of light as opposed to the flame effect used for other revived series regenerations. In the Series 10 episode ""The Lie of the Land"", the Twelfth Doctor fakes a regeneration as part of a plan to test if Bill still has free will. The effect used is consistent with the one used in the modern series, with the Doctor's hands glowing and emitting regeneration energy before he enters full regeneration. However, as the regeneration was not real, it did not use up a regeneration and the Doctor did not change bodies. The regeneration from the Eleventh to the Twelfth Doctor slightly differs from other regenerations from the revived series. During ""The Time of the Doctor"", the Eleventh Doctor reveals that he has used all his regenerations and is in fact in his thirteen and final body, leading to his aged appearance during the events of the episode. At the conclusion, the Time Lords grant him a new regeneration cycle, and he begins his thirteenth regeneration in the explosive manner that has become tradition (so explosive that it destroys invading Dalek forces including a ship and the village of Christmas in the process). However, as this regeneration is the first in a new cycle, it initially only ""resets"" his current body back to its youthful appearance (the Doctor referring to this as the cycle ""breaking in""), and the eventual transition to the Twelfth Doctor happens with a flash and the actor suddenly lurching back, standing back up to reveal the new Doctor. In the 2017 Christmas special Twice Upon a Time, the Twelfth Doctor completes his regeneration into the Thirteenth Doctor (played by incumbent actress Jodie Whittaker). The effect used was more akin to the Tenth Doctor's regeneration to the Eleventh, with an explosive energy discharge being released from the Doctor, and steady streams of regeneration energy being emitted from his hands and head before his features were morphed into Whittaker's. Characteristics within the series [ edit ] Relationship with the TARDIS [ edit ] It is mentioned that the TARDIS assists the Doctor during the regenerative process, as suggested by the Second Doctor's statement to this effect shortly after regenerating from the First. This is reiterated by Jack Harkness' insistence that the Doctor be taken into the TARDIS having been shot by a Dalek in ""The Stolen Earth"". Of the six occasions on which the Doctor has regenerated outside the TARDIS: one is forced on him by the Time Lords (Second to Third Doctor, The War Games); one requires a Time Lord to give the Doctor's cells a ""little push"" to start the process (Third to Fourth, Planet of the Spiders); one results in his being dependent on the TARDIS's ""Zero Room"", a chamber sealed from all outside forces, to help him recover (Fourth to Fifth, Castrovalva); one occurs a few hours after he has actually ""died"" (Seventh to Eighth, the 1996 television film; the delay at is, however, shown to have been caused by anaesthetic, rather than the Doctor's distance from the TARDIS); one is induced by the Sisterhood of Karn after reviving the Doctor from actual death (Eighth Doctor, ""The Night of the Doctor""). The Seventh to Eighth regeneration remains the only one that takes place significantly far away from the TARDIS, without any obvious interaction from other Time Lords and results in the Doctor suffering near-complete amnesia for nearly a day until an event inside the TARDIS triggers his memories to return. The future Eleventh Doctor is killed in mid-regeneration, showing he is vulnerable to death while regenerating and as such his need for the TARDIS may be for safety rather than aid. However it is later revealed that this regeneration was indeed a simulation since the Doctor who was shot was actually a Teselecta robot. The Eleventh Doctor starts his regeneration outside the TARDIS though he does end it inside it. In the case of the Twelfth Doctor, he briefly begins his regeneration after being electrocuted by a Mondasian Cyberman away from the TARDIS, but holds it off. When his actual regeneration starts, he emerges from the TARDIS as he struggles to hold it back. When the Twelfth Doctor finally does regenerate, it is within the TARDIS. As the Doctor contemplates his regeneration, the TARDIS appears to make its opinion on the matter known by flashing its lights at the Doctor, eliciting a response from him. Energy release and increased strength [ edit ] The exact mechanism that makes regeneration possible is not stated in the television series, but it is generally assumed in the spin-off media that the ability to regenerate may be linked to what is known as the ""Rassilon Imprimatur"", the symbiotic nuclei of a Time Lord that bonds him or her to a TARDIS, and allows his or her body to withstand the molecular stresses of time travel (The Two Doctors, 1985).[note 1] In ""The Christmas Invasion"" (2005) it is stated that the regenerative cycle generates a large amount of energy that suffuses the Time Lord's body, and also shown that residual effects from a regeneration allow him to grow back a hand within the first 15 hours after the initial start of the regeneration. Accordingly, in ""Let's Kill Hitler"", River Song is able to repel bullets after regenerating. She is later able to send off an energy wave soon after her regeneration, though this particular feat may be one of the abilities gained during this time. In the series four finale of the revived series, ""Journey's End"", an injured Tenth Doctor manages to avert a full regeneration by channelling ""excess regenerative energy"" into his severed hand, allowing him to heal without changing form. The limb ends up developing into a half-human clone when Donna Noble touches it; the event, a ""two-way"" ""Human-Time Lord Meta-Crisis"", also gives Donna a Time Lord's mind. Increased strength is sometimes a temporary by-product of regeneration. Shortly after his third regeneration, the Fourth Doctor karate-chopped a brick in half in episode one of Robot, but was unable to repeat the action later in the same serial. In the moments following his regeneration into his eighth incarnation, the Doctor possessed enough physical strength to batter a steel door completely off its hinges. In ""Twice Upon a Time"", the First Doctor's dying of old age had earlier rendered him ""weak as a kitten"", but his oncoming regeneration temporarily provides him with renewed strength and vitality (as explained to him by the Twelfth Doctor). In The End of Time when the Tenth Doctor regenerates into the Eleventh Doctor, the release of energy damages the TARDIS to the extent that components fall, the door's windows smash and the TARDIS then flies uncontrollably over Earth before crash-landing in Amy Pond's garden. Later, when the Eleventh Doctor begins his regeneration into the Twelfth Doctor in ""The Time of the Doctor"", he is able to control his regeneration energy and sends out energy blasts that obliterate nearby Daleks and an entire Dalek saucer. The release of energy also causes a shockwave that severely damages the town where the regeneration took place. The Twelfth Doctor's regeneration into the Thirteenth is also quite explosive; while the streams of regeneration energy being emitted from the Doctor cause some minor damage to the console room, the full extent is revealed when it begins to explode immediately after the Doctor attempts to operate it, and she ends up falling from the TARDIS. Personality change [ edit ] With regeneration also comes a change of personality. The viewing audience sees this most often and most dramatically in the differing quirks and personality traits of the Doctor's various incarnations. The Doctor's core personality traits of heroism and intolerance of injustice are still retained, but in The End of Time the Tenth Doctor laments that demise of his current incarnation, with its own personality and attributes, makes for something much akin to an actual death. His last words before regenerating are ""I don't want to go."" Shortly after the regeneration process, the Doctor sometimes goes through a period of physical and psychological instability. The Fourth Doctor described it as ""a new body is like a new house - takes a little bit of time to settle in"". The Second Doctor experiences crippling pain after his first regeneration (in The Power of the Daleks), while the Third Doctor collapses outside the TARDIS following his regeneration (in Spearhead from Space). The Fourth Doctor started rambling random phrases and possessed a higher than usual strength; he could cut a brick in half merely with his hand (in Robot). The Fifth Doctor (in Castrovalva) begins reverting to his previous personalities, and the Sixth Doctor experiences extreme paranoia, flying into a murderous rage and nearly killing his companion (The Twin Dilemma, 1984). The Eighth Doctor experienced amnesia as a result of post-regeneration trauma (the 1996 television film); uniquely, the Doctor was ""not alive"" at the time of this regeneration. The regeneration from the Ninth to the Tenth Doctor sees the Doctor experiencing sudden spasms and great pain (""Children in Need special""), and later being unconscious for most of the next fifteen hours (""The Christmas Invasion""). The regeneration from the Tenth to the Eleventh Doctor caused the Doctor to experience strange food cravings, only to be disgusted by them upon actually trying them (""The Eleventh Hour""). The Twelfth Doctor forgot how to fly the TARDIS (as well as the name of the TARDIS) right after the regeneration process in The Time of the Doctor. The Brain of Morbius implies that Time Lords other than the Doctor may experience difficult regenerations, since the Sisterhood of Karn had been supplying them with an ""elixir of life"" that could assist the process. In ""The Night of the Doctor"", the Sisterhood tell the Eighth Doctor they can provide elixirs to give rise to non-random regenerations, allowing the Doctor to specify either a physical type or personality. The Master showed a dramatic personality change upon regenerating into the Mistress/Missy. In that form, she wants nothing more than to renew her bond with the Doctor, even calling him her ""boyfriend"" at one point. (""Deep Breath, Death in Heaven"") When she met him again, Missy pretended to be an android and kissed him passionately. (""Dark Water"") Despite still being manic and a psychopath, she later showed a willingness to reform, spending centuries in the Doctor's custody as a show of her commitment. Later, she felt torn between the Doctor, who represented her repentance, and her past incarnation, who represented a return to her old ways; she ultimately chose the Doctor, for which her past incarnation killed her in disgust. In turn, though Missy expressed a love for who she was in her past incarnation, she forced his own regeneration into her to ensure she would become the person she now was (""The Doctor Falls""). Extent of physical change [ edit ] The Doctor has always regenerated into a humanoid form. However, when explaining the process of regeneration to Rose at the end of ""The Parting of the Ways"", the Ninth Doctor suggests that his new form could have ""two heads"", or even ""no head"", and in the 2005 Children in Need special, which takes place immediately after that episode, the newly regenerated Tenth Doctor, while examining his new body, makes a point of checking that he has two arms, two legs and two hands, implying that regenerations can sometimes result in physically deformed or non-humanoid forms; it is not clear whether or not these two moments are intended as jokes. The beginning of Destiny of the Daleks (1979) featured Romana trying out a number of potential forms, two of which included a blue-skinned pygmy and a giantess. Whether Time Lords could change gender in regeneration was never addressed onscreen during the classic series and not explicitly focused on for much of the revival. In The Hand of Fear (1976), the Kastrian Eldrad compared his transformation from female to male to Time Lord regeneration, possibly suggesting the process could produce a sex change. The concept of Time Lords changing gender upon regeneration was seeded throughout Moffat's tenure as showrunner. In the second part of The End of Time (2010), the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) briefly checks for an Adam's apple upon regeneration to confirm if he is still a man. In the 2011 episode ""The Doctor's Wife"", the Doctor recalls a Time Lord acquaintance known as the Corsair, who had at least two female incarnations.[6] In the 2013 short ""Night of the Doctor"", the Sisterhood of Karn offer a dying Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) control over his inevitable regeneration, with ""man or woman"" being touted as possibilities.[7] The first on-screen cross-gender regeneration was shown in the 2015 episode ""Hell Bent"", in which a white male Gallifreyan general (Ken Bones) regenerates into a black woman (T'Nia Miller), who states that her previous incarnation was the only time she had been a man.[8] The most notable Time Lord to have appeared in both male and female forms prior to Whittaker's casting is the Doctor's nemesis, The Master, portrayed from 2014 to 2017 by Scottish actress Michelle Gomez. This character was known as Missy, short for ""Mistress"".[9] In ""World Enough and Time"" (2017), the Doctor tells his companion Bill Potts, in reference to Missy, that Time Lords are mostly beyond gender norms and stereotypes; however, Bill points out that the males and females of the species collectively refer to themselves by a male title. From ""Twice Upon a Time"" onward, Jodie Whittaker portrays the Thirteenth Doctor, the Doctor's first female incarnation. Female Doctors were previously explored in spin-off productions; Joanna Lumley appeared as a satirical version of the Thirteenth Doctor in the 1999 Comic Relief special The Curse of Fatal Death. Arabella Weir also played an alternate Third Doctor in the Doctor Who Unbound Big Finish episode Exile. Neither portrayal is typically considered to be within the show's main continuity.[10] Spin-off media have also depicted more drastic regenerations than the TV series. For example, in the Big Finish Productions audio Circular Time, a Time Lord known as Cardinal Zero regenerates into an avian life-form after being poisoned.[11] Control over regeneration [ edit ] The Doctor's regenerations are always involuntary, and he has no control over his final appearance. In ""The Parting of the Ways"" (2005), the Ninth Doctor describes the process as ""a bit dodgy""—i.e., somewhat dangerous or uncertain—and the Tenth Doctor refers to regeneration as ""a lottery"" (""The Day of the Doctor"", 2013). For example, despite an apparent wish for this to occur, neither the Tenth nor the Eleventh Doctors regenerated into redheads. The sole known exception to this is the Eighth Doctor's regeneration into the War Doctor (""The Night of the Doctor"", 2013), as the Doctor was able to consume a potion made by the Sisterhood of Karn which ensured his next body was a warrior able to fight in the last Great Time War, though he didn't appear to make any specifications about the actual physical appearance. The Doctor was also once given the chance to choose his appearance upon his forced regeneration by the Time Lords in The War Games (1969) but rejected all of the options presented to him. The Time Lords grew tired of his stalling and thus sent him away to regenerate into the Third Doctor, an apparently random result. Alternatively, the Tenth Doctor was shown twice to exert control over regenerating, attributed by the Eleventh Doctor to ""having vanity issues at the time."" In ""Journey's End"" (2008), after being shot by a Dalek triggered a regeneration, the Tenth Doctor used the regeneration energy to heal his wounds, then channeled the remaining energy into his severed hand and purposely kept his current appearance. When he finally did regenerate into the Eleventh Doctor, he still consciously prevented himself from regenerating to prolong his time as his current incarnation for several hours. Doing this caused a more explosive regeneration that nearly destroyed the TARDIS. In contrast, the first episode of Destiny of the Daleks (1979) depicts Romana undergoing a voluntary regeneration, in which she tries out several different forms before choosing to adopt the appearance of Princess Astra, a person she encountered in a previous adventure (The Armageddon Factor). Many writers of spin-off media have attempted to rationalise the difference between the Doctor's and Romana's regenerations. Doctor Who television writer and script editor Eric Saward suggests in his 1985 novelisation of The Twin Dilemma (1984) that Time Lords can control the appearance of their next body if they trigger the regeneration voluntarily, but not if the regeneration is caused by death or injury. The Doctor Who Role Playing Game by FASA suggests that some Time Lords have a special ability to control their regenerations. The fan reference book The Discontinuity Guide suggests that Romana's various ""try-ons"" were projections of potential future incarnations like the K'anpo Rinpoche/Cho Je situation in Planet of the Spiders.[12] Miles and Wood's About Time also mentions this while theorising that the Time Lords had improved the technology of regeneration since the Doctor's time; Romana, being of a later generation than the Doctor, would therefore have finer control over the regenerative process in its early stages.[13] Other moments in the series suggest that other Time Lords have more control over their regeneration than that usually displayed by the Doctor. Prior to regenerating in the episode ""Utopia"" (2007), the Master expresses a desire to be ""young and strong"" like the Doctor and transforms accordingly. Subsequently, in ""Last of the Time Lords"", the Master is shot by Lucy Saxon and is able to prevent regeneration at will, despite the Doctor's pleas. In ""The Stolen Earth"" (2008), the Doctor begins to regenerate in a cliffhanger moment, but at the start of ""Journey's End"" (the following episode), he interrupts the process after healing his bodily injuries, redirecting the remaining regeneration energy into his preserved hand. In ""Let's Kill Hitler"", when Mels begins to regenerate into River Song, she says she is trying to concentrate so she can come out a particular dress size. In ""Nightmare in Silver"" (2013), the Eleventh Doctor suggests that he can trigger regeneration voluntarily, using the suggestion to threaten the Cyber-Planner invading his body and mind, saying ""I could regenerate now. Big blast of regeneration energy, burn out any little Cyber widgets in my brain, along with everything you're connected to. Don't want to. Use this me up, who knows what we'll get next? But I can."" (Even though by The Time Of The Doctor this was revealed to be a bluff due to the fact that the Eleventh Doctor was actually the final incarnation of his first regeneration cycle.) In ""The Girl Who Died"" (2015), the Twelfth Doctor speculates that he deliberately, if not subconsciously, chose the form of Caecilius (from ""The Fires of Pompeii"") to remind himself that he is a man who always saves people, even if it is just one. In ""The Doctor Falls"" (2017), the Doctor is wounded by Cybermen and starts to regenerate, but is able to hold back his regeneration, refusing to change again. In ""Twice Upon a Time"" (2017), the Twelfth Doctor reveals that there is a period of time, what he calls ""a state of grace,"" when a regenerating Time Lord's current incarnation is restored to full health for a time if the incarnation resists regeneration. During this time, the incarnation must choose whether or not to regenerate. Once the period is over, if the Time Lord chooses not to regenerate, they will permanently die. Furthermore, as time passes during this ""state of grace,"" the Time Lord grows weaker as the period nears its end. The First, Tenth and Twelfth Doctors all used this period of time, though in the case of the Tenth Doctor it was to visit all of his former companions a final time before regenerating rather than out of some form of uncertainty. While in his ""state of grace,"" the First Doctor's face got ""mixed up"" due to his resisting regeneration, an effect not seen with his subsequent incarnations who used the period. Recognition of the regenerated [ edit ] The television series is inconsistent on the question of whether Time Lords can recognise each other across regenerations. For example, in The Deadly Assassin an old classmate of the Doctor's, Runcible, is slow to recognise the Doctor in his fourth incarnation, and once he has, it then takes him a while to realise that his appearance has changed. However, in The Armageddon Factor (1978), Drax, another old classmate, recognises the Fourth Doctor immediately although they had not seen each other since the Academy (the Doctor takes a while to remember Drax, though). There is also inconsistency as to whether the Doctor can recognise his own future incarnations. In the original series, the Doctors usually have no difficulty recognising one another (in The Three Doctors, the First, Second, and Third Doctors all know one another on sight. However, in The Five Doctors, the First Doctor does not recognise the Fifth Doctor as himself and needs to be introduced by the Fifth as his fourth regeneration. In Time Crash, after the TARDIS is at different points in its own timeline merge due to downed shields, the Fifth Doctor spends much of the mini-episode believing that the Tenth was merely a fan who had somehow gotten into his TARDIS, having somehow altered the 'desktop theme'; the Tenth Doctor constantly tries to convince his younger self that he is his future self, only doing so by using a predestination paradox to cancel out a universe-destroying black hole with a supernova by blowing up the TARDIS. When the Tenth and the Eleventh Doctor meet each other in The Day of the Doctor, the Tenth Doctor appears to sceptically recognise his successor, yet he appears to be fully convinced only after both compare their respective sonic screwdrivers. The War Doctor on the other hand is initially completely oblivious to meet two of his future regenerations (initially mistaking them for future companions), again being convinced by their sonic screwdrivers. When the First Doctor meets the Twelfth Doctor, the First Doctor sees his future self as another Time Lord come to take back his TARDIS and requires convincing as to otherwise. The Daleks' ability to recognise the Doctor also varies: they recognise him outright in The Power of the Daleks but need confirmation from other sources in Revelation of the Daleks, ""Doomsday"" and ""The Pilot"". In ""Asylum of the Daleks"", the Daleks' knowledge of the Doctor is tied to a psychic link among them called the path-web, which is hacked to make them forget him. The Cybermen have their own method of recognising the Doctor, usually through his past incarnations, as seen in Earthshock and ""The Next Doctor"". In ""Utopia"", while the Master was under the chameleon arch, the Doctor could not sense that he was a Time Lord. After the Master's personality reasserted itself, the Doctor instantly sensed him and could tell which Time Lord it was without being told. In ""The Sound of Drums"", the Doctor stated that he would be able to recognize the regenerated Master on sight despite having never seen his new incarnation, claiming that Time Lords could always recognize each other. Due to the Master's Archangel Network, the Doctor's ability to sense another Time Lord had been blocked up to that point. During ""The End of Time"", the Master and the Doctor could sense each other's presence when in proximity, with both appearing to sniff each other out. However, this ability has a limited range as stated by the Doctor to Wilfred Mott. While he could sense that the Master was still on Earth, he could not tell where he was as the Master was too far away to track precisely. In ""Dark Water"", The Doctor failed to recognize that Missy was a regeneration of The Master, and may not have been able to tell that she was a Time Lord at all until she revealed her identity to him. In ""World Enough and Time"", the disguised Master figured out that Missy was his own future self, but this was due to deduction from her mannerisms rather than any sort of special ability. In turn, Missy did not realize that the disguised Master was another Time Lord, let alone her own past self until he revealed himself. Maximum number of regenerations in a cycle [ edit ] In The Deadly Assassin (1976), it is established that a Time Lord can only regenerate 12 times, for a total of 13 incarnations. This statement is later repeated in Mawdryn Undead (1983), the 1996 TV film and ""The Time of the Doctor"" (2013). This aspect became embedded in the public consciousness despite not often being repeated, and was recognised by producers of the show as a plot obstacle for when the show finally had to regenerate the Doctor a thirteenth time.[14][15] The BBC's Series 4 FAQ[16] suggested that since the Time Lords were believed to be dead and their rules destroyed, the Doctor may be able to regenerate indefinitely: ""Now that his people are gone, who knows? Time Lords used to have thirteen lives."" In Death of the Doctor (a 2010 The Sarah Jane Adventures serial), the Eleventh Doctor says he can regenerate 507 times (early news reports, before the episode was broadcast, suggested he would say there is no limit to the number of regenerations).[17] However, writer Russell T Davies explained in an interview with SFX that this line was not intended to be taken seriously and insisted that the ""thirteen lives"" rule was too deeply entrenched in the viewer consciousness for his throwaway line to affect it.[18] However, the series has depicted exceptions to this rule in the career of the renegade Time Lord the Master. When the Master finds himself at the end of his regenerative cycle in The Keeper of Traken (1981), he takes possession of the body of another person to continue living, although he was using the Source of Traken to bind his mind to the body. In The Five Doctors (1983), the Master is offered a new cycle of regenerations by the High Council of the Time Lords in exchange for his help. In the 1996 television movie, the Master temporarily inhabits the body of a human, and attempts to take the Doctor's remaining regenerations. In ""The Sound of Drums"" (2007), the Master is revealed to have been granted a new body by the Time Lords during the Time War. In this new body, the Master appears to have a new regeneration cycle. The Master regenerates in ""Utopia"" (2007) and ""The Doctor Falls"" (2017) with dialogue in the latter episode suggesting he has at least one more regeneration. The number of previous incarnations of the Doctor was at first unclear within the series. In the Fourth Doctor story The Brain of Morbius (1976), the Doctor participates in a mental ‘duel’ with another Time Lord and the machine to which their minds are connected begins to project the faces of the ""losing"" contestant’s regenerations in chronologically descending order. As the Doctor is overpowered by Morbius, the images change successively to those of the third, second and first Doctors, then eight further faces appear. It was the intention of producer Philip Hinchcliffe and script editor Robert Holmes that images were even earlier incarnations of the Doctor.[citation needed][19] However, the narrative does not explicitly confirm that the faces do represent incarnations of the Doctor, even though, as the faces are shown, Morbius cries ""How far Doctor? How long have you lived?"", indicating that they are not incarnations of Morbius, but rather that it is the Doctor's past being shown.[20] In other episodes, it was firmly established that the William Hartnell incarnation of the Doctor was the very first. In The Three Doctors, the Time Lord President describes the Hartnell incarnation as ""the earliest Doctor"". This is cemented in The Five Doctors when Peter Davison's Fifth Doctor (introducing himself to the First Doctor) says that he is the fourth regeneration, meaning that there have been five of him. The First Doctor also refers to himself as ""the original"". Episodes of the revival series showing the lives of the Doctor -- ""The Next Doctor"", ""The Eleventh Hour"", ""The Day of the Doctor"" and ""The Husbands of River Song""—all begin with the William Hartnell incarnation. In ""Twice Upon a Time"", the William Hartnell incarnation is depicted as indeed being the very first incarnation with the First Doctor expressing fear about undergoing his very first regeneration throughout the story. In ""The Lodger"", after the Eleventh Doctor shows Craig who he is, he points to his face and says, ""Eleventh"". However, in ""The Name of the Doctor"", when the Doctor rescues Clara from inside his own time stream, they both see another figure that Clara doesn't recognise. The Doctor then reveals that this is a past incarnation that he deemed unworthy of the name ""Doctor"" due to the atrocities he committed during the Time War, and only accepted him after learning the truth of how the war ended (""The Day of the Doctor"").[21] Ultimately, in ""The Time of the Doctor"" the Eleventh Doctor reveals that, counting the War Doctor and the Tenth's aborted regeneration, he is actually in his final incarnation, reaching a point where he is dying of old age after centuries of conflict with the Daleks and others on the planet Trenzalore. However, at the behest of Clara, the Time Lords grant the Doctor a new regeneration cycle, allowing a thirteenth regeneration into an incarnation known as the Twelfth Doctor. The Twelfth Doctor is later able to regenerate into a female incarnation known as the Thirteenth Doctor after suffering fatal injuries during a battle. In ""The Time of the Doctor"", the Eleventh Doctor describes his new regeneration ability as the start of a new 'cycle', implying that he's been restored to the customary twelve regenerations. However, in ""Kill the Moon"", the Twelfth Doctor says he's ""not entirely sure [he] won't keep regenerating forever,"" once again raising the question regarding any limits to this ability. In ""Hell Bent"", Rassilon asks the Doctor ""How many regenerations did we grant you?"", and during ""The Doctor Falls"", two incarnations of the Master express uncertainty about how long it would take them to kill the Doctor, further implying that the Doctor has a finite number of regenerations even as the exact amount remains undetermined. Temporary potential future incarnations [ edit ] In some cases, future potential incarnations can achieve independent, though temporary, existence. In Planet of the Spiders, a Time Lord, K'anpo Rinpoche, creates a corporeal projection of a future incarnation which has such an existence under the name Cho Je until he regenerates into that incarnation. The Valeyard, an ""amalgamation of the darker sides of [the Doctor's] nature, somewhere between [his] twelfth and final incarnation"", appears in The Trial of a Time Lord (1986) opposite the Sixth Doctor; the Valeyard is promised the remainder of the Doctor's regenerations. Another example is ""The Watcher"", who repeatedly appears to the Fourth Doctor in Logopolis (1981), and ultimately merges with him as part of his regeneration into his fifth incarnation. The Time Lords' ability to change species during regeneration is referred to in the television movie by the Eighth Doctor in relation to the Master. Mavic Chen states that the First Doctor's resemblance to an Earth creature is ""only a disguise"" in The Daleks' Master Plan (1965). In Destiny of the Daleks (1979), the Fourth Doctor's Time Lady companion Romana demonstrates an apparent ability to ""try on"" different bodies from a number of different species during her regeneration, before settling on a final, humanoid form which physically resembles Princess Astra of Atrios. Steven Moffat has said that reference will be made to Peter Capaldi's previous appearances in the Whoniverse during his tenure as the Twelfth Doctor: ""The face is not set from birth. It’s not like he was always going to be one day Peter Capaldi. We know that’s the case because in The War Games he has a choice of faces. So we know it’s not set, so where does he get those faces from? They can’t just be randomly generated because they've got lines. They've aged. When he turns into Peter he’ll actually have lines on his face. So where did that face come from?”[citation needed] In ""Deep Breath"" (2014), the Doctor and several other characters speculate about where his new face came from, given that it has lines from frowning. The Doctor considers aloud that it is a face he recognises from somewhere, but due to post-regenerative trauma, he cannot place it. In ""The Girl Who Died"" (2015), he concludes that he subconsciously chose the face as a reminder of his decision to save the life of Caecilius (also played by Capaldi) in ""The Fires of Pompeii"" (2008) and to remind him to save people even with possible historical consequences by doing so. Regeneration of non-Gallifreyans [ edit ] The fact that the Master is inhabiting a non-Gallifreyan body when he is offered a new cycle of regenerations (see above) implies that it is possible to grant them to a non-Gallifreyan, albeit one inhabited by a Time Lord mind. In addition, River Song is shown to have the ability to regenerate due to altered DNA that has similarities to Time Lord DNA, a side effect of having been conceived on board the TARDIS as it travelled through the spacetime vortex. Non-Gallifreyans are also seen to regenerate in Underworld (1978) and Mawdryn Undead (1983), but with adverse side effects. In Mawdryn Undead, these appear to be the result of mishandling stolen technology, but in Underworld they are implied to be the inevitable result of limited technology that reinvigorates, rather than transforms, the subject's appearance (in this case, the Minyans, with whom the Time Lords shared much of their technology), thereby regenerating 'the body, not the soul'. Failed/fake regeneration [ edit ] It has been suggested in the series many times that regeneration is not guaranteed and can fail. After his cellular structure is decimated by the Metabelis crystals in Planet of the Spiders, the Third Doctor's regeneration requires ""a little push"" from fellow Time Lord K'anpo Rimpoche before it can proceed. As he succumbs to spectrox toxaemia in The Caves of Androzani, the Fifth Doctor says, ""I might regenerate... I don't know... It feels different this time... is this death?"" He then hallucinates, seeing his former companions encouraging him to survive, before the Master overwhelms them all, telling him he must die. The 1996 TV movie showed the Doctor's regeneration delayed for more than three hours, with the Eighth Doctor later remarking that the fact his Seventh incarnation was under anaesthesia at the time of his ""death"" could have ""destroyed the regenerative process"", and that he was ""dead too long this time"" prior to his regeneration. In many episodes, the Doctor doubts his own survival, though it is not always clear whether such statements refer to the death of only that particular incarnation. (The only time he makes a completely unambiguous distinction between these two scenarios – in The End of Time – he makes it clear that he regards regeneration as nearly as bad as death, because as he sees it, he dies and ""a new man"" walks away). In The Mind of Evil the Master points a conventional firearm at the Doctor and threatens to ""put a bullet through both [his] hearts,"" while in ""Forest of the Dead"", Professor Song warns that electrocution would stop both the Time Lord's hearts, killing him. In ""Turn Left"", in which the Tenth Doctor dies in a parallel world, a UNIT member speculates that what happened to the Doctor ""must have happened too fast for him to regenerate"" (It is suggested that he drowned without his future companion Donna Noble there to inspire him to leave). In The End of Time, the Doctor explains to Wilfred Mott that if he is killed before the regeneration can start, then it will fail. In the Series 6 premiere, ""The Impossible Astronaut"", a future version of the Eleventh Doctor is shot twice by the titular astronaut and begins to regenerate. However he is then shot again and dies, showing that not only can he be killed before regeneration, but also during the process (However, the later revelation, in ""The Wedding of River Song"" that what was shot was in fact a mechanical avatar of the Doctor and not the real person calls this into question). In the episode ""Let's Kill Hitler"", the Doctor is poisoned by River Song which disables the ability to regenerate and he seemingly dies, although he is later revived when River gives up her remaining regenerations to save him. ""The Time of the Doctor"" later shows that the Doctor did not have any remaining regenerations at this time anyway. In the mini-episode ""The Night of the Doctor"", the Eighth Doctor is killed when the ship he is on crashes onto the planet Karn, reinforcing the idea that a sudden, traumatic death may prevent regeneration. The Sisterhood of Karn explain that he was, in fact, dead, but they were able to use their Time Lord-based technology to revive him and force a regeneration anyway. In ""Heaven Sent"", the Twelfth Doctor is badly burned by the Veil, preventing him from regenerating properly. However, as his island prison resets itself after leaving a room, he used what was left of his life to download a past version of himself out of the teleporter's hard drive, which also reset. This cycle of bringing himself back to life by burning his current body as energy for the process continued for approximately 4.5 billion years, according to the episode ""Hell Bent."" In ""The Lie of the Land"", the Twelfth Doctor fakes a regeneration after his companion Bill Potts shoots him after he pretends to be siding with the Monks. The bullets that are fired are revealed to have been blanks, and the whole thing was a test by the Doctor to see if Bill was under the Monks' influence. Transference of regenerative energy [ edit ] In Mawdryn Undead, it is first stated that a Time Lord can transfer his regenerative life essence to another being. In that story, the Fifth Doctor is coerced by Mawdryn to give up his future regenerations in order to cure Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka from Mawdryn's disease. Although the transfer does not occur (due to the timely interference of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart), the Doctor states that the consequence of the transference would be that he would sacrifice his eight remaining lives and cease to be a Time Lord. It is not until ""Let's Kill Hitler"" that a similar transference is shown; in that instance, River Song sacrifices her own regenerative power in order to revive the dead Eleventh Doctor. The favour is returned in ""The Angels Take Manhattan"" in which River's wrist is repaired by the Doctor, who subsequently gives up a portion of his regenerative energy despite it later being revealed that the Doctor is out of regenerations at that point. A major plot point of the 1996 TV movie involves the Master scheming to steal the Doctor's remaining regenerations for himself. The Tenth Doctor also consciously aborts a regeneration in ""Journey's End"" and instead transfers the energy to his previously severed hand (from ""The Christmas Invasion""), which had been saved in a container by Captain Jack Harkness; when Donna Noble touches it, it creates an entirely new person - a ""meta-crisis"" half-human Doctor. The Eleventh Doctor confirms, before himself regenerating during the events of ""The Time of the Doctor"", that this action used up a full regeneration. In ""The Witch's Familiar"", the Twelfth Doctor offers a small amount of regenerative energy to Dalek creator Davros to sustain him in his dying minutes a bit longer. The Doctor says that doing so ""may cost [him] an arm or a leg down the road"". Davros, however, siphons off much more regeneration energy from the Doctor to revitalize himself and transform the Daleks on Skaro into superior hybrid creatures. His plan backfires when decaying Daleks—incapable of dying, and kept in an underground 'sewer' system when their effective 'lives' have expired—are also reenergized and attack the Daleks on the surface. The Doctor reveals that he expected such a plot and knew it would backfire. Regenerations depicted in the series [ edit ] The Doctor's regenerations [ edit ] The Tenth Doctor's fiery regeneration into the Eleventh Doctor. Romana's regenerations [ edit ] Romana's tongue-in-cheek regeneration scene in Destiny of the Daleks (1979) contrasts markedly with the Doctor's transformations. In the first episode of the serial, Romana undergoes regeneration, in the process trying out several different forms before choosing to adopt the appearance of Princess Astra, a character she encountered in a previous adventure (The Armageddon Factor). Multiple attempts have been made in the spin-off media to explain the necessity for Romana's regeneration. The Master's regenerations [ edit ] The Master has only been shown to regenerate once onscreen. However, the Master does change appearance several times, often circumventing the limitations ordinarily placed upon Time Lords. Originally played by Roger Delgado, his decrepit later appearance (following Delgado's death) in The Deadly Assassin (1976) is explained as owing to the fact that he is in his final regeneration. He is driven to acquire a new regeneration cycle, but is ultimately able to circumvent the end of his life by possessing the body of Tremas (Antony Ainley) in The Keeper of Traken (1981). Ainley portrays the Master until the conclusion of the classic series, although still plots at several times to obtain a new regeneration cycle. In the 1996 TV movie, the Master is executed but cheats death by possessing a parasitic creature, which in turn possesses a human named Bruce (Eric Roberts), giving the Master another new form. When the Master is reintroduced in 2007, exposition explains he was resurrected by the Time Lords to fight in the Time War, apparently with a new regeneration cycle. In ""Utopia"" (2007), he is fatally shot by his assistant and changes from a form known as Professor Yana, played by Derek Jacobi, into a new incarnation, played by John Simm. Before regenerating, the Master expresses desire to become ""young and strong"" like the Tenth Doctor. A character named Missy first appears in ""Deep Breath"" (2014) before being revealed as the Master in ""Dark Water"" (2014), having regenerated off-screen during the character's absence. For most of Missy's appearances, it is unknown how the Master regenerated into her. It is later revealed in ""The Doctor Falls"" that it was Missy herself who forced the regeneration. In an effort to ensure that she would come into existence and stand with the Doctor, Missy stabbed the Master in the back to trigger his regeneration, but made the wound ""precise"" so that he would have time to reach his TARDIS before the regeneration began. In return, the Master killed Missy with his laser screwdriver and stated that he'd disabled her regeneration so that she would die permanently of the shot. Though the Master's regeneration into Missy was left inevitable, it was not shown on-screen. In several of the short stories published in the Doctor Who universe, some regenerations for the Master are seen including two separate reasons for the Roger Delgado incarnation's regeneration. In the short story Pandoric's Box, the Master is depicted as regenerating into Missy due to his battle with Rassilon who also regenerated as predicted by the Moment. However, this is contradicted by ""World Enough and Time"" and ""The Doctor Falls"". River Song's regenerations [ edit ] River Song, also known as Melody Pond has regenerated twice throughout the course of the sixth series. Although she is human and the daughter of Amy Pond (hence her surname) and Rory Williams, she was conceived on their wedding night aboard the TARDIS and therefore was born with genetic traits similar to the Doctor's own race, the Time Lords. In ""Day of the Moon"" (2011), Melody Pond as a child (Sydney Wade) walks through a New York City alley at the end of the episode in early 1970, suffering from an unknown illness. When a vagrant asks of her condition, she explains that all is well, that she is dying, but she can fix it. She subsequently begins to regenerate in the style of the revived series as the vagrant flees in terror. In ""Let's Kill Hitler"", it is revealed that she regenerated into a toddler (Maya Glace-Green). This form later matured into Amy Pond's best friend, Mels (Nina Toussaint-White), who regenerated into her more widely known River Song (Alex Kingston) identity after being shot. In the aforementioned episode, post-regeneration, Melody is immune to a barrage of gunfire due to her surplus regenerative energy. In that same episode, River Song used all her remaining regeneration energy to revive the Doctor; as Amy put it ""You're safe now. Apparently you used all your remaining regenerations in one go. You shouldn't have done that."" She was hospitalised as a result and now no-longer possesses the ability to regenerate. In ""The Husbands of River Song"", its revealed that River possesses an augmented lifespan in her final incarnation, but its never made clear if this is a side-effect of her part-Time Lord physiology or something she obtained from other means. Other regenerations [ edit ] In ""Hell Bent"" (2015), while threatened with a gun, the General states to the Doctor that he is currently in his tenth regeneration. The Doctor then shoots him, causing him to regenerate from an old white man into a younger black woman. The General later states that her previous incarnation was her only one as a male. In ""The Doctor's Daughter"" (2008), the Doctor's DNA is used to create the titular ""daughter"" Jenny (Georgia Moffett), who displays many but not all Time Lord traits. In the episode's close, she is shot in the chest and appears to die. However, long after the Doctor and his companions have departed, she miraculously resurrects and expels energy from her mouth which, ambiguously enough, both resembles regenerative energy and the energy emitted by a planet-restoring plot device in the same episode. The question as to whether this is a true regeneration is left unanswered, since Jenny does not change her appearance. In The End of Time (2009/2010), the Master attacks the Lord President Rassilon with energy bolts, bringing Rassilon to his knees. By the time of his next appearance in ""Hell Bent"", Rassilon has regenerated into a much older incarnation. In the short story Pandoric's Box, its confirmed that the Master's attack prompted this regeneration as predicted by the Moment. In the premiere of the 2009 spin-off series K-9, the original K-9 Mark I (Leeson) is reintroduced and destroyed, but subsequently revealed to have been installed with a ""regeneration circuit"". At this point, the traditional K-9 model ""regenerates"" into a more sophisticated-looking CGI model. Visual effects [ edit ] Each new regeneration was also radically different from the previous one, even in terms of the visual effects used to represent the moment of regeneration. The very first regeneration was devised and executed by vision mixer Shirley Coward, who had rather unexpectedly come up with a method of achieving the effect electronically. The original plan of the production team was simply that William Hartnell would fall to the floor at the end of The Tenth Planet and pull his cape over his face. Troughton would then appear at the top of The Power of the Daleks, retracting the cloak. Coward's then-innovative vision mix necessitated that Troughton be hastily contracted for The Tenth Planet, part four. The series' first regeneration sequence was then duly recorded on 8 October 1966, with the cliffhanger resolution filmed two weeks later on 22 October. (REF: The Second Doctor Handbook) Older portrayals of regenerations were either a simple fade between two incarnations, a glowing effect that revealed the next incarnation, or one incarnation morphing into the next. Each subsequent regeneration was then filmed in a variety of different ways, as dictated by the director on that particular episode. Indeed, no two regenerations were particularly similar until the Russell T Davies era. Only BBC Wales Doctor Who attempted to standardise the way regeneration looked. Ever since ""The Parting of the Ways"" (2005), every regeneration has been portrayed as a ""golden glow explosion"" (although the colour of the explosion is fiery orange in ""The Parting of the Ways"" and is milky white in ""Utopia""). Rose was the first to describe this type of regenerations, saying ""I saw him sort of explode, and then you replaced him"" to the Tenth Doctor immediately after the Ninth Doctor regenerated. Also, these regenerations are portrayed as violent discharges that could harm anyone nearby, to the point where the most powerful occurrences, seen in The End of Time and ""The Time of the Doctor"", were able to destroy the Tardis interior and send out a shockwave that destroyed a Dalek ship along with several troops respectively. Each time there was a regeneration with people nearby, either the Doctor or his companions had everyone present get away from the person who was regenerating to avoid them being harmed. In smaller discharges, regeneration was far less harmful and could be emitted from the hand in wisps of golden regeneration energy, which was capable of healing the injuries of others. The subsequent Children in Need Special established that there was residual ""regeneration energy"" in a gaseous state after a transformation which had to be expelled through the mouth. This was seen again in ""The Christmas Invasion"", ""The Eleventh Hour"" and ""The Doctor's Daughter"" — though the latter narrative never made quite clear that Jenny actually regenerated. The Tenth Doctor was seen breathing out gaseous regeneration energy shortly after his transformation, as was the Eleventh Doctor. Consciously holding back the regeneration caused a buildup of energy that resulted in a powerful and violent explosive discharge of regeneration energy. Also, gaining a new cycle of regenerations and Time Lords lives being reset resulted in a shockwave and explosion of regeneration energy with the range of a thermonuclear explosion. Directed regeneration energy discharges could destroy anything in its path, even a Dalek Saucer, while the shock wave destroyed any Dalek troops in the vicinity. The actual regeneration of the Eleventh Doctor, following the wild outburst of regeneration energy that only reset his body, is the first time that the revived series differed from the established process of regeneration. When regenerating into the Twelfth Doctor, the process only includes a brief, mostly off-screen (due to the Doctor leaning back out of the camera) blast of energy. This visual standardisation has allowed narratives to play around with regeneration. The mere presence of ""regeneration energy"" can now be used to heighten dramatic tension. This visual short cut, unavailable to production teams in the classic era, has been a particular favourite of Steven Moffat, who used the ""golden glow"" liberally throughout the 2011 series; in fact, unlike in the Russell T Davies era, in which nearly every regeneration had subtle differences, every Moffat era regeneration until ""The Time of the Doctor"" is nearly identical. Several of the 2011 episodes used that VFX in a way that wordlessly suggested regeneration. See also [ edit ] Notes [ edit ] References [ edit ]" 0 Unhappy hunk Liam Hemsworth has smacked his trainwreck fiancée Miley Cyrus with a sobriety ultimatum — give up the drugs or the wedding is off! Fed up with her erratic, drug-fueled “bad girl” behavior, the 27-year-old “Hunger Games” adonis blew his stack at his Jan. 13 birthday party after the “Wrecking Ball” singer “disappeared” into the ladies’ room for some extracurricular activity, a spy exclusively spilled to The National ENQUIRER. “Miley’s drug problem has been an ongoing issue ever since she and Liam got back together,” the source said, “but it’s taken a really bad turn and gotten worse in the last several weeks. Miley Cyrus Keeps Her Word – Leaves USA After Trump Win “Liam wants her to cut the crap and get healthy and get help because he loves her.” The on-again, off-again couple officially broke off their engagement in 2013 but reconciled last year when the tongue-wagging 24-year-old emerged wearing a gold diamond band on her left ring finger. What’s more, a second source dished that pot-smoking Miley had briefly behaved when first getting back together with Liam. She soon, however, tumbled once more off the wagon. “It’s so sad,” the source told The ENQUIRER. “She’s just a lost cause!” 1 Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge wasn’t always a royal, but even before her marriage to Prince William, Kate Middleton had an impressive net worth. Middleton had a comfortable upbringing before she became the first commoner to join the royal family after she married William in 2011. But Middleton’s net worth ballooned once she became a duchess. Here’s everything we know about Middleton’s net worth: What is Kate Middleton’s net worth? The 36 year-old mother of three — who gave birth to a second baby boy in April — is worth at least £5 million, or $7 million, according to global wealth-tracking firm Wealth-X, though some estimates put her net worth as high as £7.3 million, or $10 million. Middleton’s wealth is mostly in cash because she doesn’t have a personal portfolio of property or artwork. That being said, Middleton’s net worth is a lot less than her prince — Wealth-X estimates Prince William’s net worth is at least $30 million, though some reports put his fortune closer to $40 million. According to Wealth-X, $19 million of Prince William’s wealth is in cash. The wealth tracking firm also noted that William has an expensive helicopter fit for a royal — an Augusta A109S Grand helicopter which is valued at $11 million. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, Prince George of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge arrive for a children's party for Military families during the Royal Tour of Canada on September 29, 2016 in Victoria, Canada. Chris Jackson—Getty Images What do we know about Kate Middleton’s money? Most of Middleton’s net worth stems from Party Pieces, an online party supplies business started by her parents. The company is estimated to be worth around £30 million, or $50 million, thanks in no small part to the exposure it gets from being associated with the royals, according to royal expert Marlene Koenig. Prior to her life as a full-time duchess, Middleton worked for the family business and was a part-time accessories buyer for a retailer called Jigsaw. Growing up, Kate and her two siblings, Pippa and James Middleton, attended expensive privates schools from a young age, with years of tuition for just one child estimated to be at least £250,000, or $350,000. Kate met Prince William while in college in Scotland at the prestigious University of St. Andrew’s. She graduated in 2005 with a degree in Art History. How did Kate Middleton’s net worth change after marrying Prince William? Joining the royal family meant that Middleton was marrying into an incredible $88 billion fortune amassed over generations. Before Will and Kate became the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and moved into a 20-room apartment in Kensington Palace, Kate lived in an apartment purchased by her parents in the Chelsea neighborhood of London believed to be worth £1 million, or $1.4 million. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge smile following their marriage at Westminster Abbey on April 29, 2011 in London, England. Chris Jackson—Getty Images But once Kate officially became a royal she didn’t need to spend much of her own money anymore. Most of her living costs are covered by the private estate Prince Charles manages, the Duchy of Cornwall. The revenue from the Duchy of Cornwall pays for the most of Prince Charles and his family’s royal expenses: things like official travel, wardrobe, housing and staff costs. When Meghan Markle marries Prince Harry on May 19, she too, will get to keep most of her own money — her net worth is believed to be about $5 million — as the Duchy of Cornwall will also absorb the majority of her living costs associated with royal responsibilities. What is the ‘Kate effect’? As the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate sets fashion trends all over the world. While she herself does not retain any income from the flurry of economic activity set off by the designer clothes she wears for public appearances, she has triggered what is known as “the Kate Effect,” meaning that whatever she wears more or less sells out immediately across the globe. Some designer labels she has worn have had to double their staff just to keep up with demand after a photo of her in a particular outfit is published. LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 17: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, Prince George of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge look out from the balcony of Buckingham Palace during the Trooping the Colour parade on June 17, 2017 in London, England. Chris Jackson—Getty Images Her two older children, Prince George, 4, who is third in line for the throne, and Princess Charlotte, 2, also produce the “Prince George Effect” and the “Princess Charlotte Effect.” According to Brand Finance, Princess Charlotte could spur as much as $5 billion boost to the economy, with Prince George creating a slightly smaller economic impact, estimated to be around $3.6 billion. Their third royal baby could generate up to $1 billion for the British economy. Correction: This article originally misstated Prince William dukedom. He and Kate Middleton are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, not the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall. 0 It's the fanciest model-filled red carpet event of the year, the amfAR Gala, tonight in Cannes. And from actresses like Kristen Stewart to Victora's Secret models like Alessandra Ambrosio, the lovely ladies attending are wearing their evening finest—complete with many, many cutouts, sheer fabrics, and glittery embellishments. Here, all the best looks from the red carpet. Leonardo DiCaprio, a big fan of this event, may have stayed behind in New York City with his brunette model girlfriend this year, but fear not, the carpet is still full of naked dresses and eye-catching fashion. 0 "Blac Chyna’s assistant has reportedly died after she was taken off life support. Lorena “Patty” Hernandez died on Wednesday after being pronounced brain dead on Monday following a third brain bleed, according to The Blast. Hernandez suffered a brain hemorrhage in January at a salon in Encino, California, owned by Blac Chyna, the outlet reports. Gofundme; Shareif Ziyadat/Getty Images Her family is planning to donate her organs and preparing to file a wrongful death lawsuit against Blac Chyna, whose real name is Angela White, for allegedly abusing her and not providing worker’s compensation, The Blast reports. A rep for Blac Chyna did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment. Get push notifications with news, features and more. Blac Chyna Splash News Online Her exes Rob Kardashian and Tyga donated to Hernandez’s GoFundMe, according to Page Six. Kardashian donated a total of $10,000, while Tyga, under his birth name, Michael Stevenson, donated $5,000. Singer-songwriter Jeffree Star also made a donation of $10,000 to the account. Reps for Tyga and Star did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment. GoFundMe https://www.gofundme.com/patty-and-her-children-need-help GoFundMe https://www.gofundme.com/patty-and-her-children-need-help GoFundMe https://www.gofundme.com/patty-and-her-children-need-help The mother of three was taken to the hospital but was in a coma, according to her GoFundMe set up by her sister, Julia Pacheco. RELATED: Blac Chyna Claims Loss of Income Over Life of Kylie, Alleges Show Interfered with Rob & Chyna Trouble for Hernandez stemmed in July 2017, when she suffered a stroke that left her partially blind, which her GoFundMe states led doctors to diagnose her with a brain AVM — which is a tangle of abnormal blood vessels that connects blood to the brain. GoFundMe donation https://www.gofundme.com/patty-and-her-children-need-help While doctors advised her not to work, the GoFundMe page states she refused as she had to take care of her three children. She was allegedly pregnant with her fourth child when she suffered a stroke, but refused to terminate her pregnancy after doctors recommended it. Lorena ""Patty"" Hernandez Gofundme Hernandez with her three children Gofundme Want to keep up on the latest from PEOPLE? Sign up for our daily newsletter to get our best stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox. Hernandez suffered a brain bleed in December 2017 and her pregnancy was allegedly terminated that month, according to the GoFundMe page. Her family has raised over $33,000 so far on her page out of a $50,000 goal. Hernandez is survived by her husband and her three children: Nathan, 13; Raul, 12; and Madison, 7." 0 Use this guide to help you find the full text of recent bills and resolutions on the Web, or order them from the Senate or House Document Rooms, or you can find them in a library. 0 "Congratulations Rose Byrne! The Australian actress and her husband, Bobby Cannavale, are expecting their second child. Byrne shared the happy news yesterday on Australian website DavidJones.com saying, ""I’m a little tired but feeling good. Everyone was very sweet on set today, and you always get a little bit more attention when you’re pregnant, which is fabulous."" The set Byrne was referring to is the upcoming project Juliet, Naked, a dramedy based on the book by Nick Hornby. As fans of the actress know, this isn't exactly her first foray into humor; Byrne memorably stared in Bridesmaids and Neighbors. She also appeared in the X-Men franchise films, and held a key role in HBO's adaptation of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks alongside Oprah Winfrey. Byrne and Cannavale are already parents to son, Rocco, who was born in February 2016. And while we'll just have to wait to hear whether Rocco will be getting a baby brother or sister, there's no doubt that with a toddler already in the house, the expectant mother will indeed need a little extra attention." 0 USDA approves slaughterhouses producing horse meat for human consumptionYou might have to train your taste buds to get used to horse meat soon, because FYI: The U.S. government just approved the operation of horse meat slaughterhouses to produce meat for human consumption.New Mexico, Missouri and Iowa are just some of the areas where horse meat plants are expected to be approved by the USDA. While horse meat, technically, can’t be legally sold in the United States for human consumption, it may still turn up in the US food supply because it can be sold to Mexico, then re-labeled and shipped back to the USA as a low-cost meat filler. This has already been documented occurring in Europe, where meatballs sold in European grocery stores were found to be made with horse meat.Where do these horses come from?While horse meat slaughterhouses were banned during the Bush Administration, the ban expired in 2011 under President Obama’s watch, thereby allowing horse meat slaughterhouses to restart operations.Reuters claims that around 130,000 horses are slaughtered each year in Canada and Mexico — and it seems the United States wants a huge chunk of that business, as well.Not-so-fun fact: Most horse meat come from horse owners who decide to have their horses killed for a variety of reasons, such as illness, injury, or simply because they cannot afford to keep their horses fed and cared for anymore.Many of these owners sell their horses to slaughterhouses for an incredibly low amount. Yep, you read that right: They allow strangers to haul their horses away to a meat packing plant, only to be slaughtered mercilessly around several other screaming horses.Do keep all this in mind the next time you consider buying a horse for your family. Raising one requires a tremendous amount of effort, so be a responsible horse owner. Don’t let your pet get slaughtered once you get tired of it — because if you do, it might eventually end up on your plate the next time you purchase some meatballs for your spaghetti.Source used:NaturalNews.com 1 Looks like the Ace of Cakes will be shopping for a wedding cake of his own! Food Network star and popular pastry chef Duff Goldman is officially engaged to writer Johnna Colbry. Goldman is best known for his stunning creations in the kitchen, which have been featured on the network’s “Ace of Cakes” and “Food Network Challenge,” and he’s also the owner of Charm City Cakes, a bakery with locations in Los Angeles and Baltimore. Getty Images | Eugene Gologursky The Big Announcement Goldman announced his happy news on Instagram, where he revealed that the idea to propose suddenly gripped him one morning, when he realized he “can’t imagine living another day without her in my life.” Check out the sweet post below: “I didn’t plan this out, it just happened and it was so glaringly obvious that I couldn’t have stopped it if I wanted to,” Goldman wrote on April 3. “I asked her to marry me. She said yes. I cannot imagine a state of happiness that is more intense than whatever I’m feeling right now. My heart just might burst. I love you muffin.” RELATED: Gordon Ramsay Says He Once Lost 50 Pounds To Save His Marriage An Unexpected Ring Choice Goldman’s words are so sweet, but what’s up with the ring made of string? “I’m sorry I didn’t have a real ring,” Goldman wrote. “I hope you don’t mind butcher’s twine, I am a chef, after all.” How romantic! Colbry then shared them same photo, along with her own announcement, on Instagram, writing, “Officially my ride or die. My forever muffin. My buffalo. I’m so crazy about you @duffgoldman and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life going on adventures with you! 😊 hnnnnggg” A Look At Goldman’s Talents Goldman has been working in kitchens for nearly three decades, and he opened his own cake shop back in 2000. If you haven’t seen some of his creations, prepare to be wowed! Goldman shared this geode-topped stunner on Instagram with a note that the geode is made entirely of sugar. This “Splatoon”-themed cake made for a kids’ birthday party is pretty awesome. And check out this ice skate cake. Toe pick, anyone? His bakery has been behind such creations as the cake for Barack Obama’s 2012 inauguration. The cake on the left is the one I made for President Obama's inauguration 4 years ago. The one on the right is Trumps. I didn't make it. 🤔 pic.twitter.com/qJXpCfPhii — Duff Goldman (@duffgoldman) January 21, 2017 I don’t know who’s going to make the wedding cake, but that will be a lot of pressure for some lucky baker! Congratulations to the happy couple. RELATED: This man proposed to his girlfriend while playing “Speak Out”, and she couldn’t understand what he was saying! 0 Rachel Brosnahan is sharing fond memories of her late aunt, Kate Spade. On Wednesday, the star of the Amazon series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel paid tribute to the influential designer, née Katherine Noel Brosnahan, who was found dead at 55 from apparent suicide in her N.Y.C. apartment one day prior. Brosnahan shared a video of Kate dancing with her husband Andy Spade (brother of actor David Spade) with a big smile on her face as a mariachi band played in the background. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “Knowing Katy, this is how she would want to be remembered,” wrote the 27-year-old actress. “She had a light that words can’t capture but touched everyone she came into contact with. She was exceedingly kind, beautifully sensitive, insanely talented, funny as heck and one of the most generous people I have ever known. She was effervescent.” She added, “Hug your loved ones extra tight today.” After Brosnahan won a Golden Globe for best performance by an actress in a television series, musical or comedy for her work in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel in January, Kate told Page Six that the family was “insanely proud.” “I am beside myself! My daughter and I jumped up and down when she won,” the beloved handbag creator said. “She deserves this recognition, as she’s put her heart and soul into the role. We are insanely proud.” Kate Spade and Rachel Brosnahan Walter McBride/Getty Police confirmed Kate was found Tuesday morning in her bedroom at her and Andy’s Park Avenue home in Manhattan. A housekeeper discovered her, according to a police source, and she left a suicide note. RELATED: Kate Spade’s Groundbreaking Career: A Look Back at the Designer’s Most Major Milestones “We are all devastated by today’s tragedy,” her family said in a statement to the New York Daily News. “We loved Kate dearly and will miss her terribly. We would ask that our privacy be respected as we grieve during this very difficult time.” Kate Spade Wendy Maeda/The Boston Globe via Getty David Spade David Spade/Twitter David Spade also paid tribute to his sister-in-law on Instagram Tuesday, hours after news of her suicide was made public. “Fuzzy picture but I love it. Kate and I during Christmas family photos. We had so much fun that day. She was so sharp and quick on her feet. She could make me laugh so hard,” wrote David. “I still can’t believe it. It’s a rough world out there people, try to hang on,” he added. If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). 0 Robert Pattinson and James Franco walk the red carpet at IFP’s 2017 Gotham Independent Film Awards on Monday (November 27) in New York City. The guys are both nominated tonight in the Best Actor category – Robert for his work in Good Time and James for The Disaster Artist. This is just the start of a long awards season for these two! The are up against The Florida Project‘s Willem Dafoe, Get Out‘s Daniel Kaluuya, The Meyerowitz Stories‘ Adam Sandler, and Lucky‘s Harry Dean Stanton. FYI: Rob is wearing Dior Homme. James is wearing a Dolce&Gabbana suit. Both of them are rocking some sexy scruff! 10+ pictures inside of Robert Pattinson and James Franco at the event… 1 "At an event for the launch of her Good American activewear line this morning, Khloé Kardashian gushed about three-month-old daughter True, but said she's mad at her for the funniest reason. When she's gone, she'll FaceTime the baby whenever, and apparently True isn't always into it. ""I do get annoyed because she doesn't give me any play time on FaceTime, she like doesn't really care about me,"" she told a panel at the event. There's a major double standard when she FaceTimes with her dad Tristan Thompson, she said. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below ""With her dad, she smiles, and her tongue sticks out, and it's like why can't you do the same thing with me? I'm protesting, I'm not going to FaceTime her,"" she joked. She opened up to the panel about alllll the advice you get when you're about to become a mom, and she said it can be seriously overwhelming, especially when you're about to give birth. ""You get so much unsolicited advice that it drives you crazy, and you get really stressed out, but you're pregnant, you're nine months, and you're like, 'What is this? You're freaking me out. I'm already in this. I don't know what to do. There's no turning back.' And people just say the craziest things to you."" She said Kim is her go-to for advice, because she's not judgmental. She'll give the advice and then doesn't care if you use it or not. Kourtney, on the other hand, gives ""side-eye"" type mom advice, like when she told Khloé she shouldn't have a TV in her nursery. She wishes Kourtney would do the same thing as Kim. ""Educate me why I shouldn't have that, so I can decide [for myself],"" she said. Follow Emma on Instagram." 1 "A royal source said when it comes to their friends: “If you talk to the press you’re out. “They both expect a code of silence.” The source added: “Harry didn’t used to care that much about what was written. “But he’s very protective of Meghan and defensive these days.” The couple aren’t due back on royal duty and currently spend most of their time in the Cotswolds, where they have a rented farm house which is protected by armed guards and cameras. One local told Vanity Fair: “It’s very clear they want to be left alone. “The property is in the middle of woodland and you wouldn’t know it was there. “It is very remote which is why they like it. It’s like a fortress. “They both expect a code of silence” Meghan Markle celebrates her 37th birthday at friend's lavish wedding Sun, August 5, 2018 Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry pictured at the wedding of Charlie Van Straubenzee and Daisy Jenks at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, in Surrey Play slideshow REUTERS 1 of 17 Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, arrives at the wedding of Charlie Van Straubenzee and Daisy Jenks “There’s a huge security presence, you can’t get close.” A source close to the couple said: “They spend a lot of time in the Cotswolds, more than people realise. “They are in the country way more than they are in London and enjoying a low-key and very domesticated start to married life.” The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are due to spend time with The Queen in Balmoral next month with the Duchess reportedly also keen to visit her mother in Los Angeles. The couple are reportedly to be struggling with repeated outbursts from Thomas Markle, Meghan’s father. Last month Mr Markle provocatively claimed that Princess Diana would have “loathed” the way he was being treated by the Royal Family. Royal editor Camilla Tominey commented: “They have both been extremely upset by Thomas Markle’s behaviour and that of Meghan’s half sister Samantha and other relatives. “They spend a lot of time in the Cotswolds, more than people realise""" 1 Among the far-left liberal owners of the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia apparently did not learn her lesson once she chose to throw Sarah Huckabee Sanders out of her restaurant on Friday evening, then coming under assault of a complete army of”Deplorables.”Regardless of all the backlash, Stephanie Wilkinson has doubled down and is now claiming she does not repent what she did Friday.All this mess started when Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, together with her Husband along with six other friends decided to go out to dinner this past Friday night in the Red Hen Restaurant.As Sanders along with the rest inside her celebration nibbled in what we can only surmise as mediocre crackers and cheese, the owner of the restaurant has been called to the institution where she asked Sanders to return to the terrace with her.When they got to the patio Wilkerson told her the restaurant had”certain criteria” like”honesty, and empathy, and collaboration.” So she asked Sanders to depart.She agreed because Sanders is a lady. She gathered up her stuff and left, together with the rest of her celebration.Vice noted:But despite all the backlash she’s gotten from the right, Stephanie Wilkinson says she does not regret a thing.“We simply felt there are moments in time when folks need to live their own convictions. This appeared to be one.”When Sanders came to the Red Hen along with her husband along with six other people on Friday night, the boxer called Wilkinson to mention the team was”a little concerned,” Wilkinson told the Post.She headed to the restaurant, and–while Sanders and her friends munched on cheeseboards–called the team to a huddle in the kitchen, and asked if they wanted Sanders to leave. According to the Article, a handful of her workers are gay, and many others are revulsed by Sanders’ treatment of this emergency at the boundary. They wanted her gone.Wilkinson took Sanders out into the patio and asked her to leave, telling her why the restaurant had”certain criteria” like”honesty, and compassion, and collaboration,” Wilkinson told the Post. Sanders agreed to proceed, gathered up her things, and headed out, followed by the remainder of her party, whose meal Wilkinson comped.Following the White House Press Secretary identified the place by name on Twitter, President Trump called it”filthy,” and a army of his assistants got busy screwing with its business–beginning a campaign to make a bunch of bogus dinner reservations and tanking its score on Yelp.I always had a guideline, if a restaurant is filthy on the outside, it’s dirty on the inside!The restaurant’s Yelp page has been bombarded with over 11,000 one-star reviews, leaving it in a sound one-and-a-half.Piggybacking on Trump’s dig on the area being”filthy,” several pissed-off reviewers have claimed to have discovered roaches in their food because Sanders was kicked out, but some have compared Wilkinson to a Nazi and called her and her staff”un-American hateful bigots.”“I’ve a company, and I want the company to flourish. This feels just like the moment in our democracy when people need to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to maintain their morals.”Saturday afternoon the Press Secretary hadn’t any difficulty in telling her story and actually named the establishment on Twitter, which was followed by President Trump calling it”filthy” on his Twitter page.Which in turn led to a military people deplorables wasting no time whatsoever in creating our feelings heard on social networking, on Yelp and by creating fake dinner reservations in demonstration. The Restaurant’s Yelp page currently has the company at one star and a half.While on the other side, liberals were pleased to leave this slum a 5-star rating although they threw a hissy fit every time a Christian baker didn’t need to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding a few years back.Wilkerson went on to confirm to the Article she feels like this is the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable decisions and actions to maintain their morals.Odd which she’d cite morals as it pertains in the side that amuses a sexual predator such as Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary who dragged his accusers through the mud in order to conserve her own political ambitions.Featured Image Source H/T: RWNOfficial 1 Kim Kardashian is allegedly “phasing out” mom Kris Jenner, particularly when it comes to her responsibilities as her longtime manager, amid reports Kim is ready for a total image overhaul after returning to the spotlight following her October robbery. That’s according to a new report by Radar Online, who’s claiming that the mother-daughter duo could be caught in a nasty feud as a source alleged that Kardashian has had somewhat of an epiphany during her time away from the spotlight and allegedly has now opened her eyes to see how Jenner “used her” to build the Kardashian brand. According to the site, Kim is ready to project a very different image from the uber-glamorous money flaunting Kardashian fans used to know and is allegedly ready to kick mom Kris to the curb, at least professionally, in order to do so. A source alleged to the site this week that Kim now “seems to be thinking that Kris used her to get where she is today,” which Radar Online is alleging could have led to a nasty feud between Jenner and her daughter as well as the reality star reportedly making a pretty big business decision when it comes to her mom. “[Kim] will never think of [Kris] in the same way again,” the source said of Jenner’s supposed drama with her daughter amid reports she believes Jenner has been “using” her for years. The site then went on to report that Kim is now in the process of projecting her new toned-down image amid the feud claims with Kris, revealing that Jenner may no longer play such a big part in Kardashian’s career going forward. “Kim hired a transition team to make sure that she gives off a different image than she did previously,” the source said of Jenner and her daughter potentially parting ways professionally, claiming that “part of this process includes phasing out [Kris’s] management.” While Kris and Kim have not commented on the claims, this isn’t the first time it’s been reported that Kardashian may be looking to distance herself from Jenner, at least professionally, in the wake of her October robbery in Paris. Radar Online claimed back in October that Kim Kardashian had grown wise to Kris Jenner’s “money making machine” after taking some downtime at the end of 2016, alleging at the time that Kim has been so busy with her career that she’s failed to realize how much Jenner, who is often referred to as her “momager,” had been controlling her life and career. “Kim never realized how much [Kris] and the money-making machine was controlling her until this robbery,” an insider told the site of Kardashian’s feelings about Jenner at the time, months before it was reported that the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star is allegedly looking to “phase out” Kris from her career. “Kim is just starting to think that maybe Kris’s intentions were not pure all along,” continued the source in October, adding that Kim has been doing a lot of thinking about her father Robert Kardashian while taking some time away which has allegedly helped her to get wise to Kris’s seemingly relentless pursuit of fame for herself and her family. “[Kim] told her family that she wanted to be the girl that her father wanted her to be and not the girl that she became with Kris’s help,” a source revealed last year, just months before it was reported that a feud could be brewing between Kardashian and Jenner. What do you think of reports claiming Kim Kardashian and mom Kris Jenner could be caught in a feud amid claims Kim is attempting to “phase out” her mother’s management? [Featured Image by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images] 1 "Washington (CNN) Omarosa Manigault-Newman, the ""Apprentice"" star turned White House aide, dished on her time in the Trump administration and her former boss' penchant for Twitter. ""I was haunted by tweets every single day, like what is he going to tweet next?"" a tearful Manigault-Newman said in the teaser clip for Thursday's episode of ""Celebrity Big Brother,"" the reality show on which she is a contestant. Manigault-Newman claimed that when she attempted to reason with President Donald Trump about some of his tweets, she was ""attacked"" and denied access by ""all of the people around him,"" including Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and daughter Ivanka Trump. Manigault-Newman described the situation inside the White House as ""bad."" Asked whether the nation should be concerned about the administration, she nodded, adding, ""it's going to not be OK."" White House principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah dismissed Manigault-Newman's comments at a news briefing Thursday." 0 Mike Walker reports… Hollywood producers stoked the flames of their red-hot, new “Charlie’s Angels” reboot by flinging big stacks of bucks at Kristen Stewart — who is thisclose to signing on as their star! But here’s the secret scoop our “Twilight” cutie will never know about (unless she reads The National ENQUIRER, of course!): The moguls won’t quit bitching and moaning that their first choice, at almost any cost, was Prince Harry’s luscious lady love, Meghan Markle! Said a Hollywood exec as the deals started up: “Producers are dying for Meghan to take the lead — and will give her anything she wants! Meghan Markle: Royal Copycat Out To Be The New Diana! “But Meghan is still turning her nose up and turning the part down flat!” And it was no secret that Meghan was mulling over an historical offer from Prince Harry — but the srouce still confirmed: “Meghan’s firmly focused on wedding her real-life royal prince!” 1 Khloé Kardashian is getting candid about going under the knife. Although the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star hasn’t gotten a nose job in the past, she isn’t opposed to having it done in the future. Get push notifications with news, features and more. On Friday, the Good American jeans founder admitted on Instagram that she thinks daily about getting the procedure done, but is currently relying on the power of makeup — specifically contouring — for her desired look. “@madi_martell did she get her nose done or just really fleeky contouring,” Instagram account holder @allysonclifton asked. In response, Kardashian, 34, replied, “One day I think I’ll get one because I think about it everyday. But I’m scared so for now it’s all about contour.” Khloe Kardashian/Instagram Kardashian, who became a first-time mom to daughter True Thompson in April, has been open with her opinions about plastic surgery in the past. “There’s this misconception that I’m not into plastic surgery, but I’m into it and I don’t care if you have it,” the reality star told Cosmopolitan in 2016. “We’re all putting on a f—— mask basically every day anyway,” she said. “When you dye your hair, you’re changing who you are, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.” It’s when women choose to go under the knife for their significant other that Kardashian has a problem with it. “I just don’t like when someone else is like, ‘Man, I only want to date a girl if they have big tits,’ and then a girl’s like, ‘I gotta get double-Ds,’ ” she said. “If you want them, great. If you’re doing that for your man, that’s when it bothers me.” JB Lacroix/WireImage She also prefers to exhaust all other options before depending on plastic surgery. “I just have a lot of friends that just go to get liposuction when not once have they tried to go to the gym or tried to change their diet,” said Kardashian. “That I disagree with. But if you’re working out, and you have a trouble area, and it’s still bothering you, then go fix it if you want.” She additionally set the record straight on her nose. “Everyone says I’ve had a nose job because my nose is smaller now and I swear I haven’t,” she said. Plastic surgeon Terry Dubrow explained to Kardashian that weight loss can play a role in the size of your nose. “He was like, ‘No, but when you were bigger, your nose can get wider.’ It’s like when you’re pregnant, your nose spreads because there’s fat pockets in there, I guess,” she shared. “So when I lost weight, my nose did get smaller, and also I now know about contouring. Like when I wash my face, my nose is wider.” 0 Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Paris Jackson praised her aunt Janet Jackson’s Billboard Music Awards performance on social media, but when she wasn’t seen in the audience alongside grandmother Katherine Jackson, brother Prince Jackson and aunt Rebbie Jackson while Janet accepted her Billboard Icon Award, fans questioned her family loyalty. Paris, the 20-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson, address her critics on social media, telling them not to worry about her or her family’s business. “Dear social media followers, friends, stalkers, lovers and haters, and fellow moonwalkers: Please do not tell me/demands/try to control how I handle my relationship with the people in my life, specifically my family,” she wrote in an Instagram Story. “As amazing and as s—-y as things can be, it is no one’s business but ours. I understand that some of you feel some sort of connection or need to be a part of our lives considering you watched us grow up. However, I am handling my situation exactly how my father did. And I am happy keeping it that way. I will always have love and respect for my family. ALWAYS.” The model expressed awareness of her family’s drama always playing out publicly, but reinforced that familial issues aren’t uncommon. “Every family has their moments of trauma, heartbreak, separation, love, oneness, tribe, pain, everything. EVERY FAMILY. My family, specifically, and a good number of others…well, our drama is broadcasted worldwide through media,” Paris continued. “But that doesn’t mean our family issues are any different from yours. Ours are just made public.” “Every level has another devil. Every life has their own s–t to deal with. We ain’t inferior or superior to y’all. We’re all f–king human. So let’s act like it. I appreciate any and every person reading this and I’m grateful for everything in my life, positive and negative.” 0 Select Program Area --Select Program Area-- DESE HOME Accountability, Partnership, & Assistance Adult & Community Learning Amazing Educators BESE Advisory Councils Board of Elementary & Secondary Education Career/Vocational Technical Education Charter Schools College and Career Readiness Compliance/Monitoring (PQA) Conferences, Workshops and Trainings Instructional Support Digital Learning District & School Assistance Centers (DSACs) District & School Turnaround District Review, Analysis, & Assistance Tools Educator Evaluation Educator Licensure Tests (MTEL) Educator Licensure Educational Proficiency Plan (EPP) Edwin ELAR Log In Employment Opportunities: DESE English Language Learners Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Family Literacy Federal Grant Programs High School Equivalency (HSE) Testing Program Grants/Funding Opportunities Information Services Laws & Regulations Literacy LEAP Project MCAS MCAS Appeals METCO Office for Food and Nutrition Programs Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL) Planning and Research Professional Development RETELL Safe and Supportive Schools School and District Profiles/Directory School Finance School Redesign Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Security Portal | MassEdu Gateway Special Education Special Education Appeals Special Education in Institutional Settings Statewide System of Support Student and Family Support Systems for Student Success (SfSS) Title I Part A 0 So exactly what led Renée Zellweger, an Oscar-winning actress, to make her big return to Hollywood in the role of a prophetic housewife in a hackneyed family drama? Well, one theory is that she was desperate for work, which is a lousy position for a star who was once so highly employable to be in. So, accepting whatever middle-aged lady roles she was offered may have made the difference for Zellweger between seeing screen time or not — even if they aren't the kind of movies that would make for an amazing mid-life career renaissance. There's also a chance Zellweger's just not all that interested in Hollywood anymore, especially when you consider the fact that she disappeared almost as quickly as she reappeared after Bridget Jones' Baby came and went. If that's the case, then we say: Do your thing, Renée! Still, we have our suspicions that Zellweger will break out onto the acting scene once more when the time is right… 0 "Blake Shelton is making Gwen Stefani blush. At a concert in Oklahoma on Friday, the country singer plated a kiss on his girlfriend when she joined him on stage during the show, and adorably embarrassed her a bit when he started dishing on the early days of their romance. Some of those in attendance at the private concert shared the cute moment to social media, and captured the No Doubt singer's bashful smile as Shelton jokingly teased her about the start of their flirtation. ""We were starting to hang out together and mess around,"" Shelton, 41, recalled as the audience cheered in support and Stefani, who had rested her head on his shoulder, looked up at him mock-surprised at his candidness. PHOTOS: Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton's Cutest Moments ""You know, texting each other, starting out as friends,"" Shelton quickly added, trying to assuage the embarrassment. B: ""We were just starting to hang out and mess around"" G: ??? pic.twitter.com/fIwKWKLBmU — Cat ?✨ (@izzle284) September 30, 2017 WATCH: Gwen Stefani Teases New Christmas Song With Blake Shelton -- Listen! The intimate performance was held for around 150 fans in Tishomingo to promote the opening of Shelton's first restaurant, Ole Red, where the sweet couple was also spotted smiling wide as they walked hand-in-hand. Additionally, the event raised money for local charity Johnston County Reaching Out. MiamiPIXX/SBMF/BACKGRID ET's Sophie Schillaci caught up with Shelton before the concert at the opening of his restaurant, where he opened up about the news that his close friend, Luke Bryan, has signed on as a judge on the upcoming American Idol reboot. ""I think people are going to realize just how dumb he really is when they see him on national television, in an environment where there's no script,"" Shelton joked. ""But you're also gonna see what a great, great dude that guy is… I love Luke like a brother, I really do, but he's just dumb."" Tune into to Entertainment Tonight on Monday for more from ET's sit-down with the country crooner and Voice coach. Check here for local listings. Related Gallery" 1 Amber Rose has a new man in her life. The model took to Instagram early Monday morning to share a candid, emotional note about rapper 21 Savage, whom she’s been spotted spending time with in recent weeks. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “It’s pretty amazing waking up every morning feeling love like this,” she captioned a photo of the two in bed. “I’ve cried endlessly and been hurt a lot in my life, I’ve been abused, talked to like I wasn’t s—, been gaslighted and Slut shamed by men that I once loved and cared about. So I’m so thankful that God brought this amazing person in my life who genuinely has my back and is ready to ‘pull up’ to defend my honor by any means.” “Maybe he’s just as broken as me and that’s why we’re perfect for each other,” she added. “But either way he’s not going anywhere and neither am I.” Rose also shared a video of the two kissing and cuddling in the mirror. “When he loves spoiling you but you got ur own money so you spoil him instead,” she wrote. “Ain’t nothin like that #thuglove.” RELATED VIDEO: Does Amber Rose Want to Have More Kids With Ex-Husband Wiz Khalifa? Over the weekend, Rose took to Instagram to share a clip from 21 Savage’s recent radio interview with The Real After Party on Real 92.3. “She’s beautiful, right?” he said. “We’ve just been kicking it, man. She’s a real cool woman. She treats me like a king, so it is what it is. And no disrespect will be tolerated, at all. Keep your mouth closed, no hoes, no bitches, no nothing, ’cause I’m pulling up.” When asked about the age difference between the two — Rose is 33 and Savage is 24 — the rapper said he was only younger “in age, not mentally.” But that being said, he’s still learning a few things from her. “She makes me do s— that I don’t normally do,” he explained. “Like take vitamins and drink water.” FROM PEN: Wendy Williams’ Perfect Date Night Might Not Be What You Expect Most recently, Rose was linked to Dancing with the Stars pro Val Chmerkovskiy. The two split in February after about five months of dating. The star shares a 4-year-old son, Sebastian Taylor, with rapper Wiz Khalifa. 0 Remarks by the President on a New Strategy for Afghanistan and PakistanTHE WHITE HOUSEOffice of the Press Secretary_______________________________________________________________For Immediate Release March 27, 2009REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTON A NEW STRATEGY FOR AFGHANISTAN AND PAKISTANRoom 450Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building9:40 A.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Please be seated.Before I begin today, let me acknowledge, first of all, Your Excellencies, all the ambassadors who are in attendance. I also want to acknowledge both the civilians and our military personnel that are about to be deployed to the region. And I am very grateful to all of you for your extraordinary work.I want to acknowledge General David Petraeus, who's here, and has been doing an outstanding job at CENTCOM, and we appreciate him. I want to thank Bruce Reidel -- Bruce is down at the end here -- who has worked extensively on our strategic review. I want to acknowledge Karl Eikenberry, who's here, and is our Ambassador-designate to Afghanistan. And to my national security team, thanks for their outstanding work.Today, I'm announcing a comprehensive, new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. And this marks the conclusion of a careful policy review, led by Bruce, that I ordered as soon as I took office. My administration has heard from our military commanders, as well as our diplomats. We've consulted with the Afghan and Pakistani governments, with our partners and our NATO allies, and with other donors and international organizations. We've also worked closely with members of Congress here at home. And now I’d like to speak clearly and candidly to the American people.The situation is increasingly perilous. It's been more than seven years since the Taliban was removed from power, yet war rages on, and insurgents control parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Attacks against our troops, our NATO allies, and the Afghan government have risen steadily. And most painfully, 2008 was the deadliest year of the war for American forces.Many people in the United States -- and many in partner countries that have sacrificed so much -- have a simple question: What is our purpose in Afghanistan? After so many years, they ask, why do our men and women still fight and die there? And they deserve a straightforward answer.So let me be clear: Al Qaeda and its allies -- the terrorists who planned and supported the 9/11 attacks -- are in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Multiple intelligence estimates have warned that al Qaeda is actively planning attacks on the United States homeland from its safe haven in Pakistan. And if the Afghan government falls to the Taliban -- or allows al Qaeda to go unchallenged -- that country will again be a base for terrorists who want to kill as many of our people as they possibly can.The future of Afghanistan is inextricably linked to the future of its neighbor, Pakistan. In the nearly eight years since 9/11, al Qaeda and its extremist allies have moved across the border to the remote areas of the Pakistani frontier. This almost certainly includes al Qaeda's leadership: Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. They have used this mountainous terrain as a safe haven to hide, to train terrorists, to communicate with followers, to plot attacks, and to send fighters to support the insurgency in Afghanistan. For the American people, this border region has become the most dangerous place in the world.But this is not simply an American problem -- far from it. It is, instead, an international security challenge of the highest order. Terrorist attacks in London and Bali were tied to al Qaeda and its allies in Pakistan, as were attacks in North Africa and the Middle East, in Islamabad and in Kabul. If there is a major attack on an Asian, European, or African city, it, too, is likely to have ties to al Qaeda's leadership in Pakistan. The safety of people around the world is at stake.For the Afghan people, a return to Taliban rule would condemn their country to brutal governance, international isolation, a paralyzed economy, and the denial of basic human rights to the Afghan people -- especially women and girls. The return in force of al Qaeda terrorists who would accompany the core Taliban leadership would cast Afghanistan under the shadow of perpetual violence.As President, my greatest responsibility is to protect the American people. We are not in Afghanistan to control that country or to dictate its future. We are in Afghanistan to confront a common enemy that threatens the United States, our friends and our allies, and the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan who have suffered the most at the hands of violent extremists.So I want the American people to understand that we have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to prevent their return to either country in the future. That's the goal that must be achieved. That is a cause that could not be more just. And to the terrorists who oppose us, my message is the same: We will defeat you.To achieve our goals, we need a stronger, smarter and comprehensive strategy. To focus on the greatest threat to our people, America must no longer deny resources to Afghanistan because of the war in Iraq. To enhance the military, governance and economic capacity of Afghanistan and Pakistan, we have to marshal international support. And to defeat an enemy that heeds no borders or laws of war, we must recognize the fundamental connection between the future of Afghanistan and Pakistan -- which is why I've appointed Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, who is here, to serve as Special Representative for both countries, and to work closely with General Petraeus to integrate our civilian and military efforts.Let me start by addressing the way forward in Pakistan.The United States has great respect for the Pakistani people. They have a rich history and have struggled against long odds to sustain their democracy. The people of Pakistan want the same things that we want: an end to terror, access to basic services, the opportunity to live their dreams, and the security that can only come with the rule of law. The single greatest threat to that future comes from al Qaeda and their extremist allies, and that is why we must stand together.The terrorists within Pakistan's borders are not simply enemies of America or Afghanistan -- they are a grave and urgent danger to the people of Pakistan. Al Qaeda and other violent extremists have killed several thousand Pakistanis since 9/11. They've killed many Pakistani soldiers and police. They assassinated Benazir Bhutto. They've blown up buildings, derailed foreign investment, and threatened the stability of the state. So make no mistake: al Qaeda and its extremist allies are a cancer that risks killing Pakistan from within.It's important for the American people to understand that Pakistan needs our help in going after al Qaeda. This is no simple task. The tribal regions are vast, they are rugged, and they are often ungoverned. And that's why we must focus our military assistance on the tools, training and support that Pakistan needs to root out the terrorists. And after years of mixed results, we will not, and cannot, provide a blank check.Pakistan must demonstrate its commitment to rooting out al Qaeda and the violent extremists within its borders. And we will insist that action be taken -- one way or another -- when we have intelligence about high-level terrorist targets.The government's ability to destroy these safe havens is tied to its own strength and security. To help Pakistan weather the economic crisis, we must continue to work with the IMF, the World Bank and other international partners. To lessen tensions between two nuclear-armed nations that too often teeter on the edge of escalation and confrontation, we must pursue constructive diplomacy with both India and Pakistan. To avoid the mistakes of the past, we must make clear that our relationship with Pakistan is grounded in support for Pakistan's democratic institutions and the Pakistani people. And to demonstrate through deeds as well as words a commitment that is enduring, we must stand for lasting opportunity.A campaign against extremism will not succeed with bullets or bombs alone. Al Qaeda's offers the people of Pakistan nothing but destruction. We stand for something different. So today, I am calling upon Congress to pass a bipartisan bill co-sponsored by John Kerry and Richard Lugar that authorizes $1.5 billion in direct support to the Pakistani people every year over the next five years -- resources that will build schools and roads and hospitals, and strengthen Pakistan's democracy. I'm also calling on Congress to pass a bipartisan bill co-sponsored by Maria Cantwell, Chris Van Hollen and Peter Hoekstra that creates opportunity zones in the border regions to develop the economy and bring hope to places plagued with violence. And we will ask our friends and allies to do their part -- including at the donors conference in Tokyo next month.I don't ask for this support lightly. These are challenging times. Resources are stretched. But the American people must understand that this is a down payment on our own future -- because the security of America and Pakistan is shared. Pakistan's government must be a stronger partner in destroying these safe havens, and we must isolate al Qaeda from the Pakistani people. And these steps in Pakistan are also indispensable to our efforts in Afghanistan, which will see no end to violence if insurgents move freely back and forth across the border.Security demands a new sense of shared responsibility. And that's why we will launch a standing, trilateral dialogue among the United States, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Our nations will meet regularly, with Secretaries Clinton and Secretary Gates leading our effort. Together, we must enhance intelligence sharing and military cooperation along the border, while addressing issues of common concern like trade, energy, and economic development.This is just one part of a comprehensive strategy to prevent Afghanistan from becoming the al Qaeda safe haven that it was before 9/11. To succeed, we and our friends and allies must reverse the Taliban's gains, and promote a more capable and accountable Afghan government.Our troops have fought bravely against a ruthless enemy. Our civilians have made great sacrifices. Our allies have borne a heavy burden. Afghans have suffered and sacrificed for their future. But for six years, Afghanistan has been denied the resources that it demands because of the war in Iraq. Now, we must make a commitment that can accomplish our goals.I've already ordered the deployment of 17,000 troops that had been requested by General McKiernan for many months. These soldiers and Marines will take the fight to the Taliban in the south and the east, and give us a greater capacity to partner with Afghan security forces and to go after insurgents along the border. This push will also help provide security in advance of the important presidential elections in Afghanistan in August.At the same time, we will shift the emphasis of our mission to training and increasing the size of Afghan security forces, so that they can eventually take the lead in securing their country. That's how we will prepare Afghans to take responsibility for their security, and how we will ultimately be able to bring our own troops home.For three years, our commanders have been clear about the resources they need for training. And those resources have been denied because of the war in Iraq. Now, that will change. The additional troops that we deployed have already increased our training capacity. And later this spring we will deploy approximately 4,000 U.S. troops to train Afghan security forces. For the first time, this will truly resource our effort to train and support the Afghan army and police. Every American unit in Afghanistan will be partnered with an Afghan unit, and we will seek additional trainers from our NATO allies to ensure that every Afghan unit has a coalition partner. We will accelerate our efforts to build an Afghan army of 134,000 and a police force of 82,000 so that we can meet these goals by 2011 -- and increases in Afghan forces may very well be needed as our plans to turn over security responsibility to the Afghans go forward.This push must be joined by a dramatic increase in our civilian effort. Afghanistan has an elected government, but it is undermined by corruption and has difficulty delivering basic services to its people. The economy is undercut by a booming narcotics trade that encourages criminality and funds the insurgency. The people of Afghanistan seek the promise of a better future. Yet once again, we've seen the hope of a new day darkened by violence and uncertainty.So to advance security, opportunity and justice -- not just in Kabul, but from the bottom up in the provinces -- we need agricultural specialists and educators, engineers and lawyers. That's how we can help the Afghan government serve its people and develop an economy that isn't dominated by illicit drugs. And that's why I'm ordering a substantial increase in our civilians on the ground. That's also why we must seek civilian support from our partners and allies, from the United Nations and international aid organizations -- an effort that Secretary Clinton will carry forward next week in The Hague.At a time of economic crisis, it's tempting to believe that we can shortchange this civilian effort. But make no mistake: Our efforts will fail in Afghanistan and Pakistan if we don't invest in their future. And that's why my budget includes indispensable investments in our State Department and foreign assistance programs. These investments relieve the burden on our troops. They contribute directly to security. They make the American people safer. And they save us an enormous amount of money in the long run -- because it's far cheaper to train a policeman to secure his or her own village than to help a farmer seed a crop -- or to help a farmer seed a crop than it is to send our troops to fight tour after tour of duty with no transition to Afghan responsibility.As we provide these resources, the days of unaccountable spending, no-bid contracts, and wasteful reconstruction must end. So my budget will increase funding for a strong Inspector General at both the State Department and USAID, and include robust funding for the special inspector generals for Afghan Reconstruction.And I want to be clear: We cannot turn a blind eye to the corruption that causes Afghans to lose faith in their own leaders. Instead, we will seek a new compact with the Afghan government that cracks down on corrupt behavior, and sets clear benchmarks, clear metrics for international assistance so that it is used to provide for the needs of the Afghan people.In a country with extreme poverty that's been at war for decades, there will also be no peace without reconciliation among former enemies. Now, I have no illusion that this will be easy. In Iraq, we had success in reaching out to former adversaries to isolate and target al Qaeda in Iraq. We must pursue a similar process in Afghanistan, while understanding that it is a very different country.There is an uncompromising core of the Taliban. They must be met with force, and they must be defeated. But there are also those who've taken up arms because of coercion, or simply for a price. These Afghans must have the option to choose a different course. And that's why we will work with local leaders, the Afghan government, and international partners to have a reconciliation process in every province. As their ranks dwindle, an enemy that has nothing to offer the Afghan people but terror and repression must be further isolated. And we will continue to support the basic human rights of all Afghans -- including women and girls.Going forward, we will not blindly stay the course. Instead, we will set clear metrics to measure progress and hold ourselves accountable. We’ll consistently assess our efforts to train Afghan security forces and our progress in combating insurgents. We will measure the growth of Afghanistan’s economy, and its illicit narcotics production. And we will review whether we are using the right tools and tactics to make progress towards accomplishing our goals.None of the steps that I've outlined will be easy; none should be taken by America alone. The world cannot afford the price that will come due if Afghanistan slides back into chaos or al Qaeda operates unchecked. We have a shared responsibility to act -- not because we seek to project power for its own sake, but because our own peace and security depends on it. And what’s at stake at this time is not just our own security -- it's the very idea that free nations can come together on behalf of our common security. That was the founding cause of NATO six decades ago, and that must be our common purpose today.My administration is committed to strengthening international organizations and collective action, and that will be my message next week in Europe. As America does more, we will ask others to join us in doing their part. From our partners and NATO allies, we will seek not simply troops, but rather clearly defined capabilities: supporting the Afghan elections, training Afghan security forces, a greater civilian commitment to the Afghan people. For the United Nations, we seek greater progress for its mandate to coordinate international action and assistance, and to strengthen Afghan institutions.And finally, together with the United Nations, we will forge a new Contact Group for Afghanistan and Pakistan that brings together all who should have a stake in the security of the region -- our NATO allies and other partners, but also the Central Asian states, the Gulf nations and Iran; Russia, India and China. None of these nations benefit from a base for al Qaeda terrorists, and a region that descends into chaos. All have a stake in the promise of lasting peace and security and development.That is true, above all, for the coalition that has fought together in Afghanistan, side by side with Afghans. The sacrifices have been enormous. Nearly 700 Americans have lost their lives. Troops from over 20 countries have also paid the ultimate price. All Americans honor the service and cherish the friendship of those who have fought, and worked, and bled by our side. And all Americans are awed by the service of our own men and women in uniform, who've borne a burden as great as any other generation’s. They and their families embody the example of selfless sacrifice.I remind everybody, the United States of America did not choose to fight a war in Afghanistan. Nearly 3,000 of our people were killed on September 11, 2001, for doing nothing more than going about their daily lives. Al Qaeda and its allies have since killed thousands of people in many countries. Most of the blood on their hands is the blood of Muslims, who al Qaeda has killed and maimed in far greater number than any other people. That is the future that al Qaeda is offering to the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan -- a future without hope or opportunity; a future without justice or peace.So understand, the road ahead will be long and there will be difficult days ahead. But we will seek lasting partnerships with Afghanistan and Pakistan that promise a new day for their people. And we will use all elements of our national power to defeat al Qaeda, and to defend America, our allies, and all who seek a better future. Because the United States of America stands for peace and security, justice and opportunity. That is who we are, and that is what history calls on us to do once more.Thank you. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America. (Applause.)END10:02 A.M. EDTNEWS LETTER Join the GlobalSecurity.org mailing list Enter Your Email Address 0 "Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner became parents in early February. Jason Kempin/Getty Images Kylie Jenner recently posted a photo of herself holding her 4-month-old daughter, Stormi, in a Gucci baby carrier. E! News reports that the high-end item has an estimated retail value of $820. Many commenters, however, were more concerned with the comfort and safety of the carrier, suggesting that it is the wrong ""shape"" and that it looks ""unhealthy."" Pediatrician Dr. Natasha Burgert told INSIDER that it's difficult to judge Stormi's safety by the photo alone, but it's possible her legs are not in the proper position. Kylie Jenner has suddenly become shy about showcasing her daughter, Stormi Webster. The 20-year-old mom recently deleted every Instagram photo that gave fans a look at Stormi's face head-on. It's not difficult to see why she may be feeling protective. From rumors about Stormi's true parentage to weirdly specific photoshop accusations, it seems that everyone with a social media account has an opinion on the 4-month-old baby. In keeping with this theme, the most recent photo of Jenner holding her daughter has predictably caught plenty of negative attention. Although the photo does not show Stormi's face, it does show the new mom holding her daughter in a Gucci carrier — one that has an estimated retail value of $820, according to E! News. (If you have a baby and nearly a grand to drop, you're out of luck; it's already sold out.) Many fans commented to tell Jenner that she looks ""adorable"" and ""natural."" Many others, however, took issue with the way Stormi is being cradled — specifically taking issue with the carrier itself, calling it ""awful,"" ""uncomfortable,"" and claiming that it's the wrong ""shape."" Multiple comments chided the young mom for not choosing an ""ergonomic"" design, which essentially means that it's both comfortable for the parent and supportive for the child. ""Non ergonomic. It isn't safe. You're hurting Stormi,"" one person wrote. ""Maybe you would be able to extend this sweet moment in better comfort for both of you with an ergonomic babycarrier,"" another wrote. ""You'll find very smart ones that would respect Stormi's body and prevents you for suffering of back pain."" Other commenters were less specific with their criticisms. ""This isn't a safe carrier, so she obviously didn't get a safe carrier for her baby. She got a Gucci carrier so she could look cool,"" one comment reads. ""OMG POOR BABY....ITS NOT HEALTHY FOR HER,"" reads another. It's not clear exactly what aspect of the photo or carrier these comments were referencing. It's possible that they are concerned about Stormi's head and neck not seeming completely supported, but BabyCenter reports that babies are typically able to hold their own heads up at 4 months old. The skinny leather straps also seem less than comfortable for the new mom's shoulders. Another possibility, according to pediatrician Dr. Natasha Burgert, is the positioning of Stormi's legs. ""What people may be criticizing is the baby's leg position. In a baby carrier, it is best for baby's hips to be slightly flexed when carried rather than dangling straight down,"" Burgert told INSIDER in an email. ""If the baby is carried with legs straight for a prolonged period, this puts her at risk for hip problems (developmental hip dysplasia). ""In this photo, it is not possible to tell if her legs are truly flexed, so we can leave the firm criticism at the door,"" Burgert said. ""But, the carrier itself does seem very narrow at the bottom, likely not allowing for the best infant positioning."" Burgert also noted, understandably, that she is skeptical whether Gucci is ""known for making the best baby carriers"" — and luxury consignment websites offer little detail about its safety features. Despite this, the New York Times noted in 2010 that, while wraps and baby carriers are traditional in many parts of the world, celebrities have made it so that ""'wearing' one's baby has taken on a certain cachet,"" prompting a widespread use of ""upscale versions."" Of course, this is not the first time Jenner has opted for designer baby goods. The reality star posted a photo in April of herself pushing Stormi in a Fendi stroller. According to Burgert, deciding to use either a stroller or baby carrier is ""simply a family decision for what works best,"" as there is no evidence-based research to suggest that one is better than the other. For parents who do prefer baby carriers though, Burgert recommends choosing a high-quality carrier that offers butt and hip support, keeping the baby's legs in a flexed position. ""The baby's legs should be slightly spread and the carrier should support he leg from thigh to knee joint,"" she told INSIDER, adding that the baby ""should be facing the parent until at least 6 months."" Parents should also keep in mind that babies need time to stretch out at regular intervals, and they should be diligent about applying sunscreen to the arms and legs. Sign up here to get INSIDER's favorite stories straight to your inbox." 0 "Chris Pratt has filed for divorce from Anna Faris. The movie star cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for their split, according to documents obtained by E! News. Faris' response, which we've confirmed was filed simultaneously, reportedly mirrors her ex-husband's filing, according to TMZ. Both are seeking joint custody of their 5-year-old son, Jack Pratt, and both have reserved the right to obtain spousal support. A source tells E! News that everything between Chris and Anna is ""super amicable"" and that they're ""trying to do what's best for Jack."" TMZ reports Chris and Anna noted July 13, 2017 as their date of separation, less than a month before the celebrity couple went public with news of the surprise split. In a joint statement they shared at the time read in part, ""We tried hard for a long time, and we're really disappointed. Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward.""" 1 Looks like Margot Robbie is going to need some aloe for this burn! At the Hollywood Film Awards on Sunday, Nov. 5 in LA, Margot, 27, excitedly approached Angelina Jolie to introduce herself. But instead of a warm reply, Angie “curtly replied, ‘I know who you are’ and turned her back on Margot,” an insider exclusively tells In Touch. According to the source, the Australian-born beauty “looked shocked.” Jealousy may be to blame. When Margot starred in 2015’s The Big Short alongside Angelina’s ex Brad Pitt, “rumors swirled about Brad crushing on Margot and that Angelina had tried to stop Brad from casting Margot in the film,” says the insider. (Photo Credit: Splash) The source says that the mom-of-six — who shares Maddox, 16, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 11, Vivienne, 9, and Knox, 9, with Brad, 53 — can’t shake her resentment toward the Suicide Squad actress. “It was clear from Angelina’s reaction to Margot that she still holds a grudge,” the source says. Back in November 2016, not long after Angelina, 42, filed for divorce from Brad, OK! Magazine reported that the Fight Club hunk was “ready to move on” with Margot. “He thinks she’s the hottest girl in Hollywood right now,” a source said at the time. “This was a sore subject with [Angelina] who blocked them from working together a few times. Now that he’s single again, you can expect Brad to go after Margot with a passion.” While a romance between Brad and Margot never flourished, the eternal heartthrob has recently fell for 21-year-old British actress Ella Purnell — who, in an ironic twist, played a young Angelina in 2014’s Maleficent. He’s so enchanted, a source previously told In Touch, that he cast her in his upcoming Starz series, Sweetbitter. “Brad had Ella in mind from the get-go. He went out of his way to cast her,” said the source. “Ella is incredibly flattered by all the attention she’s getting from Brad. She’s told friends he’s always been her No. 1 celebrity crush.” For more exclusive celebrity news, pick up the latest issue of In Touch, on newsstands now! More from In Touch Kim Kardashian Attends Serena Williams' Wedding Solo as She Prepares to File for Divorce Jennifer Hudson Receives Protective Order Against Ex-Fiancé — Here's What That Means Derick Dillard, Reality Star-Turned-Professional Twitter Troll, Is Now Attacking Feminists 1 "Ballroom babies! Kym Johnson gave birth to her twins with husband Robert Herjavec on Monday, April 23. The first-time mom shared a photo of her beau holding the newborns via Instagram. “I never thought my heart could feel so full. We’re so in love with our little angels. Born at 7.44am and 7.45am 4/23/18,” she wrote. The dancer told Us Weekly in January that Herjavec, 55, had put together a baby shower in Australia for her ahead of the twins’ arrival. “[Robert] is the best. He spoiled me with a trip back home to Australia to see all my girlfriends,” she gushed to Us and a group of reporters. “There was a little baby shower and saw my family and stuff so that was nice. I feel really good. I’ve been keeping active and I think I’ll probably slow down now. I’m in the last trimester. I feel like I’m about to explode.” Johnson continued: “Oh my gosh, all my girlfriends gave me some really good Australian books, with Australian native animals. I want the kids to know their heritage and that was really sweet, to have those books to be able to read to them,” she said. “There was some Aussie onesies and things like that, that you can only get in Australia. That was sweet.” During her pregnancy, the Australian professional dancer proudly showed off her baby bump on social media. She shared a video of herself working out in January. “Back in the studio with my growing belly! (23 weeks),” she captioned an Instagram clip at the time. “I’ll be teaching this Saturday morning 10am so come join me for Dance Fit Latin #dance #fitness #pregnantfitness #23weekspregnant #twins.” She also shared some snaps of her workout to her Instagram Story. “Feeling strong,” she wrote. “The babies are happy to be back.” Johnson, 41, confirmed in December 2017 that she and her husband were expecting. The mom-to-be shared a sonogram photo on Instagram, and captioned it: “It’s thumbs up.” A source then confirmed to Us Weekly the following day that the couple were expecting twins. ""It's a thumbs up"" 👍🏻🤰💕 A post shared by Kym Herjavec (@kymherjavec5678) on Dec 11, 2017 at 10:54am PST The former Dancing With the Stars partners tied the knot in July 2016 at a romantic ceremony in Los Angeles, one year after their stint as partners on season 20 of the ABC hit series. The DWTS pro spoke to Us Weekly at the 2016 Creative Arts Emmy Awards in September 2016, just months after saying “I do.” She told Us: “It’s been amazing. It’s been the most incredible summer of my life.” She added: “The ceremony was amazing. I was most nervous about that, but that was the most beautiful moment. Even though our family and friends were all there, it was really just about Robert and I at that moment. It was just us two, exchanging our vows, and that was the most special moment.” The investor and Shark Tank personality was previously married to Diane Plese, with whom he shares three children. They divorced in 2016. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox!" 0 "THE Beckhams sat with their backs to each other as their awkward cold war continued. The £500million couple barely exchanged words during the after party at The British Fashion Awards. 7 The Beckhams sat with their backs to each other during the after party Getty - Contributor 7 A sullen Victoria Beckham with husband David at the awards Despite presenting a united front on the red carpet, they went their separate ways once inside The Royal Albert Hall. David, 43, introduced himself to guests at the pre-ceremony dinner alongside pal Dave Gardner. And his friendliness with Rita Ora, 28, in Posh’s absence, set tongues wagging. Frosty Victoria, 44, looked furious during the ceremony as Becks was praised by host Jack Whitehall — even though she was the one up for an award. Splash News 7 David's friendliness with Rita Ora got party-goers talking Splash News 7 The £500m couple presented a united front at another Fashion Awards bash Jack joked about the football icon stealing the spotlight at the Royal Wedding in May. Victoria missed out on British Womenswear Designer of the Year award at Monday’s bash. An insider said: “You’d expect Brand Beckham to do their schmoozing together, but David had only Dave by his side as he made his big entrance. Getty - Contributor 7 The pair barely spoke after the award ceremony Splash News 7 Their son Brooklyn Beckham took girlfriend Hanna Cross to the bash Pregnant Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle announces the winner for British Designer Womenswear at The Fashion Awards “He seemed quite charmed by Rita and said they should work together. “Victoria’s scowl as Jack joked of David “winning” the Royal Wedding was caught on big screens for the audience to see. “They sat together for the ceremony but moved apart at the after party. Splash News 7 Victoria did not seem impressed by host Jack Whitehall's jokes MOST READ IN BIZARRE NEW LISA LIFE Lisa Armstrong's transformation from Ant's unhappy wife to glam singleton Exclusive 'INSENSITIVE' Katie blasts Kieran for wanting kids at Xmas after refusing to hand them over Exclusive STRICTLY CURSE? 'I could tell that something more was going on with Joe Sugg' says friend Merry Becksmas Becks and Helena Christensen partied in Miami as Posh prepped for Xmas in UK FESTIVE FUN Towie's Clelia strips naked for sexiest ever photoshoot - just in time for Xmas spotted Love Actually fans spot glaring error - and it could ruin your fave scene forever ""They were only seen briefly speaking to each other once in about 25 minutes before they left. “They made an effort to look cosier when a crowd built around their table.” A spokesman for David said: “David, Victoria and Brooklyn had a fantastic night together at the Awards and party.” Divorce rumours in the summer were rubbished by their reps." 0 "New Jersey-based reality television series in the United States The Real Housewives of New Jersey (abbreviated RHONJ) is an American reality television series that premiered on May 12, 2009, on Bravo. Developed as the fourth installment of The Real Housewives franchise, following The Real Housewives of Orange County, New York City, and Atlanta, it has aired eight seasons and focuses on the personal and professional lives of several women residing in New Jersey. The series originally focused on Teresa Giudice, Jacqueline Laurita, Caroline Manzo, Dina Manzo, and Danielle Staub. The cast currently consists of Giudice, Melissa Gorga, Dolores Catania, Margaret Josephs, Jennifer Aydin, and Jackie Goldschneider. Of the original housewives, Dina Manzo left during production of the second season before returning for the sixth and departing again afterward; Staub left after the second season before returning in a recurring capacity in the eighth; Caroline Manzo left after the fifth; and Laurita was reduced to a recurring capacity during the sixth, then returned to being a full time cast member in the seventh before departing again afterward. The remaining housewives joined in later seasons: Gorga in the third, Catania in the seventh, Josephs in the eighth, and Aydin and Goldschneider in the ninth. Other regular cast members have included Kathy Wakile (season 3–5), Teresa Aprea (season 6), Amber Marchese (season 6), Nicole Napolitano (season 6), and Siggy Flicker (season 7–8). The success of the show has resulted in the spin-offs Manzo'd with Children and Teresa Checks In. Overview and casting Season 1–5 The Real Housewives of New Jersey was announced when Bravo released its 2008–09 programming on April 15, 2008.[1] The first season premiered on May 12, 2009, and starred Caroline Manzo, Jacqueline Laurita, Teresa Giudice, Dina Manzo and Danielle Staub. For the first time in the franchise, the series followed housewives who are related to one another: sisters Caroline and Dina are married to brothers Albert and Tommy Manzo, and Jacqueline Laurita is married to Caroline and Dina's brother, Chris Laurita.[2] Dina and Tommy Manzo would later end up separated.[3][4] The second season premiered on May 3, 2010, with Dina Manzo departing the series after the seventh episode.[5] Staub left the show after the second season.[6] The third season premiered on May 16, 2011, with new housewives Melissa Gorga and Kathy Wakile.[7] It delivered the highest rated season premiere in the network's history and the highest rated season premiere in The Real Housewives franchise at the time.[8] The fourth season premiered on April 22, 2012, with Kim DePaola upgraded to a ""friend of the Housewives"" recurring capacity.[9][10][11] The fifth season premiered on June 2, 2013.[12] Caroline Manzo and Laurita left the show after the fifth season, and DePaola was dropped from her ""friend of"" role.[13][14] Season 6–9 The sixth season premiered on July 13, 2014.[15] It featured the return of Dina Manzo and new housewives Amber Marchese, Teresa Aprea and Nicole Napolitano.[15][16] Wakile and Laurita were demoted to a recurring ""friend of"" role.[17][18] Marchese and Dina Manzo left the show after the sixth season.[19][20] Laurita returned as a full time housewife in the seventh season which premiered on July 10, 2016. Aprea and Napolitano did not return as regular cast members.[21] The season also featured Dolores Catania and Siggy Flicker as new cast members, while Wakile and her sister Rosie Pierri appeared in a recurring ""friend of"" capacity.[22] DePaola, Aprea and Napolitano also appeared as guests.[23][24] After the seventh season, Laurita, Wakile, and Pierri departed the show.[25][26] The eighth season premiered on October 4, 2017, with Margaret Josephs joining the show. Staub returned in a ""friend of"" capacity and DePaola returned in a guest capacity.[27] Flicker announced her departure from the series while the season was still airing.[28] In April 2018, the show was renewed for a ninth season.[29] All cast members besides Flicker returned, including Staub again in a ""friend of"" capacity, with two new Housewives joining the regular cast: Jennifer Aydin and Jackie Goldschneider. Timeline of housewives Housewives Seasons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Teresa Giudice Main Jacqueline Laurita Main Friend Main Caroline Manzo Main Dina Manzo Main Guest Main Danielle Staub Main Friend Melissa Gorga Guest Main Kathy Wakile Guest Main Friend Teresa Aprea Main Guest Amber Marchese Main Nicole Napolitano Main Guest Dolores Catania Guest Guest Main Siggy Flicker Main Margaret Josephs Main Jennifer Aydin Main Jackie Goldschneider Main Friends of the housewives Kim Granatell Friend Guest Kim DePaola Guest Friend Guest Rosie Pierri Guest Friend Episodes Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 1 10 May 12, 2009 ( ) July 9, 2009 ( 2009-07-09 ) 2 18 May 3, 2010 ( ) September 6, 2010 ( 2010-09-06 ) 3 21 May 16, 2011 ( ) October 23, 2011 ( 2011-10-23 ) 4 24 April 22, 2012 ( ) October 21, 2012 ( 2012-10-21 ) 5 22 June 2, 2013 ( ) October 20, 2013 ( 2013-10-20 ) 6 19 July 13, 2014 ( ) November 20, 2014 ( 2014-11-20 ) 7 18 July 10, 2016 ( ) November 13, 2016 ( 2016-11-13 ) 8 16 October 4, 2017 ( ) January 31, 2018 ( 2018-01-31 ) 9 N/A November 7, 2018 ( ) N/A Spin-offs The series' success has resulted in a development of multiple spin-off series. Caroline Manzo's children Albie and Chris had a web series spin-off alongside their roommate and friend Greg Bennett, Boys to Manzo which premiered on May 30, 2011.[30][31] Caroline Manzo, who was part of the original cast of the show, quit the series before its sixth season. Manzo later disclosed that she was involved in the production of a new show, Manzo'd with Children;[32][33] the show was eventually picked up and premiered on October 5, 2014.[34] The reality series follows the daily life of Manzo and her family: husband Albert, sons Albie and Chris, daughter Lauren, and sister Fran.[35] It aired for three seasons.[36][37] The second spin-off, entitled Teresa Checks In, aired in October 2015. The three-episode television series chronicled the life of the Giudice family and how its members dealt with the aftermath of Teresa Giudice's being sentenced to prison. The series featured some of the cast members of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, including Melissa Gorga, Joe Gorga, and Rosie Pierri.[38][39][40] In December 2014, it was announced Giudice's daughter, Gia, was in production on a pilot revolving around her attempting to launch a singing career, with her group 3KT.[41][42]" 0 Syfy's Battlestar Galactica is regarded as one of the best shows produced for television in recent memory. The science fiction drama touched on everything from human emotion to politics, after... ... 0 WARNING: This article contains spoilers from The Walking Dead season eight, episode eight. The extended episode titled ‘How It’s Gonna Be’ unleashed a shocking move as it was revealed Carl Grimes (played by Chandler Riggs) had been bitten by a walker. In the tense instalment, Rick Grimes’ son (Andrew Lincoln) had offered his own life to Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) as they arrived to bomb Alexandria. He told the leader of the Saviours: “If you have to kill someone, if there have to be punishments, then kill me. I’m serious.” AMC The Walking Dead season 8: Carl Grimes' days are numbered “You want to die?” Negan asked. Carl replied: “No, I don’t. But I will. It’s gonna happen. And if me dying can stop this, if it can make things different for us, for you, for all those other kids, it’d be worth it.” His bold decision soon made sense to viewers at the end of the episode when a huge bite mark on his torso was shown. With Carl’s days numbered, will his death be played out in the first episode when the show returns next year? AMC The Walking Dead season 8: Rick Grimes will be devastated to hear his son is dying The shock twist of Carl's impending death left fans of the hit show in floods of tears. One distraught fan wrote on Twitter: “ARE YOU SERIOUSLY KIDDING ME...OH MY GOD I AM SITTING IN A PUDDLE OF TEARS RIGHT NOT WHY DOES TWD ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME #TheWalkingDead.” “If you need me I’ll be crying over Carl #TWD #TheWalkingDead,” said another upset viewer. However, some fans were clinging on to the hope of a cure as one person wrote: “I’m not fully convinced that Carl is going to die. I don’t know how, but I feel like he’s going to live. #TheWalkingDead.” AMC The Walking Dead season 8: Carl Grimes was bitten The Walking Dead: Then and now Fri, June 16, 2017 Walking Dead: The cast of the cult show pictured then and now. Play slideshow Pintrest•Getty 1 of 11 Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) 0 Leonardo DiCaprio will star in and produce an adaptation of Stephan Talty’s book “The Black Hand” for Paramount Pictures. The true story about the origins of the mafia in America follows Joe Petrosino — nicknamed the “Italian Sherlock Holmes” — an NYPD cop who goes after the ruthless gang in the early 190os. The thugs (with the calling card black hand) migrated from Italy to America, and kidnapped people to extort money from their families. They were loathed by law-abiding Italian families who were frightened, but nevertheless helped Petrosino behind the scenes. Ellen Goldsmith-Vein and Jeremy Bell of The Gotham Group will produce. DiCaprio’s producing partner, Jennifer Davisson, will also produce with Gotham, as well as Nathaniel Posey on behalf of his Appian Way Productions. Talty is the New York Times-bestselling author of six nonfiction books focused on history and individual achievement. As a ghostwriter, Talty’s work includes “A Captain’s Duty,” which was the basis for the 2013 Oscar-nominated Tom Hanks-starrer “Captain Phillips.” DiCaprio recently starred in “Before the Flood,” the 2016 documentary about climate change directed by Fisher Stevens. He will next play Sam Phillips, a pioneer in the music industry during the 1950s who helped launch the careers of Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis. Paramount has been busy acquiring material for DiCaprio following his new first-look deal, which he signed in 2015. Appain Way is developing a reboot of the “Captain Planet” series with Glen Powell, among its many projects. DiCaprio is repped by LBI Entertainment. The news was first reported by Deadline Hollywood. 1 "Sometimes life imitates art in the most perfect way: Larry David is actually, truly, literally related to Bernie Sanders—y'know, the guy he impersonated on Saturday Night Live because everyone thought they looked alike? Turns out that David took part in PBS' genealogy series Finding Your Roots recently and discovered that he's distantly related to the Vermont senator, ""he's in the line... like a third cousin, or something,"" David revealed at a panel promoting Season 9 of Curb Your Enthusiasm at the Television Critics Association summer press tour. ""I was very happy about that, I figured there was some connection."" If anyone isn't happy about it, it's probably Finding Your Roots, since David was instructed to keep the news a secret — presumably so that the show could properly promote the hilarious bombshell. Alas, a reporter apparently already knew about it after watching a screener, and asked David to confirm the news right in the middle of the panel, so the cat's out of the bag. SEE ALSO: Bernie Sanders is the Larry David of presidential candidates ""They told me not to say anything, but you’re spilling the beans,"" he laughed. While it certainly sounds like a plotline straight out of Curb Your Enthusiasm, this unlikely plot twist is apparently real. Curb Your Enthusiasm returns to HBO for Season 9 on Sunday, Oct. 1." 0 A sensational US report has today claimed that Kate Hudson has been 'dumped' by musician boyfriend Danny Fujikawa just days before she is due to give birth. An insider allegedly told Star magazine that Kate, 39, was struck with a sudden sickness and rushed to hospital weeks before she was due to give birth to her first daughter, with the publication bizarrely claiming that Danny, 32, 'used Kate's health scar to end their relationship.' 'Danny told her he couldn't do this anymore,' the source outrageously alleged. 'Kate was devastated.' Hudson is already mother to sons Ryder, 14, and Bingham, 7, with rocker ex Chris Robinson and Matthew Bellamy. 1 "Ben Affleck is putting his family and health first. EXCLUSIVE: Ben Affleck's New Girlfriend Lindsay Shookus Split From Husband 'A While Ago,' Source Says The 44-year-old actor was set to star in the upcoming Netflix film, Triple Frontier, but is now departing the feature to ""take some time to focus on his wellness and his family,"" according to Deadline. The thriller, directed by JC Chandor, will replace the actor and continue without him. No word on what specifically made Affleck drop out, but he is still expected to make an appearance at Comic-Con this week to promote part one of Justice League, out in November. ET reached out to Affleck's rep for comment. RELATED: Ben Affleck Arrives Solo to Charity Gala in 1st Red Carpet Appearance Since Lindsay Shookus Romance News In March, Affleck revealed in an intimate Facebook post that he had completed rehab and was taking the necessary steps for a ""positive recovery."" ""I have completed treatment for alcohol addiction; something I've dealt with in the past and will continue to confront. I want to live life to the fullest and be the best father I can be,"" he wrote. ""I want my kids to know there is no shame in getting help when you need it, and to be a source of strength for anyone out there who needs help but is afraid to take the first step."" Since officially divorcing Jennifer Garner earlier this year, the actor has been spotted with his new girlfriend, Lindsay Shookus. The two have been snapped together on several dates. ""It is early on in the relationship but they are very happy together,"" a source close to Affleck told ET. Another source added, “Ben and Lindsay’s relationship is new and they are taking it slow."" For more on the budding romance, watch below. Related Gallery" 0 Sneak Peek: Arizona's Furious Alex Attacked DeLuca Arizona is back, and she's furious when she finally sees what Karev did to DeLuca. She confronts Alex about attacking her roommate, and about throwing his life, and the career she helped him build, away, but Alex has heard it all already. He tells her to shut up, and back off! Watch this sneak peek from Season 13, Episode 3, 'I Ain't No Miracle Worker,' and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC. 0 down for maintenance Scheduled maintenance. Servers will be taken offline for 24hours. We promise to never spam you. 0 As they say, timing is everything.Because if Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez had set their sights on each other at any other time than early 2017, when he was retired from playing… READ SOURCE 0 Roseanne Just Revealed a Dark Secret About Its Title Character ABC Before Roseanne returned for its big revival on ABC, star Roseanne Barr and the creative minds crafting the new season—the show’s 10th, overall—promised that, amid its discussions of the nation’s political divide and economic anxities, they’d also be addressing the opioid addiction epidemic currently p Source: Read Full Article 0 "Kanye West says he and JAY-Z have ""positive energy"" between them now, but he hasn't forgotten that his longtime friend missed one of the most important days of his life. In a nearly two hour-long interview released on Tuesday with Charlamagne tha God from iHeartRadio’sThe Breakfast Club, Kanye talks about what led to his rift with JAY-Z, expressing the disappointment he felt when the 48-year-old rapper and his wife, Beyonce, did not attend his 2014 wedding in Italy to Kim Kardashian West. ""I was hurt about them not coming to the wedding. I understand they were going through some things, but if it's family, you're not going to miss a wedding,"" he says. ""I gotta state my truth."" ""You just start coming up with all types of crazy things in your head,"" Kanye adds, noting that he started to feel ""like the cousin that you can't bring around."" When asked if he knows why JAY-Z and Beyonce skipped the nuptials, Kanye says he never asked them. ""I'm not sure, I'm past it, but at the time I was hurt about it,"" he replies. ""I don't think I ever asked him that question directly."" As for the state of his friendship with JAY today, Kanye says, ""We good. We texting each other, positive energy."" Charlamagne also inquired as to whether the Watch the Throne collaborators have seen each other, to which Kanye admits, ""I haven't seen him, but I can feel him."" He adds, ""We'll do it. Sometimes also when you have such similar personalities ...they need to do it on our own."" Kanye also addresses JAY-Z's slight dig about him in the song, ""Kill JAY-Z,"" but doesn't seem mad about it. ""He did it in a brotherly way,"" he notes. ""He could have done a record, it was a bar."" The father of three also tends to call out those close to him and those in the industry in both his songs and tweets. He's recently been back in the news, thanks to his spirited, albeit controversial, return to Twitter. Check out Kanye's latest messages: RELATED CONTENT: Kanye West Says 'Taylor Swift Moment' and Kim Kardashian's Robbery Led to His Breakdown Kanye West Says He Wants to 'Stop Hating' Late Mother's Surgeon -- and Put Him on His Album Cover Kim Kardashian Says She Didn't Even Know Kanye West Was Back on Twitter Related Gallery" 1 "This Sunday, the 75th Annual Golden Globes will once again be held at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles. The glitzy affair, hosted by Late Night's Seth Meyers, is one of the biggest nights in Hollywood. The nominees and winners are decided by the roughly 90 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, a group of Los Angeles-based international journalists. The Golden Globe outcomes occasionally raise eyebrows, but the awards show is a good indicator of who might take home Oscars statuettes. Golden Globe Nominees 2018: The Full List The Golden Globes will take on a decidedly darker tone this year, arriving in the wake of allegations of sexual harassment and assault against Harvey Weinstein and other powerful figures in the film and television industry. On the red carpet, numerous actors and actresses, including Meryl Streep and Dwayne ""The Rock"" Johnson, will dress in all black to protest sexual harassment in Hollywood. All eyes will be on the Golden Globes this weekend. For those of us who aren't lucky enough to attend, here are some facts and figures behind the epic awards show: 5.5 lbs: the weight of the Golden Globe statuette 7: nominations for The Shape of Water, the most nods for any motion picture or television show this year 25: number of awards given, including 14 for film and 11 for television 31: the record-breaking number of Golden Globe nominations earned by Meryl Streep, who also holds the record for most performance award wins 43 consecutive years: how long the Beverly Hilton has hosted the Golden Globes Awards 71 years: the age gap between the oldest and youngest Golden Globe winners, 80-year-old Jessica Tandy in 1990 for Driving Miss Daisy in 1990 and nine-year-old Ricky Schroder in 1980 for The Champ 125: cases of Moët & Chandon 2006 Grand Vintage Brut and Moët Impérial Rosé Magnums served during the awards ceremony, according to Town and Country 800: members of the Beverly Hilton team that supports hotel operations, food and beverage and security the day of the ceremony. This includes 11 chefs, 50 bartenders, 120 culinary staff, 160 stewards and 250 servers. 6,000: attendees at the Beverly Hilton the night of the Golden Globes, including the 1,300 guests who get to wine and dine and participate in the televised ceremony and 3,000 additional guests who attend the viewing and hotel afterparties 10,000+: plate settings used for the award show, viewing and afterparties 15,000+: blooms flown in from Holland and South America by celebrity florist Mark Held 30,000 sq. ft: the amount of red carpet required to line the driveway and entrance of the Beverly Hilton 20 million: viewers that tuned in for last year's telecast, according to The Hollywood Reporter The Golden Globes will air live on NBC from the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, January 7 at 5 p.m. PT/ 8 p.m. ET. All figures provided by the HFPA unless otherwise noted." 0 "Back in May, NBC decided to press the success of its hit new show This Is Us and move it from its Tuesday night home to Thursdays in an effort bring back the glory of the network's ""Must See TV"" days. Everyone just about lost their mind. Network scheduling is a delicate art, and it appeared that NBC was so rabid over using the show to bolster its entire week and reputation that it put its whole future in jeopardy. Sense finally came back to NBC, and the network decided about a week later to rejigger its schedule and move This Is Us back to its original home on Tuesday nights. You know, where fans already expected it to be. Crisis averted. But little did we know how big of a crisis this would have been. At the Television Critics Association summer press tour, NBC executives Robert Greenblatt (chairman of NBC Entertainment) and Jennifer Salke (president of NBC Entertainment) talked more at length about the initial decision to move This Is Us to Thursdays, and the quick realization that they made a huge mistake. ""We went into scheduling with a really great and exciting idea to take our biggest new hit show and rebrand Thursday and take over Thursday,"" Greenblatt said. ""We thought this would change everything. And we all got excited about it, Dan [Fogelman, This Is Us creator] was on board, we all were up for it. And then after the dust settled — and I'm happy to say that we're not afraid to say, 'Oh maybe let's rethink something and let's change what we thought was a good idea...'"" Here's When This Is Us, Will & Grace and More NBC Shows Premiere And it's a good thing they did. Because their plan for how to handle This Is Us on Thursdays may have killed the show with stop-and-start scheduling, special episodes to appease fans during long breaks and the ever-imposing football-shaped broadcasts that wreak havoc on midweek schedules nowadays. ""As we looked really closely at the football schedule, which we knew was going to interrupt the Thursday run, we talked ourselves into, 'We'll do six episodes of This Is Us and then it will be off for eight weeks, and then we'll do a Christmas episode to keep the audience happy, and then it will come back on in January,'"" said Greenblatt. ""And we kind of were on board with all that, and then we started to think, 'Is that the best way to run the show for rabid fans who are going to hopefully come back in droves?'"" NBC talked to Fogelman about the Season 2 storylines, and it became clear that a lengthy break would be ""not the best thing for the show."" Salke continued the thought, and things may have gotten even worse with their ideas. ""We were all like, 'Do we do the six episodes in a row, and then move somewhere else for three episodes, and then come back down?'"" Salke said. ""So there was a lot of conversation trying to be really thoughtful about what was in the best interest of the show."" 8 Ways This Is Us Could Make Emmy History So to summarize: NBC almost moved This Is Us to Thursdays against football, Shonda Rhimes' empire and The Big Bang Theory, nearly gave its biggest serialized hit an eight-week break, thought about moving it on the schedule for three episodes (to a new time or a new day, we don't know), considered a standalone-on-the-schedule holiday episode to keep fans content before bringing it back in January to an audience that would be no doubt confused or exhausted waiting for it to come back. ""And maybe in hindsight maybe we should have had more of that extensive thinking before we announced the move,"" Greenblatt added. ""But the show is where it should be. The Tuesday night lineup of The Voice into This Is Us into [Law and Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders] is going to be as compelling as any lineup can be."" Thank god for second thoughts. This Is Us returns for Season 2 on TUESDAY, Sept. 26 at 9/8c." 0 "Sarah Rose Summers (born November 4, 1994) is an American model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss USA 2018. As Miss USA, she will represent the United States at Miss Universe 2018. Previously, Summers was crowned Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2012 and Miss Nebraska USA 2018, becoming the first woman from Nebraska to win Miss USA. Life and career [ edit ] Early life [ edit ] Summers was born on November 4, 1994, in Omaha, Nebraska, and grew up in Papillion in the Omaha–Council Bluffs metropolitan area.[1][2] At four years old, she was hospitalized and diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).[3] She graduated from Papillion-La Vista South High School, and later earned two degrees cum laude from Texas Christian University in child development and strategic communication, with a minor in business.[4] Summers worked as a certified child life specialist prior to becoming Miss USA.[5][6][7] Pageantry [ edit ] Summers began her pageantry career at age ten, after she convinced her parents to allow her to compete in pageants when they received a postcard advertisement for a local child beauty pageant.[8][9] After four years of competing, Summers won the title of National American Miss Nebraska Junior Teen 2009. She went on to represent Nebraska at the national pageant and was crowned the 2009-2010 National American Miss Junior Teen.[10] In 2012, Summers was crowned Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2012. She went on to represent Nebraska at Miss Teen USA 2012 at Atlantis Paradise Island in Nassau, Bahamas, but was unplaced.[11] At the end of her reign, she crowned Jasmine Fuelberth as her successor.[12] After a hiatus, Summers returned to pageantry and competed in Miss Nebraska USA 2016, where she placed as the second runner-up. In 2018, Summers was crowned Miss Nebraska USA 2018 by Fuelberth, who was the outgoing titleholder. At Miss Nebraska USA 2018, Summers represented Omaha.[13] Miss USA 2018 [ edit ] After winning Miss Nebraska USA, Summers earned the right to represent Nebraska at Miss USA 2018, held at Hirsch Memorial Coliseum in Shreveport, Louisiana.[14] She went on to win the competition, becoming the first woman from Nebraska and the eleventh former Miss Teen USA contestant to win Miss USA.[15][16][17][18][4] After winning Miss USA, she crowned Bree Coffey as her Miss Nebraska USA successor. At the national competition, co-host Vanessa Lachey asked the following: ""You are on your way to a march where someone hands you a blank sign and a marker. What do you put on your sign and why?"": ""...I say 'Speak your voice'. I don't know what march we're on our way to in this hypothetical situation, but no matter where you're going, whatever type of march it is, you're obviously on your way to that march because you care about that cause so go speak to people. When they have questions, communicate with them. Listen to their views also. That is one thing in the United States that we really need to focus on is listening to each other!..."" involve in racist Instagram video 2018 [ edit ] Miss USA (Sarah Summers) has been involved a racist Instagram video.The contestant is shown gossiping backstage about a couple of their non-English-speaking competitors, Miss Vietnam (H’Hen Nie) and Miss Cambodia (Rern Sinat). It starts out with Miss USA asking the other girls what they think about Miss Vietnam, with Hung and Morales describing her as “cute”. But then Miss USA starts shading Nie’s English speaking skills:“She pretends to know so much English and then you ask her a question after having a whole conversation with her and she goes [nods and smiles]” laughs Summers. While Miss Australia also let out a laugh half way through Summers’ comment, she stays quiet, perhaps unsure what to say in response. Miss USA then switches focus to Miss Cambodia, talking about how “confusing” it must be to not speak English.“Miss Cambodia is here and doesn’t speak any English, and not a single other person speaks her language. Can you imagine?” Summers continues.“Francesca said that it would be so isolating, and I said, ‘Yes’. I mean just confusing all the time.”Summers then turns to Miss Colombia to say, “you at least speak pretty good English,” before Miss Australia adds, “And you have your Spanish.” The girls then all agree it would be “really hard” with Summers concluding, “poor Cambodia”.[19]. Miss USA has apologised for making comments about her fellow Miss Universe contestants' English language skills, admitting what she said could have been ""perceived as not respectful"" after people described the quotes as racist. [20]. As Miss USA 2018, Summers represented the United States at Miss Universe 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand, where she placed in the top twenty. The eventual winner was Catriona Gray of the Philippines.[21][22]" 0 "Greensburg clown found eating a live cat. Late last night Greensburg police received a phone call from a worried resident saying ""she heard very concerning sounds coming from an alley way near her house"". Upon arrival officers instantly heard the noise she was talking about but never expected what they where about to see. Upon investigation they found a 21 year old male dressed as a clown eating a live cat who's legs were zip tied together. The cat was still crying for help as the individual was seemingly eating around the vital spots prolonging it's death. When he noticed the officers he started petting the cat and told the officers ""curiosity killed the cat, I wanted to see if it tasted like Chinese food."" He was non resistant during arrest however did not have identification when asked his name he always replied ""furball munchinsrein the clown"". In the holding cell it was reported he kept calling to a female officer ""here kitty kitty kitty"" she eventually approached him and said what he reportedly said ""I wonder if you taste like Chinese food come on just let me get one little bite"" and continued to bite at the cells bars. He is now in a high security prison for the criminally insane. It was reported that in the asylum he bit open his own fingers and painted himself as a clown with his own blood and refuses to answer questions and instead meows. His trial is on the 31st however police say they doubt he will ever be allowed back into society." 1 There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing immediate results from your skin care routine — and that’s exactly what you’re getting with the best peel-off charcoal masks. Simply slather on the black goop, wait for it to dry, and then peel it off to reveal what has been populating your pores. Chances are you've probably seen this rip-off-and-reveal routine on YouTube as beauty gurus get up close and personal to show viewers the gross, albeit impressive, results of this black face peel. But if you've seen those videos, it's likely that you've also encountered more than a few tutorials that went horribly wrong, which may have left you wondering if peel-off masks are good for your skin. Well, not to worry — when used correctly (and sparingly), dermatologists say they can be beneficial for removing impurities from the skin's surface, sapping up excess sebum, and minimizing the appearance of pores. One of the reasons these masks are effective is because they are jam-packed with the latest superstar in skin care: charcoal. This buzzy black ingredient is beloved by the beauty industry largely because of its ability to draw out toxins, dirt, and grime which can cause acne and blackheads. Combine that with a peel-off mask that binds to the surface of your skin, and you have a product that promises to change your beauty game. To ensure that your venture into this new skin care trend is a safe and effective one, remember to wash your face and use a hot towel compress to open up your pores before applying the mask. Then post peel, use a moisturizer to soothe irritated skin. Finally, be sure to use a peel-off charcoal mask that's safe for your skin, like these highly-rated masks below: 1. The Cheap But Effective Japanese Mask Daiso is the Japanese equivalent of The Dollar Store — but don't let that deter you; Bloggers and Amazon reviewers agree that this peel-off charcoal mask really works and for around 5 bucks per bottle it's a steal. 2. This Cult-Favorite With Skin Brightening Extracts This mask is a cult-favorite amongst beauty bloggers and YouTubers. It aims to eliminate blackheads, acne, and oil, and leaves you with gorgeous glowing skin. The charcoal extracts the bad stuff while the grapefruit, calendula, and rosemary brighten skin. 3. The Blackhead Mask That Uses Aloe Vera To Moisturize While It Detoxifies If you’ve never tried a peel-off mask before and are worried about how your skin will react, this blackhead charcoal mask is made for all skin types, no matter how oily or sensitive. Unlike other charcoal masks, this one is infused with Aloe Vera to help moisturize and soothe the skin while detoxifying your pores at the same time. 4. A Charcoal Mask With Fruit And Plant Extracts With fruit and plant extracts that thoroughly cleanse and purify skin, the powerful activated charcoal in this peel-off mask can really do its job digging deep into pores to remove excess sebum and blackheads. Reviewers say this mask does an excellent job at getting skin squeaky clean, but beware: a little goes a long way and a thick application will be really difficult to remove. 5. This Purifying Peel-Off Mask Regenerate skin tissue and reduce the appearance of scars with this peel-off mask. Made with witch hazel, bamboo charcoal, aloe vera, and glycerin, this mask detoxifies skin and soothes it. The ingredients work together to heal skin tissue so your scars fade and your skin tone becomes more even. 6. This Charcoal Mask That Hydrates Too The right ingredients make all the difference, especially when it comes to moisturizing skin a. This peel off mask is packed with natural ingredients like charcoal, black sugar, black garlic, black bean, black sesame, kaolin and rice extract. They ensure that while the mask is working hard to remove impurities, it’s also hydrating and soothing skin. 7. This Charcoal Mask With Glycerine And Bamboo Combining the benefits of bamboo, charcoal, glycerin, and collagen, this charcoal mask not only extracts impurities but it also soothes skin and locks in moisture. Bustle may receive a portion of sales from products purchased from this article, which was created independently from Bustle's editorial and sales departments. 0 Getty Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Supermodel of the moment, Gigi Hadid celebrated her 22nd birthday this weekend – and she was not short of love and attention. The model's boyfriend, Zayn Malik posted a heartfelt message on Instagram with a photo of the two of them, adding, 'Happy birthday to my everything'. Hadid also posted a photo of the two of them from the day, with her holding a giant birthday cake as he kissed her on the cheek. And it wasn't just her boyfriend showering her with birthday love. The model shared photos of bouquets of flowers she'd received from her loved ones, including from Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss. Her family and friends also took to social media to share their love for the model. From her parents to her model siblings and friend Lily Aldridge, see some of the sweet messages (and adorable throwback photos) below. 0 Robert Pattinson is NOT over his ex-fiancee FKA Twigs, and we’ve got EXCLUSIVE details on why he still thinks about her. Ladies, it’s time to take notes! The best way to get back at an ex-boyfriend is to look amazing. FKA Twigs, 30, latest Apple commercial (promoting the HomePod) has her ex-lover Robert Pattison, 31, reminiscing about the good old days. “He loves her very much still and seeing this commercial reminds him of how amazing she is. He sees her talent, he sees her smile, and watching it makes him happy since it such a time warp for him. It takes him back to when they were in a better place. It shows the best of everything about her. Now, will that lead him back to her? Never say never,” a source close to the Twilight star tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. So sweet, right? For those of you who haven’t seen the commercial, Robert isn’t exaggerating. FKA looks absolutely stunning in the ad directed by Spike Jones. In the four-minute clip, the gorgeous singer shows off her enticing dance moves to the tune of “Till It’s Over” by Anderson .Paak. The HomePod transforms her room into a dance floor, and we can’t get enough. No wonder Robert is so smitten. FKA’s commercial also marks her return to the spotlight. Since their breakup in 2017, FKA has kept a pretty low profile, and hasn’t put out any music. So, this is definitely the Friday pick-me-up we didn’t know we needed. Plus, just like Robert, we can’t help but take a trip down memory lane. Robert and FKA were together for a little two years before deciding to call it quits. We certainly thought they were in it for the long hall as they had plans to get married. Unfortunately, their busy schedules caused them to breakup. Interestingly, right after their split, a source told The Sun, “with so much history between them, though, there are strong feelings there.” And, it’s clear those strong feelings are still alive today. Don’t be surprised if they reunite in the near future! We’d be here for it. 1 "Get the latest from TODAY Sign up for our newsletter / Source: TODAY By Eun Kyung Kim One of the world's most eligible bachelors just took himself off the market. Prince Harry is engaged to American actress Meghan Markle, Kensington Palace announced in a statement Monday. “His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Harry to Ms. Meghan Markle,” according to the palace statement. The couple got engaged earlier this month in London. Prince Harry also ""sought and received the blessing of Ms. Markle's parents,"" the palace said. Several hours later, the couple appeared hand-in-hand for a brief photo opportunity in the gardens of Kensington Palace, where a beaming prince said he realized Markle was the one for him ""the first time we met."" The couple plan to get married next May at St. George’s Chapel inside Windsor Castle. They will live in Nottingham Cottage, Harry's apartment at Kensington Palace. Markle is a 36-year-old California native emerged from relative obscurity after news began to leak in the fall of 2016 that she was dating Prince Harry, 33. The couple dated for more than a year before making their first official appearance together this past September at the Invictus Games in Toronto. The newly betrothed couple, during their first public appearance together on Sept. 25, 2017, at the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada. Chris Jackson / Getty Images The pair met in early July 2016 after being set up on a blind date set up by a mutual friend, the couple told the BBC in a joint interview. The prince had never heard of the actress, who in turn knew only superficially about the royal. The happy couple, at a photo call with reporters Monday after news broke about their engagement. Chris Jackson / Getty Images The couple kept quiet about their relationship until Prince Harry issued a rare statement last November scolding paparazzi for endangering the safety of his girlfriend and blasting coverage he found racist and sexist. But even after that announcement, the couple did not make any public appearances together until this past May when the two appeared at a polo match benefiting two of Prince Harry’s charities. Markle cheered on Harry as he played, but the two did not arrive or leave the event together. Shutterstock / MEGA For the September opening ceremony for this year's Invictus Games, the two originally sat several rows apart, but the couple stepped out publicly for the first time just days later, when they arrived, holding hands, for a wheelchair tennis match. They were seen laughing and being affectionate with each other throughout the event. Prince Harry proposed to Markle in early November, while the couple enjoyed a “cozy” night in at his Kensington Palace apartment, where the two were roasting a chicken. “It was just an amazing surprise. It was so sweet and natural and very romantic. He got on one knee,” Markle said in a BBC interview following the announcement of their engagement. The impending nuptials will be the biggest royal wedding since Harry's older brother, Prince William, married the former Kate Middleton on April 29, 2011. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge said in a statement they were “very excited for Harry and Meghan.” “It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and see how happy she and Harry are together,” they said. Prince Harry's grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, also issued congratulations through Twitter. ""The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh are delighted for the couple and wish them every happiness,"" Buckingham Palace said in a statement. Prince Harry proposed to Markle with an engagement ring he designed with a center diamond from Botswana, where the two visited on vacation shortly after they met, and two outside diamonds from the personal collection of the Harry’s mother, the late Princess Diana. It also will be the first time an American has married a British royal since King Edward VIII abdicated the throne in December 1936 to marry Wallis Simpson, a twice-divorced socialite. Like Simpson, Markle also is a divorcee. She was previously married to American film producer Trevor Engelson for nearly two years, divorcing in 2013. In May, Prince Harry brought Markle as his date to the wedding reception of Kate's younger sister, Pippa Middleton. Royal watchers believe their attendance signaled how serious the relationship had become since it marked the first time Markle had mingled at a large gathering of royal family members. Prince Harry is the fifth in line to the throne, behind the two children of his brother, Prince William, who is second in the line of succession behind their father. He will be bumped to sixth in line following the birth of William's third child next year. Before he began dating Markle, the prince's romantic life had been calm and quiet for the past several years after a string of high-profile relationships. His most recent serious relationship, with model Cressida Bonas, ended in 2014 after two years together. Follow Eun Kyung Kim on Twitter or Facebook." 0 they will never catch me with this shit. it has sooo many calories. i had like three frapuccinis in my life and they are so heavy and I felt disgusting afterwards. and the sweetness and the fat of the cream YUCK! never again. Click to expand... 0 "Kate Noelle ""Katie"" Holmes (born December 18, 1978)[7] is an American actress, producer, and director. She first achieved fame as Joey Potter on the television series Dawson's Creek (1998–2003). She made her feature film debut in Ang Lee's The Ice Storm in 1997. Subsequent film roles include: Go, Teaching Mrs. Tingle (both 1999), Wonder Boys, The Gift (both 2000), Abandon (2002), Phone Booth, The Singing Detective, Pieces of April (all 2003), Batman Begins (2005), Thank You for Smoking (2006), Mad Money (2008), Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, Jack and Jill (both 2011), Miss Meadows (2014), Woman in Gold, Touched with Fire (both 2015), and Logan Lucky (2017). In 2008, she made her Broadway theatre debut in a production of Arthur Miller's All My Sons. In 2011, she played Jacqueline Kennedy in the TV miniseries The Kennedys, a role she reprised in The Kennedys: After Camelot (2017). She made her directional debut with the 2016 film All We Had, in which she also starred. Her marriage to actor Tom Cruise[8] from 2006 to 2012 led to a great deal of media attention, with the pair being called a supercouple and being given the nickname ""TomKat"" in various countries. Early life [ edit ] Holmes was born in Toledo, Ohio.[9] She is the youngest of five children born to Kathleen, a homemaker and philanthropist, and Martin Joseph Holmes, Sr., an attorney.[10][11] She has three sisters and one brother. Holmes was baptized a Roman Catholic and attended Christ the King Church in Toledo.[12] She graduated from the all-female Notre Dame Academy in Toledo (also her mother's alma mater), where she was a 4.0 student.[13][14] At St. John's Jesuit and St. Francis de Sales, nearby all-male high schools, Holmes appeared in school musicals, playing a waitress in Hello, Dolly! and Lola in Damn Yankees.[15] She scored 1310 out of 1600 on her SAT and was accepted to Columbia University (and attended for a summer session);[9][13] her father wanted her to become a doctor.[14] At age 14, she began classes at a modeling school in Toledo which led her to the International Modeling and Talent Association (IMTA) Competition held in New York City in 1996. Eventually, Holmes was signed to an agent after performing a monologue from To Kill a Mockingbird.[6] An audition tape was sent to the casting director for the 1997 film The Ice Storm, directed by Ang Lee, and Holmes made her big-screen debut in the role of Libbets Casey in the film, opposite Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver.[15] Career [ edit ] 1997–2003: Dawson's Creek and career development [ edit ] Holmes in May 2006 In January 1997, Holmes went to Los Angeles for pilot season, when producers cast and shoot new programs in the hopes of securing a spot on a network schedule. The Toledo Blade reported she was offered the lead in Buffy the Vampire Slayer but she turned it down in order to finish high school.[15] Columbia TriStar Television, producer of a new show named Dawson's Creek that was created by screenwriter Kevin Williamson, asked her to come to Los Angeles to audition, but there was a conflict with her schedule. ""I was doing my school play, Damn Yankees. And I was playing Lola. I even got to wear the feather boa. I thought, 'There is no way I'm not playing Lola to go audition for some network. I couldn't let my school down. We had already sold a lot of tickets. So I told Kevin and The WB, 'I'm sorry. I just can't meet with you this week. I've got other commitments.'""[5][15][16] The producers permitted her to audition on videotape. Holmes read for the part of Joey Potter, the tomboy best friend of the title character Dawson, on a videotape shot in her basement, her mother reading Dawson's lines.[5][17] The Hollywood Reporter claimed the story of Holmes's audition ""has become the stuff of legend"" and ""no one even thought that it was weird that one of the female leads would audition via Federal Express.""[18] Holmes won the part. Paul Stupin, executive producer of the show, said his first reaction on seeing her audition tape was ""That's Joey Potter!""[19] Creator and executive producer Kevin Williamson said Holmes has a ""unique combination of talent, beauty and skill that makes Hollywood come calling. But that's just the beginning. To meet her is to instantly fall under her spell.""[20] Williamson thought she had exactly the right look for Joey Potter. ""She had those eyes, those eyes just stained with loneliness.""[21] While Dawson's Creek was met with mixed reviews,[22] Holmes attained national attention.[23][24] Holmes was soon on the covers of magazines such as Seventeen, TV Guide, and Rolling Stone. Jancee Dunn, an editor at Rolling Stone said she was chosen for the cover because ""every time you mention Dawson's Creek you tend to get a lot of dolphin-like shrieks from teenage girls. The fact that she is drop-dead gorgeous didn't hurt either.""[25] During her time as a series regular on Dawson's Creek, Holmes first leading role in a film came in 1998's Disturbing Behavior, a Scream-era Stepford Wives-goes-to-high school thriller, where she was a loner from the wrong side of the tracks. The film was recut from what the director intended. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times wrote her character, Rachel, ""dresses in black and likes to strike poses on the beds of pickup trucks and is a bad girl who is in great danger of becoming a very good one.""[26][27] Despite the fact that it received mixed reviews and was not a huge financial success, the actress won a MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance for the role and also received a Saturn Award nomination for the part. Holmes, though, said the film was ""just horrible.""[14] In 1999, she played a disaffected supermarket clerk in Doug Liman's ensemble piece Go.[28] The film received excellent reviews and made a profit, and Holmes herself was liked by critics. The same year, in Kevin Williamson's Teaching Mrs. Tingle, which he wrote and directed, Holmes played a straight-A student whose vindictive teacher (Helen Mirren) threatens to keep her from a desperately needed scholarship.[29] Also in 1999, she had an uncredited cameo with Dawson's Creek co-star Joshua Jackson in Muppets from Space, which was filmed in Wilmington where Dawson's Creek also filmed.[30] The year 2000 saw Holmes feature in two film roles. The first was in Wonder Boys, directed by Curtis Hanson from the novel by Michael Chabon. The film told the story of a creative writing teacher at a university, with Michael Douglas in the leading role. Holmes had a small role (six and one-half minutes of screen time) as Hannah Green, the talented student who lusts after Professor Grady Tripp (Douglas's character, who is her instructor and landlord). Many leading critics at the time took favorable notice to Holmes in the film. Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times said she was ""just right as the beauty with kind of a crush on the old man.""[21][31][32] Her second feature film during 2000 was The Gift, a Southern Gothic story directed by Sam Raimi and starring Cate Blanchett, she played the antithesis of Joey Potter: a promiscuous rich girl having affairs with everyone from a sociopathic wife-beater (Keanu Reeves) to the district attorney (Gary Cole), and is murdered by her fiancé (Greg Kinnear). Holmes did her first nude scene for the film, in a scene where her character was about to be murdered. Her appearance was lamented by Variety's Steven Kotler.[33] In Ohio, the scene met with disapproval from Russ Lemmon writing in the Toledo Blade.[34] Holmes hosted Saturday Night Live on February 24, 2001, participating in a send-up of Dawson's Creek where she falls madly in love with Chris Kattan's Mr. Peepers character and singing ""Big Spender"" from Sweet Charity. In the 2002 film Abandon, written by Oscar winner Stephen Gaghan, Holmes plays a delusional, homicidal college student named ""Katie"". Todd McCarthy of Variety and Roger Ebert commended her performance,[35] but other critics savaged it.[36] During the final season of Dawson's Creek, Holmes played the mistress of the public relations flack played by Colin Farrell in Phone Booth, which was both critically and financially successful. She also appeared as Robert Downey, Jr.'s nurse in The Singing Detective (2003). Dawson's Creek ended its run in 2003, and Holmes was the only actor to appear in all 128 episodes. ""It was very difficult for me to leave Wilmington, to have my little glass bubble burst and move on. I hate change. On the other hand it was refreshing to play someone else"", she said in 2004.[37] 2003–2009: Focus on film career, brief hiatus, and theatre work [ edit ] Holmes' first starring role post-Dawson's Creek was in 2003's Pieces of April, a gritty comedy about a dysfunctional family on Thanksgiving. Many critics and audiences agreed that Holmes had given her best performance in the film as April. Variety said it was ""one of her best film performances.""[38] ""Each actor shines"", wrote Elvis Mitchell, ""even Ms. Holmes, whose beauty seems to have fogged the minds of her previous directors"" in playing ""a brat who is slaving to find her inner decency and barely has the equipment for such an achievement, let alone to serve a meal whose salmonella potential could claim an entire borough. Yet it is her surliness, as well as her intransigent determination to make Thanksgiving work, that keeps the laughs coming.""[39] Holmes also received a Satellite Award for Best Actress for the role. On the November 9, 2003 episode, she was Punk'd by Ashton Kutcher and the next year she was the subject of an episode of the MTV program Diary.[40] Holmes was a contender for the role of Christine Daaé in 2004's The Phantom of the Opera,[41] but lost the role to Emmy Rossum. She later played the President's daughter in First Daughter, which was originally to be released in January 2004 on the same day as Chasing Liberty, another film about a president's daughter, but was ultimately released in September 2004 to dismal reviews and ticket sales. First Daughter, directed by Forest Whitaker, also starred Michael Keaton as her father and Marc Blucas as her love interest. The Hollywood Reporter critic called her character, Samantha Mackenzie, ""a startling example of how a studio film can dumb down and neutralize the comic abilities of a lively young star.""[42] In the 2005 film Batman Begins she played Rachel Dawes, an attorney in the Gotham City district attorney's office and the childhood sweetheart of the title character. Variety was unenthusiastic. ""Holmes is OK"", was its critic's sole remark on her performance.[43] She was nominated for a Golden Raspberry for ""worst supporting actress"" for the film.[44] In 2005, Holmes characterised her film career as being a string of ""bombs."" ""Usually I'm not even in the top ten"", she said, the highest-grossing film of her career then being Phone Booth.[3] She lamented ""It's not like I have a lot of stuff that's great just waiting for me to sign on to.""[45] She also appeared in the film version of Christopher Buckley's satirical novel Thank You for Smoking about a tobacco lobbyist played by Aaron Eckhart, whom Holmes's character, a Washington reporter, seduces. Variety wrote one of the film's ""sole relatively weak notes [came] from Holmes, who lacks even a hint of the wiliness of a ruthless reporter"" and The New York Times said the cast was ""exceptionally fine"" except for Holmes, who ""strain[ed] credulity"" in her role.[46][47] The film ended up a success, even earning a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy. Also in 2005, Holmes had agreed to play in Shame on You, a biopic about the country singer Spade Cooley written and directed by Dennis Quaid, as the wife whom Cooley (played by Quaid) stomps to death. But the picture, set to shoot in New Orleans, Louisiana, was delayed by Hurricane Katrina, and Holmes dropped out due to her pregnancy.[48][49][50] After her daughter, Suri Cruise, was born in April 2006, Holmes took a hiatus from her acting career until 2008.[citation needed] After speculation about Holmes reprising her role in The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins, it was finally confirmed that she would not appear. Her role was later recast with Maggie Gyllenhaal in her place.[51] Instead, Holmes decided to star in the comedy Mad Money, opposite Diane Keaton and Queen Latifah in 2008. The film flopped.[52] The Canadian Press criticized Holmes's performance, ""While Keaton has long done zany and giddy well, and she and Latifah have an interesting contrast of personalities, Holmes' presence feels like an afterthought.""[53] The New York Post, the New York Times and Variety also criticized Holmes' performance in the film, and the New York Times called Holmes ""the movie's weakest link"".[54][55] Returning to television in 2008, Holmes appeared in an episode of Eli Stone as Grace, a lawyer, and her singing and dancing was praised by Tim Stack of Entertainment Weekly.[56] Holmes made her Broadway debut in the revival of Arthur Miller's All My Sons[57] in October 2008. She opened to mixed reviews. Ben Brantley of The New York Times claimed ""the neophyte Ms. Holmes"" is a ""sad casualty"" of director Simon McBurney's ""high concept approach"" to the play. He adds that ""Ms. Holmes delivers most of her lines with meaningful asperity, italicizing every word.""[58] Clive Barnes of the New York Post was similarly unimpressed by Holmes – and had few compliments for her co-stars. He wrote, ""John Lithgow starts in a sunny, benign fashion, but eventually finds himself screeching alongside Holmes, looking tough under a glossy wig.""[59] However, the New York Daily News' Joe Dziemianowicz took a more positive view of her stage debut, writing, ""Holmes, a TV and film vet, makes a fine Broadway debut. Her rather grand speech pattern takes getting used to, but she seems comfortable and adds a fitting glint of glamour.""[60] In 2009, Holmes appeared in the National Memorial Day Concert on the Mall in Washington, D.C. in a dialogue with Dianne Wiest celebrating the life of an American veteran seriously wounded in Iraq, José Pequeño.[61] 2010–present: Television work and return to film [ edit ] In early July 2009, Holmes began filming a remake of the 1970s ABC telemovie Don't Be Afraid of the Dark; the film was released in August 2011.[62] Also in 2011, Holmes played the role of Jackie Kennedy in the TV miniseries The Kennedys. In October 2011, she also portrayed ""Slutty Pumpkin"" (Naomi), in the TV show How I Met Your Mother, episode ""The Slutty Pumpkin Returns"".[citation needed] In late 2012, Holmes was set to appear in Theresa Rebeck's Dead Accounts on Broadway.[63] Holmes and Chace Crawford were reportedly cast as the leads in the romantic comedy Responsible Adults, to begin shooting in Los Angeles in ""Fall 2011"".[64][65][66] In 2015, Holmes joined the third season of Ray Donovan.[67] Holmes directed a short 2015 documentary for ESPN about Olympic gymnast Nadia Comăneci entitled, Eternal Princess, that premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival.[68][69] In 2017, Holmes starred in the heist comedy Logan Lucky, and in 2018, she will appear in the satirical comedy Dear Dictator, opposite Michael Caine.[70] In a September 2016 Elle interview, Holmes stated that she is in the process of adapting the Kathleen Tessaro novel Rare Objects into a screenplay and will direct the film.[71] It was announced Holmes will also be leading a feature film based around the self-help book, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne.[72] Public image [ edit ] Holmes was annually named by both the British and American editions of FHM magazine as one of the sexiest women in the world from 1999 onward. She was named one of People's ""50 Most Beautiful People"" in 2003; its sibling Teen People declared her one of the ""25 Hottest Stars Under 25"" that year;[73][74] and in 2005, People said she was one of the ten best dressed stars that year.[75] She has appeared in advertisements for Garnier Lumia haircolor, Coach leather goods, and clothing retailer Gap.[76] In November 2008, it was confirmed that she would be the new face of the spring 2009 campaign for the high-end fashion line Miu Miu.[77] In 2008, Holmes started a high fashion clothing line called Holmes & Yang with longtime stylist Jeanne Yang.[78] Model Heidi Klum is a fan of the line.[79] In July 2009, Holmes, Nigel Lythgoe, Adam Shankman, and Carrie Ann Inaba announced the launch of a dance scholarship fund called the Dizzy Feet Foundation.[80] Beginning January 2011, she became the new face of Ann Taylor Spring 11 collection.[81] Holmes & Yang presented their fashion line at New York Fashion Week for the first time in September 2012.[82][83] Holmes acted as the face for the Bobbi Brown Cosmetics brand in spring 2013 and Holmes had her own capsule collection of color cosmetics in fall of that year.[84] In 2013, she appeared in an advertising campaign for IRIS Jewelry.[85] In January 2013, Holmes was announced as the brand ambassador and co-owner of Alterna Haircare.[86] Personal life [ edit ] Holmes with Tom Cruise in May 2009 Holmes dated her Dawson's Creek co-star Joshua Jackson early in the show's run.[87] She met actor Chris Klein in 2000. Klein and Holmes were engaged in late 2003, but in early 2005 she and Klein ended their relationship.[88][89][90][91] Klein and Holmes have remained friends to varying degrees since the breakup.[92] Only a couple of weeks after her relationship with Klein ended, Holmes began dating actor Tom Cruise in April 2005. Holmes, who was raised a Catholic,[93] began studying Scientology shortly after the couple began dating.[94] They got engaged in June 2005, only seven weeks after meeting.[95] The couple's daughter, Suri, was born on April 18, 2006, the one-year anniversary of their first date. The name ""Suri"" supposedly derives from the Persian meaning ""Red Rose"" and the Hebrew as a derivative of ""Sarah"" meaning princess.[96] On November 18, 2006, Holmes and Cruise were married in a Scientologist ceremony at the 15th-century Odescalchi Castle in Bracciano, Italy.[8] The actors' publicist said the couple had ""officialized"" their marriage in Los Angeles the day before the Italian ceremony.[97] Holmes and Cruise were last photographed together in Iceland on June 16, 2012. On June 29, Holmes filed for divorce from Cruise in New York after five and a half years of marriage.[98][99] Following the announcement, those close to Holmes stated that she believed she had reason to fear that Cruise would abduct Suri, and also feared intimidation by the Church of Scientology.[100][101] Only ten days after Holmes filed for divorce, on July 9, 2012, attorneys for the couple announced that the couple had signed a divorce settlement.[102] This was the first divorce for Holmes and the third for Cruise.[103][104] Holmes has custody of Suri.[105] Following her divorce from Cruise, Holmes returned to the Roman Catholic Church and began attending St. Francis Xavier Church.[106] Legal issues [ edit ] In early March 2011, Holmes filed a $50-million libel lawsuit against Star magazine following a cover story which insinuated that she took drugs.[107] The suit was settled on April 27, 2011, after which Star wrote a public apology in the May 6, 2011 issue and made an ""undisclosed substantial donation"" to Holmes's charity, Dizzy Feet Foundation.[108] Awards [ edit ] In June 2011, Holmes received the Women in Film Max Mara Face of the Future Award.[109] In 2005, TV Guide ranked Holmes No. 38 on its ""50 Sexiest Stars of All Time"" list.[110] Filmography [ edit ] Video games Year Title Role Notes 2005 Batman Begins Rachel Dawes Voice Notes [ edit ] ^ [1] and others ""Kate"" to be Holmes' legal name.[2][3][4][5][6] The Several sources state ""Katherine""and others ""Kate"" to be Holmes' legal name.The birth certificate of Holmes's daughter, Suri, lists the actress's name as ""Kate Noelle Holmes"". References [ edit ] Bibliography [ edit ] Scott Lyle Cohen. ""Home Sweet Holmes"". Giant . Issue 5. June–July 2005. 52+. . Issue 5. June–July 2005. 52+. Darren Crosdale. Dawson's Creek: The Official Companion . Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel, 1999. ISBN 0-7407-0725-6. . Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel, 1999. ISBN 0-7407-0725-6. Janice Dunn. ""Katie Holmes: A girl on the verge"". Rolling Stone . Issue 795. September 17, 1998. 44. . Issue 795. September 17, 1998. 44. Caroline Graham. ""What Katie Did Next"". The Mail on Sunday (London). November 9, 2003. 30. (London). November 9, 2003. 30. Robert Haskell. ""Holmes Sweet Holmes: She's landed the role of a lifetime—beautiful bride of the world's biggest movie star. What's so weird about that?"" W . August 2005. 164+ . August 2005. 164+ ""Katie Holmes"". Current Biography . On-line database accessed 2006-02-08. . On-line database accessed 2006-02-08. ""Katie Holmes to Wed Actor Chris Klein"". Toledo Blade . December 31, 2003. D3. . December 31, 2003. D3. Marilyn Johnson and Andrew Southam. ""Nice Girls Finish First: So what does it mean that a very nice girl playing a very thoughtful girl has become TV's teen idol? Consider it a good sign"". Life . March 1999. . March 1999. Tahree Lane. ""Paris proposal latest plot twist to Holmes-Cruise romance: Toledo native agrees to take on role of wife"". Toledo Blade . June 18, 2005. A1. . June 18, 2005. A1. Judith Newman. ""The Last Girl Scout"". Allure. v. 13, n. 6. June 2003. 182–189." 1 "Brother - **** - Okay - Killer - Time (Excerpt) Read more at: E! Online Wake Up To Breaking News! SUBMIT It's not just Eleanor and Willow who were impacted by Robert's major power play. The king's address also threw Cyrus (Jake Maskall) and Liam off their mission to expose Robert's dirty deeds.""We're taking that lying charlatan down and I won't take no for an answer,"" Cyrus told Liam.""No. My brother's been an ****, okay, but he's not a killer. We were wrong. It's time to let it go and actually try and put this family back together. That's what my dad would want,"" Liam responded.""Simon wanted to abolish the monarchy. Robert's done exactly the opposite. We..." 0 Caitlyn Jenner has spoken out about Rob Kardashian’s social media rampage, in which he posted naked photos of ex-fiancée Blac Chyna. The I Am Cait alum, 67, weighed in on the situation while appearing on The View on Friday, July 14, along with revenge porn victim Mischa Barton and her lawyer Lisa Bloom, who is also representing Chyna. “It’s a tough deal. We’ve had to deal with this, obviously in our family,” Jenner said. “Rob was stupid for doing that. He kind of apologized.” Jenner clarified that he has not had much of a relationship with Kardashian, 30, in recent years, though. “I’ve never met Blac Chyna, never met the kid [Dream Kardashian]. Rob, I haven’t really haven’t had a serious conversation with in years,” she said. “I’ve kind of been out of that scene, so I really can’t comment on what’s going on there.” (The rest of the Kardashians have also distanced themselves from Jenner after the former Olympian made damaging claims in her memoir about ex-wife Kris Jenner.) When asked by the View cohosts if she was surprised by Kardashian’s actions, the former decathlete replied, “Guys — I know because I used to be over on that team — can be really stupid and do stupid things. I’ve tried to warn my kids — all of them, I’ve got a lot of kids — you’ve got to pick your friends, and it’s hard to do. You can be tremendously deceived, and it’s not your fault, but you have to pick your friends wisely.” The Arthur George sock designer could be facing legal trouble after he went on an explosive social media tirade on July 5, in which he claimed the 29-year-old model cheated on him and that he paid for her bills, cars, jewelry and weight-loss surgeries. He also posted several nude photos of Chyna on Instagram and Twitter. The Lashed Cosmetics founder obtained a temporary restraining order against him on Monday, July 10. That same week, a source told Us Weekly that the exes “haven’t spoken” since the social media war. As long as Rob obeys the order of protection, Chyna won’t pursue a criminal investigation, Bloom told Entertainment Tonight. “For now, Chyna has said she does not want to go to the police or pursue the criminal route,” Bloom told the outlet. If Chyna changes her mind, however, sexual privacy attorney and expert Carrie Goldberg told Us that Kardashian could face major consequences for sharing naked photos without his ex’s consent. “It is a misdemeanor and it is punishable by up to six months in jail and then also a fine,” Goldberg told Us, adding that Chyna could also sue her former Rob & Chyna costar for financial damages. Since the incident, Kardashian has apologized. His actions “were a spontaneous reaction that he regrets,” his attorney Robert Shapiro told TMZ on Monday. “Rob’s only concern is for the well-being of baby Dream.” Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 "Brad Falchuk Net Worth: Brad Falchuk is an American television writer, director, and producer who has a net worth of $25 million. Brad Falchuk was born in 1971 and grew up in Newton, Massachusetts. He attended the American Film Institute and graduated from Hobart and William Smith Colleges. In 2014 he was the commencement speaker for his alma matter's graduating classes. He started off writing for Mutant X, Earth: Final Conflict, and Veritas: The Quest. Falchuk served as a producer and writer for the TV series Nip/Tuck. He also co-created, wrote, and executive produced the Fox series Glee. Falchuk also co-created, wrote, and executive produced the series American Horror Story. He has won two AFI Awards for TV Program of the Year for Glee and a TV Quick Award for Best New Drama for Glee. Falchuk has been nominated for five Primetime Emmy Awards, a BAFTA Award, and two Writers Guild of America Awards. Brad's brother Evan founded the United Independent Party and his mother Nancy is the national president of the American Jewish women's organization Hadassah. In 2008 he underwent emergency spinal surgery which inspired the Glee episode ""Wheels""." 1 The suspense is real! Serena Williams and her fiancé, Alexis Ohanian, are waiting to learn the sex of their baby, the tennis champ revealed at the 2017 Met Gala on Monday, May 1. “We’re waiting. [It’s] a surprise,” Williams, 35, told Vogue‘s André Leon Talley at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. “We call it ‘baby.'” In the meantime, the couple, who announced their engagement last December, are trying to figure out living arrangements. “That’s the question of the hour,” the athlete told Talley when asked if she’ll relocate to Ohanian’s current home in San Francisco. “I couldn’t be stuck in a more beautiful place.” One thing that Williams and the Reddit cofounder, 34, definitely agree on is their excitement to become first-time parents. “I’m really good,” Ohanian gushed. Williams agreed, adding that she and her man “have time” to prepare for the arrival of their baby this fall. The Met Gala was the Olympic gold medalist’s first red carpet appearance since announcing her pregnancy on April 19. She looked stunning in a formfitting, green Versace dress, while Ohanian rocked a black tuxedo. Williams revealed at an April 25 TED conference in Vancouver that she announced her pregnancy on Snapchat by mistake. “I was on vacation, taking time for myself, and I have this thing where I’ve been checking my status and taking a picture every week,” she said. “I’ve been just saving it, but you know how social media is — you press the wrong button … and 30 minutes later, I’d missed four calls. So I picked it up and realized, ‘Oh no.'” Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 "Sofia Richie (born August 24, 1998)[1] is an American fashion model. She has been featured in campaigns by a number of major brands including Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors and Chanel. She is the youngest daughter of singer and songwriter Lionel Richie and adoptive sister to fashion designer and television personality Nicole Richie. Early life [ edit ] Sofia Richie was born in Los Angeles, California to parents Lionel Richie and his second wife Diane Alexander. She is the younger sister of Nicole Richie (who was adopted) and the biological sister of Miles Richie.[1] Sofia Richie's godfather was Michael Jackson. She reported that the visits to Jackson's Neverland Ranch were some of her favorite memories as a child, and she became close friends with his daughter, Paris.[2] Richie grew up with an affinity for music like her father. She learned to sing at age 5 and to play the piano at age 7.[3] She made occasional appearances at her father's shows[2] and took vocal lessons from Beyonce's vocal coach, Tim Carter, when she was 14, as well.[3] She also worked in the studio with her brother-in-law (and Good Charlotte lead vocalist) Joel Madden.[4][3] She decided to move away from a music career, however, because of the pressure of living up to her father's stature in the music industry.[5] Richie spent some time at Oaks Christian School—nicknamed ""Celebrity High""—before being educated at home for several years while her father was on tour. She played soccer until age 16 when she broke her hip in a Segway accident.[5] Modeling career [ edit ] Richie began modeling at age 14 with a feature in Teen Vogue[4] and at 15 she got her first fashion contract with Los Angeles-based swimwear company Mary Grace Swim.[6] The next year, Richie signed with London-based modeling agency Select Model Management.[7] Richie has featured in advertising campaigns for a number of brands including DL1961,[8] Madonna's Material Girl line,[2] Chanel,[9] Dolce & Gabbana,[9] Adidas, Michael Kors,[11] and Tommy Hilfiger.[9] She has done photoshoots for Elle and Vanity Fair[5] and has recently appeared on the cover of Complex[5] and Billboard magazine's style issue.[3]" 1 "Return to Transcripts main pageCROSSFIREShould U.S. Trust Russia on Syria?Aired September 10, 2013 - 18:28 ETTHIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.ANNOUNCER: Tonight on CROSSFIRE, as President Obama prepares to address the nation, he hits the pause button on attacking Syria. Should he follow Russia's lead or keep threatening a military strike?JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: Nothing focuses the mind like the prospect of a hanging.ANNOUNCER: On the left, Van Jones. On the right, S.E. Cupp. In the CROSSFIRE, Joe Lieberman, who supports the strike on Syria, and Rick Santorum, who's opposed. Is Russia's diplomacy real? Or should the U.S. strike Assad now? Tonight on CROSSFIRE.VAN JONES, CO-HOST: Welcome to CROSSFIRE. I'm Van Jones on the left.S.E. CUPP, CO-HOST: I'm S.E. Cupp on the right.Tonight, the world is giddy at the prospect of getting out of a U.S. military strike on Syria. It's all thanks to Russia's offer of a diplomatic solution, even though it's a phony one. Nevertheless, the president's team is more than happy to take credit for it.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)KERRY: Well, it's the credible threat of force that has been on the table for these last weeks that has, for the first time, brought this regime to even acknowledge that they have a chemical weapons arsenal.REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), MINORITY LEADER: This is a victory for President Obama, if it is real.(END VIDEO CLIP)CUPP: Van, it seems like Nancy Pelosi is ready to order the ""mission accomplished"" banner. Look, everyone wants to parachute out of this conflict. I get that. But the Russians have offered us not a parachute but a knapsack. A knapsack that will never open. This is nothing more than a delay tactic.JONES: Well, I disagree. First of all, I think the world is rightfully happy that we are off the path to war, possibly. The diplomatic option is a good thing. And frankly, everybody is giving John Kerry a hard time. I would rather for us to blunder on the path to peace than to stumble onto the path of war.CUPP: If this were proposal -- if this proposal were real and offered up by legitimate, good actors, I would be happy to consider it.JONES: Well, welcome to the real world, where you don't get the chance to pick who offers you a solution to this thing.Look, we've got two former presidential candidates and two former senators -- both the same person -- tonight on CROSSFIRE to help us with this thing.RICK SANTORUM (R), FORMER PENNSYLVANIA SENATOR: Two friends, I might add. And two friends.JONES: And two friends. Republican Rick Santorum is against attacking Syria. Democratic former senator, now independent, Joe Lieberman, he supports the strike.The first question to you. You've got to be happy now. We've got a big diplomatic opening. You've got to be on President Obama's team now. You're happy, right?CUPP: Leading question.SANTORUM: If there's not going to be a military attack, that's a good thing. So if the president is willing to step down for whatever reason, look, he -- he went to the Congress because he didn't want to do this. If he wanted to do it, he'd said he had the power to do it. And he just decided not to.When you consider the fact that, whether it's on immigration or health care or on DOMA or on a whole variety of things --JONES: But are you --SANTORUM: -- he's done things that he doesn't have the power to do. Now he has the power to do something, and he went to Congress. So it's clear he didn't want to do this.JONES: You're on team Obama now.SANTORUM: I'm on team ""let's not broaden this war and put a much more complicated diplomatic situation and military situation in the hands of someone who's proved incapable of handling the situation.""JONES: We'll argue about that later.CUPP: Senator Lieberman, why after two years and 100,000 people dead, two chemical attacks, two million refugees, why is pausing yet again to dither on this conflict the smart or moral decision?JOE LIEBERMAN (I), FORMER CONNECTICUT SENATOR: Well, I wish we were not pausing. I mean, I think President Obama made the right moral decision when he drew the red line --CUPP: Right.LIEBERMAN: -- and then when he said, after we had proof that chemical weapons were used to kill almost 1,500 innocents, including 426 children by Assad in Syria, that he was going to take military action.I was really surprised and disappointed when he decided to toss it to Congress. He was right. He had the legal authority to do it himself. I wish he had done it. If he had, I think the American people would have been happy now that he had done it.CUPP: Should he attack now? Should he attack now without Congress?LIEBERMAN: I -- well, I think, now that Russia has made this offer, even though it's hard to take it seriously coming from Russia which hasn't been our friend -- just look at the Snowden matter.CUPP: Right.LIEBERMAN: Look at Syria, where Assad -- John Kerry said correctly last week that he tried very hard to reach an agreement with Assad years ago as a senator and decided he was a liar.JONES: But you're not saying we should through this peace offering in the garbage can and then -- and then attack now. Is that what you're saying?LIEBERMAN: No, I'm saying that it's hard to take the proposal by Russia seriously, but it's important enough that we've got to challenge them to be serious about it and see if Syria really will, with international supervision and penalties, get rid of all their chemical weapons. If they did that, it would be a tremendous accomplishment.But I think the president still has to face the fact, if nothing happens, that there was a chemical attack --SANTORUM: The bottom line is here we have no national security interests.JONES: We don't have any national security interests when children are being chemically --SANTORUM: Then we should be in Darfur. Then we should be in 50 other countries around the world.JONES: Hold on.SANTORUM: That is not --CUPP: What about --SANTORUM: That is not a reason.CUPP: What about al Qaeda?SANTORUM: I wish -- I wish -- that is the point. The point is we have no set national security interest, because the two sides of this conflict are both enemies of the United States. We have al Qaeda, who is basically the dominant rebel force right now, on one side and we have on the other side Hezbollah, Iran, Russia and Assad. JONES: I don't understand what you want to do, though. Here's my problem. You are a leader on Syria. You are a big supporter and, frankly, the author of the Syrian Accountability Act.SANTORUM: I was.JONES: And now you seem to have completely disappeared. What is it that you think that should happen? I want to show you -- show you these images that have shocked the world. Can we show these images?Look at these children. They're twitching. They're dying. What if one of the mothers of one of those children called this station right now and said to you, ""Why won't you help me? Why won't you help my children?"" You're saying there's no interest in doing that.SANTORUM: The reason the United States -- and I think Joe will agree with me on this. We may disagree on where we come out, but the reason the United States uses military forces for one reason and one reason only. It's in our national security interests.JONES: We have no moral obligation?SANTORUM: We have no moral obligation to use military force when it comes to a humanitarian situation. We have other obligations.JONES: Look, what -- but what can we do?SANTORUM: We need to get involved. We need to -- the Syrian Accountability Act was about political sanctions. It was about economic sanctions. It was no trip wire for military force. And when the president used the Syrian Accountability Act as reasons for Congress to support him, he misled the American public on that.CUPP: Senator Santorum --SANTORUM: As the author, I know that.CUPP: Senator Santorum, I know you. We go back a little ways. We've had some conservations about faith and morality and values, social conservatism. I don't understand -- help me understand -- how you square your conscience with not going in and ending a conflict where hundreds of thousands have died? How -- how are you not concerned that this will become another Rwanda?LIEBERMAN: They're fighting for their freedom, incidentally, which is what America's supposed to be all about.CUPP: Yes. And how -- aren't you worried this will be another Rwanda?LIEBERMAN: This didn't start out as al Qaeda.SANTORUM: I agree. And I called for military force 18 months ago.CUPP: Right. As did I. As did I.LIEBERMAN: I met with the opposition. And there -- these were patriots, Syrian patriots, freedom fighters --SANTORUM: Agreed.LIEBERMAN: -- who were sick of the dictator.SANTORUM: Agreed.LIEBERMAN: We held back and al Qaeda came in. I don't think al Qaeda is the dominant force in the opposition. I think from all I know it's the Syrian people who want to change from Assad. And they deserve --(CROSSTALK)JONES: I want to give him a chance to say something, because listen, I want to double down on peace. I don't want to double down on war. I think that we have diplomatic options we haven't exhausted. My quarrel with the president all week long has been we're rushing to war.But my problem is, I want to double down on peace; some people want to double down on war. It seems like you're doubling down on nothing. What do you want us to do?SANTORUM: Let's -- let's --JONES: If you were the president, what would you do?SANTORUM: Well, first off, go back and look at the debates that occurred about 18 months ago. And I, in those debates, called for the president to intervene, to side with exactly the people that Joe Lieberman was talking about, and get involved, give them --JONES: So we had an interest then, but we don't have an interest now?Hold on a second. How do we have an interest then and not now?CUPP: Everything has changed.SANTORUM: Everything has changed. Everything has changed. The people who are the rebels in Syria right now are not the same people that we --CUPP: That's right.SANTORUM: That we could have been partners with 18 months ago.LIEBERMAN: But it's not going to get better if we hang back. I mean, if we get involved in one level and support the moderates there -- and there are moderates there who are our friends -- then they'll have a better opportunity to control the country when Assad goes.Right now, I think we've got to hang tough. And tonight, the president's got a real challenge, but -- because of all of the twists and turns of the story -- but he's got a great opportunity to tell people why he thinks it's worth us carrying out limited but decisive attacks. CUPP: What does he need to say tonight? What does he need to say tonight?LIEBERMAN: Well, I think he needs to say, one, we can't -- we can't handle every problem in the world. But Americans, you know, we have a Declaration of Independence that talks about the self-evident truth that everybody -- not just Americans but in the world -- got from our creator the rights to life and liberty. And these people in Syria have been deprived of both of those rights.CUPP: Right.LIEBERMAN: But here's the point. If you let a dictator mass murder his people and you turn away from it, he's going to keep going. And every other madman is going to keep going.CUPP: Sure. And haven't we learned this lesson?SANTORUM: Two different -- two different lessons. First off, there are lot -- there are lots of dictators, unfortunately, in this world who are mass murdering their people. We've seen it. We've seen it under President Obama. We saw it under President Bush. It's under presidents for decades now. The United States has not stepped in unless there's a national security interest military. We've stepped in in other ways, but we have not stepped in militarily.But the president is going to change that and say that humanitarian reasons and the reason we're going to step in and -- and engage in military conflict. We are broadening -- you want to talk about not being a cop on the beat. You want to talk about something you and folks that -- that have been advocating for us to have -- make peace not war. We've now opened up Pandora's box as to military use. It's a bad idea. It's not in the security interests.JONES: I want -- I want you to respond to this. My quarrel with the president is I think he did two things right and one thing wrong. I think he was right to say this is an outrage, and we're not going to let babies get gassed.CUPP: And then do nothing about it?JONES: I think that was right. I think he was wrong to rush into a war posture without talking to Congress, without bringing in the U.N., without bringing a global coalition, without exhausting --SANTORUM: He did that when he set the red line, with Russia. And he set the red line --CUPP: Months ago.JONES: And he did -- and I think he did. Because he waited -- and I'm surprised you say you wish we'd gone in -- because he waited, we now have a new opening.Do you disagree that the president, by putting those warships out there and waiting, don't you agree he created an opening now for peace? You're saying that the president has done nothing right this whole crisis?SANTORUM: If we believe Putin and Assad are legitimate actors in the diplomatic stage. Well, but that's who's come forward, and it's not --CUPP: It's who we got.SANTORUM: It's who we got. And so, look, I'm perfectly willing to let this play out. I want us to not strike Syria --JONES: You and me both.SANTORUM: -- because I think streaking Syria, at this point in time, will create a real problem for us militarily with Russia, with potentially others in the region.We are taking -- and I think Joe will agree with me on this one. The whole Syria conflict at this point, has taken our eye off the ball. And the ball is Iran. Syria is a puppet state of Iran.LIEBERMAN: That's exactly the reason why we can't let Assad get away.CUPP: That's right. Iran is watching.LIEBERMAN: It's the biggest body blow we could land to Iran. He's their only ally in the Arab world. And this -- even this proposal, which if it works for Russia, will be a good thing. The price of it will be that Assad will stay there, and Iran will still have its No. 1 ally in the Arab world.CUPP: All right. Well, let's -- let's continue this over in the next -- in the next segment. There are a lot of creative solutions that don't involve bombing and killing people apparently.Yes, there are and we'll talk about it when we get back. Thank you very much.(COMMERCIAL BREAK)JONES: Welcome back.Tonight President Obama addresses the nation about Syria. He's hitting the pause button on the military strikes. That gives us time for some creative solutions. And we should keep the warships parked off of there. But what about helping refugees? What about an arms embargo? What about cyber-attacks, what about anything? It's all either war or nothing.I'm going to ask you: If there were a dome over Syria, so it was not about bomb or don't bomb, what are some of the creative things we could do that don't involve war? How do we win without war?LIEBERMAN: Unfortunately, if there were a dome over Syria, there was nothing we could do to stop the bloodshed. Because you've got a basically unfair fight here. The government has most of the fire power. Finally, the patriots, the freedom fighter Syrians, have gotten help from outside. But they're still getting decimated. So --JONES: This is America. You're saying there's nothing we can do? It's either Tomahawk missiles or nothing? We're the most creative --CUPP: But the dome doesn't exist, Van. The dome is fantasy land. Let's deal with reality.JONES: The fact -- let's get with reality. We have someone here --LIEBERMAN: Let me say something about the dome. Because the other reason it's gone --CUPP: Van Jones Dome.LIEBERMAN: The dome is unreal, but what that really reminds us of is that their neighbors there -- Israel, Iraq, Jordan -- they're all being -- Lebanon -- they're all being badly affected by what's going on in Syria. Our allies are.JONES: This is a crisis in our country, of imagination. How can we get out of this without bombs. You tell us.SANTORUM: That's why -- that's why Rick Santorum, 18 months ago, during the presidential campaign --JONES: Today.SANTORUM: -- said we should be arming the rebels.CUPP: That's right.SANTORUM: We should be supporting them militarily. We should be supporting them economically. We should be doing everything --JONES: That's all in the past.SANTORUM: We agree --JONES: And now we give up. Because we didn't do what you wanted so we just give up.SANTORUM: Because a lot of folks -- hello?JONES: Hello?SANTORUM: A lot of folks said no, we had no interest in this.JONES: Hey, listen.SANTORUM: Do you admit you were wrong?JONES: I'll tell you what: I'm going to shock you. I think the Democrats were wrong for not taking Syria more seriously earlier. But I think it's wrong, and I'm giving you an opportunity. I don't want to go to war. I think there are a lot of things we could do that would get us out of the situation without war. You are somebody who's got some ideas about it, but I don't hear anybody talking about what can we do.CUPP: Senator, you've said Assad -- Assad has to go. You've said Assad has to go. How do you do it without military intervention?JONES: What can we do?(CROSSTALK)SANTORUM: This is very difficult right now. When you look at the rebels and the composition of the rebel forces, you see -- you're seeing on YouTube how rebel forces are, you know -- these radical al- Qaeda folks are killing off other rebel leaders and are doing atrocities to the public also.JONES: But if you were president --SANTORUM: You are going to say we are going to come on the side of them and help them.JONES: That's terrible. Help us.SANTORUM: But we can't. No, what we have to do is do what we should have done from the very beginning, which is let's identify, as we can, and support and protect and defend the legitimate elements within the rebel forces. Begin the process of arming them, protecting them, et cetera.JONES: You agree with this?LIEBERMAN: I totally agree. I just want to say something. You've been using the word ""war."" Nobody's talking about war. President Obama's not talking about war. He's not talking about any American boots on the ground. He's talking about limited, decisive attacks.CUPP: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Because you are not that naive, Senator Lieberman. You know that, even though President Obama is saying no boots on the ground, if one of our planes goes down, we're sending boots on the ground.LIEBERMAN: Yes, but that -- everybody's --CUPP: This is a lot bigger conflict than he thinks.LIEBERMAN: I don't believe so. It's not going to be a massive land invasion.Incidentally, what the president could have done when he decided to send it to Congress in taking the military action limited that he has in mind, is not a precedent. President Reagan did it in Grenada and struck at Libya when he thought the Libyans blew up a disco in Germany.You know, President Clinton went into Bosnia, and people could argue we had no national security interests there, but a lot of people were getting slaughtered --CUPP: Right.LIEBERMAN: -- by the Serbs at that point. And it goes on and on. So --JONES: I'm glad the president went to Congress. I think the president going to Congress is the best thing that happened, because it gave us time. You don't agree with me.LIEBERMAN: No. Here's my concern when he did it. I don't think he had to do it. He himself said, and I think he was right, that he had the legal authority to take action himself as commander in chief under the War Powers Resolution, everything else. He took an enormous risk, and unfortunately, he's in a quagmire now, because the risk was that Congress would say no.JONES: Well, now they're both being delayed, and the U.N. is -- the U.N. is now a forum where -- I don't understand why you can say it's a bad thing. The delay gave us time.CUPP: Don't worry. The U.N.'s on it.SANTORUM: You may have not seen the polls. I'm not a great poll- watcher. But the American public is overwhelmingly against the president. The president's been making this case now for several weeks. They are against military action. They do not see any positive benefit for the United States in getting involved in a war between two radical elements of which neither are our friends.LIEBERMAN: Now I want to -- I want to quote you -- I'm quoting from the New Testament, Corinthians: ""When the sound of the trumpet is uncertain, who will follow into battle?"" So I think people are so confused about what's going on here. If --SANTORUM: The president says he has to do it, but then he goes to Congress.LIEBERMAN: If you looked at the polls earlier, there was authority for a limited strike without American boots on the ground, particularly if we had some support from other --CUPP: Let me ask you, Senator -- go ahead.SANTORUM: Here's the president says we need to do it, but I'm going to ask Congress. We need to strike, but it's not going to be decisive. Of course, the American people is going to say what the heck are we doing here?Because here's the problem: If we actually do act, and if the Russians or the Iranians or somebody else say, ""You know what? You've drawn a line in the sand for us and we're going to -- we're going to act back,"" now we've put the United States in a much broader war with a president who is clearly over his head.JONES: Listen, I don't -- I do not agree the president is in over his head. First of all, let's be clear. This is a president who built a -- he built a coalition to --SANTORUM: Really?JONES: Let me finish. He isolated Iran.SANTORUM: A coalition?JONES: Let's walk through the list before we take him down too hard. He got -- he got Russia and China to be with us against Iran.SANTORUM: Stop right there. Stop. Whoa!LIEBERMAN: Forget Libya.JONES: Libya.SANTORUM: Stop at Iran. Is Iran pursuing the nuclear weapons program? They have not drawn down.JONES: The answer is -- Do you want a war? Do you want a war?SANTORUM: We have drawn a red line.JONES: Yes. We're doing cyber-attacks. We're doing an embargo.SANTORUM: We have drawn a red line with Iran, and we have done nothing publicly.CUPP: Let me ask you. This is a very good opportunity --(CROSSTALK)CUPP: This is a very good opportunity -- very good opportunity to talk about the U.N. The U.N. -- no one, maybe except Van, trusts the Russians in this new plan to seize chemical weapons from Assad. But I fear that a lot of people trust the U.N. to do that.The U.N. does not have a terribly impressive track record when it comes to ending conflicts. Are you worried? Should the American people trust U.N. to oversee this new Russian plan?LIEBERMAN: The U.N. works sometimes. Other times it doesn't. The record is mixed. The question is what passes in the U.N.? If, as France --CUPP: Well, nothing if you're Russia and China.LIEBERMAN: France tabled a resolution in the Security Council today that basically embraced the Russian proposal that the Syrians get rid of their chemical weapons with international supervision and said that, if they didn't, then force was authorized by the U.N. Security Council. I thought that was great, because it called -- called Russia's bluff.And what do you think Russia did? They said that was unacceptable. They don't want a mandatory resolution with teeth in it. They want it to be a presidential statement of kind of appealing to Syria.CUPP: Senator Santorum, do you trust the U.N.?SANTORUM: It calls into question Russia's credibility with this entire proposal.CUPP: Do you trust -- wait, let me ask. Do you trust the U.N.?JONES: Hold on.SANTORUM: Pick an issue. The answer is no.CUPP: Exactly right.JONES: A hundred and seventy-two successful peacekeeping missions and negotiations for some. Listen, we always focus -- 172 --CUPP: Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Rwanda, Bosnia --JONES: The world is a tough, nasty place, and we focus on the places the U.N. has not been able to change human nature. But we are in a much safer world because of the U.N. than we would be without it.CUPP: That is not -- that is a total inaccuracy.JONES: Look right here: 172 peacekeeping --CUPP: I have a list, too, of atrocities that they have taken responsibility for and not changed. The world feels very good about itself when it allows the U.N. to take over, because it feels like it's doing something. It's false security.JONES: Well, listen -- Here's what I don't understand. When George W. Bush brought in the United Nations, people thought that was a good thing. He was trying to bring in the global community. I thought that you wanted us to build a big global coalition. I think we have a moment now to do so.And why do we have it? We have it for two reasons. One, he went to Congress, which you don't like. And two, because as much as we do not trust the Russians for their own interests, they are moving. Why are you mad at Congress and the U.N.?(CROSSTALK)SANTORUM: Name -- name the countries that are for the United States getting involved militarily in Syria.JONES: Well, apparently, there's France. Militarily?LIEBERMAN: The people that want us to --(CROSSTALK)JONES: You can answer that.LIEBERMAN: There's about 15 that signed that statement calling for action.SANTORUM: Action but not military action.LIEBERMAN: But you know what? The president has --SANTORUM: There's a big difference between action and military action. I'm for action. I'm just not for -- I'm not for a military strike. Particularly one that's not decisive and is not going to accomplish anything.LIEBERMAN: But here's the problem. I think a military strike today will hurt Assad. I think that's the reason why, at least in words, he's accepted this Russian proposal.I don't believe him for a minute. I'll believe it when I see it, when he gives us his chemical weapons.SANTORUM: Let's play it out.LIEBERMAN: But I think he's scared of a strike. We're going to hit his command and control.SANTORUM: Let's play it out. We strike Assad. We -- we knock out a few command and control operations. Then where do we go?LIEBERMAN: Then we give more support to the Syrian opposition. Because they will have a tremendous boost in morale.SANTORUM: Why can't we do that without striking?LIEBERMAN: We can, but we've got to strike him because he used chemical weapons. And if we don't, then he'll use them again.SANTORUM: And you don't have any -- you don't have any fear or concern that any other country will, as a result of us striking Syria, do something to -- to insert themselves even in that conflict or potentially against the United States?LIEBERMAN: They might but you know, when you're -- we can't -- we can't act out of fear of what might happen. We're strong. We're still the strongest country in the world.SANTORUM: We're not. We're not acting like -- we're not acting like a leader. We're not acting strong. We're acting like someone who said, don't knock this off my shoulder and you do. And so I -- OK, so I've got a fight back. We have to have --(CROSSTALK)LIEBERMAN: The shoulder was the high moral ground about --SANTORUM: It wasn't a high moral ground.LIEBERMAN: Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Assad have used chemical weapons.SANTORUM: Chemical weapons -- LIEBERMAN: You've got to say no.SANTORUM: Chemical weapons is very different than WMD that Iran is working on. That's where we should focus our attention.CUPP: OK. Thanks to Joe Lieberman and Rick Santorum. It was a great debate. We appreciate it.Next, we ""Cease Fire."" There's something important here we need to agree on. Not just the two of us but the whole country.(COMMERCIAL BREAK)JONES: Tonight on CROSSFIRE, we've been debating and fighting about what to do about Syria. But now we're going to call a ""Cease Fire.""Now I think, and I want to come back to a point I made. I think that I have to admit that you guys have been right about something. You guys have been out, you in particular, out there for two years saying we've got to do something about Syria, something about Syria.I hate your solution.CUPP: Yes.JONES: I don't like the war. But you are pointing to the right problem. And I think a lot of people on the left were ducking it, and we weren't dealing with it. And I think that what my lesson out of this is, even when we don't agree, we've got to listen to each other more than we did.CUPP: Well, and I appreciate that. And I will return a favor and say, look, I don't agree with your solutions either, but at least you've been consistent. I think a lot of Democrats and liberals have talked about President Obama's foreign policy as somehow morally superior to President Bush's. And you hold Obama to the same standard as you hold President Bush, and that -- that says a lot about your credibility.JONES: Here we go. The two of us, we agreed, and the world didn't come to an end.CUPP: Here's another thing we agree on: Your opinion matters. You can weigh in on our ""Fire Back"" question via Facebook or Twitter. ""Should the U.S. trust Russia's offer to rid Syria of chemical weapons?"" Right now 41 percent of you say yes; 59 percent say no.JONES: The debate continues online at CNN.com/crossfire. You can also go to Facebook and Twitter.From the left, I'm Van Jones.CUPP: and from the right, I'm S.C. Cupp. Join us tomorrow for another edition of CROSSFIRE.A special edition of ""ERIN BURNETT OUTFRONT"" starts right now." 0 "The latest on Khloé Kardashian is heartbreaking. As the mother-of-one reels from news of Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal, In Touch has uncovered exclusive new details — and secret footage — of another betrayal. In Touch has obtained a video showing that the devastating situation is even worse than Khloé knows. An insider reveals the shocking details from Tristan’s hookups with a curvy stunner last November and again in February. Tristan hit on the woman at an NYC club following a November game against the New York Knicks. And while the woman — who the source says is a big fan of the Kardashians — “knew that he was with Khloé,” Tristan didn’t mention his pregnant girlfriend when he brought her back to the Four Seasons in an SUV. He got out first and had her circle the block a few times before coming up to his room, where they had unprotected sex. “She slept with him because he’s an NBA star, but she thinks he’s hot, too,” the insider says. “She said that the sex was good.” So good, the woman stayed the night and took a short video of Tristan — identifiable by his distinctive chest tattoos — asleep in bed afterward, which the source shared exclusively with In Touch. “He was definitely not careful at all about making sure that nobody knew who she was or that she didn’t have her phone,” adds the source. In the video, two phones are visible on the nightstand. The source says they’re both Tristan’s, adding, “It’s so sketchy.” In the morning, they swapped numbers for a potential round two. And the woman heard from Tristan right away — but he wasn’t looking for another hookup. He wanted to make sure she didn’t get pregnant! “He texted her, ‘Do you have Plan B?’” says the source, referencing the so-called morning-after pill. Three months passed before they hooked up again. Out of the blue, Tristan texted the woman and invited her to see his team play in another city in February. “He paid for her flight,” says the source. “And she slept over again.” For more on this exclusive story, pick up the new issue of In Touch magazine, on newsstands now! More from In Touch Lamar Odom Sends Khloé Kardashian Gifts for Baby True, ""Wishes"" He Was the Father (EXCLUSIVE) Khloé Kardashian's Daughter Is Truely Helping Her Heal Amid Cheating Scandal Tristan Thompson's Own Insecurity Could Be the Reason He Cheated on Khloé Kardashian (EXCLUSIVE) Scott Disick Sympathizes With Tristan Thompson After Cheating Scandal Because of Course He Does (REPORT) Inside Khloé and Tristan's ""Dreadful"" Delivery Room Experience — ""The Kardashians Gave Tristan Hell"" (EXCLUSIVE) Khloé Kardashian Reportedly Struggled Over Daughter True's Last Name Following Cheating Scandal Kim Kardashian Finally Shades Tristan Thompson on Instagram Proving It's Never Too Late to Be Petty Khloé Kardashian Drops Big Hint That She's Moving Back to LA Amid Tristan Thompson Cheating Scandal Cardi B Gives Khloé Kardashian Advice for Dealing Her Cheating Scandal After Going Through It Herself Khloé Kardashian's Baby Girl Looks Just Like Tristan Thompson — ""She Has His Eyes"" (EXCLUSIVE)" 1 Hollywood’s awards season may have already kicked off with the National Review’s list of the best movies of the year, but it’ll really kick into gear when the Golden Globe nominations are announced Thursday morning. While most folks may want to just wait until the announcements after are made and read a list of nominees for Golden Globe awards (we see you, West Coast, where the announcement is happening at 5 a.m.), you do have the option to watch as the nominations are actually announced live. The Golden Globe nomination ceremony will be delivered in two ways — one streaming and one on TV. The streaming option will give you the full video of the announcement of the nominations as they happen. But once the HFPA gets to the biggest awards, the announcement feed will go live on “The Today Show” on NBC. To be clear: you can watch the announcement of all the Golden Globe nominees on the livestream, which you can watch on the Golden Globes Facebook page right here. But if you’re watching “The Today Show” on NBC, you’ll only get to see some of the nominations be announced. Also Read: Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh to Host 2019 Golden Globes This all goes down at 8 a.m. ET/5 a.m. PT. There will be a whole opening remarks section of the stream before the nomination announcements actually begin around 8:15 a.m. ET. The “Today Show” segment of the nomination announcement will start around 8:30 a.m. ET. Once all that is wrapped up, you’ll be ready to spend your entire day debating the merits of all the nominated movies, TV shows and the people who brought them to life. The Golden Globes ceremony itself will take place on Sunday, Jan. 6 on NBC and will be hosted by Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh. 0 Stassi Schroeder has apologized for making controversial comments about the #MeToo campaign on her podcast. “My podcast is an outlet for me to share my unfiltered opinion with my listeners, but on my latest episode, I crossed a line,” she said in a statement she tweeted on Saturday, November 25. “It was irresponsible for me to make generalized statements about a very serious topic, such as sexual harassment, as it is not my place to speak about anyone else’s experiences.” “I apologize,” she continued. “I will continue to speak my mind on my podcast, but will put more thought behind my dialogue moving forward.” She also tweeted, “These 24 hours have been sobering: I want to share your stories on my podcast: on either side, being accused of something you didn’t do or being victimized & left helpless. Let’s discuss it all.” These 24 hours have been sobering: I want to share your stories on my podcast: on either side, being accused of something you didn't do or being victimized & left helpless. Let’s discuss it all. Stassi@juststassi.com — Stassi Schroeder (@stassi) November 26, 2017 As previously reported, the Vanderpump Rules star, 29, referenced victims of sexual assault on her Straight Up With Stassi podcast in a since-deleted episode called “Are We on a Male Witch Hunt?” Schroeder claimed that many victims were originally “willing” to go to hotel rooms and were only speaking out against sexual harassment now because of the “hashtag me too trend.” She also stated that “no one can make me suck someone’s d–k.” Many listeners were outraged with what they perceived to be insensitive views and took to Twitter to express their disgust. Advertisers — including Rent The Runway, Simple Contacts and Framebridge — also spoke out against Schroeder’s comments and publicly terminated their business relationships with her. Some fans were not swayed by the reality star’s mea culpa and accused her of apologizing only for the sake of her business. One fan wrote, “Thanks for the apology but this should have been your FIRST response instead dismissing everyone and retweeting people who were agreeing with your harmful opinions.” Another wrote, “you’re only backpeddling now because you’ve lost advertisers for your podcast. Too late for apologies, we truly know how you feel. #Victimblaming or #victimshaming is something u won’t understand because it hasn’t happened to you #MeToo.” “You say this after tweeting that you only deleted the episode because people ‘weren’t ready’ to hear what you had to say? Too late for this bullshit PR move to save you. The damage is done,” tweeted another. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 It appears Brad Pitt has officially moved on from Angelina Jolie, doing some “serious flirting” with Sienna Miller during a congratulatory dinner for their new film, The Lost City of Z. According to Page Six, witnesses say the pair got cozy at a restaurant near the ArcLight movie theater in Los Angeles, the movie’s premiere location, where they spent some time with a group of friends. PHOTOS: Brad Pitt Struggles To Smile At Hollywood Event While Custody Battle Wears Him Down Pitt and Miller were “heavily enjoying each other’s company,” and “were talking to each other all night,” a source told the publication. Another insider added that Pitt, who’s been caught looking frail in recent months, was “in very high spirits, which he hasn’t been for a long time. He seems to be over a hump.” Miller previously denied dating rumors, saying: “So this is the truth about that: Brad Pitt is producing the movie that I just wrapped, but I didn’t see him. He’s not been to the set. You know, he’s the producer of the film and I’ve met him twice. It’s insane.” PHOTOS: Wearing Thin! Brad Pitt UNRECOGNIZABLE At First Public Appearance Since Angie Split Meanwhile, sources say Jolie has banned her kids from calling their dad in recent weeks. As for their recent rendezvous, reps for Pitt and Miller did not comment on the matter. We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at tips@radaronline.com, or call us at (866) ON-RADAR (667-2327) any time, day or night. 1 From dark horse victories to epic flubs, the Academy Awards is full of shocking moments—and this year’s award show is sure to be no different. Who could forget when La La Land was accidentally named the Best Picture winner instead of Moonlight at the 2017 Oscars, or when Adrien Brody made out with Halle Berry after winning Best Actor in 2003? Of course, there’s also the jaw-dropping fashion. Remember when Björk wore her swan dress on the red carpet, or when Cher debuted her giant headdress and beaded ensemble? Want to see more O.M.G moments from the Oscars? Click on the gallery to see 13 of the biggest shockers in Academy Award history. 0 "Netflix is set to bring Archie Horror's Chilling Adventures of Sabrina to the small screen, but it looks like one former teenage witch won't be a part of it. During a recent interview on BBC's Radio 1 Breakfast Show, Selena Gomez was asked about the possibility of her starring in the series, which is currently being called Sabrina. But as she revealed, the role isn't in the cards, so much so that she hasn't even heard about the part. ""I love that!"" Gomez revealed. ""That's new information for me. No, that's a rumor."" While most know Gomez now for her music career, she actually got her start starring in Disney Channel's Wizards of Waverly Place. This, combined with her working relationship with Netflix on 13 Reasons Why, made many of her fans suggest that she should play the new Sabrina Spellman. But as Gomez explained, she doesn't plan to return to the realm of television witchcraft anytime soon. ""I've done my magic enough,"" Gomez added. The Sabrina reboot was first announced earlier this year, with many eagerly trying to predict who would land the title role. Early reports have suggested that the casting call for Sabrina is open ethnicity, and that her relationship with both Harvey Kinkle and her aunts will come into play. The series will also serve as a spinoff of The CW's hit series Riverdale, leaving the door open for crossovers during the line. And as Riverdale and Sabrina showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa explained, there will be a bit of a shared supernatural aura between the two. “There’s no secret that I love that character, and that that character is a huge part of the Archie universe,” Aguirre-Sacasa told ComicBook.com after Riverdale's season one finale. ""The show kind of has hints of the supernatural throughout it; there are visions of Jason as a ghost, as a zombie. Archie sees werewolves. There’s a lot of talk about angry, pagan gods and there’s a voodoo doll. We are going to continue exploring the idea of the supernatural being on the fringes of Riverdale, and that might be to lead up to Sabrina’s arrival or that might just be to make it more like Twin Peaks and the way they dealt with the supernatural."" Sabrina will premiere on Netflix sometime in 2018." 1 Macaulay Culkin: ‘Satanic’ Hollywood Execs Ritually Murder Child Actors Hollywood executives are “blood-thirsty Satanists” who “ritually abuse children in the industry”, according to Macaulay Culkin, who claims he only got out alive because he was a “smart, suspicious kid” and he “got too famous to be killed like some of the other kids”. “You learn very early to recognize which of them want to abuse you, and which of them have even darker tastes”, Macaulay Culkin said, explaining that “the worst of them wear shoes made out of the skin of children that they ritually murdered.” Speaking on radio in Paris, France, Culkin said “Have you seen leather products made from human skin? It has a very unusual, distinctive look. I learned at a very young age to identify it.” The news was picked up by French media, with mainstream French newspapers reporting on the explosive interview. However, within an hour of publication all reports had been removed from the internet. French newspaper Les Echos’ headline translated into English: “Macaulay Culkin speaks about Hollywood ritual child abuse live on radio”. Les Echos have not responded to questions regarding why they deleted the article within an hour of publication, and if they were pressured to do so. Les Echo’s report translated into English: “Macaulay Culkin claims Hollywood studio executives rape and murder child stars and use their skin to make boots, belts and wallets that they use as ‘skin trophies’.” Skin Trophies During the interview, Culkin claimed that children in the entertainment industry “learn very early to recognize which of them want to abuse you, and which of them have even darker tastes,” explaining that some of the Hollywood executives wear “skin trophies”. Explaining that he was 11 the first time he saw human leather, Culkin said he was “filming Home Alone 2 in New York” when he was “ushered into a back room on the set. There was a guy in there, a powerful executive suit type, you know what I mean?” “He tried to make me relax. Gave me a can of Coke. Started telling me about the nature of the industry. Basically he wanted me to cut my parents out. He wanted to be my guardian. He said he would make me into the biggest teen star in history. He said I had it all. He said I had to get rid of my parents. I was like ‘Dude, I’m 11!’ and he said ‘You’re a man now’.” Culkin, who has been living in Paris, France since 2003, then explained that the man “began to make his intentions clear”. “He started breathing real shallow. My experience with perverts kicked in. I could tell he was interested in me. He licked his lips and told me I was very handsome. I think I managed to say ‘thank you’ and started thinking about how I could get immediately out of there. Then he reached into his case and took out a crack pipe. He put it in his lap, took out this huge lighter, and continued to gaze at me with this overpowering sexual desire.” “I was just staring at him. I think I said something like ‘Dude, I’m 11’ again. I remember he said to me: ‘It’s a celebration, little man. To celebrate your upcoming success. Your many successes. Come. Sit back down’. He was tapping the pipe on his crotch, smiling this total creepazoid smile. I ran out of the room, but I ran straight into this other guy who was outside the room and he grabbed me by the arm and threw me back inside.” “He lit the pipe and blew the smoke in my face. He told me to look at his shoes. He said they were made from the skin of children he and his friends had murdered. He said leather made from human skin is the finest leather known to man.” Death of a child star Macaulay Culkin said the Hollywood executive then dropped a heavy hint about the provenance of the skin used to make his shoes. “He asked me if I knew Heather O’Rourke. Yeah, I remembered her. I grew up watching Poltergeist. I remembered her in Happy Days. She was so cute. I vomited all over his shoes.” Heather O’Rourke was an American child actress, discovered by director Steven Spielberg when she was visiting MGM’s studios and later cast as Carol Anne Freeling in the horror film Poltergeist. She had the movie’s most recognizable line: “They’re here!”. After years in the Hollywood system, Heather O’Rourke died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 12. The official cause of death was listed as “heart attack and septic shock” caused by a “misdiagnosed intestinal stenosis” in 1988, though many people were left wondering if there was more to the tragic story. “Let’s just say I went off the rails after my experiences filming Home Alone 2. I’m 37 now and I’m still processing everything. The things I have seen…” Culkin said, before trailing off and abruptly changing the topic. Culkin’s legacy There are a fair few things Macaulay Culkin is remembered for. People like to talk about his years of reported heroin addiction, which snowballed into rumors that he spent an obscene amount of money on drugs. Others chat about his friendship with pop star Michael Jackson, as well as him fronting a pizza-themed comedy rock band. But Culkin no longer has the rail thin, sickly appearance of a junkie. Carrying some weight around the midriff, Culkin is looking happier now, and is filming the lead role for friend Seth Green’s vehicle Changeland. Speaking about the future, Culkin said “I’ve come out the other side. I’m alive. That is more than can be said for many. I’m not finished yet. Hollywood is going to burn in my lifetime. You watch.” yogaesoteric February 25, 2018 1 "This article is about the attorney. For his son, the television personality, see Rob Kardashian Robert George Kardashian (February 22, 1944 – September 30, 2003) was an American attorney and businessman. He gained national recognition as O. J. Simpson's friend and defense attorney during Simpson's 1995 murder trial. He had four children with his first wife, Kris Kardashian (née Houghton, later Jenner): Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, and Rob, who appear on their family reality television series, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and its spinoffs. Personal life [ edit ] Kardashian was born in Los Angeles, California. He has a sister and brother, Barbara and Tom Kardashian.[2][3] His great-grandparents, Saghatel (""Sam"") and Harom Kardaschoff, were ethnic Armenian Spiritual Christian Prygun[4] immigrants from Karakale (now: Merkezkarakale), Kars Oblast of the Russian Empire (now Kars Province in Turkey). The family, known at the time by the surname Kardaschoff, in Russian style, made their way from their home village of Karakale probably to Bremerhaven, Germany, a popular emigration port. From there, they travelled to a new life in America. Their son Tatos anglicized his name to Tom, started a business in garbage collection in Los Angeles, and married another Kars-Karakale immigrant, Hamas Shakarian.[5] Growing up in the Baldwin Hills area of Los Angeles, Kardashian attended Susan Miller Dorsey High School and the University of Southern California, from which he graduated in 1966 with a B.S. degree in business administration.[6] He earned a J.D. degree from the University of San Diego School of Law and practiced for about a decade; after that, he went into business. In 1973, Kardashian was one of the co-founders of the trade publication Radio & Records, which he and his partners sold for a large profit in 1979.[6] Kardashian also pioneered the idea of playing music between movies in theaters. He subsequently parlayed the concept into a business, starting a company called Movie Tunes.[7][8][9][10] He served as President and CEO of the firm and later invested in Juice Inc., a frozen yogurt company, and in a music video business called Concert Cinema.[11][12] Marriages and children [ edit ] Robert Kardashian dated Priscilla Presley from 1975 to 1976. He had four children with his first wife, Kris Kardashian (née Houghton, subsequently Jenner): Kourtney, Kimberly, Khloé, and Rob.[13] The couple separated and divorced in 1991.[citation needed] Shortly after separating from his first wife in 1991, Kardashian became engaged to Denice Shakarian Halicki, widow of movie producer H.B. Halicki.[14][15] The couple never married. In 1998, Kardashian married Jan Ashley; however, the marriage ended in annulment 30 days later. Ashley later claimed frequent upset and turmoil related to Kardashian's ex-wife Kris and their children ""were instrumental"" in the demise of the relationship.[16][17][18] After dating for three years and proposing in 2001, Kardashian married his third wife, Ellen Pierson (née Markowitz), six weeks prior to his death.[19][20] O. J. Simpson case [ edit ] Kardashian and Simpson first met in the early 1970s and became close friends.[20] Following the June 12, 1994, murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, Simpson stayed in Kardashian's house to avoid the media. Kardashian was the man seen carrying Simpson's garment bag the day that Simpson flew back from Chicago. Prosecutors speculated that the bag may have contained Simpson's bloody clothes or the murder weapon.[21] When Simpson failed to turn himself in at 11 a.m. on June 17, 1994, Kardashian read a letter by Simpson to the assembled media. This letter was interpreted by many as a suicide note.[22] Simpson was charged with the murders and subsequently acquitted of all criminal charges in a controversial criminal trial. Kardashian had let his license to practice law become inactive before the Simpson case but reactivated it to aid in Simpson's defense as a volunteer assistant on his legal team, alongside Simpson's main defense attorneys, Robert Shapiro and Johnnie Cochran. As one of Simpson's lawyers and a member of the defense ""Dream Team"", Kardashian could not be compelled or subpoenaed to testify against Simpson in the case, which included Simpson's past history and behavior with his ex-wife Nicole, and as to the contents of Simpson's garment bag.[23] He sat by Simpson throughout the trial.[20] Kardashian visited Simpson in jail regularly. According to an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Kardashian said, ""I've never been in a jail before. It's extremely depressing. It makes me sick every time I go down there. We can't have any physical contact. I want to hug him, I want to show him that I care. It's very difficult.""[citation needed] The New York Times reported that Mr. Kardashian said in a 1996 ABC interview that he questioned Mr. Simpson's innocence: ""I have doubts. The blood evidence is the biggest thorn in my side; that causes me the greatest problems. So I struggle with the blood evidence.""[23] Death [ edit ] Kardashian was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in July 2003. He died few months later, on September 30, 2003, age 59,[24] and was buried at Inglewood Park Cemetery in Inglewood, California.[25] In popular culture [ edit ] Kardashian was portrayed by David Schwimmer in the 2016 FX miniseries American Crime Story: The People v. O. J. Simpson. In 2017, Kardashian was the subject of the pilot episode of the TV comedy series Over My Dead Body on Amazon Prime.[26] See also [ edit ]" 0 Fitness guru Richard Simmons arrives at the Project Angel Food’s 2013 Angel Awards in Los Angeles. (Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP) After Richard Simmons disappeared from the public eye on Feb. 15, 2014, his name suddenly filled headlines again. Most stories — including the popular “Missing Richard Simmons” podcast — theorized as to why he suddenly became so reclusive. Two publications, though, offered an answer. In June 2016 and March 2017, sister tabloids National Enquirer and Radar Online published a series of stories claiming Simmons was busy undergoing “shocking sex surgery” — receiving breast implants, hormone treatments and considering medical castration as he transitioned from male to female. The publications referred to him as “the new Caitlyn Jenner” and said he was “now living as a gal named Fiona.” Accompanying these stories were several photographs, including those of Simmons wearing a black dress and a coral wig. Simmons, of course, is well-known for wearing outrageous outfits. Richard Simmons says he did not get a sex change. On Monday, he filed a libel lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court against American Media, the owner of National Enquirer and Radar Online, for these “cruel and malicious” articles. He is seeking compensatory and punitive damages along with a retraction of the stories, an apology and an injunction. The lawsuit claimed the publications “cheaply and crassly commercialized and sensationalized an issue that ought to be treated with respect and sensitivity.” [L.A. police reportedly say Richard Simmons is fine: ‘If he wants to go out in public or see anybody he will do that’] The suit claims the publications chose to paint Simmons as transgender because his history of supporting the LGBT community would make it more difficult for him to sue. (Simmons has never spoken openly about his own sexual identity. He has danced around the issue, though, such as when he told Wendy Williams that “any moment I could just go right up in flames.”) If he were to deny such a rumor, therefore, it might appear that Simmons thought being transgender was a negative thing. “For Mr. Simmons to sue, the National Enquirer and Radar Online have cynically calculated, will make Mr. Simmons appear to maintain that there is something wrong with transitioning from one gender to another,” the lawsuit stated. “To remain passive and do nothing, the calculation continues, will be seen as tacitly conceding the truth of the stories, encouraging more of them.” It continued, “National Enquirer and Radar Online have miscalculated.” Indeed, Simmons made a rare public statement against the stories as early as June 2016. In a Facebook post, he reaffirmed his own support of the LGBT community and asked his followers to join him — particularly in the wake of the June 12, 2016, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting. “Although I am not transitioning, I have and always will be supportive of those who are going through their journey,” he wrote. “We should not lose focus on showing love, strength and compassion to all of the LGBT community during these tragic times. My broken heart and healing thoughts are with the people of Orlando and all other victims of prejudice, bigotry and hate.” [Richard Simmons tells fans he’s not missing, ‘just a little under the weather’] The publications defended themselves in a statement claiming that for Simmons to say “his privacy has been invaded is hypocritical when his entire livelihood is based upon the public consumption of his image.” It added that Simmons’s retreat from public life is “a legitimate news story that demands coverage.” “Indeed, it is ironic that Mr. Simmons claims to be an avid supporter of the LGBTQ community while at the same time alleges that he was defamed by report that he had transitioned into a female,” the statement continued. The statement concluded that the stories were “based on credible sources who were in Mr. Simmons’ inner circle.” That source, according to Simmons’s lawsuit, is Mauro Oliveira, a man who for years “blackmailed, extorted, and stalked” Simmons, beginning in May 2015, “with the intention of destroying career and reputation.” “Mr. Oliveira contacted the National Enquirer on at least three separate occasions offering three separate stories as to why Mr. Simmons has been absent from the media in the past few years,” the lawsuit stated. The first story said Simmons was “frail, weak and spiritually broken” and “in desperate need of help.” The second claimed Simmons was being held hostage by his housekeeper who engaged in witchcraft — a rumor repeated on the hit podcast about his disappearance. “While pitching around these ideas, Mr. Oliveira was simultaneously blackmailing Mr. Simmons, sending him emails and threatening to destroy his reputation with damaging press coverage unless Mr. Simmons paid Mr. Oliveira to stop,” the lawsuit stated. (Oliveira responded to People magazine: “The allegations are false, and the real story about Richard Simmons will come out eventually.) America Media is no stranger to lawsuits. The company remains in a legal battle with Phil McGraw (Dr. Phil) and his wife, Robin, who sued the National Enquirer for $250 million after the publication claimed that McGraw abused his wife. Nonetheless, the company announced it will continue its investigation into Simmons. “We stand by our reporting about Mr. Simmons, and intend to vigorously defend this lawsuit and win public vindication of our reports,” it said in a statement. “We will also aggressively pursue our ongoing investigation into his life and who is really behind this bizarre and meritless lawsuit.” More from Morning Mix Suspect accused of killing two Boston doctors pleads not guilty from hospital bed Emma Watson takes first major gender-neutral movie award Netflix’s ’13 Reasons Why’ gets more trigger warnings. Critics say it glamorizes teen suicide. 1 It was a family affair for Angelina Jolie! Get push notifications with news, features and more. The Oscar-winning actress was smiling ear-to-ear as she hit the red carpet alongside her daughters Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, 11, and Zahara Jolie-Pitt 13, at the 2018 Annie Awards — which celebrated the best animated films of the year — in Los Angeles on Saturday. The 42-year-old star wore a floor-length silver gown, while her two daughters both wore black outfits. Shiloh wore a black suit with a white shirt while Zahara opted for a black lace top and matching black pants. David Livingston/Getty David Livingston/Getty Jolie was on hand to celebrate the film The Breadwinner, an animated movie about a headstrong young girl in Afghanistan who disguises herself as a boy in order to provide for her family. The film, which Jolie co-produced, won the award for best animated feature-independent. Jolie had previously told PEOPLE how “proud” she was “to be part of this beautiful film with this timely and very important subject matter.” David Livingston/Getty “Millions of girls around the world have to grow up before their time, working to provide for their families at a very young age and in difficult circumstances. They have the strength to do what no one should ask little girls to do,” she continued, adding, “I hope this film is able to bring this discussion to a broader audience.” The film has also been nominated for a 2018 Academy Award for best animated feature film. David Livingston/Getty RELATED VIDEO: Family Fun! Angelina Jolie Steps Out With Her Kids to the Toronto Film Festival And this hasn’t been the first time the mother daughter trio have been spotted out and about together this year. Earlier in January, Jolie brought her daughters as her dates to The National Board of Review Awards Gala in New York City and she also took the pair with her to meet Syrian refugees during a UNHCR trip to the Zataari refugee camp in Jordan. RELATED: The Sweetest Photos of Angelina Jolie & Her Kids on the Red Carpet, from L.A. and Toronto to Telluride and N.Y.C. There, they met with Syrians who fled the violence of the ongoing civil war in the country, including girls around Shiloh and Zahara’s ages who were part of the TIGER (These Inspiring Girls Enjoy Reading) project, which focuses on education and empowerment even in displacement. The trip was Shiloh’s third visit to a refugee camp and the first for Zahara. 0 Long before Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux tied the knot (and ultimately split), he was perfectly happy with the status of their relationship. In fact, a source tells Us Weekly that the actor wouldn’t have minded if they never walked down the aisle at all. “He had reservations at the time because they still hadn’t figured out where they were going to live as a couple. Justin was absolutely head over heels in love with Jen — and probably always will be — but marriage was never important to him,” the insider says of Theroux, who was previously in a 14-year relationship with costume designer Heidi Bivens. “Marriage was always just a piece of paper to Justin, and he didn’t need it.” But Aniston did. “Constant scrutiny of Jen’s personal life, including whether she would ever find her happily ever after, played a huge role in her marriage to Justin,” the source tells Us. “It was obvious Jen needed more than an engagement or to be life partners with Justin. He didn’t want to lose her, so they got married.” In the end, things didn’t work out and the couple decided to call it quits after two years of marriage. “In an effort to reduce any further speculation, we have decided to announce our separation,” they told Us in a joint statement on Thursday, February 15. “This decision was mutual and lovingly made at the end of last year. We are two best friends who have decided to part ways as a couple, but look forward to continuing our cherished friendship.” Aniston, 49, and Theroux, 46, added, “Normally we would do this privately, but given that the gossip industry cannot resist an opportunity to speculate and invent, we wanted to convey the truth directly. Whatever else is printed about us that is not directly from us, is someone else’s fictional narrative. Above all, we are determined to maintain the deep respect and love that we have for one another.” The separation was caused in part by distance. “Jen tried the whole living in New York City thing with Justin, but at heart, she is a California girl,” a source previously told Us. “New York City wasn’t ever going to be home for Jen.” With reporting by Jen Heger. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 1 Wendy Williams’s talk show took a terrifying turn on Tuesday morning when the host fainted on live TV. Williams, dressed in an elaborate Statue of Liberty costume, started introducing the show’s annual Halloween costume contest toward the end of the hour. “We do it every year, it’s always a lot of fun — let’s get started,” she said. Then you can see what happens next: Wendy Williams passed out during a live broadcast of her show after getting overheated in her costume #WendyWilliams pic.twitter.com/wPKU2Gwmsv — 24/7 Pop Culture (@247PopCulture) October 31, 2017 The clip flew around Twitter as startled viewers tried to figure out what happened. After the sudden commercial break, Williams was back and alert, and still in her costume. “That was not a stunt,” she told her audience. “I was overheated in my costume, I did pass out. But you know what? I’m a champ, and I’m back.” The crowd cheered loudly. Williams proceeded to introduce the contest’s winners, Lily and Pablo, who were dressed as daytime TV sets — and everything proceeded as normal, except for one joke about the incident as the episode wrapped up: “Is that the end of the show? Was I passed out that long?” After the show aired, William’s spokesman, Ronn Torossian, released a statement: “Ms. Williams fainted on-air this morning. She is dehydrated and is on her way home for a good day and nite of sleep. She has been examined by medical professionals and is well. She is ok and will continue as shows as planned. She will address this on-air tomorrow. She has never missed a day of work and is looking forward on November 13th to her 1500th show.” Wendy Williams came back after commercial break. Said she overheated in her costume. pic.twitter.com/jccZaQ9oK2 — Baby Bye (@1BabyBye) October 31, 2017 Read more: Late-night TV hosts have a field day with Manafort’s indictment and Trump’s reaction David Letterman was the king of late-night TV. He doesn’t miss it for a second. The 10 late-night moments that defined the summer of 2017 0 They just did a live video. And Selena calling Timmy grandpa, having to teach him to do IG live, and Timmy telling her he has to make sure the fans’ icons he responds to are not controversial and she laughing at him and saying, “I LIVE MY LIFE.” LOL She also says he’s one of her favorite people and asks if she’s one of his best friends now. He stutters and is like, “We’ll see. We’ll need more time.” BOY, PLEASE. She closes with “GO SEE THIS MOVIE. IT’S AMAZING.” I think they talk about CMBYN. <3

EDITED: Someone recorded it! :D EDITED 2: I missed the part where they mentioned Armie and Timmy was like, “Armie’s getting a steak. Armie’s eating a big beautiful steak, as usual.” LOL 1 "If you're at all familiar with the supermodel-heavy, glitter-coated televised spectacular that is the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show , you've heard of the Fantasy Bra: a one-of-a-kind undergarment handmade in collaboration with a jeweler to the exact measurements of one of the Angels that closes out the program (and is valued at a few million dollars). This year the honor of walking the sparkly runway in the very expensive bejeweled creation will go to Lais Ribeiro , the 27-year-old Brazilian model who got her Angel wings in 2015, but has been in the Victoria's Secret family since 2010. And though they're usually made aware of the appointment months before the show, Ribeiro admits that Victoria's Secret cut it a little close this year: She didn't find out until her fitting, which took place in August. (The show tapes in Shanghai on November 21.) So how did the lingerie giant pull off the surprise? ""[Victoria's Secret] sent the new collection to me—I tried [the bra], and I had to take pictures and polaroids,"" Ribeiro explains to Glamour. ""They said, ‘Oh no, it’s just for a segment on the show.’ I was like, 'Sure!'"" Imagine her surprise when she's trying on looks for the show, and someone wheels in the Fantasy Bra for her to see. Luckily, we don't have to get too creative with the details, because Victoria's Secret got it all on tape. ""It was a mix of emotions inside of me,"" the model says of what was going through her head when she realized what was going on. ""I was so happy, thankful, honored to be chosen. Hard work pays off—that’s all I thought about. Like, wow, I’ve been working with the brand for seven years, but we never know."" As soon as she wrapped filming for the televised program (you already have a calendar alert set up for the 28th, when it airs on CBS, right?), Ribeiro got into the car to share the news with her family back in Brazil. Over FaceTime, she says, ""I put everybody in the room and I was like, ‘I have something to tell you guys’—they thought I was pregnant, but I was like, ‘No…’ and then they started to scream and cry. My sister dropped the phone.” Though she notes that her family was number one on the list of people she wanted to share the news with, she was just as psyched to show her fellow Angels. Adriana Lima was a particularly emotional one, because she's acted as a sort of role model for Ribeiro within Victoria's Secret. ""I remember that I was just crying so much [at the fitting], and we [went] back to the room to change, and Adriana was [there]—she said, ‘Hey,’ and saw [the Fantasy Bra] and was like, ‘Oh my gosh, so well-deserved.’"" For people who look up to the Angels, ""Adriana Lima is, like, the strongest because she’s a mother, she’s a sexy girl, she has such a strong personality—but at the same time, she’s so open to teach us and welcome us to where she’s been living for so long,"" Ribeiro says. ""That’s what’s amazing about her."" Pinterest PHOTO: Gary Gershoff Ribeiro has said how, growing up Brazil, she didn't know much about the modeling world or Victoria's Secret—however, she vividly remembers the first time she learned about the Fantasy Bra: when fellow Brazilian Gisele Bündchen wore the $12.5 million ""Sexy Splendor Fantasy Bra"" in 2005. ""She’s just killing it; it’s so amazing,"" she recalls. ""And she’s from Brazil. I was just like, 'It’s so amazing to be from a country where we have so many top models and we are proud of what we do.' When you’re from the same country, you’re cheering for [each other]. That was my first and favorite—until now.” When she hits the catwalk in Shanghai, all Ribeiro hopes for is that the image of her in the ""Champagne Nights Fantasy Bra"" feels true to her. “I hope I can show my personality…. I try to be calm and do me,"" she says. That's not as easy as it sounds when you're on that mega-runway in your lingerie, with heavy wings flapping behind you, Ribeiro assures: ""You’re walking and you feel like you’re bouncing""—but at the same time you're trying to have that not read on your face because you know you have cameras pointed at you from every angle. Looking for familiar faces in the audience doesn't help calm her nerves, either. ""When I [see] them, I just want to cry. It’s kind of like, ‘OK, they’re there, they’re proud of me, but I can’t control my emotions,’ because I’m very emotional,"" she admits. When the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show went to London, she actually couldn't keep it together: ""I saw my sister, and I just started to cry and everyone was like, ‘What is happening?’ And I was like, ‘I don’t know!’"" Loading View on Instagram The ""Champagne Nights Fantasy Bra"" will have its moment to shine on the 2017 Victoria's Secret runway later this month, but Ribeiro has gotten a few chances to try the style on for size since she got the news. So the million-dollar—or rather, two-million-dollar question is: What does the Fantasy Bra feel like? According to Ribeiro, ""It feels amazing, I have to say—it feels very powerful. I was just feeling myself when I was wearing it."" Related Stories: And the 2017 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Fantasy Bra Goes To… The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Finally Cast Its Models! Bella Hadid, Gigi Hadid, Karlie Kloss & More Are Taylor Swift and Harry Styles Performing at the 2017 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show?" 0 Aaron Carter has had some troubling times recently and unfortunately, he seems to not be coping. E! News is reporting that an anonymous call about a suicide threat involving Carter came into St. Petersburg, Fla. police department last night. E! News obtained police documents that state that police responded to the home at 10:01 p.m., however, they did not make contact with Carter. The documents also stated that the caller claims that Carter told a friend he was going to kill himself. When police arrived at Carter's house there was no answer at the door and they did not see anyone. This all comes after earlier concerns in the week for the welfare of Aaron. On Tuesday he was involved in a car incident, in which he broke his nose and totaled his car. Then on Wednesday, Carter was visited by the police three times at his home following an anonymous call that said Carter had recently tried to buy a gun and had also made threats of harm against others, including his family. We just really hope that Aaron gets the help he needs! WHERE TO GET HELP: If you are worried about your or someone else's mental health, the best place to get help is your GP or local mental health provider. However, if you or someone else is in danger or endangering others, call police immediately on 111. OR IF YOU NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE ELSE: LIFELINE: 0800 543 354 (available 24/7) SUICIDE CRISIS HELPLINE: 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) (available 24/7) YOUTHLINE: 0800 376 633 NEED TO TALK? Free call or text 1737 (available 24/7) KIDSLINE: 0800 543 754 (available 24/7) WHATSUP: 0800 942 8787 (1pm to 11pm) DEPRESSION HELPLINE: 0800 111 757 (available 24/7) SAMARITANS: 0800 726 666 0 "Taylor Swift's ""Gorgeous"" is about her new boyfriend Joe Alwyn, Swift confirmed to her fans, but a certain ex also makes a lyrical guest appearance. In the released song, the lyric is ""I've got a boyfriend/He's older than us/He's in the club doing I don't know what,"" which led some to believe the line was about Calvin Harris (DJ, who's 33) or Tom Hiddleston (British actor, 36, the last boyfriend Swift was with before getting with Alwyn; she dated Hiddleston immediately after Harris.) Advertisement - Continue Reading Below But in a new behind-the-scenes, making of the song video that AT&T released today, Swift sings her original lyrics for the song. She toys with the ""I've got a boyfriend"" line for a bit, and, during one song-writing session, seems keen on this lyric, which leads into the ""You're so gorgeous"" chorus: I’ve got a boyfriend/he’s older than us/I haven’t seen him in a couple of months/I go through phases when it comes to love/I’m nothing that you want, but I must say you're so gorgeous... Watch it at the 3:00 mark: At first glance, this could suggest the ex Swift is singing about is Harris; the two spent a lot of their relationship apart because of Swift touring for 1989 and Harris playing DJ gigs around the world. Swift went to the Met Gala, the night she and Hiddleston hit it off, alone. But Swift dated Hiddleston right before being seen for the first time with Alwyn in October 2016. Hiddleswift first got together in June and lasted until September. A lot of the time during their relationship, Hiddleston was in Australia shooting Thor: Ragnarok—Swift even visited him over there and was spotted with the Thor cast at the movies—after they had a pretty intense start. Hiddleston and Swift arriving in Australia together in July 2017. Getty Images At the time of the Hiddleswift split, a source told E! that Swift ""felt he wanted to take the relationship to be too public, and she was not happy about it and thought it was too much publicity."" If this original ""Gorgeous"" lyric really is inspired by Hiddleston, it may have been that the flame the two had also burned out (perhaps Hiddleston's alleged thirst for publicity extinguished it), and Swift moved on." 1 Michael Bublé and his wife, Luisana Lopilato, are expecting their third child, Us Weekly can confirm. The singer’s rep confirmed the good news and according to reports in Lopilato’s native Argentina, the actress, 30, is about two and a half months along in her pregnancy. The happy news comes after a heartbreaking year that saw the couple’s eldest son, Noah, 4, battle cancer. He was diagnosed with liver cancer in November 2016 and the singer, 42, and his wife put their careers on hold while their little boy underwent treatment. (The pair also share a second son, Elias, 2.) A source told Us in December 2017 that Noah is “doing well” now and “Michael is ready to think about going back to work.” But the source added that the couple’s focus remains on their family. “This difficult time has brought them closer together and put things in perspective,” the source said. “Michael is keeping his workload light so he can spend as much time as possible” with his wife and sons. The “Feeling Good” singer gave an update about Noah’s condition to Us last February. “We are so grateful to report that our son Noah has been progressing well during his treatment and the doctors are very optimistic about the future for our little boy,” Bublé told Us at the time. “He has been brave throughout and we continue to be inspired by his courage.” Lopilato opened up about Noah’s health and the impact it had on their family in an interview on Argentinian TV last July. “These things, when they happen to you in life, they make you realize that the most important thing isn’t what you thought it was — it’s to have faith, to be strong,” she told TV host Susana Giminez. “There were nights I couldn’t sleep, that I prayed to God, because it’s a long process. But thank God the worst is over.” Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 Ed Westwick. Days after actress Kristina Cohen alleged that Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick raped her at his home, a second actress has come foward. In a Facebook post on Wednesday, former actress Aurélie Wynn (known professionally as Aurelie Marie Cao) claimed that Westwick raped her in 2014. Westwick has denied the allegations. In her post Wynn wrote, “[A]nd like Kristina, I said no and he pushed me face down and was powerless under his weight. I was wearing a one piece bathing suit that he ripped, I was in complete shock, I am also very tiny.” Wynn wrote that she told her boyfriend at the time, Glee actor Mark Salling, about the incident. Salling, who has since pleaded guilty for possession of child pornography, allegedly broke up with her and blamed her. She also wrote that she was encouraged by friends to stay quiet and that people would think she was “just out trying to get my 10 seconds of fame.” Westwick responded to Cohen’s claims on Tuesday in an Instagram post saying he did not know Cohen and had never raped anybody. A post shared by Ed Westwick (@edwestwick) on Nov 7, 2017 at 8:46am PST Cohen filed a report with the Los Angeles Police Department, which is now investigating if the “suspect forced victim to have sexual intercourse inside his residence … three years ago.” Following Wynn’s allegations, Westwick posted a second denial on Instagram on Thursday. A post shared by Ed Westwick (@edwestwick) on Nov 9, 2017 at 9:52am PST This post has been updated to include Westwick’s second statement. 0 San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz’s party are facing fraud charges relating to the embezzlement of over $3 million in federal funds, just months after she appeared on CNN and blamed President Trump for mishandling the Puerto Rico hurricane disaster response.Despite the fact that the U.S. government sent emergency workers, supplies and billions of dollars to the territory, its Democrat-allied politicians still pointed a finger at the president — and the left-leaning mainstream media happily spread the “blame Trump” narrative.As comparisons to George W. Bush and Hurricane Katrina grew, figures like San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz attacked Trump for supposedly mishandling the disaster response, despite the fact that emergency management experts praised the president and FEMA’s actions.“What is really nasty is that anyone would turn their back on the Puerto Rican people,” Yulín Cruz declared at the time, even wearing a T-shirt labeled “NASTY” — where did she get it during a major storm? — as part of a petty jab at the U.S. president.Liberals across the United States, glued to CNN, cheered the San Juan mayor and declared her a national hero. “We are dying, and you (Trump) are killing us with the inefficiency and the bureaucracy,” she said during a television conference in early October.Western Journal reports: Fast forward to this week. It turns out that sure enough, there was plenty of “inefficiency and bureaucracy” in Puerto Rico … but it looks like the island’s own liberal politicians were likely the ones behind it.According to the Associated Press, a Puerto Rican mayor and two additional island officials have now been charged with corruption.Although the alleged crimes go back before Hurricane Maria made landfall in the Caribbean, the arrests paint a dire picture of widespread corruption and misuse of government funds during the same general time frame as the disaster.“The suspects are the mayor of the southwest town of Sabana Grande and the former directors of finance for the northern town of Toa Baja,” the AP reported.“U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodriguez told reporters that the former officials from Toa Baja are accused of using nearly $5 million worth of federal funds to pay the town’s public employees and municipal contractors,” the newswire continued.“Not only is that illegal, it’s immoral,” Rodriguez added.Puerto Rico officials are accused of taking millions of dollars that was granted by the United States for assistance programs and re-directing it wherever they saw fit, such as taking $2.5 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and using it to pay town employees.At the center of the illegal scheme is Miguel Ortiz Vélez, who served as mayor. Ortiz Vélez belongs to the Popular Democratic Party, which is affiliated with the more well-known Democrat party in the mainland United States.Guess who else belongs to the same liberal PDP political group: Carmen Yulín Cruz, the person who was blaming Trump for hurricane deaths while her own party was defrauding taxpayers and laundering aid money. Is anyone surprised?There may be more arrests to follow, as well. Government officials said that more corruption is suspected, and additional Puerto Rican officials are under scrutiny.“Rodriguez said the investigation into alleged corruption in Toa Baja is ongoing because officials believe other people are involved,” the AP confirmed.The hurricane that devastated Puerto Rico was certainly a tragedy, and many lessons about disaster preparedness can be learned from that incident.However, it’s abundantly clear that widespread corruption and incompetence in Puerto Rico was a major part of the chaos. That corruption doesn’t point to Donald Trump … it leads right to the same leftist Democrats who were trying to point fingers the entire time. 1 "Jennifer Aniston has confessed she still loves Brad Pitt and was 'shocked' and 'hurt' to see pictures of him with new love Angelina Jolie. ""Am I lonely? Yes,"" she told Vanity Fair magazine. ""Am I upset? Yes. Am I confused? Yes. Do I have my days when I've thrown a little pity party for myself? Absolutely. But I'm also doing really well."" The 36-year-old talks openly about her pain over the split for the first time and shed tears when confronted with the possibility that Pitt and his Mr and Mrs Smith co-star might start their own family. ""I'd be a robot if I said I didn't feel moments of anger, of hurt, of embarrassment,"" she said. Aniston freely admits that when pictures surfaced of the couple on holiday together with Jolie's young son, Maddox, it was ""not one of the highlights"" of her year. But she added: ""You joke and say, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'."" It only got worse when the two posed as man and wife for a magazine spread, a decision Aniston described as 'odd timing'. ""There's a sensitivity chip that's missing (from Pitt),"" she said. ""But it's not my life. He makes his choices. He can do - whatever. We're (soon to be) divorced and you can see why."" 'Lonely and confused' Although the estranged pair no longer talk, Aniston said she had chosen to believe Pitt, 41, when he said he did not sleep with Jolie before their marriage fell apart in January. ""I just don't know what happened,"" she said. ""There's a lot I don't understand, a lot I don't know, and probably never will know, really. ""I choose to believe my husband. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised by anything, but I would much rather choose to believe him."" Her best friend and Friends co-star, Courteney Cox, joined in to reveal that although there was no affair, ""there was a connection"" between Jolie and Pitt, ""and he was honest about that with Jen."" Aniston said the rumours that the couple had split because she did not want children had made her fume. ""I've never in my life said I didn't want to have children,"" she raged. ""I did, and I do, and I will!"" Despite her pain, Aniston cannot switch off her feelings. ""I love Brad,"" she told the September edition of the magazine. ""I will love him for the rest of my life. I really do hope that someday we can be friends again.""" 1 Strippers, nudity, and violence have been common motifs in Rihanna’s recent visuals. “Needed Me,” which dropped on 4/20, follows that trend to a T, with a key difference being how the ANTI songstress had to go through some extra training to pull the video off. Rihanna released a pair of behind-the-scenes videos today (April 25), and Part 2 features her learning how to shoot a gun. The new skill comes in handy during the climax of the “Needed Me” video, in which she catches a body in a strip club. The features also show Rihanna riding a motorcycle and, of course, chilling in her see-through gown. Check out the BTS clips and the NSFW “Needed Me” video below. 1 Back in June of 2009, MTV fans were introduced to Amber Portwood with her episode of 16 & Pregnant, and for the subsequent seven years, she has continued to share her story as one of the four women picked for the hugely popular spin-off series, Teen Mom. In those seven years, Amber has shared all of the very high highs and very low lows of her life, and has had one of the most tumultuous journeys out of all the young women on the series. Then in 2014, Amber put out her first memoir “Never Too Late” and it became apparent that not everything was shared with the MTV cameras. So, go behind-the-scenes, and find 15 of the most shocking things about Amber, her life and filming that you never knew! 15. Early Life Amber’s story on 16 & Pregnant jumps right into her pregnancy with Leah, but her book gives fans a better idea just who Amber was before becoming pregnant at a young age. Amber goes into detail about her childhood, which started off with normal and happy family memories, but everything changed when her younger sister Candace, died at only two weeks old of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). “After Candace died, my family started to deteriorate. That was the start of the bad times that turned everything into a blur in my memory,” she wrote in the book and went on to reveal how both her parents developed drinking problems, but her dad’s alcoholism turned her parent’s relationship into nothing but screaming matches. ADVERTISEMENT 2 14. Suicide Attempt One of the most shocking things in “Never Too Late” is Amber’s admittance that as a young child she “just felt wrong,” and was already battling depression before she could comprehend what it was which eventually led to a suicide attempt when she was only 11 years. “No one was home when I did it. I just took a cord into the bathroom and hung it on the fan in the ceiling, and I looped it around my neck […] I just leaned into it and picked up my feet. It’s so hazy that I only remember certain details, like feeling tons of pressure behind my ears and then waking up on the floor. […] I didn’t try again, I just kind of chalked it up to a failure. And I couldn’t get the fan back up right because the screw was stripped, so after that it was always kind of messed up and made this weird sound when it was on.” She went on to add that every day she would notice that sound and would “have to remember what I’d done that day.” 3 13. Gary In their episode of 16 & Pregnant, Amber gives a quick recap of her relationship with Gary, but in the book she gives a better explanation of how they met. Although she knew he was her older brother Shawn’s friend, the first she ever saw Gary was in the school library. Amber remembers being sent there to catch up on homework and a senior class was in there, including Gary who, according to her, “was freaking huge.” “I didn’t even see his face, but I remember thinking to myself, ‘Oh my god, this guy is huge. He’s gotta be the biggest guy in the school.'” Then, only one week later, the two were finally introduced when Amber was home sick from school and Shawn and Gary came over. Interestingly, Amber makes a point of never saying Gary’s name in her book — she calls him “future-fiance,” “fiance,” and then “ex-fiance,” or simply refers to him as “Leah’s father.” 4 12. Early Relationship Eventually, something blossomed between the two when Gary called the house looking for Shawn, but Shawn was at work. Little did Amber know, Gary was the one who had taken Shawn to work and knew exactly where he was, he just needed an excuse to call and strike up a conversation with Amber. The most shocking part is how she talks about Gary in this part. The two have been down a very rough and difficult road, and it seems fans never got a true sense of how in love they once were. “He played the guitar for me. I love a man with a guitar, but he was very, very good. He’s probably the best guitar player out of any of the guys I’ve been around. The way he plays is just so gentle, and he has a beautiful singing voice. […] We had something special.” It is interesting for fans to see Amber talking about Gary that way and revealing his secret talent, and she also went on to reveal that the pair were both virgins before getting together. 5 11. Telling Her Parents After Gary and Amber had been on and off for three years, things were looking good for the pair, Gary was working really hard to become a nurse’s assistant and Amber was on her way to a management position at Wendy’s, but then she found out she was pregnant after taking a pregnancy test in her work’s bathroom. Gary handled the news really well, but then they had to tell her parents. “I called up my mom to have her come over so I could tell her what was up. I think it was actually her birthday the day I found out. She came home for five minutes, which was long enough to sit down, hear the news, freak out a little bit, call my dad, and leave with her boyfriend. Pretty smooth, Can’t say I blame her.” Her dad didn’t handle it well either: “I’ll never forget his reaction. He was so pissed he just slowly turned away and went into the kitchen to get away from us for a minute […] Both of my parents were seriously shocked. They thought I was a virgin. My bad.” 6 10. Fame Changes People Early on in her pregnancy, Amber heard about MTV’s new show 16 & Pregnant and decided to apply, but had absolutely no idea how it would change her’s, her daughter’s, Gary’s and their family’s lives forever. “We had absolutely no idea the show was going to turn into the huge thing it is today. We [thought] we were going to be on TV for a little while and everyone would forget about us afterwards,” Amber said of getting selected for the show. After describing how hard she and Gary worked together to get ready for Leah, which included getting their own place, she went on to explain that it didn’t take long before the effects of MTV fame became to hit. “All that attention was the last thing we expected. Leah’s dad started getting all of these girls talking to him. I don’t know how many times I saw messages on his account from girls, risque pictures from all these randos, and him writing back saying, ‘ooh, sexy’ and things like that.” She added, “It started out slow but we would end up losing ourselves in the money and that weird kind of fame we had landed in. Leah’s dad wound up becoming someone who was far, far away from the person he used to be in my memory.” 7 9. Pill Abuse Long before her pregnancy, before Gary, but also throughout their relationship, Amber began using pills as her party substance. Although she stopped using pills when she found out she was pregnant, it didn’t take long for the addiction to take over. “For six months after she was born, I stayed sober. But I was already reaching my limit with unhappiness and stress, and I was almost begging for something to come along and offer me a way of escape.” Amber then got a Klonopin prescription for her anxiety. “But almost right away, I started eating them all up, and that was the beginning of me becoming an addict.” Shortly after getting the prescription, MTV producers came by to reveal Amber had been picked to star on Teen Mom. “I was so blissed out on my new pills I had to think kind of carefully about how to say ‘Yayyy… woohoo.'” 8 8. Valentine’s Day – Cheating As their fame increased with filming for Teen Mom, and Amber’s addiction got worse, Gary and Amber’s relationship started to break down even more, and it was on Valentine’s Days she found out he was messing around with other girls. Gary left Amber to go to the mall because he hadn’t had the chance to get anything for her for Valentine’s Day yet. After he was gone for many hours, she called him, and heard girls in the background. Gary said he met them at the mall and gave them a ride home, and it turned into a huge fight which continued when he got home, and he left again to go stay with his mom. “Before long, he called me up crying, or at least acting like he was crying, and saying he had something to tell me. ‘I cheated on you.’ Those weren’t girls he just picked up at the mall. He didn’t even go to the mall to get me a present for Valentine’s Day. He went to hang out with those girls because he was messing around with one of them […] Nothing between us was ever the same after that…I look back on that day as the day everything completely changed.” 9 7. Fighting and The Other Girl Fans of Teen Mom OG who have followed Amber and Gary’s story know that the one defining moment out of it all was when their fights turned physical, and Amber actually hit Gary. In the book, she delves into how things got so bad and the behind-the-scenes information that got them to that destructive point. Amber reveals in the book that the girl Gary had cheated on her with actually appeared on the show. “The whole thing was kept under wraps. He actually filmed with this girl one time, and people who were watching didn’t realize he’d cheated on me with her. It was kept covered up for a long time.” Despite all of this, Amber really wanted things to work out with Gary, and she describes a nice night the two had that quickly went bad. “I got up and sort of quietly went down the hallway to listen. And there he was, on the phone, talking to this girl. In my freaking house, he was sitting there talking to the girl he cheated with.” She added, “I know people might think they know how bad it was from that they saw, but what was inside our world, what we did keep from showing other people, was even worse. There were times we’d physically fight, both of us. He’d spit on my face and I’d spit back in his face.” 10 6. Signing Over Custody After the fight, Amber’s downward spiral continued, but it was signing over custody of Leah to Gary that drove her deeper into a mess of depression, anxiety and self-medicating with pills. “I can tell you that the day I signed over custody rights to Leah’s father was the day I completely broke […] Everything that happened around that time is a complete jumble, because after I lost Leah I literally went insane.” Afterwards, Amber attempted suicide for the second time in her life. “I went into the bathroom of my house and tried to hang myself. Before I did it, I called up Leah’s dad and told him I love him […] I took a bunch of pills and tried to get a rope around my neck. I can’t even remember clearly exactly what I did. When the police came, I was unconscious, just moaning.” Ten days later she headed for her rehab trip to Malbu, Califronia which was documented by Teen Mom. 11 5. Sex Addiction One of the most shocking parts of Amber’s recollection is what happened in her life between signing over custody and her trip to rehab. “It was a bad time. I started going out, fighting, and partying […] I finally got to a place where the attention and money started getting to me, too.” “I was always extreme when it came to partying and sex. When it really got down to it, my life at that time was nothing but pills and men […] Looking back I think it’s obvious I had a bad sex addiction along with the pill addiction.” She explained, “I used to get into fights with boyfriends over how much sex I wanted. If they weren’t in the mood or they were too tired, I would go off. How insane is that?” Amber also revealed that the whole time Gary was trying to get her back and he “would come over and dig through my trash can for condoms, even though we were completely broken up.” 12 4. Partying with Paparazzi As Amber’s reputation as a partier began to precede her, she wound up in some interesting situations which MTV crews never documented, one of which was crazy nights she had partying with paparazzi. “I was pretty good at avoiding them, usually. I’d just sneak in and out of my house through the back. But there was one time when I’d just gotten out of the shower and I heard a knock on the door. I went and answered in a towel, and so of course there were four guys standing there. One of them was a guy from a pretty well-known publication who said he’d heard I could party […] so I went along and partied with him at the hotel where they were staying. You think teenaged reality TV stars are crazy? Well, listen up: paparazzi are crazy.” “We went to the hotel and stayed the whole night hanging out and partying. There were people there who were trading pills and getting all messed up. We got crazy in the hot tub, rocking out and acting wild, and early in the morning we went back out and these guys stole a bunch of balloons from some store parking lot and handed them to me. There were pictures online of me walking down the street with this big bunch of balloons while they were just taking photos of me.” 13 3. Dan “Never Too Late” makes it quite clear that Teen Mom fans only see a small sliver of the star’s lives, and that is never more evident than when Amber opens up about one of the loves of her life…Dan, who Amber never speaks of now, and fans didn’t even know about. “One night, I dragged my friend Sallie out to this bar called Jimmy’s, and we were talking and drinking and having fun when these two dudes walked in with a girl. One of these guys was f–king hot. He was just chiseled to the core. Like a country boy with the body of a Greek god, I swear to you, and these beautiful blue eyes!” Amber describes how she and this guy, Dan, got together and how amazing everything was. “We ended up getting together and having a beautiful relationship. We were so happy. We never fought. We made love five times a day, whenever we could. It was insane. Perfect, really.” Despite being happy, and even though he was a “good influence,” Amber was already “beyond reach,” and she writes, “The amazing thing about Dan was the he stuck by my side as long as he did. In another life, I think we could have had something special. Unfortunately, we weren’t cut out for making it together in this one.” 14 2. Jail…Twice One night, Dan found Amber passed out with a bottle of pills beside her and freaked out worrying she had overdosed, but she woke up and reassured him. Unfortunately she wasn’t able to wake up again for her appointment with her probation officer the next morning. Once the probation officer showed up at her house and found Amber’s stash of pills, she was sent to the courthouse where she was sentenced to a jail stint of three months. This also meant a huge withdrawal from her pills. “I weighed about 115 lbs, and every day, about every four to six hours, I was taking eight or ten of my 1o mg Hydros, which is an unholy amount of those to take. Then I was rounding that out with three Klonopins, two Valiums, and a Soma.” Unfortunately after getting out, things arguably got worse for the reality star. Amber started using Fentanyl patches to get high, which are not only dangerous, but don’t show up on regulated drug tests. “I fell in love with those things so hard I became an addict on a completely different level.” After another near death experience because of taking drugs, Amber finally woke up enough to know she had to do something and at her next court date said she wanted jail time. 15 1. The Last Straw Amber’s description of her time in prison is one of both hardship, but also success. She achieved things in prison that never would have happened had she continued on the path she was on with pills and partying. As it turns out, despite everything they had been through, when Amber was in prison, she and Gary were “working things out.” They decided they were getting together when she got out, and she sent him $1000 to help him get a place for the two of them and Leah. Then, one night, she figured it out that, through everything he was saying, he had a girlfriend. Once again, Amber realized her family with Gary could not be mended, and it was the last time she tried. 0 Seacrest … in! After months of talks and speculation, Ryan Seacrest will officially return to host the “American Idol” revival on ABC. The network made the announcement after Seacrest broke the news on Thursday morning’s “Live With Kelly and Ryan.” Seacrest will earn about $12 million for his role on the show this season, but will not receive credit as an executive producer. He will, however, have creative consultation and approval on judges and other production issues, Variety has confirmed. Sources say the negotiations were protracted due to questions about his complicated schedule and other commitments. Seacrest served as host for the franchise during its 15-season run on Fox, which aired its “farewell season” last year. The multihyphenate will continue to co-host and executive produce “Live With Kelly and Ryan” from New York in addition to hosting and executive producing his iHeartRadio-syndicated morning radio show “On Air With Ryan Seacrest” from Los Angeles. “It’s genuinely hard to put into words what ‘American Idol’ means to me,” Seacrest said in a statement. “I’m so grateful for the show and all the career and life opportunities it’s allowed me to experience. It’s been an incredible journey from day one. To be asked to return this year, at my new home at Disney|ABC, is an honor, if not a bit surreal. I believe ABC is the perfect home for ‘Idol,’ and I’ve every confidence the show’s legions of fans will love it — especially “Idol’s” best traditions of showcasing heartwarming stories, remarkable talent discovery, and, best of all, making dreams come true.” ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey said she attributes much of “American Idol’s” success to Seacrest. Related Inside CNN's Frenzied and Sometimes Freaky New Year's Eve Comedy Series Inspired by Kelly Ripa, Ryan Seacrest Gets Put Pilot Order at ABC “We are thrilled to be ushering in this new era of ‘American Idol’ with Ryan at the helm,” Dungey said. “So much of “American Idol’s” overwhelming success can be attributed to Ryan, whose larger-than- life personality and laudable dedication to creating quality entertainment has made him a true master of his craft. His talent is limitless, and I can’t think of a more appropriate person to honor the ‘Idol’ legacy as it takes on new life than the man who has been there through it all.” Variety reported in May that ABC, which beat out other networks to bring the singing competition back to the air, committed to broadcasting about 40 hours of the program — making it likely that the show will air over two nights most weeks, like it did on Fox. Katy Perry joined “American Idol” as a judge in May, becoming the first onscreen talent to board the reboot. Live auditions for the reality series begin in August. The show returns on ABC in 2018. “American Idol” is produced by FremantleMedia North America and 19 Entertainment, a division of CORE Media Group. The executive producers include FremantleMedia North America’s Trish Kinane and Jennifer Mullin, along with co-executive producer Megan Wolflick. FremantleMedia International distributes the series worldwide. “‘Idol’ wouldn’t be ‘Idol’ without Ryan,” said Core Media Group CEO Peter Hurwitz. “We’re delighted that he’s joining us and ABC as we set out to uncover the amazing talent America has to offer,” added Kinane, FremantleMedia’s president of entertainment programming. 0 They said “I do” — again! Tom Jackson and Abby Parr, whose rekindled romance was featured on Netflix’s Queer Eye, have remarried! The happy couple eloped in a private ceremony at Chapel at the Park in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, on Sunday, March 27. “The best part of the day was during the ceremony as we stood before the minister, both of us excited and happy to be recommitting ourselves to each other in marriage,” the couple exclusively tells Us Weekly. Despite it being the couple’s second round at married life, they kept some details of their wedding traditional: they lit a unity candle, had a small wedding cake and celebrated their honeymoon in Gatlinburg. “I was excited and happy! I was marrying the love of my life. Tom looked happy and excited as I walked down the aisle – I was looking at him looking at me and he was smiling as I walked down the aisle!” the bride, 52 — who wore an Oleg Cassini dress and a matching jeweled headpiece — tells Us. “Tom was grinning from ear to ear!” As previously reported, Jackson was transformed on the Netflix reboot of the hit series, during which the demise of his first marriage to Parr was explained. Following the episode airing, he later announced on Twitter that not only had he and Parr had gotten back together, but they were now engaged! “Thomas and I, we have never really been apart, apart. We have been best friends for 12 years and we have known each other for 12 years,” Parr told Us at the time. “We have always loved each other, that never stopped, whether we were together or not.” While the fab five — Bobby Berk, Antoni Porowski, Jonathan Van Ness, Tan France and Karamo Brown — didn’t attend the ceremony, the groom’s appearance on Queer Eye played a part in his attire for his big day. Jackson, 58, wore a black suit that had been tailored during his wardrobe makeover, in addition to a shirt given to him by France! Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! 0 Taylor Swift didn’t step away from the spotlight just for show. During her Reputation Stadium Tour opening night show in Glendale, Arizona, the 28-year-old star opened up to her fans in an intimate moment about going through a difficult time “a couple of years ago” while alluding to her feud with Kim Kardashian West. “Someone called me a snake on social media and it caught on,” she said while speaking to the record-breaking audience at the University of Phoenix Stadium. “And then a lot of people called me a lot of names on social media, and I went through some really low times for a while because of it.” Taylor Swift Rick Scuteri/Invision/AP/REX/Shutterstock In July 2016, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians reality star, 37, branded Swift a “snake” and posted videos on her Snapchat of a private phone call between the Grammy winner and West, 40, discussing his song “Famous.” “Where is the video of Kanye telling me he was going to call me ‘that bitch’ in his song? It doesn’t exist because it never happened. You don’t get to control someone’s emotional response to being called ‘that bitch’ in front of the entire world,” the singer wrote on her Instagram account afterwards. RELATED VIDEO: ‘Deeply Sorry’ Katy Perry Sends Olive Branch and Sweet Letter to Taylor Swift Ahead of Tour Though the entertainers were never heard discussing the specific lyric “Why? I made that bitch famous” — which Swift has consistently said is what upset her — the “Delicate” singer received a flood of backlash from fans calling her a liar. “I went through some times when I didn’t know if I was gonna get to do this anymore,” she told her fans on Tuesday night before launching into “Long Live,” a track off her Speak Now album. “I guess the snakes … I wanted to send a message to you guys that if someone uses name calling to bully you on social media and even if a lot of people jump on board with it, that doesn’t have to defeat you. It can strengthen you instead.” RELATED: Big Reputation! See All the Photos from Taylor Swift’s Tour Kickoff Taylor Swift Kevin Winter/Getty Swift has embraced the snake during her reputation era, and her stages, merch and album promo have all featured the slithery reptile. “I think something that came out of it that was good is that I learned a really important lesson that I’ve been telling you from the stage for about 10 years but I never had it learn it so harshly myself, and that lesson has to do with how much you value your reputation,” she concluded. “And I think that the lesson is that you shouldn’t care so much if you feel misunderstood by a lot of people who don’t know you as long as you feel understood by the people who do know you, the people who will show up for you, the people who see you as a human being. So thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to get to know me, for showing up for me, for seeing me as a human being. That’s you. You did that for me.” 1 DEMI MOORE SAYS SHE SAVED her from some major business mistakes. Rosanna Arquette says she helped save her daughter’s life. Brad Pitt likes to drop by and play with her 5-year-old son Samson; wellness guru Deepak Chopra calls for advice. And Laura Day, the object of all this celebrity attention? “I’m not what you expect,” she insists. “I’m just your basic, straitlaced Jewish woman.” Who believes—as do her fans—that she has a highly accurate sense of intuition. “Intuition allows us to predict events,” claims Day, 38. She maintains that everyone has such abilities,, waiting to be developed; her 1996 how-to book, Practical Intuition, sold 133,000 hardcover copies, and her 1997 follow-up, Practical Intuition for Success, is the first part of a two-book, $3 million deal. Before becoming an author, Day earned as much as $5,000 a session advising filmmakers (on script and casting problems) and business executives (about market trends). “I don’t see hallucinations, it’s just a flash of something in my head,” says Day, who’s wary of being thought of as some spacey psychic or guru. “I’m not magical or New Age or a spiritual leader. There’s nothing that sets me apart from anyone else.” So how to explain all those A-list amigos? “She’s very open and loving,” says Arquette, who met Day through a mutual friend, rocker Peter Gabriel. In 1996, Arquette phoned Day to tell her that her daughter Zoe, then 2, had a fever and diarrhea, which a doctor had said was the flu. “I had a very clear feeling that Zoe was going to die,” recalls Day, who saw to it that the girl was taken to a hospital, where she was diagnosed with a rare form of blood poisoning. “Laura’s information saved Zoe’s life,” says Arquette. “It was intense.” Day’s friendships with Hollywood heavyweights have helped her, too. When HarperCollins didn’t throw a bash for her second book last October, her friends, including close pal Brad Pitt, threw her a party instead. Demi Moore—or “Aunt Demi,” as she’s known to Samson—worked with Day on the set of 199l’s The Butcher’s Wife, in which Moore played a psychic. “Laura has given me a trust in my own intuition,” says the actress, who won’t reveal much about the business situation gone wrong but admits it would have been worse without Day’s intervention. “I took a greater position of responsibility,” says Moore. “Laura put me back in the driver’s seat.” Day says she discovered her special way of seeing things at an early age. The oldest of four children born in New York City to David Globus, now 67 and an internist, and Vivian, a full-time mother, Day was 11 when her mother, who suffered from depression, slipped into a coma after a suicide attempt. “I wanted her to live,” says Day, “and I needed to know what to do.” She recalls having an instinct to channel her own warmth and energy into Vivian’s body. Her mother pulled through but, three years later, succeeded in taking her own life. Day went on to study philosophy and religion at Syracuse University and, in 1979, at age 20, married Lee Day, now 39 and a Web site designer. Twelve years later they separated, and eight months after that, Day gave birth to their son Samson. Facing a mound of bills from a divorce that is still being litigated, Day, who had been teaching intuition workshops and taking a few consulting jobs, wondered how she could make ends meet and still be a full-time mother. “At the point when you’re most lost,” says Day, “that’s when intuition kicks in.” Intuition said: Write a book. Her ensuing success—she writes two hours a day and is now working on Intuition and Love, a guide to finding a mate—allows her to “do bake sales and book sales and be a very involved parent.” A perfect evening is cooking for a gaggle of friends in her New York City loft, which she and Samson share with a cat, three lizards, a mouse and nine fish. “People are drawn to Laura,” says Adam Robinson, 42, an educator and Day’s boyfriend of three years. “She makes them feel at ease and accepted. She radiates empathy.” And yet, Day only rarely gets intuitive about her own life, despite the success that trusting her gut has brought her. “I don’t want my environment perfect,” she says. “I work very hard to live in the moment. I’m interested in how I’m feeling right now.” ALEX TRESNIOWSKI DEBBIE SEAMAN in New York City 1 What happens when a prince interviews a president? Well, if this teaser of Britain’s Prince Harry interviewing former US president Barack Obama is anything to go by, the answer is a lot of fun. On Prince Harry’s request, Barack Obama agreed to star in a guest edition of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. Kensington Palace shared the trailer on Sunday,where Harry can be seen joking with Obama. In the preview, Obama asks Harry if he has to speak quickly, since he is a slow speaker. “Do I need a British accent?” jokes Obama. In turn, Harry tells the former president that if he takes long pauses between answers, he will get “the face”. “Let me see the face”, asks Obama, leading Prince Harry to pull an exaggerated mock-grimace. “I don’t want to see that face,” the former president says. Here is a sneak preview of when @BarackObama met Prince Harry for the interview. Listen to the full interview on 27th December on @BBCr4today. pic.twitter.com/p5I1dUdyhx — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) December 17, 2017 The trailer also shows Prince Harry saying that while Obama is excited, he is feeling nervous. “I’ll interview you if you want,” says Obama. “Let’s keep it this way, I’d much prefer that,” replies Harry. Harry and Obama are known for their rapport and their very public exchanges of sassy banter. Who can forget the British royal’s Twitter ‘war’ with the Obamas while promoting the 2015 Invictus Games, which lead to Harry’s by-now-famous ‘mic drop’ moment? Not even the Queen. Invictus Games is a Paralympic sporting event for injured or sick armed forces personnel, that was found by Prince Harry in 2014. Harry and Obama hung out at this year’s Invictus Games in Toronto in September, joking, cheering and taking selfies with fans. Social media gushed over the bromance, spinning memes around it. The full 40-minute interview will air December 27 on England’s BBC Radio 4 Today. First Published: Dec 18, 2017 12:23 IST 0 KOURTNEY Kardashian is the eldest of the Kardashian dynasty. Here's everything you need to know about her following her split from boyfriend Younes Bendjima... Getty Images 5 Kourtney Kardashian is the eldest of Kris Jenner's six children Who is Kourtney Kardashian? Kourtney Mary Kardashian was born on April 18 1979 and is the eldest daughter of Robert Kardashian and Kris Jenner. Her full siblings are Kim, Khloe and Rob - and she also has two half sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner from mum Kris's marriage to Caitlyn Jenner (previously known as Bruce). Before hitting the big time with the family reality show, Kourtney studied Theatre Arts and Spanish at the University Of Arizona. Getty Images - WireImage 5 Kourtney is close to sisters Kim and Khloe When did Kourtney Kardashian split from Younes Bendjima? Kourtney split from her boyfriend Younes Bendjima (a boxer and model from Algeria) in August 2018 following an 18 month romance. The pair made a rare appearance in public in May 2017 and reportedly started dating in October 2017. They were first snapped together as they left a hotel in Paris in December 2017. Kourtney previously had an on-off relationship with Scott Disick, the father of her three children, which spanned from 2006 - 2015 and involved three break ups. Social Media 5 Kourtney Kardashian was spotted out with model lover Younes Bendjima How did Kourtney Kardashian get famous? More than ten years after dad Robert Kardashian's turn as one of OJ Simpson's attorneys at his murder trial, Kourtney first tasted TV fame in 2005 series Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive. Just two years later, a sex tape made by sister Kim and rapper Ray J was leaked, which led to family notoriety and reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians. She's since appeared on spin-off shows Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami, Kourtney & Kim Take New York and Kourtney & Khloe Take The Hamptons. Splash News 5 Kourtney has had her own fair share of personal dramas with baby daddy Scott How many kids does Kourtney Kardashian have? Kourtney has three children with her ex Scott Disick. The couple split back in 2015 and despite numerous rumours, things are now said to be said to be firmly off between them. However, they amicably co-parent their three children Mason, 7, Penelope, 4, and Reign, 2. MORE KARDASHIAN NEWS ay, caramba! Kourtney Kardashian wears a sheer see-through dress for dinner in Mexico 'Inseparable' Kylie and Travis 'thinking about marriage' as relationship grows stronger PRANKED! Kim Kardashian has giggle fit with sister Kylie Jenner after tricking Kris SOMETHING OFF Kris Jenner terrified after becoming convinced someone is poisoning her water peach on the beach Kim Kardashian goes braless and flaunts curves in barely there bikini KEEPING UP WITH CAIT The essentials and the latest on the life of Caitlyn Jenner Is Kourtney Kardashian pregnant? Rumours swirled that the mum-of-three was expecting baby number four earlier this year after apparently reconciling with Scott. Although the reality star has kept mum about the reports, there's been no hint of a baby bump in recent bikini snaps of Kourtney holidaying in Hawaii. However, Kourtney hasn't ruled out having more children, happily saying she would have 'six'. It's unlikely that baby number four is on the way just yet though - as Kim revealed on social media that her big sis had got so drunk on her birthday trip to Mexico that she had thrown up four times! Recent reports showed that her current relationship is pretty casual and she has no plans to have another child any time soon. 1 "Life is good for Amanda Seyfried. On the heels of a monumental March, where the actress secretly tied the knot with actor beau Thomas Sadoski and then gave birth to their baby girl, the actress told E! News that she couldn't be happier. ""Man, I love being a mother,"" she gushed. ""I love my family so much."" Unfortunately for us, the famously guarded Twin Peaks star also added that she doesn't plan on sharing photos of her little girl with the public. ""I probably never will,"" she offered matter-of-factly. ""She's a secret."" I guess that means we'll just have to ogle at photos of her beloved dog Finn—not that we mind. Six days until LA's #strutyourmutt event at the LA Coliseum Exposition Park. Walk with @finnsite and me to raise awareness for the 9,000 dogs and cats killed every day in shelters across the US. See you there! A post shared by Amanda Seyfried (@mingey) on Oct 16, 2016 at 9:04am PDT Seyfried was just as private about her wedding day, which Sadoski later described to James Corden as ""beautiful"" when he appeared on the Late Late Show shortly after the big event. ""It was everything that it should be. It was just the two of us talking to each other,"" he recalled. For now, Seyfried seems more than content with her new family. ""I couldn't be more in awe of my life,"" she told E!. RELATED: Amanda Seyfried and Thomas Sadoski Step Out Together For First Time Since Welcoming Daughter Congratulations again, Amanda. We couldn't be happier for you." 0 Harvey Weinstein’s attorney blasted Asia Argento for “hypocrisy” on Monday, following a report that she had settled a sexual abuse claim brought by actor James Bennett. Argento was one of Weinstein’s initial accusers, telling the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow that he forcibly performed oral sex on her 20 years ago. Argento has also been at the forefront of the movement to hold Hollywood’s sexual abusers to account. Weinstein’s criminal attorney, Ben Brafman, argued in a statement that the revelations about Argento undermine her claims against Weinstein. “This development reveals a stunning level of hypocrisy by Asia Argento, one of the most vocal catalysts who sought to destroy Harvey Weinstein,” Brafman said. “What is perhaps most egregious, is the timing, which suggests that at the very same time Argento was working on her own secret settlement for the alleged sexual abuse of a minor, she was positioning herself at the forefront of those condemning Mr. Weinstein, despite the fact that her sexual relationship with Mr. Weinstein was between two consenting adults which lasted for more than four years. The sheer duplicity of her conduct is quite extraordinary and should demonstrate to everyone how poorly the allegations against Mr. Weinstein were actually vetted and accordingly, cause all of us to pause and allow due process to prevail, not condemnation by fundamental dishonesty.” Argento has not sued Weinstein, and her allegations are not part of the criminal case against him. Weinstein faces up to life in prison if convicted on six charges of sexual assault and rape. Argento was accused of having sex with Bennett at a hotel room in Marina del Rey, Calif., in 2013, when the actor was just 17 years old. According to the Times report, Argento agreed to pay $380,000 to settle the allegations. 0 The detail in the comment: Let’s say if they get donation of someone else’s eyes, can they see it again? by Quora Question Details Bot -Until today the technology or science cannot do those yet, eyes tranplantation or surgery… but that makes me grow better, like many quote of “a Woman is not written in Braille, so you don’t have to touch them to know her”. that quote exist because of those which blind and braille… What makes them special: they which blind able to see by their heart and other person real heart, willing to really help and supporting them. But eyes donation are available, like someone able to become their guardian or care-taking them, that’s what enter the terms of like I am donating my eyes, if they really want to see something, they are the ones which ask me to describe what I see to them… 1 "FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty: President Obama has made racism worse in America. So says the African-American actor Morgan Freeman. He told CNN's Piers Morgan that the tea party's opposition to Mr. Obama, the nation's first black president, is rooted in racism. Freeman claims tea partiers will do whatever it takes to ""get this black man out of here."" He adds that the tea party shows the ""weak, dark underside of America,"" and that ""we're supposed to be better than that."" The only black Republican candidate for president pushed right back. Businessman and tea party member Herman Cain says most of the people who criticize the movement have never been to a tea party rally. Cain says ""name calling"" will continue because opponents don't know how to stop the tea party movement. Meanwhile - with black leaders grumbling that Mr. Obama hasn't done enough about staggering black unemployment - the president has evoked language that sounds a whole lot like the civil rights era. He told the Congressional Black Caucus to march with him: ""Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes."" Americans are split on how Mr. Obama's presidency has changed race relations in the U.S. A recent USA Today/Gallup poll shows 35% of those surveyed said race relations have improved, while 23% say they've gotten worse under President Obama. 41% percent see no change. Back in 2008, when the nation voted for ""hope and change,"" Americans had a much rosier view of what this president would do for race relations. Gallup found that the day after Mr. Obama was elected, a whopping 70% predicted race relations would improve. Here’s my question to you: Has President Obama made racism worse? Interested to know which ones made it on air? Rick: Not really, but a lot of people have grown weary of all the ""race card"" excuses for Obama's very poor performance. And those critical of his performance are really sick of being labeled racist. Presidents are subject to criticism of their actions, policies, and coordination with Congress. This president gets no ""get out of jail free"" card for being black. Charles: Yes and no. He has made racism better by allowing us to talk about the issues, debate them and see a black man as a man. We are not there yet completely, but closer. And yes, he has made it worse: just look at the type of president that he has been. Awful. I say this as a black man who voted for him. Maybe we as a nation and we here in the black community might have been better off if Hillary had won or if Colin Powell had been the first black president. Debbie on Facebook: No, the president has not made racism worse. People were already racist and when a man of color became president of ""their country"", they stopped trying to hide what was already there. Barbara: Somehow his being elected brought the worst out of people. They are having a hard time hiding their racism - just the opposite of what I hoped would happen. It’s a very sad state of affairs. No one can convince me that his race doesn't have a lot to do with the Republicans’ hatred. A lot of these good Christian, family values people are indeed racist. Bob: Obama has made everything worse; I think he does it on purpose. Billy: Herman Cain's success is proof that the economy is more of an enemy than racism. So in a weird and unanticipated way, he has actually made things better. M.: You have got to be kidding me with that loaded question. Short answer: No. He's bi-racial, and I think that many of the Caucasian people (Republicans and Tea Partiers) have a problem with his skin color. He didn't make it worse by running for President. This is one of the worst questions you have ever asked." 1 "Celebrity A source reveals that the busty diva had 'hanky-panky' with her dancer boyfriend in the ladies room of Catch restaurant in Los Angeles. Mar 7, 2017 AceShowbiz - It looks like Mariah Carey couldn't resist to get hot and heavy with her beau Bryan Tanaka even when they're in public places. According to a new National Enquirer report, the ""I Don't"" singer went as far as having sex with the hunky guy in the bathroom of a popular restaurant in Los Angeles. Mimi had ""hanky-panky"" with Bryan in the ladies room of Catch restaurant, according to the publication. It went on citing an eyewitness as saying, ""Mariah had been all over tight-bodied Bryan while sashaying up to the club as fotogs' flashbulbs popped, but she was not putting on an act."" The alleged source added, ""She's totally red-hot for that boy, and... she later had the ladies' room cleared, then pulled her hottie inside for an even more private party."" The lovebirds allegedly ""stayed locked long-ish."" When they finally emerged, a girl friend asked her, ""What were you doing in there all the time?"" Mimi giggled, before telling the pal, ""Everything."" Mimi and Bryan definitely have been all over each other since they began dating. But they unlikely would do such thing publicly. Gossip Cop can confirm that the couple did not have sex in the bathroom of the popular restaurant. Citing a rep for Mimi, the site says that the National Enquirer story is 100|percent| ""made up.""" 1 As the clock struck midnight Thursday, a legion of Taylor Swift fans made a quick escape to their computers and smartphones to listen to the singer’s brand-new song off upcoming album Reputation, “Gorgeous.” Teased earlier in the day with a trio of hot-pink Instagram posts and an intriguingly vague snippet featuring a child’s voice, “Gorgeous” is the third single Swift has shared off of her Nov. 10 album, following the late-summer smash success of “Look What You Made Me Do” and follow-up anthem “…Ready For It.” Both of those songs have charted well for Swift in the ensuing months, and — based purely on the undying strength of her fanbase — it would be a surprise if “Gorgeous” didn’t follow in their footsteps. The Brief Newsletter Sign up to receive the top stories you need to know right now. View Sample Sign Up Now For this album, Swift has been experimenting with beat-forward electro-pop, steering clear of her previous country roots and eschewing her past detours into lite dubstep drops. Instead, her music references ’80s and ’90s sounds in its own style of minimalist rock-pop: a little bit punk, a little bit rap-sung, and plenty of catchy melody for good measure. And the lyrics? As ever, Swift stays personal, as past lyrics have alluded to the headlines and personalities that have influenced her path through stardom. Some super-fans have already listened to Reputation at private sessions hosted by Swift in London and her home in Rhode Island. But the rest will have to replay “Gorgeous” for three more weeks. You can listen to “Gorgeous” now, above. Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com. 0 "Instead, she first broke ground in her early career as a member of the early '90s dance troupe, The Fly Girls, on the sketch comedy TV show, In Living Color. But, as a self-described ""camera hog"" influenced by the movie musicals of her childhood, it wasn't long before she was on the silver screen and in the studio. ""I watched a lot of musicals because of my mom and that influenced me very much in the fact that a career in this business would have to be all three,"" she explained to James Lipton on Inside the Actors Studio. She inched closer toward movie star with films like Money Train and Jack before landing the role of a lifetime as Selena Quintanilla in the eponymous 1997 film. By 27, she was a Golden Globe nominee. Not before long, the star was pulling triple duty as an actress, dancer and singer as her debut studio album, On the 6, charted in the Billboard 200 top 10 and was certified triple platinum in the United States in 1999. ""I always thought I could do both and there was no switch [from acting to singing],"" she told People. ""For me I was going to continue doing movies while I made this album. It was always part of my plan.""" 1 "Lisa Rinna made her feelings quite clear when she zealously came to her husband Harry Hamlin's defense on Tuesday's episode of Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills after Kim Richards accused him of harboring a secret. And now the 63-year-old Mad Men actor is applauding his wife's actions. The LA Law star said that he and Lisa equally defend each other's honor. Scroll down for video Happy couple: Harry Hamlin stood behind his wife Lisa Rinna after her outburst on Tuesday's Real Housewives of Beverly Hills defending his honor. The pair are pictured at an awards dinner in LA in February 'I was actually proud of her. I mean, look -- you are getting your back up against a wall with something like that,' he told US Weekly at the Raising The Bar to End Parkinson’s event in Sherman Oaks, California on Saturday. 'What do you expect you know in the long run? But every time I see it, I go, ""You go girl!'"" Even though he previously had his reservations about his wife coming on the show, Harry now admits Lisa is doing a good job. Make-believe: TMZ has reported that Kim Richards invented the fact that she knows a secret about Harry that Lisa is covering up during last week's episode 'Well, you know, I am [proud] because she’s doing a magnificent job,' he said. 'I think she’s bringing some class to a show that is kind of a reflection of who we are today. 'So in some sense it is art in that respect. I think she’s doing an extraordinary job.' As for the big secret Kim is accusing him of hiding? Harry said he is in the dark just like everyone else. Losing her cool: When Kim, 50, brought up her husband, Lisa, 51, furiously smashed a glass of wine 'There is a hashtag #WhatDidHarryDo? out there so maybe someone will tell me at some point, and I hope it was good,' he joked. On last week's episode, Kim, 50, accused Lisa of harboring a secret about her husband, causing Lisa, 51, to throw and smash a glass full of wine. Fans were left wondering exactly what Kim 'knew' about Harry, 63, but TMZ reports that Kim fabricated the story just to push Lisa’s buttons. In the face: Lisa tossed a glass full of wine into Kim's face According to production sources, the Housewives brought up the issue again during the taping of the reunion episode, and Kim admitted she made it up. The season five reunion episode was filmed on February 20 and will air on a later date. Fans witnessed the feud between Kim and Lisa come to a dramatic head on Tuesday night's episode. In a final flourish after a menacing exchange of words, Lisa furiously smashed a wine glass after throwing the contents in Kim's face. 'I f***ing lost my f***ing marbles,' Lisa admitted later. The astonishing fight came during what should have been a civilized dinner during a trip to Yolanda Foster's hometown of Amsterdam. Drama: The astonishing fight came during what should have been a civilized dinner during a trip to Yolanda Foster's hometown of Amsterdam But the civility did not last long as they started having a serious chat, with Lisa discussing her 'really deep-rooted issues about people dying from alcohol and drug overdoses' after losing her 21-year-old sister when she was just six. Breaking down, Lisa turned to Kim and said: 'I'm sorry if I've ever gotten into any of your business, I never meant to …' 'Well, you have,' Kim snapped, shocking everyone by cutting her short in her emotional moment and bringing up their feud on the jet over there. About to explode: Lisa became outraged after Kim brought up her husband Harry 'I have been sober for three years,' Kim insisted, adding that her one time taking a pill at the poker party was a one off. 'You have gone around to everybody and talked about me,' she said, also pointing to Eileen and saying: 'And you too. She then unexpectedly turned the tables on Lisa, telling her: 'I'm concerned about you, and your situation at home. You wanna bring out my stuff, let's talk about your home life.' Dinner fight: Kim's sister Kyle Richards looked downcast as the fight dragged on As Eileen angrily intervened - telling her 'shame on you' - Kim snapped: 'Shut your f***ing mouth, I've had enough of you you beast.' As Yolanda tried to calm everyone down, she mentioned about how Lisa was understanding because she has admitted that her husband Harry has only been sober for three years. 'Let's talk about the husband,' Kim said spitefully. 'Let's not talk about what you don't want out.' Too much drama: Kyle, 46, became upset after watching sister Kim's outburst and its aftermath That was when Lisa exploded, initially trying to grab Kim's face as she snapped: 'Let me tell you something - don't touch my husband, ever.' 'If you don't want it out for everybody to know, you better watch what you talk about me, or everybody will know,' Kim replied. 'Everybody will know.' Lisa then stood up, threw the contents of her glass at Kim and then angrily smashed it on the table's edge, screaming as Yolanda held her back: 'You never go near my husband! Don't you f***ing understand that? You never go after my f***ing husband!' Reflecting on her behaviour: 'I f***ing lost my f***ing marbles,' Lisa admitted later Later, she asked: 'What the f*** does Kim Richards know - what does she know about Harry? What did he do? She doesn't even know my husband.' Kim's hatred did not extend just to Lisa and Eileen, 55, - she also attacked her sister Kyle, snidely saying 'go after your new friend' as Kyle, 46, prepared to leave in tears. 'You want me to defend you but your behavior is indefensible!' she sobbed. Making up: Kim surprised Lisa the next morning by coming to her room to talk things over Eventually all the women were left huddled together in tears after the ugly fight - with only Brandi Glanville staying with Kim. Yolanda then went back to them and told Kim: 'That is not the way to communicate. That is not the way to talk. You shouldn't go after her husband or her children.' 'I have been pushed to the limit with this,' Kim insisted. Street fight: Brandi, 42, later lost her temper while the crew was walking in the street The other women were most sympathetic to Kyle, with Lisa telling her: 'It's abusive, and if you are in an abusive relationship you walk away from it. You are being abused by Kim.' Later, Kim explained: 'Alcohol ruled my life. It called all the shots. And it took a heck of a fight to get it back. I'm not gonna let one person go around putting doubt in people's minds.' 'It's so cruel,' Eileen said with tears. 'It's so bizarre to me.' Stepping out for charity: The 63-year-old star and his daughter Amelia Hamlin attended the Raising The Bar To End Parkinsons Event held at the Public School 818 in Sherman Oaks, California on Saturday As the evening ended, Lisa vowed that she will 'never talk' to Kim again. But the next morning, Kim caught her by surprise by coming to her hotel door - and was invited in. 'This is the most important thing in my life, my sobriety,' Kim told her. 'And it's where my children get hurt. I will f***ing kill for my kids.' 'Well that was never my intention,' Lisa insisted. 'I have come at this only with good intentions.' No memory: Yolanda Foster was reminded by a former flame that they used to date Amazingly given how the previous evening had ended, Lisa assured Kim that they were 'good'. 'I believe so - I believe we can move forward,' she said. Eileen admitted she found Lisa's sudden about face 'pretty mind blowing'. 'For all of a sudden everything to be OK, like nothing happened - my brain does not compute,' she said. But the fighting was far from over. During a night out at a coffee shop, Brandi, 42, said the last time she smoked weed she had been with Kyle, who was upset at her saying it publicly because she did not want her kids to know. In her defense: Harry told US Weekly, 'What do you expect you know in the long run? But every time I see it, I go, ""You go girl!'"" As they left, Brandi had a meltdown in the street, saying: 'Anyone and everyone can say whatever the f**k they wanna say about me, but I can't say the truth about them, and it's f***ing annoying. 'You guys re the biggest f***ing hypocrites of all f***ing time!' she exploded, walking off screaming out loud. 'Finally we're having a little reprieve from the drama and insanity. But no, here again, walking down the street screaming bloody murder,' Eileen complained later. But there were lighter moments. When Yolanda took everyone to meet her mother Ans she cracked them all up by saying she had had a 'space cake' at one of the coffee shops, despite Yolanda telling everyone they 'never did it'. And during a bike-riding trip, they came across a bearded guy at a windmill who insisted he knew Yolanda 'from back then', adding: 'We dated.' 'I am going to blame it on the brain damage because I swear to God I do not remember the guy,' Yolanda, 51, said later. 'And it makes me feel awful! I should remember who I kissed.' 'She was clearly riding a lot of things, it wasn't just bikes,' Lisa Vanderpump quipped. They also discussed the red light district, with Yolanda admitting: 'If I was dead broke and I had to feed my children, I would do anything - even that.' Lisa laughed off the excuse, saying it wasn't necessary to resort to the sex trade to feed your children." 1 "It seems Julia Roberts and Danny Moder may be headed for divorce. When the actress took the part of a worker at a secret government facility on Homecoming, an upcoming political thriller on Amazon, she knew just who she wanted as her co-star: her old pal Dermot Mulroney. She lobbied for him to join the show, and on March 8, it was officially announced that Dermot, 54 — who starred with Julia in My Best Friend's Wedding and August: Osage County — would play her character's boyfriend. Julia and Dermot. (Photo Credit: Getty Images) She was thrilled. Her husband? Furious. ""Julia's reunion with Dermot hasn't gone down well with Danny,"" an insider tells Life & Style. ""Even though Julia's reminded him that Dermot is happily married with children, Danny's jealous."" It's just one of many issues causing problems in Julia and Danny's marriage. The cameraman and cinematographer ""is at the end of his rope,"" the insider tells Life & Style. ""Julia and Danny are constantly quarreling. Their 15-year marriage is on the rocks, and they could even split."" Julia and Danny have been drifting apart for years. ""Her controlling ways, their different approaches to parenting, and his desire to have his own career, and be the man of the house have all contributed to arguments,"" says the insider. But recently, things have gotten worse. ""They have been living separate lives,"" the insider notes Julia, Danny, and their three kids in August 2015. (Photo Credit: Getty Images) Instead of focusing on repairing his marriage to Julia, 50, Danny, 49, ""has been devoting his time to the kids [twins Hazel and Finn, 13, and son Henry, 10], friends, and jobs away from his wife."" When he's home, the insider says, he often stays across the street from their beachfront compound, in a house they bought in 2016 that was originally meant for guests or nannies. The rift is only continuing to grow. ""Julia is a super-protective parent, which has caused friction with Danny, who believes in being more relaxed,"" explains the insider. But when it comes to other men, he's anything but. When Julia called hunky survivalist Bear Grylls ""a man's man"" after they completed a charity trek across Africa together in 2017, ""that really got under Danny’s skin,"" says the insider. Danny was also seething after his wife turned into what he called a fawning ""sports groupie,"" the insider says, when they spent time with British and Spanish soccer stars at meet-and-greets in 2016 and 2017. Danny's insecurity extends to his career, too: He hates being seen as Mr. Julia Roberts. ""For a long time, Danny viewed Julia's success as his own failure. It triggered a fear that he was not good enough, and the fact that Julia controls everything at home made it worse,"" explains the insider. ""Feeling insecure and competitive with your partner is no way to live."" Though they love each other, friends fear they can't go on like this much longer. ""Julia and Danny's marriage is hanging by a thread,"" says the insider. ""Unless they can come to terms with their issues, they're headed for divorce."" More from Closer Weekly Julia Roberts Says the Key to Happiness Is to “Marry the Right Person” Julia Roberts on Life After Her Half-Sister's Suicide: ""I Am Better for the Things That Have Happened to Me"" Inside Julia Roberts' Move Away From Hollywood to Focus on Family (EXCLUSIVE)" 1 Selena Gomez is showing off her strength in her latest campaign with Puma. The star, 25, who has been a brand ambassador for Puma since September 2017, flashes her hard-earned abs in a colorblock sports bra and high-rise leggings along with the brand’s newest stylish sneaker, Amp XT. Gomez shared a shot from her new campaign on Instagram writing, “Striking a pose in the new @puma Defy Mid. #DoYou.” Gomez unveiled her new shoot days after news broke that her longtime on-and-off boyfriend Justin Bieber proposed to model Hailey Baldwin. Puma Looking for more style content? Click here to subscribe to the PeopleStyle Newsletter for amazing shopping discounts, can’t-live-without beauty products and more. Three days after Bieber and Baldwin’s engagement, Gomez was photographed in N.Y.C. in a casual pair of gray sweatpants, a black T-shirt and white sneakers. The statement tee, available for $49 at online clothing retailer Storets, featured the slogan “Only the Strong Survive” written in white letters across the pocket, possibly a cryptic message about her feelings since her ex’s announcement. RELATED PHOTOS: Selena Gomez, Kim Kardashian and More Stars Who Have Experienced Spray Tan Fails PapCulture/SplashNews.com After splitting from The Weeknd, né Abel Tesfaye, last October, Gomez and Bieber began spending time together again. The exes were spotted riding bikes, kissing at his hockey games and even attended his dad Jeremy’s wedding in Jamaica together. However, after marking Bieber’s 24th birthday on her Instagram account, the couple’s newly rekindled romance ended abruptly. “It was never a healthy situation for Selena and Justin,” said the source. Added a Bieber pal: “Their relationship was always very complex and complicated. It was just too much baggage.” Bieber officially confirmed his engagement to Baldwin on Monday just hours after his ex was photographed out in N.Y.C. 1 When it comes to her latest project, Kris Jenner is mixing business with pleasure. The Kardashian matriarch announced on Tuesday that she teamed up with daughter Kylie Jenner on a makeup line, Kris Jenner x Kylie Cosmetics. “I had the best time,” says Jenner, 62, of working with Kylie, 20. “It was her idea. She actually surprised me one day at a meeting. She walked in and said, ‘Guess what we’re going to do!’ It’s a lot of fun.” A perennial multi-tasker, the producer and manager is also collaborating with professional networking platform Bumble Bizz to find a new personal assistant. Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Babies newsletter. Kris and Kylie Jenner in July 2016 Vivien Killilea/Getty Watch the full special Born Kardashian streaming now on PeopleTV.com, or download the PeopleTV app on your favorite device. And Jenner says she’s in awe of fellow busy mom Kylie, who welcomed daughter Stormi three months ago on Feb. 1. “That child never stops,” says Jenner. “She got right back in the saddle. And I love that about her. She’s really so impressive. And she’s such a good mom. She’s so dedicated to her baby.” Continues Jenner: “We were at the Met Ball and all she could focus on when we were done was getting home. She’s like, ‘Come on we’ve got to go see Stormi! It was really sweet to see her anxious to get home to Stormi.” RELATED: Kris Jenner Opens Up About Future Family Gatherings with Babies Stormi, True and Chicago Kylie Jenner and daughter Stormi Kylie Jenner/Instagram RELATED VIDEO: Born Kardashian – Kylie Jenner’s Pregnancy The youngest Jenner even took over the hosting reins. “At Easter, Kylie had a newborn and that’s a major time when you have a first baby and you’re that young and you’re trying to figure it all out,” says Jenner. “And she hosted the family’s Easter which is not an easy task! She had this elaborate gorgeous party that she wanted to do for all of us just out of love because she wanted to make sure that we had this amazing morning after church. She’s always doing things like that.” And Jenner, who became a first-time mom to daughter Kourtney at age 22, says she sees glimpses of herself in her youngest child. “I do see myself in Kylie,” says Jenner. “She hasn’t stopped! And she does remind me of me in that way. I’m so proud of her. I just beam when I watch her.” 1 Angelina Jolie wants to get “revenge” on Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, according to a completely wrong report. The story alleges Jolie is facing her “worst fear” now that Pitt and Aniston have supposedly reunited, and claims she’s striking back. But Gossip Cop can debunk the contentions. According to Woman’s Day, Jolie has been a “constant fixture on the red carpet” recently and is “pulling out all the stops to look simply stunning at every occasion,” but her “flawless show-off is purely for Brad and Jennifer’s benefit.” The narrative suggests Jolie wants her estranged husband and his ex-wife to see how well she’s doing, even though she’s privately upset. “Ange is one green-eyed woman right now and can’t stand the thought of Brad spending time with Jen,” a so-called “source” is quoted as saying. © Gossip Cop (Getty Images) “She’s seething even thinking about it,” the tabloid’s supposed snitch continues, alleging Jolie was “always petrified” Aniston would “rear her head again.” In fact, the purported tipster claims Jolie would “squirm and spit venom” if she ever saw a “glimpse” of Aniston’s name during her marriage to Pitt. The gossip magazine even contends “Jennifer’s name was banned from the Jolie-Pitt household,” and asserts that with a “romantic reunion [in] the cards between Brad and Jennifer,” Jolie’s “biggest fears could be realized.” The outlet’s aforementioned “source” alleges, “The very thought of Jen playing ‘stepmom’ to [her] kids… makes her toes curl. She says it’s her worst nightmare, which she can’t and won’t let happen.” And so the publication claims Jolie plans on getting her “revenge” by proving Pitt “got back with Jennifer before they had officially broken up in 2016.” Explains the questionable insider, “Ange is convinced that proving they were talking before the split and uncovering their romance will give her more ammunition” in her divorce battle with the actor. “She hopes it will help her get full custody of the kids by exposing Brad’s ‘irresponsible’ behavior,” contends the “source,” prompting the tabloid to editorialize, “Sounds like the war is about to get even messier.” But while Jolie and Pitt do still need to work out their divorce settlement, there is no “war” involving Aniston. In fact, Pitt and Aniston haven’t even seen each other in ages. The suggestion that they were carrying on an affair in 2016 behind Jolie’s back, while Aniston was committed to her own husband Justin Theroux, is out-and-out fiction. Indeed, this entire story relies on false premises. Pitt and Aniston were not secretly engaged in a “romance” during their respective marriages, and there’s no “romantic reunion” on the horizon now. Therefore, Jolie has no reason to get “revenge” on the pair or drag Aniston into her divorce proceedings. Furthermore, the notion that Jolie is only attending red carpet events to get Pitt and Aniston’s attention is ridiculous and false. In most cases, she has been at awards shows, such as the BAFTAs earlier this month, because her film First They Killed My Father was nominated. Other times, Jolie’s received special honors, like at the recent American Society Of Cinematographers Awards, and in other instances, she’s been invited to participate as a presenter. This all has nothing to do with Pitt and Aniston. Related slideshow: Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt having secret sleepovers and more tabloid tales debunked 1 "SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share Tweet Post Email Photographer: Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez/AFP via Getty Images Photographer: Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez/AFP via Getty Images New York (AP) -- Monica Lewinsky isn't too pleased with the title of an upcoming TV special about her affair with President Bill Clinton that led to his impeachment. Lewinsky tweeted a screenshot of a headline about an HLN special, ""The Monica Lewinsky Scandal."" She crossed out the title and suggested replacing it with ""The Starr Investigation"" or ""The Clinton Impeachment."" She quipped in the tweet: ""fixed it for you. you're welcome."" fixed it for you. you're welcome. pic.twitter.com/h4iVKGwM1g — Monica Lewinsky (@MonicaLewinsky) November 28, 2017 The special is part of HLN's true crime series ""How It Really Happened."" The show's website lists the title of Sunday's episode as ""The Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal."" Clinton initially denied the affair before admitting to it in 1998. ""The Starr Investigation"" is a reference to Kenneth Starr, the independent counsel whose investigation led to Clinton's impeachment trial. Clinton was acquitted by Congress." 0 "Amber Heard stayed true to her word and donated her $7 million divorce settlement from Johnny Depp to charities focused on helping to stop violence against women and the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Children’s Hospital Los Angeles revealed Monday that the 31-year-old actress donated between $1 million and $5 million sometime during the July 2016 to June 2017 fiscal year. “On behalf of all the children and families whose lives you have impacted, and everyone at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, we offer our sincere thanks,” the hospital wrote in its 2017 annual report under the “Honor Roll of Donors.” The rest of the divorce settlement money was divided among charities with “a particular focus to stop violence against women,” People reported. Heard previously said her philanthropic work “centered around medical care, especially women and children.” It's unclear when Heard made the donations to the other charities. Heard filed for divorce from Depp in 2016 after being married for 15 months. The couple met on the set of “The Rum Diary"" in 2011. Their ugly split was surrounded by claims that Depp physically and verbally abused Heard. Depp was accused of throwing a cellphone at Heard during a drunken attack. Heard announced in August she would be donating the money. “As described in the restraining order and divorce settlement, money played no role for me personally and never has, except to the extent that I could donate it to charity and, in doing so, hopefully help those less able to defend themselves,” Heard said in a statement." 0 "And just like that, another Hollywood star says ""I do!"" Josie Bissett, known for her role as Jane Mancini on Melrose Place , is a married woman again, having tied the knot with Thomas Doig, president of a Seattle-based construction company. Lucky for us, the couple shared quite a few photos of the intimate, outdoor nuptials! The actress, who seemingly wed over the weekend, shared a photo on her Instagram after the procession. Bissett stunned in a a strapless gown ; she went the flower crown route, with white blooms surrounding her low bun and a sweeping veil. The 46-year-old accessorized the look with chandelier earrings, and a dainty silver bracelet. The bride and groom's children (Bissett's from her previous marriage to fellow Melrose actor Rob Estes) served as members of the bridal party. Two adorable flower girls donned blush dresses with white floral headbands. Groomsmen opted for a classic black tuxedo. White blooms were also spread in front of the altar. Additional photos were shared on Bissett's Facebook page, where we get an even closer look at her gorgeous gown. See More: First Same-Sex Muslim Wedding Takes Place In The UK ""Happily Ever After ❤️ #love #family #wedding #blessed,"" she captioned. Loading View on Instagram If you don't know what the actress has been up to lately, she recently reunited with former Melrose Place co-star Jack Wagner to reprise their roles in the Hallmark Channel romantic comedy Wedding March 2: Resorting to Love . Naturally, starring in a TV-movie about weddings made her very excited for her second trip down the aisle. ""With so much going on, and then [my] wedding on top of it, the movie really got me excited, I guess. It put me in the mood for planning a wedding!” she revealed to TV Insider . ""I’ve been learning a lot about weddings even though it’s my second one. My favorite moment, hands down, is when the bride comes out and it’s the first time people see her and she walks down the aisle. I always cry.”" 0 Production image from Magic Mike Live, Las Vegas. Photo credit: Jerry Metellus Channing Tatum is bringing a live show based on the film Magic Mike to London’s Hippodrome Casino. Magic Mike Live begins previews on November 10 and opens on November 28. It is currently booking until April 28, 2019. Conceived and co-directed by Tatum, Magic Mike Live is a large-scale live strip show based on the Magic Mike films, which tell the story of a 19-year-old entering the world of male stripping. The show first launched a year ago in Las Vegas. The theatre at the Hippodrome Casino is being transformed into 325-seat performance space for the show. Guests must be at least 18 years old to attend. Chief executive of the Hippodrome Casino, Simon Thomas, said: “In so many ways Magic Mike Live is a perfect fit for us. “Since 1900, the venue has been delighting, shocking and reinventing the way London and its visitors are entertained. This is yet another example of how the Hippodrome resolutely refuses to stand still.” He added: “As we prepare to close our theatre for a three-month, multi-million pound refurbishment, my senior management and our 730 employees look forward to joining all of London in giving Channing Tatum, the incredibly talented performers and his world-class production team, the warmest welcome the capital can muster.” Magic Mike Live in London is co-directed by Tatum and Alison Faulk, with Teresa Espinosa as associate director, and choreographed by Faulk, Espinosa and Luke Broadlick. The show has production design by Rachel O’Toole, set design by Rob Bissinger and Anita LaScala, costumes by Marina Toybina, lighting by Philip Gladwell and video by Luke Halls. Musical supervision is by Jack Rayner, with sound by Nick Kourtides. Magic Mike Live is produced in London by Tatum, Reid Carolin, Greg Jacobs, Peter Kiernan, Steven Soderbergh, Nick Wechsler and United Talent Agency in association with Warner Bros., Vincent Marini, the Hippodrome Casino, Bruce Robert Harris and Jack W. Batman, TSG Entertainment and Ashley DeSimone, Richard Winkler, and the Creative House. If you are interested in working on Magic Mike Live, click here to apply for backstage opportunities. 0 Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) If Bill Condon had it his way, Beyoncé would have sung the chorus to “Be Our Guest.” As the “Beauty and the Beast” director recently revealed to Yahoo! Entertainment, he lobbied for the Grammy-winning superstar to appear in Disney’s musical blockbuster. “I even tried to get her into ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ but it wasn’t a big enough part,” the 61-year-old director said. “She would have been a good feather duster.” Condon, who worked with Beyoncé, 36, in 2006’s “Dreamgirls,” helmed the live action version of the Disney classic, which has grossed a total of $504 million domestically. The role of Plumette, the feather duster of Lumiere’s (Ewan McGregor) eye, went to British actress Gugu Mbatha-Raw. Though Beyoncé’s resume has grown since “Dreamgirls,” Condon believes the mother of three has an eye for the future of filmmaking. “You look at something like ‘Lemonade‘: that is brilliant,” he says. “That is a brilliant new direction for movie musicals.” 0 "If you're the type that sits indoors for an entire weekend till you've finished a whole season of your favorite show, then it's been over a year since you last saw the finale of Orange Is the New Black. Even if you have an excellent memory, there's been a lot of television since then — an entire season of Game of Thrones, Westworld, etc. — plus more actual news than any one human can keep up with day to day. Here, a quick refresher on season five to catch you up before season six debuts on July 27. Where the Season Started Season five picked up immediately where season four left off, so just for a minute, think back to 2016. Poussey died during a protest in the cafeteria, when CO Bayley restrained her with a chokehold. After Caputo refused to fire Bayley, the inmates decided to riot; season five began with Daya shooting CO Humphrey in the leg. In the first episode, the inmates gained pretty much full control over the prison, and Taystee eventually got Caputo to read a statement about Poussey's death that was then posted to Twitter. After that initial statement about Poussey, reports about the riot continued to leak out. Remember celebrity chef Judy King? She was still an inmate at Litchfield when the riot started, and after a news camera caught her tied up on the roof (some of the other inmates were trying to find her stash of food), some outlets mistakenly reported that there had been anti-Christian attacks within the prison. Meanwhile, most of the guards were held captive in an office in the sleeping area, and various inmates took turns making sure they didn't escape. Frieda in her bunker. Netflix While most of the prisoners stayed within their usual confines, Frieda retreated to a ""bunker"" she built in an abandoned swimming pool that was supposed to have been filled in by Figueroa. Eventually, Gina, Yoga Jones, and Anita joined her there, with later appearances by Piper, Alex, Red, and several others. Where the Season Ended As the riot gained outside media attention, MCC tried to negotiate with the inmates for the release of the COs, with Taystee acting as an advocate for the rights of the prisoners. Gloria also wanted to end the standoff so she could get out and see her son in the hospital, and smuggled the guards out. The guards then escaped via a hole in the fence, meaning Taystee's negotiations were all for nothing. An emergency team then swarmed the prison in riot gear, and many of the inmates, including Flaca and Maritza, were led outside in handcuffs. Netflix The team then realized that they were still 10 inmates short, but these inmates were the ones inside the pool bunker: Piper, Red, Alex, Taystee, Cindy, Suzanne, Blanca, Gloria, Nicky, and Frieda. Before the riot team broke into the bunker, though, one major thing happened. Piscatella, who'd been tied up by Frieda and then set free by Red, died after another officer shot him by accident. Though a superior officer knew that it was a response team member who did it, it's not yet clear whether one of the inmates will be blamed for the death. Lingering Questions 1. Where is Alex? Though Alex was with the bunker crew in the finale, she's not visible in the season six trailer and Piper wonders aloud where she is. Does this mean she didn't end up in maximum security with the rest of the inmates? Or is she just being held in solitary where they can't see her? 2. Are all of the inmates in the same place? The finale saw the inmates being loaded onto different buses, with Flaca and Maritza getting separated. Were those buses headed to different prisons, or did they all end up at Litchfield Max? Netflix 3. Will Morello have her baby? Morello found out in season five that she was expecting a child with her husband Vincent, but we don't really know how far along she is or how much time will pass in season six, so it's possible she could have the baby in one of the coming episodes. 4. How did Pennsatucky get caught? Though Pennsatucky was last seen in the CO cabins, she's definitely back in prison in the trailer for season six. Who put her back? 5. Did Chang escape? Chang also ran away during the riot, but unlike Pennsatucky, she's not in the trailer. Does this mean she escaped Litchfield for good? Chang contemplates her escape. Netflix 6. Who will take the fall for the riot? Almost everyone in the prison participated in the riot in some way or another, but there are a couple of major crimes that investigators will be looking to solve; those are also the ones that could end with certain inmates having years added to their sentences. Based on the trailer for season six, it's anyone's guess who'll end up in trouble, but for now, no one is safe. Catch up on Orange Is the New Black before the new season: STREAM Follow Eliza on Twitter." 0 "(CNN) First lady Melania Trump underwent kidney surgery Monday at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center near Washington, DC, according to a statement from her office.Trump had been experiencing an issue with her kidney that her office described as benign but requiring medical attention.""This morning, first lady Melania Trump underwent an embolization procedure to treat a benign kidney condition. The procedure was successful, and there were no complications,"" the first lady's communications director, Stephanie Grisham, said in a statement.""Mrs. Trump is at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and will likely remain there for the duration of the week. The first lady looks forward to a full recovery so she can continue her work on behalf of children everywhere,"" Grisham wrote.President Donald Trump remained in the White House during Melania Trump's surgery. He tweeted just after 5 p.m. Monday that he was heading to hospital to visit his wife in Marine One.""Heading over to Walter Reed Medical Center to see our great First Lady, Melania. Successful procedure, she is in good spirits. Thank you to all of the well-wishers!"" Trump tweeted.Heading over to Walter Reed Medical Center to see our great First Lady, Melania. Successful procedure, she is in good spirits. Thank you to all of the well-wishers! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 14, 2018Trump, who turned 48 last month, had surgery at Walter Reed in nearby Bethesda, Maryland, on Monday morning.She is the first US first lady to undergo such a serious medical procedure while in the White House since Nancy Reagan had a mastectomy in October 1987. Rosalynn Carter underwent surgery to remove a benign lump from her breast in April 1977. Weeks after Betty Ford became first lady, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy in September 1974.The first lady did not move to Washington until six months into the administration, choosing to let their son, Barron, finish the 2017 school year in New York. More recently, Melania Trump has had a more public profile. On April 24, she and the President hosted the first official state dinner of the Trump administration, an event that was planned and executed primarily by the first lady.Trump was responsible for every aspect of the formal dinner in honor of French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Macron, from the hand-selected ivory tablecloths to the menu, which the first lady designed to meld American food with French influence. During the welcome ceremony leading up to the dinner, Melania Trump stole headlines, wearing a crisp white Michael Kors Collection suit with a matching white hat, custom-made by her personal couturier. The hat set the internet ablaze, with references and comparisons to Beyoncé, the suffragette movement and even television character Olivia Pope of ""Scandal.""On May 7, Trump, a relatively private first lady by comparison to her most recent predecessors, was once again front and center, this time to unveil her formal platform, Be Best . She kicked off the initiative with a Rose Garden speech lasting 11 minutes, the longest public speaking engagement during her 16-month tenure as first lady.Be Best is a three-pronged platform with a focus on opioid addiction and families, general physical and emotional well-being of children, and kindness and safety for kids using social media. The latter caused a firestorm of controversy because it encompasses cyberbullying, a tactic that Melania Trump's husband, the President, has often been accused of fueling. In March, the first lady addressed the criticism she has faced by taking up the issue during opening remarks to a meeting she convened at the White House for tech industry leaders from Google, Snap, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and others.JUST WATCHED Melania Trump's popularity jumps in new poll Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Melania Trump's popularity jumps in new poll 02:07""I am well-aware that people are skeptical of me discussing this topic,"" she said. ""I have been criticized for my commitment to tackling this issue, and I know that will continue. But it will not stop me from doing what I know is right.""Melania Trump has also appeared with her husband several times in recent weeks. He was seated in the front row during her Be Best speech, after which he made remarks praising her commitment to helping children, and he was again second to speak, after his wife, during the Military Mothers and Spouses Ceremony on Friday in the White House East Room.""She's become a very, very popular first lady. I'm reading that ... They love Melania,"" the President said. A new CNN poll released May 7 had the first lady's favorable rating up 10 points since January to 57%.This story is breaking and being updated." 1 "Everyone deceived me here.” “I don’t think I was made for this game.” “It’s bringing me back to a place I don’t want to go.” Gia Allemand had just fallen out with her best friend. She was het up, in that way you are after an argument. Unsure if you’ve made the right decision, with blood rushing through your ears, clouding your judgement. In the heat of the moment, she’d walked out of the house she’d been living in; it was a snap decision and then she couldn’t stop crying. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Were the tears real or not? We’ll never know. Gia was a contestant on Bachelor Pad – a US reality TV show, where former contestants of The Bachelor hole up in a mansion, supposedly in the quest for love, but also for the $250,000 prize, and our entertainment. Gia, far left and Lex, far right Getty Images Three years later, the 29-year-old took her own life. She’d been suffering from PMDD, a severe and disabling form of premenstrual syndrome that she’d been hiding throughout her time on television. Two-and-a-half years later, Gia’s The Bachelor co-star Lex McAllister did the same. She was 31 years old. These aren’t isolated incidents. In the past decade, 21 US reality TV stars have committed suicide. They include Joseph Cerniglia, a 39-year-old chef who took his own life in 2010. Three years before, he’d appeared on Kitchen Nightmares, when Gordon Ramsay had yelled at him, “Your business is about to f*cking swim down the Hudson.” Then in 2011, Russell Armstrong, husband of Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong, committed suicide. His marriage had broken down, and he was about to face a $1.5 million lawsuit. This all played out on, and off, television. In the weeks running up to his death, Russell spoke of his time on the show: “It just takes [the pressure] to a whole new level; we were pushed to extremes.” Advertisement - Continue Reading Below In the UK, we heard this week that 32-year-old Sophie Gradon, a contestant on the 2016 series of Love Island, had died. She, too, was reported to have taken her own life, with her fellow Love Island stars speaking openly in the wake of her death about the importance of addressing mental health. Over the years, reality TV has evolved. It’s no longer gentle people-watching out of anthropological curiosity. Instead, it’s five-star entertainment. Our deteriorating attention spans mean we need something to happen every second, or we’ll switch over. For months, we watch every moment of the lives of these ‘characters’, with their loves, triumphs and defeats. Then we forget them, like they were never there at all. “It was the biggest regret of my life Remember Zara Holland? She’s a 22-year-old fashion brand owner from Hull. She’s also the woman who was stripped of her Miss Great Britain title after having sex on Love Island in 2016, a show watched by an average of 1.4 million people. She left the island to find countless headlines and opinion pieces devoted to her behaviour. “It was the biggest regret of my life – I think about it every day,” she says. “I’m still so embarrassed. I went on the show thinking I’d never do anything like that, but it all happened so quickly. I remember waking up the next day and just staying in the beach hut for hours wondering what I’d done.” Advertisement - Continue Reading Below She adds, “The worst thing was that I felt I’d let my family down. I worked so hard to get my Miss Great Britain title, I was so proud and did a lot of charity work that was then forgotten. I’d love to go back in time and not be known as the girl who lost her Miss Great Britain title for having sex on TV.” Antonio Petronzio When Channel 4 first aired Big Brother, in 2000, we watched people like us: office managers, builders, teachers. The most controversial thing that happened was ‘nasty’ Nick sneaking in a pen and paper and attempting to influence nominations. But, after viewers labelled season four ‘boring’, things changed. During series five, a violent argument broke out, and police were called. Series six saw a contestant seemingly masturbate using a wine bottle. Then a former anorexic had to play games to win food in series seven. All this happened while Big Brother was at its peak, averaging five million viewers a night. TV production companies recognised viewers’ hunger. Today, you can watch Naked Attraction, Married At First Sight or Sex Box, and on shows like Love Island or Geordie Shore, getting drunk and having sex is the norm. On the latter, Charlotte Crosby peed herself most nights, had sex and a near-threesome on TV. She’s now worth £1.6 million. Love Island’s Olivia Buckland had sex 30 times on the show. She now has her own clothing line and countless beauty endorsements. ‘Reality TV star’ has become a desired profession, and this year’s Love Island received over 60,000 applicants within 24 hours. ""Since appearing on the show, I’ve had to work much harder for jobs Kimberly Davis, an entrepreneur from New York, thought going on the UK version of The Apprentice would be an asset to her CV. “I think my series [five] was the first one where the show started to be known for its crazy characters. Previously, it had been about the best business minds, which is why I initially applied,” she says. “Before the show I ran a successful business, but ever since appearing on it, I’ve had to work much harder for jobs and really persuade people to work with me rather than relying on my credentials alone. I have to say, ‘Please don’t hold it against me’. I was so proud to be on it, and it turned out to be an embarrassment.” Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Kimberly Davis Antonio Petronzio Sarah Goodhart, a 24-year-old beautician, thought TV offered a passport to another life. She’d dropped out of school before her A-levels, and after appearing on Ex On The Beach, was approached by Geordie Shore producers. “At the time, it seemed like a good idea,” she says now. She thought she would become a well-paid regular on the show, so quit her job. She ended up on just one series, then had to apply for work, but she stood out from the others on the job hunt – and not in a good way. In one interview, she was certain everyone in the room knew exactly who she was. “I really felt like they’d only asked me in so they could laugh at me; I don’t think they had any intention of hiring me.” Sarah didn’t get that role, or the six she applied for after that, and began to fear she was unhirable. ""I really felt like they’d only asked me in so they could laugh at me"" Sarah did what everyone does on Geordie Shore: she got drunk, wore revealing clothing, fought over men. It is, she says, a far cry from how she is in real life, describing herself as ‘an introvert’. This could be hard to believe, considering she’s been on reality TV twice. But editing plays its part, and we now live in an age of scripted shows. Sarah claims Geordie Shore is one of them. “[Producers] told me I had to make a very crude comment about a co-star’s penis. It wasn’t the sort of thing I’d ever say, but they said this part had been written for me,” she recalls. Sarah in her Geordie Shore days Getty Images A celebrity agent who looks after a host of reality TV stars says this is not uncommon. “The producers have a storyboard of characters, and they recruit people to fit into that,” they say, asking to remain anonymous. “In casting meetings [for other reality shows], I’ve overheard producers telling the stars, ‘Lots of shagging tonight please.’ And on others they get extra money for things like nudity, sex and cat fights,” they say, adding that “in some shows, they’ll ply you with alcohol to make the behaviour more outrageous”. Sarah, who struggled with anxiety and depression before Geordie Shore, says her experience on the show deepened her mental-health issues. At one point, she says she felt pushed to ‘near insanity’: “I felt exploited and traumatised, and it affects me to this day.” She believes producers must have seen how ‘unstable’ she was becoming. When we contacted Geordie Shore, they declined to comment. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below But Gladeana McMahon, one of the first psychologists on Big Brother, who has set out ethical guidelines for reality shows to abide by, says there are still those who do not stick to them. “The difficulty is that nobody wants to watch boring people, so you have to find characters. However, there are characters and then there are problems,” she explains. “After a few years at Big Brother, I left, because I didn’t like the way it was going. I’ve seen production companies whose values I’m not happy with.” Endemol Shine, the production company behind Big Brother, says it offers psychological assessments for the housemates before entering, with a dedicated welfare team on hand and once the series is off air. But still questions remain for all shows. Sarah now Antonio Petronzio Should Stephanie Davis have been accepted for Celebrity Big Brother, just months after being fired from Hollyoaks for being ‘unfit for work’? She later admitted to being an alcoholic. Or how about Ceri Rees, the widow who was humiliated on The X Factor just after her husband died? Her family are taking legal action against the show. And you probably don’t even remember Shahbaz Chaudhry, from series seven of Big Brother, who was monitored by psychologists after threatening to kill himself live on air. The answer is, of course, probably not. While a pre-existing mental-health issue should never become a barrier, there’s no doubt shows like these change lives – and not always for the better. There are countless examples of reality TV having an extreme, detrimental effect that the contestant simply wasn’t prepared for. We could blame the producers, or the stars themselves, but maybe we should also look at ourselves. Our hunger for that window into people’s lives is now insatiable. We spend our lunch breaks watching Instagram stories of influencers we’ve never met, and in the evening, we watch these shows, making snap judgements about yet more strangers. If there wasn’t demand, these shows wouldn’t be as extreme. Ask yourself, ‘Would we watch if everyone on them were stable, sober and secure?’ If we regulated the psychological side of things too much, we may not have reality TV at all. And it’s up to us to decide what’s more important. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below This article features in the July 2018 issue of Cosmopolitan, out now. Cosmopolitan UK If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, call the Samaritans helpline at any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on 116 123." 0 “Grey’s Anatomy” stars Jessica Capshaw and Sarah Drew are leaving the ABC drama, Variety has confirmed. The two actors will depart at the end of the show’s current and 14th season. “The characters of Arizona and April are permanently woven into the fabric of Grey’s Anatomy thanks to the extraordinary work of Jessica Capshaw and Sarah Drew,” said executive producer Krista Vernof. “As writers, our job is to follow the stories where they want to go and sometimes that means saying goodbye to characters we love. It has been a joy and a privilege to work with these phenomenally talented actresses.” “It’s always hard for me to say goodbye to any of my characters,” said executive producer Shonda Rhimes. “Both Arizona Robbins and April Kepner are not only beloved but iconic — both the LBGTQ and devout Christian communities are underrepresented on TV. I will be forever grateful to both Jessica and Sarah for bringing these characters to life with such vibrant performance and for inspiring women around the globe. They will always be a part of our Shondaland family.” Capshaw and Drew’s departures follow the signing of series star Ellen Pompeo to a lucrative deal that will keep her with the drama franchise and pay her as much as $20 million per season. Rhimes last year signed an overall deal with Netflix worth $100 million, that takes her away from her longtime home at ABC Studios, which produces “Grey’s Anatomy.” Deadline first reported the departures. 0 A tearful Kimmel told the audience, “Here we are again, in the aftermath of another terrible, inexplicably shocking and painful tragedy, this time in Las Vegas, which happens to be my home town.” He continued, “We pray for the victims, and for their families and friends and we wonder why, even though there’s probably no way to ever know why a human being would do something like this to other human beings at a concert who are having fun and listening to music.” Celebrities are reacting to Jimmy Kimmel ’s powerful monologue on the Las Vegas shooting that killed 58 people and injured more than 500. The late night host, who grew up and studied in the city, struggled to hide his emotion as he paid tribute to the victims and urged for stricter gun control on Monday’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” See stars’ reaction tweets below. Kimmel went on, growing angrier as he disagreed with those who ignore gun violence. “I’ve been reading comments from people who say ‘This is terrible, but there’s nothing we could do about it.’ I disagree with that intensely. There are a lot of things we can do about it. But we don’t. Which is interesting, because when someone with a beard attacks us, we tap phones, we invoke travel bans, we build walls. We take every possible precaution to make sure it doesn’t happen again. But when an American buys a gun and kills other Americans, then there’s nothing we can do about that. Because [of] the Second Amendment. Our forefathers wanted us to have AK47s, is the argument.” And before showing the faces of the 56 senators who voted against new and tighter gun laws just days after the shooting in Orlando last year, Kimmel said, “They should be praying. They should be praying for God to forgive them for letting the gun lobby run this country. Because it is, it is so crazy.” Among those commenting on the late night host’s powerful and emotional monologue is Rosie O’Donnell, who said, “Jimmy Kimmel is an American hero – [watch] his Emotional Monologue About The Mass Shooting In Las Vegas #useURvoice.” Olivia Wilde similarly wrote, “A powerful call to action. Thank you, @jimmykimmel.” Will Arnett tweeted, “@jimmykimmel says what needs to be said.” And Alyssa Milano, who shared the link to Kimmel’s monologue on her Twitter account, expressed, “Good morning! Please watch. Please share.” Gossip Cop will continue to update as more celebrities react to Kimmel’s comments on the Las Vegas shooting. Watch the video above. 1 Obama is continuing to break former president protocol by trying to infiltrate current administration.According to reports, Obama has been holding secret meetings with prospective Democrat 2020 hopefuls, strategizing how to take back the White House in two years.From washingtonexaminer.comFormer President Barack Obama has been quietly meeting one-on-one with at least nine prospective Democratic 2020 presidential candidates.Obama has met with Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Obama’s former Vice President Joe Biden, and former Democratic Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, people briefed on the meetings confirmed to Politico.Those same sources say he is eager to play a role in counseling key players in the Democratic Party and helping to shaping the party’s future.“The president was generous with his time and advice, and he was excited to talk about the future,” a person familiar with one of the meetings said.The meetings have been held at Obama’s personal office of the World Wildlife Fund in Washington, D.C., and even though he wants to remain indirectly involved, Obama is not expected to endorse any candidates in the 2020 race until after a nominee emerges, according to the report.Sources said Obama has been advising those considering a run for the White House that they should continue talking about investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election because it sticks with voters in the long run.Obama’s office declined to comment on the meetings.HT patriotbeat.com 1 "Robert Pattinson is raising some questions in the romance department. The actor, 31, made headlines late last month after he said he's only ""kind of"" engaged to FKA twigs during an interview with Howard Stern. Fast forward to this weekend when he was spotted getting cozy with good pal Katy Perry during a dinner outing Saturday night, causing lots of fans to question what's really going on. Well, E! News has learned things might be heating up between Pattinson and Perry as he's already allegedly cooled off from FKA twigs, who he started dating in 2014 and proposed to the following year. ""He is technically still with FKA twigs, but it doesn't seem like it will last,"" one source told us. ""They were serious at one point, but not anymore. The whole thing with Rob saying they are 'kind of engaged' speaks for itself. The relationship has been fizzling out.""" 1 "Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay is known for his tough love methods on his Fox show Hell's Kitchen, but he was his own worst critic when it came to his weight. In an interview with The Daily Mail, Ramsay shared how his wife, Tana, was his biggest source of motivation for losing weight because she has always been a fitness enthusiast and let him know she wasn't pleased with his weight gain, according to People. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below ""Tana was not impressed with the way I was,"" Ramsay revealed. ""I was overweight, 18 stone [over 250 pounds]. I looked like a sack of s--t. I look at the pictures and think, 'How did Tana stay around?' Because Tana has got better-looking and more gorgeous. And there she is, getting in bed with a fat f--k."" Getty Images Gordon and Tana have been married for over 20 years and have four children together, and at the time of his weight gain, he had just won his third Michelin star. But despite those accomplishments, Ramsay said he still suffered from low self-esteem. ""It was painful,"" he said. ""I used to look at myself in the mirror and think, 'Holy s--t!' So it was a big wake-up call."" The chef attributed his weight gain to not eating properly when working long hours and during vacation trips with David and Victoria Beckham and their respective families. ""I didn't have a figure,"" Ramsay said. ""I didn't feel that good. After working my a-- off and achieving a lot, I wanted to get in serious shape."" Gordon Ramsay in June 2011. Getty Images ""I don't want my industry to kill me,"" he continued. ""I know how unhealthy chefs are at the top level. Stress. Suicide. There's a big downside to cooking loads for a living. It's lethal: from obesity to heart attacks to cocaine habits."" Around 2012, Ramsay began to make life change. ""I started focusing on getting super-fit five or six years ago when my life got super-busy,"" he told The Daily Mail. ""You get consumed by the work. You get sucked up. You get drawn in. All of a sudden your 'me time' is zero. There was no breathing space, no down time, no time to even think straight. It all started hitting me hard. I didn't panic, but my head was not in the game."" Ramsay teamed up with a trainer named Will Usher who has him ride bikes in the home gym for an hour and do other workout regiments at least three times a week. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Since then, Ramsay has lost about 56 pounds and his weight has gone down to approximately 196 pounds. The 51-year-old said he stays inspired to lead a healthy lifestyle, because he does not want to die at a young age like his dad, who passed away at 53. ""That's only a couple of years' time,"" he said. ""I've got this reminder to get fit, it's scary. I get the fear on a daily basis. I may have not got on with him, but I still miss him. I miss everything I could have had from him if he was still alive in his 70s."" In December 2017, Ramsay released a book of his go-to recipes for when he eats well a home, titled Gordon Ramsay Ultimate Fit Food: Mouth-Watering Recipes to Fuel You for Life." 1 Say what?! A wild new report claims that newly single Angelina Jolie is ‘getting close’ with none other than Hollywood bachelor, Jared Leto. OMG! Did Angelina Jolie, 41, trade ex Brad Pitt, 53, in for a slightly younger model? It’s hard to believe anyone would want to pass on Brad, but Star magazine is reporting that Angelina is cozying up to Jared Leto, 45. Whoa! “There has always been a spark between them,” a source told the magazine inside their February 27 issue. “Now, during these tough times for Angie, it seems Jared has helped her cope and even brought her out of her funk. They’re kindred, unconventional spirits — so much so that I think Jared could be the perfect guy for Angie if she’s ever ready for a new love in her life.” That is some seriously heavy romance talk. The sources added that Angelina and Jared have shared some “secret” time together since it was revealed she would be divorcing Brad. Even better? “Jared reached out to Angie after she filed divorce papers in September,” an insider claimed. “The word is they spoke several times on the phone before meeting up in L.A. for dinner, and they’ve been seeing each other whenever they can since then.” If you’re wondering how Jared and Angie would even know each other, they’ve co-starred in two films together over the years. The first was 1999’s Girl, Interrupted, and the second was 2004’s Alexander. Interestingly, Jared has also worked with Brad, as they co-starred in 1999’s Fight Club. Small world, right? Tell us, HollywoodLifers — Do YOU think Angie and Jared would make a cute couple? Comment below with your thoughts! 1 Kim Kardashian West can’t get enough of her baby girl! While spending some quality time with her daughter Chicago, 5 months, the proud mama documented their hang out on Snapchat. The video shows little Chicago wearing a white outfit while looking around the room with a collection of butterflies superimposed on top of her head. Eventually, the child’s gaze settles on the camera, letting the KKW Beauty mogul get a good shot of her daughter’s adorable face. Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Babies newsletter Chicago West Kim Kardashian/Instagram RELATED: Kim Kardashian West Says Her Kids Don’t Know She’s Famous: They ‘Have No Clue’ The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star previously gave her fans a glimpse of her youngest daughter last week, as she showered her daughter and 2-year-old son Saint with love. Earlier this month, she also shared a sweet family photo featuring all of her children. In the image, her daughter North, 5, clowns around in bed while snuggling with Saint and Chicago. “Welcome to the good life…” Kardashian West captioned the adorable photo. Watch the full special Born Kardashian streaming now on PeopleTV.com, or download the PeopleTV app on your favorite device. Chicago West and Kim Kardashian West Kim Kardashian/Instagram RELATED VIDEO: Kim Kardashian West Takes Saint and North to Disneyland — See the Cute Mommy-and-Me Snaps Despite the reality star and her husband Kanye West’s immense degree of fame, the mother of three says that her kids have no idea their parents are celebrities. “It’s pretty intense, but at home I’m not known,” she recently told ITV’s This Morning. “My kids have no clue what’s going on. So I don’t really feel it — I spend most of my time at home.” 1 The actor told friends he’s responsible for encouraging Brad to reignite his romance with former wife Jennifer Aniston, who George has always had a close friendship with. Just last weekend, George and Brad were spotted out together for the first time in more than five years – marking a new chapter in their friendship. The pair enjoyed dinner with other Hollywood heavyweights including Sean Penn, Bradley Cooper and Laura Dern in LA, with George even using Jen Aniston’s private bodyguard. And it seems George didn’t hold back in telling dinner guests just how happy he is that Brad and Jen have reunited. Brad, Jen and George have been friends for years Getty ‘George has always hated Ange and really disliked the way she controlled Brad throughout their marriage,’ says a source. ‘He loved Brad and Jen when they were together and was devastated when they split – especially when he found out it was because of Ange, who he’d never heard good things about. ‘So when Ange and Brad split, George was the first person to call him and reconnect – and also plant the seed about reaching out to Jen. ‘He’d stayed in contact with Jen even after her divorce from Brad – and they’ve never stopped being close. When George heard that her marriage to Justin was on the rocks, he really stepped up efforts to reconcile the pair. ‘Now it’s happened, he’s out there telling anyone who’ll listen that he’s responsible. He’s pretty chuffed about it.’ While Brad would’ve been more than happy to finally catch up with George and Sean – friends who he wasn’t allowed to hang out with while he was married to Ange – one notable no-show at the pre-Oscars weekend dinner was Jen. Sources say she and Brad chose not to go to the restaurant together, to avoid any public scrutiny so soon after her official split from husband Justin Theroux – however it’s believed she caught up with Brad and George later. ‘Jen lent George her bodyguard, knowing he and Brad would be coming back to her place in Bel Air after dinner,’ says a source. ‘Given that George and Amal are mostly based in the UK now, he doesn’t have his own security detail in LA anymore – so Jen was only too happy to help. ‘After the dinner, George and Brad went back to her place and they had a nightcap. Like old times. ‘Brad raved about what a great mum Jen has been to his kids – that made him fall in love with her even more. And because George is a new dad he could really appreciate it. ‘Brad said the kids have taken to Jen and they get really upset when they have to leave. He’s really enjoyed watching them bond.’ For the full story see this weeks issue of New Idea - out now! 1 1 Queen Marie Antoinette As queen of France, Marie Antoinette became a leader of fashion – but as a 14-year-old Austrian archduchess she committed a fashion faux pas on the day she married the future King Louis XVI in the royal chapel at the Palace of Versailles in 1770. Advertisement Strict protocol governed wedding attire for the bride of a French heir to the throne: a cloth-of-silver dress. Unfortunately, the bride’s growing body was not taken into account when the dress was designed and so the resulting bodice was too small, meaning that Marie Antoinette’s attendants were unable to fasten the back of the gown. According to Elizabeth Seymour Percy, Duchess of Northumberland, there was “quite a broad stripe of lacing and shift quite visible, which had a bad effect between two broader stripes of diamonds [the latter of which were a gift from Marie Antoinette’s mother, Empress Maria Theresa of the Habsburg Empire].” In addition to the ill-fitting dress, Marie Antoinette’s future hairdresser Léonard Autié considered the bride’s strawberry-blonde hair “badly arranged” for the occasion. The comment, written in his journal, may have reflected his rivalry with the hairdresser Sieur Larsenneur, who styled Marie Antoinette’s hair on the day of her wedding in a low, powdered upsweep adorned with decorative gems. Léonard opted for more elaborate hairstyles for Marie Antoinette when he later became her hairdresser. Despite the fashion faux pas on her wedding day, queen Marie Antoinette devoted great efforts to her public image. Her milliner (hatter) Rose Bertin and hairdresser Léonard became known as the queen’s ‘Ministers of Fashion’, setting precedents for future celebrity stylists. But Marie Antoinette’s reputation for extravagance (as well as her Austrian origins) contributed to her unpopularity. The French Revolution broke out in 1789; the French monarchy was overthrown in 1792; and Marie Antoinette was executed by guillotine in 1793, a few months after her husband. 2 Queen Victoria When Queen Victoria’s mother, Princess Victoire of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, married King George III’s fourth son – Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn – in 1818, she was dressed in an elaborate cloth-of-gold gown. This followed the tradition of Hanoverian brides, who wore court dress or royal robes on their wedding day. And when Queen Victoria’s cousin Princess Charlotte married the future Leopold I of Belgium on 2 May 1816, the bride wore a glittering ensemble of “silver lama on net, over a silver tissue slip, embroidered at the bottom with silver lama in shells and flowers”. The dress, which is the earliest British royal wedding gown that survives to this day, also boasted “manteaux [a loose sleeveless cloak or shawl]… of silver tissue lined with white satin, with a border of embroidery to answer that on the dress.” But in 1840, for her wedding to Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in St James’s Palace, the young Queen Victoria departed from Hanoverian court tradition by wearing a comparatively simple wedding dress of white silk satin trimmed with lace and orange blossoms. Victoria described her dress and jewels in her journal: “I wore a white satin dress, with a deep flounce of Honiton lace, an imitation of an old design. My jewels were my Turkish diamond necklace & earrings & dear Albert’s beautiful sapphire brooch.” Technically, Queen Victoria was not the first royal bride to opt for white – Mary, Queen of Scots wore white on her first wedding day (when she married the future King Francois II of France, in 1558). Queen Victoria’s choice of wedding dress, however, captured the popular imagination and inspired other brides to choose white wedding dresses – a trend that continues today. In her choice of dress, Victoria was keen to promote British industry and manufacturing during a period when English silk and lace-making were experiencing a period of decline. The silk satin was woven in Spitalfields, East London, and the lace came from Honiton and Beer in Devon. Victoria treasured her wedding lace and wore it on important occasions for the rest of her reign, including her Diamond Jubilee in 1897. While Queen Victoria’s dress set a new trend, Victoria herself wanted to be a conventional bride by taking the same vows as other women of her time. It was asked whether she wanted to vow to obey Prince Albert and to this Victoria answered yes, because she wanted to be married as a contemporary woman, not as queen. Modern royal brides continue to follow Victoria in showcasing British industry in their choice of wedding attire – including Catherine Middleton, who wore a dress designed by Sarah Burton for the British fashion house Alexander McQueen when she married Prince William on 29 April 2011. A statement released by Buckingham Palace shortly after the wedding read: “Miss Middleton chose British brand Alexander McQueen for the beauty of its craftsmanship and its respect for traditional workmanship and the technical construction of clothing.” The lace appliqué for the bodice and skirt was hand-made by the Royal School of Needlework, based at Hampton Court Palace, and the lace design was hand-engineered using the Carrickmacross lace-making technique, which originated in Ireland in the 1820s. 3 Queen Maud of Norway When Princess Maud of Wales (granddaughter of Queen Victoria and the youngest daughter of the future King Edward VII) married Prince Charles of Denmark (later King Haakon VII of Norway) on 22 July 1896, she chose a comparatively simple wedding dress that did not incorporate lace. A weekly women’s magazine of the time explained to readers: “The wedding gown, made in Spitalfields, is of pure white English satin, with a long train cut in one with the skirt, and trimmed in one corner with a full bow of mousseline de soie and orange blossoms; a ruche of chiffon and flowers borders the skirt hem at the front and sides.” But Maud acknowledged the tradition for Honiton lace (set by Queen Victoria) by wearing her mother’s Honiton lace wedding veil. As royal biographer Theo Aronson (1929–2003) later observed: “Princess Maud, thanks to her mother’s unerring taste, was considerably better dressed than most royal brides.” Maud’s trousseau [the clothes, linen and other belongings collected by a bride for her marriage] reflected her personal interests, particularly her love of cycling, riding and skiing (which she took up in Norway). Hertrousseau included riding habits and hats, and, according to a fashion magazine of the time, “A cycling-gown, which is the very model of workmanlike smartness, is of tan cloth lined with a light silk serge and faced with detachable linen collar and lapels”. The trousseau also included “for yachting, a dainty little blue serge frock”. Maud was not the only granddaughter of Queen Victoria who opted to limit the amount of lace in her wedding ensemble. When Princess Marie of Edinburgh married the future Ferdinand I of Romania in 1893, she eschewed the traditional Honiton lace veil worn by British royal brides and chose instead a tulle veil to accompany a wedding dress selected by her mother. Later in life, as queen of Romania, Marie developed a unique sense of style, incorporating romantic interpretations of traditional folk costumes. The simplicity of Maud’s gown has been an inspiration for subsequent royal brides. When Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby, the current crown princess of Norway, married Crown Prince Haakon in 2001, she wore a silk crepe dress with long sleeves, a corset waist and a two-metre train. The designer, Ove Harder Finseth, is said to have been influenced by Maud’s wedding dress. 4 Princess Irina of Russia Imperial Russian wedding dresses traditionally worn by grand duchesses were so heavy that the bride often found it difficult to move at the ceremony. Tsar Nicholas II’s cousin Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna recalled wearing “a gown of silver cloth so thick that it seemed to be made of cardboard” when she married Prince Wilhelm of Sweden in 1908. When Nicholas’s niece Princess Irina Alexandrovna married Prince Felix Yusupov – one of the wealthiest men in Russia – at the Anichkov Palace in 1914, she decided not to wear a court dress and instead made her own choice of wedding attire. Felix wrote in his memoirs: “Irina’s wedding dress was magnificent; it was of white satin embroidered in silver, with a long train.” Irina’s veil, held in place by a tiara of rock crystal and diamonds, once belonged to Marie Antoinette. The streamlined style of Irina’s wedding dress influenced future wedding dresses right into the 1920s. In addition to the alternative dress, the wedding of Irina and Felix featured an unconventional wedding gift as well. When Tsar Nicholas II (along with his wife, Empress Alexandra) asked Felix what he would like as a wedding present, the bridegroom requested the privilege of sitting in the Imperial box at the theatre. According to Felix, “Nicholas II laughingly agreed”. But the cordial rapport between Felix and the Tsarwas not to last. It came to an abrupt end when Felix (along with the Tsar’s cousin Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich) organised the murder of Empress Alexandra’s mystic and faith healer Rasputin at the Yusupov Palace (also known as the Moika Palace) in 1916 because they were concerned about Rasputin’s influence over the Imperial family. Felix and Irina survived the Russian Revolution that followed and fled to the Crimea. The couple eventually settled in Paris, living there from 1920 until their deaths (Felix died in 1967 and Irina followed in 1970). 5 Mary, Princess Royal and Countess of Harewood Princess Mary, the only daughter of King George V and Queen Mary, married Henry Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood, at Westminster Abbey in 1922. The princess’s decision to marry an Englishman rather than a foreign prince was extremely popular. Mary’s brother Albert (the future King George VI) wrote to their eldest brother David (the future King Edward VIII): “Mary’s wedding is causing a great deal of work to many people & as far as I can make out the 28th is going to be a day of national rejoicing in every conceivable and unconceivable manner… In fact it is now no longer Mary’s wedding, but (this from the paper) it is the ‘Abbey Wedding’ or the ‘Royal Wedding’ or the ‘National Wedding’ or even ‘The People’s Wedding’ (I have heard it called) ‘of our beloved princess.’” Princess Mary’s wedding dress design was released to the press, allowing the public to examine in detail the materials and style chosen by the princess. While previous royal brides had honoured England and sometimes Wales, Scotland and Ireland in their wedding dress motifs, Mary was the first royal bride to pay tribute to the British Empire and Dominions: the embroidery of her dress reflected the contributions of these regions to the Allied cause during the First World War. The Associated Press reported: “Princess Mary’s wedding gown is to be of cloth of silver of magnificent design. The material was bought by the Queen from India some years ago and is described as a triumph of native manufacturing.” The hand-woven ivory silk train sourced from Essex was embroidered with floral symbols from the Empire and Dominions including the maple from Canada, the lotus from India, the wattle from Australia and the fern from New Zealand. When Meghan Markle married Prince Harry in May 2018, she honoured the Commonwealth with the floral motifs embroidered on her veil – these included the bunchberry from Canada, the kowhai from New Zealand, and, like Princess Mary, the lotus from India and the wattle from Australia. 6 Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (better known as Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother) was one of the bridesmaids at the wedding of Princess Mary, and, like her sister-in-law, she too chose to add personal touches to her wedding gown when she married the Duke of York (the future King George VI) in 1923 at Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth’s short-sleeved ivory chiffon moire (silk) wedding dress reflected the fashion trends of the early 1920s, mimicking the dropped waist and flowing silhouette popularised by the French fashion designer Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel. The dress boasted two trains – one attached at the hips; the other at the shoulders. The veil, loaned to the bride by her future mother-in-law, Queen Mary, was made of Flanders lace. Elizabeth was pleased with her wedding ensemble, noting in her diary that “it looked lovely.” Three other distinct characteristics of Elizabeth’s wedding gown attracted popular attention. First, the dress included a strip of Brussels Lace worn by one of the bride’s Scottish ancestors at a ball for Charles Edward Stuart, the Bonnie Prince Charlie (who in 1745 had challenged the groom’s ancestor, King George II, for the British throne). Elizabeth also incorporated spring green tulle into the accents on her own dress and those of her bridesmaids, prompting a journalist of the time to observe: “In the trimming the bride has defied all old superstitions about the unluckiness of green.” Elizabeth’s dress also incorporated a silver and rose thistle, emphasising the bride’s Scottish heritage as the daughter of the Earl and Countess of Strathmore. While Elizabeth’s wedding gown was distinctly 1920s in style, with her bouquet she began an important royal wedding tradition that continues to the present day. In honour of her elder brother Fergus, who had been killed at the battle of Loos during the First World War, Elizabeth placed her bouquet on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Westminster Abbey. This tradition is still observed by 21st-century royal brides including Catherine Middleton and Meghan Markle. 7 Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor The wedding of the duke of Windsor (the former King Edward VIII) to Wallis Simpson, a twice-divorced American, at the Château de Candéin France in 1937, was one of the most controversial royal weddings of the 20th-century. The royal family boycotted the ceremony and as the woman widely blamed for the Abdication Crisis of 1936, Simpson was under no obligation to follow royal tradition in her choice of wedding attire. There was worldwide speculation about what Wallis would wear on the day. TIME Magazine reported: “She wore a dress that most U. S. department stores were soon to feature: soft blue crepe with a tight, buttoned bodice, a halo-shaped hat of the same color, shoes and gloves to match. At her throat was a tremendous diamond-&-sapphire brooch. Mrs. Warfield carried a prayer book, had no bouquet but wore a large lavender orchid at her waist.” The colour of the dress matched the bride’s eyes and became known as ‘Wallis Blue’, prompting popular demand for dresses in this colour. The duchess of Windsor was aware of the historical and cultural significance of her wedding dress – in 1950, she donated the dress to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Due to a defect in the dye, the dress has since faded to a cream colour, making it look like a more conventional wedding dress of the time. After her death in 1986, the duchess’s jewellery was auctioned for charity. 8 Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson married Queen Elizabeth II’s second son, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, at Westminster Abbey in 1986. In the design of her wedding gown, Ferguson was inspired by Norman Hartnell’s richly embroidered design for the future Queen Elizabeth II’s wedding dress in 1947. In contrast to her mother-in-law, however, the duchess chose Italian silk because it was better able to support the embroidery than English silk. She also personalised the embroidery, choosing a bee to represent her own family crest and anchors to represent Andrew’s naval career, in addition to English roses. The duchess described her wedding dress in her memoirs: “I was inserted into my ivory wedding dress, an exquisite creation I’d lost twenty-six pounds to fit into. Lindka [Cierach] was a genius; I knew she could make the most flattering gown ever, and she had. It was amazingly boned, like a corset. We’d chosen duchess satin because it was the creamiest material in the world. It never creases. It is as smooth as glass and hangs beautifully, without a single bulge; it made my reduced figure look even better.” The dress proved cumbersome, however, when the new duchess curtsied to the queen after the ceremony and she appeared to nearly drop to the floor. The Duke and Duchess of York separated in 1992 and divorced in 1996. Advertisement Dr Carolyn Harris is an instructor in history at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies and the author of three books: Raising Royalty: 1000 Years of Royal Parenting (Dundurn Press, 2017); Queenship and Revolution in Early Modern Europe: Henrietta Maria and Marie Antoinette (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016); and Magna Carta and Its Gifts to Canada (Dundurn Press, 2015). 0 "Teresa Giudice showed off her rock-hard form when she competed in the Bikini Division of the NPC South Jersey Bodybuilding Championships on Saturday She's a reality star, a cookbook author and....a bodybuilder? Teresa Giudice showed off her rock-hard form when she competed in the Bikini Division of the NPC South Jersey Bodybuilding Championships on Saturday at Shawnee High School in Medford, New Jersey. This is her first-ever bodybuilding competition. The mom of four flashed her toned and tanned flesh in a purple halter bikini. The ""Real Housewives of New Jersey"" star has kept quiet on her social media about the competition. She's been dedicated to posting on Instagram about her fitness journey recently, but has posted nothing about the competition. ‘Tonight’: #AllIWantForChristmas Hashtags Jimmy Fallon reads some of his favorite tweets with the hashtag #AllIWantForChristmas. (Published Friday, Dec. 21, 2018) Stars Who Feuded With Real Housewives Several RHONJ castmembers, including Melissa Gorga and Joe Gorga and Dolores and Frank Catania, cheered her on during the competition, which is reportedly being filmed for an upcoming episode of her Bravo show, reports Us Weekly. Following her 11-month stint in prison back in 2015, Giudice has been dedicated to her health. Giudice went to prison after she and her husband, Joe Giudice, pleaded guilty to multiple counts of bankruptcy fraud in 2014. On March 23, 2016, Joe began serving his 41-month sentence at the Federal Correctional Institution in Fort Dix, New Jersey. Original Post: Teresa Giudice Shows Off Ripped Bikini Body at Her First Bodybuilding Competition © Copyright E! Online" 0 Back in 2002, the phrase “reality TV” meant programs like “Survivor” or MTV’s “The Real World” to the average viewer. Yet it was in that year that “American Idol” made its debut, transforming the face of American TV by achieving top ratings over the course of a decade and ushering in a new era of competition-based reality programs. When “American Idol” first aired, few TV viewers in the U.S. had ever heard of Ryan Seacrest, Randy Jackson, or Simon Cowell, and it had been at least a decade since judge Paula Abdul was considered a hot pop star. But thanks to the unparalleled success of the show, they all became familiar faces to the American public, as did singers like Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, who were destined for superstardom thanks to their performances live on TV. All good things must come to an end, though, and starting this week on Tuesday, “American Idol” kicks off a three-day finale that not only concludes the 2016 season but brings the whole series to an end. Here’s a look back at some of characters who became famous—and famously cashed in—because of “American Idol.” 0 "Glen Campbell, the country music legend and original “Rhinestone Cowboy,” died Tuesday at age 81 after suffering from Alzheimer’s disease for several years. He leaves behind over 50 studio albums, dozens of songs that crossed over onto the pop charts, and five No. 1 country hits — EW rounded up his most startling musical moments — as well as his family and many friends in the entertainment industry. “Thank you Glen Campbell,” Charlie Daniels Band’s titular frontman tweeted, “for sharing your talent with us for so many years. May you rest in peace my friend. You will never be forgotten.” Ashley Campbell, the superstar’s daughter and fellow recording artist, said that she was “heartbroken.” “I owe him everything I am, and everything I ever will be,” she tweeted. “He will be remembered so well and with so much love.” Silver Screen Collection/Hulton Archive/Getty Images Below, EW has rounded up other messages from the industry he conquered long ago. Extremely sad to hear that Glen Campbell has passed away. My prayers and thoughts go out to him and his family. — Blake Shelton (@blakeshelton) August 8, 2017 Thank you Glen Campbell for sharing your talent with us for so many years May you rest in peace my friend You will never be forgotten — Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) August 8, 2017 Huge loss in the world of music today. Rest In Peace, Glen Campbell. https://t.co/vexA1kYixX — Sheryl Crow (@SherylCrow) August 8, 2017 We lost a music legend today. Rest in peace, Glen Campbell. Sending love and prayers to his family. pic.twitter.com/CqW5eMFXAF — Rascal Flatts (@rascalflatts) August 8, 2017 Thank you @GlenCampbell for the artistry, grace & class you brought to country music. You were a shining light in so many ways. — Brad Paisley (@BradPaisley) August 8, 2017 Glen Campbell was one of the greatest voices of all time. I will always love you, Glen! pic.twitter.com/LQFEWA42lF — Dolly Parton (@DollyParton) August 8, 2017 So sad to hear about Glen Campbell passing. Your music always inspired me and many others. One of the kindest guys and best poets ever RIP. — Chord Overstreet (@chordoverstreet) August 8, 2017 Sure played one hell of a guitar. https://t.co/NjPauONpK3 — Jason Isbell (@JasonIsbell) August 8, 2017 Truly sad to hearing of the passing of @GlenCampbell. What a towering talent & a tenderhearted, delightful man. Sending his family my love. — Kathie Lee Gifford (@KathieLGifford) August 8, 2017 RIP Glen Campbell, a true gentleman genius – You will forever be gentle on our minds! — Ed Helms (@edhelms) August 8, 2017 The great @GlenCampbell has taken his guitar and iconic voice to the other side, to play in an Angel band. We will miss you Glen.. #RIP — Terri Clark (@TerriClarkMusic) August 8, 2017 Heartbroken. I owe him everything I am, and everything I ever will be. He will be remembered so well and with so much love. pic.twitter.com/1Z8mm8Jzth — Ashley Campbell (@ashcambanjo) August 8, 2017 RIP Glen Campbell. You will be greatly missed. Feeling for his beautiful family ❤️ https://t.co/sVQit6wHfe — Margo Price (@MissMargoPrice) August 8, 2017 Oh man. RIP, Glen Campbell. I grew up on your version of ""Gentle on my Mind,"" and I'm singing it now. — Ted Leo (@tedleo) August 8, 2017 Wow… just heard Glen Campbell passed… sad day for music — ChrisYoungMusic (@ChrisYoungMusic) August 8, 2017" 1 Move along, there's nothing to see here... Katie Holmes' people have dismissed 'untrue' rumours that she has split with long-term partner Jamie Foxx. A representative told People: 'The Radar story is 100 percent untrue.' The tabloid story in question alleged that Holmes and the Oscar-winning actor had been planning a wedding, but called it off and then split due to 'trust issues'. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below The very private couple have been dating since 2013, after they were spotted dancing together at the Hamptons a year after the Dawson Creek star's highly-publicised separation from Tom Cruise. Getty Images The pair have avoided attending events where they might be photographed together, but did sit next to each other at at Clive Davis’s Pre-Grammy Awards Gala earlier this year in January. Holmes, 38, and Foxx, 50, looked very happy together - and just look at the way the actress is gazing at her boyfriend. Takes us right back to the royal wedding... Holmes also helped the actor celebrated his recent 50th, and the duo were seen arriving together at Paramount Pictures for his party. Getty Images Speaking previously about keeping his relationships out of the spotlight, he told ET: 'I like to stay quiet, you know, with anyone that dating; that I'm really, really dating. 'I feel like this... if there's somebody that you're dating, the worst thing you can do is let that [points at camera] touch you. Because once that camera touches you, [it's out]. ... Yeah, we don't take time to do that [make sure the relationship is real] in Hollywood anymore.' 1 "Kim Kardashian typically keeps her hair sleek and straight, either down or in an Ariana-adjacent ponytail, but on Monday night, she showed up to the 2018 CFDA Fashion Awards wearing — gasp — waves. And not just any waves: these were seriously dense waves that are apparently just her natural hair texture, but enhanced. According to a press release, the uncharacteristic hairdo was the brainchild of Color Wow Global Creative Director Chris Appleton. To achieve the look, he first prepped Kardashian's hair with Color Wow Brass Banned Correct & Perfect Mousse for Dark Hair for texture and definition, which he further added by blowing the hair with a diffuser. After that, he applied the Color Wow Pop & Lock Gloss Treatment to make things shiny. The final steps involve a $200 curling iron and a hair band or ponytail holder. The curling iron in question is the ghd Curve Classic Curl Iron, which Appleton used to curl random sections of hair for even more defined waves. To complete the look, according to the press release, he pulled Kardashian's hair into a high pony, softening the look by pulling out the edges and wrapping hair around the ponytail's base. Kevin Mazur/Getty Images Jared Siskin/Getty Images Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images Kardashian apparently chose the perfect night to switch things up, because she later won the CFDA's first-ever Influencer Award. ""I'm kind of shocked that I'm winning a fashion award when I'm naked most of the time,"" she joked during her acceptance speech. In the speech, she also reminisced about an ex-publicist who told her she'd never land the cover of a fashion magazine and how she got revenge by sending her an autographed copy of her Vogue cover. According to Glamour, she was presented with the award by Busy Philipps, who recognized how Kardashian has turned being social media famous into the ""ultimate symbol of female empowerment."" ""You are the influencer's influencer,"" Philipps said in the speech, according to Glamour. ""Your impact on how women dress and what they want to look like has had real cultural significance."" Guess we'll be seeing a lot of wavy ponytails very soon. Read more about Kim Kardashian: Now, watch Kim Kardashian's makeup artist break down her most iconic looks: Don't forget to follow Allure on Instagram and Twitter." 0 "After Third Curse Upon arrival to Storybrooke, Regina and the others realize they can only remember entering King Arthur's castle in Camelot, and nothing else beyond that. Giving off the facade of having embraced her darkness, Emma enters, intimidating her family and friends with just her presence alone. Regina threatens to fulfill what Emma once told her to do if she went too far, but when she reaches for the dagger, it is not there. Instead, Emma reveals she has it now, and she then proclaims she will punish them for what they did to her. (""The Dark Swan"", ""The Price"", ""Broken Heart"") The next day, Regina, Mary Margaret and David try to stop the dwarves from testing the town line, but Leroy insists they have to know whether it's possible to leave town now that Emma is a danger to them all. Dopey crosses the line and nothing happens, but then, the earth beneath him cracks open and releases greenery, turning him into a tree. Regina confronts Emma when she sees her talking to Henry, and then asks about the memory wipe. Emma admits to casting the curse, which is unbreakable since there's no savior, but Regina attests she will find a way. Before Regina departs with Henry, Emma cautions that there's a problem in town that only a savior can fix. Regina learns some of Camelot's residents have been brought to Storybrooke by Emma's curse, and she briefs Arthur about it. As some of the townspeople are distributing supplies to the Camelot visitors, Regina relates her fears to Robin Hood about taking on the savior role and whether people are ready to trust her. Later, Robin is kidnapped by a fury, which is the ""problem"" Emma spoke of. Regina tries to save him, but she gets injured by the fury, who escapes. She attempts to follow, but Mary Margaret convinces her to stay behind and let them handle it. Upset at this setback, Regina vents her frustration onto a comatose Mr. Gold, blaming him for making her the person she is. Belle provides intel about the fury, stating it's a demon from the underworld sent to extract an unpaid price of magic, and that they have until the full moon reaches its zenith before Robin is taken. Believing Emma summoned the fury, Regina demands that she send it away, but Emma reveals Regina is the one who didn't pay the price from six weeks ago. Regina then forces the fury to take her life instead, but Mary Margaret refuses to abandon her, linking hands with her. Soon, David, Leroy and Arthur do the same, causing the fury's power to explode on itself, therefore paying off the price of magic. That night, Regina joins Robin at the diner. Satisfied with having proven she can protect the town, she solves another problem by magically reverting Mr. Clark to normal from his statue form. (""The Price"") At the sheriff station, Regina shows David and Mary Margaret a photo of a toadstool from a Camelot book she had marked six weeks prior, though she doesn't remember what it was for. When the dwarves storm in, demanding David do something about Emma, who stole Happy's pick ax, Regina grabs the book and takes her leave from the room. David eventually finds the toadstool, which crossed over from Camelot during the curse, and presents it to Regina and Mary Margaret in the vault, where they realize they were using the toadstool to breach communication with Merlin. (""Siege Perilous"") Gathered with her allies at the sheriff's station, Regina is present as Grif's strange disappearance is noted, with Arthur suggesting Grif escaped back to Camelot with a magic bean. Upset about how this news will affect her people, as the bean was their only hope of going home, Guinevere believes they must do something to raise everyone's spirits. Henry suggests a dance, to which David jokes about that being an excuse for him to ask his girlfriend out. Regina is alarmed by the mention of a girlfriend, though he later insists he and Violet Morgan are just friends. After Mr. Gold is reported missing, Regina goes with Belle, Hook, and Robin to break into Emma's house, suspecting she has something to do with his disappearance. To get past the door's protection spell, Regina conjures Henry's scarf, using it to bypass the barrier. In the basement, they find Excalibur in a stone, noting that the sword's markings are the same as the Dark One's dagger. Hook moves to pull it out, but Regina stops him, warning that doing so might kill him. Before they can search the rest of the house, Henry texts Regina about Emma returning home. As they scramble to leave, Hook finds a dreamcatcher, causing Regina to realize Emma used it to take their memories. Regina and Robin later view the dreamcatcher's memories, in which Emma took Violet's heart and told her to reject Henry, in order to obtain a tear of a broken heart to free Merlin. When Emma turns up asking to see Henry, Regina confronts her about what she did to Violet. Emma defends her decision, arguing that she did it with good reason, to which Regina compares her to Cora, who said the same thing to her long ago. Emma insists she didn't have a choice, though Regina recalls Emma has said many times there is always a choice. Pushed to her limit, Emma reveals it was the only way to free Merlin. Regina then questions why she is still the Dark One if they freed the sorcerer, but Emma refuses to say and instead asks again to see Henry. Regina denies her request, stating that Henry doesn't want to see her, before closing the door. (""Dreamcatcher"") After informing David, Mary Margaret, Hook, and Belle about Emma's slip up about Merlin, Regina explains her plans to use the crimson crown to talk to the sorcerer, though they need Arthur's help enacting the spell, as only someone chosen by Merlin can use the toadstool. Belle prompts the group to consider getting direct help from Mr. Gold instead, but all three oppose her views for different reasons. Regina believes if Mr. Gold gets hurt while in Emma's grasp, that's a risk that has to be taken in order to focus on Merlin. After Belle goes to save Mr. Gold on her own, the heroes gather in the vault, with the prepared spell brew. Upon Arthur's arrival, he asks for privacy to use the crimson crown, explaining that Merlin only ever spoke to him when no other people were around. Regina and everyone else leave to wait outside the vault, and after a time, Arthur exits to inform them the spell failed. As proof of Arthur's sabotage, David later finds the charred, but still magically intact crimson crown in the burnt out cauldron fire. With Henry being the only other person who was chosen by Merlin, he is called in to enact the spell. Regina has concerns that he isn't up for the task, but Henry attests the person who ripped out Violet's heart isn't his mom and he'll do whatever it takes to get back the old Emma. Once the spell is cast, the group view a prerecorded hologram message from Merlin, who tells them to look for Nimue, the person they need for defeating the Dark One. (""The Bear and the Bow"") Although Arthur is apprehended and imprisoned for his sabotage, he holds no answers about Emma's current actions. From Hook's previous run-in with Emma, in which she told him that he is the reason for her plans, he comes to believe Emma has something bigger at stake rather than her desire to snuff out the light. Regina scoffs at his naiveness, insisting Emma is toying with his emotions, but Hook refuses to let the issue go and decides to get answers from Emma herself. When Zelena's pregnancy accelerates because of Emma's magical influence, Regina and Robin are called in by Nurse Ratched, and all three accompany Zelena as she is brought to the hospital wing to prepare for labor. As Zelena is giving birth, Regina waits in the hallway, expressing doubts about helping her sister after everything she's done, but Mary Margaret persuades her that it's the right thing to do. After a daughter is born, Regina puts on a brave face, entering the room to congratulate Robin and meet the baby, while Zelena cannot help but comment on her sister's underlying jealousy over her having Robin's child. Before Regina can respond, Emma arrives to kidnap Zelena instead of the baby, proving Emma has something bigger planned. With David and Mary Margaret, Regina goes to confront Emma, who promises that they'll be thanking her after she is done with Zelena, and then stabs Excalibur into the ground, triggering a magical barrier that touches everyone who is present. (""Birth"") Shortly after, Regina, David and Mary Margaret enter the house in search of Emma, who finally admits she had turned Hook into a Dark One and planned on putting both her and Hook's darkness into Zelena before killing her. With a dark Hook now on the loose, their best bet of finding out his goals is getting their memories from the dreamcatchers, however, Hook has already stolen them. In a meeting at Regina's house, Mr. Gold reveals Hook intends to get revenge on him with a duel to the death. To learn more about Nimue, who can defeat the Dark One, Mr. Gold advises the group to research The Dark One Chronicles. Emma believes she can help them quicker with magic if they remove her cuff, but her family or friends refuse, not trusting that the darkness won't influence her to do bad things. As assurance Emma won't try anything, Regina has Merida guard her while everyone is away. Before she can join the group at the library, Regina heads to the hospital, where Zelena finds her baby daughter missing. Zelena is livid, accusing Regina of being jealous of her having Robin's baby, to which Regina fires back, confronting her sister over the outrageous things she did just to have the child. Believing this insanity between them has to end, Regina takes her to the loft, where Robin is taking care of the baby. Regina, having had the experience of changing into a better person because of maternal love, has hopes Zelena's love for her own child can do the same. Robin then gives his permission for Zelena to be part of his daughter's life and to visit as long as either he or Regina are present. After Emma retrieves the dreamcatchers, Regina's lost memories are restored. From regaining her memories that Hook stole from her, Emma realizes Hook wants to open a portal to the underworld and bring all the previous Dark Ones to Storybrooke. (""Broken Heart"") Learning Hook has unleashed the previous Dark Ones from the Underworld, Regina goes with Robin to search for and take down Hook, while everyone else splits up from them to cover more ground. The pair stop in their tracks when Zelena poofs in front of them, casually stating she's since made a change in her and Robin's custody agreement, in which she grants herself sole custody. Zelena claims there is no point in fighting since both Regina and Robin will be dead soon. The couple quickly learn what she means when two Dark Ones corner them and brand their wrists with the mark of Charon. After regrouping with the others, they determine the Dark Ones cannot exist without living souls taking their places in the Underworld, as everyone with the mark will die when Charon comes for them. Regina finds Hook and tries to talk him out of damning Emma's loved ones to the Underworld. He ignores her plea, believing Regina, of all people, should know how far someone will go for revenge. However, she considers that he wasn't the man he was then when she asked him to kill Cora, and how she tested him to ensure he had no weaknesses. Before she can bring up the weakness in question, he magically constricts her throat, warning her to never speak of it again as she has no idea of his current capabilities. Regina arrives to the vault, where Emma tells her to fulfill the promise she once asked of her if she ever went too far. They procure Excalibur from Mr. Gold, with Emma intending to absorb all the darkness, and have Regina kill her to destroy it. Afterwards, Regina heads to the mayor's office with Robin to confront Zelena. Using the Apprentice's wand, she teleports herself and Zelena to the clock tower, before harnessing the wand to banish Zelena to Oz. As Charon's arrival draws near, everyone who was branded is brought to the lake, where the portal to the Underworld is. Regina reminds Hook once more of the choice he made with his father, and that he has to decide what kind of man he wants to be now. Prompted by this, Hook takes in the darkness and has Emma kill him. However, when Emma discovers Mr. Gold used Hook's sacrifice to regain his Dark One powers, she forces him to reopen the portal to the Underworld so she can save Hook. With the others, Regina joins them on this expedition. (""Swan Song"") Upon coming to the Underworld, Regina splits from her group, with Robin accompanying her to search for Hook. She sees a familiar face on the street, a man named Blacktooth, whom she killed long ago in the Enchanted Forest. Robin notices the town looks the same as Storybrooke, except the top of the clock tower is in ruins on the street. Regina recalls Storybrooke came along with the Dark Curse after she cast it, though she theorizes that whoever made the curse created Storybrooke as a replica to the Underworld's town. Suddenly, she realizes Blacktooth has been trailing them, but he reveals Cora wants to see her. At the mayor's office, Regina reunites with her mother, who is worried for her safety in the Underworld and has prepared a boat to take her home. Cora insists Regina should do what's best for herself instead of helping her friends, which will be her downfall. To give Regina a reason to leave, she shows her what will happen if she stays. Cora pulls Blacktooth into a fiery abyss, damning him to a worse fate, and she warns Regina to take the boat, or her father will suffer the same end. After a failed attempt at talking to Hook, Emma urges Regina to leave the Underworld before Cora's threat becomes real. Instead, Regina uses the ale to summon her father, whom she tearfully apologizes to. He forgives her for killing him, and she promises to follow Cora's orders to keep him from any more suffering, but he encourages her to stay and help her friends. With Henry, Regina returns to the cave to confront Cora, but she is unable to stop Cora from pulling her father into the fire. After Cora teleports away, however, her father is released from the flames, with a bridge forming behind him leading to Mount Olympus. Realizing his unfinished business, which was to ensure Regina is free of Cora's control, has come to an end, he bids both her and Henry a farewell, before ascending to a better place. While Regina and her party consider helping other souls move on from the Underworld, Mr. Gold leaves the group, wanting no part in it. (""Souls of the Departed"") Continuing to look for Hook in the north woods, Regina decides to speed things along by sending Robin to the mayor's office, where there might be maps of Underbrooke. She allows him to take Henry along, and she assures them that the office is safe now that Cora is gone. Emma picks up on a blood trail, which she and Regina follow, believing it leads to Hook, but instead, they find Hades' escaped prisoner Megara. The girl just barely mentions Hook when a hellhound, Cerberus, approaches them, prompting Emma to teleport all three of them to the Underworld version of her parents' apartment. Unsure of who or what is living here, Regina fears the tenant might come home, however, Emma finds proof that the apartment is waiting for her parents to die and move in. Megara tells them about Hook helping her escape Cerberus, whom she describes with terrifying detail. Believing Hercules can defeat the beast, Mary Margaret joins Regina and Emma at the diner, where Regina grills the Blind Witch about the deceased demigod. The Blind Witch still resents Regina for killing her, while the former Evil Queen reminds the witch that there were bound to be consequences for stealing her apple. After the witch gives them the information, Mary Margaret persuades Hercules to take on the mission. The trio of women enter the mines with him, and they stay behind as he ventures deeper on his own. When Hercules returns to them after fleeing from Cerberus, the group brace for a fight, only for Hades to call off his pet and confront them himself. Regina wants to know why the Underworld looks like Storybrooke, but Hades refuses to say. Hades leaves them with Killian's hook, warning that he'll do much worse to the pirate. When Mary Margaret loses hope over her inability to help Hercules or herself, Regina reminds her that Snow White never lost faith in her, the Evil Queen, and won her over by becoming her friend. Furthermore, she pushes Mary Margaret to give up her Storybrooke persona, because they need Snow White now. Inspired by Regina's advice, Mary Margaret channels her old personality and teams up with Megara and Hercules to kill Cerberus. In the aftermath, Mary Margaret vows to be Snow White again, much to Regina's approval. (""Labor of Love"") To find Hook underground, Regina and her party plan to enter the cave that Megara previously escaped from. The plan falls through after Mr. Gold convinces Emma to join him for a better idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to get both of them into Hades' lair, where Hook is. While Mr. Gold and Emma are away on the mission, Regina tries to track down the Blind Witch at the diner, but she finds Cruella instead. Unable to use her magic in the Underworld, Regina relies on Cruella for information about Underbrooke's headstones and how to tell by looking at them if someone has moved on. With her first love Daniel in mind, she recruits Snow to accompany her into the cemetery to look for his grave. Upon finding it, Regina is relieved to see the headstone is tipped over, meaning Daniel moved on from the Underworld. She speaks to his grave, relating how pleased she is that he's in a happier place, and at the same time, she is sad over not being able to see him again. Later, in town, she spots a wounded horse lying on its side and manages to channel her magic to heal the animal. At the apartment, Regina and the others enter to find Hook and Emma, who report that Hades destroyed their boat, so now everyone has no way of going home. Since her magic is working again, Regina attempts to take out Emma's heart, in order to split each half between Emma and Hook, but a magic barrier blocks her. Afterwards, Hook shows everyone the three headstones that Hades engraved with Regina, Snow and Emma's names, to make them stay in the Underworld forever, in place of the three people who already moved on. (""Devil's Due"") Seeking knowledge about Hades' weakness in order to defeat him, Regina helps search for the storybook. After Henry reveals the book is in the Sorcerer's mansion, Emma's parents head to the sheriff's office to get the key. While waiting for their return, Emma confides in Regina about Hook's brother Liam pressuring her to let Killian go after they take down Hades. Though Emma confirms Killian wants to move on, Regina advises her to help Hook to forgive himself for his dark deeds, as that's something she struggled with in the past too. At the mansion, Emma makes Henry stand on guard duty as everyone else looks for the book. Henry begins to protest, but Regina cuts him off, telling him not to argue with either of his mothers. Liam finds the book, with the pages from Hades' story torn out, and he suggests sweeping the mansion until the fallen pages are found. Regina, having been told earlier by Emma that Liam is self-righteous, quietly agrees with her sentiments, before going to look for the pages. Later, Hook discovers Liam took the pages while under duress from Hades. Henry reveals to his family that he found the Author's quill in the mansion, and he initially wanted it for the wrong reasons, but now, he'll use it to re-record Hades' story. (""The Brothers Jones"") After Henry writes about Snow and David's plan to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke, Regina and the others have little enthusiasm about it, as they were hoping to read Hades' story. Having no control over how and when his writing happens, Henry becomes upset at their reactions and storms upstairs. Zelena, after being pulled into the Underworld, seeks out the heroes' help to track down her baby, whom Belle ran off with. While combing the woods with Regina and Robin, she asks Robin what he named their daughter, expressing disdain at certain names, especially Marian. When Robin retorts he hasn't had enough time with their child since he's been protecting her from Zelena, she berates him for being in the Underworld instead of with their daughter. Robin insists helping a friend and settling an example of heroism is important, much to Zelena's disdain. To end the dispute, Regina recalls how she used to be like Zelena, only caring about herself, and that made her alone and miserable, but this changed when her enemies became her family, which is why they are in the Underworld to save Hook. After finding the baby, Zelena offers to feed her with a formula bottle. Robin relents, only because Zelena's magic isn't working, but when Zelena's magic returns, she douses him, Regina and Belle with a blast before escaping with her child. However, after realizing her own magic injured her daughter, Zelena forfeits her to Robin, knowing she can't protect their child from Hades, whom she suspects wants the child for a time spell. Back at the apartment, Regina plays with the baby, fondly noting that her eyes resembles Robin's. (""Our Decay"") In the library, Regina works on creating a spell to unlock Hades' seal on the elevator entrance. After finishing, she and Emma magick the door open, but instead of access to Hades' lair, it reveals a brick wall. Relating a dream she had, Emma thinks she may be able to magically burn her, Regina and Snow's names from the headstones. Snow and Hook go with her, but before Regina joins them, she goes to talk to Zelena about her past with Hades. Regina learns Hades is in love with Zelena, and while she cares about her sister, she presses her on the matter of Hades' weakness. Zelena is upset Regina has come to her for more than just sisterly concern, while Regina insists both are very important to her. However, Zelena has nothing else to offer, except that she is Hades' only known weakness. Regina finds her group in the vault, where they are hiding from a beast that killed Snow in Emma's dream. She theorizes Emma's dream relates to her fears, and after some prodding from Hook, Emma admits she regrets bringing everyone to the Underworld and is afraid she'll inevitably cause someone's death. After helping Emma let go of her guilt, Snow leads her allies into the forest to track the beast. Regina and Emma stun the monster with their combined powers, but upon closer look, Snow recognizes it's wolf Ruby and reverts her to human form with the cloak. (""Her Handsome Hero"") Once Ruby wakes up, she tells her friends about her search for Dorothy, who went missing in Oz after Zelena took her silver slippers. Regina talks Zelena into redeeming herself by helping them, to which Zelena unveils in a mirror that Dorothy is currently under the sleeping curse in Oz. Only true love's kiss can break the curse, and Zelena believes it impossible, since Dorothy may have the love of the Ozians, but not true love. In a private chat with Regina, Zelena continues to be smug about what she did to Dorothy, until her sister tells her to drop the act. Regina persuades her to break away from the path she is on now, starting by doing one good thing; giving up the slippers. Zelena forfeits the slippers, despite that she sees no value in Regina's pep talks, as she believes nothing will ever change for either of them. Regina offers the slippers to Ruby, who sees no point in returning to Dorothy if there's no one to give her true love's kiss. After some thought, Ruby recalls Dorothy loved her deceased Auntie Em. They find Auntie Em's headstone is neither tipped or cracked, and to get true love's kiss, Snow suggests bottling a kiss from Auntie Em and delivering it to Dorothy in Oz. Auntie Em jumps at the chance to help Dorothy, but before she can, her body melts into a puddle, because of interference from Hades. Eventually, Snow convinces Ruby to attempt true love's kiss on Dorothy, knowing she has feelings for the girl. Instead of David going with Ruby to Oz, where he'll make the journey home to Storybrooke, he forfeits his freedom so Snow can go instead. Before Snow leaves, Regina requests that, after she gets back to Storybrooke, to check up on Roland, as she knows Robin would want to know if his son is all right. (""Ruby Slippers"") Through an enchanted hand mirror, Regina spies on Zelena and Hades' growing romance. She learns Hades has created tombstones for her and her friends, and that he wants to leave for Storybrooke with Zelena. After Zelena returns home, Regina forbids her from seeing Hades again, but Zelena believes she can change him into a better person, like Regina did with Robin. Regina questions what will happen if she fails, to which Zelena rebuffs her concern, accusing her of never wanting a sister anyway. To stop Hades' influence on Zelena, she enlists Hook to help her rescue Cora. While her mother distracts Zelena by pretending to reconcile with her, Regina sneaks in with a memory potion. Cora tries to slip the potion to Zelena in a drink, but the latter figures out what is going on. When both sisters prepare to have it out in a magic battle, Cora restores their lost childhood memories of each other. Remorseful about having believed any love was weakness, Cora praises Regina for being stronger than she ever was, and that she earned that strength from her loved ones. After imparting similar wisdom to Zelena, Cora prepares to move on from the Underworld, and she asks her daughters to always hold on to each other. Once their mother is gone, Regina finally gives her blessing to Zelena about Hades. (""Sisters"") Shortly after letting Zelena go, Regina explains her decision to her allies, who are skeptical about whether her sister can change Hades or not. She steps up to help when Hades reveals Zelena is being ransomed by Mr. Gold and Peter Pan, but rather than let her, Hades agrees to remove everyone's names from the tombstones if Emma assists him. Once Emma saves Zelena, a kiss of true love between Hades and Zelena triggers a portal to Storybrooke that is set to open in a few hours. Following the removal of the tombstone names, Regina pulls out Emma's heart to begin the heart split, but it fails to work. When Hades mentions ambrosia might allow Killian to escape the Underworld, Emma and Hook head underground to look for it. In their absence, Henry frets over not completing Operation Firebird, and although people can move on once Hades has left, he wants to help those who don't know their unfinished business. Upon rejoining his party, Robin is alarmed to see them with Zelena and Hades, even with Regina's assurance the pair can be trusted. Knowing the portal to Storybrooke is opening soon, Regina asks Robin to take the baby and go through it first, as she wants to stay a little longer to help Henry with Operation Firebird. He refuses to leave her behind, and fears for her safety in the Underworld since many still hold a grudge against her. Regina then suggests giving the baby to Zelena instead, and he eventually relents, after she persuades him that she is doing this in his daughter's best interests. After Zelena, the baby and Hades leave to wait by the portal, Robin rebuffs Regina when she tries to comfort him over having to give up his child. While Henry commences Operation Firebird, Regina, David, and Robin keep him company. The Blind Witch, as Cruella's accomplice, traps the foursome in the library, with Regina later realizing Hades' magic is keeping them from escaping. These suspicions about Hades are cemented further when Emma returns without Hook or the ambrosia. With Emma and Regina's combined powers, the heroes break out and make it through the portal before it closes. (""Firebird"") After returning to Storybrooke, Regina and Robin encounter Zelena and tell her about Hades' scheming. Zelena doesn't believe their claims and continues to defend Hades, who Regina threatens to kill. They attempt to reclaim Robin's daughter from Zelena and Hades from town hall, but they find the building protected with Zelena's magic. Regina proposes she and Robin get into the building through an underground tunnel, but she refuses to let Emma come along, citing that she is too emotional over Hook to face Hades. During the tunnel trek, Regina talks to him about why she gave Zelena a chance to find love with Hades. Robin, however, is still too upset over his daughter being in Hades' hands, and doesn't want to hear Regina defending her sister. When she apologizes for getting him in this mess and vows to rectify things, Robin goes back on his previous words, agreeing that Zelena does deserve another chance. He realizes, from having been with Regina, that people can change and don't always have to live in the shadows of their pasts. The couple arrive to the office, overhearing Hades trying to convince Zelena into letting him use the Olympian Crystal against the heroes so they can take over Storybrooke. Zelena teleports outside to deal with Emma, and while Hades is away, Regina and Robin enter to get the baby. Hades reappears to finish Regina off with the Olympian Crystal, but Robin takes the blow for her. After being hit, he shares one last look with Regina before collapsing and dying. His spirit separates from his body to reach out longingly at her, and then fades out of existence. As Regina cries over Robin's body, Zelena returns, with Hades lying about defending himself against Robin after he wanted to kill Zelena. Hades encourages Zelena to kill her sister, but Zelena ultimately kills Hades, after Regina uses Robin's sacrifice as an example of true love; something that Hades has with Zelena and yet it's not enough to change him. At Robin's funeral, after Emma and her family have laid rose entwined arrows onto the casket, Regina walks up to have her turn. As Regina turns back to look at the crowd of mourners, Zelena arrives with her daughter. She notes to Zelena that Robin never got to name his child, to which the latter decides the most fitting name for her is Robin. Regina agrees with the name choice, before welling up in tears over the sentiment behind it, as Zelena offers a comforting hand on her shoulder. (""Last Rites"") At Robin's wake, Regina is still in a daze over her lover's demise. Snow and David come by to offer support, but Zelena assures them that she can look after her sister, as they both lost the men they loved. With Regina in the dark about Hook's recent return, Emma makes Killian wait outside while she goes in to break the news. Before she can, a tremor shakes the town, prompting a concerned Hook to rush in to Emma. Regina, despite being angered that Hook is alive as Robin remains dead, sets aside her emotions in favor of finding out the cause of the tremor. At the clock tower, the heroes discover Mr. Gold has tethered Storybrooke's magic into a piece of the Olympian Crystal, in an effort to wake a cursed Belle. When Emma suggests to Regina that she should take a break from the mission, Regina realizes Emma assumes she will revert to being the Evil Queen. Henry tries to stop the argument, which ends with Regina teleporting out to find Mr. Gold herself since Emma doesn't want her help. The next day, Regina arrives to the loft looking for Henry, who has stolen the crystal and left town to destroy it. When Mr. Gold suggests that destroying the crystal's magic will erase Storybrooke, Regina reluctantly allows Emma to join her after the latter provides a lead on Henry. Using GPS, they track Henry to Boston, only to find he left his phone on the bus to throw them off. An upset Regina chucks the phone and accidentally sets it on fire, which causes her and Emma to fear Mr. Gold will harm Henry since magic outside of Storybrooke is now possible. In another plan, Regina convinces Emma to provide blood in a locator spell. Tracking Henry to Neal's apartment in New York, Emma runs a laptop scan to find out where he and Violet went. Regina reads an unsent letter that Robin wrote to her, which makes her come clean about her struggle to curb her darker instincts. She tells Emma about how being good has made her suffer losses and that she has to live with the evils of her past, or risk giving into darkness again and losing her loved ones. Emma believes Regina will prevail, but the latter thinks being miserable either way is her fate. When the scan reveals Henry is at the Midtown Library, the women arrive to find him and Violet passed out, after Mr. Gold has taken the crystal. Henry convinces Emma that she was wrong for not believing in Regina, and he defends his decision to destroy magic because he doesn't want to lose either of his moms to magic. Regina uses Henry's blood to locate Mr. Gold, which fails because Mr. Gold has disabled magic. (""Only You"") Leaving Henry and Violet to wait in the library, Regina and Emma pinpoint Mr. Gold after seeing a magic storm cloud above the Hotel D'or building. In a text from Granny, they learn their family have been pulled into a portal. Since magic is needed to rescue their loved ones, Regina distracts Mr. Gold with a fake alliance as Emma sneaks in to steal the crystal. Mr. Gold busts the women's plan and reveals he only needed Regina's hair as a link to Zelena in the other realm, where Belle is also trapped. With no more use for either woman, Mr. Gold prepares to hurl a fireball at them, but Henry arrives to absorb the crystal's magic into a replica of the Holy Grail. Only after this, Henry learns from his moms about why they needed the crystal. While Emma finds him, Regina and Mr. Gold approach the Dragon for help to locate their family. The Dragon agrees to help for Regina's sake, as he sees her struggle with darkness, and he encourages her to win. After the Dragon fails to open a portal to the other realm, he advises that they seek magic with the power of belief. Back at the fountain, Henry persuades his family to make wishes on pennies, which creates magic in the crystal. To get enough magic for a portal, he rallies a crowd of New Yorkers to make wishes, allowing his family to return. The night before going home, Snow suggests Regina can make a clean break from her darkness by facing the Evil Queen. By injecting herself with a serum, the Evil Queen separates from Regina, who rips out and crushes her darker half's heart. On return to Storybrooke, Regina releases the crystal's magic back into the town. When Hyde shows up, claiming the town is now his, Regina vows to be victorious against him. However, he causes her to have doubts, by telling her that the darkness within her is not so easily removed. Without Regina knowing, the Evil Queen has manifested again in New York, with plans of waging war against her. (""An Untold Story"") When a dirigible appears in Storybrooke, Regina learns Hyde brought them from his realm. She and Emma combine powers to take out Hyde, but their magic has no effect on him. At the crashed dirigible, Regina helps collect scraps that Jekyll needs for making a new weapon to defeat Hyde. Regina goes home afterwards, finding Zelena moving in, since she previously invited her to live with her. She tells Zelena about Hyde, but instead of letting the redhead help, she asks her to stay home. Zelena tries to find the feather from Robin's arrow that Roland gave her to give to Regina, but it is lost. Regina tries to be understanding, however, it starts to bother her. Later, she seals her vault to keep Hyde out, and opens up to Snow about her problems with Zelena. Snow believes something else is bothering her, but Regina doesn't know what it is. As part of a ruse, Regina offers Jekyll to Hyde in return for his departure from town. Hyde taunts her about her inability to intimidate him, to which Regina calls off the deal before hurling a fireball at him. With Hyde momentarily stunned, Regina yells for Emma to use the baton on him, but Emma becomes distracted, allowing Hyde to begin strangling Regina. Emma snaps out of it in order to use the baton, which leads to Hyde's capture. Afterwards, Regina returns to her office for the first time since Robin died and cries over him. She admits blaming Zelena for Robin's death because she trusted her about Hades' changed ways. Zelena, in turn, is mad that Regina took advice from Snow about ripping out her darker self, rather than talking to her about it. Additionally, Zelena is upset that Regina removed a part of herself that is most like her, which Regina has nothing to say in defense of, to which Zelena declares she is moving out. Regina later tries to locate Robin's feather, but it doesn't work because, as Henry notes, she wants to find Robin when he's already dead. Henry gives her hope that Robin wasn't obliterated as Hades stated he was since villains will say anything to hurt people. During a chat, Regina asks Snow how she survived in the Enchanted Forest after losing everything, and Snow recalls keeping hope alive because Regina as the Evil Queen taught her that having hope is a choice. Regina talks about living as who she thought she was supposed to be, the Queen, but now, she wants to be someone else and has hopes that the life she has now will get better in the future. (""The Savior"") The morning after, Regina reassures the Untold Stories residents not to be afraid of having their stories told because she, like them, is getting a fresh start and they will face the unknown together. David and Snow receive a note from the Count of Monte Cristo, a person Regina admits she once hired to kill them. Regina decides to convince the Count to give up on the mission, and she also reveals that David and Snow already met the Count, Edmond, in the past when he became the couple's wine steward. She tries her best to persuade Edmond that he doesn't need revenge to be happy again, something she learned in her own life. Edmond instead tells her that though she set him on this path, not even she can stop him now. He throws his sword at her, with Regina freezing it in time, but after she picks up the weapon, he is gone. Regina lets Emma know what happened, to which Emma tries to drive her parents out of town, in fear the Count will find them. The car is repelled by a barrier at the town line, and Regina realizes the spell was created with ingredients from her vault. She suspects Zelena broke the blood magic seal on the vault, but Zelena denies any wrongdoing. After finding Charlotte's body, Regina discovers the true culprit is the Evil Queen, who not only made the barrier, but is also controlling the Count. Regina duels with Edmond to protect Snow and David, but she can't use magic because of the Queen's spell to weaken her powers. She pushes Edmond to fight the Queen's control and vows to save him when she couldn't save Charlotte, however, Edmond disarms her before moving on to David and Snow. With no defenses left, she chucks her sword at him, and he dies from the fatality. Regina is despondent in the aftermath of this, especially when the Queen reveals she orchestrated it to prove Regina can never be rid of her inner darkness. Sometime after this, Regina casts a protection spell on Snow and David's hearts to keep them safe from the Queen. Snow encourages her not to run from the Queen, and that they can outsmart her by thinking ahead of her. When Snow asks what the Queen meant by everyone having stories they don't want to be told, Emma's hand shakes, which both Snow and Regina notice. Emma later confesses to Archie about her suspicion that the cloaked enemy on her vision is Regina. (""A Bitter Draught"", ""Heartless"") Suspecting Hyde knows why the Queen is still alive, Regina tries to get on his good side by offering some of her home-cooked lasagna, however, she finds his appetite for food has already been satisfied by the Queen. Hyde asks for his freedom if Regina wants his help, but when she is unwilling to pay the price, he taunts her about being beaten by her other self. She, Snow, and David ater watch Jekyll attempt to recreate the serum as a means to destroy the Queen. After the experiment fails, Regina becomes frustrated over the Queen being a step ahead of her, with Snow suggesting she should try to get into the mindset of how the Queen thinks. Regina then realizes the Queen may have turned Zelena against her and promptly leaves to find her sister. She frantically questions Zelena about whether the Queen came to her or not, but Zelena shushes her to keep her from waking up baby Robin. Regina spots a familiar looking rattle in Robin's crib, which confirms her suspicions. She insists the rattle should be returned to the Queen because the gift came with a price, but Zelena refuses. She asks Regina to stop judging her, while Regina explains that she's just trying to save her. Zelena scoffs, recalling Regina needed saving so badly that she ripped herself in half, and that if anyone is to blame, it's Regina. (""The Other Shoe"") After discovering Hyde escaped from his cell, Regina and Jekyll join up with David and Emma before returning to the lab, where Jekyll continues to work on the serum. Emma receives news from Hook about Mr. Gold trapping Belle on the Jolly Roger to keep Hyde from going after her. To speed things up so they can defeat Hyde, Regina seeks out Mr. Gold's help to finish the serum. She finds him in the pawnshop and is surprised to see his new haircut, which she notes complement his eyes. She leads Mr. Gold back to the lab, only to learn from Jekyll that Hyde destroyed the serum, but luckily, Jekyll kept some of the serum in another vial as a precaution. Distrustful of Mr. Gold, Regina refuses to give him the vial and instead tells him to just use his magic on it. He then rips out Jekyll's heart as leverage against Regina to make her comply with pouring the serum onto the Dark One's dagger so he can kill Hyde. After getting what he wants, Mr. Gold tosses the heart back to Regina on his way out. Regina later tracks him down at the harbor, where he is standing over Hyde's corpse. She mistakenly believes the serum worked, however, Mr. Gold explains Hyde's demise was caused by Jekyll's death and that this proves an original must die in order for a doppelganger to die as well. As Regina contemplates this revelation, she also realizes that while Jekyll became separate from his darker side, his capacity for evil remained, and this holds true for herself too, meaning the darkness inside her could grow back at any time. She asks Emma to stop her if she ever becomes dark again, which Emma reluctantly agrees to do. (""Strange Case"") During Regina's attempt to help Jasmine create a locator spell to find Aladdin, Emma is nudged by Archie, actually the Queen in disguise, into revealing a secret she's been keeping from her family. Emma admits to having a recurring vision of her own death, in which she is killed by a hooded figure, and that it is the fate of all Saviors to die. Regina learns that, out of Emma's parents, Hook and Henry, she is the only one not present in Emma's vision, this could possibly mean she is the person who kills her. Emma tries to defuse the tense situation by swearing the vision isn't her subconscious at work, but Regina lets the subject drop and decides to work on another spell to find Aladdin. In her vault, Regina concocts a special kind of locator spell, which will link Emma and Aladdin's Savior magic and allow Emma to pinpoint where Aladdin is. Regina joins her for the search, and they are led to a forgotten crypt, where Jasmine seemingly finds evidence that Aladdin has died. However, Aladdin turns out to be alive, and he gives shears to Emma as a way to prevent her own death. Later in the loft, Regina examines the shears and remarks about the irony of magic being so literal. After Snow and David return, Emma declares she won't use the shears to stop her own death, and instead, wants to find another way or accept that she is meant to die. (""Street Rats"") To rescue Archie, Regina confronts the Queen outside of Zelena's house, while Snow and David sneak in to release the cricket. Zelena is tipped off to the intruders because of baby Robin's crying, with the Queen prepared to incinerate the couple, however, Regina teleports in to save her friends and whisk them away. (""Dark Waters"") When the Queen threatens to destroy the town with Acheron water unless David and Snow forfeit their hearts to her, Regina and the heroes learn from Mother Superior about a sapling that can defeat her, but they cannot risk the villains finding out. Regina, realizing the partnership between the Queen and Mr. Gold is more than just business, awkwardly admits that she and Rumplestiltskin always had a kind of chemistry around each other in the past, even though nothing ever came of it until now. To keep the villains busy, she writes to Zelena under the guise of the Queen and sends her into the pawnshop to discover a tryst between the Queen and Mr. Gold. In preparation for the Queen's imprisonment, Regina removes the blood magic seal from her vault, and Emma and Hook go there to clear out any dangerous objects. Mother Superior casts a spell to find the sapling, which brings Regina, Snow, and David to the woods, where Regina discovers a trapdoor leading to the underground. Snow and David retrieve the plant, but on the trio's way out, the Queen snaps it in half. Later at the cemetery, Regina and Emma prepare to attack the Queen with their magic, only for Snow and David to show up. Regina reluctantly removes the protection spell on their hearts at their request, and then, the Queen rips out their hearts. Rather than killing them, the Queen casts a sleeping curse on their hearts, causing Snow to immediately fall asleep. After the Queen hides Snow away, Regina, Emma, and Hook follow David to the woods to find her. They witness David uncursing Snow with true love's kiss, however, when she awakens, he falls victim to the curse's effects. (""Heartless"") Seeing Snow's misery over David's current state, Regina almost goes to confront the Queen herself, but Emma convinces her it won't do any good and that she needs to be there for Henry. She and Emma form a plan to entrap the Queen inside an enchanted mirror, with Henry agreeing to act as bait to lure out the Queen. However, the Queen is one step ahead of Regina, as she already switched out Regina's mirror with a fake, allowing her to imprison both women inside the actual mirror. Regina and Emma nearly gain Henry's attention when he hears them calling him, but the Queen draws him away before he realizes anything is wrong. They meet the Dragon again, as he was also confined in the mirror by the Queen, and he shows them a portal that a previously trapped Sidney was working on. As Regina and Emma work on repairing one of the mirrors, the Queen forces the Dragon to morph into his dragon form and orders him to kill them. The women hide behind a pillar, while the Queen gives Henry a hammer to smash the Dragon's heart to save his family. Going by Regina's suggestion that the Dragon's fire breath can break the mirror and allow them to escape, Emma prepares to bait the Dragon since she's fated to die anyway. Regina insists on being the sacrifice, revealing she fears raising Henry alone knowing the Queen is a reminder of the terrible mother she could've been, but Emma assures her it won't happen as long as she is there to help her. The two lure out the Dragon together, and from Henry's side, he smashes the mirror, just as the Dragon's fire breath hits the other side. As the mirror explodes, Emma and Regina are thrown out to safety. Later that night, the two watch Henry and Violet dance in the diner, with both mothers feeling relieved that their son will be all right, despite the worries each of them had about him growing up. (""I'll Be Your Mirror"") When one of the nuns is affected by Mr. Gold's aging spell, Regina goes to Zelena's farmhouse to look for magic that might help reverse the enchantment. She arrives there just as the Queen is in the midst of trying to kill Zelena, and uses her own heart to make the Queen stop. Regina squeezes the heart to prove she means business, with both herself and the Queen being affected. Upon learning the Queen went after Zelena on Mr. Gold's orders, she suggests that it was an empty promise and that the hole in the Queen's heart made her so desperate to believe him. After Regina heals her sister's injury, Zelena thanks her for saving her and expresses regrets about not being the one to reach out to apologize to her. However, Regina admits she didn't come to the farmhouse to apologize and had wanted to sneak in to look for magic. Zelena becomes upset at her for this and questions why she even saved her. Regina explains she did because it was the right thing to do as a hero, even with people who have hurt her in unimaginable ways. Realizing her sister still blames her for Robin's death, Zelena asks why forgiveness and redemption aren't possible for her when Regina went down the same path of growing and changing into a different person. Regina declares that Zelena is not her, and thus, she cannot ever forgive her, even if she can go as far as to pity her, hate her, or spare her life. (""Changelings"") After Emma finds the sword from her vision, she, Regina and Hook head to the vault, in the hopes of learning more about the weapon, but they run into the Queen at Robin's grave. The Queen claims Robin's death was the best thing to happen for herself and Regina as it was this that spurred Regina into splitting herself. Regina prepares to retaliate with a fireball, but the Queen snuffs it out, advising that the only way to hurt her is to harm herself. When taunted by the Queen, Emma lunges at her with the sword, surprisingly injuring her without Regina being affected too. Regina joins Emma, David and Hook to track down the Queen to finally take her down with the sword, but they are lured into the Queen's trap when they attempt to rescue Jasmine from her. With the genie lamp, whose genie is now Aladdin, the Queen grants Emma's wish of having never been the Savior. Following this, David and Hook blame one another for Emma's disappearance, with Regina stopping them from arguing after realizing the Queen wants them to turn against each other. At the mayor's office, Regina confronts the Queen, who tries to win over her with a toast in honor of both of them. The Queen reminds her that she cursed Snow and banished Emma from Storybrooke, the two things Regina once sought after. Unimpressed, Regina explains that, while they are indeed one and the same person, this also means they share ownership of the lamp, to which she uses the second wish to be sent to where Emma is. She ends up in the Wish Realm, an alternate world where Emma grew up as a princess and the Queen was defeated long ago by Snow and David without the curse being cast. When Regina cannot persuade Emma that this world is fake, she is advised by Rumplestiltskin into taking on the role of a villain again in order to give Emma a reason to be heroic. As per their deal, she frees him from his prison, and he promises to provide her with a magic bean for returning home. Regina, donning her Evil Queen disguise, interrupts Henry's knighting ceremony to proclaim her intentions of destroying them all and implies only a hero like Emma can defeat her. Emma simply begs for mercy, so to push her further, Regina kidnaps her parents. When Emma surrenders by forfeiting the key to the kingdom, a frustrated Regina rips out and crushes her parents' hearts to make her remember her true self, to no avail. Only when Henry tries to kill Regina to avenge his grandparents, with Regina refusing to hurt him, Emma snaps out of it and freezes Henry with magic. Afterward, Regina and Emma get the bean from Rumplestiltskin and open a portal, but before they can jump in, they dodge an arrow shot at them by none other than Robin Hood. Distracted by the sight of him, Regina begins walking towards him, despite Robin demanding their money and jewels. Emma calls her back, but Regina doesn't listen, and eventually, the portal closes, leaving them stranded in this realm. (""Wish You Were Here"") Still dazed over seeing Robin, Regina forfeits her necklace to him before he runs off as riders approach. She and Emma hide from Henry and some soldiers who are looking for them, and later seek out Pinocchio, who agrees to make another magic wardrobe to help them go home. Regina slips away on her own, but not before leaving a note for Emma, telling her to do what needs to be done, but that she herself can't leave until she talks to Robin. At the tavern where pixie dust once led her to Robin, she walks in to ask if he is happy with his life, and Robin claims he is because he lives at his own whim without having to answer to anyone. She takes this to mean this version of Robin is better off without her, but as she leaves, he questions why she cares about his happiness. Before Regina can tell him, the Sheriff of Nottingham bursts in, immobilizing Regina's magic with a cuff, before capturing both her and Robin. While imprisoned, Robin laments about dying with nothing and no accomplishments in life. Regina argues against this by mentioning his noble and heroic deeds, but in doing so, she learns the Robin she knew is nothing like this Robin, who steals for himself rather than to aid the poor. She further discovers Marian's early death in this realm was the reason he never changed his selfish ways. The pair is saved by Rumplestiltskin, only to become his prisoners, because of the Dark One's desire to punish Regina for the Queen causing Belle's death. During this, Regina reveals to Robin about the other Robin's fate. Robin picks the lock to free both of them and gifts her a feather from his lucky arrow. Regina is fearful of the consequences if Robin comes with her to Storybrooke, but Emma convinces her to choose her own fate instead of being afraid. When Robin seemingly doesn't make it through the wardrobe, Regina is crushed, however, she is elated when he does arrive and hugs him, letting her emotions get the better of her. They reach the town in time to see Emma fighting Gideon, who freezes them in place. After Emma defeats Gideon, the others are shocked by Robin's appearance, with Regina and Emma briefly explaining where he came from. (""Tougher Than the Rest"") That same night, Regina joins Emma, David, Henry, and Hook in celebrating the defeat of Gideon and their unity as a family. At some point after this, she gives Emma a box of potions to aid in possibly breaking David and Snow's joint curse. The next morning, Regina checks on Robin, who spent the night in one of her guest rooms. She sheepishly turns off an alarm clock, which woke him up earlier, before handing over clothes for him to change into. Upon learning about Robin, Snow cautions Regina about the man, as he may look like the Robin they know but he isn't him. Regina wants to give Robin a chance at a fresh start since he was miserable in the other realm, and that perhaps she could be part of his new life. Snow amicably agrees that she hopes things work out in her favor. Later, as Robin is looking through the storybook, he expresses interest in hearing about Regina and the other Robin's story, just as the doorbell rings. Regina opens the door to an irate Zelena, who threatens to hurt Robin if he comes anywhere near her daughter. Once Zelena is gone, Regina discovers Robin is missing and the storybook open to a photo of Robin and the Sheriff. Realizing he went after Keith, she stops Robin from killing his nemesis by teleporting the man away. Regina then takes Robin to her vault, where she owns up to her own dark deeds when Robin criticizes her for judging him. After healing Robin's hand, she comes clean to him about her Robin's children and the fact her sister is the mother of one of them. Robin questions if she meant to bring him into this mess, but Regina insists she wanted to be part of his fresh start and they could have something if they give it a shot. Robin tests out her theory by kissing her, and Regina later confides to Snow that it was like kissing a photograph. Regina then wonders why Robin could come to Storybrooke if it wasn't for her sake, with Snow suggesting perhaps there is no reason and that Robin's existence outside the Wish Realm is proof something in him is real. (""Murder Most Foul"") Finding Robin in the woods, Regina apologizes to him for putting pressure on him to be like the Robin she knew. He suggests that he's not yet adjusted to the town, which Regina offers him help with, but he declines and instead agrees to meet with her later at night. She later discovers the box missing from her vault, and teleports to the town line, where she catches Zelena and Robin attempting to use a potion to leave Storybrooke. Upset that Robin lied to her, Regina asks him if he was serious about finding meaning in his life. Robin insists he was until coming to Storybrooke, a place where he's reminded constantly of someone who he is not, and that he cannot live up to the legacy of a man who died for her. The barrier remains even after Robin uses the potion, which Regina explains is because even she hasn't figured out the right ingredients to break the Evil Queen's protection spell. Regina tries to be sympathetic to Robin's desire to leave, while also cautioning him that the world outside of Storybrooke is different from what he's dealt with, to which Robin attests he can handle himself. Regina agrees and decides she will do everything in her power to find a way to remove the barrier so he can go. Later at the vault, Zelena returns the caged Queen to Regina and apologizes for going behind her back by helping Robin. This time, however, Regina owns up to the situation being entirely her fault because of her bad decisions in choosing to rip away her darker self and bringing Robin to Storybrooke. She realizes that separating her darkness doesn't erase the weight of her past as the Evil Queen, and then goes to remove the cover on the cage, only to see it is empty and the serpent has since escaped. (""Ill-Boding Patterns"") With Zelena, Regina goes to the loft to tell Emma, Snow, and Henry about the Queen's escape. She is surprised and elated for Emma after learning she and Hook are now engaged and gives her a congratulatory hug. After Henry receives Page 23 from the Queen, Regina immediately suspects her other half is holding Robin as a hostage to bait her. Emma offers to go in her place because she blames herself for persuading Regina into bringing Robin to Storybrooke, but Regina insists on finishing things with the Queen herself before anyone else she cares about gets hurt. As soon as Regina enters the mayoral office, the Queen teleports Robin away and then uses the shears on herself and Regina, which severs their link to each other. During the duel, the Queen expresses loathing and disgust over her better half's attempt to fill the darkness in herself with love and friendship. After binding her doppelgänger to a wall, Regina ferociously declares that the Queen will never again be able to take away the good in her life, before ripping out the Queen's heart. Regina moves to crush the heart, only to catch her own reflection in broken mirror shards, as she is reminded of how much she hated herself as the Evil Queen. Deciding to choose love over hate, pulls out her own heart to allow both her and the Queen's hearts to absorb equal amounts of light and dark before returning the Queen's heart. In the aftermath, Regina is relieved to learn Robin is safe in his original realm. When asked by the Queen if she regretted not taking a chance with the original Robin all those years ago, she denies it because had she not made that choice, she would not have the life she has now. Regina unsuccessfully tries to convince her friends and family that the Queen has changed for the better, though the Queen also makes things right by apologizing to her loved ones. In the end, Henry uses the Author's pen to provide the Queen with a fresh start in another realm. (""Page 23"") To help Emma as she copes with Hook leaving her, Regina takes a break from researching how to break the sleeping curse and invites Emma to a girls' night out with her and Snow at a new pub called Aesop's Tables. Emma declines the invitation, but Regina and Snow lure her there by calling in about a fake fight at the pub. Throughout the night, Regina tries to get Emma to open up emotionally about Hook's departure with little success. The two begin intervening when a drunk Snow confronts a group of vikings for attempting to leave without paying but then watch humorously from the sidelines as Snow challenges them to best her in a dagger throwing contest and whoever loses has to pay everyone's tab. Later, Regina and Snow comfort Emma when she finally allows herself to cry over Hook abandoning her when things got tough between them. (""A Wondrous Place"") After cleaning up the Queen's messes, including undoing the town barrier and freeing the Dragon from the mirror realm, Regina continues to have little progress with breaking the sleeping curse. Henry offers to assist her, so she sends him to grab some ingredients from Emma's shed. As Regina tells him to get some tongue of newt, Henry begins writing it down, only to be pulled into a trance-like state as his Author powers compel him to scribble down a series of symbols before passing out. When Henry wakes up, he and Regina go to Isaac, who is still locked up in the psychiatric ward, for answers. Isaac, wanting out of his prison, only agrees to help if Regina gets him a sports car so he can return to New York as well as Broadway tickets to Hamilton. Regina flatly refuses and walks out, but Isaac gets her attention by admitting that Henry's Author powers are taking over him and that the frequency and intensity of his trances will get worse. Desperate to help her son, Regina procures an old truck for Isaac, who accepts the vehicle in his hurry to leave town. The former Author then directs Regina and Henry to the storybook's final chapter, which will happen soon when the Savior fights her final battle. (""Mother's Little Helper"") While Emma and Henry research the symbols, David pressures Regina to use her sleeping curse antidote on him and Snow so they can be with Emma for the final battle, despite that she hasn't had enough time to test it yet. Regina consents, and with Zelena's help, the both of them pull out Snow and David's darkened heart halves, immerse them in the potion to eliminate the dark spots in them, before placing them back into each person's chest. However, it doesn't work, as Regina soon realizes the Queen put a fail-safe to keep the curse from being broken and that the couple will be permanently asleep by the end of the day if the curse isn't lifted. Later on, the heroes discover pixie flowers, which have the ability to reunite those who share true love, may be Snow and David's chance to undo the curse. Regina assists with locating the flowers, but ultimately, it is Snow's tracking skills that lead Snow and Emma to the site of the flowers, where they retrieve one. After Regina has collected enough of the flower's dust for the antidote in a vial and given it to Emma, Hook's shadow comes to deliver a wand to allow Emma to banish the Black Fairy back to the Dark Realm. With Snow's blessing, Emma uses the potion to rescue Hook from Neverland, and after Emma and Hook return home, Regina suggests another way to dilute the joint curse if they and some of the townspeople ingest a liquid form of the sleeping curse, which may weaken the curse considerably, allowing Snow and David to wake up. At the mayor's office, Regina presents this plan to the townsfolk by telling them of a time during the first Dark Curse when Snow and David chose to sacrifice their own happiness for everyone's sake, and this time, she hopes they can return the favor. After each person has had a drink, the curse causes everyone to fall asleep, but following Snow and David's awakening, Regina and the other people present also wake up. (""Awake"") From Zelena, Regina learns the Black Fairy offered her an alliance and is currently hiding somewhere in the mines. Zelena is ready to kill the fairy on her own, while Regina and the others want to find the other half of the wand that Tiger Lily provided. Despite Zelena's claims about being more powerful than her, Regina forbids her from going. Emma agrees that they'd be better off having a weapon against the Black Fairy, to which a frustrated Zelena leaves after deciding she wants no part in their plans. Regina takes the wand back to her vault to create a locator spell to find the other half but goes to get a missing spell ingredient from the pawnshop, where she sees Belle babysitting baby Robin. Realizing Zelena disobeyed her, she tracks her down in the mines and tries to stop her, insisting it's for Zelena's own good. Zelena, upset at Regina's sudden concern for her, criticizes her having spent so much time blaming her for Robin's death when she herself gave up Hades just to save her only to be shunned by her. When Zelena still refuses to give up on her mission, Regina tosses her into a wall, which triggers a quake that seals them in. The two sisters continue arguing, with Regina asking why she needs to be the best, and Zelena proclaims that it's because she is the best. Deeper in the mines, the Black Fairy arrives to scrutinize Regina, noting she was the one to cast her Dark Curse, and the failure she made of it. Regina prepares to attack her in retaliation, but the fairy hurls her into a wall, knocking her out. While Gideon guards Regina, Zelena pursues the Black Fairy, unknowingly following her into a cave of light fairy crystals, where the Black Fairy uses Zelena's magic to imbue the crystals with dark magic. Regina reaches the cave to intervene when the Black Fairy chokes Zelena, but again, she is flung aside. After the Black Fairy releases a blast from the crystals, she teleports the sisters out of the mines. Above ground, Regina has had enough of Zelena's arrogance and tells her to go back to Oz where she can be as powerful as she wishes to be. Regina's stance against her softens when Zelena apologizes for her actions and agrees to use the Crimson Heart to remove all her magic, which will, in turn, untether her magic from the crystals and revert them to light magic. In the aftermath of Zelena losing her magic, Regina praises her for being strong and then envelopes her in a hug. Emma proposes getting Mother Superior to help them collect more crystals from the mines, to which Regina mentions unsuccessfully trying to get ahold of the nun, however, Zelena reveals she saw her body in the pawnshop. Later, Regina is present as Emma uses a fairy crystal to restart Mother Superior's heart. (""Where Bluebirds Fly"") At her house, Regina notices Zelena struggling to put together a baby crib by hand. Zelena feels useless without her magic and questions how she will even be able to protect Robin when the final battle comes, to which Regina teaches her to drive so she'll have an escape plan. Regina sits in the front passenger seat as Zelena attempts to drive and ends up slamming the brakes too late before the car hits some garbage cans. When Zelena wonders what is the point of learning how to drive, Regina reveals her wish for her sister to take Henry to New York when the final battle occurs. Zelena is touched by her sister trusting her enough to raise Henry, to which Regina cheekily replies that Henry would be the one raising her. Before Zelena can have another go at driving, Regina gets a call from Snow asking her to decipher Mother Superior's clue about the other wand half being at ""heart of Storybrooke"". Regina suggests that it must be a place that has sentimental value to the townspeople, which Snow guesses is the diner. Zelena offers to drive her sister there, but Regina declines and teleports away on her own. Interrupting Granny during the diner's lunch hour, Regina is in the middle of searching behind the counter when David, Snow, and Hook arrive to help her look. After David and Hook discover the wand hidden under the jukebox, she asks for it, however, both Hook and Snow express skepticism about whether she is the real Regina or the Black Fairy in disguise. This doubt is settled when the Black Fairy shows up to demand the wand from them, to which Hook gives it to Regina, who challenges Fiona to a fight. Regina teleports the both of them outside, where the Black Fairy blasts her, causing her to be propelled backward a few feet as she ends up on one bended knee. The fairy, while preparing to hit her with another surge of magic, is hit by Zelena's car and sent flying before she teleports away. With the mended wand, Regina heads back to the pawnshop as Mr. Gold, Emma, and Gideon have just returned from the dream world. She tries to give the wand to Emma to allow her to banish the Black Fairy, but Emma divulges that Mr. Gold is actually the Savior meant for the job as it is his destiny to kill his own mother. (""The Black Fairy"") At Emma's house, Regina observes the bride-to-be admiring Snow's old wedding dress before it is dyed black by none other than the Black Fairy, who is still alive after Mr. Gold lied about killing her. When Emma refuses to forfeit her heart to her, the Black Fairy directs the heroes to the clock tower to see what she has in store for them. There, Regina finds a cloud of dark fairy dust that will unleash as Dark Curse at six o'clock, which is notably the same hour as Emma and Hook's nuptials. With Zelena's encouragement, Regina comes up with a solution to stop the curse by isolating the time freezing component in it. She bottles it in a potion and later presents it to Snow and David, only for Mr. Gold to steal it and use it on them, causing them to become paralyzed. The Black Fairy uses their frozen bodies to weaken Emma's resolve so she will forfeit her heart to her, but it is with Henry's help that Emma unlocks a song inside herself and uses the power in it to free them. After the Black Fairy retreats, the wedding commences, with Regina sitting beside Henry as Emma and Hook exchange vows before being married by Archie. Zelena and Regina celebrate in the aftermath by singing together with everyone about a happy beginning , but by the song's end, the clock strikes six o'clock, causing the curse smoke to pour out of the shattered clock face." 1 30 Surprising Facts About Your Favorite Christmas Movies We can’t blame you for thinking you know all there is to know about your favorite beloved holiday flicks. After all, annual 24-hour marathons and Netflix access make it almost too easy to unintentionally learn every heartwarming and hilarious line. But even the most diehard Christmas movie fanatics still have secrets to discover, from just how much actors went it took to bring storybook characters to life, to the cameos you might have missed even on your 10th viewing. 1. Now a Read more Ryan Seacrest Celebrates 44th Birthday with Surprise Visit to Children's Hospital Ryan Seacrest turned 44 on Christmas Eve — and he spent the day flying to Nashville for a surprise visit to a children’s hospital, where he handed out toys. Seacrest was greeted with enthusiasm at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. There, he met up with country duo Dan + Shay at Seacrest Studios — the state-of-the-art broadcast media center inside the hospital built by the American Idol host’s non-profit organization, The Ryan Seacre Read more Laverne Cox Strikes a Pose at Catch in West Hollywood Laverne Cox is looking so glamorous! The 46-year-old Orange Is The New Black star was spotted posing for cameras outside of Catch LA on Saturday night (December 22) in West Hollywood, Calif. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Laverne Cox Laverne looked chic in a sheer black lace dress as she exited Sean “Diddy” Combs‘s Ciroc Vodka Christmas party. Laverne is set to star in the upcoming TV series Spirited, about a phony psychic who discovers she can communicate with the dead. Read more Kevin Hart & Wife Eniko Parrish Go Holiday Shopping in Aspen! Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish are getting in some holiday shopping! The 39-year-old comedian and the 34-year-old model were seen doing some shopping together at Moncler while on holiday on Friday (December 21) in Aspen, Colorado. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Kevin HartKevin lent his voice to the upcoming The Secret Life of Pets 2. Watch the trailer! Kevin recently stepped down from hosting the upcoming 2019 Oscars due to past homophobic tweets resurfacing in the public. “I sincerel Read more David Beckham Posts a Shirtless Fireside Selfie for Christmas! David Beckham is getting into the Christmas spirit! The 43-year-old retired footballer posted a selfie on Monday morning (December 24) just ahead of the holiday – and he’s clearly excited for the big day! PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of David Beckham “Good Morning and Happy Christmas Eve.. Can you tell I’m slightly excited 😆 chestnuts roasting on an open fire and all that 🎄,” he captioned the cute post. David was recently spotted driving around Read more Pete Davidson Joins Machine Gun Kelly at Concert in Cleveland! Pete Davidson is continuing to hang out with his friend Machine Gun Kelly – this time in concert! The 25-year-old Saturday Night Live comedian joined the 28-year-old rapper at his concert at the Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University on Saturday night (December 22) in Cleveland, Ohio. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Pete Davidson Pete was spotted in a black hoodie and dark hair sitting on a platform onstage during the show, nodding to the music and waving his arms. He was seen Read more Alessandra Ambrosio Wears a Pink Bikini on Vacation in Brazil! Alessandra Ambrosio is looking hot on vacation! The 37-year-old newly retired Victoria’s Secret Angel was spotted sporting a soft pink bikini while on a family vacation at the beach on Sunday (December 23) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Alessandra Ambrosio In November of 2017, Alessandra announced that she was retiring from the Victoria’s Secret‘s fashion show after 17 years of walking in the show. Alessandra and her boyfriend Nicolo Oddi coupl Read more 0 "Most of us assume that cleansing is a task so basic it can be accomplished even when you're completely exhausted or slightly tipsy—which, of course, it can. But it turns out that there's a lot more to it than soap and water, says Dr. Doris Day, NYC dermatologist and author of Forget the Facelift. ""With so many sophisticated, gentle cleansers that won't strip the skin, using the right one allows moisturizing and antiaging products to absorb more effectively."" Clearly, an old-school splash and scrub won't do. Here, the new rules for getting your freshest face. Myth 1: Wash and Go It's more of a two-step process. ""Remove your makeup before you wash your face,"" says Montclair, New Jersey, derm Dr. Jeanine Downie. ""Many cleansers can't take off concealer or foundation completely, especially around the eyes and nose."" Use an oil-based cream, an emollient wipe, or a cleansing oil to dissolve stubborn sunscreen and makeup. Follow with lukewarm water and a dime-size amount of cleanser (look for the ingredients cocamidopropyl betaine or caprylic triglyceride, which are sulfate-free surfactants) on your fingers or a clean, damp washcloth. Myth 2: Wash Twice a Day While the jury is still out on how often to cleanse (every a.m. and p.m. or just once at night), all derms agree that over-washing can lead to irritation and a lack of moisture. The rule is to use common sense: Always wash your face after a workout to prevent breakouts, and wash excessively oily skin morning and night. For very dry or sensitive skin, stick to cleansing once daily in the evening. Myth 3: Close Your Pores Sorry, folks, but you can skip rituals like massaging your face to increase circulation or splashing with cold water to ""close"" your pores. ""Pores don't open and close,"" says Downie. In fact, extreme hot or cold can exacerbate problems like rosacea and redness. That said, mild steam can help soften hardened oil in pores, so it's never a bad idea to cleanse in the shower. And ""while it feels nice, massage doesn't do much,"" adds Downie. ""Exercise is what boosts your circulation."" Myth 4: Buy Cleanser According to Skin Type No matter what kind of skin you have, make sure the ingredients list doesn't contain fragrance, which can be irritating; parabens (potentially toxic preservatives); or harsh soap (it's drying). ""If a cleanser fits that bill, the formula itself [cream, lotion, foaming, etc.] is more a matter of personal preference,"" says NYC dermatologist Dr. Brad Katchen. Of course, people with dry skin may prefer formulas with added moisturizers, like glycerin or shea butter. And ""if you have oily skin, you might want a foaming wash that leaves skin feeling super clean,"" says Day. The American Academy of Dermatology also recommends avoiding alcohol in cleansers that can be abrasive to skn. Myth 5: Scrub to Exfoliate and Smooth A salicylic- or glycolic-acid cleanser is gentler and more effective than grainy scrubs, and both offer anti-aging benefits and help prevent breakouts. Alternate with your regular wash (start with three times a week), and adjust depending on how your skin is looking and feeling. Myth 6: Use Toner ""An alcohol-based toner strips off natural oils,"" explains Day. Not good. ""Gentle toners calm the skin and balance pH levels, but with the right cleanser, you don't really need this step."" Love the feeling anyway? Choose gentle, alcohol-free versions. Myth 7: Brush Your Skin to a Healthy Glow ""A brush removes oil, dirt, and dead skin better than your hands can, and it's less aggressive than most exfoliating cleansers or scrubs,"" says Day. ""But it's not something you have to use every night, especially if you're also applying ingredients like retinoids or acids. Too much exfoliation can cause inflammation."" Basically: Use, but use sparingly. (Right now we're obsessed with Clarisonic's new acne-cleansing brush head, below.) To keep your brush bacteria-free, rinse and air-dry after use. Oh, and hey, clean freak, like you do with your Brita, replace the brush head every three months. Myth 8: Spend a Fortune Save your pricier ingredients, like retinol or antioxidants, for leave-on products instead of washing them down the drain. ""They're most effective when they stay concentrated on the skin,"" says Katchen. Betsy Farrell Follow Marie Claire on Facebook for the latest celeb news, beauty tips, fascinating reads, livestream video, and more." 0 "Aww! They're too cute! enlisted the help of her BFF for a snuggle sash with her newborn daughter The 20-year-old posted a video of the cuddly twosome on her Snapchat on Saturday. It's pretty clear that the first-time mom is over the moon about her little bundle of love. Ever since Kylie welcomed her first child on Feb. 1 her best gal pal has been constantly by her side helping out. And judging from the video, it looks like Stormi and Jordan have quite the bond with each other. Oh the video, Ky wrote, ""Can they get any cuter?"" After posting the snuggly Snapchat, Kylie and Jordan headed over to the Hotel Bel-Air to celebrate 's baby shower. While sister Khloe is letting the world in on the shower via social media, Kylie opted to have a very private baby shower in November. The youngest member of the Kardashian/Jenner family did not go public with her pregnancy until after she had given birth." 0 Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have split after two and a half years of marriage — and seven years as a couple. “In an effort to reduce any further speculation, we have decided to announce our separation,” says a statement released by longtime Aniston publicist Stephen Huvane. “This decision was mutual and lovingly made at the end of last year. We are two best friends who have decided to part ways as a couple, but look forward to continuing our cherished friendship. “Normally we would do this privately, but given that the gossip industry cannot resist an opportunity to speculate and invent, we wanted to convey the truth directly. Whatever else is printed about us that is not directly from us, is someone else’s fictional narrative. Above all, we are determined to maintain the deep respect and love that we have for one another. ” The couple announced that they split at the end of the last year, however, they celebrated the New Year together with their annual vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico alongside a handful of close pals including Jason Bateman and his family. Pharrell and Jennifer Aniston at Ellen DeGeneres' birthday. The two spent quite a bit of time apart in recent months raising questions. Theroux was often spotted in New York City away from their L.A. home. They have also had a busy year as Aniston signed on with Reese Witherspoon for a new Apple TV series and filmed Dumplin’ in Atlanta, while Theroux, 46, filmed the comedy The Spy Who Dumped Me in Budapest. On Saturday, Aniston made an appearance at Ellen DeGeneres‘ birthday party without Theroux. She was spotted standing outside the Hollywood venue chatting with Pharrell. The next day, the actress rang in her 49th birthday without the actor. Aniston celebrated in Malibu, California with a gathering including pals Courteney Cox, Andrea Bendewald, Leigh Kilton-Smith and Kristin Hahn on Sunday. Theroux, meanwhile, was spotted out in New York City on Friday walking his dog. (Last year, the duo vacationed together in Los Cabos, Mexico with friends). Justin Theroux walks his dog in N.Y.C. days before Jennifer Aniston's birthday. Splash News Online Sources recently told PEOPLE that their busy schedules worked for both of them and helped their marriage. “Justin often spends a few days in NYC by himself,” a source previously told PEOPLE. “When he is in NYC, Jen will catch up with friends and enjoys her own life. When Justin is in L.A., it’s very special for them. They socialize together with friends. They often go out to dinner or have people over.” Aniston showed off the $21 million L.A. home they designed together in the March issue of Architectural Digest, saying, “I look around at my husband and my dogs and our home, and there’s nowhere else I want to be.” Aniston and Theroux first met on the Hawaii set of 2008’s Tropic Thunder and began dating in 2011. They later married in a surprise and secret ceremony on August 5, 2015 — just a few days before Theroux’s 44th birthday. A source close to the actress told PEOPLE at the time that the two were happy to have pulled off the surprise wedding, inviting friends to a backyard party under the ruse of celebrating Theroux’s birthday. RELATED: Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux Were the Picture Perfect Couple During Their Last Vacation “They seemed ecstatic,” the source said. “They celebrated late and barely slept, but they were in the best mood. They were giddy to have pulled off an amazing wedding celebration with their friends. And they were proud to finally be married.” Aniston was previously married to Brad Pitt from 2000 to 2005 after starting their relationship in 1998. She later dated Vince Vaughn and John Mayer after her divorce from Pitt. This is Theroux’s first marriage after previously dating hair stylist Heidi Bivens for 14 years before their breakup in 2011, shortly before he started dating Aniston. Theroux and Bivens shared an apartment in New York City before the split. 1 "14 Celebrity Mother's Day Instagram Posts That Will Give You SERIOUS FEELS. Because if you haven't declared your love for your Mum on Instagram on Mother's Day, did you even celebrate it? Take a leaf out of your favourite celebrities books and declare your love for the world to see. Happy Mother's Day! Mother's Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate all that our lovely Mum's do for us. And naturally, our favourite celebrities take to social media to pay tribute to just how AH-MAZING their dear ol' Ma's are. Perrie Edwards When Little Mix turned up on the BRIT's red carpet with their Mum's in tow, we knew JUST how much they loved them so OF COURSE Perrie used a photo from that night on Mother's Day. I fucking love this woman! Happy Mother's Day you crazy beaut! A photo posted by Perrie Edwards (@perrieeele) onMar 6, 2016 at 3:26am PST David Beckham Honouring his wife, Victoria Beckham, David gave us serious #CoupleGoals when he said that he loved her for giving him the 'most amazing children'. AWWWWW. 17 years ago our brood started and these little ones have the most amazing mummy that they love so much ... And I love her for many reasons but the main one is because she gave me the most amazing children ... Happy mama's day as the little ones would say A photo posted by David Beckham (@davidbeckham) onMar 6, 2016 at 12:44am PST Victoria Beckham OMG. IT'S POSH SPICE AS A BABY. Happy Mothers Day.You inspire me every day and I love you so much. X A photo posted by Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) onMar 5, 2016 at 11:59pm PST Marvin Humes Ermmmm. Sorry. How beautiful is Marvin's Mum?! To the most amazing Mum anyone could ever wish for.. Happy Mother's Day @SharonHumes love you Mum..see you later! X A photo posted by Marvin Humes (@marvinhumes) onMar 6, 2016 at 3:36am PST Charlotte Crosby In true Charlotte style, she posted a somewhat alternative post for Mother's Day by face-swapping their faces. Yep. Standard. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MAM @letitia.crosby every1 has always said I look just like you! Now I finally see it #BetYaThoughtIWasGunnaForget #IllGetYaATobleroneFromTheAirport LOL A photo posted by @charlottegshore onMar 6, 2016 at 3:40am PST Abbey Clancy HOW ALIKE DO THEY LOOK?! Happy Mother's Day love you mum A photo posted by Abbey Clancy (@abbeyclancyofficial) onMar 6, 2016 at 4:13am PST Caroline Flack Because who doesn't love a cheeky throwback on Mother's Day? Mum A photo posted by caroline (@carolineflack) onMar 6, 2016 at 4:36am PST Miley Cyrus In the MOST adorable throwback photo with her Mum, Miley Cyrus looks SO innocent! Happy Mother's Day mama @tishcyrus A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) onMay 11, 2014 at 5:08am PDT Britney Spears Because what is Mother's Day without a family portrait, right?! Feeling so special and proud to be a mom to these handsome boys. Love them! #HappyMothersDay A photo posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) onMay 10, 2015 at 2:17pm PDT Justin Timberlake Three generations of Timberlakes and they STILL celebrate Mother's Day together. Serious #MothersDayGoals. Throwback to December at the Grizz game with my Mom and her Mom!! #HappyMothersDay to ALL of the Mommies out there!! You DA REAL MVPs EVERY DAY!! A photo posted by Justin Timberlake (@justintimberlake) onMay 10, 2015 at 11:07am PDT Kelly Clarkson And the award for the most emotional Instagram post goes to.... Kim Kardashian Even her Mother's Day Instagram photos are glamorous! How does she do it?! This little girl has changed my world in more ways than I ever could have imagined! Being a mom is the most rewarding feeling in the world! Happy Mothers Day to all of the moms out there! A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) onMay 11, 2014 at 8:34am PDT Kim Kardashian (again...) This photo is EVERYTHING. North West looks so bewildered but Kim and Kris are just showering her with love. Cannot. Cope. Everything I am I owe it all to you mom! Everything I will teach my daughter you taught me first! Thank you mom for being there for me & loving me unconditionally! I love you so much!! A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) onMay 10, 2015 at 12:26pm PDT And again... #Throwback, much?! Happy Mother's Day to all of the beautiful mothers out there! A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) onMay 10, 2015 at 12:19pm PDT Khloe Kardashian Because the Kardashian's LOVE a throwback. A photo posted by Khloé (@khloekardashian) onMay 10, 2015 at 11:40am PDT Kris Jenner The MOST extravagant set of balloons comes from Kylie and Kendall Jenner, obvs. Kris Jenner (again...) OMG. This gave us ALL THE FEELS. Michelle Obama Even the First Lady loves a cheeky Mother's Day Instagram... Thanks for inspiring me to #ReachHigher mom! Wishing you and all the wonderful moms out there a #HappyMothersDay. -mo A photo posted by First Lady Michelle Obama (@michelleobama) onMay 11, 2014 at 7:25am PDT Hilary Duff Too. Sweet. Oh happy day A photo posted by Hilary Duff (@hilaryduff) onMay 10, 2015 at 12:12pm PDT Gwyneth Paltrow HOW MANY BLONDES IN ONE PHOTO?! Feelin' the love today #luckymama A photo posted by Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow) onMay 11, 2014 at 4:00pm PDT Kelly Osborne This photo made us feel slightly awkward but its sentiment is cute, nonetheless... I love you Mumma more than you will ever know! Thank you for making me the women I am today! @sharonosbourne A photo posted by Kelly Osbourne (@kellyosbourne) onMay 11, 2014 at 7:33am PDT Jessica Biel We're welling up - ""her laughter is like sunshine"". Okay. That's it. We're done. Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there... Especially mine whose laughter is like sunshine. I love you! A photo posted by Jessica Biel (@jessicabiel) onMay 11, 2014 at 10:59am PDT Gisele Bündchen WE WANT TO SPEND MOTHER'S DAY JUST LIKE GISELE. On a tropical beach. Ava Phillippe (daughter of Reese Witherspoon) Can we just take a moment to appreciate how SIMILAR these two look?! WOAH." 1 "Kate Gosselin celebrated her sextuplets 13th birthday on Monday's all new episode of Kate Plus 8, but one of the reality star's children was noticeably missing from the festivities -- her son, Collin. Five of Kate's sextuplets -- Aaden, Alexis, Hannah, Leah and Joel -- had a great time at their camping-themed party, which was filmed back in May, and included fun activities and tents set up in their back yard. As part of their celebration, the boys foraged for supplies that their mom had hidden around the property, and went on a scavenger hunt while learning how to use a compass. They also cooked their own food -- like corn and hot dogs -- over a camp fire. WATCH: Gosselin Family Celebrates Sextuplets' 13th Birthday With Glamping and Camping Parties! Meanwhile, the girls decided to have fun ""glamping."" They made flower crowns with arts and crafts kits and got mani-pedis from an on-site manicurist. Their fancy dinner was filet mignon served on a table, just like how elegant people camp. Finally, after all the fun and games, it was time for their cakes. That's right, two awesome cakes to commemorate the milestone birthday. For the boys, there was a cake decorated with fire, while the girls enjoyed a regal, two-tiered pink cake, complete with a pink tent on top and the number 13. I can’t believe they're 13! Our journey continues with all new #KatePlus8 premiering on @TLC Monday, July 10 at 10/9c! LINK TO (adorable!) PROMO VIDEO IN MY BIO!! A post shared by Kate Gosselin (@kateplusmy8) on Jun 15, 2017 at 10:36am PDT NEWS: Kate and Jon Gosselin Share Birthday Messages for Sextuplets on Their 13th Birthday While a good time was had by all at the party, the kids' 13-year-old sibling, Collin, was nowhere to be seen. Kate revealed in August that she had enrolled Collin in in a program away from home to help him cope with ""special needs."" ""[There's] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things,"" the 42-year-old reality star told People Magazine last year. ""This has been a struggle we've had for a very long time."" Kate said she and her seven other children miss Collin all time, explaining, "" it's been hard because there is a huge hole in our family without him here… But it comforts us to know he's where he needs to be right now, and I can feel good about that."" WATCH: Kate Gosselin Reveals 12-Year-Old Son Collin Is Away Getting Help for 'Special Needs' On Monday's episode, Kate got emotional as she reflected on her son's absence after the family sang ""Happy Birthday"" and snapped family pictures next to the cakes. ""The photos around the cake, I have them for every year, every child, every birthday. We always have the big birthday party at home on their birthday, [I] got 'em for every year,"" Kate shared. ""This year [was] much like last year, obviously the difference is that Collin wasn't there."" ""I am comforted with the fact that my kids, all of them, each unique child, is receiving exactly what they need and that hasn't changed,"" she continued. ""I've said that before, I'll say it again. It's a bittersweet moment [and] we've had many of them. You can't do anything without realizing he's missing, so we may not say it, but it's always there."" For more from Kate on her difficult decision to enroll her son in a special needs program, watch the video below." 0 The Fourth of July is special for many reasons: you get to celebrate the birth of our great nation while barbecuing with friends, drinking lots of beer, and waving American flags around until your wrist snaps. But for a handful of famous couples, the holiday is cause for even more celebration. Keep reading to see nine celebrity pairs who walked down the aisle on Independence Day. 0 On Saturday, Prince Harry, 33, and Meghan Markle, 36, will wed at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle in a ceremony officiated by . . . sorry, we almost fell asleep there. We know all those details. You know what’s much more fun to discuss than wedding logistics? Wedding drama. And unlike many royal weddings, there has been no shortage of it, especially in the last week. Here’s all the gossip leading up to the year’s most anticipated nuptials: What’s up with Meghan’s dad? Thomas Markle Sr., 73, used to work as a TV lighting director and cinematographer and has since retired to Mexico. Much has been made of Meghan’s relationship with her dad, as he and her mom divorced when Meghan was 6. Thomas has never met Harry, but they’ve reportedly spoken by phone. An “insider” recently told People magazine, “Like any father-daughter relationship, there have been ups and downs over the years. But they are in a good place now.” Then it gets confusing. In early May, Meghan’s half-brother (more about him later) sent a nasty letter to Harry, imploring him not to marry Meghan and calling it “the biggest mistake in wedding history.” The letter, obtained by In Touch magazine, claimed Meghan’s father had not received an invitation to the wedding. However, the palace released a statement at the time confirming that Thomas would walk his daughter down the aisle. So that was weird. However, things fell apart this week when it was revealed that Thomas Sr. had been working with the paparazzi to stage photos of himself: Reading a book on Great Britain, getting fitted for a suit, etc. This did not go over well, as the palace had chastised the media for badgering him. On Monday, Thomas told TMZ that he regretted the photos, saying they were “stupid and hammy,” and said he would not be attending the wedding because of a recent heart attack. A day later, he changed his mind and said he would love to go. Then, he contacted TMZ once more to say that he had to undergo heart surgery on Wednesday, and he would officially not be attending. Early in the week, the palace sidestepped commenting on this mess, as a spokesperson simply said, “This is a deeply personal moment for Ms. Markle in the days before her wedding. She and Prince Harry ask again for understanding and respect to be extended to Mr. Markle in this difficult situation.” On Thursday, Markle finally weighed in: “Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding. I have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health. I would like to thank everyone who has offered generous messages of support. Please know how much Harry and I look forward to sharing our special day with you on Saturday.” And what’s up with her half-sister? Samantha Markle, 53, is Thomas Sr.’s daughter from his first marriage and lives in Florida with her three kids. She made headlines early in Meghan and Harry’s relationship when it was reported she was penning a tell-all memoir called “The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister.” (The two reportedly haven’t spoken in years.) Samantha also trashed her half-sister in interviews, calling her a “shallow social climber” only interested in fame. Later, she changed her tune, saying Meghan was “absolutely lovely.” So guess who wasn’t invited to the wedding? Plus, Samantha admitted this week she was the one who persuaded their father to take those staged pictures, thinking it would help improve his image. This earned her a dressing-down from TV host Piers Morgan, who called her a “little vulture.” Why did Meghan’s half-brother write such a cruel letter to Harry? It’s unclear — maybe Thomas Jr., 50 (Thomas Sr.’s son from his first marriage) was upset that he was left off the wedding guest list? “Meghan Markle is obviously not the right woman for you,” he wrote to Harry, adding his half-sister was a “jaded, shallow, conceited woman that will make a joke of you and the royal family heritage.” Thomas Jr. later appeared to regret this, as he gave a follow-up letter to In Touch in which he begged Meghan for a wedding invitation, trying to guilt her with the line, “We are all still family.” We’re guessing that it did not work. However, Thomas Jr.’s ex-wife, Tracy, and their sons, Tyler and Thomas, did not let that deter them — they recently landed in London, where they’ll be acting as wedding correspondents for “Good Morning Britain.” Meghan Markle watches the closing ceremonies of the Invictus Games with her mother, Doria Ragland, in Toronto last year. (Nathan Denette/The Canadian Press/AP) What about her mom? Doria Ragland, 61, is a yoga instructor and social worker. Meghan is her only child, and they’re extremely close. Before the engagement, she met Harry, who proclaimed her “amazing.” Tabloids reported that Doria, who lives in Los Angeles, recently quit her job at a mental health clinic. (Hmmm, could she be moving out of the country sometime in the future?) It has been speculated that Doria could walk her daughter down the aisle. (Update: Prince Charles is actually going to do it.) Either way, she arrived in London earlier this week to spend time with Meghan and meet the royal family. Is her ex-husband really producing a TV show based on their relationship? Meghan married film producer Trevor Engelson in 2011; they split two years later. In September 2017, Deadline reported that Engelson was shopping a fictional TV comedy with the description: “Divorce is hard. Sharing custody is harder. Sharing custody with the British Royal family when your wife marries a prince, in the unforgiving spotlight of London’s tabloid media, is next level.” Hmmm. The idea was apparently sparked when Engelson and another producer were talking about what could have happened if he and Meghan had kids. However, the Sun recently reported that Engelson, after being persuaded by Meghan and some mutual friends, has put the project on hold — for now. Is there any drama on Harry’s side of the family? Have you seen “The Crown”? You have? Good. That’s probably all the intense Windsor drama you’re going to get. Because Harry and Meghan limited the size of their guest list — it still includes 600 people, so everyone can chill — some distant relatives who were invited to William’s wedding were not invited to Harry’s. The royals are trained in remaining tight-lipped about most drama, of course, so we don’t know whether these minor snubs have caused any problems. What’s up with those rumors about Meghan and Kate feuding? Meghan’s eloquence and openness have earned her comparisons to Harry’s late mother, Princess Diana, often called the “People’s Princess.” Several tabloids report Kate is jealous of this comparison and Meghan’s overall popularity with the family and public. But some rumors are simply rumors, friends, as Meghan and Kate have shown no signs of fighting — in public, at least. They both attended a Royal Foundation event with their significant others in February, during which the foursome were asked whether they ever disagree. William replied, “Ohhh, yes,” according to Vanity Fair. Harry elaborated: “I think it’s really good we have got four different personalities and we all have that same passion to make a difference. We have different opinions and they work really well [together].” He then noted that they are all “stuck together for the rest of our lives,” to which Meghan added, “Togetherness at its finest.” Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, attend the first annual Royal Foundation Forum. (Chris Jackson/AFP/Getty Images) What roles will William and Kate have in the wedding? A few months after William said his younger brother had not yet asked him to be his best man — “It could be a sensitive subject,” he joked on a radio show — Kensington Palace announced that William would, in fact, return the favor that Harry did for him in 2011. Kate probably won’t have a formal role during the ceremony, according to a Vanity Fair source who said Meghan and Harry “just want Kate to be able to enjoy the day and not worry about anything.” William and Kate’s older children, George and Charlotte, will be in the wedding party, while young Louis will stay at home. [Little royals George and Charlotte threaten to upstage everyone else at Uncle Harry’s wedding] Are Harry’s exes invited to the wedding? Probably! Harry is said to be on good terms with Cressida Bonas, whom he dated for two years, and Chelsy Davy, whom he dated on-and-off for seven. There’s also precedent: Several of William’s exes attended his wedding, and Prince Charles’s then-ex-girlfriend — now his wife, Duchess Camilla — attended his to Diana. Which celebrities will be there? Never forget that before she ascended to royalty, Meghan was a mere Hollywood celebrity. Several actors from “Suits,” the USA network legal drama that propelled her to fame, are expected to attend the ceremony: Gabriel Macht, Patrick J. Adams, Sarah Rafferty, Gina Torres and Rick Hoffman. All five Spice Girls — British royalty in their own right — likely will, too, along with Meghan’s pals Priyanka Chopra and Serena Williams. Despite their friendship with Harry, Barack and Michelle Obama will not be present. Read more: Meghan Markle, Prince Harry’s bride: A ‘confident mixed-race woman’ marries into the royal family What to expect from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal wedding Meghan Markle is officially done with ‘Suits’ — here’s how she exited the show 1 “I don’t want a lot for Christmas. There’s just one thing I need,” Mariah Carey sings. And for little Mariah, that one thing is a puppy. This enduring family holiday classic centers on young Mariah who sees a darling puppy named Princess at the pet store. She puts the pup on her Christmas list, but before this Christmas wish can come true, she must prove she's responsible enough. So how does she do that? By dog sitting Uncle Reggie’s crazy canine, Jack! Filled with family fun, holiday spirit and shenanigans, this film features Mariah singing the title track, “All I Want for Christmas Is You,” and three of her holiday classics: “Christmas Time Is in the Air Again,” “Miss You Most (at Christmas Time),” and “Lil Snowman.”    Don't miss it when the movie, based on the 1994 hit song which was turned into a children’s book in 2015, has its television premiere December 7! Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas Is You, Friday, December 7, 8/7c, AMC 0 "She's the one who got away! It's hard to believe that it's only been one year since Kylie Jenner and Tyga split — especially because so much has changed for Kylie since then. The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star is now a mom to an adorable little girl named Stormi Webster — whom she shares with her new boyfriend, rapper Travis Scott — and even though she's already moved on and had a whole baby with another man, sources exclusively revealed to In Touch that Tyga isn't really over Kylie. ""Even though they’re not together, Tyga misses Kylie. For real,"" the insider told In Touch. ""He misses her sexiness. Her body. The lavish life, connections, money and exposure she gave him. He misses all of that and kicks himself every day for letting their relationship die."" Kylie and Tyga dated for about three years — which is an eternity in celeb time — but they broke up in 2017 shortly after Valentine's Day. Fans were shocked to learn that Kylie had moved on so quickly from Tyga when she started dating Travis in April 2017 — and it was even more shocking that she got pregnant less than two months into their relationship. Sources revealed that Kylie's pregnancy was especially hard for Tyga to accept, because he eventually hoped to start a family with the lip kit mogul — and even though Kylie seems to be happy and in love with Travis and their little family, Tyga is still holding on to hope that there might still be a chance for him to get back togegther with her. ""What’s worse: she’s got a baby with Travis. That gnaws at him,"" the insider continued. ""He wanted to be the one who gave Kylie a baby. He wanted that so much but she was opposed. Tyga’s pissed about that. But even still, he forgives her because he loves her. And he knows he could still have a baby with her later down the line if they were ever to rekindle the passion they once had."" More from In Touch Kylie Jenner Is ""Very Worried"" Travis Scott Will Cheat on Her Following Tristan Thompson Scandal Tyga Responded to Tristan Thompson Cheating on Khloé Kardashian and It's So Good People Are Shaming Kylie and Travis for Partying at Coachella Instead of Spending Time With Baby Stormi" 1 Simmons has denied the claims. KISS star Gene Simmons has reportedly settled a lawsuit that accused him of sexual assault. The original case was filed by an unnamed radio personality last December. She accused Simmons of inappropriate touching her in an interview on November 1. As she spoke to Simmons and bandmate Paul Stanley, the woman claims that Simmons touched her and “turned standard interview questions into sexual innuendos.” Now, The Blast has secured court documents to confirm that Simmons has reached a settlement. The settlement amount is yet to be announced. Simmons has denied the claims, and at the time insisted that he intented to “defend myself against any alleged charges you may have been reading about in the media.” Earlier this year, Simmons spoke out on the MeToo movement. The rock ‘n’ roll legend admits that the movements are generally forces for good, but has slammed the “collateral damage” of those he sees as falsely accused, as “there’s no presumption of innocence”. 0 A dream come true! Ray J and Princess Love are expecting their first child together. The “Sexy Can I” singer, 36, announced the news while appearing as a guest cohost on The Real on Monday, November 27. “Love is on my mind. Love is on my heart. Princess and I are expecting,” he gushed before standing up and clapping for himself. “I’mma be a dad,” Ray J (real name William Norwood Jr.) continued. “I’m nervous, excited. It finally happened. My first one.” The on-off couple tied the knot in Los Angeles in August 2016. Their fertility struggles were chronicled throughout season 4 of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood, and they further expressed their frustrations during the VH1 reality series’ reunion special in October. “I don’t know the process of it — when it actually happened, what night — but it was special because we was trying for a while,” Ray J, who starred in a sex tape with ex Kim Kardashian in 2003, said on The Real. “It’s not as easy as people think. For some people, they just go on tour and get everybody pregnant. But for me, it was love. We took our time, and as we were taking our time, it just took a little while.” The “I Hit It First” crooner, who is the brother of singer Brandy and first cousin of rapper Snoop Dogg, went on to explain that he and his model wife, 33, do not know the sex of their child just yet. “I want to have a little girl first because it’s like daddy’s little girl,” he explained. “A little boy is probably going to be a little aggressive, so I just want to be able to have some peace first. But whatever God blesses us with, I’m happy.” After Ray J announced the news, Princess Love shared a photo of her growing baby bump on Instagram. “It’s such a blessing from God to be able to carry our child,” she captioned the post. “We kept this to ourselves until after the first trimester because it’s bad luck to announce too early. But we’re so proud to share this journey with you guys. Thank you for all of the love and prayers.” It’s such a blessing from God to be able to carry our child. We kept this to ourselves until after the first trimester because it’s bad luck to announce too early. But we’re so proud to share this journey with you guys. Thank you for all of the love and prayers ❤️ A post shared by Princess Love Norwood 🇵🇭 (@princesslove) on Nov 27, 2017 at 9:47am PST Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 "James Van Der Beek and his wife, Kimberly, are now a family of seven! The actor took to Instagram to announce that he and his wife had welcomed baby no. 5 -- daughter Gwendolyn -- on Friday, June 15. The couple are already parents to three daughters, Olivia, 7, Annabel Leah, 4, and Emilia, 2, as well as son Joshua, 6. ""Thrilled to announce we welcomed a brand new baby girl into the world Friday morning, just in time for #FathersDay 😍"" Van Der Beek wrote. ""These last few days, as I’ve enjoyed the privilege of making smoothies I know my older kids will like, making my wife red raspberry leaf tea to ease her uterine contractions, spending 'boy time' with my son and getting my two year-old down for a nap in the way only I know how... I’ve been heart sick about something."" The former Dawson's Creek star then went on to criticize the Donald Trump Administration's crack down on illegal immigration with a zero-tolerance policy of separating families at the border. ""As I write this, kids are being ripped from the arms of their parents. By our government. For the kid’s benefit? No - the opposite - as a purposeful display of cruelty to deter would-be illegal border crossers AND legal asylum seekers (it’s happening to both). And it wouldn’t be honest to wax poetic about my new-baby bliss without speaking up against this atrocity,"" Van Der Beek wrote. He concluded with a sweet message to his wife, Kimberly. ""Oh, and @vanderkimberly -- you’re a f*cking earth goddess rock star and I’m as in awe of you as I am in love with you,"" he wrote. ""And our new baby’s name is Gwendolyn ❤️ #HappyFathersDay everybody."" The couple announced that they were expanding their brood back in February, with a sweet shot of the family crowded around Kimberly's baby bump. ""Thrilled beyond belief to announce that we are once again adding to our family 😍,"" James captioned the pic. ""And I say 'beyond belief' because some people are probably wondering if we’re out of our minds. Which we might very well be... but I couldn’t be more excited. Or grateful. Or in awe of @vanderkimberly."" However, the couple were also realistic about being way outnumbered by their growing family. Prior to welcoming their fifth child, James posted a pic of their kids on a sweet farm outing, with the knowing caption, ""In a few weeks, we’ll look back on today and think, 'Boy, wasn’t that easy?'"" See more on the sweet family in the video below! RELATED CONTENT: RELATED: James Van Der Beek and Wife Kimberly Expecting Baby No. 5 -- Pic! TV: ‘Dawson’s Creek’ Cast Reunites 20 Years Later: See Katie Holmes, Joshua Jackson, James Van Der Beek and More! PICS: James Van Der Beek Celebrates 'Dawson's Creek' 20th Anniversary With Sweet Throwback Related Gallery" 0 "© SilverHub/REX/Shutterstock Sarah Michelle Gellar arrives at 102.7 KIIS FM'S Wango Tango concert in Carson, Calif., on May 13, 2017. Forget ""Frozen."" Sarah Michelle Gellar and daughter Charlotte Prince had an even more amazing adventure on ice during their winter holidays. Charlotte got an ice-skating lesson from none other than Olympic figure-skating champion Michelle Kwan! SMG, 40, and Charlotte, 8 (whose dad, is Freddie Prinze Jr.) -- as well as the actress's pal Elsa Marie Collins and her daughter -- met up with Michelle, 37, at East West Ice Palace in Artesia, California. ""EPIC DAY!!! When your daughters want to learn to ice skate ⛸ (I mean really learn) who is better (or more qualified ) then the most decorated American skater in history - @michellewkwan,"" Sarah Michelle wrote in a Dec. 29 Instagram post that featured a slide show showing some of the lessons -- and the fun. ""Thank you Michelle for a day none of us will forget (no seriously my sore body won't let me) She even taught the adults a few tricks!!! (Swipe to see...),"" she concluded. A post shared by Sarah Michelle (@sarahmgellar) on Dec 30, 2017 at 7:27am PST In addition to a pic of herself with Michelle and Elsa, SMG included clips of both herself and Elsa twirling on the ice, plus a brief video of Charlotte (wearing a mohawk-decorated safety helmet!) being guided by Michelle across the rink. The ""Buffy the Vampire Slayer"" alum also shared images from the special day on her Instagram story -- including a shot of Michelle making hot chocolate for the girls behind the rink's concession counter. As always, she was careful not to show her daughter's face. Though earlier in the week, she happily shared a holiday selfie with her husband of 15 years, Freddie, 41, as well as photos and video of their kids' Christmas gifts under the tree. (They're also parents to son Rocky, 5.) SMG's skating pal, Elsa -- who's married to NBA player-turned-coach Jarron Collins -- is a co-founder of The Ideateur, a social impact and political consulting group. She and Chelsea Clinton -- whom she met when both were students at Stanford University -- were bridesmaid in each others' weddings. 2018 will mark 20 years since Michelle became a household name when she won a silver medal at the the 1998 Olympics in Nagano, Japan. Celebs and their cute kids in 2017:" 0 "5 Reasons Kristen Bell Is Going to Ace Hosting the SAG Awards Duración: 01:10 ""The Good Place"" actress will make history as the first-ever SAG Awards host. Check out why we know she'll rock it!" 0 It was June 2014 when the Washington Post reported that illegal immigrants, “including thousands of women and children, stream into south Texas. It was nine months late when the same paper reported that Obama’s border agents were tossing some of those kids into internment camps as an experiment.It was called the Juvenile Referral Process, and it worried human rights groups Mexican officials who feared that it put the kids at risk. The program was the creation of Robert Harris who at the time U.S. Customs and Border Protection commander of the Laredo sector. Harris believed holding certain young Mexicans, believed to be working for cartels in detention serves to get these kids out of the smuggling enterprise. Believed is the operative word, There were no judges, no charges– no trial–just belief.His intelligence analysts estimated that 78 percent of the guides smuggling other migrants were Mexicans younger than 18 — teenagers often hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught — and he wanted to attack this loophole. “Why don’t we remove these juveniles from the smuggling cycle?” Harris, the outgoing commander of the Laredo sector of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, recalled thinking. Trending: Journalist Laura Loomer Files Assault Charges Against Maxine Waters Now, as a result of that decision, young Mexicans are being held for months without charge in shelters across the United States, sometimes without their parents’ knowledge. Since the program began in May, 536 juveniles have been held — 248 of whom have been deported to Mexico after an average stay of 75 days, according to Border Patrol statistics. Mexican authorities say some of these repeat border-crossers have spent as much as six months in U.S. custody while they await an appearance before an immigration judge. During their detention, they are questioned by U.S. authorities and then transferred to a network of facilities run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services, across 15 states.Lets put this in perspective, under Trump children are separated from their parents because they don’t want the kids going to jail with their parents. Under Obama, young illegal immigrants were put in “facilities” so they could be squeezed for any information they may or may not have about drug cartels.“Our concern is that the program’s real intent is to interrogate the kids,” said Maureen Meyer, an expert on Mexico and migrants at the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA). The kids are “often questioned about the criminal groups they are working for and then subsequently returned to Mexico with no apparent concern about the implications for them.” While in custody last year [2014], one Mexican boy who worked as a guide shared information with U.S. authorities about the location of stash houses used by migrants as they move through the United States, according to his lawyer’s written summary of his case. When he returned to Mexico, he learned that armed men had forced their way into his home and killed a relative’s son. The men told the family that there had been raids on cartel hideouts and arrests and that they believed the boy was responsible. His half-brother was later killed by the same group. The boy, his lawyer said, has since been in hiding. Harris said the Border Patrol does not have a system to track what happens to the juveniles once they return to Mexico. The program does appear to be discouraging them from returning illegally to Texas, he said. The patrol calculates that just 7 percent of the children who have gone through the program has been picked up again crossing the border.But the program was a surprise to Mexico“The moment it started, it took us all by surprise, because there wasn’t an announcement,” said Reyna Torres Mendívil, director general of the Mexican Foreign Ministry’s office for protection of Mexicans abroad. “Where were they taking these children?”Regarding preventing kids from becoming repeat offenders, the Juvenile Referral Process worked, But why is it okay to incarcerate kids based on a belief without a judge or knowledge of their parents? The only reason I can think of is that a program to detain kids is okay under a Democratic Party president, but preventing kids from going to jail with their parents is considered unAmerican when the president is a Republican.Below is a video of an Illegal Immigrant child detention center published in July 2014.Note: The picture in the post may or may not be of the Mexican children discussed above. Based on the Washington Post we know that the detention center in McAllen, TX was one of the locations used and July 2014 is during the active period of the Juvenile Referral Process.illegal immigrantsillegal immigrantsillegal immigrants 1 "Selena Gomez will protect her future children 'like no one's business'. The Heart Wants What It Wants hitmaker doesn't know if she'll be 'the best or the worst mother' to her kids but knows she will always protect them. She told E! News: 'I think I'm gonna either be the best or the worst mother, just because I will protect my children like no one's business.' Thinking towards the future: Selena Gomez (above in April) told E! she thinks she's 'gonna either be the best or the worst mother' because she'll 'protect my children like no one's business' Meanwhile, Selena previously revealed she is constantly trying to reinvent herself and feels the need to want to 'grow' and get stronger all the time. She shared: 'I'm constantly somebody that likes to grow and feel like, ""All right, what can I be better at, what could I do better at, where could my confidence be stronger?"" 'I'm 25, so I feel like I'm going to change a lot and enjoy that. I worked really hard on my music this year and I'm really excited to put it all together. 'I like to choose to live my life in a way where I want to be weight-free, and I know that's impossible to do because I have a million [eyes] on me right now. Growing: Meanwhile, Selena previously revealed she is constantly trying to reinvent herself and feels the need to want to 'grow' and get stronger all the time Free: 'I like to choose to live my life in a way where I want to be weight-free, and I know that's impossible to do because I have a million [eyes] on me right now,' she said. Above Selena performs with Taylor Swift in LA May 19 'But I think it is important to kind of go through your life the way you want and I like to come at things with my best. That's all I know how to do, just my best.' The brunette beauty has had a tough year, having to undergo a kidney transplant. Selena's friend Francia Raisa, who donated her organ, says Selena 'went through a depression' after having her kidney transplant. Dark place: Selena's friend Francia Raisa, who donated her organ and is pictured with the starlet in 2017 above, says Selena 'went through a depression' after having her kidney transplant She said: '[I was told], 'It's going to be hard, the recipient is going to glow and she's going to recover a lot faster than the donor because she's getting something she needs and you are losing something you don't need to lose. 'It's going to be hard.' And it was very hard. Selena and I both went through a depression.' The star's next projects, the animated adventure Hotel Transylvania 3, comes out Friday July 13 in the States." 0 Megan Fox has three kids with Beverly Hills, 90210 vet Brian Austin Green. But on Friday the 32-year-old Transformers star was photographed alone as she attended the Disney on Ice Presents Dare to Dream Celebrity Skating Party event in Los Angeles. The movie icon looked radiant with her makeup nicely done and a fresh tan as she modeled a sweatshirt and leggings. Solo: Megan Fox has three kids with Beverly Hills, 90210 vet Brian Austin Green. But on Friday the 32-year-old Transformers star was photographed alone as she attended the Disney on Ice Presents Dare to Dream Celebrity Skating Party event in Los Angeles New gig: She is now starring on the Travel Channel's show Legends Of The Lost Also there was Girls Next Door star Kendra Wilkinson, who has a mini me daughter. The two looked very alike as they posed at the fun winter event. This comes after the Playboy model says it's not easy experiencing her first Christmas without husband Hank Baskett, she told UsWeekly. Two cute: Kendra Wilkinson has a mini me daughter. The two looked very alike as they posed away on the ice Beautiful family! Wilkinson, 33, was a happy mom as she stepped out with son Hank Baskett IV, nine, and Alijah, four Wilkinson and Baskett, 36, share son Hank Baskett IV, 9, and daughter Alijah, 4. 'It’s definitely going to be a new year for us, new holiday for us, as a separated family,' said the 33-year-old star. 'It’s all still up in the air. I’m taking it as it comes. It’s not something that comes easy, so you have to work it out.' She added, 'But along the way, you have to find all the joy you can, especially during the holidays. Give the kids everything they want and ask for.' Single: 'It’s definitely going to be a new year for us, new holiday for us, as a separated family,' said the 33-year-old star. 'It’s all still up in the air. I’m taking it as it comes. It’s not something that comes easy, so you have to work it out' Also there was Chrissy Teigen and John Legend with their kids. Chrissy, 33. was styled in a black top tucked into a set of jeans. The mother-of-two kept trendy in a matching duster and turban. John, 39, looked shapr in a striped shirt and military-inspired jacket. Little Luna, two, was beautifully dressed as Cinderella. Ready for fun: The Kendra on Top star kept comfortable in a hooded, beige sweater and distressed jeans Time together: Chrissy Teigen, 33, enjoyed a family day out with husband John Legend, 39, and their daughter, Luna, two Out for a good time: The family event was attended by a wide range of celebrities, including Jenna Dewan, 38 Easy on the ice: The professional dancer looked right at home in the rink, clad in an animal print top, leather jacket and black skinny jeans Malin Akerman, 40, caught up with the star at one point in the night Happy family: Ashlee Simpson, 34, and Evan Rossm 30, enjoyed a date night with their daughter, Jagger Snow The family event was attended by a wide range of celebrities. Jenna Dewan looked right at home in the rink, clad in an animal print top, leather jacket and black skinny jeans. Malin Akerman caught up with the star at one point in the night. The blonde beauty wore an LA-inspired, ensemble, consisting of a bell sleeve sweater, grey skinny jeans, tough boots and a beanie. Ashlee Simpson and Evan Ross enjoyed a date night with their daughter, Jagger Snow. Style star: Malin wore an LA-inspired, ensemble, consisting of a bell sleeve sweater, grey skinny jeans, tough boots and a beanie Hanging with Mickey and Donald! The beauty was joined by husband Jack Donnelly and son Sebastian Zincone, five Hanging out: Malin caught up with Stephen Amell, 37, and his daughter, Maverick, five Dudes on duty: Stephen joined writer Andrew Harding at the ice skating extravaganza Leaving the fun to them! Haylie Duff, 33, left the ice skates to boyfriend Matt Rosenberg and their daughter, Ryan, three Pals: Ty Burrell, 51, stopped for a snap with Viola Davis, 53 Malin caught up with Stephen Amell and his daughter, Maverick. Haylie Duff left the ice skates to boyfriend Matt Rosenberg and their daughter, Ryan. Vanessa Lachey brought along son Camden and Brooklyn to the fun-filled night, which was also enjoyed by Kendra Wilkinson, son Hank Baskett IV and Alijah. Ty Burrell and Viola Davis also attended. 0 Jerry O'Connell was born in New York City, to Linda (Witkowski), an art teacher, and Michael O'Connell, a British-born advertising agency art director. He spent his early years in Manhattan, with his parents and younger brother, Charlie O'Connell , who is also an actor. He is of one half Irish, one quarter Italian, and one quarter Polish, descent. ... 1 "When newlyweds Prince Harry and Meghan Markle cozy up to each other, NBD, but when Kate Middleton tapped the knee of Prince William — her husband of nearly seven years — during an interview in December, the moment was internationally scrutinized. At the royal wedding of the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Kate and William took special interest in each other, going so far as to lean over poor Camilla to converse: Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Prince William, Camila, and Kate Middleton in the pews of St George’s Chapel at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s May 19, 2018 wedding. Getty Images Although body language typically reflects a couple's emotional connection, you can't fully interpret it without context — particularly when observing how a royal couple behaves in public, according to body language expert Blanca Cobb based in North Carolina. ""They may be more reserved [than other couples] in their public displays of affection, but that doesn’t meant they love each other any less or aren’t excited about each other,"" Cobb says. To better understand what *really* goes on behind palace doors, Cobb analyzed a handful of the couple's closest public encounters: 1. When Kate Leans Over Camilla Getty Images In the midst of a royal wedding, there's no such thing as a private moment — but boy do William and Kate try! Above, they attempt to converse, leaning forward to make eye contact without overstepping into Camilla's personal space, Cobb observes. ""William and Kate prefer to be together and share moments privately,"" she says. So much for seating charts! 2. When Kate Tapped William's Knee Kate taps William’s knee during a filmed interview. (December 2017) Despite the recent hoopla surrounding this exchange, it isn't *really* about affection or romance, according to Cobb, who sees tapping as a way to signal, ""Hey, we can both relate,"" in lighthearted situations. That said, touching doesn't necessarily happen between any two people: ""There's a level of familiarity, comfort, and likability in touch. Through touch you connect with your partner. You let them know that they’re important to you,"" Cobb says. ""Gentle touches, playful moments, and sincere smiles show that they enjoy each other’s company and have fun together."" 3. When They Walked Arm-in-Arm The couple walks together after a rowing race in Germany. (July 2017) Samir Hussein/ Getty Images Cobb says couples who synchronize their movements are emotionally in sync, and in the photo above, Kate and William both lead with their left legs. ""This shows they are in tune with each other,"" Cobb says. Because Kate walks slightly ahead of William in this photo, it's a sign that she may be a dominant force in their relationship, according to Cobb. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 4. When They Stood in the Stands The couple holds horns while watching the London Marathon. (April 2017) Samir Hussein / Getty Images ""Body mirroring is another sign you’re really digging your partner,"" Cobb says, pointing out the way Kate and William both lean toward their left, and they both rest their left forearms on the railing. 5. When William Wrapped His Arms Around Kate William embraces Kate during London 2012 Olympic Games. (August 2012) Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images ""You can get a temperature reading of how hot a couple is for one another by their physical proximity and the level of touch,"" Cobb says. Although this doesn't appear to be an intimate moment, since Kate and William aren't locking eyes, ""they’re seizing the moment with physical closeness that brings them closer emotionally,"" Cobb says. 6. When Kate Draped Her Arms Around William The couple embraces during the London 2012 Olympic Games. (August 2012) Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images Cobb isn't concerned that the couples' eyes don't meet during this embrace, since they're watching a sports game. ""Her hands are relaxed on his shoulders, they're standing body-to-body with no air between them, and while his hands fall away from her a little, his fingers look relaxed with no tightness,"" Cobb says. ""They are very relaxed and comfortable expressing themselves the best way they can, as royals."" Cobb thinks nothing of the way Kate is tilting her hips away from William in the photo above, in part because it's difficult to determine how much room Kate had to shift around in the stands. And because Kate and William tend to act demure around each other, facing each other, hip-to-hip, would seem out of character for them, anyway. 7. When Kate Air Kisses William Kate kisses William on both cheeks after his polo team wins a competition (July 2011). Samir Hussein / Getty Images Kate and William rarely kiss in public, and this cheek kiss would be a rare exception — except that Kate doesn't actually touch her lips to William's face. ""You can't say she doesn't feel emotion for her husband,"" Cobb says. ""There's still no tension here. Kate is reaching out to him, has a relaxed bend in her arm, with her fingers relaxed on shoulder."" Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Advertisement - Continue Reading Below William, on the other hand, looks less comfortable receiving affection in this context. ""He's body blocking by holding the gift between them,"" Cobb says, although this doesn't mean these partners don't show fondness toward each other. ""It could be that this is the extent of affection they're willing to demonstrate in public."" 8. When They Were Young The couple poses for photo on the day of their university graduation. (June 2005) Middleton Family/Clarence House via GettyImages ""Putting your hand on someone's stomach is more intimate than placing it on the shoulder or back,"" Cobb says. ""Although it's unclear whether William is trying to hold Kate's hand there or move it away, there's no curvature to his fingers, which means there no tension. He's most likely holding Kate's hand in place — a sign of mutual comfort."" 9. When Kate and William Lean In The couple sits side by side during a graduation ceremony. (October 2018) ARTHUR EDWARDS/AFP/Getty Images ""Legs can be used as a psychological barrier expressing interest, disinterest, or discomfort,"" Cobb says of decoding lower-body language. ""William crossing his right leg toward Kate allows her into his space, so he's emotionally drawing her in."" Kate leaning toward William suggests she's equally into him. ""We move toward things we like and are attracted to,"" Cobb says. 10. When William Touched Kate's Lower Back The couple attends media event. (December 2017) Karwai Tang/ Getty Images ""Couples who love each other want to touch each other, since it can convey your love without you having to say a word,"" Cobb says of William placing his hand on Kate's lower back. ""The back placement is a nice, intimate compromise, since if he goes any lower, he goes near the tush, and the shoulder seems too formal."" 11. When The Newly Marrieds Kissed On The Buckingham Palace Balcony The couple kisses on their wedding day. (April 2011) Cobb says the couple's wedding kiss is the least intimate interaction of them all. ""It was their wedding day! They should have been touching and embracing heart-to-heart,"" she says. Instead, they stand apart, without even holding hands, and reach only their lips toward each other to meet. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below During the kiss, Kate and William open their eyes at different moments before Kate ultimately pulls away. ""It signals a disconnect, since people who are really into each other automatically close their eyes to feel the moment, the breath of the other person, and the sensation of lips touching,"" Cobb says. ""It looks like they're going through the motions. I also get the sense she’s a little shy, embarrassed, or unsure, since she giggles right afterward, and raises her shoulders — it's a nervous moment for her."" But hey, not everyone gets married in front of thousands of people! The Bottom Line: ""This isn't a typical couple, they're people of royalty with rules to follow on public decorum,"" Cobb says. ""I think what happens behind closed doors can be very different from what you see in public."" Get all the health and fitness news directly in your feed. Follow Facebook.com/CosmoBod. Follow Elizabeth on Instagram and Twitter." 1 Multiple women have accused Oscar-winning movie director Paul Haggis of sexual assault. Last month, publicist Haleigh Breest filed a civil suit alleging that the filmmaker, who picked up Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay Academy Awards for 2004’s Crash, of rape. On Friday, three other women came forward to The Associated Press with accusations of sexual misconduct. Haggis denied the claims in Breest’s suit, which was filed in mid-December, and filed a countersuit, claiming the publicist and her lawyer had attempted to extort $9 million from him in exchange for withholding her suit. Breest claimed that Haggis assaulted her in 2013 after he offered her a ride home after an event, but instead took her to his Manhattan apartment; there, she said, he forced her to perform oral sex on him, fondled her, asked if she enjoyed anal sex and raped her. Haggis’ lawyer, Christine Lepera – who represented producer Dr. Luke in the wake of pop-star Kesha accusing him of sexual assault – said, “He didn’t rape anybody,” in a statement. “Mr. Haggis denies these anonymous claims in whole. In a society where one of a person’s fundamental rights is the ability to confront an accuser, that right has now been eviscerated when it comes to anyone being charged in the press with any sort of sexual misconduct,” a rep for Haggis said in a statement to Rolling Stone. “Notably, no one has reached out to anyone on Mr. Haggis’ team other than the press to report this. He views the fact that these reports appear to be spearheaded from the law firm representing Ms. Breest, as a further tactic to try to harm him and continue their effort to obtain money … We reiterate our claim against Ms. Breest, and note again that we initiated the legal proceedings, not Ms. Breest.” The new accusers said they felt empowered to come forward after learning of Breest’s story and seeing women report stories of powerful men engaging in sexual misconduct as part of the #MeToo movement. The women, who all chose to remain anonymous out of fear of retribution, claimed to have stories similar to Breest’s: they were all in their 20s or early 30s and they all said Haggis allegedly attempted to set up private meetings with them to discuss business but subsequently tried to kiss them. Two said that Haggis allegedly became more antagonistic when they resisted him. A lawyer for Breest did not immediately reply to Rolling Stone‘s request for comment but told The AP that Haggis’ countersuit was “a preposterous and transparent PR stunt that will not succeed” and “a further act of aggression.” One of the new accusers said she was 28 when the alleged attack took place in 1996. She claims she was working on a television show that Haggis produced when he asked her to review some photos from the show. When they met in a back office, she claimed he tried to kiss her. “He said, ‘Do you really want to continue working?'” she claimed. He then allegedly forced her to perform oral sex on him and pushed her onto the floor and raped her. Another new accuser said she was in her 30s in the late 2000s when she set up a meeting with Haggis to pitch him on a TV show. She said that Haggis told her that he and his wife had an understanding about extramarital sex and came around a table attempting to kiss her. She ran to her car as Haggis allegedly pursued her, though she was able to drive away. The last new accuser said she was in her late 20s in 2015 when Haggis allegedly held down her arms, kissed her and followed her into a taxi in Canada. When the cab took her to her apartment, she said Haggis allegedly tossed money at the driver, pursued her and kissed her again before she could get inside and close the door. She said that he then waved at her from outside her residence and claimed that he sent aggressive text messages over the next 24 hours until she blocked him. One of the women told the AP that he’d said, “I need to be inside of you,” before she was able to escape. Outside of filmmaking, Haggis has gained fame for speaking out against Scientology. He broke from the church in 2009 and has since participated in articles, books and a documentary that disparaged the religion. “Mr. Haggis also questions whether Scientology has any role here, which he notes has been attacking him for years with false accusations,” his rep said in a statement. The women whom AP spoke with in their investigation said they had no connection to the Church of Scientology. Last October, when news of Harvey Weinstein’s alleged misconduct surfaced, Haggis was outspoken in condemning the producer’s supposed behavior. “Although everyone thinks it is vile behavior, you have got to focus on those who may have colluded and protected him,” Haggis told The Guardian, as reported by The AP. “For me, they are as guilty as he is and in some cases more so, if I can say that. I mean, he was a predator and a predator is a predator. But what about those who would rather look the other way?” 0 Is Heather Locklear Joining RHOBH?! The actress might be getting her own diamond! Genny Glassman In a turn of events that would truly be shocking, is it possible that actress Heather Locklear will be joining the cast of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? We’re not so sure that this story checks out. The buzz started yesterday, April 9, when Lisa Rinna was a guest on Andy Cohen’s radio show, Radio Andy. The two talked Housewives, Amelia’s history with mental health, and Andy even probed Lisa about her relationship her former Melrose Place co-star. “Did you have a friendship with [Heather Locklear]?” the Bravo host asked. “I did and I will say to you, I learned more from Heather […] I learned professionalism, coming in and owning a set, and being kind to everyone, and polite, and on time, knew their lines, funny,” Rinna tells him. “Heather Locklear was everything and she was one of the biggest starts of that time.” But things have not been smooth sailing for Locklear as of late. “It’s sad whatever demons she’s dealing with,” Andy says. Of course Andy is referring to Locklear’s brush with the law that happened earlier this year. In February, People reported that the ’90s icon was arrested on suspicion of domestic battery against her then-boyfriend, Chris Heisser, and three counts of battery on a police officer. Reportedly, Locklear started the altercation when she threw a Red Bull can at Heisser because she felt that he had “lied to her.” She told police officers that Heisser had then tried to strangle her in retaliation, and while these validity of these claims proved to be inconclusive, (Heisser denies these claims, saying “I never touched her”), police did find blood on the bridge of Heisser’s nose and red marks across his chest. He told them that Locklear had attacked him, “bit his face,” and struck him from anywhere “between 20 – 30 minutes.” When police arrived, things got ugly quickly and the night ended with Locklear in a pair of handcuffs yelling at police, “You f***ing deserve your kids to die! You f***ing deserve it!” Yikes. So is Heather strong enough to duke it out with the ladies of the RHOBH? “You know it was my fantasy — wouldn’t it have been great to get Heather on the Beverly Hills Housewives?” Andy tells Rinna. “Maybe we still can,” Lisa Rinna answers. “Start checking it with her,” Andy pleads. Naturally anyone who brings the drama is prime housewives material in our book, but in the case of Heather Locklear we think that this is one rumor that should stay a fantasy. Let us know, do you think Heather Locklear should be on reality TV? 1 "Don’t worry Jelena fans, they’re not on a break! Despite rumors of a split or the couple taking a break, a source tells ET that Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are ""still together."" While they often spend time apart, the source explains that distance between them is generally for ""various reasons,"" saying, ""It's not because they are broken up or taking a break."" In fact, both Gomez and Bieber were seen leaving church together in Los Angeles on Wednesday night, albeit in separate vehicles. Pap Nation/Splash News Pap Nation/Splash News Though they do not seem to be calling it quits, the source admits, ""that doesn't mean things are perfect between them. They have issues just like any other couple."" The pair started dating in 2010 and had been on and off until 2015. They reconnected late last year and have kept their relationship very private, as Selena continues to put her health issues and personal needs first. The 25-year-old ""Wolves"" singer suffers from lupus and underwent a kidney transplant last year. ""She's still working hard, looking after her health, and doing what's good for her,"" the source notes. ""Justin isn't walking all over her."" ET previously reported that Gomez’s friends and family, particularly her mother, Mandy Teefey, struggled with the couple’s reunion, given the pair’s ups and downs in the past. According to the source, that conflict continues to play a part in her relationship with Bieber. ""It's not easy for Selena to be stuck in the middle,” the source says. ""Her family not liking him is the biggest issue -- but if they can get through that or if her family changes their tune, things will be a lot smoother."" Despite the drama, the singer publicly acknowledged her rekindled romance with Bieber for the first time last week on his 24th birthday. ""March 1, 1994 someone I know that happens to be super cool was born. Boom,"" Gomez wrote alongside a picture of her laughing with a Polaroid of Bieber on her forehead. See more on the pair’s reconciliation in the video below. RELATED CONTENT: RELATED: Justin Bieber Celebrates 24th Birthday Go-Karting With Friends -- But Where Was Selena Gomez? PICS: Selena Gomez Channels Justin Bieber in Trendy Wire-Framed Silver Glasses PICS: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Reunite in L.A. After Jamaican Getaway Related Gallery" 1 "Mel B has filed for divorce from her husband of nearly 10 years, according to court documents. The former Spice Girl, whose real name is Melanie Brown, cited irreconcilable differences for her breakup from producer Stephen Belafonte. Her petition was filed Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court. They have a 5-year-old daughter together and Brown is seeking joint custody. Brown and Belafonte married in July 2007. She listed Dec. 28 as the date they separated. Brown, who is a judge on ""America's Got Talent,"" is asking a judge to deny spousal support to Belafonte. The Associated Press contributed to this report." 0 One February day in 2004, Maura Murray climbed into her car and drove away from her dorm room at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She headed north, her destination unknown. As night descended, a local in New Hampshire caught one last glimpse of Maura and her wrecked vehicle along a desolate stretch of Route 112. By the time police responded to the crash, Maura was gone, seemingly vanished into thin air. Maura Murray’s disappearance shocked her family and friends. Nearly 14 years later, the cold case continues to baffle authorities, armchair detectives, and internet sleuths around the world. It has inspired everything from books and podcasts, to an increasingly bizarre web of conspiracy theories and true crime message board threads. Yet the mystery remains: What do we truly know about the disappearance of 21-year-old Maura Murray? Last weekend, Oxygen launched its own investigation into the Maura Murray case with a six-part series called The Disappearance of Maura Murray. Investigative journalist Maggie Freleng helms the search, enlisting the help of former U.S. Marshal Art Roderick as they trace the details of the baffling case. You can catch up on the first episode HERE. We plan to follow Oxygen’s investigation very closely. In the spirit of the pursuit, here’s what we know about Maura Murray’s life and her mysterious disappearance. A Bright Life Photo Credit: Oxygen On the surface, Maura Murray’s life seemed ideal. She was a promising student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in pursuit of a nursing degree; she came from a loving family, and shared a strong relationship with her boyfriend of a few years. Yet all was not as it seemed. In November 2003, around three months before her disappearance, Maura was caught fraudulently using a credit card number that was not her own. The young woman had to have been desperate—she used the card only to order pizza, charging less than $80. Want more disappearance cases? Sign up for The Lineup's newsletter and receive our eeriest cases delivered straight to your inbox. Subscribe I would like to receive newsletters and special offers from Murder & Mayhem (fictional mysteries and thrillers). Then, on February 7, 2004, two days before her disappearance, Maura’s father Fred arrived in Amherst, Massachusetts for a visit. Maura borrowed her father’s car to go to a party. Around 3:30 A.M., while driving back to Fred’s room at the Quality Inn, Maura hit a guardrail on Route 9. The police responded to the scene, but they didn’t perform a sobriety test. Maura may have believed that these encounters with the law would tarnish her professional record, thus threatening her dreams of becoming a nurse. Some sleuths point to this as a motive for Maura to disappear of her own volition. The theory seems extreme—Fred Murray does not buy it. Since there was no ticket cited at the scene of the crash, there would be no reason for Maura to believe this was the end of the line. Nevertheless, something changed in Maura after the crash that night. Preparing for Departure Photo Credit: Oxygen In the early hours of February 9, Maura researched and printed out MapQuest directions to two different locations: one set that led to the Berkshires, the other to Burlington, Vermont. Throughout the day, she also phoned vacation rentals in the northeast, inquiring about availabilities. Nothing was booked. Then Maura’s messages took a dark turn. She wrote to her professors and work supervisors stating that she would be away from campus for a week. The reason? There was an unexpected death in the Murray family. No such death had occurred. At approximately 3:30 P.M., Maura Murray got in her car and left the UMass Amherst campus. Inside her vehicle were clothes, toiletries, some textbooks, and her birth control pills. Soon after her departure, Maura was recorded withdrawing $280 from a nearby ATM. She then entered a liquor store, where she purchased wine, coffee liqueur, and vodka. Security cameras captured Maura at the ATM, providing some of the last confirmed sightings of her before the disappearance. In the footage, she was alone. Whether Maura meant to temporarily escape the pressures of her life or disappear for good may never be clear. Upon leaving the liquor store, Maura drove north and then left Massachusetts. Maura Disappears Photo Credit: Oxygen Sometime after 7:00 P.M., 145 miles north of Amherst in Haverhill, New Hampshire, a resident heard a heavy thump outside her home. She peered out her window to see a car crashed against a snow bank on Route 112. The witness phoned the police. Meanwhile, an area bus driver who lived down the road came upon the scene of the accident. He noticed a young woman—whom he later identified as Maura Murray. The bus driver offered to help. The young woman convinced him not to call the police, claiming she had already spoken to AAA. The man agreed to the woman’s request and left. Yet he found her claim about a phone call odd. He knew the area lacked cell phone service. Upon arriving home, he decided to phone the police. At 7:46 P.M. police arrived at the scene. The car was locked, its windshield cracked, and the airbags deployed. The police later reported that they found an empty soda bottle that smelled as though it had once been filled with alcohol. But Maura Murray was nowhere to be found. The bus driver who stopped and spoke with Maura didn’t think she seemed intoxicated. Nevertheless, many theorists believe that Maura had been drinking that night. A shaken and inebriated Maura may have left the scene of her own accord. She may have stumbled into the dark woods and lost her way. Or—as Maura’s father maintains—she may have encountered a dangerous individual, who wished to do her harm. The following day, at 12:21 P.M., police issued a BOLO (“Be On the Look Out”) for the young woman. Twenty-four hours after the discovery of the abandoned car, police officially declared Maura Murray missing. Theories Emerge Photo Credit: Oxygen Maura’s family, especially Fred, view the police’s investigation as substandard. They point to their slow response and failure to thoroughly investigate every lead as the reason why Maura’s fate remains a mystery. The police, meanwhile, have criticized Fred’s involvement in the investigation. A 2014 article in Boston Magazine cites Jeff Strelzin, chief of the homicide unit at the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office and the lead prosecutor in the Murray investigation, who said, “Fred [Murray] has been a difficult person to deal with from the beginning.” Strelzin went on to describe Fred’s anger at the police as understandable but misplaced. As relations between Maura’s family and the police soured, rumors of infidelity and secret lives surfaced among armchair detectives and internet sleuths intent on cracking the case. James Renner, author of True Crime Addict: How I Lost Myself in the Mysterious Disappearance of Maura Murray, claimed to have evidence that Maura and her boyfriend were cheating on one another. Others believe that Maura may have been pregnant, bulimic, or both, and fled to escape judgment from her loved ones. Theories then split over whether she simply got lost and perished somewhere in the woods, purposefully disappeared to begin a new life, or if someone snatched her along Route 112. Despite legions of obsessives searching for the truth, there have been no definitive breaks in the case. That’s why we’re eager to dive back in to Oxygen’s The Disappearance of Maura Murray. Their search will examine the many unanswered questions that still haunt the investigation—and may change the case forever. The Disappearance of Maura Murray airs Saturdays at 7:00 P.M. EST/6:00 P.M. Central, and again at 9:00 P.M. EST/8:00 P.M. Central. For those who missed it, watch the first episode now on Oxygen.com. Want more disappearance cases? Sign up for The Lineup's newsletter and receive our eeriest cases delivered straight to your inbox. Subscribe I would like to receive newsletters and special offers from Murder & Mayhem (fictional mysteries and thrillers). 0 Nicki Minaj breaks social media silence, teases new songs April 11th, 2018 | by Yusuf Zay Celebrity After months of silence and seclusion, you wouldn’t believe what the cat dragged in. Yes, people, our favourite female rapper is back online! Nicki Minaj has resurfaced on social media to tease two new songs. The star shared a photo of herself clad in a Fendi outfit that is reminiscent of the style of Chun-Li from the game, Street Fighter. And in another photo, Minaj showed off her eccentric style in a hoodie underneath a large ball gown dress fit for royalty, while surrounded by other people wearing similar outfits and sporting doll masks. She teased her followers with a possible release date for the two songs by captioning the photos with Thursday’s date. This isn’t the first time she has taken to Twitter to suggest she will be dropping music in the near future. Eagle-eyed Barbz noticed on Sunday that the Anaconda singer tweeted the number four, before quickly deleting it. She repeated this process on Monday, but with the number three, which sparked a frenzy of speculation that she was counting down to a potential release. Her mysterious tweets come nearly five months since the Superbass singer was last active on social media save for a few promotional ads. In these last few months, she appears to have been taking her time to create new music. Just last year, Minaj told Dazed magazine her next album would be “a billion times more epic than anything ‘Anaconda’ could have delivered.” Whatever Nicki is cooking, we can’t wait to see. We’re counting down to the big release as well. Source: E! News 0 "Rod Stewart has criticised Elton John's retirement tour and branded it a ""dishonest"" ploy to make money. The Maggie May singer said he didn't believe in retirement tours, and that the 300 date 'Farewell Yellow Brick Road' world tour ""stinks of selling tickets"". Stewart, 73, said that he has never talked about retiring and that the decision by Elton, 70, was ""not rock and roll"". Stewart was in a jocular mood during an appearance on a US chat show when asked about Elton, who has been friends with for 50 years. But his comments about retirement seemed rather more pointed. Stewart was appearing on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen when a fan called in to ask him what he thought of The Rocket Man's planned retirement. Stewart said: ""I did email her [Elton] and said: 'What, again dear?' And I didn't hear anything back." 0 You are using an older browser version. Please use a supported version for the best MSN experience. 0 Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Tatum‘s sudden split after nearly nine years of marriage came as a shock to fans, but there were signs the couple were drifting apart over the last few months. The former couple announced the split in a joint statement exclusive to PEOPLE, saying, “We have lovingly chosen to separate as a couple.” They added, “There are no secrets nor salacious events at the root of our decision — just two best-friends realizing it’s time to take some space and help each other live the most joyous, fulfilled lives as possible.” Get push notifications with news, features and more. In early March, Dewan, 37, walked the red carpet at the annual Vanity Fair Oscars after party without Tatum. When asked where the actor was, she told Entertainment Tonight he was home with their 4-year-old daughter Everly. “He is so happy to have a night off, yes,” she said. Not long after, Tatum, also 37, was spotted dining with a group of friends at Craig’s restaurant without Dewan Tatum. RELATED VIDEO: Channing Tatum & Jenna Dewan ‘Have Lovingly Chosen to Separate’ After Nearly 9 Years of Marriage But the actress’s Oscars date night with BFF Emmanuelle Chriqui also wasn’t the only recent solo outing as of late. Days after the Oscars, Dewan spent the day practicing her magic with Everly at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Los Angeles. The couple — who often gushed about each other on social media — were also uncharacteristically mum over the last few months on their accounts. However, as buzz of a split grew louder, they put on a united front and attended the Kids’ Choice Awards together with their daughter and also shared cute snaps of a recent pool and face painting day in March. In February, Dewan opened up to Health about the perception that she and Tatum had a “perfect life,” saying instead that they worked hard to keep their relationship going. “When people say you guys have such a perfect life, I want to scream and tell them no one’s perfect,” she said. “I think there are such things as great fits. It is a great fit as long as you are growing together, and I think up until this point we’ve really grown together. Even if one starts to grow, the other catches up and vice versa.” Dewan said while they always made sure to make time for one another, they still had days where they didn’t get along. “But I think a couple needs to be conscious and to want to do the work and be willing to look at the parts of you that need work. Both of us have been pretty aware and willing to do that,” she continued. “We’ve always had the same values. But we’re not perfect! Are you kidding? We fight like other couples, we disagree about things, we have days where we don’t really like each other.” Musing on the institution of marriage, Dewan said, “I don’t think there should be any expectation, any sort of ‘You’re bonded to me for the rest of your life,’ thick and thin. I think that’s an older generational thought.” And while the former couple was known for posting countless photos together on social media, Tatum last posted about Dewan in December. He celebrated the actress’ birthday with a heartfelt message. “This creature is one more year beautiful. The transformation she invoked this year has been something they only write about in books of fairytale and magic. Your strength and grace ever-evolving,” he wrote. “By doing so you make everything around you grow- everything. And I am so very grateful for your lessons. Happy life day my love.” The two first met on the set of their 2006 movie Step Up, and began dating shortly after. They tied the knot in 2009. 0 Taylor Swift, photographed Nov. 2017. Billy & Hells for TIME Before the Harvey Weinstein allegations broke, and before #MeToo swept the Internet, Taylor Swift testified in court on Aug. 10 about being assaulted in a room full of people. Swift, who TIME recognized as one of the Silence Breakers who inspired women to speak out about harassment in this year’s Person of the Year issue, granted TIME her first interview since the trial. In 2013, the singer-songwriter took a photo with a Colorado radio DJ after an interview. During that photo, Swift says, DJ David Mueller reached under her skirt and grabbed her rear end. Swift privately reported the incident to the station at which Mueller worked, and he was fired. Mueller then sued Swift for defamation; she countersued for a symbolic $1—and won. Swift refused to be bullied on the stand. Her straightforward testimony was lauded by many for its fierceness. When asked why the pictures taken during the assault didn’t show the front of her skirt wrinkled as evidence of any wrongdoing, she said simply, “Because my ass is located at the back of my body.” When asked if she felt guilty about Mueller losing his job, she said, “I’m not going to let you or your client make me feel in any way that this is my fault. Here we are years later, and I’m being blamed for the unfortunate events of his life that are the product of his decisions—not mine.” Like many of the women interviewed for the 2017 Person of the Year issue, Swift would not accept blame for the abuse she experienced. Her clear-eyed testimony marked one of several major milestones in the conversation around sexual harassment this year. Swift responded to questions about her experience from TIME in writing. Why was it important for you to come forward about what happened to you? In 2013, I met a DJ from a prominent country radio station in one of my pre-show meet and greets. When we were posing for the photo, he stuck his hand up my dress and grabbed onto my ass cheek. I squirmed and lurched sideways to get away from him, but he wouldn’t let go. At the time, I was headlining a major arena tour and there were a number of people in the room that saw this plus a photo of it happening. I figured that if he would be brazen enough to assault me under these risky circumstances and high stakes, imagine what he might do to a vulnerable, young artist if given the chance. It was important to report the incident to his radio station because I felt like they needed to know. The radio station conducted its own investigation and fired him. Two years later, he sued me. How did you feel when you testified? When I testified, I had already been in court all week and had to watch this man’s attorney bully, badger and harass my team including my mother over inane details and ridiculous minutiae, accusing them, and me, of lying. My mom was so upset after her cross-examination, she was physically too ill to come to court the day I was on the stand. I was angry. In that moment, I decided to forego any courtroom formalities and just answer the questions the way it happened. This man hadn’t considered any formalities when he assaulted me, and his lawyer didn’t hold back on my mom—why should I be polite? I’m told it was the most amount of times the word “ass” has ever been said in Colorado Federal Court. Watch: Why the Silence Breakers Are the 2017 Person of the Year How have people responded to your story? People have been largely very supportive of my story since the trial began in August, but before that, I spent two years reading headlines referring to it as “The Taylor Swift Butt Grab Case” with internet trolls making a joke about what happened to me. The details were all skewed, as they often are. Most people thought I was suing him. There was an audible gasp in the courtroom when I was named as the defendant. Once it hit the news that I was in Denver dealing with this, there was an outpouring of support on social media and I have never appreciated it more. I spoke to Kesha on the phone and it really helped to talk to someone who had been through the demoralizing court process. After this experience, what advice would you give to your fans? I would tell people who find themselves in this situation that there is a great deal of blame placed on the victims in cases of sexual harassment and assault. You could be blamed for the fact that it happened, for reporting it and blamed for how you reacted. You might be made to feel like you’re overreacting, because society has made this stuff seem so casual. My advice is that you not blame yourself and do not accept the blame others will try to place on you. You should not be blamed for waiting 15 minutes or 15 days or 15 years to report sexual assault or harassment, or for the outcome of what happens to a person after he or she makes the choice to sexually harass or assault you. Is this a watershed moment for the way we think about sexual assault and harassment in culture? I think that this moment is important for awareness, for how parents are talking to their children, and how victims are processing their trauma, whether it be new or old. The brave women and men who have come forward this year have all moved the needle in terms of letting people know that this abuse of power shouldn’t be tolerated. Going to court to confront this type of behavior is a lonely and draining experience, even when you win, even when you have the financial ability to defend yourself. Even though awareness is higher than ever about workplace sexual harassment, there are still so many people who feel victimized, afraid and silenced by their abusers and circumstances. When the jury found in my favor, the man who sexually assaulted me was court-ordered to give me a symbolic $1. To this day he has not paid me that dollar, and I think that act of defiance is symbolic in itself. This interview has been edited and condensed. 1 Hillary Clinton’s campaign is debuting some of her closing arguments in her campaign ads, including a spot that is narrated by Morgan Freeman. Titled “Example,” the spot contrasts Clinton’s career with that of Donald Trump, positioning it as a choice of “who will we entrust our country and their future to.” For example, the ad presents Clinton as knowledgable and steady, and Trump as unprepared and reckless. The one-minute ad, below, will air as part of an existing ad buy in Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania, as well as on with national cable. Clinton’s campaign has also featured ads from the Shonda Rhimes produced shows “Scandal,” “How to Get Away With Murder” and “Grey’s Anatomy,” as well as one featuring the cast of “Empire.” Freeman narrated an ad for Clinton that aired before the South Carolina primary, and also was the voice heard on a biographical video shown at the Democratic National Convention. He also narrated an ad for President Obama’s reelection campaign in 2012. 1 This £35 M&S skirt is the piece everyone wants to snap up for the festive party season - and it comes in 7 colourways 0 Caitlyn Jenner lives on the outer edges of Malibu, up a winding, tree-lined road leading to a modern mountaintop home. Her yellow Labrador, Bertha, happily skips across the white tile floors of her living room. The kitchen is pristine, with a refrigerator stocked with bottles of water and a counter holding a platter of chocolate-chip cookies and a bowl of M&Ms. The world’s most famous transgender woman has retreated from the public spotlight that once engulfed her and the hounding paparazzi who once tracked her every move. In her first lengthy sit-down magazine interview in more than a year, Jenner speaks with Variety about her conscious choice to focus, unheralded, on being a behind-the-scenes advocate for transgender rights on Capitol Hill. “I don’t do a lot of media. I don’t want to be seen everywhere,” the 68-year-old Jenner says on a recent afternoon, her bare feet up on a lounge chair. “Today, I’m very politically involved. Nobody really knows it. I do it very quietly because I have been so criticized by the liberal side of the media. I can get more things done if I don’t stick my nose into everything publicly.” Jenner’s low-key lifestyle and muted public profile stand in sharp contrast to the days when her much-talked-about 2015 interview with Diane Sawyer, in which she revealed plans to transition from a man to a woman, attracted a staggering 17 million viewers. Next came the cover of Vanity Fair and her own reality TV show, “I Am Cait.” Her newfound fame put enormous pressure on Jenner — who had lived the first 65 years of her life as Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete Bruce Jenner — to be the perfect transgender role model. She had difficulty living up to those expectations, especially after coming out as something more controversial than being transgender: a Republican in Hollywood. On her reality show, Jenner expressed support for Ted Cruz and sparred with activists, who were as experienced in trans-politics as she was unversed. She voted for Trump in the 2016 election (but is no longer a fan). Her conservatism made her a pariah in the left-leaning entertainment industry, where she’s been criticized for not doing enough to help the transgender community. Jenner spoke candidly with Variety about the pain of that rejection. “No matter what you say or do, they think you don’t get it because you’re this kind of white, privileged person,” says Jenner. She disputes the notion that she hasn’t worked hard, or that her wealth disqualifies her from being an advocate. “I haven’t turned my back on anybody,” she says. But Jenner has received a cold shoulder from some of her peers: “I’ve felt it big time, and it hurts. Sometimes this community can be really tough.” Jenner, who briefly considered running for senator, decided she could be more useful fighting for trans rights as a Republican liaison on Capitol Hill. She likens the civil rights battle to what the gay community faced 40 years ago on the road to marriage equality. Every few weeks, Jenner travels to Washington to tell her story. She’s held long meetings with members of Trump’s White House and roughly 50 members of the House and Senate — to personally make the case for equality. She’s patiently endured invasive questions about her body and genitalia, all in an effort to change people’s minds. She says that these meetings are conducted away from the cameras. “I met with Paul Ryan,” she says. “I’ve met with just about everybody. Publicly, they aren’t supportive of transgender rights.” What do they say to her? “I’ve never had anybody not be nice to my face,” says Jenner, who did not want to elaborate on conversations that were confidential. Margaret Hoover, the president of the American Unity Fund, a Republican-funded group that advocates for LGBTQ rights, says that Jenner is uniquely positioned to educate. “Think of your average Republican in Washington,” Hoover says, noting that the party is getting older and less diverse. “It’s basically like every white friend of your 70-year-old dad. At the 1976 Olympic Games, they were all in the prime of their life, and Bruce Jenner was their hero. They idolized Bruce.” As a result, Jenner has been an effective ambassador. When they hear the word “transgender,” they might imagine a man in a dress. But when they see Caitlyn, they agree that she should use the women’s bathroom. Jenner was originally hopeful about Trump, given that he promised to make LGBTQ rights part of his platform. But since taking office, he’s stoked fears by rolling back protections in schools and vowing to ban transgender people from the military. Jenner says her message to Trump, whom she met during the campaign but hasn’t spoken with as president, is simple. “Get over it! I honestly don’t know what happened when he got in there. It was extraordinarily disappointing,” she says. In February 2017, Jenner lashed out against Trump on Twitter for withdrawing federal guidelines that allowed transgender youths to use the bathroom that matched their gender identity. “From one Republican to another, this is a disaster,” she tweeted. “You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me.” Jenner says Trump never reached out. (A source with knowledge of her thinking says Jenner would like to meet with the president after the midterm elections, but not in front of the press.) “He’s not been doing a very good job, but it’s not over yet,” she says. Jenner believes that the United States should pass a law that allows transgender citizens to enlist in the armed forces. “We need hard-core legislation, laws on the book of equality,” she says, pointing to measures passed by other countries, from Israel to England. “It’s going to take some time, but we’re working on it.” Jenner wants everyone to know that she’s found happiness. “My life is so simple,” she says. “It’s just to be myself all day. I think people think when you transition, it is this tremendous thing, and now you’re a totally different person. I’m still the same person. Caitlyn lived inside me all my life.” As a member of America’s most notorious reality TV family (“Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” for those of you living under a rock), Jenner gets asked to be photographed a lot in public. “If I’m out, I take a minimum of 30 selfies with people,” she says. “It drives everyone around me crazy.” This isn’t done out of vanity. She’s trying to prove a point. “That may be the first time they’ve met anybody who’s trans,” Jenner says about her interactions with her fans. “I want that to be a pleasurable experience. I want to be nice to people. I want to have a smile on my face. And they walk away and say, ‘Oh, my God! Caitlyn was so nice.’ That’s the way I want them to think of trans people. That we’re nice.” CREDIT: victoria stevens for Variety She’s disappointed that “I Am Cait” got canceled in 2016. “I wish we could’ve done more,” she says. She regrets talking about politics on the show. “Reality TV loves drama.” She’s certainly dealt with her share of that. The tabloids are reporting that she’s dating a 22-year-old transgender woman named Sophia Hutchins, whom she took to the ESPYs a few weeks ago. Hutchins is at her house on the day of our interview, and she follows us into Jenner’s office to listen to our conversation. Although they sound like a couple — Jenner asks Hutchins for the name of the last great movie they saw together (Hutchins suggests “I, Tonya”) — they deny that they are. “We are not going to get into that,” Jenner says. “But we are very close. We do a lot of things together. We’re kind of inseparable. We’re the best of friends.” Regardless of the nature of their personal relationship, Hutchins is the executive director of the Caitlyn Jenner Foundation, which was formed last year to advance transgender rights. Jenner auctioned off a Porsche that she owned to raise funds. But her efforts there, too, have been kept under the radar. “Coming from a reality show, where every detail of your life is documented, to not seeking any press is kind of a big change,” Hutchins says. “Caitlyn is not working on these issues for press attention. She’s doing it because she genuinely wants to help the community.” Jenner hasn’t found it easy to parse the PC rules of transgender politics. For example, she talks about how much she loved “The Danish Girl,” the 2015 biopic starring cisgender actor Eddie Redmayne as the artist Lili Elbe. “I thought it was good to have it out there,” Jenner says. “GLAAD talked to me and said, ‘Don’t mention you even saw the movie!’ And then all the flak came down about Eddie Redmayne doing it. I went to the Vanity Fair Oscar party, and I’m thinking, ‘What if he’s there? I can’t even be seen with him.’ That’s horrible!” (“GLAAD shared concerns that transgender community members voiced about the film as a courtesy so that Caitlyn would be aware of them,” said a GLAAD rep.) Before transitioning, she once auditioned for “Superman” and co-starred on TV’s “CHiPs.” She’s open to acting again. She says she’s working on something that would employ an all-transgender cast and crew. “You have to wait and see,” says Jenner, declining to give specifics. She reveals that her fantasy role would be as a comic-book villainess. “In a Marvel movie, I want to play the baddest-ass lady you’ve ever seen in your life. They got the wicked queen or the wicked lady. Just do the makeup and the outfit. And I got the deep voice.” Jenner, whose autobiography, “The Secrets of My Life,” was published in 2017, sees her 10 kids as often as she can. She concedes that some of them are closer to her than others. She beams at Kylie being on the cover of Forbes as the youngest “self-made” almost billionaire. Although she didn’t attend her son Brody’s June wedding in Indonesia, she’ll see him soon. She’s supportive of her stepdaughter Kim’s recent visit with Trump, in which she convinced him to commute the sentence of a woman serving life in prison for a nonviolent drug offense. “I thought they did the right thing,” Jenner says. “I was very proud of her.” As for her ex-wife Kris, they aren’t as friendly. “We haven’t talked in a long time.” Jenner could see herself doing another reality TV show — maybe one where she parachutes into parts of the world as a transgender rights explorer. She doesn’t think she’ll appear in future episodes of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.” “At this point, no,” she says. “But you never know.” Watch more from Variety‘s interview with Caitlyn Jenner below. 1 Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez have remained friends for years despite the media spotlight that causes some celebrity relationships to splinter. After watching her friend go through heartbreak from the ups and downs that occurred in her romance with Justin Bieber, Taylor is definitely not a Belieber. With the “Sorry” singer aware that Swift dislikes him, Justin is blaming Taylor for the most recent crumbling of Jelena, according to Hollywood Life’s insider. However, don’t look for any signs on social media or in interviews that the Biebs blames Swift. “Justin knows Taylor doesn’t like him and never will and the feeling is mutual, but he is smart enough to know not to say anything in public or on social media because he knows all the scrutiny he’d endure,” explained the source. Swift recently attracted attention at the iHeartRadio Awards by throwing shade at the 22-year-old pop star after his performance, pointedly looking in the opposite direction. And the Biebs doesn’t believe that he and Taylor will ever become pals. In contrast, he will always blame Swift for any problems in his Jelena relationship, claims the insider. “He never expects to be her friend and is not looking to be her friend. He blames Taylor for some of his issues with Selena and that will never go away.” But is Swift also to blame for any “issues” arising from the photos that circulated showing Gomez getting intimate with Orlando Bloom, who is Katy Perry’s boyfriend? Amid the blame game controversy that resulted, sources told Naughty Gossip that Gomez was the one who was “aggressive” to hurt Katy. “Selena really likes him and was very aggressive to get him,” claimed one source. “You must remember that her best friend is Taylor Swift who hates Katy Perry. I can only imagine the things Taylor and Selena have said to each other about Katy.” As to whether Swift actually orchestrated the hookup to make Perry feel bad, however? “I doubt Taylor was behind this hookup, but you know these two have spoken about it since,” added the insider. Taking it one step further, Wendy Williams used her talk show as a platform to claim that Swift pushed her pal to get intimate with Orlando, an allegation that Gossip Cop calls false. “Selena is best friends with Taylor Swift. And Taylor is [a] low-key mean girl, doesn’t want to see anybody get anything,” slammed Wendy. “Katy, you need to be looking at your man…sicced on him by Taylor Swift. Taylor is just a [b***h].” However, when it comes to Swift and the allegations of cheating, Taylor was never involved, according to Gossip Cop. As for how Katy feels about this situation? Perry is dealing with it by turning to Twitter to challenge all those allegations, pointed out Vanity Fair. Is that all there is? https://t.co/54Q72MfXND — KATY PERRY (@katyperry) May 12, 2016 Using social media to showcase her views, Katy tweeted a link to Peggy Lee’s song, “Is That All There Is?” and followed it with a link to an article about Bloom’s efforts as a UNICEF goodwill ambassador in Eastern Ukraine. “Instead of giving energy & eyeballs to dumb conspiracy, check out how cool this is,” urged Perry. “#dontfeedthebeast.” Instead of giving energy & eyeballs to dumb conspiracy ???? check out how C????????L this is: https://t.co/ClmGlPMz3x #dontfeedthebeast — KATY PERRY (@katyperry) May 12, 2016 Providing her own view on the situation, Gomez retweeted what Katy had posted, complete with a prayer hands emoji. Just one week after all the scandal erupted over the photos showing Selena and Orlando getting cozy, Perry was seen cuddling and kissing her boyfriend on what the Daily Mail describes as a “romantic rendezvous in Cannes.” Katy has been dating her actor boyfriend for four months, and their canoodling on a yacht at the French Riviera resort Sunday seemed to discount all those cheating rumors. Perry, 31, is in Cannes to perform at the amfAR Cinema Against AIDs benefit. [Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images] 1 Domino Kirke and Penn Badgley are married — again! The duo — who originally got married in February — held a second wedding celebration on Saturday, according to social media posts. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “You only get married twice, once” Kirke — the sister of Girls star Jemima Kirke — captioned a shot of a dapper Badgley on Sunday. Source: Darren Will/Instagram Celebrity guests to the outdoor ceremony included Mariska Hargitay, Zac Posen and Debra Messing, the latter of which snapped a stunning photo of the Law & Order: SVU star during the dinner. “#HappySunday #JoyfulWeekend #JoyfulWedding #Congrats to @PennBadgley and @DominoKirke. #HeresToLoveAndLife #HeresToLoveYourWholeLife. 📷: @therealdebramessing,” Hargitay wrote. Other guests also shared snaps of the lively celebration on Instagram, including shots of Kirke in her beige wedding dress. FROM PEN: A Marilyn Monroe Impersonator Made an Appearance at Luann de Lesseps’ Wedding The couple originally tied the knot in February in a small courthouse wedding in Brooklyn. They celebrated afterwards with a restaurant reception. Kirke is a musician who also works as a doula and birth educator. Badgley famously played Dan Humphrey on Gossip Girl. 0 During Kanye West’s 11-month absence from the site, Twitter could hardly have been described as boring. Even without the 40-year-old rapper’s daily musings, the Twitterverse remained as addictive and corrosive as ever, thanks in large part to it having become, under the 45th president, a flashpoint for international diplomacy, partisan combat and ruthless trollery. But this past weekend, seemingly out of nowhere, Yeezy returned to the site where he once admitted to getting “emotional over fonts”, declared The Life of Pablo “the album of the life” and wondered about the providence of a water bottle he discovered while on an airplane. The rise and rise of Kanye West’s influence on fashion Read more Having deleted all those old tweets, West started anew on Sunday with a remarkably on-brand, and predictably existentialist, message. “Some people have to work within the existing consciousness while some people can shift the consciousness,” he wrote, following it up with photos of forthcoming Yeezy footwear and the word “Saint”, West’s son’s name, in various typefaces. KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) often people working with the existing consciousness are jealous of those who are more in touch and they become hard-core capitalist in hopes of creating the illusion that the value of money is worth more than the value of time and friends Following a 24-hour break, he returned again on Tuesday with a string of aphorisms: “As a creative your ideas are your strongest form of currency,” read one tweet. “Try to avoid any contractual situation where you are held back from your ideas,” he wrote in another, which the MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes called “extremely good advice”. West went on to call distraction “the enemy of vision” and instructed his 7.6 million followers to “make decisions based on love not fear”. All these tweets made more sense once West, in a Hollywood Reporter interview with his interior designer Axel Vervoordt, revealed plans to release a philosophy book called Break the Simulation. “I’ve got this new concept that I’ve been diggin’ into,” he said, describing his Barthesian thesis about photography. “I’ve got a concept about photographs, and I’m on the fence about photographs – about human beings being obsessed with photographs – because it takes you out of the now and transports you into the past or transports you into the future.” Time, West added, “is our most valuable resource”. To his longtime fans, the preoccupation with lofty ideas like time, capitalism and consciousness are just about the least surprising thing about the 21-time Grammy winner’s return to Twitter. He’s always been hip-hop’s pre-eminent and most brazen sage. What may come as a surprise, though, is the fact that West’s latest tweets are the book, as he revealed on Wednesday morning. “Oh by the way this is my book that I’m writing in real time,” West wrote. “No publisher or publicist will tell me what to put where or how many pages to write.” KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) let's be less concerned with ownership of ideas. It is important that ideas see the light of day even if you don't get the credit for them. Let's be less concerned with credit awards and external validation. Of course, a tweet-stream-of-consciousness book is not the only thing on West’s plate. The rapper-cum-designer is also reportedly working on his eighth studio album, his first since 2016’s The Life of Pablo, which was dropped during an elaborate listening session at New York’s Madison Square Garden. In a since-deleted tweet from 2016, West said his next album would be called “Turbo Grafx 16”, a title that’s presumably gone through a few iterations since, as West changed the name of his seventh album several times before settling on Pablo. In March, E! News reported that West, along with several of his collaborators, was recording at a studio in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where “he is in the zone to get things done”. Rumored visitors of West’s, gleaned from Instagram posts and sightings in the Jackson area, reportedly included the Dream, Travis Scott, Kid Cudi and the Chicago rapper King Louie. Nevertheless, exactly when West plans to release new music is unclear. He and his wife, Kim Kardashian, welcomed a third child, Chicago, in January, and he’s also hard at work on the latest collection for his clothing line, Yeezy. But if West’s insightful and reliably zany return to Twitter is any indication, he is not wanting for consciousness-shifting ideas. 0 "Kristen Bell Kristen Bell has revealled her baby girl's name was picked for a boy. Bell who gave birth to her and her fiancé Dax Shepard's first child, Lincoln Bell Shepard, in March has confessed they gave her the name because during the pregnancy she ""vibed"" their child was going to be a boy. Kristen got pregnant while she was shooting her new movie 'The Lifeguard' Kristen got pregnant while she was shooting her new movie 'The Lifeguard' Kristen added: ""He (Dax) always wanted his first to be named Lincoln and so we got lazy when we found out she was a girl and said 'Hey, why not Lincoln?' "" Kristen has loved every minute of motherhood since four-month-old Lincoln was born and admits she and the tot share a very special bond. Kristen has loved every minute of motherhood since four-month-old Lincoln was born Kristen has loved every minute of motherhood since four-month-old Lincoln was born She explained: ""She's so delicious, she's wonderful. She's my best friend."" Kristen got pregnant while she was shooting her new movie 'The Lifeguard' - in which she portrays 29-year-old reporter Leigh who quits her job in New York City and returns to her hometown to work as a lifeguard and embarks on a relationship with a 16-year-old boy - and she was worried Dax would be uncomfortable with the intimate scenes she had to shoot. But sure enough I came home pregnant. Yes is was Dax's baby But sure enough I came home pregnant. Yes is was Dax's baby When she asked her partner if would be OK with her playing such a racy role, the 'Hit and Run' actor told her to take the role as long as she didn't come home pregnant - something Kristen didn't do. Speaking on 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno' last night (29.07.13), she jokingly revealed: ""I had asked Dax, because you know, you still have a real life ... I asked my partner, 'This is fairly intimate, how do you feel about this?' ""He said, 'You know what you can do anything you want, as long as you don't come home pregnant, go for it.' But sure enough I came home pregnant. Yes is was Dax's baby!"" by Cara Mason for www.femalefirst.co.uk find me on and follow me on" 1 Tom Cruise’s “Top Gun” sequel, “Top Gun: Maverick,” has been pushed back nearly a year from July 12, 2019, to June 26, 2020. Paramount Pictures made the announcement on Wednesday. The extra time will give filmmakers the opportunity to work out the logistics of presenting flight sequences with new technology and planes. The sequel will be set in a world of drone technology and will explore the end of the era of dogfighting, with Cruise portraying a flight instructor. In May, Cruise posted a photo of himself in front of what appeared to be a Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet. “Oblivion” helmer Joe Kosinski is directing the film, a sequel to 1986’s “Top Gun,” from a script by Peter Craig, Justin Marks, and Eric Warren Singer. Jerry Bruckheimer, who produced the first movie with the late Don Simpson, will produce with Cruise and Skydance CEO David Ellison. “Only the Brave” star Miles Teller will play Goose’s son and Maverick’s new protege. Goose, the co-pilot to Cruise’s character in the original, was played by Anthony Edwards. Val Kilmer will reprise his role as Tom “Iceman” Kazansky in the sequel. Jon Hamm, Ed Harris, Lewis Pullman, Charles Parnell, Jay Ellis, Bashir Salahuddin, Danny Ramirez, and Monica Barbaro round out the cast. The original film was a massive success, grossing more than $350 million worldwide on a $15 million budget. Paramount also announced on Wednesday that it has dated its sequel to the horror pic “A Quiet Place” for May 15, 2020. The sleeper hit, starring John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, has hauled $188 million domestically and $144 million internationally. Krasinski directed the story of an isolated family of four that must live in silence while hiding from creatures that hunt by sound. He’s working on the script for the sequel. RELATED VIDEO: 0 "This is a rush transcript from ""On the Record,"" February 2, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Senator Judd Gregg just blasted the president's budget director, Peter Orszag, about President Obama's proposal to use TARP funds to help community banks lend to small businesses.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)SEN. JUDD GREGG, R-N.H., BUDGET COMMITTEE: The whole concept of the TARP was that as we recoup the money, it would -- because we were borrowing it from our -- from Americans and from the Chinese -- and as we recoup that money, we would use it to pay down the debt. Now that's not going to happen. We're going to -- it's become a piggy bank.PETER ORSZAG, OMB DIRECTOR: Well, Senator...GREGG: It's a piggy bank which adds to our deficit, adds to our debt and gets put (INAUDIBLE) tax.ORSZAG: The degree to which shifting funds would add to our debt or deficits depends on what the net subsidy rate would be on that new activity. And remember, the purpose of TARP was to address problems in our financial markets. One of the -- and it has been remarkably successful in bringing credit spreads back down to normal levels. One of the lingering problems in our financial markets, however, is access to credit for small businesses. It's why in this budget, we're...GREGG: No, no, no! You can't make that type of statement with any legitimacy!ORSZAG: OK.GREGG: You cannot make that statement! This is the law!ORSZAG: (INAUDIBLE) they're not suffering from (INAUDIBLE)GREGG: Let me tell you what the law says!ORSZAG: ... lack of access...GREGG: Let me read it to you again because you don't appear to understand the law! The law is very clear! ""The monies recouped from the TARP shall be paid into the general fund of the treasury for the reduction of the public debt."" It's not for a piggy bank because you're concerned about lending to small businesses...ORSZAG: (INAUDIBLE) requirement (INAUDIBLE)GREGG: ... and you want to get a political event when you go out and make a speech in Nashua, New Hampshire. That's not what this money's for! This money is to reduce the debt of our children!(END VIDEO CLIP)VAN SUSTEREN: Ouch! Well, for the inside story on that showdown, we went to Capitol Hill and Senator Gregg went ""On the Record.""(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)VAN SUSTEREN: Senator, nice to see you, sir.GREGG: Greta, thank you for having me. Thank you very much.VAN SUSTEREN: Well, thank you for letting us come to your office.GREGG: Appreciate you coming in.VAN SUSTEREN: All right, today you had quite a showdown with the -- with Peter Orszag.GREGG: Well, you know, they've sent up a budget which by their own terms is unsustainable. It puts us on a path which is basically going to lead us to fiscal insolvency as a nation, in my opinion, and I think in a lot of other people's opinion. It's a huge deficit machine, is what they've proposed, and that leads to debt. And the debt is not sustainable. It gets passed on to our kids, and basically, will lower the quality of life of our children, and that's not fair.I feel very strongly that when you send a budget like that up, you should also send up some fairly big ideas for how you're going to address it in the out years, how you're going to keep us from going off the road, how you're going to keep us from passing on to our kids a nation that can be afforded. And there are no big ideas in this budget on the issue of fiscal discipline. None. There are some -- there are some ideas, and I support their freeze concept. But the freeze is $10 billion. Compared to a $1.6 trillion deficit, it's really not going to get us there.VAN SUSTEREN: Well, one of the things that he brought up that, obviously, you were quite heated about, was the whole idea of taking some of the returned TARP money and giving it to community banks to the tune of $30 billion for lending. You say that that's not legal or not authorized by the statute.GREGG: No. The way TARP was set up, you know, we borrowed this money -- we borrowed it from Americans and we borrowed it from the Chinese, and we took it and we used it to stabilize the financial industry during a severe crisis which would have basically bankrupted Main Street, had all these banks failed.VAN SUSTEREN: So (INAUDIBLE) just set aside some cash...GRAHAM: No, this is not in a drawer somewhere. We had to go out and borrow it. And as part of that decision, there is very clear language put in the bill -- I wrote it, that's why I know it was clear -- that said when the money comes back -- and we expected it to come back, and in many cases, coming back with interest, so we're actually making money on it -- the money has to be used, shall be used to reduce the debt. That's what the law says. That's what TARP says. That was intentionally put in there so that the money could not be used as a piggy bank for whatever the initiative is, no matter how good an idea it is.Now the president is suggesting that he wants to take $30 billion of the paid back funds and use it for some other initiative. Well, that's not consistent with the law and it's not consistent with what we should do, basically. We should reduce the debt with this money. If we -- if we terminated TARP today, which we should, we would reduce the debt over the next couple of years by $200 billion $300 billion. That's a big chunk of debt reduction. And it -- and that's exactly what we should be doing with this TARP money. We shouldn't be using it to create a new program here, a new program there, depending on which way the wind is blowing on some given day.VAN SUSTEREN: Well, the word that I seized upon in listening to the exchange today is ""shall."" And when I was in law school, that wasn't a word that gave you any sort of wiggle room. It just must be. How does the -- how does the White House, the administration, justify saying that they can take the returned TARP money and send it out to these community banks, this $30 billion for loans? How do they justify it?GREGG: Well, the word is ""shall,"" and they can't do it legally.VAN SUSTEREN: So what happens?GREGG: So Mr. Orszag, to his credit, said they're going to change the law. You know, I mean, well, that makes no sense at all! I mean, the whole purpose here was to borrow money, put it out, stabilize the financial markets. When it gets paid back, pay down the borrowing so our kids didn't get stuck with the debt. What they're going to do is change the law so that they borrow the money, send it out to the stabilized financial institutions. When it gets paid back, they're going to spend it on something else so the debt is still out there and our kids still have to pay for it.VAN SUSTEREN: Do you think he knew the word ""shall"" was there before he showed up today?GREGG: No.VAN SUSTEREN: Or did you surprise him with ""shall""?GREGG: I'm not sure whether he knew it or not, but he pretty quickly confirmed that they were going to change the law. So he probably did know, yes. I guess I probably would have to give him credit for knowing it, yes.VAN SUSTEREN: So I take it you're not a big fan of the president's proposed budget.GREGG: No, the budget is a disaster. It really is. It's more government, more spending and more debt. But the real problem isn't the short run. The short run's a problem. But the real problem is in the out years, there's no compression of the delta. Spending continues to go up, and taxes can never catch it because the spending is going up so fast. They're taking the size of the government from 20 percent of the Gross National Product up to 25, 26 percent of the Gross National Product. That's simply not affordable. That means you're adding a trillion dollars of debt to our kids' backs every year for the foreseeable future. And at the end of 10 years, not only is it not coming down, it's still going up!VAN SUSTEREN: So what -- so if we were having this conversation 10 years from now, what would the economy look like, according to your prediction, assuming the president's proposed budget got passed?GREGG: I personally think we'll hit the wall long before 10 years. I think within 5 to 7 years...VAN SUSTEREN: What does that mean, ""hit the wall""?GREGG: It means that people have -- the people stop buying our debt or making it very difficult for us to sell debt, that the value of the currency is affected and that you either end up with a significant inflationary event or an event where you have to so significantly raise taxes that you reduce the productivity of the entire economy and you're no longer creating jobs.The simple situation -- the simple comparison is this. It's like a family that's been living beyond its means for many, many years and its income can never catch up with its debts. And at some point, the world community says to us, I'm sorry, we're not going to fund your debts any longer. We're simply not going to lend you the money you need.I mean, we're not operating off our own economy's ability to support us, we're operating because China is willing to lend us money and other nations are willing to lend us money. Well, they're putting up some fairly significant red flags right now that says, We're a little concerned about all your borrowing. And if we continue this borrowing, they're going to put up very severe red flags and say, Hey, maybe we're just not going to lend you anymore, or if we do lend to you, we're going to put a price on the lending which is so expensive that it makes it very hard for you to do much else with your government besides pay down your interest.VAN SUSTEREN: Senator, thank you, sir.GREGG: Thank you, Greta.(END VIDEOTAPE)Content and Programming Copyright 2010 Fox News Network, Inc. Copyright 2010 Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content." 0 "Awww! This is too cute! Alex Rodriguez posted video in his IG story of his 12-year-old daughter, Natasha , singing to his girlfriend, Jennifer Lopez . {""position1"": {""artist"": {""bio"": """", ""id"": 35549, ""name"": ""Jennifer Lopez""}, ""catalog_type"": ""artist"", ""description"": """", ""id"": 35549, ""name"": ""Jennifer Lopez"", ""related"": [{""bio"": """", ""id"": 35556, ""name"": ""Marc Anthony""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 36640, ""name"": ""Shakira""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 34783, ""name"": ""Pussycat Dolls and Busta Rhymes""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 28220, ""name"": ""Selena""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 39603, ""name"": ""The Pussycat Dolls""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 32142023, ""name"": ""Fergie \u0026 Ludacris""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 31448635, ""name"": ""Fergie \u0026 Willem""}], ""tagged"": false, ""type"": ""catalog""}} The pre-teen was singing in a room full of loved ones. J.Lo -- who was front and center -- just so happened to be one of the people she was performing for. When Natasha was finished, Lopez can be seen cheering for her. The star even gave Natasha a high five, before hugging her. The young singer is definitely brave. We couldn't imagine singing for a global superstar like that -- and at such a young age. Natasha is hands down the MVP!" 0 "Jay-Z (L) and Beyoncé attend the U.S. Open tennis championships on September 1, 2016. File Photo by John Angelillo/UPI | License Photo Amber Rose attends the Los Angeles premiere of ""Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation"" on June 30. File Photo by Patrick Rideaux/UPI | License Photo Gwyneth Paltrow spoke out after Amber Rose suggested she is ""Becky with the good hair."" File Photo by Jim Ruymen/UPI | License Photo July 27 (UPI) -- Gwyneth Paltrow is putting ""Becky"" rumors to rest following Amber Rose's remarks on a podcast this week. The 45-year-old actress spoke out through her rep Thursday after Rose suggested Paltrow is ""Becky with the good hair,"" or the woman who reportedly had an affair with Jay-Z. ""[It's] completely absurd and 100 percent false,"" the rep told People. Jay-Z's wife, music superstar Beyoncé, had referred to the rapper's alleged mistress as ""Becky with the good hair"" in the song ""Sorry,"" which appears on her album Lemonade. Rose named Paltrow in an interview Monday. ""I definitely think that Gwyneth Paltrow is 'Becky with the good hair,'"" Rose said on Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt's Make Speidi Famous Again podcast. ""I feel like she's the one."" ""They were, like, friends, and then, like, you don't see Gwyneth Paltrow with Beyoncé anymore. It just seems like she was the one that was [expletive] Jay-Z, and now Gwyneth lost her husband, but, like, Beyoncé's still with Jay."" Paltrow split from her husband, Coldplay singer Chris Martin, in March 2014 after 10 years of marriage. She got engaged to producer Brad Falchuk in January, and told Good Morning America in May she's enjoying wedding planning." 0 On Saturday, Prince Harry, 33, and Meghan Markle, 36, will wed at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle in a ceremony officiated by . . . sorry, we almost fell asleep there. We know all those details. You know what’s much more fun to discuss than wedding logistics? Wedding drama. And unlike many royal weddings, there has been no shortage of it, especially in the last week. Here’s all the gossip leading up to the year’s most anticipated nuptials: What’s up with Meghan’s dad? Thomas Markle Sr., 73, used to work as a TV lighting director and cinematographer and has since retired to Mexico. Much has been made of Meghan’s relationship with her dad, as he and her mom divorced when Meghan was 6. Thomas has never met Harry, but they’ve reportedly spoken by phone. An “insider” recently told People magazine, “Like any father-daughter relationship, there have been ups and downs over the years. But they are in a good place now.” Then it gets confusing. In early May, Meghan’s half-brother (more about him later) sent a nasty letter to Harry, imploring him not to marry Meghan and calling it “the biggest mistake in wedding history.” The letter, obtained by In Touch magazine, claimed Meghan’s father had not received an invitation to the wedding. However, the palace released a statement at the time confirming that Thomas would walk his daughter down the aisle. So that was weird. However, things fell apart this week when it was revealed that Thomas Sr. had been working with the paparazzi to stage photos of himself: Reading a book on Great Britain, getting fitted for a suit, etc. This did not go over well, as the palace had chastised the media for badgering him. On Monday, Thomas told TMZ that he regretted the photos, saying they were “stupid and hammy,” and said he would not be attending the wedding because of a recent heart attack. A day later, he changed his mind and said he would love to go. Then, he contacted TMZ once more to say that he had to undergo heart surgery on Wednesday, and he would officially not be attending. Early in the week, the palace sidestepped commenting on this mess, as a spokesperson simply said, “This is a deeply personal moment for Ms. Markle in the days before her wedding. She and Prince Harry ask again for understanding and respect to be extended to Mr. Markle in this difficult situation.” On Thursday, Markle finally weighed in: “Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding. I have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health. I would like to thank everyone who has offered generous messages of support. Please know how much Harry and I look forward to sharing our special day with you on Saturday.” And what’s up with her half-sister? Samantha Markle, 53, is Thomas Sr.’s daughter from his first marriage and lives in Florida with her three kids. She made headlines early in Meghan and Harry’s relationship when it was reported she was penning a tell-all memoir called “The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister.” (The two reportedly haven’t spoken in years.) Samantha also trashed her half-sister in interviews, calling her a “shallow social climber” only interested in fame. Later, she changed her tune, saying Meghan was “absolutely lovely.” So guess who wasn’t invited to the wedding? Plus, Samantha admitted this week she was the one who persuaded their father to take those staged pictures, thinking it would help improve his image. This earned her a dressing-down from TV host Piers Morgan, who called her a “little vulture.” Why did Meghan’s half-brother write such a cruel letter to Harry? It’s unclear — maybe Thomas Jr., 50 (Thomas Sr.’s son from his first marriage) was upset that he was left off the wedding guest list? “Meghan Markle is obviously not the right woman for you,” he wrote to Harry, adding his half-sister was a “jaded, shallow, conceited woman that will make a joke of you and the royal family heritage.” Thomas Jr. later appeared to regret this, as he gave a follow-up letter to In Touch in which he begged Meghan for a wedding invitation, trying to guilt her with the line, “We are all still family.” We’re guessing that it did not work. However, Thomas Jr.’s ex-wife, Tracy, and their sons, Tyler and Thomas, did not let that deter them — they recently landed in London, where they’ll be acting as wedding correspondents for “Good Morning Britain.” Meghan Markle watches the closing ceremonies of the Invictus Games with her mother, Doria Ragland, in Toronto last year. (Nathan Denette/The Canadian Press/AP) What about her mom? Doria Ragland, 61, is a yoga instructor and social worker. Meghan is her only child, and they’re extremely close. Before the engagement, she met Harry, who proclaimed her “amazing.” Tabloids reported that Doria, who lives in Los Angeles, recently quit her job at a mental health clinic. (Hmmm, could she be moving out of the country sometime in the future?) It has been speculated that Doria could walk her daughter down the aisle. (Update: Prince Charles is actually going to do it.) Either way, she arrived in London earlier this week to spend time with Meghan and meet the royal family. Is her ex-husband really producing a TV show based on their relationship? Meghan married film producer Trevor Engelson in 2011; they split two years later. In September 2017, Deadline reported that Engelson was shopping a fictional TV comedy with the description: “Divorce is hard. Sharing custody is harder. Sharing custody with the British Royal family when your wife marries a prince, in the unforgiving spotlight of London’s tabloid media, is next level.” Hmmm. The idea was apparently sparked when Engelson and another producer were talking about what could have happened if he and Meghan had kids. However, the Sun recently reported that Engelson, after being persuaded by Meghan and some mutual friends, has put the project on hold — for now. Is there any drama on Harry’s side of the family? Have you seen “The Crown”? You have? Good. That’s probably all the intense Windsor drama you’re going to get. Because Harry and Meghan limited the size of their guest list — it still includes 600 people, so everyone can chill — some distant relatives who were invited to William’s wedding were not invited to Harry’s. The royals are trained in remaining tight-lipped about most drama, of course, so we don’t know whether these minor snubs have caused any problems. What’s up with those rumors about Meghan and Kate feuding? Meghan’s eloquence and openness have earned her comparisons to Harry’s late mother, Princess Diana, often called the “People’s Princess.” Several tabloids report Kate is jealous of this comparison and Meghan’s overall popularity with the family and public. But some rumors are simply rumors, friends, as Meghan and Kate have shown no signs of fighting — in public, at least. They both attended a Royal Foundation event with their significant others in February, during which the foursome were asked whether they ever disagree. William replied, “Ohhh, yes,” according to Vanity Fair. Harry elaborated: “I think it’s really good we have got four different personalities and we all have that same passion to make a difference. We have different opinions and they work really well [together].” He then noted that they are all “stuck together for the rest of our lives,” to which Meghan added, “Togetherness at its finest.” Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, attend the first annual Royal Foundation Forum. (Chris Jackson/AFP/Getty Images) What roles will William and Kate have in the wedding? A few months after William said his younger brother had not yet asked him to be his best man — “It could be a sensitive subject,” he joked on a radio show — Kensington Palace announced that William would, in fact, return the favor that Harry did for him in 2011. Kate probably won’t have a formal role during the ceremony, according to a Vanity Fair source who said Meghan and Harry “just want Kate to be able to enjoy the day and not worry about anything.” William and Kate’s older children, George and Charlotte, will be in the wedding party, while young Louis will stay at home. [Little royals George and Charlotte threaten to upstage everyone else at Uncle Harry’s wedding] Are Harry’s exes invited to the wedding? Probably! Harry is said to be on good terms with Cressida Bonas, whom he dated for two years, and Chelsy Davy, whom he dated on-and-off for seven. There’s also precedent: Several of William’s exes attended his wedding, and Prince Charles’s then-ex-girlfriend — now his wife, Duchess Camilla — attended his to Diana. Which celebrities will be there? Never forget that before she ascended to royalty, Meghan was a mere Hollywood celebrity. Several actors from “Suits,” the USA network legal drama that propelled her to fame, are expected to attend the ceremony: Gabriel Macht, Patrick J. Adams, Sarah Rafferty, Gina Torres and Rick Hoffman. All five Spice Girls — British royalty in their own right — likely will, too, along with Meghan’s pals Priyanka Chopra and Serena Williams. Despite their friendship with Harry, Barack and Michelle Obama will not be present. Read more: Meghan Markle, Prince Harry’s bride: A ‘confident mixed-race woman’ marries into the royal family What to expect from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal wedding Meghan Markle is officially done with ‘Suits’ — here’s how she exited the show 1 It’s become difficult to listen to that hard-charging “Pirates of the Caribbean” theme without hearing Michael Bolton strain-crooning about Captain Jack Sparrow (“the jester of Tartuga!”) for the Lonely Island guys in that memorable “SNL” digital short. Then again, the “Pirates” franchise itself has always seemed like an unlikely mash-up of outlaw posture and pop silliness, eschewing any real sense of seagoing adventure for the more readily achievable goals of brand management and CGI swash and buckle. The good news, though, is that the fifth entry, “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” is the most divertingly enjoyable since the first. A professionally crafted brew of action, slapstick and supernatural mumbo-jumbo, it’s less likely to spur timepiece glances than did the last few bloated installments. You can’t escape the sense that the whole thing, newly steered by the Norwegian directing team of Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg (Oscar nominees for 2012’s “Kon-Tiki”), is a cheeky corrective. Though not as resolutely tipped toward weirdness as Gore Verbinski’s sequels were, it’s neither as overstuffed with the nonsense that sunk “Dead Man’s Chest” and “At World’s End.” It’s also not as zipless and personality-free as the last one, the Rob Marshall-helmed “On Stranger Tides,” which couldn’t justify its existence, stumbling around as much as the series’ anti-hero, Captain Jack. Watch Video: Keira Knightley Returns in New 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales' Trailer And speaking of Johnny Depp’s scoundrel of self-preservation, his tipsy-turvy antics may no longer be the freshly perfumed brine that subversively pickled what we all assumed was a craven theme-park movie (“The Curse of the Black Pearl”), turning it into a surprise hit. But with the popcorn ethos that animates “Dead Men Tell No Tales,” he’s at least treated like a reliably wiggly wind-up toy again, good for batting about, arranging into crazy positions, and countless batted-eyes double takes mixed with sloshy, cynical one-liners. When Jack opines on “the unscratchable itch” to his young sailor companion Henry (Brenton Thwaites, “Gods of Egypt”), newly smitten by a beautiful astronomer named Carina (a plucky Kaya Scodelario, “The Maze Runner”), Henry knowingly agrees: love, right? Jack, confused, corrects him: “Scabies.” This isn’t searing wit, obviously, but coming amidst a thrillingly crazy ghost-shark attack and a beach siege by rotting pirates, it’s all just off-kilter enough to feel like a disreputably fun carnival ride. Also Read: Why 'Pirates of the Caribbean 5' Could Break $1 Billion Despite Flat US Debut The plot, such as it is in the screenplay by Jeff Nathanson (who wrote the story with franchise stalwart Terry Rossio), follows the pattern of the others: intersecting quests that allow for narrow escapes, odd alliances, and parental reunions. Henry wants to lift the curse on his father Will Turner (Orlando Bloom, back briefly), trapped at the bottom of the ocean in the Flying Dutchman, by finding the all-powerful Trident of Poseidon. Carina, deemed a witch due to her intelligence, says she can find the Trident using “the map no man can read,” a reference to the use of stars to guide ships. They team with Jack, smarting from having lost the trust of his crew after a foiled bank robbery (an impressive opening action sequence in which a bank building is hauled through St. Martin). Jack’s reasons for locating the Trident are personal, however: he’s become the target of a ghost captain named Salazar (a digitally decayed Javier Bardem), recently unleashed from the Devil’s Triangle and hellbent on securing revenge on the then-newbie buccaneer who vanquished him. Salazar’s murderous rampage against pirates — his risen, rotted ship forming jaws that chomp other vessels — even spurs the return of Geoffrey Rush’s peg-legged scalawag Barbossa to help defend against this newest threat. READ MORE See Johnny Depp's latest POWER MOVE. PowerRank: 432 The appeal of any “Pirates” movie is in the aggregate gleam of its many working parts, and this time around, thanks to the energetic direction of Rønning and Sandberg, the shine feels freshly buffed. There’s a dual guillotine/hanging rescue that’s as humorously staged as any in the series’ history; it calls to mind the inventive dash of silent comedy. The elaborate location trappings (ships at sea, island shores, bustling cities) veer between baroquely beautiful and picturesquely lush thanks to Paul Cameron’s colorful cinematography, and unlike the relentlessly dreary night in “On Stranger Tides,” it’s all mostly daytime-set this time around. The regular houseguests — from Depp and Rush to utility pirate players like Stephen Graham — look game again, while a newcomer like Bardem seems hungry to make his mark and scare the bejesus out of any kids in tow. (Between the sword deaths and the Oscar-winner’s terrifying countenance, this is most decidedly a hard PG-13, parents.) We even get a suitable rock-world replacement for Keith Richards this time around: a delightfully funny Paul McCartney as Jack’s cheerily philosophical, imprisoned pirate uncle. If you have “Pirates” PTSD, though, discovering the Trident is likely to give you endless-climax hives, and “Dead Men” doesn’t disappoint, devolving into the usual over-the-top CGI operatics. (For starters, the ocean parts.) Afterward, a human-sized surprise is revealed, and it’s easily guessable who’s going to show up, considering Henry’s lineage. And yet the best thing one can say about “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” is that it needs no referential callbacks to be its own admirably playful splash in the summer tentpole waters. 0 "Actress Kristina Cohen claims the sexual assault occurred in February 2014. Actress Kristina Cohen has accused Gossip Girl actor Ed Westwick of rape. The television star has denied the claim, saying that he does not know the accuser. Cohen — who posted the claim on Facebook with details of her emotional state over the past month during the flood of sexual misconduct stories in Hollywood (she called the outpouring ""both triggering and emotionally exhausting"") — alleges that Westwick sexually assaulted her three years ago, in February 2014, during ""a dark time in my life."" Her mother was sick with cancer (she died three months after the alleged assault) and she did not have the support system to deal with ""the aftermath of the rape."" Reached by The Hollywood Reporter on Monday night, Cohen detailed the claims she made in her Facebook post. Her sister, Catalina Colgate, and close friend, Blaise Godbe Lipman, separately corroborated that they were told of Cohen's account three years ago, when the sexual assault was alleged to have taken place. Westwick responded in a statement on Instagram that read, ""I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner, on any woman. I certainly have never committed rape."" The incident allegedly occurred at Westwick's home in the Hollywood Hills. Cohen said she had been invited to the actor's home by a producer named Kaine Harling, a man she had briefly dated in 2013. The evening took a turn, she claims, when ""Ed suggested 'we should all fuck.'"" Despite wanting to leave, Cohen said she was encouraged to stay for another 20 minutes by Harling ""to smooth everything over"" while Westwick suggested she nap in a guest bedroom. After falling asleep, Cohen alleges that she woke up to Westwick assaulting her. ""I was woken up abruptly by Ed on top of me, his fingers entering my body. I told him to stop, but he was strong. I fought him off as hard as I could but he grabbed my face in his hands, shaking me, telling me he wanted to fuck me,"" Cohen alleges. ""I was paralyzed, terrified. I couldn’t speak, I could no longer move. He held me down and raped me."" Shocked and confused, Cohen said she ended up leaving the next morning. ""I was so lost and needed someone to pull me out of there,"" she told THR, adding that Harling had left earlier in the night. Cohen told her friend Lipman of the encounter and also spoke with Harling, whom she claims blamed her for what happened. She added that Harling told her ""I can’t say anything because Ed will have people come after me, destroy me, and that I could forget about an acting career. Saying there’s no way I can go around saying Ed 'raped' me and that I don’t want to be 'that girl.'"" Cohen continued that she now realizes ""the ways in which these men in power prey on women, and how this tactic is used so frequently in our industry, and surely, in many others."" THR reached out to Harling for comment, but he has yet to respond. Seeing the flood of stories about everyone from Harvey Weinstein and James Toback to Kevin Spacey and Brett Ratner inspired Cohen to share her story of the alleged incident. Cohen, who is from Atlanta, is an actress, writer and producer whose credits include the series Ladies Like Us and the upcoming film Earthwalkers. ""There is a bigger picture to this — cleaning out the system and creating radical change,"" Cohen told THR. ""I think that's what I'm contributing to. That's the big motivator for having this go out and putting it out there. ... I believe in the message of restoration. This will only make us stronger."" THR has reached out to Westwick for additional comment, as well as to Cohen for a response to Westwick's assertion." 0 "The video will start in 8 Cancel Get celebs updates directly to your inbox Subscribe See our privacy notice Thank you for subscribing! Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email While she's on course to become a grandmother of eight this year, Kris Jenner is slowing absolutely no sign of slowing down and grabbing an early night any time soon. The matriarch extraordinaire was filmed letting loose in spectacular style by making a right royal show of herself at a family party. Kris' Valentine's Day 2018 plans involved guzzling a lot of booze, murdering karaoke classics and twerking to Sir Mix-a-lot. And she can thank daughters Kim and Khloe Kardashian for unleashing the incredible footage on to the world. (Image: Instagram) (Image: Instagram) (Image: Instagram) The Klan gathered to celebrate Valentine's Day en masse this year, with the famous sisters - and partners including Kanye West and Tristan Thompson - sitting down together for a slap up meal. As the slew of social media footage revealed, the house was opulently decorated for the occasion with red roses dripping from the ceiling, personalised chocolate place cards, and love hearts everywhere. But after the sophisticated dining experience was over, things quickly got out of hand. (Image: Instagram) (Image: Instagram) After dessert was over, Khloe shared a video of a bleary-eyed Kris propped up between two friends as she took on the Karaoke machine. ""My idol,"" pregnant daughter Khloe told fans, as she shared footage of Kris, 62, murdering songs by Michael Jackson, Britney Spears and The Foundations. After her questionable vocal performance was over, Kris unleashed her dance moves by griding away to Sir Mix-a-lot's booty-celebrating classic Baby Got Back. (Image: Instagram) (Image: Instagram) (Image: Instagram) Kim also got in on the action, sharing videos of her mum stumbling around on the sofas and telling her millions of followers how 'wasted' she was. Eventually party animal Kris prepared to call it a night as she kicked off her heels and had a little nap on the sofa." 1 Just one week after making history at the box office, “Wonder Woman” has been given the Oprah Winfrey treatment. The media empress threw a “Wonder Woman”-themed party on Tuesday, complete with a cake, flip-flops, popcorn buckets and the superhero’s signature headpiece and wrist cuffs. Winfrey documented the party preparations on her Instagram account with a series of videos. “It’s ‘Wonder Woman’ day at my house,” she declared in the first, adding, “I’m having a party for 28 10-year-olds.” She proceeded to outfit a “Wonder Woman” cake with a topper featuring the superhero herself. By the second video, Winfrey had entered full fangirl mode, going so far as to place the “Wonder Woman” headpiece on her own head. She’s also wearing the signature wrist cuffs as she raves about themed popcorn buckets and cups. She then displays pairs of “Wonder Woman” flip-flops, capping off her video series with a shot of the chef preparing some salad. “Wonder Woman” raked in a whopping $223 million globally when it opened two weeks ago, making it the biggest opening for a film directed by a woman. Starring Gal Gadot, the film has garnered both high-end and mass-market appeal. Luxury brands such as Givenchy and Louis Vuitton along with mass-market retailers like Hot Topic and Kohl’s have all created products inspired by the 75-year-old character. “Wonder Woman is a pioneer in many ways including being a fashion icon,” says Soo Koo, Warner Bros. Consumer Products’ chief creative officer. “These collections celebrate her as an iconic superhero and empower fans of all kinds to be confident and strong.” Judging from Winfrey’s Instagram videos, this much is clear: She, too, seems to have fallen prey to the “Wonder Woman” mass-market bug. More from WWD.com: ‘Wonder Woman’ Makes History at the Box Office Why ‘Wonder Woman’ Has High-End and Mass-Market Product Appeal 0 This article is over 10 months old Twelve animals disqualified from country’s annual show after receiving injections to improve their pout Twelve camels have been disqualified from Saudi Arabia’s annual camel beauty contest after receiving botulinum toxin injections to make their pouts look more alluring. Saudi authorities have raised the profile of the King Abdulaziz camel festival by relocating it from the desert to the outskirts of the capital, Riyadh. This year’s event has been been mired in scandal after the lure of 20m Saudi riyals (£3.7m) in prize money for each category tempted some owners to cheat. The key attributes in camel beauty are considered to be delicate ears and big nose. But there are strict rules against the use of drugs in the lips, or shaved or clipped body parts. This year, a dozen camels were banned after a vet was caught performing plastic surgery on them. Camels were also given Botox-type injections at his clinic, according to Saudi media. “They use Botox for the lips, the nose, the upper lips, the lower lips and even the jaw,” Ali al-Mazrouei, the son of an Emirati camel breeder, told the UAE daily the National. “It makes the head more inflated so when the camel comes it’s like, ‘Oh, look at how big that head is. It has big lips, a big nose.’” After the ban was imposed, the chief judge of the show, Fawzan al-Madi, told Reuters: “The camel is a symbol of Saudi Arabia. We used to preserve it out of necessity, now we preserve it as a pastime.” The month-long festival is the biggest in the Gulf and involves up 30,000 camels. 0 The pounds are bouncing away for Iggy Azalea! The singer says she lost 15 lbs. in just one week from rehearsing and filming all the twerking in her new music video, “Mo Bounce.” Get push notifications with news, features and more. “It’s a lot — I went on a meal plan before the video because I knew I would have to be dancing fairly skimpily dressed,” Azalea, 26, told New Zealand radio station Nova 96.9. “I did a lot of rehearsals actually, and man I lost 15 pounds in a week dancing to that song!” While Azalea is a twerking pro now, she admits that she needed some tutorials to nail down the dance move. “I did take classes. I do have someone who is very, very good at twerking, and she helped me,” she says. “I never realized how flexible you have to be to do that stuff.” “My teacher was like, ‘I really suggest you take yoga,’ and I didn’t know you had to take yoga to be a twerker, but apparently you do.” From Coinage: This Is How Long You’ll Have To Work To Make As Much Money As Rihanna’s Hit ‘Work’ And as Azalea has said before — the butt you see is all-natural. Though the singer did reveal that she had breast implants and a nose job, she shot down a Wild ‘N Out star who questioned her rear end’s authenticity. “I’m gonna put you up on game,” she said in August. “It’s real in your hands, but ya’ll don’t need to be worrying about booty that’s above your weight class.” 0 "Valentine's Day is right around the corner and it's time to start brainstorming the perfect date outfit. Whether it's a romantic dinner for two, brunch with the gal-pals, family outing or a ""treat yourself"" spa day, ET is gathering up the celebrities who have rocked perfect red, white and pink V-Day-inspired ensembles to give you some inspiration for the holiday. No matter what your plans are on Feb. 14, step out looking like a sweet delight with these fashionable ideas. Have you been dating someone for a couple of weeks? Check out Gal Gadot's two-toned selection. The Wonder Woman star perfectly paired a bright pink suit with a red sweetheart top for a fun and flirty look, proving that the two shades belong together when done in a tasteful way. Take note of her nude heels and minimal jewelry to tone the outfit down. Rich Fury/Getty Images for Palm Springs International Film Festival Chrissy Teigen knows how to go all out for a date night with the hubby! Dare to be sexy in a red satin slip with a lace hemline and strappy heels. Not brave enough to show some skin? Pair the delicate dress with an oversized matching blazer to keep things sensual yet sophisticated. Gotham/GC Images Reese Witherspoon has the perfect mother-daughter ensemble for a special V-Day date with your family. The Big Little Lies star and her daughter, Ava Phillippe, show you that coordinating outfits are a great way to spend a holiday that is all about love. One color for Mom, one color for you and another for whoever else tags along! A great option for a first date is a subtle floral print! Take a note of Margot Robbie's flowy dress that mixed a soft pale pink flower print with a touch of ruffles. The sweet look is just what you need for a seaside brunch, wine tasting or a picnic. Phillip Faraone/Getty Images Meanwhile, for those non-single ladies, let the world know you're taken like Paris Hilton did with her red heart-shaped Sara Battaglia bag. Donning a white dress on your Valentine's Day outing is a great blank canvas to either dress up or down. Pair the ivory tone with pink or red heels and a matching statement accessory. The options are endless! Michael Tran/FilmMagic Busy working all day, but still want to show your V-Day spirit? A fitted and stylish colorful suit like Aubrey Plaza's is always great for the boardroom, lunch meeting or presentation. Whatever work environment you're in, change up the shoes for sleek sneakers, kitten heels or even wedges. Keep the rest of the look to a minimum. Robin Marchant/Getty Images Ready to celebrate Galentines? Victoria's Secret Angels Romee Strijd and Josephine Skriver have fitting looks for day or night! Strijd's white dress with red heart prints can be played up with sexy heels and a peek-a-boo red bra or dressed down with sandals or even white sneakers. Meanwhile, Skriver's curve-hugging mini dress can take you from dinner to a night out on the dance floor with your besties. JB Lacroix/ Getty Images For moms who will be stepping out for the night, look to Victoria Beckham. The mother of four is an expert at flawlessly rocking a comfortable and chic outfit wherever she goes. Done are the days of body-hugging and now loose-fitting and classic dresses are in! Pair a maxi, wrap or midi dress with a nice sandal or heel and don't be afraid to let your face show with a messy updo and smoky makeup. Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images And lastly, dare to be bold like Zendaya by going for a major statement. A strapless silk jumpsuit in your choice of color gives you the courage to take things to a fearless level! Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Glamour RELATED CONTENT: PHOTOS: White Hot Styles All-Year Round Angelina Jolie Is a Fashion Queen in Paris -- See Her Ultra-Chic Look! PHOTOS: Best Dressed Celebs: February 2018 Related Gallery" 0 "She may be half his age, but it looks like she's all-in on this relationship. At age 34, Katharine McPhee is engaged to her boyfriend, 68-year-old David Foster. A rep for the former “American Idol” star confirmed the engagement with Fox News Wednesday. TMZ reported the celebrated music producer popped the question during their European vacation. While it’s unknown which day he proposed, the celebrity gossip site claimed McPhee was flaunting her engagement ring while on the Italian island of Capri Sunday. She was also allegedly showing off her rock to family and friends on FaceTime. This will be McPhee’s second marriage and Foster’s fifth. The music mogul was previously married to B.J. Cook, Rebecca Dyer, Linda Thompson and Yolanda Hadid. The couple first sparked dating rumors in May 2017, but wouldn’t confirm their relationship until late last year. In October, Foster’s 35-year-old daughter Erin praised McPhee to People Magazine. “She’s amazing,” gushed Erin at the time. “I really like her. She’s awesome. My dad is kind of a hopeless romantic, and Katherine’s awesome. We really, really like her, and we’ve known her for a really long time. And if he’s happy, we’re happy.” And McPhee hasn't been shy about praising her beau. Capri bayybeeee A post shared by Katharine McPhee (@katharinemcphee) on Jun 30, 2018 at 5:52am PDT “… I just pinch myself when I get to spend time with him on a personal level,” McPhee told Entertainment Tonight in September. “I love his outlook on life and how he treats people. He’s really a special person in my life. ""What I’ve learned from him is how lucky we are to do what we do. He’s always reminding me and it’s comforting to know that it’s people to walk through this life he’s had – working with incredible people, being friends with ex-presidents and world leaders – and still have that perspective. He’s so well-connected, but still just a simple guy from Canada with his little Canadian accent!” McPhee also told Health magazine in December she has known Foster for years. The couple previously collaborated for a few live performances, including his 2008 PBS tribute concert “Hit Man: David Foster & Friends.” “We’re very close friends, and we’ve been friends for a long time,” said the “American Idol” Season 5 runner-up. “I’m really, really fond of him, and I think he’s an incredible person. I’ve known him since I was 21 years old, you know? He produced my first single. So he’s been really good to me. People can say whatever they want.”" 1 Over his nearly two-decade career, Nick Cannon has accomplished more than most celebrities—let alone former child stars—do in a lifetime. Cannon is a rapper, an actor, a comedian, a director, a screenwriter, and a radio and television personality. Whether it’s in the classic Drumline or the less classic Drumline: A New Beat, Cannon is always working. And while he’s always been a multitasker, the 36-year-old has recently upped the ante when it comes to creative productivity. The star’s recent decision to part ways with America’s Got Talent has left Cannon with even more time to devote to his passion projects, like helming the Wild ’N Out reboot at MTV and working on new music. One of Cannon’s many passions recently led him to Kingston, Jamaica, where he was inspired by the local dancehall scene. Believing that this story had yet to reach a mainstream audience, Cannon wrote, directed, executive produced, and starred in a musical drama called King of the Dancehall, premiering on YouTube Red on Aug. 2. Naturally, when Nick Cannon single-handedly wills a dancehall drama into being, that film also happens to star Whoopi Goldberg, Busta Rhymes, Louis Gossett Jr., and Kreesha Turner (and it shoots on location in Jamaica). Arguably, it was Cannon’s insistence on juggling multiple careers and personas that landed him in hot water earlier this year. While taping for his Showtime stand-up special, Cannon joked that he was losing his “black card” because of America’s Got Talent. The implication was that Cannon felt somehow controlled or censored by the expectations of the network hosting gig. NBC allegedly believed that the joke “disparaged their brand,” and may have even gone so far as to threaten Cannon with termination. So the host of the wildly popular summer talent competition quit instead. “There is no amount of money worth my dignity or my integrity,” Cannon wrote in a subsequent Facebook post. “Not to get too detailed but this isn’t the first time executives have attempted to ‘put me in my place’ for so called unruly actions… I will not stand for it. My moral principles will easily walk away from the millions of dollars they hang over my head.” In many ways, it’s this insistence on creative autonomy at any cost that truly sets Nick Cannon apart. During a recent phone call with The Daily Beast, Cannon further articulated his “boss” mentality. We discussed King of the Dancehall, co-parenting with Mariah Carey, and his passion for show-stopping turbans. So let’s talk about King of the Dancehall, which you wrote, directed, executive produced, and starred in—can you speak on your vision for this project? More than anything it was just trying to shed light on the subculture of dancehall and Jamaica. I took a trip to Kingston and was inspired by the community so much, and I felt like there was never a story told on a mainstream platform about this world. So I figured they had all the Step Ups and the Dirty Dancings and all that, so why not have something specifically about dancehall? So I wrote it! And put it all together. Dancehall is definitely having a mainstream moment right now with artists like Drake and Rihanna. Yeah well that was the thing! I felt like people have been brought on to the culture for quite some time, but were never really paying homage or telling the true story of where everything comes from, the raw ideas or this actually being a lifestyle. So I wanted to do that in a big way so even more people have a chance to—with Drake and Rihanna and the Justin Bieber song—to actually know where that stuff came from. And how was shooting on location in Jamaica? It was intense at times because it was just so raw. But we made it happen, it was an incredible experience. So how does it feel to be doing Wild ’N Out again at MTV? It’s exciting! More than anything it’s exciting. Again, it’s something I created from nothing, with just an idea. So to see it be so successful and continue to be so successful almost 15 years later and hundreds of episodes later—this generation and the previous generation. And we’re expanding in so many different ways, different verticals, brick and mortar, sports bars, Wild ’N Out comedy clubs. And bringing out all the new talent that you see as well, just giving other people even more opportunities through the Wild ’N Out brand. In the past you’ve compared Wild ’N Out to Def Comedy Jam and In Living Color, and you’ve certainly helped launch the careers of a bunch of comedians, and black comedians specifically. Definitely—this was the first place a lot of people were introduced to Katt Williams and Kevin Hart. Even people on SNL like Taran Killam and Pete Davidson, these are people who started their career on Wild ’N Out. It’s been a great platform for young comedians and hip-hop culture. So I take pride in that, to be able to build up young talent and give them a platform. Wild ’N Out is really unique in that you have these huge celebrities on, and they’re actually willing to be honest and candid. I saw that episode you just did with Blac Chyna, and you guys really went there. (Laughs.) Yeah, I mean you just got to create an environment of fun. And an environment where no one’s taking themselves too seriously. And so we offer them that. Cause everybody’s handling everything with gravity, and we’re like no, this is an environment where you can address things and address them in a way that says it’s not as serious as everyone makes it. So you can have that fun—and obviously usually I’m the first to take it, I bear the brunt of everyone’s jokes, and so everyone sees it like, “Hey, Nick’s not tripping, so why should anyone else.” So if a celebrity came with a list of off-limits topics, would you not be about that? Nah, that happens all the time! Sometimes people will come on and say please don’t say anything about this and this, and we’re sensitive to that. We’re nice and professional people! So if you ask us not to talk about something, we’ll follow the rules. We can be professional! When all of the stuff was going down with America’s Got Talent, you wrote a statement that touched on the lack of minority executives in the entertainment industry, which is a huge issue, and the challenges of being a black artist in general—do you feel like you’ve seen any sort of progress on that front over the course of your career? Definitely… We’ve come a long way but we’ve got a long way to go. A lot of times for me it’s more about the mentality. When it comes to talent specifically, they have to “know their place” or “be grateful to have the opportunity,” and that’s not for me at all. I’m more about creating my own, and developing and owning and having equity, not only with studios and brands but with content, and owning IP, not just because that’s where the money is, but that’s where the power is as well. So I just don’t like that employee mentality. I feel like I can’t be an employee anymore, I aim to be a boss and an owner in everything that I do. So when someone puts me in a position where they want to treat me a certain way, and question me, then I have to step up. At what point did you get so comfortable calling people out and asserting yourself like that? (Laughs.) You know what, I feel like I’ve always been doing that? I just don’t really care about the consequences, I care about staying true to myself. So it wasn’t like, “Oh I’ve reached a certain point and now I can do it.” I’ve always done it. And luckily I am in a position where even when there are consequences… like I’m no longer working on America’s Got Talent, but there are other jobs, so it doesn’t really phase me. You mean you don’t need the money. Right. Pretty much! OK, shifting from a serious issue to sort of a silly one: The internet went sort of wild when you were spotted at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show wearing a turban—were you surprised that everyone was tweeting about it and all that? Because you’ve been wearing turbans for a while now, right? Yeah, it’s been a minute. I mean I guess I’m a stylish person, but I never really set out to make a statement and style with it. It’s more of a cultural thing, but I guess it’s part of my style too. I never really give that stuff too much attention—when it comes to being flamboyant, it’s like, why not? Why not rock a pink turban? Does it upset you when people judge you on the internet, or have you been famous for so long that you actually don’t read the comments? I definitely read the comments! I read it, laugh at it, and put it on Wild ’N Out, most of the time! That’s great banter. And none of that stuff really phases me because it’s not real life. It’s stuff that you can always laugh at. I always say I’m not worried about other people’s opinions, I just laugh and keep it moving and then do it all over again. There is constant speculation about how you and your ex-wife (Mariah Carey) have managed to remain such close friends and co-parents even after your split—from the outside, it just looks like a really healthy relationship. How have you managed to stay so close with your ex? What’s the secret? It’s really just about unconditional love, taking your ego out of the situation and understanding that that’s how it goes. You’ve moved on, but at the end of the day you’ve got to raise children. It’s pretty simple when you think about it. It doesn’t seem so simple though! You’re right—you can make it hard or you can just deal with it and embrace it, and I think everybody’s coming from a positive place. Are you sick of having to constantly address rumors that you’re getting back together? Yeah, I mean there’s a rumor about that every week, there’s a rumor about who I’m dating. There are so many rumors that I don’t even pay attention to it anymore. Unless they’re really funny. Exactly. I try to find the humor in it. So what other projects are you working on right now? I’m focusing on music. I have so much free time after America’s Got Talent, that used to take up my entire summer, and so now I’ve just been focusing—I’ve got a hot record out right now with Quavo called “Dream Girl” that’s been shooting up the charts. Aside from that I’ve been DJ’ing and building up the Wild ’N Out brand like I told you, getting all that together and getting ready for the next season, so I’ve been busier than ever. Obviously the film is coming out and then I’m working on another film, doing the same thing, writing, financing, shooting everything but this one takes place in Inglewood, California, and it’s a basketball film about female street ball called She-ball. So that’s kind of cool. Where do you think your sound is at right now? Because you’ve obviously been making music for a while. I’m always going to be influenced by gospel music because that’s my favorite type of music. The older stuff I’m always going to be influenced by. But the stuff I’m vibing with, that I’m loving out there right now, is everything from Kehlani, who’s actually one of my artists that I discovered, to everything that’s going on in the hip-hop scene, from Kendrick to Chance to Migos. Those are the guys I’m paying close attention to because that’s who I’m chasing right now. And are you still enrolled at Howard University? I am! I’m still trying to figure that out, school starts on the 22nd of August I think, so got to get all of that stuff together. What are you studying? I’m majoring in strategic, legal and management communication in the school of communications. So that’s a lot you have going on! Always. 0 "Jessica Alba reveals sex of baby number three in adorable Instagram It's a...? Jessica Alba is already a mama to two girls, Honor, 9, and 6-year-old Haven, and now the actress and businesswoman has taken to Instagram to announce that she and husband Cash Warren will be welcoming a baby boy in a couple of months. Similar to how she back in June revealed the news that she was pregnant again, the 36-year-old once again took to social media to share her family's happy news. @cash_warren and I couldn’t be more thrilled to announce... ?? #officiallyoutnumbered #babyboy #cantwaittospoilhim #hugsandkissesforlife #soontobemamaofthree A post shared by Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) on Oct 25, 2017 at 3:16pm PDT Captioning the adorable video, Alba wrote: ""Cash and I couldn’t be more thrilled to announce... ??"" The expectant mum also included the hashtags #OfficiallyOutnumbered and #Can'tWaitToSpoilHim. Nwah! It looks like it's slugs and snails and puppy dog tails for the Alba/Warrens soon!" 0 Saturday February 3 2018 by Michele Facebook  Twitter  Pinterest  Google+ #1 No More Smoking In Cars With Children The law, that becomes effective on January 30, 2018 is to protect children from secondhand smoking. Violations would result in a fine of up to $100. Facebook  Twitter  Pinterest  Google+ #2 Thousands Of Chemicals According to the Department of Health, when a child breathes in secondhand smoke, they breathe in thousands of chemicals, just like the smoker does. This puts them at risk of serious conditions including cancer, bronchitis, and pneumonia. And it can worsen asthma. Facebook  Twitter  Pinterest  Google+ #3 All Private Vehicles The law applies to any private vehicle that is enclosed wholly or partly by a roof. It still applies if people have the windows or sunroof open, have the air-conditioning on, or if they sit in a parked car with the door open. Facebook  Twitter  Pinterest  Google+ #4 All Out Ban? This comes as the federal agency Housing and Urban Development is rolling out its nationwide ban on smoking in public housing, and just a few years after many states have outlawed smoking in beaches and public parks. This trend raises the question: Are we getting closer to prohibiting tobacco smoking altogether? And would that be such a bad thing? Facebook  Twitter  Pinterest  Google+ “In America, it’s very difficult to be simply paternalistic,” Ronald Bayer, co-director of the Center for the History and Ethics of Public Health at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. American values of privacy and freedom make it very difficult to prohibit anything as mainstream as tobacco, even if it’s to save the lives of smokers. That old “nanny state” argument rears its head every time. With millions of people still addicted to cigarettes, there is also the very real fear that a ban would spawn a black market similar to what exists with illegal drugs or what happened with alcohol during Prohibition. Facebook  Twitter  Pinterest  Google+ 5. What's Next? Bayer suggests that one way to help people quit would be by tackling the problem from the supply side. “I think we would do much better to think about reducing the nicotine content, so that the addictive quality of cigarettes wasn’t as severe, and make quitting easier.” The World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control established a method called MPOWER in 2008 that aims to end the “global tobacco epidemic,” which kills over 7 million people each year. The way to do this is not by banning it all at once, but instead by monitoring use and prevention, protecting citizens from second-hand smoke, offering ways to help people quit, warning people of the dangers of smoking, enforcing bans on advertising, and raising taxes on tobacco products.If you like this blog don't forget to share it.You are currently reading about Smoking In Cars With Children Is Illegal Starting January 30, 2018. If you've found this helpful, please share Smoking In Cars With Children Is Illegal Starting January 30, 2018 on your favorite social media site, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ 1 Camila Cabello has announced dates for the “Never Be the Same Tour,” her first-ever solo headlining trek. The multi-city tour will kicks off on April 9 in Vancouver and hit a number of major cities including Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Denver, Boston, London and Toronto. The tour wraps with four dates in Europe, closing on June 13 in Amsterdam. The tour takes its name from a track on her full-length debut, “Camila” [SYCO/Epic Records], which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Top 200 and has been certified gold by the RIAA. “Never Be The Same Tour” Dates: 0 Portia de Rossi said on Wednesday she had an uncomfortable encounter with Steven Seagal during an office audition, making her the second actress to accuse the actor of sexual misconduct in the last week. The 44-year-old actress tweeted that Seagal “unzipped his leather pants” while they were in his office. Rossi was auditioning for a role in the actor’s movie. “My final audition for a Steven Segal [sic] movie took place in his office. He told me how important it was to have chemistry off-screen as he sat me down and unzipped his leather pants,” she recalled. “I ran out and called my agent. Unfazed, she replied, ‘Well, I didn’t know if he was your type,’” she said. Ellen DeGeneres, de Rossi’s wife of nine years, tweeted she was “proud of” her wife for opening up about the alleged encounter. De Rossi is the second actress to accuse Seagal of inappropriate behavior in the last week. “The Good Wife” actress Julianna Margulies recalled when she “squirmed” her way out of being alone with Seagal in a hotel room. “He made sure that I saw his gun, which I had never seen a gun in real life,” Margulies said in an interview Friday on SiriusXM. “I got out of there unscathed. It’s a long story… but I never was raped, and I never was harmed, and I don’t know how I got out of that hotel room.” She added, “It always starts with, ‘I’m a healer, I want to massage you.’ I sort of squirmed my way out.” 0 Luis Fonsi did it again as the well-known Despacito singer took the stage at The Voice. He not only has the number one song it the world right now, but he managed to rock the stage at the season 12 finale of the show. The 39-year-old singer performed the fresh hit alongside Daddy Yankee and the show’s contestant Mark Isaiah who carried out with grace Justin Bieber’s verses and chorus. Fonsi joined Bieber on stage during the Purpose Tour’s show in Puerto Rico, and there they played the remix for the first time together, and it was unbelievable. Before Fonsi hit the NBC stage, he admitted that he is honored to be there on that special night for him. The preparation for his performance took some time to come out as great is it did. “It’s tough when it gets down to the finals. These final four voices, performers are amazing,” he admitted being proud to be there. “I don’t have a favorite. They’re all very different,” he stated. “We have a showman and dancers, a country star, we have a rock ‘n’ roller that’s an amazing guitar player, and then we have a beautiful, young talent,” he continued. If you’re one of his Instagram followers, then you might know by now that he has had some very busy weeks from performing at the BillBoard Latin Music Awards to heading to Europe for playing his concerts. So where does he stand now after his amazing performance, and what are his plans? He plans on having fun, of course, and we believe that it’s only natural. “I’m going to party! I’m going to enjoy this moment. You know, it’s been an amazing five months,” he admitted. “So after this tonight, we’re going to enjoy it with the audience and then some friends,” Fonsi plans. “Then tomorrow I’m flying back to Europe to keep touring, promo and getting ready for my tour that starts July 1.” Advertisement He has also got some new music coming on our way pretty soon, and we can’t wait to hear it. He said that he just wants people to get where his head is, musically speaking. His upcoming album is scheduled for release sometime before the end of this year. 0 Kevin Hart and wife Eniko Parrish have been over the moon since the arrival of their little boy Kenzo last Tuesday. And the 38-year-old comedian was ever the glowing father on Sunday as he posted a darling father/son photo on Instagram. The Ride Along star appeared shirtless while cradling and kissing his bundle of joy while captioning the post: 'Morning vibes with my little man.' It's a beautiful morning! Kevin Hart was ever the glowing father on Sunday as he posted a darling father/son photo on Instagram which he captioned 'Morning vibes with my little man. The Philadelphia born star's caption continued: 'Feeling beyond blessed on this beautiful Sunday morning....Morning vibes with my little man. He gave beautiful wife Eniko Parrish a nod for taking the photo, writing: 'Wifey gets the amazing Photocred.' Kevin rounded out the post with the tags: '#Harts #BabyZo #LiveLoveLaugh.' Later in the day Kevin shared a gorgeous black and white photo of the newborn. He captioned the photo with a blessing for little Kenzo, writing: 'You are a little miracle / Our beautiful baby boy.' #Blessed: Later in the day Kevin shared a gorgeous black and white photo of the newborn, captioning the shot with a blessing that read 'You are a little miracle / Our beautiful baby boy' Bundle of joy: Kevin Hart was eager to show off his adorable newborn boy Kenzo Kash and his beautiful wife Eniko Parrish in an Instagram photo on Saturday The lengthy captioned continued: 'We pray you'll feel so safe and loved / Surrounded by our joy. / For we are blessed to hold you close / And feel your beating heart. 'The little life we hoped for / How wonderful you are. / We raise our hearts with praise and thanks / For you our little gift.' Saturday Kevin Hart was eager to show off his newborn boy Kenzo Kash and beautfiul wife Eniko on social. The Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle star captioned the sweet photo: 'Sooooooo DOOOOOPPPPPEEEE.....I love how Roxy won't [leave] their side!!!! #Harts #Happy #Blessed #DopePic Photo cred ME' Pucker up: When the infant was born, Kevin also gave followers an intimate glimpse into the family's life, posting video of the moment his other half was wheeled out of the hospital The new mother looked glowing, donning a white sports-bra and skintight black workout shorts in the couple's bedroom. Eniko's body looked to be in tip top shape for only giving birth less than a week ago to their little bundle of joy. Unlike today's father/son photo, the picture didn't show much of the newborns face since he was seen wrapped up in a white patterned blanket, while in his mother's arms. Doting parent: The Snap was adorned with a custom filter that read 'Welcome to the world Kenzo' along with a blue pacifier and hanging stars and clouds Eniko also shared the same picture to her personal account, writing: 'A love like no other! Every ounce of pain was worth it ALL..Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY!' When the infant was born, Kevin also gave followers an intimate glimpse into the family's life, posting video of the moment his other half was wheeled out of the hospital. The Ride Along star was over-the-moon in the snap, wearing an ear to ear smile while keeping cozy in a black hoodie. He didn't hold back on the compliments, telling his wife: 'Strong woman on the move' and 'Super woman on the move, look at her!' Experienced: This isn't Kevin's first time as a father, he also shares kids Hendrix, 10, and Heaven, 12, with first wife Torrei Hart The Snap was adorned with a custom filter that read 'Welcome to the world Kenzo' along with a blue pacifier and hanging stars and clouds to make the frame look like a baby's mobile toy. This isn't Kevin's first time as a father, he also shares kids Hendrix, 10, and Heaven, 12, with first wife Torrei Hart. Kevin and Eniko seem to have moved past the 'sextortion' scandal surrounding the comic which was sparked in September. Red-y for the holidays: Kevin wished his followers a happy Thanksgiving on his Instagram account Montia Sabbag claimed she slept with the married Hollywood star three times during a three day blow-out in Las Vegas in August. The scandal first unfolded on September 16 when Hart made a public apology to his pregnant wife and his two older children, saying, 'I made a bad error in judgment.' Sabbag later said she had been the victim of an extortion scheme, with an alleged bystander said to be threatening to expose footage of the couple. 0 "Tell Us how to get on that list! Ethan Hawke revealed to USA Today on Tuesday, Jan. 6, that he and his Taking Lives costar Angelina Jolie still keep in touch — via holiday cards! ""Every now and then, I get a Christmas card,"" the Boyhood actor, 44, told the paper. PHOTOS: Celebrity holiday cards! He then reflected on what it was like to work alongside Jolie over ten years ago, before she had even started her romance with now-husband Brad Pitt. In 2003 (when Taking Lives was filmed), Jolie had recently filed for divorce from Billy Bob Thornton and was raising her eldest son Maddox, then 2, on her own. A year later, the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider actress would meet the love of her life Pitt, with whom she would eventually share six children. PHOTOS: Brangelina's surprising BFFs! ""I worked with her at a very interesting moment in her life,"" Hawke, 44, recalled. ""It’s pretty awesome what she’s doing. People wanted her to be Marilyn Monroe. They wanted her to burn out. She was about as punk rock as a movie star could be. I loved her for it."" PHOTOS: Angie's Hollywood transformation PHOTOS: Celeb couples -- then and now! Hawke praised the Unbroken director for her work as a humanitarian. ""She’s taken all that energy and turned that into being a substantive human being,"" the Before Sunrise star noted. ""The fact that Angelina has transcended the way the world objectified her and is making serious films, she deserves all the positive things that are happening."" Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now!" 1 Amber Heard. Amber Heard is learning that the internet never forgets. The actress tweeted yesterday about an ICE checkpoint in Hollywood, close to where she lives. That part is fine. But then she followed up with, “everybody better give their housekeepers, nannies, and landscapers a ride home tonight…” After the backlash began, Heard deleted the tweet and replaced it with one critiquing checkpoints as a whole. But that didn’t stop people from asking where her previous tweet went. We noticed you deleted the racist tweet that preceded this one. The internet saved a copy for you. pic.twitter.com/98khN83DrY — ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) July 3, 2018 Heard, who has been tweeting often about the family-separation policy and describes herself as an “activist” in her twitter bio, later said that her misstep shouldn’t distract from the “real issues.” She implied that her original tweet — the one saying that nannies, landscapers, and housekeepers would need a ride home — was a simple statement. 0 1945, in World War II Germany, the tough Sergeant Don 'Wardaddy' Collier commands a tank and survives a German attack with his veteran crew composed of Boyd 'Bible' Swan, Trini 'Gordo' Garcia and Grady 'Coon-Ass' Travis. He receives a rookie soldier Norman Ellison as the substitute for his deceased gunner and he tries to harden the youth along the way. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1 "I would hate for my biggest enemy to go through what I’ve been through this summer, DeMario Jackson tells THR. Millions of viewers were anxiously awaiting the premiere of Bachelor in Paradise, but DeMario Jackson was personally invested in how the TV saga would play out. Speaking candidly to The Hollywood Reporter, Jackson says he feels ""relieved"" now that the ABC summer spinoff series has addressed the controversy that featured him and fellow contestant, Corinne Olympios, in the leading roles off-camera for nearly two months this summer. ""I think people wanted it to be something different,"" Jackson, 30, who is black, says of his on-set encounter with Olympios, 25, a white contestant. ""They wanted the angry black guy and this little, innocent white girl. But it wasn't that."" The moment in question was a taped sexual encounter between the two contestants, who had both been drinking, that occurred in the hot tub at the show's Sayulita, Mexico, resort. A producer, who according to Jackson never saw the moment or the footage, filed a misconduct allegation, forcing producers Warner Bros. Television to suspend production to investigate. A second producer later filed a similar complaint. After nearly two weeks, where an outside firm watched all footage and interviewed the entire cast and crew, WBTV concluded there was no wrongdoing and the show resumed filming, this time without Jackson or Olympios. Before the cast officially kicked off the second round of Paradise, they sat down with host Chris Harrison to discuss what happened, placing blame on inaccurate reporting and clearing the show's producers of any culpability. The scandal, they agreed, blew up into a national sensation because of vague statements and quick assumptions, largely motivated by race. Jackson, who says he harbors no ill will toward Olympios, agrees with their takeaway. If he was white, or if Olympios was black, ""we wouldn’t even be having this discussion at all,"" he says. Though he was there for the encounter with Olympios — something he says he remembers fully and describes as ""100 percent consensual"" from both parties — and the production shutdown, he still has questions. He also sat down with Harrison for a one-on-one interview that will air next week, with Olympios telling her side of the story in a sitdown that airs the following week. In a wide-ranging chat with THR below, Jackson shares his account of the events that took place at Paradise, details how his life has been impacted since and explains why he feels ABC has been ""woke as hell"" with how they've handled the entire situation, despite any criticism and his decision not to return. Now that the footage has aired and Bachelor in Paradise addressed what happened, how do you feel? I'm relieved. My story has never changed. I'’ve never cracked. I've never been angry or upset. I just told my truth. Unfortunately, we live in a society where the whole world is going to side with the woman. Even when the story doesn't make sense. In this situation, I don't think people used common sense. You're on a multimillion-dollar set with 50 to 100-plus cameras, 300 workers and an entire production. I love how [castmate] Alex [Woytkiw] was giving the play-by-play with what was going on with me and Corinne when we were in the pool, because it showed all the production, all the people and the castmates watching. I was actually telling the truth, so I'm relieved. I'm hoping you can clear up the timeline. We knew the actual tape was never going to air, but viewers seem to be confused about when the encounter in question actually happened. It happened right there, that afternoon. When Alex was giving the play-by-play to the cameras. We did see you both after that, when the cast gathered to welcome Wells Adams to the show (pictured below). How would you characterize your interactions with Olympios from then on? We were fine. We were fine throughout the whole day. You saw us the next morning when we had breakfast. Even that night before we got pulled away, I gave her the fist-bump. Even today, after all of this, I'm still sitting here confused. I still feel like I'm missing 25 percent of the story, even though I'm in the story. (Laughs.) I'm still sitting here saying, ""Wait a minute, what happened?"" We saw the producers approach you and Olympios separately before everything shut down. When they walked up to you, what did you think they were going to say? Even when I was pulled away, I didn't think [about] the Corinne situation. I was thinking, ""What is going on?"" I wondered if the girl from The Bachelorette was back. When I spoke to production, I asked, ""Did Corinne say something?"" They said no. I asked, ""Did I say something?"" They said no. I said, ""So why the fuck are we having this conversation?"" This third-party who wasn't present and who didn't view the video can just say she wants to shut down the production? It didn't make sense to me. The ""third-party"" you are referring to is a producer who filed a misconduct allegation, which set off the investigation. Did you ever get clarity about what that person reported? The only thing I know about that person is that she is Corinne's best friend. That's the only thing that I know. When I heard who it was, I thought it was weird. None of this makes sense to me. [""The complaint was filed by two producers, not one. Perhaps DeMario's questions should be asked of the producers. Corinne has been on record for some time that she was blacked out and has no memory of what happened,"" Olympios' rep, Stan Rosenfield, told THR in a statement.] Do you know what happened to the producer? She left that next day. Up and left. The wildest shit. When all this happened, when I got sent home, I was in the back of the car destroyed — because we went for it that night — and I realized who it was because that producer, and one other producer, were missing that next day. I had a moment of clarity that sobered me right up. I'm in the back of a car thinking, ""Wow, my reality career is shorter than Kim Kardashian's marriage to Kris Humphries."" I've been on reality TV for what, two and a half episodes? And I'm the most known reality guy of all 34 seasons for having a wannabe girlfriend and a sex tape. No more reality for me! Is there anything that wasn't shown that you wish had made it to air during the premiere? I was happy that they showed Corinne and I interacting. With Paradise, you hookup with somebody or do whatever you're going to do, and it's very cutthroat, in a sense! You can make out with someone, take a nap and they've already moved on to someone else. Later that night, Corinne was spending time with Vinny [Ventiera] and I was hanging with Alexis [Waters]. It was just a natural transition, because it's Paradise and that's what people do. I wish they would have shown a little bit more about the other couples that started to form that night, because we didn't see much of that. I know it was hard and they couldn't legally put a lot of stuff in the episode, so there were some weird transitions. When Olympios told Ventiera she was giving him her rose that next day, it did come out of nowhere to the viewer because that was never shown. At that point, were you and her just friendly and had moved on? Yes. In the first episode, the minute I walked up and everyone was scolding me, Alexis grabbed my hand and said, ""Lets get a drink."" Alexis and I had this little flirtation thing going. Early off the bat, she said, ""You're dope, I'm dope, let's just give each other our roses."" I said, ""Great."" Then Corinne came up, and her and I had our day and we went to the pool, but after that I came back and started hanging out with Alexis, and the next morning when Alexis and I were eating breakfast, Corinne came up somewhat awkwardly and it was dope that they put that in there because it showed the aftermath and how we were all eating breakfast. When the producers shut it down, at what point did you understand that you were involved? They told me a ""third-party person filed a complaint about you and Corinne's sexual activity in the pool."" I’m thinking, ""“What the fuck?"" I asked if they talked to Corinne, and they said she said everything is cool. I asked, ""If she said everything is cool, and I said everything is cool, then why are we having this conversation?"" They said it was protocol. I asked if the producer saw the tape and he said he did, and when I asked what the tape showed he said the tape was fine. That's why I've said ""show the tape, show the tape"" this whole time. I made a T-shirt. When have you ever seen somebody who really, really, really wanted footage to be shown like that? Show the tape, please. What were you happy viewers did get to see? The thing I wanted people to see is that we were very coherent and lucid and having fun. We were having conversations and swimming around. We were two homies having fun. Even the next day. We have mutual friends and she lives in L.A., I thought I'd leave here with a new homie. And then all of a sudden, I'm in the middle of a sex scandal. Olympios has said that she doesn't remember much from that night. Do you? I recall everything. I remember what I wore to school the first day of third grade. (Laughs.) The cast spoke about consent on Tuesday's episode and the show put in place some rules behind the scenes, where the cast needed to make their consent clear. In your opinion, was your hookup with Olympios consensual, on both ends? It was 100 percent consensual. She hopped in my arms, she pulled me into the pool. You've seen that with your own eyes. I think people wanted it to be something different. They wanted the angry black guy and this little, innocent white girl. But it wasn't. Then it was like, ""Oh, shit. Ok, damn."" For months the media will drag your name through the mud. And the moment it's no longer a story, that's it. The media can put ""alleged"" from a source and put anything you want about a person. It sucks. Who raised these people? I read some things from a ""source"" where I thought, ""Wow, this is some low shit."" Especially when you go back and watch the video. You think, ""This is it?"" The cast agreed that race played a part in this. How do you feel race motivated the scandal and what it became? If I would have been Alex or Derek [Peth, two white contestants], we wouldn't even be having this conversation, I would probably be engaged to Alexis right now. If anyone argues, tell them to Google ""Charlottesville."" That's the world we live in. Look who our president is. Just tell them to look up what Trump said. It's always the white guy who says race didn't play a factor. Trust me, there were four black people on that entire island, three castmates and one producer. Luckily that producer followed me over [to the pool with Corinne] because I gave him the look. He followed me over with cameras. Did that producer, an eyewitness, vouch for you throughout all of this? Yes, 100 percent. What do you think would have happened if Olympios had been a black contestant? This wouldn't have been a story. We wouldn't even be having this discussion at all. Right now, you would just be watching Paradise and saying, ""DeMario's whistle is so annoying!"" The minute you saw a black man and a white woman's face. I had black America who hated me because I'm a sellout with a white girl. And I had white America calling me the N-word and telling me to ""go back to Africa."" And they were slut-shaming Corinne, which sucked. For me, I'm just sitting here thinking, ""Wow. Our world."" The human race continues to let me down. What would you say has been the biggest misconception of you? African-Americans have been portrayed a certain way in movies for years. At the Oscars, we only get nominated for slave movies. Or we have to be gangster, or a pimp or a thug. It can't just be a normal black guy. For years, we've been drug through the mud, and the reason why I handled myself with such respect and class is because it wasn't just to respect my name, I was speaking on behalf of all African-Americans. The paparazzi are outside my house and I bring them water and they say, ""Wow, you're so nice!"" That's actually who I am! They want to put the angry black man on the news and people can say, ""That's exactly who I thought he would be."" How the Obamas carried themselves in office for eight years as human beings, compared to Donald Trump — can you imagine if Obama acted how Trump does? He would have never gotten near the White House, and that's what we call white privilege. That's what this situation is. In a weird way, ABC has been woke as hell. With the Lee Garrett situation on The Bachelorette and this situation, ABC has touched on things that need to be addressed, especially in present-day America. We are going to hear from you in a sitdown interview with Chris Harrison, airing next week, and Olympios in a sitdown the following week. What is the most important thing you want everyone to know in that interview? It was a very emotional interview. Chris and I, as you can see from the Men Tell All, are playful. I can play up my villain persona, but this is my real life. This actually affected my real life. Chris knew how to poke the bear and really get the best out of me. The person I felt bad for the most out of all this was my mother. She was my biggest fan. I can go grocery shopping and she'll be there cheering for me. To see her cry every day and to see her not be herself, it was very sad. I wanted to say to her, ""I'm sorry. I’ll take 100 percent of the blame and be the bigger person."" My castmates were there for me, especially Raven [Gates] and Jasmine [Goode]. My mom thanked them for speaking to the press and getting out their truth about her son. I'm excited for everyone to watch that and to see what I went through. A lot of it was hurtful. It was the racist stuff. From people who don't even watch the show! People I can tell probably saw it on the news. There is no way these people watch Bachelor in Paradise. That was the hardest part of me, getting it from all angles. That's some insight into what you'll see next week. How did you emerge from that hole, and do you feel like you are now in a good place? I have the greatest family, friends and castmates. I have the two best parents, ever. Taylor [Nolan] had a run-in with Corinne last season and I Facetimed Taylor every single day. Taylor is so cool because she said to me, ""Last season, no one came to my defense. I was all alone through this darkness and I refuse to let you go through it."" Nobody believed her side of the story and because of that, she didn't know if she wanted to do Paradise. We instantly became best friends and she had my back. So did Raven and Alexis. Through all this darkness, the best thing was that I met these extremely dope girls who I'll be in their lives forever. Have you seen Olympios face-to-face or spoken to her since you left Paradise? No. We run in the same circles. L.A. is a very small. But I haven't. If I do see her, it would be nothing but love for her and her family. There's not enough time in this world to focus your energy on hate. Before I talk about hating on anybody, I call my mom and talk to her. What do you hope to hear her clarify when she sits down with Harrison? I hope she finds peace within herself. That's the main thing through all of this. That's the only thing I can say. Why did you decide not to return to the show when it resumed? To be completely honest, I wanted to go back solely for Alexis. It broke me down into tears, thinking I met this dope ass girl in Paradise and that she was going to find someone else. But I wasn't mentally or physically right. I lost 25 pounds. I hadn't been sleeping. And I didn't want to be under the microscope. And I didn't want it to be The DeMario Show. Everyone would be watching my every move and I wanted it to be natural and organic. I wanted them to be there and have fun. It would have been different if I had been there. Watching it, you have no idea the amount of FOMO I had! But I was so happy because all of my friends are happy. Are you and Waters pursuing anything romantically? We're just friends. We're just taking it day by day. She's been my rock through all of this. My comedy relief, we went to Disneyland last week. She's been there through a very dark time. Nothing sexual or intimate, just being there. You also said you will be back for the reunion. This season is going to have a different format it seems, with the finale being a reunion of sorts to catch up with the cast and the relationships. Have you shot the reunion yet? No, it's coming up and it's still up in the air. The producers are saying it might be cast only to see who is still a couple. But I'm speaking to production now to see what the deal is for that. Paradise also implemented new rules, keeping tabs on drinking and making sure everyone gives consent. Do you think it was necessary? Based on my situation, yes. I would hate for my biggest enemy to go through what I've been through this summer. Diggy Moreland, who is now the sole black male contestant on Paradise, defended you and spoke about the Google searches that will follow you around. What has it been like now that some weeks have passed? My biggest fear is one day that my goddaughter or godson, or hopefully one day when I have little Derek Jeter Jackson with Alexis (laughs), will Google me one day. Hopefully by then, maybe I'll have a cure for cancer! But they're still going to get that question. I'm sure some evil parent at a parent-teacher conference will ask. I'm going to have to address what happened, in that crazy summer of 2017. It's a fear of mine, but at the same time I'm ready for that moment to come when it does. If you could go back in time, would you go back on Paradise? One-hundred percent. What I found out through Paradise is that I went through a crazy thing but my castmates, these were strangers. I knew Raven, Alexis and Taylor for less than 72 hours. For them to come to my defense and have my back and continue to have my back and continue to love me, text me and continue to hang out? I just saw Vinny and we're going to a Dodger game. It's like a brotherhood or sisterhood. We're all going to be friends. It's something deeper than the fans, and even production, can see. The bond that we have. I would do it again, one-million percent. What is one question you still want answered? I want to know from that producer just straight up, why? Because she never even told a high-level producer, she just jumped the gun. I want to know, why? That's it. It would be like you seeing something crazy at work and instead of going to your boss to say something, you just quit. It doesn't sound like you need much from Olympios to move on? No. Corinne never came out and said, ""DeMario."" But we live in a world where people don't read and just assume. It wasn't from her, it was from this producer. I don't have too much to say to Corinne. Would you consider returning to the Bachelor franchise in the future? Everything depends on my health, and my health is great. I'm in the gym and starting to feel like myself. I love some of those producers with all my heart. Those guys really went to bat for me. Words can't describe what they mean to me and for them to give me this particular platform. Because really, they could have spun it however they wanted last night. They could have not shown us interacting, or shown us in the pool and that's it. But they really wanted the world to see. They really, really went to war for me. Are you dating? And what is next for you, if no more reality? My team is working on a few different things. I'm literally just taking everything day by day. I'm in the gym, working out and trying to get my strength back. Hopefully things will start jumping off soon. Right now, I have a lot of baggage. I would be doing an injustice to any woman right now. Paparazzi still to this day, whoever I'm out with will post it and note if it's a ""Corinne lookalike"" or who I'm with. I don't want to bring a very innocent woman into a very hostile situation. I don't think that would work too much. So, no. I'm just laying low right now. Aug. 17, 12:30 p.m.: Updated with Olympios statement." 0 Roseanne ended with more twists than an episode of This Is Us. In the series finale, Roseanne (Roseanne Barr) revealed she had rewritten a lot of her story. Sister Jackie (Laurie Metcalf) was a lesbian, her daughters were with each other’s spouses and Dan (John Goodman) died after his heart attack. The character dictated her story. Forget about that. At the 2017 TCA Summer Press Tour, Channing Dungey, president of ABC Entertainment, revealed some of those twists are going away. “I’m not going to talk too specifically about the season,” Dungey said about the finale reveals. “I wouldn’t say that it’s ignoring the events of the finale, but I can say that Dan is definitely alive.” 0 Former Secretary of State John Kerry may be heading to prison after he was caught blatantly committing treason.Right Wing News reported that in the weeks before President Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran deal, Kerry met with multiple Iranian leaders to try and save it. Jason Osborne, a former senior advisor to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, took to Twitter to write about Kerry’s treasonous antics in Iran.“So John Kerry just left a meeting @ L’Avenue in Paris w/3 Iranians. A friend was sitting next to their table and heard JK blasting @realDonaldTrump. The Iranians had a 5 person security detail and left in diplomatic vehicles. Is he FARA registered?” he tweeted.So John Kerry just left a meeting @ L’Avenue in Paris w/3 Iranians. A friend was sitting next to their table and heard JK blasting @realDonaldTrump. The Iranians had a 5 person security detail and left in diplomatic vehicles. Is he FARA registered? @seanhannity @TuckerCarlson pic.twitter.com/vVYwDQTPNb — Jason Osborne (@_JasonOsborne) May 12, 2018One of the officials Kerry met with has since been identified as Kamal Kharzai, Iranian politician, and diplomat, as well as Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs from August 1997 until 2005.#BREAKING New photos emerge of 3 Iranians who held secret meeting with John Kerry yesterday in Paris pic.twitter.com/ZhQcdGGtuz — Jack Posobiec🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) May 13, 2018Trump himself called Kerry out for this on Twitter, pointing out that he may have broken the law.“The United States does not need John Kerry’s possibly illegal Shadow Diplomacy on the very badly negotiated Iran Deal. He was the one that created this MESS in the first place!” Trump tweeted.The United States does not need John Kerry’s possibly illegal Shadow Diplomacy on the very badly negotiated Iran Deal. He was the one that created this MESS in the first place! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 7, 2018SHARE this story if you think John Kerry should be LOCKED UP!H/T jumboreport 1 Follow­ing therap­y, actor has come to realis­e that Jen was the love of his life Fans who’ve been rooting for Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston ever since their 2005 split may actually have cause for hope! Years later, Brad regrets leaving the Friends star for his now-ex Angelina Jolie, a source told In Touch exclusively. Following his 2016 separation from Angie, Brad sobered up and sought therapy. And now, he’s “in touch with emotions and his true self like never before,” the source says. Brad Pitt finally opens up about his bitter divorce with Angelina Jolie And it seems like this self-awareness comes with some great realisations. “He has come to realise that leaving Jen for Angelina was one of the biggest mistakes of his life,” the source adds. “And while he’s not in love with Jen, he realises how much he does love her. Brad keeps telling friends that he’s seeing everything more clearly.” However, these realisations are obviously far too late. Jennifer has been married to Wanderlust co-star Justin Theroux for two years now. And while Brad would “never dream of” ruining his ex’s new marriage, he “would take a second chance at love with Jen in a heartbeat.” If they can’t be romantic partners, though, the War Machine star wants Jen to be his partner in other pursuits, In Touch further reported. Brad Pitt “much happier” following split from Angelina Jolie “They worked well together” when they formed the production company Plan B in 2001, an insider close to Brad told In Touch. “He wants Jen involved again as he produces and develops more and more high-quality film and cable TV products.” That kind of professional partnership could pay off for Jen, too, since the insider states she wants in on “prestige projects” under his production banner. “She’d be beyond thrilled to win an Academy Award for Best Actress — something that’s evaded both her and Angelina.” “He still considers Jen the love of his life,” the source concluded. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below. Read full story 1 Kim Kardashian West and Kylie Jenner might own beauty lines, but Kourtney Kardashian is the real beauty guru in the Kardashian-Jenner family. If you watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians or read Kourtney’s blog, you might have noticed just how passionate the reality star is about natural beauty. Ahead, we take a look at some of Kourtney Kardashian’s beauty secrets for natural skin care, including what natural deodorant she uses and how she keeps her skin hydrated with manuka honey. Kourtney Kardashian uses natural ingredients in her skin care regimen. | Chris Delmas/AFP/Getty Images Kourtney Kardashian uses natural ingredients in her skin care regimen. | Chris Delmas/AFP/Getty Images Coconut oil Superfood ingredients such as coconut oil have made their mark on natural skin care and beauty products. And, like many natural beauty devotees, Kourtney is no stranger to its beauty benefits. On top of using the natural oil in her hair, the reality star likes to moisturize her body with it, too. According to her app, Kourtney applies coconut oil to her body skin “right out of the shower” and let it sit for 10 minutes. In addition, the reality star uses coconut oil in some homemade beauty recipes, too. One of Kourtney’s go-to’s? A DIY lip scrub made with coconut oil, manuka honey, and sugar. The natural concoction gently sloughs off dry skin and nourishes for a silky soft, smooth, lipstick-ready pout. Manuka honey Another all-natural ingredient Kourtney Kardashian swears by for skin care? Manuka honey. The reality star is a big fan of Manuka Doctor skin care products and also swears by the all-natural superfood honey for home skin treatments. Thanks to its natural humectants and anti-aging properties, manuka honey can be used in beauty for many things. For soft, hydrated skin, more youthful-looking skin, apply manuka honey to the complexion as a face mask and let it sit for about 10 minutes before rinsing. You can also add it to homemade beauty product or as a spot treatment on pimples. In addition to being anti-aging and hydrating, manuka honey also boasts anti-bacterial properties that can help combat breakouts and keep the complexion clear. good morning A post shared by Kourtney Kardashian (@kourtneykardash) on Oct 7, 2017 at 10:57am PDT Natural deodorant Like other celebrities and wellness aficionados, Kourtney no longer uses chemical-ridden deodorants and switched to a natural deodorant. “Changing over to an all-natural deodorant seemed like an important thing to do when I heard that when people are diagnosed with breast cancer, they are told to immediately discontinue using conventional antiperspirants and deodorants,” the reality star shared in a blog post. “Although research connecting the parabens and aluminum from these products directly with breast cancer is inconclusive, I like to play it safe,” she concluded. So, what natural deodorant does Kourtney swear by? Schmidt’s Natural Ylang Ylang + Calendula deodorant. At $8.99 a pop, the natural deodorant is more affordable than other other natural brands. In addition, it features an award-winning formula made with essential oils and free of aluminum, parabens, propylene glycol, and phthalates. Natural sunscreen Deodorant isn’t the only natural skin product Kourtney likes to use. As a California native, the reality star knows how crucial it is to protect her skin from the sun. That said, like many of her products, she prefers a more natural formula. Her favorite natural sunscreen? Drunk Elephant Umbra Sheer Physical Daily Defense Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 30. Check out The Cheat Sheet on Facebook! 0 Aww! Robert Pattison was cracking up like the rest of us at Kristen Stewart’s hilarious opening monologue on ‘Saturday Night Live.’ HollywoodLife.com has EXCLUSIVE details on on how he loved being included in her jokes that had the audience in stitches. Yo go girl! Kristen Stewart absolutely crushed it at comedy when she hosted Saturday Night Live Feb. 4, and her ex Robert Pattinson, 30, is giving her big applause. She mentioned him in jokes for her opening monologue and not only was he totally okay with it, he’s thrilled that she did it! “Rob saws snippets from the show and absolutely loved Kristen’s opening monologue. He thought she was hilarious. He was happy to see her having so much fun and being so at ease with herself,” a source tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. K-Stew kicked off her opening bit by reminding the audience how Donald Trump, 70, lost it on Twitter when she cheated on her Twilight co-star back in 2012. “Four years ago I was dating this guy named Robert and we broke up and got back together and for some reason it made Donald Trump go insane,” she joked. She went on to read an actual tweet that our new president put up, where he ranted that she “cheated on him like a dog” and that he shouldn’t take her back. It is so unbelievable to think that the leader of the free world once got involved in a Twitter rage about Kristen’s love life, and that wasn’t lost on her. Kristin reminded us that our ranter-in-chief tweeted a total of 11 times about their romance drama, including “Everyone knows that I am right that Robert Pattinson should dump Kristen Stewart.” She got huge laughs when she said that Donald was totally in love with her former boyfriend and that if he didn’t like her back then, he wouldn’t like her now cause “I’m like so gay, dude.” Oddly enough, for once Donald didn’t hop on his Twitter account and respond. After Kristen totally schooled him, it was probably best to keep quiet. HollywoodLifers, what did you think of Kristen on SNL? Did you have any idea that she could be so funny? 1 (Excerpt) Read more at: E! Online Wake Up To Breaking News! SUBMIT It was quite a busy day for the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star. After her jewelry stop, the star rented out an entire Six Flags amusement park for her, Travis Scott, family and friends to celebrate his birthday. Travis, father of the couple's almost 3-month-old daughter, turns 26 on Monday.The reality star posted on her Instagram Stories feed photos from their visit, which appeared to take place... 0 "The pop star is set to marry the model – here’s what we know so far about their upcoming nuptials. When rumours began at the start of July that Justin Bieber was engaged to Hailey Baldwin, we weren’t sure what to think. The couple seemed to have only been dating for a matter of weeks and there weren’t any signs pointing to an engagement that we could have foreseen. However, Bieber confirmed the engagement just days later on Instagram, calling Baldwin “the love of my life”. So with a Bieber and Baldwin wedding definitely on the cards, we’ve put together everything we know about their upcoming nuptials. When and where did the proposal take place? The singer asked the model to marry him while on holidays in the Bahamas. Bieber, 24, got down on one knee and popped the question to Baldwin, 21, in front of a restaurant full of guests at their oceanside resort, who were instructed by his security guards to put their phones away as “something special was about to happen.” Bieber then confirmed the news just days later on Instagram on July 10, saying: “Was gonna wait a while to say anything but word travels fast. Listen plain and simple Hailey I am soooo in love with everything about you! So committed to spending my life getting to know every single part of you loving you patiently and kindly.” What kind of engagement ring did Bieber propose with? Bieber chose a large oval cut diamond ring set in 18 karat yellow gold by Jack Solow of Solow & Co. Inc. Diamond Jewelers. The jeweller has since spoken out about making the ring, confirming Bieber selected the ring himself. “He had certain design elements that he wanted and he had certain expectations and I think we delivered.” The jeweller confirmed Bieber began with the diamond and worked around it, with the designer even confirming he personally delivered the ring to the singer the morning the couple left for the Bahamas. Bieber also reportedly asked Hailey Baldwin’s father, Stephen, for permission before proposing. When is the wedding? While we’re yet to get a set date, Bieber recently alluded the wedding would take place very soon, telling paparazzi it was the next thing on the couple's to-do list. After they were spotted meeting with a pastor, Bieber was asked what was next to which he replied ""What's next? Gettin' married!"" TMZ reports the singer won't be working on any more albums or songs, instead focusing his energy on planning the wedding which a source confirms will be taking place next year. Where is the wedding? A source told Us Weekly the couple is planning a “very small” wedding, “something private, intimate,” with the location being somewhere in Canada. “Justin loves Canada and is at home there. It’s a special place for him and he’d love to get married there,” the source said. Who is in the wedding party? Hailey’s aunt, Kim Basinger, revealed to Us Weekly that Baldwin has already selected her bridal party and confirmed her own daughter, Ireland Baldwin, Hailey’s cousin, will be a bridesmaid, as will the bride’s sister Alaia. “Oh, it’ll be fun. Alaia and Ireland, they’re in the wedding. So believe me, I just — it’s cool! I think it’s sweet. It’s a very sweet thing.” Who is attending the wedding? No word on this yet but we can imagine the guest list will read like a Met Gala red carpet. Between Bieber and Baldwin, we can expect Kardashians, Jenners, Hadids and anyone in the same orbit as Scooter Braun, Bieber’s manager–think Ariana Grande, for example. Who is performing at the wedding? Post Malone told TMZ that he hopes to play a role in the wedding–whether it be performing or playing a role in the bridal party. “I would love to perform. For free. I'll be the flower boy or is that the ring bearer? He's very happy and I love to see my boy happy.”" 1 Janelle Monáe is crying in her spacesuit. It’s early April in Atlanta, and she’s in one of the basement studios of her Wondaland Records headquarters, surrounded by computer monitors and TV screens, one of them running a screensaver that displays images of her heroes: Prince, Martin Luther King Jr., Pam Grier, Tina Turner, Lupita Nyong’o, David Bowie. She’s about to reveal, for the first time, something the world has long guessed, something her closest friends and family already know, something she’s long been loath to say in public. As she sings on a song from her new album, Dirty Computer, “Let the rumors be true.” Janelle Monáe is not, she finally admits, the immaculate android, the “alien from outer space/The cybergirl without a face” she’s claimed to be over a decade’s worth of albums, videos, concerts and even interviews – she is, instead, a flawed, messy, flesh-and-blood 32-year-old human being. And she has another rumor to confirm. “Being a queer black woman in America,” she says, taking a breath as she comes out, “someone who has been in relationships with both men and women – I consider myself to be a free-ass motherfucker.” She initially identified as bisexual, she clarifies, “but then later I read about pansexuality and was like, ‘Oh, these are things that I identify with too.’ I’m open to learning more about who I am.” It’s a lovely spacesuit she’s wearing, a form-fitting white NASA artifact complete with a “commander” patch on one arm and an American flag on the other. She’s put it on for no reason at all – there are no cameras in sight – as she lounges around Wondaland. The outfit is a remnant, perhaps, of the android persona, known as Cindi Mayweather, that she fed us all these years: a messianic, revolutionary robot who fell in love with a human and vowed to free the rest of the androids. Early in her career, Monáe was insecure about living up to impossible showbiz ideals; the persona, the androgynous outfits, the inflexible commitment to the storyline both on- and offstage, served in part as protective armor. “It had to do with the fear of being judged,” she says. “All I saw was that I was supposed to look a certain way coming into this industry, and I felt like I [didn’t] look like a stereotypical black female artist.” She is also a perfectionist, a tendency that’s helped her career and hindered her emotional life; portraying a flawless automaton was also a bit of wish fulfillment. It’s one of the many reasons she thought she had a “computer virus” that needed cleaning, which led her to years of therapy, starting before the 2010 release of her debut, The ArchAndroid. “I felt misunderstood,” she says. “I was like, ‘Before I self-destruct, before I become a confused person in front of the world, let me seek some help.’ I was afraid for anybody to see me not at the top of my game. That obsession was too much for me.” So she overcompensated, as she puts it, leaving fans to puzzle over the sight and sound of a dark-skinned, androgynously dressed black woman creating Afro-futuristic fantasias as trippy as the Parliament-Funkadelic soundscapes she grew up hearing. She became a pop anomaly, a sometimes incongruous interloper in the universes of her earliest supporters, Big Boi and Puff Daddy, the latter having signed her to a partnership with Bad Boy Records in 2008. The ArchAndroid was a buzzy introduction, and 2013’s Electric Lady – certainly the first progged-out concept album in the history of Bad Boy – established her as one of the 21st century’s most inventive voices. Years before Frank Ocean, Solange, Beyoncé and SZA pushed arty, alternative R&B to the mainstream, Monáe was already there, bridging the gap between neo-soul and all that was to come, unafraid to fuse rock, funk, hip-hop (when she feels like it, as on her recent single “Django Jane,” she’s a top-flight rapper), R&B, electronica and campy, drama-kid theatricality. She always ducked questions about her sexuality (“I only date androids” was a stock response) but embedded the real answers in her music. “If you listen to my albums, it’s there,” she says. She cites “Mushrooms & Roses” and “Q.U.E.E.N.,” two songs that reference a character named Mary as an object of affection. In the 45-minute film accompanying Dirty Computer, “Mary Apple” is the name given to female “dirty computers” taken captive and stripped of their real names, one of whom is played by Tessa Thompson. (The actress has been rumored to be Monáe’s girlfriend, though Monáe won’t discuss her dating life.) The original title of “Q.U.E.E.N.,” she notes, was “Q.U.E.E.R.,” and you can still hear the word on the track’s background harmonies. Monáe is the CEO of her own label, a CoverGirl model and a movie star, appearing in the Oscar-winning Moonlight and the Oscar-nominated Hidden Figures, two hits led by black casts. In both films, she tackles black American stories that don’t typically get the big-screen treatment. “Our stories are being erased, basically,” she says of her attachment to those scripts, which made her “want to tell my story.” Monáe does worry that the human behind her masks may not be enough. She has asked aloud, including in therapy, “What if people don’t think I’m as interesting as Cindi Mayweather?” She’ll miss the freedom of being the android. “I created her, so I got to make her be whatever I wanted her to be. I didn’t have to talk about the Janelle Monáe who was in therapy. It’s Cindi Mayweather. She is who I aspire to be.” On Dirty Computer, the only hints of sci-fi are in the title and the storyline of the accompanying film. The lyrics are flesh-and-blood confessions of both physical and emotional insecurity, punctuated with sexual liberation. They’re the unfiltered desires of an overthinker letting herself speak without pause, for once. And she wants to help listeners gain the courage to be dirty computers too. “I want young girls, young boys, nonbinary, gay, straight, queer people who are having a hard time dealing with their sexuality, dealing with feeling ostracized or bullied for just being their unique selves, to know that I see you,” she says in a tone befitting the “commander” patch on her arm. “This album is for you. Be proud.” Monáe grew up in a massive, devoutly Baptist family in Kansas City, Kansas, or as she likes to put it, “I got 50 first cousins!” Not all of them know details of her romantic life, but they have almost certainly seen her wear sheer pants and share a lollipop with Thompson in the “Make Me Feel” video. “I literally do not have time,” she says, laughing, “to hold a town-hall meeting with my big-ass family and be like, ‘Hey, news flash!’ ” She worries that when we visit Kansas City tomorrow, they’ll bring it up: “There are people in my life that love me and they have questions, and I guess when I get there, I’ll have to answer those questions.” Over the years, she’s heard some members of her family, mostly distant ones, say certain upsetting things. “A lot of this album,” she says, “is a reaction to the sting of what it means to hear people in my family say, ‘All gay people are going to hell.’ ” She began questioning the Bible and her family’s Baptist faith early on. Now, she says, “I serve the God of love” – love, she’s determined, is the common factor among all religions, an idea Stevie Wonder expanded on in a Dirty Computer interlude. When we arrive in the flat, industrial Kansas side of Kansas City, her family doesn’t actually have any questions – or anything unkind to say, for that matter. There’s just a whole lot of love for their homegrown superstar. Janelle Monáe Robinson was born here on December 1st, 1985, to a mom who worked as a janitor and a dad who was in the middle of a 21-year battle with crack addiction. Her parents separated when Monáe was less than a year old, and her mother later married the father of Janelle’s younger sister, Kimmy. Monáe’s loving warnings about the sheer size of her family ring true as soon as we step into her old neighborhood. On one street, her maternal grandmother owned several homes in a row that housed cousins, aunts, uncles and Monáe herself. A few minutes away is her paternal great-grandmother’s pastel-coated house. Monáe spent a significant portion of her time there – it was her main connection to her dad and his family as he went in and out of prison; their relationship was rocky until he got sober 13 years ago. Another short car ride away is her maternal Aunt Glo’s home, where we meet her mom. “She’s my favorite slice of pie,” her Auntie Fats says, referring to Monáe’s familial nickname of “pun’kin.” Monáe was raised in a working-class community called Quindaro. It started as a settlement established by Native Americans and abolitionists just prior to the Civil War, and became a refuge for black Americans escaping slavery via the Underground Railroad. A few weeks before our visit, vandals painted swastikas and “Hail Satan” on a statue of abolitionist John Brown in the neighborhood. It’s since been repainted. “I know nobody in this neighborhood did that,” her great-grandmother says, shaking her head. “Outsiders.” On the Missouri side of the bridge, Kansas City is predominately white, but Monáe’s community is overwhelmingly black. “I would read about where I was from,” she says, “and understand who’s really disadvantaged coming from these environments. It sucks. It’s like that for brown folks.” It’s hard to miss her family’s religiosity – they hardly get a sentence out without a mention of God’s blessings. At 91, Monáe’s great-grandma still monitors the halls at the local vacation Bible school with a switch in hand. During our visit, she sits behind a piano to lead a gospel singalong. Monáe, beside an aunt and a cousin, joins in, belting “Call Him Up and Tell Him What You Want” and “Savior, Do Not Pass Me By.” Monáe is never more relaxed during our time together than when she’s in Kansas City. Her Midwestern drawl comes back as she screams and sings while running into the arms of her cousins, aunts and uncles, many of whom she gets to see only during the holidays or tour stops nearby. At one point, she curls up into her mom’s lap while they look at a homemade poster full of sepia-toned childhood pics. “She was a delightful baby,” Auntie Fats recalls. Monáe’s family members all share different versions of the same story: She was born to be a star, and she made that clear as soon as she gained motor skills. There was that time she got escorted out of church for insisting on singing Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” in the middle of the service. There were the talent shows for Juneteenth where she covered “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” three years in a row and won each time. She was the star of the school musicals, except for The Wiz her senior year, when she lost the role of Dorothy because she had to leave the audition early to pick up her mom at work. She’s still a bit miffed about not getting that part. Monáe soon passed a bigger audition, for the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, and headed to New York. She studied musical theater and shared a small apartment with a cousin where she didn’t even have a bed to herself. When she wasn’t in class, she was working. Meanwhile, an old friend was having the college experience Monáe desired, in Atlanta, so she relocated. The rest is well-trod history in the myth-building of Monáe: She was an Afro’d neo-soul singer strumming her guitar on college quads and working at Office Depot. She was fired from that job for using one of the company’s computers to respond to a fan’s e-mail, an incident that inspired the song “Lettin’ Go.” That song caught the attention of Big Boi, who put her on Outkast’s Idlewild and helped connect her with Sean Combs. “I’m-a be honest with you,” her dad says, recalling an invite to one of Monáe’s shows in Atlanta, where Combs was supposed to be in the house. “I was like, ‘Yeah, right.’ I didn’t think Puff Daddy was coming.” Skepticism aside, Michael Robinson was proud of the invite. He’d recently gotten sober, and the two were repairing their relationship. He spent much of Janelle’s childhood hearing about her immense talents from the more-present members of their family. He was honored that they had come far enough for Monáe to want him to be there for such an important concert. But he still didn’t believe Puffy would be there. “I go down there with my two cousins, and she says, ‘Dad, everyone’s gonna know you’re not from here. Your jeans are creased.’ ” Fashion faux pas aside – he insists he hasn’t creased his jeans since – Robinson was in for a pleasant surprise when one of his cousins spotted Combs and Big Boi in the back. It was the beginning of his daughter’s new life, and he was just in time to be along for the journey. “I remember thinking, ‘This is what the big time is like,’ ” he muses. “They had all the cameras, all the lights. It was all about Janelle.” Wondaland Arts Society’s headquarters feels like a utopian synthesis of Monáe’s past lives in Kansas City and Manhattan. It sits inconspicuously in the midst of suburban Atlanta and looks like every other neighborhood home, with its two floors and brick exterior. Inside is much more ostentatious, with vintage clocks wallpapering the foyer, pristine white couches in the communal living spaces, and books and records everywhere. It mimics the close-knit, constant accessibility of her childhood in Kansas City, with all its artists popping in and out of the space throughout each day to record new music, rehearse for shows and present the final product to the rest of the collective. At one point, the singer-rapper Jidenna shows up, having recently returned from a trip to Africa – everyone immediately starts teasing him about his newly buff physique. Simultaneously, Chuck Lightning, seemingly the more extroverted half of two-man funk act Deep Cotton, who make their own music as well as work with Monáe, grabs a bowl of quinoa from the kitchen as Monáe doles out decisions on which version of the “Pynk” video will be released (they settle on the one without the spoken-word love poem that appears within the song in the film). Monáe recorded most of Dirty Computer here, in a small studio with Havana-inspired decor. Guests and collaborators ranged from Grimes to Brian Wilson, who added harmonies to the title track. The album’s liner notes cite Bible verses and a recent Quincy Jones interview alongside Monica Sjöö’s The Great Cosmic Mother and Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther. But she was particularly close to one inspiration. Monáe was good friends with Prince, who personally blessed the album’s glossy camp tone and synthed-out hooks. “When Prince heard this particular direction, he was like, ‘That’s what y’all need to be doing,’ ” Lightning says. “He picked out that sound as what was resonating with him.” Prince gave highly specific music and equipment recommendations from the era they were drawing on, including Gary Numan, whom he loved. “The most powerful thing he could do was give us the brushes to paint with,” Lightning says. Rumors spread that Prince co-wrote the single “Make Me Feel,” which features a “Kiss”-like guitar riff. “Prince did not write that song,” says Monáe, who sorely missed his advice during the production process. “It was very difficult writing this album without him.” Prince was the first person to get a physical copy of The ArchAndroid – she presented the CD to him with a flower and the titles written out by hand. “As we were writing songs, I was like, ‘What would Prince think?’ And I could not call him. It’s a difficult thing to lose your mentor in the middle of a journey they had been a part of.” Stevie Wonder was another early fan of Monáe, and a conversation between them – Wonder insisted she record it – appears as an interlude on Dirty Computer. At one point, years ago, her budding friendships with both legends collided: She had to choose between playing with Prince at Madison Square Garden or with Wonder in Los Angeles. Prince encouraged her to pick Stevie. On election night in 2016, Monáe found herself experiencing an unfamiliar emotion. “For the first time,” she says, “I felt scared.” Overnight, she went from living in a country whose president loved her music and had her perform on the White House lawn to one where it felt like her right to exist was threatened. “I felt like if I wake up tomorrow,” she says, “are people going to feel they have the right to just, like, kill me now?” Monáe had already been a committed activist. In 2015, with members of Wondaland, she created “Hell You Talmbout,” which demands we say the names of black Americans who have been victims of racial violence and police brutality. Before #MeToo and Time’s Up, Monáe created an organization, Fem the Future, which stemmed from her frustrations about opportunities for women in the music industry. She was called on to perform at the 2017 Women’s March and to speak about Time’s Up while introducing Kesha at the Grammys. “We come in peace, but we mean business,” she told the cheering crowd. That sums up Monáe’s mindset in the Trump era. She hopes not to destroy the oppressors but to change their minds. “The conversations might not happen with people in the position of power,” she says, “but they can happen through a movie, they can happen through a song, they can happen through an album, they can happen through a speech on TV. Most of them will probably turn off their TVs, but . . .” She’s in a New York hotel now, two weeks before the album’s release. “There’s some anxiety there, but I feel brave,” she says, teetering between her typical sternness and a bit of vulnerable shakiness. No tears will be shed today. “My musical heroes did not make the sacrifices they did for me to live in fear.” Her activism isn’t the focus of Dirty Computer, but it’s there, hovering above every note. She ended band rehearsal in Atlanta by asking the musicians to reflect on how American this album is. Monáe’s America is the one on the fringes; it accepts the outsiders and the computers with viruses, like the ones she thought she had. She understands the significance of now making her personal life a bigger, louder part of her art. She cites the conversation around one of her films as an example of how she might use her own story to engage with more-conservative listeners. “When I did Hidden Figures, there were some Republican white men tweeting about it and how they just felt bad. You could feel through their tweets that they were just like, ‘These black women did help us get to space. How could we treat them like that?’ ” Meanwhile, she’s again anticipating questions from her family back in Kansas. She seems more worried about them than what anyone else has to say. Still, Dirty Computer is meant to be a celebration, and if she loses a few people along the way, Monáe seems OK with that risk. “Through my experiences, I hope people are seen and heard,” she says, sitting at a hotel-room desk, dressed up from a day of promo in a puffy black-and-red jacket, matching red pants and terry-cloth hotel slippers. “I may make some mistakes. I may have to learn on the go, but I’m open to this journey.” She sighs, voice confident and stare unfaltering. “I need to go through this. We need to go through this. Together. I’m going to make you empathize with dirty computers all around the world.” 0 Everyone has been talking about this new Demi Lovato and Luis Fonsi's new song “Echame La Culpa,” and now the music video is officially out. It's actually a dope music video, see it below. 0 Scoopnest is a web media which finds for you the best tweets in real time! Get the top latest buzz on Twitter about everything you like : Breaking news, Sports, People, Fashion, Business, Entertainment, Health, Technology, Finance, etc... We sort and classify the best buzzing tweets in categories that interest you the most. With Scoopnest, no need to spend hours to find the tweets that give you a real scoop, you can save time by discovering straight away the most important things of Twitter! 0 At age 30, Rihanna is older, wiser and in cherish. The R&B and pop superstar is celebrating her birthday about eight months after she first stepped out with Saudi boyfriend Hassan Jameel. This relationship is utterly different from the past ones Rihanna has been identified to have. She has notoriously dated fellow tune artists—there turn into her past relationship with Chris Brown, which ended horrifically, and extra honest now not too lengthy ago, Drake, with whom she had on the overall collaborated and performed with. Hassan has nothing to assemble with the tune commercial. He is also doubtlessly the wealthiest man she’s ever dated. He is a billionaire who serves as the deputy president and vice president of the family-owned Abdul Latif Jameel, a conglomerate that’s one amongst the excellent agencies on this planet and which completely owns Toyota distribution rights in Saudi Arabia. In accordance with The Honest, his family fortune is estimated to be approximately $1.5 billion. His family is so rich that they even dangle their dangle pro so 0 Ronald Martinez/Getty Images This feature is a part of our Most Influential People Behind The Scenes In Sports series. Erin Andrews has managed to do what only a handful of broadcasters have ever done — leave ESPN and became more popular than ever. She's one of the faces of Fox Sports 1. She's on air during the biggest sporting events of the year. And she continues to expand her list of broadcasting duties beyond sideline reporting. Everyone, ESPN especially, is trying to find the next Erin Andrews. When you look back at her career arc, though, you see she had to put it a lot of hard work before she exploded in popularity. 0 "Meanwhile, he didn't exactly take the news that Kourtney had a boyfriend well. ""I get a little jealous,"" he admitted early on. And as recently as February he was ""still insanely jealous,"" a source told E! News—though, having started dating Richie last September, he doesn't have any more legs to stand on there. Kris Jenner, who has tirelessly embraced Scott as if he were one of her own kids, noticed right away that he was having issues with Kourtney's new relationship, especially after he put on a robe and got in bed during a trip to Williams Sonoma with her. ""The situation is extremely hard and complicated, but I do have my own priorities and things that I need to focus on. He's just not my biggest concern anymore,"" Kourtney mused after telling her mom to ask Scott herself if she was so worried about him. The predictably unpredictable son of a moneyed New York family who became a reality-TV star at 24 and is now invested in the luxury house-flipping trade has had his raw moments with the family before, especially when Kourtney finally let him go in 2015 and he felt that his relationships with Kris, Khloe and Kim were slipping away. But it took literally years before anyone, Kourtney included, knew what was really going on with her and Scott, since the two of them still went on cozy-looking trips and spent as much time with the kids together as possible. It really wasn't until she started dating Younes that the are-they-getting-back-together speculation stopped. If it has, indeed, stopped." 1 Teen Mom OG Tyler Baltierra is in great shape. The latest evidence came after he posted an image of his 40 pounds weight loss Baltierra, 26, told his fans: Hard work is paying off! It’s been 6 months since completely changing my eating habits, I dropped 40lbs & now it’s time to cut it all up with these workouts, BOOM! 👊🏻😏💪🏻😜 #CrushingThesePersonalGoals#ItFeelsGreat PHOTOS: Farrah, Catelynn & Amber Bury The Hatchet, Go On Triple Date In LA — Plus, Their MTV Movie Awards Outfits! Baltierra, who is married to Catelynn Baltierra, has been shedding weight in 2018 and the results are for all to see. And he has been posting images via social media to update his fans on his amazing progress. “26lbs DOWN!!!” he wrote in January. PHOTOS: Big Spender! ‘Teen Mom’ Star Catelynn Lowell Blows Hundreds On Target Clothes “To be honest I didn’t even want to take a before picture, because I was already thinking of me not sticking with it & then having the evidence of failure to look back on. But DAYYUMM dude! This got me feeling some type of way right now! Left picture was almost 5 weeks ago & right picture was today. Eating healthier just feels better & obviously looks better hahaha lol BOOM! #LifestyleChanges #Goals.” And it looks like the lifestyle changes in diet and exercise are working really well for him. RadarOnline.com reported recently that Baltierra had to pay out thousands of dollars in a renovations lawsuit. We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at tips@radaronline.com, or call us at (866) ON-RADAR (667-2327) any time, day or night. 0 Video: We compare Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton's unique fashion style How do the Duchesses fashions compare? The Duchess of Sussex and the Duchess of Cambridge both have their own unique sense of style, but there is a significant overlap in how they dress. Both Meghan and Kate favour neutral shades such as beige, cream and pale pink, and both regularly wear nude heels for official engagements. In the colder months, they both often wear chic knee length coats and regal dresses by their favourite designers. Kate tends to lean towards Alexander McQueen and Jenny Packham, whereas Meghan is a fan of Givenchy and Roland Mouret. For less formal occasions, they both like skinny jeans and pristine white shirts - and are known for throwing in a few high-street hits from time to time. Royal protocol calls for members of the royal family to wear nude coloured tights while on formal official engagements and both Meghan and Kate are known for their love of hats by renowned milliner Philip Treacy. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO: Loading the player... Kate and Meghan's fashion compared 1 "If a picture speaks a thousand words, then the Instagram accounts of Jennifer Lopez and boyfriend Alex Rodriguez could tell one epic story. Within hours of each other on Jan. 24, the former Yankee slugger posted a photo of a cryptic quote: “There’s nothing wrong with making a mistake, what’s wrong is not making the effort to make it right,” and the Shades of Blue star shared a photo of a gigantic bouquet of flowers Alex had sent her. The next day, she uploaded a selfie and captioned the photo, “It’s all in God’s hands always,” along with the hashtag #letgoandletgod. According to an insider, “That was aimed directly at Alex.” Hollywood’s hottest duo is on the verge of flaming out. Jennifer, 48, is privately questioning her relationship with her boyfriend of nearly a year after learning he’s still in touch with former fling Lauren Hunter, a fitness model, who last year claimed in an interview that Alex, 42, had been sexting her for months — including while he was dating J.Lo. Recently, “someone went to Jennifer with new details that Alex was still texting with Lauren, and that’s what made Jennifer lose it,” the insider tells In Touch. “Of course, he said it wasn’t physical, and maybe it wasn’t, but in Jennifer’s book, that’s still cheating. They were head-over-heels in love and planning to get engaged. Now Alex’s actions have jeopardized everything.” The damage runs deep. Jennifer, who’s endured three failed marriages, “was heartbroken to hear that Alex was talking to Lauren,” says the insider. “Even though they didn’t meet in person, Jennifer considered it a betrayal. Now she has friends and family watching out for her best interests, which means checking in and asking about Alex’s antics.” She has good reason to worry. Last June, a month after Jennifer and Alex made their red carpet debut at the Met Gala in NYC, Lauren claimed in a bombshell interview that she was in frequent contact with the ex-athlete, whom she met at an Equinox gym in 2011. “A week before his relationship with Jennifer was announced, he was asking me to go to Miami,” she claimed. “He never even mentioned her.” Lauren also alleged that Alex (who has kids Natasha, 13, and Ella, 9, with ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis) cheated on then-girlfriend Cameron Diaz with her in 2011. Jennifer “would be an idiot to believe he’d be faithful,” she said. She also called Jennifer too vanilla for him. “I don’t think he’s sexually attracted to her,” she dished. “In bed... he's probably picturing me."" Jennifer, mom to nine-year-old twins Max and Emme with ex Marc Anthony, turned a blind eye to the initial interview. Now, she’s not sure what to believe. “Jennifer’s still on the fence,” says the insider. “She can either cut her losses and walk away from the relationship, or she can fight for it. I think she’ll fight for it.” More from In Touch Alex Rodriguez Encourages New Girlfriend Jennifer Lopez to “Sex up” Her Wardrobe (EXCLUSIVE) Jennifer Lopez Hints That She Has Made a Sex Tape — Watch the Scandalous Clip! Scott Disick Doesn't Think Tyga Should Ask for a DNA Test — and We're Like, Same (REPORT)" 1 "Chloe Bennet is currently vacationing in Hawaii, and if her Instagram is anything to go by, it seems like she's having an amazing time soaking up all the sunshine and surf. And though it all seems innocuous enough, there's one little detail that has some fans making a lot of assumptions...and that little detail is who she's with. Chloe seems to be on vacation with YouTuber Logan Paul . E! reports that the two are set to star in a 2018 remake of Valley Girl together, and perhaps that is where they became friends. According to her Instagram, they wrapped filming last week . And in celebration, it looks like she and Logan are enjoying the island life with some other friends. However, just a few days ago, news surfaced that Chloe had reportedly separated from her beau of four years, Austin Nichols . As E! notes, a source told Just Jared , ""They have tremendous love and respect for each other, but after almost four years, they just drifted apart. There are no hard feelings."" Loading View on Instagram And while neither Chloe nor Austin have commented on the split yet, the fact that she and Logan were spotted kissing on the beach seems to indicate that the buzz is true. (Side note: Logan is holding what appears to be a selfie stick, proving there is never an inopportune time to strike a pose.) Pinterest Splash News As such, we now have a bunch of ""Chlogan"" shippers spamming the two's Instagram. It should be noted that everyone involved is an adult, and it's nice to see that things can move on in an amicable, mature way. Hope the two are having as much fun as it looks like they are! Related: Why Some People Are Upset Over the New Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer Check this out:" 0 Is Robsten back from the dead? Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson reunited and got ‘Twilight’ fans buzzing, but we’ve EXCLUSIVELY learned if these two exes are getting back together or not. For one moment, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan was once again a couple and all was right in the world for Twilight fans. Ex-lovers Robert Pattinson, 28, and Kristen Stewart, 32, attended Lily-Rose Depp’s 19th birthday party on June 1. However, don’t expect their love to rise from the grave. “There’s no chance of any kind of romantic reconciliation for Rob and Kristen,” a source close to Rob EXCLUSIVELY tells HollywoodLife.com. “That ship has well and truly sailed, and way too much has passed between them to ever reunite in that way. Plus, Kristen is really happy with Stella [Maxwell], they have an amazing relationship.” While there’s no chance that RPatz and KStew will date again, it’s not all bad, as the source tells HollywoodLife.com that Rob thinks it’s “great” that they’ve “finally got to a place where they can be friendly when they see each other in public. Rob would love to see more of Kristen, he still cares for her deep down, and probably always will—she was his first real love.” As for Kristen, she “feels a little awkward when she sees Rob,” because she still “carries a lot of guilt” from how their romance ended (you know, what with her cheating on him with Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders.) However, the source says that Rob has repeatedly told her that “everything is good between them, and he doesn’t harbor any bad feelings towards her.” Too bad, Twilight fans. Bella’s not getting back with Edward – or Jacob, for that matter. This should come as no surprises, as the two didn’t really seem to be that enamored with each other at Lily-Rose’s birthday party, as a source from the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles – where the bash was held – EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife.com that they had “very cordial conversations, but it was minimal at best.” Oh, there was no drama – but there was no real chemistry either. Oh well. Prior to the birthday bash, Robert and Kristen had a “low-key meet-up” in February 2018. Both Twilight stars were at a bar/restaurant in Los Angeles’ Silver Lake neighborhood. Eagle-eyed fans tweeted their excitement, hoping that they could “maybe start over again …but this time it means forever.” Sadly for these fans, the only way they can see Bella and Edward back together is in the pages of Stephenie Meyer’s books. 1 In a video viewed more than 6m times on Twitter, 21-year-old Chika Oranika summed up the current feelings of many black Americans about Kanye West. She delivered her own lyrics over the beat of the rap star’s Jesus Walks. “How you say you Yeezus but do nothing to restore us? You support the people up in power that abort us,” she raps into the camera. “It don’t matter how much money you got or you lack, when that cheque clear don’t forget that your children are still black.” Why the opprobrium, which has come from activists, Hollywood stars and fellow musicians, as well as withering online freestyles? West, one of the most significant, complex and celebrated rappers in the US, has used a 350-tweet stream of consciousness over the past fornight to throw his support firmly behind Donald Trump. But yesterday, he went way beyond party politics in an interview with TMZ, saying, in a sloppy bit of rhetoric: “You hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years? That sounds like a choice.” Host Van Lathan tore back at him: “While you are making music and being an artist and living the life that you’ve earned by being a genius, the rest of us in society have to deal with these threats to our lives.” Roxane Gay reacted on Twitter by calling his comments “dangerous” and “trite, shallow … he is not a free thinker. He is a free moron.” Play Video 2:34 From Taylor Swift to Hurricane Katrina: five of Kanye West's memorable outbursts – video Black America’s dismay at West has been brewing for some time. He puzzled many when he posed for photos with Trump in December 2016, making him one of the first celebrities to apparently endorse the new president. But his recent tweets left no room for doubt. He posted a picture of himself wearing the Trump campaign’s Make America Great Again cap, and tweeted: “You don’t have to agree with Trump but the mob can’t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother.” After an intervention by a presumably somewhat weary Kim Kardashian, West wrote: “My wife just called me and she wanted me to make this clear to everyone. I don’t agree with everything Trump does. I don’t agree 100% with anyone but myself.” In response, R&B singer Frank Ocean emerged from hibernation with a sarcastic screengrab of the time West went off-script during a 2005 Hurricane Katrina appeal to say “George Bush doesn’t care about black people”, the intimation being that it is now West who doesn’t care. Samuel L Jackson suggested West was courting an audience in “the sunken place” – the psychic interzone in the horror film Get Out into which black people are hypnotised and silenced (the film’s director, Jordan Peele, has previously linked it to Trump’s America). Facebook Twitter Pinterest Dragon brothers? West with Donald Trump, 2016. Photograph: REX/Shutterstock “So many people who love you feel so betrayed right know because they know the harm that Trump’s policies cause, especially to people of colour,” West’s friend John Legend wrote in a text message that West posted on Twitter. The rap star wrote back: “You bringing up my fans or my legacy is a tactic based on fear used to manipulate my free thought.” Among ordinary Americans, meanwhile, there was seething anger at West supporting someone who has reportedly said “laziness is a trait in blacks”; who campaigned for the death penalty for the black teenagers, later proven innocent, in the Central Park Five case; and who thought there were some “very fine people” marching alongside neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville. Reacting to – or having perhaps anticipated – all this, West released a new track, Ye Vs the People, the first music from two new albums being released in June. In a dialogue with the American people (vocalised by rapper T.I.), Kanye tries to detoxify the Trump brand and reclaim his Make America Great Again slogan: “Wearin’ the hat’ll show people that we equal,” he raps, arguing for a why-can’t-we-all-just-get-along humanism. He ultimately distils the debate thus: “You on some choosin’ side shit, I’m on some unified shit.” So many people who love you feel so betrayed right know – John Legend For Kanye, this chapter is just the latest incident in an uncompromising career. At the turn of the century, as a beatmaker for Jay-Z and others, he really did seem to be on “some unified shit”, taking the chopped-up soul samples of “backpack” hip-hop and pairing them with the blockbuster tropes of mainstream rap production; he then successfully segued into being a unified producer-rapper. His first two albums charmed the whole spectrum of rap fans with their diversity and humour: he riffed on black cultural reference points – slow-jam love songs, social climbers – like a standup comedian. His albums became more ambitious with each new release, unifying diverse cultural reference points – Graduation sampled Daft Punk and explored a more electronic sound; 808s & Heartbreak used Auto-Tune to reflect and enact emotional dissonance, to brilliant effect; My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was as operatic as the title suggests. His interest in visual art grew, with artists from Takashi Murakami to George Condo commissioned for his album covers; he designed his own fashion collections and collaborated with Adidas. In 2013, he said: “Creative genius, that’s my title. My title is not rapper any more.” West positioned himself as a rounded aesthete, obsessed with form and how art impacts society – his Twitter feed has recently featured everything from tech solutions for water desalination to artists Joseph Beuys and David Hammons. Part of his attraction to Kardashian seemed to be her very iconography: “My girl a superstar all from a home movie”, he wondered admiringly on 2012 track Clique. Facebook Twitter Pinterest With his wife Kim Kardashian in the video for Famous. Photograph: Tidal He also continued his analysis of black America. On the same track he raps: “You know white people get money, don’t spend it / Or maybe they get money, buy a business / I’d rather buy 80 gold chains and go ig’nant.” West sees himself as celebrating the economic freedom black Americans were denied for decades, and to which they still have much less access than whites. It’s an extension of a key Jay-Z line – “I do this for my culture, to let ’em know what a nigga look like, when a nigga in a roadster” – from Izzo (HOVA), a track that Kanye produced. On New Slaves, meanwhile, from 2013 album Yeezus, West expressed a more nuanced version of his slavery comments this week: that black Americans were subject to a new kind of slavery, the rabid consumerism for Maybach cars and Alexander Wang clothes that traps them in economic bondage. Julius Bailey, a philosophy professor at Ohio’s Wittenberg University, who has edited a book of essays called The Cultural Impact of Kanye West, argues that West should be criticised for his TMZ interview, but “on the basis that he didn’t speak to the material implications of post-chattel slavery,” as he has done on New Slaves and Clique. “Kanye’s heartfelt apology [to Van Lathan on TMZ after his comments] was a way of realising that his words, when not qualified or contextualised, do more damage than the emancipating good he seeks.” Some of West’s other lyrics have been similarly clumsy, even offensive. He sampled Billie Holiday’s Strange Fruit, a song about lynching, for Blood on the Leaves, a song about the destructive power of fame in which he also compared a man having his wife and mistress separated at a basketball game to apartheid. And since Yeezus, his self-obsession has become stifling. His 2016 album The Life of Pablo has a great skit called I Love Kanye, where he imagines: “What if Kanye made a song about Kanye called I Miss the Old Kanye? Man, that’d be so Kanye!” In the wake of his slavery comments, the skit stops being funny: black people really do miss the old, outward-looking Kanye. Rapper Meek Mill summed up the thoughts of many when he posted an image of Kanye to Instagram yesterday, surrounded by the words “RIP Old Kanye” and quoting Kanye’s lyrics back at him: “I feel the pressure, under more scrutiny / And what I do? Act more stupidly.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Kanye West xAdidas show, autumn/winter New York, 2015. Photograph: Leandro Justen/BFANYC.com/REX/Shutterstock The problem is that Kanye’s self-scrutiny has become so advanced that he is beginning to see the world purely through the prism of Kanye, rather than the eyes of black America. That’s harmful not just to himself, but to an ongoing civil rights struggle in a still-racist US; his provocations have the potential to embolden the alt-right and others who would diminish the standing of African Americans. Like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, both figures he admires, it’s hard to place Kanye on to a left-right political binary. His personal political philosophy doesn’t neatly dovetail with existing belief systems – witness how the alt-right embraced him after his championing of Trump, and then deserted him when he also championed Parkland shooting survivor and activist Emma Gonzalez last weekend. His embrace of Trump – as with his embrace of black conservative commentator Candace Owens, whom he met with after tweeting “I love the way [she] thinks” – is, to him, apolitical. “I see it as simply being contrarian and a bit arrogant, not an actual cosigning of the ideas espoused by Trump relative to immigration, urban policy or militarism,” Bailey says. “He’s being a fan of wealth.” Kanye champions Trump’s “energy” and sees in him the same self-creation that he wants for himself, and, perhaps, for black America – but like other successful, moneyed libertarians, he has become cut off from reality, and assumes that all you need to make it is willpower, perhaps helped along by his inspirational bromides on Twitter (today’s being “Most fear is learned”). Insulated by his money and cultural clout, West is immune from the draining power of Trump’s energy and the legacies of slavery, and is free to celebrate or question them. The racism he has experienced – being ostracised by pop radio and high fashion – is real and clearly painful, as he returns to the subject in another interview this week with radio host Charlamagne tha God. Yet having eventually been given access to fashion at least, West seems to believe that all black people can have that kind of agency – that self-belief alone can set you free. It’s the kind of illusion that makes Trumpism so seductive. Any analysis is complicated by West’s hospitalisation for two weeks in 2016 after a mental breakdown, following intense touring and an incident where Kardashian was robbed in Paris. He has recast the episode as a “breakthrough” and says he is using medication that “helps calm me down”; Kardashian has expressed frustration at how Kanye is framed as mentally ill when he is “just being himself when he has always been expressive”. And of course, there is a long history of black people being dismissed as crazy. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Kanye West performing on The Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury, 2015. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA A more generous reading is that Kanye still cares a lot about black America, and in some ways he is a victim of an increasingly dogmatic, polarised culture – one created, in part, by his and Trump’s mouthpiece of choice, Twitter. “Slavery in America was from 1618 to 1865?” asks Bailey. “If so, 400 years takes us to 2018, which [chimes with] exactly what all those black nationalists, anti-colonialists, some academicians, and even George Clinton called for, namely an emancipation of the mind.” Kanye is frustrated by the social homogeneity he perceives: “See that’s the problem with this damn nation / All blacks gotta be Democrats, man, we ain’t made it off the plantation,” he raps in Ye Vs the People, suggesting that supporting Republicans is an expression of black freedom. “I vehemently hate the ‘sunken place’ reference, for Kanye has proven his bona fides in black emancipation and black love,” says Bailey. “We know, via his own words on his albums and interviews, that he stands against racism in all its forms. Kanye may be arrogant, mentally unstable, narcissistic and insensitive but, for him, he is free.” • This article was amended on 3 May 2018 to add the word “reportedly” in relation to a quote attributed to Donald Trump: while a former employee said in a 1991 book that Trump had told him “laziness is a trait in blacks”, Trump has denied saying that or anything like it. 1 2.4k SHARES Share TweetPhotos of arrested illegal immigrants from cage-like cells moved viral this weekend. Liberals were too quick to disperse this shocking picture, as proof of President Donald Trump’s cruelty. But their incredible blunder just backfired. Now, they’re screwed.The answer, naturally, is a resounding no. Democrats will do anything to undermine the president’s work. That includes being underhanded, manipulative, and cruel as possible.Within the course of Trump’s period in office, we have seen liberals do some shockingly dreadful things. They’ve insulted his wife by criticizing her intelligence, state of origin, as well as her accent, demonstrating who the real racists and sexists are.Liberals didn’t hesitate to question his children’s psychological health, even calling Barron handicapped. That is not even mentioning the numerous times that left handed outlets edited videos or photos to create Trump look like a poor guy.However, what they did that this weekend actually takes the cake. A photo went viral throughout Twitter. The dreadful picture depicted arrested illegal immigrants. These individuals — arrested by our government — were made to stay in cages resembling dog kennels.It is too bad that these liberals did not bother to check the date on the film.Ex-Obama staffer Jon Favreau, in a now-deleted conversation, linked to a AZCentral.com article titled,”First glance of immigrant kids at holding facility” and said”This is occurring right now, and the only argument that issue is the way we force our government to get these kids back to their families as quickly as possible”His obvious intent was to slam the Trump government for its treatment of unaccompanied minors taken into custody at the border. [Source: Twitchy]Jon Favreau was among many liberals who assaulted Trump within this injustice. The famous Hollywood actor and director once worked for Obama as his speechwriter. So I guess he understood how better things were under the last government, right? This liberal celebrity is likely horrified every day over what he sees coming from the White House. I mean, that could let something as bad as this:How dreadful! Certainly the guy responsible for this is a total racist, who hates brown people. Liberals have every right to spread this photograph to as many people as possible.But wait, let’s look at the initial post. It was from ACCentral.com. As stated by the date, this was composed in 2014.That’s right, liberals. This photograph you are so outraged more than was taken through Obama’s administration.Liberals were not storming Twitter with demands for change. They were not calling Obama racist for treating kids like this. Why weren’t the overlords inside the mainstream press requiring answers from his government?Appears like liberals didn’t care when Obama mistreated illegals. Yet they accuse Trump of racism, dependent on nothing. All Trump wants to do is protect our border from crime and terrorism.He is not treating illegals like creatures. However, while Trump calls vile MS-13 members”animals,” Obama was treating children like creatures. Really makes you think.Liberals, in their own feverish hatred for Trump, unwittingly outed among Obama’s numerous sins. And their own. They pretend to care, as a response to Trump’s stance on immigration.Before Trump suggested the wall, liberals did not think twice about illegals. We all know that for a fact since this article has been around for FOUR decades, and they have said nothing.Featured Image Source H/T: MadWorldNewsLike this: Like Loading... 1 Kanye West hosted a private screening and party in honor of Damon Dash‘s new movie Honor Up on Friday and could not have looked happier. And the rapper, who has in recent years rarely smiled in public, had good reason to be; He and wife Kim Kardashian had several days earlier welcomed their third child, a baby girl, via surrogate. The reality star revealed on Friday that they named their newborn daughter—Chicago West. Guests included former Real Housewives of Atlanta star Claudia Jordan and rapper Pusha T. Jordan said Kim joined Kanye, who serves as the executive producer on Dash’s new movie, at the screening. 0 It’s over for Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus. The actor found love with the Saturday Night Live producer after his 2015 split from estranged wife Jennifer Garner. The pair went public with their romance in July 2017, but they ultimately called it quits in August 2018. Scroll down to see the timeline of Affleck and Shookus’ relationship. 0 TO MOVIEGOERS, Meg Ryan conjures up images of hearts, flowers and a perpetually pretty pout. But to her mother, Susan Jordan, Meg is something less than the cute-as-a-button queen of romantic comedies. In fact, she says, America’s sweetheart is a down and dirty liar. “I began reading all these falsehoods and lies about me in the press after she met Dennis Quaid,” the 60-year-old former schoolteacher said from her summer house in North Carolina. “These were lies constructed by my daughter in order to enhance her image – and certainly to protect Dennis Quaid.” Jordan’s shot at Ryan is the latest volley in the mother of all battles between her and her daughter. But, with the Ryan-Quaid marriage in tatters, and with Meg drifting off to find true love with “Gladiator” hunk Russell Crowe, Jordan hopes the rift with her daughter may soon be a thing of the past, too. The two have not spoken for a decade. Jordan maintains the break was sparked by a 1990 confrontation over Quaid’s drug use. Ryan, 38, implies that the problems with her mother go back much further – to the time, 23 years ago, when Susan walked out on her marriage. Ryan refused to comment for this story. “Everyone knows Meg as this wonderful persona, the saving angel for poor Dennis,” Jordan says, her voice trembling. “But I think it was a very handy thing for her to do, to present herself as a savior of this troubled soul who was a drug addict. How would it have looked if it came out that I had noticed this first? She had to discredit me to preserve her image.” And, while Ryan may be estranged from Jordan, she is eerily following in her mother’s footsteps with a similar marriage breakup. RYAN is about the same age as Jordan was when she left Meg’s father, Harry Hyra, driving away from Bethel, Conn., in her old Ford Pinto in search of a career 50 miles away in Manhattan. “Trust me, I know what it’s like to be lonely in a marriage,” Jordan says now. “I don’t know Russell Crowe from a hole in the wall, but I see them together in pictures and I can tell there is something there. I wish she finds the love she so desperately wants from him, and that she is finally happy.” Quaid has reportedly threatened Ryan that he will do everything he can to keep their 8-year-old son, Jack. That leaves Ryan in much the same position her mother was when she and Hydra decided it was better for their three children to stay with their father until Jordan had the money to support them. The children remained with Harry Hyra until the early 1980s, when Ryan went off to the University of Connecticut and the other children joined their mother, who was then teaching at a tony Connecticut prep school, Choate Rosemary Hall. Around that same time, Susan remarried, to journalist Pat Jordan, a man she calls the love of her life. Ryan has said in interviews that her mother abandoned her kids to pursue an acting career in New York – something Jordan hotly denies. Instead, she maintains, she worked as an assistant to a casting director for about a year while waiting for a job to open up at Choate Rosemary Hall. “One of the main reasons I took that job was so I could meet all the agents and introduce them to Peggy,” she says, using the family nickname for Ryan, who was then in high school. “I tried out once for a part in a TV commercial to help pay for basic expenses that my job couldn’t cover.” After Ryan’s graduation, Jordan began taking Ryan to casting agents, introducing her as a young actress, and Ryan began to get roles in commercials. In 1978, when she received her Screen Actors Guild membership card, she took her mother’s maiden name as her surname. In 1980, also through her mother’s connections, Ryan won her first part in a feature film – “Rich and Famous,” starring Candice Bergen and Jacqueline Bisset. For her part in Ryan’s rise to fame, Jordan says she got small thanks from her daughter. “When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1979, every member of my family came to see me in the hospital after my mastectomy except for Peggy,” Jordan says, her voice quivering. “She wouldn’t take one day off from college to come see me. She didn’t even call. She said she just didn’t feel comfortable.” BUT the real rift, Jordan maintains, came in 1990, when she first met Dennis Quaid. “Meg asked me what I thought of him, and I asked her, ‘Do you want me to tell you what I think, or what you want to hear?’ “She said, ‘Oh, no, Mom. I want to know your honest opinion.’ I said, ‘Well, he strikes me as being childish, undisciplined – but maybe that’s just Hollywood.’ “I didn’t understand him, but I could see what Meg was attracted to. He has a certain boyishness and charm that is very sexy.” What began as a mother’s disapproval turned into a mother’s worst nightmare when Jordan and her second husband, Pat, accepted an invitation from Ryan and Quaid to visit their home in Montana for Thanksgiving a little over a decade ago. “I noticed some very strange behavior on the part of Dennis. He was jumpy, jittery, red faced, constantly rushing into the bathroom, coming back calm, getting up and rushing to the bathroom or outdoors again. I thought, God, what is wrong here?” she recalls. Jordan claims Quaid’s behavior got even stranger during that visit. When she asked his advice about a trip to Florence, he became enraged. “I spread some things on the kitchen countertop in an attempt to show Dennis, and he just shoved them off of the counter, snapping, ‘I don’t have time for this right now.’ “I was so shocked I just stood there with my mouth open. Pat rose up from his chair – I thought he was going to grab Dennis by the shirt, he was so angry. I kept saying, ‘No, no, it’s OK,’ to Pat, but I don’t even think Dennis noticed. “I suspect he didn’t even know what he was doing. I just knew there was something terribly, terribly wrong with his behavior.” THE final straw came during Thanksgiving dinner, a meal punctuated with frequent silences – and one final creepy moment. “The Berlin Wall was just coming down, and Dennis made some crazy comment, and I remember piping up, ‘Dennis, that is just ridiculous!’ and he just stared at me with this incredibly jittery, almost wild look in his eyes. “Pat stood up at the table and said, ‘Susan, come on, let’s go.’ Peggy looked terrified that I was leaving. “I had no idea why until months later I thought she might have thought I knew about this [Quaid’s] drug problem. Did she think, what is it going to look like if America’s sweetheart is engaged to a drug addict?” Upon returning to her home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Jordan says she worried about Quaid’s behavior for months before confronting Ryan. “I called a dear friend who is a physician, who told me Dennis’ behavior sounded like cocaine addiction. I said, ‘Oh my God, can you get over it?'” The final straw, Jordan says, was when she read a newspaper story report of Quaid attempting to kick a photographer at the premiere of “Joe Versus the Volcano,” causing Ryan to burst into tears. “I called Peggy and asked, ‘Is it possible Quaid has a problem with cocaine?’ With that, she started to cry and said she didn’t want to talk about it. I left it at that. I was very worried, but how can you intrude on a grown child?” Tension flared again on the eve of Ryan’s planned wedding to Quaid in 1990. Jordan had phoned her daughter, who later called her back. “I have no idea to this day what prompted her to call me back that afternoon,” says Jordan. “She demanded to know why I thought Dennis was a drug addict. I said, ‘I never said I thought he was a drug addict, I asked you if he had a problem with cocaine.’ “Peggy said, ‘Who are you to even ask me that?’ I said, ‘I’m your mother! I have to ask you. I love you. I am concerned.’ She slammed the phone down. “She called me back later that evening to tell me the wedding was off. I tried to say, ‘Oh my goodness,’ but she hung up on me. Those were the last words I heard from her. “Then I began to read how I was the mother who had abandoned Peggy, that I was the woman who had left my marriage so I could pursue a coffee commercial. I never did say anything about Quaid’s drug addiction, but shortly after our argument he went into a drug rehab program.” RYAN and Quaid married in 1991 – but Jordan wasn’t invited. Although she tried to make contact with her daughter, Ryan refused her phone calls and eventually instructed her siblings and handlers not to reveal her address and phone number to her. Jordan claims Quaid contacted her right before Jack was born. “He told me I’d never be able to see my grandson,” she recalls sadly. Over the years, Ryan and Jordan grew more estranged. A 1992 article in Special Reports magazine in which Pat Jordan wrote about the family feud only exacerbated their problems. His vengeful expose, titled “The Meg Ryan Nobody Knows” portrayed the actress as a cold, spiteful child. In it, he said: “Meg is an ungrateful, manipulative, envious daughter who wouldn’t take one day off school to look after her cancer-stricken mother.” He also wrote about Dennis Quaid’s cocaine addiction. Ryan has told journalists she never read the piece. Now, Jordan says she wants to set the record straight – and someday make amends with Ryan. “If she called me now, I would tell her that I love her. It would give me peace to know that she is leading a happy life. She has always been a positive person – always the happiest and most generous child. “This is why I have been so befuddled all these years and why our estrangement has been so painful. “I can’t blame Dennis Quaid, but I think it’s strange it all started with him. Now, I hope it’s not to much to pray that this separation ends with him, as well.” 1 "Britain's biggest royal wedding in years -- the union of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle -- is finally here! Interested in Royal Family? Add Royal Family as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Royal Family news, video, and analysis from ABC News. Add Interest The couple’s May 19 wedding at St. George's Chapel will be a public affair, with TV cameras allowed inside the wedding ceremony and more than 2,000 members of the public invited to watch the carriage procession outside after the wedding. Matt Dunham/AP, FILE Here are all the details you need to know for Harry and Markle's wedding day. How you can watch the wedding In addition to the cameras inside St. George’s Chapel for the ceremony, the order of the service will be published online on Saturday so the public can follow along. Cameras will also line the carriage procession route in Windsor. ABC News and ""GMA"" will have special coverage from 5 to 10 a.m. ET live from Windsor, England. ""GMA"" co-anchor Robin Roberts and ""World News Tonight"" anchor David Muir, along with a team of reporters and royal experts, will have live updates and colorful commentary from Windsor and London. You don't need a TV either. The five hours of special coverage will be available to stream on ABC News' digital platforms including, ABCNews.com and GoodMorningAmerica.com, mobile apps, social platforms and over-the-top (OTT) services. Ready to throw a royal wedding viewing party? Click HERE for the ultimate guide. Prince Charles will walk Markle down the aisle Prince Charles will walk Markle from the quire, the area of St. George’s Chapel where the clergy and choir sit, to Harry. The procession in the nave, the central part of the church, will include Markle, the Dean of Windsor and Markle’s bridesmaids and page boys. Markle originally asked her dad, Thomas Markle Sr., to walk her down the aisle but chose her soon-to-be father-in-law after her father became unable to attend the wedding. Markle, 36, confirmed in a statement that her dad, who lives in Mexico, will not attend the wedding due to health concerns. Who's who in the wedding party Markle will not have a maid of honor by her side, as she did not want to single out one of her close circle of friends, sources told ABC News. She will though have bridesmaids and page boys, all children, by her side at her wedding. William and Kate's children -- Prince George and Princess Charlotte -- will take center stage at the wedding as a page boy and bridesmaid, respectively. Karwai Tang/WireImage via Getty Images Also joining Charlotte and George in the wedding party will be the three children of Markle's best friend, entrepreneur and style adviser Jessica Mulroney. Ivy Mulroney, 4, will serve as a bridesmaid, while her older brothers, 7-year-old twins Brian and John Mulroney, will join George as page boys. Also serving as a page boy will be Jasper Dyer, the 6-year-old son of Harry's mentor and close friend, Capt. Mark Dyer. Joining Charlotte and Ivy as bridesmaids will be two of Harry's goddaughters -- 3-year-old Florence van Cutsem and 2-year-old Zalie Warren -- and two of Markle's goddaughters, 7-year-old Rylan Litt and her 6-year-old sister, Remi Litt. William will serve as best man on May 19, just as Harry served as best man at William and Kate's wedding in 2011. George Pimentel/WireImage/Getty Images Who will design Markle's dress? A top contender for designing Markle's gown is the design duo behind Ralph & Russo. Australian-born designers Tamara Ralph and Michael Russo drew the spotlight when Markle chose their jaw-dropping $75,000 gown for her engagement photos with Harry last December. Other possibilities for the coveted design assignment have included Christopher Bailey, the visionary behind the iconic British brand Burberry, British designer Stella McCartney, Canadian designer Erdem Moralioglu, and Roland Mouret, a close friend of Markle's. George Pimentel/WireImage/Getty Images British designer Victoria Beckham, whose sweater Markle wore in her engagement photos with Harry, has denied she is creating Markle's dress. ""Sadly not, but I'm sure she will look incredible in whatever she wears,"" Beckham said on the April 12th episode of CBS' ""The Late Late Show With James Corden."" Markle had her first fitting with the unnamed designer in January at Kensington Palace, royal reporter Omid Scobie told ABC News at the time. Markle's mom's important role Markle’s mom, Doria Ragland, is expected to be the only member of her family attending the wedding. She will accompany Markle by car from her overnight location to Windsor Castle on the day of the wedding. Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images Ragland, a Los Angeles-based yoga instructor and social worker, has spent the days before the wedding meeting Harry’s royal relatives and Harry and Markle’s closest friends in the U.K. POOL/Paul GroverPAUL GROVER/AFP/Getty Images Princess Diana's sentimental influence Princess Diana's memory will be kept alive at the wedding through the presence of her three siblings. Lady Jane Fellowes, Diana's sister, will deliver the reading at the wedding. Both Markle and Harry have said how important it is that Harry's late mother be included in their wedding. Anwar Hussein/Getty Images ""I think she would be over the moon, jumping up and down, so excited for me,"" Harry said when his engagement to Markle was announced. ""But then, as I said, [she] would've probably been best friends with Meghan."" Markle's engagement ring features two diamonds from Diana's personal collection. ""The little diamonds on either side are from my mother's jewelry collection to make sure that she's with us on this crazy journey together,"" Harry said in November. Location, location, location Harry and Markle will wed at St. George’s Chapel on the grounds of Windsor Castle, about 22 miles outside of London. St. George's Chapel is a smaller venue than Westminster Abbey, where Prince William and Kate tied the knot in 2011, and St. Paul's Cathedral, where Prince Charles and Diana wed in 1981. Dominic Lipinski/AFP/Getty Images The chapel, which can seat 800 people, is where Harry was baptized in 1984. It is also where Harry's father, Prince Charles, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, held a service of prayer and dedication at the chapel in 2005 following their marriage at Guild Hall. The last royal wedding to be held at St. George's Chapel was a decade ago, when Peter Phillips wed Autumn Kelly in May 2008, according to the chapel's website. Where Harry and Markle will stay The couple will stay at separate hotels on the eve of their wedding. Harry will be joined by his best man, William, at the Dorchester Collection's Coworth Park. Markle and her mother will stay at Cliveden House Hotel, on the National Trust's Cliveden Estate, according to Kensington Palace. Wedding day lineup The wedding will begin at noon local time, 7 a.m., ET, on May 19. The Right Rev. David Conner, the dean of Windsor, will conduct the wedding service. The Most Rev. Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, who baptized and confirmed Markle, will officiate when the couple takes their marriage vows. The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry, the 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, will give the address at the wedding. Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle have asked that The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry, the 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, give the address at their wedding : https://t.co/a14L7JGcAd #RoyalWedding pic.twitter.com/njqCaN55Gr — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 12, 2018 Harry and William will arrive by foot, entering through the chapel's west steps and walking past the crowds gathered outside the chapel on their way in. Markle will also enter the chapel through the west steps, joined by some of the bridesmaids and page boys. Following the hour-long wedding ceremony, the couple will meet in the chapel's Horseshoe Cloisterwith with 200 representatives of charities for which Harry has served as patron. Harry and Markle plan to undertake a carriage procession that will start at St. George's Chapel, leave Windsor Castle via Castle Hill, continue along High Street through Windsor Town before returning to Windsor Castle on a route called the Long Walk. Steve Parsons/PA Wire/PA Images They will be waved off on their carriage ride by members of the Royal Family. The guests at the wedding service will observe the sendoff of the carriage procession. After the carriage procession, the newlyweds will attend a lunchtime reception, hosted by Queen Elizabeth, at St. George's Hall, where they will rejoin their wedding guests. In the evening, a smaller group of 200 guests will attend a reception hosted by Harry’s father, Prince Charles, at Frogmore House. Frogmore House, also on the grounds of Windsor Castle, is the location Markle and Harry chose for their intimate engagement photos released by Kensington Palace in December. Both receptions will be closed to the public but there may be a second glimpse of Markle and Harry when they depart Windsor Castle for Frogmore House in the evening. The wedding cake's California connection Harry and Markle selected pastry chef Claire Ptak, owner of Violet Bakery in Hackney, East London, to design their wedding cake. Ptak, like Markle, was raised in California before moving to London. Her bakery is notable for using seasonal and organic ingredients in cakes. Ptak is creating a lemon elderflower cake with buttercream icing and fresh flowers as decorations, according to Kensington Palace. ?? 200 Amalfi lemons ?? 500 organic eggs from Suffolk ?? 20kgs of butter ?? 20kgs of flour ?? 20kgs of sugar ?? 10 bottles of Sandringham Elderflower Cordial The baking of the #RoyalWedding cake is under way! pic.twitter.com/b3jhwtOwOP — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 18, 2018 The choice of a lemon elderflower cake is a departure from the royal tradition of serving British fruit cake on the wedding day. William and Kate had two cakes on their wedding day in 2011, a traditional eight-tier fruit cake created by chef Fiona Cairns and a chocolate biscuit cake from a beloved Buckingham Palace recipe. See the gilded wedding invitations Roughly 600 invitations to Harry and Markle's wedding have been issued, Kensington Palace announced in late March. Victoria Jones/Pool via AP The invitations are printed in gold and black on English card using American ink, a process that some saw as a nod to Markle's American roots. Issued “in the name of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales,"" each invitation is accented with gilded edges and features The Three Feather Badge of The Prince of Wales, according to Kensington Palace. The names of invited guests were added by a calligraphy printer. Victoria Jones/Pool via AP The invitations were produced by Barnard & Westwood, a London-based fine printers and bookbinders company that has been making royal invitations since 1985. The man behind the camera Harry and Markle have selected Alexi Lubomirski to be the official photographer at their wedding. PA Wire/AP Lubomirski, a renowned portrait and fashion photographer, will take the official photographs at Windsor Castle following Harry and Markle's wedding at St George's Chapel. Lubomirski is a former assistant to Mario Testino, who was a favorite photographer of Harry's mother, the late Princess Diana. He was also selected by Harry and Markle to take their engagement photos at Frogmore House, Windsor, that were released by Kensington Palace in December. Markle's favorite bloom in the wedding flowers The wedding floral displays in St. George's Chapel will include white garden roses foxgloves and peonies, Markle’s favorite bloom, as well as local branches of beech, birch, and hornbeam. Markle and Harry have chosen Philippa Craddock to design the flowers for both the church service at St. George’s Chapel and the wedding reception at St. George’s Hall hosted by Queen Elizabeth. Craddock, based in Fulham, is one of the most notable florists in London, with clients including Kensington Palace, Hampton Court Palace, Alexander McQueen, Christian Dior, the Victoria and Albert Museum and British Vogue. Where possible, Philippa will use flowers and plants that are in season and blooming naturally in May, including branches of beech, birch and hornbeam, as well as white garden roses, peonies and foxgloves. — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) April 1, 2018 The flowers -- which will also include locally-sourced foliage from areas around Windsor Castle -- will be donated to various charities after the wedding, according to Kensington Palace. The soundtrack of the wedding Harry and Markle's wedding day will be illuminated by the sounds of a gospel choir, an organ, trumpets, a full orchestra, a soprano and a 19-year-old cellist who was personally asked by Markle. ""I was bowled over when Ms. Markle called me to ask if I would play during the ceremony,"" Sheku Kanneh-Mason said in a statement released by Kensington Palace. ""And of course I immediately said yes. What a privilege to be able to play the cello at such a wonderful event. I can’t wait!” 19-year-old cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason, winner of 2016 @BBCYoungMus. Last June, Prince Harry saw Sheku play at an event in London in support of the work of Antiguan charity the Halo Foundation. pic.twitter.com/C3QSfcbXJl — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) April 24, 2018 The music during the wedding ceremony will be under the direction of St. George's Chapel's director of music, James Vivian, and will also include the choir of St. George's Chapel, according to Kensington Palace. The entire ceremony will also be recorded live and released on Decca Records, a U.K.-based records label. The album, which will include a collector's booklet, will go on sale around the world on May 25, according to Decca Records. Harry and Markle's horse-drawn royal carriage The newlyweds will travel through Windsor Town and along the Long Walk in the Ascot Landau carriage. The carriage, which will be pulled by Windsor Grey horses, is one of five Ascot Landaus used by the royal family. Two of the Ascot Landaus were used at William and Kate's 2011 wedding, including carrying Harry in his role as best man. Take a closer look at the Ascot Landau carriage, which will take Prince Harry and Ms. Markle on a procession through Windsor Town after their wedding. pic.twitter.com/pXHg2tIjKS — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 2, 2018 The most celeb-studded royal wedding to date? Among the high-profile guests who could attend Harry and Markle's wedding are some of Markle's celebrity friends, including actress Priyanka Chopra and tennis star Serena Williams. Getty Images Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama will not be at the wedding at Windsor Castle, despite speculation they would attend. It is unclear whether the Obamas received an invitation but declined to avoid a political distraction. Markle and Harry decided against inviting political leaders from the U.K. and abroad to their wedding, meaning President Donald Trump and U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May will not attend. Markle has though invited several members of the cast of ""Suits,"" the TV show she starred on for seven seasons, ABC News has learned. Also expected to attend the wedding ceremony is Elton John, one of Diana’s closest friends who has worked with Harry on AIDs policy. Singers Ed Sheeran and Rihanna and members of Coldplay, who have all actively supported Harry's charitable work, could also get invites. Spice Girls star Mel B said on a talk show in February that all five Spice Girls have been invited to Harry and Markle's wedding. Stefan Wermuth/Reuters, FILE Mel B declined to comment on whether the Spice Girls would perform on the big day, saying, ""You’re going to get me fired! Let’s not talk about it anymore! Let’s pretend that I never said that.” Other members of the girl band have since indicated they will not be performing. Prince William and Princess Kate invited Ellie Goulding to perform at their wedding reception in 2011. Everyday people will play a role Harry and Markle have invited 2,640 people onto the grounds of Windsor Castle to see the wedding carriage procession as it departs. Matt Dunham/AP Members of the public were selected from different regions of the U.K. with a special emphasis on those who have served their community. The couple also invited 100 students from two local schools in Windsor that have a strong affiliation with Windsor Castle. Harry and Markle also extended invitations to 200 individuals who take part in charities and organizations for which Harry serves as royal patron. Armed Forces will play a role too More than 250 members of the Armed Forces will provide ceremonial support at both the wedding and the carriage procession, according to the U.K. Ministry of Defense. ""Members of the Household Cavalry will form a staircase party at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle as part of the wedding,"" the statement reads. ""The State Trumpeters and a Captain’s Escort from the Household Cavalry will also provide ceremonial support."" The members will come from British Armed Forces units with a “special relationship” to Harry, a veteran. Harry served two tours of duty in Afghanistan and rose to the rank of Captain during his time in the military. Prince Harry and Ms. Markle are pleased that members of the Armed Forces will play such a special role in their Wedding. The Military, and these units in particular, hold a great significance for Prince Harry and the couple are incredibly grateful for their support. — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) March 28, 2018 Is Markle planning this all on her own? Markle's best friend and stylist, Jessica Mulroney, is also a bridal planner and assisting Markle in the entire design and concept of the wedding party outfits and look for the reception. George Pimentel/Getty Images Mulroney is Canada’s best-known stylist who styled Markle during her seven-season run on the TV drama ""Suits,"" which films in Toronto. Since Markle's engagement to Harry, Mulroney helped select the dress and coat Markle wore on the day the couple's engagement was announced in November. Mulroney was also at Markle's side advising her on the gown and sweater Markle wore for her intimate engagement photos with Harry. Mulroney is the wife of Ben Mulroney, whose father is a former prime minister of Canada. The two are one of Canada's best-known power couples and are often considered Canadian royalty in Toronto. Who is paying for this celebration? Kensington Palace confirmed in a statement released after the couple’s engagement that Harry’s family would pay for the “core aspects of the wedding.” ""As was the case with the wedding of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, The Royal Family will pay for the core aspects of the wedding, such as the church service, the associated music, flowers, decorations, and the reception afterwards,” the statement read. Markle is expected to pay for her wedding dress. Security costs for the wedding day will come at the expense of U.K. taxpayers. Queen Elizabeth gives handwritten, formal consent Buckingham Palace shared an image of the handwritten Instrument of Consent. According to the Succession to the Crown Act of 2013, the first six people in line to the throne must obtain the consent of the Queen before marrying. Bearing The Queen's signature, the Instrument of Consent records Her Majesty's consent to the Marriage of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle. #RoyalWedding Find out more: https://t.co/KNUnxl0hUj pic.twitter.com/wsXTt4FzAn — The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) May 13, 2018 A design to the left of the text on the Instrument of Consent “incorporates a red dragon, the heraldic symbol of Wales, together with the U.K.'s floral emblems -- the rose, thistle and shamrock. It also features Prince Harry’s label, including three tiny red escallops from the Spencer family arms,"" according to Buckingham Palace. To the right of the text is a rose, which is the national flower of the United States, and two golden poppies, the state flower of California where Markle was born. Between the flowers is the Welsh leek, together with Harry’s label. Beneath the label are olive branches, adopted from the Great Seal of the United States. The document also incorporates the coronet for Harry. The honeymoon will be delayed Harry and Markle will delay their honeymoon and do a public engagement the week after the wedding. The newlyweds will attend Prince Charles's 70th birthday patronage celebration at Buckingham Palace on May 22, just days after their wedding. Markle and Harry will take a honeymoon sometime thereafter, before resuming a busy schedule of engagements for the rest of the year. The couple will not do any public engagements between now and their wedding day." 0 "Preliminary polling showed that there was high interest among women in an Oprah Winfrey presidential candidacy in 2020. According to a Quinnipiac poll in January, women would back the former talk-show host 58 percent to 33 percent against President Trump. Men were evenly divided, with 45 percent supporting each. But Winfrey shared that some influential men have encouraged her to consider a run for the White House. “I had a lot of wealthy men calling, telling me that they would run my campaign and raise $1 billion for me. I think that when you have that many people whose opinions you value coming at you, it's worthy of thinking about,” she told ""60 Minutes Overtime” correspondent Ann Silvio. Despite the offers, Winfrey said the lack of spiritual confirmation is what has kept her from seriously weighing a run. “If God actually wanted me to run, wouldn't God kind of tell me? And I haven't heard that,” she said. So for now, it seems as though we can count Winfrey out of a presidential race. “I am actually humbled by the fact that people think that I could be a leader of the free world, but it's just not in my spirit,” she told Silvio. “It's not in my DNA.” Much of the interest in the political aspirations of the mogul was rooted in her stirring Golden Globes speech on the sexual abuse and harassment of women by men in power. Winfrey, who in the past has talked about her own sexual abuse, has historically made respect for women part of her identity. “I was just trying to give a good speech. I was looking for a way to express what was going on in this moment in terms of gender and class and race. I cared about landing that speech in the room,” Winfrey said. Despite her past declarations of disinterest in running for president, many Americans rallied behind the moment. Overall, the Quinnipiac poll had Winfrey winning 52 percent of the vote to Trump's 39 percent if she ran against him in 2020. Trump's overall approval rating has inched up since Winfrey's speech, but he is in the midst of a scandal about the White House's handling of allegations against now-former staff secretary Rob Porter, who was accused of abuse by two ex-wives. Trump, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by almost 20 women, has regularly stood up for men on his side who have been accused of sexual abuse or harassment, including Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore in Alabama, Fox News Channel's Roger Ailes and former talk-show host Bill O'Reilly. And Saturday, in the middle of the Porter scandal, he did it again. “Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused — life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?” Trump tweeted. A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll showed that more than 8 in 10 men view sexual harassment of women in the workplace as a problem. And only 35 percent of men think that the amount of national attention given to the issue has been sufficient. It is clear from recent polling, Winfrey’s claims about male political donors as well as criticism against Trump that men also are looking for a leader who can respond effectively to the crisis of the abuse of women. But it won’t be Winfrey, apparently. However, the men who would back her in a presidential contest need not worry about her disengaging. “I do feel that I have a responsibility, as a person who has a big voice in this country, to use it to promote justice and kindness and goodwill in the world. But it has never felt to me that that was supposed to be political,” Winfrey said." 0 "The video will start in 8 Cancel Get celebs updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email The red carpet has finally been rolled out for the 24th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards , which will celebrate acting achievements in film and TV over the last year. Among the stars leading the glamour on the red carpet at LA's famous Shrine Exposition Centre was Get Out actress Allison Williams who pulled out all the style stops in a dramatic beaded silver gown, while Stranger Things actress Natalia Dyer dazzled in a pretty dress that featured a puffball skirt. Natalia's co-stars Gaten Matarazzo and Noah Schnapp also scrubbed up nicely in their sharp suits and bow ties. Alison Brie added an injection of colour with her bright red off the shoulder frock, while US TV host Giuliana Rancic stunned in a slinky beaded gown. (Image: WireImage) (Image: Getty Images North America) (Image: REUTERS) (Image: Getty Images North America) (Image: WireImage) (Image: WireImage) (Image: Getty Images North America) On the night, women and their stories are likely to dominate the ceremony that aims to transform the sexual misconduct scandal sweeping the United States into a celebration of female empowerment. The gala dinner will also be hosted by a woman - Kristen Bell, star of The Good Place TV comedy - and films by and about women are expected to fare well. ""We are acknowledging the year of the woman,"" said Kathy Connell, executive director of the ceremony, which takes place a day after hundreds of thousands of women turned out for marches throughout the United States. (Image: REUTERS) (Image: Getty Images North America) (Image: REUTERS) (Image: REUTERS) (Image: REUTERS) Fox Searchlight's dark comedy Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, about a furious woman seeking vengeance on male law enforcement officers for the rape and murder of her daughter, has a leading four nods, including the top prize of best cast ensemble. A24's mother-daughter comedy ""Lady Bird"" has three shots at a SAG statuette: best ensemble and for actresses Saiorse Ronan and Laurie Metcalf. (Image: Getty Images North America) (Image: WENN.com) (Image: REUTERS) (Image: REUTERS) (Image: REUTERS) Netflix's World War Two racial drama Mudbound, directed and written by a woman, and starring Carey Mulligan and Mary J. Blige, is also in the mix. Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8 Cancel Play now (Image: Getty Images North America) (Image: WireImage) (Image: Getty Images North America) (Image: FilmMagic, Inc) (Image: AFP) (Image: AFP) The SAGs are indicators of likely Oscar success because actors form the largest group of voters in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. SAG also hands out awards for television, with Big Little Lies, female wrestling drama Glow, The Handmaid's Tale, The Crown and women's prison series Orange is the New Black all competing." 0 "The deputies did not observe any injuries on Locklear, but the ""Dynasty"" star claimed she was hurt and visited a hospital before she was booked and released on bail, officials said." 0 The easiest place to draw inspiration for a Halloween costumes this year is right in front of you — your TV and computer screens. Take a cue from pop culture and dress up like your favorite characters from movies and shows. We have rounded up just about every person possible that you can morph yourself into for All Hallows' Eve. All it takes is some clothes from your own closet and a few additional items. Check out these 117 awesome ideas and make your friends jealous for being so brilliant this year. 0 Ted Cruz' Full 'Meet the Press' InterviewRepublican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) sat down with Chuck Todd to talk Trump, his pathway to the nomination and whether he will support any GOP nominee. 0 "The Duchess of Sussex has joined her husband and the Queen for the Queen's Young Leaders Awards in Buckingham Palace. This marks her first time attending the ceremony, which honors young people for leadership and service in their communities. For the event, Meghan Markle donned a light pink Prada short sleeve top and skirt set adorned with double-breasted button down the front. The Italian designer is a departure from her go-to label, Givenchy, who she previously wore at royal events including her wedding to Prince Harry. She accessorized today's look with black Aquazzura pumps and a Prada clutch. Facebook WATCH: The Queen, Sir John Major and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (wearing @Prada) arrive for the #QueensYoungLeaders awards ceremony: pic.twitter.com/myMV3RmaaS — Emily Nash (@emynash) June 26, 2018 Markle's neutral look was a hushed contrast to the Queen's bright yellow and green dress. It's the latest in impressive looks from the Duchess, who continues to impress even without a stylist, Vanity Fair reports. However, she does get style advice from Prince Harry, who occasionally weighs in on her looks. YouTube Getty Images The Duchess sat intently in the front row as her husband gave a speech and while the Queen honored the young recipients. As the Duke of Sussex addressed the crowd, he mentioned that his wife would be joining in on the work. ""I, together with my wife Meghan, look forward to convening young people from around The Commonwealth to hear your ideas, work with you to build platforms for you to collaborate and form partnerships, as we travel around in our work, he said, per royal commentator Omid Scobie. Getty Images Today's awards also marks another event hosted by the Queen and Markle, following their day of joint engagements in Chester, England earlier this month. That time, however, Prince Harry wasn't present. Aside from official business, Markle has also attended events with the Queen and the rest of the royal family, such as the Royal Ascot last week and Trooping the Colour, which honors Her Majesty's birthday, earlier this month. The @QueensLeaders award winners arrive in the ballroom: pic.twitter.com/avQEhtf0Ay — Emily Nash (@emynash) June 26, 2018 The Queen's Young Leaders Awards were created in 2014 to honor exceptional young people across the 52 nations of the Commonwealth, according to the royal family's website. Hundreds of people apply every year. By now, the program has created a community of 240 individuals. Her Majesty awards the recipients with medals then hosts a reception at Buckingham Palace. At last year's awards, a dinner followed at London's Australia House, which Prince Harry attended. Perhaps this time Markle will be by his side. From fighting for gender equality to tackling climate change, the #queensyoungleaders have received their Awards from HM The Queen for the amazing things they’re doing to improve the lives of others. Congratulations to each and every one of them. pic.twitter.com/O31SSRBAg4 — DiamondJubileeTrust (@qejubileetrust) June 26, 2018 The Sussexes weren't the only celebrities at the event; David Beckham was also in tow, looking dapper as ever. The last time we saw him at a royal event was at Harry and Meghan's wedding last month." 0 "The Biebs comes from a very poor, trashy family in Ontario--a teenage mother, a deadbeat father who only re-emerged when his kid became famous (and then they started getting tattoos, getting wasted, and getting laid together like father and sons do), and no hope in hell of a future. He was a cherubic kid with a lot of musical talent, and then the story goes that Usher ""discovered"" him on YouTube and the rest is history. We all know that when you make it as massive as Biebs did, with no solid family to ground him, a lot of dark shit unfolds. And the money beckons. Biebs is a bona-fide prolapsed asshole to be sure, but he is an uneducated high school dropout who came from a family that went for the money, and he became world-famous when he was a naive kid. He was the sacrifice. With a very cute face and hairless young body and a stage mother who pushed her little boy into show biz. During that journey to wealth and riches, you don't think he was a pass-around Patty to powerful men, like the execrable pervert Kevin Spacey, whose face has always been characterized by smugness and perversion? ..isn't Patty his fucking MOM'S name?! (I will not Google that)" 1 Splash; Cindy Ord/Getty; Robert Kamau/GC Images (2); Felipe Ramales/Splash Selena Gomez is a master in the art of quick changing. The songstress, 24, was spotted on Monday on her busy promo circuit in New York. As she swapped outfits from one appearance to the next, her style staples of the day were her Louis Vuitton’s crystal flower sandals that featured black suede baby goat leather and a transparent heel. You too can get the same shoe as Selena for $1,060. Get push notifications with news, features and more. For her first look, Gomez styled her Vuitton heels with a Jacquemus mini dress in the early morning. The navy ensemble was loose at the top and fitted through the body with a large button accenting the crossover V-neckline and split skirt. With a price tag of $696, the star’s outfit cost nearly $2,000. Next, the 13 Reasons Why executive producer stopped by the Elvis Duran and The Morning Show. Wearing the same LV sandals, Gomez changed into a bright orange dress from Christopher Kane’s pre-Fall 2017 collection. Her colorful look featured a deep V-neckline and a side slit. After, Gomez visited the SiriusXM studios for her Morning Mash Up interview wearing a black slip dress over a white tunic. Her Victor Glemaud resort ensemble was styled with Tura Inc sunglasses and her go-to Vuitton heels. Then, SelGo had all eyes on her when she opted for a matching neon pink-and-white printed polo shirt and pants set from Miu Miu’s Fall 2017 ready-to-wear collection. She changed up her hairstyle by gathering her beach waves into a high ponytail, and she gave her Louis Vuitton heels a fashion break by changing into silver Gianvito Rossi heels. FROM PEN: Amandla Stenberg’s Best Beauty Lesson Is One We All Need to Follow For her final interview, the multi-hyphenate wore a long black-and-white striped dress and leather jacket at the Music Choice offices. Back again were the Louis Vuitton heels! To wrap up her hectic day, Gomez dressed in a lacy black and white outfit by Opening Ceremony for a “date night” with boyfriend, The Weeknd, at Rao’s restaurant. Selena and The Weeknd with a fan in New York City tonight! pic.twitter.com/TE13wJWF8L — Selena Gomez News (@LifeWithSelG) June 6, 2017 The couple posed with several fans during their night out in NYC. No doubt, she will be cheering on The Weeknd at his Barclay Center concerts Monday and Tuesday evening. 0 President Trump and his administration just voted against a United Nations ban on the death penalty for being gay, making the United States of America (it’s hard to think this is actually really happening) just one of 13 other countries in the world to oppose such a historic vote.A few other notable countries who voted against the ban were China, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.The resolution wasn’t sought to ban the death penalty entirely, but instead to keep it from being imposed in a ‘discriminatory manner,’ particularly in six countries where the death penalty is used for people known to be in same-sex relationships: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, and Somalia.While some are saying that a ‘no’ vote might imply a rejection of the death penalty in general, The Human Rights Council resolution specifically stated that it condemned the “imposition of the death penalty as a sanction for specific forms of conduct, such as apostasy, blasphemy, adultery and consensual same-sex relations.”To have a ‘no’ vote puts the United States in a very select group of countries. Not exactly the best group to be in agreement with on an issue like this.Renato Sabbadini, the executive director of The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, said:“It is unconscionable to think that there are hundreds of millions of people living in states where somebody may be executed simply because of whom they love.” “This is a monumental moment where the international community has publicly highlighted that these horrific laws simply must end.”Since taking office, Trump has made a number of political appointments and policy moves against the LGBT community, including:Having The Department of Justice and Department of Education rescind guidance that defended the rights of transgender students to safety use bathrooms at schools that correspond to their gender identity.Saying publicly that transgenders could no longer serve in the military, and then issuing a directive to the Department of Defense to implement such an order.Signing an executive order in March that rescinded an Obama-era rule that companies have to prove they treat LGBT employees fairly.Fortunately, the measure passed with 27 countries voting for it, but it still sends a chilling message about a new United States agenda on human rights. 1 "Abel Tesfaye, known by his stage name The Weeknd, is a Canadian singer, songwriter and record producer. He rose to prominence following the release of his critically acclaimed mixtape House of Balloons, which was nominated for The Canadian Polaris Prize. After signing with the Republic Records in 2012, he released his debut studio album, Kiss Land the following year to positive reviews. In 2015, he won the Grammy Award for Best Urban Contemporary Album and Best R&B Performance for his second album, Beauty Behind the Madness. He has received a total of 79 awards out of 199 nominations. In 2018, Abel also won another Grammy for Best Urban Contemporary Album. Academy Awards [ edit ] The Weeknd was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song in 2016 for his song Earned It for the Fifty Shades of Grey: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, but lost to the British vocalist Sam Smith, who won for his Spectre theme song Writing's on the Wall. American Music Awards [ edit ] Latin American Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2017 Himself Crossover Artist of the Year Nominated ARIA Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2016 Himself Best International Artist Nominated [5] ASCAP Awards [ edit ] Rhythm and Soul Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2016 Earned It Top R&B/Hip-Hop Song Won [6] The Hills Award Winning R&B/Hip-Hop and Rap songs Won Ascap Pop Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2017 In the Night Award Winning Songs Won [7] Starboy Won Billboard [ edit ] Billboard Music Awards [ edit ] The Weeknd has won 8 awards out of 37 nominations. Billboard Latin Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2016 Himself Crossover Artist of the Year Nominated [11] Billboard Touring Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2016 The Weeknd Breakthrough Nominated [12] Billboard Power 100 [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2017 The Weeknd Power Artists Won [13] Black Reel Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2016 ""Earned It"" Outstanding Original Song Nominated [14] BBC Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2015 Himself International Artist of the Year Nominated [15] ""Can't Feel My Face"" Song of the Year Nominated BET Awards [ edit ] BMI R&B/Hip-Hop Awards [ edit ] The BMI Awards are Broadcast Music, Inc.'s annual music awards. The Weeknd was directly named for an award. BRIT Awards [ edit ] Canadian Radio Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2016 Can't Feel My Face SOCAN Song of the Year Won [23] The Weeknd Fans' Choice Won Canada's Walk of Fame [ edit ] First awarded in 2010, the Allan Slaight Award, named after the leading figure in the Canadian radio industry, is awarded to a young Canadian for ""making a positive impact in the fields of music, film, literature, visual or performing arts, sports, innovation or philanthropy."" Recipients receive an honorarium of $10,000 from the Slaight Foundation, but are not considered inductees of the Walk of Fame. Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2014 Canada's Walk of Fame Allan Slaight Award Won [24] ECHO Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2016 Himself Best International Newcomer Nominated [25] Beauty Behind the Madness Best International Hip Hop/Urban Album Nominated Grammy Awards [ edit ] The Weeknd has won 3 awards from 10 nominations.[26] Guinness World Records [ edit ] The Guinness World Records is a reference book published annually, containing a collection of world records.[27] The Weeknd currently holds two records. Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2017 Beauty Behind the Madness Most Streamed Album on Spotify in One Year Won [28] [28] The Weeknd Most Consecutive Weeks in the Top 10 of Billboard's Hot 100 by a Solo Male Artist Won iHeartRadio Music Awards [ edit ] International Dance Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2016 Can't Feel My Face Best Commercial/Pop Dance Track Nominated [32] Best R&B/Urban Dance Track Won The Hills Nominated Himself Best Breakthrough Artist Nominated Juno Awards [ edit ] Out of 11 nominations, The Weeknd has won 9. MTV Awards [ edit ] MTV Video Music Awards [ edit ] The Weeknd has 11 nominations. MTV Europe Music Awards [ edit ] MTV Video Music Awards Japan [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2014 ""Belong to the World"" Best R&B Video Nominated [45] 2016 ""Can't Feel My Face"" Best Male International Video Nominated [46] Best R&B Video Nominated MTV O Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2012 ""Wicked Games"" Too Much Ass for TV Won [47] The Weeknd Best Web-born Artist Won mtvU Woodie Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2012 The Weeknd Breaking Woodie Nominated [48] 2013 Fomo Woodie Won [49] Much Music Video Awards [ edit ] The Weeknd has 5 awards from 17 nominations. MOBO Awards [ edit ] NAACP Image Awards [ edit ] Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2016 Himself Favorite Male Singer Nominated [57] ""Can't Feel My Face"" Favorite Song of the Year Nominated 2017 Himself Favorite Male Singer Nominated [58] NME Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2016 ""Can't Feel My Face"" Best Track Nominated [59] 2017 The Weeknd International Male Artist Nominated [60] NRJ Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2015 The Weeknd International Breakthrough of the Year Nominated [61] 2016 International Male Artist of the Year Nominated [62] 2017 International Male Artist of the Year Nominated Honor Award Won I Feel It Coming ft. Daft Punk International Song of the Year Nominated People's Choice Awards [ edit ] Polaris Music Prize [ edit ] Soul Train Music Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2015 ""Earned It"" Video of the Year Nominated [70] Song of the Year Nominated The Ashford & Simpson Songwriter's Award Nominated Beauty Behind the Madness Album of the Year Won Himself Best R&B/Soul Male Artist Won 2016 Nominated [71] 2017 Nominated [72] Starboy Album/ Mixtape Of The Year Nominated SiriusXM Indies Award [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2012 The Weeknd Artist of the Year Won [73] 2013 Nominated [74] Soul/R&B Artist of the Year Won 2014 Artist of the Year Nominated [75] Must Follow Artist of The Year Nominated Kiss Land Album of the Year Nominated Live For Collaboration of the Year Nominated 2015 The Weeknd Songwriter of the Year Nominated [76] Artist of The Year Won [77] SOCAN Music Awards [ edit ] The Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN) is a non-profit organization that recognizes its members for their various accomplishments in the field of music.[78] Teen Choice Awards [ edit ] UK Music Video Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result Ref. 2017 Himself Best Artist Nominated [91] False Alarm Best Pop Video - International Nominated Best Visual Effects in a Video Nominated Vevo Presents: The Weeknd, False Alarm Best Live Session Nominated Other awards and nominations [ edit ]" 0 Head of Catholic Church says those who own weapons are ‘hypocrites,’ not Christians.As pressure mounts to tear up the US Constitution once and for all, Pope Francis has added to the sentiment by declaring that gun owners can no longer call themselves Christian.Pope Francis continued his week of anti-gun comments on Sunday by saying that those who manufacture, sell or own firearms are “hypocrites,” and not Christians.The head of the Catholic Church said when people claim to follow the teachings of Christ but also support gun ownership, it “leads to a bit of distrust.”Francis’s criticism wasn’t limited to just owners, however, as also called out those who support citizens’ rights to bear arms, adding…Watch more below and click in the link!!!Full TextLike this: Like Loading... 1 "(CNN) In what is perhaps the fiercest and the most exhaustive attack against Donald Trump in hip-hop, Eminem ""came to stomp"" Tuesday night, calling the President everything from ""Donald the b----"" to a ""racist grandpa"" in an explosive 4.5-minute freestyle rap. The Detroit rapper challenged his fans at the BET Hip Hop Awards to ""decide who you like more"" -- Eminem or Trump. He has slammed the President previously in the nine-minute 2016 freestyle ""Campaign Speech"" and in Big Sean's ""No Favors."" ""And any fan of mine who's a supporter of his, I'm drawing in the sand a line, you're either for or against, and if you can't decide who you like more and you're split on who you should stand beside, I'll do it for it for you with this. F--- you,"" he said toward the end, raising his middle finger. A request to the White House for comment was not immediately returned. The latest freestyle, which Eminem revealed on Twitter is called ""The Storm,"" comes as anticipation for Eminem's eighth studio release builds. The rapper decried Trump's comments following the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, questioned the President's own patriotism following his attacks on athletes and Sen. John McCain, and in closing, issued a passionate tribute to Colin Kaepernick. ""I appreciate you @Eminem,"" Kaepernick tweeted, along with a fist emoji. The former San Francisco 49ers quarterback is now a free agent after he rose to national prominence last fall when he refused to stand for the national anthem to protest police brutality. Eminem previously expressed his support for Kaepernick in ""Campaign Speech."" Here are the 11 most explosive lines from his newest anti-Trump freestyle in the order that they appear: 1) 'A kamikaze that will probably cause a nuclear holocaust' Here's the full verse: ""We better give Obama props 'cause what we got in office now is a kamikaze that will probably cause a nuclear holocaust while the drama pops, and he waits for s--- to quiet down, he'll just gas his plane up and fly around till the bombing stops."" Here, Eminem is likely referencing Trump's war of words on social media with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, whom the President referred to as ""little rocket man."" 2) 'Trump, when it comes to giving a s--- you're stingy as I am' This line comes after Eminem references rising tensions in America. 3) 'Racism's the only thing he's Fantastic 4 cause that's how he gets his rock off, he's orange' 4) 'Cause he cannot withstand the fact we're not afraid of Trump' Here's the full verse: ""That's why he wants us to disband cause he cannot withstand the fact we're not afraid of Trump. Walking on egg shells, I came to stomp. That's why he keeps screaming, 'Drain the swamp,' cause he's in quicksand."" Here, Eminem criticizes those who have been tepid when it comes to expressing their opposition to the President. 5) 'All these horrible tragedies and he's bored and would rather cause a Twitter storm' ""But this is his form of distraction, plus he gets an enormous reaction when he attacks the NFL, so we focus on that instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada. All these horrible tragedies and he's bored and would rather cause a Twitter storm with the Packers."" Here, the rapper slams the President for spending days attacking NFL players who take a knee and escalating the feud as a hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico and a massacre occurred in Nevada. Trump visited both Puerto Rico and Las Vegas following each disaster. 6) 'Who's going to pay for his extravagant trips' Full verse: ""He says he wants to lower our taxes, then who's going to play for his extravagant trips back and forth with his fam to his golf resorts and his mansions?"" Last month Trump unveiled a Republican framework for tax reform that calls for sweeping tax cuts and a simplification of the tax code. 7) 'Same s--- that he tormented Hillary for and he slandered then does it more' Full verse: ""Same s--- that he tormented Hillary for and he slandered then does it more. From his endorsement of Bannon, support for the Klansman, tiki torches in hand for the solider that's black and comes home from Iraq and is still told to go back to Africa."" Here, Eminem is referring to Trump's former chief strategist Steve Bannon, who is also the executive chairman of the conservative media outlet Breitbart News. 8) 'This racist 94-year old grandpa' This line comes before the rapper says Trump is ignoring America's racist past. 9) 'To him, you're zero cause he don't like his war heroes captured' ""He says you're spitting in the face of vets who fought for us you b-------, Unless you're a POW who's tortured ... cause to him you're zero cause he don't like his war heroes captured. That's not disrespecting the military."" Eminem accuses the President of disrespecting the military -- a charge that Trump recently leveled against athletes who take a knee during the national anthem. In this lyric, he references Trump's previous attacks on Arizona Sen. John McCain, who spent five years as a prisoner during the Vietnam War. In 2015, Trump questioned whether McCain is a war hero, saying, ""I like people that weren't captured, OK?"" 10) 'F--- that, this is for Colin, ball up a fist and keep that s--- balled like Donald the b----' You can check out hip-hop's strongest lyrics on Kaepernick HERE." 0 Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have gone head-to-head in their divorce for months now, since they announced their separation back in September. But the couple is calling a truce, for the sake of their 6 children. The ex couple released a joint statement late last night which will seemingly end the back-and-forth drama in their Hollywood divorce. “The parties and their counsel have signed agreements to preserve the privacy rights of their children and family by keeping all court documents confidential and engaging a private judge to make any necessary legal decisions and to facilitate the expeditious resolution of any remaining issues,” the statement said. “The parents are committed to act as a united front to effectuate recovery and reunification.” Basically this means the couple is going work together, but it also means we won’t be in the loop going forward, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing for the couple. This new statement comes after a judge initially denied Brad’s request for privacy in his custody battle. Last month the actor asked for the custody documents to be sealed, but they were not. Angelina’s lawyers felt Brad only wanted to protect himself and not the childrens’ well-being. ONE year after parting ways with Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie has revealed she’s still dealing with the negative effects. “It’s been difficult. I don’t enjoy being single,” the mother of six told the UK’s Sunday Telegraph . “There’s nothing nice about it. It’s just hard.” Jolie and Pitt were together a total of 12 years and married for just two years before calling it quits in September 2016. “Sometimes maybe it appears I’m pulling it all together,” the 42-year-old actress said. “But really I am just trying to get through my days.” While Jolie continues to sort out the details of her life, she’s also been facing some health concerns. In 2013, the Maleficent actress underwent a double mastectomy, she also had her ovaries removed in 2015. And earlier this year, she revealed she’s dealing with hypertension and developed Bell’s Palsy. “Emotionally it’s been a very difficult year,” she said. “And I have some other heath issues. So my health is something I have to monitor.” Taking it a step further, she describes how her body is doing. “I feel sometimes that my body has taken a hit, but I try to laugh as much as possible,” she said. “We tend to get so stressed that our children feel our stress when they need to feel our joy. Even if you are going through chemo, you need to find the ability to love and laugh. It may sound like a postcard, but it’s true.” Now that Jolie doesn’t have any acting or directing projects on the table and her kids are getting older, she will refocus her time. “I think now I need to rediscover a little bit of the old me,” she says. “I think we lose our way a bit. I have had a lot happen in my life, from certain people passing to health issues to raising the children. And it’s been a very good time to absorb and develop and grow.” It comes after the former couple’s biographer, Ian Halperin, told The Mail on Sunday that they are “back together” after intense spiritual counselling. Brad Pitt opens up about bitter divorce with Angelina Jolie 1:57 Brad Pitt speaks out about the alcohol abuse that led to his divorce with Angelina Jolie. Courtesy: Today Show/Channel 9 This story originally appeared in The New York Post and has been republished here with permission. 1 In a tribute to Father's Day last year, celebrities graced social media with the sweetest messages to express their love for their dads and partners. We selected some of the cutest to share with you and will make sure to update these when they are inevitably scattered across Instagram this June. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 1. Kensington Palace: Yesterday, Kensington Palace released an adorable photograph of the Royal fathers on Instagram. Happy Father's Day. Wishing all the fathers out there a very happy day. A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on Jun 18, 2017 at 2:39am PDT The split photograph features a snap of Prince Charles with young Prince William and Prince Harry from 1997 (top image). The bottom image was taken just last year, when Prince George attended a children's party on the Cambridge's Royal Tour in Canada. The post reads, 'Happy Father's Day. Wishing all the fathers out there a very happy day.' 2. Chrissy Teigan: As per usual, Chrissy Teigan graces social media with the ultimate admiration for her husband, John Legend. 'I took this photo right after John won his Tony a couple weeks ago,' wrote Teigan, alongside a cheerful image of John Legend. 'In all our time together (11ish years!!?!?) I cannot believe how much he has grown as a man and a husband. To see him go from big goals to big ideas to big wins and the love of so many makes me so so happy. 10 years ago, I didn't think he could get better, then I got to see him as a father. I don't know how or why Luna, my family and I got so lucky in this life but I will stop questioning and just be grateful. I love you so much, John. Happy Father's Day.' Advertisement - Continue Reading Below So, John Legend isn't just a wonderful husband, he seems to be the a super-daddy to his daughter, Luna. 3. The Beckhams: Victoria Beckham posted a picture of the whole clan in dedication to her husband, David. Doesn't Brand Beckham just melt your heart? Happy 1st Father's Day Liam.. You are the most amazing daddy and the best example for our son. The way he looks at you says it all. Your relationship melts my heart. You are the centre of his world & We adore you ������ A post shared by Cheryl (@cherylofficial) on Jun 18, 2017 at 8:09am PDT Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 'You are the centre of his world & we adore you,' she wrote. We imagine that Liam was spoiled by his gorgeous family, as he returned from his promotional tour of America to spend his first Father's Day with his family. 5. Michelle Obama: The previous First Lady took to Twitter to demonstrate the love that she and the girls have for the man of their house, Barack Obama. Happy #FathersDay @BarackObama. Our daughters may be older and taller now, but they’ll always be your little girls. We love you. pic.twitter.com/SGZMmXaQ3a — Michelle Obama (@MichelleObama) June 18, 2017 Michelle included a picture of her husband in a loving embrace with their two daughters, saying 'they'll always be your little girls. We love you.' The Obama's are always presented as a close-knit family and this post demonstrates how wonderfully loving they are. 6. Stella McCartney: The McCartney's had a double celebration yesterday - not only was it Father's Day - Paul McCartney turned 75! Stella posted a lovely messaged on Twitter: Happy birthday and happy Father's Day dad... I am so blessed to have you in my heart and soul, you inspire every day. I love you x Stella pic.twitter.com/HPJR0BpLmc — Stella McCartney (@StellaMcCartney) June 18, 2017 Stella wrote, 'I am so blessed to have you in my heart and soul, you inspire me every day.' We are pretty sure that the wonderful life of Paul McCartney has inspired many others around the globe too... 7. Jessica Biel: Jessica Biel shared a loving picture collage on Instagram, featuring pictures of her and her husband, Justin Timberlake; and a photograph of her hubby and their son, Silas. The loving message even included a quote from their little boy, saying 'you are so much cool.' Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Her message thanked Justin for his paternal role, 'to my beloved husband, my adventure companion, my road dog, who works tirelessly for this family... I am eternally grateful for you and your love.' Such an adorable message! So much love! 1 "Victoria's Secret model Izabel Goulart will take a break from walking down the catwalk to walking down the aisle: the Brazilian beauty is engaged to German soccer player Kevin Trapp! On Thursday, the 33-year-old model took to Instagram to announce the exciting news of her engagement, sharing a close-up video of her diamond engagement ring , which later pans out to show the couple kissing on a beach. ""Soon to be Mrs Trapp 🙏❤️💍,"" she wrote in the Instagram caption. ""When you meet the one who changes your life in every sense then you are sure that he is the right one!"" According to The Daily Mail , the couple started dating in 2015, after meeting in Paris for the first time. The two are currently vacationing in Capri, Italy, which Goulart has made apparent through her Instagram posts. See more: Gisele Bündchen Says Tom Brady Proposed to Her by Pretending Her Apartment Was Flooding Goulart was born in Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil , and became well known for her modeling skills after appearing in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in 2005. She shortly after became a Victoria's Secret Angel , and walked in every annual show until 2016. Trapp, on the other hand, became a household name in the soccer community, and currently plays on both Paris Saint-Germain F.C. and the Germany National Football team as a goalkeeper for both. If the engagement ring is any indication, we're sure this couple is bound to have a lavish wedding. Congrats to the happy couple!" 0 "Kate Noelle ""Katie"" Holmes (born December 18, 1978)[7] is an American actress, producer, and director. She first achieved fame as Joey Potter on the television series Dawson's Creek (1998–2003). She made her feature film debut in Ang Lee's The Ice Storm in 1997. Subsequent film roles include: Go, Teaching Mrs. Tingle (both 1999), Wonder Boys, The Gift (both 2000), Abandon (2002), Phone Booth, The Singing Detective, Pieces of April (all 2003), Batman Begins (2005), Thank You for Smoking (2006), Mad Money (2008), Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, Jack and Jill (both 2011), Miss Meadows (2014), Woman in Gold, Touched with Fire (both 2015), and Logan Lucky (2017). In 2008, she made her Broadway theatre debut in a production of Arthur Miller's All My Sons. In 2011, she played Jacqueline Kennedy in the TV miniseries The Kennedys, a role she reprised in The Kennedys: After Camelot (2017). She made her directional debut with the 2016 film All We Had, in which she also starred. Her marriage to actor Tom Cruise[8] from 2006 to 2012 led to a great deal of media attention, with the pair being called a supercouple and being given the nickname ""TomKat"" in various countries. Early life [ edit ] Holmes was born in Toledo, Ohio.[9] She is the youngest of five children born to Kathleen, a homemaker and philanthropist, and Martin Joseph Holmes, Sr., an attorney.[10][11] She has three sisters and one brother. Holmes was baptized a Roman Catholic and attended Christ the King Church in Toledo.[12] She graduated from the all-female Notre Dame Academy in Toledo (also her mother's alma mater), where she was a 4.0 student.[13][14] At St. John's Jesuit and St. Francis de Sales, nearby all-male high schools, Holmes appeared in school musicals, playing a waitress in Hello, Dolly! and Lola in Damn Yankees.[15] She scored 1310 out of 1600 on her SAT and was accepted to Columbia University (and attended for a summer session);[9][13] her father wanted her to become a doctor.[14] At age 14, she began classes at a modeling school in Toledo which led her to the International Modeling and Talent Association (IMTA) Competition held in New York City in 1996. Eventually, Holmes was signed to an agent after performing a monologue from To Kill a Mockingbird.[6] An audition tape was sent to the casting director for the 1997 film The Ice Storm, directed by Ang Lee, and Holmes made her big-screen debut in the role of Libbets Casey in the film, opposite Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver.[15] Career [ edit ] 1997–2003: Dawson's Creek and career development [ edit ] Holmes in May 2006 In January 1997, Holmes went to Los Angeles for pilot season, when producers cast and shoot new programs in the hopes of securing a spot on a network schedule. The Toledo Blade reported she was offered the lead in Buffy the Vampire Slayer but she turned it down in order to finish high school.[15] Columbia TriStar Television, producer of a new show named Dawson's Creek that was created by screenwriter Kevin Williamson, asked her to come to Los Angeles to audition, but there was a conflict with her schedule. ""I was doing my school play, Damn Yankees. And I was playing Lola. I even got to wear the feather boa. I thought, 'There is no way I'm not playing Lola to go audition for some network. I couldn't let my school down. We had already sold a lot of tickets. So I told Kevin and The WB, 'I'm sorry. I just can't meet with you this week. I've got other commitments.'""[5][15][16] The producers permitted her to audition on videotape. Holmes read for the part of Joey Potter, the tomboy best friend of the title character Dawson, on a videotape shot in her basement, her mother reading Dawson's lines.[5][17] The Hollywood Reporter claimed the story of Holmes's audition ""has become the stuff of legend"" and ""no one even thought that it was weird that one of the female leads would audition via Federal Express.""[18] Holmes won the part. Paul Stupin, executive producer of the show, said his first reaction on seeing her audition tape was ""That's Joey Potter!""[19] Creator and executive producer Kevin Williamson said Holmes has a ""unique combination of talent, beauty and skill that makes Hollywood come calling. But that's just the beginning. To meet her is to instantly fall under her spell.""[20] Williamson thought she had exactly the right look for Joey Potter. ""She had those eyes, those eyes just stained with loneliness.""[21] While Dawson's Creek was met with mixed reviews,[22] Holmes attained national attention.[23][24] Holmes was soon on the covers of magazines such as Seventeen, TV Guide, and Rolling Stone. Jancee Dunn, an editor at Rolling Stone said she was chosen for the cover because ""every time you mention Dawson's Creek you tend to get a lot of dolphin-like shrieks from teenage girls. The fact that she is drop-dead gorgeous didn't hurt either.""[25] During her time as a series regular on Dawson's Creek, Holmes first leading role in a film came in 1998's Disturbing Behavior, a Scream-era Stepford Wives-goes-to-high school thriller, where she was a loner from the wrong side of the tracks. The film was recut from what the director intended. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times wrote her character, Rachel, ""dresses in black and likes to strike poses on the beds of pickup trucks and is a bad girl who is in great danger of becoming a very good one.""[26][27] Despite the fact that it received mixed reviews and was not a huge financial success, the actress won a MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance for the role and also received a Saturn Award nomination for the part. Holmes, though, said the film was ""just horrible.""[14] In 1999, she played a disaffected supermarket clerk in Doug Liman's ensemble piece Go.[28] The film received excellent reviews and made a profit, and Holmes herself was liked by critics. The same year, in Kevin Williamson's Teaching Mrs. Tingle, which he wrote and directed, Holmes played a straight-A student whose vindictive teacher (Helen Mirren) threatens to keep her from a desperately needed scholarship.[29] Also in 1999, she had an uncredited cameo with Dawson's Creek co-star Joshua Jackson in Muppets from Space, which was filmed in Wilmington where Dawson's Creek also filmed.[30] The year 2000 saw Holmes feature in two film roles. The first was in Wonder Boys, directed by Curtis Hanson from the novel by Michael Chabon. The film told the story of a creative writing teacher at a university, with Michael Douglas in the leading role. Holmes had a small role (six and one-half minutes of screen time) as Hannah Green, the talented student who lusts after Professor Grady Tripp (Douglas's character, who is her instructor and landlord). Many leading critics at the time took favorable notice to Holmes in the film. Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times said she was ""just right as the beauty with kind of a crush on the old man.""[21][31][32] Her second feature film during 2000 was The Gift, a Southern Gothic story directed by Sam Raimi and starring Cate Blanchett, she played the antithesis of Joey Potter: a promiscuous rich girl having affairs with everyone from a sociopathic wife-beater (Keanu Reeves) to the district attorney (Gary Cole), and is murdered by her fiancé (Greg Kinnear). Holmes did her first nude scene for the film, in a scene where her character was about to be murdered. Her appearance was lamented by Variety's Steven Kotler.[33] In Ohio, the scene met with disapproval from Russ Lemmon writing in the Toledo Blade.[34] Holmes hosted Saturday Night Live on February 24, 2001, participating in a send-up of Dawson's Creek where she falls madly in love with Chris Kattan's Mr. Peepers character and singing ""Big Spender"" from Sweet Charity. In the 2002 film Abandon, written by Oscar winner Stephen Gaghan, Holmes plays a delusional, homicidal college student named ""Katie"". Todd McCarthy of Variety and Roger Ebert commended her performance,[35] but other critics savaged it.[36] During the final season of Dawson's Creek, Holmes played the mistress of the public relations flack played by Colin Farrell in Phone Booth, which was both critically and financially successful. She also appeared as Robert Downey, Jr.'s nurse in The Singing Detective (2003). Dawson's Creek ended its run in 2003, and Holmes was the only actor to appear in all 128 episodes. ""It was very difficult for me to leave Wilmington, to have my little glass bubble burst and move on. I hate change. On the other hand it was refreshing to play someone else"", she said in 2004.[37] 2003–2009: Focus on film career, brief hiatus, and theatre work [ edit ] Holmes' first starring role post-Dawson's Creek was in 2003's Pieces of April, a gritty comedy about a dysfunctional family on Thanksgiving. Many critics and audiences agreed that Holmes had given her best performance in the film as April. Variety said it was ""one of her best film performances.""[38] ""Each actor shines"", wrote Elvis Mitchell, ""even Ms. Holmes, whose beauty seems to have fogged the minds of her previous directors"" in playing ""a brat who is slaving to find her inner decency and barely has the equipment for such an achievement, let alone to serve a meal whose salmonella potential could claim an entire borough. Yet it is her surliness, as well as her intransigent determination to make Thanksgiving work, that keeps the laughs coming.""[39] Holmes also received a Satellite Award for Best Actress for the role. On the November 9, 2003 episode, she was Punk'd by Ashton Kutcher and the next year she was the subject of an episode of the MTV program Diary.[40] Holmes was a contender for the role of Christine Daaé in 2004's The Phantom of the Opera,[41] but lost the role to Emmy Rossum. She later played the President's daughter in First Daughter, which was originally to be released in January 2004 on the same day as Chasing Liberty, another film about a president's daughter, but was ultimately released in September 2004 to dismal reviews and ticket sales. First Daughter, directed by Forest Whitaker, also starred Michael Keaton as her father and Marc Blucas as her love interest. The Hollywood Reporter critic called her character, Samantha Mackenzie, ""a startling example of how a studio film can dumb down and neutralize the comic abilities of a lively young star.""[42] In the 2005 film Batman Begins she played Rachel Dawes, an attorney in the Gotham City district attorney's office and the childhood sweetheart of the title character. Variety was unenthusiastic. ""Holmes is OK"", was its critic's sole remark on her performance.[43] She was nominated for a Golden Raspberry for ""worst supporting actress"" for the film.[44] In 2005, Holmes characterised her film career as being a string of ""bombs."" ""Usually I'm not even in the top ten"", she said, the highest-grossing film of her career then being Phone Booth.[3] She lamented ""It's not like I have a lot of stuff that's great just waiting for me to sign on to.""[45] She also appeared in the film version of Christopher Buckley's satirical novel Thank You for Smoking about a tobacco lobbyist played by Aaron Eckhart, whom Holmes's character, a Washington reporter, seduces. Variety wrote one of the film's ""sole relatively weak notes [came] from Holmes, who lacks even a hint of the wiliness of a ruthless reporter"" and The New York Times said the cast was ""exceptionally fine"" except for Holmes, who ""strain[ed] credulity"" in her role.[46][47] The film ended up a success, even earning a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy. Also in 2005, Holmes had agreed to play in Shame on You, a biopic about the country singer Spade Cooley written and directed by Dennis Quaid, as the wife whom Cooley (played by Quaid) stomps to death. But the picture, set to shoot in New Orleans, Louisiana, was delayed by Hurricane Katrina, and Holmes dropped out due to her pregnancy.[48][49][50] After her daughter, Suri Cruise, was born in April 2006, Holmes took a hiatus from her acting career until 2008.[citation needed] After speculation about Holmes reprising her role in The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins, it was finally confirmed that she would not appear. Her role was later recast with Maggie Gyllenhaal in her place.[51] Instead, Holmes decided to star in the comedy Mad Money, opposite Diane Keaton and Queen Latifah in 2008. The film flopped.[52] The Canadian Press criticized Holmes's performance, ""While Keaton has long done zany and giddy well, and she and Latifah have an interesting contrast of personalities, Holmes' presence feels like an afterthought.""[53] The New York Post, the New York Times and Variety also criticized Holmes' performance in the film, and the New York Times called Holmes ""the movie's weakest link"".[54][55] Returning to television in 2008, Holmes appeared in an episode of Eli Stone as Grace, a lawyer, and her singing and dancing was praised by Tim Stack of Entertainment Weekly.[56] Holmes made her Broadway debut in the revival of Arthur Miller's All My Sons[57] in October 2008. She opened to mixed reviews. Ben Brantley of The New York Times claimed ""the neophyte Ms. Holmes"" is a ""sad casualty"" of director Simon McBurney's ""high concept approach"" to the play. He adds that ""Ms. Holmes delivers most of her lines with meaningful asperity, italicizing every word.""[58] Clive Barnes of the New York Post was similarly unimpressed by Holmes – and had few compliments for her co-stars. He wrote, ""John Lithgow starts in a sunny, benign fashion, but eventually finds himself screeching alongside Holmes, looking tough under a glossy wig.""[59] However, the New York Daily News' Joe Dziemianowicz took a more positive view of her stage debut, writing, ""Holmes, a TV and film vet, makes a fine Broadway debut. Her rather grand speech pattern takes getting used to, but she seems comfortable and adds a fitting glint of glamour.""[60] In 2009, Holmes appeared in the National Memorial Day Concert on the Mall in Washington, D.C. in a dialogue with Dianne Wiest celebrating the life of an American veteran seriously wounded in Iraq, José Pequeño.[61] 2010–present: Television work and return to film [ edit ] In early July 2009, Holmes began filming a remake of the 1970s ABC telemovie Don't Be Afraid of the Dark; the film was released in August 2011.[62] Also in 2011, Holmes played the role of Jackie Kennedy in the TV miniseries The Kennedys. In October 2011, she also portrayed ""Slutty Pumpkin"" (Naomi), in the TV show How I Met Your Mother, episode ""The Slutty Pumpkin Returns"".[citation needed] In late 2012, Holmes was set to appear in Theresa Rebeck's Dead Accounts on Broadway.[63] Holmes and Chace Crawford were reportedly cast as the leads in the romantic comedy Responsible Adults, to begin shooting in Los Angeles in ""Fall 2011"".[64][65][66] In 2015, Holmes joined the third season of Ray Donovan.[67] Holmes directed a short 2015 documentary for ESPN about Olympic gymnast Nadia Comăneci entitled, Eternal Princess, that premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival.[68][69] In 2017, Holmes starred in the heist comedy Logan Lucky, and in 2018, she will appear in the satirical comedy Dear Dictator, opposite Michael Caine.[70] In a September 2016 Elle interview, Holmes stated that she is in the process of adapting the Kathleen Tessaro novel Rare Objects into a screenplay and will direct the film.[71] It was announced Holmes will also be leading a feature film based around the self-help book, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne.[72] Public image [ edit ] Holmes was annually named by both the British and American editions of FHM magazine as one of the sexiest women in the world from 1999 onward. She was named one of People's ""50 Most Beautiful People"" in 2003; its sibling Teen People declared her one of the ""25 Hottest Stars Under 25"" that year;[73][74] and in 2005, People said she was one of the ten best dressed stars that year.[75] She has appeared in advertisements for Garnier Lumia haircolor, Coach leather goods, and clothing retailer Gap.[76] In November 2008, it was confirmed that she would be the new face of the spring 2009 campaign for the high-end fashion line Miu Miu.[77] In 2008, Holmes started a high fashion clothing line called Holmes & Yang with longtime stylist Jeanne Yang.[78] Model Heidi Klum is a fan of the line.[79] In July 2009, Holmes, Nigel Lythgoe, Adam Shankman, and Carrie Ann Inaba announced the launch of a dance scholarship fund called the Dizzy Feet Foundation.[80] Beginning January 2011, she became the new face of Ann Taylor Spring 11 collection.[81] Holmes & Yang presented their fashion line at New York Fashion Week for the first time in September 2012.[82][83] Holmes acted as the face for the Bobbi Brown Cosmetics brand in spring 2013 and Holmes had her own capsule collection of color cosmetics in fall of that year.[84] In 2013, she appeared in an advertising campaign for IRIS Jewelry.[85] In January 2013, Holmes was announced as the brand ambassador and co-owner of Alterna Haircare.[86] Personal life [ edit ] Holmes with Tom Cruise in May 2009 Holmes dated her Dawson's Creek co-star Joshua Jackson early in the show's run.[87] She met actor Chris Klein in 2000. Klein and Holmes were engaged in late 2003, but in early 2005 she and Klein ended their relationship.[88][89][90][91] Klein and Holmes have remained friends to varying degrees since the breakup.[92] Only a couple of weeks after her relationship with Klein ended, Holmes began dating actor Tom Cruise in April 2005. Holmes, who was raised a Catholic,[93] began studying Scientology shortly after the couple began dating.[94] They got engaged in June 2005, only seven weeks after meeting.[95] The couple's daughter, Suri, was born on April 18, 2006, the one-year anniversary of their first date. The name ""Suri"" supposedly derives from the Persian meaning ""Red Rose"" and the Hebrew as a derivative of ""Sarah"" meaning princess.[96] On November 18, 2006, Holmes and Cruise were married in a Scientologist ceremony at the 15th-century Odescalchi Castle in Bracciano, Italy.[8] The actors' publicist said the couple had ""officialized"" their marriage in Los Angeles the day before the Italian ceremony.[97] Holmes and Cruise were last photographed together in Iceland on June 16, 2012. On June 29, Holmes filed for divorce from Cruise in New York after five and a half years of marriage.[98][99] Following the announcement, those close to Holmes stated that she believed she had reason to fear that Cruise would abduct Suri, and also feared intimidation by the Church of Scientology.[100][101] Only ten days after Holmes filed for divorce, on July 9, 2012, attorneys for the couple announced that the couple had signed a divorce settlement.[102] This was the first divorce for Holmes and the third for Cruise.[103][104] Holmes has custody of Suri.[105] Following her divorce from Cruise, Holmes returned to the Roman Catholic Church and began attending St. Francis Xavier Church.[106] Legal issues [ edit ] In early March 2011, Holmes filed a $50-million libel lawsuit against Star magazine following a cover story which insinuated that she took drugs.[107] The suit was settled on April 27, 2011, after which Star wrote a public apology in the May 6, 2011 issue and made an ""undisclosed substantial donation"" to Holmes's charity, Dizzy Feet Foundation.[108] Awards [ edit ] In June 2011, Holmes received the Women in Film Max Mara Face of the Future Award.[109] In 2005, TV Guide ranked Holmes No. 38 on its ""50 Sexiest Stars of All Time"" list.[110] Filmography [ edit ] Video games Year Title Role Notes 2005 Batman Begins Rachel Dawes Voice Notes [ edit ] ^ [1] and others ""Kate"" to be Holmes' legal name.[2][3][4][5][6] The Several sources state ""Katherine""and others ""Kate"" to be Holmes' legal name.The birth certificate of Holmes's daughter, Suri, lists the actress's name as ""Kate Noelle Holmes"". References [ edit ] Bibliography [ edit ] Scott Lyle Cohen. ""Home Sweet Holmes"". Giant . Issue 5. June–July 2005. 52+. . Issue 5. June–July 2005. 52+. Darren Crosdale. Dawson's Creek: The Official Companion . Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel, 1999. ISBN 0-7407-0725-6. . Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel, 1999. ISBN 0-7407-0725-6. Janice Dunn. ""Katie Holmes: A girl on the verge"". Rolling Stone . Issue 795. September 17, 1998. 44. . Issue 795. September 17, 1998. 44. Caroline Graham. ""What Katie Did Next"". The Mail on Sunday (London). November 9, 2003. 30. (London). November 9, 2003. 30. Robert Haskell. ""Holmes Sweet Holmes: She's landed the role of a lifetime—beautiful bride of the world's biggest movie star. What's so weird about that?"" W . August 2005. 164+ . August 2005. 164+ ""Katie Holmes"". Current Biography . On-line database accessed 2006-02-08. . On-line database accessed 2006-02-08. ""Katie Holmes to Wed Actor Chris Klein"". Toledo Blade . December 31, 2003. D3. . December 31, 2003. D3. Marilyn Johnson and Andrew Southam. ""Nice Girls Finish First: So what does it mean that a very nice girl playing a very thoughtful girl has become TV's teen idol? Consider it a good sign"". Life . March 1999. . March 1999. Tahree Lane. ""Paris proposal latest plot twist to Holmes-Cruise romance: Toledo native agrees to take on role of wife"". Toledo Blade . June 18, 2005. A1. . June 18, 2005. A1. Judith Newman. ""The Last Girl Scout"". Allure. v. 13, n. 6. June 2003. 182–189." 1 "KIM Kardashian's sisters Kourtney, Khloe and Kylie have cut ties with Kanye West on Twitter after the rapper posted messages in support of US President Donald Trump. The sisters have seemingly been left unimpressed by the rapper's continual stream of tweets over the last two days, following a year-long absence from the platform. Rex Features 6 Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian have cut ties with Kanye West on Twitter after pro-Trump tweets 6 Kanye, mocked up as Trump, has been criticised for his bromance with the US President They're not the only high profile names to boycott Kanye online, with Kanye's former collaborators Drake, Nicki Minaj, and Rihanna joining Justin Bieber, Harry Styles and Kendrick Lamar all unfollowing the controversial star. The online exodus hasn't been missed by eagle-eyed social media users, with one writing on Twitter: ""Zayn & Harry both unfollowed Kanye on Twitter. Kings. Another said :""Rihanna, Drake, Katy, Ariana, Kendrick, Zayn, Nicki etc. all unfollowed Kanye 💀 he really ended himself :(."" While a third added: ""Khloe, Kylie and Kourtney all unfollowed Kanye. Kris working hard today."" Splash News 6 The rapper has broken a year-long absence from Twitter in spectacular fashion Getty Images - Getty 6 Kylie Jenner has also snubbed the musician jaden smith, rihanna, harry styles, justin bieber, the weeknd, kendrick lamar etc. all unfollowed kanye! i love this song pic.twitter.com/BVMCYInuH0 — mani. (@marasmeIody) April 25, 2018 Harry Styles, Kendrick Lamar and Rihanna have unfollowed Kanye. pic.twitter.com/7iQlh1Qz96 — ‏ً (@scammerswift) April 25, 2018 Khloe, Kylie and Kourtney all unfollowed Kanye. Kris working hard today pic.twitter.com/dBwLcd2Ijo — georgia ⚜️ (@lemonadenormani) April 25, 2018 Rihanna and Kendrick Lamar both unfollowed Kanye West. We love our favorite aunt and our favorite uncle. pic.twitter.com/SRGjHjuVdm — 𝖅𝖆𝖈𝖍 𓄚 (@simpIefuckery) April 25, 2018 Kanye proved his bromance with Donald Trump is still going strong yesterday in a series of tweets. Calling Trump ""my brother,"" he claimed they both have ""dragon energy"". The President replied saying the rapper was ""very cool"". AP:Associated Press 6 Kanye and Trump pose together at Trump Tower the day after the 2016 US election AFP or licensors 6 Kanye has never hidden his love for the US President and even embraced him at Trump Tower Their most recent display of affection follows years of social media appreciation between Trump and the President. The loved-up posts were rumoured to have cost the rapper nine million Twitter follows, but the claims have been proved false after Twitter confirmed Kanye still boasts around 27million followers. Kanye, 40, tweeted: ""You don’t have to agree with Trump but the mob can’t make me not love him."" He also shared a picture of a Make America Great Again cap and wrote: ""My MAGA hat is signed"", followed by a string of fire emojis. we got love pic.twitter.com/Edk0WGscp6 — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018 You don't have to agree with trump but the mob can't make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don't agree with everything anyone does. That's what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought. — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018 Thank you Kanye, very cool! https://t.co/vRIC87M21X — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 25, 2018 my MAGA hat is signed 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/DrDHJybS8V — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018 Kanye's wife Kim Kardashian defended her husband by tweeting: ""To the media trying to demonise my husband let me just say this... your commentary on Kanye being erratic & his tweets being disturbing is actually scary. ""So quick to label him as having mental health issues for just being himself when he has always been expressive is not fair."" I love when people have their own ideas. You don't have to be allowed anymore. Just be. Love who you want to love. That's free thought. I'm not even political. I'm not a democrat or a republican — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018 my wife just called me and she wanted me to make this clear to everyone. I don't agree with everything Trump does. I don't agree 100% with anyone but myself. — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018 The rapper also took potshots at Obama during the tweeting flurry, stating that nothing changed in Chicago during his presidency. Combating backlash from anti-Trump protesters he also shared a picture of a post by Chance The Rapper which read: ""Black people don't have to be Democrats."" Obama was in office for eight years and nothing in Chicago changed. — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018 Kanye continued that he loved free thinkers and showed alt-right supporter Peter Thiel. The dad-of-three tweeted: ""I'm so happy to hear that Peter Thiel would like to take a meeting. I feel very optimistic about the future."" Thiel is a controversial figure in American politics as he backs the alt-right and funded the Hulk Hogan case against Gawker Media for publishing a video of Hogan having sex. The case saw an injunction placed on the footage being published and saw the media firm go bankrupt before being sold to another company. Kanye West tells crowd he would have voted for Donald Trump in US election A fan noticed Kanye's following seemed to have fallen after the series of Trump-loving tweets and wrote: ""Kanye losing 9 million followers because of the Trump tweet."" But Twitter confirmed to The Verge: ""We can confirm that Kanye’s follower count is currently at approximately 27M followers. ""Any fluctuation that people might be seeing is an inconsistency and should be resolved soon."" most read in news BABY JOY Alfie Evans' parents welcome a baby boy months after the death of their tragic son TESCO STABBING Man arrested and two people seriously injured in Tesco stabbing CAR SEAT DEATH Newborn left in car seat for 15 hours dies while parents went boozing SUMMER’S BACK! Britain’s Indian summer will start TOMORROW with temps set to hit 24C 'STOP MUM!' Shocking moment two road rage women brawl as a young boy begs them to stop WATERFALL TRAGEDY Brit TV star found dead at foot of waterfall was 'looking for a shaman’ The College Dropout MC has never hidden his admiration for Donald Trump, turning up at Trump Tower the day after the 2016 election and posing for pictures in the lobby. Kanye has even hinted he could run for President in 2024, saying: ""Keep America Great #Kanye2024"". He even once joked: ""When we become president we have to change the name of the plane from Air Force one to Yeezy force one"". Kim Kardashian has an awkward kiss with husband Kanye West at sister Kourtney's boozy birthday bash Got a story? email digishowbiz@the-sun.co.uk or call us direct on 02077824220. We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours." 1 "The reality of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's break becoming a permanent breakup may be sinking in for the Biebs, or so People's new report suggests. A source close to Bieber told the outlet that despite all the Baskin Champion romance talk, Justin Bieber just wants to have Gomez back with him—at church, the ice rink, and beyond. “He loves her. He wants her back,” the source said, adding that Bieber “misses” Gomez. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Bieber and Gomez's last big public date was his father's wedding in Jamaica, where they recreated their 2011 wedding kiss. They spent 6 out of 7 consecutive days together that week, indicating they were stronger than ever and might make their on-off relationship permanently on this time, according to the tabloids. But Gomez's family never approved of the Biebs, a major factor that led to their break, some outlets reported. And Bieber, according to Us Weekly's source, started acting selfish again, annoying Gomez. “[He] doesn’t care about anyone but himself,"" the source told Us on March 12. ""The second she saw it, she walked away, especially now with her health. She knows she doesn’t need him.” The break seemed to be instigated by Gomez right around Bieber's March 1 birthday. Bieber never wanted this: ""Justin has been upset about the recent break from Selena and is trying to keep busy until they work things out,"" a source told E! on March 21. ""It wasn't his choice for them to split, and he is really taking time to focus on himself right now."" Meanwhile, Gomez had a realization, E! reported on March 26: that he may be better, but they may still not be right... at least right now. ""Selena realized even though he's made some positive improvements, they just aren't a perfect match right now,"" a source told the outlet. But Gomez's birthday post to Bieber remains on her Instagram, a sign that hope may not be lost yet. Gomez was most recently photographed with her friends yesterday, posing in pink pajamas and Puma merch. She was also filmed lipsyncing in the car by her assistant Theresa Mingus: Instagram Bieber attended Holy Wednesday church service with Baskin Champion but has not been photographed with her since. His last appearance was on his social media on Easter, when he posted four bunny selfies." 1 Incident - Media - Frenzy - Plenty - Rumors (Excerpt) Read more at: E! Online Wake Up To Breaking News! SUBMIT The Institute for the Higher Mind did not come to play!In this week's all-new The Arrangement, Megan Morrison's (Christine Evangelista) nagging stomach pains caused the actress to faint at a big Hollywood event!The incident prompted a major media frenzy and plenty of salacious rumors, sending Deann (Lexa Doig) and Terence (Michael Vartan) into crisis management mode. But after learning that Lisbeth's (Ashley Hinshaw) food and water were poisoned when she was at the Institute, Megan couldn't help but... 0 Updated | A new book by Donna Brazile, the former interim chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), has been making headlines for its controversial claims about the 2016 presidential election and the Hillary Clinton campaign. But the provocative points start even before the first chapter, as Brazile reportedly dedicated the book in part to Seth Rich, the DNC staffer whose murder launched a conspiracy theory.Axios reported on Sunday that the book's dedication reads, “In loving memory of my father, Lionel Brazile Sr.; my beloved sister, Sheila Brazile; my fearless uncles Nat, Floyd, and Douglas; Harlem’s finest, my aunt Lucille; my friend and mentor, David Kaufmann; my DNC colleague and patriot, Seth Rich; and my beloved Pomeranian, Chip Joshua Marvin Brazile (Booty Wipes). I miss y’all.”Related: TV Ad With Russian Subtitles Questions Seth Rich’s MurderRich, 27, was fatally shot in July 2016 while walking home late at night in Washington, D.C. The police believe the shooting was a robbery gone wrong. But Rich worked for the DNC, and WikiLeaks published thousands of emails from the committee two weeks after his death. That timeline provoked theories that Rich had given the materials to WikiLeaks and that his death was an attempt to stop him from doing so, or to punish him for it.Media reports had characterized Rich as a low-level staffer, and his parents wrote in an opinion piece for The Washington Post in May, “Those who have suggested that Seth’s role as a data analyst at the DNC gave him access to a wide trove of emails are simply incorrect.”SAUL LOEB/AFP/GettyRich appears elsewhere in Brazile’s book, as the Post reported earlier in the weekend. She wrote that Rich’s murder haunted her and that she'd installed surveillance cameras at her home and would keep the blinds in her office window closed so she could not be seen by snipers, according to the Post.Keep up with this story and more by subscribing nowBrazile talked about Rich on ABC News’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday. She told the host about her critics: “They don’t know what it was like to be over the DNC during this hacking. They don’t know what it’s like to bury a child. I did: Seth Rich.”Brazile had spoken publicly about Rich’s death before. In March, she said she was going to an Omaha, Nebraska, synagogue to speak about him. In May, she tweeted, “Seth Rich was a hard worker and proud to be an American. This desire to scar Seth’s legacy to his country and party is shameful.” About two months later, after Fox News published a since debunked story about the case, she tweeted, “Seth was a good soul and look at this shameful act.”Through spokesman Brad Bauman, the Rich family said in a statement, “Since Seth was murdered, Donna Brazile has been a great friend to the Rich family and has been extremely supportive of the family’s efforts to find Seth’s killers.”In the book, out Tuesday, Brazile also writes that she weighed the possibility of replacing Clinton as the Democratic presidential nominee with former Vice President Joe Biden, according to the Post. She also reportedly wrote that Clinton’s campaign headquarters seemed “antiseptic, like a hospital,” and that she felt as though the Clinton campaign was treating her like a “slave.” In an excerpt that Politico published on November 2, she wrote about how the Clinton campaign worked out a fundraising agreement with the DNC and exercised control over the party long before Clinton became the nominee.Former aides to the Clinton campaign have challenged Brazile’s claims. In a November 4 open letter, more than 100 former top aides wrote, “It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health.”Brazile was not available for comment through her publisher, Hachette Book Group, or through Georgetown University, where she is a faculty member. The publisher was unavailable to verify the reported wording of the book dedication.This article has been updated to alter the spelling of the last name of Sheila Brazile, which was misspelled as Brazioutlanle by another media outlet. 1 Kylie Jenner attends the 2015 Billboard Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas. (Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images) Here are a selection of headlines People.com has posted over the past few days: Pregnant Kylie Jenner Wants an ‘Easy Birth’, Says Source: She’s ‘Open to Pain Medicine’ Pregnant Kylie Jenner ‘Hasn’t Hired a Nanny’: She’s ‘Worried About New People Around the Baby’ Pregnant Kylie Jenner Has a Baby Name Picked Out for Her Daughter Pregnant Kylie Jenner. Pregnant Kylie Jenner. Pregnant Kylie Jenner. Yet — Kylie Jenner, 20, has not actually confirmed she is pregnant. For some celebrities, this would not be a big deal — some stars get pregnant and do not say a word, even as “sources” and “insiders” dish to the tabloids, as illustrated above. For someone in the Kardashian-Jenner family, this is especially confusing. After all, these family members have become international superstars because they share nearly every detail of their lives, even the painful or uncomfortable moments. As a result, people have become inexplicably fascinated by all of them (Kris Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner, Kim Kardashian West, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian and Rob Kardashian), which has fueled their multimillion-dollar franchise of reality shows and sponsorships. So the decision to keep Kylie’s apparent pregnancy under wraps is very off-brand for the family. This month, speculation will probably hit even more of a fever pitch, as February is the oft-reported due date for her baby, reportedly a girl. The non-confirmation of the news — reported by the tabloids in September and described as a “happy” surprise for Kylie and her boyfriend, rapper Travis Scott — has sent some fans into a spiral. On Christmas Day, fans melted down when Kylie did not appear on the family’s annual Christmas card. Starting Dec. 1, Kim released a new part of the photo every day, and many expected Kylie’s announcement to be included in the final photo shoot. No dice. [Kylie Jenner still hasn’t confirmed her pregnancy. On Christmas, fans melted down on social media.] Meanwhile, people keep searching for information. TMZ posted blurry footage of Kylie’s first public appearance since the fall, although she’s wearing baggy clothes. Kylie recently posed for a magazine shoot, but is strategically holding a baby lamb in front of her. Meanwhile, some think the announcement will be part of an episode of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” which wraps its current season in a few weeks: The website HelloGiggles reported Wikipedia briefly listed the season finale title as “We’re Expecting!” (The title is no longer listed on the Wikipedia page.) Today in Creative Ways Kylie Jenner Has Hidden Her Pregnancy for Fashion Jobs: a baby lamb in @THELOVEMAGAZINE! pic.twitter.com/vyu7vmgIdu — Alyssa Vingan Klein (@alyssavingan) January 29, 2018 Should Kylie’s baby arrive this month, it will join new cousin Chicago West, Kim and Kanye West’s daughter who was born via surrogate last month. Khloe and her boyfriend, NBA player Tristan Thompson, are also expecting a baby in March. Although according to the tabloids, you might not see Kylie’s baby’s debut for quite some time. “She very much enjoys being out of the spotlight and can’t wait to spend quiet time with the baby,” a “source” told People, adding Kylie does not plan to sell any photos of her child. “She doesn’t seem in any rush to get back to a more public life.” Read more: As Kim and Kanye welcome baby No. 3, the Kardashian deluge of 2018 has officially started Kim and Kanye named their new baby girl Chicago West, and the city is loving the attention Perspective | Here’s why Chicago is actually a great name for Kimye’s baby 1 "CLOSE From the highly-anticipated ""She-Ra"" reboot to Robin Wright's reign on ""House of Cards,"" here's what's coming to Netflix this November. USA TODAY The final season of Netflix's ""House of Cards"" debuts with Robin Wright as Claire Underwood, the new President of the United States after her husband's resignation from the position. ""House"" is just one of the many series that examines the drama and comedy surrounding politicians in power. Here are a few more of our favorite political television shows. (Photo: David Giesbrecht, Netflix) Netflix is dead. Long live Netflix. This weekend marks the end of an era for the omnipresent streaming service, with the debut of the final season of ""House of Cards."" Canceling ""Cards"" and ""Orange is the New Black"" (its seventh and final season is due in 2019) officially closes the streaming service's first chapter of programming, five years after it began. It was a time when the TV sky seemed limitless – no shows seemed to get canceled, old favorites were constantly being saved and streaming was a playground for writers and directors to experiment. And always, at least on the outside, it seemed to work. It was an era when Netflix sought a handful of high-quality, high-talent series to lure new subscribers. It was the era when the Kyle Chandler-starring ""Bloodline"" and the Wachowski sibling extravaganza ""Sense8"" were among the service's top offerings because of their pedigrees alone (both series eventually were canceled in early seasons). It was a time when we thought Netflix was just trying to become HBO. But that was 2013. And maybe 2014 and 2015. In the week ending Nov. 2, Netflix released eight new projects, including documentaries, comedy specials and movies, more than any breathing human could likely watch in a weekend. When the Emmy nominations were announced this summer, for the first time, Netflix had more than HBO. The streaming service has spent billions of dollars on original programming in every genre, from Food Network-style baking competitions (""Sugar Rush"") to foreign language sci-fi (""Dark"") to preteen sobfests (""Alexa and Katie""). Sure, it's still fun and experimental. But just like traditional TV networks (whose audience size is made public, unlike Netflix), the streaming service is more frequently canceling shows that don't stick, including Marvel's ""Luke Cage"" and acclaimed true-crime parody ""American Vandal."" Paris Berelc and Isabel May on ""Alexa & Katie."" (Photo: Adam Rose/Netlix) In this new world of Netflix, ""Cards"" and ""Orange"" seem quaintly out of date, just five years after they broke ground. Almost from the moment it began unveiling original programming – known until then for reruns of series like ""How I Met Your Mother"" and ""Breaking Bad"" and mail-order DVDs – Netflix changed TV. It started quietly with shows like ""Lilyhammer"" but Netflix's big coming-out moment was ""Cards,"" a drama about a ruthless politician directed by Oscar nominee David Fincher and starring Kevin Spacey (then a powerhouse celebrity). It was exactly the kind of dark, serialized, twisty series that thrived in the new binge-streaming paradigm, and it became a phenomenon. Not long after, prison dramedy ""Orange"" arrived, looking, sounding and feeling like nothing else on TV, including a cast with a wide range of races, body types, socioeconomic statuses, gender identities and sexual orientations. It told women's stories at a time in television when most other programmers were trying to find the next Walter White. This image released by Netflix shows Taylor Schilling, left, and Uzo Aduba in a scene from ""Orange Is the New Black."" (Photo: Paul Schiraldi, AP) ""Cards"" and ""Orange"" were showered with Emmy nominations (though their wins were few) and became the face of the streaming frontier that Netflix set out to dominate. But the streaming service doesn't need them anymore. Sure, both shows have declined sharply in quality, which would seemingly warrant cancellation, but the reasons for their demise go beyond just their age: Netflix now has so many other options that scratch the same itches. More: New on Netflix in November: 'House of Cards,' 'Narcos,' and plenty of Christmas films The service has spent hundreds of millions to woo Shonda Rhimes and Ryan Murphy from TV networks, both creators known for making shows with diverse casts and, especially Murphy, for experimenting with form. Want politics? Netflix has also signed Barack and Michelle Obama to a production deal. It has dark dramas and anti-hero shows by the dozen, from ""Ozark"" to ""The Punisher."" It won 23 Emmys this fall (tying perennial leader HBO), plus SAG Awards and Golden Globes aplenty. If you need to see its influence, look no further than the recently released ""Making a Murderer Part 2,"" which spends ample time outlining just how much the first chapter of the Netflix doc affected the media and the criminal justice system. When Netflix launched original programming, it needed big, buzzy shows to make noise. But the streaming service is now one gigantic monster, hoarding hundreds of big, medium and little shows that cater to every possible interest. Want a baking show mixed with the a sense of the macabre? Try ""The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell."" Want a cop comedy with a cast as seemingly random as Tony Danza and Josh Groban? There's ""The Good Cop."" Want to see pretty houses? Enjoy ""The World's Most Extraordinary Homes."" Christine McConnell on ""The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell."" (Photo: Netflix) Netflix's brand is everything, and its audience is everyone. ""Cards"" and ""Orange"" represent a tiny sliver of that vast canvas. Viewers' main interest in the final season of ""Cards"" is how the show moves on after Spacey was fired after allegations of sexual misconduct and assault. Had the actor not fallen from grace so publicly, ""Cards"" might have premiered its final episodes even more quietly. With so much else on Netflix's welcome screen, ""Cards"" simply isn't essential viewing anymore. On its release day this year it has to compete with a lost Orson Welles movie, a Mike Judge comedy special and two documentaries. Not to mention a Julia Roberts series a few clicks away on Netflix competitor Amazon Prime. With every passing day, Netflix executives and their checkbooks turn their attention somewhere new. Its biggest priority now seems to be conquering the film industry. And the streamer certainly seems to be making progress on that front. It's impossible to think of a new series this year that's generated the same adoration and hype that greeted its mini-rom-com film slate, from teen sensation ""The Kissing Booth"" to the by-the-numbers ""Set It Up."" Film pundits predict that Netflix might get its first best-picture Oscar nomination for Alfonso Cuaron's ""Roma,"" due in theaters this month and on Netflix in December. So here's to ""Cards"" and ""Orange"" and the televised revolution they helped begin. It's been a wild five years. It's both exciting and terrifying to wonder what will happen in five more. Read or Share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2018/11/02/house-cards-final-season-netflix-moving-new-era/1844298002/" 0 "Katharine McPhee is sharing details about how her proposal from David Foster went down! Shortly after news broke of their engagement on Tuesday, the 34-year-old actress took to Instagram to recall her exciting day. According to a screenshot she posted of a text message conversation with Just Jared founder Jared Eng, Foster asked McPhee for her hand in marriage while the two were at the top of a mountain in Anacapri, Italy. ""Totally dark, only stars,"" she said, jokingly adding that he ""thankfully"" didn't push her off the cliff. ""He said it was one or the other. And in the end he spared me."" While McPhee has yet to publicly share a photo of the engagement ring the 68-year-old musician proposed to her with, Eng (who has seemingly seen a sneak peek of it) described it as ""beautiful"" and ""classic."" ❤️💍😬 cc: @jaredeng A post shared by Katharine McPhee (@katharinemcphee) on Jul 3, 2018 at 10:37am PDT She also seemingly addressed the news on Twitter, sharing a gif of Ariana Grande (who recently got engaged to Saturday Night Live star Pete Davidson) accompanied with a ring emoji. A rep for Foster confirmed to ET earlier Tuesday that he proposed to McPhee while the two were vacationing in Europe. The two were first linked together last May, and by December of 2017, they couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other during a PDA-packed trip to Paris, France. Hear more on their love story in the video below. RELATED CONTENT: David Foster and Katharine McPhee Are Engaged Katharine McPhee and David Foster Make Met Gala Debut as a Couple With a 'Nice Date Night' (Exclusive) David Foster and Katharine McPhee Can't Keep Their Hands Off Each Other in Paris Related Gallery" 1 "Breaking News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. / Updated By Andrew Blankstein and Erik Ortiz LOS ANGELES — British actor Ed Westwick won't face charges in connection with misdemeanor sex crimes allegations made in 2014 by three separate women, Los Angeles County prosecutors said Friday, citing insufficient evidence. An attorney for Westwick, 31, said in a statement that ""the evidence demonstrated from the start that each of the allegations made by the three women would be proven untrue."" The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office said in a charge evaluation document released Friday that its decision in two of the cases was the result of insufficient evidence. Witnesses were ""not able to provide information that would enable prosecutors to prove either incident beyond a reasonable doubt,"" according to the office. An investigating officer also ""tried numerous times"" to contact the third woman who made allegations against the ""Gossip Girl"" star, but was unsuccessful and prosecutors said in that case prosecution was declined ""due to the unavailability of the victim."" While prosecutors did not identify any of the alleged victims in the case, two women have publicly accused Westwick of sexual misconduct. Actress Kristina Cohen wrote a Facebook post last November saying that she and a boyfriend had gone to Westwick's home in 2014, and during that time she woke up after a nap to find Westwick assaulting her. Westwick responded the following day on social media to deny the allegations: ""I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner, on any woman. I certainly have never committed rape."" Following Cohen's post, former actress Aurélie Wynn also said on Facebook that she was raped by Westwick while taking a nap in July 2014. Neither Cohen nor Wynn immediately responded on social media Friday to the Los Angeles County prosecutors' decision. Blair Berk, an attorney for Westwick, said it was a ""shame"" that the actor had to be prejudged in public while ""it took this long for Ed to be fully cleared."" ""I hope that those who made such quick judgments not knowing anything about the abundant evidence of innocence in this case will hesitate next time before they so swiftly condemn without investigating the truth,"" Berk added. Amid the accusations, Westwick was dropped earlier this year from a BBC miniseries based on an Agatha Christie novel. The BBC had said in a statement that the allegations against Westwick were ""serious"" but that it was ""not making any judgement"" and later decided to replace him with another actor. His case was handled by a special task force of veteran sex crimes prosecutors formed last fall to handle the growing tide of sexual misconduct accusations in Hollywood. Twelve cases remain under review by the group, including five related to former Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein, whose downfall last year sent shock waves through the entertainment industry, faces multiple felony sex crimes charges in New York City and has been accused by dozens of women of inappropriate behavior over the decades. He has pleaded not guilty. Andrew Blankstein reported from Los Angeles, and Erik Ortiz from New York." 0 "Southern Charm Genre Reality Starring Craig Conover Cameran Eubanks Shep Rose Kathryn Calhoun Dennis Austen Kroll Chelsea Meissner Jenna King Whitney Sudler-Smith Landon Clements Thomas Ravenel Theme music composer Mia Sable Opening theme ""It's Easy"" Country of origin United States Original language(s) English No. of seasons 5 No. of episodes 67 list of episodes) Production Executive producer(s) Aaron Rothman Irad Eyal Whitney Sudler-Smith Bryan Kestner Jason Weinberg Jessica Chesler Camera setup Multiple Running time 42 minutes Production company(s) Haymaker Productions Release Original network Bravo Picture format NTSC 480i HDTV 1080i Original release March 3, 2014 ( ) – present ( present ) External links Website Southern Charm is an American reality television series that debuted on March 3, 2014 on Bravo.[1][2] The series chronicles the personal and professional lives of seven socialites who reside in Charleston, South Carolina. The show focuses on the Southern culture and political history of the area, and has featured local historical places like Lewisfield Plantation and the Mikell House.[3] The series originally focused on Craig Conover, Cameran Eubanks, Jenna King, Thomas Ravenel, Shep Rose and Whitney Sudler-Smith. The series currently focuses on Conover, Eubanks, Rose, Kathryn Calhoun Dennis, Austen Kroll and Chelsea Meissner. Of the original charmers, King left after the first season, Sudler-Smith departed after the third, and Ravenel left after the fifth. The remaining charmers joined in later seasons, Calhoun Dennis in the second, Kroll in the fourth, and Meissner in the fifth. Past charmers include: Landon Clements (seasons 2-4). On July 14, 2014, Southern Charm was renewed for a second season,[4] which premiered on March 16, 2015.[5] The third season premiered on April 4, 2016. The fourth season was announced on February 16, 2017 and premiered on April 3.[6] In February 2018, Bravo announced the fifth season and it premiered on April 5, 2018.[7] In August 2018, Ravenel announced his departure from the show after five seasons due to sexual assault allegations against him, as well as claiming that the show ""took advantage of him.""[8] Bravo confirmed his departure in September 2018 after Ravenel was arrested and charged with assault and battery.[9] Cast members [ edit ] Thomas Ravenel Whitney Sudler-Smith Cameran Eubanks Shep Rose Craig Conover Kathryn Calhoun Dennis Landon Clements Austen Kroll Chelsea Meissner Naomie Olindo Timeline of cast [ edit ] Episodes [ edit ] Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 1 10 March 3, 2014 ( ) May 5, 2014 ( 2014-05-05 ) 2 12 March 16, 2015 ( ) May 25, 2015 ( 2015-05-25 ) 3 14 April 4, 2016 ( ) July 5, 2016 ( 2016-07-05 ) 4 15 April 3, 2017 ( ) July 17, 2017 ( 2017-07-17 ) 5 17 April 5, 2018 ( ) July 30, 2018 ( 2018-07-30 ) On October 27, 2016, Bravo ordered a spin-off series to Southern Charm, titled Southern Charm Savannah. The series follows the same premise as its predecessor series but is set in Savannah, Georgia.[10] The series is produced by Haymaker Production and Aaron Rothman, Irad Eyal, Sara Nichols, Luke Neslage and Jessica Chesler, Jason Weinberg, Bryan Kestner and Whitney Sudler-Smith serve as the series' executive producers.[11] The series premiered on May 8, 2017.[12] On June 26, 2017, Bravo announced that another spin-off, Southern Charm New Orleans, was ordered, and premiered on April 15, 2018. A new reality show on Bravo starring Shep Rose, RelationShep, premiered on December 4, 2017." 0 Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston. Welcome to You Know What I Heard, the Cut’s weekly celebrity gossip column about the peregrinations of the rich and famous. Have gossip? Email me at allie.jones@nymag.com, send me a message on Twitter, or contact me on Signal (ask for the number). When Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux announced their breakup last Thursday evening, they did so with a joint statement issued by Aniston’s longtime publicist, Stephen Huvane. It had Jen written all over it: The statement called out the malicious “gossip industry” and insisted that “whatever else is printed about us that is not directly from us, is someone else’s fictional narrative.” Since Thursday, a lot has been printed about the split, and a lot of it seems to be coming from Theroux’s friends. So who’s really running this breakup? Sources close to Theroux in New York have been telling “Page Six” that Theroux was “really bored by [Aniston’s] whole Hollywood crowd” and that he “initiated” the separation. Unfortunately for Aniston, Official Hollywood Bible People has more or less backed up those “Page Six” reports, citing sources who say that Theroux was done with the marriage and wanted to take the breakup public ASAP. In one report, published Sunday, a source close to Aniston told People that “Jen didn’t want to announce [the split] for as long as possible, because she wanted to avoid the media attention.” But Theroux didn’t play ball. Instead, he walked around getting photographed in New York throughout Aniston’s birthday weekend, while Aniston celebrated at home with girlfriends in L.A. (We definitely noticed that last week.) “Jen hoped that Justin would be low-key on her birthday so people weren’t wondering why he wasn’t with her, but that’s not Justin’s style,” People’s source said. “He wanted to make the announcement so he can live his life.” Theroux apparently flew to L.A. to talk to Aniston three days after her birthday (on Valentine’s Day!), and Aniston agreed to release a statement the next day. So: Theroux initiated the breakup and took it public before Aniston was ready because … why? What life does he want to live? The Sun reported this weekend that one source of contention in his marriage to Aniston was his desire to “party” with the “New York art scene.” Specifically, Sun sources claimed that Aniston was upset over Theroux’s desire to hang out with 25-year-old photographer and “art beauty” Petra Collins. 👽👶🏼🌝🔪 A post shared by Petra Collins (@petrafcollins) on Jan 26, 2018 at 10:02am PST The Sun tends to be more accurate when reporting on British stars (like Taylor Swift’s boyfriends), so who knows where its reporters are getting this information, but Theroux and Collins do know each other. Collins shot Theroux for a spread in L’uomo Vogue last year. The shoot took place at Paul’s Baby Grand in Tribeca; you can see it on Collins’s website. Hypothetically, what would a Collins-Theroux romance mean for gossip? Collins isn’t just an indie darling; she’s also a collaborator and close friend of Selena Gomez. Gomez has publicly gushed, many times, about how much she loves Aniston. (They met a few years ago through their management.) Will Gomez have to pick a side? Selena Gomez and Jennifer Aniston. Another curious element in all of this: Aniston and Theroux may not be legally married at all. Though they had a surprise wedding in the back yard of Aniston’s Bel Air mansion in 2015, TMZ reported this weekend that the couple never filed for a marriage license, confidentially or otherwise, in L.A. County. And neither Aniston nor Theroux has hired a divorce lawyer. Theroux’s friends may be talking to the tabloids, but Theroux himself is not ready to address the rumors: He backed out of a scheduled appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert tonight. Selena Gomez, meanwhile, is reportedly in Jamaica with Justin Bieber for Bieber’s dad’s wedding. Jeremy Bieber, 42, is marrying his “longtime girlfriend” Chelsey Rebelo, 29. Here’s a photo of Gomez posing with some of Rebelo’s friends and relatives: So Gomez and Bieber are going strong, despite her family’s disapproval. According to People, the on-again couple spent Valentine’s Day with a visit to Hillsong and a makeout at the Montage in Beverly Hills. We haven’t heard much from Ben Affleck and his SNL-producer girlfriend Lindsay Shookus so far this year, but you’ll be happy to know they are still together and still color-coordinating their outfits. Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus. According to E! News, the couple spent Valentine’s Day house-hunting in L.A. “They visited two homes in the $8 million–$10 million range with a broker who gave them tours,” a source told the site. Those homes were in the tony neighborhood of Pacific Palisades, where Affleck’s ex-wife Jennifer Garner lives with their three kids. The house tours were very romantic, apparently. “While Ben and Lindsay were waiting for the first house to be opened, Ben grabbed Lindsay on the doorstep and pulled her in close for a hug,” E!’s source said. “They were swaying back and forth hugging and laughing. He kissed her on the forehead. He walked with his arm around her and put his hand on her lower back. They seemed very happy and close.” Shookus can’t be planning to move to L.A. full-time, though, can she? Her daughter and ex-husband live in New York. And she has SNL. Currently, she’s living in Affleck’s $28,000-a-month rental on the Upper West Side. One small blessing from this week: Here is a photo of Rooney Mara and her boyfriend Joaquin Phoenix going to a mall in Sherman Oaks. Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara. Jennifer Lawrence. Finally, I’ll leave you with this TimesTalk Jennifer Lawrence did last week to promote her new spy thriller Red Sparrow. During the talk, she said she’d like to use her character’s skills to figure out “what’s going on with Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift.” “That’s the God’s honest truth,” she added. “[It’s] keeping me up at night.” Love or hate J.Law, she is a great gossip. Most celebrities pretend not to pay attention to the tabloids, but she regularly brings up feuds and rumors in public conversations. (See this appearance on Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live! or her interview with Kim Kardashian West on Jimmy Kimmel’s show.) I, too, would love to know why Kloss and Swift broke up. This past weekend, Kloss attended the NBA All-Star Game with her boyfriend Josh Kushner. Before that, she was spotted hanging out with sworn-Swift-enemy Katy Perry. Swift has been hanging out with herself. Will J.Law’s comment prompt Swift to make a statement? Thanks so much for gossiping this week. Don’t forget to email me at allie.jones@nymag.com, send me a message on Twitter, or contact me on Signal, if you’d like to chat. 1 "LONDON — Ariana Grande sent her love to fans on Tuesday as dignitaries, survivors, first responders and the people of Manchester gathered to mark the anniversary of the concert bombing that killed 22 people. The pop star wrote in a tweet to survivors and the families of victims that she was ""thinking of you all today and every day."" ""I love you with all of me and am sending you all of the light and warmth I have to offer on this challenging day,"" she wrote in a tweet that included a bee, the civic symbol of Manchester. thinking of you all today and every day 🐝 I love you with all of me and am sending you all of the light and warmth I have to offer on this challenging day — Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) May 22, 2018 Salman Abedi, a 22-year-old Briton of Libyan descent, blew himself up as fans were leaving Grande's concert at Manchester Arena on May 22, 2017. Twenty-two concertgoers were killed, and police say more than 800 people were left ""with physical and deep psychological injuries."" Grande suspended her Dangerous Woman Tour after the bombing and returned for the One Love Manchester charity concert weeks later, which raised funds for victims of the attack. Last June, Grande was made an honorary citizen of Manchester after a unanimous vote by the city council. The singer has paid tribute to victims of the attack, including the youngest, Saffie Roussos, who would have turned 9 last July. During Grande's July show in Buenos Aires, the singer reprised her take on ""Somewhere Over the Rainbow,"" which she also performed at One Love. She closed off the song by blowing a kiss and saying, ""Happy birthday, Saffie."" On Tuesday, across Manchester, residents made defiant statements of unity in the face of extremist violence. Some laid bouquets of flowers in St. Ann's Square; others left hand-written notes on Japanese maples that have been planted to form a ""Trees of Hope"" trail through the city. One note cited U.S. Episcopal bishop Michael Curry's sermon at Saturday's royal wedding: ""As a clever bishop said 'there is power in love.'"" A girl cries as she looks at at tributes left in St Anne's Square on the first anniversary of the Manchester Arena bombing, in Manchester, England, May 22, 2018. Andrew Yates / REUTERS Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham said it was a day to ""come together."" Thousands of people paused outside Manchester Cathedral at 2:30 p.m. for a minute of silence that was observed across the country — including in Parliament, where lawmakers paused their debates and fell still. Prince William and Prime Minister Theresa May joined survivors and emergency workers who responded to the attack for a remembrance service at the cathedral. A choir sang ""Amazing Grace"" and ""Somewhere Over the Rainbow,"" and Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim and humanist leaders all addressed the congregation. On the altar stood 22 lit candles, made from the wax of thousands of candles left in the city's St. Ann's Square in the days after the attack. William read a passage from the Bible's book of Corinthians, ending: ""Faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."" Robby Potter, who was hit by shrapnel as he waited to pick his daughter up from the concert, said he felt he had to come to the service ""to support the families who have lost people."" ""We were very lucky, we know how lucky we are,"" he told Sky News. ""It's a case of standing strong. The country stood strong, especially Manchester."" Later, thousands of people — including a choir of survivors — are due to gather for a concert and sing-song in St. Ann's Square. The event will include renditions of Grande's ""One Last Time"" and ""Look Back In Anger"" by Oasis, which became an unofficial anthem of Manchester after the bombing. Bells on the city hall and churches will ring out at 10:31 p.m., exactly a year since the bomb exploded. Police say 100 investigators are still working on the case. The U.K. has issued an arrest warrant for Abedi's younger brother, Hashem Abedi, and is seeking his extradition from Libya — a far-from-straightforward process given that country's political chaos." 0 "Former The Walking Dead star Michael Cudlitz, better known to fans of the show as Abraham Ford, has some harsh words for the show he used to be a part of. Abraham met his end alongside Glenn (Steven Yeun) when Negan took his bat Lucille to both their skulls at the beginning of Season 7. In retrospect, it was a pretty good time to leave The Walking Dead. It was the beginning of the end for AMC's zombie drama, at least until its surprising revival in Season 9 under the welcome stewardship of new showrunner Angela Kang. But the sad fact remains: Seasons 7 and 8 were horrible, no good lousy seasons of television that made so many poor choices I couldn't list them all if I tried. And the show has suffered for it, with ratings collapsing even as it finally drags itself back from the brink. Indeed, both myself and my colleague Paul Tassi agree that Season 9 is one of the best so far (we talk at length about this in our Walking Dead podcast here.) In any case, I'm not alone in thinking the past two seasons were hot garbage. Abraham actor Michael Cudlitz had some choice words recently for the show and its lead protagonist, Rick Grimes. Speaking at the Atlanta Walker Stalker Con, Cudlitz laid down some hard truths: “Let’s be real clear, if he was gonna kill anyone other than me and I had a choice, it would be Rick. Because how many more people was that a—hole gonna get killed?” Cudlitz said, according to ComicBook.com. And while the audience was apparently shocked by this statement, he's not wrong. Rick led his people into one disaster after another. This started long before the disastrous Negan storyline, but Rick reached new heights of recklessness and stupidity as the show's writing quality plummeted. More Cudlitz: “’Hey, I got a plan, let’s show up to where all the Saviors are with 500 weapons, have them step 15 feet out into the balcony unarmed, and shoot the windows out above his head.’ You all know that sucked [...] It was like the A-Team showed up."" Apparently at this point the actor started ""miming stray firing before imitating the showy Savior leader."" Cudlitz again, mocking the terribleness of this scene which, if Rick had simply shot Negan when he first swaggered out the door, would have put a blessed end to this whole nonsensical plot: “He’s right there! He’s right there! He walks out the door. It’s not even like he peeks out. He’s like ‘Well, Rick! Ha ha ha! We better run!’” This is all too hilarious to me, as it really brings me back to my own review of that episode: Earlier, in Rick's speech, he made clear that only one Savior had to die: Negan. (They go and kill several lookouts right after that speech, so it's more like ""only five people have to die"" but who's counting?) And who should walk out onto his doorstep in plain view of all these heavily armed rebels? Who gives them all the perfect chance to take him out then and there? Who swaggers like he's the king of all he sees, never once worried that maybe Rick had given orders to shoot him on sight? If you guessed Negan, you win. The Big Bad walks right out there like he hasn't got a care in the world. He's soon followed by his lieutenants, including the coward, Eugene, and the traitor, Dwight. It turns out, he had nothing to be afraid of. Despite being heavily armed, despite having multiple weapons with scopes and a clear shot, despite coming to do this very thing, nobody opens fire on Negan. Why? This is one of those incredibly frustrating moments that have come more and more to define The Walking Dead. Because there's really no good explanation as to why nobody shoots Negan the moment he showed his smug face. There's no reason one of the dozens of rebels couldn't have popped him at such close range. I should point out that Rick also had snipers that expertly took out the Savior lookouts just before all this (so more like 7 or 8 people had to die, just none of them ended up being Negan because Rick eventually spared him out of mercy moments after murdering other Saviors who had helped him.) In any case, it's quite hilarious to see Cudlitz lay into the show with such naked honesty. Season 8 was just so horrendously awful it very nearly killed the show entirely. For instance, that Season 8 premiere review I linked to up above? That got 424,000 views. My Season 7 premiere review got over 700,000 views. Fast forward to my Season 9 premiere review? 125,000 views, and a steady drop in views ever since. This isn't just people not watching the show the night of, it's people running for the hills. And it's come to this because nobody at AMC had the nerve to step in and save the show from its incredible mismanagement, terrible writing and lousy direction. I'm not sure where all the blame should sit, and I'm sure fingers could point in many directions, but it's still baffling just how bad it got, and how much better it's gotten thanks to Angela Kang's new leadership. Another actor present at the convention was Josh McDermitt who plays Eugene and who, as insane as this sounds, probably had the most interesting arc in Season 8, mostly demurred: “I disagree, only because I’m still on the show and like my job,” he said. Perhaps the most important quote from Cudlitz, or at least the one that speaks to me the most, is this: “It’s like one of those things where you’re so into something and then you’re like, ‘really, guys?’” Cudlitz said. “I get pissed off because I love it.” I've received so much anger and hate from The Walking Dead fans who said that I was trying to ruin their beloved show, when the whole time I was the one raising the red flags, saying ""Really guys?"" because I am a fan. I am a critic, yes, and it's my job to point out when a show goes astray like this. I feel like finally in Season 9, many of my criticisms of the show have finally been heard and we've seen a remarkable uptick in quality. That's fantastic! (Though now I'm being accused of having turned into a shill or, worse, a taking bribes to say nice things about the show because that's the sad truth about fandom. If you say something critical you're a monster and if you say something nice you're a patsy. Oy vey.) In any case, bravo to Michael Cudlitz for speaking out. I still wish he'd been the choice for the Fear The Walking Dead crossover, but I think he dodged a bullet there. Or a bat, as the case may be. As a side note, I think Rick getting killed at the beginning of Season 7 would have been an amazing creative decision and would have, potentially, made for a much more interesting story arc for all involved. Oh well." 0 "Story highlights Love gave the warning in 2005 She tweeted about it over the weekend (CNN) A video of Courtney Love warning young actresses about Harvey Weinstein has been burning up the internet. The video, which was first surfaced by TMZ, was shot in 2005 on the red carpet for the Pamela Anderson Comedy Central Roast. Love is asked if she has any advice for ""a young girl moving to Hollywood."" Love first hesitates and says, ""I'll get libeled if I say it."" ""If Harvey Weinstein invites you to a private party in the Four Seasons [hotel] don't go,"" Love says. Read More" 0 Jennifer Aniston's divorce from Justin Theroux is turning into a dog fight Celebrity couple Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are in the middle of a nasty divorce and the main culprit is their fluffy friends. The former couple are in a heated custody battle over their four dogs and there is no sign of any resolution. Daily Bla Published: 1 "A man was arrested Wednesday after reportedly jumping on top of actress Jamie King's Mercedes-Benz and smashing the windows while her 4-year-old son James Knight Newman was inside the car in Beverly Hills. According to the Beverly Hills Police Department, the shattered glass struck the child while he sat in his car seat in the car's back seat. The 38-year-old ""Hart of Dixie"" star, was outside the vehicle at the time of the attack, but a female friend was in the car with the boy and emerged to protect the child. She was hit with a can by the attacker. The suspect, identified as 47-year-old Paul Francis Floyd, was arrested for felony child endangerment, misdemeanor battery and two counts of felony vandalism. Floyd is being held on $100,000 bail and is scheduled to appear at the Airport Courthouse on April 6, 2018, Jaime King's Street Style ‘Tonight’: #AllIWantForChristmas Hashtags Jimmy Fallon reads some of his favorite tweets with the hashtag #AllIWantForChristmas. (Published Friday, Dec. 21, 2018) According to the police report, ""The four-year old child was secured in a child car seat positioned in the back seat of the vehicle as the suspect jumped on the rear windshield causing glass to shatter and strike the child. In an effort to protect the child, the female driver exited the vehicle and confronted the suspect at which time he threw a can at her, striking her arm,"" the statement read. The statement adds that there will be a second investigation into the paparazzi who were present at the time of the attack. ""During the investigation it was learned that several paparazzi were in the area photographing the incident and the second victim's vehicle. The Department is conducting a secondary criminal investigation for California Penal Code Section 11414-Intentional harassment of a child or ward of another person because of that person's employment."" ‘Tonight’: Miley Cyrus Updates 'Santa Baby' for 2018 Miley Cyrus changes some questionable lyrics to the holiday classic ""Santa Baby"" to better represent 2018, while Jimmy Fallon and Mark Ronson try to keep up. (Published Friday, Dec. 21, 2018) © Copyright E! Online" 0 It’s official! At least that is what we think. Emma Watson and Chord Overstreet were photographed kissing earlier this week in Los Angeles, marking the clearest sign that they are romantically involved, less than a month after reports said they had split after dating for a few months.The 28-year-old Harry Potter and Beauty and the Beast actress and the 29-year-old Glee alum and musician who recently released the single Carried Away, were seen in a parking lot locking lips, and they also took selfies, while Overstreet also snapped photographs of Watson posing next to one of the vehicles. Watson wore a white and red printed feminist “Marchin” T-shirt and black capris, while Overstreet wore a black printed tank top and ripped jeans. The two were later spotted at a movie theatre, a vegan restaurant and a supermarket. 0 "It has been two-and-a-half years since Miranda Lambert divorced Blake Shelton, but there still seems to be some bad blood between the former couple. New reports claims that they still get under each other’s skin, and Lambert “can’t stand” her ex’s high-profile romance with Gwen Stefani. So, how will she react if Blake Shelton proposes to Gwen Stefani on Valentine’s Day? That there is still animosity between the former couple and it is all because Shelton parades his relationship with Stefani around for the world to see. An insider claims that seeing Shelton happy with his hot girlfriend “burns” Lambert. “I do this thing called whatever I want” pic.twitter.com/C3TawRy5FW — Miranda Lambert (@mirandalambert) February 7, 2018 The insider went on to say that Shelton and Lambert have traded scathing messages, and she has accused him of using Stefani to make her jealous. But, Shelton allegedly responds that Stefani has everything that Lambert doesn’t. It seems the former couple may be still throwing jabs at each other even though they have both moved on to happy relationships. Shelton and Stefani have been together since late 2015, and Lambert has been with Anderson East for about the same amount of time. Lambert did take a shot at her ex during a recent concert on her Livin’ Like Hippies tour. During her song Little Red Wagon, she changed the lyric “I live in Oklahoma” (which is where Shelton is from and where they lived while they were married) to “I got the hell out of Oklahoma.” Shelton quickly hit back. While performing at Luke Bryan’s Crash My Playa festival in Mexico, he covered George Strait’s hit All My Exes Live in Texas. Of course, Lambert is from Texas. Luke Bryan and Blake Shelton Sing ""All My Exes Live In Texas"" https://t.co/VCBxAQArie pic.twitter.com/P1Y4aSJ8DH — 92.3 WCOL (@923WCOL) January 25, 2018 The country superstar may still be feuding with his ex, but that hasn’t kept him from enjoying his time with Stefani and her boys. Shelton, Stefani, and her kids, Kingston, Zuma, and Apollo, attended the Super Bowl last weekend, and they looked to be having a great time. The couple and the kids sat in the stands and watched the Philadelphia Eagles beat the New England Patriots 41-33 to win their first Lombardi Trophy. Stefani even shared several photos and videos of the day on her Instagram account. Rumors have also surfaced that one of Shelton’s assistants has been shopping for a diamond ring in Beverly Hills. Some believe the I’ll Name the Dogs singer is preparing to propose to Stefani on Valentine’s Day. The high-end broker deals expensive, multi-carat, rare diamonds in simple settings, and it is not unheard of for customers to drop half a million dollars on a piece of jewelry in the store. Could Stefani and Shelton be headed down the altar? Fans will just have to wait and see. But, one thing is for sure, the couple has been quick to share their relationship on social media. Advertisement If Blake Shelton does pop the question to Stefani, they will surely let everyone know as soon as it happens, and there is no telling just how Miranda Lambert will react to the news." 1 Escrito por MARCOS ESPINO RODRÍGUEZ Leer Más ¡No es el Sol ni es el Mar, es el Torneo de Básquet Llegando a La Universidad! 10 Ago 2018 Escrito por BETSY HERNÁNDEZ Leer Más Business Kids, Emprendiendo a Jugar 10 Ago 2018 Escrito por JUAN EDUARDO VELASCO NAVARRO* Leer Más Inglés, Puente de Oportunidades y Enriquecimiento Personal 04 Jul 2018 Escrito por ÁNGEL DOMÍNGUEZ PEÑA Leer Más Todos Invitados a Usar las Nuevas Instalaciones Deportivas 04 Jul 2018 Escrito por GUILLERMO SAAD URIBE Leer Más REVOLUCIÓN EDUCATIVA. Ambiente Google For Education y Tecnología de Vanguardia en la Universidad ICEL 04 Jul 2018 Escrito por JUAN EDUARDO VELASCO NAVARRO Leer Más En Este Verano: Visita a Asia en Marfil, Arte Oriental en el Soumaya 04 Jun 2018 Escrito por EVERT GABRIEL ORTIZ Leer Más Regreso a la Infancia Mediante el Aprendizaje 04 Jun 2018 1 Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West have finally revealed the name of their new baby girl to the world. In a simple post on her personal app on Friday, Kim simply listed the name “Chicago West” as the new moniker for their baby girl. The name can be interpreted as a sweet tribute to the city that Kanye grew up in and references frequently and lovingly in his music. Chicago, who was born on Monday via surrogate, is the third child for Kim and Kanye, who already have a daughter, 4-year-old North and a son, 2-year-old Saint. As might be expected, the Internet had plenty of opinions about the newest Kardashian-West offspring and took to the web to share them. 1 Amendment XXVSection 1.In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.Section 2.Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.Section 3.Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.Section 4.Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office. 0 Chris Wattie / ReutersCanada warns immigrants in US about fleeing north Canada officials want to make it clear for would-be immigrants looking to cross the US-Canada border that they should do so legally. 0 "It began, as do most of these family scandals, with an exhibition in The Daily Mail . One of Markle's childhood friends not only shared (and probably sold) a real boat full of private photos, ranging from school games to family vacations or his first wedding, but he gave a revealing interview, and some would say completely disloyal The theme ranged from the relatively innocent, such as how they became inseparable in elementary school and how it was for the private school for girls, to even more damaging revelations like the fact that this friend believes that fame ""changed"" Meghan. Even a headline circulated that the friend ""blamed"" Markle for the destruction of his first marriage. To add insult to injury, Markle's stepsister, Samantha Markle, has been telling everyone, well, anything and everything they want to know about future royalty. It is widely known that the two women are not close (it is unknown the last time they spoke) and it is worth mentioning that she has plans to launch a book called The diary of the sister of Princess Pushy so that the timing of these interviews is anything but random. Samantha talked about whether Meghan will ask her father to take her down the hall and admitted that the relationship with Harry ""created a gap"" in the family. The uncle of the future princess has also welcomed the photographers in her house and talked about the upcoming nuptials, although her comments were decidedly more positive and not at all derogatory, it still represents a phenomenon that all those who experience fame Almost instantaneous they have Supported: When someone you've met or spoken of leaves the carpentry shop for their own 15 minutes (or 15 seconds) of fame." 0 "Now that Meghan Markle is officially part of the British royal family, she's being given more and more responsibility. Following her solo outing with the Queen earlier this month, it's now being reported that Meghan is about to take over one of Queen Elizabeth's royal duties. According to The Express, Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex ""will welcome those in the Queen's Young Leaders programme to Buckingham Palace this summer, continuing the role started by the Queen during her lifetime of service to the Commonwealth nations."" Advertisement - Continue Reading Below While the Queen is taking a step back from her role in the Queen's Young Leaders programme, it's clear that she's leaving in very capable hands. Getty Images Prince Harry is already the patron of the Queen's Young Leaders, a role that he took on in 2018. The programme aims to recognize the work of exceptional young people and the work that they do within the Commonwealth nations. Taking on his new job in April 2018, Prince Harry said (via The Daily Mail), ""In my new role I will work to support The Queen, my father The Prince of Wales, and my brother William, all of whom know that young people are the answer to the challenges of today."" At the time, he made it clear that he wanted Meghan to join him, saying, ""I am also incredibly grateful that the woman I am about to marry, Meghan, will be joining me in this work, of which she too is hugely excited to take part in.""" 1 Et tu, Matt? While Megyn Kelly’s had a rocky start to her hour of “Today,” co-star Matt Lauer doesn’t seem to be defending her. When an industry insider remarked to Lauer last week that celebrities are being advised to avoid Kelly’s “Megyn Kelly Today” — amid ratings struggles and awkward snafus with famous guests — a Page Six spy overheard Lauer reply that he “gets it,” adding, “It’s a big problem for them,” meaning Kelly’s show. Insiders were stunned that the veteran “Today” host didn’t try to defend his new colleague. We’re told publicists have been steering their clients to other shows, partly because of Kelly’s ailing ratings and partly because of the dust-ups with Jane Fonda and Debra Messing. In September — just two days into her run as host of the 9 a.m. hour of “Today” — Kelly upset Fonda by bringing up the actress’ plastic surgery past. Messing said that she “regretted” appearing on the show after an awkward moment during which Kelly asked a “superfan” audience member, “Is it true that you became a lawyer, and you became gay, because of [co-star Eric McCormack’s character] Will?” Another reason that Hollywood flacks are booking clients elsewhere is that Kelly is struggling to hang on to viewers. As Page Six recently reported, her numbers are nearly at an all-time low for the famed NBC morning show and she continues to drag down “Kathie Lee & Hoda.” “This week was the lowest Kathie and Hoda have rated since 2010,” said a source. “It keeps getting worse. Megyn is killing them. It is a real problem and no one wants to book Megyn’s show,” the insider said. Another source added, “They can keep telling you about all the lunches they’re taking her to, but it’s not helping the ratings.” But a rep for “Today” downplayed any drama, telling us: “Sounds like a few troublemakers are trying to stir up drama where there just isn’t any. Everyone’s doing just fine at the ‘Today’ show.” NBC crowed this week that “Today” “was the No. 1 morning show outright, topping ‘Good Morning America’ in total viewers and all demos last Monday.” Related Video 1:55 Megyn Kelly is making morning TV very awkward 1 It looks like everyone just wants a piece of Drake… Last month, IG model Layla Lace swore she was pregnant by Drizzy. That turned out to be nothing but lies. And just when we thought he had nothing to worry about, another woman is now claiming that she’s pregnant with the rapper’s baby. Former porn star Sophie Brussaux is claiming that she’s carrying baby Drake and also has text messages to prove it, according to TMZ. She’s also so confident that she even hired popular lawyer, Raoul Felder, in New York City for the paternity suit, according to the gossip site. Here’s the messages TMZ obtained from Brussaux: “Drake: I want you to have an abortion. Brussaux: I can’t kill my baby simply to indulge you sorry. Drake: Indulge me? F–k you. Brussaux: What? Drake: You do know what you’re doing you think you’re going to get money.” Ouch… While the last chick was also able to shell out some text messages between the rapper, a rep who spoke to TMZ says they don’t know if the messages between Drake and Brussaux are real or taken out of context. His team continued to say, that the former porn star “has a very questionable background. She has admitted to having multiple relationships. We understand she may have problems getting into the United States. She’s one of many women claiming he got them pregnant.” It was also said that she smashed another big rapper the same time she was messing with Drake. The rep added, “If it is in fact Drake’s child, which he does not believe, he would do the right thing by the child.” Brussaux was spotted out with Drake back in January, right after Jlo and Drake reportedly split. Now, Brussaux is claiming to be 3 1/2 months and had hooked up with him back in January. She’s reportedly having a girl. #Socialites what do you think? 0 "CLOSE Celebrities like The Rock, Kevin Hart, J.Lo, and Sandra Bullock are donating thousands of dollars and even one million dollars to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. USA TODAY Sandra Bullock is donating $1 million to Hurricane Harvey relief. (Photo: Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP) Sandra Bullock is giving in a big way toward relief for Hurricane Harvey victims. The actress, 53, donated $1 million to the American Red Cross for its efforts in devastated regions of Texas, according to People magazine. “I’m just grateful I can do it,” Bullock said. “We all have to do our part.” Bullock, who has a home in Texas and who is a longtime supporter of the Red Cross, told the magazine that it was crucial to look above the heated political rhetoric around the devastating storm and urged fellow Americans to give. “There are no politics in eight feet of water,” Bullock said. “There are human beings in eight feet of water.” Elizabeth Penniman, vice president of communications at the Red Cross' national headquarters, called it ""an incredible gift."" ""Especially during times of disaster, people see what’s happening in Texas and our hearts all go out to them,” Penniman told People. “Having someone like Sandra Bullock make this kind of commitment, it helps bring people together and open their hearts and be even more generous.” CLOSE As the Red Cross seeks donations for relief efforts after Hurricane Harvey, critics are citing a 2016 report on the organization's track record. Video provided by Newsy Newslook The gift is a step up even from generous celebrity donations. Jumanji co-stars Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson have led a star-stuffed challenge to give to the Red Cross. (Hart is at $50K.) Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez each donated $25,000. Read or Share this story: https://usat.ly/2xLiqdh" 0 Colton Haynes spoke out about Hollywood’s treatment of LGBT actors in a series of tweets on Tuesday, August 29. “Hollywood is so f–ked up. So much of the focus is on your personal life & has nothing to do with the talent you have to bring to the table,” he tweeted. Haynes, 29, went to to praise American Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy, Arrow executive producer Greg Berlanti and Teen Wolf creator Jeff Davis for giving him opportunities. “Thank god for Ryan Murphy, Greg Berlanti, & Jeff Davis. They believe gay actors are more than just their personal lives,” he tweeted. “So disappointed in how Hollywood cant understand that playing a character has nothing to do with how u live your personal life.” The actor came out as gay in May 2016, and announced his relationship with celebrity floral designer Jeff Leatham in February 2017. The couple got engaged in March in Los Cabos, Mexico. Haynes has previously said people in the entertainment industry advised him to hide his sexuality. “I’ve been told by so many people that you cannot be out and have a career,” he told The Huffington Post in June. “Literally, people would set me up with girls for press. … There was this whole story that ran with Lauren Conrad, who I love — she’s the best. Basically my old manager at the time was like, ‘Oh, take a picture with her.’ He just basically ran this story trying to say that I was dating Lauren Conrad. It was there for about six months. I was like, ‘Oh great, I have to do this.’ That’s how it is in Hollywood. But not anymore. You have all these amazing showrunners who actually embrace people’s personal lives and embrace people’s truth.” The Teen Wolf star told Us Weekly last month that he’s so happy with Leatham and that their wedding is happening sometime this year. “Engaged life is amazing,” he told Us. “It’s the best thing in the world. I’m just super happy to have someone so supportive and just loves me unconditionally.” For the latest celebrity entertainment, news and lifestyle videos, subscribe to Us Weekly’s YouTube Page. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 Reliving Cake Boss Buddy Valastro’s Best Desserts of All Whether traveling the country on his TLC reality show or serving guests at one of his many Carlo’s Bakery locations, Buddy Valastro knows how to whip up a tasty treat after that main meal. And with today being National Dessert Day, there’s no better time to celebrate a man who has wowed us with his clever, unique and totally edible creations. Reliving Cake Boss Buddy Valastro’s Best Desserts of All There are pastry chefs and then there is the Cake Boss. Whether traveling the country on his TLC reality show or serving guests at one of his many Carlo’s Bakery locations, Buddy Valastro knows how to whip up a tasty treat after that main meal. Reliving Cake Boss Buddy Valastro’s Best Desserts of All Whether traveling the country on his TLC reality show or serving guests at one of his many Carlo’s Bakery locations, Buddy Valastro knows how to whip up a tasty treat after that main meal. And with today being National Dessert Day, there’s no better time to celebrate a man who has wowed us with his clever, unique and totally edible creations. Reliving Cake Boss Buddy Valastro’s Best Desserts of All Directors: Don’t Assume ’Avengers 4’ Will Revive the Dead Characters With… Reliving Cake Boss Buddy Valastro’s Best Desserts of All Time Reliving Cake Boss Buddy Valastro’s Best Desserts of All Time There are pastry chefs and then there is the Cake Boss. Whether traveling the country on his TLC reality show or serving guests at one of his many Carlo’s I Visited Cake Boss’ Carlo’s Bakery for the First Time and How much is a cake from Cake Boss? According to the Carlo’s Bakery website , the prices of the cakes change depending on the bakery location, cake size, cake flavor, and more. At the original location in Hoboken where I visited, many of the traditional cakes that serve six-eight people range anywhere from $24.95 to $34.95. Cake Boss (2009) – News – IMDb June 22, 2017, Mary Valastro passed away from Als, and Cake Boss devoted the being of the new season to her honor. The first scene was an empty and quiet bakery. The first scene was an empty and quiet bakery. Baking with the Cake Boss: 100 of Buddy’s Best Recipes … Bursting with delicious, tried-and-true recipes, how-to boxes and sidebars, and numerous tricks of the trade, Baking with the Cake Boss is a rare treat—a fun, accessible guide to baking, all in a gloriously designed, fully illustrated package … 4.5/5(276) These Flower Cupcakes Are The Cake Boss’s Most … According to the Cake Boss, piping is all in the wrist. It’s a lot of the same motions — up, out, around — but the different tips he uses make each flower unique. By the time Valastro… Carlo’s Bakery – Official Site From holiday gatherings to office luncheons, our dessert and pastry platters are perfect for every occasion. All trays all made fresh to order, so you know your crowd will be happy (and full). All trays all made fresh to order, so you know your crowd will … 0 [Never miss a pop music story: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Louder.] XXXTentacion had been a rising star in hip-hop, landing a No. 1 album in March despite existing largely outside of the mainstream music business. He first gained popularity on the streaming platform SoundCloud and became something of a poster child for the digital age, with millions of young fans tracking his every utterance. But XXXTentacion was also mired in controversy and legal troubles, and was awaiting trial on charges including aggravated battery of a pregnant victim, false imprisonment and witness tampering at the time of his death. Image Michael Boatwright was served an arrest warrant for first-degree murder in the killing of XXXTentacion. Credit Broward Sheriff's Office On the day he was killed, the rapper visited Riva Motorsports with a friend. The police said two men followed XXXTentacion into the store and later, as he was leaving the dealership, blocked his vehicle and exited a dark-colored S.U.V. brandishing guns and demanding property. After a brief struggle, at least one of the suspects fired at the rapper, who was later pronounced dead at a hospital. “The investigation continues,” the Broward County Sheriff’s Office said in its news release on Wednesday. Sheriff Scott Israel of Broward said that his department was withholding additional information about the arrest of Mr. Boatwright, and sealed the arrest report, as it continued to pursue the case, the Sun-Sentinel reported. “We’re not releasing any information about it because we’re still looking for two other suspects, including Robert Allen,” Mr. Israel said. “If we release more information about the case, it may hamper detectives’ ability or impede their progress to make those other arrests and take those two individuals into custody.” Since XXXTentacion’s death, his music has surged on streaming platforms, sending both of his official albums into the Top 5 on the Billboard chart; the single “Sad!” also reached No. 1 last month. According to his associates, XXXTentacion had been close to finishing a new album, and had signed a $10 million deal for its release just weeks before he was killed. 0 Reports have surfaced in the Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston split that is just plain bizarre. Apparently he’s now ‘fallen’ for Selena Gomez. The Gomez has been mates with both Justin – who’s 21 years her senior – and Jen for years, but apparently things have gone into lover territory for Justin and the singer. The two do share a manager, we should add, so it may be nothing more than a friendly friendship. However, sources linked to the pair have gone and suggested the two have ‘totally fallen for each other’ and that Justin’s ex Jen ‘isn’t happy’. These two have been pals, which isn’t awkward (Picture: Getty Images) Life and Style has reported the source claimed Justin and Selena (wow, she likes Justins, eh?) have ‘known each other for years through their manager’ but only recently started ‘falling for each other’. Much falling, very celebrity. It comes after Justin and wife of two years Jen separated after spending the past seven years together as a couple. Advertisement Advertisement Selena is back on the singles scene, too, reportedly, after her split from Justin Bieber after a few months of dating after reigniting their on/off relationship that has spanned many a year. Jen and Justin split earlier this year (Picture: WireImage) When it comes to her reported romance with Justin (Theroux), the source added: ‘Initially, they leaned on each other for emotional support after going through messy breakups. ‘They FaceTime and text late at night and have intimate conversation about where they’re going in life and their career goals.’ It’s an interesting matching, if it’s at all happening, as Jen and Selena are said to be friends, with the source saying Jen was ‘put out’ as Selena ‘always considered her a mentor’. The source said: ‘Jen is not happy about it. She’d be horrified if she knew the extent of the relationship because she’d think of it as a complete betrayal on both their parts.’ Just for some posterity, shall we remind you all Selena once said this about Jennifer Aniston: ‘I always say that I worship Rachel McAdams as a movie actress but for comedy—the whole reason I started my show and mannerisms, they were after Jennifer Aniston,’ she told Just Jared in 2009. ‘It was so funny, they were playing clip reels of the work she’s done and I quoted the whole thing. Every single thing she’d say, I would say it. People were sitting there laughing at me and they’re like, “Wow, you’re obsessed.'” Advertisement Advertisement Read into that what you will. Ay ay ay, this is all more drama than that time Ross and Rachel were on a break. Metro.co.uk contacted reps for comment. Got a story? If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro.co.uk Entertainment team by emailing us celebtips@metro.co.uk, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you. MORE: Jennifer Aniston enjoys post-break up night out with Ellen DeGeneres and Courteney Cox MORE: Great news, Jen! Friends star’s estranged husband Justin Theroux doesn’t believe in having ‘ex’ partners 1 About Trendolizer™Trendolizer™ (patent pending) automatically scans the internet for trending content. The website you are looking at has no human editors at all: links to trending stories are automatically posted from a selection of the data Trendolizer™ picked up. If you are interested in using the Trendolizer™ engine, dashboard or API for your own projects, more information is available at get.trendolizer.com . Trendolizer™ is owned by Lead Stories LLCPrivacy policyThis site uses cookies to track user behaviour on this site, without linking to personally identifiable data. Advertisers may also use cookies, but the scope and nature of this use is beyond our control. 1 "Mariah Carey is famous for loving ""moments."" It could be a ""butterfly moment."" Or a ""hot tub moment."" But right now, it's a ""Las Vegas moment."" The sexy superstar just wrapped up Mariah: #1 to Infinity, her first-ever Vegas residency, where she performed all 18 of her #1 hits at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace. Fans who didn't catch Mimi's Vegas show will get another chance in December when she returns to the Colosseum for All I Want for Christmas Is You, a holiday concert series that, yes, will be sure to feature that iconic, titular hit. (For those unable to head out West for the holidays, you can also catch Mariah's Christmas shows at New York's Beacon Theatre.) On top of these performances, the pop star has her hands in two film projects: the first, All I Want For Christmas Is You, is an animated movie based on her holiday hit and out this November and the second, The Star, is another animated feature out the same month in which she wrote the film's titular song. At our cover shoot, Carey's outfits channel the glittery, over-the-top extravagance of her new city. ""I think this is kind of a fairy princess moment,"" she says of one sparkly gold tulle gown. ""And I took off my shoes to be very Cinderella,"" she adds. ""Although I don't know that Cinderella went as plunging in the neckline."" So, an adult, glamorous Cinderella? ""Adult, glamorous...yeah, I guess so,"" she says. ""If I have to be an adult, sure."" Click through for more Mariah photos from our 'Las Vegas' cover story! What made you decide to do a show in Las Vegas? Well, I just thought it would be something in between albums, because now I'm working on a new album and new singles, and I just thought it was a great place to be able to be. Because I have twins [Moroccan and Monroe], who just turned six...to have them be in one place for a period of time rather than, like, touring for all that time [is great]. They go with me. And they say 'What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas.' Do you have any of those kinds of moments that you really cut loose? Well, it's hard because sometimes it's like two nights on back to back so I don't really [go out] -- it's not like, 'WOO HOO,' let's, like, go wild on the Las Vegas strip, but occasionally some of my friends and I will drive around, have fun, go to different places, do whatever. If your friend was going to Las Vegas for the first time, besides seeing your wonderful show, are there other things you would suggest they do? Well, if they have kids they should take them to the dentist that [my kids] go to, because it's a kids' dentist and they have all these games there...I'm sitting here waiting to go to the dentist, like, 'Let me get to Vegas so I can get to the dentist!' I can't imagine many people would recommend going to Las Vegas for a dentist. Darling, you've got to take care of your teeth. Your fans love your many 'Mariah moments.' You know, like your 'butterfly moment' or an 'off-the-shoulder moment' is something you're always loving. Are there any moments you're particularly feeling these days? I like good moments. There's often moments that I'm like, 'This is not a good moment.' But usually when I'm like, 'It's a moment,' I really mean it in a good way. What about a diva moment? I've never had a diva moment. No? No...Actually, I have had diva moments, and then people can't handle it. I guess it's a little intense, because I come from a true diva: My mother is an opera singer. And that's a real diva, you know -- Juilliard diva. And so other people that are like, 'I'm a diva,' it's like, 'Honey, you don't know what a diva is, you didn't grow up with my mom.' [Laughs] And I mean it as a compliment, or I wouldn't be the person I am without experiencing that. And so when people hear me say, like, 'Dahling da da da da' and talk that way, it's kinda like I'm channeling my mother. Not that she says 'dahling' all the time, but like that voice is... it's like I inadvertently do it, and I don't do it to be disrespectful, I just do it and it just happens and it's like, [in diva voice] 'I don't even know why.' So you can't fight it; it's in your blood. I can't fight it, no. If you could start a rumor about yourself, what would it be? Start a rumor about myself? Oh, do we have to do that? Can't we just leave it to all the other people who love to start rumors? I don't know. I've already said that I insist on having puppies everywhere I go, which would be great! Like, that would be great, no? You're such a huge star, but can you remember the last time you were starstruck? There's always people who I admire and when I see them [I get starstruck]. The last time I saw Prince, he came to my dressing room. I had said I wanted to go visit him to say hello because we've met before.When he was living we had had lots of conversations, and he helped me through certain moments that were not easy. I don't want to get too depressing, but I was having a conversation with Prince and then I looked around the room and I noticed that everyone in the room was looking up and staring like they couldn't believe he was standing there. But I would always be a little bit starstruck [when] I [saw] Michael Jackson as well. Finally, in three words, tell me what it's like to be Mariah Carey. Pshh, three words!? You can do more, but that's the challenge. [Laughs] So many things...Sooo. Many. Things. Those are my three words. Interview by Mickey Boardman Photos by James White Styling by Robért Behar Hair by Tiger Bautista Makeup by Kristofer Buckle Manicure by Christina Aviles at Opus Beauty for Dermelect Photo Assistants: Eric Larson, Chris Baldwin and Robert Kozek Digital Capture: Chad Michael Brooks" 0 He is the host with the most! Jamie Foxx was the showman hosting the 2018 BET Awards tonight. The show was action packed and the versatile star star kept viewers (and viewers!) On their toes with off-script antics. Talk about the success of Black Panther in his opening for a full five minutes to educate Donald Glover on stage, the former In living color Comedian was certainly a wild man with his spontaneous stage antics and his wild sketches during the show, the performances of 2 Chainz. Big sean. Miguel. Gentle mill and Nicki Minaj. Some was embarrassing, some was great – everything was entertaining. Here are eight of Jamie's wildest hosting moments: 0 Dakota Johnson just won summer with her look today in New York.The actress had on an off-white lingerie top with a pair of blue jeans... 1 Sneaky, sneaky! How to Get Away With Murder’s Karla Souza has welcomed her first child. The actress, who kept her entire pregnancy a secret, announced the news on Thursday, April 19. “So I have something to share with you guys,” Souza captioned an Instagram pic of her baby bump. Moments later, she shared a second photo, revealing that her daughter was already here. “God blessed us,” she wrote, showing her baby girl sleeping on her chest. Souza, 32, later took to Instagram Story to share more details. “We welcomed our healthy baby girl Gianna and we couldn’t feel more blessed in this moment …The last nine months have been nothing short of a miracle.” Souza and her husband, banker Marshall Trenkmann, tied the knot in 2014. One year later, she told Us Weekly how her beau makes her feel special. “He leaves me articles he wants me to read about something we were talking about, like Latino culture. Or he’ll drop a little note in my bag saying, ‘I hope your day goes well! I love you,'” she said at the time. “It’s super sweet!” The star is best known for playing Laurel Castillo on the hit ABC series. Some fans speculated that she may be pregnant when it appeared that she was covering up her stomach while filming. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! 0 "Peta Murgatroyd is simply glowing! The Dancing With the Stars pro and her 4-month old son, Shai, cover the June issue of Fit Pregnancy and Baby, and in her accompanying interview with the magazine, she gets candid about her surprise pregnancy, raising a newborn with fiancé Maksim Chmerkovskiy and returning to the dance competition show just two months after giving birth. WATCH: Maksim Chmerkovskiy & Peta Murgatroyd Gush Over Their 'Happy' First Date Night Since Son's Birth ""Maks and I were so careful, but one night we weren't,"" she explains. ""Days later I had this massive hot flash and I thought, 'I better take a test.' So I did. 'What?! How?!' A tear went down my cheek, because I didn't know what to do. I was thinking, 'Do I go to work? Do I call 100 people?'"" ""I called Maks, who was in Vegas, and said, 'Well, I'm pregnant.' He thought I was kidding,"" she continues. ""When I told him I wasn't, he said, 'Wow, that's good, babe,' in kind of a monotone. It was really weird! He added, 'I'm in a car full of people. I love you so much. I'll call you back.' He did a few minutes later and he was absolutely thrilled and came straight home to celebrate."" Fit Pregnancy and Baby While pregnant, Murgatroyd continued to dance (that's her profession, after all!), but admits it wasn't fun -- especially with nausea. She remembers feeling extremely fatigued while rehearsing for season 22 of DWTS with Nyle DiMarco. ""I'd literally fall asleep on the couch in the studio while I was supposed to be teaching Nyle,"" she recalls. ""Eventually Nyle said, 'I know your secret.' He'd figured it out, because my boobs had grown and Maks was bringing me food every day. But Nyle and I won the season with me eight weeks pregnant!"" WATCH: 'Dancing With the Stars' Week 8 Dance Recap: Best Lifts, Kicks, Tricks and Flips! The 30-year-old dancer confesses she also wasn't a fan of the weight gain, but remained active throughout her pregnancy. ""I gained about 40 pounds. My thighs got bigger. My boobs got bigger. My butt got ten times bigger,"" she remembers. ""I kept exercising -- light weights, walking on an incline on the treadmill and Pilates. Keeping up my core strength helped me push during the delivery."" Fit Pregnancy and Baby ""Hormones mess with your emotions,"" she adds. ""During pregnancy, little things would set me off. I burst into tears because I thought the baby's going-home outfit wasn't the right color. Also, usually I'm obsessed with gourmet cheese. Maks came home with a bag full of it. He was being sweet, but I said, 'I'll puke if you make me eat that.' Instead I went through a pasta phase, eating it with oil and salt at six in the morning."" But all of those things no longer mattered when baby Shai finally arrived at 5:34 a.m. on Jan. 4, 2017, weighing in at 7 pounds 11 ounces. ""Half the time Maks and I were laughing, half the time we were staring at the monitor. Sometime during the night, my water broke. I pushed for 30 minutes and he was here!"" she says. ""Suddenly my baby was on my chest. Maks and I were in shock for the first 30 seconds. Then Maks started to cry, and then I did too. Shai looked at me, took his first breath and just made a little noise. It was the best day of my life."" Fit Pregnancy and Baby WATCH: Peta Murgatroyd Pumps Breastmilk Before ‘DWTS’: ‘My Milkshakes Do Not Bring All the Boys to the Yard’ Shortly after welcoming little Shai into the world, the Auckland, New Zealand, native was already thinking about whether she'd return to work and commit to DWTS' current 24th season. She ultimately said yes, and was paired with Bachelor star Nick Viall. The two were sent home during week seven of the competition. ""I got the call to come back on the show right after Shai was born. I said yes, but after I hung up, I said to Maks, 'I don't think I can do this,'"" she recalls. ""He reassured me. I returned with new agreements -- there'd be a limit to my hours. Even so, much of the time when I [went] to work, I [had] tears in my eyes. Shai gives me this beautiful smile, and all I want to do is stay home for an extra hour. Then I think, 'The sooner I go, the sooner I can get back.' After work, I hurry home."" ""When I returned to work I still had 20 to 25 extra pounds on me,"" she continues. ""It was tough. But now, even with ten pounds to go, I feel good. I want to show women you should be proud of where you are. Don't always look into the future, or you'll miss the now. That said, I'd love to have my pre-baby boobs back by my wedding day!"" Fit Pregnancy and Baby ET recently caught up with Murgatroyd and Chmerkovskiy at the 24th Annual Race to Erase MS Gala in Los Angeles, where they opened up about how parenting has been going thus far. The event marked the adorable duo's first official ""date night"" since Shai's arrival. WATCH: Maksim Chmerkovskiy & Peta Murgatroyd Talk 'DWTS' Destiny, How Life Has Changed Since Becoming Parents ""I don't think you can stay the same person,"" Murgatroyd exclaimed. ""I think once you have a baby it changes your whole life, your whole world, in a good way. But there's nothing sexier, there's nothing more beautiful than seeing your man fall in love with your child even more every day. It's the best."" Hear more from the exclusive interview in the video below! Related Gallery" 1 "Prince Harry's net worth is 8-figures. Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images Megan Markle will be marrying into class, status, and major wealth when she ties the royal knot with Prince Harry on May 19. Before she moved across the pond, Markle was earning close to half a million dollars a year starring in the USA Network drama ""Suits,"" plus a five-figure income from endorsement deals and sponsorships. Her total net worth is estimated to be $5 million. That's a sizable contribution to bring into any marriage, but when she marries Prince Harry, their combined net worth will be more than five times that. Prince Harry's net worth is at least $25 million (£18 million) and as much as $40 million (£28.7 million), according to estimates from Wealth-X. Here's where all that money comes from. Along with Prince William and Kate Middleton, Harry receives an annual seven-figure allowance from his father and heir to the throne, Prince Charles, which is used to cover expenses like travel and wardrobe. Between April 2016 and March 2017, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Harry split nearly $5 million (£3.5 million) in allowance from their father, according to an annual review released by Clarence House. Prince Charles derives that money, in part, from a private estate called the Duchy of Cornwall, which has funded the royal family's public and private lives for nearly 700 years. The estate provided a total of $28.8 million (£20.7 million), including Harry and William's allowance, to Prince Charles and his wife Camilla between 2016 and 2017. Chris Jackson/Getty Since age 21, Harry and William have also been receiving a $450,000 a year investment profit from Princess Diana's estate, which they pay taxes on to the UK government. They received a sizeable inheritance from their late mother estimated to be around $10 million each, which each prince gained access to on his 30th birthday. Plus, during his 10 years in the British Royal Air Force, Harry earned an annual income of $50,000. Despite a massive fortune, Markle and Harry reportedly will not sign a prenuptial agreement before their wedding, reported Business Insider's Shana Lebowtiz. A prenup is a smart choice for most couples who have sizable assets they want to protect in the event of a divorce, but for Harry — and William, who chose to forgo a prenup with Middleton — it doesn't make much sense. The princes likely don't have much property of their own, as the most valuable national treasures like the Crown Jewels or the Tower of London are part of the royal collection held by the Queen. Still, the merging of Harry and Markle's finances could ""cause tax headaches"" and create some ""mundane hurdles"" for the royal family, as The Washington Post first reported in November. Markle is a citizen of the US and is purportedly living in the UK on a family visa, according to the BBC. If she eventually becomes a dual US-UK citizen, Markle will have to continue filing her taxes each year with the IRS. If she has more than $300,000 in assets at any point during the year, she will have to file a specific form that details foreign assets, which could include foreign trusts, subjecting the royal family ""to outside scrutiny,"" according to the Post. But ultimately there are a lot of factors that come into play. Eddie Mulholland/AP ""The key for Meghan and her advisors would be to figure out what type of income she will be getting,"" Avani Ramnani, director of financial planning and wealth management at Francis Financial, told Business Insider. ""Will this income be from the investments of a trust, or 'wages' for any work that she does, or any other type of income? Sometimes, getting one form of income is more advantageous than another."" Kensington Palace will cover the cost of the wedding — aside from Markle's dress — which is expected to cost the royal family upwards of $45 million (£32 million), most of which is allotted for security. That won't be a huge cost burden for Queen Elizabeth, who is of course the wealthiest member of the royal family with an estimated net worth of $530 million as of 2016, according to Forbes. More on the royal wedding:" 1 Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) The “House of Cards” fell on Kevin Spacey. Netflix announced Friday it has cut all ties with the actor, in the wake of sexual harassment and assault allegations made against him. Production on the sixth and final season of “House of Cards” will go forward without Spacey and his lead character, former President Frank Underwood. “Netflix will not be involved with any further production of ‘House of Cards’ that includes Kevin Spacey,” the service said. The production company for the show said they will “continue to evaluate a creative path forward for the program during the hiatus.” Spacey, who hasn’t been arrested or charged with any crime, has been under fire for nearly a week after “Star Trek” actor Anthony Rapp came forward with troubling allegations against him. Spacey allegedly made a creepy move on Rapp back in 1986, when Spacey was 26 and Rapp just 14, the younger actor said. “House of Cards” staffers have since made allegations of sexual misconduct against Spacey. 0 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in New Zealand. Kirsty Wigglesworth - Pool/Getty Images The past two years have been huge for the royal family. With engagements and weddings, two pregnancies and a birth, the family has grown and found news reasons to celebrate even as the usual packed schedule of events and foreign trips continues. For people constantly in the public eye, the royals are unsurprisingly great at shaking the right hands, smiling at the right moments, and generally keeping it all together to make sure they get things done. But every now and again, even watching from a distance, we get a bit more than that. Away from the setpiece events, these are photos of the royals laughing, gawping, eye-rolling, and generally acting like normal folk. Here are the best from 2017 and 2018 so far. 0 "The Curry's now have their starting five! Steph Curry and Ayesha announced on Wednesday that the two welcomed their third child -- and their first son -- earlier this week. Stephen Curry, 30 -- whose Golden State Warriors just won the NBA Championship -- shared a photo of his baby boy. Writing in the caption, ""On this journey, on this quest... protect me... I’m bless[ed]!"" His wife Ayesha, host of ""Ayesha’s Home Kitchen,"" wrote in a caption on Instagram, ""My heart is FULL."" ""God has been too good to us,"" she wrote. ""Our beautiful baby boy Canon W. Jack Curry 7/2/2018. He joined us earlier than we thought and we couldn’t be more excited and grateful. Family of 5!"" The Currys, who wed in 2011, announced they were expecting again back in February. The two are already parents to two daughters, 5-year-old Riley and 3-year-old Ryan. The Seasoned Life Ayesha Curry has been open about how her third pregnancy was a bit difficult. The 29-year-old mom wrote in a caption on Instagram back in April that she had ""5 hospital stays since the New Year and have pretty much been sucking at life (at least that’s how it’s felt.) I think I’m starting to turn a corner though!!!! Woot woot.""" 0 "Craig Conover is still getting used to calling himself a lawyer after being officially sworn in to the South Carolina Bar on Thursday. ""It's pretty surreal is the best way I can describe it,"" Craig told The Daily Dish during an interview over the phone on Thursday. ""It's something that I've wanted for a long time now, and there's been a lot of speed bumps."" After experiencing some challenges in finishing up his law school degree and lots of drama with the Southern Charm crew along the way, Craig finally passed the bar exam last April. Now that Craig can officially practice law and help people with their legal problems, he said he feels like his ""wings have been unclipped."" ""I just feel like I've been held back by not having the ability to practice, and now I'm pretty happy,"" he shared. ""Like, it was cool to pass the bar, but I wasn't an attorney yet. And now, we finally got over that last hurdle, and like I said, it's very surreal that I'm actually an attorney now."" Craig had initially been approved earlier this month to be sworn in at the next official ceremony at the Supreme Court of South Carolina in Columbia in May. However, the clerk approved him to attend a special swearing in ceremony on Thursday, so he was glad he didn't have to wait three more months to be sworn in after going through such a long road already. ""What was crazy when I got there, and I had no idea, my best friend from law school, we sat next to each other every day first year and then he transferred to Wake [Forest], he was also swearing in today, and we had no idea,"" Craig said. ""So we started together and then finished together. That's who's in the pictures with me, so that's cool."" The Southern Charm gent was also thrilled to have his parents there to witness his big day. ""They've been with me the entire time and my biggest supporters and the ones that actually knew it was gonna happen, like me; we just didn't know when. It's just really nice that my mom can go to sleep at night without having to think about this anymore. And it's not in the back of my mind, too,"" Craig said. ""And so having it with me, it's kind of like a mirror image of myself the whole time because all the stress that I had and all of the things that I had to do, I'm sure as a parent, they kind of felt like they were doing them, too. And so it was really cool to have them there and we kind of just got to close it out together because it really has been a long process. And I know that they loved it and they're happy. Having them there for the final stuff was kind of the perfect way to close this chapter."" Craig said some of his fellow Charmers have already sent him their congratulations, including Shep Rose, Austen Kroll, and Cameran Eubanks, with whom he FaceTimed after the swearing in ceremony. ""She's very supportive,"" Craig said. ""She's rooting for me, and she's glad I'm happy. She knew how much I wanted it. So she was over the moon."" Craig said he's planning on celebrating with some of the Charmers, as well as other close friends and his parents with a cookout in his backyard. ""This will be a really neat way for us to all celebrate and for my parents to see everyone,"" he said. ""For some reason, the bar was more of a party celebration, but this is more, I don't know, you just want to sit back and take it all in, have a few drinks with your closest friends."" Though Craig encountered some challenges on his way to becoming a lawyer, he now considers them a blessing in disguise. ""During that time, I was really able to reflect on things that I needed to improve on. And back then, I probably wasn't responsible yet or accountable enough to handle,"" he said. ""I really pushed myself and did everything that I could do so that if this day did come, I'd be ready."" Craig said he now hopes to work at a legal clinic in Charleston as his first post as a lawyer. ""I think it'll be perfect for me to get my feet wet again. So basically, I'll probably do 20, 30 hours, hopefully, at the legal clinic. And that's kind of right up my alley, anyway. That's why I always wanted to get into law is to help people,"" he shared. ""That's when I'm happiest, when I'm helping people who need it."" Ultimately, Craig said he would like to help other lawyers or firms take on cases as what he described as something of a ""a lawyer for hire."" ""You can go be Superman for someone that needs it,"" he said. ""It's not a particular section of law other than it's kind of got to be a specialty firm where I can come in and close stuff off for people that can't do it themselves."" The ability to see his law career take shape is what's really exciting for Craig. ""It's neat to actually be able to think about that question and answer that question because this has been such a long process, there was nothing good even thinking about what I would do when I swore in because there just were so many times I got my hopes up and then something would happen,"" Craig said. ""And so now, it's really cool that I can even start thinking about and plan out the next step."" We'll catch up more with Craig when Season 5 of Southern Charm premieres Thursday, April 5 at 9/8c. Check out the full trailer above and then come back down here to see what else Craig has been up to these days." 0 "No doubt, though, he'll be celebrating more than just turning 42. His relationship with Stefani—once brushed off by skeptics as a sure-to-be-short-lived rebound or so over-the-top that it simply must be fake—has rolled past the two-and-a-half year mark and right on by any claims that it's not the real deal. Beyond being 100 percent authentic, the union, says the five-time Country Music Association Male Vocalist of the Year, is quite simply the best thing that ever happened to him. Yeah, going through his second divorce in a decade—this time from Miranda Lambert, the woman who'd loudly proclaimed such a separation wasn't an option—was admittedly not great. But after he and his fellow country powerhouse, 34, revealed the end of their four-year marriage in 2016, a surprising thing happened. Stefani, his Voice cohort who he'd paid little notice to throughout their first season together in 2014 (""I mean, she was on the show, high five and 'good to see ya,'"" he recalled), approached him and whispered she was going through the exact same thing. Within weeks she would announce that she'd left husband of 13 years, Gavin Rossdale." 1 The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have welcomed a French court verdict that paparazzi photos of Kate topless on holiday were an invasion of the royal couple’s privacy. Twenty-four hours after the announcement that Kate and Prince William were expecting their third child, the court in Nanterre, west of Paris, awarded them €100,000 (£91,000) in damages and interest to be paid by the celebrity magazine Closer and two photographers. Duchess of Cambridge pregnant with third child Read more The magazine’s editor and the CEO of its publisher were each fined a further €45,000 – the maximum allowed. The awards, while high for a French court, are considerably lower than the €1.5m the couple’s legal team had demanded. After the verdict, royal aides said the couple had suffered an “unjustified intrusion” and were pleased the judge had found in their favour. “The incident was a serious breach of privacy, and their royal highnesses felt it essential to pursue all legal remedies,” a statement read. A lawyer for Closer, Paul-Albert Iweins, said the damages award was in line with previous payouts but that the fines were “exaggerated considering it was a simple case of privacy”. Six people, including three photographers, were tried this year after long-lens pictures of the couple on holiday in France were published in the French celebrity magazine and a local newspaper, La Provence. The photographs were taken in the summer of 2012 and show the royal couple on a terrace by a swimming pool at a private chateau owned by Viscount Linley, the Queen’s nephew, in the Luberon, Provence. Splashed across the cover of Closer under the headline: “Oh My God [in English]: the photos that will go around the world,” the photos show the duchess wearing only the bottom half of her bikini. There were more topless photographs on the inside pages. A week before the Closer pictures were published, La Provence carried a photograph of Kate in the same property wearing a swimsuit. The photographs were reportedly offered to British publications, which turned them down. After Closer hit the newsstands, the couple were granted an immediate injunction preventing the photos being used elsewhere, but they still appeared in several European publications. Their lawyers asked that Closer be ordered to pay €1.5m in damages and compensation for the “shock” of seeing the paparazzi photographs printed, and a further €50,000 from La Provence. In a letter to the court – read at a hearing in May – William wrote that the case was “particularly shocking because it reminded us of the harassment that led to the death of my mother, Diana, Princess of Wales”. Diana was killed in a car accident in August 1997 while being chased through a Paris underpass by photographers. Her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, and the car’s driver, Henri Paul, who had been drinking, were also killed. Prince William in Paris on first official visit since mother Diana's death Read more In his declaration, the duke said: “In September 2012, my wife and I thought that we could go to France for a few days in a secluded villa owned by a member of my family, and thus enjoy our privacy. We know France and the French and we know that they are, in principle, respectful of private life, including that of their guests. The clandestine way in which these photographs were taken was particularly shocking to us as it breached our privacy.” St James’s Palace issued a statement at the time describing the incident as being “reminiscent of the worst excesses of the press and paparazzi during the life of Diana, Princess of Wales”. The public prosecutor had also asked for “very significant” fines for Closer’s editor, Laurence Pieau, Ernesto Mauri – the CEO of publisher Mondadori – and two Paris picture agency photographers, Cyril Moreau and Dominique Jacovides, suspected of having taken the shots. The pair, along with Valerie Suau from La Provence, faced charges of invading or being complicit to an invasion of William and Kate’s privacy. Moreau and Jacovides, who denied the charges, were each fined €10,000, of which half was suspended. Suau was given a €1,000 suspended fine and the newspaper director at the time the pictures were published, Marc Auburtin, was given a €1,500 suspended fine. Auburtin and Suau were jointly ordered to pay €3,000 damages to the couple. Suau admitted taking photographs of the royal couple at the Linley property, but said she did not consider them to be a breach of privacy. French courts do not usually make large awards in such cases. The former president François Hollande’s partner, Julie Gayet, was awarded €15,000 after Closer published pictures of them, and Florian Philippot, a vice-president of the far-right Front National, received a €20,000 award for the publication of photos of him with another man, said to be his partner. I’m sorry, but Kate Middleton’s privacy victory isn’t much of a victory at all | Afua Hirsch Read more During the May hearing, Iweins attacked the “Anglo-Saxon reasoning behind punitive damages and compensation” and said the trial was hypocritical. “The public and private lives of the royal couple are so closely linked as to be inseparable,” Iweins said, adding that the photographs cast the young couple in a positive light. “It’s of public interest to know that future heirs to the throne have a solid relationship and are getting on well. It’s all part of the royal business,” he said. Closer is owned by the Italian-based Mondadori Group, one of the biggest publishing companies in Europe, which owns several high-profile glossy magazines including Grazia. 0 Brooke Burke filed for divorce from husband David Charvet after six years of marriage on Friday, citing irreconcilable differences, ET can confirm. The TV host and Dancing With the Stars season 7 champion started dating Charvet, a French actor and singer, in 2006, and the pair married in St. Bart’s in August 2011. They share an 11-year-old daughter, Heaven Rain, and a 10-year-old son, Shaya Braven. In her filing, Burke proposes that the couple share joint physical and legal custody of their kids, and asks the that the court reserve the right for the future determination of spousal support. Burke -- who is also mother to two daughters, Neriah and Sierra, from her first marriage to plastic surgeon Garth Fisher -- last shared a Instagram pic with her husband back in October 2017. The couple's date of separation is listed as Jan. 23, 2018 in Burke's divorce filing. The pair did attend an Operation Smile benefit with their kids in Park City, Utah, in March, though Burke was spotted without her wedding ring at the event. Kim Raff/Getty Images Entertainment The 46-year-old former DWTS host spent time with her kids over the recent Easter weekend, sharing a sweet pic with Heaven and Shaya at the Candytopia exhibit in Santa Monica, California. “In love with these 2!” she captioned the shot. “how sweet it is.” In 2017, Burke opened up about her first divorce to New You, saying, “I regret having a marriage that didn’t work, because divorce is ‘forever’ for children. I regret that my two oldest daughters have to grow up knowing that sometimes a family falls apart.” “That’s my heartbreaking life lesson,” she added. “But I’m happy that they can see love now.” See more on Burke in the video below. RELATED CONTENT: PICS: Brooke Burke-Charvet Shows Off Her Fit Figure While Vacationing in Saint Tropez EXCLUSIVE: Why Channing Tatum Took a Year Off Ahead of Jenna Dewan Split RELATED: Ryan Reynolds Continues to Shut Down Split Rumors With Blake Lively With a Joke About His Mom 0 "On ''The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon"", Jessica Biel and Fallon thought they had this one! After Biel failed to recognize her own husband’s song in a game of charades, it all went downhill. Find out what happens when Jessica Biel plays charades with Jimmy Fallon against singer Kelsea Ballerini and actor Matt Bomer." 0 Angelina Jolie decided she was done with Brad Pitt in September 2016 when she filed for divorce, and hasn’t given any indication since then that she wants him back. However, an insider told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY Angie also doesn’t want to see him with someone new. “Even though [Angelina Jolie] wanted the split, she’s terrified Brad [Pitt] will move on and find love with someone new,” an insider told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. “It’s one of those she can’t live with him, and she can’t live without him, things. Brad and Angie had scorching chemistry and she just can’t handle seeing him with another woman. She definitely gets very jealous.” Oh, we are totally aware of the kind of chemistry that Brad, 53, and Angelina, 41, had when they were still together. Their 10-year romance was fiery from the very beginning — back when they were filming Mr. & Mrs. Smith while Brad was still married to Jennifer Aniston, 48. The kind of passion they had on screen had fans wondering if they had a thing for each other. Those suspicions were confirmed when Brad left Jen for Angie and they embarked on a new life together in which they would have several children (both adopted and biological) and eventually get married. But Angie decided to end that marriage in September 2016 and the two have since been stuck in the middle of a complex divorce and custody battle. With everything that is going on we can see why Angie has complicated feelings when it comes to Brad dating again. “She’s definitely keeps an eye on him and what he’s up to,” the source added. “Besides just not wanting to see him with someone else, Angie really doesn’t want to see another woman come into the kids lives. That would really freak her out.” “For now she doesn’t really have much to worry about, as Brad is focused on the kids, his health, art and his career,” the insider said. “Other than that he just doesn’t have interest in another relationship.” Well, at least we know that she has some time to get used to the idea before he starts bringing women home to meet the kids! HollywoodLifers, when do you think that Brad will find someone new? Do you think he will ever want to date again? Give us all your thoughts below! 1 The Flash, Riverdale, and the rest of your CW faves will return this October. The network announced Thursday that its fall season will begin on Tuesday, Oct. 9 with the return of The Flash and Black Lightning. Furthermore, it also revealed one major change to its fall schedule: Arrow, which will return for its seventh season on Monday, Oct. 15, is taking over the 8 p.m. slot instead of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, which will air at 9 p.m. starting Oct. 22 when it premieres. Check out the full schedule below, which includes the premiere dates for Riverdale, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and newcomers All American and Charmed. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 8:00-10:00pm 2018 IHEARTRADIO MUSIC FESTIVAL, NIGHT ONE MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 8:00-10:00pm 2018 IHEARTRADIO MUSIC FESTIVAL, NIGHT TWO TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 8:00-9:00pm THE FLASH (Season Premiere) 9:00-10:00pm BLACK LIGHTNING (Season Premiere) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 8:00-9:00pm RIVERDALE (Season Premiere) 9:00-10:00pm ALL AMERICAN (Series Premiere) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 8:00-9:00pm SUPERNATURAL (Season Premiere) 9:00-10:00pm ALL AMERICAN (Encore of Premiere) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 8:00-9:00pm DYNASTY (Season Premiere) 9:00-10:00pm CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND (Season Premiere) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 8:00-9:00pm SUPERGIRL (Season Premiere) 9:00-10:00pm CHARMED (Series Premiere) MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 8:00-9:00pm ARROW (Season Premiere) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 8:00-9:00pm SUPERNATURAL (Original Episode) 9:00-10:00pm CHARMED (Encore of Premiere) MONDAY, OCTOBER 22 8:00-9:00pm ARROW (Original Episode) 9:00-10:00pm DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW (Season Premiere) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 8:00-9:00pm SUPERNATURAL (Original Episode) 9:00-10:00pm LEGACIES (Series Premiere) 0 Video footage emerged just yesterday of Kendall kissing Anwar while at the CDFA Awards after-party, which not only made us applaud her efforts, but also kind of creeped us out since they're semi-related. But each to their own. The one thing we kept wondering is, how does Kendall's best friend Gigi feel about this? Well, she isn't happy. “Gigi is giving her little brother a warning,” the source has revealed. “ She told him that Kendall is a heartbreaker, and not to fall in love with her. Gigi knows that Kendall puts work and her career first with little time for a serious boyfriend or a long term relationship. So Gigi has made it clear to Anwar that while Kendall is a beautiful, sweet, smart, sexy, and a trusted friend, she is not to be messed with.” It's true, since Kendall was just seen on a romantic date with NBA star Ben Simmons only a few days earlier. However, Anwar “has had a crush on Kendall for years. Gigi fears her younger brother will fall in love with Kendall after one kiss so she told him to slow down.” All we can do is watch this space! 1 "Earlier this week, Deadline reported that Reese Witherspoon was in talks to reprise her role as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde 3, 17 years after the original film was done. And guys, IT'S HAPPENING. Witherspoon confirmed the news on her Instagram this morning with a pool shot of herself in Elle Woods' signature bikini. ""It’s true... #LegallyBlonde3,"" she wrote simply. Any Legally Blonde fan knows that when Witherspoon revisited her character's wardrobe in 2016, during the movie's 15th anniversary, she revealed the sparkly pink bikini still fits. Look how good Elle Woods look: Plot details aren't known yet, but Kirsten “Kiwi” Smith and Karen McCullah, the original screenwriters, were reported to be in talks to write the script. Selma Blair, Luke Wilson, Jennifer Coolidge, waiting to hear you'll be back!" 0 California girl! Ashley Tisdale shows off her petite figure in 'beach bum' T-shirt and leggings on a trip to hair salon She lives in Southern California, famous for its beautiful sandy shoreline. And on Wednesday, Ashley Tisdale celebrated that fact by wearing a bright pink vest with the words Beach Bum on the front in orange and blue capital letters as she dropped by the 901 Hair Salon in the West Hollywood district of Los Angeles. The 29-year-old teamed the eye-catching tee with black cropped leggings and pastel-coloured Nike trainers and accessorised with a large black handbag, which she slung across her body, and a large pair of sunglasses. Shore looks great: Ashley Tisdale wore an electric pink vest with the words Beach Bum across the front in capital letters as she went to a salon in the West Hollywood neighbourhood of Los Angeles on Wednesday Clutching a bottle of water and a blue notepad in one hand, she stopped on the sidewalk to check something on her smart-phone. It's not clear what Ashley had done at the hair salon as her blonde tresses still showed a couple of inches of dark roots. Missing from her trip was fiancé Christopher French. The pair started dating in December 2012 and got engaged eight months later after Christopher proposed at the top of New York's Empire State Building, slipping an enormous double halo, cushion-cut diamond ring on her finger. Although a date for their nuptials is unknown, Ashley recently had a Bachelorette party and told E! News last year: 'I have a wedding planner so that's a lot easier.' Beachy keen: The 29-year-old teamed the vest with black cropped leggings and pastel-coloured Nike trainers Meanwhile, both Ashley and Christopher have been busy with their careers. Young & Hungry, the series she exec produces and stars in and he produces the music for, has been nominated for a Teen Choice award, news which she shared excitedly on Instagram. 'WHOA!!!! I produce that show! I know @wree!! Congrats to the beautiful @wree and Young and Hungry cast on the Teen Choice nominations! #GOVOTE'. Christopher added his best wishes in a tweet, saying: 'Huge congrats to the entire @YoungandHungry team on the Teen Choice nom! Proud to be part of such an awesome group on a killer show #govote.' Phoning it in: The actress's blingy diamond engagement ring was clearly visible as she checked something out on her smart phone In the ABC Family series Emily Osment plays a feisty food blogger with Ashley as a gay magazine editor. The High School Musical star was also voted Social Media Superstar at last month's Young Hollywood Awards, beating Ariana Grande, Chrissy Teigen and Bella Thorne. She also put in an appearance to promote the show at the Disney and ABC summer Television Critics Association press tour in Beverly Hills last month. Comfy chic: Ashley and her Annie Automatic star beau Christopher French were pictured in the Soho district of New York last week 0 "They fittingly met on the ‘80s hit show Family Ties, but it wasn’t love at first sight for Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan. In fact, both were seeing other people at the time and it would be several years before the pair coupled up to become one of Hollywood’s most enduring relationships. Although their characters Alex P. Keaton and Ellen Reed were loved up on Family Ties, in real life Pollan was in a serious long-term relationship with Kevin Bacon and Fox was dating Facts of Life actress Nancy McKeon. ""I always thought [Tracy] was cool,"" Fox told People years later, ""but it was like a couple of married people who worked together and liked each other."" It wasn’t until 1987 when the Pollen and Fox worked together in a movie called Bright Lights, Big City that a romance began to blossom. Pollan told Winfrey in 2002: ""From the beginning, I loved his sense of humour and that brain of his. He's so smart."" Fox told People in 1989 of hearing that Pollen and Bacon had split: ""It sounds really horrible, but it was one of those things. Someone goes, 'Did you hear that so-and-so aren't together anymore?' and you go, 'Hmm, that's too bad. Where's the phone?'"" Seven months after they started dating, he proposed on December 26, 1987. ""I wasn't really worried that she would say no,"" he recalled. ""The toughest part was trying to figure out when to get married, and then to figure out how nobody else could know about it."" The couple tied the knot in an outdoor ceremony at Vermont's West Mountain Inn on July 16, 1988. Fox, who is Episcopalian, and Pollan, who is Jewish, had an interfaith ceremony with both a minister and rabbi. ""Michael seemed a little nervous,"" Rev. Joan O'Gorman later told People. ""In fact, they seemed just like any other young and loving couple who were excited to be getting married."" Their first child, a son they named Sam Michael, was born on May 30, 1989. Fox and Pollan loved being parents, and would go on to have twin girls, Aquinnah Kathleen and Schuyler Frances, in 1995, and one more daughter, Esmé, in 2001. ""I kind of shut the door and said to everyone we love who wanted to see the baby, 'Just give us a little bit of time to get used to it ourselves,'"" Fox said after the birth of Sam. ""What's interesting is that the parental instinct just kicks in. The next thing you know, you've got a sore hip because you're holding him all the time."" The couple grew even closer when faced with one of life’s biggest challenges – Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at age 29 in 1991 (though it wasn’t until 1998 that he shared the news publicly). ""A lot of my adjustment has been dictated by Michael's point of view,"" Pollan said in a 2002 interview with Oprah Winfrey. ""He's so relaxed and so accepting of where he is, and that makes it easier for me, the kids, and everyone around him."" But when the couple first received the news, it completely shocked and devastated them. Fox fell into a depression and started drinking heavily, before eventually getting a handle on his new reality. ""I used to drink to party,"" the actor recalled on The Howard Stern Show in 2013, ""but...now I was drinking alone and to just not be [present]. Every day."" ""So once I did that,"" he continued, ""then there was about a year of, like, a knife fight in a closet, where I just didn't have my tools to deal with it. Then after that, I went into therapy and it all started to get really clear to me."" He said he realised he just had to take life ""one day at a time” and ""then everything started to really turn the other way. My marriage got great, and my career..."" Stern interjected here to suggest Fox's marriage ""got great"" after he realszed that Pollan wasn't going anywhere after his diagnosis. ""Exactly,"" Fox agreed. Fox later told Winfrey: ""There were a lot of questions I was afraid to ask Tracy. ""Like, 'Does it scare you that I'm sick? Do you not love me because I'm sick?' I didn't ask her those questions. But nothing Tracy was doing was showing me that she didn't want to be with me."" When Fox publicly revealed that he had Parkinson's disease in 1998, he began in earnest his life’s mission of raising awareness and money for Parkinson’s through the Michael J. Fox Foundation. As of April 2017 the foundation has funded more than $700 million in research. ""The reason I wasn't telling was that I wondered if people would still laugh if they knew I was sick,"" Fox told Winfrey. ""Can you laugh at a sick person [on TV] and not feel like an a--hole? I finally thought, let me not worry about that. What other people think is none of my business. I just have to have faith in the audience. If it's funny, they'll laugh."" And every day the couple deal with Fox's condition, but always as a team. ""Tracy wasn't sentimental or romantic about it at all,"" he told AARP magazine in 2017 about how his wife reacted to his Parkinson's diagnosis. ""No terror. No big windy... So, no exhibition of grief and fear. Tracy was just like, 'You've got a stone in your shoe. We'll do what we can until you can get it out. In the meantime, if you limp with the stone, that's all right. You can hold my hand, and we'll get over that.'"" Pollan added that, of course, there were tough days, but they both knew they were in this together. ""Through it all we've loved each other,"" Fox said. ""And that love never died,"" Pollan added. ""We had a solid foundation to begin with."" When Winfrey asked if Fox felt Parkinson's had been a blessing for their marriage, giving them no choice but to become stronger, Fox replied: ""I've often referred to Parkinson's as the gift that keeps on taking. It's a gift in that it really gave me a whole different appreciation for life. I discovered that I wasn't me minus Parkinson's. I was me plus it. I have been enriched by what it has opened up for me. It hasn't allowed me to take anything for granted."" Before the diagnosis, ""I had been constantly taking care of this and making sure that was okay, and now Tracy and I are just in it."" When asked about their then-27-year marriage in 2015, Pollen said: ""It's like dog years!"" She told People that ""giving each other the benefit of the doubt"" has been key to keeping their marriage strong. ""There are so many times when you have arguments, when you have things come up, and it really doesn't have anything to do with what he did, or said – it's how I am projecting that onto myself,"" Pollan continued. ""A lot of times he'll just say to me, 'You know who I am, would I ever say anything to try to hurt your feelings? Just give me the benefit of the doubt.'"" ""I'm irritating but lovable, I have that effect on everybody,"" Fox said during the Daily Shot interview. ""[I] won the lottery in the wife department,"" he later added." 0 "Sarah Hyland is getting real. The Modern Family star took to Instagram late Thursday night to share a candid photo of herself in a hospital gown, in honor of National Selfie Day. ""Sometimes a selfie is more than just a good angle or feelin cute. This time for #nationalselfieday I've decided to share my truth. As painful as it is,"" she captioned the shocking image. ""So here is my face that was torn from work against my will. But I'm very grateful it was. Health should always come first."" Hyland added, ""#stayhealthymyfriends,"" before sharing a video of herself just hours before her hospitalization, as her dog licked her face. ""This was taken this past Sunday. Day before hospitalization. She was literally telling me to get treatment,"" Hyland wrote. ""Can't wait to come back to my precious angel princess. She's perfect and knows exactly what I need at all times."" Instagram Instagram While Hyland did not reveal the cause of her hospitalization, sources tell ET that she's out of the hospital and doing better. She previously opened up about her health struggles on social media. In March, she tweeted, ""For those who are chronically ill and in chronic pain: Have you had the experience of doctors not listening to you? If so, how do you not tear their heads off with your bare hands?” The 27-year-old actress was diagnosed with kidney dysplasia as a child and received a kidney transplant in 2012. Hyland spoke with ET about her health at this year's Women's March in Los Angeles, where her boyfriend, Wells Adams, was by her side for support. Hear what she had to say in the video below. ET has reached out to Hyland's rep for comment. RELATED CONTENT: Sarah Hyland Says Doctors 'Not Listening' to Complaints Over Her Chronic Pain Sarah Hyland Reveals Why It Works With Boyfriend Wells Adams: 'We're the Same Person' (Exclusive) Wells Adams Celebrates Girlfriend Sarah Hyland's Birthday With an Incredible 'Bachelor'-Style Date Related Gallery" 0 It’s no secret that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are crazy about each other. There’s never a shortage of adorable photos of the two of them, and they’re well into the closet-sharing phase of their relationship. The couple’s been dating for nearly two years at this point and the PDA only continues to get more adorable – and more elaborate. Get push notifications with news, features and more. Yesterday, the couple stepped out in Beverly Hills looking casual in denim, but there was one very extra thing about Gwen’s outfit: a special someone featured on the star’s classic checkerboard Vans. Vasquez-Max Lopes/BACKGRID Looking for more style content? Click here to subscribe to the PeopleStyle Newsletter for amazing shopping discounts, can’t-live-without beauty products and more. Finding it had to believe that she’s got her sweetie on her feet? She’s been showing off the shoes all summer: Gwen Stefani/Instagram Back in May, The Voice judge shared a quick snap backstage at the show with her fans on Instagram wearing the exact same shoes. RELATED PHOTOS: 23 Pics That Prove Gwen & Blake’s Romance Is the Real Thing The couple’s been practically inseparable since they started dating in November 2015, not long after Shelton’s divorce from fellow country crooner Miranda Lambert and Stefani’s divorce from husband Gavin Rossdale after 20 years together and nearly 13 years of marriage. “I love Blake!” Stefani gushed about Shelton on Late Night With Seth Meyers earlier this year. “He is the most incredible guy. Everybody loves Blake, and that’s the thing. There’s no way around it. He’s just a sparkly like happy, amazing person.” Do you like Gwen’s custom Vans? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 0 "Image Source: Getty / Target Presse Agentur Gmbh This post has been updated with new information. Fans were thrown for a loop when news broke in September 2016 that Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt after 11 years of being together. Following their breakup, the By the Sea actress's attorney, Robert Offer, said her decision to split was ""for the health of the family."" Brad released a statement of his own not long after, telling People, ""I am very saddened by this, but what matters most now is the well-being of our kids."" While it's still unclear what led to their shocking breakup, keep reading to get all caught up on everything that has unfolded since then." 1 Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) 1 Chief JusticesAssociate JusticesNotes: The acceptance of the appointment and commission by the appointee, as evidenced by the taking of the prescribed oaths, is here implied; otherwise the individual is not carried on this list of the Members of the Court. Examples: Robert Hanson Harrison is not carried, as a letter from President Washington of February 9, 1790 states Harrison declined to serve. Neither is Edwin M. Stanton who died before he could take the necessary steps toward becoming a Member of the Court. Chief Justice Rutledge is included because he took his oaths, presided over the August Term of 1795, and his name appears on two opinions of the Court for that Term.The date a Member of the Court took his/her Judicial oath (the Judiciary Act provided “That the Justices of the Supreme Court, and the district judges, before they proceed to execute the duties of their respective offices, shall take the following oath . . . ”) is here used as the date of the beginning of his/her service, for until that oath is taken he/she is not vested with the prerogatives of the office. The dates given in this column are for the oaths taken following the receipt of the commissions. Dates without small-letter references are taken from the Minutes of the Court or from the original oath which are in the Curator’s collection. The small letter (a) denotes the date is from the Minutes of some other court; (b) from some other unquestionable authority; (c) from authority that is questionable, and better authority would be appreciated.*Elevated. 0 Much like a certain Amazon goddess with a lasso, there are no heights that director Patty Jenkins can’t scale. Her blockbuster “Wonder Woman,” which has grossed a staggering $821 million worldwide since it opened in the summer, has become a rallying call for women everywhere and a beacon of empowerment in a Donald Trump-led world. Beyond all the Instagram posts of little girls decked out in “WW” regalia while seeing the film and an endorsement from Hillary Clinton, Jenkins recently cracked another glass ceiling. She’ll be directing “Wonder Woman 2” for a reported $7 million to $9 million, a record salary for a female filmmaker. As she negotiated the terms of her contract with Warner Bros. over several months, Jenkins was conscious of what earning a big paycheck would mean. “You’re of course aware of the money,” says Jenkins on a sunny afternoon in Los Angeles. “But I’ve never been more aware of a duty than I was in this deal. I was extremely aware that I had to make sure I was being paid what the male equivalent would be.” CREDIT: Art Streiber for Variety According to recent studies, women only earn roughly 80 cents to every dollar that men get. The pay gap is evident in all corners of society, even Hollywood, where A-list actresses such as Jennifer Lawrence and Charlize Theron have had to fight to be compensated the same as their male peers. But until now, there’s never been an A-list female director with as much clout as Jenkins. Other women behind big live-action tentpoles, such as Catherine Hardwicke (“Twilight”) and Sam Taylor-Johnson (“Fifty Shades of Grey”), didn’t return for second installments, and the studios quickly replaced them with male directors. “Women who have not been in a system that allows them to build up the same level of pay as men are not able to be paid the same as men forever if that’s the way it continues,” Jenkins says. “You have to ask for it to happen, and you have to ask when you’re the appropriate person.” She points to Theron, who starred in her 2003 independent film “Monster” and won an Oscar for the role. “I knew when Charlize had to do it on ‘Snow White and the Huntsman,’ and I felt that it was my job to do it here.” Gal Gadot, the star of “Wonder Woman,” was cheering Jenkins on. “She is definitely paving the way for so many other female directors,” Gadot says. “I think it was very important that she fought to get the best deal. You got to walk the walk and talk the talk.” Despite the results of the presidential election and women’s marches throughout the country, Jenkins never imagined that “Wonder Woman” would touch such a nerve. “I didn’t really start to make the connection about the lightning rod it was going to hit until it had opened,” says Jenkins, who gets stopped by strangers who profess how much the movie has meant to them. “I assumed that it would be seen just as a superhero film.” She’s in awe of all the high-profile groupies that she’s collected along the way. “When you hear about people like Hillary Clinton or Dwayne Johnson talking about you in the press, it’s like, ‘What!’ It’s so crazy and lovely.” Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot share a moment on the set of “Wonder Woman.” Courtesy of Warner Bros/Clay Enos As Wonder Woman has resurfaced as a cultural icon, Jenkins has been the brains behind the movement. “I’ve become more well-known than I ever thought I would,” Jenkins says. “I didn’t think I would be getting this much attention.” Acting as an ambassador for the disenfranchised is a responsibility that Jenkins doesn’t take lightly. “I think the legacy of ‘Wonder Woman’ is a different kind of hero, one that hits the same marks but also really is about love and empowerment in a slightly different way,” she says. “I think that’s why I love that people wear her outfit. People who are struggling in some sort of way or don’t identify with the world they live in can often find themselves in Wonder Woman.” Although some critics have read “Wonder Woman” as a feminist manifesto — when our hero meets her love interest, Steve (Chris Pine), she keeps her clothes on, while he’s naked — Jenkins didn’t think about it in those terms. “Not at all,” she says. “And that is the success of feminism. I have always wanted to be last-wave feminism, where you’re so feminist, you’re not thinking about it at all. Where you’re like, ‘Of course this superhero is the greatest superhero of all time. Oh, she’s a woman? I wasn’t even thinking about that!’” Not everybody has been a fan of “Wonder Woman.” After James Cameron publicly bashed the movie with a misogynistic shrug, Jenkins shot back with her own statement on social media. “I actually was not upset at all,” Jenkins says. “Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. But if you’re going to debate something in a public way, I have to reply that I think it’s incorrect.” Did Cameron ever reach out to apologize? “No,” she says. Jenkins worked in Hollywood as a focus puller and a camera operator in her 20s. She was among the small group of women doing a man’s job, but she wasn’t so aware of it. “I never thought about the fact that I was the only woman,” she says. Even so, she thinks it’s important to mentor other women as they try to climb the industry ladder. “I definitely do,” says Jenkins. “But also, I feel a real obligation to be open to help everyone. I really think that ‘Wonder Woman’ is a loving character to all.” There’s been a lot of talk about why 14 years elapsed between her first film and “Wonder Woman.” Jenkins says that it was mostly her decision, because she wanted to be at home at night with her son and her husband. And it’s not as if she wasn’t working. She took on TV projects like directing the pilot of “The Killing.” “When you have a little baby, directing a feature where you’re gone every few years is not the easiest thing to sync up,” Jenkins says. “I know people who have done it. It wasn’t something I chose to do.” I have always wanted to be last-wave feminism, where you’re so feminist, you’re not thinking about it at all.” PATTY JENKINS All the speculation about her career is understandable. The industry still has a dismal record when hiring women directors in the movies: Only 7% of the top 250 films of 2016 were directed by women, and that number gets smaller when you look at blockbusters. Next spring, Disney will release Ava DuVernay’s adaptation of “A Wrinkle in Time,” which has a budget north of $100 million. But the list of directors attached to the “Star Wars” franchise is all-male, even with a female producer (Kathleen Kennedy) in charge. “It would depend on the project,” Jenkins says when asked if she’d want to direct a “Star Wars” movie. In the Oscars race, not a single woman director has been nominated since Kathryn Bigelow became the first to win in the category in 2010. Warner Bros. is campaigning Jenkins as part of a robust Oscar push for “Wonder Woman” — if she’s nominated, she’ll be the first director of a comic-book movie to be recognized. “There’s no reason why they shouldn’t be considered,” she says of the Academy embracing comic-book adaptations. At least there’s been some progress: This is the first time in recent memory that there’s more than one woman — including Dee Rees (“Mudbound”) and Greta Gerwig (“Lady Bird”) — with a real chance of being nominated for best director. Jenkins was able to negotiate her groundbreaking deal with Warner Bros. because the studio didn’t lock her down to multiple chapters. She had been in talks for “Wonder Woman,” but the studio offered the job to another filmmaker. After Michelle MacLaren exited due to creative differences, Jenkins signed on, without committing to a sequel. “They could have tied me up earlier,” she says. “I wouldn’t have wanted that.” Even though she wasn’t on board for a second movie, she kept envisioning it while making the first. (She’s been working on a treatment with DC Entertainment president Geoff Johns.) “I think she has a really clear and fun and compelling place that she’s taking the story,” says Warner Bros. Pictures Group chief Toby Emmerich. Jenkins directs a scene in the 2003 film “Monster.” Charlize Theron, who played serial killer Aileen Wuornos, won an Oscar for the lead role. Snap Stills/REX/Shutterstock One of the mantras associated with Wonder Woman — “Life is tough but so am I” — could easily apply to Jenkins’ own upbringing. Her father, William T. Jenkins, was an Air Force captain. He fought in Vietnam and later ran maneuvers out of a military base in England; his family joined him on all his adventures overseas. In interviews, Jenkins has talked a lot about how the heroism of her dad shaped “Wonder Woman.” She even has a dedication to him in the film’s closing credits. But what she doesn’t talk about much is that he died, at 31, when she was only 7. “He passed away after taking off from a runway exactly like the one that Steve takes off on,” Jenkins says, referring to Wonder Woman’s boyfriend. “He crashed in the ocean.” She’s still not sure exactly what happened. “Nobody knows. He was in the middle of a NATO mock dogfight. They crash a lot. You’re doing a tricky maneuver.” Her father’s spirit was on the “Wonder Woman” set, even if she didn’t always reference him directly. Gadot says she thought of Jenkins’ dad when she saw the film for the first time, especially during the climactic scene where Steve makes the ultimate sacrifice for the woman he loves. “I think that even in the short time that he was present in her life, he had a lot of effect on who she became,” Gadot says. The death of her father framed Jenkins’ outlook in many ways. “It’s part of why I think I wanted to make movies,” she says. “I wanted to experience wonder somewhere. I didn’t think I would experience it in real life.” A few months after her dad passed away, Jenkins remembers a cross-country road trip from Kansas to San Francisco in a VW bug. “My mom” — who would put herself through school to become an environmental scientist — “dropped my sister and I at the movie theater to wait out this snowstorm,” Jenkins says. They watched the original “Superman,” starring Christopher Reeve. “I remember everything about the experience of seeing it,” Jenkins says. “It really hit me in that way of exactly what I think superheroes were designed to do — to inspire you to metaphorically imagine the superhero within.” That movie gave a grieving young girl some hope. It also provided her with a clear goal. “Seriously, that’s the part I can’t believe,” Jenkins says. “I always thought, because of ‘Superman,’ one day I want to make a movie that makes other people feel like that movie made me feel. The fact that that’s come true is so stunning.” Watch a behind-the-scenes video of Jenkins’ Power of Women L.A. cover shoot. 0 "Image copyright Roc Nation Image caption Jay-Z receives his platinum award from the RIAA Jay-Z's latest album, 4:44, has been certified platinum less than a week after it was released - reflecting sales of one million copies in the US. On the face of it, this is hugely impressive. In the space of just five days, Jay-Z has landed the sixth biggest-selling album of the year. His first-week sales are now expected to double those of Kendrick Lamar's Damn! - previously the year's fastest-selling album - which shifted 603,000 copies back in April. The feat looks even more impressive because 4:44 is only available on Tidal, the streaming service Jay-Z owns. But then Variety magazine noticed something odd: The photograph of Jay-Z receiving his platinum award was taken before the album was released. Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Jay-Z's new song Bam is made Radio 1's ""hottest record"" How could the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) be so sure he'd pass the sales barrier? Well, it turns out that Jay-Z had done a deal with mobile company Sprint (a major shareholder in Tidal), who gave away copies of the album to their subscribers. Crucially, Sprint paid for each of those copies, making every ""free"" album eligible for a platinum award; and the RIAA says Jay-Z's label RocNation had to provide evidence that the downloads were in fact initiated by consumers. But still - the RIAA rules state that the wholesale price of the album only needs to be $2 (£1.55) to register as a sale - so Sprint probably paid Jay-Z less than it would cost to air an advert during the Super Bowl (up to $3.8 million for 30 seconds). Image copyright Getty Images Image caption 4:44 sees Jay-Z respond to Beyonce's accusations of infidelity on her album Lemonade It's almost certain that these downloads are what spurred Jay-Z's album to platinum status. To do it on streaming alone, the album's tracks would have had to be streamed 1.5 billion times, since 1,500 streams of a song count as one ""sale"" under current chart rules. Given that Tidal has, at best, 3 million subscribers, each of them would have needed to listen to the album 500 times to push sales over the one million mark - an impossibility in just five days. The album's performance in the UK - where the album is only available on Tidal - is instructive here. On Monday afternoon, when the Official Charts Company publishes its midweek sales flash, 4:44 hadn't been streamed enough times to make the Top 100. (In the US, the free-but-paid-for downloads aren't chart eligible, so Jay-Z won't make a huge impact on the Billboard countdown, either). Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Tidal was launched by an all-star line-up in 2015, promising better returns to artists - but it has struggled to compete with Apple and Spotify So why go through this rigmarole? Well, the benefit to Jay-Z, in marketing terms, is huge. Music executives believe that gold and platinum awards have a bandwagon effect, leading to even-bigger sales. And the RIAA has been accused of massaging the figures that count towards their awards before. In 1994, for example, the music industry body claimed that the Lion King soundtrack had sold 7 million copies. SoundScan, which compiles the charts, contested the actual figure was 4.9 million. It turned out the RIAA had counted records that had been shipped to stores, but were still sitting on shelves and in warehouses (it also counts music distributed by non-retail record clubs, mail order houses, specialty stores and direct marketing sales). So while you should take Jay-Z's figures with a pinch of marketing salt, it's also worth noting that 4:44 has been illegally downloaded almost a million times this week. Fans are still eager to hear it, no matter how they're getting the music. Follow us on Facebook, on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts, or on Instagram at bbcnewsents. If you have a story suggestion email entertainment.news@bbc.co.uk." 0 × -g-icon-error Invalid postcode. Sorry we couldn't find a match for that, please try again 1 Bachelor in Paradise‘s DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios are spending the most romantic day of the year together. During former Bachelorette contestant Eric Bigger’s podcast, Bigger Talks, on Wednesday, Jackson shared details of his friendly relationship with Olympios, even sharing their Valentine’s Day date plans. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “I can’t wait for tonight,” he said. “Just for the fact that – you know, we’re homies. We’re really good friends, and you know, we just enjoy each other’s company and we like to take things slow,” Jackson added. Further clarifying, “We hang out. We have fun, and you know, that’s it.” DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios Photographer Group/Splash News RELATED: Corinne Olympios Apologizes to DeMario Jackson over BiP Sex Scandal: “I’m Sorry You Had to Go Through This” Despite the BiP sex scandal that rocked season 4’s production last summer, Jackson and Olympios remain close. The pair has been spotted out and about multiple times over the past few months, sharing a friendly embrace in late August, leaving TAO restaurant in Hollywood in late September, and most recently celebrating Halloween together in Los Angeles. DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios in Octobe Broadimage/REX/Shutterstock In October, Jackson opened up about his friendship with Olympios. “In the media — the media wanted black versus white. They wanted angry black guy, they wanted this little white girl. But in reality, both of us were put against each other,” he said at the time. “It was one of those things that people want us not to be friends. They want to paint a particular narrative. Even now the narrative is they’re friends now,” he explained. “It’s like, ‘Oh, it’s fake.’ It’s always you’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t.” 0 "Reports - Singer - Hands - Yovanna - Source (Excerpt) Read more at: E! Online Wake Up To Breaking News! SUBMIT A source tells E! News that the singer is no rush to get into a relationship. ""Abel is having a good time as a single dude. He is not taking any girl really seriously now.""The insider did say, ""He thinks Yovanna is a beautiful woman and cool to kick it with but nothing more. She is fun hanging out with.""As for reports that the singer was holding hands with Yovanna, the source said, ""Abel overall is an affectionate dude whether it's his girlfriend or not. He has always been the romantic type.""As for his plans for the future? ""He is very focused on his music,"" said the source.As for his..." 0 About Vietnamese and African-American model known for being the ex-girlfriend of singer Chris Brown. In 2015, she was cast as Vivian Johnson in the TV series Vanity. Before Fame She began posing for photos as a teen. Trivia She has amassed over 8 million followers on her karrueche Instagram account. Family Life Her father is African American and her mother is Vietnamese. She began dating Chris Brown in 2010, and in 2015, she ended the relationship after it was revealed that Chris Brown had a baby with another woman. She began dating Victor Cruz in 2018. Associated With Chris Brown became available after a domestic dispute with Rihanna in 2009. 0 "Actor Steven Seagal has been caught on tape calling female reporters “c***suckers” and “a bunch of f***ing dirty whores” in leaked tapes. The 65-year-old, who is facing several sexual harassment allegations, can be heard ranting to a male interviewer about female journalists in audio clips obtained by the Daily Mail. “Well, I found that interestingly enough, the few times that I had a hard time, it was usually with women,” the actor said in the clip captured while Seagal was promoting his 1988 film Above the Law. Join Independent Minds For exclusive articles, events and an advertising-free read for just £5.99 €6.99 $9.99 a month Get the best of The Independent With an Independent Minds subscription for just £5.99 €6.99 $9.99 a month Get the best of The Independent Without the ads – for just £5.99 €6.99 $9.99 a month “When somebody is on tour, a promotional tour, he’s there to talk about his film, not about who he’s f***ed or who he would like to f*** or who his wife was with ten years ago. “They should go into pornography or something else instead of journalism if they want to hear that s***. They’re a bunch of a**holes,” he continued. The actor goes on to recall a time a female reporter wrote false and discriminating stories about him after she “pretended like she was in love.” “If I ever see her again, I’ll tell her to her face, I think she belongs in a zoo,” he said. “Bunch of f***ing dirty whores!” “You sit down with this sweet little nice girl and she seems to adore you and all this and that, and you're a perfect gentleman, and you know, unbelievable. “The way you combat is by let's not ever do an interview again to show these c***suckers,” he said. In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, a number of women have come forward with allegations of sexual harassment against Mr Seagal. Shape Created with Sketch. World news in pictures Show all 50 left Created with Sketch. right Created with Sketch. Shape Created with Sketch. World news in pictures 1/50 23 December 2018 An aerial photo shows damaged buildings in Carita after the area was hit by a tsunami on December 22 following an eruption of the Anak Krakatoa volcano. The volcano-triggered tsunami has left at least 222 people dead and hundreds more injured after slamming without warning into beaches around Indonesia's Sunda Strait. Officials voiced fears that the toll was set to rise AFP/Getty 2/50 22 December 2018 Protesters wearing a yellow vest (gilet jaune) stand next to a burning barricade as they demonstrate against rising costs of living they blame on high taxes at the A9 highway toll of Le Boulou, southern France. The ""Yellow Vests"" (Gilets Jaunes) movement in France originally started as a protest about planned fuel hikes but has morphed into a mass protest against President's policies and top-down style of governing AFP/Getty 3/50 21 December 2018 A Palestinian man wearing a Santa Claus outfit hands a flower to man in a wheelchair during a demonstration near the border between Israel and Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip AFP/Getty 4/50 20 December 2018 Moroccan authorities investigate the scene of the grisly murder of two Scandinavian women at the foothills of the Atlas Mountains. The suspects in the killings have pledged alleigance to ISIS AP 5/50 19 December 2018 Supporters of Democratic Republic of Congo opposition leader Martin Fayulu gesture number four (the candidate number on the electoral list) as they protest in Kinshasa after campaigning was called off by the authorities on security grounds Getty 6/50 17 December 2018 Pyongyang residents prepare to lay flowers at the statues of late North Korean leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il during National Memorial Day on Mansu Hill. North Korea is marking the seventh anniversary of the death of Kim Jong II AFP/Getty 7/50 16 December 2018 Firefighters work on site where a large explosion occurred at a restaurant in Sapporo. According to local media reports, an explosion that triggered a fire occurred at a restaurant in Sapporo in the evening of 16 December. At least 20 people have been reported injured and taken to hospitals. EPA 8/50 15 December 2018 A supporter wears a cast on her broken wrist with 'I (heart) Obamacare' written on it . A federal judge in Texas ruled that the US health care law known as Obamacare is unconstitutional -- a ruling that opposition Democrats vowed to appeal. US District Judge Reed O'Connor's ruling came in a lawsuit filed by several Republican state attorneys general and a governor opposed to the federal government health plan, known officially as the Affordable Care Act EPA 9/50 14 December 2018 A Palestinian carries a flaming tyre amid clashes with Israeli forces. Israel carried out raids in the West Bank today in search of a Palestinian who shot dead two soldiers yesterday AFP/Getty 10/50 13 December 2018 Yemen's foreign minister Khaled al-Yamani (L) and the head rebel negotiator Mohammed Abdelsalam shake hands during peace talks in Sweden that are being overseen by the UN AFP 11/50 12 December 2018 Baby monkeys play on a wall of India's parliament in New Delhi. Macaque monkeys have swarmed the parliament, destroying important documents, attacking government officials and generally menacing the state Reuters 12/50 11 December 2018 German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomes British Prime Minister Theresa May at the chancellery in Berlin. May postponed the Brexit deal Meaningful Vote, on 11 December due to risk of rejection from Members of Parliament. She is currently on a whistle stop tour of Europe calling on the leaders of the Netherlands, Germany and EU in Brussels looking for new guide lines for her Northern Ireland backstop EPA 13/50 10 December 2018 Police investigate after an empty school bus crashed in the North Point district of Hong Kong. Two people were killed when a school bus mounted a pavement in a crowded Hong Kong neighbourhood, trapping passers-by underneath and injuring 13, police said AFP/Getty 14/50 9 December 2018 A Boca Juniors' fan cheers at a viewing in Buenos Aires for the Copa Libertadores final against rivals River Plate. The match is being held in Madrid, a neutral ground, after it was twice delayed due to violence AP 15/50 8 December 2018 Protestors wearing ""yellow vests"" (gilets jaunes) clash with riot police near the Champs Elysees avenue in Paris during a protest against rising costs of living they blame on high taxes. - Paris was on high alert with major security measures in place ahead of fresh ""yellow vest"" protests which authorities fear could turn violent for a second weekend in a row. AFP/Getty 16/50 7 December 2018 Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer reacts after being elected to leader of the Christian Democratic Union, succeeding the 18 year reign of Angela Merkel Getty 17/50 6 December 2018 Police use tear gas against protesters during a demonstration in Athens to commemorate the 10th anniversary of a fatal shooting of a teenager which sparked major riots in Greece in 2008 AFP/Getty 18/50 5 December 2018 The flag-draped casket of former US President George HW Bush is carried by military pallbearers past US President Donald Trump, first lady Melania Trump, former President Barack Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama, former President Bill Clinton, former first lady Hillary Clinton, former President Jimmy Carter and former first lady Rosalynn Carter as it arrives at his state funeral at Washington National Cathedral Reuters 19/50 4 December 2018 High school students burn a barricade in front of their high school during a demonstration against French government Education reforms AFP/Getty 20/50 3 December 2018 Sully, the service dog of former US President George HW Bush in his final months, lays in front of Bush's casket at the George H Lewis & Sons funeral home in Houston, Texas Courtesy Office of George HW Bush/Reuters 21/50 2 December 2018 Demonstrators march in Brussels to 'claim the climate' as world leaders meet in Poland to discuss the Paris climate agreement targets AP 22/50 1 December 2018 A protester moves to lob a tear gas canister during a protest in Paris today against rising fuel prices Reuters 23/50 30 November 2018 US President Donald Trump, Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wave hands in front of other leaders during a family photo at the G20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina Reuters 24/50 29 November 2018 Firefighters battle a blaze on Fingerfield road at the Deepwater National Park area of Queensland. Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes in northeastern Australia as bushfires raged across the state amid a scorching heatwave AFP/Getty 25/50 28 November 2018 A child waits to receive free bread by a local charity bakery amid a severe shortage of food in Sana'a, Yemen. According to reports, nearly 22 million people of Yemen's 26-million population are in need of humanitarian assistance as a result of increased food insecurity. The impoverished Arab country is experiencing a humanitarian crisis due to an ongoing brutal conflict that has lasted more than three years that has driven millions to the brink of famine EPA 26/50 27 November 2018 A petrol bomb was thrown towards the Ajax fans during their Champions League away match against AEK Athens in the Greek capital. Home supporters threw flares into the stands also Reuters 27/50 26 November 2018 Ukrainian activists burn flares during their rally in front of the Russian Consulate in Kharkiv, Ukraine. The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council, on 25 November, announced the decision to introduce martial law in Ukraine for a period of 60 days. Russia seized three Ukrainian vessels amid their leaving the Kerch Strait. The two small-sized 'Berdiansk' and 'Nikopol' armored artillery boats had come under enemy fire and are now dead in the water. The 'Yany Kapu' tugboat was forcibly stopped and captured by special forces of the Russian Federation EPA 28/50 25 November 2018 Women's rights activists gather to march through Taksim Square to protest against gender violence in Istanbul on the International Day for the elimination of violence against women AFP/Getty 29/50 24 November 2018 River Plate's fans clash with riot police after the second leg of the Copa Libertadores final match against rivals Boc Juniors was postponed Reuters 30/50 23 November 2018 Elias Lopez, a three-year-old Honduran migrant, plays in between the shields of a line of Mexican riot police, when the group he was part of tried to cross the Chaparral border crossing in Tijuana, Mexico. Elias Lopez is part of a group of Central American migrants that marched peacefully to the border crossing to demand better conditions and push to enter the US AP 31/50 22 November 2018 Lebanese army soldiers march during a parade to mark the 75th anniversary of Lebanon's Independence Day, in Beirut, commemorating the liberation from the French Mandate on 22 November 1943 EPA 32/50 21 November 2018 Indian Muslim devotees wave flags as they parade atop vehicles along a street during Eid-Milad-Un-Nabi celebrations in Varanasi in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh AFP/Getty 33/50 20 November 2018 At least 50 people were killed and dozens more injured when a suicide bomber targeted a group of Muslim religious scholars in Kabul, officials in Afghanistan say. Hundreds of clerics had gathered to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed at a large wedding hall in the capital before the blast happened, interior ministry spokesman Najib Danish said. Wahi Majroh, of Afghanistan’s public health ministry, said a further 83 people had been wounded by the bomber. “The victims of the attack unfortunately are all religious scholars who gathered to commemorate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad,” said Basir Mujahid, spokesman for the Kabul police chief Reuters 34/50 19 November 2018 A view of the Fuego volcano eruption at sunrise, seen from El Rodeo, Escuintla, Guatemala. More than 2,000 people were evacuated from several villages due to the strong eruption, located 50 kilometers west of the Guatemalan capital EPA 35/50 18 November 2018 French President Emmanuel Macron is applauded after speaking before the Bundestag (lower house of parliament) as the German parliament commemorates victims of wars and dictatorships in Berlin. The leaders of France and Germany jointly remember the victims of European wars, presenting also a united front in countering global turmoil stoked by US President Donald Trump AFP/Getty 36/50 17 November 2018 People wearing yellow vests, a symbol of a French drivers' nationwide protest against higher fuel prices, block the Paris-Brussels motorway in Haulchin, France Reuters 37/50 16 November 2018 People hold banners of Jamal Khashoggi during a symbolic funeral prayer for the Saudi journalist, killed and dismembered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October, at the courtyard of Fatih mosque in Istanbul. Turkey has more evidence contradicting the Saudi version of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi including a second audio recording, revealing that the murder had been premeditated, a Turkish newspaper reported on November 16, a contradiction to the statement of the Saudi prosecutor who said that five Saudi officials faced the death penalty on charges of killing Khashoggi but exonerated the country's powerful Crown Prince of involvement in the murder AFP/Getty 38/50 15 November 2018 Alexei Navalny leaves the European Court of Human Rights today. The court has ruled that Russia's repeated arrests of Navalny were politically motivated AP 39/50 14 November 2018 A crew member escorts a migrant child out of a plane transporting a group of 51 migrants from Niger, entitled to international protection, after its landing at the Mario De Bernardi military airport in Pratica di Mare, south of Rome AFP/Getty 40/50 13 November 2018 Palestinians gather in front of damaged buildings in Gaza City following Israeli air strikes targeting the area overnight. Israel's aircraft struck Gaza on November 12, killing three Palestinians and wounding nine after a barrage of rocket fire into its territory from the enclave. The flare-up came after a deadly Israeli special forces operation in the Gaza Strip, at the weekend, that left Hamas vowing revenge AFP/Getty 41/50 12 November 2018 Floral tributes outside Melbourne's Pellegrini's Cafe for Sisto Malaspina, after he was stabbed to death last Friday in an attack police have called an act of terrorism, in Australia Reuters 42/50 11 November 2018 Heads of states and world leaders attend ceremonies at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Over 60 heads of state and government were taking part in a solemn ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the mute and powerful symbol of sacrifice to the millions who died from 1914-18 AP 43/50 10 November 2018 Firefighters push down a wall while battling against a burning apartment complex in Paradise, north of Sacramento, California. A rapidly spreading, late-season wildfire in northern California has burned 20,000 acres of land and prompted authorities to issue evacuation orders for thousands of people. As many as 1000 homes, a hospital, a Safeway store and scores of other structures have burned in the area as the Camp fire tore through the region AFP/Getty 44/50 9 November 2018 A Fly Jamaica plane en route to Toronto crash lands at an airport in Guyana following a technical problem. At least six passengers were injured Cheddi Jagan International Airport 45/50 8 November 2018 An FBI agent talks to a potential witness as they stand near the scene Thursday in Thousand Oaks, California. where a gunman opened fire Wednesday inside a country dance bar crowded with hundreds of people on ""college night,"" wounding 11 people including a deputy who rushed to the scene. Ventura County sheriff's spokesman says gunman is dead inside the bar. AP 46/50 7 November 2018 Democratic congressional candidate Ilhan Omar is celebrates with her husband's mother after she won a congress place during the US midterm elections. In doing do she became the first-joint Muslim woman to be elected into congress alongside Rashida Tlaib Reuters 47/50 6 November 2018 Voters cast their ballots at the Tuttle Park Recreation Center polling location in Columbus, Ohio. Across the US, voters headed to the polls in one of the most high-profile midterm elections in years AP 48/50 5 November 2018 Members of the group Your Vote Matters encourage people to vote before an event hosted by US Senator Claire McCaskill as she campaigns for the US Senate in Saint Louis, Missour. McCaskill, a Democrat, faces a challenge from Republican Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley in the November general election EPA 49/50 4 November 2018 Police officers and rescuers work at the site of where a truck ploughed into cars at a toll booth in Lanzhou in China's northwestern Gansu province. The out-of-control truck crashed into a 31-car lineup and killed 15 people, with 44 injured AFP/Getty 50/50 3 November 2018 Simone Biles on the podium with her gold medal from the floor exercise at the gymnastics world championships. She became the most decorated female gymnast in world's history, as well as, becoming the first American to win a medal in every event at the competition AFP/Getty 1/50 23 December 2018 An aerial photo shows damaged buildings in Carita after the area was hit by a tsunami on December 22 following an eruption of the Anak Krakatoa volcano. The volcano-triggered tsunami has left at least 222 people dead and hundreds more injured after slamming without warning into beaches around Indonesia's Sunda Strait. Officials voiced fears that the toll was set to rise AFP/Getty 2/50 22 December 2018 Protesters wearing a yellow vest (gilet jaune) stand next to a burning barricade as they demonstrate against rising costs of living they blame on high taxes at the A9 highway toll of Le Boulou, southern France. The ""Yellow Vests"" (Gilets Jaunes) movement in France originally started as a protest about planned fuel hikes but has morphed into a mass protest against President's policies and top-down style of governing AFP/Getty 3/50 21 December 2018 A Palestinian man wearing a Santa Claus outfit hands a flower to man in a wheelchair during a demonstration near the border between Israel and Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip AFP/Getty 4/50 20 December 2018 Moroccan authorities investigate the scene of the grisly murder of two Scandinavian women at the foothills of the Atlas Mountains. The suspects in the killings have pledged alleigance to ISIS AP 5/50 19 December 2018 Supporters of Democratic Republic of Congo opposition leader Martin Fayulu gesture number four (the candidate number on the electoral list) as they protest in Kinshasa after campaigning was called off by the authorities on security grounds Getty 6/50 17 December 2018 Pyongyang residents prepare to lay flowers at the statues of late North Korean leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il during National Memorial Day on Mansu Hill. North Korea is marking the seventh anniversary of the death of Kim Jong II AFP/Getty 7/50 16 December 2018 Firefighters work on site where a large explosion occurred at a restaurant in Sapporo. According to local media reports, an explosion that triggered a fire occurred at a restaurant in Sapporo in the evening of 16 December. At least 20 people have been reported injured and taken to hospitals. EPA 8/50 15 December 2018 A supporter wears a cast on her broken wrist with 'I (heart) Obamacare' written on it . A federal judge in Texas ruled that the US health care law known as Obamacare is unconstitutional -- a ruling that opposition Democrats vowed to appeal. US District Judge Reed O'Connor's ruling came in a lawsuit filed by several Republican state attorneys general and a governor opposed to the federal government health plan, known officially as the Affordable Care Act EPA 9/50 14 December 2018 A Palestinian carries a flaming tyre amid clashes with Israeli forces. Israel carried out raids in the West Bank today in search of a Palestinian who shot dead two soldiers yesterday AFP/Getty 10/50 13 December 2018 Yemen's foreign minister Khaled al-Yamani (L) and the head rebel negotiator Mohammed Abdelsalam shake hands during peace talks in Sweden that are being overseen by the UN AFP 11/50 12 December 2018 Baby monkeys play on a wall of India's parliament in New Delhi. Macaque monkeys have swarmed the parliament, destroying important documents, attacking government officials and generally menacing the state Reuters 12/50 11 December 2018 German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomes British Prime Minister Theresa May at the chancellery in Berlin. May postponed the Brexit deal Meaningful Vote, on 11 December due to risk of rejection from Members of Parliament. She is currently on a whistle stop tour of Europe calling on the leaders of the Netherlands, Germany and EU in Brussels looking for new guide lines for her Northern Ireland backstop EPA 13/50 10 December 2018 Police investigate after an empty school bus crashed in the North Point district of Hong Kong. Two people were killed when a school bus mounted a pavement in a crowded Hong Kong neighbourhood, trapping passers-by underneath and injuring 13, police said AFP/Getty 14/50 9 December 2018 A Boca Juniors' fan cheers at a viewing in Buenos Aires for the Copa Libertadores final against rivals River Plate. The match is being held in Madrid, a neutral ground, after it was twice delayed due to violence AP 15/50 8 December 2018 Protestors wearing ""yellow vests"" (gilets jaunes) clash with riot police near the Champs Elysees avenue in Paris during a protest against rising costs of living they blame on high taxes. - Paris was on high alert with major security measures in place ahead of fresh ""yellow vest"" protests which authorities fear could turn violent for a second weekend in a row. AFP/Getty 16/50 7 December 2018 Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer reacts after being elected to leader of the Christian Democratic Union, succeeding the 18 year reign of Angela Merkel Getty 17/50 6 December 2018 Police use tear gas against protesters during a demonstration in Athens to commemorate the 10th anniversary of a fatal shooting of a teenager which sparked major riots in Greece in 2008 AFP/Getty 18/50 5 December 2018 The flag-draped casket of former US President George HW Bush is carried by military pallbearers past US President Donald Trump, first lady Melania Trump, former President Barack Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama, former President Bill Clinton, former first lady Hillary Clinton, former President Jimmy Carter and former first lady Rosalynn Carter as it arrives at his state funeral at Washington National Cathedral Reuters 19/50 4 December 2018 High school students burn a barricade in front of their high school during a demonstration against French government Education reforms AFP/Getty 20/50 3 December 2018 Sully, the service dog of former US President George HW Bush in his final months, lays in front of Bush's casket at the George H Lewis & Sons funeral home in Houston, Texas Courtesy Office of George HW Bush/Reuters 21/50 2 December 2018 Demonstrators march in Brussels to 'claim the climate' as world leaders meet in Poland to discuss the Paris climate agreement targets AP 22/50 1 December 2018 A protester moves to lob a tear gas canister during a protest in Paris today against rising fuel prices Reuters 23/50 30 November 2018 US President Donald Trump, Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wave hands in front of other leaders during a family photo at the G20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina Reuters 24/50 29 November 2018 Firefighters battle a blaze on Fingerfield road at the Deepwater National Park area of Queensland. Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes in northeastern Australia as bushfires raged across the state amid a scorching heatwave AFP/Getty 25/50 28 November 2018 A child waits to receive free bread by a local charity bakery amid a severe shortage of food in Sana'a, Yemen. According to reports, nearly 22 million people of Yemen's 26-million population are in need of humanitarian assistance as a result of increased food insecurity. The impoverished Arab country is experiencing a humanitarian crisis due to an ongoing brutal conflict that has lasted more than three years that has driven millions to the brink of famine EPA 26/50 27 November 2018 A petrol bomb was thrown towards the Ajax fans during their Champions League away match against AEK Athens in the Greek capital. Home supporters threw flares into the stands also Reuters 27/50 26 November 2018 Ukrainian activists burn flares during their rally in front of the Russian Consulate in Kharkiv, Ukraine. The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council, on 25 November, announced the decision to introduce martial law in Ukraine for a period of 60 days. Russia seized three Ukrainian vessels amid their leaving the Kerch Strait. The two small-sized 'Berdiansk' and 'Nikopol' armored artillery boats had come under enemy fire and are now dead in the water. The 'Yany Kapu' tugboat was forcibly stopped and captured by special forces of the Russian Federation EPA 28/50 25 November 2018 Women's rights activists gather to march through Taksim Square to protest against gender violence in Istanbul on the International Day for the elimination of violence against women AFP/Getty 29/50 24 November 2018 River Plate's fans clash with riot police after the second leg of the Copa Libertadores final match against rivals Boc Juniors was postponed Reuters 30/50 23 November 2018 Elias Lopez, a three-year-old Honduran migrant, plays in between the shields of a line of Mexican riot police, when the group he was part of tried to cross the Chaparral border crossing in Tijuana, Mexico. Elias Lopez is part of a group of Central American migrants that marched peacefully to the border crossing to demand better conditions and push to enter the US AP 31/50 22 November 2018 Lebanese army soldiers march during a parade to mark the 75th anniversary of Lebanon's Independence Day, in Beirut, commemorating the liberation from the French Mandate on 22 November 1943 EPA 32/50 21 November 2018 Indian Muslim devotees wave flags as they parade atop vehicles along a street during Eid-Milad-Un-Nabi celebrations in Varanasi in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh AFP/Getty 33/50 20 November 2018 At least 50 people were killed and dozens more injured when a suicide bomber targeted a group of Muslim religious scholars in Kabul, officials in Afghanistan say. Hundreds of clerics had gathered to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed at a large wedding hall in the capital before the blast happened, interior ministry spokesman Najib Danish said. Wahi Majroh, of Afghanistan’s public health ministry, said a further 83 people had been wounded by the bomber. “The victims of the attack unfortunately are all religious scholars who gathered to commemorate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad,” said Basir Mujahid, spokesman for the Kabul police chief Reuters 34/50 19 November 2018 A view of the Fuego volcano eruption at sunrise, seen from El Rodeo, Escuintla, Guatemala. More than 2,000 people were evacuated from several villages due to the strong eruption, located 50 kilometers west of the Guatemalan capital EPA 35/50 18 November 2018 French President Emmanuel Macron is applauded after speaking before the Bundestag (lower house of parliament) as the German parliament commemorates victims of wars and dictatorships in Berlin. The leaders of France and Germany jointly remember the victims of European wars, presenting also a united front in countering global turmoil stoked by US President Donald Trump AFP/Getty 36/50 17 November 2018 People wearing yellow vests, a symbol of a French drivers' nationwide protest against higher fuel prices, block the Paris-Brussels motorway in Haulchin, France Reuters 37/50 16 November 2018 People hold banners of Jamal Khashoggi during a symbolic funeral prayer for the Saudi journalist, killed and dismembered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October, at the courtyard of Fatih mosque in Istanbul. Turkey has more evidence contradicting the Saudi version of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi including a second audio recording, revealing that the murder had been premeditated, a Turkish newspaper reported on November 16, a contradiction to the statement of the Saudi prosecutor who said that five Saudi officials faced the death penalty on charges of killing Khashoggi but exonerated the country's powerful Crown Prince of involvement in the murder AFP/Getty 38/50 15 November 2018 Alexei Navalny leaves the European Court of Human Rights today. The court has ruled that Russia's repeated arrests of Navalny were politically motivated AP 39/50 14 November 2018 A crew member escorts a migrant child out of a plane transporting a group of 51 migrants from Niger, entitled to international protection, after its landing at the Mario De Bernardi military airport in Pratica di Mare, south of Rome AFP/Getty 40/50 13 November 2018 Palestinians gather in front of damaged buildings in Gaza City following Israeli air strikes targeting the area overnight. Israel's aircraft struck Gaza on November 12, killing three Palestinians and wounding nine after a barrage of rocket fire into its territory from the enclave. The flare-up came after a deadly Israeli special forces operation in the Gaza Strip, at the weekend, that left Hamas vowing revenge AFP/Getty 41/50 12 November 2018 Floral tributes outside Melbourne's Pellegrini's Cafe for Sisto Malaspina, after he was stabbed to death last Friday in an attack police have called an act of terrorism, in Australia Reuters 42/50 11 November 2018 Heads of states and world leaders attend ceremonies at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Over 60 heads of state and government were taking part in a solemn ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the mute and powerful symbol of sacrifice to the millions who died from 1914-18 AP 43/50 10 November 2018 Firefighters push down a wall while battling against a burning apartment complex in Paradise, north of Sacramento, California. A rapidly spreading, late-season wildfire in northern California has burned 20,000 acres of land and prompted authorities to issue evacuation orders for thousands of people. As many as 1000 homes, a hospital, a Safeway store and scores of other structures have burned in the area as the Camp fire tore through the region AFP/Getty 44/50 9 November 2018 A Fly Jamaica plane en route to Toronto crash lands at an airport in Guyana following a technical problem. At least six passengers were injured Cheddi Jagan International Airport 45/50 8 November 2018 An FBI agent talks to a potential witness as they stand near the scene Thursday in Thousand Oaks, California. where a gunman opened fire Wednesday inside a country dance bar crowded with hundreds of people on ""college night,"" wounding 11 people including a deputy who rushed to the scene. Ventura County sheriff's spokesman says gunman is dead inside the bar. AP 46/50 7 November 2018 Democratic congressional candidate Ilhan Omar is celebrates with her husband's mother after she won a congress place during the US midterm elections. In doing do she became the first-joint Muslim woman to be elected into congress alongside Rashida Tlaib Reuters 47/50 6 November 2018 Voters cast their ballots at the Tuttle Park Recreation Center polling location in Columbus, Ohio. Across the US, voters headed to the polls in one of the most high-profile midterm elections in years AP 48/50 5 November 2018 Members of the group Your Vote Matters encourage people to vote before an event hosted by US Senator Claire McCaskill as she campaigns for the US Senate in Saint Louis, Missour. McCaskill, a Democrat, faces a challenge from Republican Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley in the November general election EPA 49/50 4 November 2018 Police officers and rescuers work at the site of where a truck ploughed into cars at a toll booth in Lanzhou in China's northwestern Gansu province. The out-of-control truck crashed into a 31-car lineup and killed 15 people, with 44 injured AFP/Getty 50/50 3 November 2018 Simone Biles on the podium with her gold medal from the floor exercise at the gymnastics world championships. She became the most decorated female gymnast in world's history, as well as, becoming the first American to win a medal in every event at the competition AFP/Getty TV reporter Lisa Guerrero told the Hollywood Reporter the actor allegedly invited her to his home for a “private audition” in 1996. Suspicious of the invite, Ms Guerrero said she brought a female casting director with her. She said Mr Seagal answered the door in a silk robe and although he never exposed himself to her or touched her, she said the actor told her she could have a bigger role if she returned for a “private rehearsal.” Actress Rae Dawn Chong made similar claims in a blog The Wrap." 0 Britney Spears has only ten shows left until she is finished with her long-running “Piece of Me” residency in Las Vegas, and RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned that “she can’t wait” to be done with Sin City! And according to a source close to Spears, she already has her post-Vegas agenda set! “Britney’s friends and family know what she is planning to do after she is done with Vegas,” a source close to the 35-year-old mother of two said, noting that “it’s not work!” PHOTOS: She’s Not That Innocent! Britney Spears’ 40 Craziest Drug Rumors, Sleaziest Hookups & Darkest Conservatorship Secrets Revealed “She isn’t even thinking of a new album or another tour right now. All she really wants in life after this is over is to have a baby girl, get married and focus on her family for a while!” Needless to say, Spears already has a lucky man in mind — her 23-year-old hunky model boyfriend, Sam Asghari! “Of course they’ve talked about marriage and Britney’s dream is to have a real wedding someday. Sam seems to want this too,” the insider told Radar. PHOTOS: Britney Spears’ New Man EXPOSED! Inside His Shocking High School Secret “At the same time, she and the dancers are really starting to get emotional because they have been a family for so long.” Do you think that Britney has finally found true love with Sam? Tell us your thoughts below. We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at tips@radaronline.com, or call us at 800-344-9598 any time, day or night. 1 Romance rumors are flying around Stranger Things stars Charlie Heaton and Natalia Dyer once again. This isn’t the first time the two have made fans wonder about their relationship; the IRL Nancy and Jonathan, who had crushes on each other in the show, have been rumored to be dating since early 2017, but still haven’t confirmed it. Over the weekend, photographers snapped Charlie and Natalia holding hands on a leisurely stroll together in Paris. They shared a pair of earbuds and were also spotted with Charlie’s arm comfortably around Natalia’s shoulders. A cozy autumn walk around Paris is looking pretty good right now. Holding hands obviously does not equal relationship, but fans are still thrilled about a possible pairing between the two stars. Since the Stranger Things cast has faced so much publicity lately, we totally understand why Charlie and Natalia would want to keep a prospective romance quiet, and it’s totally their right to do so. Either way, a vacation in Paris doesn't sound too bad! Related: “Stranger Things” Actor Charlie Heaton Has a Lookalike In Harry Styles 0 Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's first royal tour together is significant for so many reasons. Having announced that they're expecting their first child together, due in the Spring of 2019, the newlyweds have been greeted by royal fans in Australia this week. And the warm welcome is sure to continue as they travel to New Zealand, Fiji, and the Kingdom of Tonga in the coming days. As they're now expecting a baby, it's exciting to see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attending so many events together, and displaying such an impressive royal tour wardrobe along the way. But what makes Meghan and Harry's appearance at the Invictus Games 2018 so significant is the fact that they first made their public debut as a couple at last year's event. And it's hard to believe just how much has happened in the last year. On September 23, 2017, Meghan was spotted in the crowd at the Invictus Games in Toronto, the city in which she lived while filming Suits. She was there to support Prince Harry, who is heavily involved in the sporting event, which aims to support veterans and service people who have sustained injuries and disabilities while serving their countries: Getty Images AFP Contributor The separation didn't last long, though, as on September 25, 2017, Meghan and Harry attended a wheelchair tennis match in Toronto as part of the Invictus Games. Not only did they sit next to one another, but they also held hands, and looked very much in love throughout the event: Getty Images Danny Lawson - PA Images After that first public appearance, their relationship progressed fairly quickly, with the pair announcing their engagement on November 27, 2017: Now, attending the Invictus Games 2018, Harry and Meghan look more unified than ever. Traveling to Sydney for the event, rather than Meghan's former home of Toronto, the Duke and Duchess have truly become a unit. Not only are they married, and starting a family, but they're jointly supporting the causes and organizations that are important to them both. Having gotten married in May 2018, and announced Meghan's pregnancy at the start of the royal tour, it's clear that the Duke and Duchess aren't wasting time when it comes to their love story. 0 Maisie Williams celebrates her 21st birthday on Sunday. Because she may not look her age to us - after all, we have literally watched her grow up on Game of Thrones - we promise you were are not lying about that number. Maisie has played everyone’s favourite character, Arya Stark, on the hit fantasy drama for eight years, since she was 14. She was chosen from 300 girls and it was her first acting role ever. On the sets, she met her new best friend, Sophie Turner. Sophie, who plays Maisie’s elder sister Sansa Stark on the show, instantly fell in love with her. The two bonded so incredibly over time that they now have matching tattoos, marking the date they first met, on August 7, to precise. Since then, Sophie and Maisie have had several sleepovers, posted hundreds selfies together on social media, attended scores of red carpet events with each other and more. They are the two coolest celebrity best friends and adored by their fans to bits. In a perfect world, we would have been watching the eighth season of Game of Thrones by now but today, we will have to make do with these cute pictures of #Mophie: there were never such devoted sisters A post shared by Maisie Williams (@maisie_williams) on Jan 8, 2017 at 8:01am PST 👑everyone loves a hash brownie👑 A post shared by Maisie Williams (@maisie_williams) on Oct 31, 2016 at 11:55am PDT itty, bitty titty committee A post shared by Maisie Williams (@maisie_williams) on Apr 11, 2016 at 8:11am PDT Hold tight my London Krewwwww A post shared by Maisie Williams (@maisie_williams) on Jan 22, 2016 at 3:42pm PST Babe A post shared by Maisie Williams (@maisie_williams) on Dec 3, 2014 at 1:43pm PST 🎈#mophie A post shared by Maisie Williams (@maisie_williams) on Jul 31, 2015 at 12:34pm PDT #phuckwitus #mophie A post shared by Sophie Turner (@sophiet) on Sep 21, 2015 at 9:11pm PDT Follow @htshowbiz for more First Published: Apr 15, 2018 15:48 IST 0 Target to Discontinue Sale of Holy BibleTarget CEO Brian Cornell announced today the retail giant will be discontinuing sales of the Holy Bible. The company has come under fire recently from religious groups for its new transgender bathroom policy. The King James Bible has been available for purchase at Target stores ever since the company was founded as Goodfellow Dry Goods back in 1902.Speaking with CNBC, Cornell cited recent protests from what he calls “religious extremists” as the reason to pull the bible from its shelves. “Target will no longer cater to religious extremists,” said Cornell. “If that means removing the bible from our shelves, then so be it.” Cornell said the big box chain is “sticking to its guns” regarding their bathroom policy, and will be phasing out anything having to do with religion. “We believe that everyone, every team member, every guest, and every community, deserves to be treated equally, regardless of their religious beliefs.”More…~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is the video referenced above:Source: http://ncrenegade.com/editorial/target-to-discontinue-sale-of-holy-bible/We encourage you to Share our Reports, Analyses, Breaking News and Videos. Simply Click your Favorite Social Media Button and Share. 1 "Breaking News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. / Updated By Elizabeth Chuck A woman convicted for her role in the abduction of Elizabeth Smart, who was held captive for nine months when she was 14 years old, was released from prison on Wednesday. The Utah Department of Corrections said just after 8 a.m. local time that Wanda Barzee, 72, had been freed from Utah State Prison. A gaggle of reporters and news cameras arrived early Wednesday to stake out prison exits in anticipation of her leaving, but Barzee was not immediately spotted. Minutes after Barzee's release, Smart thanked supporters in an Instagram post, and said she was determined to continue living her life despite her captor being free. ""May we all remain vigilant in watching over our families, friends, and community from anyone who would seek to hurt or take advantage. I truly believe life is meant to be happy and beautiful, and no matter what happens that will remain my goal for me and for my family,"" she wrote. In a press conference later Wednesday morning, Barzee's attorney, Scott Williams, said Barzee didn't pose any threat by being out of prison. ""There is no credible evidence that she is a danger to the community,"" Williams said. Williams did not answer questions about where Barzee will live or whether she has a support system. He expressed confidence that she could live in society without any problems, but said her biggest challenge, ""obviously, is the high-profile nature"" of the case. Smart was abducted at knifepoint in 2002 from the Salt Lake City bedroom she shared with her younger sister in a case that drew international headlines. After intense media attention surrounding Smart's disappearance, Smart was seen walking the streets of a Salt Lake City suburb with Brian David Mitchell, a street pastor, and Barzee, his wife. The couple was arrested and charged in her kidnapping, which Smart has said included repeated sexual assaults by Mitchell. During the attacks, Barzee would sit next to Smart and ""encourage her husband to continue to rape me,"" Smart recalled during a press conference last week. Mitchell, who prior to the abduction had done odd jobs around the Smart family household, is serving a life sentence after being convicted of kidnapping and raping Smart. Barzee was convicted of state and federal crimes, and in 2010 was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison for her role in the abduction. Elizabeth Smart arrives for a news conference Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018, in Salt Lake City. Smart says it appears there is no viable, legal recourse she can take to stop the release of one of her kidnappers. Rick Bowmer / AP She received credit for time already served and in 2016, Barzee was released from federal prison but still faced one to 15 years in state prison for a separate attempted abduction of Smart's cousin. In June, her attorney asked that Barzee get credit toward her state sentence for the time she spent in federal credit, but the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole denied that request — and set Barzee's sentence to go until 2024. That changed last Tuesday when the parole board announced that Barzee would be released on Sept. 19 — an unexpected move that even caught Smart, who described it as a ""big shock,"" by surprise. ""I do believe she’s a threat,"" Smart said of Barzee during last week's press conference. ""For me, I know the depth of her depravity."" The parole board said that after a legal review of Barzee's time served, it discovered that part of the time she spent in federal prison should in fact count toward her state sentence, making her eligible for release. Barzee will be under federal supervision for five years. Smart's attorney, Brett Tolman, told the Associated Press that conditions of Barzee's release include mental health treatment and an order not to contact Smart's family. Upon her release, Barzee also voluntarily agreed to not go to any geographic locations that the Smart family might frequent, Williams, her attorney, said. Violating any of those conditions could result in her return to prison, although Williams was not able to say for how long, adding that it would depend on which condition had been violated. Smart, now 30, has said the couple kept her chained down in makeshift campsites during her abduction — including, at first, one in the foothills just miles from her house. She told reporters last week that she believes in forgiveness as a Christian, but does not believe Barzee has been rehabilitated to the point where she should be freed. Smart has since become an outspoken advocate against child abduction and sexual violence. Now married and pregnant with her third child, Smart said in an Instagram post last week that she is taking precautions to protect her family but refuses ""to live in fear."" ""I lived in absolute fear and terror for nine months, no matter the outcome I will not do so again,"" she wrote." 0 We all know that Lindsay Lohan had a body double in The Parent Trap because, well, there is only one Lindsay Lohan (thank god haha). Thanks to some crazy cinematic magic, Lohan could be in two places at once for the movie, and play both roles. But for some scenes, someone else actually needed to stand in for her, their face digitally replaced with Lohan’s later on down the road. Now, say hello to actress Erin Mackey, who played Lohan’s double in the 1998 classic. She really does look like her! Source: YouTube 0 If you were one of those kids that asked for a pony every birthday of your childhood, only to find yourself receiving last season’s Barbie doll and a McDonald’s McFlurry, you might want to look away now. To celebrate Harper Beckham’s birthday, David and Victoria have reportedly splashed the cash and bought her a £7,000 pedigree pony. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below A soure reportedly told the Sun: ‘A few months ago, David and Victoria bought Harper some riding lessons and she fell in love with the sport. ‘She’s horse-mad and has spent the past few weeks badgering her parents for a pony of her own.’ The youngster - who turns seven today - has also reportedly received riding gear from Colne Saddlery in Cheltenham. 'Obviously, a horse is a massive commitment, and David and Victoria have impressed upon her how important it is that she cares for it herself and gets stuck into the mucking out. They then visited a saddlery last month and got her all the accessories,' the source added. ‘The pony is an extravagant gift but Harper is aware of just how lucky she is.’ Harper loves her daddy 💕💕💕 A post shared by Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) on Jul 2, 2018 at 11:56pm PDT Harper’s new 'present' will settle in right at home in the family’s new country home in the Cotswolds where they have their own stables. Earlier today, Victoria posted a sweet birthday message to her daughter on Instagram with the caption: ‘Happy Birthday baby girl x We love u so so much x so many kisses!!!’ The proud mother - who also shares sons Brooklyn, Cruz and Romeo wit her husband of 19 years - also took to Instagram Stories to share videos of inflatable unicorn and heart decorations for Harper’s big day. Instagram Happy birthday, Harper! 1 The report, sent to NBC employees on Wednesday morning, did include some caveats. One woman, who eventually came forward about a sexual encounter with Mr. Lauer, said she told a manager in 1996 about an interaction where Mr. Lauer “placed his hand on her thigh and made a sexually suggestive comment.” The manager, who was not identified, agreed at the time to reassign the woman so that she would not travel alongside Mr. Lauer. The report also said that, of four women who filed complaints about Mr. Lauer’s misbehavior, two believed that senior managers at NBC News and the “Today” show were aware of the anchor’s sexual misconduct. “The former leaders with whom we spoke denied any such knowledge, however, and we were unable to otherwise substantiate it,” the report said. NBC’s investigators said they interviewed 68 individuals for the report, including current management at the news division and current and former members of the “Today” staff. The report indicated that former NBC News executives were contacted, but did not say whether interviews with those executives had taken place. Following the release of Wednesday’s report, the woman who accused Mr. Brokaw, Linda Vester, wrote an op-ed column in The Post that criticized NBC for relying on its own in-house counsel. “I want NBC to stop fighting #MeToo within its own walls,” Ms. Vester wrote. “I ask NBCUniversal to retain an outside investigator to look into sexual harassment and any coverup of sexual harassment at NBC News.” An advocacy group that grew out of the #MeToo movement, Press Forward, also issued a statement describing the nature of NBC’s review as “an inherent conflict of interest.” The group, which is focused on improving workplace environments for women in the media industry, added, “No one is going to be fully candid when speaking to management for fear of losing their jobs.” If there was criticism to be found in the NBC report, it came in an assessment of NBC News’s human resources operation. The investigators found it “troubling” that no formal complaints had been filed about Mr. Lauer despite his engaging in sexual relationships with subordinates. The report found that network staff members were fearful of retaliation and did not feel confident that their complaints would be kept confidential, in part because human resources managers occupied glass-walled offices in full view of other NBC News employees. 0 Orlando Bloom is a popular British actor and heartthrob known for his roles in 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' films. Who Is Orlando Bloom? Born on January 13, 1977, in Canterbury, England, Orlando Bloom studied acting as a child before he was cast as the heroic Legolas in Peter Jackson's film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Bloom also found major success starring in three films of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise with Johnny Depp. He's landed other roles in big-screen fare, including Troy, Elizabethtown and The Three Musketeers. Orlando Bloom (Photo: WireImage) Movies 'The Lord of the Rings' Days before his graduation, Bloom was cast in Peter Jackson's adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy trilogy, The Lord of the Rings. The first film of the trilogy, 2001's The Fellowship of the Ring, was a huge blockbuster and critical success. Bloom went on to perform in the two Ring follow-ups; he plays Legolas Greenleaf, a long-haired immortal elf who balances refinement and wisdom with sharp archery and camaraderie, throughout the popular film series. ADVERTISEMENT Thanks for watching! Visit Website 'The Pirates of the Caribbean' Franchise After garnering a noted role in Black Hawk Down (2001), another big part was on the horizon for Bloom. In 2003 he starred as the sensitive Will Turner in the Disney action/adventure The Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, alongside Keira Knightley and Johnny Depp. Pirates marked another huge world blockbuster for Bloom, who would go on to star in the next two sequels of the franchise: Dead's Man Chest (2006) and At World's End (2007). ADVERTISEMENT Thanks for watching! Visit Website ADVERTISEMENT Thanks for watching! Visit Website 'Troy,' 'Elizabethtown' Bloom continued doing period work, playing Paris in the 2004 film Troy, which also stars Brad Pitt and Eric Bana. The following year, the actor was featured as a leading man in two films: Ridley Scott's Crusades epic Kingdom of Heaven and Cameron Crowe's drama Elizabethtown (both released in 2005). Then, in 2006, Bloom appeared with actress Zoe Saldana in the thriller Haven, which he also co-produced. In between his more high-profile Hollywood work, Bloom has starred in indie fare like Ned Kelley (2003) and New York, I Love You (2009). Additionally, in 2007, he returned to the stage for a London revival of In Celebration. 'The Three Musketeers,' 'The Hobbit' Another cape-and-sword opportunity arose for Bloom when he was cast in a 2011 update of The Three Musketeers, which failed to catch hold at the U.S. box office. The actor then returned to working with Jackson, reprising his role as Greenleaf for portions of The Hobbit film trilogy, the first installment of which was released in December 2012: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Bloom reprised his role as Will Turner for a fifth time in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) and showed his sense of humor in the Andy Samberg-led mockumentary Tour de Pharmacy, playing the character Juju Pepe. In 2018 he starred in the British-Chinese thriller action flick S.M.A.R.T. Chase. 1 Scoopnest is a web media which finds for you the best tweets in real time! Get the top latest buzz on Twitter about everything you like : Breaking news, Sports, People, Fashion, Business, Entertainment, Health, Technology, Finance, etc... We sort and classify the best buzzing tweets in categories that interest you the most. With Scoopnest, no need to spend hours to find the tweets that give you a real scoop, you can save time by discovering straight away the most important things of Twitter! 0 It’s not every day that, while taking a photo of two celebrities, another sneaks their way into it. While attending Andres Serrano’s show at Frieze New York, a guest was about to snap a photo of portraits of Donald Trump and Snoop Dogg hanging side-by-side when who should show up but Martha Stewart, armed with the bird in one hand and a peace sign in the other. The photo, first spotted by The Cut, quickly went viral, with more than 3,000 likes on the original photo at time of writing. Loading View on Instagram Neither Stewart nor Snoop is a big fan of Trump, the former voicing her support for Hillary Clinton throughout last year’s campaign, and the latter having just released a music video featuring himself “shooting” a clown dressed as Trump. Stewart shared a more safe-for-work version of the photo on her own Instagram account—as well as an announcement about her show with Snoop on VH1: Loading View on Instagram So, that’s twenty more episodes of Martha and Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party, plus the two will be appearing at Sunday’s 2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards. And what better way to advertise it than by crashing an art show and flipping the bird at the president? If Snoop’s not around, at least Stewart had a convenient portrait to stand in for him. 0 Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are no longer sleeping in the same bed, RadarOnline.com can reveal. The news comes as a blow after they called off a potential divorce earlier this summer, and had been doing couple’s therapy. An insider told Radar: “Kim booted Kanye to the spare room blaming his snoring, but there’s way more to it than that.” PHOTOS: Kanye West Meets With Donald Trump After Major Meltdown “The truth is that they’ve lost that spark and never recovered it. Kim’s telling people she doesn’t have the time or energy to keep the spark alive in the bedroom anymore with two young kids and another on the way. “She’s basically settled for a sexless marriage, while Kanye mopes around hoping for a miracle.” Kim, 36, stood by her 40-year-old husband when he went through a very public meltdown late last year, but the marriage never seemed to recover. PHOTOS: Kim Kardashian On Sex Tapes With Kanye & Her Favorite Position To make matters worse Kardashian is still recovering from her infamous Paris robbery as she tries to juggle being a mom, reality star and managing her business empire. West’s music career is currently on hold after he quit the Tidal music streaming service amid a messy legal battle with Jay-Z. We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at tips@radaronline.com, or call us at 800-344-9598 any time, day or night. 1 Pink revealed on Saturday via Instagram that she has the flu, but is determined to sing the National Anthem at the 2018 Super Bowl on Sunday as planned. Despite her ailment, she did perform on Friday at the pre-game Nomadic Live! event at The Armory in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the city where the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles will face off at the NFL championship. “Trying to practice the flu away,” Pink wrote on Instagram. “I’ve been waiting to sing this song [“The Star Spangled Banner”] since 1991 when I saw my idol, Whitney Houston, own this song. And now, my chance has finally come. And it just so happens that this chance comes when I have two small Petri dish kids who literally cough INTO MY MOUTH and rub their snot on my cheek. You can’t write this stuff I swear! And here we are.” Earlier on Friday, the singer also posted on Twitter a throwback photo of her and the 2018 Super Bowl Pepsi Halftime Show performer, Justin Timberlake, posed backstage at the 2002 MTV VMAs. He released his new album, Man of the Woods, that day. “@jtimberlake oooh look who has a new record out!!!” Pink wrote. “My super bowl partner!!!” 0 There is a new report that claims Kendall Jenner warned her rumored new boyfriend Blake Griffin to stay away from her family. This is completely fake news. The false rumors say that the model is worried about the Kardashian-Jenner clan driving the NBA star away, but there is no truth to any of this. Gossip Cop was the one that found out where things really stand between the two. Marni to the rescue A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on Sep 15, 2017 at 10:59am PDT Kendall and Blake haven’t even confirmed yet that they are dating, but the pair was indeed spotted together on various outings in the past few weeks. On Ok!’s website there was an article posted where she says that she is worried about her family interfering in her love life and as a result, she advised Blake to stay away from her sisters and mom. A so-called source tells the magazine, ‘He’s been invited over to Kris’s for dinner numerous times, but Kendall’s told him to ignore the invites and keep away.’ The outlet’s dubious insider goes on to say Griffin isn’t totally comfortable shunning the Kardashians because he’s ‘worried he’s being rude, but ultimately he trusts Kendall’s judgment because the last thing he wants is to be cursed like Caitlyn [Jenner], Lamar Odom and so many others.’ it's here! LIMITED EDITION DropThree available exclusively @saks #KK❤️SAKS A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on Sep 12, 2017 at 9:41am PDT As for Griffin’s inner circle, the seemingly phony source further alleges, ‘His friends don’t think much of Kendall, who they see as stuck up and annoying.’ Advertisement Gossip Cop also checked in with a source close to the whole situation who assures everyone that the outlet’s article is completely bogus. This is not the first time that the magazine presents false reports surrounding Kendall and Blake’s apparent relationship. 1 Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Yesterday, multiple outlets reported that Brad Pitt is under investigation for child abuse by both the FBI and the Los Angeles Department of Child and Family Services after an incident that occurred on his family’s private plane last Wednesday. More details have emerged about the incident that reportedly caused Angelina Jolie to file for divorce and request full custody of the couple’s six children. Us Weekly is reporting that at least part of the alleged fight was caught on film, and TMZ and People are reporting that the fight involved Pitt and Jolie’s 15-year-old son, Maddox. According to TMZ, “the details of precisely what happened” are “murky,” but the anonymous person who reported Pitt to the DCFS alleged that Pitt “attacked” Maddox on the family’s flight home from Nice, France. From TMZ: Here’s what’s alleged – shortly after the plane took off, Brad and Angelina began arguing and Maddox jumped up to verbally defend his mom. We’re told Brad then lunged at the boy and Angelina jumped in between them to block her husband. Brad connected in some fashion with his son. People, which has presented Pitt’s side of the divorce story throughout the week, reports that Pitt “did not hit” Maddox during the incident. A source close to Pitt provided People with the following account: Pitt “was drunk, and there was an argument between him and Angelina,” says the source. “There was a parent-child argument which was not handled in the right way and escalated more than it should have.” The source says Pitt did not hurt his son. “He is emphatic that it did not reach the level of physical abuse, that no one was physically harmed. He did not hit his child in the face in any way. He did not do that; he is emphatic about that. He put his hands on him, yes, because the confrontation was spiraling out of control.” A source close to Pitt says any accusations beyond that are “a combination of exaggerations and lies. They have taken the overall smallest kernel of truth – that a fight got out of hand and reached a regrettable peak, and that as a result DCFS is looking into it – and they are manipulating it to best suit their attempts to gain custody.” Lainey Lui of Lainey Gossip points out that, at some point last night, People removed the following sentence from the report: “The Pitt source adds that the star ‘was not black-out drunk’ and that ‘he absolutely remembers that evening and has been interviewed at length to that effect.’” TMZ notes that Pitt’s sources and Jolie’s sources do not agree on whether or not Pitt was drunk during the incident, so that point remains unclear. TMZ reported yesterday that sometime after the incident, the plane landed in Minnesota to refuel, and “that’s when eyewitnesses say Brad was ‘out of control’ on the tarmac and even tried to leave in a fuel truck.” Pitt has yet to release an official statement regarding the allegations. Us Weekly reports that, on the video of the incident, Pitt can be seen “looking drunk” and “yelling.” Us Weekly’s source claims, however, that “nothing physical” happens on the tape. According to TMZ, Pitt still plans to fight for joint custody of his children. We will update this post as more information becomes available. 1 It's a Christmas tradition. No, not freezing in line to meet a grumpy department store Santa, forgetting to move the elf, or neglecting to water the tree - the annual unveiling of the Kardashian Christmas card. And showing their always astute marketing judgement, this year's unveiling has taken an entire month. Happy Kardashian Kristmas eve! Kim shares family picture... but fans are left wondering 'where's Kylie?' Starting on December 1, the Kardashians have been sharing a new picture from their card every single day. Many were close up shots of individual family members, often curiously cropped. But on Sunday, Christmas Eve, came the most complete picture yet - with 12 family members lining up for the shot. Father and son: Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, but this card is all about Yeesus Shared by Kim Kardashian, her sister Kourtney and Kris Jenner to their Twitter accounts, mother and daughters used the simple caption 'DAY 24 - CHRISTMAS EVE'. Featuring Kendall Jenner doing her best catwalk glare, a seated smiling grandma MJ, a host of adorable kids and a whole lot of denim, the card brought back memories of the Kardashian cards of Christmas past. However one thing was missing, as fans were quick to point out - Kylie Jenner. Curious cropping: MJ is the star is Day 20's card - which as Kim explained was not a teaser With just one day left of the cards, anxious Kardashian lovers took to social media to wonder where Kim's 'pregnant' little sister was. Many had initially thought the cards were outtakes, with the big reveal expected for December 25. Some had speculated this would be a picture of Khloe and Kylie showing their bumps, or perhaps even Kim's new baby - which is due via surrogate imminently. Family values: The Wests cosy up together But after Kim clarified that 'These aren’t teasers these are the cards', her followers expressed their shock that Kylie had yet to make an entrance. Twitter user Miss.Elmi expressed the horror of many when she wrote: 'Wait what? There’s no big surprise at the end?' xtinaray reminded Kim: 'But you know who we all dying to see though...?' Oh baby: Like Kylie, publicity-shy brother Rob has also been absent from the cards, but his daughter Dream has instead made an appearance Kylie clamour: Fans were hoping the 'pregnant' Kardashian little sister would appear Jasmin Moon saw the positive side of things, writing: 'Wait Kim this is Genious so this whole time everyone thought it was going to be this huge collage and in reality the photos were its own individual card? lol Love it.' But others were just bemused, with Samantha Saylor complaining: 'Well that was a waste of time and money. Its not even creative..just messy!' 1 "Lisa Valerie Kudrow[1] (; born July 30, 1963)[2] is an American actress, comedian, writer, and producer. After making guest appearances in several television sitcoms, including Cheers, she came to prominence with her recurring role of Ursula in Mad About You (1993-1999). Kudrow gained worldwide recognition for portraying Phoebe Buffay on the television sitcom Friends (1994–2004), for which she received several accolades, including a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series from six nominations, two Screen Actors Guild Awards from 12 nominations and a Golden Globe Award nomination. Kudrow starred in the cult comedy film Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997) and followed it with an acclaimed performance in the romantic comedy The Opposite of Sex (1998), which won her the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actress and a nomination for the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female. In 2005, she went on to produce, write and star in the HBO comedy series The Comeback, which was revived nine years later for a second season. Kudrow received two Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series nominations for both seasons. Kudrow produced and starred in the Showtime program Web Therapy (2011–2015), which was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award. She is also one of the executive producers of the TLC reality program Who Do You Think You Are, which gained three nominations for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Reality Program. Kudrow has also made several notable film appearances, including roles in Analyze This (1999), Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001), P.S. I Love You (2007), Bandslam (2008), Hotel for Dogs (2009), Easy A (2010), Neighbors (2014) and its sequel Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (2016), The Girl on the Train (2016), and The Boss Baby (2017). Early life [ edit ] Lisa Kudrow was born in Los Angeles, California, to Nedra S. (née Stern, born 1934), a travel agent, and Lee N. Kudrow (born 1933), a physician who specialized in the treatment of headaches.[3] She has an older sister, Helene Marla (born 1955), and an older brother, Santa Monica neurologist David B. Kudrow (born 1957). Kudrow was raised in a middle-class Jewish family and had a Bat Mitzvah ceremony.[4][5] Her ancestors emigrated from Belarus, Germany, Hungary and Poland,[6] and some of them lived in the village of Ilya, in the Minsk area. Kudrow's paternal grandparents were David Kudrow (born in Mogilev, Belarus) and Gertrude Farberman (born in Ilya, Belarus).[6] Her paternal great-grandmother, Mera Mordejovich, was murdered in Ilya during the Holocaust. Her paternal grandmother immigrated to Brooklyn, where her father grew up.[7][8] Kudrow attended Portola Middle School in Tarzana, California. In 1979, at the age of 16, she underwent rhinoplasty to reduce the size of her nose.[9] She graduated from Taft High School in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles where then N.W.A. member Ice Cube also attended. Kudrow received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology from Vassar College, intending to follow in her father's footsteps and research headaches.[citation needed] Kudrow worked on her father's staff for eight years while breaking into acting, earning a research credit on his study on the comparative likelihood of left-handed individuals developing cluster headaches.[10] Career [ edit ] 1989–1994: Early career [ edit ] At the urging of her brother's childhood friend, comedian Jon Lovitz,[4] she began her comedic career as a member of The Groundlings, an improv and sketch comedy school in Los Angeles. Kudrow has credited Cynthia Szigeti, her improv teacher at The Groundlings, for changing her perspective on acting, calling her ""the best thing that happened, on so many levels.""[11][12] Briefly, Kudrow joined with Conan O'Brien and director Tim Hillman in the short-lived improv troupe Unexpected Company.[13] She was also the only regular female member of the Transformers Comedy Troupe.[14] She played a role in an episode of the NBC sitcom Cheers.[15] She tried out for Saturday Night Live in 1990, but the show chose Julia Sweeney instead.[16] She had a recurring role as Kathy Fleisher in three episodes of season one of the Bob Newhart sitcom Bob (CBS, 1992–1993), a role she played after taking part in the memorable series finale of Newhart's previous series Newhart.[17] Prior to Friends, she appeared in at least two produced network pilots: NBC's Just Temporary (also known as Temporarily Yours) in 1989, playing Nicole; and CBS' Close Encounters (also known as Matchmaker) in 1990, playing a Valley girl.[3] Kudrow was cast to play the role of Roz Doyle in Frasier, but the role was re-cast with Peri Gilpin during the taping of the pilot episode. Kudrow said in 2000 that when rehearsals started, ""I knew it wasn't working. I could feel it all slipping away, and I was panicking, which only made things worse.""[4] Her first recurring television role was Ursula Buffay, the eccentric waitress on the NBC sitcom Mad About You. Kudrow would reprise the character on the NBC sitcom Friends, in which Kudrow co-starred as massage therapist Phoebe Buffay, Ursula's twin sister.[18] 1994–2004: Breakthrough [ edit ] For her starring role as Phoebe on Friends (NBC, 1994–2004) Kudrow won the 1998 Emmy Award[19] for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. According to the Guinness Book of World Records (2005), Kudrow and co-stars Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox became the highest paid TV actresses of all time, earning $1 million per episode for the ninth and tenth seasons of Friends.[20] During her tenure on Friends Kudrow appeared in multiple comedic films such as Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, Hanging Up, Marci X, Dr. Dolittle 2, Analyze This and its sequel Analyze That, and dramatic films, such as Wonderland and The Opposite of Sex. She also guest starred on numerous television series during Friends, including The Simpsons, Hope and Gloria, King of the Hill, and hosting Saturday Night Live. 2004–present: Post-Friends [ edit ] Kudrow starred as protagonist Valerie Cherish on the single-season HBO series The Comeback (premiered June 5, 2005), about a has-been sitcom star trying for a comeback. She also served as co-creator, writer, and executive producer. The series was cancelled by HBO before being renewed for a second season nearly a decade after being originally cancelled. Kudrow received two Emmy nominations for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for her work on The Comeback.[21] Kudrow serves as the executive producer for the American version of the UK television series Who Do You Think You Are?, in which celebrities trace their family trees. The subjects of the first series included Kudrow herself, in which it was discovered her great-grandmother died in the Holocaust.[22][23] Kudrow co-created an improvised comedy web series, Web Therapy on Lstudio.com. The improv series, which launched online in 2008, has earned several Webby nominations and one Outstanding Comedic Performance Webby for Kudrow, who plays therapist of unspecified credentials Fiona Wallice. She offers her patients three-minute sessions over iChat.[21] In July 2011, a reformatted, half-hour version of the show premiered on Showtime,[24][25] before being cancelled in 2015 after four seasons.[26] Kudrow has guest starred on multiple television series such as Cougar Town, BoJack Horseman, Angie Tribeca, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and Scandal.[27] Following Friends, Kudrow has also appeared in films such as Easy A, Hotel for Dogs, Happy Endings, and Neighbors. In 2016, she reprised her role as Carol Gladstone in Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising,[28] and co-starred in the thriller film The Girl on the Train.[29] Personal life [ edit ] On May 27, 1995, Kudrow married Michel Stern, a French advertising executive. They have one son, Julian Murray Stern, who was born on May 7, 1998. [30][31] Kudrow's pregnancy was written into Friends (seasons 4 and 5), with her character Phoebe having triplets as a surrogate mother for her brother Frank and his wife Alice because they were not able to have children. Her fluency in French was also written into Phoebe's character as she struggled to teach Joey.[32] Filmography [ edit ] Kudrow at the film premiere of The Other Woman in 2009 Film [ edit ] Television [ edit ] Awards and nominations [ edit ] Kudrow has been honored with numerous accolades over her career. For her role in the sitcom Friends, she received six nominations at the Primetime Emmy Awards, winning in 1996 for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. Kudrow has also received twelve nominations and two wins at the Screen Actors Guild Awards, as well as one win and eight nominations at the American Comedy Awards." 1 Ben Affleck has a big heart. The 45-year-old actor pulled out all the stops as he treated the cast and crew to his upcoming film Triple Frontier to a Hawaiian luau according to a Sunday report from People. There were about 500 people who were in attendance at the celebration according to the weekly but no doubt no one was more important to Affleck than his girlfriend Lindsay Shookus. Big heart: Ben Affleck treated the cast and crew to his upcoming film Triple Frontier to a Hawaiian luau as they were even joined by his girlfriend Lindsay Shookus (as they are pictured together in Septmeber) according to a Sunday report from People What a party: There were about 500 people who were in attendance at the celebration according to the weekly (stock photo of a luau from 1965) The traditional Hawaiian party had all the fixings including the culinary staple of a full roasted pig. Affleck even sprung for entertainment in the form of fire dancers and a three-piece Hawaiian band. The Oscar-winning filmmaker even ensured that everyone has a good time by providing shuttle service for the entire cast and crew. Yum: The traditional Hawaiian party had all the fixings including the culinary staple of a full roasted pig (stock photo) No doubt Ben has created a healthy and fun environment on set as a source told People: 'They are all really enjoying the shoot.' It definitely seems like the father of three was really excited about bringing everyone together as the insider added: 'Ben has been planning this luau for weeks. 'He wanted to do it for everyone as the shoot has been rough with 14 days of rain and training.' Loved up: The weekly also claims that Ben's 37-year-old Saturday Night Live producer girlfriend arrived in Hawaii earlier this week, the couple are pictured in LA in January The weekly also claims that Ben's 37-year-old Saturday Night Live producer girlfriend arrived in Hawaii earlier this week. Despite moving on romantically Affleck has remained a family man as he was spotted taking the kids to church with ex-wife Jennifer Garner last Sunday. Last April, they filed for divorce pro per - she giving the petition, he the virtually identical response - and were both asking joint custody, TMZ reported at the time. 1 By E! Online 62 pts Kristen Bell, your new Florida friends send you hugs! In September, the Frozen actress and 2018 SAG Awards host was filming a movie in Florida when she had to be evacuated to Orlando amid... 0 Married life is so wonderful that Hugh Grant thinks he should have jumped the broom much earlier in life. “It’s really nice, I can’t pretend it isn’t,” the British actor, 57, shared Wednesday on “Today.” “I should have done it before,” he said. “I’m just lucky. I’m lucky. I’ve got a great wife. I love her.” Grant tied the knot with Anna Eberstein, 39, in May, bringing his wild bachelor days to an end. They exchanged vows in a very small ceremony in Chelsea area of London, reports The Sun. Grant and Eberstein, who’ve been together for six years, have three kids together, five-year-old John, a daughter whose name hasn’t been made public and a baby born this spring, whose name is also not known. He has two other kids, Felix and Tabitha, from a previous relationship with Tinglan Hong. He says traveling with his troop of five is “unspeakable.” “And then you go through that moral torment – do I actually travel with them or do I make an excuse that they have to go with their mom or a nanny,” he quipped. This story originally appeared in the New York Post. 0 Promotional Feature Air, Fire, Earth Or Water? What 2019 Has In Store For Your Element What’s your element? You’d be forgiven for not knowing – it does sound a bit GCSE science – and they aren’t discussed anywhere near as much as 0 "Wissam Al Mana has love for Janet Jackson. Less than a week after news broke that the two were separating after five years of marriage, the Qatari billionaire penned a message dedicated to his ex on his website. WATCH: Janet Jackson Doing Well After Wissam Al Mana Split: 'She's So Happy With Her Baby' ""To the most beautiful person in the world, thank you for your divine love, your eternal support and for being my best friend,"" the post, accompanied with a black-and-white photo of the pop icon, read. ""I love you so much, inshallah we will be together in the Great Forever x."" Earlier this week, a source close to the Jackson family told ET that the 50-year-old singer is doing well despite the breakup. WATCH: Janet Jackson Shares First Photo of Baby Eissa She shared the first pic of her and Al Mana's son, Eissa, over Instagram on Friday, captioning it, ""My baby and me after nap time."" Hear more on their split in the video below." 0 The 51st CMA Awards were held in Nashville on Wednesday, with Garth Brooks taking home the night’s top honor of Entertainer of the Year for the sixth time in his storied career. Brooks, who triumphed over Chris Stapleton, Keith Urban, Luke Bryan and Eric Church, returned from hiatus in 2014 and launched a sprawling world tour that will continue through the end of 2017. Brothers Osborne and Chris Stapleton wound up as the night’s most-awarded performers, with two wins each. Stapleton’s From A Room: Volume 1 was named Album of the Year, beating out a stack of critically acclaimed releases that included Miranda Lambert’s The Weight of These Wings and Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit’s The Nashville Sound. Stapleton previously won Album of the Year in 2015 for Traveller. He also added to his streak in the Male Vocalist of the Year category, beating out Dierks Bentley, Eric Church, Keith Urban and Thomas Rhett for his third consecutive win. In a repeat from 2016, Brothers Osborne were named Vocal Duo of the Year, beating out a field that included Florida Georgia Line and Dan + Shay. TJ and John Osborne also took home a second award in the Music Video of the Year category for their action-packed send-up of Donald Trump in “It Ain’t My Fault,” directed by Ryan Silver and Wes Edwards. Additionally, the siblings performed on the telecast, combining their sinewy punch of “It Ain’t My Fault” with the late Don Williams’ funky “Tulsa Time.” Jon Pardi won the first CMA Award of his career, taking home the New Artist of the Year prize after a breakthrough year with hits such as “Head Over Boots,” “Dirt on My Boots” and “Heartache on the Dance Floor.” Many past winners refused to be unseated from their respective categories. Miranda Lambert extended her reign as Female Vocalist of the Year, taking the category for the seventh consecutive time. Meanwhile, Little Big Town collected their sixth consecutive Vocal Group of the Year win. The vocal quartet also accepted the Song of the Year award for “Better Man” on behalf of its writer, Taylor Swift. The night’s big winner Brooks was himself a repeat champ: he took home Entertainer of the Year at the 2016 show. Keith Urban’s “Blue Ain’t Your Color” was named Single of the Year, giving the Aussie performer his 11th career win. Guitarist Mac McAnally was named Musician of the Year, marking his ninth win in the category. “Funny How Time Slips Away,” which the late Glen Campbell recorded with Willie Nelson for his farewell album Adios, won Musical Event of the Year. Here’s the complete winners list: Entertainer of the Year Garth Brooks – WINNER Luke Bryan Eric Church Chris Stapleton Keith Urban Album of the Year The Breaker – Little Big Town From A Room: Vol. 1 – Chris Stapleton – WINNER Heart Break – Lady Antebellum The Nashville Sound – Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit The Weight of These Wings ­– Miranda Lambert Single of the Year “Better Man” – Little Big Town “Blue Ain’t Your Color” – Keith Urban – WINNER “Body Like a Back Road” – Sam Hunt “Dirt on My Boots” – Jon Pardi “Tin Man” – Miranda Lambert Song of the Year “Better Man” – Little Big Town (songwriter: Taylor Swift) – WINNER “Blue Ain’t Your Color” – Keith Urban (songwriters: Clint Lagerberg, Hillary Lindsey, Steven Olsen) “Body Like a Back Road” – Sam Hunt (songwriters: Zach Crowell, Sam Hunt, Shane McAnally, Josh Osborne) “Dirt on My Boots” – Jon Pardi (songwriters: Rhett Akins, Jesse Frasure, Ashley Gorley) “Tin Man” – Miranda Lambert (songwriters: Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert, Jon Randall) Male Vocalist of the Year Dierks Bentley Eric Church Thomas Rhett Chris Stapleton – WINNER Keith Urban Female Vocalist of the Year Kelsea Ballerini Miranda Lambert – WINNER Reba McEntire Maren Morris Carrie Underwood New Artist of the Year Luke Combs Old Dominion Jon Pardi – WINNER Brett Young Lauren Alaina Vocal Duo of the Year Dan + Shay Florida Georgia Line LoCash Maddie and Tae Brothers Osborne – WINNER Vocal Group of the Year Lady Antebellum Little Big Town – WINNER Old Dominion Rascal Flatts Zac Brown Band Music Video of the Year “Better Man” – Little Big Town “Blue Ain’t Your Color” – Keith Urban “Craving You” – Thomas Rhett feat. Maren Morris “It Ain’t My Fault” – Brothers Osborne – WINNER “Vice” – Miranda Lambert Musical Event of the Year “Craving You” – Thomas Rhett feat. Maren Morris “Funny How Time Slips Away” – Glen Campbell with Willie Nelson – WINNER “Kill a Word” – Eric Church feat. Rhiannon Giddens “Setting the World on Fire” – Kenny Chesney with Pink “Speak to a Girl” – Tim McGraw and Faith Hill Musician of the Year Jerry Douglas (Dobro) Paul Franklin (Steel guitar) Dann Huff (Guitar) Mac McAnally (Guitar) – WINNER Derek Wells (Guitar) 0 If everything goes as planned, The wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle promises to be a gift for real fans. We are going to get a new member of the family, a fresh wedding dress to obsess and undoubtedly a lot of adorable images of Prince George and Princess Charlotte as they watch their uncle tie . The highlight of the event will be the two-mile procession that the newlyweds have planned through the streets of Windsor so they can greet supporters and give the tens of thousands of pickers exactly what they have been waiting. for. Namely, a kiss. It will be the beginning of Meghan's new life, which promises to be more glamorous than she could have dreamed, although not all castles and tiaras will be, because the life of a real is also full of dangers. 0 "Looks like Sarah Jessica Parker has even more casting ideas for Sex and the City 3. When the 52-year-old actress was a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Wednesday, she shared her thoughts on who host Ellen DeGeneres could play in the third installment of the movie -- if it ever happens! For fans who've been keeping up with rumors of a SATC 3, many are aware that Parker's co-star, Kim Cattrall , already nixed the idea of reprising her role of Samantha Jones. So when Parker appeared on The Late Show last week, she asked Stephen Colbert to fill in and play the fan-favorite character.""He put me in a tough place,"" Parker joked to DeGeneres. ""But now I'll offer you the same opportunity. I'm going to go across the lands [to ask].""""There's a period of grief, a mourning process,"" she added of the thought of doing a third film without Jones . ""And then perhaps we'll be able to consider, say, for instance, you playing Samantha.""DeGeneres couldn't help herself from chuckling over the idea, saying, ""That is me. I am a sexual beast. I talk about it a lot, I do it a lot.""Although many would be thrilled for SATC 3, Parker told ET on the red carpet at the Golden Globes earlier this month that the possibility of a third film is unlikely.""I mean, not as far as I can imagine. Unless... I mean, no,"" she said. ""No. I struggle with it because it's a bit sad, but I think one must keep these things in perspective.""""I have a lot of incredible memories, singular memories, that are shared among those four women, and I'm incredibly grateful for the experience,"" she continued. ""I forever love having had that time with those women."" Hear more in the video below. RELATED CONTENT: Sarah Jessica Parker Jokes Stephen Colbert Could 'Play Samantha' in ‘Sex and the City 3’ Sarah Jessica Parker Officially Nixes the Idea of 'Sex and the City 3' (Exclusive) 'Sex and the City 3' Not Happening! Here's What Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall Had to Say About It Related Gallery" 0 Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) It wasn’t like Anthony Bourdain to skip a good meal. When the star of “Parts Unknown” didn’t come down from his hotel room for a rustic French dinner Thursday night, it was the first sign something was very wrong. “We thought it was strange,” waiter Maxime Voinson told the New York Times Saturday, recalling Bourdain’s no-show the night before his suicide. “Mr. Ripert thought it was strange,” he added, referring to Eric Ripert, the renowned French chef who would find close friend Bourdain upstairs the next morning, hanged in his hotel bathroom. Ripert, Bourdain and the crew of the CNN show had traveled early last week to the med­ieval village of Kayserberg in northeastern France to film an episode on Alsatian food. They were staying at Le Chambard, a five-star hotel in a cozy, converted 18th-century mansion. Pretty much every night, Bourdain and Ripert, the executive chef at Manhattan’s famed Le Bernadin, would dine together at the hotel’s quaint bistro, the Winstub, known for its foie gras and charcuterie. “Mr. Bourdain knew the chef, Monsieur Nasti,” the waiter told the Times, referring to chef Oliver Nasti. “He knew the kitchen,” the waiter recalled. “Maybe he went out and ate somewhere else, we said. But we didn’t think much of it.” Bourdain and Ripert had also eaten breakfast together each morning, again at the Winstub’s big, distressed-wood tables. “Fresh bread, Viennese pastries, kouglof, panacota verrines, dried fruits,” the hotel lists as breakfast offerings. “Dried fruits, cold cuts, local cheese, fruit salad, butter, honey and a jar of Christine Ferber jam.” But again, on Friday morning, Bourdain didn’t join him at the table. “His friend was waiting at breakfast,” the waiter told the Times. “And waiting and waiting.” Also waiting, just down the road, was Bourdain’s camera crew. Master butcher Christine Speisser told People magazine Saturday that the crew had set up to film at an outdoor market in nearby Strasbourg. Speisser was to show Bourdain around the market, starting at 10 a.m. “For me, it was something exceptional,” she told People. “It was an honor to receive chef Bourdain. “People knew he was coming to the market, and everything was in place, ready to film,” she said. ‘He is the last person in the world I’d imagine to do something like that.’ But back at the hotel, Bourdain wasn’t picking up his cellphone. It was 9:30 a.m. Ripert got up from his table at the Winstub, where he had been set to choose from among the breads, pastries and local cheeses with his good friend. French authorities say a receptionist ­unlocked Bourdain’s hotel room door. Inside, the 61-year-old TV host had used the belt of his hotel bathrobe to hang himself in his bathroom. Ripert found him “unresponsive,” CNN reported. There were no other signs of violence to Bourdain’s body, local prosecutor Christian de Rocquigny said Saturday. “There is no element that makes us suspect that someone came into the room at any moment,” the prosecutor added. De Rocquigny also noted that the suicide appeared to have been an “impulsive act.” Blood was drawn from the body, and results of screenings for drugs or other toxins will follow in coming days. “This is solely to give the family more information about the motivations and the cause of death,” de Rocquigny said of the screenings. “We have no indication that he was consuming alcohol the days before his death or changed his behavior.” “A visionary,” Nasti, the Chambard chef, would say Saturday of his lost guest and friend, offering his condolences to Bourdain’s family “and all those around the world who he caused to dream.” Over at the outdoor market, Speisser continued to wait. Then a production assistant rushed to the scene, announcing, “There’s a big problem.” “It was like they were all struck by lightning,” Speisser told People magazine Saturday. “They all just sat on the ground.” An hour would pass. “They didn’t say what was happening. They probably didn’t know everything,” Speisser’s friend Christelle Schenck, who had been there to help with the filming, told People. Finally, “apparently, they need to cancel, we were told,” Schenck said. “They said we’ll call you back.” The crew packed up and left the market. Reached by The Post on Saturday, Bourdain’s mother, Gladys, 83, a longtime Times editor, could barely speak. “It’s really too difficult,” she said. “He was an incredible guy. I really can’t talk about him … He was brilliant and sharp and funny,” she said. “He is the last person in the world I’d imagine to do something like that.” Still, by many accounts, including Ripert’s, Bourdain had not been himself. There was exhaustion — and darkness. see also Friends and colleagues remember Anthony Bourdain Hundreds paid tribute after the passing of legendary celebrity chef... Gladys Bourdain recalled Ripert telling her that “Tony had been in a dark mood these past couple of days,” Ripert told Bourdain’s mother Friday, according to the Times. Anthony Bourdain had reportedly kept a brutal work schedule filming “Parts Unknown” in the months before his death and was “absolutely exhausted,” a source told People. “​His travel schedule was grueling, and he often seemed quite beat-up from it, as anyone would be,” said the source, described by the magazine as having worked closely with Bourdain in the past year. “He’d put everything into the shoots and then go back to his room to ­isolate.” Tributes to Bourdain continued to pour in from around the world Saturday. He had been a devoted student of jiujitsu. Champion Lucas ­Lepri, who trained Bourdain at his home in the Hamptons, recalled how his student surprised him one day with a home-cooked meal inspired by Lepri’s native Brazil. “I was really moved because he cooked me a feijoada, which is a very special dish from Brazil, made with black beans and pork,” Lepri recalled. “You have to be really devoted to cook a good feijoada, because you need to simmer the beans all day. “Tony’s feijoada was incredible. He knew everything about Brazil and Brazilian food, and had traveled all over the country. He told me that the greatest Brazilian chefs came from Minas Gerais, my home state. He really moved me. I’ll never forget him.” Jason Merder, Bourdain’s road manager from 2009 to 2013, remembered it wasn’t all fine dining with the celebrity chef. “One of the funniest things was Tony’s craving for Popeye’s chicken,” he recalled. “Every time we flew through Atlanta and had an hour between flights, I would get a look from him. And I was like, ‘All right, man, we’re going to Popeye’s.’ “It happened every single day, and it didn’t matter what time of day it was.” Marilyn Hagerty was an octogenarian columnist for the Grand Forks Herald when her 2012 rave review for a new Olive Garden in her small South Dakota town went viral. As trolls pounced, it was Bourdain who “came to my rescue,” she recalled. He flew her to New York City, where they had coffee. “He said he came to realize that what I do is a reflection of how people eat,” she said. And he surprised her, too. “I found him to be not a wild, reckless character of a person, as I had expected,” Hagerty told Time magazine. “He was nothing but kind and a gentleman.” Related Video 1:38 How Anthony Bourdain’s daughter and ex are grieving Additional reporting by Georgett Roberts, Kirsten ­Fleming, Lauren Steussy, Dana Schuster and wire services 0 STARS: Emily Osment, Ryan Rottman CONTAINS: Holiday homecoming, reiginition of old flames, artist rediscovering her passion in more ways than one, Christmas dance OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: “Heidi (Osment), who initially left her small town of Pleasant Valley with the dream of one day becoming a successful painter, has put her own art on hold to excel as an art gallery curator. Now, a week before the gallery’s big Christmas party, she must return home to watch her niece and nephew. She comes face to face with her high school love, Chris, now a teacher, who is in over his head after he must find a new last-minute location for the Christmas dance. Heidi offers to help him and together they discover a beautiful place for the dance, perfectly capturing the Christmas spirit, called Wonderland Farms. The more time Heidi spends in Pleasant Valley decorating for the Christmas SnowBall, the more she finds herself inspired to start painting again. With Christmas fast approaching, Heidi soon becomes torn between the life she built in the city and the life she is surprisingly charmed by back in Pleasant Valley, embracing her true passion.” 0 Despite being one of the most famous faces in the entertainment business, Kylie Jenner expressed jealousy over her sister Kendall. Speaking on her candid new reality show, Life Of Kylie, on Sunday, the social media savvy star compared her continued adjustment to fame against her supermodel sister and her glamorous pals. 'I see Kendall, Bella (Hadid) and Hailey (Baldwin), they're out here every day, they just put their outfits together, they're made for this,' Kylie admitted - before later stating in the episode that she 'wanted to run away.' Envious: Kylie Jenner, 19, expressed jealousy over her sister Kendall's ability to handle the spotlight on the premiere episode of Life Of Kyle in Sunday Kylie was evidently downcast as she made the observation in a frank discussion with her best friend Jordyn Woods: 'I just feel like this fame thing is going to come to an end sooner than we think.' 'I just don’t know who I’m doing it for. Sometimes I wish I can do what they (Kendall and friends) do. But that’s not me,' Kylie admitted. This comes as a surprise given that Kylie has been in the spotlight for ten years after shooting to fame on Keeping Up With The Kardashians at the age of nine. She usually sports quit the glamorous look for her plethora of events and for her sizzling selfies for her 96.4 million Instagram followers - which has transformed into a successful cosmetics range. Shocking: This comes as a surprise given Kylie's usually glamorous outings in comparison to her supermodel sister's more reserved demeanour 'I wish I could do what she does!' The social media savvy star compared her continued adjustment to fame against her supermodel sister and her glamorous pals 'I just feel like this fame thing is going to come to an end': Kylie couldn't help but ponder her future in the episode In comparison, Kendall has usually been the more reserved sister from their combined Jenner/Kardashian clan. However, she has worked her way up to become a highly sought after model in the fashion industry. Meanwhile, elsewhere int he episode of Kylie continued to vent her frustrations with fame - claiming: ''I just want to run away.' During the Sunday debut, the beauty mogul spoke to a therapist about her struggles with being in the public eye. Surprise confession: Kylie usually sports quit the glamorous look for her plethora of events and for her sizzling selfies for her 96.4 million Instagram followers - which has transformed into a successful cosmetics range Model muse: In comparison, Kendall has shunned the reality TV spotlight and worked her way up to become a highly sought after model in the fashion industry The teenager entrepreneur, who turns 20 in a few days, sat down for her first ever therapy session: 'When you grow up on camera, people feel like they know you,' she said. 'I for sure didn't choose this life - but I'm not going to say I'm not keeping up this lifestyle,' acknowledging that her social media activities makes her even more famous. 'I don't like all the attention because it reminds me I'm Kylie f****n Jenner,' the teen said. The brunette said she wanted try therapy out 'to just figure out where I want to go in life.' Getting candid: Kylie later stated in the episode that she 'wanted to run away' Honesty: In the series premiere, the teenager entrepreneur said down for her first ever therapy session, where she said: 'When you grow up on camera, people feel like they know you' Getting to the heart of it: The duo decided to surprise the high schooler, and spoke about him to his mom She also checked an item on her bucket list, which was to experience prom. Kylie and her best friend Jordyn Woods took a high school student named Albert to his prom in Sacramento. The duo decided to surprise the high schooler; they first spoke about him to his mom, who revealed that her son has abandonment issues after his father left when he was six. Emotional: mom, who revealed that her son has abandonment issue after his father left when he was six Getting ready for the big night: She also checked an item on her bucket list, which was to experience prom His mom also said that some kids at his school poked fun at the fact he didn't have a date for prom by putting up a sign. It said: 'Albert needs a date to prom;' his mom said the poster hurt his feelings. Kylie surprised the teen and revealed that both her and friend Jordyn were his prom dates - much to the glee of Albert and his classmates. She said she hoped to change people's perspective of him and 'change his life a little. It was so cool. I'm so glad we made it here.' Kylie and her best friend Jordyn Woods took a high school student named Albert to his prom in Sacramento Fun: His mom also said that some kids at his school poked fun at the fact he didn't have a date for prom by putting up a cruel sign Magical: Kylie surprises the teen at his prom and both her and friend Jordyn are his dates The star noted that she has a soft spot for outcasts, adding that 'I still feel like an outcast because I can't relate to anyone.' During public outings, Kylie is often completely surrounded by screaming fans- something which she is still not used to. The Kylie Cosmetics founder explained on the show: 'Kim always says this is what she's made for and I respect that. But its hard to do normal things when every single person knows who you are.' Missing out: She eveals she was homeschooled and never went to prom when talking to Albert Overwhelming: During public outings, Kylie is often completely surrounded by screaming fans- something which she is still not used to Surrounded: The Kylie Cosmetics founder explained: 'Kim always says this is what she's made for and I respect that. But its hard to do normal things when every single person knows who you are' In another raw moment, Jordyn takes Kylie to a public outing to the beach - but at midnight in order to avoid being seen. The emotional star told Jordyn: 'This fame thing is going to come to an end. Ijust don't know who I'm doing it for.' Dressed in sweats and sneakers, Kylie talked about sister Kendall Jenner as well as friends Hailey Baldwin and Bella Hadid - people who she says 'are made for this,' referring to fame. Kylie says that while she's grateful about her 'most extraordinary life,' she treasures the 'moments I feel normal - like a 19 year old girl. It's the best.' Finding herself: She told Jordyn: 'This fame thing is going to come to an end. I just don't know who I'm doing it for' Confessions: Kylie says that while she's grateful about her 'most extraordinary life,' she treasures the 'moments I feel normal - like a 19 year old girl. It's the best' Flashback: Kylie said 'for so long i feel like I've been putting this different persona,' adding that she depended on social media to 'keep up this idea of who I am;' pictured Kylie at age nine Truth: Kylie added that feels like she lost the funny side of herself and that now 'I'm kind of putting up a version of myself' 'I don't know what it's like to live a normal life where people just don't know who you are - to just get out of the car and not have everyone stare at you,' Kylie said. She said 'for so long i feel like I've been putting this different persona,' adding that she depended on social media to 'keep up this idea of who I am.' The star confessed: 'I think I lost a lot of parts of myself.' She recalls being 14 years old and being able to embrace her playful personality. Kylie added that feels like she lost the funny side of herself and that now 'I'm kind of putting up a version of myself.' Goddess: Kylie said 'for so long i feel like I've been putting this different persona,' adding that she depended on social media to 'keep up this idea of who I am' Heart to heart: Kylie added that feels like she lost the funny side of herself and that now 'I'm kind of putting up a version of myself' She also touched on comments people share about her online, who often criticize her appearance and career. The teen acknowledged that she knows 'a lot of people have it worse than me but sometimes its a lot to handle. Sometimes I'm like, this is it, I'm going crazy.' The series also showed the funny Kylie, including the star coaching Jordyn during her blind date. The duo have been friends since the summer after eighth grade. While her friend went on a date, Kylie sat in her car with a walkie talkie - speaking to Jordyn through an ear piece. Hurtful: She also touched on the cruel comments people share about her online, who often criticize her appearance and career Light hearted: While her friend went on her date, Kylie sat in her car with a walkie talkie - speaking to Jordyn through an ear piece Playful: The series also showed the funny side of Kylie, including the star coaching her Jordyn during her blind date Fame game: The teen acknowledged that she knows 'a lot of people have it worse than me but sometimes its a lot to handle. sometimes I'm like, this is it, I'm going crazy' Real Kylie: The Life Of Kylie airs on Sundays at 9 pm on E! Support system: Kim Kardashian shared a sweet post to congratulate her sister on her new show; she wrote: 'So proud of my little sis @kyliejenner she has her own show!!!' Jordyn talks to her date about having only two friends -which Kylie does not like to hear. She badgers Jordyn on who the other friend is over and over again, continuously interrupting her date. The Life Of Kylie airs on Sundays at 9 pm on E! Looks yummy: Kylie sent donuts to her sisters to mark the premiere of her new series 1 Getty Images Let's start this off with a reminder that frizz is natural and beautiful. But my guess is you've come to this article because you're looking to try a particular frizz-free style. It's your prerogative to embrace frizz and flyaways on a day-to-day basis and still want to try a slicked look every now and then. So here's what to know. You might be familiar with frizz and what it looks like, but understanding what exactly causes it is key when trying to work with it. Allow me to explain: When the outermost layer of your hair (called the cuticle) is raised, moisture enters the strand and causes it to swell and create the frizzy effect you're familiar with seeing. So, what can you do to maintain smooth cuticles? Celebrity hairstylist Mark Townsend, New York-based stylist Mark Garrison, and Ursula Stephen, who works with Ciara and Kerry Washington, offer up their expert tricks for fighting frizz. While you're washing your hair... 1. Choose a sulfate-free, glycerin-packed shampoo. Shampoos with sulfates strip and dehydrate your strands, which is the opposite of you want when looking to maintain moisture. Instead, look for one with glycerin high up in the ingredient list (the closer ingredients are to the top of the list, the more concentrated they are), since it helps combat frizz by penetrating the hair shaft and hydrating it from the inside out. It also creates a protective coating over the outside of the hair shaft, so it doesn't break, says Townsend. Try Honest Deeply Nourishing Hypoallergenic Shampoo and Body Wash. 2. Don't skip conditioner. It's all about depositing moisture in your hair, or else the cuticle will open up to let moisture from the air in, turning your hair from smooth to frizzy. Look for a conditioner that contains glycerin as well as other hydrating ingredients (like coconut oil and shea butter), and apply it from midshaft down to your ends, keeping it away from your roots if you're worried about it weighing down your hair. Try Carol's Daughter Sacred Tiare Anti-Breakage & Anti-Frizz Fortifying Conditioner. 3. But do skip shampoo. You might think your hair needs to be shampooed several times a week but it doesn't. Every two days, rinse your hair with only conditioner. Conditioner contains a small amount of surfactants (what shampoo uses to cleanse your hair), so it will clean it without stripping your hair of its natural oils. Garrison suggests using a lightweight conditioner if you have fine hair, like Nexxus Hydra-Light Weightless Moisture Conditioner. If you have thick and coarse hair, you can use a rich formula, like Redken Genius Wash for Coarse Hair. 4. Mask weekly. Doing a special treatment at least once a week, especially in colder months, will help fill any holes in your hair shaft that soak up outside moisture and contribute to frizz. Leonor Greyl Masque à L'Orchidée contains glycerin, strengthening silk proteins, and smoothing vegetal ceramides to fight frizz. Getty When you’re styling your hair… 5. Don't blow-dry soaking wet hair. Too much hot air focused directly on your strands dehydrates it, making it frizzy. If you have straight-to-slightly-wavy hair, let your hair air-dry 90 percent of the way, Garrison says, and then use a dryer on it for the last 10 percent. 6. Use dry oil. While your hair is still wet, apply a moisture-locking dry oil, like Dove Hair Therapy Nourishing Oil Care, from your ends to midway up your hair shaft; oil acts as a barrier, keeping liquids from penetrating. Once your hair is 90 percent dry, use a round brush with mixed bristles (the plastic ones pick up the hair and pull it into the boar bristles for added tension, which makes the hair super straight) to seal the cuticle for a smooth finish. You can also flat-iron your hair after it's dry — nothing will seal the cuticle like intense heat, Garrison advises. 7. Get frizz-free waves with buns. Although hot tools are ideal for sealing a cuticle, if you want waves but want to limit the amount of heat styling, twist your hair into a bun while it dries (the frizz-fighting happens as your hair cools, when your cuticle locks into place). 8. Use a cream hydrator and a diffuser for thick, coarse, and curly hair. After you've shampooed and conditioned your hair, while it's still wet, apply a cream-based product (Stephen uses Motions Natural Textures Hydrate My Curls Pudding on her clients) from root to tip. When you apply the product, instead of rubbing it in, warm the product between your palms and fingers, and squeeze it onto your hair. Then, wrap your curls around your fingers to shape them exactly how you want, and let your strands air dry. You can also use a diffuser on low speed, high heat (aiming it downward to keep it from ruffling the cuticle) to dry it. Getty To maintain your style… 9. Caught in the rain? Try a dry conditioning spray. No matter how good your blowout is, once rain or crazy humidity hits your hair, frizz is bound to set in. Thankfully, the five-oil blend in the quick-drying Living Proof No Frizz Instant De-Frizzer was created for this very scenario and works to bring your hair back to its original state. 10. Use hand or body lotion to tame a frizzy ponytail. If your hair is in a ponytail and the sides start to frizz up, smooth them down with hairspray. But if the back of your pony turns into a frizz ball, squeeze some lotion into your palms, rub them together, and gently run your fingers through your hair to make it look polished, Garrison suggests. 11. Use pins and hairspray (not serum) for flyaways. According to Garrison, serums aren't ideal or strong enough for smoothing flyaways. So if your updo tends to get frizzy, stick to bobby pins and hairspray to help slick down those bad boys. Getty 12. Apply a leave-in conditioner before you workout. The sodium in your perspiration can dehydrate your hair so it's always a good idea to apply a leave-in conditioner to your strands before working out. Try Vernon Francois Leave~In Conditioner. Also, if you have textured hair and normally work out in a silk scarf, swap it out for a cotton handkerchief, since cotton absorbs moisture and you want the fabric to soak up the sweat, not trap it in, Stephen says. 13. Brush your hair upside down to distribute its natural oils. Regularly brushing your hair is great, yes, but try flipping it over and brushing it upside down with a boar bristle brush, like Spornette's, to distribute the oils from your scalp/roots onto the rest of your hair. This key step will keep your hair hydrated and block out humidity, Garrison says. 14. Wrap your hair in a silk scarf before going to sleep. If you haven't switched your moisture-sucking cotton pillowcase to silk, Stephen says to sleep with your hair wrapped up in a bun, then tie on a silk scarf to help your hair retain its moisture. Get non-boring fashion and beauty news directly in your feed. Follow Facebook.com/CosmoBeauty. 0 "The 'Star Trek' icon denies a claim by Scott R. Brunton, who says he was groped at the actor's Los Angeles condo. A former model and actor is accusing Star Trek icon George Takei of sexual assault in 1981. The accuser, Scott R. Brunton, who was 23 at the time of the alleged incident, claims that Takei took advantage of him when he was most vulnerable. ""This happened a long time ago, but I have never forgotten it,"" Brunton tells The Hollywood Reporter in an interview. ""It is one of those stories you tell with a group of people when people are recounting bizarre instances in their lives, this always comes up. I have been telling it for years, but I am suddenly very nervous telling it."" Brunton says he was living in Hollywood in 1981, working as a waiter and beginning a career as a commercial actor and model when he met a 43- or 44-year-old Takei one evening at Greg's Blue Dot bar. The men exchanged numbers and would call one another from time to time as well as run into each other at clubs, Brunton says. When Brunton broke up with his then-boyfriend, he spoke with Takei. ""He said, 'Let me know what your new number is' and I did. And not long after we broke up and I moved out, George called me,"" Brunton recalls. Takei, as Brunton tells it, invited him to dinner and the theater. ""He was very good at consoling me and understanding that I was upset and still in love with my boyfriend,"" Brunton says. ""He was a great ear. He was very good about me spilling my heart on my sleeve."" The two men went back to the actor's condo for a drink the same night. ""We have the drink and he asks if I would like another,"" Brunton recalls. ""And I said sure. So, I have the second one, and then all of a sudden, I begin feeling very disoriented and dizzy, and I thought I was going to pass out. I said I need to sit down and he said sit over here and he had the giant yellow beanbag chair. So I sat down in that and leaned my head back and I must have passed out."" ""The next thing I remember I was coming to and he had my pants down around my ankles and he was groping my crotch and trying to get my underwear off and feeling me up at the same time, trying to get his hands down my underwear,"" Brunton says. ""I came to and said, 'What are you doing?!' I said, 'I don't want to do this.' He goes, 'You need to relax. I am just trying to make you comfortable. Get comfortable.' And I said, 'No. I don't want to do this.' And I pushed him off and he said, 'OK, fine.' And I said I am going to go and he said, 'If you feel you must. You're in no condition to drive.' I said, 'I don't care I want to go.' So I managed to get my pants up and compose myself and I was just shocked. I walked out and went to my car until I felt well enough to drive home, and that was that."" THR spoke to four longtime friends of Brunton — Norah Roadman, Rob Donovan, Stephen Blackshear and Jan Steward — who said that he had confided in them about the Takei encounter years ago. Takei's rep, Julia Buchwald, told THR, ""George is traveling in Japan and Australia and not reachable for comment."" Takei, now 80, rose to fame playing Hikaru Sulu on the original Star Trek television series. He is also an author and activist and has been an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ rights. In a series of tweets and in a Facebook post Saturday morning, Takei denied the allegations. ""The events he describes back in the 1980s simply did not occur, and I do not know why he has claimed them now. I have wracked my brain to ask if I remember Mr. Brunton, and I cannot say I do,"" he said. ""Right now it is a he said / he said situation, over alleged events nearly 40 years ago. But those that know me understand that non-consensual acts are so antithetical to my values and my practices, the very idea that someone would accuse me of this is quite personally painful."" Brunton claims that he met up with Takei years after the incident in Portland, Brunton's current home, while the actor was there on a book tour. ""I wanted to see him,"" Brunton says. ""I always wanted to ask him — I just felt really betrayed. I thought I was a friend and here I am later, just another piece of meat. So I called him up at the hotel — I figured out which hotel he was at — and he said 'Hi, Scott. I remember you.' I wanted to ask him why. We met for coffee, and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It was just too uncomfortable."" Brunton says he considered going to the media with the story for years, but he assumed no one would take him seriously. ""Who's going to believe me? It's my word against his,"" he says. Brunton's reasoning changed after the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and specifically when Takei spoke out regarding allegations leveled against Kevin Spacey. On Oct. 29, Anthony Rapp, an actor starring in the latest Star Trek series, claimed to BuzzFeed News that Spacey sexually assaulted him while he was a minor in 1986. Spacey later apologized and came out as gay in response. ""When power is used in a non-consensual situation, it is a wrong,"" Takei said of the Spacey claim in a statement to THR on Oct. 30. ""For Anthony Rapp, he has had to live with the memory of this experience of decades ago. For Kevin Spacey, who claims not to remember the incident, he was the older, dominant one who had his way. Men who improperly harass or assault do not do so because they are gay or straight — that is a deflection. They do so because they have the power, and they chose to abuse it."" Brunton says he found Takei's response infuriating. ""I don't want anything from him but an apology,"" he says. ""I am sure he'll disown all this, I don't know, maybe not."" Friends, I'm writing to respond to the accusations made by Scott R. Bruton. I want to assure you all that I am as shocked and bewildered at these claims as you must feel reading them. /1 — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) November 11, 2017 The events he describes back in the 1980s simply did not occur, and I do not know why he has claimed them now. I have wracked my brain to ask if I remember Mr. Brunton, and I cannot say I do. /2 — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) November 11, 2017 But I do take these claims very seriously, and I wanted to provide my response thoughtfully and not out of the moment. /3 — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) November 11, 2017 Right now it is a he said / he said situation, over alleged events nearly 40 years ago. But those that know me understand that non-consensual acts are so antithetical to my values and my practices, the very idea that someone would accuse me of this is quite personally painful. /4 — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) November 11, 2017 Brad, who is 100 percent beside me on this, as my life partner of more than 30 years and now my husband, stands fully by my side. I cannot tell you how vital it has been to have his unwavering support and love in these difficult times. /5 — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) November 11, 2017 Thanks to many of you for all the kind words and trust. It means so much to us. Yours in gratitude, George /end — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) November 11, 2017 Updates: Nov. 11, 7 a.m.: This story has been updated with remarks from Takei denying the allegations." 0 Pope Francis To Followers: “Koran And Holy Bible Are The Same” 1 Julie Chen just hilariously recreated an iconic Big Brother meme! The longtime reality show host copied contestant Da’Vonne Rogers‘s entrance into the house which has become a super popular reaction GIF. In the GIF, Da’Vonne opens the door with a huge smile and struts into the house. Julie took to her Twitter to share the video recreating the scene. “I maaayyyyyy have decided to recreate some of my favorite gifs from #BigBrother as we countdown to #BB20 🤗🤗 RT if you know this one !!!” Julie wrote. Check out Julie‘s vid and the original GIF below… 0 This year, the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute AKA the MET Gala AKA the biggest night in fashion paid tribute to Rei Kawakubo, the Japanese designer with a penchant for all things edgy and asymmetrical. We, however, think the invitation must have indicated the celebs to let their inner freak out. Only that can explain some of the ridiculous outfits sported by some of the stars last night. Here are the 10 worst dressed celebrities spotted at the MET Gala 2017 red carpet. 0 Tyler Hoechlin returning as Superman for crossover, Lois Lane to appear DC has announced that Tyler Hoechlin (Teen Wolf, Supergirl) will be returning to The CW as Superman in this year’s annual Arrowverse superhero crossover event. The Man of Steel will also be joined by Lois Lane, marking the power couple’s DCTV crossover debut. Hoechlin made his first appearance as Clark Kent in season two of Supergirl as Kara Danvers legendary cousin. After being featured in four episodes of the series, Hoechlin will put back on his cape as we wait to see who will be cast to play Lois Lane. The CW recently set the dates for the annual crossover, with this year’s storyline heading to Gotham City, a place previously off-limits to The CW. The crossover will start with The Flash on Sunday, December 9. Arrow will continue the story on Monday, December 10, before it all comes to an end in Supergirl on Tuesday, December 11. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is sitting out of this year’s event, and Black Lightning has yet to establish any firm links with the Arrowverse. Season 3 saw Supergirl stop Reign and the other Worldkillers’ threat to humanity and our planet, and in the process, Kara was shocked to find her mother Alura alive and living in a salvaged Argo City that survived the destruction of Krypton. Reconnecting with her past caused Kara to realize that her true home is now here on Earth, where big changes are taking place for her and all of her friends in National City – and also, it appears, for a doppelganger in Russia! Season four promises to be full of surprises, action, adventure and lots of big revelations for Supergirl, Alex, James, J’onn, Lena and Brainy. Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers/Supergirl, Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen, Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers, Jeremy Jordan as Winslow ‘Winn’ Schott, Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor, Jess Rath as Brainiac 5, and David Harewood as Hank Henshaw/J’onn J’onnz. New to the cast for the fourth season is Sam Witwer as hero Agent Liberty. Based on the DC characters created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the series is executive produced by Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter, Robert Rovner and Jessica Queller. Supergirl is produced by Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television. Supergirl season four will premiere on The CW on its new night, Sunday, October 14, at 8:00 p.m. Are you excited for Hoechlin to return as Superman? Who do you want to see play Lois Lane? Let us know what you think in the comments! 0 Cheryl Burke from Dance Moms came out in support for the Olympic athletes who recently revealed they allegedly had been victimized by their former gymnastics doctor, Larry Nassar. In an Instagram post from the reality star, she referred to the claims from women such as Aly Raisman and Simone Biles among others. Cheryl stated she has been “following what has happened with the US Women’s gymnastics team,” and wanted to commend the women for coming out with their stories. It takes extraordinary bravery and mental strength to come out about something as harrowing as abuse, especially sexual abuse. The claims resonate with the dance coach, Burke stated she had to “sit in a courtroom in front of the man” who abused her and had to share the painful experiences. Cheryl – who wrote a book called Dancing Lessons – claimed that it takes “tremendous courage.” #metoo A post shared by Cheryl Burke (@cherylburke) on Jan 18, 2018 at 3:04pm PST As you may know, Larry Nassar was outed as a sexual predator by a plethora of women, who many of which were Olympic gold medalists and contestants. At the beginning of the day today, McKayla Maroney’s statement against Larry was read aloud in court. She declared in front of the court and jury that Larry deserves the rest of his life behind bars. The ex-doctor is currently looking at 25-40 years of prison for each count of abuse; he is now facing seven counts. Celebrity Insider reported recently that Simone Biles revealed she had been abused by the doctor as well. Nassar will face his day in court and will probably lose, although, a not-guilty verdict is possible. Advertisement Unfortunately for Cheryl, her abuser did not go to jail according to the Dance Mom’s star. Social media was emphatic that Cheryl commemorated the women in the US Gymnastics team. One person wrote, “all of these women are so strong for coming out with their stories, including you Cheryl.” 0 NATIONAL ROSÉ DAY National Rosé Day is observed annually on the second Saturday in June. Rosé is probably the oldest known type of wine, dating back as far as 600 BC. Rosé wines are generally made from red grapes and are very versatile wines that complement many types of food. Rosé is lighter than red wine and deeper than white wine. The pink color of rosé wine depends on the time the grape skin stays in contact with the juice, also known as maceration. There are rosé wines that are semi-sparkling or sparkling, with different intensities of sweetness levels and dryness. HOW TO OBSERVE Celebrate National Rosé Day by having a bottle of Rosé wine with dinner or simply invite friends over for h’orderves and enjoy each other’s company. Share your special evening on Social Media on Facebook@NationalRoséDay and Instagram@nationalroseday using #NationalRoséDay. HISTORY National Rosé Day was submitted to and approved by the registrar of National Day Calendar in October of 2014 by Bodvár – House of Rosés – a rosé house specializing in rosé wines that hopes to raise awareness and give rosé lovers a day to unite together and celebrate. Media Contact: Ann Hafström | Chief Operating Officer | Email ann@bodvarrose.com Visit Bodvár – House of Rosés – National Rosé Day for more information about rosé wines and the annual official celebration that will be held by Bodvár. DATES June 9, 2018 June 8, 2019 June 13, 2020 June 12, 2021 June 11, 2022 June 10, 2023 June 8, 2024 June 14, 2025 June 13, 2026 June 12, 2027 June 10, 2028 Advertisements Take A Moment To Share Print Facebook Twitter Google Reddit Pinterest 0 WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, Democrats plan to scrutinize any new nominee to ensure that he or she isn’t yet another crony of something called “The Constitution,” Senate Democrats announced Friday.“Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting struck down,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a Senate address. “And it’s always — always — the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it’s time for that to end.”Senate Democrats have vowed to make sure that any new nominee isn’t going to be beholden to outside influences like the Constitution, the founding fathers, or the rule of law. “We need judges to be advocates of progressive laws,” Senator Elizabeth Warren added. “Not people who will bow to the whims of the Constitution, pitting its extremist values of freedom of speech and freedom of religion against our agenda.”“We’re sick and tired of the Constitution sitting in the National Archives, manipulating everything we do,” stated Senator Cory Booker, trying to emote for the cameras but failing. Booker then called a ten-minute recess for him to refresh his supply of fake tears before he could continue.Asked about their concerns, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he “doesn’t care” and plans to “completely ignore” the Democrats in the nomination process since “there’s nothing they can do” and he is “literally unstoppable.” 1 Shania Twain has changed her live shows to avoid risking a Lyme disease flare-up. The Still the One singer hits the road as part of her Now Tour next month (May18) to support her new album, but after being diagnosed with the infectious disease, which can cause nerve damage and paralysis, she can no longer perform without a strict set of guidelines. “It’s more work for me now vocally because of the Lyme disease effect on the nerves in my larynges, so it’s like an hour and a half of, like, physical exercise,” she explained to E! News. “I take a mini trampoline with me and I’ve got to do a real pre-show show.” The 52-year-old country icon insists her new concert series is “still sexy” despite the change in her routine behind-the-scenes, revealing she and her crew have crafted shows with “something nobody has seen before.” Shania is grateful she caught the condition early, because it could have been much worse. “Lyme disease does affect your life for sure. It’s such a silent, evil thing,” she shared. “A lot of the symptoms you just learn to live with. I was lucky that I caught it early. I did get a lot of damage but I’m not battling with degenerative organ issues, so I feel very fortunate.” Shania went public with her Lyme disease diagnosis last summer (Jul17) and she is now looking at the illness as a source of empowerment and confidence. “By the time you’re my age, you have something. Everybody’s got something in some form of their life,” she smiled. “I’m proud of myself on one hand for persevering.” Shania’s Now Tour kicks off in Tacoma, Washington on 3 May (18). 0 A nurse from Tennessee died saving his wife’s life in the mass shooting at a Las Vegas music concert Sunday night, according to reports.Sonny Melton, 29, was fatally gunned down protecting wife Heather from the hail of bullets shooter Stephen Paddock rained down on the Route 91 music festival, his wife said.“He saved my life,” Heather Gulish Melton told USA Today. “He grabbed me from behind and started running when I felt him get shot in the back.“At this point, I’m in complete disbelief and despair. I don’t know what to say. Sonny was the most kind-hearted, loving man I have ever met,” she added in a statement to radio station WCYB.The couple both worked at the Henry County Medical Center in Paris, Tenn. — he was a registered nurse and she is an orthopedic surgeon, the hospital said in a statement.Melton “checked in” at the event on his Facebook page Friday night — and condolences flooded the post’s comments thread Monday.Days before, his wife had posted a photo of the smiling couple wearing matching Eric Church shirts — Route 91’s headline act. 1 View this post on Instagram It’s a shame I have to do this to let folks know the seriousness of @melyssaford ‘s accident (I got her permission first) but here it is. She was involved in a horrific accident that could have easily taken her life. It’s actually a miracle she survived. She’s injured FOR REAL. She doesn’t even remember this as she has a huge gash in her head and blood on the brain. This was sent to me by a Good Samaritan that didn’t know who he was helping but once he saw the story online he contacted me knowing we’re friends and he was following me. If anyone was a witness to this accident please inbox me any information you may have. As you can imagine Melyssa doesn’t remember much so I’m hoping witnesses will come forward and assist in putting the pieces back together. She was hit by an 18 wheeler. Respect to @manifesting_mary who was the first one to check folks for the poor taste “jokes”. The internet emboldens cowards... it also can shut em down as well. Everyone please send love and prayers to our friend @melyssaford 🙌🏾🙏🏽 0 Kendall Jenner was hospitalized after suffering from a negative reaction to a vitamin drip ahead of her appearance at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party over the weekend, according to a new report. The reality star, 22, was released shortly after checking in and being treated for the reaction at Cedars Sinai in Beverly Hills, according to The Blast. Kendall was reportedly prepping for her appearance at the bash by using the vitamin drip, and was well enough to attend the party in Beverly Hills that same weekend. Hospitalized: Kendall Jenner was hospitalized after suffering from a negative reaction to a vitamin drip ahead of her appearance at the Vanity Fair Oscars Party over the weekend, according to a new report The vitamin drip is a method many celebrities have been using for the purported health enhancing properties. The method has been used to treat hangover, jet lag, and the cold. The model's health has landed in headlines as of late, and in a recent episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians she opened up about her battle with anxiety. 'Kendall struggles from anxiety,' Kris explained, saying she 'gets herself really worked up' especially when she has to travel for fashion shows. Treated: The reality star, 22, was released shortly after checking in and being treated for the reaction at Cedars Sinai in Beverly Hills, according to The Blast Vitamin C: The vitamin drip is a method many celebrities have been using ahead of hitting the red carpet for it's purported health enhancing properties Kendall told her mom she got a doctor to take a blood test as she feared she is anemic, with Kris replying: 'You think you have everything.' But Kendall told her seriously: 'There's a lot that happened this past year that's affected my, like, starting with like... Kim's robbery. Then I got robbed, then I had my stalkers. 'That's why I don't really like going out anymore, that's why I don't tweet, I don't Instagram. Because that gives me anxiety too. I swear it's the craziest thing.' In the episode, the model treated her anxiety with a sound meditation session. 0 "Chelsea, who shares daughter Aubree Houska with ex Adam Lind, says she found out that he had tested positive for meth and following the news, she is now concerned about their daughter spending time with her birth father. As the episode airs, the reality star speaks to the show's producer Mandi about her former partner's issues with meth. ""Yeah, it's very serious—and it is scary,"" she said. ""If I had my choice, I don't want her in the house because he's doing drugs. Obviously, he's probably doing them at his house, you know? I mean, hopefully, his parents were doing their supervision...so that she didn't see much."" When quizzed about how long he had been battling a drug addiction, Chelsea told the producer, ""I've heard about it for a long time."" The 25-year-old MTV star informed producers that, ""He was not on drugs when I was with him or knew him."" ""But that's the thing is I can't picture it—it's just crazy to think that this person is doing that. It makes me sad for Aubree. The last thing you want to give your child is a drug-addicted father."" Houska also shares a second child with her husband Cole DeBoer." 0 "American singer, songwriter and actress Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (; born September 4, 1981)[4] is an American singer, songwriter, performer, and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Beyoncé performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child. She rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of the R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world's best-selling girl groups in history. Their hiatus saw Beyoncé's theatrical film debut in Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) and the release of her debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003). The album established her as a solo artist worldwide, debuting at number one on the US Billboard 200 chart and earning five Grammy Awards, and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number one singles ""Crazy in Love"" and ""Baby Boy"". Following the break-up of Destiny's Child in 2006, she released her second solo album, B'Day (2006), which contained her fourth number one single, ""Irreplaceable"", as well as the top ten singles ""Déjà Vu"", and ""Beautiful Liar"". Beyoncé also continued her acting career, with starring roles in The Pink Panther (2006), Dreamgirls (2006), and Obsessed (2009). Her marriage to rapper Jay-Z and portrayal of Etta James in Cadillac Records (2008) influenced her third album, I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008), which saw the introduction of her alter-ego Sasha Fierce and earned a record-setting six Grammy Awards in 2010, including Song of the Year for ""Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"". Beyoncé took a hiatus from music in 2010 and took over management of her career; her fourth album 4 (2011) was subsequently mellower in tone, exploring 1970s funk, 1980s pop, and 1990s soul. Her critically acclaimed eponymous album, released in 2013 with no prior announcement, was distinguished from previous releases by its experimental production and exploration of darker themes. Her sixth album, Lemonade (2016), also received widespread critical acclaim, with many referring to it as her most personal and political work to date, and subsequently became the best-selling album of 2016. She released Everything Is Love, her seventh album, a collaboration with husband Jay-Z as The Carters in 2018. Throughout her career, Beyoncé has sold over 100 million records worldwide, making her one of the world's best-selling music artists.[5][6] She has won 22 Grammy Awards and is the most nominated woman in the award's history. She is also the most awarded artist at the MTV Video Music Awards, with 24 wins, including the Video Vanguard Award.[7][8] The Recording Industry Association of America recognized Beyoncé as the Top Certified Artist in America, during the 2000s decade. In 2009, Billboard named her the Top Radio Songs Artist of the Decade, the Top Female Artist of the 2000s decade, and awarded her their Millennium Award in 2011.[9][10][11] In 2014, she became the highest-paid black musician in history and was listed among Time's 100 most influential people in the world for a second year in a row.[12] Forbes ranked her as the most powerful female in entertainment on their 2015 and 2017 lists, and in 2016 she occupied the sixth place for Time's Person of the Year.[13] With the release of Lemonade, Beyoncé became the first and only musical act in Billboard chart history to debut at number one with their first six solo studio albums.[14] Early life Beyoncé Giselle Knowles was born in Houston, Texas, to Celestine ""Tina"" Knowles (née Beyincé), a hairdresser and salon owner, and Mathew Knowles, a Xerox sales manager.[15] Beyoncé's name is a tribute to her mother's maiden name.[16] Beyoncé's younger sister Solange is also a singer and a former backup dancer for Destiny's Child. Solange and Beyoncé are the first sisters to have both had No. 1 albums.[17] Mathew is African American, while Tina is of Louisiana Creole descent (African, Native American, and French).[16][18] Through her mother, Beyoncé is a descendant of Acadian leader Joseph Broussard.[18] Beyoncé attended St. Mary's Montessori School in Houston, where she enrolled in dance classes. Her singing talent was discovered when dance instructor Darlette Johnson began humming a song and she finished it, able to hit the high-pitched notes.[19] Beyoncé's interest in music and performing continued after winning a school talent show at age seven, singing John Lennon's ""Imagine"" to beat 15/16-year-olds.[20][21] In fall of 1990, Beyoncé enrolled in Parker Elementary School, a music magnet school in Houston, where she would perform with the school's choir. She also attended the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts[23] and later Alief Elsik High School.[16][24] Beyoncé was also a member of the choir at St. John's United Methodist Church as a soloist for two years.[25] When Beyoncé was eight, she and childhood friend Kelly Rowland met LaTavia Roberson while at an audition for an all-girl entertainment group.[26] They were placed into a group called Girl's Tyme with three other girls, and rapped and danced on the talent show circuit in Houston.[27] After seeing the group, R&B producer Arne Frager brought them to his Northern California studio and placed them in Star Search, the largest talent show on national TV at the time. Girl's Tyme failed to win, and Beyoncé later said the song they performed was not good.[28][29] In 1995 Beyoncé's father resigned from his job to manage the group.[30] The move reduced Beyoncé's family's income by half, and her parents were forced to move into separated apartments.[16] Mathew cut the original line-up to four and the group continued performing as an opening act for other established R&B girl groups.[26] The girls auditioned before record labels and were finally signed to Elektra Records, moving to Atlanta Records briefly to work on their first recording, only to be cut by the company.[16] This put further strain on the family, and Beyoncé's parents separated. On October 5, 1995, Dwayne Wiggins's Grass Roots Entertainment signed the group. In 1996, the girls began recording their debut album under an agreement with Sony Music, the Knowles family reunited, and shortly after, the group got a contract with Columbia Records.[20] Career 1997–2002: Destiny's Child The group changed their name to Destiny's Child in 1996, based upon a passage in the Book of Isaiah.[31] In 1997, Destiny's Child released their major label debut song ""Killing Time"" on the soundtrack to the 1997 film, Men in Black.[29] The following year, the group released their self-titled debut album,[28] scoring their first major hit ""No, No, No"". The album established the group as a viable act in the music industry, with moderate sales and winning the group three Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards for Best R&B/Soul Album of the Year, Best R&B/Soul or Rap New Artist, and Best R&B/Soul Single for ""No, No, No"". The group released their Multi-Platinum second album The Writing's on the Wall in 1999. The record features some of the group's most widely known songs such as ""Bills, Bills, Bills"", the group's first number-one single, ""Jumpin' Jumpin'"" and ""Say My Name"", which became their most successful song at the time, and would remain one of their signature songs. ""Say My Name"" won the Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals and the Best R&B Song at the 43rd Annual Grammy Awards.[26] The Writing's on the Wall sold more than eight million copies worldwide.[28] During this time, Beyoncé recorded a duet with Marc Nelson, an original member of Boyz II Men, on the song ""After All Is Said and Done"" for the soundtrack to the 1999 film, The Best Man.[32] LeToya Luckett and Roberson became unhappy with Mathew's managing of the band and eventually were replaced by Farrah Franklin and Michelle Williams.[26] Beyoncé experienced depression following the split with Luckett and Roberson after being publicly blamed by the media, critics, and blogs for its cause.[33] Her long-standing boyfriend left her at this time.[34] The depression was so severe it lasted for a couple of years, during which she occasionally kept herself in her bedroom for days and refused to eat anything.[35] Beyoncé stated that she struggled to speak about her depression because Destiny's Child had just won their first Grammy Award, and she feared no one would take her seriously.[36] Beyoncé would later speak of her mother as the person who helped her fight it.[35] Franklin was then dismissed, leaving just Beyoncé, Rowland, and Williams. The remaining band members recorded ""Independent Women Part I"", which appeared on the soundtrack to the 2000 film Charlie's Angels. It became their best-charting single, topping the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart for eleven consecutive weeks.[26] In early 2001, while Destiny's Child was completing their third album, Beyoncé landed a major role in the MTV made-for-television film, Carmen: A Hip Hopera, starring alongside American actor Mekhi Phifer. Set in Philadelphia, the film is a modern interpretation of the 19th-century opera Carmen by French composer Georges Bizet.[38] When the third album Survivor was released in May 2001, Luckett and Roberson filed a lawsuit claiming that the songs were aimed at them.[26] The album debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200, with first-week sales of 663,000 copies sold.[39] The album spawned other number-one hits, ""Bootylicious"" and the title track, ""Survivor"", the latter of which earned the group a Grammy Award for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals.[40] After releasing their holiday album 8 Days of Christmas in October 2001, the group announced a hiatus to further pursue solo careers.[26] In July 2002, Beyoncé continued her acting career playing Foxxy Cleopatra alongside Mike Myers in the comedy film Austin Powers in Goldmember,[41] which spent its first weekend atop the US box office and grossed $73 million.[42] Beyoncé released ""Work It Out"" as the lead single from its soundtrack album which entered the top ten in the UK, Norway, and Belgium.[43] In 2003, Beyoncé starred opposite Cuba Gooding, Jr., in the musical comedy The Fighting Temptations as Lilly, a single mother with whom Gooding's character falls in love.[44] The film received mixed reviews from critics but grossed $30 million in the U.S.[45][46] Beyoncé released ""Fighting Temptation"" as the lead single from the film's soundtrack album, with Missy Elliott, MC Lyte, and Free which was also used to promote the film.[47] Another of Beyoncé's contributions to the soundtrack, ""Summertime"", fared better on the US charts.[48] 2003–2007: Dangerously in Love and B'Day Beyoncé's first solo recording was a feature on Jay-Z's ""'03 Bonnie & Clyde"" that was released in October 2002, peaking at number four on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart.[50] Her first solo album Dangerously in Love was released on June 24, 2003, after Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland had released their solo efforts.[51] The album sold 317,000 copies in its first week, debuted atop the Billboard 200,[52] and has since sold 11 million copies worldwide.[53] The album's lead single, ""Crazy in Love"", featuring Jay-Z, became Beyoncé's first number-one single as a solo artist in the US.[54] The single ""Baby Boy"" also reached number one,[49] and singles, ""Me, Myself and I"" and ""Naughty Girl"", both reached the top-five.[55] The album earned Beyoncé a then record-tying five awards at the 46th Annual Grammy Awards; Best Contemporary R&B Album, Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for ""Dangerously in Love 2"", Best R&B Song and Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for ""Crazy in Love"", and Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals for ""The Closer I Get to You"" with Luther Vandross. During the ceremony, she performed with Prince.[56] In November 2003, she embarked on the Dangerously in Love Tour in Europe and later toured alongside Missy Elliott and Alicia Keys for the Verizon Ladies First Tour in North America.[57] On February 1, 2004, Beyoncé performed the American national anthem at Super Bowl XXXVIII, at the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas.[58] After the release of Dangerously in Love, Beyoncé had planned to produce a follow-up album using several of the left-over tracks. However, this was put on hold so she could concentrate on recording Destiny Fulfilled, the final studio album by Destiny's Child.[59] Released on November 15, 2004, in the US[60] and peaking at number two on the Billboard 200,[61][62] Destiny Fulfilled included the singles ""Lose My Breath"" and ""Soldier"", which reached the top five on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.[63] Destiny's Child embarked on a worldwide concert tour, Destiny Fulfilled... and Lovin' It and during the last stop of their European tour, in Barcelona on June 11, 2005, Rowland announced that Destiny's Child would disband following the North American leg of the tour.[64] The group released their first compilation album Number 1's on October 25, 2005, in the US[65] and accepted a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in March 2006.[66] The group has sold 60 million records worldwide.[67][68] Beyoncé's second solo album B'Day was released on September 4, 2006, in the US, to coincide with her twenty-fifth birthday.[69] It sold 541,000 copies in its first week and debuted atop the Billboard 200, becoming Beyoncé's second consecutive number-one album in the United States.[70] The album's lead single ""Déjà Vu"", featuring Jay-Z, reached the top five on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.[55] The second international single ""Irreplaceable"" was a commercial success worldwide, reaching number one in Australia, Hungary, Ireland, New Zealand and the United States.[55][71] B'Day also produced three other singles; ""Ring the Alarm"",[72] ""Get Me Bodied"",[73] and ""Green Light"" (released in the United Kingdom only).[74] Her first acting role of 2006 was in the comedy film The Pink Panther starring opposite Steve Martin,[75] grossing $158.8 million at the box office worldwide.[76] Her second film Dreamgirls, the film version of the 1981 Broadway musical[77] loosely based on The Supremes, received acclaim from critics and grossed $154 million internationally.[78][79][80] In it, she starred opposite Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, and Eddie Murphy playing a pop singer based on Diana Ross.[81] To promote the film, Beyoncé released ""Listen"" as the lead single from the soundtrack album.[82] In April 2007, Beyoncé embarked on The Beyoncé Experience, her first worldwide concert tour, visiting 97 venues[83] and grossed over $24 million.[note 1] Beyoncé conducted pre-concert food donation drives during six major stops in conjunction with her pastor at St. John's and America's Second Harvest. At the same time, B'Day was re-released with five additional songs, including her duet with Shakira ""Beautiful Liar"".[85] 2008–2010: I Am... Sasha Fierce and films On April 4, 2008, Beyoncé married Jay-Z.[86] She publicly revealed their marriage in a video montage at the listening party for her third studio album, I Am... Sasha Fierce, in Manhattan's Sony Club on October 22, 2008.[87] I Am... Sasha Fierce was released on November 18, 2008, in the United States.[88] The album formally introduces Beyoncé's alter ego Sasha Fierce, conceived during the making of her 2003 single ""Crazy in Love"". It was met with generally mediocre reviews from critics,[89] but sold 482,000 copies in its first week, debuting atop the Billboard 200, and giving Beyoncé her third consecutive number-one album in the US.[90] The album featured the number-one song ""Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)""[91] and the top-five songs ""If I Were a Boy"" and ""Halo"".[55][92] Achieving the accomplishment of becoming her longest-running Hot 100 single in her career,[93] ""Halo""'s success in the US helped Beyoncé attain more top-ten singles on the list than any other woman during the 2000s.[94] It also included the successful ""Sweet Dreams"",[95] and singles ""Diva"", ""Ego"", ""Broken-Hearted Girl"" and ""Video Phone"". The music video for ""Single Ladies"" has been parodied and imitated around the world, spawning the ""first major dance craze"" of the Internet age according to the Toronto Star.[96] The video has won several awards, including Best Video at the 2009 MTV Europe Music Awards,[97] the 2009 Scottish MOBO Awards,[98] and the 2009 BET Awards.[99] At the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, the video was nominated for nine awards, ultimately winning three including Video of the Year.[100] Its failure to win the Best Female Video category, which went to American country pop singer Taylor Swift's ""You Belong with Me"", led to Kanye West interrupting the ceremony and Beyoncé improvising a re-presentation of Swift's award during her own acceptance speech.[100] In March 2009, Beyoncé embarked on the I Am... World Tour, her second headlining worldwide concert tour, consisting of 108 shows, grossing $119.5 million.[101] Beyoncé further expanded her acting career, starring as blues singer Etta James in the 2008 musical biopic Cadillac Records. Her performance in the film received praise from critics,[102] and she garnered several nominations for her portrayal of James, including a Satellite Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress, and a NAACP Image Award nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress.[103][104] Beyoncé donated her entire salary from the film to Phoenix House, an organization of rehabilitation centers for heroin addicts around the country.[105] On January 20, 2009, Beyoncé performed James' ""At Last"" at First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama's first inaugural ball.[106] Beyoncé starred opposite Ali Larter and Idris Elba in the thriller, Obsessed. She played Sharon Charles, a mother and wife whose family is threatened by her husband's stalker. Although the film received negative reviews from critics,[107] the movie did well at the US box office, grossing $68 million—$60 million more than Cadillac Records[108]—on a budget of $20 million.[109] The fight scene finale between Sharon and the character played by Ali Larter also won the 2010 MTV Movie Award for Best Fight.[110] At the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards, Beyoncé received ten nominations, including Album of the Year for I Am... Sasha Fierce, Record of the Year for ""Halo"", and Song of the Year for ""Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"", among others.[111] She tied with Lauryn Hill for most Grammy nominations in a single year by a female artist.[112] Beyoncé went on to win six of those nominations, breaking a record she previously tied in 2004 for the most Grammy awards won in a single night by a female artist with six. In 2010, Beyoncé was featured on Lady Gaga's single ""Telephone"" and appeared in its music video.[113][114] The song topped the US Pop Songs chart, becoming the sixth number-one for both Beyoncé and Gaga, tying them with Mariah Carey for most number-ones since the Nielsen Top 40 airplay chart launched in 1992.[115] ""Telephone"" received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals.[116] Beyoncé announced a hiatus from her music career in January 2010, heeding her mother's advice, ""to live life, to be inspired by things again"".[117][118] During the break she and her father parted ways as business partners.[119][120] Beyoncé's musical break lasted nine months and saw her visit multiple European cities, the Great Wall of China, the Egyptian pyramids, Australia, English music festivals and various museums and ballet performances.[117][121] 2011–2015: 4 and Beyoncé 4 which focused on traditional R&B styles. She performed the album during her Beyoncé's sound became mellower with 2011'swhich focused on traditional R&B styles. She performed the album during her 4 Intimate Nights with Beyoncé concert residency in August 2011 On June 26, 2011, she became the first solo female artist to headline the main Pyramid stage at the 2011 Glastonbury Festival in over twenty years.[122][123] Her fourth studio album 4 was released two days later in the US.[124] 4 sold 310,000 copies in its first week and debuted atop the Billboard 200 chart, giving Beyoncé her fourth consecutive number-one album in the US. The album was preceded by two of its singles ""Run the World (Girls)"" and ""Best Thing I Never Had"".[55][113][125] The fourth single ""Love on Top"" spent seven consecutive weeks at number one on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart, while peaking at number 20 on the Billboard Hot 100, the highest peak from the album.[126] 4 also produced four other singles; ""Party"", ""Countdown"", ""I Care"" and ""End of Time"". ""Eat, Play, Love"", a cover story written by Beyoncé for Essence that detailed her 2010 career break, won her a writing award from the New York Association of Black Journalists.[127] In late 2011, she took the stage at New York's Roseland Ballroom for four nights of special performances:[128] the 4 Intimate Nights with Beyoncé concerts saw the performance of her 4 album to a standing room only.[128] On August 1, 2011, the album was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), having shipped 1 million copies to retail stores.[129] By December 2015, it reached sales of 1.5 million copies in the US.[130] The album reached one billion Spotify streams on February 5, 2018, making Beyoncé the first female artist to have three of their albums surpass one billion streams on the platform.[131] On January 7, 2012, Beyoncé gave birth to her first child, a daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.[132] Five months later, she performed for four nights at Revel Atlantic City's Ovation Hall to celebrate the resort's opening, her first performances since giving birth to Blue Ivy.[133][134] In January 2013, Destiny's Child released Love Songs, a compilation album of the romance-themed songs from their previous albums and a newly recorded track, ""Nuclear"".[135] Beyoncé performed the American national anthem singing along with a pre-recorded track at President Obama's second inauguration in Washington, D.C.[136][137] The following month, Beyoncé performed at the Super Bowl XLVII halftime show, held at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans.[138] The performance stands as the second most tweeted about moment in history at 268,000 tweets per minute.[139] At the 55th Annual Grammy Awards, Beyoncé won for Best Traditional R&B Performance for ""Love on Top"".[140] Her feature-length documentary film, Life Is But a Dream, first aired on HBO on February 16, 2013.[141] The film was co-directed by Beyoncé herself.[142] Beyoncé embarked on The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour on April 15 in Belgrade, Serbia; the tour included 132 dates that ran through to March 2014. It became the most successful tour of her career and one of the most successful tours of all time.[143] In May, Beyoncé's cover of Amy Winehouse's ""Back to Black"" with André 3000 on The Great Gatsby soundtrack was released.[144] Beyoncé voiced Queen Tara in the 3D CGI animated film, Epic, released by 20th Century Fox on May 24,[145] and recorded an original song for the film, ""Rise Up"", co-written with Sia.[146] On December 13, 2013, Beyoncé unexpectedly released her eponymous fifth studio album on the iTunes Store without any prior announcement or promotion. The album debuted atop the Billboard 200 chart, giving Beyoncé her fifth consecutive number-one album in the US.[147] This made her the first woman in the chart's history to have her first five studio albums debut at number one.[148] Beyoncé received critical acclaim[149] and commercial success, selling one million digital copies worldwide in six days;[150] Musically an electro-R&B album, it concerns darker themes previously unexplored in her work, such as ""bulimia, postnatal depression [and] the fears and insecurities of marriage and motherhood"".[151] The single ""Drunk in Love"", featuring Jay-Z, peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.[152] In April 2014, after much speculation,[153] Beyoncé and Jay-Z officially announced their On the Run Tour. It served as the couple's first co-headlining stadium tour together.[154] On August 24, 2014, she received the Video Vanguard Award at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards. Beyoncé also won home three competitive awards: Best Video with a Social Message and Best Cinematography for ""Pretty Hurts"", as well as best collaboration for ""Drunk in Love"".[155] In November, Forbes reported that Beyoncé was the top-earning woman in music for the second year in a row—earning $115 million in the year, more than double her earnings in 2013.[156] Beyoncé was reissued with new material in three forms: as an extended play, a box set, as well as a full platinum edition. According to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), in the last 19 days of 2013, the album sold 2.3 million units worldwide, becoming the tenth best-selling album of 2013.[157] The album also went on to become the twentieth best-selling album of 2014.[158] As of November 2014, Beyoncé has sold over 5 million copies worldwide and has generated over 1 billion streams, as of March 2015.[159] At the 57th Annual Grammy Awards in February 2015, Beyoncé was nominated for six awards, ultimately winning three: Best R&B Performance and Best R&B Song for ""Drunk in Love"", and Best Surround Sound Album for Beyoncé.[160] She was nominated for Album of the Year, but the award went to Beck for his album Morning Phase.[161] 2016–2017: Lemonade and collaborations On February 6, 2016, Beyoncé released ""Formation"" and its accompanying music video exclusively on the music streaming platform Tidal; the song was made available to download for free.[162] She performed ""Formation"" live for the first time during the NFL Super Bowl 50 halftime show. The appearance was considered controversial as it appeared to reference the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party and the NFL forbids political statements in its performances.[163][164][165] Immediately following the performance, Beyoncé announced The Formation World Tour, which highlighted stops in both North America, and Europe.[166][167] It ended on October 7, with Beyoncé bringing out her husband Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar, and Serena Williams for the last show.[168] The tour went on to win ""Tour of the Year"" at the 44th American Music Awards.[169] On April 16, 2016, Beyoncé released a teaser clip for a project called Lemonade. It turned out to be a one-hour film which aired on HBO exactly a week later; a corresponding album with the same title was released on the same day exclusively on Tidal.[170] Lemonade debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200, making Beyoncé the first act in Billboard history to have their first six studio albums debut atop the chart; she broke a record previously tied with DMX in 2013.[171] With all 12 tracks of Lemonade debuting on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, Beyoncé also became the first female act to chart 12 or more songs at the same time.[172] Additionally, Lemonade was streamed 115 million times through Tidal, setting a record for the most-streamed album in a single week by a female artist in history.[173] It was 2016's third highest-selling album in the US with 1.554 million copies sold in that time period within the country[174] as well as the best-selling album worldwide with global sales of 2.5 million throughout the year.[175] Lemonade became her most critically acclaimed work to date, receiving universal acclaim according to Metacritic, a website collecting reviews from professional music critics.[176] Several music publications included the album among the best of 2016, including Rolling Stone, which listed Lemonade at number one.[177] The album's visuals were nominated in 11 categories at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards, the most ever received by Beyoncé in a single year, and went on to win 8 awards, including Video of the Year for ""Formation"".[178][179] The eight wins made Beyoncé the most awarded artist in the history of the VMAs (24), surpassing Madonna (20).[180] Beyoncé occupied the sixth place for Time magazine's 2016 Person of the Year.[181] In January 2017, it was announced that Beyoncé would headline the Coachella Music and Arts Festival. This would make Beyoncé only the second female headliner of the festival since it was founded in 1999.[182] It was later announced on February 23, 2017 that Beyoncé would no longer be able to perform at the festival due to doctor's concerns regarding her pregnancy. The festival owners announced that she will instead headline the 2018 festival.[183] Upon the announcement of Beyoncé's departure from the festival lineup, ticket prices dropped by 12%.[184] At the 59th Grammy Awards in February 2017, Lemonade led the nominations with nine, including Album, Record, and Song of the Year for Lemonade and ""Formation"" respectively.[185] and ultimately won two, Best Urban Contemporary Album for Lemonade and Best Music Video for ""Formation"".[186] Adele, upon winning her Grammy for Album of the Year, stated Lemonade was monumental and more deserving.[187] On June 13, 2017, Beyoncé gave birth to twins Rumi and Sir Carter at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.[188] In September 2017, Beyoncé collaborated with J Balvin and Willy William, to release a remix of the song ""Mi Gente"". Beyoncé donated all proceeds from the song to hurricane charities for those affected by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma in Texas, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean Islands.[189] On November 10, Eminem released ""Walk on Water"" featuring Beyoncé as the lead single from his album Revival. On November 30, Ed Sheeran announced that Beyoncé would feature on the remix to his song ""Perfect"".[190] ""Perfect Duet"" was released on December 1, 2017. The song reached number-one in the United States, becoming Beyoncé's sixth song of her solo career to do so.[191] 2018: Everything Is Love On January 4, 2018, the music video of Beyoncé and Jay-Z's 4:44 collaboration, ""Family Feud"" was released.[192] It was directed by Ava DuVernay. On March 1, 2018, DJ Khaled released ""Top Off"" as the first single from his forthcoming album Father of Asahd featuring Beyoncé, husband Jay-Z, and Future.[193] The following day, Beyoncé took to Instagram to invite fans to join her on a 22-day vegan diet plan in preparation for her upcoming performance at Coachella.[194] On March 5, 2018, a joint tour with Knowles' husband Jay-Z, was leaked on Facebook.[195] Information about the tour was later taken down. The couple announced the joint tour officially as On the Run II Tour on March 12[196] and simultaneously released a trailer for the tour on YouTube.[197] On March 20, 2018, the couple traveled to Jamaica to film a music video directed by Melina Matsoukas.[198] On April 14, 2018, Beyoncé played the first of two weekends as the headlining act of the Coachella Music Festival. Her April 14 performance, attended by 125,000 festival-goers, was immediately praised, with multiple media outlets describing it as historic. The performance became the most-tweeted about performance of weekend one, as well as the most-watched live Coachella performance and the most-watched live performance on YouTube of all time. The show paid tribute to black culture, specifically historically black colleges and universities and featured a live band with over 100 dancers. Destiny's Child also reunited during the show.[199][200] On June 6, 2018, Beyoncé and husband Jay-Z kicked-off the On the Run II Tour in Cardiff, United Kingdom. Ten days later, at their final London performance, the pair unveiled Everything Is Love, their joint studio album, credited under the name The Carters, and initially available exclusively on Tidal. The pair also released the video for the album's lead single, ""Apeshit"", on Beyoncé's official YouTube channel.[201][202] Everything Is Love received generally positive reviews,[203] and debuted at number two on the US Billboard 200, with 123,000 album-equivalent units, of which 70,000 were pure album sales.[204] In film, Beyoncé will voice Nala in Jon Favreau's The Lion King, which is expected to be released on July 19, 2019.[205] Artistry Voice and songwriting Saturday Night Live, and it was also the year YouTube blew up. With ""Irreplaceable"", the aggressive lyrics, the acoustic guitar, and the [206] With ""Single Ladies"", clearly I'd just gotten married, and people want to get married every day—then there was the whole Justin Timberlake thing [recreating the video] on, and it was also the year YouTube blew up. With ""Irreplaceable"", the aggressive lyrics, the acoustic guitar, and the 808 drum machine —those things don't typically go together, and it sounded fresh. ""Crazy in Love"" was another one of those classic moments in pop culture that none of us expected. I asked Jay to get on the song the night before I had to turn my album in – thank God he did. It still never gets old, no matter how many times I sing it. – Beyoncé Jody Rosen highlights her tone and timbre as particularly distinctive, describing her voice as ""one of the most compelling instruments in popular music"".[207] Her vocal abilities mean she is identified as the centerpiece of Destiny's Child.[208] Jon Pareles of The New York Times commented that her voice is ""velvety yet tart, with an insistent flutter and reserves of soul belting"".[209] Rosen notes that the hip hop era highly influenced Beyoncé's unique rhythmic vocal style, but also finds her quite traditionalist in her use of balladry, gospel and falsetto.[207] Other critics praise her range and power, with Chris Richards of The Washington Post saying she was ""capable of punctuating any beat with goose-bump-inducing whispers or full-bore diva-roars.""[210] Beyoncé's music is generally R&B[211][212] and pop,[211][213] but she also incorporates soul and funk into her songs. 4 demonstrated Beyoncé's exploration of 1990s-style R&B, as well as further use of soul and hip hop than compared to previous releases.[206] While she almost exclusively releases English songs, Beyoncé recorded several Spanish songs for Irreemplazable (re-recordings of songs from B'Day for a Spanish-language audience), and the re-release of B'Day. To record these, Beyoncé was coached phonetically by American record producer Rudy Perez.[214] She has received co-writing credits for most of the songs recorded with Destiny's Child and her solo efforts.[26] Her early songs were personally driven and female-empowerment themed compositions like ""Independent Women"" and ""Survivor"", but after the start of her relationship with Jay-Z, she transitioned to more man-tending anthems such as ""Cater 2 U"".[215] Beyoncé has also received co-producing credits for most of the records in which she has been involved, especially during her solo efforts. However, she does not formulate beats herself, but typically comes up with melodies and ideas during production, sharing them with producers.[216] In 2001, she became the first black woman and second female lyricist to win the Pop Songwriter of the Year award at the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers Pop Music Awards.[16][217] Beyoncé was the third woman to have writing credits on three number one songs (""Irreplaceable"", ""Grillz"" and ""Check on It"") in the same year, after Carole King in 1971 and Mariah Carey in 1991. She is tied with American lyricist Diane Warren at third with nine song-writing credits on number-one singles.[218] (The latter wrote her 9/11-motivated song ""I Was Here"" for 4.[219]) In May 2011, Billboard magazine listed Beyoncé at number 17 on their list of the ""Top 20 Hot 100 Songwriters"", for having co-written eight singles that hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. She was one of only three women on that list, along with Alicia Keys and Taylor Swift.[220] Influences Beyoncé names Michael Jackson as her major musical influence.[221] Aged five, Beyoncé attended her first ever concert where Jackson performed and she claims to have realized her purpose.[222] When she presented him with a tribute award at the World Music Awards in 2006, Beyoncé said, ""if it wasn't for Michael Jackson, I would never ever have performed.""[223] She admires Diana Ross as an ""all-around entertainer""[224] and Whitney Houston, who she said ""inspired me to get up there and do what she did.""[225] She credits Mariah Carey's singing and her song ""Vision of Love"" as influencing her to begin practicing vocal runs as a child.[226][227] Her other musical influences include Aaliyah,[228] Prince,[229] Lauryn Hill,[224] Sade Adu,[230] Donna Summer,[231] Mary J. Blige,[232] Janet Jackson,[233] Anita Baker and Rachelle Ferrell.[224] The feminism and female empowerment themes on Beyoncé's second solo album B'Day were inspired by her role in Dreamgirls[234] and by singer Josephine Baker.[235] Beyoncé paid homage to Baker by performing ""Déjà Vu"" at the 2006 Fashion Rocks concert wearing Baker's trademark mini-hula skirt embellished with fake bananas.[236] Beyoncé's third solo album I Am... Sasha Fierce was inspired by Jay-Z and especially by Etta James, whose ""boldness"" inspired Beyoncé to explore other musical genres and styles.[237] Her fourth solo album, 4, was inspired by Fela Kuti, 1990s R&B, Earth, Wind & Fire, DeBarge, Lionel Richie, Teena Marie, The Jackson 5, New Edition, Adele, Florence and the Machine, and Prince.[206] Beyoncé has stated that she is personally inspired by Michelle Obama (the 44th First Lady of the United States), saying ""She proves you can do it all""[238] and she has described Oprah Winfrey as ""the definition of inspiration and a strong woman"".[224] She has also discussed how Jay-Z is a continuing inspiration to her, both with what she describes as his lyrical genius and in the obstacles he has overcome in his life.[239] Beyoncé has expressed admiration for the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, posting in a letter ""what I find in the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat, I search for in every day in music... he is lyrical and raw"".[240][241] In February 2013, Beyoncé said that Madonna inspired her to take control of her own career. She commented, ""I think about Madonna and how she took all of the great things she achieved and started the label and developed other artists. But there are not enough of those women."".[242] Music videos and stage In 2006, Beyoncé introduced her all-female tour band Suga Mama (also the name of a song in B'Day) which includes bassists, drummers, guitarists, horn players, keyboardists and percussionists.[243] Her background singers, The Mamas, consist of Montina Cooper-Donnell, Crystal Collins and Tiffany Moniqué Riddick. They made their debut appearance at the 2006 BET Awards and re-appeared in the music videos for ""Irreplaceable"" and ""Green Light"".[214] The band have supported Beyoncé in most subsequent live performances, including her 2007 concert tour The Beyoncé Experience, 2009–2010 I Am... World Tour, 2013–2014 The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour and 2016 The Formation World Tour. Beyoncé has received praise for her stage presence and voice during live performances. Jarett Wieselman of the New York Post placed her at number one on her list of the Five Best Singer/Dancers.[244] According to Barbara Ellen of The Guardian Beyoncé is the most in-charge female artist she's seen onstage,[245] while Alice Jones of The Independent wrote she ""takes her role as entertainer so seriously she's almost too good.""[246] The ex-President of Def Jam L.A. Reid has described Beyoncé as the greatest entertainer alive.[247] Jim Farber of the Daily News and Stephanie Classen of The StarPhoenix both praised her strong voice and her stage presence.[248][249] Beyoncé's stage outfits have been met with criticism from many countries, such as Malaysia, where she has postponed or cancelled performances due to the country's strict laws banning revealing costumes.[250] Beyoncé has worked with numerous directors for her music videos throughout her career, including Melina Matsoukas, Jonas Åkerlund, and Jake Nava. Bill Condon, director of Beauty and the Beast, stated that the Lemonade visuals in particular served as inspiration for his film, commenting, ""You look at Beyoncé's brilliant movie Lemonade, this genre is taking on so many different forms... I do think that this very old-school break-out-into-song traditional musical is something that people understand again and really want.""[251] Alter ego Described as being ""sexy, seductive and provocative"" when performing on stage, Beyoncé has said that she originally created the alter ego ""Sasha Fierce"" to keep that stage persona separate from who she really is. She described Sasha as being ""too aggressive, too strong, too sassy [and] too sexy"", stating, ""I'm not like her in real life at all.""[35] Sasha was conceived during the making of ""Crazy in Love"", and Beyoncé introduced her with the release of her 2008 album I Am... Sasha Fierce. In February 2010, she announced in an interview with Allure magazine that she was comfortable enough with herself to no longer need Sasha Fierce.[252] However, Beyoncé announced in May 2012 that she would bring her back for her Revel Presents: Beyoncé Live shows later that month.[253] Public image Dreamgirls Beyoncé at the premiere for her 2006 film, Beyoncé has been described as having a wide-ranging sex appeal, with music journalist Touré writing that since the release of Dangerously in Love, she has ""become a crossover sex symbol"".[254] Offstage Beyoncé says that while she likes to dress sexily, her onstage dress ""is absolutely for the stage.""[255] Due to her curves and the term's catchiness, in the 2000s (decade), the media often used the term ""Bootylicious"" (a portmanteau of the words booty and delicious) to describe Beyoncé,[256][257] the term popularized by Destiny's Child's single of the same name. In 2006, it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary.[258] External image Knowles's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover from February 15, 2007 In September 2010, Beyoncé made her runway modelling debut at Tom Ford's Spring/Summer 2011 fashion show.[259] She was named ""World's Most Beautiful Woman"" by People[260] and the ""Hottest Female Singer of All Time"" by Complex in 2012.[261] In January 2013, GQ placed her on its cover, featuring her atop its ""100 Sexiest Women of the 21st Century"" list.[262][263] VH1 listed her at number 1 on its 100 Sexiest Artists list.[264] Several wax figures of Beyoncé are found at Madame Tussauds Wax Museums in major cities around the world, including New York,[265] Washington, D.C.,[266] Amsterdam,[267] Bangkok,[268] Hollywood[269] and Sydney.[270] According to Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli, Beyoncé uses different fashion styles to work with her music while performing.[271] Her mother co-wrote a book, published in 2002, titled Destiny's Style[272] an account of how fashion affected the trio's success.[273] The B'Day Anthology Video Album showed many instances of fashion-oriented footage, depicting classic to contemporary wardrobe styles.[274] In 2007, Beyoncé was featured on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, becoming the second African American woman after Tyra Banks,[275] and People magazine recognized Beyoncé as the best-dressed celebrity.[276] The BeyHive is the name given to Beyoncé's fan base. Fans were previously titled ""The Beyontourage"", (a portmanteau of Beyoncé and entourage). The name Bey Hive derives from the word beehive, purposely misspelled to resemble her first name, and was penned by fans after petitions on the online social networking service Twitter and online news reports during competitions.[277] In 2006, the animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), criticized Beyoncé for wearing and using fur in her clothing line House of Deréon.[278] In 2011, she appeared on the cover of French fashion magazine L'Officiel, in blackface and tribal makeup that drew criticism from the media. A statement released from a spokesperson for the magazine said that Beyoncé's look was ""far from the glamorous Sasha Fierce"" and that it was ""a return to her African roots"".[279] Beyoncé's lighter skin color and costuming has drawn criticism from some in the African-American community.[280] Emmett Price, a professor of music at Northeastern University, wrote in 2007, that he thinks race plays a role in many of these criticisms, saying white celebrities who dress similarly do not attract as many comments.[280] In 2008, L'Oréal was accused of whitening her skin in their Feria hair color advertisements, responding that ""it is categorically untrue"",[281][282] and in 2013, Beyoncé herself criticized H&M for their proposed ""retouching"" of promotional images of her, and according to Vogue requested that only ""natural pictures be used"".[283] Personal life Beyoncé performing on the I Am... World Tour with Jay-Z, whom she married in 2008 Marriage and children Beyoncé started a relationship with Jay-Z after their collaboration on ""'03 Bonnie & Clyde"",[284] which appeared on his seventh album The Blueprint 2: The Gift & The Curse (2002).[285] Beyoncé appeared as Jay-Z's girlfriend in the music video for the song, fuelling speculation about their relationship.[286] On April 4, 2008, Beyoncé and Jay-Z married without publicity.[86] As of April 2014, the couple had sold a combined 300 million records together.[154] They are known for their private relationship, although they have appeared to become more relaxed in recent years.[287] Both have acknowledged difficulty that arose in their marriage after Jay-Z had an affair.[288][289] Beyoncé suffered a miscarriage around 2010 or 2011, describing it as ""the saddest thing"" she had ever endured.[290] She returned to the studio and wrote music in order to cope with the loss. In April 2011, Beyoncé and Jay-Z traveled to Paris in order to shoot the album cover for 4, and unexpectedly became pregnant in Paris.[291] In August, the couple attended the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, at which Beyoncé performed ""Love on Top"" and ended the performance by revealing she was pregnant.[292] Her appearance helped that year's MTV Video Music Awards become the most-watched broadcast in MTV history, pulling in 12.4 million viewers;[293] the announcement was listed in Guinness World Records for ""most tweets per second recorded for a single event"" on Twitter,[294] receiving 8,868 tweets per second[295] and ""Beyonce pregnant"" was the most Googled term the week of August 29, 2011.[296] On January 7, 2012, Beyoncé gave birth to a daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.[297] On February 1, 2017 she revealed on her Instagram account that she was expecting twins. Her announcement gained over 6.3 million ""likes"" within eight hours, breaking the world record for the most liked image on the website at the time.[298] On July 13, 2017, Beyoncé uploaded the first image of herself and the twins onto her Instagram account, confirming their birth date as a month prior, on June 13, 2017 and the names Rumi and Sir Carter.[299] The twins were born at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in California. Rumi, the daughter, was born before Sir, the son.[300] She wrote of her pregnancy and its aftermath in the iconic September 2018 of Vogue, in which she had full control of the cover, shot by photographer Tyler Mitchell.[301][302] Activism Beyoncé performed ""America the Beautiful"" at the 2009 presidential inauguration, as well as ""At Last"" during the first inaugural dance at the Neighborhood Ball two days later.[303] They held a fundraiser at Jay-Z's 40/40 Club in Manhattan for Obama's 2012 presidential campaign[304] which raised $4 million.[305] In the 2012 Presidential election, Beyoncé voted for Obama.[306] She performed the American national anthem at his second inauguration in January 2013.[136] The Washington Post reported in May 2015, that Beyoncé attended a major celebrity fundraiser for 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.[307] She also headlined for Hillary Clinton in a 2016 concert held the weekend before Election Day. In this performance, Beyoncé and her entourage of backup dancers wore pantsuits; a clear allusion to Clinton's frequent dress-of-choice. The backup dancers also wore ""I'm with her"" tee shirts, the campaign slogan for Clinton. In a brief speech at this performance Beyoncé said, ""I want my daughter to grow up seeing a woman lead our country and knowing that her possibilities are limitless.""[308] In 2013, Beyoncé stated in an interview with Vogue that she considered herself to be ""a modern-day feminist"".[309] She would later align herself more publicly with the movement, sampling ""We should all be feminists"", a speech delivered by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie at a TEDx talk in April 2013, in her song ""Flawless"", released later that year.[310] In 2014 she performed live at the MTV Video Awards in front a giant backdrop reading ""FEMINIST.""[311] She has also contributed to the Ban Bossy campaign, which uses television and social media to encourage leadership in girls.[312] Following Beyoncé's public identification as a feminist, the sexualized nature of her performances and the fact that she championed her marriage was questioned.[313] Beyoncé publicly endorsed same sex marriage on March 26, 2013, after the Supreme Court debate on California's Proposition 8.[314] Beyoncé spoke against North Carolina's Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, a bill passed (and later repealed) that discriminated against the LGBT community in public places in a statement during her concert in Raleigh as part of the Formation World Tour in 2016.[315] She has also condemned police brutality against black Americans. Beyoncé and Jay-Z attended a rally in 2013 in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the shooting of Trayvon Martin.[316] The film for her sixth album Lemonade included the mothers of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Eric Garner, holding pictures of their sons in the video for ""Freedom"".[317] In a 2016 interview with Elle, Beyoncé responded to the controversy surrounding her song ""Formation"" which was perceived to be critical of the police. She clarified, ""I am against police brutality and injustice. Those are two separate things. If celebrating my roots and culture during Black History Month made anyone uncomfortable, those feelings were there long before a video and long before me"".[318] In February 2017, Beyoncé spoke out against the withdrawal of protections for transgender students in public schools by Donald Trump's presidential administration. Posting a link to the 100 Days of Kindness campaign on her Facebook page, Beyoncé voiced her support for transgender youth and joined a roster of celebrities who spoke out against Trump's decision.[319] Wealth Forbes magazine began reporting on Beyoncé's earnings in 2008, calculating that the $80 million earned between June 2007 to June 2008, for her music, tour, films and clothing line made her the world's best-paid music personality at the time, above Madonna and Celine Dion.[320][321] They placed her fourth on the Celebrity 100 list in 2009[322] and ninth on the ""Most Powerful Women in the World"" list in 2010.[323] The following year, Forbes placed her eighth on the ""Best-Paid Celebrities Under 30"" list, having earned $35 million in the past year for her clothing line and endorsement deals. In 2012, Forbes placed Beyoncé at number 16 on the Celebrity 100 list, twelve places lower than three years ago yet still having earned $40 million in the past year for her album 4, clothing line and endorsement deals.[324][325] In the same year, Beyoncé and Jay-Z placed at number one on the ""World's Highest-Paid Celebrity Couples"", for collectively earning $78 million.[326] The couple made it into the previous year's Guinness World Records as the ""highest-earning power couple"" for collectively earning $122 million in 2009.[327] For the years 2009 to 2011, Beyoncé earned an average of $70 million per year, and earned $40 million in 2012.[328] In 2013, Beyoncé's endorsements of Pepsi and H&M made her and Jay-Z the world's first billion dollar couple in the music industry.[329] That year, Beyoncé was published as the fourth most-powerful celebrity in the Forbes rankings.[330] MTV estimated that by the end of 2014, Beyoncé would become the highest-paid black musician in history;[331] this became the case in April 2014.[332] In June 2014, Beyoncé ranked at number one on the Forbes Celebrity 100 list, earning an estimated $115 million throughout June 2013 – June 2014. This in turn was the first time she had topped the Celebrity 100 list as well as being her highest yearly earnings to date.[333] In 2016, Beyoncé ranked at number 34 on the Celebrity 100 list with earnings of $54 million. Herself and Jay-Z also topped the highest paid celebrity couple list, with combined earnings of $107.5 million.[334] As of May 2017, Forbes calculated her net worth to be $350 million, and in June of the same year, ranked her as the second-highest earning celebrity with annual earnings of $105 million. This tied Beyoncé with Madonna as the only two female artists to earn more than $100 million within a single year twice.[335][336] As a couple with Jay-Z, they have a combined net worth of $1.16 billion.[337] In July 2017, Billboard announced that Beyoncé was the highest paid musician of 2016, with an estimated total of $62.1 million.[338] Legacy Beyoncé performing during her I Am... World Tour in 2009 In The New Yorker, music critic Jody Rosen described Beyoncé as ""the most important and compelling popular musician of the twenty-first century..... the result, the logical end point, of a century-plus of pop.""[339] When The Observer named her Artist of the Decade, Llewyn-Smith wrote: Why Beyoncé? [...] Because she made not one but two of the decade's greatest singles, with 'Crazy in Love' and 'Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)', not to mention her hits with Destiny's Child; and this was the decade when singles – particularly R&B singles – regained their status as pop's favourite medium. [...] [She] and not any superannuated rock star was arguably the greatest live performer of the past 10 years.[340] In 2013, Beyoncé made the Time 100 list, with Baz Luhrmann writing: No one has that voice, no one moves the way she moves, no one can hold an audience the way she does... When Beyoncé does an album, when Beyoncé sings a song, when Beyoncé does anything, it's an event, and it's broadly influential. Right now, she is the heir-apparent diva of the USA – the reigning national voice.[341] In 2014, Beyoncé was listed again on the Time 100 and also featured on the cover of the issue.[342] Beyoncé's work has influenced numerous artists including Britney Spears,[343] Adele,[344] Bebe Rexha,[345] Ariana Grande,[346][347] Lady Gaga,[348] Ellie Goulding,[349] Rihanna,[350] Iggy Azalea,[351] Demi Lovato,[352] Tinashe,[353] Kelly Rowland,[354][355] Sam Smith,[356] Nicole Scherzinger,[357] Jessica Sanchez,[358] Cheryl,[359] JoJo,[360] Meghan Trainor,[361] Grimes,[362][363] Rita Ora,[364] Zendaya,[365] Alexis Jordan,[366] Bridgit Mendler,[367] and Azealia Banks.[368] American indie rock band White Rabbits also cited her an inspiration for their third album Milk Famous (2012),[369] friend Gwyneth Paltrow[370] studied Beyoncé at her live concerts while learning to become a musical performer for the 2010 film Country Strong.[371] Sheldon Pearce of Pitchfork noticed her contribution in changing the sound of pop music radio with her hip-hop assisted style, writing: Her hip-hop fluency gave her an advantage in the pop-star arms race, helping her to become the presiding voice in an increasingly rap-dominated musical landscape. Her evolution, from rap-adjacent R&B star (appearing as early as 1998 in a Geto Boys video) to reluctant hip-hop shareholder to full-blown rapper, played a role in slowly shifting the sound of pop radio.[372] Her debut single, ""Crazy in Love"" was named VH1's ""Greatest Song of the 2000s"",[373] NME's ""Best Track of the 00s""[374] and ""Pop Song of the Century"",[375] considered by Rolling Stone to be one of the 500 greatest songs of all time, earned two Grammy Awards and is one of the best-selling singles of all time at around 8 million copies. The music video for ""Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"", which achieved fame for its intricate choreography[376] and its deployment of jazz hands,[377] was credited by the Toronto Star as having started the ""first major dance craze of both the new millennium and the Internet"",[96] triggering a number of parodies of the dance choreography[378][379] and a legion of amateur imitators on YouTube.[376][378] In 2013, Drake released a single titled ""Girls Love Beyoncé"", which featured an interpolation from Destiny Child's ""Say My Name"" and discussed his relationship with women.[380] In January 2012, research scientist Bryan Lessard named Scaptia beyonceae, a species of horse fly found in Northern Queensland, Australia after Beyoncé due to the fly's unique golden hairs on its abdomen.[381] In July 2014, a Beyoncé exhibit was introduced into the ""Legends of Rock"" section of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The black leotard from the ""Single Ladies"" video and her outfit from the Super Bowl half time performance are among several pieces housed at the museum.[382] Architects credit Beyoncé's look in her ""Ghost"" music video as the inspiration of the design of the Premier Tower under construction in Australia.[383] The City of Minneapolis, Minnesota declared May 23 Beyoncé Day in the city in 2016.[384] In 2018, the City of Columbia, South Carolina declared August 21 Beyoncé Knowles-Carter Day in the city after presenting her with the keys to Columbia.[385] Achievements Beyoncé has received numerous awards. As a solo artist she has sold over 17 million albums in the US, and over 100 million records worldwide (a further 60 million additionally with Destiny's Child), making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time.[386][387][388][389][390][391] The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) listed Beyoncé as the top certified artist of the 2000s decade, with a total of 64 certifications.[392][393] Her songs ""Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"", ""Halo"", and ""Irreplaceable"" are some of the best-selling singles of all time worldwide. In 2009, The Observer named her the Artist of the Decade[340] and Billboard named her the Top Female Artist and Top Radio Songs Artist of the Decade.[9][394][395] In 2010, Billboard named her in their ""Top 50 R&B/Hip-Hop Artists of the Past 25 Years"" list at number 15.[396] In 2012 VH1 ranked her third on their list of the ""100 Greatest Women in Music"", behind Mariah Carey and Madonna.[397] Beyoncé was honored with the International Artist Award at the 2007 American Music Awards.[398] She has also received the Legend Award at the 2008 World Music Awards, the Billboard Millennium Award at the 2011 Billboard Music Awards, the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards, and the Fashion Icon Award at the 2016 CFDA Awards.[399] Beyoncé has won 22 Grammy Awards, both as a solo artist and member of Destiny's Child, making her the second most honored female artist by the Grammys, behind Alison Krauss[400][401] and the most nominated woman in Grammy Award history with a total of 62 nominations.[402] ""Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"" won Song of the Year in 2010 while ""Say My Name"",[26] ""Crazy in Love"" and ""Drunk in Love"" have each won Best R&B Song. Dangerously in Love, B'Day and I Am... Sasha Fierce have all won Best Contemporary R&B Album, while Lemonade has won Best Urban Contemporary Album. Beyoncé set the record for the most Grammy awards won by a female artist in one night in 2010 when she won six awards, breaking the tie she previously held with Alicia Keys, Norah Jones, Alison Krauss, and Amy Winehouse, with Adele equaling this in 2012.[403] Beyoncé has also won 24 MTV Video Music Awards, making her the most-awarded artist in Video Music Award history. ""Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"" and ""Formation"" won Video of the Year in 2009 and 2016 respectively. Beyoncé tied the record set by Lady Gaga in 2010 for the most VMAs won in one night for a female artist with eight in 2016.[180] She is also the most awarded and nominated artist in BET Award history, winning 29 awards from a total of 60 nominations.[404] Following her role in Dreamgirls, Beyoncé was nominated for Best Original Song for ""Listen"" and Best Actress at the Golden Globe Awards,[405] and Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture at the NAACP Image Awards.[406] Beyoncé won two awards at the Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards 2006; Best Song for ""Listen"" and Best Original Soundtrack for Dreamgirls: Music from the Motion Picture.[407] According to Fuse in 2014, Beyoncé is the second most award-winning artist of all time, after Michael Jackson.[408][409] She was named on the 2016 BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour Power List as one of seven women judged to have had the biggest impact on women's lives over the past 70 years, alongside Margaret Thatcher, Barbara Castle, Helen Brook, Germaine Greer, Jayaben Desai and Bridget Jones.[410] Business and ventures Endorsements Beyoncé has worked with Pepsi since 2002,[411] and in 2004 appeared in a Gladiator-themed commercial with Britney Spears, Pink, and Enrique Iglesias.[412] In 2012, Beyoncé signed a $50 million deal to endorse Pepsi.[413] The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPINET) wrote Beyoncé an open letter asking her to reconsider the deal because of the unhealthiness of the product and to donate the proceeds to a medical organisation.[414] Nevertheless, NetBase found that Beyoncé's campaign was the most talked about endorsement in April 2013, with a 70 per cent positive audience response to the commercial and print ads.[415] Beyoncé has worked with Tommy Hilfiger for the fragrances True Star (singing a cover version of ""Wishing on a Star"")[416] and True Star Gold;[417] she also promoted Emporio Armani's Diamonds fragrance in 2007.[418] Beyoncé launched her first official fragrance, Heat, in 2010.[419] The commercial, which featured the 1956 song ""Fever"", was shown after the water shed in the United Kingdom as it begins with an image of Beyoncé appearing to lie naked in a room.[420] In February 2011, Beyoncé launched her second fragrance, Heat Rush.[421] Beyoncé's third fragrance, Pulse, was launched in September 2011.[422] In 2013, The Mrs. Carter Show Limited Edition version of Heat was released.[423] The six editions of Heat are the world's best-selling celebrity fragrance line,[423] with sales of over $400 million.[424] The release of a video-game Starpower: Beyoncé was cancelled after Beyoncé pulled out of a $100 million with GateFive who alleged the cancellation meant the sacking of 70 staff and millions of pounds lost in development.[425] It was settled out of court by her lawyers in June 2013 who said that they had cancelled because GateFive had lost its financial backers.[426] Beyoncé also has had deals with American Express,[321] Nintendo DS[427] and L'Oréal since the age of 18.[428] In March 2015, Beyoncé became a co-owner, with other artists, of the music streaming service Tidal. The service specializes in lossless audio and high definition music videos. Beyoncé's husband Jay-Z acquired the parent company of Tidal, Aspiro, in the first quarter of 2015.[429] Including Beyoncé and Jay-Z, sixteen artist stakeholders (such as Kanye West, Rihanna, Madonna, Chris Martin, Nicki Minaj and more) co-own Tidal, with the majority owning a 3% equity stake.[430] The idea of having an all artist owned streaming service was created by those involved to adapt to the increased demand for streaming within the current music industry.[431] Fashion lines Beyoncé and her mother introduced House of Deréon, a contemporary women's fashion line, in 2005.[432] The concept is inspired by three generations of women in their family, with the name paying tribute to Beyoncé's grandmother, Agnèz Deréon, a respected seamstress.[433][434] According to Tina, the overall style of the line best reflects her and Beyoncé's taste and style. Beyoncé and her mother founded their family's company Beyond Productions, which provides the licensing and brand management for House of Deréon, and its junior collection, Deréon.[432] House of Deréon pieces were exhibited in Destiny's Child's shows and tours, during their Destiny Fulfilled era.[435][436] The collection features sportswear, denim offerings with fur, outerwear and accessories that include handbags and footwear, and are available at department and specialty stores across the US and Canada.[432] In 2005, Beyoncé teamed up with House of Brands, a shoe company, to produce a range of footwear for House of Deréon.[437] In January 2008, Starwave Mobile launched Beyoncé Fashion Diva, a ""high-style"" mobile game with a social networking component, featuring the House of Deréon collection.[432] In July 2009, Beyoncé and her mother launched a new junior apparel label, Sasha Fierce for Deréon, for back-to-school selling. The collection included sportswear, outerwear, handbags, footwear, eyewear, lingerie and jewelry.[438] It was available at department stores including Macy's and Dillard's, and specialty stores Jimmy Jazz and Against All Odds.[438] On May 27, 2010, Beyoncé teamed up with clothing store C&A to launch Deréon by Beyoncé at their stores in Brazil.[439] The collection included tailored blazers with padded shoulders, little black dresses, embroidered tops and shirts and bandage dresses.[439] In October 2014, Beyoncé signed a deal to launch an activewear line of clothing with British fashion retailer Topshop.[440][441] The 50–50 venture is called Ivy Park and was launched in April 2016. The brand's name is a nod to Beyoncé's daughter Blue Ivy and her favourite number four (IV in roman numerals), and also references the park where she used to run in Texas.[442] Philanthropy center) and her mother, left) at the opening of the Beyoncé Cosmetology Center on March 5, 2010 Beyoncé () and her mother, Tina , () at the opening of the Beyoncé Cosmetology Center on March 5, 2010 After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Beyoncé and Rowland founded the Survivor Foundation to provide transitional housing for victims in the Houston area,[16] to which Beyoncé contributed an initial $250,000.[443] The foundation has since expanded to work with other charities in the city,[444] and also provided relief following Hurricane Ike three years later.[445] Beyoncé participated in George Clooney and Wyclef Jean's Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief telethon[446] and was named the official face of the limited edition CFDA ""Fashion For Haiti"" T-shirt,[447] made by Theory which raised a total of $1 million.[448] On March 5, 2010, Beyoncé and her mother Tina opened the Beyoncé Cosmetology Center at the Brooklyn Phoenix House, offering a seven-month cosmetology training course for men and women. In April 2011, Beyoncé joined forces with US First Lady Michelle Obama and the National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation, to help boost the latter's campaign against child obesity[449] by reworking her single ""Get Me Bodied"".[450] Following the death of Osama bin Laden, Beyoncé released her cover of the Lee Greenwood song ""God Bless the USA"", as a charity single to help raise funds for the New York Police and Fire Widows' and Children's Benefit Fund.[451] In December, Beyoncé along with a variety of other celebrities teamed up and produced a video campaign for ""Demand A Plan"", a bipartisan effort by a group of 950 US mayors and others[452] designed to influence the federal government into rethinking its gun control laws, following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.[453] Beyoncé became an ambassador for the 2012 World Humanitarian Day campaign donating her song ""I Was Here"" and its music video, shot in the UN, to the campaign.[454][455] In 2013, it was announced that Beyoncé would work with Salma Hayek and Frida Giannini on a Gucci ""Chime for Change"" campaign that aims to spread female empowerment. The campaign, which aired on February 28, was set to her new music.[456] A concert for the cause took place on June 1, 2013 in London[457] and included other acts like Ellie Goulding, Florence and the Machine, and Rita Ora.[458] In advance of the concert, she appeared in a campaign video released on May 15, 2013, where she, along with Cameron Diaz, John Legend and Kylie Minogue, described inspiration from their mothers, while a number of other artists celebrated personal inspiration from other women, leading to a call for submission of photos of women of viewers' inspiration from which a selection was shown at the concert. Beyoncé said about her mother Tina Knowles that her gift was ""finding the best qualities in every human being."" With help of the crowdfunding platform Catapult, visitors of the concert could choose between several projects promoting education of women and girls.[459][460] Beyoncé is also taking part in ""Miss a Meal"", a food-donation campaign,[461] and supporting Goodwill charity through online charity auctions at Charitybuzz that support job creation throughout Europe and the U.S.[462][463] In December 2016, Beyoncé was named the Most Charitable Celebrity of the year.[464] Discography Filmography Tours and residencies Headlining tours Co-headlining tours Concert residencies See also Notes ^ Billboard Boxscore totalled $24.9 million; the tour comprised 96 concerts.[84] The gross takings from the 29 shows which were reported toBoxscore totalled $24.9 million; the tour comprised 96 concerts." 1 "Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in an interview with FOX News Channel's 'Sunday Morning Futures' hosted by Maria Bartiromo, said that the Justice Department is ""aggressively"" investigating the leak of a phone call between former national security advisor Gen. Mike Flynn and the Russian Ambassador. Background: Washington Post: How Mike Flynn Was Undone By A Phone Call ""We’re going after this aggressively,"" Sessions said about the leak of the transcript of Flynn's call. ""I am directing it personally... and we’re pursuing it aggressively."" Sessions also said that there are currently 27 open investigations regarding leaks of classified information. ""In the last two years before I became Attorney General there were each year there were three open investigations of classified leaks now we have 27,"" he noted. MARIA BARTIROMO: There are felonies apparently that have already taken place. I mean we had on this program just last week, the chairman of the Intel committee Devin Nunez and he said there are felonies that are going, not looked at all they’re going by over and over listen to what he told me just last Sunday. REP. DEVIN NUNES: The big felony in all of this that nobody talks about from the very beginning was the leak of highly classified information when they leaked the phone call of the Russian ambassador talking to General Mike Flynn right before the inauguration. That was a felony, nothing’s ever been done about it. BARTIROMO: Is your office investigating this sir? SESSIONS: That is a violation of the law, to leak classified documents and it is being investigated. I will say this, the last two years before I became Attorney General there were each year there were three open investigations of classified leaks now we have 27 we’re going after this aggressively. I am directing it personally, some of the matters involve this matter and some of it is a matter I am not recused on and we’re pursuing it aggressively." 1 "Jennifer Aniston isn't bitter about her lack of Oscar nomination for her role in Cake saying ""it's almost just as good to be number one snubbed than to be nominated."" The 45-year-old actress was tipped to be receive a nomination and she told Bang Showbiz, ""'I was amazed at how many messages of 'Shocked!' 'F*** 'em!' and 'Robbed!' I got. ""I found it quite endearing and flattering that I had so many people rooting for me. It was almost just as good to be number one snubbed than to be nominated. Now I don't have any pressure."" Julianne Moore, Reese Witherspoon, Marion Cotillard, Felicity Jones and Rosamund Pike are the nominees for Best Actress at this year's Academy Awards and Aniston has received messages of support from a couple of them, ""[Reese] sent me such a sweet email, as did Julianne. They are all amazing women, but you know, we're all rooting for each other and it doesn't take away the work that was done. So it's really, really nice."" The former Friends star added that she was keen to take on the role of a woman suffering with chronic pain in Cake to test herself as an actress, ""I needed to do it so I could prove to myself that I was able to do it. So I wasn't sitting there frustrated that I wasn't getting certain parts because they knew something I didn't know - which was that I couldn't do it… It's something I hadn't done before - to take on such a wonderfully layered, complex character.''" 1 "carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article meets our high quality standards. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 10 references , which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article meets our high quality standards. Learn more... In this Article:Rocking Kylie's StyleTaking Your Style to the Next LevelCommunity Q&A10 References Kylie Jenner, one of the stars on ""Keeping up with the Kardashians"", socialite, designer, model, and author is known to have a dynamic style that focuses on elegance and edginess, she also has a great sense of style and isn't afraid to experiment with her look. Her unique style is highly sought-after - at just 18, releasing Kendall & Kylie at Pacsun, Kendall + Kylie at Topshop, a hair line, Kylie Hair Kouture, a makeup line, Kylie Lip Kit, and appeared on many covers of several magazines. With this guide, you'll be able to experience Kylie's bold fashion choices!" 0 Chris Soules, former star of ABC’s “The Bachelor,” after his arrest. (Buchanan County Sheriff via AP) Iowa farmer Chris Soules, a former star on ABC’s “The Bachelor” who charmed reality TV viewers with his small-town life, was arrested this week after police said he fled a crash that killed a fellow farmer. Soules, 35, was charged with leaving the scene of a fatal crash, a class D felony, and could face up to five years in prison if he is convicted. The case has garnered the attention of Soules’s “Bachelor” fans as well as residents of Arlington, Iowa, where he lives, who had come to appreciate the reality TV star’s work as an unofficial Iowa ambassador and farm industry advocate. “This story is going to spread like wildfire around here and probably all over because of who he is,” Mary Jo Brown, Arlington’s city clerk, told the Des Moines Register. “Sometimes fame isn’t your friend.” Soules, who also appeared in “Dancing with the Stars” and “Worst Chefs in America,” called 911 at 8:20 p.m. Monday evening to report that he had rear-ended a tractor on a rural road north of the tiny town of Aurora, about six miles away from his home. The tractor veered into a ditch after being struck by his 2008 Chevrolet Silverado, Soules said. The tractor driver — later identified as 66-year-old Kenneth Mosher, a Vietnam War veteran — was unconscious and not breathing, Soules told the 911 operator, according to audio obtained by local media. The man had a pulse, but there was blood around his mouth, Soules said. Soules identified himself on the call, which lasted nearly six minutes, and sounded frantic. Between heavy breathing, he answered the dispatcher’s questions and took instructions. Soules told the 911 operator he did not know how to perform CPR and could be heard asking unidentified people at the scene if they could perform the lifesaving measure. The call ended abruptly after the operator told Soules law enforcement and medical first responders were on the way. “Can I, can I call you back really quick?” Soules asked the dispatcher. “Yeah, you can call me back,” she says. “Thank you,” Soules responds. Soules left the crash site after emergency responders arrived, but before deputies with the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office were on the scene, according to authorities. Iowa State Patrol Sgt. Scott Bright told the Des Moines Register that Soules fled the scene on foot and later got into a truck. In police audio obtained by local media, a deputy told a dispatcher that Soules “took off” in a red truck. Authorities are trying to identify who picked up Soules in the truck, Buchanan County Sheriff Bill Wolfgram told the Associated Press. That person could face charges, he said. Alcohol was found at the scene and investigators are trying to determine whose it was and whether it or speed were factors in the crash. Soules was arrested about five hours after the incident and booked into the Buchanan County Jail, the Associated Press reported. He posted a $10,000 bond Tuesday morning and was released on the condition that he surrender his passport and wear an electronic monitor. During his first appearance in court, the Buchanan County assistant attorney told the judge that Soules refused to cooperate with law enforcement after they located him at his home. He “would not come out,” the attorney said, until officials obtained a search warrant, which “took hours.” Chris Soules making his initial court appearance in Buchanan County @KWWL pic.twitter.com/72bvEg0wVR — Elizabeth Amanieh (@EAmaniehKWWL) April 25, 2017 Wolfgram told the Associated Press that investigators were “running into some roadblocks when it comes to getting information” but acknowledged Soules was acting within his constitutional rights. According to court documents, Soules had several run-ins with the law in his early 20s. In 2011, he was charged three times with underage alcohol possession and pleaded guilty and paid a fine for an open container violation, reported the Des Moines Register. The following year, he received three citations for fighting and noise, unlawful use of a license and leaving the scene, which was amended down to defective brakes, court documents showed. Then in 2005, Soules was charged with driving while intoxicated and received one year of probation. A statement from Soules’s publicist earlier this week said he was “devastated” to learn that Mosher had died from the crash and that his “thoughts and prayers” were with the man’s family. Mosher, a lifelong resident of Aurora — population 200 — lived on his family farm near the crash site, reported the Argus Leader. He was married to his high school sweetheart, Nancy, and the couple had two sons and three grandchildren, according to Mosher’s obituary. An Army veteran, Mosher served six years, including a tour in Vietnam. He farmed his entire life and was a member of the Aurora American Legion and the Iowa Corn Growers Association. “Kenny loved playing golf, farming and spending his winters in Florida biking and visiting his mother,” Mosher’s obituary said. “His family was most important to him, especially his grandchildren.” In northeast Iowa, where Mosher and Soules both farmed, community members told local media they were heartbroken for the families of both men. Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff during the finale of “The Bachelor.” (ABC via AP) Soules’s three sisters signed him up to be a suitor on “The Bachelorette” in 2014. He was a fan favorite, making it to the final three before bachelorette Andi Dorfman sent him home. Soules — nicknamed “Farmer Chris” — later returned as the star of his own season. He proposed to Whitney Bischoff, a contestant from Chicago, but the two split after a brief engagement. He later competed on “Dancing with the Stars” and the Food Network’s “Worst Chefs in America.” Soules has since made guest appearances on various “Bachelor” franchise spin-offs shows and was rumored to be a cast member for this summer’s taping of “Bachelor in Paradise,” where former contestants search for love on a tropical island. Soules had used his reality TV platform to travel Iowa and the Midwest advocating for agricultural issues, including ethanol and renewable fuels. More from Morning Mix More lawsuits aimed at Fox News — this time alleging racial discrimination Nordstrom is selling jeans caked in fake dirt for hundreds of dollars Conservationist, author of ‘I Dreamed of Africa’ ambushed and shot at her ranch in Kenya 1 Bring on the pink for Chanel Iman and husband Sterling Shepard! The Victoria’s Secret Angel revealed the gender of her baby in a series of adorable Instagram pictures on Saturday, June 23. “It’s a GIRL,” Iman, 27, captioned a sweet pic of her and her beau sitting on a pink couch surrounded by flowers at their baby shower The model later added a photo of herself with three friends in front of a wall of greenery and flowers that read, “Oh baby!” In the last photo, she couldn’t contain her excitement as she posed alongside a clothesline filled with pink onesies. “So ready for this little girl 🍼🎀💗 thank you @cherishep3 @shelby_shep_ @ashleigh_shep for a beautiful baby shower,” she wrote. Earlier this month, Iman dished to Us Weekly about her rough first few months of pregnancy. “The first trimester was very difficult,” the beauty told Us at the Fragrance Foundation Awards in New York City on June 12. “I really struggled. I was super sick.” Iman revealed in a May Instagram post that she’s expecting her first child with the New York Giants wide receiver. “Daddy and Mommy can’t wait to meet you,” she captioned a picture of Shepard cradling her baby bump. “As I approach motherhood I want to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and mommies to be.” Iman and Shepard tied the knot on March 3 at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles in front of their family and friends. Guests at the wedding included Chrissy Teigen and Gabrielle Union, while model Jourdan Dunn and Giants player Odell Beckham Jr. were members of the bridal party. The dad-to-be revealed that Iman’s due date is August 19 in an interview with The New York Times earlier this month. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! 0 "Multiple tabloids have been reporting that there is something going on between Robert Pattinson and Emma Watson, leading fans to believe that there could be some merit to the story. Then, after the pair presented together at the Golden Globe Awards, reports surfaced that the two went public with their relationship. But, fans will be disappointed to find out that there is no truth to the story, and the claims that Pattinson and Watson are dating are completely false. The problem is, celebrities don’t choose who they present with at an awards show. So, the fact that Pattinson and Watson shared a few minutes on stage together in no way means the two are in a relationship. The pair presented the award for Best TV Movie or Limited Series, which went to HBO’s Big Little Lies. Now, there is a new twist to the rumor, with another publication telling a tall tale about Pattinson propositioning Watson for a one-night stand. #RobertPattinson opens up: ""This Halloween I walked into the most extreme, ah, fancy dress party. I was absolutely normcore and it was the most humiliating experience of my life."" https://t.co/KWcnK4pU3w — W magazine (@wmag) January 19, 2018 The false story, which appeared in Star magazine, alleged that Pattinson has had a crush on Watson since they starred together in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire back in 2005. It then went on to claim that Pattinson used a terrible pick-up line by asking her, “Do you want to hang out at my house, you know, like overnight?” The so-called eyewitness then says that, since Watson isn’t a one-night stand type of girl, she made a face like she had eaten some rotten food and ran away. But, the incident simply never happened. Reps for both Watson and Pattinson say that the two actors had fun at the awards ceremony, but he didn’t hit on her and she didn’t reject him. Today at the @womensmarch LA I was carrying this sign and all of a sudden I look over and see EMMA WATSON staring at me from 3ft away. She waved, motioned that she loved my sign, and then I cried. I will NEVER be this cool again guys ✨? pic.twitter.com/RAzM6WZVr8 — Molly Pasquarella (@Molly_Pasqui) January 21, 2018 Once Watson split from her boyfriend, entrepreneur William “Mack” Knight, back in November, meaning both she and Pattinson were single, tabloids started to randomly tie the two together just three weeks later. Once one outlet fabricated the romantic connection, others picked it up and copied the story. But, it is all complete fiction. Watson and Pattinson have not been secretly texting or meeting up in London and Los Angeles. They are simply friends and nothing more. Advertisement This isn’t the first time that rumors have spread about the former co-stars. Back in 2009, the same story flew around Hollywood, but Emma Watson shut it down by saying that Robert Pattinson is just a good friend and a super-nice guy, adding he is great to work with." 1 "The budding romance between Josh Duhamel and Eiza González is heating up! The Love, Simon star and the Baby Driver actress were spotted getting incredibly cozy on a romantic getaway near Muyil on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico over the weekend. Photos of the two show them kissing and holding one another as they took a trip on the Muyil Lagoon. González, 28, was seen sporting a skimpy, sharkskin bikini, while Duhamel, 45, wore white board shorts during their aquatic romp. It's unclear how long the two have been an item. It's been less than a month since the couple decided to go public, but they reportedly kept their relationship under wraps out of respect for Fergie, whom Duhamel separated with in September after eight years of marriage. The two have a 4-year-old son together, Axl. BACKGRID ""He felt guilty that he had feelings for another woman so quickly and he wants to be respectful to Fergie so he has kept this relationship very, very private,"" a source told ET in June, when the couple finally stepped out in public. A source later told ET that the two have ""fallen head over heels for each other."" For more on Duhamel's new flame, watch the video below. RELATED CONTENT: Josh Duhamel on How Son Axl Influences His Acting Roles (Exclusive) Josh Duhamel Says He And Fergie Have 'A Lot of Love' When It Comes to Co-Parenting (Exclusive) Eiza Gonzalez Addresses Calvin Harris Romance Rumors: 'I Want To Keep My Personal Life Private' Related Gallery" 0 "Never let that **** stop you! Good for Kendall! She shut down the acne shaming and gave other girls a reason to be confident! Kendall Jenner's Reply to Being Trolled Over Golden Globes Acne | E! News The ""KUWTK"" star has choice words for haters who criticized her blemishes. Plus, Kim K. reveals Kanye West's latest fashion advice! Full Story: http://www.eonline.com/news/904988/kendall-jenner-bites-back-after-being-trolled-over-golden-globes-acne Watch Live from E! here: http://bit.ly/2vGuD5g Subscribe: http://bit.ly/enewssub About E! News: Jason Kennedy and the rest of the E! News team bring you the latest breaking entertainment, fashion and Pop Culture news." 0 Login Page, Username, Password and Wireless Settings Wi-Fi router is a basic necessity today. Most of the households today will host at least one Wi-Fi router to enable strong internet access throughout the... Read more 5 hours, 57 minutes ago by Harshil Barot LIFESTYLE Monday 24th December: All the Un-Researched Ladies... Just to misquote Beyonce, this is a shout out to all my Un-researched Ladies. When thinking about this year's Blogvent, I started compiling a long list of... Read more 7 hours, 5 minutes ago by Kirsty Stonell Walker CULTURE How to Improve Eyesight Naturally? Introduction Many reasons are there that make you wear glasses, the most common is altering your lifestyle, watching TV for long without blinking your eyelids,... Read more 7 hours, 41 minutes ago by Dr Vikram Chauhan HEALTH Is Mobile Phone a High–Tech Villain in Our Lives? Everyone thinks that mobile phones are their friends, but it continuously creating hurdles and diverting your attention in many ways. Read more 8 hours, 24 minutes ago by Ruby Mariah GADGETS , TECH Kaun Banega Crorepati Winners List Of All Seasons Kaun Banega Crorepati inspired from UK television show model “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.” The show aired on Indian television and millions of people tuned i... Read more 9 hours, 8 minutes ago by Harshil Barot LIFESTYLE 0 "Inside Christina Aguilera's Road to Reinvention Duration: 01:04 The ""Accelerate"" singer is back with her first single in six years but she's definitely been through her ""highs and lows"" to get where she is now. Watch!" 0 "As her wedding to Prince Harry gets closer, bride-to-be Meghan Markle has just been given an official aide—aka a right-hand woman to help with her all things royal. An announcement was made earlier today that a former Kensington Palace press officer, Amy Pickerill, was chosen to assist Meghan Markle, and will handle any correspondences that she receives. Additionally, she will now be an assistant private secretary in Prince Harry’s office. A spokesman from Kensington Palace said the assistant ""will be working on Meghan Markle's programme."" As the royal wedding gets closer and closer, an assistant seems like the only natural next step as for Markle—the Suits star's has more royal duties than ever, and has already done four public engagements with Prince Harry. Pickerill has been photographed with Markle a few times already—once during the couple's recent royal trip to Edinburgh, Scotland earlier this month, and was also seen holding a bouquet of tulips for the bride that had been given to her by a fan. Details were released earlier this month about the upcoming nuptials , who announced their engagement in November 2017. The wedding will take place on Saturday, May 19 at 12 p.m. at St. George's Chapel in Windsor Castle. Kensington Palace previously announced, ""Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle are hugely grateful for the many good wishes they have received since announcing their engagement. They are very much looking forward to the day and to being able to share their celebrations with the public."" See more: Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance Has Officially Cast Its Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Besides the news released from the royal palace, fans of the bride and groom have had plenty of speculation as to other details of the wedding. Designers have already created their predictions as to what her wedding dress will look like , and we have a pretty good idea of who her bridesmaids might be . Only 90 more days! (But hey, who's counting?)" 0 Get a First Look at Disney’s Broadway-Bound Frozen The stage adaptation of the animated hit opens officially in Denver September 14 prior to a 2018 Broadway bow. The pre-Broadway engagement of Disney’s Frozen officially opens at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts’ Buell Theatre September 14. Performances will run at the Colorado venue through October 1; the musical will go on to make its Broadway premiere in 2018. The stage adaptation of the Oscar-winning animated hit, directed by Tony winner Michael Grandage stars Broadway alums Caissie Levy and Patti Murin as Elsa and Anna, respectively. Among those joining them are Jelani Alladin as Kristoff, John Riddle as Hans, Robert Creighton as Weselton, Kevin Del Aguila as Oaken, Timothy Hughes as Pabbie, and Greg Hildreth as Olaf. Flip through photos from the Denver engagement below: Get a First Look at Disney’s Broadway-Bound Frozen Get a First Look at Disney’s Broadway-Bound Frozen 5 PHOTOS Performances will begin at Broadway St. James Theatre February 22, 2018; opening night is set for March 22. Read: FROZEN STARS CAISSIE LEVY AND PATTI MURIN DISCUSS WHY BEING ‘QUIRKY’ MAKES THEM PERFECT DISNEY ROYALS The musical marks the first adaptation of the 2013 hit film to expand upon the original story. Oscar-winning songwriting team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez have written roughly a dozen new songs to accompany the film’s well-known hits. The movie’s co-director and screenwriter, Jennifer Lee, also returned to pen the book. The production also features sets and costumes by Christopher Oram, lighting design by Natasha Katz, sound design by Peter Hylenski, video design by Finn Ross, puppet design by Michael Curry, hair design by David Brian Brown, and makeup design by Anne Ford-Coates. 0 "Here Is the Complete List of Winners From the 2017 Billboard Music Awards Drake was the big winner at the 2017 Billboard Music Awards. In fact, the rapper took home 13 awards, making him the artist with the most in a single year -- beating Adele's record of 12. See the rest of the winners below: Top Artist: Adele Beyonce Justin Bieber The Chainsmokers Drake -- WINNER Ariana Grande Shawn Mendes Rihanna Twenty One Pilots The Weeknd Top New Artist: Alessia Cara Desiigner Lil Uzi Vert Lukas Graham Zayn -- WINNER Billboard Chart Achievement Award Presented by Xfinity: Luke Bryan Nicki Minaj The Chainsmokers The Weeknd Twenty One Pilots -- WINNER Top Male Artist: Justin Bieber Drake -- WINNER Future Shawn Mendes The Weeknd Top Female Artist: Adele Beyonce -- WINNER Ariana Grande Rihanna Sia Top Duo/Group: The Chainsmokers Coldplay Florida Georgia Line Guns N’ Roses Twenty One Pilots -- WINNER Top Billboard 200 Artist: Beyonce Drake -- WINNER Prince Twenty One Pilots The Weeknd Top Hot 100 Artist: The Chainsmokers Drake -- WINNER Rihanna Twenty One Pilots The Weeknd Top Song Sales Artist: The Chainsmokers Drake -- WINNER Prince Justin Timberlake Twenty One Pilots Top Radio Songs Artist: Justin Bieber The Chainsmokers Drake Rihanna Twenty One Pilots -- WINNER Top Streaming Songs Artist: The Chainsmokers Desiigner Drake -- WINNER Rihanna Twenty One Pilots Top Social Artist: Justin Bieber BTS -- WINNER Selena Gomez Ariana Grande Shawn Mendes Top Touring Artist: Justin Bieber Beyonce -- WINNER Coldplay Guns N’ Roses Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band Top R&B Artist: Beyonce -- WINNER Bruno Mars Frank Ocean Rihanna The Weeknd Top R&B Tour: Beyonce -- WINNER Lionel Richie Rihanna Top Rap Artist: J. Cole Desiigner Drake -- WINNER Future Rae Sremmurd Top Rap Tour Drake -- WINNER Future Kanye West Top Country Artist: Florida Georgia Line Blake Shelton -- WINNER Keith Urban Chris Stapleton Jason Aldean Top Country Tour: Luke Bryan Kenny Chesney -- WINNER Dixie Chicks Top Rock Artist: Coldplay The Lumineers Metallica Twenty One Pilots -- WINNER X Ambassadors Top Rock Tour: Coldplay -- WINNER Guns N’ Roses Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band Top Latin Artist: J Balvin Juan Gabriel -- WINNER Los Plebes Del Rancho De Ariel Camacho Maluma Nicky Jam Top Dance/Electronic Artist: The Chainsmokers -- WINNER Calvin Harris Major Lazer DJ Snake Lindsey Stirling Top Christian Artist: Lauren Daigle -- WINNER Hillsong Worship Hillary Scott & the Family Skillet Chris Tomlin Top Gospel Artist: Jekalyn Carr Kirk Franklin -- WINNER Travis Greene Tamela Mann Hezekiah Walker Top Billboard 200 Album: Beyonce, Lemonade Drake, Views -- WINNER Rihanna, Anti Twenty One Pilots, Blurryface The Weeknd, Starboy Top Soundtrack/Cast Album: Hamilton: An American Musical -- WINNER Moana Purple Rain Suicide Squad: The Album Trolls Top R&B Album: Beyonce, Lemonade -- WINNER Bruno Mars, 24K Magic Frank Ocean, Blonde Rihanna, Anti The Weeknd, Starboy Top Rap Album: J. Cole, 4 Your Eyez Only Drake, Views -- WINNER Kevin Gates, Isla DJ Khaled, Major Key A Tribe Called Quest, We Got It From Here…Thank You For Your Service Top Country Album: Jason Aldean, They Don’t Know Florida Georgia Line, Dig Your Roots Blake Shelton, If I’m Honest Chris Stapleton, Traveller -- WINNER Keith Urban, Ripcord Top Rock Album: The Lumineers, Cleopatra Metallica, Hardwired…To Self Destruct -- WINNER Radiohead, A Moon Shaped Pool Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Getaway Twenty One Pilots, Blurryface Top Latin Album: J Balvin, Energia CNCO, Primera Cita Juan Gabriel, Los Duo 2 -- WINNER Juan Gabriel, Vestido De Etiqueta: Por Eduardo Magallanes Los Plebes del Rancho de Ariel Camacho, Recuerden Mi Estilo Top Dance/Electronic Album: The Chainsmokers, Bouquet The Chainsmokers, Collage Flume, Skin Kygo, Cloud Nine Lindsey Stirling, Brave Enough -- WINNER Top Christian Album: Casting Crowns, The Very Next Thing Lauren Daigle, How Can It Be -- WINNER Joey + Rory, Hymns Hillary Scott & The Family, Love Remains Skillet, Unleashed Top Gospel Album: Tamela Mann, One Way -- WINNER Kirk Franklin, Losing My Religion Travis Greene, The Hill Tasha Cobbs, One Place: Live Hezekiah Walker, Better: Azusa - The Next Generation 2 Top Hot 100 Song: The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey, ""Closer” -- WINNER The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya, “Don’t Let Me Down” Drake Featuring WizKid & Kyla, “One Dance” Justin Timberlake, “Can’t Stop The Feeling!” Twenty One Pilots, “Heathens” Top Selling Song: The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey, “Closer” The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya, “Don’t Let Me Down” Drake Featuring, WizKid & Kyla “One Dance” Justin Timberlake, “Can’t Stop The Feeling!” -- WINNER Twenty One Pilots, “Heathens” Top Radio Song: The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey, “Closer” The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya, “Don’t Let Me Down” Drake Featuring WizKid & Kyla, “One Dance” Sia Featuring Sean Paul, “Cheap Thrills” Justin Timberlake, “Can’t Stop The Feeling!” -- WINNER Top Streaming Song (Audio): The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey, “Closer” Drake Featuring WizKid & Kyla, “One Dance” -- WINNER D.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty, “Broccoli” Rihanna, “Needed Me” The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk, “Starboy” Top Streaming Song (Video): The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey, “Closer” Desiigner, ""Panda"" -- WINNER Zay Hilfigerr & Zayion McCall, “JuJu On That Beat (TZ Anthem) Rae Sremmurd Featuring Gucci Mane, “Black Beatles” Twenty One Pilots, “Heathens” Top Collaboration: The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey, “Closer” -- WINNER The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya, “Don’t Let Me Down” Drake Featuring WizKid & Kyla, “One Dance” Sia Featuring Sean Paul, “Cheap Thrills” The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk, “Starboy” Top R&B Song: Drake Featuring WizKid & Kyla, “One Dance” -- WINNER Bruno Mars, “24K Magic” Rihanna, “Needed Me” Rihanna Featuring Drake, “Work” The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk, “Starboy” Top R&B Collaboration: Drake Featuring WizKid & Kyla, “One Dance” -- WINNER PARTYNEXTDOOR Featuring Drake, “Come And See Me” Rihanna Featuring Drake, “Work” The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk “I Feel It Coming” The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk, “Starboy” Top Rap Song: Desiigner, “Panda” -- WINNER Drake, “Fake Love” D.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty, “Broccoli” Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert, “Bad And Boujee” Rae Sremmurd Featuring Gucci Mane, “Black Beatles” Top Rap Collaboration: D.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty, “Broccoli” Zay Hilfigerr & Zayion McCall, “JuJu On That Beat (TZ Anthem) Machine Gun Kelly & Camila Cabello, “Bad Things” Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert, “Bad and Boujee” Rae Sremmurd Featuring Gucci Mane, “Black Beatles” -- WINNER Top Country Song: Kenny Chesney Featuring Pink, “Setting The World On Fire” Florida Georgia Line, “H.O.L.Y.” -- WINNER Florida Georgia Line Featuring Tim McGraw, “May We All” Little Big Town, “Better Man” Keith Urban, “Blue Ain’t Your Color” Top Country Collaboration: Dierks Bentley Featuring Elle King, “Different For Girls” Kenny Chesney Featuring Pink, “Setting The World On Fire” -- WINNER Eric Church Featuring Rhiannon Giddens, “Kill A Word” Florida Georgia Line Featuring Tim McGraw, “May We All” Chris Young Featuring Vince Gill, “Sober Saturday Night” Top Rock Song: Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons with Logic & Ty Dolla $ign Featuring X Ambassadors, “Sucker For Pain” Twenty One Pilots, “Heathens” -- WINNER Twenty One Pilots, “Ride” Twenty One Pilots, “Stressed Out” X Ambassadors, “Unsteady” Top Latin Song: Daddy Yankee, “Shaky Shaky” Enrique Iglesias Featuring Wisin, “Duele El Corazon” Nicky Jam, “Hasta El Amanecer” -- WINNER Shakira Featuring Maluma, “Chantaje” Carlos Vives & Shakira, “La Bicicleta” Top Dance/Electronic Song: The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey, “Closer” -- WINNER The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya, “Don’t Let Me Down” Calvin Harris Featuring Rihanna, “This Is What You Came For” Major Lazer Featuring Justin Bieber & MO, “Cold Water” DJ Snake Featuring Justin Bieber, “Let Me Love You” Top Christian Song: Lauren Daigle, “Trust In You” Hillary Scott & The Family, “Thy Will” -- WINNER Skillet, “Feel Invincible” Ryan Stevenson Featuring GabeReal, “Eye Of The Storm” Zach Williams, “Chain Breaker” Top Gospel Song: Jekalyn Carr, “You’re Bigger” Tasha Cobbs, Featuring Kierra Sheard “Put A Praise On It” Kirk Franklin, “Wanna Be Happy??” Travis Greene, “Made A Way” -- WINNER Hezekiah Walker, “Better” Billboard Music Awards nominees are based on key fan interactions with music, including album and digital songs sales, streaming, radio airplay, touring and social engagement. These measurements are tracked year-round by Billboard and its data partners, including Nielsen Music and Next Big Sound. The awards are based on the reporting period of March 18, 2016 through March 16, 2017. The 2017 Billboard Music Awards pre-show begins at 6pm ET from the T-Mobile Magenta Carpet. The ceremony airs live on ABC at 8pm ET from the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas." 0 CLOSE XXXTentacion has died, according to Broward County, Fla. police, after being shot in South Florida. Time This undated photo provided by the Broward's Sheriff's Office shows Trayvon Newsome. The fourth suspect in the shooting death of emerging South Florida rap star XXXTentacion has turned himself into authorities. (Photo: AP) FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The fourth suspect in the shooting death of emerging South Florida rap star XXXTentacion has turned himself in to authorities. The Broward County Sheriff's Office said in a statement Tuesday evening that 20-year-old Trayvon Newsome was taken into custody after surrendering at his lawyer's Fort Lauderdale office around 5 p.m. Newsome and three other men are accused of killing XXXTentacion (ex-ex-ex-ten-ta-see-YAWN) in June. The 20-year-old rap star, whose real name was Jahseh Onfroy, was fatally shot as he left a motorcycle dealership. Officials have said a struggle ensued when the rapper's sports car was blocked by another vehicle, two masked gunmen approached and shot XXXTentacion multiple times. The gunmen fled with a Louis Vuitton bag containing $50,000. Slain rapper XXXTentacion in an undated photo. (Photo: AP) Newsome was booked into Broward County's Main Jail on charges of first-degree murder and robbery with a deadly weapon. More: XXXTentacion murder suspect to get mental competency exam More: 3rd suspect arrested in slaying of rapper XXXTentacion Read or Share this story: https://usat.ly/2M24LtO 0 Katie Cassidy is remembering her father David Cassidy and reflecting on their ups and downs. On Friday, the Arrow actress shared a heartbreaking tweet honoring the late star, who died of organ failure Tuesday at the age of 67. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “Words cant express the solace our family’s received from all the love & support during this trying time,” she wrote. “My father’s last words were ‘So much wasted time.’ This will be a daily reminder for me to share my gratitude with those I love as to never waste another minute… Thank you.” Words cant express the solace our family’s received from all the love & support during this trying time. My father’s last words were “So much wasted time”. This will be a daily reminder for me to share my gratitude with those I love as to never waste another minute….thank you. — Katie Cassidy (@MzKatieCassidy) November 24, 2017 The Partridge Family star and Katie, 30, had a complicated relationship: Though Katie was raised by her mother, former model Sherry Williams, and her stepfather, Richard Benedon, David still played a role in her life. “Because I didn’t raise her, I didn’t have to parent her,” David told PEOPLE in 2009. “I’m always here and totally nonjudgmental.” “To be able to go to someone I’m genetically linked to, tell them anything and know that they’re not going to judge me — it’s unbelievable,” Katie said at the time. “It’s nice when your dad can be your friend.” But over time, the pair drifted apart. In February, David confessed to PEOPLE that the two were no longer in contact. “I wasn’t her father. I was her biological father but I didn’t raise her. She has a completely different life,” he explained. “[But] I’m proud of her. She’s very talented. It’s hard for me to even accept how old she is now.” Katie and David Cassidy in 2007 Krista Kennell/ZUMA RELATED: David Cassidy — Looking Back at the Late Teen Heartthrob’s Ups and Downs David had been in intensive care since he was hospitalized for liver and kidney failure last week. “On behalf of the entire Cassidy family, it is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our father, our uncle, and our dear brother, David Cassidy,” his family said in a statement to PEOPLE on Tuesday. “David died surrounded by those he loved, with joy in his heart and free from the pain that had gripped him for so long. Thank you for the abundance and support you have shown him these many years.” In addition to Katie, David is survived by son Beau Cassidy; brothers Shaun, Patrick and Ryan; stepmother Shirley Jones; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Plans for a memorial and funeral service have not yet been disclosed. 0 A new boy has arrived! Get push notifications with news, features and more. Zooey Deschanel and husband Jacob Pechenik recently welcomed their second child, son Charlie Wolf Pechenik, her rep confirms to PEOPLE exclusively. “Zooey, Jacob and their daughter Elsie are overjoyed to welcome the newest member of their family,” her rep tells PEOPLE. A separate source tells PEOPLE the little boy arrived last week in Los Angeles. Charlie joins big sister Elsie Otter, whom the couple welcomed in July 2015 shortly after saying their “I do”s. Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Babies newsletter. RELATED VIDEO: Zooey Deschanel Reveals Her Daughter Has an Adorable New Obsession A source confirmed to PEOPLE in January that the actress, 37, and her producer husband would be giving their daughter a sibling. “I’ve slowed things down a bit. I think it’s good for your whole self — your creative self, your professional self, and just your soul — to take a little time for yourself and your family,” Deschanel told Redbook for their May 2016 cover story. She added, “I’ve never really felt like an adult. But I think it’s a huge accomplishment to have a child so maybe I feel like an adult for that reason!” RELATED STORY: Zooey Deschanel Was “Excited” About the Perks of Flying with a Baby: “Traveling Is Really Hard” FROM COINAGE: The True Cost of Famous TV Apartments While it will take some time to determine whether Deschanel’s new son will follow in his sister’s fashionable footsteps, Elsie has carved quite the style path for her new little sibling. “She’s really obsessed with hats right now,” the actress told Ellen DeGeneres in October. “My mom wears hats a lot and we had dinner with her and as soon as my mom came up, Elsie said ‘Hat! Hat!’ “ “I think she’s just really proud of herself that she recognizes that,” Deschanel added. “If she walks in my closet, the hats are up on the top shelf, [and she points and says] ‘Haaat!’ [She’s] very excited.” 0 This marks the royal’s first official public appearance on his own since the wedding. We have learned that Prince Harry headed for a ‘private visit’ to Pitseng, Lesotho in South Africa without his new bride Meghan Markle. Apparently, Harry is set to be in attendance at the opening of a brand new dining hall at the Phelisanong Children’s Centres on behalf of the charity he co-founded with close pal Prince Seeiso back in 2006. One spokesperson for the charity Sentebale (‘forget me not’) released the following statement: ‘The Duke was on a private visit to view the work of Sentebale at a camp for helpless children and youngsters, as well as other projects funded by the same charity. During this private working visit to Sentebale, the Duke visited one of its community-led partners for the opening of a brand new dining hall. This was funded by the charity and is set to provide a space for kids to eat together and have indoor space to play.’ Meanwhile, on the charity’s official webpage it can be read that ‘Sentebale supports the mental health as well as the well-being of kids and young people affected by HIV in Lesotho and Botswana. Our programs of education and care provide the tools and knowledge that this vulnerable generation needs to live long, happy, healthy lives in the future.’ According to Kensington Palace, Harry will also be part of a board meeting of a conservation charity named Africa Parks, that he is an advocate for. However, it turns out that his little trip is set to end pretty soon as he also has to be there for Queen’s Young Leaders at Buckingham Palace reception on Tuesday. Advertisement Meghan Markle will be in attendance as well. 0 "Has Mariah Carey forbidden boyfriend Bryan Tanaka from seeing her without clothes or makeup on? That’s the sensational claim that’s been made in an article by Star Magazine. Apparently, Carey is so upset about her weight gain that she refuses to let Tanaka see her unless she’s fully clothed and made up. But Gossip Cop, a site that’s well known for debunking celebrity rumors, is claiming that the story is nothing but fake news. As Gossip Cop reports, Star Magazine has alleged that Mariah Carey gained 60 pounds during the summer and she has been hiding her body from her backup dancer-turned-boyfriend. “Bryan has told Mariah that he loves her no matter what she weighs, but Mimi still won’t let him see her without clothes on,” their reported insider said. The article goes on to say that Mariah has had special mirrors and lighting installed in her home which make her look thinner than she really is. She has reportedly done this because she thinks that making changes to her home would be easier than changing her body. But Gossip Cop contacted Mariah’s press rep who has denied that these rumors are true. Mariah’s rep says that the story is a fabrication and “ridiculous.” After the show it's the after party ???? @mastrosofficial A post shared by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on Aug 1, 2017 at 1:19am PDT #fbf Wearing a @charbelzoecouture in #Barcelona thank you for the beautiful dress! A post shared by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on Aug 18, 2017 at 10:36am PDT Mariah Carey is more than likely too busy working on new developments in her career to worry about rumors about her relationship with Bryan Tanaka. As Billboard reports, Carey recently shared a trailer for All I Want For Christmas Is You, an animated movie based on her hit Christmas song. The story will revolve around a young Mariah who wants nothing more than to get a particular puppy for Christmas. Her uncle tells her that the only way she can get the puppy is if she takes care of his dog over the holidays which leads to a very adventurous Christmas. Here’s the first look at my brand-new animated film, Mariah Carey’s ""All I Want For Christmas Is You""! #ALLIWANTMOVIE @AllIWantMovie pic.twitter.com/eOk0tTz89V — Mariah Carey (@MariahCarey) September 6, 2017 According to Billboard, the movie’s soundtrack will feature one new original song by Mariah alongside two renditions of holiday songs. All I Want For Christmas Is You will be released on November 14, 2017, on Blu-Ray, DVD, and online streaming. Do you think that Mariah Carey is in denial about her weight loss, so much so that she’s installed special mirrors in her home to make her look smaller? Is she so insecure about her body that she doesn’t even want Bryan Tanaka to see her without clothes on? Let us know what you think in the comments below. RELATED POSTS ON THE INQUISITR Is Mariah Carey Going Broke Amidst Constant Body Shaming Online? Mariah Carey Allegedly Forcing Children Into Spotlight Against Will: Diva’s Parenting Skills Questioned Mariah Carey: Star Has Skinny Mirrors All Over Her House? Not Letting Body-Shaming Affect Her [Featured Image by Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images for imPRint]" 1 What does brunch look like for you? For some, it may involve several mimosas and creamy eggs benedict. But for Julia Roberts, there’s only one word to describe it: Oprah. On Sunday, the 49-year-old Oscar winner kept it casual as she headed to Oprah’s brunch at her home in Montecito, Calif., where she glowed in a black blouse with dark-tinted sunglasses, a glass in one hand, and a blinding smile. And while any Julia Roberts appearance is enough to get us excited, the actress made heads turn as she arrived with her handsome husband Daniel Moder (the couple are parents to three children together). He wore a plaid shirt and sunglasses and kept his gorgeous wife company at the event. Image zoom Rob Latour/Variety/REX/Shutterstock So what goes down at a brunch with Oprah? The media mogul took to Instagram to talk about the brunch and her new book, The Wisdom of Sundays. She says proceeds from its sale go to her charity. Brunch at my house! Celebrating #WisdomOfSundays 📖 🙌🏾 A post shared by Oprah (@oprah) on Oct 15, 2017 at 3:17pm PDT In addition, the star also shared one epic photograph with guests at the event like Broadway star Cynthia Erivo. Music, food, and friends. That’s what Sundays are for. #WisdomOfSundays A post shared by Oprah (@oprah) on Oct 15, 2017 at 3:29pm PDT Can we come next time, Oprah? 0 "The scandal surrounding Bachelor in Paradise isn't over yet. The lawyer for contestant Corinne Olympios, who was at the center of the alleged misconduct that led to production being suspended on the ABC reality series, is speaking out hours after producer Warner Bros. announced that it had closed its internal investigation into the claim and that production on the current fourth season would resume. ""It needs to be made crystal clear that production of Bachelor in Paradise was shut down because of multiple complaints received from BIP producers and crewmembers on the set. It was not shut down due to any complaint filed by Corinne against anyone,"" Olympios' lawyer, Martin Singer, said in a statement. ""It comes as no surprise that Warner Bros., as a result of its own internal investigation, would state that no wrongdoing had occurred. Our own investigation will continue based on multiple new witnesses coming forward revealing what they saw and heard."" Early Tuesday, Warner Bros. TV announced that production would resume on the current fourth season of the spinoff after an internal investigation found no evidence of the alleged misconduct that was first reported on June 11. ""We can say, however, that the tape does not support any charge of misconduct by a castmember. Nor does the tape show, contrary to many press reports, that the safety of any castmember was ever in jeopardy,"" Warner Bros. said in a statement. Despite the delay in production, ABC confirmed that Bachelor in Paradise would air this summer as planned. ""We appreciate the swift and complete investigation by Warner Bros. into allegations of misconduct on the set of Bachelor in Paradise,"" a network spokesperson said in a statement. ""Given their results, the series will resume production, and will air this summer on ABC."" Shortly after announcing the cast for this summer's season on June 6, Warner Bros. halted production to investigate a misconduct incident on the Sayulita, Mexico, set. A producer filed a complaint over an alleged sexual encounter between two contestants who had been drinking, Olympios and DeMario Jackson. It remains unclear if the producer witnessed the incident or had seen the footage, though sources tell The Hollywood Reporter Olympios was ""lucid"" and ""conversational"" on the tape. Still, since alcohol was involved, there was a question of whether one or both parties may have been too intoxicated to give consent. The season four castmates were sent back to the U.S. the same day Warner Bros. announced the investigation, with most arriving home by June 12. When the cast was told to pack their bags, they were informed that they ""might"" return. It remains unclear if either Jackson or Olympios will return to continue filming. Both Olympios and Jackson lawyered up in the days following the production suspension, with Olympios retaining top Hollywood litigator Singer and Jackson hiring L.A.-based attorney Walter Mosley. Olympios issued her first and so far only statement about the matter on June 14. ""I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened on June 4,"" she said at the time. ""Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place, which I understand is why production on the show has now been suspended and a producer on the show has filed a complaint against the production. ""As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality. As I pursue the details and facts surrounding that night and the immediate days after, I have retained a group of professionals to ensure that what happened on June 4 comes to light and I can continue my life, including hiring an attorney to obtain justice and seeking therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening."" While many of those associated with the show, including series creator Mike Fleiss, host Chris Harrison and several of the contestants from the current season celebrated Warner Bros.' decision to resume filming, other insiders are questioning the move after Bachelor in Paradise appeared all but destined for cancellation in recent days following fallout from the scandal. As part of its lengthy statement Tuesday, Warner Bros. said it plans to ""implement changes to the show's policies and procedures to enhance and further ensure the safety and security of all participants."" It also remains unclear what will happen to the tape of the alleged incident at the center of the investigation, which Warner Bros. said Tuesday it does not plan to release ""out of respect for the privacy interests of those involved."" That videotape could be a key piece of evidence in Singer's ongoing investigation into what transpired. Before being selected for Bachelor in Paradise, Olympios appeared on season 21 of The Bachelor, where she competed for Nick Viall's affections. She placed fourth." 0 Scarlett Johansson has exited the drama film “Rub and Tug” a little more than a week after her casting sparked backlash amid trans groups and activists, a source with knowledge of the situation confirms to Variety. “In light of recent ethical questions raised surrounding my casting as Dante Tex Gill, I have decided to respectfully withdraw my participation in the project,” Johansson told Out Magazine, which first reported the news, in a statement. “Our cultural understanding of transgender people continues to advance, and I’ve learned a lot from the community since making my first statement about my casting and realize it was insensitive. I have great admiration and love for the trans community and am grateful that the conversation regarding inclusivity in Hollywood continues. According to GLAAD, LGBTQ+ characters dropped 40% in 2017 from the previous year, with no representation of trans characters in any major studio release.” “While I would have loved the opportunity to bring Dante’s story and transition to life, I understand why many feel he should be portrayed by a transgender person, and I am thankful that this casting debate, albeit controversial, has sparked a larger conversation about diversity and representation in film,” the statement continues. “I believe that all artists should be considered equally and fairly. My production company, These Pictures, actively pursues projects that both entertain and push boundaries. We look forward to working with every community to bring these most poignant and important stories to audiences worldwide.” Related Scarlett Johansson Snaps Up Secluded Home in New York State Celebrity Enclave Avengers, 'Community' Stars Assemble to Welcome Joe Russo's New Restaurant Simone New Regency won an auction for the movie on July 2, and it was set to be directed by Rupert Sanders, who previously worked with Johansson on “Ghost in the Shell.” “Rub and Tug” focused on Dante “Tex” Gill, a crime kingpin who used his massage parlor as a front for prostitution in the ’70s and ’80s. Gill lived his life as a trans man, which led many on social media to wonder why a trans actor wasn’t tapped for the role. “Oh word?? So you can continue to play us but we can’t play y’all?” Trace Lysette, a transgender actress best known for appearing on Amazon’s “Transparent,” wrote on Twitter after the casting announcement. “Hollywood is so f—ed… I wouldn’t be as upset if I was getting in the same rooms as Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett for cis roles, but we know that’s not the case. A mess.” “Actors who are trans never even get to audition FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN ROLES OF TRANS CHARACTERS,” tweeted Jamie Clayton, another transgender actress known for her role on “Sense8.” “THATS THE REAL ISSUE. WE CANT EVEN GET IN THE ROOM. Cast actors WHO ARE TRANS as NON TRANS CHARACTERS. I DARE YOU.” Johansson’s rep previously sent a statement to several media outlets in response to the backlash, which didn’t help to quell the controversy: “Tell them that they can be directed to Jeffrey Tambor, Jared Leto, and Felicity Huffman’s reps for comment.” GLAAD responded to the news with a statement on Friday, celebrating the decision as well as those who spoke out against the casting. “Scarlett Johansson’s announcement, together with the transgender voices who spoke out about this film, are game changers for the future of transgender images in Hollywood,” said GLAAD president and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. “Hollywood changed how Americans understand gay and lesbian lives, and TV is starting to do the same for transgender people with authentic transgender portrayals being major hits with critics and audiences. The film industry has a real opportunity to do the same.” It’s currently unclear where production stands on “Rub and Tug” after Johansson’s exit. 0 In 2000, I attended Britney Spears 'Oops!... I Did It Again Tour' at Manchester Arena with my best friend and Mum, wearing a pink 'Baby One More Time' T-shirt and my hair in Spears-inspired pigtails. The second I saw the then 19-year-old Mississippi born singer step onto the stage with a microphone headset, I distinctly remember bursting into tears until her final song, 'Lucky'. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below No seriously, I uncontrollably blubbed throughout the whole concert that my Mum repeatedly had to ask me to sit down and take some deep breathes between songs. Getty Images This moment, coupled with the fact I stood by the gates of the MEN Arena for two hours waiting (in vain) for the singer to sign an autograph didn't seem to dampen my spirits (obsession) for the star. Well, that was until the car ride home when I overheard my parents discussing the fact she lip-synced throughout the whole show. Suffice to say, I was horrified at their accusations. Did my parents not realise this teenage musical goddess - who could not only backflip, shoot hoops, wear pink pieces of fluff in her hair and make dancing on a chair seem like an Olympic sport - couldn't possibly deceive her young fans by mouthing along to a pre-recorded track? Well, finally the 35-year-old has addressed the years of lip-syncing accusations and let's just say, she's not impressed. You hear that Mum and Dad, Britney isn't happy. Getty Images In an interview with an Israeli television show prior to her performance in Tel Aviv next week, according to EW, the singer opened up about her feelings towards the rumours. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 'I'm glad you're addressing this question because it's really funny. 'A lot of people think that I don't sing live. I usually, because I'm dancing so much, I do have a little bit of playback, but there's a mixture of my voice and the playback,' she added. Getty Images Spears then went onto address how hard she's worked as a singer and dancer over the years. 'It really pisses me off because I am busting my ass out there and singing at the same time and nobody ever really gives me credit for it, you know?' she added. Look guys, just you try to sing and dance to 'I'm A Slave For You' wearing a bejewlled bikini top, platform heels and a python around your neck. You might want a little backing music to help too, okay? Bravo, Britney. Bravo.* *Still waiting on that autograph, FYI 0 We know all too well the struggle of squeezing into lycra on a hot summer’s day. And don’t get us started on what we look like when we attempt to wriggle into a wetsuit (the image of Free Willy comes to mind...). However, one person who appears to have no problem with donning clothing of the skin-tight variety is Hollywood star Jenna Dewan, and we are in awe. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Last night, the newly single dancer/actress posted a video of herself dancing with her World Of Dance judges and let’s just say, she’s looking h-o-t. In the clip, the mother-of-one - who recently announced her split from husband of eight years Channing Tatum - can be seen spinning, throwing her leg up in the air, and slapping her derrière. For the dance-off, the star's blunt cropped hair-do has been styled into wet-look curls, which is perfectly complemented by her silver-hued smokey eyeshadow and pillar-box red lip. In the clip, she also dances with Dancing With The Stars alum, Derek Hough, who spins the Step Up star upside down. ‘YA’LL we had so much fun making this for you!!!’ Dewan captioned the video. The star’s post comes days after singer Nick Jonas was caught innocently flirting with the 37-year-old on Instagram following the Billboard Music Awards. In a post of her outfit from the night, Dewan captioned the snap 'Billboard Awards- 'twas such a fun night!!! Thank you for having me! #bbmas', prompting the crooner to comment 'Twas. 'Twasn't it.' Even Jenna’s stylist, Brad Goreski, was quick to pick up on the not-so-subtle flirtation tactic. ‘Omg nick Jonas commented!!!!’ he gushed. Relatable. #CommentsByCelebs A post shared by @ commentsbycelebs on May 21, 2018 at 9:55am PDT In another promo for the NBC show posted by Jennifer Lopez, the Bronx-born singer busts a move in an oversized ‘JLo’ emblazoned sports jersey, much to the delight of her co-stars Dewan, Hough and singer Ne-Yo. Ladies, fancy teaching us some of your moves? 1 Some historic moments pass in one fell swoop. President Abraham Lincoln’s reading of the Gettysburg Address lasted only two or three minutes. Last year, Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps smashed an ancient record when he swam the 200-meter individual medley in 1 minute and 54.66 seconds. And then for a brief window on Thursday evening, 330 million Twitter users slid into a world without @realDonaldTrump. President Donald Trump’s Twitter account — from which he aggressively confronts those who displease him, suggests North Korea “may not be around much longer!” and promotes Trump Tower taco bowls — disappeared. Twitter initially posted a statement Thursday night saying Trump’s “account was inadvertently deactivated due to human error by a Twitter employee.” Earlier today @realdonaldtrump’s account was inadvertently deactivated due to human error by a Twitter employee. The account was down for 11 minutes, and has since been restored. We are continuing to investigate and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again. — Twitter Government (@TwitterGov) November 3, 2017 For those few minutes, visitors to Trump’s account were simply met with the message, “Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!” “The account was down for 11 minutes, and has since been restored,” the statement read. “We are continuing to investigate and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again.” But then two hours later, Twitter updated its statement saying that an investigation showed the deactivation “was done by a Twitter customer support employee who did this on the employee’s last day.” Twitter said it would be conducting a full internal review. The company’s tweet: Earlier today @realdonaldtrump’s account was inadvertently deactivated due to human error by a Twitter employee. The account was down for 11 minutes, and has since been restored. We are continuing to investigate and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again. Trump has used the account since March 2009. He has tweeted more than 36,000 times and has 41.7 million followers. Trump has spoken publicly about his reliance on Twitter before. In an interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business Network last month, Trump credited his use of social media as among the reasons he was elected. “You have to keep people interested also,” he said. “You know, you have to keep people interested.” Twitter also serves as among Trump’s main tools for deflecting criticisms and attacks. In the same interview, Trump said that “When somebody says something about me, I am able to go bing, bing, bing and I take care of it.” Trump conceded that those close to him try to steer him away from social media. But he insists on tweeting — spelling errors included — as a weapon against “fake news.” Trump’s account may have been “inadvertently” deactivated Thursday, but Twitter has also had to defend its decision not to take down particular presidential tweets. In a six-tweet thread in September, Trump issues what some took as a threat directed at North Korea. “Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won’t be around much longer!” Trump wrote. As The Post has reported, Twitter prohibits tweets that include violent threats, which some argued was Trump’s intention. Twitter responded saying a number of factors go into account when evaluating controversial content, including its “newsworthiness” and whether it has “public interest.” Those tweets confronting North Korea followed other instances where critics called for Trump’s account to be more closely controlled, such as when he tweeted an edited video of himself beating somebody up, the victim’s face replaced by a CNN logo. And then there are the accounts that Twitter has chosen to suspend. Last month, the actress Rose McGowan took to Twitter to challenge Ben Affleck on his claim that he knew nothing of Harvey Weinstein’s decades-long history of sexual assault and violence towards women. “You lie,” McGowan wrote in one tweet. But another tweet led to the temporarily suspension of her account. Despite initially declining to comment on the content of that specific tweet, Twitter later explained that McGowan’s “account was temporarily locked because one of her Tweets included a private phone number, which violates our Terms of Service.” On Thursday alone, Trump used his account to congratulate the Houston Astros for winning the World Series, call on Congress to “TERMINATE” the diversity visa lottery and announce the nomination of Jerome Powell as the next chair of the Federal Reserve. Trump was back tweeting at 8:05 p.m., praising the day’s “Great Tax Cut rollout.” “The lobbyists are storming Capital Hill, but the Republicans will hold strong and do what is right for America!” It was as if he never left. 0 The following story contains major spoilers about Homeland‘s Season 5 finale. Stop reading if the episode is still sitting on your DVR. Homeland ended its fifth season Sunday with the presumed death of Rupert Friend’s Quinn. His already-bleak condition took a turn for the worse when the super-sniper suffered a brain hemorrhage. Even if he was to recover, he would’ve been left with severe brain damage, his doc explained to Carrie. That prompted Carrie to remove his pulse monitor before — presumably — pulling the plug (or smothering him?) in the episode’s closing minutes. (Or did Quinn stop breathing on his own, as one reader noted in the comments below?) Earlier, Dar handed her the letter Quinn had written her at the end of last season on the off chance he didn’t survive that covert Syrian mission. Here’s the full text of his heartbreaking farewell note: Carrie. I guess I’m done. And we never happened. I’m not one for words, but they’re coming now. I don’t believe in fate, or destiny, or horoscopes, but I can’t say I’m surprised things turned out this way. I always thought there was something kind of pulling me back to darkness. But I wasn’t allowed a real life. Or a real love. That was for normal people. With you I thought maybe just maybe. But I know now that was a false glimmer. I’m used to… they happen all of the time in the desert, but this one got to me. And here’s the thing, this death, this end of me is exactly what should’ve happened. I wanted the darkness. I f—ing asked for it. And it has me now. So don’t put a star on the wall for me. Don’t say some dumb speech. Just think of me as a light on the heavens. A beacon. Steering you clear of the wrongs. I loved you. —Yours, for always now, Quinn. (Quick sidebar: While it’s true we didn’t actually see Carrie pull the plug, given the extent of Quinn’s brain injury, Homeland would risk mass ridicule if it returned in Season 6 with Quinn still alive; he’s dead, people.) Other highlights from Season 5’s final hour: * The chemical weapons attack in the Berlin subway station was averted, thanks to Carrie and good samaritan Qasim (may he R.I.P.). * Saul cut a deal with Ivan — witness protection in the U.S. in exchange for delivering the duplicitous Allison to him. He came through with his end of the bargain, pinpointing Allison’s whereabouts as she was being smuggled across the border in the trunk of a black sedan. The second the vehicle was in his sights, Saul ordered it fired upon; Allison was killed instantly. RELATED ‘Homeland Is Racist’ Message Sneaks Into Season 5 Episode; EP Responds * Laura and Numan were arrested by the BND for the role they played in stealing those sensitive documents. Astrid then floated a deal by Laura — publicly throw the late Marwan under the bus and, in return, her hacker buddy Numan won’t be deported. Laura reluctantly accepted it. (I’m gonna miss that scowl of hers.) * Carrie and Jonas had makeup sex and then he promptly dumped her. * Carrie — via Saul — was offered by the CIA a chance to “pick her next mission, design your own team” — a gig she flatly declined. “I’m not that person anymore,” she explained to Saul. Otto later made his own, far creepier job offer to Carrie — be his partner in work and life. She agreed to sleep on it. What did you think of the finale? Got theories about the setting and conceit of Season 6? Grade the episode below and then hit the comments! 0 He won in three categories at the 2017 American Music Awards on Sunday night. But Keith Urban only wanted to share the moment and his prizes with wife Nicole Kidman at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. The country singer was surprised with two more wins when he hit the stage to pick up his gong for Favorite Male Artist (Country). Scroll down for video... Couple goals! While he won in three categories at the 2017 American Music Awards on Sunday night, Keith Urban only wanted to share the moment and his prizes with wife Nicole Kidman at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles So in love! The country singer was surprised with two more wins when he hit the stage to pick up his gong for Favorite Male Artist (Country) Presenting him the award was Justin Hartley and Kathryn Hahn, who revealed he would also be winning for favorite Country Song and Country Album. Hahn said he didn't have enough hands for all the gongs. In response Hartley handed two of the trophies to Nicole who was sitting front row in the audience. Keith was overcome with emotion as he said in response to his wife holding up his gongs: 'Absolutely you should be sharing these my love!' Here you go! Justin Hartley handed two of the trophies to Nicole who was sitting front row in the audience Proud wife: Nicole brandished the trophies in the air as her husband spoke onstage Keith was overcome with emotion as he said in response to his wife holding up his gongs: 'Absolutely you should be sharing these my love!' 'To my fans you are the best in the world,' he continued. 'Baby girl,' he said addressing Nicole, 'I share these with you tonight and our baby girls at home.' Keith won for his album Ripchord and his single Blue Ain't Your Color. Meanwhile, earlier that night the darling couple donned matching black ensembles ahead of the show as they walked the red carpet. Triple crowned: Presenting him the award was Justin Hartley and Kathryn Hahn, who revealed he would also be winning for favorite Country Song and Country Album He needs his partner: Hahn said he didn't have enough hands for all the gongs 'To my fans you are the best in the world,' he continued. 'Baby girl,' he said addressing Nicole, 'I share these with you tonight and our baby girls at home.' Good luck charm: Nicole planted a playful smooch on her husband's trophies Keith was caught in a gaze as Nicole posed by herself and showed off her fantastic figure in a strappy black velour dress. Looking slender as ever, peeks of her porcelain skin popped through a thigh-baring slit in her flowing black dress. She laced up a pair of towering thigh-high black leather boots for her appearance at the awards show. Cuddle puddle: The duo looked so in love as they sat front row before the big win Selfie time: Keith could not get enough of his gorgeous wife Sweetness: The pair seemed to be intent on packing on as much PDA as possible Hello there: Nicole and Kieth - both 50 - showed that couples who dress together, stay together on the red carpet All black everything: The darling couple donned matching black ensembles ahead of the show where Keith is nominated for Favorite Male Artist - Country Monochrome: She laced up a pair of towering thigh-high black leather boots for her appearance at the awards show Keith bared some skin as well in a skin-tight see through black shirt which showed off pieces of an extravagant tattoo across his chest. The You'll Think of Me country crooner donned a pair of skin-tight black leather pants over his long legs. He added a long black blazer to his eclectic outfit, with black suede boots laced onto his feet. Subtle: Looking slender as ever, peeks of her porcelain skin popped through a thigh-baring slit in her flowing black dress Matching: Keith bared some skin as well in a skin-tight see through black shirt which showed off pieces of an extravagant tattoo across his chest Smile! Urban is nominated for the Favorite Male Artist - Country award alongside Sam Hunt and Thomas Rhett Urban is nominated for the Favorite Male Artist - Country award alongside Sam Hunt and Thomas Rhett. Nicole cozied up to Pink once inside the Microsoft Theater, where the stars smiled during the show before Keith joined in for a laugh and perfectly positioned himself on the singer's lap. In May, Nicole was crowned Australia's richest celebrity, earning a whopping $347million and hitting number 97 on the Australian Financial Review's 2017 rich list. Nicole and Keith, along with their daughters Sunday Rose, nine, and Faith Margaret, six, split their time between their sprawling $4.9million Nashville mansion and their 110 acre estate in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales. The family-friendly mansion was purchased by the Big Little Lies star and her musician husband in 2008 and is worth around $6.5million. Lovely ladies: Nicole cozied up to Pink once inside the Microsoft Theater Take a seat! Keith joined in for a laugh and perfectly positioned himself on the singer's lap Excited: Pink looked extremely excited to be chatting to Nicole Hanging out: Pink and fellow musician Nick Jonas posed inside the event In the audience: Keith and Nicole couldn't keep their hands off one another 0 Nicole Kidman is keeping it low-key for the big 5-0. The Big Little Lies actress recently revealed she’s ringing in the milestone 50th birthday with her husband Keith Urban, her kids and close family. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “[I want] to hang with my divine husband and my kids and my sister,” Kidman told E! News as she walked the red carpet at the Los Angeles premiere of her upcoming thriller The Beguiled. The actress, who turns 50 on June 20, added, “I’ve already been to Australia and saw my mom and it’s too far for her to travel but my sister is coming over with all her children. She has six kids.” Kidman and Urban share two daughters, Sunday, 8, and Faith, 6. She also has two adult children, Isabella, 24, and Connor, 22, from her marriage to Tom Cruise. “That’s it for me,” she continued. “I don’t need any big parties; I just need my family around me. If I have my family around me I am happy.” From PEN: Why Nicole Kidman Loves Living in Nashville: ‘I Was Meant to Go There’ Kidman elaborated on her preference for quiet birthdays in February, telling PEOPLE, “I always say, I get enough attention, so the last thing I need is a huge birthday party. I’m like, ‘low-key. Please low-key!’ But definitely make me a cake.” She added, “My favorite is coconut cake. I love coconut cake with 7-minute icing.” But for the jet-setting Oscar winner, just having a day off would be a gift. Last week, Kidman successfully pulled a red carpet hat-trick, stepping out in support of three events in three days. She was at the Hammerstein Ballroom on for the 2017 CFDA Awards, then to London’s Berkeley Square Gardens for the Glamour Women Of The Year awards and finally the CMT Awards in Nashville, where she cheered on Urban and Carrie Underwood during their duet, “The Fighter.” She also watched her husband win three different awards. 0 The Originals is getting The Vampire Diaries treatment. Exactly a year after the end date for The Vampire Diaries was announced, The Originals creator/showrunner Julie Plec unveiled that the upcoming fifth season of the TVD spinoff will be its last. (read her entire heartfelt post below) Like with the original series, The Originals, which will return for its last chapter next midseason, will get a chance to craft a final chapter and allow fans to bid the show a proper good-bye. The Originals, which also had a midseason run this past season, was on the bubble as some had doubts whether the series could stand on its own without TVD but the vampire drama did solid ratings business succeeding the mothership series on Friday. MORE TO COME 0 "She's set to make her first appearance on Saturday Night Live on Saturday, to coincide with her album release. And Cardi B was doing nothing to quash pregnancy rumours as she performed a warm-up gig on Friday night. The 25-year-old rapper wore a voluminous frilly dress to hide her figure, for the appearance at E11EVEN club in Miami, Florida. Baggy dress: Cardi B was doing nothing to quash pregnancy rumours as she performed a warm-up gig on Friday night The metallic off-the-shoulder puffy pink gown swamped the Bronx-native, fueling speculation she's expecting a baby with Migos rapper Offset. The Bodack Yellow hitmaker, who has kept silent on the subject, sported a vamped up platinum hair-do. The musician - whose given name is Belcalis Almanzar - certainly didn't have puffy ankles to worry about - showcasing her nicely turned ankles in vertiginous Christian Louboutin silver heels. Stepping out: The 25-year-old rapper wore a voluminous frilly dress to hide her figure, for the appearance at E11EVEN club in Miami, Florida Her nails certainly didn't look ready to change a diaper any time soon, as they were fiercely long and pointed, with a metallic polish. The star - whose debut album is aptly titled Invasion Of Privacy - has insisted she won't comment on the reports she's expecting a baby with her fiance. The artist explained on Thursday why she was staying silent, telling people that they should listen to her upcoming album if they want to discover things she'd rather rap about than talk about, during an interview on Apple Music out Thursday. Striking: The metallic off-the-shoulder puffy pink gown swamped the Bronx-native, fueling speculation she's expecting a baby with Migos rapper Offset Blonde ambition: The Bodack Yellow hitmaker, who has kept silent on the subject, sported a vamped up platinum hair-do Sharp: Her nails certainly didn't look ready to change a diaper any time soon, as they were fiercely long and pointed, with a metallic polish Sole survivor: The musician - whose given name is Belcalis Almanzar - certainly didn't have puffy ankles to worry about - showcasing her nicely turned ankles in vertiginous Christian Louboutin silver heels Keeping mum: The star - whose debut album is aptly titled Invasion Of Privacy - has insisted she won't comment on the reports she's expecting a baby with her fiance Hot right now: She's set to make her first appearance on Saturday Night Live on Saturday, to coincide with her album release Speaking to Ebro Darden, the starlet said: 'I feel like people just got to tune in a little bit on my album and they will know a little bit more because I can't address all the rumors and everything. 'I have been so open to people about myself. People cannot expect me to be open about everything. Certain things to me, it has to be private. You cannot invade my privacy,' said B ahead of her Friday album release. Cardi - who became engaged to Offset in October last year - blasted the idea that she should be open like an 'animal in the zoo', and hinted that people would only know if she was pregnant 'if it [the baby] arrives'. Speaking during an interview for Beats 1 Radio, Cardi said: 'I'm not a damn animal at the zoo that you just could see everything, no. People will just find out more. If it arrives, if it don't arrive, then you gonna know what the f**k is going on.' At the beginning of December, 2017, Cardi B said that she and Offset plan to spend $1 million on their wedding. Loved up: One member Offset is also engaged to rapper Cardi B who happens to be the hottest up-and-comer in hip-hop, as the couple are pictured together in February 'We're going to spend over a million,' she told BBC Radio One’s Charlie Sloth. The pregnancy rumors come after Offset's iCloud was hacked and photos and footage was leaked of him with another girl. Cardi forgave her beau for the gaffe, and said she doesn't owe an explanation to those who wonder why she didn't leave the star. She said: 'It's like everybody is coming down my neck like, ""Why are you not leaving him? You have low self-esteem."" 'I don't have low self-esteem ... I know I look good. I know I'm rich, I know I'm talented. I know I could get any man I want - any basketball player, football player. 'But I want to work out my s**t with my man, and I don't got to explain why. I'm not your property. This is my life... I'm going to take my time, and I'm going to decide on my decision... 'It's not right, what he f***ing did, but people don't know what I did, 'cause I ain't no angel.' While Cardi was willing to forgive the Motorsport rapper (seen in her Bartier Crdi video above) for his indiscretion, she was less understanding about people's unsolicited advice, saying 'It's like everybody is coming down my neck' Last year, she signed a record deal with Atlantic Records, whose other artists include Bruno Mars and Ed Sheeran. Cardi B’s ‘Bodak Yellow’ topped Billboard 100 for three consecutive weeks and her boyfriend, Migos’ Offset, became her fiancé when he proposed to her in October. Her first music appearance was in November 2015, on Shaggy’s ‘Boom Boom’ remix single. Following two mixtapes, Gangsta B*tch Music, Vol. 1 and Gangsta B*tch, Vol. 2, the rapper signed a record deal with Atlantic Records in February, 2017. In May of the same year, Cardi B was nominated for Best New Artist and Best Female Hip-Hop Artist at the 2017 BET Awards. In January 2018, Cardi B surpassed Beyonce as the first female artist to have five Top 10 singles in the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop chart in the same week. She is also featured on Bruno Mars’s ‘Finesse (Remix)’ and appeared in the accompanying 90s video." 0 After receiving disappointingly low scores from the judges during the U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Ashley Wagner spoke out against the judges who stood between her and her dream of competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics. After Friday’s competition — in which Wagner finished in fourth place — she revealed that was was “absolutely furious,” according to The Salt Lake Tribune. Get push notifications with news, features and more. The 26-year-old Olympic bronze medalist added that “For me to put out two programs that I did at this competition as solid as I skated and to get those scores, I am furious, and I think deservedly so.” Matthew Stockman/Getty Images “I honestly think that at the end of the day, this is how I feel, and I feel like I need to stick up for myself, and I think that I delivered when I really needed to,” Wagner continued. “I think all these girls delivered when they needed to, but I want to be on that Olympic team and I’m really mad that I’m in this position again.” Although Wagner was given the chance to represent the United States at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi after finishing in fourth in the U.S. Championships that year — edging out skater Mirai Nagasu who had finished in third place — on Saturday it was announced that Wagner would not be so lucky again. She was named as Team USA’s first alternate. RELATED VIDEO: Even Olympians Have Bad Days! Figure Skater Ashley Wagner Shares What Keeps Her Going Wagner previously opened up to PEOPLE about what it would have meant to get to compete in the Pyeongchang Olympics as a 26-year-old woman. “To be a 26-year-old woman on the ice is an achievement in this sport because you’re working against a lot of different things,” she said. “If I got to Pyeongchang, I will be the oldest U.S. female figure skating athlete since 1924 or something like that — so I think it really goes to show that my longevity is something that’s very, very rare. And I’m really proud of that, and it’s because I’m so freakin’ stubborn.” And while the road to Pyeongchang was not always easy for the three-time national champion, Wagner never lost sight of her goal. “I think that if anyone tells you that they’ve been that hungry every single day of their career, they’re not being honest,” Wagner added. “You have days where you don’t want to train. I mean, I’ve been skating for 22 years — this absolutely gets old. But it’s one of those things where I set a goal when I was 6, 7 years old and I owe it to that little girl … to see this through.” Ashley Wagner Khloe Kardashian/Snapchat The 2018 Games, beginning on Feb. 8, would have been Wagner’s third Olympic experience. In addition to receiving a bronze medal at the team-skating event at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, she was a first alternate at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. The three women who were chosen to compete for the United States in Pyeongchang next month are Bradie Tennell, Karen Chen and Mirai Nagasu — the figure skater who Wagner beat out for a spot on the Olympic team in 2014. 0 The Carter clan is growing! Beyoncé and Jay Z welcomed twins earlier this week, multiple sources confirm to Us Weekly. Queen Bey, 35, announced in February that she and the rapper, 47, were expanding their family. “We would like to share our love and happiness,” Beyoncé captioned an Instagram photo of her bare bump at the time. “We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes.” The “Hold Up” singer documented her pregnancy on social media and made several red carpet appearances while expecting. Although she had to pull out of her headlining Coachella appearance, she attended the Grammys, the Beauty and the Beast premiere and the inaugural Wearable Art Gala at the California African American Museum. The couple’s new twins join their daughter Blue Ivy, 5. “They have been trying for a long time and now to be blessed with twins they are so over the moon. It’s even better than they wished for,” a source exclusively told Us earlier this year. “Blue is so excited to be a big sister!” Beyoncé and Jay Z tied the knot in 2008 and recently celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary. Showbiz 411 was the first to report the twins’ birth. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 "Corinne Olympios is opening up in her first live interview about how she says she came to black out while Bachelor in Paradise cameras were rolling. On Tuesday's Good Morning America, the reality star talked about the incident between herself and DeMario Jackson that led to the ABC show halting production while Warner Bros. investigated complaints of misconduct. ""I really don't remember much at all,"" Olympios told GMA's Amy Robach. ""I remember nothing from the situation and it was just really unfortunate."" DeMario Jackson on 'Bachelor in Paradise' Scandal -- 'Who Would Say No to Corinne?' Olympios said that her memory loss was due to excessive drinking and a medication she was taking, which she doesn't identify. ""I did drink, you know, too much. I definitely understand that, but I was also on a medication that severely blacks you out and impairs your judgment and messes with your balance,"" she noted. ""I didn't know you were supposed to not drink on it. So, it really just caused a horrible, horrible blackout. It was like I went under anesthesia and just woke up."" MORE: 'Bachelor in Paradise' Premiere -- A Timeline of Corinne and DeMario's Interactions Before the Big Shutdown Olympios said she has since watched some of the footage from BiP as well as the first episode of the show. ""It's like I'm watching not me, I'm watching someone else,"" she said. ""I was, like, in shock."" Since the incident, Olympios admitted that she's made some changes in her life. ""I definitely am weening off that medication,"" she shared. ""It was very scary what happened, and I cut down the drinking."" MORE: 'Bachelor in Paradise' Star DeMario Jackson in Tears Over Mom's Reaction to the Scandal As for her feelings towards Jackson following the scandal, Olympios insisted, ""I wish him well. There's no bad blood there. I wish him well always."" She also doesn't blame the producers for halting production over the incident. ""I would hope that if a producer saw anything that was uncomfortable with with anyone [that] they would do the proper investigations to make sure that everybody is safe,"" she said. ""I am super thankful."" MORE: Corinne Olympios Has 2 New TV Projects In the Works! That being said, Olympios does see herself as a ""victim of the media."" ""All of a sudden people became an expert on the situation and what happened. I'm still trying to figure out what happened. It was just horrible to deal with,"" she said of the media firestorm that ensued after news broke of the scandal. ""It got really, really bad. I mean, it got a lot better, but the things people say is just insane."" Olympios will tell more of her side of the story to Chris Harrison on Tuesday's episode of Bachelor in Paradise. Related Gallery" 0 "Breaking News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. / Updated By Tim Stelloh Former president George H.W. Bush was hospitalized Sunday with low blood pressure and fatigue, a family spokesman said. Bush, 93, is ""awake and alert, and not in any discomfort,"" said the spokesman, Jim McGrath, adding that the nation's oldest living president will likely remain at Southern Maine Medical Center for a few days. The hospitalization comes roughly a month after the death of Bush's wife, Barbara, who was 92. Bush, who lives in Houston, is in Kennebunkport, Maine, where he has partly spent summers since childhood. Bush has a rare syndrome that mimics Parkinson’s disease and has been hospitalized repeatedly in recent years for respiratory problems. Last month, he was admitted to Houston Methodist Hospital after contracting a blood infection." 0 hollywood Celebrities find out about their Emmys nominations in many unique ways, but it seems like actress Elisabeth Moss found about hers in the most inimitable style Elisabeth Moss accepts the award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series for 'The Handmaid's Tale' during the 69th Emmy Awards at the Microsoft Theatre in Los Angeles. Pic/AFP Celebrities find out about their Emmys nominations in many unique ways, but it seems like actress Elisabeth Moss found about hers in the most inimitable style. The star of 'The Handmaid's Tale', who arrived at the Red Carpet of 2017 Emmy Awards in a custom Prabal Gurung gown, revealed that she got to know about her Emmy nomination courtesy of a shirtless GIF. She said, 'I got a text with a GIF of Anthony Rizzo from the Chicago Cubs clapping. I mean, that's always a good thing, Anthony Rizzo with his shirt off. That's always good news.' The 35-year-old actress, who is nominated for an Emmy in Outstanding Lead actress in a Drama Series, feels that it's exactly the matter that makes it resonate so well with the audience and inspires her fans to share their feelings with its stars. She explained, 'It inspires them. It's sometimes very dark but they feel they've taken hope from it and that means a lot to me.' 0 "Over 2,665 days ago, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted—arm in arm—at a Philadelphia IHOP. And so began the long, complicated, and endless saga of “Jelena,” which, in its latest of many twists, has the on-again, off-again couple once again hitting the “off“ switch. How did we get here, exactly? You’re forgiven for not knowing. After all, IHOP was centuries ago, or at least 2010, when Barack Obama was a first-term president and America watched American Idol and Survivor. Here’s a comprehensive guide to their on-and-off, up-and-down, are-they-or-aren’t-they relationship. December 2010—The Infamous IHOP Date TMZ breaks the news that the teen idols enjoyed a “cuddly” date at an IHOP in Philadelphia ahead of a Q102’s Jingle Ball. Gomez tells Us Weekly that it was platonic, and that Bieber is “one of my best friends . . . It was just pancakes!” Bieber, too, stays mum on the subject, telling MTV that she’s “an amazing person,” but, “I think that people are always gonna be interested in my personal life . . . but I gotta keep some things to myself. I’m just having fun being a teenager.” January 2011—The New Year’s Weekend Kiss With dating rumors swirling, paparazzi pictures catch the then 16- and 18-year-olds kissing on a yacht in St. Lucia, essentially proving what fans already suspected—they’re an item. February 2011—The Big Debut At the Vanity Fair Oscar Party, the teen-dream couple made their red carpet debut together, thereby confirming their relationship. They even take some lovey-dovey pictures in the photo booth. May 2011—Young and (Visibly) in Love After a glamorous appearance at the Billboard Music Awards, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez jet off to Maui, Hawaii. Photographers catch them canoodling in the ocean–Gomez noticeably rocking some statement hoops—and the photos go viral. September 2011—The Staples Center Date Here we reach peak Jelena—reports surface that Bieber rented the entire Staples Center arena so he and his lady love could watch Titanic, alone. “Romance isn’t dead,” Bieber tweeted. “Treat your lady right fellas.” November 2011—Baby Mama Drama A storm brews in paradise as a woman accuses Bieber of fathering her child. After a paternity test, the case is thrown out. December 2011–October 2012—All Is . . . Well? For the next 10 months, all seems content on the Jelena front. They’re spotted at a Lakers game, on a helicopter ride, at the Teen Choice Awards, and celebrating her birthday. But some tabloid sites start alleging that the two may not be as solid as people think. November 2012—The First Split Bieber and Gomez break up for the first time. Conflicting schedules, trust issues, and their young ages are all rumored to be causes of the demise. April 2013—Hidden Lyrics? Although the two aren’t together, and despite the fact that Gomez tells Ryan Seacrest “it’s not really about a specific person,” fans theorize that her new song “Come & Get It,” with lyrics like “Can’t stop because I love it, hate the way I love you / All day all night, maybe I’m addicted for life, no lie,” is about Bieber. Fuel is added to the fire when Bieber allegedly posts—and then quickly deletes—an Instagram with Gomez. But at the end of 2013, Bieber admits the two aren’t speaking, although he still loves her. 2014—Are They or Aren’t They? 2014, to put it lightly, was a confusing year in the Jelena timeline. First of all, it’s the year that Bieber’s image goes full-on bad boy—after bizarre incidents in 2013, like peeing in a bucket and losing custody of his monkey—he gets in real, tangible trouble. In January alone, he’s arrested for drunk driving, resisting arrest, and driving without a valid license, and he was also accused of vandalism for egging his neighbors. (January isn’t great for Gomez, either, who checks into rehab.) The tabloids viciously suggest it’s because of Bieber and/or a drug problem, but a frustrated Gomez later tells GQ that it was to seek help for lupus. But before the rehab and before the DUI, the couple is spotted riding Segways in Calabasas, California. Throughout the year, and all the drama, the “maybe dates” continue: a Starbucks run in Texas and a day at the zoo. Then, the Instagram—Bieber posts (and also deletes) a bunch of pictures of his former beau, including one that calls their love “unconditional.” But concurrently woven in those sightings are other ones . . . with Bieber and other women. He’s associated with a slew of models, up-and-coming actresses, and other beauties—including Kendall and Kylie Jenner, who Gomez at one point reportedly unfollows on Instagram, and she also unfollowed Bieber. Then there’s the international incident in July 2014, when Orlando Bloom and Justin Bieber get into fist fight, allegedly over Gomez. In November, Gomez releases “The Heart Wants What It Wants,” which she suggests is about Bieber. She gives an emotional performance of the song at the American Music Awards, which some signal to mean the relationship has finally run its course. That same month, Bieber unfollows her on Instagram. In December, he posts a picture of himself with Hailey Baldwin, but in the caption says he’s “super single.” 2015—Are They or Aren’t They? (Part Two) We’re entering the second of the lost Jelena years, where no one knows quite what’s going on, perhaps not even the Bieber and Gomez themselves. After being spotted holding hands at a Golden Globes party, Gomez and Zedd enjoy a brief romance. Zedd admits two years later to Billboard that he wasn’t ready to date an international superstar like Gomez: “Reporters were calling my parents. People were hacking my friends’ phones. I was pissed. [Though] I kind of knew what I was getting myself into,” he said. Bieber continues to post throwback pictures of Gomez on Instagram, confusing just about everyone—including Drake. Reconciliation rumors ramp up after he tells Ellen DeGeneres that a number of songs on his new album Purpose are about Gomez, and a video surfaces of Bieber serenading her with “My Girl” at a hotel in Beverly Hills. But Gomez makes it clear she’s sick of being defined by their relationship. In her cover story with Elle, she says her November 2014 AMA performance was her personal life swan song. “Everybody was talking about the same thing: my relationship,” she remembers. “I was so exhausted. I said, ‘I want this [performance] to be the last time I have to talk about this. And acknowledge this feeling.’ ” Early 2016—Here We Go Again In January 2016, Justin Bieber posts steamy pictures with Hailey Baldwin in St. Barth’s, which many take to mean they are dating. The speculation increases when Baldwin makes a cameo in Bieber’s GQ cover story. He describes her as “someone I really love. We spend a lot of time together.” However, Baldwin later tells Marie Claire that they weren’t ever official. “We are not an exclusive couple. He’s about to go on tour,” she said. “Relationships at this age are already complicated, but I don’t really like to talk about it because it’s between me and him.” Bieber posts a throwback picture of him and Gomez kissing, and she comments “perfect.” August 2016—Full-Out War Although claiming they’re just friends, Bieber posts a series of Instagrams with Sofia Richie. However, after backlash from fans, Bieber posted “I’m gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don’t stop the hate this is getting out of hand, if you guys are really fans you wouldn’t be so mean to people that I like.” Gomez responded in the comments section: “If you can’t handle the hate then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend lol—it should be special between you two only. Don’t be mad at your fans. They love you.” That, allegedly, kicked off a full-on Instagram war between the couple, involving many comments, including cheating accusations on both sides, which are now said to be deleted. Gomez later takes to her Snapchat to say that what she did was “selfish and pointless.” Bieber deletes his Instagram. A few months later, it's reported that Gomez cut her Revival Tour short to seek treatment at a facility in Tennessee. “My self-esteem was shot. I was depressed, anxious. I started to have panic attacks right before getting onstage, or right after leaving the stage. Basically I felt I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t capable,” she later told Vogue. January 2017—New Beginnings Gomez begins to date The Weeknd. May 2017—Fashionable Debuts Gomez and The Weeknd hit the red carpet couple together at the 2017 Met Gala. September 2017—Health Scares Gomez reveals on Instagram that she underwent a kidney transplant. (The donor was her friend Francia Raisa.) October 2017—Reunited Again Bieber and Gomez are seen hanging out together again, but multiple sources say it’s just as friends. Allegedly, their church, Hillsong, as well as Gomez’s kidney transplant caused to two to reconnect. And The Weeknd was reportedly fine with it. However, just about a week after the reports, Selena Gomez and The Weeknd announce their split (although, apparently, Bieber was not the cause). November 2017—Conscious Re-Coupling In the weeks following Gomez’s breakup with The Weeknd, she's spotted canoodling with Bieber. . . again and again and again. On November 15, they kiss at his hockey game—fueling tabloid speculation that they are back together and better than ever. A few weeks later, they're seen at the Beverly Hills Montage. January 2018—Yep, This is a ThingAlthough there is no official statement that they are back on, a flurry of sightings (including a New Year's trip to Los Cabos and joint-gym workout) confirm the inevitable: Jelena is definitely a thing. February 2018—Going StrongFirst, there's a Valentine’s Day date at the Montage Beverly Hills (is this their spot? It's totally their spot). Then, the duo jet off to Jamaica for Bieber's fathers wedding, providing a much-needed distraction to an otherwise terrible news cycle. March 2018—Instagram Official Gomez wishes Bieber a happy birthday on Instagram: ""March 1, 1994 someone I know that happens to be super cool was born. Boom,"" she writes. March 1 is (yes, you guessed it) the day the Sorry singer was born. Yet, days later, reports surface that the two are pressing pause on their relationship. But is it a break. . . or a break up? Perhaps a People anonymous source put it best: “They’ve been having disagreements, but it wouldn’t be surprising if they’re back together in a week.” Watch Selena Gomez on Family, Obsessions, and Her Go-To Dance Moves:" 1 Savannah Guthrie and Matt Lauer are as close as two co-anchors can be, but the two took their friendship one step further on Thursday when she swaddled him like a baby while live on air. The Today show stars were discussing how 'adult swaddling' has become the latest trend in Japan, as it is said to release stress and anxiety, and Savannah was itching to try it out in Studio 1A. The mother-of-two took the segment to another level when she asked 59-year-old Matt if he would let her swaddle him, and the look on his face made it clear that he wasn't thrilled with the idea. Scroll down for video Biggest baby ever? Savannah Guthrie, 45, swaddled her co-star Matt Lauer, 59, live on the Today show on Thursday morning Not thrilled with the idea: The Today show stars were discussing how 'adult swaddling' has become popular in Japan, and Savannah urged Matt to let her swaddle him Savannah, who gave birth to her son, Charley, in December, encouraged Matt by reminding him that she recently had a baby and is comfortable with doing it. 'Let me try to swaddle you,' she said, and as they made their way to the floor, Matt asked: 'Are you good at this?' 'Of course I am! I have two kids under three. I think I can swaddle you if you are willing,' she said. Matt took off his jacket to keep it from getting wrinkled, and before they got started, Savannah joked that the baby blanket is a 'little big', telling her co-star: 'You are a bigger baby than most.' Swaddling pro: Savannah, who gave birth to her son, Charley, in December, had Matt lie on a large blanket while she draped it over him Getting started: The mother-of-two carefully tucked the sheet under Matt's side Not a fan: Getting started: The mother-of-two carefully tucked the sheet under Matt's sidMatt admitted that being swaddled was actually making him feel more stressed Savannah had Matt lie down on the blanket and put his head on the pillow behind him before she draped one end of the cover over his body. 'You've got to get a nice good tuck because I want you to feel safe,' she said as she pushed the blanket under his side. 'You know a swaddle is really supposed to mimic the womb.' Savannah then asked Matt to put his feet in the fetal position, so she could lift the bottom of the blank up towards his head. 'So this is supposed to alleviate stress? Is that what this is? Because I am feeling a little stressed out right now,' Matt joked. 'Maybe it is the cameras or the studio filled with people.' Sharing her knowledge: 'You know a swaddle is really supposed to mimic the womb,' Savannah told him Teamwork: Savannah then called Sheinelle Jones over to help her lift Matt up, so she can finish the swaddle Going too far: Savannah was about to put a pacifier in Matt's mouth, but he firmly refused 'Shh, baby, shh,' Savannah responded. Savannah then called Sheinelle Jones over to help her lift Matt up, so she can finish the swaddle, and Matt griped: 'Or we can say people get the idea.' When it was all said and done, Savannah asked Matt how he felt, but it probably wasn't the response she was looking for. 'I feel stressed out. I don't feel at all comfortable,' he admitted. Too funny: Savannah couldn't resist laughing at her co-star while was swaddled on the floor Get this over with: Matt urged Sheinelle to start the next segment Things got even weirder when Savannah brought over a pacifier to put in Matt's mouth, which he firmly refused. 'I knew he would kill me for that one,' she admitted, and he noted: 'This is already going to appear on a thousand sites online.' Savannah was still determined to get him to like it, and she once again asked him if he was enjoying it. 'It's great. Yeah, Matt said unconvincingly before urging Chanel to start the next segment. Helping hand: Savannah taught her co-star Hoda Kotb how to swaddle her newborn baby, Haley Joy, in March Hands full: Savannah is mom to a three-year-old daughter, Vale, and an eight-month-old son, Charley Say what? Savannah revealed in March that she once swaddled her 48-year-old husband Mike Feldman when they were 'bored'. They are pictured in 2016 Of course, Matt was in good hands, as Savannah is undoubtedly the Today show's swaddling expert. In March, she taught her co-star Hoda Kotb how to swaddle her newborn baby, Haley Joy, and she even admitted on air that she once used a bed sheet to wrap up her husband Mike Feldman, 48, like an infant. 'I actually once swaddled Mike just for fun,' she told Jenna Bush Hager on the morning show. 'It was a like a Friday night. We were bored.' Jenna, 35, was understandably eager to see a picture of 'swaddled Mike', and while Savannah said she did take one, she added that she 'probably can't find it right now'. 0 "Halftime shows are a tradition during American football games at all levels of competition. Entertainment during the Super Bowl, the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL), represents a fundamental link to pop culture, which helps broaden the television audience and nationwide interest. As the Super Bowl itself is typically the most-watched event on television in the United States annually, the halftime show has been equally-viewed in recent years: the halftime show of Super Bowl XLIX featuring Katy Perry was viewed by 118.5 million, as part of an overall telecast that peaked at 120.3 million at its conclusion—the most-watched television broadcast in U.S. history.[1][2][3] The NFL claims that the Super Bowl LI halftime show, with Lady Gaga was the ""most-watched musical event of all-time,"" citing a figure of 150 million viewers based on the television audience, as well as unique viewership of video postings of the halftime show on the league's platforms, and social media interactions (a metric that was never calculated prior to 2017).[4][5] However, the show was seen by 117.5 million television viewers, making it the second-highest-rated halftime show.[6] Prior to the early 1990s, the halftime show was based around a theme, and featured university marching bands (the Grambling State University Marching Band has performed at the most Super Bowl halftime shows, featuring in six shows including at least one per decade from the 1960s to the 1990s), drill teams, and other performance ensembles such as Up with People. Beginning in 1991, the halftime show began to feature pop music acts such as New Kids on the Block and Gloria Estefan. In an effort to boost the prominence of the halftime show to increase viewer interest, Super Bowl XXVII featured a headlining performance by Michael Jackson. After Super Bowl XXXVIII, whose halftime show featured an incident where Justin Timberlake exposed one of Janet Jackson's breasts, the halftime show began to feature classic rock acts until the return of headlining pop musicians in 2011. Background [ edit ] During most of the Super Bowl's first decade, the halftime show featured a college marching band. The show's second decade featured a more varied show, often featuring drill teams and other performance ensembles; the group Up with People produced and starred in four of the performances. The middle of the third decade, in an effort to counter other networks' efforts to counterprogram the game,[7] saw the introduction of popular music acts such as New Kids on the Block, Gloria Estefan, Michael Jackson, Clint Black, Patti LaBelle, and Tony Bennett. Starting with Super Bowl XXXII, commercial sponsors presented the halftime show; within five years, the tradition of having a theme—begun with Super Bowl III—ended, replaced by major music productions by arena rock bands and other high-profile acts. In the six years immediately following an incident at Super Bowl XXXVIII where Justin Timberlake exposed one of Janet Jackson's breasts in an alleged ""wardrobe malfunction"", all of the halftime shows consisted of a performance by one artist or group, with the musicians in that era primarily being rock artists from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. These shows were considered ""family friendly"" and the time in which they took place has been described as ""the age of reactionary halftime shows.[8] Since Super Bowl XLV, the halftime show has returned to featuring popular contemporary musicians, with the typical format featuring a single headline artist collaborating with a small number of guest acts. The NFL does not pay the halftime show performers an appearance fee, though it covers all expenses for the performers and their entourage of band members management, technical crew, security personnel, family, and friends.[9] Super Bowl XXVII halftime show with Michael Jackson provided an exception, as the NFL and Frito-Lay agreed to make a donation and provide commercial time for Jackson's Heal the World Foundation.[10][11][12][11] According to Nielsen SoundScan data, the halftime performers regularly experience significant spikes in weekly album sales and paid digital downloads due to the exposure.[13] For Super Bowl XLIX, it was reported by the Wall Street Journal that league officials asked representatives of potential acts if they would be willing to provide financial compensation to the NFL in exchange for their appearance, in the form of either an up-front fee, or a cut of revenue from concert performances made after the Super Bowl. While these reports were denied by an NFL spokeswoman, the request had, according to the Journal, received a ""chilly"" response from those involved.[14][15] History [ edit ] The following is a list of the performers, producers, themes, and sponsors for each Super Bowl game's show. 1960s [ edit ] 1970s [ edit ] 1980s [ edit ] 1990s [ edit ] 2000s [ edit ] 2010s [ edit ] Details on specific shows [ edit ] U2 performed 3 songs: ""Beautiful Day,"" ""MLK,"" and ""Where the Streets Have No Name."" During the beginning of ""MLK"" and continuing until the end of ""Where The Streets Have No Name,"" a large banner behind the band displayed the names of all the people who lost their lives on the September 11 attacks. Bono ended the song by opening up his jacket, the inside of which displayed the American flag. For The Rolling Stones, the stage was in the form of the group's iconic tongue logo (John Pasche's ""Cunning Linguist"" first used in 1971 on their Sticky Fingers album). It was the largest stage ever assembled for a Super Bowl halftime show, with 28 separate pieces assembled in five minutes by a 600-member volunteer stage crew. The group performed three songs: ""Start Me Up,"" ""Rough Justice,"" and ""(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction."" The show was viewed by 89.9 million people, more than the audiences for the Oscars, Grammys and Emmy Awards combined.[54] In the wake of the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, ABC and the NFL imposed a five-second delay and censored lyrics considered too sexually explicit in the first two songs by briefly turning off Mick Jagger's microphone—censoring to which the group had previously agreed.[55] However, the choice of The Rolling Stones sparked controversy in the Detroit community because the band did not represent the traditional Detroit ""Motown Sound,"" and no artists from the area were included.[56] See also [ edit ]" 1 "(CNN) Lady Gaga has canceled the remaining dates of her Joanne World Tour due to ""severe pain,"" Live Nation announced Saturday. Gaga apologized to her fans on Saturday through a statement posted on Twitter , saying she needed to put her ""well-being first"" and plans to recover at home. ""All I know is that if I don't do this, I am not standing by the words or meaning of my music,"" she said. In a statement posted on the promoter's site , Live Nation said the final 10 dates of the European leg of the tour -- including next week's shows in London and Manchester -- were canceled because the severe pain that Gaga is experiencing has ""materially impacted her ability to perform live."" ""Last night, with strong support from her medical team, Lady Gaga made the tough decision to immediately come off the road,"" the statement read. ""She is extremely sorry and deeply saddened that she cannot perform for her European fans, who have waited so patiently. Read More" 0 "Get the latest from TODAY Sign up for our newsletter We're all still grieving the loss of Milo Ventimiglia's Jack Pearson on ""This Is Us,"" even though we're excited to see him return next season. But as Ventimiglia recently told The Los Angeles Times, his death scene wasn't just hard on him — his co-star, Mandy Moore, was ""crying every day"" for ""four weeks."" Jack's (Milo Ventimiglia) death scenes were particularly hard on Mandy Moore, who plays his wife, Rebecca, on ""This Is Us."" NBC ""What I understood in my scene is it's very much not about me,"" he explained. ""It's about what Mandy (who plays Jack's wife Rebecca) has to experience in finding that ultimate low ... Hearing my friend completely break, it almost felt like an out-of-body experience. It hurt; it was painful."" Jack was a true hero for rescuing his family from a house fire, but ultimately succumbed once he was at the hospital, which meant Moore had a lot of emotional scenes and a lot of tears to shed. ""Poor Mandy had about four weeks where she was crying every day,"" he recalled. We're going to miss seeing Jack and Rebecca snuggling! Ron Batzdorff/NBC And it's not as if Ventimiglia was taking a nap, lying on the hospital bed while she wept over him. ""It's about remaining still,"" he said about playing dead. ""I just focus on a spot on the ceiling and relax the muscles in my face."" Afterward, the ""This Is Us"" actor says he gave Moore some room to recover from all that crying. ""I just waited until she came and knocked on my trailer door (once filming was done),"" he said. ""We had a big hug and there was laughter and even a, 'Thank God that's over.'"" At least, until season three, when apparently we'll see him again! Follow Randee Dawn on Twitter." 1 Bless Joe Alwyn for teaching Taylor Swift the value of keeping her personal life private, Us Weekly enthusiastically reports, because her happiness these days is unparalleled! The tabloid got a detailed report on how madly in love Swift is with Alwyn's and her secret(ish) relationship. “Joe has really showed her a different lifestyle and the value of privacy,” a source told the outlet. “She’s the happiest she’s ever been.” Advertisement - Continue Reading Below This shift has drastically improved Swift's life, a source added. “Taylor is so much happier without her personal life in the open. She credits Joe for that and realizes how much better off she is.” Swift, for one of the first times in the public eye, has not talked about Alwyn in any interviews. She has barely been photographed out with him, though this week they were shot holding hands in Turks and Caicos. “They seemed genuinely happy,” a witness there told Us of their interactions out and about there. “They were always smiling and close to each other, but kept to themselves.” Swift isn't about to say anything about Alwyn though, another source cautioned the outlet. The couple “vowed to keep their relationship to themselves. They’ve done everything they can to keep it that way.” 1 The Victoria’s Secret Angel and new mom of two (she and fiancé Hermann Nicoli announced the arrival of their second son in June) shared a video to her Instagram Story of the couple’s 20-month-old older child, Anacan, wearing the colors of his dad’s native Brazil. 0 Oh it's on! Taylor Swift and her new man, British actor Joe Alwyn, have certainly caught some attention this weekend-the new couple had all eyes on them when they were photographed sipping on coffee and chatting on a balcony on Saturday in Nashville, Tenn. 0 "No, Anastasia is not a Disney princess. Despite the animated character's now canonical status among fans of Disney's princess films of the '90s, Anastasia hit theaters as part of the debut of Fox's animation studio on Nov. 21, 1997. The story is loosely based on the historical mystery revolving around the disappearance of Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna after a fateful night in 1916. Fox had previously adapted the story into a live-action film starring Ingrid Bergman and Yul Brynner in 1956. Anastasia went on to earn $139 million, receive two Oscar nominations and even inspire a stage adaptation of the musical film that premiered on Broadway in April 2017. To celebrate the legacy of the 20th anniversary of the film's release, The Hollywood Reporter travels on a quick ""journey to the past"" to track the careers of the voice actors who brought Anastasia to life once upon a November." 0 In a tell-all interview with Allure, Kim Kardashian admitted she and husband Kanye West did “absolutely nothing” for their anniversary, RadarOnline.com has learned! The news comes amid the couple’s intense backlash over their allegedly plummeting relationship. “We don’t do gifts,” she said in her interview. “We just did absolutely nothing [for our anniversary]. We spent two days in Santa Barbara, and we slept.” PHOTOS: Love & Marriage Kimye-Style! The Couple’s Top 15 Dirtiest Secrets “You know what? I think we went to IHOP. That’s what we did,” Kardashian, 36, added. The queen of Instagram, reality TV and California then claimed that she doesn’t even “like presents anymore,” but it could it be she is just trying to cover up a deeper issue inside her marriage with West? As Radar previously reported, West, 40, was recently caught in a shocking drug scandal related to his mental breakdown and hospitalization. PHOTOS: Kimye Marriage Trouble! Kanye’s Family Warns West Faces ‘Temptations To Stray’ From Kim Kardashian Chilling footage the rapper filmed before his breakdown was found earlier this month. The star’s lawyer Howard King however claimed it would not be leaked, as it could ruin West’s career, and “more importantly, destroy his marriage.” What do you think abut Kardashian’s reveal? Do you think and West are still having problems? Sound off in the comments below. We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at tips@radaronline.com, or call us at (866) ON-RADAR (667-2327) any time, day or night. 1 Singer Selena Gomez Singer Selena Gomez has delayed her third album as she fears recording a flop in the shadow of her hit track Revival. The Come & Get It hitmaker’s second solo album was released in 2015 and the star admits she’s found it harder than ever to complete the follow-up, reports aceshowbiz.com. “This has been building for maybe two years,” she said during a chat on Apple Music’s Beats 1. “I was really happy with Revival, but at the same time, I was terrified of doing another record because, for me, it could be like it was a step down or I needed to beat that record, and I think every artist kind of struggles with that. So I waited. I wanted it to be great, and had I not waited a good year or two, I wouldn’t have had the best songs I’ve ever had,” said Gomez. The singer is currently in the process of “finishing up” the third album and is yet to decide its release date. She gave fans a taste of her new music by dropping Back to you on May 10, and quickly cleared up speculation suggesting the song is about her on-off romance with former boyfriend Justin Bieber. The 25-year-old says the song was written with her hit TV drama 13 Reasons Why in mind. 1 Matt Lauer may no longer be a part of the Today show family, but he still stays in touch with his former colleagues on the morning news program. “Yeah, we keep in touch with him,” Hoda Kotb, who replaced Lauer as co-anchor alongside Savannah Guthrie, told The Hollywood Reporter for its 35 Most Powerful People in New York Media 2018 issue. Peter Kramer/NBC/NBC NewsWire/Getty “I mean look, this is one of those complex situations,” admitted Kotb, 53, who received a congratulatory text from Lauer when she was named co-anchor in early January. “I’ve known him since I started working at NBC [in 1998]. When I was sick with breast cancer, he was the first to call. He helps and helped in ways that … you know, he was incredible in that way.” Though Kotb has fond memories of Lauer, 60, she isn’t discounting the stories of the women who came forward and accused the previous NBC anchor of sexual misconduct. “There is that Matt and then there’s the Matt that the accusers speak of. And those accusers’ voices matter and that story matters and it’s … (to Savannah Guthrie) It’s still tough, right?” Kotb said in the THR interview to Guthrie, who affirmed: “Yes.” It’s been five months since Lauer parted ways with the show at the end of November after the network received a “detailed complaint from a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior,” with reason to believe “this may not have been an isolated incident.” Women have also anonymously accused him of sexual harassment and assault in reports published by Variety and The New York Times. Want to keep up on the latest from PEOPLE? Sign up for our daily newsletter to get our best stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox. Following his firing, which was announced live on Today by Guthrie and Kotb, Lauer addressed the original allegations in a statement. “There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions,” he said, in part. “To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry. As I am writing this, I realize the depth of the damage and disappointment I have left behind at home and at NBC.” Speaking with PEOPLE following Lauer’s exit, Guthrie, 46, and Kotb opened up about sharing the sobering news with the world. “I think you could see from the moment that the news happened that our hearts were broken, and in lots of ways, they still are,” Guthrie said. “That feeling was shared through our whole newsroom and our whole Today show staff, because it sounds like cliché or a promo line, but it happens to be true: We are family, and we do love each other, and families do go through hard times, and when that happens in good families, you just get closer. You pull together and you focus on the foundation and what keeps you together. I think that’s what we’ve all been trying to do. And for me, I just am trying to get comfortable with how complicated the feelings around all of it are, and it is complicated. And just trying to have love and compassion for everyone concerned.” Tyler Essary/Getty The duo also spoke about Lauer, whom they are continuing to support and only want the best for. “We know he’s working on his family, we know that for sure. Of course our hearts go out to the brave women who have told their stories,” Guthrie said. “What we are experiencing and processing now is how to honor and remain a true friend to someone even in spite of learning things that are deeply disturbing,” she added. “And we are trying to navigate that path with integrity.” 1 "The nominations are in! On September 5, E! News unveiled the list of nominees for the 2018 People's Choice Awards. There are 43 award categories this year, so a ton of your favorite shows and celebs will be going for the gold. You can see every single nominee here, but first things first: We know you're curious which Bravo shows and Bravolebrities will be at the at the star-studded ceremony on November 11. So, here goes! In the ""Reality Show of 2018"" category, The Real Housewives of Atlanta and The Real Housewives of New York City are both nominated; so is Vanderpump Rules. (What an agonizing choice!) Bravo's Top Chef has been nominated in the ""Competition Show of 2018"" category, and Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen might take home the prize in ""Nighttime Talk Show of 2018."" Ready for more? Joe Flamm from Bravo's Top Chef is up for ""Competition Contestant of 2018,"" and the ""Reality Star of 2018"" category is packed with Housewives: Lisa Vanderpump, Bethenny Frankel, and NeNe Leakes are all up for the honor. With so many Bravo shows and Bravolebs nominated, it's going to be a tight contest!" 0 "U.S. President Donald Trump and Britain's Queen Elizabeth inspect the Coldstream Guards during a visit to Windsor Castle in Windsor, Britain, July 13, 2018. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque You can't say he wasn't warned. Last week, former royal butler Grant Harrold spoke to ITV News about all the ways Trump could offend the Queen on his controversial visit to the UK. One piece of advice was to always let the Queen take the lead when walking around — but it would seem the tip fell on deaf ears. In a truly cringe-worthy viral clip, President Trump is seen breaking etiquette by walking in front of the Queen and then blocking her off when he stops, forcing Her Majesty to manoeuvre around him. This breach of royal protocol led to outrage on Twitter as people called out the president for his lack of awareness. Trump was visiting Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle (where Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were married) and took afternoon tea with the royal after they inspected the Coldstream Guards. In an interview for The Daily Mail that took place on Air Force One, Trump raved about his meeting with the Queen: ""The Queen is fantastic! ""She's a fantastic woman; so much energy and smart and sharp. She was amazing! Such a wonderful lady and so beautiful! It was such an honour to finally meet her. To have a Queen like that is great."" Although Trump was apparently happy to meet with the matriarch, many in the UK were not. 100,000 protestors flooded London's Trafalgar Square to object to the president's visit. According to CBS, it was the largest weekday protest the city has seen in 15 years." 1 Third generation Greek immigrant John Stamos has long been a proud American, and now that he’s also become a proud papa for the first time, he’ll be sharing his patriotism with his new son, Billy. Stamos, 54, will be bringing nearly 2-month-old Billy along on his first cross-country trip as the Fuller House star/producer returns to host PBS’s annual broadcast of A Capitol Fourth, the national 4th of July celebration in Washington, D.C. Get push notifications with news, features and more. It’s been a celebratory year thus far for Stamos, who wed model/actress Caitlin McHugh in February and welcomed their new baby – named after his late father – in April. But the timing of the new arrival made Stamos wonder if he’d be able to return to host the 38th annual 4th of July broadcast from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol again this year after deeply enjoying his debut stint in 2017. John Stamosand Caitlin McHugh Rachel Murray/Getty “Fortunately, I’ve been able to take off work now, but I said, ‘Well I don’t know if I could do [the concert] again, because I’m having a little baby,’ ” Stamos told PEOPLE at a photo shoot to promote the celebration. “And they said, ‘Well, what can we do to get you?’ “ The solution? Family road trip! “I said, ‘Well, I got to bring the kid, then.’ So we’re bringing Billy! And PBS just sent this really cute onesie that says ‘Future Host,’ and all this patriotic stuff.” It’ll be baby Stamos’ first cross-country excursion, coming on the heels of a slightly not-so-smooth local road trip, Stamos admitted. “It was Mother’s Day and Caitlin’s birthday, so we went down to Laguna [Beach], and it was the first time we didn’t have a nanny — that was rough!” he laughed. “[But] so far, it’s been a dream, and when I look at him, I feel like I’ve been thinking about that face for a long time.” Stamos said that fatherhood has been everything that he expected it would be, and it’s deepened his connection to his country. “I always knew it was going to be like this,” he explained. “It took me longer than it should’ve, but I knew that I would be a family and be contributing to this country, and holding onto the morals and the values that my parents had, that I like to think of the world having. It’s a time to be kind and graceful to people. It just takes so much energy to block all the negativity. I’m really trying to get people together.” As a bonus, Stamos’ longtime friends and frequent, if unofficial, bandmates — the iconic, multi-platinum selling music legends The Beach Boys — will join him in the nation’s capitol as both performers and the recipients of the fifth annual A CAPITOL FOURTH’s National Artistic Achievement Award, with Stamos presenting. “I’m just the biggest glorified fan, really,” Stamos said of his connection to the group, which goes back to the 1980s, appearing in their music video for “Kokomo,” frequently joining them on stage behind the drum kit and executive producing the 2000 miniseries The Beach Boys: An American Family. “I’m a fan who gets to hang out with them.” RELATED VIDEO: New Dad John Stamos Opens Up About Fatherhood & Reveals Which Parent His Son Looks Like So much so that the band has become as close as family: founding member Mike Love even got ordained and officiated Stamos and McHugh’s wedding ceremony. Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Babies newsletter “They’re America’s band. It’s always a special feeling playing with them, but especially when you’re in D.C. I think I said it even in the show last year: the Fourth of July, Washington, the Beach Boys — it doesn’t get more American than that. But more than that, I love the effect they have on people and that their music has on people. In a graceless time right now, where people are looking for comfort, I think the Beach Boys music and this whole show, it does that, right?” An all-star roster of performers bridging a variety of American favorite musical genres will be joining Stamos and the Beach Boys for the celebration, including Jimmy Buffett and the Broadway cast of the new musical Escape From Margaritaville (this is their first stop after Broadway before launching a national tour); three-time Grammy Award-winning a capella artists Pentatonix; legendary Motown stars The Temptations; platinum country music singer-songwriter Luke Combs; country music star and American Idol alum Lauren Alaina; gospel legend CeCe Winans; and internationally-acclaimed violinist Joshua Bell; with the National Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of top pops conductor Jack Everly. Additionally, soprano superstar Renée Fleming will perform “You’ll Never Walk Alone” to honor the nation’s men and women in uniform and their families. Also participating in the event will be the Choral Arts Society of Washington, the U.S. Army Herald Trumpets, the U.S. Army Ceremonial Band, Members of the Armed Forces carrying the State and Territorial Flags and the Armed Forces Color Guard provided by the Military District of Washington, D.C. The top-rated, award-winning program will be capped off with a rousing rendition of Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture” complete with live cannon fire provided by the United States Army Presidential Salute Battery, an audience favorite and “A Capitol Fourth” tradition. Caitlyn McHugh and son Billy John Stamos/Instagram The celebration will culminate with the largest and most spectacular fireworks display in the nation. “It was electrifying,” said Stamos of his debut hosting stint. “And I’ve been in front of crowds and a lot of the shows or concerts, and Broadway stuff I’ve done. But they’re coming there for a different reason, to see something. Here I felt they were part of it. They were part of our party, part of our show. … I’ll try again this year to interact with the crowd. I let the producer and the director know, ‘I may stop and talk to somebody,’ and we did it. It was really sweet.” Stamos was also gratified that last year during the show he was able to address the hot-button topic of immigration, a facet of American tradition he values given his own family’s history since his grandfather passed through Ellis Island to embrace the nation’s traditions of liberty, opportunity and freedom of speech. “The beauty was that this country give him that, and then has given that to my father and me, and I’ll pass that on to my son, all because of an immigrant coming over,” said Stamos. “He worked hard and took advantage, in the best sense, of what this country has to offer all of us.” The 38th annual broadcast of A Capitol Fourth airs on PBS Wednesday, July 4 from 8-9:30 p.m. ET before a concert audience of hundreds of thousands, millions more at home, as well as to our troops serving around the world on the American Forces Network. The program can also be heard live in stereo over NPR member stations nationwide. The concert will also be live-streamed on PBS, You Tube, Facebook and www.pbs.org/a-capitol-fourth and available as Video on Demand for a limited time only, July 4 to July 18, 2018. 0 The cancellation of the third Sex and the City film came with headline-making allegations and jabs shared in the press between stars Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall — something Parker says was “enormously painful” for her. In an interview with The Daily Beast while promoting the second season of her HBO show Divorce, the 52-year-old Emmy-winner opened up about the pains of hearing things in the press that “aren’t true” — “especially when it is a personal attack about your character.” “I’m stunned by how deeply it still cuts,” Parker said of the drama around the movie, which would have also starred Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis. “What happened, that was enormously painful for me.” Kim Cattrall, Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon, Kristin Davis in Sex and the City 2. Craig Blankenhorn/Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection Parker first revealed in September that SATC3 had been scrapped despite 8 years of encouragement from fans and having a “beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story” ready for filming. Though sources told PEOPLE Cattrall made “outrageous demands” to re-board the big screen franchise, she later denied that her requests had anything to do with the scrapping of the film and claimed she had never agreed to board SATC3 in the first place — even refuting an offer to do it back in 2016. “I never asked for any money, I never asked for any projects. To be thought of as some kind of diva is absolutely ridiculous,” the 61-year-old actress told Piers Morgan in October, saying Parker — who would have been a producer on the film — “could have been nicer.” Cattrall then admitted that she had never been close with the other three co-stars. “We’ve never been friends,” Cattrall said. “We’ve been colleagues and in some way, it’s a very healthy place to be.” Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker Bryan Bedder/Getty As the story unfolded, Parker said she wanted to speak out about it in the press but was held back by coaches who told her to remain quiet. “When all that stuff was happening with Sex and the City, which I know is meaningless in the world, but when it’s happening and you’re caught up in any of the muscle of that stuff, it’s so painful because all you want to do is respond. All you want to do is say, ‘Are you kidding me!? This is everything I know. This is everything that happened over the last six months. These are the conversations. These are the emails. These are the conversations with lawyers and agents and studio heads,'” she recalled to The Daily Beast. “But you’re counseled time and time again, “Don’t do it. You’re going to get in the weeds. It’s a nowhere road.” “I just kept saying, ‘This was an experience I loved. I love those women. We shared this experience. It was a privilege. If that’s what we’re left with, those memories, there are only four of us who…’ You know?” she added. Sarah Jessica Parker Neilson Barnard/NBCUniversal/NBCU Photo Bank/Getty She’s been more vocal recently though, talking about the possibility of trying the project again on the Golden Globes red carpet and even jokingly offering Cattrall’s role to Stephen Colbert. So what changed? Turns out the bevy of sexual misconduct allegations plaguing Hollywood allowed Parker to put the SATC3 allegations into perspective. “The world shifted,” she said. “I was like, ‘Oh this is ridiculous.’ I was afraid to talk about these allegations, and now there are real allegations in the world. And all of a sudden I was like, ‘I think I’m going to answer the question about the Sex and the City movie.” “For so long I was told to be quiet about all of that stuff. And all of a sudden I’m like, ‘If people are being encouraged to come forward and talk about really difficult, painful, potentially criminal things that they were part of or witnessed, I think I can talk about the Sex and the City 3 movie,'” she added, laughing. “I think it’s okay! I’m a grown freaking woman.” Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kristin Davis Hector Vallenilla/Retna Ltd./Corbis RELATED VIDEO: Kim Cattrall Slams Sarah Jessica Parker as Tensions Surrounding SATC 3 Revealed: ‘Kim Killed the Movie,’ Says Source Though she’s open to discussing it now, Parker did understand that the conversation changes the way fans think about the legacy of the project. “It hurts the franchise… it does,” she said. “It changes the way people experience the show. It changes my own experience to have to talk about it like that. It opens the conversation up time and again. You put the white-hot spotlight back on it again. But then you realize it’s just silliness. Of course I can answer honestly about my experience. Of course I can say what happened. It’s so silly.” 1 Sara Gilbert. Nearly a week after ABC canceled Roseanne following the star’s racist tweet, co-star Sara Gilbert spoke on her other show, The Talk, about the sitcom’s end. Gilbert was an executive producer on the revival and one of the driving forces to get it to happen. She was one of the first to speak out on Twitter against Barr’s tweet last Tuesday, before ABC canceled the series. “In addition to my statement, I would like to say this has been a very difficult week,” Gilbert said. “A lot of people have been hurt by this. I will say I’m proud of the show we made. This show has always been about diversity, love, and inclusion. And it’s sad to see it end in this way. I’m sad for the people who lost their jobs in the process. However, I do stand behind the decision ABC made.” ABC is reportedly looking into ways to reformat Roseanne without its star, including a show possibly centered on Gilbert’s character Darlene, though Gilbert and the network haven’t commented on those reports. 0 Opening up. Big Brother alum Natalie Negrotti revealed that she is pansexual and dating a woman during the Tuesday, July 17, episode of The Challenge: Final Reckoning. She also claimed that Kayleigh Morris outed her on social media following the huge fight during Vendettas, in which other women in the house threw Kaleigh’s luggage over the balcony. While Natalie claims she was not part of the “mean girls” moment, as the show phrased it, Kaleigh didn’t believe her, later calling her a “lesbian” on social media. “She did it in a really malicious way, and that’s what really hurt me. The way she did it. She was saying, ‘She doesn’t even like d—k, she likes p—sy. She’s a lesbian.’ I’m not a lesbian, I’m pansexual,” Natalie, 28, told Us Weekly on the “Watch With Us” podcast. “She outed me in a really aggressive way and kept going. It was really homophobic in a way. To me, that’s getting gay shamed. Then there was a whole bunch of people that started gay-shaming me, calling me a ‘dyke,’ going on my social media and attacking me for being gay.” Natalie wasn’t ready to come out – and didn’t plan on doing so on the show. In fact, she hadn’t told her family at the time of Kayleigh’s comments. Since, she has called everyone and was forced to open up about everything. “It’s been a 28-year battle for me,” Natalie said. “I wanted to set a standard because you can’t do that. There are so many teenagers and kids that commit suicide every year because they get outed inappropriately. She took something that was mine and made it her own, and she did it really in a nasty way. Outing someone is not right and I want to set that standard … I wanted to come out in the right way, I wanted to turn it into something positive so that viewers that are going through the same thing that I’ve gone through don’t have to go through it for 28 years.” Natalie also revealed she is in an exclusive relationship with a woman, who she describes as her “biggest supporter.” After Vendettas, Natalie and Johnny Bananas dated casually while both seeing other people. Ultimately, it just didn’t work. The former NFL cheerleader added: “She’s a really great fit for me, and she’s really special to me.” Listen to the podcast above to hear more about Natalie’s journey, what happened between she and Johnny, how it’s been working with Paul Calafiore and more. For more TV news and interviews, subscribe to the “Watch With Us” podcast. The Challenge: Final Reckoning airs on MTV Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! 0 It’s almost time to say goodbye to Wentworth Miller’s Captain Cold. On Monday, Miller revealed that he’s leaving the Arrow-verse. “Currently shooting some of my final episodes as ‘Captain Cold/Leonard Snart’ on the CW’s Legends of Tomorrow and The Flash…” he said in a message posted on Instagram. “Grateful — now and in advance — to a pair of talented casts and hardworking crews…Thank you…” He continued, “I’ve had a tremendous time playing this character… It’s been an opportunity, an education, and a f–king blast…” Miller made his scene-stealing debut as the icy rogue on The Flash in season 1’s “Going Rogue.” This role would eventually reunite him with his Prison Break costar Dominic Purcell, who plays Mick Rory, a.k.a. Heat Wave. After recurring on The Flash, both men transitioned to DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Even though Snart was killed off in the Legends’ season 1 finale, Miller became a series regular across all of the Arrow-verse shows and recurred on Legends and guest-starred on The Flash. At San Diego Comic-Con in July, the Legends EPs revealed that Miller would return in season 3. “Mick Rory needs his pal, but unfortunately he’s not going to get the version of his pal that he remembers,” EP Phil Klemmer said during the show’s panel. EP Marc Guggenheim added, “We’re obviously really excited to bring Wentworth back on the show for a few episodes, but a different iteration of Mr. Snart. Chaos and merriment will ensue.” Furthermore, the poster for this year’s four-way crossover “Crisis on Earth-X” confirmed that Miller would appear in that, too; Captain Cold’s face can be seen right above Barry’s right shoulder. DC Comics Check out Miller’s Instagram post below: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on The CW. 0 "Eva Longoria baby bumped her way through Christmas Eve! The mom-to-be's burgeoning belly was on display as she ran errands in Miami Beach, Florida, on Christmas Eve. Joined by her friend Maria Bravo, Eva rocked a sheer black tank top with a striped sports bra and black leggings for a trip to Whole Foods. She accessorized with a baseball cap, sunglasses and a Chanel chain-strap purse worn around her waist. Splash News Earlier in the day, the 42-year-old actress and her husband, Jose Baston, looked cute as could be as they did some shopping around Miami, including a peek into a Williams Sonoma store. The two snuggled and walked arm-in-arm, even sneaking in a sweet kiss as they enjoyed the warm Florida temps. Splash News Eva has been getting into the holiday spirit with some famous pals, including Olivia Munn. While they may not be having a white Christmas down in Florida, they certainly enjoyed a joyous daytime barbecue. ""Christmas in Miami🌴 When friends become family ❤️💚,"" Munn, 37, captioned an Instagram pic with Eva on Sunday. For her official Christmas Eve celebrations later that night, Eva got all dolled up, posing in front of her glamorously decorated tree in a sparkly wrap dress that showed off a bit of cleavage. ""It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas!🎄 #NavidadModeOn,"" the Desperate Housewives alum wrote. Eva is expecting her first child with Jose. Find out more in the video below. RELATED CONTENT: Pregnant Eva Longoria Glows in New Photoshoot -- See the Stunning Pics! Eva Longoria Shows Off Baby Bump While Shopping In Miami Olivia Munn's History With Brett Ratner: Looking at the Years of Alleged Incidents Related Gallery" 0 Lucky the Leprechaun is getting another magical friend. General Mills has announced it will be adding a new marshmallow to Lucky Charms — a unicorn. It’s the first substantial change to the cereal in roughly 10 years. The unicorn, which will replace the hourglass marshmallow, was chosen after the company solicited suggestions on social media. And while Lucky Charms have been increasingly popular with adults in recent years, it was ultimately the suggestions of children that stood out. “We decided to introduce a new charm with the help of the keepers of magic themselves — kids,” Josh DeWitt, marketing manager of Lucky Charms, said in a press release. “They spoke, and after hearing their love for the magical unicorn, we listened.” Kids weren’t the only ones excited about the addition, though. Forget having a bad day. They have made a unicorn lucky charms marshmellow!!!! Everything is going to be fine. 🦄💜 — Regular Laura (@LauraHardyRadio) February 19, 2018 BREAKING NEWS LUCKY CHARMS HAS ADDED MORE MARSHMALLOWS LIFE IS GREAT — KC (@MrsTonyC) February 20, 2018 Me: You know what's perfect? Lucky Charms. General Mills: We're gonna add unicorn marshmallows. Me: Well I stand corrected. — Big Fudge (@dagrumpyoldman) February 20, 2018 The new cereal — which will continue to offer hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers, blue moons, rainbows, and balloon marshmallows — will be available starting next month. 0 After seemingly tweeting about his ex-wife Miranda Lambert’s relationship drama, Blake Shelton is now staying mum. The country music singer, 41, tweeted about “karma” last week following the news that Lambert is dating married musician Evan Felker, and fans immediately speculated he was calling out the “Tin Man” singer. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “It was a personal thing that’s in a small circle of my people and that’s why it was written the way it was, and then people took it and make it into what they want to make it into, which I don’t want any part of that,” Shelton told Extra on Monday when asked directly about his tweet. “But at the same time, I can’t help but to think it’s funny how these fires get lit and it takes off and I don’t have time to care. That’s why I’ve kind of moved on,” he added. Shelton spoke to Entertainment Tonight about his tweet as well and said it wasn’t fully intended for his fans to understand. John Shearer/Getty “If it was meant for people to know exactly what it meant, it wouldn’t have been so cryptic,” he told the outlet during a Facebook Live interview with his fellow Voice coach Kelly Clarkson. “But I can tell you it’s been, actually, very entertaining to watch the world run with it and assume what they think it’s about,” he continued. Shelton said most guesses as to what his tweet was about were not entirely correct, adding, “I’ll say this, people are way off the mark. But I don’t have time to worry about it.” Last week, he tweeted, “Been taking the high road for a long time.. I almost gave up. But I can finally see something on the horizon up there!! Wait!! Could it be?! Yep!! It’s karma!!” Miranda Lambert, Evan Felker Jason Merritt/Getty; Frazer Harrison/Getty While the “I Lived It” singer demurred on who or what he was exactly tweeting about, multiple sources previously confirmed to PEOPLE it was indeed about the 30-time ACM award winner. One Shelton insider says he feels “vindicated” after news broke that Lambert was dating the Turnpike Troubadours frontman, who filed for divorce from his estranged wife Staci Nelson two weeks after meeting Lambert for the first time in person. According to another source close to the estranged spouses, Lambert and Felker, both 34, connected via text message before his band opened for the country superstar during her Livin’ Like Hippies Tour for three dates in early February. Lambert’s split from former boyfriend Anderson East was made public in early April. RELATED VIDEO: Miranda Lambert’s New Boyfriend’s Wife Addresses Her Tough Week After Relationship News Breaks “They had never met and she had started texting him about looking forward to playing together and getting to know each other and maybe they could write because she really liked his writing sort of thing,” the source said. “It started very much about work. He was completely thrilled. By the time he was leaving for tour, it had become a lot flirtier.” Want to keep up on the latest from PEOPLE? Sign up for our daily newsletter to get our best stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox. The source continued, saying Lambert and Felker got closer in the three-day tour they were on. When Felker was supposed to return home to Nelson in Oklahoma, he allegedly skipped his flight, telling Nelson via email, “I’m not coming home this week,” according to the source. In the midst of the drama last week, Nelson alluded to the cheating allegations in a “public service announcement” posted to her Instagram Story on Thursday. “PSA: If Staci Felker can make it through this week, so can you,” Nelson, who continues to use Evan’s last name on social media, captioned a teary-eyed picture of herself. 0 Though the happy couple can’t be together in person (Blake is currently on tour), Stefani sent her love across the miles by posting a sweet selfie of the pair on social media. “Missing being a girlfriend on tour w this country boy,” she captioned the photo. 0 "This is a list of dragons from works of fiction. For dragons from legends and mythology, see List of dragons in mythology and folklore. Dragons in literature [ edit ] Western literature tends either to affirm or pointedly subvert the traditional portrait of dragons from Western myth and folklore, as evil and greedy. Dragons in film and television [ edit ] Dragons have been portrayed in film and television in many different forms. They may terrorize human towns, or save human lives, even taking the role of passionate protectors. Dragons in radio [ edit ] Trorg, the Last Amber Dragon, and the blue sock-stealing dragons in Hordes of the Things Dragons in online audiovisual media [ edit ] Dragons in comics and puppetry [ edit ] Dragons in songs [ edit ] Albi, from the Flight of the Conchords song ""Albi the Racist Dragon"" ""Puff, the Magic Dragon"" is best known from the hit single by Peter, Paul and Mary, but has been performed by countless other artists. ""Puff the Magic Dragon"" was first a poem by Leonard Lipton and adapted by Peter Yarrow. The poem tells of an ageless dragon who befriends a young boy, only to be abandoned as the boy ages and forgets him. This is sometimes suspected of being riddled with references to marijuana, though the authors have publicly ridiculed this notion. The dragon in the song is most likely a reference to children's imagination and innocence. Tharos, from the Emerald Sword Saga, a collection of five albums by the symphonic metal band Rhapsody Dragons in games [ edit ] Dragons appear as the main antagonists in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim , a role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios. , a role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios. Spyro the Dragon , a video game series , a video game series The online game Flight Rising focuses on breeding and battling digital dragons. focuses on breeding and battling digital dragons. In the Pokémon game series the Dragon type is one of 18 types a Pokémon can belong to. Dragons in toys [ edit ] Scorch, Slayer, Loong, Dragon, Legend, Magic in Beanie Baby Megatron in Beast Wars becomes a bio-mechanical dragon after absorbing the essence of his ancestor. Predaking and the Predacons in Transformers: Prime have robotic dragons as alternate forms. Dragons in sport [ edit ] Dragons in theme parks and shows [ edit ] See also [ edit ] References [ edit ]" 0 Our hearts are broken. The shockwaves of grief and denial are still sweeping through our family as we come to grips with what has happened. You touched so many lives, maybe even more than you realized. In the past few days, we’ve seen an outpouring of love and support, both public and private, from around the world. Talinda and the family appreciate it, and want the world to know that you were the best husband, son, and father; the family will never be whole without you. Talking with you about the years ahead together, your excitement was infectious. Your absence leaves a void that can never be filled – a boisterous, funny, ambitious, creative, kind, generous voice in the room is missing. We’re trying to remind ourselves that the demons who took you away from us were always part of the deal. After all, it was the way you sang about those demons that made everyone fall in love with you in the first place. You fearlessly put them on display, and in doing so, brought us together and taught us to be more human. You had the biggest heart, and managed to wear it on your sleeve. Our love for making and performing music is inextinguishable. While we don’t know what path our future may take, we know that each of our lives was made better by you. Thank you for that gift. We love you, and miss you so much. 0 "Though he touts his outstanding memory, when Donald Trump was asked under oath about his dealings with a twice-convicted Russian émigré who served prison time and had documented mafia connections, the real estate mogul was at a loss.Interested in ? Add as an interest to stay up to date on the latest news, video, and analysis from ABC News. Add InterestEven though the man, Felix Sater, had played a role in a number of high-profile Trump-branded projects across the country.“If he were sitting in the room right now, I really wouldn't know what he looked like,” Trump testified in a video deposition for a civil lawsuit two years ago.In recent weeks, the Republican Presidential candidate has been fending off critics who have accused him of embellishment, insensitivity and in some cases inaccuracy for his descriptions of the Muslim response to 9/11. Trump also dismissed outrage at his purported mocking of a disabled New York Times reporter, saying he simply does not remember meeting the scribe.Away from the spotlight, Donald Trump has also been seeking to minimize his past business ties with Sater, the Russian émigré who appeared in photos with Trump, and carried a Trump Organization business card with the title “Senior Advisor to Donald Trump.”Asked last week about Sater by The Associated Press, Trump again seemed unable to retrieve a solid memory of the man. ""Felix Sater, boy, I have to even think about it,"" he told the reporter. ""I'm not that familiar with him.""Trump and Sater can be seen together in photographs attending a Denver business conference in 2005, and the two men posed on stage together at the 2007 launch party for the Trump SoHo Hotel and Condominium project. And in 2010, according to Trump’s lawyer, Sater was provided business cards by the Trump Organization identifying him as a “senior advisor"" to Trump.Sater has declined repeated requests for an interview, citing the advice of his attorney. But he has not been shy about posting items online touting his ties to Trump. On his website, he called the Trump SoHo his “most prized project.” For years he identified himself on his online resume at the LinkedIn website as having been a ""senior advisor"" to Trump in 2010-2011. Last month, after ABC News asked Trump’s attorney about it, that portion of Sater’s online resume was deleted.The “senior advisor” title stands in sharp contrast to how Trump and his aides have repeatedly described the nature of their connection with Sater, including in response to questions from ABC News.Alan Garten, Trump’s General Counsel, initially told ABC News that Trump “had no real direct relationship with Felix Sater” and that Sater was not an advisor to Donald Trump “in my mind, and not in anyone at the Trump Organization's mind.”A few days later, Garten confirmed the authenticity of Sater’s Trump business card with the “senior advisor” title which included a Trump Organization email address and phone number. But the lawyer said the title was not reflective of Sater’s actual role. It was common practice in the real estate industry, he said, to provide business cards and bestow titles “in order for brokers to be able to make initial introductions.”Cyrus McCrimmon/Denver Post/Getty ImagesGarten said Sater was “never employed by or on the payroll of the Trump organization” and that “no deals ever came from those activities” in 2010. But Garten declined to respond to emails and phone messages with further questions, including whether Sater was provided office space or compensated by the Trump organization in any other way. Images of Sater’s business card were wiped from the internet shortly after ABC News asked Garten about it.Trump’s extensive business relationships are garnering fresh attention as the public is becoming better acquainted with the real estate mogul-turned-politician who has catapulted into front-runner territory in the race for the GOP presidential nomination.The cast of characters who participated in Trump’s many development deals touch on a topic the candidate regularly cites on the campaign trail -- his judgment at the helm of his real estate empire. Trump says his “tremendous” record of success is one of his most important qualifications to become President of the United States.The connection to Felix Sater dates to the early 2000's when the Trump Organization worked on several occasions with a small development firm based in Trump Tower called the Bayrock Group, where Sater was an executive until 2007.As Trump explained it during a 2013 deposition, the relationship began when Bayrock was a tenant in his Trump Tower office building, when “somebody from Bayrock, I'm not exactly sure, came to see -- either myself or one of my children” with a proposal for a development deal. “It could have been Felix Sater, it could have been -- I really don't know who it might have been,” Trump said, “but somebody from Bayrock.”Obtained by ABC NewsSater had already served prison time for a grisly 1991 assault at the El Rio Grande restaurant and bar in New York. According to court documents, Sater allegedly told a man at the bar, “I’ll kill you. I’ll rip your f****** head off and stick it down your throat.” Sater then allegedly grabbed a frozen margarita from the bar, flung the contents in the air, smashed the glass on the bar, and stabbed the man in the cheek and neck, breaking his cheek and jaw, lacerating face and neck and severing nerves. He was convicted of first degree assault.As he began his work with Bayrock, Sater was also awaiting sentencing for his role in what authorities called a $40 million “pump and dump” stock scam. Federal prosecutors announced in a March 2, 2000 press release that Sater had pleaded guilty in the federal racketeering case, and was found to have been collaborating with members of four New York mob families. Sater and others had “planned and carried out a series of fraudulent securities schemes and then laundered tens of millions of dollars in illicit profits,” the release said.Prosecutors said Sater and others had “enlisted the help of individuals affiliated with organized crimes families of La Cosa Nostra to protect and promote their criminal activities.”Sater avoided prison after FBI agents testified at his sentencing hearing that he had become an important government witness on both mob-related and national security matters, heralded by federal agents for his cooperation. His lawyer, Robert Wolf, told the Associated Press that some of the information about Sater in public records and lawsuits is defamatory. Wolf told the AP that credits Sater's stint as a government cooperator with potentially saving American military lives, although he did not provide details. Wolf told the AP to write about Sater's past ""at your own risk"" but did not cite specific concerns.During this period, Sater’s role at Bayrock was not clearly defined. He at various times appeared in company emails and other records as the “chief operating officer” or “managing director.” In a 2010 deposition Sater said titles at the firm varied. “I was probably number two man in the company,” he said. “The actual position, I don't remember what it was.”While the Trump SoHo project was considered a success, four other Bayrock projects were either never built or were finished by others. Some of them resulted in lawsuits from unhappy investors. In each case, Trump was not the actual developer of the project and was, instead, paid a fee to license the use of his name and potentially operate the hotel projects.During this period, Trump and Bayrock also collaborated on a proposal for the 600,000-square-foot Trump International Hotel and Residences, Phoenix, that was to include a spa, swimming pools, “exquisite gardens,” and “a world-class celebrity chef restaurant.”The project never got off the ground, however, and in a 2007 lawsuit filed in state court against “the Trump/Bayrock Organization,” the plaintiff alleged that Sater threatened one of the Arizona partners in the deal, a man named Earnest Mennes. Sater was alleged to have told Mennes he would call in a relative to “electrically shock Mr. Mennes' testicles, cut off Mr. Mennes' legs, and leave Mr. Mennes dead in the trunk of his car.”Sater’s lawyer calls the allegation “an outright fabrication” made as part of a lawsuit demanding a financial settlement.Reached in Arizona, Mennes said the matter had been settled out of court and he could not discuss it. Mennes said he reflects proudly on the time he worked on the Trump project, and considers Trump a masterful businessman. Trump’s lawyer said he was unaware of the allegations in the Arizona lawsuit.Trump’s attorney says the real estate mogul had minimal interaction with Sater on the various joint ventures with Bayrock, and so had no reason to probe deeply into his background.“To be clear,” Garten told ABC News, “Mr. Sater's involvement in the projects, the projects that went forward, SoHo and Fort Lauderdale, may have existed in the beginning, but long term there was very little involvement.”Sater's alleged ties to organized crime were more widely publicized in December 2007 when The New York Times published an article featuring Sater’s ties to Trump and describing his “tangled past.” The article reported that Sater “had been an ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ and a key figure in a $40 million scheme involving 19 stockbrokers and organized crime figures from four Mafia families.”Sater told the Times that activity was in the past. “I’m trying to lead an exemplary existence,” he said then. “Old, bad luggage is not something anyone wants to remember.”While Sater’s criminal conviction had been publicized, much of his role in the racketeering case had until that point been kept secret -- sealed by the government because Sater had become a “cooperator” on a range of matters.Sater’s attorney provided ABC News with a copy of a public statement from Attorney General Loretta Lynch, whose New York office had enlisted cooperation from Sater when she was serving as a U.S. Attorney.“The defendant in question, Felix Sater, provided valuable and sensitive information to the government during the course of his cooperation,” her statement said. He provided information “crucial to national security and the conviction of over 20 individuals, including those responsible for committing massive financial fraud and members of La Cosa Nostra.”Garten said Trump read the 2007 Times report and was “surprised.”“He had no idea,” Garten said. It “was the first time that both the Trump organization and Bayrock learned of Mr. Sater's background.”Garten added, “When you go into business with another company, you're going to vet that company certainly, but you're not going to vet every employee, it’s just not appropriate.""Once that information became publicly known, Garten initially told ABC News, Trump “cut all ties” with Sater. But, Garten then acknowledged, the Trump organization continued to listen to deals pitched by Sater well after that.Asked why Trump would listen to a deal brought by a twice-convicted felon with alleged mafia ties, Garten told ABC News, “You’re going to look at the deal, you’re not going to look at the broker.”During his 2013 deposition, when asked about how much he knew about Sater’s past, Trump said he knew Sater had “got into trouble because he got into a barroom fight which a lot of people do.” And, he added, “I don’t know him very well, but I don’t think he was connected to the mafia.”In 2013, the BBC pressed Trump asking why he didn’t say “You’re fired!” to Sater after reports surfaced alleging Sater had ties to organized crime, Trump ultimately rose from his chair mid-interview.“I hate to do this, but I do have that big group of people waiting so I have to leave,” he said, walking out of the room.Trump said during the deposition four months later he could not recall doing the BBC interview.In August, the Washington Examiner asked Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, about the mogul’s past dealings with Sater. ""I have no idea who Felix Sater is, he has nothing to do with the Donald J. Trump for President presidential campaign,"" Lewandowski replied. ""I've never heard of the guy.”For investors who put money into those Trump-branded projects based on the reputation of the man behind the name brand, news that one of the people involved, Sater, had such a checkered criminal history was distressing.Cathy Cather, a Fort Lauderdale healthcare consultant, invested and lost money in the Trump condominium hotel project in her hometown – which failed in part because of the economic collapse. She told ABC News she made her decision in part based on glossy brochures emblazoned with Trump’s photos and such slogans as ""There is luxury... And then there is THE TRUMP EXPERIENCE.""“I invested because it was Trump,” Cather told ABC News.ABC News' Randy Kreider and Alex Hosenball contributed to this report." 0 © Megan Fox/Instagram Megan Fox with sons Journey, Noah and Bodhi This is Halloween, Megan Fox style! The 32-year-old actress — dressed in Harry Potter Gryffindor robes, wand in hand — accompanied her three sons, plus husband Brian Austin Green and the latter’s 16-year-old son Kassius for a night of trick-or-treating. Fox shared a photo gallery of the festivities to Instagram Tuesday, showing off the boys’ creative costumes: Journey River, 2, was dressed as a unicorn while Bodhi Ransom, 4½, opted for a PJ Masks Gekko costume and Noah Shannon, 6, took a loose leaf out of his mom’s Jennifer’s Body book as a zombie cheerleader. © Megan Fox/Instagram Megan Fox's sons Noah, Journey and Bodhi | Megan Fox/Instagram Kassius and Green, 45, joined in on the fun too, donning elaborate wigs and decade-spanning ensembles for the whimsical family get-together. “Happy Halloween🎃,” Fox captioned the photos simply. © Megan Fox/Instagram Brian Austin Green, Megan Fox and Kassius Green | Megan Fox/Instagram Fox and Green are fairly private when it comes to their children, but in August 2017, the Beverly Hills, 90210 alum opened up in a series of candid interviews with Hollywood Pipeline’s Straight from the Source about the way the couple’s oldest son chooses to express himself. “Does it affect you guys if you see people talking crap on it?” host Dax Holt wondered, referring to comments they may have gotten after Noah was seen out and about with his parents wearing a dress. Green didn’t skip a beat. “My son, he’s 4,” the actor explained. “I’ve heard from some people that they don’t agree with him wearing dresses. To them I say, I don’t care. He’s 4 and if he wants to wear it then he wears it.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Megan Fox (@meganfox) on May 5, 2018 at 9:31am PDT View this post on Instagram A post shared by Megan Fox (@meganfox) on Jun 29, 2018 at 3:10am PDT In a Facebook Live interview with Holt that same month, Green joked of having more kids with Fox, “I have four boys now — a fifth is a basketball team. So that would be kind of awesome.” But it’s also that tribe of boys that has Green hoping for Daddy’s little girl. “I want a girl,” he said. “I really want a girl.” “I’m worried that if I try I’ll just get another boy,” Green explained, clarifying, “Not just because I love my boys, but I’ll have another boy and I don’t know if I’m ready for five.” Relate video: Brian Austin Green on How He and Megan Fox Make Their Marriage Last 0 Image zoom Anthony Harvey/Getty; Noel Vasquez/GC Images; Jason Merritt/Getty The 2017 Billboard Music Awards are going to be major. The first round of performers were just announced for the upcoming ceremony, and you will definitely recognize each and every single one of the names. Not only does the star-studded list include the likes of Ed Sheeran, Drake, and Celine Dion, but it also features Bruno Mars, Camila Cabello, Florida Georgia Line, Imagine Dragons, John Legend, Lorde, and Nicki Minaj. Billboard revealed the news via their social media channels today, posting a video and graphic with the lineup of heavy hitters. Let's just say it's going to be a big year at the #BBMAs. Look who's performing, LIVE May 21st on @ABCnetwork. A post shared by Billboard Music Awards (@bbmas) on May 1, 2017 at 11:12am PDT VIDEO: The 7 Most Expensive Music Videos The star-studded list of nominees was announced a few weeks ago, and boasts fan-favorites an chart toppers like Beyoncé, Rihanna, Drake, Justin Timberlake, The Weeknd, Adele, Ariana Grande, Sia, Justin Bieber, and more. We can't wait to see what else (and who else!) the BBMAs have in store for us. RELATED: Drake, Rihanna, and Beyoncé Are Already Dominating the Billboard Music Awards Tune in to the 2017 Billboard Music Awards on Sunday, May 21, at 8 p.m. ET on ABC. 0 Danica Patrick hosted the 2018 ESPYS on Wednesday night in Los Angeles, opening the show with a seven-minute monologue that received mixed reviews from the internet. She nailed several jokes, but her comedic timing was a little off on others and led to a few awkward moments. And it probably didn’t help that the audience didn’t seem settled in their seats and fully into the routine. Prior to the show, Patrick told For The Win she prepped by practicing her monologue to ensure the jokes were delivered in her voice. She took plenty of shots at other athletes — including LeBron James, Tiger Woods and the U.S. men’s soccer team — and said that when she was often the target of jokes, she took it as a compliment because she was “important enough” to be thought of. “I loved the creative process and coming up with ideas and jokes and putting in my two cents there, along with the help of a dozen highly qualified writers,” Patrick told FTW by phone Saturday. So because there were some highs and lows at the show, here are Patrick’s best and worst jokes. The Best 1. A topical joke, for the win “The Caps won their first Stanley Cup in franchise history. And Alex Ovechkin couldn’t be any happier. I haven’t seen a Russian this pleased with Washington since, well, two days ago.” 2. Tiger back? Through the self-deprecating humor Patrick promised, she took a shot at Tiger Woods and herself — but also her trolls on social media who constantly questioned why people cared about her NASCAR and IndyCar careers when she only won one race in 14 years on the track. “Tiger Woods is back. Sort of I guess. I mean, why do people keep talking about this guy who isn’t winning? Who does he think he is? Me?” 3. Sorry, Cleveland “No matter what else is going on in the world, sports have always had the power to inspire and give hope… unless those people are from Cleveland.” 4. Another punch Following an awkward joke about LeBron James’ hair (see below in The Worst), Danica made a great joke about poor J.R. Smith not knowing what the score was during Game 1 of the NBA Finals. “That’s OK. LeBron, when he hosted, he made fun of me too. I’d say we’re even. J.R. Smith would say we’re up by one!” That one was met with heavy applause. And she continued… “Yeah, he made quite the little oopsie in the playoffs this year. You know, it’s not good when you have 100 tattoos and none of them are your biggest mistake.” 5. Keeping Up with the Kardashians Philadelphia 76s star Ben Simmons is reportedly dating Kendall Jenner, so who could resist an easy target? “So many big NBA moves this offseason. Kawhi Leonard went to the Raptors, Dwight Howard went to the Wizards and Ben Simmons went to the Kardashians.” 6. Adam Rippon’s Instagram stardom While highlighting the amazing performances by Team USA in the 2018 Winter Olympics, Patrick said: “Our gold-medal winning women’s hockey team is here, gold medalist Chloe Kim is here and Instagram’s Adam Rippon is here… I’m told he also won a medal.” Cut to Rippon — who won a figure skating bronze medal in South Korea — who was hilariously posing like he would for his Instagram account, which is spectacularly entertaining. He stole the show briefly with this joke, but it was cute all around. 7. A short joke Danica is only about 5-foot-2, so she doesn’t have much of a leg to stand on here when teasing Houston Astros’ All-Star second baseman José Altuve. But as someone who’s in the same height range, this writer always appreciates short jokes. “World Series champion José Altuve is here. And when I say it’s incredible that José can reach the top of his profession without being able to reach the top shelf of his locker, it’s out of respect.” The Worst 1. It started off fine… Patrick threw a jab at the NFL’s new policy that players must stand for the national anthem if they’re on the field, which the players themselves found ridiculous and pointed out how it still misses the point of the peaceful protests. But then the joke continued as she addressed “the elephant in the room” with the national anthem controversy, and an image of Fergie appeared on the screen behind her. “Give it up for the U.S. men’s curling team, they also took home gold. And for those unfamiliar, curling is the sport where you are allowed to kneel. It’s encouraged. “That’s right, we have to mention the elephant in the room. It’s time to talk about the national anthem controversy. (Cut to an image of Fergie.) I don’t know what Fergie was thinking either.” This was just a bad joke involving serious issues, like of racial injustice and police brutality, and Philadelphia Eagles’ Chris Long — one of the leading advocates for peaceful protests — was seen saying it was bad. However, it turns out he was talking about Fergie’s terrible performance from the NBA All-Star Game. For the record geniuses I was talking about Fergie https://t.co/sZN4tyw9Rz — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 19, 2018 2. Odell Beckham Jr.’s hair “Odell is, once again, healthy and will return to the field next season, but his hair style’s still listed as questionable.” We’ve heard this one before, and Patrick’s delivery was a little bit off. However, Patrick also appeared on stage wearing a shorts suit, saying she borrowed it from OBJ. He seemed to enjoy that quip a little more. 3. And then LeBron James’ hair This one just straight up fell flat, and the timing was all kinds of off. “Who doesn’t love LeBron James? He’s one of the greatest basketball players of all time, and now, LeBron is the newest Los Angeles transplant. Los Angeles transplant is also what he Googles when he needs new hair.” 4. No, the USMNT wasn’t in the World Cup If you haven’t heard by now, the soccer tournament that started more than a month ago and ended last weekend didn’t include the U.S. “Congratulations to France on winning the World Cup. I’d make a joke about the U.S. soccer team, but they didn’t qualify for this monologue.” 5. KD’s burners Patrick closed her monologue with one final joke, this one aimed at Kevin Durant. It was funny, but not new and seemed like a missed opportunity to throw a punch at the 76ers. “It’s time to give out some awards tonight. Remember, the ESPYS are voted on by all of you. And there’s no greater honor than being recognized by actual fans. This year, millions of them cast their votes on Twitter, and only 1,000 were from Kevin Durant’s burner accounts.” Bonus: This wasn’t part of her monologue, but the costumes were great for Patrick and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s Game of Thrones non-sketch. 0 For a while now, Will and Jada have said that they don’t call themselves married anymore. Instead, they call themselves life partners. Personally, I wondered about that. What was that about? What’s the reason. But in an interview with People, Jada explained. “ I needed a different form to dissolve all the expectations that I had of a marriage. I needed to do that to see Will outside of husband and see him as a human being. We have all these expectations. ‘Oh, this is what a husband is. This is what a wife is.’ I started dissolving all the ideas and expectations and labels.” Will will join Jada, her mother Adrienne Banefield-Jones and daughter Willow Smith on the season premiere of “Red Table Talk” on Facebook on October 22. The two will discuss their evolving relationship there. “Will comes on the show for two episodes, and we talk about redefining our relationship, going from calling ourselves married to becoming life partners. I felt like there was a way to speak about that that was open and transparent. But there are still aspects that are private!” I know there are some who will read this description and write it off as additional evidence to prove Will and Jada have an open relationship or that they swing. But outside of the sexual component, I think we can all admit that there are expectations for married people—moreso for women than men. And if you walk into a relationship believing that you and that person should behave in rigid, pre-defined ways, it can present a problem when you want to do or behave differently. It reminds me of the reason Oprah and Stedman have never married. Last year, Oprah explained that there was a time when she wanted to marry Stedman and a time when he proposed to her. But a book proposal delayed their plans of getting married and eventually the two abandoned the discussion of marriage. Oprah said, “We would not have stayed together because marriage requires a different way of being in this world. His interpretation of what it means to be a husband and what it would mean for me to be a wife would have been pretty traditional, and I would not have been able to fit into that.” Shonda Rhimes shared a similar sentiment during her sit down with Winfrey for Super Soul Sunday, saying, “What I realized is, I don’t want to be married…because I could not have the life that I created for myself.” Marriage requires compromise. And for women like Oprah and Shonda that might have meant compromising themselves. And that would have been a price to heavy to pay…not only for themselves but for the world. Still, I think honest conversations about what each party expects in a marriage—before that marriage takes place, could lead to a partnership where both parties still feel free to do and achieve all that they were meant to in the world. What do you think about the idea of not calling yourselves married? Veronica Wells is the culture editor at MadameNoire.com. She is also the author of “Bettah Days” and the creator of the website NoSugarNoCreamMag. You can follow her on Facebook and on Instagram and Twitter @VDubShrug. 0 Lady Bird has won Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy at the 2018 Golden Globes. It was up against James Franco’s The Disaster Artist, Jordan Peele’s Get Out, The Greatest Showman, and I, Tonya. Lady Bird, the coming of age tale starring Saoirse Ronan, was written and directed by Greta Gerwig. Ronan won for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy Motion Picture, Laurie Metcalf was up for Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture, and Gerwig was nominated for Best Screenplay. Jon Brion scored Lady Bird’s soundtrack, which is out on vinyl on February 23. Read more of Pitchfork’s coverage of this year’s Golden Globe Awards. 0 It’s official. Almost two years after announcing their decision to split, Yolanda Hadid and David Foster are divorced. According to legal documents obtained by The Blast, a judgment was entered in court Oct. 16. Get push notifications with news, features and more. After four years of marriage and a total of nine years together, the former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star and music producer announced their divorce exclusively to PEOPLE on Dec. 1, 2015. “Sadly we have decided to go our separate ways,” they said in a statement at the time. “We’ve shared nine beautiful and joyous years together. During that time we experienced love, friendship and the inevitable challenges that come with managing a marriage, careers, blended families and health issues.” Hadid, 53, who was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2012, has been open about the strain her health struggles put on their marriage as symptoms like joint pain, exhaustion, insomnia, and anxiety plagued her daily, making simple tasks like answering an email extremely difficult. “All of a sudden all of the things we shared, all of the things we used to love to do together — go for walks in the morning, having a studio in the house and blasting music all day, having dinner parties — that all shut down,” she told PEOPLE in August. “I couldn’t participate in that life anymore.” RELATED VIDEO: Yolanda Hadid Reveals How Lyme Disease Devastated Her Life & Marriage in Memoir Hadid also opened up about the toll the illness took on her marriage in her September memoir, Believe Me: My Battle With the Invisibility of Lyme Disease. “I’m starting to feel that David is unhappy with the fact that I can’t be by his side the way that I used to be,” she wrote. “I try to make light of it and joke that he married a lemon. It’s sad but true. I went from being the funny girlfriend who was up for anything and had endless energy to the wife who is too sick to be by his side.” “He lost his wingman, his partner in crime, and I fell as if he’s starting to get impatient with my recovery,” she continued. “I understand that even brief periods of illness can strain important relationships in your life. A chronic condition like mine, one that has consumed years of our lives, poses enormous challenges.” Despite her best efforts, she was unable to maintain her former lifestyle. After the couple split, Hadid left Los Angeles, relocating to New York to be closer to her three children: models Gigi, Bella and Anwar. “I had a great run with him,” she previously told PEOPLE of her ex-husband. “I will always hold that in high regard and have gratitude for that time together.” Foster, 67, opened up about the divorce at the Grammy Museum’s third annual gala in Los Angeles last month. “We just always did our best,” he told Entertainment Tonight. “We had some other issues as well, but everybody’s in a good place now. The main thing is that she’s healthy and in remission. She worked really hard at it and now she’s reaping the rewards of that.” 0 More than two months after Rob Kardashian‘s explosive social media rampage against Blac Chyna launched a custody war over their daughter, PEOPLE confirms the ex-fiancés have come to an agreement. Get push notifications with news, features and more. Kardashian, 30, and Chyna, 29, have agreed to joint custody of their 10-month-old daughter Dream Renée. “Chyna is pleased that Rob has agreed to peacefully coparent Dream with her, as she has been requesting all along,” her attorney, Lisa Bloom, tells PEOPLE. “Because Rob agreed to continue to stay away from Chyna and not contact her, Chyna has agreed to take the domestic abuse hearing scheduled for Monday, Sept. 18, off calendar. She will always have the right to go back into court if further incidents of domestic abuse occur.” Still, Bloom says “this agreement does not resolve all disputes between Chyna and Rob.” Kardashian and Chyna’s roller coaster relationship began in January 2016, when the two went public with their romance. The pairing initially raised eyebrows due to Chyna’s complicated history with the Kardashian-Jenner family: She shares a son with Kardashian’s sister Kylie Jenner‘s former boyfriend Tyga and is best friends with Amber Rose, an ex of Kanye West, who is now married to Kim Kardashian West. Prince Williams/WireImage The two feuded on social media throughout their relationship, but the tension reached its peak on July 5, when Kardashian repeatedly shared graphic and expletive-ridden content about his ex — including three naked photos — while accusing her of drug use, alcohol abuse and infidelity. Chyna and her legal team accused him of violating California’s revenge porn laws, claiming in court documents obtained by PEOPLE that Kardashian allegedly hit her and threatened to kill himself multiple times. A judge later granted her a set of restraining orders against Kardashian. FROM PEN: Blac Chyna Recalls the Shocking Moment Rob Kardashian Uploaded Her Most Intimate Photos Online Earlier this week, a source told PEOPLE that Kardashian was “listening to advice from his family and instructions from his lawyer to behave.” “Everyone wants him to be quiet and not get into any more trouble,” said the source, adding that Kardashian — who has long struggled with his weight and depression — “isn’t healthy, and isn’t making huge efforts to get healthier, but he does really care about Dream.” “He loves spending time with her,” the source said. “He always misses Dream when she is with Chyna.” In an exclusive sit-down with PEOPLE in July, Chyna insisted she’s committed to co-parenting her daughter with her ex. “I feel that the key to successful co-parenting is communication and respect,” she said. “I might have one point of view, but hopefully Dream and King’s fathers add theirs, and we can come together to build better people. I know right and wrong. I’m pretty sure they know right and wrong. We’re going to do the best we can.” 0 Batman and Wolverine would never normally be seen hanging out together. But Ben Affleck had no choice as he brought his son and Barrington Rec Center star Samuel to his basketball game in LA on Saturday. The 45-year-old also other awkward company, in the form of ex-wife Jennifer Garner. Scroll down for video Co-parenting duty! Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner looked tense as they took son Samuel to basketball game on Saturday The former couple, who split in 2015, looked tense as they chatted over their co-parenting duties. Ben looked fit in a dark grey t-shirt with baggy jeans and sneakers. Jen, also 45, looked fitter again in jeans and a light white pullover. Batman V Wolverine: The former couple brought the five-year-old to play for his team, Barrington Rec Center Wolverines Done: The couple split in 2025, one day shy of their ten year anniversary One more thing: Ben and Jen filed for divorce in April 2017; it has yet to be finalized Samuel, who turns six later this month, didn't look two bothered in his Wolverines kit as he enjoyed a post-game Sonic the Hedgehog ice cream. The couple's youngest and only boy, Sam also has two older sisters: 12-year-old Violet, and nine-year-old Seraphina. Ben and Jen filed for divorce in April 2017; it has yet to be finalized. Hood nick: Ben looked fit in a dark grey t-shirt with baggy jeans and sneakers Fine form: Jen, also 45, looked fitter again in jeans and a light white pullover The Daredevil co-stars requested joint custody of their three children but they're still negotiating a financial settlement, according toTMZ. Since their split, Affleck has moved on with Saturday Night Live producer Lindsay Shookus in Manhattan. Garner meanwhile has yet to be romantically linked to anyone post break-up 1 The moment we’ve been waiting for all week has arrived: Harry Styles did Carpool Karaoke, and it actually drove us wild. (Because it’s a CAR-pool and you DRIVE cars…sorry.) All week, Harry Styles has been joining James Corden on the Late Late Show. The singer has been juggling, performing hilarious skits about singing, and even taking over the opening monologue (complete with some rather epic dad jokes). What’s more, Harold has performed a few of the tracks from his debut solo album, which was released last week, including “Sign of the Times,” “Carolina,” “Kiwi,” and “Two Ghosts.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLGsNnt3r9E To close off his residency, Harry Styles joined James Corden on his journey into work for one EPIC Carpool Karaoke. Of course, this isn’t Harry’s first time helping James with his commute. The British singer has previously appeared on Carpool Karaoke with One Direction. But as we’ve come to expect, Harry and James make their way through some musical hits, including Harry’s songs “Sign of the Times” and “Sweet Creature,” as well as OutKast’s “Hey Ya” and Diana Ross and Lionel Richie’s “Endless Love.” After completing “Sign of the Times,” Harry revealed that the track actually makes him a bit emotional, and that he’s cried “in a cool way” after performing the song live. James also compliments the singer on his effortless style, with the pair switching outfits (Harry even ends up wearing a skintight, gold lamé shirt and string vest!). Things really heat up, however, when Harry Styles and James Corden decide to recreate some famous scenes from romantic movies. As we know, Harry is a HUGE fan of rom-coms, but we didn’t expect him to be *this* good at it. He expertly does Julia Roberts’s role in Notting Hill, and the pair even do Kate Winslet’s “draw me like one of your French girls” scene from Titanic. Watch Harry Styles and James Corden’s incredible and hilarious Carpool Karaoke below. Omg! After watching this, we’re convinced that Harry needs to do a romantic comedy (hey, he is an actor now). We can picture it already. He could even provide the soundtrack. Someone make this happen! Meanwhile, Harry Styles’ self-titled debut album is out now. 0 Lesley Murphy is ready for the next chapter. The Bachelor Winter Games star broke her silence following her split from Dean Unglert in a lengthy Instagram post on Sunday, April 8. “It’s a bit strange to feel the need to post about this, but I don’t think I can honestly resume my normal programming without giving you an explanation – and maybe that’s the wrong word, but I just wanted to thank y’all for the love and respect you’ve shown me over the past few days,” she wrote. “I spent 5 years away from Bachelor Nation as I lived abroad and traveled for work. I came back to Winter Games because I’ve seen this franchise work miracles before. Through The Bachelor and my journey around the world, I have made deep connections, true meaningful intimate relationships with many walks of life. I know it’s imperative to find someone who chooses us and acknowledges our many layers, who can be open and vulnerable, and most importantly, who is ready. To meet someone and be met. To be chosen and to choose. To love and to be loved. This is everything. All we need is that same energy reciprocated, and despite how open and loving you attempt to be, people can only meet you as deeply as they’ve met themselves.” Along with her message, Murphy shared a barefoot photo of herself in Vermont holding a cup of coffee and looking outside at a wintery mix. “Don’t be afraid to be the one that loved the most and give everything you had, because you’ve got to find people who love like you do and who are ready,” she continued. “Out with the old, in with the TRUE. It was a long winter, and I’m excited for a new season. Let the spring cleaning commence. I’m ready.” One day earlier, Unglert posted a cryptic message to his own personal account after it was reported that the pair had called it quits. “Growing up as a kid I had a crude but utopian idea of what love is. I always had this idea that no matter what you did, no matter how you act, as long as you’re true to yourself and act in good conscious, your path would lead you to the one person on this planet you’re meant to be with,” he wrote. “As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that although everyone DESERVES love, it’s not something we’re entitled to. Love takes work. Love is compromise. Love is earned. I still have a lot of work to do on myself, a lot to prove to myself, before I’m ready for something like that.” Murphy and Unglert began dating on the ABC series and the Bachelorette alum gave her a key to his place during the finale. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! 0 Learn which of your favorite Bachelor and Bachelorette castoffs (and the contestants you love to hate) will appear on Bachelor in Paradise, premiering Aug. 7 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC 0 E! has given the go-ahead for a second season of Very Cavallari, the docu-series starring celebrity entrepreneur Kristin Cavallari. The new season will premiere in 2019. Season 2 is expected to continue following Cavallari’s life in Nashville and will feature 10 one-hour episodes. E! says the first season of Very Cavallari has seen consistent week on week growth in all key demos and currently ranks as one of the youngest and most affluent series on ad-supported cable and broadcast with a median age of 36. The first-season finale is set for Sunday, Aug. 26, and will chronicle the Uncommon James store opening and launch party. But several huge mistakes by Kristin’s staff on opening day push the star to her breaking point, while Brittainy worries about her position in the company and Shannon helps Mike pop the question to Taylor. You can check out a clip from the season finale above. Very Cavallari is produced by T Group Productions with Jenny Daly, Rob Lobl, and Kristin Cavallari serving as Executive Producers. “I couldn’t be happier that Very Cavallari will be returning for season two,” said Cavallari. “I had the best time filming our first season and feel like we are just getting started…” 0 How could no one behind Hard Summer’s new preview trailer suspect that so many fans would hate it? The clip, which can be watched here and does contain imagery that could offend, may have been done with the intent to admirably satirize the lack of women on music festival bills (including Hard's). But doing so by putting gigantic prosthetic breasts on top-billed male acts including DJ Snake, What So Not, Party Favor and Claude VonStroke? 0 "Share. Doug Stamper may get his own show. Doug Stamper may get his own show. A House of Cards spin-off is reportedly in early development stages at Netflix. Variety reports that several concept ideas set in the same universe as Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) are being discussed between the streaming service and producer Media Rights Capital. One focuses on political aide-de-camp Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly), with House of Cards S 1-4 executive producer Eric Roth set to write. The publication reports that at least two other concepts are being explored, but no writers are attached yet. The report comes in the wake of Netflix's official announcement that House of Cards will end after season 6, which TVLine says was a decision made months ago, rather than made in the light of the recent disturbing allegations made against Spacey. Netflix and series producer Media Rights Capital released a joint statement yesterday saying they are ""deeply troubled"" by these allegations, but as of writing, season 6 is still going ahead. For more on House of Cards, read IGN's review of the most recent series. House of Cards: Season 5 Photos 10+ IMAGES Fullscreen Image Artboard 3 Copy Artboard 3 ESC 01 OF 23 Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright in House of Cards' Season 5 01 OF 23 Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright in House of Cards' Season 5 House of Cards: Season 5 Photos Netflix Download Image Captions ESC Lucy O'Brien is Games & Entertainment Editor at IGN’s Sydney office. Follow her on Twitter." 0 Did Angelina Jolie squash a truce with Jennifer Aniston? Angie reportedly rejected meeting with Jen, as she’s livid that Brad Pitt and Jen are friends again! Can we ever have peace in our time? Jennifer Aniston, 49 reportedly “extended an invitation” to sit down with Angelina Jolie, 42, over dinner, sources tell In Touch magazine. “Jen thought it was finally time to resolve the past,” an insider said, adding that since her marriage with Justin Theroux, 46, is over, Jen “wants a fresh start on all fronts.” However, Angelina supposedly turned the invite down! When Jen asked why Angie refused to meet her, the Girl, Interrupted star said “she didn’t owe her an apology,” per the source. “The whole idea to get together for dinner turned into a disaster.” So, why did Angie go all Maleficent on Jen’s attempt to squash their beef? Well, Jen and Brad Pitt, 52, have reportedly rekindled their friendship following her spit from Justin. The two supposedly have these late night meetings, all set up by Brad’s bud George Clooney, 56, and it’s like old times again. Jen has reportedly found “closure” with Brad over leaving her for Angie in 2004, and an insider says, “there may even be a future for the two of them.” The idea of Angie’s ex chilling with his other ex doesn’t sit well with her. “It’s gotten back to her that Brad and Jen are in each other’s lives again. She’s furious about it,” the insider tells In Touch. So much for these two burying whatever bad blood might be lingering between them. Angie once said that she would “welcome…a real sit-down-and-talk kind of meeting,” per Pop Sugar. That was back in 2006, and it seems that fans will have to wait a little bit longer before these two patch things up. In the meantime, Jennifer may not linger too much on Angie’s alleged snub. She’s ready to move on past her split with Justin and into the next stage in her life. This, as it turns out, includes giving dating a whirl, and she’s looking for a younger man to put some excitement back into her life. Jen’s all about having fun “without falling in love,” a source close to Jennifer EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife.com. Jennifer thinks she can achieve that by finding “a younger guy [who] doesn’t want to settle down.” Get it, girl! 1 "The Kardashians have baby fever — literally. Now that Khloé Kardashian welcomed her first child, True Thompson, with serial cheater boyfriend Tristan Thompson, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are looking to expand their family, again! The couple is already parents to North, 4, Saint, 2, and Chicago, 3 months, but a source told Radar Online they are itching for baby No. 4 by the end of this year. ""It's always been a question of when, not if they'll add to the family,"" the source explained. ""They're confident they can cope with this because of the support they have with childcare."" And, yes, Kim will likely go the surrogate route again as the publication reported that she will probably use the same woman who carried Chicago. A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Apr 17, 2018 at 7:40pm PDT Although Kim and Kanye are ready for a fourth child — hopefully another son if Kanye had it his way — some close friends don't think it's such a good idea. Radar Online reported that this could be something that actually tears them apart since their relationship isn't in the greatest place at the moment. ""A lot of people think it’s crazy, since their marriage is hardly in the ideal place and they're already struggling to cope with the demands of three kids,"" the source said. ""But they're ignoring all reason and going with their impulse here."" (Photo Credit: Getty Images) While Kim and Kanye have yet to comment on the possibility of adding to their family so soon, the KKW Beauty star did tell Elle's April issue that a fourth baby would be her last. ""I don't think I could handle more than [four kids]. My time is spread really thin,"" Kim explained. ""And I think it's important that in all couples, the mom gives the husband as much attention as the kids."" Kim and Kanye started dating in April 2012 before tying the knot in 2014 and they are still the perfect match for each other. ""He's taught me to have more of an opinion,"" Kim admitted. ""I've taught him to be a bit more calm or cautious. We're a good balance."" More from In Touch Kanye West Compares His Wife Kim Kardashian to Former French Queen Marie Antoinette Kim Kardashian Shares Sweet Snap of Saint West Kissing Little Sis Chicago, and Our Hearts Are Exploding The Kardashian Sisters Are Being Torn Apart by the Men in Their Lives" 1 "It's been over two years since Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton first got together, and a source close to the 41-year-old country singer tells ET that they're happier than ever! The two were recently spotted strolling down the beach in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, and even ran into Shelton's pal, Luke Bryan. Stefani wore a white bikini top that she paired with a black sarong and a tan sweater, while Shelton sported a blue trucker hat that matched his board shorts and button-down shirt. While they may have been an unexpected pair when they first started dating, Shelton and Stefani have been going strong for some time now. Backgrid ""Gwen really loves Blake for who he is and has never once tried to change him or anything about him. She even loves his style!"" the source tells ET. ""She thinks he's such a manly man and is incredibly attracted to that about him."" When they're not taking romantic walks along the beach, the couple often visit Shelton's house in Oklahoma along with Stefani's three sons with ex-husband Gavin Rossdale, 11-year-old Kingston, 9-year-old Zuma and 3-year-old Apollo. The source notes that the 48-year-old singer ""loves the influence Blake has on her kids."" ""Blake introduces them to these down-home country things and Gwen and the kids love it. They all love going to Oklahoma and seeing the animals and doing fun things on his giant piece of land,"" the source continues. ""Blake is very much a father figure to her kids. The kids are very mature and Blake treats them as such. He loves them so much, he's always talking about them."" Backgrid Shelton -- who divorced Miranda Lambert in 2015 -- is also pretty smitten with Stefani. ""Blake is extremely devoted to Gwen and their life together. He feels like everything in life happens for a reason and although he was heartbroken after Miranda, this fantastic relationship and family came out of it,"" the source says, adding that ""they would still love to start a family together, but they're also happy with the family they have now."" In an exclusive interview with ET in October, Shelton gushed over his girlfriend and her whole family. ""It's been a lot of fun for me to be the one to get to expose them to this -- out in the country,"" he said. ""They love it so much, her entire family. And when I say her family, I mean all of them. I'm talking about the kids, the mom, the dad, the brother. There's times when we've had holiday gatherings, and I'm talking about 30-plus family members from her side, from my side."" ""We have so much fun. I don't think you should be able to have that much fun,"" Shelton quipped. ""It's probably not legal in California."" RELATED CONTENT: Blake Shelton Celebrates 'Voice' Victory With Gwen Stefani and Her Kids in Adorable Videos! Blake Shelton Attempts to Teach Gwen Stefani's Son Kingston How to Drive -- See the Epic Fail! Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton Run Into Luke Bryan During Romantic Beach Stroll (EXCLUSIVE PICS) Related Gallery" 1 Reese Witherspoon and her ex-husband, Ryan Phillippe, shared sweet birthday messages to their daughter, Ava Phillippe, who turned 18 on Saturday, September 9. “Happy 18th Birthday to my sweet girl @avaphillippe!” the Legally Blonde actress, 41, captioned a throwback pic with her look-alike daughter. “Your kindness, grace, intelligence and humor never cease to amaze me. I love you and your HUGE [heart] and I feel so lucky that I get to be your mom. #proudmom #18.” Happy 18th Birthday to my sweet girl @avaphillippe ! ?Your kindness, grace, intelligence and humor never cease to amaze me. I love you and your HUGE ❤️ and I feel so lucky that I get to be your mom. ?#proudmom #18 A post shared by Reese Witherspoon (@reesewitherspoon) on Sep 9, 2017 at 10:47am PDT #18 A post shared by Reese Witherspoon (@reesewitherspoon) on Sep 9, 2017 at 11:28am PDT Phillippe, 42, also shared a series of pics of his daughter on Instagram. “Happy birthday, punk,” the Shooter star wrote. “I love you more than any strangers need read, but… you are the coolest smartest most beautiful daughter a father could ever have and even though you’re no longer a child, you’ll always be my little girl. Happy 18th, princess.” happy birthday, punk. i love you more than any strangers need read, but… A post shared by philz (@ryanphillippe) on Sep 9, 2017 at 11:42am PDT and even though you're no longer a child, you'll always be my little girl. happy 18th, princess A post shared by philz (@ryanphillippe) on Sep 9, 2017 at 11:45am PDT Ava also shared a beautiful throwback pic of herself dressed in a yellow princess gown and posted a photo on Instagram of one of 18 letters that her thoughtful mom had written to her daughter each year, saving them to be opened on her landmark birthday. “18 letters that made me cry (hard) today, courtesy of my lovely mother,” she wrote. #18 A post shared by Ava Phillippe (@avaphillippe) on Sep 9, 2017 at 7:23am PDT 18 letters that made me cry (hard) today, courtesy of my lovely mother. A post shared by Ava Phillippe (@avaphillippe) on Sep 9, 2017 at 9:37am PDT Witherspoon and Phillippe met at her 21st birthday party in 1997, marrying in June 1999. Ava arrived later that year and the couple welcomed son Deacon in 2003. They split three years later and Witherspoon went on to marry talent agent Jim Toth in 2011. They have a son Tennessee, who turns 5 later this month. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 0 Is she, or isn’t she? According to Kendall Jenner, she isn’t! The model has responded to speculation that she’s pregnant in the funniest — and most relatable — way possible. Jenner retweeted an article questioning whether not she was expecting on Saturday, December 30, and hilariously wrote, “i just like bagels ok!!!” i just like bagels ok!!! https://t.co/4IxM9ECLOs — Kendall (@KendallJenner) December 31, 2017 As previously reported, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star posted a bathroom selfie on Friday, December 29, wearing a black-and-white polka dot dress. The 22-year-old model captioned the selfie “loner life” with an alien emoji. The photo shows Jenner, who routinely flaunts her bare midriff in crop tops and shows off her lean figure, showcasing what some thought was a bump. The photo sent fans into a frenzy as they wondered whether or not she was the fourth woman in her famous family to be expecting. Khloé Kardashian and Kylie Jenner are pregnant, while Kim Kardashian is expecting her third child via a surrogate any day now. While Kylie is remaining mum about her pregnancy, multiple sources have confirmed to Us Weekly that she is pregnant with her first child with Travis Scott in early 2018. Jenner’s response prompted her followers to defend the reality star. One wrote, “What gives people the right to judge her body shape/size? I’m sure if she wasn’t a Jenner/Kardashian then this would be called body shaming? Not ok people.” Another asked, “Why must she be ‘pregnant’. It’s the season of good food, good wine and good company… honestly.” One fan simply commented, “You don’t even look ‘preggers’ smh. They tried it.” Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! 1 "The video will start in 8 Cancel Get daily news updates directly to your inbox Subscribe See our privacy notice Thank you for subscribing! Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email Meghan Markle is reportedly 'frustrated' by the strict royal protocols that govern her new life since marrying Prince Harry . Members of the public watching Meghan's transformation from Hollywood actress into the Duchess of Sussex could be forgiven for thinking she'd taken to her new role with ease. She made an effortless joint engagement with the Queen to open a new bridge, attended the RAF centenary flypast, was a guest of the Irish President alongside Harry, joined sister-in-law Kate Middleton at Wimbledon and looked stunning at Prince Louis' christening. But she is reportedly confused about aspects of royal life and the old-fashioned ways of the Windsor household. A source told People.com how Meghan ""has found certain rules in the royal household difficult to understand, like the fact that the Queen prefers women in dresses or skirts rather than trouser suits, and is often asking Harry why things have to be done in a certain way"". (Image: Getty) (Image: PA) The source added: ""I think she finds it a little frustrating at times, but this is her new life, and she has to deal with it.” The monarchy website includes a reference to Meghan as a ""feminist"". She had never previously shied away from voicing her opinions on issues that were close to her heart. But protocol prohibits royal family members from expressing political opinions. There was no greater example of this than an Irish politician's recent blunder which revealed Meghan's opinions on the country's recent referendum on legalising abortion . (Image: WPA Pool) Senator Catherine Noone posted on Facebook : ""A pleasure to meet Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex at the British Ambassador's Residence this evening. ""The Duchess and I had a chat about the recent referendum result - she watched with interest and was pleased to see the result."" The comments suggest that Meghan may have broken royal protocol by expressing political opinon. Since the 17th century, members of the British monarchy have been banned from doing just that, which includes voting. But from an early age, former Suits star Meghan was politically active. Aged just 11 she successfully campaigned to have a washing detergent advert's sexist language changed. She also said in 2016 she would move to Canada if ""misogynistic"" Donald Trump was elected US president." 1 "89-7 No. 242 (for example) - Tally and roll call vote number C - Confirmed and served (118) 25V - Voice Vote D - Declined (7)N - No Action (10)P - Postponed (3)R - Rejected (12)W - Withdrawn (12)1. Nominated to chief justice.2. Sitting justice elevated to chief justice.3. Nominated to chief justice.4. Sitting justice nominated to chief justice; nomination filibustered and withdrawn.5. Nominated to chief justice.6. Nominated to chief justice.7. Sitting justice elevated to chief justice.8. Nominated to chief justice.9. Nominated to chief justice.10. Sitting justice elevated to chief justice.11. Nominated to chief justice.12. Nominated to chief justice.13. Unsuccessful nominee for chief justice.14. Unsuccessful nominee for chief justice.15. Confirmed, but died before he took office.16. Nominated to chief justice.17. On motion to proceed to consider the nomination, an objection was made.18. Nominated to chief justice.19. Nominated to chief justice.20. Nominated to chief justice.21. Nominated to chief justice.22. Sitting justice nominated to chief justice, but declined and continued to serve as an associate justice.23. Offered his services as a replacement for the soon-to-retire John Jay in June 1795, so President Washington offered him a temporary commission (Senate was in recess). The Senate convened in December and voted on the nomination, making Rutledge the first rejected Supreme Court nominee and the only ""recess appointed"" justice not to be subsequently confirmed by the Senate.24. Nominated to chief justice." 0 G-Eazy Busted For Assault, Cocaine Possession G-Eazy Arrested for Assault and Cocaine Possession in Sweden EXCLUSIVE 9:13 AM PT -- We've obtained video of G-Eazy getting loaded into a police car. In another clip, Halsey can be heard yelling about getting hit in the face -- we're told she may have been struck by a security guard during the scuffle inside the club. G-Eazy was arrested in Sweden after allegedly attacking security guards and getting caught with cocaine. Sources familiar with the situation tell us the rapper was partying in a club after his show Wednesday in Stockholm and was acting belligerent. We're told several security guards approached him, asking him to calm down, but G-Eazy started to throw punches ... striking one guard in the face several times. We're told he was detained by police, who allegedly discovered cocaine in the rapper's pocket. Our sources say he was taken into custody on suspicion of assault, possession of narcotics and use of narcotics. We're told he's still in custody. Several videos taken inside the club show G-Eazy partying with friends -- including girlfriend Halsey and rapper Sean Kingston -- and handing out shots. We've reached out to several members of G-Eazy's team ... so far, no word back. 0 Jenelle Evans couldn’t help but get emotional when she reunited with her son, Jace, over the Memorial Day weekend. Last week, the Teen Mom 2 star reached a happy resolution in a long-fought custody battle with her mother, Barbara Evans. Jenelle’s attorney, Heather D. Kaemmer, told PEOPLE that the reality star and her mother had settled on a custody schedule that allows them to share time with 7-year-old Jace. Get push notifications with news, features and more. And this past weekend, the mother and son had an “amazing” reunion when they were reunited after five weeks spent apart. Source: Jenelle Evans/Instagram “It felt amazing to finally be reunited,” Jenelle told E! News about spending time with her oldest child. “He was so happy he didn’t even know what to do first when he got home. I was nervous a little bit because I didn’t want Jace thinking it was me that didn’t want to visit with him, but when he arrived everything was back to the way it used to be.” Although the mother of three — she is mom to Jace, son Kaiser, 2, and newborn daughter Ensley Jolie — did she some tears, it was a happy reunion. “I did cry but not around anyone except for David,” said Jenelle, who is engaged to fiancé David Eason. “I didn’t want any of the kids thinking I was upset. Lots of hugs and kisses we’re going around all weekend!” To celebrate the three-day weekend, the MTV personality and her children, along with Eason’s daughter Maryssa, rode bikes and enjoyed some time hiking and at the beach. “Couldn’t have asked for a better weekend,” she said. “My next visit with him is this upcoming weekend since his summer school break will begin,” said Jenelle, who will reportedly have Jace for his entire summer break. “We are planning on taking the kids on vacation so that should be lots of fun!” FROM PEN: What’s Next for Princess Charlotte Although the Evans v. Evans case between Jenelle and her mother was scheduled for two days of trial beginning May 24, “the parties re-opened settlement negotiations and were able to come to an agreement before the trial started” on May 24, Kaemmer said. (Barbara, with whom Jenelle has long had a tense relationship, maintains primary custody of Jace.) According to Kaemmer, “Barbara and Jenelle settled on a custody schedule that allows them to share time with Jace,” Kaemmer told PEOPLE. “The new Order grants Jenelle specific periods of time with Jace so that Barbara no longer has the authority to determine if and when Jenelle can spend time with her son.” 0 "Mitt Romney came to coal country on Aug. 14, standing before a crowd of miners in eastern Ohio and pledging to fight for their jobs.You could be forgiven if you thought this was much ado about 3,150 jobs -- the number employed directly by coal operations in Ohio, at least before two mines announced layoffs recently. But Romney’s greater point was about how coal fires so many power plants in Ohio and the region, and how, he says, environmental regulation from President Barack Obama’s administration threatens jobs at those plants, too. This could drive up the cost of electricity for every Ohioan, Romney said.This debate -- over the cost of electricity, the shift among power plants to natural gas, the environmental and health risks, the role the government should or shouldn’t play -- has been building for years. And after the event, the Obama campaign had a response, saying that Romney’s position on coal has changed substantially since he was governor of Massachusetts.""Immediately after becoming governor, Romney condemned coal-fired plants, saying they kill people,"" said an Obama campaign news release.The claim was similar to one the Obama team made in a radio ad, and Obama reelection aides backed it with specific quotes Romney made in February, 2003, when Romney was the freshly elected governor of Massachusetts.The quotes:""That plant kills people."" This was in reference to the Salem Harbor power plant, in the Boston area.""I will not create jobs that kill people."" This, too, was made by Romney outside the Salem Harbor plant.The Obama campaign also highlighted a Romney quote that had no lethal references but was just as strong. It came from a state of Massachusetts news releasein which Romney said: ""If the choice is between dirty power plants or protecting the health of the people of Massachusetts, there is no choice in my mind. I will always come down on the side of public health.""Romney made each of these statements during a Feb. 6, 2003, showdown over the future of the controversial, coal-burning Salem Harbor Power Station.In 2001, Massachusetts passed new rules to reduce power plant emissions of nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and mercury, to be phased in over several years. The mercury standard would not be finalized until 2004. Romney supported the rules, as he made clear repeatedly.Massachusetts singled out its most egregious polluters as the ""Filthy Five"" plants, including Salem Harbor. Public health and environmental scientists at Harvard studied the emissions from two of the plants in 2000 and concluded that Salem Harbor was responsible for 53 deaths, 570 emergency room visits, 14,400 asthma attacks and 99,000 incidents of upper respiratory symptoms -- all per year.As occurs with similar studies that health authorities cite, local residents and others who wanted to keep the Salem Harbor plant open (for jobs and tax revenue) disputed those figures, saying they resulted from unproven modeling. It turned out that the Harvard scientists had revised their figures in 2002, putting premature deaths from Salem Harbor’s pollution at 30 per year and reducing the number of emergency room visits to 400 and the asthma attacks at 2,000, according to the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald.But the scientists stood by the broader conclusion -- that emissions from dirty power plants can be deadly. The Harvard methodology has now been widely replicated and is respected by health scientists, according to several environmental authorities we spoke with. Romney appeared to accept their findings, too. In the above-mentioned news release, the commonwealth of Massachusetts quoted Romney in the third person on the danger factor:""Romney said that the Salem Harbor plant is responsible for 53 premature deaths, 570 emergency room visits and 14,400 asthma attacks each year. He also pointed out that coal and oil fired plants contribute significantly more air pollution than their gas fired counterparts, exacerbating acid rain and global warming.""This was in a news release issued by the governor’s aides, not some radical outside instigator. It was issued under the name of Romney, Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey and Romney’s development chief, Douglas Foy. According to the Boston Globe, Romney hired Foy from the Conservation Law Foundation, or CLF, a leading environmental advocacy group in Massachusetts.The spat with Salem Harbor turned into a testy exchange that February day after Salem Harbor’s then-owner, Pacific Gas and Electric, sought an extension until 2006 to comply with Massachusetts’ emissions rules -- and plant supporters showed up to to demand that the governor back off. Romney was adamant that the company comply by 2004. His statements that day show how he felt: ""That plant kills people."" And to those including city officials who argued that this would cost jobs: ""I will not create jobs that kill people.""Based on some of the quotes, it might appear that Romney was speaking only about that single plant (which a new owner, Dominion, is phasing out, after which a subsequent third owner will build a natural gas plant there). That’s what we thought when we began looking into this. It is also what the Romney campaign told us in email.So was it accurate for the Obama campaign to imply that Romney’s words characterized his broader attitude toward coal emissions when he was governor?We kept looking, because people in the environmental community told us it was a valid claim. And the news release under Romney’s name suggested it as well.Romney spoke of plants, not just a single one, when he pointed out that coal and oil fired plants contribute significantly more air pollution than their gas fired counterparts, exacerbating acid rain and global warming.Still, to give him the benefit of doubt, what if he really just meant the Salem Harbor plant? Wasn’t that plant particularly egregious when compared with coal-fired plants under attack by federal regulators today?No, say environmentalists who include authorities from the CLF.Their claims are supported by U.S. EPA emissions data we verified independently.""When he said that ‘this plant kills people,’ he was talking about a plant that produced pollution comparable to the emissions of plants in the Midwest,"" said Seth Kaplan, vice president for policy and climate advocacy at the conservation foundation.Jonathan Peress, an environmental and regulatory attorney who works for the CLF and was recently chairman of the American Bar Association’s air quality committee, added in a separate interview with PolitiFact Ohio that Romney promoted Massachusetts air standards that were almost identical to those the U.S. EPA wants to enforce -- and that Romney now criticizes.""The levels of emissions that he was talking about were levels that were virtually identical to what the EPA has proposed,"" Kaplan agreed. ""He was steadfastly standing behind emissions reductions that are the same as those currently attacked.""To see if this was accurate -- that the emissions Romney decried were similar to or even weaker than those under current attack now by the EPA (whose rules Romney now attacks) -- we examined the emissions cuts that Massachusetts wanted and data on the level of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions at Salem Harbor and in the Midwest. The U.S. EPA keeps the information in its extensive Clean Air Markets database.Nitrogen oxides react with sunlight to create ozone and smog. Sulfur dioxide is tied to particulate matter and is considered particularly dangerous to health, said Jonathan Walke, a senior attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund.The level of both these substances was multiple times lower at Salem Harbor, even when Romney was trying to force the plant to reduce emissions, than at Eastlake in Northeast Ohio and several other Ohio plants we checked. Our comparisons included multiple years, including Salem Harbor in 2003 with Ohio plants in 2011. To compensate for differences in electricity output, number of boilers and hours of operation at different power plants, we checked the data for emissions per megawatt-hour. The pattern held.""It’s all the same pollution, albeit in higher quantities in Ohio,"" Walke said.You might ask why we looked at Eastlake. It’s because FirstEnergy Corp. plans to shut down two of that plant’s boilers rather than spend heavily on scrubbers to comply with EPA rules. This is one of several coal-burning plants at the heart of the current jobs-versus-pollution debate, although Romney did not mention it specifically.It’s important to note that the rules on nitrogen and sulfur are not what is prompting the FirstEnergy shutdowns. New EPA rules on mercury and toxic metals are the cause of planned closures in Eastlake. The tougher limits won’t take effect until 2014. The EPA aims to cut mercury emissions by 79 percent.But as the Massachusetts governor, Romney supported mercury reductions in his state, too. In 2004, he signed off on a rule aiming to reduce mercury emissions by 95 percent by 2012. With Romney’s name on the letterhead, Massachusetts in May, 2004, issued a lengthy set of justifications for the mercury rule. Among them:""First, [new research] confirms and extends our understanding of mercury's harmful effects on learning, attention and other critical cognitive skills in children. Recent studies have found that children exposed to mercury levels may show signs of attention deficit disorder, impaired visual-spatial skills and poor coordination.""Romney was ""a champion"" of those mercury regulations, said Shanna Cleveland, a staff attorney with the Conservation Law Foundation. ""He was one of the reasons we got them through.""Time to clean up: Romney was discussing a specific power plant, Salem Harbor, when he said, ""That plant kills people."" But the public record shows that his comments were part of a broad emissions-cutting program he embraced.And the power plant that he considered deadly had emissions that were no worse, and in many cases lower, than at Midwest plants that he would now wants left alone, citing the use of affordable and abundant coal.If one were to have supported the regulations Romney wanted in 2003, it’s fairly safe to assume that ""one would also support such things nationally,"" said Jonathan Levy, an environmental scientist at Boston University and Harvard and co-author of the now heavily replicated study on the correlation between coal-burning power plants and respiratory health.The Obama campaign claimed that as governor, Romney condemned coal plants as killers. He spoke at times of a single plant, but at other times made clear that other plants also needed to cut emissions for the sake of public health. This even included new rules for mercury reductions -- the same substance from coal plants that now is prompting closures in Ohio.The debate over coal involves calculations of costs, the abundance or scarcity of natural resources, health and environmental risks, and attitudes about government regulation. It is not our role to say Romney was right or wrong at one time.But with additional information from emissions data, interviews and the public record of his governorship, the Obama campaign claim about Romney’s coal position of nine years ago is nearly as clear as a haze-free day.On the Truth-O-Meter, it rates Mostly True." 0 "If you think you've seen it all, think again. The Shahs of Sunset clique will return this July to Bravo, and they are bringing along plenty of ups and downs to keep you on the edge of your seat. Asa Soltan Rahmati, Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi, Mercedes “MJ” Javid, Mike Shouhed, Reza Farahan, and Shervin Roohparvar are back for more. And, believe us, there's nothing this tight- knit group of friends are holding back from one another in Season 6. We'll follow the squad as they face a lot of new changes in their lives. Asa will embark on her journey to motherhood. Mike is facing life after his split from Jessica Parido, though she still always seems to be at top of mind. MJ is prepping to spend her life with Tommy while also having to deal with the challenges of watching her father's health take a turn. Reza and Adam are taking life day by day during their first year of marriage as they continue to work out their own plans to start a family. Could it be that Shervin is finally ready to make things permanent with his long-distance girlfriend Annalise? Well their plans may get sidelined by rumors. And GG is taking back her life and her struggles with rheumatoid arthritis thanks to romance and a gig in a play in NYC. The group will also head to Israel for what will probably be a life-changing experience. But, we'll let Reza sum up what is sure to be one crazy new season: ""I can't believe its been six years and I look this good."" Shahs of Sunset returns Sunday, July 16 at 8/7c. Check out throwback Shahs pics in the meantime, below." 0 "The stars of Once Upon a Time have paid tribute to Georgina Callander – one of the victims of the Manchester terror attack – after meeting her just last month. Georgina was one of the 22 people killed in Monday night's bombing at Manchester Arena at Ariana Grande's concert. But she was also a superfan of ABC's fantasy fairy tale series. She went to a convention to meet the likes of Emilie de Ravin (Belle), Rebecca Mader (Zelena), and Lana Parrilla (Regina), and was incredibly excited, documenting her amazing time in a Twitter thread spanning more than 70 posts. OH MY GOS I LOVE HER SOO MUCH SHEES SOO PRECIOUS — gina 🥀 today! (@emiliesatwell) April 29, 2017 In one of the tweets, Georgina raved about getting the chance to speak with and have her picture taken with de Ravin, who plays Belle on the show. And it seems that meeting had left a huge impression on the actress, as she paid tribute to the superfan after learning that she had passed away. RIP @emiliesatwell remember meeting her last month. Beautiful,sweet girl.She gave me the most lovely letter...at a loss 4 words😓 #manchester pic.twitter.com/0tLRq5jsQI — Emilie de Ravin (@emiliederavin) May 23, 2017 ""RIP Georgina, you beautiful soul,"" Emilie wrote on Instagram. ""Words can't express my anger and sadness towards the people involved in planning and carrying out the attack last night in #manchester . ""💔 is an understatement. My love and courage goes out to Georgina's family and friends and to all the families and friends of the victims last night. Praying for eternal peace for Georgina and all involved."" De Ravin wasn't the only Once Upon a Time star to reminisce, either. Mader and Parrilla also shared their tributes, as well as Sean Maguire (Robin Hood) and Karen David (Jasmine). Colin O'Donoghue (Hook) tweeted as well: saddened to hear about the death of Oncer @emiliesatwell last night!! No words! #thoughtswithmanchester — Colin o'donoghue (@colinodonoghue1) May 23, 2017 An emergency number has been set up for those who are concerned about loved ones or anyone who may have been in the area – 0800 096 0095. Want up-to-the-minute entertainment news and features? Just hit 'Like' on our Digital Spy Facebook page and 'Follow' on our @digitalspy Twitter account and you're all set." 1 "Corinne Olympios says medication, the booze and the media were key players in June's production-stopping ""Bachelor in Paradise"" scandal and its aftermath. Calling the situation ""just really unfortunate,"" she said Tuesday on ""Good Morning America"" that she doesn't remember anything that happened. Seeing video of what transpired on the first day of production on the looking-for-love reality show was ""like watching not-me,"" she said. ""I'm watching someone else."" On that day, Olympios and fellow cast member DeMario Jackson allegedly wound up in the pool or hot tub together in a situation that a producer thought went too far. Allegations of ""misconduct"" were made, and production shut down the next day for an investigation that ultimately determined nothing untoward had happened. The show, sans Corinne and DeMario, premiered its fourth season Aug. 14, a week later than originally planned. ""I did drink, too much, I definitely understand that,"" Olympios said. ""But I was also on a medication that severely blacks you out and impairs your judgment and messes with your balance, that I didn't know you were not supposed to not drink on, and so it really just caused a horrible, horrible blackout. It was like I went under like anesthesia and then just like woke up.""" 0 Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris, thanked the late music icon “for the magic” in an Instagram post early Tuesday morning, on what would have been the King of Pop’s 59th birthday. “Birthday wishes to the love of my life, the one person who showed me what passion truly was, the one that gave me solid morals to live by and how to dream,” she wrote. The 19-year-old, who made headlines Sunday for speaking out against “Nazi, white supremacist jerks” at the MTV Video Music Awards, shared a 2001 photo of herself kissing her dad. In it, Jackson is seen wearing his iconic white sequin glove. “I will never feel love again the way I did with you,” her post continued. “You are always with me and I am always with you. Though I am not you, and you are not me, I know with all my being that we are one. And our souls will never change in that way. Thank you for the magic, forever and always.” In what Rolling Stone dubbed as her “first-ever in-depth interview” following her father’s June 2009 death, the model-actress opened up about the close-knit relationship she had with her father, saying, “I feel him with me all the time.” She was 11 years old when she spoke at his memorial service on July 7, 2009, calling him the “best father you could ever imagine.” Jackson, who is currently filming the second season of Fox’s “Star,” is the sole daughter of mother, Debbie Rowe, and father. She has two brothers, older sibling Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. and the younger Prince Michael Jackson II. 0 The Salvatore brothers finally had a reunion this week (Picture: CW) Not that we’re counting or anything, but it’s been 399 days since the final episode of The Vampire Diaries aired on TV and every evening that we’re not re-watching the boxset is an evening wasted tbh. Watership Down remake branded ‘insult to the original’ as Christmas slot baffles viewers But if you already know seasons one through to eight off by heart then get ready to feel all the feels, because TVD stars Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley have teased a big reunion. That’s right – the Salvatore brothers are back in town. Vampire Diaries fans were not ready when this pic popped up on Instagram (Picture: Snapchat) Ian, aka Damon, and Paul, aka Stefan, shared a Vampire Diaries reunion on Saturday, and marked the occasion for fans with a selfie that you probably need to print out and frame for your mantelpiece. Advertisement Advertisement The picture, shared on Paul’s Instagram, was taken at The Vampire Diaries and The Originals Official Convention which took place in Nashville over the weekend, and it didn’t take long for all of the facial hair and strong jawline action to send the world into meltdown. With the caption simply teasing the word ‘Reunion’, social media was quickly flooded by fans who didn’t know what to do with themselves after seeing the Salvatore brothers back side by side. Another major bombshell for The Vampire Diaries world also landed this week, after showrunner Julie Plec revealed that the show has an unexpected connection with another of your favourite binge watches – Riverdale. In the plot twist to end all plot twists, it turns out that the residence of Cheryl and Penelope Blossom, called Thistlehouse, was the original Salvatore Boarding House from the pilot episode of The Vampire Diaries. ‘When we pulled up the driveway for the location scout to go see it, I was like, ‘This is so familiar. I feel like I’ve been here before. Gosh, I really think I know this (place)’. ‘I actually took a good look at the house and realised it was the Salvatore House from (The Vampire Diaries) pilot. Isn’t that hilarious? Because we shot the pilot in Vancouver. Advertisement Advertisement ‘And the backyard of it, which is so gorgeous, is where we built our cemetery. That was a nice flashback!,’ Julie spilled. This is all too much for any supernatural, drama loving, Ian Somerhalder-obsessed heart to handle. MORE: Ian Somerhalder admits ‘freaking out’ Nikki Reed as he destroyed her contraception MORE: Headed for splitsville? Nina Dobrev and Glen Powell spending ‘time apart’ 0 The stars of a new NBC show chronicling Lyle and Erik Menendez's infamous cold-blooded double murder of their parents in the family's Beverly Hills mansion have said the killers 'deserve parole' and what they did is 'understandable'. The shocking claims comes before the Tuesday premiere of Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders special, as cast members have spoken out about the killings. The Menendez brothers shot their parents Jose, 45, and Kitty, 47, dead while they were at home watching TV on August 20, 1989. Their father, an entertainment executive, was shot point-blank in the back of the head with a 12-gauge shotgun but Kitty tried to get away and was found lying in a pool of blood in the hallway, shot in the arms, chest and face. While both Lyle, then 21, and Erik, then 18, were found guilty in March 1996 and ordered to life in prison without parole - actors on the show, which premieres Tuesday, how have expressed sympathy for the killers. Some even feel they should be released from behind bars, they exclusively told DailyMail.com. Scroll down for video Brothers Lyle (left) and Erik Menendez (right) were convicted of murdering their parents at the family's Beverly Hills mansion in 1996, in a case that shocked the nation The brothers, then 18 and 21, shot their parents at home in 1989. Jose Menendez (second to right), a 45-year-old entertainment executive, was shot point-blank in the back of the head and Kitty Menendez, 47, (second to left) was found lying in a pool of blood in the hallway Cast members of Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders special, have spoken out about the case. Gus Halper (left) and Miles Gaston Villanueva (right) play the brothers and said their punishments don't fit the crime. Lolita Davidovich (center), who plays their mother, said she believes the men deserve parole and said what they did was 'understandable' The brothers, who initially blamed the killings on the mob, later claimed they shot their parents in self-defense after years of horrible sexual and emotional abuse by their father. Lolita Davidovich, who plays slain mother Kitty in the NBC crime drama, said: 'I hope they do get parole. I think they deserve parole. I believe from the get-go, the next day, they regretted it...for sure. 'It was an act of passion, it was stupid, immature and it was tragic. So all four lives ended tragically.' Davidovich, speaking at the 11th annual PaleyFest Fall TV Previews in Beverly Hills, added: 'No killing is justifiable but it is understandable. These boys' lives were torture and it was a rage killing. 'Premeditated by a day or two to get to the guns but they clearly couldn't endure anymore of the psychological, physical and emotional cumulative effect. 'The male brain doesn't form fully until the mid to late 20s - and they were kids. So the reality for them and expectations and the father's philosophy and it was a total warped reality. These boys deserve a lot of empathy.' Lolita hopes that the show may help make people locked in 'pressure cooker situations' to reach out for help rather than committing rage actions. Crime scene: Lyle and Erik murdered their parents, shooting them both to death inside the family's $5million Beverly Hills mansion (above the couch where Jose was shot) The brothers, who initially blamed the killings on the mob, later claimed they shot their parents in self-defense after years of horrible sexual and emotional abuse by their father, Jose Eventually the brothers testified that they were armed with 12-gauge shotguns when they burst into the den of their home and fatally shot their parents, while the couple watched TV. Pictured: The Beverly Hills mansion where the murders took place Davidovich (pictured) speaking at the 11th annual PaleyFest Fall TV Previews in Beverly Hills, added: 'No killing is justifiable but it is understandable. These boys' lives was torture and it was a rage killing' Leading actress Edie Falco, who plays defense attorney Leslie Abramson says that she feels the brothers' brutal retaliation after years of abuse made sense. She said: 'We know who did this, but it does matter knowing the details behind this. 'To know exactly what happened to them 18 years previous to this murder, it matters - and it is stuff people should know. 'Edie says that the boys' excuse was backed up by more people all corroborating what we originally heard from the boys.' The actors playing the brothers - Gus Halper (Erik Menendez) and Miles Gaston Villanueva, (Lyle Menendez) - also have 'empathy' for the pair. Villanueva said: 'Does the punishment fit the crime? The answer is no and the reason is because of all the abuse that led up to it. 'I don't think it was right (they committed murders) and I think they would be the first to admit it was wrong. They made a huge mistake.' Halper added: 'We want people to care about them. Hopefully people will come away with a better sense of what actually happened and the truth behind it. There is nothing in it that is untrue.' The pair claimed that Erik will not watch the show, but is making his own documentary about the killings. Lyle will watch the series even though it is 'painful'. Lolita Davidovich, who plays slain mother Kitty in the crime drama, said: 'I hope they do get parole. I think they deserve parole. I believe from the get go, the next day, they regretted it' Actors playing the brothers think their sentence is too harsh, with Miles Gaston Villanueva saying: 'Does the punishment fit the crime? The answer is no and the reason is because of all the abuse that led up to it'. Pictured: Erik (left) and Lyle (right) Halper (left) added: 'We want people to care about them. Hopefully people will come away with a better sense of what actually happened and the truth behind it. There is nothing in it that is untrue' In January, Lyle told People that the two brothers remain close even though they are held in separate prisons. 'Our relationship has never changed,' Lyle, now 49, spoke from California’s Mule Creek State Prison. 'It’s very close. We write each other regularly. 'We even play chess through the mail, but it’s a little slow.' Their story made headlines and shocked the US over several years following the slaying of Jose and Kitty Menendez. The public's journey started when news broke of the murder on LA news channels after the brothers called 911 upon 'finding' their parents brutally murdered at their home. At first they pleaded their innocence adding that the mob may have carried out the killings - given both parents were shot in the knees. Later the case took a twist when the brothers confessed to the murders through their Beverly Hills therapist Jerome Oziel. His girlfriend Judalon Smyth, played by Heather Graham in the show, went to police after she heard an audiotape of a therapy session in which the brothers discussed the killings. After a first trial ended with two deadlocked juries, Los Angeles DA Gil Garcetti ordered a retrial. It led to the brothers being convicted of murder in March 1996 Now, Erik (right) spends time with terminally ill prisoners; Lyle (left) has been president of the inmate government for 15 years and runs a support group for prisoners who have endured childhood sexual abuse The show centering on the horrific murders airs on September 26 on NBC Smyth went from being a key prosecution witness to a witness for the defense later. Eventually the brothers testified that they were armed with 12-gauge shotguns when they burst into the den of their home and fatally shot their parents, while the couple watched TV. After a first trial ended with two deadlocked juries, Los Angeles DA Gil Garcetti ordered a retrial. It led to the brothers being convicted of murder in March 1996. Judge Stanley M. Weisberg of Los Angeles County Superior Court heard the jury not hand them the death sentence, but rule they should serve life imprisonment without parole. Lyle insists that he and Erik have attempted to 'find meaning beyond the tragedy'. Erik spends time with terminally ill prisoners; Lyle has been president of the inmate government for 15 years and runs a support group for prisoners who have endured childhood sexual abuse. 'We just keep trying to find something positive from the experiences that we had,' Lyle says. He hopes to one day be reunited with his younger brother, now 46: 'To me it’s a remarkable achievement that [Erik] hasn’t committed suicide in prison, which is something I was originally worried about. 'The fact that he’s a regular guy, walking around as a functioning adult, is a triumph.' The show airs on Tuesday, September 26 on NBC. 0 The brand new season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians premieres on Sunday, and it looks like it is going to be tense between the sisters. Especially, Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian. According to an August 1 report by People Magazine, a brand new sneak peek was released of the upcoming season, and it appears that Kim and Kourtney will be at each other’s throats. In the clip, Kim Kardashian is trying to set up a photo shoot and is having a hard time moving things around to fit it into her very busy schedule. Meanwhile, Kourtney is complaining that she needs to be out of the shoot by four o’clock, which is making her younger sister increasingly angry. The girls’ mother, Kris Jenner, enters the picture and tries to calm tensions by telling Kourtney to “be nice.” However, she doesn’t help matters. The sisters begin screaming at one another. “If I’m out by four [o’clock], that’s all I need. If [I get there] and no one’s ready, and I’m, like, lingering around, I’m leaving at 4 p.m., and I don’t care what anyone says,” Kourtney Kardashian states in the clip. When Kim Kardashian tells her sister that she is supposed to having a meeting and can only schedule it for 7 a.m., Kourtney tells her to reschedule the meeting in an unsympathetic way. This is the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and Kim gets fed up. “No one wants you in the f—ing shoot. Get the f— out of here and go. … We don’t want you in the shoot,” Kim tells her sister. Kourtney replies that she has no interest in doing the photo shoot anyway, and Kim says, “Good, ’cause you’re so f—ing annoying.” Kris Jenner takes Kim Kardashian’s side in the argument, telling her oldest daughter that she is being “annoying” and that she has a way of “rubbing people the wrong way.” Kim then throws the fact that she has the busier schedule and career in Kourtney’s face, saying that she doesn’t have a business to run, so she could never understand how hard it is for her to schedule multiple things. “Maybe if you had a f—ing business that you were passionate about … but you don’t, so don’t even act like you know what I’m talking about.” At this point, Kourtney Kardashian gets up and leaves the room to gather her things. Kim Kardashian then goes for the final blow, saying that Kourtney Kardashian doesn’t need to be in the photo shoot anyway, because she’s the “least exciting to look at.” “I need Kourtney to not be so f—ing annoying with a stick up her a— like she f—ing runs this s—, because she doesn’t. She’s the least exciting to look at,” Kim states as Kourtney leaves and slams the door behind her. Keeping Up with the Kardashians premieres on E! Sunday night at 9 p.m. 1 Kendra Wilkinson’s divorce is almost finalized. Wilkinson gave an update on her split from husband Hank Baskett on Monday, saying she signed her “last divorce paper” on Friday. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “Signed my last divorce paper Friday. Brutal,” she tweeted. “I gave it all I got. Truly did. I’m beyond proud of myself!! Fought to save til the last second. Oh well. Life goes on. Bye lol.” In April, after almost nine years of marriage and two kids, the former Playboy model, 33, filed for divorce from the former football player, citing irreconcilable differences. She listed their separation date as Jan. 1. Signed my last divorce paper Friday. Brutal. 😪. I gave it all i got. Truly did. Im beyond proud of myself!! Fought to save til the last second. Oh well. Life goes on. Bye lol — Kendra Wilkinson (@KendraWilkinson) October 15, 2018 The reality star requested joint legal and physical custody of their two children — son Hank IV, 8, and daughter Alijah Mary, 4 — and sought the restoration of her maiden name. The same day as Wilkinson’s filing, Baskett, 36, filed his response, also citing irreconcilable differences. Mirroring Wilkinson’s filing, Baskett also listed their date of separation as Jan. 1, 2018, and requested joint legal and physical custody of their two children. According to the documents, Baskett requested “reserve for future determination the issue of support payable to” both parties. The divorce filing came hours after Wilkinson confirmed in an Instagram post that the couple had chosen to split. RELATED: Kendra Wilkinson Is ‘Playing the Field’ After Split from Hank Baskett, Says Source “Today is the last day of my marriage to this beautiful man. I will forever love Hank and be open but for now we have chosen to go our own ways,” she captioned a photo of herself and Baskett. “I’m beyond sad and heartbroken because I did believe in forever, that’s why I said yes but unfortunately too much fear has gotten in the way. We are both amazing parents and our kids will be happy n never know the difference other than seeing mama smile.” Ari Perilstein/Getty In the five months since, Wilkinson has been open about how she’s processing her grief over the breakup, admitting last month on social media that “#divorcesucks.” Wilkinson has been entering the dating world again and is “casually” spending time with someone new: marketing manager Frankie Conti, a source told PEOPLE. “They’re just hanging casually,” the source said about the pair, who went on a recent date to D’Amores Pizza in L.A. on National Pizza Day. “They met earlier in the summer and Kendra thought he was cute.” RELATED VIDEO: Kendra Wilkinson Files for Divorce from Hank Baskett After Almost 9 Years of Marriage “They’ve just been getting to know each other,” the insider added. “It’s not serious, but they have fun together.” But according to a second source, Wilkinson is “playing the field.” “Kendra’s been talking to a bunch of different guys and having fun after her split,” that source told PEOPLE about the Kendra On Top star. “She’s playing the field and enjoying the dating scene again after everything she and Hank went through,” the source shared. 0 "[This story contains spoilers from the series finale of A&E's Bates Motel.] After five seasons, numerous deaths and a dark decent into madness, the world of A&E's Bates Motel came to a close Monday with an expected yet heartbreaking series finale. In “The Cord,” the death toll continued to rise. Romero (Nestor Carbonell) fulfilled his death wish when he forced ""Norman"" (Freddie Highmore) to show him where he'd left Norma’s (Vera Farmiga) body. Only Norman — who was still ""Mother"" at that point — killed Romero as he was sobbing over Norma's corpse. But before Romero breathed his last breath, he reminded Norman of his actions — that he was the one responsible for killing his beloved mother. As a result, “Mother” left Norman behind, saying he no longer needed her now that he knew everything. It was enough to send Norman into a lonely tailspin and revert his damaged mind all the way back to the time of the pilot, when he and Norma first traveled to White Pine Bay and opened their infamous motel. Hoping against hope for everything to revert back to normal, Norman dragged his mother’s body to the motel and into the house and called his brother Dylan (Max Thieriot) to come over for dinner as though nothing had happened. In the end, Dylan knew that he was the only one left standing who cared about Norman’s well-being and opted not to call the authorities. Instead, Dylan attempted to bring Norman in himself. Unfortunately, the only thing Norman wanted in the end was to be reunited with his mother, even if it meant he had to die. So in a twisted suicide attempt, Norman rushed at a gun-wielding Dylan with a knife, forcing his brother to shoot and kill him. “Thank you,” Norman muttered as his last words as Dylan held his dying brother. To break down the series finale and what went into crafting the ultimate ending, The Hollywood Reporter caught up with co-showrunners Cartlon Cuse and Kerry Ehrin. How much of this was the ending you planned from the start? How much changed over the years? Ehrin: We’d always thought of this as a love story. A very weird, warped, dark, love story. In the end, it felt like even if we were reuniting them in death that they had to be reunited. Even if it was lying next to each other in earth for all eternity. That was the driving destination emotionally. The Dylan story became part of that, and him being the one that ushers Norman out of the world felt fitting. Cuse: We came to the idea later that Dylan would be the one to usher Norman out of the world at Norman’s bequest. But from when we first started talking about the show, we imagined a five-year journey that would end with Norman and Norma both dead. Ultimately, we felt their love story could just not succeed in this world. Are viewers meant to feel as though Norman wanted Dylan to kill him? Cuse: He’s coming at Dylan with a knife; I mean, Dylan doesn’t have a choice. Ehrin: He wants to be put out of his misery at that point. When Norman goes over to the sink and picks up the knife, you can see all these ideas playing in his head of what he’s supposed to do now that he’s been told that Norma is dead; she doesn’t exist, and he’s not going to get her back, and there’s no pretending your way out of this. It’s a beautiful performance, because you see all these things play through him. He doesn’t quite know what he’s doing when he picks up the knife and starts walking toward Dylan. He’s working it out as he’s walking. Cuse: It’s always a bit of a double-edged sword to talk about stuff afterward. It’s fine for people to have their own interpretation of what happened at the end. Most of the audience will have that experience. It wasn’t intentionally ambiguous, but you can draw your own line and make a decision as to what degree Norman is egging him on and to what degree can Dylan stop himself. There was a certain messy, tragic quality to that final encounter that we love. Ehrin: Messy tragedy has been our hallmark. We like to not over-define things. We like to throw it out there and wade around it. Were you going for an Of Mice and Men vibe? Ehrin: Yes. That’s dead on. That was definitely an inspiration in early discussions. The idea of a mercy killing that was also heartbreaking. Cuse: There’s a poignancy in Norman having a brief moment of clarity that gives him perspective. If you think of the distorted mental state Norman is in when he invites Dylan to come to dinner and has Norma kind of propped up on the table, there was a real poignancy in having Norman realize that all avenues were closed to him. He doesn’t want to go to a mental institution, he can’t exist in this world, he’s in a degrading mental state. There was no other solution for him. Why didn’t Emma (Olivia Cooke) call the police when she knew Dylan was going into the house? Ehrin: She actually did in one draft. It was an editing decision in post. Once you get Dylan into that house, you just wanted to stay with him and be with that and not cut away to something else. Cuse: It’s fair in a situation like this that characters don’t always do the most logical thing. Obviously, if Emma calls the cops, it really mutes the conclusion that we felt was best for the show, and it felt fair and reasonable that in that moment she defers and doesn’t do it. Once you introduced Marion Crane (Rihanna), were Norman’s days numbered? Cuse: There were a couple of guiding principles. We absolutely did not want to end the show in the same way as Psycho. That would have been a profound disappointment and it would deflate the whole intention here, which was to take characters and some of the iconographic imagery from the movie and tell its own story. Our story had its own ending, and so we enjoyed the fun of crossing in and out of the mythology of Psycho at the end. Particularly when we cast Rihanna, we leaned into the fact that the audience would come to it with these very specific expectations based on the movie, and we wanted to flip their expectations on their ear. That was fun to do, but as far as the ending goes, we were never judging it against the ending in Psycho or felt an obligation to connect it to the ending of Psycho. Our obligation at the end was to hopefully have this tragic love story come to a satisfying ending. Sad can be satisfying. We knew it wouldn’t be happy, but we hoped it would be satisfying. Psycho aside, was there any point where you second-guessed your decision to kill Norman? Ehrin: No. Certainly a part of you wants to somehow have everything turn out OK just because you love the characters. But this is closer to Wuthering Heights than Harvey. There’s an ending where Norman just walks off into the hills talking to his mother and the sun goes down and everyone’s happy. In my head, that kind of exists, but that wasn’t what we were delivering. When Norma leaves Norman following Romero’s death, does that close the door on his mental defense case in these murders? Ehrin: Yes, because he’s alone. He doesn’t have that buffer anymore, and he can’t deal with it. It pushes him over the edge, and it leads him on this journey to recall the past and kind of redo it. How did you come up with the idea to reincorporate the pilot into the episode? Cuse: One of the things that’s always satisfying in finales is to remind audiences of the journey they’ve been on. There’s a resonance in rewarding an audience that has watched all 50 episodes of our show with a sense of that journey. Some of it arose from those feelings. It was also a way to make the love story feel epic. The thing that makes something epic is its existence across a large spread of time. We wanted to reconnect the audience to the fact that this love story and relationship was a lifelong journey. When did you decide that Dylan, Emma and their daughter would live in the sun? Ehrin: That instinct first came at the end of the second season. Cuse: We realized the show was heading in a very dark direction, and we felt it was important to have some ray of hope at the end of our narrative. It became clear that early that Dylan and Emma deserved to come out of this with a relatively happy ending. Ehrin: There was something really interesting toward the end of the second season to have these two people who were both really outside of the Norma-Norman island and couldn’t get on it, that they would find each other and miraculously make their own world together. It made us happy to think about, and it became something that was fun to work toward in the writing. You do try to balance it — even on a purely selfish level for your own self. When you’re living inside of this stuff, it’s very dark, and it’s nice to have strands of hope to hold onto. That played out even in writing Norma and Norman, because you would constantly have to put yourself in denial about the ending. You wanted to always infuse them with hope that things would be better. That they were going to work out of it. It’s an interesting process to write that. It’s very emotionally and physically taxing…it's bizarre. Was there any talk of having that last shot be the daughter giving the camera a creepy Norman Bates-type smile, rather than ending it on a happier note? Cuse: That will be the sequel. Ehrin: We joked about that in the writers' room, that she would be like Baby Norma, but that she would be evil. But no. The kid is good, and Dylan and Emma are good. What did you think of the series finale of Bates Motel? Sound off in the comments below. Click here to read our finale postmortem with Freddie Highmore. Twitter: @amber_dowling" 0 Janet Jackson is in good spirits” these days, her makeup artist Preston Meneses says, as the singer prepares to tour for the first time as a mom – and a single one at that. Earlier this week, Jackson posted on her Instagram page a photo of her rehearsing for the tour. Meneses, a former dancer, is seen dancing with her for fun. I think Janet is ready! Jackson’s makeup artist told E! News exclusively. She is happy and is in good spirits. I think the world is going to get something really special from her. Source ENews CLICK HERE FOR MORE Also On 106.7 WTLC: 0 As the city of Houston continues to deal with the disastrous impact left from Hurricane Harvey, many of the top Hollywood A-listers have stepped up to donate massive amounts of money. Currently, Kevin Hart, Sandra Bullock, the Kardashians, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dwayne Johnson and Jamie Foxx are just a few of the celebrities who have donated to various Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Now, Jamie Foxx is set to head a star-studded telethon to raise even more money to aid Houston citizens to rebuild their lives. As reported by Entertainment Tonight, Texas native Jamie Foxx recently announced that he will host a telethon to raise money for Houston’s Hurricane Harvey relief and many of his celebrity friends will join in to help as well. Scheduled for September 12, the telethon will feature celebrities hosting from different cities, including Los Angeles, Nashville and New York. Via Entertainment Tonight: The Sept. 12 telethon will be aired by all the major networks for one hour. The star-studded event is reportedly being organized by rapper Bun B and the same team behind the widely praised Ariana Grande One Love Manchester concert. Reese Witherspoon and Blake Shelton will reportedly host from Nashville on Sept. 12, while the Los Angeles portion will be hosted by Jamie Foxx and tentatively Hilary Duff, who was born in Houston. Duff Instagrammed about Hurricane Harvey on Monday, writing, “This is beyond devastating. Truly heartbroken for my home town. #staystrong #deepintheheart.” Fellow Houston native Michael Strahan is being tapped to host the New York portion of the telethon, and organizers are also hoping to secure Kelly Rowland as well as ‘Big Bang Theory’ star Jim Parsons — both born and raised in Houston as well. Jamie Foxx, who donated $25,000 to GlobalGiving, a non-profit organization that provides a global crowdfunding platform for grassroots charitable projects, commented on the upcoming telethon in an Instagram video, stating: “Just wanted to let everyone in Texas know, we got you. From a fellow Texan, my heart goes out. My prayers go out. September 12th, we have a telethon that we’re doing. We’ll give you more details, so we can raise as much money as we can for everybody down there.” You can check out the FULL video of Jamie Foxx BELOW: Check out today’s Top Stories here: Hometown Hero! Solange Announces Hurricane Harvey Benefit Shows Will Smith Introduced Jada Pinkett To The ‘Grapefruit’ Technique Jamie Foxx To Head Star-Studded Telethon For Hurricane Harvey Relief was originally published on hellobeautiful.com Related Also On Praise 104.7: 0 Justin Bieber Got Engaged.. Selena Gomez is upset Selena Gomez was “surprised” to hear about Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin‘s engagement. Over the weekend, the 24-year-old “Baby” singer proposed to the 21-year-old model while on vacation in the Bahamas. Shortly after news of her ex’s engagement broke on Sunday, Gomez was spotted smiling on a boat with her pals in New York City. “Selena was surprised an engagement happened this quickly but not surprised Justin would do something like this knowing who he is. At the end of the day though she doesn’t really care,” one source tells us. “Selena is totally over him. She had tried again to make it work that last time and it didn’t work out.” Now let’s talk about Justin Bieber and Selena- Justin Bieber and Selena were a very good friend and were coming to hear that Justin Bieber would also engage with Selena but it did not happen. “Selena is definitely on a different path right now and in a much better place since Justin is out of the picture. Mentally, she is done with him,” the insider continues. “She isn’t focused on dating as much as she’s just really focusing on herself. She’s happy right now just spending time with her girlfriends and going to church.” When Bieber and Gomez parted ways in March 2018, a source told that Gomez was ready to move on, saying, “Selena realized even though he’s made some positive improvements, they just aren’t a perfect match right now.” However, this reportedly wasn’t the case for Bieber, with a source claiming to People, “He thinks and talks about Selena all the time — the chapter with her is definitely not finished… They weren’t getting along and decided to take a break.” However, it seems as though Bieber is finally moving on from Gomez. Justin Bieber Hot Engaged- Justin Bieber is engaged and surprise, surprise — it’s not to his on-again/off-again love interest Selena Gomez. The Stratford, Ont.-born pop star proposed on Saturday to his girlfriend of about one month, model Hailey Baldwin, according to several media sources. The singer confirmed the news on his Instagram feed Monday that they are, indeed, getting married. read more… 1 Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) It appears Tom Cruise has a lot of demands in Hollywood — including banning questions about Katie Holmes and 10-year-old daughter Suri Cruise. Rob Shuter exclusively reveals the Scientology superstar made his PR team sift through interview requests in order to avoid talking about his relationship with Katie and Suri. As Star reported, Tom has gone as many as 1,000 days without seeing Suri due to the ties with his religion and his busy acting schedule. Watch the video above to find out why Tom’s relationship is only looking to get worse with Suri. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel. RELATED LINKS: New Scientology Tell-All Exposes Crooked Secrets About Tom Cruise Breakup Bombshell! Jamie Foxx Dumps Katie Holmes After 3 Years Together Tom Cruise Has A Crush On His 22-Year-Old Assistant Who Looks Like Katie Holmes 1 So it seems that Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx have finally decided to go public with their romance which the two have managed to keep under wraps for years now. The ongoing denials by each star certainly had the masses scratching their heads seeing as the duo were often seen in one another’s company on getaways and at various locales in Los Angeles. Reasons for Katie and Jamie not going public earlier are rumored to be due to a contract that was signed by Holmes during her swift divorce proceedings with her ex-husband Tom Cruise. The contract was said to have included a five-year dating clause which meant that the Dawson’s Creek star was not allowed to date publicly for this duration. Well, that was back in 2012, so the five years are up, which leads onlookers to believe that the contract was a real binding agreement. Additional claims, since Jamie and Katie were spotted walking in Malibu holding hands, have been made regarding Cruise’s reaction to his ex and former co-star coming clean about their relationship. The action star is reportedly “furious” and “envious” about the relationship between Holmes and Foxx and feels a sense of betrayal over it all, as International Business Times states. A said source indicates that Tom is bothered by the romance and that “Katie is so happy with someone else,” adding that “Tom would love to find his own true love, someone he can share the rest of his life with too. ” ‘Katie Holmes finally goes public with new man Jamie Foxx, I’m questioning why she ever agreed to marry Tom Cruise’https://t.co/NWx1Ogo3ml — The Sun (@TheSun) September 10, 2017 It’s been no secret that Cruise’s relationship with the Church of Scientology has caused both of his marriages to fail and if the star is to find love again, it must be with the approval of the faith. As for Tom being “furious,” this seems a bit far-fetched seeing as the actor was snapped looking as happy as can be, even after news broke that Katie and Jamie are, in fact, an item. Tom Cruise is pictured for the first time since ex-wife Katie Holmes confirmed her relationship with Jamie Foxx https://t.co/BqKD4cDrxm — Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) September 6, 2017 As The Sun indicated, Cruise recently landed in London and fans awaiting the Hollywood heartthrob were greeted with an ear-to-ear smile from Tom, who also gave an enthusiastic thumbs up. The actor had recently been injured while filming the latest installment for the Mission Impossible franchise, yet looked much better and entirely unaffected by the Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx reveal. [Featured Image by Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images] 1 “I have great connections with Chris and Drew, but my feelings for Brooks are set apart from the other guys. When I’m with Brooks, I do see my future,” Desiree Hartsock told cameras of her final three. Brooks Forester, however, was less sure – and he felt increasingly uncomfortable with the notion of proposing to her at the end of the show. After expressing his uncertainties to host Chris Harrison, who told him he needed to “be a man,” Brooks confronted Hartsock and said he couldn’t go through with it. Des broke down sobbing, saying how in love she was with him, and after the incident, she even considered quitting her own season. “Honestly, for me, it’s over,” she said. (It wasn’t – Des would eventually go on to marry Chris.) 0 Blac Chyna is defending herself as a caring mother after she was caught on camera swinging a baby stroller in a public altercation at a Six Flags amusement park on Easter Sunday. The 29-year-old mother of King Cairo and Dream Kardashian—her children with Tyga and Rob Kardashian, respectively—was seen allegedly getting into an argument at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, Calif. In videos shared on social media, Chyna is seen grabbing a pink stroller and swinging it around wildly. Neither child is seen in the footage, posted by Twitter user AliciaaAngiee. The Tweets have since been deleted. An eyewitness told E! News that the incident occurred at 6:45 p.m. at the exit of the X2 ride. It is not clear what incited the incident. After the videos went viral, Chyna took to Instagram Stories to allude to a person setting her off by trying to touch her child. She did not reference the fight directly but the timing of the post appeared to coincide with the incident. She said she doesn't condone violence but she is a protective mother. “Being famous is hard enough dealing with scrutiny but when someone feels comfortable to come and touch your child it’s a whole other story,” she said. “I do not condone violence nor am I a violent person but shout out to all of the amazing mothers out there that will protect their children at all cost.” Chyna's new boyfriend, rapper YBN Almighty Jay, allegedly got involved in the altercation and tried to stop it, reports XXL. YBN and security reportedly attempted to restrain Chyna from the unidentified person. [Photo: Getty Images] 0 "BRAD Pitt and Angelina Jolie could be set to do battle over their bling, divorce papers have revealed. In the documents, filed on September 19 in LA, Angelina has asked for ""miscellaneous jewellery and other personal effects"" as part of the split. Getty Images - WireImage 8 Angelina has requested to keep the jewellery she has accumulated during her marriage to Brad The Communications Group 8 She also wants to keep her white diamond engagement ring that was designed to suit her fingers The Hollywood stars shocked the world when they announced their divorce after 12 years together and two years of marriage. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the battle of the bling will include many expensive jewels that Brad, 52, gave Angelina, including her impressive £194,000 ($250,000) engagement ring designed by Robert Procop. The World War Z actor worked with Robert for more than a year to create the perfect engagement ring for Angelina. The design featured a graduated white-diamond which Procop said would flatter Angelina's fingers. Getty Images - WireImage 8 Angelina's Lorraine Schwartz earrings cost almost £2million Brad and Angelina had a long-running partnership with Procop and even collaborated with him on the Style of Jolie collection in 2010. The proceeds of her collection were donated to the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict, which she founded in 2006. Her collection started at £3,100 ($4,000) and were estimated to reach seven figures for a 103.48-carat necklace of Colombian emeralds. RELATED STORIES ‘Brad is very, very handsome’ Kate Hudson admits crush on Brad Pitt following his split 'It's not about Jennifer' Courteney Cox reveals frustration at best friend being dragged into Brangelina divorce 'TERRIBLE NEWS FOR THOSE CHILDREN' Jennifer Aniston's husband Justin Theroux responds to Brangelina divorce TROLLS HIT PITT Sick hackers are claiming Brad Pitt has died in twisted attempt to access people's private information brad pulls out Brad Pitt pulls out of promoting film to focus on 'family situation' KIM KAR-GNASH-IAN The reality queen flashes new gold grill in ANOTHER extremely busty selfie THE LOOK OF LOVE Kim Kardashian and Kanye West look as loved up as ever in tender moment as Paris Fashion Week Hole-y smokes! Kim Kardashian steals the show in daring mesh dress as she watches Gigi Hadid at Balmain THE ULTIMATE GIRLBAND Kim and Kourtney Kardashian stun in co-ordinated skimpy metallic outfits at Balmain afterparty GOING DOWN UNDER Robbie Williams makes crude joke about Kylie Minogue... while addressing Spice Girls sex rumours No con-troll Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick get the giggles as they fail to light up the London Eye However, her jewellery box has accumulated many more pricey baubles during her romance with Brad. Back in 2009, at the height of their red carpet fame, Angelina sported large drop earrings by celebrity jeweller Lorraine Schwartz, kick-starting a trend for the green stone. Getty Images 8 The matching emerald ring was an impressive 65 carats The impressive earrings are worth £1.9million ($2.5million) and the Colombian emeralds weighed in a 115 carats. The large matching ring was 65 carats and is worth more than £770,000 ($1million) but it is not known if she kept the impressive jewels. Getty Images - WireImage 8 Angelina wore these diamond earrings by Procop to the Oscars in 2014 Getty Images 8 She wore her pearl earrings to mee the Queen in 2014 Angelina sported Procop 42 carat diamond earrings set in 18-karat gold for the 2014 Academy Awards when she received the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. Pitt wore a sapphire ring from the Style of Jolie collection and a set of tuxedo buttons and cuff links in 18-karat yellow gold and tablet-cut white diamonds proving Angie isn't the only one who is a fan of some hefty bling. Film Company 8 Procop designed this impressive diamond choker for her to wear in The Tourist opposite Johnny Depp Procop also designed the impressive choker of round diamonds set in platinum she wore in The Tourist opposite Johnny Depp in 2010. The Tomb Raider star also has pearl earrings and a pearl necklace in her personal collection. She wore the pearl earrings when she met the queen in 2014. Meanwhile, People magazine reported this week that the pair are working on the divorce ""behind closed doors"" and will only go to court when they have finalised an agreement. Getty Images 8 Brad, Angelina and their son Maddox at the Oscars Angelina is seeking sole physical custody but joint legal custody of their six children, Maddox, 15, Pax, 12 Zahara, 11, Shiloh, ten, and eight-year-old twins, Knox and Vivienne. Maddox, Zahara and Pax were adopted from orphanages in Cambodia, Ethiopia and Vietnam, respectively. Got a story? email digishowbiz@the-sun.co.uk or call us direct on 02077824220" 1 Game of Thrones costars Kit Harington and Rose Leslie are married! Harington and Leslie tied the knot on Saturday in a romantic ceremony at Kirkton of Rayne church in Scotland. The star-studded celebration — which includes many Game of Thrones stars as guests — is set to continue at the bride’s family’s castle. Get push notifications with news, features and more. While walking down the aisle, Leslie, 31, looked radiant in an delicate long-sleeve lacy dress. The actress wore a floral garland on her head as well as a white veil, which appeared to extend all the way from the top of her head to the hem of her gown. Leslie also carried a small bouquet of flowers. SplashNews.com Rose Leslie SplashNews.com The groom also was dressed formally for the occasion, wearing a black jacket, a cream-colored vest and a pair of striped pants. Kit Harington Jane Barlow/PA Images/Getty Images RELATED: GoT Love! Peter Dinklage & Emilia Clarke Fly to Scotland Ahead of Kit Harington’s Wedding The pair’s special day was also attended by plenty of Harington and Leslie’s GoT costars. Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams — who play sisters on the beloved HBO drama — were seen arriving at the venue together on Saturday. Turner, who is engaged to singer Joe Jonas, wore a red suit dress with a pair of over-the-knee length black boots to the ceremony, which she accessorized with a pair of red sunglasses and a black-and-white checkered purse. Williams, 21, opted for a more low-key look and wore a black jumpsuit with a pair of red heels. Ahead of the ceremony, Peter Dinklage and Emilia Clarke were also seen arriving in Aberdeen, Scotland, on Friday. Dinklage has picked up two Emmy Awards and one Golden Globe for his portrayal of Tyrion Lannister, while Clarke plays Daenerys Targaryen (Harington’s current love interest and, ahem, long-lost aunt on the show). Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams SplashNews.com Following the ceremony, the newly-joined husband and wife and their guests will gather for a reception at nearby Wardhill Castle. RELATED: Game of Thrones Costars Rose Leslie and Kit Harington Set a Wedding Date The couple got engaged in September 2017, confirming the happy news the old-fashioned (and very British) way: through a classified advert in The Times. In October, though, the actor admitted to botching his proposal a bit during an appearance on the U.K.’s Jonathan Ross Show. “I did have some plans to do it, I was going to string up some lights in some trees and do all the romantic stuff, but we were in the country and we were under this beautiful night sky and had a log fire burning and red wine and I blew my load early,” he said before laughing at the sexual insinuation. “Sorry, that’s a really bad expression!” The actors first stirred up relationship rumors in 2012, in sync with their fictional GoT counterparts, Jon Snow and Ygritte. Rose Leslie and Kit Harington After a brief split, the couple reconciled and continued to fuel romance speculation until they officially confirmed the relationship in April 2016. They made their red carpet debut as a couple at the Olivier Awards in London. They became close while on set in Iceland shooting for season 2. Harington previously opened up about the early days of their romance, admitting that those weeks were his favorite of the series. “Because the country is beautiful, because the Northern Lights are magical, and because it was there that I fell in love,” he said in a cover story for L’Uomo Vogue. “If you’re already attracted to someone, and then they play your love interest in the show, it becomes very easy to fall in love.” 0 Blac Chyna in Great Spirits at Maxim Party After Car Accident Blac Chyna wasn’t going to let a car accident get in the way of a fun night out. The 29-year-old reality star and Rob Kardashian’s ex’s car was rear-ended early Saturday in… http://ift.tt/2rQusiH 0 Niagara Falls| Divers from the U.S coast guard took part this morning, in a delicate wreck recoveryoperation to bring to the surface a Nazisubmarine discovered two weeks ago at the bottomof Lake Ontario.The U-boat was spotted for the first time by amateur scuba divers in late January and they had contacted the authorities. Archaeologists associated with Niagara University of and master divers from the U.S Coast Guard were mobilized on site to determine what it was, and they soon realized that they were dealing with a German submarine that sank during World War II.A wreck recovery vessel of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society was mandated to refloat the ship and bring it back to Niagara Falls, where it must be restored before becoming a museum ship. The delicate recovery operation took nearly 30 hours to complete, but the submarine was finally brought down on the bank with relative ease.The divers of the U.S. Coast guard braved the frigid water temperature to go attach cables to the wreck for the recovery operation.The submarine was identified as the UX-791, a unique experimental German submarine, based on the U-1200 model, and known to have participated in the “Battle of the St. Lawrence”. It was reported missing in 1943 and was believed to have been sunk near the Canadian coastProfessor Mark Carpenter, who leads the team of archaeologists, believes that the U-boat could have traveled up the St-Lawrence River, all the way to the Great Lakes, where it intended to disturb the American economy.A report from the dated from February 1943 suggests, that the ship could have attacked and destroyed three cargo ships and two fishing vessels, even damaging the USS Sable (IX-81), an aircraft carrier of the U.S. navy that was used for training in the Great Lakes, before finally being sunk by anti-sub grenades launched by a Canadian frigate.“We have known for a long time that the Nazis had sent some of their U-boats in the St-Lawrence River, but this is the first proof that they actually reached the Great Lakes,” Professor Carpenter told reporters. “This could explain the mysterious ship disappearances that took place in the region in 1943, and the reported “Battle of Niagara Falls” which had always been dismissed as a collective hallucination caused by fear.”The restoration of the submarine could take more than two years, but once completed, the museum ship is expected to become one of the major tourist attractions of the region. 1 "4:07 PM PT -- A spokesperson for Gotta Have Rock and Roll website and Lutz tells TMZ, ""Madonna and her legal army have taken what we believe to be a completely baseless and meritless action to temporarily halt the sale of Ms. Lutz’s legal property. We believe that her intent is nothing more than to besmirch the good reputations of the auction house and Ms. Lutz. Madonna's allegations will be vigorously challenged and refuted in a court of law in due course."" (TMZ) -- 5:35 PM PT -- According to a report, a judge in NYC just ordered the auction site to remove the items. {""position1"": {""artist"": {""bio"": """", ""id"": 39257, ""name"": ""2Pac""}, ""catalog_type"": ""artist"", ""description"": """", ""id"": 39257, ""name"": ""2Pac"", ""related"": [{""bio"": """", ""id"": 282821, ""name"": ""Makaveli""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 28761, ""name"": ""Ice Cube""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 179, ""name"": ""50 Cent""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 41458, ""name"": ""Dr. Dre""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 8708, ""name"": ""Snoop Dogg""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 58654, ""name"": ""The Notorious B.I.G.""}, {""bio"": """", ""id"": 27862, ""name"": ""Eazy-E""}], ""tagged"": false, ""type"": ""catalog""}} Madonna isn't gonna sit back and watch her jailhouse letter from Tupac get sold in an auction ... because she says it was jacked from her home. Madge filed an emergency court order Tuesday in NYC to block the website gottahaverockandroll.com from hawking the letter and a ton of other personal memorabilia -- including personally worn panties. In docs, obtained by TMZ, Madonna says she was blindsided by the auction, and says she never knew some of these items were no longer in her possession. Madonna believes a former friend and art consultant, Darlene Lutz, betrayed her by taking the loot. TMZ broke the story ... Pac wrote an extremely revealing letter from prison explaining why he had to end his relationship with Madonna -- because she was white and continuing the relationship would hurt his image. Photo: AOL" 0 Gwyneth Paltrow is having a bit of pre-wedding jitters! The 45-year-old actress, who is engaged to marry producer Brad Falchuk, opened up about her prospective on love and marriage to Sarah Jessica Parker on a new episode of her weekly goop podcast. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “I’m about to get married again,” Paltrow stated at the beginning of the podcast, adding that while she’s “a little scared,” she’s also “very optimistic.” “I think you should be [optimistic],” the 53-year-old Sex and the City alum replied, explaining that Paltrow is in a completely different place now then when she was getting ready to marry her first husband Chris Martin over a decade ago. “You’re a grown-up woman and you’re making a choice for entirely different reasons. Perspective and life experience is everything,” Parker remarked. “I think the value of being a sophisticated woman and choosing marriage is promising, don’t you?” Agreeing, Paltrow commented on how difficult it is to choose the right partner when you get married at a young age. “It’s such a crazy game of chance because who knows if you’re going to grow in parallel, if your paths are going to diverge, [or] what’s going to happen,” she said. Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk Splash News RELATED: Gwyneth Paltrow Says She Regrets Not Having a Third Child: ‘I Really Wanted Another One’ Paltrow and Falchuk first met in 2010 when she made a guest appearance on Glee as Holly Holliday, a role for which she won an Emmy Award. The two officially started dating in the summer of 2014 and confirmed their engagement in January in Goop Magazine‘s Sex & Love issue. While details about her upcoming nuptials remain unknown, the pair are set to tie the knot later this year. She previously married the Coldplay frontman in 2003, before announcing they were “consciously uncoupling” in March 2014. The amicable exes share daughter Apple, 14, and son Moses, 12. RELATED VIDEO: Gwyneth Paltrow Is ‘Excited’ to Start Wedding Planning: ‘I Feel Like a 21-Year-Old!’ Paltrow went on to ask Parker, who has been married to Matthew Broderick since 1997, if she had any insight on “the things that keep people growing together.” “I’m not sure,” Parker replied, adding that something she’s noticed recently is that while there are always going to be things about your partner that irritate you, getting upset about the small things doesn’t really matter in the long run. “Yeah it bothers me,” she explained. “But I also try to remember or think of how many things I do that must really bother him.” Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick Dia Dipasupil/Getty Paltrow went on to add that as she gets older, she’s come to view intimate relationships as “a study into everything that’s wrong with you.” “You can sort of convince yourself, ‘Uh, this person is irritating,’ but it’s like, ‘Why is that triggering? What am I projecting? What is still not healed with me.’ ” 0 Arya Stark had it right. HBO announced on Tuesday (via the teaser of recycled footage below) that Game of Thrones‘ eighth and final season will arrive in April of 2019 — just as cast member Maisie Williams said in an interview wayyy back in January. Previously, the only official time frame came from HBO chief Casey Bloys, who this summer narrowed it down to the “first half” of 2019. Every season of Game of Thrones has gotten underway in April, except for Season 3 (which started on March 31) and Season 7 (which premiered July 16). Thrones‘ Season 7 finale aired August 27, 2017. Back in January, Bloys told TVLine that showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff — and not the network — were responsible for the delayed start of Season 8. “It was based on when they felt that they could deliver a show that the are most proud of… I suppose we could’ve said to them, ‘You must deliver by this date… But we’ve worked with them a long time and I trust them to tell us, ‘This is the time we need to make it good.’ So I don’t know that it’s a delay as much as it is ‘This is the time required to deliver at the level that they think the fans expect.’” Every battle. Every betrayal. Every risk. Every fight. Every sacrifice. Every death. All #ForTheThrone. pic.twitter.com/WReVt473SH — Game Of Thrones (@GameOfThrones) November 13, 2018 0 Adam West, the actor who brought deadpan comedy and a hero’s jutting jaw to the title character of TV’s landmark ’60s superhero series Batman, died yesterday at the age of 88. A spokesperson for the family said West died of leukemia, surrounded by family. A cultural phenomenon from the moment it debuted on January 12, 1966 on ABC, Batman was a twice-weekly treat for children – with its comic book-style POW!s and BAM!s highlighting the climactic fight scenes – and, with its campy humor and pop-art visuals, adults as well. Rex Features via AP A parade of weekly villains – from Cesar Romero’s Joker, Frank Gorshin’s Riddler, Burgess Meredith’s Penguin and, impeccably, Julie Newmar’s Catwoman – passed through 120 episodes from beginning to the March 14, 1968 end, but it was West and Burt Ward as his sidekick (and ward) Robin that anchored the happenings with a note-perfect send-up of stoicism. “Our dad always saw himself as The Bright Knight,” West’s family said in a statement, “and aspired to make a positive impact on his fans’ lives. He was and always will be our hero.” West is survived by his wife Marcelle, six children, five grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. His career spanned six decades during which he appeared in more than 50 films and television shows, most recently as the voice of Mayor Adam West on Family Guy, and as a guest star on The Big Bang Theory. West, a Seattle native born William West Anderson on September 19, 1928, began working in local radio while still in college, served as an announcer on American Forces Network television during an Army stint, then worked at various local TV stations, at one point landing a gig in Hawaii co-hosting a weekday show with Peaches the chimp. A Warner Brothers contract brought a steady stream of bit roles, guest shots and series regular spots on episodic television as the ’50s eased into the ’60s: Lawman, Sugarfoot, Cheyenne, Bronco, Colt .45, 77 Sunset Strip, Hawaiian Eye, The Detectives, Bonanza, Petticoat Junction, Bewitched, and films like Tammy and the Doctor and, with the Three Stooges, The Outlaws Is Coming. Oddly enough, it was West’s appearance in a spy-themed Nestle’s Quik commercial that got noticed by producer William Dozier, and West was soon cast, along with newcomer Ward, in the arch series about arch-villains and the Caped Crusaders who, week after week, tracked them, fought them and finally handed them over to Commissioner Gordon (Neil Hamilton) and Police Chief O’Hara (Stafford Repp). Though the series quickly attained an odd combo of mass popularity and cult fervor, the joke – and the budget – began wearing thin just as fast, and a third season crept along without as much assistance from Yvonne Craig’s new Batgirl as might have been necessary. Associated Press West, like Ward and others who populated the California-sunny Gotham City, would never overcome the typecasting, and by 1980 was eking out a career in embarrassments like The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood. After semi-retirement in Idaho, he’d eventually embrace his past by voicing animated programs from 1984’s Superfriends: The Legendary Super Powers Show to 2004’s The Batman (not, alas, in the title role). He became familiar to 21st Century generations via Family Guy (as Mayor Adam West), Comic-Con and other nostalgia appearances and the 2014 release of Batman on DVD. West received a star on The Hollywood Hall of Fame star in 2012, a moment captured in James E. Tooley’s 2013 doc Starring Adam West. 0 Nicole Kidman had some good clean fun with her Big Little Lies cast mates on Sunday evening. The Oscar-winning actress posted a clip on her Instagram stories where she was bowling with Meryl Streep, Reese Witherspoon and Shailene Woodley. The 50-year-old Australian star, captioned her post, 'Sunday night fun with our amazing #BigLittleLies crew.' 'Amazing' night: Nicole Kidman had some good clean fun with her Big Little Lies cast mates on Sunday evening. The Oscar-winning actress posted a clip on her Instagram stories where she was bowling with Meryl Streep, Reese Witherspoon and Shailene Woodley Go Meryl! The wife of Keith Urban then posted a photo of herself, Zoe Kravitz and the rest of the cast cheering on Streep, 68, as she bowled The ladies were holding bowling balls and looking very serious. The wife of Keith Urban then posted a photo of herself, Zoe Kravitz and the rest of the cast cheering on Streep, 68, as she bowled. And Kidman, who won an Emmy for her role on the hit series, was seen hugging Reese from behind. Big Little Lies is currently filming its second season which will air on HBO in 2019. Mates: And Kidman, who won an Emmy for her role on the hit series, was seen hugging Reese from behind All kinds of activities: The ladies were also seen playing a game of pool Worth the wait: Big Little Lies won't premiere until 2019; here the cast is seen in September This comes after the BLL cast showed up in a big way in support of co-star Shailene. Reese, Laura and Zoe got together for some girl time and see Woodley's new film Adrift. All four of them shared a photo on Instagram of them posing outside the movie theater. They're flashing big beaming smiles while holding up their ticket stubs. All four of the ladies kept it a casual affair in the fashion department. Kidman was noticeably absent from the matinee film. Each of their individual posts gushed about the film and Woodley's performance. Sisterhood: The ladies of Big Little Lies show support for Shailene Woodley's new movie Adrift Showing support: Reese posted on Instagram, 'What a night at the movies ! @adriftmovie Blew me away!' Big Little Lies: Cast mates went to the movie theater to watch Woodley's new film Adrift Witherspoon wrote in one caption, 'What a night at the movies ! @adriftmovie Blew me away!! Seeing this incredible true story , i was on the edge of my seat, cheering on @shailenewoodley & @mrsamclaflin who are stuck adrift on a sailboat in the Pacific Ocean. 'Shailene is outstanding in a rare performance of woman vs. nature that is not to be missed. You must see this movie!' Woodley responded in her own post, writing, 'WHAT TRUE SUPPORT AND SISTERHOOD LOOKS LIKE. i feel so shown up for.' Adrift premiered June 1, and follows the real life story of a couple stranded at sea after sailing into a devastating hurricane. The film, as well as Woodley and co-star Sam Claflin, have received good reviews. Hollywood Royalty: Streep and Kidman with two child stars in Big Little Lies season two As for Big Little Lies, after some tough negotiations, the hit drama will be back for a season two with all of the main players returning with significant pay raises. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Witherspoon and Kidman will each receive major salary bumps, and will make around $1 million an episode. Co-stars Kravitz, Dern, and Woodley also got sizable raises as well. On top of that, producers were also able to add one of the biggest names in Hollywood to the cast: Streep. She will play Mary Louise Wright, the mother of Alexander Skarsgard's character Perry Wright. Her character arrives in Monterey searching for answers after Perry's apparent death at the end of season one. Fun look: Reese was on set on Friday with a sweatshirt that had the names of the BLL characters 0 You’re bound to expect frightening drops, chaotic thrills and laughs on behalf of Rocket Raccoon from the new “Guardians of the Galaxy” attraction at Disneyland, but trust that your wait in line will be anything but boring. The ride building, which serves as the fortress of Taneleer “The Collector” Tivan, is bursting with vintage Disney props and Marvel weaponry, including some that may be in films that aren’t even out yet. Though the attraction exists in its own “universe,” separate from the comics and films, there are intriguing Marvel items throughout the Fortress, like Kree artifacts, the Warlock’s Eye and an audio-animatronic Cosmo test dog. Yet, it’s further into the queue where things get interesting. Tivan’s two offices and the gantry lift deck are packed with so many secret Marvel Easter eggs that — unless you’re seeking them out in the dimly lit rooms — you’d never know they exist. Related: What to do at Disneyland if you only have one day There aren’t just delights for comic book aficionado. Plenty of odes to vintage Disneyland rides, including its predecessor the Tower of Terror, are tucked inside, too. As the story goes, Tivan likes to collect items from across the galaxy — which includes Disney parks, of course — and secret nods to older attractions and characters is also a Disney tradition. We’re certain we didn’t find them all of the hidden gems and unbelievable surprises within Tivan’s collection but we did find quite a few — enough to send you back through the ride a few times over. 0 Attorney General Jeff Sessions today issued the following statement:“During the course of the confirmation proceedings on my nomination to be Attorney General, I advised the Senate Judiciary Committee that ‘[i]f a specific matter arose where I believed my impartiality might reasonably be questioned, I would consult with Department ethics officials regarding the most appropriate way to proceed.’“During the course of the last several weeks, I have met with the relevant senior career Department officials to discuss whether I should recuse myself from any matters arising from the campaigns for President of the United States.“Having concluded those meetings today, I have decided to recuse myself from any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States.“I have taken no actions regarding any such matters, to the extent they exist.“This announcement should not be interpreted as confirmation of the existence of any investigation or suggestive of the scope of any such investigation.“Consistent with the succession order for the Department of Justice, Acting Deputy Attorney General and U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia Dana Boente shall act as and perform the functions of the Attorney General with respect to any matters from which I have recused myself to the extent they exist.” 1 "Springsteen redirects here. For other uses, see Springsteen (disambiguation) Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen (born September 23, 1949) is an American singer-songwriter and musician, known for his work with the E Street Band. Nicknamed ""The Boss"", he is widely known for his brand of poetic lyrics, his Jersey Shore roots, his distinctive voice, and his lengthy and energetic stage performances. Springsteen's recordings have included both commercially accessible rock albums and more somber folk-oriented works. His most successful studio albums, Born to Run (1975) and Born in the U.S.A. (1984) find pleasures in the struggles of daily American life. He has sold more than 135 million records worldwide and more than 64 million records in the United States, making him one of the world's best-selling artists of all time.[1][2] He has earned numerous awards for his work, including 20 Grammy Awards, two Golden Globes, an Academy Award, a Tony Award (for Springsteen on Broadway) as well as being inducted into both the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 1999. In 2009, Springsteen was a Kennedy Center Honors recipient, in 2013 was named MusiCares person of the year, and in 2016 was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.[3] Springsteen married Patti Scialfa in 1991. Their three children are Evan James Springsteen, Jessica Rae Springsteen, and Sam Ryan Springsteen. Early life [ edit ] Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen was born on September 23, 1949, at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, New Jersey.[4] He was brought home from the hospital to Freehold Borough where he spent his childhood. He lived on South Street and attended Freehold Borough High School. His father, Douglas Frederick Springsteen, was of Dutch and Irish ancestry, and worked as a bus driver, among other vocations, but was unemployed most of the time. Springsteen said his mother, Adele Ann (née Zerilli), a legal secretary and of Italian ancestry, was the main breadwinner.[5][6] His maternal grandfather was born in Vico Equense, a town near Naples.[7] He has two younger sisters, Virginia and Pamela. Pamela had a brief film career, but left acting to pursue still photography full-time; she took photos for his Human Touch, Lucky Town and The Ghost of Tom Joad albums. Springsteen's last name is topographic and of Dutch origin, literally translating to ""jumping stone"" but more generally meaning a kind of stone used as a stepping stone in unpaved streets or between two houses.[8] The Springsteens are among the early Dutch families who settled in the colony of New Netherland in the 1600s. Raised a Catholic, Springsteen attended the St. Rose of Lima Catholic school in Freehold Borough, where he was at odds with the nuns and rejected the strictures imposed upon him, even though some of his later music reflects a Catholic ethos and includes a few rock-influenced, traditional Irish-Catholic hymns.[9] In a 2012 interview, he explained that it was his Catholic upbringing rather than political ideology that most influenced his music. He noted in the interview that his faith had given him a ""very active spiritual life"", although he joked that this ""made it very difficult sexually."" He added: ""Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.""[10] In ninth grade, Springsteen began attending the public Freehold High School, but did not fit in there either. Former teachers have said he was a ""loner, who wanted nothing more than to play his guitar."" He graduated in 1967, but felt so uncomfortable that he skipped the ceremony.[11] He briefly attended Ocean County College, but dropped out.[9] Career [ edit ] 1964–1972: Early years [ edit ] This was different, shifted the lay of the land. Four guys, playing and singing, writing their own material ... Rock 'n' roll came to my house where there seemed to be no way out ... and opened up a whole world of possibilities. —Bruce Springsteen, on the impact of The Beatles[12] Springsteen grew up hearing fellow New Jersey singer Frank Sinatra on the radio. He became interested in being involved in music himself when, in 1956 and 1957, at the age of seven, he saw Elvis Presley on The Ed Sullivan Show. Soon after this his mother rented him a guitar from Mike Diehl's Music in Freehold for $6 a week but it failed to provide him with the 'instant gratification' he desired.[13] In 1964, Springsteen saw the three Beatles appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show and, inspired, he bought his first guitar for $18.95 at the Western Auto Appliance Store.[14][12] Thereafter he started playing for audiences with a band called the Rogues at local venues such as the Elks Lodge in Freehold. In late 1964, Springsteen's mother took out a loan to buy her 16-year-old son a $60 Kent guitar, an act he subsequently memorialized in his song ""The Wish"". The following year, he went to the house of Tex and Marion Vinyard, who sponsored young bands in town. They helped him become the lead guitarist and subsequently one of the lead singers of the Castiles. His first gig with the Castiles was possibly at a trailer park on New Jersey Route 34. The Castiles recorded two original songs at a public recording studio in Brick Township and played a variety of venues, including Cafe Wha? in Greenwich Village. Marion Vinyard said that she believed the young Springsteen when he promised he would make it big.[15][16] Called for conscription in the United States Armed Forces when he was 18, Springsteen failed the physical examination and did not serve in the Vietnam War. He had suffered a concussion in a motorcycle accident when he was 17, and this together with his ""crazy"" behavior at induction gave him a classification of 4F, which made him unacceptable for service.[17] In the late-1960s, Springsteen performed briefly in a power trio known as Earth, playing in clubs in New Jersey, with one major show at the Hotel Diplomat in New York City. Earth consisted of John Graham on bass, and Mike Burke on drums. Bob Alfano was later added on organ, but was replaced for two gigs by Frank 'Flash' Craig.[15] Ordinary life in New Jersey beach towns such as Asbury Park are the background to Springsteen's early lyrics From 1969 through early 1971, Springsteen performed with Steel Mill (originally called Child), which included Danny Federici, Vini Lopez, Vinnie Roslin and later Steve Van Zandt and Robbin Thompson. During this time he performed regularly at venues on the Jersey Shore, in Richmond, Virginia,[18] Nashville, Tennessee, and a set of gigs in California,[15] quickly gathering a cult following. San Francisco Examiner music critic Philip Elwood gave Springsteen credibility in his glowing assessment of Steel Mill: ""I have never been so overwhelmed by totally unknown talent."" Elwood went on to praise their ""cohesive musicality"" and, in particular, singled out Springsteen as ""a most impressive composer"". Other acts followed over the next two years, as Springsteen sought to shape a unique and genuine musical and lyrical style: Dr. Zoom & the Sonic Boom (early- to mid-1971), the Sundance Blues Band (mid-1971), and the Bruce Springsteen Band (mid-1971 to mid-1972). With the addition of pianist David Sancious, the core of what would later become the E Street Band was formed, with occasional temporary additions such as horn sections, the Zoomettes (a group of female backing vocalists for Dr. Zoom) and Southside Johnny Lyon on harmonica. Musical genres explored included blues, R&B, jazz, church music, early rock 'n' roll, and soul, with major influences being Joe Cocker's Mad Dogs and Englishmen, Leon Russell and Van Morrison.[15] Springsteen acquired the nickname ""The Boss"" during this period; when he played club gigs with a band he took on the task of collecting the band's nightly pay and distributing it amongst his bandmates.[19] The nickname also reportedly sprang from games of Monopoly that Springsteen would play with other Jersey Shore musicians.[20] Springsteen is not fond of this nickname, due to his dislike of bosses,[19] but seems to have since tacitly accepted it. Previously he had the nickname ""Doctor"".[21][22] His prolific songwriting ability (with ""more words in some individual songs than other artists had in whole albums"", as his future record label would describe it in early publicity campaigns) brought his skills to the attention of several people who were about to change his life: New managers Mike Appel and Jim Cretecos, who in turn brought him to the attention of Columbia Records talent scout John Hammond. Hammond auditioned Springsteen in May 1972. Even after Springsteen gained international acclaim, his New Jersey roots showed through in his music, and he often praised ""the great state of New Jersey"" in his live shows. Drawing on his extensive local appeal, he has routinely sold out consecutive nights in major New Jersey, Philadelphia and New York venues. He has also made many surprise appearances at The Stone Pony and other shore nightclubs over the years. 1972–1974: Initial struggle for success [ edit ] Springsteen was signed to Columbia Records in 1972 by Clive Davis, after having initially piqued the interest of John Hammond, who had signed Bob Dylan to the same label a decade earlier. Despite the expectations of Columbia Records' executives that Springsteen would record an acoustic album, he brought many of his New Jersey-based colleagues into the studio with him, thus forming the E Street Band (although it would not be formally named for several months). His debut album Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J., released in January 1973, established him as a critical favorite[23] though sales were slow. Because of Springsteen's lyrical poeticism and folk rock-rooted music exemplified on tracks like ""Blinded by the Light""[note 1] and ""For You"", as well as the Columbia and Hammond connections, critics initially compared Springsteen to Bob Dylan. ""He sings with a freshness and urgency I haven't heard since I was rocked by 'Like a Rolling Stone'"" wrote Crawdaddy magazine editor Peter Knobler in Springsteen's first interview/profile in March 1973. Photographs for that original profile were taken by Ed Gallucci.[24][25] Crawdaddy discovered Springsteen in the rock press and was his earliest champion. Knobler profiled him in Crawdaddy three times, in 1973, 1975 and 1978.[26] (Springsteen and the E Street Band acknowledged the magazine's support by giving a private performance at the Crawdaddy 10th Anniversary Party in New York City in June 1976.)[27] Music critic Lester Bangs wrote in Creem in 1975 that when Springsteen's first album was released ""... many of us dismissed it: he wrote like Bob Dylan and Van Morrison, sang like Van Morrison and Robbie Robertson, and led a band that sounded like Van Morrison's"".[28] The track ""Spirit in the Night"" especially showed Morrison's influence, while ""Lost in the Flood"" was the first of many portraits of Vietnam veterans, and ""Growin' Up"", his first take on the recurring theme of adolescence. In September 1973, Springsteen's second album The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle was released, again to critical acclaim but no commercial success. Springsteen's songs became grander in form and scope, with the E Street Band providing a less folksy, more R&B vibe, and the lyrics often romanticized teenage street life. ""4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)"" and ""Incident on 57th Street"" would become fan favorites, and the long, rousing ""Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)"" continues to rank among Springsteen's most beloved concert numbers. In the May 22, 1974 issue of Boston's The Real Paper music critic Jon Landau wrote, after seeing a performance at the Harvard Square Theater, ""I saw rock and roll future, and its name is Bruce Springsteen. And on a night when I needed to feel young, he made me feel like I was hearing music for the very first time.""[29] Landau helped to finish the epic new album Born to Run and subsequently became Springsteen's manager and producer. Given an enormous budget in a last-ditch effort at a commercially viable record, Springsteen became bogged down in the recording process while striving for a ""Wall of Sound"" production. But fed by the release of an early mix of ""Born to Run"" to nearly a dozen radio stations, anticipation built toward the album's release.[30] The album took more than 14 months to record, with six months spent on the song ""Born to Run"". During this time, Springsteen battled with anger and frustration over the album, saying he heard ""sounds in [his] head"" that he could not explain to the others in the studio. It was during these recording sessions that ""Miami"" Steve Van Zandt would stumble into the studio just in time to help Springsteen organize the horn section on ""Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out"". Van Zandt, who would eventually join the E Street Band, had been a longtime friend of Springsteen, as well as a collaborator on earlier musical projects, and understood where he was coming from, which helped him to translate some of the sounds Springsteen was hearing. Still, by the end of the grueling recording sessions Springsteen was not satisfied, and upon first hearing the finished album, threw it into the alley and told Jon Landau he would rather just cut it live at The Bottom Line (a place he often played).[31] 1975–1983: Breakthrough [ edit ] On August 13, 1975, Springsteen and the E Street Band began a five-night, 10-show stand at New York's The Bottom Line club. This attracted major media attention and was broadcast live on WNEW-FM. (Decades later, Rolling Stone magazine would name the stand as one of the 50 Moments That Changed Rock and Roll.)[32] Oklahoma City rock radio station WKY, in association with Carson Attractions, staged an experimental promotional event that resulted in a sold out house at the (6,000 seat) Civic Center Music Hall. With the release of Born to Run on August 25, 1975, Springsteen finally found success. The album peaked at No. 3 on the Billboard 200, and while reception at US top 40 radio outlets for the album's two singles was not overwhelming (""Born to Run"" reached a modest No. 23 on the Billboard charts, and ""Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out"" peaked at No. 83), almost every track on the album received album-oriented rock airplay, especially ""Born to Run"", ""Thunder Road"", ""Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out,"" and ""Jungleland"", all of which remain perennial favorites on many classic rock stations. Springsteen appeared on the covers of both Time and Newsweek in the same week, on October 27 of that year. So great did the wave of publicity become that he eventually rebelled against it during his first venture overseas, tearing down promotional posters before a concert appearance in London. Springsteen and the E Street Band, 1977 A legal battle with former manager Mike Appel kept Springsteen out of the studio for nearly a year, during which time he kept the E Street Band together through extensive touring across the U.S. Despite the optimistic fervor with which he often performed, Springsteen's new songs sounded more somber than much of his previous work. Reaching settlement with Appel in 1977, Springsteen returned to the studio, and the subsequent sessions produced Darkness on the Edge of Town (1978). Musically, this album was a turning point in Springsteen's career. Gone were the raw, rapid-fire lyrics, outsized characters, and long, multi-part musical compositions of the first three albums; the songs were leaner and more carefully drawn and began to reflect Springsteen's growing intellectual and political awareness. The cross-country 1978 tour to promote the album would become legendary for the intensity and length of its shows.[33] By the late 1970s, Springsteen had earned a reputation in the pop world as a songwriter whose material could provide hits for other bands. Manfred Mann's Earth Band had achieved a US No. 1 pop hit with a heavily rearranged version of Greetings' ""Blinded by the Light"" in early 1977. Patti Smith reached No. 13 with her take on Springsteen's unreleased ""Because the Night"" (with revised lyrics by Smith) in 1978, while The Pointer Sisters hit No. 2 in 1979 with Springsteen's also unreleased ""Fire"". Although not a critical success, long time friend Southside Johnny recorded Springsteen's ""The Fever"" in early 1976 and ""Talk to Me"" in 1978. The two of them along with Steve Van Zandt collaborated to produce ""Trapped Again"" in 1978. In September 1979, Springsteen and the E Street Band joined the Musicians United for Safe Energy anti-nuclear power collective at Madison Square Garden for two nights, playing an abbreviated set while premiering two songs from his upcoming album. The subsequent No Nukes live album, as well as the following summer's No Nukes documentary film, represented the first official recordings and footage of Springsteen's fabled live act, as well as Springsteen's first tentative dip into political involvement. Springsteen continued to focus on working-class life with the 20-song double album The River in 1980, which included an intentionally paradoxical range of material from good-time party rockers to emotionally intense ballads, and finally yielded his first hit Top Ten single as a performer, ""Hungry Heart"". Like the previous two albums, musical styles on The River were derived largely from rock 'n' roll music of the 50s and 60s, but with a more explicit pop-rock sound than earlier albums. This is apparent in the adoption of Eighties pop-rock hallmarks like the reverberating-tenor drums, very basic percussion/guitar and repetitive lyrics apparent in many of the tracks. The title song pointed to Springsteen's intellectual direction, while a couple of the lesser-known tracks presaged his musical direction. The album sold well, becoming his first No. 1 on the Billboard Pop Albums chart, and a long tour in 1980 and 1981 followed, which included Springsteen's first extended tour of Europe and ending with a series of multi-night arena stands in major cities in the U.S. The River was followed in 1982 by the stark solo acoustic Nebraska. Recording sessions had been held to expand on a demo tape Springsteen had made at his home on a simple, low-tech four-track tape deck. However, during the recording process Springsteen and producer Jon Landau realized the songs worked better as solo acoustic numbers than full band renditions and the original demo tape was released as the album. Although the recordings of the E Street Band were shelved, other songs from these sessions would later be released, including ""Born in the U.S.A"" and ""Glory Days"". According to the Marsh biographies, Springsteen was depressed when he wrote this material, and the result is a brutal depiction of American life. While Nebraska did not sell as well as Springsteen's three previous albums, it garnered widespread critical praise (including being named ""Album of the Year"" by Rolling Stone magazine's critics) and influenced later works by other major artists, including U2's album The Joshua Tree. Springsteen did not tour in conjunction with Nebraska's release. 1984–1991: Commercial and popular phenomenon [ edit ] Springsteen is probably best known for his album Born in the U.S.A. (1984), which sold 15 million copies in the U.S., 30 million worldwide, and became one of the best-selling albums of all time with seven singles hitting the Top 10. The title track was a bitter commentary on the treatment of Vietnam veterans, some of whom were Springsteen's friends. The lyrics in the verses were entirely unambiguous when listened to, but the anthemic music and the title of the song made it hard for many, from politicians to the common person, to get the lyrics—except those in the chorus, which could be read many ways.[34] The song made a huge political impact, as he was advocating for the rights of the common working-class man.[35] The song was widely misinterpreted as jingoistic, and in connection with the 1984 presidential campaign became the subject of considerable folklore. In 1984, conservative columnist George Will attended a Springsteen concert and then wrote a column praising Springsteen's work ethic. Six days after the column was printed, in a campaign rally in Hammonton, New Jersey, Reagan said, ""America's future rests in a thousand dreams inside your hearts. It rests in the message of hope in the songs of a man so many young Americans admire—New Jersey's own, Bruce Springsteen."" Two nights later, at a concert in Pittsburgh, Springsteen told the crowd, ""Well, the president was mentioning my name in his speech the other day and I kind of got to wondering what his favorite album of mine must've been, you know? I don't think it was the Nebraska album. I don't think he's been listening to this one."" He then began playing ""Johnny 99"", with its allusions to closing factories and criminals.[36] Springsteen also turned down several million dollars offered by the Chrysler Corporation to use ""Born in the U.S.A."" in a car commercial. In later years, to eliminate the bombast and make the song's original meaning more explicitly clear, Springsteen performed the song accompanied only by acoustic guitar, thus returning to how the song was originally conceived. The original acoustic version of the song, recorded in 1982 during the Nebraska sessions, appeared on the 1998 archival release Tracks. ""Dancing in the Dark"" was the biggest of seven hit singles from Born in the U.S.A., peaking at No. 2 on the Billboard music charts. The video for the song showed a young Courteney Cox dancing on stage with Springsteen, which helped start the actress's career. The song ""Cover Me"" was written by Springsteen for Donna Summer, but his record company persuaded him to keep it for the new album. A big fan of Summer's work, Springsteen wrote another song for her, ""Protection"". Videos for the album were directed by Brian De Palma and John Sayles. Springsteen played on the ""We Are the World"" song and album in 1985. His live single ""Trapped"" from that album received moderate airplay on US Top 40 stations as well as reaching No. 1 on the Billboard Top Rock Tracks chart.[37] During the Born in the U.S.A. Tour, Springsteen met actress Julianne Phillips, whom he would marry in 1985. He also that year took part in the recording of the USA For Africa charity song ""We Are The World""; however he declined to play at Live Aid. He later stated that he ""simply did not realise how big the whole thing was going to be"". He has since expressed regret at turning down Bob Geldof's invitation, stating that he could have played a couple of acoustic songs had there been no slot available for a full band performance. The Born in the U.S.A. period represented the height of Springsteen's visibility in popular culture and the broadest audience he would ever reach (aided by the release of Arthur Baker's dance mixes of three of the singles). From June 15 to August 10, 1985, all seven of his albums appeared on the UK Albums Chart: the first time an artist had charted their entire back catalogue simultaneously.[38] Live/1975–85, a five-record box set (also on three cassettes or three CDs), was released near the end of 1986 and became the first box set to debut at No. 1 on the U.S. album charts. It is one of the most commercially successful live albums of all time, ultimately selling 13 million units in the U.S. Live/1975–85 summed up Springsteen's career to that point and displayed some of the elements that made his shows so powerful to his fans: the switching from mournful dirges to party rockers and back; the communal sense of purpose between artist and audience; the long, intense spoken passages before songs, including those describing Springsteen's difficult relationship with his father; and the instrumental prowess of the E Street Band, such as in the long coda to ""Racing in the Street"". Despite its popularity, some fans and critics felt the album's song selection could have been better. Springsteen concerts are the subjects of frequent bootleg recording and trading among fans. During the 1980s, several Springsteen fanzines were launched, including Backstreets magazine, which started in Seattle and continues today as a glossy publication, now in communication with Springsteen's management and official website. After this commercial peak, Springsteen released the much more sedate and contemplative Tunnel of Love album (1987), a mature reflection on the many faces of love found, lost and squandered, which only selectively used the E Street Band. It presaged the breakup of his marriage to Julianne Phillips and described some of his unhappiness in the relationship. Reflecting the challenges of love in ""Brilliant Disguise"", Springsteen sang: So tell me who I see when I look in your eyes/Is that you, baby, or just a brilliant disguise? The subsequent Tunnel of Love Express Tour shook up fans with changes to the stage layout, favorites dropped from the set list, and horn-based arrangements. During the European leg in 1988, Springsteen's relationship with backup singer Patti Scialfa became public. Phillips and Springsteen filed for divorce in 1988.[39] Springsteen performing on the Tunnel of Love Express Tour at the Radrennbahn Weißensee in East Berlin on July 19, 1988 On July 19, 1988, Springsteen held a concert in East Germany that attracted 300,000 spectators. Journalist Erik Kirschbaum has called the concert ""the most important rock concert ever, anywhere"", in his 2013 book Rocking the Wall. Bruce Springsteen: The Berlin Concert That Changed the World. It had been conceived by the Socialist Unity Party's youth wing in an attempt to placate the youth of East Germany, who were hungry for more freedom and the popular music of the West. However, it is Kirschbaum's opinion that the success of the concert catalyzed opposition to the regime in the DDR, and helped contribute to the fall of the Berlin Wall the following year.[40] Later in 1988, Springsteen headlined the worldwide Human Rights Now! tour for Amnesty International. In late 1989 he dissolved the E Street Band, and he and Scialfa relocated to California, marrying in 1991. 1992–1998: Artistic and commercial ups and downs and soundtrack work [ edit ] In 1992, after risking fan accusations of ""going Hollywood"" by moving to Los Angeles and working with session musicians, Springsteen released two albums at once. Human Touch and Lucky Town were even more introspective than any of his previous work and displayed a newly revealed confidence. As opposed to his first two albums, which dreamed of happiness, and his next four, which showed him growing to fear it, at points during the Lucky Town album, Springsteen actually claims happiness for himself. An electric band appearance on the acoustic MTV Unplugged television program (later released as In Concert/MTV Plugged) was poorly received and further cemented fan dissatisfaction. Springsteen seemed to realize this a few years hence when he spoke humorously of his late father during his Rock and Roll Hall of Fame acceptance speech: I've gotta thank him because—what would I conceivably have written about without him? I mean, you can imagine that if everything had gone great between us, we would have had disaster. I would have written just happy songs—and I tried it in the early '90s and it didn't work; the public didn't like it.[41] A multiple Grammy Award winner, Springsteen also won an Academy Award in 1994 for his song ""Streets of Philadelphia"", which appeared on the soundtrack to the film Philadelphia. The video for the song shows Springsteen's actual vocal performance, recorded using a hidden microphone, to a prerecorded instrumental track. This technique was developed on the ""Brilliant Disguise"" video. In 1995, after temporarily re-organizing the E Street Band for a few new songs recorded for his first Greatest Hits album (a recording session that was chronicled in the documentary Blood Brothers), and also one show at Tramps in New York City,[42] he released his second (mostly) solo guitar album, The Ghost of Tom Joad, inspired by John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath and by Journey to Nowhere: The Saga of the New Underclass, a book by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Dale Maharidge and photographer Michael Williamson. This was generally less well-received than the similar Nebraska, due to the minimal melody, twangy vocals, and political nature of most of the songs, although some praised it for giving voice to immigrants and others who rarely have one in American culture. The lengthy, worldwide, small-venue solo acoustic Ghost of Tom Joad Tour that followed successfully presented many of his older songs in drastically reshaped acoustic form, although Springsteen had to explicitly remind his audiences to be quiet and not to clap during the performances. In April 1996, Springsteen gave an interview to LGBT magazine The Advocate writer Judy Wieder, in which he spoke of the importance of fighting for gay marriage. ""You get your license, you do all the social rituals. It's part of your place in society, and in some way part of society's acceptance of you.""[43] Following the tour, Springsteen moved back to New Jersey with his family.[44] In 1998, he released the sprawling, four-disc box set of outtakes, Tracks. Later, he would acknowledge that the 1990s were a ""lost period"" for him: ""I didn't do a lot of work. Some people would say I didn't do my best work.""[45] 1999–2007: Return to success [ edit ] Springsteen was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1999 by Bono (the lead singer of U2), a favor he returned in 2005.[46] In 1999, Springsteen and the E Street Band reunited and began their extensive Reunion Tour, lasting over a year. Highlights included a record sold-out, 15-show run at Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey and a ten-night, sold-out engagement at New York City's Madison Square Garden, which ended the tour. The final two shows were recorded for HBO, with corresponding DVD and album releases as Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band: Live in New York City. A new song, ""American Skin (41 Shots)"", about the police shooting of Amadou Diallo, which was played at these shows proved controversial. In 2002, Springsteen released his first studio effort with the full band in 18 years, The Rising, produced by Brendan O'Brien. The album, mostly a reflection on the September 11 attacks, was a critical and popular success. (Many of the songs were influenced by phone conversations Springsteen had with family members of victims of the attacks who in their obituaries had mentioned how his music touched their lives.) The title track gained airplay in several radio formats, and the record became Springsteen's best-selling album of new material in 15 years. Kicked off by an early-morning Asbury Park appearance on The Today Show, The Rising Tour commenced, barnstorming through a series of single-night arena stands in the U.S. and Europe to promote the album in 2002, then returning for large-scale, multiple-night stadium shows in 2003. While Springsteen had maintained a loyal hardcore fan base everywhere (and particularly in Europe), his general popularity had dipped over the years in some southern and midwestern regions of the U.S. because of his vocal endorsement of leftist, liberal politics. But it was still strong in Europe and along the U.S. coasts, and he played an unprecedented 10 nights in Giants Stadium in New Jersey, a ticket-selling feat to which no other musical act has come close.[47] During these shows Springsteen thanked those fans who were attending multiple shows and those who were coming from long distances or another country; the advent of robust Springsteen-oriented online communities had made such practices more common. The Rising Tour concluded with three nights in Shea Stadium, highlighted by renewed controversy over ""American Skin"" and a guest appearance by Bob Dylan. During the early 2000s, Springsteen became a visible advocate for the revitalization of Asbury Park, and played an annual series of winter holiday concerts there to benefit various local businesses, organizations, and causes. These shows were explicitly intended for the devoted fans, including numbers such as the E Street Shuffle outtake ""Thundercrack"", a rollicking group-participation song that would mystify casual Springsteen fans. He also frequently rehearses for tours in Asbury Park; some of his most devoted followers even stand outside the building to hear what fragments they can of the upcoming shows. The song ""My City of Ruins"" was originally written about Asbury Park, in honor of the attempts to revitalize the city. Looking for an appropriate song for the America: A Tribute to Heroes telethon broadcast, he selected ""My City of Ruins"", which was immediately recognized as an emotional highlight of the broadcast, with its gospel themes and its heartfelt exhortations to ""Rise up!"" The song became associated with post-9/11 New York, and he chose it to close The Rising album and as an encore on the subsequent tour. At the Grammy Awards of 2003, Springsteen performed The Clash's ""London Calling"" along with Elvis Costello, Dave Grohl, and E Street Band member Steven Van Zandt and No Doubt's bassist, Tony Kanal, in tribute to Joe Strummer; Springsteen and the Clash had once been considered multiple-album-dueling rivals at the time of the double The River and the triple Sandinista!. In 2004, Springsteen and the E Street Band participated in the Vote for Change tour, along with John Mellencamp, John Fogerty, the Dixie Chicks, Pearl Jam, R.E.M., Bright Eyes, the Dave Matthews Band, Jackson Browne, and other musicians. All concerts were to be held in swing states, to benefit the progressive political organization group America Coming Together and to encourage people to register and vote. A finale was held in Washington, D.C., bringing many of the artists together. Several days later, Springsteen held one more such concert in New Jersey, when polls showed that state surprisingly close. While in past years Springsteen had played benefits for causes in which he believed —against nuclear energy, for Vietnam veterans, Amnesty International, and the Christic Institute—he had always refrained from explicitly endorsing candidates for political office (indeed he had rejected the efforts of Walter Mondale to attract an endorsement during the 1984 Reagan ""Born in the U.S.A."" flap). This new stance led to criticism and praise from the expected partisan sources. Springsteen's ""No Surrender"" became the main campaign theme song for John Kerry's unsuccessful presidential campaign; in the last days of the campaign, he performed acoustic versions of the song and some of his other old songs at Kerry rallies. Devils & Dust was released on April 26, 2005, and was recorded without the E Street Band. It is a low-key, mostly acoustic album, in the same vein as Nebraska and The Ghost of Tom Joad although with a little more instrumentation. Some of the material was written almost 10 years earlier during, or shortly after, the Ghost of Tom Joad Tour, with a few having been performed then but not released.[48] The title track concerns an ordinary soldier's feelings and fears during the Iraq War. Starbucks rejected a co-branding deal for the album, due in part to some sexually explicit content but also because of Springsteen's anti-corporate politics. The album entered the album charts at No. 1 in 10 countries (United States, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Ireland). Springsteen began the solo Devils & Dust Tour at the same time as the album's release, playing both small and large venues. Attendance was disappointing in a few regions, and everywhere (other than in Europe) tickets were easier to get than in the past. Unlike his mid-1990s solo tour, he performed on piano, electric piano, pump organ, autoharp, ukulele, banjo, electric guitar, and stomping board, as well as acoustic guitar and harmonica, adding variety to the solo sound. (Offstage synthesizer, guitar, and percussion were also used for some songs.) In November 2005, Sirius Satellite Radio started a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week radio station called E Street Radio. This channel played commercial-free Bruce Springsteen music, including rare tracks, interviews, and daily concerts of Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band recorded throughout their career. In April 2006, Springsteen released We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions, an American roots music project focused around a big folk sound treatment of 15 songs popularized by the radical musical activism of Pete Seeger. It was recorded with a large ensemble of musicians including only Patti Scialfa, Soozie Tyrell, and The Miami Horns from past efforts. In contrast to previous albums, this was recorded in only three one-day sessions, and frequently one can hear Springsteen calling out key changes live as the band explores its way through the tracks. A tour began the same month, with the 18-strong ensemble of musicians dubbed The Seeger Sessions Band (and later shortened to The Sessions Band). Seeger Sessions material was emphasized, as well as a handful of (usually drastically rearranged) Springsteen numbers. The tour proved very popular in Europe, selling out everywhere and receiving some excellent reviews,[49] but newspapers reported that a number of U.S. shows suffered from sparse attendance.[50][51][52] By the end of 2006, the Seeger Sessions tour toured Europe twice and toured America for only a short span. Bruce Springsteen with The Sessions Band: Live in Dublin, containing selections from three nights of November 2006 shows at the Point Theatre in Dublin, Ireland, was released the following June. Springsteen's next album, titled Magic, was released on October 2, 2007. Recorded with the E Street Band, it had 10 new Springsteen songs plus ""Long Walk Home"", performed once with the Sessions band, and a hidden track (the first included on a Springsteen studio release), ""Terry's Song"", a tribute to Springsteen's long-time assistant Terry Magovern, who died on July 30, 2007.[53] Magic debuted at No. 1 in Ireland and the UK. Greatest Hits reentered the Irish charts at No. 57, and Live in Dublin almost cracked the top 20 in Norway again. Sirius Satellite Radio also restarted E Street Radio on September 27, 2007, in anticipation of Magic.[54] Radio conglomerate Clear Channel Communications was alleged to have sent an edict to its classic rock stations to not play any songs from the new album, while continuing to play older Springsteen material. However, Clear Channel Adult Alternative (or ""AAA"") station KBCO did play tracks from the album, undermining the allegations of a corporate blackout.[55] The Springsteen and E Street Band Magic Tour began at the Hartford Civic Center with the album's release and continued through North America and Europe. It was announced on November 21, 2007, that Springsteen's longtime friend and founding E Street Band member, Danny Federici, would be taking a leave of absence from the Magic Tour to pursue treatment for melanoma. Charles Giordano filled in as Federici's replacement. 2008–2011: Deaths of Danny Federici and Clarence Clemons [ edit ] Federici returned to the stage on March 20, 2008, when he appeared for portions of a Springsteen and E Street Band performance at Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis. Less than one month later, on April 17, 2008, Federici died at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, having suffered for three years from melanoma.[56][57] On January 11, 2009, Springsteen won the Golden Globe Award for Best Song for ""The Wrestler"", from the Darren Aronofsky film by the same name.[58] After receiving a heartfelt letter from lead actor Mickey Rourke, Springsteen supplied the song for the film for free.[59] Springsteen performed at the halftime show at Super Bowl XLIII on February 1, 2009,[60] agreeing to do it after many previous offers.[61] A few days before the game, Springsteen gave a rare press conference at which he promised a ""twelve-minute party.""[62][63] His 12-minute 45-second set, with the E Street Band and the Miami Horns, included abbreviated renditions of ""Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out"""", ""Born to Run"", ""Working on a Dream"", and ""Glory Days"", the latter complete with football references in place of the original baseball-themed lyrics. The set of appearances and promotional activities led Springsteen to say, ""This has probably been the busiest month of my life.""[64] Springsteen supported Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, announcing his endorsement in April 2008[65] and going on to appear at several Obama rallies as well as performing several solo acoustic performances in support of Obama's campaign throughout 2008,[66] culminating with a November 2 rally at which he debuted the song ""Working on a Dream"" in a duet with Scialfa.[67] At an Ohio rally, Springsteen discussed the importance of ""truth, transparency and integrity in government, the right of every American to have a job, a living wage, to be educated in a decent school, and a life filled with the dignity of work, the promise and the sanctity of home...""[68] Following Obama's electoral victory on November 4, Springsteen's song ""The Rising"" was the first song played over the loudspeakers after Obama's victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park. Springsteen was the musical opener for the Obama Inaugural Celebration on January 18, 2009, which was attended by over 400,000 people.[69] He performed ""The Rising"" with an all-female choir. Later he performed Woody Guthrie's ""This Land Is Your Land"" with Pete Seeger. Springsteen's Working on a Dream album, dedicated to the memory of Danny Federici, was released in late January 2009[62] and the supporting Working on a Dream Tour ran from April 2009 until November 2009. The tour presented few songs from the new album, with set lists dominated instead by classics and selections reflecting the ongoing late-2000s recession.[70] Springsteen also played songs requested by audience members holding up signs, a practice begun during the final stages of the Magic Tour.[70] Drummer Max Weinberg was replaced for some shows by his 18-year-old son Jay Weinberg, so that the former could serve his role as bandleader on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien.[70] During this tour, Springsteen and the band made their first real foray in the world of music festivals, headlining nights at the Pinkpop Festival in the Netherlands, Festival des Vieilles Charrues in France, the Bonnaroo Music Festival in the United States and the Glastonbury Festival[71] and Hard Rock Calling in the UK.[72] Several shows on the tour presented Born to Run, Darkness on the Edge of Town, or Born in the U.S.A. in its entirety.[73] The band performed five final shows at Giants Stadium, opening with a new song highlighting the historic stadium, and Springsteen's Jersey roots, named ""Wrecking Ball"".[74] A DVD from the Working on a Dream Tour entitled London Calling: Live in Hyde Park was released in 2010. Fireworks go off at the conclusion of the ""E! Street! Band!"" exhortation during the final shows at Giants Stadium Springsteen was among the recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors, an annual award to figures from the world of arts for their contribution to American culture, on December 6, 2009.[75] President Obama gave a speech in which he talked about how Springsteen had incorporated the life of regular Americans in his expansive palette of songs and how his concerts were beyond typical rock-and-roll concerts, how, apart from being high-energy concerts, they were ""communions"". He ended the remark ""while I am the president, he is the Boss"". Tributes were paid by several well-known celebrities including Jon Stewart (who described Springsteen's ""unprecedented combination of lyrical eloquence, musical mastery and sheer unbridled, unadulterated joy""). A musical tribute included John Mellencamp, Ben Harper, Jennifer Nettles, Melissa Etheridge, Eddie Vedder, and Sting. Springsteen was among a host of musicians who voiced extensive criticism regarding the merging of Ticketmaster with Live Nation, saying ""the one thing that would make the current ticket situation even worse for the fan than it is now would be Ticketmaster and Live Nation coming up with a single system, thereby returning us to a near monopoly situation in music ticketing.""[76] The 2000s ended with Springsteen named one of eight Artists of the Decade by Rolling Stone magazine[77] and with Springsteen's tours ranking him fourth among artists in total concert grosses for the decade.[78] His 2010 tour included venues in the UK and Ireland. In September 2010, a documentary about the making of Springsteen's 1978 album Darkness on the Edge of Town premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. The film, The Promise: The Making of Darkness on the Edge of Town, was included in a box set reissue of the album, entitled The Promise: The Darkness on the Edge of Town Story, released in November 2010. Also airing on HBO, the documentary explored Springsteen's making of the album and his role in the production and development of the tracks. Clarence Clemons, the E Street Band's saxophonist and founding member, died on June 18, 2011, of complications from a stroke. ""Clarence lived a wonderful life"", Springsteen said. ""He carried within him a love of people that made them love him. He created a wondrous and extended family. He loved the saxophone, loved our fans and gave everything he had every night he stepped on stage.""[79] 2012–2015: Wrecking Ball, High Hopes, American Beauty and The Ties That Bind box set [ edit ] Springsteen's 17th studio album, Wrecking Ball, was released on March 6, 2012. The album consists of eleven tracks plus two bonus tracks. Three songs previously only available as live versions—""Wrecking Ball"", ""Land of Hope and Dreams"", and ""American Land""—appear on the album.[80] Wrecking Ball became Springsteen's tenth No. 1 album in the United States, tying him with Elvis Presley for third most No. 1 albums of all-time. Only The Beatles (19) and Jay Z (12) have more No. 1 albums.[81] Following the release of the album, Springsteen and the E Street Band announced plans for the Wrecking Ball Tour, which began on March 18, 2012. As tickets for the first U.S. dates went on sale, many fans were unable to obtain tickets, much like for the 2009 Working on a Dream Tour, allegedly due to ticket scalpers. Shows sold out within minutes and many tickets appeared, at much higher prices, on resale websites such as StubHub less than an hour after the onsale time. Ticketmaster said web traffic was 2.5 times the highest level of the past year during the online sales and suggested that scalpers played a big role. On July 31, 2012, in Helsinki, Finland, Springsteen performed his longest concert ever at 4 hours and 6 minutes and 33 songs. Not included in this total time is a thirty-minute, five-song, solo acoustical set he did about two hours before the show.[82] Springsteen was honored with the 2013 MusiCares Person of the Year award in recognition of his creative accomplishments as well as his charitable work and philanthropic activities. A ceremony was held on February 8, 2013, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, two days before the Grammy Awards.[83] Despite saying he would sit out the 2012 presidential election, Springsteen campaigned for President Barack Obama's re-election in Ohio, Iowa, Virginia, Pittsburgh, and Wisconsin. At the rallies, he briefly spoke to the audience and performed a short acoustic set that included a newly written song titled ""Forward"".[84][85][86] Obama also used ""We Take Care of Our Own"" as one of his top campaign songs. Use of the song helped boost sales of the song by 409%.[87] On October 29, 2012, the New Jersey area was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. Two days later, Springsteen dedicated his performance at the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, New York, to those affected by the storm and those helping to recover. Springsteen and the E Street Band performed ""Land of Hope and Dreams"" at a one-hour televised telethon called Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together on November 2, 2012, which aired on NBC and at the same time many other channels. Springsteen also joined Billy Joel, Steven Tyler and Jimmy Fallon for a performance of ""Under the Boardwalk"". All money was donated to the American Red Cross.[88] Springsteen and the E Street Band, along with many top names in the music industry, performed at Madison Square Garden on December 12, 2012, for 12-12-12: The Concert for Sandy Relief. At year's end, the Wrecking Ball Tour was named Top Draw for having the top attendance out of any tour by the Billboard Touring Awards. The tour finished second to Roger Waters, who had the top grossing tour of 2012.[89] Springsteen finished second only to Madonna as the top money maker of 2012 with $33.44 million.[90] The Wrecking Ball album, along with the single ""We Take Care of Our Own"", was nominated for three Grammy Awards, including Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song for ""We Take Care of Our Own"" and Best Rock Album.[91][92] Rolling Stone named Wrecking Ball the number one album of 2012 on their Top 50 albums of 2012 list.[93] In March 2013, and for the first time since re-uniting with Springsteen in 1999, Steven Van Zandt was forced to miss the Australian leg of the band's tour due to acting commitments on his television show Lilyhammer. He was replaced by guitarist Tom Morello for the leg.[94] In late July 2013, the documentary Springsteen & I, directed by Baillie Walsh and produced by Ridley Scott, was released simultaneously via a worldwide cinema broadcast in over 50 countries and in over 2000 movie theaters.[95] The Wrecking Ball Tour, which came to an end in September 2013, was one of Springsteen's most successful. A week after it ended, Springsteen announced a 2014 tour that would include dates in Australia and New Zealand.[96] Springsteen, along with friend and mentor Pete Seeger, as well as Herbie Hancock, Sally Field and Robert De Niro, was among a total of 198 class of 2013 inductees into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The induction ceremony was held at the Academy's headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts in October 2013. In October 2013, Springsteen posted a letter on his website thanking fans of all ages for their support throughout the Wrecking Ball World Tour. A highlight video of the tour was also released showing a new studio recording of the Suicide song, ""Dream Baby Dream"".[97] Springsteen released his eighteenth studio album, High Hopes, on January 14, 2014. The first single and video were of a newly recorded version of the song ""High Hopes"", which Springsteen had previously recorded in 1995. The album was the first by Springsteen in which all songs are either cover songs, newly recorded outtakes from previous records, or newly recorded versions of songs previously released. The 2014 E Street Band touring lineup, along with deceased E Street Band members Clarence Clemons and Danny Federici, appears on the album along with guitarist Tom Morello.[98] It was announced on January 15, 2014 that Springsteen would start making professional recordings of all of his live shows available following each performance on his upcoming tour via download to a special USB wristband.[99] In addition to the wristbands, shows will also be offered through Springsteen's website until June 30, 2014.[100] Springsteen along with the E Street Band and guitarist Tom Morello, kicked off the High Hopes Tour on January 26, 2014. The tour was considered to be a continuation of the Wrecking Ball Tour. High Hopes became Springsteen's eleventh No. 1 album in the US.[101] It was his tenth No. 1 in the UK, tying him for fifth all-time The Rolling Stones and U2.[102] On April 4, 2014, HBO aired Bruce Springsteen's High Hopes a 30-minute documentary on the recording of High Hopes.[103] Rolling Stone named High Hopes the second best album of the year (behind only U2's Songs of Innocence) on their Top 50 Albums of 2014 list.[104] Announced as inductees in December 2013, Springsteen inducted past and present members of the E Street Band into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on April 10, 2014, with each member giving a speech and Springsteen and the band performing a three-song set of ""The E Street Shuffle"", ""The River"" and ""Kitty's Back"".[105] American Beauty, a limited edition four-song EP on 12-inch vinyl released exclusively for Record Store Day on April 18, 2014 contains four unreleased songs from the High Hopes sessions.[106] A music video for the title track was also released. After 34 shows and 182 songs performed, the High Hopes Tour came to an end on May 18, 2014. Springsteen released a short film for the song ""Hunter of Invisible Game"" on July 9, 2014 through his website. It marked Springsteen's directorial debut.[107] On November 17, 2014, Springsteen released The Album Collection Vol. 1 1973-1984, an 8-disc remastered version of his first seven studio albums, some of which had been remastered for the first time.[108] Springsteen made his acting debut in the final episode of Season 3 of Van Zandt's show Lilyhammer, which was named ""Loose Ends"", after a Springsteen song on his album Tracks. He played Giuseppe Tagliano, the brother of Van Zandt's character, Frank Tagliano aka ""Giovanni ""Johnny"" Henrikssen"". Giuseppe is an undertaker and owner of a funeral parlor who occasionally works as a hitman for a mafia family which Frank is associated. In November 2014, Springsteen announced that he would be opening the Bruce Springsteen Archives and will release live concerts from throughout his career including many shows which fans consider to be among his most essential performances and that were only previously available through bootlegs. Each show has been completely restored, remixed and remastered for the highest possible sound quality and are available for purchase through digital download or CD at live.brucespringsteen.net, where fans can also buy all of Springsteen's live recordings from the High Hopes Tour.[109] On August 6, 2015, Springsteen performed ""Land of Hope and Dreams"" and ""Born to Run"" on the final episode of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, as Stewart's final 'Moment of Zen'. On October 16, to celebrate the 35th anniversary of The River, Springsteen announced The Ties That Bind: The River Collection box set. Released on December 4, it contains four CDs (including many previously unreleased songs) and three DVDs (or Blu-ray) along with a 148-page coffee table book. In November 2015, ""American Skin (41 Shots)"" was performed with John Legend at Shining a Light: A Concert for Progress on Race in America. Springsteen made his first appearance on Saturday Night Live since 2002 on December 19, 2015, performing ""Meet Me in the City"", ""The Ties That Bind"", and ""Santa Claus Is Coming to Town"".[110] On December 4, 2015, he announced details for the upcoming The River Tour 2016 which would begin the following year. Springsteen also discussed plans for a new solo album however plans were put on hold to tour with the E Street Band in support of The Ties That Bind: The River Collection. Springsteen said ""the project I've been working on is more of a solo project. It wasn't a project I was going to probably take the band out on. So I said, 'Gee, that's going to push the band playing again until a ways in the future. It'll be nice to get some playing in so you don't wind up being two or three years between E Street tours.""[111] 2016–present: The River Tour 2016/Summer '17, Chapter and Verse, autobiography and Broadway performances [ edit ] The River Tour 2016 began in January 2016 in support of The Ties That Bind: The River Collection box set. All first-leg shows in North America included an in-sequence performance of the entire The River album along with other songs from Springsteen's catalog, and all dates were recorded and made available for purchase.[112] More dates were eventually announced expanding the original three-month tour into a seven-month tour with shows in Europe in May 2016 and another North American leg starting in August 2016 and ending the following month. As of July 2016, The River 2016 Tour has been the highest grossing worldwide tour with 1.1 million tickets sold and over $135 million in box office revenue, according to Billboard Boxscore's mid-year report. In July 2016, Springsteen's manager, Jon Landau, discussed Springsteen's upcoming solo album, which is expected for release in 2017, saying ""All I can say is that there is a solo record – and when I say solo record, I'm not talking about an acoustic record. It is, in fact, a very expansive record, a very rich record. It's one of Bruce's very creative efforts. Stay tuned, and we'll see exactly how that shapes up next year."" Landau also said it was too early to know a release day or plans for a supporting tour.[113] On September 23, 2016, Chapter and Verse, a compilation from throughout Springsteen's career dating back to 1966, was released. Five of the album's eighteen tracks had not been previously released; they include Springsteen's earliest recording from 1966, songs from his tenure in early 1970s bands such as the Castiles, Steel Mill and The Bruce Springsteen Band, along with a track from each studio album of his career.[114] On September 27, 2016, Simon & Schuster published his 500-page autobiography, Born to Run. The book rose quickly to the top of the NY Times Best Sellers List.[115] Springsteen announced he would promote his autobiography with a seventeen date book tour from September to December 2016.[116] Springsteen receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the White House from President Barack Obama Springsteen began the final leg of The River 2016 Tour on August 23, 2016, at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey where he performed for 3 hours and 52 minutes making it at the time the longest show he had ever performed in the United States.[117] The record was broken two nights later at MetLife Stadium when Springsteen performed a 3-hour 59-minute show, later topped by his performance of August 30, 2016, at 4 hours and 1 minute which then stood as his longest show in the United States. That record again was topped on September 7, 2016, at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where Springsteen performed for 4 hours and 4 minutes, which now stands as his longest show in the United States and second-longest ever next to a 2012 show in Helsinki which lasted two minutes longer.[118][119] The tour ended in September 2016; however, dates from January 22, 2017 to February 25, 2017 were added using the same promotional image from The River Tour 2016 although the tour was now renamed the Summer '17 tour.[120] The River 2016 Tour was the top-grossing worldwide tour of 2016; it pulled in $268.3 million globally and was the highest grossing tour since 2014 for any artist topping Taylor Swift's 2015 tour which grossed $250.1 million.[121] Springsteen supported Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign by performing an acoustic set of ""Thunder Road"", ""Long Walk Home"" and ""Dancing in the Dark"" at a rally in Philadelphia on November 7, 2016. On November 22, 2016, Springsteen was presented—along with twenty other recipients—the Presidential Medal of Freedom award by Barack Obama.[122] The award is the highest honor for a civilian to receive and is ""presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.""[123] On January 12, 2017, Springsteen along with Patti Scialfa performed a special 15-song acoustic set for President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama at the White House's East Room two days before the president gave his farewell address to the nation.[124][125] Springsteen on Broadway, an eight-week run at the Walter Kerr Theatre on Broadway in New York City in fall 2017, was announced in June 2017[126] and in addition to his music, includes Springsteen reading excerpts from his 2016 autobiography Born to Run and performing other spoken reminiscences written for the show.[127] Originally scheduled to run from October 12 through November 26, the show was extended three times, the last performance now scheduled for December 15, 2018.[128][129][130] With rumors swirling that Springsteen's solo shows on Broadway could continue well past their current June 2018 end date, on January 18, 2018, Nils Lofgren was asked on Twitter if the E Street Band will ever tour with Bruce again. Lofgren responded saying ""I sure hope so"" however Gary Tallent responded saying that it was ""looking unlikely though"" fueling rumors of the end of the E Street Band.[131][132] The following day, Tallent responded to his original comment saying ""just to be clear, I know as much as you. I like Nils' answer better"".[133] On February 2, 2018, Max Weinberg commented on the future of the E Street Band performing with Springsteen saying ""Don’t worry, we ain’t done yet. The E Street Band will be back out on the road."" [134] For Springsteen’s production of Springsteen on Broadway, he will be honored with a special award at the upcoming Tony Awards as announced on May 1, 2018.[135] Musical style [ edit ] Springsteen (second from right) was among the five recipients of the 2009 Kennedy Center Honors Springsteen draws on many musical influences from the reservoir of traditional American popular music, folk, blues and country. From the beginning, rock and roll has been a dominant influence and Springsteen's musical and lyrical evocations, as well as public tributes, of artists such as Dylan, Presley, The Animals, Roy Orbison, Gary ""U.S."" Bonds, and many others helped to rekindle interest in their music. Springsteen's other preferred musical style is American folk, evident on his debut album, Greetings from Asbury Park, New Jersey, and more strongly on Nebraska and The Ghost of Tom Joad. Springsteen songs such as ""This Hard Land"" demonstrate the lyrical and musical influence of Woody Guthrie. Elements of Latin American music, jazz, soul, and funk influences can be heard on Springsteen's second album, The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle; the song ""New York City Serenade"" is even reminiscent of the music of George Gershwin. Prominent in these two records is the pianist David Sancious, who left the band shortly into the recording of Springsteen's third album, Born To Run (which also emphasized the piano, played by Roy Bittan). Subsequently, Springsteen focused more on the rock elements of his music. He initially compressed the sound and developed Darkness on the Edge of Town just as straightforward as concise musical idiom, for the simple riffs, rock guitar solos and clearly recognizable song structures are dominant. His music has been categorized as heartland rock, a style typified by Springsteen, John Fogerty, Tom Petty, Bob Seger, and John Mellencamp. This music has a lyrical reference to the U.S. everyday and the music is kept rather simple and straightforward. This development culminated with Springsteen's hit album Born in the U.S.A., the title song of which has a constantly repeating, fanfare-like keyboard riff and a pounding drum beat. These sounds fit with Springsteen's voice: it cries to the listener the unsentimental story of a disenchanted angry figure. Even songs that can be argued to be album tracks proved to be singles that enjoyed some chart success, such as ""My Hometown"" and ""I'm on Fire"", in which the drum line is formed from subtle hi-hat and rim-clicks-shock (shock at the edge of the snare drum) accompanied by synthesizer and Springsteen's soft guitar line. The album, along with some previous records such as ""Cadillac Ranch"" showed clear rockabilly influences as is evident from his guitar solos, in-fills and vocal styles on these. Another clear influence of early rock n roll on Springsteen's music is evident on the song ""Light of Day"".[citation needed] In recent years, Springsteen has changed his music further. There are more folk elements up to the gospel to be heard. His last solo album, Devils and Dust, drew rave reviews not only for Springsteen's complex songwriting, but also for his expressive and sensitive singing. On the album We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions Springsteen performed folk classics with a folk band, rather than his usual E Street Band. On his ensuing tour he also interpreted some of his own rock songs in a folk style. On his 2012 album, Wrecking Ball, Springsteen incorporated a variety of styles, including folk, gospel, and even hip-hop, with a rap in the song ""Rocky Ground"". His studio work with producer Ron Aniello, Wrecking Ball and High Hopes, has also become more experimental, featuring loops and computerized sounds. Lyrical themes [ edit ] ""I spent most of my life as a musician measuring the distance between the American Dream and American reality."" —Bruce Springsteen[136][note 2] Often described as cinematic in their scope, Springsteen's lyrics frequently explore highly personal themes such as individual commitment, dissatisfaction and dismay with life in a context of everyday situations.[137] It has been recognized that there was a shift in his lyrical approach starting with the album Darkness on the Edge of Town, in which he focused on the emotional struggles of working class life.[138][139] Personal life [ edit ] The Springsteen family greets the Obama family on-stage at a rally in Cleveland , Ohio on November 2, 2008. In the early 1980s, Springsteen met Patti Scialfa at The Stone Pony, a bar in New Jersey where local musicians regularly perform. On that particular evening she was performing alongside one of Springsteen's pals, Bobby Bandiera, with whom she had written ""At Least We Got Shoes"" for Southside Johnny. Springsteen liked her voice and after the performance, introduced himself to her. Soon after that, they started spending time together and became friends.[140] Early in 1984, Springsteen asked Scialfa to join the E Street Band for the upcoming Born in the U.S.A. Tour. According to the book Bruce Springsteen on Tour 1969–2005 by Dave Marsh, it looked like Springsteen and Scialfa were on the brink of becoming a couple through the first leg of the tour. But before that could happen, Barry Bell introduced actress/model Julianne Phillips (b.1960) to Springsteen; they were married on May 13, 1985, held shortly after midnight at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Lake Oswego, a suburb south of Portland, Oregon.[141][142][143] Opposites in background, the two had an 11-year age difference, and his traveling took its toll on their relationship. His next album, Tunnel of Love, was released in the autumn of 1987 and many of its songs described his unhappiness in the relationship with Phillips. The Tunnel of Love Express Tour began in late February 1988, and Springsteen convinced Scialfa to join the tour again. She expressed reluctance at first, since she wanted to start recording her first solo album, but after Springsteen told her that the tour would be short, she agreed to postpone her own solo record.[144] Phillips and Springsteen separated in the spring of 1988, but it wasn't made known to the press. Springsteen and Scialfa fell in love with each other during the Tunnel of Love Express Tour and started living together soon after his separation from Phillips. Citing irreconcilable differences, Julianne filed for divorce in Los Angeles on August 30, 1988;[145] a settlement was reached in December and it was finalized on March 1, 1989.[146][147] Springsteen received press criticism for the hastiness in which he and Scialfa took up their relationship. In a 1995 interview with The Advocate, Springsteen told Judy Wieder about the negative publicity the couple subsequently received. ""It's a strange society that assumes it has the right to tell people whom they should love and whom they shouldn't. But the truth is, I basically ignored the entire thing as much as I could. I said, 'Well, all I know is, this feels real, and maybe I have got a mess going here in some fashion, but that's life.'"" He also told Wieder that, ""I went through a divorce, and it was really difficult and painful and I was very frightened about getting married again. So part of me said, 'Hey, what does it matter?' But it does matter. It's very different than just living together. First of all, stepping up publicly—which is what you do: You get your license, you do all the social rituals—is a part of your place in society and in some way part of society's acceptance of you ... Patti and I both found that it did mean something.""[43] Springsteen and Scialfa lived in New Jersey, before moving to Los Angeles, where they decided to start a family.[148] On July 25, 1990, Scialfa gave birth to the couple's first child, Evan James Springsteen.[148][149] On June 8, 1991, Springsteen and Scialfa married at their Los Angeles home in a very private ceremony, only attended by family and close friends.[148][149] Their second child, Jessica Rae Springsteen, was born on December 30, 1991;[148][149] and their third child, Samuel Ryan Springsteen, was born on January 5, 1994.[149][150] When the children reached school-age in the 1990s, Springsteen and Scialfa moved back to New Jersey specifically to raise a family in a non-paparazzi environment. The grounds of his New Jersey home include a large swimming pool. The family owns and lives on a horse farm in Colts Neck and a home in Rumson; they also own homes in Los Angeles and Wellington, Florida. Elder son Evan graduated from Boston College; he writes and performs his own songs and won the 2012 Singer/Songwriter Competition held during the Boston College's Arts Festival.[151] Their daughter Jessica is a nationally ranked champion equestrian,[152] and graduated from Duke University. She made her show-jumping debut with the Team USA in August 2014.[153] Their younger son, Sam, is a firefighter.[154] It has been reported that the press conference regarding the 2009 Super Bowl XLIII half-time show was Springsteen's first press conference in more than 25 years.[155] However, he has appeared in a few radio interviews, most notably on NPR and BBC.[156] 60 Minutes aired one of his last extensive interviews on TV[157] before his tour to support his album, Magic. Springsteen has talked about his mental health struggles.[158] Springsteen is an activist for LGBT rights and has spoken out many times as a strong supporter of gay marriage. In 2009, he posted the following statement on his website: ""I've long believed in and have always spoken out for the rights of same sex couples and fully agree with Governor Corzine when he writes that 'The marriage-equality issue should be recognized for what it truly is—a civil rights issue that must be approved to assure that every citizen is treated equally under the law.'""[159] In 2012, he lent his support to an ad campaign for gay marriage called ""The Four 2012"". Springsteen noted in the ad, ""I couldn't agree more with that statement and urge those who support equal treatment for our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters to let their voices be heard now.""[160] In April 2016, Springsteen cancelled a show in Greensboro, North Carolina days before it was to take place to protest the state's newly passed Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, also referred to as the ""bathroom law"", which dictates which restrooms transgender people are permitted to use and prevents LGBT citizens from suing over human rights violations in the workplace. Springsteen released an official statement on his website. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) celebrated Springsteen's statement and he has received much praise and gratitude from the LGBT community. [161] Springsteen was out riding his motorcycle on November 11, 2016 when it broke down and he was stranded alongside the road. A group of men from the Freehold American Legion in New Jersey were returning from a Veterans Day event on their motorcycles when they spotted Springsteen and stopped to help. Springsteen hitched a ride on the back of one of the men's motorcycles to a nearby restaurant where the group grabbed a round of drinks, for which Springsteen picked up the tab, while waiting for his ride.[162] While rejecting religion in his earlier years, Bruce stated in his autobiography Born To Run, he has ""a personal relationship with Jesus. I believe in his power to save, love... but not to damn"". In terms of Catholic faith, he has stated that he ""came to ruefully and bemusedly understand that once you're a Catholic you're always a Catholic"" and ""I don't participate in my religion but I know somewhere... deep inside... I'm still on the team.""[163] In an interview in 2017 with Tom Hanks, Springsteen admitted to having been a tax evader early in his career.[164] Bands [ edit ] Springsteen has been a member of, or has been backed by, several bands during his career, most notably the E Street Band. Earlier bands include the Rogues, the Castiles, Earth, Child, Steel Mill, the Sundance Blues Band, Dr Zoom and the Sonic Boom, and the Bruce Springsteen Band.[165] In October 1972 he formed a new band for the recording of his debut album Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J., which became known as The E Street Band, although the name was not used until September 1974.[166][167] Suki Lahav who was born on a kibbutz in Israel played violin with the E Street band as an unofficial member during live shows in the 1970s.[168] The E Street Band performed on all of Springsteen's recorded works from his debut until 1982's Nebraska, a solo album on which Springsteen himself played all the instruments. The full band returned for the next album Born in the USA, but from 1988 to 1999, albums were recorded with session musicians. The E Street Band briefly reunited in 1995 for new contributions to the Greatest Hits compilation, and on a more permanent basis from 1999, since which time they have recorded more albums and performed a number of high-profile tours. The 2005 album Devils & Dust was largely a solo recording, with some contribution from session musicians and the 2006 folk rock We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions album was recorded and toured with another band, known as The Sessions Band. Discography [ edit ] Studio albums [ edit ] Live albums [ edit ] Concert tours [ edit ] Headlining tours Co-headlining tours Awards and nominations [ edit ] Academy Awards [ edit ] American Music Awards [ edit ] Audie Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result 2018 Born to Run Best Autobiography/Memoir Won BRIT Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result 1985 Himself Best International Solo Artist Nominated 1986 Himself Best International Solo Artist Won 1987 Himself Best International Solo Artist Nominated 2003 Himself International Male Solo Artist Nominated 2006 Himself International Male Solo Artist Nominated 2008 Himself International Male Solo Artist Nominated 2010 Himself International Male Solo Artist Nominated 2011 Himself International Male Solo Artist Nominated 2013 Himself International Male Solo Artist Nominated Golden Globe Awards [ edit ] Grammy Awards [ edit ] Springsteen has won 20 Grammy Awards out of 50 nominations. Juno Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result 1985 Born in the USA International Album of the Year Won 1993 Himself International Entertainer of the Year Nominated Grammy Hall of Fame [ edit ] MTV Video Music Awards [ edit ] Tony Awards [ edit ] Year Nominee/work Award Result 2018 Himself Special Tony Award Won Other recognition [ edit ] See also [ edit ] Notes [ edit ] ^ ""Blinded by the Light"" would later be a hit for Manfred Mann and reach No. 1, the only time Springsteen had a No. 1 single as a songwriter. ^ This quote is an excerpt from Springsteen's speech from the stage at a rally for presidential candidate Barack Obama on November 2, 2008 References [ edit ] Sources" 1 Or sign in with one of these services 0 "Two former partners of Chip Gaines in the creation of the Magnolia Real Estate Company are suing the “Fixer Upper” star for fraud, claiming that Gaines bought them out without telling them that HGTV had decided to broadcast the show nationally “and that the show prominently featured the ‘Magnolia’ brand name.” (Photo by Neal Klaeser) In the 24-page lawsuit filed Wednesday in state district court in Waco, Gaines’s two former partners, lawyers John L. Lewis and Richard L. Clark, are seeking more than $1 million in damages and non-monetary relief, as well. Gaines’ spokesman declined to comment on the suit, but his attorney, Jordan Mayfield, told KWTX Thursday, “We are confident that these claims will be found to be meritless, and it is disappointing to see people try to take advantage of the hard work and success of Chip and Joanna Gaines."" Lewis and Clark were equal partners with Gaines in founding the Magnolia Real Estate Company in 2007. The suit says that for the first six years, the company largely operated in Waco with a single real estate agent. The suit claims Gaines worked out a deal with HGTV for the “Fixer Upper” program without telling his partners and that Gaines planned on featuring the Magnolia brand name. Gaines bought their shares of Magnolia Real estate for $2,500 each, the suit says. ""With this insider information in hand, Chip Gaines convinced plaintiffs to sell their membership interests in Magnolia Realty quickly to him before a public announcement that “Fixer Upper” was picked up by HGTV."" The suit, which also names Magnolia Realty, Scripps Networks Interactive, Scripps networks LLC and High Noon Entertainment which produces the show, claims Gaines pressured Lewis and Clark to sell “before they discovered the company’s value was radically enhanced by ‘Fixer Upper.’” When Clark balked at the terms of the buyout, the suit alleges Gaines sent a text advising Lewis to tell Clark “to be careful.” “I don’t come from the nerdy prep school he’s from. And when people talk to me that way they get their asses kicked. And if he’s not ready to do that he better shut his mouth. I’m not the toughest guy there is, but I can assure you that would not end well for [R]ick,” the text read, according to the suit. Since the show debuted, the suit says, Magnolia has grown from a single-agent firm to one that employs “over 93 real estate agents, and a support staff, and now operates in nearly every major city in Texas.” In addition to monetary damages, the suit seeks rescission of the sale of the company or fair value for Lewis’ and Clark’s interest, payment of salaries, bonuses in-kind benefits and distributions they would have received as partners" 0 Vinessa Shaw's pregnancy is not just a bunch of Hocus Pocus--it's the real deal. The actress announced this week that she is expecting her first child with husband Kristopher... ... 0 Nicholas Brendon has been arrested once again. The former Buffy the Vampire Slayer star was taken into custody in Palm Springs, California, on Oct. 11, as the result of an alleged domestic dispute between the actor and an unnamed woman, who is believed to be his girlfriend. Brendon -- who played Xander Harris on the popular teen dramedy vampire series from 1997 to 2003 -- was arrested on charges of domestic violence and violating a protective order. Sgt. William Hutchinson of the Palm Springs Police Department tells ET that the incident in question happened around 9 p.m. at the Saguaro Hotel. Palm Springs Police Department via Getty Images PHOTOS: Busted! Hollywood's Most Memorable Mugshots The 46-year-old actor -- who has had numerous run-ins with the law in the past, including four arrests in 2015 -- allegedly pulled the woman's arm and then her hair after getting into an argument. Police tell ET that the woman has two other protective orders against Brendon in both New York and Florida. The order allows Brendon to be near the woman, but prohibits him from threatening, harassing, injuring or assaulting her. Brendon was released from custody on Oct. 12 on a $50,000 bail bond, according to booking records. He is scheduled to appear in court on Nov. 28. ET reached out to Brendon's rep, who had no comment. NEWS: Nicholas Brendon Pleads Guilty To Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief, Choking Charges Dropped In December 2015, the actor plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of criminal mischief at the Saratoga Springs City Court in New York after allegedly choking his girlfriend in a hotel room three months earlier. The judge reportedly ruled that Brendon, -- who has long struggled with substance abuse and depression -- would not serve jail time pending completion of drug and alcohol counseling and avoiding trouble with the law for a year. For more on Brendon's battle with depression and addiction, which he opened up about to Dr. Phil in 2015, check out the video below. Related Gallery 0 President Trump decided to go ahead and do what no other president has had the stones to do last night and launched a covert campaign to eliminate the threat of North Korean nuclear and conventional weaponry.An independent source at the Pentagon is confirming for us what the mainstream media won’t until they’ve figured out an angle to make Trump look bad: North Korea’s military is in ruins and not a single civilian was hurt.The reporter who managed to get the story told LLOD:“A cute little airman whose name I won’t disclose confirmed that Admiral Fitzwallis gave the order to go to 17 SEAL teams on the ground covertly in North Korea. In three hours time, the entire military infrastructure of that country has been eliminated. This was no joke. This was calculated and perfectly executed. According to the airman, North Korea is brighter now than it ever has been at night because “it is currently on fire.”Now reports are coming in from sources on the ground in Pyongyang that Supreme Leader and all-around nitwit Kim Jong Un has been killed in the action. Immediately afterward, Kim was spotted on radio giving a death to America speech that was recorded several years ago, but the actual dictator hasn’t been spotted.From the Presidential Palace, crews are working on a colla[psed section of the building that houses the living quarters of Kim and his family.We’ll keep you updated on this developing story. 1 "Fans of the original Roswell series have been waiting months to find out how The CW's reboot, titled Roswell, New Mexico, compares to the teen-centered sci-fi series they first fell in love with nearly 20 years ago. On Saturday, the cast joined executive producer Carina MacKenzie (The Originals), at New York Comic Con to screen the series premiere months before the show debuts on The CW at midseason. When the show begins, Jeanine Mason's Liz Ortecho is a biomedical researcher who has returned to her hometown of Roswell, New Mexico, after 10 years away. She left following the death of her older sister Rosa, but returns home after the funding was cut for her research project. Upon her return, Liz comes face to face with her old friend Max Evans (Nathan Dean Parsons), now a police officer, who still has feelings for her and is not-so-obviously also an alien. We're here to give you our (spoiler free!) first impressions. Everything You Need to Know About The CW's Roswell Reboot Setting up pilots, especially pilots you want to establish as different from a beloved previous iteration, is difficult. Roswell, New Mexico is a little heavy-handed in its political commentary on immigration during its opening scene in which Liz delivers an impassioned lecture after being stopped at check point by Max before the pair recognize each other. Once Liz and Max realize who one another are, the chemistry is instant. We'd go as far to say that the series doesn't need as many flashbacks to their high school days to establish they have history. The palpable tension between Mason and Parsons is enough for anyone with a pulse to get the point, and there's no hoodie big enough or baseball cap ratty enough to make Parsons pass for a teenager, so we're hoping the series ditches the flashbacks as the show moves forward. All in all, MacKenzie was able to balance nostalgic throwbacks to the original series and the book series Roswell, New Mexico is inspired by — the introduction Maria and Alex in particular drew big reactions from the crowd — while also making the series feel very 2018. The characters have been aged up so we won't get distracted with things like cheerleading try-outs or SATs in the middle of big story arcs. The series also won't have to juggle awkward college years come Season 3, something MacKenzie probably learned from her mentor and fellow executive producer Julie Plec. Watch the Trailer for The CW's Roswell, New Mexico There are two major twists in the first episode that both bring surprising intrigue to the reboot. The first received raucous applause from the NYCC crowd and even had us going, ""I'll take more of that, please."" The second presents an interesting obstacle between our star-crossed (literally) lovers as we find out there's more to Liz's sister's death than we know. That mystery will unfold throughout the season and by weaving our alien trio into it, MacKenzie has found a way to add a new element to the reboot that should also help establish a central mythology. Roswell, New Mexico has a couple of pilot problems that befall the majority of new shows, but they are not unforgivable and can easily be corrected as the show finds its footing. Our advice is that the show trust what it's established in the forefront and don't rely on the past unless it reveals crucial plot information. The exception to this is, of course, the music (Edwin McCain's ""I'll Be"" is the first song heard playing at the Crashdown and is a delightful throwback for those of us that grew up the WB romances of the late '90s.) Many people had justified reservations when Roswell, New Mexico was announced, but this show isn't a mere knockoff of the WB series. And if it learns to trust itself, it could say something valuable in 2018. At the very least, there are very hot aliens making out with very hot humans and that's very enjoyable to watch. Lily Cowles, Nathan Parsons, Jeanine Mason and Michael Vlamis, Roswell, New Mexico Photo: John P. Filo/The CW Roswell, New Mexico premieres at midseason on The CW. (Full disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS, one of The CW's parent companies.)" 0 For the uninitiated a midlife crisis is roughly defined as a transition of identity as you reach those awkward middle aged years. This period comes a close second in the awkwardness scale to adolescence - which, as you will all know, is very uncomfortable. The midlife crisis can be clearly seen in former footballer and now semi-retired celebrity David Beckham, who appears to be tapping into his teenage spirit, growing his hair out and looking increasingly like Kurt Cobain. It's all come to a head this week when Beckham posted pictures on Instagram of him indulging his childish fantasies by taking six days off to build a 4,000 piece Lego castle for his six year old daughter Harper. Perhaps now, at the age of 42, he's no longer sure who he wants to be any more... but he's so devishly handsome that he seems to be getting away with it with absolute panache. So, then, here are the seven signs that suggest David Beckham is in the grip of a midlife crisis. 1 "Uh-oh. Paris Jackson got cozy with Aussie model Tyler Green during the Melbourne Cup horse race in November, and her famous family isn’t exactly moonwalking with delight. They fear the pairing could spell trouble for the 19-year-old model, who’s struggled with sobriety in the past. “Paris’ family worries she’ll start partying again because of Tyler,” an insider exclusively tells Life & Style. Tyler, 25, has bragged about his wild ways on Instagram, posting about months of “far too much drinking” and praising “bottomless red wine and pure debauchery.” (Photo Credit: Splash) Despite those red flags, Paris — who’s admitted to attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and who says she was suicidal after the death of dad Michael Jackson — is smitten. “Paris is trying to walk the straight and narrow, but she’s also looking for fun,” notes the insider. “She makes her own decisions, but her family wants her to make the right ones.” Paris’ family’s concerns about her latest romance come months after she finally called it quits with on-and-off boyfriend Michael Snoddy. Back in February, a source told Us Weekly that the duo broke up after less than a year of dating. Though the insider said that Paris could end up reconciling with Michael in the future, they also said that the aspiring actress was more focused on her career than her love life. “It appears that Paris and Michael have parted ways for now, but their future is uncertain,” the source said, adding that Paris was very excited about her guest role on Fox’s TV drama Star. “She is doing well, enjoying being on set with Lee Daniels and focusing her energy on the opportunities ahead.” While she has yet to make her relationship with Tyler Instagram official, Paris did post a telling quote about love on Oct. 23: “People say love ism blind because they do not know what love is. I say unto you, only love has eyes; other than love, everything is blind.” For more exclusive celebrity news, pick up the latest issue of Life & Style, on newsstands now! More from Life & Style Brat Pack: A Guide to the Next Gen Kids Roaming the Runways and Dating 30-Year-Old Reality Stars Paris Jackson Apologizes for Poorly-Timed Tweet After the Sutherland Springs Shooting Paris Jackson Calls Wendy Williams' ""Obsession"" With the Jackson Family ""Toxic""" 1 "Chris Brown has an idea even he admits is a little crazy. The hip-hop music star took to Twitter on Friday with a pitch for his 26.7 million followers: a world tour with three of the biggest names in the industry. ""Just thinking.... A CRAZY WORLD TOUR would Beyoncé, Rihanna, Bruno Mars, CHRIS BROWN. '2 for 2'. And if y'all decide to do it without me... give me 10%,"" Chris tweeted. Given Brown's contentious criminal history with Rihanna, some Twitter users raised their eyebrows over the ""Loyal"" singer's proposal to reunite with his ex on the road." 1 J.Lo and A-Rod are keeping up their streak of matching outfits, this time in white on their picturesque Italian vacation. The World of Dance host, 49, and her retired MLB pro boyfriend, 43, jetted off to Capri, an Island south of Naples, Italy, for a little summer alone time, and they each posted a picture on their Instagram of their travels. Lopez shared a candid shot of herself, dressed in a white lace gown, and Rodriguez in a white sweater and pants relaxing on some city steps. She captioned the photo “Capri 2018” with an Italian flag and kissing lips emoij. RELATED: Celeb Vacations: Bikini-clad Heidi Klum Relaxes in Italy, Kendra Wilkinson Climbs the Great Wall with her Son and More Rodriguez posted a picture of the couple in the same outfits happily shopping at an outdoor market. “Apple anyone?!..” he captioned his snap. The couple has been showing off their glamorous adventures since Tuesday, when Rodriguez shared a clip of Lopez singing Journey’s classic hit “Don’t Stop Believing” on a boat. RELATED: Jennifer Lopez Is ‘More Mature and Peaceful’ with Alex Rodriguez — Inside Their Happy Blended Family RELATED: Everything Jennifer Lopez & Alex Rodriguez Have Said About Each Other Rodriguez also posted another image of himself on a boat, again looking dashing in all white. In July, a source close to Lopez revealed to PEOPLE that the relationship has made the singer and actress “more mature and peaceful. It’s like she realized she doesn’t have to be married to be in a happy and serious relationship.” The source also shared that the reason the couple, who have been dating since March 2017, bonded so quickly because they both believe “Life is all about family … Besides the fact that Jennifer and Alex always had a strong attraction to each other, this seems to be the main reason why their relationship works so well. The kids always come first for both of them.” RELATED: Viva L’Italia! Stars Can’t Stay Away from Italy This Summer: Here’s Exactly Where They Go Lopez has 10-year-old twins Max and Emme with ex-husband Marc Anthony, while Rodriguez has two daughters Natasha, 13, and Ella, 10, from his marriage Cynthia Scurtis. 1 Justin Bieber is smitten! The singer confirmed his engagement to Hailey Baldwin with a lengthy Instagram post about their future together. “Was gonna wait a while to say anything but word travels fast, listen plain and simple Hailey I am soooo in love with everything about you!” Bieber captioned a black-and-white photo of the couple on Monday, July 9. “So committed to spending my life getting to know every single part of you loving you patiently and kindLY. I promise to lead our family with honor and integrity letting Jesus through his Holy Spirit guide us in everything we do and every decision we make. My heart is COMPLETELY and FULLY YOURS and I will ALWAYS put you first!” “You are the love of my life Hailey Baldwin and I wouldn’t want to spend it with anybody else. You make me so much better and we compliment eachother so well!!” the “Love Yourself” crooner continued. “Can’t wait for the best season of life yet!. It’s funny because now with you everything seems to make sense! The thing I am most excited for is that my little brother and sister get to see another healthy stable marriage and look for the same!!! Gods timing really is literally perfect, we got engaged on the seventh day of the seventh month, the number seven is the number of spiritual perfection, it’s true GOOGLE IT! Isn’t that nuts? By the way I didn’t plan that, anyways My goodness does feel good to have our future secured! WERE GONNA VE BETTER AT 70 BABY HERE WE GO! ‘He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains FAVOR from the Lord!’ This is the year of favor!!!!” Ariana Grande, who defended Bieber’s quick engagement after the news broke, was quick to comment on the post, writing, “Hoooooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaay omg.” Us Weekly exclusively confirmed last month that the “No Tears Left to Cry” singer was engaged to Pete Davidson after a few weeks of dating. Kylie Jenner also liked the post. Us Weekly confirmed on Sunday, July 8, that Bieber, 24, proposed to Baldwin, 21, during their recent romanic getaway in the Bahamas. Later that day, the model was spotted wearing a large diamond ring. After dating from 2015 to 2016, Bieber and Baldwin rekindled their romance last month. Us Weekly exclusively confirmed the pair, who had stayed “best friends,” had started “hooking up again.” The twosome were first spotted together in Miami, Florida, with friends on June 8 after his March split from his on-again, off-again girlfriend Selena Gomez. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! 0 "Report claiming Queen Elizabeth gave Michelle Obama a ""brutal beatdown"" or that Barack Obama ""stalked"" Prince Harry on Twitter is fake news. A fabricated story that Michelle Obama tried to “sneak a spot” on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding guest list is untrue. A blog called Just News USA claimed that Queen Elizabeth “delivered a brutal beatdown” to Michelle for trying to wormhole her way to being one of the exclusive guests at the royal wedding, which is to be held over Memorial Day weekend in 2018. The website also alleged that Barack Obama “practically stalked” Prince Harry on Twitter, sending a message of congratulations to him “within seconds of the [engagement] news coming out,” which “perhaps had an undertone of letting the royals know that he and Michelle were available that day to attend.” It went on to claim that the former president posted a number of “desperate” tweets to Prince Harry in an effort to score a place on the guest list. The article added that the queen “royally snubbed” Barack and Michelle Obama’s attempts to attend Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding. Gossip Cop reports that the only shred of truth to the the website’s story is that Barack’s congratulatory message to Prince Harry was soon after the wedding announcement. He wished the prince and Meghan Markle “a lifetime of joy and happiness” on Twitter. The message was in no way a massive hint to the royals that he and Michelle were “available” to attend their wedding ceremony. Just that alone is false because Harry and Meghan’s wedding date hadn’t yet been revealed until two days after their announcement. The claims made by Just News USA that Michelle Obama tried to “sneak a spot” on the wedding guest list is largely viewed as ludicrous, especially since no other details are offered regarding Queen Elizabeth’s “beatdown” of her. Story About Queen Elizabeth Giving Michelle Obama “Beatdown” Over Prince Harry Wedding Invite Is Made-Up https://t.co/X3FQsNnLc9 — Gossip Cop (@GossipCop) December 4, 2017 As Gossip Cop reports, if the Obamas get invited to the royal wedding, it’ll be for other reasons — such as being good friends with Prince Harry. It won’t come as a result of desperate pleas on social media. The article is characterized as “fake news” by the site that often debunks rumors and other made up stories about celebrities. The site will probably be correcting a number of inaccurate articles between now and when the royal wedding is held next year. All of the commotion about who’s going to be included on the ultra exclusive guest list will be talked about for months to come. It’s unknown if Barack and Michelle Obama will attend Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding, but speculations suggest they’ll most likely be on the guest list. It’s currently being drafted, according to Gossip Cop." 1 "George W. Bush has lobbed thinly-veiled critiques of President Donald Trump on his approach to the press and the travel ban from some Muslim-majority countries. | AP Photo Former presidents walk fine line in Trump’s America Trump's predecessors are trying to both defend their legacies and respect the unwritten rule of not undermining the current commander in chief.During his “American carnage” inaugural address, President Donald Trump sent a clear message: all of the presidents in recent memory have failed the American people.The harsh rhetoric of Trump’s inaugural address made an impression on his predecessors, with George W. Bush reportedly calling it “some weird s--t” and Jimmy Carter saying he “flinched” when Trump appeared to back off America's commitment to human rights.Story Continued BelowIn Trump’s America, the five living former presidents are walking a fine line, attempting to defend their legacies while also trying to respect the “unwritten rule” that former presidents avoid undermining their successors.“The immediate former presidents have been more active in their criticism of the current president,” George C. Edwards, a presidential historian at Texas A&M, said. “This kind of thing has been going on throughout history, but normally it’s not very much. This is very early in a tenure and to have former presidents being critical of the president… is pretty unusual.”As Obama returns to the public spotlight, his former aides have made it clear he has no intention of talking much about Trump. However, he’s made his displeasure clear.Obama, who campaigned heavily for Hillary Clinton, said he was “heartened” by the protests following Trump’s immigration ban targeting Muslim-majority countries. He also released a lengthy statement defending the Affordable Care Act against Trump’s attempts to repeal it.At a speech in Boston on Sunday night, Obama avoided mentioning Trump by name, but again forcefully defended his signature health care legislation and mentioned immigration reform. “I expect to be busy, if not with a second career, at least a second act,” Obama said Sunday.And on Monday, Obama’s aides aggressively pushed back against Trump for trying to blame his predecessor for the woes associated with Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn. While Trump and White House press secretary Sean Spicer have repeatedly denounced Obama for not revoking Flynn’s security clearance, Obama aides told reporters that Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn’s erratic nature.George W. Bush, meanwhile, has lobbed thinly veiled critiques of Trump on his approach to the press and the travel ban from some Muslim-majority countries. “I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy,” Bush said in an interview with “Today” in February. “We need an independent media to hold people like me to account.”As for the travel ban, Bush was restrained but clear in his concern. “I am for an immigration policy that's welcoming and upholds the law,” Bush said.Carter also voiced concerns after Trump’s inauguration. During an early April appearance at Emory University, he said he wanted to avoid addressing politics but he hoped the women’s movement would be “invigorated” by Trump and that he didn’t see “any glimmer of hope” from the administration on race and gender issues.Bill Clinton, who was harshly critical of Trump during the Manhattan businessman’s presidential campaign, didn’t mince words about Trump when he ran into a local newspaper editor while holiday shopping. “He doesn’t know much,” Clinton said in late December. “One thing he does know is how to get angry white men to vote for him.”George H.W. Bush, who has been in and out of the hospital, remains the only living president to avoid any political commentary.Criticism of the current president by former presidents is not completely unprecedented, however. For example, Herbert Hoover criticized Franklin D. Roosevelt, his successor.“We’ve seen some criticism already of the incumbent president, but that’s not really unprecedented,” Tim Naftali, a presidential historian at New York University, said. “If it continues at a drumbeat from former presidents, then it will be something new.”Current and former aides to the living former presidents say their former bosses are careful in criticizing the current occupant of the West Wing. Stuart Eizenstat, Carter’s chief domestic policy adviser and a former ambassador, said it usually takes an extraordinary occurrence for a former president to criticize a sitting president.“There’s a recognition that there is something so unique and special about the presidency, that, notwithstanding what might be very deep and serious policy differences and personal understandings, you simply bite your tongue,” he said. “You don’t try to undercut the president because you know what impact that would have had when you were president.”The most reliable politics newsletter. Sign up for POLITICO Playbook and get the latest news, every morning — in your inbox. Email Sign Up By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. You can unsubscribe at any time.While in office, former presidents occasionally turn to their predecessors for guidance. Former aides say particularly on foreign policy issues, previous presidents and statesmen can be a valuable resource.“Most of the time President Clinton reached out to former heads of state, or people like Henry Kissinger or James Baker, they were usually foreign policy issues, where you had a perspective there that was pretty unique on dealing with a similar situation,” Mack McLarty, Clinton’s former chief of staff, said.For example, Carter worked with former President Gerald Ford on the treaties which turned control of the Panama Canal over to Panama. Eizenstat said Carter instructed negotiator Sol Linowitz to call Ford immediately after the deal was ratified.Others primarily use their predecessors for humanitarian trips. Harry Truman famously sent Hoover to address the post-World War II famine, and George W. Bush had his father and Clinton help with relief efforts for the tsunami in Southeast Asia and Hurricane Katrina. Most recently, Obama sent the younger Bush and Clinton to Haiti to help after the 2010 earthquake.“What would be really unusual is if no former president undertook any missions on behalf of the incumbent president,” Naftali said. “If we see that none of the former presidents want anything to do with the Trump administration, that would be a first in the modern history of the American presidency.”All in all, most presidents have made an effort to remain engaged socially with their predecessors. Clinton and H.W. Bush are particularly close despite their hard-fought 1992 election, with Clinton tweeting pictures of the two in April.But Trump is no normal president. Trump, who rose politically for questioning the legitimacy of his predecessor, at first appeared to have forged a working relationship with Obama, receiving advice both in person and over the phone. Obama even said he was “encouraged” by their first post-election meeting.Trump has since leveled unfounded wiretapping accusations against Obama, and the president abruptly ended a recent interview with CBS’ John Dickerson after Dickerson pressed him on his comments about Obama.“He was very nice to me, but after that, we've had some difficulties,” Trump said before referencing his debunked wiretapping allegation and saying that the alleged wiretapping was “inappropriate.”As Barack Obama returns to the public spotlight, his former aides have made it clear he has no intention of talking much about President Donald Trump. | AP PhotoHistorically speaking, Trump’s relationship with the living former presidents is more fraught than any of his predecessors’ had been, Laura Belmonte, a presidential historian at Oklahoma State University, said. “That one I think may be a category where Trump is on his own,” she saidAnd Trump hasn’t shied away from criticizing those who came before him. As president, Trump called Obama a “bad (or sick) guy!” as part of his debunked wire-tapping claim. He called George W. Bush “not nice” during the campaign, said the Bush administration “lied” about the Iraq War and called Bill Clinton “the WORST abuser of women in U.S. political history.”George H.W. Bush and Carter weren’t excluded from Trump’s slights. “Enough is Enough- No More Bushses!” Trump tweeted during the campaign. He also criticized Carter as unpresidential for carrying his own luggage.Steven Hochman, an aide to Carter at the Carter Center who helped the 92-year-old former president write his memoirs, said Carter hopes he and his center will be able to work with the Trump administration.And Carter hasn't always seized opportunities to knock Trump. The former president appeared with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Monday to discuss human rights, and — while revealing that he voted for Sanders — Carter said the ""downturn"" of human rights ""preceded 2016.""“President Carter, I think he hopes that he won’t need to speak out but I would assume that if there were something he needed to say, he would say it,” Hochman said. “Actually, I’m sure he would.”Both Bushes are more focused on their nonprofit work than engaging in politics, said Samuel Skinner, who served as the senior Bush's chief of staff. He’s spoken to both since the inauguration, and neither has mentioned Trump.“They may have personal opinions, but they’re not going to express them,” Skinner said. “Both 41 and 43 are very measured people, so I think they’ve been both very cautious about what they say.”McLarty, Clinton’s former chief of staff, predicted his former boss will continue to weigh in on the politics of the day. “I wouldn't be surprised at all if he expresses serious differences of opinion on economic, domestic and international policies,” he said.Getting seriously involved in politics is a no-win scenario for former presidents, Skinner said, adding that the legacies of the former presidents are being shaped by historians, not today’s events in Washington.“I think any time and energy they have could be better spent working in nonprofits and their libraries,” he said." 1 Megastar Beyoncé is privately trapped in a nightmare marriage! The 35-year-old singer and hip-hop mogul husband Jay-Z have secretly split twice and were “literally signatures away from a divorce” together, sources told The National ENQUIRER. Now, with any ugly love child scandal and endless cheating allegations surrounding Jay-Z, a billion-dollar split appears more likely, insiders said. Beyoncé put the spotlight on her eight-year troubled marriage in a promotional clip for her blockbuster 2016 album, “Lemonade.” Swinging a baseball bat, Beyoncé called out her tycoon husband for multiple affairs. The video even ended with Bey flinging her wedding ring to the ground! Beyonce Gives Birth To Twins With Jay Z As The ENQUIRER has reported, their marriage has been rocked by a notorious paternity scandal involving a New Jersey man, Rymir Satterthwaite, claiming he is Jay-Z’s love child. The couple also relocated from the Big Apple to a pricey Beverly Hills spread in a bid to shore up their rocky union. “Bey and Jay are two flawed people who make everyone believe they’re perfect,” spilled a source. “But they are a bad storm and you’d best believe there aren’t any blue skies hovering over them.” 1 At 91 years old, Queen Elizabeth II has a laundry list of accolades to her name, including the world’s longest-ruling and oldest monarch. She’s also the richest member of the British royal family — by a long shot. Royal family finances can be complicated, as many details of their fortune are kept private. But it’s fair to say that Queen Elizabeth and the royal family’s net worth is in the tens of billions — around $88 billion as of 2017, according to Forbes. Since the royal family’s jobs aren’t like the average person, how do they make all their money? The short answer: much of the royal family lives off trusts like the Crown Estate, which is owned by the reigning monarch and includes real estate properties like Buckingham Palace. Some of the royal family’s wealth also comes from a portfolio of extravagant personal collections. The British monarchy owns billions of dollars in property alone, including Balmoral Castle, where the Queen spends every summer, The Savoy in London, a horse racetrack and an entire London street. The crown also owns one of the largest art collections in the world and the Crown Jewels collection, which is made up of more than 140 individual pieces and estimated to be worth at least $4 billion. Royal obsession, which neared fever pitch this spring as the world prepared for the arrival of Kate Middleton’s third baby, Prince Louis Arthur Charles, and the marriage of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, is thought to generate approximately £1.8 billion, or about $2.5 billion, for the U.K. economy every year. (That number is likely even higher this year because of Prince Harry and Meghan’s May wedding.) Here’s what you need to know about each member of the royal family’s net worth: Queen Elizabeth II net worth Queen Elizabeth II visits the Royal College Of Physicians on February 20, 2018 in London, England. Chris Jackson—Getty Images Chris Jackson—Getty Images Queen Elizabeth II enjoys a number of royal perks — particularly her substantial wealth. The 91-year-old Queen Elizabeth’s net worth is estimated to be at least $520 million by Wealth-X, a global wealth insights firm. The firm also estimated the royal family’s net worth (Prince Philip and their children) to land at least $1.1 billion. The queen’s net worth comes in part from a percentage of profits generated by the Crown Estate, which earned about £328.8 million pounds, or $459.25 million, in the 2016-2017 calendar year, according to its annual report. Queen Elizabeth gets a percentage of that profit — called the “Sovereign Grant” — which is set to increase from 15% to 25% over the next 10 years, in part to pay for renovations at Buckingham Palace that will be completed over the next decade. The queen also collects a salary from the Duchy of Lancaster, which is separate from the Crown Estate and is a private and independent income reserved for the Duke of Lancaster, which is the queen. Queen Elizabeth also owns real estate like the $140 million Balmoral Castle, a holiday home for the Royal Family that is featured on the back of Scotland’s £100 notes, and the $65 million Sandringham House in the English countryside, which the Queen inherited from her father. Both of these are private properties that have stayed within the Royal Family for years and are not part of the Crown Estate or other estates associated with the crown. Prince Philip net worth Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh attends the 2017 Braemar Highland Gathering at The Princess Royal and Duke of Fife Memorial Park on September 2, 2017 in Braemar, Scotland. Samir Hussein—Samir Hussein/WireImage Samir Hussein—Samir Hussein/WireImage Prince Philip — Queen Elizabeth’s husband of 70 years and the Duke of Edinburgh — also enjoys the wealth and perks that come with being a member of the royal family. While WealthX did not provide a net worth for Prince Philip, it has been reported it falls around $30 million. Under the Sovereign Grant Act of 2011, Prince Philip received an annual Parliamentary annuity of £359,000 pounds, or around $500,234, “to meet the expenses of carrying out his public duties in support of the Queen.” Those duties included attending public events alongside the queen and alone, as well as giving speeches. At an event in March 2016, Prince Philip once joked he was the “world’s most expensive plaque-unveiler.” The Duke of Edinburgh retired from his royal position in August 2017 at the age of 96, with the “full support of the Queen,” the palace said in a statement at the time. His retirement from the role came after he was admitted to the hospital in the summer of 2017 as a “precautionary measure” due to a pre-existing condition, though Buckingham Palace did not provide specifics for his retirement. Prince Charles net worth Prince Charles, Prince of Wales meets local school children in the village of Ramsbury on December 15, 2017 in Marlborough, England. Anwar Hussein—WireImage Anwar Hussein—WireImage Long the heir to the throne, Prince Charles’s net worth is estimated to be around $400 million, according to Wealth-X. Charles, also known as the Prince of Wales, makes most of his money through the Duchy of Cornwall, a private estate that funds the activities of whoever holds the title of Prince of Wales and his family. Between March 2016 to March 2017, Prince Charles received £16.6 million, or $22.9 million, from the Duchy of Cornwall, according to the estate’s most recent financial statement. The Duchy of Cornwall has £1 billion, or $1.3 billion, in total assets. The estate itself owns a vast amount of land and real estate, predominately in southwest England, including cottages, countryside homes, barn conversions, sea-side estates and even some properties available for rent. The Duchy of Cornwall was established in 1337 by Edward II with the intention of providing an income to the future Princes of Wales. The estate currently funds not only Prince Charles’ expenses but also those of his family, which includes Prince Charles, his wife Camilla, and his sons Prince William and Prince Harry and their wives Kate, Duchess of Cambridge and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. Once married to the late Princess Diana, mother to both Prince William and Prince Harry, Prince Charles has donated his wealth over the years to charities and aid projects through the Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation. The organization has awarded more than £52 million, or $72.5 million, in grants over the last 10 years, according to the charity’s website. Prince Charles’s charity halved its donations in the most recently reported year, giving £3.1 million, or $4.3 million, in 2017, compared to £7.7 million, or $10.7 million, in 2016, according to The Guardian. One of the most recent beneficiaries of the foundation was Tusk, an organization founded to challenge poaching in Africa, which Prince William and Prince Harry worked with before. Prince William net worth Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, at the 2018 Centrepoint Awards at Kensington Palace on February 8, 2018 in London, England. WPA Pool—Getty Images WPA Pool—Getty Images Prince William and Prince Harry have similar net worths, having both inherited the fortune amassed by their late mother, Princess Diana. Both brothers are believed to be worth somewhere between $25 and $40 million, according to Business Insider. The two brothers each reportedly received the inheritance from their mother in a lump sum of approximately £10 million ($14 million) when they turned 30 years old, Koenig said. They also each started receiving dividends of $450,000 each year upon turning 25, according to Forbes. William and Harry do not have to pay for official expenses related to their royal duties, such as travel for official visits, staff costs and wardrobe, which are are all financed by The Duchy of Cornwall. In 2017, the Duchy reported spending $4.9 million total to cover the official duties of Harry, Meghan, William and Kate, expenses that are paid in part through the Duchy’s annual revenue. Prince William, who is second in line to the throne after his father, used to receive an annual salary of $62,000 for his work as an East Anglian Air Ambulance pilot, which he used to donate to charity, according to CNBC. He retired from his job flying rescue helicopters last summer to focus more on his royal duties. Prince Harry net worth Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex wave as they leave Windsor Castle after their wedding to attend an evening reception at Frogmore House, hosted by the Prince of Wales on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. Steve Parsons - WPA Pool/Getty Images Prince Harry’s net worth is similar to his brother’s, in part because they both inherited the same amount of money from Princess Diana’s estate. Harry’s wealth is estimated to be at least $25 million, according to Wealth-X, though other estimates put Prince Harry’s net worth as high as $40 million. Like his brother and sister-in-law, Prince Harry gets to save the majority of his inheritance because The Duchy of Cornwall covers the same expenses. Both Prince Harry and Prince William also inherited Princess Diana’s private jewels, though their value is not known, according to Koenig. Prince Harry served in the Royal Air Force for 10 years, working his way up to captain, and making about $53,000 a year, Forbes reports. He retired from service in 2015, saying he wanted to devote more time to philanthropic work like the Invictus Games, which hosts international adaptive sports competitions for injured veterans. He wed American actress Meghan Markle in May at Windsor Castle, and experts estimated their wedding cost about as much Will and Kate’s 2011 nuptials — around $34 million, mainly due to the security needed for the high-profile event. Kate Middleton net worth Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, greets members of the crowd as she visits The Fire Station, one of Sunderland's most iconic buildings, on February 21, 2018 in Sunderland, England. Chris Jackson—Getty Images Chris Jackson—Getty Images Kate Middleton, who became the Duchess of Cambridge after marrying Prince William in April 2011, also has official royal expenses covered by the Duchy of Cornwall. Kate’s personal net worth is believed to be somewhere around $10 million, Business Insider reported, though the exact number is not known. Although Kate is the first person outside a royal bloodline to join the royal family, her finances are anything but common. Middleton’s family runs a successful online mail-order party supply store, Party Pieces. Koenig says her parents, Michael and Carole Middleton, have been reported to be worth somewhere between $30 to $50 million, though the exact amount is not known. “There is no way in knowing if the Duchess’ parents have set up trusts for their three children,” she said. But we can assume that Kate and her two siblings, Pippa and James Middleton, will inherit their parents money eventually, she said. Kate has three children with William — Prince George, 4, and Princess Charlotte, 2, and Prince Louis, a boy who was born on April 23. Meghan Markle net worth Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex travel in the Ascot Landau Carriage during their carriage procession after their wedding on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. Among the guests were 2200 members of the public, the royal family and Ms. Markle's Mother, Doria Ragland. Nick Edwards - WPA Pool/Getty Images Meghan Markle, who became the Duchess of Sussex after marrying Prince Harry this year, may have the smallest bank account of her new (royal) family, but she’s still done well for herself with an estimated net worth of $5 million. Most of Meghan’s net worth comes from her acting career before her 2017 engagement to Prince Harry. Meghan was paid $50,000 per episode on Suits, making her annual salary for the USA Network drama around $450,000, according to Fortune, but she left the show when she moved to the U.K. to live with Prince Harry. Meghan earned additional income from smaller film roles throughout her acting career. The 36-year-old former Suits actress receives the same financial perks as her new sister-in-law, Kate. Meghan’s expenses related to all official royal business, including wardrobe, are paid for by the Duchy of Cornwall. Despite only being married in May, Meghan has already joined Prince Harry for numerous royal engagements and begun her official royal duties. She has said she wants to dive into charity work through the Royal Foundation, having previously worked on United Nations campaigns for women’s rights. Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis net worths Princess Charlotte of Cambridge and Prince George of Cambridge look on from the balcony during the annual Trooping The Colour parade at the Mall on June 17, 2017 in London, England. Karwai Tang—WireImage Karwai Tang—WireImage At just 4, 2 and less than a year old Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis are destined for a life of wealth and royalty. Prince William and Kate Middleton’s first two children both already have relatively lavish lives — they attend two of the most impressive, and expensive, preschools in London. Prince George, who is third in line for the throne, attends Thomas’s Battersea — a $24,000-a-year- preschool that is touted as “the best English education money can buy.” Fourth in line for the throne, Princess Charlotte goes to the Willcocks Nursery School, a female-run preschool with a $14,000-a-year tuition. Both Prince George and Princess Charlotte are expected to have a large impact on the British economy, according to branding valuation company Brand Finance, CNNMoney reported. Princess Charlotte is expected to have inspired $5 billion in economic activity while Prince George is expected to generate $3.6 billion, according to Brand Finance. Prince Louis is expected to generate a bit less than his older siblings, somewhere between $70-125 million within the first few weeks of his life, according to U.K-based research firms. This story was updated to correct the spelling of the Duchy of Cornwall. 0 "Getty Leading up to the Golden Globes 2018, Reese Witherspoon, Alyssa Milano, Kerry Washington, Ashley Judd, Mark Ruffalo, and more stars shared #WhyWeWearBlack on social media. The posts were a part of the Time's Up initiative, which is drawing awareness to the battle against systemic sexual harassment. As previously reported, celebs in favor of the movement will wear black to the event. ""Wondering #WhyWeWearBlack ?!?!?! Because we stand with YOU!"" Washington shared on Sunday. ""We stand in solidarity. Together we can end harassment, discrimination & abuse. And create safety, inclusion, equity & parity! FOR ALL PEOPLE. ACROSS ALL INDUSTRIES. We are a women led campaign but we are standing for ALL marginalized people. STAND WITH US. Wear black today."" Judd echoed Washington's sentiment: ""Today, we wear black,"" she wrote. ""Why? Nearly 1/2 of men think women are well represented in leadership roles and 1/3 of women think women are well represented in leadership roles. The *reality* is, only 1 in 10 senior leaders are women. #TimesUp #WhyWeWearBlack"" ""Wearing black today in solidarity with the men and women asking for respect and equality across industry lines,"" Ruffalo announced in a video posted to Twitter. ""Let's bring a stop to sexual harassment in the workplace. Join us in wearing black and saying #TimesUp."" Wearing black today in solidarity with the men and women asking for respect and equality across industry lines. Let's bring a stop to sexual harassment in the workplace. Join us in wearing black and saying #TimesUp.#WhyWeWearBlack @TIMESUPNOW pic.twitter.com/rFkBxOhV0t — Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) January 7, 2018 Jennifer Lopez posted a video message of support all the way from Puerto Rico. These stars were joined by Witherspoon, Milano, Rosario Dawson, America Ferrera, and Brie Larson, who penned their own heartfelt posts with the #TimesUp hashtag. ""We wear black to symbolize solidarity,"" Dawson said in her video. ""That the death knell has struck on abusive power and that it's time to celebrate each other, not just the nominees on our film and television screens, but our storytellers who have bravely come forward and courageously shared their personal stories which have liberated so many of us."" BECAUSE EVERY WOMAN, EVERYWHERE, HAS POWER AND A VOICE. BECAUSE EVERY WOMAN, EVERYWHERE, DESERVES SAFETY AND DIGNITY. Why do you wear black? And I wanna see a pic of you in black! Tweet at me please! #WHYWEWEARBLACK #TIMESUP pic.twitter.com/P8FmclrI5a — America Ferrera (@AmericaFerrera) January 7, 2018 #timesup #whywewearblack A post shared by Alyssa Milano (@milano_alyssa) on This year's Golden Globes will be hosted by Seth Meyers. Catch it on NBC at 5 p.m. PST. Related Articles:" 0 "No. overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date US viewers (millions) In a flashback, an 18-year-old Henry says goodbye to Regina as he departs Storybrooke on a trip to new realms, in hopes of finding his own story. Many years later, Henry runs into Cinderella's carriage in the New Enchanted Forest and after a string of events that almost get them captured at a ball, he offers her the chance at a new start back in Storybrooke, as he is due to return through a portal that evening. When Henry finds a glass slipper left for him at their meeting spot, he decides to stay behind. In present-day Seattle, an older Henry is reunited with his daughter Lucy, whom he does not remember because of a curse. In hopes of breaking it, Lucy leads him to her neighborhood of Hyperion Heights, home to many other cursed fairytale characters including Jacinda, Lucy's down-on-her-luck single mother who is in a contentious relationship with her powerful stepmother Victoria. Others include Roni, a bar owner who is struggling with having to sell her establishment to Victoria, and Rogers, a cop who gets promoted to a detective and is introduced to his new partner, Weaver. In flashback to Storybrooke, Hook is training an 18 year old Henry as Emma watches on. She confesses to Hook that she worries Henry is about to leave on his own. In order to comfort her, Hook shows her a bottle Henry can use to call on them if he gets into trouble. Many years later, as Henry is about to be captured by Lady Tremaine, he uses the bottle to call on Emma, Hook, and Regina for help. In the present, Victoria hires Rogers and Weaver to drive Henry out of the neighborhood. Rogers does not agree with Weaver's methods and helps Henry instead. Rogers, Henry, and Roni end up forming an alliance against Victoria. Meanwhile, Jacinda has to find another way to be at Lucy's ballet recital after Victoria makes things difficult for her. In a flashback, Cinderella arrives at the spot in the forest where she is supposed to meet Henry, but does not find him there. She then meets Princess Tiana, who recruits her to be part of the resistance against Lady Tremaine. She leaves one of her glass slippers behind for Henry to find. A short while later, Henry, Regina, and Hook arrive at their campsite and join the efforts. Later, Cinderella sneaks into Tremaine's castle alone, where Tremaine reveals that she has kept her almost-deceased daughter Anastasia preserved since her ""death"" at age 14 and needs a pure heart to revive her. She tasks Cinderella with stealing Henry's, since he has the heart of the truest believer. In the present day, Jacinda tries to save Lucy's beloved community garden from Victoria, while Lucy takes a skeptical Henry on a trip under the garden lot in hopes of finding proof of everyone's fairytale pasts. Meanwhile, Henry, Roni, and Rogers find their first lead against Victoria. Rogers captures the man working with her, but is irritated to find Weaver setting the man free to use him as a future connection. Also, it is revealed that Victoria is not cursed and has been keeping a witch as her prisoner at the top of Belfrey Towers. 137 4 ""Beauty"" Mick Garris Dana Horgan & Leah Fong October 27, 2017 ( ) 2.44[62] In a flashback to Gideon's first birthday, Rumple and Belle decide to leave Storybrooke to travel the world. Years later, Rumple tells Belle that he wants to stop being the Dark One so he can be mortal again and live out one single life with her. Over the years, they search for ways to get rid of his Darkness. When Gideon is 18, Belle comes across a prophecy that leads them to the Edge of Realms, where they must wait for the sun's brightest set before they can be guided to the path Rumple must take to get rid of the Darkness. They build a home there as they wait for the event to occur. However, an aging Belle eventually admits that the ""sun"" of which the prophecy spoke was actually herself and that her death will mark the start of his journey. When Belle dies, Rumple sets off to search for a Guardian who will be able to take the Darkness from him so that he can ultimately be reunited with Belle. In the present day, Tilly, who is actually Alice, begins to wake up from the curse after she stops taking pills given to her by Victoria and, after several attempts, manages to get Weaver to remember his true identity. 138 5 ""Greenbacks"" Geofrey Hildrew Christopher Hollier & Adam Karp November 3, 2017 ( ) 2.29[63] In flashbacks, Tiana seeks a prince to help save her kingdom and is guided by Dr. Facilier to a man named Robert. She soon realizes that Facilier had enlisted Robert to steal a magical ruby from her in exchange for reuniting him with his lover who had been turned into a frog. In the present day, Tiana decides to run a pop-up beignet shop out of Mr. Cluck's with Jacinda's help. Victoria sends someone to burn the place down, which then causes friction between the two roommates. Rogers comes across a detainee at the police station who he thinks is connected to Eloise Gardener, the missing girl he's trying to find. Meanwhile, Roni decides to investigate Ivy's interest in helping Henry. Ivy takes her to the top of the towers and Roni finds a photo of herself and a young Henry taken in Storybrooke. However, it is later revealed that Ivy hasn't been cursed either and has her own dealings with the witch of which her mother is unaware. 139 6 ""Wake Up Call"" Sharat Raju Jerome Schwartz & Jane Espenson November 10, 2017 ( ) 2.37[64] In a flashback, Regina comes across Drizella, who is looking for magic to escape from her mother. When she reveals that she was actually born with magic, Regina begins to train her. However after Regina runs into Rumple, who tells her that Lady Tremaine must have been aware of the magic lessons, the two women realize that Lady Tremaine was counting on using Drizella's heart to revive Anastasia. Drizella ends up blackening her own heart by killing the prince, making it unusable for revival, and vows to cast a Curse like Regina's to make her mother suffer. In the present day, Roni struggles with what to believe about the mysterious photo, which is complicated by newly discovered information about ""Regina Mills"" into which Lucy encouraged her to look. Drizella gathers the ingredients for a plant that the witch then cultivates and, when she serves its essence to Roni, she wakes up and remembers her life as Regina. Drizella then reveals that she cast the curse and blackmails Regina into keeping Henry and Jacinda apart, reminding her of a special contingency that was put into the Curse that would hurt her family if she didn't comply. 140 7 ""Eloise Gardener"" Alex Kalymnios David H. Goodman & Brigitte Hales November 17, 2017 ( ) 2.28[65] In a flashback in the Wish Realm, shortly after the Charmings stopped Regina from casting her Curse, Hook agrees to grant her passage on the Jolly Roger in exchange for leading him to powerful magic guarded by a witch. When he arrives at the witch's tower, he finds Rapunzel instead. She instructs him to retrieve a golden flower from the witch's garden. When he returns with it to help her, they spend the night together. The next morning, it is revealed that Rapunzel is actually Gothel and their night together produced a baby, whom Gothel leaves behind so she can escape the tower. Hook gives the Jolly Roger to Smee and decides to stay with his daughter, who is unable to leave due to the tower's spell. He names her Alice after his own mother. In the present day, Rogers is on a mad hunt for Eloise with help from Henry and Tilly. Tilly later informs him that Eloise has died, but it turns out that the news was planted by Weaver to throw him off the case. When Rogers finds Gothel, he believes that she is Eloise and frees her from Victoria, who gets locked up for kidnapping. 141 8 ""Pretty in Blue"" Ralph Hemecker Dana Horgan & Leah Fong November 17, 2017 ( ) 2.28[65] In flashbacks, Hook is reunited with Alice, who claims that they have been cured of their curse. However, when they try to embrace, Hook gets hurt, and Alice runs away in fear. Henry and Cinderella chase her back to New Wonderland, a place where Cinderella reveals her mother Cecilia ran to after abandoning her and her stepfather. She takes a shrinking potion and leaves Henry, heading into the Infinite Maze alone to find answers. She finds Alice, who tells her that she met Cecilia before and that she was also afflicted with the Curse of the Poisoned Heart. Drizella appears in New Wonderland with a plan to curse Henry, but Alice and Cinderella are able to save him. Henry and Cinderella then share their first kiss. In the present day, Jacinda contacts Nick (Jack in Fairy Tale Land), a lawyer whom she has been cursed to believe is Lucy's father. He agrees to help her regain custody of Lucy, to Henry's dismay, and Lucy encourages Henry to fight for Jacinda. Meanwhile, Drizella and Gothel plan to revive Anastasia, but when they open her coffin, her body is missing. After Regina confronts Weaver, who refuses to confirm that he has woken up from the curse, she announces to Henry that she's heading to San Francisco, to meet with someone who was pushed out of town by Victoria. He agrees to join her on the trip. 142 9 ""One Little Tear"" Steve Pearlman Christopher Hollier & Adam Karp December 8, 2017 ( ) 2.45[66] Victoria strikes a deal with Weaver, in an attempt to free herself from jail and wake Anastasia. In flashbacks, Rapunzel steals from Mother Gothel's garden to save her family, and is trapped in a tower in exchange. After six years of captivity, Rapunzel escapes using her hair, but finds her husband Marcus has married Cecilia, gaining a stepdaughter, Ella. Gothel tempts Rapunzel with a New Wonderland mushroom, which she uses to poison Cecilia's heart, and leads to Cecilia running away. One day, Anastasia and Ella fall through thin ice but, to Rapunzel's disbelief, their father only manages to save Ella. Rapunzel seeks Gothel's help, who magically seals Anastasia's last breath with the price of keeping Anastasia in the tower. However, Rapunzel tricks Gothel who becomes trapped in her own tower until someone in her bloodline takes her place. In the present, Victoria strangely gives full custody of Lucy to Jacinda, claiming to be a changed person. Victoria retrieves the Once Upon a Time book and shows Lucy her unfortunate life story as Rapunzel, convincing Lucy to give up her belief in happy endings. As Lucy sheds a tear, Victoria uses it to awaken Anastasia, while Lucy collapses into unconsciousness. 143 10 ""The Eighth Witch"" Ralph Hemecker Jane Espenson & Jerome Schwartz December 15, 2017 ( ) 2.29[67] In a flashback, baby Lucy is born just as Drizella appears to deliver a prophecy about a curse. The heroes are able to turn Drizella to stone. Eight years later, everyone is celebrating Lucy's birthday when Gothel appears with her coven of witches, recruiting Drizella to join them as she is finally freed. With the curse looming, Regina heads off to get help from Zelena. Later, when the heroes confront the witches, Gothel reveals that they have poisoned Henry and Regina is forced to cast Drizella's curse in order to save his life. In the present day, Regina has located a cursed Zelena in San Francisco, who is now known as Kelly. Regina is able to give Zelena her memories back and the two head back to Seattle, knowing that breaking the curse to help Lucy will hurt Henry. Rumple tests Anastasia to see if she is the Guardian. However, Gothel also wants Anastasia and severs her alliance with Drizella after the girl is brought to her, deeming Anastasia to be more useful in her coven. Gothel tells her that they need to find their fellow witches. 144 11 ""Secret Garden"" Mick Garris Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz March 2, 2018 ( ) 2.14[68] In a flashback, an 18-year-old Robin has been secretly dabbling in magic against her mother's wishes. After attempting a spell that leads her to Gothel, Robin disappears from Storybrooke and Zelena arrives in the New Enchanted Forest looking for her. Robin is excited to apprentice under the powerful witch but soon finds out that Gothel only wants her to be the sacrifice needed for a resurrection amulet to bring Madame Leota back to the land of the living. In the present day, Regina and Zelena seek the resurrection amulet in hopes of finding another way to save Lucy. However, Tremaine gets a hold of the amulet and hands it over to Gothel, not realizing that Gothel intends to use Drizella as the sacrifice this time around. As the amulet's magic begins to take Drizella's life, Tremaine decides to sacrifice herself to save her daughter and dies as Lucy begins to awaken. Elsewhere, it is revealed that there is a killer on the loose in Hyperion Heights, as a doctor who finds out about Lucy's true paternity is poisoned by a mysterious figure. 145 12 ""A Taste of the Heights"" Nina Lopez-Corrado David H. Goodman & Brigitte Hales March 9, 2018 ( ) 2.22[69] In a flashback to the day of Tiana's coronation, Facilier appears to warn her of a danger to her kingdom, which ends up sending her on a hunt for a giant alligator. She meets Prince Naveen at the wreckage site and while the two don't get along, they agree to search for it together. When the alligator attacks them on a lake, Tiana is able to kill it but Naveen is left gravely injured. When Facilier reappears to claim a necklace from inside of the beast, Tiana gets him to revive Naveen, but on a previously undisclosed condition that the prince is to be enslaved to him until further notice. In the present day, Sabine is excited to participate in a food truck festival until an anonymous tip to the cops leaves her unable. She accuses Drew, a former classmate-turned-food truck rival, of sabotage. However, it is revealed that Drew is under orders from Samdi, a mysterious investor, to get close to her for his own purposes. Regina figures out that Facilier isn't really cursed and it is revealed that they have a history tracing back to the Enchanted Forest. Meanwhile, Lucy discovers upsetting information about the current curse, while Rogers and Weaver discover that the neighborhood killer is going after witches in particular. 146 13 ""Knightfall"" Steve Miner Jerome Schwartz & Miguel Ian Raya March 16, 2018 ( ) 2.38[70] In the flashbacks, after a young Alice has been receiving frightening visions of Gothel attacking her and Hook in the tower, Hook vows to help her escape and seeks help from the Rumplestiltskin in the Wish Realm. Rumple tells him to procure a magical fish hook from Captain Ahab. He wins it from Ahab over a die roll, however, when Ahab comes back to taunt him about his former pirate status, Hook agrees to a pistol duel. When he returns to the tower, Hook and Alice find themselves branded and cursed by Gothel, who had poisoned the bullet that hit him. In the present day, Rogers and Weaver interrogate Eloise about her cult, though she is only interested in playing mind games with Rogers. Tilly, who is experiencing a manic episode, desperately tries to convince the detectives to see Eloise for who she really is. When they deduce that Eloise was trying to mislead them about the case, they check up on Hilda in the hospital, only to find her dead, with Tilly holding a scalpel in the room. 147 14 ""The Girl in the Tower"" Antonio Negret Dana Horgan & Leah Fong March 23, 2018 ( ) 2.11[71] In a flashback, Alice makes a birthday wish to get out of the tower and shortly after, a troll appears and helps her escape. Years later, Alice is caught spying on the resistance group by Robin, who had just recently arrived to the New Enchanted Forest. Robin intends to honor her father's legacy by hunting down Alice's troll, who has since been destroying villages, but Alice goes after her to protect it. In the present day, Rogers, Henry, and Tilly are looking for evidence of Tilly being elsewhere during the time of the baker's murder to clear her name. As she retraces her steps, Tilly grows frustrated when she finds that no one can remember seeing her at the places she had visited. Meanwhile, Regina asks Facilier out on a date so that Lucy can break into his suite to look for clues as to what he seeks in Hyperion Heights. 148 15 ""Sisterhood"" Ellen S. Pressman Christopher Hollier & Adam Karp March 30, 2018 ( ) 2.03[72] In a flashback, Gothel recruits Drizella to compete for one of two spots in her coven. Drizella strikes a partnership with Gretel and they agree to help each other out on the course, however, it turns out that real test was that one would have to kill the other to win. In the present day, Drizella is attacked by the neighborhood ""Candy Killer."" Facilier offers her a way to escape to her home realm, though it would be at the expense of Anastasia's life. Initially, Drizella lures Anastasia in under the guise of wanting to rekindle their sisterhood and brings her to Facilier to perform the ritual. When Anastasia unexpectedly awakens, she must choose between Drizella or Gothel, and ultimately chooses her sister. The two are able to open a portal and leave Hyperion Heights to start over together in the New Enchanted Forest. Meanwhile, Lucy organizes a boys night out for Henry, Rogers, and Nick, which ends with the revelation that Nick is the Candy Killer. 149 16 ""Breadcrumbs"" Ron Underwood Jane Espenson & Jerome Schwartz April 6, 2018 ( ) 2.15[73] In a flashback, Henry expresses his desire to find his own story, as he feels unworthy of Ella. When he mentions to Hook that he wants to propose with a special ring like the one of his grandparents, Hook suggests that they retrieve one from Davy Jones' locker and the two sneak aboard the Jolly Roger to overtake it from Blackbeard. However, it is revealed that it was all a set-up by Hook so that Henry could feel like he partook in an epic adventure. A little while later, Henry ends up proposing to Ella anyway. In the present day, Henry lands a job interview in New York but before he can leave, Weaver finds his novel at the crime scene and insists that he help the police identify the Candy Killer, whom they conclude is a man who believes he is the ""Hansel"" of the story. When Henry gets a flat tire driving to the airport, Nick offers him a ride, which ends with Henry getting kidnapped by Nick, who confirms the former's suspicions of him being Hansel and the Candy Killer. As this is happening, Zelena is horrified to find that she is the killer's next target. 150 17 ""Chosen"" Lana Parrilla Paul Karp & Brian Ridings April 13, 2018 ( ) 2.18[74] In a flashback, another witch, who is in possession of Hansel and Gretel, has settled into Oz, to Zelena's disdain. After Zelena refuses to help the kids, she is magically weakened by the witch, and faints in the forest. She is taken in by a blind man named Ivo, who happens to be Hansel and Gretel's father. When Zelena decides to go back for the children, she finds that they had already escaped and told their father about their encounter with her. When the family refuses to give her a second chance, Zelena angrily burns Hansel. In the present day, Jack tells Henry everything about their fairytale pasts, but Henry is still a nonbeliever. Jack kidnaps Chad to lure in Zelena to get his revenge. Zelena ends up having to tell Chad her real name and hints at her wicked past, though he doesn't care and the two decide to move back to San Francisco together. Meanwhile, Facilier uses Naveen, who is actually not cursed, to get magic for a voodoo doll that he uses to kill Jack. 151 18 ""The Guardian"" Geofrey Hildrew David H. Goodman & Brigitte Hales April 20, 2018 ( ) 2.12[75] In the past, Mr. Gold, still dealing with the loss of Belle, is challenged by Facilier to rid himself of the Dagger by seeking out the Guardian, who is able to free him of the Darkness. When Gold finds Alice and believe her to be the person he was looking for, he test out the theory on Facilier by pulling his heart out and his hunch was correct, but then has a change of heart by withholding transfer of his power to Alice so she can be happy with Robin and not dealing with the burden she would carry. Alice also convinced Hook that Rumpelstiltskin is not a villain and the two became friends. In the present, Nick’s death has Weaver suspecting Samdi of stealing the Dagger, but Samdi says he had no involvement with taking the latter. Weaver also betrayed Roni by using the magic needed to save Henry in order to track down the Dagger, which lead it to Tilly, whose first date with Margot is distracted by the voices from the Dagger itself, but in the end Margot does see a soulmate in Tilly. When Rogers discovers Drew was the last person who might have known what happened to Nick, Drew warns him about Samdi and how Nick died. Henry discovers that Nick/Hansel was telling him the truth about the blood test results that confirmed him as Lucy’s father and shares the results with a stunned Jacinda. 152 19 ""Flower Child"" Tessa Blake Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz April 27, 2018 ( ) 1.98[76] In a flashback, young tree nymph Gothel yearns for interaction with humans. Though warned against it by her nymph family, she explores a house and meets a group of ladies who appear accepting of her magic, who then invite her to a ball. It turns out that the girls only sought out to humiliate her and stole her key to enter the nymphs' grove to destroy everything and everyone in it. Avenging the death of her kind, Gothel goes on a destructive rampage and it is revealed that Gothel had turned her home realm into what we now know as the Land Without Magic. In the present day, Gothel tells Tilly that she is her mother and Tilly goes to Rogers with this information. The two of them go to Henry, who has already begun to seriously consider that the stories in his book are actually real. Lucy and Facilier manage to cure Henry of his pre-curse ailments, however, when her parents finally share a kiss, the curse doesn't break. Meanwhile, Rogers and Tilly's stakeout on Eloise ends with Tilly being blackmailed into becoming the final member of Gothel's revived coven. The sisterhood then releases their magic back into the land. 153 20 ""Is This Henry Mills?"" Ron Underwood Dana Horgan & Leah Fong May 4, 2018 ( ) 1.98[77] In the flashbacks to Henry's senior year of high school, Henry ponders over what his next step should be and tells Regina that he wants to explore colleges outside of Storybrooke. He ends up being accepted to every college he applied to, however, having to lie about his life experiences on the applications gave him doubts about leaving town after all. In the present day, Regina and Lucy try to break the curse before the coven fully gives their magic to Gothel's doomsday plot to wipe out mankind. After multiple failed attempts to wake Henry, Regina reveals that the curse had actually taken them back in time. When a disbelieving Henry decides to call a phone number listed on his supposed adoption papers, a young Henry picks up on the other line and it is revealed that the curse took them back to the same time period shown in the flashbacks and it is currently Henry's graduation night. The adult Henry gives his younger self some advice, which gives him the push he needs to be okay with leaving home. When Henry finds that Regina has been hurt by Gothel, he is able to give her true love's kiss, which breaks the curse on the entire neighborhood. Alice finds the strength to defeat Gothel, with her father and Robin by her side. At the end of the episode, Weaver pays a visit to Facilier's office, and their standoff halts when his Wish Realm counterpart suddenly appears and kills Facilier. 154 21 ""Homecoming"" Steve Pearlman David H. Goodman May 11, 2018 ( ) 2.26[78] Celebrations over breaking the Dark Curse are cut short when Wish Realm Rumplestiltskin sends Jacinda and Lucy to the Wish Realm, and attempts to blackmail Henry into obtaining the Dark One Dagger for him. Henry, along with Roni, Weaver, and Rogers, enters a portal to the Wish Realm to find his family. Once on the other side, the group has been split, with Henry and Roni sent to the Dark Castle, while Weaver and Rogers are sent to Rumple's old hovel. Wish Rumple reveals that he has trapped Jacinda and Lucy in a snowglobe that will count down to their deaths by midnight. A desperate Henry obtains the Wish Realm's version of the Author's Pen in hopes of freeing them, but it turns out that Wish Rumple was after the pen all along, not the dagger. He then presents it to Wish Henry, who is more than willing to help him rewrite some stories after losing his mother and grandparents. He ends up erasing the Guardian's powers, and Wish Rumple then sends Henry, Weaver, and Rogers into the snowglobe. Roni is left behind, as Wish Henry desires revenge after their last encounter. Meanwhile, Tilly feels that her father is in danger, and Sabine helps her and Margot obtain a magic bean after regaining her confidence as queen of her people. The two then reveal that they're making a pit stop to find help before heading to the Wish Realm, and they drive through the portal into Storybrooke. 155 22 ""Leaving Storybrooke"" Ralph Hemecker Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz May 18, 2018 ( ) 2.27[79]" 0 "Have mercy! John Stamos is engaged to his girlfriend, Caitlin McHugh. The former ""Full House"" star, 54, posted the big news on Instagram yesterday, adding, ""I asked...she said yes! ...And we lived happily ever after."" I asked...she said yes! ...And we lived happily ever after?? A post shared by John Stamos (@johnstamos) on Oct 22, 2017 at 9:09pm PDT The photo attached to the message showed a man and a woman sharing an embrace in front of a castle. Stamos popped the question at Disneyland and used a sweet video of romantic moments from classic animated films during his proposal, his rep confirmed to ABC News. He ended the proposal with Sebastian from ""The Little Mermaid"" saying, ""Just ask the girl."" McHugh, 31, is an actress known for her roles in ""The Vampire Diaries,"" ""Rescue Me"" and more. She just starred in a short film directed by her now-fiance called ""Ingenue-ish."" The duo are certainly into theme parks, as McHugh has posted some nice photos of the two at Disney before. ""I’ll always be the #Mickey to his.....whatever he feels like wearing,"" she wrote earlier this month. And there's this photo taken on Splash Mountain. ""There is no better way to celebrate both #Disneyland and #SplashMountain's birthdays than by riding Splash Mountain with the man who came up with the idea for the ride, the Legend #TonyBaxter !! I swear that's him behind the really enthusiastic man,"" she said of Stamos screaming during the ride. There is no better way to celebrate both #Disneyland and #SplashMountain 's birthdays than by riding Splash Mountain with the man who came up with the idea for the ride, the Legend #TonyBaxter !! I swear that's him behind the really enthusiastic man. ??? A post shared by Caitlin McHugh (@caitlinskybound) on Jul 17, 2017 at 9:04am PDT This will be the actor's second wedding after he was marriage to Rebecca Romijn from 1998 to 2005. The Walt Disney Co. is the parent company of ABC News." 0 Getty According to the US publication, a baby isn't the couple's only major news. The insider spilled the couple are also gearing up for a big move. After splitting his time between their two homes, Danny is finally moving back into the family's Malibu mansion. 'Prior to the baby news, Julia and Danny were at each other's throats,' says the insider, explaining that the actress felt that Danny 'wasn't there for her' after her mother's passing in 2015. Meanwhile, the insider says that Danny was 'jealous' over rumours that Julia was spending time with her Pretty Woman co-star Richard Gere. 'They were in crisis mode,' the source says. 'Julia eventually realised that she didn't want her marriage to end,' the insider spills. 'She wanted to work on their relationship, and most of all, have another baby.' Given her age, Julia knew the chances of getting pregnant were slim. So when she found out that the latest round of IVF treatment had worked, 'they took it as a sign that they needed to remain a family.' 'This baby has revived their commitment to each other and reminded Julia how much she loves Danny and vice versa.' 'They're so excited they can't wait for what the future holds.' Julia is yet to respond to OK!'s report. Listen below to our new podcast WHO ARE YOU with Pete Timbs - this week he talks to Roxy Jacenko. You can subscribe via iTunes http://po.st/RxVC07 or OMNY http://po.st/sBS7Vd 1 "By E! Online 199 pts You don't need to be 5'9"" or belong to the Hadid clan to feel like a model. Heck, you don't even need the deep pockets. Why? Because Bella Hadid's Dolce Vita Harvyy..." 0 "Seeing the couple back together in October 2017 was exciting for the majority of us that have always dreamed of their reunion... but if we're being honest with ourselves, we always knew they're just not good together. Selena's friends and family insisted on that too, and it looks like she finally listened to them because she's ended things for good. ""Selena started seeing the bigger picture when it came to their relationship,"" a source tells Us Weekly. ""Like what was more important: her general happiness and her family and friends approval, or her being together with Justin, where no one really supported their relationship. ""She obviously chose happiness and her friends and family and is so thrilled about her decision-making process,"" the source continues. ""She feels more empowered than ever and is looking forward to this next chapter."" Good for you Sel! After the pair went on a break earlier this year, Justin was spotted on several occasions with model Baskin Champion, which pretty much proved that he hadn't changed one bit since they began dating in 2009. RIP Jelena." 1 "Selena Gomez is finally speaking out about Demi Lovato’s alleged overdose as the ""Sorry Not Sorry"" singer is still recovering from the incident that occurred on Tuesday (July 24). An insider told E! that Gomez, who once used to be good pals with the former Disney star ""was very upset and emotional"" when she heard about the news. Despite having grown apart as friends, the source mentions the two ""always shared a special bond and they still have love for one another."" The insider continued: ""Selena has reached out to Demi's family members to share her love and prayers, and she is really distraught about her health. She hates that Demi has been suffering."" Gomez’s response comes on the heels of Lovato's emergency hospitalization when she overdosed at her Hollywood Hills home, prompting paramedics called to the scene and friends to administer the artist with Narcan — the emergency treatment that virtually saved Lovato’s life — before rushing her to a nearby medical facility for further treatment. As fans awaited updates of Lovato's medical state, celebrities flooded social media with prayers for the performer’s recovery, generating the hashtag #PrayforDemi. Gomez's mother, Mandy Teefy, who has known the ""Tell Me You Love Me"" vocalist since she was a child, later grieved the crushing news on Instagram." 0 "Alan Thicke (born Alan Willis Jeffrey; March 1, 1947 – December 13, 2016) was a Canadian actor, songwriter, comedian, game and talk show host. He is the father of singer Robin Thicke. In 2013, Thicke was inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame. Thicke was best known for playing Dr. Jason Seaver on the 1980s sitcom Growing Pains. Thicke died on December 13, 2016, in the Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, California, U.S. Early life [ edit ] Thicke was born on March 1, 1947, in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, the son of Shirley ""Joan"" Isobel Marie (née Greer), a nurse, and William Jeffrey, a stockbroker.[1][2] They divorced in 1953. His mother remarried to Brian Thicke, a physician, and they moved to Elliot Lake.[3] Alan Thicke graduated from Elliot Lake Secondary School in 1965,[4] and was elected homecoming king.[5] He went on to attend the University of Western Ontario, where he joined the Delta Upsilon fraternity.[6] Career [ edit ] Hosting [ edit ] Game shows [ edit ] Thicke hosted a Canadian game show on CFCF-TV in Montreal called First Impressions in the late 1970s[7] and the Saturday morning celebrity game show Animal Crack-Ups in the late 1980s.[8] In 1997, he hosted a television version of the board game Pictionary.[1] In the early 2000s, he hosted the All New 3's a Crowd on the Game Show Network.[1] Talk shows [ edit ] Norman Lear hired Thicke to produce and head the writing staff of Fernwood 2 Night, a tongue-in-cheek talk show based on characters from Lear's earlier show, Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman.[9] In the late 1970s, he was a frequent guest host of The Alan Hamel Show, a popular daytime talk show on Canadian TV, usually hosted by Alan Hamel.[citation needed] When the Hamel series ended in the early 1980s, it was replaced by The Alan Thicke Show. The show at one point spawned a prime-time spinoff, Prime Cuts, which consisted of edited highlights from the talk show. Thicke was later signed to do an American syndicated late-night talk show, Thicke of the Night. Heavily promoted prior to broadcast as a competitor to NBC's The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, Thicke of the Night was short-lived.[9] Other hosting [ edit ] In 2014 and 2015 Thicke hosted a traveling dance show Dancing Pros Live which toured the United States.[10] Producing and composing [ edit ] Thicke had a successful career as a TV theme song composer, often collaborating with his then-wife Gloria Loring on these projects, which included the themes to the popular sitcoms Diff'rent Strokes and The Facts of Life.[11] He also wrote a number of TV game show themes, including The Wizard of Odds (for which he also sang the vocal introduction),[12] The Joker's Wild, Celebrity Sweepstakes, The Diamond Head Game, Animal Crack-Ups (which he co-wrote with his brother Todd Thicke and Gary Pickus), Blank Check, Stumpers!, Whew!,[13] and the original theme to Wheel of Fortune.[14] Thicke was a popular songwriter. He co-wrote ""Sara"", a solo hit for Bill Champlin and included on the latter's Runaway album (1981).[15] Thicke produced a variety of television shows, including Anne Murray Christmas specials for the CBC, beginning in the late 1970s.[16] Growing Pains [ edit ] Thicke played Jason Seaver, a psychiatrist and father, on the family sitcom Growing Pains.[17] When the show began, Jason was moving his psychiatry practice into the home to be closer to the family's children while the family matriarch Maggie, played by Joanna Kerns, resumed her career as a reporter.[18] Growing Pains debuted on ABC in 1985 and ran until 1992.[17][19] Thicke reprised his role in two reunion TV movies, The Growing Pains Movie (2000)[20] and Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers (2004).[21] Television and film appearances [ edit ] Alan Thicke (2000s) Thicke co-hosted the Walt Disney World Very Merry Christmas Parade (now the Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade) with Joan Lunden from 1983 to 1990, when he was succeeded by Regis Philbin.[22] Thicke also hosted the Crystal Light National Aerobic Championship from 1987 to 1988.[23][24] In 1988, he hosted the Miss USA Pageant in El Paso, Texas, replacing Bob Barker (who quit over fur being involved in the pageants).[25] He replaced Barker again as host of the 1988 Miss Universe Pageant (along with Tracy Scoggins) in Taipei, Taiwan.[26] Thicke was replaced by Dick Clark as host of the 1989 Miss USA Pageant in Mobile, Alabama[27] and by John Forsythe as host of the 1989 Miss Universe Pageant in Cancún, Mexico.[28] Thicke continued hosting a wide range of variety TV events. In 1989 he co-hosted with SCTV alumnus Andrea Martin the TV special Opening of SkyDome in Toronto, which aired across Canada on the CBC.[29][30] In 2004, he hosted the Miss Universe Canada Pageant in Ontario. In 1992, Thicke appeared as himself in the pilot episode of the sitcom Hangin' with Mr. Cooper. He appeared in the end-credits scene, alongside series star Mark Curry, humorously referencing the pilot episode being filmed on the same set used as the Seavers' home on Growing Pains. Thicke appeared on the American television series Hope & Gloria, which ran for 35 episodes.[31] He played a lead role in the Not Quite Human trilogy of made-for-TV movies.[citation needed] In April 2006, he hosted Celebrity Cooking Showdown on NBC, in which celebrities were teamed with famous chefs in a cooking competition.[32] In August 2006 and 2007, Thicke made a few appearances as talk show host Rich Ginger on The Bold and the Beautiful.[33] Thicke also makes a cameo appearance in the 2007 movie Alpha Dog as the father of the lead character's girlfriend.[citation needed] In 2008, Thicke appeared in a major supporting role as Jim Jarlewski in the television series adaptation of Douglas Coupland's jPod.[34] That same year, he had a cameo appearance in the How I Met Your Mother episode ""Sandcastles in the Sand"" as the dad in Robin Scherbatsky's second ""Robin Sparkles"" music video.[35] He guest starred as himself in the episodes ""The Rough Patch"", ""Glitter"", ""P.S. I Love You"", and ""The Rehearsal Dinner"".[36] In February 2009, Thicke made a guest appearance on Adult Swim's Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job. In the same month, he made a guest appearance on the web series Star-ving.[37] He also had a role in the 2009 film, The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard.[38] On July 10, 2009, Thicke appeared on the 1000th episode of Attack of the Show!, and he sang a song with Kevin Pereira and Olivia Munn.[39] Thicke appeared in the season six finale of Just Shoot Me, ""The Boys in the Band.""[40] He made a guest appearance on a few episodes of Canada's Worst Handyman 5.[41] In 2010, Thicke appeared on the television program, Tosh.0.[42] In October 2010, he appeared as a celebrity contestant on Don't Forget the Lyrics, where he played for the charities ProCon.org and the Alan Thicke Center for diabetes research.[43] In March 2013, he participated on ABC's Celebrity Wife Swap. He swapped wives with comedian Gilbert Gottfried.[44] In October 2016, Thicke appeared as himself in the pilot episode of NBC's This is Us.[45] Commercials [ edit ] In the 1990s, Thicke was the spokesman for the Canadian division of Woolco department stores until its demise in 1994.[46] In 2007, Thicke appeared in a television ad for Tahiti Village, a Las Vegas time-share resort.[47][48] In 2009, Thicke began appearing in TV ads endorsing CCS Medical, a distributor of home-delivered diabetes supplies.[49][unreliable source?][50] In 2014, Thicke began appearing in ad spots for Optima Tax Relief.[51] From 2011, Thicke was the spokesperson for Cambridge Life Solutions, a Canadian company that promised to reduce unsecured consumer debt through a method known as debt settlement, which had been outlawed in the United States by the Federal Trade Commission as a predatory practice in 2010 and was subsequently banned in Ontario in 2015. According to Scott Hannah, the president and CEO of the Credit Counseling Society of Canada, the company, which was accused of ""bilking thousands of vulnerable Canadians"" grew to dominate half of the Canadian market due to Thicke's reputation ""as a spokesman who was very credible to Canadians.""[52] Philanthropy [ edit ] As noted above, Thicke lent his name and star power to supporting the Alan Thicke Center for diabetes research. Also, for several years in the mid-1980s, Thicke and Gloria Loring were co-hosts of Telemiracle, an annual 20-hour telethon that alternated between Saskatoon and Regina, Saskatchewan to support programs run by the Kinsmen Club. Personal life [ edit ] Thicke was married three times: His first marriage, to Days of Our Lives actress Gloria Loring, lasted from 1970 until around 1984; they had two sons, Brennan and Robin.[1] He started dating actress Kristy Swanson when she was 17 years old in 1986 and got engaged to her two years later when he was 42.[53] He married his second wife, Miss World 1990 Gina Tolleson, on August 13, 1994, and had a son, Carter William Thicke, before their divorce was finalized on September 29, 1999.[1] In 1999, he met Tanya Callau in Miami, where he was a celebrity host and she was a model.[54] They were married from 2005 until his death.[55] Death [ edit ] On December 13, 2016, Thicke collapsed while playing ice-hockey with his son Carter at Pickwick Gardens in Burbank, California. The manager of the rink said he was talking and even joked to his son to take a photo as he was being wheeled out on a stretcher.[56] Thicke died of type-A aortic dissection at the Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, at the age of 69.[57][58] On December 19, 2016, the cast of Growing Pains including Leonardo DiCaprio reunited at Thicke's funeral; a eulogy was given by his friend Bob Saget, and his son Robin offered a humorous remembrance. He was buried at Santa Barbara Cemetery in Santa Barbara, California.[59] Filmography [ edit ] Films [ edit ] Television [ edit ] Series [ edit ] Television movies [ edit ] Books [ edit ] Thicke, Alan (May 1999). How Men Have Babies: The Pregnant Father's Survival Guide . Contemporary Books. ISBN 978-0-8092-2806-5. Thicke, Alan (April 27, 2006). How To Raise Kids Who Won't Hate You. iUniverse Star. ISBN 978-0-595-84288-9. Honours [ edit ]" 0 "For other people with the same name, see Leslie Jones (disambiguation) Annette Jones[1][2] (born September 7, 1967), better known as Leslie Jones, is an American comedian and actress who is a cast member and writer on Saturday Night Live. Jones has been a featured performer at the Just for Laughs festival in Montreal and the Aspen Comedy Festival. In 2010, her one-hour comedy special, Problem Child, was broadcast on Showtime. Jones starred in Ghostbusters (2016) as Patty Tolan. In 2017 and 2018, Jones was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for her work on Saturday Night Live. Early life [ edit ] Annette Jones was born on September 7, 1967, in Memphis, Tennessee.[3] Her father was in the United States Army, and her family moved frequently.[4] Her family moved to Los Angeles, when her father took a job at Stevie Wonder's radio station, KJLH, as an electronics engineer.[3] Jones attended high school in Lynwood, California, where she also played basketball; in May 2015, she said on Late Night with Seth Meyers that her father suggested that she play the sport because she is six feet tall.[5] Jones attended Chapman University on a basketball scholarship and transferred to Colorado State University when her coach left Chapman for Colorado State.[6][7] She intended to become a lawyer,[8] but changed her mind and changed her major a few times, including to business accounting and computer science and eventually ended up majoring in communications.[9] At Chapman, Jones became a radio DJ.[9] She was unsure of what she wanted to do and contemplated the possibility of a career playing basketball overseas.[8] She had a brother, Rodney Keith Jones (1971-2009).[10] Career [ edit ] Jones started to do stand-up comedy in college in 1987, when a friend signed her up for a ""Funniest Person on Campus"" contest.[8][4] After she won the contest, Jones left school and moved to Los Angeles.[8] She performed at regular clubs and worked at Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles and UPS[11] to make ends meet. Mother Love and Dave Chappelle encouraged her to move to New York City to hone her craft for two years, where she appeared on BET's ComicView before returning to Los Angeles.[9] She performed at The Comedy Store in West Hollywood, but received unfavorable reviews.[9] She opened up for Jamie Foxx and was booed by the audience. Feeling discouraged, Jones stopped performing for three years.[9] In 2008, Jones was part of Katt Williams's It's Pimpin' Pimpin' tour.[4][12] Saturday Night Live [ edit ] In December 2013, Saturday Night Live held a casting call to add at least one African-American woman to the show, and Jones auditioned. Prior to being asked to audition, Jones had criticized the show, saying that the show, and especially cast member Kenan Thompson, was ""not funny"".[13] Sasheer Zamata was added as a featured player, while Jones and LaKendra Tookes were hired as writers.[14] Jones appeared during the Weekend Update segment of the May 3, 2014 episode hosted by Andrew Garfield, where her jokes about her current dating problems and her potential effectiveness as a breeding slave were met with controversy.[6][15] Jones appeared in the first and third episodes of the 40th season, hosted by Chris Pratt and Bill Hader, respectively. On October 20, 2014, Jones was promoted to the cast as a featured player, and made her official debut on the October 25, 2014 episode hosted by Jim Carrey. She became, at the age of 47, the oldest person to join the show as a cast member (surpassing Michael McKean and George Coe, who were 46 when they joined the show in, respectively, 1994 and 1975).[16][17] Jones' addition marks the first time in SNL history that the show's cast has included more than one African-American woman; in addition, the 40th season has the most African-American cast members to date.[18] Jones subsequently returned for Seasons 41, 42, and 43. In 2017 and 2018, Jones was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for her work on SNL. Film [ edit ] In 2006, Jones appeared in Master P's movie Repos. In 2014, Jones appeared in Chris Rock's directing debut, Top Five; Rock has said a follow-up is in the works,[19] telling Complex Magazine, ""Some people really shine in Top Five. You might want to see a little more Leslie Jones.""[20] In 2015, Jones appeared in the Judd Apatow and Amy Schumer project, Trainwreck; reportedly Apatow and Schumer wrote a part specifically for Jones after seeing her turn in Top Five.[21] In 2016, she starred in the reboot Ghostbusters as Patty Tolan, alongside Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, and Kate McKinnon.[6][22] Olympics [ edit ] During the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, Jones drew attention on social media and in the press as a Team USA ""superfan"",[23] regularly live-tweeting events and posting videos of her reactions.[24] Enthusiasm for Jones's commentary grew, with articles appearing like The Huffington Post's ""Watching Leslie Jones Watch The Olympics Is Better Than The Actual Olympics"".[25] Television producer Mike Shoemaker, one of Jones's Twitter followers, posted on Twitter that his friend Jim Bell, NBC's executive producer of the network's Olympics coverage, should add Jones to NBC's team of commentators covering the Games; Bell responded on Twitter the next day asking Jones to join NBC in Rio. She accepted and flew to Rio, covering swimming, track and field, gymnastics, and beach volleyball for NBC.[26] Jones reprised her duties at the 2018 Winter Olympics.[27] Other projects [ edit ] Jones and fellow comedian Adam DeVine appeared in a 2016 ad campaign for Allstate Insurance, created by Leo Burnett Worldwide.[28] Jones hosted the BET Awards on June 25, 2017.[29] This marked her hosting debut. In 2018, Jones appeared in two advertisements for Amazon's Echo Spot.[30] Sports fandom [ edit ] Jones is a fan of the MLS team Seattle Sounders FC.[31] Influences [ edit ] Jones has cited as her comedic influences Eddie Murphy,[8] Richard Pryor,[4] Carol Burnett[32], Lucille Ball[32], John Ritter,[32] and Whoopi Goldberg.[4] Online attacks [ edit ] Following the release of Ghostbusters, Jones became the target of numerous accounts on social networking site Twitter making racially charged attacks. Twitter responded by taking action against several users, resulting in the permanent Twitter suspension of user and Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos, who had described her as ""barely literate"".[33] After continuing to receive racial comments towards her, Jones announced that she would be leaving Twitter on July 18, 2016.[34] Jones appeared later in the week on Late Night with Seth Meyers, in which she described the ordeal and her meeting with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Responding to Yiannopoulos's claim that he was targeted for being a ""gay conservative"", Jones stated, ""Free speech and hate speech [are] two different things"".[35] Nearly a month later, Jones was again the subject of numerous online attacks. Her personal website was hacked, with its contents being replaced by photos of her driver's license and passport.[36] The site was also made to display alleged nude photographs of Jones, as well as a video tribute to Harambe, the Cincinnati Zoo gorilla killed in May 2016 (a reference to the racially charged gorilla remarks directed at Jones in the earlier attack). Jones' team took the website down shortly after it was hacked.[37] Both incidents resulted in large outpourings of celebrity and fan support, via the hashtag ""#LoveForLeslieJ"", which trended on both Twitter and Instagram.[38] Paul Feig,[39] Gabourey Sidibe, Ellen DeGeneres, Sara Benincasa, Ava DuVernay, Hillary Clinton, Corey Taylor,[40] Katy Perry, Octavia Spencer, Anna Kendrick, Lena Dunham[41] and Loni Love expressed solidarity with Jones. Jones responded to the hacks on the October 22, 2016, episode of Saturday Night Live.[42] Filmography [ edit ] Film [ edit ] Television [ edit ]" 1 "The CW is dropping some big news about your small screen favorites! That the fate of 10 CW series has been decided for the 2018-2019 season. The network announced on Monday that The CW is picking up all returning series on its fall schedule as well as freshmen Dynasty and Black Lightning. The full list of returning series includes all five DC series with Arrow (season 7), The Flash (season 5), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (season 4), Supergirl (season 4) and Black Lightning (season 2). Additionally, Jane the Virgin (season 5), Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (season 4), Riverdale (season 3) and Dynasty (season 2) will all be back for a new year of episodes. Rounding out The CW's list is Supernatural, which will be returning for an impressive 14th season! “As The CW expands to a six-night, Sunday through Friday schedule next season, we are proud to have such a deep bench of great returning series for 2018-19,"" President of The CW Mark Pedowitz announced in a press release on Monday. ""By picking these ten series up for next season, we have a terrific selection of programming to choose from when we set our fall schedule in May, with more still to come."" Noticeably missing from The CW's list of renewals are The 100, iZombie, Life Sentence and Valor. The fate of these shows is expected to be announced in May. RELATED CONTENT: 'Riverdale' Stars Dish Hilarious Details About Choni's First Kiss & Falice's 'Serpent Love'! (Exclusive) EXCLUSIVE: 'Black Lightning' Cast Opens Up About Being the First Black Superhero Family on the CW Gina Rodriguez’s 'Jane the Virgin' Directorial Debut Is the Next Chapter in Her Unstoppable Career (Exclusive)" 0 "Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Singer and Destiny's Child member Michelle Williams announced in December that she and sports chaplain Chad Johnson had ended their engagement. The couple announced in April that they planned to marry and were the subject of the OWN reality series ""Chad loves Michelle"" which focused on their intensive pre-marital counseling. Hide Caption 1 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Olympic gymnast Mary Lou Retton shared on ""Dancing With the Stars"" that she and husband Shannon Kelley had quietly divorced in February after 27 years of marriage. The couple are the parents of four daughters. Hide Caption 2 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Angelina Jolie Pitt filed for divorce from husband actor Brad Pitt in September 2016. The couple married in 2014, but had been together almost a decade by then. They are the parents of six children. Hide Caption 3 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits John Cena and Nikki Bella ended their engagement in April after six years together. The WWE stars had reportedly been set to wed May 5 in Mexico. Hide Caption 4 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Rapper Mac Miller and singer Ariana Grande dated for almost two years. In May Grande posted a story on Instagram which appeared to confirm reports the couple had split. Hide Caption 5 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Ric Ocasek of the Cars and Paulina Porizkova attend the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Cleveland in April 2018. A few weeks later Porizkova announced on Instagram that the couple have been separated for a year. Hide Caption 6 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Tatum announced they are separating after nine years of marriage. Hide Caption 7 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits The pair announced their separation in a joint statement in February. They married in 2015. Hide Caption 8 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits In February comic Sarah Silverman tweeted that she and ""Masters of Sex"" star Michael Sheen broke up after four years. She chalked it up to their long distance relationship. Hide Caption 9 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Actress-singer Jennifer Hudson and pro wrestler David Otunga have broken up, according to a statement from her rep. The pair were engaged for a decade and have a son, David Daniel Otunga, Jr., who was born in 2009. Hide Caption 10 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits In September 2017, Gina Torres announced her separation from Laurence Fishburne. The couple, who were married in 2002 and share a daughter, quietly split the previous year. Hide Caption 11 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits In September 2017, Fergie and Josh Duhamel announced they were separating after eight years of marriage. ""To give our family the best opportunity to adjust, we wanted to keep this a private matter before sharing it with the public,"" the couple said in a joint statement. ""We are and will always be united in our support of each other and our family."" Hide Caption 12 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Actors Chris Pratt and Anna Faris announced August 6 that they were separating after eight years of marriage. ""We tried hard for a long time, and we're really disappointed,"" they said in separate social media posts. Hide Caption 13 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Tom DAgostino Jr. and his reality star wife, the former Luann de Lesseps, have split. ""The Real Housewives of New York City"" star tweeted on August 3 that she and her husband of seven months had decided to divorce. Hide Caption 14 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner filed for divorce in April, almost two years after they announced they planned to. The couple took many fans by surprised when, one day after their 10th wedding anniversary, they revealed they were splitting. Hide Caption 15 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits People has reported that Tarek El Moussa and Christina El Moussa are separating following an altercation at their home earlier this year. The parents of two young children are the stars of HGTV's ""Flip or Flop."" Hide Caption 16 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits The back and forth relationship between Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian is over, after a Los Angeles judge finalized their divorce on December 9, 2016. Hide Caption 17 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Rapper Big Sean and ""Glee"" actress Naya Rivera called off their engagement in April 2013, six months after announcing their plans to wed. Rivera moved on from Big Sean to marry Ryan Dorsey. Hide Caption 18 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber announced in September 2016 that they were ending their 11-year relationship. They are the parents of two young sons. Hide Caption 19 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Actor Ricky Schroder and his wife Andrea Bernard have reportedly split after almost 24 years of marriage. The couple share four children together. Hide Caption 20 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits People reported that singer Taylor Swift and producer Calvin Harris split after 15 months. Hide Caption 21 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Keshia Knight Pulliam's husband of only seven months, former football player Ed Hartwell, filed for divorce in July. The ""Cosby Show"" star said she was blindsided by the news which came soon after she announced she was pregnant with her first child. Hide Caption 22 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Lady Gaga said on July 20, 2016, that she and fiance Taylor Kinney were taking a break. The singer and the actor got engaged on Valentine's Day 2015. Hide Caption 23 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits In a statement, Gavin Rossdale said Monday, August 3, that he and Gwen Stefani will ""will no longer be partners in marriage."" He went on to say that the couple will jointly raise their three children. Hide Caption 24 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Lisa Marie Presley reportedly filed for divorce in June from her husband of 10 years, musician Michael Lockwood. He was Presley's fourth husband after Danny Keough, Michael Jackson and Nicolas Cage. Hide Caption 25 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Actress Amber Heard has filed for divorce from actor Johnny Depp, according to documents obtained by CNN. Heard, 30, and Depp, 52, have been married since February 2015. Hide Caption 26 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits In May it was reported that rocker Ozzy Osbourne moved out of the Beverly Hills, California, home he shared with his wife of more than 30 years, Sharon Osbourne. Hide Caption 27 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits ""How to Get Away With Murder"" co-star Liza Weil has split from her husband, ""Scandal"" actor Paul Adelstein. According to People, the couple, who wed in 2006, separated in January. They are the parents of a daughter, Josephine, 5. Hide Caption 28 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Once called the Beyonce and Jay Z of country music, singers Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton have split. The couple confirmed July 20 that they were ending their marriage after four years. Both have since moved on to new relationships. Hide Caption 29 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits After 26 years of marriage, Narvel Blackstock and Reba McEntire divorced on October 28, after a separation of a few months, McEntire announced in late December. Though their marriage has ended, the couple will continue to work together. Blackstock is McEntire's manager. Hide Caption 30 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Olivier Martinez and Halle Berry announced October 27 that they've called it quits after two years of marriage. ""It is with a heavy heart that we have come to the decision to divorce,"" the actors said in a joint statement. Hide Caption 31 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Actress Kaley Cuoco and her husband, Ryan Sweeting, called it quits in 2015 after nearly two years of marriage. The couple ""mutually decided"" to get a divorce after 21 months of marriage, a publicist for the actress said in a statement. Hide Caption 32 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits ""Mad Men"" actor Jon Hamm and filmmaker Jennifer Westfeldt split in 2015, according to a statement the former couple provided to People magazine. ""With great sadness, we have decided to separate, after 18 years of love and shared history,"" the pair said. ""We will continue to be supportive of each other in every way possible moving forward."" The couple was not married. Hide Caption 33 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Singer Avril Lavigne confirmed that she and hubby of two years Chad Kroeger separated. ""It is with heavy heart that Chad and I announce our separation today,"" she said in 2015. Hide Caption 34 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Actress Megan Fox has filed for divorce from her husband of five years, Brian Austin Green, in 2015. Hide Caption 35 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Longtime loves Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy announced August 4 that they had ""made the difficult decision to terminate our romantic relationship."" If this crazy couple can't make it work, what hope is there? Hide Caption 36 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian called it quits after nine years and three kids. According to E! (which hosts all things Kardashian), Kardashian decided to end it over the July Fourth weekend after photos surfaced of Disick with another woman. Hide Caption 37 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Amy and Matt Roloff, stars of TLC reality series ""Little People, Big World,"" filed for divorce after 27 years of marriage. Hide Caption 38 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Actor Ed Asner has reportedly filed for divorce from wife Cindy Gilmore eight years after the couple first split. The pair married in 1998 and separated almost a decade later. Hide Caption 39 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits After a year of "" Conscious Uncoupling ,"" Gwyneth Paltrow made her split with Chris Martin official, filing for divorce on April 20. She's seeking joint legal and physical custody of their two children. The A-list pair, who had been married for 10 years before separating in March 2014, reportedly took a ""breakup-moon"" in the Bahamas following their 2014 announcement. Hide Caption 40 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits ""Good Morning America"" co-host Lara Spencer and husband David Haffenreffer released a statement to Page Six in March 2015 stating that they had decided to divorce after 15 years of marriage. The couple have two children. Hide Caption 41 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams divorced six years after tying the knot, according to People magazine. ""Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams have mutually decided to end their marriage,"" a representative for Moore said in a statement. ""It is a respectful, amicable parting of ways, and both Mandy and Ryan are asking for media to respect their privacy at this time."" Hide Caption 42 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Comedian and actor Chris Rock filed for divorce from his wife, Malaak. They have been married 19 years and have two children. ""Chris Rock has filed for divorce from his wife, Malaak,"" Rock's attorney, Robert S. Cohen, said in a statement. ""This is a personal matter and Chris requests privacy as he and Malaak work through this process and focus on their family."" Hide Caption 43 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits People reported that actress Helena Bonham Carter and her husband, director Tim Burton, called it quits after 13 years together. The pair, who worked together on films such as ""Alice in Wonderland"" and ""Dark Shadows,"" ""separated amicably earlier this year and have continued to be friends and co-parent their children,"" a rep told the magazine. Hide Caption 44 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Kris Jenner filed for divorce from Bruce Jenner on September 22, 2014. The couple acknowledged that they separated in October . ""We will always have much love and respect for each other. Even though we are separated, we will always remain best friends and, as always, our family will remain our No. 1 priority,"" they told E! Hide Caption 46 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Neil Young had more than a wife in Pegi Young; he also had a musical collaborator and a muse for some of his most classic love songs. But according to Rolling Stone, Young filed for divorce from his wife of 36 years in July 2014. Hide Caption 47 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Actors Idina Menzel and Taye Diggs surprisingly decided to separate after 10 years of marriage, a rep for the couple confirmed to People magazine in December 2013. The couple's son, Walker, was born in 2009. Hide Caption 48 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas ""thoughtfully and consensually"" brought an end to their 20-year marriage in June 2013. The two actors released a statement announcing their breakup after reports indicated Griffith had filed for a divorce. Hide Caption 49 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Actors Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell separated after nearly two years of marriage. The couple, who welcomed a son in July 2013, said in a statement that they plan to remain close friends. Hide Caption 50 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits After a six-year relationship, Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom announced in October 2013 that they had decided to formally separate. TMZ indicated that the pair were planning to divorce. The couple, who share a son, said in a statement that they remain amicable. Hide Caption 51 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Movie veteran Clint Eastwood and his wife of 17 years, Dina, separated over the summer of 2013, according to People . They have one daughter together. Hide Caption 52 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits George Clooney and Stacy Keibler were going strong -- and looking hot on the red carpet -- for two years. But in July 2013, their photogenic romance came to an end. Hide Caption 53 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Jane Seymour and James Keach announced the end of their 20-year union in April 2013. The couple are the parents of twin sons. Hide Caption 54 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Julianne Hough and Ryan Seacrest decided to take a break in March 2013 after more than two years together, People reported. The duo's busy schedules were to blame, but they plan to stay friends, sources told the magazine. Hide Caption 55 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits In September 2012, Will Arnett and Amy Poehler separated after nine years of marriage. They have two sons. Hide Caption 56 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver separated in May 2011 after 25 years of marriage. The public has since learned of Schwarzenegger's affair with the family's housekeeper that resulted in the birth of his fifth child. Hide Caption 57 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits After almost seven years together, Kate Winslet and director Sam Mendes went their separate ways in March 2010. The couple said that the split was mutual and that they would continue raising their children together. Hide Caption 58 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman collaborated on four films together, including the controversial ""Eyes Wide Shut,"" during their 11-year marriage. The couple split in 2001. Hide Caption 59 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins split in 2009 after 23 years together. The pair, who met on the set of ""Bull Durham,"" have two sons but never married. Hide Caption 60 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Mia Farrow appeared in several of Woody Allen's films before the couple went their separate ways in 1992. The pair reportedly split after Farrow found out about Allen's sexual relationship with one of her adopted daughters, whom Allen married in 1997. Hide Caption 61 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits MTV ""Newlyweds"" Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey split in 2005 after their three-year marriage. Hide Caption 62 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe were married for seven years before calling it quits in 2006. The pair, who have two children, finalized their divorce in 2008. Hide Caption 63 of 65 Photos: Shocking celebrity splits Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston's seven-year romance came to an end in 2005. Speculation over whether Angelina Jolie had anything to do with the breakup added a juicy angle to the split. Hide Caption 64 of 65" 0 Who needs college basketball when you can play the love game? It’s that oh-so glorious time of the year again, so get excited, shippers! Yes, we’re talking about Zimbio’s seventh annual TV Couples March Madness Challenge. The high-stakes competition is back and that means your ride-or-die TV couples (and could-be-couples) will be pitted against one another in some epic head-to-head match-ups! Who will come out on top and steal that coveted crown? Well, that’s totally up to you. The 100’s Clarke and Lexa snagged the much sought-after top spot last year for their second, consecutive win. Of course, 2018 is shaping up to be more competitive than ever, so anything can happen this time around! Will Supergirl’s Kara and Lena continue their impressive dominance, or will last year’s beloved runners-up, Emma and Regina from Once Upon a Time, finally get their moment in the spotlight? Of course, there’s always room for a surprise upset, thanks to heavy-weight couples and first-time nominees Betty and Jughead from Riverdale and Waverly and Nicole from Wynonna Earp. Whatever the outcome may be, one thing’s for sure: This is going to be one hell of a competition! So grab some snacks and start building your voting den because now’s the time to compete and represent your glorious fandoms, people! Scroll down and click through our interactive bracket to vote, and don’t forget to spread the word to help determine which of our 64 first-round teams will advance to Round 2. The full tournament schedule is listed below. Be sure to follow Zimbio (@zimbio) on Twitter and Instagram for all the latest 2018 TV Couples March Madness Challenge updates! 0 No drivers, crew or other team members protested during the national anthem to start the NASCAR Cup series race after receiving warnings that they would be fired. Several team owners and executives had said they wouldn't want anyone in their organizations to protest at The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing race in Loudon, New Hampshire, today. Richard Childress, who was Dale Earnhardt's longtime team owner, told the Associated Press: 'It'll get you a ride on a Greyhound bus.' Childress, 72, says he told his team that 'anybody that works for me should respect the country we live in. So many people gave their lives for it. This is America'. No drivers or crew members were seen protesting during the singing of the 'Star-Spangled Banner, the United States national anthem, at Sunday's NASCAR Cup series race in Loudon, New Hampshire. Pictured is Martin Truex Jr, who won the event's first stage Pictured at right is racer Brad Keselowski during the national anthem. Some NASCAR team owners have come out against the idea of protesting during the national anthem Pictured is racer Jimmie Johnson during the national anthem. Some team owners even said they would fire any drivers who protested during the national anthem Hall of Fame driver Richard Petty's sentiments took it a step further. The 80-year-old said: 'Anybody that don't stand up for the anthem oughta be out of the country. Period. 'What got 'em where they're at? The United States.' When asked if a protester at Richard Petty Motorsports would be fired, he said, 'You're right.' Pictured is Kyle Busch, who won the second stage of the race. He is holding his son, Brexton, and to his right is his wife, Samantha Busch is pictured celebrating with a burnout after he won. He drives the #18 M&M's Caramel Toyota Pictured is Busch's car. Unlike players in the NFL, no NASCAR drivers protested during the national anthem. At least 130 NFL players did protest at various games today Another team owner Chip Ganassi, 59, says he supports Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin's comments. Tomlin said before the Steelers played on Sunday that players would remain in the locker room and that 'we're not going to let divisive times or divisive individuals affect our agenda.' NASCAR drivers have only been standing for the National Anthem for the past 20 years. Previously, they were strapped inside their cars, reports Yahoo Sports. The comments come amid protests from other sports leagues, particularly the National Football League and the National Basketball Association against President Donald Trump and social justice issues such as police violence. Several NFL players, starting last season with then-San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have either knelt, sat or raised fists during the anthem to protest police treatment of African Americans and social injustice. Last week at NFL games, four players sat or knelt during the anthem, and two raised fists while others stood by the protesters in support. And on Sunday, at least 130 players knelled, sat with linked arms, gave black power salutes or did not show up for the national anthem out of protest. Players from both the Baltimore Ravens and Jacksonville Jaguars were the first to protest by taking a knee ahead of their game at Wembley Stadium in London on Sunday morning. No players were kneeling during the playing of God Save The Queen - the British national anthem. Richard Childress, Dale Earnhardt's longtime team owner, said that a protest during the national anthem will 'get you a ride on a Greyhound bus.' The 72-year-old added: 'Anybody that works for me should respect the country we live in. So many people gave their lives for it. This is America.' He is pictured in May 2017 Hall of Fame driver Richard Petty, 80, said: Anybody that don't stand up for the anthem oughta be out of the country. Period. What got 'em where they're at? The United States.' He said he would fire any of his employees at Richard Petty Motorsports if they protested. Petty is pictured in June 2017 Chip Ganassi (right, pictured with Dario Franchitti in May 2012), said he supports Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin's comments. Tomlin said that 'we're not going to let divisive times or divisive individuals affect our agenda' The protests came in the wake of Trump's critical remarks toward players who don't stand for the anthem. 'That's a total disrespect of everything that we stand for,' Trump said, encouraging owners to act. He added: 'Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, you'd say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out! He's fired.' On Saturday, Trump echoed his stance. 'If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem,' Trump tweeted. 'If not, YOU'RE FIRED. Find something else to do!' NASCAR has seen four black drivers in its nearly 70-year history and currently has one: Darrell 'Bubba' Wallace, 23, of Mobile, Alabama. At the New Hampshire race, Martin Truex Jr of Furniture Row Racing won the first stage while Kyle Busch of Joe Gibbs Racing won the second. 1 "Bill Riales -UPDATE 3:31 p.m. (WKRG) -- The Executive Editor, Marty Baron, of the Washington Post released the following statement:""The Post has just learned that at least one person in Alabama has received a call from someone falsely claiming to be from The Washington Post. The call's description of our reporting methods bears no relationship to reality. We are shocked and appalled that anyone would stoop to this level to discredit real journalism.""Facebook LIVE: Roy Moore speaks at a rally in Jackson, Alabama.https://www.facebook.com/WKRG.News.5/videos/10155918062607500/Another development involving the U.S. Senate race in Alabama. At least one person in our viewing area received a robocall seeking more damaging information about Roy Moore. Here is the text of that voicemail message received by Pastor Al Moore in Creola.""Hi, this is Bernie Bernstein, I'm a reporter for the Washington Post calling to find out if anyone at this address is a female between the ages of 54 to 57 years old willing to make damaging remarks about candidate Roy Moore for a reward of between $5000 and $7000 dollars. We will not be fully investigating these claims however we will make a written report. I can be reached by email at albernstein@washingtonpost.com, thank you.""Pastor Moore says he's baffled about who might be behind the message. He said he sent a response to the email address provided but it came back undeliverable. We also tried the email address with the same result.John Rogers with the Roy Moore campaign says it's the first he's heard of this type of robocall. We contacted the Washington Post but it would be highly unlikely that a newspaper would offer thousands of dollars for information, damaging or otherwise. We searched and could not find a record of a 'Bernie' or 'Al Bernstein' who works as a reporter at the Washington Post.If any of you have received the same call, please let us know at producers@wkrg.com" 1 Angelina Jolie has not been enjoying very pleasant headlines lately — not since her divorce and custody battle with Brad Pitt took a dark turn earlier this month. In the headlines, Jolie has stopped being the serene mother of six, glamorous movie star or compassionate United Nations High Commissioners for Refugees special envoy. More and more, the 43-year-old Jolie has been accused of being the “crazy and manipulative” estranged wife who has become increasingly “unpopular in Hollywood.” She’s “out for blood” in the divorce fight, or she “wants to embarrass and punish” the seemingly affable Pitt by portraying him in court papers as a deadbeat dad, or by apparently trying to undercut his relationship with their children, as suggested by a family law judge. Also damning: Page Six reported last week that Jolie had developed “an insane jealousy” jealous of Amal Clooney, the international human rights attorney and wife of George Clooney. Jolie believes “Amal has stolen her identity” as the world’s most glamorous, admired humanitarian, a source told Page Six. But breaking through all these negative headlines Tuesday was a reminder from Jolie herself of her world-class humanitarian credentials. She published an opinion piece on behalf of the UN agency’s efforts to boost educational opportunities for refugee children. The timing of the piece, published on CNN.com, could be coincidental, given headlines this week about how Jolie had hired a new, more aggressive legal team to help finalize her divorce. But as Jolie noted, she wrote her piece to advance important news: The UNHRC is about to publish a report in which the UN agency warns about the rising numbers of refugee children who are not receiving an education. In any case, Jolie brought her cinematic story-telling experience to share moving accounts of what education means to children — girls especially — whose lives and communities have been upended by the ongoing Syrian civil war. Jolie said she had met these girls herself during her goodwill trips to refugee camps in the war-torn region. She described one girl who had given up her dream of going to school and becoming a doctor after her mother was killed in an airstrike and she was forced to take care of her five younger siblings, Jolie said. With no other choice, the girl married at 14, can’t read or write and has been “robbed of her childhood and the future she might have had.” The other girl was able to go to a local high school while living in a barren Iraqi refugee camp, and is now studying dentistry at a local Iraqi university — while still living with her parents in the camp, Jolie said. “There are millions of young refugees with the energy and desire and commitment to study and work, who want to contribute to the societies that host them and ultimately help rebuild their home countries,” Jolie wrote. “There are millions of displaced parents who will make every sacrifice imaginable to help their children go to school.” Jolie then argues how wealthier countries can help less fortunate countries rebuild after war: “Not with peace agreements and resolutions, as necessary as those are, but with millions of school report cards, exams passed, qualifications obtained, jobs acquired, and young lives turned to good purpose rather than spent languishing in camps.” Jolie said she understands how overwhelming these refugee crises can seem to the outside world. “Hardly a day goes past without bleak news headlines about violence, suffering and the displacement of people, from Afghanistan to Yemen,” Jolie wrote. “It is difficult to find a single example of where we are succeeding as an international community in ending conflicts and securing peace.” But Jolie said there is an answer in helping refugees in a “patient, long-term manner, guided by our values.” She concluded her piece by writing: “If we help refugees get an education, they themselves will take on the harder task of rebuilding the countries whose future peace and security is so important to our own. It is the wise as well as morally right course of action.” 1 It looks like Stormi is already a daddy’s girl. Kylie Jenner documented her 2-month-old daughter’s sweet bond with Travis Scott in a series of Snapchats from the family’s Easter party on Sunday. Get push notifications with news, features and more. Stormi couldn’t keep her eyes off her father as he held her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Another video showed the baby, born Feb. 1, cuddling up in the 25-year-old rapper’s arms. In the first public glimpse of the family all together — a video shared by fan accounts — Scott held Stormi facing him while Jenner cozied up beside her beau and reached out to lovingly stroke their daughter’s head. Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Babies newsletter. Travis Scott and daughter Stormi Kylie Jenner/Snapchat Stormi Kylie Jenner/Snapchat RELATED: Who Is Travis Scott? 3 Things to Know About the Rapper Who Just Welcomed a Baby with Kylie Jenner The Kardashian-Jenner’s Easter bash, complete with a 10-foot Easter bunny made of flowers, as well as a petting zoo featuring baby ducks and rabbits, comes shortly after Jenner’s ex-boyfriend Tyga denied that he was Stormi’s father. “I’ve never said anything about someone else’s child or family insinuating my involvement; and will never do so,” Tyga tweeted on Tuesday. “Please, stop spreading false stories and attacking people’s families. I have nothing to do with any of that. People should be able to live in peace,” said the hitmaker, who shares 5-year-old son King Cairo with ex-fiancée Blac Chyna. (Chyna is also mom to Jenner’s 16-month-old niece Dream Kardashian.) The paternity claims first caused a frenzy in November 2017 when Tyga seemingly claimed to be the father of the child. Travis Scott Kylie Jenner/Snapchat Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner INSTARimages.com Jenner and Scott, however, have been enjoying their time both as new parents and a couple. They have been making sure to have plenty of date nights from stepping out on a lunch date with friends and family at Nobu Malibu in February — where Jenner showed off her luxe push present, a black Ferrari La Ferrari — to snuggling together on a boat as they arrived at a restaurant in Miami last month. Most recently, they left their daughter at home to celebrate at a birthday dinner for Elizabeth Woods, the mom of Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods. In a photo from the event, Scott adorably wrapped his arms around his girlfriend. RELATED VIDEO: Kylie Jenner Says Her Pregnancy Was ‘Perfect’ & Reveals That In-N-Out Was Not Her #1 Craving in Twitter Q&A The couple, who have been dating since April 2017, aren’t yet contemplating getting engaged, though, a source previously told PEOPLE. “It’s not anything that Kylie seems to be focused on,” the insider explained. However, the new mom has been sporting a symbol of their relationship — a diamond ring on her left ring finger with the initials “JW,” for Scott’s birth name, Jacques Webster. 0 "The royal descendants of Victoria (Queen of the United Kingdom) and of Christian IX (King of Denmark) currently occupy the thrones of Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. At the outbreak of the First World War their grandchildren occupied the thrones of Denmark, Greece, Norway, Germany, Romania, Russia, Spain and the United Kingdom. For this, Queen Victoria was nicknamed ""the grandmother of Europe"" while King Christian IX was nicknamed ""Father-in-law of Europe"". Of the remaining kingdoms of Europe today, only Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands descends neither from Queen Victoria nor King Christian IX.[1] Grandchildren [ edit ] Queen Victoria arranged the marriage of her eldest son and heir-apparent, the future Edward VII, to Alexandra of Denmark, the eldest daughter of King Christian IX, which took place on 10 March 1863. Among their six children were George V (who was also Emperor of India throughout his reign) and his sister Maud of Wales (who would later marry their cousin King Haakon VII of Norway, another grandchild of Christian IX, on 22 July 1896). However, these two marriages were not the only unions amongst and between descendants of Victoria and Christian IX. The second son of Christian IX, Prince William, became King of Greece as George I shortly after his sister Alexandra's marriage due to this new connection with the British Royal Family. On 27 October 1889 his son, later Constantine I of Greece, married Sophia of Prussia, a granddaughter of Victoria, forging another union between descendants of the British queen and the Danish king. In 1865, Christian IX's second daughter, Princess Dagmar, became engaged to Tsarevich Nicholas of Russia, son and heir of Tsar Alexander II. Following the untimely death of her fiancé, Dagmar married Nicholas's younger brother, the Tsarevich Alexander in 1866, taking the Russian name Maria Feodorovna. Between 1881 and 1894, she was empress-consort of Russia. Her son, Nicholas II of Russia, married Alix of Hesse and by Rhine, yet another granddaughter of Queen Victoria, on 26 November 1894, and she became empress-consort as Alexandra Feodorovna. Other grandchildren became monarchs in their own right or consorts. Christian X of Denmark was the elder brother of Haakon VII of Norway and thus another grandson of Christian IX of Denmark. William II, German Emperor and King of Prussia was the elder brother of Sophia of Prussia and thus another reigning grandson of Victoria. Lastly, Victoria had two more granddaughters who became queens: Marie of Edinburgh, who married Ferdinand I of Romania, and Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg who married Alfonso XIII of Spain. Christian IX was therefore the grandfather of an emperor and two kings who all married granddaughters of Victoria, one of whom (Maud of Wales) was also a granddaughter of Christian IX. In total, five of his grandsons were reigning sovereigns. Victoria, meanwhile, was the grandmother of an emperor, a king-emperor, four queens consort and an empress consort. First World War [ edit ] During the First World War (1914–1918), many monarchs of countries from both sides were closely related due to their mutual descent from either Queen Victoria, King Christian IX or both. The most commonly cited example is the fact that Nicholas, his wife, Alexandra, and Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany were all first cousins of King George V of the United Kingdom.[2][3][4] Other countries who fought against Germany in addition to Russia and the United Kingdom were Romania, whose queen-consort, Marie, wife of King Ferdinand I, was a cousin of the Kaiser, and Greece, whose queen-consort, Sophia, wife of King Constantine I, was the Kaiser's own sister. Additionally, King George V was a first cousin, through King Christian IX, of both Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and King Constantine I of Greece. Shortly before the end of the war, Nicholas, his wife and children were executed by the Bolsheviks. Other first cousins of George V, whose countries were neutral during the war, were King Christian X of Denmark, Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain (queen-consort of King Alfonso XIII) and King Haakon VII of Norway (who was also George's brother-in-law via his marriage to George's sister, Maud). Family tree of sovereign and consort grandchildren [ edit ] The family tree below also attempts to show the relationship between close and extended family members referenced on this page. Present-day reigning descendants [ edit ] The unions between descendants of Queen Victoria and of King Christian IX did not end with the First World War, despite the overthrows of both the German and Russian monarchies (along with House of Habsburg in Austria-Hungary). On the contrary, nearly all European reigning kings and queens today are most closely related through their descent from Victoria, Christian or both. Currently, there are seven kingdoms remaining in Europe:[5] 1. Belgium: King Philippe & Queen Mathilde 2. Denmark: Queen Margrethe II 3. Norway: King Harald V & Queen Sonja 4. Spain: King Felipe VI & Queen Letizia 5. Sweden: King Carl XVI Gustaf & Queen Silvia 6. United Kingdom: Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 7. Netherlands: King Willem-Alexander & Queen Máxima King Harald V of Norway, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, her husband, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and King Felipe VI of Spain are all descended from both Queen Victoria and King Christian IX. The first two monarchs are great-grandchildren of the aforementioned union between Alexandra of Denmark (daughter of King Christian IX) and Edward VII (son of Queen Victoria). Harald V of Norway is actually descended from Christian IX three ways, twice through his father and once through his mother. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and his wife Elizabeth II are second cousins once removed through Christian IX and also third cousins as they are both great-great-grandchildren of Victoria. Margrethe II of Denmark is descended once each from Victoria and Christian IX. She is also a first cousin to Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden through Victoria's granddaughter Princess Margaret of Connaught. Felipe VI is descended from Victoria three ways and Christian IX twice. His father, King Juan Carlos I, is descended from Victoria and not Christian IX, while Juan Carlos' consort, Queen Sofía, is twice a descendant of Victoria and twice a great-great-granddaughter of Christian IX. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden is descended from Victoria, twice, as his parents were second cousins because they were both great-grandchildren of Victoria. in addition, Carl XVI Gustaf also descends on his maternal side from Victoria's half-sister Feodora. Although Carl XVI Gustaf is not a descendant of Christian IX; however, it should be noted that he descends on his maternal side from the parents of Christian IX through Christian IX's elder brother, Friedrich. Conversely, Philippe, King of the Belgians is descended from King Christian IX but not Queen Victoria, although, he is a descendant of Victoria's maternal uncle (as well as her husband Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha's paternal uncle), Leopold I, King of the Belgians. Philippe's father, King Albert II, who abdicated in the summer of 2013, is a first cousin to Harald V of Norway through their grandfather Prince Carl, Duke of Västergötland, married to Princess Ingeborg of Denmark, a granddaughter of Christian IX. In summation, the monarchs of Norway, Denmark, Spain and the United Kingdom as well as the consort of the United Kingdom are descended from both Victoria and Christian IX. The King of Sweden is descended from Victoria and not Christian IX (although from one of his brothers). The King of the Belgians and the Grand Duke of Luxembourg are descended from Christian IX and not Victoria, though they are descendants of both Victoria's and her spouse's uncle Leopold I of Belgium. The King of the Netherlands is the only monarch descended from neither Victoria nor Christian IX. (He is, however, a sixth cousin thrice removed of Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Harald V, Margrethe II and Carl XVI Gustaf through descent from Frederick, Prince of Wales; a sixth cousin four times removed of Felipe VI, also via descent from Frederick; and also a fourth cousin twice removed of Albert II through descent from William I of the Netherlands. Furthermore, William I of the Netherlands was also second cousin once removed to both Queen Victoria and King Christian IX, since he was the great-grandson of George II of Great Britain. Hence, all current reigning kings and queens in Europe, including the Netherlands, are related through the line of George II of Great Britain.) Monarchs descended from Queen Victoria [ edit ] Monarchs descended from King Christian IX [ edit ] Notes Common ancestry between Victoria and Christian IX [ edit ] Because so many monarchs descend from both Queen Victoria and King Christian IX of Denmark, the relationship between these two monarchs is of some interest. These monarchs were third cousins through their mutual descent from King George II of Great Britain. This relationship occurs twice because the maternal grandparents of King Christian IX of Denmark, Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) (1744–1836) and Princess Louise of Denmark (1750–1831), were both children of daughters of King George II of Great Britain (1660–1727), and thus first cousins. Louise of Hesse-Kassel, wife of King Christian IX of Denmark, was a granddaughter of Prince Frederick of Hesse (1747–1837), the brother of the aforementioned Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel. Thus King Christian IX of Denmark and his wife Louise of Hesse-Kassel were second cousins to each other and third cousins to Queen Victoria. The longest living descendants of Victoria and Christian IX [ edit ] Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom [ edit ] King Christian IX of Denmark [ edit ] Notes [ edit ] References [ edit ]" 0 Queen Latifah is remembering her late mom Rita Owens six months after her death at 69. Latifah, who was Owens’ primary caretaker for the last years of her life, posted a sweet picture of the two on her Instagram with a touching note. The former public school teacher died of a heart condition. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “6 Months ago today I said bye for now to the first smile I’d ever seen. I miss you So much Mommy. I know you’re there and I can’t wait to see that smile again. Till then 143…,” Latifah, 48, wrote alongside the smiling photo. RELATED: Queen Latifah’s Mother Rita Owens Has Died After Struggling with a Heart Condition The actress announced in an emotional statement that Owens had died back in March after struggling with a heart condition for more than a decade. “It is with a heavy heart that I share the news my mother, Rita Owens passed away today,” said Latifah. “Anyone that has ever met her knows what a bright light she was on this earth. She was gentle, but strong, sweet, but sassy, worldy but pragmatic, a woman of great faith and certainly the love of my life.” RELATED: How Queen Latifah Cared for Her Late Mom during Her Final Years “She had struggled with a heart condition for many years and her battle is now over,” Latifah shared. “I am heartbroken but know she is at peace. Thank you for your kindness, support and respect for our privacy at this time. Much Love, Dana Owens (aka Queen Latif‎ah), forever Rita Owens’ daughter.” WATCH: Queen Latifah’s Mother Rita Owens Has Died After Struggling with a Heart Condition Latifah first revealed to PEOPLE in 2015 that when she’s not in California, she stayed at her mother’s home in New Jersey, sharing caregiving duties with relatives and a nurse. “As a caregiver – it’s just like being a parent, like some things really don’t matter,” Latifah said. “All the kind of frivolous things sort of fall to the side because there’s something way more important than all that. And when we go through these things together as a family, I realize, these are the important things, these are the important moments.” She continued, “Whatever some tabloid printed means nothing, money doesn’t mean anything, work is great – I work so that I can take care of my family – but the family is the most important thing.” 0 "They announced their split on Sunday. But according to one friend of the couple Anna Faris and Chris Pratt are 'still living' together. Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger, 56, dished to Entertainment Tonight Thursday, revealing she thinks there is 'still hope' for the pair because the parents-of-one are 'still living in the [same] house.' Still sharing something! Though Anna Faris and Chris Pratt announced their split on Sunday, friend Patti Stanger told ET that the duo are 'still living' together The WeTV starlet had tons of feelings about the eight-years-married couple, telling ET 'this is really hard because I'm close to them,' adding that, 'The day it happened I actually texted them.' The dating professional wasn't hiding her opinion, explaining 'I want them to get back together' and that she'd be more than willing to counsel the pair. 'Let's pray it turns around,' she said. 'I want them to get back together. So, I'm not fixin' them up. Professional advice? The dating professional (above at the premiere of Million Dollar Matchmaker Season two August 2) said 'I want them to get back together' and that she'd be more than willing to counsel the pair Some hope: Patti's cited the fact the duo are still living together means there are still feelings there, explaining 'She's living in the house... If [Pratt]'s still in the house, there's hope.' Above Chris and Anna are seen at the actor's Hollywood Walk Of Fame ceremony in April 'I would just be the counselor between them and go, ""What really is the issue here?""' Patti, who appeared on Anna's podcast Unqualified in 2016, cited the fact the duo are still living together as strong evidence there are still feelings there. 'She's living in the house ... you just don't really say something when they're [still] living in the house [together]... 'If [Pratt]'s still in the house, there's hope.' Friends forever? Patti (above with Faris in 2016) said the pair's relationship has 'a lot of best friend factor,' which is also an indication of a lasting bond 'If the person doesn't leave the house, there's a lot of hope there. That means they still love each other. ... It's just that they don't want to leave each other. There's a lot of best friend factor there. They're very close as BFFs.' Despite being friends with the couple, Patti found out the news through the Scream star’s Instagram post in which she confirmed the split, and said she was hesitant to reach out for fear of 'bombarding' the stars. She told ET: 'I was actually on my Instagram reading, I was watching someone, and [Anna's post] just popped up... Giving them space: Though Patti's friends with the couple, she found out the news through the Scream star’s Instagram post and said she hadn't reached out directly for fear of 'bombarding' the stars 'I don't wanna bombard [Anna], but I do want them to know … anything they need from me, I'm there for them. I just love [them] both and I just pray that it's going to work out.' Chris and Anna met on the set of their film Take Me Home Tonight in 2007 and we married by summer 2009. They have one child together, a four-year-old son named Jack." 1 "While the terms ""natural"" and ""organic"" aren't FDA-regulated when it comes to sunscreen, Dr. Joshua Zeichner, a board-certified dermatologist, says most experts agree that natural and organic formulas should come from natural, sustainably-sourced ingredients that are also free of fragrances, dyes, sulfates, parabens, and phthalates. But just because an SPF's label reads ""natural"" or ""organic,"" doesn't mean it's chemical-free, adds board-certified dermatologist Shereene Idriss, M.D. ""So when looking for a 'natural' or 'organic' sunscreen, look for products that are labeled mineral or physical, since they typically contain purely titanium oxide or zinc."" Below, 10 sunscreens that contain natural and organic ingredients to keep you protected this summer." 0 Engraged over new co-host Ryan Seacrest‘s brazen bid to move Live to Los Angeles, daytime diva Kelly Ripa has told bosses, “I’m done!” RadarOnline.com has learned the popular chatfest is in chaos after Ripa, 46, told network honchos she’s fed up watching them kiss up to Seacrest — and she’s not going to take it anymore! “Kelly’s announced that if push comes to shove, she’s ready to walk,” said an insider close to the syndicated show. PHOTOS: Kelly Ripa’s 8 Most Shocking Secrets & Scandals Exposed “Kelly’s given them an ultimatum — it’s her way or the highway!” continued the insider. “She feels that she was stabbed in the back over the whole Michael Strahan fiasco, and she’s not going to allow it to happen again!” According to sources, Ripa exploded when Seacrest pushed for Live with Kelly and Ryan to be moved permanently to Los Angeles to suit his schedule — after ABC announced he’ll return as host of the rebooted American Idol next year. That meant Seacrest, 42, would have to be in L.A. on Sunday nights to film Idol, then board a red-eye flight to New York to be on set for Live on Monday morning and host his radio show. PHOTOS: Truce! Kelly Ripa & Michael Strahan’s On-Air Feud Is Finally Over Apparently that was too daunting for Seacrest — and he pushed for the L.A. move. “After Ryan made his demand, network brass wanted Kelly to uproot her family and move to California,” tattled a source close to Seacrest. “That’s when Kelly put her foot down and said, ‘No way!'” “Kelly pointed out that her production company with husband Mark Consuelos, Milojo, is based in New York and so is Live,” said the source. PHOTOS: Kelly Ripa Spotted For The First Time Since Ditching Michael Strahan On ‘Live’ “She also pointed out that her son, Joaquin, is about to begin high school in New York City. Producers have offered to have Joaquin home-schooled or provide a tutor for him, but she won’t pull him out of school.” Producers are trying to convince Ripa to get on board — even if it’s just during the period when Idol goes live, the source said. Besides that, ratings have been tanking since Seacrest signed on, and “bosses are telling Kelly [the move] will help the ratings because they’ll have access to all the stars in Hollywood,” spilled the source. PHOTOS: Lawsuits, Arrests, & More! Inside ‘Selfish’ Michael Strahan’s Biggest Scandals “But Kelly feels once again the show that bears her name is being hijacked from her — which is what happened with Michael Strahan!” Since Live launched in 1983, it’s always been filmed in New York City — although the hosts have changed, with Regis Philbin, Kathie Lee Gifford, Strahan and guest hosts playing musical chairs. The source added: “Kelly’s fuming that ABC would even consider it! All of her family and friends are on the East Coast — and now she has to pack up and move for Ryan’s sake? That’s got to make her steaming mad! PHOTOS: Kelly Betrayed Again! Michael Leaves ‘Live’ To Co-Host GMA Already “She promised not to let this happen again to her and the show after Strahan jumped to Good Morning America. Now history seems to be repeating itself — and she won’t have it!” Another insider on Live told Radar: “Kelly quit the show once before and she’d do it again! When she was angry with ABC for favoring Michael, she refused to come to work for a week. Now that ABC is treating Ryan like royalty, Kelly could be gone for good. She’s very emotional and thinks with her heart, not her head. Kelly needs to think she’s the top priority.” We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at tips@radaronline.com, or call us at (866) ON-RADAR (667-2327) any time, day or night. 1 Just over six months after her Los Angeles residence was busted into by an intruder/stalker who hung around inside the lavish house for 12 hours, mononymic Barbadian pop phenom Rihanna has unsurprisingly hoisted the property near the base of Nichols Canyon up for sale at $7.495 million. The nine-time Grammy winning fashion icon purchased the property about 1.5 years ago for $6.8 million. All but invisible behind a towering wall of foliage and camera-secured entry gates on close to half of an acre with an over-the-palm-trees city view, the property offers six bedrooms and eight full and two half bathrooms in a total of about 7,130-square-feet divided between the three-story main house and poolside guesthouse atop a detached two-car garage. The glamorously and expensively outfitted residence, an unusual mix-and-match Craftsman meets Mediterranean contemporary, has high ceilings, arched doorways, a slew of glitzy light fixtures and steel-framed windows and doors. A pair of golden chandeliers lights the stone-tiled entrance gallery that leads to a living room large enough to accommodate a grand piano next to the rustically tiled fireplace while the separate formal dining room is lined with tall and slender arched windows. The kitchen features textured wood cabinetry and grey and white striated stone countertops that waterfall over the ends of a huge, T-shaped island with integrated dining table and a state-of-the-art home theater has eggplant-colored walls and a wide-screen projection system. There are four en suite guest bedrooms in the main house, one of the ground floor and three more on the upper floor plus a sprawling master suite that encompasses a separate, city-view sitting room, a fireplace and decadently appointed bathroom. A stone terrace and infinity edge swimming pool and spa are awkwardly positioned next to the parking area between the main house and the guesthouse that marketing materials indicate is “outfitted as a fabulous fitness center” with bathroom. More Dirt Encino Home of Late ‘Touched by an Angel’ Star Della Reese Gets Price Chop (EXCLUSIVE) ‘CSI’ Franchise Creator Anthony Zuiker Lists Large Lake Arrowhead House, Buys Bigger One Rihanna, who retains a large home in her native Barbados, briefly owned a property in West Hollywood, Calif., that she bought in August 2017 for $2.75 million and sold in early 2018 for $2.85 million and she continues to maintain a not quite 3,500-square-foot three-bedroom condo on a high floor of an ultra-luxe tower in L.A.’s Century City she scooped up just over four years ago for $5.45 million. Listing photos: The Agency 0 "Return to Transcripts main pageTHE LEAD WITH JAKE TAPPERInterview With Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel; Guns in Schools; Interview with Randi Weingarten of American Federation of Teachers; The Plot to Rig the Race; What's Behind Auto Industry's Comeback?Aired April 2, 2013 - 16:00 ETTHIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is with us this afternoon, but I assure you, parents, there will be no cursing.I'm Jake Tapper, and this is THE LEAD.The national lead. An NRA task force lays out ideas to put a good guy with a gun in every school. I will ask Mayor Emanuel how that is going to apply in Chicago, which buries hundreds of people from gun violence every year.Also in national news, cheating on standardized tests, but not by students, by the school officials responsible for administering them. Now they're getting the ultimate detention in a jail cell.And the money lead. If there was a traffic sign that represented the auto industry just a few years ago, it would be rough road ahead. Did it take a little Italian carmaker to help turn -- Chrysler turn the corner?The national lead. It is an idea that could lead to kindergarten teachers carrying Glocks, principals spending their extracurricular time at target ranges.Today, a task force commission by the National Rifle Association unveiled a report with recommendations to make schools safer. The most controversial idea would put more guns in our nation's schools. The task force backed off the notion of putting armed volunteers in schools, but it wants to see more teachers and administrators trained and armed.Former Republican Congressman Asa Hutchinson is leading the task force and urging action on its recommendations.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)ASA HUTCHINSON, FORMER UNDERSECRETARY FOR HOMELAND SECURITY: If you are interested in making our schools safer and to save children's lives, look at these recommendations seriously.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: We have seen so many Newtown parents advocating for gun control after 20 children were killed in a senseless massacre in December. But today we saw a Newtown parent standing with the NRA's task force.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)MARK MATTIOLI, FATHER OF NEWTOWN VICTIM: I think politics need to sort of be set aside here. And I hope this doesn't lead to name calling, but rather this is recommendations for solutions, real solutions that will make our kids safer.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: If there is a city that sees the toll of gun violence every single day, it's Chicago, more than 500 homicides last year and almost 90 percent of them were gun-related. And yet Chicago has some of the most strict gun control laws in the nation.And Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel joins me now.Mr. Mayor, thanks for joining us.One of the recommendations issued today was that more individuals, more adults in schools become proficient in guns. I'm wondering your reaction to that.RAHM EMANUEL (D), MAYOR OF CHICAGO: No, look, I think that is not what schools are for and that's not where you want the time and training for principals and teachers. You want that on the education of our children. There's a whole host of things to do different as it relates to safety in schools, but training principals and teachers on use of handguns is not one of them.TAPPER: A lot of people look to the city of Chicago and they say, here's a city with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. And although crime and homicide has gone down this year, it still has a staggeringly high homicide rate.How do you reconcile that?EMANUEL: Well, Jake, first of all, as you know, March, our homicides dropped nearly 70 percent; in February, it dropped 50 percent. And in the first three months are down a total of 50 homicides, 42 percent. So it's a very significant drop and one of the most -- March was one of the biggest one-month drops in the history of the city of Chicago.Second is, it's, you know, people in the city of Chicago, there are gun purchases done in Indiana, brought over. So you need a uniform policy on gun control. As I've always said, it comes down to the four P's.And it's not one of them; it's all of them: policing, and so being strategic about your police resources where you apply them; smart prevention, like after school programs and summer jobs to make sure kids have a positive thing to do and are out of harm's way; stiffer penalties, like a three-year minimum for gun crimes, first prevent people from getting guns -- criminals, second if the criminals commit the crimes there's swift punishment; and fourth P is sound parenting, teaching kids right from wrong.And all four of those P's have to work. Now there cannot be over-focus on gun control. But you can't also wipe it off the table as if it's not part of it. And you can't rely only on policing and forget parenting. And you can't also not participate and have a comprehensive after school program to keep your kids when the school bell goes off.All four P's, policing, prevention, penalties and parenting have to work together. Gun control matters. And what happens across the border in either Indiana or Wisconsin affects the Chicago area. We take more guns off the streets than New York or L.A.Yes, we have good and strong gun laws. But we're as good and comprehensive working with our policing and our parenting and our prevention programs as the actual background checks are that apply to Indiana where a lot of purchases are made before the gun ends up in the city of Chicago. So you have to be smart about it.You have to -- you have to have stiff gun control laws. And I believe firmly in preventing criminals getting access to them. But you have to focus on every one of those aspects that, in my view, have a policy that makes sure that you have police on the street, getting kids, guns and drugs off the streets.And all of those have to work, not one of them, and not one of them have -- be allowed to take off the table as if it's not part of the overall solution to safety and security of our streets.TAPPER: The president is hitting the road tomorrow to start campaigning further for greater gun restrictions. Do you regret, when you were White House chief of staff, that the White House in the first term under President Obama, did not do more on this issue?EMANUEL: Well, look, you know, as chief of staff -- and you remember, Jake, because you were there; you were covering it.You were covering the decision to make -- to take the auto industry that was on its knees, to close to collapse, and make sure that those jobs were created and made sure that the auto industry came back to the point it is today, that it's adding more jobs than it was when the president was there.That was a crisis he inherited; it was one that took a lot of time and painstaking work to fix in the same way that the economy was headed -- going head over heels towards what is now known as the great recession. And it took a lot on that aspect in the financial sector. And to govern, as President Kennedy said, is to make a set of choices.And the president made a set of choices to put in place the things that were necessary, given the financial, economic and auto manufacturing crises that he faced, not one of them, not two of them, all three of them simultaneously.And for people to then kind of look back and said, you know, in the middle of either the financial or the auto scandal, he should have done X, there are choices you make. And he has properly given post- Newtown and part other things that have happened in America making sure that Washington now gets in place the gun control laws that are necessary to prevent criminals' access to guns.But the notion that somehow in retrospect you should have pushed the auto industry crisis to the side, or the financial crisis to the side, you were there covering it; and you know that -- what the state of mind and where we were at that time.So this is where he is now in the second term and taking control of this situation, making sure that we have, for the first time since when I was in the White House under President Clinton, I was a point person for passing both the Brady bill and the assault weapon ban that we have the opportunity actually to make progress on getting sound, comprehensive gun control legislation that works with policing, prevention programs and encouraging strong parenting.TAPPER: Lastly, Mr. Mayor, I'd be remiss if I didn't ask you, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is speaking this evening and it's garnering a lot of media attention and buzz. She is the power player if she decides to run for president.Do you think she is beatable if she runs for the Democratic nomination? Could anyone beat her?EMANUEL: Well, I -- look, I think that's way ahead of yourself, Jake. But that would not be the first time anybody and me got way ahead of themselves.(LAUGHTER)EMANUEL: So, look, she'll speak; there will be a lot of excitement. She has, as you no doubt -- and you know how close I am to the Clintons and that she has a lot to offer if she decides to do that. And there's no doubt, both on her record as former first lady, secretary of state, senator from the state of New York, she has a lot to offer.TAPPER: So you're not going to -- you're not even going to touch it, whether or not anybody could beat her?EMANUEL: Well, we can go back and talk about the 69 percent drop in homicides in Chicago.TAPPER: All right. Mayor Rahm Emanuel, thank you so much for joining us today.EMANUEL: Thanks, Jake.TAPPER: Ever wonder why so few folks responsible for the financial crisis seem to have been punished in any way?Well, some say those in charge of regulation and enforcement did not do their jobs with the vigor and aggressiveness necessary. Now, why would that be? Today, we learned the former head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Mary Schapiro is joining the consulting firm Promontory Financial Group, which advises, you guessed it, financial firms.The mission of the SEC -- and I quote -- ""is to protect investors and maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets."" Schapiro took the helm at the embattled SEC in January of 2009, and while many praise her for restoring the all-but-nonexistent reputation of that agency at that time, she's also been criticized for never fully holding Wall Street accountable for the worst misdeeds that caused the financial crisis.Her announcement comes just days after we learned that Lanny Breuer, the assistant attorney general in charge of the Criminal Division of the Justice Department, has left the Justice Department and rejoined the law firm of Covington & Burling as vice chairman. Covington & Burling represents a long list of big bank clients tied to the financial crisis.Breuer was criticized for not pursuing prosecutions against big bank malfeasance while at the Justice Department. Neither Schapiro nor Breuer responded to our requests for comment.It was hailed as an epic turnaround. Atlanta schools went from bad to good in a matter of years. Now teachers are accused of cheating in order to line their own pockets. But is the federal government partly to blame?Plus, how much does city hall go for these days? A New York mayoral candidate is accused of trying to bribe his way on to the ticket. Our national news continues next.(COMMERCIAL BREAK)TAPPER: In other national news, charges of racketeering, theft and corruption in two states, but we're not talking about the mob.We begin with Atlanta's public school system, 35 teachers and school administrators, indicted for filling in the right answers on their students' standardized tests starting all the way back in one 2001. Why? To make it look like their kids were improving faster than they really were. Those teachers now have until midnight tonight to turn themselves in. Several have already done so.Joining me now, Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers.Ms. Weingarten, you issued a statement about this scandal, saying it -- quote -- ""crystallizes the unintended consequences of our test- crazed policies.""What did you mean by that?RANDI WEINGARTEN, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS: Well, first, Jake, let me just also say that in that statement and throughout this period of time, we have to say at the outset that cheating cannot be condoned, and this is a very sad day for Atlanta.And, frankly, our union, our local back in 2005, when they saw the irregularities, whistle-blew the situation and was ignored. So, the bottom line is we can't condone cheating. And the vast number of teachers do an extraordinary job and do not succumb to cheating.But, at the same time, we have seen in city after city and state after state an environment and a climate that says that the tests are more important than anything else for kids, for teachers, and for schools, more important than teaching and learning, more important than critical thinking, more important than problem solving, more important than integrity.TAPPER: You say that, but most of the teachers and administrators in this system seem to have had no problem operating within the confines of the law.The NATE scores, the state testing scores, have gone up, not just with these specific teachers and administrators, but across the state. So why do you think this is related to teaching to the test, as opposed to just teachers trying to get ahead? We know that the administrator got big bonuses based on these improvements.WEINGARTEN: Well, you know, what -- if you talk to teachers about getting paid based upon test scores, they will universally recoil from it and get very insulted by it. But at the same time, what we've seen is in 37 or 38 different places, we've seen this huge emphasis on testing and testing has narrowed the curriculum and has done -- and, worse, a lot of the tests that we have right now are not even correlated to what kids really need in a knowledge economy.But you are right. Most people did not succumb to cheating. Most people in Atlanta did the right thing. But what we're seeing throughout the United States is that much more time is focused on testing as opposed to teaching and learning.Let's take Florida. In Florida, you have almost 80 days a year where some testing is going on in any particular school district. In New York state, where I served on the Cuomo commission, we saw from some superintendents in Rochester, Monroe County, they told us in the first four weeks over 20,000 pretests were being given to kids to 4,000 kids in that district.TAPPER: All right. Thank you so much. We'll have you on again to talk more about education reform.WEINGARTEN: Thank you. Thanks. Good luck with the gig.TAPPER: Thank you so much.From Atlanta to New York City, where in the race to replace Mayor Bloomberg comes a case prosecutors are calling an unappetizing smorgasbord of graft and greed. It reads like a sleazy dime store novel from yesteryear. A Democratic state senator who wanted to be the next mayor of New York City -- good luck with that now -- figured his best chance was to run as a Republican. So he allegedly bribed GOP county leaders to back him with money he got from a real estate tycoon. Too bad the guy bankrolling him was actually an undercover FBI agent. For today's installment of ""Explain This to Me,"" we turn to host of New York 1's ""Road to City Hall,"" Errol Louis.Errol, explain this to me, who is this guy?ERROL LOUIS, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Who is this guy? Well, Malcolm Smith used to be the top Democrat in the New York State Senate, so he actually had quite a lot of power back in 2009. His colleagues unfortunately dumped him after about six months. So, his star was not exactly on the rise. Then he just decided that maybe he could run for mayor.What everyone is mesmerized by, Jake, is the fact that there are so few Republicans in New York City that if you can round up even less than 50,000 votes you can be the nominee and if you get a stroke of luck as Mayor Bloomberg did or Rudy Giuliani did, it's tantalizing. People think maybe they can become mayor.TAPPER: Fascinating.And, Errol, lastly, cash changing hands, parking lots, hushed conversations in restaurants, is this just how business is done in New York City?LOUIS: Well, you know, one of the people arrested said that but I can name you dozens if not hundreds of others who really sort of play it straight. The characters who were arrested are far from the A-team -- very undistinguished, sort of a freshman city council member. Malcolm Smith I just described. These are guys who weren't necessarily going to light up the sky any other way.And I haven't heard anybody yet say, Jake, that they're terribly surprised that this happened.TAPPER: All right. Errol Louis, thank you so much.LOUIS: Thank you.TAPPER: Hash tag, you're it. Help out the New York tabloids. Send us your best headlines for the New York City bribery scandal. Tweet your ideas to @TheLeadCNN. Use the #headlinehelp. We'll read the best ones on air at the end of the show.Thinking of buying a new car? You and everyone else. The U.S. auto industry is on the comeback trail and it has the recession to thank for its turnaround. Our ""Money Lead"" is next.(COMMERCIAL BREAK)TAPPER: ""The Money Lead"": It looks like Motor City has found its mojo. Detroit's big three saw a surge in auto sales last month, the biggest in almost six years. But, surprise, surprise, it's not the economy or even the better business model fueling the come back.CNN Money correspondent Zain Asher is live in New York to explain this all to us. Zain, what's really behind these numbers? ZAIN ASHER, CNN MONEY CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Jake. Well, you know, it's a number of things.First, we've got the record low interest rates. That's making car financing attractive. Right now, you're looking at just under 2.5 percent for a car loan compared to more than 4 percent in 2006. So, things are very cheap right now.Also want to talk about pent-up demand. OK. So, the average American car right now is pretty old. It's roughly around 11 years old. The oldest, in fact, believe it or not, that's ever been. People are now ready to switch over to new and head to the showrooms again.Plus, home sales, construction, and renovation activity, as that increases, you're going to see a big boost in pickup sales because that's what independent contractors tend to drive. Definitely good news for American car manufacturers -- Jake.TAPPER: How do these numbers compare to the sales of foreign cars here in the U.S.?ASHER: Well, it's a little all over the map. So, the big three American car companies, GM, Ford, and Chrysler, were all up between 5 percent and 6 percent. Some foreign car companies like Honda saw an even bigger increase, whereas Toyota and Nissan both had slightly slower months, only roughly around 1 percent.It's been big a big turn-around for American car companies. They tend to focus more on pickup trucks than SUVs. They were hurt very badly during the financial crisis partly because these vehicles tend to gobble for more gas. Also, a lot of the businesses that buy pickup trucks were closing down. Now, we're seeing things slowly start to turn around.U.S. car companies also want to mention they're trying desperately to compete with Asian cars, adding more bells and whistles. So, Ford's got the Sync system, Chevy has got a MyLink entertainment system working with smartphones to integrate music into the driving experience.So, they're trying to compete with the Asian counterparts as well -- Jake.TAPPER: And, Zain, how does the future look?ASHER: Well, experts predict that 15 million cars will be sold this year. Right before the financial crisis, 16.5 million cars were sold. So, not really that far off.Also, as the housing market improves, we're going to see a big boost in car sales especially with pickup trucks.One problem, though, I want to mention, might be urbanization. More people moving to cities to find work that might have a slightly negative impact on car sales. Overall, though, there's a lot working in the car manufacturers' favor right now. So, the upward trend should continue -- Jake.TAPPER: Do you have a car, Zain? Do you drive a car? Or are you one of these New Yorkers who just takes the subway everywhere?ASHER: I used to drive a car when I was in L.A. But now, I take the subway.TAPPER: All right.Will she or won't she? I don't even know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow, but everybody already expects Hillary Clinton to know what she's planning for 2016. I will ask my political panel what their five-year plan is and what they think Clinton is up to, in our 'Politics Lead."" That's coming up.(COMMERCIAL BREAK)TAPPER: Welcome back to THE LEAD. I'm Jake Tapper.""The Politics Lead"": Nothing to see here. Just private citizen Hillary Clinton. She leaps back into the spotlight today. With the money already lining up, here come the questions about 2016.""The World Lead"": The North Korea crisis heating up as in heating up an old nuclear reactor and the U.S. answers with a massive missile destroyer. Is the Pentagon making all the right moves?""The Pop Lead"": I can picture it now. Clint Eastwood turning to an empty chair and asking, who the heck is Lady Gaga? Details of the RNC's big money plan to get her to perform at the convention and how they got rejected.""The World Lead"": The situation in North Korea seems to be careening increasingly out of control by the day. The U.S. military now says that it has a second destroyer in the region after the North announced it is restarting a nuclear reactor and leaving no doubt that it plans to use that reactor to try to make nuclear weapons. The reactor is in Yongbyon. North Korea shut it down five years ago under an agreement reached in six-party talks, which included the U.S.The country made a big show of imploding one of the cooling towers at the facility in 1998. Now, North Korea is turning it on again, giving the usual line about how it will use the facility to generate electricity, but also saying for the first time it will be used to make nuclear weapons, too.North Korea is relaunching a number of other facilities, including ones who enrich uranium, which could also be used for nukes. This comes just a day after the U.S. decided to park a destroyer that can shoot down missiles near the Korean peninsula.Today, the Pentagon announced that a second destroyer is now in the region.But the White House says it is hardly shocked by the North's latest provocation. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)JAY CARNEY, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: North Korea's announcement it will reopen or restart its nuclear facilities at Yongbyon is another indication of its, you know, pattern of contradicting its own commitments and its pattern of violating its international obligation.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: The head of the United Nations sounded a lot more alarmed by the North Korea's announcement. Secretary General Ban Ki- moon, who is South Korean, says the rhetoric is already away over the line." 0 “Thank you for donating your DNA to the shared dream of birthing our own colony of teen heart throbs. #mcm #colonymission,” Megan captioned this throwback pic of her man. Blazers and ear piercings on men were all the rage back in 1992, so Brian was definitely one of the hottest heartthrobs around. Megan’s post came after Brian’s interview with Dax Holt on Hollywood Pipeline’s Facebook Live, where he spoke about whether he and Megan were open to having more children. “I don’t know. I have four boys now, a fifth is a basketball team. So, that would kind of be awesome,” he said before admitting, “I want a girl. I really want a girl.” Brian has a fourth son, 15-year-old Kassius, from a previous relationship. “I'm worried that if I try I'll just get another boy,” he said. “Not ‘just’ ‘cause I love my boys, but I'll have another boy, and I don't know if I'm ready for five.” 0 Kardashian-obsessed Jennifer Lawrence is starting to overstep her boundaries on Kim‘s clan — so much so it’s sent the reality star into a “jealous rage,” RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively! The mother-of-two, 37, is said to be envious “as hell” over the hold Lawrence, 27, has on her infamous momager Kris Jenner. “She’s waltzing into the family’s world acting like a superstar and upsetting the order with her loud chaos. Kris says she’s a hoot and treats her like the blonde daughter she never had.” PHOTOS: Kim Kardashian’s Style Secrets Revealed To make matters worse, sources reveal to Radar that Kris has invited the A-lister over several times for breakfast, lunch and dinner and “always with cocktails flowing.” “Jennifer’s definitely on the VIP invite list for her annual holiday party so Kim’s dreading Jennifer stealing the show.” “The sunshine walks with Jennifer in Kris’ eyes,” adds the informant. “Kim is fed up and doesn’t know what to do.” PHOTOS: Kim Kardashian’s 31 Most Embarrassing Wardrobe Malfunctions Ever And not even her circle of loyal siblings will help. “She’s tried talking to her sisters but they aren’t that bothered.” “Kim was always Kris’ favorite until Jennifer crashed the scene.” We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at tips@radaronline.com, or call us at 800-344-9598 any time, day or night. 1 Did Carrie Underwood force Mike Fisher to retire so they can have a second baby? That’s the claim in this week’s tabloids. Gossip Cop, however, can reveal what’s really going on. “Carrie Underwood: Baby #2 To Save Marriage,” reads a headline in the new issue of Star, which contends, “The country superstar pushed hubby Mike Fisher to quit pro hockey so they could work on their troubled relationship and having another child together.” After Fisher announced his retirement earlier this month, the tabloid is now claiming Underwood “made sure Mike understood it was the right time” to call it quits on his playing days. A so-called “source” is quoted as saying, “Carrie told Mike in no uncertain terms to hang up his skates, in a dramatic attempt to get more together time to mend their troubled relationship.” But the gossip magazine’s supposed snitch doesn’t seem to have first-hand knowledge to back that assertion up. “I heard that she had become really unhappy with the situation. Having Mike home will be one solution, and I believe she hopes that having another baby together will bring them even closer than when they first fell in love,” the purported tipster is quoted as saying. 1 "Greensburg clown found eating a live cat. Late last night Greensburg police received a phone call from a worried resident saying ""she heard very concerning sounds coming from an alley way near her house"". Upon arrival officers instantly heard the noise she was talking about but never expected what they where about to see. Upon investigation they found a 21 year old male dressed as a clown eating a live cat who's legs were zip tied together. The cat was still crying for help as the individual was seemingly eating around the vital spots prolonging it's death. When he noticed the officers he started petting the cat and told the officers ""curiosity killed the cat, I wanted to see if it tasted like Chinese food."" He was non resistant during arrest however did not have identification when asked his name he always replied ""furball munchinsrein the clown"". In the holding cell it was reported he kept calling to a female officer ""here kitty kitty kitty"" she eventually approached him and said what he reportedly said ""I wonder if you taste like Chinese food come on just let me get one little bite"" and continued to bite at the cells bars. He is now in a high security prison for the criminally insane. It was reported that in the asylum he bit open his own fingers and painted himself as a clown with his own blood and refuses to answer questions and instead meows. His trial is on the 31st however police say they doubt he will ever be allowed back into society." 1 Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Former “The Bachelor” star Chris Soules “acted reasonably” after he rear-ended a fellow Iowa farmer by calling 911 and trying to resuscitate the man, his new legal team said Thursday. Soules is charged with leaving the scene of a deadly accident, a felony that carries up to five years in prison, in Monday night’s crash near his farm in northern Iowa that killed 66-year-old Kenneth Mosher. Authorities say that Soules’ truck rear-ended Mosher’s tractor, throwing him into a ditch. Police audio shows that Soules called 911 to report that he had “rear-ended a guy on a tractor” and sought medical help for Mosher before he left the scene in another vehicle. Authorities say that Soules was located at his home about 10 miles away but that he initially refused to answer his door for officers. He was arrested five hours after the crash after they obtained a warrant to enter the home. Soules was released on bond Tuesday after 10 hours in jail. Investigators are looking into who drove Soules away and whether alcohol, speed or texting played a role in the crash. The sheriff says alcoholic beverages were found at the scene and police are trying to determine who had possessed them. Soules had been represented by attorney Molly Spellman at his initial court appearance Tuesday. But on Thursday, high-profile Iowa defense lawyer Alfredo Parrish and two colleagues from his Des Moines law firm informed the court that they are now representing Soules in the case. A statement issued Thursday from the firm and Soules’ publicist argued audio of the 911 call showed that initial portrayals of Soules having fled the scene were misleading. The statement noted that Soules identified himself on the call and “explained his role in the terrible accident.” It added that he tried to perform CPR on the victim and stayed until emergency medical personnel arrived — two facts that aren’t clear on the call. The call featured someone performing CPR but it wasn’t clear that it was Soules, who told the dispatcher that he didn’t know the technique. The call was abruptly ended by Soules, who police say then “took off” in a truck. “His attorneys are confident that once all the evidence is made public, it will show Soules acted reasonably and did everything in his power to provide aid to Mr. Mosher,” the statement said, adding that everyone “in this close-knit farming community is mourning Mr. Mosher’s passing.” Soules, who is required to wear an ankle bracelet for monitoring, is due in court next week for a preliminary hearing. 0 "As recently as a month and a half ago, Kanye Westhad serious doubts about the future of his marriage to Kim Kardashian. In a new interview with The New York Times, the rapper revealed that he had a ""real conversation"" about the possibility of a divorce over controversial remarks he made during an unfiltered appearance on TMZ Live. In May, West sparked widespread backlash when he said slavery was a choice, a statement he also told the NYT was taken out of context. As Kanye recalled, ""There was a moment where I felt like after TMZ, maybe a week after that, I felt like the energy levels were low, and I called different family members and was asking, you know, ‘Was Kim thinking about leaving me after TMZ?' So that was a real conversation.""" 1 The 44th annual Daytime Emmy Awards were handed out Sunday night. General Hospital, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Talk, Entertainment Tonight, Good Morning America, Jeopardy! and Steve Harvey were among the night's big winners. Harvey, in fact, won two awards: best game show host for Family Feud and best informative talk show host for his eponymous talker. Heading into the ceremony, CBS' The Young and the Restless led all nominees with a total of 25, followed by the network's The Bold and the Beautiful. Both series were nominated for best daytime drama alongside NBC's Days of Our Lives and last year's winner, ABC's General Hospital. CBS also led all networks and streaming services with a total of 70 noms. Also at the 44th Daytime Emmy Awards, former Entertainment Tonight host Mary Hart was honored with the lifetime achievement award. Longtime Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune producer Harry Friedman received the same honor Friday at the 44th Daytime Creative Arts Emmy Awards ceremony. Both awards shows took place at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. This year's nominees included The Hollywood Reporter, which landed its first-ever nom, for its Close Up With 'The Hollywood Reporter' series with Sundance TV, in the outstanding special-class series category. The executive producers are Matthew Belloni, Stephen Galloway, Paul Haddad, Jennifer Laski, Janice Min and Lacey Rose, with Stephanie Fischette serving as producer. THR previously won an Emmy for its roundtable discussion 'The Hollywood Reporter' in Focus: 'The Wolf of Wall Street', which aired on PBS SoCal. A list of Daytime Emmy winners in select categories follows. More on the Creative Arts Awards ceremony can be found here. 0 Clint Eastwood says his doctors have put him on notice to get his affairs in order and prepare for that final trip in one of those limousine station wagons we call a hearse. The famous actor, 89, says he’ll be lucky to see 2019:“I’ve had a good run. They say I’m probably gonna be on the list of dead people at the awards show next year. Me and that damned empty chair. Guaranteed. Why can’t folks just let that go?”Eastwood, always in good spirits, says that he’s made a good life for his family and taken care of them with trust funds, homes and large insurance policies and that he’d like to see his personal estate go to something…bigger:“I have been able to sit here in this magnificent ranch watching as President Trump made America great again in just a few months. He’ll persevere through the witch hunt and I will do what I can to make his journey easier.”Eastwood is donating his Northern California ranch, 40K acres of grazing land in Nevada and more than $7 million in cash and other assets to Trump’s 2020 campaign. The campaign has said they will be delighted to accept the donation and will use the ranch as a command center for the entire Pacific Northwest:“We’ll be able to sit up there, far from the prying eyes of Obama and the deep state and the deep levels of corruption still inside the Justice department and FBI, and strategize without worrying about being called before a federal prosecutor for it.”Clint Eastwood will be remembered for a lot of things after he’s gone, but this may be the biggest. Thanks for a lifetime of entertaining us, Clint! 1 Holy moly! A (fake) picture of a shark swimming on a Puerto Rico street! (Reddit)That’s because it is.Google “shark,” and up pops a great photo of a shark stalking a kayak from a 2005 issue of Africa Geographic.. Commenters on Reddit, where the photo seems to have originated, quickly noted this and the very real similarities between the two sharks (note the small circular shadow just below the shark’s belly.)Some sites have since realized their error. Neatorama, for example, has removed its story with the photo called “Thank you, Hurricane Irene: Shark in the street.” We’ve asked Channel 7 in Miami, which broadcast the user-submitted photo, if it plans to inform viewers about its fakeness. We will update this post if we hear back.This phenomenon is nothing new. After the death of Osama bin Laden, a fake photo of his body circulated on Arab news outlets. When the earthquake hit Japan, photographs of a damaged church started circulating. The church was located in Christchurch, New Zealand.What’s the lesson here? If you see a picture of a dolphin hanging out in Central Park after Irene moves through the East Coast this weekend, you may want to investigate it further.More Hurricane Irene coverage from the Washington Post:Hurricane TrackerMassive Hurricane Irene resumes intensificationHurricane Irene to sock beaches, sweep D.C. metro regionA warm and summery calm before Irene; tropical storm warning issued 1 "(CNN) The biggest misconception surrounding the special counsel probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election is that it will likely end in some sort of legal proceeding involving President Donald Trump. It won't -- for a bunch of reasons, the most important of which is that Robert Mueller, who is running the investigation, doesn't seem to believe a sitting President can be indicted. The much more likely outcome is that Mueller releases the findings from his investigation sometime this fall — and lets the chips, as they relate to Trump, fall where they may. Which means — and this is what Trump and his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani have understood for months — that, ultimately, this isn't a legal fight, it's a public relations one. Giuliani tipped his hand on that strategy Monday in an interview with CNN's Alisyn Camerota. ""I'll be here with my version of the report and they'll have their version of the report and the American people, in that sense, are going to decide it,"" Giuliani said of the Mueller investigation. ""My version"" vs. ""their version."" What that construct from Giuliani misses, of course, is that one of the ""versions"" will be the result of a Justice Department-commissioned investigation led by the former head of the FBI that has already spanned more than a year. The other ""version"" will be Giuliani's cable TV appearances and President Trump's tweets. That is, on its face, an apples-and-oranges comparison. But remember what Giuliani and Trump know: The debate over whether and how much Trump did wrong (if anything) is almost certain to be decided in the court of public opinion, not an actual court. And in the court of public opinion -- particularly given the fealty that rank-and-file Republicans have shown (and continue to show) to Trump, the comparison is far more favorable to Trump's side." 1 We have learned that the alleged mom-to-be is having a hard time with her pregnancy, not because of any complications but because it has been isolating her and pushing her closest friends away. Just like Kylie, Khloe also reportedly feels really lonely while waiting to welcome her first child with basketball player boyfriend, Tristan Thompson. Much like her younger half-sister’s situation, it looks like Khloe’s road to motherhood is just a neverending nightmare. The 33-year-old is apparently, ‘unmotivated’ and ‘tired’ all the time but that’s not all – she’s also very anxious and feels isolated in Tristan’s adopted hometown of Cleveland. That is definitely not good for her or her baby, but she just can’t help it – she feels horrible! ‘Her anxiety is going from bad to worse. She is lonely being away from her family,’ one source close to the Kardashian family revealed. Khloe, who’s struggled with her body image and weight in the past is also devastated reading mean comments from fans that make fun of her curvier figure now that she is expecting. ‘There is the body-shaming, which has been off the charts lately. She cannot wait for this pregnancy to be over and done with,’ the insider added. In addition, Khloe has been suffering horrible morning sickness all throughout her first trimester and also often complains about her hair thinning to pals. Similarly, Kylie Jenner is also expecting her first child, rumors say and is terrified of how much weight she has gained. The pregnancy body is scaring her so much that she refuses to leave the house. Advertisement ‘She is at a very low point right now. She’s really bummed out,’ another insider told us about Kylie. 1 "Is it even a proper Independence Day celebration without fireworks, Stars and Stripes face paint, and photos from one of Taylor Swift's infamous Fourth of July parties? Yes it is, but still the Internet had to do without the latter in 2018, because this was the second year in a row that her home in Watch Hill, Rhode Island was empty on America's birthday. (In other words, perhaps Taylor not celebrating the 4th during Trump's presidency is her biggest political statement yet?) Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Instead of holding one of her #squad-powered summer bashes this year, T-Swift chose to spend a break from her current world tour in Turks and Caicos with her boyfriend actor Joe Alwyn. The couple were spotted all loved up and canoodling on the beach and in the clear tropical waters. And yes, while Swift abandoned America to vacation a British territory islands with her British beau, she was spotted sporting a red, blue, and white striped bikini from swimwear brand Solid and Striped. America represent! 🇺🇸 The Jamie Top solidandstriped.com $88.00 Shop Now Taylor and Joe allegedly first met at the 2016 Met Gala, but their ~relationship status~ wasn't confirmed until a year later in May 2017. A source tells People, ""Joe is just an amazing boyfriend. He is very supportive. Taylor adores his family. She’s in a very good place."" On the few occasions they have been spotted together in public, the couple have always looked like they're absolutely crazy about each other, but have made sure to hide their love from the public eye as much as possible. In fact, these photos mark the first time Taylor and Joe have been spotted together since their lunch date in North London over a month ago. In other words then, this is a far cry from those seemingly-posed, definitely cheesy beach pics with her (also British) ex Tom Hiddleston. Well the two certainly look like they're having a lovely time on their little beach getaway, soaking in some sun and snorkeling and hopefully enjoying colorful cocktails too. But a gigantic Taymerica inflatable pool slide would've made it even better, right?! Then again, as we see in the photo, who needs a floatie when you've got a... dreamboat to lean on? Follow Jasmine on Instagram." 1 "If you've seen the classic Groundhogs Day with Bill Murray , maybe you wondered how many Groundhog Days occur in the movie? Science has an answer. By science, we mean the internet. According to IFC , here's the exact numbers: Groundhog Days Murray’s Phil Connors endures in “Groundhog Day:” 12,403 days. That’s 33 years and 358 days"" Over 33 years of the same day. By that, you would know EVERY single person in town, which Phil Connors seems too. They came to this by adding up every day we see Phil endure, plus any day he specifically mentions but we don’t see: (he claims he’s been “stabbed, shot, poisoned, frozen, hung, electrocuted, and burned,” but we only see the electrocution, so tack on six more days Also, did you know Billy Murray was bitten twice by the groundhog on the set? Hollywood Reporter reports he needed a rabies shot. However, Hollywood Reporter has a different answer on the days in the movie: Ramis once said Phil was trapped in Groundhog Day for 10 years, even though the original plan was to have him trapped for 10,000 years. According to the website Wolf Gnards, which ran the numbers, Phil was actually trapped for eight years, eight months and 16 days."" I'm going with IFC on this one. BONUS VIDEO" 0 Call it the curse we're totally guilty of... Ya know? The evil spell forever connecting Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to their Edward and Bella counterparts—especially when each half of our favorite twosome has been killing it in a slew of new roles. Which, like, totally sucks for the darling duo since—dare we say—both Rob and Kris are A-list actors worthy of some award show recognition? So, can the world (and Team Truth) move past this Twilight obsession? And what's with Uma Thurman being the latest offender? 1 Justin Bieber put Hollywood Life on public blast on Friday. The superstar took to Instagram to slam the gossip blog for a false story it published about him and former girlfriend Selena Gomez. Singling out just one of the numerous, fabricated Jelena claims the website has made up over the years, Bieber called out a story the blog posted on Thursday, May 28 headlined, “Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez: Why Their Church Believes They Should Be Together.” “Hollywood Life is the most outrageous fake weird non factual garbage website I’ve ever seen,” the 21-year-old ripped on Instagram, alongside a screenshot of the headline. Explaining why he finally spoke up, Bieber went on, “They literally make up whatever they want and usually I don’t care, but this one is so ridiculous I had to say something. Don’t go to their website and give them any traffic.” The heartthrob subsequently deleted his Instagram posting, but not before it was picked up by media outlets and commended by his fans. What’s more insane is how much other outlets quotes their fanfics as facts https://t.co/4vBBbjmDu9 — Anzi (@JustinK007) May 29, 2015 The fake jelena stories are the worst… when they decided to drag the church into it, he had enough — banjokofolake (@banjokofolake) May 29, 2015 Finally he said it…suck on that @HollywoodLife. — JustinBieberCrew.com (@JBCrewdotcom) May 29, 2015 If i ever see a RT on my TL from @HollywoodLife you’re getting automatically blocked i don’t want to see any of their nonsense anymore. — Irene (@Tanziirene) May 29, 2015 selena stans need to chill. he wasn’t being mean to her at all. he’s defending their church, which is important not only to him but her too — Laura (@PraiseNDream) May 29, 2015 In typical Hollywood Life fashion, the blog exploited Bieber and Gomez’s Internet-igniting, joint appearance in a Snapchat story posted by Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. from a church-related meet in Los Angeles on Wednesday, (May 27). The pair were also reportedly seen at Hillsong Church in Los Angeles on May 24. Among the claims Bieber found so “ridiculous” in the site’s subsequent report was a quote from a so-called “source” which alleged, “[Justin and Selena’s] pastors are pretty much all married and they married very young. They are very pro-marriage and pro-family and the feeling in that group is that Justin and Selena belong together.” The imaginary insider went on, “Justin has said many many times that he believes Selena is his soul mate, and that isn’t something his pastors take lightly. (sic)” The site also alleged that Selena’s friend Taylor Swift was miffed over Bieber and Gomez hanging out. It’s claimed that “once she [Swift] heard about Selena being with Justin again, she just shook her head and was very disappointed.” The watchdog website Gossip Cop has since confirmed Swift made no such comment. In addition, both E! News and TMZ reported Bieber and Gomez are not remotely considering reuniting and ran into each other unexpectedly at Wilkerson’s gathering. “They are definitely not back together whatsoever,” an insider told E! “Definitely not.” The source added that the duo were “cordial and friendly to each other,” and that, “for the first time, it wasn’t awkward. It was harmless.” Before Bieber deleted his riot act Instagram, fans noticed Ariana Grande was among the thousands who left a comment. The songstress wrote, “yaaaaasss justin yaaaaasss.” In so doing, Grande joins an ever-expanding list of celebrities who have publicly criticized Hollywood Life for fabricating reports. That list includes Gomez, who previously stated that the site’s stories about her were “never true.” Austin Mahone angry-tweeted the site after it reported a false story about his breakup with Fifth Harmony’s Camila Cabello. More recently, Hailey Baldwin slammed the site as “absolutely disgusting” after it claimed that she, Bieber, and mutual pal Kendall Jenner, are involved in a sexual love triangle. Hey @HollywoodLife I think u guys are absolutely disgusting. U should really learn to leave teenagers be and stop writing so much garbage. — Hailey Baldwin (@haileybaldwin) May 13, 2015 Considering the disgraced Hollywood Life topped Gossip Cop’s “Worst Outlet in Celebrity Journalism” report last November, and has just been shamed again by the watchdog site for falsely claiming Bieber recently contacted Gomez about recording a new duet — only one question remains: Why is any media outlet of repute still citing Hollywood Life as a credible source? Is it at all likely that this repeatedly exposed clickbait-chaser has access to insiders close enough to Bieber and Gomez to back up its risible, 24/7 “Exclusives!”? Update: Tellingly, the story in question has since been taken down from Hollywood Life’s website since Bieber’s “final straw” statement. Whether the blog intends to remove the rest of its extensive Jelena content remains to be seen. [Images via Juliano-KMMix/x17online/Instagram] 1 "Like always, Coachella was the popular hangout spot for A-list celebs this weekend. The star-studded grounds of Indio, California, were packed with famous musicians, models and actors listening to music and letting their guards down -- including Selena Gomez and The Weeknd. REX/Shutterstock Our fav couple was spotted cuddling on the festival grounds on Saturday, April 15, and they definitely weren't afraid to pack on the PDA. I mean, look at them. The literally can't stop making out. Take a breather, you two! At this point, we aren't too surprised Selena Gomez and her famous bae DGAF about the cameras around them because they've already been spotted multiple times getting intimate in public places. But, hey, they're still cute as hell and we still can't get enough of 'em. So let's look at more pics, shall we? Over the weekend, Selena was wearing a springy, light blue dress covered in daisies while Abel rocked a blue plaid shirt. It was a shockingly low-key Coachella look for celebrities. Either way, they looked adorable kissing in the crowd. Oh, look! More kissing! Look at these hotties. My personal favorite picture of the couple from Coachella is a painfully adorable selfie Selena posted on Instagram yesterday. In the photo, Abel has his arm wrapped around her as she peeks at the camera above her shades. She looks totally smitten. C'MON, GUYS. QUIT BEING SO DAMN CUTE. Well, it's safe to say these two had a romantic getaway in Coachella Valley, but it wasn't all kissing and relaxation for both of them. On Saturday night, The Weeknd stepped away from Selena and hit the stage for a duet with Nav where he sang ""Party Monster,"" ""Starboy"" and ""Some Way."" I wonder if they got separation anxiety from the few moments they weren't together. While Selena and Abel were having the times of their lives at Coachella, Abel's ex Bella Hadid was nowhere in sight. Instead of taking a trip to Cali, the model flew to Dubai for a weekend full of boat chillin' and skydiving with friends. Maybe she was trying to avoid the massive PDA between Selena and her ex, or maybe she just isn't a festival-goer. Either way, if I were her, I definitely wouldn't want to be stuck witnessing the blatant affection happening on Saturday. But based off the fact both Selena and The Weeknd have made their love IG official, it's getting pretty impossible to ignore it. Citations: Here's What Bella Hadid Was Doing While The Weeknd and Selena Gomez Cuddled Up at Coachella (Hint: It's Intense!) (E! News), Selena Gomez & The Weeknd Get Cozy at Coachella 2017 (Billboard)" 0 Naomi Watts and Liam Neeson are NOT Dating!! Truth to the False article. The recent news of Naomi Watts and Liam Neeson has been gaining the attention when National Enquirer stated the wrong heading of the two celebrities dating. It was later found out that Naomi and Liam were not dating despite the news on the tabloid. The truth of the news After the news was posted, GossipCop debunks the claim by saying – We’re told it’s “not true.” When there is a false rumor there is Gossip cop to correct the false story. A headline in the current National Enquirer declares, “Newly Single Naomi Is Really ‘Taken’ With Liam!”. According to them, the stars are “dating” which is followed by saying, “Single mom Naomi Watts has been sharing cozy dinner dates with Liam Neeson — and could finally mend the action hero’s, broken heart!” To prove the false news they also quoted the source. “They have a lot in common beyond the movie business,” as the source says. “Naomi and Liam are both single parents to two boys and they’re both ex-pats living in New York.” By stating the obvious they made all the rumors seem true. Not only that they have also said that an arranged meeting was set with Liam through her manager and Adds the outlet’s supposed tipster, It is just a false news. Even stars haven’t been seen together, despite paparazzi often following Watts around New York City. Another Site with the same claim There was also another report in Celeb Dirty Laundry following the same news. “Naomi Watts Finds Love Again: Dating Liam Neeson After Liev Schreiber Split?” reads a headline from the repeatedly discredited Celeb Dirty Laundry, which goes on to claim the actress is dating again. “She and Hollywood hunk Liam Neeson have been secretly seeing each other. They are both huge stars and have managed to bond over their similar interests.” adds without any proof or source. “Liam hasn’t had much luck in the dating pool ever since his wife Natasha Richardson tragically died during a ski trip back in 2009,” further supporting the news, adding, “But for Naomi and Liam, the timing now is just right. They’re both single and ready to find love again.” The news was rescued as, “There is no ‘dating’ relationship here,” Gossip Cop was told. Both the articles were false. Short bio of Naomi Watts Naomi is an English actress and film producer. She made her screen debut in the Australian drama film For Love Alone (1986) and then appeared in the Australian television series Hey Dad..! (1990), Brides of Christ (1991) and Home and Away (1991) and alongside Nicole Kidman and Thandie Newton in the coming-of-age comedy-drama film Flirting (1991). After moving to America, Watts appeared in films, including Tank Girl (1995), Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering (1996) and Dangerous Beauty (1998) and had the lead role in the television series Sleepwalkers (1997–1998). More bio… Short bio of Liam Neeson Liam, OBE, is an actor from Northern Ireland. In 1976, he joined the Lyric Players’ Theatre in Belfast for two years. He then acted in the Arthurian film, Excalibur (1981). Between 1982 and 1987, Neeson starred in five films; most notably alongside Mel Gibson and Anthony Hopkins in The Bounty (1984) and Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons in The Mission (1986). He landed a leading role alongside Patrick Swayze in Next of Kin (1989). More Bio… 1 MTV - Movie - TV - Awards - Out (Excerpt) Read more at: E! Online Wake Up To Breaking News! SUBMIT This year's award show will take place at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on Sunday, May 7, at 8 p.m. and Adam Devine will host for the first time.The Fast & Furious franchise will be receiving this year's Generation Award as its eighth installment is currently the No.1 movie in the world.This is the first-ever MTV Movie & TV Awards and Get Out leads the pack with six nominations: Movie of the Year, Best Villain, Best Fight Against... 0 "Supreme Court Case: Flemming vs. NestorBackground to the Case:The fact that workers contribute to the Social Security program's funding through a dedicated payroll tax establishes a unique connection between those tax payments and future benefits. More so than general federal income taxes can be said to establish ""rights"" to certain government services. This is often expressed in the idea that Social Security benefits are ""an earned right."" This is true enough in a moral and political sense. But like all federal entitlement programs, Congress can change the rules regarding eligibility--and it has done so many times over the years. The rules can be made more generous, or they can be made more restrictive. Benefits which are granted at one time can be withdrawn, as for example with student benefits, which were substantially scaled-back in the 1983 Amendments.There has been a temptation throughout the program's history for some people to suppose that their FICA payroll taxes entitle them to a benefit in a legal, contractual sense. That is to say, if a person makes FICA contributions over a number of years, Congress cannot, according to this reasoning, change the rules in such a way that deprives a contributor of a promised future benefit. Under this reasoning, benefits under Social Security could probably only be increased, never decreased, if the Act could be amended at all. Congress clearly had no such limitation in mind when crafting the law. Section 1104 of the 1935 Act, entitled ""RESERVATION OF POWER,"" specifically said: ""The right to alter, amend, or repeal any provision of this Act is hereby reserved to the Congress."" Even so, some have thought that this reservation was in some way unconstitutional. This is the issue finally settled by Flemming v. Nestor.In this 1960 Supreme Court decision Nestor's denial of benefits was upheld even though he had contributed to the program for 19 years and was already receiving benefits. Under a 1954 law, Social Security benefits were denied to persons deported for, among other things, having been a member of the Communist party. Accordingly, Mr. Nestor's benefits were terminated. He appealed the termination arguing, among other claims, that promised Social Security benefits were a contract and that Congress could not renege on that contract. In its ruling, the Court rejected this argument and established the principle that entitlement to Social Security benefits is not contractual right. Flemming V. Nestor Case Name: FLEMMING V. NESTOR 363 U.S. 603 NO. 54. ARGUED FEBRUARY 24, 1960. - DECIDED JUNE 20, 1960. - 169 F. SUPP. 922, REVERSED . THE TERMINATION OF OLD-AGE BENEFITS PAYABLE TO AN ALIEN WHO, AFTER THE DATE OF ITS ENACTMENT (SEPTEMBER 1, 1954), IS DEPORTED UNDER SEC. 241(A) OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT ON ANY ONE OF CERTAIN GROUNDS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 202(N). APPELLEE, AN ALIEN WHO HAD BECOME ELIGIBLE FOR OLD-AGE BENEFITS IN 1955, WAS DEPORTED IN 1956, PURSUANT TO SEC. 241(A) OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT, FOR HAVING BEEN A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY FROM 1933 TO 1939. SINCE THIS WAS ONE OF THE GROUNDS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 202(N), HIS OLD-AGE BENEFITS WERE TERMINATED SHORTLY THEREAFTER. HE COMMENCED THIS ACTION IN A SINGLE JUDGE DISTRICT COURT, UNDER SEC. 205(G) OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT, TO SECURE JUDICIAL REVIEW OF THAT ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION. THE DISTRICT COURT HELD THAT SEC. 202(N) DEPRIVED APPELLEE OF AN ACCRUED PROPERTY RIGHT AND, THEREFORE, VIOLATED THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT. HELD: 1. ALTHOUGH THIS ACTION DREW INTO QUESTION THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF SEC. 202(N), IT DID NOT INVOLVE AN INJUNCTION OR OTHERWISE INTERDICT THE OPERATION OF THE STATUTORY SCHEME; 28 U.S.C. SEC. 2282, FORBIDDING THE ISSUANCE OF AN INJUNCTION RESTRAINING THE ENFORCEMENT, OPERATION OR EXECUTION OF AN ACT OF CONGRESS FOR REPUGNANCE TO THE CONSTITUTION, EXCEPT BY A THREE-JUDGE DISTRICT COURT, WAS NOT APPLICABLE; AND JURISDICTION OVER THE ACTION WAS PROPERLY EXERCISED BY THE SINGLE-JUDGE DISTRICT COURT. PP. 606-608. 2. A PERSON COVERED BY THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT HAS NOT SUCH A RIGHT IN OLD-AGE BENEFIT PAYMENTS AS WOULD MAKE EVERY DEFEASANCE OF ""ACCRUED"" INTERESTS VIOLATIVE OF THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT. PP. 608-611. (A) THE NONCONTRACTUAL INTEREST OF AN EMPLOYEE COVERED BY THE ACT CANNOT BE SOUNDLY ANALOGIZED TO THAT OF THE HOLDER OF AN ANNUITY, WHOSE RIGHTS TO BENEFITS ARE BASED ON HIS CONTRACTUAL PREMIUM PAYMENTS. PP. 608-610. (B) TO ENGRAFT UPON THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM A CONCEPT OF ""ACCRUED PROPERTY RIGHTS"" WOULD DEPRIVE IT OF THE FLEXIBILITY AND BOLDNESS IN ADJUSTMENT TO EVER-CHANGING CONDITIONS WHICH IT DEMANDS AND WHICH CONGRESS PROBABLY HAD IN MIND WHEN IT EXPRESSLY RESERVED THE RIGHT TO ALTER, AMEND OR REPEAL ANY PROVISION OF THE ACT. PP. 610-611. 3. SECTION 202(N) OF THE ACT CANNOT BE CONDEMNED AS SO LACKING IN RATIONAL JUSTIFICATION AS TO OFFEND DUE PROCESS. PP. 611-612. 4. TERMINATION OF APPELLEE'S BENEFITS UNDER SEC. 202(N) DOES NOT AMOUNT TO PUNISHING HIM WITHOUT A TRIAL, IN VIOLATION OF ART. III, SEC. 2, CL. 3, OF THE CONSTITUTION OR THE SIXTH AMENDMENT; NOR IS SEC. 202(N) A BILL OF ATTAINDER OR EX POST FACTO LAW, SINCE ITS PURPOSE IS NOT PUNITIVE. PP. 612-621. FLEMMING , SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, V. NESTOR . APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. MR. JUSTICE HARLAN DELIVERED THE OPINON OF THE COURT. FROM A DECISION OF THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOLDING SEC. 202(N) OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT (68 STAT. 1083, AS AMENDED, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 402(N)) UNCONSTITUTIONAL, THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE TAKES THIS DIRECT APPEAL PURSUANT TO 28 U.S.C. SEC. 1252. THE CHALLENGED SECTION, SET FORTH IN FULL IN THE MARGIN, (FN1) PROVIDES FOR THE TERMINATION OF OLD-AGE, SURVIVOR, AND DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFITS PAYABLE TO, OR IN CERTAIN CASES IN RESPECT OF, AN ALIEN INDIVIDUAL WHO, AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 1954 (THE DATE OF ENACTMENT OF THE SECTION), IS DEPORTED UNDER SEC. 241(A) OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT (8 U.S.C. SEC. 1251A)) ON ANY ONE OF CERTAIN GROUNDS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 202(N). APPELLEE, AN ALIEN, IMMIGRATED TO THIS COUNTRY FROM BULGARIA IN 1913, AND BECAME ELIGIBLE FOR OLD-AGE BENEFITS IN NOVEMBER 1955. IN JULY 1956 HE WAS DEPORTED PURSUANT TO SEC. 241(A)(6)(C)(I) OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT FOR HAVING BEEN A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY FROM 1933 TO 1939. THIS BEING ONE OF THE BENEFIT TERMINATION DEPORTATION GROUNDS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 202(N), APPELLEE'S BENEFITS WERE TERMINATED SOON THEREAFTER, AND NOTICE OF THE TERMINATION WAS GIVEN TO HIS WIFE, WHO HAD REMAINED IN THIS COUNTRY. (FN2) UPON HIS FAILURE TO OBTAIN ADMINISTRATIVE REVERSAL OF THE DECISION, APPELLEE COMMENCED THIS ACTION IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PURSUANT TO SEC. 205(G) OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT (53 STAT. 1370, AS AMENDED, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 405(G)), TO SECURE JUDICIAL REVIEW. (FN3) ON CROSS-MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT, THE DISTRICT COURT RULED FOR APPELLEE, HOLDING SEC. 202(N) UNCONSTITUTIONAL UNDER THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT IN THAT IT DEPRIVED APPELLEE OF AN ACCRUED PROPERTY RIGHT. 169 F. SUPP. 922. THE SECRETARY PROSECUTED AN APPEAL TO THIS COURT, AND, SUBJECT TO A JURISDICTIONAL QUESTION HEREINAFTER DISCUSSED, WE SET THE CASE DOWN FOR PLENARY HEARING. 360 U.S. 915. THE PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL QUESTION IS WHETHER 28 U.S.C. SEC. 2282 IS APPLICABLE, AND THEREFORE REQUIRED THAT THE CASE BE HEARD BELOW BEFORE THREE JUDGES, RATHER THAN BY A SINGLE JUDGE, AS IT WAS. SECTION 2282 FORBIDS THE ISSUANCE, EXCEPT BY A THREE-JUDGE DISTRICT COURT, OF ANY ""INTERLOCUTORY OR PERMANENT INJUNCTION RESTRAINING THE ENFORCEMENT, OPERATION OR EXECUTION OF ANY ACT OF CONGRESS FOR REPUGNANCE TO THE CONSTITUTION ... ."" NEITHER PARTY REQUESTED A THREE-JUDGE COURT BELOW, AND IN THIS COURT BOTH PARTIES ARGUE THE INAPPLICABILITY OF SEC. 2282. IF THE PROVISION APPLIES, WE CANNOT REACH THE MERITS, BUT MUST VACATE THE JUDGMENT BELOW AND REMAND THE CASE FOR CONSIDERATION BY A THREE-JUDGE DISTRICT COURT. SEE FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION V. THE DARLINGTON, INC., 352 U.S. 977. UNDER THE DECISIONS OF THIS COURT, THIS SEC. 205(G) ACTION COULD, AND DID, DRAW IN QUESTION THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF SEC. 202(N). SEE, E.G., ANNISTON MFG. CO. V. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 337, 345-346. HOWEVER, THE ACTION DID NO MORE. IT DID NOT SEEK AFFIRMATIVELY TO INTERDICT THE OPERATION OF A STATUTORY SCHEME. A JUDGMENT FOR THE APPELLEE WOULD NOT PUT THE OPERATION OF A FEDERAL STATUTE UNDER THE RESTRAINT OF AN EQUITY DECREE; INDEED, APART FROM ITS EFFECT UNDER THE DOCTRINE OF STARE DECISIS, IT WOULD HAVE NO OTHER RESULT THAN TO REQUIRE THE PAYMENT OF APPELLEE'S BENEFITS. IN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES WE THINK THAT WHAT WAS SAID IN GARMENT WORKERS V. DONNELLY CO., 304 U.S. 243, WHERE THIS COURT DEALT WITH AN ANALOGOUS SITUATION, IS CONTROLLING HERE: ""THE PREDECESSOR OF SEC. 2282 DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR A CASE WHERE THE VALIDITY OF AN ACT OF CONGRESS IS MERELY DRAWN IN QUESTION, ALBEIT THAT QUESTION BE DECIDED, BUT ONLY FOR A CASE WHERE THERE IS AN APPLICATION FOR AN INTERLOCUTORY OR PERMANENT INJUNCTION TO RESTRAIN THE ENFORCEMENT OF AN ACT OF CONGRESS ... . HAD CONGRESS INTENDED THE PROVISION ... , FOR THREE JUDGES AND DIRECT APPEAL, TO APPLY WHENEVER A QUESTION OF THE VALIDITY OF AN ACT OF CONGRESS BECAME INVOLVED, CONGRESS WOULD NATURALLY HAVE USED THE FAMILIAR PHRASE 'DRAWN IN QUESTION' ... ."" ID., AT 250. WE HOLD THAT JURISDICTION OVER THE ACTION WAS PROPERLY EXERCISED BY THE DISTRICT COURT, AND THEREFORE REACH THE MERITS. I. WE THINK THAT THE DISTRICT COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT SEC. 202(N) DEPRIVED APPELLEE OF AN ""ACCRUED PROPERTY RIGHT."" 169 F. SUPP., AT 934. APPELLEE'S RIGHT TO SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS CANNOT PROPERLY BE CONSIDERED TO HAVE BEEN OF THAT ORDER. THE GENERAL PURPOSES UNDERLYING THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT WERE EXPOUNDED BY MR. JUSTICE CARDOZO IN HELVERING V. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 619, 640-645. THE ISSUE HERE, HOWEVER, REQUIRES SOME INQUIRY INTO THE STATUTORY SCHEME BY WHICH THOSE PURPOSES ARE SOUGHT TO BE ACHIEVED. PAYMENTS UNDER THE ACT ARE BASED UPON THE WAGE EARNER'S RECORD OF EARNINGS IN EMPLOYMENT OR SELF-EMPLOYMENT COVERED BY THE ACT, AND TAKE THE FORM OF OLD-AGE INSURANCE AND DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFITS INURING TO THE WAGE EARNER (KNOWN AS THE ""PRIMARY BENEFICIARY""), AND OF BENEFITS, INCLUDING SURVIVOR BENEFITS, PAYABLE TO NAMED DEPENDENTS (""SECONDARY BENEFICIARIES"") OF A WAGE EARNER. BROADLY SPEAKING, ELIGIBILITY FOR BENEFITS DEPENDS ON SATISFYING STATUTORY CONDITIONS AS TO (1) EMPLOYMENT IN COVERED EMPLOYMENT OR SELF-EMPLOYMENT (SEE SEC. 210(A), 42 U.S.C. SEC. 410(A)); (2) THE REQUISITE NUMBER OF ""QUARTERS OF COVERAGE"" - I.E., THREE-MONTH PERIODS DURING WHICH NOT LESS THAN A STATED SUM WAS EARNED - THE NUMBER DEPENDING GENERALLY ON AGE (SEE SECS. 213-215, 42 U.S.C. SECS. 413-415); AND (3) ATTAINMENT OF THE RETIREMENT AGE (SEE SEC. 216(A), 42 U.S.C. SEC. 416(A)). SEC. 202(A), 42 U.S.C. SEC. 402(A). (FN4) ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS ONCE GAINED IS PARTIALLY OR TOTALLY LOST IF THE BENEFICIARY EARNS MORE THAN A STATED ANNUAL SUM, UNLESS HE OR SHE IS AT LEAST 72 YEARS OLD. SEC. 203(B), (E), 42 U.S.C. SEC. 403(B), (E). OF SPECIAL IMPORTANCE IN THIS CASE IS THE FACT THAT ELIGIBILITY FOR BENEFITS, AND THE AMOUNT OF SUCH BENEFITS, DO NOT IN ANY TRUE SENSE DEPEND ON CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROGRAM THROUGH THE PAYMENT OF TAXES, BUT RATHER ON THE EARNINGS RECORD OF THE PRIMARY BENEFICIARY. THE PROGRAM IS FINANCED THROUGH A PAYROLL TAX LEVIED ON EMPLOYEES IN COVERED EMPLOYMENT, AND ON THEIR EMPLOYERS. THE TAX RATE, WHICH IS A FIXED PERCENTAGE OF THE FIRST $4,800 OF EMPLOYEE ANNUAL INCOME, IS SET AT A SCALE WHICH WILL INCREASE FROM YEAR TO YEAR, PRESUMABLY TO KEEP PACE WITH RISING BENEFIT COSTS. I.R.C. OF 1954, SECS. 3101, 3111, 3121(A). THE TAX PROCEEDS ARE PAID INTO THE TREASURY ""AS INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTIONS,"" I.R.C., SEC. 3501, AND EACH YEAR AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE PROCEEDS IS APPROPRIATED TO A TRUST FUND, FROM WHICH BENEFITS AND THE EXPENSES OF THE PROGRAM ARE PAID. SEC. 201, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 401. IT WAS EVIDENTLY CONTEMPLATED THAT RECEIPTS WOULD GREATLY EXCEED DISBURSEMENTS IN THE EARLY YEARS OF OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM, AND SURPLUS FUNDS ARE INVESTED IN GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS, AND THE INCOME RETURNED TO THE TRUST FUND. THUS, PROVISION IS MADE FOR EXPECTED INCREASING COSTS OF THE PROGRAM. THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM MAY BE ACCURATELY DESCRIBED AS A FORM OF SOCIAL INSURANCE, ENACTED PURSUANT TO CONGRESS' POWER TO ""SPEND MONEY IN AID OF THE 'GENERAL WELFARE,'"" HELVERING V. DAVIS, SUPRA, AT 640, WHEREBY PERSONS GAINFULLY EMPLOYED, AND THOSE WHO EMPLOY THEM, ARE TAXED TO PERMIT THE PAYMENT OF BENEFITS TO THE RETIRED AND DISABLED, AND THEIR DEPENDENTS. PLAINLY THE EXPECTATION IS THAT MANY MEMBERS OF THE PRESENT PRODUCTIVE WORK FORCE WILL IN TURN BECOME BENEFICIARIES RATHER THAN SUPPORTERS OF THE PROGRAM. BUT EACH WORKER'S BENEFITS, THOUGH FLOWING FROM THE CONTRIBUTIONS HE MADE TO THE NATIONAL ECONOMY WHILE ACTIVELY EMPLOYED, ARE NOT DEPENDENT ON THE DEGREE TO WHICH HE WAS CALLED UPON TO SUPPORT THE SYSTEM BY TAXATION. IT IS APPARENT THAT THE NONCONTRACTUAL INTEREST OF AN EMPLOYEE COVERED BY THE ACT CANNOT BE SOUNDLY ANALOGIZED TO THAT OF THE HOLDER OF AN ANNUITY, WHOSE RIGHT TO BENEFITS IS BOTTOMED ON HIS CONTRACTUAL PREMIUM PAYMENTS. IT IS HARDLY PROFITABLE TO ENGAGE IN CONCEPTUALIZATIONS REGARDING ""EARNED RIGHTS"" AND GRATUITIES."" CF. LYNCH V. UNITED STATES, 292 U.S. 571, 576-577. THE ""RIGHT"" TO SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS IS IN ONE SENSE ""EARNED,"" FOR THE ENTIRE SCHEME RESTS ON THE LEGISLATIVE JUDGMENT THAT THOSE WHO IN THEIR PRODUCTIVE YEARS WERE FUNCTIONING MEMBERS OF THE ECONOMY MAY JUSTLY CALL UPON THAT ECONOMY, IN THEIR LATER YEARS, FOR PROTECTION FROM ""THE RIGORS OF THE POOR HOUSE AS WELL AS FROM THE HAUNTING FEAR THAT SUCH A LOT AWAITS THEM WHEN JOURNEY'S END IS NEAR."" HELVERING V. DAVIS, SUPRA, AT 641. BUT THE PRACTICAL EFFECTUATION OF THAT JUDGMENT HAS OF NECESSITY CALLED FORTH A HIGHLY COMPLEX AND INTERRELATED STATUTORY STRUCTURE. INTEGRATED TREATMENT OF THE MANIFOLD SPECIFIC PROBLEMS PRESENTED BY THE SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM DEMANDS MORE THAN A GENERALIZATION. THAT PROGRAM WAS DESIGNED TO FUNCTION INTO THE INDEFINITE FUTURE, AND ITS SPECIFIC PROVISIONS REST ON PREDICTIONS AS TO EXPECTED ECONOMIC CONDITIONS WHICH MUST INEVITABLY PROVE LESS THAN WHOLLY ACCURATE, AND ON JUDGMENTS AND PREFERENCES AS TO THE PROPER ALLOCATION OF THE NATION'S RESOURCES WHICH EVOLVING ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CONDITIONS WILL OF NECESSITY IN SOME DEGREE MODIFY. TO ENGRAFT UPON THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM A CONCEPT OF ""ACCRUED PROPERTY RIGHTS"" WOULD DEPRIVE IT OF THE FLEXIBILITY AND BOLDNESS IN ADJUSTMENT TO EVER-CHANGING CONDITIONS WHICH IT DEMANDS. SEE WOLLENBERG, VESTED RIGHTS IN SOCIAL-SECURITY BENEFITS, 37 ORE. L. REV. 299, 359. IT WAS DOUBTLESS OUT OF AN AWARENESS OF THE NEED FOR SUCH FLEXIBILITY THAT CONGRESS INCLUDED IN THE ORIGINAL ACT, AND HAS SINCE RETAINED, A CLAUSE EXPRESSLY RESERVING TO IT ""THE RIGHT TO ALTER, AMEND, OR REPEAL ANY PROVISION"" OF THE ACT. SEC. 1104, 49 STAT. 648, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 1304. THAT PROVISION MAKES EXPRESS WHAT IS IMPLICIT IN THE INSTITUTIONAL NEEDS OF THE PROGRAM. SEE ANALYSIS OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM, HEARINGS BEFORE A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 83D CONG., 1ST SESS., PP. 920 921. IT WAS PURSUANT TO THAT PROVISION THAT SEC. 202(N) WAS ENACTED. WE MUST CONCLUDE THAT A PERSON COVERED BY THE ACT HAS NOT SUCH A RIGHT IN BENEFIT PAYMENTS AS WOULD MAKE EVERY DEFEASANCE OF ""ACCRUED"" INTERESTS VIOLATIVE OF THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT. II. THIS IS NOT TO SAY, HOWEVER, THAT CONGRESS MAY EXERCISE ITS POWER TO MODIFY THE STATUTORY SCHEME FREE OF ALL CONSTITUTIONAL RESTRAINT. THE INTEREST OF A COVERED EMPLOYEE UNDER THE ACT IS OF SUFFICIENT SUBSTANCE TO FALL WITHIN THE PROTECTION FROM ARBITRARY GOVERNMENTAL ACTION AFFORDED BY THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE. IN JUDGING THE PERMISSIBILITY OF THE CUT-OFF PROVISIONS OF SEC. 202(N) FROM THIS STANDPOINT, IT IS NOT WITHIN OUR AUTHORITY TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE CONGRESSIONAL JUDGMENT EXPRESSED IN THAT SECTION IS SOUND OR EQUITABLE, OR WHETHER IT COMPORTS WELL OR ILL WITH THE PURPOSES OF THE ACT. ""WHETHER WISDOM OR UNWISDOM RESIDES IN THE SCHEME OF BENEFITS SET FORTH IN TITLE II, IT IS NOT FOR US TO SAY. THE ANSWER TO SUCH INQUIRIES MUST COME FROM CONGRESS, NOT THE COURTS. OUR CONCERN HERE, AS OFTEN, IS WITH POWER, NOT WITH WISDOM."" HELVERING V. DAVIS, SUPRA, AT 644. PARTICULARLY WHEN WE DEAL WITH A WITHHOLDING OF A NONCONTRACTUAL BENEFIT UNDER A SOCIAL WELFARE PROGRAM SUCH AS THIS, WE MUST RECOGNIZE THAT THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE CAN BE THOUGHT TO INTERPOSE A BAR ONLY IF THE STATUTE MANIFESTS A PATENTLY ARBITRARY CLASSIFICATION, UTTERLY LACKING IN RATIONAL JUSTIFICATION. SUCH IS NOT THE CASE HERE. THE FACT OF A BENEFICIARY'S RESIDENCE ABROAD - IN THE CASE OF A DEPORTEE, A PRESUMABLY PERMANENT RESIDENCE - CAN BE OF OBVIOUS RELEVANCE TO THE QUESTION OF ELIGIBILITY. ONE BENEFIT WHICH MAY BE THOUGHT TO ACCRUE TO THE ECONOMY FROM THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM IS THE INCREASED OVER-ALL NATIONAL PURCHASING POWER RESULTING FROM TAXATION OF PRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS OF THE ECONOMY TO PROVIDE PAYMENTS TO THE RETIRED AND DISABLED, WHO MIGHT OTHERWISE BE DESTITUTE OR NEARLY SO, AND WHO WOULD GENERALLY SPEND A COMPARATIVELY LARGE PERCENTAGE OF THEIR BENEFIT PAYMENTS. THIS ADVANTAGE WOULD BE LOST AS TO PAYMENTS MADE TO ONE RESIDING ABROAD. FOR THESE PURPOSES, IT IS, OF COURSE, CONSTITUTIONALLY IRRELEVANT WHETHER THIS REASONING IN FACT UNDERLAY THE LEGISLATIVE DECISION, AS IT IS IRRELEVANT THAT THE IN LOGIC APPLY. (FN5) SEE UNITED STATES V. PETRILLO, 332 U.S. 1, 8-9; STEWARD MACHINE CO. V. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 584-585; CF. CARMICHAEL V. SOUTHERN COAL CO., 301 U.S. 495, 510-513. NOR, APART FROM THIS, CAN IT BE DEEMED IRRATIONAL FOR CONGRESS TO HAVE CONCLUDED THAT THE PUBLIC PURSE SHOULD NOT BE UTILIZED TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUPPORT OF THOSE DEPORTED ON THE GROUNDS SPECIFIED IN THE STATUTE. WE NEED GO NO FURTHER TO FIND SUPPORT FOR OUR CONCLUSION THAT THIS PROVISION OF THE ACT CANNOT BE CONDEMNED AS SO LACKING IN RATIONAL JUSTIFICATION AS TO OFFEND DUE PROCESS. III. THE REMAINING, AND MOST INSISTENTLY PRESSED, CONSTITUTIONAL OBJECTIONS REST UPON ART. I, SEC. 9, CL. 3, AND ART. III, SEC. 2, CL. 3, OF THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE SIXTH AMENDMENT. (FN6) IT IS SAID THAT THE TERMINATION OF APPELLEE'S BENEFITS AMOUNTS TO PUNISHING HIM WITHOUT A JUDICIAL TRIAL, SEE WONG WING V. UNITED STATES, 163 U.S. 228; THAT THE TERMINATION OF BENEFITS CONSTITUTES THE IMPOSITION OF PUNISHMENT BY LEGISLATIVE ACT, RENDERING SEC. 202(N) A BILL OF ATTAINDER"" SEE UNITED STATES V. LOVETT, 328 U.S. 303; CUMMINGS V. MISSOURI, 4 WALL. 277; AND THAT THE PUNISHMENT EXACTED IS IMPOSED FOR PAST CONDUCT NOT UNLAWFUL WHEN ENGAGED IN, THEREBY VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROHIBITION ON EX POST FACTO LAWS, SEE EX PARTE GARLAND, 4 WALL. 333. (FN7) ESSENTIAL TO THE SUCCESS OF EACH OF THESE CONTENTIONS IS THE VALIDITY OF CHARACTERIZING AS ""PUNISHMENT"" IN THE CONSTITUTIONAL SENSE THE TERMINATION OF BENEFITS UNDER SEC. 202(N). IN DETERMINING WHETHER LEGISLATION WHICH BASES A DISQUALIFICATION ON THE HAPPENING OF A CERTAIN PAST EVENT IMPOSES A PUNISHMENT, THE COURT HAS SOUGHT TO DISCERN THE OBJECTS ON WHICH THE ENACTMENT IN QUESTION WAS FOCUSED. WHERE THE SOURCE OF LEGISLATIVE CONCERN CAN BE THOUGHT TO BE THE ACTIVITY OR STATUS FROM WHICH THE INDIVIDUAL IS BARRED, THE DISQUALIFICATION IS NOT PUNISHMENT EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BEAR HARSHLY UPON ONE AFFECTED. THE CONTRARY IS THE CASE WHERE THE STATUTE IN QUESTION IS EVIDENTLY AIMED AT THE PERSON OR CLASS OF PERSONS DISQUALIFIED. IN THE EARLIEST CASE ON WHICH APPELLEE RELIES, A CLERGYMAN SUCCESSFULLY CHALLENGED A STATE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION BARRING FROM THAT PROFESSION - AND FROM MANY OTHER PROFESSIONS AND OFFICES - ALL WHO WOULD NOT SWEAR THAT THEY HAD NEVER MANIFESTED ANY SYMPATHY OR SUPPORT FOR THE CAUSE OF THE CONFEDERACY. CUMMINGS V. MISSOURI, SUPRA. THE COURT THUS DESCRIBED THE AIMS OF THE CHALLENGED ENACTMENT: ""THE OATH COULD NOT ... HAVE BEEN REQUIRED AS A MEANS OF ASCERTAINING WHETHER PARTIES WERE QUALIFIED OR NOT FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE CALLINGS OR THE TRUSTS WITH WHICH THEY WERE CHARGED. IT WAS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO REACH THE PERSON, NOT THE CALLING. IT WAS EXACTED, NOT FROM ANY NOTION THAT THE SEVERAL ACTS DESIGNATED INDICATED UNFITNESS FOR THE CALLINGS, BUT BECAUSE IT WAS THOUGHT THAT THE SEVERAL ACTS DESERVED PUNISHMENT ... ."" ID., AT 320. ONLY THE OTHER DAY THE GOVERNING INQUIRY WAS STATED, IN AN OPINION JOINED BY FOUR MEMBERS OF THE COURT, IN THESE TERMS: ""THE QUESTION IN EACH CASE WHERE UNPLEASANT CONSEQUENCES ARE BROUGHT TO BEAR UPON AN INDIVIDUAL FOR PRIOR CONDUCT, IS WHETHER THE LEGISLATIVE AIM WAS TO PUNISH THAT INDIVIDUAL FOR PAST ACTIVITY, OR WHETHER THE RESTRICTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL COMES ABOUT AS A RELEVANT INCIDENT TO A REGULATION OF A PRESENT SITUATION, SUCH AS THE PROPER QUALIFICATIONS FOR A PROFESSION."" DE VEAU V. BRAISTED, 363 U.S. 144, 160 (PLURALITY OPINION). IN EX PARTE GARLAND, SUPRA, WHERE THE COURT STRUCK DOWN AN OATH - SIMILAR IN CONTENT TO THAT INVOLVED IN CUMMINGS - REQUIRED OF ATTORNEYS SEEKING TO PRACTICE BEFORE ANY FEDERAL COURT, AS ALSO IN CUMMINGS, THE FINDING OF PUNITIVE INTENT DREW HEAVILY ON THE COURT'S FIRST-HAND ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE EVENTS AND THE MOOD OF THE THEN RECENT CIVIL WAR, AND ""THE FIERCE PASSIONS WHICH THAT STRUGGLE AROUSED."" CUMMINGS V. MISSOURI, SUPRA, AT 322. (FN8) SIMILARLY, IN UNITED STATES V. LOVETT, SUPRA, WHERE THE COURT INVALIDATED, AS A BILL OF ATTAINDER, A STATUTE FORBIDDING - SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS - THE FURTHER PAYMENT OF THE SALARIES OF THREE NAMED GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, THE DETERMINATION THAT A PUNISHMENT HAD BEEN IMPOSED RESTED IN LARGE MEASURE ON THE SPECIFIC CONGRESSIONAL HISTORY WHICH THE COURT WAS AT PAINS TO SPELL OUT IN DETAIL. SEE 328 U.S., AT 308-312. MOST RECENTLY, IN TROP V. DULLES, 356 U.S. 86, WHICH HELD UNCONSTITUTIONAL A STATUTE PROVIDING FOR THE EXPATRIATION OF ONE WHO HAD BEEN SENTENCED BY A COURT-MARTIAL TO DISMISSAL OR DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE FOR WARTIME DESERTION, THE MAJORITY OF THE COURT CHARACTERIZED THE STATUTE AS PUNITIVE. HOWEVER, NO SINGLE OPINION COMMANDED THE SUPPORT OF A MAJORITY. THE PLURALITY OPINION RESTED ITS DETERMINATION, AT LEAST IN PART, ON ITS INABILITY TO DISCERN ANY ALTERNATIVE PURPOSE WHICH THE STATUTE COULD BE THOUGHT TO SERVE. ID., AT 97. THE CONCURRING OPINION FOUND IN THE SPECIFIC HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF THE PROVISION IN QUESTION COMPELLING EVIDENCE OF PUNITIVE INTENT. ID., AT 107-109. IT IS THUS APPARENT THAT, THOUGH THE GOVERNING CRITERION MAY BE READILY STATED, EACH CASE HAS TURNED ON ITS OWN HIGHLY PARTICULARIZED CONTEXT. WHERE NO PERSUASIVE SHOWING OF A PURPOSE ""TO REACH THE PERSON, NOT THE CALLING,"" CUMMINGS V. MISSOURI, SUPRA, AT 320, HAS BEEN MADE, THE COURT HAS NOT HAMPERED LEGISLATIVE REGULATION OF ACTIVITIES WITHIN ITS SPHERE OF CONCERN, DESPITE THE OFTEN-SEVERE EFFECTS SUCH REGULATION HAS HAD ON THE PERSONS SUBJECT TO IT. (FN9) THUS, DEPORTATION HAS BEEN HELD TO BE NOT PUNISHMENT, BUT AN EXERCISE OF THE PLENARY POWER OF CONGRESS TO FIX THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH ALIENS ARE TO BE PERMITTED TO ENTER AND REMAIN IN THIS COUNTRY. FONG YUE TING V. UNITED STATES, 149 U.S. 698, 730; SEE GALVAN V. PRESS, 347 U.S. 522, 530-531. SIMILARLY, THE SETTING BY A STATE OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, AND THEIR MODIFICATION FROM TIME TO TIME, IS AN INCIDENT OF THE STATE'S POWER TO PROTECT THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF ITS CITIZENS, AND ITS DECISION TO BAR FROM PRACTICE PERSONS WHO COMMIT OR HAVE COMMITTED A FELONY IS TAKEN AS EVIDENCING AN INTENT TO EXERCISE THAT REGULATORY POWER, AND NOT A PURPOSE TO ADD TO THE PUNISHMENT OF EX FELONS. HAWKER V. NEW YORK, 170 U.S. 189. SEE DE VEAU V. BRAISTED, SUPRA (REGULATION OF CRIME ON THE WATERFRONT THROUGH DISQUALIFICATION OF EX-FELONS FROM HOLDING UNION OFFICE). CF. HELVERING V. MITCHELL, 303 U.S. 391, 397-401, HOLDING THAT, WITH RESPECT TO DEFICIENCIES DUE TO FRAUD, A 50 PERCENT ADDITION TO THE TAX IMPOSED WAS NOT PUNISHMENT SO AS TO PREVENT, UPON PRINCIPLES OF DOUBLE JEOPARDY, ITS ASSESSMENT AGAINST ONE ACQUITTED OF TAX EVASION. TURNING, THEN, TO THE PARTICULAR STATUTORY PROVISION BEFORE US, APPELLEE CANNOT SUCCESSFULLY CONTEND THAT THE LANGUAGE AND STRUCTURE OF SEC. 202(N), OR THE NATURE OF THE DEPRIVATION, REQUIRES US TO RECOGNIZE A PUNITIVE DESIGN. CF. WONG WING V. UNITED STATES, SUPRA (IMPRISONMENT, AT HARD LABOR UP TO ONE YEAR, OF PERSON FOUND TO BE UNLAWFULLY IN THE COUNTRY). HERE THE SANCTION IS THE MERE DENIAL OF A NONCONTRACTUAL GOVERNMENTAL BENEFIT. NO AFFIRMATIVE DISABILITY OR RESTRAINT IS IMPOSED, AND CERTAINLY NOTHING APPROACHING THE ""INFAMOUS PUNISHMENT"" OF IMPRISONMENT, AS IN WONG WING, ON WHICH GREAT RELIANCE IS MISTAKENLY PLACED. MOREOVER, FOR REASONS ALREADY GIVEN (ANTE, PP. 611-612), IT CANNOT BE SAID, AS WAS SAID OF THE STATUTE IN CUMMINGS V. MISSOURI, SUPRA, AT 319; SEE DENT V. WEST VIRGINIA, 129 U.S. 114, 126, THAT THE DISQUALIFICATION OF CERTAIN DEPORTEES FROM RECEIPT OF SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS WHILE THEY ARE NOT LAWFULLY IN THIS COUNTRY BEARS NO RATIONAL CONNECTION TO THE PURPOSES OF THE LEGISLATION OF WHICH IT IS A PART, AND MUST WITHOUT MORE THEREFORE BE TAKEN AS EVIDENCING A CONGRESSIONAL DESIRE TO PUNISH. APPELLEE ARGUES, HOWEVER, THAT THE HISTORY AND SCOPE OF SEC. 202(N) PROVE THAT NO SUCH POSTULATED PURPOSE CAN BE THOUGHT TO HAVE MOTIVATED THE LEGISLATURE, AND THAT THEY PERSUASIVELY SHOW THAT A PUNITIVE PURPOSE IN FACT LAY BEHIND THE STATUTE. WE DO NOT AGREE. WE OBSERVE INITIALLY THAT ONLY THE CLEAREST PROOF COULD SUFFICE TO ESTABLISH THE UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF A STATUTE ON SUCH A GROUND. JUDICIAL INQUIRIES INTO CONGRESSIONAL MOTIVES ARE AT BEST A HAZARDOUS MATTER, AND WHEN THAT INQUIRY SEEKS TO GO BEHIND OBJECTIVE MANIFESTATIONS IT BECOMES A DUBIOUS AFFAIR INDEED. MOREOVER, THE PRESUMPTION OF CONSTITUTIONALITY WITH WHICH THIS ENACTMENT, LIKE ANY OTHER, COMES TO US FORBIDS US LIGHTLY TO CHOOSE THAT READING OF THE STATUTE'S SETTING WHICH WILL INVALIDATE IT OVER THAT WHICH WILL SAVE IT. ""IT IS NOT ON SLIGHT IMPLICATION AND VAGUE CONJECTURE THAT THE LEGISLATURE IS TO BE PRONOUNCED TO HAVE TRANSCENDED ITS POWERS, AND ITS ACTS TO BE CONSIDERED AS VOID."" FLETCHER V. PECK, 6 CRANCH 87, 128. OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM. THE PROVISION ORIGINATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. H.R. 9366, 83D CONG., 2D SESS., SEC. 108. THE DISCUSSION IN THE HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT, H.R. REP. NO. 1698, 83D CONG., 2D SESS., PP. 5, 25, 77, DOES NOT EXPRESS THE PURPOSE OF THE STATUTE. HOWEVER, IT DOES SAY THAT THE TERMINATION OF BENEFITS WOULD APPLY TO THOSE PERSONS WHO WERE ""DEPORTED FROM THE UNITED STATES BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL ENTRY, CONVICTION OF A CRIME, OR SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITY ... ."" ID., AT 25. IT WAS EVIDENTLY THE THOUGHT THAT SUCH WAS THE SCOPE OF THE STATUTE RESULTING FROM ITS APPLICATION TO DEPORTATION UNDER THE 14 NAMED PARAGRAPHS OF SEC. 241(A) OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT. ID., AT 77. (FN10) THE SENATE COMMITTEE REJECTED THE PROPOSAL FOR THE STATED REASON THAT IT HAD ""NOT HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE SUFFICIENT STUDY TO ALL THE POSSIBLE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS PROVISION, WHICH INVOLVES TERMINATION OF BENEFIT RIGHTS UNDER THE CONTRIBUTORY PROGRAM OF OLD-AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE ... ."" S. REP. NO. 1987, 83D CONG., 2D SESS., P. 23; SEE ALSO ID., AT 76. HOWEVER, IN CONFERENCE, THE PROPOSAL WAS RESTORED IN MODIFIED FORM, (FN11) AND AS MODIFIED WAS ENACTED AS SEC. 202(N). SEE H.R. CONF. REP. NO. 2679, 83D CONG., 2D SESS., P. 18. APPELLEE ARGUES THAT THIS HISTORY DEMONSTRATES THAT CONGRESS WAS NOT CONCERNED WITH THE FACT OF A BENEFICIARY'S DEPORTATION - WHICH IT IS CLAIMED ALONE WOULD JUSTIFY THIS LEGISLATION AS BEING PURSUANT TO A POLICY RELEVANT TO REGULATION OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM - BUT THAT IT SOUGHT TO REACH CERTAIN GROUNDS FOR DEPORTATION, THUS EVIDENCING A PUNITIVE INTENT. (FN12) IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND IN THE MEAGRE HISTORY THE UNMISTAKABLE EVIDENCE OF PUNITIVE INTENT WHICH, UNDER PRINCIPLES ALREADY DISCUSSED, IS REQUIRED BEFORE A CONGRESSIONAL ENACTMENT OF THIS KIND MAY BE STRUCK DOWN. EVEN WERE THAT HISTORY TO BE TAKEN AS EVIDENCING CONGRESS' CONCERN WITH THE GROUNDS, RATHER THAN THE FACT, OF DEPORTATION, WE DO NOT THINK THAT THIS, STANDING ALONE, WOULD SUFFICE TO ESTABLISH A PUNITIVE PURPOSE. THIS WOULD STILL BE A FAR CRY FROM THE SITUATIONS INVOLVED IN SUCH CASES AS CUMMINGS, WONG WING, AND GARLAND (SEE ANTE, P. 617), AND FROM THAT IN LOVETT, SUPRA, WHERE THE LEGISLATION WAS ON ITS FACE AIMED AT PARTICULAR INDIVIDUALS. THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD, HOWEVER, FALLS SHORT OF ANY PERSUASIVE SHOWING THAT CONGRESS WAS IN FACT CONCERNED ALONE WITH THE GROUNDS OF DEPORTATION. TO BE SURE CONGRESS DID NOT APPLY THE TERMINATION PROVISION TO ALL DEPORTEES. HOWEVER, IT IS EVIDENT THAT NEITHER DID IT REST THE OPERATION OF THE STATUTE ON THE OCCURRENCE OF THE UNDERLYING ACT. THE FACT OF DEPORTATION ITSELF REMAINED AN ESSENTIAL CONDITION FOR LOSS OF BENEFITS, AND EVEN IF A BENEFICIARY WERE SAVED FROM DEPORTATION ONLY THROUGH DISCRETIONARY SUSPENSION BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL UNDER SEC. 244 OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT (66 STAT. 214, 8 U.S.C. SEC. 1254), SEC. 202(N) WOULD NOT REACH HIM. MOREOVER, THE GROUNDS FOR DEPORTATION REFERRED TO IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT EMBRACE THE GREAT MAJORITY OF THOSE DEPORTED, AS IS EVIDENT FROM AN EXAMINATION OF THE FOUR OMITTED GROUNDS, SUMMARIZED IN THE MARGIN. (FN13) INFERENCES DRAWN FROM THE OMISSION OF THOSE GROUNDS CANNOT ESTABLISH, TO THE DEGREE OF CERTAINTY REQUIRED, THAT CONGRESSIONAL CONCERN WAS WHOLLY WITH THE ACTS LEADING TO DEPORTATION, AND NOT WITH THE FACT OF DEPORTATION. (FN14) TO HOLD OTHERWISE WOULD BE TO REST ON THE ""SLIGHT IMPLICATION AND VAGUE CONJECTURE"" AGAINST WHICH CHIEF JUSTICE MARSHALL WARNED. FLETCHER V. PECK, SUPRA, AT 128. THE SAME ANSWER MUST BE MADE TO ARGUMENTS DRAWN FROM THE FAILURE OF CONGRESS TO APPLY SEC. 202(N) TO BENEFICIARIES VOLUNTARILY RESIDING ABROAD. BUT CF. SEC. 202(T), ANTE, NOTE 5. CONGRESS MAY HAVE FAILED TO CONSIDER SUCH PERSONS; OR IT MAY HAVE THOUGHT THEIR NUMBER TOO SLIGHT, OR THE PERMANENCE OF THEIR VOLUNTARY RESIDENCE ABROAD TOO UNCERTAIN, TO WARRANT APPLICATION OF THE STATUTE TO THEM, WITH ITS ATTENDANT ADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEMS OF SUPERVISION AND ENFORCEMENT. AGAIN, WE CANNOT WITH CONFIDENCE REJECT ALL THOSE ALTERNATIVES WHICH IMAGINATIVENESS CAN BRING TO MIND, SAVE THAT ONE WHICH MIGHT REQUIRE THE INVALIDATION OF THE STATUTE. REVERSED. FOOTNOTES Footnote 1- SECTION 202(N) PROVIDES AS FOLLOWS: ""(N)(1) IF ANY INDIVIDUAL IS (AFTER THE DATE OF ENACTMENT OF THIS SUBSECTION) DEPORTED UNDER PARAGRAPH (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), (7), (10), (11), (12), (14), (15), (16), (17), OR (18) OF SECTION 241(A) OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT, THEN, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THIS TITLE: ""(A) NO MONTHLY BENEFIT UNDER THIS SECTION OR SECTION 223 (42 U.S.C. SEC. 423, RELATING TO ""DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFITS"") SHALL BE PAID TO SUCH INDIVIDUAL, ON THE BASIS OF HIS WAGES AND SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME, FOR ANY MONTH OCCURRING (I) AFTER THE MONTH IN WHICH THE SECRETARY IS NOTIFIED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL THAT SUCH INDIVIDUAL HAS BEEN SO DEPORTED, AND (II) BEFORE THE MONTH IN WHICH SUCH INDIVIDUAL IS THEREAFTER LAWFULLY ADMITTED TO THE UNITED STATES FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE: ""(B) IF NO BENEFIT COULD BE PAID TO SUCH INDIVIDUAL (OR IF NO BENEFIT COULD BE PAID TO HIM IF HE WERE ALIVE) FOR ANY MONTH BY REASON OF SUBPARAGRAPH (A), NO MONTHLY BENEFIT UNDER THIS SECTION SHALL BE PAID, ON THE BASIS OF HIS WAGES AND SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME, FOR SUCH MONTH TO ANY OTHER PERSON WHO IS NOT A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES AND IS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES FOR ANY PART OF SUCH MONTH, AND: ""(C) NO LUMP-SUM DEATH PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE ON THE BASIS OF SUCH INDIVIDUAL'S WAGES AND SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME IF HE DIES (I) IN OR AFTER THE MONTH IN WHICH SUCH NOTICE IS RECEIVED, AND (II) BEFORE THE MONTH IN WHICH HE IS THEREAFTER LAWFULLY ADMITTED TO THE UNITED STATES FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE. ""SECTION 203(B) AND (C) OF THIS ACT SHALL NOT APPLY WITH RESPECT TO ANY SUCH INDIVIDUAL FOR ANY MONTH FOR WHICH NO MONTHLY BENEFIT MAY BE PAID TO HIM BY REASON OF THIS PARAGRAPH. ""(2) AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE AFTER THE DEPORTATION OF ANY INDIVIDUAL UNDER ANY OF THE PARAGRAPHS OF SECTION 241(A) OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT ENUMERATED IN PARAGRAPH (1) IN THIS SUBSECTION, THE ATTORNEY GENERAL SHALL NOTIFY THE SECRETARY OF SUCH DEPORTATION."" THE PROVISIONS OF SEC. 241(A) OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT ARE SUMMARIZED IN NOTES 10, 13, POST, PP. 618, 620. Footnote 2- UNDER PARAGRAPH (1)(B) OF SEC. 202(N) (SEE NOTE 1, ANTE), APPELLEE'S WIFE, BECAUSE OF HER RESIDENCE HERE, HAS REMAINED ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS PAYABLE TO HER AS THE WIFE OF AN INSURED INDIVIDUAL. SEE SEC. 202(B), 53 STAT. 1364, AS AMENDED, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 402(B). Footnote 3- SECTION 205(G) PROVIDES AS FOLLOWS: ""(G) ANY INDIVIDUAL, AFTER ANY FINAL DECISION OF THE BOARD MADE AFTER A HEARING TO WHICH HE WAS A PARTY, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE AMOUNT IN CONTROVERSY, MAY OBTAIN A REVIEW OF SUCH DECISION BY A CIVIL ACTION COMMENCED WITHIN SIXTY DAYS AFTER THE MAILING TO HIM OF NOTICE OF SUCH DECISION OR WITHIN SUCH FURTHER TIME AS THE BOARD MAY ALLOW ... . AS PART OF ITS ANSWER THE BOARD SHALL FILE A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE RECORD INCLUDING THE EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE FINDINGS AND DECISION COMPLAINED OF ARE BASED. THE COURT SHALL HAVE POWER TO ENTER, UPON THE PLEADINGS AND TRANSCRIPT OF THE RECORD, A JUDGMENT AFFIRMING, MODIFYING, OR REVERSING THE DECISION OF THE BOARD, WITH OR WITHOUT REMANDING THE CAUSE FOR A REHEARING. THE FINDINGS OF THE BOARD AS TO ANY FACT, IF SUPPORTED BY SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, SHALL BE CONCLUSIVE ... . THE JUDGMENT OF THE COURT SHALL BE FINAL EXCEPT THAT IT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REVIEW IN THE SAME MANNER AS A JUDGMENT IN OTHER CIVIL ACTIONS."" Footnote 4- IN ADDITION, ELIGIBILITY FOR DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFITS IS OF COURSE SUBJECT TO THE FURTHER CONDITION OF THE INCURRING OF A DISABILITY AS DEFINED IN THE ACT. SEC. 223, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 423. SECONDARY BENEFICIARIES MUST MEET THE TESTS OF FAMILY RELATIONSHIP TO THE WAGE EARNER SET FORTH IN THE ACT. SEC. 202(B)-(H), 42 U.S.C. SEC. 402(B)-(H). Footnote 5- THE ACT DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR THE TERMINATION OF BENEFITS OF NON RESIDENT CITIZENS, OR OF SOME ALIENS WHO LEAVE THE COUNTRY VOLUNTARILY ALTHOUGH MANY NONRESIDENT ALIENS DO LOSE THEIR ELIGIBILITY BY VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OF SEC. 202(T), 70 STAT. 835, AS AMENDED, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 402(T) - OR OF ALIENS DEPORTED PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPHS 3, 8, 9, OR 13 OF THE 18 PARAGRAPHS OF SEC. 241(A) OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT. SEE NOTE 13, POST. Footnote 6- ART. I, SEC. 9, CL. 3: ""NO BILL OF ATTAINDER OR EX POST FACTO LAW SHALL BE PASSED."" ART. III, SEC. 2, CL. 3: ""THE TRIAL OF ALL CRIMES, EXCEPT IN CASES OF IMPEACHMENT, SHALL BE BY JURY; AND SUCH TRIAL SHALL BE HELD IN THE STATE WHERE THE SAID CRIMES SHALL HAVE BEEN COMMITTED ... ."" AMEND. VI: ""IN ALL CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS THE ACCUSED SHALL ENJOY THE RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL, BY AN IMPARTIAL JURY OF THE STATE AND DISTRICT WHEREIN THE CRIME SHALL HAVE BEEN COMMITTED, WHICH DISTRICT SHALL HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY ASCERTAINED BY LAW, AND TO BE INFORMED OF THE NATURE AND CAUSE OF THE ACCUSATION; TO BE CONFRONTED WITH THE WITNESSES AGAINST HIM; TO HAVE COMPULSORY PROCESS FOR OBTAINING WITNESSES IN HIS FAVOUR; AND TO HAVE THE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL FOR HIS DEFENCE."" Footnote 7- APPELLEE ALSO ADDS, BUT HARDLY ARGUES, THE CONTENTION THAT HE HAS BEEN DEPRIVED OF HIS RIGHTS UNDER THE FIRST AMENDMENT, SINCE THE ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES STEMMED FROM ""MERE PAST MEMBERSHIP"" IN THE COMMUNIST PARTY. THIS CONTENTION, WHICH IS NO MORE THAN A COLLATERAL ATTACK ON APPELLEE'S DEPORTATION, IS NOT OPEN TO HIM. Footnote 8- SEE ALSO PIERCE V. CARSKADON, 16 WALL. 234. A WEST VIRGINIA STATUTE PROVIDING THAT A NONRESIDENT WHO HAD SUFFERED A JUDGMENT IN AN ACTION COMMENCED BY ATTACHMENT, BUT IN WHICH HE HAD NOT BEEN PERSONALLY SERVED AND DID NOT APPEAR, COULD WITHIN ONE YEAR PETITION THE COURT FOR A REOPENING OF THE JUDGMENT AND A TRIAL ON THE MERITS, WAS AMENDED IN 1865 SO AS TO CONDITION THAT RIGHT ON THE TAKING OF AN EXCULPATORY OATH THAT THE DEFENDANT HAD NEVER SUPPORTED THE CONFEDERACY. ON THE AUTHORITY OF CUMMINGS AND GARLAND, THE AMENDMENT WAS INVALIDATED. Footnote 9- AS PRIOR DECISIONS MAKE CLEAR, COMPARE EX PARTE GARLAND, SUPRA, WITH HAWKER V. NEW YORK, SUPRA, THE SEVERITY OF A SANCTION IS NOT DETERMINATIVE OF ITS CHARACTER AS ""PUNISHMENT."" Footnote 10- PARAGRAPHS (1), (2), AND (10) OF SEC. 241(A) RELATE TO UNLAWFUL ENTRY, OR ENTRY NOT COMPLYING WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PARAGRAPHS (6) AND (7) APPLY TO ""SUBVERSIVE"" AND RELATED ACTIVITIES; THE REMAINDER OF THE INCLUDED PARAGRAPHS ARE CONCERNED WITH CONVICTIONS OF DESIGNATED CRIMES, OR THE COMMISSION OF ACTS RELATED TO THEM, SUCH AS NARCOTICS ADDICTION OR PROSTITUTION. Footnote 11- FOR EXAMPLE, UNDER THE HOUSE VERSION TERMINATION OF BENEFITS OF A DEPORTEE WOULD ALSO HAVE TERMINATED BENEFITS PAID TO SECONDARY BENEFICIARIES BASED ON THE EARNING RECORDS OF THE DEPORTEE. THE CONFERENCE PROPOSAL LIMITED THIS EFFECT TO SECONDARY BENEFICIARIES WHO WERE NONRESIDENT ALIENS. SEE NOTE 2, ANTE. Footnote 12- APPELLEE ALSO RELIES ON THE JUXTAPOSITION OF THE PROPOSED SEC. 108 AND CERTAIN OTHER PROVISIONS, SOME OF WHICH WERE ENACTED AND SOME OF WHICH WERE NOT. THIS ARGUMENT IS TOO CONJECTURAL TO WARRANT DISCUSSION. IN ADDITION, RELIANCE IS PLACED ON A LETTER WRITTEN TO THE SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE BY APPELLANT'S PREDECESSOR IN OFFICE, OPPOSING THE ENACTMENT OF WHAT IS NOW SEC. 202(U) OF THE ACT, 70 STAT. 838, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 402(U), ON THE GROUND THAT THE SECTION WAS ""IN THE NATURE OF A PENALTY AND BASED ON CONSIDERATIONS FOREIGN TO THE OBJECTIVES"" OF THE PROGRAM. SOCIAL SECURITY AMENDMENTS OF 1955, HEARINGS BEFORE THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE, 84TH CONG., 2D SESS., P. 1319. THE SECRETARY WENT ON TO SAY THAT ""PRESENT LAW RECOGNIZES ONLY THREE NARROWLY LIMITED EXCEPTIONS (OF WHICH SEC. 202(N) IS ONE) TO THE BASIC PRINCIPLE THAT BENEFITS ARE PAID WITHOUT REGARD TO THE ATTITUDES, OPINIONS, BEHAVIOR, OR PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE INDIVIDUAL ... ."" IT SHOULD BE OBSERVED, HOWEVER, THAT THE SECRETARY DID NOT SPEAK OF SEC. 202(N) AS A PENALTY, AS HE DID OF THE PROPOSED SEC. 202(U). THE LATTER PROVISION IS CONCEDEDLY PENAL, AND APPLIES ONLY PURSUANT TO A JUDGMENT OF A COURT IN A CRIMINAL CASE. Footnote 13- THEY ARE: (1) PERSONS INSTITUTIONALIZED AT PUBLIC EXPENSE WITHIN FIVE YEARS AFTER ENTRY BECAUSE OF ""MENTAL DISEASE, DEFECT, OR DEFICIENCY"" NOT SHOWN TO HAVE ARISEN SUBSEQUENT TO ADMISSION (SEC. 241(A)(3)); (2) PERSONS BECOMING A PUBLIC CHARGE WITHIN FIVE YEARS AFTER ENTRY FROM CAUSES NOT SHOWN TO HAVE ARISEN SUBSEQUENT TO ADMISSION SEC. 241(A)(8)); (3) PERSONS ADMITTED AS NONIMMIGRANTS (SEE SEC. 101(A)(15), 66 STAT. 167, 8 U.S.C. SEC. 1101(A)(15)) WHO FAIL TO MAINTAIN, OR COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS OF, SUCH STATUS (SEC. 241(A)(9)); (4) PERSONS KNOWINGLY AND FOR GAIN INDUCING OR AIDING, PRIOR TO OR WITHIN FIVE YEARS AFTER ENTRY, ANY OTHER ALIEN TO ENTER OR ATTEMPT TO ENTER UNLAWFULLY (SEC. 241(A)(13)). Footnote 14- WERE WE TO ENGAGE IN SPECULATION, IT WOULD NOT BE DIFFICULT TO CONJECTURE THAT CONGRESS MAY HAVE BEEN LED TO EXCLUDE THESE FOUR GROUNDS OF DEPORTATION OUT OF COMPASSIONATE OR DE MINIMIS CONSIDERATIONS. MR. JUSTICE BLACK, DISSENTING. FOR THE REASONS STATED HERE AND IN THE DISSENTS OF MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS AND MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN I AGREE WITH THE DISTRICT COURT THAT THE UNITED STATES IS DEPRIVING APPELLEE, EPHRAM NESTOR, OF HIS STATUTORY RIGHT TO OLD-AGE BENEFITS IN VIOLATION OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. NESTOR CAME TO THIS COUNTRY FROM BULGARIA IN 1913 AND LIVED HERE CONTINUOUSLY FOR 43 YEARS, UNTIL JULY 1956. HE WAS THEN DEPORTED FROM THIS COUNTRY FOR HAVING BEEN A COMMUNIST FROM 1933 TO 1939. AT THAT TIME MEMBERSHIP IN THE COMMUNIST PARTY AS SUCH WAS NOT ILLEGAL AND WAS NOT EVEN A STATUTORY GROUND FOR DEPORTATION. FROM DECEMBER 1936 TO JANUARY 1955 NESTOR AND HIS EMPLOYERS MADE REGULAR PAYMENTS TO THE GOVERNMENT UNDER THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS ACT, 26 U.S.C. SECS. 3101-3125. THESE FUNDS WENT TO A SPECIAL FEDERAL OLD-AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE TRUST FUND UNDER 49 STAT. 622, 53 STAT. 1362, AS AMENDED, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 401, IN RETURN FOR WHICH NESTOR, LIKE MILLIONS OF OTHERS, EXPECTED TO RECEIVE PAYMENTS WHEN HE REACHED THE STATUTORY AGE. IN 1954, 15 YEARS AFTER NESTOR HAD LAST BEEN A COMMUNIST, AND 18 YEARS AFTER HE BEGAN TO MAKE PAYMENTS INTO THE OLD-AGE SECURITY FUND, CONGRESS PASSED A LAW PROVIDING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT ANY PERSON WHO HAD BEEN DEPORTED FROM THIS COUNTRY BECAUSE OF PAST COMMUNIST MEMBERSHIP UNDER 66 STAT. 205, 8 U.S.C. SEC. 1251(A)(6)(C) SHOULD BE WHOLLY CUT OFF FROM ANY BENEFITS OF THE FUND TO WHICH HE HAD CONTRIBUTED UNDER THE LAW. 68 STAT. 1083, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 402(N). AFTER THE GOVERNMENT DEPORTED NESTOR IN 1956 IT NOTIFIED HIS WIFE, WHO HAD REMAINED IN THIS COUNTRY, THAT HE WAS CUT OFF AND NO FURTHER PAYMENTS WOULD BE MADE TO HIM. THIS ACTION, IT SEEMS TO ME, TAKES NESTOR'S INSURANCE WITHOUT JUST COMPENSATION AND IN VIOLATION OF THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT. MOREOVER, IT IMPOSES AN EX POST FACTO LAW AND BILL OF ATTAINDER BY STAMPING HIM, WITHOUT A COURT TRIAL, AS UNWORTHY TO RECEIVE THAT FOR WHICH HE HAS PAID AND WHICH THE GOVERNMENT PROMISED TO PAY HIM. THE FACT THAT THE COURT IS SUSTAINING THIS ACTION INDICATES THE EXTENT TO WHICH PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO GO THESE DAYS TO OVERLOOK VIOLATIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION PERPETRATED AGAINST ANYONE WHO HAS EVER EVEN INNOCENTLY BELONGED TO THE COMMUNIST PARTY. I. IN LYNCH V. UNITED STATES, 292 U.S. 571, THIS COURT UNANIMOUSLY HELD THAT CONGRESS WAS WITHOUT POWER TO REPUDIATE AND ABROGATE IN WHOLE OR IN PART ITS PROMISES TO PAY AMOUNTS CLAIMED BY SOLDIERS UNDER THE WAR RISK INSURANCE ACT OF 1917, SECS. 400-405, 40 STAT. 409. THIS COURT HELD THAT SUCH A REPUDIATION WAS INCONSISTENT WITH THE PROVISION OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT THAT ""NO PERSON SHALL BE ... DEPRIVED OF LIFE, LIBERTY, OR PROPERTY, WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF LAW; NOR SHALL PRIVATE PROPERTY BE TAKEN FOR PUBLIC USE, WITHOUT JUST COMPENSATION."" THE COURT TODAY PUTS THE LYNCH CASE ASIDE ON THE GROUND THAT ""IT IS HARDLY PROFITABLE TO ENGAGE IN CONCEPTUALIZATIONS REGARDING 'EARNED RIGHTS' AND 'GRATUITIES.'"" FROM THIS SOUND PREMISE THE COURT GOES ON TO SAY THAT WHILE ""THE 'RIGHT' TO SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS IS IN ONE SENSE 'EARNED,'"" YET THE GOVERNMENT'S INSURANCE SCHEME NOW BEFORE US RESTS NOT ON THE IDEA OF THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FUND EARNING SOMETHING, BUT SIMPLY PROVIDES THAT THEY MAY ""JUSTLY CALL"" UPON THE GOVERNMENT ""IN THEIR LATER YEARS, FOR PROTECTION FROM 'THE RIGORS OF THE POOR HOUSE AS WELL AS FROM THE HAUNTING FEAR THAT SUCH A LOT AWAITS THEM WHEN JOURNEY'S END IS NEAR.'"" THESE ARE NICE WORDS BUT THEY CANNOT CONCEAL THE FACT THAT THEY SIMPLY TELL THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS INSURANCE FUND THAT DESPITE THEIR OWN AND THEIR EMPLOYERS' PAYMENTS THE GOVERNMENT, IN PAYING THE BENEFICIARIES OUT OF THE FUND, IS MERELY GIVING THEM SOMETHING FOR NOTHING AND CAN STOP DOING SO WHEN IT PLEASES. THIS, IN MY JUDGMENT, REVEALS A COMPLETE MISUNDERSTANDING OF THE PURPOSE CONGRESS AND THE COUNTRY HAD IN PASSING THAT LAW. IT WAS THEN GENERALLY AGREED, AS IT IS TODAY, THAT IT IS NOT DESIRABLE THAT AGED PEOPLE THINK OF THE GOVERNMENT AS GIVING THEM SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. AN EXCELLENT STATEMENT OF THIS VIEW, QUOTED BY MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS IN ANOTHER CONNECTION, WAS MADE BY SENATOR GEORGE, THE CHAIRMAN OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE WHEN THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT WAS PASSED, AND ONE VERY FAMILIAR WITH THE PHILOSOPHY THAT BROUGHT IT ABOUT: ""IT COMPORTS BETTER THAN ANY SUBSTITUTE WE HAVE DISCOVERED WITH THE AMERICAN CONCEPT THAT FREE MEN WANT TO EARN THEIR SECURITY AND NOT ASK FOR DOLES - THAT WHAT IS DUE AS A MATTER OF EARNED RIGHT IS FAR BETTER THAN A GRATUITY ... ""SOCIAL SECURITY IS NOT A HANDOUT; IT IS NOT CHARITY; IT IS NOT RELIEF. IT IS AN EARNED RIGHT BASED UPON THE CONTRIBUTIONS AND EARNINGS OF THE INDIVIDUAL. AS AN EARNED RIGHT, THE INDIVIDUAL IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE HIS BENEFIT IN DIGNITY AND SELF-RESPECT."" 102 CONG. REC. 15110. THE PEOPLE COVERED BY THIS ACT ARE NOW ABLE TO RELY WITH COMPLETE ASSURANCE ON THE FACT THAT THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO CONTRIBUTE REGULARLY TO THIS FUND WHENEVER EACH CONTRIBUTION FALLS DUE. I BELIEVE THEY ARE ENTITLED TO RELY WITH THE SAME ASSURANCE ON GETTING THE BENEFITS THEY HAVE PAID FOR AND HAVE BEEN PROMISED, WHEN THEIR DISABILITY OR AGE MAKES THEIR INSURANCE PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS OF THE LAW. THE COURT DID NOT PERMIT THE GOVERNMENT TO BREAK ITS PLIGHTED FAITH WITH THE SOLDIERS IN THE LYNCH CASE; IT SAID THE CONSTITUTION FORBADE SUCH GOVERNMENTAL CONDUCT. I WOULD SAY PRECISELY THE SAME THING HERE. THE COURT CONSOLES THOSE WHOSE INSURANCE IS TAKEN AWAY TODAY, AND OTHERS WHO MAY SUFFER THE SAME FATE IN THE FUTURE, BY SAYING THAT A DECISION REQUIRING THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM TO KEEP FAITH ""WOULD DEPRIVE IT OF THE FLEXIBILITY AND BOLDNESS IN ADJUSTMENT TO EVER CHANGING CONDITIONS WHICH IT DEMANDS."" PEOPLE WHO PAY PREMIUMS FOR INSURANCE USUALLY THINK THEY ARE PAYING FOR INSURANCE, NOT FOR ""FLEXIBILITY AND BOLDNESS."" I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT ANY PRIVATE INSURANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA WOULD BE PERMITTED TO REPUDIATE ITS MATURED CONTRACTS WITH ITS POLICYHOLDERS WHO HAVE REGULARLY PAID ALL THEIR PREMIUMS IN RELIANCE UPON THE GOOD FAITH OF THE COMPANY. IT IS TRUE, AS THE COURT SAYS, THAT THE ORIGINAL ACT CONTAINED A CLAUSE, STILL IN FORCE, THAT EXPRESSLY RESERVES TO CONGRESS ""THE RIGHT TO ALTER, AMEND, OR REPEAL ANY PROVISION"" OF THE ACT. SEC. 1104, 49 STAT. 648, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 1304. CONGRESS, OF COURSE PROPERLY RETAINED THAT POWER. IT COULD REPEAL THE ACT SO AS TO CEASE TO OPERATE ITS OLD-AGE INSURANCE ACTIVITIES FOR THE FUTURE. THIS MEANS THAT IT COULD STOP COVERING NEW PEOPLE, AND EVEN STOP INCREASING ITS OBLIGATIONS TO ITS OLD CONTRIBUTORS. BUT THAT IS QUITE DIFFERENT FROM DISAPPOINTING THE JUST EXPECTATIONS OF THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FUND WHICH THE GOVERNMENT HAS COMPELLED THEM AND THEIR EMPLOYERS TO PAY ITS TREASURY. THERE IS NOTHING ""CONCEPTUALISTIC"" ABOUT SAYING, AS THIS COURT DID IN LYNCH, THAT SUCH A TAKING AS THIS THE CONSTITUTION FORBIDS. II. IN PART II OF ITS OPINION, THE COURT THROWS OUT A LINE OF HOPE BY ITS SUGGESTION THAT IF CONGRESS IN THE FUTURE CUTS OFF SOME OTHER GROUP FROM THE BENEFITS THEY HAVE BOUGHT FROM THE GOVERNMENT, THIS COURT MIGHT POSSIBLY HOLD THAT THE FUTURE HYPOTHETICAL ACT VIOLATES THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE. IN DOING SO IT READS DUE PROCESS AS AFFORDING ONLY MINIMAL PROTECTION, AND UNDER THIS READING IT WILL PROTECT ALL FUTURE GROUPS FROM DESTRUCTION OF THEIR RIGHTS ONLY IF CONGRESS ""MANIFESTS A PATENTLY ARBITRARY CLASSIFICATION, UTTERLY LACKING IN RATIONAL JUSTIFICATION."" THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE SO DEFINED PROVIDES LITTLE PROTECTION INDEED COMPARED WITH THE SPECIFIC SAFEGUARDS OF THE CONSTITUTION SUCH AS ITS PROHIBITIONS AGAINST TAKING PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR A PUBLIC USE WITHOUT JUST COMPENSATION, PASSING EX POST FACTO LAWS, AND IMPOSING BILLS OF ATTAINDER. I CANNOT AGREE, HOWEVER, THAT THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE IS PROPERLY INTERPRETED WHEN IT IS USED TO SUBORDINATE AND DILUTE THE SPECIFIC SAFEGUARDS OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS, AND WHEN ""DUE PROCESS"" ITSELF BECOMES SO WHOLLY DEPENDENT UPON THIS COURT'S IDEA OF WHAT IS ""ARBITRARY"" AND ""RATIONAL."" SEE LEVINE V. UNITED STATES, 362 U.S. 610, 620 (DISSENTING OPINION); ADAMSON V. CALIFORNIA, 332 U.S. 46, 89-92 (DISSENTING OPINION); ROCHIN V. CALIFORNIA, 342 U.S. 165, 174 (CONCURRING OPINION). ONE REASON FOR MY BELIEF IN THIS RESPECT IS THAT I AGREE WITH WHAT IS SAID IN THE COURT'S QUOTATION FROM HELVERING V. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 619, 644: ""WHETHER WISDOM OR UNWISDOM RESIDES IN THE SCHEME OF BENEFITS SET FORTH IN TITLE II, IT IS NOT FOR US TO SAY. THE ANSWER TO SUCH INQUIRIES MUST COME FROM CONGRESS, NOT THE COURTS. OUR CONCERN HERE, AS OFTEN, IS WITH POWER, NOT WITH WISDOM."" AND YET THE COURT'S ASSUMPTION OF ITS POWER TO HOLD ACTS UNCONSTITUTIONAL BECAUSE THE COURT THINKS THEY ARE ARBITRARY AND IRRATIONAL CAN BE NEITHER MORE NOR LESS THAN A JUDICIAL FORAY INTO THE FIELD OF GOVERNMENTAL POLICY. BY THE USE OF THIS DUE PROCESS FORMULA THE COURT DOES NOT, AS ITS PROPONENTS FREQUENTLY PROCLAIM, ABSTAIN FROM INTERFERING WITH THE CONGRESSIONAL POLICY. IT ACTIVELY ENTERS THAT FIELD WITH NO STANDARDS EXCEPT ITS OWN CONCLUSION AS TO WHAT IS ""ARBITRARY"" AND WHAT IS ""RATIONAL."" AND THIS ELASTIC FORMULA GIVES THE COURT A FURTHER POWER, THAT OF HOLDING LEGISLATIVE ACTS CONSTITUTIONAL ON THE GROUND THAT THEY ARE NEITHER ARBITRARY NOR IRRATIONAL, EVEN THOUGH THE ACTS VIOLATE SPECIFIC BILL OF RIGHTS SAFEGUARDS. SEE MY DISSENT IN ADAMSON V. CALIFORNIA, SUPRA. WHETHER THIS ACT HAD ""RATIONAL JUSTIFICATION"" WAS, IN MY JUDGMENT, FOR CONGRESS; WHETHER IT VIOLATES THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL IS FOR US TO DETERMINE, UNLESS WE ARE BY CIRCUMLOCUTION TO ABDICATE THE POWER THAT THIS COURT HAS BEEN HELD TO HAVE EVER SINCE MARBURY V. MADISON, 1 CRANCH 137. III. THE COURT IN PART III OF ITS OPINION HOLDS THAT THE 1954 ACT IS NOT AN EX POST FACTO LAW OR BILL OR ATTAINDER EVEN THOUGH IT CREATES A CLASS OF DEPORTEES WHO CANNOT COLLECT THEIR INSURANCE BENEFITS BECAUSE THEY WERE ONCE COMMUNISTS AT A TIME WHEN SIMPLY BEING A COMMUNIST WAS NOT ILLEGAL. THE COURT ALSO PUTS GREAT EMPHASIS ON ITS BELIEF THAT THE ACT HERE IS NOT PUNISHMENT. ALTHOUGH NOT BELIEVING THAT THE PARTICULAR LABEL ""PUNISHMENT"" IS OF DECISIVE IMPORTANCE, I THINK THE ACT DOES IMPOSE PUNISHMENT EVEN IN A CLASSIC SENSE. THE BASIC REASON FOR NESTOR'S LOSS OF HIS INSURANCE PAYMENTS IS THAT HE WAS ONCE A COMMUNIST. THIS MAN, NOW 69 YEARS OLD, HAS BEEN DRIVEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY WHERE HE HAS LIVED FOR 43 YEARS TO A LAND WHERE HE IS PRACTICALLY A STRANGER, UNDER AN ACT AUTHORIZING HIS DEPORTATION MANY YEARS AFTER HIS COMMUNIST MEMBERSHIP. CF. GALVAN V. PRESS, 347 U.S. 522, 532, 533 (DISSENTING OPINIONS). NOW A SIMILAR EX POST FACTO LAW DEPRIVES HIM OF HIS INSURANCE, WHICH, WHILE PETTY AND INSIGNIFICANT IN AMOUNT TO THIS GREAT GOVERNMENT, MAY WELL BE THIS EXILE'S DAILY BREAD, FOR THE SAME REASON AND IN ACCORD WITH THE GENERAL FASHION OF THE DAY - THAT IS, TO PUNISH IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE ANYONE WHO EVER MADE THE MISTAKE OF BEING A COMMUNIST IN THIS COUNTRY OR WHO IS SUPPOSED EVER TO HAVE BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH ANYONE WHO MADE THAT MISTAKE. SEE, E.G., BARENBLATT V. UNITED STATES, 360 U.S. 109, AND UPHAUS V. WYMAN, 360 U.S. 72. IN UNITED STATES V. LOVETT, 328 U.S. 303, 315-316, WE SAID: "" ... LEGISLATIVE ACTS, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR FORM, THAT APPLY EITHER TO NAMED INDIVIDUALS OR TO EASILY ASCERTAINABLE MEMBERS OF A GROUP IN SUCH A WAY AS TO INFLICT PUNISHMENT ON THEM WITHOUT A JUDICIAL TRIAL ARE BILLS OF ATTAINDER PROHIBITED BY THE CONSTITUTION."" FAITHFUL OBSERVANCE OF OUR HOLDINGS IN THAT CASE, IN EX PARTE GARLAND, 4 WALL. 333, AND IN CUMMINGS V. MISSOURI, 4 WALL. 277, WOULD, IN MY JUDGMENT, REQUIRE US TO HOLD THAT THE 1954 ACT IS A BILL OF ATTAINDER. IT IS A CONGRESSIONAL ENACTMENT AIMED AT AN EASILY ASCERTAINABLE GROUP; IT IS CERTAINLY PUNISHMENT IN ANY NORMAL SENSE OF THE WORD TO TAKE AWAY FROM ANY PERSON THE BENEFITS OF AN INSURANCE SYSTEM INTO WHICH HE AND HIS EMPLOYER HAVE PAID THEIR MONEYS FOR ALMOST TWO DECADES; AND IT DOES ALL THIS WITHOUT A TRIAL ACCORDING TO DUE PROCESS OF LAW. IT IS TRUE THAT THE LOVETT, CUMMINGS AND GARLAND COURT OPINIONS WERE NOT UNANIMOUS, BUT THEY NONETHELESS REPRESENT POSITIVE PRECEDENTS ON HIGHLY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS OF INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY WHICH SHOULD NOT BE EXPLAINED AWAY WITH COBWEBBERY REFINEMENTS. IF THE COURT IS GOING TO OVERRULE THESE CASES IN WHOLE OR IN PART, AND ADOPT THE VIEWS OF PREVIOUS DISSENTERS, I BELIEVE IT SHOULD BE DONE CLEARLY AND FORTHRIGHTLY. A BASIC CONSTITUTIONAL INFIRMITY OF THIS ACT, IN MY JUDGMENT, IS THAT IT IS A PART OF A PATTERN OF LAWS ALL OF WHICH VIOLATE THE FIRST AMENDMENT OUT OF FEAR THAT THIS COUNTRY IS IN GRAVE DANGER IF IT LETS A HANDFUL OF COMMUNIST FANATICS OR SOME OTHER EXTREMIST GROUP MAKE THEIR ARGUMENTS AND DISCUSS THEIR IDEAS. THIS FEAR, I THINK, IS BASELESS. IT REFLECTS A LACK OF FAITH IN THE STURDY PATRIOTISM OF OUR PEOPLE AND DOES NOT GIVE TO THE WORLD A TRUE PICTURE OF OUR ABIDING STRENGTH. IT IS AN UNWORTHY FEAR IN A COUNTRY THAT HAS A BILL OF RIGHTS CONTAINING PROVISONS FOR FAIR TRIALS, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, PRESS AND RELIGION, AND OTHER SPECIFIC SAFEGUARDS DESIGNED TO KEEP MEN FREE. I REPEAT ONCE MORE THAT I THINK THIS NATION'S GREATEST SECURITY LIES, NOT IN TRUSTING TO A MOMENTARY MAJORITY OF THIS COURT'S VIEW AT ANY PARTICULAR TIME OF WHAT IS ""PATENTLY ARBITRARY,"" BUT IN WHOLEHEARTED DEVOTION TO AND OBSERVANCE OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS. SEE WIEMAN V. UPDEGRAFF, 344 U.S. 183, 192 (CONCURRING OPINION). I WOULD AFFIRM THE JUDGMENT OF THE DISTRICT COURT WHICH HELD THAT NESTOR IS CONSTITUTIONALLY ENTITLED TO COLLECT HIS INSURANCE. MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS, DISSENTING. APPELLEE CAME TO THIS COUNTRY FROM BULGARIA IN 1913 AND WAS EMPLOYED, SO AS TO BE COVERED BY THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT, FROM DECEMBER 1936 TO JANUARY 1955 - A PERIOD OF 19 YEARS. HE BECAME ELIGIBLE FOR RETIREMENT AND FOR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS IN NOVEMBER 1955 AND WAS AWARDED $55.60 PER MONTH. IN JULY 1956 HE WAS DEPORTED FOR HAVING BEEN A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY FROM 1933 TO 1939. PURSUANT TO A LAW, ENACTED SEPTEMBER 1, 1954, HE WAS THEREUPON DENIED PAYMENT OF FURTHER SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS. THIS 1954 LAW SEEMS TO ME TO BE A CLASSIC EXAMPLE OF A BILL OF ATTAINDER, WHICH ART. I, SEC. 9 OF THE CONSTITUTION PROHIBITS CONGRESS FROM ENACTING. A BILL OF ATTAINDER IS A LEGISLATIVE ACT WHICH INFLICTS PUNISHMENT WITHOUT A JUDICIAL TRIAL. CUMMINGS V. MISSOURI, 4 WALL. 277, 323. IN THE OLD DAYS PUNISHMENT WAS METED OUT TO A CREDITOR OR RIVAL OR ENEMY BY SENDING HIM TO THE GALLOWS. BUT AS RECENTLY STATED BY IRVING BRANT: (FN1) "" ... BY SMITING A MAN DAY AFTER DAY WITH SLANDEROUS WORDS, BY TAKING AWAY HIS OPPORTUNITY TO EARN A LIVING, YOU CAN DRAIN THE BLOOD FROM HIS VEINS WITHOUT EVEN SCRATCHING HIS SKIN. ""TODAY'S BILL OF ATTAINDER IS BROADER THAN THE CLASSIC FORM, AND NOT SO TALL AND SHARP. THERE IS MENTAL IN PLACE OF PHYSICAL TORTURE, AND CONFISCATION OF TOMMORROW'S BREAD AND BUTTER INSTEAD OF YESTERDAY'S LAND AND GOLD. WHAT IS PERFECTLY CLEAR IS THAT HATE, FEAR AND PREJUDICE PLAY THE SAME ROLE TODAY, IN THE DESTRUCTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN AMERICA THAT THEY DID IN ENGLAND WHEN A FRENZIED MOB OF LORDS, JUDGES, BISHOPS AND SHOEMAKERS TURNED THE TITUS OATES BLACKLIST INTO A HANGMAN'S RECORD. HATE, JEALOUSY AND SPITE CONTINUE TO FILL THE LEGISLATIVE ATTAINDER LISTS JUST AS THEY DID IN THE IRISH PARLIAMENT OF EX-KING JAMES."" BILLS OF ATTAINDER, WHEN THEY IMPOSED PUNISHMENT LESS THAN DEATH, WERE BILLS OF PAINS AND PENALTIES AND EQUALLY BEYOND THE CONSTITUTIONAL POWER OF CONGRESS. CUMMINGS V. MISSOURI, SUPRA, AT 323. PUNISHMENT IN THE SENSE OF A BILL OF ATTAINDER INCLUDES THE ""DEPRIVATION OR SUSPENSION OF POLITICAL OR CIVIL RIGHTS."" CUMMINGS V. MISSOURI, SUPRA, AT 322. IN THAT CASE IT WAS BARRING A PRIEST FROM PRACTICING HIS PROFESSION. IN EX PARTE GARLAND, 4 WALL. 333, IT WAS EXCLUDING A MAN FROM PRACTICING LAW IN THE FEDERAL COURTS. IN UNITED STATES V. LOVETT, 328 U.S. 303, IT WAS CUTTING OFF EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION AND BARRING THEM PERMANENTLY FROM GOVERNMENT SERVICE. CUTTING OFF A PERSON'S LIVELIHOOD BY DENYING HIM ACCRUED SOCIAL BENEFITS - PART OF HIS PROPERTY INTERESTS - IS NO LESS A PUNISHMENT. HERE, AS IN THE OTHER CASES CITED, THE PENALTY EXACTED HAS ONE OF THE CLASSIC PURPOSES OF PUNISHMENT (FN2) - ""TO REPRIMAND THE WRONGDOER TO DETER OTHERS."" TROP V. DULLES, 356 U.S. 86, 96. SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS ARE NOT GRATUITIES. THEY ARE PRODUCTS OF A CONTRIBUTORY SYSTEM, THE FUNDS BEING RAISED BY PAYMENT FROM EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYERS ALIKE, OR IN CASE OF SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS, BY THE INDIVIDUAL ALONE. SEE SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD V. NIEROTKO, 327 U.S. 358, 364. THE FUNDS ARE PLACED IN THE FEDERAL OLD-AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE TRUST FUND, 42 U.S.C. SEC. 401(A); AND ONLY THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTE TO THE FUND ARE ENTITLED TO ITS BENEFITS, THE AMOUNT OF BENEFITS BEING RELATED TO THE AMOUNT OF CONTRIBUTIONS MADE. SEE STARK, SOCIAL SECURITY: ITS IMPORTANCE TO LAWYERS, 43 A.B.A.J. 319, 321 (1957). AS THE LATE SENATOR GEORGE, LONG CHAIRMAN OF THE SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND ONE OF THE AUTHORS OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM, SAID: ""THERE HAS DEVELOPED THROUGH THE YEARS A FEELING BOTH IN AND OUT OF CONGRESS THAT THE CONTRIBUTORY SOCIAL INSURANCE PRINCIPLE FITS OUR TIMES - THAT IT SERVES A VITAL NEED THAT CANNOT BE AS WELL SERVED OTHERWISE. IT COMPORTS BETTER THAN ANY SUBSTITUTE WE HAVE DISCOVERED WITH THE AMERICAN CONCEPT THAT FREE MEN WANT TO EARN THEIR SECURITY AND NOT ASK FOR DOLES - THAT WHAT IS DUE AS A MATTER OF EARNED RIGHT IS FAR BETTER THAN A GRATUITY ... ""SOCIAL SECURITY IS NOT A HANDOUT; IT IS NOT CHARITY; IT IS NOT RELIEF. IT IS AN EARNED RIGHT BASED UPON THE CONTRIBUTIONS AND EARNINGS OF THE INDIVIDUAL. AS AN EARNED RIGHT, THE INDIVIDUAL IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE HIS BENEFIT IN DIGNITY AND SELF-RESPECT."" 102 CONG. REC. 15110. SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS HAVE RIGHTLY COME TO BE REGARDED AS BASIC FINANCIAL PROTECTION AGAINST THE HAZARDS OF OLD AGE AND DISABILITY. AS STATED IN A RECENT HOUSE REPORT: ""THE OLD-AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE SYSTEM IS THE BASIC PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES PROTECTION FOR AMERICA'S FAMILIES AGAINST THE LOSS OF EARNED INCOME UPON THE RETIREMENT OR DEATH OF THE FAMILY PROVIDER. THE PROGRAM PROVIDES BENEFITS RELATED TO EARNED INCOME AND SUCH BENEFITS ARE PAID FOR BY THE CONTRIBUTIONS MADE WITH RESPECT TO PERSONS WORKING IN COVERED OCCUPATIONS."" H.R. REP. NO. 1189, 84TH CONG., 1ST SESS. 2. CONGRESS COULD PROVIDE THAT ONLY PEOPLE RESIDENT HERE COULD GET SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS. YET BOTH THE HOUSE AND THE SENATE REJECTED ANY RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS. SEE H.R. REP. NO. 1698, 83D CONG., 2D SESS. 24-25; S. REP. NO. 1987, 83D CONG., 2D SESS. 23. CONGRESS CONCEDEDLY MIGHT AMEND THE PROGRAM TO MEET NEW CONDITIONS. BUT MAY IT TAKE AWAY SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FROM ONE PERSON OR FROM A GROUP OF PERSONS FOR VINDICTIVE REASONS? COULD CONGRESS ON DEPORTING AN ALIEN FOR HAVING BEEN A COMMUNIST CONFISCATE HIS HOME, APPROPRIATE HIS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, AND THUS SEND HIM OUT OF THE COUNTRY PENNILESS? I THINK NOT. ANY SUCH ACT WOULD BE A BILL OF ATTAINDER. THE DIFFERENCE, AS I SEE IT, BETWEEN THAT CASE AND THIS IS ONE MERELY OF DEGREE. SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS, MADE UP IN PART OF THIS ALIEN'S OWN EARNINGS, ARE TAKEN FROM HIM BECAUSE HE ONCE WAS A COMMUNIST. THE VIEW THAT SEC. 202(N), WITH WHICH WE NOW DEAL, IMPOSES A PENALTY WAS TAKEN BY SECRETARY FOLSOM, APPELLANT'S PREDECESSOR, WHEN OPPOSING ENLARGEMENT OF THE CATEGORY OF PEOPLE TO BE DENIED BENEFITS OF SOCIAL SECURITY, E.G., THOSE CONVICTED OF TREASON AND SEDITION. HE SAID: ""BECAUSE THE DEPRIVATION OF BENEFITS AS PROVIDED IN THE AMENDMENT IS IN THE NATURE OF A PENALTY AND BASED ON CONSIDERATIONS FOREIGN TO THE OBJECTIVES AND PROVISIONS OF THE OLD-AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE PROGRAM, THE AMENDMENT MAY WELL SERVE AS A PRECEDENT FOR EXTENSION OF SIMILAR PROVISIONS TO OTHER PUBLIC PROGRAMS AND TO OTHER CRIMES WHICH, WHILE PERHAPS DIFFERENT IN DEGREE, ARE DIFFICULT TO DISTINGUISH IN PRINCIPLE. ""THE PRESENT LAW RECOGNIZES ONLY THREE NARROWLY LIMITED EXCEPTIONS (FN3) TO THE BASIC PRINCIPLE THAT BENEFITS ARE PAID WITHOUT REGARD TO THE ATTITUDES, OPINIONS, BEHAVIOR, OR PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE INDIVIDUAL ... ."" HEARINGS, SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL SECURITY AMENDMENTS OF 1955, 84TH CONG., 2D SESS. 1319. THE COMMITTEE REPORTS, THOUGH MEAGRE, SUPPORT SECRETARY FOLSOM IN THAT CHARACTERIZATION OF SEC. 202(N). THE HOUSE REPORT TERSELY STATED THAT TERMINATION OF THE BENEFITS WOULD APPLY TO THOSE PERSONS WHO WERE DEPORTED ""BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL ENTRY, CONVICTION OF A CRIME, OR SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITY."" H.R. REP. NO. 1698, 83D CONG., 2D SESS. 25. THE AIM AND PURPOSE ARE CLEAR - TO TAKE AWAY FROM A PERSON BY LEGISLATIVE FIAT PROPERTY WHICH HE HAS ACCUMULATED BECAUSE HE HAS ACTED IN A CERTAIN WAY OR EMBRACED A CERTAIN IDEOLOGY. THAT IS A MODERN VERSION OF THE BILL OF ATTAINDER - AS PLAIN, AS DIRECT, AS EFFECTIVE AS THOSE WHICH RELIGIOUS PASSIONS ONCE LOOSED IN ENGLAND AND WHICH LATER WERE EMPLOYED AGAINST THE TORIES HERE. (FN4) I WOULD AFFIRM THIS JUDGMENT. FOOTNOTES Footnote 1- ADDRESS ENTITLED BILLS OF ATTAINDER IN 1787 AND TODAY. COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW DINNER 1954, PUBLISHED IN 1959 BY THE EMERGENCY CIVIL LIBERTIES COMMITTEE, UNDER THE TITLE CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATIONS AND BILLS OF ATTAINDER. Footnote 2- THE BROAD SWEEP OF THE IDEA OF PUNISHMENT BEHIND THE CONCEPT OF THE BILL OF ATTAINDER WAS STATED AS FOLLOWS BY IRVING BRANT, OP. CIT., SUPRA, NOTE 1, 9-10: ""IN 1794 THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WERE IN A STATE OF EXCITEMENT COMPARABLE TO THAT WHICH EXISTS TODAY. SUPPORTERS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION HAD ORGANIZED THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIETIES - BLATANTLY ADOPTING THAT SUBVERSIVE TITLE. THEN THE WHISKY REBELLION EXPLODED IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIETIES WERE BLAMED. A MOTION CENSURING THE SOCIETIES WAS INTRODUCED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ""THERE, IN 1794, YOU HAD THE BASIC DIVISION IN AMERICAN THOUGHT - ON ONE SIDE THE DOCTRINE OF POLITICAL LIBERTY FOR EVERYBODY, WITH COLLECTIVE SECURITY RESTING ON THE CAPACITY OF THE PEOPLE FOR SELF GOVERNMENT; ON THE OTHER SIDE THE DOCTRINE THAT THE PEOPLE COULD NOT BE TRUSTED AND POLITICAL LIBERTY MUST BE RESTRAINED. ""JAMES MADISON CHALLENGED THIS LATTER DOCTRINE. THE INVESTIGATIVE POWER OF CONGRESS OVER PERSONS, HE CONTENDED, WAS LIMITED TO INQUIRY INTO THE CONDUCT OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE. 'OPINIONS,' HE SAID, 'ARE NOT THE SUBJECTS OF LEGISLATION.' START CRITICIZING PEOPLE FOR ABUSE OF THEIR RESERVED RIGHTS, AND THE CENSURE MIGHT EXTEND TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND PRESS. WHAT WOULD BE THE EFFECT ON THE PEOPLE THUS CONDEMNED? SAID MADISON: ""'IT IS IN VAIN TO SAY THAT THIS INDISCRIMINATE CENSURE IS NO PUNISHMENT ... . IS NOT THIS PROPOSITION, IF VOTED, A BILL OF ATTAINDER?' ""MADISON WON HIS FIGHT, NOT BECAUSE HE CALLED THE RESOLUTION A BILL OF ATTAINDER, BUT BECAUSE IT ATTAINTED TOO MANY MEN WHO WERE GOING TO VOTE IN THE NEXT ELECTION. THE DEFINITION, HOWEVER, WAS THERE - A BILL OF ATTAINDER - AND THE DEFINITION WAS GIVEN BY THE FOREMOST AMERICAN AUTHORITY ON THE PRINCIPLES OF LIBERTY AND ORDER UNDERLYING OUR SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT."" Footnote 3- THE THREE EXCEPTIONS REFERRED TO WERE (1) SEC. 202(N); (2) ACT OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1954, 68 STAT. 1142, 5 U.S.C. SECS. 2281-2288; (3) REGULATION OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION, 20 CFR SEC. 403.409 - DENYING DEPENDENT'S BENEFITS TO A PERSON FOUND GUILTY OF FELONIOUS HOMICIDE OF THE INSURED WORKER. Footnote 4- BRANT, OP. CIT., SUPRA, NOTE 1, STATES AT P. 9: ""WHAT WERE THE FRAMERS AIMING AT WHEN THEY FORBADE BILLS OF ATTAINDER? THEY WERE, OF COURSE, GUARDING AGAINST THE RELIGIOUS PASSIONS THAT DISGRACED CHRISTIANITY IN EUROPE. BUT AMERICAN BILLS OF ATTAINDER, JUST BEFORE 1787, WERE TYPICALLY USED BY REVOLUTIONARY ASSEMBLIES TO RID THE STATES OF BRITISH LOYALISTS. BY A CURIOUS COINCIDENCE, IT WAS USUALLY THE TORY WITH A GOOD FARM WHO WAS SENT INTO EXILE, AND ALL TOO OFTEN IT WAS SOMEBODY WHO WANTED THAT FARM WHO INDUCED THE LEGISLATURE TO ATTAINT HIM. PATRIOTISM COULD SERVE AS A CLOAK FOR GREED AS EASILY AS RELIGION DID IN THAT IRISH PARLIAMENT OF JAMES THE SECOND. ""BUT CONSIDER A CASE IN WHICH NOTHING COULD BE SAID AGAINST THE MOTIVE. DURING THE REVOLUTION, GOVERNOR PATRICK HENRY INDUCED THE VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE TO PASS A BILL OF ATTAINDER CONDEMNING JOSIAH PHILLIPS TO DEATH. HE WAS A TRAITOR, A MURDERER, A PIRATE AND AN OUTLAW. WHEN RATIFICATION OF THE NEW CONSTITUTION CAME BEFORE THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION, HENRY INVEIGHED AGAINST IT BECAUSE IT CONTAINED NO BILL OF RIGHTS. EDMUND RANDOLPH TAUNTED HIM WITH HIS SPONSORSHIP OF THE PHILLIPS BILL OF ATTAINDER. HENRY THEN MADE THE BLUNDER OF DEFENDING IT. THE BILL WAS WARRANTED, HE SAID, BECAUSE PHILLIPS WAS NO SOCRATES. THAT SHOCKING DEFENSE OF ARBITRARY CONDEMNATION MAY HAVE PRODUCED THE SMALL MARGIN BY WHICH THE CONSTITUTION WAS RATIFIED."" MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN, WITH WHOM THE CHIEF JUSTICE AND MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS JOIN, DISSENTING. WHEN NESTOR QUIT THE COMMUNIST PARTY IN 1939 HIS PAST MEMBERSHIP WAS NOT A GROUND FOR HIS DEPORTATION. KESSLER V. STRECKER, 307 U.S. 22. IT WAS NOT UNTIL A YEAR LATER THAT PAST MEMBERSHIP WAS MADE A SPECIFIC GROUND FOR DEPORTATION. (FN1) THIS PAST MEMBERSHIP HAS COST NESTOR DEAR. IT BROUGHT HIM EXPULSION FROM THE COUNTRY AFTER 43 YEARS' RESIDENCE - MOST OF HIS LIFE. NOW MORE IS EXACTED FROM HIM, FOR AFTER HE HAD BEGUN TO RECEIVE BENEFITS IN 1955 - HAVING WORKED IN COVERED EMPLOYMENT THE REQUIRED TIME AND REACHED AGE 65 - AND MIGHT ANTICIPATE RECEIVING THEM THE REST OF HIS LIFE, THE BENEFITS WERE STOPPED PURSUANT TO SEC. 202(N) OF THE AMENDED SOCIAL SECURITY ACT. (FN2) HIS PREDICAMENT IS VERY REAL - AN AGING MAN DEPRIVED OF THE MEANS WITH WHICH TO LIVE AFTER BEING SEPARATED FROM HIS FAMILY AND EXILED TO LIVE AMONG STRANGERS IN A LAND HE QUIT 47 YEARS AGO. THE COMMON SENSE OF IT IS THAT HE HAS BEEN PUNISHED SEVERELY FOR HIS PAST CONDUCT. EVEN THE 1950 STATUTE DEPORTING ALIENS FOR PAST MEMBERSHIP RAISED SERIOUS QUESTIONS IN THIS COURT WHETHER THE PROHIBITION AGAINST EX POST FACTO LAWS WAS VIOLATED. IN GALVAN V. PRESS, 347 U.S. 522, 531, WE SAID ""SINCE THE INTRINSIC CONSEQUENCES OF DEPORTATION ARE SO CLOSE TO PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME, IT MIGHT FAIRLY BE SAID ALSO THAT THE EX POST FACTO CLAUSE, EVEN THOUGH APPLICABLE ONLY TO PUNITIVE LEGISLATION, SHOULD BE APPLIED TO DEPORTATION."" HOWEVER, PRECEDENTS WHICH TREAT DEPORTATION NOT AS PUNISHMENT, BUT AS A PERMISSIBLE EXERCISE OF CONGRESSIONAL POWER TO ENACT THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH ALIENS MAY COME TO AND REMAIN IN THIS COUNTRY, GOVERNED THE DECISION IN FAVOR OF THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE STATUTE. HOWEVER, THE COURT CANNOT REST A DECISION THAT SEC. 202(N) DOES NOT IMPOSE PUNISHMENT ON CONGRESS' POWER TO REGULATE IMMIGRATION. IT ESCAPES THE COMMON-SENSE CONCLUSION THAT CONGRESS HAS IMPOSED PUNISHMENT BY FINDING THE REQUISITE RATIONAL NEXUS TO A GRANTED POWER IN THE SUPPOSED FURTHERANCE OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM ""ENACTED PURSUANT TO CONGRESS' POWER TO 'SPEND MONEY IN AID OF THE ""GENERAL WELFARE.""'"" I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE COURT TO DENY THAT BUT FOR THAT CONNECTION, SEC. 202(N) WOULD IMPOSE PUNISHMENT AND NOT ONLY OFFEND THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROHIBITION ON EX POST FACTO LAWS BUT ALSO VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEES AGAINST IMPOSITION OF PUNISHMENT WITHOUT A JUDICIAL TRIAL. THE COURT'S TEST OF THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF SEC. 202(N) IS WHETHER THE LEGISLATIVE CONCERN UNDERLYING THE STATUTE WAS TO REGULATE ""THE ACTIVITY OR STATUS FROM WHICH THE INDIVIDUAL IS BARRED"" OR WHETHER THE STATUTE ""IS EVIDENTLY AIMED AT THE PERSON OR CLASS OF PERSONS DISQUALIFIED."" IT REJECTS THE INFERENCE THAT THE STATUTE IS ""AIMED AT THE PERSON OR CLASS OF PERSONS DISQUALIFIED"" BY RELYING UPON THE PRESUMPTION OF CONSTITUTIONALITY. THIS PRESUMPTION MIGHT BE A BASIS FOR SUSTAINING THE STATUTE IF IN FACT THERE WERE TWO OPPOSING INFERENCES WHICH COULD REASONABLY BE DRAWN FROM THE LEGISLATION, ONE THAT IT IMPOSES PUNISHMENT AND THE OTHER THAT IT IS PURPOSED TO FURTHER THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM. THE COURT, HOWEVER, DOES NOT LIMIT THE PRESUMPTION TO THAT USE. RATHER THE PRESUMPTION BECOMES A COMPLETE SUBSTITUTE FOR ANY SUPPORTABLE FINDING OF A RATIONAL CONNECTION OF SEC. 202(N) WITH THE SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM. FOR ME IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO STATE THE TEST AND HOLD THAT THE PRESUMPTION ALONE SATISFIES IT. I FIND IT NECESSARY TO EXAMINE THE ACT AND ITS CONSEQUENCES TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER THERE IS GROUND FOR THE INFERENCE OF A CONGRESSIONAL CONCERN WITH THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM. ONLY AFTER THIS INQUIRY WOULD I CONSIDER THE APPLICATION OF THE PRESUMPTION. THE COURT SEEMS TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE STATUTE BEARS HARSHLY UPON THE INDIVIDUAL DISQUALIFIED, BUT STATES THAT THIS IS PERMISSIBLE WHEN A STATUTE IS ENACTED AS A REGULATION OF THE ACTIVITY. BUT SURELY THE HARSHNESS OF THE CONSEQUENCES IS ITSELF A RELEVANT CONSIDERATION TO THE INQUIRY INTO THE CONGRESSIONAL PURPOSE. (FN3) CF. TROP V. DULLES, 356 U.S. 86, 110 (CONCURRING OPINION). IT SEEMS TO ME THAT THE STATUTE ITSELF SHOWS THAT THE SOLE LEGISLATIVE CONCERN WAS WITH ""THE PERSON OR CLASS OF PERSONS DISQUALIFIED."" CONGRESS DID NOT DISQUALIFY FOR BENEFITS ALL BENEFICIARIES RESIDING ABROAD OR EVEN ALL DEPENDENTS RESIDING ABROAD WHO ARE ALIENS. IF THAT HAD BEEN THE CASE I MIGHT AGREE THAT CONGRESS' CONCERN WOULD HAVE BEEN WITH ""THE ACTIVITY OR STATUS"" AND NOT WITH THE ""PERSON OR CLASS OF PERSONS DISQUALIFIED."" THE SCALES WOULD THEN BE TIPPED TOWARD THE CONCLUSION THAT CONGRESS DESIRED TO LIMIT BENEFIT PAYMENTS TO BENEFICIARIES RESIDING IN THE UNITED STATES SO THAT THE AMERICAN ECONOMY WOULD BE AIDED BY EXPENDITURE OF BENEFITS HERE. INDEED A PROPOSAL ALONG THOSE LINES WAS SUBMITTED TO CONGRESS IN 1954, AT THE SAME TIME SEC. 202(N) WAS PROPOSED, (FN4) AND IT WAS REJECTED. (FN5) PERHAPS, THE COURT'S CONCLUSION THAT REGULATION OF ""THE ACTIVITY OR STATUS"" WAS THE CONGRESSIONAL CONCERN WOULD BE A FAIR APPRAISAL OF THE STATUTE IF CONGRESS HAD TERMINATED THE BENEFITS OF ALL ALIEN BENEFICIARIES WHO ARE DEPORTED. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT CONGRESS DID. THE 18 GROUNDS FOR WHICH ALIENS MAY BE DEPORTED. (FN6) H.R. REP. NO. 1698, 83D CONG., 2D SESS. 25, 77, CITED BY THE COURT, DESCRIBES SEC. 202(N) AS INCLUDING PERSONS WHO WERE DEPORTED ""BECAUSE OF UNLAWFUL ENTRY, CONVICTION OF A CRIME, OR SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITY."" THE ACTS AS NARCOTIC ADDICTION OR PROSTITUTION. THE COMMON ELEMENT OF THE 14 GROUNDS IS THAT THE ALIEN HAS BEEN GUILTY OF SOME BLAMEWORTHY CONDUCT. IN OTHER WORDS CONGRESS WORKED ITS WILL ONLY ON ALIENS DEPORTED FOR CONDUCT DISPLEASING TO THE LAWMAKERS. THIS IS PLAINLY DEMONSTRATED BY THE REMAINING FOUR GROUNDS OF DEPORTATION, THOSE WHICH DO NOT RESULT IN THE CANCELLATION OF BENEFITS. (FN7) TWO OF THOSE FOUR GROUNDS COVER PERSONS WHO BECOME PUBLIC CHARGES WITHIN FIVE YEARS AFTER ENTRY FOR REASONS WHICH PREDATED THE ENTRY. A THIRD GROUND COVERS THE ALIEN WHO FAILS TO MAINTAIN HIS NONIMMIGRANT STATUS. THE FOURTH GROUND REACHES THE ALIEN WHO, PRIOR TO OR WITHIN FIVE YEARS AFTER ENTRY, AIDS OTHER ALIENS TO ENTER THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY. THOSE WHO ARE DEPORTED FOR BECOMING PUBLIC CHARGES CLEARLY HAVE NOT, BY MODERN STANDARDS, ENGAGED IN CONDUCT WORTHY OF CENSURE. THE GOVERNMENT'S SUGGESTION THAT THE REASON FOR THEIR EXCLUSION FROM SEC. 202(N) WAS AN UNARTICULATED FEELING OF CONGRESS THAT IT WOULD BE UNFAIR TO THE ""OTHER COUNTRY TO DEPORT SUCH DESTITUTE PERSONS WITHOUT LETTING THEM RETAIN THEIR MODICUM OF SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS"" APPEARS AT BEST FANCIFUL, ESPECIALLY SINCE, BY HYPOTHESIS, THEY ARE DEPORTABLE BECAUSE THE CONDITIONS WHICH LED TO THEIR BECOMING PUBLIC CHARGES EXISTED PRIOR TO ENTRY. THE EXCLUSION FROM THE OPERATION OF SEC. 202(N) OF ALIENS DEPORTED FOR FAILURE TO MAINTAIN NONIMMIGRANT STATUS RATIONALLY CAN BE EXPLAINED, IN THE CONTEXT OF THE WHOLE STATUTE, ONLY AS EVIDENCING THAT CONGRESS CONSIDERED THAT CONDUCT LESS BLAMEWORTHY. CERTAINLY THE GOVERNMENT'S SUGGESTION THAT CONGRESS MAY HAVE THOUGHT IT UNLIKELY THAT SUCH PERSONS WOULD WORK SUFFICIENT TIME IN COVERED EMPLOYMENT TO BECOME ELIGIBLE FOR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS CANNOT BE THE REASON FOR THIS EXCLUSION. FOR FREQUENTLY THE VERY ACT WHICH EVENTUALLY RESULTS IN THE DEPORTATION OF PERSONS ON THAT GROUND IS THE SECURING OF PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT. FINALLY, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO RECONCILE THE CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS TO ALIENS WHO ARE DEPORTED FOR AIDING OTHER ALIENS TO ENTER THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY, EXCEPT UPON THE GROUND THAT CONGRESS FELT THAT THEIR CONDUCT WAS LESS REPREHENSIBLE. AGAIN THE GOVERNMENT'S SUGGESTION THAT THE REASON MIGHT BE CONGRESS' BELIEF THAT THESE ALIENS WOULD NOT HAVE WORKED IN COVERED EMPLOYMENT MUST BE REJECTED. FIVE YEARS AFTER ENTRY WOULD BE AMPLE TIME WITHIN WHICH TO SECURE EMPLOYMENT AND QUALIFY. MOREOVER THE SAME FIVE-YEAR LIMITATION APPLIES TO SEVERAL OF THE 14 GROUNDS OF DEPORTATION FOR WHICH ALIENS ARE CUT OFF FROM BENEFITS AND THE GOVERNMENT'S ARGUMENT WOULD APPLY EQUALLY TO THEM IF THAT IN FACT WAS THE CONGRESSIONAL REASON. THIS APPRAISAL OF THE DISTINCTIONS DRAWN BY CONGRESS BETWEEN VARIOUS KINDS OF CONDUCT IMPELS THE CONCLUSION, BEYOND PERADVENTURE THAT THE DISTINCTIONS CAN BE UNDERSTOOD ONLY IF THE PURPOSE OF CONGRESS WAS TO STRIKE AT ""THE PERSON OR CLASS OF PERSONS DISQUALIFIED."" THE COURT INVEIGHS AGAINST INVALIDATING A STATUTE ON ""IMPLICATON AND VAGUE CONJECTURE."" RATHER I THINK THE COURT HAS STRAINED TO SUSTAIN THE STATUTE ON ""IMPLICATION AND VAGUE CONJECTURE,"" IN HOLDING THAT THE CONGRESSIONAL CONCERN WAS ""THE ACTIVITY OR STATUS FROM WHICH THE INDIVIDUAL IS BARRED."" TODAY'S DECISION SANCTIONS THE USE OF THE SPENDING POWER NOT TO FURTHER THE LEGITIMATE OBJECTIVES OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM BUT TO INFLICT HURT UPON THOSE WHO BY THEIR CONDUCT HAVE INCURRED THE DISPLEASURE OF CONGRESS. THE FRAMERS ORDAINED THAT EVEN THE WORST OF MEN SHOULD NOT BE PUNISHED FOR THEIR PAST ACTS OR FOR ANY CONDUCT WITHOUT ADHERENCE TO THE PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS WRITTEN INTO THE CONSTITUTION. TODAY'S DECISION IS TO ME A REGRETFUL RETREAT FROM LOVETT, CUMMINGS AND GARLAND." 0 "Netflix's original series ""Stranger Things."" Netflix Netflix will raise prices for its US subscribers starting Thursday, the company confirmed to Business Insider. The price of the lowest-tier plan will not change from $7.99 monthly. But the most popular, the ""standard plan,"" which allows HD and two simultaneous streams, will increase to $10.99 a month from $9.99. The highest-tier plan, which supports features like 4K video resolution and four simultaneous streams, will increase to $13.99 a month from $11.99. Mashable first reported the price increase. New subscribers will see the price increase go into effect on Thursday. Current subscribers will start being notified on October 19, and it will take effect in their next billing cycle. Netflix's price increases always spark drama. In October 2015, Netflix raised its prices for new members and then embarked on a process of ""un-grandfathering"" existing customers into new prices. When the bulk of that process happened last year, media and public chatter rose to such a degree that Netflix blamed it for a missed quarter of subscriber growth. ""People don't like price increases — we know that,"" CEO Reed Hastings said on an earnings call last year. People may not like them, but price increases will most likely continue to be necessary as Netflix spends more and more on content — close to $7 billion next year, according to its content boss, Ted Sarandos. Funding its original productions is not cheap, and Netflix has made big moves recently, like poaching the TV power player Shonda Rhimes from ABC and buying the comic-book publisher Millarworld. Still, despite the price increase, Netflix will remain a much better deal than cable in terms of viewing time. In a report this summer, UBS analysts found that an average pay-TV package cost over three times as much per hour of viewing as Netflix. The per-hour cost of traditional packages was about $0.42, while that of Netflix was about $0.10. That lead is not likely to be hurt too much by a $1 or $2 price increase. Here's a chart from UBS that shows how Netflix prices have fared relative to cable prices over time:" 0 The 'Arrow' and 'Teen Wolf' grad joins a cast that also includes Billie Lourd. Add Colton Haynes to the cast of American Horror Story. Showrunner Ryan Murphy announced Tuesday that the Arrow and Teen Wolf alum — currently seen onscreen in Rough Night — has joined the seventh season of the FX anthology. Season seven, which will likely bow in its standard October period, will be an election-themed cycle, though Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not currently on the show's ballot. The season begins the day after the election. Character and additional plot details are being kept under wraps. Haynes, who is new to the franchise, joins fellow newbies to the anthology including Billie Lourd and Billy Eichner. Returning castmembers include Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters. This marks Haynes' second collaboration with Murphy. He also appeared in a few episodes of Fox's Scream Queens. Haynes is repped by UTA and Ziffren Brittenham. 0 I was expecting to be talking about X major character’s death after last night’s Game of Thrones premiere. I was not expecting to be talking about Ed Sheeran. In truth, this was one of the least bloody episodes of the entire series (overlooking Arya’s little poisonous dinner party), and mostly served as set up for the conflicts to come. But the one moment that seems to have stuck with everyone was a certain less-than-subtle cameo from world-famous musician, Ed Sheeran. If you don’t know who Ed Sheeran is or what he looks like, you probably didn’t think anything was amiss. But if you do, and millions will recognize him on sight, it was a very bizarre moment in a show that seems like it would avoid these kinds of “celebrity guest star” cameos. Sheeran plays a young Lannister soldier, part of a detachment that Arya encounters after dispatching the Freys. He sings a tune that Arya hears from a ways off (“It’s a new one” he says, when Arya asks what the song is. Thankfully it’s not one of his own). And I believe he has one other line about how King’s Landing is the worst. Most of the talking is left to two other members of the party during the scene. And still, his appearance was jarring. I say this not as someone who dislikes Ed Sheeran, but it was handled completely wrong. If you knew who he was, it was all you could focus on in the scene, and especially for the type of show Game of Thrones is, this kind of front-and-center cameo of someone this famous seemed out of place, like Miley Cyrus showing up on The Walking Dead as a survivor or watching The Handmaid’s Tale with special musical guest Drake. Sheeran’s cameo actually reminded me a lot of when Rihanna showed up to play Marion Crane on the last season of Bates Motel, where it was impossible to see anyone but Rihanna during her stint (though she didn’t sing). This also isn’t to say that Game of Thrones shouldn’t have musical cameos, as it has done so many, many times in the past. Throughout the last six seasons, members of the bands Snow Patrol, Coldplay, Sigur Ros, Mastadon and Of Monsters and Men all showed up on Game of Thrones at one point, but if you didn’t know that, I wouldn’t blame you. That’s because A) a lot less people would know what these band members look like and B) they were often dressed up so you probably wouldn’t recognize them anyway. Ed Sheeran was just Ed Sheeran…in armor, and he certainly wasn’t hiding in the background. Anyway, it didn’t ruin the evening or anything, but it was pretty distracting in what was a key scene where Arya gets to see that the Lannister army isn’t some faceless mass of evil, but contains some sweet young boys as well. Knowing Game of Thrones, I wouldn’t be surprised to see these lads show up as corpses later, teaching Arya another valuable lesson. And I know there were plenty of people last night rooting for Arya to stick Ed Sheeran, but that seems a bit extreme to me. So yes, this was a misstep from Game of Thrones, to be sure. They’ve done plenty of non-distracting cameos before, but this one was painfully unsubtle to the point where it probably shouldn’t have happened at all. Follow me on Twitter and on Facebook. Pick up my sci-fi novel series, The Earthborn Trilogy, which is now in print, online and on audiobook. 0 "Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964) is an American lawyer, university administrator, and writer who served as the First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017. She is married to the 44th U.S. President, Barack Obama, and was the first African-American First Lady. Raised on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois, Obama is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. In her early legal career, she worked at the law firm Sidley Austin, where she met Barack Obama. She subsequently worked in non-profits and as the Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago and the Vice President for Community and External Affairs of the University of Chicago Medical Center. Michelle married Barack in 1992 and they have two daughters. Obama campaigned for her husband's presidential bid throughout 2007 and 2008, delivering a keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. She returned to speak for him at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. During the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, she delivered a speech in support of the Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, a former First Lady. As First Lady, Obama served as a role model for women, and worked as an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity and healthy eating. She supported American designers and was considered a fashion icon.[1][2] Family and education Early life and ancestry Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was born on January 17, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois, to Fraser Robinson III (1935–1991),[3] a city water plant employee and Democratic precinct captain, and Marian Shields Robinson (b.July 30, 1937), a secretary at Spiegel's catalog store.[4] Her mother was a full-time homemaker until Michelle entered high school.[5] The Robinson and Shields families trace their roots to pre-Civil War African Americans in the American South.[3] On her father's side, she is descended from the Gullah people of South Carolina's Low Country region.[6] Her paternal great-great grandfather, Jim Robinson, was born into slavery in 1850 on Friendfield Plantation, near Georgetown, South Carolina.[7][8] He became a freedman at age 15 after the war. Some of Obama's paternal family still reside in the Georgetown area.[9][10] Her grandfather Fraser Robinson, Jr. built his own house in South Carolina. He and his wife LaVaughn (née Johnson) returned to the Low Country from Chicago after retirement.[7] Among her maternal ancestors was her great-great-great-grandmother (3xgreat-grandmother), Melvinia Shields, born into slavery in South Carolina but sold to Henry Walls Shields, who had a 200-acre farm in Clayton County, Georgia near Atlanta. Melvinia's first son, Dolphus T. Shields, was biracial and born into slavery about 1860. Based on DNA and other evidence, in 2012 researchers said his father was likely 20-year-old Charles Marion Shields, son of Melvinia's master. They may have had a continuing relationship, as she had two more mixed-race children and lived near Shields after emancipation, taking his surname. (Later she changed her surname.)[11] As was often the case, Melvinia did not talk to relatives about Dolphus' father.[12] Dolphus Shields with his wife Alice moved to Birmingham, Alabama after the Civil War. They were great-great-grandparents of Michelle Robinson, whose grandparents had moved to Chicago.[12] Other of their children's lines migrated to Cleveland, Ohio in the 20th century.[11] All four of Robinson's grandparents had multiracial ancestors, reflecting the complex history of the U.S. Her extended family has said that people did not talk about the era of slavery when they were growing up.[11] Her distant ancestry includes Irish, English and Native American roots.[13] Among her contemporary extended family is rabbi Capers Funnye; born in Georgetown, South Carolina, he is the son of her grandfather Robinson's sister and her husband, and is about 12 years older than Michelle. Funnye converted to Judaism after college. He is a paternal first cousin once-removed.[14][15] Robinson's childhood home was on the upper floor of 7436 South Euclid Avenue in Chicago's South Shore community area, which her parents rented from her great-aunt, who had the first floor.[4][16][17][18] She was raised in what she describes as a ""conventional"" home, with ""the mother at home, the father works, you have dinner around the table.""[19] Her elementary school was down the street. She and her family enjoyed playing games such as Monopoly, reading, and frequently saw extended family on both sides.[20] She played piano,[21] learning from her great-aunt who was a piano teacher.[22] The Robinsons attended services at nearby South Shore United Methodist Church.[16] They used to vacation in a rustic cabin in White Cloud, Michigan.[16] She and her 21-month older brother, Craig, skipped the second grade.[4][23] Her father suffered from multiple sclerosis, which had a profound emotional effect on her as she was growing up. She was determined to stay out of trouble and be a good student, which was what her father wanted for her.[24] By sixth grade, Michelle joined a gifted class at Bryn Mawr Elementary School (later renamed Bouchet Academy).[25] She attended Whitney Young High School,[26] Chicago's first magnet high school, established as a selective enrollment school, where she was a classmate of Jesse Jackson's daughter Santita.[20] The round-trip commute from the Robinsons' South Side home to the Near West Side, where the school was located, took three hours.[27] Michelle recalled being fearful of how others would perceive her, but disregarded any negativity around her and used it ""to fuel me, to keep me going.""[28][29] She recalled facing gender discrimination growing up, saying, for example, that rather than asking her for her opinion on a given subject, people commonly tended to ask what her older brother thought.[30] She was on the honor roll for four years, took advanced placement classes, was a member of the National Honor Society, and served as student council treasurer.[4] She graduated in 1981 as the salutatorian of her class.[27] Education and early career She was inspired to follow her brother to Princeton University.[5] He graduated in 1983,[31] and was hired as a basketball coach at Oregon State University and Brown University.[32] Robinson recalls that some of her teachers in high school tried to dissuade her from applying, that she had been told she was ""setting my sights too high"".[33][34] She believed that her brother's status as an alumnus may have helped her during the admission process,[35] but she was resolved to demonstrate her own worthiness.[31] She acknowledges that she was overwhelmed when first arriving in first year, attributing this to the fact that neither of her parents had graduated from college,[36] and that she had never spent time on a college campus.[37] The mother of a white roommate reportedly tried (unsuccessfully) to get her daughter reassigned because of Michelle's race. Robinson said that being at Princeton was the first time she became more aware of her ethnicity and, despite the willingness of her classmates and teachers to reach out to her, she still felt ""like a visitor on campus.""[38][39] There were also issues of economic class. ""I remember being shocked,"" she says, ""by college students who drove BMWs. I didn't even know parents who drove BMWs.""[27] While at Princeton, Robinson got involved with the Third World Center (now known as the Carl A. Fields Center), an academic and cultural group that supported minority students. She ran their day care center, which also offered after school tutoring for older children.[40] She challenged the teaching methodology for French because she felt that it should be more conversational.[41] As part of her requirements for graduation, she wrote a sociology thesis, entitled Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community.[42][43] She researched her thesis by sending a questionnaire to African-American graduates, asking that they specify when and how comfortable they were with their race prior to their enrollment at Princeton and how they felt about it when they were a student and since then. Of the 400 alumni to whom she sent the survey, fewer than 90 responded. Her findings did not support her hope that the black alumni would still identify with the African-American community, even though they had attended an elite university and had the advantages that accrue to its graduates.[44] She majored in sociology and minored in African-American studies, graduating cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in 1985.[4][45] Robinson pursued professional study, earning her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Harvard Law School in 1988.[46] By the time she applied for Harvard Law, biographer Bond wrote, her confidence had increased; ""This time around, there was no doubt in her mind that she had earned her place"".[44] Her faculty mentor at Harvard Law was Charles Ogletree, who has said that she had answered the question that had plagued her throughout Princeton by the time she arrived at Harvard Law: whether she would remain the product of her parents or keep the identity she had acquired at Princeton; she had concluded she could be ""both brilliant and black.""[47] At Harvard Robinson participated in demonstrations advocating the hiring of professors who were members of minorities.[48] She worked for the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, assisting low-income tenants with housing cases.[49] She is the third First Lady with a postgraduate degree, after her two immediate predecessors, Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush.[50] She later said that her education gave her opportunities beyond what she had ever imagined.[51] Family life Her father, Fraser C. Robinson III, died from complications from his illness in March 1991.[52] She would later say that although he was the ""hole in my heart"" and ""loss in my scar"", the memory of her father has motivated her each day since.[37] Her friend Suzanne Alele died from cancer around this time as well. These losses made her think of her contributions toward society and how well she was influencing the world from her law firm, in her first job after law school. She considered this a turning point.[53] Robinson met Barack Obama when they were among the few African Americans at their law firm, Sidley Austin LLP (she has sometimes said only two, although others have noted that there were others in different departments).[54] She was assigned to mentor him while he was a summer associate.[55] Their relationship started with a business lunch and then a community organization meeting where he first impressed her.[56] Before meeting Obama, Michelle had told her mother she intended to focus solely on her career.[57] The couple's first date was to Spike Lee's 1989 movie Do the Right Thing.[58] Barack Obama has said that the two had an ""opposites attract"" scenario in their initial interest in each other, since Michelle had stability from her two-parent home while he was ""adventurous"".[59] They married on October 3, 1992.[56] After suffering a miscarriage, Michelle underwent in vitro fertilisation[60] to conceive their daughters Malia Ann (born 1998) and Natasha (known as Sasha, born 2001).[61] The Obama family lived on Chicago's South Side, where Barack taught at the University of Chicago Law School. He was elected to the state senate in 1996, and to the US Senate in 2004. They chose to keep their residence in Chicago after Barack's election rather than to move to Washington, DC, as they felt it was better for their daughters. Throughout her husband's 2008 campaign for US President, Michelle Obama made a ""commitment to be away overnight only once a week – to campaign only two days a week and be home by the end of the second day"" for their two daughters.[62] She once requested that her then-fiancé meet her prospective boss, Valerie Jarrett, when considering her first career move;[19] Jarrett became one of her husband's closest advisors.[63][64] The marital relationship has had its ebbs and flows; the combination of an evolving family life and beginning political career led to many arguments about balancing work and family. Barack Obama wrote in his second book, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, that ""Tired and stressed, we had little time for conversation, much less romance.""[65] Despite their family obligations and careers, they continued to try to schedule 'date nights' while they lived in Chicago.[66] The Obamas' daughters attended the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, a private school.[67] As a member of the school's board, Michelle fought to maintain diversity in the school when other board members connected with the University of Chicago tried to reserve more slots for children of the university faculty. This resulted in a plan to expand the school to increase enrollment.[5] In Washington, DC, Malia and Sasha attended Sidwell Friends School, after also considering Georgetown Day School.[68][69] In 2008 Michelle said in an interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show that they did not intend to have any more children.[70] The Obamas received advice from past first ladies Laura Bush, Rosalynn Carter and Hillary Clinton about raising children in the White House.[69] Marian Robinson, Michelle's mother, moved into the White House to assist with child care.[71] Religion The Obamas attend a church service in Washington, D.C., January 2013. Michelle Obama was raised United Methodist and joined the Trinity United Church of Christ, a mostly black congregation of the Reformed denomination known as the United Church of Christ. She and Barack Obama were married there by Rev. Jeremiah Wright. On May 31, 2008, Barack and Michelle Obama announced that they had withdrawn their membership in Trinity United Church of Christ saying: ""Our relations with Trinity have been strained by the divisive statements of Reverend Wright, which sharply conflict with our own views.""[72] The Obama family attended several different Protestant churches after moving to Washington D.C. in 2009, including Shiloh Baptist Church and St. John's Episcopal Church on Lafayette Square, known as the Presidents' Church. At the 49th African Methodist Episcopal Church's general conference, Michelle Obama encouraged the attendees to advocate for political awareness, saying, ""To anyone who says that church is no place to talk about these issues, you tell them there is no place better – no place better, because ultimately, these are not just political issues – they are moral issues, they're issues that have to do with human dignity and human potential, and the future we want for our kids and our grandkids.""[73] Career Following law school, Obama became an associate at the Chicago office of the law firm Sidley & Austin, where she met her future husband Barack. At the firm, she worked on marketing and intellectual property law.[4] She continues to hold her law license, but as she no longer needs it for her work, she has kept it on a voluntary inactive status since 1993.[74][75] In 1991, she held public sector positions in the Chicago city government as an Assistant to the Mayor, and as Assistant Commissioner of Planning and Development. In 1993, she became Executive Director for the Chicago office of Public Allies, a non-profit organization encouraging young people to work on social issues in nonprofit groups and government agencies.[26] She worked there nearly four years and set fundraising records for the organization that still stood 12 years after she left.[20] Obama later said that she had never been happier in her life prior to working ""to build Public Allies"".[76] In 1996, Obama served as the Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago, where she developed the University's Community Service Center.[77] In 2002, she began working for the University of Chicago Hospitals, first as executive director for community affairs and, beginning May 2005, as Vice President for Community and External Affairs.[78] She continued to hold the University of Chicago Hospitals position during the primary campaign of 2008, but cut back to part-time in order to spend time with her daughters as well as work for her husband's election.[79] She subsequently took a leave of absence from her job.[80] According to the couple's 2006 income tax return, her salary was $273,618 from the University of Chicago Hospitals, while her husband had a salary of $157,082 from the United States Senate. The Obamas' total income was $991,296, which included $51,200 she earned as a member of the board of directors of TreeHouse Foods, and investments and royalties from his books.[81] Obama served as a salaried board member of TreeHouse Foods, Inc. (NYSE: THS),[82] a major Wal-Mart supplier from shortly after her husband was seated in the Senate until she cut ties shortly after her husband announced his candidacy for the presidency; he criticized Wal-Mart labor policies at an AFL-CIO forum in Trenton, New Jersey, on May 14, 2007.[83] She also served on the board of directors of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.[84] Barack Obama political campaigns Early campaigns During an interview in 1996, Michelle Obama acknowledged there was a ""strong possibility"" her husband would begin a political career, but said she was ""wary"" of the process. She knew it meant their lives would be subject to scrutiny and she was intensely private.[85] Although she campaigned on her husband's behalf since early in his political career by handshaking and fund-raising, she did not relish the activity at first. When she campaigned during her husband's 2000 run for United States House of Representatives, her boss at the University of Chicago asked if there was any single thing about campaigning that she enjoyed; after some thought, she replied that visiting so many living rooms had given her some new decorating ideas.[86][87] Obama opposed her husband's run for the congressional seat, and, after his defeat, she preferred he tend to the financial needs of the family in what she deemed a more practical way.[88] 2008 Presidential campaign At first, Obama had reservations about her husband's presidential campaign, due to fears about a possible negative effect on their daughters.[89] She says that she negotiated an agreement in which her husband was to quit smoking in exchange for her support of his decision to run.[90] About her role in her husband's presidential campaign she has said: ""My job is not a senior adviser"".[63][91][92] During the campaign, she discussed race and education by using motherhood as a framework.[41] In May 2007, three months after her husband declared his presidential candidacy, Obama reduced her professional responsibilities by 80 percent to support his presidential campaign.[19] Early in the campaign, she had limited involvement in which she traveled to political events only two days a week and rarely traveled overnight;[93] by early February 2008 her participation had increased significantly. She attended thirty-three events in eight days.[64] She made several campaign appearances with Oprah Winfrey.[94][95] She wrote her own stump speeches for her husband's presidential campaign and generally spoke without notes.[27] During the campaign, columnist Cal Thomas on Fox News described Michelle Obama as an ""Angry Black Woman""[96][97][98] and some web sites attempted to promote this image.[99] Obama said: ""Barack and I have been in the public eye for many years now, and we've developed a thick skin along the way. When you're out campaigning, there will always be criticism. I just take it in stride, and at the end of the day, I know that it comes with the territory.""[100] By the time of the 2008 Democratic National Convention in August, media outlets observed that her presence on the campaign trail had grown softer than at the start of the race, focusing on soliciting concerns and empathizing with the audience rather than throwing down challenges to them, and giving interviews to shows such as The View and publications like Ladies' Home Journal rather than appearing on news programs. The change was reflected in her fashion choices, as she wore clothes that were more informal clothes than her earlier designer pieces.[86] Partly intended to help soften her public image,[96] her appearance on The Viewwas widely covered in the press.[101] The presidential campaign was Obama's first exposure to the national political scene; she was considered the least famous of the candidates' spouses.[91] Early in the campaign, she told anecdotes about Obama family life; however, as the press began to emphasize her sarcasm, she toned it down.[81][90] New York Times op-ed columnist Maureen Dowd wrote: I wince a bit when Michelle Obama chides her husband as a mere mortal – a comic routine that rests on the presumption that we see him as a god ... But it may not be smart politics to mock him in a way that turns him from the glam JFK into the mundane Gerald Ford, toasting his own English muffin. If all Senator Obama is peddling is the Camelot mystique, why debunk this mystique?[91][102] On the first night of the 2008 Democratic National Convention, Craig Robinson introduced his younger sister.[103] She delivered her speech, during which she sought to portray herself and her family as the embodiment of the American Dream.[104] Obama said she and her husband believe ""that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond, and you do what you say you're going to do, that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them.""[105] She also emphasized loving her country, likely responding to criticism for having said that she felt 'proud of her country for the first time'.[104][106][107] The first statement was seen as a gaffe.[108] Her keynote address was largely well-received and drew mostly positive reviews.[109] A Rasmussen Reports poll found that her favorability among Americans reached 55%, the highest for her.[110] On an October 6, 2008 broadcast, Larry King asked Obama if the American electorate was past the Bradley effect. She said that her husband's winning the nomination was a fairly strong indicator that it was.[111] The same night she was interviewed by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, where she deflected criticism of her husband and his campaign.[112] On Fox News' America's Pulse, E. D. Hill referred to the fist bump shared by the Obamas on the night that he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination, describing it as a ""terrorist fist jab"". Hill was taken off air and the show was cancelled.[113][114] 2012 Presidential re-election campaign Obama (far right) celebrates with Jill Biden after their husbands win re-election. Obama campaigned for her husband's re-election in 2012. Beginning in 2011, Obama became more politically active than she had been since the 2008 election, though avoided discussions about the re-election bid.[115] By the time of the election cycle, she had developed a more open public image.[116][117] Some commentators viewed her as the most popular member of the Obama administration,[118] noting that her poll approval numbers had not dropped below 60% since she entered the White House.[119] An Obama senior campaign official said she was ""the most popular political figure in America"".[120] The positive assessment was reasoned to have contributed to her active role in the re-election campaign, but it was noted that the challenge for the Obama campaign was to use her without tarnishing her popularity. Obama was considered a polarizing figure, having aroused both ""sharp enmity and deep loyalty"" from Americans, but she was also seen as having improved her image since 2008 when her husband first ran for the presidency.[118] Isabel Wilkinson of The Daily Beast said that Obama's fashion style changed over the course of the campaign to be sensitive and economical.[121] Prior to the first debate of the election cycle, Obama expressed confidence in her husband's debating skills.[122] He was later criticized for appearing detached and for looking down when addressing Romney.[123][124] The consensus among uncommitted voters was that the latter 'won' the debate.[125] After Obama's speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, the First Lady was found through a CBS News/New York Times poll conducted in September to have a 61% favorably rating with registered voters, the highest percentage she had polled since April 2009.[126] Obama aimed to humanize her husband by relating stories about him, attempting to appeal to female voters in swing states. Paul Harris of The Guardian said that the same tactic was being used by Ann Romney, wife of 2012 Republican candidate Mitt Romney. Polls in October showed their husbands tied at 47% for the female vote. However, Michelle Obama's favorability ratings remained higher than Ann Romney's at 69% to 52%.[127] Despite Obama's higher poll numbers, comparisons between Obama and Romney were repeatedly made by the media until the election.[128][129] But, as Michelle Cottle of Newsweek wrote, ""...nobody votes for first lady.""[130] First Lady of the United States (2009–2017) During her early months as First Lady, Obama visited homeless shelters and soup kitchens.[131] She also sent representatives to schools and advocated public service.[131][132] Obama advocated for her husband's policy priorities by promoting bills that support it. She hosted a White House reception for women's rights advocates in celebration of the enactment of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 Pay equity law. She supported the economic stimulus bill in visits to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and United States Department of Education. Some observers looked favorably upon her legislative activities, while others said that she should be less involved in politics. According to her representatives, she intended to visit all United States Cabinet-level agencies in order to get acquainted with Washington.[133] Obama and General Charles R. Davis smile to the crowd before speaking on her mission to help military families, October 2009. On June 5, 2009, the White House announced that Michelle Obama was replacing her then chief of staff, Jackie Norris, with Susan Sher, a longtime friend and adviser. Norris became a senior adviser to the Corporation for National and Community Service.[134] Another key aide, Spelman College alumna Kristen Jarvis, served from 2008 until 2015, when she left to become chief of staff to the Ford Foundation president Darren Walker. In 2009 Michelle Obama was named Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating Person of the year.[135] Some initiatives of First Lady Michelle Obama included advocating on behalf of military families, helping working women balance career and family, encouraging national service, and promoting the arts and arts education.[136][137] Obama made supporting military families and spouses a personal mission and increasingly bonded with military families. According to her aides, stories of the sacrifice these families make moved her to tears.[137] In April 2012, Obama and her husband were awarded the Jerald Washington Memorial Founders' Award by the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV).The award is the highest honor given to homeless veteran advocates.[138] Obama was again honored with the award in May 2015, accepting with Jill Biden.[139] Obama holding a sign with the hashtag ""#bringbackourgirls"" in May 2014. Obama meets future First Lady Melania Trump in November 2016. In November 2013, a Politico article by Michelle Cottle accusing Obama of being a ""feminist nightmare"" for not using her position and education to advocate for women's issues was sharply criticized across the political spectrum.[140][141][142] Cottle quoted Linda Hirshman saying of Obama's trendy styles, promotion of gardening and healthy eating, and support of military families that ""She essentially became the English lady of the manor, Tory Party, circa 1830s.""[140] A prominent critic of Cottle was MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry, who rhetorically asked ""Are you serious?""[141][142] Supporters of Obama note that the First Lady had been one of the only people in the administration to address obesity, through promoting good eating habits, which is one of the leading U.S. public health crises.[143] In May 2014, Obama joined the campaign to bring back school girls who had been kidnapped in Nigeria. The First Lady tweeted a picture of herself holding a poster with the #bringbackourgirls campaign hashtag.[144] Over the course of the Obama presidency, particularly during the second term, Michelle Obama was subject to speculation over whether she would run for the presidency herself, similarly to predecessor Hillary Clinton.[145] A potential Michelle Obama candidacy was supported by both Samuel L. Jackson and James Clyburn.[146] On April 6, 2009, CNN did a poll on whether she should run for the presidency in 2020, 83% of responders being opposed to the idea.[147] A May 2015 Rasmussen poll found Obama had 22% of support to Clinton's 56% of winning the Democratic nomination, higher than that of potential candidates Elizabeth Warren, Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders.[148][149] Another poll from that month found 71% of Americans believed that Obama should not run for the presidency, only 14% approving.[149] On January 14, 2016, during a town-hall meeting, President Obama was asked if the First Lady could be talked into running. He responded, ""There are three things that are certain in life: death, taxes, and Michelle is not running for president. That I can tell you.""[150][151] On March 16, 2016, while speaking in Austin, Texas, Obama denied that she would ever run for the office, citing a desire to ""impact as many people as possible in an unbiased way.""[152] Let's Move! Obama's predecessors Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush supported the organic movement by instructing the White House kitchens to buy organic food. Obama extended their support of healthy eating by planting the White House Kitchen Garden, an organic garden, the first White House vegetable garden since Eleanor Roosevelt served as First Lady. She also had bee hives installed on the South Lawn of the White House. The garden supplied organic produce and honey for the meals of the First Family and for state dinners and other official gatherings.[153][154][155][156] In January 2010, Obama undertook her first lead role in an administration-wide initiative, which she named ""Let's Move!,"" to make progress in reversing the 21st-century trend of childhood obesity.[155][157] On February 9, 2010, the First Lady announced Let's Move! and President Barack Obama created the Task Force on Childhood Obesity to review all current programs and create a national plan for change.[158] Michelle Obama said that her goal was to make this effort her legacy: ""I want to leave something behind that we can say, 'Because of this time that this person spent here, this thing has changed.' And my hope is that that's going to be in the area of childhood obesity.""[155] Her 2012 book American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America is based on her experiences with the garden and promotes healthy eating.[159] Her call for action on healthy eating was repeated by the United States Department of Defense, which has been facing an ever-expanding problem of obesity among recruits.[160] Several Republicans have critiqued or lampooned Obama's initiative. In October 2014, senator Rand Paul linked to Michelle Obama's Twitter account when announcing on the website that he was going to Dunkin' Donuts.[161] In January 2016, Chris Christie, Republican Governor of New Jersey and presidential candidate, criticized the First Lady's involvement with healthy eating while he was campaigning in Iowa, arguing that she was using the government to exercise her views on eating.[162][163] Obama had previously cited Christie as an example of an adult who struggled with obesity, a demographic she sought to diminish by targeting children since Let's Move! was ""working with kids when they're young, so that they don't have these direct challenges when they get older.""[164] In February, Senator Ted Cruz said that he would end Obama's health policies and return french fries to school cafeterias if his wife was First Lady.[165] LGBT rights Obama's first term official portrait. In the 2008 US presidential campaign, Obama boasted to gay Democrat groups of her husband's record on LGBT rights: his support of the Illinois Human Rights Act, the Illinois gender violence act, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, and full repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, civil unions; along with hate crimes protection for sexual orientation and gender identity and renewed effort to fight HIV and AIDS. They have both opposed amendments proposed to ban same-sex marriage in the federal, California, and Florida constitutions. She said that the US Supreme Court delivered justice in the Lawrence v. Texas case and drew a connection between the struggles for gay rights and civil rights by saying, ""We are all only here because of those who marched and bled and died, from Selma to Stonewall, in the pursuit of a more perfect union.""[166][167][168] After the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell on September 20, 2011, Obama included openly gay service members in her national military families initiative.[169] On May 9, 2012, Barack and Michelle Obama came out publicly in favor of same-sex marriage. Prior to this, Michelle Obama had never publicly stated her position on this issue. Senior White House officials said that Michelle Obama and Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett had been the two most consistent advocates for same-sex marriage in Barack Obama's life.[170] Michelle said ""This is an important issue for millions of Americans, and for Barack and me, it really comes down to the values of fairness and equality we want to pass down to our girls. These are basic values that kids learn at a very young age and that we encourage them to apply in all areas of their lives. And in a country where we teach our children that everyone is equal under the law, discriminating against same-sex couples just isn't right. It's as simple as that.""[171] At the 2012 DNC Michelle said, ""Barack knows the American Dream because he's lived it ... and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who we are, or where we're from, or what we look like, or who we love.""[172] Domestic travels Malia and Sasha Obama prepare to enter Air Force One, Michelle Obama and President Obama behind them, on March 7, 2015. In May 2009, Obama delivered the commencement speech at a graduating ceremony at UC Merced in Merced County, California, the address being praised afterward by students who found her relatable. Kevin Fagan of the San Francisco Chronicle wrote that there was chemistry between Obama and the students.[173] In August 2013, Obama attended the 50th anniversary ceremony for the March on Washington at the Lincoln Memorial. Positive attention was brought to Obama's attire, a black sleeveless dress with red flowers, designed by Tracy Reese.[174][175] Reese reacted by releasing a public statement that he was honored the First Lady ""would choose to wear one of our designs during the celebration of such a deeply significant historical moment"".[176][177] In March 2015, Obama traveled to Selma, Alabama, with her family to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery marches.[178] After President Obama's remarks there, the Obamas joined original marchers in crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge.[179][180] In July 2015, Obama journeyed to Coachella Valley while coming to Los Angeles for that year's Special Olympics World Games.[181] In October 2015, Obama was joined by Jill Biden and Prince Harry in visiting a military base in Fort Belvoir, Virginia, an attempt on the prince's part to raise awareness to programs supporting harmed service members.[182] In December 2015, Obama traveled with her husband to San Bernardino, California, to meet with families of the victims of a terrorist attack that occurred two weeks earlier.[183] Foreign trips Obama with children in Delhi , November 8, 2010. On April 1, 2009, Obama met with Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace, Obama embracing her before attending an event with world leaders.[184] Obama praised her, though the hug generated controversy for being out of protocol when greeting Elizabeth.[185][186] In April 2010, Obama traveled to Mexico, her first solo visit to a nation.[187] In Mexico, Obama spoke to students, encouraging them to take responsibility for their futures.[188][189] Referring to the underprivileged children, Obama argued that ""potential can be found in some of the most unlikely places"", citing herself and her husband as examples.[190][191] Obama traveled to Africa for the second official trip in June 2011, touring Johannesburg, Cape Town and Botswana and meeting with Graça Machel. Obama was also involved with community events in the foreign countries.[192] It was commented by White House staff that her trip to Africa would advance the foreign policy of her husband.[193][194] In March 2014, Obama visited China along with her two daughters Malia and Sasha, and her mother Marian Robinson. She met with Peng Liyuan, the wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, visited historic and cultural sites, as well as a university and two high schools.[195][196] Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said that the visit and intent in Obama journeying there was to symbolize ""the relationship between the United States and China is not just between leaders, it's a relationship between peoples"".[197][198] In January 2015, Obama traveled to Saudi Arabia alongside her husband, following the death of King Abdullah. She received criticism for not covering her head in a nation where women are forbidden from publicly not doing so,[199][200] though Obama was defended for being a foreigner and thus not having to submit to Saudi Arabia's customs,[201] even being praised in some corners.[202] Obama was neither greeted nor acknowledged by King Salman during the encounter.[203] In June 2015, Obama undertook a weeklong trip to London and three Italian cities. In London, she spoke with students about international education for adolescent girls and met with both British Prime Minister David Cameron and Prince Harry. She was joined by her two daughters and mother.[204] In November, she spent a week in Qatar, her first official visit to the Middle East. She continued advancing her initiative for international education for women by speaking at the 2015 World Innovation Summit for Education for her ""Let Girls Learn"" initiative in Doha, Qatar and touring a school in Amman, Jordan, where she met with female students.[30][205][206] During the Qatar trip, Obama had intended to visit Jordan as well, but the trip was canceled due to weather conditions. In Jordan, Obama had intended to visit an Amman school, which had been constructed with assistance from U.S. funds.[207] In March 2016, Obama accompanied her husband and children to Cuba in a trip that was seen by the administration as having the possibility of positively impacting relations between the country and America.[208][209] Later that month, the First Couple and their daughters traveled to Argentina,[210] meeting with Argentine President Mauricio Macri.[211][212] Midterm elections Obama campaigned for Democratic candidates in the 2010 midterm elections,[213][214] making her debut on the campaign trail in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.[215][216] By the time she began campaigning, Obama's approval rating was 20 percentage points higher than her husband's.[217] Though Obama indicated in January 2010 that a consensus had not been made about whether she would campaign,[218] speculation of her involvement came from her large approval rating as well as reports that she had been invited to speak at events with Democrats such as Barbara Boxer, Mary Jo Kilroy and Joe Sestak.[219] She toured seven states in two weeks within October 2010.[220] Though viewed as essential by the White House, aides reported that she would not become deeply involved with political discussions nor engage Republicans in public disputes.[221] After the elections took place, only six of the thirteen Democratic candidates Obama had campaigned for won. The Los Angeles Times concluded that while Obama was indeed more popular than her husband, her ""election scorecard proved no better than his, particularly in her home state.""[222] Obama was a participant in the 2014 midterm elections, held at a time where her popularity superseded her husband's to such an extent that it was theorized that she would receive a much larger outpour of support in campaigning. Reporting her travel to Denver, Colorado, David Lightman wrote that while Democrats did not want President Obama to campaign for them, ""the first lady is very popular"".[223] In May 2014, Obama was found to have a 61% favorable approval rating from a CNN poll, her husband coming in at 43%.[224] In a video released in July, as part of an effort to encourage voter turnout, she called on voters to be ""hungry as you were back in 2008 and 2012"".[225][226] Obama appeared at a fundraiser in Georgia in September for Democratic senate candidate Michelle Nunn. Obama's approach to campaigning in Georgia strayed from discussing current events and instead broadly stressed the importance of registering to vote and turning out during the elections.[224] Obama's infrequent appearances came from her dislike of being away from her children and Washington politics as well as her distaste for the opposition by Republicans to her husband's agenda and her view that Democrats in the U.S. Senate had not sufficiently been supporters of her initiatives to end childhood obesity.[227] Obama raised her profile in October,[228][229] touring three states in four days.[227] Obama called the elections her husband's ""last campaign"".[230][231] Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign Obama endorsed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and made several high-profile speeches in favor of her, including an address at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.[232] She also appeared multiple times on the campaign trail in either solo or joint appearances with Clinton.[233] On October 13, 2016, Obama heavily criticized Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for the statements he made in a 2005 audio recording while at a Clinton rally in Manchester, New Hampshire.[234] A week later, Trump attempted to revive past comments Obama made in regards to Clinton during the 2008 presidential election.[235][236] Public image and style With the ascent of her husband as a prominent national politician, Obama became a part of popular culture. In May 2006, Essence listed her among ""25 of the World's Most Inspiring Women.""[237][238] In July 2007, Vanity Fair listed her among ""10 of the World's Best Dressed People."" She was an honorary guest at Oprah Winfrey's Legends Ball as a ""young'un"" paying tribute to the ""Legends"" who helped pave the way for African-American women. In September 2007, 02138 magazine listed her 58th of 'The Harvard 100'; a list of the prior year's most influential Harvard alumni. Her husband was ranked fourth.[237][239] In July 2008, she made a repeat appearance on the Vanity Fair international best dressed list.[240] She also appeared on the 2008 People list of best-dressed women and was praised by the magazine for her ""classic and confident"" look.[241][242] At the time of her husband's election, some sources anticipated that as a high-profile African-American woman in a stable marriage Obama would be a positive role model who would influence the view the world has of African-Americans.[243][244] Her fashion choices were part of the 2009 Fashion week,[245] but Obama's influence in the field did not have the impact on the paucity of African-American models who participate, that some thought it might.[246][247] Obama's public support grew in her early months as First Lady,[131][248] as she was accepted as a role model.[131] On her first trip abroad in April 2009, she toured a cancer ward with Sarah Brown, wife of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.[249] Newsweek described her first trip abroad as an exhibition of her so-called ""star power""[248] and MSN described it as a display of sartorial elegance.[238] Questions were raised by some in the American and British media regarding protocol when the Obamas met Queen Elizabeth II[250] and Michelle reciprocated a touch on her back by the Queen during a reception, purportedly against traditional royal etiquette.[250][251] Palace sources denied that any breach in etiquette had occurred.[252] Obama has been compared to Jacqueline Kennedy due to her sense of style,[240] and also to Barbara Bush for her discipline and decorum.[253][254] Obama's style has been described as ""fashion populist.""[50] In 2010, she wore clothes, many high end, from more than 50 design companies with less expensive pieces from J.Crew and Target, and the same year a study found that her patronage was worth an average of $14 million to a company.[255] She became a fashion trendsetter, in particular favoring sleeveless dresses, including her first-term official portrait in a dress by Michael Kors, and her ball gowns designed by Jason Wu for both inaugurals.[256] She has also been known for wearing clothes by African designers such as Mimi Plange, Duro Olowu, Maki Oh, and Osei Duro, and styles such as the Adire fabric.[257][258] Obama appeared on the cover and in a photo spread in the March 2009 issue of Vogue.[259][260] Every First Lady since Lou Hoover (except Bess Truman) has been in Vogue,[259] but only Hillary Clinton had previously appeared on the cover.[261] Obama later appeared two more times on the cover of Vogue, while First Lady, the last time in December 2016, with photographs by Annie Leibovitz.[262] In August 2011, she became the first woman ever to appear on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens magazine, and the first person in 48 years.[263] During the 2013 Academy Awards, she became the first First Lady to announce the winner of an Oscar (Best Picture which went to Argo).[264] The media have been criticized for focusing more on the First Lady's fashion sense than her serious contributions.[50][265] She said after the 2008 election that she would like to focus attention as First Lady on issues of concern to military and working families.[243][266][267] In 2008 U.S. News & World Report blogger, PBS host and Scripps Howard columnist Bonnie Erbé argued that Obama's own publicists seemed to be feeding the emphasis on style over substance,[268] and stated that Obama was miscasting herself by overemphasizing style.[71][269] Subsequent activities In May 2017, during an appearance at the Partnership for a Healthier America conference, Obama rebuked the Trump administration for its delay of a federal requirement designed to increase the nutritional standards for school lunches.[270] In June, while attending the WWDC in Silicon Valley, California, Obama called for tech companies to add women for the diversifying of their ranks.[271] In July, Obama honored Eunice Shriver at the 2017 ESPY Awards.[272] In September, Obama delivered an address at the tech conference in Utah charging the Trump administration with having a fearful White House,[273] appeared in a video for the Global Citizens Festival advocating more attention to giving young girls an education,[274] and attended the Inbound 2017 conference in Boston.[275] During an October 3 appearance at the Philadelphia Conference for Women, Obama cited a lack of diversity in politics with contributing to lawmakers being distrusted by other groups.[276] In November, Obama discussed gender disparity in attitudes with Elizabeth Alexander while attending the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago,[277] and spoke at the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts in Hartford, Connecticut.[278] In February 2018, Obama announced that her memoir Becoming would be released on November 13, 2018.[279] Despite speculation that she would be running for president in 2020, Barack Obama stated during a campaign rally in Nevada that Michelle would not be running for president in 2020. Michelle has previously stated that she has no passion for politics.[280] Authored books Book reviews New York Journal of Books, 2018 [281] References Further reading" 0 "Television networks, viewers, readers and restauranteurs are paying tribute to Anthony Bourdain this weekend, one day after he was found dead in a hotel room in France. His books are occupying six of the top 10 spots on Amazon's bestsellers list, a sign of immense interest in reading or re-reading his books like ""Kitchen Confidential."" And some of his past TV shows are re-airing in his honor. On Friday there were pop-up tributes outside Les Halles, the New York restaurant where Bourdain worked in the 1990s. Fans left bouquets and handwritten messages on the walls and door of the shuttered French brasserie. At CNN in Atlanta, a mourner placed a flower and a note next to a poster of Bourdain in the lobby. And at CNN in New York, an employee placed post-it notes with hearts on one of his posters. CNN was Bourdain's home for the past five years, so the loss has caused heartache throughout the organization. The network quickly produced an hour-long remembrance that premiered on Friday night and will re-air Sunday at 10 p.m. ET. Related: Inside Anthony Bourdain's globe-trotting career Other CNN programs are also honoring Bourdain's legacy. ""It is hard to imagine he is gone,"" Anderson Cooper said Friday night. ""Hard to imagine he is not just off on some far away journey, hard to imagine he will not soon return with new foods to share, new stories to tell."" Before Bourdain died, CNN had planned to run a marathon of past ""Parts Unknown"" episodes on Saturday night. The network is moving forward with that plan, but with an adjustment -- the marathon will feature some of Bourdain's all-time favorite episodes. Additionally, the Travel Channel will air a 12-hour marathon of Bourdain's previous show ""No Reservations"" on Sunday starting at 7 a.m. Eastern. A new episode of ""Parts Unknown"" featuring Berlin was already scheduled to premiere Sunday at 9 p.m. CNN says it will still air, but now ""with a special introduction by Anderson Cooper."" That episode will be followed by the tribute special. Related: How the press can cover suicide without creating a 'contagion' ""Somebody as vital, as passionate, as alive, as warm as human as Tony Bourdain, I could not imagine, A, that he was gone, and B, that he was gone in this manner,"" Christiane Amanpour said in an interview for the special. She said his death has ""left a massive hole in"" the world. The manner of Bourdain's death has also caused CNN and many other news outlets to highlight suicide prevention resources. All three network nightly newscasts in the U.S. featured the ""lifeline"" number, 800-273-8255, and encouraged people to call for help. CNN and CNN.com have also been prominently featuring the number. ""You never know what goes on in anybody's head and you never really know what goes on anyone's heart,"" Cooper said in the CNN tribute. ""But certainly, you know, the pain he must have been feeling, at least in that moment or in those moments, and the loneliness he must've been feeling -- it's just terribly sad to think about. And makes me very sad for him to have -- to have succumbed to that."" Asking for help The suicide rate in the United States has seen sharp increases in recent years. It's now the 10th leading cause of death in the country, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Studies have shown that the risk of suicide declines sharply when people call the national suicide hotline: 1-800-273-TALK There is also a crisis text line. The lines are staffed by a mix of paid professionals and unpaid volunteers trained in crisis and suicide intervention. The confidential environment, the 24-hour accessibility, a caller's ability to hang up at any time and the person-centered care have helped its success, advocates say." 0 If Bachelor Nation couples take nothing else away from going through the experience of being on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, then maybe they can just appreciate the gift of amazing engagement rings that are of no cost to them or their partners. For years, Neil Lane has been the prime source for the franchise’s engagement rings and that doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon. So, how much was Rachel’s engagement ring on The Bachelorette? ABC spared no expense for true love and for Season 13, it was the same deal, even though it’s not confirmed if Neil Lane gifts the show with his rings for the publicity or if ABC busts out some hefty petty cash for them each season. Despite Rachel preferring a plain wedding band over a big old rock, she described another version of her dream ring and Bryan was able to pick one out from Lane’s selection, as per usual. And, like always, it didn’t come cheap. According to E! News, Rachel's three-carat pear-shaped diamond ring cost more than $100,000, making it one of the more expensive engagement rings in Bachelor Nation history. Luckily, the suitors are never expected to foot the bill for the engagement rings, which is probably a good thing since in the past, they’ve cost a pretty penny. During Season 17 of The Bachelor, Sean Lowe gave Catherine Giudici an engagement ring that was more than three carats and retails for around $75,000. Season 19’s Chris Soules proposed to Whitney Bischoff with a 4-carat Neil Lane ring that reportedly cost $92,000. Although The Bachelorette engagement rings are pretty much the cream of the crop, they’re also, for all intents and purposes, on loan to contestants. For all rings in Bachelor Nation, unless purchased by one of the contestants personally and not received through the Neil Lane arrangement, it’s in the contestants’ contracts that they must remain in their relationship for two years or they forfeit the ring back to ABC. If they’re lucky enough to last as a couple outside of The Bachelorette and Bachelor bubble, then they get to keep their Neil Lane bling and live happily ever after in wedded Bachelor Nation bliss. Even though some of The Bachelorette contestants this season were doctors and lawyers, who’s going to turn down the allure of a free and clear Neil Lane diamond, right? Rachel’s engagement ring on The Bachelorette is blingy for sure, but without being flashy or too over the top and I’d expect nothing less from someone who is already a Bachelorette favorite for so many fans. So at least in that respect, Bryan’s off to a good start as her future husband. 0 Kylie Jenner Fuels Pregnancy Rumors With More Cryptic Posts Kylie Jenner sure seems to be really into pink these days… The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star is still keeping mum about reports that she is supposedly pregnant but her cryptic posts continue. Earlier this month, Kylie posted on Instagram a photo of her freshly manicured baby pink nails an…. Read Full Article 0 Jesse Eisenberg and Connie Nielsen are set to star in the new Justice League film, which will be released November 17, 2017. The film already stars Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Amber Heard as Mera and Henry Cavill as Superman. Jesse has already starred as Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice and Connie plays Hippolyta in Wonder Woman. More: Jesse Eisenberg and Connie Nielsen are set to star in the new Justice League film, which will be released November 17, 2017 Warner Bros made the revelations during its big announcement about its new movies for 2017, according to Collider. Jesse hinted back in May at the MCM London Comic Con that Luthor would be back in Justice League, although he was cautious not to reveal too much. Speaking at the time, Jesse said: 'I'm kind of in wait [mode]. I don't know what I'm allowed to say, because I feel like there's probably some drone following me from DC, and if I say anything wrong I get, you know, picked off. To come: The film already stars Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Amber Heard as Mera and Henry Cavill as Superman 'But yeah I think so, and I love it, and I love everybody who's in it. You know, it's a really talented group of people.' Warner Bros also gave an insight into the upcoming Justice League. In a synopsis, Warner Bros explained: 'Fuelled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. 'Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes - Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash - it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.' 0 Hi! We’re Winky Lux. We make makeup magic. Here in NYC we’re striving to delight you with new trends, innovative packaging and luxurious ingredients. We’re saying “Boy Bye” to parabens, sulfates, gluten, phthalates and animal testing. Our cruelty free, high pigment colors are designed to give you all the feels while providing real results. You’re a QUEEN, you deserve all the pretty things. We’re here to make them for you. Love you mean it, Team WINKY LUX 0 "Updated: Wednesday, May 10 at 10:30 a.m. ET: As former Dance Moms coach Abby Lee Miller prepares for her yearlong prison sentence, she's determined to keep busy. In an exclusive interview with Entertainment Tonight , Abby revealed exactly how she plans to occupy her time while in jail: by working on a new series. The former coach told ET that she plans on ""pitching a new show,"" adding, ""I have been so very successful — maybe that'll be some time to work."" As for what type of show she has in mind? Naturally, ""there's dancing in it,"" she hinted. It'll definitely be interesting to see what Abby comes up with and whether her time in prison will play a role in this future project. Previously: Yesterday (Tuesday, May 9), former Dance Moms coach Abby Lee Miller was sentenced to 366 days in prison following charges of bankruptcy fraud. Abby had been accused of hiding $775,000 of her income, as well as bringing $120,000 of Australian currency into the United States without reporting the amount. Last June, the former coach pled guilty to both of those charges. Now Abby is speaking out about her sentencing. While appearing on Good Morning America , she shared her hopes for the future, explaining that she aims to ""be a smarter businesswoman and also to worry about myself"" upon her release from prison. During her interview, she also looked back on her time as a dance coach, adding: ""I have spent so much time and so much energy making other people's children stars. I didn't have any children of my own. These were my kids and I raised them like they were my kids."" But despite the fact that Abby maintains that her actions were unintentional , she acknowledges that she must own the punishment. In her interview with People yesterday, she explained, ""I made mistakes and I trusted people. But ultimately I have to take responsibility."" Abby reportedly must turn herself in to prison within the next 44 days. Related: Dance Moms ' Abby Lee Miller Has Been Sentenced to a Year in Prison Check this out:" 0 An article was changed on the original website An article was changed on the original website An article was changed on the original website An article was changed on the original website An article was changed on the original website An article was changed on the original website An article was changed on the original website An article was changed on the original website TV Scoop Awards 2018: Vote for Your Favorite Breakout Stars 0 The worst part of being a celebrity, undoubtedly, must be family reunions. All those cousins coming out of the woodwork, asking you to pass along their script or snag an autograph or even help Aunt Agatha buy that new hot tub that she desperately needs. Then there are those happy few stars who don’t have to face this problem. Because their cousins are famous, too. In honor of Cousins Day – July 24, to be exact – here are several celebrity cousins who don’t have to worry about being the only famous person at their family reunion. Jenny McCarthy and Melissa McCarthy Jeny McCarthy (left) and Melissa McCarthy Noam Galai/WireImage; Steve Granitz/WireImage You couldn’t ask for a better cousin than Jenny McCarthy. Back in the ’90s, The View host helped older cousin Melissa land her first TV role as a guest star in the former’s short-lived sitcom. Now that both McCarthy girls have cemented their places in Hollywood, she’s spoken out against criticism of Melissa on multiple occasions. Tom Cruise and William Mapother Tom Cruise (left) and William Mapother Christopher Polk/Getty; Henry S. Dziekan III/Getty Once you know that Tom Cruise‘s real name is “Thomas Mapother,” suddenly the resemblance between the A-lister and his character-actor cousin becomes a lot more apparent. (Look at their chins!) Mapother has acted in five films with Cruise – Born on the Fourth of July, Magnolia, Mission: Impossible II, Vanilla Sky and Minority Report – but to us, he’ll always be Ethan, the duplicitous member of the Others from Lost. Sofia Coppola, Jason Schwartzman and Nicolas Cage From left: Sofia Coppola, Nicolas Cage and Jason Schwartzman Jason Merritt/Getty; Francois G. Durand/WireImage; Frazer Harrison/Getty Composer Carmine Coppola unwittingly spawned a Hollywood dynasty: His son Francis became the famed director of The Godfather and Apocalypse Now, while his daughter Talia Shire starred as Adrian in the Rocky movies. Decades later, the second generation of Coppola cousins has gotten mixed up in the family business: Frances’s daughter Sofia and Talia’s son Jason have each followed in their parents’ footsteps, while their cousin Nicolas (son of the comparatively unknown August Coppola) took a new name from one of his favorite superheroes and became the Internet’s One True God. Other Coppola cousins in the entertainment industry include Sofia’s older brother Roman, who co-wrote The Darjeeling Limited and Moonrise Kingdom, and Jason’s younger brother Robert, lead singer of the band Rooney. Gwyneth Paltrow and Katherine Moennig Gwyneth Paltrow (left) and Katherine Moennig Donato Sardella/Getty; Gregg DeGuire/WireImage Even before she came to fame on The L Word, actress Katherine Moennig was haunted by questions about her blonder, goopier cousin. As a 2000 New York Observer profile observed, when asked about Gwyneth, “a wary look crossed Ms. Moennig’s eyes and her facial muscles seemed to freeze up.” Later, she revealed a certain gratefulness for their lack of resemblance: “We’re totally different people. We look very different, too No one’s judging me solely on the fact that I am her cousin.” Snoop Dogg and Brandy Brandy (left) and Snoop Dogg M. Caulfield/WireImage This is one of those facts that you feel a lot more people should know than they do. We’re talking two of the most famous musicians to come out of the ’90s! Although perhaps that would have made it weird for them to collaborate on a love song, as they did on Snoop’s “Special.” Gary LeVox and Jay DeMarcus Gary LeVox (left) and Jay DeMarcus Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic Though they’re only second cousins, LeVox and DeMarcus probably hang out more than most of the relatives on this list. They have to – they’re two of the three members of the country group Rascal Flatts! Damon Dash and Stacey Dash Damon Dash and Stacey Dash J.Sciulli/WireImage Maybe we’re mixing him up with Reverend Run, but we’d always sort of assumed “Damon Dash” was not the name the former Roc-A-Fella Records honcho was born with. But it was! When you realize that your whole perspective was whack, it makes more sense that he’s cousins with Clueless‘s Stacey Dash. Melissa Gorga and Ralph Macchio Melissa Gorga and Raph Macchio Dave Kotinsky/Getty; Gilbert Carrasquillo/FilmMagic Cousins often enjoy different levels of success at different points in their lives, but the comparison is striking in the case of these two relatives. Melissa Gorga was just a child when her cousin Ralph Macchio shot to fame in The Karate Kid – years later, he was working as a guest actor on shows like Psych and How I Met Your Mother when an all-grown-up Gorga became a cast member on The Real Housewives of New Jersey. K-Ci & JoJo and Fantasia Barrino From left: K-Ci amp#38; JoJo and Fantasia Barrino Jun Sato/WireImage; Steve Granitz/WireImage All their lives, brothers Cedric “K-Ci” and Joel “JoJo” Hailey have been cousins with American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino. The trio haven’t officially recorded together, but K-Ci did show up at a Fantasia concert to duet on “Nobody Greater” with his younger cuz. Kyra Sedgwick and Edie Sedgwick Kyra Sedgwick (left) and Edie Sedgwick Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic; Herve Gloaguen/Rapho/Getty If someone asks you to explain the concept of first cousins once removed, just tell them, “It’s like Edie Sedgwick and Kyra Sedwick!” (Edie’s father was the younger brother of Kyra’s grandfather.) Brooke Shields and Glenn Close Brooke Shields (left) and Glenn Close Slaven Vlasic/Getty; Steve Granitz/WireImage Likewise, next time someone asks you how to explain the concept of second cousins once removed to them, just tell them, “It’s like Brooke Shields and Glenn Close!” (Shields’s great-grandmother was the sister of Close’s grandfather.) The difference? You have probably met most of your first cousins once removed, at least once or twice (unless your parents hated their cousins). You probably haven’t met many of your second cousins once removed. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth Andrew Milligan/WPA//Getty It’s safe to say that the royal families of Europe have different relationships with their cousins than the rest of us. Take, for example, Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip, who are distant cousins. That actually understates the complexity of their bloodlines, as Elizabeth and Philip are, in fact, related to each other twice. Not only are the couple each great-great-grandchildren of Queen Victoria, making them third cousins, they also share an ancestor in Christian IX of Denmark, who was Phillip’s great-grandfather and Elizabeth’s great-great-grandfather, thus making them second cousins once removed. (Like Brooke Shields and Glenn Close!) Like we said, royals are different. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt Fotosearch/Getty Before you snicker at the Queen, remember that America’s rulers aren’t any strangers to marrying their cousins, either. Yes, Eleanor Roosevelt may have only been FDR’s fifth cousin once removed, and yes, she may have been more closely related to the other Roosevelt president (she was Teddy’s niece), but still – her maiden name was Roosevelt! You could say the future president was just following in the family tradition, though; his own parents were sixth cousins. RELATED: See Jenny McCarthy and More Stars in Vintage Family Pics [IMAGE” “” “” “0” ] You Have to Watch Our Favorite Melissa McCarthy Moments of All Time 1 Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Ray J and Princess Love welcomed their first child together — a baby girl! Ray J announced the newborn’s arrival on Tuesday with a music video shared on social media starring the new father. “ITS TIME!! @rayjnprincess #GODISAMAZING #BABYGIRL #LOVEWINS @princesslove,” the 37-year-old dad, whose real name is William Norwood Jr., wrote on Instagram. The couple was trying to have a baby for a while before Princess became pregnant. The “Sexy Can I” singer was hoping for a girl, saying in November 2017, “A little boy is probably going to be a little aggressive, so I just want to be able to have some peace first.” Princess Love expressed her elation on Mother’s Day, nearly a week before announcing the baby’s arrival, writing on Instagram, ” My prayers were finally answered September 15th, 2017 the day I found out I was pregnant. From that point on I knew this little life depended on me to nurture and protect and I’ve been doing everything in my power to make sure my baby girl is safe and growing healthy.” Princess Love and Ray J got married in August 2016 in Los Angeles. 0 The twenty-first century has seen some truly iconic celebrity couples: Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie), Bennifer (both versions: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, and Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner), Kimye (Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West), and, of course: Jelena. Back in the day, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were the cutest couple around, and for a while, it really looked like those two crazy kids would really make a go of it. Sadly, we all know how it worked out; seven years of “are they/aren’t they” drama that came to an explosive head last fall. After their widely-publicized Instagram feud, it seemed that the Jelena waters had calmed and everyone was moving on with their lives… until now! We’ve put together an exhaustive history to help you get re-acquainted with the story—and prepare you for its most recent update: December 2010: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are spotted out and about together, but their relationship is only a rumour until… February 2011: …They make their first red carpet appearance as a couple at the Vanity Fair Oscars party. November 2011: A (bogus) paternity suit involving Biebs and a fan fuels the first breakup rumours. May 2012: Selena deletes her Instagram account after posting a photo from a shooting range captioned “releasing some stress today,” which causes some to speculate that Jelena may have split. June 2012: Breakup rumours are put to rest when they arrive to the premiere of Katy Perry: Part of Me together (wearing colour-coordinating outfits, no less). October 2012: Justin posts a photo on Instagram with the caption “Lingse,” which many commenters note is an anagram of ‘single,’ but he deletes it and soon replaces it with a self-portrait captioned “just me” (which, honestly, is foreboding in its own way). November 2012: The pair officially break up after nearly two years together, allegedly due to their conflicting schedules, and Justin begins to be linked to other women: VS model Barbara Palvin, whom he takes a photo with after performing at 2012’s Victoria Secret Fashion Show, and Miranda Kerr (who, at this time, is still married to Orlando Bloom). December 2012: Justin and Selena are caught kissing at an airport in Salt Lake City, but then reportedly break up again after a big fight at an NYE party in Mexico. January 2013: Selena posts a photo wearing a hat with the logo of Justin’s hometown hockey team (the Stratford Warriors, née Cullitons). March 2013: Selena makes a jab at Justin while on the Late Show with David Letterman, when she says “that makes two of us” in response to Letterman’s admission that he had once made Justin cry on the show. April 2013: Selena reportedly flies to Norway to see Justin, and he posts a quickly-deleted black and white photo of them together where they look very cuddly. The caption is “‘You’ve been makin music for too long babe come cuddle’ –her”. May 2013: Selena greets Justin with a kiss on the cheek backstage at the Billboard Music Awards. It’s still unclear if they have officially reconciled. July 2013: They spend the Fourth of July together, but in a subsequent interview Selena claims to be single. January 2014: Justin posts a sweet photo of the two of them on Instagram captioned “love the way you look at me.” March 2014: Selena attends a #WeDay party with a group that includes Orlando Bloom, whose ex-wife, you will remember, was rumoured to have gotten very close to Justin back in 2012. April 2014: Justin and Selena have a fight at Coachella, allegedly due to the fact that Selena found photos of Kylie Jenner on Justin’s phone. Shortly after this, Selena is linked to Orlando after they are photographed sitting on a curb together outside a Chelsea Handler concert. May 2014: Justin is linked romantically to various women, including Kylie, Adriana Lima, and Yovanna Ventura. He also previews a song that is almost definitely about Selena titled “It’s Working” (which, FYI, he never released). June 2014: Justin posts another sappy black and white Instagram of the two of them; this one captioned “our love in unconditional,” and they are soon spotted out together at a host of different locations. Selena stands by him during a scandal about a racist joke Justin made on video. July 2014: More Bloom-Kerr drama (although at this point the two have divorced): Orlando punches Justin in Ibiza (on video!) and Justin posts a sexy photo of Miranda Kerr on Instagram (albeit not one he took himself) August 2014: As is tradition at this point, Justin posts a photo of him and Selena to signal that they are back on. September 2014: Justin confirms that Jelena is back during the legal deposition for his DUI, telling the court “we’re dating.” October 2014: The pair is spotted fighting at an airport in France, and Selena tweets about being lonely shortly afterwards. There is speculation that the fight was over talk of getting married (Selena expected him to propose on the trip, which he did not), while others claim secret liaisons with Kendall Jenner are the fuel for this breakup. November 2014: An era of cryptic (or not so cryptic) subtext begins. Justin posts mushy photos on Instagram to try and win her back, and Selena releases her song “The Heart Wants What It Wants,” which she openly admits is about Justin. Justin responds to Selena’s emotional AMAs performance of “The Heart Wants What it Wants” with an Instagrammed quote. December 2014: Justin responds to the rumours that he’s dating Hailey Baldwin with an Instagram that says he’s ‘super single’. January 2015: Selena begins dating German music producer Zedd, but she and Justin are spotted grabbing dinner together in LA. September 2015: While promoting her album Revival, Selena is consistently asked about Justin in her interviews. She tells Elle that they are no longer together, but on good terms, and that she doesn’t know if she would ever get back together with him. Justin’s interviews around the same time reflect a similar sentiment; he claims that they got too serious too young, and that was the reason things didn’t work out. November 2015: On The Ellen Degeneres Show, leading up to the release of his new album, Purpose, Justin confirms that three of the songs are about Selena (“What Do You Mean,” “Sorry,” and “Mark My Words”), and admits “I don’t know if I’m over it yet.” Before the month is out, he is spotted serenading Selena with “My Girl” at a bar in Beverly Hills. February 2016: The two continue to speak about their prior relationship often in interviews, but at this point Selena says she is “exhausted” and that she “can’t do it anymore.” May 2016: Orlando Bloom is dating Katy Perry, but he and Selena appear to be canoodling in Vegas. At a concert during her Revival tour, a fan holds up a “Marry Justin Please” sign, which she takes, crumples, and throws on the floor without comment. August 2016: Justin posts several photos with Sofia Richie, who is rumoured to be his new girlfriend, on Instagram. His fans aren’t pleased, and Justin warns that if they don’t learn to be nicer to Richie he’ll have to make his profile private. From here, things get messy, quick: Selena comments on the photo, telling him if he can’t handle the backlash then he shouldn’t post photos of Sofia. She sides with his fans, claiming that “they love you and supported you before anyone ever did.” Selena follows this up by posting photos of herself with her fans on her own profile. Justin posts two comments, in which he does not mention Selena by name or Instagram handle. Selena lashes back with a comment that claims Justin cheated on her: “Funny how the ones that cheated multiple times, are pointing the finger at the ones that were forgiving and supportive, no wonder fans are mad. Sad. All love.” Justin then insinuates that Selena cheated on HIM, with Zayn Malik: “I cheated… oh I forgot about you and Zayn?” Hailey Baldwin sides with Selena: “misplacing the blame onto someone else isn’t going to get you to the next stage in life,” she says, in a post that is deleted later. Justin deletes his Instagram to end the feud, and Selena posts a brief apology to Snapchat: “what I said was selfish and pointless.” And that was all, for a while. After Selena opened up about her kidney transplant earlier this year, however, she and Justin appear to have reconnected on friendly terms, and with full knowledge of Selena’s current boyfriend, Abel Tesfaye (The Weeknd): October 24th, 2017: Justin and Selena hang out with some mutual friends at her Studio City house. October 30th, 2017: Justin and Selena spend a full Sunday together, including attending church service together in the morning. Sources close to The Weeknd claim all is fine between the two of them, and that he knows about the two exes hanging out. However, others have noticed that he has unfollowed some of Selena’s closest friends and family: her mother, her assistant, her best friend/kidney transplant donor, and the parents of her godson. Meanwhile, People is reporting that Selena and The Weeknd have split, but we’ll wait for a black-and-white pic posted by Bieber to confirm if her and Selena are officially back on…. November 1st, 2017: Alright, it’s official! Jelena is back—the pair were spotted on a cute day date in L.A., sipping iced coffees, walking arm-in-arm, biking around, and proving first love is forever. February 2018: Gomez and Bieber are apparently taking a break “mainly because of Selena’s mom and her disapproval of Justin,” a source told Us Weekly. “Justin’s family loves Selena, but Selena’s family has put her in a very conflicting spot because they still don’t trust Justin.” 1 Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer under James Comey and Andrew McCabe, has become the latest rat to depart the sinking ship.According to testimony given by Page during two days of closed-door House hearings, former bosses at the FBI instructed her to cover-up the fact that China, not Russia, hacked the DNC server.Truepundit.com reports: The embattled Page tossed James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Bill Priestap among others under the Congressional bus, alleging the upper echelon of the FBI concealed intelligence confirming Chinese state-backed ‘assets’ had illegally acquired former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 30,000+ “missing” emails, federal sources said.The Russians didn’t do it. The Chinese did, according to well-placed FBI sources.And while Democratic lawmakers and the mainstream media prop up Russia as America’s boogeyman, it was the ironically Chinese who acquired Hillary’s treasure trove of classified and top secret intelligence from her home-brewed private server.And a public revelation of that magnitude — publicizing that a communist world power intercepted Hillary’s sensitive and top secret emails — would have derailed Hillary Clinton’s presidential hopes. Overnight. But it didn’t simply because it was concealed.FBI bosses knew of the breach yet did nothing to investigate, seemingly trying to run out the clock on the alarming revelations to protect Hillary during her heated presidential campaign with Trump. So instead of investigating the hacking of Clinton’s server, FBI bosses sat quietly.And did nothing to confirm the Chinese assets were linked to their government. Or assess the damage such a tremendous breach posed to national security. Did the Chinese government access Hillary’s emails? The FBI didn’t care enough to investigate at the risk of besmirching Clinton and further soiling her during the election.Hundreds of top secret documents and even the president’s daily travel and security itineraries were on that server — and intercepted by a communist country — yet the FBI sat on the evidence. Likewise, all of Clinton’s and her inner circle’s outgoing emails were compromised as well, sources confirmed.Even the Inspector General had tipped off the FBI — specifically Strzok — about the foreign breach. Still, no timely case was pursued.That same cover-up pattern fits FBI bosses who time after time stalled and concealed other criminal intelligence on Clinton in the weeks prior to the election.We could write more detail here and ramble on and on but at this point, we simply ask.Is anyone going to go to prison for politicizing the FBI and covering up countless crimes committed by FBI personnel in a variety of coordinated schemes to protect Hillary and the Democrats? 1 "Angelina Jolie's changing physique has been alarming fans throughout the year. The actress has lost a drastic amount of weight following her split from Brad Pitt and now, a new rumour claims that the actress is also stopped eating and sleeping properly. There are rumours doing the rounds claiming that Jolie is undergoing 'health crisis' and is ""on the verge of passing out."" The claims published by National Enquirer say that the actress is surviving on steamed vegetables and fruits. However, Gossip Cop sources say otherwise. Also Read: Brad Pitt feels 'better off without' Angelina Jolie as she delays divorce? National Enquirer's grapevine claims that the actress is on the ""edge of a total collapse"" as she barely eats. ""There are times she feels light-headed and is on the verge of passing out,"" the insider claims. The outlet's source adds that Jolie's ""food intake is mostly morsels of steamed veggies and fruit, very little protein, and water. She drinks wine and smokes cigarettes. The fear is she's headed for a physical meltdown."" Although it is true that Jolie has been had some health issues in the past, Gossip Cop's sources debunk these claims to share that the National Enquirer's report is not true. Friends of the actress told the gossip site that there is no truth in the claims. While she might not be headed for a physical breakdown, Jolie has informed fans that she has had a few health issues she has been dealing with. In a recent interview, the actress did confess to suffering from hypertension but fortunately recovered from it. ""Emotionally it's been a very difficult year. And I have some other health issues. So, my health is something I have to monitor,"" she told the Sunday Telegraph. Earlier this year, the star also revealed that she had developed Bell's palsy. But she changed her lifestyle and took control of things. ""I'm being smart about my choices, and I'm putting my family first, and I'm in charge of my life and my health,"" the actress told Vanity Fair. ""I can't tell if it's menopause or if it's just been the year I've had,"" she had told the magazine referring to her drier skin and grey strands." 1 "TAPPER: Secretary Geithner thanks for joining us. Good to see you.So, the administration has had a number of successes after big battles, stimulus, health care legislation, new rules for Wall Street, but you have a big battle coming when it comes to the Bush tax cuts.If they remain in place, as Republicans want, it will cost three trillion dollars every ten years. The administration has said it wants to keep the ones for people who make under $200,000 a year, individuals and $250,000 for couples.PlayThat will cost $2.5 trillion over 10 years.Ben Bernanke the chairman of the Federal Reserve said that with the economic outlook unusually uncertain, extending the Bush tax cuts would have a stimulative effect on the economy. Is he right?GEITHNER: I don't think it should be a battle, Jake. You know, what the President's proposing to do is to leave in place, to extend tax cuts that go to more than 95 percent of working Americans and to leave in place tax cuts that are very important to incent businesses to hire new pe -- new employees and to invest in expanding output.We think that's a -- the -- it's a very strong package. We think it's the right package. We think it's fair. We think it's responsible.Now, we also think it's responsible to let the tax cuts expire that just go to 2 percent to 3 percent of Americans, the highest earning Americans. We think that's the responsible thing to do because we need to make sure we can show the world that they're willing as a country now to start to make some progress bringing down our long -- our long-term deficits.TAPPER: Don't you think it will slow economic growth?GEITHNER: No. Just letting those tax cuts that only go to 2 percent to 3 percent of Americans, the highest earning Americans in the country expire. I do not believe it will have a negative effect on growth.TAPPER: This package that you're talking about pushing in Congress to -- to save the Bush tax cuts for people under $200,000 individuals and 250 for couples --GEITHNER: And in fact, we go beyond that. Because you know, we're proposing to extend the make or pay tax cut which also goes to 95 percent of working Americans. And a set of very important business tax cuts targeted for small businesses themselves, expensing, zero capital gains rate for investment in small businesses. These things, we think, are very helpful, very powerful.TAPPER: And when are you talking about pushing that into Congress?GEITHNER: Congress is on the verge of what we hope will be enactment of a very strong package of tax measures for small businesses and ways to help them get credit so they can expand.TAPPER: So, before the election?GEITHNER: Oh, absolutely.TAPPER: A number of Senate democrats, moderate Senate democrats have said that they oppose repealing or allowing to expire the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans that they think that would be harmful to growth.Are you guys going to have the votes to get through the package you want which is focused more on middle and lower income America?GEITHNER: Oh absolutely. I believe we will.TAPPER: Some in the administration and internal discussions are talking about maybe just keeping all the Bush tax cuts for a year or two. Those aren't -- that's not going to happen?GEITHNER: I don't believe it should and I don't believe it will. Again, because what the president's proposed is to make sure we're leaving them in place for the people that need the most and can make the most difference in helping make sure this economy comes back. That we heal the damage caused by this crisis.TAPPER: Job creation has not gone as well as you hoped. What more can you do? I know there's this small business lending initiative. What more can you do given the lack of appetite on Capitol Hill for any spending programs? Any more stimulus?GEITHNER: Well you know, the President's proposed a very strong package of help for small businesses which you just referred to. He'd support giving more support to states so they can keep teachers in the classroom.TAPPER: Fifty billion dollars in emergency spending but the Congress has not acted on that.GEITHNER: They haven't yet, but we can (inaudible) case for doing it. They're going to, we're going to keep at that. But right now, the best thing the government can do in addition to those things, is help create the conditions for the private sector to start to invest in hiring again.Now, we've seen six months of positive job growth by the private sector. That's pretty good.TAPPER: By the private sector.GEITHNER: Pretty good this early in a recession.TAPPER: Although you count in the public sector with the layoffs and the census jobs.GEITHNER: But only because of census. But you know, what matters is -- is the private sector starting to hire people, add back hours and that's what's critical.And you're seeing that happen now. Now we want it -- we want to see it happen at a faster pace. But I think most people understand that you know, this was a deep crisis. The scars ran very deep. Devastating damage. It's going to take time to repair that damage, take time to grow out of this. But we're making progress.TAPPER: In 2009 when President Obama talked about unemployment insurance extensions he talked about how it was paid for. This time, it was not paid for, the $34 billion in unemployment insurance extensions became added to the national debt.Republicans on Capitol Hill argued that they wanted to pay for it and they supported it but they just wanted it offset by spending cuts.Given the fact that we're going to be -- we're going to have unemployment for the foreseeable future, high unemployment. Isn't it the fiscally responsible thing to do to not treat this as emergency spending but treat this as something we know is coming down the pike so we're not just laying this burden on our future generations?GEITHNER: I don't think so. In a crisis that was this bad and a recession that was that deep. With this amount of lasting damage, scars from recovery, it's appropriate to treat these things as emergencies.TAPPER: Many of the details on the Wall Street Reform Bill that President Obama just signed will be determined by regulators. In fact, the bill also gives more power to some regulators, some of the same ones who failed us the last time around.Why should we be confident that they're going to get it right either with the rule making or next time there's a crisis?GEITHNER: Excellent question. But actually, the theory, the basic strategy in this reform bill does not rest on the wisdom of regulators. It does two very important things, though. It'll help consumers make better choices with better disclosure, much more clarity about the terms of the credit card contract or mortgage loan so they get better protection against the risk of being taken advantage of.But it also gives authority we did not have to put in place strong constraints on risk taking on all the nation's largest institutions. That authority did not exist before and it was central to what caused the near collapse of the financial system.TAPPER: Will these powers have allowed you, if had been Secretary of Treasury at the time or your predecessor Hank Paulsen to have staved off the financial crisis?GEITHNER: I don't think there's any reform bill, no law in any country that can prevent all financial crises. But if we had had this authority as a country, it -- we would have been able to limit risk taking and deal with the trauma that came from the stakes these firms made much more easily. It would have caused much less damage. It would have been much less severe, caused much less damage to the basic fortunes Americans and businesses across the country and to our -- and our long term fiscal position.TAPPER: You eluded to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that was created. Many liberals and labor unions and consumer groups say there's one person they want for that job. Elizabeth Warren. The woman who thought it up.Do you support that idea?GEITHNER: She is a enormously effective advocate for reform. Probably the most effective advocate for reform for consumers for consumer protection in the country. She has huge credibility and she played a decisive role in helping make the public case for reform and she was early on this, way ahead of everybody else.TAPPER: 2007 she wrote that -- that -- she came up with that idea.GEITHNER: And even before that she was pointing out to people the risks of what's happening in the housing market and credit market. So she has enormous credibility and she'd be an excellent leader of that institution. But that's a decision the President's going to make.TAPPER: Some in the White House say that -- that you've had concerns about her appointment because she she's been a sharp critic of you, she's been a sharp critic of Treasury Department policies. Do you have concerns?GEITHNER: I don't have concerns and I should say in that context that she has been playing a very important role in providing oversight over the programs we put in place to break the back of this financial crisis. You know, put out this financial fire.TAPPER: Ken Feinberg issued a report including that U.S. banks paid out $1.6 billion in unwanted -- unwarranted bonuses to top earners during the height of the meltdown. Seventeen banks made these payouts after getting TARP funds, after getting bailout funds.GEITHNER: It's a -- you know, it really is an incredible thing. And that's what he reminded of which is in early '09, on the basis of performance in '08, in the middle of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, firms that had taken support from the government because they could not manage without it still paid out substantial sums of money to people who made the decisions that caused the crisis.TAPPER: Is there nothing that can be done about this?GEITHNER: Well, you know, he spoke to that earlier this week. What he did do, though, and this was enormously effective was he went and used the authority he had to change behavior going forward. So you didn't have taxpayers' money after he had that authority go to enrich the people that had brought the system to the edge of collapse.Now, what he's also done and what our responsibility is to make sure these firms can never again go back to paying their executives to take risks that could imperil the stability of the country as a whole, the economy as a whole. So, he's done a great job. Very tough judgments. Limited authority in some cases, but he uses authority very well.TAPPER: Why is it that U.S. automakers when they received bailout funds had to take serious steps to take -- what are called ""haircuts""? Salary reductions, layoffs. And banks didn't. Banks -- I mean, you had Ken Feinberg supervising their salaries as long as they were receiving TARP money, but then they paid the money back and did whatever they wanted. How come banks didn't have to do that?GEITHNER: Great question. And that's why we have financial reform. Because we had for the country as a whole, a process of bankruptcy for dealing with failure. We did not have a similar process that could deal with the failure of large financial institutions.That was a tragic failure for the country because what it meant is when firms like AIG or Lehman or Bear Stearns manage themselves to the point where they could not survive without the government, we had no tools like bankruptcy to force them to restructure and protect the taxpayer from losses. But what this financial reform will do is to give us that authority. A type of bankruptcy regime that we can use for these large institutions because, again, this is a basic commitment in the bill. Banks should be paying for the cost of bank failures. We don't want the taxpayers paying for the cost of bank failures. And we should have the ability to dismember them, put them out of existence, put them out of their misery without it causing catastrophic damage to the economy as a whole.TAPPER: The Treasury Department issued a currency report and concluded that China was not manipulating its currency. Very few legislators on Capitol Hill seem to agree with that report, and I'm wondering if you agree with it.GEITHNER: Well, what China did, and this is the important thing, after a long period of pegging their currency to the dollar, holding their currency constant against the dollar, they have now started to allow it to move upward again to appreciate, to strengthen their response to market forces.Now, of course, they just started that process. It's just the beginning, and what matters to us and to all of China's trading partners is that they let that currency appreciate, as they did the last time they allowed us to move. What matters to us is how fast and how far they let it go.TAPPER: But you stand by the idea, stand by the assertion, that China is not manipulating its currency?GEITHNER: Oh, absolutely. But again, they begin the process of letting it start to reflect market forces. That's very good for China. It's very good for the United States.TAPPER: Lastly, this has been an odd week for the Obama administration -- not necessarily for the Treasury Department, but for the Obama administration, given the whole kerfuffle with Shirley Sherrod and the Agriculture Department. President Obama has said this is a teaching moment for him and his administration. Secretary Vilsack said something similar.Did you learn anything from watching your colleagues go through this?GEITHNER: Well, as the president said, I think you saw a general rush to judgment everywhere -- in the press and outside the press. And I think I agree with it -- it's something that we should all take some caution from and look at these things carefully. But he spoke to that, I thought, well earlier this week.TAPPER: Secretary Geithner, thanks so much for joining us.GEITHNER: Thanks, Jake.TAPPER: And joining me now is someone who also knows from budget challenges, New Jersey's Republican governor, Chris Christie. Governor, thank you so much. Welcome to ""This Week.""CHRISTIE: I'm happy to be here.TAPPER: So, Governor, your victory last November in the very blue state of New Jersey was heralded by Republicans nationally, seen as a blueprint for their victories. Now, a lot of Republicans who wanted you to win and admired your campaign said that you won mainly by criticizing incumbent Democratic Governor Corzine, not necessarily by a specific, detailed agenda.And I'm wondering if, first of all, you agree with that. And, second of all, how do you see your victory in the context of what Republicans can do this November?CHRISTIE: Well, first off, Jake, I think what we did in New Jersey last year was say very specifically what direction we wanted to take the state in. We said we wanted to have less spending, smaller government, lower taxes, and commonsense regulation that was going to help to grow private-sector jobs.And so I didn't go line item by line item through the budget during a campaign, and I didn't think it was the right thing to do.Now, in terms of what it tells us going forward, I think Republicans across the country need to get back to our brand, and I think that is the Republican brand. It's why I became a Republican: less government, lower taxes, less spending, and commonsense regulation that grows private-sector jobs.And so I think if my win tells anything, it means if we get back to basics as Republicans, then we speak to some of the concerns people have in New Jersey and across the country.TAPPER: You know, the biggest item on your agenda so far has been dealing with the budget and the huge deficit in New Jersey. Here you are on CNBC.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)CHRISTIE: We passed a budget that cuts $11 billion from our state's budget, balances it without any new tax increases on the people of the state of New Jersey.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: Now, Patrick Murray, director of polling at Monmouth University, says, quote, ""That's a nice talking point, but it's absolutely untrue. There are a lot of legal obligations that the state has that the governor just simply ignored."" And the Star-Ledger reported, ""Budget analysts say the $11 billion deficit was closed largely by avoiding massive costs. The budget skipped a $3.1 billion payment to the pension fund, continuing a decade-long pattern Christie had criticized, and did not pay $1.7 billion to schools under the state's formula for education aid.""So these billions that you're not funding, are you doing this just by executive fiat? How does this work? Because they're legal obligations, right?CHRISTIE: No, listen, the legislature passed this budget. The budget I presented on March 16th has $11 billion in less spending than was projected to be done through the Corzine administration.And so Patrick Murray is a pollster, and he's OK as a pollster, but he's not going to be all that great as a governor, because what we did here was we took $1.7 billion less in education funding. Well, a billion of that was federal stimulus money that had been spent in one year by the Corzine administration, and we were left with $1 billion hole. Really what we did was we reduced it by about $820 million in educational spending.Across the board, Jake, we had to reduce spending. Every department of state government was cut. And so there are going to be some cuts you make you like and some that you like less, but when you have an $11 billion hole to fill, you have to fill it.Finally, on pensions, I wasn't going to put $3 billion into a failing pension system. We need pension reform. I passed some already for new hires in March, and now this fall we're going to go after current employees and pension reform and health benefit reform because we're going broke.TAPPER: Now, one -- in that clip, you said that there were no new tax increases on people of the state of New Jersey, but also your budget did not fund $1 billion in direct property tax rebates, the homestead rebate. That means that people's property taxes are going to go up.CHRISTIE: Well, no, what we did, Jake, was we did a couple of things. First, we changed it from a property tax rebate program to a direct credit. We spent about $20 million a year in processing these checks and borrowing the money to send out to people. We've eliminated that.And what we did was we skipped three-quarters of that payment in the current fiscal year as part of the shared sacrifice that everybody was going to have to make. I wasn't going to cut just programs for the vulnerable; I wasn't going to cut just programs for the rich, but programs for the middle class. Everything had to be cut.But that program will be back as a direct tax credit in the fourth quarter of fiscal '11.TAPPER: Now, that shared sacrifice -- I mean, is that not a tax increase, even if it's a -- I mean, if you're -- if you're taking away a tax rebate, even temporarily, that's a tax increase, isn't it?CHRISTIE: No, I don't -- I don't see it that way. And in addition, what we did was we're giving the tools now to municipalities with a 2 percent property tax cap that we passed this July by me calling the legislature back into special session and with the tools that we're going to be passing this fall for them to cut spending even more at the municipal level so that people are not going to see a huge increase over the course of the next four years in their property taxes at all.TAPPER: OK, there's been a lot of tension between you and teachers, as you've been wielding your budget ax. Here's one example from a recent town hall meeting.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)(UNKNOWN): You're not compensating me for my education and you're not compensating me for my experience. That's...CHRISTIE: Well, you know what? Then you don't have to do it.(UNKNOWN): Teachers do it because they love it. That's the only reason I do it.CHRISTIE: That's good. Well, then -- well, and you -- and, listen, and teachers go into knowing what the pay scale is.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: I know you said your issue is with teachers' unions and not with individual teachers, but what do you say to residents of your state who say that they like your stance on taking on the teachers' unions, but a clip like that makes it seems like you don't really respect the teaching profession.CHRISTIE: Well, I do respect the teaching profession. I'm a product of the public schools in the state of New Jersey, and I care deeply about our public education.But here's what we can't have any longer: We can't have one sector of our society sheltered from the ravages of the recession at the cost to the people who have been hurt by the recession the most.For instance, the building trade unions in our state, they have unemployment at 35 percent to 50 percent. They're getting no raises. They're getting no benefits any longer, yet their property taxes continue to go up to pay for 4 percent and 5 percent salary increases demanded by the teachers' unions in a 0 percent inflation world and that most of the teachers in New Jersey, because of their unions, pay nothing towards their health benefits from the day they're hired until the day they die.Now, I have to tell you, Jake, we can't have one set of rules for one small sector -- the public sector unions -- and a different set of rules for everyone who's being hurt by this recession and say that those people are being hurt the most by the recession. By the way, you pay for this special treatment.I mean, now, that may be tough talk to people, and it's direct, but candidly, that's what we have to do if we want to get budgets under control in New Jersey and around the country.TAPPER: You're -- you've been known in the statehouse and nationally for a blunt style. Here's an example of that.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)CHRISTIE: Like it or not, you guys are stuck with me for four years, and I'm going to say things directly. When you ask me questions, I'm going to answer them directly, straightly, bluntly, and nobody in New Jersey is going to have to wonder where I am on an issue.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: That's a high bar, so let's do it. Directly, straightly, bluntly, should New Jersey join the lawsuit that other states have filed against the Obama administration over the individual mandate in the health care reform bill?CHRISTIE: I have both my attorney general and my commissioner of health studying two things: first, what are the chances of succeeding in the lawsuit? Because with limited resources in New Jersey, I'm not going to throw good money after bad. And, secondly, what's the effect of this 2,000-page bill going to be on the people of New Jersey? When I get answers back from them, I'll make a decision.TAPPER: What's your impulse?CHRISTIE: I don't have an impulse. I'm waiting to get briefed on it.TAPPER: Immigration reform. You've said this issue is too important to demagogue. Who is demagoguing in the Senate right now? And what is the solution to immigration reform?CHRISTIE: Well, first of all, on demagoguing, I wasn't talking about anything that's going on now. That's a 2-year-old quote, and there were some things going on in New Jersey at the time while I was U.S. attorney that I thought was demagoguery, and I called it that.Listen, this issue is a federal issue that should be handled by the feds and should be fixed finally. As a former United States attorney, I had to deal with these issues for seven years, and we simply didn't have the resources to deal with them effectively.So the president and the Congress have to step up to the plate, they have to secure our borders, and they have to put forward a commonsense path to citizenship for people.And until they do that, states are going to struggle all over the country with this problem, and so is federal law enforcement, who doesn't have the resources to do it effectively.TAPPER: Is the Republican Party in Congress been a help or hindrance to that cause for immigration reform?CHRISTIE: I think it depends on which Republican you're talking about. I don't think the party has had a generalized stance. I think there's been, you know, folks who have been all over the map on this issue. And, candidly, I don't think there's one general Republican position.TAPPER: Well, there are Democrats offering a bill, and they can't -- they can't get any Republicans to join them.CHRISTIE: Well, listen, the fact of the matter is that they have to find a way to build consensus. And I think that's what the president said he wanted to do when he came to town, and I think that's the challenge for those who are in the majority: find a way to build consensus.That's what I've been doing in New Jersey, Jake. We have a Democratic legislature. I've passed a budget with those $11 billion in cuts with a Democratic legislature, a property tax cap with a Democratic legislature, pension reforms with a Democratic legislature.If you want to lead and build consensus, you can, and it's on the obligation of those people in charge to build consensus.TAPPER: Two more quick questions. One, the stimulus bill. Net positive for New Jersey or negative?CHRISTIE: I think short-term positive, and we're now feeling the negative.TAPPER: Lastly, I know you like to talk about New Jersey's cultural icons. You prefer to talk about Springsteen, but the New York Times today has this profile of Snooki from ""Jersey Shore.""CHRISTIE: Sure.TAPPER: MTV's ""Jersey Shore,"" positive for New Jersey or negative?CHRISTIE: Negative for New Jersey, I mean, because it -- what it does is it takes a bunch of New Yorkers, who are -- most of the people on ""Jersey Shore"" are New Yorkers -- takes a bunch of New Yorkers, drops them at the Jersey shore, and tries to make America feel like this is New Jersey.I could tell people, they want to know what New Jersey really is? I welcome them to come to New Jersey any time. The Jersey shore is a beautiful place, and it's a place that everybody should come on vacation this summer. We've got another six weeks or so of summer left. Come to New Jersey.TAPPER: Governor Christie, thanks so much for -- for sharing your views.CHRISTIE: Thank you, Jake.TAPPER: The roundtable is next with Sam Donaldson, Cokie Roberts, Donna Brazile, and Stephen Hayes. And later, the Sunday funnies.(COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)O'REILLY: Department of Agriculture official Shirley Sherrod was caught on tape saying something very disturbing. Ms. Sherrod must resign immediately.SHERROD: I was faced with having to help a white person save their land, so I didn't give him the full force of what I could do.(UNKNOWN): The full speech has been released by the NAACP, and it backs up Ms. Sherrod's version.TAPPER: Apparently she's watching this briefing, Shirley Sherrod, on CNN right now. Is there anything you want to say to her?GIBBS: On behalf of the administration, I offer our apologies.VILSACK: I asked for Shirley's forgiveness, and she was gracious enough to extend it to me.(UNKNOWN): He jumped the gun.SHERROD: To have people think that I was a racist really, really hurt.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: L'affaire Sherrod, one of the many topics we'll talk about on our roundtable today with Stephen Hayes from the Weekly Standard and Fox News Channel, Donna Brazile, the Democratic strategist and our dear friend, and ABC News' own Sam Donaldson, and, of course, Cokie Roberts.Thanks, all of you, for being here.We'll get to Sherrod in a second, but first I just want to talk a little bit about the Geithner interview. Secretary Geithner said he hopes there isn't going to be much of a fight over trying to keep the tax cuts for the lower income, under $200,000, $250,000 for a family, but repeal them or let them expire for wealthier Americans. Is there going to be a fight?HAYES: Yes, hope will only take you so far. I think there will be a fight, and I think one of the main constituencies in the fight is going to be moderate Democrats, as you pointed out in your questioning of him.I think you're going to see moderate Democrats who walk back from the administration's eagerness to see this tax hike on what they're calling the wealthiest Americans.TAPPER: Donna?BRAZILE: The 2011 budget anticipates that we can close the deficit largely by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire. I think the president should not get into the argument should he, should he not, but rather to present a series of -- a new tax package. Don't call it Bush tax cuts, but a new tax package that is aimed toward the middle class, towards small businesses, that will close tax loopholes, and to ensure that the -- whatever package we put forward is fiscally prudent, it's paid for, and that it helps spur economic growth.TAPPER: Sam, where do you think this is going?DONALDSON: Well, of course, they should continue those tax cuts for 95 percent, as Secretary Geithner said. And as far as the wealthy are concerned to go from 35 percent as the top rate before the deductions to 39 percent is not going to kill them. It really won't. They're going to have something to eat the next day.But here's my proposal. There is a point...TAPPER: A proposal from Sam Donaldson.DONALDSON: Here's my proposal.(UNKNOWN): I like that.DONALDSON: There is a point that at this moment perhaps we should continue to extend the tax cuts across the board, but put in a trigger. When our national product gets better, when our unemployment gets better, use some other indexes. Then the trigger automatically raises it for the wealthy back to 39 percent.ROBERTS: Triggers never work. We've put in triggers -- Congress puts in triggers all the time. It's basically fig leaves, and then they don't -- they don't ever do it.DONALDSON: The reason it doesn't work, Cokie, is that Congress doesn't follow through.ROBERTS: That's my point.DONALDSON: I don't think there's a chance that Republicans would agree with my modest suggestion.(CROSSTALK)ROBERTS: ... look, it's obviously not just an economic question. It's a political question. And -- and who gets to frame it? Do the Democrats get to say the Republicans claim that they're against the deficit, but they want to keep in all these tax cuts for those really rich people, including those Wall Street bankers who got those huge bonuses, or do the Republicans say, look, here are Democrats going at you again, raising your taxes just so they can -- just so they can raise that spending, because they want the government to take over every -- every part of American life?And I think that's a lot of what this debate will be framed around and what this election will be framed around.TAPPER: And this debate comes as Ben Bernanke, the Fed chair, is calling the economic outlook unusually uncertain, which is chilling words for some people.ROBERTS: Including the market. I mean, he said those words and 200 points down.DONALDSON: The market is beginning to start to levitate again, maybe unwisely, but Europe has produced better numbers just this past week. The earnings season looks really good for some of the big companies, not just the banks, but some of the companies, Caterpillar, some of the people who make things. I think we're going to come out of it.HAYES: But the numbers are mixed. I mean, that's the rosy scenario.(CROSSTALK)HAYES: The numbers are mixed, and there are plenty of numbers that are pointing in the other direction. I think if you look at the big picture, the question I think facing -- facing sort of everybody in Washington right now with respect to the tax cuts, one of the things that surprised me most about your interview with Tim Geithner was that he said raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans won't have a negative effect on growth, that was a stunning statement to me.I think you could poll 1,000 economists and find very few of them who would agree with what Tim Geithner just said, and one of those people is Christina Romer in the White House, who has written before about the negative effects of tax cuts, and, in fact, has an article...(CROSSTALK)ROBERTS: Of tax increases.HAYES: ... of tax increases, and has an article in the current American Economic Review, June 2010, in which she says tax increases have a large and substantial negative effect on consumption and growth.ROBERTS: Now, they have to be really especially careful about the estate tax, however, because...DONALDSON: There is none.ROBERTS: Well, there isn't one at the moment.TAPPER: There's not right now. And the heirs of George Steinbrenner are happy for that.ROBERTS: Exactly. So then if they bring it back, they'd better do it overnight, you know, so that people aren't doing in their parents in anticipation.TAPPER: Donna, you wanted to say something?BRAZILE: Everyone is concerned about the deficit, and that's why we have to be careful how we frame this. I mean, you and I both know that -- Stephen, that over the last 10 years we've seen the top 1 percent, their incomes have grown. Meanwhile, the bottom half of the country, the bottom half of all income earners, they've seen their wages stagnate.So I think the president needs to be wise enough to take a look at the entire array of tax cuts that he could provide to small businesses and middle-income individuals that will help spur economic growth.ROBERTS: But, of course, the one number that matters is the unemployment number. I mean, that is the number that everybody really cares about. And -- and the president himself is now saying, again, expected to get to 8 percent or lower until maybe the end of 2012.And that -- you know, that then becomes not only a dampening -- have a dampening effect on the economy, but that becomes...(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: There are two commissions...ROBERTS: ... political problem.DONALDSON: ... running right now, the presidential commission appointed and a private one with Pete Domenici and Alice Rivlin that are looking at this problem of our debt and our economic situation, and both of them say, by the end of the year when they report, we're going to be stunned by the projections for this country if we don't start cutting unnecessary expenses and getting hold of the debt.ROBERTS: Well...TAPPER: It's not just unnecessary expenses. Some of them are necessary expenses. It's Medicare and Social Security.(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: ... building a second engine for a fighter that the Defense Department says is unnecessary?ROBERTS: Well, you know perfectly well, Sam, that that doesn't save you any money. I mean, you start...DONALDSON: Oh, a few billion.ROBERTS: You could close down this Capitol or turn it into condos and you could close down every domestic program that we have and you'd still have a deficit because of Social Security, Medicare...DONALDSON: That's defense spending.ROBERTS: ... and interest on the national debt.BRAZILE: And the loss of revenues. I mean, this recession has taken a bite out of the economy. We're not collecting money, so we need to...(CROSSTALK)ROBERTS: Particularly on capital gains.BRAZILE: That's right.HAYES: Which -- which is why the single most important thing the government can do right now is get out of the way of private-sector growth. And raising taxes in a recession on whomever is, I think, one of the most foolish things you could possibly do at this time.And, look, the administration implicitly buys the argument that raising taxes in a recession is a bad idea. You've heard administration officials articulate this before, and it's behind what they did in the original stimulus with the tax cuts.(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: So sign on to the idea that now it's a bad idea, but at some point we're going to come out of this recession.TAPPER: Well, there is -- and there are voices in the administration...(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: ... and now they raised them, OK?TAPPER: ... talking about -- there are people in the administration talking about maybe just keeping the Bush tax cuts in place for everyone for a year longer...ROBERTS: Well, that's what you were saying.TAPPER: ... or not, but Geithner said no.DONALDSON: But a trigger. Otherwise the Congress will never come back and say...(CROSSTALK)HAYES: ... have the same debate -- have the same debate in two years.BRAZILE: I'm going to be like the Republicans for 30 seconds. How do we pay for it? How do we pay for it? We know that the Bush tax cuts is one of the driving forces...(CROSSTALK)HAYES: It is -- it is part of it, but that's on static scoring. If you look at what it does for economic growth, you could argue that you'll make up some of the revenues...BRAZILE: So how many jobs were created during its period when we had the Bush tax cuts, from 2001 to 2008? How many jobs?HAYES: I don't -- I don't know the number.BRAZILE: Hardly any. We lost jobs. That's the point. The point is, we should have tax cuts that help spur economic growth. Bottom line, it's about jobs, jobs, jobs.ROBERTS: I think that's right. The question is, what cuts? And not just ""cuts."" And I think that...HAYES: Sure, OK. Let's say that small business is the engine for job growth.BRAZILE: I agree with that.HAYES: But the people that we're talking about, these so-called wealthy, most of them are small-business owners. So if you're talking about cutting taxes for people who can...DONALDSON: Most of the wealthy...HAYES: ... put people back to work, that's who you're talking about.(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: ... most of the wealthy, the top 3 percent are small-business owners? Wrong. There are some, yes, of course.BRAZILE: It's less than a quarter.DONALDSON: Come on, Stephen.TAPPER: We can have PolitiFact come in and weigh in on that one.BRAZILE: They will. Trust me.TAPPER: I do want -- I do want to move to the subject of the unemployed. And by the unemployed, I mean Shirley Sherrod, who is the most notable unemployed person in America right now. The White House says they had nothing to do with it, but Shirley Sherrod on CNN, after speaking to President Obama, said she wasn't so sure.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)SHERROD: I firmly believe that someone in the White House was telling them that the White House wanted me to resign.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: Now, Donna, the White House says, no, this was all Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack's call. Do you believe that?BRAZILE: They've told me the same story, and...TAPPER: That's not what I asked you.BRAZILE: I know.(LAUGHTER)They told me the same story, and I'm reluctant -- and I trust the source. My source said we had nothing to do with it, but, you know, once we got on top of it, we moved it.Look, Ms. Sherrod told a story that is just as amazing as the hymns from ""Amazing Grace."" It was a story of redemption. And yet we all know from the facts that everyone, everyone -- there's enough pro (ph) to go around to ensure that everyone continue to eat bird until turkey season.But the truth is, is that the White House jumped the gun, Fox News and others who allowed this -- this -- this bogus tape to hit the airwaves...ROBERTS: NAACP.BRAZILE: ... and the NAACP...TAPPER: The NAACP, absolutely.BRAZILE: ... that did not call their local chapter, did not confer with Ms. Sherrod, it's a mind-boggling story. I talked to Ms. Sherrod. You know, when you grow up in the deep South, as I did, you know the -- you know the history of the movement and you know the history of the Sherrod family. You know Shirley Sherrod's personal story. I'm ashamed that so many people failed to even just simply Google her name.ROBERTS: But the truth is, the only people who could fire her were the administration. Fox News couldn't fire her. The NAACP couldn't fire her. Only the administration could fire her. So they really bear the most culpability here, I think by a long shot.But the other thing that's true is that what she actually did say gets us right back to the last conversation, because what she did say was that the divisions she came to understand were really not between black and white, but between haves and have-nots. And that is really what -- what turned her around and -- and made her fight for that white farmer.DONALDSON: But I think, except for her, there's enough blame to go around for everyone here. The people who maliciously and with intention misrepresented the facts, I mean, I -- I believe in the First Amendment. There's nothing you can do about them, although you wish for Joseph Welch to say as he did to Joe McCarthy when Joe McCarthy was destroying someone on television, have you no decency, at last?But from the standpoint of Obama and the administration, who are these people that they should pay attention to and be afraid of? Who's Glenn Beck? I mean, who's Bill O'Reilly? Who's Brett whatever his name is?TAPPER: Andrew -- Andrew Breitbart...(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: No, let me -- let me finish, because I want to give a little advice, since I've been doing it this morning in economics, to the president.(UNKNOWN): OK.DONALDSON: I want to quote another president who also said he had enemies, I'm going to -- of financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sexism. They are unanimous in their hatred for me, and I welcome their hatred, said Franklin Roosevelt, who said I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.So, President Obama, don't be afraid of them. Take them on, and let the people judge. You may lose, but if you lose, you will lose grandly (ph).TAPPER: This is an argument you hear from a lot of liberal activists and Democratic activists. Josh Marshall, who writes at Talking Points Memo, wrote, speaking of Andrew Breitbart, who -- the blogger, the conservative blogger who originally posted this video, that -- the unfairly edited excerpt, which he says that's the -- that's the way he got it, was in that unfairly edited excerpt, and this is what Josh Marshall wrote.""Breitbart got a piece of video he knew nothing about and published it with a central claim that he either made up or made no attempt to verify. To use terminology of infectious disease, Fox was the primary vector of this story. And to the best of my knowledge, there's been not only no disciplining of anyone in the newsroom, but as far as I can see, no retraction, apology, or even discussion of their primary role in an obvious smear. This is a journalistic felony, really, the worst kind of thing that journalists can ever do, a reality only compounded by the fact that they refuse to admit not only culpability but even that they did anything wrong.""Stephen, do you think that this -- that liberals are unfairly using this to try to discredit conservative journalists or...HAYES: No, way. They would never do that.(LAUGHTER)Yes, of course, they are. Look, the timeline doesn't work. I mean, Donna's colleague, Howard Kurtz, at CNN and the Washington Post wrote that the timeline simply doesn't work. She actually resigned before or was forced to retire before anybody on Fox said a word about this. Senior vice president of news, Michael Clemente, sent out a memo talking about the need to treat this carefully, to gather all the facts.Look, it's an easy distraction. That's what they want to do. I understand that.The basic point, to go back to what Donna said, involves the speech, and the speech was -- you know, for -- for most of the speech, a fantastic speech, a compelling speech, a moving speech. I mean, to hear the stories about Baker County, to hear about her upbringing, to hear about the men who burned crosses in her front yard, is a compelling story. It's incredibly moving.What happened then in the speech was that she slipped into what I think are easy accusations of racism that don't work. She said, in the -- in the middle of her speech...(CROSSTALK)TAPPER: This is the speech in March, the March speech, yes.HAYES: ... the March speech, she talked about Republicans. It's always about money, she said. I haven't seen such mean-spirited people as I've seen lately over the issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried, didn't it surface? Now we've endured eight years of the Bushes, and we didn't do some of the stuff these Republicans are doing because you have a black president.(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: Bill O'Reilly called for her to be fired. Isn't (ph) he on Fox...(CROSSTALK)HAYES: So did the White House. So did the USDA.ROBERTS: But there was racism that came up during the health care debate, with the -- with the vilification of John Lewis at the Capitol. And -- and the truth is, is that -- you know, this is a conversation we -- we just don't have.I mean, I really think Eric Holder was right. We are cowardly about talking about race.I had a cross burned in my front yard, too, and I know what it was like to grow up in the South in those years. And -- and the truth is that the -- that the conversation is just different among whites and among blacks. It is. And we have to be able to address that if we're ever going to get past it as a nation.If we have any opportunity to perfect this union, that's what we have to do.HAYES: I agree with you, but don't you think one of the reasons that we don't have this kind of conversation about race is because of the kind of comments branding Republicans as racists for opposing health care?(CROSSTALK)HAYES: This has -- this has nothing to do...DONALDSON: Mr. Beck called the president of the United States a racist. What about that?TAPPER: But is that racist, to say somebody's racist?DONALDSON: Well, he just said branding people as racists.(CROSSTALK)BRAZILE: What she was -- what she was saying -- I heard the speech in its entirety, and I went public when I heard the speech. What she was talking about was the political climate, a political climate that, yes, some in the Republican Party have condoned simply because they refuse to repudiate those elements within their party that simply have gone too far, with the birther notion, with his illegitimacy, and creating the kind of racial resentment that prohibits us from having a genuine conversation about race and racism.TAPPER: Donna, Shirley Sherrod on CNN also said something specifically about Andrew Breitbart from biggovernment.com, the conservative activist who posted the unfairly edited video, and here's what she had to say.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)SHERROD: I know I've gotten black versus white. He's probably the person who's never gotten past it and never attempted to get past it. I think he'd like to get us stuck back in the times of slavery. That's where I think he'd like to see all black people end up again.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: This woman's been offered a job by the Agriculture Department as a deputy director of the Office of Advocacy and Outreach, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, and she's saying Andrew Breitbart wants to return to the days of slavery.Now, you can think what Andrew Breitbart did was reprehensible, irresponsible, unfair, and a total smear. Did that justify saying he wants us to go back to the days of slavery?BRAZILE: Well, you know, I'm not going to -- to second-guess Ms. Sherrod. I know her history. But I am going to say that Mr. Breitbart should resign, even after -- not resign...ROBERTS: From what?BRAZILE: Sorry, I misspoke. I'm not in the business of asking people to be fired. I've been fired once before. But I think Mr. Breitbart should apologize to her.I mean, she -- this is a woman who -- her father was murdered, and no one was ever brought to justice. I mean, she has some -- she has some anger that she was talking about, but she also talked about how she got -- you know, how she came to struggle with this and how she went on to -- to -- to start her life anew and fight for farmers of (inaudible)But let me just say, going back to this conversation, can we have a conversation about race? Yes. But it cannot start here in Washington. It cannot start with politicians leading the conversation. It must start back in Georgia, where Ms. Sherrod and the Spooners can help lead us in this dialogue.And if Mr. Breitbart would like to be part of it, we welcome him to the conversation.ROBERTS: But it's -- I disagree. I think it can start in Washington, and I think it can start in the White House. And I think that we -- that we have an opportunity -- everybody talks about this being a teachable moment. Well, let's learn and -- and let's have the president be the teacher in -- in chief. And, you know...DONALDSON: Yes. And Mitch McConnell was asked about an aspect of this, and he says, I don't want to get into that. All right. That's his privilege not to as the leader of the Republicans in the Senate. But it takes all the sides to get into it civilly, not calling names or calling people racists on either side -- you're quite correct -- and talk about it. But it's not going to happen, unfortunately.BRAZILE: But civil rights used to be a nonpartisan issue.ROBERTS: That's right.BRAZILE: It wasn't black or white or left versus white. It was Republicans. I keep telling Republicans, it was Republicans who...(CROSSTALK)ROBERTS: ... listen to the Johnson tapes, when Johnson was ready to sign the civil rights bill, it was, you know, dead of summer, and -- and he's saying to his aides, make sure that the Republicans are here. I'm not going to sign this without Ev Dirksen being in the room, because this is the...(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: Well, Ev Dirksen, the Republican leader...ROBERTS: ... they -- they had so much to do with it.DONALDSON: Ev Dirksen, the Republican leader of the Senate, made the last speech in favor of breaking the southern filibuster to pass the '64 Civil Rights Act. He quoted Victor Hugo. Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. That's the way the Republicans in the Senate acted.BRAZILE: But I hope Ms. Sherrod and Mr. Breitbart can sit down and have a -- whatever kind of summit.(UNKNOWN): A beer summit?BRAZILE: I don't know what she drinks.(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: ... don't want to get into this.BRAZILE: But I know that they can find a common language to talk about the future if they can only sit and listen to each other.TAPPER: Donna, I want to ask you a question about -- Maureen Dowd in today's New York Times suggests that she should -- Shirley Sherrod should be offered a job in the White House. And she also writes this: ""The first black president should expand beyond his campaign security blanket, the smug cordon of overprotective white guys surrounding him. Otherwise, this administration will keep tripping over race, rather than inspiring on race. The president shouldn't give Sherrod her old job back. He should give here a new job, director of black outreach. This White House needs one.""Whether or not the job should go to Shirley Sherrod, does this White House need one?BRAZILE: Well, I would hope that the White House could bring in more people, people who understood history, people who could help serve this president. When they hear of a conversation like Ms. Sherrod, hopefully they won't run to the hilltop. They could sit down and say let's -- let's talk about this.I -- I know from having talked to Valerie Jarrett that she's deeply concerned and that she's working inside the White House to make sure that this never happens again.DONALDSON: But, Jake, it's not black outreach. Maureen, please, it's outreach on this issue for blacks and whites and people of all colors.(UNKNOWN): Of all colors.DONALDSON: To say, all right, we need someone for black outreach is the wrong direction.TAPPER: Stephen?HAYES: Well, yes, I mean, I don't think -- I think that Sam's right. I don't think that necessarily creating a new position of black outreach is -- is going to solve the country's problems on race. And certainly after looking at Ms. Sherrod, in spite of her history and the things that she said that were so moving, after seeing her comments about Andrew Breitbart wanting us to go back to slavery, would not be the ideal person for the job.TAPPER: Cokie, 30 seconds.ROBERTS: Well, no, I think that the basic point that there has been an ignorance in some ways of -- of the immediate past history that some of us lived through of the young people in the White House is true and that -- and that there does need to be a better understanding of that in order to -- to just try to -- to salve the wounds.TAPPER: All right. Wonderful job, guys. Thank you so much. The roundtable continues in the green room on abcnews.com and on our new iPad app, where later you can also find our fact checks. We've teamed up with PolitiFact to fact-check the show." 0 Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, fans are now getting their first official look at Nicole Kidman as Queen Atlanna in James Wan’s “Aquaman.” EW’s cover shows Kidman, Jason Momoa and Amber Heard in their respective characters. Kidman is wearing a light blue suit with a stunning head piece. In March 2017, Kidman confirmed she was playing Aquaman’s mother in “Aquaman,” and there was a simple reason as to why she wanted to take on the role. Also Read: James Wan and 'Aquaman' Cast Offer First Look at Work-in-Progress Atlantis “The reason why I love [‘Aquaman’] is James Wan is an Australian, and I’ve followed his career since he started. He’s a really good friend of mine, and he offered to let me play Queen Atlanna,” she told Entertainment Weekly. “As soon as he said I could wear mother-of-pearl and be a mermaid warrior, I said ‘I’m done.’ Please. If there is one thing I have to do in my life, I have to be that. Because, you’ve got to have some fun.” Her role in the DC film marks her return to the superhero franchise — the last time she starred in a movie like that was in 1995’s “Batman Forever,” when she played Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend, Dr. Chase Meridian. However, since then, she’s won an Academy Award and has been nominated multiple times. Also Read: No 'Aquaman' Trailer Yet? Director James Wan Says He's the Reason Why “Aquaman,” which also stars Willem Dafoe, Dolph Lundgren and Patrick Wilson, will hit theaters on Dec. 21. See the cover below. 0 "Selena Gomez & Justin Bieber: A Timeline of Their Relationship Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber's on-again, off-again relationship is making headlines once again, after the pop stars were spotted together on a recent breakfast-and-church date. Fans may be speculating whether or not the one-time couple's romance is rekindling, especially amid reports of Gomez and The Weeknd splitting up, or if they're just friends. It's hard say: Gomez and Bieber's storied relationship has gone from breaking up and making up and from ""I am so beyond done with talking about that"" to ""I'm never going to stop loving her."" ""Sometimes love isn't a feeling but a choice,"" Bieber posted on Instagram in 2014. In an interview published a year later, he spoke candidly of his ex and circled back to that quote: ""Love is a choice. Love is not a feeling. People have made it seem in movies that it's this fairy tale. That's not what love is. You're not gonna want to love your girl sometimes but you're gonna choose to love her."" Below, check out a play by play of the couple's relationship -- at least, the parts that have been seen through the public eye. December 2010: It All Started With Pancakes They first met in 2009. A year later, when Bieber was 16 and Gomez was 18, the two apparently shared a meal and some laughs -- and maybe took part in some hand-holding? -- at an IHOP in Philadelphia. Gomez apparently exclaimed to US that ""it was just pancakes!"" but a week later, they were seen together again by Bieber's tour bus in Miami, where he had a concert. Those who were really paying attention noticed Bieber had his arm placed on Gomez's back. Bieber brushed it off by calling Gomez ""an amazing person"" and telling MTV he was ""just having fun being a teenager."" January 2011: Caught Kissing in the Caribbean The young maybe-lovebirds still weren't saying a thing about their rumored relationship, but the pictures said plenty. Gomez and Bieber were photographed on vacation together, kissing and embracing on a private yacht in St. Lucia. February 2011: Holding Hands & Going Red Carpet Official After being photographed together again, this time hand in hand in Santa Monica, Calif., the new teen idol couple made their first real appearance together at a Vanity Fair after-party for the 2011 Oscars in Hollywood. Bieber looked sharp in a black suit, while Gomez turned heads in a stunning red gown -- but more importantly, they arrived arm in arm on the party's red carpet. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber arrives at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party at the Sunset Tower in Los Angeles on Feb. 27, 2011. AP Photo/Carlo Allegri March 2011: Thanks to Ellen, Selena Will Never Spend a Night Alone There was no denying she was dating Bieber by now, so Gomez was a good sport when Ellen DeGeneres teased the singer about their relationship. In fact, she even accepted a very special gift from the daytime talk show host: a pillow with her boyfriend's face. ""He's gonna make me sleep with this every night,"" she admitted. May 2011: Smooching at the Billboard Music Awards At the 2011 Billboard Music Awards, Gomez and Bieber were seen sharing some PDA yet again, this time with a kiss. Things were still sweet a few months into their budding romance. September 2011: A Romantic Date Alone ... At the Staples Center In a grand gesture, Bieber planned a kind of night out with his girlfriend that's not easily replicated. The two had the entire Staples Center to themselves, where they apparently enjoyed a private viewing of Titanic. “Romance isn’t dead,” Bieber tweeted after their romantic date. “Treat your lady right fellas.” romance isnt dead. treat your lady right fellas. #REAL — Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) September 24, 2011 February 2012: Diamonds for Valentine's Day Around the time of Valentine's Day in 2012, Gomez showed off a new sparkly ring in a photo on Twitter. The ring appeared to be made up of diamonds shaped in the letter 'J,' and her hand was being held by (one can only guess) Bieber. ""I'm finally home,"" she tweeted along with the picture. April 2012: Selena's 'Humiliating' Kiss Cam Moment The couple's outing to a Lakers game ended up majorly embarrassing Gomez, after their faces showed up on the kiss cam and they found themselves obligated to, you know, kiss. “Oh God, that was probably the most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me,” she told Ryan Seacrest. “We were watching and I thought it was funny, and they were showing little elderly couples and it was so cute. And all of a sudden we’re both looking up and we come on [the screen] and it’s like… it was so awkward. It was so weird. I mean you have to kiss, right?” November 2012: Selena & Justin Break Up The Associated Press confirmed Gomez and Bieber went their separate ways, with other outlets reporting that ""distance"" and ""busy schedules"" were the reason for the split heard 'round the pop world. April 2013: A Snuggly Snapshot Rumors swirled about the couple revisiting their romance, but some seemingly concrete evidence came when Bieber shared a shirtless Instagram photo in which he was being embraced by his ex. ""'You've been makin music for too long babe come cuddle' -her,"" he captioned the picture. May 2013: A GIFable Moment After another awards show round, a brief backstage happening made its rounds around the internet. Gomez and Bieber were spotted sharing a quick kiss. Meanwhile, Gomez's bestie Taylor Swift reacted to the scene by turning away and sticking her tongue out. i hope taylor gives selena THAT LOOK after seeing her with justin again pic.twitter.com/6xLHVs3oPI — • (@Splasharesongs) October 29, 2017 January 2014: Some Quality Time Together After a quiet period, the pair was spotted by TMZ casually riding Segways together in Calabasas. Bieber also shared a photo of the two on Instagram with the caption ""love the way you look at me."" Early November 2014: The Power of 'The Heart Wants What It Wants' Likely inspired by her relationship with Bieber, Gomez dropped a personal new song along with a music video. Opening ""The Heart Wants What It Wants,"" a emotional voiceover from Gomez said, ""I know him though, and I know that I know his heart, and I know what he wouldn't do to hurt me. But I didn't realize that I'm feeling so confident and feeling so great about myself and then it [can] just be completely shattered by one thing. By something so stupid. But then you make me feel crazy, you make me feel like it's my fault. I was in pain."" Meanwhile, Bieber posted a quote on Instagram that was interpreted to be his response: ""Sometimes love isn't a feeling but a choice."" He added, ""It's easy to love when you feel it, but love when it's hard to love."" Mid-November 2014: Justin Unfollows Selena on Instagram It was unclear what drama caused him to do this, but fans certainly took notice when Bieber stopped following Gomez on Instagram. Some speculated that he wasn't thrilled by the cozy photo she'd posted with her ""The Heart Wants What It Wants"" music video co-star. ""I think [Justin] was a little jealous of the video guy at first,"" the singer had previously told Ryan Seacrest. June 2015: 'Where Are U Now,' Selena? In the video for Bieber's ""Where Are U Now"" collaboration with Skrillex and Diplo, Selena's name clearly makes a cameo. ""Justin wrote this record during a tough time in his life and it comes to us that sometimes, as artists, we are also just objects and we have to take that as much as we have to use that to create,"" Skrillex and Diplo said in a statement. September 2015: Justin's 'What Do You Mean' Video References Selena Bieber may have been reaching out to Selena in his ""What Do You Mean"" music video. Some super observant fans noticed that her name was spray-painted on a wall of graffiti in the clip for the song, in which he sings lines like ""First you wanna go to the left then you wanna turn right/ Wanna argue all day, make love all night."" Selena Gomez's name is spray painted on a wall in Justin Bieber's ""What Do You Mean"" music video. #Jelena pic.twitter.com/c3boNK8HMl — klaroline hooligan (@perhapsonedaykc) September 1, 2015 Early October 2015: Selena Says She's Found Closure The singer opened up about her feelings toward her ex-boyfriend while doing press for her new album, Revival. “We’re on good terms,"" Gomez said in a Billboard cover story, but clarified that she was ready to focus on herself and her career: This is my time. I’ve deserved this. I earned it. This is all me.” “At this point, there is no anger,"" she said in an interview with Refinery29. ""There's closure in a very good, healthy way. We’ve seen each other. I'm always encouraging and I am proud of his journey. She added: ""I think people are making it out to be something that is more tragic than it really was. We grew up together. We both made mistakes. That's it."" Mid-October 2015: A Justin & Selena Duet? One night on OVO Sound Radio, an unreleased song that had the former couple trading vocals came out of nowhere. The track had lyrics about wanting to work things out in a relationship, and Bieber singing the line “Gotta be strong, strong, strong” in the chorus. It turned out the song was written two years prior and wasn't meant to be released, but it sure had fans wondering what was going on at the time. May 2015: A Mini Reunion The two reportedly attended the same church service one weekend, and they were spotted being goofy in a Snapchat video posted by a preacher. August 2015: Selena Throws Some Shade on the 'Jelena' Obsession The couple's relationship -- referred to as ""Jelena"" by many -- may have seen its downfall due to their young age and being overly exposed by the media, according to Gomez. ""It's difficult for people to separate us. The internet wants to freeze this moment in time and constantly repeat it,"" she told the U.K.'s Sunday Times. ""I didn't think I was doing anything bad by falling in love,"" the singer said. ""There's such an emphasis on people being the perfect thing and then destroying them because it's good press. Throw in the fact that you are a teenager -- it makes it more difficult."" September 2015: What Justin Learned While he didn't say her name, Bieber described his intense relationship with Gomez in an interview with Complex. ""I moved in with my girlfriend when I was 18,"" he said. ""Started my own life with her. It was a marriage kind of thing. Living with a girl, it was just too much at that age. But we were so in love. Nothing else mattered. We were all about each other. ""But when it’s like that and you get your value from that, people will always disappoint you,"" he went on. ""Your girl or your dude, they’re always going to disappoint you. Your full identity can’t be in that person. My identity was in her. Her identity was in me. When stuff would happen, I would lose my freakin’ mind, and she would lose her mind, and we would fight so hard because we were so invested in each other. Love is a choice. Love is not a feeling. People have made it seem in movies that it’s this fairy tale. That’s not what love is. You’re not gonna want to love your girl sometimes but you’re gonna choose to love her. That’s something in life that I had to figure out."" Early November 2015: 'A Love That Never Really Dies' In a Billboard cover story, Bieber proclaimed, ""When you love someone that much, even if something comes between you, it’s a love that never really dies."" In an interview with Access Hollywood around the same time period, he admitted that at least three of the tracks on his Purpose album were about Gomez. On an Ellen appearance, he revealed the titles of those songs -- ""Sorry,"" ""What Do You Mean"" and ""Mark My Words"" -- and mused that someday they ""could maybe come together and make an awesome duo"" once again. ""It was really tough. I don't know if I'm over it yet,"" Bieber said of their breakup at the time. ""[She] is someone I love dearly,"" he went on. ""I'm never going to stop loving her. I'm never going to stop checking in on her. I don’t think if you end a relationship, you should end that, unless it was super toxic and you guys were hurting each other physically or mentally. We always respected each other and we still respect each other."" ""I don’t know what happens. I don't know what is going to happen in the future. I think we both gotta do some soul searching ourselves and figure out ourselves before we can just try to figure out each other,"" he added. Late November 2015: Selena's Still His Sunshine on a Cloudy Day Over a year after they were last seen out in public with one another, Bieber made a crystal clear statement when he serenaded his former flame with ""My Girl"" at a hotel bar. The pair reportedly left together, according to footage captured by TMZ. December 2015: Justin Gets Nostalgic on Instagram Bieber advised everyone to ""calm down"" when he posted some cute throwback photos from his dating days with Gomez, including one of the two of them on a red quadbike, and another of the couple holding hands a movie premiere. Just a throwback calm down A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 1, 2015 at 7:03pm PST Crazy throwback A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 5, 2015 at 11:25pm PST January 2016: Selena Is So Over Talking About Her Ex The ""Same Old Love"" singer got straight to the point when Rolling Stone asked her about Bieber. ""Honestly, what I would love to be printed is that I am so beyond done with talking about that, and him,"" she responded. 'Nuff said. February 2016: They're on Friendly Terms ""We don't talk often, but we're cordial. If she needs something, I'm there for her. If I need something, she's there for me,"" Bieber said of his ex in an interview with GQ. During the same period, Gomez congratulated him on winning a Grammy for ""Where Are U Now"": “I’m very happy for him. Honestly, so cool,"" she said. March 2016: Justin Lets Us in on All the 'Feels' Throwing it back yet again, Bieber showed everyone he was still thinking about his romance with Gomez by posting an old photo of the former couple locking lips. The intimate picture would go on to become the most-liked picture on Instagram at the time. Feels A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Mar 19, 2016 at 4:07pm PDT July 2016: Justin's Mom Wishes Selena a Happy Birthday Bieber probably isn't singing about Gomez on ""Love Yourself,"" since his mama clearly does like her. On Gomez's birthday, Pattie Mallette (Bieber's mom) wished the singer a happy birthday, along with a very pleasant message: ""I am blessed to know you @selenagomez & celebrate this precious day you were born!"" I am blessed to know you @selenagomez & celebrate this precious day you were born! Don't let them get to you. Keep UR peace & joy #LoveWins — Pattie Mallette (@pattiemallette) July 22, 2016 August 2016: Justin Leaves Instagram After threatening to make his Instagram private if his followers didn't ""stop the hate"" about rumored girlfriend Sofia Richie, he went a step further and deactivated it completely. Gomez, however, apparently sided with his Beliebers. She reportedly commented, “If you can’t handle the hate, then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend lol- It should be special between you two only. Don’t be mad at your fans. They love you and supported you before any one ever did.” January 2017: Justin's Not a Weeknd Fan While word was getting out that Gomez had started dating The Weeknd, Bieber didn't have anything nice to say about it. When asked if he listens to the rapper's music, Bieber replied, ""Hell no I can’t listen to a Weeknd song. That shit's wack."" October 2017: Back to Breakfast Following reports that Gomez and The Weeknd broke up, she was seen meeting Bieber for breakfast and going to church with him. Of course, this got people wondering whether they're just friends who are reconnecting, or if their relationship will begin again." 1 A surprise guest was among the thousands in attendance at Lady Gaga‘s Chicago Wrigley Field concert on Friday. Fans spotted the “Bad Romance” singer’s ex-fiancé, Taylor Kinney, among the throng of concertgoers. Several attendees posted about the celebrity sighting, with a few people sharing pics of the celebrity posing for snaps with people in the stadium. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “Tay with fans at Lady Gaga’s concert in Chicago last night. #TaylorKinney #LadyGaga,” a twitter user wrote for his post. While Gaga didn’t address her ex’s attendance at the concert, she did post a pic and caption on Twitter, writing about her historic appearance at the Chicago stadium. “So proud to have been the 1st Woman to headline at Wrigley Field #joanneworldtour wih my manager and friend by my side! We love u Chicago!” Gaga wrote. The Chicago Fire star had famously proposed to Gaga on Valentine’s Day in 2015, but the couple ended their five-year relationship in July of 2016. The couple had always seemed supportive of each other’s careers. In 2016, Kinney turned down the opportunity to take the stage with Gaga at the Golden Globes award ceremony to make sure all eyes were on her. “Do you want to know something wonderful?” she told PEOPLE that year. “They asked him to present tonight, but he said no because he just wanted it to be my night and he wanted to support me. Isn’t that special? I just found that out. I love him so much.” Tay with fans at Lady Gaga's concert in Chicago last night. #TaylorKinney #LadyGaga pic.twitter.com/N0cI30G2gw — ᵀᴱᴬᴹ ᴷᴵᴺᴺᴱᵞ ™ (@TaylorkUpdates) August 26, 2017 I met @taylorkinney111 last night and he's such a cool guy. Best drunk selfie I've ever taken. pic.twitter.com/IJLb515tX8 — mark (@guywhokissdgaga) August 26, 2017 So proud to have been the 1st Woman to headline at Wrigley Field #joanneworldtour wih my manager and friend by my side! We love u Chicago! pic.twitter.com/8dvelRgYRH — Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) August 26, 2017 RELATED VIDEO: Little Monsters Unite! We’re Celebrating Lady Gaga’s Birthday With The Star’s Most ‘Gaga’ Moment The 31-year-old is currently on her Joanne world tour — based off of the album of the same name. Joanne reached the top of the U.S. charts in October. Her world tour kicked off in Vancouver on Aug. 1. A new Netflix documentary on the famed singer titled Gaga: Five Foot Two, is set to premiere at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival before hitting the streaming service this fall. 0 After multiple plastic surgeries and a MRSA infection on his nose, Rodrigo Alves, aka the ‘Human Ken doll,’ is at risk of losing it altogether. Alves, 33, can no longer breathe through his nose, and it’s so severely damaged that he heads to the Botched doctors for help on Sunday’s episode. Get push notifications with news, features and more. “His nostrils are so small, and after what he’s gone through with the MRSA, this is probably one of the worst results and complications that I’ve seen in my entire career,” Dr. Paul Nassif says in this exclusive clip. “The issue is that what we call the ‘soft tissue envelope,’ that’s the skin. So by you having three surgeries in a time of 12 to 15 months, you destroyed your tissue,” Dr. Nassif tells Alves as Dr. Terry Dubrow looks on. “The skin’s no good.” Dr. Nassif was unable to properly examine Alves’ nostrils, because there was no space to fit an otoscope. “I feel like crying right now, but I’m holding back not to cry. Because I’m actually very, extremely worried, that’s why I’m here,” Alves tells Dr. Nassif. “My nose was perfect, after this last rhinoplasty,” Alves adds. “And my friends, they never had this problem at all. And I was the unlucky one. So I keep asking myself now, ‘Why me?’ “ Alves told PEOPLE in February that he’s undergone 51 plastic surgeries, and 105 aesthetic treatments, for a total of 375,000 pounds (or about $465,000) in medical costs. RELATED VIDEO: Would Dr. Terry and Heather Dubrow Let Their Kids Ever Get Plastic Surgery?! Dr. Nassif says that any further surgery is too risky while Alves’ nose is still healing from his last surgery. “Now that you just had surgery three months ago, it’s going to scar down more, it’s in a healing phase,” Dr. Nassif says. “If you try to insult your skin one more time now while it’s healing, there’s a high possibility that if you let one of these doctors touch your nose now, this will turn black and then die and fall off.” That elicits a gasp from Alves. See what he and the doctors decide on Sunday’s episode of Botched, airing at 9/8c on E! 0 "Mallette's sweet words come after Gomez's mother, Mandy Teefey, told GossipCop she's ""not happy"" about her daughter dating Bieber again. ""Selena can live her life however she wants as long as she is happy, safe and healthy,"" the publication quoted her as saying. ""She is 25 years old and knows what is at stake with her health. I do not control her the way it has been portrayed. Selena is an adult and can make her own choices."" Teefey also wrote a long post on Facebook earlier this week, revealing she told her daughter not to work with Woody Allen on the upcoming film A Rainy Day in New York. ""Sorry no one can make Selena do anything she doesn't want to,"" she wrote. ""I had a long talk with her about not talking with him and it didn't click."" Teefey continued, ""Her team are amazing people. There is no fall person here. No one controls her. She makes all of her own decisions...No matter how hard you try, it falls on deaf ears.""" 1 "Kate Walsh stars as Rebecca Wright, the eponymous hot mess adjudicator on NBC's new sitcom Bad Judge , premiering this Thursday night... but some of us are still waiting to see the actress pop up on another of our favorite shows. Those hoping Walsh would return to Grey's Anatomy once Private Practice ended its six-season run on ABC were sadly disappointed when Addison Montgomery didn't immediately strut through the doors of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Instead, she recurred in the first season of FX's crime anthology series Fargo as Gina Hess, a widowed trophy wife. And now she's joining her former Grey's costar Katherine Heigl in headlining her own show on the Peacock network. (Heigl stars in the drama State Of Affairs, premiering Nov. 17.) When Addison left Seattle for her own L.A.-based spinoff, Walsh still made a habit of dropping by Grey's once per season, including in Season 7's musical event, ""Song Beneath The Song."" But the last time Addison was seen in Grey Sloan Memorial was in the Season 8 parallel universe episode ""If/Then,"" where her character merely appeared as a manifestation of Derek's alternate reality. In the two-and-a-half seasons since then, there's been a conspicuous lack of red hair around the hospital. So should we officially give up hope of ever seeing Dr. Montgomery bickering with Derek and healing babies again? Not so fast. While it seems unlikely that Walsh will ever return to Grey's as a series regular, further guest appearances aren't out of the question. In 2012 the actress told E! that she's always open to returning to her old stomping grounds, schedule permitting, saying ""Of course. I'm open to anything. I'm ready for my next chapter, but never close the door."" Fans got excited last year when showrunner Shonda Rhimes dropped hints in the run-up to Season 10 that she was interested in revisiting Addison's story, telling The Hollywood Reporter, ""I would love to see Addison back at Seattle Grace at some point for a visit. I've said a million times that before the show ends its run, Addison has got to put on her shoes and scrub cap and come scrub in at the hospital. That's a given for me."" Obviously, the neonatal surgeon didn't end up making it onto the show that season, but with Grey's Anatomy still going strong in its second decade, there's still plenty of time to check in with her before the curtain goes down. There is at least one hopeful sign pointing to an imminent Walsh appearance. At the same time Rhimes was teasing us with Addison possibilities, she was also thinking about incorporating Derek's sister Amelia (Caterina Scorsone), who had been a regular on Private Practice in Seasons 4-6, into Grey Sloan Memorial. ""Amelia is Derek's sister, and I'm going to want to see that happen at some point as well,"" the executive producer told The Hollywood Reporter. Interestingly, Scorsone just joined Grey's as a series regular for Season 11, which goes to show that Rhimes is very good at getting what she wants. If Rhimes was able to work her magic on Scorsone, surely she can convince Walsh to return to Grey's as well. I know it's terrible to hope for any show to fail, but the idea of a swift Bad Judge cancellation paving the way for Addison returning to Grey's full-time is too good to resist. She would arrive just in time for the Meredith/Derek drama that's about to go down this season, and what can stir up a troubled marriage more than a beautiful ex-wife?! Images: thecampusconnect; weheartit" 0 Chris Brown has opened up about his assault on Rihanna that landed him in court in 2009. “I felt like a f**king monster,” the 28-year-old singer said in the documentary Chris Brown: Welcome To My Life. Brown said the fight with Rihanna started when she became jealous that his ex showed up at a pre-Grammys party they attended. “She starts going off, she throws the phone, ‘I hate you!’, whatever, whatever, she starts hitting me, we’re in a little Lamborghini, you know she’s fighting me,” Brown claimed. “Like I remember she tried to kick me, just like her beating s**t, but then I really hit her. With a closed fist, like I punched her, and it busted her lip, and when I saw it I was in shock, I was ‘f**k, why did I hit her like that?’” Brown recalled: “So from there she’s…spitting blood in my face, it raised me even more. It’s a real fight in the car, and we driving in the street. “She grabbed my nuts. And when she did that, I bite her arm while I’m still trying to drive.” Brown was arrested and eventually pleaded guilty to assault and got five years of probation and was ordered to do six months of community service and attend domestic violence counselling. In the documentary, the singer said his relationship with Rihanna was always violent. “We would fight each other. She would hit me, I would hit her and it never was OK,” he said. “There was always a point where we’d talk about it like, ‘What the f**k are we doing? Like, ‘I don’t like you slapping me.’ If I go on stage I got a scratch on my face and I gotta explain it like, ‘Oh, no I fell.’ If you got a scar or a bruise you gotta put makeup on. “I’m not ever trying to put my hands on any female.” Rihanna has not yet publicly responded to Brown’s version of events. 0 The British equivalent of America's Academy Awards, aka the BAFTAs, proved to be just as glamorous as its stateside counterpart. As expected, actresses, royals, and all-encompassing powerhouses gilded down the red carpet showing their support for sexual assault victims in head-to-toe black, with a few exceptions. Similar to this year's Golden Globes, fashion choices had an impactful message that extended beyond a designer label. At Royal Albert Hall in London, our favorite stars stood in solidarity with survivors, putting their trademark twist on the monochromatic color palette. From Angelina Jolie, who opted to show some serious skin with not only a thigh-high slit, but also an off-the-shoulder silhouette, to Salma Hayek's crystal-embroidered black wrap dress. VIDEO: Watch the Glamorous BAFTA Red Carpet Arrivals Scroll below to see the most stunning red carpet looks of the evening. 0 According to our source, who was at the taping for the show that will air on Thursday, Kardashian is very “hurt” by Jenner’s new memoir, The Secrets of My Life, which alleges her mom Kris is lying when she says she didn’t knowing that Jenner wanted to transition for a number of years before their marriage fell apart. “My heart breaks for my mom, because she’s been through so much,” Kardashian said during the interview. “It’s unfair. Things aren’t truthful. I feel like it’s taken [Caitlyn] a really long time to be honest with herself, so I don’t expect her to be honest about my mom now. It’s so hurtful.” As a result, she’s not talking to Jenner right now. Kim Kardashian taped the “Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Wednesday, and Gossip Cop has exclusive details from her first talk show interview since being robbed in Paris. We’re told she talked about that harrowing experience, how she no longer speaks to Caitlyn Jenner, and what she’s doing for Kanye West’s upcoming 40th birthday. Check out the videos below! The audience member also leaks that Kardashian spoke to DeGeneres at length about the Paris robbery, saying that it “changed” her life. “I know this sounds crazy, but I know that was meant to happen to me. I feel like it was so meant to happen. I’m such a different person,” she shared. Kardashian continued, “My whole life as changed as far as how I travel and security. I never thought that I needed security staying outside my door, even though I had a lot of jewelry. If you think about it, yeah, I should have had a security guard outside my door 24/7 when I’m traveling and I didn’t. Now, I have several, just for me to be able to sleep at night.” The reality star fully believed she was going to die, and now she no longer cares about possessions and materialistic items. Kardashian also discussed life with her kids following the frightening ordeal in Paris, and said her 1-and-a-half year-old son Saint is her “10,” which the audience member understood to mean is a “perfect baby.” And, after DeGeneres asked about West and his well-being, Kardashian noted that the rapper’s 40th birthday is on June 8, and she’s still struggling with what she should do to mark his milestone. At that point, we’re told, the talk show host offered to host the entire Kardashian family for a one-hour birthday party. No word yet whether Kardashian will take DeGeneres up on the invitation. Watch the videos of Kardashian’s interview below! 1 She's been going from strength to strength with her boyfriend, Walmart heir Steuart Walton, for more than a year. And on Wednesday Kelly Rohrbach put on a loved-up display with her other half as they enjoyed some fun in the sun in Malibu. The couple were wrapped up in each other's arms as they strolled down the parking lot after hitting the waves. Beach babes! Kelly Rohrbach hit the beach in Malibu on Wednesday with her boyfriend Steuart Walton First the twosome got their heart rate up, jogging by the surf barefoot. Kelly, 28, wore a white tank top, bikini bottoms, and a hat as she made her way down the coast alongside her other half, tuned into her earbuds. The star looked incredible as she worked on her exquisitely toned physique with her blonde locks tucked away inside her cap. Opting to go shirtless, Steuart, 37, put his chiseled torso on display as he jogged alongside his lady love. Making a run for it! The couple got their hearts racing as they jogged barefoot on the sand Summer loving: Kelly smiled as she held hands with her other half Soaking up the sun: Opting to go shirtless, Steuart put his chiseled torso on display as he jogged alongside his lady love Clearly very much smitten with each other, the couple were practically inseparable as they held hands while taking in the sunshine-soaked day. Kelly smiled at her other half, looking overjoyed to spend some quality time with the handsome heir. After a day of jogging on the sand, Kelly rinsed off in her bright blue and neon green bikini. Rinsing off: After a day of jogging on the sand, Kelly rinsed off in her bright blue and neon green bikini Post-workout: The actress closed her eyes as she showered off outdoors If you've got it! Kelly indeed looked incredible as she put her bikini body on display Kelly and Steuart have been dating for more than a year, and by the looks of things are very much in love. Back in May 2017, a source told E! that the couple had been dating for 'four or five months', and that Steuart even gave Kelly 'flying lessons on his personal plane.' Kelly previously dated Leonardo DiCaprio in 2016. 0 Ex-flames Brad and Ange have been working together for the better part of 18 months to reach an agreement on the custody of their six children - Maddox, 16, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 11, and 9-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne - and according to Life & Style, the former couple have managed to come to an agreement. The publication's report reveals Brad was left 'devastated' when Ange told him she had planned to take their children to London with her for five months while she filmed Maleficent 2. 'Even though Brad knows Angelina has custody and he has visitation, he felt it was a major breach in their agreement,' a family friend spilled to the publication. 'He was livid.' Life & Style claim Brad then waged a war on his ex-wife, and that he came out on top! The friend tells, 'To keep him from contesting her London move, she promised Brad that he can spend longer periods of time with the kids before and after the trip.' 'When he found out he was getting more time with them, Brad cried tears of joy,' the friend adds. The Hollywood actor has since been spending much more time with his six children, something he considers a 'major victory.' Life & Style reveal the kids are 'ecstatic' to be spending more time with their dad. Friends close to the pair also reveal that although the kids love Ange, they 'always wanted to be with their Dad more.' Getting sober and being in therapy has only made Brad's bond with his children stronger, the publication adds. 'He really feels he's turned a negative into a positive by getting more time with the kids,' says the family friend. 'He's never going to let them get too far away again.' Friends close to the star also revealed to PEOPLE that he is 'more like the old happy and charming Brad,' According to the publication, the actor is in good spirits as he slowly begins to make his way back into the spotlight. Brad is yet to respond to Life & Style's report. 1 "TAPPER: Secretary Geithner thanks for joining us. Good to see you.So, the administration has had a number of successes after big battles, stimulus, health care legislation, new rules for Wall Street, but you have a big battle coming when it comes to the Bush tax cuts.If they remain in place, as Republicans want, it will cost three trillion dollars every ten years. The administration has said it wants to keep the ones for people who make under $200,000 a year, individuals and $250,000 for couples.PlayThat will cost $2.5 trillion over 10 years.Ben Bernanke the chairman of the Federal Reserve said that with the economic outlook unusually uncertain, extending the Bush tax cuts would have a stimulative effect on the economy. Is he right?GEITHNER: I don't think it should be a battle, Jake. You know, what the President's proposing to do is to leave in place, to extend tax cuts that go to more than 95 percent of working Americans and to leave in place tax cuts that are very important to incent businesses to hire new pe -- new employees and to invest in expanding output.We think that's a -- the -- it's a very strong package. We think it's the right package. We think it's fair. We think it's responsible.Now, we also think it's responsible to let the tax cuts expire that just go to 2 percent to 3 percent of Americans, the highest earning Americans. We think that's the responsible thing to do because we need to make sure we can show the world that they're willing as a country now to start to make some progress bringing down our long -- our long-term deficits.TAPPER: Don't you think it will slow economic growth?GEITHNER: No. Just letting those tax cuts that only go to 2 percent to 3 percent of Americans, the highest earning Americans in the country expire. I do not believe it will have a negative effect on growth.TAPPER: This package that you're talking about pushing in Congress to -- to save the Bush tax cuts for people under $200,000 individuals and 250 for couples --GEITHNER: And in fact, we go beyond that. Because you know, we're proposing to extend the make or pay tax cut which also goes to 95 percent of working Americans. And a set of very important business tax cuts targeted for small businesses themselves, expensing, zero capital gains rate for investment in small businesses. These things, we think, are very helpful, very powerful.TAPPER: And when are you talking about pushing that into Congress?GEITHNER: Congress is on the verge of what we hope will be enactment of a very strong package of tax measures for small businesses and ways to help them get credit so they can expand.TAPPER: So, before the election?GEITHNER: Oh, absolutely.TAPPER: A number of Senate democrats, moderate Senate democrats have said that they oppose repealing or allowing to expire the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans that they think that would be harmful to growth.Are you guys going to have the votes to get through the package you want which is focused more on middle and lower income America?GEITHNER: Oh absolutely. I believe we will.TAPPER: Some in the administration and internal discussions are talking about maybe just keeping all the Bush tax cuts for a year or two. Those aren't -- that's not going to happen?GEITHNER: I don't believe it should and I don't believe it will. Again, because what the president's proposed is to make sure we're leaving them in place for the people that need the most and can make the most difference in helping make sure this economy comes back. That we heal the damage caused by this crisis.TAPPER: Job creation has not gone as well as you hoped. What more can you do? I know there's this small business lending initiative. What more can you do given the lack of appetite on Capitol Hill for any spending programs? Any more stimulus?GEITHNER: Well you know, the President's proposed a very strong package of help for small businesses which you just referred to. He'd support giving more support to states so they can keep teachers in the classroom.TAPPER: Fifty billion dollars in emergency spending but the Congress has not acted on that.GEITHNER: They haven't yet, but we can (inaudible) case for doing it. They're going to, we're going to keep at that. But right now, the best thing the government can do in addition to those things, is help create the conditions for the private sector to start to invest in hiring again.Now, we've seen six months of positive job growth by the private sector. That's pretty good.TAPPER: By the private sector.GEITHNER: Pretty good this early in a recession.TAPPER: Although you count in the public sector with the layoffs and the census jobs.GEITHNER: But only because of census. But you know, what matters is -- is the private sector starting to hire people, add back hours and that's what's critical.And you're seeing that happen now. Now we want it -- we want to see it happen at a faster pace. But I think most people understand that you know, this was a deep crisis. The scars ran very deep. Devastating damage. It's going to take time to repair that damage, take time to grow out of this. But we're making progress.TAPPER: In 2009 when President Obama talked about unemployment insurance extensions he talked about how it was paid for. This time, it was not paid for, the $34 billion in unemployment insurance extensions became added to the national debt.Republicans on Capitol Hill argued that they wanted to pay for it and they supported it but they just wanted it offset by spending cuts.Given the fact that we're going to be -- we're going to have unemployment for the foreseeable future, high unemployment. Isn't it the fiscally responsible thing to do to not treat this as emergency spending but treat this as something we know is coming down the pike so we're not just laying this burden on our future generations?GEITHNER: I don't think so. In a crisis that was this bad and a recession that was that deep. With this amount of lasting damage, scars from recovery, it's appropriate to treat these things as emergencies.TAPPER: Many of the details on the Wall Street Reform Bill that President Obama just signed will be determined by regulators. In fact, the bill also gives more power to some regulators, some of the same ones who failed us the last time around.Why should we be confident that they're going to get it right either with the rule making or next time there's a crisis?GEITHNER: Excellent question. But actually, the theory, the basic strategy in this reform bill does not rest on the wisdom of regulators. It does two very important things, though. It'll help consumers make better choices with better disclosure, much more clarity about the terms of the credit card contract or mortgage loan so they get better protection against the risk of being taken advantage of.But it also gives authority we did not have to put in place strong constraints on risk taking on all the nation's largest institutions. That authority did not exist before and it was central to what caused the near collapse of the financial system.TAPPER: Will these powers have allowed you, if had been Secretary of Treasury at the time or your predecessor Hank Paulsen to have staved off the financial crisis?GEITHNER: I don't think there's any reform bill, no law in any country that can prevent all financial crises. But if we had had this authority as a country, it -- we would have been able to limit risk taking and deal with the trauma that came from the stakes these firms made much more easily. It would have caused much less damage. It would have been much less severe, caused much less damage to the basic fortunes Americans and businesses across the country and to our -- and our long term fiscal position.TAPPER: You eluded to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that was created. Many liberals and labor unions and consumer groups say there's one person they want for that job. Elizabeth Warren. The woman who thought it up.Do you support that idea?GEITHNER: She is a enormously effective advocate for reform. Probably the most effective advocate for reform for consumers for consumer protection in the country. She has huge credibility and she played a decisive role in helping make the public case for reform and she was early on this, way ahead of everybody else.TAPPER: 2007 she wrote that -- that -- she came up with that idea.GEITHNER: And even before that she was pointing out to people the risks of what's happening in the housing market and credit market. So she has enormous credibility and she'd be an excellent leader of that institution. But that's a decision the President's going to make.TAPPER: Some in the White House say that -- that you've had concerns about her appointment because she she's been a sharp critic of you, she's been a sharp critic of Treasury Department policies. Do you have concerns?GEITHNER: I don't have concerns and I should say in that context that she has been playing a very important role in providing oversight over the programs we put in place to break the back of this financial crisis. You know, put out this financial fire.TAPPER: Ken Feinberg issued a report including that U.S. banks paid out $1.6 billion in unwanted -- unwarranted bonuses to top earners during the height of the meltdown. Seventeen banks made these payouts after getting TARP funds, after getting bailout funds.GEITHNER: It's a -- you know, it really is an incredible thing. And that's what he reminded of which is in early '09, on the basis of performance in '08, in the middle of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, firms that had taken support from the government because they could not manage without it still paid out substantial sums of money to people who made the decisions that caused the crisis.TAPPER: Is there nothing that can be done about this?GEITHNER: Well, you know, he spoke to that earlier this week. What he did do, though, and this was enormously effective was he went and used the authority he had to change behavior going forward. So you didn't have taxpayers' money after he had that authority go to enrich the people that had brought the system to the edge of collapse.Now, what he's also done and what our responsibility is to make sure these firms can never again go back to paying their executives to take risks that could imperil the stability of the country as a whole, the economy as a whole. So, he's done a great job. Very tough judgments. Limited authority in some cases, but he uses authority very well.TAPPER: Why is it that U.S. automakers when they received bailout funds had to take serious steps to take -- what are called ""haircuts""? Salary reductions, layoffs. And banks didn't. Banks -- I mean, you had Ken Feinberg supervising their salaries as long as they were receiving TARP money, but then they paid the money back and did whatever they wanted. How come banks didn't have to do that?GEITHNER: Great question. And that's why we have financial reform. Because we had for the country as a whole, a process of bankruptcy for dealing with failure. We did not have a similar process that could deal with the failure of large financial institutions.That was a tragic failure for the country because what it meant is when firms like AIG or Lehman or Bear Stearns manage themselves to the point where they could not survive without the government, we had no tools like bankruptcy to force them to restructure and protect the taxpayer from losses. But what this financial reform will do is to give us that authority. A type of bankruptcy regime that we can use for these large institutions because, again, this is a basic commitment in the bill. Banks should be paying for the cost of bank failures. We don't want the taxpayers paying for the cost of bank failures. And we should have the ability to dismember them, put them out of existence, put them out of their misery without it causing catastrophic damage to the economy as a whole.TAPPER: The Treasury Department issued a currency report and concluded that China was not manipulating its currency. Very few legislators on Capitol Hill seem to agree with that report, and I'm wondering if you agree with it.GEITHNER: Well, what China did, and this is the important thing, after a long period of pegging their currency to the dollar, holding their currency constant against the dollar, they have now started to allow it to move upward again to appreciate, to strengthen their response to market forces.Now, of course, they just started that process. It's just the beginning, and what matters to us and to all of China's trading partners is that they let that currency appreciate, as they did the last time they allowed us to move. What matters to us is how fast and how far they let it go.TAPPER: But you stand by the idea, stand by the assertion, that China is not manipulating its currency?GEITHNER: Oh, absolutely. But again, they begin the process of letting it start to reflect market forces. That's very good for China. It's very good for the United States.TAPPER: Lastly, this has been an odd week for the Obama administration -- not necessarily for the Treasury Department, but for the Obama administration, given the whole kerfuffle with Shirley Sherrod and the Agriculture Department. President Obama has said this is a teaching moment for him and his administration. Secretary Vilsack said something similar.Did you learn anything from watching your colleagues go through this?GEITHNER: Well, as the president said, I think you saw a general rush to judgment everywhere -- in the press and outside the press. And I think I agree with it -- it's something that we should all take some caution from and look at these things carefully. But he spoke to that, I thought, well earlier this week.TAPPER: Secretary Geithner, thanks so much for joining us.GEITHNER: Thanks, Jake.TAPPER: And joining me now is someone who also knows from budget challenges, New Jersey's Republican governor, Chris Christie. Governor, thank you so much. Welcome to ""This Week.""CHRISTIE: I'm happy to be here.TAPPER: So, Governor, your victory last November in the very blue state of New Jersey was heralded by Republicans nationally, seen as a blueprint for their victories. Now, a lot of Republicans who wanted you to win and admired your campaign said that you won mainly by criticizing incumbent Democratic Governor Corzine, not necessarily by a specific, detailed agenda.And I'm wondering if, first of all, you agree with that. And, second of all, how do you see your victory in the context of what Republicans can do this November?CHRISTIE: Well, first off, Jake, I think what we did in New Jersey last year was say very specifically what direction we wanted to take the state in. We said we wanted to have less spending, smaller government, lower taxes, and commonsense regulation that was going to help to grow private-sector jobs.And so I didn't go line item by line item through the budget during a campaign, and I didn't think it was the right thing to do.Now, in terms of what it tells us going forward, I think Republicans across the country need to get back to our brand, and I think that is the Republican brand. It's why I became a Republican: less government, lower taxes, less spending, and commonsense regulation that grows private-sector jobs.And so I think if my win tells anything, it means if we get back to basics as Republicans, then we speak to some of the concerns people have in New Jersey and across the country.TAPPER: You know, the biggest item on your agenda so far has been dealing with the budget and the huge deficit in New Jersey. Here you are on CNBC.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)CHRISTIE: We passed a budget that cuts $11 billion from our state's budget, balances it without any new tax increases on the people of the state of New Jersey.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: Now, Patrick Murray, director of polling at Monmouth University, says, quote, ""That's a nice talking point, but it's absolutely untrue. There are a lot of legal obligations that the state has that the governor just simply ignored."" And the Star-Ledger reported, ""Budget analysts say the $11 billion deficit was closed largely by avoiding massive costs. The budget skipped a $3.1 billion payment to the pension fund, continuing a decade-long pattern Christie had criticized, and did not pay $1.7 billion to schools under the state's formula for education aid.""So these billions that you're not funding, are you doing this just by executive fiat? How does this work? Because they're legal obligations, right?CHRISTIE: No, listen, the legislature passed this budget. The budget I presented on March 16th has $11 billion in less spending than was projected to be done through the Corzine administration.And so Patrick Murray is a pollster, and he's OK as a pollster, but he's not going to be all that great as a governor, because what we did here was we took $1.7 billion less in education funding. Well, a billion of that was federal stimulus money that had been spent in one year by the Corzine administration, and we were left with $1 billion hole. Really what we did was we reduced it by about $820 million in educational spending.Across the board, Jake, we had to reduce spending. Every department of state government was cut. And so there are going to be some cuts you make you like and some that you like less, but when you have an $11 billion hole to fill, you have to fill it.Finally, on pensions, I wasn't going to put $3 billion into a failing pension system. We need pension reform. I passed some already for new hires in March, and now this fall we're going to go after current employees and pension reform and health benefit reform because we're going broke.TAPPER: Now, one -- in that clip, you said that there were no new tax increases on people of the state of New Jersey, but also your budget did not fund $1 billion in direct property tax rebates, the homestead rebate. That means that people's property taxes are going to go up.CHRISTIE: Well, no, what we did, Jake, was we did a couple of things. First, we changed it from a property tax rebate program to a direct credit. We spent about $20 million a year in processing these checks and borrowing the money to send out to people. We've eliminated that.And what we did was we skipped three-quarters of that payment in the current fiscal year as part of the shared sacrifice that everybody was going to have to make. I wasn't going to cut just programs for the vulnerable; I wasn't going to cut just programs for the rich, but programs for the middle class. Everything had to be cut.But that program will be back as a direct tax credit in the fourth quarter of fiscal '11.TAPPER: Now, that shared sacrifice -- I mean, is that not a tax increase, even if it's a -- I mean, if you're -- if you're taking away a tax rebate, even temporarily, that's a tax increase, isn't it?CHRISTIE: No, I don't -- I don't see it that way. And in addition, what we did was we're giving the tools now to municipalities with a 2 percent property tax cap that we passed this July by me calling the legislature back into special session and with the tools that we're going to be passing this fall for them to cut spending even more at the municipal level so that people are not going to see a huge increase over the course of the next four years in their property taxes at all.TAPPER: OK, there's been a lot of tension between you and teachers, as you've been wielding your budget ax. Here's one example from a recent town hall meeting.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)(UNKNOWN): You're not compensating me for my education and you're not compensating me for my experience. That's...CHRISTIE: Well, you know what? Then you don't have to do it.(UNKNOWN): Teachers do it because they love it. That's the only reason I do it.CHRISTIE: That's good. Well, then -- well, and you -- and, listen, and teachers go into knowing what the pay scale is.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: I know you said your issue is with teachers' unions and not with individual teachers, but what do you say to residents of your state who say that they like your stance on taking on the teachers' unions, but a clip like that makes it seems like you don't really respect the teaching profession.CHRISTIE: Well, I do respect the teaching profession. I'm a product of the public schools in the state of New Jersey, and I care deeply about our public education.But here's what we can't have any longer: We can't have one sector of our society sheltered from the ravages of the recession at the cost to the people who have been hurt by the recession the most.For instance, the building trade unions in our state, they have unemployment at 35 percent to 50 percent. They're getting no raises. They're getting no benefits any longer, yet their property taxes continue to go up to pay for 4 percent and 5 percent salary increases demanded by the teachers' unions in a 0 percent inflation world and that most of the teachers in New Jersey, because of their unions, pay nothing towards their health benefits from the day they're hired until the day they die.Now, I have to tell you, Jake, we can't have one set of rules for one small sector -- the public sector unions -- and a different set of rules for everyone who's being hurt by this recession and say that those people are being hurt the most by the recession. By the way, you pay for this special treatment.I mean, now, that may be tough talk to people, and it's direct, but candidly, that's what we have to do if we want to get budgets under control in New Jersey and around the country.TAPPER: You're -- you've been known in the statehouse and nationally for a blunt style. Here's an example of that.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)CHRISTIE: Like it or not, you guys are stuck with me for four years, and I'm going to say things directly. When you ask me questions, I'm going to answer them directly, straightly, bluntly, and nobody in New Jersey is going to have to wonder where I am on an issue.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: That's a high bar, so let's do it. Directly, straightly, bluntly, should New Jersey join the lawsuit that other states have filed against the Obama administration over the individual mandate in the health care reform bill?CHRISTIE: I have both my attorney general and my commissioner of health studying two things: first, what are the chances of succeeding in the lawsuit? Because with limited resources in New Jersey, I'm not going to throw good money after bad. And, secondly, what's the effect of this 2,000-page bill going to be on the people of New Jersey? When I get answers back from them, I'll make a decision.TAPPER: What's your impulse?CHRISTIE: I don't have an impulse. I'm waiting to get briefed on it.TAPPER: Immigration reform. You've said this issue is too important to demagogue. Who is demagoguing in the Senate right now? And what is the solution to immigration reform?CHRISTIE: Well, first of all, on demagoguing, I wasn't talking about anything that's going on now. That's a 2-year-old quote, and there were some things going on in New Jersey at the time while I was U.S. attorney that I thought was demagoguery, and I called it that.Listen, this issue is a federal issue that should be handled by the feds and should be fixed finally. As a former United States attorney, I had to deal with these issues for seven years, and we simply didn't have the resources to deal with them effectively.So the president and the Congress have to step up to the plate, they have to secure our borders, and they have to put forward a commonsense path to citizenship for people.And until they do that, states are going to struggle all over the country with this problem, and so is federal law enforcement, who doesn't have the resources to do it effectively.TAPPER: Is the Republican Party in Congress been a help or hindrance to that cause for immigration reform?CHRISTIE: I think it depends on which Republican you're talking about. I don't think the party has had a generalized stance. I think there's been, you know, folks who have been all over the map on this issue. And, candidly, I don't think there's one general Republican position.TAPPER: Well, there are Democrats offering a bill, and they can't -- they can't get any Republicans to join them.CHRISTIE: Well, listen, the fact of the matter is that they have to find a way to build consensus. And I think that's what the president said he wanted to do when he came to town, and I think that's the challenge for those who are in the majority: find a way to build consensus.That's what I've been doing in New Jersey, Jake. We have a Democratic legislature. I've passed a budget with those $11 billion in cuts with a Democratic legislature, a property tax cap with a Democratic legislature, pension reforms with a Democratic legislature.If you want to lead and build consensus, you can, and it's on the obligation of those people in charge to build consensus.TAPPER: Two more quick questions. One, the stimulus bill. Net positive for New Jersey or negative?CHRISTIE: I think short-term positive, and we're now feeling the negative.TAPPER: Lastly, I know you like to talk about New Jersey's cultural icons. You prefer to talk about Springsteen, but the New York Times today has this profile of Snooki from ""Jersey Shore.""CHRISTIE: Sure.TAPPER: MTV's ""Jersey Shore,"" positive for New Jersey or negative?CHRISTIE: Negative for New Jersey, I mean, because it -- what it does is it takes a bunch of New Yorkers, who are -- most of the people on ""Jersey Shore"" are New Yorkers -- takes a bunch of New Yorkers, drops them at the Jersey shore, and tries to make America feel like this is New Jersey.I could tell people, they want to know what New Jersey really is? I welcome them to come to New Jersey any time. The Jersey shore is a beautiful place, and it's a place that everybody should come on vacation this summer. We've got another six weeks or so of summer left. Come to New Jersey.TAPPER: Governor Christie, thanks so much for -- for sharing your views.CHRISTIE: Thank you, Jake.TAPPER: The roundtable is next with Sam Donaldson, Cokie Roberts, Donna Brazile, and Stephen Hayes. And later, the Sunday funnies.(COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)O'REILLY: Department of Agriculture official Shirley Sherrod was caught on tape saying something very disturbing. Ms. Sherrod must resign immediately.SHERROD: I was faced with having to help a white person save their land, so I didn't give him the full force of what I could do.(UNKNOWN): The full speech has been released by the NAACP, and it backs up Ms. Sherrod's version.TAPPER: Apparently she's watching this briefing, Shirley Sherrod, on CNN right now. Is there anything you want to say to her?GIBBS: On behalf of the administration, I offer our apologies.VILSACK: I asked for Shirley's forgiveness, and she was gracious enough to extend it to me.(UNKNOWN): He jumped the gun.SHERROD: To have people think that I was a racist really, really hurt.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: L'affaire Sherrod, one of the many topics we'll talk about on our roundtable today with Stephen Hayes from the Weekly Standard and Fox News Channel, Donna Brazile, the Democratic strategist and our dear friend, and ABC News' own Sam Donaldson, and, of course, Cokie Roberts.Thanks, all of you, for being here.We'll get to Sherrod in a second, but first I just want to talk a little bit about the Geithner interview. Secretary Geithner said he hopes there isn't going to be much of a fight over trying to keep the tax cuts for the lower income, under $200,000, $250,000 for a family, but repeal them or let them expire for wealthier Americans. Is there going to be a fight?HAYES: Yes, hope will only take you so far. I think there will be a fight, and I think one of the main constituencies in the fight is going to be moderate Democrats, as you pointed out in your questioning of him.I think you're going to see moderate Democrats who walk back from the administration's eagerness to see this tax hike on what they're calling the wealthiest Americans.TAPPER: Donna?BRAZILE: The 2011 budget anticipates that we can close the deficit largely by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire. I think the president should not get into the argument should he, should he not, but rather to present a series of -- a new tax package. Don't call it Bush tax cuts, but a new tax package that is aimed toward the middle class, towards small businesses, that will close tax loopholes, and to ensure that the -- whatever package we put forward is fiscally prudent, it's paid for, and that it helps spur economic growth.TAPPER: Sam, where do you think this is going?DONALDSON: Well, of course, they should continue those tax cuts for 95 percent, as Secretary Geithner said. And as far as the wealthy are concerned to go from 35 percent as the top rate before the deductions to 39 percent is not going to kill them. It really won't. They're going to have something to eat the next day.But here's my proposal. There is a point...TAPPER: A proposal from Sam Donaldson.DONALDSON: Here's my proposal.(UNKNOWN): I like that.DONALDSON: There is a point that at this moment perhaps we should continue to extend the tax cuts across the board, but put in a trigger. When our national product gets better, when our unemployment gets better, use some other indexes. Then the trigger automatically raises it for the wealthy back to 39 percent.ROBERTS: Triggers never work. We've put in triggers -- Congress puts in triggers all the time. It's basically fig leaves, and then they don't -- they don't ever do it.DONALDSON: The reason it doesn't work, Cokie, is that Congress doesn't follow through.ROBERTS: That's my point.DONALDSON: I don't think there's a chance that Republicans would agree with my modest suggestion.(CROSSTALK)ROBERTS: ... look, it's obviously not just an economic question. It's a political question. And -- and who gets to frame it? Do the Democrats get to say the Republicans claim that they're against the deficit, but they want to keep in all these tax cuts for those really rich people, including those Wall Street bankers who got those huge bonuses, or do the Republicans say, look, here are Democrats going at you again, raising your taxes just so they can -- just so they can raise that spending, because they want the government to take over every -- every part of American life?And I think that's a lot of what this debate will be framed around and what this election will be framed around.TAPPER: And this debate comes as Ben Bernanke, the Fed chair, is calling the economic outlook unusually uncertain, which is chilling words for some people.ROBERTS: Including the market. I mean, he said those words and 200 points down.DONALDSON: The market is beginning to start to levitate again, maybe unwisely, but Europe has produced better numbers just this past week. The earnings season looks really good for some of the big companies, not just the banks, but some of the companies, Caterpillar, some of the people who make things. I think we're going to come out of it.HAYES: But the numbers are mixed. I mean, that's the rosy scenario.(CROSSTALK)HAYES: The numbers are mixed, and there are plenty of numbers that are pointing in the other direction. I think if you look at the big picture, the question I think facing -- facing sort of everybody in Washington right now with respect to the tax cuts, one of the things that surprised me most about your interview with Tim Geithner was that he said raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans won't have a negative effect on growth, that was a stunning statement to me.I think you could poll 1,000 economists and find very few of them who would agree with what Tim Geithner just said, and one of those people is Christina Romer in the White House, who has written before about the negative effects of tax cuts, and, in fact, has an article...(CROSSTALK)ROBERTS: Of tax increases.HAYES: ... of tax increases, and has an article in the current American Economic Review, June 2010, in which she says tax increases have a large and substantial negative effect on consumption and growth.ROBERTS: Now, they have to be really especially careful about the estate tax, however, because...DONALDSON: There is none.ROBERTS: Well, there isn't one at the moment.TAPPER: There's not right now. And the heirs of George Steinbrenner are happy for that.ROBERTS: Exactly. So then if they bring it back, they'd better do it overnight, you know, so that people aren't doing in their parents in anticipation.TAPPER: Donna, you wanted to say something?BRAZILE: Everyone is concerned about the deficit, and that's why we have to be careful how we frame this. I mean, you and I both know that -- Stephen, that over the last 10 years we've seen the top 1 percent, their incomes have grown. Meanwhile, the bottom half of the country, the bottom half of all income earners, they've seen their wages stagnate.So I think the president needs to be wise enough to take a look at the entire array of tax cuts that he could provide to small businesses and middle-income individuals that will help spur economic growth.ROBERTS: But, of course, the one number that matters is the unemployment number. I mean, that is the number that everybody really cares about. And -- and the president himself is now saying, again, expected to get to 8 percent or lower until maybe the end of 2012.And that -- you know, that then becomes not only a dampening -- have a dampening effect on the economy, but that becomes...(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: There are two commissions...ROBERTS: ... political problem.DONALDSON: ... running right now, the presidential commission appointed and a private one with Pete Domenici and Alice Rivlin that are looking at this problem of our debt and our economic situation, and both of them say, by the end of the year when they report, we're going to be stunned by the projections for this country if we don't start cutting unnecessary expenses and getting hold of the debt.ROBERTS: Well...TAPPER: It's not just unnecessary expenses. Some of them are necessary expenses. It's Medicare and Social Security.(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: ... building a second engine for a fighter that the Defense Department says is unnecessary?ROBERTS: Well, you know perfectly well, Sam, that that doesn't save you any money. I mean, you start...DONALDSON: Oh, a few billion.ROBERTS: You could close down this Capitol or turn it into condos and you could close down every domestic program that we have and you'd still have a deficit because of Social Security, Medicare...DONALDSON: That's defense spending.ROBERTS: ... and interest on the national debt.BRAZILE: And the loss of revenues. I mean, this recession has taken a bite out of the economy. We're not collecting money, so we need to...(CROSSTALK)ROBERTS: Particularly on capital gains.BRAZILE: That's right.HAYES: Which -- which is why the single most important thing the government can do right now is get out of the way of private-sector growth. And raising taxes in a recession on whomever is, I think, one of the most foolish things you could possibly do at this time.And, look, the administration implicitly buys the argument that raising taxes in a recession is a bad idea. You've heard administration officials articulate this before, and it's behind what they did in the original stimulus with the tax cuts.(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: So sign on to the idea that now it's a bad idea, but at some point we're going to come out of this recession.TAPPER: Well, there is -- and there are voices in the administration...(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: ... and now they raised them, OK?TAPPER: ... talking about -- there are people in the administration talking about maybe just keeping the Bush tax cuts in place for everyone for a year longer...ROBERTS: Well, that's what you were saying.TAPPER: ... or not, but Geithner said no.DONALDSON: But a trigger. Otherwise the Congress will never come back and say...(CROSSTALK)HAYES: ... have the same debate -- have the same debate in two years.BRAZILE: I'm going to be like the Republicans for 30 seconds. How do we pay for it? How do we pay for it? We know that the Bush tax cuts is one of the driving forces...(CROSSTALK)HAYES: It is -- it is part of it, but that's on static scoring. If you look at what it does for economic growth, you could argue that you'll make up some of the revenues...BRAZILE: So how many jobs were created during its period when we had the Bush tax cuts, from 2001 to 2008? How many jobs?HAYES: I don't -- I don't know the number.BRAZILE: Hardly any. We lost jobs. That's the point. The point is, we should have tax cuts that help spur economic growth. Bottom line, it's about jobs, jobs, jobs.ROBERTS: I think that's right. The question is, what cuts? And not just ""cuts."" And I think that...HAYES: Sure, OK. Let's say that small business is the engine for job growth.BRAZILE: I agree with that.HAYES: But the people that we're talking about, these so-called wealthy, most of them are small-business owners. So if you're talking about cutting taxes for people who can...DONALDSON: Most of the wealthy...HAYES: ... put people back to work, that's who you're talking about.(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: ... most of the wealthy, the top 3 percent are small-business owners? Wrong. There are some, yes, of course.BRAZILE: It's less than a quarter.DONALDSON: Come on, Stephen.TAPPER: We can have PolitiFact come in and weigh in on that one.BRAZILE: They will. Trust me.TAPPER: I do want -- I do want to move to the subject of the unemployed. And by the unemployed, I mean Shirley Sherrod, who is the most notable unemployed person in America right now. The White House says they had nothing to do with it, but Shirley Sherrod on CNN, after speaking to President Obama, said she wasn't so sure.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)SHERROD: I firmly believe that someone in the White House was telling them that the White House wanted me to resign.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: Now, Donna, the White House says, no, this was all Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack's call. Do you believe that?BRAZILE: They've told me the same story, and...TAPPER: That's not what I asked you.BRAZILE: I know.(LAUGHTER)They told me the same story, and I'm reluctant -- and I trust the source. My source said we had nothing to do with it, but, you know, once we got on top of it, we moved it.Look, Ms. Sherrod told a story that is just as amazing as the hymns from ""Amazing Grace."" It was a story of redemption. And yet we all know from the facts that everyone, everyone -- there's enough pro (ph) to go around to ensure that everyone continue to eat bird until turkey season.But the truth is, is that the White House jumped the gun, Fox News and others who allowed this -- this -- this bogus tape to hit the airwaves...ROBERTS: NAACP.BRAZILE: ... and the NAACP...TAPPER: The NAACP, absolutely.BRAZILE: ... that did not call their local chapter, did not confer with Ms. Sherrod, it's a mind-boggling story. I talked to Ms. Sherrod. You know, when you grow up in the deep South, as I did, you know the -- you know the history of the movement and you know the history of the Sherrod family. You know Shirley Sherrod's personal story. I'm ashamed that so many people failed to even just simply Google her name.ROBERTS: But the truth is, the only people who could fire her were the administration. Fox News couldn't fire her. The NAACP couldn't fire her. Only the administration could fire her. So they really bear the most culpability here, I think by a long shot.But the other thing that's true is that what she actually did say gets us right back to the last conversation, because what she did say was that the divisions she came to understand were really not between black and white, but between haves and have-nots. And that is really what -- what turned her around and -- and made her fight for that white farmer.DONALDSON: But I think, except for her, there's enough blame to go around for everyone here. The people who maliciously and with intention misrepresented the facts, I mean, I -- I believe in the First Amendment. There's nothing you can do about them, although you wish for Joseph Welch to say as he did to Joe McCarthy when Joe McCarthy was destroying someone on television, have you no decency, at last?But from the standpoint of Obama and the administration, who are these people that they should pay attention to and be afraid of? Who's Glenn Beck? I mean, who's Bill O'Reilly? Who's Brett whatever his name is?TAPPER: Andrew -- Andrew Breitbart...(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: No, let me -- let me finish, because I want to give a little advice, since I've been doing it this morning in economics, to the president.(UNKNOWN): OK.DONALDSON: I want to quote another president who also said he had enemies, I'm going to -- of financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sexism. They are unanimous in their hatred for me, and I welcome their hatred, said Franklin Roosevelt, who said I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.So, President Obama, don't be afraid of them. Take them on, and let the people judge. You may lose, but if you lose, you will lose grandly (ph).TAPPER: This is an argument you hear from a lot of liberal activists and Democratic activists. Josh Marshall, who writes at Talking Points Memo, wrote, speaking of Andrew Breitbart, who -- the blogger, the conservative blogger who originally posted this video, that -- the unfairly edited excerpt, which he says that's the -- that's the way he got it, was in that unfairly edited excerpt, and this is what Josh Marshall wrote.""Breitbart got a piece of video he knew nothing about and published it with a central claim that he either made up or made no attempt to verify. To use terminology of infectious disease, Fox was the primary vector of this story. And to the best of my knowledge, there's been not only no disciplining of anyone in the newsroom, but as far as I can see, no retraction, apology, or even discussion of their primary role in an obvious smear. This is a journalistic felony, really, the worst kind of thing that journalists can ever do, a reality only compounded by the fact that they refuse to admit not only culpability but even that they did anything wrong.""Stephen, do you think that this -- that liberals are unfairly using this to try to discredit conservative journalists or...HAYES: No, way. They would never do that.(LAUGHTER)Yes, of course, they are. Look, the timeline doesn't work. I mean, Donna's colleague, Howard Kurtz, at CNN and the Washington Post wrote that the timeline simply doesn't work. She actually resigned before or was forced to retire before anybody on Fox said a word about this. Senior vice president of news, Michael Clemente, sent out a memo talking about the need to treat this carefully, to gather all the facts.Look, it's an easy distraction. That's what they want to do. I understand that.The basic point, to go back to what Donna said, involves the speech, and the speech was -- you know, for -- for most of the speech, a fantastic speech, a compelling speech, a moving speech. I mean, to hear the stories about Baker County, to hear about her upbringing, to hear about the men who burned crosses in her front yard, is a compelling story. It's incredibly moving.What happened then in the speech was that she slipped into what I think are easy accusations of racism that don't work. She said, in the -- in the middle of her speech...(CROSSTALK)TAPPER: This is the speech in March, the March speech, yes.HAYES: ... the March speech, she talked about Republicans. It's always about money, she said. I haven't seen such mean-spirited people as I've seen lately over the issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried, didn't it surface? Now we've endured eight years of the Bushes, and we didn't do some of the stuff these Republicans are doing because you have a black president.(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: Bill O'Reilly called for her to be fired. Isn't (ph) he on Fox...(CROSSTALK)HAYES: So did the White House. So did the USDA.ROBERTS: But there was racism that came up during the health care debate, with the -- with the vilification of John Lewis at the Capitol. And -- and the truth is, is that -- you know, this is a conversation we -- we just don't have.I mean, I really think Eric Holder was right. We are cowardly about talking about race.I had a cross burned in my front yard, too, and I know what it was like to grow up in the South in those years. And -- and the truth is that the -- that the conversation is just different among whites and among blacks. It is. And we have to be able to address that if we're ever going to get past it as a nation.If we have any opportunity to perfect this union, that's what we have to do.HAYES: I agree with you, but don't you think one of the reasons that we don't have this kind of conversation about race is because of the kind of comments branding Republicans as racists for opposing health care?(CROSSTALK)HAYES: This has -- this has nothing to do...DONALDSON: Mr. Beck called the president of the United States a racist. What about that?TAPPER: But is that racist, to say somebody's racist?DONALDSON: Well, he just said branding people as racists.(CROSSTALK)BRAZILE: What she was -- what she was saying -- I heard the speech in its entirety, and I went public when I heard the speech. What she was talking about was the political climate, a political climate that, yes, some in the Republican Party have condoned simply because they refuse to repudiate those elements within their party that simply have gone too far, with the birther notion, with his illegitimacy, and creating the kind of racial resentment that prohibits us from having a genuine conversation about race and racism.TAPPER: Donna, Shirley Sherrod on CNN also said something specifically about Andrew Breitbart from biggovernment.com, the conservative activist who posted the unfairly edited video, and here's what she had to say.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)SHERROD: I know I've gotten black versus white. He's probably the person who's never gotten past it and never attempted to get past it. I think he'd like to get us stuck back in the times of slavery. That's where I think he'd like to see all black people end up again.(END VIDEO CLIP)TAPPER: This woman's been offered a job by the Agriculture Department as a deputy director of the Office of Advocacy and Outreach, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, and she's saying Andrew Breitbart wants to return to the days of slavery.Now, you can think what Andrew Breitbart did was reprehensible, irresponsible, unfair, and a total smear. Did that justify saying he wants us to go back to the days of slavery?BRAZILE: Well, you know, I'm not going to -- to second-guess Ms. Sherrod. I know her history. But I am going to say that Mr. Breitbart should resign, even after -- not resign...ROBERTS: From what?BRAZILE: Sorry, I misspoke. I'm not in the business of asking people to be fired. I've been fired once before. But I think Mr. Breitbart should apologize to her.I mean, she -- this is a woman who -- her father was murdered, and no one was ever brought to justice. I mean, she has some -- she has some anger that she was talking about, but she also talked about how she got -- you know, how she came to struggle with this and how she went on to -- to -- to start her life anew and fight for farmers of (inaudible)But let me just say, going back to this conversation, can we have a conversation about race? Yes. But it cannot start here in Washington. It cannot start with politicians leading the conversation. It must start back in Georgia, where Ms. Sherrod and the Spooners can help lead us in this dialogue.And if Mr. Breitbart would like to be part of it, we welcome him to the conversation.ROBERTS: But it's -- I disagree. I think it can start in Washington, and I think it can start in the White House. And I think that we -- that we have an opportunity -- everybody talks about this being a teachable moment. Well, let's learn and -- and let's have the president be the teacher in -- in chief. And, you know...DONALDSON: Yes. And Mitch McConnell was asked about an aspect of this, and he says, I don't want to get into that. All right. That's his privilege not to as the leader of the Republicans in the Senate. But it takes all the sides to get into it civilly, not calling names or calling people racists on either side -- you're quite correct -- and talk about it. But it's not going to happen, unfortunately.BRAZILE: But civil rights used to be a nonpartisan issue.ROBERTS: That's right.BRAZILE: It wasn't black or white or left versus white. It was Republicans. I keep telling Republicans, it was Republicans who...(CROSSTALK)ROBERTS: ... listen to the Johnson tapes, when Johnson was ready to sign the civil rights bill, it was, you know, dead of summer, and -- and he's saying to his aides, make sure that the Republicans are here. I'm not going to sign this without Ev Dirksen being in the room, because this is the...(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: Well, Ev Dirksen, the Republican leader...ROBERTS: ... they -- they had so much to do with it.DONALDSON: Ev Dirksen, the Republican leader of the Senate, made the last speech in favor of breaking the southern filibuster to pass the '64 Civil Rights Act. He quoted Victor Hugo. Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. That's the way the Republicans in the Senate acted.BRAZILE: But I hope Ms. Sherrod and Mr. Breitbart can sit down and have a -- whatever kind of summit.(UNKNOWN): A beer summit?BRAZILE: I don't know what she drinks.(CROSSTALK)DONALDSON: ... don't want to get into this.BRAZILE: But I know that they can find a common language to talk about the future if they can only sit and listen to each other.TAPPER: Donna, I want to ask you a question about -- Maureen Dowd in today's New York Times suggests that she should -- Shirley Sherrod should be offered a job in the White House. And she also writes this: ""The first black president should expand beyond his campaign security blanket, the smug cordon of overprotective white guys surrounding him. Otherwise, this administration will keep tripping over race, rather than inspiring on race. The president shouldn't give Sherrod her old job back. He should give here a new job, director of black outreach. This White House needs one.""Whether or not the job should go to Shirley Sherrod, does this White House need one?BRAZILE: Well, I would hope that the White House could bring in more people, people who understood history, people who could help serve this president. When they hear of a conversation like Ms. Sherrod, hopefully they won't run to the hilltop. They could sit down and say let's -- let's talk about this.I -- I know from having talked to Valerie Jarrett that she's deeply concerned and that she's working inside the White House to make sure that this never happens again.DONALDSON: But, Jake, it's not black outreach. Maureen, please, it's outreach on this issue for blacks and whites and people of all colors.(UNKNOWN): Of all colors.DONALDSON: To say, all right, we need someone for black outreach is the wrong direction.TAPPER: Stephen?HAYES: Well, yes, I mean, I don't think -- I think that Sam's right. I don't think that necessarily creating a new position of black outreach is -- is going to solve the country's problems on race. And certainly after looking at Ms. Sherrod, in spite of her history and the things that she said that were so moving, after seeing her comments about Andrew Breitbart wanting us to go back to slavery, would not be the ideal person for the job.TAPPER: Cokie, 30 seconds.ROBERTS: Well, no, I think that the basic point that there has been an ignorance in some ways of -- of the immediate past history that some of us lived through of the young people in the White House is true and that -- and that there does need to be a better understanding of that in order to -- to just try to -- to salve the wounds.TAPPER: All right. Wonderful job, guys. Thank you so much. The roundtable continues in the green room on abcnews.com and on our new iPad app, where later you can also find our fact checks. We've teamed up with PolitiFact to fact-check the show." 0 Felicity Jones married her movie director boyfriend of three years Charles Guard on Saturday. The ceremony took place at Sudeley Castle, near Winchcombe, Gloucestershire in England, with the star opting to wear a 'budget' dress. The couple's big day celebration had an impressive guest list, with A-list celebs including the bride's The Theory of Everything co-star Eddie Redmayne, 36, and Tom Hanks, 61. Finally hitched: Felicity Jones, 34, married her boyfriend of three years Charles Guard, 45, on Saturday in their native England in a secret ceremony (pictured in 2017) According to The Sun, the bride wore an elegant full-sleeved white gown with sheer fabric above the bust and a frilled neck. Felicity, who also starred in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, made a speech at the ceremony. Wearing an expression of utter delight, she slicked her wavy dark hair back beneath a classic mesh veil that fell to the floor. Meanwhile, her groom, 45, cut a dapper figure in a three-piece suit with silver trousers, a black jacket and a pale yellow waistcoat. A day in the Cotswolds: The ceremony took place at Sudeley Castle, a spectacular structure near Winchcombe, Gloucestershire in England Rounding off the look with a sky blue tie over a white dress shirt, he popped a flower in his lapel for his special day. The majestic venue is the only private castle in England to have a queen buried within its grounds, Katherine Parr, the last of Henry VIII’s six wives. It closed its grounds early to the public on Saturday to accommodate the wedding. The newlyweds have mostly managed to keep out of the public eye since they began dating three years ago. Historic: The majestic venue is the only private castle in England to have a queen buried within its grounds, Katherine Parr, the last of Henry VIII’s six wives Special day: It closed its grounds early to the public on Saturday to accommodate the wedding Spellbinding venue: It is being said that Felicity, who also starred in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, made a speech at the ceremony The movie director popped the question in May 2017 after just two years of dating. He is best known for the 2009 horror film The Uninvited, which he co-directed with his brother, Thomas Guard. Before the Hollywood actress dated Guard, Felicity, 34, was with a sculptor named Ed Fornieles. They were together for ten years. and had met while they were both attending the University of Oxford Wedding details: The newlyweds have mostly managed to keep out of the public eye since they began dating three years ago Epic guest list: Some of their A-list guests that watched on included the bride's The Theory of Everything co-star Eddie Redmayne, 36, and Tom Hanks, 61 A-list: Eddie Redmayne was one of the guests at the wedding (he and Felicity starred together in The Theory Of Everything) Friends in high places: Tom Hanks was also a guest at the wedding Details about the bride's infamous wedding outfit remain under lock and key but it’s unlikely Jones wore a budget dress, like she did when she first attended the BAFTAs in 2011. The British beauty admitted that when she was invited to the British Academy Film & Television Awards for the first time shortly after winning a special jury prize at the Sundance Film Festival for her work in indie movie Like Crazy, she was totally unprepared for the glamorous event. Instead of breaking the bank to purchase an expensive couture gown, she sourced her dress from a second-hand store. She even did her makeup in her brother’s bathroom before the ceremony. Flashback: Felicity, pictured left, and her wedding guest attendee co star Eddie, pictured right, are seen dancing together in their 2014 film The Theory of Everything 0 Imagine being in the public eye since the bright-eyed age of seven, wherein every part of your career and personal life become public fodder. Despite the intense emotional toll that this might take on someone, Selena Gomez has managed to navigate a path with grace and has it figured out. At a mere 25-years-old, the actress-slash-singer is pretty much a confident sage when it comes to body positivity—especially since her life-saving kidney transplant, which she got earlier this year to help with her autoimmune disease called lupus. “When I look at my body now, I just see life,” Gomez tells Billboard in a recent interview (oh yeah, she just won their ‘Woman of the Year’ award, NBD). “There are a million things I could do—lasers and creams and all that stuff—but I’m okay with it. I don’t have perfect abs, but I feel like I’m wonderfully made.” “I don’t have perfect abs, but I feel like I’m wonderfully made.” That’s not to say this self-confidence came easily—especially as she’s facing a newly minted surgery scar (which she admits was “hard in the beginning”). “I remember looking at myself in the mirror completely naked and thinking about all the things that I used to bitch about and just asking, ‘Why?'” she says. Now, after all that she’s been through (which is a lot), Gomez is feeling all of the positive vibes. “I just keep thinking about how much my body is my own,” she says. “[After the surgery] I had this sense of gratitude for myself. I don’t think I’ve ever just stopped and been like, ‘I’m actually grateful for who I am.’ I do. I didn’t, but I do now.” Hey, everyone should love themselves like a love song (had to). For more Selena love, this is the super healthy way that Gomez starts her day. And these are her empowering bags that she made in collab with Coach. 1 "Yesterday, Kylie Jenner said she'll no longer be sharing pictures of Stormi's face, and the reason is beyond heartbreaking. An insider told People that Kylie made the decision because of the ""nasty"" comments she was seeing on pictures of her daughter. “Kylie felt so protective of her baby when she was pregnant. This is why she didn’t share any bump pictures while she was pregnant. After Stormi was born, Kylie was the proudest mom.” Advertisement - Continue Reading Below “She couldn’t wait to show off Stormi to her fans. She posted pictures, because she was so excited to be a mom. Unfortunately, social media is a crazy place. People have been making nasty comments."" “Kylie is shocked and doesn’t want her daughter’s pictures to be a part of something negative. She might reconsider in the future, but for now, she won’t post any more photos of Stormi’s face.” On Sunday, Kylie posted the below photo, which showed only part of Stormi's head, and when a commenter called her out on cropping out her daughter, she said ""yeah I cut my baby out. I’m not sharing photos of my girl right now."" i spy with my little eye... A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on Jun 10, 2018 at 11:38am PDT That's when fans noticed that Kylie had gone back and deleted old photos of Stormi, too. The decision comes amid (very crazy and somewhat rude) rumors that Kylie's baby isn't actually Travis Scott's. In May, people on Instagram started taking pictures of Stormi's face and placing them next to photos of Kylie's former bodyguard Tim Chung, commenting on how similar the two looked. Tim denied the rumor via a statement on social media. And Kylie did her part when she posted a photo of her and Travis from the Met Gala with the caption ""Stormi's parents."" Stormi’s Parents 🖤 A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on May 14, 2018 at 9:37pm PDT So it looks like that settles that, but prepare yourself for a Stormi picture drought with an end date TBD. Follow Emma on Instagram." 1 "Dec. 7 (UPI) -- The first trailer for the next installment in the Jurassic Park franchise - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - was released Thursday night and it has all the roaring dinosaurs, running humans and dramatic music one would expect. The film takes a few years after where the previous sequel left off and the dinosaurs on the human abandoned Jurassic Park island face another round of extinction when a volcano threatens to engulf the area in molten lava. But Claire Dearing, the founder of the Dinosaur Protection Group -- played by Bryce Dallas Howard -- wants to save the dinosaurs, so she enlists Owen Grady, played by Chris Pratt, to help her. The film also brings back Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcolm, the eccentric mathematician from the first two Jurassic Park movies. ""Life cannot be contained. Life breaks free. Life finds a way,"" Goldblum's Malcolm says in the trailer. The film is scheduled for release on June 22, 2018." 0 "Like many people who live life in the public eye, Anne Hathaway is no stranger to internet hate. Now, the actress is taking preemptive action against haters and trolls as she bulks up in preparation for an upcoming film role. ""I am gaining weight for a movie role and it is going well,"" Hathaway captioned a video highlighting her impressive (and tiring) new exercise routine. ""To all the people who are going to fat shame me in the upcoming months, it’s not me, it’s you."" The video is sped up and shows what appears to be a very long and grueling workout, which Hathaway takes like a champ. ""I wanted to set this to Queen’s 'Fat Bottomed Girls' but copyright said no. Continued peace,"" she added at the end of her caption. Hathaway didn't specify which film she is gaining weight for, but her reported upcoming projects include the sci-fi thriller O2, an adaptation of the Joan Didion novel The Last Thing He Wanted, and a remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with Rebel Wilson." 0 Comedians Seth Rogen and Billy Eichner have signed on to play one of Disney’s most iconic duos. According to a report by Variety, Rogen and Eichner will voice the roles of Timon and Pumbaa, respectively, in the live-action remake of The Lion King. And we’re definitely not mad about it. The carefree warthog and meerkat were arguably the most memorable characters in the original 1994 animated film. Not only did they anchor the incredibly catchy “Hakuna Matata” number, they also landed an animated TV series. So you know a lot of thought and consideration went into these casting decisions. The Timon and Pumbaa news comes more than two months after it was revealed Donald Glover will play the lead role of Simba and James Earl Jones will take on Mufasa. The cast looks good so far, but we wonder who will be tapped to play Scar and Nala. Sources told Variety the film’s director Jon Favreau—the man behind the live-action remake of The Jungle Book—is eyeing the one and only Beyoncé for the role of Nala. Considering the movie is now being fast-tracked, it shouldn't be much longer before Disney reveals the rest of the cast. The Lion King is scheduled to hit theaters on July 19, 2019. 0 Don't Miss Out! Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? 1 Jared Leto has his eye on a pretty young thing: 19-year-old Paris Jackson! The duo crossed paths at the Harper’s Bazaar Icons party in NYC on Sept. 8, where the actor, 45, “was definitely making a play for her,” says an insider. “He was staring directly into her eyes while she was talking and they were standing really close. They spoke for a long time and she was laughing a lot.” Still, the Oscar winner struck out, as Paris eventually left to be with her friends — though not before Jared snuck in a kiss on her cheek! Adds the insider: “It was obvious that he was super into her, age difference be damned.” 1 Tuesday, April 11, 2017 by The basic act of curling hair is pretty simple – it’s not hard to wrap hair around a curling iron or up into hot rollers. It’s what you do with those curls afterwards that becomes difficult. Molding spirals of hair into the look you want, whether it’s casual waves, spunky beach waves, or big, loose curls can feel totally overwhelming. I can give myself curls pretty easily, but personally, I really struggle with the whole voluminous curly hair look. I can’t seem to get the volume required, and I also can’t seem to manage to make my curls loose enough. It’s a serious hair struggle. Unfortunately, big, loose curls are also my favorite type of curls. Long, cascading hair (like Victoria’s Secret waves, as the look is commonly known) has always been my preferred style. I love how glamorous yet simple they look, and I love that they can make anything you’re wearing seem just a little more chic. But, like I said, these curls are not as effortless as they seem – they require time and, yes, effort. The good news? It’s definitely not impossible to figure out the formula. The below tutorials for big, loose curls are easy, and can be done by even the most basic of beginners. I promise! Check ’em out for your new signature style, or for something more fancy. Whatever it is, you won’t be disappointed! 1. Use a large curling iron or wand to create larger curls. Source A large wand, like 1.5 to 2 inches, will automatically create larger curls (unless you have short hair, in which case, it won’t really do anything but create a wave). The smaller the wand, the tighter the curl, so start off with the right tools to make things easier. 2. If your hair is naturally wavy, try doing heatless curls. Source Wrapping your damp hair around something, like a rolled up shirt, then sleeping on it, will create curls and tons of volume (especially this high on your head). Wrap larger sections of hair to ensure larger curls; again, smaller wraps of hair will create tighter, smaller curls. This works best if your hair is naturally wavy – if it’s naturally stick straight, it will only create a kink or a wave. 3. Roll your hair into rollers on top of your head. Source Hair rollers can be difficult to get down, but they definitely give a ton of volume. Roll hair into the rollers directly on top of your head for a big look. 4. For something fast, put your hair in a ponytail, then curl the hair in the ponytail. Source To create fast curls, first put your hair into a high ponytail. This makes it a lot easier to manage and also creates some lift because it keeps you from curling too close to the roots. Curling close to the roots means the curls usually won’t be as large and loose. 5. Gently brush out your curls. Source If you have a smaller wand, or your hair holds onto a curl very tightly (like mine), gently brush your curls out when you’re done. Curl them, then use hair spray to set, and then use a large brush and softly brush the curls until they are as loose as you want them. 6. Curl away from your face to create more of a loose look. Source Changing the direction of the wand can make a big difference. So can setting the curls – when you’re done curling, hold them up with your hand for a few seconds so that, even after brushing, they don’t lose too much shape. 7. Use hot rollers to create a slightly more vintage feel. Source Use mousse and texturizing spray before using hot rollers to create more of a look. These things will help hold the curls and give you a more relaxed vibe. 8. Lightly curl pieces of your hair, then roll it into rollers and wait. Source There’s no rule that says you can only use either rollers or a wand! Try curling sections of your hair with the wand, then wrapping them into rollers to be extra sure the curl holds. 9. Tease your hair before curling for extra volume. Source Part of having big curls is having a lot of volume. One fast way to achieve that is by teasing your hair – back brush with a comb until you get a lot of frizzy volume. As you apply product and style with heat tools, that frizzy look will disappear and you’ll be left with lots of volume. 10. Go for the vintage look by shaping curls into retro waves. Source Use a small comb to mold your curls into a vintage shape. 11. If you have naturally wavy hair, put it into a bun to create heatless curls. Source This isn’t just wrapping hair into a messy bun – you’re looping strands around each other, then letting them sit for glamorous curls and lots of volume. 12. Brush the curls out with your fingers. Source You don’t need a brush to get looser curls – simply run your fingers through them for the same effect! 13. Use different techniques with different pieces for a loose, casual feel. Source Play around with different curling techniques throughout the styling process. For one strand, keep things normal, and for the next, twist it and then wrap it around. The different kinds of curls look more natural and loose. 14. Twist and pinch your curls for a more loose look. Source The lesson here? Don’t just curl hair and then leave it! Play around with the finished curls to make them less tight. 15. Pin your curls on top of your head for extra volume. Source Don’t have rollers? No problem. Use a bobby pin to gently roll up curls and pin them to hold the shape but also give extra bounce. 16. If you have natural hair, try a twist out. Source This technique can make your curls look shinier and more defined, yet still on the looser side. Which one of these hairstyles is your favorite? How do you get big, loose curls? Tell us in the comments! You can follow the author, Jessica Booth, on Twitter or Instagram. 18 Tips On How To Do Glossy Eye Makeup Like A Pro Follow Gurl, Pretty Please! Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram 0 "Scott Reeves, Connie Britton and Charles Esten work on the set of ""Nashville."" (Photo: Mark Levine / ABC) On its final episode ""Nashville"" found a way for viewers to see Rayna Jaymes and Deacon Claybourne together again, one last time. Rayna — played by Connie Britton — was the star of ""Nashville"" for its first 4½ seasons. Midway through season five, the character died after being involved in a grisly car accident, leaving her grieving husband, Deacon (Charles Esten), and their two children behind. But in the final minutes of Thursday night's series finale, Rayna returned. As Deacon prepares to go on stage at the Ryman Auditorium, he suddenly flashes back to a conversation he had with Rayna on their wedding night. CLOSE 'Nashville' lost someone very special in Thursday night’s episode. Time ""Sometimes, once in your life, somebody gets in your bloodstream,"" she tells him. ""It doesn't matter how much you've failed each other. You must choose each other. And I choose you, exactly the way you are. And I'm gonna love you forever."" 'A reality behind the fiction': Why the 'Nashville' finale broke 'the fourth wall' 'It was very emotional' It may have been a flashback, but Rayna's return was actually a brand-new scene, shot in the final days of production for ""Nashville."" ""She wanted to do it, and we wanted to do it,"" showrunner Marshall Herskovitz tells The Tennessean. ""And it was great to have her back. I think everybody had a wonderful time those two days, and just having her back brought some closure to the whole experience for everyone who'd been involved. It was very emotional."" “Rayna got to do the impossible,"" Britton said in a statement shared with The Tennessean. ""She got to come back from the dead ... to go back to my Nashville family and celebrate all the hard work and love and care that went into that show."" 'NASHVILLE' FINALE: The most surprising cameos over the years 'NASHVILLE' ON NASHVILLE: As 'Nashville' says goodbye, it leaves a mark on the real Music City More from The Tennessean Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Subscribe Read or Share this story: https://www.tennessean.com/story/entertainment/music/2018/07/26/nashville-finale-connie-britton-returns-rayna-jaymes/843694002/" 0 Justin Bieber has had enough! The singer has gone public with his hatred for HollywoodLife.com, claiming that their reports are “untruthful and hurtful.” “Let’s spam and petition to shut this garbage website down,” the “Sorry” singer posted alongside a photo that read, “the website Hollywoodlife is untruthful and hurtful let’s spam them and petition to shut them down! GO!!” Let's spam and petition to shut this garbage website down A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jun 15, 2016 at 12:11am PDT RELATED: Justin Bieber And Nicola Peltz Have Date In Toronto Bieber’s first posting of the image has garnered over 700,000 likes since he shared it early Wednesday morning. The star as since posted the image once more in the hopes of rallying even more Beliebers behind his cause. The Instagram takedown comes after the gossip site reported that, “Gigi Hadid Warns Nicola Peltz About Justin Bieber: He’s A ‘Heart-Breaker’ Who’ll Hurt You,” which has since been taken down. 1 Labor Day may be over, and with it the endless-seeming summer days, but that doesn’t mean we’re quite ready to swaddle ourselves in 20 layers of cashmere, wool, and leather, either. (And with a forecast in the sunny 70s for New York Fashion Week, clearly we don’t need to yet.) Still—we’re also getting excited for fall trends and the end of hair-ruining heat and humidity. So, how do you dress for that awkward transitional season, when jean shorts and white sundresses no longer cut it, but autumn hasn’t quite arrived? For the next few weeks, while we all patiently sip our basic-but-delicious PSLs and wait for true fall to arrive, dressing can be difficult. Don’t get ahead of yourself and pack away your summer dresses and minis just yet, because we’re here to help you embrace this-so-called fifth season. The key to dressing for transitional weather is to mix your summer pieces with a few of your classic fall items, like a lightweight turtleneck, blanket scarf, booties and jacket. Ahead, check out 30 outfits and styling tips that will help you feel ready (or at least readier) to embrace fall. 0 "TV No contestant is going to sing Taylor's songs during the auditions since Katy 'is insisting on a drama-free 'idol'.' Oct 20, 2017 AceShowbiz - Katy Perry seemingly doesn't want to get reminded of her enemy Taylor Swift any where and any time, including on ""American Idol"" revival. Now that she serves as one of the judges on the ABC show, the ""Swish Swish"" singer reportedly bans the contestants from singing any of Taylor's song. However, a source explains to Naughty Gossip that it's not because she hates the ""Look What You Made Me Do"" singer, but because Katy wants to keep the spotlight on the show and the contestants. ""Katy wants the show to be about finding new talent not the ongoing drama between her and Taylor,"" reveals the source. The source continues saying, ""If someone auditioning sings a Taylor song then the whole thing becomes about Katy's reaction, not the person auditioning."" Katy reportedly ""is insisting on a drama-free 'idol'."" In addition, ""she's not exactly upset that people will be singing her hits and not Taylor's."" On the revived show, Katy will be joined by fellow coaches Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan. Meanwhile, Ryan Seacrest once again will host the show, which previously aired on FOX for 15 seasons since 2002 until 2016. Katy was the first singer tapped to be the judge for the new season with a whooping $25 million contract, before the show announced the R&B singer and the country crooner as the second and third judge. ""I am very excited to be joining Katy, Luke and Ryan on 'American Idol'. As a singer, songwriter and producer, I feel I can bring a great deal of experience to the table. It's going to be so much fun!"" 68-year-old Richie gushed in a statement. Meanwhile, Luke said, ""To be in a position in my career to help facilitate this along with the other judges is just a complete honor. It's gonna be a blast!"" ""This is the dream team,"" the ""Bon Apetit"" singer gushed over her co-stars during an appearance on ""Good Morning America"", adding that the three of them clicked from Day 1. ""American Idol"" is set to premiere in early 2018 on ABC." 1 "The U.S. Supreme Court declined without comment Monday to hear the appeal of Brendan Dassey, whose murder conviction was the subject of the Netflix series ""Making a Murderer."" Interested in Making a Murderer? Add Making a Murderer as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Making a Murderer news, video, and analysis from ABC News. Add Interest In 2007, Dassey was convicted as a teenager, along with his uncle Steven Avery, of murdering photographer Teresa Halbach two years earlier before burning her body. He was sentenced to life in prison. “We will continue to fight to free Brendan Dassey. Brendan was a sixteen-year-old with intellectual and social disabilities when he confessed to a crime he did not commit. The video of Brendan’s interrogation shows a confused boy who was manipulated by experienced police officers into accepting their story of how the murder of Teresa Halbach happened,"" Laura Nirider, an attorney for Dassey told ABC News in a statement Monday. ""These officers repeatedly assured him that everything would be ‘okay’ if he just told them what they wanted to hear and then fed him facts so that Brendan’s ‘confession’ fit their theory of the crime. By the end of the interrogation, Brendan was so confused that he actually thought he was going to return to school after confessing to murder. Nonetheless, he was convicted and sentenced to life in prison on the basis of this ‘confession.’"" In 2015, Dassey's story rose to the national spotlight when his interrogation was shown as part of the Netflix series, ""Making a Murderer,"" which raised questions about the case. Dassey's attorneys argued that their client is borderline intellectually disabled and was coerced into a false confession. They wanted his confession thrown out and were requesting a new trial. “When you use these tactics on someone like Brendan, who is young, inexperienced with the police, naïve, compliant and suggestible, then you run the risk of getting coerced and false confessions,"" his attorney Steve Drizin said in February after asking the Supreme Court to review the case. There was no physical evidence linking him to the murder, but Dassey was convicted based on statements he gave to Wisconsin investigators." 0